> Shy > by 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sleep tight. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash sat next to her adoptive daughter, Scootaloo, on her bed. She was adopted years earlier, after Rainbow Dash discovered she was an Orphan when Scootaloo started struggling in school as her class got higher over the years. She was laying in we mothers lap, hugging her around her waist as she was held in a tight embrace. The time was late, and she would have to sleep soon. As Rainbow Dash usually did every night, she came in to help soothe the young child to sleep. For a few moments, they both just layed there until the child spoke up. "Mom," she began, "I haven't been sleeping well lately." Rainbow Dash listened. She had heard this many times before. Whenever Scootaloo had been around a problem, she would always say the same thing after a few days of bad sleep. She asked as she always did what was troubling the girl. "I'm sorry," she said, "Why haven't you been sleeping well?" "It's because," her daughter replied "of you, and mama." Rainbow Dash knew who she was talking about. After a while of living in their house, Scootaloo began calling Rainbow Dash Mom and Fluttershy, her other adoptive parent, Mama. "I'm sorry to hear that," Rainbow Dash replied. "What do you think me and mama are doing wrong?" "You aren't doing anything wrong, it's just," she hesitated, "you and her don't like each other anymore." "Don't be silly!" Rainbow Dash replied. "Of course mama and I like eachother. We love eachother. We always have. That's why we're married. That's why we got married." "Oh," Scootaloo replied, "I'm sorry, it's just that... you always act mad around eachother." "Scootaloo, just because Mama and I don't get along all te time doesn't mean we don't love eachother. I will always love your mama, just like I always love you." "Then why are you mad at eachother?" "One day you'll learn that people won't always be happy with eachother even when they get married. That's just how love works. Me and your mama have our ups and downs, just like every other couple in the world. Just like how you will someday, when you get married." "Okay," Scootaloo said in reply, becoming more tired as she listened, "I guess I shouldn't stay up thinking about it." "Yeah, you shouldn't," Rainbow Dash said, "Don't worry. We all love eachother, and that will never change. Now, try to go to sleep, okay?" "Okay," conceded Scootaloo. Rainbow Dash put down her daughter onto her bed, then tucked her in under her heavy green bed sheets. She remembered how Scootaloo picked out the color because green was a mixture of blue and yellow, which were the favorite colors of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. She then turned around to face the door and started walking out of the room. "Mom," piped Scootaloo, abruptly. "What's up?" her mother replied. "Can you sing me a lullabye, to help me sleep?" "Hah," Rainbow Dash chuckled in reply, "I haven't sang you a lullabye since the day we took you home. And, doesn't Fluttershy usually do that?" "I know, but I just want to hear you sing again. When you did a few years ago, I slept amazingly." "Well, alright," Rainbow Dash said with a smile, "lets see how good my singing voice is." She walked back over to her daughters bed, climbing back into it to lay next to her daughter. She wrapped one arm around the back of her neck and the other under her thighs, then pulled her back onto her lap, holding her like a baby. It was much harder to do than it was when she first held her like this, since she had nearly doubled in height since that first night. "Ah, let's see," she started, "hm, I can't really remember anything I used to sing." "How about the one Fluttershy always does?" "Nah, that's her song. I want to remember how I used to sing. Besides, I don't think you'd want to hear that from me anyways. Oh, I know! How about this one." She pulled Scootaloo into a tighter embrace, now in a full hug instead of just holding her. Using her left arm she slowly caressed her daughters hair and neck, running her smooth hand over her daughters short purple hair and feeling her soft skin. "Hush little baby don't you cry, mama's gonna sing you a lullabye," she began. Scootaloo giggled hearing this, remembering how she sang all those years ago. She snuggled up tighter into her mother's embrace, and wrapping her arms around her mothers upper body, and pulling tight. Hush little baby, Don't say a word. Mama's gonna bring you a mocking bird. And if that mocking bird won't sing, Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring, And if that diamond ring turns brass, mama's gonna buy you a looking glass, And if that looking glass gets