Journeys of the Golden Rings

by Rezas

First published

From human to Hoopa...didn't expect that when I was sitting in my room. Now I have to find Arceus' plates to? Well that's fine because I will collect the plates, save this world and nothing will stop me.

I've been sent to Equestria as a shiny hoopa, and now I have to go to different temples, finding different plates and slowly but surely I will save this world. I don't care what legendaries I have to fight, what pokemon I have to go through I do this, and I will not fail no matter what happens.


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I sat back with a groan, watching the latest in a long line of adverts on my TV boredly. I took a swig of my drink, my eyes feeling heavier as more time passed. Suddenly I hear glass break followed by some pain erupting in my neck. I look to the window in my living room and see a hole and reach up to my neck and feel a dart there.

“What the fuck?” I muttered, frowning in confusion at the dart before my vision began to waver. Before passing out I hear the door slam open and it all goes dark.

I groaned as I slowly awoke from my forced sleep. I tried to raise my hand to my head, and I realised I can’t move at all! I look around, glad I’m not blindfolded as well, and see I’m in the back of a van. I also notice a shadowed figure that...doesn’t seem like it’s supposed to be here considering that whoever it is was hiding under the window that lets the people in the front see into the back.

The figure rose slightly, peeking through the window before ducking down again. She - as evidenced by the pair of very large breasts held by an extremely tight looking black latex corset - hurried over to my side, fiddling with my restraints.

“As much as I like bondage,” she whispered, looking up to me and smirking, her pink hair tied back into a ponytail. “I think you’d rather get out, hm?”

I nod frantically, keeping quiet so we were not heard. The woman paused suddenly, a sly grin on her lips.

“Then again…” she breathed, sliding between my legs as my eyes went wide. She sniffed a couple times, confusing me until she spoke again. “You do have a great allure to you… lots of unused power~”

The woman stood, placing a hand on her hip, and I gulped when I saw she was wearing naught but a black latex thong and thigh-high boots. She snapped her fingers, and suddenly the bindings on my wrists and ankles opened.

“Tell ya what,” she cooed, leaning over me and looking into my eyes, her own seeming to glow a bright pink. “Get back to your place, and I’ll be waiting in the bedroom~”

With that, she stood up again, striding over to the side-door and throwing it open before a pair of red and black wings sprouted from her lower back, just above her… ahem, rear end. She leapt out, flying away with a mad cackle.

“Well,” I thought, “that happened.” I look out the van and I notice that it isn’t moving very quickly and I just hop out. I look around where I am now and see that I’m by a seven-eleven that I used to live by.

“Great,” I mutter, “hour walk it is then.”

After I finally got back to my house, ignoring the now broken front door but noticing that they left the screen door fine, I immediately go upstairs, noticing a familiar-looking corset on the floor. I looked down the hall, noticing a trail of various women’s underwear leading up to my bedroom door.

“Is that you, Eric-san?” a familiar voice called out. “I have a present for you!”

“Hmm” I say loudly “I wonder what it could be” I walk into my bedroom to see the woman from before, stood there in a typical schoolgirl outfit from an anime (or more likely hentai), complete with unnecessarily short skirt, blue and white striped panties and a little red bow. She smiled sweetly, holding an… open bottle of water.

“I thought you might be thirsty after all that, Eric-san!” she chimed before moving closer. She seemed to trip on something though, sending the water all over her top and making it see-through, exposing her lack of a bra. “Oh no!”

“Oh dear, how… unfortunate,” I say, grinning a little. “Here, let me help take that off. It’s cold out.” I add, stepping forward and placing a hand on her shoulder, the other untying the bow around her neck.

The woman smirked, batting my hands away before throwing me onto my bed. “Heh, they always think they’re in charge,” she tittered, snapping her fingers. In an instant, both of us were completely naked, her gargantuan breasts spilling out, looking full and firm.

I stare in shock for a moment at the abilities my… partner for tonight has before grinning and saying “I think I remember something like this… I like. So, how big are those babies?”

The woman chuckled, her chest jiggling with the action. “You don’t hold back, do you?” she tittered, crawling seductively onto the bed. “Well if you must know, I’m a thirty eight double G.” She paused, leaning down between my legs with a smirk. “And yes, they’re natural.”

“I didn’t think they were anything but,” I say with a slight chuckle. “And no, I never really cared for most of the… mental blocks people seemed to have with ‘holding back’, as you said..”

She just giggled, leaning closed and placing a kiss on my member, sending a tingling sensation up my spine. I shiver a bit in pleasure, reaching out to knead her breast a bit, making her hum in response.

“Mmm, that’s it~” she cooed, sliding closer and enveloping my shaft in her breasts, pressing them together. “I know your name already, but I never told you mine, did I?” she asked, and I just shook my head, the feeling of her boobjob clouding my mind. “I’m Patty, but you can call me Mistress~

“Alright Mistress,” I say with a grin, “How may I serve you?”

“Just lie there and be a good boy,” Patty chuckled, moving her breasts faster. “All I want is a nice, creamy snack.”

With that, she moved her breasts away, leaning down and pulling my member into her mouth and bobbing her head along my length, wrapping her tongue around it as she went.

I groan in pleasure as I watch her give me the best blowjob I’ve ever had. “Mistress,” I say through the groans, “You are too kind.” She just giggled, brushing her bright pink hair out of her face as she glanced up at me, locking eyes with me as she shoved my entire length down her throat. I gasped when I felt her drag her teeth along my sensitive flesh gently, pulling her head back almost painfully slowly.

“Are you close, Eric?” she asked, letting my tip go with a wet *pop*. “You’ve lasted much longer than a lot of other men.”

“Well,” I grunt with a smug grin. “I’m about… halfway there.”

Patty grinned, grasping my dick tightly and pumping it with unimaginable speed. “Then let’s hurry that along, shall we? I want my cum dinner.” She leaned down again, sealing her lips around my tip and suckling, not stopping her hand.

“As you command, Mistress” I say with a grin as I stop holding back allowing myself to shoot my loads down her throat. Patty let out a happy moan, closing her eyes and swallowing each and every spurt before pulling back, letting the last shot land across her tits.

“Mmm~” she moaned, licking her lips. “Not the best I’ve had, but pretty high up there. I Must say Zinnia’s is still top notch though.”

“Oh you just say that because you displaced her first,” I teased with a knowing grin.

Patty placed a hand to her chest in faux-shock. “How did you figure me out?” she asked, her wings once more flaring out. “Oh well, no matter. At least you can say you’ve scored with the interdimensional kidnapper too now.”

“I wouldn’t call it kidnapping exactly, Mistress. Well, not for me at least,” I say giving her my best smile.

“Oh, carry on,” she chuckled with a faint blush. “You’re quite the charmer.” Snapping her fingers, my Mistress then conjured up a pure gold bottle, holding it loosely between two fingers. “Make me wonder how you’ll fare with this, but oh well. Best to just find out.”

I was about to ask what she meant, not recognising the bottle for the moment, before she pointed it at me and pulling the stopper, making a wave of shadow energy flow out into my body.

“Have fun in Equestria!” Patty shouted as a golden ring appeared over me, falling and sucking me through the portal held within. “Wait… oh no…” I heard her mutter afterwards, frowning as the last connection to that world cut off.

This is Chaotix! Fight for the Flame Plate!

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I groan as I slowly wake up after passing out mid-portal. “Knocked out twice in one day” I mutter, annoyed. As I regain my sight I look down and see that I’m… different than before.
“What the fuck?!” I exclaim in shock and surprise noticing I have the body of a very… familiar legendary Pokemon.

I looked like a weird little genie thing, a golden ring around my waist and no legs or feet to speak of, just a pale yellow wispy thing that waved as I floated above the ground - a matter for later. The rest of my now much smaller body was the same colour, with a few markings in a darker shade that made it look like I was wearing some kind of robe.

My arms floated out in front of me, thick and detached from my body with large, dark yellow cuffs and hands with no fingers. When I focused, though, it separated into fingers, so at least that’s there.

Reaching up, I felt my head, noting how it was now much wider and shorter, almost like a football. Two long, curved horns sprouted from the sides with large golden rings hanging from them. I have a bit of short, dark yellow hair with a tuft at the top too.

“I’m a fucking shiny Hoopa… A SHINY HOOPA!” I shouted, throwing my arms up before smirking slightly. “...sweet.” I mutter excitedly before I finally take a look around and notice… the world’s a wasteland. All the trees are dead, the ground is cracked in some places, and the wind is howling around me.

“I… did not expect Equestria to look like this” I mutter to myself, suddenly a LOT less enthusiastic about my situation with noone around. Although… I notice a structure in the distance that seems to be still intact, despite the streams of fire coming out of the ground around it.

I head towards it as quickly as I can get myself to move - that is, surprisingly fast. About the speed of an olympic runner if I had to guess.

After about a half hour I finally reached the temple-like structure. Looking up at it, I saw it was a lot bigger than I first though, built entirely out of fiery red bricks and black stone. I moved to head through the large archway entrance, pausing as what looked like a Transport Ring from the Hoopa movie opened in the air, dropping a small badge-like object out. I grabbed the badge out of the air, inspecting the green, purple and orange rings on it’s surface with the word “CHAOTIX” written over the top in bold white letters.

“Huh,” I muttered, about to just ignore it for now and head in when a trio of voices sounded in my head at the same time.

We are Team Chaotix, the best detectives in Equestria! Give us a call and we’ll do what we can to help you out!

...Espio, how do I turn this thing off?

“Well Team Chaotix, I have a case for ya!” I yell as I instinctively send out the ring around my waist, opening it to allow my fellow Displaced through.

As expected, a trio of figures tumbled out of the portal, each one matching a coloured ring on the badge: A large green crocodile with red spines down his back, black headphones, a gold chain, a black leather jacket, white gloves with black cuffs, and pure black boots; a purple chameleon with a long yellow horn on his nose, white gloves, black bracers, metallic purple shoes, and a white silk scarf; and a bee in a black aviator’s hat with red goggles, an orange vest, white gloves, and orange and white sneakers. All three of them were anthropomorphic, though I guess that much was obvious.

“God dammit, get offa me!” the crocodile shouted in a low, gruff voice.

“Sorry Boss!” the bee cried, buzzing his wings and hovering off of the pile-up.

“Sorry about that Vector,” the chameleon said calmly, climbing off and helping the crocodile up. “You know how summons can be.”

“Yeah,” Vector huffed, dusting his jacket off. “And when I find who called us I’m gonna give him a piece of my mind - the fist part!”

“Excuse me” I called, causing them to look at me. “You sure about that?” I ask with a grin as I cross my arms, floating above them.

The three of them watched me for a second before smirking. “Espio, Charmy?” Vector said, reaching into his jacket.

“On it, Boss!” Charmy cried, a set of drums appearing around his neck out of nowhere. Espio just hummed, producing an ancient-looking guitar.

Panicking, I instinctively use Magic Coat sending the attack right back at them. “Uh…” I say slightly worried “You guys okay?”

“I don’t wanna go across dimensions Mommy!” Charmy shouted, spinning about in the air, his drums having disappeared. “I wanna stay home and bake Alaska!”

Espio stumbled a bit before shaking his head. “...Note to self, do not let Vector use the Team Blast against a Hoopa.”

“Fu~uck you!” Vector slurred, stumbling and falling on his back. “My idea was fine!”

“Uh… do you guys still want that case or not?” I asked, now more annoyed at them ignoring me than anything.

Espio looked up at me. “Sorry about that, sir. Our boss can be quite… hot-headed at times.” He smiled, turning to me and holding a hand out. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, and we would be honoured to take your case. What seems to be the problem?”

“It’s fine.” I say shaking his hand. “I need to help getting through the temple, I feel like there’s something I need in there.” I say pointing at the temple behind them. Espio turned and looked at the large building behind him, frowning a little.

“Hmm…” he muttered, crossing his arms. “We can do that.” Pausing, he produced a pair of kunai, throwing them at the other two members of his agency. “Get up!”

“Gah!” Vector cried, shooting to his feet before pulling the weapon from his arm. “Dammit Espio… Alright, what’s the deal with this temple then?” he asked, crossing his arms. “What am I hitting?”

“Well,” I start a bit unsure. “Think of it like a pokemon gym but instead of trainers and a gym leader I believe it’s pokemon and the legendary that best represents whatever is inside.”

“Also,” I add a bit happier. “Take this as a… down payment” I say using Hyperspace Hole opening the ring I haven’t bothered to put back on me, taking a guess and concentrating on bits in a vault causing the ring to suck up a decent bunch of them from… somewhere, falling into a pile nearby.

Vector stared at the pile for a moment before grinning like a madman, his eyes bulging out with giant golden dollar-signs.

“That’s the down payment!?” Charmy cried, buzzing around the gold excitedly. “I can’t wait for the full bill!”

“Money’s no object to me” I say grinning. “Being the sole sentient inhabitant of this world means all the money here’s now mine so just think of a price and it’s yours when this is over.”

Espio and Charmy shared a worried glance before turning to their leader, watching as Vector went stock still.

“Uh, Boss?” Charmy asked, bussing up and waving his hand in front of the croc’s face. “You good?”

Snapping out of it, Vector slammed his fist into an open palm, a determined glint in his eyes. “Right, let’s get in there!” he cried, turning on his heel and marching for the door. “Find the computer room!”

“God dammit…” Espio sighed, facepalming as he followed, Charmy bussing above them.

“Well,” I sigh, “At least this should be amusing if anything.” And follow them into the temple.


“Charmy, shut up for a minute so I can help you!”

“Stupid adorable fire chicken…”

“This is hilarious!” I say giggling slightly while I use Hyperspace Hole to knock out the torchic by attacking from behind. Espio sighed, jumping and doing a flip as Charmy buzzed past him in a panic, the winds produced blowing the fire out.

“So,” the chameleon muttered, landing next to me. I had to do a double-take when all I saw was a faint outline in his shape, though. “A temple full of Fire-Type Pokemon. And they don’t seem all that smart, either.”

“I’m not arguing against there being no smart Pokemon here,” I say feeling confidant. “Just makes it easier on us, right?” I say with a smirk as his colour appeared again. The chameleon just glanced from me to the still-smoking bee.

“Yeah…” he muttered. “Easier…”

“Well,” I say, looking around and making sure that nothing sneaks up on us. “If they were smart they would’ve swarmed us instead, and THAT would be way harder.”

“Yes, I suppose.”

“Fire turtle!” Vector suddenly cried, ducking under a Flamethrower from a Torkoal before uppercutting it, sending the thing flying onto it’s back. Almost instantly, Espio jumped into the air and hit it’s underbelly with a Homing Attack.

“Whoa” I say, seeming to zone out for a second before I snap out of it. “New move!” I say with a grin, looking around for a Pokemon to use it on. I grinned as a Lampent floated in.

“Too easy!” I shout as I fire a PsyBeam directly at the Lampent.
It tried to dodge but it was still directly hit, immediately fainting because of type advantage.

After a few more battles we reached a giant door. It… was literally just a giant stone archway but we couldn’t see inside, as it was filled with pure darkness. I feel… something strong in there and I feel that I have to fight whatever it is… alone.

“Guys, this has been fun and all, but I can do the rest by myself.” I stated, turning toward them. “Our contract is complete, don’t worry your money is waiting for you on the in your verse!” I yell, opening a Hyperspace Hole to their universe and to a vault I assume was a nobles at some point, giving them all the money in there. The surprise caused by my… abrupt send off causes them to be sucked through the hole without being able to react at all.

“Well,” I sighed, putting their token into hammerspace by instinct, “Let’s do this.” Turning, I head into the room beyond the archway.

After a little bit of floating forward I reached a large room. It seemed to be a stone arena, with a moat of boiling lava around the edge. At the end of the hall, a large, brown-furred beast stood proudly, a silver, red and yellow mask covering it’s face. Entei.

“Well… if we’re going to fight, then let’s get started,” I said, getting myself ready to fight the Legendary Beast of Wildfire. For a moment we just stared each other down before it suddenly let loose a powerful Roar, that I quickly block with Magic Coat, making the Entei’s will waver. It then charged, using Bite and managing to catch me in it’s jaws, doing a fair bit of damage before I managed to slip free. While it was close, I used Confusion and Hyperspace Hole on it, managing to land both attacks.

“... Did I win?” I ask myself, watching the cloud of dust that had kicked up and waiting for something to happen. I watch as the dust cloud falls to reveal… a fainted Entei.

“I know this is the first temple and all but… that was WAY too easy.” I said, taking glances around to make sure that there was nothing else around. I then floated forward, passed the Entei to the end of the room where I see… Arceus’ Flame Plate?!

“That’s… strange.” I think to myself “Did Arceus die and that’s why there doesn’t seem to be any life anywhere outside?” Regardless, I took the Flame Plate, my eyes widening when it sank into my hand and a burning power surged through my body. I panicked a bit before stumbling… somehow, a rush of knowledge flowing through my mind, imprinting images and explanations for all the Fire-Type moves in existence, though some of them seemed… incomplete. And kinda new, actually. Maybe if I get more Plates…

“Hmm…” I muttered, focusing on the image of the Flame Plate again. After a moment I managed to bring it into my hands, blinking at the lightness of the obviously nigh-indestructible material. Another image flashed through my mind, making me drop the plate as I grabbed my head in a mixture of shock and mild pain.

When I looked up again, I blinked, kinda shocked to see a flickering image of Arceus, God-Pokemon himself, stood next an anthropomorphic, cream-white woman with long maroon hair, wearing a simple pair of jeans and a flannel shirt.

To anyone who sees this message,” the image of Arceus said solemnly, hanging his head low. “Then you have done the impossible and survived The End.

“The End?” I muttered to myself, slightly confused about what was going on before deciding to just listen to what Holo-Arceus has to say.

You may be confused,” the alicorn spoke up, smiling calmly. “But we assure you, so long as you listen to our words, you will be safe.

Arceus stepped forward before speaking again. “The End was brought about by The Dark One, my wayward child, Darkrai. Having released Tirek, the greatest villain in Equestria’s history, from his imprisonment, Darkrai was betrayed by the centaur, having the limitless power of the New Moon stolen from him.

Tirek then proceeded to suck the magic out of Equestria’s citizens,” Faust continued, placing her hand on Arceus’s holographic shoulder. “Leaving the world helpless, without any means to grow or gather food, Tirek sentenced Equestria to it’s very death before moving on to the surrounding nations.

With the power of the Shadow of the New Moon under his command,” Arceus sighed, dropping to his haunches. “As well as the collective magic of every pony in Equestria and the power of every Pokemon in that nation, Tirek stood on a level of power well above the rest of the world. He moved from nation to nation, kingdom to kingdom, dooming the world to it’s End until only he remained, eventually perishing himself.

“That… sounds really stupid for him to have done.” I deadpan. “note to
self do not get power hungry.” I mutter under my breath.

Faust cleared her throat, looking away ashamedly. “Due to our… misplaced judgement on this most awful of circumstances, we too fell to The End, along with the rest of Arceus’s children, the Legendary Pokemon.” She paused, a sad look crossing her features as Arceus began sobbing. “And upon Arceus’s fall, his Plates of Power - the objects that held his power to alter the face of the very world - scattered across Equus, erecting Temples to protect themselves and filling them with mindless copies of Pokemon. Again, seeing this means you have managed to acquire at least one of the Plates.

This,” Arceus chimed in, managing to reign back his tears. “Means you have been deemed worthy to wield my power, to take the mantle of God. Should you manage to gather my Plates, you will have the power to shape the world to your will, to bring life back to this once vibrant land.

Standing together, Arceus and the Alicorn reached out, the Alicorn taking Arceus’s hoof in her hand. “We trust this power to you, Chosen One!” they said together before the image faded, leaving me alone again.

I floated there for a bit in shock that I was entrusted with something so… important. I haven’t really been given something as crucial as this to do before. Silently, I pulled the Flame Plate back into my body, feeling a great determination filling me.

“I’ll get the plates…” I promised, placing a hand over my heart.
“Now… where are they?” I mutter to myself turning around and heading out of the temple, which began to crumble behind me. None of the ‘mindless soldier Pokemon’ were around on my way out, which I assume is because I have the Flame Plate now.

As I floated out into the open plain, I glanced around, feeling a weird tugging within in lots of directions, with one in particular being much stronger. Picking the strongest connection, I headed that way, wondering what Type I’ll encounter next.

Through the Meadow and taking a Splash!

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As I got closer to where I felt the next plate, I notice that the general area was a lot… well, greener than the rest of this world. I looked around a moment, looking at how much better this area seemed to be than the others because of how green it is but… it’s still lifeless. There’s no sentient creatures around.

Snapping out of my daze, I realised that I’d ended up at the temple for the next Plate. It was as big as the Fire Temple, though instead of fire and brimstone this one was made of a large, roofed hedge maze, surrounded by different types of trees and berry bushes. Thinking that a few of the berries might be useful, I just wildly grab some, not really paying attention as I approached the Temple entrance.

I waited outside for a bit, just to see if another Displaced token would appear or not. After wasting enough time, though, I just shrugged and carried on, staying focused.

After a while of exploring, during which I decided to gather a few more berries from the inner trees, I came across a Grovyle. Wasting no time, and knowing that I have a type advantage with the moves I can now use thanks to the Flame Plate, I breathed a Flamethrower at it, narrowly missing as it dodged to the side at the last second. It sharpened the leaves on it’s arms into a Leaf Blade attack, launching itself towards me at almost surprising speeds. I quickly tried dodging to the side, not entirely making it as the attack grazed my left arm. I quickly used Fire Punch, hitting it in the side as it tried to head back to where it started and sending it flying into a wall, actually managing to make a dent in the temple wall due to the sheer force of the attack, also knocking the Grovyle out in the process.

“Huh…” I muttered as the Grovyle’s body dissolved into little blue, yellow and green balls. “Interesting.” I headed forward, and as I get near the orbs they fly into me and I felt myself get a little bit stronger.

“Exp orbs...neat” I say to myself as I head deeper into the temple.

After a few more battles - that were pretty easy, thanks to the Flame Plate - I made it to the giant archway leading to the Legendary Guardian of this temple, slightly excited to have an actual fight. I hope I don’t just continue to sweep it like I did the rest of the temple.

Heading through the archway, I saw that it looked like a meadow, grass everywhere with little patches of flowers surrounding the edge of the room. At the other end of the room, I saw a Shaymin, though it felt… off, I guess, because of the lack of real life surrounding me. Like something’s missing from the area.

Ignoring that for now, I grinned at the shaymin readied myself for battle, when suddenly a bright light comes from it, as it changed into its Sky Forme. Feeling a bit more wary, though still overall confident in my chances, I start the battle with a Fire Blast, managing to land a direct hit. The Shaymin charged into the attack, suffering a large amount of damage but still standing strong. I fires off a Flamethrower, but it dodged to the side, firing a Magical Leaf at me and managing to land a hit in my side as I move to dodge, not expecting that quick of a reaction. Using Hyperspace Hole and surrounding it with all three of my rings, I rain Fire Punch after Fire Punch at the Shaymin, the Gratitude Pokemon managing to dodge a few but still taking most of the hits.

Suddenly, I felt something bite down on one of my hands that wasn’t aflame at the time. I looked around at it, surprised to see a couple of Wormadam had entered the battle. I was shocked, but decided to worry about it later after the battle, instead using Fire Spin to shake it off before using Flamethrower and Fire Blast on each of the Bagworms, taking them by surprise with my quick recovery of their ambush and taking them out in one hit before turning back to the Shaymin, the Gratitude Pokemon having escaped my rings since I was distracted. I growled, annoyed at the interference, and quickly surrounded it with my rings again, firing a Flamethrower into one directly in front of me and Fire Punch on the two at my side, the triple attack draining me a bit. It was worth though, seeing as I managed to defeat the Shaymin.

“That… was tiring” I panted heavily, having almost drained myself of all my energy at the end there. Taking a minute to rest and regain my energy, I pulled out a couple of berries, recognising them as Oran Berries and nibbling on them to regain my health.

“There we go, that’s better,” I said to myself before heading to the back of the room. There, hanging delicately from the branches of a large, crystal tree, I found two of Arceus’s Plates, the Meadow and the Insect.

“These would be together,” I muttered to myself, amused. I picked both up, both Plates sinking into my body and sending a surge of information and power through me. It was just like when I got the Flame plate, but this time I was filled with a series of Bug and Grass Type moves. I waited a moment for the information to settle, before looking up and actually registering the thing before me properly.

“Whoa… is that...?” I muttered to myself in surprise, looking up at the crystal tree. It looked… a bit smaller than I thought it would, and it feels like it’s just… less than it should be. Like it’s been weakened and isn’t at full power. I was saddened at the sight of the tree, that sorrow fueling my determination, quickly joined by the rage that I felt towards Tirek and Darkrai.

“I promise,” I said to the tree, with a determined gaze. “That the ones responsible for this will pay.” The tree seems to glow a bit in response, and I felt myself growing stronger, the tree obviously bestowing its experience onto me. I felt my strength grow, making sure to I didn’t lose myself to the experience, and merely waited for it to finish. After a few more minutes, the increase of power ended, and I headed out noticing that the temple wasn’t falling apart around me as I left, likely due to whatever power that the tree has left.

Reaching the doors, I moved outside, wandering around a bit as I gathered berries to make sure that I’d be ready for any situation that I might come across. After about twenty minutes of collecting and planting berries, I closed my eyes, reaching out mentally to search for the next plate. A brief scan later and I found the closest one, turning and heading towards the next temple. I rose into the air after a while, slightly hoping that there wasn’t any more drastic realizations waiting for me there.

After a while of floating I ended up in a familiar looking area, spotting… the Cutie Map? I stood there shocked for a while, honestly not expecting it to be there.

“What the...?” I muttered to myself, surprised that it was there considering the only time that I can recall it being anywhere even close to this area is… the Season Five finale! I floated there for a moment, shocked that I was in an alternate timeline. I mean, that… that was just terrible. I mean I am the only living thing on the planet besides the Tree of Harmony!

“But… if I’m here, existing in this timeline, then does that mean that in this universe Twilight doesn’t get Starlight to become her friend instead of her enemy?” I mused, muttering to myself. “No, I can’t allow that to happen, no matter what! I have to make sure that Twilight and Starlight become friends so that the world can be saved. I don’t care if I’m erased from time itself, I will make sure the world survives!” I said with certainty in my voice.

I floated there for a while, watching the map and waiting to see if they’d appear. After a time, I felt… something, I’m not sure what, emanating from the map before the familiar-looking vortex appeared.

I watched for a second as nothing seemed to happen, just the Time Vortex sitting in the sky, before a pair of familiar - and yet still different - figures fell out, a third, smaller one following soon after.

Twilight I recognised, the anthropomorphic, lavender-furred mare grappling with a dark-pink mare who had a black and dark green mane that was new to me.

A little shocked about the new arrival, I used Confusion on the dark pink mare, floating forward to use a Fire Punch to knock her out so that I could figure out what was happening. Both mares turned to me, Twilight gasping in shock and the dark pink one smirking.

“You see that, Twilight?” she sneered, pushing herself back. “I told you, nothing can stop Lord Darkrai! Even here his influence is key!”

“No!” Twilight cried, eyes wide with shock. “No, that can’t be true! How is that possible!?”

