A date with a Princess... And a Queen

by Somber_Shade_09

First published

Flash didn't know why Shining Armor sent for him, and Shining Armor has no idea why his wife is acting funny.

Flash Sentry and Shining Armor have a surprising amount in common. They both love a Princess (The same one depending on who you ask) They both do their best to protect those they care about, and their both colossal dorks.

When one is tricked by a Queen, the other by a Princess, things get interesting, especially if you read the first part of this story.

The Date

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Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, or Cadence to her friends and family, The Princess of Love and co-ruler of The Crystal Empire with her husband Shining Armor for many years now. They had a beautiful Daughter, Flurry Heart, and in general were very happy together. Of course they had one rather odd guest living with them, one most people didn't know about.

Queen Chrysalis, the former ruler of The Changeling Horde, was that guest. It happened shortly after Flurry was born, Chrysalis arrived at the palace in Canterlot weak and unable to even change her appearance. She pleaded with Celestia and Luna, begging them to spare her changelings in The Everfree in exchange for whatever they deemed fit to do to her.

Celestia forgave the changeling queen and decreed that Chryssi would learn the true meaning of love from Cadence, who happily accepted the responsibility. It took some getting used to for the Crystal Empire's citizens, who after being displaced through time had much to adjust to any way, now had to accept a Changeling Queen in their kingdom.

Eventually things settled, Changelings even being accepted into human society. Changelings were only unsettling in that they all had the same odd features; with green hair, glowing blue eyes, and slightly sharper canine teeth, coupled with pale skin. But as odd as they were people eventually accepted their presence and adjusted to beings that fed on the emotion of love.

Now in the present, with Estrus week fast approaching, Cadence was making plans to spend the entire week locked in her room with her husband fucking like wild animals! Blushing at such lewd thoughts Cadence made her way to her bedchambers wearing a simple pink gown, semi-transparent to show off her lithe and toned figure.

'This week is just what me and Shiny need to relax' Cadence thought to herself.

Recently the Prince had been rather stressed, juggling both his role as co-ruler of The Empire and as a father. But neither he nor Cadence would rather do anything else. Now that Flurry was old enough to keep herself occupied with her lessons Cadence and Shining could finally spend the entirety of her Estrus alone.

Or so they thought. As soon as Cadence reached her bedchambers she heard a voice behind her, smooth as silk and dripping with need.

"Cadence... My friend... May we talk?"

The Princess of Love knew exactly who was behind her. Chrysalis was standing dressed much the same as Cadence, only her semi-transparent gown was green. They both looked at one another for a moment before Cadence smiled and urged her friend inside her room.

"Come on Chryssi, tell me what's bothering you." Cadence said with a knowing smile.

The two gorgeous women entered the bed-chamber of the Royal Couple and sat on one of the lounges in the large open living area. Everything was decorated with various pinks, purples, and blues and the furnishings were soft and cozy. As soon as Chryssi and Cadence sat down the two faced one another.

"I'm going to come right out and say it: No you can not borrow my husband this week. I'm finally able to spend an entire uninterrupted Estrus week with him and I intend to be butt naked with him for its entirety." Cadence said sternly.

"I know, and as much as I'm disappointed that you won't let me take your place like before I understand. I just need someone else who can satisfy me, someone at least LIKE Shinny. His love for you has a certain flavor I've grown fond of..." Chrysalis replied.

Cadence thought for a moment. Chrysalis had been helping Cadence by occasionally pretending to be The Princess of Love and satisfying Shining Armor while Cadence herself was busy taking Care of Flurry Heart, and so far the arrangement had gone off without a hitch. But this was different, now Cadence didn't need to keep Flurry occupied, the smart little girl could do that herself.

"So you want someone LIKE Shining Armor? Someone strong, brave, and loving?" She asked the Changeling Queen.

"Yes. Have anyone in mind?" Chryssi asked hopefully.

Cadence grinned and nodded, knowing just the guy for the job.

Flash Sentry was nervous on the train ride to The Crystal Empire, but hopeful that this special training would be over soon. He wanted to get back to Ponyville and back to Twilight, who was no doubt horny as could be. Flash truly loved Twilight, and though there were some who didn't believe it, he knew she loved him.

Flash arrived at the station and was surprised when it was Cadence who greeted him there. She was radiant as always, but then so were all the Princesses, with her pink, purple, and creme colored hair and honey colored skin. As he approached her Cadence seemed to look at him... Hungrily. Flash shook these thoughts away and smiled as he bowed to her.

