> Father of Time > by Uncle Smiles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Lost little Lamb > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I'd like another bottle, my good sir.” Ah, brilliant you had decided to read up on my little tale. Ugh, I always manage to screw up my introductions but nothing a little trial an error can't fix. Hello and welcome, my name..hmm, lord it's been so long since I've said this, my name is Nathan Santiago, a six foot two, twenty five year old male. I currently reside here in the United States of America, more specifically Florida. I'm not what you might call average, I'm able to do things normal men could only dream of. Of course because of said ability I am the most wanted by the government. It all started when I was only a wee lad of ten years, my father was a scientist. Not a world renowned scientist but he got by with what he had. Project after project, my family was known because of my father. It was a great time for my family until my tenth birthday. My father had wanted to show me his latest invention that would supposedly change the world. Can you guess what It was? No? A time machine, a real working time machine and being the idiot that I was, I had activated it by mistake. It worked in a way but not in the way it was intended to work. The machine had been activated but sent a large pulse that froze everything and everyone it went though, except me. Looking back I could only chuckle at the memory of me trying to wake my father as he was stuck in time until I touched him. To say that he was saddened that time travel wouldn't be in his grasp was putting it mildly. But he didn't care, all he did care was for my safety. Eventually he gave up the science business because of that incident and I had gotten to live out my childhood. When I hit fifteen however I had found out about my abilities and told my parents. I was being mugged and I wouldn't go down without a fight, even if the man had a gun. I had only managed to shove him away before he fired, making me raise my hands in a poor attempt to shield myself but after a minute of nothing, no sound just the echo of my breathing, I had looked up only to find the bullet inches away from my face. Looking at my hands, seeing them ripple up as if it was a broken mirror only to be back to normal for a few seconds before doing it again. Only by the sight it reminded me of the incident and quickly deduced this ability as the effect of the broken Time Machine. Not a day goes by when I remember that incident. I need to cut this short, I hear sirens, a lot of them. Cut to a few years later when I turned eighteen, the day the government found out about my abilities and had tried to capture me. Of course, I had practice and managed to accelerate their aging until they turned to dust. Since then, I've been on the run since that day. All that happened thirty years ago. Right, I didn't mention that I could alter my age. “Wonder what the police are after.” I heard the bartender. I chuckled at this and took a sip from the bottle. “I have a pretty good idea.” I said as the front door was kicked open, allowing a few S.W.A.T officers to swarm the bar while I casually took another sip. “We've got you surrounded, Santiago.” I heard someone speak through a megaphone. I took one more sip of the bottle and placed it on the counter with the money I owed. I stood up from the stool, making the officers flinch at my movements. I sniffed a bit, stupid allergies come at the wrong time. “Really, how many times have you pigs tried this? Two, three, maybe five thousand times and it all ended the same way.” I told them. I could see that half the officers were shaking while others were standing there ground. I looked at one that was visibly shaking and moved my hands, causing him to open fire at me. Raising my hand as it ripples, the bullets stopped in their tracks. Turning my head slightly with a bored expression. They took this as a threat and started firing at me, only for the bullets to stop. I can focus these powers at people if I wanted to. All of a sudden the bullets went back to where they came from, exactly how they've been fired and very unfortunate to those who lowered their weapons. Five went down, dead with three bullets each. I sighed as I focused again this time for a different result. Time stopped in it's track, nothing could be heard, nothing could be seen moving. I walked up to the remaining officers and took their guns, taking out the clips and taking them with me after putting the weapons back to their rightful owners. I then walked out the door, seeing three S.W.A.T vans, ten police cruisers and one black mustang. I rolled my eyes as I started walking down the sidewalk. I passed by panicked citizens that ran away from the scene as I kept on walking. I saw a man wearing a ski mask that had jumped through a window of a three story high building. Seeing an old run down apartment building, I knew I was home. Walking inside the open door and heading towards my room, I had seen my neighbours looking out the window as a cruiser was supposed to go by the building. I arrived at my door and resumed time, hearing panicked yelling from the people outside and opened the door before heading inside. Closing the door behind me, I saw what I call home. An old room with only one window, a shredded sofa/bed, a small kitchen with literally millions of roaches and a bathroom that I don't use for shit. Walking towards the only little closet and opening it, seeing a few guns neatly hanging by the pole of the closet. I bent over and picked up the M9 on the floor and checked for ammo, seeing that I have less than I thought, I then took out the magazine clips I took from the idiots who tried and found only two M9 clips while the rest were either for assault rifles or marksman rifles. Taking the clips, the gun and a granola bar for reasons, I had walked out the front door but before dropping a match that just so happens to be lit. Hearing the flames behind me, I closed the door and put on my best frightened face and ran around the apartment building screaming fire. One hour later After successfully evacuating the entire building and leaving a small fortune outside for them. My parents were wealthy people and I had inherited their fortune. So giving these people two million dollars each wasn't anything to be worried about, in fact I rarely use the money for myself. To say that they were thankful was putting it mildly, they had worshipped me as if I was royalty. I told them they had never seen me ever and in return they kept the money. I had left before an answer could be given and walked into an alley next to a convenient store. Waiting by the back door of the store was a good friend of mine, Albert ‘Al' Roy. He kept me supplied with food and drinks each month. A five foot three young Hispanic man of eighteen years. He stood there having one of his daily smoke before he noticed me. He dropped the cig onto the floor before crushing it with his foot. “I heard the gunfire from here.” He said as he opened the door slightly and took out a small school backpack, then gave it to me. “Sorry but I couldn't find a bigger bag so you'll have to ration your meals. Most of the things inside the bag are frozen.” He said to me as I opened the bag and saw bottles of water and a few boxes of microwave ready meal. “I'm guessing the bag will keep things cool.” I said, earning a nod from him. He quickly gave me a brief hug and pulled away. “Thanks for being a good friend, hermano.” Al said with a smile. “Thanks for keeping me a secret and good luck with collage.” I said as I turned around and started walking away. “Don't be a stranger!” I shouted before turning a corner, seeing the other end of the alley way. I may be rich but I prefer to have clothes that let me blend in with everyone around me, which is why I wore an old grey hooded jacket and a pair of torn work jeans. Once I stepped out of the alley way, I looked to my right and saw the news stand and picked one up, seeing a few useless info. I stopped as I saw that a few people have witnessed seeing a child-like humanoid equine around Everglades national park at night. The picture wasn't detailed but I could see the body of a child. The poor little one most be lost, looking at my wrist watch and seeing that it was midnight. The ticking hand of the watch slowly stopped as well as the people around me. “Everglades is nearby. So away we go.” I said to.myself as I headed north. I arrived at the entrance to the national park and walked in after resuming time. If what they said was true, the little one shouldn't be too far from the entrance. I derailed from the dirt path and headed into the forest, hearing crickets and a few howls. A could see that the trees were decaying. I saw a small lake from where I stood and saw that it was full of trash. I climbed a small hill and saw a boulder. I decided to rest my legs for a bit and enjoy the night, even if it was inside an abandoned park. I pulled the pack in front of me and opened it. I reached inside, hoping that Al gave me my favorite snacks. Feeling a small bar shaped item in my hand, I pulled it out and saw that it was indeed a granola bar. Opening the pack and throwing it to the side of the boulder, I began to eat.   