> Convincing My Love > by Oldtakufanboy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Convincing My Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Phew! What a day," I said, as I sat down on my leather couch. I work for a moving company here at the Crystal Empire and it pays good money just from caring heavy items into or in a home to the other. It's exhausting, but it's worth the bits I get. I live not too far from the castle where Cadence lives alone and is heartbroken. A few days ago, I read the newspaper saying that she and Shining Armor broke up and she's been in her castle for quite some time. I felt a pain in my chest every time I think about it and wishing there was something I could do. I always hate to see a person or somepony in pain; I feel as though I can feel their emotions pouring into me like a goblet. Even if I try to go to the castle, I'd just wimp out and run back home; I'm a pretty shy person. As I sat on the couch for the past ten minute till my muscles didn't ace as much, I turned my head towards the wooden clock a nice mare gave me for free after helping her in her garden five months ago. "Five O'clock, eh?" I said to myself, as I have out a stretch, "I might as well change my clothes before heading over to the bar." I got up and walked over to the hall and opened up my bedroom door to the right. I unzipped my uniform and threw it on my bed. As I was just about to grab my clothing made by a mare who goes by the name Rarity, who was kind enough to make me human clothing, I saw the scar on my left arm from a fight I had back in the human world ten years before I arrived here. I touched it and had a moment of silence... "I'll never forget... Jessica..." I then went back to finding clothing to wear. I looked around my closet and took out a black jacket, a red long-sleeved shirt and black slacks. I then walked over to my drawer and took out a pair of clean socks and boxers. It took me two minutes to get prepared and then I walked into the bathroom to see myself. "Looking good as usual," I said, as I looked at my reflection, "next step is my hair, body spray and my teeth. I can't go to the bar looking like a mess." After getting all cleaned up, I left the house and walked over to the bar, which is about half a mile walk. As I walked, I gave some ponies as a way of saying good afternoon. They wave back with a smile, which always makes me smile back. As I continued my little trek, I heard rumors that the princess is finally coming out of her castle. It's good to hear that, but where would she go to after a break up? "Whatever, it's just a rumor," I thought to myself, as I made a right. As I made a right turn, who was there? None other than the princess of love in the flesh; Cadence was walking around the plaza giving her hellos as she usually would do when walking around the crystal empire. She then turns her head toward me and waves to me with a smile. I blushed and waved back to her. I know this would sound weird, but ever since I arrived here in the crystal empire, I had a weird crush on her. I always wanted to meet her and probably ask her out, but I didn't want to make her look awkward that she would ever date a human like me. Besides, it's wrong for a human to make love to a horse; I could never be her lover. Even after her break up, it's not possible. After giving her a wave, I walked along the plaza and made it to the bar. The bar was called, 'The Snuggling Pony,' which reminds me of 'The Prancing Pony' from Lord of the Rings. I walked into the bar and was greeted by everypony within the place. "Joel! Welcome back," said the ponies who worked there. "Hey everypony," I said, as I closed the door behind me. A pink mare that had a mix of blue and red in her mane comes up to me with a warm welcomed smile and points to an empty table near the window of the establishment. "Sit right over there Joel and I'll be right over there with your menu," she said, as she walked away. "Thank you very much Miss," I called out to her before walking over to the booth and sat down looking out the window to notice that it was starting to get darker and darker by the second. As I sat there, all around me were other stallions, mares, and the sounds of conversation and a piano player for background music. The reason to why I come here is not because of how good the food or drinks are; it's because everypony in here treats one another like a family member. Whenever some pony starts a problem, everypony gets up and defends that particular pony that was hurt. I wasn't treated as nicely as before, but after a while they started to like me and they treated me as though I were another pony. The waiters and waitresses are very kind and they take very good care of me. Two minutes later, the same mare comes up to me and gives me a menu. "Would you like the usual Joel?" She asked. "You got it." She smiles and walks over to the bar to prepare for