Still floating forward, I let the flame on my fist extinguish, seeing as it wasn’t needed. “It’s not, this world has fallen to complete ruin thanks to Darkrai’s actions,” I said, watching as the second mare ran off, laughing madly.

“It… it is?” Twilight stammered, her magic firing up and keeping her aloft as the third figure - a miniature Dragonite - flew up to us. “But… how?”

“Tirek,” I stated, as though that answered everything, before continuing. “After he betrays Darkrai, he absorbs all the magic on the planet, killing all the beings that lived here. Even Arceus and Faust, which left Arceus’s Plates scattered around the planet.”

“You don’t say?” Spike chimed, eyes wide. “Uh… would that be what the weird Water Temple thing that Starlight Glimmer is running to is then?”

My eyes widened in shock as I spun in her direction, seeing that she was running towards a Temple in the middle of a massive lake. “Damn!” I shouted. “We can’t let her get any Plates, Arceus and Faust are trusting me to get them to save this world!”

“What’s so special about these Plate things?” Spike asked.

“They’re what let Arceus control the world, and each one will just make her stronger. We can not allow her to get any of them,” I stated firmly.

“Understood!” Twilight cried, turning and sprinting after Starlight with me and Spike on her heels. I looked ahead, spotting the darkened mare just as she leapt over the lake, presumably with her magic helping her.

“Twilight, why does Starlight look different?” I asked, floating beside her as we followed after Starlight.

Twilight glanced at me, frowning a little. “I don’t know who you are or how you’re here, but clearly you’re not from my world or timeline,” she said, turning to face ahead once more. “Starlight gave herself over to Darkrai, joining his Nightmare Army voluntarily.”

“That… sounds like the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard someone do,” I state flatly.

“Well, she wanted revenge on Zinnia,” Spike shrugged. “She did kinda destroy Starlight’s weird Cutie Mark vault thing when she was stealing pony’s Cutie Marks.”

“Word of advice,” Twilight said, shuddering. “If she tries to use that weird artifact she found… well, let’s just say it won’t be pleasant if she does.”

“Got it, don’t let the villain use their thing that might make them better.” I say sarcastically. I notice that Starlight has finally gotten into the temple and we quicken our pace, hoping to stop her before she gets the Splash Plate.

Spike reached the lake first, his body glowing a deep blue as he grew just big enough for Twilight to sit comfortably on his back as he dived into the water. Twilight wasted no time after, leaping out over the water just as Spike surfaced and landing on his back.

I floated at about head level with Twilight, keeping up with them before a realization hits me. “Duh!” I shout annoyed at myself for not thinking of this sooner. “I’m a Hoopa! I can just ring us to Starlight!”

“Well do it then!” Twilight cried, crying out as a Tentacool lept out the water at her. “Spike!”

“On it!” the Dragonite shouted, tossing Twilight into the air and spinning onto his back before shooting a weak-looking Thunderbolt at the Tentacool. He flipped over again as Twilight fell, the mare landing perfectly on his back again.

“Let’s go!” I shout as I took the ring from my left horn and opened it ahead of us, having another open right behind Starlight and follow her. “Ring’s open, c’mon through!” I yelled as I headed through the ring, using Flame Charge to speed ahead and through my ring.

Starlight spun as I neared, firing a beam of magic from her horn.

“No you don’t!” I yelled, using Magical Coat and deflecting her beam. I blinked when I looked up, though, when I saw Starlight completely gone. “Fucking bitch teleported!”

“She must be inside,” Twilight said as she and Spike came up on my right. “What can we expect?”

“Mostly Water Types, maybe a couple Poison if that Tentacool said anything,” I replied. “Also means there’s two Plates here instead of one.”

“Is that bad?” Spike asked.

“Probably not, I don’t think she’ll be able to handle more than one Plate’s power at a time. Ponies just aren’t made for it.” I explained. “Though we should still stop her as soon as possible. I don’t like the idea of her having any Plates at all.”

“Understood,” Twilight said simply, firing her horn up. She closed her eyes, concentrating for a second. “She seems to be in a large chamber. It’s like an arena surrounded by water. I can feel two powerful artifacts there too.”

“Well,” I started with a fake happiness. “At least with all the PokeBots she’s destroyed on the way, I’m getting a lot of free XP.” Flying through the last cloud of Experience Orbs in our way, and blasting back a few more Bots that leapt out at us, we finally reached the archway leading into the boss’ chamber.

“Well…” Twilight muttered, her horn flaring up again. “What can we expect in there then?”

“Unless Starlight destroyed it already, there’d be a Legendary Pokemon there as the Plate’s guardian. Maybe some minions, since this looks like a two-Plate Temple.” I told her.

“L-l-legendary P-pokemon?” Spike stammered, suddenly shaking like a leaf. “I-I think I’ll just wait out here. Y-yeah, I’ll make sure Starlight doesn’t escape!”

“Probably best to have someone do that. C’mon Twilight, let’s go get the Plates form Starlight.” I said, pretending to not notice how cowardly that move was as I headed into the boss room, Twilight following close behind.

We moved past the initial darkness of the archway and into the arena, the land split by streams of water with puddles of toxic-looking liquids. We watched as Starlight dodged past a Hydro Pump attack, blasting the Suicune that clearly acted as this Temple’s guardian with a stream of magic, pushing it into the water where it burt into a large cloud of Experience Orbs.

The Experience Orbs rushed toward me, and I felt myself growing stronger, by a good bit at the least. While I was distracted, Starlight grabbed the Toxic plate, laughing maniacally.

“GRAAAAAAGH!” I shout in pain as I feel the Plate be almost… forced into Starlight. Twilight saw this and frowned, charging forward and barging into Starlight bodily, knocking the Nightmared mare into the water before she could grab the Splash Plate and grabbing it herself. She held it tentatively, flinching as though she expected it to be forced into her like Starlight.

“Give… me… the… plate.” I panted out, feeling weak even though I know I didn’t really get any weaker from it. I tried to float towards Twilight, but suddenly I just… fell, like I didn't have any energy left. Twilight rushed over, catching me in her magic before I could fall into one of the toxic puddles before holding the Splash Plate out to me.

I looked up a bit, weakly holding my hand out, the Plate responding to my movement and melding into me. I felt the rush again, filling me with knowledge and energy.

Starlight chose then to burst out of the water, seething angrily, the toxins around us bubbling in response.

I turned to Starlight, furious myself. “You…” I growled, a dark energy taking form around me. “GIVE ME MY PLATE!” I yelled at her, firing off a volley of moves, taking a second to make sure the temple doesn’t allow her to teleport her way out of this.

“Die!” I screamed in anger, shooting Fire Blast, Bullet Seed, Hydro Pump, Absorb, Magical Leaf, Razor Leaf, Flamethrower, Water Gun, Bullet Seed, Pin Missile, and finally Leech Life. I panted, exhausted from using so many moves rapid fire, and waited for the dust to fall to see what kind of damage I caused.

A barrage of small, purple needles suddenly fired out of the cloud, making me back up as I covered my face before Starlight staggered out, cuts and bruises covering her.

“Did you think it was going to be that easy!?” she cried, eyes wide with madness as she raised her hands, the venomous ponds scattered across the field bubbling more viciously. “This power… this knowledge…” she muttered, falling into mad cackles soon after. “TAKE THIS!! VENOSHOCK!!

The ponds seemed to surge forth at her words as she thrust her hands forward, the toxins flying at us from the ground in steady streams. Twilight cried out, diving under one of them just as another came right at me.

I called the ring still off of me, opening it in the air before me and allowing Starlight’s attack to be sucked in. Opening another above her, I watched as the toxins washed over her, leaving her mane stuck to her face and her clothing tainted purple as she continued to laugh.

“I felt nothing!” she cackled, twirling on her toes. “This is wonderful! Poison is mine!” With that, she span, sending a Gunk Shot at Twilight. “Die, you worm! For the glory of Darkrai!”

“Twilight, no!” I shouted, worried for her. Thinking quickly, I did something that’s probably really stupid in hindsight. “Here, Twilight!” I yelled, taking the Insect Plate out of my body, feeling the loss of knowledge it gave almost instantly. “Take this!” I shouted as I threw it directly towards her, coating it with a Magical Coat so Starlight couldn’t get her hands on it.

Twilight looked up, yelping as the Plate hit her in the chest and sank in instantly before her eyes flew open, glowing a pale green. She blinked in shock before throwing her arm out towards Starlight’s attack, a Silver Wind splitting it in half so that it flew around her.

“Now, for some backup!” I shouted, throwing my right ring out and calling the left to my side, their portals turn golden, and I summoned Entei, Suicune, and Shaymin from the right, summoning some random pokemon with only the types of the plates I have from the right.

Starlight growled, throwing her hands out. A purple vapour exploded from her body, covering the battlefield in a blinding Smog that spread out slowly.

I growled to myself in return, upset about being blinded, before realising that I could still feel the Toxic Plate. I grinned, having all of the bots I’d summoned use their strongest moves where I sensed the Plate.

Twilight stepped forward as the bots did as commanded, sweeping her arms out and using Silver Wind to clear the field before flicking her wrist, a String Shot snapping out and wrapping around Starlight’s ankle just before the Nightmare mare managed to teleport away. “Where are you going?” she asked, glaring at her.

Starlight opened her mouth to retort before the wave of attacks from my Bots hit her, making her cry out in pain. Twilight added to the attack, firing a Signal Beam from her horn.

“Did we get her?” I asked, sensing the Plate go inactive.

“Only one way to find out,” Twilight shrugged, holding her palm out towards Starlight. A series of tiny, purple-tinted bees appeared, swarming forward. “Attack Order.

“Well if we did,” I said, crossing my arms. “I want my plate back.” Twilight just nodded, waiting until her swarm returned, a purple stone plate in their grip.

“You were saying?” she asked with a smirk, taking the plate and tossing it to me. “Um… how do I give this one back?” she continued, placing a hand on her chest.

“I can usually just tell it to come out,” I said, slightly worried that I might not be able to get the plate back from her. Twilight nodded in response, closing her eyes and focusing. After a moment, her horn began glowing a pale green in lieu of her regular magenta. The glow began to intensify after a moment before the Insect Plate appeared before her, Twilight staggering back as it clattered to the floor.

“You okay?” I asked, grabbing both plates and absorbing both at once, feeling the rush and sighing in content. Twilight just nodded, taking a moment to catch her breath.

“Well,” I started, looking towards the knocked out Unicorn. “Let’s make sure you can’t get away.” I fired a couple of String Shots at the sleeping mare, making sure that she was tied up nice and tight.

“Now let’s get out of here,” I said, carrying Starlight with me as I turn to head out. Twilight followed slowly, stumbling along until we passed through the archway, where Spike quickly grabbed her, his body glowing a sky-blue as he grew and his wings stretched. He shifted Twilight onto his back as he flew alongside me, eyeing Starlight warily.

“So…” he said slowly. “How did it go?”

“Well we won, for one,” I started, calling a ring to go ahead of us a bit and lead to the cutie map. “I’m also pretty sure that, because of that battle, if we were in a game I’d probably be around like… level 75 by now. Cause that’s when my kind usually learn Psychic, and I just did after the fight we had with Starlight.”

“That’s…” Spike muttered, seeming to think his words over for a moment. “Interesting…”

“Now…” I started, going through the ring and dropping Starlight by the Cutie Map before turning to face the two that have helped me so much since they got here. “Let’s talk rewards, one wish from both of you and I’ll do my best to grant it.”

Spike blinked as he followed me through the ring, glancing around in a bewildered state. “That… is weird,” he muttered. “But a wish? I dunno…”

“Coffee…” Twilight muttered. “Want… coffee…”

“Coffee it is!” I shouted. I used the ring they just stepped out of, bringing it to me and reaching inside before pulling out a fresh cup of coffee. “Here ya go!” I said with a grin, floating down in front of her holding the coffee out with both hands. Twilight smiled thankfully, taking the mug in her magic and sipping on the warm brown liquid within.

“Mmm…” she muttered, smiling appreciatively. She paused after a moment, her eyes widening. “Wait… dammit! I just wasted my wish, didn’t I?”

“Nope!” I said with a smirk. “You didn’t say I wish so that one was just cause I’m nice.”

“Oh,” the mare said, blinking. “Well, thank you.” She paused, hopping off of Spike’s back and sipping her coffee as she thought. “Hmm… well, I wish I could find my soul partner Pokemon back home.”

“Really, Twilight?” Spike deadpanned, crossing his arms. “I’m stood right here.”

“Well… granting that wish will take me quite a bit of power Twi, so let’s get Spike’s wish done first so that I can grant both of them,” I stated, folding my arms and hovering slightly above them.

“Well sure,” Spike shrugged. “But I’m pretty happy with my life. Don’t really want or need anything.”

“Huh, I coulda swore your wish would involve something… Rare,” I teased, chuckling when the drake blushed. “But are you sure you don’t want anything, not even… unlimited gems?” I then asked, a mischievous grin on my face.

“Nah, I’m good for gems,” Spike dismissed, coughing awkwardly to try and draw attention away from his blush. “Although… could you maybe…” He stopped, shaking his head. “No, no, that’s stupid…”

“What is it ya thought of my little dragon friend?” I asked, curious. “No wish is ‘too stupid’, the only limit on me is the amount of power I have on hand at the time,” I finished, absentmindedly eating a bunch of berries.

“Well…” the drake muttered, tapping his claws together nervously. “I… I’ve always been… well, small, so…” He sighed, taking a deep breath before blurting the rest out. “I wish I was a normal sized Dragonite!”

“There we go!” I shouted with a grin. “Now, here we go!” I finished, my eyes glowing golden as I wave my hand at Spike, his body suddenly glowing, growing in size until he was 7’8 and, as per his universe’s norm the size of a ‘Normal’ Dragonite.

“Nice!” he cried, pumping his fist in victory as he spread his wings and took flight, doing loops in the air as he whooped with joy.

“Heh,” Twilight chuckled. “Looks like you’ve made someone happy.”

“Yes I did,” I start turning to Twilight. “Now it’s your turn Twi.” I state floating up a bit more, my whole body glowing golden this time as I grunt at the exertion of power I’m using to make sure it’s alive and not a bot.

“Hoo…” I start in an unusually deep voice for what the two know me for, before I thrust my hands downward, palms up. “OOPA!” I shout as a golden beam comes down from me, hitting the ground and causing a flash to happen.

As the light goes down, a Solosis is seen, resting where my beam landed with me panting heavily above it, looking like I hadn’t slept in a thousand years.

“Wish…” I panted, slowly floating downwards. “Granted…” With that, I felt myself passing out, falling toward the ground.

When I woke up later, I found myself resting in a confortable single bed, simple lilac sheets covering me. Blinking in confusion and looking around, I noticed there was apparently an entire room around me, with a bedside table too. A note rested on top of it, and I slowly picked it up, reading it through.

Dear Golden Hoopa,

Thank you for your help in apprehending Starlight Glimmer and protecting our timeline. While I am not sure what will happen to you next, as all evidence points towards your timeline collapsing, I hope you are okay in the long run.

I apologise that we could not stay until you woke up, but we had to leave before Starlight awoke herself. However, as a thank you for everything you have done for us, Spike and I took the time to build you a small shelter to rest in, complete with a bed and storage.

Yours thankfully,
Twilight and Spike Sparkle

“Huh…” I mumbled to myself, surprised by their kindness. “Whenever I meet them again, more wishes… all the more wishes.”

I got up slowly and began getting ready to go to the next temple… happy and excited to repay them for when we meet again.

Interlude 1: Realisations

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Before going out to get the other plates, I decided to wander around my brand new house. I walked out of my new bedroom, floating around and looking at the place Twi and Spike built for me.

The building itself seemed to be made of super-heated stone, to the point that it had crystalised, making it incredibly durable. The interior walls, however, seemed to have been covered with wood, painted a simple cream colour with small golden patterns.

I floated down the hallway, passing a small desk with a simple clay pot on it. I felt the Meadow Plate resonate with the pot as I passed it, making me stop and watch as a beautiful pink flower bloomed.

“Huh…” I muttered. “How’d they get a Gracidea flower?” Shrugging, I carried on, moving into a large room with slightly darker walls, a large, light blue couch sitting in front of a dark-stained wooden table with a glass top. A few books sat on the table, making me chuckle and roll my eyes.

Ignoring that for now, I turned, floating through another door, the wall next to it having an alcove with a sliding window, almost like a serving hatch. A smaller room greeted me, small counters along the walls with cupboards underneath. A cooker sat under one of the counters, a fridge pushed against the wall. Another door lead to what looked like a small pantry.

“Huh,” I muttered to myself. “They really went all out with the decorations.” I floated around a bit more, finding several empty rooms before I stopped above my coach and allowed myself to fall onto it, bouncing a bit before I leaned back into it.

“Heh,” I laughed to myself. “This is kinda like how I was before I was… displaced.” I get somber all of a sudden, thinking of how I had pets before the people kidnapped me and I was saved by my ‘Mistress’ and brought here to this wasteland.

A black stone door appeared in the wall, swinging slowly open as steam rose from the material. A familiar figure stepped out, her heels clacking against the floor as she flicked her long pink hair.

“Is someone talking about li’l old me?” Patty asked, smirking.

“Mistress!” I shouted excitedly and floated up to her, giving her a hug ‘accidentally’ shoving my head into her chest.

Patty laughed loudly, hugging me back and pushing me further into her bosom. “Hello there Eric! How are you settling in?” She paused, looking around the room. “Guess I was wrong, I didn’t send you to the Wasteland Equestria by mistake.”

I looked up at her, smiling. “No, it’s still a wasteland Mistress. Zinnia’s Twilight was here earlier and she helped me out, so I gave her and Spike a wish. But I passed out after, and when I woke up this was here. They built it before they left.”

“Huh,” Patty mused, putting me down and looking around. “Interesting. Zinnia’s nowhere near that point in her timeline yet.” Shrugging, she dropped onto the couch and stretched out. “Oh well. Time shenanigans.”

“Yeah… Oh! Before I forget Mistress, guess what!” I cried excitedly, remembering what a certain couple told me when I got here.

“You’re the chosen one destined to become the new God after Darkrai fucked up and ended all life on Equus?”

“Yep!” I said, not surprised that she knew that already. “As soon as I get the rest of the Plates I’m gonna turn this rock into a great world!”

Patty giggled, pulling me close and hugging me from behind, my head sinking into the area between her breasts. “Make it a paradise for perverts, buddy. A pretty girl like yourself would love it there.”

“Sure Miss… wait, what!?” I started, suddenly shouting in surprise at the revelation that my Mistress had just dropped on me. She burst out laughing, holding me close to her.

“Oh yeah, you have two genders in this body,” Mistress chuckled. “You’re a girl in your bound form. Which means, I can do this~”

I let out a quiet yelp as her hand trailed down, brushing across my apparent slit. I blush a bit, before grinning and reaching my hand down to her own, rubbing it a bit.

“Mistress…” I moaned in pleasure, rubbing her slit with one of my hands and playing with one of the breasts by my head with the other. Mistress chuckled, lifting me off of her and removing my hands.

“Now now,” she chastised, smirking. “I was only showing you where it was. I never said anything about you being allowed to touch me back, did I?”

“Sorry Mistress…” I muttered in response, lowering my head and folding my hands behind my back.

“That’s okay,” she assured me. “But I do have one other thing to show you.”

“What is it Mistress?” I asked, looking up at her, excited to find out something else. She just giggled, winking at me as she reached down and placed her hands under my waist-ring, rubbing the skin there.

“You can grow legs.”

“Really?” I asked her, ecstatic. “How do I make my legs grow Mistress?”

Mistress shrugged. “Picture legs, I dunno. I’m not a Hoopa.”

I hummed to myself as I closed my eyes and concentrated. It took a moment, but suddenly my wisp tail thing started to glow, extending down and splitting into a pair of shapely, pale yellow legs, just a little longer than my body. Gold markings covered my skin like tattoos, two more small, golden rings surrounding my ankles.

“Hmm, good~” Mistress cooed, licking her lips. “I wonder if we can change your upper body too. Make you a little taller, give you some nice tits…”

“I’ll try, Mistress!” I said, looking up to her, having stopped floating when I grew my legs. I closed my eyes again and concentrated, my whole body glowing this time, growing until I reached around five foot eight, only a couple inches shorter than my Mistress. I felt my chest changing, expanding outward as a pair of breasts grew, and when I looked down I noticed that I’d even grew a pair of golden nipples, two tiny rings piercing them.

“Eeep!” I squeaked, covering my nipples and my slit with my hands, embarrassed now that they were out in the open.

“Ooh~” Mistress sang, rubbing her hands together. “Looks delicious. Present yourself to me.”

“Y-yes Mistress.” I stammered out, moving my hands behind my back and folding them while I arch my back and move my legs to about shoulder length and blushing. “I-is this good?”

Mistress licked her lips again, her eyes roaming over me almost hungrily. “Very good~” she cooed, smirking at me as she snapped her fingers, her clothes disappearing as a thick gold ring appeared around my neck like a collar. “Mmm~ that’s better. Every pet needs a collar.”

“T-thank you Mistress,” I said, blushing deeper, not used to this much attention. Mistress chuckled, leaning over me so that her breasts hung in front of my face.

“Suck them.”

I immediately obeyed, launching my mouth onto her left breast and sucking, teasing it a little with my teeth instinctively as I do. Mistress moaned a little in approval, leaning heavily on the back of the couch.

“Are those rings attached to your nipples?” Mistress asked suddenly.

I stopped suckling for a bit, looking up at her. “Y-yes Mistress. I don’t think they’re ‘hoopa’ rings, just regular ones,” I answered, immediately going back to sucking on her nipple.

“Good~” she hummed, snapping her fingers, and a second later a gold chain appeared, connecting my nipple rings together and pulling them closer to each other slightly, seeing as it was slightly too short. Mistress stood suddenly, reaching down and tugging gently on the chain.

I moaned quietly in both pleasure and pain, standing up with her to keep sucking on her nipple. Mistress chuckled at this, placing her free hand on my head and pushing me back.

“That’s enough,” she giggled, leaning in and kissing me suddenly, her tongue darting into my mouth.

I gasped in surprise for a second before melting into her embrace, kissing back and letting her tongue dominate mine. Mistress hummed approvingly, slipping her arms around me as her hands rest on my ass, giving it a firm squeeze.

“You certainly filled out, didn’t you?” she asked teasingly, nibbling on my bottom lip.

“Only the best for you Mistress.” I muttered back, moaning at the pleasure she’s giving me. Mistress chuckled, moving from my mouth to my neck, nibbling it gently with her fangs as she moved down.

“Mistress…” I moaned in ecstasy, wanting to pleasure her but not doing anything until I’m told to. Mistress chuckled again, tugging harshly on my chain as she reached my collarbone, biting and licking it teasingly.

“Oooh!” I moan in surprise, pain and pleasure at her sudden. roughness. Pulling away suddenly, Mistress pushed me back onto the couch, smirking down at me as she put a hand on her hip.

“Heh,” she chuckled. “You really are mine, aren’t you? You didn’t even have to think before giving yourself to me.”

“Of course I’m yours, Mistress,” I said, looking up at her with a smile. “It’s thanks for turning me into a Hoopa. I really like the… change.”

“I can tell,” she tittered. “And I know a few others that’ll like this form, too. We can call it… your Sex-Bound form.”

“As you wish Mistress,” I said, standing up and bowing to her before sitting back down.

“Good girl~” Mistress cooed, licking her lips seductively. Smirking, she snapped her fingers, a large privacy screen appearing that she stepped slowly behind. “I’ll be right back, my dear. I just have to step into something a little more… comfortable~”

“Okay Mistress, I will wait for you,” I replied, leaning back and folding my hands in my lap, eagerly awaiting her return.

I watched Mistress’s silhouette as she stepped behind the thin screen, her hands running over her voluptuous curves before pausing over her groin. I saw a flash of pink, and seconds later something seemed to extend from her body, long and thick.

Curious about what it could possible be, I summoned my left horn ring in front of me, peaking my head through to get a look at my Mistress from above. My eyes widened and I let out a quiet gasp when I saw her large, throbbing dick, her hands stroking it slowly.

Mistress glanced up, frowning when she saw me. “How naughty of you, my pet,” she tutted, shaking her head disapprovingly. Snapping her fingers again, the screen vanishing. “Get back to your position.”

“Y-yes, Mistress,” I started, embarrassed at getting caught as I retracted my head from the ring and set it back on my horn. “S-sorry Mistress.”

Mistress crossed her arms as she turned to me, my eyes locking onto the member bobbing between her legs. “I’m very disappointed in you, Itazura,” she said, shaking her head again. “Peeping on your Mistress… what will I do with you?”

“Itazura?” I asked, confused, before my brain caught up with the rest of her sentence. “I-I don’t know, Mistress. I’m sure whatever you wish, I will be fine with.”

“Yes, Itazura,” she answered, quirking a brow and apparently ignoring my acceptance. “It means Mischief, something I’m sure you’re going to live up to in the future. That and you are now the Mischief Pokemon. Is there a problem with that?”

“N-no Mistress,” I stammer out. “My old name was boring anyway.”

“Hmm, yes. Eric,” she muttered, pulling a disgusted face as my old name passed her lips. “How horridly bland for someone as unique and, need I say it, powerful as you.”

“Y-yes Mistress.” I stammered nervously, waiting to see what she’d do to me. Mistress just stared at me for a time before finally chuckling, making me relax slightly.

“Get on your knees,” she commanded suddenly. “And open wide.”

“As you wish Mistress.” I said, immediately dropping to my knees on the floor and opening my mouth as wide as I can.

Mistress strutted closer, taking her shaft in hand and lightly smacking it against my cheek. “You see this?” she asked, placing the tip just under my nose, which made me take a deep sniff almost instinctively, her musk clouding my thoughts. “You worship this, understood? This is your greatest reward, no matter how I choose to give it to you.”

I nod enthusiastically in understanding. staring at her dick right in front of me and using most of my restraint to wait until my Mistress orders me to do anything.

“Tongue. Out. Now.”

I stuck my tongue out as fast as I could, as far out as I could, to make my Mistress happy after peeking at her. She nodded approvingly, gently placing the tip of her cock on my tongue, the flavour of her flesh exploding through my mind and making me hum in content.

“You like that?” she asked teasingly, rubbing herself across my tongue. “Do you like Mistress’s taste?”

I hummed in approval of the taste, wanting more than anything to get more. But I resisted the temptation, at least until my Mistress tells me otherwise.

“That’s a good girl~” Mistress cooed, pressing her shaft to my lips. “Give me a kiss, would you? A nice little kiss for Mistress.”

I mumbled a ‘Yes, Mistress’ into her dick before I kissed it, not to much but just enough to be considered ‘A little’.Mistress let out a quiet, happy sigh, shuddering slightly before she reached down and gripped my horns tightly.

“Open wide~” she sang before beginning to push forwards, parting my lips. “Mistress wants in!”

I somehow open my lips wider than before, doing as best as I can to fit my Mistress’s huge cock. She groaned approvingly as she slipped further into my mouth, her tip reaching the back of my throat not long after.

“Hmm…” Mistress hummed in thought, frowning slightly. “Not as experienced in this as Zinnia, right… Well, I’ll just have to train you until you can swallow my whole cock, won’t I?”

