> A Swan Amongst The Ducklings > by Steel Resolve > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Un Cygne Parmi Les Canetons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The room was filled with the sound of meaningless banter, drinking, and carousing. Here Lord Worthingham the Third was chatting up Lady Briarpatch about lumber production. Over there was ‘Prince’ Blueblood, leaning heavily on the edge of a couch as he tried not to become sick from too much drink. Further still, several models flocked around the foppish-looking fashion mogul who kept leering at the backsides of the pretty stallions hired to bring drinks. Above it all, like some benevolent king of old, was her Fancy. “How much longer before we can remove them, mon cœur?” Fleur De Lis asked just under her breath. Fancy’s eyes flicked to where she sat at his side. He looked just as weary of the whole gathering as she, but he still, somehow, bore it, whereas her own false enthusiasm had flagged long ago. “Not much longer now. dear. Worthingham and Briarpatch seem ready to cement their deal in one of the guest bedrooms, it appears like Blueblood will be taking his leave rather shortly, and Lady Worthingham has already retired with that nice butler of hers.” “Briarpatch, now? Worthingham likes the prickly ones, does he?” Fleur tittered quietly, not having the energy for much more. She didn’t comment on the Lady and her butler. That particular scandal was such common knowledge it wasn’t even worth being called such any longer. Privately, she didn’t blame the Lady. When your husband was a cheating bastard who never spent time with you, why not sleep with the help? “Jet Set seems to have followed Upper to watch her with that sweet little mare she was whispering to earlier.” Fancy said from the side of his mouth. “The rest are all merchants of various backgrounds, they’ll follow along when we say goodbye to the more high-profile guests.” “Ah, the newly moneyed. So eager to join the ranks of their peers.” Fleur smiled, reaching over to caress Fancy’s shoulder. “No need to be insulting, Fleur.” “I meant only that if they but knew the ponies they admired, they would know themselves above these scélérats.” she replied, not batting an eye. Fancy favored her with a wry little grin, and she melted a little inside. It was astounding how effortlessly he still managed to do such things. “Some of those ‘scoundrels’ are dear friends of mine, love.” She rolled her eyes. “Exactement! Your friends, Fancy. I will call them what they are.” “Your own friends are not exactly reputable.” Fancy replied, his eyes flicking to the group of fawning sycophants around Hoity Toity. He took a sip of wine, then set it down as he stretched his legs a little, a long-recognized signal that he was making ready to say his goodbyes to their guests. “At the very least, my friends do not pretend to be anything but the horrible ponies they are, Fancy.” Fleur grumbled, even as she followed his example, ready to play the role of the wife at his side, graciously thanking them for attending while gritting her teeth behind the smile. As always during such times, she felt a sense of irony as she stood and acted her part. Her, the wife! What a farcical notion. She was the lover, the mistress, the well-kept companion. She was the mare the wife found out about, usually after the husband had spent a lot of money on buying her affection. Fancy was supposed to have been another of those. She’d been surprised to find he was single, and more so that he didn’t immediately try to bed her when she’d expressed her interest. He’d actually dated her! Being taken to dinner was something she expected, of course, but less as a means of wooing her and more as a means of continuing to remain in her favor, as she did grow bored, eventually. Something about him had resonated with her though. Like her, he was fond of fine things, and had powerful friends. Normally, she’d have used him up and moved up the ladder. But, appearances aside, Fancy was more than those who supposedly stood above him. He was minor nobility, but his money was self-made, as he had related to her. A fact he regretted, as the means he’d used had been... less than noble. That fact had intrigued her. He was no saint, but he seemed to be trying to repent for things that his peers would do as a matter of course. She hadn’t been quite sure what to make of it, but it was terribly endearing, in a quaint sort of way. She watched him usher Blueblood out the door, clapping him on the back with a hearty smack that you couldn’t actually take offense to. She smirked. Bluey was a bit of a boor, which was why they generally sat him down next to a few fine bottles of wine and let him drink himself into a stupor. It kept him from making an ass of himself. That left Worthingham and Briarpatch in one of the guest bedrooms, and Jet Set and Upper Crust (and whoever they had taken a fancy to) in another. She made a mental note to get the staff to change the sheets in the morning, but such was a common occurrence. Her, the wife, the mare that helped him clean up the little messes his friends left with their dalliances. The mare that he held in his strong yet gentle arms at night. She had to laugh at herself for it. She was a fool, through and through. She’d despaired, at first. For in love though she was, she was a mare in the prime of her life, used to sampling many fruits from the tree. As sweet as he was, she had worried that Fancy too would grow stale to her palate, and then she would be the wife sneaking out, leaving him alone and wondering what he had done wrong, when the answer was of course nothing at all. “Shall we head on up?” Fancy asked, touching her hoof very gently to get her attention. “Of course, mon cœur.” she replied with a true smile that outshone any of the facades she’d worn throughout the night. She’d stayed faithful to him, despite her nature, for many, many months. And in that time, had never been sorely tempted. He was such an attentive lover, so passionate, that she had come to believe she could spend a lifetime loving only him. Content as she was, however, she still indulged in gazing at all those splendid fruits, for they were pleasant to look upon. In time, he’d found her out. She had thought herself clever, but her Fancy was more clever still, and had whispered to her as she’d glanced at the flowing tail of a particularly buxom maid: “Would you like me to invite her upstairs for drinks?” That had been the first time, and there had been many since. Sweet little ducklings who were lured into a night of bliss, leaving in the morning, dazed but happy. And so Fleur was never tempted to leave her Fancy lonely, for it was far more fun to share. Fancy kissed her on the cheek as he led her upstairs. “I told that nice lad you had eyes on earlier that I’d like to discuss a new position for him. He’s upstairs now. We shouldn’t keep him waiting.” Fleur bit her lip, throwing her arms around Fancy and kissing him around the neck and ears. She had a few positions in mind as well. When Fleur had first seen the younger princess, she and Fancy had been attending a party held at the castle. Some midwinter thing, Fleur hadn’t been very interested in the reasoning behind it. It was another event in a long string of events, being attended by the same ponies that always attended. But she was new. Another princess, nearly as old as Celestia if what Fancy had told her was true, and yet she looked like she was just a few years past getting her cutie mark! Fleur had heard the rumors, of course. The estranged sister, recovering from a long absence. Which was a polite way of saying returning from exile, but from where, nopony would, or could, say. But in the end, where she came from was less interesting than the fact that she was there at all. The ‘Princess of the Night’ hadn’t been very much to look at, at the time. She’d been a horribly awkward-looking thing hovering near Princess Celestia all night. Admittedly, it was easy to be outshone by the sun, and she felt for the younger sister, having to be compared to such perfection, but it was difficult for Fleur to hold in the giggle she had felt bubbling up as she watched the pair. The younger followed the older around as if glued to her backside. Indeed, but for the coloring, they could well have been mother and daughter instead of sisters. The younger being a gangly thing, a full head shorter than her sister, with a much shorter mane. She wondered at that, reflecting how pleasant it must be to look much the same despite having lived so long. Fleur herself was still in her prime, but she knew in time her looks would fade, as a rose that had been cut and placed in water. Not so for this princess, though perhaps it was worse for her if she still looked the ugly duckling to Princess Celestia’s swanlike stature. Perhaps ugly was unfair. The younger princess was... unpolished. Dull, when compared to the shine of the elder. And her personality seemed much the same. Where Celestia waded through the crowd, the younger simply followed in her wake, making no path of her own. Fleur had been horribly disappointed, as a new ruler in the government might have been interesting, but this little thing seemed unlikely to cause much of a stir. The Princess made her way through the crowd, the little one following behind (looking distinctly uncomfortable), and stopped briefly in front of Fancy. “Your Majesty!” Fancy exclaimed. “Always a treat to see you. How heavily weighs the crown and all that, eh?” “No heavier than any other day, Fancy Pants.” Celestia replied, looking genuinely pleased to talk to him. “And how fares the better class?” “Haven’t met any yet.” He replied promptly, which Celestia responded to by holding a hoof up to her mouth in order to cover a giggle. Fleur rolled her eyes at Fancy’s joke. Clearly it was fine when he insulted his friends but when she tried she was being disrespectful. She played the good wife for him, despite badly wanting to chime in at how very right they both were. Instead, she peered past them both, wondering in a sudden pique of curiosity how the little princess was faring while the elder was making small talk. Oddly, ‘Princess Luna’ was showing signs of life for a brief moment. A flash of irritation crossed her features, followed by impatience. “Tia, must we? If We do this with everypony, winter will come ere we’ve finished.“ Fleur raised a single eyebrow in surprise. Perhaps she had misjudged the little one... At the very least she was not afraid to speak her mind. Celestia’s eyes flicked back to her sister, her lips pursed, but her expression otherwise unreadable. “Forgive Us, Fancy Pants. This event is a bit early for my sister,” she leaned in closer, lowering her voice. “She gets cranky when I wake her up early.” They both took their leave then, and Fleur watched the little princess as she left, uncertain what to make of her. All too soon, however, there were other things that occupied her time and thoughts. Rumors surrounding a noble couple having taken out assassination contracts on one another, scandals of a maid having been caught in the bed of Lord Ironshod, shady dealings (especially those she had a hoof in) and more besides. All of these things were all too common in Canterlot, of course, but such was life. One found excitement where they could. The duckling princess had been all but forgotten. Fleur still thought about her on occasion, but not often. There was more than enough to occupy her without wondering about the little princess that might have been interesting. The second time their paths crossed, the younger princess was far more interesting, and caused quite the stir. “We greet thee, fine subjects!” the voice boomed out into the dining hall, causing every conversation in the room to halt and the elderly Lady Goldenrod to faint in shock. Princess Luna looked about expectantly, a smile on her lips and polite confusion in her eyes. “We were given to understand a celebration was taking place, and wished to join in the festivities!” Not a word was spoken to her, the only sound a cry for a doctor coming from the Lady’s servant. The princess swept her eyes around the room. “Are We to understand there will be no games of chance?” she demanded. Fleur, who was sitting with Fancy, watched the scene unfold from afar. After the initial outburst she turned to her husband, enthralled by the spectacle. “It’s her!” she gasped, a huge smile growing on her lips. “She’s... c'est incroyable, Fancy... she grew!” Fleur found herself thoroughly confused and delighted by alicorn physiology. The Princess had become almost as tall as Celestia, her mane a fascinating flowing mass of blackness and little points of light, it was as if the night sky itself had come to rest upon her brow. Even her coat, which had previously been the light blues of a sky during a fading sunset, was currently the dark blue of the sky at moonrise. When nopony answered her, Princess Luna opened her mouth one last time, then allowed it to snap shut angrily. She stalked over to a serving pony, snatching several drinks from his tray, then taking the whole thing. She stood there with tray floating in her magic, gently sipping at a glass floating beside her and glaring at the room in general. “She seems a little upset.” Fancy observed with a frown. “Well, of course she is!” Fleur replied, excitedly taking a sip from her glass of wine. “Just look at her, Fancy! She was so... and now she’s...” Fleur struggled with the words, eventually shrugging. “Just look at her! She comes to a party, expecting to make a huge entrance, and nothing happens.” “Pity. If I’d known she was coming I’d have invited different guests.” Fleur just watched the princess a moment or two longer before coming to a decision. “I’m going to go talk to her,” she said firmly, getting up from her seat. Fancy just looked at her, one eyebrow raised. “Fleur... I really don’t like that look in your eye. You do know she’s a princess, correct?” “She’s interesting.” Fleur replied, her smile growing all the more. Fancy rolled his eyes at her. “Yes, so was that nice flower seller last week.” “She was jolie, Fancy.” Fleur replied smoothly, not taking her eyes off of the princess. “That is not the same.” “True, the flower seller couldn’t have you arrested for propositioning her.” But Fleur was past listening to his reasoning, getting up to make her approach. She slid through the crowds with the ease and grace of one who lives her life in such events. Upon reaching the princess, she swept down into a low, deep curtsey. “Votre Majesté! I am Fleur De Lis, hôtesse to this gathering.” Her Fancy was close behind her, stepping up smoothly to greet his guest. “Ah, hello, Princess Luna. Good of you to stop by. I am Fancy Pants, you might possibly remember me from the gathering at the palace some time ago. Could I offer you a drink?” With the princess engaged, something in the room eased, and conversations continued as if they hadn’t been interrupted at all. The only difference was the furtive glances in Princess Luna’s direction, and of course a number of doctors arriving to tend to the poor Lady. Princess Luna seemed startled at first, but slowly the frustration on her face lessened. “We have many, thank you,” she replied, gesturing to the tray. “What manner of celebration is this? Have you no sport, no games? We had thought We would indulge in merriment, instead we find dour faces and whispers.” Fleur smirked at the remark, saying nothing. Fancy coughed uncomfortably. “Well, there’s not much sport going on, sadly. It’s not that sort of celebration, you see. And the only games you might find would be foolish ponies trying to drink each other under the table.” The Princess pursed her lips thoughtfully. “We are not certain We should indulge in such games. When last We attempted such, We awoke to find a great mountain razed to rubble at our feet. Our sister asked that We be more cautious with drink henceforth.” “Probably for the best if you don’t, then. But perhaps a bit of conversation, some fine food, and a better vintage?” Fancy asked with an easy smile. “At these sorts of gatherings one is meant to socialize more than celebrate.” “We might offer merriment of another sort, Princesse.” Fleur cut in smoothly. “Won’t you join us?” The Princess looked back and forth between them, then shrugged and gestured for them to lead on. When they were safely seated, Fleur let out a breath she’d been holding for some time. “Forgive them, Princess. These ponies would not know a good time if one walked in and bellowed ‘hello’,” she smiled, giving a little wink to the Princess. “So, what brings you out of the castle?” Princess Luna smiled back, looking a little uncertain of how to respond. “We had thought... to attempt to connect with Our People by attending a social event.” Fleur stared at her for a moment, beginning to laugh. After a few seconds, she calmed down as she saw how very confused and hurt the Princess looked. “Excuse-moi, Majesté. I meant no offense, but there were... other events that may have been better for such. Or you could very well have held your own.” “I... I see.” The Princess replied, looking crestfallen. “Forgive me, I should have considered my plans more thoroughly.” Fleur looked at Princess Luna curiously, uncertain how she had failed to make her point. “There is nothing to forgive, Majesté! I had just meant that... there was perhaps... mieux ponies than these to connect to.” Fancy flashed her a warning look, clearing his throat noisily. “What my wife means, I am sure, is that you might have wanted to start with the pony on the street, so to speak. This group tends to be... rather—” “They are a group of backstabbing, detestable weasels.” Fleur cut in, flashing Fancy a little grin and sticking out her tongue. Princess Luna let out a loud laugh. Quickly realizing her faux pas, however, she clamped her mouth shut and blushed furiously. “Forgive me. I...” “No need to apologize, Princess.” Fancy said quickly. “I believe if anything Fleur is the one who owes an apology to you.” “No! Please, Fancy Pants. She did no harm. Truthfully, I have thought as much myself.” The Princess replied, giggling in a truly adorable way. “But my sister forebore me from saying as much, for fear that I would estrange them,” she muttered darkly, her eyes flashing for a moment. “We did not continence scoundrels, before. Things... have changed.” Fleur brightened considerably, clapping her hooves together in delight. “There, you see, Fancy? I am not the only one who sees them for what they are.” “I am aware of their actions, Fleur. I simply choose to ignore them, hoping to bring out better ponies in them as a result.” “But their actions are what makes them cretins, mon cœur!” Fleur replied with a laugh. “You seem to think they all can be better. Do they not have to wish to be better first?” “Perhaps...” Luna began, then trailed off, her face flush with embarrassment as they both turned to her. “Forgive me, I didn’t mean to interrupt, but... sometimes, you need an example to follow. Sometimes... you do not know there is another path, because all you see is the road you’ve paved.” Fancy’s eyebrows raised in appreciation, and he laughed heartily. “Quite right! And if there is none to follow, then it falls to you to be that example, if you can see the other path!” A brilliant smile blossomed on the Princess’s face, and she raised her glass tentatively. “To the other path!” Fancy raised his in kind, clinking it up against hers. “To the other path!” Fleur rolled her eyes, but smiled indulgently, raising her own glass in tribute to the other two and being the first to drink to the toast. As the evening drew to a close, Fleur found herself earnestly and honestly having a good time at one of Fancy’s parties for the first time in far too long. It had nothing to do with their usual guests, of course, and everything to do with the delightful princess laughing hysterically at one of Fancy’s stories. “You... you mean, after all of that, she still...” “She’s here, isn’t she? I was certain she’d storm off, but she shed the dress, grabbed a bottle of seltzer water, and went off to the bathroom.” Fancy replied, wiping a tear away from his eyes. “It was a lovely vintage, too. Shame.” “As if you don’t have better reds in your cellar.” Fleur said, letting out a little huff. “You were very lucky that it didn’t soak through to my coat.” Luna chuckled in sympathy. “Yes, I’d imagine that would be a problem. You and Celestia could commiserate together. She’s had similar issues after indulging in her favorite guilty pleasure.” “Princess Celestia’s guilty pleasure?” Fleur asked, trying not to sound too eager. The Princess? She was considered to be above such things. Fleur wasn’t entirely sure Alicorns even made love. Given what little was known about them, it was entirely possible they didn’t. They were ageless, after all. “My sister has a fondness for sweets,” Princess Luna confided conspiratorially. “And at times... she has been known to stain her coat with frosting. With all other things, she is dainty as could be, but cake is a weakness. On one occasion, in the old castle, she went a week before she noticed.” “Ah,” Fleur replied, disappointed. It seemed the mystery of Celestia’s sexuality would remain a mystery. It did make her wonder, though, if Alicorns did make love. Fancy had chided her earlier about propositioning the Princess, as if that was the only reason she might wish to make the acquaintance of this beautiful, alluring creature. But the idea, once thought, remained in her mind, and she couldn’t help but be curious. What would kissing a living goddess be like? The evening finally drew to a close, Fancy ushering the last of their guests out. The servants all set about cleaning the dishes from the evening’s meal, leaving their masters to tend to cleaning out the other filth. Luna remained, not wishing to disturb the guests any more than she had previously, and having no real interest in any of them save for Fancy and Fleur in any case. When they were safely alone, Luna stood, smiling at them both. “We... We wish to thank thee both for a lovely evening. We apologize for the