> Ghost Truck in Equestria > by ppg1998 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > New Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name is Christine Price. I'm 33 years old average build for someone my age with short blond hair, white t-shirt under a leather jacket and wearing skinny jeans and black leather boots. I have always loved driving trucks ever since I was a kid. I left everything behind to move to the US and follow my passion and made a living off of driving my black 18 wheeler with my trailer included. I am currently with a confidential payload to a buyer in Wyoming. All I can gather from what I'm carrying is some tech and ancient artifacts. This is definitely the biggest job I've ever taken in my line of work. The buyer is supposed to be some rich recluse that is kinda nuts by the name of Dr.Ocsid. I'm now currently in Colorado and I'm on a Icy road in the mountains. It will take more than bad weather to make me turn back. Right now I'm crossing a old bridge until I stop when I see a black sedan blocking the other side of the bridge. “What the hell is this guy doing?” I then honk my horn. “HEY BUDDY MOVE IT I GOT PLACES TO BE MOVE IT!” Then I notice behind me that another black sedan came up on my rearview mirror to see it was blocking the other side of the bridge. I was trapped. “This does not look good.” Then 2 armed men with ak-47’s from the back seats of both cars came out and pointed their guns at me. Then my CB radio came on and a distorted voice came on from it. “Hello christine. The things you are delivering are extremely important and unless you don't want to gunned down I would recommend you surrender peacefully.” I then keep a calm but slightly angry expression as I picked up the radio mic and responded. “I don't know who the hell you think you are but I'm no idiot. Considering how I would just a be an unnecessary liability if you kidnapped me. So let me just let you know one more important thing. It will take more than a few guys with guns to take down this monster.” As I said that I then floored the gas and rammed sedan and the 2 guys outside the in front of me off the bridge and down the mountain. The men from the other sedan jumped in and chased me. I was going almost full speed since the road was still iced. The sedan then pulled up to the side left side of me and started shooting at me I ducked just in time. I then move me truck to the other lane and push them off the mountain and the car exploded when it reached the bottom. Just when I thought I was in the clear the radio turned on. “You are quite resilient miss Christine, but I feel that we need to wrap this up. I must say I am impressed with your courage, but sadly all things must come to an end. Goodbye.” Before I could respond a heard a loud explosion from the top of the mountain and I could see a avalanche heading right toward me. I then look ahead and see a tunnel up ahead with a bright light at the end. I then completely ignore the warning in my head about the Icy roads and go full speed ahead. “Come on! Come on! Come on! Come one you old monster don't fail me now! Almost!” Right before the avalanche hit I made it barely through the cave. “Fuck Yea!!! Screw You mountain!!!” Before I could calm down I then pull back on the gas and the see I'm not slowing down. “Uh oh.” I then place my foot on the break and it isn't doing anything I then pull the emergency brake. Again nothing. “Oh shit.” I then see my truck is going faster and light at the end is getting brighter. “What the hell is going on?!” Then before I realized I then saw my truck speeding through a thick forest and I rammed straight into a thick tree that stopped me instantly and pretty much wrecked my truck. When I crashed a branch from the tree I crashed through broke through the window and stabbed me through the arm and has me pinned to the truck. After I awoke I felt the worst pain of my life. Although the thing that worried me the most was that gasoline leaking on the floor. I then try to remove the branch from my arm but it only made it worse. “Ahh Fuck!!!” Then a voice that sounded familiar spoke up. “You should really watch what you say.” I then look to my left window that was also busted to see a creature made up of tons of different animal parts. He was currently eating popcorn while sitting in a lawn chair floating above the ground. His voice sounded exactly like the buyer I was driving too in Wyoming. “Dr.Ocsid?” “It's discord and I thank you for the delivery. I was wondering when my package would arrive.” “HOLD UP! WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED AND IS HAPPENING?!” “Ok fine but you really need to be more polite. I’m the immortal God of chaos and disharmony. I was recently free from my stone prison and I was giving my powers a ‘test drive’ as you humans put it since I've been out of practice for so long. Plus considering how naturally chaotic you humans can be I can only imagine the chaos one of you little mortals