> Twilight and Pinkie Pie: Moms to be > by ComputerGlitch88 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Strange Stomachache > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle Threw the door to her crystal castle open. She happily skipped in with a storm of confetti, balloons, streamers and a bright pink pony bouncing behind her. She was draped in long, white silky gown that stretched a dozen feet behind her. While her friend was wearing another cream colored wedding dress with a pink brim around the bottom. Twilight turned and looked at the stunning pony in front of her, She grinned when she thought about how she had just gotten back from her wedding. " Welcome to your new home, my bride." Twilight gave a cheeky smile, sarcastically holding out her hoof. " Why, Thank you Princess" Pinkie Pie jokingly stuck out her tongue as she took her wife's hoof. Ah, That word sounded so nice to her, wife. She looked at Twilight's deep purple eyes, squeezed her hoof tightly and thought, "this is my wife, I am married to this beautiful pony right in front of me." She wanted to pinch herself to make sure she wasn't in a dream. Pinkie had looked forward to this for what felt like forever. She and Twilight had been dating for so long and She was so happy to finally be able to walk down the street with Twilight right at her side, and be able to tell everypony around that she was married to The studious alicorn beside her (much to Twilight's annoyance, But Pinkie still did it, she thought Twilight looked cute when she got embarrassed.) The Pink pony pulled on Her wife's hoof and dipped her towards the ground. She put her lips up to hers and gave her a passionate kiss. Twilight's lavender cheeks looked red when Pinkie pulled away, They both chuckled. Twilight pressed her nose against Pinkie's muzzle and whispered " I love you Pinkie."Pinkie smiled. They both then gave each other a look that said, " Yeah that was cheesy,But I loved it anyway." Twilight was about to stand back up, But before she could she felt two hooves wrap around her body and lift her off the ground. Pinkie Pie held Twilight in her arms as she stood on hind legs and carried her off to their bedroom. Twilight blushed, " Pinkie!" She shouted, Which Pinkie found unbearably adorable. When they got to the bedroom Pinkie threw Twilight onto the bed and jumped onto her. She held her in a loving embrace and snuggled her until she wasn't able to handle it anymore. Twilight pecked her all over and wrapped her hooves tightly around Pinkie's waist. After their cuddle session, Pinkie laid on the bed next to Twilight, but was so close she was almost laying on her. They both looked into each others eye longingly. Pinkie looked very calm, feeling as though everything was perfect in the world. she then began to giggle, and smile from ear to ear. " What are you so happy about?" Twilight jokingly said. "I was just thinking about how happy I am that every day from now on I'll be waking up next to you." Twilight beamed and nodded. " Perfect, I look forward to being with you everyday." " I look forward to everything that gonna happen! Like having foals and throwing parties for them!" Pinkie chimed excitedly. " Yeah I'm so excited for the day we start a family! but first, we should just enjoy being here......together." Twilight gave Pinkie a long kiss and pressed herself up against her, thinking of the future. After a few weeks, Twilight was assigned to have more meetings and summits than ever, ( even though most of them were pointless). And Pinkie Pie still worked at sugarcube corner, Still helped take care of the cake twins, and still was Ponyville's premiere party planner, even though she was married. But even though their lives were busy, they were able to maintain a happy marriage. After years of being married, the ponies tried to have a child. Not many people know it, But when two ponies love each other, A special magic is activated. The magic of LOVE ( It's cheesy, but just go with it.) The stronger the magic is, the more likely it is for two ponies ( yes, even two mares) to get pregnant. Pinkie and Twilight often checked to see if one of them was pregnant, but they never were. It got a bit disheartening after a while, Until they stopped expecting it. They eventually stopped trying at all, and after a few more years they had completely forgotten about the plan. Twilight still was ALWAYS busy at some sort of random meeting, she needed to be at Celestia's castle most mornings while Pinkie was home, Planning her next party with all her friends. The next one was tonight, It was just a little get together for her close friends, They haven't been able to see each other much lately. Pinkie was prepared to spend the day getting everything ready for a nice night, but