> To break him in > by Ponyess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Pinkie Pie throws an Imperial party for the Princess: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . ”Gummy, you’re a genius!” I exclaimed. I let down my pet alligator, after the idea had struck me.  Of course, I just had to throw a party for Princess Flurry Heart, and it had to be in the Crystal Empire.  The problem is, there were not quite enough fillies and colts in her age. Not near her age, enough to be fun for any pony. While there were a few fillies and colts available, but I could always invite a few others.  Just a few? She knew of a pair in Ponyville, of course. None of which were alicorns or Princesses, but there just was not enough of them to go around.  Would Flurry Heart herself care enough of that, at her current age? Probably not. While a regular piñata would be fun, but why not ask Discord for a few minor alterations?  He sure would love this. He had already a piñata at his home, so he was bound to know what to do. “What if the piñata was sneezing out candy over the floor, instead of requiring to be beaten into little pieces one needs to clean up after the party?” I pondered. “I am sure, Discord could make that happen!” I continued. Of course, now I just need to ask him, if he was in the mood for the little prank I had in mind.  Not that Discord was known to turn down a good, fun prank. “Turning down a good prank, are you insane?” a male voice came from behind the wall before me. “Of course, I knew he was coming over!” I pondered. The next moment, the Draconequus opened the door and stepped into the room before me.  He gingerly closed the door behind himself. “You actually consider asking me for help, with one of your parties?” he inquired, with an amused chuckle. “Fluttershy told me of the tea party you were hosting for her, a while back.  She just happened to mention a few details about what happened, including the pinjata.  I would imagine, it is the one I saw you with, at the tea store?” I pointed out. “Yes, I was indeed hosting a tea party for Fluttershy later that day. I guess that piñata could be appropriate, at your party, Pinkie.  While I doubt the singing gin sing would have been a raving hit, at any of your parties!” he responded. “On second thought, that piñata  would be just the thing for the party.  I could make a particularly pun story out of it, when I meet Mud Brier next time!” I exclaimed. “Mud Brier, that utter stick in the mud!” he inquired. “I can have a piñata, without him whining about his stick abuse; and they are a bit too small to handle an actual piñata, in any case.  I responded. “Stick abuse, stick abuse; did you say stick abuse?” Discord laughed, in a roaring outburst of obvious amusement. “Yes, that is what I said!”  I hope it isn’t offending you!” I responded, not quite managing to hold back a smile and giggling about the absurdity of it all. “I think I need to demonstrate exactly what Stick Abuse is, to him; but I guess I could refrain, for you, Pinkie!” he rambled on, still with a frensied look on his face. “You could organize a bone fire, for his benefit?  But, now we are getting off of the topic!” I exclaimed. “While he may be absurd, he is close to my sister Maud; I do not want to upset her over this!” I continued. “Fluttershy did enjoy my sneezing piñata, if other ponies enjoy it too; who am I to complain?” he suggested. “That was fun, I would have to admit.  You certainly do have potential to be a true jester!” I admitted. “Dead ponies is no fun.  I do need an audience for the best jokes!” he agreed. “Or you will end up with a party of one!” I promptly mused. “We certainly could not have that, now could we?” he promptly inquired, with a new, intense heat to his voice, the air around him suddenly starting to simmer. “Calm down, calm down!” he pondered; “Fluttershy would not be happy, if she learns of my partaking in such mean spirited pranks!” he then continued. “I hope she doesn’t mind, if your idea of that piñata  is amusing a few foals?” I inquired; in the hopes to twist the discussion back on the intended track, firmly. “If it amuses foals, and hurt no Pony or Critter; she is going to be happy!” he responded, visibly turning away from his previous foul mood. “Good, because amusing the foals is all I had in mind; you know that Discord!” I added. “How could I ever forget?” he chuckled. “I have no problem with spreading cheers outside of Ponyville and Equestria!  Even a Draconequus named Discord deserves a few chuckles, from time to time!” I suggested. “Yes, even a poor Draconequus could deserve a few chuckles, I guess!” he agreed. “While I may be busy; throwing parties, tending the counter at the Sugar-cube Corner and teaching at Twilly’s new school of friendship; I should be able to squeeze in a few minutes for you too!” I pointed out. “When you put it like that, you make it sound as if you are the most busy Pony in the world!” he teased. “No, silly.  But, it is quite a lot of fun; throwing these parties, left and right. Just to see the ponies smile, and be happy!” I responded, ignoring the obvious tease. “Too bad, there is no other draconequus I could throw a party for.  I will just have to make due, with hosting a tea party, for Fluttershy; but, that is quite enjoyable!” he responded, clearly remembering fond moments with his first and very dear friend. “I could very well imagine that; she is after all very enjoyable, to be around!” I added. “We are lucky, to have a friend like Fluttershy!” he pointed out; winking conspiratorially, “All the little things, we couldn’t have done; like playing buck ball, would never have been the same or as fun with Rainbow Dash!” I spoke; almost as if it had been a mere afterthought and never really spoken aloud, at me. “I think you need something more, than just the piñata!” he then added; considering how he had just pulled of the tea party, for Fluttershy. “Of course, I would need a cake and tons of pastries.  You think a piñata could pull the cart, with the cake and pastries?” I inquired. “Yes, but of course.  Considering a party for a Princess, you would need just a little bit more to it; than the single one pony cart!” he pointed out. “A four horse carriage, should do it!” I suggested. “Four sneezing piñata  horses, pulling the carriage, sounds delight full!” he pronounced. “If only you could bake all the pastries to go with the cake to fill the carriage?” he added, in jest. “I could, just watch me!  Though I guess; it would be fun with a few of your flying, glowing, self folding napkins!” I responded, giggling hysterically. “Oh, yeah; you could, now I remember!” he merely groaned; then started to chuckle manically, at the scene before his eyes. “Perfectly fine and quite inoffensive, delicious and delectable cake and pastries to feed an entire army!” I promised; “And you are going to watch me pack the entire lot!” I promised. “I am not sure, if I actually want to see this!” he responded, shivering all over his long, slender body. “No?  But, you will love to see the carriage; as it is fully packed and ready to go!” I informed him. He snapped his fingers, for emphasis; as he made the four piñatas appear in the middle of the room.  All perfectly unblemished silicon white, almost as if they had been carved out of ebony, by the most skill-full and experienced master. “How is this?” he inquired. “Could you give them a set of boots; with magnetic horse shoes, to make this perfect?” I inquired, intending for him to put on the shoes on a single horse and hoof at the time. “I could!” he responded, snapping his fingers and made the tight rubber boots appear on the floor before him. From there, he set out; putting the shoes on each horse, and each hoof one at the time. While Discord was busy, shoeing the horses; I snuck out, baking the cake and all the pastries I had in mind to grace the party with.  