> Growing Moons > by Bendy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Making The Moon Bigger > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Late at night, you a human was drifting off to sleep in bed. Your doors and windows were locked tight, no one can come into your house. But unfortunately, there was a blinding flash of light next to your bed, followed by the appearance of a massive, towering dark blue horse with a flowing stary mane. The horse had large, feathery wings, a long horn atop her head, worthy of a spartan warrior. Lovely half moons were on both sides of her massive flanks. Her coat was an overall dark blue, her rump however had large black spots on both sides of her flanks, helping draw one’s eyes to her ass. You sighed, knowing exactly who it was. "Hast thou finally seen the moonlight? Can our royal backside at last get your seed inside it?" The alicorn you knew to be Princess Luna asked, staring down upon you with bedroom eyes. "No! Fuck off Luna! I love Princess Celestia’s superior backside!" You bellowed, turning over to face away from her. Luna gave you a most bewildered look. "Why must thee be so stubborn human, when thou knows how this will end? It is inevitable that thee will fall before me, worship my true superior backside and unleash thy seed deep inside it." "No! I will never bow before you and cum inside your Moonbutt!" You yelled angrily. "I worship the sun! Princess Celestia has got a much bigger and nicer a-- "HERESY!!!!" roared Luna in the Royal Canterlot Voice. "Thy love for my sister's inferior backside is misplaced! It is our moonbutt thee should be praising!" "I am a loyal follower of Sunbutt, I shall always praise the sun over your smaller moon." You proclaimed with pride with a most serious look upon your face. Luna stomped her hoof in anger. "Thou is delusional, blinded by the lying sun! It is up to our Moonbutt to save thee from their misguided worship of the inferior Sunbutt." "Princess Celestia’s butt is bigger and fatter, so is therefore superior." "Rrrrrahahaahh! Know the power of the moon pathetic human!" She roared so loudly your ears ringed painfully. Luna’s horn lit up with an azure glow, followed shortly by the fading away of your blanket and all your clothes out of existence. With that out of the way, Luna proceeded to step forth and climb onto your bed, before dropping down to gently straddle herself over your body. You could handle her, you did have Celestia on top of you many a time, so Luna was no issue. Once she was atop you, you reached your hands behind her, just barely managing to touch her cutie marks upon her thick, enormous flanks. There your hands deeply compressed down the immense layer of soft fat from her massive backside. "Hah!" You mocked her with a smug grin on your face."Your butt is so small and thin! Your butt is so light in weight that I don’t even feel any pain. Hell, I can’t even reach Celestia’s cutie marks when her bigger and better butt is on top of me." Luna simply growled angrily, looking down upon you with a death glare. With a nasty grin you raised your right hands high, before slamming it down hard upon her cheek, giving her ass a hard slap, which caused her enormous cheek to slap hard against the other one with a delightful squishy sound of flesh slapping against flesh. "Impressive. But not as good as Sunbutt’s." You said mockingly. "Grrrr! You will pay for that puny human! Know the moon’s wrath for your heresy!" She boomed, her horn flashing with blinding light. You still maintained a smug grin, until you felt your fingers quite literally slipping away from Luna’s backside. You sat up, struggling to hold onto her flanks with all your might, your hands pushing down the immensely thick layer of soft fat around her massive flanks. Alas, it soon became impossible as your hands found it harder and harder to hold onto her cutie marks, to the point you were holding onto her torso, but even that was starting to become harder to hold onto. "What is going o...hisss" You hissed in pain, as Luna’s body rapidly seemed to get heavier and heavier upon you. You looked up… to see Luna’s head rapidly rising higher and higher into the air, who was looking down at you with an evil grin upon her face. "Say ‘Luna’s butt is superior’ and thou shall be spared from our moon’s wrath!" "Never!" you roared, spitting upon her chest in defiance of the growing alicorn mare atop you. "Then the moon shall crush thee into jelly!" she boomed, her eyes flashing in blinding light. Luna’s cutie marks glowed with power as her gigantic, heavenly butt inflated like a balloon atop you. Her divine, all powerful butt only got bigger and bigger, fatter and fatter and heavier and heavier upon you. Up and up Luna’s ass rose, going higher and higher into the air as her flanks grew rapidly in size. The continuously growing ass showed no sign of stopping, in fact the expansion of her ass and body only seemed to get faster and faster by each passing second. Her rapidly growing flanks expanded ever outward as she rose higher and higher into the air. The wooden supports underneath your bed creaked loudly, before violently snapping like matchsticks as Luna continued to grow bigger and bigger on top of you. Celestia’s