Night Company

by Spider8ite

First published

Nightmare Moon has everything she wants, everypony bows down to her and fear her. But, sometimes, she's lonely... And every mare has needs. Good thing she has Sombra to make her some company and fill his Queen’s necessities.

Set on Season Five Finale Nightmare Timeline, where Sombra is also there.

Nightmare Moon has everything she wants. She rules everything and everypony bows down to her. But sometimes she’s lonely… Nightmare just needs some company. Good thing she has Sombra to make her company and fill his Queen’s necessities.

Contains: Slightly Domination, Small Hoof Fetish, M/F, Preening, Kinda Fluffy (because… ye)
WOWIE! I’m actually doing something straight! I always liked Lumbra so… Nightmare x Sombra looks awesome and this ship needs more love :3
Cover Art by Ask TwiBra, check them out!
Edited by LightningBass. Many hugs for you Bassie!


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Nightmare Moon blinked a few times, gazing up at the moon through the large windows of her bed chambers, where the shadow of her banished sister laid silent. She grinned a little at the sight. Celestia had made such a huge mistake when she questioned her powers… Nightmares and darkness were far more powerful than any hopes and dreams could ever be, at least that’s what Nightmare had always believed.

She was powerful and ‘adored’ by everypony in her kingdom, just like she had been. However, Nightmare knew that the adoration she received was a farce. It wasn’t adoration, per say; it was fear. Her subjects knew that the princess of the night was not to be denied. Everypony feared her for what she was and what she did, and Nightmare was more than pleased with that, but she sought to be adored as well, much like Celestia and her mother, Faust, had been.

Everypony bowed down to her! Everypony followed her rules! She had won! Those words ran over and over through her head each and every night, but she still couldn’t bring herself to believe it. Nightmare knew the darkness had made her extremely powerful, but even she had her doubts in that life changing battle with her sister. Nightmare never once regretted her actions that night, and thinking back on it only made her swell with pride for having bested Celestia. She never once missed her sister, and she had her own kingdom and followers to rule over her now.

How could anything possibly be better than that?

If only she didn’t feel so alone. Loneliness and pain were the catalyst in which her powers were born, but now in her true form, they were unnecessary. She had all the power she could ever want. She was a queen! If she was to be honest with herself, however, she didn’t want all of her subjects to run away as she approached. Fear was glorious. She reveled in the power she felt as they all screamed and ran in terror, desperately hiding from the monster she was, and yet it made her feel so lonely.

Nopony dared approach the queen, if not for fear of her then for fear of the bat guards stood by her side both day and night. The mindless protection of a lesser being was the closest Nightmare could achieve to companionship. She was well guarded against any sort of uprising or rebellion.

Nopony dared do that, much less seek any sort of rapport with her. That all changed when a mysterious stallion from the Crystal Empire overpowered Princess Mi Amore in battle and turned the meddlesome mare to stone. The princess had been the sole surviving supporter of Celestia, and she had thwarted Nightmare’s attempts to rule over the Crystal Empire many times over. The fact that this stallion had single-handedly taken her down was both impressive and extremely helpful. That was, of course, if the self-proclaimed king decided to be any more cooperative than Cadenza had been. Equestria was hers alone to rule, and Nightmare even went so far as to prepare for full-scale war on the stallion. As far as she was concerned, his rule was a farce, and she’d be sure to end it soon.

Much to her surprise, no such preparations were necessary. No declaration of war or act of defiance ever came, and the stallion did two things that truly caught her off guard. Never before had Nightmare seen anypony seek an audience with her of their own volition, much less bow in her presence as this stallion did. All those before him, whether they be pony, yak, griffon or minotaur, had fought for the freedom and sovereignty, and each of them had fallen to the military might of Nightmare Moon’s thestral army. All of Equestria was under her complete control, with the exception of the Crystal Empire. This stallion was different. Despite proclaiming himself to be a king, he humbled himself before her and immediately submitted to her rule. Per his request, his various allies and supporters did the same. This stallion respected Nightmare and considered her his superior, particularly as a tactician. Pleasantly surprised, Nightmare asked him his name.

With a confident grin, the stallion raised his head and replied simply, “King Sombra, your highness.”

