An Unusual Romance

by DashieFan258

First published

Twilight accidently gets sent to earth and befriends a lonely human. And their relationship eventually blossoms into a romance

After a mysterious circumstance brings Twilight Sparkle into the real world she's discovered by a lonely closet Brony. He gives her a place to stay until she can find a way home. Twilight begins to discover she has feelings for this human. Feelings she's never felt before. Part of her doesn't want to leave his side but she knows deep down that it must happen and there's no way around it.

Chapter I

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I awoke to my alarm clock ringing. I groggily roll over and check the time. 6:30AM. I groan as I slam my hand down on the clock effectively shutting it off. I slowly roll out of bed and begin my morning routine. My name's Jason. I'm 18 years old and i live in a small apartment on the outskirts of town alone. I work in a factory as a general labourer. It's nothing glamorous but it pays the bills and it supports my video game and My Little Pony addictions. I walked over to my closet wiping my eyes as i grab a simple black t-shirt and throw it on. I take some jeans from my closet and slide them on. It's just another Monday morning. My head hurts somewhat from a slight hangover but it's nothing major and hopefully shouldn't effect the day. I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a quick shower. After that I head into my kitchen and make myself a bowl of Lucky Charms. As I sit at my table eating my breakfast i look around the room at the old family photos and posters i've collected over the years. I pull out my phone to check my text messages. As usual I have none. It's nothing i'm not used to. I finish up my breakfast and put the bowl in the sink as i grab my keys and leave for work, being sure to lock my door behind me.


A bright purple light enveloped the small one floor apartment. Slowly expanding before collapsing into itself. At the point where the light started, lays a lavender purple unicorn pony with a purple mane and tail with a single pink streak in both. her mane and tail were unkempt with loose hairs standing out all over them. She slowly stood up and rubbed her eyes with her foreleg.

"Where am I? Spike?" No answer. "Hellooooo?" she called out, stretching slightly. Once she realised she was alone she looked around the apartment at the posters and pictures that adorn the walls. She frantically looked around beginning to panic.
"What is this place?" She asked herself. She stopped when she saw the door and excitedly trotted over to it, opening it with her magic. But quickly closing it again after seeing cars drive by and strange bipedal creatures she's never seen before. She began to hyperventilate as she slid down with her back to the door. She sat there for what seemed like hours but in reality was more like 10 minutes. Her mind racing with countless questions that she has no idea how to answer. She began to calm down as her eyes began feeling heavy. Whatever brought her here must've drained her energy. She tried to fight the urge to sleep but it overpowered her as she layed down on the floor blocking the door and fell asleep.


I pull into my driveway after a long day of work. It's about 5:30PM and i can't wait to eat, watch some tv and go to sleep. I rub my legs trying to ease the pain that tingled from them. I've been on my feet all day carrying around boxes and other heavy objects. My legs felt like jelly. I turned the keys and removed them from the ignition, got out of the car and locked it. I threw my keys in the air slightly and caught them again as I walked towards my door. I fumbled through the key ring for the right key. I look up quickly and notice my door is open slightly. I began to panic as all the worst case scenarios run through my mind. I gently tried to open the door but it would barely budge as if something heavy was pressed against it.

"What the fuck?" I asked myself. I pushed harder against the door. Once it was open enough for me to see inside I quickly peeked around. Nothing. It looked exactly the same as i had left it this morning. I considered calling the police but I could hear a very faint and peaceful breathing. I pushed the door more. I could hear it louder now but not by much.

"fuck this" I thought to myself. I looked down to grab my phone from my pocket when i saw it. I froze in place. It was a familiar sight. But there's no way it could've been real. I wiped my eyes thinking maybe i was just seeing things from being overly exhausted. I took a deep breath and looked down again. Nope. It was still there. Twilight sparkle was sleeping on my floor blocking the way into my house. I squeezed through the opening in the doorframe and gently closed the door. I stood there for what felt like forever just staring. My mind was racing.

"How is this possible? How did she get here? Why is she here? How long has she been here?" I can't believe what i'm looking at. THE Twilight Sparkle. The very same Twilight Sparkle from my guilty pleasure of My Little Pony was here. In my apartment. I have to be going crazy. There's no way this is real.
"There's only one way to find out" I told myself as I knelt down and examined the purple unicorn on my floor. I have a rather active imagination but it's not nearly this active. She looks so real. I slowly reach out and gently touch her mane. I fell back onto my ass and pulled my hand away.

"Holy shit. I touched her. I felt her mane." There's no doubt in my mind now. Twilight Sparkle was real and she was in my house. Right in front of me. I thought about telling someone but who would I tell? None of my friends know I watch the show meant for little girls and I'd like to keep it that way. And even if they knew they wouldn't believe me. I look back over to twilight as she shuffles slightly and her eyelids slowly peel open to reveal 2 rather beautiful lavender eyes.

Chapter II

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Twilight shot up and screamed as she took a defensive stance. I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off by Twilight.
"Stay back! Don't come any closer monster! I'll have you know I am a very powerful magician and I wont hesitate to destroy you." I stood up slowly. and backed up a few feet.

"How did you get here?" I asked softly. She just stared at me with a serious expression for a few seconds before she replied.
"I don't know." She said. Keeping her defencive stance. I took a single step towards her but stopped when her horn began to glow with a light purple aura.
"Don't worry." I said. "I'm not going to hurt you. I understand that you're probably terrified, Twilight. But I swear I don't want to hurt you." This seems to have caught her off guard. "can we just sit down and talk about this?" I asked.

"How do you know my name?" She said as an expression of slight fear appeared on her face. Shit. She didn't trust me before and now she trusts me even less. I stood there for a second trying to think up an excuse for how I'd know her name. She probably doesn't realise she's a cartoon character. I've read fanfictions like this and when the ponies find out they're from a cartoon it usually doesn't work out to well.

I shrugged slightly. "Lucky guess?" I said sheepishly. She pouted her lips slightly and held her stance.

"I don't buy it" She responded. Well I'm out of ideas. I walked over to my couch and sat down. Twilight followed me with her gaze and turned her body to continue facing me. I picked up the tv remote from the coffee table and turned it on. I looked at Twilight. I could tell she's confused. I looked back at the tv and sighed to myself as I turned on the Netflix application. I motioned for twilight to join me on the couch but she just stood there.

"Come on. I promise this will explain how I know you're name." She eased up slightly when i said this.

"Fine. But don't try anything. I'm watching you." She walked over to the couch and sat down at the other end from me, clearly trying to keep her distance. When she saw the TV her eyes widened slightly and her jaw hung open. I chuckled slightly to myself and she snapped her head towards me.

"What is this?" She said pointing a hoof towards what would seem like a magic glowing box to her. I held back a chuckle "How does it work? What's it for? Where did it come from?" Her curiosity was coming to the surface.

"This is called a Television. Or TV for short. I'm not entirely sure how it works but people use it for entertainment. It's used to watch tv shows and movies." I start scrolling through the Netflix menu looking for My Little Pony.

"What's a... movie?" She asked. I only just realised they didn't have movie theaters or anything in Equestria.

"A movie is like a.... like an hour and a half or so story told with visuals and dialogue. A tv show is basically the same except only half an hour long." I found the My Little Pony stream and picked a random episode and turned it on. I threw the remote onto the coffee table and motioned for twilight to look at the tv. At first she sat there with her hoof on her chin as if deep in thought but she dropped her hoof to her side and her jaw fell wide open.

"Here it comes." I thought to myself. "Brace for the freak out." I closed my eyes tightly. Nothing. I opened one of my eyes and looked at Twilight who just sat there with her jaw hanging open and her eyes glued to the tv. I opened my eyes completely. "Well?" I asked. "Does that answer your question?" Twilight turned her head and stared at me. Jaw still hanging open slightly. She just nodded, clearly at a loss for words and turned back towards the tv. Phew. That went smoother than I thought. Twilight looked back at me gaining back her composure. She cleared her throat slightly.

"This is.... I don't even know how to describe it. So what you're saying is I'm a cartoon character?" I just nodded slowly. Twilight sat there for a few moments completely motionless. "So if I'm not in Equestria right now, then where am I? And for that matter, you're not like any creature I've ever seen before. What are you exactly? If you don't mind me asking."

"Well you're on Earth. Specifically America. More specifically Texas. And I'm what we call a human. There are 2 different types of humans. Males and Females. I guess in your terms a male would be a colt and a female would be a mare. My name's Jason." I reach out a hand for a handshake. Or rather a hoof shake. Twilight looked at my hand quizzically then back up at me with a slightly confused face.

"What are you doing with that...thing?" She said in a slightly disgusted tone as she pointed to my hand with her hoof.

"It's called a handshake. It's a thing we do here on earth. Just trust me. Put your hoof in my hand." Twilight hesitantly put her hoof in my hand. Her hooves may look hard but they're actually rather soft and slightly squishy. Like holding a twinkie only bigger and purple. I gently shook her hoof and released it. Twilight sat and stared at her hoof for a second. I looked past Twilight to my oven and saw the time. 9:15.

"Shit." I said as i quickly stood up from the couch. Twilight just sat there and stared at me. "I didn't realise what time it is. I haven't even eaten yet." I looked back to twilight who quickly averted her gaze. "You hungry?" I ask her. She looks up at me and nods.

"Yes actually, now that you mention it." I nodded and headed to the kitchen. I prepared some simple vegetables for Twilight and threw them in a bowl. I just made myself some toast. I placed Twilight's salad bowl on one end of the table and my toast on the other. Twilight stood up off the couch and walked over to the table and sat down in front of her salad.

"Thanks" She said with a smile and used her magic to levitate some vegetables into her mouth. How can she still use magic if she's not in Equestria anymore? I shook the thought from my mind and just focused on my toast. "So I guess you're gonna have to stay here for a while until you find a way back home right?" I asked.

Twilight swallowed her food and nodded. "It seems that way. I can sleep on the couch." I waved my hand dismissively. No way I'm going to let her sleep on the couch. She's my house guest. Plus I don't want someone else seeing her. That would spell trouble.

"Nonsense. You can take the spare bedroom. I don't have company like ever so you're free to use it." I took another bite of my toast as Twilight smiled warmly at me.

