> 18th Hatchday > by James Light > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - Birthday Morning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike studied the darkened expanse of Ponyville through the portal of his bedroom window. Being this high up within the Castle of Friendship provided the drake with an unparalleled view of the town as the sun began its descent past the distant horizon. The last rays of Celestia’s daylight painted the quaint pony households in a blaze of colors; reds, yellows and oranges lighting up the thatch roofs before gradually descending into darkness. Spike watched as lights slowly began to pop into existence around town, the citizens of Ponyville returning home after another day’s hard work to prepare for another night’s serene rest. The gazing dragon sighed forlornly, wishing that he could join them in slumber. The tingling feeling burning within him would not allow it, however. It was the same feeling that had been haunting him for the past month, a consistent need in the back of his mind that demanded to be sated. Whenever he saw a pair of ponies walking down the street, hands entwined as they embraced in a lover’s kiss; that was when the tightness would start to act up. It had grown worse over time, constant visual aids from the town around him stirring up something deep within his subconscious and calling him to act upon his desires. He chalked it up to the date that had been slowly climbing up on him and now sat but one night away; his birthday. More importantly, his eighteenth birthday, the day that would make him officially an adult in the eyes of the law. In just a few hours he could go out and do so many new and wonderous things! He could go and get a tattoo, go look for an apartment, meet up with friends for some drinks at the bar and, a thought that made the feeling in the pit of his stomach grow even stronger, meet up with some girls for a good time. The possibilities that were about to open up to him in a few hours seemed endless! If only he could fall asleep to make it come sooner... Watching a pair of ponies kissing outside of a doorway before separating, one going inside and the other walking down the road, brought about another rush of heat to his cheeks. He could feel blood start to flow southward towards a point below his waist, a need slowly arising within him that begged to be satiated. Instead, the dragon opened his window and took in a few deep breaths of the crisp night air, looking up at the stars to calm himself down. Slowly they flickered into existence, each minute gone by increasing the amount of sparkling lights in the sky until it was all but full as the sun descended ever further past the horizon. A small smile crossed his face as the moon came into view; Luna had once again done a beautiful job with her night sky, everything working together to create a picturesque landscape across the town that calmed the dragon’s nerves considerably. The stars reminded him of another thing that had been bothering him the past couple of days; Twilight Sparkle, his pseudo-mother-slash-sister-slash-caretaker-slash-friend. She had been acting strange over the past week, more and more so with each day that passed. The young Alicorn almost seemed like she wanted to talk with him about something, stopping him during the morning chores after several long moments of being deep in thought. She would open her mouth to speak, but her face would always light up in a blush before she could utter a single word, the mare choosing instead to simply say “good job” or “nice work” instead of speaking about whatever was on her mind. It was starting to really worry the dragon. He couldn’t think of a time where they had gone this long without having an actual conversation. Not even over one of his famous breakfasts could he get her to talk, the Princess simply going on about schedules and what she wanted Spike to do that day as she slowly worked on whatever it was that he had made her. It was getting kind of annoying, but the dragon tried to shrug it off by filling his mind with thoughts on his upcoming birthday. “Spike? Are you still up?” Spike turned back towards the bedroom door, the mare he was just thinking of walking around the corner and standing in the doorway. A beam of moonlight streamed through the window and illuminated the purple mare in a blueish glow, framing her silhouette in the doorframe. She had on her black nightgown, the dark silk hugging the contours of her body and seemingly shining in the luminescence of the moon. His eyes eventually settled just underneath her face, the dark crevice between the twin mounds of her chest drawing him in… He could feel a stirring below his waist, the slack pair of pants he wore growing tight as he stared at the mare. With a blush he quickly turned away to look back out at the stars, hoping the mare hadn’t noticed his reaction as he attempted to will himself back to normal. Without facing her, he waved his hand and nonchalantly called out, “Yeah, I’m awake…” He continued looking up at the expanse of the night sky, trying to count the countless number of sparkling dots that filled his vision even as the footsteps got closer and closer behind him. He almost jumped when she laid her hand on his shoulder, trying to keep his cool by turning his head indifferently over to her. He was momentarily stunned as he met her gaze, a million stars shining back at him in her eyes. It didn’t take long for the feeling to once again return between his legs, his face lighting up in a blush as, for some reason, Twilight’s did the same. The mare coughed to clear her throat, bringing up her hand to reveal a roll of parchment sealed with her cutie mark. “Could you please send this to Cadance for me? It’s urgent.” Taking the scroll into his grasp, he threw it up into the air and blew a short stream of fire into its projected trajectory. The parchment vanished on its way back down to earth, the sparkling cloud of dragon magic flying out through the window in the direction of the Crystal Empire and quickly vanishing into the dark of the night. He looked back at Twilight to see that she was twiddling her thumbs together, her eyes pointed towards the ground rather than at him. She certainly seemed worried about something, and if she was worried, then he was as well. “What’s wrong, Twilight? Is something up?” She broke herself out of her concentration, shaking her head to get her thoughts in check. She did a horrible job at faking a yawn, stretching out her limbs and, in the process, giving Spike a nice view of her feminine curves as she bent backwards. “Ahh... Nah, don’t worry about it, Spike. I’m gonna head off to bed, see you in the morning.” She gave him a squeeze on the shoulder before suddenly darting in and kissing him on the cheek. She quickly turned around and walked towards the door, not stopping for even a moment to look back at the stunned dragon. Spike watched her every step of the way, tracking the slight sway of her hips and the hypnotic motions of her tail until the door began to close behind her. Just before it latched shut, Twilight popped her head back into the room and gave him a smile. “Oh, and happy birthday, Spike.” She shut the door without waiting for a reply, Spike following her footsteps as she walked down the hall towards her own chambers. Once he could no longer hear her, he brought his hand up and rubbed at where she had kissed him. A quick glance at the clock on the wall was enough to startle the dragon out of his dazed stupor. ‘Half-past midnight!? Just how long have I been staring out my window!?’ Whatever trance-like state he had been in while town-gazing faded away all at once, a wave of fatigue washing through his system and causing the dragon to let out a long yawn. With one last peek out the window at the now quiet Ponyville, he decided to follow suit and made his way to his bed after closing the glass portal to the outside world. Swiftly he discarded his shirt and pants, tossing them onto the floor and leaving himself in only a thin pair of briefs before crawling underneath the covers and blowing out the light on his nightstand. The moon sat still outside his window and was the last thing he saw as his head hit the pillow. Within moments the dragon drifted off into slumber, blissfully unaware as he peacefully slept that a plan involving him was currently under discussion... Shining Armor slowly rocked his hips into his wife, slipping his throbbing spear of stallion cock between her thighs. He reached around her chest and grasped her bountiful breasts, kneading the dough like flesh with his fingers as he leaned in and lightly bit her on the neck. He pulled back and frowned when Cadance didn’t react as much as he had hoped, bringing his lips up to give her a kiss on the cheek. “Something wrong, hon? Long day?” Cadance sighed and turned around to face him, her chest pressed to his and his stallionhood wedged between her legs. She brought a hand up and rubbed his cheek, meeting him in a soft kiss before replying, “No, it’s not that. It’s just…” She paused a moment, thinking about how she wanted to word what she wished to say. “Do you ever, you know, want to... ‘spice it up’ a little in bed?” She quickly reached down between his legs when a frown began to form on his face, wrapping her smooth fingers around his warm shaft and slowly rubbing it up and down. “Not that you’re not pleasing me! Not that at all! This is more than enough for me! It’s just-” A loud magical spark behind her broke her concentration, the Alicorn sitting up in bed and grabbing the floating parchment with her magic. She smiled as she saw the seal, a large center star surrounded by five smaller ones a tell-tale sign that the letter had come from a certain sister-in-law of hers. She unraveled it, reading it to herself as Shining tried to peek over her shoulder. Slowly her mouth turned into a grin, the smile splitting her face in two by the time she came to the end of the unsuspected but very welcomed message. She rolled the parchment back up and placed it on the nightstand without giving her husband a chance to read it, twisting around to face him with a giddy look across her features. Shining looked worried for a moment, at least until Cadance brought one of her legs up between them and gently rubbed his half-deflated cock back to a full erection with her foot. Shining shivered as Cadance cupped the head of his shaft with her soft toes. “Well, somepony got some good news. What was the letter about?” Cadance smirked at her husband as he throbbed against the sole of her foot, a small spurt of pre leaking from his tip to help lubricate her teasing efforts. “Seems we have… plans… for tomorrow.” She pressed her knee forward into his stomach and pushed the stallion over onto his back, his cock flopping over beneath the covers to form a large tent in the sheets. Shining adjusted himself, finding a comfortable spot in his new position as Cadance climbed on top of him. “Oh yeah?” Cadance slid down his body, making sure to press as much of herself into him as she started worming her way underneath the covers. “Mhm… it’s Spike’s birthday tomorrow…” “Oh…” Shining paused in thought. “It’s his eighteenth, isn’t it? Kind of amazing, if you think about it. Feels like it was only yesterday that Twilight hatched him from that egg, and now he’s going to be an adult!” Cadance gasped as she felt his member rub against her dripping lips, a warm rod of flesh that pushed against her stomach as she continued her descent down his body. “Yeah… and Twilight wants me to stop by and… give him a 'personal lesson' on a certain adult subject…” Shining peered down at his wife, now only her face not submerged underneath the covers. “Really? Twilight asked you to have sex with Spike? Sounds a little far fetched to me…” Cadance rolled her eyes at him. “Well, she didn’t say that EXACTLY. More along the lines of giving him ‘the talk’ since she’s been too embarrassed to do it herself.” Shining’s eyebrow perked up questioningly. “She does realize he’s eighteen, right? I’m sure he knows what sex is, with or without ‘the talk’.” Cadance gave him a shrug. “Eh, it’s Twilight. She likes to do things by the book. Which is why -” she shifted against him, rubbing his stallionhood between their two bodies, causing him to gasp “- I’m going to convince her that a more… hands on approach would be better for him.” Shining began to rock his hips against her body, smearing precum into the fur of her stomach. “OK… but what does that have to do with me?” Cadance gave him a grin. “Well… Twilight ALSO mentioned that she’s been feeling a little 'lonely' lately, and would love to have a ‘visit’ from her big brother.” Her grin grew when she felt Shining’s cock throb against her body, her husband's eyes widening and mouth opening into an 'o' as he realized what she was getting at. “Figured that would get your attention…” Shining, with a gleam in his eye, grinned at his wife. “Wow, we haven't done… THAT since we invited her to join us after the wedding!” Cadance chuckled. “Well, seems she wants a little one-on-one time with you while I ‘help out’ Spike. Speaking of helping out, “ - She picked her head up off of his chest and peered down between his legs, his shaft poking up into her belly - “looks like somepony needs a little help right now…” That was the last Shining saw of his wife, her pink mane disappearing beneath the sheets moments before a pleasant warmth enveloped his shaft... Spike awoke as a beam of sunlight hit him with laser-like precision directly in the eyes. Groggily he sat up in bed, loudly groaning as he rubbed away the gunk that had settled in overnight from his eyes. He went to stretch out his sleepy muscles but a sudden surge of sensation brought him to a standstill. Looking down between his legs revealed the problem; a large tent in the sheets covering his waist, the blankets sticking straight up towards the ceiling in a clear case of morning wood. Moving had caused the silky-smooth sheet to shift across the top of the dragon-made tepee, causing enough friction against the tip of the center rod holding it up to form a blatant wet spot at the top. Pulling the sheet aside caused his dire dilemma to flop out into the open; just over a foot-long spire of dragon pride sticking up through the center fold of his boxers and throbbing in the sunlight of the dawn to the beat of his heart. Already a bead of pre was rolling down the side, the morning sun illuminating the off-white drop as it traversed the engorged pink flesh of his shaft. Spike looked at it with a frown, glancing at the door to make sure it was closed before getting up out of bed. He had just the thing to relieve himself of this kind of problem, something a good friend of his had gotten him for his birthday. The dragon made his way to his dresser, the engorged shaft sticking straight out from the cloth confines of his boxers bobbing back and forth and bumping into his scaled thighs as he walked. He paused halfway to the dresser, looking at the figure staring back at him in the mirror atop the bureau. The dragon had certainly changed over the years; gone was the slight chubbiness blamed on baby fat (though, in actuality, Spike figured it was more due to too many naps and too many extra helpings of gems than anything left over from his ‘baby’ years), plump folds melting away as he grew like snow in summer to reveal a solid physique hidden underneath. He took a moment to bask in the warm rays of sunlight coming in through the window, watching his scales glisten in the light as he made a show of flexing to himself. ‘Looking good Spike… lookin’ REAL good…’ While not overly muscular, he felt proud about the shape his body was in. A perfect mix of sleek and strong, or, at least, he thought so. His growth spurts over the past several years had changed him from ‘little Spikey-wikey’ to, hopefully in the eyes of one certain mare, a handsome drake ready to take on the world. His eyes traveled a little bit further down, his draconic pride still standing tall between his legs as it waited for him to finish his self-inspection and get on with taking care of it. ‘Grown in more ways than one…’ He wrapped a hand around the base of his shaft sticking out from his boxers, wiggling the pinkish rod around in the air. It had certainly been an… experience.. to say the least when that certain part of his body had really grown in. Luckily, living with quite possibly the most bookish mare in the history of Equestria gave him plenty of avenues to explore his newfound features, from more scientifically accurate anatomy books to more steamy romance novels (not that Spike would ever admit to reading such a thing...). One such avenue he had recently discovered was patiently waiting for him, so with a sigh he released his member from his grasp and reached for the dresser. Opening up the top drawer revealed mostly boxers and briefs, the cloth garments pushed aside as he searched for one thing in particular. Like digging for a hidden treasure buried beneath the earth, he excavated his way through the garments until, heart beating in his chest in anticipation, he found what he was looking for. There, at the bottom of the drawer, was one of his recently acquired and most prized possessions, one that he would never let anypony else see in the light of day; a woman’s fashion magazine. Not just any kind of fashion magazine, a special lingerie issue full of scantily clad mares in panties and bras of all styles. Rumble had gotten it for his birthday the day before, sneaking it out of his brother Thunderlane’s secret stash that the stallion hid under his bed to give as a gift for his so-called “number one dragon friend”. Not that he knew any other dragons, mind you, but Spike accepted the gift with open arms all the same. ‘Might as well start off my birthday with a bang…’ Spike sat back down on the edge of his bed, the long rod between his legs pointing up towards the magazine as he flipped through its pages. Pictures of several beautiful mares passed by without a second thought, Spike knowing exactly what page he wanted to see. Rumble had been pleased to tell him just who had been the designer for the line, a certain mare who also happened to be the centerfold for the magazine. With a few more page turns she appeared, flipping out of the magazine in front of his very eyes as his member throbbed between his legs. There, across the multi-page spread, was Rarity. The mare of his dreams was laying on red, silk sheets, the camera taking a picture of her from the end of the bed. The only things the fashionista wore were a pair of purple lace panties and a matching bra, the soles of her feet at the bottom of the photo leading up the curves of her legs to the garments that were perfectly on display for the viewer. She looked right towards the camera, seemingly staring straight at the dragon as he laid down on his back and began to pull his boxers down. With some adjustments Spike worked the cloth underwear over his towering pride, hooking the waistband beneath the meaty balls hanging between his thighs to keep his junk out in the open to easily work with. The dragon closed his eyes, gently wrapping his hand around his warm shaft as the other held the magazine in front of him. He pictured himself being in the position of the cameraman, looking down upon the mare he had daydreamed about all his life fully in the nude. She would mention something about how much the dragon had grown, blushing as she looked over his defined musculature. Her eyes would widen as they arrived beneath his waist. the quivering shaft between his legs pointing right at her and throbbing in need. They both would blush, words no longer needing to be shared as Spike climbed up on the bed… Rarity halted the dragon’s advances with her foot, pressing her soft toes into his stomach. Slowly she trailed her foot down his belly, passing his waist without pause before gently grazing the tapered head of his shaft with the warm underside of her toes. Spike gasped as her second foot came into play, the white mare lightly digging her digits into the crux between his draconic spear and his bloated balls. She worked the male over masterfully, slowly stroking his cock as she jostled his balls around with the other foot. Already Spike could feel himself leaking pre onto the bed, the dragon starting to rock his hips into the mare as she wrapped both of her feet around his shaft and began to jack him off. Spike began panting from the stimulation, the soft yet firm caresses from the most beautiful mare in Equestria driving him mad with lust. Rarity apparently noticed his need, smirking at him as her hands lowered to her own crotch. The dragon’s breath caught in his throat as her thumbs went underneath the waistband of her panties, thick folds of juicy purple flesh greeting him as the lacy garment was lowered. ‘Wait… purple?’ Spike looked up, Rarity’s face now a strangely familiar shade of purple rather than the pure white he was normally used to seeing. She seemed confused about something, looking at something over his shoulder with an eyebrow raised. “Spike, are you up?” “Huh?” *knock* *knock* *knock* “Spike, are you awake? We have company!” Spike’s hands flew from his crotch to grab the tangled sheets around his legs, heart hammering in his chest as he bundled them up around his groin to hide his erection. When Twilight didn’t open the door to check on him Spike sighed and called back. “Yeah! I’ll be down in a minute!” After a long pause, Twilight responded with a near-silent “OK” before Spike heard her footsteps heading down the hall. He waited for a few moments after she left, making sure she wasn’t coming back before sighing and removing the bundle of covers from between his legs. The scare had quickly put a damper on his mood, his shaft already half-deflated between his legs and hanging over his balls. With a groan he rolled out of bed, returning the magazine to its hidden spot within his drawer and tucking his junk back into his boxers before choosing out his clothes for the day. As he put on a simple t-shirt and jeans, he looked back outside his window at the hustle and bustle of Ponyville as the town woke from its nighttime slumber. Which reminded him... ‘Sweet Celestia, it’s my eighteenth birthday!’ He excitedly went about finishing his morning routine, heading to the bathroom to quickly freshen up. He hastily brushed his teeth and combed the fins on his head, ready to bolt downstairs until he got a look at himself in the mirror. Clearly, whatever thoughts that had given him morning wood had made his night a restless one. He was a mess! With a sigh he sat down and began to work, slicking his fins and oiling his scales with special products (the ones that Rarity just happened to mention were her favorites, of course) to make himself presentable for whoever this ‘company’ was. Now that he thought about it, the fact that Twilight woke him up to see whoever it was must of meant that the visitor was for him. Which meant that a certain mare could be here to give him something for his birthday… ‘This calls for drastic measures…’ He opened up a small drawer in the corner of the bathroom cabinets, taking out a small bottle emblazoned with a heart on its side. He lifted the bottle in front of his face, looking at the liquid inside of the glass container with a frown. A couple quick spritz to the neck was all it took for a heavy blast of scents to assault his nose. He quickly placed the cologne back in its hidden compartment before sneezing, the scented mist of fancy fragrances tingling in his nose. ‘Anything for Rarity…’ By the time he began to descend the stairs to the castle proper he was done up nicer than he could ever remember being, scales practically shining in the light as walked into the kitchen. He saw a bowl on the counter, a large bow sitting on top of its cover with a note attached to it. Popping open the cover revealed a hodgepodge of his favorite kinds of gemstones; rubies, emeralds, amethysts, all kinds of treats blended together as a special birthday breakfast that made his mouth water. He picked up the note in one hand while popping a ruby into his mouth with the other, reading it to himself as he chewed. “To my number one assistant and the best friend you could ever ask for, Happy Birthday, Spike Love, Twilight P.S. - There’s something I need to talk to you about. As soon as you’re done with these, please come meet me in the map room.’ Spike happily munched on the gemstones, smiling from both the sweet treat and the sweet letter from Twilight. Hopefully whatever it was she wanted to see him for would break the awkwardness between the two. The dragon showed some rarely seen restraint and only ate around half of the gems, storing the rest for a snack later as he made his way to the map room. A smile spread across his face as he walked down the halls of the castle, partly from the nice breakfast he had been treated to but mostly from the indescribable happy feeling one gets on their birthday. It seemed like the sun streaming through the windows was brighter, the air was that much more crisper, and everything just seemed more colorful all around him. Nothing could put a damper on his mood as he approached the large doors to the map room, a peppy bounce to his step as he absentmindedly hummed a tune to himself. As he neared the door he began to hear chattering coming from inside the room, easily recognizing the voice of Twilight as she happily chatted away. At least two other ponies were with her, too indistinct to make out but from the differing tones Spike figured one sounded more like a male while the other giggled like a mare. Whomever it was, the three of them seemed to having a rather pleasant conversation about something, so as Spike grabbed the door handle he figured whatever Twilight must of wanted to talk to him about couldn’t be all that bad. Pushing open the door and walking into the room revealed the source of the noise. Twilight was, in fact, with two other ponies; it seemed that both Cadance and Shining Armor had come by to visit all the way from the Crystal Empire. He suppressed a small tinge of disappointment at not seeing the love of his life at the table, but he quickly put on a smile and approached the married couple. The three ponies had turned to look at the dragon as he entered, smiles across the guests faces while Twilight worriedly looked at the dragon for a second before turning her head down towards the table in front of her. Cadance had on a elegant pink dress, the silken fabric held up by straps on her shoulders to cover her from chest to toe. And even then, the dress showed plenty; her ample bust created a very nice and VERY noticeable crevice between the two mounds of her breasts. The dress fit the princess perfectly, swaying enough to suggest comfort but tight enough to showcase all of her feminine curves. Spike questioned for a moment why she had decided to visit with such a… provocative… ensemble, but chalked it up to a mare thing. Shining had on a simple t-shirt and jeans, something much more casual than his wife’s getup. Cadance waved him over, embracing him in a hug that pressed him right up against her chest. The smooth fabric of her dress rubbed against his scales, the silk quite pleasant-feeling as it ran across his chest. “Happy birthday, Spike! I can’t believe you’re already eighteen!” Shining came up behind the pair and grabbed the dragon in a headlock, giving him a noogie. Spike put up a weak resistance against the stallion, eventually breaking away from him and exchanging a handshake. “It’s good to see ya Spike! Celestia, I can remember when you were just a little baby right after Twily hatched you out of that egg.” Spike smiled at the two, taking an open seat after giving Twilight a quick hug and a thank you for the special breakfast gems. Once the married couple retook their seats, Shining directly across from him and Cadance to his left, the dragon leaned over the table with his arms folded. “Nice to see you guys! Surprising to see you two came all they way down here just for my birthday.” Spike paused, looking between the two ponies with an expectant look on his face. “What’d you two bring me?” Shining Armor smirked, sharing a quick glance with his wife and then looking at his sister. For some reason, Twilight had a blush on her face and sheepishly turned her head to look away. “Oh, we certainly brought you something Spike…” Spike’s eyes brightened, mouth turning upwards in a smile. “Cool! What is it? Something from the Empire? A comic book? Some kind of gem?” For some reason Cadance chuckled, her sister-in-law hiding her face behind her arms as she grinned at Spike. “Something like that. We’ll give it to you later. But, for now, ” - Cadance stood up and made her way around the table, crouching next to Spike and placing a hand on his shoulder - “there’s something we need to talk to you about.” Spike’s eyebrow curled up, questioningly looking at the Princess as she began rubbing his upper-back. “Oh yeah?” He took a glance across the table as Shining got up and stood next to Twilight. “What about?” Cadance stood up and walked behind Spike, wrapping her arms around his chair and placing her hands on his chest. “Well Spike, Twilight sent us a letter last night, as I’m sure you know.” She began to slowly rub his chest. “And, well… she’s a little worried about you.” Spike glanced at the mentioned mare, eyes widening as he saw Shining copying his wife as he rubbed at his sister’s chest. “Ab-bout w-what?” The dragon shivered as Cadance lazily traced the contours of his muscles as she made a trail southward. “Well, with you coming into adulthood, there’s things that you’ve never experienced before that are now open for you to try. Twilight asked us to come on down and… explain some things to you.” Spike could feel blood rushing to both his head and a certain spot between his legs. Cadance seemed intent on working him up, her hand continuing its trip down his body. He jumped when she hooked her fingers underneath the bottom of his shirt, pressing her hand against his abs. “W-what kinds of things?” Cadance brought her head down to the dragon’s, heatedly whispering into his ear as the tip of her fingers tucked underneath the top of his jeans. The only thing separating his slowly inflating shaft from her seeking digits was the thin cloth briefs that were clearly tented between his legs. “She wants to make sure that you’re all set for more... ADULT activities…” Spike meekly chuckled. “Uh… I know not to drink too much…” Cadance laughed. “Oh Spike, you always were a jokester…” Suddenly her hand was in his pants, cupping over the bulge of his crotch through his briefs. “I’m sure you know what I’m talking about…” “Ah! Uh… I’m flattered… really… but…” Spike tilted his head towards the stallion across the table. “I don’t think this is very a-appropriate. Y-you're married!” “Mmm…” Cadance continued rubbing, moaning as she felt the warm rod between her fingers twitch through the soft cloth of the dragon’s underwear. “I think you’ll find Shining to be… a little occupied right now.” Spike peeked across the table and found his lungs suddenly devoid of air as he gasped. Shining still had one of his hands on Twilight’s chest, now openly fondling one of her breasts through her dress. The other was between her legs, and though Spike couldn’t see it the fact that it was under her skirt and moving up and down left very little options for what he was doing. Plus, the fact that Twilight was panting as she quivered in place was a clear indication that something VERY adult was happening between the two siblings. “So, Spike…” Cadance slowly traced the outline of his cock with a finger. “How much do you know about sex?” > Chapter 2 - The Lesson > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike tried to hold in a moan as Cadance’s hand brushed against the tip of his cock, the soft fabric of his briefs rubbing the sensitive head of his rigid dragonhood and blasting his nerves with pleasure the likes of which young dragon had never felt before. He had ‘taken care’ of himself in the past, plenty of times, in fact, but this… THIS was something else entirely. It was as if every sensation was amplified thousands of times over, just the simple touch of Cadance’s fingers against his boxers enough to cloud the dragon’s mind with bliss. As such, he found himself having some trouble responding to Cadance’s question. “Buh… huh?” Cadance giggled, playfully rolling her eyes at the dragon’s reaction. ‘Boys… just a little fondling and their like putty in your hands…’ She wrapped her thumb and finger around the top of Spike’s shaft, forming a ‘C’ shape around the smooth contours of the draconic member, a pleasing warmth radiating through the layers of cloth that separated her hand from his crotch. Cadance’s eyes gradually widened as she traced the thick cylinder of flesh down the dragon’s pants, marveling at how it seemed to keep on growing as she rubbed it. ‘Spike certainly is packing!’ She paused as, finally, she got Spike to let out a moan. “I said, how much do you know about sex?” Spike clenched his eyes shut, fighting against the pleasure battering his brain in order to form a coherent thought. “Ah! Mmm… w-what do you m-mean? I know what s-sex is, if that’s whaah… what you’re asss-king…” Cadance glanced over at Twilight even as she continued stroking the dragon’s pride, smirking at the mare across the table. “Told you so.” Twilight gave her a sheepish smile, blushing either from embarrassment or from the continued ministrations from the stallion standing behind her. Spike looked across the table as well. “Huh? W-what are you talking about? Twilight?” Cadance pulled her hand from the dragon’s pants, returning to his chest to once again rub his smooth scales and give the quivering dragon a chance to recuperate. “Well, Twilight’s been a little… worried about you. She figured that, since she neglected to give you ‘the talk’ “ - she paused to glance at the mare in question once more, Twilight sinking down in her chair in an effort to hide herself - “you wouldn’t even know what sex WAS.” Shining Armor chuckled, continuing to rub at his sister’s breasts as his other hand kept rubbing her farther south. “Kinda ridiculous if you ask me. Cadance and I had already ‘hooked up’ before I ever got the talk from my dad. If you know what I mean…” He pulled his hand from underneath Twilight’s skirt, Spike blushing as he watched a strand of something break apart between the stallion’s fingers. “Even little ol’ Twilight here “ - he gave his sister a pat on the back - “was doing ‘scientific research’ on me before being taught the birds and the- oof!” Twilight elbowed her brother in the stomach, causing the stallion to keel over in pain. “Shining!” “Ugh… what? Was it something I said…?” Cadance giggled as her husband recovered, rolling her eyes at the siblings’ antics. She turned her attention back to the dragon sitting before her, hugging him from behind as Spike’s frayed mind tried to process what Shining had said. “What I mean to say is, have you ever had any… sexual encounters with somepony else?” “He better not have!” Spike jumped when Twilight’s fist hit the table, glancing over at the mare as she pointed at him with a burning glare in her eyes. “If he did, he was underage! I swear to Celestia, Spike, if you even THOUGHT about doing something like that...” Shining winced as he straightened himself out, arm over his stomach where Twilight had hit him. "Hypocrite..." This time he would have to take a knee as Twilight struck him in the same exact spot. Spike waved his hands in front of himself. “N-no! I haven't had sex yet… just, you know, rubbing myself and stuff…” The dragon didn’t think the blush on his face could get any brighter; here he was, on what he thought would be a nice, calm eighteenth birthday, talking to his family about the fact he masturbates! ‘This is NOT how I thought today was going to go…’ Spike covered his face with his hands, hoping to hide his humiliation from the ponies in the room. He peered out from behind the protective barrier of scales when Cadance began rubbing his back, the Alicorn leaning over to whisper in his ear. "Don't be embarrassed, Spike. It's perfectly normal for you to be doing that. In fact, it would be strange if you didn't!" Her other hand continued to draw circles on his chest, the dragon shivering from the light contact of her fingertips against his scales. "But, that being said, " - her fingers began heading back down his body, Spike tensing up the closer the mare got to his waistline - "doing it by yourself is NOTHING compared to the real thing, as I'm sure you've noticed." Spike gasped as her fingers grazed his shaft once again, absentmindedly rocking his hips against her as she palmed his still-hidden cock through his pants. "Uh-huh... your h-hand feels a-amazing!" Cadance giggled, both at the compliment and the fact that, as she pulled her hand away from the dragon's crotch, he actually whined in disappointment. "Thanks, but trust me when I say there is SO much more to the world of sex. So many things that would just blow you away..." She walked around the chair to stand in front of him, placing herself between him and the table. With half-lidded eyes she placed her hands on the armrests on either side of the dragon, leaning in over his lap and giving him a perfect line-of-sight down her dress at the dark crevice of her breasts. "And I'm here to show you as MUCH as I can..." Spike had to close his eyes as his twitching dragonhood throbbed inside of his pants, straining against the cloth prison containing it in an attempt to break free. Cadance continued leaning forward, placing her head next to his and her mouth adjacent to his ear. With a breathy whisper, warm air brushed across the dragon’s ear as she said, "Me, you, Shining and Twilight... all four of us are going to head on up to the bedroom " - she reached underneath herself and patted the large bulge in the dragon's pants - " and we're going to give you a… hands on lesson on everything we know. Sound good?" Spike found he couldn't formulate the words in his mind, simply settling for violently shaking his head up and down to express his agreement. With one final pat between his legs, Cadance pulled away, making sure to stand up slowly to give the dragon one final look at her ample bust. Spike simply stared at her as she smiled and patted him on the head. "Good boy..." She turned towards the pair of ponies across the table and clapped her hands to get their attention. "Twilight, Shining, let's head on up and get a little more... comfortable." Spike turned towards them as Twilight answered her sister-in-law with a moan. Shining had both his arms wrapped around her and was cupping each of his sister's breasts through her dress. He had latched onto one of the mare's ears with his teeth and was lightly tugging on the sensitive appendage to make his sister groan. With his wife's call Shining pulled away, leaving Twilight to recover in her chair for a moment. He smirked at his wife as his sister took a moment to regain her breath. "Yeah, I think Twilight's ready to take this upstairs..." As Shining helped Twilight up Cadance did the same for Spike, the dragon blushing as his erection formed an obvious tent in his pants as he stood. Cadance gave him a pat on the back and motioned him to follow, the dragon dutifully obeying the Princess’s command as the she made her way towards the door. As he passed the chair Twilight had been sitting in Spike saw a small puddle glistening in the light. He caught a whiff of something coming from both the chair and the two mares in front of him, something strong that, for some reason, brought heat to his face and made his cock throb in his pants. He nearly shrieked when Shining suddenly wrapped an arm around his shoulder, the stallion patting him on the chest with his other hand. "Dude, trust me. As someone who's had a piece of both of THOSE, " - he pointed ahead at the two mares in front of them, Spike’s eyes immediately locking in on their swaying rears and they walked - "you are in for one Tartarus of a birthday party..." Spike gulped. 'What am I doing!? I've never even TOUCHED a naked mare before and now I'm expected to go all the way with TWO at the SAME TIME!?' He could feel his heart hammering in his chest, breath coming in short bursts as the group began to make their way up the stairs to the second floor. His nerves had no effect between his legs, however, his erection still twitching in his pants as it pointed like a compass towards the pair of females walking in front of him. The sister-in-laws were chatting about something, Cadance more animatedly than Twilight as she wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. Twilight quickly separated herself from the Alicorn with a blush, Cadance laughing at her as they entered the private hall. Spike had an epiphany as they passed the door to his room; what if this was all a dream? 'Yeah... maybe I'm still asleep. I'm sure I'll wake up soon...' His wish would not come true, but the dragon would have a rude awakening as, distracted in his own thoughts, he bumped into Twilight, who had stopped in front of the door to the master bedroom. The tent in his pants poked her right between the cheeks of her rear, rubbing the tapered tip of his dragonhood against the soft globes of her ass and causing the dragon to groan before he quickly pulled away in embarrassment. Both dragon and mare had matching blushes across their faces, neither one able to say anything as they avoided eye contact with the other. Spike jumped when Shining patted him on the back, Twilight doing the same as he slapped her ass in passing. "C'mon you two, save it for when we're actually inside!" Both Spike and Twilight found their blushes growing to historic levels of embarrassment, turning away from one another and rubbing the back of their necks. Cadance giggled at the pair and opened the door to Twilight's bedchambers, beckoning them inside with a wave of her hand. "Let's get ourselves comfortable, shall we?" Spike found it amazing as he entered the bedchambers at how knowing something was about to go down completely changed the atmosphere of the room. A room he had been in a thousand times before without problem suddenly weighed down on him, eyes focused on the bed the group approached as if it were the gallows and he the criminal. He also found it amazing that, even with all the conflicting thoughts and a kind of morbid metaphor in his mind, his member was STILL fully erect. He looked down at the tepee that was his pants, a wet spot forming at the peak of the tent as his tool prepared itself for the job to come. Cadance and Twilight were the first to reach the grand bed, Spike suddenly stopping in place as, without warning, Cadance lifted her dress up and over her head in one smooth motion and tossed the garment to the side with her magic. She was gorgeous; smooth curves running up and down her body and giving the mare a perfect female form. She had on a pair of lacy pink panties and a matching bra, the only two articles of clothing that hid the Alicorn's body from the wide eyes of the dragon. Even then they barely obscured anything, and Spike was taking full advantage of this fact as he drunk in the sight of the first nearly-nude mare he had ever seen in real life. Spike stood paralyzed as Cadance turned towards him, bringing her hands behind her back to begin working on something between her shoulders. His eyes widened as he watched her lacy bra start to move, staring at the thin piece of cloth that was the only barrier hiding the Alicorn's voluptuous bosom from his gaze. He didn’t get to stare long as the soft click of something plastic coming undone, in actuality as loud as a pin drop but in the dragon’s ears sounding like a bomb going off, was followed up by the garment falling to the floor. Spike jumped when Shining grabbed his chin and lifted it to close his unknowingly open mouth, though he continued staring straight at the mare’s chest like a deer caught in headlights. A large, round, pink set of headlights with a darker center circle that tightened the briefs around his crotch. “Ahh… that’s better. Always is nice to let the ladies breathe every once and awhile, wouldn’t you say Twilight?” Twilight’s only reply was a blush before she followed Cadance’s example, reaching behind her and unclasping her bra. Though not as large as her sister-in-law's, her pair was no less impressive to Spike, who reached down and covered his crotch with his hands in order to hide his growing erection. Twilight made a similar move, crossing her arms over her bosom to hide her twin mounds from the world. At least until Cadance reached over and stopped her, giving her a calming smile that broke Twilight’s embarrassment and left her fully exposed to the two males in the room as she lowered her arms to her sides. Shining gave his sister a whistle. “Lookin’ good, Twilight!” Cadance frowned at him, puffing her chest out to get his attention. He gave her a jokingly muttered “you too, hon,” as he passed her on his way to the bed, climbing on top of the sheets and laying on his back as he waited for somepony to join him. Cadance playfully rolled her eyes at her husband, walking behind Twilight and wrapping her arms around her slim waist. “How about we get started, huh?” She gave her a light push on the ass to get her moving, the bookish mare stumbling forward onto the bed in front of her brother. Shining simply smiled at her and patted the bed next to him, Twilight following his unspoken invitation as she climbed up towards him. As Twilight got situated, Cadance turned towards the unmoving dragon still standing by the doorway. She beckoned him to approach with a finger and half lidded eyes, the dragon still covering his crotch as he complied. When he got close enough Cadance placed her hands on his and pried them away from the impressive bulge between his legs. She reached down, Spike tensing up as he waited for the imminent contact to his groin, but instead the mare hooked her fingers underneath his shirt and began tugging it up. “Let’s get the birthday boy nice and cozy, shall we?” Spike lifted his arms and allowed the mare to undress him, blushing as she whistled at his physique. “My, you certainly are in good shape Spike.” He shivered when she ran her hands over his trim abs, working her soft hands over the light green scales that ran down his body. "You work out a lot?" Spike shook his head. "N-no, not really. Just small jobs around town and helping Twilight with stuff in the castle..." Cadance brought her hands back up, wrapping her arms around his shoulders in a light hug. She gave him a warm smile before leaning in and kissing him on the cheek, a strange sense of deja-vu hitting Spike as she pulled away. "It's okay, Spike. Lighten up a little. We're just here to have a little birthday fun." He shut his eyes and sighed as Cadance unwrapped one of her hands from behind his back and snaked it down his front, quickly descending towards his waist. He opened his eyes and looked straight into hers, taking one last deep breath before giving her a nod of his head. She nodded back and smiled, looking down between the two of them as her fingers dug underneath the waistband of his pants. "Let's see what we're working with here..." Spike closed his eyes as the Alicorn crouched down in front of him. He couldn't watch! 'Crap, she's probably gonna see it and laugh at me. She's probably used to someone as big as Shining, and he's probably hung like a horse!' Spike gave himself a face-palm in his mind. 'I mean, he IS a horse! Why is that even a saying-' His eyes popped open as a rush of cool air washed over his draconic spear, staring straight ahead and standing as still as a statue as only silence followed his member's daring escape from the cloth prison that was his pants and briefs. "Sweet Celestia..." Spike gasped and glanced down as he felt another pony’s skin wrap against his shaft for the first time in his life. Cadance was on her knees, putting her face at the same level as his crotch. The mare held his pride up with both hands, eyes wide and mouth open as she gazed upon the foreign member before her. "Spike..." The tantalizing tower of dragon dick was breathtakingly beautiful. The entire draconic spear practically shined in the light on its own, from the tapered tip designed to wedge easily into any tunnel it wished to plunder all the way down the pink rod of flesh to the base. Other than at the head, where a small bump signified a pleasing increase in girth for whoever attempted to take what the dragon was packing, the whole member was without a single imperfection; a perfect cylinder of pleasure waiting for somepony to play with. Cadance’s breath hitched in her throat as she gawked at Spike’s impressive member, holding it as if was was some revered relic from ancient Equestria. She brought her other hand up and cupped the dragon’s warm balls, panting as she felt the twin orbs fill her hand with ease. The Alicorn could barely manage to hold one of the impressive globes in the palm of her hand, having to bring her other hand down to get a good grip on the dragon’s perfectly symmetrical light-green eggs. She lifted them, testing their weight as she rolled them around in their sac. With a blush she realized that she was now a member of a probably small group of mares throughout the entire history of Equestria who had the chance to fondle a dragon’s ‘jewels’, and probably the only one who was going to drain them of their life-bringing essence. An intense heat in her loins almost made the Alicorn dive in right then and there and milk the dragon for all he was worth, but she held herself back and continued with the original plan. “Wow, Spike… this is-” The twitching rod was suddenly pulled from her grasp as Spike stumbled away, pants still clinging onto him halfway off as he reached down to once again cover himself up. "It's too small, isn't it? I'm never going to please a mare with... with THIS!" Cadance was flabbergasted. "Uh… buh… huh!?" She stood up and quickly made her way over to the dragon, reassuringly placing a hand on his shoulder and pulling away his hands with the other. "Spike, if there is one thing you are, it is CERTAINLY not too small... Celestia, I think you have an inch or two over Shining!" She once again grabbed onto his member, slowly stroking it up and down as she tried to build up his ego. "Spike, trust me when I say this; any mare would be lucky to have somepony like you. And I'm not even talking about having, well, " - she brought her other hand down and wrapped it just underneath the tapered head of his shaft - "THIS. You're one of the kindest, gentlest creatures I have ever met, pony or no." She gave him a smirk when he moaned from her continued ministrations, her hands expertly working over the contours of dragon flesh sticking out from between his thighs. "Plus, it's more about how you use it than the size. Though, this is certainly a nice bonus." Her hands left his erect rod to throb in the air on its own as the mare backed away and turned towards the bed. "And that's why we're here to teach you. Come this way, Spike." Spike blushed and followed the mare towards the bed, using one hand to hold up his pants that threatened to trip him with each step he took. Once Cadance reached the bed she turned to talk to him, but she paused before speaking a single word when she noticed him hobbling his way over to her. She chuckled at him, pointing towards his pants as his blush grew even brighter from her laughter. "You can go ahead and take those off, Spike. We won't be needing them from here on out." Spike sheepishly rubbed the back of his head and gave her a weak smile. "Oh... OK." Letting go caused the pants to drop to the floor, pooling around his ankles in a puddle of cloth. He nearly tripped over himself as he stepped out of them, his entire body practically vibrating from excitement. He felt like he finally realized what was about to happen; he was gonna get laid, and with a Princess to boot! With newfound confidence he strode over to the bed, intent on sweeping Cadance off her hooves and pleasing her to the best of his abilities. At least, that was until she patted the ground next to her, turning her head towards the approaching dragon and asking him to sit. “For now, watch what Shining does with Twilight. Make sure to pay attention to Twi’s reactions, and what he does to get those reactions from her.” She gave him a sly wink. “I’ll be expecting you to get the same from me…” Spike tried to gulp down the lump in his throat. With a grunt he sat on the floor, crossing his legs in front of him with his pink pride peeking up between his thighs. He looked towards the mare seated next to him, eyes locking in on the curve of her breast that sat just a couple feet away from him. His mouth watered at the perked up stub on top of the mound, feeling a sudden urge to lean over and grab and knead the flesh between his fingers. Cadance apparently noticed his gaze, snapping her fingers in his line of sight to get his attention before, without a word, she pointed him in the direction of the bed. What Spike saw brought a fresh wave of blood to both his cheeks and the member between his legs; Twilight was sitting on top of her brother's stomach, leaning down to kiss him right on the lips. From this angle Spike couldn't see much of what was happening up top, but he could certainly see what was happening below the stallion's waist. Twilight had one of her hands between her legs, her dress-skirt lifted just enough to give Spike a glimpse of her purple panties as her fingers ran over a large wet spot at the frilly garment’s center. Her other hand was behind her and was openly groping the large bulge of Shining's crotch, fingers closing around the stallionhood hidden beneath his pants. Spike swore he could see the entire thing twitch as it was rubbed, feeling the ghost of Cadance’s hand from before rubbing his own. At least, he thought it was just his imagination up until Cadance went lower and cupped his balls, lightly rolling the heavy orbs around in her grasp. "Now, Spike, it's always important to build up your partner. Don't just rush in and skip to the main event; foreplay can be some of the most pleasant parts of sex." She released the orbs from her grasp and let his balls rest once again on the floor, her hand moving up to wrap around the base of his tapered tip. "Of course, I'm sure by now you knew about that." Cadance turned towards the siblings on the bed and reached forward with her other hand to tap at her husband's leg. "Let's move on, hon. Can't see much with your clothes still on." Shining groaned as he sat up with Twilight in his lap, her hand still cupping the tent of his pants. He made a move to remove his shirt but was stopped by his sister, who pulled his hands away and grabbed it with her own. "Let me, BBBFF..." She slowly pulled the cloth garment up and over his head, revealing a chest that appeared to be chiseled out of marble from years of guard training. Spike watched as his best friend began to grope her own brother, much like Cadance had done to him. At least until she brought her head down and began to make a trail of kisses down the center of his body, stopping only when she reached his waistline and the beginning of his pants. She paused to rub her face against his prominent bulge, moaning from the warmth radiating from his crotch as she felt him twitch against her cheek. After one kiss to the tip of the obscured appendage she brought her hands up and grabbed onto the waistband of his pants. She looked up at her brother with half-lidded eyes and licked her lips. "Commando?" Shining smirked at his sister, giving her a nod in reply. "You know me all too well, Twily..." With a single pull Spike found out what Twilight was talking about; Shining's meaty shaft swinging out into the air as it was freed from his pants and tapping his sister on the nose. She gave him a quick kiss on the tip before continuing to pull his pants down, revealing a pair of black, plum-sized balls resting against his taint as she unveiled her brother’s most private parts to the world. Spike glanced at Shining's stallionhood and his own, comparing the two in his mind. 