The Passing of Time

by Skylas

First published

Time is a fickle thing, but it seems as though it hasn't passed at all. Twilight and Co. come to terms with a very peculiar predicament.

Twilight and Co. have done a lot in the past few years, but as they had some time to reflect on the night they all met, it seems as though all of them haven't changed a bit, save for Twilight.

A story showing the Mane 6 dealing with the thought of immortality. It's benefits, and the inevitable tragedies it brings alongside it.

How do they cope with their new predicament?

Warning: If you are sensitive to things such as the subject of Suicide, do not read.

Heavily Inspired by: BlackGryph0n & Baasik - Faster Than You Know

Edit: Put on Hiatus while my new project is worked on. This story is rough at best and I will come back to it, but I have better inspirations.

Two Years Ago

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The Passing of Time

Two years ago, on the day, I had met my friends for the very first time. The Summer Sun Celebration was a momentous occasion for me and the others, for more than one reason. Not only did it celebrate the day I realized the real magic of friendship, but it was also... Well, the day I met my best friends!

I always felt it was important to go to the Summer Sun Celebration, but thankfully this year it was being held in Ponyville, and I was in charge of making sure everything goes smoothly, just as I thought I would be. I was glad to hear my friends would be the ones setting up the other parts of the celebration, as expected, everything was set up way before the actual celebration, giving me time to sit down with the others for a meal.

It was a nice day out, Rainbow Dash had cleared out the sky, in record time no less, which she had no problem boasting her accomplishment.

"I did it in NINE seconds flat this time!~" Rainbow Dash had beamed proudly at her accomplishment, which prompted a sigh from the others, as well as myself.

"Y'know Rainbow, don'tcha think it might be good to, you know, learn some modesty?" Applejack had been leaning on the table giving Dash an accusing look.

"Well, she may be boasting, but it is quite an impressive time. I don't expect anything less of Rainbow Dash~." Rarity had given a smile towards Dash, who seemed to appreciate the compliment from Rarity, I couldn't help but give a tiny laugh.

"Yeah! I got to watch her clear the sky, she was like 'Nyoom!~ Woosh!~ Brrroooooooommm!~' Just like that!" Pinkie had hopped onto the table in her excitement.

"It sounds like everyone got their jobs done then, great! This puts us ahead of schedule by, two hours." I smiled softly, I could hear Dash giggling softly.

"Egghead" I heard Dash mutter softly, giving her a stern look, which quickly made her look away and whistle nonchalantly.

I noticed Fluttershy had been quiet at the table, abnormally quiet, even for Fluttershy. Tilting my head, I couldn't help but question her silence. "Fluttershy, is something wrong? You've been quiet, even for you."

She looked over at me, then the others before speaking softly, "H-Have I? Oh, I-I'm sorry." I watched Fluttershy shuffle nervously.

"You know now that you mention it... Fluttershy, you HAVE been awfully quiet since we got here..." Rarity had given Fluttershy a small look of concern, "If anything is on your mind you can tell us!" I smiled alongside Rarity.

"O-Oh well... It's just, I was thinking about how two years ago, what we went through..." Fluttershy had faltered a bit.

"Go on." I had somewhat pushed her to speak, I could tell that there was more to that thought.

"Well... Doesn't this all seem a bit familiar? Or well, not that... But, doesn't it seem odd that, we all look exactly like we did, two years ago?" Fluttershy had dropped a bit of a bombshell on all of us. I put a hoof to my chin in thought, it seemed the rest of my friends had also thought about it, we all had stared at each other a bit.

"Well, Ah gotta say... We do all look the same, cept for Twi uh' course." Applejack had been the first to speak after the long silence. We all gave her a bit of a stare before she spoke again, "Ah mean, think about it. Not a hair out of place, not an extra wrinkle, not even a change in the way our coats look."

It had seemed impossible to all of us at first, but as Applejack pointed out, I had started to really look at the others, nothing had changed about them... The only one who had changed was me, and it was because of the transformation.

"Is it just me or, does anyone else's head hurt right now?" Pinkie had said with a bit of worried laughter, I nodded alongside the others. It seems the odd reality of the situation had borne down on everyone quite quickly.

"I'm just surprised none of us noticed this until now." Rarity had been fiddling with the tea on the table in front of her. I watched her hooves slowly spin the cup in thought.

"I guess I just never really payed attention to it. I mean, ponies always look the same but... Not a single hair..." I put my hooves against my chin as I had begun to think of possibilities, but nothing came to me for a long time. but I finally had come up with at least a quick solution, "Okay, I've got it...!" The rest of the girls had looked at me with interest, "I say we go to Celestia, I can't seem to wrap my mind around how exactly this could happen but, I'm sure she might have an answer, and we don't have to travel far, she's in town today."

The others nodded in agreement, "Good Idea Twi, if anyone knows what's goin' on, It's the Princess." Applejack had given me a smile.