"Thanks" She said as she finishes off her salad and levitates the bowl into the sink. I finish my toast and stand up to do the dishes. Twilight walks over and stands beside me. "Need some help?" She asks. I think she's starting to warm up to me.

"Ok. You know any drying spells?" I ask teasingly, not expected a legitimate answer. Twilight just giggles slightly.
"Of course I do." She says as she picks up the wet plates with her magic and in an instant they are dry.


That night after Twilight and I finish the dishes we sat down for a bit and she asked me tons of questions. Like: "Do you guys have a ruler?" And "What other kind of weird technology do you have?" Even some I didn't have the answer to like "How old is the human race?" and "Why does earth rotate?" I'm clearly not as smart as twilight but I provided what little answers I could. I told her I'd show her how to use the internet tomorrow. At least that way she won't ask me any more tough questions.

It was time for bed. About 10:30PM. I showed Twilight the way to the guest bedroom and told her if she needs anything she can come to me. we said our goodnights and went into our respective rooms. I however had trouble sleeping. My mind was racing. I'm still trying to come to terms that a purple Unicorn from one of my favorite tv shows is real and she's living in my house. Twilight says she has no idea how she got here and I believe her. Part of me wants her to stay here forever but I know deep down that's just not possible and that one day, she will have to leave for equestria and I would be alone again.

Chapter III

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"What the hell is he doing? He's just sitting there"
"Hello? Earth to Jason!" I snapped back to reality.
"Oh hey guys. What's uh... what's up?" I must've been daydreaming. I didn't notice 2 of my coworkers standing in front of me.
"What's up with you? You've been staring into space for the past 5 minutes" Said Ryan, the forklift operator.

"Oh. I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night. I'm just sort of out of it today." I lied. I slept rather well once my mind stopped racing through questions regarding the purple mare who was now home alone in my house. I can only imagine what kind of trouble she's getting into right now.
"Well you better snap out of it. We got a job to do here." Jacob said, pointing to a pile of boxes. "We need these moved to the assembly line." I nodded and picked up one of the boxes.
"I wonder what Twilight's doing right now" I thought to myself. I'm still coming to grips with the reality that a purple unicorn appeared out of nowhere in my house with no idea how she got there. I dropped off the box to the assembly line as the lead hand,Joel, approached me.

"Hey man. What's up? Listen a couple of the guys and I are getting together after work for some drinks. You in?" I knew I couldn't go. I had already made promises to Twilight to teach her how to use the internet. I had to think fast.

"Shit man, sorry. Can't tonight I'm uh I'm visiting family tonight. It's my mom's birthday." I lied. My mom's birthday isn't for another few months. But thankfully Joel didn't know that.

"That's cool. Next time maybe. Hey wish the old lady a happy birthday for me." He smiled at me.

"Will do" I say as I tip my hat and walk back to the pile of boxes.


"Twilight? I'm home. The place better not be a mess" I was startled by a loud crash coming from the kitchen. "Twilight!" I yelled as I bolted for the kitchen. I stopped in the doorway as a smile spread wide across my face. "Wait don't move" I said as I pulled out my phone and took a quick picture. Twilight was sitting on the floor with a pan on her head. She scowled at me.

"It's not funny!" She said as she stood up and removed the pan from her head. "I could've been hurt you know."

"what were you doing anyway?" I asked.

"Organising. There's nothing else to do. You have no idea how boring this place is during the day. I mean sure im surrounded by all new things but I don't understand anything about them." I chuckled slightly and gently ruffled up her mane. Twilight pouted slightly and gave me a stern look. "What's so funny?"

"You do realise we have books on earth right?" As soon as I said this her expression changed to one of euphoria. She began to bounce in circles around me.

"Are you serious?" She asked

"Of course. Here let's go find one." I led her to my bedroom. Before opening the door I turned around to face her. "Sorry in advance for the mess" I said. She just gave me a slight smile. Not a full smile but more of a half smile. Like the kind of smile a super villain would have. But on her it didn't seem threatening. More, adorable. I ignored it and open the door expecting there to be clothes all over the floor and what not. But the room was spotless. I turned to Twilight who now had a complete smile spread across her face.

"Surprise" she said. "I figured it's the least I can do for you letting me stay here until I find a way back home." I smiled back at her and she opened up her hooves for a hug. I bent down and wrapped her in my arms.

"Thanks, Twilight. You probably won't believe this but you're already the best friend I've ever had. I didn't grow up with many friends. I mostly just kept to myself. So again thank you." We released the hug and I stood back up. Normally I wouldn't like someone else in my room especially when I'm not home but I trust Twilight.

I walked over to a shelf tucked into the corner of my room and pulled out a book. "Here we are. Come on" I said leaving the room and heading for the couch. Twilight followed suit. I sat down and twilight sat down beside me. Closer than she did last time. She's definitely warming up to me. I cleared my throat and read the title.

"Moby Dick by Herman Melville" I began to read the book out loud. Twilight was clearly enjoying herself judging by the gigantic smile slapped across her face. And oddly enough I was enjoying myself too. I'm not much of a reader but this was somehow different.


Twilight leaned over and rested her head on my shoulder. I stopped reading and looked down at her.

"Keep reading" she insisted. She was practically right next to me. I could hear her gentle breaths and I could feel her mane tickle my neck. It felt good. I've never done anything like this before. Part of me wished this moment would last forever. "Thank you" she whispered I looked at her.

"Huh? Why are you thanking me?" I asked

"Ever since I came here you've been super nice to me. You know letting me stay here, teaching me about your world and how it works, and now reading with me. While I do miss my ponyville friends I still kind of feel at home because I'm still surrounded by friends. Even if it's only one" She sighed and lifted her head off my shoulder and looked into my eyes. "That sounds really sappy doesn't it?" My heart nearly skipped a beat. I've never had someone say something like that to me before. And the way she's looking at me, she's so adorable I just want to pull her in for a hug. But I fight the urge. That's probably too forward. She just confided in me and confirmed our friendship and I don't want to ruin that.

"I'll be honest with you, yeah. It does sound kinda sappy. But that's alright. I'm glad I can make you feel somewhat at home. I'll always be here if you need anything" She sighed happily and rested her head back onto my shoulder and snuggled up closer to me. I wanted to wrap my one arm around her but I wasn't sure if she'd approve. I turned back to the book and kept reading. We stayed like that until late into the night.


"So, what'd you think?" I asked twilight as I closed the book. I looked down at Twilight who was still snuggled into me and resting her head on my shoulder. No response. She must've fallen asleep. I have no experience with this kind of situation so I begin to panic. Do I wake her up or do I stay here and let her sleep? If I get up will she wake up? I decide it's best to just let her be. Besides I thought it was adorable. I put the book down and slowly leaned back. I looked at twilight. She looks so peaceful in her sleep. A slight smile spread across her lips. I had the urge to give her a kiss on the forehead. I fought with that idea for a while. What if she wakes up when I do? What would she think? I eventually decided that I'd never get this opportunity again. I craned my neck downwards and gave her a gentle peck on the forehead. She squirmed slightly but then sighed with content as her smile grew. I couldn't help but smile back. I don't know who's to blame for bringing Twilight into my life. Whether it be Twilight herself or hell, even god. But whoever it is, I thank you with all my heart.

Chapter IV

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"what's this?" Twilight asks, pointing to the keyboard on the desk in front of her.

"That's a keyboard. It's used to type words that will then appear on the screen" Right now I'm teaching Twilight how to use the internet. I promised I would about a week ago but I never got around to it.

"ooo" Says Twilight and she places her hoof on the keyboard. And what's that?" She asks pointing to the mouse.

"That's a mouse. It's used to navigate the menus and stuff." Twilight used her magic to move the mouse as the screen burst to life displaying my desktop. It's nothing special just a picture of me and my friends and a few files for various things. I lean over Twilight and point to the Google Chrome symbol. "Ok move the cursor-" I was cut off by Twilight before I could finish.

"What's a cursor?" She asks looking up at me. I sigh lightly.

"The cursor is that little white arrow right there. It's how you click on stuff."

"Got it." Says twilight as she turns back to the computer.

"Now just move the cursor over here and click twice." Twilight follows my instructions as the Google homepage is brought up. "Welcome to the internet,Twilight. Any and all information you could ever want or need is right here. Just type it in the search bar and you're good to go." Twilight's eyes widen in amazement.

"What should I look up?" She asks. "Maybe something about your world's history or maybe it's science or..." She trailed off. "I got it!" She exclaims as she starts attempting to type with her hooves. When she's done she looks up at the screen and her smile disappears. "I think my hooves might be too big" She says. I look over her shoulder to see what the problem was.

"hgfjkdgfutryjfewkhuveukgkerjfgjkhdfg" was all she could manage to type. I chuckle slightly. "Yeah. That may be a problem. Let me think for a second" I stood there for about 2 minutes thinking of different ways Twilight could use the keyboard until it hits me. "I'll be right back" I say as I turn to leave the room

"Wait." I stopped and turned back towards Twilight and raise a single eyebrow.

"What?" I ask

"Where are you going?" She asks somewhat sheepishly. She has a slight look of sadness on her face and I can tell she doesn't like being alone.

"I'm going to get something. I'll be right back. Like 2 seconds" I reply. Twilight gives me a nod and with that I leave the room.

"Here. Use this" I say as I enter the room with a pencil. Twilight just stares at me with an unimpressed look. "Use your magic to levitate the pencil and press the keys with it" I say. With that Twilight's expression changes to one of joy as she takes the pencil in her magical grip and begins typing again.

It takes her nearly 5 minutes to type out her search. "A spectrum on human emotion and the related areas of the brain" She looks down at the keyboard then to me.

"What now?" she asks

"Just hit the enter button. It's the one that says enter on it" She looks back down at the keyboard and quickly scans it to locate the enter button. Once she does she presses it and the screen changes once more. Twilight had a small nerdgasm at the site of the many links and articles

"This is more amazing than I thought it would be. We need this in equestria. It would make doing research a lot easier and faster too."

"Well, I'll leave you to it. Have fun Twilight" I grab my keys as Twilight waves her hoof in the air as if to say "Yeah yeah just go already" I smile softly and leave the house for work.