"Lieutenant Flash Sentry, reporting for duty Your Grace." He said as he stood straight.

Cadence looked him over, before smiling.

"Welcome back Flash, please follow me for your training." She says sweetly.

Something in the back of Flashes mind told him not to follow, but he ignored those feelings. Something about Cadence was putting him at ease, like he could trust the Princess and do whatever she said. For some reason thinking was getting difficult, and Flash decided to just go with whatever Cadence said.

Leading Flash to a Royal carriage Cadence lead him inside and had him sit next to her.

"Comfy Flash?" She asked with a slight blush.

Flash nodded and smiled, he was comfortable. Being this close to Cadence should have been making Flash feel Awkward as hell, but right now he never felt more confident. He decided to be more bold and put his arm around Cadence, making the Princess blush more.

"Oh my Flash, so bold? What if someone sees us?" She says playfully.

"No one can see us, besides it's not like anyone can actually see us." Flash said with a smirk.

"You naughty boy Flash, what would my husband thing. What would Twilight think?" Cadence teased, placing her hand on his thigh.

Flash blushed a bit at Cadence touching him so intimately, but for some reason he didn't mind. He should be trying to stop Cadence, both of them were in relationships (In fact Flash had every intention of asking Twilight to marry him soon) and their partners would be devastated if they found out. But for some reason it didn't seem to matter... All that mattered was making Cadence happy.

Cadence smiled as she saw the carriage coming to the Palace. Chrysalis was certain to already have Flash Sentry in her control, which meant the plan was coming along without a hitch. She was a little worried, letting Chrysalis use her mind-control abilities on Flash, but she trusted her friend.

Turning from the window Cadence sauntered over to a naked Shining Armor, stripping off her gown and under garments, leaving her in nothing bit pink stockings and garters. She stood in front of her handsome husband and took in his muscular form. Hours a day spent working his body kept him in perfect physical shape, his body looking like perfectly sculpted marble.

She grinned as she notices Shining was looking Cadence over in turn, eyeing her lithe frame and perfectly proportioned bust. She had firm, round D-cup breasts since the baby had come along, and they hadn't drooped a bit thanks to her powerful magic. They made a great pair together, both visually and personally.

Cadence gracefully moved onto her husbands lap, said hubby's 12 inch dick sandwiched between the two. They kiss deeply, hungrily even. Neither had been able to see the other for more then a few hours for months, they needed to relax the best way they knew how. As their tongues danced in each others mouths Shining let his hands move up Cadences sides slowly until he was cupping her breasts. He loved the way they molded to his hands from their softness, and he loved the soft moans that came from his wife.

As they kissed and groped Cadence gently pushed her husband down onto the soft bed, moving her hips into position to take his beast of a cock inside her. She slowly lowered herself down, breaking the kiss to concentrate as it slowly pushed inside her wet entrance. It was tight, as always, and Shining knew it would take time.

Slowly but surely Cadence took every inch her husband had to offer, until her soft round backside met his hips. They both looked at each other before smiling. Cadence blushed as she slowly worked her hips back and forth, looking into Shining Armors eyes as his cock rubbed her inner walls.

"Just sit back and relax honey, I think we're both overdue for this." She said with a smirk

Shining nodded and set his hands on Cadence's hips as she began to move up, letting his cock slide out until only the head remained inside before pushing herself down, repeating this a little faster each time. Shining groaning in pleasure as his thick cock being enveloped by Cadence's tight and wet pussy. Cadence in turn moaned in ecstasy louder and louder as she sped her hips, bouncing on her husbands cock.

Neither said a word as their lust took over and the both let their instincts take over. They thrust their hips into each other faster and harder, making both of them moan louder. Eventually Shining Armor rolled Cadence onto her back and hooked her legs over his shoulders, letting him rail into her deeper and harder, making her moan even louder then before.

As they moved together in this new position both Cadence and Shining Armor looked into one another's eyes. Both could almost hear the others thoughts, they knew exactly how to move together. This was their bond, their bodies and minds were in perfect sync in these moments, and now they were as close as they could be.

Cadence felt it first, the building pressure inside her stomach, then Shining felt it between his legs. His thrusts moved faster and harder, pushing his wife closer to her own orgasm. Cadence moaned louder, running her nails down her husbands back, making him groan in slight pain as he was in turn pushed closer to the climax.

