> Fall of Equestria: A Mare's Hearth's Warming Tale > by Twipet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Mare's Hearth's Warming Tale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sassy Saddles stood in front of the mirror and frantically looked over herself for the fifth time in the past half hour. Storyteller and main director for the largest Hearth’s Warming play in Canterlot? It was her chance to shine! And if that one mare who had the position before me hadn’t gotten herself caught by a rape plant and Purpled, I wouldn’t have gotten the chance. The unicorn glanced at the clock and worriedly played with her fingers. Now if only I’d actually had time! Not merely five hours to prepare! Luckily for her, she was a quick study. Adjusting her red collar, Sassy took another glance around the room. Outside of the two caribou standing guard and watching, there were those six mares that used to call themselves the Elements, and several others who would take part in the play, most of them sitting on crates in front of mirrors while preparing themselves for the play. Boxes of decorations and rather revealing outfits sat strewn about, all needed for the parts being played. The mare turned back to the mirror and looked over her body, ignoring the defects in the glass that marred her coat. Sassy took excellent care of herself. Her mane and tail were shining with health, and her coat was brushed and thoroughly washed everyday. She trailed her hands down her sides and over her hips, twisting to make certain every inch of her was perfectly groomed. She even parted her legs and took a long look down at her exposed nethers. They were still rather tight, even with how Hoity used her. Though, I think he doesn’t want to be too rough and damage me. He enjoys me. She rather enjoyed her outfit, too. A brilliant sapphire blue underbust corset squeezed around her waist, giving her hips a definitely waggle whenever she walked and her breasts a nice heft. Criss-cross stockings were slipped onto her legs, rising up her thighs nearly to her nethers, while fingerless gloves decorated her arms up to the elbow. Both the same blue as the corset; a matching set. As for the crowning piece of beauty, a masquerade mask covered her eyes, one side having dazzling feathers coming out of the brow. The entire ensemble glittered beneath the lights, proving it would be astonishing on the stage. The stallions had their dressing room located away from that of the mares’. It was also far more comfortable than some dirty mirrors, rough crates for seats, and some rather ditzy Reds. While Sassy was a Red herself, she did it more for the opportunity to strive than anything else. And the sex, the sex was great, to be honest, but it wasn’t everything. This? The chance to perform in front of everyone? This was what she wanted! Why they wanted a mare to be the Storyteller instead of a stallion, I don’t understand. Maybe it has to do with the topic? She shook her head and paced back and forth, wringing her hands in stress. She can’t screw this up. She mustn’t screw this up. This was the opportunity she needed to prove to Hoity Toity that she was far more reliable than others thought she was. Certainly not after the disaster at the shop before the caribou came. And the other shop. And the third shop. And the near disaster after he had claimed her! Squeezing her hands to each other, Sassy took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. She brushed her hands down over her blue hips and clapped them together, startling a nervous mare near one of the mirrors. I can do this! I’ll get through this and Hoity will be proud! First thing’s first! Take inventory and make sure everything’s ready to go! Sassy Saddles whirled about and crossed her arms over her ample chest, her eyes scanning the room. Luckily Applejack has agreed to behave for the time being. A Black like her misbehaving in front of the entire Council? Sassy shuddered to herself. Dire consequences for everyone involved. Rainbow Dash had to be bound and gagged just to get anything out of her. I can’t imagine what’s going to happen to her during the play or even after. It was going to be the same as last year, except with changes to the story and characters. Twilight Sparkle playing as Clover the Incompetent; Rarity playing ‘Princess’ Platinum; Applejack as Dumb Cookie; Pinkie Pie doing ‘Chancellor’ Puddinghead, if she can handle it; Fluttershy taking the role of ‘Private’ Pansy; and lastly, Rainbow Dash as ‘Commander’ Drizzle, though she’ll mostly be controlled by a stallion using his magic and Lightning Dust with a voice over. Rainbow of course couldn’t play the part of the male Commander Hurricane, so he would be her master. Already they were all costumed up, with Rainbow Dash needing a ballgag, arm sleeves behind her back, and a spreader bar chained to her ankles. The pegasus also had on a too-big helmet and ill-fitting armor to go along with her role, while Fluttershy’s fit far better. It really fits in well with how their characters are portrayed. Now I just hope that I’ve taken everything into account in the few hours I’ve had to do so. Like my lines! Oh dear oh dear oh dear. Twilight’s cape was just short enough to show off her ass, while Rarity’s cloak and paper ‘crown’ were ragged, patched, and all too short to sufficiently cover much of anything. The costuming is done really well. I mean, I’d have made everything so much fancier, but I can see why things are done this way. I’ll have to congratulate Suri. As for Pinkie Pie and Applejack, all they received were hats, leaving them to be bare and show off their assets. Their excited voices rose above all the others, nearly drowning out Sassy’s thoughts. “-get to do the biggest play in Equestria again!” “-so excited I can barely contain it all and everything’s going to be-” “-calm down Pinkie. It’s just a play. I wish they had done my cloak far- “-in front of the Council. I hope Hrathr approves of my part…” “Humph, as if the caribou care how good ya do, Fluttershy.” Sassy hurried away from the others to the back of the stage. Peeking through the curtains, the mare held her breath at the crowd laid out in the concert hall. Every seat was packed, and there were even ponies standing in the aisles. Mares, mostly, so that good seats went to males instead. And there on the main balcony in the center was the Council. Sassy held her breath in her excitement and prevented herself from dancing in place. Letting it out slowly, the unicorn looked again. It seemed the entire Council was there, along with Dainn sitting amongst them and that one mare of theirs sitting in one of their laps. Even the Princesses were sitting at Dainn’s feet. Not only that, but there was Hoity Toity in one of the ‘Honored Pony’ positions nearby. Even though his designer-wear was covering his eyes, she knew his gaze was straight on her. Breathing rapidly, Sassy pulled away and forced herself to calm before she hyperventilated. This is my big break, my big chance to show Master how good of a mare I am! Hoity was always so patient with her… Alright, not patient, but more he refused to let her go no matter how much she screwed up. He clung quite tightly to her collar. She didn’t see any way that he’d ever give her up, but that didn’t mean she never strove to impress or make him proud. “Five minutes to showtime,” the call went out behind the curtains and throughout the rooms, causing Sassy to jump with a shrill ‘yeep’ of nervous surprise. Oh gosh, oh dear! I guess this is it! Nearly hopping from excitement, Sassy dashed into the mare’s section and clapped her hands and announced, “Come on girls, get into positions! Rainbow Dash and Applejack, please behave!” She didn’t need to get in trouble because either of them decided to act out. Not that Rainbow really could but it was possible. Sassy walked back behind the curtain and swallowed. Slow, deep breaths. This will go great. I’ve already got my lines memorized, the others have theirs, and we’ll make sure everyone has a good time. She clapped her hands together and let out a held breath. Already the stallions were coming on stage from their dressing room. Sassy didn’t recognize most of them, sadly enough. I know Soarin and Fancy Pants. The others are a mystery. Are they the masters of these mares? Or just for the play? If only they had told her more about the play! Anything that would help her make it more of a success. Unless they didn’t tell me so I had more of a chance to fail. Oh dear, I hope that’s not it! I’ve heard stories of mares being given tasks without all the information so they would fail. She wrung her hands nervously and smiled at the six males. Soarin was dressed in fanciful pegasus battle armor, every piece specifically tailored to him. Even his helmet didn’t shift whenever he looked around. A far cry from Rainbow Dash’s outfit. Fancy Pants was dressed in full royal regalia, looking every bit the King. The others were all dressed in their respective costumes. Two were the earth ponies, one dressed in a snappy suit and the other like an assistant. The other pegasus was wearing battle armor as well, though with less trim and of obvious lower rank than Soarin. Sassy guessed that the other unicorn was a Prince, by his lesser regalia. And it says so in the story. Damnit, I have to clear my mind, I’m getting muddled. At this point, the six mares from the back walked in one by one, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie all looking rather excited. Rarity seemed rather nervous, while Applejack was holding back a glare. Rainbow Dash was being dragged in by a caribou, glaring in every direction, though for some reason avoided doing it in Soarin’s direction. She’s his mare, right? Sassy shook the thoughts from her head, took a deep breath, and clapped her hands. She had to word this right so it didn’t sound like she was also ordering any of the males around. That’d end up terrible for everybody. Especially her. Turning to the mares, she ordered with a cheery tone, “Go ahead and take your positions, please. As long as we all behave and do the play as best as we can, and better than that, we’ll be rewarded!” Most of us. She wasn’t sure any of them except Applejack paid any attention to her. They were mostly whispering to each other in voices that Sassy couldn’t hear. She sighed to herself and furrowed her brow. They were going to screw this up for her, even if they had been in the previous year’s play. Turning her back to them, Sassy rubbed her eyes beneath her mask and groaned, trying not to smear her makeup too much. She paid little attention to the whispers going on near her, only turning her head once she heard a couple moans and one rather muffled cry of pain. Behind her, all twelve ponies were already in position. Soarin had a rather large, holed paddle in his hands while a stagehand on a catwalk above used his magic to hold Rainbow Dash in place, bent over and ‘ready’ for a good paddling. Fluttershy was licking her lips near the two, staring directly into the rather sizeable shaft of Soarin’s subordinate. The moans themselves probably came from Twilight, Rarity, and she guessed Applejack. If so, it was probably involuntary. Twilight and Applejack were both lifted into the Prince and Assistant’s arms, having been lowered onto their respective dicks. As for the cry of pain? Sassy winced to herself when she saw Rarity. The white unicorn was leaning against the backdrop with one leg lifted into the air and King Fancy Pants burying his length into her ass. Dry. Hurriedly diverting her gaze from the two, she landed last on Pinkie Pie, who was looking rather bored knelt down beside the real Chancellor. Every so often, she threw real looks of envy at Applejack, but would immediately brighten back up before throwing another glance. It was all part of the story to make Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie pie look abused or neglected, but it was still real for the most part. “One minute!” the call went out. Sassy gasped to herself and patted her mane. Everything had to look and be perfect. Drawing her finger in an arc across her lips, Sassy thought, Big, happy smile! What she gave instead would scare customers away from any store. Smaller, happy smile, she amended after a second. The smile that replaced the forced one was far more genuine looking, without a hint of nervousness. Slipping behind the side curtain, she watched as the six… well, five ponies started their roles. Four of the mares were getting fucked, with Rarity’s cries of discomfort coming out from her biting her hand. One mare jerked forward with each slap of the paddle, but from Sassy’s viewpoint, the smacks looked rather real and painful, leaving intense red marks on Rainbow’s ass. Then Pinkie Pie, the poor mare watched the as the Chancellor talked to the assistant fucking Applejack. The music kicked up, signalling Sassy Saddles. As the curtains opened to the scene on hand, she walked briskly out from behind the side stage and made her way to the center, her arms away from her breasts and her legs parted enough to show off her treasure. Holding her arms out to either side of her to show the scene, Sassy took in a breath and started talking, “A long time ago, before Equestria, before Celestia and Luna, before many of our stories, stallions and mares lived in harmony. Stallions in their rightful places above the mares, and mares where they belong, kneeling down and utterly obedient to their masters. Three mares, however… were discontent.” She said that last portion with revilement and as much scorn she could put into her words. Several gasps went out amidst the audience, mostly from mares. They were quickly hushed by others. Sassy stepped aside to show off the scene. Rainbow Dash’s ass was rather red by this point, and the occasional slap still came down on it. Tears streamed down Rarity’s face as Fancy thrust himself in and out of her ass dry, still bringing an imperceptible cringe to Sassy’s face. And Pinkie Pie was looking downtrodden and ignored while the Chancellor discussed dry political policies with his assistant. The other mares all appeared as if they enjoyed themselves, though Sassy could tell that AJ’s smile was rather fake. The audience was far enough out to hopefully not notice. The curtains closed behind Sassy Saddles, and she heard shuffling and movement behind them. Continuing her story, she ignored the noises of the backdrop being changed and the new scene setup. Amazing how fast they can do that. “Days passed and their discontent only grew. But they were simple mares, what could they do? They were supposed to enjoy their lives and everything given to them, as that is the way of life,” she explained and sadly shook her head at the idea of a mare being uncontent. Stepping aside, the curtain opened again to show the new backdrop divided into three sections. A majestic castle on top of a