Double Shot

by Warfire Writing Studios

First published

To get back at her boss, Suri Polomare, Coco Pommel asks two stallions who work at a coffee shop to "help her out."

Coco Pommel has nearly had it with being Suri Polomare's errand pony. Day in and day out, she gets her coffee from a local shop with no gratitude or thanks. One morning, she hatches an idea that requires the help of the two stallions who work at the coffee shop to get back at her boss. Will her plan work? Did the stallions ever guess she had this side to her? Will they see her again after they help Coco out? Find out!

Contains: blow jobs, M/S/S, threesome, creampies, throat fucking and Coco being so damn cute and sexy!

Also, based on two pictures by Template93 on Tumblr. A quick search will lead you to them.

Getting Back

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“‘Coco do this!’ ‘Coco do that!’ ‘Coco, will you get my coffee every morning on your bit?’ UGH! I’ve nearly had it with that mare! She makes me pay for everything and won’t even acknowledge me that I did a good job on ANYTHING!” Coco Pommel says, as she walks the streets of a cool morning in Manehatten, a breeze putting a chill in the air. She was infuriated at her boss, Suri Polomare, because every morning, while Suri was still waking up, she would have to go to the coffee shop and make sure it was on her desk by the time she had arrived at her studio. She didn’t even bother to compensate Coco for the coffee each day. Coco nearly had it with her until an idea had popped into her mind, an idea that she usually never thinks of; an idea for revenge, a way to get back at Suri for all those times to make her go and get her morning beverage.

As the now grinning mare approaches the coffee shop where she gets Suri's coffee at each and every morning since becoming her 'assistant,' she pushes open the door and sees that there was nearly nopony inside, except for the two brothers working behind the counter. "Coco! Great to see you this morning!” one of them asks her.

“Hey there Espresso and Macchiato,” Coco says greeting them warmly. “Not too busy so far, I take it?”

"Nope, a fairly slow morning," Macchiato says with a smile and waves at the cream colored mare.

“No surprise, I guess,” she says as she leans over the counter, whispering to them. “Listen, can you two… help me out with something?”

"Sure thing Coco. What can we do for our number one customer?" Espresso asks with a grin as he wipes off the counter with a white cloth.

“Well, Suri wants her usual, but… I want to add something to it. Something that will make her think twice about making me pay for all those coffees beforehoof,” she says in a determined voice.

"What are you thinking of Coco?" Macchiato asks as he comes to the counter and looks into the cute mare's eyes.

Coco looks at them and behind her, seeing one other patron busy reading the paper, having a coffee at their table. “I want to give her a… double shot of revenge. I’ll have to come back there to get it from you two though…”

"You aren't saying what we think you're gonna say are you?" Espresso asks with a shocked look on his face.

“I am…” she says, with a rare serious look on her face. “I’ve had it with me being her personal accountant and errand mare for coffee each and every morning. I want to get back at her and make her pay for and get…” she pauses, not believing she was about to say this, “…her own damn coffee each morning.”

"Well... I don't know..." Macchiato starts then feels her hooves hold his gently.

“Coco, you think we should…?” Espresso adds, seeing her aquamarine eyes look into his hazel ones.

“For a cute mare like me? Please?” she asks, giving them glassy eyes.

"Oh alright... but only for you ok? And this is a one time thing," Expresso says as he caves to her puppy dog eyes.

“Thank you both… you won’t be disappointed…” she winks at them and waits for Espresso to let her in behind the counter. “First, I need Suri’s usual coffee”

"Of course," Espresso says as he lifts the counter for her to come behind it and goes to make Suri's usual coffee.

“Now, don’t put the lid on yet…” she says with a smirk on her face as she looks at Expresso’s white fur. “You know Expresso, you seem to always flirt with me when you talk with me, don’t you?" she asks, sweet talking him to warm him up for her plan.

"Yes I do, because you're a very gorgeous mare. One that I'd want to spend a long night with one day.”

“Hmmm, I’m happy to hear that. And you, Macchiato, I notice that a strong and buff stallion like you looking at my flank when I leave the shop. Do you find me attractive as well?” she asks, winking at him softly.

"Yes I do. You're so petite, but you're strong in your heart. A quality that many mares don't have in this town.”

“Mmhmm. But do you think a petite mare like me sometimes… has a naughty side she likes to explore from time to time?” she asks softly, making them stand against the counter, standing on their hind legs.

"I could imagine that you would," the buff brown stallion replies and then slowly looks down at her with a chuckle.

“Tell me you two, do you two… fantasize about me? Be honest.” she asks, taking a hoof and begins to rub each of their sheaths softly.

"Y-Yes we do..." Espresso moans and humps slowly into her hooves gentle touch.

“Oh? And what are they about, hmmm?”

"About y-you begging me to fuck that tight little pussy of yours..." He moans and looks over at his brother, whose eyes were closed in pleasure.

“Mmmm, y-yeah and filling you up w-with our cream…” Macchiato moans, feeling her hoof’s gentle touch, slowly take it’s effect as his fat cock slowly slides from his sheath.

Espresso moans and sees his brother's cock start poking free of his sheath and then feels his own begin pushing free, her hoof just gently sliding over his head.

“There we go boys… All nice and hard for my plan…” Coco says innocently and cutely, her hooves slowly stroking their members.

"You're good at this... for su-such a shy mare..." Espresso moans softly and humps slowly into her hoof.