Halfway through my granola bar, I heard a twig snap. I turned back and tried to find who it was. “Come on out, I'm not going to hurt you.” I said out loud. A minute of silence later, a shadow walked out of the bushes. I waved at the shadowy figure to come closer. Once the figure stepped into the moonlight, it revealed that the shadowy figure was actually a humanoid equine child. Shocked, yes. Surprised, most definitely. I looked at the child and saw that it wore old and torn clothes. The child looked hungrily at the granola bar in my hand. I lowered my hand towards the child, holding the granola bar out for the child. It saw this and slowly raised its hand before quickly snatching from my hand. “Can you speak?” I said as I took out a water bottle from the bag. I opened the bottle and gave it to the child, it saw this and took hold of the bottle. It quickly gulped the entire bottle down before coughing a bit from doing so. “Thank you.” I heard the child say. By the sound of its voice, it is actually a she. “What are you doing out here?” I asked her. I looked at her again and saw that instead of skin it was orange fur that covered her body. Her hair, or is it mane? Whatever, her hair and tail were a shade of purple. Her muzzle wasn't as similiar to a normal equine, she almost looked human if it wasn't for her muzzle and large eyes. “I don't know. One minute I was back home crusading with my friends, the next I'm here. You're the only one who didn't try to catch me or..” She trailed off before getting to her knees as tears streamed down her muzzle. I looked at her and stood up before walking up to her. I crouched down and took hold of her. My parents use to do this to me whenever I was sad, angry or depressed. “You don't need to finish explaining.” I said to her. I felt something on her back. Looking behind her, I could see wings, she had wings. Pushing my astonishment to the back of my mind, I kept comforting the girl crying into my jacket. I stayed like this until her quiet sobbing was replaced with hiccups. She pulled back and sat In front of me as she wiped her eyes. “T-thank you.” She said with a small hiccup. I nodded at her. “Can you tell me your name? I'm Nathaniel Santiago but Nate or Nathan for short.” I introduced myself. “My name is Scootaloo.” She said. I pulled my bag in front of me again and pulled out another bar. “Are you still hungry? I've got a few left.” I said to her. She nodded at me and I took the wrapper off before giving it to her. “Where are you from or where did you first appear in the forest? I want to help you get back to your home.” I said to her. She took the last bite and looked at me. “Umm, I'm from Equestria and I showed up near that icky lake.” She said. I nodded before standing up and holding a hand out for her. She took hold of it and I helped her up to her feet. I let go of her hand but she didn't let go of mine. I looked at her questionably before taking hold of her hand again.   We then started walking towards the lake. After a short trek, we had arrived at the lake and she took me to a slightly singed area. The area was singed in a small circle. “Here, I woke up here a week ago.” Scootaloo said. “A week? Hmm.” I muttered to myself as I heard a time echo. It felt a week old. “Hold on tight.” I said to her and felt her tighten her grip on my hand. I closed my eyes before quickly snapping them open. Time stopped again, this time it there was an echo. “Whoa.” Scootaloo said, her voice echoed around us. I focused on the echo and saw a projection. It showed a deer that was eating a bit of the grass, this lasted for five minutes before a small ball of light appeared. It grew to the size of Scootaloo and touched the ground, singing it as it did. I kept watching as did Scootaloo. Soon a projection of Scootaloo was dropped out of the sphere. She was unconscious and the sphere never left. I looked up and saw the projection of a full moon. After seeing the echo again, I saw that the spere appeared as soon as the clock struck midnight and the moon was full. I sighed as I stopped listening and allowed time to continue on. “That was awesome!” I heard Scootaloo shout out. I smiled a bit before frowning at the revelation. “Listen, I know how to get you back but it'll take about a month and until then, I'll be taking care of you.” I said as i took off my jacket. I gave it to her and she put it on. It was too big for her but it'll have to do for now. “So what now?” She asked. I closed my eyes and thought. ‘I don't usually stay in one town for more than a year and knowing that the authorities know of my stay here, I'll need to be extra vigilant.’ Opening my eyes, seeing her tilting her head a bit and waitining for an answer. “Now, we try to get you some clothes.” I said as I felt her take a hold of my hand again. I looked down at her with a smile. ‘I think this is a start an awesome friendship.’ I thought as a helicopter flew by with a spot light. They're looking for a man in a grey jacket and has brown hair, I dyed my hair two days ago. The spotlight shone on us and Scootaloo hid behind me. I looked up, acting as if I was someone else that was angry and started shouting. The Helicopter then flew away, leaving with a smirk at my little victory. > Escape The Monarch (rewrite) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After successfully avoiding detection from the local authorities, Scootaloo and I had arrived at the nearest clothing store, Hot topic. Scootaloo had placed the hoodie over her head as we stepped inside. Rock music was playing in the background, it just so happened to be my favorite band playing Lift Me Up. “Try to find something not too flashy and not to boring. Make sure you find a jacket your size.” I whispered to the child beside me. The store was empty with only the woman behind the counter. I let her hand go and walked towards selection of large shirts. Browsing through the shirts, I found a black shirt with a familiar blonde spiky haired prince with the words I AM THE HYPE! in yellow. I took the shirt and checked if it was the right size. I then brought the shirt towards the counter and saw an African-american woman wearing punk rocker clothes. She smiled a little as I placed the shirt on the counter. I heard something crash onto the floor and saw that Scootaloo knocked down a shirt rack. “You can clean that up, right?” I heard the woman ask. I chuckled at this and with a wave of my hand the shirt rack slowly reversed back to the way it was. “Never stops being awesome, man.” I heard the woman say. Emma Jackson, a good and reliable friend like Albert. “So who's the kid?” She asked me. I sighed. “You know the rumors going around about strange sightings in the Everglades Forest. That's her.” I said, gesturing at the child who looked amazed at the wall of design shirts. “So?” Emma said as she poked the side of my face. She knew I hated when she did that. As Emma continued to try poking out information from me, I waited for Scootaloo to finally make up her mind. After several excruciating minutes, Scootaloo came up to me with a brand new shirt and pants her size. The shirt wasn't anything special, just that it had a familiar logo and the pants were a pair of black jeans. I took them and placed the clothes on the counter. Emma started scanning each item, giving a total of thirty dollars and six cents. Once I paid, Emma gave me the back door key, allowing us to use it as a changing room. I