> Fired > by CreatureofTheNight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Fired > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh Sweet Celestia, this is boring!" said a complaining stallion dressed in his traditional royal guard armor, his hand wrapped firmly around his spear, but his posture leaning forward as the fatigue of his situation was starting to hit him. He leaned back and sighed "I thought guards were supposed to do exciting things like go on adventures, assist the princess in grand epic quest, and battling evil for Princess and Country." He groaned "Not stand in one place and do essentially nothing! Absolutely nothing!" His fellow guards were just giving him the stink eye, as one of them groaned and said "Nighthawk, will you be quiet for a brief second? Honesty kid, it's the same thing ever since you got signed to the night guard. If you hate it so much, why did you even join?" "I wanted to live a life of fancy" responded the annoyed co-worker. "I wanted adventure, excitement, dashing heroics, and protecting one of the finest mares in Equestria." "Nighthawk," one of his co-workers began to say, but the stubborn stallion started to dig himself deeper. "But instead my night are spent staring at a freaking wall! I mean come on guys, you gentelcolts don't think that this is a little boring? I mean, how can any pony can just stand in one place for hours?" the indigent stallion continued With a bit of concern, one of the his fellow guard said "Seriously, Nighthawk I would stop right now if I were you, before you say something you really regret." "I don't care! This needs to be said! You know the real reason I joined the guard, the real reason?" Nighthawk began, and then slowly he heard a clearing of the throat, from an all to familiar voice. Luna was glaring right at him and bellowed with extreme vigor "Nighthawk!" She pointed to her chambers "Go to my chambers!" Nighthawk froze in fear at Luna's sudden aggressive tone, though this was almost routine at this point. Noticing Nighthawk's reluctance she bellowed yet again "Now!" Her annoyance gulped as they did the walk of shame. Luna's aggravated expression did not change was they got closer and closer to her chambers. This was not the first time she had to do this, it's almost becoming routine at this point. She'd sit on her bed, he'd apologize and somehow she would just give him a lenient punishment, when she would have fired him a thousand times over! WHY!? What has that little ingrate ever done for her except complain?! Well not this time! No more miss nice mare! She is going to give him a piece of her mind, and finally fire him! As Luna sat down, predictably though not with the usual routine, Nighthawk got on his hands and knees and began to beg, pleading with her. He noticed her tone earlier, she never got this mad when they had their little confrontations, honestly it's one of the few things about this job he actually likes. Practically groveling at her feet, the terrified stallion let out a plea "Please don't fire me! I'll do better! I promise I..." "Enough!" was Luna's firey response, "All you do day in and day out is complain about how boring your job is. You ungrateful little worm! Do you have any idea how many stallions would kill to be in your position right now?! How many times do I have to tell you?! Being a guard is an honor! It is one of the highest positions in Equestria for a reason! My sister and I both trust our guards to protect us if we can not handle the situation ourselves! Yet all you do is complain when the job is more peaceful than action pack!" She groaned "I suppose I have not helped, I should have done this a long time ago..." She gazed at Nighthawk who was all the way to the floor at this point shaking in fear. "I am tired of only giving you minor punishments and not getting a smidgen of respect! You're...." She paused however as she looked at him, and then started to mentally hit herself for not finishing that sentence. She was SO CLOSE! She let out a heavy sigh as she realized slowly why she never fired him. She mouthed under her breath "He's freaking adorable." She groaned as her temper began to subside as she looked at him. Urg, she could just eat him up he was so cute. She simply said "Damn it..." She scolded herself over and over again, telling herself to not show mercy, that it doesn't matter how cute he is. He is intolerable! Eventually though she said "One last chance...and I mean it this time. One last chance, if I see you complaining again I will fire you on the spot." With a roll of her eyes, Luna began to hit herself on her head over and over again, mentally of course. Why does she put up with this Stallion? It's not like he's anything special. She groaned as she expected to hear Nighthawk to thank her profusely and they will do this routine again next month. One of these days though, she's going to have to fire him and... and... why is it silent? Luna looked down and sighed "Nighthawk did you hear...." Her eyes quickly shifted to one of rage. During his groveling he actually got low enough to see under her dress, and now