could do here.” I was looking at him staring at amazement and shock of what he was telling me. I didn't like what I was hearing. “Why the hell did you pick me of all people and where is here?” “Because you were one of the most interesting and most expendable without cause a massive butterfly effect to your world. As for where is here you're in another dimension on the planet equus in the country of equestria In the middle of the everfree forest in a land with magical talking ponies.” “...” “What? Uh oh I think I broke her. Ah well let's get you out of that truck.” Before I had time to process what he was about to do it was already too late. He was opening the door when I said. “NO WAIT DON'T OP-” When he opened the door some metal was still attached to the doors and to the floor in the wreck was sticking out and when the door opened the reaction of the 2 metals from the floor and the loose metal from the door scratching to the point it made sparks which landed on the gasoline. Before I knew it the truck was engulfed in fire and the last thing I was was a bright orange and red light followed with an explosion before I fell into darkness. ********** (Season 4 opening) ********** Deep within the forest of the everfree jungle the vines were covering everything and it seems there isn't anywhere they won't spread. Well except one place. A few years ago an explosion erupted in the forest and took a quite a lot of landscape with it. All that remained was the empty shell of the truck that came from another world and its trailer. Aside from its look the contents inside the trailer still survived the explosion. Still no one knows what is inside the trailer. Discord doesn't even remember. The remains of the truck just layed there gaining dust and grass growing around it. Then a single timber wolf pup was running for his life from the vines. The pup then sees the wreckage from the truck and jumps in through one of the windows and hides near the pedals. ‘I hope they don't find me in here. Whatever this is.’ The vines then get closer to the wreckage after seeing the pup go in. The stretch inside and the pup whimpers as they get closer. The pup then spoke in his language. “Please don't kill me.” Then suddenly inside the truck something awakens. ‘Uh what's going on? Why do I feel so cold? Huh is that dog?’ She then sees the pup cowering for his life as the vines get closer. ‘He's in trouble! What do I do?! There has got to be something I can do I can't just stand her and do nothing. Come on I got to help.’ She then concentrate all of her will to do anything she could to save the pup. Suddenly a spark of sorts ignites and then a roar from the engine erupts so loud it could be heard from ponyville. The vines flinch and back away from the pup. The pup was confused scared but relieved more than anything else. The pup then got enough courage to speak. “Thank you.” ‘Wait did that dog just talk? Uh I'll have to worry about that later. Ok how to talk. ok here goes nothing.’ She then uses her will to try and talk out loud to the pup and out comes a echoey female voice and the pup can perfectly understand. “Um testing can you hear me?” “Wow cool voice uh yea I can hear you and thank you for saving my life.” “He you're welcome. Hey if you don't mind me asking what are you?” “Oh I'm a Timberwolf. Hey how are you talking to me and what are you.” “Well I'm not quite sure but if I had to make a guess I would say I'm a ghost.” “A ghost?” “Yea when a soul doesn't go move on and they are stuck on mortal plain. I remember dying.” “Oh sorry to hear that miss?” “Oh my bad my name is Christine but my friends like to call me RC.” “Nice to meet you RC.” “Do you have a name?” “Uh no normally Timberwolves don't have names.” “Do you want one?” “I don't see why not.” RC then thought about some names on what to call him. ‘Fido? Nah. spot? No. Spike? I don't think so. Oh I got it.’ “How about Tippy.” “Tippy. I like it.” > New Body > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the introductions were out of the way RC then told her story to Tippy. He was confused for some parts but was amazed for most of it. I doesn't matter where you go and whoever you meet. One mention of explosions to young boys and you instantly have their attention. “Your world sounds awesome and scary at the same time.” “Yea it can be a dark place but it mostly has more good than bad.” “Cool oh hey if you don't mind me asking how did you make that roar that scared off the vines.” “Um I'm not sure I just tried to help and that happened. Hmm that gives me an idea. I'll be back In a sec and just don't freak out if I do what I think will happen.” “What does that mean?” She didn't answer as she was already using her will. The truck and trailer both started to vibrate kinda violently. Then metal and glass started to move and reform and take shape. The engine revved loudly as it was starting to repair itself. Everything was moving back to its original place and state before the wreck. It's