my drink. I then looked out the window again and noticed that the sky is dark and full of bright little twinkling stars, along with a full moon. I always love to star gaze at nights like these; it makes me want to have wings and fly up to the starry skies. "Here you go," says the mare, as she plops down my mug of fresh ale, "is there anything you like to eat?" "Sweet potato fries, please." "Coming right up," she said with a wink before walking away. I took a sip of my ale until the entrance doors were opened by... Cadence? Cadence walks in and looks around until she spots me sitting by myself near the window. The same mare walks up to her with a bow and asks her where would she like to sit? Cadence looks back at me and points a hoof. "With him," she said. "Go sit down with him," said the mare, "he's a nice guy; he won't bite." Cadence walks up towards me and sits down across from me. "Hello Joel," said the princess with a warm smile, "nice to meet you in person. I hear rumors that you're a nice human to hang out." "O-of course, your h-highness," I stuttered, "nice t-to meet you in person too." "Hehe, are you shy?" Asked the princess with a giggle. "I am the s-shy type." "There's no need to be shy." I began to feel my cheeks getting warmer just from talking to her. "Why would a princess like you do in a place like this?" "I hear that it's a nice little bar in the crystal empire and its full of nice characters." "That's true. The ponies in this place treat one another like a family member." "They do?" "Absolutely. This one time one stallion had a drink too much and he abused his marefriend. The waiters, waitresses and barkeep surrounded him and told him to leave. He did and as for the mare, she was given an ice pack and was taken close to that fireplace over there." I pointed her over to the fireplace that had carvings of ponies in harmony. "Wow... I never knew we had such kind ponies like that in a place like this," said Cadence, as she looks back at me. "That's what I find special about this place besides the drinks and food." Suddenly, a yellow female unicorn comes up to us and levitates my bowl of sweet potato fries. "Enjoy you two," said the unicorn with a smile, as she walks away. "Oh they look delicious," I said, as I grabbed my napkin and placed it on my lap, "would you like some?" "Why of course. How kind of you," she said, as she levitated a fry and took it to her mouth and took a bite into it, "mm, this is delicious." "They sure are good," I said, as I take a fry and ate it, "they're as good as the ones back on Earth." "Earth?" Said Cadence with a cocked eyebrow, "what's that?" "My home." "The one where you came from before you arrived in Equestria?" "You got it." "Tell me about it. What's it like back there?" "Hm," I said, as I pondered about my life back on Earth, "I lived in a large city quite similar to Manehattan here in Equestria; it's called Manhattan." "Manhattan?" Asked Cadence, as she ate another fry. "Manhattan is a large city with great places to go. There's a museum known as 'the museum of national history.' There's the Empire State Building; the tallest building in the world. I remember seeing it when I went to see the old black and white film King Kong." "King Kong? What's that about?" "The film is about people from Manhattan (or also known as New York), go to an island known as Skull Island that has natives, prehistoric creatures and the legendary Kong himself. A woman named Ann gets captured and is taken away by Kong himself. The men go through the jungle to find her and go through obstacles along the way. As for Ann, she goes with Kong and he protects her from a tyrannosaur, a snake-like creature and a pteranodon. One of the men gets her and Kong follows them and eventually gets captured. When he gets captured Carl Denam plans on taking him to New York and show him to the world and he calls him 'Kong: The Eight Wonder of The World.' He gets taken to New York but escapes and captures Ann yet again and he climbs up the Empire State Building. While up there, planes shot him down and King falls to his death. However, it wasn't the planes that killed him." "What did?" "Twas beauty that killed the beast." Cadence gasped and clapped her hooves. "What a great story. If only it were made here in Equestria." "That would be cool," I said, as I took a sip of my ale. "What else do you remember?" "... I remember my girlfriend Jessica... She would like it here... If she were alive that is," I said, as I began to form a frown. I looked over to Cadence, who gave me a sad expression. I guess she must feel bad that I lost someone who was very special to me. "I'm… sorry to hear." "I… I miss her very much…" "May I ask what happened to her?" "She… she died of cancer… before she died, she told me something that I will never forget." "What did she say?" "She said, 'Don't worry Joel. Don't cry, stay happy.' I promised her and… and…" I then began