> All of the Luna fluff > by AurumLupus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The chapter in which fluff happens. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna walked into her and Shadowsky's shared suit in the castle. It was a lavish room, with a full wall dedicated to bookshelves holding everything from ancient magical tomes to modern romance novels and Daring Do books. Shadowsky was not yet home from his work, whipping the Lunar guard into a lean, mean, fighting machine. She aimlessly shed the clothing of her rank as Princess. The long, flowing blue silk dress was tossed over a chair to be taken care of later. She carefully removed her crown and bracelets, then placed them on her desk, before kicking off her heels, breathing a sigh of relief as those fucking torture devices were sent flying into a corner. She breathed a sigh of relief as she grabbed a pair of loose-fitting jeans and a t-shirt, throwing them on. She sat at her desk, reclining in the comfortable leather chair. She reached for her quill, and noticed that Shadowsky had left her a note: "Dear Love, I will be home a little later than usual. Remember to give your sister a hug for me -Shadowsky." She traced the neat handwriting. One thing about Shadowsky was that his handwriting was surprisingly neat, something that she and the royal bookkeeper both appreciated, because it was easy to read his records and requests on forms, whereas a lot of stallions had atrocious handwriting, her husband had a very legible, firm handwriting. She looked at the pile of folders in her "To Do" box, and decided that because she had cancelled the night court for the next week, she could do them later. This week was her week. She looked over at the neat and tidy room, happy that she had a husband who wasn't a slob. There was a certain military neatness, with everything having its own place. In fact, the only reason it was so lavishly decorated was because of Luna's status as Co-Ruler of Equestria. Her sister's apartments made the Night Princess's quarters look positively spartan by comparison. She threw herself onto the couch, using her magic to retrieve a pint of ice cream from the fridge that they had installed in the office/ lounge room. She began eating it, sighing in contentment. The only thing missing was her husband, she needed a snuggle from her husband. He was also taking a week off, so they would be able to actually hang out. The problem with being responsible is that they were generally worn out by the time they got home, and while falling asleep in each other's arms was nice, there was just something about being able to snuggle and hang out together for a week. They would finally get some time to be a couple. She heard music coming from the hallway, and she smiled, knowing this was the tune that her husband had decided as his heralding tune. He was always doing silly things like this. It always brought a smile to her face to think about them. Like the time he had rigged a cake trap above the door she and her sister were about to walk through, splattering them both in delicious frosting and red velvet. Celestia had been surprised, and the look on both of their faces must have been priceless. Red Velvet cake dripping from their heads, surprise on their faces. Later Luna had learned that the guards had had to put down their visors to keep from laughing. Shadowsky entered, with the thunder of music from the speakers rigged on his belt. He saluted the guards as they closed the doors behind him. "How is my lovely wife today?" He asked while turning the music off. Luna leaned up to look at him over the arm of the couch, spoon in her mouth, "Thith lofly wif ith doin wel" (This lovely wife is doing well) "Good to hear" Shadowsky began shedding his armor and the other trappings of his office. "Ahh, mind if I join you?" He asked, standing there in a white cotton shirt that hugged his muscular torso. She smiled and shifted over a little bit so that he could sit. She then rested her head in his lap. He absently began to run his hands through her starry mane, making her hum contentedly. She finished her ice cream, and tossed it into the waste-bin with a small toss. Finally, some time to themselves. Luna felt her husband shift beneath her, pushing her up gently so that he could give her a back rub. She groaned with delight as his powerful hands gently began to work out the knots from the day's work. "Mmmmm, so, how was thy work?" she asked, slipping back into the old language, because she know He thought it was cute. "Well, since thou asked us, work was excellent, the guard is coming along nicely, and soon I will be able to turn training over to some of the officers that I have been putting so much time into. Then I will be able to join you in court more often." He replied as he gently cracked her back. Luna turned to smooch him, " That is most wonderful news. Mayhap we shall have time to go and travel, and do more, once the summer season comes and we are not so busy with the affairs of the night." she sighed contentedly, leaning back as Shadowsky pulled her into a hug. "You know, at some point, we might want to start thinking about having foals." He whispered into her ear, she blushed. "Perhaps, once things settle down. I would like that." Luna smiled and closed her eyes, the image of a foal running about, eyes wide with wonder at the world around him or her, filled her with the most wonderful feeling of warmth in the depth of her soul. The image of Shadowsky scooping up their children in his arms and carrying them to bed, where she was waiting to tuck them in, it was like heaven on earth. "I cannot wait." she whispered, nuzzling into his chest. He smiled down at her, his own visions of children bringing light to both his and Luna's life. He had seen little Flurry Heart, and he wanted nothing more than children of his own. He leaned back, careful not to disturb the princess of dreams, who was now snoring softly in his arms. Slowly his eyes closed and he joined her in the peaceful naptime dreamland.