I managed to get back, just as he was finishing, shoeing the last of the four horses. I helped him, getting the horses in place before the carriage. “There, you think this would be a fun party?” I inquired. “Why do I feel, like being a little colt right now?” Discord inquired. “While you are at it, could you make the effort; to invite two extra ponies to this party?” I inquired, bubbling over with laughter. “I could, but are you referring to the Ponies I think you’re pointing at?” he inquired. “Would you want to see the party, the way it was intended to be experienced; then by all means, invite yourself!” I prompted. “And here I thought, you would never ask, Pinkie!” he responded, snapping his fingers. The next moment, an odd little colt found himself seated at the front of the carriage.  I was on his left side, just as I had expected. All the Colts and Fillies, already seated around the table in the festive hall.  Naturally, Princess Flurry Heart is sitting at the head of the table; just as her position as a Princess is demanding.  I had set up most of the party well in advance, after all. Why leave anything to chance? This being the Crystal Empire, the walls are shiny crystal.  The fancy table already prepared; everything in place, short of the cake I have taken with me.  Of course, they do not have any pastries either. The piñata  horses cantering into the room in style, stopping on a bit, before the table. While I had initially considered to employ Rarity for the job, I soon realized that the Empire has an Imperial chef.  Never go with anything less than the best; not in a situation like this. The Imperial chef had managed to prepare the table, with every tiny little detail in place.  This is after all a Royal party, not a mere party in Ponyville for a random filly or colt. “Since everyone is here, the party can begin!” Princess Cadance declared, with her royally beautiful voice. “That is my cue!” the chef realized, looking at the carriage presenting the cake. Discord gingerly jumped off of the driver’s seat on the right and released the horses from the carriage.  I jumped off of the carriage on the left. Once the horses had been released from their service, they lazily trotted away from the carriage and stopped. Once the horses had been released, they resumed their original job as piñatas, only to start sneezing energetically, every few minutes or so.  I noticed the other fillies and colts found this quite hilarious and started to giggle or chuckle in amusement. “This is of on a good start!” I pondered, as I observed the reaction. “No broken piñata  to clean up, afterwards!” Cadance pondered; “And Flurry Heart is too young to beat the piñata  into little pieces, anyway!” she then added, snickering at the thorough thoughtfulness. “Who could possibly have baked a cake like this?” the chef pondered, as he was cutting up the first slice for Flurry Heart. “Just how many pastries did they bring in, to the party?” Cadance pondered; as she sent a glance towards the carriage in which we had just arrived, to the Imperial party in the crystal castle. While everyone enjoyed the party and the cake; no colt or filly could help themselves, momentarily being distracted by the sneezing piñata in the large room. "Why do they sneeze?” Flurry Heart inquired, curious as to why the horses kept sneezing, spilling a few more pieces of candy onto the floor. “Just a case of Party fever!” Discord chuckled. > An Order is the Prologue: 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . ”Pinkie Pie, what a lovely coincident?” I exclaimed as the pink mare stepped up to me, where I stand prim in my guard’s uniform. “Greetings, Shining Armour. It sure is a great day, isn’t it! You were concerned about how well certain elements are prepared to stand tall and face danger in protection of those we love and hold dear, in the name of Celestia and Equestria!” she prompted, as if she had truly known my inner feelings. “We may have a brass army; but what good is it, when none is prepared to step up and command in the moment of urgency and great need? I was pondering if we are to initiate an organization to match the Wonderbolts of Clouds Dale. For now, I was considering to name it Horns and Hooves; yet, I do need some further insight here!” I responded on her words. “At least I know you are prepared to stand tall, in protection of those you love and your Princess. You would be the ideal leader, stationed in the core of the Crystal Empire. In order to achieve your goal, you need a means to test the mettle of your new recruits!” she prompted. “I can’t stand idly by and see my love fall dead on the ground, any way you put it. I can’t deny the logic, I am stationed at the core of the Crystal Empire. Just like the clouds of Clouds Dale is the apex of the Pegasi, these crystals are the apex of our Unicorn brothers!” I responded. “No, you couldn’t, and you can never do that. It was here we faced King Sombra, and defeated him!” she responded. “I have the means for the first test, and a list of the Unicorn Stallions you are to test in the coming weeks!” she pointed out. “A means by which you can see if they are up to the test? I am eager to test the first recruits you line up for me!” I responded. “As a matter of fact, I do have it right here; but you will apply this to them as they step into the room, one Stallion at the time. I will explain the details further in order for you to prepare in time to initiate the first one!” she pointed out, firmly. “Naturally, I intend to have your sister Twilight Sparkle and the Princess of Friendship to assist you, she just so happens to have experience with the spells in question. Some of which I imagine you may have some experience with!” she put forth. “That does sound enticing, both in legitimate and not quite so acceptable ways. Yet, she is experienced in a wide range of magic on a level I will never get close to. If you are putting it like that, I am not entirely sure I like the sound of it, but I am listening!” I responded. “She is both your sister, and an Alicorn Princess. As a Unicorn Stallion and the Captain of the royal Guard, you are the one most fit for this task, and she is not just the element of magic, capable of duplicate numerous spells just by observing them in use. She has seen and manipulated the spell I had in mind, so she will be able to apply it on the recruit at will; without any harm coming to him while eliciting certain feelings in the process. Naturally, I will submit the final item, in time for the first test. From experience, the good Prince will be arriving here shortly!” she pointed out, with a sly grin. “When you mentioned the good Prince, are you by any chance referring to Blueblood?” I suggested. “He is a Prince and a Unicorn, the first on the line of your candidates. I hope you don’t have a problem with it, or handling him!” she merely responded, more in a passing as if it had been obvious. “As the Captain of the Guard, I should have no problem in seeing him stay in line. I may not be his best friend; but I can handle him, as well as having him in the same room!” I responded. “This is the room, in which you are to test them!” she explained, as she had escorted me to the small room in the top of the tower. “There is the desk, I take it. That is where the examination is to be performed by myself and my assistant Twilight Sparkle. I am missing something, right!” I prompted. “Your assistant, Twilight Sparkle will be sitting behind the desk, most of the time. This test will be harsh on the recruits, I must warn you. Sadly, some of them may not just fail, but break in the process. I expect Twilight Sparkle to be the ideal in picking up the pieces and put them back together; at least enough for a nurse to be able to care for them, when you are done. War is harsh and never very forgiving in nature, something you should have some experience of!” she pointed out. “Please, Pinkie Pie, don’t remind me of that time; it is something I wish never to recall, ever again. That is harsh, alright; I hope your recruits will hold up well enough to walk out the door as I am done with them, after the test!” I pointed out. “If they are not fit enough, maybe we are better off, without them. Harsh as that came out. Yet, to the once who are cheering on you after the ordeal; I am going to throw a party, the likes they have never seen before!” she explained. “That was rough on them. No remorse on your part? Although I do know you have been right there, facing many of the worst Villains that has set hoof on the Equestrian soil in Equine memory; including