Fluttershy Made You....WHAT?!

by Nan-Nan

First published

Rainbow Dash gets a unexpected visit on Valentines Day

Rainbow Dash gets a unexpected visit on Valentines Day.

Chapter 1

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Valentine’s Day had come again. Everyone was out doing something with that special someone whether it was going to the movies, eating at fancy restaurants, or just spending some time in bed. However there was one girl who was enjoying Valentine’s night alone, or at least was trying too. Rainbow Dash sat alone in her home chugging down her third soda and eating her fourth bag of chips.

“Stupid holiday,” she said bitterly to herself “If no guy out there sees what a catch I am it’s no skin off my back.” Rainbow threw her empty can of soda at the wall. She had never been much for love or any of that mushy stuff, but the fact that nobody had asked her out her entire life had finally started to take its toll on her ego.

“Fuck this,” Rainbow said as she stood up and walked to her bedroom. She changed into her pajamas, brushed her teeth, and started to get into bed. Just as she started to nod off she heard her doorbell ring. Who could that be this late at night? Rainbow ignored it, chances are it was nothing important. The doorbell rang three more times.

“Alright already, geez,” Rainbow got up and opened her front door only to see her friend Fluttershy standing there, her hair gently blowing in the wind. “Fluttershy? What are you doing here?”

“I came to see you, I know how being lonely on Valentine’s Day makes you sad,” Fluttershy smiled. “I was hoping I could give you some company tonight.”

“I don’t need your pity...but….do what you want,” While Rainbow was glad to see her friend she wasn’t in the mood for socializing. Rainbow Dash walked back to her room Fluttershy at her heels.

“I only want to see you happy,” Fluttershy said happily. “After all I’m single too.” Rainbow winced at the sound of the word single. Rainbow layed in bed as Fluttershy changed into her nightgown and got in bed with her. Rainbow knew it wasn’t the same but she felt...better with Fluttershy in her bed. At least for once she wouldn’t be completely alone this Valentine’s night. Rainbow once again started to nod off but soon felt Fluttershy fidgeting around next to her.

“Hey Fluttershy, you ok over there?” Rainbow asked. Fluttershy stopped fidgeting and looked up at the ceiling.

“Rainbow Dash, have you ever wondered what it feels like to do it with a man?”

“What?” Rainbow dash couldn’t believe Fluttershy had just asked that. She was always so timid and shy, she would never speak about something like that openly. Fluttershy sat up in the bed.

“Right now many people are making love, doesn’t that make you jealous?” Fluttershy’s voice was deprived of her usual tone, she seemed...distant.

“I...I never really think about it,” Rainbow replied trying not to sound like it bothered her that so many others had found love. “I have more important things to worry about.”

“What about….doing it with a girl?” Fluttershy asked. Rainbow Dash quickly sat up and looked at Fluttershy with utter disbelief. Where was this coming from?

“Fluttershy, what’s gotten into you? Stop acting weird,” Rainbow had definitely been caught off guard by Fluttershy’s sudden and unusual questions. She wasn’t sure how to react at all.

“Is it weird?” Fluttershy asked as she turned towards Rainbow. “Is it weird to make love to someone you care about, someone you love? If it makes them happy who cares if they are the same gender.”

“Ok ok, calm down,” Rainbow said putting her arm around her friend. “I didn’t mean anything by it. Of course it's ok if both people are happy.” Fluttershy rested her head on Rainbow’s shoulder.

“Rainbow, where do you think we will be in a few years?” Fluttershy’s soft voice had returned and Rainbow looked up at the ceiling as she talked.

“Well with any luck I will be going to college on a sports scholarship and then...ah!” Rainbow gasped as a wave of pleasure shot through her body. She looked down and her eyes widened as she saw Fluttershy had slipped her hand under her pajama top and was squeezing her left breast. “Flu..Fluttershy..what are you doing?” Rainbow struggled to speak as Fluttershy continued to squeeze ignoring Rainbow’s words. Rainbow wanted to grab Fluttershy’s hand to remove it from her breast, but her body felt paralyzed.

“Look Rainbow, your nipples are getting hard,” Fluttershy said cheerfully. “I knew it, there is a sensitive girl under that tough appearance.” Rainbow watched as Fluttershy removed her hand from under her top and looked down to witnessed her own nipples slowly get harder.

