> Tyrant Bird King > by Gojirasaurus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Mistakes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight sat in her crystal lab, ignoring the sounds of padded feet moving along the floor, examining vials full of strange liquids, most of which were bubbling. She inspected a paticular vial, holding a bone crushing tooth inside of it, seeing seratted edges on it, roughly nine inches in size. She kept inspecting it, her wings futtering every so often. "Twilight, you've been staring at that thing since I got here." Spike groaned, sitting in the corner, obviously bored. The small hatchling was slightly pudgy, standing at most ponies backs. He was purple, with emerald green eyes, spikes, and underbelly. "Well, it's not every day you find a tooth from a dragon. Might as well study it while we can..." Twilight said, before looking at the vials across the table. "Besides, I had time in my schedule." Spike sighed, before taking a purple gem out of nowhere. It was shaped much like a diamond, and he opened his stone crushing jaws, ready to eat the rock like candy. However, a glow surrounded it, and took it out of his hand, making him bite in thin air, dazing him for a moment. "Hey!" The gem then turned into powder, being crushed by Twilight's magic, going into a red liquid, making it turn white, Twilight smiling happily. "There we go!" Spike, surprised at both the loss of his snack and seeing Twilight happy about it, Spike snorted at his "sister", getting up and walking out, giving a hiss of anger. Twilight, writing notes down with her quill, noticed something was missing, but what was it? She looked around, then eyed the strange tooth. She examined it for hours without end...might as well give it a try. She took the tooth out, the purple, sparkling glow surrounding it, before going into the pool of glowing liquid, seeing it start to glow. She fully dropped it in, hearing it sink, before the small bowl started to glow, the liquid becoming glass like. She had sarted a new project a few weeks ago, called the "Anomaly", where she would be able to view other worlds, a one way portal, so she could study new creatures without leaving the comfort of her home. However, it required a strange ingredient to work; the tooth of a saurian. Since Twilight didn't know what a saurian was, she'd have to settle on a dragon's tooth. Though, she was certain it would work, and so far it looks like it has. Suddenly, the sound of a unholy, deep, roar tore through the liquid, Twiight jumping back, her wings opened, ready to take off at the first sign of a danger. The liquid cleared, still glassy, the picture showing a forest, no grass growing on the ground. Massive trees were shown, the sounds of roars coming from it. Twilight slowly started to walk forward, ignoring her fears, hearing the signs. The view started to look around, seeing a massive volcano in the distnce, spewing smoke. The trees hid creatures, where only a few quick glances could see some. Twilight started to furiously jot down notes, ignoring the stomping shaking the screen. Suddenly, a bellow, in which Twilight had never heard of, made her shiver in fear. She looked at the screen to see...what looked like a bird's foot. It was tan, covered in scales, yet the view went up, to show two tiny, two clawed arms. Feathers went along the creatures back, it's forest green eyes peering into the screen curiously. It looked around, bone crushing jaws with a "U" shaped head. It snorted, standing at fifteen feet tall, and inhaled deeply, before releasing a bellow that would make a Dragon shake in fear. Another bellow came from behind, making the creature turn, before moving, much like a bird of prey, Twilight getting the full view of the creature. This one stood about half at tall at the "Bird", having a parrot like beak, two massive horns and one short one coming out of its nose. It had grey scales, small feathers running down its back. It snorted and gave a roar. The giant predator roared back, showing bone crushing teeth. The massive predator started to back away, giving a disinterested look, before a small rock hit its foot, making it look, seeing the creature shaking its filled head, hitting another, bigger rock. This one hit the massive predator's head, a rumbling, annoyed growl coming from it. It then gve an unholy roar, charging towards its prey. The creature charged, it meter long horns aimed at the massive, bird like creature. Spike picked a bad time to come in, hearing the roars, another gem in hand, bright blue this time. He was about to bite into it when he tripped over a book, the gem launching into the air. Twilight gasped, but did not have time to cast a spell to stop it, seeing that it would land into the liquid. It did, with a quiet PLOP, before the liquid started to change. It glowed, then the glassy surface started to shatter. It started to levitate, going into the air, a bright light in the middle of the shards, before it disappeared, the metal objects in the room gone with it. Twilight stared at where it had gone, before casting a dazed and confused Spike and anger filled glare. "Twilight, what happened?" Spike asked, groaning, rubbing his head. Twilight smacked him on the head with a book, making him backpedal out. "SPIKE!" ________________________________________________________ In the Everfree forest, a pack of Timberwolves slept under the shade of the trees. One of them perked their ears up, then raised its head, sniffing the air. It snarled, then got up, giving rough barks towards the direction. Suddenly, a tree landed in front of it, a scale covered, bird like foot hit the ground, rumbling growls coming from the creatures throat. The Timberwolves stared at the massive creature, before one jumped up and gave barks, trying to scare the creature away. It was silenced by a bite to the head, the creature killing the Timberwolf easily. The rest whimpered, then scampered off, the creature spitting out sticks. It then started to walk, before realeasing a bellow that shoow the trees, brids fluttering to get away. The Tyrant Lizard King has arrived. > Discoveries > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo sighed, seeing trees surround her. The Everfree Forest. Usually that name held with fear, but now it was held with boredom. AppleBloom lead the way, Sweetie Belle staying close behind. Currently, the Cutie Mark Crusaders have been looking for birds, for their Cutie Marks. Usually, their adventures ended in trouble or running away, but today, it was nothing but birds. Scootaloo snorted through her nose, then looked at AppleBloom. "What are we here for again?" AppleBloom sighed, since this was the tenth time Scootaloo asked this question. "We're 'ere tah get bird watchin' Cutie Marks." "I think birds are interesting." Sweetie Belle chirped out, but for it was ignored. "'Sides, we gotta go to Zecora tah pick up some stuff. Then, we'll leave 'ere." AppleBloom said, before falling into something, stopping the other Crusaders in their steps. She got up, rubbing her head with her hoof, then looked around, seeing that she was in a small ditch of some kind. Only it didn't look like a ditch, more like a three toed foot print. None of the Crusaders paided that any mind, but Scootaloo growled. "Can we get outta here? Rainbow wants me back before the sun sets." "Calm your hooves, we'll be there in a bit." Sweetie Belle said, trotting along. AppleBloom jumped out, dusting herself off, ignoring the giant, bird like foot print they left behind. Sweetie Belle looked at AppleBloom, a questioning look in her eyes. "Should we ask Zecora about the holes?" "Nah, it's better not to bother her. She probably already knows about it anyways." Scootaloo said, her wings buzzing a little. As they arrived to Zecora's hut, they noticed large spikes dug into the the ground, massive tree trunks with spikes cut into them. They justted out all over the perimeter., but, the children walked around them easily, almost as if the spikes were made for something bigger. They knocked with their hoof, only for a ancient mask to open the door, causing them to scream. "Children, what are you doing here?" The mask moved, showing the face of a Zebra, named Zecora. Her mane was matted with sweat, her eyes wide with surprise. "Don't you know the Everfree should cause you fear?" "Nah, we're just here to pick up some stu-" Scootaloo was cut off when Zecora pulled them in, causing AppleBloom to accidentally cut herself with one of the smaller spikes, yelping in surprise. "Zecora, now what's tha big idea?" AppleBloom asked, not noticing the cut which was now bleeding a little. Zecora peaked through her window, feeling the room shake a little. The children looked at the big pot in the middle, seeing small ripples move inside of it, water moving thanks to impact tremors. The impact tremors moved far away, Zecora unleashing a breath of relief she did not know she held, her ears flickering a litte, then moved, scanning to see if it heard any sounds. Hearing nothing, she turned to the children, saying, "A strange creature has made its way into this forest. It's best not to jest." She rhymed, making the three children look at each other, confused. "I shall give you what you need. Then, I shall escort you so the monster does not feed." They looked at each other, then shrugged, not wanting to get in the way. Once they were packed up, they started to head off, not noting that AppleBloom's blood would attract attention. ______________________________________________________________________ The creature kept walking, massive green eyes seeing in colors most wouldn't believe. He turned his head, sniffing the air. New smells hit him, and he knew he was not at his territory. He needed to know where he was, before he got attacked by another one of his kind. He wasn't afraid of the males of his species. They were considered weaker. The females were largely territorial, and could kill if they sighted him. He inhaled deeply, smelling the area. He did not smell anything familiar, other than trees, dirt, and blood. Wait, blood? He looked to the left, smelling bood of a mammal. He walked towards it, curious. Mammals were tiny creatures thaat he hunted when he was younger. Might as welll and see if they looked the same. After a few minutes of walking, he came upon a large, furry mammal. It had a strange, black, insect tail. The body of a mammal, and the massive wings of a flier. He inspected this new creature, seeing it playing with some young animal. It was another mammal, a little wounded. It had claw makrs and horns on its head. It gave a deep, whistling call, trying to call for its mother. He watched, then stepped out of the trees, stepping in some mud, leaving a large foot print. He inspected the larger animal, seeing turn to him and stare. It backed away a little, under his hawk like gaze. He turned to the younger animal, walking closer, it froze in fear, looking up at him. He nudged it, moving it away, making it scarmble, getting away into the shadows. The other predator roared in anger, looking at him with fury, seeing that it's plaything and snack escaped. It jumped in front of the big theropod, who gave a low growl. The mammal inhaled and roared, though the big, bird like creature didn't even blink. Seeing that it was done roaring, the theropod stepped back, then walked away, giving a uninterested look. The massive creature flew, landing n front of him, baring its fangs. He was getting annoyed at the mammal. The mammal pounced, ready to attack, however, he hit the creature with his tail, batting it into a tree. Now that he thought about it he was a little hungry. Those strange howling trees had no meat in them, and he had not eaten in awhile. Might as well start with this creature. He inhaled deeply, his chest expanding a little, his two "tiny" arms showing. He then opened his maw, showing his bone crushing teeth. He moved towards the mammal, seeing it recover from the hit. He then bit its tail, tearing through it carapace, then pulled it back, making it roar in pain, clawing at the ground. It turns and bit his leg, but he kicked its jaw, making it loose a few teeth. He then pulled it hard, lifting