Discord, Nightmare Moon and Queen Chrysalis. Not to mention the name of which I wish never to hear of!” I suggested. “Discord has plagued Equestria both in history, legend and resent time; we all know of him and what he was capable of. Thankfully, Nightmare Moon is a legend of which we speak only to scare little fillies and colts, while only a few of us ever had the fortune to see her in the flesh. As to Queen Chrysalis, I expect her to be another sore memory, one you would avoid!” she pointed out. “One final detail, here is the item you will be applying towards the test. It is all they will wear as you test them!” she explained, as she looked the white Unicorn deep in his blue eye. “Just that innocent looking item? Wait, that is a special tube!” I responded, as it dawned upon me what she had in mind; as he nodded, which made his short blue mane fly freely for a moment. He looked at me for a long moment. “When applied to a Stallion, it will grant you full access to him in the manner you may have experience of from a certain Princess. There will be no physical signs of the test, at any time; yet the memories and the experience may be a very different matter!” she explained. “Now you are holding something back, are you not? The way you put it, it came out too clean!” I responded. “Oh yeah. There is always the chance of one small detail, in which case it will show in a month or two. Just imagine the good Prince explaining this to the Ponies of his court?” she giggled. “No ropes, but using only this. Am I to mount him for you? While my sister Twilight Sparkle is watching?” I inquired critically. “She is to hold him in place, while observing his reaction; then she will help him up and pick up the pieces, if and when required, in order for him to make it to the nurses!” I explained. “I will need to speak to Cadence, before I can perform; then I will need several days between the tests as well. I guess I am lucky to be on top?” I prompted. --- --- --- > Conscription, and the Recruitment Test: 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had been called in to face Shining Armour, the Captain of the Royal Guard. He is the highest ranking Stallion in Equestria, stationed in the Crystal Empire. He certainly is one very lucky Stallion, married to the Princess of Love, Cadance herself. Mi Amore Cadenza, just pronouncing her full name correctly, made me all giddy with pent up excitement; being a bachelor Prince is not good for my health. I may be a Prince, but I can’t turn him down on the invitation. As a Prince; I do have responsibilities, and the military title is but one of these. As a Prince, I have to travel in Royal class in accordance with my elevated status; I can’t just go by a train and arrive, looking like a clown as I arrive. Besides, in accordance with the business at hand, I will have to wear my full uniform as had been issued as I ascended to the throne, as the old style Royal Unicorn I was born to be. When I arrived, I was met by the guard Shining Armour had issued in order to escort me to the office in which he had been awaiting me. The guard is a standard Crystal Stallion in the Imperial armour, which is exactly what I had expected. He is paying me the respect I could expect; no more, and no less. As I arrive at the office; there are two guards by the door, one to the right and one to the left of the door. They are identical to the one by my side, which was expected. While wearing the armour, you look exactly like the next guard, it is part of the uniform; in accordance with the enchantment placed on Royal armour. The Guard had knocked on the door, in respect of the supposedly lone occupant. “Enter!” came the clear voice from the other side, deep and resonant as is appropriate for a Stallion of his stature and status. The two guards stepped aside and permitted the door to open, with the knob a clear blue glow emanating from it. Only now; the guard hastily withdrew, rather than following me into the small room. Just as the heavy door closed with a deep thunderous thud, I finally noticed a second Pony within the room; I certainly do know her, she is princess Twilight Sparkle of Friendship. “Greetings, Captain Shining Armour and Princess Twilight Sparkle!” I pronounced my salute. “At ease, Recruit Prince Blueblood. I am glad to see you on such short notice!” he responded. “Welcome to the Crystal Empire, I am currently here to assist the Captain in order to evaluate the test. This test will be quite simple, and I will help him observing your input on the test, when he is testing you!” Princess Twilight Sparkle added. “I was under the understanding that this was a serious matter, so a second pair of eyes should improve upon the result. We have had a sting of incidents, in which the guard could do little to nothing as it stands!” I suggested. “We need to test the mettle of our officers, in order to pick out the once who are strong enough to shoulder whatever comes our way in the future. Not every incident will come with anything as powerful as Tirek, or even on the level of Nightmare Moon; in these cases, the stronger guards could serve the people and keep the citizens and subjects safe and calm!” he prompted. “Like with the individual Changelings, in the Swarm; under Queen Chrysalis?” I suggested bravely. “There, that would be a situation; where the capable officer could step up and make a difference, even if it may be at the peril of his own!” he responded. “Now you are certainly making sense, and the test is taking up an entirely new meaning to me. You intend to see, how well I can stand up against threat; such as the one just mentioned, then?” I inquired. “This test will include elements of that attack in particular, even if I can’t have actual Changelings out of her personal swarm feeding off of you, just to see how you are faring. Yet, I have the impression that I could take the next best thing; if you can stand up through the test, I expect you to handle the real deal well enough to make a difference!” he responded. “Since I was at ground zero of Queen Chrysalis’ attack, I was able to observe their magic, I am competent in performing and manipulate some of their spells. One in particular is most interesting to this test in particular!” Twilight explained. “Now, if you would approach the small crystal desk by the short wall!” Shining Armour instructed me. “You shall not find me faltering, as long as I draw breath; I am prepared!” I declared; as I followed my commanding Captain’s orders, as I walked towards the indicated desk without any apparent fear. “What is he having in store for me? The desk is ordinary, so it could be a written test; even if that would not require this high a level of attention!” I pondered. The desk is obviously empty; but either of the two could produce a written test on the desk and the quill to go, hands down. “If you place your hands on the middle of the desk, palms down and your fingers spread out evenly!” Shining Armour pronounced, authoritatively. “The man knows how to give orders, I will give him that!” I pondered, as I quietly followed the order and placed my hands where he directed me. “Follow the chain of Command, without question! This order may sound strange, but he has his reasons; while there may be little to no time to explain the reasons!” I pondered, quietly looking before me. Just as I had placed my hands on the desk and am pressing the palms down flat on its surface, I notice that Princess Twilight Sparkle is stepping forth. The next moment comes with a shock, as I see the power of her horn as she is casting the spell. Light emanating from the tip of her brightly glowing horn shooting out; hitting my hands on the table and my hooves on the floor as I am standing with my legs wide apart as instructed. At first, I had no idea as to what she was doing; but the light grew tighter, coalescing into the thick green goo the Changelings had been said to employ in order to capture their prey and victim on the spot. For a moment I had managed to hold back, then the urge grew too strong for me to resist; as I finally did try, my hands and hooves are already held firmly in place. I am stuck where I stand, incapable to do anything; or resist whatever I am to be subject to, by the