> Chrysalis > by Pinkamena666 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Calm Before the Storm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1450 B.W. 8:15 am It was a calm morning in the Changeling hive. Perhaps everyone was taking this moment to relax before their planned attack tomorrow. Even Queen Ash was still asleep, along with the two Elites, Ember and Chrysalis. But the more the sun rose, the more awake they all became. Chrysalis was sleeping on her side in her bedchamber, wearing nothing whatsoever. The only source of light this room had was from torches on the walls. The Elite's eyes slowly opened as she looked at the drone sleeping beside her, her eyes still closed as she breathed peacefully. Chrysalis smiled as she reached out and gently stroked her cheek. The drone's eyes slowly opened before she smiled, nuzzling Chrysalis' hand. The Elite scooted up to her and leaned in, kissing her neck and wrapping her leg around her. She then slid her hand down to the drone's butt and gripped it. Chrysalis licked her lips before pulling the drone underneath her, positioning her rod between the drone's legs before pushing in. The drone let out a cute squeak and closed her eyes as the Elite pumped her hips. Chrysalis let out soft moans and gasps as she enjoyed the feeling of the drone's wet folds around her tool. After a few more pumps, Chrysalis let out a grunt as she felt her load release inside the drone's pussy. Letting out soft gasps and pants, Chrysalis smiled and kissed the drone on the lips, holding it for a few seconds before pulling back. "Good morning, sweetie..." The drone simply gave her a smile. 'Good morning, ma'am,' Chrysalis heard in her head. It was soft, gently, slightly raspy female voice. Chrysalis gave her a quick kiss on the nose before pulling the covers off her. She then got up and stretched, the lighting showing off her curves as the drone watched her, admiring her body. The Elite then looked over at the drone and smiled. "A thought has occurred to me..." 'A thought?' the drone asked telepathically as all drones did. "Yes..." Chrysalis replied as she turned and walked back towards the bed, hips swaying seductively as she smirked. "I do not believe I have had my breakfast yet..." she cooed as she ran a hand up the sheets to the drone, gripping them and pulling them off her. She then gripped the drone's cock and stroked it quickly while leaning in and kissing her cheek. "Come on... Let me have it..." she moaned, licking the drone's ear as she stroked faster. It didn't take long for the drone to climax at that speed, her Changeling cum shooting out in a straight line and trailing down her body from her face. Smiling, Chrysalis leaned in to her belly and licked up the cum trail, her tongue sliding over the drone's skin as she made her way up between her breasts and to her face. Once there, she swallowed and smiled. "Thanks for the meal, sweetie," she cooed as she stood and walked off, leaving the drone panting heavily. Chrysalis left her chambers and stood in a rocky tunnel. A few feet away was a small path on the left leading to Ember's bedroom. To the right of that was a path leading towards Queen Ash's chambers. Ahead, down the hall, was the main cavern where most activities took place. Letting out a sigh, Chrysalis began walking down the path towards the main room. When she passed by Ember's door, it swung open, revealing the other Elite Changeling. She had a similar look to Chrysalis as both were Elites; they looked like a drone but had long hair down to their shoulders and slightly bigger wings. The only way to tell the two apart was their eyes; Chrysalis had green eyes and Ember had red. Chrysalis looked over the Elite and raised an eyebrow, noticing that Ember looked a little tired. "You are looking rather... sleepy, Ember," Chrysalis pointed out. "Something wrong?" "I did not sleep well, if you must know," the other Elite replied in a rather annoyed tone, closing her door behind her. "You do realize we have drones for things like that, yes?" The green-eyed Elite asked, wondering why the other Elite wasn't using drones to her benefit. After all, one of the ways Changelings stay healthy and energized is by having sex. Needless to say, a lot of sex happens and both Elites and Queens are known to take some to their room at night for refueling. "Why not snag a few and take them to your room?" The red-eyed Changeling gave a disgusted look. "Ugh... Intermingling with the lower class? As future queen of this hive I should not have to stoop so low..." "Our current queen does it all the time," Chrysalis replied, pointing down the hallway which led to the queen's chambers. "Why is it that you can not?" "If Ash... wants to fuck... a drone... then, that's her business..." Ember snapped. "I, on the other hand..." she started as she reached a hand out to Chrysalis and gently rubbed her cheek. "...prefer to stick to fucking a Changeling like you..." Chrysalis sighed as she put her hand on Ember's. "And, I do enjoy our times together, Ember, but... you should show the drones some respect... After all, without them we would be at a disadvantage when it comes to attacking the Empire..." "Cannon fodder..." Ember retorted with a scoff before pulling Chrysalis close so they could feel and smell each other's breath. "Listen, Chryssi... Stop it... You can be close fuck buddies with the drones but I shall stick to the higher class..." With that, she planted a kiss on Chrysalis' lips. Even though she disagreed immensely with Ember's views, Chrysalis still had respect for her. The red-eyed Elite was a great fighter in combat but a leader she was not. Chrysalis knew the queen had made a mistake naming Ember to be next in line. Soon into the kiss, both heard a female voice call to them in their head. 'Chrysalis. Ember. My chambers now.' the voice of the queen said. She sound like a kind and mature woman while also having that intimidating tone a ruler should have. Both Elites broke the kiss and looked down the hall towards Ash's room. "You think that... the time has come?" Chrysalis asked. Ember shook her head lightly. "Mmm... If she wants us for that... you can take the lead..." she said as the two began running towards their ruler's chambers. Opening the large door, the two entered the large room of their queen. Inside was a large bed with nicer sheets than the Elites had. Surrounding the bed were drones, about five on each of the three sides with the queen on top. Ash was slightly taller than the two Elites with a longer horn. In addition to her more mature look, she had a rather large belly. It was also worth noting that she was completely naked, her pussy dripping what looked like green juices. "Is it time, my queen?" Asked Chrysalis as she walked up to the bed, Ember following behind her. "Yes," Ash cooed as she rubbed her belly gently with her sharp-looking claw-like fingers. Chrysalis looked at Ember, who shook her head. The green-eyed Elite sighed and looked at the queen. "I will assist you, my queen," Chrysalis said as she stepped up between the queen's legs. "Thank you, Chrysalis," Ash said as she smiled at her. "For that, I shall let you name the first one." The Elite smiled at this honor. "Yes, my queen," she said before looking down at the queen's pussy. Slowly getting to her knees, she watched as the queen let out light grunts. It didn't seem like it hurt her in the slightest, probably due to the fact that the eggs were just small enough to fit in your palm. The queen's pussy started to spread open as a green spherical egg began to push its way out. Chrysalis held her hands underneath the pussy before the egg fell out into her palms. Smiling, Chrysalis looked at it as the queen watched her. "What will you call her?" Asked Ash. Chrysalis hesitated in thought before gently petting the egg with her right hand. "I think... I will call her... Nala..." "Nala?" Asked Ember, sounding like she did not approve of the name. "I think that sounds like a wonderful name," Ash said with a smile. Chrysalis returned her smile and held the egg out to one of the drones. The drone took the egg carefully and carried it out of the room, heading towards the pod room. When she left, Chrysalis returned her gaze to the queen who was lightly grunting again. "There is a lot more left in here..." Ash reminded her. "Of course, my queen," the green-eyed Elite said as she put her hands near the queen's pussy, catching the second egg. Chrysalis and Ember left the queen's room, heading down the path towards the main room as the red-eyed Elite eyed her friend. "You enjoyed that?" Asked Ember. Chrysalis gave her a smile and nodded. "Oh, yes. It was an honor." Ember rolled her eyes as they passed the path on the left leading back to their own chambers, when Chrysalis heard the queen's voice. 'Chrysalis... Come back,' the voice said. The green-eyed Elite stopped and looked back, making the red-eyed Elite stop as well. "What is it?" Asked Ember. "Ash... She wants to see me," Chrysalis answered as she began heading back. "I shall join you later, Ember," she said, waving bye to her friend. Ember let out a sigh and continued making her way towards the main room. Chrysalis stepped back into the queen's room to see the queen laying on her side. Her pussy still had some green juices leaking out as she looked rather exhausted. Her belly was also back to its nice, sleek shape. The Elite closed the door and slowly approached the bed. The 15 drones that were there before had left to go take care of the eggs. "You wanted to see me?" Chrysalis asked as she knelt beside the bed on the side the queen was facing. Ash nodded with a smile. "Would you like to assist me further?" Chrysalis nodded. "Of course... Anything... What do you need, my queen?" "You do realize you can call me mother, yes?" Ash asked as she reached out and gently stroked the Elite's head. The green-eyed Changeling nodded. "If that is what you want... mother..." The queen chuckled and patted the bed. "Back to why I called you back..." Chrysalis eyed the bed before the queen, smiling. "Feeling exhausted after all that... mother?" She asked as she climbed onto the bed. Ash nodded as she gently placed her hand on Chrysalis' back. "You know what to do?" "I heard about this back when I was a drone..." the Elite said as she climbed atop Ash, the queen rolling onto her back to look up at her. "I just never thought I'd be the one to do this..." "You earned it..." Ash cooed as she placed her other hand on Chrysalis' back. "Now, kiss me." "Yes, mother," the Elite moaned as she leaned in and kissed the queen on the lips, their long tongues wrapping around each other. The queen's hands moved down to Chrysalis' butt, gently gripping it. 'Enter me...' Chrysalis heard the queen's voice say in her head. The Elite smiled and raised her hips, reaching down and gripping her cock, aligning it with her pussy and pushing in. The queen let out a moan as she entered but the kiss did not stop. Once entering, Chrysalis began to move her hips back and forth while her left hand stroked the queen's side while her right gently groped the queen's left breast. After what felt like an hour, Chrysalis felt the queen wrap her legs around her as both let out a loud, muffled moan as even that didn't break the kiss. Ash suddenly felt her pussy fill up with semen as Chrysalis felt liquids splash her crotch. Their breathing picking up weight, the two kept kissing until they began to breathe normally again. Chrysalis slowly pulled back, their tongues parting as saliva dripped onto the queen's chin. The Elite then leaned in and began licking the saliva off her chin. "Do not forget to clean all of me..." Ash said as she gently rubbed Chrysalis' neck. The Elite lifted her head once the queen's chin was clean and smiled, nodding as she slid down her ruler's body until her face was by the soaked royal pussy. Chrysalis did not hesitate to lick up the green juices as she let out a soft moan at the queen's taste. She did not, however, let herself get carried away and pulled away once the wet folds were clean. "Thank you, Chrysalis," the queen cooed as she sat up and turned to her right, getting off the bed and stretching. "Now, come. Let us entertain the drones." Chrysalis slid off the bed and waited until the queen had slid into her very skimpy outfit; a thin tube top made from tattered green cloth along with a skirt in which the left half the skirt drooped down to her left knee while the other side only went down to just below her hip. When she walked, Chrysalis got a nice view of her sleek right leg. "Come," the queen cooed as she walked passed Chrysalis, running a hand over her cheek. The Elite nodded and used her magic to open the door. Stopping and looking back at her, Ash smiled. "Thank you," she said before leaving the room. Following closely, Chrysalis closed the door with her hand as she and the queen headed towards the main room. Upon entering the large room, the two were greeted to orgy after orgy as all the drones were already having fun. Just a common sight to see in the hive. Another common thing to see was a bunch of naked bodies as the only one with clothing was the queen. Even the Elites were naked. As they walked in further, Ember came up to them. "What took you two so long?" Asked the red-eyed Changeling. "I had to practically run from this really horny drone." Chrysalis let out an annoyed sigh and walked up to her. "Fine... You and me..." she said, taking Ember's hand and leading her to a clear space. The room they were in was large and rocky with filed down rock formations that served as tables. On the tables was a green slime which helped make it comfortable for Changelings to lay on them. Sleeping on a hard rock is not as fun as it would seem. Ember laid down on her back as Chrysalis climbed atop her, not hesitating to push her way inside. "Eager, huh?" Asked Ember as she felt Chrysalis thrust harder. "You just seem like you really want it..." the green-eyed Changeling cooed as she placed her hands by Ember's head. "You looked tired when you woke up..." "Well, I... was without you or... Ash..." Ember moaned out softly. "Drones are useful for that..." Chrysalis said, still trying to convince her. "Watch." She looked to her side as she kept thrusting, seeing if there were any drones around who wanted help. As she did, a blue-eyed drone came up to her. Smiling, Chrysalis grabbed the drone's cock and began sucking on it. Ember looked away as she felt Chrysalis' breasts. After a few more seconds, Chrysalis jerked the rod faster before the drone moaned and shot cum into Chrysalis' mouth. "Mmm..." the Elite cooed, licking her lips before giving the cock a quick lick to clean it. "Thank you... Now, go have some more fun." The drone nodded and ran off. Looking down at Ember, Chrysalis lowered herself so they were face-to-face as they fucked. "They really are helpful... And, they like it..." "Whatever..." Ember said, before looking at her friend again, smiling. "Could you sleep with me tonight?" Chrysalis hesitated before reaching between them and gripping Ember's cock. "If it means you getting some rest for tomorrow, then okay. But, do not get used to it... When you are queen, you may have to lay with a few drones..." Ember scoffed and shook her head. "When I am queen, I can do whatever I want..." "That may be true, but... please, do not do anything that could hurt the Hive..." Ember looked her in the eyes and let out a deep, annoyed sigh. "Fiiiiine... If it comes down to it... I will reluctantly... lie with a drone... or two... But, only if I must..." Chrysalis smiled and nodded. "Good enough... for now..." she cooed as she sped up her thrusts and jerked Ember's cock more. Ember's moans increased until suddenly she shot cum all over herself, her rod twitching and throbbing as she did. Smiling, Chrysalis pounded her friend's pussy as hard as she could. "Pent up?" Asked the green-eyed Elite. "You do not get enough sex..." After she spoke, she moaned and rammed her dick inside Ember, releasing her Changeling cum and feeling a lot of it leak out. Laying atop her, Chrysalis sighed and nuzzled Ember. "You can go see if the queen would like some attention..." Chrysalis said before licking Ember's cheek. "I shall go mingle with the drones..." With that, she got off the table and stood before walking off. Ember let out a groan and nodded, getting up as well before heading towards the queen's throne at the other side of the cave. > A Day of Fun / Gearing Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10:05 am Chrysalis approached a group of drones who were quite busy making out lovingly, each on sitting the floor and leaning against one another. The Elite smiled and knelt down, kissing one on the back of the neck and reaching around to grab her cock when she suddenly heard a voice. 'Chrysalis,' came Ash's voice. 'Come to me...' The Elite hesitated as the drone looked over her shoulder at her. Chrysalis, noticing the drone was looking at her, smiled back. "Sorry, cutie..." she cooed as she kissed the drone on the lips. "Her highness is calling..." She then stood up and began making her way passed the orgy groups, heading towards a large throne made from the wood of Timberwolves. Green Changeling goo coated most of the throne so Ash wouldn't get poked by the branches and twigs. On it sat the queen with two drones worshiping her legs and feet. Smiling, Chrysalis made her way over to them. Ash smiled as the Elite got closer. "Chrysalis. Take a seat," she cooed, pointing to a spot on the floor between the drones as she spread her legs. Nodding, Chrysalis got to her knees between the drones as they had moves to the side to keep worshiping their queen. Chrysalis eyed the queen's cock before reaching out and gently stroking it with both hands. "What did you need, my queen?" Asked the Elite, eyes moving to look up at the ruler. "What are your thoughts on tomorrow?" Ash asked suddenly. "Um... Sorry, my queen, but... What do you--" "Am I doing the right thing?" Ash asked. "Can my children handle it? Will we succeed?" Chrysalis hesitated in thought, her mind racing with all the questions. "Well, we... need love, yes?" Asked the Elite as she kept stroking the queen's rod. "And the world despises us... We need love to survive and the love of a non-Changeling is greater than that of a Changeling... I think we have to do this and we have to succeed..." She then gave the queen a smile. "And, I think we can pull this off..." Ash gave her a smile and nodded. "I am happy to hear that... Your faith and devotion to this hive is commendable, Chrysalis... I did the right thing making you an Elite..." She then looked around the room, not seeing Ember anywhere. "I am worried about Ember..." "Ember?" Asked the green-eyed Changeling. "I think she can do it... She just needs some work... A push in the right direction, perhaps." "Perhaps," Ash agreed before letting out a soft grunt, reaching out and gently pulling Chrysalis closer so her mouth was against her cock. The green-eyed Changeling closed her eyes and accepted the queen's load, swallowing it before pulling back and licking the tip clean. "Always a pleasure to receive your cum, my queen," Chrysalis said with a smile. Ash smiled back and patted her head. "The questions about tomorrow was all I needed from you... After that lovely bonus you may go back to mingling." The Elite nodded and stood up, eyeing the two drones who were still hard at work licking and kissing the queen's legs and feet. Chrysalis then turned from them and began walking away. She soon stopped when she eyed the pod room. Deciding to go check on the eggs, she turned and began heading towards them. When she entered the room, she saw dozens upon dozens of eggs on the floor, each one glowing and pulsating slightly as Changeling goo coated them. The goo kept them stuck to the floor so they wouldn't roll away while also providing the eggs warmth. Chrysalis walked passed a couple until she felt a familiar presence; the first egg she saw the queen lay. Stopping and kneeling down, she looked the egg over and smile. "Hello, Nala..." she cooed, reaching out and gently stroking the egg. "I hope you recognize me when you hatch..." She then let out a sift chuckle. "If I were queen, I would make you my Elite..." "Well, that is going to be quite a while..." Ember said as she stood at the entrance to the room, arms crossed with a smirk. "Though, if it makes you feel better... I will make you queen after me..." Chrysalis eyed her before returning her gaze to the egg. "How comforting..." Standing up, she turned to face the red-eyed Changeling. "Are you here for a reason or just to gloat?" Ember smiled and uncrossed her arms. "Come on. You and me." The green-eyed Changeling eyed the egg before walking up to Ember. "Fine... But, only if we bring one Drone with us." Ember went wide-eyed and opened her mouth to protest, but ended up sighing angrily instead. "Fine..." she growled through gritted teeth. "You win..." Chrysalis smiled and walked passed her, out into the main area once more. Looking around, she saw a large group that didn't seem like it would suffer by losing just one. Walking over to them, Chrysalis watched for a little bit. The group had about eight Drones. All of them were rubbing up together, their breasts squished against one another as a few of them were stroking the dicks of others. A couple of them kissed on the lips before the neck while one Drone got behind another and began to penetrate her ass. Chrysalis tapped the back of one who was giving another a handjob. "Come with me, sweetie..." she cooed, getting the Drone's attention. The Changeling smiled at her and stood up, giving her a light nod. The Elite then took her hand and began leading her back towards Ember. Seeing them nearing her, Ember looked away. The Drone suddenly appeared to look rather nervous, like she understood what Ember was thinking. Leaning in, Chrysalis whispered, "Do not be frightened... She may not like it but she has agreed nonetheless..." The Drone looked at her with a less-nervous expression. "Besides... I will be there, too..." she cooed, gently rubbing the Drone's back and getting a smile from her. Ember eyed them and began walking towards the path leading to their rooms. "Come on, then..." she said, the two following closely. Ash watched them leave before letting out a sigh of sadness. Looking down at the Drones, she found them looking up at her with concern. "Do no worry, you two... I am fine..." She then spread her legs more. "Come here," she said, patting her lap. As if they knew what to do, the one on the left climbed up on her lap as the queen inserted her cock into the Drone's pussy. As she did this, the other Drone took her place between the queen's legs and began to lick her balls. Ash let out a moan as the Drone in her lap began to move up and down. Looking back to where Chrysalis and Ember went, Ash thought for a moment before making her decision. Ember opened the door to Chrysalis' room and entered, not wanting a Drone in her room. "We will do this in your room..." she said, climbing onto the bed and rolling onto her back. Chrysalis nodded and closed the door, looking at the Drone. "Stay with me..." she said before moving over to the bed. Standing in front of it, she looked back at the Drone and patted her ass. Nodding, the Drone moved up behind her and positioned her cock before pushing it into Chrysalis' ass with a moan. With a moan of her own, Chrysalis stroked her cock. "Come on, Ember..." Chrysalis cooed. "Suck me first..." The red-eyed Elite eyed the Drone before getting to her hands and knees. Crawling over to the edge of the bed, she leaned in and licked the other Elite's rod. Closing her eyes, she took it in her mouth and began bobbing her head. The three continued engaging in different sexual positions, Ember being sure not to come into contact with the Drone. After the many, many, many orgasms they had, the three lay on the bed, exhausted. Chrysalis lay on her back with Ember on her left and the Drone on her right, both laying on her with their head near her breasts. Chrysalis let out a sigh and rubbed their backs gently, closing her eyes. "I think I will... take a nap now..." Ember nodded and nuzzled Chrysalis' left breast as both she and the Drone drifted off into a deep sleep. 