'Huh... guess Cadance was right...' Even though Shining's was thicker, the tapered head of his own draconic shaft gave him about an inch over the stallion's more blunted flare. He shuddered as Cadance rubbed the sensitive head with her thumb, tracing small circles around it that shocked him with bursts of pleasure. "Pay attention, Spike. This will be on your... 'test' later on." Cadance gave him a wink as color flooded his cheeks, knowing exactly what she was talking about. He gave her a weak nod before turning back to the pair of siblings on the bed. Twilight had- Spike gasped. Twilight had her lips wrapped around the tip of Shining's cock, her head bobbing up and down her brother's thick shaft. Shining had leaned back against the bed, interlocking his hands behind his head and sighing out in bliss as he let his sister have her way with him. And Celestia, was she ever! She would take just over half of his stallionhood into her gullet in one smooth motion, stopping just past the bulge of his medial ring to run her tongue over what had entered her mouth. As least that was what Spike assumed she did; lewd slurps and the sounds of wet flesh on flesh ringing around the room as Twilight gave her own brother a blowjob. Cadance made sure to mimic Twilight’s actions as best as she could with her hand, attempting to prepare the dragon for what was to come after the ‘lesson’. She had one hand wrapped around the middle of his long shaft, lightly squeezing the hardened rod to simulate a mare’s mouth. The other was trailing her fingers around the head of his shaft, quick strokes with the tips of her digits that caused the dragon to shiver in her grasp. “Now then, how much do you know about marehoods?” It took his mind a moment to register Cadance’s question as he watched Twilight start to push herself down to the base of the stallion's member. Spike's eyes grew with each inch of throbbing cock that disappeared into her mouth, a bulge clearly seen moving down her throat as Shining’s member pushed deeper and deeper into her. He released the breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding in as Twilight’s nose pressed into the white fur of her brother’s crotch, the dragon’s light moan masked by the much louder one each of the siblings made. "Whoa..." Without thought Spike found himself slowly approaching the pair of ponies on the bed, moving in to get a better look at the action. Twilight began to pull away from her brother’s lap, each inch of stallion cock escaping from her throat glistening in the light from her coating of saliva. Spike could feel a strange tugging sensation on his own dragon dick, imagining himself in Shining’s spot for a moment with Twilight gargling on his own lengthy tool before looking down between his legs. Cadance was looking at him with an eyebrow raised, hand still wrapped around his cock as she pointed at the spot next to her with the other. “Be patient, Spike. Your turn will come soon enough.” Spike grumbled as he retook his seat, muttering under his breath, “Jeez, it’s MY birthday…” Cadance rolled her eyes and continued stroking his cock, the dragon’s disappointment quickly fading as pleasure once more invaded his mind. The Alicorn tapped her husband on the leg once again, giving him the signal to move on to something new. This time, Shining brought a hand down to Twilight’s face and rubbed her cheek as she finished pulling his cock from her mouth and gave her a wink. With one last kiss on the tip she stood, walking forward a few steps to stand above her still prone brother before turning away from him. With a blush she looked at Spike, giving him a weak smile as she began to remove her soaked panties. Spike thought about the situation he was in. Here he was, watching the mare he practically thought of as his mother standing above her own brother as she slowly stripped herself of the only thin piece of cloth she wore. Heck, it was only like half-an-hour ago that the dragon was worried about the fact that SHE was worried, and now here he was about to watch her get down and dirty with her own flesh and blood. For some reason, his cock gave a mighty throb at the thought... He gave Twilight a slight nod and a weak smile, the mare returning it with a grin of her own before she let the damp garment fall from between her legs. Everything was revealed; plump purple pony pussy lips slightly inflamed from arousal, a strand of the mare’s excitement holding onto her panties before breaking off as the underwear fell away. She took a moment to lift one of her legs and removed the undergarment from herself completely, the purple panty tossed to the corner by her magic. Twilight blushed but kept her hands at her sides, letting Spike take in the sights of her nude body. And what a sight it was; Spike could feel himself throb in need as he traced the mare’s curves, pausing at her breasts to take them in before moving back down to the slit between her legs. Once again his pride throbbed, though this time the reason was plain to see. Twilight was friggin hot! ‘There’s something I never expected to think today…’ With a wink towards her number one assistant Twilight began crouching down, lowering her hind end towards her brother’s face while bringing her’s closer to Shining’s crotch. Her methodical trip down was abruptly hastened as Shining’s arms wrapped around her waist and forcefully pulled her down right onto him. Both the mare’s and the dragon’s eyes widened as Shining immediately set to work on his sister’s juicy folds, long, deep licks diving into her slick tunnel to scoop out her sweet-tasting ambrosia. Just as it had when Twilight gave him a blowjob, lewd slurps and schlips began to come from the point of contact between brother and sister, this time sounding even sloppier as Twilight’s mare nectar was drunk straight from the tap to satiate the stallion’s thirst. Twilight sat up straight on top of her brother, head leaning back to point at the ceiling as she gave a long, low moan to the heavens. She began to rub herself, hands working over her sides before moving up to cup her own breasts. Spike was mesmerized as the mare openly groped herself, kneading the dough-like globes of her breasts and causing them to jostle and jiggle about in her hands. She even took a moment to tweak the dark purple stubs of her nipples, moaning as she roughly fondled herself. Eventually her hands began heading southward, rubbing her sides and her stomach before reaching between her legs to spread herself apart and give her brother better access to her depths. With her thick folds parted, Spike was given a direct line-of-sight to the bright pink flesh of Twilight’s marehood. Every so often her brother’s tongue would flick across the juicy folds to lick up her secretions, vibrations from the stallion’s groans running up his mouth into her quivering tunnel and causing the mare to moan. Spike could feel his dragonhood twitch and throb each time Twilight’s bulbous clit would wink out towards him, bright pink flashing from her thick purple lips as her body called out to be bred. Spike’s tongue extended from his mouth as he began to absentmindedly lick the air, mimicking the actions of the stallion buried underneath the mare’s plot who, from the sounds of things, was an expert at pleasing a mare. Twilight cooed at her brother, lowering herself to lay flat on her belly on top of him. Her face wound up only inches from the stallion’s crotch and the mare nuzzled her cheek into the warmth radiating from the thick, black shaft. “Oh, Shiny… it’s been WAY too long since we did this…” Her wings extended, lifting up towards her head and Shining’s crotch. She wrapped the soft, feathery tips of her wings around the Prince’s thick shaft, rubbing it up and down as she laid a kiss on the flared head. Spike moaned to himself as Twilight rubbed her face across the top of Shining’s member, so focused on the pair of siblings on the bed that he never noticed Cadance palming the head of his own cock in her hand. Twilight now had Shining’s cock encased by both her wings, her silky-smooth feathers pumping up and down as she suckled his head in her mouth and fondled his balls with her hands. Every so often she would pop the widening flare out of her mouth and rub her face against it, moaning and groaning as she smeared white streaks of stallion pre into her purple fur. Cadance suddenly got up and tapped Twilight’s leg, lightly tugging on her tail to get the mare’s attention. “Shining’s close… we should move on before he finishes.” The mare in question seemed to either not hear her, or she simply just didn’t care. Her wings were like a blur against his engorged cock, strands of pre sticking to her feathers and coating the stallion’s shaft with his own personal lubricant. Twilight cut the supply of lube off at the source, dragging her tongue across the face of Shining’s sensitive flare to lap up the drops of precum before they could even start to drip. Cadance got her attention with a firm slap on her rear, Twilight’s head abruptly pulling away from Shining’s lap as she gasped in shock. She looked behind at her sister-in-law, pouting even as her wings continued to rub her brother’s member. “What the hay was that for!?” “I think it’s time to move on, Shining’s getting close. Remember why you invited us here.” Twilight continued to jack her brother off with her wings, but, with a nod of her head towards her sister-in-law, began to gradually slow down. She rubbed his twitching shaft until she felt the bloated balls held in her hands try to pull up closer to his body, quickly ending all contact with Shining before he orgasmed. Shining gave a weary groan at being denied climax after getting so close, but his disappointment was short-lived as Twilight turned around and crawled up the bed on her hands and knees until she was parallel to him. Her tail lifted up over her back and out of the way of her marehood, showing off the plump, glistening lips to everypony in the room. Shining excitedly stood up on the bed and made his way behind his sister, but before he could begin Cadance grabbed onto his shoulder and held him back. She held up a finger, signaling him to pause for a moment before she looked behind her at Spike. The dragon hadn’t moved from his spot on the floor and Cadance thought she could see a line of drool escape from his open mouth as he stared at the group of ponies on the bed. She waved her hand at him in an attempt to break his trance-like state. “Come on up Spike, get closer for a better view…” Judging by the glaze over his eyes, her bid to return Spike to the land of Equestria hadn’t worked. Still, the dragon subconsciously answered her call and made his way onto the bed to join her. As he got close, Cadance traced his line of sight down between Twilight’s legs. The Princess of Love smirked to herself. ‘So, little Spikey-wikey likes what he sees…’ Cadance reached up and dragged two fingers between the plump folds of Twilight’s marehood, earning a heated moan from the mare before pulling back and revealing a strand of liquid connecting her digits. She brought it up to Spike, the dragon’s eyes slowly widening as the scent of a mare filled his nostrils. He shook his head to clear it of the mist that had settled over it before he looked down at Cadance’s hand. “Nice to see you join us, Spike!” He blushed and rubbed the back of his head. “Hehe… uh... sorry about that. It’s a little much to take in all at once…” Cadance nodded her head. “I understand, Spike. The first time for anypony is usually overwhelming, and I wouldn’t exactly call this a normal first time.” Spike glanced at the entwined siblings. Shining had one of his hands on Twilight’s face, using it to turn her head towards him as they shared a deep kiss. “Yeah… I’m pretty sure none of my friends’ firsts were like this…” Cadance giggled and rubbed his shoulder. “You can say that again!” Spike returned the chuckle, the light laughter breaking the oppressive atmosphere in the room that had weighed the dragon down ever since entering the room. Cadance gave him a warm smile as she watched his entire body relax. “Good to see you’re warming up to this. Sex should never be a serious thing; it’s all about having a good time!” She nodded her head towards the other ponies on the bed, smirking at the dragon who smiled back. “Now then, let’s get on with the lesson, shall we? We’re just about wrapped up here.” She dragged a fingertip across Spike’s dragonhood, still standing strong between his legs. “And then, it’s your turn, birthday boy…” She turned to her husband, only having to give him a quick nod before he went to get into position. As Cadance and Spike laid on their bellies behind him, Shining knelt down on his knees behind Twilight. Spike had a front row seat as he grabbed his cock and sandwiched it between his sister’s leaking labial lips. Without penetrating her he thrust forward, hot-dogging his cock between her thick pussy lips and coating the long black rod in his sister’s own personal lubricant. From this angle Spike got a real good look of the size of Shining’s ‘spear’; it had to be over a foot long by at least a couple inches, with a meaty girth to boot. The dragon winced as he looked at Twilight’s entrance; how in Equestria they were going to manage to squeeze such a large pole into such a tight tunnel was beyond Spike. “How exactly is this supposed to be pleasurable? It looks like he’s going to split her in half!” Twilight moaned out. “Ohh… I sure hope so…” Cadance tapped her husband’s waist a few times, a secret signal passed between husband and wife before she turned her attention to the questioning dragon. “Rather than tell you, it might be better if you’re just shown…” Shining Armor pulled his hips back and lined himself up with Twilight’s slick passageway, the wide head of his stallionhood resting at the gates of her marehood before popping in with a light push against it. Spike’s eyes widened as the stallion slowly buried himself inside of Twilight’s clenching pussy, the lips of her marehood pulled tight around the girth of his member. He continued without pause, both siblings gasping when his medial ring passed through and moaning when he reached the base, balls lightly swinging forward to tap her rapidly winking clit. Then the process repeated, but in reverse. Spike didn’t think his eyes could go any wider as the shaft pulled out of Twilight, slick from the copious amounts of juices that dripped from her lips and shining in the light as Shining withdrew. Cadance grabbed onto the base of her husband’s member at the end of his withdrawal, only the flared head sitting within Twilight’s warm tunnel. She absentmindedly rubbed him as she began to once again point things out to Spike. “This is why foreplay is so important. Building your partner up gets them nice and wet for your entry to be a smooth one.” She used her other hand to push on Shining’s rear, getting her husband to stand up a little so Spike could see. The movement had the unintended side effect of stirring up Twilight’s insides as Shining’s flare shifted, causing the mare to moan loudly into the pillow her head rested on. Another tap was all the signal the stallion needed to start up again, taking a moment to readjust himself while keeping himself at a higher angle so the audience behind him could see the action. With a loud slap Shining buried himself once more into his sister, both ponies moaning out as a foot of pony cock plunged into Twilight’s marehood. Spike tried to take in every detail that he could; how far Shining would pull out, how fast he would push back in, and the adjustments the stallion made to hit different areas inside of Twilight. Wet squelching noises rang in his ears as Shining’s thick pride wedged open Twilight’s tight tunnel, drips of her excitement rolling down his shaft and balls before falling to the bed below. Cadance tapped the awestruck dragon on the shoulder and led him over to the side of the bed, Spike moving without taking his eyes off the scene before him. His cock bobbed in the air as he crawled across the bed, nerves lighting up in pleasure as his shaft and large balls rubbed against his thigh. On this side of the bed he was perpendicular to the pair of rutting ponies, and he could see more of the siblings’ bodies as both of their faces twisted in pleasure. Shining had his eyes closed in concentration, focused on thrusting into his sister as hard and as fast as he could. Twilight’s were opened, but Spike doubted that she actually saw anything from the way she blankly stared at the wall in front of her. Her eyes were rolled up as far as they could go, her mouth open and tongue lolling out of her mouth as she gasped and moaned with each smacking thrust her brother made against her rear. Spike watched as her curves jiggled from the force, her breasts especially as the two mounds swung wildly beneath her. Shining curled in closer to Twilight’s body and began jackhammering the last couple of inches of his stallionhood in and out of her at ludicrous speeds. Twilight gasped and lowered her head, reaching between her legs to rub at her clit with two fingers as the stallion pounded her as hard as he could. Spike’s shaft gave a mighty throb as he watched their reactions, imagining himself inside of Twilight as he hammered his draconic pride into her warm depths. He imagined her moaning his name as she clenched around him, calling out the name of the dragon who brought her such pleasure. The feeling of Cadance’s hand wrapping around his member returned, and without even taking a glance between his legs he began to lightly thrust against her as he did to the Twilight in his mind. Twilight was gasping with each bed-creaking thrust from her brother, a slick combination of her juices and his running down the side of her leg to form a puddle on the bed. Taking a peek down her body gave her the view of Shining’s globular balls swinging forth to smack into her clit, a bolt of pleasure striking her center each time the wet thwap rang in her ears. The force of his thrusts forced her face into the pillow below, and as she turned her head and moaned Shining’s name she saw Spike and Cadance sitting on the bed next to her. Her tunnel spasmed and clenched around the stallionhood within her as she got her first good look at Spike’s shaft, the pink hand of her sister-in-law running up and down the long spire of draconic dick. Imagining Spike laying underneath her, joining Shining inside of her marehood as the two males roughly bred her deep into the night was the last straw, the last thought she made before her world was reduced to static. She heard a mare screaming in the distance, the voice registering in her head as her own though she could not feel herself making noise. All she felt was her tunnel clenching around the hard rod of stallion steel still thrusting in and out of her, the added lubricant of her orgasm helping the shaft reach deep enough to kiss her cervix with ease. Spike gasped when he heard Twilight, peeking between her legs to watch as her clit furiously winked in and out of her marehood. Jets of marecum rocketed out of her lips to paint her brother’s balls and thighs with her sweet nectar of bliss. Without pause Shining continued his deep thrusts, Twilight’s scream being reduced to incoherent babbles as waves of pleasure constantly crashed against her shores. Spike watched mesmerized as rivulets of marecum ran down Shining’s rigid shaft. It seemed like the stallion would never stop sawing the last couple inches of his shaft in and out of the quivering mare beneath him. Only when Twilight collapsed onto the bed did Shining change up his thrusts, and even then it was only to use more of his member with each thrust, almost the entirety of his shaft tugging on her insides as it evacuated her tunnel before shoving itself back inside all the way to the base. Twilight picked her head up from the puddle of drool she had made, gasping out as Shining started picking up the pace once again. The heights of pleasure she had just started to climb down from once more rushed into her loins, tongue lolling out as she rocked her body back and forth with her brother’s thrusts. “OH! Shining! Fuck me! Harder, harder! Ooohhh…” Spike’s member throbbed in Cadance’s grip as another salvo of marecum gushed out of Twilight’s battered marehood. This time, Shining continued thrusting the entirety of his shaft in and out of the squirting lips, lewd squelches and wet thumps ringing in the room as the stallion expertly pleased his sister through a second straight orgasm. Just as her climax began to die down Shining suddenly buried himself to the hilt and held himself there, groaning as his balls twitched and unleashed a heavy salvo of stallion seed deep into his sister. Twilight’s mouth opened in a silent scream. The first shot of warmth into her depths caused her to fall head first into another round of spasms, the third orgasm of the night causing her eyes to roll into the back of her head and her tongue to loll out of her mouth. After the first barrage of shots, Shining began to thrust once again. He timed each thrust with the surges of semen spewing from his stallionhood, pulling out after each shot only to bury himself to the hilt before the next. Spike’s eyes widened as Shining’s orgasm dragged on further than he thought possible. They widened even more as he saw Twilight’s stomach start to slightly balloon outwards, the immense load her brother was pumping into her bloating out her belly with stallion semen. Eventually, the pressure became too much, thick lines of pressurized cream leaking around Shining’s thick cock to rocket out against his balls. By the time his orgasm began to die down, most of the fur around his crotch was matted with a mixture of his and her cum. Shining sighed, wrapping his arm around Twilight’s midsection as he leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. The mare’s only response was a weak twitch, drooling on the pillow her face was pressed into. Shining smiled at her as he straightened up, patting her on the ass before beginning to pull out his spent shaft from her weary passage. Each inch of fat stallion cock was followed by another stream of cum gushing out to puddle on the bed, until, at last, the wide flare escaped the confines of Twilight’s marehood with a loud pop. Spike stood with his mouth open as white cream gushed from the mare’s gaping tunnel. It took a few moments for Twilight’s lips to return to their normal shape, and even then a small stream leaked from her lips and coated her thighs. He jumped when Cadance grabbed his shoulder, the mare grinning at him with eyes half-lidded as she continued to rub his aching erection. “Looks like it’s your turn, Spikey-wikey… I sure hope you've been paying attention...” Spike nervously gulped. 