> Tales of Love and Harmony > by sagemodesonic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Beginnings part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gasp Sunset panted as she woke up in the middle of the night. She had long fiery red and yellow hair and green eyes along with her smooth peach skin. "Sigh.man that dream was intense." she said panting. She got up to get some water to clear her mind, but she couldn't help but remember what occured in her dream. In her dream she was spending time with her new friends as she do in reality.Then the dream transition to a weird landscape which she sees her friends and three mysterious figures fight something very familiar to her. Sunset realized it was her old demonic form.Sunset winced at the site of her former self, but couldn't help but wonder who the three figures where. Before she could have her question answered one of the figures did a attack which hit her former self and lit up the entire landscape. Sunset rested at the foot of her bed thinking at the dream over and over. "I better go back to sleep maybe that will help." sunset decided as her rested on her pillow but started to have a wierd feeling as if something is going to happen. ' I hope it was just a dream' sunset thought before ffalling asleep. (Chris POV) ---------------------------------------------------------- Darkness.....that's all I can see in this strange room. I walk endlessly around trying to find a sense of direction but no luck. "What the hell is this place. It's so Damn dark I can't see a thing." I said Suddenly I see a strange woman-like figure surrounded by a sightly dim red aura about a good ten feet away. She then began walking slowly towards me. "Wait who are you stop! Don't get near me. Tell me where I am." I said started to freak out a little. She continued her approach. "Please stay back. I'm warning you-" Just then I couldn't move. I struggled hard to get free but with no success. She finally stopped. She stood in front of me looking at me with a facial expression that was hard to read. Was she angry, sad, happy?... I couldn't tell. "Hmph My my so after the trouble I went through to see you Chris . You stand here afraid. So much for first impressions" she said in a disappointed tone. "Who are you and how do you know me" I said demanding a answer. "To answer both I don't know" she said "Wait what do you mean you don't kn-"I said before being interrupted. "Sorry but look like we're out of time. See you later."she said disappearing to the Darkness. ----------------------------------------------------------- b]Beep beep beep beep! "Ugghhhhh" Chris growled as he woke up. Chris proceeds to get out of bed. He is 5'9 and has light brown skin with short black hair. His eyes are dark Brown and his body is toned with fair amount of muscles on his arms and legs. "I see you're finally up you dummy. Ame and Grandpa are waiting down stairs." a female voice said standing in the doorway. She had smooth light peach skin. Her hair was red and had a curled ponytail. Her eyes are magenta. Her body was curvy and had attractive features. She's wearing a pink shirt with blue shorts."Huh oh Sorry Shantae I overslept. Didn't mean to keep you guys waiting I'll be down there in a few" Chris said with exhaustion. "Is everything alright Chris seems like something's bothering you." Shantae said with concern."I'm fine I just had a weird dream that's all" Chris said."Dream? What kind of dream" she asked curiously. "Don't worry about it sis I'll be fine. I'll meet you downstairs in a few" he said just wanting to end the conversation. "Oh okay see you" she said before heading down the steps. ***15 minutes later*** Chris walks downstairs wearing a black shirt with two vertical parallel white lines with dark blue pants. He had white shoes and a black jacket with headphones to complete the outfit."Good morning family how's everyone doing this fine day." he said in a overjoyed tone."Well someone's excited for their first day at their new school. Wish I could say the same for your sisters." grandpa said wearing only a red robe. He has wild white hair and dark brown eyes. "Ame ,Shantae put a smile on those faces" he said happily. Ame had blonde hair with bangs and a straight pony tail. Her eyes are also magenta like her sisters'.Her body was also curvy and had many attractive features like her sister. She wore a white T-shirt with a purple jacket tied to her waist and black pants."Gramps you know good and well I hate talking to new people"Ame said giving Her grandpa a menacing look."Oh come on Ame stop being so antisocial and loosen up. Don't worry as soon as we get there I'll tell everyone about you and who knows a guy might ask you out"Chris said with excitement. "Do that and I'll kill you in your sleep" Ame said in a almost demonic voice. "....uh...uhh.."Chris said trying to comprehend what just happen. "Enough playing around it's time for you all to go to your new school now go before your late "Grandpa said he said while pushing all three of them out then slams the door."Well school isn't gonna learn itself come on" Chris said.As they are leaving their grandpa watches from the window. "Finally they're gone. Well time to get to work" he said while pulling out a magazine."I think I'll start on the canterlot untamed section this time hehe." he said running to the back and shutting the door. ***10 minutes later at the school*** "Woah" Chris said with awe. "This school looks-"Shantae started to say. "Lame"Ame finished. "Come on sis don't be a stick in the mud this school looks pretty awesome" Chris said looking at the combination of bricks and glass beautifully constructed into a campus."Chris is right. Just look at that group of hotties over there" Shantae said staring at a crowd of cheerleaders and football players. "I think I'm in heaven" Shantae said with hearts in her eyes and slightly float but was pulled down by Ame. "Anyway come on let's go see our schedules I'm eager to see what classes we have."Chris said going in the office with the two behind him. The trio enter the school office feeling the vibrant atmosphere and school spirit. They see a girl with red and yellow hair and green eyes. She wore a black leather jacket with a pink shirt underneath which had a symbol of the sun on it. She also had a Orange shirt with purple and yellow stripes. Chris had one word to describe her. Beautiful. "Hi my name is Sunset Shimmer you must be the new students I'll be showing around school. May I ask for ur names." Sunset asked in a polite tone. "Shantae" "Ame"the two sisters said. "..." Chris wasn't able to say anything. He never met a girl so beautiful in his life. He was speechless. "Um are you okay you seem a bit out of it." Sunset said with concern. ' does he know about the fall formal!Oh no!' Sunset thought with fear. "Oh uh sorry I was deep in thought. My name is Chris."he said with a blush. "Nice names. Now if you please follow me I will show you all what CHS is all about." Sunset said. The trio along with Sunset walk through the halls observing the art, trophies, and club posters. They are shown the different classrooms and areas. However Chris was occupied at a certain girl. He couldn't help but listen to her angel like voice and the look at the way she moves as if he was in a trance. Ame notice this and pinched Chris on the side to snap him out of it."Ouch what was that for" Chris whispered to Ame."Maybe if you keep your eyes off her and pay attention to where you're going then I wouldn't pinch you." Ame whispered back.Chris groan at this. "This ends the tour. Here your schedules and I hope you three enjoy your time here at CHS.Any questions?"Sunset asked."No we're good thank you for the tour. " Ame said . "Yea thanks" Chris said blushing."Alright see you guys soon" Sunset said before walking away. "Come on let's go to our classes before we're late" shantae said. They all agreed and left to their destinations. Unbeknownst to them a mysterious figure is watching them around the corner. "Hm it seems I've finally found them. Not only that they go here with the main six. Hehe two birds in one stone. Soon those pathetic humans will bow down to me.haha haha" the figure said before vanishing leaving pixels behind.