when she woke up she felt a little sluggish. " Hey Pinkie," Twilight said, getting up from the bed. " Are you alright? You're usually out of bed before I am, Especially on a party day." She reached over a rubbed Pinkie mane. Pinkie grabbed Twilight's hoof and meekly smiled. " I'm alright Twily , I just feel.... weird." "Well, okay, But it might be good to get some rest then." Twilight kissed Pinkie's forehead. " I need to go to Canterlot this afternoon, but I'll be back to hang out with everyone." "Promise you'll get back in time?" "Pinkie promise." Twilight did the motions and walked over to her vanity. She brushed out her long mane and wrapped it up into a tight bun. She fluffed the feathers under her wings and quietly trotted out of the room,blowing a kiss to her wife. After Twilight left the castle, Pinkie forced herself to get out of bed. She fell to the floor with her blanket still wrapped around her flank. She slowly stood up and groggily walked to the bathroom. She splashed a few hoof-fulls of water on her face to get rid of the urge to go back to bed, But it didn't do away. She sighed and trotted into the living room, a few boxes of party supplies littered the crystal colored carpet. the pony knew she had to get started on decorating, but not knowing why she felt so weird was bothering her. She flopped down into the heart-shaped love-seat by the window and felt her belly. There was a strange stretching feeling happening around her tummy. And It felt........different. It wasn't pain, but it was very off-putting. Pinkie was eventually able to force herself to get the castle ready for her friends to come over. She needed to clean up a bit more since It had been a while since the last clean-up weekend. ( yes, It took a whole weekend. Cleaning up an entire castle took a while.) And It has been a while since somepony was there to clean up the castle. The last person to do that was Spike, and he moved out a little before Pinkie proposed to Twilight. So after Pinkie got rid of all of the clutter around the castle, she poured out about ten boxes of confetti on the ground and made about 20 dozen cups of punch. ( which she spiked with a bit of liquor. It was fun to see how many cups Applejack could down before she got even the least bit tipsy. That cowgirl has a tolerance as high as the moon.) She pulled a table up and sat the punch bowl on it. But she still had that feeling in her stomach, the feeling of stretching. "maybe I just need to use the bathroom" she thought. *** Pinkie sighed as she let her hooves sit in the bathroom sink. She still wasn't able to get rid of that feeling. It was disappointing to know that she would spend the party worried about her stomach. She reached up to open the cabinet over the sink to look for something to help with it. She pushed around the pill bottles and random over the counter medicines. Until she reached the back where a small box sat. Pinkie looked at it for a few moments before picking it up. " Huh? I still have one of the these?" It was a pregnancy test from when the couple tried to have a baby years ago. "I remember that. I still wish we had a cutie-patootie bouncy little foal prancing around." Pinkie began to put it away. "But, (sigh) I guess it wasn't meant to-." Pinkie stopped. She froze, realizing what might be happening. Her eyes where stuck wide open, not being able to comprehend her thought. "I-I can't be....." Pinkie ripped the box open. She looked at the fourth wall and glared, " Hey, no looking! Especially you....................Jeff." Pinkie walked off screen and came back a few minutes later. She sat the test on the counter top and intently stared at it, shaking with anticipation. She wasn't able to look away, even if she had to sit there for a while. " HEY PINKIE PIE! YA' OPENING THE DOOR ANYTIME SOON?!" "GAH!" Pinkie shouted. Her ears perked up, she recognized the voice. She shot out of the room to the front of the castle, barreling through the door and wrapping her hooves around the friend she knocked over with the door. "Applejack! I'm so happy to see you!" After Applejack recovered from being hit , she returned the hug. " Hiya Pinkie Pie! It's good to see ya too! But why'd it take ya so long to open the door? I was knockin' on it like crazy!" Pinkie shrugged and opened the door again. Applejack and Pinkie Pie trotted into the castle while Applejack looked around. " Man, it's been so long since ah've seen this place!" " Yeah, I'm so glad that all of you can come over!" Pinkie shot Applejack a look " And I'm super excited about seeing you and Rainbow Dash being super adorable!" Applejack blushed " yeah, I'm sure ya' are. Thanks again for helping me with that proposal." " No problem at all! That's Pinkie's job!" Pinkie cheered. " And, uh , thanks for not making it as crazy as yours." Pinkie blushed and rubbed the back of her neck. She remembered that night very vividly. Her and Twilight were at a super fancy restaurant in Canterlot, having a nice date. That was when Pinkie left for a few moments and came back dressed like a showgirl on a elephant with a dozen other pony dancers and a huge multi-colored banner with the words " WILL YOU MARRY ME, TWILIGHT?" plastered on it. She was forced to stay after closing time and clean up all the ceramics that the elephant broke, But It was still one of the best days of her life since Twilight said yes. "Heh! I've missed ya Pinkie! But real quick, I need to use the restroom." " Okie dokie lokie! It's just around the hall." Pinkie informed. Applejack grinned and trotted away. Pinkie started off to the living room were she was continuing with decorations, when she froze in place. The test. She forgot all about it. She began to panic, She didn't even know the results yet! And what would Applejack say If she saw she was taking a pregnancy test? She quickly ran to the bathroom and threw the door open. " APPLEJACK! WAIT!" Pinkie found Applejack standing by the sink counter, looking completely dumbfounded. Her mouth hung open in disbelief, staring at the little white stick on the counter-top. " Uh,...... Pinkie?......" Pinkie looked down at her hooves. " What's it say?" Applejack gave her a reassuring look. " You're gonna have a baby, Pinkie." *** " What am I gonna do?" Pinkie said with her head In her hooves. " What are you so down for? Your gonna be a mother! I remember ya' telling me how hard you and Twilight were trying to have a kid! Aren't ya' excited?" Applejack asked. " I am, But I completely forgot about all that years ago! And so has Twilight! How am I gonna tell her?" Pinkie looked at the floor. Applejack thought for a few moments before reassuring her pink friend. " Well, how 'bout you just think about how exciting this is, and how happy ya' are about it. Have a nice time at the party, then after everyone leaves and everything calms down, tell Twilight." Pinkie smiled, that sounded like a good idea. Even though she was super nervous, she was really happy that she was having a baby. Her and Twilight had tried so hard a few years ago, and they were upset when they gave up on it. But now it was actually happening, and she was super excited. But she did think it would be good to tell Twilight after the party. " That sounds good, but promise me you won't tell anyone?" Pinkie said. " Promise." Applejack smiled and stood up. " Now let's get everything ready." *** A few hours later the other ponies came to the castle. When Rarity got there she talked about how much she missed seeing the sparkling castle. Fluttershy talked about how Angel bunny wanted to come, but she knew he would probably just complain the entire time. Rainbow Dash came last and was already setting up the drinking contest for her and Applejack. The ponies all sat around the living room and chatted, Usually Pinkie was bouncing around and cheering, but instead she quietly sat and listened. " Uh, Pinkie Pie?" Fluttershy mumbled. " If you don't mind me asking, how come you're not running around like usual? You're usually very hyper when we come over." Pinkie thought for a few moments before she awkwardly smiled. "Uh, I just ...Uh...." Pinkie didn't want to say that she was pregnant, She didn't want the party to evolve into them all talking about her. She just wanted them all to have a nice time and relax. And even though she really wanted to shout and jump around, she still felt tired, It was disappointing, but she knew it was worth it. She stopped the urge to look down and smile at her stomach, and kept trying to come up with something to say to Fluttershy. " Hey Fluttershy, Maybe Pinkie's just tired or somethin'. Now lets go make sure Rainbow's not drowning herself in punch before the contest even starts." Applejack pulled Fluttershy off the couch and walked her to the punch table. She turned and knowingly winked at Pinkie Pie. Pinkie smiled and was about to go after them, before she heard the front door open. She got a huge smile and ran as fast as her sluggish legs could manage to the pony coming inside, wrapping her hooves around them. "TWILY!!" Pinkie cheered. " Hee hee! Hey Pinkie! You know you don't have to tackle me every time I come home, Right?" Twilight giggled. " I know, I just love it when you come home!" Pinkie placed a kiss on Twilight's lips. Afterwards , she skipped back into the castle as Twilight followed. It was quiet for moment before Twilight tried to stir up some conversation. " Did anything exciting happen while I was gone?" Twilight asked. Pinkie stopped, her mouth clamped shut. " Pinkie? Did anything happen?" Twilight