I had gotten up, watching my friends get up as well. Time had seemed to slow as I watched the seemingly unchanged bodies of my friends start to move about, unable to get the thought out of my head about how true Fluttershy's words rang in all of our heads, even Pinkie had seemed a bit more down after hearing it.

I set off towards the Town Hall where we could find Celestia, with luck, perhaps she could tell us what might have happened.

Dead Stop... Almost.

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There was an odd sense of dread as I lead the others to the Town Hall, much of the merriment from lunch had dissipated quickly, everyone was as quiet as Fluttershy, even Pinkie.

"Hey, Maybe it's just an odd coincidence, we have had odder things happen to us." I tried to reassure the rest of the group about the thought, but it seemed everyone had been thinking hard.

"I don't know Twilight, it's just incredibly odd that we haven't had a single change, even Pinkie, and you know how much she eats and moves about. No offense Pinkie." Rarity had given Pinkie Pie an apologetic smile, who had responded with a giggle.

"It's fine! But, I doooo think it's a bit crazy!" Pinkie had given a bright smile, accompanied by a more worried smile a moment later.

I couldn't help but frown for a moment, why was such a simple thing troubling all of us so much, I feel we all knew that this could mean something big, and it felt big... I had no more time to ponder as I entered the Town Hall with my friends in tow. I looked about the room and noticed everything had been prepared for the celebration, I couldn't help but smile at Rarity's work.

"Wow, It looks beautiful Rarity..." I had looked up at the decor which prompted a smile from Rarity.

"I'm glad you think so Twilight, however, as much as I enjoy hearing my work appreciated... Isn't there a more pressing issue at the moment?" Rarity had given me a gentle tap and I snapped back to reality.

"Right. Listen, I am sure everything will be fine, if anything I am sure there is some good news behind this." I smiled back at the others as I lead them further.

"Ah sure hope so Twi. Somethin' bout' this whole thing gives me the willies." Applejack had given a small sigh, seeming to speak what had been on everypony's minds.

It seemed like an eternity, but we finally made it to the inner Town Hall. We were instantly greeted by Princess Celestia, and unexpectedly, Princess Luna.

"Welcome to Ponyville Princesses." I had given a small bow to the two of them, the others had followed suit, Celestia and Luna had bowed back.

"There really is no reason to be so formal Twilight, the celebration isn't just yet.~" Celestia had smiled down at me, giving a warm disposition.

"Indeed, though, something makes me believe you came here for a reason." Luna had given her sister a rather concerned look. Celestia nodded back at her sister.

"So, Twilight. What do you have to ask me?" Celestia had turned dead serious, I felt nervous, almost as if they knew what I was about to ask.

"Two years ago, You sent me here to organize this very event, however... That night had turned out completely different, I met my best friends, and had started my study on the magic of friendship." I looked back and smiled at my friends, who had all smiled back, "While, I always look back at that day as a great moment, as it also marked your sister becoming free once again." Celestia had given Luna a small smile, who was still staring at me, only stopping to take a glance at Fluttershy, "As fond as those memories are... Since that night, I noticed that, well. None of us have changed a bit, not a single hair out of place, not even a wrinkle." Celestia's face seemed to contort, as if she expected it, "We were wondering, would you might know what could cause such a thing?" Luna nodded to her sister, who had frowned afterwards.

"Twilight." Celestia and Luna had stated in unison.

"Y-Yes?" I faltered, not expecting the answer to come so quickly.

"I believe it is time you learned more about the Elements of Harmony." Celestia had stated, giving Luna a small nod as they took a seat, motioning for us to do the same. We all sat, I took a look back at my friends, who all had a look of concern on their faces.

"As you know, the Elements of Harmony come from the Tree of Harmony... The magic the tree contains is ancient, those who control the Elements are permanently linked to the Tree's magic, the simple explanation is..." Celestia stopped and let her sister pick up the statement.

"You and your friends, as the wielders of the Elements, aging process has been significantly slowed, almost to a halt, as the Tree has been around for longer than any of us, being linked to the tree allows you to keep wielding them past your normal lifetime." Luna had looked at me for a long time, taking another glance at Fluttershy.

I could hear the collective murmur of my friends behind me, I could hear questions, I had started to panic for a moment before Celestia put a hoof on my shoulder.

"I am sure you all have a lot of questions." Celestia gave a slight sigh, "Do not be afraid to ask?"

Applejack was the first to speak, "So, if we're agin' all slow an' whatnot, does that mean... Everyone we know..." I turned to see her cover her face with her hat, she seemed close to tears.

All Celestia did was nod, a somber look in her eyes, I sighed and spoke next, "You both seemed to know why we were here, did somepony tell you?" Luna gave me an odd look.

"In a way, one of you had been dreaming about it for weeks, we knew at some point they would come forward to the rest of you about it." Luna had spoken softly, giving Fluttershy another small glance, who had retreated behind Dash.

"I-I'm sure there are some bright sides right? Like, now we can have all the chocolate we want!" Pinkie had been quick to try and put a positive note on the situation.