scene We caused earlier. If... if We might be welcome at another time, We would very much like to attend another gathering.” She just stood there, looking unsure, and a little nervous. It was as if she expected to be told she wasn’t welcome at all. Or perhaps, that she should stay. “I think I speak for both of us when I say you were a wonderful guest, Princess Luna.” Fancy replied, sweeping down into a very low bow. “We’d be delighted to have you again.” Fleur pursed her lips thoughtfully. She was on the cusp of something, something that could well destroy her, if things went badly. How would the Princess react? It was thrilling. She hadn’t felt her heart sing with this much excitement in years. She imagined if somepony were to touch her at that moment, they might feel her humming with unbridled energy. She stepped forward, leaving Fancy’s side, and the Princess watched her approach with a bemused (but not displeased) expression. “I’m afraid I’ll have to disagree with my husband,” she said as she approached. Luna looked confused, and hurt. That turned to surprise and apprehension as Fleur got closer. Apprehension, or anticipation? “I’d rather have you now,” she said as she got close enough to whisper, and saying that, she lifted her head up high enough to press her lips firmly to Luna’s. The kiss was very interesting. She’d wondered about whether she might be repelled by magic, or perhaps struck dead on the spot for her hubris. Indeed, she supposed she was indulging in the very height of arrogance, imposing on the personal space of royalty. She reached out to gently stroke the side of Luna’s muzzle, flashing her a slow, sensual grin. “What say you, Princesse? Would you have sport?” The Princess had been all but motionless until then, but her reaction was far from pleasing to Fleur. “I.. We... that is...” Her eyes were open wide, like a frightened animal. “I... I have to go!” With that, she was gone, replaced with a cloud of swirling stardust that swept out of the room under the doorframe. The room was very silent for a time. Fancy eventually breaking it with a soft chuckle. “I did warn you.” Fleur stared at the spot in which the Princess had occupied, blinking as if doing so would bring her back. She eventually sighed, nodding her head. “So you did. At least she did not throw me in the dungeon. She is a generous princesse.” “I just want to know what possessed you to think that was a good idea. You have quite possibly cost us a new friend, and potentially made us a new enemy.” Fancy sighed heavily, picking up a drink from one of trays still laid out. “Why?” “She looked like she was kissable, so I kissed her.” Fleur said simply. She lifted a drink in her own magic, draining it in one long draught. Fancy just shook his head. “Very well. I just hope you haven’t scared her off. She was a positive treat to talk with.” “I hope so as well.” Fleur replied. She looked down into the bottom of her glass, seeing the floor, distorted and divided by the stem of the glass. It was as if she was seeing two paths before her, though in fact, she knew she had picked a path just moments ago. It was as Fancy had said. She had been on a path of something good, a new friend, one of the two rulers of the nation. The potential political capital was staggering. But there had been another presented to her: the Princess as more than a friend. She had felt them all click, seen something in them all that had resonated. It had been exciting, and enticing, but that path was unsure. Perhaps if she had waited, not been so impulsive. But seeing the path, she had rushed headlong, and had perhaps spoiled everything. She was on a path, she could not return. But for a moment, she had occasion to look at the other, and wish she had taken it. The weeks that followed were detestably boring for Fleur. Her interesting Princess did not return, leaving her with nothing but the cretins at Fancy’s latest party. If not for her Fancy, life would have proven thoroughly unpalatable. But even with him, she had more than one occasion to regret her rashness. She had been too forceful, clearly. Some mares appreciated being set off balance. It gave them a thrill of doing something forbidden. Many of her ducklings were not even aware they were attracted to females until presented with Fleur’s hungry gaze, and even ones who had thought themselves firmly not often agreed, if only to experiment. Those left her bed with a newfound outlook on their own love life. If Fleur was honest with herself, she hadn’t cared for their reasoning. She offered pleasure, they accepted more often than not. She’d never thought of herself as being heartless for thinking such. She loved truly, and deeply. She’d simply never found anypony worthy of love before Fancy. Or since. But she made love with passion, and cared for each partner in her way. Perhaps they pined for her, afterwards, but none of them left feeling spited. She had a mate, and was not trying to replace him. This was known, and respected. The look in Luna’s eyes just before she fled, however... had made her feel something she’d never felt: shame. It was an awful feeling. Never before had she felt she’d betrayed anypony, even as they’d shouted the word at her as she left when she got bored. She’d never pretended to love any of them, merely offering pleasure and expecting it in kind. And if they offered flowers, gifts, and fine food, she had accepted them graciously. It was not her betraying them at all, for she’d promised nothing more than what she had given. She’d never betrayed her Fancy, either. She had remained true to him, always. The fact that they brought in toys to play with was not a betrayal, for they did so together. But the little princess... she had looked at her with shock, and... sadness. There had been no look of rebuke, or rejection. There had even been a hint of fear, though why that would be, Fleur had no idea. The more she brooded over it, the more saddening it was to her. She should have given more care to the little princess, but she had not. And now, not only had she lost a potentially interesting lover, she’d lost a friend. Fleur looked around the room in distaste. She had precious few ponies worthy of that word in her life. The mares still in modeling were not friends, they were former rivals. They acted like her friends, because she could perhaps do things for them, but they were manipulative harpies who flocked around the powerful. With Luna... she had felt something. The Princess was a kindred soul. Odd to think that, for all that she’d only known her for an evening, but as with her Fancy... she’d simply known there was something about the Princess, something beyond mere attraction. The world was full of the banal and dreary, but Luna... Luna had been interesting. She shook her head, sweeping her gaze around the room, idly wondering if the pretty mare playing cello might be a fun diversion to draw her out of this spiral of sadness. But much like the mare’s coat color, the idea tasted of ashes to her palate. Perhaps she would simply have Fancy chastely hold her tonight. Making love held little appeal to her. She hated that she felt that way, for it was not Fancy’s fault she had run the poor princess off, but she didn’t want to fake enthusiasm for him. He deserved better. That made her ashamed as well, because he would understand. He always understood. He always knew just what she needed, and when. Which wasn’t to say he was perfect by any means. Perfect would have been boring. Fancy was never boring. Insufferable on occasion, corny, hopelessly romantic, maybe foolish at times... but never boring. He’d been trying to cheer her up for some time now, and her continued doldrums didn’t seem to faze him. Not for the first time, she recognized how special that made him, and how lucky that, in turn, made her. She exhaled noisily, looking at the stairs to their chambers. Perhaps it was best to just sleep, for now. “Everything all right, Fleur?” “I’ll be fine, Fancy,” she replied, standing up. “I’m going to bed, I think.” “Very well. I’ll join you once things wrap up. Should I send somepony with a meal?” “No, don’t trouble them, mon cœur.” She said, kissing his cheek affectionately. Perhaps after a nap she would feel less out of sorts, and give him the attention he deserved. She couldn’t just let one mistake continue to affect their relationship in this way. “I may just lie down for a while.” Fancy eyed her critically, saying nothing, but his expression spoke volumes. He was concerned for her but also uncertain what to do. It was just more to feel guilty over. She gave him a brave smile. “Sorry to worry you, mon chèr. Join me soon.” She decided then and there that there would be nothing chaste about when he joined her. As down in mood as she was, she could ignore it, if it would make him happy. She climbed the stairs, making her way to their room. She lay down, snuggling into the covers on their bed. The sheets smelled very lightly of his cologne. It was a good smell. She closed her eyes, smiling as she thought of her Fancy. When she opened her eyes, she was at Fancy’s side, looking across the room at Princess Luna, who was demanding to know if anypony wished to bob for apples— Fleur De Lis. She looked around, startled and confused. Her home was gone, as were all of their guests. She was in a throne room, but not any she’d seen before. She’d attended Celestia’s court of the sun with Fancy many times, and this wasn’t it. She stood at the bottom of a tall dias, in a very large room. The walls were dark, made of a stone that seemed to suck away the light provided by the torches that hung from the pillars interspaced throughout the room. The room was empty, shockingly so. The walls were adorned with banners of Celestia’s cutie mark... and Luna’s. In the center of it all, on an ebony throne sitting next to an ivory twin, sat Princess Luna. “What?” she asked, looking around wildly. Be not alarmed. We are within thy dream. We have need to speak with thee. “Princesse?” Fleur whirled back around to regard the figure on the dark throne, who in this time had neither moved nor audibly spoken. Instead, she heard the words reverberating in her own head. “I don’t understand. I was... sleeping? Or not?” Forgive Us. We imagine thou must be quite disoriented. We came to you in this fashion because We feared returning to thy home in Our shame. We have wronged thee, and wish to make amends— “What do you mean?” Fleur demanded of the still-silent princess. “Why... why do you— Why would you apologize? I was the one who wronged you, ma chère! Please, forgive me!” Forgive... you? Princess Luna stood, looking down at Fleur in confusion. “No! That is... We... We wished to ask...” she looked around, frustrated. “This... this is not as it was meant to be!” She stomped a hoof down, and the world shattered. In its place was a smaller, less imposing room. A bedroom, by the looks of it, for there was a large bed in the center, upon which sat a miserable-looking Princess Luna. “Ma petite princesse?” Fleur asked very quietly. “What is happening?” “I... We... I should not have done this, Dame. I shall return you to your dream—” “Wait, please, wait!” Fleur interrupted quickly. “I... this is a dream, this is my dream?" “Yes.” Princess Luna replied, looking thoroughly disheartened. “As I said, I... I was afraid to return to your home, after what I did—” “After what you—” “I had no care for how you might react to my presence.” Luna said, continuing despite Fleur’s indignant sputtering. “I admit, I was enjoying our evening together very much, and was too personal in my attention to the both of you. But you must believe me when I say I did not intend to tempt you away from Sir Pants!” “Tempt me?” “Aye,” Luna replied, nodding seriously. “But please, you must forget me. Sir Pants is a good and noble pony, and must not be made a cuckold!” Fleur just stared at Luna, who returned her gaze with equal intensity, albeit for different reasons. The Princess was the first to break the silence. “Dame, I am so very sorry—” “Princesse, will you please stop apologizing? You are making my head hurt.” Fleur said, cutting her off. The room, if it could be called that, was silent once more. Fleur sat heavily on... it was pointless to question what she sat on. For all intents and purposes this was a room, with a princess in it. She was no philosopher to question what reality was. She laughed suddenly, startling the princess. “Ha!” “Dame?” Princess Luna asked. “Ha!” Fleur repeated, shaking her head at the absurdity of it all. “I steal a kiss from you, and you think you are the thief! ma chère... You are not to blame for what happened.” “But I am!” Luna insisted, a puzzled look on her face. She got up and began pacing back and forth, occasionally halting to gesture emphatically. Fleur had rarely seen such an impassioned speech, and she had seen many performances on stage. “I have run that evening over and over again in my mind, examining every detail. A laugh here, a wink there, that bawdy joke about the maid... I was seducing you! Perhaps unknowingly, but not without willing it to be so. I... I never intended for things to go so far, but I very much liked the attention paid to me by my new friends and I found you both very attractive.” “I find you attractive as well, ma petite—” Luna nodded seriously, pointing at Fleur. “And that! I enjoy all of your little endearing phrases from the Pranciscan dialect! You speak them with warmth, and they make me shiver!” She sat down with a huff, blowing a bit of her flowing mane from one of her eyes. “This is going very badly. I had meant to address the issue with you in a more officious way. I fear I am only exacerbating the problem further.” “Officious?” Fleur asked incredulously. “As in a royal proclamation that this attraction must not be?” “Yes,” came the quite serious reply. “You say you stole a kiss, but that simply is not the case. I laid myself bare in a moment of uncertainty, and you took what I was willing to give, had I but the nerve to offer it. I could have halted your advance in any number of ways, but I saw your approach, I read your intent, and I did nothing. And in doing so I betrayed you both.” “Princesse...” Fleur stepped forward, and despite her fears of invading space, she did embrace the princess. “You have betrayed no one. I let my passion drive me forward, when my head should have known to speak with you first.” Luna looked ready to squirm away, but eventually settled down, looking up at her with saddened eyes. “How would that have helped? Is it better to plan adultery? Would Sir Pants have felt better knowing it was premeditated and not an act of passion? Or perhaps you meant to hide it from him forever?” Fleur let out a musical little chuckle. “Ma petite... I hide nothing from my Fancy. He and I are a mated pair of scoundrels, and we share everything.” “You...he...what?!” Luna blurted out, struggling anew. “What is the meaning of this?” Fleur released the slack embrace, stepping back smoothly. “This is why I must ask you to forgive me, ma chère. There was never any danger of a rift between Fancy and myself. My intent was to ask if you might join us, not separate us.” “I...” Luna’s eyes grew round, and a blush colored her cheeks a delightful purple. “I don’t understand! I was convinced... I planned for weeks... I-I have no words!” “Then do not say anything, ma petite.” Fleur replied, smiling warmly, her eyes lidded and heavy as she approached for another kiss. “Save your pretty mouth for other things.” She closed the gap, her eyes fluttering closed as she pressed her lips against Luna’s own, surprised at how soft those lips were. As she wrapped her arms around the startled princess, she noted that Luna’s whole body was quite soft, surprisingly so. She opened her eyes, and found herself face down in her own pillow, a wet mark demonstrating quite clearly that she’d been kissing it. She looked around in disorientation. The warm, huggable princess had disappeared, along with the large, inviting bed. With a great heaving sigh, Fleur rose to a sitting position, shaking her head ruefully. It had all seemed so real, so vivid. But of course it had been a dream. How simple would it have been, if Luna really did accept her apology so easily? She only wished Luna had been half so responsive that night as she had been in her dream. But, dream though it was, it had been very pleasant nonetheless. She let out a sigh, looking around the room with disappointment. If only the dream had gone on for a time. A hotness between her legs was still present, and she wondered idly if Fancy would mind chasing everypony off and rutting her senseless. She got up, grimacing to see how messy her hair looked in the mirror. She took a moment to groom, dabbing a little perfume to hide the worst of her scent, then walked slowly and sensually down the stairs. Whether Fancy minded or not, he would be following her upstairs soon. The party could go on without him if need be. Maybe that nice cellist could be convinced to take a break and join them. She licked her lips in anticipation. > Le Cygne Qui A Capté Nos Coeurs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Something troubling you, love?” Fancy asked her over the dinner table. Fleur shook herself, turning to Fancy with a slightly guilty look. “Forgive me, mon cœur. I was drifting.” “You know, eventually I will take offense if you don’t tell me what’s been bothering you,” Fancy replied, frowning. The twinkle in his eye told her it was at least half in jest. She sighed very quietly. She hated hiding things from him, but she hadn’t known how to explain what was wrong at all. It had just been the one dream, and none since, but that one had stuck so clearly in her mind. But it was just a dream. Her grand-père had once told her a dream was “a wish made by your heart”, and while that sounded wonderful, the reality was that the poor little princess was in the real world, and here, it was much harder to explain a stolen kiss to one of the two ponies whose word was law. She felt very lucky she hadn’t been punished for her brashness; expecting the solace of being able to apologize for such a thing was unthinkably rash, assuming she could get into the castle to see the princess at all. Even so, she was considering it. Unfortunately, Luna was royalty, and that meant guards, and making appointments. ‘Explaining the purpose of the visit’ would be difficult at best, for the easiest answer was that she needed to speak in private to the princess, and assuming she wasn’t dismissed by the pencil pushers who made such appointments, she had no guarantee that Luna herself would approve of it. And... being rejected without even having a chance to see her in person again would have been heartrending. So, the normal channels were problematic at best, and while she was well-known as a thief of hearts, she was no sneak-thief who could infiltrate a palace to see the Princess outside of normal channels. Seeing her in an event was likewise an issue, as approaching her without being asked would immediately draw attention. She was also uncertain how the Princess would react if extended an invitation to a party of Fancy’s, but of her limited options, that was the least likely to result in her being carried away by the Royal Guard to spend an uncomfortable night in a small cell. “Fancy, what would you say if I wanted to send a messenger to Princess Luna?” she asked, trying to sound perfectly casual about it. “I don’t know. How likely are you to say such a thing?” he replied, gazing off into the distance where some model was chatting up Lord Worthingham. Fleur didn’t think much of the model’s odds — Worthingham liked them plumper. “I’m being serious, Fancy.” He turned to her with a raised eyebrow. “Really? Is this possibly what’s been weighing on your mind of late?” “And what if it is?” Fleur snapped back irritably. His normally passive expression broke into a slow smile. “I meant no harm, love. You’re just not usually one to pine when you’ve been turned down.” “She never said ‘no’, Fancy,” Fleur retorted, not even addressing the ‘pining’ accusation. “She was surprised, understandably so. I would like a chance to properly apologize.” “Oh? Not planning to try again?” Favoring him with a deadpan stare, Fleur snatched a glass of wine from the tray and immediately drained it. “I’ve already embarrassed her once. I have no plans to further shame myself and actively enrage her. If I can salvage the friendship, and have that incident be an amusing story for us to reminisce over, I will count myself lucky.” “I was only teasing a little, love. It’s a fine idea.” Fleur let out a sigh of relief. “Sorry. I just find her impossible to get out of my head for very long of late. I even had a dream about her, and she apologized to me. Can you imagine anything more ridiculous?” “Several things, actually. Most involving clowns.” Fleur rolled her eyes, giving him a little grin she didn’t actually feel. “I said I was being serious, Fancy. I truly don’t like just leaving things as we did. I made a mistake, but perhaps I can make it right. I think that was what my dream was trying to tell me. That... perhaps she is as lost about what happened as I am.” He turned away from the ever-shifting spectacle that was his ‘friends’ to face her. “You are serious, aren’t you?” “Yes!” she hissed at him, beginning to get very annoyed. He just looked at her for a time, as if studying her. After a time, his eyes widened in surprise. “I thought this was just about feeling a little put-out that you couldn’t tempt her. Was I wrong? Is she different than the others?” “She—” Fleur bit back the automatic retort, unwilling to let the words ‘she isn’t’ pass through her lips. She dropped her gaze, unable to meet Fancy’s penetrating look. “She’s interesting,” she finished, despite feeling the wrongness of that as well. The little princess was more than that. She was fascinating. So much so that Fleur would be genuinely happy just to befriend her once more. But she didn’t know how to explain that without sounding like an enamoured filly. Even if, in her heart of hearts, she supposed she was, just a little. She felt a hoof covering the