> Chrysalis' Broodling > by The Inner Lewd > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Her Majesty's Eggs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flitter’s bright blue eyes stares into his own, her huge lenses narrowed slightly as he effortlessly matches her gaze. Out of the corner of his peripheral vision, Click can just make out her prehensile tongue peeking between her fangs, her ears folded back in an adorable display of concentration. He smirks as Flitter’s nictitating membrane gives a small twitch. She’s obviously straining to keep it from shutting, which means he'll no doubt outlast her. He has excellent control over his body, after all. “You’re just going to hurt your eyes if you keep this up, Flitter! Give up, admit that my eyes are far superior!” Click goads her with a purposefully cocky grin.     “Two-Five-Four, I have need of your assistance,” the Queen’s voice suddenly resonates throughout Click’s head, breaking his concentration and causing his eyes to clench down in shock. Flitter blinks rapidly, a massive grin spreading across her face. “Ha! I beat you in something! I knew there was something you weren't good at, I just knew it!” she brags, her tail wagging in obvious delight. However, Click is barely paying attention as the realization kicks in. The queen contacted him. Him. Two-Five-Four. ‘What could she possibly want? The only thing I can think of is—’ His eyes widen, gossamer wings fluttering in joy. ‘She must have noticed my exemplary performance! What else could it be?’ His thoughts are broken as Flitter tilts her head, and asks with a quizzical tone, “Why are you so happy? You lost!” He tries to answer calmly, but the excitement flowing through him makes that difficult. “The Queen contacted me! She needs me for something!” he exclaims with a chirp, his wings fluttering in joy. “This might be my big break! Maybe she has a mission for me? Oh, I hope she let’s me replace somepony! I’ve always told you how badly I wanted to be an infiltrator, so what if—”  He trails off as he notices the look on Flitter's face. Her eyes are wide, her emotions a miasma of fear and uncertainty; fear for him. “What’s wrong, Flitter?” he asks, her negative emotions causing him to feel slightly ill. “I-I’ve heard some things about the Queen lately,“ she nervously looks around the empty tunnel they are in, “that she’s been cruel,” she utters with a whisper. Flitter embraces him suddenly, a burst of love rushing into him as their shells meet. “Just be careful. I may not cater directly to the Queen, but I do have some friends who do, and from what I’ve heard she has been acting up ever since the invasion.”   The buzzing from the Queen’s summon grows insistent, so he hugs her back and releases his own love into the other changeling. “I’m sure your friends are exaggerating. But If I don’t go now, then the Queen really will be in a right state!” He grins, showing off his sharp fangs. “I’ll be back just in time to hang out tonight, and then I'll tell you all about what the Queen wanted! “Just be careful!” “I will,” Click responds as he leans out of the hug, and walks in the direction of the Royal Chamber, channeling his training and clearing his face of all emotion. After a few minutes of navigating through crowded tunnels and open caverns, Click arrives in front of an ornately constructed double door thrice his height, two fully armored guards on either side. “State your business,” the guard on the left grunts out.   “The Queen is expecting me. Generation two, number fifty-four.” Click curtly responds. Both guards nod and light their horns with a sickly-green glow, the double doors opening without a sound.         “Head in, she’s expecting you, “ the one on the right says in monotone. Click walks right through the doors, not even flinching as they shut behind him with a slam. His eyes widen ever so slightly at the room around him: the lavish rug, portraits, and green tinted torches complement the queen-sized bed on the far back of the room. Click’s examination is cut short as he notices Queen Chrysalis longing on said bed, smirking at him from her post. He bows deeply as she climbs down, gracefully stretching her long limbs, before heading straight towards him. “Hmm, yes,” she purrs, circling his body. His eyes widen as his tail is lifted, resulting in a sudden breeze against his sensitive flesh as she examines his nethers. What is she doing?   