to notice my vision going blurry, as tears began to fall down my cheeks. I place my hands on my face and began to sob. "I miss her a lot." I continued to sob until I heard the sound of hooves walking to my right and then I felt warmth from my back and to my left. I remove my hands from my face and look to my left and noticed a large pink wing covering my left half of my body. I looked to my right and saw Cadence giving me a sad expression. Her horn begins to glow and notice at the corner of my eye, a napkin coming up to my face and wiping the tears off my face. "T-thank you, Cadence," I said with a sniffle. She levitates the napkin back down and gives me a soft smile. "Your welcome Joel," she said in a soft voice. I looked away from her with a blush. "May I sit beside you?" she asked. "Of course," I said, as I myself began to smile back at her. She smiled a little more and folds her wing back to normal. We sat there silently and then looked at one another in the face. "Cadence, you are such a kind mare." She blushes and looks away from me. "That's very sweet of you." She then levitates a fry and chomps down on the 1st half of it. "Come on," I thought to myself, "make conversation!" Cadence looks back at me and waves her hair back and forth trying to move her hair out of her face. "Um… how do you like the feel of the place so far?" I asked. "I like it. It's not as noisy as I thought, but this feels nice," said Cadence, as she looks around the place. "Glad you do. Oh! Look!" I said, as I pointed towards the stadium, "looks like they are about to play some smooth piano music." A pony with a mustache gets to the stage and sits down on his chair. He waves his hooves as a warm up and begins playing on the piano. "Oh! I like calming music," said Cadence with a relaxing sigh, "its very relaxing." "They do this all the time." "They do?" "Y-yeah. I hear it every time I come here. It's always good to listen to piano music." "You like this kind of music? What other types of music do you like?" "I like old music, classic rock and classical rock." "Oh, cool," she said before I took a sip of my ale. "Thanks," I said, as I took a fry and ate it. "You have a really great taste in music. I'm more of a classical music kind of mare." "I don't see a problem in that." We chuckled and continued listening to the music. For some reason, hanging out with Cadence is like hanging out with Jessica again. Just like Jessica, she's sweet, beautiful and cares for others. I don't know why, but I am starting to have feelings for her. I have to tell her how much I liked her since I arrived. If she says no, it's okay; at least I tried. "Um… C-Cadence?" "Yes?" Her eyes were as beautiful; like a star glinting in the skies above us. I gulped and gave out a deep breath. "I… I wanted to say this the moment I arrived here in Equestria. I've been holding it in for such a while that I didn't have the courage until now to tell you this." "What is it?" "I… I like you," I said, as I began to feel my cheeks getting warm. She gives me a gasp, a cover of her mouth and her wings sprouting up from her back. "Y-you do?" "I liked you since the day I came to Equestria and became a citizen. You are kind, caring and you are a very beautiful mare. I know this is a bad time to ask this, but I have to get that off my chest. Cadence… I like you in a loving way." She stayed in that position and hasn't moved and inch. I sighed and took another sip of my ale. "I understand; you don't like me the same way eith-" I was cut off by Cadence placing her lips upon my own. We stayed in the position for five seconds, until Cadence reels her head back. "Joel, that's so sweet of you," said Cadence, "I never knew you liked me in that way." "D-do you… like me?" I asked. "You know, after hanging out with you, I am starting to have a schoolgirl crush on you," she said with a blush. "You have?" "You are handsome, you are cute when you are shy and we both have a taste in classical music. I think we're perfect for one another." "B-b-but I don't want to ruin your reputation. I feel as though if I were your boyfriend, the citizens will find you weird and I could ruin every-" I was cut off by Cadence giving me a smooch on my cheek. "You worry too much," said Cadence in a calming voice, "it won't cause any problems." "You think so?" "I know so." "Can… can I kiss you?" "You have my permission to do so," she said, as she puckered her lips. I did the same and brought our lips to a close and the two of us shared a loving embrace as Cadence wraps her wings around my back. After the kiss, the place went quiet, as everypony stared at us with surprise. Cadence and I giggled awkwardly. "Excuse me, waitress," I said, as I place my bits onto the table, "here's your change. We're going now." Cadence and I stepped away from the booth and walked over to the exit. Before I exited, I looked back and the waitress gives me a wink. I gave her thumbs