'Uh-oh...' > Chapter 3 - Hands-On (Cloptional - Foot Worship / Footjob) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike found that he could not move, so awestruck over the impressive performance the two siblings had put on that his entire body felt rigid. Cadance, hand still wrapped around a certain part of him below the waist that happened to be slightly more rigid than the rest of him, smirked at the dragon as sweat formed on his forehead and chuckled when he gave her a weak smile in return. She released his dragonhood from her grasp and brought her hands up to grab either side of his head, violet and green eyes locking together as she leaned in towards him. With eyes drifting closed and a blush spreading across her cheeks, Cadance met his quivering lips with her own and passionately kissed the nervous dragon, tongue snaking out to press against the gate of his lips to seek entry into his maw. Spike’s eyes widened in surprise for a moment before fluttering closed in bliss, opening his mouth to accept Cadance’s offered kiss as her tongue met his. His heart beat like a drum within his chest as his senses took in everything about the mare against him. Her soft, plump lips pressing against his own, thinner pair, the smell of her fruit-scented soaps and shampoos that clouded his mind, and the taste of the mare’s mouth as he snaked his tongue inside. Cadance’s breath hitched in her throat as Spike invaded her maw, his draconic tongue wrapping around her own several times to show off its impressive length. She moaned and tilted her head, giving Spike full access to the cavern of her mouth as she wrapped her hands behind his back and pressed him against her. His warm dragonhood slipped between her legs and rubbed across the wet lips of her marehood as his lean chest pressed against her round mounds of flesh. She moaned as her clit winked against his hard shaft and her perky nipples rubbed against his surprisingly soft scales, increasing in pitch as Spike began to hump against her to rub his aching need against her quivering tunnel. The Princess was the one who wound up being the first to pull away, gasping as Spike’s tongue unraveled around her’s and slipped from her mouth with a lewd slurp. Both pony and dragon once again stared into each other’s eyes, panting from the intense experience just shared between the two of them. An idea quickly formed in Cadance's mind as she watched the dragon’s long, wet tool retreat back into his maw; she HAD to know what that would feel like between her legs… She gave him another peck on the cheek as the dragon continued absentmindedly sliding his member between her thighs, the long dragonhood now mostly coated in a layer of slick secretions that leaked from her marehood. “Don’t worry about it, Spike… just do what comes naturally and you'll do fine…” She separated herself from the blushing dragon and climbed onto the bed, standing tall before the dragon fully nude and without an iota of shame at her perfectly shaped body. Cadance took a glance to her side at her husband, the stallion still laying on his back next to her with his legs spread to show off his half-flaccid cock still coated in copious amounts of cum. Twilight was on her belly directly beneath her, legs lying against the bed and going between the gap of Cadance's own. Seeing as the siblings would need a moment to recharge anyway, she turned back around towards Spike and gave him a warm smile. “Come on up, Spike. Let’s start with a little foreplay…” Spike thought he could feel himself getting a bloody nose as the mare reached between her legs and split herself apart with two fingers. With Cadance standing on the bed while he was on the floor, Spike had a perfect view of the mare’s juicy pink depths as she held her passage open for him. He cautiously approached the mare, eyes never drifting from the delicious looking slit between her legs. In what felt like a blink of an eye he had climbed onto the bed and was on his knees before her, bumping into Twilight’s feet as he stared straight ahead at the first marehood he had ever seen up close. The slick passage dripped with Cadance’s excitement, filling Spike’s mind with the heady scent of a needy mare. She gave him a show of rubbing her middle finger up and down the bright pink folds of her marehood, her index and ring finger prying open her thick labial lips so she could reach deeper into herself. Both shared a gasp when Cadance slipped the digit inside, beginning to slowly thrust the digit in and out as Spike leaned in for a better look. After only a few strokes Cadance’s hand pulled away, her middle finger already covered in her juices and glistening in the light. She extended it towards the awestruck dragon, placing it right in front of his lips. He glanced up at her, the mare’s eyes half-lidded with a blush on her face as she licked her lips. The dragon followed the unspoken command, leaning in just a bit more and extending his tongue towards the soaking wet finger. Cadance watched as Spike’s draconic tongue extended from his mouth, each inch of the thin, pink appendage making the burning in her loins that much hotter. She moaned as Spike’s long tongue wrapped around her finger, once, twice, three times before it reached the base. With a flourish Spike dragged it back into his mouth, leaving Cadance’s finger completely clean of her thick secretions. Cadance reached down and gently placed her hand on the back of Spike’s head, lightly pushing him towards the honey pot between her legs. “Just follow my lead… pay attention to how I respond to certain things... “ Her other hand came down and cupped the dragon’s cheek, Spike looking up at her with his mouth only an inch away from her trembling lower lips. “And remember; have fun!” She brought her hand back to her pussy and pried herself apart once again, warm exhales from the dragon just a hair’s width away from her most private of areas brushing across her sensitive flesh and causing her to moan. Spike closed his eyes and took a sniff, filling his mind with Cadance’s sweet smelling scent. ‘I wonder what she tastes like… I hope it’s not TOO bad…’ With another deep breath, his eyes opened and locked in on the bright pink flesh before him. ‘Well, here goes nothing…’ It felt like an eternity from when Spike’s tongue poked out from between his lips to when it made contact with Cadance’s lower pair, but as soon as it did Spike’s mind was fried. He quickly pulled away, retracting his tongue back into his maw as he rolled his spit around inside his mouth. Cadance glanced down at him, eyebrow raised even as she continued to spread herself apart. “What? Is something wrong?” Spike swallowed. He gave her a single glance, eyes wide in amazement and mouth open in shock before the dragon suddenly shoved his head between her thighs. Cadance’s opened in a silent scream as, without warning, Spike’s tongue deeply darted into her passage. It felt as though the dragon could kiss at her cervix with how long the wriggling appendage was, worming it’s way past plump folds to find as much of the mare’s delicious nectar as it could. Cadance widened her wobbling legs to give the dragon as much room as he needed and brought both of her hands down to his head, more in an attempt to hold on as she was brutally ravaged than to push the hungry ravager away from his meal. Spike felt like he had died and gone to heaven. The sight of Cadance's clit winking against his nose, the musky scent that clouded his judgment as he dug deeper into her tunnel, and the taste... oh, the TASTE... it was like nothing the dragon had ever… well, tasted! It was as if he had found the finest, purest gem in the world but in liquid form, and the more he ate the more poured into his mouth. He let out a guttural groan as he opened his maw and surrounded the Princess's marehood with his lips, forming a perfect seal around the folds to prevent any of the mare's sweet ambrosia from being wasted on the floor. He paused when Cadance tapped him on the cheek, quickly pulling away when he noticed the glazed over look in her eyes. She gave a weak moan when his tongue slipped out from between her lips, panting from the intense sensations her body had just been subject to. She looked down at Spike, the dragon licking a ring of liquid from around his lips as he worriedly returned her gaze. "D-did I do something wrong?" Cadance smiled and rubbed the dragon's scaly cheek. "No... that was absolutely perfect... In fact, it was a little TOO good." She moved her hand back between her legs and lightly brushed her fingertips across her clit, moaning as it winked out to greet her. "Try to take it a little... slower, this time. I almost lost it for a moment there..." She pried her lips apart for him once again, tapping the center of her marehood a couple of times as her other hand gently pressed against the back of his head. "Other than that, you were amazing! You have one Tartarus of a tongue, Spike." Spike smiled, relieved at the fact he had done a good job. “Thanks! You taste amazing!” Cadance chuckled, which turned into a deep moan as Spike started his work once more. She patted the back of his head as he took her advice, slowing down his laps and licks against her to gradually build her up rather than rocketing her straight to a climax. The leisurely pace gave him more time to appreciate each bump and ridge within her clenching tunnel, and more time to savor the flavor of her juices. Spike settled into his work, taking small cues from the Princess as to what worked and what REALLY worked. Flicking his tongue this way would get a shiver, licking this spot deep in her tunnel would cause her passage to clench down around him, and curling his tongue in on itself would cause the hand on the back of his head to push him that much harder between the mare’s legs. He pictured himself viewing the scene from afar, watching as a beautiful Alicorn held a young dragon’s head between her thighs as the dragon ate his fill of her marehood. For a moment the mare’s coat became pure white as Spike imagined what his lifelong crush would feel and taste like; would it be any different than Cadance? The image quickly faded back into the Princess in question as she lightly pulled his head away from her crotch. “Mmm… VERY good, Spike. You’re a natural! You’ll make someone very happy someday…” She patted the dragon on the head. “I was just wondering… have you ever had any kind of… fantasies of a more… adult nature?” Spike thought about it for a moment, wondering what the Princess was talking about until he remembered his daydream earlier that morning. Rarity, on a silk covered bed, waiting for her big, strong dragon to come and take her. The way she had caressed him... Slowly she trailed her foot down his belly, passing his waist without pause before gently grazing the tapered head of his shaft with the warm underside of her toes. Now that he had a good point of reference, he imagined what it might have felt like if Rarity ran her feet up and down his sensitive shaft… She worked the male over masterfully, slowly stroking his cock as she jostled his balls around with the other foot. He glanced down at where Cadance was standing, two perfectly manicured feet resting on the bed… Already Spike could feel himself leaking pre onto the bed, the dragon starting to rock his hips into the mare as she wrapped both of her feet around his shaft and began to jack him off. He looked back up at her face, a deep blush across his own as he struggled with what he wanted to say. Would she be freaked out? Would she think he was disgusting? Maybe she’d call the whole thing off, which would REALLY suck with how hard he was right now… He swallowed the lump that had suddenly grown in his throat. “Well…” He licked his lips that, even though he had just done a number on Cadance’s dripping lips, were somehow bone dry. “I kinda find… uh… feEt” - his voice cracked, and he took a moment to clear his throat - “to be kinda… well, hot. Like… rubbing me… down THERE and stuff…” Cadance rubbed the top of his head and gave him a warm smile. “You have nothing to be ashamed of Spike. You should always tell your partners about any desires you have, and you should always be mindful of theirs. Those are what we call fetishes, and this feeling you have towards feet is actually a common one. In fact…” She took a couple steps back, placing her feet on either side of the prone Twilight’s waist and crouching down over her. One of her wings extended, but rather than head down towards the purple mare below it went right towards the white stallion laying beside her. Shining had his eyes closed, resting and enjoying the post-orgasmic bliss that ran through his veins. At least, until a soft feather ran across the bottom of his feet. His eyes popped open and shot over towards his wife, the mare looking back at him with a smirk as she continued rubbing his foot with a wing. Spike watched the scene with fascination. He could see Shining’s stallionhood, still not fully flaccid and hanging over his bloated balls, twitch as it began to fill with blood. Cadance turned back towards him and chuckled even as her wing continued running over her husband’s feet. “Shining here has unusually soft feet for a stallion in his line of work and he LOVES to have them lightly tickled. Gets him really… riled up for a good time.” The dragon could certainly see what she meant; even though Shining had climaxed only a short while ago, the large member between his legs quickly inflated back into a full erection just by having his feet rubbed by his wife’s soft feathers. Cadance pulled her wing away once her husband stood at full mast, giggling as he made a move to get up. She gave him a light shove with her magic, hard enough for the stallion to lose his balance and fall flat on his back once again. He gave her a disapproving frown, though the way his stallionhood twitched between his legs nullified any form of stern expression he tried to make at her. Cadance chuckled at his reaction as she kept him held against the bed, shaking her rump with her tongue poking out at him teasingly. “Sorry hun, you’re going to have to wait your turn.” She turned back towards Spike, a wide grin splitting her face in two that, in a way, almost scared the dragon. “It’s Spike’s turn.” Spike lightly nodded his head with a bright blush across his face and made a move towards the lips that sat between the Alicorn’s legs, eyes glazing over as he approached the succulent marehood. He never reached it, stopped halfway by Cadance as the Princess lifted a leg and pressed her foot to his chest. He questioningly glanced up at the smiling mare who met his gaze with a soft chuckle. “How about you start with something a little... further down, Spike…” This close to her prize, Spike found his mind to be too muddled to form a coherent thought. “Uh… what?” Cadance giggled again, lifting her leg further up to put her foot right in front of Spike’s face. The dragon’s eyes crossed as he watched the Alicorn wiggle her pink toes before him. Another glance up at the Alicorn’s face and a wink from the Princess was all the direction he needed. Spike closed his eyes and extended his tongue from his mouth, slowly approaching the offered appendage until, with a groan from both mare and dragon, he came into contact with the soft bottom of her feet. He was happily surprised to find the underside of her foot to be perfectly pristine; Spike figured the Princess must have washed them not too long ago, probably before coming down to Ponyville to visit. The skin was soft and supple, most likely due to special trips to the spas up in the Crystal Empire. Spike enthusiastically licked the pampered appendage, loving how the soft and supple underside felt against his tongue. Cadance pressed her foot harder into his face and wiggled her toes against his forehead as he licked down to her sole, loving the attention of the dragon. With a groan he brought his hands up and grabbed the perfectly smooth foot, rubbing the soft arch in the middle as his tongue trailed up the middle back towards the top. Licking near the wiggling toes got a shiver and a chuckle out of the mare, and Spike took a moment to look up at her over the pink digits. The Alicorn was slowly tweaking one of her perked up nipples with a hand, pinching the sensitive bulb between her fingers and moaning in bliss. With his scaled hands still massaging her foot, Spike closed his eyes and opened his mouth, sensually enveloping one of Cadance’s toes into his maw. His lengthy tongue wrapped around the squirming digit for several loops, surrounding the pink nub in the warm, wet embrace of his special draconic appendage. Her immaculate hygiene spread to here as well, the light scent of soap and the faint taste of flesh all he could find as he worshipped the Alicorn’s foot with pure reverence. As he moved to suckle on the big toe at the end of her foot, Spike’s dazed eyes slowly trailed up the side of the Princess’s leg. He praised Cadance’s balance in the back of his mind; here she was standing on one leg on top of a bed, shivering every so often as he dragged his tongue between two of her toes. Of course, as his eyes continued farther up towards her thigh, there was only one place his gaze would end up; the dark pink lips of the Alicorn’s marehood. Spike moaned as he wrapped his lips around the top of Cadance’s foot, engulfing her toes and running his tongue haphazardly around them. The mare’s slit glistened in the light, the dragon’s keen vision tracking a small drop of the Alicorn’s excitement forming at the base of the thick lips before falling to the ground. With one last circuit of figure eights between the pink stubs of her toes Spike moved down and placed kisses up and down the underside of her foot, eyes never leaving the slick treasure that sat between Cadance’s legs. As Cadance opened her eyes and watched Spike devotedly worship her foot, she noticed his gaze was not on his work but glued between her legs. It didn’t take much to figure where the dragon’s mind was at, and with a chuckle Cadance patted Spike on the head to get his attention. Without removing his mouth from her foot he glanced up towards her, eyes glazed over in a mist formed from the menagerie of sensations that battered his mind. Her hand left his head and ever so slowly she dragged a fingertip up the side of her leg, watching as the dragon’s eyes followed her every step of the way. With her hand only inches away from her marehood, Cadance extended her middle finger and tapped the pink bulb that would wink out at the dragon every so often. “Very, VERY good, Spike. Now, how about we… return the favor...” She reached her marehood and pried her labia apart, revealing the bright pink folds within. The dragon took her offer with open arms, releasing her foot to fall back to the bed and scooching forward towards her treasure. He leaned over Twilight’s prone body to get his head between the Princess’s thighs, eyes half-lidded and mind focusing on the familiar taste that flooded his mouth as he came into contact with Cadance’s marehood. He didn’t pause to question what Cadance had said. He never even noticed the Princess turning her head towards the mare beneath her, never heard the mares talking about him as he focused on doing his best at pleasing the Alicorn. He certainly noticed, however, when something began poking and prodding the rigid spear of dragon-flesh between his legs. Pulling away from Cadance’s crotch and looking down his body revealed the source of the contact; Twilight. The mare, laying on her belly underneath Cadance with her body pointed away from him, had her legs bent and her feet in the air over her ass. This put them at the perfect height to press into the rigid spire protruding out into the air just below his waist, and he groaned as she ran the soft soles of her feet over the underside of his cock. The pushing purple feet pointed his member up towards Cadance’s marehood and Spike groaned as a drop of the Alicorn’s excitement fell onto the sensitive tip of his shaft, a warm bead of need that ran down the length of his pride before falling to the bed below. After a few seconds of watching the bottoms of Twilight’s feet rub him, Spike groaned and got back to work pleasing the pink pony pussy in front of him. The young Alicorn continued undeterred, mapping out the dragon’s dick with her sense of touch without ever turning her head to look at what she was doing. She could feel the heat her brother had attempted to extinguish start to build once again between her legs as she rubbed the tip of her number one assistant’s cock with her toes. The tapered head was so alien yet so familiar at the same time. The warmth radiating against the bottom of her feet, for instance, was no different than a stallion's blood engorged pride. The way Spike twitched against her toes and leaked sticky pre from the tip was just like any other needy male. But that TIP... Goddesses above, that tip seemed to be perfectly designed to spear the dragon's cock into any mare's defenseless tunnel with ease. Whereas a stallion's blunted flare promised an intense stretching sensation, Spike's dragonhood promised to go as deep as possible. Twilight's cheeks burned with a blush as the scientific side of her brain imagined all the anatomical reasonings for such a tool; the deeper the dragon’s dick dug into a potential mate, the less distance his sperm would have to travel to reach its final destination. And with how long Spike seemed to be... Twilight HAD to get a look at what she was working with. She rolled over onto her back, making sure to be extra careful so as to not bump into Cadance's legs, and peered down her body at the pony and dragon pair. Her eyes first fell upon the twin mounds of Cadance's firm ass, the Princess’s tail waving back and forth as she was serviced by the thirsty dragon between her legs. Past the gap between the two pink mountains she could see Spike's throat and her blush burned that much hotter as she watched drips of Cadance's juices run down the light-green scales that covered the front of the dragon. Every so often it would clench up and Twilight breathily gasped as she realized that each one signaled the dragon swallowing some of her sister-in-law's sweet nectar straight from the tap. Her eyes trailed down the dragon's sleek chest, tracing the bumps and curves of his muscles down to his waist. She moaned as Spike's dragonhood came into view, a long spire of pink pride pointed right towards her as it twitched and dripped small drops of pre onto the bed between her legs. Looking at the sleek shaft caused her mouth to water, a strong desire to sit up and crawl between Cadance's legs to wrap her lips around that beautiful tapered tip fought off only by what Cadance had said. The Princess of Love had entrusted her with fulfilling her number one assistant's fantasy, and like any good friend would do she was not going to let him down! She bent her knees once more, this time lifting them up towards her stomach as she brought her feet up off the bed. She teasingly slid them up the side of Spike's thigh, chuckling as the dragon shivered but never ceased his licking of the plump marehood his face was pressed against. The first thing she came into contact with was the scaly sac hanging between his legs, two round orbs hanging in the air that practically BEGGED for attention. So she complied, bringing a foot up to the base of the dragon's testicles and lifting them up. They had a good weight to them, and Twilight could feel her marehood wink in lust as she imagined the copious amounts of dragon cream held within the twin spheres, waiting for somepony to drain them. She extended her leg to drag her foot forward past the balls only to hook her toes on the underside of the heavy sac. She pulled her foot back towards her, the warm bag of scaly flesh resting on the top of her foot. The balls received a couple of teasing jostles, the studious mare giggling to herself as the orbs danced around in their sac. Ever so gently she placed her other foot on top, sandwiching the dragon's balls between her feet as she began to rub them back and forth. She didn't stay long as another line of white oozed from the dragon's cock, the mare licking her lips as she let his balls drop back between his thighs to drag her feet up towards his shaft. This time, she placed the pulsing penis between the arches of her feet, grasping the base of the draconic shaft and lightly sighing in bliss at the intense warmth she found there. Spike moaned as Twilight gripped his shaft with her feet, just as tight and just as soft as Cadance's hand had been. The mare bent her legs, dragging her feet up his rod all the way to the tapered tip at the top. Her trip back down to the base was just a little bit quicker and the next rub up quicker than that. She built up a rhythm, caressing him with her feet as she began to really jack him off. Spike had to take a moment and regain his breath, pulling his face away from between Cadance's thighs to look down at the purple legs between his own. He saw Twilight's smiling face between the Alicorn's pink legs, blushing as her eyes met his own. Her smile faded slightly, blush glowing brightly across her face as her feet slowed to a standstill. The dragon started panting as the river of pleasure flowing through his mind slowed to a crawl before vanishing completely. He looked at the mare who had raised him, had shown him everything he needed to know in life and was the greatest friend a dragon could ask for in all of Equestria. He swallowed the lump in his throat and, with a near silent whisper that would make Fluttershy proud, called out to her. "Twilight... please..." Twilight gasped as Spike's voice rang in her head. A simple request, the dragon pleading her to continue with only a couple words. She licked her suddenly parched lips and gave him a weak nod, pointing her head back down between his legs as her feet started up once again. 