Nightmare’s eyes shone with admiration, and she ordered Sombra to rise. As he rose, a thought came to her. With the acquisition of a new territory came a new set of responsibilities, something she had found to be particularly difficult to handle personally. Nightmare found that, like her, Sombra had an air of mystery and dominance about him. She determined that he’d be a perfect tool, and so she gave him his first order. Sombra and his dark army would secure their gift, ensuring full compliance from the crystal ponies and uprooting any seeds of revolution that may spawn over time.

Sombra’s pleased grin would have given a normal pony chills. The low light of her throne room glinted off his fangs menacingly, and his eyes were those of a lion, just tame enough to obey its master, yet still wild enough to be dangerous. Never before had Nightmare loved a grin quite like she loved his. The chill she felt run down her spine was an altogether different kind.

From that moment on, Sombra carried out his orders to perfection. He ruled over the Frozen North, eventually enslaving the ponies there with the approbation of his queen. Each month, he sent Nightmare a letter, reporting in detail the status of the territory. He ruled over the North with an iron hoof, and yet he continued to bend to Nightmare’s will with nary a complaint.

It had been twenty moons since they met, and Nightmare Moon had come to know Sombra in many different lights over that time. The way she regarded him was entirely foreign to her. Whenever he was around, she felt… different.

On this fateful night, everything would change for them both. This night, Nightmare felt regret and remorse for sending Sombra away. Yakyakistan had begun to stage a revolution, and she had felt it was a matter in need of Sombra’s particular area of expertise. She had absolute trust in his ability to deal with simple yaks. Strong as they were, Sombra’s magic was far stronger, and yet she couldn’t help but worry for him. It had been quite some time since she sent him away, and she had yet to receive any notice of his success.

The way she felt for that stallion confused her. Was she proud? Was she in admiration of his power? Of course she was, and that admiration was certainly mutual. Nightmare was in awe of his total devotion to her. In truth, that devotion and admiration had led to several late nights of passion between them already, but Nightmare felt there had to be something more. She actually felt a sense of… camaraderie for Sombra. Yes, he was her friend. She smiled briefly as the thought crossed her mind. It was good for her to have a friend after all this time, and yet… she couldn’t help but feel she might want more than that.

Friendship had never really been her thing, anyway. It was a foreign idea to her, and it got her thinking about Sombra more critically. Was what they had really friendship? Were they friends because she enjoyed his company? Because she adored his evil grin? Because she loved his hoarse laugh and the way his eyes shone with a greedy light when he stared at crystals? If she were to be honest with herself, Nightmare found the entire situation disconcerting. For so long she had considered feelings such as these a sign of weakness. Nightmare couldn’t afford to be weak. Her kingdom would surely fall apart right before her eyes. Those very eyes glazed over as she became further lost in her thoughts, envisioning her own nightmare.

She was brought back from her reverie as her chamber doors creaked open. With wide eyes, she spun around, horn at the ready to evaporate the intruder. After a moment, she recognized the stallion and visibly relaxed, though she still looked displeased. With a grumble, she shook her head in mild annoyance. “Sombra, what are you doing here? Have I not told you time and time again to knock before entering my personal chambers?”

“My apologies, my queen. I was eager to make my presence known. I bear good news,” Sombra explained, closing the door behind him with a bit of magic. His grin reflected the light of the moon while the rest of his form was more or less shrouded in darkness. “The rebels were easily taken care of. They won’t be a problem for you again.”

Nightmare smiled back at him, trotting to meet Sombra near her door. From this close, she had to look down at him to look him in the eye. The unicorn stood nearly an entire head shorter than her, though he still towered over most. “That is good news,” she replied. “I knew I could count on you and your army to handle this situation.”

“Rebels,” Nightmare started mockingly. She laughed for a moment before continuing. “I know not why they continue to fight. Though they’ve grown in number, we continue to eliminate them so easily, their militias gone in a blink of an eye.” She eyed Sombra, sizing him up for a moment. He was standing silently before her, staring blankly. It was completely unclear what he was thinking in that moment. Nightmare cleared her throat awkwardly. “You may leave me now, Sombra,” she said, turning away and swinging the door open with her magic.

“No,” Sombra insisted, making the mare turn her head in surprise. This was the first time Sombra had ever been insubordinate in any way, and with wide eyes she stared at him, jaw slightly slack. In stark contrast, Sombra stared back with a completely blank stare. I apologize for not sending word of my victory sooner, my queen. I assure you such a thing will not happen again. However, I did so with reason. I have something for you. This was all in an attempt to surprise you.”