scared Tippy a bit but eventually he calmed down once it was done. “Awesome the old monster is back in business.” “Monster?” “Oh right sorry there is no monster here it's just what I like to call my truck.” “Is this what it use to look like?” “Yep. Ain't she a beaut?” “I don't know what that means but it cool.” “I'll take what I can get. well enough about me why don't you tell me a little about yourself? Like what exactly is a Timberwolf?” “Oh well I don't know all that much myself, but I know that some Timberwolf mainly the feral ones are really just lost souls from the few ponies that came into the forest and never came out and went insane in the process.” “That is kinda disturbing but then again you're talking to a lost soul right now so I'm not going to judge too much. Didn't your parents tell you how most timber wolves are made.” “I… never really knew my parents. I just kinda woke up one day in the woods lost. Eventually I started wandering and I found a Timber Wolf pack that took me in. They weren't exactly the best parental figures but they tried as long I contributed to the pack. When the vines attacked I saw most of my pack get killed by those vines. I didn't want the same thing to happen to me so I ran. I kept running until I eventually found this thing to hide in. Thanks again for saving me.” If RC had hands right now she would hug the pup. “That's pretty sad. Sorry to hear that happen to you Tippy.” “They were at least nice enough to teach me to speak to them. That reminds me how do you know Timberwolf?” If RC had a face that Tippy could look at she would look confused. “What do you mean? Aren't you talking in English? That is what I'm hearing.” “No you're definitely speaking Timberwolf. What's English?” “I'm speaking English.” “Well it's sounds exactly like Timberwolf.” “Don't get smart with me. Oh great now I sound like my mother. Hmmm wait do you know any other languages?” “I know a bit of equus.” “What's equus?” “It's the language and the name of the world.” “Oh good to know. Anyway show me what you can do.” “Ok if you say so” Tippy then tried speaking the few words he knew in equus. “Hello… Help… Kill...You.” RC then spoke in equus without realizing it. “I think you need to learn more words.” Tippy then looked surprised and RC was just confused by his look. She then spoke in Timberwolf. “What?” Tippy then spoke in Timberwolf. “You just spoke in equus!” “I did? I didn't even realize. So I can understand and speak any language I come across. Well at least now I won't have to learn a whole new language.” “That's a neat trick. I didn't know ghosts could do that?” “Neither did I.” While they were chatting they then see the vines were shriveling and dying. “What the? I'm not expert on this world but I don't think plants just up and die like that.” “They don't but I'm glad I don't have to worry about those thing killing me now.” “Well I guess that's a plus. Oh hey you want to get an outside look of my truck?” “Sure.” Tippy then got out of the truck to get a better look at it. Tippy has always been in a scary environment for as long as he can remember. But for the first time in his life he finally meet someone who he felt that actually cared about him. He finally meet someone to keep himself. He finally made a friend. ********** (Meanwhile elsewhere in the everfree forest) ********** After the mane 6 saved the tree of harmony and equestria they were on their way home when rainbow brought up that noise they heard before going to the tree of harmony. “So do any of you know what that weird noise was earlier?” Applejack then spoke. “I ain't ever hear anything like that before.” Rarity then spoke. “I can't even imagine what that noise was but I'm almost certain it wasn't the vines.” Twilight then spoke. “I don't know girl's. That was something that I never anything that existed or could even get that loud. Maybe we should check it out.” Pinkie then spoke. “But I thought we only save ponyville once a week. We already saved equestria isn't this the part where we all just go home and enjoy life before the next disaster happens.” All of them just shrugged that off admin kid being pinkie until twilight spoke. “It doesn't matter pinkie we need to make sure equestria is still safe. From what I remember the noise was from that direction. Come on girls.” Rainbow then had a determined expression and was punching in the air. “That monster won't know what hit it.” They all start walking in the direction of RC and Tippy. ********** (Meanwhile back to RC and Tippy) ********** “It does look impressive. Hey I don't mind talking you but is there a place I can look that can be like a face or something?” “Hmm I don't know. Let's me look around a bit in here there is bound to be something in truck I can use. Sit tight.” Tippy waited patiently as RC looked around the truck and made her way to the trailer. After some looking she then found something that kinda surprised her. ‘Is this some kind of joke.’ On the floor was a dark grey metal earth pony body with a black visor where the eyes should be and didn't have a mouth. It also has a long grey mane styled to look long and straight with small curls at the end of her mane and tail hairs. The hair itself looked like it was made of some metal string. Behind the hair was some kind of speaker port that was covered entirely by her mane. It stood taller than an average pony with same build as a average one. It's ears looked like truck exhaust with the hole pointing backward. Lastly on the rear of it was a image of what looked like a tombstone made of metal. ‘Oh screw you discord you knew something like this would happen. Well I'm not going to lie he does know my taste. Oh well it could be worse at least now I'm not just a disembodied voice now. Ok how do get in this thing.’ She then started looking for anywhere she could enter the mechanical body and then just decided to wing it and willed herself to enter inside. As soon as she entered the machine it activated. It started with smoke coming from the truck exhausts that worked as ears. Then 2 neon blue eyes glowed from the visor that worked as eyes. Finally her mane and tail hairs started to glow the same color as her eyes. Luckily in their was a conveniently placed mirror that amazingly survived the explosion and she got a good look at herself. She was impressed. She then decided to see if she could talk. “Testing oh cool my voice is finally back to normal. This is surprisingly awesome I wonder what else this body has to offer.” She then heard a the noise of a fax machine and she saw that paper was coming out a where her mouth should be if she still had one. Out came a note from discord. “Hello Christine i'm testing out the printer function on your pony body. I'm not sure if it survived the explosion but I just wanted to test it out. I'm now sending over tons of cute animal pictures. Hope you enjoy your new body and your new ghost powers. If you're wondering if there is wondering if there's anything cool on it there is a hidden panel on your right front leg that should have a couple of fun things on their. Alright I've spoke long enough. Enjoy your new body and the cute photos.” By the time RC was done reading cute animal photos were being faxed from port where her non existent mouth is. ‘Fuck you Discord.’ > New Fight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After all the cat photos were printed out RC decided that to leave the stuff in the trailer and she would take a look at rest of the cargo later. So using her new body she struggled to get out of the truck and locked the trailer but managed barley. For RC the most annoying thing was the lack of hands. That is always going to be annoying. When she showed tippy her new body he honestly thought she was someone else at first and accidentally scared him. After he realized it was RC he calmed down but was still skeptical. Right now she was trying to learn to walk properly in her new body. It was not going well. She was constantly tripping over her hooves and kept faceplanting into the dirt. “I may not know much on ponies but I’m pretty sure that’s not how they walk.” “Oh be quite Tippy I’m trying to learn to walk here.” While I was trying to teach myself how to walk I didn’t notice that 6 mares were getting very close to where is was. Twilight was the first to speak. “We should be getting close now. If anyone sees anything let me-” Pinkie interupted. “Oh I found it and it is HUGE!!!” Over at the other side of the truck tippy’s ears perked up. “Hey RC did you hear something?” “No. Why?” “I think I just heard what some of the other creatures of the forest called the pink demon.” “Pink demon? What the heck is the pink demon?” While tippy was explaining when he knew about pinkie pie the mane 6 were all staring from a bush and all of them wondering what they were looking at.Twilight being absolutely speechless staring at the mysterious machine in amazement. They were looking from the opposite side of the truck from where tippy and RC are talking. Applejack was the first to speak. “What in tarnation is that thing.” Fluttershy then spoke. “I don't know…I hope it’s nice...” Then rarity. “Well whatever it is clearly has thing for metal. Not what I would have gone with.” Rainbow then spoke. “Whatever it is it's going to be nothing but scrap metal if it even think about attacking. What do you say Twilight?...Twilight?” All 5 of them look at twilight as she is still rendered speechless. Pinkie then spoke. “I got this one. Hey Twilight want a quesadilla?” Twilight then said at the top of her lungs. “NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!” Tippy and RC look where the sound came from getting blocked by the truck. “Ok I definitely heard that. Come on let's check it out.” When they went around the truck while RC was still struggling to walk they saw 6 mares having an argument of sorts. While they were busy arguing RC then revved the engine to get their attention. It backfired