> Frostbite: The book of Legends > by Silver Mist The bat pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Rushing Waters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You ever had that day that just made you hurt inside? In the heart, I mean. Good, so I'm not the only one. Oh, so sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Frostbite. I have a special talent of distributing ice and have a white coat and green and red mane. People tend to describe me as somewhat boring but pretty nice. If they knew what I was about to tell you, though, I bet they'd be singing a different tune. I'm getting side tracked. Let's begin, shall we? ... It was a bright and beautiful day where I was. The birds chirped loudly in their nests, the sun was shining, and all the colts and fillies like end where out and about playing in the grass and just enjoyed the outdoors. Then, it happened. He came into town. He was a man in a black robe that shielded his entire body from view. The only way I even knew it was a he was due to the size. "Ponies, I come from a far away land. One where I am the ruler of creatures like you. I demand your land on the count it is what I have earned!" He yelled in a crocky voice. The mayor of our village came to meet with him. Then two stood there, talking of if the deal was fair or not. Our mayor declared that he not take our land until there was given proof of this deal. Everypony cheered, thinking it was over. Then, the world seemed to stop as he said his next words. "Then you all may drown." He hissed. Suddenly, the paths where flooding with water as the village began to be covered in it. Evryone began to run in many different directions to avoid their deaths. I pushed through trying to get by until ponies began pushing me away for others to get through. The waters caught up with us. It reChed over and submerged me in it's cold, lifeless, grasp. I struggled to swim up as the water rose and rose and my air depleted. Then, I stopped. I couldn't breath or anything. My vision switched to nothing but darkness. Until he woke me. I layed beneath him, his covered face just above my own. I got a Whig of his breath, smelling of rot and decay. He didn't say anything. All he said was wrap a chain around one of my legs and pushed me back into the water, where the darkness returned. I heard nothing and felt nothing. Then I heard her voice. "Are you okay?!" The voice sounded strange and kind of, I don't know how to describe it, ditzy. My eyes flashed open and I saw a grey filly with a yellow mane and a wall eyes expression. I couldn't move any of my legs except for an ocasional twitch, so I moaned to respond. I felt her out me on her back and trot into some kind of town. We passed by some fillies who seemed dumbstruck or worried about me. She suddenly stopped and I turned my head to see a red cured and purple maned nurse there. She grabbed me and put me on what I learned was a stretcher. Something my old village wasn't too knowledgable on. Iientered some sort of room on that thing. A pony came in and checked my body. I moved my head to see my stomach gathered with cuts and bruses. "Crap. Nurse, get him to fall asleep. We need to fix these legs." He told the pony closest to him. She grabbed a needle and shoved it in my arm. I cried in pain witch the nurse responded by covering my mouth. "Shh. It's okay. We're gonna make you feel better. We just need you to take a nap." She told me in a calm voice. I closed my eyes and waited for sleep to take hold. ... I was drowning. I tried to reach the top of the pond but something held me down there. Chains gripped at my bottom legs as I screamed for someone to help, but no one came. I was alone. Only when I realized this did the chains let go. I swam as fast as possible and felt myself emerge, safe. If only I had learned it sooner. Being alone Will help me more than it will hurt. In congrats to myself, I swam towards a shore. ... I woke in a bed. Sounds of continuous beeping irritated yet comforted me. I turned to a nearby window and saw the stars in the sky. I smiled and went back into my blissful sleep. > Chapter 2: The derp > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day came much quicker than I thought It whould. I slowly brought myself up witch caused some uncomfort, but nothing to bad. I looked around the room at all the unusual devices. All of them seemed unique to me. Like when I saw the doctors stethescope and put it in my ears and shooved the bottom on my stomach. I heard noises and dropped it on the floor. I put it back in time for the nurse to come and brought me out. The filly from yesterday stood there, waiting for me. "I'm glad your okay now. I guess I can finally introduce myself. I'm Ditzy." She put out her hoof for me to shake. I didn't take the offer. Instead I thanked her and promised I whould repay her when I could. She seemed disappointed when I walked off, but I thought It better for myself after last night's dream especially. She followed me into town as I explored, pointing out many buildings and such. She led me to the library and showed me the librarian. In her rule, I whould work here in exchange for a place to stay. I agreed. Now, I know I decided it be best if I had no friends, but she wasn't one. She felt like a new mother, and I appreciated it. "So, um, maybe we could be friends?" She asked. I looked at her. "How about I see you around sometime?" I asked. She nodded sadly and left. "Oh, and by the way-" I yelled to her, "- The names frostbite!" I closed the door after that. ... Years had passed since then. I continued working at that library until it got rented out to somebody called Twilight Sparkle. Then, I got a job at a place that distributed if e to ponies and that's how I discovered my talent. Well, after I made 1,000 cubes in 7 minutes. I did keep my word and visit that mare every