> The Mane 12 > by ClosetPony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Accident > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter One Okay, so I really wanted to write this. I have images for each character, so I won’t be describing their –pony- form. If you want me to, leave a comment. If I get 5 comments asking for me to describe them verbally I’ll add that. ~ Hey there fillies! Ms. Cherilee invited us for storytime, to tell about how we saved Equestria, not once, but THREE times. Yeah, we’re awesome. So I’m going to tell it from the beginning. Don’t interrupt you hear? Pay attention, I’m not gonna repeat myself. ~ It was a stormy Halloween night. Rain was pouring down from the sky so hard, it seemed the clouds had been saving up all year to let loose at this exact moment. Anyone unlucky enough not to have an umbrella outdoors was soaked to the bone in seconds. Not that anyone from Jones High cared. Tonight was Fright Night, the annual Halloween party. Between the cheap balloons and streamers and food that smelled unpleasantly of wet dog, it might seem like an undesirable location. But it was better to dance and pretend to have a good time than be miserable at home. Everyone was in a costume, from dorky to funny to sexy. One girl, however, was not dressed in any costume at all. A short, pale and amazingly thin brunette was in the corner next to the untouched food, trying to make herself as small as possible. ‘Oh why did Rebecca convince me to do this..’ Alice thought to herself. She hated parties. She pushed her long, unkempt bangs out from her eyes, trying to spot her friend. Was she even here? Did Rebecca trick her? No, Rebecca might enjoy a laugh, but not a cruel joke like this. A small frown on her face, she pulled out her phone from her pocket and sent Rebecca a text. Hey where r u? Almost instantly her phone got a reply. Look up lolz Alice looked up to a snickering Rebecca. She was dressed as a scantily clad Wonder Woman, showing off her tanned skin. Rebecca was very pretty, unlike Alice. She had been teased about being covered in freckles and her small chest. But Rebecca seemed not to notice or care about her appearance. Anyone who made a snide remark about her chest was unprepared for the strength of an experienced gymnast and fencer. Rebecca was headstrong, daring and confident, while Alice was quiet, shy, and unremarkable. Sometimes she wondered why Rebecca was her friend. “Alice..” Rebecca said impatiently for the fifth time, and her best friend’s head shot up. “Yeah?” “I said,” Rebecca replied irritably, “can you keep a secret?” “Of course..why?” “Well..” Rebecca grinned, and whispered quietly, “I spiked the punch.” Alice raised an eyebrow. “Where’d you get the vodka?” “My cousin, Jeffrey. He just turned 21 a week ago. Wanna try some?” A plastic cup full of a bright red liquid was shoved in her face. Alice wrinkled her nose, gently pushing the offered drink away from her face. “I don’t drink Becca.” Rebecca looked at her pleadingly. “Pleeaaase? Just one cup?” Alice sighed. When Rebecca wanted you to do something, she wasn’t gonna give up until you did it. Taking the punch, she drained the entire thing in one go. A moment later she flinched at the taste. “Ugh, even the punch here is bad.” Rebecca grinned. “Better than the food. Lets go meet up with the others.” Grabbing Alice’s wrist, she dragged herself across the gym, with Alice desperately trying to stay back. By ‘others’ Rebecca meant the four other members of their clique. Sabrina, Stacy, Jessica, and Hannah. Alice didn’t like them much, and only talked to them when Rebecca was around. Not because they were bad people, but Alice was simply antisocial. Stacy caught sight of them and signaled for them to come over. “Hi Alice! Hi Becca! Have you tried the punch yet Alice? Its spiked.” A giggling Hannah swayed back and forth on her feet, then grabbed Sabrina’s arm for support. She was obviously drunk already. Hannah was a curious person to see, as her hair had been dyed a rainbow of colors over the school year, and it was currently black striped with white. Fairly tall, Hannah was always the optimist, and loved throwing celebrations. She was dressed as what appeared to be a vampire. Sabrina was her polar opposite, not only in