broke, Mama's gonna buy you a billy goat. And if that billy goat won't pull, Mama's gonna buy you a cart and bull. And if that cart and bull turn over, Mama's gonna bring you a dog named Rover. And if that dog named Rover won't bark, Mama's gonna buy you a horse and cart. And if that horse and cart fall down, You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town! Rainbow Dash finished her song, and looked down at her child. She was fast asleep, and probably had been for most of the song. She smiled, as no matter how many times she saw he daughter asleep, it always made her so happy to have a child like her. There wasn't a thing in the world that could make her happier. She leaned over, and gave a small kiss on her daughter's forehead, and then slowly removed her arms out from under the sleeping child. As she stepped back off the bed she felt Scootaloo's arms fall from her waist and onto the bed. Rainbow Dash took one of the pillows that the girl wasn't resting her head on and put in between the child's arms. Almost immediately, her daughter pulled the pillow close, hugging it just like she did her mom a moment earlier. Rainbow Dash cast a sleepy smile onto the sight, then turned around and began walking out of the room. She slowly and carefully twisted the door knob to make as little sound as possible as she exited the room. She stepped out, then silently closed the door. She turned around, away from the door and looked at her next sight. In the living room, her wife, Fluttershy, was sitting on the couch, a horrified expression on her face. Rainbow Dash's fake happiness quickly faded into her true emotion of pure anger. "She's asleep. Now where the fuck were we?" > FlashBack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flashback, about 30 minutes earlier "Come on girl, show me what you got." Laying on the couch was a large, muscular truck driver appropriately named Big Rig. His muscles bulged from his daily weightlifting that didn't benefit his job very much, but it did help him find his new girlfriend. Big Rig was laying on his back, fully unclothed, with his girlfriend of several months on top of him. They had started having sex a few moments ago and were ready to finish for the night. The large man's cock was deeply inside Fluttershy, who was bouncing up and down on the large pole of a muscle. "Oh god, you're so big... this feels incredible!" "I bet you wish your wife could do this! Oh fuck, I'm almost done." "Hurry up and finish before your kid walks in!" "Here it is!" And with that, Big Rig ejaculated strongly deep inside his girlfriend. Fluttershy felt the warm and sticky fluid rush around inside of her, mixing with her own fluids as her boyfriend finished. They were both panting very loudly, and slowly Fluttershy lifted herself off of the large cock that was starting to soften. She got off the couch and bent over to pick up her underwear, putting them on as her boyfriend did the same thing. "That was amazing!" Fluttershy said, "You must tell me how you got your cock to grow so big." "I told ya, it's all my dads fault," Big Rig said, as he smirked and looked at his girlfriend. The two had been together for a few months now. They had met when Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash wet out drinking one night and Rainbow Dash had to leave early to take Scootaloo home from one of her friend's birthday parties. Fluttershy stayed behind, and ended up going home with one of the men who was obviously looking for sex. He and Fluttershy had been talking for a while after Dash left and when Fluttershy told him that her wife had left, he offered to walk her home. Fluttershy, naturally, told him he didn't have to, but Big Rig insisted. When the two got outside, Big Rig suggested that he drive her home. Most people in the city had cars, but they only used them for traveling, and walked most places within the town. But Big Rig, being a truck driver, always drove everywhere. Fluttershy jokingly asked if he was going to drive her home in his truck, and he laughed and just used his own car, since taking a company vehicle around town would certainly get him fired. Soon after Big Rig started driving Fluttershy to her house, he stopped and looked at her and said they should go back to his house instead. Fluttershy instinctively questioned it, but after a while she agreed and they drove to the house of the large truck driver. That night they had gone in and had sex, and Fluttershy, afraid that if Rainbow Dash saw her come home in the car of someone she met at the bar, her wife would suspect her, walked all the way home from across the town, arriving at their house at 3 in the morning. When Rainbow Dash asked her why she came home so