it up with his mouth alone, then threw it into some bushes. It tried to get up, only for it to screech in pain, its arm broken. He then bitonto the mammal's leg, crushing it easily, crippling the creature. It screeched, before, as quick as a bolt of lightning, bit onto its neck, crushing the mammal's wind pipe. It stared up at him, feathers and green eyes all it saw before it finally died. He let go of its throat, then lifted his bloody maw into the air, releasing a below that would make a dragon shake in fear. ____________________________________________________________ Zecora's ears perked up, hearing a unholy scream. The trio of fillies didn't notice the sounds, starting to walk past her. "Hey, Zecora, you coming?" Sweetie Belle asked, big innocent eyes looking up at her. Zecora nodded, waking ahead. After a couple of minutes of walking, Zecora heard flies, then moved the bushes, which used to be a safe path to Ponyville, only to see a dead Manticore in her path, the children looking at it with disgust. "Don't worry, it's dead." Zecora said, before she had time to rhyme, a tan, blood covered snout raised above the body. It stood fifteen feet tall, feathers covering its arms and on it's back, going all the way down its tail. Jaws held sixty bone crushing teeth, eyes held intelligence and hunger. A piece of flesh was hanging from its mouth as it looked at the mammals, cocking its head curiously. "Nobody. Move. A muscle." AppleBloom whimpered out, freezing in fear. The creature looked at them, still able to see them, watching them curiously. He knew they were herbivores. However, he was eating his kill, why were they here? Perhaps they had wandered into here by mistake? He snorted, giving a low, rumbling growl. Maybe he should eat them? No, he was well fed, not hungry right now. He snorted again, then seeing they weren't moving, snorted impatiently, wanting to go back to his meal. He opened his jaws, releasing a bone chilling roar, making them scream and head the opposite direction. He smelt more of the bigger mammals over there, then gave a deep rumble. Might as well follow them and make sure they don't hurt themselves. He stepped over his kill, following the four hooved mammals, giving another, short roar. He ran over them, smeling more of the stranged, hooved mammals in the other direction, then bit at them, making them scream again, heading towards his kill. He roared, trying to scare them the right way, thinking he was helping them. Zecora felt her lungs burn as she ran, her legs feeling tired. They were being hered by the massive predator. It roared and bit next to them, Scootaloo fluttering a foot over the ground, flying, keeping her hooves rested in case she had to land. "Must go faster!" Sweetie Belle screamed, seeing in one of Zecora's earings the image of the massive gaping jaws of the carnivore. It gave a deep bellow, nipping at their heels. They ducked under a tree, before seeing the massive carnivore burst through it, giving a bite as well. It started to slow down, then stopped, giving another roar of what they thought was anger. Suddenly, they burst out of some bushes, slowing down, seeing Ponyville. They dropped on the floor, panting, catching their breath. "Remind me to thank Zecora for the lovely afternoon..." Scootaloo joked, making all of them giggle. __________________________________________________________ He watched as they disappeared from his vision, slowly following by smell. He arrived at the edge of the forest, seeing massive wooden areas. Yellow grass covered houses, and one looked to be a mountain of blue, shiny rocks. He gave a rumbling growl, then looked down, seeing the four hooved animals resting nearby, at least fourty feet away. He started to turn, going back to his kill. He would have to investigate after he finished his meal. Before he saw the town disappear, he gave one more bellow into the air, then disappeared into the shadows. > King > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AppleBloom sighed as she trotted along, having escaped the massive, bird like creature. Zecora had accompanied her, thinking it would be too dangerous to venture to her hut right now. That feathered dragon still covered the entrance, and seeing how fast it could run, she knew she would not be able to out run it again. Besies, it was more than likely feeding on the carcass of the Manticore. And it seemed intelligent, able to herd them like a shepherd to his flock. Scootaloo decided to fly up to Rainbow's house, wanting to tell her all about it, and Sweetie Belle decided to go home and rest up. AppleBoom had decided to go to Twilight and tell her what she saw in the forest. They had escaped the hungry predator, and had fund out it gave up the chase, but couldn't help but feel like she was being watched. Everytime she turned, she'd a see a quick flicker of movement, then it'd disappear. Zecora ha also noticed this, however, she knew no predator would attack this village. At least...no predator she knew of. The large bird back there, however, could stomp in here and make anypony its food. She shivered, thinking of those jaws closing around her...or worse...her friends. She coulded already feel the color rush out of her face, before she was brought back by the big, crystal castle. It was time to tel Twilight what had happened. _______________________________________________ Spike grumbled to himself, walking through the town, rubbing the spot where the book had hit him. It didn't hurt, but he was angry that he got hit for no reason. His snake like tongue flickered out, tasting the air, the small dragon giving a huff of annoyance. Big sisters could be so annoying sometimes. He bumped into someone, before looking up, noticing he ran into none other than Rarity, his old crush. She gavbe a startled look, then looked back, a smile gracing her lips. "Hello Spike. Come here for a gem?" "Not right now Rarity." Spike replied, before looking at her up and down, then growled to himself. "I'm just walking today." "Oh. Is something on your mind, dear?" Rarity asked, giving a concerned look. Spike sighed, then shaked his head, before looking up at her, smilng. "Just need a breath of fresh air." "Well, if you ever need a friend to talk to, I'm here for you, dear. By the way, were you out with Sweetie Belle today?" Spike shook his head, giving a confused look, "No. Why?" _________________________________________________________ He sat there, waching the mammals walking to and fro with their things to do. He was not on his territory anymore. In fact, he believed he was in an entirely different land. He growled, his green eyes scanning the strange looking shiny rock mountain. His jaws opened slightly, exhaling air, seeing strange mammals with golden metal on their bodies. He saw them weild pointy stick, making him growl in annoyance. He took a step forward, coming out of the cover of the trees. Seeing that nothing spotted him, he slowly crouched, starting to move, making no sound as he approached the town. His massive, forest green eyes saw in colors most would not believe, and as it walked, it inspected the strange trees and rocks. Mammals moved between them, eating strange plants, other just talking to each other in their strange snorts and neighing. He shooked his head a little, then looked over, seeing this strange mountain of shiny rocks. It smelt of mammals and...saurian? He then perked up a little, seeing that the mammals with the strange sticks walk towards him, making im give a low, rumbling growl. He felt their movements through the pads at the bottom of his feet, then he slowly inched forward, giving another rumbling growl. He suddenly jumped out, surprising the mammals, opening his jaws and biting onto on, it screaming in pain. He chomped down, utting it in half, blood dripping down his maw as he let go of the mammal, seeing the others watch horrified. He snarled, feeling one of them stab the pointy stick into his hip. He grabbed the golden stick and rushed it in his jaw, making the other neigh to another. It opened its wings, quickly jumping in the air, stick ready. owever, he jumped, opening his jaws, catching the flying mammal in his mouth, crushing it instantly. He swallowed it whole, before he roared in pain, feeling on with horns shoot something at him. He roared at it, before he backed up, crushing a sneaking mammal under his foot. He looked around, seeing them surround him. He roared, slamming his tail into three of them, crushing bones and rib cages with that hit. He bit onto another, lifting into the air and chomping, cutting the body in half. A few mammals started to run, giving snorts and neighs to each other. He gave a low rumbling growl as a strange vine curled around his arm. He swiped his two fingered caws, throwing the mammal away, roaring in anger as sticks jabbed at him, causing pain. He then stomped on another mammal, making it screech in pain, before he slammed his tail into four more, hitting them onto a side of a building. He tried to roar, before a large net wrapped around his jaws, causing him to stumble as a stick jammed into his rib, finally piercing into his tough skin, making him growl in pain. He swiped his head, crushing a mammal, then sending it into another mammal, killing both. He tried to open his mouth, grabbing a mammal in his tiny arms, tearing it apart easily. He shook his head, feeling hooks dig into his skin with the netting, clawing at it. a rope tied around his neck, two more wrapping around his leg. He shook his head, trying to get the netting off, then finally opened his jaws, the netting torn and falling. He roared angrily, eating another mammal. Those that were left started to fll back, with an angry bird ike creature on their tails. _________________________________________________________ Twilight sghed, in her lab, eyeing the working machines and note scattered acrioss the table and floor. Her ears lowered, the wings on her back flicking a little, she sighed in sadness as she saw what Spike had ruined. No one got hurt from it, but she felt that the experiment would bite her in the flank later on. A sudden knocking brought her from her thoughts, hearing somepony on the other side. She started to trot to the door, before opening it, seeing a bloodied guard. He was clutching his rib cage, before looking at Tilight, his left eye having two long gashed across it, just missing said eye. "Ma'am, a dragon has attacked Ponyville. We tried to fend it off, but..." Twilight looked behind him, gasping, seeing a "U" shaped head poke above the buildings, releasing a familiar bellow, then lower down, likely eating a soldier. She also saw injured guards behind him, at least thirty of them. She hurried them in, seeing one of them missing a leg, giving a soft whimper. She closed the door, then said to an uninjured guard, "Evacuate the city." "Ma'am, we can't! For all we know, it could be in a pack! This dragon...we've never seen anything like it. And it's fast, too, it'll take out half of the town before we get a few buildings clear." She sighed, before her ears started to prick up, then she looked outside, watching as the rampaging saurian started to walk out of town, its jaws and feet covered in blood. It's body was covered in spears and arrows, however, only few pierced through the creature's tough skin. It turned, looking at the town, before meeting Twilight's eyes, then lifted it's head, releasing a bellow that shook the earth and split the sky. > Meet the Team > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- He had went to the massive nest of mammals, who had attacked him, making him angry. He did not want to kill them, but, he was very hungry, and that strange insect mammal did not fill his belly as he had hoped. The strange tree creatures either ran or barked at him, and they smelled foul, but had no meat in them. He inhaled deeply, smelling the surrounding land around him. Massive trees started to appear as he walked, many mammals and reptiles, and reatives of his. He kept smelling, his throat felt dry, trying to find water. He started to walk closer, ignoring the small mammals and creatures, almost stepping on a few. He had walked for five days without water, then