rolling hill; a homey looking village sequestered in a valley; and a fierce-looking cloud fortress high in the sky. From the side, Rarity exaggeratingly limped, rubbing her ass with a pained expression on her face that appeared both fake and real. The tears had already been scrubbed from her face. She walked from one side to the front of the castle backdrop, grumbling loudly enough so the audience can hear while a spotlight followed her the entire way. “I don’t see why he can’t treat me like the Princess he calls me. But no, it’s always no lube, always up my poor ass, always all over my face. A real Princess wouldn’t have to deal with this sort of thing!” Rarity complained, channeling Platinum. “Princess Platinum, I do enjoy that title. A real Princess! If only. Just imagine it, I’d be treated with love and kindness. They’d make sure to use plenty of lube and always finish inside. I’d even get to swallow! …” Rarity cupped her chin in thought. “Now that’s an idea. Princess Platinum.” The spotlight shut off and came back on to Pinkie Pie skipping across the stage. She took up positions in front of the village backdrop and crossed her arms beneath her rather ample breasts, pushing them up for the audience. “Humph!” she said. “I didn’t get fucked today. I didn’t get fucked yesterday. I didn’t get fucked all week! Master’s always so busy he never has time for little old me anymore,” Pinkie grumbled, rolling her eyes for the crowd. “If I were the Chancellor, I’d have ponies lining up to fuck me in every single way! All the cum I could ever want, anywhere I want! All the orgies and sex and everything else. ...Wait a minute…” Pinkie paused and rubbed her chin as the spotlight switched off. For a moment, nothing happened, leaving Sassy’s smile to falter a moment before she pulled it back up. She heard a small ‘Oh!’ from the catwalk, then Rainbow Dash was forced to walk on stage. She was still bound and gagged, but the way she was forced to walk, hopping from one foot to the other, brought gales of laughter from the audience, leaving the pegasus mare’s cheeks to tinge with anger and embarrassment. Once the laughter died down, Lightning Dust’s voice came instead of Rainbow Dash’s. Sassy gathered that a second unicorn was using his magic to throw Lightning’s voice on stage for everyone to hear. “Ugh! Who is he to think that I’m some slut of his!? I’m a pegasus! A warrior,” Lightning’s voice was saying, while the stallion’s magic was making Rainbow Dash dance around like some filly’s doll toy. This brought even more laughter out of the audience, and even a brief snicker from Sassy until she forced her face back into the smiling mask and chanced a glance at Hoity Toity. He seemed to not have noticed. “I should be the one giving orders. I should be the one getting my hooves kissed by everybody! I should be bending him and everyone else over for paddling until they can barely walk, much less fly. It should be me,” Rainbow floated into the air and shook back and forth as if she were raging. Howls of laughter followed, and Sassy thought, This is one way to humiliate a black collar. All at once, the two other mares on stage and Lightning Dust all called out, “Wait a minute!” “That’s it, I’ll be a real Princess! Princess Platinum,” Rarity said matter-of factly, crossing her arms beneath her breasts and forgetting the rather literal pain in her ass. Pinkie Pie hopped in place and clapped her hands, “What does he know? I’ll be a Chancellor. Chancellor Puddinghead! Ooo, I like it.” Rainbow Dash leapt into the air and shook momentarily, enough for her helmet to go flying off, tumbling to the floor. Lightning Dust exuberantly went, “That’s it! I’ll be the Commander. Then they’ll have to do everything I say, and I’ll make the orders. My own personal little army.” Again, all three mares called out, “This is what I’ll do!” “Clover the Incompetent!” “Dumb Cookie!” “Pansy, get over here! You’re a Private now!” From the side curtains Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, and Fluttershy came bolting out to their respective backdrops. Each mare all said at once, “I don’t think this is a very good idea.” The curtains closed behind Sassy and she took her place back at center stage. Shaking her head, she looked out into the audience and said, “None of them knew the trouble they would cause.” From behind the side stage, Sassy heard one of the mares ask another rather quietly, “Do you think this is really how it all went?” Another that Sassy didn’t recognize replied, “Of course it did! Our Masters said so, would you really doubt them? Come on, let’s practice our lines here while we wait for our parts.” A moment later, the curtains opened and the play continued. __________________________________ “You can’t be serious. Don’t do this,” Clover pleaded, her eyes wide with fear. To hear her friend say such things, it was just madness. “Going against the Masters? Putting yourself above them? There’s crazy, there’s suicidal, and then there’s this.” Platinum posed in her new regalia. Well, it was her old play regalia, but she’d replace it all soon enough. With a real crown crown, cloak, and everything else that came with the station of ‘Princess’. “I really don’t see why you’re in such a huff over this. It’s not like he ever treated me like a Princess, no matter how many times he called me such. It was always the butt with him, and rarely lube! Hmph, it’s not something you’d understand, Clover,” Platinum explained, looking over the ragged cloak and brushing off dirt from its surface. It’ll need patches, of course. At least until she found herself a good tailor who could make her a real cloak. With jewel trimming. Her regalia would put her Master’s to shame. Former Master! Platinum reminded herself. Clover the Incompetent danced in place, her hooves clacking against the hardwood floor of the palace. “But what about when he finds out!? Oh no, he’ll be furious. Terrifyingly furious! What about you? What are you going to do?” Clover leaned forward, nearly toppling over. Platinum glanced out the window and hm’d to herself. A few fat snowflakes were drifting down outside. Early season snow, it looks like. Turning back to Clover, she held a hand to her breast, “Why, I’m going to find other mares to be my subjects, of course! Maybe some from those… ugh… other tribes, if I can’t get enough unicorns.” Hah, as if. Useless mud ponies and pegasi who think they’re better than their betters. I’ll have my own court with plenty of unicorn mares and stallions to please us. Yes, that’s what she was going to do. She ignored the wind bashing itself against the windows. Meanwhile, the wind turned elsewhere, high into the clouds, where the snow was already falling. One pony was walking a path into the clouds, while the other bit her nails and looked on in confusion and horror. “I’ve had it! ‘I’ll put the fear of males into you.’ ‘Accept this and be glad!’ ‘Did I say you could eat? You haven’t done shit all day.’ Blah blah blah! Who the fuck cares?” Drizzle stomped back and forth, her hooves digging into the clouds while the wind rustled through her mane and tail. It didn’t seem to affect her nude body, except that her nipples were hardened in the cold. “Think of it. If I were Commander, then you’d only have to do what I say, not them. Everyone would be fed, they’d get to do what they want instead of being fucked by some dumb male who thinks he knows better.” Commander Drizzle kicked a nearby pillar and cursed rather loudly when a small clump of collected snow dropped and splatted onto her helmet, nearly knocking it off her head. “And first thing when I’m Commander, I’m getting us some real armor and uniforms! There’s no way a real Commander wears some trashed and ill-fitting helmet and armor.” Private Pansy looked down at her armor and then over at Drizzle’s. It stopped above the belly button and had holes for the breasts to fit through and remain bare. The rest of their bodies were nude. “I don’t see what’s so wrong with it. I mean, Master did allow us the armor, so he must think we’re doing something right, right?” she asked curiously. “Was that insubordination I heard, soldier!?” Drizzle whirled about at Pansy and stuck her face right into the other pegasus’. Pansy yelped and stood at attention, shaking her head frantically, “No sir, I mean, ma’am, I mean… sir?” The pissed and petulant pegasus pony facepalmed and groaned out loud. “Ugh! What am I going to do with you?” Drizzle demanded. “Let me go back to my Master and we can forget any of this happened?” Pansy asked with an uncertain smile. “No!” Commander Drizzle yelled back and stomped away with a frustrated growl. “No. We need to amass some troops, then we’ll have our own army.” The wind continued onward, driven by forces unseen only for it to smack against the shutters of a cottage in the village far below. At first, the shutters just clacked, then the wind persevered and blew them open only for them to smash against the inner wall. Snowflakes pillowed in along with the wind and ruffled everything from curtains to papers strewn about the floor. “Dumb Cookie!” Puddinghead shrieked, looking over a document that had little if anything to do with a mare. In fact, all it was was a document of the shipment of vegetables to the unicorn castle. Another earth pony sighed heavily and looked in from the other room. “What is it, Puddinghead?” she asked, giving a second long-suffering sigh. “Ahem!” Rolling her eyes, Dumb Cookie muttered, “What is it, Chancellor Puddinghead?” The first mare pointed at the shutter which just so happened to be above her head. Looking as if she was going to slap Puddinghead upside her, well, head, Cookie walked over and easily closed the shutter, locking the clasp. She withheld a sigh and arched an eyebrow at Puddinghead. Her rather ridiculous hat had soot on it, and the document didn’t seem to say much more than shipments. “What are you doing,” Dumb Cookie asked, almost afraid of the answer. “What does it look like? I’m starting my job as the new Chancellor! And I’ve been thinking, too,” Puddinghead stated, waving the document. “It looks like you’ve been thinking in the chimney,” Dumb Cookie replied. “Of course! Can you think in a chimney?” “I don’t suppose I can.” Puddinghead brushed soot off her hat and put it back atop her head cockeyed. “I didn’t think so! And that’s why I’m the Chancellor.” “More the mare who’s gonna get us all in trouble,” Dumb Cookie muttered under her breath. “What was that?” Puddinghead demanded, now reading the paper upside down. For a hundreth time that day, Dumb Cookie sighed and replied hesitantly, “Are you sure this is the right thing to do? You want to go against the wills of our Masters, order stallions to fuck you whenever you want, rather than them, and drag other mares into it?” Chancellor Puddinghead didn’t notice the notes of scepticism and mark of ‘are you crazy’ intoned in every word. “Yup! I’m even meeting with a couple other mares who think the same,” she replied with glee. “Wait, what!?” “Well, yeah! So while you were gone getting to have some fun, I went about and talked to a bunch of other mares, and we’re all gathering tonight to talk with them,” the rather crazy pony explained. Dumb Cookie lowered her face into the palms of her hands and groaned, “We are so in trouble. We’re never gonna get to see the light of day again…” __________________________________ Outside, the wind howled past the agreed-upon meeting building. Inside, three mares argued while the others watched. The light snowfall had already turned into a blanket, and the snow was piling up with hints that things were going to get worse. Princess Platinum glared at the other two mares across the table from her. Look at them. That hat is horrendous, and that armor doesn’t even fit the other! Disgusting. “I just don’t see why we have to do all of this when there’s a lot of new ruling to get done,” Platinum remarked and stuck her nose up in the air just like she saw plenty of the aristocrats do. Commander Drizzle banged her hand against the table several times and sneered, “Rule what? I’m here because I need all these mares as soldiers, though I might give the both of you positions.” She pointed at the multitude of mares watching from the balcony, almost all of them there just from curiosity, though one or two were around because they thought the three mares were right. Up above, one mare could be heard muttering, “Yeah, bent over with cocks up your ass!” Drizzle glared up at the voice but she couldn’t see who said it. “I beg your pardon,” Platinum gasped. “I most certainly will not allow my subjects, much less myself, to be in some ruffian pegasus’ army! Much less yours! Just look at you, you appear as if you stole your master’s armor, cut away most of the protection, and then drilled holes in it! And even then it still doesn’t fit! It’s a travesty.” “Says the prissy unicorn who looks like she got her stuff out of the trash,” argued the pegasus. “Both of you stop it,” Chancellor Puddinghead interjected. “How am I supposed to have an orgy when both of you are taking all the mares and leaving me none?” Drizzle whirled about and growled at Puddinghead, “That’s all you can think about is sex? What are you even doing here!? I’m leading us away from the males!” “Humph! The only thing you can lead is yourself, and barely even that,” Platinum retaliated. “Look outside. How can you lead when you can’t even help keep it from snowing during harvest? Some Commander!” The pegasus clenched her teeth and muttered, “The Commander won’t even let me touch the weather.” Waving her hands in the air, she added on, “But that’s changing! Once I have my recruits, the snow will be the first thing to go, and no male will be stopping me!” A particularly hard blast of wind shook the wooden walls and startled all the mares within. Outside, at times, it almost sounded as if the wind was a pony howling. “No males? But how can I have an orgy without males? How can I even have an orgy without any mares, either?” Puddinghead slammed her hands down on the table and pointed at both Platinum and Drizzle. “I’m the Chancellor, they are mine!” Princess Platinum rolled her eyes and ughed out loud, “Is all you can think about sex, you dumb mud pony!? And what about you, featherbrain, can you even think at all!?” This set off a new round of arguing, with each mare trying to talk over the others and only escalating the situation. All the ponies in the balcony just looked at each other in confusion, wandering off one by one out of the entrances, leaving only three to watch. Dumb Cookie, Clover the Incompetent, and Private Pansy. As the voices became louder, all three mares called out at the same time. “Dumb Cookie, get your butt over here!” “Clover the Incompetent, we’re leaving! “Private Pansy! Get down here now!” The moment the three ran down the steps to join their ‘superiors’, the wind blasted the front