late, Fluttershy said that she passed out drunk and was woken up by the bouncer. The next day, Fluttershy ran into Big Rig while on the way to her veterinary hospital. Fluttershy thought what happened last night was going to be a One time thing, but Big Rig started talking to her and ended up asking her out. Fluttershy immediately reminded the man that she was married and declined, but instead of walking away, Big Rig kept asking her, trying to convince her to say yes, telling her things like "I can be what no woman can" and "your wife doesn't need to know." Eventually, Fluttershy gave in and said yes, and they secretly started dating without Rainbow Dash knowing. During their severely relationship, Big Rig revealed that he had previously had a wife, and a son, but that she died in a bank robbery while visiting a dangerous city. His son still lived with him, and was named Belt Rig, but had the nickname Manny because of a joke that his parent had made about him being overly masculine. Over time, the two became more and more attached and had more sex. This consequently made Fluttershy pay less attention to her wife and adoptive child, and her marriage began to slowly fade. Recently Big Rig had convinced Fluttershy to try to get her wife to move out, so that he could move in with his girlfriend and phase Rainbow Dash out of their lives. This caused a lot of fighting between the wives as Rainbow Dash felt she was being divorced and thrown out. They both became overly protective of their daughter and never felt happy around eachother like they did in their first years of marriage. Now they were both sitting on the large sofa, bought with Rainbow Dash's money, right after having sex. "Thank you dad!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "I wish my wife could do that. But she doesn't want to use toys ever because she thinks 'they're impure' and stupid shit like that." "Speaking of that bitch," said Big Rig, using the same word he always used to describe his girlfriend's wife, "when's she moving out? I'm ready to sleep here and stop having to leave every night cause she's living here instead of me." "Oh, she should be leaving soon. I'm just waiting for her to file for divorce. And by how she acts, that won't be long." "Use her alimony to buy a bed that isn't as loud." "I was right." Standing there at the entrance to the living room was Fluttershy's wife, Rainbow Dash. She stood in a very natural stance, leaning against the wall with her arms semi-crossed and with one leg propping her body up against the wall. Her mouth was formed into a blank expression, but her eyes were filled with pure rage. "R-R-Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy choked out, incredibly shocked from being caught in the act. "It's, uh, not what it looks like," Big Rig said in combination, a useless attempt to ward off the idea. "This, is why you came home late that night. This, is why my cash has disappeared. THIS is why you don't pay attention to me anymore. THIS is why you wanted to throw me of. THIS IS WHY YOU HATE ME." Rainbow Dash expressed, letting her full anger out into each word. "Oh, fuck in getting out of here," Big Rig said to Fluttershy, as he stood up and started to hastily walk towards the other exit. "OH HELL NO," Rainbow Dash said has she sprinted at the man. She passed by Fluttershy who tried grabbing her wife's leg but wasn't nearly fast enough to stop her. She ran into the kitchen which was where Big Rig was running to, since there was an exit into the small garage in the house. Rainbow Dash grabbed Big Rig by the neck right after he picked up the pace and started full out running away from her. She put him in a headlock and stared down at him. "What's the matter, punk?" she started, looking at him with fiery eyes. "Get caught in the act and you're just gonna abandon your wife like that? What kind of a man are you?" "She's not my wife" he managed to squeeze out as he struggled to remove himself from the headlock, but he wasn't nearly as strong as the elite athlete holding him down. "She seems to think she is." "Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy yelled, as she came stumbling into the kitchen. "Oh, look, there she is now." "Please, Rainbow Dash, let him go. It's all my fault! Don't hurt him, he didn't do anything!" "Let him go? Hah!" Rainbow Dash replied with a cackle. "Let him go? LET HIM LEAVE HERE? WHY THE FUCK SHOULD THIS PUNK BE LET FREE? HE STOLE MY WIFE!" She screamed, tightening her headlock around his neck, starting to strangle him now. "Please! Stop!" Fluttershy pleaded. "HE STOLE MY WIFE!" Rainbow Dash said, again tightening her headlock. At the same time she opened up a knife drawer and pulled out the biggest blade