> Trainer Anon > by AKA MrJ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Best of the generation” Anonymous, Hoenn region’s current champion, wasn't sure what he had expected when he had reached out to touch the (as his pokedex had called it) mysterious floating ring. The last few times he’d done something like it a legendary Pokemon had appeared in an endless void. This wasn't a void. It was a forest. And the ring that had brought him here was gone. Quickly bringing out his pokedex, Anonymous switched over to the AreaNav which displayed “Location Unknown”. That wasn't surprising, although it was a little disappointing. He hadn't expected to be in range of any satellites, but he had held on to the hope that he would be. Sighing, Anonymous reached into his coat pocket for a pokeball. Grabbing one at random Anonymous clicked it open, watching the red spike of energy morph and reveal his Castform. The small Pokemon chirped, quickly moving to hover over her trainer’s shoulder. Nodding at Castform, Anonymous began walking, choosing a direction at random, feeling better now that he had one of his team out with him. So far there hadn't been any problems, these woods seemed uninhabited by anything dangerous. Anonymous had even found a hiking trail and had been following it for the last hour or so. It was still strange not to see any wild Pokemon. Throughout all of his adventures Anonymous had never encountered an unpopulated area totally free of wild Pokemon. A chirp from Castform brought his attention over to the little Pokemon. Castform was floating in little circles around a worn out wood signpost, clearly very proud of her discovery. “Nice job.” Anonymous said, “Alright let's see, Ponyville 3 km, hmmm...” Castform chirped again, coming back to hover close to Anonymous’s face. “No, you did good. It's just that now I know that this is an unexplored region. Or even another world entirely.” Castform tilted slightly. “It's possible. Remember when we were dealing with the threat of a meteor crashing into Hoenn? We had that conversation with Zinnia about a world without mega evolutions, and about alternate worlds?” Castform tilted herself until she was completely sideways. “You don't remember that?” Castform righted herself shaking her head. “... Well I guess it is a little hard to remember a conversation from seven years ago… Anyway let's get moving.” An hour later Anonymous got his first look at Ponyville. It looked old, almost all of the buildings looked like they belonged to a different century. And there was a huge crystal structure that was completely out of place among the thatch roofed buildings around it. But what stood out to Anonymous the most were the inhabitants. Small, colorful ponyta like creatures minus the mane made of fire. From his hiding place at the tree line Anonymous could make out three types, flying, normal (possibly ground), and normal type with horns? Actually that last one must be a psychic type. He didn't see any humans though. A brief memory surfaced in Anonymous's mind, about the stories of humans turning into Pokemon. And of entire worlds where there weren't any humans and pokemon lived in their place and the idea that he might be in one of those worlds quickly resurfaced. Shaking these thoughts away, Anonymous stepped out from his hiding place and started his approach, hopefully his appearance wouldn't cause too much of a panic. Well they didn't panic. Instead the townsfolk all immediately vacated the streets for the nearest building. Within a minute of Anonymous's arrival Ponyville became a ghost town. As Anonymous walked through Ponyville, Castform went from house to house chirping at doors and windows without any responses from those inside. Finally he came to what he could only assume was the town center. Spotting a bunch, Anonymous sat down grateful for any chance to rest after a three hour hike. Since the bench was built for a creature almost half his size, he had to sit with his legs stretched in front of him out to avoid his knees hitting his chin. Stretching out fully Anonymous leaned back over the back of the bench to see where Castform had gotten to. He was met with the upside down upclose view of one of the ponyta creatures. One that was extremely pink with bright blue eyes. the two stared at each other for second before it finally spoke. “Hiya!” She said (the voice was clearly female) in a very upbeat, energetic tone. In any other circumstance, Anonymous might have freaked out over a non human speaking perfect English. However Anonymous had already met both normal and legendary Pokemon who spoke English. Including his Gardevoir and Gallade, although their vocabulary was very limited. “Uh...hi?” Anonymous said. “Sooo. Who’re you? You're new to Ponyville