magical weight protection upon your body began to fail you, when Luna’s flanks thickened outward to the point they filled up any remaining space upon your bed, the soft fat deeply depressing against the wall as her cheeks got ever wider. Your hisses of pain, soon became cries of pain as Luna’s growing rump relentlessly got bigger and bigger without stop atop you. The weight of her gigantic ass resting atop you just got ever more heavier as she continued to grow in size, the crushing pain became worse and worse, until Luna’s expanding butt finally broke your will to resist. "Aaaaaaaahhhh! Ow! Ow Ow! Stop it! I give in!" You cried out in pain and terror. Luna’s ass stopped growing, but the crushing pain was still there. "Say it!" She roared, looking down at you with an angry glare. "Luna’s butt is superior!" You shouted, tears falling down your cheeks over the pain. With a flash of her horn the pain subsided completely, allowing you to bask in the beauty of a giant alicorn ass resting upon your tiny human body. "See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?" She said softly, looking down at you with bedroom eyes. "Forgive me for my wicked ways Princess Luna. Your butt is truly the most superior butt. Is there any hope of redemption from a former sun praising heretic scum?" You asked in a low, sad voice, your small human eyes staring deeply and imploringly into her huge pony eyes. Luna smiled warmly down upon you, eyes sparkling in joy. "Yes. Thou can unleash thy human seed into our superior moon to redeem thyself for their most horrid crimes of praising the sun." With that the gigantic mare shifted over you… but unfortunately your cock could reach nowhere near her asshole, for it just barely reached her marehood. "Thy love weapon needs improving. We shall magically craft thee a most powerful love weapon, worthy of the proud dwarves of Khazad-dûm!" she boomed loudly, causing your house to shake violently from the sheer power of her voice. "Praise the moon!" You shouted in worship of Luna’s backside. Suddenly, there came a blinding flash of light, followed by the appearance of a massive, alabaster alicorn standing next to your bed. It was Princess Celestia and she looked pissed, her mane was ablaze with fire and her eyes were glowing bright red. "Luna! What is the meaning of this heresy?! Why are you stealing my sun praisers?!" She roared. "Hah! The time of Sunbutt is over! The time of the Moonbutt has come! All of humanity will worship my superior backside not your inferior backside!" Luna proclaimed proudly, standing up off you to face her sister. Celestia giggled with a hoof over her mouth. "Oh, don’t make me laugh. Your Moonbutt is no match to the power of Sunbutt!" "The moon shall be bigger than the sun!" Luna boomed, eyes flashing with blinding light. Luna and Celestia glared angrily at one another, grinding their teeth together in pure rage. Seeing things were getting out of hand, you jumped out of bed to stand between the two alicorns. "Stop it! I love you both! Don’t fight please!" You shouted with your hands raised high in exasperation. "I see a growing butt competition is the only way to settle who has the most superior butt once and for all!" Luna shouted, turning around. "Bring it on Luna!" Celestia roared, turning around. With that both Luna’s and Celestia’s butt began to rapidly expands in size, quickly trapping you between a thick soft blanket made of alicorn booty. "Our butt is superior!" Luna roared at her sister with a death glare upon her face. "No! Our butt is the most superior one!" bellowed Celestia. "Nay! Our butt is the most superior one!" "Lies! Our butt is the most superior one!" On and on the two alicorns argued with one another, saying ‘their butt is the most superior one’ and ‘our butt is superior’ etcetera. The two alicorn rose higher and higher into the air, the pocket dimension of your room’s walls and ceiling went further and further away to contain the two massive, growing alicorns in the room. The alicorn rose rapidly into the air, jumping by several feet higher a second. Within the space of less than a minute, the alicorns literally became as tall as skyscrapers. Both giant asses were pressed firmly against one another as they continued to grow in size. "Let’s see what Anon thinks!" Said Luna, with a smug look upon her face. Both alicorns looked down to the bed to see you weren’t there. "Uh, where is Anon?" "Anon, where are you my sexy little human?" Spoke Celestia in a soft voice. Both alicorns faces became rather worried looking, before they heard a muffled, moaning sound coming from between their giant asses. "Anon!" Both simultaneously screamed in panic. Both their horns flashed with blinding light, before you appeared with a flash upon the bed, gasping out of breath. "Sister… can we agree to differ who has the most superior butt? I don’t want to accidentally kill poor Anon or any other little being." Luna spoke in a low voice, looking down in shame. "Agreed. Besides both of us have great butts. We should not fight over who has the most superior butt, we should have threesomes with our subjects and sexy humans from Earth." "Count me in!" You shouted excitedly. "Huzzah! Anon has forgiven us." Luna shouted happily. The End