> Into The Giant Rainbow > by Bendy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Giant Robot Rainbow Dash Wants You Inside > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fast asleep you lay in bed. Your thick blanket kept your frail human body warm on those freezing winter nights. Nothing out of the ordinary happened that night. Until there came a blinding flash of light. When the light faded, you were nowhere to be seen. With an annoyed groan, you opened your eyes to find yourself lying upon a cold, hard, bright green metal flat surface. A strange, low humming sound could be heard from everywhere. This place had a very odd stillness to it, for the leaves upon a nearby mountain sized oak tree did not shake whatsoever, for there appeared to be no wind in question to move them in the first place. From all around you stood enormous skyscrapers, that looked like oversized thatched houses. So tall they were, you were forced to crane your neck upward to see the top of them. "Where the fuck am I?" you said in a most bewildered tone. You became even more confused when a giant cartoonish, minty green horse like thing came trotting past. You yelped, the hard impact of its hooves causing you to bounce off the ground a little, each time its hooves hit the ground. Also, you were a little confused that these hooves were making loud clanging sounds. "Hey! Where am I?" you shouted. The giant horse turned to face you, revealing a set of huge glowing green eyes and a horn atop its head. It snorted once, before continuing on its way, showing you its massive Azadi Stadium sized backside, if not even bigger. "How rude!" you shouted, crossing your arms. Luckily, it was not long till a whole series of giant horses of all colors of the rainbow came trotting past you. You shouted to each one, asking them ‘Where am I?!‘. However, your efforts turned out to be fruitless. The ponies seemed to completely ignored your existence. The few ones that did acknowledge you only gave you a look of annoyance. "You’re in Ponyville, little meatbag!" spoke a tomboy girl’s voice. You looked around, trying to find the source of the voice. "Uhhhh, where are you?" you asked, scratching the back of your neck. "Dude! I’m right in front of you!" she exclaimed. "What do you mean you’re right in front of me. I can’t see you any--AAHAH!" You screamed, jumping back in alarm, when you saw a odd, grey jelly like liquid material come out from the ground before your feet. "Jeez! Relax. I won’t hurt you," came her voice, sounding annoyed. The strange substance formed together into the shape of a small, four foot tall equine creature with feathery wings. Its coat lost its grey color, it rapidly becoming light blue, pale white basketball sized eyes turned a beautiful rosy red, its grey mane and tail becoming that of rainbow color. "Hello there meatbag. I’m the super awesome pony Rainbow Dash," she proclaimed proudly. "Hi, I am Anon, a human," came your voice, low and nervous. "Cool! I haven’t see one of you little guys here for sixty five million years." Your jaw dropped, not being able to comprehend what you just heard. "Sixty... five... million.. years? How old are you?" came your voice, low in awe. "Oh, I’m just over eighteen billion years old, I’m still rather young. Now Princess Celestia, she is over one hundred trillion years old. But her ass looks big and fine as ever." "How… can you live that long?" "Duh, we’re machines dude. We’re immortal." "Oh, that explains a lot." "Yeah yeah," she said, waving her hoof nonchalantly. "Now, how about you spend some quality time of your mortality by coming inside me and cumming inside a smaller me while inside me?" she said sexfully, looking at you with bedroom eyes. Your eyes widen in shock. "Uh, what?!" "You go inside my pussy and cum inside my small avatar while inside me." "Uh why?" you asked with raised eyebrows. "It’s my fetish." "I hardly know you, I’m not sure about this whole thing." "Oh come on Anon! Don’t be such a prude!" she cried, before looking down sadly with her ears drooping. "I don’t know, this is all so sudden. Let me think about it. OK?" Rainbow simply nodded in answer, still looking down sadly. ‘Hmm, what would Commander Shepard do?’ came your thoughts. "Anon! I’m Commander Shepard and I demand you to come inside her and cum inside the smaller version of her while inside her!" boomed his voice in your head. "Yes, I will come inside the big one of you and cum inside the smaller one while inside you." The robot pegasus squealed in joy, before flying forward to gently wrap her hooves around you. You stumbled a little, she was a little heavy. Her glowing, huge rosy red eyes stared deeply into your smaller human eyes, before without a word, she had leaned forward to softly join lips with you. Her soft, synthetic lips felt wonderful and felt just like they belonged to a fleshy based creature liked yourself. Feeling bold, you pressed your tongue into her mouth. Just like her lips, her mouth felt organic in nature, just like a human woman’s… who just so happens to look like a pony. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash pulled back, ending the kiss. "Enough kissing, time to come inside me." With that a massive grey blob came out from the ground, before forming into the shape of a mountain sized pony. It quickly lost its dull grey color and became to look exactly like the Rainbow Dash you are holding in your arms, only much, much bigger. "Time to come inside Anon," she said sexfully. So, with that the smaller Rainbow Dash gently took hold of your waist with her two front hooves. Before flapping her wings to fly upward, carrying you along with her as she flew into her own gaping vagina. It was hot and dark in here, the only thing you could see was Rainbow Dash’s glowing red eyes in front of you. Thankfully, the lights soon came on. Once the room was lit up, Rainbow Dash placed you upon a big, red love heart shaped button with the words ‘G-spot’ written in blue. Rainbow Dash shook her big fat blue butt before you, looking back at you with bedroom eyes. "Come on, Anon. Cum inside me while inside me." You stood up, positioning yourself behind the mare, a massive raging boner forming a large tent in your boxers. "Uh, how did it get so big?" you said with wide eyes as you stared down upon your massive, insane cartoon sized cock. "I augmented it with my nanomachines," she said with a wave of her hoof. "Now, cum inside me already my sexy meatbag," she shouted excitedly. "I never asked for this," you said in a very depressed tone. "Please ask me before you do more modifications on my body." "Don’t worry, I haven’t done anything else. I just wanted you to cum inside me hard." With that a swarm of nanomachines pulled down your boxers. Without a word, you leaned forward, pressing your thick tip against the entrance of her robot pony pussy. "Stick it in me already! I want to feel your cum, aka your organic reproductive material inside me," she shouted. Your hands took hold of her squishy soft, marshmallows flanks before you lunged forward, forcing your entire cock into her all at once. "Awww yeah! Get ready to cum inside me while inside me my fleshy friend!" she shouted excitedly. Her robot pussy felt so hot, so slick and so soft. In no time at all you were humping into her like a madman, her moans driving you onward. "I love you, Anon!" she shouted "I love you too, Rainbow Dash. Even though I just met you less than ten minutes ago," you shouted back. You fucked that lovely robot pony pussy. Her hot insides milking you for all you were worth. There came a low rumbling sound, before a giant blue hoof came into her pussy. It rubbed dangerously close to the bed, causing you to stop your humping in fear. "Anon relax, I’m just masturbating," she said softly. With steely resolve, you went back to fucking that pussy. Reaching ever closer to cumming inside her. You could hear Rainbow Dash moaning before you, loving the pleasure you are giving her, along with the echoing moans of the much bigger Rainbow you both are inside. "Come on Anon, cum inside my smaller avatar of me while inside the big real me!" Rainbow Dash shouted. With that you came inside, the smaller Rainbow Dash eyes before you became haywire with electricity. There came a low, rumbling sound before a massive tidal wave of rainbow colored cum came speeding toward you. The smaller Rainbow Dash gently took hold of you, before you two were washed away by the giant wave of cum. Rainbow Dash laughed while you screamed in terror as you were dragged away by the wave of rainbow cum. When you opened your eyes, you found yourself lying in a dense puddle of cum outside the entrance of her vagina. The smaller Rainbow Dash snuggled up to you closely, nuzzling your neck affectionately. The giant Rainbow Dash was lying on the ground before you, with her legs open wide and a most blissful smile upon her face. "That was good fun, but scary," you said before giving her a soft kiss on the cheek, tasting her sweet skittle flavored cum. "Wanna go again my sexy meatbag?" she said sexfully, looking at you with bedroom eyes. "Uh, not right now." "Awwww!" she said sadly, her lips pouted adorably. The End