I hummed a ‘Yes, Mistress’ again around her cock, trying to get all of her down my throat, before I remember that I seem to be able to shapeshift. Focusing on that, I slowly expanded my throat, subtly making it a little more… appropriate for her cock before moving my head forward, swallowing her more and more as I went.

“Oh my~” she sang, humming approvingly as I took her length. “Someone’s dedicated~”

I moaned, sending vibrations into my Mistress’ dick. Making my tongue a bit longer, I wrapped it around her cock, trying to add to the pleasure she gets as she shoved her dick down my throat. Mistress groaned in response, gripping my horns tighter suddenly as she thrusted forwards, my lips smacking against her hips.

“That’s it, my little slut~” she moaned out, pulling back before thrusting in again. “Pleasure your Mistress~”

I took that as permission and began to suck on her dick, moving my tongue back and forth along whilst keeping it wrapped around her shaft, trying to milk her as much as I could.

“F-fuck” Mistress groaned. “How did you get so good at this? You sucked dick before?”

I shook my head in denial as I continue sucking, really just going on instinct and what made me feel good when she sucked mine, going off of that for her. I constricted my throat a bit, tightening it around her cock, trying to milk her for all she’s got. Mistress groaned again, gripping my horns as she thrusted faster, the sound of her pelvis smacking my lips filling my ears.

After effectively fucking my face for a time, Mistress groaned loudly, pulling out and letting me go, which made me lose my balance and fall back against the couch.

“Get ready, slut!” Mistress cried, stroking herself furiously as she stood over me. I blinked in confusion for a moment before my eyes widened in realisation and I scrambled into position, kneeling before her with my mouth open wide. For good measure, I pushed my breasts together with my arms too, holding my hands up to catch as much as I could.

With one final groan of pleasure, Mistress let loose, firing string after warm, thick string of cum over my face, neck and chest, some of it landing in my mouth and splashing over my tongue.

I made sure to catch as much as I could in my mouth, groaning in pleasure at the taste and licking the rest off of me to get more, subtly making sure I didn’t look different from the shapeshifting.

Mistress smiled down at me, reaching down and wiping a string of her own cum off of my breast before licking her finger clean, swallowing loudly. “Hmm, delicious, if I do say so myself,” she tittered, striding past me and sitting on the couch before her smile turned to a slight frown. “Now, come here. I still need to punish you for peaking.”

I whimpered a bit, not sure what to expect, but did as instructed anyway. Mistress took my hand as I neared her, guiding me and pulling me down to rest across her knees, placing her hand on my ass.

“What exactly made you peek on me?” she asked suddenly, her voice carrying an underlying authority.

“I-I don’t know M-Mistress” I stammered, worried about making her any angrier. “I-I just… did. L-like I had no choice in the matter.”

“That is a horrible excuse,” she spat, raising her hand slowly. “I hope you’re ready for your punishment.” With that, she brought her hand down, spanking me hard across the left buttcheeck before doing the same to the right one.

I cried out in pain, and a little pleasure, tears gathering in my eyes. I didn’t let them fall, however, determined to not cry in front of my Mistress. She raised her hand again, bringing it down a little faster this time, leaving a much sharper pain before she did it again, alternating between my left and right cheeks.

I cried out with each hit, whimpering a bit and apologising for peeping on her, but stubbornly refusing to cry. After a time, Mistress stopped, resting her hand on my stinging buttocks and gently rubbing them, even going so far as to lift my rear up to meet her as she kissed it better.

“There we go,” she said, turning me over and cuddling me to her bust. “That wasn’t so bad now, was it?”

“N-no, Mistress,” I sobbed into her bust, hugging her and generally bringing myself as close to her as I could. Mistress smiled sweetly at me, lifting my head to her breast and presenting a nipple to me.

“Trust me,” she said. “It’ll help you calm down.”

Taking the hint, I started suckling on her breast - not sexually, just kinda like how a baby would suck their mother’s breast. As I did, still sobbing, I could feel myself start shrink a bit, my breast shrinking into my chest but the nipples and rings staying, returning to their ‘regular’ size, from before the… session with Mistress. I was starting to look kind of like a five year old.

“Aww~” Mistress complained. “Boobage is gone. Though you are kind of cute this way, like my own little child.” She paused, frowning slightly. “My own little child with large golden nipple piercings. We’re gonna need to get you a shirt if you can’t lose those.”

“I-I’ll try to get rid of them,” I told her, going back and repeating my actions from when I shapeshifted before, but nothing seemed to work on them. Sighing in frustration, I crossed my arms and pouted, making sure to levitate a bit when I sat back so I didn’t land on my still sore butt

“Aww~” Mistress cried, scooping me up and cuddling me. “You’re so cute when you’re all pouty!”

“M-mom!” I cried accidentally, freezing in shock that I just did that. Mis-... Patty looked at me in surprise before smirking, trying to hold back giggles.

I pouted again at her giggles, crossing my arms and letting out an, assumably, adorable “Humph!” as I do. Patty burst out laughing at that, cuddling me closer as she did and squeaking happily.

“I will call you squishy and you will be mine and you will be my squishy!” the Displacer squealed, dancing around the room.

“... I already am yours,” I muttered, slightly weirded out at what my Mistress/Mother is doing. Regardless, I just hugged her, even going back to suckling on her breast a bit to keep me calm during all this. Patty giggled to herself, seeming to calm down as she cradled me, patting my head lovingly.

“Aww~” she whined, pouting herself. “Why are all my Displaced so perfect? Zinnia’s a good mom and a sex fiend, you’re adorable and sexy in your own right, and even Sans - the moody old grump - is funny when he wants to be.”

“Sans… ?” I muttered to myself, a little confused, before a realization hits me. “You mean from Undertale?” I asked, looking up at her, a curious expression on my face.

“Mhmm,” Patty hummed, nodding. “He’s real grumpy though and doesn’t really trust people anymore. He’s… well, he’s been through a lot.”

“Oh…” I muttered, a bit sad for him. “Maybe you can introduce me when he’s being less gwumpy?” I ask look up at her, beaming.I paused when I realised what I’d said. “Uh… I mean grumpy.”

Patty giggled, lifting me up and planting a kiss on my forehead. “Sure, I’ll take you over when he’s less ‘gwumpy’, my darling.”

I pouted again, crossing my arms. “Stupid widdle kid body…” I mumbled to myself before catching myself again “Little, I mean little!” Patty just giggled at me, moving to the couch and holding me close to her.

“You’re adowable~” she teased, smirking down at me.

I just pouted more at this, giving up on correcting myself and just enjoying the attention Patty was giving me.

“Mommy,” I started, looking up at her. “Can I have something to use as a token until I find my prison bottle?” I asked, giving her the cutest look I could.

“You wanna use the bottle as your token?” she asked, raising her brow questioningly. “Huh, interesting. Okay then, gimme a sec.” Snapping her fingers, a small box appearing before me. “Go ahead and open it!” she cried, letting me go.

Excited, I rip the top off of the box and look inside to see what’s in there. A small, soft-purple shirt greeted me, wrapping around a tall, thin bottle with a thick base.

“There ya go, hun!” Patty cried, smiling widely. “The shirt should fit ya no matter what, even if you get Unbound… I think. The bottle is effectively plastic though, nothing special about it.” She paused, crossing her legs and watching me excitedly. “Oh! And there’s some pants in there for ya too, in case you wanted to keep your legs. Underwear too.”

“Thanks, Mommy!” I exclaimed ecstatically. I pulled the shirt on first, the fabric feeling comfortable and being a bit baggy, but I like shirts like that anyway. Next I pulled the pants and underwear up, both different shades of purple, fitting me comfortably.

“Oh, don’t you look just precious!” Patty gushed, beaming at me.

“Now for the token!” I said, excited to meet other people out in the multiverse. Holding the fake Prison Bottle up, I focused on the object, channeling my energy into it.

"I am the Mistress of the Golden Ring, the Master of Warp Space, the Child of Mischief. I am the sole survivor of the apocalypse, striving to become God to bring the world back from despair. I am Itazura, and you can call me to help or talk, I really don't mind."

“Ooh, dramatic!” Patty chuckled, smiling at me. “I like it! You want me to send it out or are you gonna try to figure it out yourself?”

“Would you please, Mommy?” I asked, yawning a bit and rubbing an eye cutely. “I’m still tired from granting Twily’s wish.”

“Of course, dear,” Patty chuckled, taking the bottle from me and snapping her fingers. A small, black door appeared at her side, swinging open, and she tossed the bottle through before slamming it shut. “There ya go, all done.”

“Thank you Mommy,” I murmured, smiling up at her before I yawned again, tired for some reason. Patty smiled at this and stood, scooping me up into her arms and cradling me gently.

“Come on, dear,” she whispered, smiling sweetly at me. “Let’s get you in bed.”

“Okay Mommy,” I mumbled sleepily, cuddling as close to her as I could and leaning my head on her chest. Patty giggled again, stepping into my room and setting me gently in my bed, tucking the sheets around me.

“Goodnight, little demon,” she whispered, planting a kiss on my head. “Sweet dreams.”

“G’night Mommy,” I let out before falling asleep, smiling.

Earth to Air Strike!

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I yawned as I sat up, stretching my arms above my head and letting my blanket fall down as I rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes. I looked around, forgetting where I am for a moment before remembering.

Yawning, I floated out of bed, even though I did have legs at the moment.

“Well,” I muttered to myself as I floated into the living room, noticing what looked like a large television bordered by two full bookcases on the back wall but ignoring that for now. “Time to get back to plate hunting.”

I floated outside, sensing a plate strangely close by. All of a sudden, a small portal opened in front of me, a shiny object landing on the ground.

“Huh.” I said to myself. “What’s this?” I asked aloud, wondering just who’s token it was. Looking it over, I noticed that it was a rather large bullet. As soon as I picked it up a message started to play.

I am Vash the Stampede. I am a hunter of peace. If you fight to defend peace and the lives of others then I will be more than willing to help. Just call on me and together we will create… LOVE AND PEACE!”

“Huh, cheesy,” I chuckled to myself before focusing on the token. “Hey Vash, I could use some help over here!” I shouted at the thing. A moment or so after I did this, a swirling green portal opened up and a tall young man wearing a red duster strolled out.

“Please tell me I’m being summoned by a sexy young lady this time,” The blond young man said aloud as he looked around.

“Nope just lil’ ol’ me!” I shouted out, waving at him as a mischievous grin spread across my face.

“I was summoned by a Hoopa?” The young man asked with a tilt of his head. “And now I realize I was transported away before that DLC dropped, dammit. Now how am I gonna catch ‘em all?!” He cried, throwing both arms up into the air dramatically.

“When I get all of the Plates, I can GIVE you one of them all,” I deadpanned, just staring at him now as I floated there.

“I’m listening,” the young man said, looking at me. “I’m Vash by the way,” he said with a bright smile. “Should I call you Hoopa, or do you still go by your human name?”

“Nah, got a new name now,” I said, putting my hands on the back of my head. “It’s Itazura now, though feel free to add a chan to the end of it if you want.” I said, relaxing midair.

“Do I look like a weeaboo to you,” Vash deadpanned as he looked at me with a quirked eyebrow.

“No just that my name means ‘mischief’ in japanese so…” I said, shrugging.

“Okay Itazura, so where are these plates supposed to be?”

“Well one seems to be above us,” I replied, sensing a plate above me. “So we could go for that one first.”

“Of course it’s in a high place,” Vash sighed, pinching his brow and shaking his head. “Alright, how are we going to get up there? Sprouting wings isn’t exactly one of my abilities.”

“Do you not know anything about hoopas?” I asked with a smirk, summoning a ring to take us up to the entrance of the temple.

“Huh, no I don’t know anything about hoopas. I was displaced back when basically just the design of hoopa was dropped.”

“Oh… whatever.” I shrugged, turning to my ring portal. “Follow me!” I cried, going through the portal.

“Okay!” Vash shouted as he rushed into the ring portal. He came out the other side and his eyes went wide at the sight before him. “Whoa, this is a pretty sweet looking place.”

I just nodded in response, looking up at the gigantic fortress of clouds. The main building itself was purely white, fluffy clouds, with darker storm clouds swirling overhead. Looking down, I noticed that the ground was… well, actual ground. As in, earth, just surrounded and held up by more clouds.

“Damn…” I muttered to myself. “This is Rayquaza, isn’t it?”

“Well, it could also be the Forces of Nature trio,” Vash offered. “But if it is Rayquaza then I know someone who can talk to dragon pokemon that might be able to help us.”

“It’s a bot pokemon, all the power none of the intelligence,” I stated. “This’ll be really annoying, won’t it?” I ask rhetorically.

“Well, she can also use dragon attacks, so there’s that,” Vash offered again. “Plus, it’ll only be bad if he’s in his OP delta form.”

“Vash.” I said, smiling a bit too sweetly. “Jinx us one more time, and I hurt you.”

Vash seemed to realize what he did and slapped himself on the forehead and dragged his hand down his face. “Yeah, not the first time I’ve done that. Wanna see if I can summon my Draconid friend while I’m being summoned? She’d probably get a kick out of fighting Rayquaza.”

“Go ahead, but if she attacks me for being shiny I blame you.” I state pointing at him and glaring a bit.

“Just get behind me and you should be fine,” Vash rolled his eyes as he hiked up a pants leg to reveal an anklet that looked like a dragon coiled around his leg with a mega stone on the dragon’s head. He pressed his hand to the stone and said, “Yo Zinnia, a friend of mine and I could use some help with a bot Rayquaza, you in?”

Silence reigned for a moment, and Vash seemed to visibly sadden, before a loud roar rang out. I tensed, glancing around nervously before a large, black-scaled dragon appeared out of thin air, stars and galaxies sparkling in its scales as a mane of shimmering pink powder flowed back from its head. A young woman stood on the dragon’s back, looking away with her arms folded and large, purple dragon wings spread before she glanced at us, glaring coldly.

“Vash,” she muttered after hopping off the dragon’s back. “So where’s this friend? Is it the golden Hoopa with legs?”

“Yeah, her name’s Itazura, and it’s good to see you,” Vash said, spreading his arms slowly in an offer for a hug. Zinnia stayed still for a moment before a small smile made it’s way onto her face and she stepped forward, accepting the hug and burying her face in Vash’s neck.

“... I’ve missed you…” she muttered.

“Same here, and the girls have too,” Vash told her with a smile.

Pulling away after a moment, Zinnia then turned to me, kneeling down. “So… who are you and why do you smell like Patty?”

“I’m Itazura, and I smell like her cause she visited me yesterday… last night… something like that. There isn’t really a day-night cycle, it’s kind of a wasteland.” I mumbled off at the end.

Zinnia stared at me for a moment before nodding slowly. “Okay then…” she said, still staring at me. “You’re clearly older than your body shows you to be then, and if Patty had something to do with your Displacement then you can probably shapeshift like my Legendaries can. You mind having a more… mature body please? You’re kind of freaking me out.”

“Fine, just gimme a bit to go get something, wait here.” I mumble, slightly annoyed, floating through the ring. Having arrived at my house I head through my room, guessing that Patty would’ve gotten me something to wear. “Not cool,” I heard Zinnia say, spinning around to see her leaning against the doorframe, Vash behind her. “Leaving us there like that.”

“Yeah, it’s probably not a good idea to leave the two of us alone for too long,” Vash chuckled.

“Please let me get changed by myself,” I sighed, slightly annoyed as I float in my room, cross legged.

Zinnia quirked her brow, smirking at me a little. “How about you belong to my Displacer, so no?” she teased. “You do what she says, you do what I say, capiche?”

“Zinnia, don’t you think that’s going a little far?” Vash asked with a sigh. “I mean you’ve just met her and already you’re pulling out the dominatrix routine?”

“I don’t trust her,” I heard her hiss. “For all I know, Darkrai got to her and this is all an act. I’m not taking chances.”

“I am literally the only living thing on this rock besides you two and the Tree of Harmony,” I deadpanned, staring at them.

“Still not taking chances,” she huffed. “I’m already having enough troubles so just change already, would ya? If it makes you feel better the walking testosterone factory will leave.”

“Hey, who you calling a testosterone factory?” Vash huffed in indignation as he walked out of the room.

“There,” Zinnia said, stepping in and pulling the door shut. “He’s gone. Just you and me. Now either spring a trap or change.”

“Ugh… fine,” I huffed, turning around and facing away from her before I get undressed. “I knew you’d be like this.” I mumble to myself under my breath as I get out of my shirt and pants I had on before, grabbing a bra, dark blue skinny jeans, a white T-shirt, and a purple hoodie before pulling them on.

“Better.” I mutter to myself as I throw my old clothes to the other side of the room, my body glowing as I change into the form I’m usually in with Patty as I do.

“That’s better,” Zinnia said, nodding before pushing my door open and stepping aside. “After you.”

I floated just above the floor, floating through the door and heading straight outside, Zinnia following behind me.

“Huh, I like the new look,” Vash commented with a thumbs up.

“Thanks. Now then, let’s go bust some heads, shall we?” I chuckled, cracking my knuckles with a grin as I passed through my ring. Vash and Zinnia followed after me and we all returned to the cloud temple.

“Alright, ladies first,” Vash said, waving a hand towards the temple.

“So why aren’t you going?” I shot back with a mischievous grin.

“Hey, just because I have a pretty face doesn’t mean I’m a lady!” Vash shouted with a mischievous grin of his own. “In fact, I could show you how much of a man I am,” he finished with a wink.

“Plate first. That can be your… reward later, if you do well.” I chuckled, smirking at him evilly.

“Yes ma'am!” Vash beamed, snapping a salute. “I may not be able to do a lot of damage to Rayquaza, but I can run a mean distraction.”

Zinnia rolled her eyes, striding into the temple and looking around. “You already were a lady, Vash,” she said, smirking slightly as she ducked, her hand snapping out and grabbing a Staravia that had charged at her by the neck. She brought it close to her face, staring into it’s eyes for a moment. “Huh… Shoot to kill, Vash, these things are basically mindless machines.” With that, she snapped the bird’s neck, it’s body exploding into a small cloud of Exp Orbs.

“I already told’im that,” I said, absorbing the Exp. “Thanks for the free Exp by the way.” I then added with a smirk.

“Whatever,” the Draconid shrugged. “Should be a good way to take out some frustrations. You mind if I go all-out?”

“By all means, go ahead. More Exp for me either way,” I replied, shrugging as we walked into the temple. Zinnia grinned at that, scanning the surrounding area before charging at a Skarmory and tearing into it with what looked like a Fire Fang.

“Damn…” Vash muttered, staring at the Draconid wide-eyed. “That’s… hot?”

“Bad pun is bad!” Zinnia cried as her prey burst, the experience being drawn to me.

“I agree, that was just… terrible,” I groaned, cringing a bit. “Vash, you have lost your joke privileges for my world.”

“No, please!” Vash cried, feigning terror. “Don’t do this to me!”

“Yeah, come on,” Zinnia giggled for the first time since she arrived. “Joking is all this guy has. In public, at least.” She smirked at the last bit, winking at me and making a gesture with her hands, holding them far apart.

“Mistress is better,” I started, waving off her presentation of how ‘gifted’ Vash was. “Also, just because I’m hers doesn’t mean I’m yours. Unless she tells me so, of course.”

“Wow, ouch,” Vash said, faking pain. “Attacked for my value as a team member and a man. Just, ouch.”

“Oh, shut up ya big whiner,” Zinnia chuckled, dashing in and hugging him. “You know you’re perfect the way you are, and don’t even pretend you don’t.”

“Ugh, mushy-ness.” I fake gagged, using Psychic to crush a few Staravias that came our way. Zinnia giggled at my shocked look when one of the ones in my grip had it’s head blown off, and I turned to see Vash holding up a revolver, the barrel still smoking.

“I am perfect, aren’t I?” Vash asked with a smirk, chuckling to himself with a wince when Zinnia smacked him in the chest. “Ow, okay, okay! I’m kidding!”

“Stupid bastard,” the Draconid giggled.

“I am not stupid, I’m a goofball,” Vash pouted.

“Anyway…” I trailed, off noticing that we’d come into a room similar to the boss ones but… smaller. In the middle of the room, seeming to be sat on a cloud all of it’s own, was a tall, muscular, green-skinned man with white hair, purple splotches covering his torso. A sharp, angular moustache sat just under it’s tiny purple nose, with a pair of short purple horns atop its head. A long, purple tail with yellow spines curled around from behind the Tornadus, which simply glared at us.

“Huh,” Zinnia mused, cracking her knuckles. “This looks like it could actually be a challenge.”

“By all means,” I said, smirking. “Go first.” Stepping back, I swept my arms out towards the Tornadus. Zinnia smirked, stepping forward and shrugging her jacket off before falling into a battle stance.

Nothing happened for a moment, Zinnia and Tornadus simply staring each other down, before I noticed a layer of purple scales growing on the Draconid’s arms, black claws tipping her fingers. She seemed to grow taller, too, and when I looked down I saw her boots had been kicked off, allowing scales to grow on her feet too, black heels raising her up.

“Bring it!” Zinnia cried, smirking as she taunted the Tornadus. The Cyclone Pokemon frowned, hurling a blade of air at her, the Air Slash screeching through the air. Zinnia leaned back to dodge, the attack slicing a few errant strands of her hair off before slamming into the wall behind her.

“Aw hell no!” Zinnia cried, rocketing forward with a single beat of her powerful wings and slamming into the Tornadus, slamming a double Brick Break into it’s stomach. The Cyclone Pokemon grunted from the impact, it’s body glowing orange a second later as it slammed its fists into Zinnia’s back with a wicked Revenge, the Draconid hitting the ground with a cry of pain. A loud bang echoed through the room and a bullet whizzed by Tornadus, taking off a few hairs of his mustache.

“Hey Pornstache, I’m cutting in on this fight too!” Vash called out, firing another shot at the Cyclone Pokemon. Tornadus turned to him, it’s eyes flashing blue before a psychic glow surrounding him, lifting him into the air. “Oh, this is going to hurt… a lot,” Vash said, struggling to move in the psychic grip.

“Denied!” I shout out, useing my own Psychic to break him free.

“Yes!” Vash cried as he landed on the ground and started running around Tornadus, firing shots along the way. “Thank you, Itazura!”

“Yeah yeah,” I started, lying down in the air. “Just keep fighting, this is hilarious to me.”

“Well, jokes are all I have,” Vash laughed as he reloaded his revolver. He then fired a shot in a random direction.

“... I think you missed.” I said, giggling at the random shot.

“Did I?” Vash asked with a smile, just as the bullet ricocheted off the temple wall and struck Tornadus on the top of his head. The Pokemon recoiled from the shot, giving Zinnia a chance to get up before she let loose on it with a Flamethrower.

“Ugh…” the Draconid spat. “Dick.”

“No Zinn, that’s for later.” I said, grinning.

“Oh, I am so gonna tie you up…” she growled back, her hands erupting into blue flames as she charged in again, raking the twin Dragon Claws across Tornadus’s chest.

“What, am I just going to get your sloppy seconds, Zi?” Vash asked with a laugh as he kept gunning and running.

“Who said I’d be using her?” the Draconid chuckled, ducking under a Hammer Arm before chomping down on the Cyclone Pokemon’s arm with a Thunder Fang, kicking off of it’s chest soon after. “We could have our own fun while she watches, hehe!”

“Hmm, should we do it on her bed to add to the treatment?” Vash asked as he dodged a Gust.

“If ya wanna use my bed just ask,” I said, shrugging and enjoying watching the fight. “I really don’t care.”

“Good to see you’re a good sport then,” Zinnia chuckled, taking to the air as Tornadus began to Thrash about. “So, you wanna help finish this or not?”

“Got any attacks you can charge?” I ask getting a fun idea. “If you do start charging!” I use Sunny Day and Solar Beam, letting the beam charge more than it’s supposed to. Zinnia smirked, landing and hunching over as a flaming blue aura overtook her body.

“I would charge an attack, but mine slowly kills me,” Vash said as he holstered his revolver and looked for a place to avoid the two attacks.

“Oh well, guess you just get to miss out.” I stated smiling. “Now… FIRE!” I shout, letting the beam loose on Tornadus. Zinnia smirked, rocketing forward and corkscrewing around the beam, her Outrage burning brightly. A cloud of dust exploded when the attack landed, Zinnia shooting back as our vision was blurred.

“Uhh, is the bot gone?” Vash asked, poking his head out from a pillar and watching as the dust settled.

Suddenly a flood of Exp orbs shot past Zinnia, straight into me. “Yep,” I said, taking a moment to get used to the new power, blinking. “Definitely gone.”

“So… how many levels was that?” Zinnia asked, her body slowly returning to normal as her scales clattered to the floor. “Oh, and there’s some more scales for ya Vashy.”

“Oh, are ya workshopping a new nickname for me?” Vash asked as he pocketed the scales. “These should definitely be enough for that dragon-scale bikini you wanted,” he finished with a wink.

“I… am level 101.” I said surprised for a moment before grinning. “Yay no level cap for me that would of been SO annoying.”

“That’s pretty impressive,” Vash nodded. “Can only imagine what your stats are like.”

“Sex Appeal is adjustable,” Zinnia snickered.

“I’ll have to make myself a PokeDex later to find out,” I chuckled, leaning back in the air. “Now let’s go beat up a Rayquaza shall we?”

“Alright, just let me stretch a bit,” Vash sighed, stretching out his limbs. “I don’t wanna pull something while I run distraction.”

“Just wish for a more powerful gun or something, Vashy,” Zinnia sighed, rolling her eyes. “I don’t want you getting tired.”

“Before that.” I said. “Let’s heal up a bit shall we, Heal Order!” I used the move on us enough to get us back to full health smiling.

“Zinnia, you don’t have to worry about me getting tired,” Vash chuckled and smiled at her. “I’ve got a lot more stamina than your average human. Mostly because I’m not a human.”

“Oh, I know~” the Draconid cooed, smirking as she rolled her shoulder. “Trust me, I know.”

“Let’s just beat Rayquaza, please?” I asked getting bored easily now that the fights over.

“Yeah yeah,” Vash sighed, walking to the other side of the room. “I’ll take point and aggro the Rayquaza. Then you two can hit it till it explodes into green orbs.”

“Should I go full Dragon?” Zinnia asked, rubbing her arm nervously. “I mean… Tornadus was kinda difficult, and I was at the edge of my control then…”

“Nah, you’ll be fine. I used like 1% of my power in that fight and that was just the last attack.” I smirked at them. “We should be fine.”

“Here’s hoping you didn’t just jinx us,” Vash said with a nervous gulp.

“I’ve been to a universe where Murphy was a real pony,” Zinnia sighed. “And now I get a chill down my spine whenever something jinxes us. I think we’re goo-DAMMIT!” she cried suddenly, going rigid as her body shook slightly.

“You just jinxed us, didn’t you?” Vash asked, facepalming.

“I think so, yeah…” she sighed.

“You’re lucky you’re as sexy as you are, otherwise I might be angry at you,” Vash chuckled.

“Just punish her when you two are doing it later,” I say with a smile. “That should make up for it.”

“I’m gonna go ahead and wish for the ability to turn Vash into Valerie whenever I want,” the Draconid chuckled, smirking at Vash. “And that’s him as a girl, in case you didn’t know.”