inside. Seeing this, Fluttershy rushed over to Rainbow Dash and grabbed her arm to try and take the knife away. "NO! DON'T!" She yelled. Fluttershy was met by a kick to the gut which sent her tumbling away onto the floor. She had a very bad bruise on the stomach now. She looked up and saw Rainbow Dash holding the knife up to Big Rigs throat, right above where her other arm was choking him. "HE COMMITTED ADULTERY! THAT IS PUNISHABLE BY DEATH!" Rainbow Dash pierced his throat with the knife, and sliced every vein, artery and pipe all the way down to his spine. He started bleeding profusely, blood pouring extremely fast. He bled out in seconds, but the blood was still spilling. Speechless, Fluttershy ran over to her dead boyfriend, looking at the horrible sight before her. "Well Fluttershy, look at your husband now! He's not so hot anymore is he?" Fluttershy began bawling her eyes out, sobbing over the death of her boyfriend of four months. "Quit crying bitch! You're gonna wake the neighbors! Now get back in the living room!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Fluttershy couldn't hear her. Her mind completely blocked out all her senses because she was in so much shock. Her boyfriend had just been killed by none other than her wife, who she cheated on. "What the fuck are you doing? Come over here!" Rainbow Dash commanded her again. Fluttershy still couldn't hear her. She was still completely paralyzed by shock, and her muscles wouldn't respond to her mind. Her eyes felt very tired from all of her sobbing, and had turned a deep crimson color, on the verge of going bloodshot. "I said COME ON!" Rainbow Dash set down the knife on the countertop and grabbed Fluttershy by the back of the collar on her shirt. She yanked extremely hard which caused the front collar to bite into Fluttershy's neck and stretch until it started ripping. She was thrown from Rainbow Dash's pull and fell onto her back, slamming the back of her head on the hard kitchen tiles. She kept sobbing, her vision now blurred so much from tears that she was blinded by them. "Get up," Rainbow Dash yelled. When Fluttershy proved to be disabled by the shock, Rainbow Dash bent down and grabbed both of the smaller woman's shoulders, then hoisted her up. Fluttershy couldn't stand, and her knees refused to work into an upright position and she dragged her lower legs all over the floor. She was sobbing the entire time. "STOP CRYING!" Rainbow Dash yelled at her, full of rage. She had been betrayed by the love of her life, the person who vowed inside that wedding Chappell to be by her side forever had gave their relationship a big Fuck you and SHE was the one crying. Rainbow Dash had never felt more angry in her life. Fluttershy's eyes had started to run out of tears. As such, she was now feeling very tired, exhausted from crying her eyes out. She looked up at the person holding her by the arms, and saw an expression of anger on her face. She knew she had to say something. She stammered out and said, extremely softly, "I-I-I-I'm sorry." Rainbow Dash looked down at Fluttershy and saw her tear covered face trying to form into an expression of guilt. But she knew that the emotion that the woman below her was trying to put on wasn't felt at all until this very moment. "You're sorry? That's all you have to say?" She asked in response, still full of anger. "I-I-I-" "YOU cheated on me! You vowed in that Chappell three years ago you'd love me forever and you do THIS, and all you have to say is that's you're sorry?" "I-I- I can't believe-" Fluttershy tried choking out. Her mind wasn't taken over by shock anymore, but now by many emotions of extreme guilt, fear, and sorry. "I can't believe I didn't notice! How the fuck did I not think that you were cheating on me when you told me you wanted to throw me out! Although you probably didn't think twice about it. You probably thought," and she said this in a mocking voice, "'oh I'm just going to cheat on my boneheaded wife, she'll never notice! I'll just throw her out and get married to someone else, that dumbass bitch will never find out.' YOU THOUGHT THAT, DIDN'T YOU." Fluttershy could barely think now. Her mind was taken over by emotions and they didn't allow her to properly figure out what to say. But she did know one thing- She'd done fucked it up. "No- no I didn't-" "YOU DID DIDN'T YOU!" "Please stop yelling," "AND WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I-" At that moment, the door opened. In the doorframe stepped in Big Rig's son. He looked to be about for years old, and was very short. He did have very large muscles for a boy his age though. He resembled his father in his face and eyes, and his hair was the same as his dads, a deep red