Nightmare bit her lip in anxiety, narrowing her eyes in slight suspicion. She didn’t like surprises. They were akin to a lack of control. “Please, be quick about it. Sleep is unnecessary for a nightmare, but I find rest pleasant. I wish to turn in for the night.”

Sombra cleared his throat awkwardly, averting his eyes from her gaze. “Please, take this gift,” he requested, pulling a small purple flower from his saddlebags. The flower floated gently through the air, grasped in his green magic, until it landed right behind Nightmare’s ear. He smiled almost imperceptibly, thinking her particularly radiant while wearing the flower. “I understand lavender to be your favorite.”

Nightmare frowned in trepidation as she gazed up at the flower in her mane. “Thank you…?” she said hesitantly. It was unclear whether she was actually thankful for the gift or not, and Sombra mirrored her frown in return. “Why have you brought this? I… understand that you’re a faithful servant, but none before you have ever offered me a gift.”

“You seemed down, Nightmare. You stare at the moon almost every waking hour. Since I started reporting to you in person, I’ve noticed your nervousness whenever I depart.” Sombra shook his head a bit and hung his head. He felt conflicted, but with a sigh he asked, “Does my presence irritate you?”

Nightmare’s eyes widened as she realized exactly what was bothering him. “N-no! Of course not! What makes you think that? I just…” Nightmare rolled her eyes, “Ugh… I’m sorry if you think that everything you do for me is in vain. Alright? I’m so very grateful for everything you do for me and my empire.” Nightmare used her magic to elevate Sombra’s chin so that she could look into his crimson eyes. When he was upset or angry, they always glowed bright green, purple magic trailing from the sides just as they were at that moment. “You actually make me feel… different. Nopony has ever made me feel this way… I’ve never known true companionship. I don’t particularly feel like having friends is important, but… our ‘friendship’ is different. I feel good about it, though it’s strange to say such a thing.” The alicorn tried to not flush, but she failed miserably. “Actually… I enjoy your company quite a bit...”

Sombra widened his eyes in surprise, but as the magic in his eyes dissipated, his lips formed a sly smirk. “Oh, so you find my presence enjoyable, my queen?” he asked teasingly.

Nightmare’s blush grew a bit darker, but she answered frankly. “Yes, I do.,” she started. For the first time in months, a warm, loving smile stretched across Nightmare’s face, but it faded fast along with her blush. “However,” she countered, “We can’t do this anymore, Sombra. As much as it pains me to say this, as queen, I hold myself to a certain code of conduct. I’m truly sorry, Sombra. I don’t want either of us to get hurt.”

Sombra frowned as he watched Nightmare lower her head. She continued, “We just cannot do this anymore, even if I…” ‘Love’ almost slipped from her mouth, but after a brief pause, she corrected herself and finished her statement. “ you.” She bit her lip and stared deeply into his eyes. “Stay. I need you here by my side just one more night.”

There was a pregnant silence between them for several moments as she waited for a response that never came. Instead Sombra just stared back at her with a twisted grin. For her, his madness was one of his more charming qualities. To hide her blush, she turned to stare out at the moon once more. ‘I fear these feelings will make me weak. To my subjects, I must be like iron, hard and unfeeling.” Sombra discarded his saddlebags at the door and slowly approached his queen from behind.

“Why?,” he asked, whispering intimately into her ear. “Together, we can be powerful.”

Nightmare beat a hoof to the ground in frustration. “You-”

“Can monsters like us not find love, Princess?” Sombra interrupted.

Nightmare turned her head to look in his eyes. An amused grin plastered her face once more. “I’m not a princess anymore, Sombra,” she responded, unable to hide the mirth in her voice.

“Can’t a stallion have nicknames for the one he cares about?” Sombra asked playfully.

Nightmare smirked a little. “I suppose one could, if you so wish to trivialize this situation.” Nightmare sighed, admitting a small defeat to her feelings. “I really do like your gift, Sombra,” she admitted hesitantly. She gently plucked the flower from her mane and placed it in an ornate vase on her bedside. “Do you really think this would work, Sombra? Something… more?” she asked, looking intently at the stallion standing next to her in her bed chambers.

“Has it not already?” Sombra teased.

Nightmare just blushed and smirked in response. No further response was necessary

“Well…” Sombra began in a husky voice as he moved closer and started nuzzling into her neck, “I will show you how a monster like me can make this work… for both of us.” He grinned in a charming way.