“I can guess,” I deadpanned. “And okay, that should be an easy one. You want it as an item like Patty gave you?” I asked, cracking my knuckles and getting ready to grant the wish.

“Wait! Why would you wish for that?!” Vash cried. “Wasn’t turning me into a girl once enough for you?!”

Zinnia was silent for a moment before she looked up, smiling sadly. “... I never showed you the gentle side,” she shrugged, offering a lame smile.

“F-fine,” Vash huffed, arms crossed over his chest. “Ugh, I’ve gotta learn to say no to women,” he muttered to himself as he shook his head.

“Hey, you could practice on yourself,” the Draconid chuckled before turning to me. “I’ll take it as an item please, maybe a little wristband I can set his token into.”

“Okay,” I said, smirking as my eyes glow gold. “Here ya go!” I waved my hand, making a pink wristband appear in her hand.

“Uh…” Zinnia muttered, smiling sheepishly. “I’m more of a black or purple kind of girl…”

“No problem.” I say waving my hand again, making it purple and black in a kind of spiral. Zinnia smiled appreciatively, sliding it onto her wrist and reaching into the red bag at her hip, pulling out a polished, black-wood case.

“Thanks,” she said as she flipped the case open. A small light flashed from within, and a second later she reached in and pulled out a small bullet, Vash’s token, and set it into a slot in the top of the bracelet.

“Wait you’re using it…” Vash was cut off as he was surrounded by a flash of light, “” he finished, his voice now a lot more feminine. The light died down, revealing Vash, or rather Valerie, her duster and other clothes now fitted to her female figure. “Are you happy?” Valerie huffed, putting her hands on her hips.

Zinnia stared at Val for a second before looking towards me. “...I’ll be happy if you two make out real quick for me,” she said.

Grinning I reach over to Valerie, pulling her in for a kiss. Val’s eyes widened for a split second before she rolled them and reciprocated the kiss. Val’s hands then snaked around and grabbed my ass.

“Nice,” Zinnia said simply. “Touch her, grope her!”

“Don’t we have a plate to get?” Val huffed, pulling away from the kiss. “Can’t the sexy shenanigans wait until after we take it?”

“Fine,” I huffed, pouting. “The faster we get the plates the faster I can fix the world anyway.”

“And the faster I can watch Val get shoved halfway through a portal and fucked in two rooms at once,” Zinnia chuckled, a mad glint in her eye. “But for now, I suppose I’ll turn her back.” With that, she tapped the bracelet again, Val’s body glowing before she became Vash again.

“Oogh,” Vash shivered. “You have no idea how weird that feels,”

“Very?” I said sarcastically, floating toward where I feel the next plates were. Wait… “Hold on guys.”

“What’s up?” Zinna asked.

“There’s…” I said, not sure how to word it for a second. “There’s two Plates up ahead.”

“And?” Vash asked, smirking as he twirled his revolver on one finger. “We can grab’em easy!”

“Two Plates might mean two Guardians,” I deadpanned.


“Last time there were two Plates, either the second had minions spawned for the first, or I didn’t see because someone got there first. So be careful, got it?”

“Understood,” Zinnia nodded, slamming a fist into her palm. “We watch each other’s backs.”

“No problems there,” Vash chuckled. “You both have rather nice ‘backs’ to look at.”

“Aaaand you take the lead now, it’s the only direction we can go,” I said, smirking at him. Zinnia laughed as Vash sulked, taking point and leading the way into the next chamber, both guns drawn.

“You know what?” the Draconid chuckled, shooting me a side-glance and a smirk. “You’re alright.”

“You’re not too bad yourself, when you’re not being paranoid that is.” I said, grinning back at her. Zinnia chuckled, slinging her arm around my shoulder and pulling me down.

“Careful, hot stuff,” she warned. “I’m warming up to ya, but you’re still in the grey mostly.”

“I’m okay with grey, it’s neutral and I usually don’t bother to care,” I said, trailing off as I remembered some of my life before Displacement.

“Oh,” Zinnia shrugged, pulling me down further so that I was forced to actually walk before continuing. “Well okay then. But try and maybe have some more things in the green, yeah? Life’s better that way.”

“Stuff just kinda worked out for me in the end with the whole ‘I don’t care’ thing, but sure. Maybe I should use the Meadow Plate to add some grass and flowers to the area around my house?” I trailed off again, zoning out and thinking of the things I could do with the plates.

“There ya go!” Zinnia laughed, shaking me a little. “Grow a couple trees, set up a nice hammock to sunbathe naked in, you’re settled!”

“Well Patty did suggest I make this world perfect for perverts,” I mused, stroking my chin. “As soon as I do that I’ll invite you.”

“Why wait?” she asked, smirking before leaning in and whispering. “I’m sure I can convince Vash to spend some more time here as Val~”

“I meant after the sex that will most likely happen when we get the Plates,” I deadpanned at her before grinning. “Though that is another good idea.”

“I’m full of’em when it comes to pervertedness,” the Draconid preened.

“Uh, guys?” Vash called out, and I looked ahead with Zinnia before paling. “I think we might have a problem…”

There before us stood two titans. One was a massive, bipedal, dinosaur-like creature covered in red, segmented plates of thick skin that obviously acted as armor. It had a gray underside and large white spikes that run along the sides of its head, body, and tail. Four claws tipped each hand, four dozer-like blades fanning out on the end of its large tail, and three claws on each foot digging into the earthen flooring.

The second was a large, green, serpentine creature. It had red-tipped, rudder-like wings on its shoulders and down its body, and similarly patterned fins on the tip of its tail. Yellow ring-like symbols ran across the length of the serpent’s body, an additional yellow ring on the top of its head. The serpent had two limbs with three-clawed hands, and two long, flat, horn-like structures on its head, with two shorter horns along its jawline. It has small, yellow eyes with black pupils, prominent pink gums, and two discernible fangs in its upper jaw.

“Okay, Zinnia? You take the Groudon, I’ll take the Rayquaza, Vash go sit in a corner or something.” I ordered, getting ready for a fight.

“Rude!” Vash cried, stretching out. “I can still draw fire you know!”

“He’s got a point,” Zinnia shrugged, cracking her neck and flexing her claws. “Vash is pretty good at annoying people so they hit him, not the heavy-hitters.”

“Wow!” Vash cried again, throwing his arms up before taking aim at the two Legends, a gun pointed at each. “There’s just no holding back with you two today, is there!?”

“You know I love you, ya stupid goofball,” Zinnia chuckled. “You’re just an easy target.”

“Fight time!” I shouted, grinning. I used Attack Order on the Rayquaza before levitating off of the ground more, using Flame Charge and Fire Punch at the same time, doing a decent bit of damage since it seems the Plate’s level capped them for when I came in, not after the wave of Exp that hit me after Tornadus got beat down. Right after I did that, Vash fired both of his guns, hitting both legendaries in the eye. They turned to him, both charging an attack and firing at him.

“Gyahh!” Vash cried, dodging both attacks and starting to run around the chamber, firing at the legendaries from over his shoulder to keep their attention on him. “Okay, I think they’re distracted!” He screamed.

“Well, while you distract them I think I’ll just ready a Solar Beam. End this in one shot,” I stated smirking as I charged the attack up beyond what it’s supposed to be.

“Are you going to use that attack anytime soon?!” Vash pleaded, stumbling as Groudon used Earthquake.

“As soon as it’s charged enough to counter their ever-so-slight resistance to grass. So, like, another minute,” I said, giggling slightly to myself.

“You are the biggest troll I’ve ever met!” Vash yelled, the end of his duster singed by Rayquaza’s Hyper Beam.

“Good!” I shouted, laughing a bit. “I am the Mischief Pokemon, after all!”

Feeling that the charge should be more than enough, I shot it towards the Rayquaza, the Sky High Pokemon only getting the chance to look behind it before the beam enveloped it’s body, shattering the bot into Exp that flowed straight to me.

“Yeah, one down!” Vash whooped as he focused his fire on Groudon, almost exclusively aiming for the eyes. Groudon roared and stomped towards Vash, trying to catch the fleeing man.

“Where the fuck has Zinn been during all this?!” I shouted, looking around the arena frantically.

“I don’t know,” Vash cried, rolling to the side as the Continent Pokemon attempted to flatten him under it’s gigantic foot. “But she’d better hurry up before I end up as a Vash pancake!”

As soon as the words left Vash’s mouth, the earth began to shake violently, cracking as blue flames of draconic energy began to seep out.

“I think I found her,” I deadpanned, floating up a bit to avoid the blue flames.

The earth shattered as Zinnia burst out, her body coated in a layer of blue flames. Her hands erupted into shadowed claws, an orange glow tinting the shadows as she charged forward.

Shadow Fury Break!” the Draconid cried, slamming both fists into Groudon’s back, digging her claws into a gap in it’s armour plating. Groudon roared in pain, thrashing about in an attempt to shake her off.

“Go Zinn!” I yelled, grinning as I watched her fight.

Zinnia grinned like a madwoman, letting loose a fierce Flamethrower into Groudon’s wounds before kicking off and taking to the air above it. The Continent Pokemon roared again, blasting Zinnia with a Fire Blast that enveloped her completely.

Zen Edge!” I heard, and a second later Zinnia burst from the flames, her body glowing a swirling mix of pink and white as she slammed into Groudon’s head, the Continent Pokemon stumbling back dizzily. The Draconid smirked as water flew towards her from the surrounding clouds, creating a large, powerful tail extending from her rear that then began to boil as draconic flames erupted from within. “Draqua Tail!” she cried, flipping in the air and slamming the attack into Groudon’s face.

Silence reigned for a moment before a loud CRACK! rang out,a large crack appearing in the Continent Pokemon’s facial armour. Seconds later, the bot itself burst, a cloud of Exp exploding from within before being drawn into me. It wasn’t as big as the one from the Rayquaza, but it still held a lot of power, pushing me at least level 120.

“All the levels are belong to me.” I said grinning, flexing my hands a bit as I got used to the increase of power. “Now then, let’s grab those plates.” I spun around, floating toward where I felt the Sky and Earth Plates were.

“I’ll…” Zinnia panted, landing and planting her hands on her knees. “I’ll, uh… Be right with ya…”

I didn’t reply, just floating up to where the two Plates were. Holding my hand out toward them, I watched as they flew into my grip, melting into me soon after. The familiar rush of knowledge thundered through my head, the workings of Flying and Ground moves unfolding in my mind.

“You, uh…” Vash gasped, staggering up to me and wiping some sweat from his brow. “You okay there? That can’t be comfortable.”

“It’s actually quite pleasurable,” I said, a wide smile on my face. “Now… I wonder what’d happen if I tried Wing Attack with no wings?”

“Try it,” Zinnia shrugged, stepping up beside us. “It might be like me with the ‘Tail’ attacks, I just get a temporary tail.”

“Sure, why not?” I shrugged before using Wing Attack, a pair of glowing, golden wings sprouting from my back.

“Woah…” Vash breathed, with Zinnia just staring speechless. “That’s… pretty cool.”

“Yeah,” I said, beaming. “Let’s see how well they work, who wants to let me hit them?”

“I nominate Vash as tribute!” Zinnia cried, dashing away.

“Wait what!?”

“Tribute accepted!” I laughed, smacking him with a golden wing. Vash cried out, dropping to the ground and clutching his head.

“Oh get up,” Zinnia deadpanned, rolling her eyes. “She didn’t even do it properly.”

“Fuck you!” Vash cried indignantly.

“Later, sweetie,” the Draconid chuckled.

“I can ring us to my house and we do it now,” I said, pretending to inspect my nails. Zinnia smirked, winking at me as she grabbed Vash and hoisted him over her shoulder.

“Lead the way,” she chuckled.

“This way!” I yelled, facing forward before I float straight up, through a ring above us and coming out into my bedroom. Zinnia shook her head, chuckling slightly before she tossed Vash after me, flying through not long after.

“You,” Vash muttered, prying himself from the floor. “Are a huge bitch sometimes.”

“Vash, sweetie,” Zinnia chuckled. “I’m the Alpha Bitch.”

“Maybe you should teach her her place?” I suggested, pointing at her armband with a grin.

Vash’s eyes widened and he started sweating profusely. “Zinnia, you’re not thinking of using that thing, are you?”

“I considered it,” the Draconid giggled, tracing the bullet with her finger. “Like I said, I never showed you the slow, caring side.”

Vash sighed and looked down at Zinnia, slumping over slightly. “Go ahead, not like I could ever say no to someone as drop-dead sexy as you anyway.”

“Flatterer,” Zinnia chuckled before moving her hand away. “But… no. I think we’ll be saying hello to Mister Johnson today~” Smirking, she suddenly rounded on me, tearing my clothes away and restraining me in front of Vash. “Go to town, my friend, this one needs a good deep dicking!”

“Hmm, are you sure I should give it to her first?” Vash asked as he slowly started peeling off his clothes. “You did just save me from a Groudon.”

“And I’ve already felt all of you,” Zinnia countered, smirking as she moved closer to my ear. “She hasn’t.”

“I don’t know whether to hit you for suddenly restraining me or thank you for letting me go first.” I said looking back at Zinnia.

“Are you suggesting that I’m a one trick pony or something?” Vash laughed as he took off his pants, revealing his member. “Because if so, I’m deeply wounded, Zinnia. Now, put her on her knees, I need her to get me ready.”

“Trust me,” Zinnia breathed in my ear, easing me onto my knees and following me down. “You’ll be thanking me.”

“That’s good,” Vash said, moving his hips and causing his dick to bob in front of my face. “Now, I’m sure you know what to do from here.”

“No,” I deadpanned sarcastically, taking his dick in one hand. “No idea.” Before I just immediately deepthroat it, subtly shapeshifting to fit it in.

“Whoa!” Vash called out, his body tensing up and one of his hands shooting to my head. “Itazura here might give you a run for your money, Zi.”

“Oh hell naw!” the Draconid cried, letting me go and frowning. “She’s cheating! I saw her throat change shape!”

“Oh, jealous she has tricks that you don’t?” Vash teased before letting out a low moan.

“Oh, please,” Zinnia scoffed, pulling her clothes off. “Like I said, she’s cheating. I have actual skill.”

“Dick can’t tell the difference,” Vash retorted.

“Dick won’t get any if you carry on,” the Draconid threatened, brandishing her bracelet.

“I was just teasing. Ya know I love ya you silly slut,” Vash winked.

Ignoring their argument, I shapeshift my tongue, making it longer and wrapping around the cock in my mouth before jerking it off with my tongue.

“You know what?” Zinnia said suddenly, and I felt her hand on the back of my head. “Fuck you.” Without warning, she shoved me forward, jamming Vash’s length down my throat without giving me enough time to change it’s shape to fit him. Vash let out a low moan and both his hands gripped the back of my head, locking me in place.

“D-damn Zinnia, warn a guy before you do that,” he panted.

“Shut up and kiss me,” the Draconid huffed, standing and pulling him into a deep kiss, her hand still resting on my head.

I just kept moving my tongue, vibrating my throat and constricting it slightly to add to the pleasure I could give.

“Hmm…” I heard Zinnia hum. “I wonder just how sensitive those horns are?”

“If they’re anything like my girls back home, very,” Vash said with a wicked grin. “Wanna find out together? A sort of thanks for her being such a good little cock-sucker,” he finished, patting my head affectionately.

“I was gonna ride one,” Zinnia said. “You can join me if ya want, we all know we can make that happen.”

“Yeah, not interested right now,” Vash said. “But maybe later. Like I said earlier, I’ve got a lot of stamina.”

I glanced up at the two of them, seeing them grinning down at me, and sighed internally. ‘Great,’ I thought, though a small grin found it’s way onto my face, though the gesture was hidden with the dick in my mouth. ‘I’m the plaything for a couple of sex-crazed maniacs. Should be fun.

“Maybe I’ll leave that for later too then,” Zinnia relented, shrugging. “I’d rather share that with ya, Vashy. Get her on all fours for me?”

“As you wish,” Vash said, sliding himself out of me. His shaft leaving my mouth with a wet *pop*. “I didn’t wanna finish in there anyway. There’s way better places to do that.” He then grabbed me rather gently and put me on all fours, raising my ass and giving it a fond smack. “So, what’s the plan?”

“You’re gonna fuck her ass while she eats me,” Zinnia said simply, grabbing my horn as she lay down in front of me with a smirk. “Any objections?” she asked, pulling my face into her slit before I had a chance to answer. “Didn’t think so. Vash?”

“None that I can think of,” He said, grabbing my ass and starting to hotdog his shaft between my cheeks.

“Oh, just plunge it in,” Zinnia chuckled, rolling her eyes. “I’m sure she’ll adjust just fine, and you’ve got plenty of lube anyway.” Looking down at me, she frowned, tugging on my horn a little. “And you’re supposed to be eating me out, hop to it!”

I nodded a little, sticking my tongue out and running it along Zinnia’s lips. The Draconid moaned a little, pushing herself further into my face, so I threw caution to the wind and plunged my tongue deep into her, making it longer and thicker in the process. Vash decided to throw caution to the wind as well, thrusting his way into my ass and his hips slapping against my cheeks.

“Damn, did you shapeshift back here too?” Vash asked as he pulled his hips back. “You’re almost hurting me with how tight you are.”

I grinned slightly, tightening my ass around Vash, before doubling my tongue thrusting into Zinnia. The Draconid began to moan loudly, grabbing my horns and grinding against my face. Vash moaned as well, starting to jackhammer into my ass.

“Might wanna look into dating Queen Chiton,” Vash panted out between thrusts. “Shapeshifting definitely has bedroom benefits.”

“Dude,” Zinnia gasped. “Changelings taste so good! At least convince her to go for a romp with you and the girls for ‘diplomatic reasons’ and get a taste.”

“Hmm, you make a good point,” Vash grinned. “I am dedicated to ‘diplomacy’ after all,” he laughed.

Deciding to get them away from their conversation, I make myself vibrate as much as I can, also doubling my speed again. Vash moaned again, his thrusts getting a bit jerky.

“I’m getting close here, what about you, Zi?”

“Y-yeah, this slut’s tongue is ‘magic’,” Zinnia chuckled, her hands gripping my horns tighter.

I grin mischievously, eyes glowing a bit as I put a temporary effect on my tongue, making the pleasure given increase. Zinnia let out a long moan, her thighs clamped around my head and her juices erupted onto my tongue and face. Vash wasn’t far behind, he hilted himself one last time and let loose inside my ass.

I moan a bit, almost cumming myself but I just barely don’t. Getting a idea I lap up all of Zinn’s juices, keeping them in my mouth before spitting them back inside of her. Zinnia yelped and looked down at me, still coming down from her orgasm.

“W-what the hell are you doing down there?”

I looked up, grinning. “Just putting something back where it came from.”

“W-well keep going,” Zinnia said, bucking her hips a bit. “It feels pretty good.”

“No.” I say, grinning evilly and shapeshifting my tongue to normal, putting it back into my mouth.

“Oh you bitch,” Zinnia growled with a faint smile on her face. “I’ll have to get back at you for teasing me like that.”

“Now now, Zinnia,” Vash chuckled, sliding out of my ass. “I think we can go easy on her. If what I’m seeing back here is right, then our friend here hasn’t finished like us.”

“Oh?” Zinnia asked, looking between him and me. “Then I guess we should fix that, shouldn’t we?”

“You know me,” he chuckled, “I never like to leave a lady unsatisfied.”

“Ugh.” I say groaning in impatience. “Just make me cum already will ya. I’m waiting!”

“Hush you!” Vash and Zinnia said together, both of them spanking my ass.

“It’s not good to be an impatient little slut,” Zinnia chided. “You should be grateful that Vash and I are willing to get you off after we already have.”

“So be a good girl and tell us what you want,” Vash finished.

“Zinn you have your toy?” I asked, getting an idea.

“Always,” Zinnia grinned as she pulled the purple toy out of her bag.

“Double team me.” I said floating up and spreading my legs.

“A girl after my own heart,” Zinnia laughed as she slipped the toy between her legs and a white glow overtook her body. When the glow died down there were two of the young woman, each one with an erection aimed right at me. “Okay Vash,” the two Zinnia’s said simultaneously. “You take her front, I’ll take the back and her mouth.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice,” Vash grinned.

I smiled, spinning myself so that my back is to the floor and I’m facing Zinnia, opening my mouth as I do. Vash didn’t waste any time, grabbing my thighs and thrusting inside me. Zinnia and her copy weren’t far behind, penetrating my ass and mouth at the same time.

I moan a bit in pleasure, shapeshifting my tongue to wrap around Zinnias cock, also vibrating my whole body at the same time. All three of them moaned, both copies of Zinnia’s matching the speed of Vash’s thrusts.

“I don’t know what’s tighter on you Itazura, your ass or your pussy,” Vash laughed as he pounded into me.

“You should try her mouth,” one Zinnia groaned. “Girl sucks like she’s part vacuum.”

My eyes glow again, making the pleasure my new fuck buddy’s are getting increase even more. All three of them moaned and started thrusting faster.

“Damn, you might wanna hold back on stuff like that,” Vash groaned, looking down at me. “We might finish again before you get off.” All of a sudden his eyes widened and his gaze locked onto my chest. “And what do we have here?” He asked, tugging on one of my nipple rings. “These are certainly interesting.”

My eyes widen a bit, before I moan in pleasure, letting them continue to do whatever they want to me.

“I think I might’ve just found one of your weaknesses,” Vash said with a sly grin as both of his hands locked onto my chest, pulling on both of my nipple rings. “You seem to get wetter every time I pull on these.”

I moan in pleasure, practically begging him to keep pulling on my rings.

“You are such a sub,” both Zinnia’s laughed, watching Vash toy with my rings. “I bet you wish your mouth wasn’t full so you could beg him to pull harder. Make you scream in pleasure,” She teased.

I clench a bit too tight on Zinn on purpose at that grinning inside. Zinnia winced and just smirked down at me.

“Oh, is that how you wanna play?” She growled. “Vash, let me take over on her chest.” He complied and she immediately latched onto my chest, pulling and stretching on my nipple rings roughly.

I scream in pleasure around the cock in my mouth, sending extra vibrations through it, getting close to cumming.

“Mmm,” the Zinnia thrusting into my mouth cooed. “See, you love someone like me getting rough with you. I bet I could get you off just by tugging on these rings of yours.” She punctuated that remark by pulling on my rings all the harder.

I scream in absolute pleasure, cumming and tightening around the cocks in me. All three of them let out a long groan of pleasure, filling all three of my holes with cum. Each of us stayed like that for a while, occasionally twitching from the aftershocks of our powerful orgasms.

I fall to the floor, energy spent to the point I can’t even float anymore, panting for air having swallowed all the cum in my mouth.

“That was nice,” Zinnia sighed in relief as she dispelled her copy and slipped the toy out of her with a brief purple glow. “We should do it again sometime. Maybe the next time you get a visit from Patty?” She suggested with a giggle. “Things get really crazy when the two of us are together.”

I just thumbs up weakly, still to tired to do anything else.

“Well, you’re definitely free to call me again at any time,” Vash said as he pulled out of me, some of his cum dribbling out. “Whether it’s to get another plate, or if you just want to do something like this again. Or both I guess,” he laughed.

“Just… send Zinn home so I can send you home and rest please?” I whisper loud enough for them to hear, the only reason for me being up being pure willpower.

“Alright,” he started, pulling on all his clothes. “Zinnia, our contract is complete.”

The Void Dragon that Zinnia came in on erupted from the floor and lowered its head for her to get on. She ran up to Vash and gave him a brief hug. Hope to see ya soon Vash… and you too Valerie,” she purred as she held up her new bracelet and hopped onto the dragon’s back. The dragon then shot up and both her and it disappeared in a flash.

“Okay, she’s gone now,” Vash said, turning to me.

“Cool contract complete and all that, watch out some bits are gonna follow you through to your Equestria.” I said tiredly, waving at him.

Vash nodded as a swirling green portal opened in front of him. “Okay, nice meeting you Itazura. Hope to see you soon,” he said as he walked through the portal.

Finally alone, I use the Splash Plate to clean myself and the floor off before dragging myself to bed, passing out immediately after.

A Cold Shock!

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I yawned as I woke up in bed, stretching. “Yesterday was… fun.” I mumbled to myself, sitting up. I shape shift into my younger form, walking to my closet to see what I want to wear today.

I pull out some pink underwear, purple shorts, dark purple shirt and a light pink hoodie.

“What plates will I get today?” I hum to myself as I walk outside and feeling for whatever one is closest. Something fell out of the sky, landing on my head.

“...Ow” I said rubbing my head, picking up the item. “Now who am I gonna meet today?” It was a small, soda can sized cylinder with black and green markings on it.

“Huh… a ben displaced I think.” I mutter to myself. “Now what’s your message?” It didn't seem to have one, staying silent in my hand.

“Well whoever you are c’mon over!” I yelled to it waiting for something to happen. Nothing happened, though I did realize there was a button on top of it.

“Aaand I feel stupid now.” I mutter pressing the button. It went off with a bright flash, disappearing from my hand. A young man, rocking a beard, appeared, along side with what looked like a Vaporeon pony.

“Hi there!” I yell, floating about eye level with the man. “I’m Itazura, though you can call me Itazura-Chan if ya want.”

He blinked, looking at me. “I'm not calling you Chan.”

I shrugged, grinning. “I didn’t tell you could I just like to put the option there for when I meet new people.” I say floating around him and the Vaporeon. “Now I need help with getting some plates, you in?”

“Plates? What?” He asked, tilting his head. “How about the explain before asking me to go on a quest?”

“Okay.” I started gesturing around me. “You see how this worlds just a wasteland? Well that’s cause everyone else died before I got here including Arceus and the Faust of the world. Now I go around into temples and collect his plates, so I can become the new god and fix this rock.”

“I could just fix it now...” He crossed his arms, raising his eyebrow.

“Well, it’s I could also probably just brute force myself to get the rest of the plates through my rings by now, but I’m just doing the quest because Arceus left a message in the first plate I found to actually beat the temples I come across so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t and let me do it when I collect them all I already have life half of them anyway.” I said shrugging at the end.

He sighed, rubbing his forehead. “Always the hard way... But... I can respect that. I’m Jason and this is Sonata.”

“Hello!” The pony waved, grinning up at me.

“Hi!” I said waving back. “Anyway, the closest plate I feel is… this way!” I yelled turning in a seemingly random direction and floating off toward the plate. Jason put his hands in his pockets, following after me, Sonata walking behind him.

After a while we reach a mountain with ice covering it, and a few Snorunt guarding the entrance.

“Oh I almost forgot!” I said suddenly turning around to the two people. “All other creatures you see here are just bots, so don’t bother about holding back or anything they’re not alive.”

“Sorta kills the fun...” Jason rubbed the back of his neck, frowning.

“Well after I get the plates I can make semi alive things for you to kill.” I say having turned around and continued to the mountain.

“Why not just make fully alive things?” Sonata asked, tilting her head.

“There semi living in the sense they can think but not in the way they have souls, I don’t want to overflow whatever afterlife there is for this world if there is one with souls just because of a promise I made before I even got the plates.” I explain, firing a couple Psybeam at the Snorunt, taking them out in one shot.

“Huh.” I muttered surprised. “There usually level capped to be a challenge.” I said floating through the Exp that dropped.