"Oh my, Sweetie Belle" Rarity had sighed softly. I couldn't help but think, Rarity's first thoughts had been of her sister, I took a gulp of air, trying to keep calm.

"I had always worried about this day." Celestia looked down at me sadly, embracing me slowly.

"Y-Yeah! Pinkie is right, there are some positives... Like, Now I have forever to practice and become the fastest flier!" Rainbow Dash beamed before she looked around, something seemed to cross her mind, "Ah but, Scootaloo." I watched her scratch the back of her head awkwardly.

An uncomfortable silence had came over the room, I turned to see Rarity and Applejack holding each other, Fluttershy was comforting a very confused looking Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie seemed to just be staring at her hooves, I couldn't quite wrap my head around all the consequences but, it seemed as if everyone else had found their losses first. That's when my own thoughts caught up with me. Spike.

I took a strong gulp, then I looked back up at Celestia before speaking, "The celebration s-should be starting soon." I faltered, trying to keep calm under the quickly mounting sadness in my gut, Celestia gave me a nod.

"I suggest you all take some time and rest, do not think too far ahead, it will only bring sadness." Celestia had given us this final word before leaving the room, Luna had given me a somber look before following her sister out, leaving us in a daze, trying to figure out what exactly this all meant.

A Thousand Years of Experience

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I didn’t know what to think, I must’ve been sitting there for a long time, because when Luna had roused me from my thought, my friends had gone.

“Twilight.” Luna had given me a slight shake with her hoof, “The celebration has ended, you should find your friends.”

I couldn’t say anything immediately, sighing softly as I finally thought of something to say, “I’m sorry, I am just… Overwhelmed, I don’t know what to think about.” I sighed, my thoughts were incredibly clouded, but Luna’s voice pierced my head once again.

“I understand, when me and my sister had first come to be, we had to consider everything as well, the future, our pasts, the ponies we knew.” Luna sighed and shook her head, “My sister already gave you the best advice, while the initial shock is something unavoidable, you mustn't delve too far into these thoughts. You would be surprised how quickly one can deteriorate from it…” Luna looked away from me in thought.

It dawned on me who she was speaking about, I closed my eyes tight, taking a sharp, inhale, then slowly breathing out, “Princess Luna, I know you have had time to come to terms with your immortality. Is there is anything you can tell me?” I stared up at her hopefully.

“As I said, there is not much I can offer except to not tread too far into the future with your thoughts.” Luna stood and started to pace the room, “I can offer you a tale, if that does assist with your thoughts.” I nodded quickly, sitting down, showing I was attentive.

“Yes please. Absolutely anything you can offer.”

She nodded, her horn glowing as she showed me a visage above her head depicting a heavily bearded pony, alongside Celestia, “A long time ago, while I was still banished, Celestia had only one friend, a pony by the name Starswirl, who later gained the title of Bearded.” My eyes widened as I stared.

“She was friends with Starswirl?! I wonder what they did together, did he offer sound wisdom, how smart was he?!” I looked up at her excitedly, which was met with a very stern stare, “I’m sorry, continue please.”

“To answer your question, he was Celestia’s friend, as well as an advisor. His chamber still remains in the castle, he carved his own passages into the mountain that Canterlot was built upon.” I watched the vision change to Celestia standing in front of a mirror with Starswirl, “They had great adventures together, some to different worlds. However…” It changed once again, showing Celestia standing over a mound, “Starswirl was bound by mortality, despite his vast knowledge, he eventually passed.” Luna’s eyes glowed as the picture depicted a great rage from Celestia, “My sister was thrown into anguish, despite her long years and many friends lost, she had never been truly alone, as I was always there along side her.” The vision faded, and Luna gave a sharp inhale.

I had to slow my breathing, realizing I was shaking, I shook my head and spoke, “So, what happened then? How did she recover?” Luna sat and looked away.

“She overcame her grief, her role as princess was much more important than her grief, much as your role as one of the wielders of Harmony must overcome your many grievances to come.” She stared down at me, “There is no true way to fix the curse of immortality, you must find it within yourself to sustain through the pain.” Her eyes flashed, “Or be consumed by it.” It was a long time before I realized she was done speaking.


“There is no other solution, and even then, it is a tragic one, I suggest you find your peace with your friends. You are a Princess of Equestria, I know you are capable. It is your friends I am concerned about, troubling dreams are already brewing.” Luna huffed and started towards the door, “Take care, Princess Twilight.” I watched her exit, sitting down and trying to breathe.

My thoughts had become jumbled, for a long time I sat there, trying my hardest to sort out what had happened, then her words sparked in my head.

I suggest you find your peace with your friends.”

My rush of thoughts finally stopped and I walked out of the Town Hall. It was a beautiful day, but it didn’t feel like one. I thought of my friends, trying to think of who I should go to first, I needed all of them.

“Fluttershy…!” I announced aloud to myself. Luna had said she had been thinking about this for weeks, if anyone is close to coming to terms, it would be her. I set off towards Fluttershy’s cottage, hoping I could help her in any way I can.