> Reunited In A Zoo > by Grasshopper Keller > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Reunited In A Zoo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had now been just three months since you had gotten your pet from the pet store. A beautiful looking collie dog was named Ion by you alone when you had first laid eyes on it. The only part that you had to sacrifice was your lazy time during your off days from work. But then again, you just loved your pet dog. When you were beginning high school, you once had a very old chihuahua named Sprinter that lived for an amazing ten years before it was put down by an old vet at the clinic. You may have missed the old dog, but your new one was able to fill in the hole that you felt in your heart. Sure there have been some great friends at high school, but now that you are out of that school, you felt no need to dwell in the past. Your job as a zoo guide was an ideal one, even if it was tiring at best. Seeing the mammals along with the birds, fish, snakes and bugs had always been the highlight of your early mornings. You always woke up early to see if you could enter the grounds so that the animals could be seen waking up. It was a success for most of the time, as you only saw them all three times when they went through their morning rituals. And being a tour guide also meant having to put up with incorrigible teens who wanted to cause trouble, but it also entailed a few kids being rowdy or whiny. You considered yourself unlucky if the kids were both at the same time during your days at work. One day, as you woke up and got showered to start the morning of your second off day, on a Saturday no less, you had noticed Ion on his bed. And he was not moving. You assumed that he was just being lazy. You had just finished your protein rich, vegetarian breakfast before putting away the dishes and wiping your face from the resulting residue from your food. "Ion! Come on, boy! Time for the morning walk," you call out to your dog before you grabbed the nylon green leash near him. There was only a small whine in reply to your announcement. "Oh, come on, Ion-buddy! We can walk to the.... park....?", your voice trails off as you see him huffing and puffing with some wheezed out whines. You lay your hand on your pet's head and feel a rising heat from him. "Oh, no. Oh, no! Ion, you're burning up! We need to get you to the pet clinic at once!" And with no time to waste, you lift your dog into the kennel at the back of your car before taking your dog to the clinic. Unfortunately, the traffic is enough to waste seven minutes of your life, seeing that the roads must have been routed off by some construction site. When you see the cause of the block, it's an old lady trying to cross the street. But as she is just midway on the street, the other drivers, like yourself, begin to rapidly honk their horns in anger. After what felt like an eternity, even if it was actually fifteen minutes of staying on the street in your vehicle, you bolt your way to the clinic that could provide you with the needed medicine for the dog in his kennel. As you park your car in an empty space on the parking lot, to which you resisted the temptation to shout 'EUREKA!' to the world, you got out of the car and lifted the kennel down to the asphalt and concrete that had felt hot to its paws. Some time later, about two minutes after settling in, you greet the person at the desk to calmly explain the symptoms that Ion was feeling today. When the paperwork had been filled up, you waited yet another fifteen minutes before you could get a clinic to tell you how your pet was going to be alright. The noises made by the other sick or recovering pets was music compared to the noises that the other people were making. And as you hear many complaints, cries and shouts of anger, you begin to blast it away with a song from a band named Toto. It was only fitting for you, given that this was a place where animals were being treated. When the song ends, you feel your shoulders being softly touched. You remove your headphones and see--- "Whoa!" you mutter to yourself as you see a cute looking woman with a clinic uniform addressing you. "Um... excuse me, good sir... um.... I-I h-heard that you... uh.... h-had a collie with you, who you diagnosed as having a fever?" the woman then asked you above a whisper, hoping to confirm what you already told the receptionist. You could only nod to her, answering her as your mouth went down for a moment before you realize what your doing and clamp your mouth shut. At that moment.... everything just hit you on the head faster than a sucker punch. "Fl... Flu....Fluttershy?!" you gasp out, just above a whisper. This was indeed the same girl that you had an immense crush on when you were a freshman while she was a sophomore. Shy, timid, but very beautiful. Yes indeed, she was even more beautiful than Rarity, the keytar player in that same band, in your eyes. This day could not get any better. "Uh... y-y-yes.... that's me, but... um... h-how do you know who I am?" Fluttershy asks you after confirming her identity to you. "My name is Guiding Sun. I sat next