order and command of Captain Shining Armour. “I know how you feel, the urge to escape; my Wife, Princess Cadance explained it all to me, shortly after we repelled their attack on our Wedding and the capital, Canterlot!” he spoke, as if he had just read my mind. Even still, this is frightening; when others know what you haven’t even said. Their authority had been enough, for them to do almost anything to me as it stands; now I am at their mercy, with no chance to protest even in the slightest. As much as I still can scream at the top of my lungs; for as long as they may permit even that luxury, to me. Of course, it had been easy for me to respect and follow the chain of Command; when I had been on the very top. I had never had the fortune to be given any orders before. Now I am at the very bottom of the chain, but I have no longer any choice. Naturally, this is the test. Yet, I have no idea, as to what they are to subject me to. There is no Changeling in the room; just Shining Armour and Twilight Sparkle, which is just as bad. I hear the steps of Shining Armour’s hooves as he is approaching me from behind; he is walking slowly, deliberately with as much leisure as a Stallion could be capable of, but he is the Captain of the royal guard, the one to exact the test upon me. What he is up to, is what I am about to learn; in his good time, that is. As he is reaching up to me, I soon feel his right hand on my behind. He is maintaining his hand in place for but the one single short moment, but this is enough to make the mood of the room change in my eyes. His intended meaning sunk in as deeply as he had intended to, there is no escaping the situation now. The next time, I feel the hand just under my tail as his middle finger slip in effortlessly; as much as I may have wanted and tried to resist him, but to no avail. Something had changed, as he withdrew the hand and his finger slipped out of me. I can’t put a finger to how or why, and that is not due to my hands being stock on their little crystal desk by the wall. There is just the crawling sensation of a change, forced upon me; one I can’t refute, more than I could see what he was doing behind my back. Now he is standing squarely behind me, idly placing his powerful hands on my back; right and left, while feeling me under his fingers. From sensations alone, I know he is bare-hand; and is clearly enjoying the act he had taken upon himself to perform, more so than I could have agreed to, if not for the position we are currently in. He is my Superior; and he clearly have me in a very tight fix, one I am incapable of getting myself out of as it stands, as much as I may like to. As he is leaning back, his hands withdrawn from my back; I notice that he is picking up a lube, intended for my body; while my interpretation as to how and where he had intended to use it is wildly of target, as I am soon to realize in shock. I imagine hearing the weak sounds of the tube uncapped and him squirting a generous amount of the clear gel onto his right hand; as he is preparing for what certainly is coming. There are sounds from the gel spreading over his hands, while he is rubbing them together. Yet, when the strike hits; it is my back his hands are rejoining with as I can feel him spreading it out over the small of my back, joyously whistling a merry tune as he is performing the purpose, and is performing it well. Before he is done, I know he had spread the clear gel all over the small of my back; not leaving a dry spot from the rot of my tail and up to my rib cage; or from the right to the left of my body. I do clearly feel the cool wetness over my back, as I soon sense a change as it is growing warm and with a tinge of an exciting tingle. “Telling others; is the purpose of a Prince, such as myself. Giving orders; is the job of an officer, such as yourself!” I suggested, to witch he merely nodded. “In this case, you are about to experience a conflict; while incapable of doing anything about it, as much as you may want to!” he prompted, with a hearty chuckle. “A conflict? Aside from being stuck and helpless?” I inquired. “On that note, you will also be effectively muted; I just wanted to hear you respond to your situation for a moment!” he pointed out. “Thanks, then none will hear me scream in horror and pain; further humiliating myself in the process?” I exclaimed. “That sounds just about right. If it had been real; that would have been the least of your problems and concerns in any event, which brings us to the initiation of your first trail!” he pointed out. “Thank you, Captain; let it begin, and we can be done!” I responded; not feeling quite as brave as my voice made me out to be, before I knew exactly what he had intended for me in the first place. Naturally, I will be the wiser of his plans; as far as I could muster to endure them, that is. “Twilight, mute him!” Shining Armour pronounced; looking at me, then moving his gaze to his sister; Princess Twilight Sparkle. “Aye, aye; sir!” she responded, as she nodded and applied her magic on my muzzle. I feel the same Changeling magic clinging to my muzzle and holding it tightly sealed; while it was giving me just enough air to stay standing in the spot, where she instructed me to stand. Princess Twilight Sparkle moved back and gave her big brother all the space he could possibly wish for and need, for him to do what he had asked me here for in the first place. I am alone, left to my own devices; in order for them to test me and judge me on my performance. Whatever their test may be. I feel him placing his hands on my waist and holding on to my body in a steady grip from where I have no escape. As slippery as the gel had been as he applied it, now it granted him a solid grip on me. I tried to part my lips in order to speak, but to no avail. With that, there is nothing more to add, but to endure the test as best I possibly could. All of a sudden, I feel something hard against me; poking the valley up to my rear orifice. Just as he hit the spot, I feel myself instinctively contract instantaneously. I wanted to scream as it hit home what he was about to do; but I can’t part my lips enough to make a single sound, just as I fear I don’t have enough air to scream anyway. Once he is finally making the thrust, I feel him entering me effortlessly; I am incapable of preventing his entry as much as I am incapable of ejecting him after the effect once he is in. He may be slow and gentle; if he is showing restraints in order not to cause me undue harm, prolonging my pain and embarrassment, or merely trying to enjoy himself more is something I am not capable or daring enough to speculate upon at this time. Nevertheless, I imagine I should be grateful all the same. I can’t say it is painful; and with only his sister in the room, he is cutting down on my losses far beyond what one could have imagined or asked out of him. Maybe I should even have preferred to experience more pain, even if just a level or two above what is at hand. In further embarrassment; I soon realized that it isn’t the expected pain I feel, but something very different. At this point; I am entirely incapable of putting a finger on the experience or dress in words the feelings and sensations he is currently causing me. I am blaming my lack of experience in the matter at hand, I have never shared my bed with a Stallion in my life, or had a thought to the effect; yet now he is making it feel as if it had been much more a pleasurable proposition than I had dared to expect. All of a sudden; and utterly unbidden comparison comes to mind from experiences of sharing a bed in my earlier years as a young prince, the only problem with the comparison is that I no longer is on top or penetrating the mare under me, I am penetrated by the stallion on top or behind me. What I feel is the same excitement and pleasure as I had felt, when I was on top of the mare in my bed; penetrating her and listening to her excited sighs and moans as I drove her to ecstasy. the comparison and recollected imagery only muddied the waters for me even further. The reference could hold no relevance, or could it? Had his hands been softer and effeminate, I could have imagined it had been a mare; now there is no doubt on the