6:30 pm The Drone was the first to awake as she rubbed her eyes. Looking at Ember, who was still asleep, she sat up and started to leave. She stopped, however, when she felt a hand grab her wrist. Looking back, she saw Chrysalis smiling at her, shaking her head. "Come here," the queen cooed before the Drone slowly laid down again and rolled onto her side. Chrysalis removed her hand from Ember and gently rubbed the Drone's hip before kissing her. "Do no let her scare you... Stay with me..." she cooed as her hand moved to the Drone's dick. "Now, sleep with me..." Moaning softly, the Drone nodded and laid against Chrysalis, slowly closing her eyes and nuzzling Chrysalis' neck. The Elite smiled and nuzzled back before closing her eyes once more. 12:00 am Ember's eyes opened and she let out a yawn, sitting up and looking over to see Chrysalis had turned from her to cuddle with the Drone. Eyes narrowing, she was about to say something when the other Elite's eyes shot open. It was then, Ember heard the queen's voice, too. 'Mount up, you two. The time has come.' Ember quickly got off the bed and made her way towards the door. Chrysalis got on top of the Drone and kissed her lips. "Mmm... Back later..." she cooed before getting off the bed and following Ember out into the pathway. "You ready?" She asked with a light smirk. The red-eyed Elite let out a chuckle as they began running towards the main room. "Of course. You?" Chrysalis nodded with a smile before the two arrived in the main area. The queen was there along, with a rather big group of Drones all dressed in armor. The queen, herself, had the most armor on and was wielding a sword who's blade was about the length from her waist to the tip of her horn. Right now, it was sheathed on her hip. "Suit up, you two," Ash said with a smile. "We may have a fight ahead of us. You should be prepared." The Elite's nodded and head over to the armory. "You think this will take long?" Asked Chrysalis as they entered the room with all the armor and weaponry. "Depends on how many there are," Ember replied with a smirk before getting her boots and leg armor on. Chrysalis hesitated once she got her leg armor on. "Mmm... There has to be another way..." "What other way?" Ember asked with a chuckle as she slipped her chest plate on and fastened it before grabbing her arm armor. "Not sure, but... We do not have to use force..." the green-eyed Elite said as she resumed getting her armor on. Ember soon finished getting ready and turned to face Chrysalis. "Force is the only way to get what we want... Remember that," she said, before looking herself over. The armor looked light and form-fitting but provided great protection from swords and arrows. "Come on," she said, leaving the room after snagging a sword. "I want to kill something..." Chrysalis watched her leave before heading over to the sword rack, slowly pulling a sword from its sheath. Looking the shiny blade over, she let out a sigh and shoved it back into the sheath and attached said sheath to her hip. She then left the room and headed over to where Ash and Ember stood. "Come on," Ember urged. "Move faster." Chrysalis narrowed her eyes before rubbing the hilt of her sword. "Let us get this over with..." she said before looking at Ash. "I am ready, my queen." Ash nodded and began making her way towards the exit. "Come, Changelings... Onward to the Crystal Empire!" > The Crystal Empire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1:00 am Ash, Ember, and Chrysalis, along with the Drones accompanying them, all knelt down on the edge of the forest. Using the bushes and trees for cover, they gazed across the large open field leading up to the Crystal Empire. A large, crystal wall surrounded the Empire, keeping any intruders out. On top of the wall were a ton of archers, all on patrol. The front gate was large and made out of crystal, guarded by four Crystal Guards. "That is a lot of protection..." Ash observed, eyes scanning the Empire. "A full frontal assault would be suicide, my queen," Chrysalis pointed out. "There is another way to do this which would result in less bloodshed... and would not dwindle our resources..." Ash eyed her hesitantly before nodding. "Explain." Ember let out a sigh of annoyance but kept silent, not wanting to upset the queen. "If we attack them... we will never be able to come back here. Unless we succeed in taking it over," Chrysalis began. "However... if a few of us were to sneak in undetected... we could seduce our prey without them knowing what we are..." Ash thought for a moment, before nodding. "I see... Would you like to be the one to test out this plan?" Chrysalis gave her a smile and nodded. "May I take a Drone with me?" The queen nodded as a Drone approached Chrysalis with a smile. The green-eyed Changeling began to strip her armor until she was naked, the Drone doing the same. Once she was naked, Chrysalis climbed up a nearby tree so she could see over the large crystal wall. Eyes scanning the area, her eyes fell on a teal mare. The Elite's body soon changed from dark gray to teal. As she continued to scan, her mane and tail changed as well until she looked like a teal unicorn mare with a curly blue mane and tail. Climbing down, she looked at the Drone. "Pick and choose the features you want. We can avoid suspicion by not completely copying one pony..." The Drone nodded and climbed up the tree, Ash smiling at her Elite's creativity. It didn't take long for the Drone to drop back down, looking like a green unicorn mare with a short white mane and tail. Chrysalis smiled and put her arm around her. "Come... And follow me lead," she cooed. "Yes, ma'am," the Drone said in her new voice. Smiling, Chrysalis led her out into the clearing, purposefully stumbling and giggling. The Drone tilted her head before catching her. "Oh, thank you," Chrysalis cooed as they crossed the clearing. "I almost... fe-ell over..." The guards at the gate eyed each other before looking at the two approaching mares, thinking one of the mares looked rather drunk. When the two neared them, the guards held up their hand. "Halt," one said. "Who are you?" Chrysalis giggled. "Me?" She asked with a goofy grin on her face. "I am... F-Flurrrrry Breeeeeze..." she answered, sounding out of it. The Drone eyed her before looking at the stallion. "I am..." 'Mint Dream,' she heard the Elite say in her head. "Mint Dream," the Drone said with a smile. 'I am drunk and we fucked in the woods...' "My friend here got a little too drunk and we ended up fucking in the woods..." The Drone continued, rephrasing what she heard Chrysalis say in her head. 'May we come in?' "May we come in?" The Drone asked. "We could use a place to rest." The guards eyed each other before stepping aside. "Welcome to the Crystal Empire," one said as the large gate opened. "But, first..." he said, before walking over to a nearby chest and opened it. He then pulled out two fur coats and handed them to the mares. "Return these later." The Drone nodded with a smile. "Thank you," she replied as she helped Chrysalis into a coat before putting one on as well. As they entered the Empire and the doors closed, Chrysalis let out a giggle. "They must still think Changelings are a myth..." The Drone eyed her before the two made their way into the heart of the Empire, standing in front of the large Crystal Castle. "Wow..." The Drone cooed as she looked up at it. "Shiny..." Looking around, she observed all the buildings and homes in the surrounding area. "Where to next?" "Let's find a bar..." Chrysalis cooed as the two began making their way down one of the paths through the Empire. Along the way, the asked a random mare where a good place to drink was and they were pointed in the direction of the local tavern. Upon entering the building, they were greeted with the smell of rum and the sound of chatter. They then went to sit down at a table, Chrysalis leaning back so her coat opened slightly, revealing he cleavage. "Now, what?" Asked the Drone. "We wait," Chrysalis cooed as she looked around the area at all the stallions and mares getting drunk. "Someone is bound to be attracted to us..." she said as she parted her coat some more, her nipples almost visible. The Drone smiled and eyed her cleavage. "You look beautiful." The Elite gave her a smile. "Thank you... You know, I... like hearing you talk..." she said as she leaned in. "I do not mind the telepathy, but... I would rather have a conversation like this..." "Me, too," the Drone said with a smile. "I like talking, too." Chrysalis reached out and gently ran her fingers over the Drone's face. "Mmm... I wish I could take you right now... Hear you moan in that voice..." The Drone blushed a little. "I have... always enjoyed the way you treat us... So kind and gentle..." "Well, you and the others mean a lot to me..." the Elite cooed as her hand moved to the Drone's fur coat, parting it slightly before rubbing the visible part of her left breast. "Not just for the sex, but... we are family..." She then leaned back and sighed. "Make sure we go with the same stallion..." She said before finishing telepathically. 'Perhaps we can coax him into coming back with us.' The Drone nodded as a drunk-looking yellow stallion stumbled over to them. "Hey, girls..." he said as he placed his hands on the table for support. "How are you two today?" Chrysalis smiled and placed her hand on his. "Horny... Care for some company?" The stallion let out a chuckle and nodded. "Oh, yeah... We can go to my place..." The Changeling Elite smiled and stood up, as did the Drone. "Lead the way, sexy," the Elite cooed. The stallion nodded and began heading towards the front door. Ash watched the Empire before looking back at the Drones. Her gaze then fell upon Ember, who was sitting with her back to the Empire. "Something wrong, my sweet?" Ash asked as she reached out and gently placed a hand on Ember's head. The Elite looked up at her and sighed. "I was expecting a fight..." The queen gave a light smile, half-expecting that answer. "Maybe Chrysalis is right... Perhaps there is a better way to solve our problems..." Ember said nothing. She simply looked away, closing her eyes. The yellow stallion opened the door to his bedroom as Chrysalis spun him around to face him. She then kissed him on the lips and backed him up to the bed, pushing him down onto it. After letting her coat slip off her body and fall to the floor, she got to her knees and gripped his pants. "Let us see the goods, shall we?" She cooed as she pulled his pants down. The stallion wiggled his hips a little to help her take his pants off before his cock sprung into view, hard as a rock. The Drone knelt beside Chrysalis as they both began to lick away at his shaft. The Drone moved to lick his balls while Chrysalis licked up to the tip a couple times before taking it in her mouth. Letting out a moan, the stallion sat up and gently gripped Chrysalis' horn, stroking it. The Elite closed her eyes and moaned as she sucked, feeling the rush of sensation through her horn. As he sped up, Chrysalis moaned more before letting out a squeal, liquid magic shooting from her horn as she began slurping on the shaft, feeling hornier. The Drone rubbed Chrysalis' ass as she took one of the stallion's nuts in her mouth, licking all around the orb as she inhaled deeply. Her pussy began to drip before she reached down and began fingering herself. The stallion smiled and licked the liquid magic off his hand before reaching towards his bedside table, slowly opening the drawer. The two Changelings were too focused on the delicious cock and balls in their mouth to notice the stallion pull out a small blade. With a quick slash, he swiped at the Elite's shoulder. Letting out a yelp of pain, Chrysalis pulled away as green blood trickled from her wound. The Drone quickly pulled back and gasped. "A-Are you okay?" She asked worriedly. The stallion kicked them both away before standing and pulling up his pants. "Changeling scum!" He yelled. "I knew it!" He then ran out of the room as the Drone helped Chrysalis to her feet. "I am fine, sweetie, but we have to get out of here," the Elite said before running for the door. "Now!" Ash quickly turned to face the Empire, letting out a gasp as she heard Chrysalis' voice in her head. "They are in trouble." Ember quickly got up and pulled out her sword. "Really?" The queen nodded and unsheathed her own sword. "I guess you will have that fight after all." Chrysalis burst through the front door and back out into the street, the Drone close behind her before they began running towards the entrance. "We have to fly," the Drone pointed out. Chrysalis eyed her and nodded, realizing they weren't making it through the gate. They would have to go over it. Shedding their disguise, the two Changelings took off into the air, climbing higher and higher. One of the archers spotted them and loaded an arrow, taking aim. "Up there!" He called out, getting the attention of the other archers. Chrysalis gasped and she and the Drone suddenly shot to the side to avoid an arrow. "Faster!" She called. "I am trying!" The Drone cried out. "B-But, my wings are not as strong as--" Her voice suddenly cut out as Chrysalis stopped to look back. Letting out a gasp, she saw an arrow had pierced the Drone's chest. "NO!" Chrysalis yelled, flying back towards her before another arrow pierced the Drone's upper chest. "FUCK!" The Elite grabbed the Drone before she could fall, tears filling her eyes before taking off as fast as she could, dodging left and right before making it over the wall and into the clearing. The gates to the Empire opened up as a large group of guards exited, all in armor and wielding Swords. Ash watched them exit before stepping out into the clearing. As she did, she noticed Chrysalis flying towards them, letting out a sharp gasp. As Chrysalis spotted the queen she flew towards her and landed in front of her, holding the Drone's body. "I-I tried, my queen," Chrysalis cried, tears in her eyes. "I-I am so s-sorry..." Ash got to her knees, Chrysalis following before handing her queen the Drone's body. Ash then held the Drone close and took a moment before pulling away. "You did... what you could... And you brought her back to me..." She then rubbed Chrysalis' cheek gently before a Drone came over. "Take her back to the hive..." The Drone nodded and took the body, a tear falling from her eye before flying off. The queen and Chrysalis then stood up, Ash gripping her sword tightly before heading towards the group of Crystal guards. "Attack!" She yelled, all the Drones charging out of the forest, Ember taking the lead. Chrysalis held her sword and followed them into battle. Ash was about to follow when a blue alicorn dropped down in front of her, the mare wearing dark blue armor. Her blue hair hung down to her ass as she held a long sword about the length of Ash's. "Princess?" The Changeling queen asked, eyes going wide slightly. "H-How did you--" "Shut up and fight!" The princess yelled, lunging at the queen. Chrysalis stabbed a stallion before pulling a Drone out of the way of an incoming attack. She then pulled her sword out of the body and swiped at another. Looking over, she saw Ember with three dead stallions at her feet as she took down another, looking like she enjoyed it. She didn't seem to be doing anything to protect the Drones around her. Luna swung her sword at Ash, the queen blocking it and shoving the princess back. Returning the attack with a swing of her own, the queen almost hit the princess in the neck. Luna ducked and thrusted her sword forward, the Changeling jumping back. The alicorn then spn around with her sword out, delivering a hard blow. Even though she blocked the attack, the queen was knocked aside, hitting the ground with a grunt. "Weak Changeling scum," the alicorn spat before raising her sword. Ash growled and her horn lit up before she shot a beam at the princess. Luna gasped and fired a beam of her own, grunting to keep up the energy before swinging her sword through the energy beam. The metal deflected the magic, sending it everywhere before Ash got up and tackled the alicorn to the ground. The Changeling let out a yell before punching the princess in the face. Letting out a grunt, Luna used her magic to knock the Changeling off before getting to her feet. She swung her sword again and the queen blocked it. Chrysalis cut down a couple more guard before running to assist a Drone, kicking the Drone's legs out from under her. The Changeling hit the ground with a grunt as a sword passed over her head. Chrysalis then grabbed the stallion's wrist before slashing his throat. Chrysalis then helped the Drone off, running off to assist another. Ash swung her sword downwards, the princess stepping aside and swinging horizontally at her. Ash ducked before kicking the princess' legs out from under her. Going in for a stab, Luna kicked the queen in the side, making her stumble backwards and turn around. Luna then got to her feet and swung upwards, cutting the armor. Her sword suddenly began to glow red as it heated up. She then grabbed the queen by the shoulder and pulled her close before her sword broke through the armor and punctured her skin. Ash let out a gasp as she felt the sword push through her body and out her chest. Chrysalis kicked a dead stallion off her sword before looking over at Ash with a gasp. "NO!" She yelled, running towards her. "ASH!" Luna held it for a moment before pulling the sword out, letting the queen fall to the ground. Looking up, she manage to block an attack by Chrysalis. "You want to die, too?" Luna asked, knocking Chrysalis back. The Elite growled and swung at the princess, only to have her attack blocked. Luna took a step back and held her sword out at her side. "Come on, weakling. Give me a challenge..." Chrysalis looked at the queen, who was breathing shallowly. She only had a few minutes before the queen's life ended. She was suddenly filled with a sense of purpose and determination. Gripping her sword tightly, she ran at the princess. Luna smiled and swiped at her. Chrysalis blocked it and swung back. Luna stepped to the side and kicked at Chrysalis' feet. The Changeling jumped back and hovered in the air, wings flapping before lunging at Luna. The alicorn took the air as well, her wings flapping as she chuckled. "Not bad," Luna cooed teasingly. "But, I think it is time to end this little game." Lunging at Chrysalis, the Changeling took a deep breath and focused. Just as the princess' sword was about to hit her, she raised her sword vertically with the tip pointed downwards and deflected the attack. She then spun around as Luna's momentum carried her forward. She then elbowed the princess in the face before slashing at her neck. The princess stumbled back before feeling the blade hit her throat. Holding her neck, she dropped to her knees. It hurt like hell but it wasn't deep enough for concern. Chrysalis then kicked her onto her back and stood on her hand that held her sword. Raising her sword, she prepared for the final blow. Hesitating, she looked into the princess' eyes and the princess looked back into hers. Shaking her head, Chrysalis sheathed her sword. Running back to Ash, she quickly scooped her up and took flight, telling all the Drones, and Ember, to retreat. As she flew off, Luna slowly got to her feet and groaned as she looked at the blood on her hand, wondering why the Changeling didn't finish her off. > Queen