> Spike and the Mane-iac 3 > by MetalBrony823 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Starting a Married Life (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Ponyville, everypony that inhabited it was as happy they can be and have everything they can ever ask for, especially Spike, and his new wife: the Mane-iac who he married not too long ago. They were now living in the new castle that Twilight turned to after they got hitched. Meanwhile, they were both shopping in the farmer's market, looking for any groceries that they needed. Not only were these two living in the castle, but Twilight made that castle because the Mane-iac's still serve her as her henchmen and need a place to stay to be so. So far, they were really happy with how they are living together. "Hmm, do we need any tomatoes?" Spike asked his wife "Oh of course we do. How else will it be without the tomato salad with lettuce, Spikey-poo?" Mane-iac said The baby dragon laughed."true." "And, I do not think we need anything else, sweetie." "Yeah, I think we don't. We already got the carrots, apples, cabbage, and dandelions." Spike said "so, should we head back home?" "Of course. I was just getting a little tired of this errand anyway." "Me too." They both laughed and they both headed back to their new chateau. The Mane-iac did most of the carrying in the bags obviously because of her long beautiful hair used like appendages. It saves Spike quite the trouble of carrying the stuff more than he can handle. Then the Mane-iac had a sly smile on her face, and looked at Spike in a sneaky evil way without him knowing. "So, what else do you think we should do today, Mane-iac?" "Hmmmm, well, what would you like to do, darling?" "Well.... I always wanted some more comic books down in the bookstore." Spike noted. "Very well." The Mane-iac replied happily. "I'll pay every bit on any ones you want in particular." "Oh you don't have to do that." "Oh but I insist." Spike smiled at his kindness. "Okay okay, thanks." "You are quite welcome, Spike." The Mane-iac replied. "Always happy to be of any assistance to you." Then they continued home so that they eat their lunches on this fine afternoon. After their three weeks of marriage, they were already being a good married couple to one another. Nothing could possibly be better for these two love birds. When they went back inside, Spike yelled "Twilight, we're home." "Okay." Twilight called back to them. "So, what will you be having for lunch? Of course you noticed, but I will be eating my salad." "I'm going to have a dandelion sandwich with spicy mustard." Spike replied "Oh, very well." They both went over to the kitchen to fix up their food and then sat in the dining room with a really long dinner table like any other mansion would have. "Thank you so much for coming shopping with me, sweetie." Said the Mane-iac. She gave him a really large hug and snuggled with him, and he did vice versa. "It can be lonely without anypony to a company you." She giggled "I hear that." Then the began eating. After they were finished, they went upstairs and Spike went to use the bathroom. After he was finished, the Mane-iac said "listen, darling, I just remembered that I need to help Hair Stylish and my henchmen with an invention if you don't mind, but do not worry, it will not take long, "Okay. I'll be fine," spike replied. The Mane-iac smiled. "Good. It will only be for half an hour." "Okay, beautiful wife of mine." Then the Mane-iac went upstairs to the tallest tower of the mansion. Spike thought of what he should do at the moment since his wife is a little busy at the moment. Over the course of the three weeks of their marriage, they were preparing for another date on their honeymoon. The baby dragon then saw Twilight with Owlicious. "Hey, Twi?" Spike said "Oh, what is it, Spike?" "Well, remember when I told you about me and the Mane-iac going on another date soon?" "Of course. Why?" "Well, I.... I don't know where we should go." Spike admitted with mild shame "Oh Spike." Twilight said with a smile. "Just go somewhere nice where both of you can enjoy together now that your married." "Yeah, but what would she like?" Spike wondered "well, she does love winning as much as Rainbow Dash, so maybe we can go bowling, and she can get a perfect strike on every round." "That is a good idea." Said Twilight. "What about an expensive dinner in the evening? That's one of the most original types of dates in he book." "Right, but it's 'expensive' remember? I doubt I would be able to pay for any do the fancy fru fru at that hoity-toity restaurant in the other side of town." Twilight giggled. "Don't worry. I'll help you with the bill. I am a princess remember? I'm pretty sure they can give you a special treatment too." "Right." "Thanks." "Your welcome, Spike. Where is the Mane-iac?" "Eh, she's up in the tower, helping Hair Stylish and the guys with a new machine for who knows what it is." "Oh. That Mane-iac and her crazy schemes." Twilight said "I know." He and the Alicorn both laughed at the statement. "Well, I better get back to my studying." "Shouldn't you take a break some time? You might fry yourself out from all that reading if your not careful." "No I won't. I know better than that, I'll be fine." "Okay." Then Twilight went back downstairs to her library to continue whatever she might read next or more like: over the next few hours. The baby dragon went upstairs down the hall and was thinking of what he and e Mane-iac should do on their next date together. He thought that since they were married, he should make it a little more special for her and do all his best to please her and make her happy by being a good husband to him. "Ah, who am I kidding?" He thought out loud as he continued walking He stopped when he had a rather naughty thought. He thought of the Mane-iac's beautiful ass as she headed upstairs to build that machine. He became hardened and worried that anypony might see his cock like this, so he thought of whether he should take it to the bathroom or the bedroom, and finally he chose the bedroom, because the bed would be a much better place to do his little alone time. He buried himself under the covers and played with himself, and being more comfortable doing his business. "Oh fuck. Oh fuck." He said while panting. After a number of minutes, he climaxed right on the bed a few times. He stopped too catch his breath and regain his excitement. What be didn't know was that it was already past thirty minutes, and for that, he heard the door open "Well, what do we have here?" Said the Mane-iac, looking seductively at him. The baby dragon blushed and turned the other way. "Mane-iac! What a pleasant surprise." "It's okay, Spike." The Mane-iac said baby talking. "If you wanted to play with me, at least let me know." "Okay." Spike said. "Let's do it." "Wonderful." Then she engulfed almost his entire body with her mane, except for his head and dragonhood. She did a few sexy pose to make him more excited again, including showing him her ass, giggling. It did work, and he was more kinky than before. She licked her lips and then slowly engulfed his dragonhood, sucking it. "Oh god. Yeah, that feels good." Spike panted. "Don't stop." She ducked on his shaft for a long fime, and sometimes licked the head with her tongue once in a while. At last, Spike was almost at his limits. "Mane-iac, I'm cumming!" He exclaimed Then after the Mane-iac was sucking more faster, he finally reached his limit and came in her mouth with some sperm leaking out of it, spilling on the bed. "Hmmm, delicious as ever." She said "Thank you." He panted. "Would you like to take a little break?" "Yes. Please. I think that would be best." Spike replied. Then he felt th Mane-iac releasing him and gently placing him back on the bed. "So, Mane-iac, I was thinking about our next date together. Where would you lie us to go spend time?" "Well, if you are happy than I am happy, but I would always want to go to an expensive dinner fo some fancy food." Oddly, that was what Twilight suggested before. "Or yet again, I would like to go into a strip club and do a little dancing. "I don't think I can go in a nightclub yet " Spike pointed "Oh don't worry, i'please make sure you get inside there if you want to." Said the Mane-iac. "Really? Thanks." "Of course. Oh! And maybe you can perform on stage playing rock and roll and heavy metal while playing your signature guitar. I have heard you practice that instrument for weeks and you are quite the demon when it comes to guitar playing." "Oh stop it, Mane-iac." Spike blushed. "Guilty as charged. I guess I could do that, but if you change your mind and want to go someplace ekae, let me know." "Thank you, but I might let you chose again." "I'm just trying to be a good husband to you. I just want you to be happy." Spike said "Oh i know. I Do love you for being so sweet like that, but I am happy when you are happy." The Mane-iac replied. "Okay." Then the Mane-iac had another sly smile on her face. This time, Spike noticed it. "Uh, why are you looking at me lime that?" "Oh nothing except..... are you still ticklish?" Spike made a look on horror on his face. "Oh no. Anything but that." He begged Then the Mane-iac tickled him all over, making him laugh uncontrollably like a hyena "gootchie gootchie goo." She said mane times. "Hahahaha!!! Please don't" Spike laughed. "I can't take it, I think i'm going to pee!' But the Mane-iac just ignored him and continued tickling him mercilessly. Out of the door, Twilight was just walking down the hall and stumbled upon the tickling outside. She smirked and nodded her head sideways. "Oh love." She said in a giggle, then she continued walking through the hall, leaving the two alone again. > The Deranged Mare's Conflict > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the afternoon after they had their fun in their bedroom, somewhere around five, Spike was out on a romantic date with Mane-iac at the cafe. It maybe have been in the afternoon, but there is never such thing as too early for dates when it comes to these too adorable yet unusual lovers. They just had spaghetti together (with no meatballs, of course) and they both got one noodle at the same time, and slurped it slowly until their faces softly crossed one another. They both opened their eyes and realized what they were doing. Both of them looked like they were kissing one another by the looks of it. Of course they really do not mind, and didn't care If anypony stared as long as they weren't getting "busy" in public. They munched on the noodle and ate one half. "Sorry." Spike said. "I didn't know we both had this. I should have payed more attention" "Oh Spikey." said the Mane-iac softly. "Nothing can get in the way of our love." "Stop it." Spike flushed as he chuckled. "Come here, you." then they both kissed on their lips for a second, leaving a small stain of tomato sauce to one another. "Oh, let me get that for you." the Mane-iac picked up a napkin with one of her tendrils and gently cleaned Spike's mouth from the sauce, then she cleaned herself with a another one. "Thanks." "Of course. Wouldn't want to keep your mouth dirty now, would we?" she joked. They both laughed with eachother. "This may be a little early for going on a little evening date together, but it is still romantic." "Yeah, I know. Besides, the sun is already starting to vanish before out eyes." "Indeed. So, I hear that you are still a demon with that guitar, if you know what I mean." "Yeah heard me practice?" "Oh of course I have. Hair Stylish, Twilight, and all my minions hear it from time to time. You are quite a good guitarist, Spike. You should perform for others again when you decide to. Many ponies around here are talking about you with that talent." "Well, I guess it's been a little while since I have performed in front of everypony. Back in Nightmare Night, Canterlot, and at the clubs in Maretropolis we went to twice, they all loved it. I guess I can perform in the new club in Ponyville tomorrow. And maybe I can go back to Maretropolis and play in the club the third time." "Brilliant." "You still have the comic book with you?" "Oh yes. I also take good care of it. I always keep it just in case I want to.... commit mayhem in the city, mwhahaha." she chuckled evilly. Spike smirked and nodded his head sideways. "You are one crazy mare, you know?" "I know. MWHAHAHA!" she said jokingly. "Well, I might as well pay for dinner now." "I'll do it." "Very well." Then Spike pulled out the bits he owes to the food he ate and put it on the table for safe keeping. "Perfect, now that we have paid for our dinner, let's go home. Would you like me to carry me?" "Yes, s'il vous plait." The Mane-iac cackled "Magnifique, garcon." then she used a few of her tendrils to pick him up and place him on her back, then they headed back to their home. Back home, it was about seven in the evening now, and the Mane-iac was finishing with her little evening bubble bath. she got out and wiped herself off with about ten towels since she has a loooong mane and tail, it is a big responsibility for her to take care of them now than shorter hair. She had a new suit that she would normally wear in her possession and wore them after drying herself. When she walked pass her mirror, she heard a voice. "Hello." it said. The Mane-iac looked around in confusion, wondering what it was. Was she hearing things? was she hallucinating? "Look in the mirror." it said. Then as the voice told her, the deranged mare looked at her reflection in the mirror, and noticed that her reflection was smiling. "You?!" said the Mane-iac, recognizing who this imposter was. Yes, it was the same reflection as before back in her former lair, which was now being owned by High Heels, one of her closest friends who is also a supervillian. "How dare you appear before my eyes again!" "Ah, but I am you, remember?" the reflection said slyly. The unhinged mare was having a really bad feeling about this, she thought that this little bad thing she was "Holding" might have gone away forever after she and her new friends defeated Chrysalis to save Spike from being raped. She was wrong "Why are you even here?" she asked suspiciously "Isn't it obvious? I want to talk about where we left off. Now what was it again? Ah, yes. Killing that little pathetic excuse of a baby dragon of course." "How dare you?!" the Mane-iac screamed. "I told you before, didn't i? he is the enemy that humiliated us by destroying the doomsday device that we were about to unleash to all of Maretropolis." "I deserved that. You're not really me, you're just a figment of my imagination you crazy bitch!" "Oh, you mean besides you?" said the reflection cruelly. The Mane-iac was really starting to get frustrated. She felt like smashing the mirror and throwing it out the window, but she decided not to do that, because it was cause some unwanted attention for her, and besides, she thinks it's probably best if Spike didn't know about this. One thing because she doesn't want him to think that she is just using him for real, or because she doesn't want to freak him out a little. Instead, the mare replied to her evil (well entirely evil) self in the reflection. "You will never convince me to betray Spike. You don't control me, I control you, and I command you to get out of my sight!" The reflection of her growled in annoyance. "I am you, how many times do I have to tell you that?" She asked in an irritated tone. "We can go back to commiting crimes the way we uses to do, and cause mayhem to all who defy us." "Of course I am evil!" She shouted. She sighed and remembered the good times she had with Spike and his friends in Equestria. "But I learned that maybe being a hero wasn't so weak or wimpy after all. Spike is my reason my living. He is the heaven in my Hell, and I will never kill him. I will forever love him!" "He made you weak and sappy with this love nonsense. Do not forget that we are one, you and me are the same" "You are nothing but a liar and not real. I am the one and true Mane-iac! Me! Me me me!" "Very well. I'll leave. But mark my words, you still have me inside you, no matter what you say, I am you! I know that someday you will kill that worthless maggot! Mwahahahahahaha!!" SHe caked as she vanished like an aparition. The Mane-iac was already a little haunted by this, but realized maybe she was just hallucinating, and just needs, a cup of tea. "I will never do that to my poor husband. Never." She said to herself. Then she exited the bathroom and went to look for Spike. As she expected, she found him in his room, shredding his bullseye guitar and rocking hard The baby dragon stopped his playing as he saw the Mane-iac come inside. He stopped his plying and turned off his amp so they can speak. "Hey, Mane-iac. What is it?" "So sorry to interrupt your excellent playing, sweetie, but I just thought I should hear you play some more." "Sure. I could use at least one pony as an audience right now." He joked, the they both had a good laugh. "Wonderful, wonderful." The villainess without him hearing, said under her breath "at least some music might calm my head down and soothe my evil soul." "What's that?" "Oh nothing nothing. I just said it would be wonderful for me to be your audience, my little hubby." She gave him another kiss on his lips and he kissed her on her cheek. "Good." Then the Mane-iac sat a few feet away from him and enjoyed a nice night of some more shredding. What happened with her in the mirror was rather strange. The Mane-iac would never kill the love of her life, and loved him with all her heart. It was best to keep this quiet from everypony else, or in this case of it's severe or not, she might consider talking to a psychiatrist maybe. > New Fashion Craze > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another day has passed, and Spike was out shopping for hair care products with the Mane-iac. She thought that she should make her mane and tail remain beautiful, and make it more dazzling. There was so much samples for her to try, and Spike kind of felt like it would be a typical teenage filly being a shopaholic. "Oh, I should purchase....... no. Ooh, maybe this one..... no." "Are you sure you want more haircare, products, Mane-iac?" Spike asked. "I'm pretty fire y oh don't need any. Your mane and tail are just fine the way they are." "You really think so, Spikey-poo?" "I know so. Have I ever lied to you before?" "Heavens no." She replied with a crazy chuckle. "Oh, you're right. Perhaps I shouldn't overdo a good thing. I've got plenty in our bathroom anyway." Then they both laughed playfully. "Although I do think YOU should try a sample on your mane and tail, Spike." She had a playful grin on her face. "What? But.... i don't gave any hair on myself." "I know, I was just messing with you." "Ah, you." Then the baby dragon kissed her on her cheek. "Oh, thank you." She said while flushing, then she kissed him back."well, should we to look for any comic books like you asked?" "Yeah, let's." Then they exited the perfume department to the comic shop. While walking over there, they noticed a sign on the front door. The Mane-iac read "dear customers, I am very sorry, but I have a bad flu and cannot work at my shop today. Come back maybe tomorrow, or the day after that, either way. Signed: Comic Stamp." Then looked at Spike. "Aw, man. I can't believe it." "I'm sorry, sweetie." Said the Mane-iac gently placing her arm around his shoulders. "There's always tomorrow." "I know I just didn't see that coming." Spike replied "I can understand that. Neither did I." Then the baby dragon sighed as he was still bummed out. "Oh don't feel sad, sweetie I am pretty sure that we will have fun today. There is always plan b." "That's true. You're right." "There you have it. Come along, let's see what we can find around here." She looked around for anything that could possibly be a good substitute for the temporarily closed comic shop. "Oh, Mane-iac! Spike!" Said a mid-Atlantic voice. The villain stopped and it was Rarity. After all, who else in Ponyville has an elegant mid-Atlantic accent like she does? "Rarity, bonjour." Mane-iac greeted. "How can we be of service to you?" "Well, i just thought of an idea for a new fashion idea, that might turn it into a craze." Rarity wasn't wrong. Sh did have an idea, for Spike and Mane-iac can see it in her eyes. "What kind of a fashion idea?" Spike asked curiously "Do come with me. I'll show you." The couple looked rather confused, and slightly hoped that Rarity wasn't going insane. "And everypony called me crazy." The deranged mare whispered to the baby dragon. He laughed quietly and smirked in response. The white unicorn might a little... on the edge slightly more than she would usually be, but of course, Rarity is Rarity with her big ideas in fashion. So for that, they both followed her to her shop/home. They both could hardly wait to find out what this new idea was. "Prepare to be amazed by my new idea." she said proudly. There were two spotlights on the stage as the lights went out. "Ooh, I like where this is going." Mane-iac thought Spike could hardly wait either. "Prepare to be dazzled by my newest edition to my life as a fashionista." Rarity announced from behind the curtain. There was a drum roll and when the curtain opened, there was Rarity wearing a suit that looks very much like the Mane-iac's, looking rather glamorous. "Is that... my suit?" said Mane-iac a little confused. "Oh yes. Not exactly your suit, but like... a new type of outfit for everypony to wear." Rarity corrected "Wow. That looks so awesome, Rarity." Spike said in amazement. "What do you think, Mane-iac?" "It does look... rather beautiful now that you picture it. Very stylish." she replied, starting to like the idea. The villains was starting to look at the details more deeply. "Oh yes, it does look exactly like my beautiful suit. What made you decide this, Rarity?" "Well, I always known that your suit looks rather stylish and fashionable in a way, so I figured I might as well put my dream to work. Oh, I imagine that everypony will love it." "You sure about that, Rarity?" Spike asked "Oh of course. They will absolutely adore this newest fabric made by moi." "Well, you do look rather stylish and fashionable alright." Mane-iac said. "So, I suppose you might be correct." "You do not mind this, do you Mane-iac?" "no of course not, Rarity. I am perfectly fine with this idea of yours. Besides, it reminds me of turning Ponyville into my mind control minions. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!" she cackled. "Oh, not that I would ever do that of course, but still." "Oh I know." Spike said. "I like it when your crazy, remember?" "Charmed. So, when do you plan on selling this new idea?" "Right now." Then she revealed manacins with the suit. It also had slight differences. "Not only does it come in this." Rarity continued "but also sleeveless on the forearms, like a unitard as well. So one with sleeves, and sleeveless." "Perfect. Well, i hope this works for you, dear." Said Mane-iac "I am quite sure of it." "Well, i might as well be heading back home now. Come on, Mane-iac." "But, what about a substitute place for the closed comic shop?" Mane-iac reminded. "Ah, I already saw something cool right now." Spike noted. "Oh. Good. Let us be on our way, Spikey-Whikey." The Mane-iac picked him up with her tendrils again and sat him in her back. "See you soon, Rarity." "Au revoir, Mane-iac, and the same for you, Spike." "By Rarity." Spike said to her in return, then the Mane-iac went out of the shop back to the mansion. "So what did you really think, Mane-iac?" "It was... rather odd and unusual, but I loved it because I love odd and unusual." She laughed while moving her pupils in a very crazy fashion. "I can see that. And your right, I thought everypony woukd call you the craziest mare alive too." He laughed. "Nah, just kidding. Nopony can be as crazy and beautiful as you." "Oh that's sweet. Merci." Said the Mane-iac, flattered by his complimemts. She gave him a kiss as a thank you gift for his kindness. "Hey, why are there some stallions in the comic shop?" Spike noticed, very confused. "First it was closed and then it's open again?" "That is rather odd." Mane-iac concurred. She went over to the place to have a look. When many stallions inside the store saw her, they all gasped, and came rushing out of the building like it was on fire. "Oh my gosh, guys! It's the Mane-iac!" Said a stallion in line. They all came up to her, and were all asking "can I please have an autograph?" And waved their comic books for her "Hey hey hey!" Spike intervened. "Give my wife some space!" "Sorry." Said a stallion. "We are such big fans of her and the power ponies since forever." "It's alright, Sweetie." Said the Mane-iac. "Of course I can sign autographs for all my fans." They all cheered at her response. "Uh, excuse me, but how is the shop open again if Comic Stamp is sick today?" "Oh his brother's taking over for him to keep the place running." Said another stallion. "Really?" "Yep, now we can all look for comics again. Thank you so much, Mane-iac. We will never forget this moment you given us." "Of course. Anything for my adoring fans." She replied. "Come on, fellars." Said a colt. "Let's get back to shopping what we love best." They all agreed with the boy and went back inside the comic shop. "Shall we, my hubby?" Mane-iac said, holding out a tendrils in the shape of a small hand for him to hold. "Let's shall." He replied happily. Then he and his wife went in the comic as well, hopefully there will be something that Spike will love. *** It took a little longer than they both thought it would be, but they did have fun anyway. Spike was on the Mane-iac again, and three new comic books in his possession. The Mane-iac then noticed that every mare was wearing the suit that she was wearing, the same idea that Rarity made. "Oh my gosh." Spike said in surprise. "Oh i know. I did not think that my suits would not be that make of a success." the Mane-iac added as surprised as he was. "Look at every mare in Ponyville. They all look as glamorous and beautiful as I do." "I wouldn't say that. You are way more beautiful than anypony I know." "Oh come here you." then the Mane-iac gave him another kiss on his lips. "I know that." "Yeah well." "Well, enough of that. Let us be on our way, then." "Right. I can't wait to go back home." "Here here." While they were walking, Cheerilee suddenly shouted "Oh look! there she is now!" then she and a crowd of ponies gathered around her like she was a pop metal star. The Mane-iac was a little uncomfortable for a minute, then Spike came down. "Hey hey hey. Ladies, please. Give her some space." he said, acting like her bodyguard "Oh, sorry, Spike." said Lyra. "But we just wanted to thank the Mane-iac for inspiring us to wear these beautiful fabrics." She posed herself at them. "You all look rather fabulous. The Mane-iac complimented. "But you all realize that Rarity was the one who manufactured them and not me, right?" "Oh we know." said Cheerilee. "But you inspired her to create such a piece. We all thank you for that, Mane-iac." "Well, you're all welcome." Mane-iac said. "I really hope you all like my suits." "We will." Said Roseluck. "Well, we will get out of your mane now." Said Cloudchaser. "See you soon. Oh, and see up too, Spike." "See you all later." Mane-iac said. Then they all gone back to their normal lives and left the two lovebirds alone to enjoy the rest of the day. "Come along, let's go." Mane-iac sang. "With pleasure." They both hoped that no more interruptions will come to them on their way back to their chateau this time. Not that they hate everypony of course, they just want a little along time as a couple together. When they all arrived back, they couldn't be any more happy to be back in their humble abode/fortress. Then they noticed Twilight with her friends wearing Mane-iac suits as well. "Ah, Spike, Mane-iac. Their you are." Twilight noticed. Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie were wearing the suits with the sleeves while Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash were wearing the sleeveless ones. "These suits are awesome!" Said Rainbow. "Oh yes, they look really beautiful and shinmering." Fluttershy added "Mwahahahaha!" Pinkie cackled. "Now I am the Mane-iac! Hahahahaha!" They all laughed with her. "You all look really nice in those suits." Spike complimented all of them. "Oh of course, Nopony could ever replace you, Mane-iac." "Oh i know that, sweetie. You know I love you." "I love you too." "No offense, but can you guys please save that upstairs." "Rainbow." Applejack said after she whacked the cyan pegasus in the head "No no no. It's cool." Spike said "So, we think we should wear them from time to time. I really love the way they look." Twilight said. "Indeed, perhaps one of my finest works in my life of fashion." Rarity agreed. "I think you might have noticed, but almost every mare in Ponyville is wearing it." "We know, in fact, many of them came up to us and thanked her for the inspiration." "Oh that is good. We would also like to thank her for inspiring Rarity with creating a line of Mane-iac suits." Fluttershy said. "This looks lie this will be a success for you, Rarity." "Oh yes, I can smell it now. The fame under the spotlight. Let's see Suri Polomare beat me at this." "Who?" Applejack asked "Oh, forget it. It's long behind me now. What matters is that every mare will enjoy it." "Hey, Twilight?" "Yeah, Spike?" "Your suit is like the same color of your fur." Spike pointed "No it isn't." she protested "Yes it is." said Pinkie. "It's purple like your fur." "Not to be rude, Twilight, but they are right." Fluttershy added "Alright, alright. I'll fix it." Twilight sighed. She used her magic to turn her suit from purple to black. "Now that is more like it. Well, we might as well get upstairs now. Spikey-Whikey wants to read his new comics." said Mane-iac "Yeah. So, see you guys later." Spike added "Oh, actually, we were staying here for a little while." said Pinkie "Yeah, we were going to have some tea here." Applejack added "Oh, that's fine. Come along, darling." then the two went upstairs "Say, Mane-iac?" "Yes, Spikey-poo?" "I have a new song for you if you would like to here it." The Mane-iac gasped with joy. "Oh but of course. I would simply love to hear it." "Good. Let me get my guitar for you." the two entered their room and Spike put his new comic away. He pulled out his amp and guitar and turned it on. "Okay, ready?" "Oh yes, do go ahead." she said with a large smile on her face. "Okay." Rights for this song go to Poets of the Fall The Mane-iac hugged him with joy and was touched by the beautiful masterpiece he created. "Oh, Spike. That was truly beautiful. You never cease to amaze me with your guitar skills." "Thanks. I knew you would love it." "I do." she kissed him a few times all over his face as another thank you gift. "Oh I love you with all my cold heart." "I love you too, Mane-iac." then without them knowing, Twilight and the others looked on and thought it was a sweet thing to see. > Mane-iac's Help > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A little later on in the afternoon, every mare in Ponyville was wearing the Mane-iac's suit, or copies of the suit made by Rarity. Turns out this new fashion craze was still raving through the town. Of course there was nothing wrong with that, in fact, every young mare looked rather stylish with those suits on them. Spike was he,ping Twilight out with her chores around the mansion. As for the Mane-iac herself, she was helping Hair Stylish and the other Hench-stallions with her latest invention: "The Hairspray Ray of chaos. "Perfect! My new invention to cause mayhem is finally complete! Mwhahahahha!" She cackled. "The newest version of the hairspray ray of doom will cause even more mayhem, causing ponies who touch it to go completely insane-- Like Me! Hahahahaha!" All the hit-ponies smiled at her latest evil plan, and could not wait to see their boss pull it off to Maretropolis. The Mane-iac stopped her raucous cackling and wondered if Spike will like the idea and want to see that or not. "What is it, mistress?" Hair Stylish said. The unhinged mare looked around and saw the rest of the Hench-stallions looked concerned about their leader. "Nothing. Nothing." She barked firmly. The thought of the doppelgänger she saw in her reflection did not go away. "Alright, boys. I mig as well tell you." She took a breath and began "I had this little conflict in me, like this part of me said I should kill Spike after he humiliated us on our doomsday device long ago." Clip Cut gasped "what? You're never going to kill him, are you mistress?" "Of course not. I would never. Sadly, this little part of me does not want me to let him live." She growled and broke an ugly vase with a tendril from her mane, shattering it all over the floor, then she was on the brink of tears. "I don't know what to do." "It's okay, mistress." Said a bodyguard. "I think you just need to let go of that evil inside you." The Mane-iac looked at him angrily and huffed. "I am evil, you twit!" She said. "I just.... Need to make this little imposter leave me for the rest of eternity so I can stay with my handsome Spike-Whikey. But how? How?" Then Hair Stylish stepped up and said "well, why don't you go... See a psychiatrist and see what he or he can do." "I normally don't do psychiatrists, because they all have given up on trying to 'cure' me. Which I think is because I take the fun of torturing them mercilessly, but I don't really ever do buisness with them anyway." "Well, I think we should tell Spike about this then." "No! My little Spike cannot know about this! If he finds out, he will think I don't really love him, then we get divorced, and everypony will hate me forever." "Oh come on." Said Clip Cut. "Spike is a perfectly understanding little guy. He might help you if you would just tell him what is going on. Maybe Twilight can help you out too." "Well.... She is a princess after all, and she is a solver of friendships all over Equestria." She thought about it "alright, I guess I will. However, I would rather prefer if Spike knew nothing about this." "As you wish, Mistress." said Hair Stylish. "Meantime, why don't we put this baby to use. We can hardly wait to see what his thing is capable of." The Mane-iac smiled slightly. "You're right. Let us go forth and wreak havoc on Maretropolis once again! MWHAHAHAHA!!" then the hench-stallions laughed along with her. "Don't laugh with me, you're ruining it!" then they all fell silent. One of the hench-stallions went to get the comic book and they all went off to cause mayhem in the city once again. A little later, somewhere around one hour and thirty minutes later to be exact, they all came out of the comic, and the Mane-iac had a wonderful time using her new "Hairspray ray of Madness" in all of the city. Nopony got permanently affected by the power of it, in fact, all the citizens of Maretropolis will be back to their sanity in a matter of days. Nevertheless, it was so satisfying for the Mane-iac and her followers. "How crazy was that?" Said Clip Cut. "I know." Genius Gel laughed in replied. "You should have seen that mare when she was affected. She was all 'lblblblblblblblb! Ah! Ooh! Ah! Ugh!' Hahaha! Oh it was priceless, flailing her head while sticking her tongue out like a psycho." "Mistress, you are a genius." Said Hair Stylish. "That I am. One of the greatest evil masterminds in all of history to be exact. I don't call myself the Mane-iac for nothing, you know?" They all agreed with her one at a time. "So mistress, you feeling better from your little.. conflict?" A Hench-stallion asked. He worried that the Mane-iac might throw him out of the mansion window just asking that. However, the evil mare was a little silent and had a blank look on her face. It was a rather fun time she did in a while since she used her mind controlled shampoo to turn everypony into slaves, almost winning taking over the city. However, she still felt that flame inside her that kept telling her to kill Spike. "Well... I don't know. Gah! I still need some help with that!" She growled. "Oh, mistress, please talk to Twilight and her friends." Stylish begged. "They might have a solution to your problem. We are pretty sure that they will help you in the best possible way to do it." Mane-iac took a little breath and had to face the fact that they are all right on this one. "You're right. Perhaps I should go talk to them. In the meantime, make yourselves scarce, this instant!" "Yes ma'am." They all said, and then they all separated all over the place, and the Mane-iac was alone. Now she went over to see if Twilight was available, and to make sure that Spike doesn't find out about this. Finally, she found her in her room, reading a novel like she always does in her free time that doesn't involved hanging out with her friends. "Ah, Twilight. There you are." "Mane-iac, you mind of scared me." "Oh, sorry." "It's okay. What can I help you with?" The villainess sighed and bowed her head in shame. "Twilight, I..... I have a problem?" She replied at last. The purple allicorn's face turned I to a small frown. "What's wrong?" "Well, I think it would be more safe to talk about this with your friends out of the mansion." She glanced to and fro. "You see, it involves me and Spike. Of course I still love him, but it would be best if he didn't know about any of this." "Oh... Okay." Twilight didn't really know what to think of this. It really sounded dire and serious. She followed her outside. But before they could do, Spike stopped them "Twilight? Mane-iac? Where are you going?" "Oh, we are just out to get some grain." Mane-iac said. "Yep. That's right. Don't worry, we won't be gone for long." Twilight added "Oh. Alright, I'm just going to read some more comic books." "You do that." Then they both went outside. After a little walk, Rainbow, and the other friends caught up with them. "Mne-iac, Twilight. Hello." Rarity said. "What brings you here?" Pinkie asked "The Mane-iac here.... Has a little problem." Twilight clarified. They all looked at her with concern. Rainbow asked "What kind of problem?" "Well... I don't know if i should say this to all of you, but it involves me and Spike. they all murmured. "Of course I love him, but.... I have this little..... Conflict within me." Fluttershy then asked "what kind of conflict?" "It was happening for a number of days now. You all see, I have this little part inside me that keeps telling me to kill Spike." They were all shocked. "You wouldn't do that!" Rarity exclaimed "No no no. Of course not. It is just that, I worry I mig go to my evil ways. Oh, I mean, like evil as in killing Spike and all of you. Of course I still commit some mayhem back in Maretropolis when I want to, I don't want to lose him, and make him think I don't love him." The six friends didn't really know what to think of this. Fluttershy replied by saying "we know you really love Spike, and know you would never do anything to hurt him in any way." "Yeah, y'all are meant for eachother." Applejack added. "You're just having some trouble trying to adapt to this new lifestyle, that's all." "Applejack speaks the truth." Rarity added "all changes can be hard deal with, even if they are good changes." "I know that. But I just want to make this little demon within me go away." "Well, don't worry. We will help." Twilight proudly stated. The unhinged mare smiled at their kindness. She felt that Spike was lucky to have friends like them by his side, and was flattered that they would do the same thing for her as well. "Thank you so much." She said "just tell me what I need to do and I will do it. As a matter of fact, I will do anything to cleanse this lowdown evil inside of me." "Well, sometimes you need to confront your fears to get pass them." Rainbow said. "It worked with me when I was a filly. "She's right." Rarity agreed. "What she means is you must tell Spike how you feel." "Are you insane?!" She protested. Pinkie remarked "Not compared to you." The Mane-iac wasn't amused and rainbow angrily shook her elbow at her, telling her that she was not helping. "We know it doesn't sound right, but Spike will understand how you feel. He can help you." Fluttershy said The Mane-iac remembered his hench-ponies suggesting that to her as well. If the elements of harmony say that as well, then it must be true. All the good times she and Spike are spending together. Their love was stronger than a mantis shrimp's punch. "Yes, Spikey-Whikey will do anything for you. He loves you and you love him back. Think about that, darling." "You know what. You are right." Mane-iac finally decided. "I don't know if I would like this, but if this does help me, then so be it." "It will." "Alright. Thank you for the advice." "Of course. Anything for a wife of Spike." Fluttershy commented. "Now don't worry." Said Twilight. "Everything will be fine. Just go and talk to him." "Right." Then Mane-iac and Twilight went back to the castle while the friends went back to their businesses. More butterflies filled up the Mane-iac inside for she knew that she was going to confess to Spike. Twilight gave her some support saying that everything will be fine, but the villain wasn't so sure of that. Of course, she knew there was only one way to find out for sure. They both went back inside the castle and speaking of the devil, Spike was sweeping the floors. "Spike?" Twilight called to him "Oh, hey guys. Did you get some grain?" "Well... not really." Twilight answered nervously. Look. We were out because the Mane-iac wanted to talk to me and my friends about something... important." then she looked at the villain "What's wrong, Mane-iac?" The crazy mare sighed and finally answered. "Spike.... i have this conflict within myself. Alright?" She felt half glad and half scared getting that out of her chest. "What kind of conflict?" he baby dragon asked. She was silent for a moment, and finally, she replied "Well, this little part of me wants me to kill you." Spike grew a little shocked by this. "You... you're not going to kill me, are you?" "Of course not, sweetie. You're my husband." she explained. She pulled him close to her to cuddle with him. "I just have this little.... pure evil inside of me that wants revenge on you for humiliating me for ruining our doomsday device. I really want to cleanse that evil. And of course i am still evil, just not really the 'kill everypony' type of evil anymore. Please, you got to believe me. I don't want you to hate me." The baby dragon looked at his wife, and saw that she was shedding a tear from one eye. He can tell that she really loves him and does not want to kill him one little bit. "Mane-iac." Spike said "Of course I still love you." "You do?" "Of course, you're my new wife after all. Besides, I think i know what the problem is." "What's that?" "I think you just still need to adapt to this kind of lifestyle. One half of you misses your criminal ways. Oh, right, you still do criminal ways, but just do it from time to time now, but I mean be pure evil." "But, this was going on for a number of days. I just think I should see a psychiatrist maybe." "Days? well that does sound serious." Spike thought. "Well, i think we know somepony who can help you with that little problem." "Who?" "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." "Yeah, good idea, Spike. They know how to fix those kind of problems." "Well, I don't know, what if they banish me from Equestria from Ponyville?" Mane-iac asked worriedly "Nonsense. They would never do that. They know you and Spike are meant for eachother too. They will really help you out. Besides, they are coming over for a visit later anyway. They want to see this new fashion craze that Rarity created with your suit." "Oh. That's... perfect. I guess." "Don't worry, we'll help you. I promise." The Mane-iac gave a sad smile. "Oh Spike." then she hugged him. "You always know how to make me feel so much better." then the baby dragon hugged her back. "Thanks." the baby dragon remarked "Well, they should be here in a little while. Meantime, why don't you go out for a little stroll in the park, or around Ponyville, or someplace fun at least." "You're... you're right, princess. Well, I always like to look at the Joke shop down the street. I adore pulling pranks, you know?" "Oh yes. We know." said Spike. "So, shall we go then?" "Yes. Let's." then she grabbed him with a few tendrils and placed him on her back for another ride through the town. "We will see you in a little while, Twilight. Please let us know if the princess' are already here if we are not home yet." "Of course." then the couple went out the doors to enjoy the fresh air once again. "So, how was your new invention?" Spike asked curiously "Oh it was marvelous! HAHAHA! You should have been there. Everypony in Maretropolis was going absolutely bonkers." "Aw man. I wish I could have seen it." "Oh don't worry, Spikey-Whikey. I will show you what this thing is capable of another time. Don't you worry. In the meantime, do you really think Celestia and Luna can help me with my problem?" "Of course. Just trust me." "I do." she remarked. "I suppose I will give it a shot. Then she continued walking down the main road to the joke shop. Rights for this song go to REO Speedwagon > Conquer Thyself > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mane-iac and Spike were having quite a good time in the joke shop of town. Spike was wearing Groucho glasses and the Mane-iac was wearin crazy, zany ones. "HAHAHAHA! Do I look even more crazy then ever, Spike?" "Yeah! More crazy." Spike laughed. "What about me? Do I look really ridiculous?" He made a silly fave sticking his tongue out while crossing his eyes. The Mane-iac laughed. "Very ridiculous as a matter of fact. And they called me crazy!" They both had a good laugh trying on the glasses or masks that was in stock. "Oh this is fun. I could just keep this up all day long. Hahaha." Then they were both finished with their horseplay and went to see the gags and prank stuff. "Ooh, invisible startch, turns you completely invisible and make everypony think you are a ghost." Mane-iac read from the label "warning: weakness is water and it stains clothes." "Oh that would be classic." Spike said. "Scaring everypony with this thing. Oh imagine the look on their faces when we scare them pretending to be ghosts." He made an evil smile. "What?!" The Mane-iac suddenly exclaimed. Everypony who was in the shop heard. It was loud enough for them to hear her. She blushed with embarrassment. "My apologies. It's something I do. Go back to your shopping or looking either way, what not." Then they all minded their own businesses. "What's wrong, Mane-iac?" "The price of this is a little bit too steep for us." She replied "Aww. That's not fair." The baby dragon complained "I thought it would be fun to have this with us." "Don't be sad, sweetie. There are probably other pranks for us in opportunity when they happen." "Yeah. You're right. Besides, I have you with me, that's what counts." "Oh, come here." Then the Mane-iac gave him a kiss on his cheek. "I really thank you for having faith in me about wiping out the scourge inside of me from the princess'. Hopefully, it will work." "Your welcome, my beautiful wife. And I am sure that they will help you." "I know, my adorable, handsome husband." Then they both made a small kiss of affection on their lips. "So they should be here at any time now." "Good." Then they resumed looking at more stuff in the store and see if there was anything in particular that they would want besides that invisible spray that they noticed. Something cheap and not top of the line. So far, they didn't really see anything that might interest them. "Hmm. This stuff looks a little boring and old school to me." Spike remarked "Oh i know. Well, the Groucho glasses and the sneaky snakes in cans are definitely so many generations ago to be honest. So sorry if there is nothing you would like, sweetie." "Ah, it's okay. I think I just wanted to look around anyway." The baby dragon smiled. "Besides, we got to see your new doomsday device go to action." "Oh of course. Hahaha, you remember seeing everypony's faces when we unleashed the Hairspray Ray of Chaos across the city?" "I know! Especially that mare when she was having a spaz attack and laughing at the top of her lungs, haha." Spike added. "Priceless. It was very hilarious." The Mane-iac sighed blissfully. "So I forgot to ask you earlier: how is High Heel and all her girls, doing?" the baby dragon asked curiously "Oh marvelous. She said she misses you, and so do all her followers within her lair. They really look forward to seeing you again. They would really appreciate it." "Of course. Maybe some time this week we can go back to Maretropolis to see her together?" "Absolutely." Then the entrance bell chimed and Twilight came inside, possibly looking for the couple. "Ah, there you guys are." the purple allicorn said. "Celestia and Luna are here, in the mansion." The baby dragon and the supervillain smiled. Help has arrived. "Brilliant." "Which room?" Spike asked "In the living room." "Perfect." they both said excitedly in unison. Then they both went back home with Twilight. Mane-iac was relieved that Celestia and Luna would help her out with her little problem, but was worried that it would not be enough to cleanse the evil insect within. They reentered and there were the princess' right in front of them. Turns out they were waiting for her all this time and wanted to surprise her. "Ah, Spike, Mane-iac. We have been waiting for you." Celestia remarked. "Yes, Twilight here told me that you, Mane-iac, have a little conflict within yourself and need our help to get rid of it." Luna added boldly. The unhinged mare lowered her head in shame. "Yes, your majesties. It is telling me to kill Spike while he is vulnerable and helpless. But you must understand, I would never do that. You need to believe moi." "Of course we believe you." Celestia said warmly. "We know how much you and Spike are meant for eachother." she gently placed her hoof under the Mane-iac's chin in reassurance. The Mane-iac smiled after. "We will do whatever we can to help you in any way." "Thank you, your majesties." "Now, have a rest on the couch and we can talk." Luna said "You want me to keep you company, Mane-iac?" Spike asked "That's really sweet of you, but I will be just fine, darling. Don't you worry." "Are you sure?" "I am." The baby dragon looked at the co-rulers to make sure that it would be a good idea for her to do this alone." "Don't worry, Spike." Luna reassured "she will be alright. In the mean time, why don't you go be with Twilight? Or practice on your guitar once again?" "We promise it will not take too long, sweetie." Celestia added. "Well, okay." "Yeah, why don't you show me how good you are getting with your guitar playing? I would definitely like to hear you play." "Okay, Twilight. Come on." "Wonderful." Twilight smiled. Then the two headed upstairs while the Mane-iac and the princess' went in the living room to start their little therapy with her. The Mane-iac crossed one front arm over the other, ready to begin cleansing the monster. "Now, Mane-iac." Celestia began "what can you describe us about your little inner conflict?" The unhinged mare took a breath, and answered "everytime I look in the mirror one in a while, I see this evil clone of me. "Well.... A loveless evil clone as a matter of fact, and it always tells me to strike at poor little Spikey-Whikey when the time is nigh." "I see. And has this happened to you more than once?" "Yes. As a matter of fact, it was going on for a few months now. You see, I was scared to go find help like you two, because everypony would just exile me from Ponyville, and you would throw me in the dungeon for life. Either that, or the funny farm." "Hmmm. What would you do to ignore that little conflict?" Luna asked "Well, every time I see Spike, and his friends, that always makes me better. Oh," she had an evil smile on her face and rubbed her hooves in a sinister gesture "and causing mayhem back in Maretropolis once in a while." She laughed evilly and her demeanor changed when she flatly stated "but no matter how hard I try, it happens time after time, again, and again." "Well, that does sound understandable, and we both k ow how you feel right now." The both looked at eachother and then back to her. "We do know what kind of cure you need, but you might not like it so much." Celestia noted "Is it going to be painful?" Mane-iac asked "Oh no no. Of course not. Well, you might feel something when we do it, but no pain. It will help you." Luna remarked. Mane-iac was starting to feel uncertain. One bing she knew was that many cures for certain things can be terrifying, but she also knew that it will help her, so it sounded like she has no other choice, but to go along with this." "Alright." She said flatly. "What do we need to do?" "Alright sister, together." Celestia said. They both glowed their horns, and aimed them at the Mane-iac. Then small bolts of magic painlessly went to her. Her eyes were glowing light, and she felt herself being teleported somewhere else through an unusual vortex. She opened her eyes and it looked like she was in a dark green, eerie plain with patches of fog like in a swamp, except no trees, only stars, the foggy floors and green background. "Where..... Where am I?" "You are inside your mind, Mane-iac." Luna said out of nowhere. It sounded like an eerie echo of some kind. "Princess Celestia? Princess Luna? Is that you? Where are you?" "Don't worry, we are not with you physically, but we can still help you guide the way to your solution." The princess of the sun instructed. In front of her, a cloud of black dust started to form and it finally took the shape of the Mane-iac, except she was all black while black aura was floating around her. She also had evil, vermilion red eyes and smiled menacingly The Mane-iac was a little scared, but realized that running away from this will not solve her problem. "Well, look who it is." Said the evil clone. It sounded just like the real Mane-iac. "Have you decided to kill that pathetic little dragon, I suppose?" "Shut up. You know why I will never commit such an atrocious atrocity like you have keep telling me about." The smile on the evil Mane-Iac's face disappeared and turned into an unamused frown "why are you so weak?" She said cruelly. "I am not weak!" "Then prove it!" "This is the conflict you have been receiving." Celestia said. "It keeps telling you to go back to the life you were before you married Spike happily." "It looked like me the last time I saw it" "That was your reflection, this is the real evil within you." Luna said "do not let it win. You control what you should do in your life, not that other half that you are beholding." The Mane-iac looked at at the doppelgänger with a serious glare on her face, pure hellfire burning in her eyes. "You look nothing like me, you demonic imposter." "Imposter? I am you." The evil twin noted "No! The real me would not even think about killing my darling Spike." "You call yourself a super villain? Being all soft and finding love in an unusual way, is that it? A true villain never finds love. As a matter of fact, we don't need anypony with us." "No! Even villains like me have friends and comrades, too." "That's what you think. But do you know for sure?" "Enough!" Mane-iac said "you are not me, I am the Mane-iac, not you! Now get out of my sight, you little imposter!" The evil Mane-iac scoffed "your little threats do not scare me." She stated flatly. "But if you really want me to leave you alone forever, so be it. But I can promise you that marrying that little brat will be your greatest mistake." "You trying to interfere with my life is your greatest mistake!" "Grrrr! You cannot do this to me!" Then she started to fade away. "Goodbye, Mane-iac." Then she disappeared completely. "You did it, Mane-iac." Celestia stated. "You conquered yourself." The villain had a smile on her face. She felt so relieved about this, and was right to have the co-rulers of Equestria help her out. "Is it really gone?" "Of course. You have been clean of this little corruption." Luna stated. "We will bring you out of your mind now." In another flash of light, the Mane-iac was back in the living room with the princess'. ""Is it really gone for eternity?" Mane-iac asked, never being more happier." "Yes." Celestia nodded. "Now you will never have these type of conflicts ever again." "Oh thank goodness. Now I am truly clean and purified. Alright maybe not purified, but my love for Spike will never be questioned again." "Exactly. Now that this is taken care of, that little evil within you is gone." "Oh, but I don't want all of the evil to go away. I love being bad." Luna smirked while rolling her eyes "we know, Mane-iac. We know." She said "So, what now?" "Well, I think what is done is done. Now me and Luna should head back to Canterlot to fulfill our royal duties. Oh, and about your outfits, we really like them." "Really?" "Yes, they are rather stylish and comfortable. That's what we hear and see from every mare in town." Luna added "So, we wanted to know if we can show all of Canterlot this brilliant idea?" "Of course. I would love to spread my line of outfits. Wait, they are Rarity's." "Yes." Celestia giggled "but you were the one who inspired her to create the fabric and the suit." "Guilty as charged. Very well. You have my approval. I will ask Rarity to deliver them to Canterlot later in the day." "Brilliant. Well, we might as well tell Spike and Twilight that we are leaving now." Then the princess' went upstairs to say their byes to the purple Alicorn and the baby dragon. Meanwhile, the Mane-iac felt like a very different mare now, and knew that nothing will ever come between her and Spike again. > Grand Galloping Gala > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another day passed since the Mane-iac was cured of her pesky inner struggle that kept telling her to kill Spike like her demon side of her conscience. The Mane-iac was living an even more happier life with Spike. The craze with the new Mane-iac suit that every young mare was wearing (sleeveless or with sleeves) was dying down a little, but there were still plenty of buyers across Equestria that were just shipped there. Manehattan, Filydelpdhia, Trottingham, Las Pegasus, Zebrican countries like Zebrabwe or Maretania, and Saddle Arabia. It was turning into am economic boom, or something related to that. Right now, Spike and his beautiful yet crazy wife were relaxing in the open field. The baby dragon was resting on the Mane-Iac's hair in the shape of a havoc. While she was using other tendrils to stand up on the ground. She cradled Spike on the havoc like a little baby. Spike was just lost within the Mane-Iac's beautiful red and green eyes, one of the most beautiful yet unusual kind of colors for eyes to be. He felt his wife gently stroke his head like a chow chow puppy. "Are you enjoying this, Spike?" She asked "I can really tell that you are indeed liking this." She said. "Come on now, be honest." "Do you mind doing this?" The Mane-iac made a small deranged cackle. "Of course not. Sweetie." She gave him. Kiss on his forehead. "I love you, Spikey-Whikey." "I love you too, Mane-iac." Then he felt himself being hugged tightly. He always enjoy these hugs. "So, do you feel way better now that you got that darkness our of you?" "Oh of course. I feel like a whole new mare/villain! Hahahahahahaha!!!" It was a little hard to tell whether she was better or more insane within her head. It didn't matter to her or Spike because they were happy with eachother. Suddenly, Spike felt something upsetting his stomach, like he was going to vomit of some kind. The Mane-in. Noticed this and sat him down "Spike, what's the matter?" She asked with grave concern. Without warning, Spike puked out a scroll from his mouth with a red ribbon on it. "Oh, it's from princess Celestia." He said. He opened it and he read "Dear Spike, you and the Mane-iac have been invited to the next Grand Galloping Gala in the Canterlot castle. We would be delighted to have you both attend, and perform a song from the one on the last Hearth's Warming party." He saw the tickets of good fall on the grassy ground, and picked them up. "The Grand Galloping Gala?" The Mane-iac said with excitement. "This is so marvelous!" "I know! It will be fun." Spike agreed. He looked for the date that it begins, and it revealed tomorrow night. "It starts tomorrow, Mane-iac." "Joy!" "Have you ever been to one?" "Well.... No." The unhinged mare said modestly. "But I did hear so much about it. Like the fact that you get to do a slow dance and have Delightful conversations with your cohorts." She gasped "oh it will be so romantic" "You can say that again." Spike agreed again. "Well, I still have that tuxedo from our first date together, and I think it still fits." "Brilliant, and I should bring a dress with me. Oh but what should wear?" Spike suggested to her "we can look for a dress to buy. Oh wait, we can get Rarity to do that for free." "Oh yes, of course. How could I have forgotten that. If I would want a dress, then I would want to make sure that it would be the most beautiful and erotic piece of fabric that everypony will ever see." "Perfect. Let's go find Rarity." Then they all went to back to Ponyville to look for the perfect dress and get ready for the Gala that will commence the night after this one. The next day, it was just about nightfall, and it was time for Spike and Mane-iac to go to the Gala. He was just waiting for his love to come out of the boutique with her new dress she bought with him yesterday. "I'm ready." The Mane-iac said in a sing-song tone. She stepped out and she was wearing a beautiful vermilion red dress with red stocking on her front legs. She was wearing her mane and tail in a beautifully straight ponytail. Spike looked at her in awe. "Wow, Mane-iac. You look..... So beautiful." Was all he had to see. He was lost for words as he was staring at her beauty. The Mane-iac giggled "thank you, sweetie." Then she kissed him. "Oh, Mane-iac, darling, you look absolutely divine." Rarity complimented. "Stunning and spectacular." "Thank you, Rarity. And I should also thank you for preparing it for me." "You are absolutely quite welcome." "So, ready to go, Spikey-poo?" "Yep. Ready when you are, Mane-iac." The unhinged mare smiled and gently picked him up with two tendrils and placed him on her back for another usual ride, and she was off to the Gala with her husband. *** Everypony was having a great time in the ballroom within the castle, especially Spike and the Mane-iac. Many guests were mingling with one another and minding their own businesses. "So, what do you think, Mane-iac?" Spike asked her "It is simply wonderful." She answered. "I knew you would love it." He drank a cup of apple cider and burped "excuse me." "You are excused, sweetie." The Mane-iac giggled. "Spike, Mane-iac!" Somepony called out to them. They looked and it was Twilight and all her close friends with her. Like the other guests, they were looking fancy and noble with their dresses. "Hey guys." Spike said. "What's up?" "We just wanted to see how you lovebirds are doing o this fine night." Rarity answered. "Splendidly, it is doing terrific." Said the Mane-iac. "I never knew I would be at my very first soiree in a gala before." "Why is that?" Pinkie asked "Because I been uninvited to every one of them in Maretropolis." She replied plainly. "I really thank Princess Celestia and princess Luna for inviting us over." "You're very welcome, Mane-iac." Said a familiar motherly voice. Speaking of the devil, Celestia showed up with her younger sister, also dressing formally. "We really hope you are enjoying this wonderful night." "And hopefully it will not end in fiasco this year." Rarity joked, and they all had a good laugh about it. "Wait, what did you mean 'in fiasco' per ce?" Mane-iac asked curiously "Oh, it's a funny story. The Grand Galloping Gala always ends in total disaster every year." Applejack answered "She's right. We would always expected to be perfect, but it's not." Twilight added. "We had the same problem two times actually. Our first night went horribly and-" then out of nowhere, Discord appeared. Floating in midair, in a tuxedo. "And I had a little hand in the second one." He said. "I invited the Smooze, one of my lifelong friends to the biggest night of the year, and.... accidentally caused a little chaos at the party." "And threatened to send Tree Hugger to another dimension when you thought she was stealing me from you." Fluttershy added Discord had an unamused frown on his face. He definitely didn't like to talk about that little supposed event. "I said I was sorry, Fluttershy. You know that." Fluttershy turned from firm to happy in her demeanor. "I know, and we forgive you fo that." She said. "Say Discord, since your hear, do you think you can help set up the music for the dancing in the middle of the ballroom?" Celestia asked politely. The master of chaos had a large grin on his face. "it would be an absolute honor, Tia." "Oh, and set up the stage for Spike fo when he performs tonight. We can hardly wait to hear him play for us again." "But of course. I wouldn't even dream of not hearing yoy rock out once more, Spike. I will get it ready ASA-now." Then the master of chaos dissappeared out if thin air. The Crusaders showed up like something bad has happened "Rarity, I got punch all over my dress, can you help me, please?" Sweetie begged Rarity gasped with horror. "Oh you poor dear! I'll help you wash that off posthaste!" Then she and the girls rushed off. They all laughed. "Well, enjoy the party." Fluttershy said. Then they all disbanded, and then left Mane-iac and Spike in peace. They both looked at Luna's beautiful full moon on this wonderful night. "So do you know what you will perform tonight, my darling husband?" Mane-iac cooed. "I'll think." He replied. "In the meantime....." he had a sly smile on his face. "He about we go somewhere more private?" "Oh ho ho ho. I love your thinking, Spike." Then they both quietly went into a dressing closet a little far away from the ballroom yo be alone. "Now sit back, relax, and let me help you relax." Mane-iac said. She licked her lips and engufled Spike's entire cock. "Oh Mane-iac." Spike gasped. "Yeah, that feels so fucking awesome." The Mane-iac went as far as to lick the head more than a few times. "So yummy and delicious." She said with bliss. The baby dragon felt like he needed to pee once more, and he exclaimed "Mane-iac! I'm cumming! i'm cumming!" "Go on, cum all over in my mouth." She said. She began to suck even faster, and felt a big load of semen erupt in her mouth like a volcano or a thermometer just exploded from getting top hot. "Oh yeah! That was amazing!" "So good." Mane-iac said, licking a loose patch of semen off her upper lip. "That was really delightful. Wanna go back to the ballroom?" "Yeah. I would love to. Besides, I think it's time for the dance." "Oh your right." then they both went back into the ballroom so they can have their dance together. It was just at the neck of time too, for there was already a large crowd, waiting for it to happen. "There you guys are." said Rainbow Dash. "You guys ready?" "Oh yes, of course. As long as Spike is ready." "For you, I am always ready Mane-iac." Spike replied with great confidence. "Shall we tango, sweetheart?" "Ooh, the tango. I never get tired of that." the Mane-iac said with even greater excitement. "Let's shall." then they both went on the dance floor as with others like Fancy Pants with his usual date Fleur De Lis, Fluttershy with Big Mac, Rainbow Dash with Soarin, and even Discord with Celestia. Rights for this song go to the company who made Sly Cooper The two were dancing in a really graceful Tango together. Spike was a little bit too small, but the Mane-iac helped him by using a few of her tendrils as his stilts to make him taller to reach her level. They were all praising for the rest of the dancers, but it turns out, Spike and the Mane-iac were the main attraction to this little event. As they dance even further, the other dancers stopped to see this little dance for themselves. "Everypony's watching us." Spike said. "I'm a little nervous." "Don't be." Mane-iac whispered. "Let them watch our glorious little dance." Then they both just proceeded. She felt the glory and the attention that was building up within herself. Spike was feeling the same thing and was feeling more relaxed. They swirled one last time and when the music ended, there was an uproar of applause from the crowd, including the other dancers. He knew he was a great guitarist, but a good dancer, that was something new. All his friends went up and Twilight was the one to congratulate him and the Mane-iac "You did amazing! Very well done!" "Well, I did take a few years of dance class. You know, before I turned completely evil? Hahaha." "Right. You both did a very great job." said Applejack. "Attention Everypony." Celestia announced "It's time for Spike to perform for us." then they all cheered even louder and Spike was more excited with a bigger smile on his face. Now here comes one of his new favorite things in Equestria: performing his heavy metal skills in front of Everypony. "I got your guitar, Spike." Discord said, giving the instrument to him. "Thanks, Discord." "Oh and don't worry, the rest of the band is already on stage waiting for you." "Awesome!" "Good luck, Spike." Fluttershy said. "Thanks." He went on stage and the other band members smiled and greeted him, ready to perform with him. "Perfect." he tapped into the mic. "Hello, Everypony!" he announced. "My name is Spike, yeah, you already know my name, but I might as well say it anyway. Are you ready to rock?" They all cheered on for him. "Alright! One. Two. One two three four." Rights for this song go to Ozzy Osbourne Everypony clapped for him and some members of the audience even bang their heads to the rhythm. "I wanna hear you scream!" Spike shouted to everypony Then everypony cheered for him again. During the solo, he did a few tricks like the power slide, and try playing it on his back without any slip-ups. After the song was over, Everypony cheered even louder, making him quite proud of himself. He never lets them down with his guitar playing, even if it is in the Grand Galloping Gala. "Thank you! Thank you all very much! goodnight Equestria!" Spike shouted with his hands doing the devil horn gesture in the air. He also stuck his tongue out like Gene Simmons would do. The bandmates all congratulated him and then all of his friends came up to do the same thing. "Spike, you did awesome!" Rainbow said. "Is there anything he cannot do?" "Apparently not." Rarity agreed. "You are one in a million, my darling." said Mane-iac. She picked him up and then kissed him right on his lips, making him daze with bliss and euphoria. They all went "Oh" to that little action and giggled. "We are so proud of you." Twilight said "Oh yes. You really know how to play like that." Fluttershy added. "And that dance you did with the Mane-iac was also amazing." "Thanks, guys." Spike said. "Say, Mane-iac, can we go outside?" "Sure, what for?" "I just want to spend some.... alone time with you." "Oh of course we can." then she grabbed hi for yet another ride on her back. "Have fun you love birds." said Discord, then the Mane-iac went through the large back door so they can relax and look at the moonlight together. This was definitely the best night ever for these two. > New Nightclub (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two days after the Grand Galloping Gala. Spike and the Mane-iac were back in their new mansion, having a little spa day of their own, relaxing with High Heel, the unhinged mare's seductive best friend from Maretropolis. High Heel's rather sexy hench-mares, the ones wearing the red beautiful unitards, eye makeup, and different types of manes, were the ones giving the two mares a nice touch on their hooves. Spike was unwinding as he was courted and surrounded by a couple High Heel's minions as he was having his feet messaged while he was laying back on a message chair. "Ah, yeah." Spike said. "That hits the spot." He was happy as ever with this luxurious lifestyle that he is having since he and the Mane-iac are happily a husband and wife. "Oh, a little more between the toes." He added. "Yeah, right there. Perfect." Yes, he was having the time of his life hanging with his wife and her closest friend. He felt like a king, a king of everything even. Sure he may not be one, but he knows that he will always be one to his loving wife, the Mane-iac, and he loves her for it. "Are you enjoying this, sweetie?" said one of the hench-mares in a feminine voice that sounded like Cheerilee, who stopped the rubbing to check her work. Even though she and her co-hors were servants to one of the most evil villains in Maretropolis (besides the Mane-iac), all of these mareswere treating the baby dragon with the most kindness that they can give him. "Oh no no. You're doing just fine, Slipper Dreams." Spike said. "Just fine the way it is." The Green-maned mare smiled. "Good. Let me know if you want us to stop, okay, Spike." "Of course." then the other mares continued what they were doing around him, polishing his claws, his tail, and his frills on his head and back. "Thank you so much for doing this for me and the Mane-iac, High Heel." The seductive villain smiled. "Of course, Spike. You and your darling wife deserved something special from me and my ladies here. It's the least I can do. Besides, they wanted to see her hench-stallions and know them." "Oh yes, we think they are really handsome." said another one of her hench-mares. One of the Mane-Iac's minions walked past them through the hallway and saw one of the mares winking at him, for,inc hearts in his eyes. "And congratulations on this new fashion craze, Mane-iac. I heard that everypony is loving your new style of your suits, even though it was..... The white u icon whose name I cannot remember that created it." "You mean Rarity?" Mane-iac reminded "Yes! That's the one. Rarity." "Thank you so much for your flattery, my old friend. It means so much that my suit would be a 'mane' attraction, Hahahahaha!" High Heel didn't laugh at her little pun and rolled her eyes with a slight groan. She sarcastically said "that one was so good, it deserves some mint tea." "Why thank you." High Heel turned her attention to the baby dragon, sighing blissfully in the light. "So, do tell me, Spike. How was this Grand Galloping Gala that you and the Mane-iac attended, hmmm?" "Oh it was so awesome. We had our own dance, and everypony watched us as we did it. Little frightening with everypony watching us, but we did it." "Wonderful. Did you perform any songs with your adorable little guitar to everypony?" "Yeah! They all loved me! Even some of those Canterlot snobs liked me and my song. Oh, you should have been there, High Heel." "How I wish I could have been there." High Heel agreed. "You know, I wonder if you still play at the club in Maretropolis for those metal heads. Do you?" "For every week, yeah. I don't want to keep my fans down if I don't perform for them once in a while. They all love me. And that cool stallion, Harmonic Metal admires me." "I bet he does. I hear you play excellently." "Indeed, he does, my dear." Mane-iac agreed. "He can be a real..... Shredder on that guitar of his." She sighed "he just has so much amazing talents. Isn't there anything this genius can never do?" "On stop it, Mane-iac." Spike said "you're making me blush. Okay, ladies, I think I've had enough." Just like that, all the massaging ponies stopped what they were doing because Spike said he had his fun. "Well, I suppose we should go meet the Hench-stallions now. We bet they are dying to meet us." High Heel said "Oh you have no idea how long they have waited to see this. Yes, they can be real perverts, can they?" They both had a good evil laugh. "Let us know if you want to be back in Maretropolis, then we will get you right back." "Of course." Them she and the other mares went to meet the Mane-iac's minions to flirt with them. "Well, what do you think we should do now, sweetie?" Mane-iac asked the baby dragon. Spike thought of it for a moment, and replied "you know what, I think I want to perform at the club again. I'm pretty sure they would be more than happy to see me." "I think you are right, Spikey-poo." She agreed. "Back to the club it is. Just wait till Heel and her minions go back, alright, sweetie?" "Okay." Then they all had a little kiss with one another, that eventually turned into making out with both their lips and tongues. Back in Maretropolis, Spike had his axe with him, ready for any performance. He and the Mane-iac approached the doors to the club, and the bodyguard suddenly stopped them. "Id's please." He said. Then he recognized the baby dragon when he took off his sunglasses "oh, Spike! Welcome back, little buddy. We missed you. Same with you, Mane-iac." He stepped away from the door "go right in." "Thanks, Silver Bullet." The baby dragon said with kindness. "Come on, my love." When they stepped inside, many of the patrons and customers didn't even notice the two, until, Harmonic Metal, saw them first. He exclaimed in a mighty humble voice "hey everypony, Spike's is back!" They all cheered for the boy's return. "Yay Spike!" Said a patron. Harmonic ran up to him and hugged him "welcome back. Tell me, did you come here to perform a song for all of us tonight?" "I sure have, Harmonic." Spike proudly said. Everyone in the club cheered even louder, obviously even more happy of their speculations that were right after all. "Perfect. Do you know what you're gonna perform, little dude?" "Yep. Let me set myself up." "Fuckin' A! Let's see what you got, Spike." The baby dragon promptly went on stage to set his guitar up to the amp, and turned the volume of it all the way to eleven. "Hello everypony." He announced. The microphone gave out a deafening feedback that hurt every pony's ears. "Whoops, sorry!" Said one of the technicians. "Volume!" Then he went to fix the microphone volume at a more appropriate level loud enough so that everypony can hear, but not so loud to give them hearing loss. "Thanks, Micro-Anthony." Spike said with his thumb up. "Sorry about that little... Interruption. Now, are you ready to rock?" They all cheered for him "Alright! One, two, one, two, three, four" Rights for the song go to Laneslide. After he was finished, another roar of applause was heard throughout the club. It was just the same as ever when he would perform in it from time to time. "Thank you! Thank you Maretropolis!" Mane-iac rushed on stage and congratulated him by giving him a hug, and kissing him all over his face. "You did marvelous." "Thanks." Spike said. "I knew I still got it in me." then she gently put him back down on the stage floor. Harmonic went on stage to congratulated him also. "Kid, you are definitely a natural. A gifted natural on that guitar." he said Spike felt even more proud of himself "Thanks, Harmonic. You guys loved it?" "Hellyeah, we love it!" he said in a tough voice. "Everypony loved it. If we didn't, we would already heckle you off the stage with our food." Spike laughed "touche. Point well taken." he took the guitar from the amplifier and turned the power off. "Well, we should probably be going back home now. Catch you all later." "See you soon, Spike." said Harmonic Metal. "Just drop on by when you want to perform again, and say the word." he gave the baby dragon a semi-hard pat on the back with a humble laugh. "I will." "Come along, sweetie. let me carry you." Spike began to experience yet another piggy-back ride on his wife's back. "Your probably a little tired from all of that performing." "Kind of. But, I do need a break." "Of course." then they both exited the club and went back home to Ponyville . Spike put his guitar back on it's rack, and went to get himself some apple juice. "Being a rock star sure makes you thirsty." "I can imagine." she agreed. Mane-iac herself got a nice cup of that mint tea she loved so much and held the handle with a tendril. "Nothing like a nice spout of tea to help her handsome and adorable husband." the baby dragon blushed again. "Ah well, you know." was all he said, rubbing the back of his head in flattery. He drank the last sip of his apple juice then gave out a rather loud burp. "Excusez-moi." Mane-iac made a small evil cackle. "You are always excuse, Spikey-Whikey." then she gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Ah, come here, you." then she bent her face down again, this time, to have her cheek kissed back as a reward for that gesture. "I love you." "I love you too." When the Mane-iac finished her tea, she then remembered something. "Oh Spike!" "Yeah?" "I should probably tell you. I was thinking of building my own little nightclub here in Ponyville. That way, I can show mares how to have a good time with their friends." "A nightclub?" "Yes. You see, since I no longer steal, I decided to find another way to make my own money for me and my minions. Besides, I love those kind of nightclubs where you can just go and have some fun with no care on this earth. "yeah. True." "And this could be another oppurtunity for you to perform more often than you already to in Ponyville." those words struck him "Think about it, sweetie. More cheering from the crowd to you, under the spotlight." Yes, the baby dragon could see it now. He began to smile at the feeling, and had his own little fantasy. In it, he was wearing a spiky leather jacket, a top hat, long back curly hair, and some shades, shredding through his axe. He could here everypony say "Spike! Spike! Spike! Spike!" over and over again. He could only imagine what it would be like to be in a fantasy like this. "You know what, you're right. Maybe this would be a good idea. Besides, maybe I could use some of that money to buy me a tanning bed or something like that." "You need a tanning bed?" Mane-iac asked. "I am pretty sure Orange and Green are not your two colors. Purple and green are." "Yeah, but still. I could use that for something fun or useful." "True. Well, we do not have to worry about that yet. Maybe in a week or two.: "And how will you get all of the workers and tools to create it?" Spike asked curiously "I will see to that with Twilight, and maybe princess Celestia and Luna. Perhaps they can help us out since you are close to them." Spike agreed with a smirk on his face. It was a good thing he knows the princess' all too well, otherwise, he didn't really know what to do in some idea such as this. "Yeah, of course. I just hope they might help us." "Moi aussie." she agreed. "they would know what to do when it comes to this." "So, what should we do now?" "Well, I think I am going to take a little warm bubble bath to relax" she said. Mane-iac could already feel the bubbly sensation of he water with the candles lit in the room. She sighed blissfully. "I can already smell it right now." Spike laughed "Well, I'm going to take a little nap." he yawned. "I could use the rest." "That's fine, Spikey-poo. You go on and get your well deserved sleep." The baby dragon smiled "Thanks, Mane-iac. I'll try not to sleep so much this afternoon, or I might not fall asleep at night." "Excellent point." Spike then went up to his room to take his nap, and the Mane-iac happily went to the bathroom to enjoy her own bath. This Nightclub idea might be a good idea for these two. Mane-iac can make some money from it, and Spike can get more publicity for his guitar and singing. However, they decided not to worry overtime. They decided to think of it more when the time comes that it should be built. Of course, they won't have to wait long. > Building the Dream > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Nigtclub plan was still in the thoughts of the Mane-iac. This idea could work for both of them, since they will both make more money in their pockets. Which was exactly why they were out shopping for anything they might need to prepare for everything that it would have to keep the future customers happy. "So, Mane-iac, do you think this will work?" "I am positively sure, Spikey-poo." The unhinged villain replied with great certainty. "With this nightclub, everypony can dance and go crazy like me! Hahahaha! Oh, and listen to your beautiful guitar playing of course." Spike smiled. "Yeah, you're right. Everypony will be happy and have a blast, ad I get to perform in crowds more often." "Exactly. So we are putting this thought into reality." "Good. I hope I am not being stupid asking you this, Mane-iac, but could you, Hair Stylish, and your minions invent a nightclub?" He made a nervous smile on his face Mane-iac chuckled "don't be silly. That was not a foolish question, you can ask me as much as you please. And, not really about building the club ourselves part. I invent some things, but I am no Dr science, u promise you. That is a good thought, but I am afraid it won't work. Besides, we don't really have the proper tools or materials to build it from scratch. The baby dragon started to understand more now. "I get it. So, what else would we need? And how much?" "Just a couple of more materials, don't you worry." She replied with a wink. When we are done collecting what we need, my minions will build everything." In a more angry and serious voice, she said "and if they mess it off, I am going to be pretty pissed about it." Her eye twitched. "Easy, my wife. I don't like watching you get angry." Spike said, calming her down. Mane-iac took a little breath. "My sincere apologies, Spike. I am calm now. You know how I can lose my temper and go in a fit of rage, you know how it goes." ""Right." Spike agreed. "Just please don't be angry. "I won't, i promise." Mane-iac cleared her throat "so, pressing forward then? We have a little more items to purchase for the opening "Right" then, with Spike on her back, Mane-iac walked down farther down the road for any places where there would be tools or materials to help with the nightclub. "So, how would you picture it, Mane-iac? Everypony in the nightclub." "Well, everypony dancing, and having a good time during happy hour. Everypony would be so happy to be in a first ever nightclub in Ponyville, that many of them will pay lots of bits to be in it." She had dollar signs in her eyes "oh I can smell the money already." "Um, of course I get my fair share, right?" "Of course, of course." Mane-iac replied. "You are more than happy to have most of it since you are the greatest husband who ever lived." The baby dragon flushed. "Aw, thanks." was all he replied. "So, are we going to have Hair Stylish and the others build it when we get everything to make it?" "That we are, Spike, that we are. It would save us many more money than asking a group of carpenters or construction workers to do it. Do you even know how much bits you have to waste having them build a house?" "I know! Too steep for me. Well, we might as well have some help from them, maybe, i mean, it can't kill for trying. Besides, I think they might give us a discount since I am best friends with Twilight Sparkle, besides, she said she would help us with paying, remember" "Exaxtly, exactly. So, moving on, now." She looked at her list of materials that she and Spike need for the opening of the nightclub. They went to many hardware stores and looked for anything that a nightclub would need to be fully operational. "So, do you think that they might give us a discount when I tell them that I am Twilight's brother?" "Of course they will. They will understand perfectly when you live with the princess. Oh, who am I joking? They might recognize you when they see you, anyway." Spike smiled in agreement "yeah, you're right. I'm kind of famous around Ponyville and Equestria as well, especially the Crystal Empire." "I concur. We should definitely visit there some time. I want to see how they all treat you like the hero you really are." "I am. They all worship me like their god." Spike noted in a noble pose under the sunlight like a true hero would have, making his wife quietly giggle to herself. "So, what else would we need? I mean, I don't think we can carry all of those things to build ourselves, are we?" "I do have extra set of hooves, or tendrils to help out, but, even an unhinged mare like me has her limits. Therefore, i cannot lift everything my own with my beautiful mane." she looked at her list. "Now, we need to see if there will be any chairs and amplifiers for you to perform. Sure you may have some, but, I think we need more." "I think you're right." Spike agreed. Then they went to another shop. In the hardware store, they saw Twilight, already at the paying line with some materials. "Twilight?" Spike said "Oh, Spike, Mane-iac. There you are. I was just looking for you." said the purple alicorn. "Are you helping us with the money and all? I mean, I know I should be able to help you, but I am not a miracle worker. I wish I was, but i'm not." Twilight giggled "It's okay, mane-iac. That's what I'm here for." Then she payed for the materials she was purchasing "Thank you so much, Mr. Spendthrift." "of course, your majesty" the manager bowed in respect. "Anything for the princess of Friendship. Oh an by the way, my wife loves your suit, Mane-iac, even though Rarity made it. I thank you for making it possible." The villain flushed, "Oh well thank you. I never thought that a line of my suits would be a major hit in Equestria." "Oh it's getting their, now Canterlot is buying them from Rarity's boutique within the city." Twilight noted. "So, would you like any help from me? Might as well do since I am a princess "Thanks, Twilight. That would be nice." Spike said "Of course, Spike. You're welcome." she remarked warmly. Then she went with the couple to other places that could help build the nightclub, including another material store, and a furniture shop for it. She got a hundred percent discount from the material place, and a fifty percent discount, all because she was a princess "Thanks so much, Twilight!" Mane-iac hugged her. "What would me and Spike do without you." Twilight made a little awkward smile being constricted by the Mane-iac's tendrils. "Your welcome. Could you please let me down? you're.... constricting me." "Oops, sorry." "Not a problem." Back at the mansion, all the hench-stallions were ready to get building on the new club. Mane-iac and Spike were also ready with the work (Mostly Spike, because the Mane-iac doesn't really like gertting her