“I am not sure about this…” Nightmare shook her head in trepidation and shoved him away. She looked to the marble floor before looking up at him with a grin that looked more evil than playful. That was her objective; after all, evil was their foreplay. It seemed she’d made up her mind. “We can try making ‘more’ work later, but for tonight…” She trotted around him slowly, sensually passing her tail around his neck.

Sombra happily hissed a little when Nightmare narrowed her eyes at him. “What do you need, my queen?” he asked with bated breath.

“I need you, Sombra. I want you, and I want to show my appreciation for being such a gentlecolt with your queen.” Nightmare answered. Her magic tugged at the straps to his armor, and she slid it off his body. She leaned into him and gave him a brief, passionate kiss. “This night… you rule.”

Sombra smirked happily, a primal hunger in his eyes.

Rather than answer with words, Sombra chose to let his actions speak for him. He kissed her again, slowly forcing her back against her large, plush bed. He broke the kiss long enough to push her onto the mattress. Almost immediately, he was above her, kissing her forcefully and deeply. His snake-like tongue exploring the inside of her mouth. Nightmare moaned into the kiss. She’d forgotten how good it was to feel a stallion’s touch after three moons alone. Nothing compared to the sensations of her fur mingling with his. His hot breath on her face. His tongue wrestling with her own, battling for dominance.

Sombra broke the kiss to stare into the eyes of his lover, now filled with joy and excitement. With a grin, he moved down to her neck, nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin there. Nightmare responded in kind with moans of pleasure, writhing below him from the feeling. Sombra slid down her body, letting out a kind of ‘purr’ once he looked down to see Nightmare’s marehood, the sacred folds glistening with moisture as the lips swelled with arousal.

He shook his head with a smirk. “Since you are giving me the opportunity to dominate… Your prize will come later,” he teased.

Nightmare whimpered, lowering her ears.

“I am a gentlecolt, just as you said. Don’t I, a king, deserve something as well?” he asked with a smirk.

Nightmare smirked in kind, picking up his hint. With her natural speed and strength as an alicorn, Nightmare switched positions with Sombra in an instant. She gave him a quick, hard kiss, biting his lip as she broke it, and slowly moved her hooves down his body until she was face to face with his already excited stallionhood. She licked her lips as she took in the sight. She leaned in to give the head a quick kiss, then several more playful kisses down the shaft to his balls before dragging her tongue slowly and teasingly back up the shaft. She took him into her mouth for just a second, then continued to lick up and down the shaft between his balls and the tip, followed with lots of teasing little kisses. When she decided it was wet enough with saliva and Sombra was writhing in ecstasy, she took it into her mouth once more, bobbing her head up and down its length, sometimes turning her head to take even more into her mouth.

Sombra was in pure bliss, moaning as he felt the tingling vibrations as Nightmare purred and moaned around his phallus. His chest heaved up and down. He stared up at the ceiling and relaxed, just delighting in the warmth of Nightmare’s mouth around his cock. That is, until it suddenly stopped.

Nightmare pulled away, letting his cock fall from her mouth. Sombra raised an impatient brow at her, but the look was wiped from his face almost immediately. His eyes widened as he felt his cock enveloped completely by Nightmare’s magic. He cried out in pleasure, unable to stop himself from thrusting up into the magic. He began calling out Nightmare’s name, and she smirked. She tightened her magic around his cock, rubbing harder and harder, and she wrapped her snake-like tongue around the shaft, licking it up and down with meticulous care.

Sombra let a primal groan escape his lips, and he spasmed a bit. He bit his lip as he felt himself coming close to the edge of climax. “Argh…” Sombra couldn’t take anymore, and Nightmare knew it. She wrapped his entire head between her lips just as it flared and shot a huge load of his seed down her throat. She moaned in pleasure as she swallowed every drop of his salty seed. When she was sure she’d sucked him dry, she pulled her lips off with a little pop. She grinned and teased, “Mmmm... Good, slave. Very good.” Sombra smirked at that and pushed her over to changing positions once more so that he was now on top of and behind her.

Nightmare turned her head to stare up at him with excitement in her eyes. “Ooo, is my prize ready?” Nightmare asked, panting while Sombra nipped at her chest teasingly. “Oh please, Master?” she added. Sombra stopped his teasing to look up at her with a devilish grin.

