> Hold Me > by Anathema > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Hold Me > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have the worst headache in your entire life. You haven’t even opened your eyes, and yet, you can tell this is going to be a terrible day. A splitting headache in the first minute of the day is a new personal record that you don’t intend on breaking any time ever. Still keeping your eyes closed, you clutch your head in your hands and rub your temples. It barely soothes the pain. What did you do last night? You can’t remember anything that gives you any shred of a hint. After a while, you open your eyes and look around. Where are you? This isn’t your room. This isn’t even your house. You look down. These aren’t your clothes, either. Or, rather, these aren’t your sweat pants. You’re not wearing a shirt. You sit up and try to remember where you are. Maybe a friend’s house? Trying to remember is making your headache worse. You rub your temples and look to the side. On the bedside table is a glass of water. The sight of it makes you realize your throat is painfully dry. You grab it, but drop it. The water spills onto your chest and bed sheets. The glass drops harmlessly onto the bed. Whatever you did last night, you definitely regret it. The door suddenly opens. You look up. At the door frame is a… Thing. A thing you can best describe as some sort of cross between a cat and a small horse. Whatever it is, it has a minty-colored coat, mane, and tail. It prominently has a horn in the middle of its head. It also has a picture of a lyre on its flank. “Oh! You’re finally up!” It says in a feminine voice. That is enough to tell you it’s a female. “I’ve been waiting for you to wake up for so long!” She says, rearing up and tapping her front feet together. They make a sort of clopping sound, like hooves on a hard ground. You can only ask how she can talk. She rolls her eyes in response. “You wake up after a week, and that’s the first thing you say?” She says with a giggle. You almost vomit. You’ve been knocked out for a week? The news almost gives you a heart attack. You even clutch at your chest. The thing in front of you jumps on the bed next to you. “Hey, don’t let it get you down.” She says, giving you a smile. It calms you down, and you pull your hand from your chest. “Feeling better already, I see.” There is a brief silence. You break it by asking her why she didn’t call a hospital when she saw you. Her smile falls away. “I did. I tried to, I mean. They didn’t want a human in there.” She replied. She turned to look out a nearby window that you didn’t notice until now. Being knocked out for a whole week almost killed your senses. She looks back at you with a chipper expression. “But that’s okay! I know enough about humans to take care of you.” She jumps off the bed, accidentally knocking the empty glass to the floor. She looks at it. Her horn lights up into a color strongly resembling maple syrup. You stare at it. The empty glass, also covered with the strange aura, floats up into the air. The glass floats calmly to the table. The aura around the glass and her horn dissipates. She looks at you like nothing ever happened. She opens her mouth to say something, but stops. She sucks in a breath. “I should have told you about that, first. I’m guessing you’ve never seen magic before?” You shake your head and then grip it in agony as it feels like your brain is sloshing around in a jar of acid lined with razor blades. You woke up in a world with magic and talking cat-horse things. Whatever knocked you out, it definitely hit you in the head. She smiles. “Some ponies can use magic. Others can fly, or are really strong. Me? I’m a unicorn.” Ponies? Unicorns? A bad television show from the early 1990s comes to your memory. Your headache gets worse. To focus on something else, you ask for her name. She tells you it’s Lyra Heartstrings. “Hey, listen. I have a roommate, Bon Bon.” Lyra says before you can ask another question. “She would probably be angry if she found out I had you up here and call somepony. You’d get dragged off somewhere.” Her face turns sullen. You think you see tears in her eyes. “I don’t know what they do in those places, but I don’t want you to find out. I need you to stay up here and in this room.” She says. Tears start to flow down her face. She either doesn’t notice them or just ignores them. “If anypony that isn’t me ever comes in here, go in the closet.” She points to a pair of shuttered doors. She breathes in deeply a few times, probably to calm herself down. “I know humans need exercise. I don’t want to lock you in here forever. I just…” She suddenly starts sobbing. Without any thought, you jump off the bed and pick up the little pony. You two hug each other. “I’m sorry.” She says into your ears. You sit on the bed and set her down. “I just… I care about you a lot.” She rests a hoof on your leg. You give her a smile and open your mouth to say something. A knock on the door interrupts you. Lyra’s face suddenly puts on a panicked expression. She softly pushes your back. You stand up and quietly enter the closet and close its shuttered doors. You hear the room’s door open. You look through the shutters, but you can’t see much through them. You can barely see a thin line of white. It’s likely Bon Bon. You pull your head away from the door. “Lyra, we need to talk.” A voice, most likely Bon Bon’s, says softly. With just five words, you can tell she truly cares for Lyra. “I’m worried about you. Why do you keep coming up here?” “I already told you, Bon Bon. I’m working on a project for work.” Lyra replies casually. It’s like she practiced this before. You hear a sigh. “I want to believe you, Lyra, but I just can’t. I love you, but this is starting to get out of hoof.” Bon Bon replies There’s a brief silence. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Lyra asks in an almost accusatory tone. “Can I not have some private time?” “That’s not what I’m saying, Lyra, and you know it.” Bon Bon says, still holding onto her calm tone with an iron grip. “I just think you’re getting a little too much.” Lyra lets out an annoyed sigh. “If you really want to talk about this, let’s do it downstairs.” You hear hoofsteps clopping against the floor. Silence briefly fills the room. Your heart pounds in your chest. Your veins feel like ice. You look through the shutters again. You think you hear footsteps coming back to the door. Not wanting to risk being seen by Bon Bon, you keep the closet door closed. A soft knocking on the closet doors makes you jump slightly. It takes you a second or two to realize you’ve been asleep. How long has it been? Another thought digs into you. Who’s behind the door? If it’s anypony other than Lyra, it can’t possibly end well for you. The door covers itself in an aura that brightens the room into the same maple color as Lyra’s aura. The color soothes you. It has to be Lyra. You open the doors, and a greenish blur lunges for you and pulls you into a tight hug. “Celestia, I was so worried…” She sobs. It takes you a second to realize that it actually is Lyra. You return her hug. “I didn’t see you in bed. I… I thought Bon Bon found you…” She tightens her grip on you. You can feel your shoulder dampening from just her tears. You run your fingers through her mane and softly tell her you didn’t think it would be safe to come out of the closet. Without any more words being said, you both hold the embrace for at least half an hour. Lyra eventually breaks the hug. She stares into your eyes. Tears are still flowing down her face, though she stopped sobbing. Nether of you say a word to each other. Whether it’s because you can’t think of anything else to say or because you both said enough, you can’t tell. You wait for her to break the silence, but it never happens. She only seems to sway back and forth for a while, as if she’s thinking about something. You can’t think of anything to say to break the silence. After several minutes of doing nothing, Lyra leans forward. Expecting another hug, you open your arms. She doesn’t seem to accept it. She instead places her lips on yours. The kiss is quick and doesn’t last more than a few seconds. In that short time, however, she tells you more enough to make any silence worth it. She tells you everything she possibly could without any words. She pulls her head back. A deep blush is on her face. You’re sure you have one, too. She gives you a quick nod and walks away from you. You see that her legs are trembling. The kiss was just as effective to her as it was to you. She walks to the door with an increased swing to her tail. Before opening the door and walking out, she gives you a quick glance. Just after she walks out of your room, you realize you’ve been sitting inside the closet this whole time. You stand up and stretch. You walk to your bed and fall onto it. Although the bed is far more comfortable than the closet, you doubt you’re going to get any sleep tonight. The memory of the kiss is going to stay with you for hours. For a second, you fear the kiss is going to ruin your friendship. Just because she’s the one that kissed you doesn’t mean she’s going to regret it later. You pace back and forth at the side of your bed. It’s been almost ten hours since Lyra kissed you, and you’ve done everything you could to think of something else. You’ve tried thinking about what’s outside of the room. You’ve tried imagining what Bon Bon looks like. You’ve even masturbated. The thought of the kiss has been plaguing your mind. The thought of a kiss itself isn’t bad, but if it’s all you could think about for nearly half a day… The door opening breaks you from your thoughts. You turn to it and see Lyra at the door. She has a few books, board games, card sets, and a plate of food and water, all surrounded by her aura and floating just above her head. The sight of her kindness gives you a smile and calms you down. You look down at her face, and your smile drops. Her head is almost completely wrapped by a bandage. The only things that aren’t covered are her mouth, her horn, and a single eye. “Don’t worry. It’s faked.” She says before you can ask about it. She sets her things on the bed and takes the bandages off with her magic. Her mane is ruffled, but still retains its sense of beauty. “I had to do it. Bon Bon is getting suspicious. I needed an excuse to stay here all day while she goes out.” You ask her if Bon Bon is usually like that. “Protective? Yeah. Intrusive? Never.” The last part comes out bitterly. “She’s a good mare, but…” She sighs and rests her head on your leg. You rub her mane. “I think she has a point, actually. I’ve been spending more and more time with you, but less and less time with her.” She sighs. You hand lightly taps her horn. She suddenly jerks her head up and away, staring at you and blushing deeply “W-Whoa, whoa…” She says, holding her hooves up at you. “W-We’re n-not that close yet…” You ask her to explain. She only jumps off the bed. “L-Later. I’ve got to… Uh… Talk with Bon Bon.” She leaves the room. The way she acted… That was almost the equivalent of… You put you head in your hands. Her horn must be an erogenous zone. Touching it like that must have been like fingering her. Wait, what is she really going to do with Bon Bon? You doubt she’s going to just talk with her. After accidentally touching Lyra’s horn, you’ve started to think about her as more than just a friend. She’s definitely cute, if not beautiful. You’re sure you’ve been thinking that since you came to Equestria, but it just took you a week to realize it. Now that you have, you’ve decided to tell her that the next time she comes in. Letting the thought and plan rot you from the inside is only going to make you feel worse. Once you tell her, the worst that could happen is that she denies you. The best that can happen? You just hope it happens. You hear a knock on the door. Sensing it’s Lyra, you stay on the bed. The door covers itself in that