He inhales sharply as Chrysalis' hoof brushes against his vulva, causing his clit to involuntary wink. Her hoof moves between his legs, and briefly squeezes his sheath, making it very hard for him to keep a straight face. “Very nice specimen.” Changelings are hermaphrodites, but that doesn't mean he's used to thinking about, or even using, his equipment very much. As a result, the slight contact causes a stir in his sheath, a noticeable dribble of fluids squeezing out between his labia. He clenches his highs together, feeling extremely embarrassed, but also a hint of unease. 'I have a bad feeling about this.' She releases his tail and removes her hoof, causing him to internally sigh in relief. “Rise.” He raises his head, and his breath catches as Chrysalis’ beautiful face is directly in front of him; mouth curled in a mirthful smirk, her black shell gleaming in the green light. “What gender do you identify as, Two-Five-Four?” “Male, your majesty.” “Wonderful, this will be very fun,” She purrs, licking her fangs. “Here’s what’s going to happen… Click.” She knows his name? The Queen knows his name! “You are going to fertilize my eggs, and then you are going to receive them into your womb.” His heart skips a beat. He must have heard her wrong. Receive them? He can’t become a broodling! Fertilize her eggs, sure, but incubate them? No! That would ruin everything! “B-but your majesty! I-I was going to become an infiltrator!” He argues, his breathing picking up as he panics. She dismisses his complaint with a wave of her hoof. “Change of plans. Your scores in everything are phenomenal. Highest in your class, even. Combat, infiltration, pony behavior, and even tactics. Perfect genes to fertilize and incubate a royal. No one other than you will do.” “If you only need my genes, why do you need my w-womb?” Click stutters out the final word, causing Chrysalis to grin. “What’s this? Are you scared of giving birth?” His dock reflexively clamps to his rump in response, his tail covering his nethers, confirming her suspicions to his utter horror. She chuckles, “Oh you are! That’s adorable. That’s why you identify as a male, isn’t it?” He nods after a second of indecision, shaking slightly. Best to just tell the truth. She’ll know if he was lying. Her expression softens at his utterly terrified eyes. “You know what, if you don’t want to do it I can just get another ling to incubate my eggs, after you fertilize them of course. I’ll even let you watch. How’s that?” Click relaxes instantly at the sympathetic smile, her slit eyes drawing him in with her kind beauty. And Flitter told him the queen was cruel! “That’s agreeable, I’m so glad you under—” Chrysalis’ smile twists into a sneer. “Idiot.” His heart drops as she starts laughing cruelly. “I thought you were supposed to be intelligent? I want you to fertilize my eggs and incubate a princess. There are no compromises." "You’ll either enjoy it, and it happens -" she leans forward, her muzzle stopping inches away from his left ear, her hot breath causing him to flinch "- or don’t enjoy it, but it still happens. What will it be?” she finishes sweetly, the poisonous edge of her reverberating voice making him feel ill. He chitters quietly, his thoughts going a mile a minute. ‘I have no choice. Her word is law. I’m going to be a father and mother… It’ll feel good in the moment, so maybe I should just accept it. Why did Flitter have to be right?’ He takes a shuddering breath and concedes, “I’ll enjoy it, your majesty.” “Wonderful! Now, you are going to get my pussy nice and wet with some foreplay, and then mount me. Cum as deep inside of me as you can. Do not pull out until I say so, or there will be consequences.” She grins, her fangs glinting in the soft green glow of her chambers. “You won’t need your penis after fertilizing my eggs, after all.” Click gulps at the threat, any arousal he might have felt being snuffed out in an instant. That changes as the Queen slowly turns around and lifts her tail, however, revealing the tantalizing flesh just underneath. “Let’s do this on the floor. I find the bed to be… boring,” she says, waving her flowing tail from side to side. He gulps, the sight sexier than anything he has seen before. The obsidian carapace of her rear is a sharp contrast to the dark green of her drooling nethers, gleaming with lubricant. Her clitoris peaks out as she winks, a much brighter green in comparison to her darker folds. She gives her tail a flick, sending a burst of royal pheromones at him, the scent instantly causing a stir in his sheath, as well as a wink in his own cunt. He’s vividly aware of fluids dripping down his leg as his mast grows to full length, but he tries to ignore it. The less he is reminded of his functional vagina, the better. He would transform it away, but he has a good feeling the Queen would