“I may be shy on the outside… But I’m a naughty little thing when you look inside of me…” she giggles softly and begins to slurp along Macchiato’s three inch wide member, coating it with saliva while stroking Espresso’s at the same time.

The brown stallion moans softly as her tongue slides along his wide cock.

“Oh damn Coco…” the broad brown pony moans softly, feeling her tongue lick along his member. “S-Shit… have you done this before?”

"Maybe..." She replies teasingly and looks up at them and gives a wink before moving over to Espresso's cock and gives it a slow lick.

“You fucking tease Coco…” the white stallion chuckles as the seemingly innocent mare slurps along his thirteen inch cock like a candy, one of his hooves slowly petting her banged mane, giving her encouragement.

The mare beneath them moans and slowly takes the head of the cock she was currently licking into her warm muzzle and slides her tongue against the underside of his head.

“S-Shit yeah…” Espresso groans, feeling his two inch wide head enter her muzzle, giving small thrusts because of her tongue licking across it.

"She's really good, huh?” Macchiato moans.

The white stallion moans as he sees her move to attempt to take his brother’s wider, thicker head into her muzzle.

Coco manages to just barely get her lips around the wide head of his cock and bobs slowly, only getting the first three or so inches into her muzzle.

“Oh Celestia… she’s better than I thought. F-Fuck…” Macchiato groans, petting her head softly, surprised by the shy mare’s ability to seduce and blow a stallion with relative ease.

“You didn’t thi-think she was this horny, brother?” Espresso asks softly, her hoof still stroking his cock to keep him rock hard.

“No way dude… F-Fuck yes!” Macchiato groans, feeling an orgasm begin to churn in his balls.

"Coco... you're a mare of many surprises..." The older brother moans and slowly starts thrusting faster into her hoof. "Get Suri’s coffee ready... I think my brother's gonna blow.”

The mare nods and places the cup of coffee near him, aiming the thick cock at it as she continues to slurp along his fat length, wanting him to cum in the hot drink. “Cum for me Macchiato… Please do it for me…?” she asks in a cute voice.

The younger brother moans deeply and arches his back before then slowly feeling her wrap her tongue around his shaft from the side and slide along him, finally making him cum. The thick ropes of cum landing in the drink and on her hoof that was holding it.

“Oh fuck yes!” he groans, filling the cup with thick, long strings of his cum.

Espresso moans softly and watches her catch his brother's load in the coffee cup and all over her innocent hoof before slowly pulling away from his wide cock and give the tip a slow lick.

“Shit Coco… Oh damn…” Macchiato pants softly, looking into her innocent looking eyes.

She smiles and then slowly licks her lips, tasting his cum on her lips and tongue. “Hmmm, that was tasty Macchiato…” she says in a seductive tone, seeing a satisfied grin on the brown stallion’s face.

"Th-Thank you. Now let my brother get a turn..." He says and looks at their one customer, who hadn't moved at all.

Espresso moans softly as he thrusts into her petite hoof, nearing his own climax. “Hmmm fuck Coco. I-I think I’m gonna cum soon!”

The mare smiles happily and licks along the side of his cock like she had with his brother and holds the coffee cup right in front of his cock, ready to catch his cum.

He lets out several soft grunts before throwing his head back unleashes his load, mostly landing in the hot liquid with some landing on her hoof.

'Just like how his brother did,' She thinks with a smile as she lifts her head from his cock and then licks the cum from his head and moans softly.

“D-Damn Coco… I don’t know why you didn’t ask us s-sooner to do this…” Espresso moans softly, feeling her suck the last of his cum from his head.

"Because I hadn't been fed up with Suri yet," She says and gives them a dark grin.

“Y-You’re a naughty mare… You know that Coco?” Espresso pants softly, looking at her as she puts the lid on the coffee.

"Y-Yes I do. Thank you both for 'helping' me get back at my boss," She says with a sinister smile.

“Hmmm, you know it Coco…” Macchiato grins and pets her head softly, softly getting back to his four hooves again. “I’d love to see the look on her face when she sips her coffee…”

"I'll let you know how she looks," Coco says with a smile as she stands back up and takes a hold of a coffee carrier with her teeth and struggles to say 'thanks' around it.

“It was our pleasure Miss Pommel. No need to thank us.” Espresso grins to her as she exits the shop.

"Damn brother, we really got a surprise with her didn't we?" Macchiato says with a smile, seeing the cream white mare leave their shop with Suri’s now 'special' coffee.

“Yeah bro. She’s freaky underneath that innocent mare on the outside, isn’t she?” Espresso replies.

"Yeah, just hope that Suri mare doesn't sue us.”

“Hopefully not. But with what Coco told us before, she’d probably take it out on her, odds are.”

"Yeah, I wish we could've helped Coco a little more than we did.”

“You mean…?”

"What? No not like that. I mean maybe talk with Suri to have her take it easy on Coco.”

“Maybe, but I’m not sure that would’ve worked, knowing what Suri is like from Coco’s prospective,” Expresso shrugs.

"Well... all we can do is hope now right?" Macchiato says and shrugs his shoulders.

“Indeed…” he nods to his brother as another customer enters their shop, putting Coco in the back of their minds for now.

A New Coco

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“Hey Espresso?” Macchiato asks his older brother as they clean up their shop near closing time.

“Yeah Macchiato?” Espresso says as he looks over at his brother.