up before leaving with Cadence. As Cadence and I got out, the stars were shown brightly above us. "What a lovely night," said Cadence, as she and I walked towards the castle. "It really is," I said, as I walked beside her. "Would you… like to come to the castle?" "What for?" She giggles and whispers into my ear. "For sexual relations." My heart heated rapidly, as my face began to heat up. "You mean it?" She gave me a sultry look and nodded. The two of us walked to the castle, as I wrapped my arm around her neck. "Let's go home," I said (pun intended). As we made it to the castle, she allowed me to explore the place from her throne to now her chambers. As we entered, there was a large and pink covered bed that looked very comfy. "Go on," she said, "sit down." I nodded and sat down at the end of the bed. She jumped up and sat beside me. I was sweating like crazy; I'm about to have sex with the princess of love. "Are you okay? You're shaking," she said, as I looked down at my quivering body, "are you nervous?" "Y-y-you could say that," I stuttered. "Don't worry," she said, as she taps my back with her right hoof, "I'll go easy on you. The princess of love knows what to do." "Okay," I said. "First off, take those clothes off." I stood up and began taking off my shirt to reveal my abs, which caught her by surprise. "Wow, you look sexy without a shirt on," she said, as she stared at my chest. "I work out and I work for a moving company." "Well you seem perfect for a job like that." I smiled and began to unbutton my pants and pulled them down, along with my boxers to reveal my manhood. Cadence steps off the bed and walks to it and gives it an odd stare. "Is that your penis?" "Yes. What about it?" "It looks so cute," she said with a squeal, "it looks like a deflated mushroom." "Hehe, thanks," I said with a blush. "Let me wake him up. Lay down on the bed and let me handle that." I obeyed and lay down on my back. Cadence steps onto the bed and lies down close to my manhood. She sticks out her tongue and gives the base a flick. I let out a light moan, which caught her attention. "How's that? Does it make you feel tingly?" she asked, as she used her hooves to hold up my cock. She licks the head and gives it a few swirls, as though it were a lollipop. She then opens her mouth and begins to stick my cock in her mouth. I moan louder, as she bobs her head up and down slowly. Every bob made my cock get harder. "Oh Cadence," I said in ecstasy, "my cocks… Getting hard." She looks up to me and gives me a wink. She goes back to her blowjob, but she begins to picked the pace. Her bobbing gets quicker, as I began to feel the build up of cum within myself about to jet out. "C-cadence… I'm about to c-cum!" I shouted. She continued to do so, as my hot semen begins to squirt within her mouth. She removes her muzzle from my cock and looks over to me. She opens her mouth to reveal how much I came and she then swallows it down. "Wow, I didn't know humans can cum so much," she said, as she licked off a little of cum that was on her right hoof. "May I pleasure you?" I asked. "Of course," she said, as she began to lie on her back to reveal her dripping horse pussy, "do as you please. I'm getting horny." I grabbed ahold of my member and slid it across her slit, which made her give out a light moan. "S-stop teasing and put it in already," she said between pants, as I slowly began sliding in my cock within her. She gives out a yelp, which made me flinch. "You okay?" "I'm fine. Just fuck me," she said, as I notice a little of drool coming out the corner of her mouth. "As you wish, your highness," I said, as I gave her a thrust. "Ah!" she yelps, as the slapping of flesh continues. I picked up the pace, as I thrusted harder. It was a bit tight, but it felt like heaven. "I! Love! You! Cadence!" I shouted, as I thrusted. "I! Love! You! Too! Joel!" I then made her sat on my lap, so that I can give her another kiss. Our tongues fought one another, as I continued thrusting. "I'm! Cumming!" shouted Cadence. The both of us shouted, as our fluids were mixed into one another. The two of us collapsed on the bed and looked at each other with exhaustion. "We just had sex," said Cadence, "you are really good at it." "Thank you Cadence," I said, as I gave her nose a kiss. She giggled and gave my nose a nuzzle. "Can you stay with me tonight?" asked Cadence. "As you wish." She gave me another kiss and the to of us shared each others body heat as the two of us drifted off to sleep. By morning, I woke up with Cadence giving me a kiss on my forehead. "Good morning, Joel. Sleep well?" "I did." She then got off the bed and goes to the bathroom. "Can I ask a certain human to take a shower with me?" she asked, as she gave me the 'fuck me' eyes. I blushed and immediately got off the bed. "I would." "Then come right in," she said, as the two of us entered the bathroom to get ourselves cleaned and sexed up.