A Crystaline Chrysalis Marem

by Ponyess

First published

It is the time, when the Crystal is to be recharged; a joyous time for all in the entire Crystal Empire. Ponies are over from far and near, yet all are not Ponies; this is where things are retracting from plans, but for better or worse.

The recharging of the Crystal heart is a joyous time, with festivals and old friends from all over Equestria.

Not all the guests are Ponies; Griffons, Donkeys, Mules, Zebras, Horses, Buffaloes are among the most well known, while there are some others.

All are welcome. There is no cutting down on festivities on a day like this. You can never excuse it.

On a side note, who would notice just one more; like a Changeling, or one by the name of Chrysalis?

Prologue is an Episode of the White Mare: 1

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I had arrived at the station of the Crystal Empire in the guise of a small while Earth Pony mare, by the train from Ponyville. The trip had been easy and restful, but what else had I been expecting? The only problem, the building mass of Ponies jumping onto the train at each and every stop along the way.

After the long trip, I chose to remain until most of the Ponies had left the train; no point in rushing. From the station; I had trotted up to the nearest hotel available, where I had a room booked in the taken name of Little white Socks.

The receptionist, obviously a small grayish Earth Pony of the common Crystal type resident in the city; looking up, just as I approached her desk.

“Do you have a reservation, my dear?” she inquired, hopefully with a smile.

“A room for one Pony, Little white Socks!” I responded, trying a brave smile at her.

From what I could see, she did not look at me long enough to notice; yet I fear, if I had not been smiling, she would have noticed on a day like this. It is after all just a few hours from the beginning of the Crystal Fair.

“Thank Cadance, if you did not have a reservation on a day like this; I fear you may have been out of luck, we are packed to capacity!” she sighed, upon hearing my name.

“Here you go, just sign here!” she prompted, as she pointed a hoof towards the line in the heavy book on the desk turned towards me.

“Okay!” I responded, as I signed for the room.

“Thank you, for staying at our hotel!” she prompted, as I had signed.

“My pleasure, thank you; at least I have a bed on which to sleep tonight. I wouldn’t want to miss the fair, for the world!” I responded, as I started to trot towards the elevator.

“Elevator!” I read, and punch the button that was promising me to have a ride up to the floor where my room would be.

“Ping!” it said, as the doors slide open and I hurriedly slipped in and punched the number to my floor.

The doors closed behind me, and the car slowly accelerated upwards. Half-way up, I feel the effect of deceleration and the doors slid up, as the car stopped at my floor.

As the doors parted, in order to permit me to exit; I trotted out in the direction of my room, and continued down the hall, only to stop by my room. I open the door and slip the saddle bags off of my back and place them onto the floor.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips, and I trot to the bed; throwing myself onto its mercy, resting for several minutes with closed eyes. I am safe, the door of my room is locked; thus securing me, a security I could rest my back up against. Ponies, Ponies, and yet more Ponies all around.

I feel the warmth of their love, like a blanket over my skin. It is what I came for in the first place, and now I am here; yet I do not feel as secure as I would have liked to, here among all the Ponies, to the right and left.

Knowing the ceremony never was intended against me, or my kind makes it a bit more safe; maybe I could contribute to their united effort, while picking up a little bit of Love as compensation. The increasing level of Love on the air; is making me feel happy and warm all over, from the inside and out.

If the shield is at its lowest, but that is just minutes from being corrected. I know the shield is more than strong enough, and I have seen the backup in action; he is quite the magnificent Stallion, on both sides of my fence.

I am not here to make a move on him in person, and certainly not today. As sweet as his love was, even when it was intended for his mare Cadance, but today I have a very different plan.

Unless anything changes, I am just the lone mare on vacation; here to enjoy the festival of the Crystal fair, and I am not going to miss a minute of it. All I need right now, is a short break; a few minutes to myself in solitude a moment to collect my thoughts and compose myself. Even if I know she has not forgotten the event, and isn’t very likely to have forgotten my transgression; the Crystal Ponies are less likely to know me, but I am not about to take a chance on it.

As I close my eyes, the light is dimmed down and gives me a better chance to focus; minutes later I open my eyes and look around, only to see everything as it was and where it was supposed to be. I am still in the very same room, in the very same hotel; no Pony had been in the room, and I am still alone, just as it should be.

I quietly change my guise, and become a new Pony; the only real difference is that I am a Crystal Pony, as opposed to the more common variety seen outside of the Empire. Looking into the small mirror, before I slip into the suit I had intended to wear at the fair.

Trotting eagerly to the door, opening it and stepping out before I close it and lock it behind me, secure in what I had left behind. I had come with a light packing, and nothing in particular to hide.

From the door I trot along the hall to the very same elevator. I push the button, wait and step in as the doors slide up for me. I punch the button that indicates ground floor. As the door is closing, I am once more alone; merely waiting to reach my destination, and the doors slide up.