color. "Oh no" Fluttershy said in horror. "Fluttershy? Where's my daddy?" The child said, completely unaware of what was unfolding. "Oh, so you had a kid with him too? I didn't know you we're THAT much of a whore." Rainbow Dash said, looking at the kid in question. "Fluttershy, who is this person?" the child asked again. Fluttershy looked nervously at Rainbow Dash, who had was staring at the kid with an expression of disgust. Soon she figured out what she was planning on doing. "Manny, you need to run away. Run, please manny, run. Please." Fluttershy warned. "Oh fuck no I'm not letting him run," Rainbow Dash said in reply to this. She threw Fluttershy down onto the floor and picked up the knife she used to slice Big Rig's throat. She stomped over to the kid who looked up at her with a blank expression. "MANNY! RUN! PLEASE RUN! PLEASE MANNY, RUN!" Fluttershy yelled from the kitchen. The child didn't listen to Fluttershy's warning and just stood there as Rainbow Dash walked over to him, picked him up with her free hand from the top of his head, raised the knife up to his neck, and slashed his throat. The child bled out before he could scream. He died without a word of fear. Fluttershy watched Rainbow Dash murder the kid from the kitchen. She screamed as she saw him get his throat cut. "NO! MANNY!" She got up and sprinted over to the child's dead body, past his murderer who had dropped him on the ground and stood there blankly, knife still in hand. Fluttershy grabbed the corpse and stared in shock again at the knife wound in his throat. Blood covered him from his neck all the way down to his thighs and one touch of his body covered Fluttershy's hands in the red fluid. "Oh my god, manny, why..." "You know exactly the fuck why." Rainbow Dash snapped at her. She stood above the smaller woman, and still had an expression of rage. Rainbow Dash took the knife by the blade in one hand and the handle in the other, then effortlessly snapped it in two with her strength. She chucked the pieces into the kitchen somewhere, whereas she stood in the living room. She then bent over and picked up Fluttershy by her waist and threw her one the couch. They were now alone. Big Rig and his son were both dead, and Fluttershy had no other relationship anymore. "FUCK YOU, FLUTTERSHY. HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?" Rainbow Dash screamed in anger, now able to let her emotions out without distraction. "I DID SO MUCH FOR YOU, AND THIS IS HOW YOU THANK ME? BY TRYING TO THROW ME OUT AND CHEAT ON ME? HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!" "I'm so sorry!" Fluttershy squeaked out in response, crying in reaction from being yelled at. "REMEMBER WHO GAVE YOU THIS HOUSE? REMEMBER WHO SUPPORTS THIS FAMILY? REMEMBER WHY YOU DON'T NEED TO WORK ANYMORE? THAT'S ALL BECAUSE OF ME! WHY DON'T YOU FUCKING CARE?" "I do care about you!" "NO YOU FUCKING DON'T! IF YOU CARED YOU WOULDN'T OF CHEATED ON ME FOR THAT FUCKER WITH THE SLIT THROAT!" "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" Rainbow Dash caught her breath, and calmed down. She stopped screaming, and sat down on the couch with Fluttershy. She looked at her with anger, and Fluttershy looked back in fear and guilt. "When we got married, you said you'd love me forever! What happened to that?" "I do love you!" "YOU LIED!" Rainbow Dash yelled, and slapped Fluttershy across the face with the back of her hand, leaving a red mark where her knuckles had impacted. Fluttershy covered up the area immediately with her hands, as it hurt excruciatingly. "Why'd you lie, you bitch? Why'd you lie in front of five royals? In front of your parents? In front of all of or friends? Why'd you lie directly to my face?" "I am so sorry for cheating on you-" "THAT'S NOT WHAT I FUCKING ASKED!" Rainbow Dash yelled again, this time slapping her in the same way but in the chest. "I think I know why," Rainbow Dash said, "Maybe it's because your parents forgot to beat your ass when you were a kid. Well don't worry Fluttershy, I'll make it up for you." She then grabbed Fluttershy's shoulder and threw face down onto her lap. She pulled her upwards so that her thighs were directly over her knee. This made Fluttershy gasp when she realized what Rainbow Dash was doing. Rainbow Dash slapped Fluttershy's rear with her palm as hard as she could, which left a deep black mark on her skin. Fluttershy jumped at the impact, briefly yelling out in pain. Rainbow Dash repeated this, yelling things between slaps. Rainbow Dash yelled "You're NOT supposed to cheat on your wife," then slapped her ass again, making Fluttershy gasp and jump from the hit. Rainbow Dash then repeated this. "You're not supposed to cheat on your wife. You're not supposed