> A Rare Show of Generosity > by anonpencil > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Hard Role To Fill... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The noon day sun beats down on you relentlessly as you walk hastily towards the theater. The sun wouldn’t be so bad, it's not even that warm out, except you’re covered in all this leather. Damn your kind nature, you should have never offered to help Rarity with her new show. Now she’s got you in this all black leather harness thing and bridle. It doesn’t even feel like it was made for a human, and it probably wasn’t. You’ve never understood why it is that Rarity designs saddles and bridles and harnesses and shit anyway. There are no other humans here besides you, so why would they need riding gear? Whatever. Fashion, you guess. Still, seems you just can’t resist that damn mare. She bats her eyes, tilts her head, says “pretty pretty please?” and suddenly you’re volunteering for all sorts of stuff. You’re not even sure what it is you volunteered for other than an all male show with fashions by her. She was explaining it, going over what was required of you, and sounding very hesitant about it all. But you didn't hear a word. You were too busy staring at that fluffy white ass as she turned away, embarrassed. You could almost see her blush just by looking at that butt. You thought you were a sucker for human girls. Mares are even worse. You adjust the harness a little, hating the squeak it makes as it slides on your bare skin. Couldn’t you have just worn clothes under this? Of course not, Rarity has said it wouldn’t look right. You’re practically naked though! Little black leather shorts that barely keep your ass from hanging out and all these straps with the metal buckles and rings. You can’t imagine even a pony looking good in this. Up ahead, you see the backstage entrance to the theater and breathe a sigh of relief. Sure, the stage lights can’t be much better as far as heat, but at least for a while you’ll be out of the public eye. All the ponies on the street are staring at you as you pass, shooing foals away at the mere sight of you. You instantly regret not getting changed into all this at the theater itself, but you figured this way you could save time.Well, at least Rarity’s new line for men is a head turner. You push open the door and locate the green room. Rarity is already there with a whole bunch of other male ponies in various leather garments. Wow, she really went all out with the leather this time, you note. She herself, however, is wearing a large brimmed feathered hat and a dress of her own design. It’s layered purple, white, and pink, and is tipped in white lace, and beaded with pearls. She looks truly magnificent, and for a moment you forget how itchy this fucking outfit is. As you come in, she spots you and her face lights up. “Oh Anon you’ve made it after all, I was beginning to be worried.” “I wouldn’t let you down,” you say, hating how dumb the words sound coming out of your mouth. “I know Darling, I know. And it's such a tall order, I'm impressed your willing to go through with it!" "Anything for you." More beta stupidity. "Well, sit down and I’ll explain things in detail. We’re running a bit late so I’ll let you know everything I can before-“ “Five minutes till curtain!” calls a female pony from the backstage door. Even through her white coat, you can tell that Rarity has gone pale. “Oh goodness me, there’s no time!” she says. “But Rarity, I don’t-“ you begin to say, but she stands and pushes you towards backstage area before you can say anymore. “Dreadfully sorry dear, but you have to go on first!” “What do I DO thought?” She pauses and turns back to the table at the center of the room. Her horn glows briefly and a large stack of notebooks floats over to her. The top one is titled, in her own writing, “Boys will be boys.” “I’ll be standing off to the side,” she says. “ I’ll hold up the notebooks and you just do the poses I’ve highlighted, alright? You’ll do splendidly, I simply know you will. Just try to keep everything clenched and taught and really show off that figure, dear.” You want to protest further, but she pushes you more forcefully out to the backstage area. As a rather official looking pony in a spiked black hat, that you can only assume Rarity designed, takes the stage and begins quieting the audience, you can see Rarity fidgeting nervously. You pat her on her shoulder, trying your best to be comforting. “You ok?” you whisper. “Oh, c-certainly!” she whispers back, forcing a smile. “Actually…this is my first show of this type. Very avant-garde. I’m dreadfully nervous, it’s not exactly one of my strengths.” “I’m sure you’ll do splendidly,” you say, mimicking her speech. She grins warmly at you. You feel a moment of connection to her thing, feel her gratitude radiating out to envelop you. Somehow, you can tell whatever this show is, it will be worth it. “And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, a Rarity original show,” says the announcer. “Boys Will Be Boys!” The well-dressed ponies in the audience stomp their hooves in applause and rarity gives you a shove towards the stage. At first you stumble, but then you do your best to saunter out to the odd, saxophone-intensive soundtrack that's playing from every corner of the theater. You’re surprised to see that there’s no runway, just a broad stage with a few black cubes and rectangles as sets. “Here we see the glorious Anon, sporting a simple leather harness,” Rarity says over the loudspeaker. “His buckles and rings are a silver, and the studs are rhinestone and sapphire.” You stand there dumbly for a moment, unsure what to do, as some of the ponies in the audience Ooh and Aah. What were your instructions again? Oh, that’s right, Rarity’s notebook! You glance over to the backstage area and see Rarity holding up