asked again. Pinkie tried to make her face look as natural as possible, before she turned and awkwardly smiled. " Nope! Nothing at all!" Twilight shot her look that said " You're hiding something, aren't you?" Pinkie shot her a look that said " Nope!" Twilight stared for a few more moments to find what she could be hiding, but ended up just shrugging and kept walking to the living room. Pinkie gave a inner sigh of relief before she walked with Twilight again. When they reached the room, their friends all smiled and cheered. Rainbow flew over to the princess and made her usual cocky Rainbow Dash smile, Her cheeks where already showing a shade of red from intoxication. " Hey Twi! Welcome to the party!" She held out a pink cup of punch for Twilight. Twilight grinned and took the cup,beginning to slowly sip up the contents. Pinkie looked at her wife, astonished. The last time she saw Twilight drinking was their last anniversary, were she drank two cups of vodka and then started being very crude and sexual. Even though it was funny at the time, It was a bit off-putting to see Twilight like that. " Twilight? what are you doing? You know how you get when you drink!" Pinkie warned. " I know, But Celestia gave me the day off tomorrow, And everyone's here." Twilight pointed over to the punch table where Rainbow Dash and Applejack were rapidly chugging cups of punch as Rarity and Fluttershy cheered them on. " It would be nice to wind down." She trotted over to the table and took another cup. Pinkie nervously rubbed her hooves together, when the party was over, Twilight wouldn't want to sit down and hear the news when she was drunk. How was she gonna tell her then? And as Pinkie expected, after just a few cups, Twilight hiccuped. " Oh god." Pinkie thought Twilight turned around and gave a goofy smile. " Hey Pinkie! Why don't you come and have a drink?" Pinkie could barely understand Twilight through her slurring. Pinkie quickly shook her head. Twilight gave another grin and walked over to her wife, wrapping a hoof around her and shoving a cup in her face. " Come on, just have a fun time." Twilight's horn lit up and the bun on the top of her head fell back into the straight mane that she usually wore. "Or.... you could have a fun time with me." She raised her eyebrows suggestively. Pinkie face turned serious. " Twily, You know hard it is for me to pass up that offer, but i'm not going to while you're drunk." Twilight shrugged and continued to try to give Pinkie a drink, much to Pinkie's constant denial. Rainbow called out from the table. " Come on Pinkie! take a cup!" Applejack bit onto her fiance's tail and pulled her close. " ah don't think Pinkie Pie wants a drink Sugarcube." " Why wouldn't she want some? It's freaking delicious!" Rainbow chugged another cup. " Ah Think you've had enough, Sugarcube."Applejack pulled the punch away from Rainbow. Twilight kept pushing it. " Come on Pinkie! Why won't you take one? You going all Non-alcohol now?" Twilight stuck out her tongue jokingly. Pinkie shook her head. " No, I....I just..." Pinkie needed to come up with something, fast. But, she thought about it for a moment. She didn't want to lie to her wife, she didn't want to lie to her friends. Even if it would break the mood of the party, It was better than having to come up with something and then have to clear it up later. So Pinkie pushed Twilight away from her and stood straight and tall, looking a bit intimidating. " Twilight," Pinkie said sternly. Twilight stood still, even though she was drunk, she could still tell that Pinkie wasn't having any funny business "Twilight, I'm pregnant." Everything stopped, no sounds, no movement. All the girls except Applejack and Twilight's mouth's hung open.Twilight blankly stared forward, processing. The cup that was gripped in her hoof slid out and spilled onto the floor. " W-what?!?!" Twilight shouted all of a sudden. " YOU'RE SERIOUS?!?!?" Pinkie nodded and a huge smile appeared on her face. " We're gonna have a bouncy little baby Twily!" Twilight stood silent for a few more moments before screaming " I"M GONING TO BE A MOM?!?! I-I......THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING?!?!" Pinkie began to giggle, Which quickly turned into laughter. " Yes!" That's when a big smile appeared on twilight lips when she lunged towards Pinkie and grabbed her hooves. She jumped up and down, cheering. "YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!" All of her friends chuckled behind her, But Twilight didn't care. Her and Pinkie roared with excitement and joy. " WERE FINALLY HAVING A BABY PINKIE! FINALLY!" All of the friends laughed as they watched the couple celebrating. The two ponies stopped jumping and looked at each other. " Finally." They both thought.