“Have you… noticed something the past two weeks?” the buff brown stallion asks with a pause.

"That Coco hasn't come in to get Suri's coffee at all?" the white stallion asks with a concerned frown.

“Yeah, she usually comes in the morning, but we haven’t seen her since that day, have we?”

"Nope, I hope she's doing ok," He says then the door opens and the bell over it rings. "Welcome to- Coco!”

“Hey there you two!” she greets the two surprised stallions in a cheerful tone, a far cry from the sinister one the last time she was in the shop. “You miss me?”

"Of course we have. We didn't know what happened to you since you last came in two weeks ago," Macchiato says with a smiles and hops over the counter and hugs her close.

“Well, it’s quite a story what happened to me since then…” she grins and ends the hug with the brown stallion. “Want to make some coffee and I’ll tell you what happened?”

"Of course, and don't worry about it, it's on the house," He says with a smile and nods back to his brother who had already turned to make her favorite coffee.

“Thanks,” she nods and takes a seat at a table where Macchiato sits opposite of her. “So, how have you two been doing since my… hiatus from this place?”

"To be honest, we've been worried about you," Espresso says as he goes to the door and locks it.

“Really? You two have?”

"Yes we have been," he says as he comes over to the table, her favorite cup of coffee on his hoof, setting it down before her and sits at his brother's side.

“Thanks,” she nods to the white stallion and sips her coffee, cream and sugar included. “Hmmm, I needed this…”

"So what happened when you gave your boss our... 'special' coffee order?”

“Well, she asked me to go get another one and… putting up with her long enough, I threw the coffee in her face and stormed out with the happiest grin in my life as she yelled expletives as I walked out.”

"You did what? You're a very bold mare!" Espresso says with a smile. "So, been without a job?”

“Well, I was for a bit, but I managed to find another fashionista, up and coming by the way, around here,” Coco says, sipping her warm beverage.

"Oh? Would it be Miss Rarity?" Macchiato says as he grins at the cream colored mare.

“How’d you know?” she asks, surprised he mentioned her name.

"I heard that she won the fashion show a few days ago.”

“Yes she did… with my assistance,” Coco adds.

"Well, looks like that Suri mare won't be winning any fashion shows now will she?" Macchiato says with a grin. "So you work for Rarity now?”

“I wouldn’t say that…” Coco says to the broad stallion. “She had a good line up, but Rarity added some… flare to her outfits, that were inspired by my design sketches. Also, yes I do. But she’s a few more blocks away than when I was with Suri. I’m on the other side of town now.”

"Really? So that's why we don't see you here this often," Espresso says with a smile. "Well, glad to see things are working out for you.”

“Yeah. I’ll try to make it down here when I can, but it’ll be less frequently than usual,” she nods and sips her beverage. “Thanks also, you two. To tell you the truth I… I didn’t know you were concerned for me when I didn’t come in…” she softly says, a blush beginning to creep on her face.

"Well for the last few months, you were coming in all the time then when you didn't show, we got worried, and besides," Espresso says with a blush. "Those blowjobs from before made us miss you more.”

Coco giggles softly, the blush becoming more visible to them with her trying to hide it. “R-Really Espresso?”

"Yeah, but in all seriousness. We did miss our best customer," Macchiato says with a smile.

“Awwww, you two…”

He chuckles softly. "So, just a shot in the dark and all, but would you like to come to our apartment tonight?”

“S-Sure Macchiato. I’m flattered by the invitation…” she grins at him, sipping her coffee as she finishes her cup.

"Awesome, we'll see you at this address," he says as he quickly writes down the address with a pen.

“Alright then,” she nods and looks at the address. “When should I meet you two at your place?”

“Does nine o’clock sound good?”

“Sure thing. Sounds like a plan you two.”

"Good, we'll see you then," They reply with big smiles.

“See you two then, and thanks again for the coffee. I missed it…” she grins warmly at them.

"You're welcome, see you Coco," Espresso says.

The cream colored mare nods and swivels her hips in a teasing manner, looking back at them with an innocent wink and exits the shop.

"Damn, tonight's going to be great," Espresso says as licks his lips.

“I think so too brother,” Macchiato grins, patting his back, anxious for a night they would spend with Coco; a night where none of them will ever forget.

Cream Filled

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(Later that Night…)

“She is a special mare isn’t she Espresso?” Macchiato says to his brother and relaxes on a sofa next to his brother in their living room.

"Yes she is, a very cute mare too," He says as he lies on his back on their sofa.

“One of the cutest in all of Manehatten, would you say?”

"I would think so. That smile of hers, that cute manecut; what isn't there to like about her?”

“Indeed. What about her blow job skills?” the broad stallion asks with a wink.

"She's one of the best I have ever had.”

“Same here. I never expected a mare that innocent could be so… naughty.”

"You know what they say, don't you brother?" Espresso says with a smile as he rolls onto his stomach and chuckles.

“What Espresso?” he asks, sipping his drink.

"It's always innocent looking ones. The seem so demure but when they do let that demeanor slide away, they are the best…”

“Definitely. Imagine what she’ll be like tonight.”

"I can only imagine. When we did that favor for her, she was looking to get back at her boss, and she really seemed to get into it.”

“I think so too and I guess it worked,” Macchiato chuckles softly before hearing a knock at their door. “That’s probably her.”

"I hope so," Espresso says with a smile.