he's just gawking at her panties. In a slight shift in her eyes, she screamed at him and said "OH THAT'S IT!" Causing Nighthawk to jump back to his senses. "I have had enough! Not only are you a lazy, complaining, pain in my flank,; but now I find out that you are a pervert! You get a good look! Well I hope you liked it!" Nighthawk winced as she finally, finally bellowed the two words she's been wanting to say for ages "You're fired!" Panting the two of them just looked at each other for a little bit, she expected him to go back to groveling, actual groveling, to let him keep his job, but no...there was silence. Nighthawk said something that threw her off, "I'm sorry, you're right. I went to far, you are well in your right to fire me," with a slight sigh he said "Can I make a confession, one I should have made on my first day? The real reason I put up with months of training, and wanted, pleaded to be a night guard," He look long into her eyes, as they became more gentle with his confession "was because I thought you were the most beautiful mare I ever laid my eyes on." Luna's cheek turned slightly red at that. Beautiful? No pony has ever really called her that before. Celestia was always "radiant as the sun" as for Luna, she was just...her sister. She looked at Nighthawk nearly out of the door way and said "Wait!" which caused the stallion to pause. She asked quietly "Do you really think I'm beautiful?" "I do, everypony goes on and on about Celestia, but I find her to be to...bright for my taste" He then turn to her. "You on the other hand have this sort of gentle coolness to you. You skin is such a cool shade of blue, your eyes twinkle like diamonds and, since I'm fired anyways, your body compliments you very well." He sighed "I should have told you from the beginning, and maybe asked for a date. The worse you could do was tell me no, right?" He looked away from Luna and let out a heavier sigh than before "I haven't been acting like a gentlecolt like I should have been, and I'm sorry for getting on your nerves" Luna sighed and said "Well, if we're being honest, any sane mare would have fired you months ago. I kept you around because I find you really adorable." That caught Nighthawk off guard. Adorable?. "Maybe the problem was, you weren't active enough." She said quietly. "I do have the need for a personal assistant...if you are willing that is." "You'd do that for me?" Nighthawk said quietly. "After all my complaining?" "I look after all my subjects, even ones who get on my nerves." she responded with a gentle tease. "You'll be more active than you are used to but, it's far less professional as well, so you can relax a bit and be yourself." "T...thank you..." responded the stunned stalliion. Slowly he smiled and said "And thank you for earlier, I can't believe you thought me as "adorable" " Luna was red and said "I was merely returning the compliment, my assistant." She paused though as she notice him smiling acknowledging that he was just teasing. However that turned Luna even redder in the cheeks instead. His smile...it was so cute! She started to hit herself as she said quietly to herself "Stop it Luna, you're acting like a schoolgirl filly with a crush." However, unlike the last time, Nighthawk heard her. "What?" Embarrassment coursed through her body as Luna said quietly "You umm...heard that?" He nodded and walked toward her, "Yeah I did..." Slowly Nighthawk took a seat next to her. "So...what now?" There was absolute silence in the room, until Luna said quietly "I don't know. It's clear we are attracted to each other, but..." She looked at him quietly, "I don't really know you." "I got an idea..." Nighthawk offered "How I simply kiss you?" Luna regained a ruby red blush from that, she wasn't sure but honestly it seems like the only sensible course of action. "We'll see where it goes from there. You can tell me when you want me to stop." After a brief pause, slowly she nodded and Nighthawk tilted her head and lent in giving her a kiss on the lips. Sensation and wonder filled both of their bodies, as Luna began to wrap her arms around his neck. Luna felt Nighthawk's tongue trace against her lower lip, asking for entrance. After a brief pause, she relented the two of them engaging in a dance with their tongues delicately tracing over the other. Luna felt her herself being gently pushed back as the two of them began exploring the others body with their hands. Nighthawk started to trace his hand over Luna's dress, as he started to move it down. His eyes locked with hers as he was asking if this was okay as she felt him slowly pealing her dress down, revealing that Luna wasn't wearing a bra due to the type of dress it was. Slowly she felt her left breast becoming exposed as she felt his hand gently move it around a little bit, playfully pinching and twisting her at her nipples. He than moved his head as she began to moan out as he traced his tongue over both of her nipples, alternating between them, giving them gentle bites when needed. A little vulgar compliment came from Nighthawk, but Luna really didn't mind, "You have amazing