"I wonder what else I can find on the internet" Twilight says to herself. "Jason said any all all information I want or need is right here. So maybe it has a way for me to get back home" Twilight thinks to herself and she starts to frantically type her question into the search bar and hitting enter. "No results found" She read out loud. Her ears flopped down sadly as she let out a long sigh. "Even the internet doesn't know how I can get home. Maybe...maybe I'll never be able to return" Twilight thought about the events that would occur if she never came back. She's been gone for about a week and a half so surely her friends are either searching for her or they've already searched but gave up. Twilight looked around the apartment contemplating what she should do. Whether she should just give up on finding a way home and learn to adapt living with a human or she could try a teleportation spell. Maybe that could get her home. But she doesn't know how far away from Equestria is and she might not have enough magical energy to teleport a vast distance.

She stood up from the computer desk and trotted into the middle of the living room. "It's worth a shot. I have to atleast try" Twilight focused on using her magic to send her home. She's performed teleportation spells countless times but only over short distances. She could feel the magic coursing through her veins as her horn glow brighter by the second until she dropped to the floor her magic sizzling out. "Appleseeds!" She yelled as she stood back up. She didn't have the magical capabilities to perform the spell. She kicked at the ground with her hoof and sighed as the thought that she'll never see her friends again overtook her mind. Memories of hanging out at sugar cube corners and all the adventures her and her friends shared played in her head over and over. Twilight tightly shut her eyes to stop from crying but it was too late. Tears began to roll down her cheek as she fell to her knees sobbing softly into her hooves.

After about an hour Twilight was out of tears. She cried until she couldn't cry anymore. Her once beautiful lavender eyes were now puffy and bloodshot. Her cheeks stained with tears. She stood up and dusted herself off still sniffling. She trotted slowly back to the computer desk and sat down. Blindly staring at the page. Twilight sighed.

"If there's no way back home than I guess i have no choice. I have to adapt with living with a human and never seeing my friends again" Twilight's voice cracked slightly at the last word as sadness washed over her once more, though she still couldn't cry. She shoved the keyboard out of the way and laid her head down onto the desk. "It's not so bad. Oh who am I kidding? It's really really bad. But Jason is a nice guy. He's caring. He took me in. And on the weekend we read books together. I only ever read books with Rainbow Dash but that was not a common thing. He gave me a place to sleep, my own room. He feeds me and gives me whatever I need. I have lots of fun being around him" Twilight noticed a slight pain in her chest. She sat straight up and pressed her hoof against her chest right above her heart. She could feel her heart beating.

bump bump. bump bump.

"My heartbeat seems normal" Twilight says out loud. "But then why do I have a slight pain in my chest?" She looked up to the computer screen and grabbed the keyboard she had slid across the desk and took her typing pencil with her magic and began typing out her symptoms into a blank note document.

"chest pains." Was all she wrote. She saved the file. "I don't have enough information for a diagnosis just yet. I'll have to be on the lookout for other symptoms." Twilight closed the file and begin to think of what else she could look up.

Chapter V

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"Twilight, I'm home!" I call out as I enter the apartment and take my shoes off. I hang my keys up on the hook by the door as Twilight appears in the hallway and smiles at me.

"Welcome home. How was work?"

"Oh you know, the usual. My legs ache like no tomorrow." I say as I walk over to the couch and sit down. I put my legs up on the coffee table and lean back to get more comfortable. I let out a long sigh of contempt as Twilight sits down beside me and snuggled into my side.
Twilight has been really cuddly towards me lately but I've shrugged it off as nothing. I mean I am gone nearly all day so I figured she just gets lonely. I grab the remote from the coffee table and turn on the tv. I'm not looking for anything specific, I just want to relax after a long day's work. I was thinking of showing Twilight my Playstation 3 but figured she'd be overwhelmed. She's still amazed by the computer.

"So Jason?"

I don't take my eyes off the tv and keep flipping channels "hm?"

"I was just thinking, since it's a Friday, we could stay up late and watch some movies or something. Like we did last week? I found another movie on the internet that I'd like to see." I take my eyes off the tv and look down at the mare who's now looking up at me with a warm smile spread across her face.

"Like what?" I ask

"I found one called Inception that sounds really cool." She said, looking over towards the tv. "I mean if you don't want to that's fine though." She said sheepishly. I can hear a hint of sadness in her voice. I bring my hand up to my chin and scratch my small beard.

"That actually sounds like fun. I'm in if you're sure you can actually handle staying up late this time." I said, teasingly. Last time Twilight tried to stay up she fell asleep not even halfway into the movie.

Twilight shot me a serious look and pouted her lips slightly. "I...I'm sure. I can handle it. Besides, last time you picked a boring movie. People on the internet seem to really like this one and I saw a few pictures and trailers. It looks really interesting"

"Alright." I said. "I mean I've already seen it but I really liked it so I'd watch it again. Well I guess we're going to need snacks. Any suggestions?" I put one arm around the mare and pull her closer to my side. She gives me a look of surprise but eventually smiles and nuzzles my side slightly.

"I don't know. It doesn't really matter to me. Just some apples and some soda would be fine." Twilight says softly

"Alright. That's easy enough. But I should probably take a shower first. While I do that, you get the snacks ready. Deal?" I ask letting go of Twilight.

She looks up at me and nods "Deal."


I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around me. I can hear Twilight rummaging through the fridge. I shiver slightly as I dry myself off and enter my room, shutting the door behind me. I throw the towel into the dirty laundry basket and rummage through my dresser for a pair of pajama pants. I usually just sleep in my street clothes and change in the morning but Twilight insisted I wear something more comfortable. I finally find a nice pair and put them on. I then reach for a plain black shirt and throw that on as well.

Suddenly there's a knock on my bedroom door. "Jason? Are you dressed? I have the snacks ready."

"Ya I'll be out in a minute." I answer as I start rummaging through my closet. "I know it's here somewhere" I whisper to myself as I push suits and other types of clothing I barely wear out of the way. "Aha. Here it is." I say as I throw on my snuggie. I've had it for a while but I almost never use it and this seemed like an appropriate time.

I exit my room and walk down the hallway towards the living room. There's a bowl filled with a few apples set on the coffee table. All around the bowl are cans of soda. Some of them have straws. I'm assuming those are Twilight's. On the couch is Twilight who's looking at me with a hoof covering her mouth.

"What?" I ask, holding my arms out in a T pose. "Don't you like it?" I saw as I jokingly twirl in place letting twilight get a good look at the snuggie from all angles.

"To be honest, you look kinda ridiculous." She deadpans. she begins to chuckle slightly. I let a small frown overtake my face.

"Well. I like it. It's comfortable. But if you don't like it I guess that means no snuggles."

In an instant she stops giggling and looks me dead in the eye. " I like it. It just looks a little... big on you." I look down at the snuggie. It reaches down to the floor and the sleeves go past my hands.

"Ya. I guess it is. But it's still comfortable" I say.

Twilight pats the cushion beside her on the couch, signalling me to come sit with her. I oblige and sit down beside her. Almost instantly I can feel something poking me in the side. It doesn't hurt but it is slightly annoying. I look down beside me. Twilight has pressed her head against my side and her horn is poking into my armpit.

" mind? That's slightly annoying" I say

"Oh. Sorry." Says Twilight as she shifts her head so her horn is no longer poking me. "Better?" She asks

"Much better. Thank you" I grab the remote from beside me and turn on the TV, going to the Netflix menu.

"So what do they even call what you're wearing? I've never seen it before."

"It's called a snuggie. It's basically a blanket with sleeves." I say, not taking my eyes away from the tv. I open the search menu and type 'Inception' into the search bar.

"well you were right. It is comfortable" Says Twilight. I put down the remote as the opening credits begin to play. I wrap one arm around Twilight and she lets out a quiet sigh of content.

"Told you" Twilight picks up 2 sodas with her magic and hovers one in front of me. I grab it and crack it open. "Thanks" I say as I take a sip.

As the movie plays I begin to notice Twilight is looking at me more than at the movie. I decide not to call her out on it but I can see her looking up at me in my peripheral vision. At about the halfway point I can't handle it anymore. I pause the movie and look at Twi. She quickly looks away towards the tv "Hey! I was watching that" Says Twilight, trying to cover the fact that she was staring at me.

"Ok. What's up? You've been staring at me pretty much the whole movie. Is something wrong?" Twilight's face becomes flushed almost instantly.

"n...nothing. It's just.... no never mind" She says. I don't buy it. She's definitely hiding something. Twilight isn't a very good liar.

"Twilight, please. You're a terrible liar. Your face is flushed and now you're avoiding eye contact. You know you can tell me anything. If something's wrong just tell me." Now I'm slightly worried. Twilight is hiding something from me. But what?

"it's just... Oh I can't say. It's too embarrassing" Twilight says, covering her face with her hooves. "Can we just please keep watching the movie?" She asks.

"Not until you tell me what's going on."

Twilight took a deep breath and lowered her hooves away from her face. She quickly turned her head towards me. "I think I might like you!" She blurted out. I remained silent for a few moments. Processing what just happened. I wrapped my arms around the mare and pull her into an embrace. Twilight's shocked but she eventually wraps her hooves around me, returning the hug.

"Silly Twilight." I whisper softly into her ear. "I like you too." Twilight lets go and pushes me away slightly, breaking the hug. A small amount of tears are beginning to form in her eyes.

"Really?" She asks, surprised. I just nod and wrap one arm around the unicorn. She snuggles into me and lets out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad to get that off my chest"

I chuckle slightly, rest my chin on the top of her head and resume the movie.


Twilight lets out a loud yawn. "Wow. That was really cool" said Twilight as she struggled to keep her eyes open. I chuckle slightly and begin to slowly stroke her mane as she lets out a soft moan.

"I think it's time for bed" I say.

"Awwww. Can't we stay like this for just a little longer?" She asks. I don't know what but something about the way she said that was unbelievably adorable and I didn't want to upset her.

"I'll cut you a deal. How about we just go to bed together? We can cuddle and sleep at the same time." Twilight smiled wide and nodded frantically. She let out another yawn. I pick up the sleepy mare and take her into my bedroom. I slowly lay her down onto my bed and pull the blankets over her. Then I take off the snuggie and climb into bed beside her. I wrap my arm around her as she buries her face into my chest.

"Goodnight, Twilight." I whisper softly.

"Goodnight, Jason" Replies Twilight. I reach over with my free arm and shut off the lamp beside my bed. Shortly after I can feel Twilight's breaths becoming lighter and more peaceful. I gently kiss the top of her head and slowly close my eyes to sleep.