Sombra used his magic to open Nightmare’s bedside drawer. He pulled out a blindfold and slipped it over Nightmare’s eyes. In the blink of an eye, he had her hooves tied to each bedpost. “After this, we can see about giving you a little treat, my precious slave,” he started, pausing to pull her tail to the side and catch a glimpse of her excited marehood. “We’ll be doing things my way from here on out, understood? No arguing.”

“Y-yes, Master,” Nightmare responded, wriggling in her excitement. She’d never let herself be dominated before, but she found it exhilarating.

Without hesitation, Sombra moved over her lithe form, pinning her front hooves to the bed with his own, despite the restraints. She could feel his hot breath on her face once more, shaky in his own excitement. After a long, tortuous onanism, he was tired of teasing her. Without mercy, he thrusted the entire length of his hard cock inside of her, burying it to the hilt. With that thrust, Nightmare’s world exploded, causing her to scream his name in pleasure. Her bat-like wings spread out from her sides, and her back arched from the sudden pain and pleasure. Her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest. Sombra answered her screams with a few steady thrusts and some nibbles on her wings, causing her to moan and squirm beneath him, unable to move much with her hooves restrained.

He moved his mouth to her neck and bit down harder, sinking his fangs past the skin and causing her to groan in pleasure. He began moving inside her again, sliding his length in and out of her folds. He kept his mouth clamped tight against her neck, moaning as he sucked and licked, swallowing the warm blood that trickled from the fresh wound. This was a guilty pleasure he rarely had the chance to indulge. Typically he had to wait until Nightmare was in heat before she’d let him do it. However, now that he was in complete control of the situation, he was free to do anything he wanted to her body.

Somehow, this felt different than the times he’d fed on her before. It was strange. There was…a passion in the blood, a magic that caused it to spread pleasure throughout his body as he drank a little more.

Sombra withdrew his fangs from the back of her neck and licked the stray blood from his lips. “Oh… y-you still taste marvelous.”

Nightmare moaned in response, as his thrusting became slower. Sombra got her warning and slid back and out again with an erotic ‘slick’ every time he pumped in, Nightmare whimpering his name weakly with each thrust. She could feel her insides tightening around him as if she never wanted to let him go. She could feel her legs shaking with pleasure, and the sound of Sombra’s satisfied moans in her ear was taking her closer and closer to the edge. She knew she couldn’t hold on very much longer.


“You can cum, my slave,” he mumbled between his fangs, panting the words into her ear.

She arched her back as her orgasm hit, screaming as the pleasure she had long denied herself washed over her body. Her wings stretched open as far as they could go, tensing up in her throes of passion. Her entire body shook as her orgasm flooded her senses.Sombra didn’t stop, continuing to pound into her, prolonging the orgasm. He only stopped when her pleasure subsided and she slumped to the bed, weak from such an intense climax and panting into her pillow.

Sombra dismounted, letting his still hard cock slip out of her marehood. He left her tied to the bed, the restraints keeping her legs spread wide open. “Look at this flank,” he exclaimed as he admired her backside. Licking his lips, he continued, “I bet you would love to be marked by your master. Wouldn’t you, slave?”

Nightmare moaned in response, still spent. That wasn’t good enough for Sombra, and he frowned, even though she couldn’t see it.

“Answer me!” he shouted, summoning a whip with his magic. Without hesitation, he cracked the whip over her flank. Nightmare was surprised as she heard the ‘slap,’ followed by a searing pain in her right flank. She cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. A sound somewhere between a purr and a groan escaped her lips. “Oh, you like to be punished, don’t you, slave?”

“Y-yes, my master.” She agreed, moaning.

Sombra smirked, giving her right flank two more hits, making her let out a hoarse moan and bite her lip, just barely tasting her own blood as she broke skin. “Well, I can see you love this, a lot,” Sombra said as he let the whip disapparate. He gazed down at Nightmare’s marehood, not at all surprised to see it even wetter than before. Her clit was even throbbing a little in her excitement. He could smell her sex from where he was, and her juices ran down each of her dark purple legs.“Let me give you a little treat. After all, I promised...”

Sombra laid on his stomach so that his face was in front of her marehood. His breath wafted over her sex, making her whimper. Without any warning, he buried his muzzle in her marehood and pushed his long tongue inside her opening. Her inner walls tasted wonderful as always, though the taste never failed to amaze him. Every little squirm and moan she made encouraged him and pushed him on further. He pulled his tongue from her sex to bite her clit, eliciting an uncontrolled cry of pleasure from his lover. Just as quickly as he had started eating her, Sombra stopped without a word.