he came here, his thirst now unbearable. A small pond sat there as he continued walking, seeing some strange, horned, fat animals nearby. He gave them a wary glance, as they did the same. His feet sank into the mud a little, but, he continued on, thirst stopping all signs of danger. He bent down a little, looking at the blue water, his massive jaws opening a little, then he dipped his jaws in, starting to take massive gulps of water. It tasted cold and so sweet, he couldn't help but drink more, not noticing eyes appear out of the water. They started to inch closer as the massive Tyrannosaur drank. It was nothing like what they had seen, and they had seen -and eaten- many creatures. The massive creature lifted his head, just in time for jaws to jump out of the water, clamping around air. The massive, feathered creature backing away, seeing familiar, scale covered annoyance; crocodiles. He gave an angry snort, looking down at the reptile with an annoyed look on his muzzle. It gave a massive hiss at him, then bit again, before the Tyrannosaurus roared bak, showing its bone crushing teeth. The crocodile started to back away, giving a hiss of irritation as it missed its chance to eat. He roared at the water, then shook his neck, growling loudly. The strange, fat, hairy animals stared at him, before giving loud hoots and bellows, starting to walk towards him. He looked down at the strange creatures, watching them with curiosity, studying them. They seemed mostly harmless, before he started to walk away, beforw hearing them follow him. He stopped. They stopped. He turned bak to them, seeing them look up at him. The water had washed the blood off of his maw, and his cuts that the mammals gave him already started healing. However, a strange stick was stuck in his side, and he looked at the creatures. He noticed they all had long horns, so, he decided to call them that for now. One walked up to him, making him give a warning growl. It ran its horn across his side, making him growl louder. Instead of attacking him, it quickly hit the stick out of his skin, the pain stopping. He nodded towards the herbivore, then started to walk into the forest, the hooved, fat animals following him. _________________________________________________________________ A earth pony mare stood there, explorers clothes covering her body, a Stetson that showed everything but her eyes. She had a cream colored body, with black hair and a red stripe going along her mane and tail. Her eyes were a bright cyan blue, and her Cutie Mark had a bright, red light on it, being on a stick. She couldn't help but sigh, being in a carriage, other creatures with here. One was a bulky Minotaur, obviously the muscle of the group. He sat in the carriage, having a fast firing crossbow with explosives on his side. They weren't deadly, but caused some attention, and had a large warhammer on the other side of his back. He had dark brown eyes, an one horn was broken and had a large scar aross his right eye, just missing making him blind. Despite his looks, he was very friendy, smiling a lot and liking to play with children. Another creature, a Gryphon, sat there. A strange, metal, net dispencer was on his back, his claws like daggers, with a kukri on his hip, a type of Japonese weapon at first glance. He had a red shirt on and a vest, sunglasses covering his eyes, and had a serious attitude about him. His wings had just been preened, showing no loose feathers that would hinder him. His body feathers were a white color, with blue on the tips. Another mare, this time, having more of tannish fur with a blonde mane and tail, sat there, she wore what looked like a hat that a crocodile hunter would have, having large teeth tied around it. On her back was a new sort of weapon, designed by Gryphons. It was called a Tranq Gun, used to subdue animals into a deep slumber, and was not deadly- as long as you got the dose right. Another creature, a female dragon, sat there, her claws were wrapped around a strange object, having orange scales and red spines traveling down her head to her tail. The strange object showed itself to be goggles, and she put them around her dark red eyes, showing a toothy grin. "So, what're ya 'ere for?" The dragon had a Trottish accent that snapped the mare out of her musings, making her look up, showing her eyes. "Here because somepony hired me to take care of a creature. Same as you." She said, her voice sounding like she was raised by buffalo. "Ah! I'm jus' here to get the money." The Gryphon said, having a Central Equestrian accent. "Got mouths to feed and bills to pay." "Never caught any of your names, by the way." The mare said, looking at the strange assortment of her "team". "Mine's bright Flare." She said, tipping her Stetson. "Name's Blaze. Muscles over there calls himself Steel Horns from what I heard. Never heard what he was here for, though." The dragon replied, peering at the Minotaur. "Just here to get honor and respect." He replied, smiling, making the dragoness shrug. "My name's Long Scope." The unicorn mare said, reading a book, sounding she came from "The Land Down Under". "Just here to document and make sure no one hurts themselves." "You can call me Claw. Everyone does." The Gryphon replied, looking over to the side, his bright yellow eyes now seen. Suddenly, the carriage stopped, the door opening to show a cloaked, tall figure. The cloak was very bug, however, one could see a cloved hoof and a toothed fang poking out. They came out of the carriage, looking up at the tall, mysterious figure. Bright Flare looked around, seeing a town some distance away, squinting her eyes, she was able to see the sign, which said "PONYVILLE" in big letter on the sign. Looking back, she saw the creature uncloaked himself, showing a snaggle toothed smile. The creature was a strange assortment of animal, known as a God of Chaos that most known him as. However, since he was retired, he just floated around, living among the mortals. He was taller, a little taller than Celestia, and his red eyes with yellow showing instead of white creeped Bright Flare out for a moment, though she didn't show it. "Discord." He introduced himself, a hat poofing out of noweher, tipping it with his lion paw. He then made a chocolate milk glass appear, inspecting it. "Hey Boss. Got another job for us?" Blaze asked, the dragoness looking at the tall figure, making the God of Chaos smile, giggling. "Of course I do." He replied, giving a goofy smile. He then started to drink, though, he drank the glass, not the milk, then threw it awa, looking down at them. "And, of course, there's good pay in it." "When isn't there?" Claw replied, a smile on his beak. "Just come with me, today, you're capturing a never before seen creature. It's causing a lot of chaos, but, I'd rather not let it have too much fun." > Hunt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord nodded, them inside of a cottage that he had invited them to. As he explained everything, everyone's face got more grim by each passing word, especially Bright Flare's, hearing about a dragon getting hurt because of a simple mistake. While everyone was comprehend this, Discord was sitting there, his body on a chair floating in the middle of the room. "Wait, let me get this straight..." Claw said, drawing the attention from everyone in the room. "So, we are supposed to capture one of the deadliest creatures in the world. Next, we'll put a preserve around it and study it?" "That pretty much sums it up." Discord said, drinking the glass of chocolate milk. However, only the glass drained away, not the milk. "Wait, I have to ask; how will we do this without all of us getting killed?" Bright Flare asked, looking up at the God of Chaos. "I mean, no offense, but some of us are not strong enough to stop bone crushing jaws." Steel Horns snorted, then opened his mouth to object, before Discord rose his claw, stopping him. "I actually planned for this. While Equestria has nothing this advanced, I stopped by a close universe to "borrow" a machine that reverses death. I like to call it a respawner." "So, when do we start?" __________________________________________________________________ He kept walking, the small herd behind him folowing behind, stopping only to graze or when the massive creature stopped. He looked back at the longhorns, giving a snort, confused as to why they were following him. He was not hungry, nor was he in the mood to capture food for later. He was no leaf eater, as shown with his teeth and claws. He was wondering why they were folowing him when he suddenly stopped, taking deep inhales of the air. Smelling a familiar predator, he gave a throaty snarl, before walking the opposite direction, giving a loud bellow into the air. The longhorns gave loud snorts and terrified sounds as they all ran pff into the bushes nearby, making him growl, realizing they ran in the direction he didn't want them to. He roared as he followed, disappearing into the brush. Nearby, a bird like head poked out of the bushes, giving coos and throaty growls. It had no beak on its snout, and its underbelly was a yellow, while the tops of its head had quill like feathers, the top of its body beng blue. It have a throaty snarl, before two more heads poked out, giving growls. These creatures were known as dromeasaurs, also known as raptors. The raptors snarled as they saw the footprint of the massive crature. The other two were different colors, one green with no feathers, the other grey, and the biggest, having no feathers. The grey one snarled, making the other two lower, giving a throaty growl as she walked forward. She sniffed the ground, seeing the foot print, then raised her head, giving a throaty calling, sounding like the barking of a dog mixed with a dolphin. The other two gave throaty growls, following their leader, the alpha female. She snorted, then started to trot into the foliage, the two following behind. He gave another bellow, making the herd stop, before he stopped as well, seeing the end of the forest. He inhaled deeply, his massive green eyes scanning the distant strange outcroppings he attacked earlier. He heard the strange sounds of the four legs, then he looked over, seeing two more of them, along with some new creatures. One looked like the longhorns, but stood on two hooves. Another was long and had the body parts of multiple animals, another looked like an avian creature. A fourth looked like a familiar, scaly creature. He gave a rumbling growl, making the longhorns come out of the forest. The creatures looked over, before he walked out of the cover of the trees, crushing a tree, hitting another out of the way. He gave a bellowing roar, seeing their shocked looks at him. He looked behind them, seeing a strange metal thing behind them, feeling strange, and he didn't like it. _________________________________________________________________ Bright Flare stared at the massive creature as it stood in front of them, it giving off another bellowing roar. She couldn't believe how large this thing was. It chased out a bunch of cows, and seemed to not fear them, seeing them as food instead of the large cattle next to it. "So, is that we're supposed to be hunting?" Claw asked, gaining a smile and nod from the God of Chaos. "Hey, Doc, you got dis thing in any of yer books?" Blaze asked, her smile deepened into a frown. Long Scope gave a shake of her head, backing away a little, hearing a roar of anger. "Hell no! this thing ain't in any book, and I know every creature found!" Steel Horn smiled, before snorting. "This creature will bring me honor in battle!" "I suggest we have a ttical retreat!" Claw voted, grabbing his net gun from his back, aiming it at it's snout. It gave a crocodilian hiss in reply, starting to walk towards them, it's feet making the ground shake. "I suggest we start firing at it!" Long Scope snarl, grabbing her tranq gun with her maic, firing three rounds. "Agreed!" Bright Flare said, grabbing her crossbow out, along with Steel Horns. The three rounds hit him in chest, making him give a trumpeting growl of pain, before shaking his body. They quickly ducked out of the way of a tail swipe, before Bright Flare started firing arrow