hooves dirty for these kind of things), but still, they were all ready for anything. "So, what do think we should call it?" the baby dragon asked curiously "Hmmm, I was thinking on the lines of the name 'The Crazy Mare' to say the least. Be honest, is that a little bit too much? If not, then we can always name it something else." "I love it!" Spike blurted "That would be perfect." Mane-iac smiled at his comment "Perfect, Crazy Mare nightclub it is. Alright, boys, let's get building! HAHAHAHA!" "Yes, mistress!" all the henchstallions said, then they all pulled out the tools and started building away. "Listen, Spike, if you don't really want to help out, I understand, besides, I would never forgive myself if you got hurt while working on something such as this." Mane-iac pointed. "Oh no no, it's fine. Maybe not so much of the time, but I can at least help out with most of it. Besides, I might get too tired after a little while anyway." he rubbed the back of his head with slight embarrassment "Since I am still a baby dragon after all." Mane-iac smiled warmly. "Perfect. Feel free to stop whenever you feel like it and let me know, my darling husband." then she kissed his cheek warmly "Oh thanks, Mane-iac. I love you." "I love you too, Spikey-Whikey." Mane-iac replied with slight baby talk, then gave him another smooch. then the baby dragon went to building the nightclub. *** After a few hours, Spike was already tired, and decided to stop for the day. His legs and arms were a little warn out, and he said to his wife, "Mane-iac, I'm getting a little tired. Can.... can you please help me get back to our room. My legs and arms are killing me." He made a yawn "Of course, I can, sweetie-pie. Let me carry you." She picked him up gently with her tendrils and carried him on her back, all the way upstairs to their bedroom. Spike yawned again, and he felt himself lifted by Mane-iac once more, being placed on the bed and tucked in. "Thanks, Mane-iac." Spike said. Finally, he went to sleep. Quietly, Mane-iac tucked him under the covers and gave him a good night kiss, even though it was more in the afternoon, so it was more like a nap. "Goodnight, Spike." she whispered in his ear. "Sweet dreams." then she quietly went back outside to continue with the work with her followers and friends. > Crazy Mare Open for Business > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A number of hours later on, in the evening to be exact, Spike was still taking a nap in his and Mane-iac's bed, sleeping ever so peacefully on the matress, and sighed as he was snoozing. "Mmm, Mane-iac do touch me there." Spike muttered in his dreams, then he felt himself being gently tossed and turned on the bed "yeah fuck me, fuck me hard there. Just right there." He tossed and turned on the bed a few more times "Wakey-wakey, Spikey-Whikey. Wakey-wakey." Mane-iac whispered in his ear The baby dragon then ejaculated on the covers with his tongue out. Mane-iac noticed it and giggled. Then she decided to try something. she licked her lips and slowly slid his entire cock in her mouth while he was still sleeping. "So adorable." Mane-iac thought while she was giving head. "oh! oh! god!" spike gasped. then without warning, he ejaculated in his sleep again, maki the Mane-iac moan as the cum was oozing inside her mouth, all warm and sticky. itwas just then Spike suddenly awoke from his wet dream. "Oh, Mane-iac, what time is it?" "Just in time to see my new nightclub." She sang in enthusiasm. "It is now open for business, and you should see it. Oh everypony is having a good in it, it's already a huge success for me." Spike was feeling just as excited as his wife was feeling. Then he kept out of bed and said "I hope i'm not too late to see anything. That wouldn't have been good." "Spike, there is never a wrong time for you and me." She remarked. "The days is still uite young today. Besides, nightclubs are usually popular at night, is it not?" "Right. Hioefully, I won't fall asleep in the middle of the night while on the dance floor." Mane-iac made a small cackle "don't you worry, I will make sure you stay up as long as you want every night, I promise." "Thanks, Mane-iac." Spike said with a bigger smile. Then he noticed the remaining semen on the tip of his dragonhood, and flushed while covering it "No need to feel embarrassed, sweetie. Besides, you might fell the same way as you were tonight." The unhinged mare made a wink at him slyly. Even more excited, he can hardly wait to see what this nightclub was like in the flesh. "So, are Hair Stylish and some of the other minions working in it?" "Roght you are, Spike. The drinks, food, and cleaning are all teen care of by my minions. For the music, Dj Pon 3 is in charge of it, and I even added more rock tunes with the music while dancing." "That's cool." Spike blurted. "Let's go see." "With pleasure." The the Mane-iac picked him up once more, ready to give him a ride on her back downstairs. "Shall we be off?" "Let's shall." Spike replied, and they all walked out of the bedroom. "So, are the amplifiers up and my guitar ready to play when I feel like performing concerts?" "As always, they are always prepared when you feel like doing what you do best. Oh, besides organizing and reading comics of course." Spike chuckled "right. Awesome." He gave her a hug as he said "thank you soooo much, Mane-iac. I knew I can always can on you, and we might make more money." "I bet we will." Mane-iac remarked with a chuckle. As they went outside, Spike looked at the exterior in awe. The building was almost entirely purple and green, like the Mane-iac and the color of his own scales. The sign on it was flashing The Mane-iac herself, looking sexy and seductive to the patrons who were entering. As a matter of fact, she was right, many ponies (even colts and fillies, even though it was a nightclub) were gathering around, entering the place. "Wow, it looks beautiful." Spike remarked "Just wait till you see inside. You will be dazzled by the interior." Mane-iac noted. "And the stage where you will perform in front of Everypony. And since you are my darling husband, you get to have everything for free." Spike was even more flattered than ever. "Really? for me?" "Of course, Spikey-poo. Anything for my darling and arodable husband." then she gave him another kiss on his lips. "Shall we be off inside?" then they both entered, and thumping music was heard. She was right, Spike was even more thrilled to see the inside of the Crazy Mare. Many stallions and mares mingling, and eating food at the tables. "You know, I'm a little confused, aren't kids not supposed to come into nightclubs until they are 21?" Spike asked a little confused "Ah, but this is an all ages nightclub, Spike. Anypony of all ages are more than pleased to come inside here to have fun any time. So don't you worry about a thing." Spike understood the place a little more now. "Spike, Mane-iac!" called a voice. They both looked, and it was Twilight and the others, all wearing their Mane-iac suits to dance in. As a matter of fact, many beautiful mares were wearing the same thing as they were. "Guys, how great is this place?" Spike said "It is awesome!" Rainbow siad with enthusiasm. "Oh yes, It is a wonderful place to be in." Fluttershy added "So, are you perfoming tonight, Spike?" Twilight asked curiously "Yeah. I sure am!" "Marvelous, everypony would be dying to here you play again." said Rarity. "I bid you good luck up there, sugarcube." Applejack added with a wink. "Come on, y'all, let's dance." "Let us know if you need us." Fluttershy noted "Sure." then the Mane six were off to the dance floor to have the best night of their lives. The Mane-iac was walking to wear the drink stand was, and there was Hair Stylish manning it. "Ah, Spike, you made it!" he shouted to him "Wouldn't have missed it." Spike remarked. "I'm getting a little thirsty, what kind of drinks do you got?" "We got apple cider, root beer, tea, vodka, whiskey, bourbon, apple juice, orange juice, lemonade both regular and pink, and diet root beer. Which one would you like?" "Some iced regular lemonade would be nice." "You got it, Spike." then the hench-pony went to fetch him the free drink. "one lemonade, bon apetite!" "Thanks." then Spike took a few sips, and thought it was divine. "So, Mane-iac, what would you like to do first?" then he took the last few sips of the drink "Hmm, what do you want to do?" "Well, I feel.... getting my groove on, if you know what I mean." Spike noted. "HAHAHAHA! Of course. To the dance floor we go. Oh you will love what I made it into." When Spike stepped foot on the dance floor, it felt like he was in a whole new environment, the thumping music, the colorful lightshows, and the floor panels flashing every second. "This was a marvelous idea!" Rarity commented "this place is so divine and the right place to..... How should I say it.... Raise the roof." They all laughed "No offense, Rarity, but you should leave that talk to me." Pinkie criticized "It is so colorful, and the air smells spiffy." Applejack remarked. "And look, the cutie mark crusaders are loving this." They all looked and saw Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo dancing in their Mane-iac suits, having the best time of their lives. "I can see that. I am flattered that even the children are adoring my new palace of fun." "So are we." Said Twilight "Hey, Spike! Wanna dance?" Rainbow called "Sure!" the baby dragon replied The Mane-iac and he joined them, and Spike was doing some pretty impressive moves to the rhythm. First he did the hammer dance, then the whirlpool. Everypony was cheering for him and Dj Pon-3 started to play a little faster than before when she noticed it as well. Without warning, Spike accidentally stumbled and tripped, landing on his back. After that, he felt himself gently picked up by Mane-iac and her tendrils. "You alright, sweetie?" "Yeah. I'm fine. Maybe I should just take it easy on the dancing." he chuckled "Good idea." said Applejack. The party continued "besides, you are more like a better guitarist than a dancer." "I agree." Twilight said. "Yeah. Speaking of which, I should go perform soon. Better get my guitar ready. Mane-iac, can you please make the announcement." The Mane-iac smiled even wider "of course I will." "Awesome, wish me luck, you guys." Then he ran off of the dance floor to get ready for his first ever performance in the Crazy Mare. Meanwhile, Mane-iac went on stage, and cleared her throat in front of the microphone while tapping. "Testing testing, un deux trois." DJ Pon 3 then stepped paying the track when she heard the voice over the intercom. "Attention everypony." She announced. "First of all I would like to ths k you all for coming to new nightclub, the Crazy Mare!" Everypony applauded and cheered. "I hope you are all having a blast on this fine evening." "You don't have to tell us twice!" Pinkie exclaimed in excitement. "It's awesome!" "Thank you, Pinkie Pie." Mane-iac continued "now, I would also love to announce that our very own musician, Spike, is going to reform yet another song for us, like at Nightmare Night." They cheered even louder "now, just give it a millisecond,mane he will be more than ready to entertain you all." Then she went through the curtain to check on him "just getting it tuned, Mane-iac." Spike said, turning the knobs for the guitar to make the right sound. "Perfect. Take your time. Well, not like take a long time, but, you know what I mean, of course." "I know, I know." Spike laughed "and...... Aha! Got it!" Then he strummed all six strings at the right tone. "Perfect." Then the Mane-iac went back to the microphone, and announced "now let's put our hooves to feed for Spike!" Then they all cheered at their loudest. The baby dragon triumphantly came from the curtains and the Mame-iac stepped aside for him to say something to his friends and adoring fans. "Hi everypony. This nightclub is amazing, really awesome and cool too. I want to sing a song about how much I love my wife, the Mane-iac." the crowd went "aww" as the unhinged mare was flattered At first he was nervous because of the different environment, but he realized that his friends and wife were all there for him to support for. In fact, many ponies in Ponyville were his close friends and he always counted on them. He quickly got over his fears when he said "Now, let's rock it! One. Two. One two three four." Rights for this song go to Dokken The baby dragon was having fun doing small dancings as he was singing and shredding on his axe. Twilight and a rainbow were slightly giggling, but were also proud of him being a rockstar. At the solo, he did the power slide move, and then was bouncing around and around for a few seconds. Finally, he blew a breath of fire out of his mouth for pyromania to make everypony wild. Many of the audience patrons were dancing on the dance floor and some of the, were waving their drinks to the rhythm. "Thank you!" Everypony was cheering louder than before, and Spike put his guitar away. As always when he was done performing, he felt very proud of himself, both for making the Mane-iac feel very special, and keeping everypony happy with his guitar playing. "That was so cool". He remarked to himself. "Yep, you did it again, Spike, haha." He went out from behind the curtain and DJ Pon 3 began playing her dubstep dance tracks to keep her party going on. The baby dragon went on the dance floor again, and his friends and wife walked up to him "Spike, you are a master shredder. You are a natural" rainbow congratulated him The. He felt himself getting a kiss from his beautiful, yet insane wife. "Indeed, you never cease to amaze us." "Let's all hear it for a spike, everypony." Fluttershy said. Then they all carried him up with their hooves. Soon, everypony noticed it and began doing the same thing as his friends were, being carried like he was stage diving, cheering him on in his performance. The baby dragon smiled and felt a tear escape his eye. Yes, he could feel more fame rushing through him, and the proudness was too much to contain. Oh, the adoring fans around him, how they all loved him. Of course, they all put him down, back on his feet to continue dancing to the beats of Pon 3 "Thank you so much, for doing this, Mane-iac. You gave me more time to perform for all my friends." The Mane-iac winked at him "You are very welcome, my darling husband." then she kissed him on the forehead. "And I would like to thank you for cleansing the conflict within myself before." "Ah, nothing to it. Anything for the greatest wife in Equestria." then they hugged one another. "Well, i'm feeling a little hungry right now. Do they have any food around here?" "Of course. I did make this place into a little catering company as well, just in case anypony around here was feeling hungry like you, oh and don't worry, you can get food for free, too. Of course, it is never easy being a mane attraction. HAHAHAHA." "Alright! let's go!" Spike jumped with joy. Mane-iac went with him to fetch accompany him. > Easy Money > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Crazy Mare was already becoming white a huge success. As a matter of fact, Spike and Mane-iac were making more money than they have ever imagined. Of course, the Hench-stallions of the unhinged villainess got their fair share of the profits being made. Despite this, Spike and Mane-iac made white a fortune with this new nightclub. Not only that, but everypony has been taking a liking to it, now becoming one of the most popular places to visit in all of Ponyville. "Wow, look at all this money!" Spike said, swirling around making his own shower of bits. Mane-iac counted the dollars "four-thousand-nine hundred- ninety nine, Five thousand!" She had money signs forming in her eyes, and grew a large smile on her face. "Oh, this is the life. How I love the way money looks, and how it smells." She sniffed on the paper money with her nose. "Ah, don't you just love making big money, Spike?" "Who wouldn't." "Excellent point!" Then they both had a laugh. "I has the feeling that this idea would be successful, but i never thought that the Crazy Mare would be THAT successful. Still, I got some big money." "I know. To be honest, I could hardly believe it myself." She kissed the money again before saying "and listen to this, you were the MANE attraction last night! Hahaha!" The baby dragon smirked and rolled his eyes while nodding his head sideways. "I k ow exactly what you mean, Mane-iac. You're right, everypony loved me." Then Spike thought of the stardom he was receiving last night. "How could they not love a d cute, adorable dragon like you?" Mane-iac playfully teased. "You are quite a star after all." This made Spike dream more and more deep in his imagination. "I am. I guess some ponies can never get enough of me, huh?" She made another small maniacal laugh "quite right, darling. Now, you won't forget the our trip for the a Crystal Empire, right?" Spike made a gasped "oh my gosh! You're right, I need to get my bags!" He was about to leave the room, but was stopped by a tendril pulling him closer to her "No now." Said Mane-iac "there is no need to be so anxious. We will get to that train soon enough. Now, let me help you with the bags." "You're right." The baby dragon replied, feelings more calm than before. As of now, they were going on vacation to the Crystal Empire as a first thing to sped their money. On the train, Spike was sitting with his beautiful, yet insane wife on the train to the major northern city. He could hardly wait to see all of his fans, the people who worship him after saving Equestria three times. "You look white excited." Mane-iac pointed. "I know, I'm excited because everypony loves me in the Crystal Empire." The baby dragon replied "I mean, they all love me like a hero "I cannot imagine why," she chuckled "after all, you did save this beautiful city before." Spike felt all the more reason to be excited. "Now everypony in the Crystal Empire will be more than happy to see me back here." He daydreamed in his own little imagination, hearing the roaring of cheering from the citizens of the Empire. He realized that the voices sounded to become like the Mane-Iac's and not as enthusiastic as they were chanting before. "Spike. We are here. Are you alright, sweetie?" "What? Oh sorry. I'm just thinking how everypony will be so happy to see me when I arrive. "Ah the sweet smell of being a hero." Mane-iac smirked and giggled. "Well, you will not have to wait for much longer." She said "we are just about to stop." Her prediction was correct, the train went to an immediate halt and got off at e Crystal Empire train station. The Mane-iac lookd at the large, crystal tower, and was astounded by it's beauty. "Ain't this city beautiful?" "Oh yes." She replied in great awe. "I mean, you have always said this city was marvelous, but never this marvelous. I am so glad that you would be a hero in a city like this." Then she licked him up for a piggy back ride for him "would you like me to carry you, little hero?" She offered "It would be a great honor, my evil wife." They both laughed and smiled at eachother, not before saying "I love you." To one another, and ended with a kiss. As they were strolling down the road, they all saw Spike's fan ponies cheering him on, all running up to him. "Aaah! It's him!" One mare exclaimed in the wildest excitement. He noticed that many mares were taking a fashion craze of Mane-iac's suit like from Ponyville when the craze happen there. Mane-iac was happy to see her suits still going polular. She wondered if all of Equestria will follow this craze too. Ponyville had it, and so did Canterlot, and now the Crystal Empire. Turns out before they know it, this new fashionable suit will spread all across Equestria like wildfire. "Oh boy, here they come." Spike smirked. He saw many fans crowding up to him and the Mane-iac. "Oh, can I have an autograph, Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious?" Said a stallion. "I asked first!" Said a stallion. "Mares's first!" The Mane-iac pulled them away from him to not invade his personal space, or make him nervous. "Back up. All of you!" She said, sounding like a bodygaurd. "Give my little Spikey-Whikey some space!" Spike laughed "it's okay, Mane-iac. Everypony, let's not fight over me. There is plenty of Spike for everypony!" They all cheered for him. "My, you really do have a name in the popular crowd." "Are you kidding me? Spike is our hero!" Said a colt. "He saved us like three times." A mare added. "We love you, Spike!" "Now now, guys. Please. I need some space. I need to get into the castle." "Aww!" They all said with a change of demeanor from happy to bummed out. "Oh, come on. I'll give you all autographs later. I promise." The baby dragon concluded. "For now, me and my beautiful wife need a little alone time." They all cheered one more time before Mane-iac pressed forward to the castle. "Oh my, this castle is even bigger in the flesh. Oh. How I wish we can own one of these buildings." "Oh, I do. They all worship me like their God and savior, even though Cadence and Shining Armor rule this city, i'm still an important guy." Mane-iac laughed. "Well, even though you might not be as important as princess Cadence and her husband in this city, you will always be a king to me." The baby dragon was really touched to hear her say that. "Thank's Mane-iac." Then he hugged her neck. "Oh. You are so welcome, my little Spikey-poo " she baby-talked at him, playing with his chin." Spike was feeling rather embarrassed. He muttered in her ear "Mane-iac, not in front of the guards. Or my fans." "Hmm, let them look." She purred. In a change of demeanor, she asked "so what do you think we should do around here?" The baby dragon was thinking about anything fun. There was the stadium, but there was no event happening, especially the Equestria games. "Oh, I can give you a tour of the castle. And a look at the Crystal Heart." He decided "Crystal.... heart?" "Yeah. It is what keeps the Crystal Empire in harmony and in balance. You see, one thousand years ago, there was an evil ruler over this city named King Sombra. He ruled over this place with an iron hoof with no compassion whatsoever. He enslaved all his subjects and dealt away with anypony who would cross him." The Mane-iac had a look of fascination. She did give him credit for being a fearful king spreading mayhem and chaos. Because she still has some evil in her, she was taking a liking to him. Not in a romantic way, of course, but like being inspired by the fallen dark king. She even almost wished that she could have met him and ask him how to properly take over a whole world or city, and how to deal with the enemies that she would hate the most. "Interesting." she said "You see, he returned one year ago, still wanting to rule the kingdom with his mighty hoof of evil, and was trying to touch the Crystal Heart so it can be infected with his evil. But, me and Cadence stopped him and saved the whole Crystal Empire and that's how I became a hero." In one half, Mane-iac was saddened to hear that King Sombra was already dead, but in the other half of herself, she was so happy and proud of Spike for doing such an act of bravery, even though she was a supervillain. "That's wonderful to hear. I for one have like to have met this king Sombra. I would like to know how to powerfully crush all my enemies and take over the world! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!" "Uh, Mane-iac, you're doing it again." "Oops, sorry." "It's okay. I know you can't help it." Spike winked at her playfully. "So, come on, let's go see what Shining Armor and a princess Cadence can do for our stay." "Rig behind you, darling." As they stepped inside, a changeling was walking up to them. "Wha-?! A changeling?" The unhinged mare exclaimed in surprise. She gritted her teeth with anger and rage and formed tendrils that resembled swords, maces, and axes on her mane. "Whoa, Whoa, whoa!" Spike intervened. "This changeling is a nice one. P,ease, Mane-iac, put your weapons away, dear." She was highly reluctant about this, because of he time she and the changeling fought viciously because she wanted to rape Spike to repopulate the Changeling race. Nonetheless, she reluctantly turned her mane back to the way it was before. "Sorry." She said flatly "Hi, Spike." Said the Changeling in a kind tone of voice, which was something rather unusual for Mane-iac to hear. "Hey, Thorax! What's up?" "Not much." Then he looked t the crazy mare. "And who might this be?" "This is Mane-iac from the Power Ponies comic books. She' my wife." They both held eachother's paws and hooves in a romantic fashion "Aww, congratulations, little buddy." Thorax congratulated his very first friend he ever made. "I'm so happy for you, and nice to meet you, Mane-iac. My name is Thorax. Now, please don't be alarmed. I didn't mean to scare you, but you should know I am not a bad changeling," She was feeling suspicious of him, and still distrusted this rather odd insect. "Well.... Charmed, I guess." Was all she said, very distinctly "So, what brings you here?" "I'm staying her for a little while, if you do not mind." "Oh no, of course not. Besides, it's really up to princess Cadence and a shining Armor to decide that. Well, see you later buddy, I gotta go help Sunburst with a few things on his library." "That's cool, bye." Then the changeling went out of the castle. Then Spike and Mane-iac pressed forward. "I am a little confused, Spikey, how do you know that changeling? And why didn't he suck the love dry out of you?" "That was Thorax. He is a really nice guy, and he is nothing like Chrysalis and her children" "Oh. I see." Then the doors to the throne room flew open, and revealed a princess Cadence sitting on her throne with her husband standing right next to her just because, and a few crystal guards to protect them from any harm's way. "Ah, Spike, Mane-iac, welcome." Said Cadence "What brings you both here?" Asked Shining Armor. "Well, me and my beautiful wife were wondering if we can sty in the Crystal Empire. You see, we want some... Alone time for the celebration." "Celebration?" The couple said in unison and in question. "For what exactly?" Asked Shining "Well, Mane-iac invented a new nightclub called the Crazy Mare, and it has become a great hit, and get this, we are making a lot of money." "Shining and the princess went "ooh." "Wait, Mane-iac, do you have the license for it?' Shining asked suspiciously This made the mare's heart drop to her feet. "Oh, well I-" "Just kidding!" Shining joked "that's really good for you." "Maybe we should go there some time. What do you think, sweetie?" "I think you're right." Her husband agreed, "So, in the meantime, can we get the best, nicest room we can sleep in?" Said Mane-iac "Of course, since you are a hero around here, Spike, you will be given the best room there is in the castle" They both smiled widely. The Mane-iac had a little thought "say, Spike, how would you like to go see the whole city from the top of the castle?" "Sure. That's a good ideaAAAAA!" Then Spike was grabbed and saw that the Mane-iac was going out the windo, and climbed to the highest point in the castle. "Mane-iac, wait!" Shining called out to her. "Don't worry, Shining." Said Cadence. "They will be fine, after all, love can be a rather strange and crazy thing to happen." "True." Spik's face went from fear to optimistic as he was wrapped around a tendril looking at the whole city below with Mane-iac "wow, what a beautiful view." "I know, Spike. I know." > Opportunity of a Lifetime > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Crystal Colosseum, Spike was performing his guitar techniques in front of all the Crystal Ponies, who seem to adore him the most since he is their hero. The baby dragon just kept on shredding and playing those wicked chords while Mane-iac was watching from the front of the stage, feeling more than lucky to watch him perform up close. Next to her was Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, also enjoying the show. He was performing the ninth and last song for his adoring subjects. When he was finished, he heard possibly one of the loudest applause he had heard since the club at Maretropolis, the Crazy Mare club that just opened, and Nightmare Night last year. "Thank you!" Spike announced at the top of his lungs through the microphone. "I hope you all enjoyed my songs." Oh, he could hear the endless screaming and cheering of the Crystal Ponies. Then he saw a bunch of crystal mares and fillies, all wanting him, screaming at the top of their lungs like a bunch of fangirls would normally do to a heavy metal superstar "We love you!" screamed a filly "Marry me!" said a mare. Mane-iac was offended and stepped in front of them with her tendrils ready to push them all back at once. "Give him some space!" she demanded. "He is my husband, remember?" "Aww!" they all said. Spike smiled. "Ladies, ladies, I can still give you autographs." he said. Then all their demeanor changed from bummed to hyper-excited again. Then Spike pulled out his quill pen, and all the ladies formed a neat, single-file line in front of him. "Would you like any help with this, sweetie?" his insane wife kindly offered. "No, I'm sure I...." Then, he saw the long line of all his fans just wanting an autograph from their hero. "Whoa. On second thought, I think I do." He was a little usher if he could do this, but he decided to keep all his fans happy and entertained. Besides, with all the songs and music he is playing, he is being worshipped more than ever, almost like a god of some kind, or a demigod. "Ah well, at least it will go fast." He thought out loud. "Don't worry, my little Spikey-Whikey." Mane-iac said sweetly. "I will help you on any way I can with this." The baby dragon smiled at her. He was so happy to put his trust and faith in his wife. "Thank you, Mane-iac." He said. "Anytime," Then they all got started and Spike began signing autographs, fan after fan, and poster after poster. It did turn out that the line was gong fast, but there was still quite a long line to satisfy in front of him, the whole stadium to be exact. All of this took at least one hour and thirty minutes long, and all of the Crystal Ponies were more than happy to have a signature from Spike. His hand was all sore from all that moving to write his own name. Being a rockstar is never easy, and he knew it well. "Well, at least all my friends and wife are happy for me." He said in his brain, Then he looked at Cadence and Shining Armor. "Spike, you did so awesome." Said Shining. "You totally rocked it out there." The he gave the baby dragon a gentle arm jab, Spike laughed "thanks, Shining." He replied to him "Yes, you were really amazing. Everypony loved you, well.... More than ever." Cadence made a little chuckle. "I know." "Is there anything Spike cannot do?" Said Mane-iac. Then she hugged him with her tendrils. "He is one in a million! Ohh!" "Totally. He is a dragon with many talents," Shining agreed, "Oh stop it, guys." Spike flushed a shade of red on his face. Then he gave a little yawn, "Ooh, I think a certain wittle baby dragon needs his wittle nap time." Mane-iac teased. "Yeah. I do." Spike made another yawn and covered his mouth, making a few smacking noises with his lips. "I don't know if I can even walk around anymore." "Here, let me give you a hoof." Said his insane wife, gently pulling him up so he can ride on her back. "There, you ready to go back to the castle?" "Uh huh." "Brilliant." Mane-iac turned her attention to Cadence and Shining. "Thank you so much for helping us with this concert for my little prince here." "You are very welcome, Mane-iac. And remember, you are more than welcome to come talk to me or Shining Armor about anything. " Mane-iac nodded to her. "I know that." "Well, see you soon, and have a good night." Said Shining. "Goodnight." Then the Mane-iac was off. She was more than glad to be with Spike and help him with this little concert. They didn't have to clean up everything, because Candece sent some of the guards to do that for him. After all, who would even force Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious to clean up a whole mess? "So, Mane-iac, do you think things at the Crazy Mare are okay?" "Of course. Hair Stylish is keeping everything under well in check." She replied. "Oh yes, this is the life. Having to stay in your own castle, and being worshipped like a hero and all." Spike made a small laugh "I know. This is so great." "Yes, you being treated like a king is quite an honor. And I wonder if that would make me like a queen, hahaha!" "I do hate to say it, but this place is mostly Cadence and Shining's castle." "Oh either way." Mane-iac shrugged. Everypony worships you, and they will do everything you want, right?" "Right." "Them don't worry. All the power you have here will not go away." She winked at him. "So do tell me, what would you like to do tomorrow?" "Well we can go to the Crystal swimming pool. If you like swimming." "I love swimming!" "Awesome!" Then Mane-iac entered the castle, and went up to the special room. She tucked him in bed, tod him goodnight, and gave him her magic kiss. "Aren't you coming to bed, Mane-iac?" "Oh yes yes, of course. In a little while." "Okay. Goodnight." The. He was asleep. She knew it sounded a little creepy, but she looked at him as he was sleeping, smiling warmly. She would obliterate anypony who would rudely wake up him, and she promised them t would not be a pleasant thing. After that, she quietly left the room, and looked around her. There was hardly anypony in the hallways, except for a few guards of course. The next thing she did was go out on a little walk through some parts of the castle. While she was sitting on the couch that Spike would be fed grapes, she heard a chatter of voices. Curiously, she looked, and there was some kind of... Camera crew of some kind, with their leader being a stallion with shades, black hair, and a yellow coat. "Ah, just the mare we wanted to see." "Can I help you all?" Mane-iac asked uncomfortably. "Why yes." Said the stallion. "We have been looking all over for you and your hubby, Mane-iac." "You.... Know about us?" "Duh, everypony in Equestria knows. Now, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Camera Len, and I am a world famous producer and director, and I have come to offer you to have.... Your own show." Mane-iac was surprised by this. "A.... Show?!" She was rathe flicking the idea of being a TV star. "A reality show!" He added. "All about you, Spike, and your life on e big screen. Thrills, comedy, romance, that sort of thing!" "Really?" She can already feel the stardom flowing through her. "Really really." He winked. "And not to mention playing those tasty shreds on the guitar." He did a rather embarrassing impression of a guitar solo, and they all stared at him in confusion. The stallion cleared his throat as he got up. "So, what do you say? Would you like to be on the big screen?" This was all flattering, but he wanted to one if Spike wanted this. "Well, this is amazing, but can I please talk to Spike about this first, then we will discuss this reality show business?" "Of course. Think about it. Let us know as soon as you can, and we will make it all possible if you both say yes." Mane-iac was relieved to hear that. "Good. We might let you know tomorrow." "Brilliant! And don't worry, we understand if you don't want any part of this, you guys are one of Equestria's cutest new couples after all. They will love you on TV." "And if you want to look for us, come find us in Ponyville." "Don't worry, we know you are on vacation so enjoy yourselves and travel back to Ponyville safely. Come on, fellas." Then he was off with his film posse. This was rather new to her. What would Spike think about all of this? Well. For now, she didn't have to worry about it, and just decided to enjoy the vacation they deserve. The Next Morning Mane-iac and Spike awoke under the morning light from out the window. "Good morning, sweetie." "Good morning, Mane-iac." The baby dragon yawned while stretching his arms. "So listen sweetie, after I tucked you in, a producer named Camera Len said he wanted to do a reality show about us." "Camera Len?" Spike asked "the most famous TV producer in all of Equestria. The Mane-iac realized that since she is not originally from Ponyville, she didn't really follow up on everything in Equestria, including fashionistas or producers like a camera. "Yes. He wants to do a really show about us. What do you say, sweetie?" "That.... That's amazing!" He exclaimed with joy. "Us being TV stars, getting more publicity" "Oh indeed. We will be famous..... More famous, I mean." "Right. Well, it is nice, but... Can I at least think about it?" "Of course. I will be more than Happy to give Camera and his friends a call about it. In the meantime. Let's have a swim!" Then Spike and Mane-iac went to the castle pool for a refreshing, morning dip in it to start the day. While walking downstairs, Spike was thinking about what this show would be like, and realized that it might be in their personal space if not careful. "What is it, Spikey-poo?" Mane-iac asked him, noticing that he was thinking about something like it wasn't so good. "What if it cuts us from our lives? What if it never leaves us along in our privacy together." "Oh pish posh, sweetie." Mane-iac said. "They sounded like professionals. What could possibly go wrong, my dear husband?" The baby dragon was thinking again, "yeah, I guess you're right. I shouldn't be to quick to judgement. Maybe it will be awesome." "There you have it! Now please stop worrying about it so much. For now, we still Have our vacation, and some..... Times for sing alone together." She snuggled close to him and purred like a cat would, making him aroused and flustered "Oh well, you know." He muttered. Then they reached the pool at last. Spike already did a cannonball with a big splash while Mane-iac took a dip after him, letting her beautiful mane and tail being socks on the waters. "Ooh this is refreshing." Mane-iac said with a sigh. Then she opened her arms "come here, sweetie." Then the baby dragon let himself be hugged by Mane-iac in the pool, keeping him close as they relaxed together on this calm, serene morning. > Getting Started with Show Business (Interviews) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At last, the day came when the start of the reality show that will star Spike and Mane-iac has come. Of course, like anypony else who might become a star, Spike was nervous to his feet, for he never had a TV interview before. It was rather scary considering the fact that countless viewers will be watching them on set. In Ponyville, within the center town hall, there was Camera Lens and his crew looking around the interior and were getting all ready for the interviews. Backstage, Spike was feeling more than nervous, like on the verge on vomiting on the floor from all this oressure. He peeped through the curtain and saw many cameras all focusing on the stars who will be interviewed. The large doors opened, and it revealed to be Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity, his closest friends. "The princess of Friendship is here!" Said a camera mare. They all gasped and bowed to Twilight in complete respect. "Oh Princess Twilight Sparkle and friends." Said Camera Len shaking her hoof in a very rough posture. "Please allow me to introduce myself, I am-" 'Camera Len. I have heard so much about you, and how toy are planning to create a reality TV show about Spike and Mane-iac." "What a smart mare." Said Camera Len impressively. "Indeed, we notice that Spike and Mane-iac are quite popular, maybe more than Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis." "Oh! Can I be in it?" Rarity rudely interrupted, squeezing against Twilight and Fluttershy's faces. "I can be a major star too, just imagine me in the spotlight and showing off my- waah!" Twilight annoyingly pushed her out of the way so she can continue. "Anywho, we just wanted tocongratulate Spike and Mane-iac for having a show." "Well, you are all welcome to be on my show too, some you are Spike's very best friends, and saved Equestria like a million times before." The six mares all smiled. Rarity popped out of nowhere with a wider grin showing her teeth and her eyes Shining like a glistening star. "Brilliant!" She exclaimed. "Oh, and I simply must have makeup and a shining dress with a touch of lipstick." He friends groaned in mild irritation. Camera then clapped his hooves two times "Latte!" He blurted out. "I need a chocolate latte!" One of the camera crew rushed to his side with an iced coffe. "Ah, much better." Then he took a sip. "Hey guys." Spike said. He and his wife approached them with happy expressions. "You came." "Obviously, you all came to see us about the show, did you not?" asked Man-iac "Of course, we wouldn't have missed it for the better." Fluttershy replied. "We just wanted to say how proud we are proud and happy for you." "Yeah, I never thought you would become a TV star." Applejack added. "And now we are going to be stars too! Eek!" Rarity squealed. "And what about me? Surely you all must be happy that moi, Spike's new loving wife is going to get more recognition." They all laughed. "Of course! We all know you will be in it, Mane-iac." Said Pinkie. "So how do you feel about this?" Twilight asked him. Of course she would ask that to him because she is like a big sister to him. Spike rubbed the back of his head. She obviously knew what that meant "litter nervous, huh?" "Yeah. I admit it." "Ah don't worry. You'll be the next sensation, and not just in the Crystal Empire, but all of Equestria will remember your name for generations to come." He smooshed his face to the baby dragon's "not to mention that reality TV stars get paid more than any other actor." Spike thought of how nice it would be to have more money with him and the Mane-iac. With more bits than before, he could buy his own tanning bed, or a whole set of guitars and strings if any of then broke in dew time. "It would be nice." He brainstormed. "What do I need to do?" "Well, of course, just pretend we are not here when filming you or your wife, and just go on with your normal everyday life, and the same thing with you, Mane-iac." Camera Len turned to Twilight and her cronies. "What about you ladies? Can you all handle that?" Fluttershy of course, was nervous and hated performing in front of other ponies even if it was just in front of the camera, like the time Photo Finish made her into a fashion model which was meant for Rarity. "Umm, I don't know." She admitted in her very soft and quiet voice. "Like we said before, just pretend we're not here and you'll be just fine." "And think about it, getting paid with all that golden money." Rainbow added with dollar signs forming in her eyes. "And the fame!" Rarity added. "I can already imagine myself a superstar!" "Careful not to let the fame go to your head." Applejack teased. "Our an angry mob come and get us because they might get jealous!" Pinkie blurted. Rainbow boinked her hard on the head with her hoof. "Ow! what was that for?" "Two words Not. Helping." The cyan pegasus replied firmly. "You'll be fine Fluttershy." said Twilight. "Remember the tornado up to Cloudsdale?" "I do." she smiled. "See? you can do this." said Rainbow with encouragement. "Anyway, the interviews will begin soon. Spike, Mane-iac, you guys will go first since you will be the mane attraction! Hahahahaha! get it?" however, everypony else looked at him with no amusement on their faces. "Ah, i'm terrible." "You should really leave the puns to the Mane-iac." Spike whispered in his ear. "nopony does it better than her." "Alright people! ready the interviews! time is money, chop chop!" Camera announced. The crew rushed around the building, getting ready for the interviews on the show. The mane six, Spike, and Mane-iac were more than excited. Spike gulped, but overcame his fears when Mane-iac put her hoof on his shoulder, smiling warmly, saying that he'll be alright, then he smiled at her back, knowing that everything will be fine, and it will all go smooth sailing from here. "Well.... here goes." he said, with a boost of confidence. He approached the stool, and climbed on it, in front of the main camera. "alright, Spike." Camera Len began, clearing his throat to begin the first interview. "now do tell me a little about yourself." "Well.... I.... um, let me think. I love eating gems and jewels, hanging with my best friends, and beautiful wife Mane-iac." he made bedroom eyes at her while she was offscreen. She giggled in response in the background. "Oh, I also like spending time with them, writing stuff, I am a dragon of many talents." "Fascinating, now I heard you are a guitarist, am I correct?" "Yep! the best guitarist in all of Equestria, well baby dragon guitarist I mean." "Right, and what about singing? you are good at that, right?" "Of course. Like I said, I am a baby dragon with many talents within himself." he gloated. Twilight smirked and rolled her eyes playfully behind the director. "So anyway, I know a few tricks up my sleeve, but telling you all of them will take all night." "Perfectly understandable. So, what more can you tell us a little about yourself?" "I'm always there for my wife and my friends if needed of course. I feel