> Aborted Romance > by VitalSpark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Kissing Cousins — Pinkie Pie x Apple Bloom; iLuvRainbows; Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knock, knock! Pinkie Pie opened the door to find Apple Bloom standing there with three crates of apples. Big Mac was nowhere in sight, nor Applejack. “Hey, Apple Bloom, you delivered all of these apples all by yourself?” “Yeah,” Apple Bloom replied, “but it was kinda hard work. Do you think I could come in and sit down for a few minutes.” “Sure Apple Bloom, we’re family after all!” Pinkie stepped aside and Apple Bloom trotted inside. “Of course,” Apple Bloom responded, finding a comfortable looking couch and sitting herself down to rest her weary flank. “I’ve got a huuuuuge order for apple pies,” Pinkie explained, effortlessly pushing the crates of apples into the kitchen. “That’s why I needed so many today.” “Well, duh.” Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. Pinkie frowned. “Kinda rude.” “Sorry,” Apple Bloom apologised. “I’ve just had a hard day. I didn’t mean to take it out on you.” “It’s okay,” Pinkie said, sitting down next to Apple Bloom and putting her hand on her back. “You can tell me.” Apple Bloom shook her head. “Oh, it’s nothing. Just a silly fight with Applejack.” “Well, that calls for a hug!” Pinkie squealed and hugged Apple Bloom tightly. “Yay!” Apple Bloom squealed in response, throwing her front legs around Pinkie. They paused for a moment, looking into each other’s eyes. Apple Bloom licked her lips. Pinkie gulped. “No…” she said, turning her head away. “It would be wrong.” “What?” Apple Bloom complained. “But it feels so right?” “But we’re cousins!” Pinkie objected. “Barely. Only fourth cousins twice removed or whatever. I’m probably more closely related to Princess Celestia than I am to you!” Pinkie had to agree that she had a point. “But you’re so young, and you’re my best friend’s little sister!” “I’m old enough to know what I’m doing,” Apple Bloom said. “I’ve got my cutie mark and everything now.” “True.” “So kiss me, you fool!” Apple Bloom demanded, pushing her nose against Pinkie’s. Pinkie looked into her eyes and knew what Apple Bloom was saying must be true. She pressed her lips against the filly’s and kissed her with a passion that had been building up for literally minutes. > Sweet Apple Pie — Pinkie Pie x Apple Bloom; tacoprincess; Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Bloom panted as she trotted up the hill, a heavy basket of apples weighing down her back. As she did so, she looked to her lift to see a bouncy Pinkie Pie, not at all sweating or tired from all the work. Oh, how Apple Bloom wished she could be like that. She dumped the basket of apples with the others and looked towards Pinkie. “Thanks for your help. When ah heard that Applejack had to head out to see her sick cousin, ah didn’t think we’d have many apples this harvest season!” “No problemo!” Pinkie cheered. “Alright. Now just gotta feed Winona, and start making that apple pie Granny wants!” Apple Bloom said, turning to head off. As she did so, her hoof accidentally knocked over one of the apple baskets, and the apples spilled out and rolled down the nearby hill. “Oh horsefeathers!” Apple Bloom cried, racing out after them. “Ah knew we should’ve put them closer to the house!” Pinkie Pie laughed and bounced down after her. “This is fun!” “Fun? Ahm about to lose all the apples!” Apple Bloom watched in alarm as some of the apples splatted onto the trees below, but barely had time to do anything when she tripped over her own tail and started rolling down the hill herself. She screamed, and closed her eyes for whatever impact, but when she stopped, she felt only a fluffy...pink tail. “Watch your tails there Apple Bloom!” Pinkie said, before giggling. “Heheh, watch your tails. Hahahaha!” She fell over onto the ground in laughter. “Uh, heheh,” Apple Bloom said, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks. “Thanks, Pinkie.” “No problem!” Pinkie Pie said. “Now, what was that about Apple pie?” “Right!” Apple Bloom said, climbing back the hill. “Gotta find Winona first.” She looked around, calling out his name. Pinkie Pie raced ahead towards the house. “Tell you what. You handle the dog, and I’ll start with the pie. Don’t worry, I’ll save you the best part; decorating!” Apple Bloom smiled and continued searching. “Right! All that’s left to do is use the leftover pastry to decorate it, then it’s into the oven!” Pinkie cheered. “Ah’ve never thought of that before. We normally either eat or throw out the rest of the pastry.” > Walkies — Sunset Shimmer x Spike; tacoprincess; EqG > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer pushed open the door to Twilight’s lab, looking around. “Hey, Twilight? You here?” After a few more seconds, she eventually spotted the girl sprawled out on the floor asleep. Sunset sweatdropped. You were the one who invited me… She shrugged and placed her somewhere more comfortable, before hearing the sound of a dog. “Oh, right. Spike!” she called quietly, folllowing his sound to the closest. She opened it up, blinking as he came running out. “What were you doing in there?” she asked, but of course, he didn’t respond. Dogs. She looked over at Twilight, then