> [C] Discord's Corner > by scribe-feather > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Discord's Corner > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Corner By Scribe Feather It was a snowy day in Ponyville as the pegasi made sure to start the morning with one flurry of a storm. Now, mid-afternoon, the town was covered in a thick sheet of freshly laid snow, practically void of any hoof steps. Most ponies spent the day in the warmth and comfort of their homes. Only a few were crazy enough to dress up in their favorite scarves and snow shoes and dance through this winter wonderland. Discord stared at the snowy landscape outside Sugarcube corner. He huffed quietly as he scowled at the ponies who froliced outside. It seemed like they were having much more fun then he was right now. Some ponies even began throwing snowballs about. He scowled before turning away from the window. He looked around the room and found nothing had changed since the last five minutes he checked up on it. Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Mrs. Cake all chattered away around the table as Discord sat awkwardly at one of the small seats. No matter what topic, the draconequus rolled his eyes at how incredibly boring it was and didn’t even bother contributing to the conversation. Looking at it now, he couldn’t see why he even bothered. Fluttershy was incredibly persuasive with her logic and she was solely to blame. If it wasn’t for her talk of “rekindling friendships” and “smoothing things over” Discord wouldn’t even bother. But despite his incredibly powerful displeasure at the idea, Fluttershy requested that he’d spend an afternoon with Twilight and the others for some tea. She had hoped that this would somehow improve his reputation and for the smallest split second, so did he. Now that he was sitting among the gossiping mares, he knew just how wrong she was. Twilight and the others continued talking away about different things, seamlessly transitioning from one topic to the other. They talked about the weather, gossiped about the latest young lovers in town, and even spent a good half hour talking about paint swatches and new fabrics for Sugarcube Corner’s window drapes. Everything failed to meet Discord’s interest. Before too long he turned right back to watching the ponies play outside. “Oh and Pound Cake almost said his first words today,” Mrs. Cake chattered on. “Really? That’s great news!” Twilight smiled, sipping her tea. “I was giving him a nice bubble bath after he fell into some mud and he definitely tried to say ‘bubble’, he’s made a lot of progress with words.” “That’s funny. I always figured a trouble making foal like him would have ‘no’ as his first word,” Twilight joked. “No, that’s Pumpkin’s first word,” Mrs. Cake chuckled, “such a rebellious little girl, always putting up a fuss when I change her diaper.” “She’s gonna be a hassle when she grows up, I’m sure!” Twilight replied. “Not if Auntie Pinkie teaches her right!” Pinkie chirped proudly with a puffed out chest. All of this baby talk was dull for Discord. Beyond dull. Words couldn’t describe how dull it was to the draconequus. He had hoped it would end, but after a solid half hour of the others talking about baby strollers, an end seemed very unlikely. There had to have been something he could do to break up the crushing boredom. With a mischievous grin, Discord snapped his fingers. In a flash, diapers suddenly appeared around everypony’s waists. Before they knew it, everypony around him were dressed up in thick, fluffy diapers that all had adorable designs to them. An added detail Discord was rather proud of. Although everypony noticed almost immediately after the diapers appeared, Mrs. Cake was the first to say anything about it. “Oh good heavens,” she said with a displeased and shocked tone. “Discord!” Twilight barked as she now wore a bright pink, flower printed diaper, ”what are you doing?!” “Trying to lighten the mood, Twilight. I can’t be the only one incredibly bored about all this baby talk,” Discord shrugged, “I thought it was rather fitting.” Twilight growled as she tugged at her diaper’s tapes. They wouldn’t budge an inch as the diaper stayed firmly in place between her legs. “You can’t just make ponies wear stuff whenever you want!” “I dunno, Twilight, they ARE kinda comfy!” Pinkie beamed happily as she sat peacefully where she was, hardly even minding the diaper. “You see, they’re not all bad,” Discord “And besides, now you can talk all about it with first hand experiences!” “Take them off, Discord!” Discord crossed his arms, sticking out his tongue childishly, “no!” Twilight’s horn began to glow as she scowled, “Discord!” Discord continued to cross his arms, only deciding to even look at Twilight after a few minutes passed. The purple pony was clearly peeved, her face curled up in snarling anger as her horn charged up for some sort of spell. It didn’t look like she was having any of it. Discord simply rolled his eyes and did a mystic wave with his hand. Twilight’s horn stopped glowing and her snarl suddenly disappeared. Her body became stiff as she just stared at Discord. Mrs. Cake and Pinkie Pie joined her, no longer noticing the diapers as their attention was centered on Discord. “You’re forgetting your place, young Twilight,” Discord said with his eyes locked onto Twilight’s, “we’re no longer going to do what YOU want to do...” He raised up a hand, pointing it at the group as a hypnotic wave of magic took hold of them. “Besides, why not try something new. Surely diapers aren’t THAT bad.” He grinned as he floated a tiny bit. He gazed down at his prey with