breasts Luna, they gotta be D-Cups at least...right?" Which caused Luna to nod, as Nighthawk resumed his gentle onslaught of her breasts. Luna, moved her hand down as she gripped on Nighthawk's armor, having a plan in mind of her own. Taking the bait, Nighthawk got up and took off the upper part of his, revealing that he didn't slouch during guard training. However that wasn't what Luna was interested. She slyly moved her hand and began to stroke his stallionhood and said with a smirk "It's not fair that my boobs are the only thing getting played with today." She undid his belt that held together his lower half of his armor and smirked at his boxers. With a gentle stroke of her hand on his member, she simply asked "Can we switch places so I can return the favor?" The two of them did just that, Luna slowly pulling off his boxers revealing his pride in all it's glory. Gently, she kissed it as she admired the now naked stallion in front of her, hormones outweighing her reasoning. She began to lick up and down the shaft and then started to suck at the tip. There was a soft grunt of approval as Nighthawk lent back as she began to slow bob her head up and down, sucking his member . He couldn't think of anything better at this moment, until he felt a weight on his knees. He looked up and his jaw dropped as he saw Luna move her soft breasts around his member. No longer wanting to be idle, he grabbed her hands and held her breasts in place and began to thrusts his hips, in response, Luna lent her head down as he kept going, her sucking on his member as it kept being thrust inside of his mouth. Eventually that feeling in his gut came, as he let out a primal groan as he sprayed his seed down her throat and fell onto the bed panting. Luna smirked as she held the seed in her mouth, savoring the taste, and then swallowed. She looked at him and then grabbed her own breasts and began to bounce them up and down, taunting him playfully asking "Since we've gone this far, shall we go all the way?" As if in response, Nighthawk's stallionhood stood to attention as she began to stroke it gently. Slowly she began to peal off her panties and then tossed them in her new found lover's face. He smirked as he felt how drenched they were as Luna began to adjust herself holding his member into position as she slower lower herself onto him. She couldn't help herself but compliment as she said "You're..." She let out a moan "You're bigger than I thought..." Slowly she began to move her hips up and down, her moans begin to become rhythmic at this point. Not wanting to leave a lady waiting, Nighthawk grabbed her breasts and began to hold on as he road the momentum of her bouncing up and down on his member. The two locked eyes while Luna was in her blissful state, as Nighthawk lent up and kissed her, thrusting a few times to show his appreciation, the two were engaged in a tongue tango as Luna kept going. A wicked idea got into Nighthawk's head as she spanked Luna, who broke not expecting that letting out a frightened gasp. Luna then felt Nighthawk giving her some more playful spanks as she quietly bit her lip. It was a bizarre mixture of pain and pleasure, yet it was so exciting. With sudden aggression, she felt herself being lifted up and pressed against the door, as she felt him thrusting into her naval with such ferocity. Though surprised by the animistic attack, Luna began to moan even louder, as he kept going pulling him closer as he went faster and faster. She then felt him pulling her away from the door and laying her, gently on the bed on her back as he kept doing, this time going even faster than before. All she could do was moan in approval as he kept thrusting. Nighthawk looked at her with a smirk and placed his right hand on her right breast as she screamed out "Keep going! Please don't stop!" He did what he asked as he began to up the anti, smacking her breasts one at a time with his hands. He then leaned forward went to kiss her, however she grabbed him and yanked him down wrapping her arms around his neck as she kissed him back. The two kept going for a while, the moans echoing in the room from Luna. However the good times could not last as Nighthawk got that feeling in his gut that said "I"m gonna..." Luna said "Ah...Me...me...too! C...cum inside me!" Nighthawk did what he was told and kept going faster than he ever had before until finally he erupted inside of her. The two stared at each other for the longest time. In that time questions came into their head? So what now? Does that mean their dating? Was this a one time only thing? These questions and more swirled. However the two looked into each others eyes and as if to awnser all of them, embraced in a warm tender kiss. After that day Luna kept her word and just gave Nighthawk a job as her assistant. At first he found the job to be even more boring that guard duty. However, he decided to at least try to give it a chance. Eventually he grew to love his job, and grew to love Luna. They became special some ponies after that day. Luna keeps him busy as his assistant, but she does know how to make it up to him.