The Final Goodbye

by 27

First published

Strolling through corridors and rooms that whisper faded memories, Twilight reflects on times gone by in the hour of her dusk.

Strolling through corridors and rooms that whisper faded memories, Twilight reflects on times gone by in the hour of her dusk.

Chapter 1

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The purple unicorn with lit horn traversed the dark eerie hallway of the old castle. Not a sound could be heard, aside from the echo of her hoofsteps, and the light trickle of rain falling on what was left of the castle roof.

The mare took a deep breath and exhaled “...Ok can do this...i it’s just one more time.” She spoke holding back tears.

The mare continued her movement through the corridor. Not afraid of who might catch her up at this late hour. even if somepony did, it is unlike she would even notice.

The echo of her hoofsteps ceased as she stopped at a small door. She gave it a gentle push and it slowly creaked open. She coughed as a thick cloud of dust blew into her face. Among the walls were posters of a cyan pegasus. Some of which were too faded from age to make out clearly. In the middle of the room sat a single small bed. On top of it was a single pillow with three blue feathers.

Twilight walked in and lifted herself up onto the bed. The bed gave a loud creak then settled as it was now used to this new weight. She picked up one of the feathers with her magic only to have it fall apart. She sighed and laid back, slowly closing her eyes.

The mare started to remember the first time she met the cyan colored pegasus.

“Hey, I could clear this sky in ten seconds flat.” Rainbow Dash boasted

“Prove it.” Twilight replied.

True to her word the sky was cleared in ten seconds.

Dripping water fell from the leaky roof onto the mare's face, waking her up from her memories. She sat up not knowing how long she had fallen asleep for. She looked out the small dust covered window and saw it was still night. She then got off the bed and headed out the door. Then continued her way down the hallway.

The mare came to another doorway it’s door long gone. Like the other one she also entered this room. Stepping over dust covered mannequins and threads of string. Among other things.

“Canterlot?! Oh, I am so envious! The glamour, the sophistication! I have always dreamed of living there! I can't wait to hear all about it! We are gonna be the best of friends, you and I... Emeralds?! What was I thinking? Let me get you some rubies!” Rarity said rummaging around some drawers.

Twilight gave a small chuckle to this memory. She laid her hoof upon the dress her friend had made her for the Grand Galloping Gala, But just like the feather it to fell apart.

A single tear ran down her face as she started to head out, but was stopped by a simple mirror hanging on the wall. She walked up to it, and wiped the dust away with her hoof. A simple unicorn who’s purple fur coat was faded from a long life and eyes that looked like they had no life behind them stared back at her.

The mirror made a loud crash as the mare threw it to the ground.

“ What use was it!?” She started to break out into tears “I sti...they still…” She composed herself and took a deep breath. “it does not matter now they are gone.”

The mare left the room not looking back. The next door she came to was covered in a faded pink and adorned by a carving of three balloons.

“Well, that's silly! What kind of welcome party would this be if it were quiet? I mean, duh, bo-ring! Y'see, I saw you when you first got here, remember? You were all "hello" and I was all [deep gasp], remember? Y'see I've never saw you before and if I've never saw you before that means you're new, 'cause I know everypony, and I mean everypony in Ponyville!” The pink mare bounced up and down.

Twilight let out a small laugh as she remembered her pink energetic friend.

“Oh pinkie I always loved how random you could be.” She spoke walking past the door deciding not to open it. The echo of her hoofsteps started up again. This time even louder since the rain had stopped. She left the hallway and walked into the kitchen. well...what was left of it. She swore she could see an orange earth pony mare standing by the stove.
“ Ah reckon yer hungry Twi. Well you just go sit down, grub will be ready soon.” Applejack spoke stirring a pot of apple soup.

Twilight blinked in surprise, but when she opened her eyes the orange mare had vanished.

“You're just seeing things was not real..let’s just go.” Twilight told herself holding back another onslaught of tears.

The purple unicorn walked back into the hallway. continuing her way to her destination. She walked past fluttershys room as quickly as she could without running. She could not handle another memory.

The mare had now arrived at her destination. A grand room with large table in the middle, and around it were seven thrones six big and one small. The small one had belonged to her assistant spike. five of the large ones belonged to her friends. The last one belonged to her.

With the last of the magic she could conjure, she made the room looked like it did so many years ago. This made her nearly collapse, but she managed to catch herself.

The mare made her way to her Throne and sat down.

“So now my time has come just like it came for you...But why? please tell me why did you have to leave me so soon.” The mare started crying no longer able to hold back her tears. “I I gave up my wings just so we...could Stay together, but you had to go and leave me, all of you!” Tears continued flowing down her face unable to stop. Even if she wanted them to. “p please tell me this was some long cruel joke, or that this is all a terrible dream. Anything but this.”

Twilight eyes could no longer shed anymore tears for they had ran out. Twilight rested her tired head upon the armrest of the throne.

“thank-you...though for all the fun and wonderful times you gave me. I would never trade those memories for anything. They mean so much to me. Just like you did to, and I hope I will see you soon.

The purple unicorn mare closed her eyes for the final time.

The End