Chrysalis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis lay the queen on her bed as a Drone laid the body of the other Drone beside her. They had carefully removed the queen's armor to make her more comfortable. The queen's room was also full of Drones as well as the path outside her door. The Elite looked over both Changelings, tears filling her eyes before the queen spoke. "Ch... Chrysalis..." the queen wheezed. "Y-Yes, my queen?" Asked the Elite as she got to her knees, looking her queen in the eyes. Ash coughed and reached her hand out, gently stroking Chrysalis' cheek as Ember ran into the room. "Come closer..." The green-eyed Elite sniffled and leaned in, the queen gently pulling her into a deep kiss. As she did, her horn lit up with green magic. It soon faded as a green glow began to appear around their mouths as they kissed. Ember went wide-eyed and let out a gasp as she watched Ash's horn grow shorter and Chrysalis' grow stronger. The queen's fingers also began to look like normal fingers while Chrysalis' started to look more like claws. Chrysalis closed her eyes as she grew about a foot taller while the queen grew a foot shorter. When they broke the kiss, Chrysalis stood up and looked herself over. "Wh-What happened?" She asked, before looking at Ash with a shocked expression. "D... Did you..." Ember glared at them before storming out of the room. After watching her leave, Ash returned her gaze to Chrysalis. "You are the... queen now..." "B-But, I thought that Ember--" the new queen gasped, getting cut off. "Ember is a powerful Changeling but she lacks the love you have for the Hive... The queen... should love her... children..." Chrysalis hesitated before nodding, getting back to her knees. "I-If you think I am ready..." "I do," Ash replied with a smile. "And I think you will make a fine queen." Chrysalis sniffled and wiped her eyes. "I will not let you down..." The once-queen smiled and looked over at the Drone, her expression becoming sad. Slowly, she took the Drone's hand as her breathing slowed down. Chrysalis leaned in and gently kissed Ash's neck, letting out a shuddered whimper. The old queen gave a smile as her eyes closed, her grip on the Drone's hand loosening. The new queen heard her breathing stop before burying her face in Ash' chest, letting out a loud wail. The Drones all got to their knees and hung their head in sadness, paying their respects to their fallen queen. Chrysalis took a moment before pulling away and sniffling. She then gently lifted off the floor, wings flapping as she flew over to the other side of the bed, landing next to the Drone. Wings folding up, she leaned in and kissed the Drone on the forehead. "Be at peace..." she whimpered before putting a hand over her mouth, sniffling loudly before gently pushing passed the Drones, making her way out of the room before running into the main area. Standing in the center, she dropped to her knees and yelled loudly, images of Luna stabbing Ash filling her mind as she began to feel responsible. Grabbing her hair, she tugged lightly before looking over at the pod room. Sniffling again, she scrambled to her feet and ran to the room, entering and immediately heading over to Nala's pod, which looked a little bigger. "I need s-someone..." she whimpered, kneeling down and rubbing the pod. "Nala... Please..." she whimpered as her voice began to break up. "What about me?" Came a voice from the room's entrance. Chrysalis looked up with a gasp to see Ember standing there. Getting up, the queen quickly walked over to her before pulling her into a tight hug. Ember hesitated before slowly hugging back. "I am s-sorry..." Chrysalis whimpered. "I-I did not want to... take this from you. I--" "Shh shh..." Ember cooed, rubbing Chrysalis' back. "If Ash feels like you deserve it... then perhaps you do..." She then gently pushed Chrysalis back, holding her shoulders as she looked her in her watery eyes. "You poor thing..." she said as she ran her fingers through Chrysalis' hair. "I can help you feel better..." She then kissed the queen on the lips, the queen immediately returning the kiss, letting out a moan a she deepened the kiss. Ember smiled and reached up, gripping Chrysalis' horn and jerking it quickly like a cock. Moaning loudly, Chrysalis kept the kiss going as she reached down and gripped Ember's cock, stroking it. The red-eyed Changeling smirked and stroked Chrysalis' horn some more before breaking the kiss with a deep gasp. She then gently lowered the queen's head before licking the queen's horn, taking it into her mouth and sucking. Chrysalis let out a loud moan as she suddenly shot liquid magic from her horn. Ember swirled her tongue around the horn as she gathered the magic in her mouth. When the queen's horngasm had ended, the Elite swallowed the magic. Stepping back a few steps, Ember chuckled before letting out a grunt. She quickly bent over and winced, letting out a yell. "Wh-What is happening?!" Chrysalis gasped, moving forward to help. Ember held up a hand to stop her as her fingers now looked like claws. "Wh-What..." the queen said, going wide-eyed. Ember's form soon changed until she resembled Chrysalis. She then let out a chuckle as the raw magic began to alter her skin color, changing her skin from dark gray to a burnt red. Her cock's tip, inner flesh, and nipples changed from green to black. Chrysalis stared with wide-eyes as she stared at Ember. "What have you done?" The green queen asked. Ember smiled as her veins throbbed a little before calming down. "I am a queen now, too..." she said, a growl in her voice. "B-But a hive can only have one..." The red queen nodded. "Yes... Which is why I am forced to do this," she said before knocking Chrysalis aside and darting out of the room. Chrysalis quickly got to her feet and watched her friend leave out the exit. "E-Ember?" She asked, eyes still wide. "H-How?" As she left the room, a couple Drones entered the large room and began walking over to her. They stopped in front of her and knelt down. 'My queen...' Chrysalis heard in her head. She gave them a light smile before looking at the hive's exit. "What is it?" She asked gently. 'Are you alright?' The one on the left asked. The queen nodded and knelt down. "I am... Just... upset..." She then looked away. "I miss Ash... and that Drone..." she whimpered, placing her hand over her face. The Drone on her right placed her hands on Chrysalis' shoulders, gently hugging her. The queen hugged back, nuzzling the Drone's neck as the other one hugged her as well. 6 Months Later... Chrysalis sat in the throne of the main room, wearing Ash's clothes and resting her head in her left hand, her elbow on the throne's arm rest. On the floor in front of her were two kneeling Drones, each one servicing one of her legs. Deep in thought, she didn't even react when the Drone on the left gently lifted her foot and began sucking on her toes. The Drone on the right lifted the queen's foot and placed it on her crotch, moving her hips so her cock rubbed Chrysalis' foot. As they worshiped the queen's feet, another Drone walked up to her. 'My queen?' She asked. Chrysalis eyed her, smiling lightly. "Did you find her?" 'No, my queen...' the Drone said softly, before her ears perked up. 'I do have good news for you...' "Really?" Asked Chrysalis, sitting up straight. "What would that be?" 'The pods,' the drone said with a smile. 'They are about to hatch.' Chrysalis' eyes went wide before the two Drones stood up. The queen stood up after them and gave them both a pat on the head before quickly walking towards the pod room. After a couple steps, she started to run with a smile on her face. She quickly entered the room to see all the pods pulsating. Walking passed the pods, she smiled as she felt that they were mere moments away from hatching. She also felt the first pod, Nala, was about to hatch. Quickly moving to the pod, she watched as it split down the middle before dissolving into green goop. As the pod began to melt, the goop spilled over the Drone inside. The Changeling was in a kneeling position and slumped to her side, the green goop spilling over her as she breathed peacefully. Chrysalis knelt down and wiped some goo from her eyes, the Drones eyelids slowly opening. "Do you... remember anything?" She asked. Even in pods, it has been known that sometimes a Drone in development can still hear the thoughts of her queen. The Drone hesitated before smiling and nodding. Chrysalis smiled back and told the other Drones to drop what they were doing and help the newborn Drones. As the room filled with Changelings helping the newborns, Chrysalis leaned in close to Nala. "I will make you an Elite..." she cooed as she ran her hand over the Drone's belly. "Just relax..." she said before kissing the Drone on the lips. Nala closed her eyes and let out a soft gasp as she began to grow hair, her horn also getting a tad longer. When Chrysalis broke the kiss, she gently helped the new Elite into a seated position. "How do you feel?" Asked Chrysalis, hands on the Changeling's hips. Nala gave her a smile. "I feel good, my queen..." Chrysalis got up to her feet, helping Nala up as she looked around at all her new children. As she did, they all looked at her. "Welcome to the hive, my children..." Chrysalis cooed with a smile. "The others will get you all settled and feeling comfortable..." she said as the Drones helped the newborn Drones out into the main room, passing by Chrysalis and Nala. The room was soon empty before Nala took Chrysalis' hand. "I am sorry about... Ash..." The queen looked at her, smiling before rubbing the back of her neck. "Thank you..." she said before looking the Elite over. "Since the... others are getting comfortable..." she started before sitting down against the wall, her cock sticking straight up before she pulled off her clothes and set them aside. "...how about we do the same?" Nala smiled and walked over to her. Even though she was a newborn, she still had the Changeling instinct to have a lot of sex to keep her energy up. When she was in position, she lowered herself onto the queen's cock with a moan. As her balls hit her queen's crotch, Chrysalis held her close, not caring if she got all the Changeling goop all over her. The queen then began to thrust her hips as Nala let out cute moans, closing her eyes and moving up and down. Chrysalis gripped her ass and moaned before kissing the Drone on the lips. As they kissed, Chrysalis also gripped Nala's dick and stroked it quickly, letting out soft moans and coos. The two kept this up until Chrysalis let out a moan, shooting her Changeling cum inside the Elite. Nala, feeling the queen's cum, reached her own orgasm as her cock twitched and shot her cum all over the queen's chest. As they came from their cocks, they also came from their pussies. The two smiled as Chrysalis broke the kiss. "I am so glad that I finally have you, Nala..." she cooed as she nuzzled the Elite's neck. Nala smiled, too, and nuzzled back. "I am glad to finally be with you, my queen..." Chrysalis stayed seated with Nala in her lap, the two enjoying the comfort of the other. > A Cloudy Relationship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1449 B.W. 6:15 pm Chrysalis was seated in her throne once more, wiggling her toes as two Drone's licked over her feet. She then looked at the exit and held her gaze, deep in thought. She was concentrating too hard to notice her Elite walk up. "My queen?" She asked, ripping the queen from her thoughts. "Y-Yes, Nala?" Chrysalis asked, looking at her with a slight jump. "Are you okay?" Nala asked as she climbed into her queen's lap, facing her with her knees beside Chrysalis' legs. "You seem... distracted..." The taller Changeling smiled and ran her hands up and down Nala's back. "I was just thinking... If I am queen now, then... I must learn to mate and bear children... For that, I would need to go to the town... or the village..." Nala tilted her head with a worried expression. "But... now that the Empire knows of our existence..." "That is why I must go alone..." Chrysalis replied as both Nala and the Drones looked at her nervously. The queen eyed them and sighed. "I can not-- I... will not... endanger any more of you... It was foolish of me to take her into the Empire... If I had not, then..." she said as a tear fell from her eye as her fist clenched tightly, her claw-like fingers puncturing tiny holes in her hand as green blood began to trickle down. Nala gasped and gently took her hand. "It was not your fault..." she cooed before licking the blood up. Chrysalis eyed her and smiled lightly, slowly opening her hand as Nala began cleaning up the blood. "I will go tomorrow... You all will stay here." Nala eyed her, her licking slowing before she nodded. "If that is... what you want..." The queen smiled and looked at her hand as her horn lit up, the small puncture marks sealing up. The Elite finished cleaning her hand before Chrysalis gave her a smile. "Turn around with your back to me..." she cooed. Nala let go of her queen's hand and nodded, turning around in Chrysalis' lap with her legs dangling between her queen's and her rod and balls resting on Chrysalis'. After she did this, she watched as the Drones began to move to her feet, gently picking them up and giving the soles a lick. The Elite cooed as she felt the tongues on her feet, wiggling her toes. Before long, the Drone on the right moved Nala's foot to her cock, holding it in place while she moved her hips. The Elite let out a soft gasp when she felt the Drone's shaft against her sole. Chrysalis smiled and reached around, gripping her breasts and squeezing them. Nala let out a moan and looked over her shoulder at her queen, tongue hanging out. "You are... so adorable..." Chrysalis cooed, sliding her right hand down the Elite's belly towards her cock. 8:00 pm Chrysalis entered her room; the queen's room, looking at the bed. Memories of that tragic moment a year ago found its way into her head, which is something she found happening almost every time she looked at that bed. It filled her with an even greater determination to go to the village alone. Heading to her wardrobe, she opened it. Inside were various outfits collected over the past year for when the queen wanted to go out. She took a red cloth top with one shoulder strap, leaving the other shoulder bare. After switching out her current top for the new one, she removed her skirt and pulled out a long black cloth skirt. Next up were her shoes. They were made from a leather-like material with laces up the ankle. Putting them on, Chrysalis walked around a little before turning into the form she used when leaving the hive; a dark blue unicorn mare with long purple hair down to her butt and yellow eyes. Looking beside the shoes, she saw her bit bag. Taking it, she opened it and looked inside, seeing a ton of bits; money Ash had collected over the years. There was also a few more bags of bits near the shoes. Taking it, Chrysalis closed the wardrobe and attached the bit bag to her waist. "You look nice, my queen..." Nala said with a smile, standing in the doorway. Chrysalis looked over at her and smiled, turning to face her. "Always the flatterer..." she cooed. Nala kept her eyes on the queen for a few seconds more before gazing at the bed. As she did, her expression saddened. "No matter what happens... come back to us..." Chrysalis watched her before looking at the bed, too. She understood her Elite's concern. After Nala was born, Chrysalis had told her everything as a way to cope with the loss of her beloved queen and Drone. Nala knew it all and, due to the telepathy the Changelings shared, she also felt how Chrysalis felt. Walking up to her, the queen gently rubbed the Elite's back. "I will return... That is a promise I make to you and all the others..." Nala eyed her with a smile. "I believe you..." "Good," Chrysalis replied with a playful smirk before leaving her room, Nala quickly following. "We all wish you the best of luck, my queen," the Elite said with a smile as they entered the main room, all the Drones watching their queen as they made a path to the exit. Chrysalis smiled at each one as she passed. "I will be back before you know it," she said, before finally making it to the path that led out of the cave. Stopping and turning to Nala, she put a hand on her shoulder. "Keep them safe..." The Elite nodded with a light smile. Half of the Drones seemed to share her concern; probably the ones that knew Ash. The current queen ran her hand over Nala's cheek before backing up a few steps, soon turning and walking away. Nala just stood there, watching her leave. Chrysalis emerged from the cave and stood outside, taking in a breath of fresh air before walking towards the nearest village. She had been there a couple times already to scope it out and got to know some of the shop owners; specifically the ones who sold clothes. As she walked, she looked up at the moon, crossing her arms. She used to like looking at the moon but now it only reminded her of the one who killed her queen. After walking a bit more, she saw the lights of the village through the trees. Smiling, she moved closer until she left the woods and found herself near the entrance of the village. Walking down the path, she looked around as she observed all the mares and stallions going about their normal business. There weren't that many as most had turned in for the night. Chrysalis passed by a clothing shop to see the mare who ran it locking the door. She was a gray pegasus mare with short white hair down to her shoulders and orange eyes. The mare was wearing a black, cloth shirt which left her shoulders and neck area visible as well as her belly. On her legs she wore a black, cloth skirt that went down to just above her ankles. For shoes, she wore nothing. When she turned around and spotted Chrysalis, she smiled. "Crystal Wish. How are you?" "I am good, Cloudy..." the disguised Changeling queen replied. "Closing up shop?" Cloudy nodded before turning and walking towards her home. "Come. Walk with me." Chrysalis hesitated before following, moving a tad faster to walk beside her. "I see you are wearing the clothes you bought from me," Cloudy said as she eyed Chrysalis with a smile. "How are they working out for you?" "I like them..." the Changeling said as she felt her cloth top. "They are quite soft..." Cloudy smiled a little more before they got to her home. It looked like all the others; a small, single floor wooden hut. "You, uh... have a place to stay?" She asked as she stood in front of her door, not looking at the pseudo-mare. Chrysalis tilted her head slightly before smiling lightly, feeling a small surge of love. Did this mare like her? Or was she simply looking for a quick fling. Stepping up to her, Chrysalis shook her head. "I do not have a place, no..." Cloudy eyed her and smiled lightly before opening the door. "Come on in, then..." Chrysalis followed her in and looked around. It wasn't very big but it looked like home. In the back-left corner was a decent-sized bed. Next to that was a wardrobe and on the back-right, a stone furnace with a chimney. Looking to her left, Chrysalis saw a counter in front of the window with knives and plates set to the side. In the center of the room was a wooden table and two chairs. "Make yourself at home," Cloudy cooed as she closed the door, before heading towards the wardrobe. After removing her shoes, the Changeling walked over to the counter and looked over her kitchen set-up. Looking back, she saw Cloudy facing her open wardrobe, pulling off her top. The Changeling then turned and walked over to the furnace, kneeling down and looking it over. It looked hand-made and sort of amateurish. "I only, uh... have one bed," Cloudy said, making Chrysalis look over at her. She was now wearing nothing, which was normal in this period. It was especially normal for Chrysalis as she saw naked bodies every day at her hive. The queen looked her body over, her eyes trailing over Cloudy's feet, legs, hips, and B-cups. Smiling, she stood up. "That is quite alright," she said as she pulled off her top, revealing her blue breasts as she set her top on the table. She then slipped out of her skirt and set it with her top. Turning to face the mare, she headed towards the bed. When she passed by Cloudy, she sopped. That small surge felt stronger as she heard the mare's heartbeat quicken. Closing her eyes, she let out a sigh before opening her eyes again. Turning to face Cloudy, she reached out and gently pulled the mare into a kiss. Cloudy went wide-eyed as she tensed up before relaxing, closing her eyes and letting out a moan. Chrysalis kept the kiss going before pulling back with a sigh. "A-About time..." Cloudy said with a chuckle, licking her lips. The Changeling smiled and eyed the bed. "Sit down on the bed... legs over the edge..." Cloudy looked her in the eyes with a blush, before nodding and doing as asked. The Changeling watched her before walking up to her, gently placing her hands on the mare's shoulder. "How long have you felt this way?" Asked the queen. Cloudy blushed more as she looked up at the mare. "Um... S-Since the last time you were... in the village..." Chrysalis nodded and moved her hands down to the mare's breasts, rubbing them lightly. "I have been... thinking about you..." The Changeling stopped rubbing and eyed her, before going back to rubbing the mare's chest mounds. "Have you?" She asked, eyes focused on what her hands were doing. Cloudy nodded and smiled, reaching a hand out and placing it on the blue mare's cheek. Chrysalis suddenly felt a stronger surge of love as she held back tears. Gently nuzzling the mare's hand, she looked her in the eyes. Even though Cloudy hasn't said it yet, Chrysalis knew how she felt. Smiling lightly, she slowly got to her knees and placed her hands on the mare's legs near her crotch, gently spreading her legs. She then leaned in and gave the mare's folds a long lick with a moan, the gray mare letting out a moan of her own. The Changeling closed her eyes and licked away as the gray mare arched her back, her hands gripping the sheets. Chrysalis opened her eyes as she looked up at the mare, her mouth still buried in the mare's pussy. She wanted to tell her about her being a Changeling and that, if she wanted, she could come live with her at her hive. But, a large part of her knew that the mare loved the blue mare named Crystal Wish. Not the Changeling, Chrysalis. As a tear fell from her eye, the queen felt a squirt of liquid hit her face between the eyes. Blinking a few times, she realized what it was. The smell also gave it away as did the sound of Cloudy panting. The queen then kissed up the mare's body, giving each breast a quick lick before kissing up to the mare's neck. Cloudy let out cute gasps before tilting her neck back. She trusted her. This made it harder for Chrysalis to bear. Eyes watering, she began kissing the mare's neck lovingly before kissing Cloudy's cheek. The queen soon placed both hands on the mare's shoulders before climbing into her lap. She then gently laid them both down with Cloudy on her back. Chrysalis pulled back to look the mare in the eyes. Cloudy smiled back before tilting her head, a confused look on her face. "Something wrong?" She asked, noticing the Changeling's watery eyes. Chrysalis smiled and shook her head hesitantly. "I-I just... I have s-something to... tell you..." The gray mare smiled lightly. "What?" She cooed as she gently ran her hand up and down the queen's back. Chrysalis hesitated, deciding what to say before smiling back. "I love you..." she said softly. Tears formed in Chrysalis' eyes before the two kissed deeply, letting out soft moans. 