doors open, throwing in clouds of snow and frost to the dismay of everyone still there. Three bodies materialized out of the clouds, revealing themselves to be the real King, Commander, and Chancellor. “Oh no…” Clover whispered to herself. __________________________________ Princess Platinum paced back and forth in her chambers, rubbing her cherry-red rump and cringing with every step. Not only was her rump absolutely glowing, but buried in her asshole was a large anal plug that would make even Puddinghead pause in fear. Altogether, her punishment had left her in a rather sour mood. Clover got out of most of the punishment just from Platinum having taken her along for the ride. But a severe paddling, a plug that filled her rump to bursting, and being sent to her chambers without dinner for three days? That crossed the line and made the unicorn wish to continue her plans all the more. I will be Princess. And then everyone will be bowing to me. The worshipping, the pleasing and gifts would all come to her. Then she’ll show Commander Drizzle, Chancellor Puddinghead, and her Master all who was the best ruler. ME! Stomping over to her window, Platinum glared outside. The snow had died down some, but fat flurries still fell, leaving the lands blanketed. She’d heard some ponies worried that the harvests would be slim because of it, and winter may be hard. I don’t care. When I’m Princess, there will be plenty of food for everyone. Then everyone will love me. She began pacing again, back and forth through the small room, no larger than a footnote in the palace. Her pet bed was in the corner, and she had a little chest for personal items, while a rug took up the floor. Soon, I’ll have a real room, like the King’s! Pausing by the window again, Platinum smiled to herself and thought, But to do that, I’ll need to leave. Find a new land where I can rule. Of course, I’ll take Clover with me, she can help. That’s what I’ll do. __________________________________ “Private Pansy, make yourself useful and help me out of these bindings,” Commander Drizzle ordered, hopping in place to catch her balance. Her arms were behind her back and tied together in a sleeve, with the same of her legs. Even her wing bindings were tied together, pressing up against each other and threatening to cramp the wings within. Pansy twiddled her fingers and glanced away from Drizzle. Finally, she muttered, “I don’t think that’s a good idea. The Commander will get angry with us again, then we’ll be lucky to even go outside.” Twisting her arms and glaring at the offensive sleeves, Drizzle attempted to rub them against a pillar, hoping for the cloud material to pull them off her. It was all in vain, however. “Screw the Commander,” she barked, hunkering down to bite at the material around her legs. “Screw him and everyone else keeping us down! There’s only one way for us to get away from him, and that’s to go somewhere else.” “I-I don’t know, that sounds scary. In the middle of all this snow? Don’t you think we’ll get lost?” Private Pansy wondered in fright. The skies all around were a uniform grey with snow dropping everywhere. Failing to remove the fabric around her legs, Drizzle glared at Pansy and huffed, “You’re a soldier. Buck up and shut the fuck up. Just get me out of these. We’re leaving, whether you like it or not!” “Yes, sir! I meant ma’am!” “Damnit, Private!” It’s time to leave this place. That’s what I’ll do. __________________________________ Chancellor Puddinghead sulked in the corner of her room with her arms crossed beneath her breasts and a ballgag in her mouth. Little else seemed to have happened to her. Too busy to punish me! He’ll do it later! I would have welcomed a punishment, at least then Master would have done something rather than ignore me all the time! Hmph. And he wonders why I’m not in a good mood anymore. That pegasususus and unicorn were complete blowhards. I should have done things myself. She glared at Dumb Cookie, who stood across the room from her, lecturing Puddinghead on the responsibilities of a good mare. “I mean, did you really think they wouldn’t have noticed, oh, three mares deciding ‘Hey, I don’t like this! Revolt’,” Cookie chastised, “‘and everything would go great.’ I tried to talk you out of it, but no! Now we’re stuck here until he has time to decide what to do with us.” Dumb Cookie shook her head with a grumpy expression. “It’s not like we can just run away and find our own home to rule. That’s just preposterous!” Puddinghead perked her ears and stared at Dumb Cookie. Run away? I like that! She motioned for Dumb Cookie to repeat what she said. “Er, what? ...Oh! You mean you should have listened to me?” Dumb Cookie asked. Puddinghead shook her head. “Erm, how the stallions wouldn’t have noticed?” Another shake brought Dumb Cookie to think, “Hm, that we couldn’t just run away and… oh no! We are not running away! We’re in enough trouble as it is.” Dumb Cookie waved her arms in front of her face, her expression turning to one of alarm. “Can you just imagine what would happen if he caught us? We’d be… uh… we’d be…” she trailed off. Puddinghead knew what Dumb Cookie was talking about, or trying to. Their Master rarely got around to punishing them for anything. He either forgot due to being busy, or he foisted the duty off on someone else. He won’t notice for a while. We’ll be long gone by then, and even if we are caught, it’ll be a slap on the wrist. That’s what I’ll do. __________________________________ “Hurry along, Clover. If we don’t, someone will notice we’re gone and this will all be for naught. I certainly hope you packed everything,” Princess Platinum hissed, taking high steps through the snow and keeping her nose in the air. A Princess must look dignified, of royalty, and most of all, can’t pay attention to the rabble. Well, outside of Clover, but that’s necessary. Behind her, Clover the Incompetent huffed along in a raggedy cloak and carried a large bag over her shoulder filled with foods pilfered from the kitchens, warm socks, and other items of necessity, such as a few vibrating dildoes and extra cloaks. A mare had to be prepared, after all. The unicorn didn’t answer right away, instead paying attention to the snow-covered ground beneath them. They’ve only been gone for a few minutes, but she was already tired from carrying the supplies two mares needed for the trip. “Just imagine it, Clover. We’ll find a brilliant land where it’s always sunny. We’ll choose the highest mountain and build the most beautiful castle,” Platinum daydreamed out loud, “and inside that castle I will sit in a life of luxury. Everyone will wait on me hand and hoof, giving me everything I will ever want.” Taking a brief glance back at Clover, she noticed the look the mare gave her and she amended, “Oh, and of course, you, too. Somewhat. Maybe.” Above them, the snow picked up, the morning sun blocked out by thick clouds. Even the wind seemed to get stronger with each step the two mares took. For the moment, the snow itself wasn’t too deep, though it hid the ground below and made travel slower as they had to watch their steps. Or more-like, Clover had to watch her steps and Platinum merely marched onward. Within minutes, Platinum discovered the first major bump in their extravagant journey. A stream blocking the way! “Clover! I require your assistance!” Stopping by the stream, the other mare took one look at it, then back at the Princess and sighed heavily, “It’s just a