not be pleased. Nervously walking up to the Matriarch’s behind, the pheromones growing stronger the closer he gets, he halts right in front of her nethers. The heat radiating from her is palpable, and a single wink flicks lubricant right onto his nose. His mind becomes cloudy as he opens his mouth and licks her plump flesh, his tongue sliding from Chrysalis’s clit all the way to her anus. Chrysalis sighs in delight at the contact, her vulva quivering. “Ah, good… Keep going!” she demands. He observes the donut-shaped muscle nestled under her dock, the slightly protruded flesh producing a highly musky scent, the strength only second to her treasure just beneath. Slowly leaning into her mushy anus, he gives it a small nudge with his nose, the scent driving him mad. It flexes at the contact, the wrinkles tightening against him. His tongue continues to slather both sides of her labia while his nose squishes against Chrysalis’ ass, her tail flagging high to the sky. Wanting, no, needing more, he wraps his maw around the lips of her spasming pussy, and sucks, his fangs resting against the edges of her folds. He extends his serpine-like organ, sliding between the seam of her labia. Her clit unfolds rapidly at the contact, kissing his chin in the only way it can. Deciding to pay attention to the small nub in the hope it pleases Chrysalis, he slides his tongues downwards, and wraps directly around the flesh in wid-wink. This stops it from retreating back into its folds, and the clit spasms uncontrollably in his grasp. A very loud gasp escapes Chrysalis at the contact, a hind leg lifting slightly. He smirks at that. Click massages the nub with his long tongue, each squeeze no doubt introducing her raw nerves to a burst of pleasure. His own clit winks hard at the thought that he, even for the smallest of moments, is in control of his queen. He releases her abused clit, which winks rapidly against his tongue in response. Chrysalis’ body jerks slightly, and she releases a shuddering breath, her tail swishing above him. He then slips his tongue between her labia, and pushes upwards until he sinks deeply into her entrance with a soft squish.   Chrysalis practically purrs, her folds rubbing against Click’s lips as his tongue slips just within her. “Hmm, good boy. But I think that’s enough foreplay, I don’t want to cum before the main event. I want this moment to be… special.” She looks behind her at that, licking her maw. “Mount me.” He pulls his tongue out of her slit with a quiet slurp, her walls constricting his tongue as she’s vacated. Chrysalis lays down, tucking her legs neatly underneath her. Her rear is slightly propped up, and her tail is raised as high as it can go, highlighting her insistently winking nethers. No doubt to make it easier for him to mount her. He chatters his teeth, wings buzzing in anticipation. He may not be looking forward to the results of this, but he may as well enjoy himself! He rears up onto his hind legs and mounts her, his rock-hard member bouncing against Chrysalis’ flank and smearing her carapace with pre. “First, I need you to give a few thrusts inside my anus. It’s not needed, per-say, but I find it exciting. Get to it.” “G-got it, Your Majesty.” He pulls upwards, the feeling of her solid carapace transitioning to pliable flesh sending a shiver down his spine. Shifting around a bit, and getting his dick drenched in vaginal fluids, he finally comes across the taut ring, his tip squishing against it and spreading lubricant across her butt. He applies pressure, and her ass instantly gives way, allowing him to bottom out in one go. Her supple passage pulses around him as a blast of pleasure electrifies his nerves, the tight ring of her sphincter constricting the base of his smooth penis. Her snug insides massage him oh-so-delightfully, and each small movement of his hips results in her anus constricting around his shaft, the strong muscle holding him in place. After a few seconds of being embraced by her colon, Chrysalis demands, “What are you waiting for? Thrust!” The fact that the Queen is so nonchalant as his dick is deep within her makes him feel more aroused than ever, to his shame. His pussy won’t stop winking, fluids dripping down his flanks. He clenches his hind-legs together, but it only increases the burning, as well as making his organ twitch within Chrysalis’ anus. ‘Don’t think about it.’ Trying to stay in the now, and not dwell on the future, he grabs hold of his Queen's flanks and moves his hips back, sliding out of her with ease. Her ring squeezes against him oh-so-wonderfully, the wet friction barely resisting his movements. He pushes back in, and with a gasp of delight bottoms out with a loud squish, her rippling insides clenching against his member reflexively. After a few more thrusts, Chrysalis constricts her ass too tightly for him to move. “Ah, that’s enough of that. Now, mount my royal oviduct! Fertilize my eggs!” she says as she pulls forward, relaxing her sphincter to allow him to slip out of her butt with ease. His dick leaves her with a pop, his tip resting against her ring as it tightens once again. He grips her flank tightly, almost hugging her in his closeness as he rests his head atop her back. Feeling the need to cum more than ever, he aligns himself with her soaked slit, and pushes forward. At first he jabs at her green clit, resulting in a sharp intake of air from Chrysalis. He slides along the spasming flesh in his excitement, but with a quick realignment, he slips his tip into her warm depths. Her trembling lips hug and kiss his narrow tip, the wet warmth welcoming him. He pushes forward, the soft flesh giving way easily as he slides ever deeper. With a gasp he bottoms out, her tunnel enveloping him completely, and his hips meeting hers. Chrysalis's insides are kneading and clenching around him, the drenched sauna that is her pussy tighter than anything he’s ever felt. The feeling is so good that he absentmindedly slides a hoof between his legs, rubbing against his madly winking clit, forgetting why he was ignoring it in the first place, sliding it back and forth between his frog. Chrysalis pushes back with a sigh of delight, her wings fluttering at the deep penetration. “Ah, well done my subject. This pleases me. Now, get to work and finish.” He doesn’t need to be told twice.     He pulls back, Chrysalis’ flesh gripping him all the way, until his tip rests against her trembling lips. He rubs himself up and down her slit a couple times, paying special attention to the clit winking against him, before slamming inside her with a wet smack, a shudder going through them both. Again and again, each insertion resulting in her pussy relaxing deeply, allowing him to penetrate her to the core with little resistance. However, each time he pulls out, her flesh grips him tightly, as if never wanting to let him go. The pressure deep within him grows quickly, the feeling of her hot and wet insides greater than anything he has ever felt.  However, right before he feels like he’s about to explode, Chrysalis’ walls suddenly spasm around him, sucking him deeper within her soft-yet-powerful insides. “Y-your Queen is cumming, Click. Fertilize my eggs! My womb is open for you and you alone!” He feels her cervix against his tip, the entrance pushing against him as the rest of her cunt rapidly convulses, trying to milk him for what’s to come. The pressure within him bursts at the feeling, and the first shot of semen pulses up his shaft and directly into his Queen’s womb, his body shaking as bolts of pleasure accompany each spurt. “M-my queen!” He breathes out, gripping her tightly as he pumps his essence deep within her. Through his hoof, he feels his clit expand outwards in sync with each load that exits him, kissing his hoof. A wave of pleasure ripples through him with each contraction, and his vision going blurry as he jerks his hips in time with the wonderful sensation. Chrysalis’ insides continually squeeze and relax around him, the wonderfully soft flesh encompassing his own only adding to the experience. His muzzle rests inches away from her wings, and he pushes even harder to reach them, the very thin tip of his dick slipping into her womb, pulsating semen directly against her ripe eggs. The tightness increases exponentially at that, and he moans against the base of her wings, before sticking out his tongue and wrapping it around the sensitive limbs. Chrysalis’ insides clench even harder at that, and she moans, “E-excellent, Click! I knew you would be a good choice!”         Sadly, all good things must come to an end as a few last spurts within her womb signifies the end to his orgasm. He desperately tries to gyrate his hips into coercing a few more out of him, but no such luck. His euphoria clouded state lifts, and he finally realizes that the end of his orgasm means the end of his freedom. So he tries to hump into Chrysalis, pretending he is still cumming, but his softening member quickly makes that difficult, and with one final thrust it squishes against the entrance to her dripping wet folds, unable to penetrate. Chrysalis chuckles, the vibrations tickling his sensitive member. She looks behind her and gazes directly into his eyes. “Eager are we? That’s good, because it’s