after arrow onto the creature, making it roar at them. Steel Horn hit it's snout with a few arrows, another set of tranq darts hitting its side, making it bellow out in anger. Claw quickly dodged a stomp of the creature, before seeing the jaws of the creature, too late, then being bitten. Bright Flare felt her stomach flip, hearing bone crunch, Claw screaming in pain, before the creature chomped down again, throwing its head back, swallowing the Gryphon whole. "NO!" Blaze snarled out, before breathing fire at the creature. It gave a hiss of surprise, the flames barely missing its head feathers. Never seeing such a thing before, it roared at the dragoness, charging towards her. She gasped in surprise, before the creature bit her upper half, a loud, bone snapping sound echoing out. Bright flare quietly held back the bie in her throat, seeing Blaze's lower half hang lifelessly from the creature's mouth. Bright Flare and Steel Horns backed up a step, before seeing the creature slowly turn its head, looking straight at them, Blaze's lower half still hanging lifelessly from its mouth. It threw its head up, swallowing her corpse instantly, then gave a rumbling growl at Steel Horn and Bright Flare. It charged forward, Steel Horn throw down his cross bow, then pull his war hammer out, giving a chuckle as he charged at the creature. Grass crumpled under their weight, before he raised his war hammer, giving a war cry. However, it's foot quickly interrupted his war cry, crushing his body instantly, eight tons instantly ending the Minotaur's life as quickly as one could blink. Bright Flare realized that Long Scoe was still with her, seeing some tranqs hitting its muzzle, making it give a wounded bellow, slowing down a little. It stopped, roaring at the mares, arrows hitting its side. He shook his head, then noticed they were coming closer. His massive green eyes narrows, then quickly gave a tail whip, catching Long Scope off guard. It's long tail slammed into her at fourty miles per hour, instantly crushing her ribs, impaling her heart and lungs, multiple organs destroyed, sending her flying. She slammed into a tree, destroyed her spine and neck, killing her. Bright Flare saw the creature shake its body, giving an annoyed snort, then it looked at her, giving bellow, trotting towards her. It stopped right in front of her, making her drop to the ground, giving up. It pened it's massive jaws, ready to end her life. She felt a tear go down her face, seeing her life flash by her very eyes. She then gave the creature a snarl, then grabbed her crossbow, aiming at it's nose. Suddenly, a steel ne wrapped around its face, making it give a muffled, confused growl, clawing at it. It backed away, giving a clear view of her -now alive- team mates. Claw stretched, giving a groan of pain. "That bucking hurt!" He yelled out, firing another net, wrapping more around its muzzle. Blaze roared, breathing fire, making it back up. Tranq darts hit its head, making it shake its head, giving a tired, muffled hiss. It didn't notice Steel Horn readying his hammer. He swung, hitting its ankle, mking it give a muffled roar of pain, being shot with tranq darts. Another hit sent it tumbling down, giving a loud, unhappy groan of pain. All five of them started to laugh, high-hoofing or patting each other on the back. A soft breathing sound confirmed it ws still alive, it opening it's massive green eyes, giving a loud, rumbing growl, making the group jump. It's jaws broke open the metal nets, making it roar, before it got shot with twelve more tranq darts, making it give a tired roar, before laying it's head down, giving soft snores. "We did it..." Bright flare said, before giggling with Blaze and Long Scope. "Oh my Gd, are you guys alright?! I saw most of you get eaten or crushed!" Blaze and Long Scope gave a painful sigh as they stretched, popping joints, while Steel Horn laughed heartily, Claw giving a shiver. "That thing's jaws hurt..." Long Scope said, before grabbing her book out, a quill quickly being grbbed by her magic as she started to take notes on the creature, drawing it's body. A screech grabbed their attention, seeing clawed creaturs jump out. They got read to pounce, before a barred cage popped out of nowhere, trapping the raptors instantly. Discord smiled, lifting the cage up, chuckling. "I think I should let twilight know I'm bringing more than one. you five, come with me." > Rage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight stared at the sleeping creature, sighing wistfully. Although they had caught the creature, the damage was easy to see, and many called for it to be killed. Destroy the greatest find in known history? No way that would happen. Though, they still had to take precautions; large, steel chains were wrapped around the creature while it was asleep. She started to examine the creature, a quill and parchment ready. She noticed small scars and cuts, made from the battle, seeing how scales started to turn into feathers. It's deep, rumbling snores were felt, vibrating everyone's chests. She noticed how it's feet looked like a birds, compared to the tree trunks that Spike had. It's arms, though small, looked powerful enough to rip a pony apart. It's jaws held bone crushing teeth, at least the size of a bannana, Twilight guessed. Spike had now walked up, admiring the creature, then said, "Wow, this is a cool dragon." "I don't think this is a dragon." Twilight responded, much to the confusion of Spike, who gave her a questioning look. "This creatuure seems to have everything from a bird." "So, you're telling me, we just captured a large Pewee?" Spike asked, though pain was evident in his voice when he spoke of the young pheonix's name. "I don't know. But, what I do know is that we need to put it on a preserve." "Preserve?" "It's kind of like a zoo, where scientists study creatures and take notes about them." "I say, we kill it." A voice growled out, gaining the look from both Twilight and Spike. "Excuse me?" The gryphon snarled, looking at the creature under his shades, almost as if he were trying to kill it with a glare. "I said, we should kill it!" "What, why?" "Did you see what that thing did to us?! It ate us, stepped on us, and crushed us without any trouble!" Claw yelled, snarling unhappily. A loud snort was heard, the creature shifting in it's slumber, alerting everyone in the area. "I say we kill it, and stop this monster right here, right now." "It's not a monster, it's an animal." Twilight calmly established, though fury shone in her eyes. "It is sentient, but it has to eat meat. He is no more a monster than you or I." The creature shifted again, however, the only one to notice it was Spike. Spike carefully walked around the arguing Twilight and Claw. Bright Flare and Steel Horns watched with amusement, while Blaze and Long Scope were talking some guards. The creature shifted again, the chains clinking softly. Spike gently put his clawed hand onto the creature's snout, right between it's nostrils. It inhaled and exhaled, smelling him, the creature shifting again. It's eyes moved under it's eyelids, the creature letting a deep growl erupt from it's throat. Though it was a quiet growl, Spike could feel it through the pads of his feet. Spike started to scratch it'snose, a growl of happiness erupting from the creature. It started to shirt again, moving into the young dragon's claws, making Spike scratch more. Spike heard the rumbling grow, ad Spike attempted to growl back, though his sounded much less fierce. "You don't understand what hapened to us! I was litterally eaten! I could see as I went into the creature's mouth before it crushed me with said jaws! I could feel the pain even after I came back!" "And I'm telling you that it's not evil, just let it roam around! It's obviously not from here, so might as well not harm it! What if it's just a baby?!" Their yelling had gotten annoying, but Spike was currently scratching the creatures neck, causing a deep, rumbling, purr like sound erupt from it. It's massive eye slowly opened, focusing on Spike. The sound of metal groaning and clinking caught everyone's attention, Spike still scratching it's neck. It growled happily, before looking at the group, it's joy filled eyes turned to fury filled ones as it slowly tried to stand up. Spike and the others backed away, the guards arming themselves quickly. "Impossible! I shot enough tranqs in that thing to put a rhino in a coma!" Long Scope gasped out, seeing some of the chains snap and groan. Twilight quickly grabbed Spike, setting him on her back, causing the large creature to glare at her. "I don't think you shot enough into it!" Bright Flare yelled, backing away. She saw the creature inhale, grabbing her Stetson with a hoof. It bellowed out a fury filled roar, the final chain snapping off. Guards had surrounded them, enough too make a hydra think twice. However, the creature's eyes narrowed into Twilight's eyes, glaring at her, growling angrily. It clearly didn't like how it took Spike away, and Twilight could tell. "Retreat to Ponyville, Princess Twiight, we have this!" A guard shouted. Twilight wanted to protest, but it died in her throat when she felt Steel Horns pick her and Spike up. "Hey!" Twilight yelled in alarm, the Minotaur starting to run, despite the heavy hammer on his back. "We must retreat. The armored ponies will handle this while we get you to safety." Blaze was running on all fours beside them, ignoring the look from Spike as she ran past. Claw flew by, his shades reflecting everything in front of them. Bright Flare and Long Scope ran along Steel Horns, ignoring the angry roar behind them. _________________________________________________________ When he had awoken, he felt a soothing feeling on his snout, leaning into it a little. Something stopped him, feeling cold things wrapped around him, stopping him from moving. His tired mind shrugged it off, leaning into the creature, which was now scratching his nose. It gave a small growl, indicating it was small and young. Must be a hatchling. The scratchy feeling moved along his head, then to the back of his neck, causing him to growl happiy, feeling the claws scratch at hard to reach spots in his feathers. He heard the strange sounds of the mammals nearby, making him want to look over. However, he felt too tired to care, seeing as how the pure pleasure from the young creatures scratching kept him satisfied. The annoying noise continued on, however, etching into his mind, making him growl. He forced one of his eyes open, before closing it, bright lights hurting it. He gave a pained grunt, before slowly opening his eyes, the noises getting louder. His eyes focused around the blurry creatures around him, some familiar, others not. The small hatchling was a strange color, mixed with green and purple, and had spikes running down its back. He grunted, feeling annoyed they had awoken him from his slumber, but the young hatchling smiled at him, seeming to be friendly. He gave a small smile back, then looked over, feeling anger swell in his veins. He tried to stand up, only to feel the cold things press against his back, but, he continued on. Loud, snapping sounds echoed out as he slowly got up, glaring at them. One of them moved, his snout trailing them, then saw it grab the small hatchling, then run back with it, forcing it to ride its back. They were stealing the young one! The final, cold thing let it's grip slacken, making him stand over them. He inhaled, glaring at the one who had stolen the hatchling, then said. "Give back the hatchling!" He yelled out, snorting at them. They only jabbed their pointy sticks towards him, some circling around with the things that threw smaller, sharp sticks. One of the strange, golden mammals turned around, making noises, then looked back at the creature. The larger mammal took both the hatchling and thief mammal, some other running after it. He glared at them, stepping forward. However, a burning sensation ran through his chest, making him growl angrily, looking down at the mammals. They would pay for stealing the hatchling. He opened his jaws at one of them flying, biting it's lower half, then swallowed the rest, catching the rest by surprise. He