to you in Equestrian class during our high school years," you say to her with a smile moving on your face. "And you were that tambourine player in the Rainbooms. I was such a huge fan of yours." Fluttershy then gasps when she makes a connection of her own. "Oh, my goodness! Now I remember," she nods with that cute face of hers. "We had that project about how certain plays are memorable for all of us just by certain lines. Like--" "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet," you both repeat at the same time. This earns a small-voiced laugh from her while you chuckled a bit before you heard the whining from Ion. "Oh, my goodness!" Fluttershy gasps at the sight of your dog. "I need to get him into a treatment room right now. What's his name?" she then asks you, curiously. "Ion." "Oh, wow.... That's a rather unique name for a collie," Fluttershy commented. "I know, it's kinda cool, but I better follow you to that room," you say to her with the hope that you didn't waste any more time. The reunion would have to wait until later, when your dog was feeling better. An hour later, you and Fluttershy had taken on a small journey through Ion's recovery. As you had deduced earlier, Ion did indeed have a fever. The veteran veterinarian that besides Fluttershy had given you a three week, once a week regiment of giving one pill to the dog during his dinner time. You could not have felt more relieved than that. But what came afterwards was how Fluttershy was just as happy as you once saw her in high school. Seeing your old high school classmate smile was always what set your mood even higher. "So, uh... Hey, Fluttershy, I, um.... I wanted to ask you something," you begin to say to her as you get Ion into the kennel within your car. "Really? Uh, I mean.... w-what is it?" she responds to you with some small amount of her hair hiding her face. "Damn that cute demeanor of hers! Damn it to Hades!", you say to yourself without opening your mouth as you look away for a moment. "I was actually wondering how long it's been since you've been to the zoo," you ask her in your beginning statement. This gets her attention immediately as her face lightens up a bit. "I happen to work there as a tour guide, and as such, I can get you free tickets for the day. So if you feel up for it, then I can be your guide for the day that you wish to see it all," you finish with a smile of your own. "W-w-wait.... Guiding? Are you.... uh, t-that is.... are you asking me to go to the zoo with you?" she then asks after hesitating for a moment. "W-well, uh.... only if you're up for it. If not, then I completely understand," you shake your hands rapidly, hoping not to embarrass yourself too much in front of her. That look on her face was not angered or ashamed after she heard you speak. It was as if she was flustered. You could only guess that the zoo proposal was a good one. "I... um... I'd love to." That moment. Right there. That was when you could shout your voice to the choir in praise to the Goddesses. "See you at the zoo tomorrow?" you ask her before you could even begin to comprehend what just happened. But as you were about to take the keys from your pocket to unlock the driver door, Fluttershy immediately hugs you tightly. You could only hear a slight scream of joy being muffled into your chest as she also says a bunch of 'yes's' as you hug her back, but with less of a tight grip. It was just more firm than tight, but she reciprocated your feelings when she went back to being just as gentle as before. Just as... you knew her from back then. Fluttershy then removed herself for a moment before the next thing happened to you that set you up aflame with a joy that you have not felt since getting Ion from the pet store a few months ago. She kisses your cheek. Immediately, you feel both of your cheeks burning up. And not from some common sickness. "Um.... H-how about today, since.... w.... we don't have anything else to do before you see to Ion's medication?" she then suggested as she pulls away to look shyly at you. "My next day off is tomorrow, but I can squeeze in some fun today if you'd like," you nod to her. "Let me know when you have Ion on his pills before 1:00, okay?" she then asks you after pulling out a sheet of paper that most likely, in your mind, so happens to have her number. You slowly take the paper from her and, whaddya know, it's got her number! And in the suburban area, no less. "I will," you say to her before gently pulling her into another hug, one that she squeaks about before returning your gesture with a small sigh. Now that sigh was not what you counted on happening. "1:00," you parroted to her in a whisper. ..... An hour later, you take the medicine to give to Ion and fed it to him (with the trick of peanut butter on a bog biscuit to do the it), and you prepare yourself by changing into a semi-casual set of clothes for your date at the zoo. But knowing that Fluttershy would more than likely make herself a little more pretty, you decide to wear the only thing that gives you a bit more of a charm to you: a single coin necklace that had Celtic symbols for both the sun and nature