top of her own, and lifted her eyes to meet Fancy’s once more. “We’ll send her a polite request for a visit. How does that sound?” Her lip quivered slightly, and she nodded almost imperceptibly. “All right, it’s settled, then,” he patted her hoof gently after lifting his from it. “How about we clear out the rabble and call it an early night, eh?” For two days she waited. Two days of nervousness, and fear. She told herself she would not be imprisoned for inviting a princess to tea, that there was likely an entirely good reason for the wait. The princess was likely busy, after all. Perhaps the missive had been delivered to the wrong one? While having Princess Celestia for tea would have been a pleasant surprise, she would rather it be Luna, for entirely selfish reasons. As the moon rose and the sun set, she had her answer by a very interesting means. It was a free day for Fleur and Fancy, with no parties to throw nor attend. On such a day they might have gone to the theater, or a carriage ride, perhaps to the races. Instead, they were staying home. Fancy was reading, and Fleur was soaking, and sulking. She found these were good things to do at the same time. The hot water bled some of the tension from her body while her nerves added yet more. Eventually, the water would cool, and she would have to find something more productive to do with her time, but Fancy had a very nice bathing tub, and a sizable water heater. As such, soaking could continue for some time, and sulking could continue as well. She lay her head down on the cool stone surface of the tub’s edge, exhaling softly. She felt wretched. Fancy had the right of it; she was brooding. But she could not help it. Being neither forgiven nor rejected, she could not put the little princess out of mind. It was horrible, and yet she could not simply let it be. In the vast expanse that was their bathroom, a loud pop resounded throughout the chamber, followed by the acrid smell of smoke, and... something landing on the tip of her nose. She stared at it for a moment, willing her heartbeat to become calmer, which it did after several moments of nothing further happening beyond the unidentified object falling off of her nose and onto the floor. The object, now that it was not directly in her field of vision, appeared to be a scroll, sealed with wax, and stamped with the symbol of a crescent moon. She stared at it for a moment, not certain what to make of it. The symbol made it obvious who it was from, but the method of delivery was... quite startling. She’d expected a return messenger, assuming the princess hadn’t sent a squad to arrest her. If she hadn't been hanging over the edge of the tub the scroll might have landed directly in the water. She did have to admit, however, that it was interesting. She carefully dried a hoof off with a nearby towel, and when she judged it was sufficiently dry, she reached out and poked at the scroll. It did not bite her, or explode. Further examination revealed little, and after a few moments, she decided to open it. The script was flowery, almost to the point of illegibility, but she did manage to make out enough to discern that her efforts were not going to be rewarded with an extended stay in the fabled catacombs under the city, nor was Luna planning to challenge her to a duel for her honor. She had, admittedly, been spending a lot of time considering how things could go wrong. With the day-to-day humdrum of her life, it was difficult not to focus on anything else. In fact, the letter seemed strangely apologetic, which made Fleur even more confused. But the most important thing was that her request was being accepted, as was the time and day of the proposed meeting. “Fancy!” she called out as she climbed out of the bath. “Tell the staff we need the best china. No, on second thought, tell them to buy better china!” The entire afternoon thereafter was filled with a flurry of activity. Having had to host an impromptu party on many an occasion, it wasn’t entirely chaotic, but the thought of having Princess Luna over added some measure of trepidation to Fleur’s behaviour, which trickled down to the servants. “Fleur, darling, I think you might be going a little overboard.” Fancy observed as Fleur barked at on of the maids for setting a fork in the wrong location. Fleur shook her head angrily. “I do not want any risk of Luna becoming upset again.” “And that’s a fine goal, but did you or did you not imply that if anything did go wrong the servant responsible would have to find new employment—” Fancy began. “Well, yes— “In another city,” he finished. “Also, you seem to have caused one of the maids to break down in tears. I sent her to her room to calm down.” “Ah, sweet Babbette, I was too hard on her,” Fleur replied, wincing. She made note to give that one a raise and an apology later. “The Princess seemed not to mind our decour when she came by unannounced, I don’t imagine she’ll expect any great change.” Fleur whipped her head around to regard him with a disgusted look. “Really? Did you or did you not lament that had you known she was coming you would have had other guests?” “Yes, other guests.” Fancy replied with a raised eyebrow. “There was nothing wrong with how our home looked, merely the ponies therein.” Fleur took a look around their home, trying to find a flaw in his argument, and not seeing one. “Still... I—” “You’re making yourself nervous for no reason, Fleur.” Fancy said as he closed the distance between them, folding her up in a tight embrace. “She’s clearly ready to forgive your brashness, or she wouldn’t have accepted your invitation. Now, can you please stop worrying before you drive our staff to mutiny?” Fleur stiffened in his arms, her eyes narrowing. “Which one of them said that?” “None of them, yet, and that’s a testament to how much they care for you.” Fancy kissed her on the forehead while she glowered at nopony in particular. “Why don’t we go upstairs to get some rest? This will all seem inconsequential in the morning.” She opened her mouth to protest, then felt him nuzzle her ear and closed it again. “Please?” he whispered breathily. She melted in his embrace. She couldn’t even muster the will to resent his manipulation. It was very well done, after all. “Very well, mon cœur,” she said, allowing herself to be led to their room. Fleur’s ear twitched. It was far too early to be awake. She knew this instinctively, as she was the type of pony who could sleep the sleep of the guiltless. There were some who called such sleep the sleep of the innocent, but she knew better. Only recently had she ever had trouble sleeping, and that had been alleviated by Luna’s letter to her. Her head had hit the pillow this evening with a blissful darkness to follow. But something in the darkness of the night had disturbed her sleep enough to wake her. She knew not what had caused her to stir. It was a vague sense of unease, but she could have sworn she’d heard something. “Mon cœur?” she asked plaintively to the darkness, sending a tendril of magic into her horn to light up her surroundings. “Fleur!” She saw a brief flash of Fancy, struggling against three ponies that were trying to overpower him. He hit one of them with a nearby (and very expensive) vase, making the stallion curse. For a brief moment, she was paralyzed with fear, uncertain what to do. One of them landed on the bed as Fancy flung him backwards with a burst of magic, and she screamed and flailed at him, trying to knock him away. He cursed at her, swinging something at her in his magic, and she felt a blunt impact just before passing out. When she came to, she found herself bound up with what felt like shredded articles of her own clothing, and her assailant was in the process of roughly shoving a piece of cloth into her mouth. She blinked several times, trying to get the world to stop waving up and down, and fruitlessly tried to hit her attacker. He didn’t even seem to notice, as his attention was on Fancy and the two assailants trying to subdue him. Foalnappers were the worst possible fear of any high-society girl, save only assassins. When confronted with attackers in one’s home, assuming you could not fend them off, it was vitally important to identify which you were dealing with, as even foalnappers had limits to what they would deal with to complete a job, turning one into the other out of sheer necessity. She kept struggling, even as she heard Fancy grunt in his own fight. If Fancy could fend them off, it wouldn’t matter which they were. That was a worry for later. Her task was to escape from the ropes if she could, and help Fancy in whatever way she could. Gratifyingly, she could feel her bonds slipping, as the fools had apparently thought her silk dress fine material to bind her with. They weren’t entirely wrong, as silk was nice and stretchy, and would not chafe against her. But she knew something they did not. Namely, that Fleur had been through an experimental phase with a former lover, and he had taught her some very easy ways of undoing such bonds. He’d been interesting, for a time. She’d almost managed to free her forelegs when she heard a shout of alarm from one of her assailants, and something heavy hit her against the side of the skull. She sunk back into the depth of oblivion. She came to some time later, opening her eyes to see only darkness. The only things she recognised clearly were the warmth of a pony underneath her barrel, and the stench of sweat. Fancy had given them a workout, it seemed. She selfishly hoped he’d knocked some of their teeth loose. The gait of the pony beneath her was steady and quick, and her ears told her that there were more than one, even if she couldn’t make out how many there were exactly. A lone memory managed to pierce the haze that loomed over her consciousness and she tensed, suddenly wide awake. Assassins! Foalnappers! Fancy! She fought off panic as the pony below her moved with purpose to some unknown destination. This was it, the worst had happened. Actually, not the worst. The worst was death. This was the second worst. But she did not know the fate of her beloved. Clearly he had failed in his attempts to fend them off, but was he alive? She had no way of knowing. Were it not for the cloth in her mouth, she would have screamed her despair for the world to hear. Her involuntary journey lasted forever. There was no time, there was no light, there was no Fancy. She began to hope fervently that if he had not survived, that their assailants were planning to kill her as well, for she’d be taking her own life soon enough if he was gone. In the black void of her world, a spark of defiance lit. Of course he was alive, it screamed. She was alive, taken captive. That meant something very important: the attackers hadn’t been sent to kill her. If that was true, then she was likely to be ransomed. And the pony she was to be ransomed to was not dead. If Fancy was not dead, the world could sort itself out. Eventually, she felt the foalnapper slow, no longer galloping at a breakneck pace. His gait changed to one of somepony in their element, unafraid of pursuit or detection. When she heard a door slam shut somewhere behind her, she knew that they had to have reached their destination. Then again, it could just have been a place for her captors to rest before they took her to... wherever they were taking her. The ride became a whole lot more uncomfortable when the pony carrying her descended a set of stairs, jostling and shaking her. The air was knocked out of her when, at the end of the stairs, she was thrown onto the floor. Her ears perked up in alarm, utter confusion, and joy when, a moment later, a second thud was accompanied by a groan from a very distinctive voice. When the same pony moans in your ear every night, you come to recognize any sound they make, after all. She waited for the creaking of the stair’s steps, the hinges of a door that needed oiling, and the soft conversation to fade before spitting out the gag. Even with the sack over her head, she could see dim lighting from a small light fixture above her, and in the light she could make out that it was a pair of her own panties that she’d gagged her with. “Fancy?” she whispered. He did not respond. “Fancy?!” she asked again, louder. Her heart thumped in her chest. What if they’ve hurt him? What’s going to happen to us now? “Fleuf...” She heard a hacking cough, followed by Fancy spitting out a cloth similar to hers. “Fleur... are you alright?” “I’m...” she tensed against the knots in her bonds, finding that whoever had done them was a much better hoof with restraints. Her headache was such that she would have taken an entire bottle of painkillers to be rid of it, and several places on her body ached and would likely bruise before the day was out. But she found that she was relatively unharmed, if very confused. Fancy was here. Not at home, waiting for a ransom note, but here, with her. But Fancy was also alive. So long as that did not change, she could bear whatever came next. “I am fine, mon cœur.” To her side, she heard another grunt from somewhere behind her, and then, a warmth of a stallion’s hooves against her back, Fancy apparently having inched closer as much as his bonds would allow. He sighed in relief. “Thank Celestia. I thought for sure—” “Shhhh...” she cut him off, trying to scooch back against him. It would help comfort him, as well as herself. “What do you think they want from us?” “I haven’t the slightest. One of my wards went off and I had just enough time to get out of bed before they attacked. I saw them hit you, and feared the worst... “ “As I said, I am fine, Fancy. Did they hurt you?” “No, they didn’t seem keen on injuring me, to be honest. Didn’t seem to know what to do with me, can’t say the same in return, I knew exactly what to do. One of them will need to have his nose seen to, another will want a dental appointment. The one tending to you hit me with a sack of sand, I think. I came to just before they trotted us downstairs,” he paused for a moment, then hesitantly added: “Incidentally, we’re going to need to buy you some new undergarments.” Fleur’s mouth quirked up in confusion as she heard his words, and a moment later she barked out a hearty laugh. Fancy had been gagged with another pair of her panties. Somehow, here, in the dark, not knowing if she would live or die, that made the experience somewhat more bearable. They lay together, embraced as much as they could be, for a very long time. At first, Fleur had tried counting the minutes, but she’d eventually lost count and gotten bored with the whole effort. Their captors would release them when they were ready, and not before. She could find out the time when they were released. There was still the worry of who was meant to pay their ransom, but Fancy did have lawyers and accountants who would very much want him returned, if for no other reason than they depended on him for their livelihood. Also, they were family friends, and that did count for something. She would have felt more assured if it were Fancy being presented her ransom, as she knew well he would move heaven and earth for her, and she would do the same for him. But even without that assurance, the fact that he lived allowed her to hope all would go well. From upstairs, a voice could be heard distantly, followed by one significantly less quiet. “What is the meaning of this?!” the voice demanded, startling Fleur even more than she’d been when she’d been taken captive. Fleur could not hear the response, but she was far more concerned with the fact that the voice upstairs could only belong to an enraged alicorn. "Fool, did you really think We would need the likes of you to dispose of them? Fetch them from wherever you are keeping them. We would have words." Her face fell as Fleur heard Luna’s words. It seemed all was not forgiven after all. She had so enraged the little princess as to force her to hire professionals to deal with Fleur, and worse, Fancy was sharing in her penance. “Is that Princess Luna up there?” Fancy asked quietly. “I believe so.” “She seems a bit upset,” Fancy observed. “Have no fear, mon cœur. I will throw myself at her feet and beg her to spare you from any blame.” She clung to him as much as her bonds would allow. “I am so sorry for having caused this. If I survive, I promise you I will have more care for my actions—” “Fleur, please. That’s not what we need now.” Fancy said in a very serious tone, making her break off her tirade of apologies and promises. “She wishes to talk, and apparently wished to do so outside of our home, and further felt the need to have us fetched in the middle of the night. This is not new, we’ve dealt with angry nobles before.” “But... but she’s—” “She’s apparently very angry, and she’s much higher on the social scale, yes. But that doesn’t make this any different in principle. Pull yourself together, keep your cool, and we will get through this together. All right?” Fleur took a deep, steadying breath, wishing she had access to even the least of her beauty supplies, as she was certain her hair was a fright, and all trace of makeup had been washed away the day before. She was fairly certain her eyes were bloodshot from the weeping she’d done while thinking about Fancy’s possible fate, and she felt wretched as the dreaded guilt clutched at her heart once more. But despite this, she could do as Fancy asked. Let Luna see how she’d been affected, let her know the remorse. She could bear it. “Yes. I can do this. I will be brave, mon cœur.” “I know you will. Remember, feel out the situation, placate where possible, accept blame where not. We don’t want to make things worse.” Fleur’s throat closed for a moment in a choked-back sob. Her tears would not help anypony here. A heavy stomping announced their captors were coming down to tend to them, and Fleur laid there quietly, making no move to help or hinder them as they removed her bonds. The foalnappers wore black masks and dark clothing, so she did not bother trying to identify them. In any case, they had been hired by one of the two highest powers in the land, making prosecution unlikely. She said nothing, merely allowing herself to be led to a large room furnished with what looked like items rescued from various curbsides. The fabric was ripped, stained, and stuffing emerged from several locations. But it was clean, despite that. The building they were in was likely to be a safehouse of sorts, perhaps an abandoned property. At the center, in a large beanbag that had been repaired by copious amounts of tape, was Luna, looking less than pleased at her surroundings, to say nothing of her company. Fleur felt a strange sense of deja vu as she saw the princess. For, despite being in this decrepit building, Luna held herself with poise and grace, her face largely impassive. Her body language, however, told Fleur volumes. They had been Summoned. Her Royal Majesty was Attending, and they were to be Judged. She did her best not to visibly show how frightened she was. Fancy stood by her side, his face a mask of dignity. He projected his calm outwards like a shield, and she inched closer to him in the hope of it protecting her as well. “Leave Us.” Luna intoned, not even deigning to look at the foalnappers. “Majesty... there is the small matter of payment...” She simply looked at him, her eyes the black of the cold unforgiving night sky. "We should banish thee for thy incompetence alone, yet thou adds impertinence to thy crimes. Despite this, We will honor Our arrangement. Go before We change Our mind.” “I mean only to say that the payment can be settled at another time, of course,” he said very quickly. “I believe I will take my compatriots to another location. Feel free to leave when you wish. We’ll clean up later.” Having said this, he fled the room with a swift but silent retreat. In a moment, the front door of the building quietly opened and closed, and then all was silence. Luna turned to them once more, gesturing to the other chairs in the room. “Be seated.” Fancy nodded primly, getting into the chair and awaiting her further instructions. Fleur gave him a longing look, wanting nothing more than to squeeze into the chair with him, but in the end she sat in the other chair placed a few feet away from him. “My friends, I am sorry.” Luna said. Fleur simply stared for a long moment, uncertain she’d heard right. Luna’s posture had relaxed very slightly. Her eyes were no longer cold and hard, actually seeming quite saddened. Somehow, this was worse than the other Luna. That one had been terrible. This one made her heart hurt. “Are we friends, Luna?” Fancy asked cautiously. “I admit to being a bit confused if that’s the case.” “I...” Luna hesitated, and again, Fleur had trouble reconciling anything that was happening with any sense of reality. “I wish to be, but I fear what might occur if I allow it, Sir Pants.” She gestured around the room with a grimace. “As for this... it was an error, and a grave one. I employed the services of ponies who assured me they could fetch you safely and silently to a place outside of either of our influences. I did not realize they would abduct you. I must ask for your forgiveness on this matter as well.” Fleur could bear no more, and finally blurted out: “Princesse, I forgive you a thousand times. Do not be sad, I am fine! And Fancy is as well!” she turned to him with pleading eyes. “You are fine as well, oui?” “Yes, I am physically fine,” he replied to her. “A bit troubled, but no worse for the wear.” He turned back to Luna. “But I do wish to understand, Princess. Why would you need to spirit us from our home?” “I...” Luna looked away, seemingly unable to meet his gaze. “I did not trust myself to accept your kind offer, but at the same time I could not simply continue to let things stand as they were.” She gesticulated with the hoof, waving it around in agitation. “And I could not summon you to the palace for fear of what rumors that would start. And...” Luna blushed a brilliant purple hue. “And I cannot trust myself even in your dreams.” Fleur’s ears stood straight up in alarm as Luna said this. She... she can’t possibly have... that was a dream. That was my dream. Why would