stream, you can step over it.” “Or, better yet…” Princess Platinum pondered. A few short minutes later, Platinum was straddling Clover’s back and smacking her ass with a riding crop. “Well, go on, it’s not like you don’t let the Prince ride you all the time.” This’ll allow me to rest my hooves and give Clover a workout. She’s been getting a bit too thick around the hips and she needs to lose a bit of it. A short hop over the stream and off the two mares went on their adventure. Several hours of walking later found them out of the snow-covered regions and into the surrounding lands, where summer still lived on even into autumn. And still the two walked on. Or more Clover the Incompetent walked and Princess Platinum rode. A day later found them along a cliff-face, gems studding the walls and enrapturing the unicorn ‘princess’. “Oh my, just look at them all, Clover! With this… with this I could build an entire kingdom, all devoted to me,” Platinum explained, her eyes wide and glittering at the bountiful treasures laying before her. “Nobody to obey, nobody to fuck me in the ass all the time and not thinking about my wants. I could… I’ll be… I’m a Princess!” A Princess. I’ve made it. This is the spot. This is where we’ll make our new home. Removing the homemade flag from Clover’s bag, she attached it to a broken branch and stuffed it into the ground. A place where no stallions will tell me what to do. “I hereby claim this land in the name of me, and I will name it… Unicornia,” she brilliantly exclaimed… at least until she heard two other voices. No, it can’t be! __________________________________ “Are you sure we can’t stop and let the snow pass? I mean, I can barely see my hands, much less you! I still can’t believe you sold me to a gryphon for passage,” Private Pansy complained, biting her lip in fear at the sharp talons encircling her shoulders. Commander Drizzle snorted and looked back at the other pair, ignoring the gryphon carrying herself. “I struck a deal with some visiting gryphons, who cares? They’re helping us get to the new lands, and then they’ll be part of the army! Besides, don’t say you don’t enjoy this kind of stuff,” Drizzle replied with a mighty roll of her eyes. “I-I mean, I do, but don’t you think that we were trying to get away from being fucked in the first place? Or you were, at least. We’re still having it happen,” Pansy responded back, curling up on herself with a start when a bolt of lightning struck in the distance. Of all the cowardly weak pegasi I had to be stuck with, it had to be Private Pansy. Commander Drizzle groaned and glared up at the gryphons, “Isn’t there any chance either of you could hurry things along? We need to get flying fast to discover our new territories!” The one carrying Drizzle clacked his beak and fixed one eye on the pegasus, “Bad weather conditions while carrying two annoying featherbutts means we’re not going to be flying fast at all. Unless you’re willing to barter a good deal extra for that kind of trouble.” Drizzle imagined how much she’d already had to pay just to get the two gryphons to fly them out, she didn’t wish to know how much extra it’d be for some speed. Typical gryphons would probably demand that we do more than fuck them a good deal. Probably enslave us or something. I’ve already had enough of that from the Commander. “I’ll pass, but try to make some good time, at least,” she remarked. The gryphon humphed and said nothing, merely flapping his wings to get them all through the blizzard. It took all day to get out of the blizzard, and longer to reach a plot of land that Drizzle found herself pleased with. One of the gryphons dragged a tuft of cloud to mid tree-level for the two mares to settle upon, looking over the land arrayed before them. As one, the two gryphons reached down and unbuckled their pants, dropping their trousers down around their ankles and letting their hardening cocks flop out. Drizzle and Pansy froze in place. What, already? But, not when we’re just about to claim this land! Ugh! Together, they both grabbed Private Pansy, sandwiching the mare between their bodies. By her squeak of shock, one of the gryphons had already pressed himself into her, while the other spat into his talons and ‘lubed’ himself up. The gryphon’s grunt of exertion and Private Pansy’s whimper of pain told Drizzle all she needed to know of what he was doing. Ooo, right up the rear! She won’t be walking right for a bit. I better not be next on the menu! Exchanging thrusts, with one gryphon pushing in while the other slipped out of the mare. Averting her eyes and flattening her ears, Commander Drizzle grit her teeth at the sounds of schlorps and slaps coming from practically beside her. The cloud was large enough to house all four of them, but that didn’t mean it was too comfortable. Growling impatiently to herself in frustration, annoyance, and impatience, Drizzle jerked her head around to glare at the two gryphons and tap her hoof against the cloud. She did so just in time to see the male buried in Pansy’s ass bury himself to the hilt and let out an ear-piercing screech as he emptied his balls into her bowels. Even as his partner kept pumping away schlick by schlurp, he withdrew himself, a rush of cum flowing from Pansy’s ass down her legs until her abused hole clenched and ceased the cascade. Pansy’s whimpers died down once the one gryphon left her ass, though Drizzle barked, “Quiet down, Private Pansy. Take it like a mare, you belong to the gryphons now!” The other gryphon seemed more quiet in his orgasm while he emptied his load into Pansy, his seed leaking out of her cunt to mingle with the first’s. “Hah,” said his friend, buckling his pants back up. “Should have bought you. You seem more fiery tempered than this one. She acts like dead weight more than anything! But a fuck’s a fuck.” “Says you,” laughed the one, slipping out of Pansy and dropping her to the cloud below. “Bitch has a hole that sings to me! Now… We’re off to find some food. If you two aren’t here when we get back…” He trailed off. The first gryphon glared at the two mares, finishing for his friend, “Then we’ll go find someone that will keep the deal. I hear all you mares have masters; I’m sure they’ll be happy to ensure you keep your end of the deal.” Drizzle waved her hand dismissively and replied without paying attention, “Yeah yeah.” Reaching into Pansy’s armor without a second-thought, Commander Drizzle pulled out a flag and grinned at it. “This place is perfect. Plenty of clouds, high mountains, a good deal of great land. It’s perfect.” “What do you think you’ll call it?” Pansy asked, rubbing her rear and hissing beneath her breath at the cum staining her coat. She was collapsed upon the cloud, fluids dribbling from her crotch while her hindquarters quivered from the fast and rough fucking she’d just had. Neither of the mares paid attention to events going on nearby them. Slapping the flag onto the cloud, Commander Drizzle heroically posed and yelled out, “Pegasopolis!” At the same time two other voices cried out, causing the pegasus to blink. What? __________________________________ “Are you sure you know where we’re going,” Dumb Cookie inquired, staring skeptically at Puddinghead. The other earth pony whirled about and waved a parchment into the air. “Helloooo! Of course I do, I have the map! With a map, everyone, especially me, knows where they’re going… And I’ve got a brilliant idea,” Chancellor Puddinghead gasped, grabbing