Macchiato nods and makes his way towards the door and unlocks it, opening it afterwards. “Hi there Coco!” he greets the cream colored pony warmly. “You made it!”

"Yes I did," She says with a smile. "Sorry I ran a little late. But you two know how hard it is to get a cab this late at night.”

“It’s okay. It can be sometimes. Anyway, come on in!” he says, moving out of the doorway to allow her to enter the modest apartment.

"Thank you Macchiato," She replies and slides her drenched coat off and then watches him put it away for her. "Thank you. Such a gentlecolt.”

“Was always taught by mom to be polite for the mares, herself included,” he grins, putting her coat on a hook to dry off, making his way towards the living room.

"Welcome to our humble abode Miss Pommel," Expresso says with a smile as pats the couch beside him with a hoof. "Please get her something to drink, little brother.”

He nods and goes to the kitchen. “Iced coffee sound good Miss Pommel?”

"I'd rather some hot coffee if you won't mind. It was kind of a chilly ride here," She says as she sits beside the older brother as Macchiato nods.

“Sure,” he nods, making her a fresh cup in a matter of moments. “Cream and sugar like always?”

"If you don't mind," She replies with a smile and cute look.

He nods and returns with her cup of coffee, holding it carefully and placing it on the table in front of her.

"Thank you Macchiato," She says and sips at her hot coffee with a smile. "That feels so good," She says and holds a hoof to her chest, feeling the warmth resonate in her chest.

“Some of the best in town, huh brother?” the brown pony says, looking at the slimmer stallion.

"Yep it is," He replies and sits next to Coco. "So the ride over wasn't too long?”

“Not really no. I think I waited longer for a taxi than trying to find the place.”

"Well at least you had no trouble finding our home," Espresso says with a smile.

Coco nods and sips her coffee. “What made you open the coffee shop in the first place?”

"Well our mother and father were big connoisseurs of coffee, and I guess we wanted to keep the family tradition alive.” Macchiato explains.

“I see. So it’s a family business then?”

"Yeah, guess you can say that," he says softly.

“Interesting,” Coco nods and continues to sip her warm beverage.

"So how is working with Rarity? Better than working with Suri I take it?”

“Many times better. Instead of forcing me to get her coffee, like Suri, Rarity usually buys me a coffee also in the morning,” Coco grins happily.

"That's good, at least you've stepped up in the world right?" Expresso asks with a smile and sips at his own iced coffee.

“Mmhmm. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love working with her, but she does have her moments from time to time. She usually makes it up to me come the morning, apologizing for the the way she acted the day before.”

"There's the better sign of a caring boss; willing to apologize when she knows she pushes you too hard," Macchiato says with a warming smile and kisses her cheek softly.

Coco lets out a cute giggle, a soft blush creeping onto her face. “Y-Yeah. Also, she usually takes me out to dinner once a month, since I’m such a loyal assistant.”

"That's great. Where does she take you normally?”

“It varies every time. I will say that she does have a taste for the… finer foods in life. I’ve had foods I thought I’d never have in my life from many different cultures from around Equestria.”

"That's really interesting, maybe one day we could tag along for your dinner day? We'd absolutely love to meet her," Espresso says with a smile.

“Maybe. I’ll have to ask her if some ‘friends’ want to come along,” she giggles softly and finishes her coffee.

"Of course, would you like a refill?" Espresso asks with a smile and slowly gets to his hooves.

“I would…” she says with a pause, letting him get her cup before she places a hoof on top of his, whispering into his ear “…but I want some cream also…”

He smiles and then slowly turns to her and licks her cheek softly. "I think we might be able to manage that, won't we brother?”

“I think so too, especially after what you did for us that wonderful morning…” Macchiato grins and approaches her and nibbles on her ear softly, making her coo like a filly.

"So shall we... take this to the kitchen?" Espresso asks as he slowly kisses his way to her neck and gives it a light nibble.

“W-Whatever y-you want to do boys… I-I’m yours tonight…” she moans softly, feeling the stallions tease her.

"Good, because we like sharing with each other," Espresso says softly and then slowly starts licking down her body till he reaches her flank. Stopping just short of her Cutie Mark. "Let's take this to the kitchen brother, the table?”

“Yes, the table…” the broad stallion nods and slowly gets off of her petite body.

"Coco, if you'd be so kind," The two brothers say together and look to the kitchen table with lustful smiles.

“Of course…” she nods and gets up from the chair and heads towards the table, swiveling her hips as she does so, giving them teasing glances of her love holes.

"Now that's sweet," Espresso says with a smile and then slowly follows her, his brother at his side.

“Oh, you mean this?” Coco asks, lifting her tail to show them her pussy, wet with anticipation.

"Now that's a good show," Macchiato says with a smile and licks his lips with anticipation, his own cock starting to already grow hard and push out of his sheath.

“You two like?”

"Yes we do, very much so," Expresso says with a smile as he scoots up close behind her and gives her pussy a nice and long sniff.

Coco giggles and flicks the end of her tail at his nose. “Ah, ah, ah! You can look, but not touch…” she giggles as she goes near the table. “Want me to sit on it or lay on it?”

"Oh your a tease," Espresso says with a smile and then slowly rubs his nose with a hoof. "Lying on it will be just fine.”

“Am I now?” she giggles softly. “On my belly or on my back?”