unlocked the door and opened it up, letting Scootaloo use the back to change while I took off my old shirt. I heard a loud whistle from as I did so. Once the shirt came off, I glared at Emma. “Stop it, you're basically calling a forty eight year old man hot.” I said to her. “That's how I like my men.” She said in a sultry tone with half lidded eyes. I blankly stared at her with a raised brow before she laughed. “Dude, chill. I was just kidding.” She said between laughs. I shook my head as I started to put on the new shirt. As I finished up, Scootaloo walked out the door. I guess she forgot to put the hoodie over head. I looked over to Emma and saw her face of shock before shaking her head. “Coool~.” Emma said as Scootaloo realized her mistake. She was about to put on the hoodie but I stopped her. “It's fine, we can trust her.” I said to the child. She nodded and lowered her hands. “Aww she's adorable! Was she really back in the old park?” Emma asked as she suddenly went up to Scootaloo and began to cuddle her much to Scootaloo’s dismay. It took all my strength to pry her away from Scootaloo. We stayed chatting for what felt like hours but alas, we had to leave and headed back to The park. The next day 2:00 P.M. The past few hours have been hectic. The authorities apparently know that I'm still in town which worried me, not for my safety but for Scootaloo. If the government wanted to see what makes my powers tick, I don't want to know what they'll do to her. Speaking of Scootaloo, I had taught her how to stay hidden and what to do when they find me. She had been asking me why they're looking for me and I answered with much simplicity. I had reminded her of my powers and told her that the rest of the world will do anything to have time in their hands. Now that I said it, the authorities, not police officers, not F.B.I or S.W.A.T, have been getting more and more impatient to the point of not only setting up checkpoints in each highway entrance and city limits, they've also moved patrols to broad daylight. The Authorities are a bunch of hired thugs from an international organization called Monarch. The Founder of that organization was my father's assistant and best friend, Daniel Serene. After my father's death, Dan had taken all of my dad's creations, including the Time machine. Now fast forward sixteen years since then and he's a successful multi billionaire C.E.O of Monarch. But that's not enough for him, he wants to be known as the man who made time travel possible, he's the reason I go around the world. I had plenty of chances to end him, but I'm better than that and left him all those times. Nowadays he hires these guys to chase me around and he's like what, in his seventies. Anyway, today me and Scootaloo have been going around town, she wanted to see more than just the old park. Speaking of the park, I heard that they're going to level the park in a month. It's a shame really, this country had lost almost it's entire population back in the year 2016. And since then, parks, family businesses and orphanages have been either bulldozed, tore down or blown up for either more factories or Malls. But until then the Everglades forest, or what's left of it, is our safe haven. We've got clothes, food, water and a rocky roof over our heads. “You okay, Nate?” I heard the filly ask me. Right, so apparently she's about thirteen years old and a fucking pegasus, and I thought I saw everything. Turning towards the filly behind me, I saw that she held another Nature Valley Granola Bar™ in her hand. “I'm fine, I was just thinking to myself.” I said as I grabbed the Granola bar and began to unwrap it. “About what?” She asked. I smiled at her curiosity. “What it would've been like to have my family back.” I said to her. Her smiled faltered as her ears folded up top her head. “Oh.” She muttered out. I wrapped an arm around her. “Don't be sad because my own sadness, that'll make me a complete dick.” I said to her with a smile as I took a bite from the Granola bar. I have a problem, okay!? “What’s this world like? You said you've said that you traveled around the world, right? So you've must've seen something cool out there.” Scootaloo said. I looked at her with a raised brow before chuckling. “I did, didn't I. Alright, last year, I was hiding in a country named Australia…” I began to tell her about some of my travels and as I did, she looked at me with a bit of respect as I continued. Three Hours later I've left Scootaloo back at the small cave to get some more supplies. I only had enough to sustain one person. Walking down the sidewalk, I passed by  brunt remains  the apartment building. I could see a few men going through the rubble, looking for something. Shaking my head, I moved on and turned through corner. I saw a convenient store up ahead.   I smiled at the sight of the store and sped up. I stopped just a few inches away from the door. I looked back as I heard the shouting of a woman. I looked for the source and heard it coming from an alley. Running towards the source, I saw a soldier trying to have his way with a young woman. I sighed as I focused on the man and time dashed towards him. As I appeared next to him, I used the momentum and performed a powerful dropkick on the man. As the man flew back to a wall, leaving a human shaped dent on the wall, I looked towards the woman as she started fearfully at me. I raised a finger up to my lips and shushed before leaving the area. As I left the alleyway, I heard yell out for me. I looked back and saw her running at me. “Thank you.” She said before running away. I nodded at this before flicking my wrist, causing it to ripple. Soon an explosion could be heard behind me as I walked away from the scene. I arrived back at the store doors and went inside. Two days later Today wasn't a good day, for one Scootaloo was slowly losing hope of ever getting back. Second being that the Authorities had seen us around town and that's not the worst part, no. The worst part is that they took her, they took an innocent and lost child to, and I quote, See what makes her tick. I may not know that well but I've promised her a ticket to Equestria and by Jesus, I will get her one. They took her to a research facility located in the city, near a Monarch building. So taking a taxi to the city limits, I had then walked towards the city. Now you may be wondering, can't I just turn back time and save her. The thing is, I can only travel through time when I am calm, collected and at peace. Now stay put while I save a child in need of my help. Scootaloo “Is this the creature?” I heard a voice. Where am I? I opened my eyes to see and saw a few humans surrounding me. I tried to move but found that I had been tied down. “Yes, it was found in the Everglades by a Monarch soldier. Shall we begin?” I heard a masculine voice ask. I saw the humans holding sharp, pointy objects. I could only close by eyes as I knew that this was the end. All of a sudden a loud noise could be heard throughout the room. I opened my eyes and saw the humans looking towards the door. My vision soon started to blur from the tear welling up in my eyes. I could see the door burst open and something blurred in, knocking the humans out cold. At least that's what I thought until I saw a faint red on the floor pooling around them. “Don't worry, I got you.” I heard Nathan's voice as a pair of arms took hold of me. “I'm scared.” I said outloud and after I said that, his hold tighten around me only slightly. “I know, I am too.” I heard him reply before darkness took me. Three weeks later As time went by, the between us grew. I see her as my own child with the way I protect her while she sees me as her father. To be honest, I kinda do act like a father towards her. Ever since I rescued her, she had been acting differently and she had accompanied me in supply runs, never leaving my side. Today I needed to get a few explosives for when she leaves, I could blow up the cave, covering our tracks. “Sir, are you even qualified to posses this?” The Gun nut said in front of me as I looked at the C4 plastic explosive. Scootaloo had her hoodie up and covering her face as she looked at a few guns on display. “Yes, yes I am and it's very insulting that you've accused me to be an amateur.” I said to him with a frown. Actually that's a lie, I have no qualifications to use a C4 plastic explosive