> Imagination: Infestation > by Ponyess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Unexpected, Infestation and Lovable: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is an insistent knocking on the door, interrupting my very important and interesting reading. I do not like to be interrupted, and I certainly do not enjoy it in the least, not one tiny little bit. It is not polite to interrupt the Lady as she is reading. In a fit of inspiration, I imagine it was Prince Blueblood on the other side of the door. No thought to the book I had been reading, or the effects my imagination could have on whom ever was on the other side of the door. “Enter!” I exclaimed, in the hopes the knocking would subside. I hear the door go up and the steps of a Pony entering the room. “Greetings, mi’Lady!” the Prince exclaimed; as he approached me, where I had just closed the book. “How nice of you to come by, my dear Prince!” I responded. “As a matter of fact, that is exactly what Queen Chrysalis originally had thought. I am not certain, if she is not about to change her mind!” Prince Blueblood responded. “She did, did she not? Maybe I could bring back that joyous mood of hers with a small gift, if you just follow my into my bed room?” I prompted. “If that is your wish, mi’Lady; I will be only too happy to oblidge, and make her happy in the process. Strictly for you, of course; my dear Rarity. “Certain issues of the more mature nature, needs the privacy of the bed room; just as affairs of state needs to be handled in your Throne room, or your court of Ministers and Advisors. My bed room will be serving as our private court, as it were!” I affirmed. “Then it would be my duty to attend; this should be proving interesting, very interesting indeed!” he committed, with some glee. “Promising!” I stated, as I opened the door as I walked into the small room. “I am clearly forced to agree with you, mi’Lady!” he responded, as he closed the door behind himself. “This would be our private court!” I suggested; as I followed the three steps up to the vacuum bed. “This is private and intimate; when you need it to be, mi’Lady!” he complimented, as he eyed over the sheets of clear rubber and a frame of stainless steel. “The affairs at hand demands the privacy and intimacy!” I merely stated; patting the firm, yet highly elastic rubber on the top of the bed. “Thank you, mi’Lady; I did not realize just how tight it is in this suit, before you made the point!” my Prince Blueblood expressed, with some surprise on his voice. “I think I have just the suit for you, my dear Prince; this is after all a closed session for just the two of us, you know!” I prompted, as I pointed at a small door on his side of the Queen size double bed. He set his hooves on the floor on his side of the bed and turned towards the door of his private bed side wardrobe. As he opened the door, he found what would look like a swim suit, a pair of gloves and sock; aside from the mask for his face. He looked at the suit where it hung, dumbfounded for but the moment as the situation dawned on him a step further. “This should be a bit looser, and certainly more comfortable!” he responded; as he slipped out of the suit he had been wearing, and slipped right into the Princess Redblood suit. He had been a bit embarrassed, showing the blank, unsaturated body; but the promise of the looser and more comfortable suit had convinced him. “Thank you, Rarity. This certainly is more comfortable on me, even if the switch will take something of an effort to get used to!” Princess Redblood confessed freely. He set his hooves on the floor on his side of the bed and turned towards the door of his private bed side wardrobe. As he opened the door, he found what would look like a swim suit, a pair of gloves and sock; aside from the mask for his face. He looked at the suit where it hung, dumbfounded for but the moment as the situation dawned on him a step further. “This should be a bit looser, and certainly more comfortable!” he responded; as he slipped out of the suit he had been wearing, and slipped right into the Princess Redblood suit. He had been a bit embarrassed, showing the blank, unsaturated body; but the promise of the looser and more comfortable suit had convinced him. “Thank you, Rarity. This certainly is more comfortable on me, even if the switch will take something of an effort to get used to!” Princess Redblood confessed freely. “I guess my imagination run away with me, dear Princess. I am sorry!” I prompted. “Why did I never think of taking his guise?” she pondered. “Aside from his personality?” I inquired. “Oh yes, that. I guess that would have answered my question!” she continued. “Your mare counterpart of him is more attractive, I hope you will enjoy being my friend!” I offered. “Certainly, Rarity! Yet, I do have a question; I feel I have to ask of you right away!” she responded. “Please go ahead and ask, right away. Anything important needs to be addressed and dealt with as soon as possible!” I prompted with a wink, urging her forwards. “I feel strange, there is no hunger or desire to feed on Love. I can’t even feel the connection to the Hive or any of the Changelings! Why?” she put forth. “I guess that is unaccustomed for you! The reason; why you don’t feel these things is, that you currently is in a fully equine body of a Pony and Unicorn Princess; not that of a Changeling and Queen!” I responded, to the point. “Wait, are you saying that I am in fact a Pony? Physically and mentally, while within this suit I am wearing?” she inquired. “Exactly. For all intents and purposes, you are Princess Redblood. On that note, I have a few more suits for you to wear; for when it is desirable, including a Queen Chrysalis’ suit!” I pointed out. “So I can go back to my old self, as Queen Chrysalis; merely by changing into the suit of her body?” she inquired, with a shiver all over her body as she pronounced the question. “Complete with every last memory. I sense you are less than eager to be the Queen named Chrysalis, that would explain a few things, I hope!” I pointed out. “If I am a Pony, why would I ever desire to become a Changeling?” she stuttered. “Beats me, but it is convenient to have that back door open in case you need it!” I responded, with a wink. “I guess that would make sense!” she prompted. “Then I guess you are happy, just being my Prince?” I enticed him. “Mi’Lady, I would certainly love such a proposal from you; being such a beautiful and influential mare as you are!” she responded. --- --- ---