she— Luna cleared her throat noisily, momentarily distracting Fleur from her downward spiral of confusion and shame. “There are things I must know before we continue in any capacity, friendship... or otherwise.” “Ma petite…” Fleur said, hesitant to ask what she now suspected. “Some days ago, I... I had a dream—” “Dame, I am sorry I invaded your dream in such a way. I normally only visit those in need of my aid, but I had a need of my own, and... I had hoped it would be easier to—” Fleur’s eyes widened. “You were there! I... I was uncertain when I woke, and my waking mind chided me for such nonsense, but you were there! And I...” she trailed off, feeling as if her eyes would exit her head and fall to the ground. “I... we...” “We can talk of what transpired another time, Dame. Suffice to say I do not take offense.” Luna said, not looking directly at her. “It is definitely not the mutual attraction that worries me.” Fancy flashed Fleur a look that promised they would be having a talk about the dream as well, but he didn’t seem unduly bothered by the revelation otherwise. “Very well, Luna. We are here, a little scuffed but here nonetheless. Fleur very much wanted to make amends for her forwardness, but you have other concerns?” Luna nodded, slowly raising her head so that her gaze could meet Fancy’s own. “I... I have concerns, yes. Not... not about being approached in such a way, nor about your being married. If these are things that do not concern you, I am amenable to the idea. But... Fleur called the two of you a ‘mated pair of scoundrels’. This... gives me pause.” Fancy barked out a laugh suddenly, his expression lightening ever so slightly. “I suppose that’s true enough.” Luna shook her head. “I don’t know that it is. I’ve seen your works, Sir Pants. You gather funds for charity, commission buildings for schools, lobby for positive social works. These are deeds of true nobility of heart. Yet you claim otherwise.” “A ‘reformed’ scoundrel is still a scoundrel, majesty.” Fancy replied in an off-hoof manner. “I know myself, and what I am capable of. The fact that I choose to act otherwise does not mean I can deny who I was, or who I could be again.” Luna’s ears drooped as she heard this. “But surely one can change! With time, and penance—” “Time and penance do not change the past, majesty, only the present and the future. For all the good you claim I do, I cannot undo what I did to be in the position to do those deeds to begin with. Make no mistake, I am a scoundrel, through and through.” Luna nodded sadly, and opened her mouth to reply, but Fancy held up a hoof to indicate he had more to say. “That being said, despite my nature, or perhaps because of it... I choose to attempt to make the world a better place in whatever way I can, because the world is full of ponies just like me. Ponies who could, if they wished, follow another path.” This seemed to give the princess pause, and she nodded thoughtfully before turning back to Fleur. “And you, Dame? I know of your works as well. The jilted lovers, the broken marriages in your wake. Are you a scoundrel?” Fleur gave a little laugh. “My lovers were all well aware of my proclivities, Princesse. As for the poor fools who left their wives... those marriages were unhappy to begin with.” “I see.” Luna replied, her eyes saddened. “So you are a scoundrel after all. Fleur considered her answer carefully before replying. “Princesse... like Fancy, I know what I am, and what I am not. If you had asked me a week ago, ‘Fleur, do you believe you are a good pony?’ I would have said yes, for I do not regret who I am.” “You are a good pony, Fleur,” Fancy interjected. She turned to him, giving him a little smile. “I think that is perhaps up for debate. It may be that I owe some of those lovers an apology. Not all, but some. I should have more care for their hearts,” she redirected her attention to Luna. “I have no wish to hurt anypony, but... sometimes hurt is done no matter our wish.” There was a long, uncomfortable pause, during which none of them seemed willing to speak. The little princess finally broke the silence. “While your approach was... forceful, that was never the cause of my discomfort. I did not wish to be the reason a very happy couple ended their relationship. But further still, I fear that if I were to associate with ponies who had no morals, that I might...” she trailed off, looking troubled. “But I do not believe either of you. I think you are good ponies, and I would be happy to call you friends, if... if you will forgive me.” “Hmmm?” Fancy replied, looking confused. “Oh! You mean for the abduction! Yes, well, not the first time it’s happened, actually. Occupational hazard and whatnot. Frankly, I’d like some contact details for the ponies you hired; they’re the first to get past my wards! It’s also helpful to know chaps who can get in and out of a place without making a fuss.” Luna let out a very surprised and hearty laugh. “I will fetch their card for you.” Her expression became more neutral as she turned back to Fleur. “And you, Dame? Would you have anything of me?” Fleur had many, many answers to that question flash through her mind, each more lurid than the last. But she would not risk actually saying any of them, not so soon. She was thrilled to even be forgiven, to be given another chance to befriend this bewitching creature who had captured her attention. Instead, she simply flashed Luna a little grin, saying: “Just promise me our next visit will be in a more comfortable location, ma petite.” > Le Cygne Qui Sait Ce Qu'il Veut > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna was really coming this time. Fancy had assured Fleur of this many times. Tonight, there was no misunderstanding, and definitely no foal-nappings. The guest list had been gone over by Fleur herself, making this occasion the first time she had ever expressed any interest in who Fancy invited to one of his gatherings. The staff had all been promised a large bonus if everything went well, and Fancy had managed to persuade her not to promise dire consequences if they didn’t. She had almost done it anyway, but in the meeting they’d had with the staff in preparation for this affair, Babbette had promised as much on her behalf. It seemed the entire staff was well aware of how important this was to Fleur, as none of them so much as flinched. “Are there enough canapes, mon coeur?” Fleur asked as she looked anxiously around the room. “I think we still have time—” “Fleur, I have enough of everything, please trust me.” Fancy replied calmly, watching her flit around the room as they saw to final preparations. His stoic nature was normally something she could draw on for comfort. Now she only found herself twice as agitated seeing that he wasn’t apparently concerned in the slightest. “What about wine? We could break out that nice port—” “I already have it on ice waiting for her.” Fancy said, cutting her off. He stopped her pacing with a single hoof on her shoulder. “Please, Fleur, I need you to sit down and breathe. You’re going to have our guests worried about your health.” “Our ‘guests’ peuvent aller se faire foutre!” she spat back at him. “They are window dressing, ornamentation. She’s what’s important.” “Please don’t tell them that.” Fancy said in that increasingly infuriatingly patient tone. “They’re actually a rather nice lot compared to our usual crowd.” “Yes, well... so long as they are not complete imbeciles I will count myself lucky.” she sagged in on herself, sitting down as Fancy had suggested. “And you are certain he won’t try to come?” “Blue’s otherwise occupied this evening, as I already told you. Really, he’s not such a bother as to worry about him.” Fleur took a deep breath. “Right, right. Forgive me, I just don’t want anything going wrong this time. We’re going to have a nice evening together, just like that first night. And then I will bid her goodbye, and ask her to come back.” Fancy let out a little cough that sounded suspiciously mocking to her. “I mean it!” Fleur exclaimed vehemently. “No kissing this time! I won’t let it be ruined again!” “And no flirting either?” he asked, favoring her with a deadpan look. “No flirting,” she confirmed. “I like her very much, Fancy. I have no wish to drive her from me.” “Forgive me if I’m slightly skeptical. After all, you never did tell me what that dream was about—” Her face flushed with sudden heat. “That is because it was a dream, and dreams are not important! A pony cannot be held responsible for their actions in dreams!” She could feel her breath coming in great heaving gusts, and she did what she could to slow it. “Fleur...” he said, sitting down next to her on the divan and gently caressing her face with a hoof. “I never meant that you shouldn’t flirt with her, I only asked so I might know what to expect. I agree, it would be terribly soon after settling things with her to just invite her up again, especially after how she responded the last time. But that doesn’t mean you have to treat her like some sort of porcelain statue either.” “But... but I don’t want to risk—” She could feel him breathing on her neck as he nuzzled her mane. “I know you're attracted to her, and you’d have to be blind not to see she feels the same. So yes, absolutely, don’t rush at her, but don’t pretend you only want to be her friend.” Fleur leaned into his nuzzle, unable to do anything else at that moment, even if she was still a little irritated with him for being so insufferably unaffected. “It doesn’t matter—” “Oh, but it does.” he purred into her ear. “I have entirely selfish reasoning on this. I think it would be insanely stimulating to watch you two, to mount you while you kiss her, or while you make love to her—” “As if that’s something new,” she replied with a little pout, shuddering as he nipped at her neck. “It would be, because she wouldn’t just be some fresh conquest to you, would she? She’s special.” “She’s—” Fleur stifled a gasp as Fancy ran a hoof along her flank just under her dress, “She’s interesting.” He chuckled as he pulled away, and she glared at him for doing so. The guests weren’t due for some time now, and it wasn’t as if they hadn’t actively made love to the majority of the staff at one time or another, so watching them couple wouldn’t have bothered anypony. “She is at that. Well, let’s check on how the food is coming along.” Fleur did her best not to fret while they waited for the first of their guests to arrive, though Fancy’s unfortunate timing wasn’t helping her mood very much. If he was going to tease her, then at the very least he could have followed through. She could feel her panties clinging to her, and she almost shed them just to be free of the sensation. She didn’t, of course, as it would be more than a little scandalous for her to do so, and she loved her Fancy enough not to embarrass him (at least, not publicly), but she was very very annoyed with him for causing the problem in the first place. He was in for it once the guests were all gone. Luna arrived slightly after the party had started, but that was expected as she couldn’t very well get away before she lowered the moon for the night. There was a bit of a stir when she first arrived, but their guests were not unfamiliar with royalty, and were wise enough to not stare, and only to speak to Luna if addressed by her. Their staff, on the other hoof, immediately acted to offer her a drink, and to escort her through the crowd to the host’s table. “Ma petite!” Fleur squealed, jumping up from her seat to embrace the Princess in a sudden hug. “You came!” Luna gingerly returned the hug, looking just a little uncomfortable in doing so, but not rejecting the embrace. “Of course. We were invited, after all.” Fancy let out a quiet harrumph, but when Fleur looked back at him he was smiling good-naturedly. “Yes, well, third time's the charm. I suppose.” After Fleur had disentangled herself, Fancy took Luna’s silver-shod hoof, kissing it reverently. “You honor us, Majesty.” “Say rather, thou honors Us, Sir Pants.” The Princess replied, looking pleased. “We are happy to be received thus.” “Fancy, I think you might be kissing the wrong end.” Fleur said, smirking. “So, shall we actually sit and talk or should I begin to praise you as well, Princess?” Luna frowned at her, and for a moment, Fleur quailed, worried that she had done something wrong again. “I-I could praise you if you wish, ma petite! Please, don’t be upset—” They held each other’s gaze, Luna’s stern, Fleur’s fearful and uncertain, until eventually Luna broke the silence with the sound of stifled giggles. “F-forgive me, Dame. I was apparently too convincing. Sit, please, both of you!” Luna plopped into the nearest of the armchairs, lounging against one side with a happy sigh and taking a large gulp of her wine. Fancy sat without hesitation, signaling to Babbette for a fresh tray of wine. Fleur sat far more slowly, watching Luna out of the corner of her eye. The Princess’s expression remained friendly, though Fleur could see that Luna seemed hesitant as well. They each sought a return to the easy friendliness they’d shared that first night, and were now anxious of any sign of unease in the other. “You know...” Fancy said, startling both of them. “If you two are going to be dancing on eggshells all night, I’ll need to have the band play different music.” Luna looked at him for a long moment, the confusion growing in her eyes. “Should we be dancing? I don’t mind, if that’s the case, but I had not intended—” Fleur reached over from her chair and punched Fancy in the arm, which only served to make Luna more confused. “My Fancy is being rude, and unhelpful, ma chère. He does have the right of it, however. I wish us to be as we were before, and I tread carefully tonight. But perhaps too much. We can laugh and jest as friends, can we not?” Luna nodded quickly, letting out a forced-sounding laugh. “Yes, of course! We take no offense to jests, Dame. We simply wished to avoid undue offense with Our own in kind.” “That certainly is a large elephant, isn’t it?” Fancy mused, draining his glass and reaching for another. “We... see no elephant?” Luna replied, looking around the room. “No, you see it, but neither of you want to talk about it.” Fleur scowled at him, then proceeded to ignore him. “Forget the elephant,” she said firmly to Luna. “We would gladly do so, save for that we don’t see it to begin with.” Luna shook her head. “Very well, the elephant is forgotten.” The night passed as such nights often do. Somepony indulged too much and made a fool of themselves, but for once it wasn’t Blueblood to blame. Instead, it seemed Lady Worthingham had actually caught her husband openly kissing Lady Briarpatch (something he would have never done if not for the truly impressive amount of wine he’d imbibed), and had slapped him hard enough to send him reeling into a table. She had left in a huff, telling Lady Briarpatch to feel free to take him home, as he wasn’t welcome in his own. Briarpatch had suddenly remembered somewhere else that she needed to be, and had left the cheating bastard passed out on the floor. After the initial commotion, everypony went back to their conversations. This wasn’t the first spat they’d seen, nor would be be the last. “Should we do something about the Lord?” Luna asked with wide eyes. “Would you like to hit him as well?” Fleur asked with a twinkle in her eyes. “I don’t think he’d notice right now.” “Is... is what he did so very different than—” Luna’s mouth snapped shut, and she suddenly found the window terribly interesting. “His wife is not the tolerant type, ma chère. He knows this, but he breaks the rules anyway.” “He normally has the courtesy to keep his philandering secret, however.” Fancy sighed heavily. He picked up one of the canapes and popped it into his mouth, washing it down with a long draught of wine. “She won’t forgive him easily, which is problematic, since she has the money and he has the business sense.” “You... are aware of his betrayals?” Luna looked askance at Fancy as she asked this, her expression darkening. “I’m aware, yes. Their marriage is... less a marriage and more of a partnership, though I think there was love there, once. As it stands she has taken her butler as a lover and he cheats quite regularly. They’re usually at least civil, unless something like this happens.” “Oh.” Luna replied quietly, the anger slowly receding from her eyes. “So, then, both of them are quite horrid.” “Only to each other,” Fancy said. “Taken individually they are quite tolerable. Together... they can be a bit problematic.” Fleur chose that moment to lean over and kiss Fancy on the cheek. “Not everypony is as lucky as we are. It is very sad, actually, for I think the Lady loves him still, in her way. She will take him back, in time, and they will be passionately in love, for a time. Then it will begin again.” “Yes, but their business will suffer for a while,” he said with a grimace. “I had hoped to avoid this for another few weeks at least. Briarpatch is unlikely to honor their arrangement now.” He set his drink down, getting up and nodding to them both. “Excuse me, ladies. I need to go get that mess cleaned up.” Luna said nothing as she watched him go, seemingly uncertain what to make of his actions. Fleur cursed silently as she watched Fancy help the Lord to his hooves, walking him over to a chair. At least Blue would have only made a fool of himself instead of making a giant spectacle for all to see. “Fancy... knew this was going to happen, didn’t he?” Luna asked quietly. “Eventually,” Fleur admitted. “They... they have a cycle, and it repeats often. Please, do not let it trouble you.” “I’m not troubled for them, Fleur.” Luna replied, shaking her head as she looked away from the scene being made and back to Fleur. “I just... does Fancy orchestrate such things?” Fleur stared at Luna silently for a moment before letting out a bark of bitter laughter. “No, ma petite. If he had, he would have picked a better time for this nonsense to occur, and not while you were visiting.” “He spoke as if he had an interest in the dealings of the Lord and his mistress.” Fleur noted the tone of accusation in Luna’s voice, and took it in stride. “This is true. Fancy watches his guests closely, and sees far more than many think. When such ‘backroom’ deals occur, he occasionally will throw some bits in, and often sees them returned many times over. It isn’t always something that happens in a guest bedroom of ours, but at times...” “So... he simply takes advantage of other ponies’ failings,” Luna replied, her eyes downcast. “Not so!” Fleur protested. “The Worthinghams are as they are, Luna. He simply watches to see if business will happen, and acts on it.” “But what about them?” Luna asked. “They are as I feared you were, yet nopony seems to care for them.” “Ma petite...” Fleur hesitated as she tried to find words of comfort, eventually sagging in defeat when she found none. “Some ponies cannot be helped, sadly. I... I am no better than Fancy, in that respect. I found myself approached by many such as the lecherous lord you see there, and I let them spend their bits on me, because if not on me, it would have been on somepony else.” Luna was silent, still troubled. “I fear I may be infringing on my niece's domain, but I wonder if you are right. Give me a moment,” she stood, marching over towards Fancy and the fallen lord. “Ma petite!” Fleur called after her in alarm. “Please, do not—” Luna wasn’t listening, it seemed. She crossed the rest of the distance, then proceeded to lift Lord Worthingham bodily, staring directly into his face as she spoke to him. Fleur hurried after her, and was only able to catch the tail end of what Luna was saying. “—then go, you fool! If you don’t wish to divorce her, then you must come to an accord! It’s clear to everypony around you that you are both horrible to each other, so neither of you can claim to be superior to the other.” she then dusted him off with her magic, setting him on his feet. “Go, talk to her, or so help me I will plague both of your nights with terrors until you do.” “Please, Princess, don’t punish her—” Luna’s eyes softened, and she smiled just a little. “Tis good to see you care, in some way. Go, Lord Worthingham. Go to her, and tell her how you feel.” He nodded hurriedly, and walked to the exit on unsteady hooves. Fancy watched with a curious expression on his face. It was not quite a smile, but not a frown either. “I think you’ve either saved a marriage, or ended it for good,” he said quietly. Luna sighed, nodding. “Ponies have ever thought of night time as being the time of romance, and came to me, once upon a time. I had little advice I could offer, save to follow their hearts. It was enough for most, but the heart is a tumultuous and often treacherous thing. Some needed a push to act. I hope that, perhaps, he finds some peace with her.” The rest of the evening went by largely without incident. To Fleur, Luna seemed more relaxed and even happy after having talked with Worthingham, and there was a return to the ease of conversation they’d shared that first night. “—animated all of the spiders in the bowl to gather into the web themselves, and demanded to know how many points that was worth.” Luna said, chuckling ruefully. “I had hoped it might help ease their minds, but they all panicked instead. I was so... very upset.” Fleur laughed, and it was an honest, surprised laugh of one who knows what it is to be publicly embarrassed sharing the pain of another. “Quelle folie! What did you do?” “Why, I did what any sensible Princess would do in that situation. I cancelled the holiday and went away to sulk!” Luna said with a smile, her ears wilting downwards and her cheeks blazing with a pretty blush. “It seemed appropriate.” “This Nightmare Night business seems dreadfully amusing,” Fancy said, puffing on his pipe thoughtfully. “I wonder if such a thing might catch on here. Not the foals’ games, of course, but a sort of... masquerade ball, except with full costumes.” “Hush, Fancy,” Fleur replied to him before swiveling her head back to face Luna once more. “First I want to know if you reinstated the holiday.” “Well, of course I did.” Luna