but it's not like I have any qualifications for handling a gun. “Sorry, um..” He trailed off before i brought him back from la-la land. “Just give three of these things already.” I said to him. He nodded rapidly before taking out a calculator. After paying for the explosives and putting them in my pack, we walked out of the store and started walking towards the nearest subway. I ran out food the first week and we've been eating out ever since. When we rounded a corner, we bumped into someone. “Hey!” I heard the man shout before I looked up. I wish I hadn't though. I saw the man I bumped into was actually a Monarch soldier. “Run!” I shouted at Scootaloo before shoving the man away. Scootaloo jumped over him as he fell onto the ground and I started running. Only a minute later, we heard a helicopter above us. I looked up and saw what I didn't want to see. Attack chopper with mounted miniguns. The guns tilted downwards, aiming at both of us and fired. I quickly managed to make a time shield as the bulletstorm started. Taking out my M9, I looked up and tried to aim at the pilot but the chopper kept swaying back and forth. I can't stop time like this, I need to be calm and collected for me to so. Sighing, I holstered the gun in my pocket before getting ready to jump. “Scoots, as soon as I jump, the shield will go down and you have to run as far away from here as possible.” I said to her. She stood there, frightened beyond belief. “Scootaloo, you need to run!” I shouted at her. She looked at me before nodded fearfully. I counted down with my fingers and as soon as I hit zero, I timed dash upwards and appeared next to the pilot's door. “Surprise Motherfucker!” I shouted as I punched the glass, breaking it and quickly grabbing a shard. The pilot tried go for his gun but I managed to slit his throat without a second thought, causing the Chopper to lose control and start to spin around as a loud beep was heard. I timed dashed again, this time towards the ground. As I appeared back on the ground, I heard an explosion above me before a burning heap of metal crashed onto the ground. I didn't have time to think as I heard more soldiers down the way I came. I threw a time bubble at them, stopping them inside the thing and started firing at them. The bullets stopped as it entered the time bubble. The bubble soon disappeared and the bullets hit each soldier. I quickly turned around and headed back to Everglades Forest before more arrived. One week later 11:50 P.M We had to stay in the forest and ration what we had left of food and water. Monarch had increased their numbers and patrols tenfold since they sent the Attack Chopper at me. The only thing that could be looked forwards to was the fact that tonight was the night Scootaloo will go back to her home, where she's safe and away from here. There was only ten minutes left before midnight and the moon was full. So after checking of it was safe, we had left to go to the lake and wait there. While we waited, I had set the C4 explosive in the cave before heading back to the lake. “Nate?” I heard Scootaloo call me. I looked next to me and saw her. “If this works and a portal opens, why don't you come with me back to Equestria?” She asked. I sighed. “Scoots, if Equestria is like you told me it is, then I wouldn't fit in. Hell, I don't fit in already but you get the point.” I said to her. “But you wouldn't need to keep running. You could finally stop running, make friends, everything you've ever wanted to do, just like you said.” She said to me. I gave her a sad smile as she her ears folded up to her head. “I know I said that I wanted to do all those things but-” “Freeze!” A man shouted. I turned to find the same Monarch soldier from before and he had his gun aimed at us. “Walk away from this.” I said to him as he walked towards us. “And miss the biggest pay I'll ever get? Fuck that.” He said before he started coughing. “I'm only going to say this one more time, walk away.” I said. He focused his rifle at me but dropped his gun as he started coughing violently. Lung Cancer. “What *cough* did you *cough* to me!?” He shouted between coughs. I stood up and walked towards him. I reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a small box of cigarettes. “I'm only speeding you up. To bad really, this could've been avoided if you would have just walked away.” I said to him as he fell onto the floor, trying to catch his breath as he kept coughing. “Pl-please *ack* mercy!” He shouted. I sighed as I started reversing the effects. After reversing the effects, he looked three years younger and he was. I gave him a second chance. “Go and stop smoking.” I told him, he nodded as he held his throat and ran off. I looked back at Scootaloo and saw her staring wide eyed at me. “That's one of the reasons why I shouldn't go with you. I'm dangerous and I shouldn't even be alive.” I said to her. She stood up before running up to me. She tackled me into a hug. “Please. You're the only one who actually cared about me other than my friends.” She said. I tilted my head at this. “What about your parents? Surely they care about you.” I said to her. “I never knew my parents.” She said in a whisper. I sat up and placed Scootaloo beside me in the grass. On one hand, I stay here and get hunted down as an animal but on the other hand, I go with her and be treated as an outcast while being there for her. Finally deciding what I'll do, I stood up from the ground and dusted myself off. I looked at my watch and saw that it was time. We waited for a whole minute with nothing happening before sphere appeared, burning the ground under it as it grew into a portal. I felt her take hold of my hand as we walked up to it. I swore I could hear voices coming from it. “This is it then.” She said to me as she teared up. “I guess it is.” I said as I pulled out the detonator and pressed the button, earning a loud explosion in the distance. She nodded and ran through the portal. I stared at the open portal and sighed. I turned around and picked up my bag before walking in the light. Scootaloo As the light dimmed and my sight returned, I saw that I was in Twilight's throne room and all the girls were here. I didn't have time to think as I was picked up by somepony. “You're back!” I heard Rainbow Dash’s voice as she held me close to her. I'd normally be excited to be this close to my hero but not this time. She let me go and I got to see that she looked horrible. Her mane was unkempt, her clothes were dirty and she smelled. “I was so worried that we couldn't find you and..and..I'm Just glad you're home.” Dash said as she embraced me again. “Yeah...home.” I said out loud. “Scootaloo, are you alright? Are you hurt?” Fluttershy said as she checked me. “I'm fine.” I said as I tried to push her away. Pinkie came up to me with a weird stare and looked at me straight in the eyes. “What's wrong? I know when somepony isn't happy and you're not happy.” She said to me. I was about to start explain but I heard a loud thud behind me. I looked back to Nathan's bag. I was about to go and pick it up but somepony or more specifically someone else  did. “Nathan?” I said. Nathaniel Santiago “Nathan?” I heard her say as I stepped out of the light. “Yeah. I thought about and maybe this is what I need.” I told her as she walked up to. I dropped the bag and embraced the filly. “Scootaloo, who's your friend?” I heard a feminine voice. I looked up to see six different women. I straighten up and fixed my shirt. “I'm Nathaniel Santiago. I'm sure you're wondering how I know this child and I'm happy to answer your questions.” I said to them taking another Granola bar out. The Pink one tried to grab it but I slapped her hand away. > A short explanation involving an egg > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘Escaping Monarch, Check. Blowing up the cave, Check. Walked towards the light, Not today! Walked through the portal, Check. Get annoyed by the pink constantly trying to take my Granola bar, Check.’ I marked everything in my mental checklist as I slapped the pink hand away. “Stop trying, he loves those things and wouldn't give you one as long as your life doesn't depend on it.” Scootaloo said while I decided to do my Gollum impression. I hissed her hand away befire time dashing. “My precious.” I said before taking a bite. The pink one disappeared and I looked around for her. “Ohmygoshyou’refathertime!” my vision was assaulted by the pink woman. I reeled back in surprise and starter stuttering in my speech, which meant only one thing. Scootaloo saw this and quickly took hold of my hand as a time stuttered to a stop. I placed my hand over my chest as I tried to calm down. “W-what the fuck!?” I shouted, receiving an echo in return. “Calm down, that's Pinkie Pie. She's like this so it's best not to think about it.” Scootaloo said as she let go of my other hand. I walked around the Pink mare and looked back at where she was then back at her, seeing nothing. “B-but, but…” Then I deciced to put it in one of my most used mental Vault. Picking up another Granola bar from my bag and unwrapped it, throwing the wrapping paper away only for it to freeze in place. “Fuck it!” I shouted as I crossed my arms, earning a giggle from the filly. “You're nuts.” She said me. I ruffled her mane a bit. “And you are too.” I said to her with a little chuckle before hiccuping, causing time to resume again. The Wrapping paper fell onto the ground and so did the pink mare. “Don't do that, ever.” I said to her. She looked up at me and saluted before planting her face into the floor. “Excuse me, but how did you do that? I didn't feel any magic from you.” I heard someone ask behind me, I turned around and saw lavender colored mare with a horn and wings. “Name please.” I said to her. I looked around the room, finally noticing that it was made out of pure crystal. Odd. “I'm Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship and Element of Magic.” She introduced herself. I had to contain a chuckle from her title. “That's because it isn't magic. Back at my world magic was only illusions and in fairy tales. What your friend did was scare me to the point that I started stuttering if you've noticed.” I said to her. I heard a groan from Scootaloo before she walked up to Miss Sparkle. “He stopped time.” Scootaloo bluntly said to her. Miss Sparkle looked at me with a questioning look. “Stopped time?” She said to me disbelief in her tone. She then turned to look at Scootaloo and saw her frozen in place. Sparkle looked around the room and saw that everything stood in place. She looked at her hand and saw that I was holding it. “Tada.” I said, letting go of her hand and allowing her to freely roam the room while Time stood still. “What did you do to them!?” She yelled at me, worried about her friends being stuck like this forever. “Relax, they're just frozen in time as long as it stands still.” I said as I booped Scootaloo’s snout, causing her to unfreeze as she scrunched her snout. “Ugh, I told never do that without telling me.” The filly said as she noticed the area. “And I told I'll try, I didn't say when though.” I said to her with grin before getting kicked in the shin. It only stung a bit but still. “B-but this is impossible! This… This is incredible!” Miss Sparkle said as she turned to me. “How?” was all she asked. I looked around the room as time began to move again. “I had these powers after a freak accident involving my fathers time machine. I don't like talking about it so I'll leave it at that.” I said with a frown. It's not the happiest memory nor the most horrible, it's just a sensitive topic for me. “Okay.” She said seeing my mood change. She then had the face of realization. “Why is that you're here anyway?” She asked me. Smiling at the question. “As you can guess, Time is something everybody always dreamt in controlling. Now, imagine an international corporation chasing me around for one thing only, to see how I have these powers and I'd rather let time intact than give them this gift.” I said to her. About thirty or so years ago time broke. How fucked, imagine time being an egg and that egg was fucked. Time egg was fucked. Why is there an egg involve? I don't know. “I've seen the end of time and it happens if I gave them the knowledge of time. So, I ran around my world trying to hide and years later, I found Scootaloo.” I said, gaining the attention of all the girls in the room. “Before arriving here, she had asked me if I wanted to come with. That offer sounded like a ticket to freedom and well, here I am.” I said with a shrug of my shoulders. “Oh.” She said while Scootaloo went to explain to the rest of the girls. “So, your majesty, can I stay?” I asked with a bow. “Um, you can just call me by my name and yes, you can stay but I'll need to inform my fellow princesses.” She said before vanishing in a lavender light. I looked towards Scootaloo. “Imagine Time as an egg, which was fucked-” I slapped the back of her head like the many times I have. She had pickef up a nasty habit of swearing. “First off, Don't swear and second, the time egg was fixed thank you very much.” I said while crossing my arms. I was soon assaulted by rainbow. “Nopony hurts Scoota-” Was all the Rainbow maned mare could say before getting caught in the time bubble. Moving her hands off my shirt and keeping her in the same position as I did so. “Hehe.” I heard Scootaloo chuckle at the time stuck mare while the older mares were shocked. The orange one took a step forward before being stopped by Pinkie. “Dashie’s fine, don't worry about her.” Pinkie said as the orange one glared at me before flinching by the movement of my hand. “-loo! Huh?” Dashie was now out of the bubble and confused. “Try again, I'm sure you'll get me.” I said out loud. She turned to me and spread her wings before launching towards me. She was soon stuck in the time bubble again. This time, I forced her wings to close and stood her upright. I stood back again as the bubble dispersed. “What the!?” She yelled. “Honestly, please stop and listen to Scootaloo as she properly explains me to you.” I said before walking towards a throne and sat down. Pinkie saw my face of exhaustion and quickly gave me a Granola Bar. I smiled at her as I took it and ate it. > Settling in time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I remember a time when I always dreamt of having time in my hands and as I look back at that memory, I can't help but laugh. I've been forwards and back through time, I've seen the end, I've seen what could and will happen but I can't do anything about it. I remember when I allowed Monarch to research on my abilities. I can only feel how much of an idiot I was. When time broke, I knew I had to change something. I had arrived to where it all began, the first Monarch Building and reversed time. I woke up in the same bed they had used to place me on and escaped, leaving the original timeline to go to hell. Now as I sat on this crystal throne, I couldn't help but look at what's to come. I had finished my Granola bar five minutes ago, but that didn't stop my head from hurting. I could hear Scootaloo telling the six mares about our little adventure. She even told them of the time she was captured. Sighing, I stood up and tried to walk, only to get one on knee as I grabbed my head in pain. “Nate!” I heard Scoots voice as loud steps could be heard. I looked up to see the filly looking worried. “It's fine, just a little headache.” I said, lying to her about my pain. She looked at me, knowing it was a lie. I smiled at her before wrapping an arm around her, ignoring the pain and pulling her for a hug. “Don't worry about me, you're home and I don't want to ruin this moment for you.” I whispered to her. She stayed silent for a full two minutes before the six mares surrounded me. When Scootaloo pulled back, I saw the orange and cyan mare take hold of my arms and helped me up to my feet. “Come on, partner, you seem like a nice, eh..guy. On your hooves or whatever they are.” I heard the orange one say in southern accent. “Yeah, dude. If Scootaloo thinks you're cool the you are in my book.” I heard the.rainbow maned pegasus say. “Thanks.” I said to them as I was put on my feet. The headache was now gone but I still felt week. “Can I get your names?” I asked them. “I'm Applejack, nice to meet ya.” The orange mare known as Applejack introduced herself. “The name's Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in all Equestria.” The Rainbow maned pegasus introduced herself. “I am Rarity, owner of Carousel Boutique. I'll be happy to replace those hideous clothes.” The white unicorn mare introduced. “I'm Pinkie Pie!” Again, assaulted by pink but this time was to be expected. Looking at the