“You can’t flood the afterlife, that's not how things work.” Jason rolled his eyes, seeming to be unaffected by the cold while Sonata shivered slightly.

“I know but I also don’t want to cause too much attention to my world after I just fixed it with a random influx of deaths.” I say, putting a Magical Coat onto the Vaporeon to keep her from freezing.

“Thanks!”” Sonata cheered, dancing around.

“You know Sonata, I’m pretty sure you can drop the disguise.” Jason looked at Sonata, who nodded, shifting from her current form into something like... A fish horse.

Ooh! This feels so much better!” She squealed, floating around, a big smile on her face.

“Why was she disguised in the first place?” I ask, using Psychic to knock aside some more Snorunt into the wall, making them burst.

“Because ponies don't build things with sirens in mind.” Jason took an Ice Beam, not even flinching.

“Huh… oh like in the second Equestria Girls movie? Those kinda sirens?” I asked floating a bit faster now that I know this temple will be easy.

“She is one of those sirens… I was there when that happened…” Jason followed while Sonata started to sing, floating around use lazily.

“I see that she still has her singing, what changed?” I asked curious.

“We made her a new gem that's her eat ambient positive emotions.” Jason stopped as a weavile jumped out at him, clawing him across the face. He gave it cold stare before grabbing it and tearing it in half.

“Cool.” I say, noticing the boss room up ahead. “Hey, boss rooms next you want to actually challenge yourself and hold back or are we just gonna one shot whatever’s in there? I asked starting to get bored.

“Eh... I can’t really handicap myself.” Jason moved up to the door, pushing it open.

“Oh well.” I said shrugging. “One shot it is then, I’ll try to make a overpowered thing for you to fight after I gain all my plates sound good?” I asked, floating forward.

“Sure why not?” He asked, looking around, hands in his pockets.

“That… is a Kyurem… surrounded by Frost Rotoms?” I started, then looked confused toward the end. “Well this is almost as random when I got the Earth and Sky plates in the sky.”

“Oh this will be easy.” Jason smiled, moving further into the room.

“You want the legendary and I’ll take the normals?” I asked barely paying attention to anything in the room.

“Sounds fun to me.” Jason cracked his neck, lunging forward, throwing a punch at the Kyurem. It takes a step back, not expecting the attack, before using Blizzard. Jason just smirked, his eyes turning red. He intensified the blizzard, cracking his knuckles. The Kyurem seems to get angered at this, using Ancient Power. Jason jumped back, sending a fireball back at him. It used Slash dispersing the fireball before using Imprison to trap Jason. He just smiled before fading out, the real Jason standing off to the side, sending Lightning bolts down on his head. The Kyurem roared in pain, before glowing changing into White Kyurem, before using Hyper Voice and Fusion Flare, shooting it straight at Jason. “Omnitrix, Feedback.” He shifted into a black, one eyed creature with two head tentacles and a tail. He absorbed both attacks via the plugs at the end of his fingers, firing it back. The Kyurem roared again, firing off a Dragon Pulse at Jason. He absorbed it, firing it back again. Seemingly furious the Kyurem uses Slash.

“Omnitrix, Diamond Head.” He shifted into a bipedal, greenish crystalline creature, easily taking the hit. While it’s close the Kyurem uses Hyper Voice. Jason groaned, stumbling backwards, his body cracking a little. He put his arms forward, firing off a barrage of diamond shards. The Kyurem uses Blizzard the wind of it knocking the crystals off course before getting close, using Hyper Voice again. “Okie ow...” Jason growled, more of his body cracked. “Omnitrix, Heatblast.” He shifted into a red, rocky creature, whose head was on fire. He threw his arms out, unleashing a torrent of flames. The Kyurem uses Blizzard again, putting out the flames, before using Ancient Power. Jason jumped out of the way, starting to hurl fireballs.

Kyurem uses Blizzard again, before firing an Imprison and Ancient Power one after another.

“Oh you are so dead...” Jason groaned. He returned to normal, cracking his neck. He leapt forward, punching Kyurem in the face, smashing the ice on its body. It rocked back, stunned at the speed, flinching. He kept punching it, shifting through different stances, a glare on his face. The Kyurem stays down, unable to get up under the assault. Jason paused, pulling a sword out of his pocket, plunging it into Kyurem’s skull. The Kyurem exploded into Exp, it all rushing to me as I destroy the last of the minion pokemon here. “That… was annoying...”

“Did you at least have fun?” I asked turning toward him. “Those Snorunt only lasted till you were done because there were so many of them.” I said crossing my arms a bit irritated, pouting.

“Reminded me of playing Project X Zone, overstayed its welcome and the plot was seriously nothing.”

“Really was the game that bad or it just didn’t have a plot and was fun anyway?” I asked floating towards where the two plates were.

“It was a fun game that went on for far too long that's story was just, ‘oh hey new place! Fight bad guys! Bad guys run away’ rinse and repeat.”

“So… to much repetition than?” I asked holding my hand towards the Zap and Icicle plate. They float into my hands, being absorbed into them. I feel Ice and Electric type moves flooding my mind for a bit until they stopped.

“Ahh… new powers, feels good.” I stated, grinning.

“I know the feeling.” Jason nodded, a smile on his face. “Anyway, was this all you needed?”

“Yeah I usually get one or two plates with a displaced before I send them home, if you ever find a Hoopa prison bottle that’s my temporary token until I find my golden one… now I just need the draco plate to restore life.” I start normal muttering the last part to myself.

“Well, good luck with that! Let's go Sonata!” Jason called, the siren floating over. She smiled, hugging him tightly.

“Jason our contract is complete!” I shout to them waving bye. “Also if you wanna wish for anything just call me and I’ll do my best!” He nodded before they vanished in a green flash, the token falling to the ground.

“Well he was nice.” I say to myself, opening a ring to my room and heading through.

After getting to my room I yawn, exhausted for some reason. I throw off my pants, hoodie, and shirt them landing in my closet, before I flop into bed falling straight to sleep after pulling the covers over myself.

A Draconic encounter!

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Yawning, I wake up, knocking the covers off me before they make me fall back to sleep. Being particularly lazy today, I just throw on an over-sized dark purple T-shirt, walking out to my living room and taking a seat on my couch. However, when I sat down, I felt myself sit on something that wasn't a cushion. Looking down, I noticed something that wasn’t there previously. An Onyx colored scale that looked like it was from some kind of dragon.

“Where the hell… I thought these things usually liked hitting people on the head?” I said confused for a moment before shrugging it off and picking up the scale.

It was then that a voice went off inside my head. “I am Ken Ahkrin, The Scalebound. Call upon me if you need some help, advice or want to tip the scales in your favor.” That… caused me to blink a little as I looked back at it.

“That… is the corniest joke ever, of all time.” I said to myself before grinning. “C’mon over Ken I need your help with something!” I shout at the thing waiting for however this displaced travels. However, what I saw next was a small spacial tear open up as the person I was summoning soon landed in front of me. He looked human, but-. Wait, what the hell happened to his right arm!?

“Nice arm.” I said after staring at him a bit, sitting on the couch and waving my legs back and forth a bit. He looked up, noticing me and chuckling a little.

“And just when I thought meeting Zinnia was the tip of the iceberg.” He said to himself, “So… What’s up?”

“Well certainly not you since you’re on the floor and all.” I say smirking down at him. All he did was get up and chuckle a little as he walked over to where I was.

“I meant how are you. So… Pokemon Displaced?”

“Yep!” I exclaimed smiling. “Though I’m the only living thing on the planet at the moment, I just need the Draco Plate then I can start making life around here.”

He nodded his head, looking back at me as the Scalebound began to speak. “I was just curious. I never saw a pokemon like yours before. Is it suppose to be some sort of legendary?”

“Yeah I’m a shiny Hoopa it was in the newest movie I saw just before my displacement, really op can summon and control other legendary pokemon easily there aren’t any alive here TO summon, but I can make bots.” I informed him, shrugging at the end.

“I see… Though, I don’t think you want to be called Hoopa, so what’s your actual name.”

“Well my name now is Itazura but feel free to add chan to that, it means mischief in some other language.” I said smiling for no reason.

“Japanese,” he replied, catching me by surprise. “I know a bit since my name means blade in japanese and my last name is draconic for courage. So, if you put it all together, it means “Blade of Courage”.”

“Well your name wasn’t foreshadowing your situation at all nooo totally not.” I said grinning.

“Heh… hey, before we go hunting for that plate you’re looking for, I’m curious about one thing,” He said to me as he sat down next to me on the couch. “Before meeting me, have you met any other Displaced before me? Because I’m thinking that you’ve met some other before by the way you were acting casual when I landed in here.”

“Yeah I have, I’ve met some Chaotix displaced, I’ve met Vash, this Jason dude, and Zinnia.” I said looking up at him now that he’s next to me.

“You met Zi. Heh, small world. I’ve heard of the other two because they have their own branch in Zi’s hoard, but never met them in person. She’s a good friend… who’s also quite… kinky at times.” He said, looking back at me. “Yeah, she made me the head of my own branch in her hoard after I let her use the dragon temple back in my world as the home of her hoard.” Turning around again, he introduced himself differently this time. “Ken Ahkrin, head of the Kazoku family’s Chroma branch.”

“Itazura-chan, soon to be Goddess of this universe!” I replied, giving my own introduction, grinning.

“Nice to meet you… Now, I was wondering something… Did Zinnia actually offer for you to join her hoard? I was just curious if she did so or not because at times, she distracts herself… a lot.” He sighed, looking back at me. “And define Goddess, I thought that either Celestia, Luna or Arceus would fit that role.”

“Well she didn’t invite me to the hoard but I don’t really mind I’m sure I could probably just ask.” I said shrugging. “And Goddess as in since all three of those pony/pokemon are currently dead in my Equestria due to this place’s magic having been almost completely drained, I’m collecting Arceus’ plates to restore it, Goddess is just an added benefit.”

“Ah okay, that makes sense… You know… I can let you join her hoard as part of my branch if you are okay with that. Maybe after we find that plate and what not, I can show you where I’m from?” He offered. But when he was looking at me, I thought I saw his cheeks blush for a second.

“Why’re ya blushing?” I say, feignin innocence and tilting my curiously.

“Well, one you are kind of… cute like that… Two, your shirt’s rolling up.” He said, turning his head for a second as I looked down.

“So?” I asked, pretending to be naive, internally laughing at this.

“Well… I don’t think it’s your intention to be showing me your privates if that is how you meet someone for the first time.”

“Doesn’t Zinny do that though?” I asked, really getting into the act now.

“Trust me, I’ve had more than one encounter with her…” He replied, now looking back at me. “Wait… are you… coming onto me?”

“What’s that?” I asked again, still pretending to be naive and innocent, nothing showing me to be anything but.

“Seriously? You are not getting any of the signs?” he asked, looking back at me. “Let me ask you this then… Have you ever slept with anyone before?”

“I’ve slept with people when I had nightmares.” I say, somehow managing to keep the facade up during all of this.

“... God, I feel like I need to give the talk to you. I thought that with Zinnia visiting you, I thought she would at least try to have sex with you.” Ken groaned as he looked back at me.

“The talk?” I asked, still managing to keep it up.

“ …… Okay, I know the playful act when I see one.” He said, looking back at me. “You’re flashing your privates and you are acting all innocent when it comes to talking about sex. I know that you aren’t naive, but you are really trying to prove to me otherwise.” It was then that I saw his arm glow a little. “Because my arm pulses every time someone or somepony lies.”

“I don’t think that’d work on me though.” I say still putting on the act. “I subcon..subcous...sub whatever have Magical Coat on at all time, it deflects things like that.” I told him shrugging.

“Right… I’m not trying to harm you or anything… I just know the difference between the truth and a lie. Not to mention that you smell like a few other people besides yourself.”

“Would that have anything to do with the game me Zinn and Vash played a while ago when they were here?” I ask somehow managing to make it convincing.

“Given Zinnia’s tendencies… I would say yes. Trust me on this one…” He said, before the next sentence caught me by surprise. “Hey… if you are up for it… maybe we can play that game later after we get the plate you need.”

“Okay!” I exclaimed, enjoying the ruse immensly with how far it’s gone. “That game was really fun!”

“Yes… I can tell because of how excited you are.” He said, looking back at me. “I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that you know where the plate is… and that something is guarding it?”

“Yeah I can feel where they are, and there’s usually something guarding the plate or plates there… c’mon follow me!” I said cheerfully ‘accidentally’ floating up to eye level with him and superman flying out of my house, in the direction on the plate.

The only thing that I did not expect him to do though was use his own powers like a grappling hook to have him catch up to me… “Geez, you could warn me before you leave like that!”

“Sowwy, err sorry!” I shout back at him, using Psychic to hold him right behind me ‘accidentally’ flashing him again “There save your energy for when we fight the pokebots at the temple!”

“Well, thanks.” He replied, looking back at me.

“No problem!” I said staring ahead, before I get an idea. “Oh, I forgot I have the sky plate I can use Fly!” I exclaimed as I use the move, a golden pair of wings appearing on my back as we rocket forwards towards the temple.

On we landed, I noticed Ken going through his bag, grabbing onto something that I soon realized was a pair of blades. “So, what’s the plan from here?”

“Well,” I started, rocking back and forth on my feet with my hands folded behind my back. “All the pokemon you see in the temple are just bots, so just defeat them. It should be mostly pure dragon types.” I informed him, looking up at him and smiling.

“Okay, let’s go.” He said, waiting for me as we entered the location that the next plate was in.

“We’ll probably fight some minion bots first, so just normals till we get to the boss legendary here.” I added, floating after him. He looked around a bit and turned around for a second and then said something as he heard a noise from farther ahead.

“Watch my back, alright?” He said, his arm glowing a little.

“Okay!” I replied, still acting all innocent and cheery. Up ahead, we see a couple of bots that looked like lower level dragon types. A few bagons, some Gibles and Gabites, Dratini, Axew and lastly… Goomy.

“And here’s the welcoming committee.”

“Awww… they’re so low leveled!” I complained crossing my arms and pouting cutely. “You can fight ‘em, they can’t do anything to me.”

“Wait for it…” He said, looking back at the group. Almost immediately, they came at us, some of them evolving shortly before charging in. A few Garchomps, Goodra’s and even a Salamence had entered the fray now. “You just had to jinx it, did you?”

“There still weak to me.” I grumble to myself silently, absentmindedly launching a PsyBeam at the Salamance, destroying it in one hit exploding into Exp. Ken himself was fighting against some of the Garchomps, but turned to me immediately, “Behind you!”

Before I turned around, I felt a sharp twitch of pain as I looked to see that a Garchomp had hit me… with Shadow Claw no less.

“Ow, that stung!” I shouted at it, getting mad. I’m surrounded by a black aura, enraged. “Take this you stupid bot!” I shouted, striking the dragon type with a Aqua Tail, A golden-blue tail appearing to do so. The Garchomp is launched back, into a wall before exploding into Exp, it heading straight to me like always.

When I looked back, Ken had just about finished up with almost everything else. Now holding a different weapon in the form of a polearm instead of two swords. “Ready to proceed?”

I pant a bit as I calm down, the aura leaving me. “Yeah I’m fine…” I grumbled out, extremely annoyed for some reason.

“You okay? That attack must’ve hurt you a lot. Here,” He said, grabbing a crystal out of his bag before cracking it open, letting the green and blue energy inside seep into my wounds. To my surprise, it was actually healing me. “Feeling better?”

“Yeah… stupid type advantage as soon as I can, I’m getting the ghost plate so this isn’t a problem anymore.” I stated loudly, muttering to myself half way through.

“Right… Hey, is that the door to the Boss Room that you were saying about?” Ken asked, pointing at a nearby door. “It looks like it needs a key.”

I blink in surprise staring at the door. “Huh… that’s new the other temples didn’t need keys to the boss room.” I said confused at this.

“Hmm…” The Scalebound thought to himself, looking back at me before heading to a nearby wall before putting his arm to it before pouring some energy into it and causing the wall to blast. Inside, was the key, guarded by two Salamence.

“And there’s a boss to the key… Zelda much?” He sighed, before looking at me. “We don’t have time for this now, do we?”

“I got it.” I sighed, using Psychic and crushing the two salamence, and bringing the key to myself. Bringing it over to the door, the key released the seal as we walked into the huge and expansive room. In the center was the Altar where the plate was held. Thinking that it was up for the taking, I tried going forward, only to have Ken’s hand block me.

“Not yet… We got company… And this time… Three’s a crowd.” He told me, gripping his weapon tighter.

“Ugh, is it who I think it is?” I ask myself, annoyed now. I look up above the altar, and saw exactly what pokemon I thought they were. The first one letting out an ominous Roar of Time as it made it’s entrance on the left, followed by the next one crashing in through the left and the final one floating up above the Altar where the plate was.

“Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina.” Ken grinned, “My, does this bring back memories of the good old days.”

“Well… this will be fun at least.” I say watching the three carefull. “You got any allies from your world that want’s to fight a dragon?” I asked, glancing at him.

“I would, but my marefriend is resting and my dragon partner is too big to fit in here. If Revaan came, the whole place would be crashing down on our heads.” He said, looking back at Dialga first as his spare hand went into his bag. However, what confused me was hearing a brief Click beforehand. “I’ll take the left?”

“Well if you want the place bigger I’m sure I could… expand the temple’s size a bit.” I start before staring at Giratina. “And I’ll take Giratina, summon your dragon pal as I make the room bigger.”

“Oh trust me, I have more tricks up my sleeve right now. He’ll be a last resort if we need it.” Ken then charged in, dodging the incoming Aura Sphere’s that were coming in his direction. But that was when I saw him unholster something from his bag. It was a hand cannon and given that his dragon arm was glowing while he was holding it, he was firing shots of energy from his arm towards the Legendary as he tried to get closer.

“Let’s rumble!” I shouted, charging at Giratina. It uses, Dragon Breath. I narrowly dodge it, but it singed me a bit on my arm but missing my shirt. I use Ice Punch while I’m close, hitting it before backing off and firing an Aurora Beam, damaging it greatly. Ken on the other hand, was pinning his opponent down. But there was something I noticed with his tactics though. They weren’t just ordinary moves… They resemble Pokemon moves! He was firing Aura Spheres back at Dialga, his current weapon was what I saw as Sacred Sword and now, as he was charging his next shot, it looked… like Focus Blast.

“Eat this!” He shouted, just as Dialga knocked him back with one of it’s own moves. As he was thrown back, the shot was first and it struck Dialga, gravely harming it before it fell to the ground. When he looked at me though, he didn’t seem relieved. In fact, his look like a few minutes ago with… Oh not again!!

I turn around just in time to see Palkia’s Spacial Rend coming at me, hitting me and splitting my shirt in two, it falling off and tearing to shreds.

“Aaah!” I yell in shock and surprise, covering myself with my hands as I glare at the Palkia, the aura from before returning.

“Take this!” I shout at it, firing off a overcharge Psybeam at it and Giratina, obliterating both and absorbing the Exp. As Ken got back onto his feet, he grabbed the plate and gave it to me.

“You alright? That’s Twice now that I’ve seen a shadowy aura around you when you react to being attacked.” He looked at me, then sighing a little. “Well, we got the plate, we should return to your home.”

“Y-yeah.” I said, blushing furiously letting the plate absorb itself into me, the aura vanishing.

“You know… You look really cute without the shirt.” He said, chuckling a little. “No wonder Zi must’ve liked you.”

My blush increases at this, not used to being complimented much. “T-thanks.” I stuttered, still covering myself.

“I’m going to guess you’re going to use Teleport or something?”

“U-um… I can’t do that it’s a psychic type move, and I don’t have that plate yet.” I said to him, before making the ring on my left horn float in front of us. “But I can warp through my rings.”

“Ah, well, that’s very handy.” He said, smiling again. “Come on, let’s warp back to your home… and maybe… you might be interested in playing that game again.”

“Y-yeah… I guess Palkia helped a bit with that huh?” I asked, making a blue portal appear in the ring, floating through and ending up at my house.

“Yeah, but you are what’s beautiful in my book. Not the one that tried to kill us.” He said, now taking off his shoulderbag and jacket. “So… I’m going to assume that you are ready to play?”

“Well if you wanna pway… I mean play, in my living room, then yeah.” I said, nervously starting to remove my hands, still pretending to be naive.

“Your living room? Well, I thought you would be… more comfortable with playing here.” He smiled, now removing his shirt as I looked at his chest. There were a few scars on it, but overall, it was very well toned.

“You look handsome!” I said smiling up at him.

“Why thank you… I don’t hear that a lot these days.” He told me, trying to undo his jeans. “Now, since I’m assuming you know what the game is… should I let you do the next part or wait til I undress first?”

“I can do it!” I said, walking up to him and pulling down his jeans. “See?”

“Well, you may act like a child, but you do know how to get to the point.” He chuckled, setting his pants to the side as he dropped his undergarments to the floor, letting me look at his hardening shaft as it stood up to 13 inches in length. “Now… How should we begin our… playtime?”

“Well… Vash liked it when used my mouth to suck on his lollipop.” I told him, opening my mouth and sticking out my tongue. He grinned a little, bending over and kissing me first.

“Well, if you want to do whatever is comfortable for you… Be my guest.” He said, which in my mind was all systems go for what came next.

I lick his cock head first, twirling my tongue around it, getting use to him. Soon, after a little bit and me hearing him groan a little in pleasure, I decided to step up my game a little. I put the cock head in my mouth, sucking on it and licking the underside of his dick. This in turn provided another moan, but not as good as the others. Something seemed wrong.

“Is that all you can intake?” He asked, trying his best not to sound rude. “I don’t want to hurt you, but it may be a while before anything happens since you only are taking the tip of the spear right now.”

I look up at him, seeming to grin at the corner of my mouth before I shapeshift myself a bit, unnoticed by him, and take half of it in one go. He was caught off guard by that as I moved my head up and down his shaft, trying to please him all the same as his moans grew louder.

Next I shift my tongue, making it longer and wrapping it around the dick in my mouth, jerking it off with my tongue and grabbing the lower half with my hand to make sure the rest of him gets pleasure. During this though, I felt the hand from his Dragon arm grab my head and hold me as I sucked him off. “C-close…” He could barely say, just as I felt his warm seed flood my mouth. About half way through, I pull myself back, shifting myself back as I do and getting some on my face.

“Well… How was that?” He asked me, “I didn’t go too rough on you with me grabbing your head now… did I?”

I swallowed what’s in my mouth, looking up at him with an adorable smile. “No I’m a pokemon, so I’m super tough!” I told him. “And thanks for the cweam, it’s yummy!”

“Right… Would being a pokemon explain your mouth shapeshifting on me?” He asked. “I felt your throat change during that… encounter. Almost when Zinnia changes into her dragon form.”

“That’s mostly instinct. My Displacer’s a succubus, vampire, void dweller so I think that’s where it’s from.” I told him, still with cum on my face. That was until he wiped it off and pulled me into a kiss for a moment as I saw his cock harden again.

“I think I see why… So, are you ready for another go? Maybe we’ll do something different this time.”

“Okay what do you wanna do?” I ask, before getting an idea and, without him noticing, add something to myself before he can sense it.

“Well, that depends… You did something without me looking, didn’t you?” He said, looking back at me.

“I just loosened myself a lil for whatever you wanna do.” I told him, partially truthful since I had to make sure his dick would fit. His arm glowed again as he was now over me, his cock closing in on my nethers. That was… until he lowered his head to mine… and licked at where my breasts were.

“I don’t want you feeling left out of pleasure for what comes next,” He said, noticing the rings I had on my nipples. “Well… I wonder now…” He was thinking a bit, before pulling a little at the one on my right.

I moan a bit in pleasure, blushing a little. It was during this moment that he slipped inside of me, unexpectedly as I felt his big size enter me. Despite what I added, I wasn’t sure if he would be… convinced of what I had in store for him as he looked over me. “You know… I know you’re playing me with the cute act… but I kind of like it…” He said, his cock pulsing inside me now, but he didn’t begin just yet. “Should I start slow or just go straight out the gate?”

“S-slow.” I tell him, grunting a bit in pain. “I didn’t think of the pain.”

“No worries…” He spoke, pushing forward slowly as the walls I had set up came crashing down. We both cried out for a little bit, but he didn’t continue or move or anything. I think he was waiting for me to tell him if I was ready or not. “You okay?”

I wait a little, getting used to his dick, wrapping my legs around him as much as I can. I nodded my head, a sign for him to start slowly moving as he began to thrust his cock into me. As we continued, he quickened his pace and to my surprise, he was growing a little inside of me. Plunging into my depths as all I could do was enjoy this feeling.

I make myself vibrate a little, trying to add to the pleasure as I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him. As we kissed, I felt him slam into me harder and with greater force than before, almost like he was wrecking my insides. My, he was giving me the ride of my life and I was just barely hanging onto him. I j-just… didn’t want this to end.

I moan a bit into the kiss in pleasure and a little pain, hooking my legs behind his back and bringing him closer. During this though, I felt his arms move as he was grabbing the rings on my nipples, messing with them as he continued to slam into me. “Y-you close?”

“Y-yes I have been for a little now, I have amazing control so just tell me when so we can cum together.” I tell him, before going back to kissing him, nibbling on his lip a bit.

“T-then let’s finish together…” He said, before pulling me in for a deep kiss, almost making me lose control as his dick pulsed inside of me, releasing his warm seed as my walls clamped around him.

I screamed in pleasure, pulling him closer to me as we came, kissing him back, and letting our love juices mix. His erection began to shrink a little as he was catching his breath, looking at me with a smirk. “An innocent Hoopa like you and you know how to have sex? Heh… I like it when you play cute.” He tickled my nose a little, but he didn’t pull out yet. “Are you interested in playing again?”

I giggled a bit at his tickles, still acting cute. “Well… maybe right before I leave your world.”

Ken just chuckled a little, slowly pulling out as he patted me on the head. “We’ll see… Do you have a shower by chance? I might need to clean myself up.”

“I don’t but I could make one real quick.” I informed him floating up a bit. “Just let me pick a room to make it in.”

“Maybe in your bathroom… If you have one of those.”

“Well I don’t need one, but I’ll make one I guess… hey think we could trick the people of your world into thinking I’m just some little girl?” I asked him grinning at the idea, before floating off to make the bathroom.

Picking a random door to my left, I go in. Looking around at the bare room, I shrugged, focusing a little. In a flash of gold, I reshaped some of the crystals into pipes, using a concentrated Ember to sanitise the insides before forming a shower, bathtub and sink. I even made a toilet, just to be considerate, connecting all of the piping to a large cavern I formed underground, filling it with water.

“Alright. Thanks!” He said, walking in and closing the door behind him. I heard the shower running for like three minutes before it stopped. Then, I heard the Scalebound speak again. “Hey, do you have any towels so I can dry off?”

I roll my eyes, having cleaned myself while he was in there, and my eyes flash golden, a pink towel appearing on his head.

“Thanks again.” He replied. Drying off took another minute or two before he put his clothes back on, returning back outside fully dressed. “Alright. You ready to go?”

“In a bit, are we gonna be tricking your friends or not? Because I think it would be hilarious.” I told him floating at eye level to him.