thought of something. “Well, why she’s out, wanna go for a walk?” In the spilt second that Sunset asked, she held a finger to her lips to silence him, then headed towards the door. “Come on.” Spike happily bounded out after her. “So, when was the last time you went out?” Sunset asked him, then mentally facepalmed. He’s a dog, Sunset. Ugh, must think I’m still in Equestria. She looked around the park, while Spike was constantly peeing on every second bush or pole he saw. Sunset groaned as she had to stop everytime. Seriously, dogs. After a few minutes or so, Sunset gave up and sat down on the nearest bench. Looking around, she realised the place was deserted. She leaned back and looked up at the sky, before feeling a soft patch of fur next to her. Sunset looked down at Spike curled up in a ball and smiled. Okay, they may be disgusting at times, but they’re still so cute. She patted her lap and Spike jumped up, nuzzling into Sunset’s neck. Sunset giggled. “You charmer,” she said, blushing as she kissed the top of his head. Spike rubbed up against her stomach happily, before flopping down on her lap and closing her eyes. A few minutes of staring at the sky and Sunset herself was fast asleep. Twilight raced down the path, looking around anxiously. “Spike! Spike!” she called, racing past the park. “Spi— oh, there you are— Huh?” Twilight silenced herself, but it was too late, as Sunset had woke from her slumber. She looked around, not noticing Twilight. “Huh, looks like it’s getting late, Spike. We should get you back to Twilight.” Sunset picked him up gently, smiling happily, before she walked forward and almost bumped into Twilight, who was confused as all hell. “Uh, did I miss something?” > More Than A Belly Rub — Sunset Shimmer x Spike; iLuvRainbows; EqG > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer was walking along outside Canterlot High School when she almost tripped over a small light purple dog. “What are you doing here, Spike? Where’s Twilight? Is there some kind of magical emergency happening at school?” “Woof!” Spike said. “Very funny!” Sunset said, flinging her jacket away into the wind. “If there’s an emergency, I want to be there. Twilight will need my help!” “Woof!” Spike reiterated. “You’re serious, aren’t you?” Sunset asked. “Woof!” Spike confirmed. Spike looked at him curiously. “So you’re the actual dog Spike, not the dragon Spike?” “Woof!” Spike agreed, wagging his little tail. “Awwww… you’re cute when you do that,” Sunset said, cuddling him and patting his head. “Of course, you’re always cute.” Spike blushed and looked into Sunset Shimmer’s eyes. “I don’t suppose…” Sunset said, returning Spike’s gaze. “No… this is too crazy. It’s wrong. You’re just a dog.” Spike’s face drooped. “I… I didn’t mean it like that,” Sunset explained, trying to comfort him. “I mean, I’m not really a human… I’m a pony. All sapient animals should be considered equal, right? I just don’t know if it’s right for a dog and a unicorn pony turned human thing to be together… not like that.” Spike turned his big puppy dog eyes on Sunset. She relented. “Okay, if that’s what you want.” She looked around, checking if anyone was watching. She pressed her lips against his and soon felt his tongue pushing against her lips, begging for entry. Sunset Shimmer tilted her head slightly to the side, parting her lips and felt his long doggy tongue slide into her mouth. Their tongues wrestled for dominance, jousting like knights on horseback, or two antelopes vying for a potential mate. But there could only be one winner: Spike, with his enormous canine tongue. But Sunset was happy to have his tongue dominating her mouth. She slid her hand along his fur, under his belly and started rubbing the soft purple hair there. Underneath the fur, her hand touched something hard. Oh my god, she thought. Spike tilted his little canine hips forward and his erection pressed into her fingers. She made a tiny circle with her thumb and forefinger and started stroking it up and down. Spike moved his hips forward and back in sync with her stroking, the passion in his kiss reflecting his desire. Sunset moved her fingers faster and faster. > Surprise Cosplay Party — Fluttershy x Derpy; iLuvRainbows; Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy clutched at her stomach and crawled along the street. She felt like she wanted the ground to open up and swallow her. “What’s wrong?” came a voice from above her. Derpy flew down and landed beside her, settling into a slow walk. “Did you eat some of Applejack’s baked bads?” “No… it’s not that…” Fluttershy groaned. Derpy thought for a moment. “Got in a fight with Bulk Biceps?” “Not that either…” Fluttershy moaned. Derpy scratched her head with a hoof. “Hmmm… well… then it must be…” “Time of the month,” they both completed together. “Oh dear, poor thing,” Derpy said. “Come back to my place. I think I know just the solution.” Five minutes later they were in Derpy’s house. “I never knew you lived in one of these cottages,” Fluttershy said, sitting on Derpy’s soft grey couch and sipping a cup of hot chocolate that the kind mail mare had prepared for her. “Yes, I moved here from Cloudsdale soon after I got my cutie mark,” Derpy explained. “Here, have another muffin.” She passed the basket to