“No, that's not true. I’m not sensitive,” Rainbow protested. Fluttershy giggled.

“You are, just like I am….see?” Rainbow turned and looked at Fluttershy. She could she Fluttershy’s erect nipples sticking out under her gown. “Seeing you like this, all happy and full of pleasure, makes me happy.” Rainbow couldn’t take her eyes off of Fluttershy’s chest. She knew that small tinge of pink under her her white gown where nipples just begging to be touched. Rainbow had regained some control over her body again. She started to reach out towards Fluttershy’s chest but was suddenly paralyzed again.

“Wh..where are you putting your hand?” Rainbow gasped as she felt Fluttershy’s hand slip into her pajama bottoms.

“Oh wow, you're already all moist down there,” Fluttershy said happily. She started rubbing the outside of Rainbow’s pussy lips slowly and softly as Rainbow’s soft and long moans filled the air. Rainbow had never felt anything like this, and it was Fluttershy who was making her feel it. She felt nothing, nothing but Fluttershy’s fingers going up and down her pussy, it was pure ecstasy and pleasure. Rainbow felt Fluttershy’s other hand grab her breast again and let out a loud squeak. Fluttershy giggled as she started massaging Rainbow’s breast with one hand and started quickly moving her fingers in and out of Rainbow’s pussy with the other. Rainbow’s soft moans had turned into howls as she felt Fluttershy’s fingers go deeper and faster into her while the other hand pinched her nipple. Faster and faster Fluttershy moved her fingers in and out of her friend. “This is all for you Rainbow Dash.”

“Fluttershy...ah...stop,” Rainbow pleaded as a small stream of cum squirted out of her pussy. “I’m gonna….I’m gonna..” Rainbows body twitched as the pleasure started to overwhelm her.

“Yes Rainbow,” Fluttershy said excitedly. “Your happy, your so happy. I can feel it.”

“I’m gonnaaaAAAAHHHH!” Rainbow screamed as her vaginal juices flowed freely and strongly from her pussy soaking both Fluttershy’s hand and her own pajama bottoms. Rainbow gasped as she fell back onto her bed. She could feel her heart pounding, her body hotter than ever before, and above her sat Fluttershy with a warm smile. Rainbow’s body twitched as she tried to say something, move anything, but she could do nothing but gasp for air.

“No one has ever touched you like that before have they?” Fluttershy said warmly. “I can tell, not even you have touched yourself like that. I’m glad to be the first to make you experience happiness like that.” Fluttershy wiped her hand off on Rainbows breast causing Rainbow to twitch and gasp with pleasure. “Goodnight Rainbow.” Fluttershy got off the bed and started towards the door.

“Wait!” Rainbow said weakly still unable to move. “Where are...you going?”

“I came here to make you happy and I accomplished just that,” Fluttershy said beaming at her friend. “All I ever want is my friends to be happy no matter what.” With that Fluttershy left Rainbows house.

Rainbow lay in her bed still unable to comprehend what had just taken place. She winced as feeling came back to her body and realized how wet her bottoms were. A thousand questions zoomed through Rainbow’s head. Where had that come from all of a sudden? When did Fluttershy become so bold? Why did Fluttershy choose her? She lay there in a pool of her own sweat and cum as she started to realize the horror of what happened. She, Rainbow Dash, had been rendered completely helpless at the hands of Fluttershy. FLUTTERSHY! The most timid person she and everyone else ever knew, and she was dominated by her. Rainbow covered her face with her hands. She had never been more humiliated. If this ever got out….no….she could never let it get out. She knew what she had to do. She had to be the dominant one.

“No one will ever know Fluttershy made me her bitch!” Rainbow yelled.

Chapter 2

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The next day Rainbow Dash walked through her plan in her head. She had to get Fluttershy in a similar situation as last night and this time be the dominant one. It seemed simple but her head was full of unanswered questions. As she walked to school she tried to make sense of Fluttershy’s actions.

“Come on think Rainbow,” she said to herself, “maybe something Fluttershy said will give you a clue.” Rainbow thought for a while but all she could remember was Fluttershy’s touch. The feeling of her fingers slowly rubbing her pussy, the squeezing of her breasts, and the warm smile Fluttershy always gave her whenever she was around her. Fluttershy was such a warm and delicate girl, how did she find the nerve to do what she did? “Wait! She asked me is it was ok for two girls to do it and I said it was as long as they love each other. Does Fluttershy….love me? I mean who wouldn’t but why didn’t she just say so? Could love really be the reason for Fluttershy’s actions?”