Impatient with his teasing, Nightmare began, “Master, why have-”

She couldn’t even complete her question. Nightmare moaned in pleasure, surprised to feel Sombra’s hoof rubbing with ferocity at her entrance. Soon, he pushed the edge of his hoof inside her tight, soaked walls. She continued to moan, loving the texture of his hoof inside her, grinding against her insides. Sombra smirked as he pushed his hoof even deeper, pumping the tip in and out, only to stop.

Nightmare squirmed, sad to lose the burning sensation his hoof was causing in her belly. She let out an unsatisfied and impatient groan.

“Lick it,” Sombra demanded, his voice in Nightmare’s ear. She could smell her own scent as he pressed the point of his hoof to her lips. Her tongue slipped from between them, and she licked his hoof with care. Enjoying her own flavor, she emitted smooth, throaty moans. She couldn’t see his smile, but she could almost hear just how pleased he master was with her.

Sombra took his hoof away once she’d licked it clean, and he kissed her with passion, tasting her juices once again on her tongue. He pulled away to admire her wings. He rubbed a hoof across one of the sensitive appendages, causing Nightmare to shiver silently.

“Oh, and look at those wings…” Sombra laughed hoarsely, his cock letting some of Nightmare’s liquids fall onto the bed sheets. “So precious. I wonder how it would feel to have them… Mmmm… or maybe… how they would feel in my mouth.”

Nightmare gasped and moaned as Sombra’s teeth clamped down gently on the tip of her outstretched wing. It spasmed from the stimulation as he continued to nibble and suckle on it. Gently, he licked, nibbled and kissed across her wing from the tip to the joint and back again. Another minute passed, with Nightmare’s moans of blissful pleasure the only sounds filling the room. Her pussy was soaked once again, the pleasure nearly driving her insane. Sombra continued to tease her relentlessly. He ran his tongue up and down her right wing, but after a bit of this, he stopped with an idea.

“Wait, I’ll…” Nightmare warned, cut off by a hoarse moan as she felt Sombra’s cock inside her again, thrusting softly. She figured out his plan just before he leaned over her and started to suckle on a wing again as he fucked her slowly. He thrusted inside her with long, slow strokes, pulling out almost all the way before sinking back in between her folds. He could feel her wings tremble between her fangs and her pussy tighten around his engorged stallionhood. Nightmare bit her pillow as her body came undone again, arching her body and with fully erect wing muscles, finally getting off with a muffled scream of her master’s name.

As he felt her pussy convulse around his cock and heard the muffled cry of his name, Sombra was finally pushed over the edge. He exploded inside Nightmare, filling her marehood with rope after rope of his seed with a long, hoarse moan.

After they had both ridden their orgasms to completion, Sombra slid his softening cock from her spent pussy, some of their combined juices flowing out after it. He removed her blindfold and restraints with his magic, finally allowing her to collapse. He laid beside her, similarly exhausted, and pulled Nightmare’s personalized dark purple blanket over them both. Nightmare scooted a little closer to him, and he smiled. “Did you enjoy yourself, Princess?” he asked, using his pet name for her.

Nightmare gave him a quick kiss in response, and Sombra’s grin stretched from ear to ear.

Sombra wrapped her in his strong but loving embrace, and she nuzzled into him. A warm sensation flowed through her body. They had never cuddled after sex before. It was nice.“You know… Sombra… I think I can get used to things such as this,” she said with a satisfied sigh. Her eyes fluttered closed, and she kissed the top of his head, right at the base of his horn.

Sombra chuckled. “Well, it’s like I said. Even villains need love.”

“Y-yes, we do…” Nightmare sighed, finally admitting it.

Sombra opened his eyes, staring resolutely at his lover. “I love you, Nightmare.”

Nightmare’s eyes opened wide, and she stared in surprise at Sombra, a bright blush coloring her cheeks. She looked deeply into his eyes. They were calm, absolutely serious. She’d never seen him so sure of anything. “I-I… do too. I love you.” With a pause, she added, “I think you’re right. We… We can make this work.”

“Now sleep, my sweet queen,” Sombra whispered. Soon, he felt himself drifting to sleep, and it wasn’t long after before Nightmare did as well.

Sombra had just been a servant to Nightmare, someone to keep her company on lonely nights. No more. From that night on, he would be so much more to her. He was her king, and she couldn’t be any happier. On this fateful night, she wasn’t lonely anymore.