"On your back please," The two brother's say together, as their cocks start pushing free of their sheathes.

Coco nods and hops onto the counter and lays on her back, wiggling her flank at them.

"You tease Miss Pommel," Macchiato says softly and leans forward and takes a slow breath and inhales the scent of her pussy. “Extravagant."

Coco’s eyes flutter softly, feeling his tongue lick along her lips. “O-Oohh…”

"You taste wonderful Coco, almost like our sweetest coffee,"he says with a moan and then slowly licks his lips again.

“T-Thank you…” she moans, looking at Expresso upside down with a grin on his face.

"Now... how about we start playing, hmm?" Espresso asks with a smile and kisses her lips softly, feeling his cock throb beneath him.

“Mmhmm. Give it to me Espresso…” she winks at him with a wicked grin on her lips.

"Oh we plan on it," He says and then slowly mounts the table, his legs on either side of her body, and his cock hovering at her lips. “Ready?"

“I’m ready,” she says simply, extending her head forward slightly to take his head into her mouth, moaning as her tongue licks along his flared head and Macchiato licks along her sweet pussy.

Espresso moans softly and gives a light thrust into her muzzle as her lips wrap around his head. "Oh Co-Coco... that's it…"

The mare coos softly as she pleases one stallion and another stallion pleases her, making her pussy drip her sweet nectar onto the broad, brown stallion’s lips.

Macchiato moans happily as he tastes more of her juices on his tongue, leaving him panting happily as he slowly pushes his tongue into her, spreading her lips with his skilled tongue.

Coco groans around Espresso’s cock, making her bob her head against the stallion’s long shaft.

"Da-Damn Coco... you really are skilled," Expresso moans softly and pet her chest fur and thrusts into her muzzle, pushing a few more inches of his cock into her.

She groans softly and begins to gag slightly around his shaft, feeling his head push near the back of her throat.

"Al-Already Coco?" He asks softly and slowly pulls back and leans down to nibble at her chest, making sure to be gentle.

“Y-Yeah… H-How big are you Espresso?” she asks softly, moaning as Macchiato licks around her clit.

"Th-Thirteen inches... and two inches wide…"


"Than-Thanks Coco..." He says and then nods to his brother who slowly pulls his tongue free from her pussy and give her lips one final long lick. "Want her mouth and I get her pussy?”

"I want her pussy, I've been eating her out for the last few minutes," Macchiato says to his brother, making Coco shiver softly in lust.

“Sure dude. I want to see the look on her face as you fuck her…” Espresso moans softly, rubbing Coco’s warm belly, hearing her coo softly.

"Gladly," He replies and mounts her, his hooves on either side of her flank, his cock throbbing beneath him. "Ready Coco?”

“I-I think so. M-Mount me Macchiato…” she moans and looks at him with an innocent look in her eyes.

"Re-Remember how big I am?" He asks softly and then slowly starts pushing the head of his cock against her pussy lips.

“R-Remind me again?” she asks, shivering as his cock rubs against her lips.

"Eleven inches... and three wide," He replies and then slowly starts inching his wide cock into her, feeling her stretch around his cock.

“Damn…” she groans, shuttering her eyes tight as her wet lips, wrap tightly around his wide cock. “Y-You’re so big Macchiato…”

"Thank you Coco... now let's hear you moan for us," He replies softly and slowly pushes more into her and then nods to his brother to continue.

Coco moans as she feels his cock stretch her pussy around his cock as Espresso moves his balls over her mouth.

“Care to give my balls see some attention Miss Pommel?" He asks softly and licks along Coco's belly with a smile.

“Mmhmm!” she moans and extends her tongue forward and licks along his warm testicle, tasting his slightly salty flavor, her hooves being places around his coffee cup cutie mark.

"Th-Thank you Coco... you're a natural with your tongue..." Espresso moans happily and strokes her side with a hoof.

The mare underneath the control of the two stallion moans as her tongue pleasures Expresso’s balls and her pussy is stretched by Macchiato’s thick cock.

“Hmmm, her cunt is so tight dude…” Macchiato moans and gives gentle thrusts, hearing groans of pleasure from her.

"Is it?" Espresso moans softly, feeling her skilled tongue work along his balls, making him quiver in pleasure.

“Fuck yeah!” he moans, laying on her belly and leans to kiss her neck softly, continuing his thrusts into her.

"I think that we might just enjoy this much more than I thought..."

“I think so…” Macchiato moans, taking a hoof and rubbing Coco’s cutie mark softly, hearing her moan softly.

"Th-That's a good girl Coco... Suck my balls just like that," Espresso moans softly and slowly feels a thin stream of his pre cum land on her chest.

Being a bit bold underneath the control of the stallions, Coco takes one of Espresso’s balls into her mouth and tugs on it slightly with her mouth and runs her tongue along his hanging orb, being in pure bliss.

Espresso moans deeply and slowly starts thrusting, feeling her tug at his ball as he gives thrusts, smearing her chest fur with his precum.

“D-Dude… What is she doing to you?” the broad stallion chuckles, feeling his soft fur rub against hers.

"She's sucking on my testicle," Espresso moans deeply and licks his lips eagerly.

“F-Fuck, that must be hot…”

“It feels like heaven.”

“D-Damn…” Macchiato moans, giving a few more thrusts into her before feeling a churning in his balls, an orgasm building within him. “Dude… I’m gonna-gonna cum!”