9:13 am Cloudy woke up and rubbed her eyes, letting out a yawn. As she sat up, she saw Chrysalis sitting at the foot of the bed, back to her. The gray mare rubbed her eyes and let out another yawn. "Morning, sweetie," Cloudy cooed with a giggle. When she didn't get an answer in response, she got on all fours and crawled up behind Chrysalis. "Um... You okay, sweetie?" The Changeling sniffled and shook her head. "N-No..." Cloudy went wide-eyed slightly and got to her knees before wrapping her arms around her lover. "What is wrong?" She asked, sounding worried. The queen hesitated before looking back at Cloudy, her face covered in tears and her eyes red from sobbing. "Th-There is... s-something I have to... t-tell you..." The gray mare let out a soft gasp when she saw the mare's face. "Wh... What is it?" She asked worriedly. Chrysalis looked into her eyes, hesitating before looking away. "I... I-I am a..." she started to say, before changing her mind. "I-I am immortal..." she whimpered. "Y... You are... what?" Asked Cloudy, slightly confused. "Immortal? Like the... princesses?" Chrysalis nodded. "Mmm... I was... cursed a long time ago..." the queen lied, knowing she couldn't say the truth. "I am going to live forever, and..." She then looked at Cloudy again. "I do not want to watch you die..." The pegasus gasped as tears began to fill her eyes. "Y... You are... serious..." she said, sniffling. "So, what are you saying? Y-You plan to leave me?" Chrysalis gasped and turned around, kneeling on the bed with the mare, gently taking her hands. "I do not want to, my sweet..." she said as she gently tightened her hold. "I love you... But I can not bear the memory of watching you die... Too much has happened to me, that... I think that will kill me..." Cloudy hesitated as tears fell from her eyes. "I... I understand. It... I... I-I just thought that... we would finally b-be together..." The Changeling pulled her into a hug. "Do not hate me for this... but we should end this as soon as possible... For the longer we wait... the harder it will be to let go..." Cloudy's lips began to tremble as she started to cry, more tears falling from her face. "B-But, I just... got you..." Seeing the mare cry made Chrysalis feel even worse about all this. "I-I should not have slept with you... I am so sorry... It is just, I--" She stopped herself when Cloudy moved away to lie down on the bed, face in the pillow as she cried. Chrysalis sniffled some more before laying beside her. "I could... come visit you..." she cooed, gently rubbing the mare's back. "But, I want you to find a real partner. Someone who can live... and die... with you... You deserve that..." Cloudy hesitated before turning her head to look at the queen. "Y-You... You promise to visit?" Chrysalis smiled and nodded. "As often as I can... And I promise to be there for you on your last day..." she cooed. The pegasus smiled and wiped her eyes. "Could... Could you just... stay with me for a... l-little bit longer?" The queen gave the mare a smile and nodded, scooting closer to her and wrapping her arm around her. "One more day..." Cloudy smiled and nuzzled the blue mare, the blue mare nuzzling back. Badlands, 10:00 am Ember dragged a naked, brown stallion into a cave, kicking and screaming. The red queen was wearing a black cloth top that was in the shape of an "X", the straps going over her shoulder and around her waist as it just barely covered her breasts. She also wore a short black skirt that stopped halfway to her knee. "Quiet!" The Changeling yelled, throwing the stallion into the corner of the small cave, before cornering him. He huddled where he landed, looking up in horror at his captor. "Wh-What do you want with m-me?" He asked the creature as she began to undress. Tossing her clothes aside, she knelt in his lap and held his hands against the cave wall. "I want your seed," she growled before slipping his cock into her pussy and moving up an down. Unlike Chrysalis, Ember was rough as fuck and din't care. The stallion, not only staring at her girl cock, gasped in both pain and pleasure as she made him pound her pussy. Growling through her teeth, she held his shoulders tightly and let out moans. She rode him roughly for a few more minutes before she felt his seed enter her. As she did, he let out grunts of pleasure before sighing in content. "Mmm... Very good..." Ember cooed, before grabbing the stallion's head and snapping his neck. As he fell limp, she stayed in his lap. Once his cock went limp and slipped out of her pussy, she rolled off him and onto her back. Slipping two fingers inside, she made sure no semen spilled out. "Soon, my children..." she cooed. "Soon, the Empire will be mine..." > Ember's Plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Next Day, 10:13 am Chrysalis opened the door of Cloudy's home and hesitated, turning to face her. The disguised Changeling looked into the pegasus' eyes, reaching a hand out and placing it on her cheek. The mare nuzzled it and smiled lightly, the Changeling smiled back. Neither one wanted to part but they both knew it was best. "I will see you again..." Chrysalis promised before backing out the door. Cloudy smiled back. "You better..." The queen sniffled and slowly turned away. As she walked, she glanced over her shoulder at Cloudy. The mare watched her walk further away before slowly closing the door. Chrysalis was soon overwhelmed with emotion and quickly ran out of the village and into the woods. Tears fell from her eyes, slightly blinding her and making it so she couldn't see a root sticking out of the dirt floor. Letting out a yell of surprise, her foot got caught and she face-planted into the soil. Instead of getting up, she curled up in the fetal position and sobbed into her arm. After what seemed like hours, she heard footsteps drawing near. Letting out a gasp, she sat up and wiped her eyes. As the footsteps got closer, she was able to make out who it was. Eyes going wide, she scrambled to her knees. "C-Cloudy?" She asked as the pegasus pushed her way passed a bush. The gray mare let out a gasp and ran over to her, kneeling down. "Oh thank the goddesses I found you..." Cloudy cooed as she nuzzled Chrysalis' cheek. "Please... Whatever it costs... I want to be with you and only you... No matter what..." The Changeling gasped as tears fell from her eyes. Cloudy then pulled back and kissed her on the lips. Immediately, Chrysalis began to kiss back, letting out moans. After a few more seconds, the gray mare giggled. Pulling away, Chrysalis tilted her head in confusion. Cloudy then let out a chuckle, putting a fist over her mouth. "I am sorry, Chryssi..." the mare giggled. "I could not resist." Chrysalis let out a gasp, eyes going wide. "Wh-What?" The gray mare was engulfed in red magic before turning back into Ember. "You really love her..." The green queen let out a gasp. "Ember!" She yelled, before slapping her hard. "You bitch!" The red queen chuckled and rubbed her cheek. "Hello to you, too..." "How could you?!" Chrysalis screamed. "How did you even know?!" "I have been watching you for some time, Chryssi..." Ember cooed, putting her arms around the green-eyed Changeling. "The fact that I am no longer connected to your hive made it quite easy. I even bought these clothes from Cloudy last time you were here... Same ones she normally wears..." Chrysalis growled and grabbed her neck before throwing her to the ground and climbing atop her. "Explain what happened! How did you become a queen?!" Ember chuckled and held up her hands. "You can relax. It is no secret anymore so I have no problem telling you..." The green queen hesitated before slowly releasing her grip. "Fine... Now explain..." The red Changeling rubbed her neck before casually interlocking her fingers behind her head. "There are two ways one can become a Changeling..." she cooed. "First is obvious. The queen transfers her magic to you and she becomes an Elite while you become a queen..." "And, the second?" Asked Chrysalis. "Hold on," Ember sang. "I am getting to that..." She then looked up at the sky. "The second is a very uncommon method as most are unaware of it..." She then looked at Chrysalis again. "When an Elite becomes a queen, their magic is incredibly powerful for the first day before it becomes completely absorbed into their body... So, if a queen had a horngasm... and one were to drink it..." Chrysalis let out a gasp. "So, that is what happened?" She gasped. "I let you become this?!" "How were you to know?" Ember asked with a chuckle. "And, I suppose a hive can only have one queen...which is why I can no longer hear you... nor you, me..." The green queen slid off Ember into a seated position before the red queen stood up. "Do you ever get tired of fucking up?" Asked Ember with a smirk. Chrysalis' eyes narrowed before throwing a punch at her. Ember quickly shot backwards with a chuckle. Chrysalis stood up and glared at her. "You should be more careful, sister..." Ember said as she turned her back to the other queen. "I want you by my side when the fires start burning... Not against me..." "Fires?" Asked Chrysalis as she took a step towards her. "What fires? What are you planning?" "Finishing a job started a year ago..." Ember replied. Chrysalis thought for a moment before gasping. "The Empire? That is... insane!" "For you, perhaps..." the red Changeling cooed. "Not for me..." "But, you do not even have a hive!" Chrysalis protested. Ember began to slowly rub her belly. "Not yet..." Chrysalis raised an eyebrow before noticing the rubbing. "You are starting a hive of your own? I thought you hated Drones!" Ember chuckled and turned to face her sister. "Cannon fodder, yes... But, I need Drones before I can have Elites." "Only two Elites, though..." The red queen groaned in annoyance. This fact was one of the most common among Changelings. "Yes, I know... Only really powerful queens can have more... But, that will not stop me. The Empire will fall..." "That could mean war!" Chrysalis growled. "You could get my hive killed as well as yours!" "Only if I fail," Ember cooed, giving Chrysalis a wink before taking off into the sky. The green queen let out a gasp before changing back into her normal form, taking off into the sky after her. Looking around, she saw nothing but trees, the sky, and the village. "Dammit, Ember..." she growled, before flying back towards her hive. > "I won't ever forget you." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1442 B.W. 11:00 am Ember let out a groan as she dragged a young green mare into her cave, one hand on her large belly. The mare was kicking and screaming before she used her magic to throw her near a stone slab. She then walked over and laid down on it with a sigh. The green mare had neon pink hair down to her back with a few strands falling down over her right eye. Right now, she was naked as Ember had captured her while she slept. "Do not try to escape..." the queen cooed as she looked at the mare as she stood up. "The sun is almost at its zenith." "Wh-What do you want with m-me?" She asked, taking a step back from her. "I need you to help with my birthing..." "Wh-What?!" The mare gasped, going wide-eyed. "Birth... me..." Ember repeated. "I am about to lay my eggs and I need you to set them over there..." she said, pointing at the other side of the cave. "I can not move while I am giving birth..." The mare whimpered before slowly stepping closer. "A-And, if I do this... you will let me go?" Ember gave her a smile. "Of course..." 1440 B.W. Chrysalis was seated in her throne, deep in thought when Nala approached her. "You are doing it again, my queen..." The Elite pointed out, slight worry in her voice. The queen looked at her and sighed. "I was just... thinking about Cloudy... and Ember..." Leaning back in her throne, she crossed her legs. "The sun has risen... fourteen thousand... six hundred times... since I last heard from Ember..." "What do you think she is planning?" Asked Nala as she walked up to Chrysalis and gently rubbed her knee. Chrysalis shook her head. "I do not know... She is probably waiting until her hive has grown large enough to the point that the Crystal Empire would not even stand a chance..." "But... a lot of them... would mean that a lot could die..." Nala said, sounding sad by the idea of more dead Changelings. "Ember does not care for Drones..." Chrysalis replied as she stood up. "She would not care if they all died... So long as she completes her goal." Nala took step back to give the queen some room to get up. "How could she be so cruel to... ones so innocent?" She asked, looking back at the various orgies the Drones were engaging in. Chrysalis looked down at her and smiled, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You will make a fine queen some day, my sweet..." she cooed before walking passed her Elite. Nala gave her a light smile before watching her walk away. "Where are you going now?" Chrysalis stopped and smiled, looking over her shoulder. "You should know by now..." The Elite smiled back and let out a sigh. "Be careful..." The queen gave her a smile. "Always..." Chrysalis, in her unicorn disguise, entered the village and made her way towards Cloudy's house. Looking around, she recognized a few ponies she's seen around before, only they looked a little older. As she approached Cloudy's house, an orange mare she didn't recognize opened the door. "Crystal Wish?" The mare asked, looking worried as the changeling stopped. "Right?" Chrysalis nodded hesitantly before resuming her walk. "I-Is something wrong?" "Flare," the mare greeted, holding out her hand. "And... yes..." The changeling shook her hand before being led into the house. On the bed was Cloudy, covers pulled up to her neck and her mane all out of shape. “Cloudy!” The changeling gasped, rushing over to the bed. “She’s sick,” Flare explained. “It’s bad, too. She’s been getting worse and worse every day.” Cloudy weakly reached a hand up to the changeling, who gently took it and gave it a kiss. “Nice to... see you again...” Cloudy wheezed before coughing into the bed sheets. Letting out a soft gasp, Chrysalis could feel how cold her hand was. Reaching out a free hand, she pressed the top of it to the mare‘s cheek. “Sh-She’s so cold.” “They’re calling it The Freeze,” Flare said sadly. “When you’re cold enough you get a cold. When you become too cold...” She then wipes some tears away. “No one’s survived it before...” Letting out a gasp, Chrysalis looked at her, tears in her eyes. “N-No... Can't we warm her up?" "Nothing we've done has worked," Flare explained. "We've tried everything. If I'm being honest, I don't think it's the Freeze, but we don't know enough about this illness for me to be sure." Chrysalis crossed her arms. "Can... Can I have a moment alone with her?" She asked. "I'm going away for a while and I... I may not make it back in time." Flare nodded with the smallest smile. "Sure." She then gave the changeling a pat on the shoulder as she left the house. Chrysalis watched her leave before she approached the bed. "Hello," she greeted. Cloudy smiled up at her. "Hello, Crystal. I'd hug you, but..." Chrysalis smiled back and bent over. She placed her hand on the mare's left shoulder and nuzzled her right cheek. "I missed you." Cloudy giggled and then coughed. "I could infect you, you know?" "I don't care," Chrysalis sighed, before pulling back. "I'm sorry this happened." "It's not your fault," Cloudy assured her with a soft smile. The changeling nodded and sat on the edge of the bed. "I have a confession to make. And, I need to tell you before... be..." Cloudy smiled and reached her left hand out to place it on the changeling's hand. "Before I die?" She asked, making the changeling look at her with watery eyes. "You don't have to be scared to say it. I know what's coming. And, I'm... okay with it." "You shouldn't have to be," Chrysalis replied with a shaky voice. "It's... too soon." "I know," Cloudy said simply. "Now, what did you need to say?" The changeling sniffled and cleared her throat. "Well... I'm not really a unicorn named Crystal Wish." "Oh?" The sick mare asked with a tilt of her head. "And, who and what are you?" Chrysalis smiled and said nothing. She simply changed back into her true self. "Oh," Cloudy said as she stared. "You're a... a changeling?" Chrysalis hid her face behind her hair. "Feel free to scream. It's what everyone else does. I just wanted you to..." She was cut off when she felt the mare's hold on her hand tighten a little, making her look down at her. Cloudy was smiling. "I'm not everyone else. And, I still like you." Chrysalis wiped her eyes with a forced chuckle. "Really?" Cloudy nodded. "You haven't sucked out my love. And, your feelings seem genuine. What's to be scared of? Not to mention you're crying." "Yeah," the queen agreed. "More than you." The gray pegasus moved her hand to the changeling's wrist. "Feel like... another kiss?" Chrysalis gasped softly and knelt beside the bed again. "Definitely." She then leaned in again and kissed the mare on the lips. This one lasted a little longer as both mares felt like tasting each other's tongue. When they pulled back, Cloudy giggled. "You really don't care about getting sick, do you?" Chrysalis shook her head. "I have something I need to do but I don't want to leave you. If I do, I may never see you again." "If you stay, you will need to be in disguise," Cloudy reminded her. "And, I want to remember you as you." "But..." Chrysalis started. Cloudy put a hand on her cheek and rubbed gently. "Go. I'll be fine with Flare. And, I won't ever forget you." Chrysalis let the tears flow now as she hung her head. "Dammit," she muttered. "I love you, uh..." the pegasus started. The changeling sniffled again. "Chrysalis." Cloudy smiled and leaned in. "Pretty name. I love you, Chrysalis." "I-I love you, too," Chrysalis cried, taking the mare's hand in her own as she squeezed tightly and sobbed. She leaned in to kiss the mare on the lips again before teleporting away to a nearby forest. Stumbling away from the village, she tripped and fell to her knees. Not able to get up, she laid down and screamed at the top of her lungs, making a few nearby birds scatter. > Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42 Years Later... 