Chapter VI

View Online

I woke up to my alarm clock ringing. Before I could roll over and slap the snooze button, the clock is surrounded by Twilight's magic and the annoying beeping ceases.

"Good morning" Says Twilight, opening her eyes slowly and yawning. "How'd you sleep?" She asks as she rubs her eyes with her foreleg.

"Pretty good actually." I say with a smile. I turn to look at the clock. 7:30AM. "Damn" I think to myself. I get out of bed and I change my shirt. I turn back to Twilight, who's still half awake laying in my bed. " you mind, Twilight? I kinda have to change my pants"

Twilight looks down at the floor. "Oh. Right. Sorry" She says as she gets out of the bed and leaves the room, shutting the door behind her. I quickly throw on a pair of skinny jeans. I then put on some deodorant and spray on some Axe. I put on a hat and grab my wallet and leave the room. "Hey,Twilight!" I call out. "I have to be at work soon so if you want something to eat it has to be quick!" I say as I grab a bowl from the cupboards and make myself a bowl of cereal.

"That's fine. I can eat later. I'm not all that hungry right now." Twilight says, suddenly appearing behind me. I turn around and walk over to the table and sit down. Twilight comes and sits down beside me.

"So I was thinking...about last night." Twilight says,nervously clapping her hooves together. I held up a single dismissive finger as I swallowed my cereal.

"Twilight, it's fine. You were tired. You probably didn't even know what you were saying. Besides, nothing happened and I don't know about you but I had tons of fun." Twilight smiled sheepishly.

"You're right. I was tired. Very tired. But I had fun too. We should do that every weekend." I jokingly tussle up her mane.

"Deal" I say,finishing off the last of my breakfast. I get up and put the bowl in the sink. "Ok so I'll be home same time as usual. Try not to trash the place while I'm gone."

Twilight raises an eyebrow. "Do you even know who you're talking to? I'm not going to trash the place. If anything, I was going to organise it. Make it even better." I chuckle as I grab my keys and head out the door.

Twilight's ears flop as soon as Jason is out of sight. She hates it when he's not there. In Equestria it would be different. She could amuse herself with books or she could talk to spike. But This is an apartment. And Jason isn't much of a reader so there aren't that many books. Twilight's already read each book 4 times at least in the 2 weeks she's been stuck there.

She gets bored. Sometimes she'll take a nap or go on the internet but she mostly just lazed around, keeping an eye on the clock.

Twilight flopped back onto the couch and sighed to herself. She had no idea what to do. Her eyes darted back to the clock. 12:00PM. Jason will be home in 3 and a half hours. This realisation made twilight happy for a moment but then it dawned on her. She has to sit around for even longer. Her ears flop down and she lets out a small yawn. She laid down and fell asleep soon after.


"Twilight? I'm home. I picked up something I think you'll enjoy" I said as I entered the apartment and took my shoes off. "Twilight? Where you at?" I walked into the living room and found Twilight curled up on my couch, sleeping. I chuckle lightly to myself and walk into the kitchen. Putting a plastic bag on the table along with my keys. I re-enter the living room and sit on the edge of the couch. I nudge the sleeping mare gently.

"Hey, get up Twilight. I got something for you" Twilight just lets out a groan and rolls over so she's facing the back of the couch. I stand up and face the mare and I shake my head.

"god damn it" I whisper to myself and I begin to gently shake the mare. "Get up" Twilight rolls over and slowly opens her eyes. She smiles warmly.

"Hey, you" She says. "What time is it?"

"Just after 4." I say. "Now come on and get up. I picked up something for you that I think you'll enjoy" I stand up and gesture her to follow me into the kitchen.

Twilight followed beside me and sat down at the table. "So? What's this thing you picked up for me?" She asked quizically but also excitedly. I reach into the grey plastic bag and pull out an old cell phone.

Twilight gives me a confused look. She points to the small grey object in my hand with her hoof. "What's that?" She asks.

"It's a cellphone. You can use it to call and text people instantly anytime anywhere. It's kinda like the one I have except this is an older kind of cellphone. We call them flip phones."

Twilight took the phone in her magic and carefully examined it. She flipped it open and the screen comes to life. "So how does this work exactly?" Twilight asks

"Go over to contacts. My phones number should already be in it. Just select me and go to send message. Then it's just like using the computer. You just type your message and hit send." Twilight smiled wide.

"This is amazing." She said

"Well I figured you were probably bored sitting around all day so I figured this would help." I said, shrugging. Before I knew it, Twilight's hooves were wrapped around my legs.

"Oh you have no idea. Thank you so much" Twilight says, looking up at me with a big smile spread across her face. It's the kind of smile I'd do anything to see. It's so warm and happy. It's the kind of smile I'd die to protect.

Twilight let go of my legs and cleared her throat slightly. "So how was work today?" She asks, trying to change the subject.

"Not too bad." I say as I walk to the couch and sit down. I put my feet up onto the coffee table and Twilight sits down beside me.

"Again, thank you for the phone. You have no idea how boring it is when you're not here." I wrap an arm around the purple mare and she snuggles into my side.

"You're very welcome." I say.

Twilight sighs with content as she slowly closes her eyes. I look down at her.

"what's up? You tired already? It's only 5" I say

Twilight waves her hoof dismissively. "Nah. I'm just relaxing. You're really warm, you know that?"

I squeeze Twilight gently. "Well that's good to know." I say

Twilight lets out a small giggle and lays down across my lap. She looks right up at me. "Hey."

I look down at her. "sup?" I ask.

"You ever wonder why of all places I could end up I'd end up here with you?" She asks.

I gave this some thought. "Well not since a few days after you showed up. Now I don't really care how or why you're here, I'm just glad you are." I smile slightly.

"I'm serious though" Says Twilight. "What if I was sent here on purpose? But why and by whom? And most importantly, how?" She asks.

"I'm not sure, Twilight. We humans have magic but it's all fake magic. Just smoke and mirrors. You have real magic. I'm the last person you should be asking that."

Twilight brought her hoof to her muzzle for a second, thinking. "I guess you got a point there." She says. "I'm the only one who can get myself back home."

"How long do you think it's been?" I ask

"Hm? What do you mean?" Asks Twilight.

"I mean if it's been 2 weeks here, how long do you think it's been in Equestria?"

"I'm not sure. I haven't thought of that. It could be anywhere from a few days to a few years." Twilight's face froze with the sudden realisation.

"Oh Celestia." She says. "For all I know my friends could've stopped looking for me by now. I could be considered dead."

"No Twilight. You and I both know your friends. They would never give up looking for you. Besides, I bet it hasn't been all that long." I say reassuringly. This calms Twilight down a little bit.

"You're right" She says as she sits up. "I bet my friends are still looking for me." She looks down at the floor. "I just hope they can find a way for me to go back home."

I can tell what's going to happen next so I move fast. I pull Twilight into a hug to try and stop her from crying. My sentiment is returned almost immediately. Twilight sobs quietly into the crease of my neck as I gently rub her back.

After Twilight is done sobbing I pull away from the hug. "You feel better now?" I ask

Twilight nods slowly "mhm." She wipes the tears from her cheeks and smiles sheepishly. "thank you." She says as she slowly leans in towards me and closes her eyes.

Chapter VII

View Online

I placed my hand on Twilight's chest, stopping her a few centimeters away from my face. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"What are you doing?" I ask

Twilight's face becomes flushed. "Oh I was just uhh..." She leaned away from me. "Nothing. I was doing nothing." She says as she turns her head to avoid eye contact.

"Twilight, you're blushing. It was obviously not nothing. You were going to kiss me weren't you?" I replied in a teasing tone.

Twilight looked back at me " I wasn't." she said "I'm just tired that's all. I was about to fall asleep until you rudely stopped me"

"Bullshit" I said. Twilight's eyes widened at my sudden vulgarity. I don't think I've ever swore in front of Twilight so it was definitely a shock to her

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked

"It means I don't believe you. I think you were going to try and kiss me. Listen, Twilight, I like you and everything but I don't think I want to kiss you. It's nothing against you it's just that's a little weird you know?"

Twilight let out a small sigh "Fine. You caught me. Yes I was going to kiss you. But I guess you have a point" She said with a hint of sadness to her voice.

I was shocked at this. I was only kidding about her kissing me. I didn't think she was actually trying to. I placed an arm around her. "Don't be upset, Twi. Again, it's nothing against you it's just I've been hurt in a lot of my relationships so I don't think I'm really ready for another one right now. Maybe one day we can be a couple but I just have to get used to the idea. I mean you're a pony and I'm a human. It's just a little strange you know?" I say, reassuringly. I always thought of Twilight as nothing more than a friend so the idea of being in a relationship with her was a little strange to me.

"I guess you're right. It is a little strange." She says as she snuggles into my slightly. "So we're just friends for now, right?" she asks as she looks up into my eyes.

"Right." I say as a small smile spreads across my face. Twilight returns the smile and sends her gaze towards my Playstation 3 that I have set up under the TV.

"I've been meaning to ask you, what exactly is that?" She says as she points a hoof to the black console.

I turn my head and follow her hoof to see what she's pointing at. "Oh. That's just my Playstation." I say.

Twilight opens her mouth to ask another question but is stopped by me as I place a finger against her lips.

"Before you ask, it's a gaming console. You use it to play videogames. But it can also be used to watch movies and tv shows. As well as look things up on the internet."

"so it's basically a computer?" She asks

"Kind of. It's a little different. Here, let me show you." I say as I stand up and walk towards the console and turn it on. I grab my controller and press the PS button. I turn around and sit back down on the couch as I grab the TV remote and change the input to HDMI. The console turns on and the list of users appear.

"So what exactly is that?" She says, pointing to the controller in my hand.

"This is the controller. It's basically like the mouse for the computer. Except it has more buttons. You use it to navigate the menus and to control the character in a videogame."

"What's a videogame?" Twilight asks as I select my user and sign into my PSN account.

"A video game is kind of like a board game only a million times better. Here, I'll show you." I go over to the game column and see which game is currently in the console. I smile as the name comes up and the background changes and as voices begin to chant. It's Skyrim. One of my all time favorite games. "Oh you're in for a treat. This is one of my favorite games." I say as I start the game. I lean back into the couch as Twilight snuggles into my side.