identity of the stallion on top of me. Maybe, if it had been Princess Twilight Sparkle’s hands on my back, I could have justified a joy and pleasure in the situation. At the instant of realization, the water broke; I am made into his mare, and bound to please him to his hear’s content. There had been a few scattered references and hints along the way. Yet, when it all came together; it dawned upon me, just what the test was doing to me; intended or no. What I feel, as he penetrated me; it is supposed to imitate what the mare feels, and how she is experiencing the entire event. I feel him filling me up, teasing me and pleasing me as if I had actually been the mare he was engaged with, in the first place. If I am in fact a stallion and the entire wrong individual changed nothing, he does his job and fulfill the task he had been ordered to perform; just as if he had been the Changeling in the swarm attacking Canterlot and the royal castle. There is a bittersweet pang. I am helpless and forced to endure the joys of the mare. I noticed that I am wet and excited. There is no mistaking what I feel, not after I had realized what was happening and the place I had been dished in the scene I had been placed into. Then the shock hit, as I felt what came next; I came. First once, weakly; then twice, thrice; stronger, harder and faster. I can feel myself growing wetter with each and every contraction. The embarrassment of knowing how it is bound to make him feel; since I know how it should have excited me in his place on top of the mare, on the few exceptional occasions I had had a mare in my bed. Of course, the inevitable happened and he came; squirting and coating the inside of what is my orchid to him now. When he pulled back, something hit me; I am contracting too firmly for him to merely pull back and leave me empty. I am physically forcing him to make a second move in order to leave me behind. I imagined hearing a new chuckle from him, where he stands behind me; while he merely continued to give me a few more thrusts and tentative tugs in order to make the point and enjoy me for a few minutes longer. “That should be about enough; I have everything I need, I hope it was enjoyable!” Twilight Sparkle’s voice came from where she had been sitting quietly and observant all this time. “Thank you, Princess; I believe you are right, we are done here!” he pronounced. He promptly let go of my back, after teasing me with a few strokes of his hands along the length of my back. “He will need a moment to gather his wits and thoughts, before there is any point in the interrogation!” she pointed out, matter of fact. Now he pressed in four fingers around his bro, spreading me open; before he made the final attempt to pull out, which actually worked this time. “I fear he is best off, if we leave him as is to contemplate his experiences now!” Shining Armour told his sister, while out of my earshot. “I will come back; and pick you up in about an hour, by which time I hope you have collected yourself enough for the next step!” Princess Twilight Sparkle informed me, as they left the room. Strangely enough; I managed to climax, just as the door shut closed and cut the connection between us off. Or, is that the impression they had intended for me all along? --- --- --- > Collecting the Stallion: 4 (4) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We had left Prince Blueblood in the room, permitting him time to recuperate and to gather his thoughts.  In the state we had left him; exhausted and in a shambles, I had expected him to be useless. As we return with two guards, the good Prince is exactly where we had left him.  To his credits, he had taken the test fairly well; from what we could see as we entered the room. “I hope you have managed to gather your thoughts and recuperated from your test, Prince Blueblood.  I brought a few guards in case you need a shoulder to lean on, on your way out of the room!” I merely explained; for the benefit of the still mute Prince, the first recruit on our list. He looked up, then nodded at the two guards closest to him.  There is still a hint of a haunted look on his eyes as he turned to me, trying his best to look me in the eye. “I feared, you would break me in two!” he merely told my brother, Shining Armour. “Let me relieve you of that tube!” I prompted, as I extended my magic and extracted the item from his rear entrance. “Thank you, Princess Twilight Sparkle!” he expressed, as he felt the rubber tube slide out of him from behind. “You are quite welcome; but I will need this for the next recruit, later!” I prompted. “Don’t be silly, Prince Blueblood; but if I had done that, I would have known that you were unfit for the position, as much as I may hate and regret it!” Shining Armour pointed out, in no uncertain terms. Then he let a chuckle escape his lips. “Naturally, you can never mention what transpired within that room, and not even to your dearest lover or future foals!” I declared; as nonchalantly as possible, and in a low, hushed voice. “Future foals?  Why, I have no plans for foals now!  And certainly not now, after this!” Prince Blueblood thinks, as the chock of the statement hit home. I closed the door behind us, as Shining Armour had entered the room on the rear, with Prince Blueblood supported by one silver shining armoured guard on each side. “This is how Chageling magic feels?” the Prince inquires, as he hears the crackling of magic behind him as I seal the door behind us. “Unsettling?” Shining Armour inquires with darkness to his voice. “Scary, and revealing!” the Prince sighs, in a scared voice. “I can’t say that I loved it, or even enjoyed it!  This is your first taste of the true enemy!” Shining Armour pronounced, with conviction and utter certainty. “Guess I can consider myself lucky, I never had to face the true horror in person!” the Prince prompted, quietly. “Yes, lucky indeed!” Shining Armour responded, gravely. “For what it is worth, now I know why we will have to stand up against the next attack!” the Prince responded, with more conviction than he had hoped to muster. “That is the point of the exercise!” Shining Armour prompted, with all the authority of his post clearly in his voice. “I have words to the effect, they will not give up so easily; Queen Chrysalis will be back, just a matter of how long it will take her to prepare for the next attack.  I want to have our defences ready, by that time!” I point out, in a most urgent tone of voice. “I was fearing as much!” Shining Armour sighed. “Assuming I live through your training; I intend to stand tall and defend everypony under me, and every Pony in my care!” Prince Blöueblood exclaimed, still with a weak and haunted voice. “You will be granted a week off, in order to recuperate and gain the strength required to take the punishment the exercises will dish out for you.   Just as each Pony who is qualified to practice beside you, Prince!” I promised. “I could certainly use the time of, after the ordeal!” the Prince mumbled, quietly. “Yes, you certainly could; a wise choice, to accept the time, offered you from the start!” Shining Armour agreed, chuckling jovially at the situation. “I hope at least a few more can make it; we will need a dozen at the very least!” I promptly pointed out. “I can’t be everywhere, I need subordinates to manage the stations in my absence!” Shining Armour pondered, in a serious mood. “I am certain, the cuisine will not be up to the standards you are used to, Prince; but in the circumstances, we are preparing for the worst!  