“Hey, Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow snapped out of her own conversation as Twilight came running over to her.

“Oh, hey Twilight,”

“So how was your night last night?” Twilight asked kindly. Rainbow felt her heart sink horribly.

“Wha...what do you mean? I wasn’t doing anything!” Rainbow said hastily.

“Oh really,” Twilight said sounding slightly disappointed. “Guess Fluttershy changed her mind.”

“What do you mean?” Rainbow asked knowing full well what the answer was.

“Fluttershy came to me last night a to return a book I leant her and then asked if it was ok for two girls to do it. I told her yes as long as they love each other.” Twilight said. Rainbow laughed nervously as Twilight continued. “Then she said she was going to your house but I guess she didn’t after all.” Rainbow wasn’t sure if Twilight had connected the dots and was just playing dumb or if she couldn’t see the signs of social behavior as usual. Twilight was always socially awkward and sometimes oblivious to obvious signs. Either way Rainbow didn’t like it, if Fluttershy kept going around doing things like that people would surely start to piece together that something was going on between them, and if they did they might find out Fluttershy dominated her. Still she couldn’t shake the idea that Fluttershy was possibly in love with her, but there was another feeling Rainbow couldn’t shake and that was Fluttershy’s touch. She had never felt anything like it, she wanted to feel it again, she wanted to touch Fluttershy the same way. Was she feeling...love?

“Damn it Fluttershy, what have you done to me?” Rainbow muttered to herself.


Rainbow found it hard to concentrate on soccer practice that afternoon. She still didn’t know how to approach Fluttershy or the situation she now found herself in. After a rather rough practice Rainbow waited outside the girl locker room, she preferred to shower alone. Once her teammates all left the shower room she walked inside and turned on a shower head waiting for the water to get hot. She was just about to take off her soccer uniform when she heard footsteps echoing through the locker room.

“Who’s there?” Rainbow cried,”You better not be some pervert.” Fluttershy poked her head out from behind the shower room door.

“I’m sorry,” Fluttershy squeaked.

“Oh Flutters its just you,” Rainbow sighed. Fluttershy smiled at the sound of her nick name. This was the Fluttershy that Rainbow was use to.

“I was just a little worried about you. I was watching your practice and you seemed distracted, then you didn’t come out of here with your teammates and..I just wanted to make sure your ok.” Fluttershy started walking towards Rainbow Dash. Maybe this was the chance Rainbow had been waiting for, no one was around after all.

“Flutters, last night was amazi...mmph!” Rainbow’s eyes widened as Fluttershy’s lips connected softly with her own. No! Rainbow said inside her head. She caught me off guard again?! Rainbow backed away from Fluttershy trying to get some distance between them but ended up walking under the shower and soaking herself.

“Aww you're no fun,” Fluttershy said playfully, “I’m the one who is supposed to get you wet.” Fluttershy pursued Rainbow through the shower as Rainbow continued to back up till she was up against the wall. Fluttershy and Rainbow stood under the shower getting soaked to the bone as Fluttershy slowly moved her hand down Rainbow’s chest.

“Fluttershy...you're not wearing a bra!,” Fluttershy’s wet white tank top was plastered to her bare chest. It was so transparent it was as if Fluttershy wasn’t wearing a top at all. Fluttershy pressed her sopping wet breasts against Rainbow’s equally wet breasts as she went in for another kiss. Rainbow’s body started to become paralyzed with pleasure again as their lips locked.

No, not yet! Rainbow said to herself. Using all the strength she could muster Rainbow slowly moved her hand under Fluttershy’s skirt and lightly poked Fluttershy’s pussy. Fluttershy immediately broke the kiss as she let out a high pitched squeak. She backed up from underneath the shower and fell to her knees.

“No..no one must touch me there,” Fluttershy whimpered as she put her hands between her legs.

“Old Fluttershy is back,” Rainbow said triumphantly, “Now it’s my turn.” Rainbow walked towards her cowering friend and reached out her hands. In the blink of an eye Fluttershy reached up and pulled down Rainbow’s soccer shorts and and pressed her mouth to Rainbow’s pussy. Rainbow’s body instantly froze as she felt Fluttershy’s tongue make contact with her pussy lips. Even through her bike shorts Rainbow could feel the soft and wet licks. Even moans of pleasure failed Rainbow this time. All she could do was let out short squeaks and gasps as Fluttershy licked.