Fluttershy. Fluttershy reached out a hoof and grabbed a muffin. “Delicious,” she said, having taken a big bite. “This really has made me feel better.” “That’s not even what I meant!” Derpy said. “What will make you better is…” She left the room. Fluttershy waited. Five minutes passed and still she waited. Fluttershy wondered where Derpy had actually gone. She heard some loud banging from upstairs. She finished her drink and helped herself to another muffin. It was a big basket, and she was sure that Derpy wouldn’t mind. “… Dressing up!” exclaimed Derpy, enthusiastically leaping into the room while pulling a large free-standing rack of clothes behind her. Fluttershy couldn’t even remember the beginning of Derpy’s sentence anymore, but dressing up sounded fun. “Oh my… I don’t think any pony in Ponyville has such a large collection of clothes, except Rarity of course.” “I love dressing up!” Derpy enthused. “And I’m sure it will make you feel loads better.” “Maybe,” Fluttershy said, running her hoof along the rack, looking at the outfits. “Hey, this one’s cute… kind of anime style.” “Yeah, I’m going through a big anime cosplay phase at the moment,” Derpy explained. Fluttershy grinned, her abdominal pain a thing of the past. “Oh, I love anime. I’m just wild about everything from Neighpon!” “Let’s cosplay then!” Derpy shouted. The two picked outfits. > A Walk in the Park — Fluttershy x Derpy; tacoprincess; EqG > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Derpy swung her arms widely as she marched down the path, looking around at the trees around her. Although she looked happy, she was actually rather bored, and was looking for something to do. Then, all of a sudden, Derpy heard a small cry of pain. She gasped. “Somebody needs my help!” She raced off towards the sound, and stopped abruptly in front of a fence, spotting the pink haired girl clutching her stomach. “Don’t worry! Derpy will help you!” she announced, climbing up over the fence. She crawled over and jumped of the other side, falling over sideways. “Oh my — ow — goodness, are you alright?” Fluttershy asked, but didn’t move. “Me? Fine! Totally fine!” Derpy scrambled to her feet and knelt down next to Fluttershy. “Alright, what seems to be the problem, maam?” she asked, putting on an accent. “Ah, well, I was just picking the flowers over there when my stomach suddenly jolted. I don’t know what’s wrong, but now it keeps hurting,” Fluttershy said. “Hm...did you perhaps eat something you weren’t supposed to?” Derpy asked. Fluttershy squealed. “I certainly hope not!” “Accidentally get pregnant?” Derpy tried again. Fluttershy’s face flamed. “D-Definitely not! ... right?” “Hm...I dunno...maybe we should try some treatments just to see if it helps!” Derpy pulled out a needle from nowhere, immediately prompting Fluttershy to run away. Derpy grabbed her shirt to make sure she stayed, holding the needle close to her skin. “Now, this won’t hurt a bit…” Fluttershy squealed again, and was ready to pass out, when Derpy suddenly gave her a kiss on the cheek, and for that moment, felt nothing. “Right! All done!” Derpy said. “Feeling better?” “M-Much better...w-wait, what was that? You know the...kiss?” Fluttershy asked quietly. “It’s a treatment my mom used on me when I was little! It always worked!” Derpy said cheerfully. “Well, I’ll be sure to come to you whenever I need help,” Fluttershy said, before her stomach rumbled. “Oh, that’s what it was,” she said innocently. “And I thought I was dumb.” > The Drawing Robbery — Spitfire x Shining Armor; tacoprincess; Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Armor adjusted his tie, looking out at the restaurant in front of him. Even though he had agreed to meet her here, he wasn't so much of a fan of spaghetti. He took a deep breath and trotted towards the entrance, but just as he was about to enter, he heard a loud crash. Looking behind him, he saw the captain of the Wonderbolts, Spitfire, rubbing her head and mumbling to herself. "Stupid mail pony, always getting in my way," she said, looking in the bag she had hanging down from her neck. "Oh no. No no no no. Where did it go?" She started looking around frantically. Shining Armor went to walk up to her, but stopped when he heard a crunch beneath his hoof. He stepped back and picked up the piece of paper, flipping it over. It was a drawing of a Spitfire with a little filly, and she was teaching her how to fly. Shining Armor smiled a little and looked over at her. Holding the drawing up, he spoke in a loud voice. "This is a really good drawing. I wonder who it belongs to!" Spitfire quickly glared at him and pinned him onto the ground, grabbing the drawing out of his hands. "How dare you." "What the—" "How dare you steal this drawing!" Spitfire yelled. "Woah, woah, what? I didn't steal it! When would I have time to? I just found it on the ground; you must've dropped it," Shining Armor said in his defence. Spitfire frowned and stepped back. "I don't believe you, but I don't want to waste my time with someone like you." She went to fly off, but Shining Armor stopped her. "Wait. I was supposed to be having dinner with someone else, but they haven't turned up. I can treat you to some, um, spaghetti?" he offered. "Ugh," Spitfire said, unprofessionally for someone like