roared at the flying mammals, stepping on another on the ground. He would make these mmmals pay for what they've done. ____________________________________________ Captain Fair knew that today would be bad. He had awoken to the sounds of his children arguing downstairs, had spilt most of his coffee, and learnt that a creature had attacked Ponyville, taking about half of his forces with it. He sighed, watching the creature stand up slowly, then give out a bellow of anger. A guard, named Gear, started to fire blue magic at the creature, trying to get it to sleep, though it only angered the creature. One of his Pegasi guards had gotten too close, and the creature bit onto his hind legs, making him scream. Another bite silenced him, before the creature swallowed him whole. "Gear! Put some sleep magic on that thing! Four of you, with Gear! The rest of you, we can't let that creature into the town!" Fair's orders shook the stallions out of their shock, then a few had started to charge, pointing their spears at the creature. However, it stepped on one of the guards, crushing him instanty, it roaring at his Pegasi guards. Blue magic hit the creature in the chest again, making it glare at them, then roar angrily. It lifted it's foot, then stomped, sending three nearby guards flying. It bit at another guard, then threw him into the air, letting the guard land on his head, killing him instantly. Eight guards behind it suddenly saw it's tail move, then hit them, crushing the ribs and spines, sending them to the guard a couple meters away. Fair had grabbed his spear, charging at the creature. It's snout lowered, ready to bite Fair. However, some blue magic hit it's head, making it give a bellow of pain. Fair saw his chance, then galloped faster, slamming his spear into the creature's shoulder, making it roar angrily. Fair jabbed it into the creature's skin more, sinking it deeper. Fair was knocked away with a hit of its head, making him loose his breath. He coughed, trying to get air back to his starving lungs, then looked over. One of the Pegasi was distracting it, flying to and fro, avoiding it's snapping jaws. It snarled angrily, before starting to walk away, hitting two more guards away, making them hit trees, cracking their bones and killing them. Fair was lucky just to get the wind knocked out of him, then saw Gear run up beside him, helping him onto his hooves. "Sir, that thing is headed to town, and my magic has almost no effect on it!" gear said, looking at his captain. "Well, gather up the remaining men and tell them to get the tranq bows." Captain Fair said, seeing the creature's tail disappear between the buildings. _____________________________________________________ Claw stopped, landing on a nearby building as he did so, arming himself with his net gun. "Angry lizard, four o'clock!" He yelled, before the angry roar followed that statement, making Twilight tap Steel Horns head. "We need to distract that thing! I have a plan!" Twilight yelled out over the roar, making Steel Horns nod. He put her down, but kept Spike on his arm, much to his surprise. "Blaze, try to distract that thing with some flames. Long Scope and Bright Flare, you're with me!" As they had gotten in their positions, Spike managed to slip out from Steel Horn, allowing him to arm himself. Spike felt the ground shake, before one of the buildings exploded outwords, and angry bird like creature showing it's toothy maw. It opened it's jaws, releasing a bellow of pure anger. It walked forward, stopping in front of Steel Horns, who held his hammer at the ready. It snarled at him, before glancing behind him, it's gaze softening when it landed on Spike. It walked towards him slowly, completely ignoring the Minotaur. "Now!" That sound made it stop, before a steel net wrapped itself around it's powerful maw, closing it instantly. It gave a muffled, angry roar, tranq arrows slamming into it's side, while powerful sleep magic hit it's other side. It's eyes became drowsy, before a bright light distracted it. Blaze shot flames from her mouth, making the creature back away, giving an alarmed, trumpeting sound from it's throat. It tore the net off, giving an angry roar, before turning around, slamming it's massive tail into Long Scope, breaking her spine instantly. She fell onto the ground, causing Claw to fly over to check on her. Claw felt her throat for a sign, anything, to indicate she was alive. He shook his head, sighing unhappily. Steel Horns yelled in anger, charging forward, slamming his hammer onto the creature's maw. Unfortunately, that tore one of the chained hooks loose, freeing the creature's deadly jaws. In a second, Steel Horns was gone, the creature making a loud crunching sound as it swallowed his carcass whole. Claw roared, picking up Long Scope's tranq bow, firing arrows into it's littered side. It roared at him, walking towards him, causing him to run towards it, firing arrows onto it's chest. Suddeny, Claw was crushed with over 7 tonnes of weight as it stomped on him, it giving a sickly sound of amusement. Blaze spit out more fire, catching the creature's attention, it backing away from her. It gave a fearful roar, before she stopped to ctch her breath. A purple beam of magic hit the creature's head, making it give a roar of anger, looking over to Twilight. It's eyes met hers, making the massive creature narrow it's gaze, glaring at her. She flinched under it's glare, he wings shuffling, then preparing for flight. It gave a loud bellow, then started to turn, looking at Spike. The tiny hatchling gulped in surprise, before readying his legs to run. In an instant, the creature sprung forward with a speed that was unnatural for it's size. Spike began to run, before feeling his tail yanked by a powerful force. "TWILIGHT!" He screamed out for his adoptive sister, seeing her fear filled eyes, then a beam of magic hit it's side, causing the creature to give her an annoyed growl. "SPIKE!" She yelled back, before Blaze ran in front of the creature, giving a -what seemed to be- threatening roar, flaring her wings out, distracting the creature. Bright Flare, who had slipped the creature's notice, pulled a strange red tube out with her hooves, with a white part at the end. She hit the white end off, causing a bright light and a small trail of red colored smoke out. "Hey!" Bright Fare yelled out, catching the creature's glance. She waved the flare in front of you, seeing it's eyes follow the flare, then give a curious growl. Spike was hanging upside down, giving a groan from being upside for too long. The creature walked over to Bright Flare, seeing her throw it, it's head following the bright light. It gave a curious, low, rumbling bellow, following the strange flare of light, taking Spike with him. It's large foot crushed Claw's body again by accident, it's tail disappearing between the buildings. Twilight stared, dumbstruck as it ran away, her adoptive little brother in it's jaws. She felt her eyes burn as a tear slowly dripped down her cheek. Blaze gave a growl, starting to follow the large footprint the creature left, starting to track it down. Bright Flare made a move to follow her, before stopping, looking back at the Aicorn Princess. She saw tears tracking down her cheeks, her purple eyes looking where the creature exited. Steel Horn ran in from the large hole the creature left in the buildings, Claw and Long Scope appearing behind him. Twilight gave a lloud sob, Bright Flare wrapping the Alicorn with a hug, casting the trio with a sad glance. Suddenly, Twilight felt a fire start to ignite inside of her chest, then quickly opened her wings, pushing Bright Flare away. She quickly took off, giving a snarl as she did so. She will get Spike back. She will get her brother back. > Nest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike groaned, slowly feeling his body sway to and fro. His head was throbbing, and his tail was still being picked up by a strong force. He had fainted after the large creature had taken him into the jungle. He opened his eyes, only to close them, a bright light invading his retinas, making him yell in pain. This made the swaying stop, before continue on again. Spike slowly opened his eyes, slowly getting used to the light. He looked all around, to see dirt and trees swaying. However, this isn't what confused Spike. It was that they were swaying upside down. He looked down-err up, and saw the toothy maw of the creature that had dragonnapped him. He smelt the stench of decay, making him shudder in fear and disgust. Spike growled a little bit, causing the creature to glance down at him. It then lifted it's head above the trees, making quick movements, looking around. Spike felt bile rise in his throat, then clamped his hands of his jaws, trying to stop himself from losing his breakfast. The creature continued onward a short distance, before raising Spike up. "HELP!" Spike yelled out in vain, struggling to escape the creature's hold. "HELP!" He yelled out again, before the creature's rumbling growl made him go silent. Spike felt two claws grab his tail, making him give a yelp of surprise. The creature lifted him up as easily as Spike would a gem, making Spike look where they were. A small cave had been carved into the side of a mountain they stood on. Large vegetation and trees covered where it was, the only indication was tiny gaps through said foliage. The creature stuck its head through the foliage, then moved its head down picking Spike up with its might jaws. Spike felt leaves brush against his scales, making him gasp as he saw what the cave looked like. It was large enough to hold maybe twelve of the creature that he was picking up, and tall enough to fit four of them standing on top of each other. Spike felt the weight release his tail, then the large sound of cracking and growling got his attention; just to see the creature had crawled it's way into here. It gave a snort, looking around, nodding to itself. "Good to be home..." A loud, deep voice said, making Spike jump out of his scales. "H-hello...?" Spike called out, shaking in fear. "Is anypony there?" Recieving no answer, he looked to see the large creature had moved the corner, giving a muffled growl. It then started to walk towards him, something in it's mouth. It dropped the thing on the floor, revealing itself to be a dead deer. It's antelers were crushed, and one of its limbs were missing. The stentch of death finally made Spike run the the edge of the cave, losing his breakfast onto the side of a tree. He wiped his bile away from his mouth, giving a disgusted look. He looked at the creature, seeing it tilt it's head at him. It moved its snout over to the carcass, moving it a little closer, looking at him expectantly. He looked at the carcass, then up to the creature, seeing it wait for him. He wants to feed me? Spike realized, seeing it walk away, moving over to a large stream at the back of the cave, lapping at some water noisily. Looking down at the carcass, her shivered, scooting it away with his foot. He ran over to the stream, carful of the large creature, greedily lapping at the water, soothing the dragon's dry throat. The creature looked at him, then back to the carcass, where it sat there, bleeding. Spike stomach rumbled, causing the creature to snort as it looked at him. Spike blushes, his now empty stomach bothering him. There was nothing edible in the cave...well, edible to him. He looked down, before noticing a small glimmer of light. The creature stood up, walking over to the carcass. Suddenly, it took the entire body into it's mouth, throwing it's head back, swallowing it whole. Spike, seeing the creature was distracted, he quicky started to dig the small glimmer out. Suddenly, a large ruby appaered in Spikes claws, him giving it a hungry stare. He was about to pop it in his mouth when a sound made him stop. "Spike!" It was faint, but Spike could hear it. Unfortunately, so did the creature, making it growl angrily. Spike ran over to the edge of the cave, cupping his claws to his mouth, hollering out an answer. "I'M HERE!" The creature peered down at him, before it's tail wrapped around his stomach. Spike gave a yelp of surprise, before being put inbetween