1400 B.W. Chrysalis arrived back in the village, her quest to find the cause of the Freeze a complete failure. She had taken her Crystal Wish form again and went to Cloudy's house. Out front was an orange mare she recognized. She quickly walked over to her and quickly changed her form to look older. "Flare?" The orange mare looked over at her and smiled. "Wow, Crystal? It's been so long." The two hugged before Chrysalis parted. "So... Cloudy?" Flare's smile faded a little as she nodded. "Not long after you left. She did tell me to tell you that... she thought about you right up until the end." Chrysalis' lips trembled a little as she smiled. "I-I've been thinking about her, too." The orange mare smiled and patted her arm. "If you need something to help relax, we just opened up a pub." "A... pub?" The changeling asked. "It's where you can get things to drink," Flare explained. "Specifically, drinks that make you loopy. Folks tend to drink it when they want to cool off or forget things. Helps clear the mind." "I see..." Chrysalis sighed. "Where is it?" Chrysalis entered the pub and saw a small bar area with stools around the side of the room. Behind the bar was a white unicorn mare with curly green hair that hung over her left teal eye and a busty chest. She made her way over to the bar and sat down. The mare smiled and walked over to her. "Hey, there," the white mare cooed. "You're new." She leaned forward to rest her arms on the counter top as her F-cup breasts also pressed to the counter top. Chrysalis stared at the cleavage presented to her before she looked the mare in the eyes. "Um... Yes. Just came back from a trip." The mare looked down, presumably at her own boobs, and smiled. "Looking for something to help you relax? Or forget?" Chrysalis sighed and shrugged, resting her own arms on the counter top. "Both?" "That bad, huh?" The busty mare asked, looking up at the disguised changeling. "I suppose I could whip something up for ya. The changeling queen smiled lightly. "That would be nice." The unicorn patted the queen's arm. "Be right back, sweetie," she cooed, leaving to go mix up a drink. Chrysalis watched her before looking at her arm where the mare had touched her. Could this mare be hitting on her. She was pulled out of her thoughts when the mare returned and set a drink down. The queen then gasped and sat upright. "I, uh... don't have..." The unicorn held up her hand. "First one's on the house. Enjoy." Chrysalis chuckled and picked up the drink. "Good way to draw in business," she said, before taking a sip. Setting the drink down, she coughed a couple times. "Damn, that's strong." "Good, right?" The white mare giggled. "Don't worry. Keep drinking and you'll forget everything in no time." The changeling eyed the drink before taking another sip. "It is quite good, yes." She set the mug down and sighed. "So... I'm Crystal Wish." "Cute," the mare cooed. "I'm Minty Crush." "Nice to meet you, Minty," Chrysalis cooed. Minty leaned over the counter, her tits pressing to the counter top again. "So, I saw you staring. Don't play dumb. I've been staring, too." Chrysalis chuckled and leaned in. "Oh, yeah? You're quite forward." Minty shrugged. "I know what I want. And, I'm not afraid to try for it." "Admirable," the fake Crystal Wish said as she downed the rest of her drink. "Drink didn't do the trick. Care to... help me relax and forget?" Minty smiled widely. "I'd love to." The two mares entered Minty's home as Minty held Chrysalis against the door and kissed her. Chrysalis kissed back before gently pulling away. "Wait..." Chrysalis muttered. "Mmmm, whaaaaat?" Minty whined. "I'm so horny." The queen chuckled and looked the mare in the eyes. "I made the mistake before of not being honest with the one I loved. I want to be honest with you." "What do you mean?" Minty asked as Chrysalis walked over to the center of the room. She then turned to face the white mare and sighed. "I mean, this," she said, before turning into her true self. "I'm a, uh..." The mare let out a scream and ran for the door. “Changeling!” She yelled. Chrysalis gasped and used her magic to hold the door shut. “No, please, don’t,” she pleaded, before there was a flash of green from the sky outside. A guard had heard the mare and launched a flare to signal a changeling attack. Chrysalis growled and jumped out the window, her horn lighting up. The second she went outside, however, she feels what seemed like rain. Wiping the liquid off her arm, she smelled it. “Myrite,” she growled through clenched teeth as she felt her magic leave her. A guard raised his crossbow and fired. Chrysalis ducked and took off for the forest. The only mare in that village who truly knew her had died 40 years ago. Now, there were only enemies. Luna teleported above the village and caught a glimpse of the changeling disappearing into the first. Eyes narrowing, she flew after her. She could barely see through the trees but she noticed a small mountain about sixty feet high nearby. Flying over to it, she landed and found herself at the entrance of a cave. Pulling out her sword and lighting up her horn, she entered. The tunnel led downward and, aside from Luna’s magic, there was no light. When she got to the bottom, she was in a shorter hall with a green light at the end. Heading for it, she found herself in a large cavern with a bunch of changeling drones. Chrysalis was kneeling nearby, being partially surrounded by her drones. When the alicorn arrived, all the drones looked at her, but they did nothing. Luna eyed them all and, realizing they weren’t attacking, lowered her sword and stopped using her magic. “What was that?” Chrysalis asked. “In the sky?” Luna hesitated before answering. “Liquid myrite. It gets launched up with the flares to dampen changeling magic. Then, either me or my sister arrives to assess the situation. I only saw you, so I felt no need to call for reinforcements.” The queen chuckled. “Bold. Brave. Or maybe just stupid.” “Why were you in the village?” Luna asked, ready to raise her sword again should she need it. Chrysalis looked over her shoulder at the princess before standing up. “If you must know, I was trying to find a mate.” “That mare you were with?” Luna asked. “Who called the guards?” Chrysalis nodded. “Is she alive?” The changeling chuckled and nodded. “I told you; I went there looking for a mate. I didn’t want to lie to her so I showed her my true self. It worked once in the past, but… she wasn’t the same.” Luna gave a look of confusion. “The same?” “There was another,” Chrysalis explained. “A mare who loved me for me, even after I showed her I was a changeling. I just… waited too long… and she was lost to the Freeze. “I see,” Luna replied. “And, you truly loved her?” Chrysalis crossed her arms and avoided eye contact. “What do you care?” "It would be foolish of me not to use this opportunity to know more about your kind," Luna explained plainly. "It is not every day one can simply talk with the changeling queen." "Ever tried?" Chrysalis asked coldly, baring her fangs. Luna sighed and threw her weapon out of the cavern. It clattered to the ground in the hallway outside before Luna stripped out of her armor. Letting the plating and gauntlets fall to the ground, she now stood in only her black wrappings that covered her breasts and crotch. "Now, that I am unarmed and unprotected... can we talk?" Chrysalis hesitated before she turned and headed for her throne. "This way." "Can we not speak in private?" Luna asked as she followed, eyeing all the drones who had their eyes fixated on her. The queen scoffed. "Did you not ask to learn more about our kind?" She asked, before she sat down on her throne. She raised her foot as a drone quickly came over and knelt down and started to kiss and lick it. "The queen can communicate with her hive telepathically. Not with precise words, but with simple commands. And, as queen, I can tell how they feel." "I see," Luna said as a drone crawled up to her and planted a kiss on her leg. "Um..." "We're hungry," Chrysalis explained. "I wanted to find someone who could love me for me. Their love would be more powerful that way. And, that could feed me and my children forever. However, I am not so lucky to find one such as that." "I see..." Luna said as the drone kept kissing her leg. "You are much different than the previous queen." "Mmm," Chrysalis muttered, pulling her foot back and spreading her legs. The drone crawled forward and started licking away at the queen's pussy. "The one you killed." "We only kill as a last resort," Luna said as she felt the drone reach up and grab her crotch wrappings. She gently took the drone's hand and moved it away. "And, she did not seem up for discussion." "That, she wasn't," Chrysalis sighed, closing her eyes before letting out soft moans. Luna looked the queen over before looking down at the drone. She then slowly knelt down as the drone kissed her neck. The princess smiled softly before she felt the drone's hands on her breasts. "Quite the frisky one," she said with a light chuckle as she ran her hands down the drone's sides to her hips. "Are they all like this?" Chrysalis opened her eyes to see the princess having a moment with one of her children. "Yes. They're always ready for sex, even when they're full." The drone kissed down to the princess' cleavage and buried her face in the mounds. Luna chuckled and started to undo her top. "Why not?" She asked, pulling her wrappings off and dropping the fabric on the floor as the drone buried her face deeper in the breasts. As the drone licked and kissed the blue boobs, Luna looked over at all the other drones who also seemed hungry. Chrysalis watched the princess sit beside her drone friend and slip out of her crotch bindings. Setting it with her other clothes, she laid on her back. Two drones crawled up on either side of her, each one taking a breast and sucking on the nipple. Two more went over to her feet, each taking one and licking the digits. Another drone crawled between her legs and began to lick at the pussy. Luna moaned out at all the pleasure she was receiving. Chrysalis watched the orgy take place before her as Nala walked up to her. "Go take her mouth, sweetie." "Cock?" Nala asked. "Or pussy?" "Give her your delicious pussy," Chrysalis cooed. "She looks thirsty." Nala smirked and walked over to the sex pile, standing directly above Luna's face. She then squatted down and pressed her pussy to the princess' mouth. When she did, she felt the princess' tongue lick away at her lips. Two more drones went on either side of the princess, gripping their cocks as they tapped Luna's hands with their meat. Luna grabbed their rods and stroked them with moans. Chrysalis leaned back and watched with her own moans as the drone between her legs continued to eat her out. The drone licking at Chrysalis' pussy suddenly felt the weight of cock and balls on her head and muzzle. Pulling back, she saw that her queen had brought her dick out. Chrysalis then stood up and looked down at the drone. The queen motioned for her to stand up before she put her arm around her. Chrysalis then brought her over to the orgy before standing behind her. She then reached around and grabbed the drone's cock and stroked it. Her free hand went up to rub the drone's tits. "I see the princess is realizing the perks of having such a large group of devoted, sexy changelings," Chrysalis cooed. "who are willing to do anything for their partner." "They are quite lovely," Nala agreed as two drones crawled up to her to play with her breasts. The drone Chrysalis was jerking off moaned out as she shot out ropes of cum all over Luna's belly and lower chest. "That's it," Chrysalis cooed, continuing to rub the penis. "Give the princess your love. As I'm about to." She then spun the drone around to kiss her on the lips before she sent her off to go with Nala. The Elite slid off Luna's face and began making out with the three drones while the other drones who were servicing Luna backed off. The two that Luna was jerking off let their cum hit the blue tits before they, too, backed away. Chrysalis got to her hands and knees and crawled atop the princess. As she did, she licked the cum off Luna's stomach and breasts, making the blue mare moan softly. "I have never felt so... good," Luna moaned. Chrysalis chuckled and grabbed her blue tits before licking up between the mounds to look the princess in the eyes. "Finding enjoyment in the company of changelings?" Luna smiled and reached a hand out to rub the queen's cheek. "You're not so bad." “You want to feel really good?” Chrysalis asked, before all the drones nearby circled them and started to jerk off. “Try getting fucked while being showered by cum.” Luna smirked and rolled them both over so she was on top, making Chrysalis frown lightly. “Something wrong?” The princess cooed. “Not used to being on the bottom?” She then reached behind and grabbed Chrysalis’ cock, bringing it to her marehood. Without hesitation, she sat down as her pussy swallowed up the changeling dick. Both moaned out deeply before Luna began moving her hips up and down. Chrysalis sighed heavily and grabbed Luna’s hips, sliding her hands up the mare’s sides to her tits. Luna chuckled and leaned forward to stick her tits in the queen’s face. Sitting back up and bouncing, Luna smirked as Chrysalis smirked back. Luna then looked around at all the changeling cock. “Being surrounded like this… is really bringing out the slut in me.” Chrysalis chuckled as two drones stepped up to the princess. “Seems these two want some attention.” Luna nodded before she felt the dicks rub her cheeks. Looking to her right, she used her tongue to pull the rod in her mouth and sucked. Once she felt like she had sucked enough, she turned to the other changeling and began ducking her cock instead. She repeated this process until both changelings came hard all over her face. The princess closed her eyes as she felt the sticky jizz run down her neck. “Oh, my,” Luna giggled. “There’s so much.” Chrysalis smiled and started to thrust upwards, making the alicorn moan with each thrust. "Yes, princess. Feel my children's cum." As she said that, the other drones all around them started to cum. Ropes and strings of cum shot all over and streaked the two royals. Chrysalis felt a few land on her face and she opened her mouth just as some landed inside. A bunch more landed all over her chest and legs. However, most of the drones had aimed at Luna and had painted her breasts, face, back, and butt. By the time the drones had finished, Chrysalis gave a hard thrust upwards and emptied her balls inside the princess. Luna moaned sharply as she also came. All the drones got to their knees and started to gently rub each other's breasts. Some even laid down to lick the cum off their cocks. Luna slowly opened her eyes and licked her lips. Looking down at the cum-covered queen, she smiled. Leaning forward, she rested atop the changeling as their sticky bodies pressed together. The princess kissed the queen on the lips as the queen kissed back. Chrysalis suddenly broke the kiss with a light smirk. "You should probably head back. Celestia will be worried." Luna scoffed. "I think not. Besides... I would like to... spend more time with you." Chrysalis tilted her head as she rested her hands on Luna's butt. "Really?" The princess nodded and leaned in, licking some cum off the queen's cheek. "Besides... I would like to get to know your children more." Chrysalis grinned. "Alright, then. I think we can go for a round two. Really paint us white." Luna chuckled and grinned, too. "Bring it on." > Black Sapphire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Next Day... Nala was sitting in Chrysalis' lap on the throne, the two passionately making out as their tongues wrestled with each other. Chrysalis was wearing a long dark green skirt and green wrappings around her tits that Luna had given her that morning. Nala's ears twitched and looked over her shoulder as a familiar mare stumbled into the cavern. Chrysalis gently made Nala get off her before standing up. She then made her way past all the drones, who had been busy fucking each other. "Minty?" The queen asked. "To what... do I owe... the pleasure?" The white mare had her hands together and her head down. "I just... wanted to apologize. I-I didn't realize that... changelings had… w-well, changed." Chrysalis crossed her arms and sighed. "Could have given me a chance instead of freaking out." "Can you blame me?" Minty asked as she stepped up to the queen. "We've been told our whole life that changelings are evil. About how they wish to overthrow the Crystal Empire and take over Canterlot and Equestria. I just... panicked. And, I wanted to say I'm sorry. I was happy to hear that... Luna spared you and... found out the truth." Chrysalis hesitated before placing her hand on the mare's cheek, making Minty look her in the eyes. "You like Crystal. Not me." "I could," Minty said quickly, placing her hands on the queen's upper chest, right above her breasts. "I mean, you're striking as you are. Scary, but also sensual. However..." "You would like to see Crystal Wish again," Chrysalis said, getting a nod from the mare. "I see." She gently held the mare's hips before moving her hands to her butt. "I'm sure we could work something out," she cooed, before turning back into Crystal Wish. Minty smiled widely. "I'll be yours as long as I can." "I already have Luna," Chrysalis chuckled. "But, I could let you be Crystal's." The white unicorn dove in for a kiss as Chrysalis kissed back. The changeling moved her right hand up to the mare's breast and gripped before gently moving her up against the cave wall. Minty broke the kiss and pulled her shirt off before Chrysalis did the same. They pressed their tits together as Chrysalis kissed her on the lips again before kissing down her neck to her tits. Wrapping her lips around the left nipple, she sucked loudly and lewdly. Minty giggled and moaned before Chrysalis began to give gentle love bites all over the large tit before licking all over the right tit. Chrysalis stood up and raised her arms above her head. "Your turn, cutie." Minty smiled and grabbed Chrysalis by the hips and moved her up against the cave wall, before kissing down her neck to between her tits. Using her hands, she gripped both mounds and kneaded them as she licked away at the cleavage. She then proceeded to kiss lower and lower until she was on her knees with her face between the changeling's legs. Leaning in, she started to lick away at Chrysalis' pussy. The queen moaned softly and closed her eyes. 1398 B.W. Luna ran into Chrysalis’ hive, panting. “Where is she?” The drones all pointed at a hall behind the throne. Luna quickly made her way over to the hall and saw a doorway at the end. Running over to it, she burst through without knocking. Chrysalis was disguised as Crystal Wish and sitting on the bed while Minty was knelt in front of her, licking away at the royal pussy. They both quickly looked over at the intruder, The white mare’s face soaking wet. “Did not mean to disturb you,” Luna apologized. “But, we could use your help.” Chrysalis stood up and patted Minty on the head before walking over to the princess. “What’s wrong?” “Black Sapphire,” Luna whispered so Minty couldn’t hear. “Heir to the throne at the Crystal Empire. She’s killed her whole family as some sort of ritual to gain dark powers. We have to stop her.” “Has she initiated an attack?” Chrysalis asked. “Or declared war?” “Nothing yet,” Luna said with a shake of her head. “But, it’s only a matter of time until…” Chrysalis held up a hand to stop her before looking at Minty. “Stay here until I come for you,” She said, before leaving. “O-Okay,” Minty said, not sure what was going on. Luna followed Chrysalis out and closed the door. As they arrived back in the main cavern, all the drones had their eyes on the entrance. Footsteps and scraping could be heard. Suddenly a hand emerged and held the corner of the tunnel as a figure stepped out of the hallway. She was a dark gray mare with hair down to the floor and in front of her eyes. Her hair started off black at the top but faded into red near the ends. She wore a black, shoulder-strapless dress that covered up her sleek body and flat chest. Her fingernails were about an inch longer than normal and stained red at the tips. “So, this is the home of the fearsome changeling queen, Chrysalis,” Sapphire cooed as her red eyes fell on the other two royals. “And, is that the princess of the night I see beside you? Still living in your sister’s shadow?” Luna scowled and lit up her horn. Chrysalis held an arm out in front of her. “No fighting in my home.” “A rule I can respect,” Sapphire said as she slowly made her way closer. “After all, I did not come here to fight. Just wanted to scope out the competition.” “I have no quarrel with you,” Chrysalis said as her eyes narrowed. Sapphire smirked. “You attacked the Empire.” “Ash did,” Chrysalis corrected. “Luna killed her.” “Oh, I see,” Sapphire said, her hair covering most of her face as she was slightly bent forward, hands behind her back. “Then, you have my thanks,” she said to Luna. When Sapphire finally stood before then, she did upright and pulled her hair out of her face. She then reached out and placed her hands on Luna’s hips. “I’ll tell you what; kneel before me right here, right now… and I’ll spare your kingdoms for a few thousand years.” “Are you crazy?” Chrysalis growled. “I’ll include that village as part of your kingdom," the dark gray mare cooed with a smirk. "Something tells me you're quite fond of it." The changeling queen's eyes narrowed into slits. Luna gently placed a hand on her shoulder, making the changeling look over at her. "It is what's best for both our kingdoms," the alicorn said with a look of defeat. Chrysalis then watched the alicorn slowly get to her knees. Sapphire smiled before looking at Chrysalis. The changeling queen sighed deeply and dropped to her knees with a grunt. Black Sapphire reached out and rubbed Luna's cheek with her right hand and Chrysalis' cheek with her left. "Good girls," she cooed. "Remind me why I don't just... rip you apart," Chrysalis hissed. "We both have magic, too." The sorceress chuckled eerily and squatted down as a magical red mist began to emanate from her eyes. "Try it. If you dare." Chrysalis felt a hand on her arm and looked over to see Luna shaking her head. "Clearly, the princess knows something I don't," she said, before returning her attention to the gray mare. "I have no reason to doubt her." "Or me," Sapphire added, before standing upright again. "I have killed for far less than outbursts such as that. However, I shall teach you a lesson in obedience in return for my forgiveness. I do not offer this kindness often." Chrysalis growled under breath before looking at the floor. "What would you have me do?" The gray earth pony pointed to the throne. "Bend over that for me. Press your cheek to the seat." The changeling queen hesitated before starting to get up. Sapphire quickly raised her foot and placed it on the queen's knee. "Crawl over." Luna watched the changeling get on all fours and angrily crawl over to her throne. Sapphire undid her waistband and pulled off her dress, exposing her sleek form. She then folded her dress up and held it out to Luna. The alicorn took it and held it securely. Sapphire smiled at her before she went over to Chrysalis. Once there, the gray mare grabbed Chrysalis' bare ass as a thick cock formed between her legs. "Ever hear the phrase going in dry?" Black Sapphire asked. Before Chrysalis could say anything, she rammed her cock inside Chrysalis' ass, making the queen