her. "Spaghetti, I hate it." She pointed to the burger joint nearby. "Now there's a place worth going!" "Great!" Shining Armor said, and the two walked (most of the way) to the fast food place. After they finished eating, Shining turned to her. "So, you're looking to have kids one day?" Spitfire blushed, but quickly hid it. "Well, yeah, so what?" "Just saying," Shining Armor said as they turned to cross the road, "I think I can help you with that." > Gallery Opening — Spitfire x Shining Armor; iLuvRainbows; humanized > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prince Shining Armor walked through the gallery, looking at painting after painting after painting after painting; drawing after drawing after drawing after drawing. Holy Celestia, these events are boring! he thought to himself. One still life picture looked much like another. Bowls of fruit, and occasionally flowers. Why do artists keep repeating those same themes over and over and over again? But this one was different. A bowl of spaghetti! He paused in front of the painting, and saw another patron of the art gallery also inspecting it with interest. A tall woman with a shock of orange–yellow hair, dressed in a military uniform. “You like this one too?” she asked, turning to face him after they’d both been standing there for a few minutes. “Yes… it’s so… different,” he replied. “So unlike the usual bowls of fruit.” “I know the artist. He’s a colleague in my unit, and a personal friend. Soaring Skies, but prefers to go by the name of Soarin’.” “You’re in the military then?” Shining Armor asked, before burying his face in his hands. The woman turned to him and grinned. She adjusted her flight hat and looked down at her smartly buttoned uniform. “What gave that away, Sherlock?” “Sorry…” Shining Armour responded, daring to look out from between his fingers. “It’s no problem. People often get nervous around me and say silly things. I don’t know what it is… the uniform, my height, my severe personality…” “Your good looks,” Shining Armor added to the list. The woman blushed. She held out her hand. “Spitfire’s the name.” “Shining Armor,” said Shining Armor, taking her hand and shaking it warmly. “Oh… the Shining Armor?” Spitfire asked. “Prince Shining Armor?” Shining Armor nodded. “I’m… I was sorry to hear about your wife.” Shining Armor’s face drooped. “It… it was a long time ago now.” Spitfire straightened up. “I’m… I… I shouldn’t have brought it up.” She tried to change the topic. “So are you here in some sort of official capacity?” she asked. “Yes, I have to go to a lot of these things.” > Un-Conventional Cake — Button Mash x Lemon Zest; iLuvRainbows; EqG > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button Mash strolled along the hall, looking at the different booths that had been set up. “Wow! It’s the new version of Grand Theft Wagon!” he exclaimed, checking out a recent video game release. But, fun though it was, this video game convention was making him tired and hungry. He decided to check out Grand Theft Wagon 4 after he’d had a snack, a drink, and a sit down. He soon found a refreshments stand. “One slice of chocolate cake please,” he stated, standing at the counter. Mrs Cake gave him a generous helping to go with his milkshake. He awkwardly carried his tray around the dining area, looking for a free table, but there was none. A friendly-looking girl with lemon yellow and lime green hair pulled her headphones off and gestured towards him. “Hey, this seat’s free!” she said, patting the seat next to her. Button gulped. With long, flowing hair and soft pink skin, she was beautiful. He nervously approached her, the cutlery on his table rattling as his hands shook. “Great convention, eh?” she said as he sat down beside her. “Y-Yeah…” he agreed. “So, seen anything you like?” He had now. Oh yes, he had. “Ummm… yeah… some g-good g-g-games.” The girl smiled and extended her hand. “I’m Lemon Zest by the way.” “B-Button M-Mash,” Button said, shaking her hand. “Ooh! Strawberry sauce!” he exclaimed, spotting a bottle of red sauce. “Errr…” Lemon tried to stop him, but it was too late — Button had poured chilli sauce all over his cake. Button dug his fork into his cake. “Nothing goes better with chocolate than a nice berry sauce, don’t you think?” he asked. As the prongs of the fork passed his lips, he could tell something was wrong. The sauce felt almost warm against his mouth. As he chewed the mouthful, his tongue began to burn. He wanted to spit it out. But… the girl. She was so beautiful, and seemed really interested in him. He’d look a fool in front of her. He kept chewing. He swallowed. “So,” he said, "are you enjoying it here?” He took a quick slurp of milkshake which did a little to relieve the fire in his mouth. She eyed him curiously. Was he really eating chocolate cake with chilli sauce?! “Ummm… yeah, it’s great.” Button looked at the cake. He couldn't stop eating it now. He'd look ridiculous. He lowered his fork and scooped up another bite. > Untitled — Button Mash x Lemon Zest; tacoprincess; EqG > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lemon Zest pushed open the doors energetically, bouncing inside. “Happy birthday, Button Mash!” she called out. The room was silent. Lemon looked around curiously. “Button Mash?” she