I hope you can make due, and adjust to what is before us!” I proclaimed, with a dark look and grim resolve in my voice. “If we are preparing for war, and the enemy is as vile as you just made me believe; who am I to protest?” the Prince stumbled. “Since you are on leave, you will not be sleeping in the barracks; I hope the bed is more to your liking, than the bed in the barracks would be!” Shining Armour pointed out, just as we turned to the right and entered a new hall. ”I will be posting a guard at this hall, for your protection, Prince!” I promised. The prince was far too taken, to offer a word, merely nodding his acknowledgement. “Here is your room!” Shining Armour announced, as he opened the door. “Thank you, Capptain!” the prince spoke, as he slipped into the still fairly small room. The two guards quietly deposited the Prince on the bed and slipped out of the room; closing the door behind themselves and trotted away on their next assignment. “I hope he will make it!” Shining Armor pointed out; as we trotted back to the barracks, from the room given the Prince. “I expect the guard to give us reports on how he is doing daily!” I pointed out, as we were out of earshot. “The change of perspective should do him a world of good, now I can make him into a proper guard; even if it came at a price, I wish would not have to be exacted!” Shining Armour pointed out. “We can only know, if the investment is paying: when the next attack comes, if and when that comes to pass!  Before that, we should know if he makes it, within a week!” I declared. “I imagine it was hard enough on you, just watching this!” Shining Armour prompted, with regret in his voice. I just nodded; confirming what he already knew, but did not quite want to accept. “Guard, you do know why I hoof picked you to take care of this recruit?” I asked. “Other than my exemplary record?  I have never met Prince Blueblood!” he responded, with some confusion and uncertainty to his voice. “That is the point, I did not want a prior connection colouring the care!” I pointed out. “So, I was the perfect choice; since I have no relation, with him?” he continued. “I expect you, to give him exactly what I tell you to give him; no more and no less!” I confirmed. “Great, then it did take hold; the good Prince will have a very interesting experience, ahead of him!” I pondered, as I saw the message. “At least, the foal will have a very loving father; even if neither the foal nor the mother can be the wiser of who the father is!” I continued. - - - > Picking up the Pieces, of the fallen Prince: 5 (5) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ”I have my orders!  To pick up and care for the Prince!” I pondered. Shining Armour had given me clear and concise instruction, and told me to make sure the good Prince could be ready for the first training.  It is my responsibility; to make him ready, for what is before him. I have no problems with this assignment, there is no real challenge to me. The Prince is a recruit, in the new program to build up a new army and to prepare for a threat the old guard could not stand up.  The Prince is just a pony and a guard under my care and protection, nothing more. “He is quite handsome; but that is utterly irrelevant, right now!” I pondered; as I first saw the Prince lying on the premium bed, he had been given for the time to recuperate. This was no mere barrack’s bed, or a gurney, you found in the infirmary; it was a wider and much softer and comfortable bed.  I guessed it was in order to see him recuperate, as fast as possible. While the stallion was indeed handsome, he was clearly haunted by memories and hurt by the experience of the time past.  I could see the signs of fresh hurt in his downcast eyes, just as I could clearly see the determination to stand tall. In his current state, it would have been wrong for me to take advantage of him in any way; I couldn’t say that I found him exciting or interesting, right now.  Maybe later, if he recuperated and found his old strength; I could find him interesting, at least as a temporary distraction in the barracks. Still, right now, I had no interest in him; I had been assigned to care for him and see to that he could recuperate safely. His name had been mentioned in the passing; she told me that this was Prince Blueblood, when my task had been lighted out.  He was clearly a unicorn of high standing, before her signed up for what he was going through. I had placed a sturdy glass with water by the side of his bed.  In case he was feeling well enough to take a sip, while I was not watching him in person.  I could after all not stand by his side all day and all night. “I really do hope; he is doing better, today!” I pondered; as I approached the door to the room, in which the white unicorn had been resting in order to recuperate. I would hate, to see him; in the terrible, messed up state in which he had been presented to me. I focused my magic,  experiencing the glow spread out over the tip of my horn and flow down its full length; before I reached forwards, opening the lock and opening the door.  Once the door was fully open, I stepped in and looked at the stallion before me. I closed the door, quietly behind me; after I had stepped into the room, then took a few more steps towards the bed.  Of course, there is but the one bed, and Prince Blueblood was still resting in it. I will refer to him as Prince, in part due to this being all I actually know of is person.  I do not need to know more than his first name, and that he will need my help in order to recuperate. “How are you doing?” I inquired, braving a shy smile in his direction. “I feel as if I had been left for dead, not really worth more!” he responded. “That bad?  Nonsense, they are expecting you to rise from the ashes; like the Phoenix bird!” I responded. “Now, that is an interesting image; if I ever saw one!” he responded. “Considering that Princess Celestia had one for a pet, I guess that is a curious detail!” I promptly teased him, in the hopes it could coax a more positive response. “She does indeed!” he responded, looking up. “While I could imagine only too many reasons, for you not to be feeling any appetite; but you still do need to eat!  Celestia could kill me, if she learns of it; that you could not partake, in your exercises!” I tentatively tried to tease him. “She could, she certainly could full-fill such a promise; assuming Shining Armour gave her the chance!” he chuckled. “I brought you a small selection of dishes from the Canterlot Cuisine, small enough and not tasting too much!” I suggested. “These?” he chuckled, again, as he eyed the set of diminutive and fairly bland tasting treats. “You do have to eat something, and this would be a brave start!” I suggested. “Even a small filly would know she had eaten, after a full meal of these!  My options are limited; do I kill myself, or do I try to conquer my fears?” he suggested. I could see the glow on the tip of his horn, before he reached out and picked up one of the treats.  He actually did manage to insert it into his mouth. While he was making the effort, to each the one small treat from the Canterlot restaurant; I poured up a small cup of fresh Imperial water, for him to wash down the food. “If you need help with anything, or if you would prefer quiet solitude; just let me know!” I pointed out. He merely nodded, as he was lifting the cup of water.  This was a small cup, on purpose; it is easier for him to lift in the state in which he found himself; just as it would be more  full filling to drink the water in small sips, right now. I was watching him, as he was sipping water, reacting on the effect the imperial water had upon him. Why import water from far-off places, when our water is perfectly fine and just as good as the water others had?  To the point, this water was purified by the presence of the crystal heart; protecting us against most things imaginable.  The heart had served us well. “At least, he is eating and drinking, a good sign in my book!” I pondered. The Prince is quiet, but I could clearly see signs of how the small meal was doing him some good.  It was but a very small taste of what he would require to eat, just in order to sustain himself. I would have to carry in several meals each day, and probably more than this selection; for him to truly recuperate, from what was currently haunting him.  I had been entrusted to help him recuperate, from the ordeal. “Maybe, I could manage to have just one more of these, today!” he mumbled; looking up at me, while still not feeling too well. It is abundantly clear, the ordeal had taken a great toll on him.  He would need more, much more; before he could even leave this very room, let alone stand up and take the exercises ahead of him. - - - > An Episode, Behind the Glass: 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had been cooped up behind the door, hiding away form the world for a week; now it is time to face the world and its horrors once and for all.  