“I always loved these bike shorts,” Fluttershy giggled, “even when you were wearing a skirt I would catch a glimpse underneath, they always perfectly highlighted the outline of your pussy...and that sweet ass.” Fluttershy grasped Rainbows buttcheeks with her hands and started to squeeze. Rainbow’s legs started to feel wobbly, she wasn’t sure how long she could stand on her own two feet. Fluttershy slowly pulled down Rainbow’s bike shorts. “Wow, you have such a pretty cunt Rainbow.”

“Flu..Flutters...please..” Rainbow pleaded. Fluttershy giggled as she pressed her mouth to Rainbow’s pussy once again. Rainbow leaned her head back and her eyes rolled back as she felt Fluttershy’s tongue paint the inside walls of her pussy with her saliva. Rainbow couldn’t hold it any longer. With one loud scream of pleasure Rainbow unloaded her vaginal juices onto Fluttershy’s face. Rainbow’s legs gave way and she fell back onto the wet shower room floor. Rainbow dash lay panting while Fluttershy picked up Rainbow’s wet soccer shorts and wiped her face off with them before laying them across Rainbow’s lap covering her pussy.

“Don’t want any perverts to see that,” Fluttershy winked as she started to walk away,“glad I could make you happy again Rainbow.”

“Flutters...wait..” Rainbow struggled to her knees, “why...I need to know why you're doing this.” Rainbow’s anger was rising, once again Fluttershy had dominated and humiliated her.

“I told you, I love to make you happy,” Fluttershy said with a smile.

“Cut the crap!” Rainbow said angrily, “Pinkie Pie wants to make people happy, you want something else. What is it? It’s not my touch, when I did touch your pussy you cowered like the little scaredy cat that you are.” Fluttershy’s eye twitched.

“Maybe I just like making YOU the bitch for once,” Fluttershy said coldly as she left the locker room.

Chapter 3

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Fluttershy walked angrily through the school hallways. The sound of her wet shoes echoed throughout the halls.

“Stupid Rainbow Dash,” she muttered, “She still doesn’t get it.” Fluttershy was so distracted she didn’t even notice she was about to walk into someone. “Ouch!” FLuttershy cried as she collided with another person. “Sorry,” she said hastily, “I didn’t see you there…..Applejack!”

“Fluttershy?” Applejack said, “What the heck are you doing here so late….and why are you soaking wet?” Fluttershy squeaked as she covered her chest with her arms and ran passed Applejack. “Well that was weird,” Applejack said scratching her head. A few moments later Rainbow Dash came stumbling by on weak legs. “Heavens to betsy, what in tarnation is going on around here?” AJ said as she grabbed hold of Rainbow. “Easy there girl, what happened? You look like you went ten rounds with a bear and came out on the losing end.”

“You're not too far off.” Rainbow sighed.

“Did you and Fluttershy wrestle in the school fountain or something? I just ran into her and she was soaked to the bone like you.” AJ sat Rainbow down on a nearby bench.

“Fluttershy...has been acting strange lately,” Rainbow started, “she’s...just not herself when she is around me anymore. I tried talking to her about it but she seems to want something...and I think she wants me to figure that out on my own.”

“Oh for the love of apples,” AJ said, “Rainbow Dash can’t you see Fluttershy is head over heels for ya? On Valentine's day she stopped by Sweet Apple Acres and asked me if it was ok for two girls to do it, then she said she was going to your place after I told her it was ok if the two girls love each other. I ain’t gotta be a genius to know what's going on there.”

“You don’t understand,” Rainbow said quietly.

“The hell I don’t,” AJ said, “Rainbow you know Fluttershy is sensitive, just talk to her.”

“YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND!” Rainbow yelled, “FLUTTERSHY MADE ME HER BITCH!” Rainbow put her face in her hands and began to weep softly.

“Fluttershy made you...what?!” AJ said after a few seconds.

“On Valentine’s day and just a few minutes ago in the showers Fluttershy sexualy dominated me. She touched me in places and in ways that brought me to my knees and I was powerless against her.”