some rocks at the back of the cave. "I'M COMING! HANG ON!" Spike had heard the female, before the creature went into hiding behind the foliage. It gave a growl of anger, looking down. A few minutes passed, before the creature narrowed it's eyes, then gave a low, rumbling growl. "Spike, where are you?!" The female voice, which Spike recognized as the dragoness Blaze. "I'm here! Come out!" Suddenly, the creature striked, it's head quicky darting down, it's jaws open, ready for the kill. "BLAZE!!!" _______________________________________________ Blaze ran on all fours, quickly darting between trees, her goggles hanging uselesly at her neck. Her wings were tucked at her sides, she quickly darted between broken trees and trampled bushes, folowing the trail of destruction. Her claw print was left in a muddy footprint of the large creature, showing how small she was to it. She snorted some smoke into the air, before giving a look around, slowing down, before stopping, still on all fours. Her snout raised to the air, deep inhales hinting she was trying to find the trail again. She walked over, before stopping, seeing blood on the ground. She bent down, sniffing the blood, noticing it smelt like the creature. She looked around, before taking a deep inhale through her nostrils. She could smell gems and the scent of blood, which belonged to the creature, mking her smile, then she then became bipedal. She felt her lungs fill with air, then opened her jaws, yelling out, "SPIKE!" Straining the fins that were her ears, she listened intently, before inhaling again, hollering out the name again. Straining her fins again, she twisted her head to and fro. She started to walk forward, following the scent. It had been a couple of hours since Blaze left that pony settlement, and by her standards, it was only a few mintues. The sun had started it's great descent in the sky, casting and orange glow all around her a she walked. She couldn't help but sigh, giving a glare at the trail of destruction. She decided not to give in to the large creature, then inhaled deeply, opening her gem crushing jaws to yell out, "SPIKE!!!" She strained her ear fins, before smiling brightly, hearing a reply. "I'm here!" She couldn't help but feel pride in her chest, seeing as he had tracked down the hatchling by herself. She crouched down onto all fours, starting to sprint the direction his voice had come from, unable to stop her grin. "I'M COMING! HANG ON!" She hollered out, the rush of the wind going near her fins, her wings bunching up, ready to quickly grab the hatchling and fly out of there. Her claws made a small splash in a puddle, her not noticing it, thinking it was nothing but water. However, if she looked closer, it was actually blood, a small shaking of bushes folowing her as she ran by. Her back right foot was wet, but she didn't care. She suddenly stopped, her claws digging into the ground, leaving long gashes as she skid to a stop. In front of her, was a massive skull and ribcage of a dragon. It was right next to a cliff, holding trees and bushes. She started to take deep breaths through her nose, before letting her serpentine tongue flick out of her mouth, tasting the air. Spike was nearby, she could smell the pony off of him. She inhaled, forgetting about the creature for a moment. A deadly mistake. "SPIKE, WHERE ARE YOU?!" She hollered out, looking around. She did not notice the slight rumbling from the trees, or a small rock coming loose and falling down. She did hear, however, a snort, which made her freeze up. She quickly, moved towards the small cliff, looking around. Though it was a small opening, it extended out for a dozen meters in each direction, so it could not sneak up on Blaze. Unless it could climb walls. She looked around, a small pillar of smoke erupting from her nostrils. Some drips on water hit next to Baze, before a giant drop of water hit Blaze's head, making her wipe it off. She sniffed it, before her eyes widened, making her look up. For it was not water, but saliva. And one that smelt of rot and decay. And what met her vision was the creature, ready to chomp down on her. "BLAZE!" The hatchling shouted out, making her snap out of her daze, dodging quickly, the creature's snout meeting the ground, digging a small crater. It came out of the foliage, roaring at her, blood running down it's lower jaw, showing it had just eaten something. She roared back, flaring out her wings, her fight or flight insticts kicking in. It glared at her, recognizing her, it's large green eyes trained on her. It shook it's head a little, almost as if it was disapproving of her. This made her chest puff out in anger, making flames lick at the end of her throat. It roared, charging forward, making Blaze breath fire to distract it. This cause the creature to back up, peering through the smoke, sniffing around. Ember, who had used the distraction, was hiding under the skull of the large dragon skeleton. She had forgotten about her wet foot, which, if she had noticed, was covered in blood, not water. The creature looked at her direction, smelling the blood off of her foot, causing her to back away, further in the skull's upper jaw. A bright light had shown in Blaze's eye, making her hiss, then look over to where the offending object had come from. She saw the glimmer coming out of the foliage, along with a pruple claw attached to an arm. She gained a grin. Bingo. Suddenly, th front half of the skull was smashed in, a large, bird like foot coming back out of the dust. Suddenly, the creature launched it's head in, jaws snapping at Blaze. She scrambled back, the creature's jaws just snapping inches from her face. She breathed fire at it, scorching the front of the creature's maw, making it back around, giving a pain roar. It shook it's head, digging it's snout in the ground to stop the burning. Seeing it was distracted, Blaze jumped out of the skull, opening her large wings, quickly flying into the foliage. Only to slam into the hatchling, Spike, who gave a surprised yelp as the both tumbled into the cave. Baze was the first to recover, hearing the creature's pained roar and snorts. She looked over, seering a dazed Spike slowly get up on weak knees. In his claws was the gem, the one she had grabbed her attention with. Spike shook off his daze, his eyes lighting up once he recognized her. "We have to get out of here." "Seconded." She said, grabbing him in her claws, opening her wings, only to feel a pain shoot through her, causing her to groan in pain and annoyance. "What's wrong?" "My wing, I think I sprained it..." "Brilliant..." Spike muttered, before looking outside, seeing the creature shake it's head, snorting angrily. "How fast can you run?" "Faster than you." Blaze muttered, pride swelling in her chest once again. "Because we may have a slight problem." "What's that?" The creature turned, roaring into the air as it stumbled it's way to the cave, shaking it's head, it's eyes burning with fury as it could smell them through the smoke. Blaze followed his gaze, seeing the creature stumble towards them, causing her to put Spike on her back, making him yelp in surprise. "Hang on!" She yelled, backing up, before the creature's snout erupted through the foliage, roaring angrily. She started to sprint on all four, jumping from it's snapping jaws, landing on it's neck. It looked back at them, snapping it's jaws and shaking it's body, roaring angrily. Blaze ran down the creature's back, jumping off of it's tail, gaining speed as she did so. The creature did a full one-eighty and roared, starting to run after them, it's foot falls shaking the ground. Spike heard trees being smashed and crushed around them, daring not to look back. If he did, he would've saw something that would've made a lesser being die on the spot. The creature, smoke and black soot off of it's snout, followed after them, giving a trumpetting roar as it did so. Blaze ducked under a tree, Spike laying on her back, making her growl as she ordered her body to run faster. He claws gripped at the dirt as she made a sharp turn, the creature doing the same, it's claws gripping at the ground. Blaze glanced back, seeing the massive creature chase after her, making her gasp, then look forward, jumping off of a root. The creature crushed the root, before slamming the trees, roaring at them angrily. Blaze skid to a stop, Spike looking at her, confused, before he saw the massive waterfall to their right, then a cliff in front of them. "What'll we do now?!" Spike asked, hearin g the cracking and shaking of trees behind them, indicating the creature was still hot on their tails. "I don't know!" Blaze yelled back, before glacing around nervously. She looked around, before looking down, seeing a large pool of water at the bottom of the cliff. Spike looked around nearvously, the sound of the trees cracking made him nervous. The creature gave a fury filled bellow as it slammed through the trees, now in the vision of the two dragons. It's glare softened when it landed on Spike, who started to shiver in fear, before seeing happiness return to its eyes. It crooned loudly, lowering itself, appearing non-threatening to Spike, who felt less afraid. "Hang on!" That brought Spike out of his stare with the creature, making him scream i fear as Blaze started runbning on all fours, then jumping off the cliff, making the massive creature roar in fear, watching the two. Spike let out a fear filled scream as Blaze started to dive towards the water. Ony a few seconds before they hit the water, painfully, she spread open her wings, grunting in pain as she started to glide across the water, her sprained wing screaming at her. A sudden blast of wind slowed them down, before they hit the water near the shore. Spike was the first to surface, giving a gasp of air, swallowing as much oxygen to sate his starving lungs. Blaze surfaced, closer the shore, paddling towards it. She slumped on the muddy bank, gasping out loud, before she looked up, seeing the creature eye Spike, looking...relieved to see he was not harmed. "I hate water..." Blaze grumbled out, before slowly climbing up the bank, landing on a rock, which was warm, thanks to the sun. Spike watched as the creature turned, it giving a lonely bellow as it walked away. It was then that Blaze noticed her goggles were missing, but she didn't care right now. She had escaped the creature, but they were still trapped in the forest. Spike walked out, shaking all the water off of himself. He shivered, then looked up, seeing the sun slowly finish setting, painting the sky in a hue of pink and orange, clouds lazily floating by. > Forest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike spat out some of the water, shaking himself, trying to dry himself off, looking up at the cliff, where the creature had left. He could still hear it's lonely bellow as it walked away, Spike's eyes softening thinking about it. Suddenly, the coughing next to him caught his attention, seeing the dragoness, Blaze shivering and spitting out water. "I hate water..." She snarled out, giving the soft, lapping liquid a death stare, walking over to the grass, trying to get mud off of her stomach. Spike chuckled, lying in the water, watching the sky and clouds being colored in a hue of pinks and oranges. He stood up, hearing the gentle lapping of the water as it hit the shore. He looked around, noticing a lack of animals, which made him frown. He couldn't help but feel as if this area was familiar, but he couldn't place a claw on it. Blaze, fully cleaned, walked over to Spike, tapping his side, catching his attention. "We better get goin'. It'll be dark soon, and I'm pretty sure that tha monster isn't goin' to be the only one chasin' us." Spike nodded, but his spines stood on end. He coudn't help but feel as if something was watching them. He looked around, hearing birds singing out happily, then shrugged it off to him being paranoid. The sound of the bushes shaking went unnoticed by the two as they walked away, a large, serpentine tongue poking out to taste the air. _________________________________________ A guard hacked away a vine, giving a quiet snarl as his horn and sword were glowing blue. His golden armor weighed him down a little, but, he slashed through a batch of leaves, trotting forward. Behind him were a collumn of Guards, along with the Elements of Harmony. "Keep searching! We have to find Spike!" Twilight shouted, responses following her about agreeing. "Don't worry, I'll find you..." Applejack adjusted her Stetson, giving a cautious look around, her green eyes scanning every nook and cranny, before looking at Twilight. "Twi, ya know that thing is out 'ere. Why don't we do 'is in the mornin'?" Rarity quickly elbowed Applejack, causing a glare to be returned. "Well I, for one, completely agree with Twilight, dear. We have to find Spikey-wikey and show that big, dumb brute what for." "Heck yeah!" Rainbow Dash yelled, hovering above the group. Fluttershy was quiet, shivering in fear, while Pinkie hopped along beside her, giggling and smiling. Suddenly, Pinkie disappeared, making fluttershy stop, looking to where she was. In her place was a large foot print, toes spread out, small, tan feathers in the large print. Pinkie giggled, putting her hoof in it. "Uhh...Twilight." Fluttershy softly spoke, catching the Alicorn's attention. Said Alicorn trotted over, examining the foot print, giving soft hums and strange glances around. "No doubt about it, this belongs to the creature..." Pinkie jumped out, giggling happily. "I think we're gonna have to bake a bigger cake," She gasped loudly, drawing glances from nearby guards, "Maybe we should throw a party! 