once in a while, and I'll admit. Ocasionally, it was fun. I intend to see here soon actually. I might as well get a move on. > Chapter 3: The Talk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I knocked on the oh so familiar blue door and waited for a response. The door opened and her head peaked through the doorway. "Frost. Hey there. Hang on." She closed the door and opened it a second later. "Wanna take a walk?" She asked. I cocked my head to the side in confusion. She always chose to go to some bakery or the library. I decided not to question it and allowed her to lead. It wasn't a really bad idea, actually. The sun shined bright in the sky, the clouds drifting by had a a good look to them. "So, anything on your mind as of late?" She asked out of the blue "No, unfourtanetly." I responded in a clear sign of disintrest in the topic. "Ah, I've just been talking care of my Dinky." "Oh, really? I didn't know that foal was yours." She looked at me, flabergated. "The foal I mentioned in most of the stories I told you?" She asked. I shrugged, really not knowing how to respond. I looked to the roads, watching ponies go about their way, smiling as if it where any other day. Unfourtanetly, that turned out to be correct. "How's the mail workin out for you?" I asked, trying to break the silence. "Oh, nothing new. Same ponies, same messages." She answered. I felt a sudden tension. One that warned me of the obvious next question. "Frost, why won't you get friends? Or at least consider me one?" She asked. I groaned. I tried to avoid talking about friendship for as long as I lived. Especially if it meant that dream was kept hidden. I looked at her and noticed something in her eyes I never saw when she asked. A look of pleading. I felt a stab of guilt in my heart. I sighed. I was gonna need to answer after all. "I really don't like talking about it, so I'll make it short. I used to live somewhere else that was attacked. The water brought me here, you found me, brought me to the doctors, and I had a dream that made me realize that life is better without friendship. The end. Happy?" I summarized before turning away. I looked back and saw her completely stunned. "You let a dream tell you about friendship? That is so-so-stupid! A dream could mean anything. If it means what you thought it did, then, well, dreams can give bad advice." She argued then chuckled. "To think ponies said your smart." "Okay, so what are you gonna do about it?" I asked, ammused in her arguement. "I'm gonna show you the power of friendship!" She yelled in triumph. "Sure you can. As long as you let me teach you about voice control. Ponies get tired of that crap quick." I said. She blushed, took my hoof and ran towards sugercube corner. > Chapter 4: Orange and Blue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I looked on, dumbfounded. "Muffins will make me friends? Really?" I asked. She shook her head. "No, silly. Social interaction with others is key." She said. I gave her a look. "Those you haven't met." She added in a dry tone. I looked at the bakery door and opened it. "Button!" A young, squeaky voice yelled. A little filly with a white coat and pink mane with a light purple stripe ran up to me. She stopped and looked up at my face. "Ice pony!" She yelled and ran out the door. I stood still. "Um, I should have mentioned. The young ones kinda made stories about you. They don't really know about you." She said, nervously shrugging. My eyes scanned the bakery, all other eyes pointed towards me. I walked backwards out the door. "What in the hay are you doing?" She asked. "Walking away backwards." I answered. "How about you, I don't know- GET OUT THE WAY!" She yelled. I jumped and saw a orange blur blast past under me. I landed back down and saw the blur launch into the sky. "What was that thing? Some kind of orange chicken?" I asked. "Hey, you!" I turned towards the voice and saw an orange filly with a purple mane. "Your that weird ice pony. How dare you try to hurt my friend!" The filly yelled. I looked under her and saw her on a blue scooter with red handlebars. "Look kid, I don't really want to put up with this crap, so could you possibly lea-" Without warning, she blasted foward. I jumped up to avoid her and fell back down. "The hell, kid?! What's wrong with you?!" I yelled questioningly. The filly grabs a pole and turns back around. I step out of the way as soon as she gets close. "Scootaloo, stop!" Ditzy yelled to her. She obeyed and used her back right hoof to stop herself. She looked up at the gray mare and frowned. "Scootaloo, what's gotten into you?" Ditsy asked. "He came after my friend!" Scootaloo answered, glaring. "Did you ask her HOW it happened?" Ditzy responded. Scootaloo fell silent. "No." She answered, embarrassed. "Sorry, we got off on a bad hoof. I'm Scootaloo." The filly put out her hoof. "Apology excepted." I said. Scootaloo showed a face of annoyance. "Gonna shake?" She asked. It whouldn't hurt to interact with a filly. Not like we could even be friends. I shook her hoof and she showed a face of happiness. "Could you come to the clubhouse?" She asked. "Sorry, I don't wanna look like a creep to the ones watching the place." I responded. "It's okay. Applejack won't mind. We invited a fluffy pony and she still didn't care." Scootaloo spoke. Derpy shook her head. "Alright, carry forth then." I responded . She sped foward. "You sure about this?" I asked Ditzy, responding with a yes. I sighed and followed the scooters trail. > Chapter 5: Whats in you soul? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The clubhouse laid on the large and sturdy tree branch, a wooden stair way leading to the entrance. I looked at it and have a hard sigh. "Do I really need to hang out with three annoying fillys?" I asked, giving Ditzy a look of annoyance. "Frost, why are you argueing about this. It's a good way to meet with other ponies." "Coming from the pony who can't stop eating muffins." "YOU SACK OF MOTHER FU-" "Come on in." Scootaloo said opening the door. Ditzy froze, bringing her hoof back down. I entered and looked around the small clubhouse. The place was fairly neat, decorated with posters of a blue fured pony with a rainbow mane flying around clouds and performing stunts. "I see your idol is an egotistical maniac." I spoke. I looked to Ditzy, just about ready to rant at me again. "Oh, I heard yours is a librarian. I think your not one to judge." Scootaloo reacted. Ditzy laughed in response. "Alright, I suppose you want something from me. What is it? Ice cream? Adult movies? Wanna know where babies come from? I have bits. Lots of them." She shook her head. "I want you to judge our talent contest!" She yelled. I turned and walked away. "Where are you going?" Ditzy asked. "To go do literally anything else." I yelled to her. I continued walking when I felt her bite my tail and begin attempting to drag me. "Really?" I asked in a mocking tone. She stopped and I turned around. "Are you trying to send stalkers my way? Or, you know, random little ponies?" I asked. "Frost, this is probably one of the only chances you'll get to find how powerful friendship really is." She spoke. I rolled my eyes. "If I do this, will you leave me alone? I don't find this task of yours very helpful, or, you know, worthwhile." I said, walking past her. "It's a start." She told herself, trotting forward. ΩΩΩ "So, what's this thing about-bout-bout-mIgnimoc-and when does it-uoylliwreffusecnoerom-end?" I asked, slightly curious. "Apparently, they want to show us their skills." Ditzy answered, appreciating me asking. "Frost." I turned and saw the curtain flapping. I ignored it and moved on. I sat down on a little wooden seat and turned toward the large stage. I looked to the seats behind us and saw no pony else except for a colt with chocolate brown fur and an orange mane with an honestly stupid little spin cap on his head. "Um, we're experiencing difficulties. Please stay seated and we'll get back to you." Scootaloo spoke from the front before moving backstage. I sat there for a couple minutes. "Your suprisingly calm. I thought you where gonna flip out." Ditzy whispered. "Wanna play ball?" I turned to the stage and saw Scootaloo peaking her head out from the curtain, examining the area, before going back in. "Impatient, much?" Ditzy asked. I got up. "Well, I'm off. This was fun, really, it was, but I have work to do so bye bye." I wave my hoof like a foal whould to their mom and walked away. Then, I heard a soft whimpering from behind the curtain. Curious, I opened the curtain a crack and scanned the inside from there. I saw no lights on and the whimpers turned to whispers. I stepped through the curtain and immediately felt a chill run through me, like a cold breeze rattling through my organs. I felt a need to turn back, but one more whisper drove me foward. I walked down the pitch black hallway until it ended at a oak door. "Help! Help me please!" I saw water leaking out from under the door, feeling it hit the bottoe of my hooves. I may not get along with other ponies, but I'm not gonna leave this one here to die. I grabbed the doors knob and flung the door open. Silence. I slowly walked foward, flinching at every sound that echoed through the hall. After what felt of hours, I found my destination. At least, I believe it is. At first, I felt a wave of cowardness rush over me as I considered my decision. "Selfish." The word seemed to call to me, yet it was still spoken in a soft voice. However, it was enough of a reason for me to reach for the door and slowly pull it open. The knob seemed to leave my own grab and enter another's as the door slammed open, and I felt a sudden wave of nausea run over me. There, in the middle of the room was a small filly, strabbed to the floor with swarms of spiders rushing towards her. I walked towards her when the feeling of nausea grew and I realized she was the cause of it. Every step I took, I felt it begin to rise in my throat. I stopped and felt the spiders begin to bite at my skin as a drool of vomit dripped from my mouth. I stepped back and ran in the other direction, a door coming in sight. I turned and saw a little flame in the middle of the room. I turned back to the door and charged through, closing the door behind. ΩΩΩ Sweetie Belle cried harder as her friends tried to comfort her. "Well, now I know what that whipering was." I spoke, opening the curtain wide enough for me to enter. The orange filly turned to me. "We're trying to comfort our friend." She spoke. I walked over to them. "What's wrong with her?" I asked. The little white filly began crying harder. "Her sisters in the hospital. A sewing machine accident." A yellow filly spoke up. I cringed in a sense of anticipated pain. "Really? That's all?" The yellow filly spoke with a glaring tone. "Didn't you guys think to bring her there. Maybe that whould make her happy?" I sugested. "Oh yeah. Not a bad idea." Scootaloo spoke. The orange filly helped up her white fired friend and began to walk but stopped. "We, uh, might need supervision." The yellow one spoke up. "Yeah, well good luck finding some." I wpoke, exiting the stage. "But-" I cut them off. "I have work to do with Ice!" I yelled. Nothing happened. I put my face in my hoof. "You forgot the dry ice, didn't you Bush?" I asked. "Yeah." A bush close by shook. The fillys looked at the bush in aw. "Dangit, I had you watching us all day to do that and you forgot?! Whatever, just get the back up." I commanded. "Kids, close the door." Bush asks, witch they did obediently. "Bush, it's just a smoke bomb. How bad is it for the-" A large explosion activates in front of me. The fillies come outside to see bush had set off a grenade. "I hate all of you."