to cheat on your wife. YOU'RE NOT supposed to cheat on your wife, you fucking bitch!" She then threw Fluttershy up and back onto the couch, shoving her against the armrest. "I really just can't believe you," Rainbow Dash remarked, a disgusted look still on her face "I thought you loved me. I thought we'd be together forever. I didn't know you'd turn out to be a fucking whore. Guess I was wrong." "Rainbow Dash, I swear, I do love you," Fluttershy said, still very stunned from being slapped. "STOP FUCKING LYING TO ME," Rainbow Dash scolded, raising her voice into a yell, "I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR LIES FROM YOU IN THE LAST THREE YEARS!" All Fluttershy could do now was cry, and she did. Tears started rolling down her face from her fear, guilt, and now, pain. "Alright, fuck it. You wanna start crying? At least tell me where Scootaloo is." This immediately made Fluttershy raise her head and stop her sobbing. Oh my god, she thought, She's going to kill our daughter "NO!" She pleaded out, tears still in her eyes, "PLEASE, DON'T KILL HER! SHES OUR DAUGHTER!" "Quiet down, bitch. I'm not gonna kill her unless you want me to. Tell me where she is. I want to tell her goodnight." Fluttershy sat back, relived. She pointed at the door across the large living room hallway that led into the basement, a soundproof cellar that served as Scootaloo's bedroom by her request. "She's in her room." "Wow, you had that fucker over here and didn't even bother to get the kid out of the house first." Rainbow Dash said, smirking. "Alright, I'm going to go tell her goodnight. And I'm not done with you yet. You stay right there. If I come back and you're gone, I'm going to go back down there and slit her throat. You understand?" Fluttershy silently nodded her head. "Alright, I'll be right back." Rainbow Dash said, before opening the door and walking in, shutting the door behind her. Fluttershy sat the on the couch, shaking in fear, contemplating her fate. She was afraid that this could happen when she first started dating him. That she would get caught one day and have to face her horrible punishment. But she didn't imagine that her boyfriend and his son would both be murdered over it. She stared thinking about her options. Maybe I should call the police she thought. No, if the police come she'll kill her for sure. I can't let my daughter die. I could never live with myself. She felt hopeless, and just waited there, until Rainbow Dash came back. > Karma > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You're drunk. You're never going to get away with this." Fluttershy said to Rainbow Dash, staring up at her. "YOU THINK I GIVE A FUCK?" Rainbow Dash shouted back. "Alright bitch, were going to go for a drive. Go get in the car," Rainbow Dash commanded Fluttershy, who was still on the couch, shaking in fear. "We can't leave Scootaloo here alone, what if she wakes up?" Fluttershy reasoned, looking up at the larger woman in front of her. "Don't worry about it. We'll be right back. Well, I will at least." Rainbow Dash said, before waking over to where Fluttershy was sitting, grabbing her very tightly by the arm, and pulling her back into the kitchen, where her boyfriend's corpse still remained, now starting to fade pale as his heart stopped circulating blood. There was an enormous pool of blood on the floor, covering half of the kitchen. Rainbow Dash caught her captives eye and looked at the corpse with her. "Don't worry. He's not coming back." Rainbow Dash led them through the kitchen and past a door into their small garage, which housed only one car, a top-of-the-line vehicle gifted to Rainbow Dash from one of her rich friends in her job as an Elite athlete. "Sit up front, bitch. Get in." Rainbow Dash said, before throwing Fluttershy at the car, causing her to slam into the car door. Winded from the impact, Fluttershy fearfully and shaking opened the door slowly, climbing in. Rainbow Dash walked around and got into the drivers side. She then twisted the key that was always left inside, and started up the engines. She looked at Fluttershy, who was staring at her with a look of extreme worry on her face. She started driving out and away onto the road, and started talking. "You really fucked me Fluttershy, you know that? In all my years on this planet I didn't think you of all people would give me the worst feeling ever. But you figured out how to do it. Good fucking job, you bitch." she said, keeping her eyes on the road the whole time. "Please stop cussing," Fluttershy said in reply, still being hurt from every statement the woman in the car with her was throwing at her. "FUCK YOU! STOP ACTING LIKE YOU'RE THE HURT ONE HERE." Rainbow Dash yelled in