personality but her costume. Dressed as an angel, Sabrina was always the bookworm. Calm but pessimistic, she was usually buried in a testbook, studying, or writing down her own list of facts about the subject. Even though her black hair clashed with the white angel costume, it admittedly didn’t look bad. “How much has she had?” Rebecca asked Sabrina, as Hannah continued to giggle for no specific reason. “About half the bowl.” Sabrina said dryly. “I don’t see why you spiked it. It causes liver problems.” As Sabrina opened her mouth to inform them exactly what alcohol did to the liver, Jessica cut her off. “I’d rather enjoy the punch, Sabrina.” Jessica had pale skin and black hair, identical to Sabrina, but the similarities ended there. Jessica was a ‘cowgirl’, working on the ranch that provided local meat and dairy to the city. Her hair was as always, in a long black braid down her back with a bright red bow holding it together. She had taken the name to heart, dressed in a cowboy hat, boots, and an outfit that looked nothing like a realistic farm girl whatsoever. This whole time, Stacy had said nothing. In a moment Jessica realized why. She was in pursuit of a boy. “We have a runaway!” She called teasingly, and Stacy turned around furiously. “I was so close!” Stacy said miserably as she drifted back over to the group. Stacy was definitely the breathtaking one of the group. Rebecca might be considered pretty, but Stacy was beautiful. Slightly curly blond hair that landed neatly on her shoulders, flawless skin, she was the perfect height and weight. Jessica had absolutely no idea what she was dressed as, but it looked amazing on her. “Whatever. Its Halloween, not Valentines Day.” Rebecca dismissed. “Lets get so drunk the food tastes good.” ~ At three in the morning, it was time to head home. Everyone was piss-drunk, even Sabrina had succumbed to the peer pressure and had a drink. Unfortunately, Rebecca had drove, and begged for the rest of them to go with her in the car. Reluctantly everyone crammed themselves into her bright blue Subaru, and they were off. “Don’t crash we have a test yesterday..” Sabrina mumbled, staring out the window. “Wow drunk! You sure are Sabrina!” Hannah giggled, before passing out moments later. Rebecca felt awfully tired. Maybe she should have a nap? She felt kind of bad too. Weren’t naps supposed to help? Resting her head on the steering wheel, she was gone in seconds. “Rebecca?” Alice asked, not even glancing at her sleeping friend. “The road stops here.. Like, it stops. There is like a cliff or something. Rebecca?” Finally looking at her friend, just as the car drove straight off into the gorge, she managed to say “Oh shi-“ before they hit the bottom, the car exploding and instantly killing them all. ~ God sighed, rubbing his eyes. It had been a long day, deciding who went to heaven and who went to hell. It was Halloween in America, leading to a lot more deaths. However these six will be the last ones to die until an angel could help, giving him a bit of a break. All six of them, five dressed in ridiculous costumes, stood in front of him, blinking and looking around at the whiteness. “Wha…I thought we we’re dead?” The one dressed as one of his workers mumbled, looking at her friends. “You are.” God said matter-of-factly. “You died because of your own stupidity and breaking the law, having alcohol underage.” All six of them jumped, looking around for the source of the voice. “You can’t see me. Only angels can.” “Who…who are you?” The cowgirl asked frightenedly, not sure where to look. “I am God. I am here to send some of you to heaven, some of you to hell.” “Hell?” All six of them shrieked. “Yes. Let me see your names.. Sabrina? You are going to heaven. Hannah? You are going to hell. Alice? You’ve been good, you are going to heaven. Rebecca? Hell. Jessica? You’ve worked hard, you’re going to heaven. Stacy? You’re going to hell.” “I’m going to hell..but..” Stacy’s eyes filled with tears. Hannah and Rebecca simply looked around with blank looks on their faces. “No!” Jessica interrupted. ‘If my friends are going to hell, I am too.” “Me too..” Alice whispered quietly. “Heaven would be hell without them anyway.. I’ll go to hell too.” Sabrina stated firmly, daring God to contradict her. God