"Coco... te-tell him where yo-you want that cum..." Espresso moans and then slowly pulls his testicle free of her muzzle.

“In m-my pussy! Cum inside me Macchiato! Oh fuck! I-I’m gonna cum too!” she groans cutely, her pussy wrapping tighter along his cock, like a vice.

"Good... fi-fill her up brother…"

“N-No problem… dude! Y-Yes! YES! OH FUCK YESSSS!!!” Macchiato groans and buries most of his cock inside the petite mare’s pussy, unleashing his load of thick cum into her.

Coco lets out a loud scream of pleasure and then slowly cums around his cock, her juices flowing around his cock and then feels her body shake in pleasure.

The broad stallion groans and hugs her close to his body, licking her neck as he does so, hearing her shiver under his touch and warm body.

Slowly the mare comes back to her senses, the orgasm having taken a lot out of her. "Th-Thank you…"

“Hmmm, you’re most welcome, beautiful Coco…” he moans and gives her a sweet kiss on the lips, humping into her, unloading the last of his cum into her cunt.

"Should I fuck that throat of yours?" Espresso asks with a smile.

“Try it Espresso… I want to see how much I can fit in my mouth…” she moans as she licks her lips, looking at him upside down, feeling Macchiato slowly dismount her, pulling out of her pussy inch by inch.

"Good..." He says and then thrusts his cock deep into her muzzle, feeling her warm mouth wrap around his cock, the head pushing against the back of her throat, at least several inches of his member still outside her muzzle.

An audible “glug, glug, glug” escape Coco’s lips as she bobs her head on his cock, her hooves placed on his cutie mark to stabilize her on the table. Espresso moans softly and sees his cock move inside her throat.

"Damn brother... she's so fucking good..." Espresso moans deeply and then slowly begins pushing further, feeling her throat slowly take more of his cock into her, cutting off her ability to breathe.

“I bet" Macchiato says as he watches Espresso slowly pump his cock into her, slowly managing to thrust into her throat.

Coco groans happily and coughs with his cock inside her throat, saliva traveling down her face as the member goes deeper into her mouth.

"That's it... take my fucking cock!" He cries out and buries the rest of his cock inside her throat and muzzle.

As the rest of his eleven inch cock is shoved down her throat, she groans around it and tries to push him away for air for her lungs. She gargles on some saliva and lets out some muffled coughing as it begins to make her make up run.

"Almost... HERE! I! CUM!!!" He cries out loudly and shoots his cum straight down her throat and into her stomach.

Coco groans loudly, sucking the cum into her belly, her lungs crying out for air as saliva continues to run down her face, bubbles of it forming on Espresso’s cock.

Quickly he pulls his cock free of her throat and muzzle, letting her get breath back into her lungs. "Thank you Coco.”

The mare moans and pants heavily as she replaces the air in her lungs, licking around her lips with the saliva coating it. “Oh… shit…” she says in a dream-like tone.

"Did you enjoy that?" Espresso asks with a smile, seeing her face covered in her saliva and what cum she hadn't caught in her muzzle, seeing her smeared make-up.

“Y-Yeah… a lot…”

"Good... now should we help you clean yourself up?" Macchiato asks with a smile, then licks her pussy teasingly, making her squirm in agonizing pleasure.

“Okay…” she nods, slowly getting off of the table, seeing every thing upright, her legs wobbling from the pleasure she had received.

"Take it easy... come here," Espresso says and then slowly helps her onto his back. "Let us help you.”

“Thanks…” she grins weakly, breathing softly from the intense orgasm.

"You're welcome... and don't worry, we'll take real good care of you," Espresso says with a smile as he leads her towards the bathroom. "I'll get her showered up. Care to clean up the kitchen?”

“Alright. I’ll join you two shortly,” Macchiato nods.

"Thanks," Espresso says and gently slides their partner into the tub and turns on the hot water slowly.

Coco coos softly as the warm water slowly fills the tub, a soothing feeling beginning to overtake her body.

"Feel good Coco?" He asks softly and starts lathering her fur, with their shampoo, helping her start to get clean.

“Mmmhmm…” she nods, slowly closing her eyes as she relaxes in the warm water, feeling Espresso massage the shampoo into her fur.

"Just relax Coco. You really gave my brother and I a run for our bits," He says and wipes her face with a wet cloth, wiping away the saliva and cum that was there.

“I did? Really?”

"Yes. Take pride in that Coco..." He says and then slides into the tub with her and starts massaging the shampoo deep into her fur.

“I appreciate that…” she grins, looking at him wash her petite body. “I take it you two have done this before?”

"Not really. We're kinda out of practice, but we really enjoyed the time you gave us," He says and kisses her cheek.

“Really now?” she asks softly with a blush on her face.

"But you are the cutest and best mare we've ever met in our lives.” He admits softly.

“Awww, I’m happy to have that title…” she giggles cutely, looking into Espresso’s eyes.

He smiles and kisses her cheek softly. "So... would you like one last round? Since you didn't get me inside that sweet pussy?”

“W-Why not? Doing it in the tub sounds… naughty,” she grins with a seductive smirk.

"That's the point..." He says softly and licks her cheek gently. "Wanna do it?”

“Sure…” she replies, spreading her legs to the edges of the tub. ”Like this?”

"I don't want to do it that way. I'll lie on my back and you ride me.”