said, peering under the tables. A sigh. “Over here, Lemon.” Lemon Zest walked behind the kitchen counter where Button Mash lay, drenched in hot sauce. “W-What happened to you?” “These guys they… arrived at my party. They were the only ones. But they were only their to tease me, so…” Button sighed. “Well, I’m glad I’m here! I mean, who wouldn’t want to go to a party? Especially a birthday party!” Lemon cheered. “R-Right,” Button Mash said, standing up. “You are!” “Right I am,” Lemon Zest said, “so let’s go have some fun!” An hour of partying later, and Button Mash walked towards the fridge, pulling out a ginormous cake. “I was expecting lots of people to come, but I guess that didn’t happen, so now we have it all to ourselves.” “Awesome!” Lemon said, cutting herself a really big slice, she and Button Mash sat down at the table together. “Thanks for coming, really. I was worried I was gonna be all alone,” he said. “No-one should be alone on their birthday!” Lemon said, looking up at him. She swallowed and leaned closer to him. “You’ve got a little something…” Lemon Zest licked the icing off his cheek, grinning as Button Mashed blushed, hiding his face. “Heheh, you’re so cute!” Lemon said, moving back to her cake. > The Filly — Doctor Hooves x Princess Celestia; tacoprincess; Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doctor Whooves peered through the castle doors. “Hm. This place is interesting. Very… white. Not much else to say.” He continued on his way, checking through his wallet. “I hope this is enough. Meeting the princess is a very big deal, I must offer her whatever I can,” he said, looking around. “Now, which way was it to the throne room again…?” He made his way through the castle, but he couldn’t seem to find her anywhere. After a few minutes, he left the castle, and bumped into a little filly who he didn’t recognize at all a few steps out. “Oh, I’m so sorry about that, miss...uh, what brings you here little one?” the Doctor asked. The little filly lowered her head. “I came here to see if the princesses would give me something to eat. I haven’t had anything in ages…“ “Oh, well, don’t worry about that,” Doctor Whooves said, pulling out a fair few coins from his bag. “Here, you can have these. They were supposed to go to the princess, but you deserve them more. “Oh, thank you mister!” she said, running up and hugging him. The Doctor looked around, and awkwardly hugged her back. “R-Right...well, I best be going then…” The filly didn’t respond, instead just blew a raspberry and giggled. “Right. Come here you!” The Doctor jumped on her, tickling her stomach. She laughed loudly. Sooner or later, her voice started to get a bit deeper and very similar… The Doctor looked up to see Princess Celestia lying on the floor, giggling the same way the girl did. “Ah, I haven’t done that in ages,” she said calmly. “P-P-P-Princess Celestia?” The Doctor said, his face flaming, he jumped back. “Right on time, Doc,” she said, winking. The Doctor, however, was just freaking out. “I’m terribly sorry about that princess! If I had known it was you, I—” “Not to worry. Why else would I change into a little filly? I haven’t been tickled like that in ages. Plus, I brought out another side of you,” she said. “Now, state your business,” she said sternly, only you could tell by the smile she didn’t mean it. The Doctor stepped closer. “I don’t know. You tell me.” Princess Celestia smirked a little. “That’s more like it.” > The Proposal — Doctor Hooves x Princess Celestia; iLuvRainbows; Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doctor Hooves was ushered into the throne room. The members of the royal guard who escorted him had serious looks on their faces. They exited the room, shutting the door behind them. The Doctor was fairly sure that wasn’t standard procedure — to leave him totally alone with the Princess. “Errrm… your majesty,” he said, bowing deeply. “Good Doctor,” Princess Celestia said, kindly. “I trust you had a pleasant trip here?” The Doctor stood up straight. “Yes, the train from Ponyville was most comfortable.” Celestia climbed down from the throne and walked towards him. “You must be wondering why you’ve been summoned here.” “Yes,” the Doctor answered, “you could say that.” The question had been playing on his mind for the past two days. Ever since he’d received the warrant to come to Canterlot and meet with the princess. “Well, I have a proposal for you.” “A proposal?” the Doctor asked. “Yes, a little task I need you to take care of.” “A task?” he asked. Celestia rolled her eyes. “Are you some kind of parrot? Are you just going to keep repeating everything I say?” “A parrot? … Oh, sorry.” “Don’t worry,” Celestia assured him. “You’ll be handsomely rewarded. But… the task is one of great secrecy. You must tell no pony about the great responsibility I’ll be placing upon you.” “Oookay…” the Doctor said, unsurely. Celestia put her nose right up in his face. “Do you accept?” “I… I don’t even know what the task is!” Her horn began to glow. “Do. You. Accept?” “I… I accept!” “Very good,” Celestia said. She rang a little bell and a guard appeared. “Ensure that the money is waiting for Doctor Hooves at Canterlot station when he leaves.” “Very good, your majesty,” said the guard, retreating. Doctor