"What's it called?" She asks

"Skyrim" I reply. Twilight turns her head towards me and gives me a look of confusion.

"Sky what?" She asks

"Skyrim. It's the name of the country that the game takes place in."

"Ah. Alright." Twilight says as she gives a slight nod. Suddenly the main menu pops up and I select the New Game option.

"We're gonna make you a character." I say.

"Can you edit what they look like?" She asks

"Oh yeah." I say. "The character creation is crazy specific. You can edit pretty much every aspect of the characters appearance. But it's kind of pointless for a multitude of reasons."

"Like what?" She asks

"Well for starters, it's a first person game. That means you play it from the perspective of the character. As if you're looking through their eyes. Although, there is a 3rd person option. Which just means you play it through the perspective of over the character's shoulder. But I usually just play in first person. I find it more immersive. And also you'll end up wearing a full suit of armour so you'll really never see your characters face after like the first quest."

"oh" Says Twilight as she looks over to the tv. "So what's going on right now?"

"Right now we're being taken to be executed." Twilight instantly looks at me

"But if we're the main character, why are we being executed before we even get a chance to explore?" She asks

"Just wait. You'll see." I reply with a smug grin.

"Don't do that" says Twilight. I look over to her

"Huh? Don't do what?" I ask

"Don't grin like that. It's kinda creepy. Plus it doesn't look good on you darling." She says, imitating her friend Rarity. I chuckle slightly and look back to the tv.

"Alright." I say. "Aw man. Finally. That intro takes forever. Here." I say as I hand the controller to Twilight. She takes the controller in her magic.

"Why are you handing me this?" She asks

"This is your character so I figured you should get to customize them. I can do it for you if you'd prefer that." I say.

Twilight nods and levitates the controller over to me. "Yeah I'd prefer that. But can I tell you how I want them to look?" She asks.

"of course." I say as I flip through all the races.

"Stop." She says. "I want that one." She says

"The Nord. Good choice. Skyrim belongs to the Nords you know." I say.

Twilight gives me a look. "What?" She asks

"You'll get it later." I reply. "Now I'm assuming you want your character to be a girl?"

"Yup." She says with a nod.

After about 25 minutes of messing around with the character customization it's finally time to name the character.

"So what do you want your characters name to be?" I ask. "It can be anything."

"Well since this character is based off me, I guess we should just name it Twilight Sparkle." She says with a shrug.

"Kind of unoriginal but alright." I say as I enter the name and hand the controller over to Twilight.

"Ok so how do I play?" She asks, examining the controller."

"You see the 4 shapes on the right side of the controller?" I ask. Twilight nods. "Ok so the Triangle is to jump. The x is your interact button. It's how you talk to people and loot chests and stuff. The circle brings up your menu where you can check your stats, inventory, map, and magic." And the" I was cut off mid sentence by Twilight.

"Wait hold up. They have magic in this?" She asks, excitedly.

"Yeah." I say. "It's not like the magic you have in Equestria but there are some really cool spells you can learn. But you have to learn them through reading certain books." I say

"They have books too?!" Twilight exclaims.

"Yeah. This is an RPG game. They have books. And you can buy houses and get married and stuff. I also have a DLC that lets you adopt kids and build your own house. But you won't be able to do any of that until you're a much higher level." I explain. "Anyway the square button brings out your weapons. You won't be able to yet because your hands are tied up but soon you'll be able to."

"Well what level am I?" She asks.

"One. You start off at level one." I say. "Anyway the L1 button" Again I was cut off by the mare.

"Wait I don't see that button." I sigh and turn the controller upwards and point to the L1 button. "Gotcha. Continue." She says

"Your L1 button controls your left hand while your R1 button controls your right hand. The R1 button is the one right beside the L1 button."

"Ok. Anything else?" She asks

"Well the L2 button is the button right under the L1 button. That controls your sprint. You see the green bar at the bottom of the screen?" I ask. Twilight nod. "That's your Stamina bar. When you run it depletes. You can increase your stamina when you level up. Same with your max health and Magic. Your magic is the blue bar while your health is the red bar."

"This is a lot to remember." Says Twilight.

"Yeah I know but you'll memorize it soon enough. You're smart. Anyway the R2 button is your shout button. Shouts are kind of like spells only you cast them with your voice. Don't worry about that right now though. You don't unlock any shouts until you meet the Greybeards." I explain.

"What are the Greybeards?" Asks Twilight.

"The Greybeards are an ancient group who has mastered the art of the Thu'um. Or voice. They're the ones who teach you a few shouts but the rest you have to find in Dungeons and stuff. Now you see those two sticks?" I ask.

"uhuh." Says Twilight.

"ok so the one of the left is how you move and the one on the right is how you look around. And that's about all you need to know for now. There are a few more things but this part explains what they are and stuff. Just follow the guy with the weird thing above his head and do what he says." Twilight looks back to the screen.

"Wait what happened? I wasn't paying attention." She says

"You were saved by a powerful Dragon named Alduin. He's basically a dragon god who wants to destroy the world. He's your final boss battle."

"They have dragons too? Are they anything like spike?" She asks

I burst into laughter. "No Twilight. The dragons in this game are evil. Except like one but you'll meet him later. You kill the dragons and absorb their souls."

"well that's rather...morbid." Twilight says.


"Whoa what just happened?" Asks Twilight.

"You leveled up. Press circle and go to the Level up option." I say. Twilight obeyed and the level up menu comes up. "Ok so select which stat you want to increase. Stamina, Health, or Magic."

"That's easy." Says Twilight as she selects the magic option. "Okay now what?" She asks.

"You have a skill point. You get one skill point every time you level up. You use it to pick an upgrade for a certain skill set. Now I'm assuming you want a mage character?"

"Yeah." She replies

"Ok so go to your magic skills. Now there are multiple schools of magic each of them have different kind of spells. Some of them are for healing and some of them are for dealing damage. Go to the Destruction one." Twilight does as I say. "Ok now since you're a brand new character your Destruction skill is only level 15. But as you use Destruction spells that level will increase which will unlock new upgrades. Just select the one that makes them cost less Magic to cast."

Twilight obeys and selects the upgrade that costs less magic to cast Destruction spells.

"So what's your magic level?" Asks Twilight.

"I have like 4 different characters so they're all different but my highest one would probably be my Grey Elf mage. His Destruction level is like 78? I don't remember it's been awhile since I've played that character. But my highest character level all together is somewhere around level 97." I say as I place my hands on my hips in a superhero position. "I'm rather proud of that to be honest."

"Wow." She says. "How long did that take you?"

"let me think." I say as I bring my hand to my chin. "Probably somewhere around 450 hours? And that's just on that one character. All together I have probably around 2000 hours sunk into this game." Twilight let out a shocked gasp.

"So you're telling me you've spent almost 2000 hours sitting on the couch playing video games?"

I chuckle slightly. "No. I've spent almost 2000 hours sitting on the couch playing this videogame. I can't even imagine how many hours I've spent playing video games all together. I've been doing it since I was like 4 years old."

Twilight just shook her head in disbelief.


Twilight let out a loud yawn. She's been playing Skyrim for nearly 4 hours straight. I think she might be getting addicted. She's already hit level 10 and her Destruction magic is at level 32.

"I think someone's tired. I think it's time for bed. Don't you?" I ask

"I'm not tired." Says Twilight, keeping her eyes glued to the TV. "Haha take that you nasty skeletons!" Says Twilight as she lights a group of Skeletons on fire. "Impressive or what?" She asks me.

"The Skeletons are the easiest enemies in this game. Well I guess they're kinda tied with the wolves. Come talk to me when you light a Elder Dragon on fire and survive." I say, jokingly. "well anyway, I'm kinda tired. So I'm gonna go to bed. Don't stay up all night playing that game. And please for the love of god don't erase any of my files. When you want to save just go to the pause menu and select new save." I get up and walk towards my bedroom.

"Alright. Goodnight Jason. I lo-" She stopped mid sentence.

"What was that?" I ask as I turn around to face the mare.

"Oh nothing. I just uhhh... I lost in a fight that's all." Twilight smiles weakly trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Alright. Will you be sleeping in your room or should I leave my door unlocked?" I ask

"I'm not sure. Just leave your door unlocked just incase." She answers.

"Can do. Goodnight Twilight." I say as I turn around and enter my room, closing the door behind me.

"Phew. I can't believe I almost said that. Why would I say that? I mean, I like Jason but I don't love him." Twilight shakes her head and focuses back on the game. "I wonder how you get married in this game?" she asks herself.


I awoke to my alarm clock ringing. I open my eyes slightly and groan as I roll over and slap the clock, shutting off the annoying beeping. "Why do I even set this stupid thing on the weekend?" I ask myself as I roll over. I notice Twilight isn't in the bed. I get up and get dressed. "I guess either she slept in her room or she's already up."

I leave my bedroom and head down the hallway. I stop at the entrance to the living room. "Or maybe she slept on the couch." I say with a slight chuckle. On the couch is the purple mare. The controller rests on her chest and she has a small amount of drool hanging out of her mouth. I notice the red light on the controller is shut off. I pass it off as she just turned off the console before she went to bed.

I quietly snuck into the kitchen, not wanting to wake the sleeping pony and I prepare a breakfast of peanut butter toast for myself. I sit down at the table and check my phone. '6 new messages' "Huh? Who's texting me?" I ask as I open up my messages. All the messages are from Twilight. But I was just down the hall. Why would she be texting me?

I open up the messages and laugh at what she's sent me.

How do you buy a house?

Why does no one recognize me? I'm supposed to be the Dragonborn. You'd think people would know about me

The other messages were kind of the same thing. Just random questions about the game and it's world. Suddenly I hear a loud noise coming from the living room. It's a noise I'm all too familiar with. I look up from my phone at the sleeping mare.

"God damn it, Twi." I say as I stand up and enter the living room. Just as I had thought. She fell asleep with the game still on. I gently picked up the controller from the mare's chest and plugged it into the playstation. I decide to check what level she is. Level 21. I just shook my head.

Suddenly Twilight shifts around and her eyes open slowly. "hey." She says groggily. "What time is it?" She asks as she rubs her eyes with her hoof.