Coco nods and carefully maneuvers her way around the stallion until he was relaxing at the edge of the tub, looking into her aquamarine eyes.

"Now... let's see if you can take my cock here," He says and licks his lips, seeing her eye his large cock.

“I’ll do my best…” she says, a hint of nervousness in her voice. She was able to deep throat nearly all his cock in her mouth, but wasn’t sure if her pussy would be that accommodating. Coco lines her slit along with his cock’s head and slowly inserts it into her. “Hmmmm, yeah…” she moans softly.

"Th-Thank you... I think we'll really enjoy this..." He says and slowly licks her cheek and shivers as she slides down his cock.

“I think so…” she groans, slowly taking more of his cock inside her stretched, but still tight and tender pussy. “W-With the mares you’ve wooed, have they been together or have some b-been solo catches?”

"Solo catches..." He replies softly and then slowly leans up and kisses her lips deeply, his tongue slowly sliding around her teeth.

Coco moans deeply, slowly parting her teeth, allowing his tongue into her mouth, wrapping her hooves around his neck and continues to lower herself onto his cock, before wincing slightly, feeling him bottom out inside her.

“Is that all you can manage Coco?" He says softly and then slowly looks up into her eyes with a grin, feeling about ten inches of his cock inside her

“Yeah… I think so…” she moans, feeling his cock head press against the deepest part of her pussy, .

“Okay, I’ll go nice and easy…” He says softly and slowly pulls her into a kiss, letting out a low moan of pleasure.

The petite mare moans into the soft kiss, slowly pulling away and moves her body on top of his shaft underneath the warm water, her hooves on his cheeks, looking into his eyes.

"You're a cute mare Coco..." He says softly and then slowly nuzzles his nose against hers.

“T-Thank you…” she blushes deeply with a cute sounding “eep” escaping her lips as his cock head remains in her pussy, the rest of his shaft just outside it.

Espresso teases the lips of her pussy with his cock head, hearing her coo softly.

She willingly accepts his cock back inside her, sliding along her slick walls.

"Damn... Still as tight as my brother said…"

She chuckles softly. “Like he’d ever lie to you about a mare like me?”

"Never has yet..." He says and then slowly pulls her back down and kisses her neck softly.

“Oh yeah…” she coos softly, beginning to move her flank up and down on his cock, giving them both pleasure in the warm and soapy water.

"Thank you Coco... I'm glad you are enjoying this..." Espresso says softly and then slowly bites her neck gently.

Coco bites her lower lip and a small squeal escapes her lips as she cums around his cock, her juices mixing into the water, the biting sending her over the edge.

"Already?" He asks softly and then slowly slides his tongue over where he had just bitten her.

“I’m sensitive at times. Can you blame me?” she moans softly.

"No I can't. I love it..." He says and then slowly licks from her neck to her lips then kisses the tip of her nose.

Coco lets out a cute giggle, feeling the stallion place his hooves around her flank and gives gentle thrusts inside her.

"You know, you're cute when you giggle like that…”

“You think so?” she moans, a blush coming onto her face.

"Yes," He says and licks her nose again. "That blush is cute too.”

“S-Stop it…”

"Why? You are so cute," Espresso moans and slowly gives a deep thrust into her pussy.

Coco groans softly and shivers, another orgasm rattling through her body from the sudden thrust, though not as powerful as her other orgasms however.

"Feel good Coco?" He asks softly and kisses her lips softly, watching her shiver from orgasm.

“Hmmm, y-yeah…” she groans as she rides his cock, moving her hips underneath the water.

"I'm surprised we haven't over flooded the tub…"

“Are you trying to say something?”

"Yo-Your orgasms are wetter than an earth pony’s should be…"

Coco chuckles softly. “Maybe I’m secretly a unicorn or something?” she says with a giggle, moaning as she gyrates her hips while riding his shaft.

"Damn... I'm gonna cum!” He moans softly and then slowly thrusts up into her tight pussy.

“Cum in me E-Espresso!” she groans, holding close to his body, her pussy wrapping around his cock.

The white pony closes his eyes and then cries out softly and shoots his cum deep into her pussy, feeling some of his cum leak from her pussy and mix into the bath water.

The cream pony moans softly, feeling his cum shoot deep within her. She relaxes her eyes and grins at the warm sensation inside her.

"Damn... Thank you Coco..." He moans deeply and feels her lick his lips softly.

“No… Thank you Espresso. You feel so good inside me…” she grins softly, kissing his nose, slowly dismounting him.

He groans softly and then slowly pants as she lets her belly rub against his cock. "Sh-Shall we get cleaned up?”

“Yeah. I think Macchiato wants to get clean too.”

"I think he will," He says and giggles as he dunks himself under the surface and then stands up and shakes his fur dry. “Sorry."

“Not a problem…” she smiles softly, doing the same procedure and shakes her fur dry after she leaves the tub.

"Come on, let's go and lie down, since my brother will take only a few minutes," He says and pushes open the door and sees his brother stroking his cock, while sitting on the bed. "Enjoying yourself?”

“O-Oh my…” Coco blushes deeply, seeing the stallion stroke his long shaft with a hoof.

"Sorry you two... but I heard you two fucking and... well I couldn't resist," He says with a grin.

“Really now? Need help for a good release? Want to give me some… extra cream?” Coco says in a seductive voice towards him.

"You don't need to do it again Coco, we just got that fur of yours clean," Espresso says with a smile, wanting to deny his brother.