a devilish expression. So many ideas swarmed his mind as he looked at them. “In fact, you LOVE diapers. You get turned on by diapers...” Another magical wave hit the three ponies, causing them to flinch for a split second. Their eyes grew hazy as their mouths hung open. They steadily grew more aroused as the spell took hold. Soon they had a strong diaper fetish that felt like it was always there. “Empty that head of yours,” Discord said to Twilight who seemed to struggle with the spell the most, “forget about all those boring things you’ve read in books. Just focus on the diapers...You love your diapers...” Twilight continued to show some sign of resisting, but Discord simply layered on more magic, forcing her to obey his suggestions. She cringed, trying futilely to pull away from Discord’s hypnotic spell, but it was all for naught. Before too long, she acquired the same expression as the other two ponies. Discord smiled impishly. “Hmm, that should do it,” Discord rubbed his chin in thought, “but how can I be sure that it worked...” He didn’t have to wonder for long because seconds after saying this Twilight began grunting. A loud hissing erupted from her diaper as she began to soak the thirsty padding. Her wings began to stiffen in response to the sensation. Having a wet diaper on was incredibly arousing to the alicorn. Discord grinned happily at this, “good.” He then scanned the room around them, practically barren besides the sweets counter and tea table. “Then I bet you diaper butts want some toys to work out those naughty little feelings of yours.” With a snap of his fingers, Discord summoned a collection of items into the area. In a flash of light a large playpen appeared filling almost half the room. The meshed walls of the pen would do well at keeping any adult foals at bay. It came complete with a wide arrange of toys for the sex crazed adult foals to play with. Among the piles of toys sat two large teddy bears. These bears stood about the same size of an average pony with ample amount of fluffy stuffed in their cartoonish limbs. They stared at the diapered ponies with black beady eyes, deceptively lying in wait. Pacifiers were magically popped into the regressed ponies’ mouths, each one bearing a phallus shaped rubber nipple for them to suck on. The strangely shaped object seemed to fit right at home in the aroused ponies’ mouths. Another wave of Discord’s hand sent the three diapered ponies floating in the air. He plopped the ponies in the center of the playpen. “Have fun!” he said before sitting back down in his seat. Now THIS was entertainment. The three fumbled around for a bit, their regressed minds struggling to comprehend the sudden change of scenery. They took forever to get back up right, getting into a crawling position as they babbled and drooled. Pinkie hardly moved from her spot on the floor, finding much more entertainment in wiggling about than any toy could provide. She suckled on her pacifier with a big grin on her face. Her diaper crinkled loudly with each shift of her weight, reminding her of it’s arousing presence. Quite loudly, her full bladder began spraying into her diaper. She wriggled about happily as her own urine tickled her crotch with it’s powerful spray. Her thick diaper swelled up to twice it’s size as it’s pink exterior slowly turned into a dark yellow hue. The unusually large wetting left the pony aroused and wanting more. Both of her hooves dug into the warm padding with hopeless abandon. She loudly moaned as she grinded deep into her diaper. Meanwhile Mrs. Cake’s eyes locked onto the giant teddy bear. It seemed to beckon her forward as she felt strange, aroused emotions she never felt before. A trail of drool dribbled from her mouth as she continued to suckle on her pacifier. She slowly crawled over to the enticing bear, drawn to it like a moth to a flame. She sloppily straddled one of the bear’s cotton filled legs, finding it to have the right amount of support. The padding of the teddy bear pressed firmly into her diaper, teasing her sex crazed pussy. She moaned loudly behind her pacifier as she began rubbing against the teddy bear. She gripped it’s side for support as she leaned into the soft material. She panted, whimpering loudly as she grinded hard against the cotton stuffed bear. Her grinds became faster and fiercer as she desperately worked herself up to a wonderful orgasm. “Ah ah,” Discord wiggled his finger at the diapered pony. “No orgasms with a dry diaper, missy.” With that he waved his hand mystically in front of him. Mrs. Cake didn’t respond right away, but after a few short seconds she froze in place. Hoving over the bear’s leg mid grind as she felt a fullness grow inside of her. Her bladder filled up in seconds and released just as quickly. Her diaper grew a shade of yellow as it swelled up to twice its thickness. She remained frozen in that position until Discord released her. “Continue,” Discord commanded, waving his hand again. The motherly mare was quick to pick up where she left off immediately after. A series of pathetic whimpers slipped out of her mouth as she passed the point of no return. Her body finally erupted into orgasmic bliss as her slick, wet sex reached the climax she so craved. She moaned loudly, her pacifier surprisingly staying in her mouth as she gave the teddy bear one last grind. She gasped, moaned, and finally panted. Once her body had finished and the afterglow set in, Mrs. Cake’s body became lax and she plopped down against the teddy bear. Discord applauded the show, “bravo! Much more exciting than a boring tea party.” The draconequus then moved a hand down