like I'm.... A little brother to Twilight. She was always there for me ever since I hatched from my egg." "And what may I ask happened to your parents?" Camera asked curiously. Spike made a small frown of sadness and sentimentality, and his wife and friends looked at him with concern. "I.... I don't know. Can we please move on to the next question?" "Sorry. Moving on now. Me and my crew here tells me you and Mane-iac now run a club together called the Crazy Mare, right?" "Yep. It is an amazing place where I can perform my awesome guitar licks and sing whenever I want. The Crazy Mare is becoming so popular. I wonder if it will keep up." "Pretty sure it will." Said a camera stallion next to Len. "My niece went over there, and she loved it, and your performance." "Oh, if you see her, spdo you think you can tell her thank you for attending?" "Totally, I'll remember that the next time we see each other again." "Let's continue with the interview, shall we?" Camera Len reminded "Right." Spike cleared his throat. "So, I don't know what to say next, I think that's all the time I have." He confessed, "That's fine." The director remarked. "Next soon-to-be star to the stand." Then Mane-iac was the one sitting on the stool, spraying some of her mane with detangler. "Mane-iac, you are one of the most famous comic book characters in history, correct?" "That I am. No pony will ever forget about me, The Mane-iac! Mwahahahahaha!" She cackled. Mane-iac realized that she was bringing a little.... Unwanted attention, and stopped her maniacal laughter, c,daring her throat. "The point is that I a, indeed one of the most famous super villains of all time." "Right. How often to do you Spike hang out with eachother?" "Whenever there was any opportunity that would come our way, but most of the time, we do fun times together everyday. Oh Spike makes me so happy, I cannot tell you how much he is the reason for me living." She sighed "That's deep, really deep." "Isn't it? I was worried I might have overdone myself by saying such a thing like that," "Well, do you feel that way about Spike?" Mane-iac made a "pfft" sound with her mouth, and replied "of course I do. He is my mari (husband) and I will always be there for him till I do, and he would do the same thing for me, isn't that right, Spikey-poo?" "Yeah! I love you." Mane-iac smiled at his comment. "Exactly. You see me and Spike have been together for quite some time now. He taught me about kindness and humility." "Once again, deep." Camera remarked the second time. "So, you are married to Spike now, but do you still commit crimes as a super villain?" She made a mild nervous look and chuckled "do I have to be honest about that?" They all laughed "of course not.." Camera Len stated "it was just a little joke, fooling around and such." "Oh, that quite alright. Let me tell you something, please, do not record any embarrassing subjects from mon chere, or else." Her voice sounded to become like a threat now. "If you all make him cry, or crush his spirit, then...." She formed a number of her tendrils into many weapons like swords, spears, arrows, and more. Camera Len gulped, and replied "yes ma'am." Mane-iac had a change of demeanor and said "brilliant. Now that is all I have to say, and I look forward to be on the show with Spikey-Whikey." She gave him an air kiss. "We look forward to have you guys in a show, too. Next up!" Rarity then cut in front of everypony and promptly sat on the stool. "Hello my darlings, my name is Rarity Belle, and I would like to say I am going to be a star! Bring on as much fancy dresses and spotlights as you will all like, and could somepony please give me a makeover?" Then a mare from the makeup department gave Rarity a rather cheesy makeover. She had overgrown lipstick and her mascara was not as beautiful as it looked. She kind of looked like a zombie. Some of the others chuckled while many more looked at her in a WTF expression. "What? Did they miss a spot?" "Oh no, they were-" Applejack snickered. "Very thorough, he he he" Rarity was a little confused and thought of a silly idea when Applejack would try to explain something, she would just say blah blah blah over and over again. At the end, within Applejack's mind, the figment said to herself that she is rambunctious and smelled like dog poop." "What are you laughing at?" "Nothing, Applejack." Oh yes, Rarity would make an amazing main cast member for this new upcoming show. And so the I terriers continued, and after it was all done, Camera told them that he and his colleagues will let them all know the next day, > First day of the Show > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today was the big day for the reality show revolving around Spike and Mane-iac to begin. The best part was that Spike's friends were going to be in it, including Rarity, who is more than happy to become a TV star. Her ego was a little annoying, Camera Len and his fellow producers put her on the show as long as she pretends that they are not there. Meanwhile, Spike was a little anxious once more, but Mane-iac will be right woth him the whole time since they will be the co-stars. If anything bad woukd happen, or it the producers were doing something bad like invading their personal privacy, or interrupt their sex, Mane-iac will probably scare her off with her evilness and craziness. At least she does have some amount of evil within herself after getting rid of her more evil alter ego. Mane-iac was humming down the stairs as Spike was waiting for the camera guys to come at the door. Spike was of course, a little more than excited to start this new reality show with his wife. It won't be long until all of them come to the door for an interview and show them around the place. Mane-iac noticed him and cleared her throat to him. He immediately looked at her from the noise. "Are you alright, Spikey-Whikey?" "Oh yeah, of course." The baby dragon replied. "How do yoy feel about this?" "Oh I am more than happy to be a co-star with my adorable little husband." Then she gave him a kiss on his lips making him blush and chuckle. "Good to hear. And... are you sure I will be just fine?" "Don't worry, Spike." Mane-iac reassured. "Everything will be just fine. Remember what Camera Len said, just pretend he and his friends are not there filming us" "Right." Then Spike took a deep breath, keeping the air within his body. His face was turning blue, however. "Spike, breathe." Then the baby dragon exhaled a large amount of air. "You are so funny." She kissed him again. It was just then Twilight came up to them. "Hello, Spike, Mane-iac. You both ready for the show?" "Of course. I am feeling more than ready myself, Twilight." mane-iac replied. "I can hardly wait to be a TV star, and maybe on the big screen, walking on the red carpet with Spike himself." "I agree. And I hope we will all get put for share ad well, like Camera Len said we will." "Ah, i'm pretty sure he will." Spike said. Then Mane-iac saw the camera crew, with Len marching ahead in front of them with his dark shades, ready for some filming on the first time. "Oh! They're coming." She said. When they were getting closer. Spike, and Mane-iac both confidently set foot outside to give them and their viewers a proper greeting. "Here is our new future celebrity couple." Said Camera Len with enthusiasm. "Hello, i'm Spike, little brother to the princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle, and a good friend to the elements of harmony. Oh, and savior of the Crystal Empire." "And I am the Mane-iac, the most diabolical villain supervillain to ever live! Mwahahahahaha!!!" Then she noticed that the others were becoming a little scared, minus Spike of course, for he was pretty much used to that habit of hers. "Well at least, I pretty much used to be, until I started a new life being with the greatest husband on the universe." "Oh Mane-iac, stop it." Spike flushed. "Yet of course, I still pretty much like to cause some evil and mayhem once in a while, hehehe." "So if you will all like to come into our home, please follow us." Then both the couple went back inside, and the camera crew and producers followed after. Then they all noticed Twilight. "Ah, the princess of Friendship herself." Said Camera. "Hi everypomy, I think you might all know who I am for those who are watching tv, but my name is Twilight Sparkle. I bet you are probably wondering how I came to be, well, at first I didn't know about friendship-" "Okay moving on, now!" The producer interrupted, much to Twilight's annoyance. Do they got a little tour of the mansion, and their gorgeous bedroom. All the producers like what they are seeing within the interior, especially the busts that contained Mane-iac and Spike's heads across the hallways. Some of the crew were a little jealous that they don't live in a nice, luxurious house such as this one. The next thing they got a glimpse of, was some of the Mane-iac's minions, some walking down the corridors, many just big lazy and watching some quality tv, and a few also went in front of the camera and said "hi mom!" Much to the crew's annoyance. Mane-iac and Spike would sometimes push them out of the camera's sight to make them go away The planning/weapon room also caught their atention, and looked at the interior in awe. "I told you we are going to use the giant hairbrush of doom!" Came an angry voice "And I told YOU that we will use the razor of a thousand cuts!" Said another. It was a pair of Mane-iac's minions arguing over what weapon they should create to impress the Mane-iac and cause some sweet destruction with At last, they both reached their breaking point, and began to physically fight one another. Many other hench-stallions began to notice and watched on as they kept on repeating the word "Fight! Fight! Fight!" Over and over again. "You'll have to excuse them." Mane-iac said to the viewers. "They can be bumbling morons at times" she pulled put an air horn and blew it to stop the fighting while Spike and the camera crew covered their ears. "Will all of you stop you're pointless fighting and get back to creating something useful, for once that is?" "Yes mistress." All the hench-stallions replied in unison and went back to creating plans, inventions, and ideas for a y diabolical plan. After that was taken care of, Spike went to the room where the comic book that can send him and his wife back to Maretropolis whenever they wanted, was just resting under a glass display case, like in a museum if some sort. "Here is the comic book where the Mane-iac originally come from. We always use this whenever we want to go back to Maretropolis whenever we want to." "And what is it you guys do there?" "We would go to the nightclub so I can reform my super shredding on the guitar, and sing songs. Oh, and we would like to visit a friend of hers, a supervillain named High Heel, and hang out with her." "And what woukd you do with her?" Both Mane-iac and Spike flushed "it's.... it's complicated to day the least." Mane-iac said sheepishly. "But we would also have relaxing massages from her hench-mares." "And what about the new nightclub, the crazy mare?" "Oh yes, we were just considering that. Follow us outside and we will show you within the place. I might as well tell you that it is only open during the nighttime where the happy hours happen." "Hence the name nightcub." Spike pointed. Mane-iac agreed, and both had a good laugh. "Exactly. Come along then." Then they all continued outside, and were in front of the nightclub. When she was about to open the door with her key, she was immediately inerrupted and dropped her key on the ground "Aw yeah!" Said a pumped up voice. They looked and it was Rainbow Dash, and there was Fluttershy and the rest of their friends. She immediately went in front of the camera, and did cool poses, trying to look as awesome. But she was pushed away by Rarity "Ooh, my turn, pose! Pose! Pose!" She kept on repeating, trying to look sexy and seductive to the mane audiences. As a tater of fact, some of the male viewers were already drooling on the floor. Rainbow pushed her pit of the way again, and resumed, and then Rarity, then Rainbow so on and so forth. Finallt, they both growled at eachother, smudging one another's faces while gritting their teeth like a pair of angry wolves fighting for dominance. "Girls!" Fluttershy intervened in between them. "That's no way to behave in front of the camera." Spike added "Oh no no, it's perfectly alright." Said Camera Len. "We could always use the extra drama, that's how we will get more viewers and more money for you guys." "I don't know, doesn't that seem a little wrong?" Said Twilight "Don't worry, it's not like it will jeopardize their friendship. This is just a show." "Well that doesn't make it real." Said Applejack "It doesn't have to be. It's not like it's going to hurt anypony. Besides, it is great for reality TV!" It was when Twilight was a little unsure about this, but she decided that as long as it doesn't affect her friendship with her friends and Mane-iac then she supposed everything will be alright. "So anyway, you guys just keep pretending we're not here, and you two can carry on with the introductions." "With pleasure." Mane-iac picked up her key with a tendril and opened it. "Voila, here we are, the Crazy Mare. Everypony loves this place to have fun and dance to the music when it plays." "How long has it been like this?" "For quite a number of days, thank you. Spikey-Whikey here would perform for everypony whenever possible." "Mane-iac." Spike softly groaned at her. "Not in front of the camera." "Oh, my apologies. I mean, Spike would perform. Let me tell you all, he sings and plays his guitar like ringing a bell rather easily." Then they all went backstage to look at the sets, and then the drink section where the soda, apple cider, and lemonade were. Camera Len was suddenly feeling thirsty again, and asked "Do you think I can have some apple cider from here?" "Well normally, we don't serve until nighttime like we said before, but in your case, we can make in exception." Spike said. Then he fetched him the drink he wanted, with tons of ice within it. When the producer took a sip, he said "Delicious! better than what my mom makes! So, what else is there in this cool looking hangout?" "sure. Right this way, gentlecolts." then the little tour of Spike and Mane-iac's abode continued on. Perhaps this new reality show will be a good idea or it might not, considering the fact that Camera Len liked the idea of some fighting to bring in more drama to it. Later that night, the camera crew had left the mansion and it turned out rather nicely. Spike and Mane-iac were getting ready for bed, and the same for Twilight. Since Owlicious was an owl, he was awake on his perch. "Well, Spikey-poo, i guess now that we will have our little.... alone time, I suppose we can have a little.... fun between us." she seductively scratched his chin with a tendril, making him blush with a foolish smile forming. "Spike?" said Twilight, who was coming up to them. "Can I talk to you and Mane-iac for a second, please?" "About what?" "The show." The baby dragon looked at the Mane-iac for approval, and she nodded a yes. "Okay, so, what's up?" "I am starting to have a bad feeling about this reality show idea." she answered. "We talked about that earlier, remember?" said Mane-iac. "He is right, many ponies do love seeing drama, especially my idiot hench-stallions for example. Besides, it was rather funny watching Rarity and Rainbow Dash fight to be in the same spotlight like that." "Yes, but.... it just feels... not right. What if Camera Len is hiding a dark secret?" Spike and Mane-iac both laughed "Why would you think that?" "I'm just saying, maybe the reality show is not such a good idea." "Come on, Twi. He said he will share an equal amount of money for you, Fluttershy, and the others. You should be happy. Like we said, it's not like it will cause a strife in our friendship. We still have each other. Nopony could ever separate us from our love." Twilight was brainstorming again and decided "Yeah, I guess. Probably worrying too much. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day." "Yeah, totally." "Well, goodnight, Twilight." "Night, Mane-iac, night, Spike." Twilight said with a yawn before going to her bedroom to get some sleep. Mane-iac gave Spike bedroom eyes again, and said "Well, might as well have our fun time together." She lifted her eyebrows three times. "Come along, my handsome king." "As you wish, my beautiful queen." Then they both went into the bedroom to have more fun sex with each other. First with some fellatio and Mane-iac bouncing on his cock until he squirted a cup-load of cum inside of her. > "Real" Reality TV > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another day has passed, and Spike was just waking up, and tried to sit when he accidentally bumped his head into something, and there was a sound of a microphone feedback like if it got to close to an amplifier. He shot his eyes open and saw the camera crew watching him and Mane-iac in their sleep. "AAAAAHHH!!" he screamed "AAAAHHH!!!" Mane-iac shouted as she woken up. "What?! What's wrong!? Was it the Power Ponies?" "No!" Spike said. "But we do have a camera crew around here. They were watching us in our sleep!!" Spike replied, angry at the camera crew. "What the hell are you guys doing?! This is an invasion of privacy!" Mane-iac was just as angry as her husband was. She sprung out of bed and turned many of her tendrils into weapons like a sword or an ax or a mace. "What is the meaning of this Cameral Len?!" She demanded Camera Len stepped up and said "Hey hey hey, please. Calm down. We haven't been watching you sleep all night, we just wanted to see if you were still asleep, and try to wake you up to get you ready for another episode. Right guys?" His cronies all agreed with him flatly. "We didn't stay here all night watching you sleep, we promise." said a camera stallion." "Yeah, we respect a couple's privacy, especially you guys." The Boom Operator added Spike and Mane-iac thought of what Twilight warned last night, and maybe this reality show thing is a bad idea after all. Allowing Rarity and Rainbow Dash to fight for attention like a pair of cats. On the other hoof, it was still the beginning of the show. The baby dragon took a small breath out of his system, and said "Look, please just don't scare us like that. I really thought we were being spied on." "And, if you all ever spy on us in our sleep through the night, you will all face hell." Mane-iac threatened, showing her tendrils that looked like weapons. She aimed them at Camera Lens' throat. If there was anything he and his crew would not want to do, it would be facing the wrath of her. Camera gulped "of course. Our sincere apologies, it won't happen again" his employees all made a nervous nod in response Mane-iac smiled evilly and put her mane back to it's original state. "Good. Now, please just give us a moment as we all bath ourselves for a new day." "Yeah." Spike sniffed his armpit, and made a look of disgust on his face "I desperately need one." "Oh yes yes, of course." Said Len Both of them smiled and went to the bathroom to clean themselves for a full day ahead of them. After that was done thirty minutes later, Mane-iac put a new original shit on herself, and Spike was brushing the crest on his head. "Brilliant. So, let's get started." Said Camera Len. "Let's see what this episode will be like today. Oh and pretend we're not here, like I said before." "Right!" Both Spike and Mane-iac nodded their heads at the same time. Twilight suddenly came running down from the hallways like she wanted to give some important news. "What happened?" She said "I heard screaming! Was there a snake under your bed?!" "Twilight, please calm down." Said Mane-iac. Then she muttered "and they called me hysterical." "What?" "Nothing nothing. What I am saying is that there is nothing to exterminate here." "What happened then?" "These guys kinda gave us a surprising awaking. I thought they were watching us sleep through the night, but they only needed to have a small clip of us for the show." Twilight looked at them, and was quite unamused "No no no, don't do that." Camera Len said "pretend we're not here." The purple Alicorn groaned mildly and reluctantly agreed to do as he said. "Anyway, would you like some breakfast?" "Oh, can we have some too?" Said the boom operator. "No!" "Aww!" The camera crew complained. They all started walking to the kitchen with the camera crew following from behind. They all tried to not get in the way and give some space so it won't feel like they were hovering over the three. As they all went to the conversations, it was fully like the TV ponies weren't there at all. It was working. "So did you guys aleep okay?" Twilight asked them curiously to start shooting the breeze with them. "Oh yeah. Me and the Mane-iac were in it." He and Mane-iac looked at eachother with bedroom eyes. They both held out a hand and hoof and clung to each other. "And we can tell you that it was quite a magical, and romantic dream." Mane-iac said. Then she and Spike gave each other a small kiss on the lips. "Isn't that right, my witted Spikey-Whikey?" "Oh yeah, Maney-waney." Spike baby talked. "Umm, can you please hold down the romance like that. It makes me feel a little uncomfortable." Twilight said, trying her best not to hurt their feelings. "Sorry. A little too far." Said Mane-iac. "Our love was truly meant to be." They both looked into each other's eyes again, lost in their own thoughts. Both of them were thinking what the other was thinking about. "Riiiight." Twilight said with a chuckle. They all breakfasted at last, but Camera Len thought it was a little boring, so he turned them off. "What? what's wrong?" Spike asked "It's not you guys, it's the breakfast." Camera clarified. "It's just that breakfast can be very boring on reality TV. I mean, what is so great about eating a bowl full of cereal for five long minutes? Nothing." "Fair enough." Spike agreed. Then they all continued eating their own different breakfasts. Mane-iac had a zesty cucumber sandwich, Spike had some lucky horseshoe cereal with yummy marshmallows, and Twilight had an omelette with ketchup and some cheese in it After that was done, they all went outside. It was then when Her best friends came up. "I call dibs on the camera!" Rainbow said "Over my dead body!" Rarity protested. Then they both snarled at each other like two male wolves, and then they began fighting again. Twilight nodded her head sideways in irritation and she groaned "Here we go again." Mane-iac complained "Oh don't worry, they'll stop." said Camera Len. "Hopefully." Spike muttered. "Fluttershy!" a deep stallion voice called. It was Big Macintosh. "Hey, I wanna thank you for helping out with Winona today. and... I wanted to bring you some flowers for it" it looked like he was blushing "Aww, thank you, Big Mac." Fluttershy replied, really flattered. They both looked away from each other, both flushing like rosy-red tomatoes. Camera Len noticed it and had a very good idea for the show. "Alright you two!" Applejack said, referring to Applejack and Rarity, then she went in between the two to break up the fighting "Enough! You're on TV for buck's sake!" "Sorry." both Rainbow and Rarity said in unison, then they both looked at each other with sorrowful expressions. "Well, wanna get some cupcakes with us?" Pinkie asked them with excitement as she would usually be in. "I have ones with chocolate frosting and lots of sprinkles on top." she licked her lips and wagged her tail rapidly. "Ooh! I can almost taste it!" They all, minus the camera staff, laughed at her remark. Then they all went to Sugarcube Corner to go for a treat. When they arrived, they all had their own type of cupcakes. "Hey Pinkie." said Rainbow. The pink earth pony gobbled her cupcake like a pig in an instant. "Hm?" "Think fast!" Without warning, Rainbow pelted a cupcake right at her face. with frosting all over it. Rainbow Dash laughed up a storm and pointed her hoof at her "you look funny!" Without warning her, Pinkie pelted a cupcake at her back, and the, she, and the other pony friends were laughing at the ironic thing that just happened to her. "Hahaha! Now you look silly!" Pinkie laughed. It all turned into a food fight at Sugarcube Corner, even Spike and Mane-iac joined in on the fun, who was like a real cupcake pelting super villain using tendrils to pelt as much cupcakes at anypony as possible. Of course, they all tried not to hit the camera crew. Everypony was having fun with this little food fight, thanks to Rainbow Dash. For Camera Len and his associates, this was good for the show as well. After all, who doesn't love a good fight? "You getting this?" He asked his associates "Oh yeah! All on camera." Said Action Shot "Perfect! I am loving this!" *** A little later on, Fluttershy and Big Mac were helping out with the animals at the cottage together as friends. It was just then her door was knocked three times The yellow pegasus answered it. It was the Reality crew. "Oh, hello, Camera Len, what are you doing here?" "So sorry to bother you, Fluttershy, but we just had a good idea, and- Ah! I see Big Mac is here too. This idea involves both of you." "Really?" Said Big Mac, brushing Harry's back with a brush." "Yep! So we were thinking of you guys pretending to be a couple on the show." The red stallion dropped his brush as both Flutterhsy and his own heart sank to their feet. "Pretending to be a couple?" He asked "no no no. I don't think I would like that." Then looked at Flutterhy "but- nothing personal Fluttershy of course, but I always see each other as good friends." "Oh yes, I agree." Fluttershy replied "and I don't mean to hurt your feelings." "And I don't mean to hurt yours." "Oh, you don't have to be a real couple, just defend to be one when in the camera. Like, try kissing each other some time. The viewers will really love it." Camera Len urged. Fluttershy and Big Mac looked at each other, both flushing a crimson red on their cheeks, then they both laughed nervously. "Think about it, we'll pay you both extra money than both the rest of your friends, except for Spike and Mane-iac since they are the co-stars of the show of course." "Well, it would be nice to afford more food and cages and have more support for all my critter friends." The animals inside agreed. "And I can always have a new plow for the fields and someone to help with the apple harvesting even faster." Big Mac added "There you go! And don't worry, you don't have to do so much kissing, but maybe make out once in a while, and besides, this is just a pretend romance." "Well, doesn't reality mean, you know.... Real?" Big Mac said "Real can be boring, and there are some truths that some people can't take, so we cover that up by stretching the truth." "Well, I would hate to hurt other people's feelings." Fluttershy thought." "So would I." "Then it's settled, will you guys do this?" It took a long while, and then finally, Fluttershy replied "okay. I suppose I can make this work. Besides, I kinda think Big Mac is cute." "And the same thing for you, Fluttershy." Big Mac replied to "Perfect!" > Not Working Out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At night, Spike and Mane-iac were having a little sex in bed together. Mane-iac was gently moving her head up and down as she was slowly sucking his dragonhood. Spike moaned in pleasure and ecstasy, his wife's warm and soft mouth never ceases to arouse him when they are both fooling around. She herself was having quite a lot of fun in the act. Mane-iac felt her pussy getting a little wet, making a small, noticeable stain on the large bed. His cock was like candy for her, and she will get a bigger reward soon enough for as long as she kept sucking on and on from his shaft. Sweat was dropping down from Spike's face, but he wasn't sweating enough to be like he was in a steam room or a swamp type of area such as a bayou. Oh hoe he wished this would never end. He and Mane-iac were getting the lusty feeling within them. "Mane-iac!" Spike said "I am going to-! Ahh!" Spike exclaimed, just about ready to climax. "Say no more, sweetie, say no more." Mane-iac cooed. "I will fix that. Just cum all in my mouth, alright?" "Got it!" The deranged yet beautiful mare put his entire shaft back in her mouth and was sucking out of it once more. Aometimes, she would pour some icing on the cake by by licking around the tip of the head while moaning and sighing. These actions made Spike gasp and do orgasms, until finally, he could hold it in no longer. He ejaculated a load of cum in Mane-iac's mouth, and she herself came her own happy juice from her wet pussy. The evil mare gulped it all down her mouth and and licked the drips on her lips back in to her mouth. "That was so magical." She said. "Thanks." The baby dragon panted in reply. He laid flat on his back as he was catching his breath. It took a little, and when it was done, a Spike asked "wanna go the other way aroubd, my wife?" "Oh ho hi, you naughty dragon." Mane-iac giggled. "Of course you can pleasure me in return." Then she slowly got on top of him and slowly slides his cock into her pussy making Spike gasp in pleasure. "I will try so hard not to force it upon yourself, sweetie." "Thank you." Then she slowly went up and down, crooning upon his small body. Sticky noises were hears around the large master bedroom, and it sounded satisfying for both of them, in fact; both of them wished this would never have to end. "So big!" Mane-iac panted as she kept on bouncing and bouncing for as much as she can. Spike's tongue was out and more sweat kept dripping down from his body. He tilted his head sideways, and continued panting from all this horsing around. More and more sticky noises were heard all over the room that it was the one thing making this room not sound silent like the nighttime would always be like. "Keep it coming, Mane-iac. Keep it going!" Spike begged. "Yes! Anything for you!" Mane-iac shouted with ecstasy. She began bouncing even faster and then it caught her by surprise that Spike ejaculated again. She let a long and loud orgasm out of her system. Oh she loved every bit of this. After this, they were both catching their breath again "Truly marvelous." "Yeah. Amazing." Spike replied. After they were done, Spike remarked "You know that Camera Len said that Fluttershy and Big Mac are going to be a fake couple for the show?" "Oh yes, I heard. He said it would create a publicity juggernaut for the show, even if they are not really in love." "Isn't a reality show supposed to be... real?" "Exactly, but apparently, Camera Len and his cohorts said that some ponies are not able to handle a certain truth, so that is why they are stretching some of those claims." "Hmm." "But of course, we are the stars of the show. Everypony knows that. As a matter of fact, all of Ponyville, Canterlot, and other major cities adore us both." Mane-iac said "Oh we are getting more and more famous. Just look at how the ratings of the show and the critically acclaimed reviews about us." "I know. I saw." The baby dragon then tucked himself in under the covers, with his head visible. With a yawn, he said "Right now I just want to get some shuteye." Mane-iac made a yawn of her own and then tucked herself in too. She pulled Spike close to her, and wrapped parts of her mane and tail around him like a cocoon. "Goodnight, Spikey-whikey." "Goodnight." He replied to her, then they both fell asleep. The next morning, Spike and Mane-iac were at their club. Spike was just practicing his guitar skills for tonight. As usual, he could hardly wait to perform for all of Ponyville again. Not only that, but seeing the mares dancing on the dance floor, the food, and the non-alcoholic beverages as well. Twilight, Fluttershy and her friends were also present, not to mention the reality camera crew. Some of the camera stallions were getting his good sides on different parts in front of the stage. Spike was shredding through his axe and Mane-iac was cheering him on, as a matter of fact, Spike never ceased to be amazing on guitar or anything that has to do with rock or heavy metal. "Bravo!" Mane-iac cheered for him after he was taking a break, everypony else also cheered on. Spike did the gun gesture at her with a wink and then did a pose that had to do with rock n roll with his tongue out like Gene Simmons. "Thank you!" he said. "Cheers!" then he put his instrument back to the stand, and unplugged the chord from the amplifier. "Spike! You are a gifted musician, dude!" Rainbow congratulated him. "You never stop playing so awesome on that guitar." "Oh yes." Fluttershy agreed. "So wonderful and musical." she clopped her hooves adorable three times to show more appreciation. "Aw, thanks guys." Spike flushed. "Cut!" Camera said "That's a wrap!" he went up to congratulate Spike on his little performance as well. "Spike, my boy, you truly are a guitar wizard." The baby dragon blushed "Oh well, you know. I have so many talents within me." Twilight smirked and rolled her eyes sideways. "Just imagine how this will turn out for tonight." Camera Len thought of how this performance will work out. "A thousand to a million viewers watching you play and shred on that cool guitar like crazy!" He made silly pinch harmonic sounds while playing air guitar. Twilight cleared her throat. "We get the point." She said in an unamused tone. The director realized he was embarrassing himself in front of everypony. Some of his workers were snickering to each other. "And they called me a spaz! Mwahahahaha!" Mane-iac cackled. Everypony then laughed along with her. "Anyway, we cannot wait for the performance." "Neither can we!" Pinkie bounced with excitement. "Yes. Me and a Big Mac will really love it." "Eeyup." Then the cameras lifted and looked at the two. "Alright you guys." Said Camera "kiss, now!" He made a few kissing noises to them to make sure they got the message Fluttershy and Big Mac understood what he meant, and they immediately locked their lips towards each other. The sound of kissing was so sexy between them. At first they were uncomfortable, nut they sunk deeper into the feeling and thought it was kind of nice. "ahem! don't forget about my close-up." Rarity sung "Uh-uh." Rainbow pushed her face away. "It's time for MY close-up, Rarity." They both glared at each other and then continued fighting. Applejack intervened again, and one of the camera stallions noticed Pinkie floating upside down on the floor. "He boss!" He whispered to Len. "Look at this." "Oh my goodness, I am loving this.' He thought. "How does she even do that?" "Oh Spike, isn't reality grand?" "You mean when it is not so sing like this?" Spike asked "Well, I enjoy this kind of destruction." Spike chuckled. "Stop!" Twilight shouted. They all stopped what they were doing. nd the camera crew cut the footage in an instant. "Please! Let's not make it chaotic. You guys are all missing the point. Please, don't you all see what this reality show is doing to us?" "Oh tut tut, princess." Said Camera Len, trying to calm her down. "This is just TV after all. We are all just doing it for show business. We would never come in between you and you friends." Twilight was not convinced and she had a very unamused look in her eyes. "Uh huh, sure." She replied flatly. "Don't worry, Twilight." Said Rainbow. "We are just trying to keep the fans happy with all the drama." "Who doesn't love a good little drama?" Said Rarity. "Yes but-, "And besides, I really don't mind kissing Big Mac." "Me neither." Said the red stallion. "Even though you guys are not real?" "Sure. I mean, we are not real and are just good friends." The princess of Friendship was not so convinced and looked at Camera Len. "Camera, you, me, outside. Now!" She and Len walked outside to have a talk. "What on Celestia's name is going on here? Are you trying to make us look like idiots?" "No, of course not." "Look at what is happening on the show, Rarity and Rainbow Dash can't stop fighting for the camera, and Fluttershy and Big Mac have to pretend they are in love." "It's just show business. No biggie." "No biggie?!" Twilight said, raising her voice "No biggie?!! This is going to tear us apart if we keep this up. All of this has to stop!" "Please. We promise we will lighten up on the drama. Besides, look at how much money you guys are earning." "Yeah but.... I care more about my friends than money." "Okay. I understand, but look at how happy Spike and Mane-iac are. Surely you guys wouldn't want to break his spirit, right?" She was reluctant, but ultimately she replied "no." "Excellent! Now, we might as well get on with the show. We can all hardly wait to see Spike perform for tonight." "Fine. But if this show is threatening our friendship, their will be trouble." Camera Len gulped "yes, your majesty.' He said in a shaky voice. "Good." Then they both went back into the club. Behind her back, Camera Len muttered " I can film anypony however I want. Whenever I want. I a, Camera Len, the greatest director ever." He made an evil grin and said "as long as I am making money, I can do whatever I want." "What?" Twilight said "Oh nothing, nothing." She gave him a suspicious look and then continued walking. "Sorry about that." "We'll be fine, Twilight." Said Fluttershy. "Don't you worry. This will be good for the animals on the cottage, buying more food and shelter for all of them." "And a few extra tools for work around the farm." Big Mac added "especially a field plow." "Okay. Just please be careful." "Of course, darling." Rarity smiled "this show will never change our friendship." "Yeah, no matter now crazy things will be." Applejack added Twilight smiled at them, and remarked "well, okay. But still, thank about what you are doing" "We know exactly what we are doing." Rainbow clarified "Pony power!" Pinkie exclaimed "Oh Spike, would you like an ice cold root beer?" Mane-iac asked "Yes please." He replied Then she used her tendrils to death Spike the iced drink he wanted, and gave it to her and took a sip. "Can we have some cider?" "No!" Mane-iac shouted. "You get nothing for waking us up this morning!" They all cowered on fear. Not wanting to face her insane wrath. If there was anything that they would be sure of, it would not be to upset the Mane-iac no matter what. Later that Night Rights for this song go to Frankie Goes to Hollywood It was that time again, the night was shining, and the club was already having music blared on the dance floor within. Many mares were wearing Mane-iac suits and some were wearing unitards which were sleeveless in the front. Many Stallions were having an awesome time having a non-alcoholic drink and hanging with their friends. Meanwhile, Twilight was wearing her Mane-iac suit as well, the same thing for her friends. As a matter of fact, she was talking with her friends on a dinner table. "Guys, listen, I think Camera Len is just using us." "Why would you think that?" asked Spike "He is giving us a lot of bits for this show, but what if it's just to make us look like idiots and behave like animals? I mean, this isn't reality TV at all, just.... planet Crazy-tron! Oh, and not like Mane-iac, no offense, but more crazy than you." "Don't be silly, Twilight." Mane-iac protested. "Nopony knows what crazy is better than moi." she rolled her red and green eyes in a crazy fashion while giggling insanely. Rarity made a scoff. "yes, it is just nonsense, we are behaving just fine." "Well right now, yeah, but one of these days if this keeps up, it could ruins our friendship, maybe forever!" Fluttershy took a sip of her lemonade while Rainbow did the same thing with her apple cider. "Come now, Twilight. I know this sounds a little unsure for you, but I think you are probably just being a little too cautious. Maybe a nice time together here and watching Spike's performance would be nice." Twilight was thinking about this in her head, and decided "Yeah, I guess so." "Come on y'all, I feel like dancing." said Applejack. "Maybe a little move busting will get your mind off this worrying, Twi." "Sure." Twilight ultimately agreed with a smile. Then they all danced together on the dance floor, and were having the best time of their lives just listening to the thumping bass, and it was making Twilight worry less. Dancing is a method to ease somepony's mind after all. Maybe Twilight was wrong, and maybe she is just worrying too much. Yet again, maybe finches might fly out of her hooves. Spike was a little nervous as usual, but he wanted to do this for the fans. After all, he will get more recognition for the guitar skills he can produce. He put the strap around his small body, and tuned his instrument, just at the right pitch for each string. His band was ready as well, and now the show is about to begin. Just then the music stopped playing and the announcer said "Good evening everypony, my name is Hair Stylish. Presenting the usual performance today, the guitar wizard himself, and the little brother to the princess of friendship, Spike!" then the crowd went crazy for him. The baby dragon came up from backstage and waved at the audience. "Hello, Ponyville!" he shouted. Another wild cry was heard among the crowd. Are you ready to Rock n Roll?!" "Yeah!!" everypony replied. Then he began to play Rights for this song go to Guns N Roses After it was done, Everypony went wilder than ever, and the cameras that were on different corners of the stage of the audience were turned off. "Thank you and goodnight Ponyvile!!" Spike said, sticking his tongue out and bowing his head before leaving the stage to put his instrument back. When he was done, his friends came up to congragulate him as usual. "Spike you were amazing!" said Twilight "Spike my boy, you did it again!" Camera Len congratulated "Of course, we let out the foul words out so we don't get in trouble." "That's cool. I knew you would do that. I hope you guys got a good shot of me." "Oh we got good shots and movements of you alright. As a matter of fact, all of the viewers across Equestria will love to hear and see this. Oh how more famous you will be when this gets out. "Well, we gotta get going now. Catch you all on the flip side." then they all exited the bar. Twilight did not like him one little bit, and had many doubts for him and his partners. "Hey, Spike, listen. I know you said you would be fine, but I still don't know about these guys." "Come on, Twilight, You heard him, I will be more famous." "That you will, Spike." Mane-iac agreed, kissing him on his lips. "Yes but still. It worries me." "Aw, come on." Spike said "I'll be just fine. Despite this morning, he understood to respect our privacy. Besides, he was only trying to wake us up this morning." "Yeah, but still." Then the music went back up, blaring across the interior, then everypony went back to dancing again. This however, did not make Twilight drop her suspicion. She looked at Spike in worriment. "Hey Mane-iac, wanna go make out at the VIP lounge?" Spike said "Oh with pleasure. Nothing will make me naughtier than that. Hahaha." then they both went into their little private room for some "Fooling around" "Oh Spike." Twilight muttered with a breath > Ending the Show > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Popularity was growing among Spike, Mane-iac, and their close friends on the Reality show. They were all happy getting paid with the right amount of money as promised they would get if they performed in front of the camera, and staying in character while performing. While Twilight Sparkle still had her doubts, she continued to perform on the show as well, but only because Spike was okay with it, and his beautiful yet crazy wife of his. Today, she and the other cast were taking a day off. It was rather a good thing because she desperately needed the break. Twilight would probably get to reading some of her own books again, and a little catching up with some recent studies on the side. For instant, she was getting a few letters from dragon Princess Ember since Spike befriended her on that quest for the gauntlet of fire. Personally, Twilight was rather intrigued by the new Dragon Lord's information she was receiving. Ember wrote in her correspondences by saying that since she is the dragon lord now, many of her subjects started to have a more positive or okay view on how they are. "Hoo!" Said Owlicious. "I know, I mean, this is great knowing more about dragons now Ember is the new ruler of the Dragon Lands." Twilight replied with enthusiasm. She looked over the recent letter and gasped with excitement to view another intriguing detail. Taking out her pen, she wrote it down as a next piece on her notes for writing a book about Dragons someday. "I'll have to thank Ember the next time I see her." She thought out loud very proudly. Meanwhile, Spike was just doing laundry. Of course it's not really for him since he doesn't really wear clothes most of the time. These were mostly just the Mane-iac's line of her usual supervillain suits, along with Twilight's own sexy Mane-iac suit from Rarity, which is still going popular (not as much as before, but many mares across Equestria still wear it. There was also a few jackets and coats like on the rainy days, or in the autumn, or winter. As soon as Spike started the machine, he happily walked out of the room, whistling to a nice