“Not exactly. My marefriends resting, but I have a feeling that someone else is there already.” He said, using his own scale to open a rift. “Ready to go to the temple?”

“Well if you haven’t noticed I haven’t gotten dressed yet.” I deapan at him.

“I thought you would get dressed while I was in the shower.” He mentioned to me

“Well I can just do this.” I told him, snapping my fingers and making a purple dress appear on me, with dark purple underwear underneath, actually bothering to put on little light purple shoes.

“How do I look?” I asked him, doing a little twirl mid-air.

“Quite beautiful, Lady Itazura.” He said, rubbing my head. Only this time, he messed with the horns on my head.

“Hey, don’t mess with those!” I squeaked out, blushing as I knock his hand away.

“Well, looks like someone is a little sensitive… Better make a mental note of that later.” He smirked. Offering a hand, he allowed me to follow him through the rift he conjured, me having landed when he messed with my horns. “Shall we?”

“Sure.” I told him, smiling cutely up at him. We then walked through the Rift and out the other side, where we appeared inside what looked like an ancient underground temple. Where there was torches on certain pillars, but it was mostly lit by a vibrant energy that was in the air. And boy, was this place… amazing.

“Welcome back Ken,” I heard from out left, turning to see a pony without a horn and a Stetson hat on her hat. Seeing me hide a little behind Ken, she lowered her head to my level and smiled. “Who’s this little cutie?”

“That is Itazura. And don’t let her appearance fool you. She is quite… mischievous.” He said, having the pony look back at him before she looked back at me.

“H-hi.” I said shyly waving a bit.

“Hello, little one. Name’s Applejack. But most ponies call me AJ,” She said before looking at me. “Oh and Ken, we had a visitor while you were out… She’s been waiting for you.”

“Wait… She?”

“I smell a Scalebound!” a familiar voice called out playfully, and seconds later Ken was grabbed by a purple blur, being carried into the air. The blur slowed down, revealing Zinnia, cuddling Ken close.

“Hello to you too Zi…” He said, looking at her. “Could you loosen your grip, you startled Ita.”

The Draconid paused, glancing down at me before bursting into laughter. “So you met her, huh?” she asked, chuckling as she set Ken down. “Dude, I’m gonna say one thing that lets you know I won’t scare her - her tongue’s amazing.”

“Trust me, she wanted to play earlier.” Ken sighed, looking down at me. “For putting on the cute act, she is one mischievous goddess… Makes me think of a female Loki.” With that, he paused again, looking back at Zi. “Which reminds me… I was going to ask if she wanted to join my branch of the hoard… if that is okay with you of course.”

Zinnia sighed, rolling her eyes dramatically. “We’ve been over this, Ken,” she replied. “You don’t need to ask me. Although...” she smirked, glancing at me before continuing. “You should know she does already belong to someone.”

“Wait… she does…” Ken said, now narrowing his eyes as he looked back at me. “Ita… why did you not mention this before?”

I mumbled something to low to hear, looking at the ground and kicking it a bit.

“She belongs to my Displacer,” Zinnia chuckled. “I don’t think you’ve met her yet Ken.”

“Well, she told me about her. Succubus, vampire and Void Dweller. But not a name… You think I could ask her about this? She’s… kind of like a child to look over. One that needs guidance like another Displaced I met named Gregar. Trust me, we had to fight Dialga, Palkia and Giratina.”

“It was fun…” I mumbled to myself, barely audible to everyone else.

“What was that?” Zinnia asked, smirking at me. “You had fun, did you?”

“Ah’m just gonna lay down for a bit. Headache’s killin’ me.” Applejack replied as she trotted off into another section of the temple. Leaving just the three of us.

“Okay AJ,” The Scalebound said, before looking back at Zinnia. “That was a yes… Though, I highly doubt Palkia tearing off your shirt is what you call fun Ita.”

“Yeah… I hated that, stupid Palki-bot.” I grumbled to myself, crossing my arms and pouting cutely.

“You know,” Zinnia chuckled again. “Sometimes having your shirt ripped off can be fun.” She giggled a bit before pausing, frowning suddenly. “Don’t get any ideas you two. I’m abstinent until the kid’s born.”

“Trust me, I wasn’t thinking of it…” Ken replied. Folding his arms for a bit as he looked down at me.

I whistled innocently, rocking back and forth on my feet and looking around.

“Though… Itazura was wanting some fun for if she is good before going back to her world. I want to help her, so I thought I would get to know her better by… well… bonding with her.” The Scalebound smiled, looking back at Zinnia after looking at me.

“Hey Zinn, wanna fight a creation trio bot?” I asked suddenly looking excited at the idea of the fight.

“Maybe another time, Ita-Chan,” the Draconid chuckled. “I could use the training. But I gotta get home, I’ve been here a while and the family’s probably worried.” With that, she whistled loudly, the Void Dragon appearing out of the ground and allowing her to hop onto it’s head. “Later guys!”

“Later Zi!” Ken waved goodbye.

“Bye bye Zi!” I said waving cutely, still acting just because I can. Shortly afterwards, Ken looked down at me and smiled a bit.

“So… are you ready for a tour of my home?”

“Yeah, let’s see your pwace!” I said, not noticing my slip.

“Heh… Alright, but just be aware. Not everything has been explored yet. Some parts of the temple are undiscovered while others are for people like Zi who are members of the hoard.” He said back to me. “Where do you want to start first?”

“Anywhere’s okay...and sowwy about not telling you about Patty.” I started loud, going quite at the end. We made our way across the temple starting from the front and making our way around the place Ken called home. From the Archives where his dragon friend Revaan was resting, the kitchen and dining hall that was very big (like Hogwarts BIG) and the temple’s training ground to the village of Obsidian Hollow that was not far away. After touring the place though, we then went back into the temple, where Ken took me into another room. However, this one was one that I had not seen before earlier on the tour. It was fresh and the bed looked like it’s sheets were made of scarlet. With a walk in closet nearby and a bathroom that looked like it was the restroom of kings. Though… I was curious on what this room actually was as he closed the door behind us and hung up his jacket.

“What’s this room?” I asked, tilting my head cutely.

“This?” He first spoke, before chuckling a little. “This is my own room. If you were wanting to be part of the hoard, I can help get you a room just like this… or we can find a way to have you come here from your world as well.” As he set down his bag and walked closer, he then said one thing that got my hopes up. “You have been very good today-.”

“Weally?” I said, excited, my emotions making me slip in my younger form.

“Yes, but before any fun and games… I would like the chance to get to know you a little more…” He told me, offering a spot on the mattress for me to sit on. “Every Displaced has a story to tell, including one of what life was like before becoming a Displaced. What’s your story, Ita?”

“Well,” I started, straining a bit to remember for some reason as I take a cute thinking pose. “My life was kinda… boring. Before, there wasn’t anything special about me except that I had aspergers and a bit of multiple personality disorder, though no one knew the second cause we mostly acted the same and seem to have merged since coming here. One night, I was just sitting in the living room, my Mom was out, before I hear glass break and I passed out. It’s a bit hazy after that, and when I came to all the way I was being sent away to Equestria by Patty.”

“I see… My story is… well different. I lived in San Francisco for most of my life, living with my father. My mother… well… I haven’t seen her face in years since she started working overseas. However, I got Displaced when I got myself a silver heirloom that was a wristband of a dragon. However, as I had it on, it slowly shedded the skin off my arm, replacing it with scales as my vision went black. When I woke up, I found myself with Revaan and from there… I’ve been trying to help him start over. He’s the last Onyx Dragon there is in this world… and I’m trying to help him bring them back…” He stopped for a moment, looking back at me as he deeply sighed. “Ita… if you had a choice… would you want to see your parents again? I’m just curious… That’s all.”

“Well if I wanted I’m sure I could just find the world and make a ring to there, but I’m sure they're fine without me, I haven’t really talked to them in a while… I haven’t talked to anyone in a while.” I said, getting sorta depressed near the end.

“Hey,” he said, putting a hand on my shoulder. “I didn’t mean to make you upset… I’m sorry if that was too personal. I just… have that feeling of what would my parents think if they know I’m gone… you know? But hey, you’re talking to me… and I see you as a very good friend.”

“Who you’ve ‘played’ with.” I said, turning to look at him and grinning.

“You just get straight to the point now, do you?” He said, looking back at me. “To be honest, being here has changed how I view things… Now… are you ready to play again?”

“I kinda wanna beat up Palkia again first.” I said shrugging. “Maybe your dragon partner would be up for fighting Giratina?”

“Really? You always sound like you want to work before play…” He paused for a minute, looking back at me with a grin on his face. “Work… before play… Oh I got a perfect idea now…” With it, he took off his shirt and unbuckled his pants as he let his clothes drop to the floor. “Would you need me to remove the dress? Because if not, then you might need to get me ready beforehand first.” At this, I look down, noticing his shaft… wasn’t standing upright like before… That though, I can fix.

“I think it might be a little sexy if I keep my dwess on for this first bit, I can always summon another just like it.” I said. leaning close to his shaft and grabbing it with my right hand. “Now let’s wake this guy up shall we?”

“Oh you know exactly how to make things kinky… One thing first.” He said, snapping his fingers as a silver like glow emerged from his hands and encased the entire room before it went transparent. “Soundproof barrier. Therefore, you can make as much noise as you want and no one else has to hear us.”

“Good, it would've been annoying if someone walked in on us.” I said, moving my hand back and forth a bit. I felt him groan a bit as his shaft began to grow, taking form into the beast that he pounded me with earlier. It took only a matter of seconds to wake it up. Now it was time to make it roar.

Opening my mouth, I immediately began taking the first couple inches, licking the head as I do, looking up at him. He just grinned a bit, leaning over a little bit as he managed to find the zipper for the dress I was wearing, pulling the zipper down as I continued to play with his rod.

I squeaked a bit in surprise around his rod, shifting my throat in preparation to take it down my throat as I did. I heard him groan a little in pleasure above me as he finished with the zipper, pulling my dress down and exposing my body. “You’re beautiful with and without the dress, Ita.” He said, kissing my forehead before I felt his fingertips rubbing my horns.

I blushed a bit in embarrassment, before deciding not to be outdone, I take half of his cock in my throat, look up at him cutely and moaning. Getting my moans, he rubbed the horns even more. Like he was massaging them. Oh man, if he keeps this up, I’ll be cumming before he does!

Upping my game, I vibrate my tongue as I shift it, wrapping it around what’s in my mouth as I grab the rest of him in both hands and vibrate those as well. But with it though, I noticed something. He was moving up and… now was thrusting into my mouth!

I gagged a bit in surprise at the sudden thrust, before increasing my ministrations, and upping my vibration. With it, I felt his cock twitch as he pulled out, covering me in a rain of his sticky seed as the vibes from my horns triggered my own release down below, staining my panties.

“Well, there’s a mess for the dress.” He sighed, pulling it off of me and setting it on the floor. “And it seemed like someone was enjoying themselves. Did the horns do the trick?”

“Y-yeah.” I stuttered, blushing. “My horns and my nipple rings seem to be my weakness.” I said, before getting a grin. “It looks like I’ve been naughty.” I said showing him my stained panties as I lay back.

“You can say that…” He grinned. Making his way to those panties, the Scalebound pulled them off, tossing them aside. “Now… maybe we should try something new for this time around… turn over.”

“Are you going to punish me?” I asked, grinning as I get on my hands and knees, shaking my cute little ass at him.

“You may see it as punishment, but I see it as a learning experience… But…” As he spoke, he was now leaning over me, his erect shaft near my entrance and his head by mine as I felt his hands on my shoulders. “Before we learn anything… I want to see how much you want it… Tell me… what do you want now, Itazura? In this moment, what do you want from me?”

“I want you to punish me Ken, punish me and fuck me silly!”

“Oh now… I would… But you forgot to add something to that…” He said, denying me the pleasure that I just wanted so badly.

“What is it? Please anything I want to be punished and fucked until I can’t think anymore.” I exclaimed, my body betraying me slightly.

He then grinned as he whispered something in my ear. “You see… Just say… Please.” With that, I felt his shaft penetrate my walls as I screamed from the initial entrance. With it though, he then told me something else. “Lie down… I’ll be doing all the work.”

Not wanting his cock out of me, I just let my upper half fall to the floor, brushing against my nipples and making me moan. It was then that I felt his hands latch onto my horns as he began to move his hips. “Even though it’s a punishment in your book for all the acts you’ve been playing today, I’ll make this good for the both of us.” He whispered as I felt his cock slam deeper into me, reaching depths I never thought was possible.

I moaned in pleasure, not able to concentrate enough to vibrate myself, so I just clench my walls around him, trying to milk him for all he’s got. He seem to have felt it though as he soon moved a hand from my left horn and smacked me in the ass. “Now now… I never said you can try to rush me, did I?”

I gasped a bit in shock before moaning in pleasure and pain, loosening myself around him, drooling a bit. I felt his hand return to my other horn, causing me to return to nirvana as I felt him inside me. This continued on for quite a while. But it was when I felt him quicken his pounding that I heard him speak again.

“A-almost there…” He said, turning my head as he pulled me into a kiss. I was screaming to the heavens until he pulled me in, causing us to brace for impact as he and I came alongside each other. As we both came down from our peaks, he slipped out, looking back at me a bit nervously.

“Sorry if I went a little… too rough on you. Technically, I have not tried being that dominant in the bedroom before…” He then looked at me, more specifically, my cum stained snatch. “You’re not getting pregnant now, are you?”

“I-it’s okay, sometimes I like it rough.” I tell him, my ass still in the air and my pussy dripping. “And why do you think I made my body so young? I can’t get pregnant like this, and even then I can control when I’m ready to or not.”

“Oh good… I was wondering because I can only impregnate humans and dragons,” Ken said to me as I laid down on the bed next to him. “I didn’t know with you being a legendary pokemon that you were somehow… an exception to the rule.”

“I could be if I wanted to.” I told him, sleepily looking up at him. “Mind if I use your shower before I go? I need to save my energy to ring myself back.”

“It’s alright. Also, do you have a token by any chance. I know a trick to getting yourself back that may be easier than using your powers all the time.” He said to me as he was wiping himself off and putting back on his clothes. “Remember when I used my scale to make a rift to come here? It’s like that, but with any token you come across.”

“I have a temporary token that’s a plastic prison bottle till I find my own.” I told him as I muster the energy to get up, heading to the shower.

“Hey, you know… Let’s make this easier.” He said, walking over and picking me up like a bride on her wedding day. “If you have that token, I can set you on your bed so you can rest and regain your energy. Just call it a final way to help you out before we part ways for the time being.”

“Nah I’ll just portal above my couch, it feels closer.”

“Alright, whatever you say,” He said, letting me go as I went to take a shower. As I was finishing up and about to head home, I handed him my own token before he said one last thing to me.

“Hey Ita… Anytime you need any help at all, just give me a call and I can lend a hand… You’re more than just a person… or a pokemon to me…” He said, waving goodbye as I heard him say two final words. “You’re family.”

I fell through my portal, landing on the couch and passing out, my ring barely making it onto my horn again before blackness engulfs me.

Interlude 2:Decoration and Training

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I yawned, waking from my short nap on my couch. I looked around, not all the way up yet.

“Well… I barely feel any better, should probably take a break from plate hunting for today.” I said to myself, sitting up and stretching. I floated outside, looking around and cringing a bit at how lifeless my little part of the world was.

“I… should really fix this place.” I mumbled to myself, eyes glowing in preparation for what I was going to do. A pulse of energy comes from me, spreading about, revitalising the area for about ten miles all around me.

Grass sprouts in the whole area, making it look much better than it did before. I look up, realising the sky is still mostly dust, and another pulse comes from me, clearing it all in the same area as before.

Grinning at how easy it’s been making my area better, I next make some clouds in the sky, and a small lake or two in my area. Looking around I smile, seeing how much better the area is now with actual life, feeling a certain Tree gaining some power at the edge of my area.

Getting an idea from A game I played, I raised the whole area up into the sky, the Tree of Harmony keeping it there, it now my private space in the sky. I look around at my grassland in the sky, wandering a bit and planting various random things around my island making sure to plant some pumpkins close by my house for… reasons.

“Well… that was really easy now what do I do with my day off?” I asked myself at a loss as to what to do now.

“Hmm… “ I hummed to myself, thinking of what I could do now. “I know I could see if a token could help with my… memory problem I seem to be having.” I said to myself, skipping back to my house to grab a random token since there’s actually grass now.

“Which wone which wone…” I sang to myself, already falling into ‘child mode’ as I like to call it as I rummaged through my drawer. “Thwis wone!” I exclaimed grabbing an Onyx scale and using it to summon whoever it was.

Turns out, it was someone I knew quite well. “Ita? Well, that’s a surprise.” A couple memories coming back I remembered who it was. It was Ken. Oh yes! I’m glad to have picked him.

“Hwi Kwen!” I said, waving at him from below, having changed into a dark pink loli dress, with light purple school uniform shoes and white panties with a teddy bear face on.

“Hey youngster!” He chuckled. “Whatcha up to? Nothing bad I hope.”

“Wook outswide!” I said, giggling cutely in anticipation. Raising an eyebrow and then looking at his arm, he then turned to look outside and see what I had in store for him.

“What would you like to show me, Ita?”

“Fwollow!” I exclaimed, grabbing his hand and pulling him outside.

“H-hey there! Take it… easy.” Once outside, I had him look at the little piece of paradise that was outside. From the fresh green grass to the plants and flowers that were in full bloom. “Did you do this?” He asked, a bit shocked and also… surprised.

“Weah I ownwy had enough energwy for this awea bwut it’s bwetter, wight?” I asked beaming up at him.

“Yeah. You're right… I’m really proud of you Ita. For your name being mischief, you are being quite responsible for someone who’s going to be a future goddess.” He said, tickling me along my belly.

I giggle-laughed, falling onto the grass from the playful tickles he was giving me blushing a bit. All he did was sit down on the grass, noticing my blush as he looked back at me. “Oh? Did you like me tickling you?”

“W-wes, mwore!” I said through my laughter, my eyes closed from how much I was laughing. He then proceeded to continue with the tickles, causing me to ball up and roll on the ground in laughter as I continued to giggle through the whole experience. He then took a finger from his dragon arm and used it to tap me on the nose. Messing with me a little more.

“You really are cute when you laugh like that.” He said, rubbing my head a little, but not touching the horns this time around.

“K-kwen, I-i cwan’t bweath.” I gasped out through my laughter, still blushing. This in turn, caused for him to stop with the tickles. Giving me a chance to catch my breath and calm down a bit.

After having caught my breath, I look at him, grinning mischievously and cutely, pouncing him and attacking him with my own tickles.

“Woah, hey-!” He replied, caught off guard by my sudden movements. However, I couldn’t get much out of him. “You’re very eager to try and get me back now, aren’t you?”

Realising that he won’t be laughing from this anytime soon, I crossed my arms and pouted. This though, caused him to actually laugh though as he hugged me into his body. Curling me like a child. Which is ironic since I was in child mode. “It’s alright, Ita. Maybe next time… Though, I was wondering the reason why you called me here. Was it to train, or did you want to play some more?”

“I was bwored, we cwould do bwoth.” I said, cutely beaming at the suggestion, snuggling into his hold. He smiled a little, setting me down as he looked back at me.

“Well, which one do you want to do first?” He asked. “Because if you want… I can always introduce you to a friend of mine.”

“Is it ywour dwagon fwiend?” I asked looking up at him and tilting my head cutely.

“Why yes actually…” He said, grabbing the onyx scale as a tear in the void opened up. Soon, a massive Onyx dragon that was the same color as his arm stepped forth, turning his head to notice us. Ken was right about how big he was, that was for certain.

“Ken, were you summoned just to babysit the little one?” He asked, lowering his head down to my level.

“I dwon’t nweed a bwabysitter!” I exclaimed, huffing and crossing my arms with a pout as I turn my head away from the dragon.

“Ita, be nice.” Ken told her, looking back at the dragon. “She’ll be the goddess of this world one day and also a member of the hoard possibly.”

“Well, I never knew you had to raise a godling.”

“Not really raise, so to speak,” He clarified. “She’s in a… child like state right now. Don’t worry, it’s normal.”

While they were talking I had a idea. Getting a mischievous grin, I take the ring from my left horn, raising it above the two and summon a Shiny Rayquaza bot, having it roar as it comes out of my ring.

“Like I said, normal.” He said again. “She can use her rings to summon other creatures that Zinnia and I are familiar with called Pokemon.”

“I see. A very powerful ability in itself.” He complimented. Finally, some respect I deserve!! “Well, if that’s all you need to tell me about, I will return to the temple. I was trying to teach my son how to control his change in size and appearance.”

“Maybe… Right now though, I think Ita want’s to see how you can handle yourself in a fight.” Ken told him as the Rayquaza was preparing itself to attack.

“... Well, maybe just one go can do the trick.” He smirked, preparing himself as he took off in the air and tackled the legendary dragon head on.

The Rayquaza spun around the dragons charge, using Extreme Speed to get behind him quickly. But a quick motion from Revaan had his tail smacking the Rayquaza in it’s face. Before the dragon tried to breathe out a plume of fire.

Seeing this, the Rayquaza fired a Hyper Beam barely missing the fire as it headed straight towards the Onyx dragon. It clipped him in the shoulder, but when I looked at Ken, I noticed him grabbing the same shoulder that Revaan was struck… What was going on with those two?

Deciding to ignore it and continue watching the battle, I see my Rayquaza glow, it Mega Evolving. The Mega Rayquaza uses Dragon Pulse and Fly moving constantly to be harder to hit. Revaan himself though, seemed to be paying attention to his movements as he dodged the blast before grabbing the Rayquaza and threw it like a spear into the dirt. But what came next was when surprised me. It looked like a powerful version of Fire Blast. But a lot stronger than normal.

Seemingly shrugging off the hit, the Mega Rayquaza uses Hyperbeam at point blank, firing off a Air Slash right behind it. Revaan took the blast head on, but that in turn caused Ken to drop to one knee. Coughing up some blood through gritted teeth

“Kwen!” I shouted, worried as I rushed over to him. “What hwappened?” I asked him, panicking a tiny bit.

“Yeah… Something I should’ve warned you… Anything that Revaan or I feel is shared between us. So if Revaan gets hurt… so do I.”

A bit surprised at this, I turned to the battle. “STOP!” I shouted, the Mega Rayquaza freezing midair at my command. I dismissed the bot, it simply vanishing, before I turned to Kens dragon friends floating up to him.

“Hwey, what’s hwurt?”

“Just the shoulder and chest. Nothing a little rest can’t help with-.”

“Nwo I gwot this.” I told the dragon, using Heal Order, concentrating it on his shoulder and chest to make sure they get the most of the healing.

The dragon himself was surprised. “Wow… That felt… rejuvenating.” He said, turning to me. “Thank you.” He said, poking my belly with a talon.

I giggled at this, the poke tickling me a bit. “Nwo pwoblem, want somethwing to eat?” I asked giving a cute smile at the praise.

“It’s alright, little one. I think I’ve had plenty of help. Just take care of my partner alright?”

I giggled again, grining. “Hwo nweeds a bwabysitter now?” I asked sarcastically, floating down to Ken.

“Oh haha…” He said, rolling his eyes a little as he let Revaan return back to his world. “So… Now what do you want to do?”

“Well… I kwinda hwurt wou and wour dwagon fwiend… swo I thwink I shwould pwobably pwunished, weally this twime not pway punish.” I told him, blushing a bit at the suggesting and scuffing my foot a bit on the grass.

“Honestly, you shouldn’t blame yourself. Besides, it was something I forgot to tell you. You’re not at fault for this Ita.” He said, patting my head a little.

“I knwow… I jwust fweel like I should bwe thwough…” I told him, looking down at my feet with my hands crossed in front of me.

“Hey, don’t beat yourself up over it. Besides, it was only just a little bit of pain. Nothing major.” He said.

“I know jwust...pwease?” I asked him looking up at him cutely. He sighed a little, looking back at me before looking around.

“Where do you want to be punished?” He asked. “You are insisting on it and I’ll do it just this time. So where would you like to do it?”

“Well…” I started, blushing more. “When Pwatty dwid it, it was a spwanking.” I told him, looking back down and blushing more.

“Oh? and Who’s Patty?” He said. “Your Displacer Succubus friend?”

“Well… when I’m wike twis I cwall her ‘Mommy’.” I told him, blushing even more now.

“Maybe we should see what Mommy has to say… unless you want me to do it instead.”

“I would Bwig bwutha, bwut I dwunno how to cwontact her.” I said, it taking a second before I realise what I just said my eyes widening a bit.

“Hold on… did you just… call me big brother?” Ken asked. “You think of me as a brother?”

“Mwaby jwust a wittle bit.” I mumbled, my voice lowering in volume as the sentence goes on, my blush increasing a bit. However, all that did was have him pull me in and hug me close.

“I never thought that you would see me as a sibling… If you want… I can let you be a sister in my family… That way you aren’t alone.”

I said nothing, just nodding my head a bit into his shoulder, hugging him back and pulling him closer. It was then that I felt him kiss my forehead, causing me to look up and notice a tear falling from his eyes.

“I love you, Ita… You precious little thing…”

I teared up a bit myself at that, hugging him a bit more. “I wove you too Bwig bwutha.” I mumbled into his shoulder. He smiled, looking back at me once again.

“And soon, Ita… You’ll be a Auntie.”

“Weally?” I asked, looking up at him, beaming at the idea.

“Yes… Applejack has laid two eggs and my other marefriend Pinkis has a foal on the way… You’ll be having your hands full, you mischevious little prankster.” He smiled, tickling me once more.

I laughed, squirming a bit at the tickles. “B-Bwig bwutha!” I said, blushing from the laughter, pushing him a little to get him off me, still giggling even after he is. It was then that we were rolling in the dirt a little, looking back at each other as I saw him tower over me.

“You look cute when you laugh like that, Ita.” He said, kissing me on the forehead

“T-thwank you Bwig bwutha.” I said, smiling up at him cutely.

“Your welcome… Well, someone looks like they want to play.”

“Swouldn’t I bwe pwunished fwirst?” I asked him, tilting my head cutely.

“You make… a convincing argument.” He said, lowering one of his hands down where my legs were. His fingers running against where my panties were. “In more ways than one.”

“B-Bwig bwutha.” I stuttered, blushing. “Shwouldn’t we dwo this inswide?” I asked, my blush coming back.

“Oh? Why, do you think someone would be spying on us?”

“N-nwo, thweres no chwairs out hwere.” I deadpanned at him, still blushing a little.

“We don’t need that silly,” He said, putting my nose to mine as he lightly tapped my ass. “All you need to do is just continue what you are doing. You sexy cute sister of mine.”

“O-okway Bwig bwutha.” I said, my blush increasing at the contact and the compliment. His fingers slipped on down, pulling off the panties as he had his fingers rub against my clit. Teasing me because of the motions.

“Bwig bwutha…” I moaned out, looking up at him.

“Aww… You like that don’t you?” He asked, kissing me again. “Use your words, Ita. Tell me what you want.”

“I want my pwunishment befwore we weally pway.” I told him, trying not to succumb to the pleasure just yet.

“Oh… But this is your punishment… I’m going to continue teasing you until I feel like you’re ready for playtime instead of you telling me when… How is that?”