'Welcome to Ponyville Tyrannosaurus Rex'!" Twilight looked at Pinkie, giving a confused look, then spoke, "What did you just call the creature?" "A Tyrannosaurus Rex. Seems fitting, though I think I'll call him Rex for now!" She giggled, bouncing around Twiight, who started to scribble in her notebook. "That's actually a good name..." Twilight muttered out, nodding to herself, quietly drawing the foot print for future reference. They continued on, ignoring Fluttershy's shivering, seeing a small puddle of blood on the way they were going. In the bloody mud was the footprint of a dragon, similar to that of Ember's. Upon arriving to a clearing, they noticed quite a few things; one, there was a battle that was waged here. A dragon skeleton was completely smashed, large footprint were around it. Blood spots and soot covered the ground, and some of the foliage on a cliff looked like something had slammed through it, revealing a spacey cave. Twilight looked around, before shaking her head, sitting down, tears running down her face. At her hooves was something that made her lose all hope; Blaze's cracked goggles. They were in the middle of a footprint of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and had some blood around it. Next to it was a single, purple scales, that brought Twilight sobbing. She grabbed it with a hoof, tears running down her cheeks, giving loud sniffles and sobs that wracked her body. Fluttershy sat on her haunches next to her, Applejack folowing, wrapping their hooves around her, comforting her. A guard sighed, shaking his head, before looking down, giving a confused look at what he saw. This stallion's name was Gear, and had a helmet and mask, covering everything but his eyes, which were a dark blue. "Captain!" Captain Fair, the leader of these guards, looked over to Gear, who waved him over with a hoof. "Okay boys, take a break. Five minutes." The surrounding guards gave a sigh of relief, sitting or laying down, some resting on the cliff wall. He walked over to Gear, a inquisitive look on his face. "What is it, Gear?" "Sir, I believe those two are still alive." Gear said, pointing a hoof, showing dragon footprints, along with the creature's footprint. Twilight heard this, looking towards the direction, then nodded. "W-we'll set up camp h-here," She hiccupped, her eyyes still red from the tears, "We'll c-continue the search f-first thing in th-the mornin-ng." Price nodded, before barking out the order, "Everyone, set up camps and get ready! First thing in the morning is breakfast, then we find the two dragons!" He cast a glance at Twilight, who had smiled for the first time that evening. ______________________________________________ He had watched them run away from him yesterday night, and he had been more than displeased. He had rose once the great circle in the sky did, and started his early morning hunt. These tiny mammals and that strange one had stolen the hatchling from him, and right now, he was not in the best of moods. Despite this, his aching stomach had reared it's head to catch him from his thoughts. He snorted, raising his feathered covered head, inhaling deeply. He snorted, then started to walk forward, the trail leading him on. He heard the strange mammilian sounds filled the air, but, he ignored them, for the hunt. His stomach growed at him, but, he continued on, smelling the scent of rotting corpses. He gave a low rumbling growl, smelling the air. The scent hit him in the face, making him crouch, peering through the bushes. He heard the sounds of hissing and the cracking of a tree, seeing two large reptilians. One had half of its body through the tree, and the other gave a snarl as it tried to get into the tree as well. He stood up, seeing them snap their jaws, hissing and growling. He stepped forward again, then, in a flash, bit onto the one in the tree trunk, grabbing it's midsection. It gave a starled yelp as it was slowly dragged by bone crushing jaws. He gave a satisfied hiss as he lifted the body up more, biting it one last time, crushing it's organs and rib cage, killing it instantly. The other reptile gave a terrified hiss as it started to slither back into the bushes, trying to get as far away as possible. He lifted the body up, hearing strange, mammal like neighing come from the log. He crunched down, cracking more bones in his jaws, giving the tree a cautious stare. Suddenly, appearing from the end of the log was a strange mamml, like the other hooved ones. It was covered in yellow fur, having pink, long fur as well. It has fliers wings on its back and the eyes of a child. He gave a throaty growl, making it freeze, then slowly turn around, fear overiding her body. She saw his massive foot, slowly trailing up, slinking lower to the ground, then saw his blood covered jaws. He gave her a curious stare, while she gave him a fear filled one. He dropped the carcass at his feet, geeting his blood covered jaws close, smelling her scent. Once satisfied, he snorted, thinking she smelt of the strange, colorful plants. He then picked the carcass up with his jaws, satisfied with his hunt, then started to start his trek to his home. Right towards the mammals camp. > Capture > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy awoke with a start, hearing a scream in her dreams. Realizing she was fine, she placed a hoof over her heart, trying to calm her heart. Once she did, she looked around her tent, seeing Rainbow Dash sleep next to her, mumbling a few things in her sleep. She smiled at her, before slowly getting up, yawning, stretching her wings out. She carefully exited her tent, looking around. It was just becoming light outside, the sun having yet to rise. Guards were asleep on the ground or logs, snoring peacefully. Some were awake, preparing food for when the others awoke, but, Fluttershy looked over to the woods, straining her ears. Hearing the peaceful sounds of nature made her smile, as she was a shy one who preferred quite areas. He started to walk forward, intent on finding a river of big stream to wash herself in. Once walking into the trees, she heard a stream, making her smile. She started to trot towards it, her wings rustling a few steps, a few loose feathers making themselves known. However, she stopped, giving a small frightful whimper, seeing something that would make anyone else cry in fear; a large creature, resembling a Komodo Dragon, was eating a carcass. However, the crcass drew some attention as well, it appearing to be a dead Manticore. Fluttershy slowly backed up, hearing it tear a chunk of flesh out, then hiss as it ate. She pressed her back against a tree, trying to control her breathing. She turnned, only to come face to face with another large Komodo Dragon. This one had no blood on it's snout, and looked like it was trying to sneak up to the other one to steal a bite. It gave a surprised hiss, then backed up a little, confused, as if it never saw a creature like her. It, however, quickly shook out of it's confusion, giving a deep hiss, lowering it's body to the ground. Fluttershy realized that it was preparing to pounce, and quickly dodged to the side, the creature ramming it's scale covered body into the tree, giving a deep growl. This caught the attention of the other Komodo Dragon, giving a hiss, blood leaking from it's maw. It started to follow Fluttershy, who screamed in fear, galloping away from them. The duo creatures slammed past trees and logs, hissing loudly into the air as they followed. Fluttershy ducked into some roots of a large tree, creating a protective cage around her. They snarled, one of them slamming against the roots, lodging some free. It hissed at her, it's claws scraping against the roots, then gripped the ground next to Fluttershy, who backed up. She shivered in fear, before realizing only one was in sight, so, where did the other go? Suddeny, she looked up, seeing the hollow tree's top, which has the blood covered maw of the giant Komodo Dragon. She screamed, seeing it enter into the tree, clawing and biting. Fluttershy quickly squirmed through some of the roots, coming out of the other side. One followed, the other staying back, trying to get out of the tree, which made Fluttershy whimper in fear. She quickly went into a empty log, the creature following, slamming it's head in, trying to bite her with it's venom filled jaws. It's serpentine tongue, which reminded her of Spike's, slithered out and licked the air, it's piercing, red eyes glaring at her. It's slitted pupils trained on her as it started to crawl in, breaking the tree, it's cracking heard clear as day. The other Komodo tried to get in, hissing and growling angrily, before it was shrugged off by the one in front of Fluttershy. It opened it's blood covered jaws, showing needle like teeth, hissing loudly, ready to kill. However, a loud snap was heard, making the Komodo dragon give a startled and painful yelp. It dug it's claws into the log, it's eyes almost bugging out of its skull as it was dragged out by something powerful. It was lifted into the air, a loud, bone crushing snap was heard as it went still, before being lifted into the air. Her saviour was out of sight, but, the other Komodo, watching from the sidelines, gave a frantic hissing noise and started to slink into the bushes. Fluttershy shivered, and after a moment, she peeked her head out, looking around. She sighed, then got out of the log, shivering a little. "Thank Celestia..." She said to herself, before a deep, rumbling growl was heard, making her stop in her thoughts. She turned around, before seeing the bird like feet of the creature that took Spike, who had saved her life. In it's jaws was the dead Komodo, it giving her a curious stare. It dropped the carcass at it's clawed feet, then leaned forward, inhaling through it's nose, inches from her face. It kept smelling her, before snorting, blowing her mane back a little, then shook it's body. It quietly then grabbed the carcass and stepped over her, giving a rumbling growl as it did so. Fluttershy opened her wings, quietly going to the air. She saw where the creature was headed, giving a gasp, then started to fly as fast as she could. It was heading towards it's home. Right towards camp. _________________________________________________ Spike yawned, quietly stretching as his joints popped, causing him to growl happily. He looked around, blinking, trying to clear his eyes, which were blurry. He rubbed his eyes, and looked down, to see he was sleeping on a rock. He grumbled, standing up, scratching his back. Blaze, who was next to him, started a fire, since they were in the middle of a clearing, which made the smoke easily visible in the slowly brightening sky. Spike sat next to her, seeing that she was chewing