> Pony Cuddles For Warmth > by Bendy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Cuddling For Warmth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘Cold… it’s… so fucking cold tonight,’ came your thoughts. … and so girly, in fact your bed was bright pink and in the shape of a love heart. The walls of your room were thick, but they did nothing to keep out the cold. Also, despite the thickness of your blanket, this place was unbearably cold. The people of this world you found yourself in had no real need of an electrical, gas or any other heating system. Because they had some sort of natural resistance to the cold, so you were told. But then again, it could be the fact they all have fur and you didn’t. You were thankful they didn't immediately kill you or perform horrific scientific experiments on you, although a certain purple alicorn made you rather nervous, who offered you the ‘magic of friendship’ while she looked at you with bedroom eyes as if you were a piece of meat. At any rate it was deathly chilly out there. Thanks to those bloody flying ponies, who just had to make it the coldest winter in the last century. This might be the worst possible time to ever be randomly teleported into another universe for some reason. Yes, you were a human lost in a world of sapient horse people, with big freakishly large eyes, stood on average at about four foot tall and all conveniently spoke English. Some of them had wings, some had magical horns on their head and very few had both wings and horns. Some had neither, those were the earth ponies, probably the most human of the lot of them. You rubbed your hands together in desperation to generate some degree of heat. It seemed to work, your hands were… slightly warmer. Too bad the rest of your body was borderline on getting frostbite. Sick of lying still and freezing to death, you shifted wildly about upon the bed like a fish out of water, grunting in frustration as you did so. However, when you heard the sound of clopping hooves approaching down the hall, you stopped moving. Nonetheless, the hooves got louder and louder as they came ever closer. You sighed, knowing it was too late. There came a soft click and a familiar pink earth pony mare walked in. "Anony, are you alright?" she asked softly. "I’mmmm brrrr.. ffff-fine…. p-p-p-Pinkie Pie," came your reply, grinding your teeth together as you did so. Pinkie Pie’s ears perked curiously at the sound of your voice. Without a word the mare came forth. Once she stood next to your bed, she gently placed a hoof upon your forehead. "Anony! You’re freezing!" she exclaimed. "You know what this calls for?" "Wh-what?" came your weak, reply. "Cuddles!" she shouted, hooves raised high into the air. Before you could even utter a reply, her body moved at such speed she became little more than a pinkish blur. The next thing you knew you found yourself stripped of all your clothes, apart from your boxers and Pinkie Pie herself under the blanket, who was lying on top of you, with her hooves wrapped tightly around your body. Her head rested upon your chest, as she stared up at you with her huge blue eyes. "Pony cuddles to the rescue for my human friend! Woooooo!" she shouted excitedly. "Hey! Get off!" you shouted in anger, giving her a death glare with your eyes narrowed. "But Anony! I don’t want you to freeze to death," she said in a low, sad voice. With steely resolve, you struggled valiantly to free yourself from the mare’s strong, yet soft feeling hooves. You grunted as you tried to wiggle free from her iron grip, but it seemed her super earth pony strength made that next to impossible. You soon stopped struggling, noticing the soothing warmth coming from her. Her body emitted powerful waves of heat into you. You relaxed, closing your eyes and giving in to her cuddles. Her methods were a little unorthodox, but you were glad you weren’t freezing anymore. "Yes! Surrender to my almighty pony cuddles puny human. Resistance is futile," she said in a mocking tone. You sighed in annoyance. "You are hot and feel quite nice. I rather be cuddled than freeze to death." "No funny business, mister human. This is just friend’s cuddles," she said sternly, which was very unusual for her. "No need to worry, I’m not into ponies ‘that way’," you answered firmly. "Okie dokie then. Goodnight, Anony!" she shouted. "Uh, goodnight," you simply said in an annoyed tone, ears ringing. With that you and Pinkie Pie closed your eyes. Now that she finally shut up, you could finally appreciate just how warm… and soft her body was. In fact, it was too soft, the soft fat of her body was softer than silk. So warm and soft she was, a certain part of you began to expand at a terrifying rate. ‘No! Not now!’ came your panicked thoughts. ‘Oh God! She’s a horse and I’m getting turned on! Why boner?! Why are you doing this to me?!’ your thoughts screamed in your head. Your cock ignored your protests, forming a large tent in your boxers in order to reach out to the tender flesh that was so close to it. "Anony…. what are you doing? Why are you poking me down there?" she asked, in a rather harsh tone. You gulped nervously. "I-I… can’t help it!" you shouted in panic. "You liar! You told me you were not into ponies ‘that way’," she bellowed. "I’m sorry… I can’t help it! Your body is just so warm and soft. My penis has got a mind of its own!" you pleaded. Pinkie Pie gently patted you on the back, speaking softly. "It’s OK, Anony. Let’s just ignore your excitement and go to sleep, OK?" You nodded swiftly in answer. "Say Anony, you wanna upgrade this to ‘more than just friends’ cuddling?" she asked in a sensual voice, while giving you bedroom eyes. "No," you answered firmly. "Awwwww!" she said sadly. With that you slept with a massive raging boner with Pinkie Pie lying on top of you, who was cuddling you to keep you warm. There was no human on pony action whatsoever. Pinkie’s big fat and plump booty never got the human D. Worse yet for Pinkie Pie, your penis was a lot bigger and stronger ever since you came to Equestria, because magic. And worst of all, there wasn’t even any human on pony buttsex. The horror! The End