Finally it hit them. Cadence arched her back and moaned, her inner walls quivering and milking Shining Armors shaft. Shining himself hilted his cock inside his wife's pussy, groaning loud as he unloaded inside her. Cadence could feel every spurt travel up Shining's cock before it erupted inside her, filling her womb with his hot seed. They shuddered together and held onto one another as they rode out their respective orgasms before finally collapsing into each others arms.

Cadence gently ran her hands through Shining's hair, softly whispering sweet nothings in his ear. They both had a light coat of sweat on their bodies. Shining eventually rolled onto his back and Cadence sat up to stretch. They both smiled as they sat back on the bed, cuddling against each other.

"Not bad Shiny, I almost forgot how good you are at that." Cadence smiled.

"Hey, you weren't too bad yourself. It's nice to get to be with YOU for a change" Shining replied with a smirk. "Oh yeah Cadence, I know about you and Chrysalis' deal. Don't worry, I'm not mad."

"Wait how long have you known?" Cadence asked after the initial shock wore off.

"Since last year, Chryssi let it slip when she made me call her 'My Queen'." He said.

Cadence simply sighed and shook her head.

'Figures she'd do something like that...' Cadence thought.

Shining chuckled and held Cadence close, kissing her gently on the lips. The Princess of Love letting herself relax into the embrace of her lover with a content sigh. She really did love Shining Armor, and she knew he loved her back. Knowing he was alright with the prior arrangement put that problem at ease, and she'd tell him about Flash Sentry's part in her new plan soon enough.

Flash gets lucky... Or not.

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Flash Sentry's clouded mind barely processed the fact he was being lead to a separate wing of the castle then the Royal Bed Chamber. "Cadence" was leading him to a more modest room, one for guests of the Princess of Love. The room was nicer then anywhere Flash had slept in the past, guard barracks aren't nearly this fancy, with it's elaborate curtains and deluxe queen-sized bed. Flash was seated on the bed, looking up at Cadence as she slowly undressed herself.

She was beautiful, her pale skin practically glowing in the faint sunlight. She wore nothing more then lacy pink undergarments, and thigh-high pink stockings. Flash was relieved of his jacket, and his t-shirt, leaving him in his pants and undershirt that barely covered his muscular chest.

"Flash, do you want me?" Cadence asked in a husky voice.

"Yes... Princess..." Flash responded.

Cadence grinned as she climbed onto Flash's lap, kissing him deeply. Flash normally would have noticed that the tongue in his mouth was longer then a normal person, but with the spell on his mind keeping him docile it all seemed normal. Cadence moaned softly as her tongue tasted the love Flash had, the forbidden kind always tasted so rich... She knew the former imperial guard had a cute little crush on Cadence, now she could make use of that knowledge.

Flash let his hands run all over Cadence's body, loving the smoothness of her. He gave her round ass a firm groping, finally fulfilling his long time dream. He almost couldn't believe he was making out with a mostly naked Cadence, his friend's wife, his girlfriends sister-in-law... Wait Girlfriend? Was Twilight... Flash shook his head as Cadence broke the kiss to reach behind her back.

Any questions floating in Flashes mind were pushed out the window when Cadence let her bra fall off her shoulders and tossed it to the side. Her bare D-cup breasts were magnificent, bigger then he could have imagined. She moved his hands onto her breasts, Flash groaning at the feeling of his hands sinking into the soft flesh.

"Goddess... Cadence I've wanted this for so long..." Flash spoke softly.

Cadence grinned as she pinned Flash on the bed, yanking his tank top off and kissing down his neck. She wanted this man to worship her, and here he was practically begging to do so. As she kissed and nibbled down Flash's chest Cadence unbuttoned his pants, working them down to leave the man in his boxers. She had to admit Flash wasn't bad looking, with his toned body and surprisingly large cock judging from the bulge in his boxers.

Flash gulps as he watches Cadence slowly run her hands up his legs, meeting at the apex between his legs. Was she actually going to touch him? Was any of this real? Flash's mind was slowly clearing, and the more the thought the more he realized he shouldn't be doing any of this. But at the same time... He WANTED this. So he relaxed and let Cadence do her thing.

"Oh good, the spell wore off. Do you mind if I change into someone more comfortable Flash?" Cadence asked with a smirk as green flames enveloped her in an instant and revealed her true form.

"C-Chrysalis!?! The Changeling Queen? Oh goddess what is going on?" Flash asked, more confused then ever.