“Why are wou asking mwe Bwig bwutha, it wont bwe a pwunishment if I agwee.” I told him, squirming a bit in pleasure.

“Oh yeah… I forgot this part.” He said. That was when I felt one of his fingers slip through my walls and enter inside me, catching me off guard as he moves his fingers around in my pussy.

“Bwig bwutha!” I exclaimed, almost cumming at the sudden pleasure, my walls constricting around his fingers. He decided to keep it up as I was beginning to sweat and pant to the overwhelming sensation between my legs.

“I-im gwetting cwose Bwig bwutha.” I said, panting a bit, looking up at him. But it was then that he actually pulled out his fingers, seconds before I felt like I was going to release all over him.

“Well, you looked to be quite ready…” He said, pulling off his shirt and pants and was now pulling off my skirt and clothes so we lay next to one another. Naked. “Now that the punishment is over, here comes the playtime.”

“Wes Bwig bwutha.” I said, suddenly taking his cock in my mouth, looking up at him as I extended my tongue, licking around what’s in my mouth.

“You catch on rather quickly.” He grinned. Stroking my head as I began to suck on his dick.

I hummed a bit, making vibrations to give my Big brother even more pleasure. His response was a deep and sought out moan that was music to my ears as I begin to move faster on his cock. The shaft growing in my mouth as I felt drips of pre run down it. It was then though that I felt myself being tapped on the head as I looked up at Ken.

“I think you have gotten me ready enough,” He smiled, pulling his dick out of my mouth. “Now for the main event.”

“Okway Bwig bwutha.” I said, lying on my back and pulling my knees up to my chest, spreading my legs as much as I can. I watched as he took the head of his hardened penis and lined it up along my sacred entrance. With a simple poke, the head was in. With a gentle thrust came the rest of his member as I wailed a little from the original entry.

“You okay, Ita?” He asked, making sure to see if I was okay.

“Y-yes Bwig bwutha.” I said, biting on my thumbnail a bit. “Y-ywou cwan kweep going.” He took exception to that, drawing back as he began to build a steady rhythm of solid thrusts into my sacred caverns. The first two times we had sex were great, but this time… this time was a lot better than either of them at all. He kissed me on the lips as he ground his hips against mine, shoving his massive cock farther into my tunnel.

I kissed him back, putting my arms around his neck, biting his bottom lip a bit. He returned the kiss, picking up the pace as I tilted my head back. It was then though that I noticed something new… My own little bit of paradise… was growing. How? I was not sure. Maybe something having to do with procreation in nature or something stupid like that. But I watched as it began to expand and nature came to life as I was being fucked mercilessly by the Scalebound that I saw as my brother.

“B-Bwig bwutha, more!” I moaned in pleasure, looking up at him. Complying with my pleas, he picked up his speed. Thrusting his dick both harder and faster into me. At this rate, I was feeling his member enter my womb as he continued to make love to me on the ground in which we laid upon.

“P-pwound me Bwig bwutha!” I yelled out in pleasure, my mind going to jelly. However, it was in this moment that I felt his thrusts becoming jerky as he groaned to himself.

“I-i’m close, Ita… W-where do you-?”

“C-cwum in me Bwig bwutha!” I yelled out in pleasure, cumming myself. It was then that I felt his warmth spread through me in one last thrust as he came. Filling me up to the brim with the amount of seed that he released into me. We both came down from our climax as I looked back at him, sweat coming off both of our bodies.

“Bwig bwutha?” I asked, looking up at him, panting a bit.

“Y-yeah sis? What is it?” He asked me.

“Cwan we pway in my shower?” I asked, having enough energy for another round.

“S-sure. Just let me carry my clothes.” He said, pulling out for a second and grabbing his jacket and shirt. “There. Lead the way.”

“Yes Bwig bwutha.” I said, having already grabbed my cloths, skipping to my house, making sure to ‘accidentally’ show him my pussy a couple times.

“Over hwere Bwig bwutha!” I yelled from the bathroom door, waving and smiling cutely at him.

“I’m coming, I’m coming! Hang on a minute.” He said, hurrying over to where I was. “Geez, I never thought you would be so eager for more sex. Trying to get ourselves clean, only to get dirty again.”

“Are wou compwaining?” I asked, deadpanning at him as I open the door for him, stepping into the shower.

“No, I just see it as ironic, that’s all.” He said, following me in as I had the water begin to crash over us. His cock had hardened again, poking my entrance again. “Turn around and face the wall.”

“Yes Bwig bwutha.” I said, turning around and facing the wall, giving my ass a little shake once turned around. Doing so though caused him to squeeze my ass as he prodded me onto his cock, taking me all inside in one go.

I groaned in pleasure, putting my hands on the wall to support myself, looking back at him and smiling. Taking this cue, he slowly began to fuck me once again, his dick moving in and out of my snatch as I felt the water run down our backs and his dick up my pussy. Oh my, did he really do his best to pleasure me with how he cared for me. He was now caressing my breasts while thrusting, something that just made me moan and scream for more.

“Pwound me Bwig bwutha, pwound me!” I screamed in pleasure, panting and facing the wall. All that did was cause him to fuck me more. Slamming his cock into my pussy as we made liquid love with the water falling around us. More and more did this pleasure rock our bodies and it wasn’t long until we were near our climax again.

“Bwig bwutha I’m cwose!” I exclaimed screaming in pleasure.

“I-i know… J-just hang on-!” He said, now picking me up as he was bouncing me up and down on his shaft. Trying to make himself cum faster as I had released my seed all over the floor of the shower. Soon, he came alongside me, stuffing up my pussy with his thick and warm seed.

“W-wow…” He said, looking back at me. “That felt… awesome.”

“Wet’s weally shower now.” I said, panting. “I’m a wittle twired.” I added, yawning.

“Aww… you’re cute like that… Hey, maybe we can do one more before you sleep if you be a good girl okay?”

“Okway Bwig bwutha.” I mumbled tiredly, yawning and rubbing my eye a little cutely. All he did was snuggle my face a little and then kiss my nose. Which I saw as cute.

“Wet’s gwet sometwhin to eat.” I suggested, turning off the shower, getting a tower and starting to dry myself off, making a blue towel appear on my Big brother’s head so he could to. He chuckled, drying himself off before wrapping the towel around his waist.

“Whatcha want to eat?”

“Cwan you make pwancakes?” I asked, cutely sticking my head out from the towel.

“I can if you have the proper ingredients and the tools needed to make it.” He smiled as we walked into the kitchen.

“Everwythwing shwould be in the cabwinates.” I told him, wrapping the towel around me and sitting at the table I had in there. It took some time, but after about twenty minutes or so, he had a bunch of fluffy golden pancakes out and ready for us to chow down on. Making sure to add chocolate chips in mine because of how he saw me as sweet.

“Thwese are wummy!” I exclaimed, having took a bite from one of my pancakes.

“Thanks. Not much of a chef back home, but I do know a few things.”

“Youwr the bwest chef, Bwig bwutha!” I yelled, before digging into the rest of my pancakes. He just smiled as I continued to eat.

“You know, Applejack will be like a big sister to you right?” He chuckled, thinking I would pay attention to that.

“Mphf!” I tried to speak through the pancakes, realising I can’t and shrugging just going straight back to eating.

“You need me to say that again?” He asked, just trying to make sure I heard him.

I make sure to swallow this time smiling. “I swaid okway!” I told him, before eating the last bits of pancake left.

“You alright Ita?” He asked, now sounding concerned. “Is something on your mind?”

“Im alwight, why?” I asked, tilting my head to the side cutely.

“You sounded agitated with that last response, so I was concerned. That’s all.” Ken replied, taking the dishes that were dirty and cleaning them up in the sink.

“I’m sowwy, im stwill twired.” I said, giving him a cute look.

“It’s okay. Would you like to play a little first before getting some sleep?” he teased, having me follow him to my room.

“I would bwut I’m jwust so twierd, cwan you sweep with me?” I asked, yawning halfway through the sentence. He thought about it to himself, before nodding his head a little.

“Okay sure.” He said, lifting up the covers on the mattress as I floated myself over.

I flopped into bed, warping the towels over to the bathroom and making some like pink striped footsie pajamas appear on me. For him, he just kept his pants on and left the shirt off as he held me close. “I love you, Itazura… my little goddess.”

“Gwoodnight Bwig bwutha.” I said, snuggling into his warm chest as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I yawned as I wake up, feeling movement the covers being almost pulled off of me. “Huh?” I muttered confused at the movement, not all the way up yet.

“Mhmm…” I heard, turning to see Ken trying to curl up and feel warm. For one who sleeps without a shirt, he must feel cold at times.

Getting an idea, I launch a tickle attack on my big brother, thinking now that he’s shirtless it’d be more effective. It looked like it at first, but all that did was have him reach out and pull me into his chest. Hugging me like a stuff animal. The worst part though was that he was rubbing the back of my horns.

“Bwig bwutha, not the hworns!” I said, squirming a bit in his grasp. It was then though that I saw his eyes move a little as he was waking up. He blinked a few times, smiling as he kissed me on the top of my head.

“Good morning, Ita. H-how did you sleep?” He asked, yawning for a second before looking back at me.

“I swept gwood.” I said looking up at him.

“Glad to hear that, you cute little sister.” He said, snuggling his head into mine. I giggled, it tickling me a little. “I’m going to guess that we might have a surprise guest today?”

A black stone door rose from the floor, with steam rising from it’s surface, which slowly swung open before Patty stepped out, dressed in a long, white, form-fitting dress with a purple shawl. “Someone call me?” she asked, placing a hand on her hip.

“Mwommy!” I shouted, leaping out of bed, running up to her and hugging her leg, beaming up at her. This was only followed by Ken watching me run over to her, where the shirtless Scalebound personally caught Patty’s attention immediately.

“Hello, my dear~” Patty cooed, smiling as she knelt down to hug me back. “Who’s your friend?”

“Hwes a dwisplaced, his names Kwen.” I told her still beaming.

“Ken you say?” the Displacer muttered, looking up at Ken. “Hmm… you’re a friend of Zinnia’s, aren’t you?”

“Why yes actually.” He said, getting up from the bed as he walked over to her. “You must be Patty then. Ken Ahkrin, Head of the Chroma Branch in Zi’s Hoard.” The Displaced introduced himself, holding out his dragon arm in the form of a handshake.

Patty took his hand, gripping it firmly. “Nice to finally meet you then,” she said with a smirk. “I can see why Zi likes you,” she cooed, eyes roaming over the Scalebound’s bare chest.

“And I can see why Ita here see’s you as a mother,” He smiled, letting go of the shake as he looked at me. “You know that she see’s me as her big brother?”

“Oh really?” Patty asked incredulously, sniffing at the air. “And do you fill all of your siblings with cum or just her?”

“Actually… To tell you the truth… I never had any siblings. I never was able to know what it’s like to be a big brother.” He admitted honestly. “My mother was overseas and my father is a mixed bag of emotions at times and I never had any siblings. Now there’s Ita though and she’s… a bundle of joy.”

“You can say it,” Patty shrugged. “She’s an insatiable sex freak. Just like Mommy~” She sang the last part, picking me up and cuddling me fondly.

“Mwommy!” I play-whined, giggling and cuddling her back.

“Well, the old saying is… Like mother, like daughter.” The Scalebound smiled, looking back at both of us. Patty chuckled, shaking her head.

“Oh, she’s technically adopted,” she explained, pressing me further into her bountiful bust. “And she’s also not really a child, she just likes to pretend to be one. Ita dear, show big brother your sexy grown-up form for Mommy?”

“Yes mwommy.” I said, my body glowing as it shifts into it’s more mature form, still in the footsie pajamas.

“Well… this is rather surprising.” He smiled. “I’m guessing she’s still sensitive in some areas?” Patty just smirked in response, reaching out and grasping one of my horns, rubbing it gently.

I just moaned a little, leaning into the rub and smiling.

“And that answers my question… Hey Ita, was there something you wanted to show Patty? You know… Like you showed me yesterday?” Ken asked, causing me to remember all the grass and wildlife outside.

“Oh yeah!” I said, excited. “Follow me!” I exclaimed, grabbing her arm and dragging her outside. Ken followed the both of us as I showed Mommy my own little bit of paradise.

“This is beautiful, Ita!” Patty cried, looking around with wide eyes. She walked over to a small pumpkin patch and knelt down, looking them over curiously. “Pumpkins? Whatever would you need pumpkins for?”

“Pumpkin Pie?” Ken replied, shrugging his shoulders. “That’s always tasty any time of year.”

“It’s actually cause before I called you here yesterday this displaced Overlady named Umbra was here and she was gonnah make me some but it never happened, oh well.” I said shrugging at the end.

“Wait, you met Umbra?” Ken asked, folding his arms. “Small world! Zi introduced me to her a couple of weeks ago… Speaking of which, how is your plate collecting going Ita?”

“I just need psychic, fighting, steel, and rock type plates normal doesn’t have one so I think I’ll just get it once I have all the other plates.” I told him before realising something. “Aaaand… I’m still in my pajamas.” I said, blushing.

“Yes, you are,” Patty nodded, a slight frown crossing her face. “Take them off dearie.”

I said nothing, just nodding as I took off the pajamas. I let out a yelp when, as I bent down to slide them off my legs, Patty took it upon herself to give me a quick spank.

“Eep!” I exclaimed in surprise, my blush increasing.

“Was that necessary?” Ken asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yes,” the Displacer replied with a smirk, pulling me close and reaching around to grope me. “Of course it was. Why, would you prefer to do it?”

“Nah, I was just wondering.” Ken asked. “Why, are you trying to insist that it’s playtime for Ita?”

Patty shrugged, tweaking one of my nipples and tugging on the ring attached to it, making me moan in surprise. “Playtime is anytime I say it is. Right, Ita?”

“Y-yes…” I muttered, blushing furiously. “Yes Mistress…”

“Well then… do you two have room for one more?” Ken grinned, asking the question as he walked over to where we were.

“But of course~” Patty cooed, forcing me to my knees. “Ita, service your brother like a good girl!”

“Yes Mistress.” I said, pulling his pants and underwear down and grabbing his shaft. Ken smiled a little, pulling himself closer as I began to rub my hands along his shaft.

“My,” Patty breathed, smirking as she snapped her fingers, making her clothes disappear all at once and allowing her large breasts to spill out. “You are big for a human, even if you are half Dragon now.”

“Why thank you. Zinnia’s told me the same thing,” He grinned, looking down to watch me play with his cock. Taking it a step further, I used my tongue to lick the shaft slowly as he moaned a little. “And you are just as impressive for being a Succubus.”

“My, you are such a gentleman…” Patty smirked, looking back at me as I now began to suck Ken off. His dick was warm in my mouth as I moved my head up and down upon his hardened penis. Soon though, I felt something bulge with his member as I moved my head off of him. The second that I lifted my head up, he came, spraying his jizz everywhere all over me.

“Wow… that was a bit quicker than the last time.” I commented, smirking up at him as I shifted my tongue, licking the jizz off my face and swallowing it.

“Yeah, but yesterday felt good when you were acting as a child,” He said, looking at Patty. “I got an idea for how we can start.”

“What’s that?” I asked, tilting my head a little.

“Well, I was thinking you turn around and please Patty with your tongue. And while that is going on, I’ll fuck you.” He suggested, looking back at her as I looked at Patty. She was grinning as she motioned for me to come closer to her.

“Come on now, Ita. Please your mistress.”

“Yes Mistress.” I said, leaning forward, starting to play with her pussy. I felt Ken shift behind me as I felt him grab my ass, having me spread my legs as he aimed his cock at my walls. Without any warning, he thrusted forward, not slowing down as he began to move his hips as I worked with Patty’s pussy.

“G-good girl…” Patty smiled, rubbing my head a little. It was then that I felt Ken latch onto my horns again as he continued to thrust his cock into me. I was in heaven as I was pleasing the figure that I saw as mommy and getting fucked by my big brother.

I put my tongue into my Mistress’ pussy, making it and my own vibrate to increase the pleasure for my family. Ken himself continued to slam harder and faster into me as I felt Patty’s hand hold down my tongue to her snatch. I was moaning to myself in pleasure as the hard dick that was Ken’s continued to dominate me with each thrust.

I just take the pleasure I’m being given, making sure to give more as I make more vibrations. This time though, I felt Ken latch onto my ass as he slammed into me harder a few more times, causing me to reach orgasm and for him to fill me up with his warm and delicious cum. In turn, I caused Patty to reach her release too as she held my face into her nethers, her juices soaking me.

I said nothing, just panting in the period of rest after we came. Ken slowly withdrawing his shaft after releasing his load into me. Patty herself just set me to the side, looking back at him.

“Well… I guess I know why Ita likes you so much.” Patty cooed, looking at me. “Ita dear, would you care for a break?”

“No Mistress, I can go for another round.” I said smiling up at her.

“Alright… I want to let you rest though,” She said, looking back at Ken. “I want to see if your… brother… has some more strength in him.” She said, licking her lips.

“Yes Mistress.” I said going off the side a bit to watch. It was then that Patty herself decided to go on over, presenting herself to the Scalebound as he soon loomed over her. With one swift go, the two of them were as it as Ken was slamming his hips into her. Causing her tongue to drop down as she was getting the daylights fucked out of her.

I heard her moan and scream in pleasure as they went at it in the grass. “Oh y-yes... M-more!” She yelled, wrapping her arms around Ken as he plunged into her depths. He was going just as fast and fucking her just as hard as when he did it with me. But the high pitched screams were more elevated than before.

Some time later though, I saw him hurry up his thrusts as he reached the brink. Spilling his warm cum into her as she did the same. It was when they had finished though that they were now looking in my direction. Patty personally licking her lips.

“I… have a bad and good feeling about this.” I said to myself, waiting for my Mistress to tell me what to do. I looked at Ken, who he himself was using a finger to tell me to come closer to the two of them.

I get up, walking over to them and moving my hips a bit as I go over. “Ita… Patty and I would like to include you in our… fun if you don’t mind.”

“Well of course, you two got me bothered just watching.” I said, smirking at them.

“Okay… turn to face me.” He instructed me, his pride being fully erect. As I floated over, a small glow from behind had me notice that the Succubus that was my Displacer now had a cock of her own from the Futa spell she cast on herself. With Ken’s penis aimed at my pussy and hers at my ass, I was now getting ready to feel an all out blitz from both of them.

“This… will be fun.” I said to myself, barely audible and seconds before I was pulled into a deep kiss with both cocks entering me at the same time. Ken latching his hands onto my hips as I began to ride out the stuffing at both entrances.

I moaned out in pleasure, vibrating myself. But it was then that another one of Ken’s thrusts have broken my concentration. “Just relax… let us take care of you, my child.” Patty cooed as she thrusted upwards into my other hole.

“Y-yes Mistress.” I moaned out, letting myself get lost in the pleasure. I felt her hands around the rings on my nipples as she was pulling them, while Ken once again went to massaging my horns as he still shoved his cock in my folds.

My brain goes to mush, the overload of the pleasure I’m getting being too much with all the fucking I’ve done recently. All of it was just making me lose control. I watched as the little island I had created was expanding again. Now becoming a vast plane and with trees growing too.

“M-more!” I barely screamed out through my moans, a fucked silly look on my face. Ken bent over, slamming his dick into me as he pulled me in for a deep kiss, making our tongues dance. I continued to feel Patty inside of me as she still rubbed my nipple rings. Before moving her hands onto my horns this time as she picked up the pace.

“C-close…” I exclaimed, starting to tighten around the two cocks in me. Patty and Ken, however, continued with their current pace, taking their time and enjoying my body how they wanted, both still humping the daylights out of me and making my eyes roll to the back of my head. My god, they can last this long!?

I just kept moaning, tightening myself around their cocks, trying to milk them. Patty chuckled, nibbling on my ear gently as she tugged my nipples, twisting the rings roughly.

“C-cumming again!” I screamed out, tighting my pussy and making it vibrate at the same time. It was then that I finally felt Ken’s dick begin to twitch as he finally began to fill up my insides with the cum that I had been wanting to feel since he first started this round with me.

“I’m not done yet~” Patty breathed in my ear, thrusting up into me roughly and twisting my nipples.

“M-mistress!” I shouted out, not having any time to recover, moaning and panting.

“That’s it, my little whore,” she chuckled darkly, nibbling at my neck. “Scream for your Mistress… you’re my little cocksleeve, aren’t you?”

“Y-yes Mistress, I’m whatever you want Mistress!”

“Damn right you are…” she growled in my ear, starting to thrust faster. “Whenever I want you, you are to present yourself, understood?”

“Y-yes Mistress!” I screamed out, my mind fogging a bit. Patty grinned before biting down on my neck, pulling me up by my piercings before slamming in again, over and over.

I screamed in pleasure and pain, my mind overloaded with the sensations my Mistress is giving me. This continued for a time before she hilted herself fully, leaning down and silencing me with a deep, tongue-filled kiss even as her cum shot into my ass.

I moaned into the kiss, smiling as I came with my Mistress. I start to shrink, changing into my younger form instinctively, making me cum again from the sudden fullness of my smaller body. I felt Ken’s face snuggle up against mine as it was warm to the touch. He was smiling happily… just like I was.I moaned into the kiss, smiling as I came with her.

“Thwat…” I started, panting a bit. “Was gweat.”

“G-glad you liked it… Sis.”

“I woved it.” I muttered cutely, suddenly sleepy. It was then that I felt Ken nuzzle the top of my head. Turning around as he managed to put his pants back on.

“Someone sounds like they need a nap. Are you a little tired?” He asked, a finger tickling my chest again.

I giggled a little, smiling sleepily. “Mwommy… bwig bwutha… twuck me in?” I asked, reaching my arms out cutely, like I want to be picked up. The Scalebound complied, caressing me like a toddler as he carried me inside and over to my bed. Patty soon joined us, putting her dress back on as she helped tuck me under the warm sheets.

“Good night, my little Ita. Sleep tight.”

“Gwood nwight, Mwommy, big bwutha.” I said drowsily, as I fell asleep.

I groaned, slowly waking up, not wanting to get out of bed. As I rose though, I felt my head touch something, only to see Ken’s arm as he was laying back on the bed that I was on.

I tried to move slowly, sliding slowly and hoping I don’t get treated like a teddy bear again. All he did though was move over, rolling over to where I was. Oh boy, he’s squishing me!! And this is actually kind of… funny… I think.

“B-bwig bwutha, wour’re squwishing me!” I said, squirming a bit under him. To my surprise though, he opened his eyes and kissed me on the nose.

“You’re still cute no matter how many times I see you like that.”

I blushed at the compliment a little, beaming up at him. Soon though, he rolled back over, leaping off of the bed as he looked back at me. “No fun right now though. Patty wanted to make sure to say something to you once you were awake again.”

“I’m stwill swore fwom wast time.” I said cutely, useing Heal Order on myself to help a little. “Wet’s not kweep Mwommy waiting.” I added, putting on pink panties and a dark purple loli dress.

“That’s a good girl.” He smiled, waiting for me as I floated over to him. “Hey Patty-cake! Ita’s awake!”

“Good mwourning Mwommy!” I yelled, floating over to her and hugging her, ‘accidentally’ having my head land in her breast.

“Why hello there child,” She cooed. “Someone looks eager for some milk~.”

“Yes Mwommy.” I said, latching onto her nipple and suckling, enjoying the taste of her milk.

“Um… Ita? Patty was just teasing you… She really needs to tell you something important though.”

I ignored him, still suckling on my Mommy, but looking up at her to show I’m listening. She just chuckled, tapping my head a little for me to loosen up a little.

“Ita, Ken’s right. There's something you need to know that involves void travel.”

“Okway Mwommy.” I said, pouting as I forced myself off of her nipple and and landing on my floor.

“Well, dear… I found out that once you become a full goddess and have enough training, you can freely travel through the void without any problems.” She said to me, catching me by surprise.

“Nweat.” I said, deciding to not really act all that surprised, shrugging. “I thwought abwout bweing abwel to do thwat… bwut I wasn’t weally gonnah bothwa.”

“Well, that’s the other thing… To be full goddess, you need all the plates you’re looking for.” Patty added on. “How many plates have you gotten, Little Ita?”

“Almwost all of twhem, I jwust need Fwighting, and Pswychic, and Wock, and the stweel pwates, and whatever wepresents normal twypes, cwause I dwon’t think thwat wone has a pwate…” I said, trailing off a bit at the end.

“Would there be a fairy type? Since that was the new one in Pokemon X and Y?” Ken then asked, causing Patty in turn to scratch her chin.

“Wes a cwouple dways agwo, Umbwa was here and she gwot hwit in the whead with it.” I told them, giggling a bit at the memory.

“Ouch… Is she alright?” He said, sounding a little concerned.

“I wused Hweal ordwer.” I said, shrugging at him.

“Well, that makes sense.” He replied, scratching my head again. “I think I might need to go. Revaan’s telling me that we got someone at the gate and that I’m needed. I wouldn’t mind visiting again though, sis.”

“Okway bwig bwutha, our contwact is compwete!” I said, sending him back to his world, waving him off. He soon waved goodbye as well, alongside Patty. Who was then smiling at me…

“Now Ita… As you were.”

“Wes Mwommy.” I said, immediately latching onto her breast again and suckling, smiling happily up at her. Patty chuckled, cradling me in her arm and walking through the house to sit on the couch in the living room, flicking the TV on to what looked like a movie.

“Want to watch a film with me honey?” she asked sweetly, smiling down at me.

Nodding, I stop suckling her for now, turning around in her hold and leaning back against her wondering what we’ll be watching. Cuddling me from behind, Patty flicked through the channels before settling on…

“Toy Stowy?” I asked, smiling. slightly.

“Mhmm,” Patty hummed. “Thought it’d be nice.”

“Thwank you Mwommy.” I said beaming up at her before turning my attention back to the screen. Patty snapped her fingers, making a bunch of junkfood appear on the table in front of us, from chips to popcorn to chocolate. Several bottles of soda appeared at the edge, pouring themselves into little plastic cups which then floated over to us.

“Go- I mean… Itazura, I love magic,” Patty chuckled, rubbing my head.

I giggled at that, leaning a bit into her rubs, beaming again while I drink a little soda from a cup. A bar of chocolate floated into Patty’s hand, which she then took a large bit out of, smirking at me.

“Help yourself, Ita,” she said with a smile. “It’s all for us!”

Grabbing a bowl of popcorn in my Psychic I floated it over, placing it in my lap and immediately eating handfuls at a time.

We sat in silence throughout the movie, Patty quickly switching to the sequel when it finished and then the third after that, both of us stuffing ourselves with junk food the whole time.

Getting a bit sleepy again, I yawned cutely, slumping backwards a bit into Patty, who just smiled down at me and snapped her fingers quietly. A large, fluffy, cream-coloured blanket appeared over us, and Patty tucked it around me, letting me use her chest as a pillow.

“Sleep well, Ita,” she whispered, stroking my head slowly. I saw her turn the volume on the TV down considerably. “Sweet dreams…”

“Mwommy, can we twain tomowwow?” I asked sleepily, about to pass out.

“Of course Ita,” she giggled, kissing my forehead. “Whatever you want.”

Smiling, I finally doze off, excited for tomorrow.

Yawning, I woke up a bit groggily. I blinked tiredly for a moment, feeling… something missing, though for a second I wasn’t sure what.