“You’re….you’re bluffing,” AJ said slowly, “Fluttershy is...Fluttershy.”
“I know it sound crazy but it’s true, that’s how she gets you,” Rainbow sniffed.

“There there,” AJ said sitting next to her distraught friend, “Despite this….unexpected side of her, Fluttershy is still Fluttershy and if you think for a minute I’m sure you can think of a way to deal with this.” Rainbow took a deep breath and wiped away her tears. Think Rainbow, think. She said to herself.

“I got it!” Rainbow said standing up, “AJ I need your phone.”

“Sure,” AJ said pulling out her phone, “Fluttershy can’t touch you over the phone, talk it out.”

“I’m not calling Fluttershy,” Rainbow said, “Hello Twilight? I need to see that book you lent Fluttershy.”


Fluttershy stood under a small tree in the backyard of the school. She took out the note she found in her locker earlier that day and read it aloud to herself.

“Meet me behind the school after classes are done for the day. I finally understand,” Fluttershy put the note back in her bookbag as Rainbow Dash came towards her. “So...you understand huh?” Fluttershy said sounding suspicious.

“I think I do,” Rainbow said, “Fluttershy I know you love me and I...well...I guess I was being a bit of a bonehead.” Fluttershy crossed her arms as she leaned against the tree. “All you wanted to do was show me and make me happy, and when conventional stuff didn’t work you got desperate. You wanted to be more assertive and do something I couldn’t ignore. However instead of making me feel good you made me feel bad.”

“That's not true!” Fluttershy cried, “You did love it, I felt it in your moans and your body. I made you feel pleasure that no one else could give you. You loved it and you love me!”

“You’re wrong Flutters,” Rainbow said softly, “My ego wouldn’t let me accept being dominated by you. It ate me up inside, I felt utterly humiliated.” Fluttershy’s eyes began to water.

“I’m sorry,” she whimpered.

“It's ok Flutters,” Rainbow said as she walked to her friend and threw her arms around her, “I’m going to make everything right. We will start over and have the relationship I was too stupid to see.” Fluttershy smiled as she went to wrap her arms around her friend.

“Ugh...hey what's going on?” Fluttershy said as her arms failed to rise. Her eyes then widened as she realized that Rainbow Dash had handcuffed her hands behind the tree. “What are you doing Rainbow?” Rainbow Dash grinned.

“Like I said in my note, I understand,” Rainbow said “I understand your feelings and we will start over, but you see I can’t let it go down in history that you dominated me. Now it's my turn.” Fluttershy struggled against the handcuff but it was no use, she was at Rainbow’s mercy. Rainbow could see the panic in Fluttershy’s eyes. “Good...that's the Fluttershy I know and love. You remember my moans you said, well do you remember what else I did? I pleaded for you to stop, it was humiliating, so now I want you to beg...beg for me to stop Fluttershy.” Fluttershy’s eyes began to water again but she did not speak. “Suit yourself, I wanted to do this for a while anyway,” Rainbow said as she grabbed Fluttershy’s breast.

“Hhhnnngghh,” Fluttershy clenched her teeth as Rainbow started to squeeze her breast. Pleasure started to paralyze her body as Rainbow squeezed tighter and tighter.

“That's it, I want you to moan, to scream, to beg me for mercy,” Rainbow said as she grabbed Fluttershy’s remain breast with her hand. Fluttershy closed her eyes tightly and tried to resist. “Your holding up better than I thought,” Rainbow said sounding impressed, “Good thing I have more where that came from. Oh, seems we have some volunteers,” Rainbow’s eyes were fixed on Fluttershy’s erect nipples which were sticking out under her white tank top. “Let me guess, no bra today as well?” Rainbow said happily as she pinched Fluttershy’s nipples. Fluttershy couldn’t hold back the high pitched squeak that escaped her body as soon as Rainbow pinched her hardened nipples.

“You see, I love you Fluttershy but I love being on top too,” Rainbow said as she continued to pinch and slightly twist Fluttershy’s nipples. “If I’m not on top well...I just don’t feel good about myself, you understand right?” Fluttershy didn’t dare open her mouth in fear that a long moan may escape her lips. “I always loved your tank top Flutters,” Rainbow continued, “It always amazed me how someone as shy as you could show off so much skin. Almost a shame I have to do this.” Rainbow grabbed the neck of Fluttershy’s tank top and ripped it down the middle fully exposing Fluttershy’s breasts.