The Changeling Queen was different from Cadence by a wide margin. Chrysalis was more pale, with green eyes and hair. Her arms were adorned with green elbow length fingerless gloves with faux holes around the wrists with matching stockings. Her panties were gone, revealing a freshly shaved and very wet pussy. The sent of Chrysalis's arousal was heady as it filled Flash's nostrils.

"Mmm, I can taste your lust from here Sentry... You want me, don't you? It's okay... You can do whatever you want to me, any perverted desire Twilight won't let you do to her." Her voice dripped with arousal as she spoke, moving closer to Flash.

Flash looks at the beautiful woman sitting in his lap for a moment, pondering her words. She was willing to do anything he wanted. This might not be so bad, he thought to himself.

"Alright, let's do it." Flash said with a smirk.

With that Chrysalis knew she had him and moved down to kiss Flash hungrily, her tongue pushing into his mouth. As they kissed Flash took the initiative and rolled Chrysalis onto her back, taking a moment to remove his boxers and reveal his throbbing length to the Changeling Queen. Chrysalis estimated him to be about 11 inches long, and quite a bit thick as well.

Flash spread Chryssi's legs apart and moved into position, looking into her eyes. Chrysalis looked back into his blue eyes and gave Flash a small nod, giving him permission to enter her. Flash eagerly obliged, slowly pushing his thick shaft into her soaked pussy. He groans in ecstasy as he bottoms out inside Chrysalis' tight love tunnel, her unique physiology creating a different sensation.

It felt like every inch of Flash was enveloped in a hot velvet vice as he slowly sawed his cock in and out of Chrysalis. The Changeling queen and the Human Warrior moved together slowly at first, gradually speeding up as both grew more aroused. Chrysalis moaned and arched her back in response to Flash's intense thrusts, the human finding his faster pace more appropriate.

"Ohh Goddess Flash don't stop!" She cried out, closing her eyes as her orgasm approached.

Flash smirked and reached down to gently tease The Changeling Queens clit as he railed into her tight pussy. The combination of sensations push Chrysalis over the edge, making her cry out in orgasmic pleasure. Her body convulses under Flash, who quickly pulls out and waits for her to come down from her orgasmic high.

"Ohhh... Fuck... That felt good, I needed that..." Chrysalis says as she catches her breath.

"Hehe, you sure enjoyed that. Didn't you?" Flash asked with a sly smirk.

Chrysalis responds by pinning Flash to the bed and quickly guiding his rod inside her once more. Both moan from the sensations as Chryssi bounces her hips up and down, with a slight corkscrew motion. Flash takes advantage of this position by reaching up to grope The Queens ample breasts, reveling in their softness and giving her sensitive nipples gentle pinches.

"AH! N-Naughty boy Flash!" Chryssi moans.

"Mmm, you started it Chrysalis..." Flash groans.

Having already cum once it didn't take long for Chrysalis to build to another body shaking orgasm, and Flash wasn't too far behind her. They both moved together, groaning and grunting as they fucked. As they moved together Chrysalis leaned in and kissed Flash deeply, passionately, both trying to wrestle control with their tongues. The Queens hands gripped Flashes shoulders a little tighter as they neared the next climax.

Finally it happened; Flash felt his balls churn and pull tight as his orgasm hit him. Chrysalis moaned into the kiss loudly as her inner walls quivered around her lovers shaft. Flash grunted as his hot spunk, sticky and thick, splashed inside The Queens womb, coating her inner walls. Chrysalis shudders as her climax milked Flash's cock for every drop, not letting any of it leak out. Once the two came down from their orgasmic highs The Changeling Queen collapsed on top of Flash and quickly passed out.

Flash looked at the sleeping face next to him and couldn't help but smile. She was beautiful, and powerful... As much as it pained him to betray Twilight after the fact, he couldn't bring himself to leave. He didn't know why, but he felt that while he had done wrong, today had to happen. Shrugging, Flash simply held Chryssi close and drifted off to sleep himself.

9 Months Later...

Chrysalis lay in the infirmary bed, cradling a little bundle in her arms. She hadn't expected to get pregnant since all the times she'd been with Shining hadn't resulted in anything, but figured her powers had blocked it since she had taken the guise of Cadence. The child was a girl, healthy and beautiful, with light green eyes, pale skin, and light blue and green hair.

Flash was standing next to them, smiling and looking down at his daughter. He couldn't help but feel proud that he was there for them, even if he'd messed up with Twilight. He and Chrysalis decided to name their daughter Elegy, a simple yet elegant name. All around the trio were their friends and family, all happy for the new family as well as the other new additions from the last estrus season.