replied over her wine glass. She gestured grandly with it, sloshing a little over the edge to splash on the floor. “In the end, the little ones were happy, and I couldn’t take that away from them. It is... charming, in its own way. Even the adults seem to enjoy it, so I see no harm.” “C’est beau, Luna, and you are beautiful too, for allowing it. I can only imagine how some of our friends would react if they were treated in such a way.” “Oh, they meant no harm. It was all just a game to them. I... I simply overreacted.” Luna trailed off, gazing into her drink thoughtfully. “Hmmm. There’s that elephant again. I should get the staff to feed him if he’s going to hang about.” Fleur scowled at Fancy, and he smiled back unapologetically. “I still see no elephant,” Luna said, looking at Fancy with open curiosity. “We do speak of the large creature with the tusks and floppy ears, correct? I’ve only seen one once in my life. It was nearly the size of a mature dragon,” she thought for a moment, then smiled, “He was a curious fellow, very fond of peanuts. I liked him.” “Luna, please excuse us for a moment,” Fleur said, glaring at Fancy and motioning for him to follow her. Luna had been staring off into space, and started in surprise when she was addressed. “Oh! Of course, Dame. Take your time.” Fancy followed along until Fleur had lead him to a relatively quiet corner, after which she rounded on him angrily. “Fancy! Why must you tease?” “I wouldn’t know what you are talking about,” he replied, looking terribly pleased with himself. “You think you are being clever, but you are only being annoying,” she said with a huff. “What good do you think this will do?” “She said it herself, love. Sometimes, ponies need a bit of a push. Is it so very difficult to talk to her?” “About this, yes!” she hissed back at him. “I do not wish to make things awkward again! We are doing fine!” “Fine up to a point. Then one of you treads too close to the elephant and shies away.” Fancy put a single hoof on Fleur’s shoulder, and even if she was upset with him, she did not shrug it off. “She won’t run this time, Fleur. Just say something to her. Don’t let it lie for weeks again.” She glared at him for another moment, just to get her point across, then nuzzled into his hoof. “I... I will try, mon coeur. But please, no more talk of the elephant.” “I’m sure he’ll leave once one of you acknowledges him, they tend to be agreeable chaps in that way,” Fancy replied with a twinkle in his eye. “Let’s not keep her waiting, eh?” They walked back to their table with Luna, Fleur still agitated with Fancy and feeling like her tongue was made of sand at the mere thought of trying to talk to Luna about the issue neither could seem to address. Simply talking could do no harm... Better to have things out in the open. She still quailed at the idea, despite seeing the rightness of it. Telling her little princess she was attracted to her and would delight in bedding her was hard enough, after how horribly things had gone when she’d tried to express that directly. Attempting to explain that she felt a fondness beyond mere attraction was harder still. She was a pony that did not often find herself affected by such things, and if Luna rejected her... Better to avoid talk of that. It was enough if Luna was her friend. But to have the possibility of being her lover was very enticing... “Welcome back!” Luna said, wincing as she realized she’s said it a bit louder than intended. “Apologies. I find myself in high spirits this evening.” Fleur smiled despite the turmoil in her mind and heart. “I am glad you are having a good time, ma chère. Forgive me for going away suddenly.” “Not at all! I have wine, and food, and your company. Tis also enjoyable to see so many ponies enjoying themselves around me. Your guests seem of a less dour lot than those present during my first visit.” Luna nodded appreciatively to Fancy. “I assume you invited the more sociable crowd for this occasion.” Fancy regarded her with a single raised eyebrow. “I suppose I may have tweaked the guest list a bit. Parties can be for both business and pleasure, and you get to know which ponies attend for which purpose. Tonight was definitely focused on pleasure over business.” “Ah, that’s the way of it, then.” They wiled away the night for a time, Fleur trying to be witty and fun but feeling especially dull-witted because of her conflicted feelings. Fortunately, Fancy could carry on conversations about practically anything and make it interesting, though how he wasn’t boring Luna with his views on various tax law changes was frankly beyond her. Eventually, the party drew to a close, the various guests excusing themselves and thanking their hosts for a lovely evening. At least this dance Fleur could follow in her sleep, the steps long ingrained in her by repetition. After the last of the guests had gone, and the staff had made themselves scarce, it was just Fleur, Fancy, and their guest of honor. “Well, Princess, it was simply lovely having you tonight.” Fancy said with a certain warm fondness in his voice that he normally reserved for his closest confidants. “Oui!” Fleur said with a big smile. “I wish you to return to us as often as you wish.” Luna looked at them both in surprise. “Am... am I being dismissed?” Fleur and Fancy exchanged a look, and Fleur quickly replied. “Of course not, ma chère! You are welcome to stay, if you wish!” she turned to Fancy and whispered: “Is the guest room upstairs presentable?” “Of course,” he whispered back. Turning to Luna he said: “We’ll have the staff ready a guest room for you. Apologies, we try not to assume such things, but I suppose you did drink quite a bit of that port—” Luna snorted in evident amusement, serving only to confuse Fleur further. “It is as I feared..” she muttered. “Very well, the direct approach!” Fleur watched in alarm as Luna approached her with a speed she’d not previously seen her display, until they were muzzle to muzzle. She opened her mouth to question Luna, only to have it claimed by Luna’s in a sudden but passionate kiss. Her eyes grew wide, then fluttered closed as she surrendered herself to it. She had no idea what was happening, but there was a rightness to allowing it to happen. Luna broke the kiss, not moving away even an inch. She simply looked into Fleur’s eyes, Fleur returning the gaze feeling a sort of wonder. She was not used to being dominated, except by Fancy, who could make her melt at a single touch. Luna was doing so by sheer force of personality and will. It was insanely thrilling. “Well, look at that. The chap wandered off on his own.” Fancy said with a chuckle. Luna turned to him with a guilty look. “Sir Pants, I am so sorry, I should have asked—” “Oh, don’t stop on my account. I think you’ve both needed this for a while. But perhaps we should take this elsewhere, just as a suggestion.” Fancy gestured upstairs, beginning a casual amble towards the stairs as he did so. Fleur watched him leave, utterly dumbfounded by the situation she found herself in. She turned back to Luna, who was still mere inches away, watching her much like a cat watches a mouse that it had already caught by the tail. “Luna, I—” “Shhhh. The time for words has passed,” Luna said, pressing a single hoof lightly to Fleur’s lips. “Unless you wish to rescind your offer,” she amended. “I admit I would be disappointed, but I will respect your wishes if they have changed.” Fleur could feel the uncomfortable dampness in her panties, and a swift beating of her heart. Luna’s approach was clumsy, and forceful, but it was working. She took a half step back, trying to slow her breathing. “ma chère... perhaps we should not... I like you very, very much, but I have no wish to ruin our friendship—” Her heart hammering in her chest, Fleur took another step backwards, and Luna matched it. She took two, and Luna did the same. She stopped, and Luna kissed her, all while bearing that same predatory smile. “Do you know,” Luna said as as she pulled back from the kiss, “I have been thinking about this moment for so long. I so rarely encounter ponies who have the courage to approach me unasked, much less take the liberties you did.” “R-Really?” Fleur asked in disbelief. “Tis quite rare. My last was over one thousand years ago. I loved her dearly.” There was a long awkward pause in which Fleur tried to comprehend the sheer length of time involved. “You haven’t... in over one thousand years?!” Luna nodded solemnly, her cheeks rosy, her eyes devouring every inch of Fleur. “As you might imagine, I am... eager.” “Y-you did not seem so very eager that first night...” Fleur said, trying to force a laugh out of a throat that seemed to be filled with her own beating heart. Luna took a step forward, closing the distance between them once more. “I didn’t leave because I feared you, Fleur,” she said with a warm chuckle. “I feared what I would do to you.” A squeak emerged from Fleur’s throat. She was not previously aware she could make such a sound. But then, she’d never previously been confronted with the lustful gaze of an alicorn princess. “I... I think I fear that as well, princesse.” Luna raised a single eyebrow, and smiled. “If you fear me, then run, my little minx.” Another squeak escaped Fleur’s lips, and she nodded very slowly, almost fearfully. “Very well.” Luna said, walking to a nearby chair and sitting down. “I will give you a head start. Give me a merry chase, and when I catch you, you are mine, you lovely creature.” Fleur blinked for a half second more before bolting up the stairs. > Le Cygne Déploie Ses Ailes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fancy was sitting comfortably in his reading chair when Fleur burst into the bedroom, her bosom heaving as she tried to draw in air. “Did you have a good talk?” he asked, turning the page. “Fancy, I... I believe I may have bitten off more than I can chew.” Fleur said, looking around for any place to hide. She quickly disrobed, having to actually peel her panties off, and threw her clothing into the closet. If Luna was tracking her by scent it would buy her an extra second or two. He laughed softly. “I did warn you.” “Over one thousand years,” she said pointedly. “Since?” “Since she last had a lover!” He whistled very softly. “Well, that certainly is quite a while.” She dashed behind a curtain, using it to cover herself. “I need a moment to think. She is... très passionnée.” “I would think that to be a good thing.” Fleur shook her head, trying to calm her beating heart. She had never been this excited and fearful since she and Fancy had first joined. It was one thing to lead some young and relatively innocent younger pony into bed, or an older pony who was looking for a thrill in his sad little life. Doing so with somepony who was important (not to mention more eager than any she had ever seen) was a league all of its own. Over one thousand years! Luna was very, very excited, but if her first experience in so very long wasn’t satisfactory... Fleur felt a mounting pressure on her heart, and it squeezed blood in a fresh rush to the rest of her body, hammering even faster than before. The prospect of disappointing Luna in this way was even worse than driving her away with unwanted advances. “Where are you, my little flower?” Luna called out from the hallway. Fleur could hear the sound of opening and closing doors, and thanked her lucky stars that they had so many guest bedrooms. She also realized that Luna had never actually gotten to see where the master bedroom was, and was in for a treat once she found it— Focus! She will find it soon enough, and you must be ready when she does. But she was not, and no amount of hiding would make her so. She stepped from behind the curtain, awaiting her fate. Fancy raised a single eyebrow in question, and she shushed him with a silent motion. He rolled his eyes, and got back to his reading. “Are you in here?” Luna sang out into the next room she opened. After a few moments, a sad little ‘No...’ could be heard, followed by the sound of the door closing. Luna was getting much closer, and Fleur still did not know what to do. Her little princess seemed to be treating the pursuit as a game, but Fleur genuinely felt hunted, and worried about how she was going to deal with being caught. She should have foreseen all of this. How many times had she been on the opposite side of things? It was exciting, and enticing, and she would spoil Luna’s good time if she let on how very nervous she was. “In here?! No...” Fleur looked around the room for anything that could help her buy just a little time. Hiding would only work for so long, and running was similarly problematic. Her gaze hit upon a silly display on the wall containing a pair of crossed fencing swords, and she had her answer. She rarely fenced with anypony but Fancy these days, but years of lessons did not go away entirely. The display in question had a small placard on it emblazoned with the words:  First Place. Below them was a black and white photograph of a much younger Fleur, one who would have been quite shocked to learn that the elder was considering challenging a Princess to a duel out of blind desperation and panic. That Fleur had much simpler problems, such as how to make a living with no real skills save for a modest talent with a blade. It had made her fit and tone, however. She drew one of the blades smoothly in her magic, plucking the other and carrying it with hilt up and blade away from her body. She did not question whether Luna had ever fenced before, as the sport was said to have predated Equestria itself, and it had always been a sport of the nobility. She also did not question how long she might be able to fend Luna off with the distraction, simply hoping for long enough. But the younger Fleur would have said something much different. She had always been steadfast when faced with a tough opponent. Fleur took a deep breath, and took some courage from the resolve in her younger self’s eyes. That Fleur could have held Luna at bay, that Fleur would have chided her for being soft and weak. Her eyes hardened. She could be that Fleur again. She stepped out into the hallway with purpose, holding her own sword at the ready and tossing the other at Luna as soon as the Princess emerged from another guest bedroom a scant three doors away from the master bedroom. Luna caught it, looking surprised, but she readied her blade quickly enough. “Are we dueling for my honor, Dame?” “I promised you sport, did I not?” Fleur said through clenched teeth, affecting a smile that she didn’t truly feel. “En garde, Princesse!” Luna brought her sword to bear, and the hallway became filled with the sound of steel clashing on steel. “Dame, as much as I enjoy our game, you don’t need to—” Luna quickly blocked a jab that would have notched her ear. “—go so far for me!” “I only wish for you to enjoy yourself, Luna.” Fleur replied as she riposted smoothly. “You are a dear friend and a treasured guest!” Despite her prowess, Fleur was no match at all for Luna’s speed and control. She was being driven, slowly but surely, into the bedroom, and it didn’t escape her attention that the general direction was towards the large canopied master bed. “I am, I assure you, but there are surely other games we could play?” Luna casually flicked aside a desperate lunge at her chest, catching Fleur up in her arms as both swords went clattering to the ground. She kissed Fleur, and for a time, Fleur saw nothing but the night sky in Luna’s mane, and felt nothing but Luna’s passion. Fleur slipped from Luna’s arms, dropping low and backing away swiftly. “Ah, but that would be skipping to the main-course, ma petite!” she replied with a manic little giggle, feeling giddy from the lack of air. Luna pouted, watching Fleur dance around the large bed. “Perhaps I will have an appetizer instead!” She announced, turning to Fancy Pants who was studiously reading despite the commotion. Stalking over to him, she lowered his book with her magic. “Pardon Us, Sir Pants. Art thou on tonight’s menu?” He shrugged, returning her lusty gaze with one of surprise. “I can be, if you like. I’d supposed this night to be for the two of you, but I certainly wouldn’t like to leave a guest wanting.” Luna nodded, her gaze smoldering as she took him in. “We feel greedy for asking such, but our need is greater still than any shame We might feel,” she crawled up onto his lap, kissing him as her lips met his. Fancy met her forceful kiss with an equal measure of his own, neither yielding to her nor attempting to overpower her.  He was a deceptively strong stallion, as Fleur herself had learned over the years, and his will was not one that would succumb to others easily. Fleur watched with interest, as he always seemed to act a little differently with each duckling, seeming to know what they needed to be comfortable. “You are more accommodating than your wife.” Luna said as she broke the kiss, settling down on his chest, a tone of mild complaint in her voice. “Or perhaps I am merely impatient. Do you think I ask too much?” “Not at all, Princess. I suspect Fleur is feeling just a teensy bit of nerves, surprising as that might seem.” “Fancy!” Fleur exclaimed, outraged. “Sorry, my love. It was that or let you two continue to dance, and as much fun as it is to watch, I think our guest grows ever more needy and confused for it.” Luna’s ears perked up as she listened to the two of them talk, her head tilting to one side as she looked at Fancy. “Truly? Thou art not playing at a farce?” “Not at the moment, Luna. Fleur considers you to be a very special guest, but when she heard of just how long you’d been without, I fear it gave her a bit of a start.” “Fancy... please...” Fleur whispered, her face burning in shame. Luna turned her head to face Fleur, seeing at last that her normally confident-looking friend was shrinking in on herself as she huddled in the corner. “Dame, why didn’t you just say you were nervous?” Fleur squeaked, turning away from Luna’s gaze. “She has her pride, Princess. I assure you, she wants to please you, but the enormity of it seems to be weighing heavily. I’d suggest a slightly slower approach. I could help you, if you want.” “Perhaps it would be best if we simply attempt this at another time.” Luna said with a sigh. “I was... overeager.” Fancy shook his head. “Not at all, Luna. And perhaps I misspoke. If Fleur is a bit tense over feeling pressured, I’d be happy to be your appetizer while she readies the ‘main course’, as it were.” Luna mused for a moment, and as Fleur dared to raise her head she could see that the Princess’s tail was twitching, hiking upwards and displaying a dampness beneath. “Neither of you would mind this?” she asked, sounding both doubtful and hopeful. “Not at all, ma petite!” Fleur said quickly. “You are a guest! I only ask that you pardon me for being such a poor hostess. But my Fancy will be more than able to meet your needs while I... collect myself.” Luna pursed her lips, still seeming unsure. “We admit to a preference of the softer sex, as stallions tend towards brutish displays, and We have no interest in such. However, Our need is such that We would welcome such brutishness. Also, We believe Sir Pants to be a rare specimen of his sex, one who knows the value of control, but still can exert force at need. Have We judged correctly, good sir?” “I do know my way around, yes.” Fancy replied with no trace of bragging. Luna took one last look at Fleur, who nodded encouragingly. “If it would be permissible, We would request that Sir Pants mount Us,” she said after a moment. “We wish to be rutted like a filthy trollop.” Despite herself, Fleur let out a sudden laugh, her face flushed as Luna turned to face her once more. “Excusez-moi, ma petite,” Fleur said, finding it was very difficult to keep the smile off her face. “Your request struck my funny bone.” “We did not speak in jest.” Luna replied. “We wish to be bred like some common strumpet. We ache for it.” Fleur stared at Luna for a long moment, uncertain what to say. “She is a guest, Fleur.” Fancy said pointedly. Fleur glared at him, but he only returned her gaze with that same unflappable calm. “Yes, and a guest should be treated with courtesy!” she replied with a huff. “Fine, but remember to stretch first.” Luna gazed down into Fancy’s eyes, smiling slowly. “Truly? Thou would grant Our desire?” “I could hardly ignore a lady in need, Princess,” he replied with a chuckle. “Let me up, please. I’ll need to prepare.” “Do... do We need to aid you?” Luna asked as she got up from off of his chest. Fancy let out a good-natured harrumph. “Fear not, Princess. I can rise to the occasion quite easily." He smiled at her and motioned towards the bed with his head. "Just relax. Fleur and I will take care of everything." Fleur fumed just a little as she watched Fancy slowly stretch each of his muscle groupings. He’d essentially pulled house rules on her, and it infuriated her. She’d wanted Luna’s experience to be gentle, and sensual, but when a new guest was invited up, it wasn’t just about Fancy’s or Fleur’s wishes, it was about making the guest comfortable. Little fun could be had by giving them a poor experience. She let out a little huff, switching her attention to Luna instead. Fancy was right, as he usually was. Comfort was his talent, after all. “Come here, ma petite. Sit with me.” Luna did as she was bid, seeming unsure of what she was meant to be doing. “Thank you. Both of you.” Fleur regarded her friend with a single raised eyebrow. “It is too soon to thank me, I think. I will let you thank Fancy when he has left you breathless and limp.” That seemed to relax Luna, albeit just a little. It was very odd for Fleur to be seeing her in this way. One moment the huntress, the next somewhat shy and reserved. “I will thank him for that as well. He would be the first if he succeeds.” Fleur gathered Luna close to her, putting her hooves upon the princess’ shapely shoulders just above her wings and giving her a gentle yet firm massage. “You have poor history with stallions, ma cherie?” A head shake followed. “None, really. We... I find them attractive, in their way, but few have dared approach me. There