surrounded by the artistic circles that decorate them with a real Old-World charm to it. This had always been your good luck charm from since your middle school years. You needed all the luck you could get. Within ten minutes, after making yourself look good, you take your car on a drive towards the same zoo that you still love working at. But this was not work. This... was a date with a girl that you had a major crush on since high school. And you were not going to screw this up! Not by a long shot. After pulling up to one of the parking spots, you step out of the car and you see your watch indicating that it was 12:50 PM. Ten minutes earlier than you expected, but it was still just enough time to compose yourself while planning out your day with Fluttershy. "All right then.... First off is some lunch with Fluttershy before we see the animals, after we get in," you mumbled to yourself, hoping not to attract some unwanted attention. "Then, we take a look at her choice of animals before we see mine. And then.... if it all goes well, I should be able to ask her if I can treat her to dinner tonight. And when that is done, I will have taken off one item on my bucket list. ....yep." When you give that nod to yourself, a voice starts to speak up from behind. "Dinner?" This word causes you to yelp in fright before turning around to see Fluttershy surprising you. Not only with that query, but with a sundress that almost makes your heart explode. A simple, yet beautiful article of clothing that is colored in yellow while having a butterfly clip on the left side of her pink, almost flowing hair to show her beautiful teal eyes. As you looked down, you see that the chest is only showing a small amount of cleavage, but it makes you sweat a tiny bit before going down with your eyes just a bit. The curves on her chest, waist and hips are beautifully hugged by the same dress, but you immediately list off her measurements as 38-24-37. It may have been a perverted thought, but unlike your friends from the past, you just had that much more control over your desires than they did. Good for you. "Did you just say that you wanted to take me to dinner after we finish touring the zoo?" Fluttershy then asks you, snapping you away from the train of thought that was accompanied by some magic sound before you were interrupted so suddenly. "Oh? Oh! Yeah-yeah-yeah! Right-right-right-right-right! I did say that, didn't I?" you stammered to her before sheepishly chuckling as your arm reaches the back of your head, embarrassed by your choice of words. "You did," she giggles at you with that same smile as before. "Why is she just that damned cute?" you chastise her from your thoughts. "Uh.... *Ahem.* W-we should just, um... get some food before we go see the nature of the zoo on my days off," you then suggest to her after gaining your composure back. "I'd like that very much, Guiding," Fluttershy then speaks softly to you. This was the first time she used your name in the four years that you knew her in high school. And many more since after C.H.S. "After you." "Oh! Um... t-thank you, Guiding." ..... Two hours later, you both went to see the animals after getting your lunch with her when you paid for the tickets to get in. Your guided tour in the zoo was just as much of an adventure as seeing the jungles in some far off land. During the time when you were at the primate section, you see two orangutans start their mating rituals. But as you see them about to get it on, the both of you move away quickly to give them some private time. The both of you left the zoo with major blushes on your face. The thought of seeing the animals about to mate was not what you wanted her to see. But even you knew that that part was not your fault. The both of you ended up at a nice bar and restaurant that had friendly service, and had a staff that understood your desire to eat some great vegetarian choices. Fluttershy, it seemed, was happy that you had been eating that choice of food, and not a steak. You had told her, within a conversation starting from the past, that eating meat was just not a way for you to be happy. And even the girl of your dreams had her own input to tell you about her vegetarian style. And after the dinner was finished off, the both of you decided to have at least one glass of red wine to finish it off. The hours from there had suddenly taken the day away to make way for the moon to rise up to indicate that it was indeed nighttime. You look at your watch and see that it is 7:00 PM. The time certainly flew away from how much fun you had been having with Fluttershy. And it was really sad that you had to end the night. As the two of you had gotten to your car, you then stop yourself as your hindquarters sat on the roof where the engine was covered. "Guiding? What's going on?" Fluttershy then asks you, causing you to look up to her for a moment. Every time that you looked at her, her eyes would make you lose yourself before finding yourself again. This was the time to confess your crush on her, and to do it now. "Uh... Hey, Fluttershy?" "Yes?" "I've not been as truthful with my motives as to the whole wine-and-dine