last pegasus as she cowered behind her mane. “My name's F-Fluttershy.” I could barely hear but luckily I caught the name. I nodded at their introductions. “As I said before, I'm Nathaniel Santiago and as your energetic friend said, I am more known by my own kind as Father Time.” I said to them. They looked at me in confusion. “It means he can control time and occasionally go backwards or forwards in time.” Scootaloo explained to them. “That sounds awesome!” Dash exclaimed as she flew up to me. “I beg to differ.” I said, pushing her away. She flew back to where she stood before. A light soon shone through the room and two winged unicorns along with Miss Sparkle stood in the middle. Unfazed by the light, I gave them a bow. “Greetings, your majesties.” I said to them before straighten back up. “Please, there is no need to bow, a simple greeting would do.” The alabaster white mare said. “Yes, well back home I'd greet the queen with a bow and chat all day with a fine cup of tea.” I said in a British accent. It's no lie, I hung out with The Queen of England from time to time during my stay there. “So your world runs in a monarchy?” One of them asked, I didn't see who it was due to my vision blurred for a few seconds followed by a headache. “No, it's only one country that does while the rest have their own government but I'm not getting into that.” I said, trying ignore the pain. This happened once before, after fixing time and escaping Monarch for the first time. The headaches mean I'm getting used to the time here. “Well, Allow us to introduce ourselves. I am Princess Celestia, Co-Ruler of Equestria.” Celestia said. Yes, the raiser of the sun. “And I'm Princess Luna, Co-Ruler of Equestria.” Luna said as she gave a small bow. “A Diarchy? Interesting. I am Nathaniel Santiago and I ask you if I could live the rest of my days here.” I said to them. “We don't see anything wrong with that but, if it isn't much trouble, could tell us why you wish to do so?” Luna said as she tilted her head. I sighed, knowing the egg will be involved. An hour it took me, a whole damn hour for a brief explanation of my reasons but nevertheless it was worth the time. The two alicorns had offered me a place in a city named Canterlot but I kindly declined that offer. I don't like being in any sort of big city and prefer the much simple town of Ponyville. They both understood and had gotten me a deed of an old house not to far from the Crystal Palace. I took a look at the house I'll be calling home and saw it in a state of disrepair but it wasn't too bad, a week or two of fixing the place and it'll look good as new. As for Scootaloo, I had offered her to live with me once the house was done but until then, Miss Sparkle was kind enough to let us stay in the guest rooms. Of course, Miss Sparkle and her friends asked why Scootaloo hadn't gone to her home and after another hour or so of telling them why, they understood. Though Rainbow had asked the filly to come live with her but Scootaloo declined, surprising everyone in the room, including me. I was shocked, Scootaloo declined to live with her hero, it was not the answer I was expecting and was even more surprising is that she chose to stay with me becuase, and I quote, I feel safer around Nathan. But that doesn't mean it didn't warm my heart. Soon after everyone had left, only leaving me, Miss Sparkle and Scootaloo, I noticed the filly getting tired and it wasn't a surprise, seeing that it was night outside. Miss Sparkle had led us to our room and after thanking her, I had went in Scootaloo’s room and tucked her in. “So Scoots, you happy to be home?” I asked her as I sat on the edge of the bed. She nodded tiredly at me. I chuckled at this as I leaned over and kissed her forehead before standing up. “Night, Scoots.” I said as I walked towards the door. “Night..Nate.” Scootaloo replied. I walked out the room and closed the door behind me. I sighed as I wiped my nose, feeling something wet just above my upper lip. I wiped it off and looked at my thumb, seeing it with a little blood before wiping it off. Placing my hands into my pockets, I decided to explore the castle a bit. Turns out the majority of the castle is twists and turns but I have found a few interesting room such as a library, an observatory and a lab. I may not be as smart as my father was but I know a few things. I have also found a mirror in the center of a personal study which had shelves stocked with books. I've found a very large dining room, along with a kitchen next door and after a few more turns, I found out the castle had a court yard. I stopped as I found a slighlty opened door. I only took a peek to see what was through the door and had regretted my actions afterwards, then closed the door, not caring if she heard me. The door opened and I was greeted by a half dressed Twilight. She stared at me, waiting for an explenation. “I didn't know this was your room, my apologies.” I said to her, keeping eye contact. My only response was a giggle from her. “It's fine, I never really did gave you a tour of the castle.” She said. I nodded before turning slightly. “I'll leave you to your privac-” “Wait.” She said cutting me off as a lavender light shone through the corner of my eyes. I looked back and saw that she was now fully clothed. “I'd like to get to know you a little better, seeing that we'll be living under the same roof until your home is fixed.” She said. I smiled at this, a nice friendly chat sound like a bit of fun. “I'd like that.” I said to her. She nodded and walked out of her room, closing the door behind her ans she led the way. After turning through corners and walking down some stairs, we arrived at the courtyard and had already struck a conversation. She was interested in humanity's successes and advancements throughout history while I was interested in magic. It was only then that I had realized, I had made a friend in a new world. > No worries > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A familiar setting, though slightly altered. The atmosphere is still the same, a complete cluster fuck of Alternate timelines created throughout my journey. Each timeline could be seen through an orb, some were cracked, others brand new and few were black as the night. I wish I could dream while I slept but tis only a wish. ‘Let's see, no, no, no ,no, n-huh?’ I stopped as I saw an orb emitting a golden glow as it was surrounded by dark ones. I walked up to it and pushed the dark ones away before turning to look at the glowing one. I placed a hand on it and smiled as tears started welling up. “I miss you guys so much.” I said to myself, hearing the echo of my voice. The orb showed an alternate timeline where none of this ever happened, the root of it all. Though It was a good timeline, I couldn't help but frown. “Scootaloo..” I said, removing my hand from the orb. If I never got these powers, then Scootaloo would've been in Monarch’s hands. I sighed at this before walking away, allowing the dark orbs to swarm the golden one again. I decided to go through my memories, wanting to entertain myself while my body rested. The Orbs of infinite timelines disappeared before everything went white. Eight Years ago Puerto Rico I blinked at the man in front of me, he was a beggar asking for some money. Sighing I crouched down to his eye level while he sat on the floor. “I'll give you the money, only if you use it to get yourself off the street.” I said as I took out a roll of cash that added up to a thousand dollars. The man looked at me in disbelief before quickly hugging me, it was to be expected. I patted his back before pulling myself away. I left him the roll of cash before walking away. I'd like to think myself as a guy that can help those in need. I currently reside in the capital of the island, San Juan. It may riddled with chaos and poverty but I'm slowly making a difference. Every week I send an anonymous letter to a family in need with a check of a million dollars. It's ridiculous I know but what am I going to do with my parents fortune? (Optional) As I rounded up the corner, my nose started to bleed again and with that, I took reached into my jacket and pulled out a hand grenade. I pulled the pin and gently rolled over the sewer grate, earning a few shouts of surprise before it exploded. A cloud of blood along with liquid blood blew out of the grate