were two knights who fought for my favor with great deeds... who then proceeded to get themselves slain in the pursuit. Their feats became the stuff of legends... I admit I wondered, at times, if I should not have just taken them both to my room... Likely I would have been disappointed twice in one night. Knights of my age were known for strength, not stamina.” Fleur laughed as she nuzzled into Luna’s mane. “Yes, there is that. Well, my Fancy is very different than what you have known.” “You—” Luna gasped as Fleur hit a particularly tense muscle. “You both are.” Fleur hugged her arms around Luna. “I suppose we must be. One thousand years... such a long time.” “We did not mean to trouble thee with that, Dame. We were... very excited.” The hug tightened. “I am sorry I reacted poorly, ma petite.” “We’ll forgive thee, if thou wilt do Us the same favor in kind.” “Already done.” Fleur craned her neck up to whisper in Luna’s ear. “Are you excited? He is nearly ready, you know.” “For what reason does he feel he needs to ready himself? We had thought this to be over in a matter of moments.” Fleur chuckled, nipping at the edge of Luna’s ear. “Not my Fancy.” A polite cough drew their eyes to them, and Fleur sighed appreciatively. He stood before them, entirely nonchalantly, with his shaft jutting out at its full, glorious extension. Luna let out a little gasp, whispering: “Is that the elephant he kept referring to?” “Well, milady? May I have this dance?” Fancy asked with a little twinkle in his eye. “Are we supposed to dance, now?” Luna asked, still looking down, seemingly unable to keep her eyes away. “I’ll lead, princess.” He approached her with quiet confidence, and Fleur felt a surge of jealousy. Not of Luna, but of Fancy, for being able to stay that cool while he made himself ready to mount a living goddess in pony form. Fleur released her hold on the princess, crawling up the bed and lying back against the pillows, making herself comfortable. Fancy took Luna’s hoof, gently helping her to rise and stand alongside him. He kissed her, and Luna’s wings slowly rose from her side, extending out in something Fleur often saw when their guest was of the pegasi variety. Fancy’s face quirked up in a little grin as he saw the display, recognizing it for the compliment it was. He was about to rear up, and Luna’s eyes widened, her wings snapping shut. “Wait!” Fancy settled back down, looking at her quizzically. “Sorry, sorry,” Luna muttered, her face flushed, and her wings straining to spring back up at her sides. Apparently whatever was bothering her wasn’t a lack of enthusiasm. “I... I need to take precautions.” Fleur exchanged a look with Fancy, who subtly shrugged. “If you feel the need, Princess. I’ve already cast a contraceptive spell—” “No...” Luna’s eyes widened as she realized what he had said. “Truly? Tis good to know, but I fear I may be... too loud while we couple.” “Well... the bedroom is soundproofed—” Fancy said, looking a little nonplussed. Luna shook her head furiously. “I do not fear others overhearing us so much as I fear causing injury to your ears.” Fleur laughed suddenly, eventually quieting when Luna did not join in. “Ma petite? Are you being serious?” “Quite serious. I once bested a windigo with the power of my voice against his. Twas quite the explosion. Ponies could hear our battle from far and wide.” Fancy exchanged a somewhat concerned look with Fleur. “I suppose I could hold back to avoid you becoming too excited—” “No!” Luna said quickly. “I will not have that. Give me a moment, please. A dear friend taught me how to affect a more quiet and sweet tone,” she closed her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath, then opened her mouth to say in the barest whisper: “How is this?” After a moment or two of Luna’s expectant look, Fancy replied: “I think you might have overdone it.” Luna opened her mouth once more, and this time the whisper was slightly more audible. “We cannot be too careful, Sir Pants. Please, we wish to continue.” she lowered her head, raising both her wings and tail in a silent but meaningful beckoning. “Pity.” Fancy said regretfully. “I appreciate your concern, but I should have loved to hear your utterances, even if it was the last thing I did hear.” He nuzzled against her large wings as he circled around her several times. “You are a singular beauty, Luna. I count myself honored.” Luna shuddered, a drop of sweat dripping off the end of her nose, her mouth open and panting. Though she had intended to lay back and watch, Fleur approached, biting her lip as she stopped and stood a modest distance away from them. She exchanged a look with Fancy, which he returned with a question in his eyes. On any other night, with any other partner, he would not have hesitated in the least. She held his gaze, and nodded firmly, mouthing silently the words ‘I love you’. He smiled, turning his attention back to the needy princess before him. Fleur watched in rapt attention as Fancy reached up with his long, slender neck to take Luna’s wing shank gently in his mouth and bit down firmly on it. Luna’s reaction was immediate and startling as she shrieked in surprise, her wings standing straight out. A quick glance at other areas revealed that Luna was more than ready for the rutting she’d begged for, as a small pool of moisture was gathering on the floor below her thighs, small rivulets of it matting the short pelt on her legs. “Fancy,” Fleur said, barely even registering that her hoof that had snuck its way between her own legs while she was watching them both: “I think you tease her cruelly. Let’s sate that great hunger of hers.” “Please!” Luna said, the whisper almost approaching normal speaking volume in her urgency. “Your wish is my command, Princess.” Fancy said, though whether it was to Fleur or Luna  was unclear, and unimportant. He reared up, resting his hooves upon Luna’s flanks. She was slightly taller than Fleur herself, but at his full height Fancy still looked comfortable resting his weight on Luna’s backside. He positioned the flared head at Luna’s dripping entrance, his hips poised and ready, and in a smooth relentless motion drove himself home. Luna’s eyes bulged, and she stuffed a wing in her mouth just before screaming into it. Fancy stood stock still, letting Luna adjust to his size before moving. Fleur was honestly quite impressed, as he’d managed to get the bulk of himself inside, though there was still roughly a third of him left before he was hilted. She herself had only managed half their first time, as his girth was more than she’d ever had to accommodate from her previous lovers. Fancy began moving once more, and Fleur spread her labia, running her hoof up and down in time to Fancy’s thrusts, shuddering as Luna let out a little squeal of urgency. “I’m fairly certain she’s—” Fleur took in a quick breath as another shudder rocked her, “She’s urging you to go a bit faster, mon cœur.” “‘Arder!” Luna squealed out around the wing. “Harder as well,” Fleur said without missing a beat. Luna nodded frantically, spitting her wing out for long enough to take a deep gasp of air. “Ahhh!” she squealed as Fancy managed to plunge a few inches deeper, which was more of him than Fleur herself could take. Luna’s wings strained, almost as if she planned to take flight that very second, and beads of sweat were running from just under her crown. Her mouth was wide open, letting out a gust of air every time Fancy filled her, and her eyes were squeezed shut as she did everything she could just to keep on her feet. Fancy himself was beginning to flag, which amazed Fleur. Despite Luna’s more than copious wetness her labia clung to his member every time he withdraw, seemingly not wanting to let him go. It was only supreme force of will that was allowing him to soldier on, for he never allowed himself release before the guest. He rocked Luna in his grasp, thrusting into her with enough force and speed to satisfy her more than evident lust, but nothing he ever did could be called rough. Except for his breathing, Fleur amended, her eyes wide and staring as she feverously clopped herself. Beads of sweat dripped down his nose, and his breath came in great heaving gusts. He was throwing himself into this act, and though it was Luna below him, the love that inspired him was their own. In a sudden move, she reached up with her other foreleg and wrapped it around his neck, kissing him fervently as he continued to rail Luna as she had demanded of him. Fleur, unlike Fancy, was fast approaching her own peak, and had no inclination to restrain herself. And from the sounds of things, Fancy did not have much longer to wait himself. She knew what it was to be in Luna’s place very, very well, and judging from the quickened breath, the painfully flared wings, and her glowing eyes— She started a bit upon seeing that. Glowing eyes were definitely a first. “Fill your princess, We demand it!” Luna bellowed out at a volume that caused Fleur’s ears to ring for a moment or two. Fleur shuddered again, clutching at Fancy as she came, a languid smile on her face. She allowed herself to fall from his side as she felt him rear back, giving him one more kiss as she did so. She was a lucky, lucky mare to have wed this stallion. Fancy groaned loudly as he thrust inside Luna all the way to his hips, so deep that Fleur could make out a very small bulge in Luna’s abdomen. Luna opened her mouth wide, and though Fleur did not hear a thing coming from her, several crystal shot glasses and one half full bottle of brandy shattered in an explosion of shards and liquid all over their sitting room table in the other room. Fancy, Luna, and Fleur stood there, the former two locked together so tightly that Fleur doubted either could have moved even if they wanted to. Slowly, Luna’s wings drooped to the ground. She panted heavily, her legs still straining to keep her upright. Fancy had allowed himself to rest the bulk of his upper body on her backside, his head between her wings and his tail drooping down to the ground. Below them both, a small pool of their collected fluids had gathered, though far less than Fleur would have expected. Apparently most of it was still trapped inside of Luna... Fleur found that thought insanely arousing. She was going to have a lot of fun helping Luna clean up once they finally uncoupled. She shuddered once again as another little aftershock threatened to make her knees buckle. Fancy slowly withdrew himself from Luna, kissing the nape of her neck as he unhooked his forelegs from her barrel. Luna continued to try to catch her breath, her head hanging low, the crown having slipped from her mane to clatter upon the ground. “We...” Luna cleared her throat. “Forgive Us. We may need a brief moment. And something to drink.” Fancy had slowly and ponderously managed to make his way to the bar, and was already fetching out a bottle of chilled Chateau Pone‑Canet. “Momentarily, Luna,” he said, laying out three glasses in a row. Luna turned her head towards him, her mane seeming oddly limp and falling around her shoulders in a wave of blacks and midnight blues. “Is he always thus?” she demanded to know as she turned to Fleur. “Actually, no. You’ve managed to wind him badly,” Fleur replied with wide eyes. “This... this is him winded?” Luna asked, her eyes wide and disbelieving. “I... I see why you married him,” she took a step forward, looking like a newborn foal using her legs for the first time. “Please, I need to sit for a time." She looked back at herself, and added: "And I need towels; many, many, towels." Fleur let out a musical little laugh, circling around Luna to regard the fruit of her dear husband’s labors. “Nonsense, ma petite. You have but to crawl up onto the bed, and enjoy a glass of wine.” Luna did as she was bid, looking back at Fleur curiously. “You do not mind? We are certain to leak upon your bedding.” “Shhhh.” Fleur said, taking the glass from her husband’s magic and downing it with one long gulp. “The guest never worries about cleanup, ma cherie.” She then began licking up every trace of moisture on Luna’s thighs as if on an ice cream cone that threatened to melt over its edges. Luna started in surprise, but in time settled in and let Fleur continue, letting out the occasional little gasp or croon. “Is— Ah! Is this the main course?” Fancy settled down on the bed next to Luna, bringing the bottle with him. “Not at all! She’s merely cleaning the table.” Some time later, when she was satisfied that Luna would no longer be dripping every time she moved, Fleur abandoned her perch on Luna’s legs, wriggling her way in between Luna and her Fancy. She looked at Luna with a wicked smiled on her face, then gave the Princess a kiss on her nose. “Well, you are less famished now, oui? Did Fancy whet your appetite?” “He... did so much more than that.” Luna said with a little blush. “You are a lucky mare, Fleur.” “Oh, I know it well, ma petite.” Fleur said, turning over to give Fancy a kiss, then turning back to Luna. “Well, we can proceed with the next course when you are ready. I apologize for making you wait.” Luna shook her head ruefully. “No, Dame, that was my fault. I did not think. I assumed you were as excited as I was.” Fleur laughed lightly, stroking up and down Luna’s chest with a forehoof. “Do not mistake my nervousness for lack of passion! I simply did not wish to disappoint you.” “Disappoint me...” Luna allowed the words to trail off. “Dame, there is no way you can.” “But... you said your last—” “Was over one thousand years ago, yes. Night Blossom. She was a spirited thing. I named a species of flower after her. I will miss her.” Luna replied with a slightly somber tone. “But she is long gone, Dame. There will never be another like her. Just as I will never meet another Fleur De Lis,” she turned to Fancy, who was lounging on the bed sipping at his wine. “I will certainly never find another like Sir Pants. You are a rare and wonderful stallion, good sir.” “Pleasure to be of service,” Fancy said with a chuckle. “Quite literally.” Luna lay her head down on one of her forelegs, blowing at a strand of her mane which had strayed from the rest to tickle at her nose. “She would have liked you both, I think...” Luna sighed heavily, then picked herself up on her forelegs. “Dame... while We appreciate your efforts, perhaps could I make use of your shower? I feel... sticky.” Fleur nodded quickly. “Of course, ma petite! Whatever will make you feel comfortable.” Luna nodded, getting up slowly and stopping at the edge of the bed to lean over and give Fleur an affectionate kiss. “Let me freshen up, then. I’ll rejoin you shortly.” Fleur watched Luna leave, a little frown forming on her face once she was sure Luna could not see. She will return, clean and happy, she thought, trying not to let nerves overtake her once more. To that end, she rolled back over to face her Fancy, snuggling up to him and kissing his nose. “You did so well, mon cœur!” “Only doing my part, dearest. Honestly, I didn’t expect to be called on, but I didn’t mind in the least.” He wrapped an arm around her, drawing her close. “Sorry for spilling the beans.” She shook her head, burying it deep into his embrace. “It’s fine. I thought I could stall, and stall, and everything would be fine. It was not fine. I was...” she paused, trying to remember a phrase she’d heard one of their ducklings say once, long ago. “ ‘Quacking inside my shoes’? Is that right?” “Close enough,” he replied with a laugh. He kissed the top of her forehead. They lay together for a time, the only sound being the water running in the shower and the beat of Fancy’s heart. Eventually, Fleur stirred, and Fancy released her from his embrace. She lay on the pillows next to him, watching the door intently. “You could have joined her in the shower,” Fancy observed, passing another glass of wine to her in his magic. “No, she wishes to be unsticky,” Fleur replied, forcibly turning away from the door to roll towards him. “I wish her to be comfortable.” Fancy regarded her for a moment, then shook his head, letting out a sigh. “You’re still dancing.” Fleur scowled at him, taking a sip of her wine. “I am... simply letting her set the pace.” “You were doing just fine, then you let the mood cool. It’s not like you, dearest.” “She is not like any of them.” Fleur countered. She finished off her wine, setting it down on the nightstand beside her. “Of course I treat her differently.” “You do her a disservice. And furthermore you do all of the others a disservice if you think making love to Luna at your own pace is the wrong thing to do. None of them complained in the least. Several thanked you at the top of their lungs.” Fleur considered his words for a long moment. He wasn’t wrong, but Fleur was uncertain whether she could ever just treat her little princess as anything but a precious friend after what she had gone through trying to make up with her. “Yes, but—” Fancy merely held up a hoof, shaking his head. “You’re making excuses. It’s all right, you know. I understand if she unnerves you.” “S-she does not—” “She is wonderfully lovely, isn’t she? Such large wings.” “Yes, she is very attractive, but—” “And her mane, so very interesting. I wonder how it would look wet? Of course, it would be improper for me to look in on her uninvited. But you, that would be entirely fine, especially if you helped her wash the sweat away.” Fleur looked at him speechlessly for some time, eventually turning to look at the bathroom door once more. “I should offer to help her,” she said with a blush she refused to show him. “Now that’s a wonderful idea! I’ll be here if you need me,” he said, picking up the book he’d been reading. “Do tell me how it went later." She turned back to him to stick her tongue out, only to find his eyes focused on the book. Instead, she blew him a kiss, then got up to follow Luna to the shower. > Le Cygne Pleure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ma petite?” Fleur called into the steam-filled bathroom as she opened the door. “I’m still showering, Dame.” Luna called back. “I know, mon cygne. I had thought to... assist you, if you would like.” Fleur winced at how horribly plaintive she sounded. “That is... I wish to join you. Do you wish this too?” Fleur approached slowly, and as the steam parted she saw Luna’s lithe and tall form silhouetted in the glass door of the shower stall. She stood rapt at the sight. Luna opened the door just a little, her flowing mane framing her face, a cloud of steam billowing out around her. “As you desire, Dame.” Nodding quickly, Fleur very nearly galloped into the shower to join Luna. It was a largish thing, easily bigger than a normal sized bathroom in itself. Inside there was a long shelf of various shampoos, soaps, and conditioners; the bulk of which were Fleur’s but a respectable amount of which belonged to Fancy. Outside there was a row of monogrammed towels, a large mirror over a counter lined with hair care products and grooming tools, and a rack lined with fluffy white robes, two monogrammed and several left blank for guests. Luna stood in the glass enclosure under one of the four shower heads, allowing the water to run over her but making no move to do much in the way of actual cleaning. It was only then that Fleur noticed that not all of the moisture on Luna’s face was coming from the showerhead. “Ma Petite?” Fleur asked quietly. Luna sat down on the shower floor with a small splash. Fleur rushed to her, her heart racing. Something was wrong with her little princess. Had Fancy been too rough with her? It had not seemed so at the time... but in the heat of passion... No, her Fancy had been gentle, only responding to Luna’s wishes. But even still, Luna had mentioned she’d never had the attentions of a male before, and Fancy was well above average in size... He could well have hurt her with no will to do so. “Princesse? Are you well?” Luna shook her head, burying her muzzle in Fleur’s chest pelt as she settled down next to Luna to look her over. “Luna, please,” Fleur begged. “Tell me how I can help.” “I... I am sorry, Dame,” Luna whispered. “Please... give me a moment. Just... just a moment.” Not knowing what else to do, Fleur gathered Luna close to herself, simply holding her. How long she could not say. Overhead, the shower rained down on them with a steady heat, but Luna seemed to shudder in her arms, as if she were cold. Fleur murmured endearments quietly, stroking Luna’s mane and willing her friend to be well, if such a thing could be done by will alone. In time, Luna raised her head, and though her eyes were red-tinged, they were dry. “Forgive me,” she said, reaching up to lay a gentle kiss on Fleur’s cheek. “Ma petite, please,” Fleur asked once again. “Do you ache? I can call for ice and some pills to dull pain.” Luna shook her head, saying nothing. “I swear, if Fancy has hurt you he will spend the next week on the couch—” “He did not, Fleur. Fancy was most considerate. He was both gentle and strong, and made me feel treasured and worshipped in a way I have rarely felt.” Luna reached up to rub at her eyes, letting out a deep exhalation. “And you were so attentive afterwards... You were both so very good to me.” “Then what is wrong, ma chère?” Fleur said, brushing a strand of long dark mane away from Luna’s pretty eyes. “I... I feel as if I have committed a great wrong,” Luna admitted after a moment. Fleur would have laughed had Luna not sounded so very earnest. “For what reason?” “For what reason would I not think thus?” Luna replied with a bitter laugh. “I practically forced you into your own bedroom, pursuing you to sate my own needs, and in doing so I frightened you to the point where your dear husband offered himself up in your stead. I am a selfish mare, and I shame myself with such behavior.” After staring at Luna, completely dumbfounded, Fleur did laugh finally, unable to stop it from coming. “Ma petite... you cannot force the willing. I only wish I had not been struck with nerves. I was so very jealous of my Fancy as he took you. But I was grateful to him as well, for he saw your need and accommodated you.” “Only after I threw myself at him...” Luna muttered darkly. “Do not think him