a sharp stone from the ground and using it to tear holes into the map for her eyes and nose. It’s perfect! We’ll always know where we’re going like this! She slipped the map onto her face and nodded to herself at what a great idea this was. “There, now with the map on my face, I can always see it, see where we’re going, and know exactly how to get there!” Dumb Cookie rubbed the back of her head and responded noncommittally, “Uh… huh. So, then, uh, how are you going to read the map with those big holes in it?” Puddinghead reached over and patted Dumb Cookie’s head, crushing her hat somewhat. She replied condescendingly, “And this is why I’m Chancellor, and why I wear the mask. I mean, we’re already out of most of the snow! That means we’re going the right direction. I think. Maybe the map’s upside down.” Shrugging, Puddinghead continued onward, leaving Dumb Cookie to grumble under her breath and kick a stone out of her way. Despite Puddinghead’s rather insane methods of direction and travel, the two mares made good time out of the snow and into what could only be described as a veritable paradise. Healthy trees, tall mountains, and… “Even the dirt is magical! It’s the dirtiest dirt you could ever dirt,” Puddinghead exclaimed, rolling around in a sizeable pile and getting herself dirty nine ways to Sunday. “We could grow enough crops to feed everyone. Earth Ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi! Can you just imagine that?” Dumb Cookie exclaimed, staring closely at a handful of soil. “What do you think we’ll call this place? Please don’t let it be…” “Dirtville!” “Of course. How about, Earth?” “Yes, Earth, that’s what I meant. Dumb Cookie, the flag,” Chancellor Puddinghead demanded, holding out her hand. “Er, you put it in your hat, Puddinghead,” Cookie mumbled. Chancellor Puddinghead blinked and removed her hat, “Aha! Yes, I knew that.” She pulled the flag and a random pole out from within, stabbing it into the ground. “I hereby call this place ‘Dirtville!’” “Earth…” “Earth, that’s what I said,” Puddinghead shot back, overhearing two other voices at the same time. They followed us! __________________________________ “What are you doing here!?” three mares all demanded to know at once. Clover the Incompetent watched on as all three fought back and forth that they had each came here to claim this land, and they had indeed planted their flag first. Urgh, all this because none of them wanted to obey their Masters. And now here we are away from them still fighting over it all. She caught the eye of Dumb Cookie and Private and hm’d to herself. I wonder if they miss their masters, t- Something on the horizon caught her attention and her eyes widened in fear. Unbeknownst to the other mares, the storm clouds they’d escaped from the day before were approaching. And fast! That can’t be right, they’re going against the wind! Narrowing her eyes, Clover thought she could see several horse-like shapes leading the charge, but when she blinked and looked again, they were gone. Hurriedly running over to Cookie and Pansy, Clover pointed hysterically at the approaching clouds and warned, “We have to find shelter!” Pansy yelped and dug into the tiny cloud, while Dumb Cookie leaped up and grabbed her by the tail to remove her. “Maybe there’s a cave or something, a place we can hole up until the storm passes or our masters find us?” “We better find it fast, then,” Dumb Cookie responded, throwing a squeaking Pansy over her shoulder. “What about them?” Clover inquired, holding her cloak around her body from the sudden gust of cold wind billowing it back. Clamping a hand down on her hat, Cookie muttered, “They’ll follow if they know what’s good for them. Come on! Those cliffs should have one.” She pointed and made her way to the path leading onto them, Pansy holding her hands over her face to hide. It’s a better idea than what those three have, Clover thought to herself and followed as the clouds gathered overhead and fat flakes of snow began falling. That certainly caught the attention of Princess Platinum, who paused her shrieking match with the others to ponder out loud, “Hey, where’d this snow come from?” A gust of wind blew off her crown, throwing it into the distance. “Clover! Where are you, I require your assistance!” “Dumb Cookie, where are you going!? I need you to… to… do something!” Puddinghead exclaimed, chasing after the three mares. “Hah! It looks like I won,” Commander Drizzle boasted, before taking a good look at what was going on. “...Private Pansy, are you desert- Hey! Your mare is taking mine as a prisoner of war! Get back here!” Drizzle leapt off the cloud and ran after them all. Clover the Incompetent focused more on following Cookie than the other events. By the time they found a convenient cave, the snow was already coming down hard. Panting softly, the unicorn glanced about. Platinum stood near her at one side brushing snow out of her cape, while Puddinghead and Dumb Cookie were at another. “I demand you release Private Pansy back into my service right this instant,” Commander Drizzle ordered, stomping up to Chancellor Puddinghead and Dumb Cookie. “No! Keep her, Dumb Cookie,” Puddinghead refused, “then we can use her to start our orgy.” “Ugh, must you earth ponies think only of sex at such a time? Shoo, stay on your side of the cave away from Unicornia lands,” Platinum made a shooing motion and hmphed to herself. “Come along, Clover, we have to figure out our borders.” While Puddinghead and Dumb Cookie were distracted by Princess Platinum, Drizzle grabbed Private Pansy and wrenched her from the earth pony’s grip, retreating to a different third of the cave. Chancellor Puddinghead shrieked, “Hey! She’s taking our pegabutt! Dumb Cookie! I demand you- Borders? There is no way I’m not having my orgy taken over by some unicorn snob or pegasus hussy! Dumb Cookie!” “Private Pansy, I demand you take as much territory for Pegasopolis away from these two fools as much as possible, there will be no sluts allowed inside our borders,” the pegasus commanded, crossing her arms over her armor and glaring at all the other mares. As one, Clover and the other two sighed. Ugh, not more of this drama, why can’t we all just return to our Masters? Wouldn’t everyone be happy, then? She grabbed an old stick off the floor and randomly drew a line in the dirt across the cavern, mostly trying to avoid the drama going on around her. Something about a rock and Chancellor Puddinghead wanting it to fashion into a dildo. When Clover, Cookie, and Pansy came together with their lines, she looked up and met their eyes, noticing the expressions within. They’re as tired of this as I am. Princess Platinum’s cry of alarm took Clover out of her thoughts. “How dare you corrupt my land with your mud pony shenanigans!” Looking back, Clover nearly facepalmed at seeing Chancellor Puddinghead twerking her bare ass within the lines she’d drawn. “Get your filthy ass out of my territory, there will be no sluts, whores, or males allowed here,” Platinum demanded, while on the other side of the room Commander Drizzle stole all the rocks from Puddinghead’s portion of the cave. Unbeknownst to any of the mares, the storm’s fierceness intensified outside their cave, as ice formed at the mouth and slowly closed around it. “Well guess what!? There won’t be any sluts, whores, males, or prissy unicorns allowed in my territory, not now. Not ever,” mocked Drizzle. “I’ll take all your males