time for my favorite part.” She grins widely. “You’re going to just love my ovipositor!” Click’s tail, once again, clamps against his behind. However, his eager flesh betrays him with a single wink, more fluids seeping out from between his soaked folds. His fear is palpable, and she absolutely loves it! The semen within her womb in nice and all, and the fuck was decent, but his reluctance to be bred like the broodling he will be is delicious! She licks her lips, pushing her hips against his softening cock, her clit winking all the while, almost disappointed at the empty feeling. Oh well, this next part will make her forget all about it. She crawls onto her back, and spreads her legs, showing off her winking pussy and still leaking anus to Click. However, those are secondary to what’s really important; the slit just above her vulva, the tip of her neon-green ovipositor, just barely peaking through her black folds. At full mast it will tower above any changeling cock, and be thrice as thick. And unlike a changeling penis, thin and ending in a point, smooth as can be, her ovipositor has three creases meeting right at the tip. She loves the feeling when it flares outwards, opening up for the expulsion of her glorious children. “Now click, I need you to suck my ovipositor, get it nice and hard. And watch your fangs; you don’t want to know what happened to the last changeling who hurt my royal flesh.” She warns him, and he flinches at the not-so-subtle threat. With an audible gulp, Click arrives between Chrysalis’ thighs, staring at the tip of her hidden organ. He leans inwards and extends his long tongue, sliding just inside her sheath and wrapping around her pseudo-cock’s tip, causing her to gasp at the wet sensation. Tingles travel up her tail as her ovipositor engorges with blood, the member quickly meeting Click’s mouth. She watches his eyes widen as the tip presses against him, and pressure building up as he tries to keep his mouth shut, but the rapidly growing organ slips right into his maw with a loud pop, the warm and wet sensation causing her to jerk her hips, consequently pushing even more into his cavernous maw.   “Oh~” She moans as his mouth wraps around her flesh, the damp heat mind-blowing. “I swear I will remove your penis personally if you even so much as think of spitting out!” she threatens him mid-moan. He swallows in fear, the suction pulling on the tip of her ovipositor so deliciously well. “Now bob your head like a good girl,” she demands, calling him the wrong gender on purpose, loving how his ears fold back in obvious distress. He complies after only a moment's hesitation, pulling out with a loud plop, before pushing right back in, causing her to moan in delight. On his second bob, however, she pushes her hips upwards, sliding herself deep into his throat, causing Click to gag, tears forming around his eyes. The rapid swallowing and vibrations with each gag causes her tip to flare, and her eyes widen in panic as she feels an egg drop in her gut, the pressure within her building up too fast. Against her instincts, she pulls her hips back, her expanded ovipositor sliding out of Click’s mouth with a wet plop, the tri-pronged tip quickly shutting as cool air triggers the raw nerves to constrict. She got a bit carried away, and almost came into his mouth! That wouldn’t have been good… She need to fuck him. Immediately. “B-bend over,” she demands, stuttering a bit as the egg within her oviduct starts to cramp, her attempts to hold it in feeling anything but natural. Luckily for her, Click swiftly obey’s and turns around, his head to the ground as he raises his tail high into the sky, revealing his absolutely soaked pussy, his clit winking madly. His cock is erect once more, just underneath his clit, but Chrysalis hardly notices as her ovipositor throbs hard, needing to insert itself in something! “A-are you sure you need me? Couldn’t you use someone else?” Click weakly asks in a last-ditch effort, his voice cracking a bit as Chrysalis’ mounts his back, her member rubbing against his soaked vulva. She ignores him and pushes forward, only for the tip to push against his anus, the flesh clenching tightly at the contact. She reorients downwards, and slides right against Click’s trembling entrance. She pushes with a jerk of her hips, yet there is no give. Click is clenched tight, his pubic muscles closing his vaginal canal, denying her rightful entrance in spite of how slick the plump flesh of his labia is. She leans down to his head, and hisses, “You will relax this instant, or else I will forcefully enter.” The threat causes his muscles to clench even