Hooves and the princess were alone again. He gulped nervously. “So what is this task which you ask me to perform?” Princess Celestia looked around. There were many staff who worked in this castle, and Canterlot was a giant rumour mill, gossip spreading very quickly. Once she was sure that no pony was listening, she lowered herself onto her knees and then rolled onto her back. “Tickle me please! I’m such a naughty pony! I need to be punished! Tickle me! Tickle me, doctor!” > Fishing Trip — Silver Spoon x Rainbow Dash; tacoprincess; EqG > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash sighed, placing her cheek on her hand as she looked out to the river. “This is boring! How can you handle this?” she asked Silver Spoon, looking up at her. “Sometimes it’s good to be bored once in awhile,” she said, smiling as she focused on her line. “You don’t look bored though,” Rainbow said, sweat dropping. “Alright, but if either of us catches a fish, we’re doing what I want next.” A few minutes after, her line tugged and she frowned competitively, pulling back as hard as she could, trying to reel it in. Silver Spoon burst into laughter when she saw what it was. “Ugh!” Rainbow threw the boot back into the lake. “Whatever. I will catch one!” Five hours and three cans of tuna later, Rainbow Dash finally caught a fish. A very small one, but a fish nonetheless. They packed up the stuff and Rainbow led Silver to the nearby bowling alley. “Alright, this is more like it! It’s a bit late, but this place is better at night anyways,” Rainbow said, holding the door open for her. Silver Spoon walked in, looking around. “Well, at least I have a chance to beat you.” “Heh, we’ll see about that,” Rainbow said, paying for a game for the two. She got Silver and herself a soda and they sat on the seats in the alley, pulling on their shoes. Rainbow Dash was the first to go, picking up a medium sized ball. “Alright.” She aimed it at the middle pin, and rolled it at fast as she could, but was disappointed when it rolled to the side a bit, knocking down only six pins. She hid it and walked back to go again. She tried again to hit it straight, but missed one pin. “Dammit. I could’ve got a strike then,” she said, and Silver Spoon went next, moving to the edge of the bowling line. She rolled it down near the edge. Rainbow smirked.“Aiming for the gutter are we?” Silver Spoon turned around and smiled as the ball twisted to the side, hitting the middle and knocking down all the pins. “N-No way!” Rainbow said. “How did you—” “It’s all about the wrist,” Silver said, sitting down and taking a sip. Rainbow Dash blinked and took her next turn, standing straight. Wrist… she moved a bit to the side, rolling the ball down. She hit the middle pin, and knocked down all but one. She gulped and grabbed another ball, aiming further to the left, she crossed her fingers behind her back as it neared the single pin, eventually knocking it down. “Yes! Spare!” Rainbow said, winking. “And who do you have to thank?” Silver said, taking another sip. Rainbow Dash smirked and walked up to her, lifting up her glass. “You, of course.” She said, kissing her forehead. “Now, come on, show me what you’re made of!” > Alley — Silver Spoon x Rainbow Dash; iLuvRainbows; EqG > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Spoon looked around for Diamond Tiara. “Diamond! Diamond!” she called. She looked near the place where you change shoes. She looked hear the refreshments stand. She looked in the bowling lanes. But Diamond Tiara was nowhere to be seen. She slumped down on a seat and crossed her arms. Typical of Diamond Tiara. It’s fair enough to change your mind about going bowling, but she could have at least had the decency to tell Silver Spoon she wasn’t coming. “Friends not showed up?” came a voice from beside her. Silver Spoon looked around to see who it was. It was that Rainbow Dash girl from school. The one that her classmate Scootaloo was friends with. “Errr… it seems not.” “Hey, why don’t you come join me? I was just here on my own anyway, for a practice session. It would be nice to have some company. People look at you a bit weird if you’re bowling on your own, but I like to get in a bit of practice without Applejack here, so I can whoop her butt next time I go bowling with her!” Rainbow Dash grinned. Silver Spoon smiled. “That sounds nice, yes.” “Well, get your shoes changed, and I’ll see you down there.” Rainbow headed down to find a lane. Silver Spoon eagerly changed her shoes, unsure of exactly why it would be unsuitable for her to use her normal shoes. Then she went to join Rainbow Dash. She and Rainbow bowled a couple of rounds competitively before it became clear that Rainbow was the much better bowler. After that, Rainbow started teaching Silver Spoon some techniques. It turned out that teaching bowling helped Rainbow clarify the principles behind it in her mind, and helped even her improve her game. After an hour of bowling, chatting, laughter, and fun, their time in the lane was up. Other bowlers were waiting. Rainbow’s stomach rumbled. “Hey, Silver Spoon, fancy a bite to eat?” “Sure,” Silver Spoon replied, “but let me buy. You paid for the lane.” Rainbow was uncomfortable letting a younger girl pay for her. She didn’t want Silver Spoon using up