> Forbidden Treasure > by Xx_LunaDash_xX > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prove It > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Two dozen of vanilla cupcakes, Cup Cake. And make it quick, I have to catch a train back to Canterlot! And bring your husband to me, I want to speak to the stallion of the house." Fancy Pants said in a rude tone to the blue earth pony mare. She nodded her head and made her way to the back of Sugarcube Corner. "Fancy Pants! Always great to see you." Carrot Cake said entering from the kitchen of the bakery, "How are you?" "I'm great, my second wife, Countess, had her foal, my first and third wives, are pregnant and I just got married to my fourth wife, Fluttershy. In fact, that's why I'm here." Carrot Cake looked over Fancy's shoulder to see his four wives and 3 foals. "Well congrats! I wish you the best of luck with your family." Fancy Pants let out a laugh, "Oh, please I don't need luck. I should be wishing you luck, with that wife of yours. You shouldn't be letting her control you, she's just a mare she can't control you. Mares can't survive on their own, the only mares that deserve respect are the princesses. That mare of yours obviously has fertility issues, it took over seven years for her to get pregnant, we both know she's never going to bear foals again. I know a nice young mare who needs a husband, she lives with her father on the edge of town, I will give you her address so you can ask for her hoof in marriage." the unicorn stallion said using his magic to grab a pen and piece of paper. "Fancy, there is no need for this." "Nonsense, my dear friend! We both know you need a wife that is not, well defective." The white stallion scribbled down the address then stuffed the paper into the pocket of Carrot Cake's apron. "You need this, Carrot Cake. Do not let that mare tell you that you do not." Carrot Cake nodded, "I know you're right, I'll do it." Suddenly a bell rung from inside the kitchen. "Your cupcakes are done, it will be twelve bits." As if just on que Cup Cake came out from the kitchen carrying two large boxes of cup cakes, she had a frown on her face and her eyes looked like they could light a forest on fire. She kept her stare on Carrot Cake as she placed the boxes of cupcakes onto the counter. Fancy Pants smiled at Cup Cake as he put twenty-five bits on the counter,"Keep the change. Come on family, we have a train to catch." He said carrying the boxes as he lead his family out of the door. When the door closed the bakery was empty again. "Are you crazy?!? We are not letting another mare into this family! I am the only mate you need!" Cup Cake said full of anger before she slapped Carrot Cake across the muzzle. "Honey, please. Fancy Pants has a point, it took awhile for you to get pregnant and we both know it may not happen again." "You don't know that! Only Celestia herself knows everything! You can't tell me what I am not capable of." She screamed. Suddenly the twins started to cry from the room above. "Look what you did! You woke them up!" She growled before she rushed upstairs to the Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake. Carrot Cake frowned as he went after her. "Honey you have to understand, I've always wanted a big family to carry on the family business." he pleaded as he went into the twin's room. "But, that doesn't mean you have to replace me." She said as she rocked Pumpkin Cake, trying to get her to calm down. "I'm not replacing you, I'm just adding on to the family! You are always going to me my first and favorite wife, who had my first two beautiful foals, and I will never forget you." He said. Cup Cake placed Pumpkin back into her crib then turned to her husband. She walked up to hip slowly, "Prove it..." she whispered in his ear. Carrot Cake could smell the musk coming from his mate. The sound of the bakery door opening ruined the moment, "I have a customer to greet." Cup Cake said coldly as she walked out of the room. Carrot watched her leave, he was hypnotized by the swaying of her hips and her round plump butt. "Welcome to Sugarcube Corner, miss, how may I help you?" Cup Cake greeted an older pink mare with a dark purple mane. "Hello there, my husband wants three fresh pumpkin pies." The mare said with a smile. "Alright I'll get those ready right away~" Cup Cake moaned. She glanced behind her to see Carrot Cake hiding behind the counter licking her marehood. "Are you alright ma'am?" The pink unicorn said her blue eyes full of concern. Cup Cake nodded with a nervous smile trying to ignore the treatment she was being given. "Well okay, I'll leave you to it." The mare said then left to sit down. When the mare wasn't looking Cup Cake rushed to the kitchen with Carrot Cake following close behind. "What are you doing? I'm trying to get this order in." The chubby blue mare said getting the pie crust started. "I'm trying to prove myself like you asked. I can smell you, you know." Carrot Cake said helping her. Cup Cake let out a snort, but said nothing. Moments of silence went by as the couple prepared the pies, the mare smiled to herself as she placed the pies in the oven. Suddenly she felt Carrot nibbling on her ear and rubbing on her flanks. "Not now." She mumbled pushing him off. She walk out to the counter, "Ma'am your pies should be ready in thirty minutes!" She called then returned to the kitchen. As soon as she entered Carrot Cake pulled her into a passionate kiss. Carrot wrapped his hooves around her and rubbed her fat flanks making circular motions around her cutie marks. Cup Cake pulled away from her husband, "Let's get this over with, okay? Prove yourself to me." She said pulling Carrot back into the kiss she stuck her tongue through Carrot's lips and wrapped it around his. She rubbed at Carrot Cake's sheath inviting his little friend to come out and play. Carrot Cake let out a moan as his member slowly came out of its hiding place, as it did Carrot made a swift move, he threw Cup Cake on the counter where she was bent over revealing herself to her husband. "Look how wet you are!" He said very enthusiastically as he made his way to his wife. He bent down, and took a whiff of Cup Cake's marehood, making his cock become fully erect. He smiled to himself as he mounted his wife, "Are you ready?" he asked with a smirk as he rubbed his tip at the entrance of his wife. "Well of course, deary. I'll always be ready for you." She cooed as her pussy lips winked at Carrot Cake as if to say 'Come on in!'