an open page towards you. You can see a figure highlighted in red, and squint to make out its position. Oh, it’s on all fours. Right, you get it! You’re imitating a pony! You bend over onto all fours and do your best to prance into the middle of the stage. The audience rumbles with laughter and there's the sound of flashing cameras. Rarity is beaming at you from backstage. She turns the page, which shows you on all fours still with one arm up in front of your face. There are other figures in the picture. What are they doing, you can’t make it out... Still, you hold the position as best you can, and you're dismayed to find that your outfit is terribly restrictive, effectively locking you in place the moment you hit the pose. You always knew high fashion looked uncomfortable. Rarity's voice sounds again. “Now, we see Lucky, dressed in a leather hood and similar harness, sporting a tail-lace with diamond accents. His hooves are shod in iron with gold inlay, and his whip is…” Whip? Wat. You look up from your weird pose to see Lucky approaching you. It’s not his attire you see first, gaudy though it is. Nope. It's instead his massive, hanging cock swaying rhythmically beneath his body as he walks. Your eyes get wide. Oh god, what is going on here... Before you can adjust yourself from your restrictive harness and bring down your hand down, Lucky forces his cock into your mouth with a shove. You scream around his member, but only a muffled whimper comes out amidst the wailing sax music. Your hand is poised perfectly to where his balls are, and they slap your fingertips as he begins to thrust. He taps the side of your ass with a riding crop as he thrusts, making you jump and wince in pain. He seems to enjoy it. What the fuck is going on!? This god damn gay ass pony is raping you on stage!!! You try to pull your head back, but his dick is so long that it’s down your throat by a ways, and one hoof is planted squarely on the back of your head to keep you engorged. You glance back at Rarity, gagging and panicking, for some sign of help. She’s smiling contentedly and there’s a small damp spot growing on the front of her gown. And now you notice what those other figures in her notebook are doing. They’re fucking you. Rarity has notebooks upon notebooks of male ponies fucking you. This isn’t a fashion show at all. It’s a live sex show. All centered around fucking you. You again scream as Lucky’s pace intensifies in your mouth. Rarity speaks once again, rising above the music amidst the pleased murmur of the crowd. “Here we have Big Macintosh, dressed in brown suede chaps and with a wood accented saddle. His plow harness…” You don’t hear the rest. You feel the vibration through the stage as Big Mac sets a massive hoof on either side of you. Then you feel his cock probing at the leather straps, trying to find a way past them into your… The pain is unspeakable. Big Mac penetrates you with one solid thrust and begins fucking away with rabid intensity before you even have time to get up to speed on what exactly is going on around and inside you. You begin to cry as the two stallions fuck you from both ends, both with reckless abandon. Lucky is so deep in your throat now that his leathery balls are slapping your chin. Why did you volunteer for this? Why didn’t you listen to the voice in your head telling you that nothing good happens when you try to be helpful? Damn Rarity’s glorious white ass, you should have listened! Rarity is having trouble keeping the warbling pleasure from her voice now as she announces even more tortures for you. “I’ll...just let those two finish up before I call out our next two stallions, but I really thing you’re going to love what we have out right now for the active lifestyle pegasi." Next two?! How many more are there!? Then you do remember something Rarity had said from when she first spoke to you about this, when you were barely even listening: “I hope you don’t get tired easily, Anon. It’s a two hour show after all.” Mother of god... You continue to weep around the rigid horse dick as the stallions fuck you. After a moment, Lucky begins to throb with ah increasing rhythm inside your mouth. Oh no...he wouldn't...he isn't.. You feel a sickening thud in your stomach as he forcefully empties his seed into you. You gag and spit as he withdraws his dick, which seems like it goes on forever and involves much gagging. You look up helplessly at him as he smiles down at you gratefully. Then, without a word, he turns and walks away, a thin line of ejaculate trailing from his dick across the stage. You think you might puke… “Next up-“ Before you can call for help or tell the music and show to stop, another splotchy colored shaft is shoved down your throat and begins moving at a solid pace. Now you really do throw up from the sudden attack on your gag reflex, but the dick shoves it all back down your throat before you can taste more than mildly acrid bile. You feel Big Mac beginning to pump you harder now. He’s going to cum too, you realize. He's going to cum in your ass. No, not there! You're a virgin there, and you weren't even saving it for someone special! Why did this happen to you, you were just trying to be a nice guy! You hear him grunting, holding onto your hips with his front hooves for better and deeper leverage. You’re never helping anyone with anything again, never again. He moans out a long happy “yep” as he empties his load up your ass, so much that it dribbles out of you onto the stage with a gushing spatter. He pulls out with a sickening pop, and you feel the ragged edges of your anus crying out in pain. Make it stop, please! But in the wings you can see male ponies lining up. Ten of them. Maybe twelve. You know this is far from over. You can do nothing to stop their onslaught, and they're all enjoying every minute of it. Boys will be boys, after all. -End-