“You ruined my shirt,” Fluttershy whimpered.

“Aww poor baby,” Rainbow said in a voice of mock concern, “Do you need your bottle?” Fluttershy glared at Rainbow Dash. “Ah there we go, a little fire. Tell me Flutters do you like reading?” Flutter continued to glare. “No? Thats a shame, because I read a fascinating book recently. I think you're familiar with it, it’s the one Twilight lent you recently.” Fluttershy stopped glaring as her eyes filled with panic. “Oh that got your attention huh?” Rainbow continued, “Judging by your actions you skipped a bunch of great chapters and went straight to the end, or climax if you will. I however read the whole thing and there was a fascinating chapter on humiliation and another on teasing.”

“You...you read those chapters?!” Fluttershy said nervously.

“Yep, seems all you cared about is being on top, well I enjoy getting there almost as much as being there. Now where were we?” Rainbow bent forward and licked Fluttershy’s nipple causing the whole breast to bounce slightly.

“Mmmph,” Fluttershy’s body twitched as she tried to hold back her moans of pleasure. Rainbow’s soft and wet tongue tickling her nipple was almost too much for her to withstand.

“Impressive,” Rainbow said, “You commitment to resisting me is most impressive, guess I will tease you for a bit.” Rainbow lifted her skirt and Fluttershy’s eyes widened.

“You're...not wearing your bike shorts...or anything,” Fluttershy stared longingly at Rainbow’s pussy. Rainbow shook her hips as she held her skirt up.

“You want this so badly, I can see it in your eyes. You want to touch it, render me helpless again, hear me moan, well not this time,” Rainbow said, “How about we see what's going on under your skirt.”

“Leave my skirt alone!” Fluttershy cried as Rainbow reached forward and pulled Fluttershy’s skirt down.

“Oh you're wet,” Rainbow said delightedly, “Such pretty pink silk panties, would be a shame to completely soak them. You can make sure that happens Flutters, just say the words I want to hear.” Fluttershy stayed silent. “Ok then,” Rainbow said as she slipped her fingers into Fluttershy’s panties and slowly started to rub her pussy lips. Fluttershy couldn’t hold back her moans this time, her soft and long moans filled the air as Rainbow continued to rub. Fluttershy’s pussy began to squirt completely soaking her panties.

“You know the best part about this Flutters?” Rainbow whispered in her ear, “The best part is since I read the teasing chapter I know how to rub you to give you just enough pleasure to get you to squirt but not enough to fully climax, I can do this to you for as long as I want.” Fluttershy winced as she felt her vaginal juices start to slowly trickle down her legs. “You liked being on top didn’t you Flutters, admit it….I said….ADMIT IT!” Rainbow yelled as she pushed her fingers as far as they could go up Fluttershy’s pussy. Fluttershy let out a ear piercing scream of pain and pleasure. “ADMIT IT,” Rainbow yelled again pushing her hand further and nearly lifting Fluttershy off the ground. Fluttershy’s screams echoed all over the barren schoolyard.

“Ok I admit it,” Fluttershy cried as tears streamed down her face, “I liked making you my bitch. You always treated me like dirt and it felt good to make you the helpless one for once.” Rainbow pulled her fingers out of Fluttershy’s panties as Fluttershy collapsed to the ground panting. “It hurts,” Fluttershy sobbed, “It hurts.”

“I knew you liked it,” Rainbow said wiping her hand off on Fluttershy’s hair, “That’s why I read the humiliation chapter, no one makes a fool out of Rainbow Dash.” Rainbow opened her book bag and rummaged through it.

“What are you going to do?” asked Fluttershy trying to keep the panic in her voice down.

“Now don’t you worry my little cry baby,” Rainbow cooed, “I have something to calm you down.” Rainbow pulled out a baby binky and shoved it in Fluttershy’s mouth. Fluttershy immediately spat the binky out. “No no no, bad baby,” Rainbow said as she picked up the binky, “good thing I have a strap for it.” Rainbow shoved the binky back in fluttershy’s mouth and attached a strap to her head holding it in place. Fluttershy’s muffled sobs and cries of objection were like music to Rainbow’s ears.