date that we've had," you confess to her. When she hears this form you, her head tilts in confusion. "Huh? What do you mean, Guiding?" "I've had this gigantic crush on you, ever since high school," you begin to answer her. "And it's not just your whole body. But it's also.... well...." "Yes?" she asks with her face glowing a slight pink. "It's also.... well.... I've loved how compassionate you are with animals. Even my dog was happy with your diagnosis. And I could definitely tell from how sleepy he got," you start to explain. This earns a slight giggle before Fluttershy returns her attention to you. "And not only those things.... but.... I couldn't begin to tell you how much I wanted to go out with you during our time in high school. All of the dances, plays, your rehearsals with that band of yours, and even.... you just being you. You are kind, smart, funny, elegant.... and very beautiful. And I was just too scared to tell you how much I wanted to be your boyfriend." A small gasp is then given out, having escaped from the lady in front of you. "R-really?" "Yes. And I just wanted so badly to have you as my girlfriend. Not for popularity, or even as a thing. I wanted it so badly that I even wrote a few poems about you in my spare time, when I wasn't doing my homework that is. And when I got the idea to give you this date.... I must confess that its because of how I still want to-- mmmpph!?" You were quickly interrupted by a pair of soft lips that cut off your confessions to her. Fluttershy... was kissing you. And not on the cheek, either. But your lips. Full... on... the... lips. The only thing that you could do is to return her kiss with a few kisses of your own. And when about five minutes of making out had passed by, your lack of oxygen made you both part away to catch your breath. "Oh, my.... I am so sorry, Guiding. I'm never this aggressive, or assertive, about anyone. I guess.... I-I guess that wine did it for me, huh?" Fluttershy stated to you after her apology. "Uh.... can I walk you to your door at your home? My dog is good enough to my next door neighbor, and I don't have to worry about him causing a raucous anywhere," you then ask her, hoping to do just the walking. "Actually...." Fluttershy begins to say as her eyes are half-lidded, giving you a gaze that you never saw from her. She walks up just a few millimeters from you, her face just as close to yours. She then moves some of her straying hair from her face before she whispers: "I'm thinking that we could reenact that scene from the zoo before we ran away from those orangutans." It was just after hearing that very suggestion that your loins begin to warm up rapidly. And all that you wanted to do was to comply to her desire. Despite the one year age gap that separated you from her, you wanted to give her that kind of night. But you wouldn't just rush it. That was for those kinds of people that just want a one-night stand. "Are you absolutely sure about this?" you ask her just as she holds you closely. "Absolutely. I know you want us to be careful. And I know that you don't want this to be just a one time thing. I want to do this, but not just as primates.... but as your new girlfriend." And when you confirmed that you both wanted this, more than anything, you take the handle of your car door and open it just as she does with her own. At about ten minutes later, you both arrive at her tiny home. The place is small enough to call it her own place, but she was able to allow any guests over. You walk up to the door behind her and see her come-hither look after she opens the door. After running up behind her to her bedroom, you see that her room is quite comfortable. But it is soon blocked off by Fluttershy ravaging your face and lips with the most passionate kisses that you have ever felt in your whole life. You return the favor by grabbing the back of her head while giving gentle bites on her neck along with some rather gentle licks on her ear. This causes her to moan loudly. This was not her behavior, as far as you knew. But this was not the time to be rational. This was the time.... to get primitive. You and Fluttershy soon start ripping each others clothes off within seconds of feeling each others breaths on your necks. Her pink bra and panties are soon in your sights as Fluttershy then sees your boxers after pulling down your pants. The bulge in your undergarments is tenting up, letting her know that you were just as ready as she was. Fluttershy then takes off her bra in front of you. And you see a sight that almost rips your soul from your body. Her enormous breasts jiggle up and down with every heated breath from her. You then take the initiative by pulling your boxers down in front of her, allowing your manhood to rise up from the confines of cotton from your boxers. She eyes it intently with a hunger that takes her over. "Oh my.... someone wants to play, doesn't he?" Fluttershy giggles before getting on her knees. "That he does," you nod as she takes her place below you. Before you could say anything else, Fluttershy opens up her mouth and uses her tongue to lick up and down on the length of your