> A mystery ship > by Blue_bolt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > prologue: A Prince dies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One dark and gloomy night, a royal yacht was traveling off northwest coast of Equestria. With no real heading it was just kinda bumming around not really going anywhere. Why may you ask this boat was not really going anywhere was because the pony who was on board and investor of this little to nowhere voyage was none other than that distasteful, Prince BlueBlood. "Oh yeah that's the spot right there servant pony"he moaned in delight as a light blue unicorn pony servant was giving him a massage. The servant pony simply rolled her eye in annoyance she had been forced too come with the 'Prince' on this week and a half long cruise they were only three days in and already she wanted to jump over board to get away from that disrespectful stallion but thought against it. Just as she was thinking this the air began chill. "Hey did Somepony turn the heater off?"asked a curious BlueBlood. The lights all over the boat started to flicker and then shut off completely power was out. "What is the meaning of this, I'am a prince of Equestria why have all the lights and my luxuries shut off" the now clearly angered prince demanded. As he headed up the stairs to find out what was going on he heard what sounded to an approaching ship passing through the water with the lack of the distinct sound of a engine. He came onto the deck where he looked everywhere looking for the ship he thought he heard but saw nothing he scratched his head wondering if what he heard was real or not. BANG, BOOM Something big had gone off from behind the now startled prince he jerked his head around to see what it was that made the noise. When he did his heart nearly stopped. What he saw was a pirate galleon almost as black as the very night that surrounded them. It was nearly 200 feet long, with three masts two equipped with four main sails the last had two main sails on it. He didn't however have anymore time to observe the ship that had opened fire on as it started to unleash all Tartarus on his boat he started running he had no idea where he was running too but he just ran which because of living like a snob didn't last long and he ran out of puff and had to stop, he couldn't have made a worse mistake for a cannonball rocketed into the wall and window near him shattering both sending shards of glass and wooden splinters rocketing towards him. The prince had no time to react to the deadly projectiles flying towards him and because of this they all slammed into him sticking out of him two, three, four and some even seven inches into BlueBlood's white coat and stained it with his 'royal' blood. he screamed in absolute agony as the shards glass, wood and metal protruded from his body. He could vaguely hear the cannon fire over the ringing in his ears but it sounded to be decreasing as if people were abroad the vessel he was on. (music stops here) "Oh no if have too get out of here they'll kill me and ruin my beautiful mane"he wailed and tried to stand up only to cry out in even more agony than before, he looked at his legs dreading what he would find. When he looked he almost vomited his legs were nothing but a bloody, twisted and broken mess that barely resembled legs why he wasn't feeling the pain was beyond his feebly comprehension. As he looked at his battered and broken legs, he noticed a dark shape resembling a pony appear before him shrouded in the flames of the now ablaze yacht it was the biggest pony he had ever seen even taller and bigger than his aunt Celestia, this pony was good foot taller than her with a jet black coat with a mane and tail spiked in a way that made it look like actual spines of the same color with large leathery wings similar to a dragons. To make it even worse he had eyes that were blood red in color making him even more terrifying than one would think possible. "Hmm Prince BlueBlood I presume my, my you're looking a bit holy ain't you 'Prince' ha"said the part dragon part Alicorn pony looking thing taunted in voice even deeper and darker than King Sombra's voice with a smirk revealing large sharp draconian looking teeth even further supporting the two kinds of creatures that he resembles. "W-w-who are y-you fool do not no W-whom you a-attack"the prince demanded while stuttering out of fear that this pony could be the very thing that removes his 'beautiful' face from the planet. "Oh but I do, That's why i had one of my crew come abroad your ship and relay everything and from what she has told me you treated her rather unfairly" The unknown pony accused the prince "and that my pathetic pile of mangled flesh and bone is why you are going to die horribly, painfully."he said grinning devilishly at the prince. He turned around to to a unicorn hidden by the smoke and flames but clearly a mare from her slimmer figure."Have you got all the cargo and dispatched of the rest of the crew and guests?"he asked of the mare hidden by the fire. "Yes captain we most assuredly have. We have all the valuables, food and drink and slaughtered Everypony else on broad sir" the mare said in boastful voice. "Well done my first mate. Impressive, most impressive Trixie now head back to the ship I will just finish off the prince here and be right there."he said turning back to the broken body that was BlueBlood "Yes cap'n right away"replied The great and powerful Trixie as she turned and walked away. Once Trixie was out of sight the black Dracony looked devilishly at the prince "You now you're crew were the lucky ones, that's because they were either blown to bits by cannon fire, set ablaze by the burning ship or killed by sword and pistol. You on the other hand will die by my hoof. I've sent my first-mate away because even though shes been with me for quite awhile she still cannot handle what I do to victims I deal with personally"the Dracony finished while cackling madly. "W-w-who, what are y-you, you never told me that?"BlueBlood asked while almost shitting himself. The dark Dracony lowered himself to where he was almost at eye level and far too close. "I'am the darkness and you die now"said Darkness as he said this he plunged his right fore-leg into BlueBlood's chest causing him to let out a bloodcurdling scream "Gah, ah, ah, ah, ah,ah"as the prince screamed it was mixed with the most evil and bone chilling laugh ever heard.