frowned. This had never happened before.. going to hell for their friends. And three of them? Their friendship was that strong. But he couldn’t send three innocent people to hell.. Or three guilty to heaven. He rubbed his chin, considering. Their friendship.. Of course! Friendship. He would send them to Equestria, another world of his. “I can’t send three innocent people to hell, or three guilty to heaven. But I can send all of you to another universe. You will get another life to live, until you die again. Your lives will be re-evaluated then. This is incredibly rare for me to do, in fact it’s a first. Use your new life wisely.” And before any of them could comment, God snapped his fingers, sending them to their new world. ~ Sabrina woke up first. “Ugh.. I had the weirdest dream..” She muttered, placing a hoof to her forehead. Wait, hoof? “Wha..” Sabrina opened her eyes, and jumped. This had to be a dream. She was in a forest, but that wasn’t the worst of it. She was surrounded by unconscious horses. On closer inspection, Sabrina realized they were ponies. But this wasn’t the worst of it either. She was a pony, too! The next pony to stir was Hannah. “I sure was drunk last night!” She giggled, then tried to get up. But she felt different, and couldn’t stay on two legs. She looked down at her legs, trying to see the problem. Then she screamed. The scream woke Stacy up, and she moaned. She had one hell of a hangover. And Hannah was screaming.. Why was Hannah in her house? Stacy stood up quickly, but instead of Hannah found a horse screaming bloody murder, looking down at its legs. In fact, she was surrounded by horses. Wait a minute, she was standing on four legs. Was Stacy..? Jessica woke up next, with three people screaming in her ears. “Who’s there…” “AAAH! More horses!” A voice that sounded like Hannah screamed in her ear. Horses? What horses? Opening her eyes, she began to scream too. Rebecca and Alice both woke up at the same time, then looked at eachother. “Huh..?” Then, “Aaaah!” The six continued to scream for a while before realizing how ridiculous they were being. “I was just.. at a party.. got drunk.. Now I’m a horse!” Hannah said in between gasping for breath. “Hannah?” Rebecca said in shock. “Rebecca?” “Sabrina?” “Alice?” “Jessica?” “Stacy?” “Wait.. so that thing with god.. when we died.. It was real?” Sabrina managed to say after a moment of shock. “It wasn’t a dream?” Jessica said in surprise. “Why am I a pony?” Stacy demanded. For a moment they just looked at eachother, taking in their appearances. (Alice) (Hannah) (Jessica) (Sabrina) (Stacy) (Rebecca) “Um.. Guys?” Alice asked hesitantly. “Yeah?” Replied Rebecca. “Why do you guys have wings? Or horns? Actually Stacy you don’t have either..” “What?” Jessica asked, then glanced back at her body. Sure enough, she had two wings folded up at her sides. “Awesome! I have wings! I can fly!” Rebecca whooped, then looked down at herself. “Awesome-er! I have my Wonder Woman costume still!” ‘I have a horn? What, do I like, stab people?’ Sabrina asked herself, crossing her eyes and looking up in an attempt to see her new appendage. “Well, I guess our second chance at life is gonna be as horses.” Stacy said disgustedly, looking down at the forest floor. “Ponies.” Sabrina couldn’t resist correcting her. “Whatever.” “Well, lets try to find some other ponies. Surely we aren’t the only ones on the planet?” Jessica shrugged. “Why not?” And trotted off in a random direction. ~ Wewt! End of chapter one. What do you think? Long enough? Too long? The Mane Six will be in the next chapter. > Author's Note > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So I posted this on here and I got a ton of comments flaming, err I should choose a nicer word, criticizing my story for the plot being a usual HiE and that I should write something more original. Sorry that I didn't surf the HiE to see if some people had my plot, I'm kind of stupid xD. So I'm gonna try and write another story that people will like. So, if you have any plot ideas just put it in the comments or PM me and I'll take them into consideration. (The only thing that annoys me here two people who apparently didn't even read the chapter and disliked for the description.. judging a book by its cover much? e.e)