grunt loudly. Sapphire grabbed Chrysalis' hair and pulled hard before she started to roughly fuck the changeling's ass. 30 Minutes Later... Black Sapphire walked over to Luna and squatted down. "Oh, my dear. Your legs must be tired." Luna gave a light smile. "I'll be fine." "Tell you what," Sapphire cooed. "Since you have been such a good girl, do one more thing for me and I'll fix that aching in your knees." The alicorn nodded. "What must I do?" Sapphire got to one knee, pressing her chest forward. "Suck on my nipples." Luna looked at the mare's flat chest before leaning in and licking at the left nipple. She then sucked on it, making the sorceress moan softly. Luna stopped and nuzzled it with her face before moving to the other nipple and repeating the process." "So well-behaved," Sapphire cooed, letting out a moan before licking her lips. "I may have to invite you over for some real fun," she said as she stood up, taking her dress from the alicorn. After she slipped the dress on and tightened her waistband, she held out her hand. A magical haze formed in her hand before she dropped it on the alicorn. "Feel free to stand now. I shall take my leave," she cooed, before turning and walking away. "Till next time." The pain in Luna's knees did, indeed, disappear as the princess stood up. Turning around, she quickly went over to Chrysalis, whose whole back and ass was covered in cum. The ass was lightly bruised and the queen wasn't moving. "Chrysalis?" Luna asked, placing a hand on the queen's back. "Are you okay?" As she asked, a glob of cum spurted out of Chrysalis' ass and splattered on the ground. There didn't seem to be any life in the changeling's eyes but she was most definitely alive. Nala quickly walked over once Sapphire had left. "M-My queen?" She asked, rushing up beside Luna. The elite let out a sad sigh. "Sapphire broke her." "Broke her?" Luna asked. "In what way?" "Are all you ponies so dense?" Nala rudely asked. "It's her pride. Her position as queen. Sapphire made her look weak." "Oh..." Luna muttered. "What can we do for her?" "Give her time," Nala sighed as she crossed her arms. Luna thought for a moment before smiling. She then leaned in and gently rubbed Chrysalis' back. "Hey, um... we left Minty back in your room. Perhaps you'd rather rest in bed with her than... lay against your throne?" Nala eyed the princess before Chrysalis sighed lightly. She then slowly pushed herself up before she stumbled to her feet. Luna and Nala made sure she didn't fall over. The queen then began to lazily drag herself down the hallway to her bedroom. "I am sure she'd love your company, too," Luna said to Nala. The elite eyed her before following her queen. Chrysalis and Nala entered the royal bedchambers to find Minty laying on the bed, waiting. She sat up when the changelings entered the room. Chrysalis said nothing as she crawled onto the bed and plopped down in the middle. Minty stared at the cum all over the queen's back. "What happened?" Minty asked. Nala got in bed next to Chrysalis on the opposite side of Minty. "Something bad. Now, help me clean her up." Luna watched Nala close the bedroom door with her magic before she turned and left the cavern. > Black Heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1250 B.W. Nala flew into the cavern and over to Chrysalis. “My queen,” she said urgently, getting the queen’s attention. “Ember’s launched an attack on the Crystal Empire.” “What?” Chrysalis asked, her eyes widening in fear. “I told her that was insane. Why would she…” “So, you knew,” Sapphire said as she stood at the entrance, arms folded in front of her chest. “Slipped your mind last time we spoke, did it? And, here I thought we had an understanding.” Chrysalis stared at her. “What happened to…” “Ember?” Sapphire asked. “There was barely a fight. She surrendered to me almost immediately… after I killed a couple of her drones, that is.” Chrysalis glared at her as she slowly made her way over. “You attacked us once before. Am I to assume Ember’s attempt was to finish what your queen started?” “Most likely,” Chrysalis said as she crossed her arms. “Ember was always stubborn. The very reason Ash banned me queen instead of her.” “Ooo,” Sapphire cooed with a smirk. “Mommy didn’t pick the next line and the rightful heir is lashing out? Sounds familiar.” “That what happened to you?” Chrysalis asked as the dark gray mare stepped up to her. “Did mommy not pick you?” “My parents saw more potential in my younger brother,” Sapphire explained as she began to circle the changeling. “I was too volatile. Too mischievous.” “Well, how dare they for being wrong,” Chrysalis said sarcastically. “How dare they, indeed,” Sapphire chuckled. “They’re dead now, so… water under the bridge.” She stopped behind the queen and grabbed her butt with her left hand. “Mmm… So, what happened to that sexy barmaid?” The changeling sighed angrily at the butt grab. “I was told she was attacked by timberwolves while out gathering ingredients for her bar.” “Oh, that is very true,” Sapphire said with a smirk as she used her right hand to grab the queen’s covered right breast. “But, she was not killed.” Chrysalis gasped and looked over at her. “What do you know of her disappearance?” The gray mare grinned. “Give yourself to me. Be my plaything, and I shall give her back to you, unharmed and just as you remember her.” The changeling looked down at the ground in thought as her hands clenched into fists. She eventually sighed and dipped to her knees. “As long as she’s safe.” “Well, that all depends on you,” Sapphire said as she snapped her fingers. A large crystal block appeared before Chrysalis. Inside, frozen with a look of pain on her face, was Minty. Chrysalis gasped as Sapphire ran her fingernails over the crystal’s surface. “She’s been frozen in time. The same age she was when you two last met. Now,” she said, before blowing on the block, making it burst as the busty white mare fell into the changeling arms. “she’s yours.” Minty gasped and looked around. “Wh-What the hell?” Her eyes then meet Chrysalis’ before she looked over her shoulder at Sapphire. “What’s going on?” “You’re free,” Sapphire cooed. “As long as Chrysalis remains my pet, that is.” Minty looked at Chrysalis again before giving her a hug. Chrysalis hugged back as Sapphire rubbed the mare’s head. “She certainly is a cutie. Now, shall we move this to the bedroom?” The changeling queen stood up and helped Minty to her feet. “Nala? Keep the others happy while I’m gone.” Nala nodded. “Of course.” Chrysalis gave her a smile before leading Minty and Black Sapphire to her bedchamber. “Here we are.” “How nice,” Sapphire said as she slid out of her dress and folded it up. She then set it on a nearby stool. “Did you steal these over the years?” “My queen built them for us,” Chrysalis explained as the naked sorceress walked around the room. “I just made them comfier over the years.” “Impressive,” Sapphire said as she ran her hand over the bed. “We have our own style back at the Empire. How wonderful how similar we are.” Chrysalis frowned at that. “I’m nothing like you.” Sapphire chuckled and held her hands behind her back, not caring about showing off her body. “Perhaps. Now, undress each other.” Minty looked at Chrysalis, who turned to face her. The white mare smiled and placed her hands on the queen’s shoulders. Chrysalis gave her a light smile back before she raised her arms. “Me first,” Chrysalis said. Minty smiled and began undoing the wrappings around the changeling's breasts. Once she pulled the clothing away, she ran her hands over the mounds before getting to her knees. She ran her hands down the queen's body and undid the skirt, pulling it off to expose the royal pussy. "You are really stunning," Minty cooed, before kissing Chrysalis' inner thigh. Chrysalis smiled and patted her head. "Stand up. Your turn." Minty smiled and stood up. "Alright." Black Sapphire rubbed her left nipple as she watched the changeling undress the white mare. "You two are cute together. I am glad I saved her for you... so I could witness this moment. And, to see the look on your face when you see what I have in store for you." Chrysalis looked over at the sorceress as she stood up, holding Minty's clothes. "What do you mean?" "You may want to sit down," Sapphire cooed as she picked up her clothes off the stool before moving her dress to the dresser. Chrysalis hesitated before slowly walking over to the stool, sitting down. "You better not hurt Minty." "Oh, she'll be fine," Sapphire chuckled. "There's someone else I need to reunite you with, as well as introduce you to someone new. Someone very special to me." Minty walked over to Chrysalis as Sapphire walked over to the door. Opening it, she let out a long, high-pitched whistle. Chrysalis went wide-eyed, knowing one of the two who was coming. Minty saw the changeling's reaction before staring at the doorway. Suddenly, a red changeling that looked similar to Chrysalis entered the room. "Ah, sister," Ember cooed. "Long time, no see." "You bitch," Chrysalis growled. "Hey, now," Sapphire scolded as another mare entered the room. "That's no way to talk around my daughter." The new mare was a black alicorn with dark hair down to her butt with a few strands hanging over her right eye. She had a slim figure, also with a flat chest, and orange eyes. She was wearing a black, form-fitting dress similar to her mom's. Only hers was torn at the bottom. "An alicorn?" Minty gasped. "Like the princesses?" "Turns out she's immortal, too," Sapphire said with a chuckle. "Must run in the family." "Lucky..." the daughter muttered sarcastically with a permanent frown. "Chrysalis. Minty. Meet Black Heart," Sapphire cooed. Ember smirked with a hand on her hip. "Kid's actually pretty strong." She then shot her sister a look. "Maybe even stronger than you." Chrysalis' eyes narrowed as Sapphire headed back over to the queen and bar mare. "Now, for the main event," she sang as she grabbed Minty's wrist and pulled her over to the bed. Chrysalis started to get up before she felt a hand on her shoulder. Looking up, she saw Black Heart. Ember was right. She seemed to barely be making an effort to hold her down and yet Chrysalis couldn't move further. Sitting back down, she took her eyes off the daughter and looked over at her mom. "Now..." Sapphire began, running her hand over Minty's tits and belly. "This mare, like all mares, has three holes. And, there's three of us." Minty went wide-eyed and Ember grinned evilly. Black Heart just blew the strands of hair out of her face, seemingly uninterested. "Pick a hole, dear." Black Heart just shrugged. "I don't care." Sapphire sighed and looked at Ember. "How about you?" "I'll take her pussy," Ember chuckled as she let her dress fall to the floor, revealing her cock. "And, I shall have her ass," Sapphire said as she slapped Minty's butt. "That means my darling daughter gets her mouth," Sapphire said as Ember went to lie on the bed with her head hanging over the edge. The sorceress then grabbed the back of Minty's neck and made her look her in the eyes. "Go mount her. Now." Minty bit her lip and nodded quickly. When she was shoved towards the bed, she quickly climbed up and crawled atop Ember. She tried to avoid looking the red changeling in the eyes as she aligned her marehood to the cock. Ember quickly pulled her down onto her rod, making the mare gasp sharply. Sapphire smirked and climbed onto the bed, getting atop Minty and pushing her rod into the mare's ass. "Your turn, sweetie," Sapphire cooed. Black Heart looked down at Chrysalis. "Stay." Chrysalis looked up at her before the daughter undid her own dress and let it fall to the floor. She had a thick rod of her own all ready to go. She then walked over to the bed and gripped her rod. When she stuck it in Minty's face, the white mare panted as the other two had already started fucking her holes. She opened her drooling mouth before Black Heart slid her rod inside. Once all three were inserted, they began to quickly thrust their hips... except for Black Heart. She gave hard thrusts at a lesser frequency than the other two. It was unclear if she was enjoying it or not but she didn't resist. Chrysalis watched them for what felt like hours before Ember and Sapphire grunted as their were bursts of cum from Minty's bottom holes. Sapphire pulled out of the white mare with a sigh as more cum leaked out. "I have always enjoyed the tightness of the butt," Sapphire cooed as she rubbed the slightly gaping hole. "And, I love the wetness of the pussy," Ember said as Sapphire got off the bed. The red changeling then sat up and pushed the mare off before climbing off the bed. Minty flopped forward and landed with her head safely on the pillow. "Next time you hide valuable information from me..." Sapphire started as she walked over to Chrysalis. "We shall be... much more rough." Chrysalis glared up at her as the sorceress went to grab her dress. Ember stepped in front of her and held her hip. "Mind if I go back with you?" She asked, moving her hand up and down the gray mare's chest. Sapphire smiled and leaned in. "Why not?" Ember smirked and levitated the mare's dress over. Sapphire raised her arms as the changeling wrapped the dress around her and fastened the waistband. The gray mare reached up and rubbed the red queen's cheek. "I am delighted I spared you. You are lovely." She gently pulled Ember in for a kiss. Black Heart rolled her eyes before walking over to the side of the bed Minty was facing. She quickly stroked her cock before blasting Minty in the face with a fresh coat of cum. The white mare closed her eyes to avoid being blinded. The young black mare then sat on the edge of the bed,. Sapphire stopped kissing Ember to look at her daughter. "Come. We're going home." "I'd like to stay," Black Heart said simply. "Play some more." Her mother chuckled and looked at Ember. "Like mother, like daughter. Let us go, my changeling queen. My daughter will return when she's ready." As the queen and empress headed to the door, the empress waved her hand. "Don't stay too long, sweetie." Ember used her magic to snatch her dress off the floor before she and Sapphire left. Black Heart used her magic to close the door with a sigh. "Finally," she groaned. "I hate group sex." She then slid off the bed and walked over to Chrysalis, her cock still there but slightly smaller. Apparently, it was a real one. "Now, I have you two all to myself." "What are you going to do?" Chrysalis asked, leaning back in her chair. "Hurt me like you hurt Minty?" "Minty is fine," Black Heart replied, getting to her knees and spreading Chrysalis' knees. No matter how much she struggled, the changeling couldn't seem to resist the mare's pull. "Now... show me your cock." Chrysalis stared at her for a moment in disbelief before using her magic to summon her rod. Black Heart squeezed it tightly before slowly jerking it. The mare's eyes have remained half-closed since she arrived and she was only seen blinking a few times. "So, what's your deal?" "Hmm?" Black Heart asked as she looked up at the queen. "Are you like your mother?" Chrysalis asked more plainly. The black mare stared up at her before looking at the changeling cock again. "In a way." The changeling queen shuddered as the mare stroked a little faster. "In what way?" "Immortal," Black Heart replied. "Strong. Incredibly attractive." She then leaned in and licked the tip of the rod. "But, she likes trouble. I don't care for it. She likes orgies. I hate sharing." "I see," Chrysalis said, before gasping when the mare wrapped her lips around the dick. "You seem less... dominant... than Sapphire." Black Heart's eyes flashed briefly before she pulled off the rod. "I simply like these," she said, squeezing the rod again to the point Chrysalis thought it would pop. "Now, let me enjoy it." She then loosened her grip and went back to sucking. Her left hand went down to rub the balls as she sped up her head-bobbing. Chrysalis stopped talking as the empress' daughter made a meal of her cock. After about a minute, Black Heart pulled off and held the cock with both hands as she moved lower to lick at the balls. Sighing heavily, she then stood up and straddled the queen's lap before lowering herself down onto the rod. As her pussy lips spread open and wrapped around the shaft, Chrysalis held her hips. Black Heart didn't look her in the eyes at all which made it seem like all she saw or cared about was the dick she was riding. When she started bouncing up and down, her breathing picked up and became heavier although she didn't moan once. Black Heart's wings eventually shot open as her rod spurted cum all over Chrysalis' chest and belly. Her pussy suddenly burst juices all over the queen's crotch before Chrysalis was about to cum. Black Heart suddenly slid off and dropped to her knees, rapidly jerking the queen off. Chrysalis grunted as she began to cum all over the black mare, who sighed in delight when the sticky goop hit her nude form. Once finished, Black Heart rubbed the cum on her upper chest as she stood up. She then looked over at Minty on the bed, who was now sitting up. "Come," she said. Minty slowly got off the bed before walking over to the empress' daughter. "Clean me," Black Heart said as she raised her arms above her head. Chrysalis stayed seated as she watched Minty Crush lick all the changeling cum off the mare's body. Her tongue ran up the belly a few times before she licked all over the chest. After giving each nipple a kiss, she licked up the mare's neck and started to lightly lap at her face like a dog, making sure to avoid the eyes. Suddenly, Black Heart wrapped her arms around the mare before she stuck her foot long tongue out. Without hesitation, she slipped it in Minty's mouth and shoved it down her throat as she breathed heavily through her nose. Minty went wide-eyed in shock at how long this mare's tongue was. When Black Heart pulled out, Minty gasped for air. "Good girl," Black Heart said simply before looking at Chrysalis. "Keep that dick warm for me. I'll be back again." She then left them to snatch her dress off the floor. After putting it on, she turned and left the room, leaving Minty and Chrysalis alone. Chrysalis stood up and held Minty close to her. "You okay?" The mare nodded. "Yes. They weren't too rough." "Good." Nala quickly ran into the bedchamber. "That other mare just left. What happened?" "That was Black Heart," Chrysalis said. "Black Sapphire's daughter. She just wanted us to herself." "But, you're okay?" Nala asked her queen. Chrysalis nodded and looked at Minty. "Get some rest. We'll figure out what to do about your return when you awake, okay?" Minty nodded with a smile and kissed the queen on the lips before walking over to the bed. Chrysalis then walked over to Nala. "If they ever come back, we'll play along. Something tells me Sapphire and Black Heart have more power than they let on." The elite nodded. "Protect the hive." "Whatever it takes," Chrysalis added. > "If you were in a life or death situation, I would let you die." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Next Day Chrysalis entered the village with Minty, the white mare smiling and looking around. "It's still pretty much the same. Only the buildings look better." “Yes, they have been making improvements for a while,” The changeling said before bringing her over to the bar. “They tried to keep this place looking the same to preserve your memory. I bet it would be quite the shock to see you back.” Minty smiled and took a deep breath before entering the bar. When she did, the stallion behind the bar smiled at her. “Hello,” she said. “Hello, ma’am,” the stallion greeted. “Looking to take the edge off?” “Actually, I’m Minty Crush,” the mare said as she walked up to the counter. “I’d like my old…” She trailed off when she saw a painting of her face on the wall behind the counter. It was about as big as one of the cabinets. The stallion went wide-eyed and looked at the painting for comparison. “You do look like her. But, you could be anyone.” Chrysalis suddenly entered the bar and walked over to the counter. “It’s Minty. Black Sapphire had her imprisoned within a crystal all these years.” “O-Of course, queen Chrysalis,” the stallion stammered. “Apologies. Also, we all appreciate your protection.” “Don’t mention it,” Chrysalis sighed, before patting Minty’s back. “She’d like her job back and probably her house, too.” “Done and done,” the bartender said with a smile. “I’ve been running this place for a while now and no one’s taken her old house yet, so…” The white mare smiled widely. “This is amazing.” 