'Anything for my number one assistant...' Spike clenched his eyes as the blissful sensations below his waist started up once more. Twilight thankfully started with slow rubs, anything faster and he might have blown his load right then and there. Though, even with the easy pace Spike found himself having to fight off his orgasm, especially when her silky smooth feet ran over the delicate tip at the peak of his shaft. She even took the time to massage his balls with her heels when she reached his base, shuffling her feet back and forth across the sides of the dragonhood sandwiched between them. Spike’s eyes opened slightly as something began to press into the back of the dragon’s head only to shoot open as he remembered who was waiting in front of him. He embarrassingly glanced up at Cadance with a meek smile, chuckling lightly between gasps as she grinned at him. She patted him on the back of the head as she watched her sister-in-law’s feet work his pink shaft. “So… everything you thought it would be, Spike?” The dragon in question moaned as Twilight brought her feet up to the top of his member and wiggled her toes against the sensitive tip. “Y-yeah… even better…” Cadance giggled and ruffled the green spikes on top of his head. “That’s good to hear!” Her hand moved behind his head again and gave him another push. “Now, if you think you can handle it, how about we get back to where we were, huh?” Spike took a moment to focus, shaking his head as his dragonhood throbbed and dripped a heavy line of pre down his shaft. The white drop was quickly rubbed back into his pink flesh as Twilight maintained her ministrations, small streaks quickly sticking to the purple fur of her feet. With a weak gasp he pushed his head forward and buried his head back between the pink thighs of the Alicorn of Love, muzzle scrunching up as he forced his face against her succulent lips. Cadance moaned at the ceiling, both hands gripping the dragon’s scaly head as he went to town on her dripping tunnel. Though Spike had regressed back to quick lashes and flicks of the tongue, she gave him a pass seeing as his mind was most likely overwhelmed by all the new sensations he was feeling below the waist. Not that she could complain; already she could feel a tightness start to build inside of her, an early warning signal that an oncoming orgasm was not far off from battering her body. She reached between her legs, this time to rub her fingers across the nub of pleasure that winked out against the dragon’s nose rather than to pull apart the thick lips of her marehood. The shocks of bliss caused her to start panting, breaths coming in shorter gasps with each flick across her clit. Soon the pants were followed by moans, moans which grew progressively higher and higher in pitch as Spike drove her head-first towards an orgasm. She could feel it coming, the tightness at her waist growing stronger as her climax drove towards her like a runaway train. A train which fell right off the tracks before it could reach station Cadance as Spike suddenly pulled away. Cadance groaned as she tried to finish herself off, frustration mounting as she slipped away from the peak of pleasure. She looked down at him, trying to hide the frustration in her face and the disappointment in her voice. “Why… why’d you stop, Spike?” Spike groaned as Twilight pressed her feet against the base of his cock, causing the already hard as steel shaft to flex out into the air. “Uh… w-well… ah!” He had to take a moment to regain his thoughts as Twilight dragged her toes across the underside of his dragonhood. “W-when Twi and Shining were… uh… doing foreplay… you had Twilight stop before Shining o-orgasmed… I just as-assumed th-that…” He paused once more as the purple mare reached his tip and lightly squeezed it between the soft arches of her feet. “Th-that would be the c-case here as w-well.” Cadance sighed, quickly turning her slight frown up into a warm smile as she patted the dragon on the head. “Ah… I see. Well, unlike some stallions, many mares…” She flicked her clit when it winked out at the dragon, the mare smiling as she saw his eyes lock in on the small pink nub. “can go multiple times without rest. So, go right ahead and finish me off, birthday boy...” Spike’s dragonhood lurched in Twilight’s grasp. He thought back on the only orgasm he had ever seen a mare have; the series of climaxes the purple mare below him had only a few minutes ago. The spasms that had shaken her to the core almost seemed to have fried the studious mare’s mind as Shining thrust into her depths, and now he was being entrusted with delivering the same Equestria-shattering orgasm to the Princess of Love. ‘No pressure…’ He gave the Alicorn a quick nod before his head lowered between her thighs, hands pressing into the sides of her legs to widen her stance and give him more room to work with. He took a moment to look her slick treasure over, the dragon fascinated over how her lips would- Cadance grabbed the back of his head and shoved him forward, burying his muzzle into her marehood as her patience ran thin. Spike attempted to pull away, but only for a moment as once her scent filled his nose and her taste filled his mouth he opened his lips and wrapped them around her bulbous clit. A quick suck to the bundle of nerves got a gasp from the mare above. A slow lick across its surface got her to scream. And when he extended the entirety of his tongue into her quivering tunnel, making sure to drag each and every inch of the wiggling muscle across the bud that winked in and out of her marehood, it only took a moment for her passage to clench around him. Cadance blankly stared at the ceiling, both eyes and mouth gaping as pleasure overtook her mind. All of the muscles in her body tightened as she attempted to fight off the waves of climax that battered her nervous system. But that tongue, that Celestia forsaken tongue would not give her the chance, battering down her defenses with ease and unleashing her orgasm onto the world in a tidal wave of bliss. Her sight was reduced to a blur, stars sparkling in her vision with each contraction her body made. Her legs wobbled so bad she worried she might collapse onto her sister-in-law below, though at this point she was so far gone that she really wouldn’t care. She barely registered the fact that she was screaming the dragon’s name over and over as he surrounded her shuddering marehood with his maw after the first blast of her marecum struck him on the chin, making sure that none of the subsequent waves were wasted in the same manner. Spike’s groaned into the constricting folds of flesh fluttering from his ministrations, both from the sweet nectar he readily gulped down to the silken appendages rubbing him below. As Cadance’s violent spasms and pleasure-filled moanings of his name began to die down to softer twitches and gasps he could feel his climax fast approaching. Once the tap of the Alicorn’s marehood had run dry, he pulled his face away and panted as he looked down at the purple mare caressing him to perfection below. Though Twilight blushed when he noticed his heated stare, her feet continued unabated. The dragon shivered as he glanced between his legs with half-lidded eyes, watching his long, pink pride throb and release a thick line of pre with each trip up and down the shaft the soft feet made. His hips had a mind of their own as they began to rock against Twilight, building up speed and power as he prepared to empty the heavy draconic orbs swaying between his legs… His eyes shot open as Cadance pulled Twilight’s feet away from his crotch, the euphoric bliss ceasing instantly as all contact between mare and dragon was lost. He normally would have been embarrassed by the high pitched whine that escaped his throat as both he and, somewhat surprisingly, seeing as she was doing all the work, Twilight pouted at the offending Alicorn. Cadance gave them a sheepish smile but otherwise continued undeterred, lightly pushing Spike back a little to give her more room. “Sorry about that, Spike. But, I’m sure you’ll understand in just a moment…” It only took a moment for Cadance to be forgiven as Spike’s slight frown opened into an amazed gasp. The Alicorn of Love turned around to face away from the dragon, showing off the perfectly shaped ass that sat underneath her tail as she laid down right on top of the Alicorn of Friendship, the two mares pressing into one another belly-to-belly as their voluptuous chests mushed together. But the dragon was not focused on that, or on anything above the Princesses’ waists for that matter. All he could look at was the mirrored pair of marehoods sitting against one another, the tips of the pink and purple lips embraced in a kiss as the mares glanced at the dragon over Cadance’s shoulder. All three gasped as Cadance ground her waist against the mare beneath her, rubbing her winking clit against Twilight’s own bundle of nerves as she beckoned the dragon over with a finger. “I think it’s time to move on to the main event, birthday boy…” > Chapter 3 - Hands-On (Cloptional - Footless) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike found that he could not move, so awestruck over the impressive performance the two siblings had put on that his entire body felt rigid. Cadance, hand still wrapped around a certain part of him below the waist that happened to be slightly more rigid than the rest of him, smirked at the dragon as sweat formed on his forehead and chuckled when he gave her a weak smile in return. She released his dragonhood from her grasp and brought her hands up to grab either side of his head, violet and green eyes locking together as she leaned in towards him. With eyes drifting closed and a blush spreading across her cheeks, Cadance met his quivering lips with her own and passionately kissed the nervous dragon, tongue snaking out to press against the gate of his lips to seek entry into his maw. Spike’s eyes widened in surprise for a moment before fluttering closed in bliss, opening his mouth to accept Cadance’s offered kiss as her tongue met his. His heart beat like a drum within his chest as his senses took in everything about the mare against him. Her soft, plump lips pressing against his own, thinner pair, the smell of her fruit-scented soaps and shampoos that clouded his mind, and the taste of the mare’s mouth as he snaked his tongue inside. Cadance’s breath hitched in her throat as Spike invaded her maw, his draconic tongue wrapping around her own several times to show off its impressive length. She moaned and tilted her head, giving Spike full access to the cavern of her mouth as she wrapped her hands behind his back and pressed him against her. His warm dragonhood slipped between her legs and rubbed across the wet lips of her marehood as his lean chest pressed against her round mounds of flesh. She moaned as her clit winked against his hard shaft and her perky nipples rubbed against his surprisingly soft scales, increasing in pitch as Spike began to hump against her to rub his aching need against her quivering tunnel. The Princess was the one who wound up being the first to pull away, gasping as Spike’s tongue unraveled around her’s and slipped from her mouth with a lewd slurp. Both pony and dragon once again stared into each other’s eyes, panting from the intense experience just shared between the two of them. An idea quickly formed in Cadance's mind as she watched the dragon’s long, wet tool retreat back into his maw; she HAD to know what that would feel like between her legs… She gave him another peck on the cheek as the dragon continued absentmindedly sliding his member between her thighs, the long dragonhood now mostly coated in a layer of slick secretions that leaked from her marehood. “Don’t worry about it, Spike… just do what comes naturally and you'll do fine…” She separated herself from the blushing dragon and climbed onto the bed, standing tall before the dragon fully nude and without an iota of shame at her perfectly shaped body. Cadance took a glance to her side at her husband, the stallion still laying on his back next to her with his legs spread to show off his half-flaccid cock still coated in copious amounts of cum. Twilight was on her belly directly beneath her, legs lying against the bed and going between the gap of Cadance's own. Seeing as the siblings would need a moment to recharge anyway, she turned back around towards Spike and gave him a warm smile. “Come on up, Spike. Let’s start with a little foreplay…” Spike thought he could feel himself getting a bloody nose as the mare reached between her legs and split herself apart with two fingers. With Cadance standing on the bed while he was on the floor, Spike had a perfect view of the mare’s juicy pink depths as she held her passage open for him. He cautiously approached the mare, eyes never drifting from the delicious looking slit between her legs. In what felt like a blink of an eye he had climbed onto the bed and was on his knees before her, bumping into Twilight’s feet as he stared straight ahead at the first marehood he had ever seen up close. The slick passage dripped with Cadance’s excitement, filling Spike’s mind with the heady scent of a needy mare. She gave him a show of rubbing her middle finger up and down the bright pink folds of her marehood, her index and ring finger prying open her thick labial lips so she could reach deeper into herself. Both shared a gasp when Cadance slipped the digit inside, beginning to slowly thrust the digit in and out as Spike leaned in for a better look. After only a few strokes Cadance’s hand pulled away, her middle finger already covered in her juices and glistening in the light. She extended it towards the awestruck dragon, placing it right in front of his lips. He glanced up at her, the mare’s eyes half-lidded with a blush on her face as she licked her lips. The dragon followed the unspoken command, leaning in just a bit more and extending his tongue towards the soaking wet finger. Cadance watched as Spike’s draconic tongue extended from his mouth, each inch of the thin, pink appendage making the burning in her loins that much hotter. She moaned as Spike’s long tongue wrapped around her finger, once, twice, three times before it reached the base. With a flourish Spike dragged it back into his mouth, leaving Cadance’s finger completely clean of her thick secretions. Cadance reached down and gently placed her hand on the back of Spike’s head, lightly pushing him towards the honey pot between her legs. “Just follow my lead… pay attention to how I respond to certain things... “ Her other hand came down and cupped the dragon’s cheek, Spike looking up at her with his mouth only an inch away from her trembling lower lips. “And remember; have fun!” She brought her hand back to her pussy and pried herself apart once again, warm exhales from the dragon just a hair’s width away from her most private of areas brushing across her sensitive flesh and causing her to moan. Spike closed his eyes and took a sniff, filling his mind with Cadance’s sweet smelling scent. ‘I wonder what she tastes like… I hope it’s not TOO bad…’ With another deep breath, his eyes opened and locked in on the bright pink flesh before him. ‘Well, here goes nothing…’ It felt like an eternity from when Spike’s tongue poked out from between his lips to when it made contact with Cadance’s lower pair, but as soon as it did Spike’s mind was fried. He quickly pulled away, retracting his tongue back into his maw as he rolled his spit around inside his mouth. Cadance glanced down at him, eyebrow raised even as she continued to spread herself apart. “What? Is something wrong?” Spike swallowed. He gave her a single glance, eyes wide in amazement and mouth open in shock before the dragon suddenly shoved his head between her thighs. Cadance’s opened in a silent scream as, without warning, Spike’s tongue deeply darted into her passage. It felt as though the dragon could kiss at her cervix with how long the wriggling appendage was, worming it’s way past plump folds to find as much of the mare’s delicious nectar as it could. Cadance widened her wobbling legs to give the dragon as much room as he needed and brought both of her hands down to his head, more in an attempt to hold on as she was brutally ravaged than to push the hungry ravager away from his meal. Spike felt like he had died and gone to heaven. The sight of Cadance's clit winking against his nose, the musky scent that clouded his judgment as he dug deeper into her tunnel, and the taste... oh, the TASTE... it was like nothing the dragon had ever… well, tasted! It was as if he had found the finest, purest gem in the world but in liquid form, and the more he ate the more poured into his mouth. He let out a guttural groan as he opened his maw and surrounded the Princess's marehood with his lips, forming a perfect seal around the folds to prevent any of the mare's sweet ambrosia from being wasted on the floor. He paused when Cadance tapped him on the cheek, quickly pulling away when he noticed the glazed over look in her eyes. She gave a weak moan when his tongue slipped out from between her lips, panting from the intense sensations her body had just been subject to. She looked down at Spike, the dragon licking a ring of liquid from around his lips as he worriedly returned her gaze. "D-did I do something wrong?" Cadance smiled and rubbed the dragon's scaly cheek. "No... that was absolutely perfect... In fact, it was a little TOO good." She moved her hand back between her legs and lightly brushed her fingertips across her clit, moaning as it winked out to greet her. "Try to take it a little... slower, this time. I almost lost it for a moment there..." She pried her lips apart for him once again, tapping the center of her marehood a couple of times as her other hand gently pressed against the back of his head. "Other than that, you were amazing! You have one Tartarus of a tongue, Spike." Spike smiled, relieved at the fact he had done a good job. “Thanks! You taste amazing!” Cadance chuckled, which turned into a deep moan as Spike started his work once more. She patted the back of his head as he took her advice, slowing down his laps and licks against her to gradually build her up rather than rocketing her straight to a climax. The leisurely pace gave him more time to appreciate each bump and ridge within her clenching tunnel, and more time to savor the flavor of her juices. Spike settled into his work, taking small cues from the Princess as to what worked and what REALLY worked. Flicking his tongue this way would get a shiver, licking this spot deep in her tunnel would cause her passage to clench down around him, and curling his tongue in on itself would cause the hand on the back of his head to push him that much harder between the mare’s legs. He pictured himself viewing the scene from afar, watching as a beautiful Alicorn held a young dragon’s head between her thighs as the dragon ate his fill of her marehood. For a moment the mare’s coat became pure white as Spike imagined what his lifelong crush would feel and taste like; would it be any different than Cadance? The image quickly faded back into the Princess in question as she lightly patted the dragon on the head. “Mmm… VERY good, Spike. You’re a natural! You’ll make someone very happy someday…” Spike pulled away from her with a embarrassed smile and a blush on his face. "Uhm... th-thanks..." Cadance rubbed her lips, moaning as her clit winked at the dragon in the hopes of luring him back in. "Let's see if you can do as good while... distracted..." Spike lightly nodded his head and leaned back in between the Alicorn's thighs, eyes glazing over as he approached the succulent marehood. He didn’t pause to question what Cadance had said as his tongue pierced her lips and dug into her warm passage. He never even noticed the Princess turning her head towards the mare beneath her, never heard the mares talking about him as he focused on doing his best at pleasing the Alicorn nor the mare on the bed turning over onto her belly. He certainly noticed, however, when something began poking and prodding the rigid spear of dragon-flesh between his legs. Pulling away from Cadance’s crotch and looking down his body revealed the source of the contact; Twilight. The mare, laying underneath Cadance with her body pointed towards him, had a hand wrapped around the base of his cock. Spike groaned as she pumped the shaft a single time, the purple mare's eyes wide in fascination as she watched a drop of pre leak from the tip of his dragonhood. She pointed his member up towards Cadance’s marehood and Spike gasped as a drop of the Alicorn’s excitement fell onto the sensitive tip of his shaft, mixing in with his own warm bead of need before running down the length of his pride. After a few seconds of watching Twilight slowly rub him, Spike groaned and got back to work pleasing the pink pony pussy in front of him. The young Alicorn continued undeterred, mapping out the dragon’s dick with her sense of touch. She could feel the heat her brother had attempted to extinguish start to build once again between her legs as she rubbed the tip of her number one assistant’s cock with her fingers. The tapered head was so alien yet so familiar at the same time. The warmth radiating against the palm of her hand, for instance, was no different than a stallion's blood engorged pride. The way Spike twitched against her and leaked sticky pre from the tip was just like any other needy male. But that TIP... Goddesses above, that tip seemed to be perfectly designed to spear the dragon's cock into any mare's defenseless tunnel with ease. Whereas a stallion's blunted flare promised an intense stretching sensation, Spike's dragonhood promised to go as deep as possible. Twilight's cheeks burned with a blush as the scientific side of her brain imagined all the anatomical reasonings for such a tool; the deeper the dragon’s dick dug into a potential mate, the less distance his sperm would have to travel to reach its final destination. And with how long Spike seemed to be... Twilight rolled over onto her back and wiggled herself forward, making sure to be extra careful so as to not bump into Cadance or Spike's legs. Her eyes first fell upon the twin mounds of Cadance's firm ass, the Princess’s tail waving back and forth as she was serviced by the thirsty dragon between her legs. Just below that she could see Spike's throat and her blush burned that much hotter as she watched drips of Cadance's juices run down the light-green scales that covered the front of the dragon. Every so often it would clench up and Twilight breathily gasped as she realized that each one signaled the dragon swallowing some of her sister-in-law's sweet nectar straight from the tap. Her eyes trailed down the dragon's sleek chest, tracing the bumps and curves of his muscles down to his waist. She moaned as Spike's dragonhood swung into view, a long spire of pink pride sitting just above her as it twitched and dripped small drops of pre onto the bed beside her. Looking at the sleek shaft caused her mouth to water, a strong desire to pick her head up and wrap her lips around that beautiful tapered tip fought off only by what Cadance had said. The Princess of Love had entrusted her with testing her number one assistant, and like any good friend would do she was not going to let her down! Her hands lifted up towards him once more. She teasingly slid them up the side of Spike's thigh, chuckling as the dragon shivered but never ceased his licking of the plump marehood his face was pressed against. The first thing she came into contact with was the scaly sac hanging between his legs, two round orbs hanging in the air that practically BEGGED for attention. So she complied, bringing her palm up to the base of the dragon's testicles and lifting them up. They had a good weight to them, and Twilight could feel her marehood wink in lust as she imagined the copious amounts of dragon cream held within the twin spheres, waiting for somepony to drain them. She hooked her fingers around the underside of the heavy sac and pulled it back towards her, the warm bag of scaly flesh resting in the palm of her hand. The balls received a couple of teasing jostles, the studious mare giggling to herself as the orbs danced around in their sac. Ever so gently she wrapped her other hand on top, sandwiching the dragon's balls between her hands as she began to rub them back and forth. She didn't massage him long as another line of white oozed from the dragon's cock, the mare licking her lips as she let his balls drop back between his thighs to drag her fingers up towards his shaft. This time, she placed the pulsing penis between both of her hands, grasping the base of the draconic shaft and lightly sighing in bliss at the intense warmth she found there. Spike moaned as Twilight gripped his shaft, just as tight and just as soft as Cadance's hands had been. The mare squeezed his base and dragged her hand up his rod all the way to the tapered tip at the top, inflating the head with blood. Her trip back down to the base was just a little bit quicker and the next rub up quicker than that. She built up a rhythm, caressing him with awe as she began to really jack him off. Spike had to take a moment and regain his breath, pulling his face away from between Cadance's thighs to look down at the purple mare beneath him. He saw Twilight's smiling face between his legs, blushing as her eyes met his own. Her smile faded slightly, blush glowing brightly across her face as her hands slowed to a standstill. The dragon started panting as the river of pleasure flowing through his mind slowed to a crawl before vanishing completely. He looked at the mare who had raised him, had shown him everything he needed to know in life and was the greatest friend a dragon could ask for in all of Equestria. He swallowed the lump in his throat and, with a near silent whisper that would make Fluttershy proud, called out to her. "Twilight... please..." Twilight gasped as Spike's voice rang in her head. A simple request, the dragon pleading her to continue with only a couple words. She licked her suddenly parched lips and gave him a weak nod, glancing at the twitching rod between his legs as she started masturbating him once again. 'Anything for my number one assistant...' Spike clenched his eyes as the blissful sensations below his waist started up once more. Twilight thankfully started with slow rubs, anything faster and he might have blown his load right then and there. Though, even with the easy pace Spike found himself having to fight off his orgasm, especially when she palmed the delicate tip at the peak of his shaft. She even took the time to massage his balls when she reached his base, rolling the orbs inside of their sac as her other hand continued rubbing his shaft. Spike’s eyes opened slightly as something began to press into the back of the dragon’s head only to shoot open as he remembered who was waiting in front of him. He embarrassingly glanced up at Cadance with a meek smile, chuckling lightly between gasps as she grinned at him. She patted him on the back of the head as she watched her sister-in-law work his pink shaft. “So… seem to be having some trouble, Spike?” The dragon in question moaned as Twilight brought both her hands up to the top of his member and rubbed the sensitive tip. “Y-yeah… a little…” Cadance giggled and ruffled the green spikes on top of his head. “That’s quite alright. It is your first time after all, and you've already done an amazing job.” Her hand moved behind his head again and gave him another push. “Now, if you think you can handle it, how about we get back to where we were, huh?” Spike took a moment to focus, shaking his head as his dragonhood throbbed and dripped a heavy line of pre down his shaft. The white drop was quickly rubbed back into his pink flesh as Twilight maintained her ministrations, small streaks quickly sticking to the purple fur of her hands. With a weak gasp he pushed his head forward and buried his head back between the pink thighs of the Alicorn of Love, muzzle scrunching up as he forced his face against her succulent lips. Cadance moaned at the ceiling, both hands gripping the dragon’s scaly head as he went to town on her dripping tunnel. Though Spike had regressed back to quick lashes and flicks of the tongue, she gave him a pass seeing as his mind was most likely overwhelmed by all the new sensations he was feeling below the waist. Not that she could complain; already she could feel a tightness start to build inside of her, an early warning signal that an oncoming orgasm was not far off from battering her body. She reached between her legs, this time to rub her fingers across the nub of pleasure that winked out against the dragon’s nose rather than to pull apart the thick lips of her marehood. The shocks of bliss caused her to start panting, breaths coming in shorter gasps with each flick across her clit. Soon the pants were followed by moans, moans which grew progressively higher and higher in pitch as Spike drove her head-first towards an orgasm. She could feel it coming, the tightness at her waist growing stronger as her climax drove towards her like a runaway train. A train which fell right off the tracks before it could reach station Cadance as Spike suddenly pulled away. Cadance groaned as she tried to finish herself off, frustration mounting as she slipped away from the peak of pleasure. She looked down at him, trying to hide the frustration in her face and the disappointment in her voice. “Why… why’d you stop, Spike?” Spike groaned as Twilight grabbed the base of his cock and lightly squeezed, causing the already hard as steel shaft to flex out into the air. “Uh… w-well… ah!” He had to take a moment to regain his thoughts as Twilight dragged her fingertips across the underside of his dragonhood. “W-when Twi and Shining were… uh… doing foreplay… you had Twilight stop before Shining o-orgasmed… I just as-assumed th-that…” He paused once more as the purple mare reached his tip and ran her thumb across its surface. “Th-that would be the c-case here as w-well.” Cadance sighed, quickly turning her slight frown up into a warm smile as she patted the dragon on the head. “Ah… I see. Well, unlike some stallions, many mares…” She flicked her clit when it winked out at the dragon, the mare smiling as she saw his eyes lock in on the small pink nub. “can go multiple times without rest. So, go right ahead and finish me off, birthday boy...” Spike’s dragonhood lurched in Twilight’s grasp. He thought back on the only orgasm he had ever seen a mare have; the series of climaxes the purple mare below him had only a few minutes ago. The spasms that had shaken her to the core almost seemed to have fried the studious mare’s mind as Shining thrust into her