“I know, but I want to see the look on his face when he cums in my mouth…” she says, looking at the broad stallion, “Don’t you Macchiato? With a cute, innocent mare like me?”

"Come here you cutie... I want to give you one last creamy treat," He says as he slides his hoof over the head of his cock, smearing his pre cum all over.

Coco nods and approaches him and takes his head into her mouth, sucking on it like a candy while she strokes the remainder of his cock with her hooves.

Macchiato moans and slowly starts slowly thrusting into her muzzle, moaning happily and places a hoof against her wet mane and pets it slowly.

“Hmmm…” the mare moans softly, bobbing her head slightly on his cock, enjoying the look in his eyes as she sucks him off for one more creamy orgasm.

He looks down into her eyes and groans deeply and cries out softly before shooting a premature orgasm, his cum shooting deep into her throat.

Coco lets out a soft coo as she slowly backs up to Macchiato’s cock head so that his cum lands in her mouth. After making sure he unloaded every drop of his cum into her mouth, she opens her mouth and gargles his cum in her mouth before swallowing it and showing her mouth to him. “Feel better Macchiato?”

"Much... Thank you Coco," He says and kisses her lips, despite having just cum into her muzzle.

She moans into the kiss before slowly pulling away. “You’re welcome Macchiato.”

"Go and shower brother, you seem to need it more than I did," Espresso says with a smile.

“Right…” the brown pony nods to his older brother and heads towards the bathroom.

"Go ahead and hop into bed, I'll cuddle with you till you fall asleep," He says and helps her slowly into the bed.

“Thank you,” she says with a warm smile and is lifted onto the comfortable sheets of the bed.

“Well, do you think you might come back and visit us?" Espresso asks with a smile as he crawls into the bed beside her and grins.

“Hmmm, after tonight?” she pauses for a moment, “Possibly, yes. You two are quite the seducers, I’ll say that. My question is that you think you would want to invite me over again and fuck me?”

"You don't even need to ask, you can come over when you like," Espresso says with a smile and nuzzles into her fur gently.

“I mean, I would want to give you two a bit of a heads up and whatnot…” she says, leaning down to kiss his nose. “I’ll definitely put in a good word about you to Rarity and… maybe convince her to ‘visit’ you two next time?”

"We'd like that," He replies and blushes a little, before kissing her nose back softly and hugs her back close to his belly.

“I think you two would…” she says softly and nuzzles his warm belly with a coo. “Tell me Expresso, between your bother and you, who has done the most mares?”

"Hard to say, unless he's had one I don't know of, we're even.”

“Well, answer me this, how many have you personally done?”

"To be honest, fourteen counting yourself Miss Pommel," He says and nuzzles into her neck and breathes in her sweet scent.

“Hmmm, you have some experience then,” she says with a soft giggle. “Have they been different races? If so, which one was your favorite?”

"So far, only unicorns, and Pegasi. However I can easily say that you've become my favorite.”

“Awww, I’m flattered to hear you say that, despite me being the lone earth pony and all…” Coco says softly, a blush creeping onto her face.

"Earth ponies have some things that make them better then the others. Trust me.”

“Like what?”

"I'll let you figure that out for yourself," He says and then licks her cheek softly.

She lets out a soft giggle. “You tease.”

Espresso smiles as the door of the bathroom opens and his brother comes out.

“Feel nice and clean?” Coco asks softly with a wink.

"Yes I do. Thanks for the great blowjob before the shower," He says with a smile and winks at her.

“You’re most welcome,” she giggles cutely, feeling him crawl into bed, feeling herself become sandwiched between the two stallions.

"Ready to have a great night of rest?" Macchiato asks and licks her cheek softly.

“Between two wonderful stallions?” she asks curiously, a stallion resting on either side of her. “Most definitely. This was my first threesome I’ve done. Did I… do good?” she asks, a cute squee escaping her lips.

"You did wonderfully," They reply, in perfect sync.

“Thank you, you two. You two were quite the charmers to me.”

"You're welcome, and by the way... that squee was so adorable," Macchiato says with a smile and licks her cheek.

“Awww…” she says again, squeeing cutely again for them.

"You are so cute, it's a wonder that working for that mare Suri didn't change you.”

“I’m actually surprised by that myself, Macchiato,” Coco says, feeling him kiss her cheek. “Remember how vengeful I was when I came in that day?”

"I remember, that was a side that could be very sexy if you do it right," Espresso says with a giggle of his own and then kisses her cheek.

“Stop it Espresso… You’re making me blush!” the mare coos softly, a blush creeping onto her face.

"Isn't that a stallion's job?" He asks with a smile and yawns and covers his muzzle with a hoof.

“I guess so,” she grins, looking at him. “Tired there?”

"Yeah, can you blame us? We did give you a good fucking…"

“Mmhmm, you two did…” Coco says with a cute yawn of her own.

"Let's all get some rest... we all need it," Expresso says with a grin and nuzzles into the pillow and hugs her close.

Coco nods in agreement with a warm smile, feeling the two stallions cuddle her like a stuffed toy, nuzzling against her warm, soft, petite body.

"Good night fair Coco, sweet dreams," The two brothers say in near sync as they slowly close their own eyes.

“Good night you two…” she coos softly, letting a soft squee escape her lips as her eyes become heavy with sleep, falling into a peace-filled slumber.