immune to your charms. He simply did not wish to intrude on our play, ma chère,” Fleur replied. She sat back, taking Luna’s shoulders in her hooves. “He knew how much I desired you, and how very hurt I was when I chased you off. He... he knows me better than I know myself, at times.” “Truly?” Luna asked, looking into Fleur’s eyes. “He simply... held himself back?” “Fancy is very good about my toys,” Fleur said with a little chuckle. “He knows I will share.” “So... it was not pity that inspired him? He was attracted to me?” Luna pressed. Fleur tilted her head to one side, eyeing Luna as if seeing her for the first time. “Ma petite... how could he not be?” Luna looked away from Fleur’s gaze, shaking her head. “Do not mock me, Dame. I look at you and I wonder how he could possibly look at another mare.” “Ma chère, you speak such lovely words.” Fleur said with a little titter. “But you yourself are lovelier still. How is it that you believe otherwise?” “I’m afraid narcissism requires a degree of self-delusion I am no longer capable of,” Luna replied. “I am, at best, a casual friend of myself, and sometimes not even that.” “Then you will have to trust me, ma petite,” Fleur said firmly. “You are gorgeous.” Luna smiled just a little, and it greatly relieved Fleur to see it. “I would expect you to think thusly, Dame, but I feel wretched right now.” “I understand, but not why, Princesse. What can I do to make you feel better?” “Very little, I’m afraid.” Luna said, letting out a sigh. “I had thought myself capable of...” she paused, gesturing futilely around the bathroom. “This. Whatever one calls it when they willfully participate in helping a couple commit adultery.” Fleur laughed heartily. “I do not call it that at all. Fancy and I simply hold our hearts for one another. That word you speak is what you use when couples betray each other. We have only love.” “Yes... as you say,” Luna replied. “I... I have only ever known the love of one pony to another. Or seen the love of a herd for all the members thereof. I do not feel as though I have been invited to such... and yet I do not feel unwelcome. ‘Tis most confusing.” “There are many types of love,” Fleur replied. “What Fancy and I have is not threatened by simply sharing pleasure with other ponies.” “Yet that is not what you said!” Luna exclaimed in frustration. “You said you were jealous having to watch him rut me. Is that not true?” she demanded. “Ma chère... I was a little jealous, but I delighted in his pleasure as I did in yours,” Fleur replied, gently touching the side of Luna’s face with a hoof. “I could only have been happier if I was able to rut you myself. I have seldom been as excited as I was watching you two. It will be in my dreams for some time.” Luna thought about Fleur’s words for some time. Afterwards, the smile she’d had before during their merry chase returned to Luna’s face. It was like seeing the moon though a break in the clouds on a stormy night. “I would wish to see those,” she said with a blush. Fleur smiled back at Luna a little quizzically, uncertain if her little princess was being serious. Then she remembered the dream she’d had of Luna, and her eyes opened wide. “Do... do you often visit dreams?” “Only when I am needed, normally.” Luna replied. “I try not to intrude.” “I... see.” Fleur replied, unsure of what else to say. She recalled being intruded on very distinctly, not that she had minded. “Yours was a special case, Dame.” Luna said, apparently guessing correctly about what Fleur had been thinking about. “I pulled you into a dream of my own devising, for my own selfish needs.” “I didn’t mind, ma chère.” Fleur replied with a little smile. “Even if you had simply intruded in my dream I would not have minded. I had longed to see you again, just to make it all up to you. Though I am... sorry I was so bold with you.” “I was... somewhat surprised, Fleur.” Luna said with a chuckle. “But then, ponies are ever bold in their dreams. And.. it was not the first time I’d had a kiss stolen from me thusly. Though you gave me enough of a shock that I was startled awake.” Fleur kissed Luna lightly on the lips. “I hope I did not scare you too badly.” “Quite the contrary.” Luna said with a little twinkle in her eye. “I woke with my sheets drenched with sweat and more... intimate substances. It was the first time in many centuries I’d needed to launder my own linens, but I did not wish to burden the cleaning staff.” “Mon Dieu! What a scandal if you were seen!” Fleur replied, reaching up with a hoof to stroke the underside of Luna’s muzzle. “I was not,” Luna replied, shuddering a little from Fleur’s touch. “I am very good at avoiding notice.” Her voice turned melancholy as she added: “Much better than I am at attaining it.” Fleur made shushing noises, kissing the top of Luna’s head as one would a small child needing comfort. “Does ma petite princesse desire attention?” “Perhaps...” Luna said in a slightly petulant voice. Fleur smiled, levitating a bottle of shampoo from one of her shelves. “Let’s start with your mane, ma chère.” She settled down atop Luna’s back, making the Princess grunt in surprise, but she did not protest. While Fleur could have used her magic, she wanted to get her hooves inside that lovely flowing mass. Luna’s mane was interesting, especially in its current state. “Ma petite...” she said breathily into Luna’s ear. “Tell me, do you often have to launder your sheets?” “No...” Luna replied, looking back at Fleur with earnest curiosity. “Why would I?” “Well... surely if you have not been with a lover, you took care of yourself in other ways?” Even from her position behind Luna, Fleur could see the lovely dark purple on Luna’s cheek’s growing even darker with her blush. “I... do not do such things in a bed.” “Oh ho...” Fleur said with a knowing chuckle. “May I know where you do?” The only sound was the constant water from the showerhead and the distinct but palpable silence coming from the Princess. Fleur hummed happily as she massaged the back of Luna’s neck, working the later throughout the lengths of dark mane. Even wet, it moved in her hooves, a gently flowing mass of darkness that sparkled under the suds. “In my bath.” Luna said suddenly. “Ah,” Fleur said after a moment. “I am fond of that as well. The warm water relaxes and soothes... very comfortable.” “I... I do it there so that it all gets washed away quickly.” Luna said, sounding horribly uncomfortable. “I don’t like to be sticky.” “Hmmm, like in my bed, yes?” Fleur said, her humming taking a dour tone. “I am sorry, ma petite. I had thought to clean you myself. If I had known, I would have led you here instead.” “No!” Luna said quickly. “I didn’t mind at all. I... I more needed some time to think, afterwards. I was troubled.” “I see... Some time alone, then? Am I spoiling your plans even now?” Luna turned her head, reaching up to kiss Fleur on the cheek. “I think I have had enough of time alone, Dame. I... I am sorry for being a pooper of the party.” Fleur smiled, bopping her nose into Luna’s and briefly brushing her lips against the other mare’s. “Nonsense, ma chère. The party is for you, and you may do as you wish. You have already indulged me far more than I ever hoped, it is only fair I do the same in return.” Fleur grasped the showerhead in her magic, redirecting the flow down into Luna’s mane to gently wash the lather away. “There, now you are perfect again. No more sweat, no more stickiness.” “Again,” Luna repeated, rolling her eyes, but she was unable to conceal that she was pleased with the praise. “I was never, and will never be. I know of my flaws most intimately.” Fleur just smiled in response, turning off the water with a deft magical twist. “I would not know, Princesse. I have yet to get to know you so well as that. But Fancy has known you, and I daresay he would agree with me.” “Would you know Us, Dame?” Luna asked after a moment. “Doest thou still fear the approach of darkness?” “I...” Fleur paused, taken aback at the sudden intensity of Luna’s gaze, she was reminded once more of Luna’s true age (or rather, her agelessness, which made it impossible to know), and of Luna’s power. Fleur’s body trembled, and a small drop of moisture joined with the water as it drained from the shower floor. “Thou art right to fear,” Luna said with a frankness that spoke not only of her confidence in what she was saying but also of a certain sadness in saying it. “We can be merciless and cold when We wish, but that need not be so. Wouldst thou feel Night’s embrace, know it as few have?” Fleur said nothing for a long moment, a moment which seemed far longer in her mind than It perhaps was. For however long that it lasted, Luna held her gaze. In the Princess’s eyes there was neither judgement nor expectation. The fire that had been in those eyes during their game of prey and predator was not gone, but it no longer raged. Fleur knew she could make it blaze again, white hot, but yet... there was a fear still in those eyes. She could make the fear recede, perhaps until it no longer bothered her little princess, but only Luna could make it go. “Not now,” she heard herself say. “You will think for a time, settle your worries. If you merely wish to visit, you are always welcome. But when next you ask, I will not flee.” Fleur searched Luna’s eyes urgently, hoping she’d said the right words, and found relief where the fear had been. “I... I thank thee for thy understanding, Dame.” Luna said, lowering her gaze from Fleur’s own. “I did not wish to disappoint after pursuing you with such fervor.” “Princesse...” Fleur said in a rush, embracing the other mare as if she were much smaller and younger than she actually was, “You cannot, ever. Nothing is expected of you. My only want is for your company and friendship. Any games we might play beyond that are gifts to each other.” Luna said nothing, only returning the embrace. “Come, let us dry you off.” Fleur said decisively. Part of her (the part left dripping with its own moisture) regretted her decision. But her heart felt at ease, and it was far louder when it came to her little princess. Fleur tried to invite Luna to join them in their room, but Luna demurred, much to Fleur’s disappointment. Snuggling would have been good, but she respected Luna’s wish. It was somewhat difficult for Fleur, as she still felt need of Luna’s company in a very carnal sense, but instead had acted in a way that was wiser for Luna. She wasn’t used to thinking in such ways. She had never worried about such with her ducklings (perhaps some were more naive than others, but they were all certainly old enough to make their own decisions, even if some were only just old enough), but Luna seemed ill-equipped to make good decisions with regards to herself, and somepony needed to think of her best interests. Of course, some niggling part of her mind mocked her for thinking as much. If there was anypony in the world old enough to decide for herself, it was surely the ageless princess, and if anypony were able to suggest otherwise, it certainly wasn’t the not-quite-young but certainly-not-old Fleur De Lis. But surely she was not to blame for wanting simultaneously to wrap her princess up in her arms to protect her from the hurts of the world and also to throw her down upon silk sheets and make her writhe and scream? The needs of the first unfortunately meant she had to decide if the second conflicted with it. If making love hurt Luna’s heart, then it could wait for Luna to be at ease. Then the writhing and screaming would come without Fleur’s own heart troubling her. Fancy stirred as she climbed into bed, turning to face her with a weary smile. “Was the shower pleasant?” he asked as she snuggled into his embrace. “It was fine,” she replied, not wanting to elaborate. He blinked at her, letting out a loud yawn. “Did you set her up in the guest room?” “Oui, she did not wish to join us in our bed.” Fleur said, turning in Fancy’s embrace to become the little spoon to his larger. She sighed happily as she felt his forehooves cross over her chest and his muzzle brush past her mane to kiss at the side of her neck. “Her loss. But she is the guest.” Fancy said breathily into her ear. Fleur nodded, reaching out with her magic to extinguish the light next to their bed and closing her eyes, arching her back more fully into the curve of his body. She badly needed his warmth and affection in that moment. Luna’s worries were bothersome. She knew nothing they would do with another ever threatened their love for one another, but Luna’s insistence on calling it adultery troubled her enough to wonder about things she had not ever before. Things she perhaps... took for granted. “Fancy?” she asked, breaking the silence of their room. He shifted against her in the darkness. “Yes, beloved?” “Do... do I ask too much of you?” she said in a very small, unsure voice. There was silence for a long moment, after which Fancy replied: “That seems a very odd question to ask in the middle of the night.” “Just answer me, mon cœur,” she pleaded. “I need to know your feelings.” “You’ve never asked for anything I didn’t want to give you, dearest,” he said, nuzzling against her ear. “The only thing I cannot give you is my heart, for you took ownership of that the moment our eyes met. I’ve never wanted it back.” Fleur mewled as he nipped playfully at the base of her neck. His words were comforting, but she still felt somewhat troubled, though his hot breath on her back was making it hard to think properly. “Fancy... Ah!” she exclaimed. “I... I am being serious.” He pulled her even more tightly into his embrace, simply holding her for a time. “My turn to ask something, I think. Did things go badly in the shower?’ She closed her eyes, more as a point of resignation to herself than anything else. “Not... badly, exactly. She was troubled. We talked, and I helped her shower.” “Helped?” Fancy prompted, sounding concerned. “She wasn’t able to—” “Non, she was fine. It was her heart that hurt. She felt a great guilt, afterwards.” “Ah,” Fancy replied, sounding relieved. “Some are like that. I’ve had to console a few of our guests in the past.” Fleur’s ears perked up in sudden alarm. “What? One of mes petits canetons was hurt?” “No,” he said quickly. “As you said, they felt guilty, the next day, or several days later. Some ponies seem to think they take something from us, even if it’s been freely given,” she felt him move her mane as he shook his head. “Odd thought, that. Some just need a bit of reassurance. Others have wanted a hug, or a kiss goodbye. It’s not many, mind you. Most often it’s the younger ones.” “I... see...” Fleur said, her heart sinking. It was as she had feared. How many hearts had she wounded? How many had come to Fancy for comfort? How many more had simply gone on hurting without any solace at all? He sighed into her neck. “I’m making you worry. Dearest, take heart, it’s not very many at all. Maybe one or two in the last year. None have ever said they regret the time spent with us, just that they worried for us. Some ponies don’t quite understand how we are.” How we are... Fleur thought, wondering at the words. But it wasn’t them, it was her. She made her ducklings, and her little Princess, worry. Fancy had not been some playcolt, bedding many mares, though many had followed him around and would gladly have been bedded by him. She knew this because she had invited many of those same mares to be a guest for the evening, and they had accepted despite the invitation coming from his wife. She had been the reason that they were to be worried about. “I’m sorry,” she whispered into the darkness, as much to those she had hurt as to Fancy. “Sorry?” Fancy repeated. “Whatever for?” “If I was a proper wife, who did not look at other ponies, you would not—” Her sentence was stifled by the frog of Fancy’s hoof, and only after she had stopped trying to talk through it did he remove it from her mouth and use it to caress down the side of her muzzle. “Dearest, that’s enough of that, please. I didn’t marry you because you were some ideal! I married you because I love you.” Her heart beat a loud and fast rhythm in her chest, and he gradually lowered his hoof from her mouth. “You did not need to let yourself fall just to join me.” Fleur said, shaking her head, then her ears perked up as she heard him chuckling behind her. “Fleur... it’s been my greatest joy to do whatever will make you happy.” “But... I could have been happy! You are wonderful, mon cœur. I could have held myself for you and you for me, and made nopony worry.” Fancy simply hugged her a little harder. “I know you could have. Just as a pony can give up wine, or fine foods. But why should you have to? I don’t worry about sharing you, beloved. I am not afraid of losing your heart. I know it’s mine, just as mine is yours.” As he said those words, Fleur felt him behind her, his flare hot and nudging at the back of her thighs. Her eyebrows rose in surprise, but there were no words necessary, his intent was clear enough. She parted her thighs and felt him slip through, felt him enter her in a slow but steady thrust, his passage eased by her yet-to-be sated arousal. She gasped as he filled her, not realizing how very much she had needed this from him until it was happening. “Every part of me is yours,” he said, and she felt his pelvis met hers as he said it. He had a length and girth that stretched her nearly to the limits of her lithe form, and she was reminded of this even more so from this position, as she was able to take less of him from this angle. It was almost painful, in a delicious way. “Every part of you is mine. When you make love to somepony else, I no more fear losing you than I would losing my hoof for accepting a hoofshake, or our home for inviting somepony into it.” He drew out smoothly, and thrust back inside, jostling her on the bed. “A guest comes, they are entertained, and they go. Nopony can take you from me, no matter what we might do to and for them. Only you and I can let each other go, and I will love you so long as you love me.” Not content with his leverage in their current position, he rolled her onto his lap, leaving her sitting heavily on him, impaled but not dying. His hips stabbed him upwards, and she moaned as she slammed her own hips down on him, making him fill her entirely, all the way down to his base. “Mon cœur! Je t'aime! Toi et seulement toi!” “I know, dearest.” Then there were no more words, as neither of them could manage the breath. She rocked, and he met her, again and again. It was an act of passion, and joy, and devotion. An act of two ponies who cared for nothing but the pleasure of the other, doing everything to achieve it, if only for a moment. A geyser of hotness opened up inside of her, and she froze as she met him for a final time. Her body trembled and shook as she felt the little death, and she collapsed forward onto her forelegs, gasping for air as her mane clung to the side of her face, not unlike creeper vines on the side of their chateau in Prance. She felt him letting himself spend inside her even as every muscle surrounding him squeezed him for every drop he could give, and between them she felt a stickiness of sweat, arousal, and love escape from their joining. When she felt the last of him pass to her, she allowed herself to fall backwards into his waiting forelegs, settling down to face him and kissing on his wide chest. “Mon cœur, je t'aime,” she said, again and again, making it almost into a chant of worship. He reached up and stroked her matted mane, smiling down into her adoring eyes. No words were spoken as they kissed, no words were needed. She had allowed herself to doubt him, to doubt her own heart. It hurt to admit that to herself. But he had once more been the steadfast rock of her life when she had needed him most. Just as he had been a rock for her poor sad ducklings. Her ducklings, who had hurt because of her, but who had come to him for comfort. As hard as it was to hear these truths, she was glad for them to have had him to console them. “Je t'aime, mon cœur,” she whispered as she allowed herself to drift off to sleep, safe in his arms. > La Fleur Rêve d'Un Cygne > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna became a near regular sight at the gatherings that Fancy held, and would often appear at parties held by other members of the nobility so long as he and Fleur were in attendance. The atmosphere of those meetings was always amiable, but there was an undercurrent of tension. It was not unbearable to Fleur, quite the opposite, in fact. She was content to be flirtatious with Luna, but beyond some affectionate hugs and the sort of kiss on the cheek one might give a fond friend or especially important business associate, she did not press matters physically. The tension was always there, like a final note left unsung while the orchestra played on and on. One day, Fleur knew the note would come, but only when Luna was ready to sing it. Until then, her company was enough, though there were always the dreams. In her sleep, Luna would come. At times for her alone, at others to join Fleur and Fancy, materializing from the darkness beyond the candlelight of their room and swooping in to seize a kiss from Fleur while Fancy took her. In one memorable dream, she had walked into her own bedroom to find Luna riding Fancy with a look of wild abandon, her wings spread wide and mouth wide-open in a silent scream that Fleur felt rather than heard. She’d woken that morning in such a state that she’d had to find Fancy in his office, throw him down on his desk, and mount him without a word beyond his attempted ‘Good morning’ which she’d silenced with a savage and desperate kiss. She was a grown mare, having gone through several seasons, but even the worst of her heats seemed no comparison for how her little Princess made her feel after gracing them with her presence only to leave once more without staying the night. But she’d endured, willingly, because she wished for Luna to feel completely at ease when she did decide to come to her. Or rather, to be completely hot and sweaty and not worried in the slightest about anything other than satiating their mutual