> Perfect > by Damcclub > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Perfect > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiet snores above her. That's all that Applejack heard. "Ah bet she's dreamin' flyin' with the Wonderbolts." She sighed. "Least she had somethin' to dream about…" She smiled sadly and flopped down under the closest tree she could find. "Then there's me…" She paused and swallowed the lump in her throat. "Just a simple mare with no big dreams, just a farm to look after." Sheer lip trembled. "No, Applejack, you only cry on the inside!" But she couldn't help it. Tears were soon rolling down her freckled cheeks. "Ah am just so…useless" "Useless?" Applejack heard a raspy voice say behind her. "Useless? Seriously?" Applejack turned around only to find herself face-to-face with her best friend, Rainbow Dash. "Ah am very useless!" Applejack cried. "You are so not!" "Ah am useless!" "You aren't useless!" "Ah'm just a stupid, useless pony!" "No you're not!" "Yes Ah am!" "No you aren't useless!" "Ah'm useless." Applejack exclaimed and more tears came. Rainbow sighed at sat in front of her friend. "Look at me Applejack." "No!" "Come on, AJ." Rainbow said calmly. "Just tell me what's wrong." "Like Ah said a million times before, A-ah'm useless!" Applejack sniffled. Rainbow rolled her magenta eyes and sighed again. "No, I mean, why do you think you are useless?" Applejack wiped her eyes but new tears formed just as she did. "Because Ah have no dreams, not much money, Ah am lesbian, Ah am so stubborn AND no pony loves me!" Rainbow felt heartbroken, listening to her friend blurt her feelings out. "AJ, I-" "You think Ah really AM useless!" AJ waved her hooves around. "No, you are amazing!" Rainbow smiled. "The way you buck all those trees. They way you try make every pony smile. They way you almost reach my level of awesomeness! They way you are determined to do things and most importantly, the way how you are just a great friend." She smiled at what she said, thinking she had succeeded but it had the opposite effect. Her heart broke again as she saw more tears coming from Applejack's eyes. "You're just sayin' that!" Dash put her hoof under Applejack's chin and lifted her head up. "No I am not! You are so awesome and cool and funny and sweet and kind and loving and pretty and nice and so orange ultra-extreme awesome-azing!" Applejack pulled her head off Dash's hoof and looked anywhere but Dash. "A-ah am not! I'm so gullible and stupid!" Rainbow smirked. "You wanna do this the hard way? Then let's do this the hard way!" She wrapped her soft, blue wings and forelegs around the sad, cold and lonely orange mare. "Get offa ME!!" Applejack cried as she tried to get out of the warm, fluffy embrace. "A-AH AIN'T A BABY!!!" Rainbow only tighter her grip and smiled. "You look like one by the way you're acting! And besides, I told you we would have to do the hard way!" "What do Ah do ta get outta here!?" Applejack squealed. "Ah know! Oh wait…Ah am too stupid to understand!" Dash sighed and rested her head on Applejack's. "To get out, just listen to me." Applejack sighed. "Fine." Rainbow took a deep breath as if she was about to tell her biggest secret. But what if that was true? "AJ," she began. "You are awesome. There aren't enough words to describe you. Your so beautiful and I'll try my darn hardest to describe your perfect-ness! Your body," she blushed. "Your body is so…hot! The curves and the edges and that shine it always has, especially after a day of work! Oh Celestia, you look hot like that! I love just watching your body sway when you buck apples. And your coat? SO BUCKING FUZZY AND SOFT!! UGH!!! I just can't stop touching it. It's like a cloud but 100 times more soft!" "Your mane and tail? Damn girl! That is like silk! I am still trying to figure out how it stays soft after a day of hanging out with pigs and bucking apples. Can I just say, I'm jealous of your trees sometimes. Your adorable cowpony hat is just. So. Bucking. Cute! Your hat completes you, just like how you complete me. Your gorgeous grass green eyes sparkle brighter that one of Rarity's 'Ultra unbelievably sparkley' gems! I love the color. Green is my favourite color! Your eyes are so pretty. Not even a little filly could beat the cuteness that is your eyes!" "Those tiny freckles though. Can't get them out of my mind! Thanks a lot." Rainbow blushed. "They just give you an…innocent appearance, making it hard for me to keep my cool when I'm around you. And next," She gulped and blushed. "Your flank. The power of Christ completes me now. YOUR FLANKS ARE WAY TOO HOT FOR ME TO BARE!!! Your smile makes me smile. It's just beautiful But your looks isn't what m you a great friend. It's your heart. Your kind, caring, perfect heart. I don't know where I'd be right now if you weren't here. I'd probably be just eating ice cream, wondering what to do with my life. But you have given me a different life. A life that I love. Because, in my eyes, you are the walking definition of perfect." Rainbow once again lifted AJ's head with her hoof. "And that's why I love you." Applejack looked surprised for she had never heard some thing so…heartwarming coming from her tomboyish best friend. "Rainbow, Ah-" "Don't wanna be my friend anymore? I knew I should have shit my big mouth!" Rainbow looked away mans pulled her hoove from AJ's chin. "No, of course not! It just Ah never knew that you felt that way 'bout me. That's all." Smiled Applejack. Rainbow turned her head back. "So, you're not mad?" Applejack smiled wider. "Now, why would Ah be mad? My friend just confessed her undying love for me! In Celestia's name, why would Ah be mad?" Rainbow blushed and looked down. "Because you don't like me back…." Applejack pulled Dash's head towards her own. "Ah love you, RD." "I love you too, AJ." Rainbow smiled and leaned in closer. Their lips were just inches away, about to connect…. …Then a voice interrupted. "A-am I interrupting something?"