right!? You've got to be cause I know everypony in Ponyville and I don't know you so who are you?” “I’m Anonymous. Who’re you?” Dear god this one talked very fast. “I’m Pinkie. So what are you? Cause you don’t look like a mouse.” “...what?” “You just said you were “A Nonny Mouse” so are you really a moose?” “No, I said my name was Anonymous. I’m not a...moose. I’m a...wait. Didn’t you just call me a mouse?” “A Nonny Mouse, A Nonny Moose. Tomato tomahto.” “...I’m a human. To answer your question.” “Neat!” Anonymous was about to ask Pinkie what she was when the sound of approaching...hoofsteps, caught his attention. Sitting upright Anonymous was slightly surprised to see one of the flying types walking up with Castform, who was apparently talking with her. And a new type, this one with both wings and a horn. Anonymous registered this as psychic-flying type. Seeing her trainer, Castform flew up to Anonymous and began chirping at speed, explaining how Fluttershy (the yellow and pink flying type she had been talking to) and Twilight (the purple flying/psychic type) had been the only ones to come out when she called, and that they thought that she was what was scaring everyone, and how she was absolutely convinced that Twilight was a princess. After listening to Castform’s explanation of events, Anonymous turned back to the trio of… of beings that he currently didn't have a name for, just in time to hear Pinkie say “And he said his name is Nonny!” “Actually I said my name is Anonymous.” Anonymous said bringing attention back to him, “Fluttershy and Twilight isn't it? Castform was just telling me about you.” “Oh! You can understand her too?” Fluttershy said, perking up briefly before shrinking back down when Anonymous looked at her, “I mean. I just never met anypony else who could talk to animals like I do.” “Uh yeah I can understand most Pokemon. Well at least I can understand my team.” “Pokemon?” Twilight said, clearly confused at the term, “Team? What are you talking about?” “You…you don’t have Pokemon here? You guys aren't Pokemon?!” “No. We're ponies. I'm an alicorn. Fluttershy is a pegasus. And Pinkie is an earth pony. Now what are Pokemon? Pinkie said that you're a hooman, so “Human.” “Human. So what are Pokemon?” Anonymous paused at the question. There was a definite sense of déjà vu in the response. Memories of Pokemon Professor’s across the world explaining Pokemon to young trainers. And they all seemed to have the same explanation. Well here's hoping that Anonymous would do it justice. “My world is widely inhabited by creatures known as Pokemon, well over two hundred species. Humans and Pokemon all coexist together, sometimes playing together, sometimes helping each other out. But most often battling together in the Pokemon leagues.” “Battle?!” Fluttershy exclaimed, looking horrified at the idea. Pinkie and Twilight weren't looking to happy about the thought either. “Mock battle! Like a boxing or wrestling match. There are set rules and guidelines we all follow to ensure safety.” Anonymous said quickly. Carefully leaving out the part about knocking out your opponents team. “Anyway, Pokemon are pretty mysterious beings. As much as we know about them there are still a lot of things that remain unknown. I- yes Twilight?” “Are you one of these trainers?” Twilight asked. “Yes I am. In fact, I'm the current regional champion!” Anonymous said, puffing out his chest with pride. “And what does that mean?” “It means that me and my team are the best. Ever. Of all time.” Castform chirped loudly at this, pressing herself into the side of Anonymous’s head to which he responded by placing an affectionate hand over Castform. The moment was short lived. What could best be described as a battle cry caused Anonymous to spin around to face whatever was coming. One hand dived into a coat pocket grabbing a new pokeball, throwing it at the oncoming attacker. The pokeball bounced of the rainbow colored blur, landing perfectly in Anonymous's open hand as the energy spike faded to reveal Swampert primed and ready for battle. All of this in less than a second. The rainbow colored blur had stopped, revealing itself to be a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane. Looking over his attacker before looking her in the eyes, brought a mad grin to Anonymous's face. One of the traits that made him champion was Anonymous's ability to analyze opponents. Being able to tell what their strengths and weaknesses are, and know exactly how to combat them. And Anonymous knew strong challengers when they showed up. This new opponent was definitely strong, maybe strong enough to be challenging. The thought made Anonymous grin even wider. “Alright then,” Anonymous said, his voice quivering with excitement “let's make this good.”