and be better than them, but no tight-assed unicorns or loose pegasususususes allowed,” retaliated the earth pony. All three mares ignored the encroaching ice, whereas Clover, Cookie, and Pansy retreated to the center of the cave to distance themselves from it. “Oh no oh no oh no!” bawled Private Pansy, latching herself to the two mares. They watched in horror as ice overtook Platinum, Drizzle, and Puddinghead, continuing inward towards the three huddled females. “Oh, I wish my Master were here,” Private Pansy whimpered. Cookie and Clover nodded along, agreeing, until a whinny from above took Clover’s attention. Looking up, the others followed her gaze. Up above were three horse-like creatures aiding the storm. “W-What are those,” Dumb Cookie stammered, her eyes widening in fear. “Oh no,” Clover the Incompetent gawked. “I think those are Windigos! Master told us horror stories about them.” The ice touched to the mares’ hooves. “They’re awful creatures that bring cold and ice to places where females don’t obey their masters. I thought they were just a fairy tale!” As the ice crept up their legs, Dumb Cookie cringed and looked saddened, “I wish my Master were here. He may not have always had time for us, but he still loved us. If only Puddinghead could have seen that.” A harsh whinney came from overhead. “I’m really sorry for running away with Drizzle. Master really only wanted the best for us, but I didn’t want her to get in too much trouble so I kept following her. Oh… master always did say I wasn’t the smartest mare, but my heart was in the right place…” Pansy lamented and hung her head, flattening her ears to the back of her head. The ice reached each of the mares’ labia, bringing shivers of both pleasure and pain from the three. “I know what you both mean. I kept trying to talk Platinum out of it. My Master was so disappointed in me that I would even let her do any of this. Ohhh… if he were here now, I’d beg for him to take me in every way and show Platinum how pleasurable it is to be a good mare,” Clover agreed, her loins growing warm at the thought of being taken by the King. Both of the other mares ‘mhm’d’ in agreement, nodding their heads along with Clover. All of a sudden, the Windigos above whinnied in distress, prompting the three to look up in alarm, then down at their crotches. The thoughts of pleasing their masters had caused all three mares to grow moist and heated in desire, and streams of pinkish smoke trailed from their vaginas, melting the ice from around their crotches and legs, and even the ground near the mares. Above, a giant, flaming cock burst into being, flames drifting into the air from the tip like cum, lashing against the Windigos. The creatures reared their head in distress, the flames causing them to dissipate into nothingness, and with them, the clouds that had gathered within the cave. “W-w-What’s going on,” Pansy asked, looking on in wonder.” “I think… I think our love for our masters drove the Windigos away! Look!” Clover gestured to the circle of ice slowly receding from around them. Even then, Platinum, Drizzle, and Puddinghead stood frozen in place. “The ice is melting!” Clover suddenly grinned at the other mares and carefully traversed the ice to retrieve the supply bag Platinum had forced herself to carry. “I think we should keep this spirit going, don’t you?” she asked, retrieving several dildoes and other toys from the pack. Dumb Cookie and Pansy’s faces lit up. All through the night, the three mares pleasured themselves and each other, telling each other stories of things they’ve done with their masters, or of silly stories of their friends’ antics. Over time, the ice receded, until the first rays of morning broke over the mountains and hit over the iced-over entrance. The sun helped melt the ice, punching holes through it until the entire sheet vanished. At the same time, Platinum, Puddinghead, and Drizzle slowly thawed, their heads hanging the entire time. “Look, girls! The entrance is open! We’re free,” Clover exclaimed with glee. Suddenly, the light coming from the cave entrance was blocked by several figures. Narrowing her eyes and holding her hand up to block the glare, Clover gasped in glee. There, standing at the entrance, were the King, Commander, Chancellor, and for some reason two gryphon males. Clover, Dumb Cookie, and Pansy all tackled their respective masters, with the others sheepishly joining them shortly after, having seen the error of their ways. __________________________________ The curtains closed behind Sassy Saddles, and behind her she heard the hushed voice of one of the stallions, “Hurry up, we have to prepare these bitches for the closing. Try to make sure as much lands on them as possible.” “All six mares were punished, but never again did they try to rise above their Masters. The stories they told to each other have joined with us in these days to become the lost stories refound, and the Windigos never bothered Equestria again,” Sassy Saddles spread her arms out, encompassing the stage behind her. “They all lived happily ever after, and Equestria remained in harmony until the Fallen Princesses, Celestia and Luna, took the rightful thrones away from the stallions. But that is a story for another day.” Above them, the main stage lights dimmed and the curtains opened, leaving just the spotlights converging on the actors. The stallions had acted fast, the six of them, plus the two gryphons, having liberally coated the main six mares with copious amounts of cum. From the looks of the amount, not just their own but also plenty of warbeast to supplement it. The mares were kneeling before the stallions and all looked as if a shower had been turned on above them, with thick trails of the seed seeping into their coats and strands coating almost every inch of them. Each of the males bowed once to a thunderous applause, then again and a third time. The females themselves did the same, bowing toward the audience, their faces touching the stage. Rainbow had to be forced by the stallion in the rafters, and AJ appeared reticent, but the others did so joyously. After the bow, one of the males cleared his throat and did a discrete motion with his hands. Mostly as one, the six mares turned about lifted their tails, and bowed again toward the males with their asses exposed toward the audience and their faces pressed to the floor. Both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had cum leaking from their ass and nethers, and whether or not it was from the males, the warbeasts, or both, Sassy didn’t know. Rarity’s ass was plugged, and by the looks of the ‘Now Extra Large’ on the base, it was filling the mare to capacity and possibly beyond Sassy cringed when she couldn’t see the gleam of lube anywhere around the plug. The entire thing had probably gone in mostly dry, as seemed the theme for Princess Platinum’s part. The male in front of Applejack touched his hoof to AJ’s cheek rather roughly when she wouldn’t raise her tail high enough, and the mare glared at him a moment before her tail rose enough to join the others.  Turning her eyes back to the audience, Sassy brushed her fingers against her feathered mask and bowed low to the entire audience herself. As with the others, her face nearly touched the stage. When she rose, her eyes skimmed the audience, finding Hoity’s own. Upon his usually serene face was… Is… is he smiling? Is Master proud of me!? This is the greatest Hearth’s Warming ever!