Twilight deems me well enough to take the walk and face what is before me. I am not sure, if I could face this.  Twilight said that I had recuperated enough, to step outside the room. “I take it, you are done with your breakfast!” Platinum Dagger pronounced. “Yes, I am!” I responded. “Good, then I can take you to the observation theatre!” she continued, in response. “It was bad enough, to live through this myself!” I pondered; “And now I will have to suffer it all over again, to see a fellow Stallion go through what I just suffered; just a few days ago!” I mumbled, in horrified disbelief. “While this will not be pretty, but if you can take it, you could prevent others from suffering; once this is the living truth before your eyes!” she promised me. “If I can’t even take it, watching this, how could I be worthy of my title?” I pondered. “While I would prefer to stay in my ivory-tower, what right do I have to be looked up to?” I added. She opened the door, and I followed her out.  She closed the door, locked it and started down the hall towards the flight of spiral stairs up to the tower.  Round and round, I follow her up the flights of stairs. It is a bit dizzying, when you consider where we were going. “What a sadistic bastard, designed this part of the barracks?” I grumbled. “Not Pinkie Pie!” she agreed. “No, I am starting to miss the insistent balloons all over the place!” I pointed out, already hating myself for admitting this. “Just a few more flights of stairs, and we’re there!” she pointed out, her voice betraying her feeling for these long spiral stairs we had been forced to traverse. “Do I feel pity for the once following us, or do I try to take joy from their shared hardships?” I inquired, quietly. “It is indeed a shared hardship, for what it is worth!” she responded. “Did she just tell me, more would come after me?  Were they behind me now, or was it more of a part of the training?  Would every initiate have to endure this?” I pondered. “Welcome to the tower of horrors!” Princess Twilight Sparkle greeted us, once we entered the small observation chamber. I noticed a rather haunted grin over her features, as I saw her.  While I did not know of it, her se; she had been watching this scene, over and over again.  Her brother had performed the deed, each time; but to a new stallion, too. The stallions that came after me, bound to traverse the flight of stairs, as my living shadows.  One by one, each haunted by the same moment as I had endured, just a week ago. “Can I truly take solace, from seeing another stallion going through the same hardship?” I pondered. These stallions are aspiring to stand by me, when the Queen of horrors came back.  She had after all promised to come back, even if I had never been there to hear her pronounce the threat. While the stallion I am about to oversee, is below me in rank, he is not beneath me and certainly not asking anything of me. Of course, the stairs are steel; while the room is solid stone like an old castle.  Yet, neither had given any of the expected creepy echoes. Maybe I should be gratefull? “I suggest you turn your attention towards the window on the right!” Twilight pointed out, with grim resolve and sharp steel in her otherwise pleasant voice. “Excuse me, I have a small issue to attend to!” she excused herself; as she slipped out of the room, through a hidden door behind me. “Where did she go?” I inquired, puzzled by her sudden disappearance. “A stallion needs to be put into his proper place!” my guard pointed out. “She does not have a Changeling, perform that part?  I would have sworn, that is how it felt; even if I had never seen a genuine Changeling before!” I pointed out. “Twilight learned to perform this spell, at the wedding!” she informed me, while carefully hiding a giggle. “Twilight was at the wedding!  Just as Shining Armour and Princess Cadance were!” I added, realizing just where this was about to go down. “Look at the white unicorn stallion before you, and remember him.  He is about to go through exactly what you suffered, just a week ago!” she enlightened me. I could feel a sharp jab to the sign of my ribs, with each word she poke.  I had become pretty sore, before she had finished the reminder. "Ouch, you had to jab me so hard?” I snapped back. “Yes, but of course!” she merely cooed, in response. Only this time, she did not put any effort, into hiding the giggle. I could not help myself, but felt a sting of pity for this stallion of Manehattan.  I had not seen him suffer yet, knowing what befell upon me, just seven days prior. He was about to have it rougher than he had ever imagined possible.  Of course, a white stallion like him, could never have imagined anything rougher than falling out of bed on the wrong side. While I could not quite see it, the stallion had already had the tube inserted.  The accursed tube that would make it easy for Shining Armour to perform his duty.  I certainly had experienced this before. “I hope this will not bring up too much pain, from your past!” the guard put forth. I followed the stallion, with my gaze; as he walked up to the pulpit, facing the window. Thankfully, he could not see us, as we are watching him.  He placed his hands, just where I had placed mine, just seven days before. I could imagine a never-ending stream of stallions; standing in line behind him, just waiting for their turn. Shining Armour was clearly seen, standing behind him; as he was stepping up and placing the palms of his hands onto the pulpit., before him. Twilight Sparkle stepped forth, her horn clearly aglow.  I see the glow grow brighter, as she is reaching forth; applying the green Changeling goo to the hands and hooves of the stallion I was watching.  Little by little, the substance was coating and covering the hands and the hooves; holding him in a firm grip he could not pull out of. “Lift your right hand; if you have a question, or feel any discomfort!” Twilight Sparkle prompted, looking intently at the stallion by the pulpit. I noticed, how Twilight Sparkle stepped back; making more room for her brother, Shining Armour to perform the test of the next recruit before us. “What in the name of Celestia, is this; I can’t pull my hand off of the surface of the pulpit!” the recruit pondered, in reaction to what he had just been told. “Why can’t I lift my hand?” he promptly inquired, when he blatantly failed to raise his hand. “This is how the Changelings capture their victims!  We feel it is prudent for you to experience it first hand!” Shining Armour responded. “Now, since the point has sunk in; it is time to start the test!” Twilight Sparkle proclaimed, applying goo to his muzzle and thus muting him; for the duration of the test. “Guess I am thankful, I do not have to suffer to hear his moaning and complaining; throughout the entire test, since I fear he will not be taking this quietly!” I pondered. “The experience is his, and his alone!” she merely pointed out; upon noticing my expression, as I reacted upon what I was just seeing. “Oh!” I merely responded, quietly acknowledging the point made. “Exactly!” she giggled. The stallion struggled, for a moment longer; before giving up, on the futile endeavours.  Shining Armour stepped forwards, preparing himself for what he was tasked to perform. Not because he liked to do it, but because it was his duty.  I imagined him, imagining the target being someone he deeply cared for. I imagined the Captain rubbing himself up and lubricating himself, before he placed his hands on the waist of the stallion before him.  The stallion instantly turned rigid and stiff, under the hands of the Commander. There was no point in struggling now, with his hands and hooves firmly stuck. “Consider yourself lucky, I am not an actual Changeling!” the Commander enlightened the stallion, before him. “If not for the implications, and what it is representing; this could have been interesting, and I could have been enjoying the show!” I pondered. Aside from the obvious aversion, towards the symbolism and how it reminded me of the experience I had, just a week ago; feeling more dead than alive, I guess I could have been enjoying this.  