"Like 8:30" I say. "You were up all night playing Skyrim weren't you?" I ask

"Not all night." She replies. "Just probably until 2AM." A smile spreads wide across my face.

"That's like 10 hours." I say. "I'm not sure why but I'm actually kind of proud of you for that. I mean you did pass out with the console on which can be dangerous for the console but still. For your first gaming session, that's not bad. It's nowhere near my record but still. I'm impressed." I say.

"How can it be dangerous?" Asks Twilight as she sits up on the couch. "And what's your record?"

"Well for one the console could overheat and that'll break it and 2, my record is like 21 hours straight." I say, slightly proud of myself.

Twilight looks around the room. "Hey, where's the controller?" She asks.

"I had to plug it in. The battery died on it. So you won't be able to play for the next few hours. Just let it charge a bit." I say as I sit down beside Twilight.

"Did you see my level?" She asks excitedly.

"I did. Level 21. That's not bad. But you still got a long way to go to get to my skill level." I say as I wrap an arm around the purple mare. "You hungry?" I ask

"Nah. I had a midnight snack last night. I don't know why but I really like these video games. They're so much fun. You have anymore?" She asks

"I've got tons. Depends on what kind of game you want to check out." I say

"You got anymore like this one?" She asks.

"I have a few." I reply.


"What did you say this one was called?" Asks Twilight as I take Skyrim out of the console and insert a different disk.

"It's called Modern Warfare 2. Or mw2 for short. It's kinda old but it's still tons of fun to play. And you can play with other people on this one." I say as I put skyrim back in it's case and sit down beside Twilight.

"So what do you do in it?" Twilight asks as she picks up her controller in her magic.

"It's a military shooter. Basically you go around killing enemy soldiers. But That's only the online mode. I think we might hold off on that for now and go to Spec Ops." I reply

"A shooter?" She asks. "What's that?"

"Oh yeah. I guess you don't have guns in Equestria do you? A shooter is a game where you have a gun and you shoot people."

"What's a gun?" Asks Twilight

"Well you remember how I told you about the world wars?" I ask

"Yeah..." Says Twilight

"Well guns are just one of the things us humans use to fight wars. But they're also used for hunting and stuff. Did you have hunting in equestria?"

"Yeah but we mostly used sharp rocks tied to sticks and stuff." Says Twilight as the MW2 menu comes up. I press start and select the Spec Ops mode.

"So what do we have to do?" She asks

"That depends on which mission we're doing. I guess we should start out with an easy one so let's just do The Pit. That'll show you the basics."

"Ok so how do I play?" Asks Twilight.

"The game will explain it." I say as I start up the mission. "Now you're doing this one on your own but the next one we'll do together. I just want you to get the basic idea of how it's played before I have you watch my back."

The mission starts. "You move and look around the same way you do in Skyrim. Just listen to the voice and watch the objective updates. Oh and try not to hit any civilians. You lose points that way." Twilight walked up to the collection of guns in front of her.

"What are these?" She asks

"Those are the guns. There's way more guns than that in the game but these are the ones you're allowed to use for the mission. I suggest taking the Desert Eagle and the ACR"

"I can have more than one gun?" She asks

"You're only allowed to have two. You switch between them with triangle." Twilight grabs the guns I suggested.

"Ok now what?"

"Now it begins. Follow the cursor and take out the enemy targets while avoiding the civilians."

"How do I know which ones are the enemies?" She asks

"They'll have guns." I say


"How was that?" Asks Twilight when the mission is over.

"Not bad. For a first time player. You could use a little work on your accuracy though." I say. "Ok. Now are you ready for a real mission?"

Twilight nods. "Let's do this." She says

"Ok. We'll start off easy with Sniper Fi. All we gotta do is take out a few waves of enemies. Just watch my back and I'll take care of the rest."

"Okay." Says Twilight as I select the mission and the loading screen comes up.

"Now when we spawn, you're gonna want to get rid of your sniper since you have no experiance with it. Switch it out for the RPD. I'll show you where it is. And stay right by me. Don't leave the area we spawn in. Got it?"

"Got it." Says Twilight as the mission opens up and we spawn on the rooftop. 'Enemies inbound' Says a voice. "What's that mean?" Asks Twilight.

"It means the enemies are coming. Now you see those things over there? They're called Claymores. Take them and set one up at the ladder behind me. Then switch your sniper out with that gun over there" I move my character over to the gun to show her. "Then get behind me and watch the ladder. If anyone comes up there, take them out." Twilight nods as she grabs the claymores and sets one up at the ladder. She then swaps out her gun for the RPD and crouches behind me, watching the ladder.

"Here they come." I say as I start picking off enemies with the Intervention.

"Wow. You're pretty good." Says Twilight.

"Years of Practise, Twi." I reply as I pick off another enemy.

'wave 1 complete' says a message that pops up on the screen. "How many waves do we have to do?" Asks Twilight.

"We're on Novice so only 5. But with each wave comes more enemies and they get harder as we go along. Just make sure no one comes up that ladder." I say.

'wave 2 hostiles inbound'

"Can I try taking them out?" Asks Twilight.

"Alright but don't get killed. I'll watch the ladder." I say as we switch places. Twilight switches her weapon to the Intervention and starts taking shots. All her shots but one miss.

"Wow. You make it look so easy." She says somewhat frustrated.

"Just focus Twilight. Be sure to press the right stick to hold your breath. That'll steady your aim. And aim for the head. Wait for enemies to come out from cover and then take the shot."

Twilight nods as she bites her lip slightly. Boom headshot. "I did it!" Exclaims Twilight.

"Good job. But we're not done yet. Keep at it."


'mission complete' "you know, that was a lot harder than I thought it'd be." Says Twilight.

"Don't worry. You'll get it eventually." I say, reassuringly. I've had the luxury of having years to practise. I used to be just like you at this game. Give it time and you'll be a pro in no time." I say

Twilight smiles warmly. "Thanks." She says. "Hey what time is it?" She asks.

"No idea. Let me check." I press the PS button on my controller as the Playstation menu pops up. "6:30" I say. Suddenly a rumbling can be heard. I turn to look at Twilight.

"Sorry." She says sheepishly. "I guess I'm kind of hungry."

"Nothing to apologize about." I say as I stand up and place my controller on the coffee table. I'll make us something to eat. Anything specific you want?" I ask as I head into the kitchen.

"No. Whatever you make is fine." Twilight calls out. "Hey, Jason?" Twilight asks.


"What's a campaign?" She asks

"That's just the story mode. It's single player only. You can take my controller and try it if you want. Just start a new game and pick the Recruit difficulty. That's the easiest one." I call out as I open up the fridge and peer inside.

"Okay." Says Twilight as she places her controller down and picks up mine. I can hear the opening monologue coming from the living room as I grab some lettuce and tomatoes and other vegetables and start cutting them up.

"Hey! I already did this." Says Twilight. She must be referring to the first mission where you're in the training camp.

"I know. But just do it and you get to do some real missions." I call out as I place the vegetables into a bowl. "Well there's Twilight's dinner. Now what do I want to eat?" I ask myself. I open the freezer and look inside. "Jackpot" I say as I grab a bag of frozen chicken nuggets and place it on the counter. I then reach up and take the deep fryer off the top of the fridge and plug it in. I place 10 or so chicken nuggets into the deep fryer and close the lid.

"Ok now what do I do?" Asks Twilight from the living room. I enter the room and look at the screen.

"Just follow the objective marker." I say. "Oh by the way, you're dinner is ready." Twilight pauses the game and walks into the kitchen and sits down at the table. I follow behind her and place the bowl in front of her.

"Eat up." I say.

"Thank you." Says Twilight before she starts to chow down on the salad. I turn around and check the deep fryer. My dinner is just about ready. I close the lid again and sit down at the table directly across from Twilight who was still eating the salad like it was her last meal.

"Good?" I ask

Twilight just nods in response and keeps eating. Suddenly the deep fryer dings. "There's my dinner" I say as I stand up and open the deep fryer. I place the nuggets onto a plate and sit back down at the table and start eating.


Twilight yawns. She's been playing the MW2 campaign for like 3 hours.

"I'm tired." Says Twilight, who can barely keep her eyes open.

"Then save the game and let's go to bed." I say as I stand up from the couch. "Kinda boring watching someone else play MW2 anyways" I say as I stretch my arms and let out a small yawn.

"Sorry." Says Twilight as she saves the game.

"Nothing to apologize about. It's not your fault." I say.

"How do you turn this off?" Asks Twilight.

"Here." I say, holding out my hand. Twilight hands me the controller and I bring up the PS menu and shut the console off. I place the controller down by the console and head off for my room. "You coming?" I ask. Twilight gets up and follows behind me.

"Can I sleep in your room tonight?" Asks Twilight.

"Of course. Come on in." I say as I open my door and gestured for her to enter. Twilight walks over to the bed and lays down. I close the door and lay down beside her, wrapping an arm around her body as she snuggles into my chest.

"Goodnight, Jason." Says Twilight, who's looking right into my dark brown eyes.

"Goodnight, Twilight." I say with a smile as I turn off my lamp and we both drift off to sleep.

Chapter VIII

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groan as I slam my hand down onto the alarmclock. I slowly open my eyes as the bright light seeping in through the window damn near blinds me. I wipe my eyes and look beside myself on the bed. Twilight's still asleep. She has a slight smile on her face. I gently stroke her mane as her ear begins to twitch. I look back and check the clock. 7:45.

I get out of bed and quietly get dressed, not wanting to wake the sleeping mare. I tiptoe down the hall and into the kitchen. "So what do I want today?" I ask myself as I open the fridge and look inside.

"You really shouldn't talk to yourself." Says Twilight, suddenly appearing behind me. I nearly jumped at her sudden appearance.

"Yeah well, old habits die hard." I reply as I move to the cupboard and look for something to eat.

"What's that mean?" Asks the curious mare

I close the cupboards and look down at Twilight. "It means it's something I've done for a long time. Ever since I was a kid."

"Ah. Okay. So what's on the agenda for today?" She asks as she walks over to the table and sits down.

"Well it's Monday which means I'll be at work all day." I say as I put some bread in the toaster and turn around. Twilight's ears flopped as she hung her head. I walk over to the mare and place an arm around her. "Hey. It's not so bad. You still have that old phone I gave you right? Just use that to keep in contact with me all day. But I'll only be able to reply when I'm on my break." This seems to cheer Twilight up at least a little.