reply, causing Fluttershy to jump back in surprise from such a dramatic response. "I'm sorry." Rainbow Dash kept driving, somehow very smoothly given her mood at moment. "Where are we going," Fluttershy asked, looking at the window and seeing that Rainbow Dash had driven them into a forest road. "I don't fucking know. Fluttershy?" She asked, "Why don't you like me?" Fluttershy was taken back by this, "Rainbow Dash I love you." "No, you think I'm ugly don't you," Rainbow Dash said, ignoring her and replying in a sarcastic tone. "No, it's not-" "You think I'm ugly don't you!" "No, Rainbow-" Fluttershy said, reaching over for Rainbow Dash's hand. "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" Rainbow Dash said as she slapped her hand away. "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU FLUTTERSHY!" This made Fluttershy start crying. She was now feeling the impact she had on Rainbow Dash, and it was a very terrible empathy. Rainbow Dash looked at her, and her face changed to an expression of sorry, sarcastic of course, "Oh I'm sorry baby I love you." Before snapping her eyes back onto the road. Rainbow Dash kept driving and she saw in her rear view mirror a driver behind her. It was a man, very old and looking like he was in a hurry. He honked his horn at her, signaling her to speed up. Rainbow Dash seemed to be offended by this. She screamed out the window, "Am I going to slow for you? Alright asshole, I'll speed up!" She said, before slamming her foot down on the gas pedal and accelerating the car to its maximum speed, causing Fluttershy next to her to scream in fear and surprise After a few seconds of going at maximum speed, Rainbow Dash slowed down the car, then stopped. She turned to Fluttershy. "Alright bitch, get out." Rainbow Dash opened her car door and stepped out. Fluttershy also exited the vehicle, walking over to the person who drove them there. "Where are we?" She asked. "The middle of nowhere. That's where we are." Rainbow Dash looked away from Fluttershy, who looked around. Rainbow Dash wasn't kidding. There wasn't anything around, no houses, no streetlights. The road wasn't evenly modernly paved, and was still covered in white cement that hasn't been used in decades. "You know what's gonna happen Fluttershy? When the police find your husband?" Rainbow Dash asked. "W-what?" "You and your husband had a fight, one of you tried to grab a knife and during the struggle he accidentally gets his Adam's apple sliced." Fluttershy gasped at this realization. Shes going to get away with this, and I'm going to go to jail "And while this is happening, his son just woke up. You panic, and slash his throat and your own. So they start calling it a double murder and suicide, and you didn't even leave a note!" OH FUCK Fluttershy thought in shock, SHES GOING TO KILL ME! She saw Rainbow Dash was looking away, and all of her fear took over. She saw this as an opportunity to run, and so she looked around briefly before she just picked a random direction and started sprinting away, just as Rainbow Dash started taking. "You know, I still can't believe you-" Rainbow Dash started, then heard the footsteps of Fluttershy running away, and she turned to where they were coming from. "What the hell? Get back here!" She shouted, before running after her. Fluttershy was still sprinted away, now down a dirt path she had found. She heard screaming from behind her, growing louder and louder "You can't run from me Fluttershy! It's just us!" The screaming got louder and louder until she was tackled by Rainbow Dash. She hit the ground hard, and all of the air in her lungs rushed out from the impact as she got the wind knocked out of her. She struggled to take another breath and when she did, she started panting. When her breath returned, her fear was still taking over, and she screamed at the top of her lungs, "HELP!" "Fluttershy, don't you understand? It's just us her, nobody else. Nobody can hear you scream. Here, let me scream with you, AH SOMEBODY HELP!" Rainbow Dash replied. "Please, please let me go. I'll do anything, just please don't kill me!" "Fuck no, bitch! You're not getting out of this!" Rainbow Dash pulled out a switchblade, which was small and compact, unlike the blade she used to kill Fluttershy's boyfriend and his son with. "You cheated on me because I'm not a man," Rainbow Dash stated, "Well you know what Fluttershy? I can still penetrate you!" "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME!" Rainbow Dash yelled, before jamming the knife into Fluttershy's neck. Fluttershy's eyes immediately widened as her life started slipping away. "NOW BLEED BITCH, BLEED!" Rainbow Dash screamed, slowly slitting her throat. "NOW BLEED BITCH BLEED!" "BLEED"