There was always the obvious fact that it was a stallion only too similar to me, ruining the mood a bit further. I did not want to consider how he was torn between his duty to test the new recruit, and his love for his wife. Do I expect to learn any tricks, worth remembering; or is this merely for me to see the process, from outside?  I was not quite sure I cared enough to consider at the moment. There was no foreplay, but if he is representing a Changeling; why do I expect any innuendo or pleasantries?  I never asked my salad; if it accepted that I ate it, or even considered the point. Why should I; it is merely food, prepared for my pleasure.  The perspective made me uneasy about the entire thing. “I hope this will not ruin my appetite!” I pondered, making a foul grimas at myself. I could clearly see the Commander holding the stallion in a firm grip, as he performed the duties and tested his new recruit.  I was looking, my eyes glued at the scene, while I was not exactly enjoying the situation, just as I felt very little for the stallion or at all. I just could not make myself feel, in fear of how it could affect me and the life I still had before me.  Yet, I looked at the scene with obvious fascination. Strangely enough, I found myself just as still as the stallion I was watching; only I was never restricted or restrained, I was merely torn between the fascination and excitement on the one hand, and the repulsion and disgust on the other.  I guess I still do fear, what happened to me these days ago. Could you blame me? “While I had originally accepted taking the test, mainly out of duty; I am now torn between regretting it and being proud of making it.  It is obviously pointless to regret accepting the test, it happened and I survived. For what it is worth, for better or worse!” I pondered. If only I had known of the true consequences, of what I had accepted that day.  Had I been more repulsed by the offer, or would I had been more eager to take his test?  Even if I could not know if it would hold, and if I could carry through the tests and still be there; when the final revelation was coming to terms?  There is a price to pay, and I am not yet ready for that. How strong am I?  Could I take everything my Commander was to throw at me, or would I collapse somewhere along the way?  Would it still be me, once I have passed his tests? Is his test truly the last test I will have to endure and suffer, before this ordeal was at an end?  Was it all worth it, when I can go home? Assuming I can actually go home, and graduate from his test? I had been watching my commander performing the test; he had put just as much into it, this time.  Maybe he did not have it in for me; as he had done just as much to this one, as he gave me. The stallion had been just as torn down as I had been. Maybe I am better and stronger than I had originally thought?  Should I be proud? In the end, Twilight Sparkle released the stallion, once Shining Armour had stepped back.  The guards stepped forth and carried him out of the room. Just as it happened to me, it happened to this one stallion.  Shining Armour is an exemplary and excellent stallion. I know I don’t want to face him in a dark alley, if he would have it in for me. Once the test was over, my companion guard turned to me, smiling.-  At least, I had passed this test, as well. “You have seen and endured enough, for one day; time to go home!” she proclaimed. I followed her down the flights of spiraling stairs.  The spirals made me dizzy. Yet, I managed to get all the way down and followed my companion to my room.  She opened the door and followed me in. I was quite grateful, for her helping me to the bed. “Rest, now!” she cooed, and I slipped in under my quilt. “Would I survive, what the Commander had in mind for me?” I pondered. I lay my head down, onto the pillow and closed my eyes. “I think I will need that, thank you!” I responded, in a quiet, hushed voice. > Fitful Sleep, Nausea and Gruesome Training Ahead: 7 (7) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apparently, I had fallen asleep, last night.  What ever the time it had been, when I had returned from observing the trial of the stallion.  Was this the eighth day Shining Armour had performed this test? While I was certain, I had been sleeping; this had been a fitful slumber with feverish, fever dreams and not the kind you remembered fondly.  Naturally, I did feel nausea and a cold sweat, all over my face. In reality, I had known it had been my Commander Shining Armour behind me; while in the dreams, I am sure it had been a Changeling, or even the Queen herself.  Had they been feeding off of me, draining me of what little love I had had in my body, causing me to feel this nausic? I felt weak and nausic, to the point I thought I could have broken before I could even slither out of my bed.  This was my bed, right? I felt a shiver down my spine and I am shivering; not due to the cold air, that did feel quite refreshing and warm, to the point of being downright comforting.  Yet, I am shivering, due to exhaustion and the pent up fear from the dreams I had had. Once I stood on the floor, beside the bed; I dared to smooth my bed.  Then I had focused, lit up my horn and smoothed out the bed competently.  Maybe I did still have control over my magic, then? Maybe I should have taken more pride in this one fact alone.  Yet, I felt humbled and weakened after the last experience I had been submitted to, just the other day. “Is this all from the dreams, after what I saw the other day?” I pondered. As much as it had pained me, to go through it; I could not say that I enjoyed seeing it, or that it should affect me this deeply in any way. While I had managed to make my bed, by myself; the effort had taxed me and my magic, far more than I would have liked to admit, even to myself.  Am I prideful, or simply trying to protect myself from an experience I still do wish I could have avoided. Knowing I had stepped up, in the vain hopes of protecting another. “Ouch!” I moaned, as I tried my best to walk over to the chair. Of course I have a pair of chairs, by the table in the other end of the small room.  There is a pitcher of water and a set of glasses on the table. The water does look pretty tempting, right now. On shaky legs, I managed to reach the table, pull out the chair and sit down.  Not overly comfortable, but the sturdy chair was safe to sit on. Not too relaxing, but I could rest for a moment. “The stallion I saw, earlier; is he feeling like this?” I pondered, as I realized my situation. Just walking over to the table, and thinking of the stallion made my head hurt and my mind swirl. “What is wrong with me?” I exclaimed, to none in particular. The room had been empty, save for the one stallion that is me.  Why expect anyone to answer even such a simple question? I merely hoped, I had not exclaimed my question, too loudly.  What if there was another stallion, just like myself; in the next room over, on the other side of either of the walls of the room in which I had been siting.  I had after all been in the room for an entire week, never opening the door to look out. Well, I had been to the tower and watched the next stallion in line, but that had not revealed anyone living close by. “If I had not known better; I would have chanced to suggest that you are pregnant, carrying all the symptoms of an early pregnancy!” she prompted. I had failed to notice, or hear her entering the small room. “That is preposterous, I am a Stallion, for Celestia’s sake!” I responded. “It is, thus my initial reservation!” she responded. “What symptoms, prey tell?” I inquired, suddenly hit by a new wave of dizziness and nausea. “Nausea and dizziness; for starters!”she responded, giggling and casting her eyes down. “When you put it that way; I thought it was from seeing the stallion, up in the tower and being reminded of how it felt just a week ago!” I prompted. “Sounds like a convenient disguise, of what is really going on!” she suggested, finally looking up with blushing cheeks. “Even if I was never broken in, in this manner; it is still hard, to watch it happening!” she promptly pointed out. “I am no voyager, I like these things personal and private!” I pointed out, in hushed tones. - - -