. After prodding and poking at Cup Cake's entrance for awhile CarrotCake finally slid in using Cup Cake's juices as lubricant. The yellow stallion felt his wife's body shiver as he started to thrust in and out of of her. Carrot Cake let out a soft moan as Cup Cake's folds squeezed his member as he slowly moved in and out of her. As he bumped the stallion reached over his wife's flanks to massage her round teats. She let out a moan as she wiggled her plump butt from side to side, "Faster, Carrot." She panted. "Of course my dear." He said as he pressed his hooves against her teats to get a better grip on her then his speed escalated the kitchen was filled with the scent of pure lust and the sound of Carrot's balls slapping against Cup Cake's flanks. Carrot felt the sperm churn within him with every thrust, every time his orbs smacked against the pillow that was his Cup Cake's flanks he felt them leap with anticipation. "Oooh! Yes! Right there, right there! Ahh!~" Cup Cake screamed out of no where. With a grin on his muzzle Carrot Cake as fast as he could. "Ah, yes! Yes! Yesss!" She shrieked moments before nectar poured from her flower, but Carrot didn't stop there he just kept going. In and out, in and out he went sometimes speeding up. Sometimes slowing down. Cup Cake's moans got louder and louder. She screamed with a lustful tone in her voice, and moaned with pure passion. Carrot kept going until he felt his ball lurch. "I'm gonna cum!" He announced loud and proud right before his warm white cream poured from him into the canal that was his wife's vagina. Carrot Cake then collapsed on top of his wife. The two earth ponies sat their for a moment. "That was great." Cup Cake muttered from under her husband, "But it's still not enough to persuade me to let another mare into this home. "Trust me there is much more where that came from." Carrot panted back as he slowly slid out of his wife, a couple of drops of his semen fell onto the tile floor. He looked at Cup Cake's marehood, it was cover in her juices as well as his own. It turned him on even more to know that she wanted even more of him, she wanted to be pleased over and over again by his cock and nopony else's. Unexpectedly the oven timer went off, "Oh, my, goodness the customer!" Cup Cake said in a worried tone as she rushed to take the pies out, "That poor mare listened to us as we made love in the kitchen! This is do embarrassing and at the least inappropriate! We should have kept it professional and waited until later!" She only stopped rambling so she could take the pies out so they could cool off. Once they were out and the oven was closed she started again, "We should apologize, or at least give her a discount on the pies. I feel just awful for doing this to that mare." "Oh, be quiet. We aren't even entirely sure she heard anything. Maybe she wondered around town for 30 minutes and came back." He said trying to calm her down. But then Cup Cake started to ramble on about how it was unprofessional. Overwhelmed, Carrot Cake pulled her into yet another deep kiss. He forced his tongue in her mouth and wrapped in around her's. Both ponied then stood on their hindlegs and wrapped their forlegs around each other holding each other close as their tongues danced. Cup Cake abruptly ended the kiss, "We better bring her her pies, so we can get on with what we were doing." the blue mare said before she forced herself out of Carrrot Cake's grasp. Cup Cake put the pies into boxes then onto a cart. She pushed the cart outside of the kitchen where the pink unicorn mare was sitting. "I am so sorry if you heard what me and my husband were doing in there." The mare laughed, "Oh, it is alright, sometimes me and my husband do the same thing while our little ones eat in the next room." The mare then let out a louder laugh than before, this time her laughter was joined with Cup Cakes. "Well I'm glad you understand." Cup Cake smiled. "You have to come by more often you seem like such a delight!" Just then a cry could be heard from the twins room. "Well that's my cue! You can pay at the front, deary." She said cheerfully before she trotted up the stairs With a smile she made her way to Carrot Cake, "You have quite the package on you my friend." The mare said opening her coin purse. Carrot felt his cheeks grow warm. 'She saw us?' he felt a lump form in his throat. He forced smile and awkward chuckled before he forced the clump back down in throat. The mare let out another laugh, "Do not worry. I won't tell anypony what I saw or heard. I'll just think about it every once in a while. So how much will it be?" "27 bits, nine for each pie." He said awkwardly opening the cash register. With a smile the mate levitated her bits from her coin purse to the register. "Well I must be on my way." She said grabbing the pies. "Thank you for everything!" The mare then disappeared from the doorway and into the city. As the pink mare left Carrot Cake couldn't help but watch her rump, it wasn't as big as Cup Cake's but it was still good enough for him. Soon enough the door swung closed forever blocking that view. He let out a sigh before he headed up the stairs to check on Cup Cake. "Sugar Pie are you in here?" He called as he reached the twins room. He opened the door to find Cup Cake kneeling next to Pumpkin Pie's crib. "Honey bun what's wrong?" Cup Cake turned to him with tears in her eyes, "I guess it just hit me that, well, you won't ,really need me anymore." She wiped a tear from her eyes. "Oh, that's not true Sweet Potato Pie, I will always need you. There is still a chance you might get pregnant, nopony said it was impossible, just… unlikely." The two ponies sat there in silence for a little bit longer, "And I still have to prove myself to you, won't that be fun? We can close the shop early send the twins off to Pinkie Pie for the night and spend all night together… alone." He whispered the last part before nibbling on the blue mare's ear. At first the mare said nothing she sat there. "Just go." She muttered unexpectedly. Carrot Cake gave his wife a surprised look, "What?" "You heard me, go. Go get that made Fancypants told you about. I don't like it at all but I'll know it will make you happy! All I want it for you to be happy." Tears fell from her eyes and ran down her round face as she spoke. "Thank you." Carrot Cake said as he pulled cupcake into a quick passionate kiss. "I'll be back soon." He said getting up from the floor. He trotted down the steps then went to look at the piece of paper Fancypants left for him he then read it out loud "344 Birch Street, Rarity. 344 Birch Street, Rarity." He repeated as he trotted out of the bakery.