manhood before reaching lower to the base. After sniffing the husk that you were giving out from your sack, she then starts to suck on the bag below you with a big slurp that jolts your loins into an overdrive of pleasure. But along with her attention on your balls, you begin to notice that her tongue licks you in a clockwise motion that sends more waves of pleasure coursing through your whole body. From what you could tell she was just happy to take in your taste. Even more than the food that you both had at that restaurant. "Wow! The love of my life is giving me the extreme blowjob! And she's starting off very well!" you cheer to yourself as her tongue then slides to the base of your length before giving it some kisses to start her next step. Her tongue then starts swirls around the tip of your shaft before you could even begin to feel the pleasure that jolted you up some more. But as she did that, Fluttershy starts jerking you off with her free hand while supporting herself with her other hand on your thigh. Her whole mouth then begins to close up on your shaft as she then begins to bob up and down with your whole manhood going near her throat. You start to feel the waves of pleasure building up to where you wanted badly to explode in her mouth. But you were not that much of an idiot to do that. "W-wait, wait. Wait a minute, Fluttershy," you panted to her in the throes of your pleasure. As soon as you beckoned her, Fluttershy then pops the manhood from her mouth and looks up. "Did I do something wrong, Guiding?" she then asks you with her eyes on you. "No.... no, you were doing just great, Fluttershy. But... I.... I want to please you as well," you sighed in a husky voice to her. "Oh! Uh.... okay." The same veterinarian then sits herself on the edge of the bed before moving her legs just high enough to allow her panties to come off of her. With a wiggle of her foot, she then displays her beautiful maidenhead in full view. And it is quite the sight to see. "You like what you see, Guiding?" she giggles to you as she fondles her clit with two of her fingers, enticing you to go to her. You then start moving to her bed and beckon her in silence to lay fully on her back while keeping her legs spread. As you both get into a comfortable position, you then begin to kiss her with your tongue invading her mouth. This grants you a few more moans of delight from her as the sweat from your bodies begin to drip from each other. "I love this.... very much. It's just so beautiful," you whisper huskily to her as your mouth begins to trace a line to her breasts. As you gently pinch on her right nipple with your lips while alternating with some licks, you rub the other breast with your free hand. She shivers at your touch, telling you that you're actually doing very well. And after a few seconds of making sure that her nipples were stiff enough, you feel your breath and tongue going south on her. You then spread the outer lips on her maidenhead to see it in its full glory. "Mmm.... eat me, Guiding. Send that tongue into me," Fluttershy then speaks to you with a lustful tone. "This will be just delicious," you reply before licking on the lips of her pussy. Her hips, as you expected, start bolting up and down as your tongue goes even deeper. The sweat of her body, along with the scent of her dripping honeypot sends you into overdrive with your primitive emotion. When you start to finger her, you find her g-spot and start getting more yelps from her. "Aah! Oh! Oh! R-Right! There! Oh! G-G-G-Guiding! I-I'm gonna.... Aah!" Fluttershy speaks pants out to you, indicating that she was close to her climax. And even her body was telling you as such. But as she was about to speak even more, you pull your face from the labia and clit, stopping her from having your face splattered with her ladycum. "Fluttershy...." you whisper to her. "Can I put it in now?" Her eyes go nearly as wide as saucer plates from your question. "Yes... please. Go ahead." And with that suggestion out of the way, you begin to take the tip of your member into the outer lips of her pussy to allow it to wrap around it. She moans just as loudly as she did before you begin sliding your shaft into the wet walls of her most intimate place. And as every inch begins to slowly penetrate her cervix, you feel how wet and tight she is on your manhood as it crawled up inside of her. As you finally feel yourself fully at the hilt, you feel her hymen being broken. This stops you from moving any further. "Are you okay, Fluttershy? Did it hurt you at all?" you then ask her, concerned that you must have broken something. "Just a little bit, but I'll be- Aah!- I'll be alright! It's just that you've been given my virginity, as you did for me," Fluttershy explains to you as you look down a bit to see a tiny amount of blood dripping out. Some minutes pass by, and you're still hard inside of her. She then moves her legs a bit before saying. "Keep going, Guiding! I want you to fill me with your love, tonight!" "As you wish." The same manhood inside of her womanhood then starts to slowly move up and down, sending you both wave after jolting wave of indescribable pleasure. If the moans from both his and her mouths were not the best indication, it was how much faster and more confident they were both feeling. You then start to go even faster and harder on her walls, bumping her with a speed that made you both grunt and yelp louder than before. "Good Goddesses! 