tighter, but with a shuttering sigh he relaxes, his squishy folds finally parting for her tip. “There, was that so hard?” She teases, before thrusting inside in one go. Tight flesh spasms around her as she enters the unbelievably warm confines of Click’s pussy. Only three fourths of her ovipositor makes it inside before her tip makes contact with his womb, the inner slit allowing her inside with ease. Unlike ponies, only changeling queens have a cervix. The rest have an inner slit at the back of their vagina that leads to a pouch, which acts like a womb. It’s also extremely pleasurable for a changeling drone when something is inserted into it, like the tip of her ovipositor for example, or an egg. “O-oh b-buck!” Click moans as his womb in penetrated, causing Chrysalis to smirk. She knew he would enjoy this. They always do. She doesn’t even have to move as her pleasure reaches its limits via the tight refines alone, and as such, the tip of her ovipositor flares inside Click’s womb, sealing the entrance. The sensitive tips making contact with his inner walls causes the dam within her to burst, resulting in a loud moan as her inner muscles clench, pumping nutritional fluid for her eggs deep within the recesses of Click. Chrysalis stops holding back her single royal egg, and allows the grapefruit-sized object to slide down her oviduct and into the base of her ovipositor, each pleasure-filled contraction pushing it along. Click’s hot insides squeeze her shaft tightly, as if eagerly welcoming the egg that’s to come. Her mouth hangs open as the large ovum slowly makes its way out of her, the nutrient filled fluids ceasing their expulsion in the process. It reaches the entrance to Click’s pussy, and with a deep moan the egg’s progress is slowed slightly as his tight walls clench against her ovipositor. The spherical object travels down her shaft at a slow, but steady, rate. That changes as Click gives a massive moan of his own, his cunt clenching around her harder than ever before. He cries out in obvious glee as his body involuntarily contracts around her, the undulating sensation around her ovipositor causing her egg to squeeze out even faster. Looking under Click’s body, she notices his dick spewing load after load of semen onto the ground as well, each in sync with the clenches around her.  Her observation is shattered as she feels the egg spreading her tip, and slipping into Click’s womb, ropes of fluids spewing against the egg as her contractions continue. She bucks into the pleasure, the tip of her expanded member kissing her future princess. Now that her bloodline is secured, she can allow the rest of the, much smaller, eggs to come forth. They won’t actually hatch, as the royal egg will consume all the nutrients and love, but her instincts won’t let her pull out.  Orbs the size of marbles drop into her oviduct, and with each contraction of her powerful reproductive muscles, bursts of pleasure ripples up her shaft as eggs spew forth into Click, his hot flesh rapidly pulsating around her own as his orgasm continues. As his womb fills up with about a dozen eggs or so, she slips out of his inner pouch, which seals shut as the nutritious fluids she pumped forth harden upon contact with the opening to his womb. Her ovipositor rapidly retracts back into her own slit as her pleasure dies down, the friction between her shaft and his clenching tight walls giving her a shadow of previous sensations. However, her ovipositor doesn’t tuck away, the tip still expanded and wanting something to fill it. She grins. He can feel her eggs deep inside his womb, his tummy distended ever so slightly. The thought horrifies him, but the pleasure he just experienced overshadows rational thought. He feels the Queen get off of his back, which urges him to face her. Strangely, she seems to have got onto her back, the three prongs of her ovipositor’s tip still expanded, even though the rest of it is nestled within her slit. “I may be out of eggs, but I’m still tremendously horny. As such, you are going to fuck my ovipositor.” She spreads her legs wide, her absolutely soaked ovipositor and twitching vulva on full display. “Get to it, and you better make sure I enjoy it.” His member rapidly hardens at the sight, and he wastes no time in aligning his dick to her distinct organ. Click’s mind rages as lust overcomes any distress he might have been feeling, the Queen’s pheromones too intoxicating for him to think of anything other than sex. He squishes against one of her prongs, but then he finds her gaping hole with ease. The utter warmth radiating from her unfolded flesh is staggering, and it only gets hotter as he pushes inside, the unbelievably soft walls tighter than he expected.  