“Uh oh, looks like baby had an accident,” Rainbow said looking at Fluttershy’s soaked panties, “Let’s get you into a clean diaper.” Rainbow pulled a diaper out of her bag as Fluttershy shook her head in protest. Rainbow slowly removed Fluttershy’s wet panties and replaced them with the diaper. “Well isn’t this a picture,” Rainbow said gleefully as she pulled out her phone and started taking pictures. Fluttershy hung her head as more tears streamed down her face, her muffled sobs still filling the air. Her diaper started to swell as it absorbed the vaginal juices still flowing from her pussy. “Now let's hear those words Flutters,” Rainbow said as she removed the binky.

“I...need to be strong,” Fluttershy said as if she were in a trance, “Rainbow could never love someone who is weak.” Fluttershy’s will was stronger than Rainbow could have imagined.

“Get up baby, we are not done yet,” Rainbow said as she brought Fluttershy back to her feet. She uncuffed Fluttershy from the tree and immediately cuffed them again behind her back making sure to not give her a chance to escape. She then grabbed Fluttershy by the hair and started to lead her to their next destination. “Here we are,” Rainbow said. Fluttershy’s eyes widened as she realized she was now standing in front of a large mud puddle. “Have fun dirty girl,” Rainbow whispered in her ear. Fluttershy wailed as Rainbow pushed her face first into the mud puddle. Rainbow watched with glee as Fluttershy’s body flopped around in the cold wet mud. Rainbow turned Fluttershy’s body over with her foot so Fluttershy was on her back looking right up at Rainbow’s pussy.

“Say it,” Rainbow said as she pressed her foot onto the side of Fluttershy’s face burying it halfway into the mud. Fluttershy screamed as her mouth started to fill with muddy water. She kicked her legs furiously making loud splashing sounds but she was helpless. “Saaaay it,” Rainbow said again pressing Fluttershy’s face deeper into the mud.

“Stobbllebb, bbleas stobblleb” Fluttershy gargled.

“What was that?” Rainbow said as she lifted her foot. Fluttershy hacked and coughed as she sat up in the mud.

“Please stop….I beg you, just stop,” Fluttershy sobbed, “I’m sorry...I’m so sorry...I’m your bitch….I’m your bitch…” Fluttershy continued to sob. Rainbow kneeled down and hugged her mud covered friend.

“You're not my bitch Flutters, your my friend….so what do you say? Even?,”

“Even,” Fluttershy said kindly, “Lets start over and this time no dominating, we can have a good time without one dominating over the other.”

“Hell yeah we can,” Rainbow said as she uncuffed Fluttershy. “You were amazing though, I mean you resisted me for a lot longer than I expected.”

“Your touch was heavenly, it was so hard to resist.” Fluttershy smiled.

“Well your touch is amazing as well,” Rainbow smiled back, “Now let's hit the showers and get this mud off us.”

“Ok,” Fluttershy said happily as she stood up. Fluttershy’s diaper had absorbed beyond its limits and sagged as she stood up. “Ugh this feels so gross.”

“Baby needs a diaper change huh?” Rainbow laughed.

“Very funny Dashie,” Fluttershy said, “You are going to delete those pictures off your phone right?”

“Aww but they are so cute,” Rainbow pouted, “Fine I will get rid of them.”

“Hey Rainbow, can I ask you something?”


“You went through this whole thing and not once did you make me climax, why not?”

“Guess I was saving that for when I truly need it,” Rainbow said winking at Fluttershy, “So...your place or mine tonight?”


Later that night Rainbow knocked on the door of Fluttershy’s cottage. Fluttershy answered the door wearing nothing but an oversized men’s dress shirt and panties.

“Well hello sexy little girl, are you lost?” She said playfully.

“Don’t call me little girl,” Rainbow blushed, “Makes you sound like a child molester.” After Rainbow stripped down to her bra and panties both girls sat on Fluttershy’s bed.

“So you ready?” Fluttershy asked as she started to unbutton her shirt exposing her breasts.

“Now now Flutters,” Rainbow said as she closed her friends shirt back up, “Remember what the book said, we are supposed to cuddle first.” Fluttershy pounced on Rainbow Dash.

“Forget the book, tonight it's just you and me.”

“Flutters we agreed no dominating.”

“Then you better keep up.”

“Do you know who you're talking to? Come here,” Rainbow rolled over onto Fluttershy and looked down at her. “I love you Fluttershy.”

“I love you too Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy replied. Both girls moved their lips closer to each other and prepared for the greatest night of their lives.