tune. In his head, he was thinking about what Twilight said whether this reality show idea was a bad idea from the start. "Hmm, it was a rather.... weird encounter at the Crystal Empire." He thought out loud. With a little change ofbheart, he said "nah, this show is good for us. We're getting more money, and my friends are getting more fame and recognition. Not to mention it's around me and Mane-iac. Hell, Twilight's just worrying a little too much. He made a small chuckle. "Spike, sweetheart." Called a sweet woman's voice. It was Mane-iac, looking happy to see her husband as ever. "I see you are doing laundry?" "Uh-huh. Well, I just put them in the washing machine, just gotta wait for them to be cleaned and then dry them out, you know how it goes." Mane-iac made a snall cackle. "Of course I do, who wouldn't, say, I have a very funny prank to pull if you would like to hear it." "Sure, what?" Then Mane-iac whispered in his ear, and whatever she was telling him, Spike began to grow a devious smile on his face obviously liking the idea. She zoomed her head out of his ear "oh how Rarity would freak out when she sees it! Hahaha!" "Yeah, she will take multiple baths a day!" Spike chuckled. "When do we do it?" "Well, isn't she still taking one of her Sunday morning beauty naps?" "Yeah, why?" "We'll do it in a little while. Meantime, why don't we have a little walk around town? Nothing like a little Ponyville stroll, hmm?" Spike nodded his head in agreement "got that right. Oh! And do you think we can stay at the boutique so we can watch Rarity's reaction? It will be priceless!" "Ooh ho ho of course." Said Mane-iac with a devious Grinch-like smile. "Exactly as we will plan it." Then they all went for a walk around town before they pull their little unknown prank. Both of them notified Twilight that they were going, and she was perfectly alright with it, but of course, they did not tell them about the little prank on Rarity. Oh how could they possibly get tired of the nice, Equestrian breeze in the air. Over at the park, near the large fountain, Spike looked over his reflection in the water. Maybe perhaps, this show wasn't a terrific idea after all. Twilight was the smart one of the group after all, that's why she had all those books within her library, so much that it would make an excellent small knoll of novels, or bigger. "Everything alright, Spikey-poo?" "What? yeah, I'm just fine." the baby dragon replied. "I was just thinking." "About what?" "Well.... What if Twilight was right? Maybe there is something going on in this Reality TV thing. I just can't put my finger on it." "Nonsense, my dear." Mane-iac reassured him while blanketing him with her tendrils. Just look at how happy we are with it. Not just us but our friends as well. "I know, I know. But, I mean, I don't know why I am agreeing with Twilight. It just came to me." "Don't you worry." She kissed him on his forehead. "If the Reality camera crew were trying to deceive us, I would drive them off with knives and chainsaws, hahaha!" Do to her craziness, she imagined herself hacking the camera crew to Illinois of meat pieces, and blood being spilled all around. Oh how she wished she could do that. "Okay, let's not get too carried away, now." Spike reminded "Right, I apologize. Nothing like a good mayhem." "Hey, right. So, what am I worried about? It's all on my head, and Twilight's head, too. Heh, she is probably reading so much that she probably doesn't have enough room for anymore ideas. Probably even burned herself out!" They both had a good laugh. "Exactly! That is exactly my theory. See what you get for over-studying?" "And they said TV rots the brain." They laughed once more. After the joking around, they all decided to put that prank into action. They heard Rarity about to take a shower, sighing lovingly. Mane-Ian carefully used a tendril to go through Rarity's bathroom window, and she removed the real shampoo and replaced it with a fake one. Luckily, Rarity didn't see, so they remained undiscovered. After a few minutes, they both decided to come inside to see the reaction for themselves. "Oh, hey guys," Sweetie Belle noticed. "What are you doing here?" "We pranked Rarity." Spike muttered to her. Both he and Mane-iac were snickering and giggling about what will happen next." "Ooh, what kind of prank?" Sweetie asked with a grin. Mane-iac made her evil Grinch smile again, and replied "you'll see. Come watch the Show with us." "Yay! This should be fun." Said the unicorn filly. They all went upstairs, and waited in front of the bathroom door to see the outcome, "Okay, now, she is turning off the water, she is getting out," Spike noted. "Now, she is looking at her reflection in the mirror and-" "Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!" Came a scream of pure horror. At this, Spike, Sweetie, and Mane-iac were laughing themselves silly. The door flew open and it revealed that Rarity's mane went from purple to green. This made them laugh even more. Now here mane looked like the same color as the Mane-iac, well, a little more acid green in color at least. "Spike! Mane-iac! Look at what you did to my beautiful mane!" Rarity exclaimed, feeling on the verge of a panic attack. "Ho ho ho, green Rarity." Spike sang in a tauntingly tone of voice "Grr, maybe whoopie coushins are one thing, and maybe pranks from Pinkie Pie are one thing, but when you mess with a mare's shampoo, you are messing with the MARE!!!" "Oh come now, Rarity, Green is a wonderful color." Mane-iac remarked. "I mean this looks like a new you." Rarity however, did not buy it. "Oh you are too much, Mane-iac!" Then she ran down the stairs, screaming in horror and disgust because of how her mane looks. The three laughed again. "That was hilarious!" Said Sweetie Belle. "Oh you got her good!" "Yes, and you should have heard her scream! hahaha!" Spike said "oh it sounded silly. She really thought it was the end of the world!" "You know my sister, she is the queen of all drama queens." Sweetie chuckled "I heard that!" Rarity called out from downstairs. Sweetie rolled her eyes sideways with a smirk in response to that feedback. "You might want to get out of here before she goes on a rampage." She whispered to Spike's ear. The baby dragon and his wife hurriedly went out the door, victorious about what they have accomplished Meanwhile, Rarity peeked out the front door while angrily shaking her hoof in the air, with her mane still green. "You'll pay for this!" She shouted before going back inside with a loud slam. Tired from running, they both catches their breath. "Wow, you were absolutely genius, Mane-iac!" "Oh I flush. And you were amazing also, putting green hair dye into that shampoo, haha! Poor Rarity might have to hpget use to having green hair for a few days, Spike continued laughing "yeah, we both did a good job. Well, let's get some ice cream to celebrate," Mane-iac made a small gasp of joy "ooh, I so feel like chocolate with sprinkles on top." Then they both went to the ice cream parlor. However, Spike's ear got the attention of something. He heard Camera Len's voice. Curious, he wanted to know what was happening. As thought they were talking about Spike and Mane-iac and the rest of the Show. Mane-iac noticed this and asked him "what are you doing?" "Shh, it's Camera Len talking about us." Spike whispered. The unhinged mare decided to listen in too. "Come on, guys. Can you even believe how gullible those idiots are just agreeing to be on the show?" Both Spike and Mane-iac were shocked to hear that, and responded with a quiet gasp "I know, boss. Rainbow Dash and Rarity might even kill one another, and who wouldn't even want to see fighting like that?" Said one of his employees. "We're gonna be rich!" "Right, but don't forget about the shocking ending season finale." The boss meant. Both the pair looked at each other from outside in confusion, both going like "what shocking ending?" "What's that Camera?" Asked a boom operator There was a pause so long that Spike and Mane-iac could hear the sound of hooves passing by in the streets, "At the end, one of stars will be kicked off, and have a new replacement! And then, we will humiliate them even more with fake details about them, like in an inquirer. Oh, we will be richer than Celestial and Luna, I can't even think about who wouldn't want a good gossip, or how fun it is to watch two mares get in a cat fight? Heh, I think Rarity should get voted off." Both Spike and Mane-iac gasped, completely shocked at what they were hearing. Twilight was right all along. What could this mean? Is there love in jeapordy? > Getting Rid of Camera Len > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boy oh boy, things were not looking good for these two lovebirds. Now that Spike and Mane-iac knew Camera Len's true intentions with the show, they all hurriedly went back to find Twilight and her friends. It was a good thing because They both saw all six of them coming out of the castle. There was also Big Macintosh talking with Fluttershy and Applejack. "Twilight! Guys! We need to talk to you!" Spike shouted to them. "What's wrong, Spike?" Fluttershy asked confusingly. Spike was panting as he was catching his breath from all the fast running with the Mane-iac. "Camera Len, he- he-" "He what?" Twilight asked him "Come on, man! Speak!" Big Mac urged. "What he is trying to say, Big Mac," Said Mane-iac "That Camera Len is playing us all for complete and other morons, and a bunch of savage animals." The others were quite confused by this detail. "What? Pfft. How could he possibly be toying with us?" Rainbow scoffed. "And how do I know that this is not another one of your victimless pranks?" Rarity asked. Her mane and a tail were still green, and she was still a little mad at Mane-iAd and Spike for it. "You guys gotta believe us. We heard Camera Len and his camera crew talking about at the season finally, one of us will get kicked out of the show, and then humiliated so bad you can turn into a laughing stock." Twilight, Pinkie, and their friends gasped in confusion and disbelief. "Are you sure?" Asked Applejack. "He really said that?" Mane-iac's voice became a little more louder when she said "We were eavesdropping on him and his cronies, it is all true. Would I have ever lied to you? No! No! No! I might be a crazy villain, I am modest." All of their friends thought of it, and since Mane-iac changed a lot since she and Spike are lovers, she has been a really goodmare than a homicidal psychopath wanting to kill every pony in a fictional town called Maretropolis. Just like Discord, Trixie, and Starlight Glimmer, Mane-iac was a reformed mare that is living a new happy and better life with Spike as her adorable husband. Perhaps she wasn't lying after all, and neither was Spike. By the looks from both their eyes, they were not lying about this speculation "Are you sure that Camera Len and the other camera ponies are just using us?" Fluttershy asks just in case. "Yes. Look, I'll prove it to you all." Then Spike pulled out a tape recorder from behind his back out of nowhere "Ooh, where did you get that?" Asked Pinkie The baby dragon realized this and looked at the device in confusion. "I... have no idea." He said with uncertainty. "What's important is that we have proof." Then he pressed the play button and it was exactly right at the quote Camera Len noted about voting one of the main characters in the show. Shocked, duped, and hurt on the inside, they felt like a circus troupe of idiots. Twilight was thinking about how she was right all along about this reality show being a not-so-good idea. "Well, I am not really one of gloat, but... I told you so, I told you so, I told you so!" Spike was unamused and rolled his eyes back in irritation while crossing his arms. Mane-iac was just as annoyed by this as he was. They all heard her floating n doing a victory dance. "Go Twilight! Go Twilight! Go Twilight!" "Will you shut the hell up?!" Spike snapped at her. "Okay okay, sorry." Twilight said, a little intimidated by the way he raised his voice at her. "Look, we all need a plan to end this show and Camera Len's own dream of becoming a millionaire because of this, and expose him as the liar he really is." Rarity thought of this and said "Mane-iac's right. We all just need to come up with a plan." "Eeyup." Big Mac agreed, "I know just how to do it!" Then he pulled out a ton of knives from her tendrils, looking more than ready to stab Camera Len or any one of his co-workers behind this scam. However, Applejack stopped her and told her to out the knives away. "Please, Mane-iac." Applejack begged. "I know how ya feel, but let's not go jumping to conclusions now." The unhinged mare made a small growl of relentless and put all the knives she had with her away, and decided to go with another plan that soempony might as well come up with. "Applejack is right." Said Fluttershy, shyly, and softly. "We need to do this in a civilized manner." "Which is?" Asked Pinkie "March straight into his office, and tell him we quit." Big Mac answered. The others all shouted in agreement. This might not work, but they will have to try and give it a shot to talk to the big shot producer behind the camera Rarity stepped up by saying "but, do you think I can take a quick shower first? Green is definitely not my forte." "No!" The others replied. Rarity jumped with a fright from that sudden reaction "Alright. Alright." "Come on, let's get that asshole a piece of our mind!" Rainbow said with enthusiasm "Way ahead of you, Rainbow Dash. Let's give him a taste of Hell." Mane-Ian agreed. "Remember, we do this professionally." Twilight pointed "Oh right. Of course." The unhinged mare remembered. In front of the office the camera crew was staying in, they all were more than ready to give Camera Len a piece of their mind. Mane-iac swung the door open with a mighty push from her mane combined into a large hand in a shape of fist. All of the camera crew and their boss looked to see a bunch of angry faces, looking like they went to beat them all to a pulp. "Spike, Mane-iac, what a nice surprise" said Camera Len in his enthusiastic voice. "What can I help you all with?" "You know very well what you can help us with, Camera Len." Twilight said firmly. "What are you talking about?" "We're talking about you playing us all like idiots!" Rainbow said. "We know what you were really up to." the cyan pegasus smudged against the producer's face. "Eeyup! And we want out of you're little Reality show idea!" Big Mac added. Camera was also quite intimidated by Big Mac's strength and sound of his deep voice. Him giving them the evil eye made it even more intimidating. "What makes you say me and my friends are just using you guys?" asked Camera Len, playing innocent. "Me and Spike heard all about you're true intentions on why you created this reality show!" Mane-iac said. "And give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip you in two till your intestines or organs come out!" "Easy Mane-iac." Twilight said "Look, I never said anything about using all you guys. Besides, why would I even plan something as evil as that?" "Because you wanted more money and publicity!" Fluttershy replied. "You only care about money, not about my romance between me and Big Mac, or if Rarity or Rainbow Dash got hurt from their fighting, only for the money!" At this, the creator couldn't lie any longer. at first he was trying to come up with a pathetic excuse, but finally he said "Alright alright, you all caught me. It was all a ploy." "Right, now, we want out of the show." Twilight said "You can't." said Camera Len in a smug tone of voice. "You guys all signed a contract to he apart of the show, and a contract is something you just can't take back. It's a commitment, and you all have to honor a commitment." They all looked at each other, realizing he wasn't lying about that detail. They all signed their names on that hellish contract, now they wished they never had to agree to be on this "Show" in the first place. "Well.... you won't get away with this!" said Big Mac. Camera Len smirked and removed his shades from his eyes. "I think we all know that I already have." he made an evil laugh of his own, a more dark and sinister one than Mane-iac's own crazy and maniacal laughter. Then his own crew laughed along with him. Spike, Mane-iac, Twilight, Fluttershy, and their friends were unnerved by this. The baby dragon however, despite this, refused to give in to these agreements and fully regrettd this little idea as well. He may know that there is no possibly way to get out of this contract, he still wouldn't give in. He said "I can't accept this. Twilight, you're the princess of friendship, you can get it us out of this, can you?" "Oh I wish I could, Spike. But he is right, a contract is like a commitment. There are things that even I can't do about it." "And Come on, let's not be so.... irrational." Said Camera Len. "You guys are still getting money yourself, a lot of it. And for anypony who might get voted off, you'll still have as much fun on the show while it lasts." "My money would be on Rarity." Said Applejack "Hey!" Rarity exclaimed with offense. "I am pretty sure you would lose that bet, Applejack. After all, who could possibly resist my beauty and my glamorous dresses?" The orange earth pony rolled her eyes away from her. "I know, I know. What am I even saying?" "Look, I do not even remember signing anything about being voted off before." "Well let me show you on the contract, Fluttershy, so I can show you, and the rest of you guys." Camera Len then gave them all the contracts they signed their signature on, and Spike noticed the tiny sentence that stated I agree on the term for if I get voted off in the season finale and accept it. The last sentence was a little too tiny then they others could look at that it almost looked like scribbles instead of perfect hoof-writing Mane-iac looked at the director in a dirty glare while Camera Len himself made a smile on his face. "Really clever, making this last piece of the contract smaller than the rest. Well played." Then she threw it on the floor with disdain. Camera Len made a chuckle "years of practice, my dear Mane-Ian, years of practice." "I can't believe you would do this! You mean meanie pants!" "Uh, I'm in show business, Pinkie. What do you all expect?" "A knife down you're throat, perhaps?" Said Mane-iac "Ah ah ah, I wouldn't do that if I were you, Mane-iac," the show creator lightly threatened Big Mac "Why is that you slimy son of a bitch?" "Because if you all try to lay a hoof, or claw, or a hair on me, then I will spread the news of how my own cast would hurt an innocent, and handsome director like me, or his wonderful friends, then all of your fans will sympathize with me, they will hate you, and you're reputation will go down the toilet." "Well, you're not an innocent director." Rainbow pointed out. "In fact, you're slimy, sleazy, conniving, and dishonest." "Oh call me what you all want." Camera Len spat "you're fans will not believe you if you say those things about me, anyway. Besides, I've been called worse, especially what you said, Mac. As a matter of fact. What kind of example is this for Spike here? A kid like him hearing such language?" "Pfft, I'm okay with it." Spike said. "And he is my husband, more than just a mere boy." Mane-Ian pointed, pulling Spike close to her "Oh whatever, save me the romance and lovey-dovey bullshit." "Bullshit?!" Mane-iac said. "I will show you who is bullshit!" The unhinged mare tried to attack him Nd possibly kill him, but her friends and husband were restraining her from doing so. "Calm down, calm down!" Twilight begged. "Please!" Mane-iac started to let her anger die away, and took a deep breath. "I'm calm." "Now, I suppose you should go back to enjoying your days off. Got a big day tomorrow, and more money to fill my pockets." Camera Len chuckled. They all exited the building, bitter and angry at this big shot producer. Before she got out however, Spike stopped with Mane-Ian, glaring at him, and said "I am warning you, this is not over." "Didn't I tell you? We both know that it is over" said Camera in a snobbish tone. Then after the two wal,ed out, the door slammed shut behind them. "Know what are we going to do?" Said Applejack. "Well, you heard him, we have no choice, we have to go through the show." Then Spike had an idea. "No." he said They all looked at him in a confused look on their face. "What do you mean?" Fluttershy asked. The baby dragon pulled out a pen and a piece of paper. "I mean I have an idea. I'm gonna get some pony to help us with our problem." Then he begun writing down to whoever he might send it too. "You mean get a Minotaur to beat Camera and his crew up till their mothers won't recognize them?" "Even scarier, Rainbow. Even. Scarier." "Nine-thousand nine hundred ninety-eight." Said Camera Len counting all the bits he made from this show. "Nine-thousand nine hundred ninety-nine," but before he could go up to ten thousand, the door flung open, causing his towers of golden bits to fall on the table and the ground. "Oh crud." He muttered "Camera Len, we need to talk." Said a voice that sounded like Spike. The director recognized the voice, and he sighed with irritation. "Now what, what do you guys want this time?" While turning his chair to face them again, he said "I told you you signed a contraAAAAHHH!" His heart fell to his knees inside what he was facing. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were with them now. They were not happy at all, as a matter of fact, they gave Camera Len a really angry and dirty look. Camera Len gulped. "P-p-princess Celestia and p-p-princess Luna!" He said, really intimidated. "What a pleasant surprise." Then he got off the chair and bowed to them in respect. "Camera Len," said Celestia very sternly. The director was becoming more scared now just hearing her voice like this. "Spike wrote me a letter saying you and your crew have been using Spike, Mane-iac, and their friends to make a fool out of themselves on a reality show just for your own personal gain." He looked at the baby dragon and glared at him "You sorry son of a bitch." Then Luna zapped him with her magic. "How dare you call Spike such a horrible name!" Said the blue alicorn. "Ow." He muttered, getting back on his knees. Celestia continued by saying "now, is all of this correct?" "No! That is a damn lie, he's just a kid! What does he know?" Then he was zapped again, this time by Celestia. "I know you're lying. Spike told me exactly what you're sleazy plan was." "And you believe him?" Said Camera Len. "Your majesties, you know kids and their wild imaginations. They don't even know what they're saying at times. Oh, and Mane-iac! She's crazy, one of the most evil mares in all of Maretropolis after all. Spike, Mane-iac, and their friends were not buying this one little bit. His lying was simply horrible, considering the fact he was shaking under the feet of Celestia and Luna themselves. "I may be crazy, but, never lie." Mane-iac said "Neither would I" the baby dragon added. "We have known Spike for a long time, Camera Len, and he is the most modest and truthful baby dragon we know." "Aww, thanks, Twilight." "Camera Len, just tell the truth, and you're punishment will not be as bad." Celestia demanded. "Now." The director gulped again. Out of ideas and options, he finally said "Alright! Alright! I confess! I admit everything, okay! It's all true!" "That's all we needed to know." Said Luna. "Now, you can get Spike, Twilight, and the others out of their contracts and cancel this reality show." She zoomed in his face "for good." She added. "B-but, a contract is like a commitment, and-" "Who has real power over Equestria?" Celestia exclaimed. "You." He admitted. "Exactly. Now, terminate their contracts and this show, let Spike, Mane-iac, and their friends go back to their normal lives, or else." "Or else what?" Luna cleared her throat and said "You, and your crew will be thrown to the dungeon for six months." Camera Len gasped with horror, and so did his cohorts, the camera crew. "With stale bread and dish water for every meal." Ultimately, he gave in and said "okay. What do you want me to do?" "Terminate their contracts like we said, and you are going to give refunds to the everypony you swindled so it can support your reality show." Celestia stated. "And finally, you will be exposed as the scoundrel you really are." Unable to do anything anymore, he had no choice. He bowed his head and said "very well." "And you must never do this kind of activity to anypony ever again." "Aww." He said in his head. Now disdain and hatred was building up at the ponies behind the princess'. "Very well." "Now come with us so we can get started." Camera Len followed them outside, and gave a look back at the others. He growled "this is not over." "Oh, but we all know it is." Said Mane-iac "Waah, waah." They all laughed with her. Camera Len continued following after that so he can end this madness once and for all. > Victory Sex > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After all this little affair was taken care, Camera Len and his friends all agreed to never bother Spike, Mane-iac, or their friends ever again thanks to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. However, this could mean a new rivalry between the camera crew and the Ponyville heroes (and super villain) Nontheless, Camera Len and his crew were about to depart. They all had suitcases and Spike and the gang were watching them victorious, knowing they had all won. "Listen Spike," said Camera Len, probably trying to persuade Spike to go along with his failed plan. "We've probably got off on the wrong hoof here and- maybe we can work something out between us. I'll give you five percent more of the money." Spike however, scoffed with his arms crossed together. "Pfft. Forget it, Camera Len. We are done d-o-n-e, done." "Okay, well how about ten more percent of the money? Pretty decent pay." Camera Len made a rather sly smile again They all didn't really say anything, but all looked at the director and his crew with unamused glaring. Then Spike had an evil smile and said "flatly, Mane-Ian, care to do the honors, please?" The unhinged, beautiful mare made a small chuckle. "Well- I suppose. Princess Celestia, may I, your majesties?" Celestia made a sly, playful smirk on her face, and replied "of course, Mane-Iac, be our guest." Mane-iac made a devilish smile showing her teeth and pulled out a punch of knives and swords from behind her, being gripped by each tendril. The camera crew all grew pale like a bone. They all knew what was going to happen with all those knives. "This is the part where you all, oh I don't know- Run away!! Mwahahahahaha!!!" She cackled wickedely. Camera Len and his buddies all screamed at the top of their lungs, then all ran away as fast as they could. Mane-iac was more than happy to chase them all with her weapons firmly gripped on hairs from her mane and tale. "You cannot run from me! Hahahaha!" She exclaimed. Spike, Twilight, the princess, and their friends all laughed at Camera Len's hilarious defeat. Leave it to a psychopath like the Mane-iac to make sure thy will not come back. After they all stopped laughing, Twilight said to the princess' "thank you, your majesties. We don't know what we would do without you." She, along with the others, bowed to both figures in respect of their courtesy "You are quite welcome." Luna replied warmly. "By we believe that it is Spike we should thank. After all, this would not have happen if not for him." They all looked at the baby dragon and smiled warmly with gratitude. They were right, Spike were as very clever calling on the most powerful ponies in Equestria, in fact, experiencing the wrath of either princess would be a fate worse than death. "Ah, you guys." Then they all hugged him. "So, you guys don't think the Mane-iac will butcher Camera Len and his employees, right?" Asked Pinkie "Nah. Nah, i'm pretty sure that is just trying to scare them all off just to make them never come back." Twilight remarked. "Yeah, I told Mane-iac not to make slices of horse meat out of them, anyway. It would not be pretty." "Oh of course not. That would be too gruesome." Fluttershy agreed. Rarity felt like vomiting in her mouth, but held it in and swallowed it back in her stomach. "I would absolutely hate to see such a barbaric scenery such as bloody, mutilated body parts scattered across the ground. Ugh." then she felt like vomiting once more. "I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth. Like I have said, I would not want to see such gory display like I have mentioned before.. "Me too." Applejack agreed. "Or the strong smell of blood in the air." "Okay, please, enough." Said Twilight. "You're all making me squeamish." She gently held her tummy in herself to keep from vomiting as well. "Well, we would really love to mingle with you all, but me and my sister really have to get back to our royal duties in Canterlot. Farewell, everypony. And may the sun guide you all on your way" "And if they try to give you trouble again, let us know and we will help you in any way we can. So long and have happy dreams tonight." Luna concluded. They all said their byes to the sisters and then both of them vanished back to the Canterlot castle. "Okay, all's well that ends well." Spike remarked proudly "Eeyup." Big Mac said. Then he and Dluttershy looked at each other's once last time, and quickly turned them away from one another, looking sheepish and having a nervous shot mile while pawing their hooves on the ground "uhhh, listen Fluttershy, do you still want to help me walk Winona and take care of the farm animals tomorrow?" Fluttershy made a small giggle "of course." Her cheeks, as well as Bg Mac's, were blushing a tomato red on them. "And Rainbow, I am awful sorry if I hurt you with all that fighting for attention and all." "Nah, it's okay. I've suffered way worse pain anyway." Rainbow replied. She and Rarity both hugged to reconcile for all of the brawling for the camera. "Spike, I'm sorry if the show didn't work out for you." Twilight sympathetically remarked to Spike, gently laying her hoof on his small shoulder Spike smiled at her and said "it's okay, Twi. I don't really care about the extra money anyway. And besides, we all know now that Camera was just using us from the start of the show." "And it wouldn't have been stopped without you." Said Fluttershy, gently stroking the fin on his head. It made the baby dragon do a playful chuckle. "And let's not forget about Mane-iac." Spike noted. "She helped me too, and she is my wife." They all agreed with him on that statement. Speaking of the devil herself, she came back with her mane and tail in her normal stage. The knives and swords were no longer present or seen on her tendrils. "Did I miss anything?" She said in a sing-song voice. "Not much. Princess Celestia and Luna already went back to Canterlot. Sorry if you missed, Mane-iac." Spike noted "Oh, that'st's quite alright. I understand, I was just having too much fun terrorizing that damned camera crew back there. All of them will not see us again for a long time." "Uhh, you didn't kill them, did you?" Asked Spike "Oh yes, I killed them all and ate their innards." She said wickedely, and then cackled before she noticed the look of horror on all her friends and husband's face. "Ha! Got you all didn't I? Just joking with all of you, I didn't lay a single centimeter of a blade on them at all. Twilight, Spike, and the others then sighed in relief, and laughed along with Mane-Ian in a normal type of laughter. Getting late. They all decided to call it a day and went back to their normal lives. "Say, Spikey-whikey, would you like to come to the bedroom for some... couple fun time?" She bounced her eyebrows three times at him with a sly look. The baby dragon knew exactly what she was talking about and replied "oh yes, ma'am." *** Back in the bedroom, Mane-iac closed the doors before putting out a sign in front that said "Do not Disturb!!" On it so nopony would try and come in during their activity. Mane-iac giggled as she Spike lounging on the bed, ready for some fun to happen. "Come here, you." He said. More than delighted and turned out, Mane-iac happily crawled on the bed and used a tendril to gently tickle Spike's scrotum and dragon-hood. It was causing him to giggle from the feeling of the piece of hair. "Gootchie gootchie goo." She murmured in his ear. Next, the used another tendril to tickle Spike's body parts to double the excitement. It was not long before Spike said "here it comes, hehe." Then he squirted cum straight on Mane-iac's face, making him erupt a mild orgasm, his eyes closed, and teeth clenched all from the amazing feeling. The unhinged mare slurped all the sperm on her face with her tongue and swallowed it all down her throat. "So delicious and bitter." She cooed. "Now let's take things up a notch, shall we?, "Of course, mistress Mane-iac." Spike replied. The Mane-iac then took off her usual, one piece supervillain suit and she was bare naked. She slowly slid his cock into her pussy, which was already starting to feel wet. "Oh yes, so hard, and veiny!" She remarked. "Let the fun be doubled!" Mane-iMac began moving up and down on her husband, and began panting. "Here we go! Here we go!" She kept on repeating again and again, Spike began panting as well, and started to sweat like a big, juicy, baked ham straight from the oven. His forked tongue was out as he was smiling. "Yes! That hits the spot!" He shouted. An echoe was heard back through the large bedroom after that, and felt the climax starting to slowly kick in again, Her wet pussy felt so slippery, yet so nice, like wet hand was gently rubbing it like a massage of some kind, or even better. Spike wasn't the only one about to climax wth a loud orgasm, Mane-iac was almost ready to let out her own happy juice. "Ah! Mane-iac! I'm cumming again!" "Ah! So am- so am I!" Mane-iac exclaimed. Before they could say anything else. They all came at the same time, letting out an orgasm that can be heard throughout the master bedroom of this mansion, and even outside of it. Both of them were panting from the pleasure they just let out. Spike and Mane-iac both had the oppurtunity to catch their breath, panting heavily. "So amazing." Spike said. "Thank you." "Oh no, thank you" Mane-iac replied to him. It was just then Spike fell asleep, like he just dropped dead on the bed. Mane-iAd smiled warmly, and put on her suit before gently using her tail to cocoon him like a caterpillar, with his head still showing. She hugged him close to her like a teddy bear, but it was more than a teddy bear, it was the greatest husband she could ever ask him. It was not long before she turned out the lights and slept with him, still encasing him in her hair like a blanket. > A Crazy Hearth's Warming (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Months passed. It was December, and there came the snowy weather. The earth was like a blanket, a blanket of snow as a matter of fact. It was that time of year again for one of the greatest holidays in Equestria, next to Nightmare Night and Hearts and Hooves day, Hearth's Warming. The one time of the the year where everypony across across Equestria celebrate the very day all species of Ponies came together as one, and formed Equestria. Of course, thanks to the snow, nothing could be done in the fields of the Sweet Apple Acres Farm for the crops wouldn't handle the snow, but that was alright, because they got food from the stalls, and they were all picked before the winter came months ago Decorations were put up across the towns such as decorated trees woth ornaments and a star on top of them. Even the shops were decorated with wreaths and Hearth's Warming decorations to fit the mood. Spike and Mane-iac were getting ready for the holiday as well. In the mansion they were living in, putting the wreaths and ornaments around the areas inside. A large tree was placed in the very center of the mansion's parlor at the entrance. It was bigger than every other Hearth's Warming tree in town. Hair Stylish and some of the other hench-tallions were putting the ornaments and bows on the gigantic tree, and it was looking quite beautiful. As for Mane-iac and Spike themselves, they were doing some decorating around their bedroom and other parts of the mansion, and they were just about done. Mane-iac gave Spike a helping hoof by gently lifting him at a far side of the wall with a tendril so he can a wreath on it. And ladders wouldn't really be necessary. "Perfect!" Spike said with triumph. Then Mane-gently put him back down on the floor, letting him go of him of her tendrils. Spike clasped his hands in victory and said "thank you so much, Mane-iac. I really appreciate it." "You are very welcome, my dear Spikey-Whikey." Then a seductive smirk appeared on her face as a tail tendril appeared over the baby dragon "guess what you're standing under." She sang softly. The baby dragon looked up to find a mistletoe. The baby dragon smiled, immediately realizing what was going on. Mane-iac walked up to him, and then picked him up with her mane hairs, and began kissing all over his small body, leaving kiss marks on the places where he was kissed. Spike was enjoying every last bit of this, so heavenly and sweet being kissed all over under a mistletoe on Hearth's Warming. He used to dream about Rarity doing this to him, but that was all in the past, now. Mane-iac's kisses were so much better, and with a little more flavor to it too, considering the fact she was using cherry flavored lipstick When it was done, Spike was more than happy to be kissed by his beautiful, yet deranged wife, covered in kiss marks from her lipstick. "Happy Hearth's Warming, Spike." said Mane-iac before giving him a final kiss on his lips. "You too, Mane-iac." Spike replied with a chuckle. "I needed that." "Well, we should probably help my minions with the tree. You get to put the star on top of it." "Of course." then they both were about open the door, but the. It was already opened by Twilight. "Oh, sorry. Didn't see you there" she said with a sheepish smiled. "That's okay, Twi. What is it?" "I was just about to get you so you can put the star up on the tree downstairs, and we can all watch you do it." "We were just going down there to do it right now, Twilight." Said Mane-iac. "Perfect!" Then, all three of them went downstairs and saw that the hench-stallions were almost done decorating the gigantic tree. "Am I too late?" Spike asked them "Nope, just in time, Spike." said Hair Stylish. Spike grabbed the star and and Mane-iac gently grabbed him with her tendrils again, then raised him to the tip on top of it. Spike slowly and carefully put the star on it, and it glew a bright light. The other stallions and Twilight applauded for him, and of course, at the fact the Tree was just finished. He felt even more proud of himself for completing a Hearth's Warming tradition. "Thanks, Mane-iac... again." "Of course, Spike." "That was perfect!" Twilight praised him. "Good job, Spike." "Thanks, do you think it will hold on there and stay put?" She placed a hoof on his shoulder, and remarked "I'm pretty sure that the star will not fall off and break. You put it on there neatly and tightly." Spike smiled "Thanks, Twilight." Then they both hugged each other. "What? No hug for moi?" Mane-Ian said teasingly. "Oh come here, Mane-iac. Then Spike gave Mane-iac a hug thereafter, looking quite adorable together. Then the doorbell rang, and Twilight went to answer it. It revealed to be Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie, all looking happy and in their winter coats because of the cold snow outside "hi everypony!" Twilight greeted them all." "Happy Hearth's Warming, Twilight." Said Fluttershy, and the other friends repeated hat she just said in a proper greeting, then they all formed a group hug like best friends would always do. "I hope you have some hot cocoa." "Yep, we do!" Spike said. "Let me go fix it for you guys." "Oh! and don't forget to add mine with extra marshmallows, okay Spike?" Pinkie said The baby dragon smiled at her request. "Of course. What's hot cocoa without any marshmallows to go with it?" He joked. Then he went to the kitchen to fetch all his friends and wife some hot chocolate. It was a little while, and he kind of burnt his finger while in the process, but he was alright most of the time. Spike wished it would be cold, but it would be cold chocolate instead of hot chocolate. It was a Hearth's Warming tradition for this occasion to happen, and he was happy with it. He pulled out the marshmallows and poured some in Pinkie Pies beverage. A small splash of hot chocolate landed on his chest, and he helped in pain "Hot! Hot! Hot!" He related as he was bouncing, then he pulled out an ice cream carton from the freezer and put it against his chest where the stain was, and sighed in relaxation to feel such sweet relief. Spike was more than glad that a lot of it didn't splash on him, that would have been way worse than that small stain that he wiped off with a cold towel from the sink. Mane-iac then rushed in in worryment, and rushed to Spike's aid. "Spike! Are you alright, sweetie? I heard you scream." "It's okay, Mane-iac." Spike reassured. "I accidentally splashed a small drop of hot vhocolate on my chest is all. I'm fine." The unhinged mare sighed in relief. "Oh, that is quite a relief. But, are you still hurt from that stain?" "Not really, no. At least all of it didn't splash on my face, or I would be blind!" Spike had a look of horror just thinking about what would happen if it actually did happen to him, and he gulped on fear with his eyes wide. Mane-iac pulled him close to her in comfort. "It's alright, Spike. You'll be more careful now, and it's perfectly alright to make mistakes once you learned from them." He smiled, knowing that she was absolutely correct in that statement. "Right," then Mane-Ian used her mane and tail to put the hot cocoas on the tray for Spike so he can use it to pass the drinks out. "Thanks again, Mane-iac." He remarked once more. Mane-iac smiled warmly at him, and replied "always happy to help my handsome, and adorable little husband." Then they both kissed on the lips. "Oh! Just in case." Then he pulled out a bag of marshmallows so in case anypony else wanted to put them in their hot drinks, and Mane-iac carried the bag while Spike was holding the tray very carefully. They all went to the living room to enjoy their little Hearth's Warming time together with their friends. "Yay!" Fluttershy quietly cheered "Hot cocoa a la mode, mon cheries." Spike said politely, holding his tray out for them so they can grab their hot cocoa. "Thank you, Spike." Said Twilight, then she took a sip of it, and was absolutely loving the taste. "Well, I'll be damned!" Applejack acknowledged. "This is more good than Granny Smith's apple pies! Thanks, Spike." "No problem." The baby dragon flustered. "And here's some bag of marshmallows so if you guys want some in your cocoa." "Oh delightful" said Rarity. "I could use some of those little marshmallows in my delicious beverage." Rainbow Dash then whispered to Applejack "she kind of looks like a marshmallow." "What?" "Nothing, nothing." Rainbow lied to her, pretending to be innocent. The white unicorn was a little skeptical if the cyan Pegasus was really talking behind her back, or if she really was innocent. Nonetheless, she wasn't going to let this day be ruined because of it, then she drank a sip of her cocoa, loving the taste. "Is there anything Spike cannot do?" Said Fluttershy. "He is one in a million." The baby dragon was really flattered to hear that from her. "He sure is." Mane-iac agreed, then she used hair from her tail to blanket Spike around him as he was enjoying his own hot chocolate. Eventually, the others put some marshmallows in their drink to make it better. It was just then the doorbell rang a second time. "I'll get it!" Spike exclaimed, the. He ran to the door to see who it was. He was more than happy to see that it was Starlight Glimmer, Twilight's friendship protege. "Spike, hello!" She greeted him, obviously happy to see him "Starlight!" Then they both hugged, chuckling. "I'm glad you can come here. Twilight and the others have been expecting you." "Well it's great to be here, Spike. Listen, I am so sorry if I didn't catch up with the fact you and Mane-iac got married, or got to meet her." "Aww, that's okay Starlight. Come on in, if you want there's hot chocolate if you would like some. The others are in the living room." Starlight smiled. "That's good." Then she walked down with Spike as they head to the living room. "Soooo what have you been up to?" She asked him awkwardly. "Well, I have been in a married life with Mane-iac. She is the best wife ever. You would like her, even though she is a little nuts, but you'll like her anyway." "Hence the name Mane-iac." They both laughed "Exactly." Spike agreed with a small chuckle. Then they both made it to the living room. The others, minus Mane-iac were more than happy to see her. Mane-iac did't hate Starlight of course, she just didn't meet her yet. "Starlight! Glad you can join us." Said Twilight warmly. "Hello, everypony." Then she looked at Mane-iac, and smiled at her. "Forgive me, my name is Starlight Glimmer, Twilight's student in friendship lessons." "A pleasure, Starlight." Mane-iAd formed a hand with her tendrils and shook her hoof with it. "I am Mane-iac, the most evil and brilliant mare to ever exist to cause evil! Mwahahahaha!!" She cackled wildly. Then she stopped, realizing she was scaring everypony a little "of course, I am not so bad anymore. I love my new life here, and My dear husband with all my heart." "Aw, come here, you." Spike flustered, then they kissed yet again. "Callous Comb!" Mane-iac called out to one of her hench-stallions. Then one he stepped onto the room to await further orders from his mistress. "Please fetch Starlight Glimmer here a cup of hot chocolate." "Yes, milady." Then he went to fix Starlight her beverage. "Oh! And with Marshmallows?" Pinkie raised the bag to show her where they are. "Got them right here!" Then she had a seat, and when Starlight got her cocoa, they all enjoyed themselves near the fireplace on the living room. "So, I hear you're going to have a Hearth's Warming party soon, right?" "Yep! And I'm going to perform with my guitar skills." Spike said boldly. "It's gonna be so amazing." "And you are more than welcome to come, Starlight. The princess' will be there, and so will Discord." The mane six also remarked what will be happening at the future party to come when Hearth's Warming is finally here. "Wow, that's amazing." Said Starlight. "And I didn't know Spike can play guitar." "I'm a dragon with many talents." Spike gloated mildly. "Nothing I can't do." They all laughed, "And we are always looking for some extra help with the party, Starlight. Would you like to help out?" "Of course, Twilight. I love parties." Then they all cheered. "So Mane-iac, I am curious, how did you guys meet each other?" "Well. It is a rather long yet amusing story." Then Mane-Iac began telling the story as snow was falling on the ground on the nice winter day. > A Crazy Hearth's Warming (Part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Wow, I never would have imagined something like that would happen." said Starlight Glimmer after Mane-iac told her everything of how she and Spike met each other. "In a good way, of course. It's definitely a lot to take in." "I told you that it was quite a page-turner." mane-iac reminded. "And it happened like magic, or true love calling us." After drinking a sip of her hot chocolate, she said "It is a page turner alright." then she wiped off her lips with her hoof to get marshmallow stuff off of it. "And that was a good Nightmare Night prank you pulled on the others, and I'm a little surprised that Fluttershy was in on the plan, too." The yellow pegasus smiled and mildly flustered. "Well, I was good at creating something scary. I even remembered that time where I wanted to try and pull a scary prank." "And was she scary." said Rainbow Dash proudly, wrapping her arm around her lifelong friend's shoulders. Fluttershy was even more proud to hear that. "It was so scary and awesome!" "The best prank ever! Oh, and the prank you, Spike, and Mane-iac did together at the old castle." Pinkie agreed. "It was amazing how Princess Luna pretended to be Nightmare Moon and that Princess Celestia, Spike, Fluttershy, and Mane-iac pretended to be brainwashed by her evil magic." "Ah stop it, me and Mane-iac did most of the planning." Spike remarked. "Well Spike, next time, please let me know if there will be any rooms with snakes next time." said Twilight. She made a small shiver of horror "You know much I hate snakes. I don't want to talk about it." "Oh come now, Twilight, they were all friendly, and wouldn't hurt a fly." Fluttershy said "And they didn't even bite you." Mane-iac added, taking another sip of her warm beverage. "They did belong to Fluttershy after all. Oh, forgive me, my dear. I mean companions." "It's okay, I get that a lot." the yellow pegasus replied with no offense taken." They all had a good laugh, and enjoyed the rest of their hot cocoa. "To be honest, I'm more tolerant of snakes now. At least, as long as they don't attack me." Twilight modestly remarked. All of them laughed throughout the large living room once more. "So tell me, Spike. I heard about your guitar playing, and do you think you can perform at the party later on?" Starlight asked "because I'm feeling more the. Curious to hear you play." "Oh yeah, as a matter of fact, I plan to perform this evening, and blow everypony's minds." The baby dragon clarified. "I was thinking of playing something more mellow to fit the Hearth's Warming off to sit by the fireplace, and drink hot chocolate." "That sounds like a real good idea, Sugarcube." Said Applejack agreeing with him. "It will be magical and relaxing if you were playing in a more mellow tone. Oh! Not saying that I don't like hearing loud rock or metal music but, I mean-" "Oh, it's okay, Fluttershy. I know what you mean." "Yes. I for one, think my husband should perform a song to fit the holiday spirit." Mane-iac agreed. The unhinged mare had a seductive look on her face with bedroom eyes again. "And we can spend some time under the mistletoe after it is over." "Ooh, yeah." Rainbow said "that should be interesting." "I can already sense funny business happening soon." Starlight Glimmer remarked, bouncing her eyes three times at Spike and Mane-iac. After a good time drinking hot cocoa together. They all went to fix up the food and beverages for the party later. For Spike, he was practicing on his guitar for the performance. He never ceased to play so excellently, and played perfect notes with his fingers and claws. Spike shredded and shredding in beautiful sounding keys with his claws, and began to sweat. He thought "hmm, maybe I should play something more.... mellow. Something that will fit in with the Hearth's Warming spirit." He thought of what kind of song he should sing, but didn't find anything at the moment. At first he had something and then it instantly vanished, hopefully, it wasn't a writer's block. Normally, he was used to playing epic songs with his axe, but something more mellow and calmer this time of year. Sure, Spike played mellow songs before, but he played more of the epic and upbeat music. "Oh! Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again!" He sang. "No." He realized. "I heard that song way too many times on Hearth's Warming Eve." He brainstormed once again. It took a little longer than he thought it would be, but it came to him. The baby dragon played "Without Hearth's Warming, everything will be doomed, and nothing good will ever happen anytime soon." Spike realized what he was even singing, and felt a little foolish of himself. "What am I doing?" He bonked his head in slight frustration. "That sounds too depressing to be a Hearth's Warming song.... well, at least it was a little mellow." "Everything alright, Spikey-Whikey?" Mane-iac asked, coming in the bedroom to check on her husband. "Yeah, just thinking of a song I should play and sing tonight. I want to make sure that it is perfect and something so beautiful that it will make everypony's eyes be filled with tears of happiness." Mane-iMac used a tendril to gently wrap herself around him, cuddling him with a hug. "Come now, Spike. I am sure that you will create something so beautiful and emotional, it only takes time." "I guess you're right." Spike agreed after thinking things over. "It's still only many hours away till the party goes on and I play in it." "Exactly! Exactly my point, Spike. You have nothing to worry about. Just have a little while and let it come to you. Perhaps a little fun time together as a married couple will help benefit yourself with writing a song." Spike thought of what she said and answered "that sounds like a good idea. Okay. But first. Why don't we see if anypony would like any help with the tables and the stage." "Of course." Then the married couple went out of the room to look around to see if their friends needed any help setting the party stuff in place for tonight. Turns out, they all had everything under control, so Spike and Mane-iac can play a little snowball game outside. While out, the snow was still falling on the ground. "Boy, I hope we all don't get snowed in tonight." Spike said "Oh ho, me too. There's already enough fluffy white snow to cover the ground and do all those fun activities." Then Mane-iac gasped as she saw somepony famous or important. "Princess Celestia?" "Where? Where?" Spike looked back, but he didn't see any sign of the princess of the sun anywhere in sight. Just then, a large snowball hit the back of his head, falling face-plant to the ground. "HAHAHAHAHA!! Oh, that's a classic! MWAHAHA!" Mane-iac said. The baby dragon immediately got back up and chuckled. "You got me good Mane-iac." he said. "Oh, wait, Twilight wants something." he pointed "Hmm?" then Mane-iac turned around, but then she realized she had been bamboozled back, and felt a snowball hit against her ass, hard. She perked her head up in surprise, and Spike fell on his back, laughing so hard. "Gotcha!" Spike guffawed. Mane-iac had a sly smile on her face "Well played, Spikey-poo. Well played indeed." Then it turned out into an all-out snowball fight between them. Mane-iac mostly got the best of Spike since her mane and tail hair work like tentacles. It was the evening, and there came the Hearth's Warming party. Everypony in town was in the mansion, mingling to one another and having a nice sip of hot cocoa with lots of marshmallows in them. Spike was just preparing his guitar and the technical stuff for the show, that included the amplifier and the microphone. All of that snowball fighting actually quite helped with a song he was going to do for everyone he knew for the party. Not only were there the residents from Ponyville, but a number of ponies from Canterlot, Appleoosa, and Cloudsdale were present at the festival as well, along with Princess Celestia and Luna, and some of the Apple family, Zecora, Discord, and the Wonderbolts. Not only that, but High Heel, her hench-mares, and Pinch Harmonic with his boys from the club in Maretropolis attended as well. Mane-iac went behind the stage to check on her husband. "Ah, there you are. I was wondering where you were." she said "Yeah, just getting everything ready for my performance later so I won't make the crowd wait to hear me." Spike clarified. "Yep, and it might be an acoustic performance this time to fit the spirit." "Wonderful! It will feel so magical, I just know it." "Thanks, Mane-iac. That means a lot." "You are my husband after all." The Mane-iac winked at him. "Come, let us enjoy this party will all our friends and acquaintances." "Right. I would love to drink some of my own hot chocolate." Spike agreed. He licked his lips at the delicious taste in his thoughts. "Oh those yummy little marshmallows." The baby dragon patted his stomach with some drool coming out of his mouth. Mane-iac chuckled at his eagerness. "The sooner we get back in the ballroom, the greater the chance." she teased. "Now I want some of that hot cocoa too." Then both of them had a good laugh and went downstairs. At the party, everyone was enjoying themselves, and having random conversations with many random ponies. Spike and Mane-iac were just sitting on the balcony, watching the snow falling as they both enjoyed their warm beverages. "Spike." Starlight Glimmer called to him in a distance. She was walking up to him in a warm smile. "What you doing out here?" "Just looking at the snow with my beautiful yet deranged wife." "Oh come here, you." then they both kissed on the lips under the moonlight, making the night all the more romantic. "That's nice. I just wanted to see how you guys were doing." Starlight said. "So Spike, have you figured out what you're going to perform for tonight?" "Yep, I most certainly do, Starlight. I know you, Mane-iac, and the others will love it. It is soothing and will fill all your hearts with joy." "If I even have a heart." Mane-iaac joked. They all laughed with her. "But seriously, I will love it. Whatever Spike plays on his guitar, he brings joy to my heart." "You're just saying that." Spike teased her. "Okay okay. Let's not turn cheesy." Starlight said. "So anyway, you should probably head back downstairs soon, it's almost time for you to go on stage, Spike." "Perfect!" Spike cheered with joy. "I should probably warm up before I actually play at the concert." "Good idea." Starlight agreed, "oh I can hardly wait to see how you play tonight." "Everypony can't." Mane-iac said "we all love it when he plays." "She's right." Then all three of them went downstairs to the ballroom where Spike will begin his performance. "So, Spike, how do you feel about this?" Starlight asked the baby dragon as they were coming downstairs. "Like I will do awesome and rock the stage like I always do when I perform. Especially since Pinch Harmonic and his friends from the club in Maretropolis will be watching me. They are one of my biggest fans. Oh, besides Mane-iac and my friends, of course." "Awesome. Now I'm feeling more than excited to hear it." When Spike and the other two came into the ballroom, The crowd cheered on for Spike as he was walking on stage. He went in front of the microphone and said "Okay Everypony, let me just have a minute to warm up, alright? Don't worry, it will only be a minute." the baby dragon went backstage to practice on his song and then he nailed it He brought out his guitar and amplifier and sat on a chair. "Alright, since it's Hearth's Warming, I will be playing something a little more softer and mellow than what I will usually perform." Spike announced. The crowd cheered for him once again. "Okay, one, two. One, two, three, four." The sound of it sounded so beautiful. The sweet sound of a flamenco guitar with Spike playing it. All of the crowd smiled when he began playing the song. When it was over, they cheered louder than ever for him as always after he was finished. They all congratulated him, then Mane-iac went on stage holding a mistletoe above Spike with a tendril from her tail. "You know what you're standing on, do you, Spike?" Mane-iac asked him with bedroom eyes "Oh yes, Mane-iac." Then they both kissed eachother so affectionately on the lips. the crowd went "aww" as they locked their lips into one another, concluding an awesome concert. "Happy Hearth's Warming, Spike." "And to all a goodnight." then they kissed again. > Sexy Yet Insane Hearts and Hooves Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was February, which was two months after Spike's Hearth's Warming performance. Since it was February, the snow was still on the ground in Equestria, but not all the time as there would be in December or January. Hearts and Hooves Day was just around the corner for everypony. It was the season of love, for Hearts and Hooves Day was the one day everypony in Equestria spends time with their "Special Somepony" like going on dates, or other special events." It was also the one day of the year when cheesy romances are okay and accepted by others. At least the day everypony tolerates it to say the least. Meanwhile, Spike and Mane-iac were looking over the city of Maretropolis from the tallest building in the city, the Pony State building. Everything was shining down below in the night. While looking, Spike was thinking of what present he should give his beautiful, yet deranged wife for the special day coming up ahead of them. "Ah, I never get tired of this view, my dear Spike." Mane-iac said. "It's always so inspiring that it makes me feel that I am the empress of every living creature down below. And that my adorable little king is right next to me as we rule together." Spike smiled. "Well, I don't if I would want to rule the world, or the entire universe. I'm happy with my life, and even more happier that I'm with you." The Mane-iac made a small gasp, feeling touched by what he just said "Oh come here, my little charmer" then they boldly kissed under the moonlight, where it was shining down like their very own spotlight. Mane-iac clung to Spike with her tendrils closely so he wouldn't fall off the building and go splat. Throughout a long ten minutes, they were locking their lips with one another like there was no tomorrow After they stopped, they looked down below again. "And besides, Ruling everything is not really my type anyway. Mane-iac, did you know I was about to be crowned Lord of the Dragons?" The villainess was surprised to hear that. "Really? were you successful?" she asked him eagerly "I did, but.... I decided to give it to one of my dragon friends, Ember. She's the dragon lord now." "Oh. Very well." Mane-iac smirked. "It's alright. I am happy with my own life as well, and of course, I am married to the greatest husband in the whole universe. Hahaha!" The baby dragon flustered. "Oh, you're too much." "no, really, I love you so much." "I love you too, Mane-iac." then they kissed under the moonlight once again. After that was over, they decided to go back down to the streets. "Can I go first?" he asked her wife "Go for it, my husband." Just then, Spike dived dived himself down through the really tall building and then Mane-iac caught him with her tail hair as she lept forward and used her hair as tendrils. As Spike was on her back, Mane-iac was gliding faster than the speed of light, and then used more hair pieces to touch the ground to break her fall. Many citizens ran away in panic after seeing the Mane-iac do a good landing on the streets, almost breaking the pavement. "Oh, they always run." she muttered. "Nice landing, I'll give you ten out of ten for that." Spike congratulated while doing golf clapping. "You're too kind, Spikey-Whikey." Mane-iac replied with a shrug. Then she felt the weight being lifted off as Spike kept back on the ground. "Well, I believe my time here is done." "Same with me." The baby dragon agreed, followed suit. "Yeah, this was fun, it I'm just about ready to go back home, too." Then they went to High Heel's hideout, and passed from Maretropolis to the real world. As they were home, Spike looked outside at the nightclub, and saw the bench-stallions hanging the Hearts and Hooves decorations all over it to fit the holiday spirit. "Looking good, Hair Stylish!" Mane-iac congratulated as she opened the window. "Keep this up, and the nightclub will be more than ready to fit in for the Hearts and Hooves spirit!" "Thank you, Mistress. Me and my boys will do everything we can to decorate this place." Hair Stylish called back to his master. "Alright boys, hop to it! Wouldn't want her to spank us!" His threat made the others work harder on the nightclub exterior. Mane-Iac was so proud to see her second-in-command being assertive and aggressive to the rest of the hench-stallions that Served her proudly and willingly. She closed the window, and turned her attention back to Spike. "Oh how I can imagine how fun it will be on Hearth's Warming." She said "I know! So Mane-iac, how would you like to go on a date with me tonight?" "Of course! Hearts and Hooves day is the special day for love in the air." Mane-iac humbly accepted. Then she had an idea "how about at the club then?" "The Crazy Mare, huh? Sure that would be nice. Since you own the place, we can get free food!" Spike said with a thought. "On how I can taste the sweet, sweet taste of blue cheese salad with pickles on the side." He licked his lips just thinking of the taste. Mane-iac giggled at his reaction. "So adorable." She thought. "Brilliant, it is a date for when Hearts and Hooves day comes at last." "Awesome!" "Well, would you like to look at the nightclub and see how it looks on the inside?" "Sure, Mane-iac. That would be good. Oh boy, I can hardly wait to see what it will look like inside." Then he followed Mane-iac downstairs, and went inside the nightclub. Lots of hearts were placed on the wall, and the lights are temporarily replaced with a pink color to fit in with the holiday. "Oh my god, this looks even better than I had hoped. Hair Stylish and my other minions are doing so well. Oh yes, definitely thinking outside the box." "I should say so. This looks beautiful. So Mane-iac, have you ever had a Hearts and Hooves aday before?" "Never in my life. I would definitely consider it my first." "Just as I thought. Well you will love it, I promise you." "So correct me if I am wrong, it is a holiday where you get to be with your special somepony, and do romantic activities, right?" "You betcha." Then he sat his arms on the table. "It's a really special holiday. Not as Special as Hearth's Warming or Nightmare Night of course. But still special." "I see. And I completely agree. I think it will be even more special today since I will be with you, my sweet, sweet husband." "Thanks, Mane-iac." Spike flustered with flattery again, clawing his finger on the table slowly. "And I especially can't wait for the kissing." "Kissing, hmm?" Mane-iac had that sly smirk on her face again, and began pinning Spike down on the bench, mercilessly giving him sloppy kisses all over, leaving green kiss marks all over him. The baby dragon chuckled as he was having a good time with Man-iac's wrestle kissing. It was almost like aggressive love with her being his mistress. After she was done, she licked her lips seductively, and Spike slowly sat right back up on the bench. Spike was feeling happy that she wrestled him like this. He only wished. That she would have turned it up a notch. But alas, this is a public area, and it wouldn't be very appropriate to do some funny business in public. "Hey Mane-iac, would you like to.... have some fun inside?" He bounced his eyebrows slyly four times at his wife. The deranged mare giggled and replied "quite frisky, aren't you? Of course we can have some fun inside our mansion. Then both of them went back inside the house, and Spike got on his bed, lounging. Mane-iac laughed at how adorable Spike was when he was trying to make a move on her. Mane-iac pulled out a drill with feathers at the end of it, and a cock ring. This made Spike even more horny, knowing what she was going to do." Mane-iac walked up to him seductively, these slowly, and gently slid the cock ring down on his shaft, making him grunt in ecstasy. "Now, let the fun begin. Hahahahaha." Then she activated the feather drill, and used it to tickle Spike's dragonhood. Spike began moaning and laughing in pleasure while Mane-iac giggled as she was quite amused to see her husband squirm like this. "Ooh, you love this, don't you?" She asked teasingly. "Well, you are such a naughty, naughty little boy." Then she kissed the tip of his dragonhood lovingly. The baby dragon kept on squirming and twitching from the feelings of the feathers tickling against his most sensitive body part. "Mane-iac! That feels too good!" He exclaimed. "But- I love the feeling!" "I know you do, Spike-poo." She murmured to his ear. Then she gently nipped both ears as a love bite, making him even more aroused than before. Her teeth felt so gently, and it almost felt like a vampire was doing this to him. The reason for that was because Mane-iac had a pair of two fangs on her upper jaw, like a vampire would have, but of course, they were not as long. "Let me hear the sound of your voice." She said. Then she formed her tendrils into a hand and gently squeezed Spike's nipples. Honestly, the baby dragon didn't know how long he could keep this up, or hold it in himself. He felt the urge to cum rising up within himself. "Mane-iac, i-! I-!" "Shhh, it's okay, sweetie. Just hold it in a little longer." Said Mane-iac really softly and gently. Spike tried all the best he could to hold it in himself for as long as he could try. After a few long minutes of cock tickling, ear nipping, and gentle nipple pinching, he felt like his penis was about to explode with semen. Mane-iac decided that he couldn't take this anymore, and slowly took the ring off his dragonhood. She opened her mouth wide and felt the warm, sticky semen begin filled in her mouth as Spike ejaculated a volcano of cum. "Ah!" Spike exclaimed in an orgasm. More and more cum went out of his cock like a garden hose or a sink. After Spike let it all out of his system, Mane-iac happily swallowed all of it in one gulp. "That is the stuff." She said. "You never cease to be so delicious, Spike. A very good job." "Thanks." The baby dragon panted proud. He was happy to see his wife being happy with all the juice he has given her. "Say, Spike, I have a favor to ask you." "What's that?" The Mane-iac pulled out a diaper and a bow with heart-shaped arrows to go with it. She bounced her eyebrows two times, and the baby dragon realized what those are for. "Oh no! No way! I ain't gonna be Cupid tonight when I go to the club!" Spike protested "Never in a million years would I wear something like that, Mane-iac." Then the unhinged mare formed the puppy dog face, with her eyes looking like she was about to cry 'cause Spike hurt her feelings. "Pretty please?" She begged. "For me on Hearts and Hooves day." "Well...." "It is the day of love like you have said to me before." Spike realized he was right, and sighed in defeat. He did want to make his wife happy, and nothing would please him more to please the Mane-iac. This beautiful yet unstable mare is his wife after all, so it was the least he can do for her. "Okay, okay." Spike reluctantly agreed. "I'll put on this stupid getup for Hearts and Hooves day." Then he held the equipment in his hands. "Yay! Thank you so much sweetie. You make me so happy." Then she began kissing him multiple times in gratitude. "But I am not going to like it." Spike admitted in an irritated tone-of-voice. He can imagine the humiliation he will endure at the party for the following night. "Ah, who am I kidding?" He thought. "Maybe this won't be so bad." Hearts and Hooves Day Arrives The day finally came, and it was late at night. In the nightclub, everypony was dancing in the pink light shows as the thumping music played across the building. Mane-iac promptly went inside, but she stopped as she realized that Spike wasn't coming with her inside the club. "Spike? What are you doing, sweetheart?" "I look, silly!" Spike called to her, hiding behind the dumpster. Mane-iac looked unamused with him. "Oh come on, you promised me you would do this for me. And besides, you look so adorable in that outfit, it fits you perfectly." Spike made a small growl and reluctantly agreed to go inside. He was looking quite annoyed as many ponies, including his friends were laughing st his appearance, but many mares found him cute dressing up like Cupid. "Aww, look at you, Spike." Said Twilight noticing him. Her friends were with her too. "You look so adorable." "Oh I can just pick you up and hug you like there is no tomorrow." Fluttershy said "I second that." Rarity agreed. Before he knew it, Spike felt himself being gently squeezed by Fluttershy as she hugged him. The baby dragon was a little annoyed at this, but he could never be mad at Fluttershy. She was the element of kindness after all. "So cute." Fluttershy said before giving him a kiss on the forehead. Then it was Rarity's turn hold and hug him. "Oh, so adorable!" She said "Okay guys, enough is enough!" Spike said. "Aww, somepony needs his pacifier." Rainbow Dash teased. Then she put it in his mouth, much to Spike's disdain. They all laughed again, but Spike spat out the pacifier in irritation "Very funny." He said sarcastically. "Oh come on, Sugarcube, we were just messing with you." Applejack reassured. "There's no need to feel embarrassed." The baby dragon slowly began to smile "yeah, you guys are right." Then they all went to the dance floor. "Oh, and Spike, I wanted to give you something special." Mane-iac said. Then she handed him a card. The baby dragon opened it and it read: Dear Spike I am so happy to be your lovely wife, and you as my handsome husband. You are like the heaven in my hell, and the apple of my eyes. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me in my crazy life. I always have fun with you, the laughs, the sex, and the memories we share together. I love you very much with every beat of my cold heart. Love Mane-iac And there was a small green heart next to the concluding sentence. The others went "aww." And aspike was really touched to receive this letter. "Thank you, Mane-iac. I love you too." Then they both hugged. "You are very welcome, my world's greatest husband." Mane-iac replied proudly. "I knew you would love it." Then they all continued to have a good time on the dance floor to enjoy their night together. Spike did his own moves with his bow and arrow to actually look like Cupid, and pretending to shoot the arrows at everyone's butts. Because Spike was the main attraction because of the costume he was wearing, he even had a chance to have the crowd watch his own dance moves on his own. And everypony loved it, not really because of his dancing, but because of gen funny costume he was wearing. Yes, it was definitely a night they would sure all remember, especially on Hearts and Hooves Day. Furthermore, Mane-iac was glad to spend her very first Hearts and Hooves day with Spike. She hoped their will be more like this in the years to come. After they were done, Spike and Mane-iac had a little dinner on their date, even if it was not so quiet, along with lemonade as their beverages. When they were having spaghetti, Spike and Mane-iac accidentally had one noodle in their mouths and slowly began sucking the lone noodle, and then found themselves on each other's lips. "Oops, sorry." Spike said "That's quite alright." Then they began making out again. Twilight, Fluttershy, and their friends smiled as they watched on at how happy these lovebirds are together. > Old Dragon Nemesis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hearts and Hooves day was so romantic, with a touch of crazy and sexy at the same time for both Mane-iac and Spike. Almost a month has passed since their fun and sexy time together, and it was march. It was no longer winter, for Spring has come, and the flowers were blooming. Of course Ponyville did Winter Wrap up with Spike and Mane-iac helping everypony with all they needed to bring spring to Equestria. Yes, it was not a very easy task, but Twilight was the one in charge that all factions of the Winter Wrap Up team worked together without quarreling about what to do about how they should all do it. But enough of that. What mattered was that they all got through Winter Wrap up together as a team, and it felt faster since they all had a few extra hoofs, or tendrils from the Mane-iac, thanks to her super powers. It got done way faster than last year. Spike was just reading another series of comics that were not enchanted from the Canterlot house of enchanted Comics. So far, the baby dragon was enjoying this little book. After he was done, Spike decided to jam and practice his guitar playing like he would usually do everyday in his free time (when he is not helping out Twilight with some chores of course.) He began daydreaming about Mane-iac, and played beautiful chords and notes that sounded like a love song "It's more than a feeling." Spike sang while jamming. "When I hear that old song they used to play, and I begandreaming, till I see Mane-iac walk away!" Thbe baby dragon felt the feeling in his heart and sang and played his guitar like there was no tomorrow. When he was done, a few drops of sweat fell from his cheeks, panting mildly. Just then he heard a sound of hooves clopping, and saw the Mane-iac, right in front of him, who might of been watching him while he was daydreaming about her. "Bravo!" Mane-iac cheered for her husband while she continued clapping her hooves together. "Another outstanding performance from my little Spikey-poo. "Oh! Mane-iac, how long have you been watching me?" Spike asked her. She giggled, and replied "oh quite long enough." Then she walked up to him, and hugged him tighly. "That is a really sweet song you wrote about me, Spikey-Whikey." Then she kissed him on his lips. The baby dragon flushed and replied "well, that's what husbands are for." Then he kissed her back so tenderly, on her lips. "So, that Winter Wrap Up event was really fun, especially how I used my mane and tail to pull the snow off the ground faster than anypony could." "Hehe, yeah, leave it to you to act like a living snow shovel." Spike joked with a small laugh. Mane-iac began laughing with him. "Exaxtly!" She exclaimed. "And did you see how those slow pokes were trying so hard to keep up with me. Well, Rainbow Dash was faster than me of course, especially the way she was zooming across the snow clouds to clear the blue skies." "Yeah, and the way you used your hair to pound the skies by forming them into fists and hammers." Spike added. 'Indeed. I cannot imagine how awestruck the others were when they saw my incredible talents woth my beautiful mane and tail." "And their mouths were open long enough for them to drool a little!" They both laughed again. "They didn't even stand a chance against you." "Nopony can ever outset the Mane-iac! Mwahahahaha!!" She cackled so loudly like a raven or a crow with great triumph. She realized that she was starting to scare Spike with her scary craziness again, and stopped when she saw the baby dragon feeling a little intimidated. She covered her mouth, and said "sorry, force of habit" "No, it's okay. I'm so used to that." Spike retorted. "Perfect. So tell me, what do you think we should do for the time being?" The baby dragon began thinking about what to do, and finally decided "we can go for a little walk around the woods. That sounds peaceful." "Splendid idea. Even though I enjoy senseless destruction, I would like a little peace and quiet myself..... with you." "Aww stop it." The baby dragon flustered again while pawing his foot on the floor. "And are you sure you want to do this, Mane-iac?" "Of course. Even a crazy and evil mare like me needs a break from mayhem once in a while." She made a smirk at him. "True. True. Well, we might as well tell Twilight where we're going so she won't worry about both of us." Mane-iac agreed with him and told Twilight what they were going to do today in their free time. The Allicorn said she was alright with it, and the couple went out into the woods on the outskirts of Ponyville. The beautiful smell if spring with the flowers blooming I'm the air, and the green grass around the terrain. The view of the entire forest in spring was so aspiring. So peaceful, and so serene. Spike and Mane-iac also saw many types of woodland creatures such as deer like elk or mule deer prancing past them, and cute little rabbit's hopping around the bushes. Sniffing at their surroundings. Another animal they saw walking past them was a large porcupine waddling across the road, then climbed up a tree. "Fluttershy would definitely love it here." Said Mane-iac. "All of these animals look really adorable." Then she tried to interact with the porcupine, but it hurried up the bark. "Oh well. I am not one with nature like she is." She muttered. "Yeah, Fluttershy makes it look so easy." the baby dragon agreed. "Ooh, let's look at the lake over there." "Of course. You know I just love it when I see my reflection within the Ocean near Maretropolis." Then they went over to the nearby lake, where the sunlight was sparkling over the peaceful waters. They gazed at the very beautiful sight over the lake, the birds heard singing, and a few fish like trout, salmon, and bass jumped over the river once in a while. Not only that, but many birds also few past, and many ducks from mallards to wood ducks would have a dip in the waters. Loons and grebes also did the same whenever any of them flew by. Both Spike and Mane-iac gazed over at their reflections within the lake, having a real good time together. "Were the waters of Maretropolis' ocean beautiful like this lake?" Spike asked curiously as he sat next to her. "Well it is different. At least under the moonlight, it makes everything so beautiful." then Mane-iac looked at Spike "If it was nightfall already, it would be even more..." the gently held him close to her like a hug, or like she was snuggling with him "Romantic." she finished with bedroom eyes. Spike was enjoying the feeling of this. He was beginning to wish it was nightfall as well. That way, he and Mane-iac can kiss under a full moon while playing Claire de Lune. However, his fantasy ended when he and Mane-iac heard a loud thump on the ground. The baby dragon looked back and it was someone who he hated so much, and an old enemy from the past "Garble!?" Spike exclaimed, starting to panic a little. Yes, it was the cruel teenage dragon from the dragon lands, and his own gang with him, confronting Spike, possibly out of their need for revenge. "Hello, runt." Garble replied smugly. "Long time no see, Spike." His friends cackled with him. Mane-iac was a little confused by this, but she had a feeling in her gut that this dragon was definitely not a friend of Spike, and she was more than ready to protect her husband from these heartless brutes. > Mane-iac Vs Garble > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boy oh boy, Garble, and his nasty friends have returned and confronted Spike, who was with his wife, Mane-iac. The baby dragon was having a feeling like he was about to throw up, or something Ike that. "Garble." Spike said in a bitter tone-of-voice. "Spike, my buddy." Garble teased. "It's been so long since we have seen each other." He gave a smug look on his face, and his gang laughed Spike just shrugged off what he said, and replied "not long enough." He said sarcastically. "What do you want?" "Just wanted to drop by, say hello, and..... squash you like a bug." The red teenage dragon cracked his knuckles. By the sound of it, he and his friends wanted to hurt, or even kill Spike if they do it hard enough to do so. The baby dragon gulped on fear, and felt like he was in the wrong place in the wrong time. What a way for a couple of scummy dragons like Garble and his cronies to ruin a romantic moment between him and Mane-iac "And, who are you exactly?" Mane-iac asked the red dragon. "Name's Garble, sweet cheeks. Don't ya forget about it. And I suppose that she is your girlfriend, Spike?" "She's my wife, thank you." "Ooh, yeah. Figured that a so-called dragon like yourself can marry such a pathetic creature like a pony." "Shut up!" Spike said. He and Mane-iac had anger and irritation building inside both of them. Nonetheles, the baby dragon decided not to lose control of his anger and do something irrational. "Look, what do you meatheads what from me?" "A little something called revenge." Garble answered wickedly, gritting his teeth with pure hatred and anger. "You ordered me as a dragon lord to hug every dragon possible, and made me look like a fool in front of every dragon I knew." "Well, I liked it." Said one of his friends. "Shut up, Blizzaga!" Garble snapped at him. "Your opinion doesn't matter." He made smoke out of his nose out of anger. "Sorry." "It's your rightful comeuppance for being mean to me and picking on me. Not to mention trying to deal away with Ember." Garble scoffed "that whore had exactly what was coming to her. Look, dragons do not do friends, and if your making friends like this, then you are weak, and. It even a dragon at all." "How dare you bastards talk about Spike that way!" Mane-iac snapped at them in anger, more than ready to fight, or even kill them in her case. "Spike is the most special dragon I have ever met in my life. And he is quite special." "Oh yeah?" Said another one of Garble's friends. "And what do you know about dragons?" "Quite a lot. Like the fact that you dragons are greedy and have stone-cold hearts that only care about gold." Garble and his friends laughed again. "Is that supposed to be an insult?" He smugly asked Mane-iac. "Because I've been called worse stuff than that. Hehe. And what's with those snakes in your mane?" Then he laughed again "Well, aren't you quite a wise guy?" Mane-iac said mockingly. "I eat wise guys like you for dinner. Now get the hell out of here before I go psychopathic on you, and show you the end of your lives. And I promise you, it is going to hurt." "Ooh, i'm so scared." Garble said in mock fear. "I am shaking like a scared baby dog right now if you are going to hurt me and my boys." "Yeah, we ain't scared of you, eh." "Just imagine how ashamed your parents will be if they found out you married a pony." Then it began to hit Spike in his heart. "Oh that's right, you do not even remember your parents! Hahahaha!" Spike felt more hurt than before, and was speechless. Finally, Mane-iac couldn't stand these brutes anymore, and used her mane and tail to hit Garble in the face with a tendril in the form of a fist. Garble fell to the ground like a stone falling from the sky. "You insensitive little fuck!" Mane-Ian shouted at him The red dragon growled as he felt a stinging pain on his face from the blow Mane-iac inflicted on him. "So, you want to play dirty, huh? Okay." Then he got back on his feet. "Let's get her, boys!" He and his gang charged at her with full zeal, but Mane-iac used her hair to lift her up, causing the teenage dragons to miss and topple. One dragon tried to use his fire breath on her in the air, but she dodged it just in time, and punched him in the face with her hoof, making him fling into the air, landing on a pile of tree trunks. Another dragon tried to claw at her as he charged at her. Every time he would swing his claws at her, he would always miss, and felt a stinging pain as the Mane-iac formed her tail into a sword, and sliced at his right arm, causing him to yell in agony. "Fuck! You'll lay for that!" He said. "Good luck!" Mane-iac mocked. "Good luck trying to kill me." Then she slashed at him a few more times, parts of her hair formed into a sword before he passed out from severe blood loss. "You'll lay for that you crazy bitch!" Garble shouted in anger. He and another friend of his tried to attack her with both fire and claws. Mane-Ian got hold of Garble's partner with her hair and restrained him. Next thing she did was swing him around multiple times like a helicoptrr propeller. Finally, Mane-iac threw him into the lake with a loud splash. She laughed maniacally with triumph, and clapped her hooves together. "What beautiful water works! Hahaha!" Finally, Garble was the last one standing to fight her. "Why won't you go down?!" He shouted in anger. "Because I have worth a lot to live for." Then she and Garble fought each other more intensely than his friends. He used his wings to soar and dive-bombed at her. At the very last second when he was about to hit her, she stepped out of the way just in time. "Haha! You missed me you bonehead!" Mane-iac mocked him. "Grr, you're a crazy pony aren't you?" "Ask anypony!" Then she and Garble clashed with each other. The red dragon would use her claws against her, but she would use her mane and tail as shields to block every blows. And when he was using fire against her, she always threw a rock in his mouth to prevent him from doing so Mane-iac used her hooves to knockout Garble multiple times. She punched and kicked him so many times that he was starting to bleed from his nose and even coughed up blood a few times. Nonetheless, Garble still had a lot more fight left in him. He continued trying to claw and burn her into a pile of ashes, but he always missed, much to his fury. "Stand still so I can kill you, will ya?!" "I think not! You hurt my Spike, and you fade my wrath!" Then she formed three blades with her mane, and twirled them around rapidly like a pair of propellers or a ceiling fan. Before Garble could think, he was hit multiple times by the blades, like he was being slapped repeatedly. His friends saw this, and all were absolutely stunned and shocked to see what was happening to their leader. Spike however, felt more than happy and touched that Mane-iac would defend his honor like this, even if it was going a little bit too extreme. "Tell me, how does it feel to have Spike's pain?" "It- it stings." Garble coughed a few times. "Good. Now you know how it feels. Your own mother is so cruel and idiotic that she didn't even bother to love you." "Grr! No one talks that way about my mother, you hear me?! Nobody!!" "That's original." Spike remarked. "Use his own mom against him. Oldest move in the book. Heh." One of the dragons who lasted up, regained consciousness, and saw what was happening. "I'll kill you." Garble muttered. Before Mane-iac could finish him off, she was stopped by Spike, who intervened between them. "Mane-iac wait!" He said "Garble learned his lesson. Let him and his friends go." "But what he said about your parents, he-" "I know, I know. But, as long as I have you, and my friends, I do have a family after all." Mane-iac smiled thoughtfully at him, and hugged him tightly. Then she turned his attention back to Garble and his friends, with a quick change of demeanor. "Get out of our sight you poor excuse of dragons!" She said coldly at the teenage dragons. "And never come back. And I promise you Garble, the next time we cross paths again, you will not be so lucky." He gulped, and flew away with his friends back to the dragon lands in terror. Spike and Mane-iac hugged each other for a long period of time. Hopefully, both will never have this kind of encounter again. When they broke away, Spike said "come on, Mane-iac. Let's go back home." "Wonderful idea, Sweetie." Then she gently lifted him up with her tendrils, and