1 Week Later Chrysalis was seated at the bar as Minty and the stallion worked the counter. The only other customer paid for his drink and left as Chrysalis picked up her drink and downed it. There was suddenly a commotion from outside, making Chrysalis look over her shoulder. The door to the bar slowly opened, revealing Black Heart. "Ah. There you are," the newcomer said plainly. "Black Heart?" Chrysalis asked. "What are you doing here? I do not seem to recall doing anything against your family to warrant a punishment." "Not why I'm here," Black Heart said as she walked over to the changeling. "I'm sure you know this. But, I'll tell you anyway. Nothing compares to changeling dick." Chrysalis chuckled and turned around on her stool and leaned back against the counter. "Right. And?" Black Heart slowly leaned forward over the queen and gripped the edge of the counter, getting right in the queen's face. "Do not... act tougher than me. I could break every limb and then use your mouth as a fuck toy." Chrysalis' smile faded. "Fine. My apologies. Now, why be here when you have a changeling on your team?" "Ember?" Black Heart asked, standing upright. "Partner. Not a pet. I can do whatever I want to you." Chrysalis' eyes narrowed. The Crystal Empress' daughter slid her right hand in between Chrysalis' tits. "So warm." She then pulled her hand out and placed it on the counter again. Closing her eyes, she leaned in and pressed her face to the cleavage. "Um..." the stallion behind the bar muttered. "Not in public?" Black Heart sighed heavily and picked her head up, staring at the stallion. Minty eyed them both before looking up at the stallion. "How about you go home for now?" She suggested. "I'll take over for the day." "Good idea," the stallion said quickly, before running out of the bar. Minty used her magic to lock the door and close the curtains. Black Heart went back to rubbing her face on Chrysalis' tits. The changeling tilted her head in thought. What if she acted lovey-dovey towards this mare instead of resistant? Reaching behind her back, she untied her bindings before she pulled them down to expose her breasts. Black Heart pulled back to see what was going on, looking somewhat irritated by being stopped again. Chrysalis pulled the wrappings off and set them on the bar counter before leaning back again and spreading her legs. Black Heart hesitated before stepping forward, standing directly in front of the queen before leaning in and pushing her face all the way in the cleavage. Chrysalis used her arms to keep her tits held together. The black mare suddenly pulled back to look Chrysalis in the eyes. "Something tells me you like this." "I figured why fight it," Chrysalis explained. "All you want is some fun with a submissive pet, right?" Black Heart's expression didn't change. She just pointed at the floor. As Chrysalis obeyed and got to her knees in front of her, she looked over at Minty. "Undress me." Minty nodded and went around to the other side of the counter. When she was directly behind the black mare, the mare looked over her shoulder at her. "If I come by... I want you to immediately come over to me." "Of course," Minty said as she reached around to undo the mare's waistband. "My apologies." She then pulled the dress off and folded it, setting it on the counter top. When she turned back to the black mare, the mare was facing her. Minty felt her heart skip a beat but she kept her cool. Black Heart said nothing, so Minty had to guess what she wanted. She began to undress and, when she was completely naked, the black mare was still standing there. She dropped her clothes on the counter before slowly reaching her hands out. She placed her hands on the mare's chest and rubbed gently. Getting to her knees, she kissed the mare's belly as the black mare rubbed her head. “So obedient,” Black Heart sighed as Minty kept her hands up to rub the flat chest. Black Heart then looked over at Chrysalis. “Get over here,” She said as she placed her hands on her butt, spreading her cheeks. The changeling queen scooted over on her knees before her hands replaced Black Heart’s. Keeping the cheeks spread, Chrysalis leaned in and slipped her tongue into the tight hole. Minty moved lower and placed kisses on the black dick before she slid her hands down to grab it. Wrapping her lips around the shaft, she started to bob her head. Chrysalis locked all around the anus before pulling out and sticking two fingers on her left hand inside. As she wiggled them around, she kissed the right cheek before moving up the mare’s back, around her wings, and to her shoulder. The whole time, she made sure to keep her fingers inside the tight hole. “Wh-Who told you to stop?” Black Heart asked. “Trust me,” Chrysalis cooed. “You will enjoy this.” “I had better,” Black Heart replied with a dark tone in her voice that even made Chrysalis a little nervous. The changeling queen kissed the mare’s shoulder some more as her right hand slid up the black mare’s body to her chest. Her fingers gently rubbed the nipples as well as the area around the nipples. When Black Heart stretched and let out a soft groan of pleasure, Chrysalis moved to the exposed armpit and kissed it. Black Heart kept her arm raised as Chrysalis licked up the armpit and then up the arm. The changeling took hold of the mare’s wrist and brought her hands down before licking the fingers. Black Heart and Chrysalis locked eyes before Chrysalis started to suck on the mare’s index finger. As she did, she pulled her fingers from the mare’s hole and gripped her own cock. She then tapped the tip against the sleek ass. Black Heart’s expression didn’t change. She did, however, give a single, slow blink before giving a single nod. Chrysalis smiled and pushed her rod inside the tight hole as both grunted. Black Heart held Minty’s shoulders for support. At first, Minty was worried that the mare would crush her bones once Chrysalis stuck her rod in, but Black Heart seemed to be in control of her strength. When Chrysalis slid her rod in all the way, the black mare leaned back against her with a deep sigh. The changeling moved both her hands up to rub the mare’s chest as she gave a single thrust. Black Heart reached around with both hands to gently hold the back of Chrysalis’ head before looking over her shoulder at her. The queen smiled and leaned in, sticking out her own long tongue. Black Heart stuck out her tongue and wrapped it around the queen’s. Both moaned softly as saliva dripped onto the black mare’s shoulder. Chrysalis began a steady rhythm of thrusts, quick and hard. Minty pulled her mouth off the cock and pushed two fingers inside the pussy before kissing up the mare’s belly. When she got to the chest, she nuzzled Chrysalis’ left hand away before sucking on the left nipple. Sliding her free hand lower, she started to jerk off the mare’s rod. After a few more minutes, Minty got to her knees again and wrapped her tits around the dick. Wrapping her left arm around her mounds, she kept them squished together as her right hand pumped the pussy. Feeling the large boobs sandwich her pole, Black Heart began to give thrusts of her own at twice the speed of Chrysalis’ thrusts. Chrysalis slid her hands down the mare's body to her hips and gave one hard thrust before she came. Black Heart grunted loudly before she, too, came and covered Minty's face and breasts with her own cum. When her pussy juices hit Minty's hand, white mare pulled out and rubbed her own pussy, quickly making herself cum as she was already close. Black Heart pulled her tongue back into her mouth, as did Chrysalis, before letting out a deep sigh. Chrysalis wrapped her arms around the black mare and held her close as she kissed the mare's neck. Black Heart let out a soft coo before gasping. Letting out a yell, she used some sort of magic blast that pushed Chrysalis and Minty backwards. Chrysalis fell on her butt hard as Minty was simply knocked over. Black Heart stood panting, cum still dripping from her ass and cock. "I know what you're doing," she cooed darkly. Chrysalis got to her feet and stepped up to her. "I was just showing you a good time. Like you wanted," she said, placing a hand on the mare's shoulder. Black Heart knocked her hand away before turning to face her. "I am the daughter of Black Sapphire. I bet you're just trying to get on my good side so I'll betray my mom." "No no no," Chrysalis assured her, gently placing her hands on the mare's cheeks. "At first, I wasn't sure about you. But, after today, I... I truly enjoy your company." She moved her hands to the mare's shoulders and rubbed gently. "If you have had enough of us, I understand. But, I would like to see you again." Black Heart narrowed her eyes before looking over at Minty, who was now standing where she fell, keeping her distance. She returned her attention to Chrysalis. "If you were in a life or death situation, I would let you die." "I know," Chrysalis replied with a smile. Black Heart crossed her arms. "Why?" The changeling looked her in the eyes and sighed. "I am no hero, either. Never have been. All this time, I have been staying in my cave, ignoring all that has been going on. So, in a way, you remind me of me." The black mare turned her head away, not saying anything. “Plus, I love your sleek body,” she added as she placed her hands on the mare’s non-existent breasts, feeling the nipples poke her palms. Black Heart looked at her chest before looking at the queen. “You… love my chest?” Chrysalis nodded. “As one who changes shape to fit my prey’s fetish, I see the appeal in all forms. Big and busty, small and petite, and flat.” Black Heart held her stance. “My mother is proud of her body.” She then used her magic to float her dress over to her. Pulling it on and then tying the waistband, she turned and headed for the door. When she opened it, a stallion quickly stood up and stepped back. “What… were you doing?” She asked as Chrysalis and Minty scrambled to get dressed. The stallion shook his head. “I-I was just…” “Spying,” Black Heart said plainly. “Listening for something to help you cum to later.” “I apologize, your highness,” he pleaded, getting to his knees. The black mare’s eyes narrowed and she lifted her foot before bringing it down hard on his left knee. There was a sickening snapping noise as the stallion fell back, screaming in pain as he held his mangled knee. “No one spies on me during my special times,” she said, before walking towards the town border. Chrysalis and Minty stepped up to the doorway, now clothed. “Gotta admire her power,” the changeling said as she crossed her arms while a few onlookers had rushed to the stallion’s aid. Minty eyed her with concern. “I think you’re getting too cozy with her. She’s the daughter of Black Sapphire.” “Oh, you can’t tell me you didn’t have fun just now,” Chrysalis said with a smirk. The white mare blushed hard. “W-Well, she… was being more gentle.” Chrysalis put an arm around her. “That she was.” > Getting Through Her Rough Exterior(?) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1001 B.W. Chrysalis was asleep in bed with Nala cuddled up to her. They both suddenly felt a presence in the room as they both sat up and looked at the door. Standing there was Black Heart. Nala sighed and fell back onto the pillow. Chrysalis rubbed her eyes and leaned forward. "Black Heart? What are you..." "I want to sleep with you," she said, undoing her nightgown and letting it fall to the floor. "Ember and my mom have been fucking all day. I need a break." Nala looked at her queen and patted her back. "I will sleep with the drones." Chrysalis nodded as her Elite got out of bed and left the room. When she walked past the crystal empress' daughter, the black mare didn't even look at her. She yawned and closed the door behind her. Black Heart then walked over to Nala's side of the bed and crawled under the covers. Scooting up to the queen, she reached up and pulled Chrysalis back down. The changeling was slammed down onto the soft bed sheets before Black Heart pressed her body to Chrysalis'. The queen could feel the mare's rod against her right leg. Closing her eyes, she put her arm around the mare. "I had sex," she heard the mare say. Opening her eyes halfway, she looked to her right to see the mare's face mere centimeters away. "Did you not have sex before? Multiple times? With me?" "In my pussy," Black Heart elaborated. "With a stallion." "Ohhh..." Chrysalis muttered. "Trying for a child, now?" Black Heart simply shrugged. "Big responsibility. "Take it from someone who has dozens upon dozens." "Can you not control them with your mind?" Black Heart asked. "I do not believe it is quite the same thing as raising a child." "Fair enough," Chrysalis said with a small smile. "But, can you do it?" The black mare hesitated before she rolled onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. "To be honest, it was my mother's idea. She wants the family to continue on should anything happen to her or me. So, the child can be her problem." Chrysalis put her left arm around the mare and gently rubbed her side. Black Heart then looked at the changeling. "You know... um..." The queen tilted her head, unsure if the mare truly forgot her name. "Uh... Chrysalis?" "Right," Black Heart said. "Chrysalis. You are not... a complete waste of space." Chrysalis stared at her, not sure what to say. "I do enjoy your company more than my own mother's." Before the queen could say anything else, the mare continued. "I wanted you to be there when I gave birth. But, my mom refused." Chrysalis felt surprisingly touched by what she heard, about the mare wanting her to be there when she gave birth. "Well, I... I must say I feel honored that you would want me there." "You should not feel anything less," Black Heart said in her usual cold tone, though Chrysalis felt like she was getting through her rough exterior. Chrysalis felt something poke her thigh and moved her hand down to find that the black mare's rod had grown a little. "You're aroused?" "I have been thinking about fucking you ever since I was with that stallion," Black Heart admitted. Chrysalis smiled and straddled the mare's lap. "How about a quick round before we go to bed?" To answer her question, Black Heart reached up and pulled her into a kiss. 1000 B.W. Chrysalis groaned as she entered the bar. Minty Crush looked up from the mug she was cleaning. The three customers in the bar all looked at the bug queen but didn't leave pr act too frightened. "Black Heart gives birth today," Chrysalis said as she sat at the bar. "At least, that's what my scouts tell me." Minty quickly mixed Chrysalis' favorite drink before bringing it over to her. "What are you going to do?" "What can I do?" Chrysalis asked. "That family is powerful. If I arrive unwanted, they could annihilate me in an instant. Why do you think I've kept to this village and my cave? I go somewhere Sapphire disapproves of, I am dead. Deader than dead." She then took the drink and chugged it. "But, that family can't go on, right?" Minty asked. "They're horrible." Chrysalis sighed and roughly set the mug back down. "Black Heart's not that bad. But, Sapphire wants to raise the kid to be like her to continue on their legacy." "I see..." Minty muttered. "Also, last year I fucked her," Chrysalis groaned. "With my pussy." The other customers eyed her, seemingly interested in the conversation. "Who?" Minty asked, picking up the mug. Chrysalis placed her hands on her face. "Black Heart." Without saying anything, Minty rushed over to make another drink before giving the mug back to Chrysalis. The queen took it and sipped a little before sighing. "So... I'll be giving birth to more changelings soon. Ones with Black Heart's DNA and possibly her abilities." "Well, that would make them strong, right?" Minty asked with a forced smile. Chrysalis smiled lightly. "Maybe. I just don't want them to become corrupted with whatever dark magic made Black Heart immortal." She went to take another sip before stopping. She quickly set the mug down and looked in the direction of the Crystal Empire. "What is it?" Minty asked. "The Crystal Empire," Chrysalis said with a look of worry. "It's under attack by the princesses." "Well, maybe they can stop Sapphire," Minty said, trying to make the queen feel better. Chrysalis let her head fall on the counter. "As long as nothing bad happens to the kid... or Black Heart." Minty smiled and patted the queen's head. "I'm sure the princesses know what they're doing." The changeling turned her head to see the white mare. "What about you? How are you dealing with immortality?" Minty shrugged. "I'm doing fine," she said as she rested her arms on the counter top. "I'm surprised Sapphire let me come back here. I thought she made me immortal to be your sex slave forever." Chrysalis smiled. "It's not like we don't have sex all the time. Sapphire's just too busy to constantly check on us. Now, she has a war on her hands." The white mare looked over to find that the customers had moved closer to hear the spicy conversation. She frowned at them and slammed her hand down on the table, startling them. "Hey!" The others all scooted away back to where they were. The changeling sat up and took her mug. "Being confined to this small part of Equestria would have been incredibly boring if not for you, Minty." The unicorn smiled and watched her drink. "Immortality would have been incredibly boring if for you and your drones. I just wish Nala would loosen up a little." Chrysalis sighed and set the empty mug down. "Nala doesn't like... non-changelings. Never has." "Even if her queen does?" Minty asked. The changeling smiled and leaned in, kissing her on the lips. "Yes. Even if her queen does." Minty took the empty mug and started cleaning it out as Chrysalis rested her arms on the counter and let her head fall forward with a sigh. "With any luck, Celestia and Luna will be victorious and Black Heart and her kids will be okay." "Except that Black Heart will do as her mother commands," Chrysalis pointed out. "Even though she hates conflict." "There's always a chance," Minty said as she set the clean mug upside down on the shelf. "Yeah..." Chrysalis sighed. "Hope." The queen was seated on her throne as Nala rode her cock. The elite slowed to a stop when she saw the queen's gaze was not on her. "Something wrong, my queen?" She asked. Chrysalis looked at her and sighed, holding the elite's hips. "Apologies. I just have a lot on my mind right now." "Like what?" Nala asked, starting to lightly rock her hips. The changeling queen rubbed the elite's butt. "The war. Whether Black Heart or her kid are okay. If Sapphire wins and kills Celestia and Luna, the problems that would bring. Just... everything." Before Nala could say anything, Luna ran into the cavern, making the elite glare over her shoulder at the princess. "Apologies," Luna said. "I did not realize you were busy." Chrysalis went wide-eyed as Nala let out a groan and sped up her movements. "What of the war?" Chrysalis asked worriedly. "Sapphire? Black Heart? Black Heart's kid?" "That is why I'm here," Luna said as she stayed near the entrance. "Black Sapphire has been imprisoned in the same crystal prison you say she had Minty Crush trapped in. Black Heart actually had twins and they are safe with my sister. I came here because Black Heart got away and was wondering if you have seen her. But, I assume you have no idea." Chrysalis shook her head as Nala buried her face in the queen's left shoulder. Chrysalis rubbed her back with her left hand as she kept her eyes on the princess. "Twins?" She asked. "I am surprised Black Heart just left them. Although, she did tell me that her having kids was her mother's idea. And her mother's problem." "We shall find them a good home," Luna said with a smile. "Where they can be raised by kind parents." "Good," Chrysalis said, before she grunted, shooting her load inside Nala as the elite squirted from her pussy. Nala then fell limp and just sat in her queen's lap. "If you see Black Heart..." Luna began. "I can't guarantee I'll tell you," Chrysalis admitted. The alicorn hesitated before nodding. "I appreciate the honesty." As she turned to leave, she stopped for one more comment. "And, with Sapphire gone, you are now free to move about Equestria," she said with a smile before leaving the cavern. Nala picked up her head and watched Luna leave before she looked at the queen. "What are you going to do?" Chrysalis shrugged. "Stay here for now. Have the scouts keep an eye out for Black Heart and find out where her kids end up." The elite kissed the queen's neck a couple times. "Want to go for a fly? Now that we can go anywhere again?" The queen chuckled and patted Nala's butt. "Sure. Put something on in case we fly over a village." Nala smiled and climbed off the queen to run towards her bedchamber. Chrysalis used her magic to levitate her skirt and chest wrappings over to her. As she slowly got dressed, she thought about everything. Sure, she could move around now, but why? She then wondered if it was time to move. But, she also didn't want to leave Minty. She let out a sigh and stood up just as Nala came back. "Ready?" The elite asked as she walked up to the queen. Chrysalis smiled and patted her shoulder. "Ready." > "You have chosen your side." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 500 B.W. Chrysalis lay atop the edge of a grassy cliff overlooking a large lake. Her eyes were closed as she simply enjoyed the sun. This was one of her favorite places to relax back before Black Sapphire had her confined to her tiny section of Equestria. She was enjoying this time of peace since both the Six and Black Sapphire was defeated. Suddenly, a black alicorn landed nearby, wearing a midnight blue dress that looped around her neck and left her shoulders and the sides of her torso bare. Chrysalis quickly got to her feet. "Black Heart?" She asked, before noticing the mare's hair. "No," the alicorn replied, walking towards her. "Sorry." Chrysalis took a few steps toward her, squinting her eyes. "Luna?" The alicorn sighed and crossed her arms under her D-cups. "Not anymore. I am now known as Nightmare Moon. And, my sister's reign has come to an end." Chrysalis stared at her as the black alicorn stepped up to her. "Luna, that's..." She was cut off when the mare used magic to knock her on her back. Before she could get up, Luna placed her bare foot on the changeling's stomach. "Nightmare... Moon," Luna corrected. She then smiled as she pressed her toes to the changeling's face. "However... I may allow you to call me Luna... if you..." "I will not pledge myself to you," Chrysalis hissed, knocking her foot away. "I will not be contained again." "Oh, you misunderstand," Luna cooed, squatting down. "What I want is much more simple. You see, I have missed your touch, your breasts... your cock. I will come to you for sex. And you will have sex with me. In return, I will allow you to refer me as... Luna." "Why is it always sex?" Chrysalis asked, sitting up with a groan. Luna placed a hand on her shoulder. "You are a changeling, my dear. What else could you possibly offer anyone?" Chrysalis let out a soft gasp, not believing what she heard. Luna reached out and pulled her breast coverings down to her expose her mounds. The princess then grabbed the queen's left tit and squeezed tightly. "Now, fuck me." 499 B.W. 10:37 PM Chrysalis entered her bedroom after scouting for new hive locations, only to find a familiar face waiting for her. She let out a sigh and closed the door. "Again?" Luna smiled as she lay naked on the bed, resting on her belly facing the door. She was propping up her upper half with her arms while she lifted her legs and wiggled her toes. "I do so enjoy feeling your tongue on my body," she cooed sensually. "Feeling its warmth and wetness as it explores every curve. I feel wet just thinking about it." "We finally got rid of The Six," Chrysalis began as she crossed her arms. "And, then you and Celestia defeated Black Sapphire. Can we just..." "Just what?" Luna asked as her smile faded. "Go back to the way it was? Living in my sister's shadow?" Chrysalis sighed as Luna got up and off the bed. "That is not what I was going to say." "Save it," Luna sighed, heading for the door. "You are no better than Celestia," she said as she started to open the door. Chrysalis grabbed her wrist and spun her around before backing her up against the door, slamming it shut. Getting in the mare's face, the changeling kept Luna's wrist pinned to the door above her head. "I do care about you... Luna. I just have a strong disliking for Nightmare Moon." The princess' smile was gone now before she pulled her wrist free. "Big talk for the bug queen. Did you forget to whom you are speaking?" "No," Chrysalis replied. "I just don't care." Luna smirked and held Chrysalis' hips. "You are being quite the feisty one tonight." The queen took a step back. "Get out. Come back when you're Luna again." Luna chuckled. "You dare speak to me this way?" "You have been feeding me love all this time," Chrysalis pointed out. "Or, have you forgotten all the times we had sex? Not to mention all the love I got from Minty and Black Heart." Luna's eyes narrowed. "Do you really want to fight me?" The night princess glared at her for a few seconds before she let out a low growl. "Fine!" She exclaimed, flinging the door open and storming out of the bedroom. Chrysalis walked up to the doorway and watched the princess leave the cave. The queen felt her lip tremble before she closed the door. Pressing her back to the door and sliding down to her butt, she just sat and cried. Year 0 Chrysalis rubbed Minty's shoulders behind the bar counter as the mare moaned softly. "Feel nice?" She asked. The white mare smiled and nodded. "Oh, yeah." The queen noticed the last customer had left before she slid her hands lower and lower, nearing the mare's tits. Right before she was able to slip her hands under the mare's top, Celestia burst through the front door. Chrysalis quickly pulled her hands away as Minty let out a gasp. "Chrysalis, come quick," Celestia said urgently. "It's Luna." "Luna?" The changeling asked, leaving the counter. "What about her?" "It's time," Celestia sighed. "I need to make a move on her. But, if she sees me coming, my plan might not work. She had always spoke highly of you. Maybe you can reason with her or, at the very least, distract her for me." Chrysalis thought for a moment, her hands clenching into fists. "We... sort of had a falling out." "Please try," Celestia pleaded, stepping up to her. "It may be our only chance at peace." The changeling looked back at Minty. "Peace," she repeated, before looking at Celestia again. "Get your plan ready. I will speak with Luna." Luna passed by her bedroom's balcony door before seeing someone flying towards her tower. Opening the doors, she stepped out and crossed her arms as Chrysalis landed in front of her. "Came to apologize?" Chrysalis stepped up to her and placed her hands on the princess' shoulders. "It has been... so long since I've seen you," she said, ignoring the question. "Even though you're Nightmare Moon now, I did miss you." A smile slowly formed on Luna's lips before she took Chrysalis' hips and moved her up against the door. "Use my name again." The changeling looked her in the eyes and moved her hands to the mare's cheeks. "Nightmare Moon." Luna grinned and grabbed Chrysalis' top and pulled it off. "Get rid of this." Chrysalis undid her skirt and let it fall to the floor as Luna did the same to her dress. Luna then leaned in and kissed Chrysalis on the mouth, backing up with her into the bedroom before sitting on the bed. Keeping Chrysalis on her feet, Luna leaned in and began licking at the changeling's pussy. Chrysalis moaned and held the princess' head, before moving her right hand to the mare's horn before forcing her to tilt her head back. She then quickly squatted down and kissed the mare on the lips. The changeling then kissed down the princess' body and started licking at her pussy, getting to her knees as she stuck her tongue in the dripping marehood. Luna gripped her own tits and sighed happily, laying on her back and spreading her legs. Chrysalis licked away for a few seconds longer than she wanted as she still tasted like Luna, causing happier memories to flood her mind. Once she snapped back to reality, she stood up with her cock out before pushing it inside the mare. As Luna moaned out loudly, Chrysalis bent over and placed her hands on the bed as she moved her hips. Luna looked up into her eyes, moaning as she left her arms resting on the bed sheets. "I see you... are getting into it," Luna said with a chuckle. Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "You have the same body," she pointed out, slamming her hips into Luna's as her tits jiggled with each thrust. The black alicorn chuckled before there was a frantic knock on the door. "WHAT?!" Luna yelled in a voice that echoed throughout the room. "I-Intruders, your highness!" The guard stammered. "Looks like Celestia!" Luna's eyes narrowed before she looked at Chrysalis. "You bitch," she growled, hitting the changeling with a blast of magic that sent her flying out onto the balcony. Chrysalis let out a grunt when she hit the balcony railing. "I should have guessed it was a distraction," Nightmare Moon said as she used her magic to open her closet. After all, you only truly loved Luna." Chrysalis watched the princess take out a set of blue armor from the closet and magically slip into it with relative ease. Holding the helmet, she walked out onto the balcony. "You have chosen your side," she said coldly, slipping the helmet on. Chrysalis shook her head. "We don't have to do this." "Oh, I think we do," Nightmare Moon said, raising her hand and firing a bolt of magic. Chrysalis took off upwards as the magic attack shattered the balcony railing along with half the balcony. She then opened her wings and took off after the queen. When she fired another blast, Chrysalis pulled up a shield before shooting a blast out of her horn. Nightmare darted to the side as the two hovered in place at the same elevation a few feet apart. "You truly have turned, haven't you?" Chrysalis asked. "I gave you many opportunities to join me," the princess said as she held her hands by her side and filled both palms with magic spheres. Chrysalis lit her horn up. "I'll never join a cheap imitation of the Princess Of The Night." Luna's eyes narrowed before she threw one of her magic balls. Chrysalis dodged it by darting to the side. She then shot upwards to avoid the second attack. She then fired at the night princess, who dove under it and then charged. Chrysalis threw up a shield that Luna rammed into, shattering it. Luna then threw a punch that Chrysalis blocked before using magic to knock her away. Turning around, Chrysalis began to fly around the tower. Luna growled and flew after her. Lighting up her horn, she threw magic bolt after magic bolt at the princess, missing each one as Chrysalis managed to dodge each one. Chrysalis took a sharper turn that made Luna hit the top of her tower with her own magic, causing the roof to burst and collapse to the ground below. Now that the tower roof was gone, the princess took a hard left turn and shot through the smoke to ram into the changeling. Chrysalis was knocked back before she shot forward at the princess, tilting her head down. Luna managed to dart to the side as Chrysalis' horn scratched her cheek. She let out a grunt of pain before she grabbed Chrysalis' ankle and pulled her close. Holding the queen by the neck, she squeezed tightly before using her horn to fire a blast of magic. Chrysalis let out a yell as she was shot down into the ground like a bullet, hitting the earth with a loud thud and burst of smoke. Luna wiped blood off her cheek and sighed. "Not much of a fight." She then used her magic to lift the rubble of her tower's roof off the ground and made it hover over Chrysalis. "Time to end this." Chrysalis lay on the ground in a hole she had made from the impact. Staring up at the rubble with half-lidded eyes, she let out a sigh and waited for the end to come. Instead, a blast of yellow magic blasted the night princess into her tower with a loud CRASH. Yellow magic then caught the falling rubble and moved it away from the queen. The changeling tried to move her fingers but could only cough and gasp with sharp pain. She heard approaching footsteps before an armored Celestia slid down into the hole with her. "Chrysalis?" She asked, looking over the queen's bruised body. "I distracted her," Chrysalis coughed with a light smile. Celestia sighed and looked over the queen's body. "You look... awful." She then looked the changeling in the eyes. "Here. Use this," she said, before leaning in and kissing the changeling on the lips. Chrysalis went slightly wide-eyed as she could feel her magic coming back. She was now able to heal herself before the princess pulled away. "How?" "I may not love you like Luna did," Celestia explained. "but I have started to care about you." Chrysalis sat up with a groan and looked the mare in the eyes. "Really?" Celestia nodded. "Luna talked about you all the time. You made her happy. I just wish that... it was enough." "So, do I," Chrysalis said with a small smile. "Now, get out of here," Celestia said as she helped the queen to her feet. "I'll finish up here." Chrysalis nodded. "Be careful. I know you'll do the right thing." The white alicorn let out a nervous chuckle. "I hope I do." The changeling took one more second to look at the princess before flying away. Looking over her shoulder, she could see Luna emerging from her tower. "Good luck, you two," she muttered as she kept flying. Celestia stumbled into Chrysalis' hive, getting the attention of the Drones. Wearing only her thin, semi-see-through white nightgown. Her face was covered in tears as she sniffled. "I-Is Chrysalis here?" She asked, looking at the Drones. Soon enough, the queen quickly but gently pushed her way through the crowd and stood in front of the princess. "What happened, Princess?" She was wearing nothing due to her blowing off steam by fucking some drones. Even her cock was still dripping as it shimmered in the light from all the juices. Celestia let out another sniffle before undoing the clip on her gown, letting it fall off her body. "Y-You want love, right?" She asked with a shudder, standing fully nude. Chrysalis hesitated before using her magic to levitate the princess' gown off the floor and into her arms, gently holding it. "Come with me..." she said, before she turned and headed for her room. Celestia looked around at all the confused drones before she quickly walked after their queen. Chrysalis opened a wooden door and entered her bedchamber. Celestia stepped in and closed the door as Chrysalis gently tossed her down onto her bed. “What’s this all about?” Chrysalis asked as she turned to the alicorn. Celestia stared her in the eyes before looking down at the floor. “I-I banished her to the moon.” Chrysalis went wide-eyed. “What?!” She hissed, baring her fangs. “I-I know!” Celestia sobbed, taking hold of Chrysalis’ arms. “I-I know. But, I couldn’t kill her. It was the only way to save everyone. A-And, it’s all my fault. I should’ve listened to her, a-and… and, now she’s…” “W-Wait, how’d you...” Chrysalis started to ask. “The scepter with the Tree's magic,” Celestia explained, leaning forward as she felt too emotionally weak to stand. “It’s gone now.” Feeling the princess leaning against her, Chrysalis brought her over to the bed and the both of them sat on the edge of the bed. Celestia cried softly and closed her eyes as she rested her cheek on the queen’s shoulder. Chrysalis clenched and un-clenched her first multiple times before putting her left arm around the alicorn. “So… a thousand years.” “I’m so sorry,” Celestia whimpered. Chrysalis sighed. “If the Tree's magic did it, then… I’m assuming it’s for Luna’s own good. But, the moon…” “That’s why I’m here,” Celestia explained. “To fill the void in both our hearts… I will be yours until Luna returns.” "She'll come back?" Chrysalis asked. "I was told of this spell when I was a filly," Celestia said with a nod. "Although, not much is known about this power, I do know it's only temporary." The changeling hesitated before looking at the alicorn. “I accept your offer.” Celestia laid on her back, arms up by her head. “Whatever you want.” Chrysalis thought for a moment before she turned into Luna, making Celestia gasp. Chrysalis turned around and crawled atop the princess. She then leaned in and licked up the mare’s belly, between the large tits, and up her neck. The two then kissed with deep moans as Celestia wrapped her arms around her fake sister’s neck. > Reunited In Ponytropolis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 990 A.W. Chrysalis jerked her cock as she, Nala, and the other drones in the circle all came all over Celestia. The princess closed her eyes and opened her mouth as she felt the semen coat her body. She even let out soft shudders as the sperm hit her tits and painted her face. Chrysalis suddenly heard a noise near the entrance to the cavern and looked up to see a royal guard. He was banging on the shield Chrysalis had put up to keep anyone from seeing Celestia naked. "Clean her up," Chrysalis ordered. As she walked away, the drones all knelt around the princess and began licking her body. When their queen arrived at the shield, she lowered it and crossed her arms. "Yes?" The guard stared at the changeling's naked body before clearing his throat. "Her Highness is needed for an urgent matter." Chrysalis sighed and nodded. "Wait outside. And, if I catch you peeking..." The guard quickly waved his hands in front of him. "No need," he said, before turning and running outside. Chrysalis watched him go before putting the shield back up. She then went over to the princess, who was now on her back as the drones licked all over her. "Make it quick. She's needed." Celestia sat up as the drones kept working. "Something wrong?" "Urgent matter," Chrysalis answered. "I see..." Celestia muttered, looking over her body. Not seeing anything else, she stood up as Nala handed the princess her dress. "Thank you, Nala," she said before putting her dress back on. Chrysalis walked up to her and placed a hand on her cheek. "Hold on," she said, before leaning in and licking cum off the princess' nose, cheek, and chin. She then held the princess' shoulders as she leaned in and licked more cum off the tops of the princess' tits. Standing upright, she looked the mare in the eyes. "There." Celestia smiled and hugged her. "How kind." Chrysalis chuckled and hugged back. "How long has it been now, according to that calendar thing you and Gemini were working on." "About nine hundred ninety years," Celestia explained. "Which is... 11,880 months... 361,350 days... 8,672,400 hours... 520,344,000 minutes... 31,220,640,000 seconds..." When she finally finished, Chrysalis smiled. "You done?" The princess nodded. "Impressive system you two created. "So, that's almost a full thousand years?" "Mmm..." Celestia sighed. "Long time. We've actually sent word about this new system to help others keep track of the days... And the nights." Chrysalis nodded and patted her butt. "Go on. Your subjects need you." Celestia gave her a kiss on the cheek before leaving. Chrysalis looked over her shoulder and lowered the shield as Celestia took one last look at her before leaving. The queen then looked at the drones before walking over to them. "Alright. Make me feel good." 2000 A.W. Chrysalis sat, in disguise, on a bench in a big city, watching cars drive by. She was wearing a long green skirt and a green tube top. Sighing, she got up and walked over to a parked car before climbing in. Turning the key, she drove off, heading through the city towards the abandoned docks. Parking her car, she got out and locked her car. Heading into an abandoned, rundown building, she went for the stairs and headed down into the basement where all her drones were. "Coxa?" She called out. "Nala? Any news?" Nala walked up to her. "Coxa's still out. You know how thorough she likes to be." Chrysalis smiled and nodded. "Seems all of Black Heart's offspring are perfectionists." She was about to say something else before she heard something. "Chrysalis?" A familiar voice asked. Nala looked up the stairs and gasped. "Um... My queen?" Chrysalis slowly turned around and let out a silent gasp upon seeing Luna standing at the top of the stairs. The changeling slowly walked up to greet her. "Luna?" The blue alicorn smiled and nodded. "I have... returned. A-Actually, I came back a thousand years ago. We have been looking for you ever since." Celestia entered the building with a wave. "Finally." "How'd you find me?" Chrysalis asked, turning into her true form. "Well, we figured you'd be in disguise," Celestia stated. Luna nodded in agreement. "Yes, but I remembered that outfit I gave you. Luckily, you bought something similar." Chrysalis smiled and held Luna's hips. "I liked the style." "We should probably look for a job to earn money," Celestia said. "Aren't you royalty?" Chrysalis asked, confused. "This new world has no need for princesses," Luna explained. "Besides, we really do not need the attention." "True," Chrysalis muttered. "I have just been making a living sucking dick. I have enough to afford a house now, but I still have an attraction to cave-like environments." Celestia and Luna both eyed each other. "We have something else in mind," Celestia cooed with a knowing smirk. 2017 A.W. "And, that's it," Chrysalis finished as she gently rubbed Fluttershy's hip. Both were in bed with the covers pulled up to their shoulders. "Like I said... not really that exciting." "I mean, you did stay in your cave for most of that," Fluttershy said with a smile. "And, what happened to Minty?" "I asked if she wanted to come with me," Chrysalis explained. "but she wanted to stay at the bar. Maybe, one day, we'll see each other again." "And, Black Heart?" The pegasus also asked. The changeling chuckled and patted the pegasus' butt. "Haven't seen her since. Probably has something to do with her wanting to avoid Celestia and Luna." "Right," Fluttershy muttered. "I still can't believe you fought Luna and knew Black Sapphire so personally." The changeling queen saw the bed sheets twitch and chuckled, pulling the sheets down to see Fluttershy's throbbing cock. "Got you aroused, did I?" "Well, you did describe a lot of the sex scenes," Fluttershy panted. "I've been like this since the beginning of your story." "Well, I can help with..." Chrysalis started as she placed her hand on the shaft. The second she did, the thick yellow cock began to cum all over Fluttershy's face and tits. "Shit," Chrysalis gasped, pulling the tip of the cock into her mouth, getting some cum on her cheek before she began to swallow. Eventually, there was too much as cum poured from Chrysalis' nose and burst from her mouth. When the mare's orgasm was seemingly over, Chrysalis pulled off the rod, only to have a few more spurts hit her in the face. Fluttershy chuckled with heavy breathing. "S-Sorry." Chrysalis licked her lips and smiled. "I guess you could say I had that coming." Fluttershy giggled as Chrysalis dove in for a kiss, their breasts pressing together. Somewhere Else in Ponytropolis A black alicorn turned down an alley and was stopped short by a stallion who was following her. "Don't walk away from me," he said, the mare slowly turning around to face him. She was wearing a black sleeveless shirt with short, black, ripped pants and black leather boots and fingerless gloves. "Why?" She asked. "So, you can rape me?" The stallion walked up to her and grabbed her shoulder. "And, you're gonna shut up and take it like a good little bitch." The mare's eyes narrowed before she grabbed his wrist and rotated his arm 720-degrees, causing the bones in his arm to break the skin. As blood poured out and before the stallion could make too much noise, the black mare grabbed his neck with her free hand and effortlessly brought her fingertips to her palm. As the stallion's mangled body fell to the floor, the mare looked at the patch of flesh in her hand before tossing it aside. "Pathetic," she muttered. "Black Heart?" A white mare asked as she ran down the alley, skidding to a stop when she saw the body. "Oh, you... killed him." "Of course, Minty," the black mare said coldly as she used her magic to clean the blood off her body and clothes. "Why wouldn't I?" "Um..." Minty began. Black Heart then turned and headed down the alley even further. "When are we going to look for Chrysalis?" She asked, quickly running after the alicorn. "When I feel like it," Black Heart replied. "Now, come. We're going home." Somewhere in Equestria Starlight walked up to a large, crystal cylinder with a mare trapped inside. "I finally found you," Starlight said with a smile as she placed her hand on the crystal. THE END