
by ReadingRainboom

First published

The bond between two unlikely sisters; Maud and Pinkie Pie.

An origin story to how Pinkie Pie and Maud Pie may have started such a strong sisterly bond in their early years!

The Bonds That Tie Us Close

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The clouds were dim, the sun was a rare sight, as there was hardly anything of brighter color than that of a rock. At least, to Maud Pie, it was so. She is a little filly at this point in time, as she had left the comforts of her rock farm to adventure into the world, for you see, the rocks was what she valued most, and still does, but you see, she will learn that after this fateful day, there was a diamond shining under her hard stone cover.

"Hmm," Maud would monotonely state out, looking around at her surroundings at the desolate dessert around her, just a few miles, if not more, away from the rock farm.

Maud made haste, as she spotted a glimmer in the corner of her eyes, a small cave entrance, preferably presuming that there might be rocks hidden within it's hollow structure. She merely stepped forward to have a peak, "I wonder if I'll find any Sedimentar--", until it happened.

In a flash of vibrant colors and resounding rumbles, there it happened, just coming from within the direction of where the rock farm was, a sonic rainboom graced the skies. The sheer force of the wind knocked Maud Pie out of balance, sending her into a downward steep slide into a pit that she had presumed to be a cave... but was horribly mistakened.

With a few grunts here and there, sliding down the rock covered path, landing at the bottom with a thump! Maud was in a dizzy, trying to shake off the dust that covered her dress, but not fully, as she never really minded getting her hooves dirty, much less the dress she would wear. She simply shrugged and started the attempt at climbing out of the steep hole she had found herself in, but to no avail, as she quickly found herself sliding down with every hoofstep she insisted to make. Maud came to a horrifying realization that she might be trapped here... not knowing if she'd ever see her family again. But the one thought that went through her mind the most, was about her one of her sister's to which she deeply cared the most for; "Pinkie...," Maud had said, with a shaky tone, and at the moment, the little fillies feelings were brought about in an emotional turmoil, for this filly never truly showed feeling, much towards anything, for that matter.

Pinkie was all that Maud could think about at that moment, as she quietly, as if nopony but her herself, could hear the muffled whimpers as Maud laid on the rocky, dusty floors of the small pit. Not knowing if she'd get back to her rock farm, for which she still had a deep love for, as she did with her family, but most of all with Pinkie. She was different than the rest of her sisters and she felt it. She could tell, mostly due to the fact that her mane was of a pink color, which baffled her family still to this day.

As minutes passed, which felt like hours... a miracle happened. A single pebble fell from the top, from where the entrance into the pit was. By some miracle, it was Pinkie Pie! Maud's sister had come to her rescue.

"MAUUUD!!! Where've you been silly! I've been looking everywhere for you!", Pinkie exclaimed in over enjoyment, finding her sister, who she had wondered where in all of Equestrian she had walked off too after missing a party she had thrown for her and her family.

Maud Pie looked at her sister, tears were present, as Maud simply hugged the more pink-ish than usual sister of hers.

"H-How did...," Maud would ask, with a shaky breath.

"Oh, just a little thing I like to call, 'Pinkie Sense'!" The pink filly stated, hugging back Maud, but in a tighter grip, feeling the love that emanated them both.

"I don't get it... 'Pinkie Sense'?" Maud asked, dumbfounded, with a slight eyebrow raised.

Pinkie happily suggested, as she pulled on the rope she had gotten to help climb them both back up, "Weeeelllll, ya see I had this strange feeling within my gut. A SHAKY feeling actually! That I just HAD to come to this very spot, as if you were in danger. Literally a shaky feeling, which was reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreally FUN! But other than that, here I am! I'd never let anything bad happen to you Maud!"

Maud's heart was fluttering at the heartwarming, yet deeply carried on explanation. She felt tears build up again, as she glanced down at the floor as they had made their way out safely.

"I'm sorry, Pinkie Pie... I didn't mean to worry you... I should've been more care--", taken aback by the strong forehooves that hugged her tightly, she glanced to her side, feeling pink bushy mane and all, as Pinkie Pie merely hugged her.

"Like I said, Maud. I'd never. EVEREVEREVEREVER. Let anything bad happen to you! I love you!", Pinkie gleamed as she parted ways to see a small smiling Maud Pie, "I love you too, Pinkie Pie." , saying with as much emotion as Maud could muster, which is not as much, but Pinkie accepted with an open heart.

Being observant, Maud noticed the cutie mark that adorned Pinkie's flank. Pinkie Pie took notice, "YOU LIKE IT?! I totally forgot to mention that after this big rainbow spread across the sky, I suddenly had the urge to throw a huge party! Which in fact, is still going on right now! C'mon Maud!" , Pinkie Pie couldn't have said with much more excitement as she did right there.

Maud simply blinked, forming a small smile, walking behind her bouncing sister, until Pinkie stopped in her tracks, pulling out something from her pink, fuzzy mane.

"Here ya go, Maud! I thought you might like to have it. I found it near the family rock mines, and it just stood out amongst all others!",Pinkie had hoofed Maud a small pebble. A sedimentary pebble to be exact. As Maud held it in her hooves, eyelids half closed, but a small smile still etched on her muzzle, simply feeling love in her heart at the generous gift.

"Well, whaddya think!", Pinkie asked, biting on her lower lip with anticipation at how her sister Maud would react with her gift.

"I love it." ,Maud let out, giving it another look, "I think I I'll call him, Boulder.", Maud stated matter-of-factly.

Pinkie Pie bounced for joy, "YIPEEE! What a clever name Maud! Funny and clever! Say, when we get back, I'll show you all the ways to make balloons! Won't that be fun! Oh! And how to..." As Pinkie carried on, Maud simply stared at the pebble named Boulder, simply thinking of some way, somehow, her and Pinkie could make giving rocks to each other as a tradition. A 'special' tradition, as they made their way back their families rock farm. Pinkie Pie intent on throwing another party, and Maud Pie intent on discovering the use of rocks mixed with Pinkie's favorite treat... Candy.