laid him on her back for another ride back to Ponyville. While walking, Spike began wondering about his parents, and slowly felt sad inside. Mane-iac noticed that he was quite, and she turned around to check on him, then noticed his sad face. "What's the matter, Spikey-Whikey?" She asked him softly "Nothing, nothing. I'm fine. I was just.... thinking about what my parents were like, and wished I could have met them is all." "Oh, sweetie." She gently got him off as she stopped so Mane-iac can talk with him. "I understand how you feel. It it is like you said, as long as you have me, and all your friends, that is what matters." The baby dragon thought about what he said back there when he stopped Mane-iac from dealing Garble with a mortal blow on him. "You're right, I love you, Mane-iac." She smiled warmly, and embraced him again. "I love you too, Spike. Say, why don't we get some ice cream together when we get back home, we can get an ice cream cone together, hmm?" "That would be awesome." Then she put Spike right on her back again, and continued walking home. > Mane-iac Meets Ember > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back home on Ponyville, Spike and Mane-iac were having som frozen yogurt together from the ice cream shop. Both of them were just eating cones with chocolate-vanilla frozen yogurt, soft-served that is. The baby dragon was really enjoying his treat, and so was the Mane-iac. It was quite a commotion when Garble and his no-good cronies tried to kill him a little while back. Despite that, he was alright, and not scarred for life by that. Although he couldn't quite be sure If Garble, or his buddies will come back to make a smarter, and more determined attempt to kill him out of revenge. If not for Mane-iac, he would have been history, which is probably making him think that Garble and his posse won't come back, because they were all so scared of her by her craziness. "Mane-iac?" "Yes, my darling?" "Thank you again for saving me back there." Mane-iac smiled warmly at him, and replied "You are quite welcome, Spike-poo, those meatheads didn't stand a chance against me! Hahaha." And she licked her ice cream again. Spike made a small chuckle, and said "Yeah, and especially he was crying out for his mommy!" And they both had a laugh together. "You still don't think they will come back to try and kill me again, will they?" "Oh Pfft, don't be redonkulous." She scoffed. "As long as I am still here, Gable and his idiot partners wouldn't even bother trying to come back. That way, they will have to face my wrath again! Mwahahahaha!" She cakled. Mane-iac realized she was accidentally drawing a crowd and said "my sincere apologies, carry on with your treats." And the other store patrons minded their own businesses. Spike and his beautiful yet deranged wife went back to eating their ice cream. "Boy, I love the taste of chocolate-vanilla swirl." Spike muttered. "Oh ho, I agree. This is so delicious. The baby dragon was unaware that he had some ice cream on his mouth from all that licking, and Mane-iac began snickering to herself. Curious and confused, Spike asked "what's so funny, Mane-iac?" "You... might want to look at your reflection. Hehehehe." Spike looked at himself through one of the windows, and saw that he had some ice cream on his face. When he screamed, Mane-iac was laughing harder than before. "Oops, better wash that off." And he hurriedly went to the bathroom to tend to his face. Mane-iac gave one last laugh, and said "so cute." And finished her frozen yogurt. It was just then Twilight and the others came inside the shop in a hurriedly type of fashion, as if there was an emergency. "A, what brings you all here?" Mane-iac asked curiously "We heard that Spike had a run in with Garble!" Twilight exclaimed in a voice of slight panic. "Is he okay?" Asked Fluttershy, also having a worried look on her face. "It's alright, it's alright." Mane-iac chuckled. "Spike is fine and safe, thanks to moi of course.' She used her tendrils to form fingers pointing at her. "And anywho, he is just washing the ice cream off of his cute face." And the six mares sighed in relief. "What a relief." Said Rarity. "It gave us quite horrible scare." "Yeah, I would have taken on Garble and his morons myself." Said Rainbow, cracking her knuckles. "Just wait till I get my hooves on them. I can take them with one hoof tied behind my baack!" "Easy, Rainbow." Said Applejack. "We don't have to worry about that." "Right." Twilight agreed. "But, why was he trying to hurt you?" And it was just then Spike came out of the bathroom, his face nice and clean. "Oh, guys, what are you doing here?" The baby dragon asked them. Then Fluttershy went up to him, and hugged Spike so tightly and warmly. "Spike! Thank goodbess, you're okay." She said. "We heard about you and Garble. I was so worried about you." "So was i." Twilight added. Her other friends made remarks of agreement with her, and all joined in on the hug as a group. Spike was feeling touched by all this flattery. "Aw, thanks guys. You're the best." And they all broke away with smiles still on their faces. "But I think you should thank Mane-iac. If not for her, u woukd have been made into roast dragon, or dragon soup." All the mares laughed at what he just said. "Spike, you are quite hilarious." Mane-iac remarked. "And I love you "I love you too, Mane-iac." And the married couple hugged each other very lovingly. It kid of got a little attention from the other patrons, and all of them, including the elements of harmony went "Aww." When they broke up, Spike asked his friends "since you guys are here, would you like some ice cream?" "That would be tremendous!" Pinkie bounced with joy. "It would be quite an honor." Rarity added "Yeah, I haven't eaten anything all day since breamfast, and her stomach began growling so loudly, like a Werewolf was inside of it." Said Applejack. "All that usual Apple harvesting sure makes me hungry." Then they all went in line, and got themselves a frozen treat of their own. Six was definitely a crowd. So they had to split in groups with Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash in one table next to Spike and Mane-iac, and the opposite one consisting of Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash was eating her ice cream so fast, that she felt something aching inside her head a little. "Ah!" She helped "Brain freeze!" "Oh oh oh! I want Brain-freeze too!" Said Pinkie with joy. Then she hurriedly ate her frozen yogurt, and had mild migraine of her own. She made a small scream of her. Becoming a little competitive, Rainbow smirked boldly, and said "oh yeah? That's nothing!" And she ate her yogurt faster than before, and felt a more painful brain-freeze erupting inside her head. "Let's see ya beat that!" She crossed her arms in triumph with a smug look on her face. "Okay!" And so the brain-freezing and screaming continued on and on to the point where it was becoming very anboying. It wasn't long before the manager came by, with a very unamused look on his face while tapping his foot. "Ahem!" He cleared his throat. "Do you both mind keeping it at a low rumble? You're starting to irritate my customers." "Sorry." Said Rainbow and Pinkie in unison, then stopped it completely. The master made a small smile and walked past them so he can get back to work. "So Spike, about this... Ember dragon, do you think I can meet her some time?" Mane-iac asked in a mildly eager tone of voice "Hmmm, I think that can be arranged." Spike said. "Oh, Spike!" That reminds me." Said Twilight with a sudden thought. "Princess Ember just sent me a letter, and she said is gonna come over." This made the baby dragon's eyes go big with surprise. "Really? What for?" "She... kinda heard about you guys' skirmish with Garble and his gang." Fluttershy bite, sounding a little sheepish. "And she wants to see if you were okay." "Oh. Gotcha. So that's cool." Said Spike. "When is she coming over?" "In a little while." Said Applejack. Spike cleared his throat, and remarked "well I think I know how you guys heard of me and Mane-iac's.... event." The other nodded their head a yes to him. "Oh yes." Said Rarity. "Apparently, Ember was quite angered at Garble for trying to deal away with you, and your wife." "Well, I certainly hope that she will make Garble's life Hell for what he did." Mane-iac said sinisterly. "I'm pretty sure that she will do something about that, she is the new dragon lord after all. If not, then her father might do something about that." "Is he big?" Asked Mane-iac "Is he big?" Said Rainbow Dash "he is huge, like a really giant dragon that you do not want to make angry." Fluttershy made a small gulp of fear, and said "I know. I would really hate to make him mad." And she cowered under the table. "Well, Ember is not like him, I know it." Spike noted boldly. "Considering the fact I am the very first friend she ever made." Then they all finished their deserts, our their scraps in the trash, and went out. a little while has passed, somewhere around thirty minutes, and it was just then Ember came down from the sky. "Spike!" She exclaimed. Before he knew it, she hugged him tightly like a big sister would do to a little brother. "I heard what happened. Are you alright? I was so worried!" "Ember! I'm fine, but you're hurting me." He gagged "Oh! Sorry, buddy." And she immediately let him go. "I was just so worried about you." "It's okay." Spike replied. "So, I take it you heard about Garble?" "I did, and don't worry, I saw to it that Garble and his goons are punished. I sent his friends to work in the jewel mines in hard labor for a month. I doubled the sentence for Garble, and force him to give hugs to every dragon he knew again." "Ha! Serves him right!" Said Mane-iac with a triumphant laugh. "And who might you be?" Asked Ember politely "I am the Mane-iac, one of the mist evil and sinister villains in all of Maretropolis! Mwahahahaha!" Ember became concerned about this. "Oh, and I am Spike's beautiful and caring wife." 'Oh come here, you." Then they both kissed on the lips. "Nice to meet ya, name's Ember, new lord of the dragons, and a good friend of Spike's." And she gave him a gentle head rub. "The pleasure is all mine." Mane-iac stated. She shook a large tendril in the form of a hand with Ember's scaly hand. "I think we should have so much to talk about." "Agreed." > Mane-iac Gets to Know Ember > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike, Mane-iac, Ember, and their friends were just having a little stroll through town together, having a nice chat to shoot the breeze together. Yes, the bird's were chirping as usual. However, many of the small birds such as finches and sparrows flew away when they saw Ember, obviously being afraid of her. "So, what exactly happened, Mane-iac?" Asked Ember. "Well, that brain dead teenage dragon and his hooligans were trying to kill Spike when I gave them all Hell. Hahaha! They all didn't stand a chance against me. You should have seen how scared they were when I was pummeling them mercilessly. The blue dragon made a small laugh. "Yeah, that would explain how they came back a little bruised all over. Well, I am grateful that you helped Spike like that." "Why of course. I am his wife, and that is what wives would always do for their husbands, stand up for them if need be." "Yep. Mane-iac is always there for me." And he clung to her neck while riding on her back. The unhinged mare smiled warmly at the feeling. "To tell ya, Mane-iac, Spike was the very first friend I have ever made in my life." Ember noted. "Originally, I didn't really do friends. Many of us dragons didn't." "I am very familiar with how a bunch of greedy coin-mongers dragons can be." And she realized what she just said about both of the dragons she was with right now. "Oh, not you two of course. No, you are far from greedy dragons." Spike smiled at what she remarked. "I know, Mane-iac. I know." "So, tell me, Ember." Twilight said "what do you think about Ponyville so far?" Her face had an even more curious look, her eyes shining at her like little stars, or a puppy dog face. "To be honest, it's alright. I mean there is no lava pools around to relax in, and it feels a little colder here than it is back home." "Well ponies aren't fireproof, remember?" Applejack reminded. "Yeah, I know that." Ember made a smirk, showing a few fangs shining under the sun. "But despite that, it looks okay. Not completely lame to be honest, but so and so." "Wonderful to hear." Said Rarity. "We ponies live a very different lifestyle that dragons would normally do." "Yeah, I can see that." "Excuse me, Ember." Fluttershy said in a sheepish tone of voice. "Have Princess Celestia and Princess Luna ever visited your home before? Or any important dragons visited them before?" "Ah, that is a long way back, Fluttershy." "How long ago was it?" Mane-iac asked curiously "Three hundred years ago. " All of them sounded intrigued, and whatever Ember was going to tell them, it might be a page-turner by the sound of it. "Anyway. Celestia was in the dragon lands only once in her life, as far as we have heard of. And let me tell you, she did not stay long." "What was she doing there?" Asked Rainbow Dash "Her and my father were working on a peace treaty between ponies and dragons that stated If you leave us alone, we'll leave you alone. That sort of thing." "That wouldn't surprise me." Said Mane-iac. "At least there is no war between yoy dragons and us ponies. To be honest, that would be nice to see so much destruction." She sighed blissfully at the thought of how torn up Ponyville would look like if it was in burning rubble, completely in shambles. Getting back from la la land, she noticed the others looking at her in a disturbed way. "Oh I was just saying, that is all. I would never let Equestria become a smoldering crater." And they all laughed with her. "No Mane-iac, there hasn't been a pony-dragon war in a long time now, and I hope to keep it that way. Besides, if we did declare war on you ponies, you would know." "How so?" Pinkie Pie asked curiously with her head slightly tilted to the left. "We would all be flying in the clouds, and swoop down on you guys while breathing fire, leaving nothing but ashes, and eat your remains." Fluttershy gulped hearing that "Oh dear." "Oh no, Fluttershy don't worry. We would never do that." Ember reassured. I was just saying if, not when." "Alright. I understand." Fluttershy said, feeling more relieved than she had been in her life. "So Ember, fid you know Spike is a guitar wizard?" Mane-iac asked her curiously. This Made the blue dragoness' eyes go wide with amazement. "Really? I didn't know you can play guitar little dude." She gebtly ruffed his head again The baby dragon chuckled and replied "yep. I am a dragon with many talents. Would yo like to hear me play it some time?" "Hell yeah." Ember said with enthusiasm. "Rock and metal are my favorite types of music." "Figures since you're a dragon." Rarity muttered "What's that, Rarity?" "Nothing! Nothing at all!" Rarity sang while whistling in fake innocence. "Anywho, Spike is truly amazing while playing guitar. We all have seen him live ourselves." "And, we even have a nightclub." Spike mentioned "Night-club? What's a nightclub?" Ember asked "Oh right, I figured that dragons wouldn't really have that in the dragon lands." Twilight said. "It's a place where there is music playing loudly, and yoy can dance to it and have fun, and have a drink." "Spike here performs at the Nightclub from time to time. It was my idea, and it is called the Crazy Mare." "Really? Well that does sound fun. Oh by the way, I would still like to know how you and Spike came to be like this." "Yes yes, of course." And Mane-iac told her the whole, exact story f how she and Spike met and became a loving couple to this day. "At first, me and Spike were enemies, but then I realized how nice and sweet he was. Not to mention super adorable." Ember giggled at the last thing she said. "My friends of course didn't know, and thought she kidnapped me." Spike added with a sheepish smile. "But all was forgiven, and Mane-iac was given a fair trial." "And she was found not guilty." Fluttershy added. We all had time to know her more and more, and she seemed very okay." "What happened next?" Asked Ember curiously "I had my very first date with a beautiful mare for the first time, and had so much fun together." Spike said.v v. Then of course, Mane-iac had to go." Berlin suddenly had that sympathetic look on her fact towards him once again. "But, me and my dear Spikey-Whikey saw each other again, and we decided to get married." And Mane-iac hugged him lovingly with her tendrils "Yep. It was the happiest day of our lives." Spike said. "But then, an evil Changeling queen named Chrysalis kidnapped me and-" "Chrysalis?" Asked Ember "yeah, I have heard of her. She and the changelings kinda give us some trouble if needed." "Has she tried to invade the dragon lands before?" Asked Applejack "Only once or twice, but that was a long time ago. Chrysalis is very afraid of us, and she completely underestimated us dragons against her and the changeling swarm. She wouldn't even bother trying to come back now." "Well, you won't have to worry about her anymore." Spike said. "She lost all her power, and the changelings are good now. They even have a new form that makes them look absolutely magnificent bugs compared to their original form." "Well that's a relief." Said Ember. "So, can I look at this nightclub you guys have?" "Of course. It's not open, but you can come in as one of Spike's friends." Mane-iac kindly remarked. "I'll even help you with a drink when we get there." "Sure, all that flying sure made me parched." Ember remarked. And they all went to the Crazy Mare for a quick drink. Spike was the one who opened the door with a spare key he would use for himself if he needed it. The blue dragon was impressed by how the interior looked, the walls, the dance floor, the stage, she thought everything looked amazing. "Wow, I love it!" "You should see how chaotic it can be at night." Mane-iac said while bouncing her eyebrows a few times. "It I as crazy as me. Mwahahaha." "Hmm, I can imagine. Maybe i'll atop by here tonight of I get the chance." "You should." Fluttershy remarked very quietly. "It is so much fun." "So, what would you like to drink?" Asked Spike "Hmm.... what do you guys have?" "Lemonade, root beer, bourbon, whiskey, apple cider, hard lemonade, grape juice-" "Ooh, I love Hard Lemonade. How about that?" "Gotcha." then the baby dragon fetched Ember the beverage she wanted. After that was done, they all got drinks of there own, and all sat together at a nearby table. Of course, it was a little overcrowding, so they had to share two tables. Mane-iac, Spike, and Ember sat in one booth, and the other six ponies sat in the other. After having a sip of apple juice, Spike asked Ember "So, you wanna tell my wife how you and I became friends in the Gauntlet of Fire challenge by your father?" and he wiped his face with a napkin. "Sure. That is a very interesting page-turner." Ember replied, drinking her hard lemonade. She even let out a loud belch so long and loud, that it slightly shook the building. "Whoa! Nice." Rainbow acknowledged, applauding for Ember's little action. "Thanks. Anyway, My father, Dragon Lord Torch called upon all dragons everywhere, including Spike to complete a number of tasks to become the new dragon lord. Spike didn't want to, but he wanted to save his friends and Ponyville. He wasn't alone, Twilight and Rarity were with him..... In disguise of course." "Yeah, the Dragon Lands are very dangerous for ponies to endure. Celestia and Luna said it is best to keep it discrete." "Fair enough." Mane-iac said to them. Back to Ember, she said "Continue." "Right. My dad didn't want to give up power, but it was Dragon Law that he stepped out of power when the time has come. It's part of an ancient dragon code." "You have a code of honor?" asked Applejack "Of course I do, Applejack. You didn't think that we are just nothing but a race of mindless, greedy beasts, did you?" The others made a nervous chuckle. "Well.... not really." Fluttershy lied. "Well, anyway, I met Spike at the meeting, and.... we weren't really friends at that time, for I thought dragons don't really do friends." "You do now." Said Mane-iac with a confident smile. "Yep. Spike really changed how I viewed ponies. And maybe they are not as weak as I thought they were. Anyway, back to the Gauntlet of Fire, since he is my dad, the dragon lord prevented me from trying to obtain the Dragon Lord Gauntlet for myself, because of how small I looked. Sometimes, I just don't understand fathers." "Hahaha! You and me both, Ember." Mane-iac chuckled heartedly. "Wait, you know what it's like to have an overly protective father?" "Unfortunately, yes." The unhinged mare sighed. "My father was always so strict on me, and never let me have any freedom at all." "Heh. Yeah, I guess we can kinda relate, huh?" "Exactly my point, sister." Mane-iac agreed with her, with yet another hearty, evil chuckle. "Right." Ember made a chuckle of her own. "So since my father wouldn't let me compete, I decided to do this in disguise so father wouldn't know that it was me..... at least until I actually got that Gauntlet of course." "Good thinking. I like the way you think." "Me and Spike actually ended up working together to get that gauntlet , and overtime, we grew to become friends on the way. Garble was trying to get the scepter too, and we couldn't let him win. At first, I was just using Spike and abandoned him, but then I came back for him, because he was as my friend." "Well, isn't that nice?" "Yep, and I even helped Spike get the gauntlet so he could become dragon lord. First, he ordered Garble to hug every dragon he saw and made contact with." Ember had a good laugh with her friends and everyone was laughing. "That is so hilarious!" Mane-iac cackled lightly. "Sounded like he got his rightful comeuppance! Hahahaha!" "Yeah, and I can imagine the humiliation he is facing right now at the mines." Spike said. "Serves him right for trying to kill me." "Yes! I promise I will never let anyone lay a lethal hoof or claw on you, Spike." And she hugged and kissed him again. "Thank you, Mane-iac. I love you." The baby dragon replied. Ember was feeling a little grossed out by this romantic talking between them "Okay okay, please don't be all smushed around. It's.... not really my style." Said the blue dragon, and she had another sip of her drink. On and on, the conversations and the friendly talking continued onward, and it was a real good time for all of them, even for Ember (Despite the stuff that she would call smushy) the new dragon lord was having fun with this. > Birthday Plans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As weeks passed, it was springtime in all of Equestria. Spike and Mane-iac were as happy as they can be, especially this time of year in their home. Of course they weren't exactly in Equestria, they were in Maretropolis, having some fun with High Heel and her girls. At the old lair where the Mane-iac used to live in, Spike and Mane-iac were having a little orgy together with High Heel and her hencn-mares. It was all so much fun, and they all knew that Spike's heart belongs to the Mane-iac, and the other villainess wouldn't even dream of coming between her best friend and her husband. It was just an orgy party after all. Spike was enjoying a nice fellatio from Mane-iac, panting and moaning loudly and blissfully. "Yes! That's it, Mane-iac! Please don't stop!" the baby dragon panted with his tongue out, small drops of sweat oozing down his face. The unhinged mare was just sucking away on his dragonhood, tasting as delicious as ever. So hard, so sweet, and yet a little bitter from the pre-cum. "I am one lucky mare." Mane-iac thought to herself, and then she began to suck on it even faster than before, making Spike gasp and moan louder than before. A couple of High Heels minions were gently holding him down, and crowded around him for support and to make him feel more happy. "You are doing so good, Spike." said a mare. "yeah, You can hold in so much within yourself." said another with a giggle, giving him a kiss on his cheek. That little action made him more aroused than before, and slowly felt the climax kicking in once again. "Oh my Celestia." Spike gasped "Mane-iac! Here- here it comes! AAAHH!" then he ejaculated a large gallon of cum into her beautiful, yet insane wife. There was so much semen going off inside her mouth, that some sperm was leaking out of her mouth. Nonetheless, mane-iac was loving every moment of this. It tasted so good, and so sweet. "Mmmm." she moaned. Then she kissed the tip of his head three times after swallowing every last drop. After that, she licked her lips to get any remaining semen off of them. "That is definitely good stuff right there." she remarked with a chuckle. "I hope that wasn't too much for you, sweetie." "Nah." Spike panted with a smirk. "It's okay." and he laid flat on his back from all the pressure. It didn't mean he was finished completely though. High Heel was watching how much he was holding it all out for her, to please the Mane-iac like this. "Well I hope you still have some energy left within you, sweetheart." said High Heel. "Because now it's my turn." then she took off her soot and boots, and the helmet off of her head, then began giggling seductively as she licked her lips as the Mane-iac stepped aside for her friend to have a taste of his dragonhood. Then High Heel began having all the juicy cock for herself. All the mares around both of them were becoming very horny just by watching this. A few of High Heel's minions began masturbating to themselves just watching this. Nopony would really blame them though, it was pretty sexy to watch all of this happen. High Heel was really enjoying his big, juicy colthood with every taste she was having, and even going as far as to gently suck on his scrotum and nibbling on it. These actions made Spike moan and gasp in pleasure once more. Now it was so much for him to handle now. The ecstasy was starting to kick back right into his system. High Heel would even lick all around his dragonhood just for kicks. Boy was she being ruthless with this. Unlike Mane-iac, High Heel didn't really let him stop to catch his breath. When it came to her, it was quite a fondness for her to do sex without wanting to stop, at least she will stop in Spike's case because he was her best friend's wife. Spike began to feel the climax starting to kick in again, and felt like ejaculating some more. "Oh Celestia." the baby dragon panted. "Oh sweet Celestia! It's happening again!" Spike warned High Heel. It was just at this moment High Heel began sucking even faster than before, Like the Mane-iac did with him before she finished him off with her magic mouth. And Spike came alot once again inside Heel's mouth this time. The villainess herself was really enjoying every drop she was tasting. Her taste buds were loving every bit of it, and then swallowed it all whole down her throat. "Wow, that was great." High Heel panted. "Very good job Spike." "Thanks." Spike panted. "Would you like to take a break now?" she softly asked him "Yeah." and the baby dragon stopped his panting "Okay. Yeah, I think that would be best for me." and immediately laid down on the bed. The other hench-mares decided to keep him company just to make him comfortable "Would you like us to stay with you, sweetie? Maybe have a little.... snuggling time as one?" said a third mare. "Of course. I would love that." Spike replied humbly. All the mares giggled and were more than honored to lay down close to him for comfort. It was like it was Spike's very own brothel. Well, technically, it was kinda like that, but a little lighter to put it down. "Oh Spike." said Mane-iac. "You're so cute." and she was hugging him close to her like a teddy bear. Spike sighed blissfully as he was surrounded by a bunch of beautiful mares surrounding him. "So Spike?" said a minion "Yeah Sinister Slipper?' "I heard you had a crush on your friend Rarity before. Is that true?" "Well.... yeah, but that was long before me and Mane-iac happily came to be." Spike answered, flushing a crimson red on his cheeks. "It was a long time ago, waaay back before me and Mane-iac got married and live a happy life together." "Oh stop it, Spikey-poo." Mane-iac muttered in flattery. The baby dragon made a chuckle of his own, and said "Sorry my crazy wife." And they made a small kiss on one another's lips for affection. The Mane's lips had a strawberry taste to it from her lipstick. "Anyway, Before me and Mane-iac, I was so in love with Rarity back then." Spike made a sigh "I would always try something like winning her affection, kissing, wooing her, bringing her gifts. In the end, I realized she is not really my type, and Mane-iac was all I need." "Come here, you." Mane-iac pulled him in for another kiss, but it was bigger and more affectionate than the last one they did together. "Thank you, Mane-iac." Spike replied with great flattery. "Of course, Spike." "And I take it you got over her, right?" Asked Sinister Slipper. "Hmm-mm. But, I am okay with that. Me and Rarity are just friends now. She never really had a crush on me, anyway." "Indeed." High Heel agreed flatly. "Thank you so much for coming her for some more fun together. Me and my girls always love extra company." And she bounced her eyebrows three times with bedroom eyes. "No problem High Heel. There was not really much to do anyway." Spiekr eplied, crossing his arms behind his head in relaxation. "Nothing like a little orgy with you guys while i have nothing to do." "And the same for me. I was a little bored, and I thought I would drop by to see you just for old times sake." Mane-iac added. "Spike never ceases to show a lady a fun time from her husband." "Heh, you can say that again, Mane-iac." High Heel agreed with a small giggle. The snuggling continued on for almost thirty minutes and the group was having so much fun embracing each other like this. After that was over, both Spike and Mane-iac decided to go back home and had their little fun with their friends. Before Spike and Mane-iac could go, the unhinged mare stopped him for some reason. "Just a second, sweetie. I just need to talk to High Heel and the others." "A talk?" "Hmm-mm. It's a.... private matter, but don't worry, this will not take long. I promise you. Now go on, I will meet you on the other side." "Okay." Then the baby dragon happily went back home. "Well, my friend. Let's talk, shall we?" Said High Heel. "Yes, I want to talk to you about something very important." Mane-iac clarified. She cleared his throat, and began. "I would like you to come to our world, and discuss about a very important about Spike. In the Town hall, midnight. Oh, and don't forget to tell the Power Ponies themselves about this too." "Them?" High Heel raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Yes. I know we are sworn enemies, but they are friends of my husband, too. Oh! And don't tell Spike about this, we want it to be a surprise." "Sure. Me and my girls would be more than happy to attend the castle, and discuss this special event." "Perfect. Au revoir, ma cherie." Then Mane-iac happily went through the portal back home as well. Later that Night Spike was fast asleep in the mansion. Mane-iac awoken and realized it was midnight already. She smirked, and quietly got out of bed. She looked at Spike and smiled warmly at him. "Aww, sleep tight, my little angel.' She whispered, and kissed him tenderly on his forehead. Mane-iac stood upright, and tip-toed away from him, and sneaked out of the master bedroom. It was very quiet, but the rest of the lights were already on for an unknown reason. "Oh I hope everypony is there waiting for me." Then she went outside, to the townhall. The streets looked a little empty, but everypony was probably at the town hall to wait for Mane-iac. When she arrived, it was packed already with all the residents, and there was also High Heel, her minions, Ember, The princess', Shining Armor, and the stallions from Maretropolis' nightclub, who were one of Spike's biggest fans, and the Power Ponies themselves were present. "Ah. There you all are." She said proudly. "Thank you all for coming here tonight." And Mane-iac promptly went on stage. The unhinged mare cleared her throat and began "My dear friends..... and enemies." She added grudgingly at the Power Ponies. Back to her happy tone, she continued "I have brought you all here for so,etching special coming up." And the other patrons murmured to themselves. "Wait! I know what tomorrow is!" Fluttershy suddenly remembered. "Isn't it-" "Spike's birthday? Yes! That is exactly what I was going to say, Fluttershy. Yes, tomorrow is Spike's birthday indeed. I would like this to go perfectly and smoothly." "Well, we would certainly be happy to help you Mane-iac." Twilight happily stepped up. "Yeah, I want to make this Spike's best birthday party ever!" Pinkie bounced with joy. And then she fired her party canon with confetti. Everypony was cheering on, and agreed with Mane-iac about making their favorite baby dragon a good birthday for him. "So, what do you propose we do?" "Well, we will need decorations, party favors, and a buffet! Oh, and along with live music. For the cake we will need sow,thing so scrumptious, so appetizing that he would get a major stomach ache from eating it all." "No problem, Mr. and Mrs. Cake can totally handle that." Said Rainbow Dash. "And he can play guitar for all of us." Pinch Harmonic added. He and his buddies shouted in agreement like a bunch of football fanatics and clopped each other's hooves with enthusiasm. "That would be a wonderful idea, Pinch Harmonic." Fluttershy agreed with them "Yes! That is exactly what I was thinking as well. Now, about the place, we can all do it in the Nightclub at night." "That sounds good." "Well, I don't want Spike to find out about this. Your majesties, you can spread the word at Canterlot and other places to tell everypony about this event. Just do not tell Spike. I want this to be a special surprise." "Of course, Mane-iac." Celestia stated warmly. "Now, here is the plan...." > Best Birthday Ever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the next morning and Spike was the first to wake up, and stretched himself. Then she noticed the Mane-iac was not resting on the bed. Curious, scratching his head with his finger, he wondered where she was at the moment. Walking out on the hallway, he heard Twilight giggling and saw her walking down with Hair Stylish. "Oh Hair, I think you are so funny." She said. Then he had a small laugh himself. "Well Twilight, I am quite a planner." Said the leader of Mane-iac's minions. At this moment, they both noticed Spike, and stopped inches from where he was. "Oh, bonjour, Spike. Ca va?" Said Hair Stylish "Tres Bon." Spike replied "hey, have you guys seen Mane-iac anywhere? I found her out of her bed before I was." "She's cooking breakfast for you, Spike." Twilight replied. "Mane-iac will be more than happy to see you downstairs." "Oui, and she is determined to make you as happy as possible with what she is cooking at ze moment, Spike. Better hurry now, she's waiting for you." Spike had an eager smile on his face hearing this and said "okay, gotta go!" And he hurriedly went to the kitchen downstairs. As he went, Twilight and Hair Stylish looked at each other, trying to keep whatever they were saying a secret. Twilight cleared her throat and began "Okay, are your hench-stallions going to set up the decorations for Spike?" "Uh-huh. Callous Comb and ze others are setting everything up at ze Crazy Mare now, but.... it might take a while, in the meantime, make sure Spike does not get in ze club until we are finished, tonight. Mane-iac's orders." Twilight nodded her head and replied "got it. Oh, Spike will love what we will have for him tonight." "Ho Ho Ho, I concur, ma Cherie." And both of them continued walking down, pretending that they never had this conversation in the first place and act oblivious as much as they can. Meanwhile, Spike smelled the scent of an omelette being boiled on the stove. Mane-iac really seemed like a good cook, even for a crazed super villain such as herself." "Good morning, Mane-iac." Spike said, seeing her work yeh frying pan with a tendril. "Ah, my handsome is awake already, hahaha." Mane-iac chuckled. She turned around with a big smile on her face. "Did you sleep well, Spike-Whikey?" "Yep. Like a swan in the middle of a sparkling lake." Mane-iac gave a small maniacal laugh. "Brilliant, just brilliant. I made you breakfast, a regular omelette, like you would normally want in the morning, and some buttered waffles to go with it. "Yeah I can smell that Smells good." And the baby dragon licked his lips "I can almost taste it in my mouth already." Chuckling adorably at his amusement, Mane-iac carefully put the omelette on a plate next to the waffles. "Bon appetite. And be careful, it's still hot." "Gotcha." Then the baby dragon went to the long table at the dining room, and happily began to eat his ecsquisite breakfast that his beautiful wife created. Mane-iac came to the table with a small breakfast of her own. "Listen, sweetie. I need to go out shopping really soon after I am done with my own breakfast. But, do not worry, I will be back as soon as possible." And ate her own waffle "That's okay. Can I come with you?" Then the Mane-iac stopped eating with her eyes wide, "No!" She shouted. Realized what she just did, she covered her mouth for that little outburst, and replied in a more softer tone "oh, I am soooo sorry, what I mean to say was, it is a rather boring and dull trip in the market. What I am getting is the usual groceries. You see, we are running low on food.... again." She had a small nervous smile on his face. "Really? But I thought you bought another big basket of apples, fruits and vegetables the other day, so much that it would last over weeks, or even months to come." "Did I really do that? Well.... my minions are.... what is the next word to put them? Pigs, and they eat like them too. Food can get rather short when it comes to my minions." "True. We're not the only ones living here, after all." "Exactly my point." "Okay." And Spike ate the last bite of his breakfast, and patted his full tummy. "And, are you sure you wouldn't want me to come with you?" "I do. I just don't want to make it a boring trip for you. Besides, I do not want to keep you from practicing your wonderful guitar playing. Wouldn't want that to go to waste now, wouldn't we?" "Hmm, fair enough. Practice makes perfect. That's what they all say about practicing, or is that Rainbow Dash who said that? I can't remember." Mane-iac thought of it and said, "that could be quite likely. Rainbow Dash is quite a girl with the power of sports and competition inside of her." "Heh, tell me about it." Spike agreed. "She kinda thinks she's better than everypony else because she's the fastest pony in all of Equestria." "Hahaha! As I would always say, overconfidence can be your greatest enemy, and might even get you killed! Mwahahahahaha!!" She cackled. Back to her calm nature. She said "but either way, Rainbow Dash might now be so smart, but she is not that dumb either." "Right." Then the Mane-iac got out of the table, and was ready to do her "errands" to say the least. "Anywho, I really must be going." "Okay, don't be long and I love you." Spike said "Oh, so sweet. I love you too, Spike." And she pulled him on for a long kiss on his lips, and the baby dragon was enjoying every moment of this, the taste of her watermelon lipstick smelled so nice, and wished that it could last forever. "See out in a little while, sweetie." And promptly went out the front door. Spike did feel a little alone, but he realized that he has more than just a beautiful yet crazy wife with him, he has many fri do that care about him, too. "Hmm, what to do, what to do?" He thought out loud to himself "nah, I'm just gonna practice my guitar some more. She's right, practice makes perfect... I gotta stop talking to myself." And he promptly went upstairs to play more guitar notes and chords. While jamming on his ax, he was thinking about the Mane-iac nonstop as usual, and even put her into a song once again. While thinking about her, he began playing a beautiful serenade. "You're my religion, you're my reason to live." He sang "you are the heaven in my hell." And all of a sudden, he began playing a beautiful, long guitar solo, made all for her. If only she was there to see this, was what he was thinking about right now. A few hench-stallions took notice and went inside to watch him play such beautiful tunes. As more and more stallions came in to watch him, Spike decided that he should let the show go on for his adoring fans. When he was done playing, the small band of audience applauded for him, cheering loudly and enthusiastically. "Thank you, thank you one and all for watching me." Spike said. "I hoped you all enjoyed that." "We loved it!' Twilight said. "Absolutely amazing. Very good job as always, Spike." "Thanks, Twilight." Spike replied to her. "Hello, anypomy in here?" Said a cute mare's voice. It was Fluttershy, coming inside in a rather sheepish fashion. "Oh, I'm sorry, was I interrupting something?" She asked, pawing her hoof on the floor. "No, it's quite alright, Fluttershy." Spike said. "Just got finished practicing my super awesome guitar skills!" And he flexed his so-called muscles as a boast, pumping it up inside of him. Twilight giggled at what he was trying to do from that response "Oh Spike." She muttered with her mouth covered. "Well, Spike. I was wondering if.... you could help me with my animals for a little while. I mean- if it's okay with you." "What for?" "Well.... I just thought that you would to do something fun, and we heard that Mane-iac was going out shopping for groceries." "Hmm. Okay." Spike said. "I could use a break from all that practicing. Heck, I don't want to burn my fingers off or make it blade." "Oh my goodness." Fluttershy said with Hooves to her mouth. "Of course not." "And nothing like getting some lemonade from the nightclub, being a guitarist can sure make one thirsty." Then everypony's eyes went wide with fear and panic, fearing the secret will be exposed. "No! You can't!" Twilight stopped him before he could get out the bedroom door. Feeling confused, the baby dragon asked "Uhh, Twilight, what's going on here?" "Well, the Crazy Mare is under....." "Renovations!" Said Hair Stylish. "Oui, some of my boys are working on upgrading ze interior of ze nightclub." All of them nodded their heads nervously with a few drops of sweat coming down their cheeks. "Exactly!" Twilight said "And you wouldn't really like how loud construction would be inside." Fluttershy added. Spike had an eyebrow raised up, not really sure what to think of this. "Oookay, but, I play my electric guitar all the time now. That's kinda noisy, don't you think?" "Not as noisy as the sound of hammers pounding the nails over and over again." Twilight said. "Or the sound of an electrical saw, or a jackhammer." Fluttershy reminded. "Well, anyway, I think we should get going. I wouldn't want all my critter friends to wait for such a long time." "Alright. Maybe I can have some apple juice when we get to the cottage?" "Of course we can. I'll fetch you one as soon as we get there." Fluttershy kindly remarked warmly. "Come on." Twilight and the others went "whew." Feeling more than relief to see that their surprise was not foiled. While walking down the main road that led to the cottage, Spike asked the yellow Pegasus "so, what would you like me to do with the animals exactly?" "Oh, I just thought you would like to help me feed them, take care of them, bathe them, and of course clean up after them." "Sure thing. Not a problem. I love animals, and they love me." And had a sudden realization on his face. "Except for Angel. He hates my guts." He added in a mildly bitter tone of voice. "Don't be silly, Spike. Angel likes you. He... just has a way of showing his love to you." "Right, if you can count pulling pranks on me a way of telling somepony they care about you, or something like that." He muttered sarcastically. "Well, maybe he did, but don't worry, I punished him for the bucket of grapes over your head prank by not giving him extra dinner for three months." "Hmm. Yeah I remember. That's a harsh punishment for him, alright. But enough of that, I'm sure I will get along with the others really well, like the time I stayed with you on the day Mane-iac foalnapped me, remember?" "Oh yes. As a matter of fact, I can almost remember it like it was yesterday." And thought about that very day and how Spike got to stay with her for a little while. "But don't worry, I'll make sure Angel Bunny doesn't try to hurt you, or pull pranks on you." "Thanks, Flutters." Spike replied "What are friends for?" Then they both made it. When the baby dragon set foot in the cottage, almost all of the animals were happy to see him, minus Angel of course, who just ignored him and got into reading a carrot magazine. Spike wasn't really happy to see that spoiled lagamorph either, but he just ignore him back. "Hello, Everypony. You all remember Spike, don't you?" Fluttershy warmly greeted them all. Angel just stuck his tongue out in disgust while pointing his finger at it, and continued reading his book. "He'll be helping you all with the feeding, bathing, and cleaning today." All of the critters made noises of joy and excitement, crowding around the baby dragon with their bodies and their paws and their feet. This made Spike feel pleased and appreciated about how much almost all the animals cared about him. "Okay, so where should we start first?" "Usually, I would start with the critters living outside of my cottage." "Sure, that's cool." and they both went to work with the animals. *** Few hours have passed, and Spike was feeling rather exhausted from all of that work. Nonetheless, he was happy to work alongside Fluttershy once more, just like old times. At the time, he was just taking a little rest on the couch. While resting, he had his head on Fluttershy's lap while she was gently rubbing his head. "I take it you had fun with me and the animals?" She asked with a smirk "Uh-huh." and he made a small yawn. "It wasn't easy, but it was fun, nonetheless. Always happy to help out a deer friend of mine." then he continued resting on her lap. "Good." she smiled warmly at him "So, do you think Mane-iac might be done with those errands yet?" "Hmm, she did say she would come and pick you up here." "She knows that I am here?" "Of course she does, silly." Fluttershy giggled. "I told her that I would ask for your help here." Now the baby dragon understood. "Ah, okay." "Would you like some more apple juice, Spike?" "Uh-huh." then the baby dragon got his head off of her, and the yellow pegasus went to fetch him the beverage he wanted. It wasn't long before she came right back. "Okay, here you go, sweetie." then promptly put the glass on the table for him to take a sip. "Thank you Fluttershy." "No problem, Spike. Always happy to see you happy." After taking the first sip, Spike asked "So, Fluttershy, what exactly are they working on in the club, like what are they upgrading?" And that small touch of horror came back to her. "Well um.... they were trying to remodel the stage into something more.... exciting, and dazzling." she lied to him. "Ah, gotcha. Well, I hope that it doesn't take long. You all know how much I love performing for all my friends and wife onstage." And he crossed his arms behind his head in great confidence. Fluttershy giggled "don't worry. I'm sure that it will be ready for you before the day is over." She said. Then there was the sound of knocking on her front door, it had to be Mane-iac on the other side of it. "Oh! That must be her right now." She said with joy. Fluttershy was more than happy to open the door, and she was right, there was Mane-iac looking happy as ever, at least, sane type of happy to put it lightly. "Hello, Mane-iac." She kindly greeted her in a soft voice. "Did you find the groceries alright?" "Of course, my dear Fluttershy. Let me tell you, it wasn't all that easy, but, I eventually found all the items eventually." And they both winked at eachother without the baby dragon knowing it. "Wonderful." Then she stepped aside for Mane-iac so she can come inside. There, she saw Spike resting on the couch with his arms crossed behind his head. "Spike, there you are." "Mane-iac, you're here." Spike said. And they both embraced eachother. "Are you ready to go back home, sweetie?" "Yep. Let's go. Well.... can you carry me again? I'm a little tired from doing all that animal work with Fluttershy. Taking care of animals is never easy, you know?" "Hahahaha! I can see that, perfectly understandable. Of course you can ride on my back, Spikey-poo. I'm always happy to carry you around wherever I go." And she picked him up with her tendrils very gently, and he found himself on her back. "Thank you." "No problem, sweetie. See you later Fluttershy." "Bye Mane-iac, bye Spike." Then the Mane-iac happily went out the front door, back home, and Fluttershy promptly closed it, going back to her business. "So Mane-iac, did you find everything okay at the marketplace.?' "Oh yes, of course. It will last in over weeks, or maybe even months to come. So many apples and jewels that we can eat for as long as it lasts." And then she thought about another thing she bought just for Spike, something even more special than any one of those combined. However, Mane-iac decided not to say it for it will spoil the special surprise for tonight. It was good Spike didn't know about it. Not that she didn't want him to know what day it was today, but she wants to wait for tonight, when the time is right. Hopefully, Callous Comb and his stallions have finished building the decorations inside the Crazy Mare for the night to come. Back to him, Mane-iac asked "So tell me, was it fun over there?" "Yep. It was." Spike replied boldly. "A little tiring like I said before, but still fun. And Angel hasn't tried to do something nasty to me today." "Oh, that is wonderful. Because if that so-called Angel Bunny would ever try to hurt you, I would rip him in half until nopony, not even his own mother would recognize his remains. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!" she cackled. "Uhhh, you don't really intend on doing that, do you?" Spike asked her nervously. "Do forgive my craziness once again." Mane-iac noted. "Suddenly let my evil instincts get the best of me again, hehehe." "Ah, it's okay. I know you woukd never try to tear Angel limb from limb, even if he hates me." "Indeed. Fluttershy wouldn't even let that Angel try to hurt you anyway." "Yeah, I suddenly get the feeling his name is like a sick joke. Maybe he should be called Devil Bunny!" Both he and Mane-iac laughed in agreement. "I absolutely concur, Spike." Said Mane-iac. "Oh, don't tell Fluttershy I said that. It might hurt her feelings." "Don't worry, Mane-iac. My lips are sealed." And the baby dragon pretended to have a zipper on his mouth, and zipped it right up. "I know, Spike." She said warmly. And she noticed the baby dragon yawning a little. "Oh, is a certain baby dragon getting tired?" She asked with a smirk on her face." "Yeah, I'm a little. It from all that work, but worth helping one of my closest friends." And he yawned. "Maybe I can use a little nap when I get back home." "Excellent idea." "I just hope I don't sleep all the way through the night like this. I really want to perform at the Crazy Mare again. Gotta put more use to my guitar skills." "Don't you worry, Callous Comb and my other minions will probably done with all of those renovations inside the nightclub. I'm sure that when the night comes, I will surely wake you up." And she winked at him "Thanks Mane-iac." Then yawned one last time. When they finally made it back home, Spike was feeling half-asleep at the moment. Mane-iac walked upstairs to the master and gently tucked him in bed, and placed the covers over his small body. Spike immediately feel asleep completely, and Mane-iac was thinking how cute he was while in this position, and in his slumber. The unhinged mare bent her head down, and tenderly kissed him on his forehead. Wrote she left the room, she whispered in his ears "sweet dreams, my husband." Many hours have passed and it was the evening now.Apike was still adorably asleep under his sheets and snored softly. Mane-iac promptly came back inside the room, and went to wake him up "Spike? Come on now, it's time to awake." She said softly. The baby dragon's eyes slowly began to open up, and he was looking at the Mane-iac smiling warmly to him. While slowly sitting up, he rubbed his eyes to make sure he didn't have any sand in them, and it turns out that they were both clean from any dry tears. "What time is it?" "Seven in the evening, Spikey-Whikey." And the baby dragon's eyes shot open in surprise. "Seven in the evening? Oh man, I hope I'm not too late to perform at the Crazy Mare tonight." Mane-iac chuckled and calmed him down by gently pinning him back on the bed. "It's quite alright, sweetie. As a matter of fact, come with me. There is so,wining I would really love to show you." "What is it?" "Ah, it's a surprise." She sang softly. The next thing she did was pull out a blindfold out of nowhere and showed it to him. It's color was like a dark shade of red, like how it would normally be colored. "Do be a good boy and put this one, please." "Okay." And he immediately put the blindfold over his eyes. "I... I can't see a thing with this over my eyes." "Brilliant. Here, I will set you on my back to save you the trouble from abusing any injuries or accidents such as tumbling down the stairs." "Good idea." And he felt a couple of tendrils softly wrapping around him, and felt himself back on the Mane-iac once more. "Ready?" "Ready when you are." Mane-iac replied. The baby dragon nodded a yes, and then she was off. "Now, you might want to cling to my body just in case you fall off of me. Wouldn't want to bump your noggin, wouldn't we?" "Nope, good call, Mane-iac." Spike agreed. Then the Mane-iac opened the door to the Crazy Mare club and promptly went inside. Feeling her come to a complete stop, he asked her "Are we already there?" Mane-iac giggled "yep, we have arrived. Here, let me help you down." And she used her tendrils to get back on the ground. "Now, do not take the blindfold off just yet. Now, I want you to close your eyes and open them until I say you can. Alright?" "Got ya." Spike said, and he immediately clamped his eyes shut like a pair of clams or oysters. The eagerness was killing him, and he wanted to know what was going on so badly. It was just then he felt Mane-iac taking the blindfold off of his face, but kept his eyes closed like she ordered him to. It took a little while, somewhere around ten seconds, but Mane-iac finally said "alright sweetie. You can look now." When the baby dragon lifted his eyelids, there was a crowd shouting "Surprise!! Happy birthday Spike!" He gasped and suddenly felt very flattered by all of this. He saw a large emerald gem cake that was completely large, as if he could fall off a diving board and go inside of it, and the frosting on top was shaped like Spike's happy face. What he also saw was the princess', the stallions from the nightclub in Maretropolis, High Heel and her mares, Ember, Stsrlight Glimmer, Thorax, and even the Power Ponies were all present at this party for him. Another difference was that all the pretty mares were wearing the Mane-iac suits from Rarity's fashion line, Making both she and Spike happy to see that they were still popular as ever. "What is this?" He asked "It's a surprise party just for you, dude." Rainbow Dash said, gently ruffling his head. "Mane-iac remembered that your birthday is today, and wanted to throw the best party that anypony could ever ask for." This made Spike even more flattered to hear this. "Happy birthday, Spike!" Pinkie bounced with joy, and she immediately pulled out her party canon, shooting confetti from it. "Oh, thank you guys so much!" He said. "Don't thank us, it was all the Mane-iac's idea." Fluttershy pointed "Yes. I wanted to make you so happy." Said the unhinged mare. This brought a tear of joy in Spike's eye, and he immediately hugged her very tightly. "Thank you so much, Mane-iac!" And he kissed her many times on the face. "This is very thoughtful of you!" "You are quite welcome, sweetie." And she hugged him back "I love you, sweetie." And they gave eachother. Kiss on eachother's cheeks. "Come on, and enjoy your own party." Twilight suggested. "Great idea." And he and Mane-iac went around the place with thumping music being heard all around the building, and many of his friends minglin with one another. It was just then Thorax, the new king of the Changelings came up to him. "Hi Spike. Long time no see." He greeted in a friendly tone of voice. He found himself shaking his hoof with the baby dragon's hand. "Happy birthday, my old friend." "Thanks Thorax. I'm really glad you could make it here." "Wouldn't have missed it for the better." Thorax replied. "So how's the changeling Kingdom now that you're the king?" The new king had a smile on his face. "It is really tremendous! Everyone loves me, and we are liking this new type of feeding love without hurting anypony very much." "Awesome. Thorax, I would like you to meet Mane-iac, my new beautiful and caring wife." "Hello, Thorax. It is a pleasure to meet you at last." And she formed her tendril into a hand to shook the changeling's hoof with. "Spike told me a lot about you, and how you became the new ruler of the reformed Changelings. Well.... to be honest, I thought your original look was a little more.... satisfying." "Mane-iac." Twilight gently scolded with a smirk on her face. "Nah, it's okay." Thorax said. "You're not the only one, Mane-iac, many other ponies looked at us and thought we were cool as our original selves. Despite sucking the love out of them of course." he flushed lightly. And they all had a good laugh "Happy birthday old pal." "Thanks. Enjoy the party." "I will." then Spike and Mane-iac moved on to whatever was happening. The dance floor was a dance paradise for the young ponies who want to have a good time, along with colorful light shows to go with it. "Hello Spike." said a tenderly mother voice that Spike knew too well. It was princess Celestia and Luna. "Your majesties." Spike recognized them, and he immediately bowed to them in respect, and Mane-iac did the same thing as well. "Nice to see you both here." Luna made a small giggle, and replied "Are you kidding, Spike? We are always happy to attend a special event for you, especially your birthday. Mane-iac invited us, and she planned everything really well." "Yeah, I can imagine how long she planned all of this for me." Spike agreed "Oh ho, it wasn't easy, my darling husband." Mane-iac said with a wink. "I wanted to make sure there was the best cake there ever was that would fit you perfectly. I went to the baby cakes for help, and they were more than happy to make that large cake with gems." "That's awesome! So, enjoying the party, your majesties?" he asked the princess' "Oh yes." said Celestia warmly. "It is so wonderful to be celebrating your birthday like this. The cake does look really delicious. Do you mind if I have the first slice?" "Sister!" and they all had a good laugh about it. "Forgive her." "Nah, it's okay, princess Luna. I know she was just joking." Spike said "That's right." Celestia chuckled. "Oh, and Ember is here to see you as well." "Ember? Really?" Both princess' nodded a yes. "Yes. Ember was also more than happy to come here to attend your birthday." Celestia said. "Even... if she didn't really know what a birthday party was, she was more than happy to come. Enjoy yourselves." then she and her sister went to get themselves a drink from the counter up front. "Hey, Spike!" said a tough stallion's voice. It was Pinch Harmonic and his gang, looking tough, yet friendly as ever. All of them were chuckling in a hearty tone. "Nice to see ya here, birthday boy!" said Pinch Harmonic. And he gave Spike a big pat on the back that was a little painful. Nonetheless, Spike liked it. "What an awesome party here." His boys made words of agreement. "Yeah! fucking awesome!" said Evil Twin." and he bumped his hoof with Pinch Harmonic. "How ya doing, Mane-iac?" the leader asked her. "Doing splendid. I really hope you are enjoying the party that I set up just for my adorable little husband." "We love it!" said another one of his boys. "Awesome." Spike said with a big grin. "And in case you guys are asking. I am performing here tonight, but.... I might do something a little more mellow." Pinch Harmonic smile and waved his long blond mane, and beard. "That's dine, brother. We all need a break from being so fucking heavy once in a while, right boys?" And his friends cheered like a football team once more. "We all wish you good luck as your biggest fans, little dude." Said Evil Twin with a wink. Spike felt more than cofident. Thanks to their kind words. "Thanks guys. I really appreciate it." "Come on boys, let's get some liquor!" Pinch Harmonic said. And they all went to possibly get drunk. "Hehe, I love those guys." Rainbow said. "I mean, they are so awesome." And they all decided to sit down and relax for a little while, and had dinner together. While eating hayburgers, Spike looked on at his party, feeling more than happy to see everyone he loved and cared about attend his birthday party. "See those presents over there, darling?" Rarity pointed. They are all for you." And the baby dragon looked at a large tower of presents that almost went as high as the ceiling, making him even more excited. "Wow, look at all of them." He said in awe. "I don't even know where to start." "I wouldn'tblame you, Spike." Pinkie giggled. "So many presents for you to open." "Well, not after your performance of course." "Or have some mighty delicious cake, sugarcube" Applejack added. Spike chuckled and replied "I know, don't worry. The night is still young, after all." "You can say that again." Said a mare's voice. They all looked and it was the Power Ponies themselves. "Power Ponies? What are yoy guys doing here? Not that i'm not happy to see you of course." Zapp giggled and replied "are you kidding, kiddo? We wouldn't miss something from our biggest fan for the better." And she winked at him kindly "Yeah, we heard about your birthday from Mane-iac, and we were more than happy to say yes to that invitation." Said Saddle Rager "Even though you guys are enemies?" Spike asked "Well... we might have our differences, but we'll get past them, use for your sake." Masked Matterhorn added, gently riffing his head. Fily-second, who was almost like Pinkie said "I wonder if there are any cupcakes here." "Oh I am sure there are cupcakea here sugarcube." Said Mistress Marevelous with a chuckle. "We just need to look for em." Radiance smirked and she said "Fily-second really loves cupcakes." And the other superheroes agreed with her. "As long as you don't break our truce, I am more than happy to see you here." Said Mane-iac. ".... even though you are my mist hated nemesees in the while world, but we can put our differences aside." And after they were done with the dinner, Spike and his friends got out of the booth to look around some more. "Spike!" Said a voice the baby dragon definitely recognized. It was none other than Ember, having a glass of hard lemonade with her. "Happy birthday, squirt! And she had another sip. "Ember, glad you could make it, too." Spike said on a very happy voice. "Happy to be here, little man. Ya liking the party, birthday boy?" She asked with a slight smile and a raised eyebrow. "Totally! I can't wait for the performance and the presents I will open." "And we can't wait to see you do a song, too." Said High Heel, walking over to them with a few of her minions close to her. "It will be quite amazing. Don't you agree, girls?" And her minions agreed with her simultaneously. "Oh, it's starting, better get ready, sweetie. I'll announce it." Mane-iac pointed. Spike was more than happy to hear that, and immediately rushed backstage to get his guitar up and ready for his special birthday performance tonight. It was just then the Mane-iac tapped on the microphone a few times with her hoof, and cleared her throat before saying "Hello Ponyville." Just like that, the crowd grew silent and knew what was going to happen and gathered around the stage. "We are now ready for Spike's amazing performance for all of you." Then the crowd roared in excitement. "Please put your hooves and or hands together for my amazing husband himself, Spike!" And they all cheered even louder. It was just then Spike came from the backstage and had his signature guitar with him. He looked around and saw his closest friends, and everypony he ever cared about smiling at him. Lyra and Bon Bon also shouted "we love you Spike!" Simultaneously, making him more confident than before. "Thank you thank you. Prepare yourselves for a song dedicated to my beautiful wife, Mane-iac. One, two, three, four, Rights for the song go to Poets of the Fall At first it sounded acoustic, and it did sound a little more mellow than what he would usually play at concerts. Nonetheless, it was magical and beautiful the way he played. Many mares fainted by how beautiful he was playing as if they were all looking at a handsome boy band concert. Most of the mares were from High Heel's girls and they were every bit of this, bu not as much as the Mane-iac, since the song is all about her. In a tone that sounded all acoustic, it began to sound more electric. Before the solo came, there was a slight pause with Spike going "whoa whoa whoaaaoooaa." with a few strobe lights going off from the stage floor with the colors of green and purple, like Spike himself. It was just when the solo came along, and he slided on the stage with a few firebolts erupting from the stage, causing the crowd to go wild When it was over, he was surrounding by many of his adoring fans yet again. Mane-iac was the first to gently hug him and congratulate him for his amazing performance. "Spikey-Whikey you have done it yet again!" she said with joy. "Absolutely marvelous!" and she gave him a long kiss on his lips. The baby dragon flushed and was feeling more than lucky to have a good wife like her. "Thanks, Mane-iac." he said, then he found himself being kissed all over his face, covered in green lipstick markings. Then Ember went up to congratulate him next. "Well, little dude. That was absolutely amazing what you did up there." and she gave him a pat on the back. "I'm proud of you, Spike." "Thank you, Ember. I told ya I was good at my guitar skills." the baby dragon boasted. "Well, I say, that was quite astounding." said High Heel. Then she gave him a kiss on the cheek to be playful. Spike began to flush a more redder shade of red on his face. "Very nice job, sugar." "well uh, thank you, High Heel." was all the baby dragon replied. "For that, I think we should move forward to the birthday cake!" Pinkie suggested, bouncing with joy. Just like that, they all gathered around the large birthday cake, and Mane-iac was more than Happy to light up the candles with a lighter by using a tendril. "Alright, everypony, all together now." They all sung the birthday song, and Spike had a tear of joy in his eye. "Thanks guys. I love you all." "Oh come here you." Then Mane-iac and Spike hugged eachother warmly and kissed on their lips a few times. "I love you too, Spike." She said. His friends and the Power Ponies also stepped up. "So do we." Fluttershy remarked warmly. Then they joined in on the hug, then Lyra and Bon Bon, the Princess', and a few other ponies living in town as well. All of them looked at Discord, feeling a little uncomfortable. "Well... I don't know if I should. It feels silly and sappy." "Oh come on, Discord. I know you want to." Fluttershy teased him. "Ah alright." The master of chaos smirked, and joined in as well. As they all broke out, the Power Ponies walked up to him. "To our biggest fan." Said Masked Matterhorn." Then she and the other superheroes hugged the baby dragon too." Finally Ember was a little uncomfortable, and said "yeah, Discord's right, it is a little sappy and too girly. Maybe I shouldn't-" and she was interrupted by a sudden hug by Spike, and she immediately gave into the warm feeling from the effects "Alright, let's eat some cake." Spike said. Every one of them cheered, then the baby dragon blew out the candles. As everypony dug on the dessert, Spike loved how it tasted, like the frosting was a blue color, and the inside of the cake was a green, mint flavor. The gems were like his candy, but to everypony else, who couldn't eat them, decided to give to Spike as extra birthday gifts to him, and went to eat the rest of the cake. When everyone was fed, they all went to the gifts, and were all more than happy to see Spike unwrap many of them, except for one. "Uhh, really Twilight? A book again?" "What?" Twilight said. "It's a good present." "A present that you give me every year after year." And he threw the book at her head. Knocking her out. Everypony laughed at how she fell, and she felt a little mad, but she eventually began laughing with them as well. "You're right. I should stop getting you the same thing over and over again." "Agreed." Spike concurred with a smile. > Birthday Sex > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After opening so many presents in his own big birthday party, Spike couldn't really be anymore happier than this. There were so many presents that ranged from amps, guitars, comic bools, a flat-screen TV to more things. Spike was even more surprised that Twilight didn't give him the same boring old book like every other birthday celebration, and he was glad of it, much to a little dismay from Twilight, but she was happy to see him happy nonetheless. Even Ember was enjoying herself seeing her very first friend open his presents like a paper shredder "Open this one, Spike!" said Radiance. "You will especially love what is in this present." then she used the magic from her horn to carry over a medium sized present to him that had green and red stripes in a vertical shape. "You will absolutely love this one." The baby dragon opened this box off by lifting the lid out of the way, and it revealed to be a green and black laser gun, and he was quite surprised by this. It looked small for a pony to carry, but not for Spike, he carried it with his two hands as if it was his very own shotgun. The hole where a ray would appear out of was wide and round, meaning a blast from this gun would be huge. 'Wow, this is so cool." he said. Before he could try it out, he was stopped by the power ponies and his friends, telling him not to fire it. "No no no! I wouldn't do that in here." said Celestia with a nervous laugh. "Wouldnt want to burn anypony's eye out." "Oh, sorry." Spike said. "Anyway, this is one of the things that can help you like if you are in trouble like wolves or a a couple of muggers trying to hurt you, this gun can help out with that." said Masked Matterhorn "It can be quite useful and helpful for you, Spike." said Saddle Rager. "Just be very careful with it." "Rager's right." said Mistress Marevelous. "This is not a toy, Spike. Only use it in times of severe distress, or just in case if you feel like you need it. Just don't go around shootin' everypony's eyes out." "Don't worry, I won't." Spike said. "I am too smart to do that." and a sound of laughter was heard across the small part of the nightclub. "We know you are." said Luna with a warm smile and a wink. Then Spike continued opening more presents that all his friends had made for him. He opened Ember's next and it revealed to be a somewhat large green rock that had a sparkly light and he can almost see his reflection in it. "Wow, what's this, Ember?" "The ultra rare giant emerald-peridot rock, just for you, little buddy." Ember said warmly. "I know it looks too heavy for you to carry. Anyway, this is something to keep as a decoration for you in the mansion or outside in a garden, something like that." "Thank you, Ember." and he began hugging her once more. The new dragon lord was a little embarrassed, and felt a little uncomfortable in front of his friends, especially ponies "Spike." she mildly groaned. "Not in front of them." and then she flushed a small patch of red on her face. "Oh come on Ember, it's just my friends." Spike said, still a little latched on to her. In the end, the blue dragon made a small smirk and then hugged him back, slowly beginning to enjoy this feeling, and everyone inside went "Aww just seeing that little heartwarming moment between both dragons. When they broke away, Twilight and her friends suddenly remembered something and they gave him one special present as the best for last. "Spike?" Twilight said "Yeah?" "Me and the girls wanted to give you this very special present for you on your birthday." "We know you will love it for sure." said Fluttershy with a cute smile. Then Rainbow Dash was the one who gave it to him. It was somewhat in the shape of a guitar, or something like that. "Go on. Open it." said the yellow pegasus eagerly. The baby dragon was more than eager himself to know what it was inside, but of course, he might have some clue on what it exactly is. "It was my idea, Spike." Mane-iac noted. "It was something we were working on since last night while you were asleep." "Ooh, I can hardly wait." the baby dragon said, now even more than excited o know what this is. Swiftly unwrapping the box like a woodpecker, Spike thought exactly correct, it was a new guitar, except it looked more epic than the other ones, and the body was shaped as a green dragon's head looking fierce and ferocious. "Wow, a new guitar?" he said in awe, holding the instrument in delight and astonishment. "we knew you would love it!" Mane-iac said with joy. "You see, I felt that since you are an important part of the Elements of Harmony, and that you are my husband, why not try and have a little more effort in trying to save Equestria from a certain destruction.... not caused by me of course, but you know. Hahahaha." "What makes this guitar different from the rest?" "Easy, it has powers, like creating powerful sonic waves that if enemies try to hurt you like Diamond Dogs, bandits, muggers or other things, playing any song on this will create power, and you can even use it to summon something very powerful." These facts made Spike all the more eager to try this beautiful yet deadly instrument out. Of course, he didn't want to do it right now, for he might bring the whole nightclub to the ground as a big pile of ash and rubble. He decided in the meantime, he can just wait for something bad to happen and then reserve this one until something apocalyptic or something so horrible happens in Equestria, he can use it then. "Hmm, I think you should definitely try this baby out, my boy." Discord said. "Just to hear how it sounds." "Discord." said princess Celestia. "You know why Spike can't do that right now." she had a raised eyebrow, and looked slightly unamused at the Master of chaos." Discord made a sigh in defeat, and replied "Okay, sorry Tia." then he made a small huff while crossing his arms in disappointment. "Anyway, I hope you really like it." said Twilight with a proud smile. "I love it! thanks guys, and I thank you too, Mane-iac." "Of come here, my darling." said she, then she pulled him into another hug with her tendrils, and they held eachother for a long period of time. It didn't take very long before the other friends and the princess' joined in on the hug with them, then it was all in a group, and once again, everypony went "Aww" at that touching sight. "Say, Spike, how would you like to come with me to the VIP lounge?" Mane-iac said with bedroom eyes. "I have a present for you of my own." then she cuddled close to him to gently tease and let him know what she was talking about. Some of the other patrons inside the Crazy Mare knew exactly what was about to happen next, and a few of them went "Oooh." The baby dragon himself felt even more excited to hear this, and he replied "Yes ma'am. Excuse me guys." then he promptly followed her to the VIP room to have some real fun together. Spike was eager to know what his present was, but he obviously knows what it possibly will be, considering the fact that Mane-iac was trying to woo him like that back there. Back in the room where Spike and Mane-iac had sexy fun before, the baby dragon's cock began to harden again, and Mane-iac was already feeling a little wet inside of herself. "Alright, Spike. Come here and sit with me on our sex bed, please?" she said to him, lounging in a very sexy position. The baby dragon promptly and excitedly hopped on the mattress so he can get started with the activities. Mane-iac giggled and then licked her lips before engulfing her entire dragonhood inside of her wet, warm mouth. "Oh yeah. That's the stuff." Spike said while moaning mildly. He just sat back and relaxed as Mane-iac was giving him a sweet blowjob. His face began to flush an even darker red than before. Her tongue felt so sweet as it always was when performing fellatio for him. Mane-iac used her tongue to slowly and gently lick the head very tenderly. Spike clenched his fists and gritted his teeth while enjoying this moment, "Mane-iac. I-! I-! Ahh!" He shouted. Mane-iac knew exactly what he was talking about and sucked and bobbed her head faster than before, making Spike all the more excited in a sexual way. Before she knew it, Spike ejaculated a gallon-load inside her mouth, and then she stopped as her eyes opened to see how much cum he was producing right now. "I am so glad I still got it within myself." Said she in her brain. After that was done, Mane-iac slowly took off her suit, and Spike became even more in love with her being naked and not wearing any type of clothing on her back "Here, let me make it more fun for you, birthday boy." Mane-iac cooed, bouncing her eyebrows three times. She slowly slid his cock inside of her vulva, and sticky noises of liquid were heard. The unhinged mare began to move herself up and down, and she was emitting a loud moan of her own from this amazing and sexy experience. "So big!" She exclaimed "Don't stop, Mane-iac!" Spike shouted, thrusting himself into her. Then Mane-iac was bouncing even faster and he ejaculated once more, making both of them shout a loud orgasm. "That was amazing." She panted, "let's try another position." And she turned herself around and showed him ger already wet pussy, and Spike began thrusting her cock inside of it like there was no tomorrow. "Whoo! Oh yeah! That really hits the spot!" Spike exclaimed while thrusting himself, gently holding his hands on Mane-iac's juicy booty. "Don't stop for me." "Yes, mistress." He panted. Sweat was starting to run down both of their faces, and they both had their tongues out in ecstasy. "Your ass feels so good." "Thank you. Please be gentle with it." Mane-iac panted. "Of course, Mane-iac. You know I love you. And I would never hurt you." "I know, and I love you too." Then she felt Spike thrusting faster than before and he ejaculated one final time, and more moaning and shouting was heard across the VIP room. Spike let out more cum than the other activities, and Mane-iac felt a small oozing of sperm run down her pussy and her legs, but nonetheless, she was so happy to do this, and so was the birthday boy. "So amazing!" Spike said, collapsing on the mattress with his back. Both of them felt a little tired from all of this, it they kept close to each other. "Spike," "Hmm?" "Happy birthday." "Thank you, Mane-iac." Spike replied, very touched by that statement. "I love you so much. "I love you too, Spikey-Whikey." She murmured, and the. They both made out on the bed, ever letting go of eschother's lips > Here for You (Epilogue) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was already finished with his birthday cake, and it tasted absolutely delicious and exsquisite, and he patted his belly as he laid on the Mane-iac's lap while she was sitting down on the stage. Everypony, and Ember got a fair share of the cake, and they all loved it just as much as the birthday boy did himself, yet again, maybe not completely as much since the cake was meant for him to enjoy. Nonetheless, it was absolutely delicious and quite tasty. The baby dragon patted his belly again, and then slowly sat back up, sitting right next to his wife. "Mane-iac, I know I might have said this many times before, but thank you so much for all this." Then he kissed her on the right cheek, making him giggle in flattery "anytime, Spike. Anything for my adorable little husband." Mane-iac replied, and then she kissed him back to return the favor. "I knew you would like this little soirée that I have planned through, mon Mari." "Merci." Spike said Mane-iac made a small chuckle, and replied "De rien." "How did you like the cake, little dude?" Asked Ember joining them on the stage. "I loved it!" Spike exclaimed. "Especially the gems that the others left out for me to all chew on, oh, and of course you Ember." "Oh you." Ember remarked, playfully rubbing his head like a big sister. "Yep, I had no idea that you ponies had a thing for gems." "Well, we're not like Diamond Dogs, but it is quite fascinating, and in a dragon's case, delicious." And then he licked his lips just thinking about the colorful gems those creatures might have in their possession. "Of course not." Said Mane-iac with a wink. "You are certainly not like those mangy mongrels and gem poachers." And then she made a small chuckle. "No siree, you are a very sweet little dragon to try and do something greedy and vile like those mutts." Rarity made a small chuckle of her own, and said "Oh yes, Spikey-Whikey is perfect the way he is." "Ah, stop it you guys." Spike flustered. "You're kinda.... embarrassing me." And he made a mildly sheepish smile. The others laughed at his adorableness in response, but nopony could ever blame them. The baby dragon was one in a million than any other dragon in Equestria." Twilight stepped up and said "he is a very good friend and a loyal supporter for us whenever we need him the most." "And the same with me." Mane-iac complimented some more. "Well, I'm not perfect, I made some mistakes on the past before that I am definitely not proud of, like growing up into a greedy adult dragonnand tried to take everything and claim it mine, and tried to destroy Ponyville, and that was on one of my last birthdays." "Oh Spike, it's okay. We forgive you for doing that." Fluttershy said, gently putting a hoof on his head. "We understand that you couldn't control yourself and didn't really know what you were doing, but we all forgive you." The others made other warm remarks saying that they did forgive the baby dragon for that little skirmish, and said how much they all cared about them. Yes, he was feeling quite lucky to have an amazing, yet unusual family like this one, but still, it was the family he always wanted in his life. "Thanks, guys. You're the best." "Oh come here." said Twilight. then many of them formed into a group hug again, and the others watched that very touching moment commencing. "Well, I'm pretty much full from all that delicious cake." Spike patted his belly again. "And gems, too." "Happy birthday, Spike." they all said to him in unison. "Thanks." "Pinkie sure did know how to make a good cake, and Mr. and Mrs. Cake, too." Rainbow said. "Yes, and I was more than glad to find those gems in Maud Pie's cake. She was ever so kind enough to lend them to me for Spikey-Whikey." Rarity added "He is a special boy." Mane-iac noted, gently pulling him close to her again with her tendrils. He found himself being rubbed against her tight yet soft and warm bodysuit, and he was enjoying every moment of this. "And a very amazing husband of mine." The baby dragon flustered once more. "And I'm lucky to be with really nice and beautiful wife who is always there for me, along with my friends." then he and Mane-iac locked their lips once again, this time, it was much longer than the last tiem they did it in the party "Well now what?" asked Discord "Let's dance!" Pinkie joyfully suggested, and they all agreed with her, and spent the rest of the night on the dance floor without a care in the whole world. The Next Day The hench-stallions were cleaning up inside the nightclub from the really amazing soiree last night. In the meantime, Spike and Mane-iac were saying their byes to many friends that did not live in Equestria. The others decided to spend the night in Ponyville, including Ember and the Power Ponies, and the royal sisters themselves. To start off, it was the princess'. "Well Spike, that was fun." said the princess of the day. "We both hope to see you again, soon, sweetie." "Indeed." Luna agreed. "We'll see you on the other side, then." and both princess' embraced Spike for a special hug of their own before they disappeared into Canterlot to continue royal duties to fulfill. Then it was all done to the Power Ponies and High Heel with her hench-mares. "Well Spike, we're so glad that we got to spend the night with you." said Zapp, giving him a gentle pat on the back. "That cake was delicious." Fili-Second licked her lips just thinking and wishing that she can take a big ole bite of that cake one last time. "Yeah, especially the delicious mint frosting to go with it!" she bounced with joy. "Me too!" Pinkie joined her, and they soon both found themselves bouncing with joy, as if they were completely like siblings, or perfectly alike. "Yeah, I can see that." said Masked Matterhorn. "Then the heroes turned their attention back to the baby dragon and their nemesis. "Well Mane-iac, I guess we are going back to being enemies, hmm?" asked Saddle Rager. "Oh yes of course." Mane-iac said. "You are all my nemeses on the inside and the outside. This was only a temporary." "Figures." Humdrum muttered. "Oh but don't take it so personally, Humdrum." Mane-iac said. "It was fun while it lasted, and I never thought I would say this, but I actually had quite a blast with all of you." then she gently rubbed the sidekick's head with affection, making him laugh a little. "Well, come on, Power Ponies." said Matterhorn. "We still got a city to save from a certain destruction. Then they all said their byes to the couple, and the Ponyville gang, and went back through the portal back to Maretropolis to continue their heroic duties. Next was High Heel and her girls. "Well Spike. That was truly an amazing life." she said happily. "Me and my girls absolutely loved it." and the mares agreed with her while giggling once in a while. "See you on the other side." and then she gave him a kiss on the forehead. then many of the mares hugged Spike before they went back home with their mistress. Finally, it was down to Ember, who had a smirk on her face. "Well, I guess this is goodbye, huh?" She said, rubbing the back of her head with her scaly hand. "Yeah, but not our last goodbye, Ember." Spike replied, holding the dragon lord's hand. "There's always another day, and you are the new dragon lord." "And you are more than welcome to come and visit us whenever you feel like it, darling." Mane-iac added. "Thanks guys. Happy late birthday little dude." Ember said. "See ya guys later." And then she flew off back to the dragon lands. "That was the best birthday party!" Said Pinkie. "Now to enjoy some birthday cake and ice cream from the after party." Then she hopped back to her home in Sugarcube Corner for some treats to eat that were saved from last night. "Oh Pinkie." Fluttershy giggled. "Well, I would love to stay here longer, but Angel needs me little relaxing massage from my gentle hooves. He really loves it when I give him hoof massages, along with some aroma therapy and humidity from my humidifier. Au revoir." She said, then she flew off back to her cottage. "And I gotta teach Scootaloo some neat tricks on her scooter. Ciao!" Then Rainbow Dash flew off into the sky. And then the others went back to their normal lives and to their usual tasks like Applejack working on her farm, Lyra and Bon Bon hanging out together, Rarity creating a fashion line for her shop, and Tsilight to get back to her usual reading Then it was just Spike Nd Mane-iac, alone together. At first they were silent, it then Spike held out his hand, and Mane-iac gently picked him up with a few tendrils and he was riding on her back again, and she went off to a small hill not far from town. It was the usual slot they were on their very first date together that very evening, nut this time, it was under the morning light, instead of the evening, then Spike promptly got off of her, and sat on the nice, soft grass under the sun. "Isn't it a lovely day out here?" Mane-iac asked him "Yes it is, Mane-iac." Spike agreed, laying back against a tree trunk. "That was a very fun party Mane-iac. And I know I have said this like countless times before, it thank you so much. That was the best birthday I have ever had in my life." It was exactly what Mane-iac wanted to hear, even if she has heard it countless times before last night, but she will never get tired of it because she loved to see her husband happy a possible for as long as he lives. "You are very welcome Spike." Then she had a sly smile on her face, and licked her lips, and licked the tip of Spike's head of hisd dragon hood, and he immediately had a boner. Yes, he was enjoying a nice blowjob from her and he was having a real good time with this. "Oh yeah." He gasped. "This is nice." Then he stuck his tongue out. It didn't take long for Spike to feel the climax, and then he immediately came inside her mouth, still as tasty as it should be. Swallowing it all down her throat, she said "so good. I love you, Spike." "I love you too, Mane-iac." The baby dragon replied, flushing a tomato red on his cheeks. Then they allrelaxed with one another, enjoying this beautiful view of a large field below this knoll.p, sitting side by side, never letting go of one another like a husband and wife would do. The End > Question > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Would any of you like to see more Spike and Mane-iac together? I'm sorry if I ended the story at this moment, I was just running out of some ideas, and I decided that this was as far as try sequel would go. But like I said, there will be more of this in a new story. Please comment if you would like to have a sequel someday.