'Sh... 'Shy, you're really tight in there!" you grunted between pants as the pleasure had built up some more. "And you're so big inside of me, Guiding!" she replies, coaxing you both to endure even more of the pleasure that took away the pain within her. "Aah! Aah! Aah! Oh! Oh! Oh! Gu-Guiding! I'm gonna cum! Mama's cumming! Aah! Aaah! Aaah!" "Oh good, 'cause I'm about to get there soon, 'Shy! Daddy's cumming!" you say to her as your speed and strength pick up even more with even more pounding into her cervix. The point of of the climax was soon reaching over to break the both of you, and the both of you could feel it ready to break the dam that held your emotions with cracking walls. "Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Aah! Guiding! GUIDING!!" she screams while you repeat after her with, "Hah!Hah!HAh!HAH!HAH! 'SHY! 'SHY!!" "I LOVE YOOOUUUUAAAAAAHHHH!!!" As soon as you felt the wave of pleasure surging through before it passed by just as quickly, you then felt your cum mixing up in a swirl that combined with Fluttershy's explosions as you still felt yourself corked inside of her still. The orgasms that combined with one another had only felt like something that could be described as the most wondrous event your life. And Fluttershy, who was just snuggling up next to you after feeling the orgasm rush away, was also feeling the same way. "Ah.... Hey...." "Yes?" "You don't mind if I call you 'Shy, right?" ".... no. I don't mind at all. I like it." "I love you, 'Shy." ..... "I love you too." That was all that the both of you could say before the spell of sleep could take over you. (Late Sunday Morning....) Ion was waiting patiently in your apartment, just slightly better in your eyes as you opened the door to your apartment. "Sorry I'm late, Ion-buddy. But I had just spent the night with the love of my life," you say to the dog who was walking up slowly to you. Your best friend then gives a small bark as if he wanted to know how it went. At least, that's what you believed. "Let me tell you, buddy-boy! It was the most fun that I ever had in all my life," you say to him as you scratch behind his ears, making him sigh a bit from the attention. "I caught up with Fluttershy on that day after you got your meds in the clinic. We went to the zoo after I took you home and I was able to get some dinner with her. And after that... well... even I can't tell you what happened at last. But I can tell you now.... that I am now a brand new man. And I am more in love with Fluttershy after last night." Your dog, Ion, could only wag his tail with his eyes staring intently at you. You knew that he was happy that you were happy. "That's right, Ion. I love that girl. And I just know that you'll love her just as much as I do. Well, not like I do, but you get the idea," you say to him before you hear your phone ringing from your pocket. You pull out the phone and press the speak button on the interface before clearing your throat. "Hello?" you greet on your end. "Um.... G-Good morning, Guiding. I-It's Fluttershy.... Uh, I... um... just wanted to call you about something," Fluttershy speaks to you from the other end of the line. "Good morning to you too, 'Shy! What's going on?" you ask her, hoping nothing bad happened after having a small breakfast with her. "What's gotten you to call me?" "W-well, um.... do you... um... d-d-do you think we could do that again sometime?" you hear 'Shy ask her in that small voice that was greatly heard thanks to the modern miracle of technology. "What time?" "Maybe tonight, back at my place? You can bring Ion with you if you want. Angel bunny needs to play with some other pet. Other than my friends pets, that is." You then remembered that her friends, the same ones you knew from the Rainbooms in high school, also had their own pets. "Of course I can bring my dog with me tonight. Count on it," you nod from your end. "Oh... Thank you, Guiding. You've no idea how happy that makes me." she says to you in a chipper voice. "I think I have a small idea on how," you reply in a teasing matter. "Oh, Guiding.... you're just as lewd as Rainbow is!" she snaps at you playfully. "Oh, come on, Fluttershy. You know I love you, right?" "Uh.... y-y-yes. I.... I love you too. Can you, uh... bring your dog over right now?" Your eyes pop out from their sockets almost immediately. "Like.... right now, right now?" And then you hear her whisper the five little words that leave you feeling wild. "....." "....." "I'm so horny, right now...." Wasting no time whatsoever, you call Ion over to you and begin to drive like a madman towards Fluttershy's place. And while Fluttershy's pet, Angel the bunny, would be playing some tag games with your dog Ion, you were going to obey all of your girlfriends desire for you.... And you had no regrets about it... None at all, whatsoever. *****