syrup-like aura, confirming your suspicious. Lyra steps in the room. Her bandages are already off. “Bon Bon’s going to be out of our manes for the week. She says. She jumps onto your bed. Now is the best chance to admit your crush to her. You take a deep breath and tell her. You tell her what you’ve been thinking since you touched her horn. You tell her that you think she’s a beautiful mare. She looks down at the floor. She sighs. “Well…” She says. You feel her hoof on your leg. She looks at you with a smile on her face. “I was actually going to tell you the same thing.” She admits. Your heart skips a beat. “We can’t just play board games all week.” She adds in. You quickly pull her into a kiss. Her tongue taps against your teeth, and you let it inside. Her tongue is a lot different than yours. Hers is wide, flat, and smoother. It feels better than any other tongue that’s been in your mouth. Your tongues dance with each other for nearly a minute. She pulls her tongue out. Lyra moves down. Her body rubs against yours. The feeling of her fur moving against your skin feels amazing. Her head hovers above your crotch, as if she’s starting to have second thoughts about doing this. Then she unties the knot on your sweats with her teeth. Her horn lights up in her aura, and so do your sweats. You push your hips up off the mattress and the sweats slowly come off. Your stiff cock is only held back by a pair of boxers. It’s clearly visible. Lyra is staring at your cock. You ask if she’s okay. She nods. “I just never thought I’d be able to have sex with a human.” She moves her head closer. Her horn and your boxers light up. She pulls your boxers down. Your cock bounces up and lightly taps against her face. She gives you a seductive stare. Her horn lights up. Your cock does, too. The feeling of her aura is strange, but it definitely feels great. The best you could describe it as is masturbating with a jar of jelly. Your cock is flopping up and down, almost like a fish on a dock desperate to get back into water. You could make a joke about that, but the feeling of ecstasy is too distracting. The aura around your cock dissipates. “How did that feel?” Lyra asks. You try to describe it. Lyra shrugs. “I know something that’ll be better.” She leans forwards and wraps her lips around your tip. Her tongue lightly taps against it. After a second, it rubs against your tip. She pushes her head down further. Her tongue is still working your tip. She pulls her head away. Lyra moves down and sticks her tongue out, licking your balls. Her tongue carefully dances across them, knowing just how sensitive they are. Lyra twists her head around and moves her tongue to the side of your cock. She slowly, but smoothly, drags her tongue up your cock. You let out a soft moan of ecstasy. She sticks your cock back inside and effortlessly deep-throats it. You’re about to tell her that you’re going to cum if she keeps doing that, but she pulls away before you can. A thin line of saliva is all that connects you to her. She stares into your eyes with a lustful expression. You sit up and pull her into a hug. You fall back down, still holding her. Your cock rubs against her soft, smooth coat. You’re tempted to stick it inside her right now. She gave you a blowjob, and you have to return the favor. You flip her over, causing her to giggle cutely. You stick a finger deep inside her pussy. You can tell with just a finger that she’s tight. A lot tighter than you would have expected. You’d think a pony as beautiful as her would get a lot more stallions. Not to mention her amazing blowjob. It’s a surprise, but a pleasant one. Lyra’s giggle ends and shifts into a moan. “Celestia, your fingers…” She says into your ears. You kiss her neck and tell her that’s just one finger. You have nine more. You stick another finger inside. With both fingers, you rub all around inside her pussy. Her walls are craving you. You stick a third finger inside. The other two hold the walls away as your third thrusts in and out. You feel a wave of liquid hit your hand. You take your fingers out of her pussy. Your hand is completely soaked in her juices. She’s breathing heavily. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out you made her orgasm with just a few fingers. You flip her back over. This is enough to wake her from her trance. Lyra stands up over you and aims her pussy at your rock hard cock. She lowers her ass and moans when you slip inside. Her walls are gripping your cock like it’s the only thing keeping her alive. Once she gets down all the way, she quickly pulls her ass back up. Her body lowers again, this time faster. After repeating this sequence a few times you grab her ass and fall backwards, placing her on top of you. She bounces up and down on your cock. You’re on the edge and you tell her you’re going to cum soon. All this does is speed her up. You can feel your balls shifting as they let loose all the cum they had in them. If you didn’t already masturbate the other day, you’re sure the feeling of pure ecstasy would knock you out. Wave after wave of cum shoots out of your cock and into Lyra’s tight pussy. You stop cumming. Once you do, Lyra seems to sense it. She stops bouncing on your cock and collapses onto your chest. Both of you are breathing heavily, her more than you. She did most of the work, so it makes sense to you. You reach up and run a hand through her mane. You carefully avoid her horn. You just had passionate, tiring sex with her. Touching her horn and possibly starting another round would almost be cruel. Lyra rolls over to the side and off of you. Your cock pops out of her pussy, making a satisfying schlick sound. You look over her sweaty body, your cum dripping out of her pussy. She looks up at you, still breathing heavily. “I think… I think I’m in love with you.” She says in between breaths. You give her a smile and a kiss on the lips, not caring that your dick was inside her mouth not too long ago. You know you’re in love with her, too.