all her pocket money. But Silver Spoon seemed so keen, that Rainbow eventually relented, allowing her to buy them each a big plate of fish and chips, and a can of coke. The two tucked into their meals eagerly. Soon their plates were cleaned and they each wiped their mouths and leaned back in their comfy chairs. “That was delicious. Thanks, Silver Spoon,” Rainbow declared. “No problem, Rainbow Dash. I had a great time this evening.” “Me too,” Rainbow said. > The Darkness — Cadance x Rarity; iLuvRainbows; Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadance sat up, bolt upright. Her breath heaved. The nightmares had started again. She looked at Shining Armor, slumbering peacefully by her side. Oh, why, why would this nightmare never go away?! She’d dreamt of the same thing every night for the past month. Every since… it was almost too hard to think about it when she was awake. Perhaps her repressing the memory during the day what what led to her subconscious bringing it out at night? She sighed and reached for a tissue from her bedside table. She wiped the sweat from her brow and then dropped it onto the floor. It could be tidied up in the morning. Cadance thought about waking her husband. He knew about the nightmares of course, but she didn’t want to worry him by letting him know how frequent they’d become. She nestled her head back into the pillow to try to get back to sleep, but the shapes in the darkness kept reminding her of that. Kept reminding her of… it. That time. That one time she’d seen something that could never be unseen. She sat up again. She was a fool to think going back to sleep would ever be a good idea. She should just stay up and read. She still had 50 Shades of Hay on her bedside table. But… it was too dark. She couldn’t switch the lights on for fear of waking Shining Armor. Perhaps the light of her horn would be enough. No… that was too distracting, having a light source right between her eyes. She was never able to focus on the text that way. She settled back into her pillow again, groaning. This had been going on for far too long. She’d been sleepless for weeks. The bags under her eyes were becoming difficult to cover up with make-up. Officials she met with were beginning to comment on how tired she looked. She’d become snappy around her husband and the other ponies she loved the most. Her whole life was beginning to fall apart because of this… this… this dream! She was a powerful alicorn. She couldn’t let something like this run her life. She sighed despondently. She closed her eyes and tried to get to sleep again. She started counting sheep. One sheep, two sheep, three sheep, four sheep, five sheep, six sheep, seven sheep, eight sheep, nine sheep, ten sheep, eleven… The nightmare came to her again… Rarity seductively licking a lollipop. Ewww! > Lollipops and Marshmallow — Cadance x Rarity; tacoprincess; Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity peered into the Crystal Palace, looking around. “Hello, Princess Cadance? Rarity here. I have your delivery!” she called, but there was no response. Frowning in confusion, she made her way through the palace, hoisting a big bag of lollipops. “It sure is rather dark in here,” Rarity said as she looked through the halls. “Maybe she’s not home?” She continued down a nearby dark hallway, feeling something rush past her leg. “W-What was that? Who’s there” Rarity asked defensively, looking around. She continued on, taking much slower and more cautious steps. “Rarity…” Rarity gulped and tried to remain calm. “Uh, yes?” “Rarity…” “Princess Cadance, is that you?” she asked. Adding a ‘This isn’t funny!’ would be rather innapropraite to say to a princess, she thought. “R-Right, well...I-I have your—” “Boo!” Princess Cadance called, jumping out of nowhere. Rarity screamed, running back a few steps, before lighting up her horn. “Princess! Y-You scared me!” Rarity exclaimed. “I know,” Cadance said, winking, she (somehow) turned on the lights. “Come on, this way.” Rarity rolled her eyes and followed after her to the kitchen. “Alright. 500 lollipops, as you ordered. Darling, I must ask, what are these for?” Cadance blinked and turned to her. “Well, for eating of course!” “Y-You’re going to eat all of those by yourself?” Rarity asked. “Maaaybe,” Cadance said, unwrapping one and taking a lick. With a smirk, she gently placed it into Rarity’s mouth. Rarity exploded, stepping back. “W-W-W-What was that for?!” “Oh, I don’t know...I felt like it,” Cadance said. “You felt like invading my mouth?” Rarity asked. “Do you want me to do it again?” Cadance asked, leaning closer. Rarity blushed, but barely had a moment to object before Cadance’s lips were placed against hers. After a few seconds or so, she pulled apart, and while Rarity stumbled back, leaning on the bench, Cadance licked her lips. “Hm, tastes like marshmallows. Can I taste again?” she asked. Rarity blinked, and slowly nodded her head up and down. > Quadruple Chocolate Chip Cookies — Moondancer x Twilight Sparkle; iLuvRainbows; Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moondancer was walking through the streets of Canterlot one day, listening to the Ponytones on her headphones. She was barely paying attention to where she was going. Most uncharacteristic for her. She was