> Lost Wonders > by TimelordPirateProduction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Lost Wonders > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 - Lost Wonders by TimelordPirateProductions Rain, a thing many love and enjoy. Others maybe not. Rain for a homeless wolf, it’s a blessing, showing good days are still to come. Hi, i’m Orion, and well this is my life story. Well at least part of it. Many of you may not know this, but their was a city long ago,. it was on a planet whose name was unknown. The city’s name was Paradise. Paradise is the home of the Alicorns, the natural ones, not those artificial ones, they are a disgrace. I remember this part well. A long time ago, I was homeless. Reason why? I was, and still am a disgrace to nature as they say. I’m a wolf, thankfully not a Timberwolf. I hate them, they are very arrogant. Off track sorry, let me continue. Well, no orphanage would accept me, literally everybody called me a disgrace. Life was lived a hard way, theft and broken limbs. Hell, I barely made it through it. But thankfully, only four alicorns were ever nice to me. The King, also known as Guliam. His wife, Milky Way, and their daughters. They didn’t help me until after, well the event. The event as it was, was when I got chased by i’d say two squadrons of the Paradise Guard. I may of stolen the Queen’s crown. Don’t judge me it was for a very good reason. I needed to disguise myself as the royal pet. Hey, times were very desperate. When someone was hungry, thirsty, and tired they would do anything to fulfill their own basic needs. Well, the Paradise Guard caught me and well, it wasn’t Paradise. I was only 10 at the time, and they, threw me into the dungeon. I didn’t know about crimes and such because I didn’t go to school. I don’t even remember who my own mom was. Celestia and Luna, they were very curious and they always snooped around. The guards had to put a horn ring on them to restrain them from entering the dungeon to see the only prisoner in the past 10 years. They still found a way. Ever heard of a shrinking spell? Yeah, they crawled thru the doors. Things happened and, I got out thanks to their help. Know here comes my favorite part. The King and Queen. They found me after I escaped, I don’t know how, I was in a perfect hiding spot. The plants. But, this part still hurts today. I got a spear to my leg by a guard. He yelled at the King and Queen to get away from the “disgrace”. That guard got fired. TO THE MOON! I’m not kidding. He got fired to the moon for hurting a child, and a one-of-a-kind creature. Once they found out I was homeless, I. They. This part is hard to speak about. They adopted me. It was the happiest moment of my life. I didn’t have just food, water, and a warm bed. I had a family. A real family, not just a bunch of rocks that always seemed to speak to me in my mind. That didn’t last long.bright flash of light. and now the void. An abyss of nothingness. No sound. No movement. Just a light. Wait what! Am I finally free from this motionless place? No, they was just my eyes blinking really fast. Anyway onward. I do remember this part way to well. Changelings as The King called them. They savaged the place. Our their people were killed. Almost all of them. Out of the two hundred and twenty seven Paradise Squadrons. Only 3 guards made it. The elites. Oh you have no idea how much blood was splattered on the walls. Whose blood. My step dad’s blood. My step mom’s blood. No one made it out of the two hundred million alicorns. I do remember a happy memory. They were speaking of something called Equestria I think? I can’t remember much anymore. They said it would the perfect paradise for all races. Not just alicorns. The King was a kind man, although many opposed him. He remained loyal to his own kingdom. The alicorns believe it or not are very snotty and arrogant. They want. They don’t give. The Royal Family was different. They give not receive. That was their downfall. The nobles weren’t noble. They stole from the poor. Paradise wasn’t paradise. Equestria would be the place of final rest. Those worthy would enter. They say, It would have equal rights for once. Heh, I wish I lived to see it. I also remembered another part of it. Those almost worthy would be turned into one of the three races. Unicorns, Pegasi, or Sun Ponies. I don’t remember all the races. I think those are them. They would watch over that race until they were proven worthy. The cycle would repeat again and again and again. Until perfect paradise was found. Of one more thing until I rest. I had a friend. His name was Sombra. He was a really nice kid. He was different too. He called himself a “Displaced Magical Entity”. I. Urgh. My memory is very blurry. I can’t even remember if my name was Orion. Anyways, he was very strong at magic. Maybe even stronger than the king! He, and I stuck with each other for a while. That is well. Until he decided to leave me all alone. Suicidal. I miss him already. He also spoke about Equestria when I informed him. He told me once he wanted to get there so bad, he found sacrifice his current body if he had to reach it. I think he did. I never from him again. My god, I WISH I HAD SOMEONE TO TALK TO BESIDES MYSELF. It’s so hard to live here. I’m so damn hungry. I can feel pins and needles in my stomach. My stomach is growling so much. “Rest friend”. Is the thing that anyone said to me. I don’t even remember who.