to his cock that grew hard from the show. He slowly began pumping it’s firm length, pleasuring himself sensually as the diapered ponies played. Out of the corner of his eye, Discord spotted Twilight who looked at him over the playpen’s meshed wall. She looked at him with wide eyes, a trail of drool dribbling down her chin. Discord smirked as he kept a firm grip on his stiff member. “Do you want this?” he asked with an impish grin. With his free hand, Discord lifted Twilight out of the playpen, leaving the rest alone to play their dirty diaper games. He placed her gently between his legs and looked at her with hungry eyes. With her face only inches away from Discord’s erection, Twilight’s eyes locked on the throbbing member, her mouth hung open in awe. “Go on,” Discord commented, subtly leaning his hips towards the pony, “suck on it just like you would your favorite pacifier.” Twilight opened her mouth and lowered it down onto Discord’s stiff erection. She fumbled a bit, struggling with her failing depth perception, but eventually her mouth encompassed the throbbing member. “Good,” Discord moaned a drawn out moan as he lead back. She mostly sucked the tip, suckling it like a pacifier. However she eventually moved deeper down it’s throbbing length, bobbing her head as best as her regressed mind could manage. Discord grinned, “very good.” He then looked back at the playpen. Pinkie Pie watched from over the playpen’s wall, her eyes as wide and curious as Twilight’s. She passively drooled as she suckled on her pacifier. She was mindlessly humping the wall, not making much headway, but was responding to the arousing sight in front of her. “Such an eager diaper butt,” Discord smirked. Not wanting to leave her out, Discord snapped his fingers, teleporting the pink pony over behind Twilight. Her mindless humping transitioned well into grinding against Twilight. She grinned big and moaned. She really liked that. Her wet diaper now loudly sloshed against Twilight’s. Receiving humps from behind seemed to entice Twilight, causing her to moan and bob her head around the stiff member faster. She quickened her pace to match Pinkie’s heated advances. Soon they were right in sync. “Mm, maybe we should keep you two in diapers ALL the time!” Discord said mostly to himself. Looking over the sexually charged ponies, Discord eyed Mrs. Cake who still laid in a daze on top of the giant teddy bear. Her hips idly grinded against the bear as her pacifier lazily drooped half way out of her mouth. Discord waved his hand, lifting the motherly mare out of the playpen and over to him. She floated over the two other diapered ponies until she floated near Discord’s head. She was kept at the optimum distance for diaper groping that Discord made with his free hand. “Oh yes! This is perfect!” Discord exclaimed, fondling Mrs. Cake’s warm diaper front. Twilight’s sucking quickly worked him up. He grabbed at Mrs. Cake’s soaked diaper with one final squeeze as his cock finally sprayed strings of cum into Twilight’s mouth. The regressed alicorn could hardly comprehend the sticky liquid that covered the inside of her mouth. Most of it just dribbled out of the corners of her mouth as she continued to bob her head around the cock. “That’s enough,” Discord commanded, pulling the ponies off of him with one steady motion of his hand. With another wave of his hand, he floated the three ponies back into the playpen. The sexually charged ponies were quick to busy themselves with more dirty games. They desperately tried to scratch that sexual urge that built up in large piles deep inside of them. “Don’t worry, Twilight, you and your friends won’t remember any of this,” Discord smirked, “but I sure will!” He sighed with the biggest satisfied grin on his face. He looked over what he had created. He stared at all the diaper butts that crinkled loudly with each step the regressed ponies made. He enjoyed the naughty games they played, grinding against the teddy bears and each other. All of this was rather hot...And rather boring. His grin faded away once the boredom finally set in. Dressing Twilight and her friends up in diapers sure was fun, but certainly didn’t hold the draconequus’s attention. His grin was now a frown and a bored one at that. Another snap of his fingers conjured up a collection of bright flashes that lit up one after the other. All the various changes he made to the room quickly snapped back to normal. The giant teddy bears were taken away in a flash, causing Pinkie Pie, who was enjoying a nice grinding, to plop down onto the ground. The playpen disappeared, freeing the diapered ponies inside. Pacifiers were gotten rid of in seconds. In one final move, he floated the three diapered ponies back to their spots around the tea table. They were sloppily plopped down on their diapered rumps, causing the padding to squish loudly. Finally the scene was completely cleaned up with all the ponies’ diapers disappearing and their minds restored. With a meager wave of his hand and some low level magic, Discord had restored the room to it’s normal state. “Carrot Cake has been on quite the souffle kick.” Mrs. Cake said, “he’s always bringing in new recipes to...” Suddenly her words trailed off as a confused look fell on her face. She looked around her as something didn’t feel quite right to her. “Have we...always been sitting here?” Twilight shared her confusion, also feeling something was off. “I...don’t know...Pinkie?” “Beats me,” Pinkie replied, chowing down on another tea cake. Discord grinned to himself as he looked back out the window to the snowy landscape outside. He rather enjoyed tea time.