on her way to the bakery shop to buy some quadruple chocolate chip cookies. She’s had her heart set on them for weeks, but had promised herself that she’d wait until she’d finished writing her thesis on alicorn magic before buying herself a bag as a reward. Today was the day. The day to celebrate.The day to buy the cookies. Narrowly avoiding walking into a few lampposts because she wasn’t really paying attention to where she stepped, she finally made it to the bakery without incident. She took her headphones off and spoke to the mare behind the counter. “One bag of quadruple chocolate chip cookies!” she ordered enthusiastically, with an enormous grin upon her face. “Oh, I’m sorry. We just sold the last bag,” said the bakery pony. “To that mare over there — she gestured towards a lavender pony that was just leaving the shop.” Moondancer turned around to see a purple flank heading out of the door. “After her! She has my cookies!” she squealed. Because she was such a smexy little unicorn, half the stallions in the shop leaped up, eager to help her. They rushed to the doorway, but it was fairly narrow, so they all got jammed in. Moondancer used her magic to line them up and they went out in single file, following the purple mare. Moondancer and the stallions galloped after the cookie purchaser, winding through the busy Canterlot streets, avoiding wagons, school fillies and school colts, street vendors, ponies carrying ladders, cats, dogs, and other such obstacles which are really not that important to the narrative of this story. Soon they rounded a corner and Moondancer came face to face… well… face to flank with the cookie owner. It was her old friend Twilight Sparkle, whom she recognized from her flank, on account of her flank having a very unique cutie mark. Not like Amethyst Star who had the same cutie mark as several other background ponies. Twilight Sparkle was there, sharing the cookies with her friends Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and the other one. Luckily, there was one spare… for Moondancer. The stallions didn’t get any. Sucks to be them. Moondancer learnt an important lesson about friendship. You should always share your quadruple chocolate cookies with your friends. Always. Because they’re nice. Very nice cookies indeed. And that’s what she learnt. From Twilight. > Moondancing — Moondancer x Twilight Sparkle; tacoprincess; EqG > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle coughed a little as smoke poured out of the now opened oven. She grabbed the nearby oven mitts and took out the tray, just as she heard a knock on the door. “Come in!” she called, grabbing two plates from her cupboard. Moondancer dropped her bag near the door and looked ahead. “What’s...what’s this for?” “Well, I wanted to bake something for you, and decided to make cookies. I, uh, don’t know if they’re perfect, but—” “They’re fine, really,” Moondancer said with a smile. Twilight smiled back. “Great.” She continued placing the cookies on the plates, and then sat down with Moondancer at the kitchen table, the two of them eating (mainly) in silence. “Okay, I hate to admit it, but silence kills me,” Moondancer said, pulling out her phone. She placed it in the middle of the table and turned on her music. “Uh, okay,” Twilight said, scratching the back of her neck. “Is something wrong?” Moondancer asked. “I guess I just feel like I should be the one, um, making sure you don’t feel that way…” Twilight said, knotting her fingers together. “It’s fine. Really. I don’t expect everything from you, Twilight, so you shouldn’t expect everything from yourself either. You’re fine just the way you are,” Moondancer said. “Really?” Twilight said, looking up hopefully. Moondancer smiled. “Come here,” she said, standing up. Twilight did the same, walking up to her. Moondancer kissed her on the forehead, a small blush forming on Twilight’s cheeks. “See? You don’t need to change. I still love the Twilight infront of me.” Twilight smiled a little and looked down. “T-Thanks....” Moondancer grinned a little, before listening to the music. “Oh, this is a great song!” she said, holding out her hand. “Want to dance?” “Oh, uh, I’ve never really…” Twilight stopped when Moondancer shushed her. “It’s easy, I’ll show you,” she said, leading Twilight to an open area. Moondancer placed a hand on her waist, then guided Twilight’s hand to her shoulder. “Okay, one step forward, two steps back, one step forward, two steps back...see, now you have it!” Moondancer said. “These steps seem rather basic. What is the point of them?” Twilight asked. Moondancer chuckled. “You’re too cute. But...I suppose it’s us, moving together in time. If the moves were too complicated, you wouldn’t be able to do that very easily.” “...Huh, that’s true,” Twilight said, giggling a little as she was spun around on the spot. “See? This is fun,” Moondancer said, staring into her eyes as they danced. Twilight blushed, and the two carried on until the song ended. “W-Well, thank you for that...it was fun, yes. Little bit embarrassing, but I suppose it’s okay with just me and you…” “That is, until our wedding day,” Moondancer said. Twilight jumped. “Y-You’re thinking about that already?” she squeaked. “Haha, just teasing,” Moondancer said, ruffling up her hair.