Suddenly, however, the three expanded flaps of her tip closes tightly, and the ovipositor sucks him inside until he bottoms out, making him gasp as Chrysalis moans deeply. Her insides are a rapidly pulsating furnace that softly squeeze against him, her moans like that of an angel to his clouded mind. He pulls out, the suction of the clenching tunnel hanging onto his dick immense, and succeeds in resting right against her very tip. With a shuttering gasp he pushes back in, his wings fluttering in joy as her tight walls slide past him. The tip of her flare briefly squishes against his hips as he bottoms out once more, opening from the pressure, only for him to immediately slip out, starting up a rhythm as he bucks his queen’s ovipositor in earnest. ‘I may not be in control here, but at least for this once I can pretend I am!’ Chrysalis grabs him by his shoulders and pulls him close, resting her carapace against his, her loopy grin growing larger each time he humps. She then kisses him roughly, her long tongue dominating his, the unexpected move causing him to widen his eyes in shock. Click continues to hump, the flesh of Chrysalis’ rippling passage eagerly welcoming him into her sweltering depths. Yet she grips him tightly upon each withdraw, her insides swallowing his member, creating a massive amount of suction. The feeling is too much, and his thrusts decay into frantic jerky motions as his pleasure reaches its peak. And with a small wing flutter, he climaxes, his vaginal muscles clenching hard as the first volley of spunk rushes out of his cock, each rope accompanied by a burst of blinding pleasure. This seems to trigger the Queen’s own orgasm as she moans into his mouth, her ovipositor rapidly clenching around his dick, milking him for his precious fluids. Her velvety insides rubbing and squeezing against his own as pulses of semen burst up his shaft is amazing, but suddenly Chrysalis’ insides contract harder than ever before, and a burst of hot fluid pushes against his dick, the pressure ejecting him from her ovipositor with a loud pop. “Ahh, there we go.” Chrysalis sighs in relief. Click lands on his rear with a clank, his nethers continuing to ripple with pleasure, cum flying into the air. Chrysalis’ ovipositor spurts out load after load of light-green fluid, the stuff ending up all over his genitals as the massive organ pumps rapidly. The buzz of his queen’s thoughts pierces his mind, giving him a silent command. And with only the slightest of hesitation, he obeys. He leans into her pulsating organ and licks all around it, swallowing as much of the substance as he can. His cheek presses against her unbelievably soft shaft as he licks in between her sheath’s slit, sticking his tongue inside to clean up some stray fluids. A few spurts land on his back due to his current position.   Finishing up there, he crawls up to the source, licking her all over as he does so. Arriving at her spasming tip, he nibbles on all three of the twitching flaps, before opening wide and locking his maw around her entrance. Chrysalis’ thighs squeeze tightly around him as she moans, her flare shutting in reflex—the three bits of flesh wrapping around his muzzle. Her ovipositor pumps burst after burst of sweet fluids into his mouth, and he swallows every single ounce. He panics slightly as Chrysalis grabs the back of his head with her hooves, and pushes his muzzle deeper into her ovipositor. “Yes! Swallow every drop!” Click does just that, not that he has a choice. His own orgasm quickly dies down with a final spurt, but her own is still going strong. Pump after pump, her flare squeezing around his muzzle as hot ropes rush down his throat. His eyes clench shut as he feels the need to breath, but his nose is completely enveloped by her gaping hole. The organ finally stops pulsating, and Chrysalis let's go of his head as her flare releases his maw with a plop, allowing him to take a wonderful gulp of air. He's covered in various fluids, and he stands up on shaky legs, both from the aftershocks of pleasure, and the terrifying realization that he has no idea if he will be allowed to see Flitter again. The instant he stands up straight, the queen sidles up to his side. She reaches under him and softly presses on his protruded belly, the pressure very noticeable. His ears fold back at that, and he squeezes his hind legs together. ‘My life is ruined.’ She turns to him and grins, her prehensile tongue sliding across her fangs as she looks into his hopeless eyes. “Congratulations! You’re a mother!”