when fluttershy fainted. “Uh Oh.” The blue one looked pissed and before anyone could stop her she was already at high speeds and punched RC off her hooves and land on her side right next to the trailer. Rainbow then held her hoof in pain. “Ow Buck!!! That Hurt!!!” Tippy then shouted in timberwolf. “RC!!!” He then went to RC as she was laid on the ground. Then suddenly her eyes and mane turned neon red as she got up. Tippy got scared and hid in a bush near fluttershy still unconscious. Then suddenly RC felt the need to lift up her right hoof. When she did the barrel of minigun came out of her hoof and it started rotating. RC was surprised at first but didn’t care as soon as she set her sights on the blue pegasus. She then thought. ‘I have always wanted to say this.’ She then said in the voice of a lunatic. “SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!” She open fired on the winged pony as she took off avoiding the bullet barley. Pinkie then shouted. “That’s not the weapon he used!” She then fired in pinkie's direction. Pinkie luckily moved out of the way to dodge the bullets. “STAY OUT OF THIS!!!” Rainbow dash then yelled. “NOBODY HURTS MY FRIENDS!!!” Rainbow then took her chance and tackled RC in a tumble. When they both stopped rolling rainbow was on top trying to punch her until she knocks out RC but all it is doing is making RC more mad and hurting Rainbow’s hoof. RC then took a hold of one of her wings and threw Rainbow off of her straight into the trailer of the truck in which the impact broker one of her wings. When RC got up she was about to shoot her until she got hit by some form of spell of kind and then her whole body started to rust. She then rusted to the point where she couldn't even move her body or her gun. “What Did You Do To Me?!” Twilight then spoke. “It's an aging spell. I managed to figure how to do it myself after watching trixie did it once with the alicorn amulet.” “LET ME GO!!!” “Not until we figure this all out and you calm down.” “That's what you think.” “What do you-” She was cut off when the truck engine revved and went full speed. It then rammed straight into twilight and sent her flying into a tree with a broken wings, right back leg, a dislocated shoulder and ending with falling unconscious. The truck then started driving toward rainbow as she ran for her life. Applejack then used her lasso and got it around one of the tires. That was a mistake. She got dragged around until she was thrown right into rarity which knocked them both out. The truck went back to chasing rainbow. “Haha that's what you get you- wait where is the pinkie one?” Pinkie then went behind RC and pulled up her hair. “HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” She then pressed her hoof randomly on the back of her head until a hidden button opened up and pinkie pressed it and then went offline and as a result the truck stopped as well. Rainbow then took a second to catch her breath. “Thanks pinkie. But how did figure how to do that.” Pinkie shrugged and smiled. “Just a hunch.” > Why I cancelled > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I first made this story I realized this wade solely on impulse and didn’t put much thought thought into it I am sorry if you enjoyed this even if it was short you are all more then welcome to use this concept yourselves and put your own spin on it but I admit I'm not that good and I'm still learning. I appreciate all the feedback but I'm sorry but this story is closed on further notice. If you want to make a story while using the same ghost vehicle be my guest I only ask you let me know if you do. I am a very interested to see what people come up with I bid you all good day but if you still like my writing creativity check out my latest story “Dash to hell” I am putting my heart and soul into it and I really want it to be a success please help if you can. Now that is out of the way. See you all later. > IT LIVES!!! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like it says in the title IT LIVES!!! After getting some inspiration from some internet music (you can thank the latest episode of epic rap battles of history for that) I finally got enough inspiration to reboot this story. Admittedly when I made original all I just did was make it without thinking, but don't worry I Learned my lesson and now I really know a way to really kick off this story. I just jumped way too much into the story without thinking before I made the original. But I've learned my mistake and now I'm in the process of working on a propped reboot for the story. Sorry for crushing your dreams earlier. So I will be working on the roboot for the story and try to get it out as soon I can as long as all the editing and writing is finally fixed. So I leave with the gift of trollestia Also I'm thinking on changing the ghost trucks name. Any suggestions will be gladly appreciated. Requirements. Needs to be a female name with maybe a truck pun in it. Ok later and have a nice day.