depths, and now he was being entrusted with delivering the same Equestria-shattering orgasm to the Princess of Love. ‘No pressure…’ He gave the Alicorn a quick nod before his head lowered between her thighs, hands pressing into the sides of her legs to widen her stance and give him more room to work with. He took a moment to look her slick treasure over, the dragon fascinated over how her lips would- Cadance grabbed the back of his head and shoved him forward, burying his muzzle into her marehood as her patience ran thin. Spike attempted to pull away, but only for a moment as once her scent filled his nose and her taste filled his mouth he opened his lips and wrapped them around her bulbous clit. A quick suck to the bundle of nerves got a gasp from the mare above. A slow lick across its surface got her to scream. And when he extended the entirety of his tongue into her quivering tunnel, making sure to drag each and every inch of the wiggling muscle across the bud that winked in and out of her marehood, it only took a moment for her passage to clench around him. Cadance blankly stared at the ceiling, both eyes and mouth gaping as pleasure overtook her mind. All of the muscles in her body tightened as she attempted to fight off the waves of climax that battered her nervous system. But that tongue, that Celestia forsaken tongue would not give her the chance, battering down her defenses with ease and unleashing her orgasm onto the world in a tidal wave of bliss. Her sight was reduced to a blur, stars sparkling in her vision with each contraction her body made. Her legs wobbled so bad she worried she might collapse onto her sister-in-law below, though at this point she was so far gone that she really wouldn’t care. She barely registered the fact that she was screaming the dragon’s name over and over as he surrounded her shuddering marehood with his maw after the first blast of her marecum struck him on the chin, making sure that none of the subsequent waves were wasted in the same manner. Spike’s groaned into the constricting folds of flesh fluttering from his ministrations, both from the sweet nectar he readily gulped down to the silken appendages rubbing him below. As Cadance’s violent spasms and pleasure-filled moanings of his name began to die down to softer twitches and gasps he could feel his climax fast approaching. Once the tap of the Alicorn’s marehood had run dry, he pulled his face away and panted as he looked down at the purple mare caressing him to perfection below. Though Twilight blushed when he noticed his heated stare, her hands continued unabated. The dragon shivered as he glanced between his legs with half-lidded eyes, watching his long, pink pride throb and release a thick line of pre with each trip up and down the shaft her soft hands made. His hips had a mind of their own as they began to rock against Twilight, building up speed and power as he prepared to empty the heavy draconic orbs swaying between his legs… His eyes shot open as Cadance pulled Twilight’s hands away from his crotch, the euphoric bliss ceasing instantly as all contact between mare and dragon was lost. He normally would have been embarrassed by the high pitched whine that escaped his throat as both he and, somewhat surprisingly, seeing as she was doing all the work, Twilight pouted at the offending Alicorn. Cadance gave them a sheepish smile but otherwise continued undeterred, lightly pushing Spike back a little to give her more room. “Sorry about that, Spike. But, I’m sure you’ll understand in just a moment…” It only took a moment for Cadance to be forgiven as Spike’s slight frown opened into an amazed gasp. The Alicorn of Love leaned down and whispered something to Twilight, both mares turning around to face away from the dragon. Cadance showed off the perfectly shaped ass that sat underneath her tail as she laid down right on top of the Alicorn of Friendship, the two mares pressing into one another belly-to-belly as their voluptuous chests mushed together. But the dragon was not focused on that, or on anything above the Princesses’ waists for that matter. All he could look at was the mirrored pair of marehoods sitting against one another, the tips of the pink and purple lips embraced in a kiss as the mares glanced at the dragon over Cadance’s shoulder. All three gasped as Cadance ground her waist against the mare beneath her, rubbing her winking clit against Twilight’s own bundle of nerves as she beckoned the dragon over with a finger. “I think it’s time to move on to the main event, birthday boy…” > Chapter 4 - The Main Event > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As was quickly becoming the norm for the day, Spike found himself frozen in place as he stared at the gorgeous mares on the bed. More specifically, at the two tantalizing sets of lips between their legs, the purple and pink marehoods lying against each other and waiting. Waiting for him to make a move. Waiting for him to choose one… He swallowed the lump in his throat, eyes rapidly darting from one mare to the other as they looked back at him with warm smiles. ‘This has to be the hardest choice somepony has ever had to make!’ There was Cadance’s perfectly symmetrical pair; smooth, dark pink folds that glistened from her excitement and what remained of his saliva. He licked his lips as he remembered her taste and the way her marehood had constricted around his tongue… ‘Sweet Celestia, what that would feel like around my…‘ He had to clench his eyes shut for a moment as a sudden shudder of pleasure raced down his spine. Matters were not helped any when he reopened them, a sudden flash of pink pulling his gaze down to... Twilight’s. The mare he had known for literally his whole life and had helped make him the dragon he was today had a passage just as attractive as Cadance’s, if not slightly more so. Though her labial lips were thinner than the petals of the Princess’s thick flower, the sight of Twilight’s marehood was enough to make the dragon’s mouth water. While it shone just like the matching pair of lips above, Spike knew it was due to a VERY different reason than the spit-shine he had applied on Cadance’s. White streaks still matted the fur around Twilight’s crotch, a clear reminder to the dragon about what had already happened inside of the young Alicorn’s body. Spike closed his eyes as he pictured the scene still fresh in his mind, brother and sister entwined on the bed the mares now waited for him on. A heated gasp escaped from between his lips as he visualized Shining Armor emptying himself into Twilight. He figured he SHOULD have been somewhat… disgusted?... at the prospect of inserting his pride into a place another male had already filled to the brim with seed. Instead, the member sticking out from between his legs flexed in need and dropped another drip of pre at the thought. His eyes met with Twilight’s for a moment as he glanced up, quickly looking away as the blush on his face heated up in embarrassment. ‘Well, I guess I’ve made my choice…’ He crawled up to the two mares on his knees, eyes locked in on the pair of pony pussies that winked out at him in greeting. Twilight’s was somewhat more eye-catching than Cadance’s, only due to the fact that, as her clit peeked out from between her lips, her dark purple labia had so much more contrast with the bright pink flesh of her insides. It was as if it had been designed to catch the gaze of any potential partners, and what it had hooked on its line and was now reeling in was one horny as Tartarus teenage dragon. He paused as his knees bumped into Twilight’s thigh, his dragonhood only an inch or so away from its intended target. Taking a glance up at the mares’ faces showed a pair of smiles, one embarrassed and one full of warmth but both seemingly wanting him to continue. With a weak nod and a gulp, Spike looked between their legs as he grabbed his dragonhood and lined himself up with the purple mare’s seeping entrance. With a lick of his suddenly parched lips he took one last peek at Twilight’s face, her mouth opening in a gasp as he tapped her marehood with the tapered tip of his shaft. Without words he asked for permission, and with only a nod Twilight gave it to him in return. Ever so slowly Spike began to wedge the head of his shaft between her lips, moaning as a wet warmth began to surround his sensitive tip. He took a moment to run it up and down the purple flower of Twilight’s marehood, loving how he would get flashes of her pink insides as he spread her open with his cock. Each time he reached the top he made sure to grind the pointed crown of his cock against her clit, both mare and dragon groaning as it peeked out to kiss at his member. After several passes across the entire length of her marehood, enough to get the head of his dragonhood drenched from the liquid excitement seeping from her depths, he lined himself up at the center and began to push. The spear-tip at the head of his pointed pride performed its job perfectly, prying open the Princess’s purple lips with only the slightest of pressure. Once it had entered the warm confines of Twilight’s passage it began to cut through her pink insides like a knife through butter, both mare and dragon moaning as he sunk deeper and deeper into her folds. Twilight was abruptly silenced by Cadance, the two sisters-in-law sharing a deep kiss as the young Alicorn’s body was beset on all sides by waves of pleasure. By the time Spike had reached the halfway point he could already feel a tingle start to build in his balls, the dragon pausing for a moment to calm himself down. Matters were not helped any as Cadance reached between her legs and grabbed the base of his shaft, lightly rubbing him in an attempt to bury him deeper into the mare beneath her. The two mares broke apart, a line of saliva connecting the two before breaking apart to fall onto Twilight’s chin. The purple mare glanced over Cadance’s shoulder at her number one assistant, a blush on her face perfectly matched on his as they slowly rocked their hips against one another. Twilight shivered as Cadance ducked her head down and started nipping at her neck, eyes still locked on the dragon that sat still with eyes clenched as he held himself within her fluttering depths. She could FEEL the hot length splitting her apart pulse with the dragon’s heartbeat, and when the dragon wearily opened his eyes she gave him a small smile and a nod. “Okay Spike, you can start to pull out now.” Strangely enough, it was Cadance who wound up responding, chuckling into her neck as her hand continued to work the base of Spike's throbbing dragonhood. “Mmm… my my, Twilight… at least let Spike get all the way in first…” Twilight quickly glanced at Cadance and then Spike, eyes growing wide as she realized what her sister-in-law was getting at. “H-he’s not all the w-way in yet?!” Cadance giggled and moved her head up against Twilight’s, nibbling at her ear for a moment before happily whispering into it. “Oh Twilight… he’s only halfway!” She gave a soft tug on his length, just enough to get him to start pushing forward once again. She smiled as Twilight’s face scrunched up in pleasure as Spike drove his hips between her legs, leaning down to plant a kiss on her cheek as the young Alicorn gasped in bliss. Her hand eventually had to relinquish its hold on Spike’s draconic member as he closed in on Twilight’s marehood. Instead of bringing it back up her body she went further south, reaching between the dragon’s scaly thighs to rub at his balls as he bottomed out inside of her sister-in-law. “There you go, Spike… how’s she feel?” When the dragon’s only reply was a mumble and a gasp, Cadance chuckled and, after patting him on the balls, removed her hand from between his legs before turning to Twilight. “You ready, Twi?” Twilight gave an eep and a soft “Mhm”, nodding her head to voice her consent. Cadance gave her a kiss on the forehead before glancing over her shoulder. “Okay Spike, start out slow and build up to whatever you’re comfortable with…” Spike licked his lips and nodded, peering down his body to watch his long shaft begin to pull out of Twilight’s tight passage. Each inch of pink flesh had already been thoroughly coated in a mixture of Twilight and Shining’s secretions, and when Spike pushed back inside her marehood his ears rang with the lewd schlurp that rang out as her passage made room for his draconic pride. The constricting tightness, the wet warmth… Spike couldn't believe how amazing it felt! Being rubbed was one thing, but this… this was hundreds, no, THOUSANDS of times more pleasurable! So much so that he didn’t know how long he could last. Wanting to give Twilight as good of a time as he could deliver, Spike kept his pace slow but used just enough force to make her gasp and groan with each slap of scaled thigh to pony ass. Twilight shivered with each thrust, the dragon using every inch of his member from the base to just below the tip to light up her nerves with bliss. And what a member it was! Though it felt thinner than her brother’s, Spike felt just as long - if not longer! - then the stallion laying on the bed nearby. Just as she had hypothesized, the tapered tip of Spike’s draconic cock made it easy going for him to go as deep as he could inside of her, piercing into her unguarded passage with minimal effort from either side. She moaned as she imagined Spike reaching his climax as he held himself balls-deep inside of her, washing her already cum-soaked walls with a freshly-brewed blast of heavy draconic seed. It appeared as though she wouldn’t have to wait long. Spike could already feel the tingling start to build in his balls as he slowly rocked his hips back and forth. Though he had hoped to drag it out as long as he could, the lust fueled haze that had settled in his mind demanded that he pick up the pace, that he ram himself into the willing female beneath him and unleash his load deep into her bowels. So, with a deep, animalistic growl, that’s exactly what he did. Twilight could immediately tell that something in Spike had changed, that some… deeper instinct had suddenly taken control. From the way his hips began to move quicker and the way his thrusts, each one using the entire length of his draconic spear, became that much more erratic. Every slap of scaled thighs into her rear sent a wave of pleasure racing up her spine which, upon rattling her brain with bliss, quickly back-tracked down her body to strike her between the legs. As Spike began to pick up the pace, Cadance decided she might as well get a closer look at the action. Picking herself up off of Twilight and, after one last teasing squeeze of the bubbly mounds on her sister-in-law’s chest, turning completely around before laying back down, Cadance found herself in a front row seat to the show happening between the purple mare’s legs. After a little bit of maneuvering she found herself with her head just over a foot or so away from Twilight’s marehood, able to see every single detail as pony and dragon ground against one another in bliss. The dragon’s long spire of flesh had speared itself into Twilight’s passage, the pink shaft prying apart the mare’s pouty lips to reveal the similarly colored folds within. Spike’s dragonhood was already thoroughly lubed by her sister-in-law’s copious amounts of marecum and her husband’s thicker seed. Each time the dragon pulled out his member would glisten in the light, only to get a fresh coating of juices once shoved back inside Twilight’s marehood. Being this close filled Cadance’s mind with a plethora of sensations, from the musky scent of two beings making love that formed a haze in her head to the sounds of the dragon’s tool working the folds of a willing mare to create a beautiful symphony of lust for her ears. She groaned as her clit needily winked, her excitement literally leaking out of her as she watched the two go at it. The heat building between her legs screamed at her to stop waiting and DO something. So that’s what she did, reaching between Twilight’s legs and wrapping her hand around the base of Spike’s shaft when he pulled his hips back. Spike gasped as he felt something wrap around the bottom of his member, glancing down to watch the Princess of Love as she began to rub the last couple inches of his shaft even as the rest was still buried inside of Twilight. Both he and Twilight groaned as his dragonhood throbbed inside of her, the dragon growling as the surge of pleasure unknowingly made him begin to pick up the pace. His slick shaft was subject to two different kinds of sensations as it slid back and forth; the warm and wet folds of Twilight’s marehood that embraced him on all sides and Cadance’s soft fingers that rhythmically squeezed him as he slid between their clenching grasp. The pincer-attack of pleasure was quickly overwhelming all of the dragon’s defenses, Spike clenching his eyes and gritting his teeth as he tried to hold his orgasm at bay for as long as possible. Cadance watched with bated breath as Spike’s hefty balls began to pull up in preparation for pumping out their heavy load. “Mmm… seems like the birthday boy is about to blow Twily… I sure hope you’re ready…” When Twilight’s only response was a long, drawn out moan she smirked. Deciding to help her out, Cadance brought a hand over the pair of purple lips split apart by Spike’s dragonhood and, after waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, rubbed the bright pink bundle of nerves that peaked out from between the mare’s labia with her thumb. Twilight’s breath caught in her throat. Her eyes widened before rolling into the back of her head. And when her waist began to rhythmically lift off the bed as she thrust her hips against Spike what was happening became clear; she had just reached the peak of pleasure, and boy, was it one Tartarus of a peak! With a quick inhale to fill her lungs, Twilight opened her mouth and let out a bliss-filled shriek as her marehood began to clench around the stiff member stabbing into her deeper than anything she had ever taken before. Spike never relented from the vicious thrusts that had pummeled Twilight into an Equestria-shattering climax. In fact, once he felt the velvet folds within her passage constrict around him like a vice, he actually picked up the pace, using only the bottom third of his cock to help increase the speed of his thrusts. He never even noticed when Cadance released the base of his dragonhood from her grasp, so focused on the blissful feeling of a mare speared on his cock clenching up in orgasm that the rest of the world faded from view. In his mind, it was only him and Twilight, two beings on a bed floating through space and time as they ground their hips into each other in the most pleasurable way imaginable. The relentless slaps of dragon hips into pony rear was the symphony that filled Spike’s ears as he rapidly approached his crescendo. It felt like Twilight’s climax would never end; each time he punched his way through her fluttering folds to bury his breeder as far as he could into her passage it seemed like she clenched that much harder, moaned that much louder. But through the drum beat of his thrusts and the high notes of her pleasure-filled screams, it was a single phrase that echoed in his mind. Only a couple words that caused his eyes to widen and his shaft to clench up. “Oh… oh yes, SPIKE!” A line of green flame escaped Spike’s maw as he groaned up towards the sky. He kept his hips pressed up against the soft cheeks of Twilight’s rear, that and his spasming cock the only things he could feel as powerful surges of pleasure wracked his body from head to toe. At that point and time, the dragon felt like that was all he needed; the blissful warmth surrounding his cock and the jolting clenches of his muscles as the flared tip of his cock began to bath the insides of a female with his essence for the first time in his young life. Twilight let out a weak croak as, once the opening salvo of thick dragon cream had scored a direct hit into her quivering walls, she suddenly found herself falling into yet another orgasm just as her first had begun to die down. With the air in her lungs already gone from yelling her assistant’s name in bliss, she settled for staring past the pink rear settled on her chest to watch Spike’s face twist in pleasure. Her eyes widened as a soothing warmth began to blossom around her waist, inhaling a short gasp of breath only to release it as a moan as the heat continued to expand. Cadance answered her sister-in-law’s gasp with one of her own. Not from watching the all-but-submerged shaft twitch and flex it filled the mare beneath her. Not even from how Twilight’s bulbous button of a clit sporadically winked out as she spilled her essence all over Spike’s shaft and balls. No, her gaze wasn’t even focused on the point where dragon and pony met; her eyes were glued to the spot just above the purple mare’s waist. There, she watched in real-time as Twilight’s belly started to bloat out, each throb of dragon cock below mirrored above by another growth spurt of the mare’s stomach. Before long, it appeared as if Twilight had magically gotten pregnant in just a few seconds. “Sweet Celestia… how much did you have stored in there, Spike?” Neither Spike nor Twilight could find the words to answer Cadance’s question, too focused on staring into each other’s eyes as they came together in the most intimate way possible. With a moan, Twilight’s journey at the plateau of pleasure finally came to an end as her orgasmic contractions slowed to a crawl. Spike was quick to follow suit, shuddering as his balls unloaded the final shot of seed deep into its new home. As Cadance picked herself up off of Twilight, their eyes made the trip down the purple mare’s lithe body to reach the point of connection between them. With one last questioning glance at his best friend, and a quick nod from the mare in reply, Spike braced himself against her as he began to pull his hips back. Each inch of draconic shaft that withdrew from Twilight’s passage was followed by a line of white shooting out to escape from the mare’s depths. Before he could even make it halfway, the coming tide of post-climactic euphoria met with the surging pleasure of his over-sensitive dragonhood grinding against her folds and flooded his mind in bliss. His legs began to violently wobble, and with a gasp from both he and Twilight, Spike suddenly found himself falling backward away from the mare. Cadance watched in awe as Spike began to plummet towards the bed. The world seemed to slow down around her as she watched the glistening rod between his legs slide from Twilight’s slick tunnel with ease. Heavy globs of thick white seed would sporadically spurt out from the mare’s pried apart lips to splatter onto Spike’s balls and the silken sheets below. And when the tapered tip of the draconic cock suddenly slipped from the warm, cozy sheath of the mare’s clenching passage, the quick flash of pink flesh within her sister-in-law and the final shot of seed from the spearpoint of Spike’s cock flying through the air made Cadance’s mouth water. ‘Hot damn…’ Spike’s fell onto the bed with an “Oof!”, eyesight blurred as he recovered from what was easily the hardest orgasm he had ever experienced in his life. He felt light-headed, like he could just close his eyes and pass out. Which WAS what he was about to do, at least until a sudden rush of pink completely filled his vision. “You OK, Spike?” He opened his mouth to reply but found the words would not come from his mind. So, rather that speak, he settled for a simple nod of the head to answer Cadance’s query. The high-pitched chuckles he got from the Alicorn in return echoed in his head for a second, reverberating around his skull as he worked on recuperating from the mind blowing sensations he had just endured. He shook his head a couple times to rid himself of the haze that hampered his thoughts, opening his eyes to see the Princess barely a foot away from him. Her attention had been pulled elsewhere, Spike following her line of sight towards the other mare on the bed. Twilight seemed to be… out of it, to say the least. The purple Alicorn had apparently not moved a single inch since he had withdrawn from her luscious folds. Spike released the breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding in as, judging by the light rise and fall of her chest indicating that the pony was still breathing, he figured that he hadn’t somehow screwed up… screwing so bad that he had accidentally killed her. ‘That would suck.’ Cadance leaned over the near-comatose mare and grabbed her legs, splitting them apart to get a better view of the damage. She suddenly started to giggle and, with an astonished whistle, called Spike over to her. “Wow… you certainly did a number on her Spike…” She waved her hand for him to come join her, giving him a warm smile as he got up on his knees and shuffled his way between Twilight’s legs. “Take a look at this! You certainly WERE a little pent up, weren’t you, birthday boy!” Spike gasped as he saw what Cadance was talking about. The only way he could describe it was complete and utter devastation! A white stream of thick cream still continued to flow from Twilight’s battered purple lips, so beaten into submission by the dragon that he could still see a sliver of her pink insides between them. Already a large wet spot had formed beneath her, growing larger each second as more and more of his seed found its way out of her tunnel. And even with the surprisingly large size of the damp ring, Spike could easily tell that plenty more was still to come; the bulge still protruding from Twilight’s normally lithe body all the indication he needed. “D… Did I do th-that!?” Shining Armor gave him a sharp laugh and a hard slap on the back, causing Spike to jump up in surprise as the near-forgotten stallion made his presence known. “Heck ya, you did! That was some crazy stuff there, Spike! Nice going!” Cadance gave him a smirk and patted him on the shoulder. “You did well, Spike… REALLY well…” The warm smile turned into a small frown, but from the way her eyes glistened Spike could easily tell that she wasn’t really sad. “I KNEW I should have taken first dibs… now I’m going to have to… wait… for…” “...” Spike gave her a poke on the shoulder, wondering why the Princess had suddenly stopped talking and now looked down between his legs with wide eyes. “Uh… Cadance? You okay there?” Cadance couldn’t believe it. Her eyes darted from the spot between her sister-in-law’s legs to the matching spot between Spike’s, trying as best as she could to make sense of what she saw. ‘Buh… how…?’ Spike’s dragonhood, even after filling Twilight with CELESTIA knows how much seed only a minute or so ago, was STILL fully erect. In fact, it seemed to Cadance like it had somehow grown even MORE engorged after the dragon’s climax, bobbing and flexing to the beat of his heart as it stood proudly between his scaled thighs even as fluids dripped from the tip. She swallowed the spit that had pooled around her tongue, mouth watering as she gazed at the pink spire of flesh she had watched only moments ago bring another female to the heights of pleasure with ease... Spike worriedly swallowed the lump in his throat as Cadance’s eyes met his, a fire burning in the mare’s eyes that scared him as much as it turned him on. “Uh… wha- oof!” Spike found the wind driven from his lungs as a magical force slammed into him and forced him onto his back. Before he could even pick his head up Cadance had already pounced onto her prey… “AH!” Without a moment’s hesitation, Cadance had shoved her face between Spike’s thighs and engulfed the entirety of his cock with ease. Spike found he couldn't speak past the opening yell, mouth agape as he stared between his legs at the mare assaulting his privates. Cadance was a mad mare on his member, moaning and groaning as she slathered every inch of his cock that she could find with her tongue. Of course, seeing as the foot-plus-long pillar of flesh that had just been lazily bobbing in the air had suddenly vanished between the mare’s lips, she found just about all he had to give. She even took the time to extend her tongue to lap away Twilight's marecum from the front of his balls, jostling the orbs around in their scaled sac even as they worked on brewing up another batch of cream for her. ‘Sweet solar Princess above, no wonder every stallion I know talks about how much they love this… this is amazing!’ Spike tried to tell Cadance as such, but all that wound up escaping his lungs was a garbled gasp and a weak groan. So instead, taking a copy out of the pink Alicorn’s book from before, he lowered his hands onto her head and held her there between his legs. Shining Armor suddenly appeared at his side and gave his wife a poke in the side. “Hey, hon? You think you should… I dunno… go a little easier on him? I mean, you really didn’t… give… him…” Spike WOULD have normally wondered why the stallion never finished his sentence, but instead found himself more focused on the sensation of Cadance slowly pulling her head away from his lap. Each inch of his cock from base to tip was dragged from the damp cavern of her maw, the light squeezing sensation of her soft, puckered lips traveling up his shaft as she departed from his crotch making him shiver from the overload of pleasure. She paused with only his sensitive head still trapped inside, and he groaned as she slowly dragged the entire surface of her tongue across it, cleaning the leaking tip before finally letting it slip from her mouth. With a final kiss to the sharpest point at the top and a rub into the scaled palm resting on her cheek she pulled away, leaving Spike panting on the bed and a bead of pre leaking from his cock. Shining head made a couple quick turns, looking at his sister still knocked out next to him before glancing again at the steel rod of flesh quivering between Spike’s legs. “Buh… how…?” He gave his wife a questioning look, but when her only reply was a dopey smile before she darted back down between the dragon’s thighs he turned his attention to the birthday drake and smiled. “Hot damn, Spike! Talk about a stud!” He gave him another pat on the back, chuckling as the dragon moaned when Cadance took him back into her mouth. “Just how much you got stored in there? Can make a lot of stallion’s jealous with THAT thing…” Leaning in, he lowered his voice and gave Spike a smirk. “AND… a lot of mare’s hot for a piece of dragon meat, if you know what I mean…” Spike had NO idea what he meant. Or, maybe he did and the brain waves containing that info had simply been destroyed by the torrent of pleasure assaulting his mind before they could register. Either way, he REALLY didn’t care; this was friggin AWESOME! His hands descended onto Cadance’s head once more, but this time he used the grip as leverage to slowly rock his hips into her face. Judging by the deep moan she let out as her chin tapped the soft sack hanging beneath his rigid member, he figured he had done SOMETHING right and continued his gyrations against her. Shining chuckled as he watched his wife go to town on the dragon’s shaft, his own impressive pride flexing between his legs as the lewd scene unfolded before his very eyes. With a glancing check to see if Twilight had recovered yet, which revealed she most certainly HADN’T as one of her legs began to spontaneously twitch, his eyes fell upon the voluptuous cheeks of his wife’s ass. He smirked as he got up and made his way behind her, cautiously enough that he was almost certain Cadance hadn’t noticed. He figured she wouldn’t be able to see much either way, what with her head buried so deep between the dragon’s legs, but still made sure to keep his plan a secret from his target. With a gleeful sigh he reached his destination, resting his hands on the familiar pink globes of flesh of his wife's ass and massaging them to feel their warmth. The two cheeks were like putty in his hands; warm, fuzzy mounds of putty that made his stallionhood flex between his legs as he kneaded them like dough. He didn’t stay long as, prying apart her cheeks to reveal the treasure hidden within, he scooched forward and placed the tip of his cock at the winking entryway to Cadance’s marehood. When her only response was a guttural groan and her tail flicking up out of the way, Shining smiled and pushed his hips forward. Spike, eyes clenched from the gusto with which Cadance slobbered over his cock, suddenly found himself weakly moaning as the mare’s mouth began to vibrate around him. Wearily opening his eyes revealed the reasoning, the dragon gasping as he saw the stallion across from him pounding his hips into the mare between them. He met Shining’s gaze with his mouth agape, the unicorn giddily grinning at him as he pushed himself all the way to the base inside of his wife. “What? I mean, she is MY wife… can’t let you have ALL the fun!” Spike couldn’t bother to form an answer in his mind, eyes once again closing as Cadance’s moans grew stronger parallel to the strength of Shining’s thrusts. Each time the stallion’s thighs slammed into Cadance’s ass she was forced forward into Spike’s lap, and each time Shining pulled back she would follow in an attempt to keep as much of him inside her as possible. Just like that Cadance had suddenly become a pendulum of pleasure, lightly swaying between the two males as they penetrated her from both ends. Spike had a sudden urge to copy the ferocity with which Shining was thrusting into Cadance and on wobbly legs sat up on his knees. He grabbed the Alicorn's cheeks, moaning as he noticed her half-lidded, glossed-over eyes were trained directly on him, and began to rock his hips into her face. Within moments he matched the stallion's rhythm, pushing and pulling in sync with the other male as they pounded the mare in the middle. Cadance's eyes rolled up into the back her head. Here she was, the Crystal Princess, ruler of an entire NATION, being spit-roasted by her husband and a friggin' DRAGON and absolutely loving it! The euphoria flooding her body below the waist met with the sensation overload coming from above, crashing into each other to form the perfect storm of pleasure that wracked her body with shocking jolts of bliss. She let her body go slack, reveling in the sensation of letting everything go to just enjoy the rough treatment she was being treated to. This... this is what she had been craving! Spike, hips a blur as he worked his shaft in and out of Cadance's mouth, could feel it start to build. A tingling sensation starting in his balls and slowly creeping up towards his dragonhood. Another orgasm, waiting to be unleashed on the pink mare speared on both his and Shining's cocks. Without realizing what he was doing he leaned over Cadance's back, hands moving from her cheeks to the back of her head as he began slamming his hips as hard as he could into her face. Each thrust forced the heavy orbs between his legs, weighed down by another salvo of seed ready to be fired deep into the mare’s gullet, to swing forward and slap her chin. He groaned as her fingers suddenly wrapped around them, massaging the scaly sac as the balls within pulled up towards his body. A growl built in his chest, head slowly lifting to point at the ceiling as his thrusts began to slow down. With one last drag of tongue across the tip of his cock, the torrent of seed held with him was unleashed upon Equestria. Or, at least, into Cadance, who, after feeling the dragon's balls clench and his cock throb, pushed her lips down to the base of his shaft and held herself there as seed sprayed from the tapered tip buried down her throat. A pleasing warmth settled into her belly as it was filled with Spike's copious amounts of seed. She continued to rub the testicles that bestowed such a bountiful harvest upon her in the hopes of milking more from the dragon's seemingly endless stores, seeking to sate the lustful hunger that had built within her ever since she saw what the dragon had done to Twilight. Spike gasped as the incredible amount of pleasure wracking his body threatened to make him once again lose his footing. This time he was prepared, locking in his stance as he began to withdraw from the mare's hungry maw in the hopes of relieving some of the pressure put on his throbbing cock. What he didn't account for was Cadance's head suddenly pulling back in a shriek as Shining hit her with a particularly hard thrust, causing the air around his member to abruptly change from the humid warmth inside her mouth to the cool air of the room. Which quickly led to another problem; his orgasm hadn't finished. He tried to hold the next pulse of climactic bliss from unleashing another blast of seed for as long as he could. Sadly, that wound up being less than a single second, and with a gasp a thick line of white erupted from the tip of his cock. He watched the glob of seed travel through the air as if in slow motion, eyes widening as he tracked its trajectory to the only logical point of impact. Cadance's face. Once the first blast of white had landed on the Alicorn's cheek, leaving a streak of white across the pink fur, Spike lost all control and moaned to the ceiling. Thick ropes of seed sprayed out from his shaft to paint the Princess's face white. Where the first had landed across her cheek, each of the following shots wound up hitting her sporadically across the face. One hit her across the eye, luckily closed as she moaned in pure bliss at being bathed in seed, while another, harder blast wound up flying up into her mane. Within seconds a good portion of her face had been marked with draconic goo, and there seemed to be no end in sight to the onslaught of orgasmic bliss coming from the pink spire between the dragon's legs. Cadance moaned as she shoved her face into Spike's groin, rubbing her face across the spasming cock as it covered her in the dragon's essence. Her tongue hung from her mouth to lick at the salty seed covering the shaft, though at this point she had no idea if the taste in her mouth came from him or the white streaks that matted the fur on her face. She dug herself deeper into his lap, groaning as Spike's cock rested against her forehead and began to spray her back and wings with the same treatment her face had been blessed with. She muffled a startled gasp by engulfing one of the dragon's light-green eggs hanging below his member. Her husband had begun to really hammer himself into her, the *pap* *pap* *pap* of his hips meeting her ass ringing in her ears as she suckled on one of Spike's balls. She switched to the other once it had been thoroughly cleaned, popping it into her mouth and running her tongue over the smooth scales of his sack, moaning around him and vibrating the smooth orb in her mouth. She couldn't hold onto it for long, Shining's full-length thrusts that made his own impressive foal-makers slap into her clit causing her to open her mouth in a gasp and release the dragon's fine jewels from the prison of her maw. Her mouth didn't stay unoccupied for long. She started to run her tongue up and down the quivering pillar of dragon flesh, catching the last of his climactic blasts of bliss on the tip of her thin appendage to taste his musky essence straight from the tap. Even after the tap had, quite disappointingly, run dry, she continued mouthing over the awe-inspiring member bobbing in the air before her. The fact that Shining had paused his thrusts with his stallionhood balls-deep inside of her never registered in her mind. She was far too busy worshipping the draconic spear that had so thoroughly bathed her in his seed. Shining looked over the scene of devastation before him. Stringy lines of white formed erratic streaks across the pink fur of his wife's back, most noticeably in the soft feathers of her wings. The further up her body he went the heavier the damage was, thin lines of white growing larger as his gaze reached her mane. There, the tip of Spike’s stiff tower sat against Cadance’s horn, two matching spires of pink standing tall next to one another. They even had matching rivulets of cum dripping from their points, though the smoother flesh of Spike’s dragonhood was a much sleeker surface to flow down than the spiral’s of an Alicorn’s horn. His comparison of the two abruptly came to an end as Cadance’s head reared back and engulfed the dragon’s impressive penis. After only one pass down and back up the length she pulled away, tongue lewdly slurping back between her lips as she swirled the dragon’s distinctive taste around in her mouth. With a refreshed “Ah!” her mouth opened, perfectly pristine and without a trace of Spike’s spunk to be found. She opened one of her eyes, the other covered with slick goo that gradually dripped down her face, and glanced up at Spike, chuckling as she saw his dazed expression. “Mmm… that was… DELIGHTFUL, Spike. Thank you for that treat!” A line of drool escaped from the dragon’s gaping maw. “Uh… guh…” Cadance giggled to herself, absentmindedly licking her lips to clean them of any stray drips that had fallen onto them. She reached between his legs and gently dragged the tips of her fingers up the base of his shaft, happily sighing as she watched his dragonhood twitch in response. “You certainly have something here, Spike… I’m already starting to get jealous of anypony you get with in the future!” “Hey!” Shining gave her a quick jab of the hips, pulling out to the tip before slamming the entirety of his bulky shaft back inside his wife. “You know I can hear you, right?” Cadance gasped, rolling her eyes and chuckling to herself as he held himself inside of her. Turning her head over her shoulder to smile at her husband, she gave him a sly wink even as a white drop of fluid dripped from the tip of her horn. “Oh, don’t you worry about anything, Shiny. You’re more than enough male for me!” She pulled herself off of his cock and rotated her hips to grind the sensitive tip of his shaft around inside her warm lips. Returning the wink, Shining grabbed onto her hips and made the move to sink himself back inside her slick folds. Instead of being embraced in blissful heat he found himself flailing head over hooves off of the bed, the sudden push of Cadance's magic more than enough to topple the stallion over as his wide flare escaped the hold of her lips with a pop. "Sorry hun, but I GOTTA try this thing out..." Shining picked himself up off the ground with a groan, rubbing the back of his head as he pouted at his wife. "Yeah yeah yeah, bang the dragon. Whatever..." Cadance snickered. "Oh, you big baby... how about you take Spike's spot, huh?" She opened her mouth and sensually licked her lips, giggling as Shining's stallionhood visibly lurched between his legs. "Uh..." He mock tapped his chin in thought, lips slowly rising in a smile. "OK. Sounds like a good deal to me!" Cadance rolled her eyes at him. "I figured that would make you feel better..." She turned back to Spike, his impressive length still with her grasp. Her eyes traced up the contours of Spike's well-defined musculature to his face, giving the dragon a warm smile as his eyes met hers. “What’ya say, Spikey-wikey… want to give little-ol’ me a try?” > Chapter 5 - Happy Birthday > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The curve of Cadance’s mouth slowly descended into a frown as no response came from the birthday-dragon. She rolled her eyes, grunting as she wearily picked herself up onto her knees to put her face at the same height as Spike's. Her hand never left from between his thighs, still caressing his pulsing shaft from tip to base as she leaned in towards the stunned dragon. “Anypony in there? Hmm…” Her smile returned, this time looking almost menacing as she paused only inches from Spike’s face. “Maybe this will help you out…” Spike’s eyes shot open as a soft pair of lips suddenly pressed against his own. The haze blurring his vision burned away to reveal the large pink irises of the Princess of Love shining right in front of his own. Each fluttered closed as their mouths opened in sync to let their tongues meet in a lover’s dance. What only took a moment felt like a life-time to the young dragon, but the need to fill their lungs eventually forced the two to part. As their eyes gradually flickered open, parallel blushes grew on each of their cheeks as a strand of saliva connecting them at the lips broke apart to fall to the bed below. “Whoa…” Cadance gave him a sly wink and a chuckle, pulling away from the dragon and laying back on the bed. “There’s the birthday boy… now, how about taking care of your good pal Cadance…” Spike’s breath was taken away as she parted her legs, opening up everything between them for him to gaze over. Spike found it strange that a simple pair of lips he had grown so familiar with over the past several minutes could still make his heart drum in his chest. Yet the plump folds between the Alicorn’s legs most certainly did. That, and make the engorged cock bobbing in the air between his legs throb in desire. Spike crawled between Cadance’s outstretched legs, placing himself in front of the sweet honeypot sitting between her thighs. The mare wrapped her arms behind her knees as she bent them, pulling her legs up and out of the way for him to get as close as he could to her. With one final scooch the tip of his dragonhood dragged across the warm folds of Cadance’s marehood, the wide lips hugging the sides of his shaft as it slid across her dripping insides. Cadance brought one of her hands between her legs to grab onto the dragon’s throbbing desire, rubbing it for a moment before maneuvering it above the slick entrance of her marehood. The pointed tip pried apart her lips with ease, the head of Spike’s dragonhood sitting in euphoric warmth as they looked into each other's eyes. She gave him a warm smile, one that the dragon weakly returned, before giving him a nod of her head. “Go ahead, Spike. Just do what you did with Twilight and you’ll be fine…” She released his cock from her grasp, moaning as she used the free hand to spread apart her succulent lips even as the tip of Spike’s shaft sat against her. “Fuck me, Spike…” The words set the dragon’s cheeks ablaze in a blush and his cock throbbing in lust. With a now practiced ease he pushed his hips forward, the deeper tone of his resulting moan fusing together with Cadance’s high-pitched gasp to form a perfect duet of bliss. Even after experiencing the tight, warm folds of another mare only moments before Spike still couldn’t believe how amazing it still felt inside of Cadance. The all consuming warmth that hugged his shaft like a long-lost friend while simultaneously clenching around him to milk the seed from his balls… there was nothing like it! “Ohhh… Cadance…” “That’s it… keep going, Spike… give me ALL of it…” Between the copious amounts of self-lubrication Cadance produced and how HARD his dragonhood felt it did not take long for Spike to feel the soft fur of her ass tap into his thighs. He held himself there for a moment, taking in all the sensations surrounding his cock as he sat hilted inside her. His gaze wandered up her body, from where they were connected at the hips up to the ample mounds of her breasts. From there he began to watch her face, the mare pressing her head back into the sheets as she lightly moaned his name. Spike almost jumped back in surprise as a thick black log suddenly swung into view, almost completely obscuring the Princess’s face with how wide it was. He looked up to see Shining smirking at him, the stallion’s hand wrapped around the base of his shaft as he pulled his hips back and tapped Cadance’s lips with the head of his cock. Spike wondered what the stallion was doing, at least until the Prince grabbed his wife’s head and unceremoniously shoved the entirety of his cock between her lips. It was like some kind of lewd magic trick, the foot-plus rod of flesh that had been bobbing in the air only a second ago gone in an instant. It was almost a perfect illusion. Almost. Spike’s eyes widened as Shining ground his thighs against Cadance’s face. His mouth followed suit as the stallion began to pull back, the dragon gasping as he watched the pink fur of Cadance’s neck. There, in an obscene bulge, was a perfect outline of the thick shaft buried deep inside her mouth. Just as the lump dissipated it suddenly surged back into view, the white stallion to blame for the anomaly groaning as he sunk balls deep into the familiar warmth of his wife’s mouth. Cadance moaned around her husband’s cock, and when her marehood constricted around Spike’s own impressive length he remembered with a startled gasp that he still had a job to do. Even as the *plap* *plap* *plap* of Shining’s balls tapping into Cadance’s nose and forehead began to increase in volume, both in amount and in sound, Spike’s focus turned to where he and the mare were connected. He began to slowly pull himself back, watching each inch of glistening pink flesh coming out from between the Princess’s pried apart lips with bated breath. Just as the tapered head came into view he reversed direction, pushing himself back into the blissful warmth inside of the needy mare. The following thrust worked itself out and back into her folds faster than the first, and the next quicker than that. He gradually built himself up to a steady rhythm, matching the stallion opposite him subconsciously as he focused on plowing the mare between them. Cadance’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as she was savagely assaulted simultaneously from two different fronts. This… THIS is what she had been yearning for! The pampered life of a Princess where, sadly, she was viewed by her subjects as some pristine being was finally peeled away. She loved Shining with all her heart, but there was just SOMETHING about getting spit-roasted by two such well-endowed males at the same time, being used as a tool of pleasure for them to share. The familiar taste of her husband’s cock in her mouth clashed oh so pleasantly with the completely foreign one impaling her below. Two tools made for the same purpose, yet so different in design that they barely resembled each other. Together, however, they were bringing her to the peaks of pleasure in record time. So engrossed with each other, none of the writhing ponies or dragon on the bed noticed the nearby purple mare start to stir. Twilight groaned as she sat up, still feeling the effects of the back to back sessions with her brother and her number one assistant. She glanced over to the conglomerate of colors swaying and shifting next to her, rubbing her eyes to clear her vision and reveal the two males in question resting on their knees opposite each other. She blushed as she saw Cadance on her back between them, the warmth between her legs building from watching the three go at it with such… the only word she could think of was ‘ferocity’ at this point, what with how hard and how fast Shining and Spike’s hips were moving and how Cadance seemed powerless against them. She moaned as she watched them go at it for a moment, her hand moving between her legs with a mind of its own. Her fingers ran across the bulb of her clit, the button of bliss already starting to wink as her lips began to dampen in excitement. Not that she wasn’t already wet; the two males who had already deposited their loads inside of her made sure of that, and she gasped as she felt the still warm fluids slowly leaking from her marehood. She had hoped to hold the fire of her desire at bay by slipping a finger inside, thrusting the thin digit in and out to scratch the itch that had built between her legs. Each second that passed, however, caused the need to grow that much stronger and, with a sly grin towards the back of her brother's head, she pulled her hand away from her crotch as she stealthily approached him from behind. Shining continued to bury himself into his wife’s mouth, smirking as she started to gargle around his shaft. He didn’t worry about the cacophony of lewd noises she made; years of… experience with each other had built a certain trust between them. All she had to do was give him a small tap and he would pull away, but until then he pushed her as close to that unspoken limit as possible. Pausing to catch his breath, his cock hilted in her mouth and balls draped over her nose preventing her from doing the same, he glanced over at the dragon across from him. He smiled as he watched Spike's scrunched up face twitch with each slap of scaly thigh into bubbly pony butt. “How you doin’ over there, Spike. Enjoying my wife?” He chuckled when the only response he got was a gasp and an incomprehensible mumble from his reptilian friend. He started to pull his hips away from his wife’s face, looking between his legs to watch the thick black shaft slowly slip from between her lips. “Yeah, she can do that to ya. Trust me, wait until she- AH!” At the apex of her brother’s pull-out, Twilight struck. Just before he could push back into the warmth of his wife’s mouth she darted in and wrapped her fingers around the base of his shaft. The sudden contact caused the stallion to jolt in surprise, his cock lurching out of Cadance’s lips to unexpectedly slap against her chin. The purple mare gave Shining an impish grin as she started to slowly rub his length from base to tip, the stallion glancing over his shoulder towards her with a grin of his own. Shining moaned as his sister stroked his shaft, eyes closing as a bead of pre leaked to fall between the mounds of Cadance’s breasts. The gooey drip must have stirred something within his wife as, suddenly, something warm and wet lapped at the underside of his cock. A quick peek revealed Cadance slobbering the sensitive bottom of his member, running her tongue up and down as far as she could go. Turning his head and opening his eyes to look at the purple succubus behind him, Shining opened his mouth to speak but was immediately silenced as Twilight's soft lips mashed into his own. The air was forced from his lungs in a gasp as her other hand came around to cup his balls, rolling the heavy testicles around in their leathery bag even as Cadance worshiped his cock. The two siblings separated as Shining turned around to stare into Twilight’s half-lidded eyes, smirking as the sudden loss of contact with his cock made his wife whine behind him. Twilight leaned in to rub her cheek against his, opening