> The Journal Of Commander Gallants Of The Royal Gryphon Army > by Gallants > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Day 1-2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 1 I found the journal my mom bought a week before our trip to Equestria so I decided to start writing in it it's what my mom would've wanted, so I arrived at the academy yesterday and was able to prove my worth so I'm going to get put in a squad today and apparently there's going to be a few squads with equestrian recruits in them; I hope I'm not in one of those squads, going to start calling names for squads in thirty minutes got to go and get to the auditorium. Pluck I was put in a squad with three other recruits and the worst part is one of them is an equestrian with one of those stupid names Afro of destiny or something I'm just going to call him long face; and one of the gryphons in my squad's name is really weird Phil well anyways the other gryphon in my squad looks tough and has a really cool name, Krieger. I might as well describe them I have about an hour give or take a few minutes so anyway Long-face Is a dark grey Pegasus with brown eyes like mine with an afro that makes him about two inches shorter than me and his cutie mark is an afro, Krieger is about three inches taller than me and wears a pair of rectangular glasses that tint when he goes into sunlight his feathers are extremely close to his head and are pure white and they shine in the sun and blinds us all, now Phil is about two inches shorter than me and his feathers are similar to Krieger’s but they're grey. I can't wait for training it's starting in about 30 minutes so we're going to head down to the field; Afro is probably going to slow us down, though. Well training went well I learned more about Afro of destiny and I now regret calling him long-face his front hooves have one hell of a punch behind them he kicked my ass and I kicked his ass but I was somehow able to stop the fight bring us together plan an assault and finish training with a victory and we both had dislocated wings; so long story short he probably won't be slowing us down after all he'll most likely be making us the strongest squad in the academy oh and I almost scratched his face off he's fast he dodged every swipe from my claws and if you're wondering how I dislocated his wing I used my head and I look forward to our first mission I have a feeling it will be a success. Before lights out I told Krieger, Phil and Afro of destiny good night and accidentally called him long-face surprisingly he smiled and said. "Good night Gallants and thanks for the nickname bird brain." You know what's amazing how two people can nearly kill each other and then, at least, one of them will like the other as a friend I think Afro of destiny is a great stallion and I am looking forward to an actual friendship with him. Day 2 So after a random training day, your squad will get the day off if you make the best time during a drill at midnight good news we made the best time by 15 seconds but were just a few seconds shy of the academy record. I told everyone we should sleep in our armor for the next drill, so we can beat the academy record surprisingly they agreed and told me that they were talking about who should be the leader of the team and they chose me; so that was a surprise but I swear on my mother's grave that I will lead them to best of my ability and I'll be damned if one of them dies before me. Since we had the day off (and thank god Celestia for that I think the down time helped Afro and my wounds heal.) I suggested we go and explore around town as I understood none of us were from town; so while we were out we got some lunch and laughed at Afro as he gagged at the site of us eating meat, then we looked at some suits convinced Krieger to try to get a date with a really nice looking girl and he got turned down; we then tried about an hour or so later to force Afro to try to get a date with some orange mare with three apples as her cutie mark after I saw him looking at her with a slight blush, well he wimped out and said something about her being a big deal back in Equestria and having no chance to get a date with her and when he said her name was applejack it hit me that she was the element of honesty. When 3:30 came around we decided to get some ice cream and I hit on the girl working at the ice cream stand and I think if I saw her again without the cuts and the cast I could get a date with her, after about two hours we decided to go get some dinner and laughed our asses off as Afro one again gagged at the site of us eating meat and we dared him to try some meat and promised him that he would like it and as soon as he bit into a piece of meat his crush AppleJack walked in and I'm pretty sure the look of surprise on her face was because of the sight of him eating meat and we laughed our asses off even harder all in all it was a plucking great day, unlike the night apparently we weren't supposed to leave the academy grounds and got seriously reprimanded for our actions by not being allowed to eat dinner that night we acted really sad and as soon as we got to our room we laughed our asses off for a third time that night, the night was also filled with imitations of the academy commander. > Day 3-4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY 3 I had a nightmare last night, I saw my parents murdered by those damn unicorns and earth ponies all because we had no valuables to give them I still remember their leader's face after she used her damn magic to drag me over to her, she then looked me in the eyes and said to me I hope you remember my face and my cutie mark, I still can't look at sunflowers without feeling enough anger to extinguish a thousand suns; but in my defense it did only happen last year. Breakfast was good except for the fact of the training news in training today, flying will almost certainly be needed the captain seemed to be looking at me and Afro when he said it; I'm not looking forward to it as it sounds's extremely painful; so we're going to prepare however we can as in down as many painkillers we can without killing ourselves. Well training was complete and total hell the painkillers barely helped not only that we have a new training assignment for tonight that's for an actual mission this weekend were going on; In training we will be doing basic VIP protection and close quarters combat training and if we pass 8 out of 10 simulations we can go to bed. DAY 4 As soon as we got back into our room I went to my bed and passed out I dreamt about how many times I would've died while trying to save my team; you know what I'm not sure if Krieger made it to his bed since he came in after through the front door talking about how there was a message on the door, about how our mission was starting in two hours and to report to the train station in full armor as soon as possible. I still can't believe it said as soon as possible and not ASAP but I digress, so since we're in a taxi cart I decided to write a bit, too bad we're about to be at the train station in a few seconds. We got on the train without issue went to the back car or the "executive" car which was reserved for our mission which was nice I put Krieger and Phil right outside of the cars door; Afro was placed right outside of the diplomats door and I went to my room. I just saw the diplomat some birdy I do not like in the slightest his name is Red-feather I might not like the equestrians but he absolutely despises them I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to start a war when we get to Equestria; better suit up got to guard the front doors. Well, guard duty was somewhat eventful some unicorn noble and his wife tried to enter the car but when I told them the car was reserved they respectfully left and headed back towards the normal cars. > Day 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 5 I am writing this from an infirmary bed due to getting stabbed, but I'll get to why in a bit. The train stopped in the Crystal Empire which is exactly where we were going Red-feather didn't tell us every time we asked he just said to 'wait and find out' which doesn't make any sense, but I digress. When we entered the palace the Princess personally welcomed us but it could have gone smoother if Red-feather hadn't told her to forget the decencies long-face the look on her face sent shivers down my spine thankfully Krieger was quick to step in and asked her to disregard Red-feather's comment after Krieger's quick thinking she didn't look as angry still angry but not as angry. After the meeting took place she invited us to dinner, my team accepted while Red-feather retired to his quarters. during dinner though is where I got stabbed there was an assassin who tried to kill the princess and while I jumped in front of the blade my team tackled the assassin and kicked his ass to the moon and back I'm surprised he didn't go into surgery.