on something. Spike looked up at her, before turning his head away in disgust, feeling bile rise into his throat, before swallowing it down. She was eating a charred rabbit, greedily eating it's soft, juicy meat. Spike, who was a vegitarian, looked away, giving a grumble of disgust. She gave him a confused look, then swallowed down the chunk of meat she was chewing on. "Want some?" She asked, making him shake his head in disgust. She shrugged, then spoke, "More for me." He looked up, seeing the sky slowly turn blue, the night ending. However, the sun was only starting to rise, which made Spike sigh. "We better get ready to go back..." Spike said, making Blaze look at him, then nod. "Aye, we better go back to tha village an'-" A scream interrupted her, making Spike perk his ear frills up. "That was Fluttershy!" Spike exclaimed, standing up, before hearing something that would make his body freeze in fear. Blaze grabbed Spike, getting on all fours, snarling. "Hang on!" She yelled, before starting to run, her wings tucked at her sides. She gripped the ground with her claws, digging long gashes as she started to run. Spike hung onto her back for dear life, his worry growing for his friend. The trumpetting roar of the creature echoed out, along with the yells of guards. "Must go faster." Spike yelled out, causing Blaze to run faster, snarling past the wind. ____________________________________________________________ Captain Fair knew they were in trouble once they heard that sound. That sound. How would one stallion describe it? It was terrifying, a scream from another world. Most of the guards awoke once they heard it, and to be honest, the sound made most of them want to run to the hills. But, they stood their ground, readying their spears. Suddenly, Gear rushed back, panting, his blue eyes full of fear, "Sir, we spotted it!" Fair looked over to him, then asked, "How close?" As if to answer him, the creature slammed through the trees, a reptilian tail in it's mouth. It looked around, before spotting the group. It threw it's head back, swallowing the tail in and instant, then gave a snarl. As if a monster from Tartarus awoken, a trumpetting roar escaped it's throat, giving even the bravest stallion nightmares. The sound mixed with the natural chaos, as if a monster had been found and was ready to kill anything that moved. It's bone crushing jaws tore open the very sky and shook the earth to pieces. Truely, if Faust had a truer monster, it was this; the Tyrannosaurus Rex. It ran forward, roaring, crushing a stallion under it's large, three toed feet. It headbutt through a tent, a couple of guards following with it. "That close!" It's jaws bit onto a stallion, crushing him instantly, then it stomped, killing three more under it's weight. At this moment, Twilight had awoken, she and Rarity poking their heads out of their tents, only to see the mssive creature that had taken Spike. It gave it's hellish scream, snarling at those who has surrounded it. "We're gonna need a bigger net." Rainbow Dash sluggishly said, appearing out of her tent. Fluttershy suddenly flew down, sighing, then looking at the others. Applejack and Pinkie Pie came out of their tents, trotting towards Twilight, both having confused looks on their faces. Suddenly, nets wrapped around the creature's maw, making it give a rumbling growl, which everyone felt in their chests. Claw appeared out of nowhere, shooting another net, wrapping arround the creature's maw. It shook it's head, before ropes started to wrap arround it's neck and legs. Applejack galloped out of her tent, a rope in her maw, Pinkie Pie bouncing along next to her, giggling. Suddenly, the net exploded off of the creature's maw, allowing it to give a hellish bellow. Applejack spun her rope, then threw it up, wrapping it around the creature's neck, making it give a trumpetting roar of surprise. "We need to take this thing down!" Twilight yelled over the bellowing roar of the creature. As if to answer her call, Blaze appeared, Spike on her back. She clawed the dirt, trying in vain to slow down, before slamming into some boxes, then into a crumpled heap into a tent. Spike was the first to rise, clutching his head, looking dizzy, then said to the Trottish dragon, "I think you need to work on your landings..." Spike suddenly had the air knocked out of him as a sobbing Twilight hugged him tight, kissing him all over his face. He blushes and hugged Twilight back, smiling. "I missed you too, Twi..." Suddenly, the angry bellow of the creature was heard, everyone turning their heads to see Rainbow Dash flying around the creature, it biting at empty air as it tried to catch her. It roared angrily, more ropes wrapping around it's head as it walked forwards. Spike looked around, noticing a lack of laughing and bone crushing hugs, and asked, "Where's Pinkie?" As if to answer him, Pinkie was bouncing around, inbetween the creature's legs, it somehow missing her as it crushed guards left and right. In her mouth was a rope, that she was slowly tying around the creature's legs, it not noticing over all the confusion. Claw fired another net, closing it's jaws, making it give a crocodilian hiss in reply, glaring at him. Fluttershy suddenly appeared, flying in front of the creature, distracting it for a moment. Twilight gasped, then smiled, saying, "I have a plan!" Rainbow appeared at her side in a flash, everyone but Applejack and Pinkie Pie were listening. __________________________________________________________ The pesky mammals were annoying. Everytime he squished one, two more would appear. It was annoying him to no end, and he was ready to start eating everything and crush their hatchlings to ensure no more came after him. The orange one kept it's strange vines around his neck, making him angry. "Let go of me!" He angrily shouted, only for it's strange, neighing sounds to echo back in reply. He snarled at them, then shook his head, trying to free the spider like web encased around his snout. He felt their sticks poke and jab at him. Onne managed to stab hinto his thigh, making him give a snarl, stomping the small mammal. Suddenly, more vines wrapped around his foot, pulling him. He roared angrily at the hooved animal, before feeling a tap on his snout. He looked up, seeing a strange, multicolored blur fly around him, before tapping his snout. He snorted in annoyance, before breaking the strange, metal web, biting at the blur. He felt only air, seeing the creature that had fliers wings and a multicolored head and tail. It started to fly, becoming a blur, making him chomp at the air. He gave a bone chilling bellow, before feeling a burning sensation in his chest. He looked down, his pupils shrinking at the sight; the thief mammal. He roared angrily, before seeing the hatchling and the flower smelling mammal next to them. He attempted to walk, only to be pulled back in place, vines wrapping around him. He felt a pain in his neck, roaring in pain, before his limbs screamed at him to rest. He felt his eyes go heavy, him giving a tired bellow as he looked around. More pain in his neck, making him snarl tiredly at it. Suddenly, three strange auras hit his chest, the burning increasing. He looked down, seeing three mammals, two of them having blue streams, one lighter than the other. The thief mammal was shooting out a purple stream out of it's horn, causing him to snarl. He felt the vines tighten around his legs, but what would happen next would change his views about the mammals. BOOM! The sound startled the Tyrannosaurus Rex, making him move his feet, only to feel the world slowly get closer to his snout. Looking back as he fell, he saw the pink mammal with a large, metal tree trunk. So, the mammals commanded the power of thunder, and frightened him. That was respected. He felt the soft dirt as he landed, digging a small gash in the terra as he snorted. He opened his eyes, seeing the blurry images of the thief mammal and the hatchling, making him give a croon, his eyes feeling heavy. "Good night, Rex." > Peace > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponies gathered around in the middle of the square, gasping in shock and awe as they watched large chariots fly in with something massive strapped to it. Twilight quietly flew down, while the animal care-taker, Fluttershy was next to the massive, metal cage. Ponies backed up as deep breaths were heard from the cage, along with a rumbling growl. It finally set down, a massive form in it. It had arrows littering it's side, along with small scars. On it's back was a coat of feathers, as was the same with it's arms. Massive, bone crushing jaws were seen, it's nostrils flared as it snored. "Sweet dreams, Rex." Fluttershy whispered, causing the massive creature to shift, a deep rumble erupting from it's throat. Guards left and right surrounded the massive cage, giving it nervous glances. Powerful chains surrounded it's neck and body, it shifting a little every few minutes kept their guards up. "Make sure that the creature is properly taken care of. We don't want a repeat of what happened last time." Captain Fair said, making some guards nod, before the doors of the crystal like castle open, chittering and shrieks erupting from a cage Discord was pulling. Discord himself was floating along before a call for help erupted from the cage, making him sigh, then say to Twilight, "These things are really noisy." The raptor pack in general hissed and screeched at Discord, biting and slamming against the bars. The biggest one stared at Spike, who was petting Rex, giving a soft hiss. As if they heard her, they stopped and settled down for the moment as the leader examined everyone around her. Her large, yellow eyes looked at everyone, giving soft, chuttering sounds. Twilight, in return, studied the animals, while Long Scope was behind her, gently starting to draw the trio of raptors. "Long snouts with binocular vision, long arms for grabbing and holding. Large fourth toe, likely for climbing or slashing." Twilight quietly said, Long Scope taking notes behind her, humming quietly. The Big One hissed at Twilight, inspecting her. Loud snorts were heard as it looked at her, before it released a loud snarl, biting against the metal cage. Twilight jumped back, before some guards surrounded the raptors, making them hiss and snarl loudly. One looked over to the Rex, before giving a terrified hiss. "Not friendly." Rex himself was still asleep, his eyes closed. However, he heard the shrieking and loud, barking calls they gave out, making him move. The large, three foot thick metal bars and many chains kept him in place, but the ponies stiffened as they heard him growling. He suggenly opened his jaws, letting out bellow of exclamation, shutting everything up. Once he was done, the raptors were at the far side of their large cage, staying away from the obviously bigger and better predator before them. Once it was quiet, Twilight coughed into her hoof, making Spike look at her. She quietly grabbed a quill and a parchment out, making Spike nod, grabbing it from her magic grip. "Let Princess Celestia know we have Rex." Twilight said, seeing the large theropod calm down. ______________________________________________________________ Celestia sighed, rubbing her temples with her hooves. She absolutely hated day-court. She stopped listening once Blueblood joined in the banter, and felt her gaze draw to the open window. Luna, who gave a quiet yawn, was actually listening, though, only enough to catch bits and pieces. She then nudged her sister, who gave her a strange look. She turned her head, only to see some smoke fly in, before seeing it stop in front of her. It suddenly turning into a scroll. As she gave a soft smile, before nodding to Luna, who gave a smile back, then Calestia cleared her throat, catching everyone's attention. "I am sorry, everypony. We will have to schedule this another time. I have a matter of most importance." Whenever Twilight mailed her, it was extremely important. Perhaps they had some luck? She read over the paper, before nodding to herself, walking out of the large doors. She turned to her guard and said, "Alrt my chariot. We are going to have a busy day ahead of us."