along with an assault rifle. Taking the assault rifle before it hit the ground, I then shot at an open window in a three story building before firing three more times at the windows next to it. I dropped the assault rifle and charged up a time bomb as a large armored van rounded the corner and headed towards me. I threw the bomb at the van, causing the van to get stuck in time as it exploded. Taking my chance, I walked towards the back and opened the doors, seeing six Monarch soldiers and a Juggernaught. Sighing, I hopped up inside and began pulling the pins out of the grenades in their vests as they were stuck frozen in time as well. I stopped as I saw one about to take a bite of a granola bar. Taking out of his hands, I hopped off the van and walked away. I stopped right before a sniper could shoot me but ended up shooting my newly acquired granola bar. I looked at the pieces on the floor before time dashing behind the sniper up top of a laundry mat. He didn't seem to notice me. I took hold of the top of his head and his jaw before yanking them in opposite directions, earning a crack from his neck before going limp on his gun. He's not dead, but he'll wish he was. Taking hold of his sidearm, aiming at his left kneecap before shooting it, then did the same to his other knee. I dropped the gun and grabbed his small trench knife and embedded it in his right knee. He'll live. As I started walking towards the edge, an explosion greeted my ears before I dropped back down to the floor and walked away. “I'm hungry, maybe that food stand is still open. I can go for an Alcapurria.” I said to myself as I wiped huge amount of blood from my nose. I turned through corner just as a Monarch Helicopter flew above me. I returned back into my inner sanctum of my mind. “Note to self:” a large set of words appeared as I started speaking. “Look both ways before crossing memory lane.” I said causing the words to spell out exactly what I had just said before vanishing. I looked at the far corner of my mind, sensing someone that shouldn't be here. I smirked, knowing who it was trying to snoop around. “You'll need to try harder than that, your majesty.” I said before blocking her out of my mind. After that was done, I looked around for anything to do before waking up. Not even seconds later, The world around me crumbled apart, signaling me of my awakening. I opened my eyes and was greeted by the face of Scootaloo as she kept shaking me. I stretched my arms out with a yawn and pulled her close. “Ah!” She yelped as I pulled her close as if she was a stuffed bear. This lasted for three minutes along with her laughing and squirming. “Morning, kiddo.” I said, voice of a tired man but it's obvious why. “It's Noon, I came here to wake you up, sleepy butt.” She said as I sat up with her in my arms. “Noon? Damn, I wanted to see the sun rise.” I said mostly to myself as I placed the filly next to me before standing up. I looked down at myself, seeing that I only wore the pants I wore yesterday. “I need new clothes.” I noted. I walked up to the backpack on the floor and opened it, pulling out another shirt. This shirt was black and it had a large alien like wrench in the front. Putting on the shirt, I looked back at Scootaloo and saw her waiting near the door. I rolled my eyes at her impatience. I then took out a granola bar from the bag before heading out. I stopped as I looked at myself in the mirror. Seeing my messy bed hair, it almost looked like I was touching those little plasma balls that make your hairs stand out. Scratching my hair rapidly, I could see that it looked better than it was but still looked messy. I then noticed my eyes, a pair of crystal blue eyes that reminded me of my mother. Shaking my head, I turned to look at Scootaloo as she stared worriedly at me. “Are you alright?” She asked me. I nodded as I ruffled her mane a bit, making just as messy as my hair. “Yeah.” I said before opening the door. “Now let's go, I got the case of the munchies.” I said to her, earning a giggle from her as she walked out. So as it turns out, I wasn't the only one who overslept. Twilight had woken up only minutes after I did and with the way she looked, she didn't appreciate being woken up. After commenting on her appearing and climbing out of a man shaped hole in the wall, we ate brunch and had chatted while we ate. She had recommended me to see Miss Rarity for clothes when she noticed the same pair of pants I'm wearing. Of course I had thanked her.but I'd rather wait a little bit before heading out due to morning laziness. Since I'm now free of Monarch’s ever gazing eyes, I could finally loosen up, kick back, relax and have normal life. Though I could only wish that Daniel will see the error of his ways before it's too late. He's a good man, his intentions were pure but his company wanted my powers to change things for the benefit of themselves. So it was a school day for Scoots, good to know that she had been getting an education. Speaking of School, Scootaloo had asked me to drop her off there. I, not seeing anything wrong with that, agreed. So with a bit of my day planned, I stood up from my chair at the dining table. Scootaloo was oddly excited to go to school when just minutes ago she was dreading it “What?” Scootaloo asked me. I had asked her why she felt so excited to go to school when minutes ago she was absolutely dreading it. “Come on, I know something's up with you so spill it.” I said to her. We only just got out of the dining hall and as soon as those large doors closed, I asked her. “I don't know what you're talking.” She said, stuttering a few times before finally finishing the sentence. I stood on one knee and looked at her in the eyes with a raised brow. “Scoots, I really want to know what's up. You suddenly being happy to go to school worries me, becuase as soon as you said that you needed to go, you had the face of dread.” I said to her. She figited a few times before.sniffing a bit. “I know this might sound stupid but the thing is that I see you as the dad I always wanted and well, I thought maybe you could drop me off at school like other families do to their colts and fillies.” She said before looking down. I couldn't help but chuckle before pulling her close. “Come here, let Father Time cheer ya up.” I said to her as the shirt I wore was slowly getting wet from her tears. Before anything was said, I picked her up then started walking to the exit. As I walked outside for the first time, I could see the beautiful blue sky. Clouds could be seen as well but they're not rain clouds. Looking at the town, seeing it's very colorful buildings and inhabitants, I knew it would take time to get used to a new world. “Where to?” I asked the filly in my arms only minutes after she quieted down. I placed her between my shoulders as she pointed at the direction of the school and that's where I was heading. On the way, I could see that I've been getting a few stares but not like the ones I'm used to. These stares were one of curiosity while the ones I'm used to is the one of malice. As I went along the path, following Scootaloo's directions and avoiding a Mint green Unicorn from tackling me, I saw a large red building with a bell tower on it. “We're here.” She said to me. I raised my arms and took hold of her before placing her onto the ground. As I did so, I noticed her sad expression. “Hey, cheer up. You'll be able to see your friends again, like you said you wanted to for the past month.” I said to her. “Yeah but..” “But nothing, missy. I didn't just take my time, walking you to school to leave you here with a long face, no. Now look at me and say that magical word I've taught you.” I said her. She smiled as she looked at me before speaking. “Hakuna matata.” She said, making me smile at her. “It's our problem free philosophy, remember that.” I said, booping her nose. “So at what time should I be waiting out here to pick you up?” I asked. “At three, it's not much different than Earth.” She answered before walking off towards the school. As she walked inside, I looked back and saw Twilight's castle peeking over the many buildings of the town. I winced as a headache started pounding my head. Just as the pain arrived, it left. Leaving me confused before shrugging it off for now and headed towards Carousel Boutique. Wherever that is. > Out of sight and out of mind > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Has anyone ever said to you what has been done cannot be undone? Because that is a lie, anything can be undone with the right actions but for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Let's say you won a poker game, that action alone can change one's life but what of the one who lost, this is the opposite reaction. They might go home, knowing that they lost a certain amount of money to a gambling card game, their significant other could leave them because of their loss of money, their children would grow unhappy, poor or commit suicide from depression. What I've done, leaving Earth behind to care for a child whom I've only known for a month could cause catastrophic reaction of those who've tried to capture me. Even I don't regret my decision, I still can’t help but wonder if it was the right thing. But nevertheless, I chose this path and I'll be damned if I'll stop walking. Today was a very productive way, I had gotten my clothes fixed by Madam Rarity, I got to help Miss Fluttershy with her animals and even got to have tour of the farm, not just any farm but an apple farm. Even after the initial hostility the owners showed, Applejack had still managed to make my visit enjoyable and informative. Hell, Granny Smith actually gave me a chance to see if I'm not evil in disguise. The town is friendly, bright and very colorful, I might need some time to get used to the bright colors. I walked down the Marketplace, passing by stalls with stallions selling their products. Off in the distance, I could see the top of school and decided to check on her, it is midday as well so she should be in either lunch or recess. Walking by a huge crowd that surrounded a stall, I caught a glimpse at the owner's, two stallions and twins at that. I shook my head before walking past the crowd and onto the path for the school but not long after leaving the crowd, I heard screams of terror. Looking back, I could see that whatever they were using caught fire but I knew it was about to get worse. In a seconds notice, it exploded and that's when time stopped around me. Cracking my knuckles, I started to work by moving those closest to the miniature explosion. Whistling, I moved every mare, stallion and children nearby before allowing time to slowly resume, allowing the stall to explode into pieces and with that time stopped once more. “This goes there, this goes here.” I said as I moved the floating wood pieces away from their original trajectories. As I finished moving away the hazardous wood planks, I noticed the two twins running from the scene. Grabbing a large plank, I placed it in front of their hooves before firmly planting the plank onto the ground. With that done, I walked away while hearing the screams slowly regain their normal pitch and speed. Groaning I rounded the corner and saw the school straight ahead. Scootaloo had been bullied throughout her life, from being called an orphan to being made fun of for her inability of flight. She had grown used to the insults and teasing , so it wasn't anything new when the school bullies known as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Though they were a pain in her flanks, Scootaloo was happy to see familiar faces after a month of running and hiding but she didn't show it. “Look who decided to come out of hiding, it's the flightless blank flank.” Little Tiara said to her partner in crime and best friend, Silver Spoon. The latter said nothing but nodded, nopony but Scootaloo saw the quick change of emotion from smug to guilt before smug again, it was a mask an emotional mask. “Pretty funny, where did you get that one from?” Scootaloo retorted, not even slightly insulted. “Quiet, blank flank.” Tiara demanded. Scootaloo looked over the two and saw her friends walking up to her. “What are you going to do if I don't? What are you going to do when I tell Miss Cheerilee what you did two months ago?” Scootaloo said with a glare of her own. The reaction was one she had most anticipated, shock and confusion. Shock was Tiara for being reminded what happened to one of their classmates while confused was Silver Spoon for not having a clue on what she meant. “Because of you Feather Weight is gone.” Scoots added before moving from her spot, walking past Tiara and Spoon. Feather Weight was young colt of eight years, brilliant for his age but not as social as others are and of course because of that he was teased, bullied and on one occasion beaten by Tiara. He was finally standing up for himself before Tiara mentioned the one thing that drove him to the edge. She said that his father was gone because of him, for being weak, frail, geeky and anti-social. This was, at the time, the worst thing that Diamond Tiara had ever said to anypony but that wasn't the end. The same day this happened, he left the school with no intentions of coming back and had entered the forest. Search parties were looking around the forest and it all seemed hopeless until they found him, hanging from a vine by the neck with lifeless eyes staring back at a stallion. Those who've heard of this revelation kept it under wraps, letting the horrifying truth fade away. Scootaloo uses this to her advantage, telling Tiara this would make her back off. Scootaloo walked up to her friends, hugging them both as soon as they were in close proximity. “Scootaloo!” Her friends exclaimed as they all shared a welcome home hug. The look on their faces when Scootaloo walked into class was well worth it. “We thought you were gone, like-” Applebloom, a little yellow coated and red maned earth pony was interrupted by Sweetie bell, a marshmallow white and light magenta mane nudged her to keep quiet. Applebloom wore a bright yellow shirt and overalls while Sweetie Belle wore a dark magenta blouse and light pink skirt. “No, I wasn't and it'll take a lot more than teasing to break me.” Scootaloo said as she puffed out her chest and pointed a thumb at herself. This got a laugh from her friends. “We're glad you're back, you had us worried.” Sweetie Belle said with little smile. With a nod, Scootaloo turned around, wanting to head to the swings but saw Nathan looking at her from the other side of the fence. A smile formed from her lips before running up to the fence, now wanting to be with her new guardian. “I see you've reunited with your friends.” Nathan said as soon as she stopped in front of Nathan. “What are you doing here, I don't get out of school until three.” Scootaloo said. Nathan replied by ruffling her mane. “Can't I see my little friend during her lunch hour? I was just passing by to see how you're doing and it seems you've been doing good.” Nathan said as he leaned on to the fence. Scootaloo was too busy talking with Nathan, telling him about the lessons she had learned in class while her two friends were walking up behind her. If it weren't for Nathan, she would've kept going. “I take it these two are your friends.” Nathan said as he gestured towards the two fillies behind Scootaloo. The fillies bumped into Scootaloo for a full stop. “Sorry.” “Mah bad.” “Ow.” Scootaloo said as he stood back up. Nathan chuckled at the ridiculous display. Scootaloo looked back up at Nathan with a glare, earning a nonchalant whistle from him. Rolling her eyes at his innocent display, she turned around to her two friends. “Girls, this is Nathan. Nathan, these two are my friends, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle.” Scootaloo said, trying to quickly get the introduction out of the way. While Scootaloo was calm at the sight of Nathan, her friends were not. They both saw him as a new creature, perhaps a sort of monster in disguise but seeing Scootaloo act so calmly around him made both fillies feel a bit dumb for thinking such thing. “I've heard you three were in a sort of club, what's the name again?” Nathan asked, breaking the silence. Scootaloo brightened up at the question before standing beside her friends. “We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Like having their minds linked to each other, they both yelled out the name of their club with pride and enthusiasm. It might not have been much time but Nathan spent the remaining Lunch hour with the three fillies before the bell rang. With the girls gone back to class, Nathan deciced to check out the nearby forest despite the warnings Twilight told him.