her mouth and whispering into his ear. “You didn’t forget about me, did you? I still need a little…" - she released his balls, which flopped back down to hang between his legs, and wrapped both of her hands around his shaft - "big brother time…” She started to crouch down in front of him, eyes never leaving his as she made her way down his body. With a mischievous grin on her face she winked at him, gaze finally dropping as she approached the prize between his legs. Fully expecting to feel the wet confines of her mouth wrapping around his member, Shining was NOT prepared for what Twilight actually wound up doing. As she ventured south Twilight had been dragging her breasts across his body, and when she reached the crux of his legs the stallionhood waiting for her just so happened to be the perfect size to slip between them, the blunted tip poking through the purple mounds to poke at her chin. Twilight reached up and smooshed her breasts together, sandwiching her brother’s cock between two warm mounds of dough-like flesh. Slowly, she grinded them together, groaning as she felt the heat radiating from the hardened cock held between them. She smiled up at her brother as he started to rock his hips, chuckling as he closed his eyes and moaned. “There you go, BBBFF… give it to me…” Spike watched the proceedings with rapt interest, hips working on auto-pilot to grind his dragonhood in and out of Cadance’s slick passage even as his attention was diverted over to the siblings nearby. Shining’s spit-slicked shaft slid between Twilight’s breasts with ease, the black slab of meat resting against her chest and peeking up between her cleavage. Each time the stallion rocked his hips the mare's ample bosom would jiggle from the force, and Spike had to swallow the sudden build up of spit in his mouth as he stared at the purple mounds. The sight of Twilight’s twin peaks prompted him to turn to their pink counterparts belonging to the mare below. Just as Shining did to Twilight, each thrust he made caused a small ripple effect to go up Cadance’s body in a wave, most noticeably in the large bust of her breasts. His eyes felt glued to the pink peaks, mesmerized as he watched them jiggle erratically each time his hips met her ass. He found himself leaning over her body, dreamily reaching out to the perky mounds until, with a gasp, the soft flesh of Cadance’s breast filled the palm of his hand. He looked up when he heard some light hearted chuckling, fully expecting to see Cadance peering down to watch him fondling her breasts with a warm smile. Instead, she had her eyes clenched shut and gasped with each thrust he made. So, to find the source of the giggling, his gaze lingered over to the only other ponies in the room. Twilight was bouncing her breasts up and down the long rod of Shining’s shaft. Her eyes, however, were on her number one assistant, the dragon looking at her with wide eyes as his hips jabbed his cock into Cadance’s marehood and his hands kneaded her breasts. She gave him a smile and a wink, loving how it made his mouth open in a gasp and flooded his cheeks with just a little more warmth. She turned her attention back to her brother, smile growing wider as she saw him lovingly grin down at her in return. "Let's give Spike a show, shall we?" Spike felt his cock throb inside of Cadance as Twilight suddenly tilted her head down and wrapped her lips around the head of Shining's shaft. The stallion continued to thrust up between her breasts, the sensitive flare at the tip now punching through the purple mounds only to enter the wet cavern of her mouth. Each time Shining's hips would lift, Twilight's cheeks would fill and a wet gargle would escape around the cock in her mouth to fill Spike's ears with the lewd noise. The dragon’s attention was diverted back to the mare he was inside of as she laid a hand on top of his, a fist-full of breast flesh still in his grasp as he glanced at her face. Cadance had a bright blush across her face, the normally pink fur visibly tinged a darker red. His thrusts ceased as she suddenly pulled him on top of her, the dragon falling over while his cock remained sheathed inside of her quivering passage. His hands quickly shot out on either side of her face to prevent himself from accidentally head-butting the mare, leaving him only an inch or-so away from her gleaming eyes. "Hey..." Cadance's breath washed across his face as she whispered, the dragon shuddering from the sensual sensation of being so close to the mare. "H-hey yourself..." She giggled, eyes sparkling in the light as she leaned in to rub her cheek against his. "Just making sure you didn't forget about me..." Spike weakly returned her chuckle, rotating his hips to get into a more comfortable position. Cadance softly moaned as his movements stirred up her insides, pecking the dragon on the cheek before pulling away to look him in the eyes once more. "Mmm... Celestia, you're amazing, Spike. Now..." - she smirked, lifting her hips to bury the shaft between his legs as far as it could go inside of her to the sounds of both pony and dragon gasping - “show me what you’ve learned…” Twilight pulled her mouth off of her brother's cock when she heard Cadance moan. Turning her head in the direction of the noise, her eyes widened as she saw her number-one assistant hammering his hips into her sister-in-law as hard as he could. The sight of the dragon bent over Cadance and ruthlessly breeding her like there was no tomorrow lit a spark of lust between her legs, one which demanded she do something to quell it. She started to grind her thighs together, gasping as her warm juices began to dribble down the side of her legs. With a moan she shoved her face back onto her brother’s cock, burying as much of his length as she could into her maw even as she continued to bounce her breasts up and down what she couldn’t swallow. Spike snorted, grinding his teeth together as he slammed himself harder and harder into the slick pot of warmth between Cadance’s legs. The *schlicks* of her leaking passage being forced open by his cock and the loud slaps of his balls swinging into her ass faded away to the back of his mind; to him, it was only he and Cadance, and the only thing that mattered was where they were connected together at the hips. He could feel it, like a single candle glowing in the dark expanse of a vast, empty room but slowly brightening as his climax began to build. Judging by a sudden cry and a low, guttural moan coming from his side, he would not be the first to finish as Shining grabbed onto the sides of Twilight's head. Twilight’s eyes widened as the flare trapped within her lips did the same, the thick cockhead flexing inside of her mouth and launching a volley of seed into the back of her throat. Her gag reflex quickly triggered and made her pull away, Shining’s pulsing penis still held between her breasts as it began to shoot thick globs of cream into the air. From the positioning of his stallionhood and the close proximity to his sister, Shining’s seed had only one way to go; right up into Twilight’s face. Twilight gasped as the first shot rocketed up and struck her across the cheek. She quickly grabbed onto the base of his shaft and aimed it away from her face as she cleared her throat. Though, as she distanced herself from him, she did not aim it completely away from her body. Instead, she aimed the next several bursts over her breasts, coating the peaks of the purple mounds with an off-white glaze that slowly leaked down her body. Thick globs of white trailed down the curves of her chest and stomach, some even making it between her legs before falling to the bed below. As Twilight groaned, the nearby dragon growled as his balls pulled up towards his body, preparing for the beginning stages of his own orgasm. Adrenaline coursed through Spike's veins and lust clouded his mind, faint echos of deep growls, feminine moans, and the slap of flesh on flesh reduced to nothing but static in the background. It felt like his dragonhood was surrounded by the softness of silk and the searing heat of fresh lava all at the same time. Cadance’s folds embraced him with open arms, as if they had been molded into the perfect shape for his tapered cock, and when they began to rhythmically clench around him like a vice something within him snapped. He darted down towards the mare howling in ecstasy beneath him, opening his jaw as far as it could go only to close it around her neck. Though he did not clench hard enough to harm her, he used the extra leverage to pummel the spasming mare straight through her powerful climax. Each contraction around his shaft and each blast of mare cum that seeped around it fueled the dragon’s bestial desire, his orgasm feeling so close yet so far away at the same time. At least until a sudden scream cut through the mist in his mind like a knife through butter, the dragon’s eyes popping open with dilated pupils as the single word sent a bolt of pleasure racing down his spine. “SPIKE!” He drove his hips straight between Cadance’s legs, holding himself as close to her as possible with his shaft fully hilted inside of her. His balls, two heavy globes resting against her ass inside of their scaly sack, finished pulling up towards his body and finally unleashed the pent up stores of dragon seed they held. The thick cream rocketed up the length of his dragonhood in record time, Spike’s vision blurring from the intense pangs of pleasure that wracked his body as it sought to fill the mare beneath him with his essence. As the tapered tip of his cock expanded and spasmed, he began to do just that. He released his jaw’s grip on Cadance’s neck and lifted his head towards the ceiling, roaring in bliss to any who would hear him as a trail of fire escaped his maw. The first shot of seed felt like a geyser erupting from his cock, a thick stream of cream spilling from the tip of his cock to whitewash the Alicorn’s inner walls. The second surge was just as strong, the third only slightly less powerful than that, and before long the ponies womb could not withstand the flood of semen. Some began to leak around his cock to spurt out of her lips onto his sack and the bed below, while a good deal more spurted out with each wink of the mare's clit and each clench of her passage. Cadance couldn’t believe that even after filling up Twilight not too long ago, Spike still had as much, if not more, seed stored within his balls. She glanced down her body with disbelieving eyes, watching as her belly began to slightly expand from the absurd amounts of fluid being pumped into her. Her eyes traveled north up the dragon’s stomach and chest, her gaze stopping at the almost feral look on Spike’s face. Just the sight of the dragon leaned over her, the bright white lances of his teeth glistening in the light as he snarled whilst injecting her with his life-bearing cream, sent a twinge of euphoria down between her legs and sparked a second explosive climax before the first could even come to an end. Her eyes rolled up into the back of her head, her lungs emptying of air as she shouted his name over and over, her thoughts reduced to static from the never ending waves of pleasure battering her system. "Oh, OH SPIKE!" With a snarl Spike glared down at the mare beneath him, a strange satisfaction spreading through his body at the sight of her bloated belly full of his seed. The sudden urge to mark the mare as HIS could not be fought, and with a lustful growl Spike grabbed the base of his shaft and pulled his hips back. A quick shriek from the mare turned into a long, drawn out moan as Spike blasted her chest with thick streaks of white. He began to pump his hand up and down his dragonhood, each rub sending a shockwave of bliss to his balls where it was repaid with another salvo of semen. He gradually maneuvered his way up her body, knees on either side of her chest as the last few shots of his orgasm flew through the air to land on her face. Just as his orgasm finally began to die down, Twilight suddenly appeared before him and, leaning over her sister-in-law's quivering body, abruptly wrapped her lips around the over-sensitive tip of his shaft. The last drops of dragon seed were drained straight from the tap into the mare’s ravenous maw and swiftly swallowed to sate her lustful hunger. Her brother, Spike quickly figured out as he turned to look over his shoulder, had also decided to join in on the fun, taking up the position between Cadance’s legs left open by the birthday dragon and shoving his stallionhood into her battered, leaking marehood. Obscene schlurps echoed off the walls as Shining bottomed out inside his wife, the still-warm cream Spike had just dumped inside her providing him with ample lubricant to pierce her depths all the way to the base of his stallionhood. Spike turned back to the mare nursing on his cock, their eyes meeting each other with matching blushes across their faces. The sudden rush of adrenaline that had made him - he took a glance at the mare beneath him - do THAT to Cadance slowly burned away, leaving him with the post-climax euphoria that he was quickly beginning to love. His eyelids closed half-way, heavy sighs escaping his lungs with each breath he took as Twilight worked his length to perfection. Twilight gradually made her way down his dragonhood, making sure to leave each and every inch of pink cock-flesh devoid of any foreign fluids. Though, with some disappointment on both sides, she was unable to make it to the base, she simply released his cock back into the air and darted down to lap up what remained. Even after the shaft had been thoroughly cleaned she continued to lick it like a lollipop, even taking a moment to move her mouth further south to lap at the scaly sack hanging between his legs. At least until she found herself with company. Cadance, moaning as Shining shoved himself into her, leaned forward with her mouth opened as wide as it could go. Spike’s balls went from dangling freely between his thighs to engulfed in her maw within the blink of an eye. Twilight, not to be outdone by her sister-in-law, made her way back up to the tip of Spike’s dragonhood and wrapped her lips around him, shoving her head forward to engulf as much of his length as possible. Spike gasped from the impressive teamwork the mare’s were showcasing on his junk; when Twilight pulled back, Cadance lashed at his sack with her tongue, and when Cadance slowed her licks to sensually lap at the base of his balls Twilight would pick up the pace on his cock. As an added bonus, whenever the stallion behind him would thrust into Cadance she would moan around his orbs, pleasantly vibrating them within their sack and sending a bolt of bliss up to his cock. This, in turn, would make his dragonhood lurch inside of Twilight’s mouth, sending yet another wave of pleasure to reverberate from the sensations emanating from his balls. Shining groaned, hips working overtime to pump his stallionhood into Cadance's slickened passage as he built himself up towards another climax. The heavy balls between his legs, swinging back and forth in time with his thrusts to slap at the round cheeks of his wife's ass, were forced to refill his stores of seed as fast as they could as the stallion sought to add even more cream to the Alicorn's already filled marehood. He could feel his heart hammering in his chest to the beat of his thrusts, eyes clenched shut as years of endurance training for guard duty served him well for a VERY different purpose than defending Equestria. A sudden surge of seed around his shaft was the only sign he felt of Cadance's third straight orgasm, the muscles of her passage clenching and forcing thick globs of cream around his shaft to dribble out of her lips. He snorted as a warm wetness covered the front of his dark ball sack as it swung into the stream of seed running down the curve of her ass. Cadance made not so much as a peep, body simply twitching as she laid practically paralyzed from the over-abundance of pleasure coursing through her veins and mouth full of dragon balls. With a final, full body thrust between her legs, Shining's testicles finally released everything that had left. The stallion moaned as his cock, sheathed inside of his wife and surrounded in creamy warmth, flexed and flared as it shot the last vestiges of his seed deep inside of her. Though not as long as his previous peaks of the day, the sensation of Cadance's insides compressing around him brought him just as much pleasure as all the times before. *** WARNING: Footplay *** With a groan he pulled his hips back, gasping as his bloated flare pried apart Cadance’s lips and escaped her passage with a *pop*. He made his way down her shapely legs, eventually reaching the base of the bed where Cadance’s feet lay atop the sheets. Reaching between his legs and grabbing the base of his cock, Shining began slowly rubbing the soft underside of Cadance’s foot with his flare. Both the pink and black appendages twitched in unison, a thin glob of seed leaking from the tip of the stallionhood to form a streak across the arch of her foot. Reaching over and seizing both of her legs, Shining brought her feet together and sandwiched his shaft between them. The slick mixture of stallion, dragon, and mare juices coating his rod gave him ample lubricant to slide himself back and forth between her silken feet and within moments he had built up a steady rhythm to his thrusts. Surprisingly, he could feel the pangs of an oncoming orgasm start to build in his already spent balls. Each time the low-hanging sack would swing into the sole of Cadance’s feet another spark would light up his senses, seeking to light one final fire within the stallion and drain themselves of every last drop of seed they contained. Every thrust built up the heat in his loins, his eyes slowly fluttering closed as he picked up the pace. Just as he felt the first pang of climax, Cadance, who was currently gargling around the pair of dragon balls in her mouth, suddenly wrapped his own testicles in her magic and slowly massaged them, sending him over the edge. With one last push and a low groan, Shining hilted his cock between Cadance’s feet as his stallionhood flexed and his flare expanded. With a full-body shiver the first line of cream shot from the tip of his cock, flying forward to land across his wife’s thighs and her already frosted marehood. While not as voluminous as his previous orgasms, his balls had done a decent enough job of brewing up more stallion seed in a relatively short amount of time. Shining leisurely pushed his pride back and forth as it spewed the last of his seed, sighing as his shaft finally began to deflate. With a wet *schlick* he pulled himself away from Cadance’s feet, a dopey grin on his face as he rubbed the last few drops of semen leaking from the tip of his stallionhood between his wife’s toes. *** End of Footplay *** Spike, meanwhile, had both of his hands behind Twilight’s head as she slobbered over his cock. The overwhelming sensation of mares lavishing both his dragonhood and his balls at the same time was rushing him towards yet another climax, his fourth on the day. Or was it night? It felt like ages ago that the four of them had been sitting around the Cutie Map, having a casual conversation about his birthday. Now, he had dumped his seed into two of the greatest mares he knew and, in the case of Cadance, ON her as well. He glanced down his body at the mare between his legs, Twilight meeting his eyes with a blush and a wink while Cadance continued suckling on his nuts below her. One of his hands left the back of Twilight’s head only to cup her cheek in his palm. Twilight moaned around his cock and rubbed her cheek against him, the vibrations reverberating around his shaft that had begun to leak copious amounts of pre into the hungry mare’s maw. Her eyes never leaving his, Twilight pulled back until only the tip of his breeding spear sat in her mouth. She lavished the tapered tip with long draws of her tongue, Spike clenching his eyes shut and shivering in bliss from the incredible sensations flooding his system. His balls, still held within the warm, wet confines of Cadance’s mouth, churned with another round of seed within their sac, waiting for the opportune moment to feed the mare waiting at the tip of his cock. That moment would prove to be not too far off. Without even realizing it Spike began to lightly rock his hips back and forth, far enough to push around half of his length in and out of Twilight’s lips while still keeping Cadance close enough to suck on his balls. His muscles clenched as his body sought climax even while his mind tried to hold it off for as long as it could. The mares were not helping his cause, each lap over the curve of his balls and each suckle on the tip of his cock another chink in his armor, another crack in his wall. The dragon felt a strange sense of pride that he had managed to hold on for as long as he had, staving off climax even as two mares tried their hardest to finish him off. He almost felt like patting himself on the back but kept himself from literally doing it from the fear that releasing his grip on Twilight’s head would disrupt his defenses long enough for all to be lost. So, instead, a dumb grin settled across his face as he walked along the cliff’s edge between continuing and finishing like a true pro. And then, with a single, well timed maneuver, Twilight forcefully pushed him off the edge headfirst into climax. Suddenly, either through her continued practice with his member or just sheer force of will, Twilight shoved her face into his lap and swallowed his entire length in one go. The tip of his dragonhood found itself in a new home, the wet walls of her mouth replaced with the constricting muscles of her throat. With only a single swallow around his cock, Spike found himself staring wide-eyed at the wall opposite him as his defenses crumbled around him. His balls pulled up as far as they could go inside of Cadance’s mouth and with a long, drawn out moan Spike began to pump out the last vestiges of seed they contained. Twilight’s eyes widened as the first blast of dragonic cum shot down her throat, surprised that the dragon was still able to produce enough to form a noticeable warmth in her stomach. ‘How does he still have this much left!?’ She pulled her head back, dragging her tongue across the underside of his pulsing cock as the tapered tip was slowly excavated from her throat. Once it had reached her mouth proper, her tastebuds were washed with the overwhelming flavor of thick dragon seed. She moaned, eyes rolling to the back of her head as one of her hands snaked down her body to furiously rub her clit. Each fresh batch of cream she swallowed made the bundle of nerves wink out against her fingers, and with the copious amounts of semen Spike’s balls apparently still had left stored inside of them it appeared as though she would finish herself off before the dragon’s stock would run dry. Each throb of his dragonhood was another shock-wave that rattled Spike’s nerves to the core. He held onto the back of Twilight’s head like his life depended on it, using his hands to keep the mare in place between his wobbling legs while also stabilizing himself. His body gradually folded in on itself, leaning over Twilight’s head as he kept shoving her face between his legs. The mare continued to feast on his bountiful harvest, swallowing his heavy blasts of seed as quickly as she could. It would prove to not be fast enough as thick rivulets of seed began to leak from the corners of Twilight’s mouth. The need to breathe would prove to be her downfall; as soon as she pulled away from the spurting length, a slick salvo of seed launched from Spike’s dragonhood and struck her across the face. The previous streaks of stallion seed provided by her brother got a fresh new coating of dragon cream that coated most of her face. With her eyes shut for protection, Twilight settled for simply opening her mouth as wide as it could go in the hopes of catching some on her tongue. She moaned as her efforts were rewarded with a warm line of seed filling her mouth with Spike’s distinctive flavor. She swirled her tongue around to spread the salty concoction around her tastebuds, the heat in her loins growing as she swallowed as much as she could. Seeing as she didn’t need it for her ‘meal’, the hand already working her clit was joined by its purple twin as the mare began using both to work her furiously fluttering folds. As one drew circles around her winking bundle of nerves the other split apart her lips to rub at her pink insides, the tips of her fingers digging into her sopping wet tunnel as her orgasm began to build. Just as the long pink spire of draconic flesh before her ceased its spasms, her marehood picked up the slack, Twilight moaning as she shoved her fingers into her clenching passage up to the knuckles. Spike’s eyes drifted open as the mare in front of him groaned. He watched with half-lidded eyes as Twilight’s cum-streaked face scrunched up in bliss, his gaze drifting lower to watch her fingers continue to pump between her legs straight through her climax. Small spurts of mare-cum leaked around her lithe digits to drip into a puddle below. A small spark of lust lit in his chest as he watched the mare he had so thoroughly marked with seed pleasure herself as she sat on her knees before him. He wanted to keep on going; in fact, he never wanted to stop! But, in a sudden surge of fatigue, everything he had done that day came back all at once. Before he knew it, darkness shrouded his vision as he plummeted towards the bed, never even seeing the sheets before he settled into a deep slumber. Twilight slowly rubbed her quivering lips, sighing as post-climactic bliss flooded her system. Her eyes gradually fluttered open as Spike collapsed to the left of her, landing on his side with a giddy grin on his face even as he drifted off to sleep. Twilight smiled to herself as Spike's chest slowly rose and fell and a small grin settled on his face. She looked at the devastation the dragon had brought upon her, large damp spots centralized between her legs and thick white streaks covering her body all the evidence in the world she needed to prove that she had been thoroughly rutted. With a smirk she checked on the other ponies on the bed; Cadance, who apparently had blacked out before Spike did, had her head between the dragon’s legs and still had her lips wrapped around his balls, and Shining, who seemed to think a nap was in order after working over his wife as he rested with his half-deflated cock hanging over his balls. The two seemed to be quite pleased with the events of the evening, what with the dopey smiles on their faces and the copious amounts of fluids around their nethers. The only pony left standing giggled to herself, carefully making her way over Spike before laying down at his side. She gingerly wrapped her arms around his waist, spooning with her number one assistant as she closed her eyes and smiled. “Happy birthday, Spike…” And with that, darkness overtook her, the mare sighing in happiness as she drifted off to sleep... 'Here's to another good birthday next year...'