> The Pony You Love To Hate > by Kimmo Rabies Pronger > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Pony You Love To Hate (Only Chapter) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Best friends often make the best rivals. They were cheered on as Applejack and Rainbow Dash ran off for an encore run to fall the remaining leaves on the trees. They ran together in silence but with smiles on their faces. They knew what the other one was thinking. Trying to outdo the other while having fun. This sense of excitement for both of them was thrilling and intoxicating. They fell the leaves as they went, blazing a trail of their dash. Before they knew it, it was over. Later, Applejack sat atop the peak of the small cliff where she was misled to originally by Rainbow Dash. How ironic that this would be the place where that cowgirl pony would reside after a hard day's work of running, evading tricks, and tussling to the finish line. She was observing the sunset that was looming on the horizon, waiting for her once everything was settled down below. "Hey, A.J. I'm here." Rainbow Dash called out as she flew over to sit with Applejack on the cliff. "Bout time. What took you so long? Thought you were going to take only a few?" Applejack asked. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Ugh. Yeah! But Pinkie Pie usually takes FOREVER to shake off my tail!" Applejack chuckled. "Yup. Sometimes, there's no getting away from that crazy pony's antics. You ever wonder how many pounds of sugar she eats every day?" Rainbow Dash shrugged at her. "I don't know. Anyway, sooooo...what did you want to talk about?" "Thanks." Applejack said succinctly. "Huh?" "Just wanted to thank ya for everything today, Rainbow. And yesterday, too." Applejack said softly to her. Rainbow Dash scratched her mane, confused at her. "What? Why...?" "Sitting here on this cliff, I got to think about what happened between both of us. And now that I have, I realised that I never had more fun than I did my entire life. It's all thanks to you, Sugarcube," Applejack pointed at Rainbow Dash. She chuckled sheepishly at Applejack. "Well...I am trying to prove to you that I am the most athletic out of all ponies in Equestria, after all!" A brief pause. "But yeah, I guess you're welcome?" Applejack tipped her hat and sighed. She shook her head. "Mind if I ask you a question, Rainbow?" "Shoot." "Yesterday, if you hadn't...you know...who would really be the Iron Pony?" Rainbow Dash had a blank expression on, not sure of how to answer. She scratched the back of her mane again before answer. "W-Well, uh..." She sighed and gave a hollow laugh. "...I think maybe you..." "Say what, now?" Applejack blinked twice rapidly. "You heard me..." Rainbow said, with her volume low. "...That strength of yours is just too much. You're so tough with that strength and lasso of yours. I was afraid of looking weak in front of you and that's why I...did what I had to do to get the wins needed to beat you. ...Heck, I may look confident but as much as I really hate to say this, I'm actually scared of you." Applejack's eyes grew wider from hearing Rainbow Dash admit her fear. "What am I, Rainbow? A witch from the Everfree Forest?" "I'm serious, A.J!" Rainbow yelled before averting her eyes toward the setting sun again. "All I have is my speed, wings, and natural athleticism. You got the muscle, that annoying lasso, and you also probably have more natural stamina than me since you work hard every day. Like I said, I hate losing and backing down from a challenge, but I didn't wanna make myself look bad in front of you. I just couldn't. You're like the first pony in a long while to have the guts to challenge me and actually have assets to back it up." Applejack continued the stare at Rainbow Dash who continued to leer at the horizon while crossing her arms on her chest. "...Hey, Rainbow." "What?" "...We are very different, you and I. Sometimes, I wish I could know what it's like to fly once in a while, and at your speed." Rainbow Dash looked over at Applejack. "Are you just saying that to make me feel better?" "Ain't no way this is sugarcoating, Rainbow." Applejack sternly said. "I have things I envy about you, too. To fly high in the sky, it's gotta make you feel free, doesn't it? I'm just bound here to the ground all the time as an Earth Pony. You Pegasi have your wings and those Unicorns have their magic." She gave a light chuckle. "I don't have any of those things as an Earth Pony. All I have is this here strength and lasso. Other than that, I honestly don't see what's so intimidating or special about me, Rainbow." Applejack's lips curved into a smile after she was finished talking. Rainbow Dash scoffed. "What are you talking about, Applejack? Of course you're special! It's why you're the best rival I ever had!" "Rival?" She nodded. "Yep! You are the pony I love to hate whenever we compete! Most ponies would have given up after a while but not you! You just don't quit until you win! You're so stubborn it's annoying and it makes me wanna shut you up from saying whatever nonsense comes out of your mouth whenever you do your yee-hawing!" Applejack scowled at her. "Feelings mutual. You brag about being the best all the darn time that I just wanna lasso that mouth of yers shut and put you in your place for a serving of humble pie!" After a few seconds later...they burst into laughter. "What do you say, Rainbow? Rivals forever?" Applejack asked. "I am so in! You better not disappoint me!" One more time, they spat on their right hooves and shook it with each other's for their rivalry pledge.