"Okay." She says with a nod as her ears perk up once more

"You can play the playstation if you want, too. Just don't delete any of my saves or anything."

"I think I've gotten my fill of videogames for now. I might just hang around and sleep." Says Twilight.

Suddenly my toast is ready. I get up and walk over to the toaster. "Well, suit yourself. Just try not to trash the house." I say with a slight grin.

"For the last time,Jason. I'm not going to trash the house while you're gone." Says Twilight, slightly annoyed.

I turn around and my smile grows wider. "I know, Twilight. I'm just teasing you. Calm down." Twilight sighed

"aren't you supposed to be leaving for work soon?" She asks, pointing to the clock on the wall behind me. I turn around and check. 8:00.

"Yeah. I guess so." I finish off my toast and head towards the front door. "You know the rules. Don't answer the door or the phone and don't destroy the house." I say as I grab my keys and put my shoes on.

"Yeah. I got this. I'll see you later. And Jason?" I turn around and raise an eyebrow at the mare


"Please be safe. I don't know what I'd do if something were to happen to you."

I chuckled slightly "Always am. See you tonight, Twilight." I turn around and leave the apartment.

Twilight sighs. She's alone once again.She walks over to the couch and sits down. Suddenly she can hear a faint ringing coming from Jason's room. She slowly gets up and walks down the hallway towards the ringing. Once she reaches his door, she stops and takes a deep breath. Mentally preparing for whatever could be making that noise. She swung the door open with her magic and quickly scanned the room. What she found was the phone Jason had given her a few days prior. She sighed of relief and took the phone in her magic.

She walks back to the couch and sits down once again. She flips the phone open. "I got a message from Jason" She says

Hey Twilight. Try not to miss me too much I'll be home by like 4

Twilight checks the time. 8:05. She sighs and starts frantically typing with her magic

I'll try. No promises though.

Twilight closes the phone and places it on the coffee table. she lays back into the couch and stares at the black tv screen for a few minutes before she gives into the temptation. She picks up the tv remote and turns the tv on. She then grabs the ps3 controller in her magic and turns that on as well.


I entered the apartment. All the lights were off except for the light from the TV illuminating the living room. Sitting on the couch was Twilight. She looked deep in concentration.

"Hey,Twi. What're you doing?" I ask as I take off my shoes and sit down on the couch beside her.

Twilight pauses the game and looks at me with her beautiful lavender eyes. "Hey, Jason. How was work?"

"Tiring." I say. "What about you? How was your day?"

"Boring and uneventful." Says Twilight. "But now you're back so we can hang out and stuff right?"

"Right." I say as I wrap an arm around the mare and pull her close. These last few weeks have been strange to say the least. First, Twilight shows up in my living room with no explanation or way back and now I think I'm developing feelings for her. I want to spend my life with Twi. I want to protect her. I remember a few nights ago she tried to kiss me. "I wonder..." I think to myself as I look down at the mare. Who looks back and gives me a warm smile.

"What're you thinking about?" Asks Twilight

I can feel my face begin to turn red. "You remember a few nights ago when you tried to kiss me?" I ask

Twilight says nothing. Instead she studies my face and nods.

"Well at work I was thinking about that."

"Yeah...?" Says Twilight, who's still studying my face.

I decided to just cut to the chase. I quickly leaned in and pressed my lips against Twilight's. This caught her off gaurd, but after a few seconds, she wrapped her hooves around me and returned the kiss. We held the kiss for a good 10 seconds before we seperated. A small trail of saliva bridged our mouths together.

"I love you, Jason."

"I love you too, Twilight."

Chapter IX

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"Good morning" Said Twilight who was standing at the foot of my bed with a smile spread across her face. I sat up and looked at the clock. It was only 6:45.

"Why are you waking me up so early?" I ask

Twilight's smile dissapeared and her ears flopped downwards. "I'm sorry. I just figured you'd want to hang out for a few hours before you have to go to work. I didn't mean to upset you. You can go back to bed if you want."

The look on Twilight's face made me feel guilty. "No. I'm up now. And I wouldn't mind spending time with you before work." I say as I pat the empty spot on the bed beside me. Twilight takes the hint and climbs onto the bed and lays down beside me. I wrap an arm around the mare and she snuggles into my side.

"What do you do while I'm gone all day anyway?" I ask.

"Mostly just sit around waiting for you to come back." She says as she smiles slightly.

"That sounds exciting." I say sarcastically. Twilight lets out a small adorable giggle.

"Oh yeah. You have no idea." She says as she lets out a sigh of content. "Hey, Jason?" She asks


"What are we exactly? I mean with what happened yesterday and stuff I don't think we can really call ourselves friends anymore." She says. She has a point. I mean we did kiss and confess our love.

"I guess that means we're a couple now. If that's alright with you." I say as I run my fingers gently through her mane. Twilight lets out a small moan. Not a sexual moan. More of a moan of pure bliss and euphoria.

"I'm not experianced with dating. Like, at all. I've never had a coltfriend before. What am I supposed to do?"

"Just be yourself and never stop being adorkable. That's the best thing you could do for me. I love you exactly the way you are." I say, smiling wide. "I too don't have much dating experience. My last girlfriend was when I was like 14."

"That sounds simple enough." She says. Just then my stomach decides to ruin the moment by making a loud gurgling sound.

I sigh. "Well I guess that means it's time to eat." I say as I get out of bed and get dressed. Twilight and I head into the kitchen and begin preparing breakfast. Some chopped up fruits and vegetables for Twilight and a simple bowl of cereal for myself. We sat down at the table and began to eat.

I can't stop thinking about the kiss we shared last night. The feeling of her lips on mine, her warm breath. It was very different from kissing a human. But for some reason, I prefered it. I'm not sure what, but something about it made it better than a human's kiss. I look over to Twilight who's still eating. She catches me in the corner of her eye and raises an eyebrow at me as if to say "What?"

Twilight swallows a mouthfull of her breakfast and looks me in the eyes. "Is something wrong, jason?" She asks with a hint of concern in her voice.

"No. I was just you know...thinking about stuff." Twilight cocked her head slightly to the side

"What kind of stuff?" She asked.

"About our kiss last night." I say

"Yeah. What about it?" She asks as she takes a bites from an apple slice

"It's weird. I mean it's so different from kissing a human but for some reason, I prefer it over every other kiss I've had."

Twilight smiles slightly. "Well if you play your cards right, there's more where that came from." She said in a teasing tone.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh please. You know you liked it too." I say

Twilight stopped for a moment before hanging her head in defeat. "Yeah. I guess you got me there. It was pretty nice." She said. I just chuckled slightly and raised her chin so she's looking me in the eyes. I then leaned in and planted a quick kiss on her forhead.

"How did you get so adorable, Twilight?" I ask

"I don't do it on purpose. It just comes naturally I guess." She said with a shrug. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time. 7:30.

"I better start getting ready for work." I say as I stand up from the table and put my bowl in the sink. "I'm gunna take a shower. I'll be like 5 minutes. Just put your plate in the sink when you're done. I'll do the dishes after work." I call out as I head into the bathroom.

"Alright." Says Twilight. As soon as the bathroom door closes Twilight begins to swoon slightly. She places a hoof where Jason had kissed her moments ago and she lets of a sigh as she smiles wide. Twilight has never felt like this before. She feels hot and she has butterflies in her stomach. "Is this love?" She asks herself.

Twilight finishes up her breakfast and levitates her plate into the sink. "well, now what?" She asks. She can hear the shower running in the distance. Jason will be out soon. She trots over to the couch and sits down to wait. After 5 minutes of waiting, Jason exits the bathroom and heads into his room to get dressed for work.

I throw on a basic black tshirt and a pair of work jeans. I exit my room and sit on the couch beside Twilight. "Well we got like 15 minutes before I gotta leave. So what do you want to do?" Twilight says nothing and instead wraps her hooves around my neck and gives me a kiss. I wrap my arms around her as I return the kiss. I close my eyes and let her warm breath fill my mouth. We slowly break the kiss and stare into eachother's eyes.

"What was that for?" I ask.

"Just cuz." Says Twilight, with a smile. I return the smile.

"Alright. Well I gotta go" I say as I stand up and head towards the door. I put in my shoes and grab my keys. "You know the rules." I say

"Jason?" Asks Twilight


"I love you." She says. My heart races as a smile spreads wide across my face.

"I love you too, Twilight." I say as I exit the apartment.

"Alone once again." Twilight says to herself. Twilight despises this time of day. It's so boring without her colt er... boyfriend around. Sure, she has videogames and the internet but she'd rather spend her time with Jason. She doesn't know if or when she'll be returning home so she wants to spend as much time with him as possible. Twilight lays back in the couch and begins to think about the kiss they just shared. She's never kissed anyone before Jason. She never knew it was that exciting. Twilight sighed with content and decided she might as well take a nap to pass the time. She stood up and headed towards Jason's room. She climbed into the bed and got comfterble under the covers. She could still smell his cologne on his pillow and blankets. She doesn't know why, but she loves the smell. She sighed happily and slowly drifted off to sleep.


"Twilight?" I call out as I enter my apartment and take my shoes off. No answer. "Twilight?" I call out again. Nothing. "What the fuck?" I say to myself as I check the kitchen. No sign of her. "Where the hell is she?" I ask. I decide to check my room. I opened the door to find the mare curled up under my covers. Fast asleep. She looks so peaceful when she's asleep. She has a slight smile on her face. I walk over to Twilight and nudge her gently. "Hey sleepyhead. Wake up." I whisper into her ear. Twilight groans and slowly opens her eyes. As soon as she sees me her smile grows wider.

"Hey, you." She says as she sits up. "What time is it?"

"like 3:30." I say. "How was your nap?" I ask

"Not bad. But this was easily the best part." She says I just chuckle and sit down on the bed beside her. Almost instantly, her hooves are around me and her face is buried in the crease of my neck. I gently stroke her mane. I can feel her hot breath on my neck. It's rather calming. I love moments like this. The quiet moments with just us.

"I missed you." She said. Her voice muffled slightly. I couldn't help but chuckle at that. Twilight noticed and lifted her head to look at me. "Did I say something funny?" She asks. I plant a gentle kiss on her nose.