desires. And then Fleur would lick the sweat away, savoring the salty sweetness— “Fleur, did you need another drink?” Fleur blinked, nodding as the proffered beverage floated to her, drinking it in a long gulp and wishing she could use it to douse her head instead. She’d promised herself once that if Luna would merely accept it, she would happily content herself with only her friendship, despite her feelings for the Princess. And she had meant it, with all her heart. But Luna had come to them, had chased her in a game that left Fleur’s heart racing with fear and joy that threatened to have it burst from her chest. She’d been truly afraid for the first time in her living memory, afraid to face that raging tide with her frail mortal form. And while Luna’s desire had been quenched by her dear Fancy Pants, it had awakened an answering desire in Fleur De Lis. She could have perhaps quelled it, given time. She was, after all, not a mare who lacked the means to satisfy herself. Fancy alone was enough in most instances, and they still brought guests home from time to time for a bit of variety. And so the embers would burn low, almost seeming to be extinguished, until Luna ignited them into a roaring flame once more with her next visit. “Thank you, Mon Coeur,” she said after setting her glass down. “I needed that.” “I expected so,” Fancy said with a chuckle. “Another twenty minutes or so and we’ll take our leave, I think. The party seems to be winding down.” Fleur nodded, not really caring. She wasn’t even entirely sure which minor house was hosting this particular party, but clearly they were destined to remain minor. The dreariness of the affair had been what had led her into thoughts about Luna to begin with. Her mind often travelled down that selfsame path of late. At least leaving would let her focus on something else. Luna had not come this evening. That was in large part why it had proven so dull for Fleur. True, there were the usual goings-on that proved to be a momentary diversion here and there. The Worthinghams had patched their affairs, it seemed, and were often seen in quiet little corners kissing like young foals in their first season. It would be adorable were it not for the looks of resentment the Lady’s butler cast at them when he supposed they weren’t looking, seemingly having little care for who else might see him doing so. Her heart went out to him, but it was a danger you assumed when one entered the bed of a married mare. She’d know, having entered more than a few before Fancy. Afterwards, they mostly entered hers. All in all, the butler was rather lucky he hadn’t been cast out of her bed and her home. Fleur suspected it was only that the Lord did not know of the Lady’s affairs that prevented it. Hypocrite that he was, the Lord might have taken enough offence at the betrayal to insist the butler be removed, despite being the one who had driven the poor mare into her servant’s arms with his own unfaithfulness. She clucked her tongue sadly. She knew what she had with Fancy was unusual for ponies, but at times she wished it were not so. Many a love life might prove easier. It only made her all the more pleased for herself to have him. She quickly nuzzled him on impulse, then returned to her former relaxed pose at his side. Unlike the Worthinghams, she and Fancy were not here to casually flaunt their relationship to whoever might be watching. Being who he was, Fancy had many watching him at all times, after all. He turned and kissed her fondly on the cheek with a smile. It was a brief but genuine show of affection, and served to make her wish she could afford to be brazen as she wished. But this was not their home, and it was not easy for them to disappear to some dark corner or guest bedroom, here. She resolved to ask their carriage driver to take the scenic route on the way home. “I’ll tell him to take his time,” Fancy said without even looking at her. Her heart beat faster in her chest, and she blushed, feeling as giddy as she had when she’d first discovered how to pleasure herself. Of course, he knew what she’d been thinking, he’d inspired the heat within her, after all. They left as soon as was acceptable, thanking their host and saying their goodbyes to a few select guests. Fleur watched the Worthinghams leave with a wry smile on her lips. She was uncertain how long their happiness might last, but she was glad for them at the moment, and wished that moment to continue for them as long as it might. Fancy gave instructions to Trotter, their carriage pony for the evening, who nodded with a slight smile. He was one of Fleur’s favorites, in that he had that wonderful earth pony stamina and knew the importance of discretion. Useful traits in their household. The carriage was a roomy two-seat affair, and had (for reasons that Fancy described as being for business transactions to their carpenter) been largely soundproofed, save for the windows which could be rolled down as needed. The seats folded out and together with the push of a button (a modification done by an entirely different carpenter who had been very amused by the request), which unveiled a rather plush mattresses on the underside. This helped ensure there was no worry about messy cleanup on the seats themselves, though Fleur had on occasion necessitated those be steam cleaned as well. When the mood struck, she wasn’t always willing to wait. To her credit, Fleur managed to wait for a little while as Fancy waved some final goodbyes before she lifted him bodily in her magic the moment nopony was around to see her do it. She threw him down onto the plush carpeted floor where he landed more heavily than she might have liked, causing him to grunt. For a moment she worried she had been too rough before he let out a little chuckle. Trotting up the stairs to their carriage  she murmured a curt: “Loop the outskirts of the city, twice,” to Trotter before firmly closing the door behind her. Fancy watched her approach with quiet but fond bemusement, sprawled out on the carpeted floor, his back literally to the wall of the carriage. He said nothing as she laid down in front of him, nibbling at his sheath while gently massaging his testicles in her magic. “I rather liked this carpet,” he complained in exasperation, before letting out a gasp as she took the head and about half of his rapidly expanding shaft into her mouth. Fleur backed off of him for a moment, letting the head pop out of her mouth. “You will like the next as well,” she said with a smirk, then she engulfed his member again, forcing herself down until she could feel his as yet unflared head tickle her tonsils. She could and had taken him further, but she wasn’t trying to finish him in this particular instance. Besides which, she had no desire to go another week without speaking. Her doctor had been furious with her. But the look on Fancy’s face as her lips had met his medial ring had been worth it. They arrived home several hours later, Trotter quickly excusing himself after helping them out of the carriage. The soundproofing on the carriage worked fine for those a few feet away from it, but the window facing him could not entirely stop the sound of Fleur’s moans and eventual screams. Not that she’d been trying to hold back in the slightest, of course. Second only to bringing a new duckling into their bedroom was her fondness for knowing she was being observed in some fashion, and seeing the way Trotter tried to hide his obvious arousal made her shiver. He’ll likely offer to take sweet Babette for a ride later. Fleur smiled at the thought, debating on whether to eavesdrop on them, eventually deciding not to. It was unlikely either would have minded, but it wasn’t fair if they didn’t know she was doing it. Babette liked to show off when she knew she had an audience, and Fleur didn’t want to take that enjoyment from her. Fancy made an effort to straighten his overcoat, striding with dignity into their home. As much as she’d tried to tongue-bathe him afterwards, the scent of their joining still hung about him. The servants doing their evening cleaning made a show of not paying attention to him, though Babette let out a barely-audible giggle, stifling it as Fancy’s normally staid expression quirked down into the tiniest frown. If they had been hosting that evening, Fleur might have reprimanded Babette, but there was nopony else to see Fancy’s embarrassment. Besides which, Babette had seen far, far more than that from both Fancy and Fleur. Fleur trotted up behind him as he poured out a snifter of his favorite brandy and kissed him on the neck. “Thank you, Mon Coeur,” she whispered breathily. “You’re quite welcome, but I’m going to need a proper massage,” he replied. “There’s a reason I didn’t have the floor padded.” “Maybe we should pick softer carpet next time, oui?” She said, nipping at one of his ears playfully. “Come, we’ll go upstairs, take a nice hot shower, and I will fix what I broke.” He flashed her a look of gratitude before downing the rest of his drink. “I’ll take you up on that.” Fleur ushered him upstairs, noting with amusement that Trotter had come inside from the carriage house and was indeed chatting up Babette. On another night Fleur might have taken Trotter upstairs herself, but she was glad for the two of them this evening. She wished to pamper Fancy in any case, and while she still felt the embers glowing, they were low enough for her to simply wish closeness and affection. Perhaps after a shower and massage for Fancy, but even then, she did not need those two for that. Well, two can be nice for some things… she thought wistfully, then shook her head. It seemed the coals still burned hot even with the flame so low. She was getting a bit annoyed with herself. While it was extremely rare, she’d been denied before (even a pony of her charms could not sway everypony), it was troublesome when it happened, but it had never left her with a sense of an itch that she could not scratch no matter what she attempted. And yet, Luna had not denied her. She was simply not ready. But one day, she would be. Fleur quickly dispelled the thought that for Luna, ‘one day’ meant less than it ever would for any mortal pony, herself included. Luna had been interested in her so that day would come soon. In her lifetime at least. She dismissed the little Princess from her mind as best as she could. It did little good to dwell on, and only served to stoke the embers. She somehow managed to get through a shower with Fancy without worsening his back by throwing him down on the tiled floor, difficult though it was. Giving him a massage on the bed was easier. The shower was often used for play, but the bed was as often utilized for closeness as lovemaking. And Fancy needed comfort, not more play. She massaged his shoulders and breathed deeply of the scent of his damp mane, all the while whispering endearments to him. It was nearly as relaxing to her as it was to him. Which was probably why after hearing the gentle sound of his breathing and watching his form relax into a posture of sleep, she simply relaxed her own form to lay atop his back and joined him in slumber. She found herself alone, in the dead of night, atop a high mountain. All around her, the night sky shone brightly, the stars seemingly close enough to touch. And in the center of the sky was the moon, full and brilliant amongst the jewels that twinkled around it. And in the center of the moon was the Mare, a dark and mysterious shadow that had disappeared from the moon’s face some months prior. Fleur looked up at it in awe, smiling as she did so. It was strange, thinking that the moon shouldn’t look this way when it had for her entire life. “I admit, I’ve never known that experience, though I’ve seen the Mare many times in the dreams of ponies. It’s odd to think I made such an impression throughout the centuries, given the circumstances.” Fleur looked around, startled to hear the voice but not finding a source for it. “Pardon me for intruding,” the Mare said, sounding less apologetic and more amused. “I hope I’m not alarming you too badly.” “Where are you?” Fleur demanded. “Up here, Dame.” the voice said. Fleur looked up, finding only the moon she’d known for all of her life. The Mare looked down at her, almost seeming to be smiling. Then it winked at her. Letting out a distressed whinny of surprise, Fleur reared back from the moon. Of course, when the thing you fear is above you, the only direction away is back and down. And so she fell backwards, first landing heavily on her rump, then she toppled off the mountaintop. “Dame!” the voice called out in shock. Fleur looked up in a daze as she felt herself fall, then down in renewed worry as she realized she was somehow reversing her fall and rising up into the sky instead. She was surrounded and suspended in moonlight, and floating upwards towards the Mare. As she got closer, the moon cracked down the center, and appeared to open inwards to reveal a worried face peering outwards. “Dame, We beg thy forgiveness. We had no intention to cause such concern!” The face that Fleur now recognized as Princess Luna grew ever closer, and soon Fleur found herself inside of a room the likes of which she’d only ever seen in a dream. She was allowed to come to her own hooves, after which Luna pulled her back off them into a fond embrace. “Ma petite... I... you... the moon—” Fleur managed between gasps for air. “Oh!” Luna said, releasing Fleur and letting her back down. “Forgive me again. I... saw your dream bubble appear during my nightly duties and thought it looked so wonderful...” “My... dream?” Fleur replied, confused. “Yes,” Luna said. “We are in a shared dreamspace, now. Welcome, Dame.” Fleur took a moment to look around, feeling awed by her surroundings as much as her host. The room to which she’d been summoned was similar in theme to the giant throne room Luna had brought her into in its scale, but where that had been themed for both night and day, this was solidly a nighttime decor. The high ceilings sparkled with gems in the positions of ancient constellations, each no doubt planned for perfect accuracy. All around her were the colors of blue and purple. Fixtures of ebony and silver jutted from the walls to allow mage lights to shine forth, their lights seeming pale compared to the common varieties that imitated fire or sunlight. “Moonlights,” Luna offered, as if sensing the question Fleur was about to ask. “I find most magelights very harsh, so I made my own. It’s become popular for my Night Guard, as they too found normal torches troublesome. I’m also told they’ve become something of a staple for foals who have trouble sleeping.” In the center of it all was a bed shaped like a crescent moon, with curtains that seemed ready to be pulled closed. It looked very small, which was surprising to Fleur. She expected a bed built for royalty to be more expansive. The more she looked at it, however, the more it seemed to fit her little princess. It was both ostentatious in design, but humble in size. Still, it made Fleur frown just a little. It looked too small to fit three. “I am sorry I was unable to sneak away of late, Dame. My duties have been slightly more demanding than usual. I promise I will make time soon.” Fleur frowned, and turned back to her little princess. “Usually we’d be in my bed by now. I would love to be in yours instead. Are you reluctant even in my dreams now, ma petite?” Luna stared at Fleur for some time, then burst out laughing. “Ah, you were joking! Forgive me, Dame. It’s been a trying week.” Luna glanced about the room, but after finding a distinct lack of chairs she dragged two pillows from her bed and laid them on the floor. “Come, sit. We shall hold Palaver together, you and I.” Fleur looked at the pillow, then back to Luna, who was settling on her own. She gave a slight shrug of her shoulders and lay down on the proffered padding, reasoning that not all dreams involving Luna needed to be as hedonistic as they had been for her of late. She had, after all, just ridden Fancy twice around the city. Additionally, as Luna had mentioned, it had been weeks since she’d even seen her little princess to bask in her company. “How fare you, Dame?” Luna asked politely. “Well, despite it all,” Fleur replied. “Little scandals abound that keep me occupied. Beyond that, things are quite dull of late,” she frowned, then a thought made her smile again. “Oh, there was that night with the Saddle Arabian diplomat and his wife. They were fun.” The wife had been that horribly repressed type that you only tend to find in families with a strict upbringing, insistent that she couldn’t possibly be the sort to have an attraction to another mare. This was said in between entwining tongues with Fleur while Fancy furiously rutted her, even while the diplomat himself mounted Fleur from the other end of the bed. The pair of them had put on quite a show for their husbands afterwards, their tails wrapped around each other’s necks and muzzles deeply entrenched betwixt the other’s thighs. Fleur had loved making the mare scream as the boys rested and chatted amicably about imports over cognac. Bed partners made for some of the best business partners. Luna blinked, then said: “That would explain why they agreed to Celestia’s terms so quickly, I suppose...” Fleur just smiled smugly. Luna then did something surprising, circling around Fleur and settling next to her, throwing a wing around her and drawing her close. “I haven’t forgotten your offer, Dame. I promise you, some night soon. You’ve been very patient, and I merely ask that you continue to be so.” Fleur looked up at Luna in something akin to awe. She had been very careful about casual physical contact with her little princess. It was so very easy to become relaxed and let fond caresses become kisses. But surely if Luna initiated the contact it was all right... she allowed herself to bask in the warmth offered. “Ma petite, you are welcome, always.” Fleur woke alone, Fancy having long since left after another of his fits of wakefulness. Unlike many of her dreams of late, this one had left feeling... not wanting, but sated in some way. She got up, stretching languidly before making her way to Fancy’s study. She found him sitting in his big leather office chair, poring over documents from his latest business ventures with an intensity that belied his obvious fatigue. She smiled at him as he met her gaze, and for a moment he seemed to brace himself, then relax. She realized with no small amount of amusement that he likely had expected her to wake up in need once again. “No, Mon Coeur,” she said, letting out a little laugh. “Not this morning. Perhaps later tonight.” “Whenever you’re ready, beloved. I’m sorry if I’ve been struggling to keep up of late,” he said, looking sheepish for having jumped. She circled around him, draping her forelegs around his shoulders and kissing him lightly on the neck. “You’ve done splendidly, mon grand fort étalon,” she whispered into his ear. “Yes, well, I’m starting to feel my seasons a bit. I imagine you’ll trade me in for a younger stud at some point—” Fleur cut him off by capturing his mouth with her own, delivering a passionate kiss with a fierce look in her eyes and twisting herself around to land heavily in his lap. After the kiss eventually broke, the pair still stared into each other’s eyes, gasping for breath, neither willing to look away. Without even glancing in that direction, Fleur closed the door, shifting herself once more so she was straddling him as he sat back in his big office chair. “Some younger stud?” she asked. Fancy nodded, his gaze never flinching from hers. “Some impressionable head of a noble house, or some up and coming would-be business mogul.” Fleur felt his length grow between them, and caressed its length with the tip of her hoof. She began licking up and down his shaft between words. “Perhaps I’ll delve... into Canterlot’s underbelly... this time, find a ruthless... young... crime lord... murdering... his way... to the top...” she paused, and suckled at his flare lovingly, “and tame him... for my own purposes.” “For that, I would say go to Manehatten. Canterlot’s criminal families are as old as the noble houses. But in Manehatten the money is all fairly fresh and new, as are the ponies who control it, for better or, ah...ill.” He grunted as she rose up momentarily, rising up on her hind legs by lifting herself and grasping at the seatback with her forehooves. His length glistened in her magic as she positioned it at her entrance, then quickly eased herself back down, feeling it pierce her very depths until it bumped against the entrance of her womb. “Do you truly think... better than you exists?” Fleur demanded as she lifted herself again only to drive him back inside her. “I have to... assume so...” he said, grasping at her midsection and kissing along her long neck. The heat inside her built deliciously, but she was ever mindful of his reactions, having no wish for him to be uncomfortable. She had taken her pleasure from him enough, this was about giving love to him, and making love together. “I think... no,” Fleur replied. She thrust herself down upon him, stoking the fires within them both. “I think... that there are... none that compare... Mon Coeur!” The fire blazed high into a pyre within her, and for a long moment, all that she was went up in the flames. Then Fancy’s length pulsed inside her, adding fuel to the fire. The coals burned low as she regained her senses. Low, but still hot. She lay against Fancy’s chest, feeling his flair still gushing inside her. She reached up and stroked his sweat-soaked forelock from his face. “Do you need another massage, Fancy?” He chuckled good-naturedly. “No, beloved. I bought this chair with exactly this in mind. Honestly, I’m surprised we hadn’t christened it until now.” “It is more comfortable than the desk,” Fleur allowed. She smiled at him, still awash in the heat of the coals, feeling occasional sparks flickering in the ashes that threatened to blaze forth anew. “Definitely more so than the carpeting of the carriage,” Fancy replied wryly. “I’ll see about getting something plusher, or at the least some emergency pillows.”