"No. I missed you too Twilight. But I'm back now so we can spend the rest of the day together." Twilight's smile grew and she leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you." She said as she placed her head back into the crease of my neck.

I continued to stroke her mane gently. "I love you too. I'm going to be really sad when and if you leave." I say

"Me too." Says Twilight.

"So what do you want to do?" I ask

"If you don't mind, I'd like to stay like this just a while longer. it's your cologne. I can't get enough of the smell."

I chuckled. "I'm glad you like it. and I don't mind. We can stay like this for as long as you want."

"Thank you." Says Twilight. her warm breath on my neck is relaxing.

Twilight's breathing began to slow and become more peaceful. "She must be falling asleep" I thought. I didn't stop her. I just continued to stroke her mane and I began to gently rock back and forth. Eventually Twilight was out cold. Fell asleep in my arms. I gently layed her down in the bed and gave her a kiss on the forehead. It's hard to believe I have her all to myself. If you told me a few years ago I'd end up falling in love with a purple unicorn with a star on her butt, I'd call you crazy. But here I am. Taking care of and falling for a cartoon pony that showed up in my apartment with no explanation. Sure it's really weird. But she's happy and I'm happy. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Chapter X

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It's been about 6 months since Twilight came into my life. We still have no idea how she got here or how she's supposed to get back. I feel as if Twilight's getting used to the idea of staying here with me. Today is just another Sunday. Twilight and I are curled up on the couch and watching a movie. We opted for a scary movie, Halloween 2 to be exact, since Halloween is just around the corner.

Twilight's hooves are wrapped tightly around my midsection. I've seen this movie so many times that it doesn't scare me anymore. But Twilight is clearly terrified. She buries her face into my chest whenever she gets too scared.

"Twi, you're missing the best part." I say. Twilight slowly pulls her face away from my chest and looked towards the TV.

"Why does he wear that mask? It's so creepy." She says

"That's the point. It's supposed to be creepy." I say as I tighten my grip around her.

"How do people even call this entertainment? And how are you not scared?" She asked as she buries her face back into my chest.

I start to gently rub her back. "I don't know." I say. "But I've seen this movie, and other movies like it, so many times that I guess I'm just desensitized to it." I say with a slight shrug.

"Can we just watch something else?" She asks, her face still buried in my chest so her voice is muffled slightly.

"I'll cut you a deal." I say. Twilight lifts her head from my chest and looks me in the eyes.

"What kind of deal?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.

"If you can sit through the rest of this movie without burying your face in my chest we can watch another movie. One that's not scary." I say with a slight grin. Twilight says nothing and just ponders the deal for a bit.

"Fine." She says. "But I get to pick the next one."

"Deal." I say. Twilight turns her head towards the TV.


"That wasn't so bad, was it?" I ask in a slightly teasing manner.

"I guess not. Now a deal's a deal. It's my turn to pick a movie." She says

"Alright. Do you have any movie in mind?" I ask.

"Well I remember you mentioning a movie called Flash Gordan. You called it the greatest movie you've ever seen. I was thinking we watch that." She says. I can't help but laugh when she mentions that movie. Twilight gives me a strange look. "Is something wrong?" She asks

I shake my head. "No,Twi. It's just that I said that Ironically. It's the kind of movie that's so bad it's good. Like The Room. or Birdemic. It's an ironic kind of love."

"I don't see the irony." Says Twilight. This is just one reason why I love her. She's so naive but it's so adorable.

"Don't worry about it. Let's just put it on and you'll see what I mean." I say as I stand up and take Halloween 2 out of the DVD player and insert Flash Gordon. I sit back down on the couch and press play on the remote control. Twilight wraps her hooves around me and I gently stroke her mane. The movie starts and I can't help but sing along to the intro song.

"FLASH! ahhhhhh! Saviour of the universe!"

Twilight gives me a look. "What are you doing?" She asks

"It's the intro. It's just so great. a true musical classic." I say, jokingly.

Twilight turns her attention back to the movie. I can't help but laugh at the acting of Sam Jones. Twilight giggle a little at it as well.

"So when does this movie get good?" Twilight asks.

"It's been good since the intro song." I reply

Twilight just gives me a skeptical look.


"So? What'd you think?" I ask as the closing credits begin to play.

"Well, the hero,Flash, doesn't do much. He just fights gets caught and then either dies or pretends to die. The only time he ever does anything note worthy is at the end." Twilight says in her usual over-analyzing manner.

"You're overthinking it Twi." I say with a slight chuckle. "you're just supposed to enjoy how bad it is. Though I guess bad movies are sort of an acquired taste." I say

"Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed how bad it was. I just feel like the main character should've done more." She says

"I suppose that's a reasonable opinion." I say. Just then Twilight let out a small yawn. It was getting kinda late and I have work in the morning.

"You tired?" I ask

Twilight nods slightly as she rests her head against my chest. "Yeah. A little." She says.

I pick up the mare and carry her into my room. I lay her gently down in the bed and lay down beside her. Her hooves are around me in an instant and her face is pressed into my chest. I turn over slightly and turn the lamp on my bedside table off. I turn back around and give Twilight a kiss on the forhead. She looks up at me and plants a quick kiss on my lips and presses her face back into my chest. I gently rest my chin on the top of her head and stroke her mane. After a few minutes, Twilight is fast asleep.

I just lay there for a while. Still stroking her mane. It's been 6 months and Twilight still has no way back home. I'm kind of relieved about it but at the same time I feel bad for her friends. I know they must be worried sick. I push the thought out of my mind and drift off to sleep.


beep beep beep

I practically rip the alarm clock out of the socket. Twilight is still asleep. I smile warmly at her and plant a kiss on the top of her head before getting out of bed. I get dressed and leave the room. It's 7:00 AM and I gotta leave for work soon. I prepare some toast since I don't have much time. I eat my breakfast quickly and give Twilight another kiss before I leave.

"I love you, Twilight."

Twilight mumbles something incoherent and rolls over as she smacks her lips slightly. I slip on my shoes and grab my keys and leave the house.


Twilight opens her eyes and notices Jason isn't beside her. She checks the alarm clock. 9:30AM. She sighs knowing that she slept through Jason leaving. She slowly got out of the bed and stretched slightly. She picked up her phone from the bedside table and opened her messages.

"I just woke up. I'm sorry I missed you leaving. Be safe I love you"

She sent the message and walked into the kitchen looking for something to eat. She opened the fridge and pulled out an apple with her magic. She shut the fridge door and sat down on the couch in the living room. She turns the TV on and begins to channel surf. Suddenly a white light bright enough to burn retinas starts to envelope the room. Twilight jumps off the couch and backs up against the wall. The light expands and envelopes the entire living room.

"What's going on?" Asked Twilight.

Suddenly the light collapsed into itself. And what was standing there shocked Twilight. Her heart skipped a beat at the familiar sight. She knew this day was coming but part of her never wanted it to. The familiar figure stood up and it's eyes met Twilight's.

"C...Celestia?" Was all Twilight could say

Chapter XI

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Twilight rubbed her eyes with her forlegs, hoping she was only seeing things. But when she opened her eyes, Celestia was still there. She had a slight smile on her face.

"Twilight. My faithful student. How have you been?" Celestia asked

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me, princess. But how did you get here?" She asked.

"A dimension travelling spell. I assume you know why I'm here?" Celestia said

"You're here to take me back." Twilight said.

Celestia said nothing and instead gave a slight nod.

"Atleast let me write a note for Jason?" Twilight asked.

"Who is this Jason?" Celestia asked

"He's my boyf-" Twilight stopped herself. "He's the human who has been taking care of me." She said, hoping Celestia doesn't question her first answer.

"Very well. But make it quick. We don't have much time."

Twilight walked over to the coffee table and levitated a pencil and a piece of paper over to her and began writing.

Dear Jason,

These last 6 months have been wonderful. You've taught me so many things about your world and I could never fully repay you for it.
Celestia has returned to bring me back to Equestria.
I will never forget everything you've done for me and you will always have a special place in my heart.
I love you, Jason. You've shown me what true happiness is and I can only hope that one day I can return the favor.

Yours forever,
Twilight Sparkle

Twilight put the piece of paper onto the coffee table as a tear began to run down her face. Suddenly Celestia's wing was wrapped around Twilight.

"You ready to go?" Asked celestia.

Twilight took one last look around the apartment. Attempting to memorize every last detail. She never wants to forget the time she's spent here. She looked at the picture that hangs above the couch. It's a picture of her and Jason. Twilight shed another tear and gave a nod.

"Yes, Princess"

Celestia's horn began to glow and Twilight could feel a large amount of energy course through her body. There was a flash of white light and next thing she knew, She was in her library, surrounded by her friends.


"Twilight? I'm home. I picked us up a few movies I figured we could stay up late and watch them." I say as I kick my shoes off and hang up my keys.

"Twilight? Where are you?" I ask. No answer. I check my room, thinking she might be sleeping, but it's empty. My heart begins to race. Suddenly I notice a piece of paper sitting gingerly on the coffee table. I walk over and pick it up.

I slump down onto the couch in an instant as the tears begin to well up in my eyes. A few fall,staining the paper. She's gone. She's really gone. And I'll never see her again. I stand up and punch the wall behind the couch.

"Why?" I ask myself. "Why did she have to leave now?"

I drop to my knees and bury my face into my hands. I knew this was going to happen but I didn't think it would hurt this much. My chest feels tight and my breathing is sporadic.


It's been a week since Twilight returned to Equestria. I quickly fell into a depression. I lost my job, I've barely eaten, I've barely slept, hell, I've barely left my bed. Twilight was everything to me and now she's gone forever. Part of me wishes she'll return but I know that it's highly unlikely. She's probably having a wonderful time with her friends in Equestria. And I'm stuck here in my boring, predictable routine. I think one reason why I love Twilight is because she managed to pull me out of that dull routine.

I can't get the thoughts of suicide out of my head. If I'll never see the love of my life again, then what the hell's the point? I decide it's finally time. I hop in my car and head to my local hardware store. I pick up a long bit of rope and head back home. I get to work, tying one end of the rope around my ceiling fan and tying the other end into a loop. I stand on a chair and squeeze my head through the loop. I'm just about to kick the chair out from under me when I notice a bright flash of white light.