Blinking my eyes, I looked behind me, noticing that Patty was gone and in her place was a pillow.

“Mwommy?” I yelled into the house looking around a bit. “Wou stwill here?”

“In the kitchen sweetie!”

Throwing the blanket onto the arm of the couch, I floated into the kitchen, wondering what Patty probably made me for breakfast.

She made pancakes, and I immediately devoured my share completly smiling all the while.

“Now let’s go train sweetie.”

“That… was weally dwifficult.” I said to myself, Patty having left after the training was over. I’m level five-hundred now, so that’s a thing at least. I go to bed, tired of a long day of training, and go to sleep smiling at how strong I got so quickly.

To another world!

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I yawned, waking up in my bed, a bit tired still from the training I did yesterday. Deciding to keep the trend I seem to have going, I put on panties with a cute bunny on it and a dark purple loli dress and light pink slip on shoes.

“What’ll happen today?” I said to myself, actually trying not to add a ‘w’ to every word for now. As if the universe answered me, I began to feel a tugging sensation from far away.

Grinning, I let the pull take me to where it will, excited to see what’s on the other side.

And on the other side was… grass. Plenty of uncut grass surrounded by a tall wooden fence. I was in someone’s suburban backyard… yay, not!

“What in the world‽” I heard from behind me. I turn to see a human with spiky blue hair and wearing the equivalent of wannabe rockstar clothes. Oh, and there was an electrike next to him too.

“Hewwo!” I said cheerfully, floating up a little and waving at him smiling cutely.

“Wo-okay, I know I’ve been seeing some crazy stuff lately, but what the heck are you supposed to be?”

“I’m a shwiny Hwoopa.” I told him giggling a little at his reaction.

“A what?” he asked, sounding even more confused than he already was. “Wait, are you supposed to be some kind of weird Pokémon?”

“Well I cwan shwapeshift, so we dwon’t normwally wook wike this…” I said, before remembering something. “I’m alswo a wegendary.”

“Not trying to be offensive, but do you have a lisp or something? I can barely understand you at the moment.”

“Nwo thwis is normal fwor mwe.” I said, pouting a bit now.

“Oh, sorry. You sound like a pretty young kid, so it just kind of, surprised me I guess. So, what, are you one of those… ‘disfaced’ or whatever things?”

“Dispwaced.” I corrected, ignoring how my younger form seems to always make me barely able to speak.

“Uh, right, that.” The guy sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Can you wait there for one second? I need to make a phone call.”

“Okway!” I exclaimed cheerfully, floating cross legged with my head in my hands.

He gave me a strange look before shaking his head and walking into his house. It didn’t look like much on the outside, but I supposed it could be homey inside. I couldn’t hear him all that well, but I caught bits and pieces of his phone call.

“...Yeah… Look, you gotta understand, I… o-okay. I’ll do what I can…. Right, the usual spot. Be there as soon as we can… don’t worry, I’ll make sure nothing catches wind of this… See ya.” I heard the phone click and he walked out. “Say, you wouldn’t be up for a bit of a field trip, would ya?”

“Fwield Twip!” I exclaimed excitedly, floating up to him. “Whewe two?” I asked, deciding to mostly act like a child besides what my current form does normally.

“We’re going to go see a few friends of mine. They’d like to meet you, if that’s alright.” He actually sounds like he’s talking to a child.

“Okway.” I said, floating next to him. “Wead the way!”

“Well, it’s not gonna be that simple. See we… we’re gonna play a game on the way there!”

“What gwame?” I asked, tilting my head cutely.

“A hiding game!” He muttered something to himself that I didn’t catch. “We can’t let anyone see you as we go there.”

“Okway thwat’s easy!” I said, turning myself invisible, making sure to make my cloths invisible to.

He blinked a few times, looking around. “Woah. There are Pokémon that turn invisible? That’s kind of cool.”

“It’s a wegendawy thwing.” I whispered to him, holding onto his shoulder.

He jumped back a bit, holding a hand to his heart. “Whatever that means. Now come along, we have a decent walk to get on.”

“Wou can walk I fwoat.” I said, giggling cutely.

He made a deadpan stare at my general direction. “You’re a bit of a smart aleck, aren’t you?” Before I could respond, he took out a pokéball and returned his Electrike to his ball. “Now let’s move. Before someone hears this and thinks I’m talking to myself.”

“Okway.” I whispered back, deciding to be quiet until we get to his friends. He led us through the back gate door and out into the streets. All around me it seemed like a quaint suburban town; young kids were out playing in the dying sunlight, parents were coming home from their jobs, and some of the teens looked to be on their way to their no doubt low-paying jobs.

The guy, just now remembering I’d never even found out what his name was, took a right after a while, leading us down an old dirt path into a heavily forested area.

“Awe we almwost thwere?” I asked, getting a little bored.

“Just about, hold your horses,” he said back to me, brushing a few trees aside. A little later, we came to what I could assume was an old creek bed as it was a large, sandy area with plenty of dirt. Also there were three girls, one orange with red and yellow hair, another blue with silver hair, and the last one actually had human skin color and was a brunnette. “Hey girls. Sorry if we made you wait.”

“You’d better hope this isn’t a waste of Trixie’s time, Flash Sentry.” Oh, so that’s his name. “Trixie was right in the middle of planning her next performance. As well as getting Gabite his dinner.”

Getting an idea, I snuck behind Trixie, getting ready to scare her.

“Don’t worry, Trix. I wouldn’t lie about this,” Flash assured her. “The Displaced I was telling you guys about is right here!” he exclaimed, pointing to where I used to be.

“Uh, Flash,” the orange one said, “There’s nothing there.”

“Well of course! She’s invisible!”

“Invisible?” she and Trixie said together.

“I swear!”

“Boo!” I shouted, turning visible behind Trixie.

“EEK!” Trixie screamed, jumping into red-yellow hair’s arms, causing the both of them to fall over.

“Aw man,” Flash sighed, rubbing the back of his head.

I giggle-laughed at the reaction, holding my sides a bit still floating.

“I can’t believe my eyes,” the brunette said in awe-inspired voice. “A hoopa. You’re a human-esque hoopa!”

“Wep!” I said, enjoying the reaction and beaming.

“And you can speak!” She got closer to me, looking me over a few times. “Seems to be in peak condition. Not a lot of muscle tone though, so certainly not a battler. Based on the speech patterns and the overall look, I would have to say it’s very young. Roughly toddler age in human terms.” She looked over to Flash. “And it just came from a bottle you said?”

Flash nodded. “Yeah. Electrike found it and when I picked it up to brush the drool off, she just came out in a puff of a smoke. I was actually hoping I’d found a genie lamp at first.”

“Well, you’re not too far off. Hoopa’s are based off the legends of genies.”

“I cwan bweat wegendawies…” I muttered, still on the ‘not a battler’ comment, crossing my arms and pouting.

The lady seemed to ignore me and continued my ‘examination’. “Looks to be relatively well-nourished; might even stand to lose a pound or two.”

“Why do you keep saying ‘it’?” Flash asked.

“Because it is an it. Hoopa are a genderless species meaning that it’s not a he or a she, just an it.”

“I’m a shwe, actwually diffwent univwerse diffwent wules.” I told her, still pouting.

“Oh,” she said, blushing a bit. “I’m sorry, lost myself in old habits. I’m Serena, nice to meet you.”

“Itazura-chan nwice to mweet you two.” I said, deciding to ignore the accidental insults.

“Itazura?” yellow-red hair asked, finally getting Trixie off her and standing back up. “What kind of a name is that?”

“It’s sounds Japanese,” Trixie muttered, rubbing her side where she fell.

“It mweans mischief I thwink.” I told her shrugging, using Heal Order on her side.

“That certainly raises our hopes,” yellow-red hair snarked. “I’m Sunset Shimmer, and if you try anything, you’re getting booted right back to your world.”

“That might not be a bad idea, Sunset,” Serena spoke up. “It might be safer for her to return home as soon as possible.”

“I cwould jwust pwortal back if wou do thwat.” I said getting upset a bit now.

“Aw come on girls,” Flash said in a slightly pleading tone. “She probably just wants to make a few friends. And with all four of us, there’s no way the sirens could get their hands on her.”

“Well…” Serena said, starting to think on it. “I suppose… but she’s your responsibility, Flash. It’s up to you to keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn’t get into trouble.”

“I can mwake wegendaries…” I muttered, getting annoyed and slightly amused now.

“That doesn’t matter,” Serena told me in a serious tone. “You can’t use your powers here, no matter what. It’s far too dangerous should any other people find out about you. Pokémon in general are only just starting to pop out of nowhere and someone like you is going to only cause panic. So as long as you’re here, no portals. At all.”

“I hwave a idwea.” I said, my body glwoing a little, my horns dissapearing, and my rings turning into bracelets on my hands. “Bwetter?” I asked, dropping onto the ground and looking up at them.

“Did… did she just turn human?” Trixie asked. “Please tell Trixie she isn’t going crazy.”

“Shwe iswin’t gwoing cwazy” I said, grinning at her.

“That’s a pretty neat trick there,” Serena praised me. “That might actually help you get around town for now. But remember, no powers. Understand me, young lady?”

“Okway…” I said, crossing my arms and pouting again.

Flash put a hand on my shoulder. “Hey come on, we can still have fun. Maybe Serena will treat us to some lunch at the diner? Hint hint.”

Serena rolled her eyes. “Alright, fine. I suppose we could go do lunch.”

“Yaaay!” I cheered, my emotions doing a one-eighty immediately, beaming. “Wet’s go!”

Sunset shook her head. “You guys go on without me. I’m gonna stay here and get some training in before the day is out.”

“Trixie will have to pass as well. She has a performance to finish planning, homework to finish, and a dragon that needs his evening feeding. Farewell!” Trixie threw a smoke bomb down, disappearing in the cloud of smoke.

I coughed a bit, waving my hand and resisting the urge to just use a pokemon move to clear it. When it cleared, Trixie was definitely gone.

“Always the performer, that one,” Serena said with a smile before looking at Flash and me. “Come on you two, let’s go get some dinner.”

“I jwust wealised I hwave to walk…” I muttered to myself, hoping Flash didn’t hear because of what I said earlier.

Flash smirked. Darn! “Yeah you do. Now come on, we’ll get you something good to eat and you can tell us about yourself.”

“Okway.” I said, looking up at them. “Wet’s gwo I’m gwetting hungwy.”

Serena giggled, taking my hand and leading Flash and I out of the river bed and back towards town. “It’s not too far from here, so you won’t have to walk too long.”

“I’m nwot used to walking, I fwoat almwost all the twime.” I said, skipping a bit to catch up.

“Might be good for you to do it more often. You know, exercise and all that. Serena did say you could lose a couple pounds,” he chuckled.

“Pwease dwon’t inswult the wedgendawry, thwat usually dwoesn’t end well.” I told him in the tone that means if he doesn’t do what I want bad things will happen.

“You know, if you didn’t sound like a five year old, that would be legitimately creepy.”

Serena smiled down at me. “Don’t worry, they don’t know any better. The people here know nothing about Pokémon. In fact, you saying legendary is probably going right over Flash’s head.”

“It’s true,” he said with a shrug.

“Thwen pwease dwon’t inswult the swoon to be gwoddess.” I said, hoping that this won’t go over his head either.

“Goddess? I doubt that highly.”

“Mwy Arcweus is dwead, so I cowwect his pwates, and when I gwot all of thwem I’ll bwe a full Gwoddess.” I told him, sticking my tongue out at him.

“What’s an ‘Arcweus’?” he asked.

“I think she’s say ‘Arceus’ with is a mythological Pokémon said to be the creator of them all. He’s only a legend, though, so don’t worry about it too much.”

“I cwould show you the pwates, after wunch thwough.” I told them, really hungry for some reason.

“That sounds rather lovely,” Serena said, her voice sounding a bit different.

Flash chuckled a tiny bit. “Your accent slipped through, Serena.”

She rolled her eyes a bit. “It’s not as if I’m ashamed of it.” And now her voice was really different. She sounded English all of sudden. “Using it however has gotten me into trouble over the years. The British Empire did not have very many fans across the continents. You know that if you payed attention in your history classes.”

“Scwools bworing I’m nwot wemaking that in mwy world.” I said, a disgusted look on my face at the idea of school in my world.

“School will get you places, especially Celestia’s school,” Flash shrugged. “That’s why all of us are here, well save for Serena and Sunset. The school we’re going to is meant to help prepare us for better lives in the future. Still plays out like typical high school, but it feels better knowing your future is secure.”

“Shwe’s dwead in my world to…” I mumbled, suddenly depressed.

Serena coughed. “On to better topics then. Because here we are!” In front of us was a classic 1950’s Americana diner. Chrome and all. The inside? Even more chrome and fake leather.

“Hwow owld is thwis pwace?” I asked, glad for the topic change.

“I have no idea. Only been working here for a little over a month now. Place is in pretty decent condition and the pay is enough to keep me by. Come on, I’m sure Mr. Shnitzel wouldn’t mind cooking us up some dinner,” she said, pushing her way inside.

Looking around, I just take it all in, trying to distract myself from thinking of our earlier topic. Out of what I can assume was the kitchen came a big, grump of a man, brown all over with big, strong muscles.

“Rada?” he said in a strange voice.

“Hey, Mr. Schnitzel!” Serena greeted cheerily. “Three for dinner please.”

“Rada rada rada?”

“Just put it on my tab,” she waved off.

“Rada rada,” he replied back, crossing his arms.

“I swear I’m good for it! I work here after all! Come on, Mr. Schnitzel, please? You wouldn’t turn down this sweet face, would you?” It was then I realized she was gesturing to me when this Mr. Schnitzel looked down with a questioning gaze to me.

I put on my cutest look I could muster at the time, lip trembling a bit as I looked up at him. Mr. Schnitzel’s gaze never wavered, but he eventually turned around and headed back to the kitchen, yelling, “Rada rada rada rada!”

Serena smiled brightly, leading us to a table. “Thanks, Mr. Schnitzel! You’re the best!”

“RADA RADA!” we heard back as we took our seats.

“I still don’t get how anyone understands that guy,” Flash commented, shaking his head.

Serena just shrugged. “It’s an acquired thing. You wouldn’t understand.”

“Are we swure hwe’s nwot a pokwemon?” I asked, looking from where he went back to the two with me, tilting my head curiously.

Serena had to cover her mouth to hold back her giggles. “No, Itazura, Mr. Schnitzel isn’t a Pokémon. He’s just different.”

“Okway.” I said, not really convinced but deciding to drop it for now anyway. A few minutes later, Mr. Schnitzel came back out with three plates: deep fried fish and french fries for Serena, a big burger and onion rings for Flash, and he put a plate of macaroni and cheese with dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets in front of me.

“Rada rada,” he said in his grumpy voice, heading back to the kitchen.

“Mmm, smells delicious as always,” Serena hummed. “Well, let’s dig in, shall we?”

“Let’s!” Flash agreed, taking a big bite out of his burger.

“Smwells gwood.” I said, taking a bite of the macaroni and cheese, before immediately devouring the rest.

“Looks like someone hasn’t learned table manners just yet,” Serena pointed out with a bit of teasing to her voice.

“Gwoddess swoon, I dwon’t nweed mwanners.” I told her, grabbing a nugget and starting to eat it.

“You’ll always need manners, little girl,” she said, pointing her half eaten fish stick at me. “Manners are a sign that you’re someone respectable.”

“Fwine.” I grumbled, actually using what little manners I remembered from when I was a human. “Bwetter?”

“Much. You’ll turn into a proper lady in no time.” She gave me a proud smile.

“Or at weast pwetend to bwe.” I said, grinning mischievously.

“You’re gonna be a handful, aren’t you?” Flash said in between bites.

“Onwy when I’m bwored.” I said, eating my last nugget in one bite.

“As long as we can keep her true identity on the down low, I’ll call that a win,” Serena said, eating another fish.

Having nothing to do since I’m done, I just kicked my legs back and forth, smiling and looking around the restaurant. I zoned out a bit as Serena and Flash talked since it wasn’t really about me and just ended up staring out the window. Nothing really was happening out there, just the starting of the setting sun. Then something caught my eye; I couldn’t tell what it was, but there was something glinting in the sunlight in a tree across the street.

“What’s thwat?” I muttered, sneaking out under there nose and going toward the tree. As I approached the tree, I started to hear a faint noise; almost as if someone was singing. It drew me closer and it sounded so good.

“Thwat swounds nwice…” I mumbled, a vacant look appearing in my eyes as I get closer to the tree. I finally reached the trunk and looked up, a woman was sitting in the tree singing that intoxicating melody. It just felt so amazing to hear it, and I started to feel like I would do anything to always hear it.

Thundershock!” I heard faintly behind me, before a bolt of electricity struck the tree, ending the woman’s song as she fell out of the leaves and branches.

Shaking my head to clear it, I started backing up a bit, suddenly realizing what I almost walked into. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I almost jumped before seeing Serena’s face in my peripheral vision. She looked worried.

“Itazura, are you alright? Did she hurt you?”

“Im fwine…” I muttered, getting behind her and poking my head out from behind her legs.

“Oh thank goodness,” she breathed a sigh of relief, putting a hand on my head protectively. “I was worried she’d hurt you.”

“Oh, I’d never do such a thing,” that seducing voice called out, the woman standing up. I could finally get a good look at her; purple skin, and her purple hair with blue-green highlights up in pigtails and wearing a very strange outfit. “Well, actually, yes I would. Now come to me, my little plaything~.”

“Back off, Aria!” Flash growled, the same for his Electrike that looked ready to really hurt the woman.

Taking another step back, I use Defense Order on the Electrike, giving it a little subtle boost before the battle that will probably happen, happens.

Aria groaned, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “You’re really not gonna make this easy, are you? Just hand over the stupid brat and I’m gone. That’s it. Easy peasy this time. What do you say?”

“I say you’ve lost your mind if you think we’ll hand over our friend!” Serena shouted at her. “Get lost before you get hurt, you she-beast!”

Aria did not look happy being insulted. “Oh, now you’ve made me mad. If you’re not gonna hand the twat over, then I’ll just pry her from your cold dead hands!”

I stuck my tongue out at her, before getting behind the two protecting me, making sure to put them between me and the siren.

“Make fun of me, will you?” Aria growled, lifting up a pokéball. “You’ll be working for us soon, you brat! Lombre!” She threw the ball, releasing the jolly Pokémon in front of us.

“Lombre,” the Pokémon said in a deadpan.

“Hwe dwoesn’t wook vewy jwolly…” I said nervously stepping back a little at how strange the pokémon was acting.

“It’s been trained by a siren. They’re not exactly nice with their methods,” Serena explained.

Aria smirked at her. “Flattery will get you nowhere with me. Lombre, use your Energy Ball and get rid of these nuisances!” Lombre built up a glowing green sphere of energy in his hands and chucked it at us with all his might, the ground below it cracking due to the energy it put out.

Grinning, I leap in-front of the blast, my grass plate absorbing the attack easily.

Aria looked at me with a bit of surprise before grinning. “I see. So that’s your special power; the plate of Arceus. Oh yes, you’ll be a wonderful slave for our order.”

“Hmmm.” I said, fake pondering for a moment, before ginning. “NOPE!” I shouted, using Flamethrower on the Lombre.

Hydro Pump!” With that order, Lombre fired an enormous blast of water at me, instantly putting my Flamethrower out and still aiming to hurt me.

Yelping in surprise, I use Magical Leaf to take out the Hydro Pump, firing off a PsyBeam right behind it, making sure to put actual effort into the attack this time.

“You better dodge or so help me…” Aria left the threat up to the imagination, Lombre quickly getting out of the way of my attack. “Now get me that legendary slave!”

“Lombre!” it shouted darkly, firing another, more powerful Hydro Pump.

Deciding to stop playing around, I used Psychic grabbing the Pokemon in my mental hold, lifting it up and slamming it back down hard on the ground, ignoring the water type attack as it’s absorbed by my splash plate.

“Loooom…” it struggled against my power. In its opened mouth, another Energy Ball formed and he spat it out at me. Unfortunately, it was the splash plate that was still raised.

“Thwat… HWURT.” I growled out, a dark aura surrounding me in my anger. I felt a hand touch my shoulder, making me look up to see Serena looking back with kind eyes.

“Hey, you’ve done enough for now. Let us defend you, okay?”

Forcing myself to calm a bit, I take a deep breath, stepping back a bit and nodded, not trusting myself to talk at the moment.

Flash and Electrike stepped up, glaring daggers at Aria and her Pokémon. She scoffed at them, “So a simple newbie thinks he can take down an expert? Ha! You’ll make a great offering to our lord.”

“Not happenin’, you punk rock drop out,” Flash retorted. Aria did not like that.

“Oh, now you’re boned. Lombre! Destroy them!”

“LOMMMMBRE!” it screamed, building up an Energy Ball fluctuating with so much power that it looked unstable. The attack was fired right at Electrike, aiming to do more than just knock it out.

I tried to send out my Meadow Plate in front of the Electrike, but Serena’s hand on my shoulder stopped me again.

“Don’t worry, they got this,” she assured me.

“Okway…” I said, sitting down and deciding to just watch, hearing Serena mutter something to herself.

“Electrike, Ice Fang!” Flash called out. Electrike’s teeth suddenly glowed with an sky blue energy, the air turning visible around them. “Grab the Energy Ball!”

Electrike surged forward, jumping high into the air and using both teeth to clamp on to the incoming attack. To even my surprise, the electric type’s attack actually worked, grabbing the Energy Ball with ease.

“What in Equestria‽” Aria muttered, unable to believe what she was seeing.

“Now give her what’s coming to her!” Flash said with a smile. Electrike began to front flip with the Energy Ball, taking into a loop before tossing it back at Aria and Lombre. Due to their own shock, neither were prepared when the attack literally blew up in their faces.

I giggled at this, clapping for Flash and his Electrike, hoping that the siren was knocked out now at least. I was, unfortunately, wrong. Aria and Lombre were covered in soot from the explosion, but other than that, they just looked extremely angry.

“You… you… Forget what Adagio ordered! I’m gonna send you all to Lord Yveltal’s pit right now!”

“Sorry, Aria, I don’t do well in pits. Electrike! Get them out of here!”

Electrike took in a big breath before a loud Roar echoed from his vocal cords. The sheer force of the attack was enough to shake the ground and that said nothing for the actual effect. The initial sound forced Aria to clamp her hands to her ears, whilst Lombre was forced back to his pokéball. When the shock wave hit, Aria found herself being blasted high over the houses behind her and out of sight. And for the moment, out of mind.

“Ooow… hweadache.” I said, grabbing my head in pain, but otherwise fine.

“Everything alright?” Serena asked, kneeling down to my level.

“The woar gwave me a hweadache.” I told her, grimacing in pain a little.

“Oh right, you’re a Pokémon too. I’m sure Flash didn’t mean to-”


“Huh?” Serena and I said, looking over at Flash. We both gasped at what we saw: Electrike was glowing. Slowly, his form began to grow taller and leaner, the shape of his head taking a more pointed form as well. When the light finished, Electrike had successfully evolved into a new Manectric, said new Pokémon letting out a happy bark at his trainer.

“He… he changed! Is… is this evolution?” Flash wondered aloud.

Serena nodded, “Mhmm. That’s right. Electrike became powerful enough to evolve to his final stage. Flash, meet your new Manectric.”

“Oh wow! That’s so cool, Elec, er I mean, Manectric!”

“Ow… bwight wights and hweadahces dwon’t mwix.” I said, grimacing again as my headache increased, clutching my hair.

Serena gave me an apologetic look before turning to Flash. “Hey, you two head on home and get a good rest. You’ve both earned it.”

‘Uh, are you sure?” Flash asked her.

“Yeah, I’ll take our Hoopa friend here back to my apartment where she can sleep off her new found headache. We’ll meet up tomorrow at the creek bed to wish her off.”

Flash nodded, returning Manectric to his pokéball. “Sounds like a plan. See you girls tomorrow!” And like that, he raced off down the street, back to his home.

Trying to get up, my head throbbed in pain, me falling right back down again. “Need some help?” Serena asked, now standing over me.

“Wes…” I mutter, embarrassed, blushing a little as I hold my arms out for her to carry me. Serena leaned down and lifted me up from underneath my arms, taking me up off the ground and against her chest. Using both arms to keep me up, she started walking off in a direction opposite of Flash, humming what I could only guess was a lullaby.

Getting drowsy, my eyes fluttered, and I slowly fell asleep, leaning into her before I did.

Yawning, I woke up finding myself in a dark room. There wasn’t much to it: just a bed, a small wardrobe, a work desk with papers all over it, and a closet for extra storage. And it turned out that it wasn’t just dark because the lights were out as I found out when I looked at the window next to the bed.

I couldn’t have been asleep too long, as it looked like the sun had only just set recently. Though, that begged the question: where exactly was I?

“Sewena?” I called out, barely above a whisper, getting out of the bed and walking over to the door, absentmindedly, putting on my shoes as I did. Getting close to it, I could hear voices and a faint light coming from the other side, said light repeatedly moving and flashing.

Opening the door slowly, I poked my head out of the room, trying to be as quiet as possible. Outside seemed to be a small hallway, the light coming from the living room at the other end. I slowly crept my way there, finding the light was just the TV, which also was the same source for the voices. I made out Serena and that Sunset girl sitting on the couch, some empty dinner plates off to the side as they just watched the screen with the typical TV watching face.

“Sewena, Swunset?” I called out to them, looking around the room as I walked towards them.

Sunset answered first with a smile. “Well look who’s up and about.”

“Feeling better, Ita?” Serena asked with a bit of concern.

I nodded, smiling up at them, floating to sit between the two on the back of the couch. “Ywea… thwanks fwor the wullabwy.”

Serena smiled and gave me a small hug. “Anything to help you feel better. Wanna watch TV with us for a bit?”

“Swure.” I said, snapping my fingers, making multiple snacks appear. “I bwing snwacks!” I exclaimed, beaming.

“How sweet of you, Ita. I’m gonna pass, though. I’m still full from dinner. What about you, Sunset?”

Sunset cast me a glance, looking at the snack. “Got anything with chocolate and caramel?”

“Wes.” I told her, using my Psychic to bring her a couple pieces of candy. Sunset let me hover them over to her hand where she unwrapped it and popped it in her mouth.

“Hmm, not bad kid.”

I just smiled at her, bringing over a chocolate bar a nibbling on it as I watched tv. It was an old show, but it was rather funny. Looked like a bunch of military men inside some kind of prison camp run by an easily fooled commander and his bumbling sidekick. Serena in particular chuckled a lot any time the bumbler would say, “I know nothing!”.

Eventually, I managed to get tired again, so I snapped my fingers, making my clothes change into footsie pajamas with golden rings on them as I yawned.

“Aw don’t you look so cute~,” Serena cooed, poking me playfully in the side. I giggled a little, before yawning again, rubbing my eye sleepily. “Getting tired?” I nodded sleepily, sliding down onto the couch seat, looking up at her and smiling a little. “Would you like me to tuck you back into bed?”

“Wes pwease.” I said, my eyes dropping a little, I sleepily hold my arms out for her to pick me up again. Serena giggled at me, standing up and picking me up just as I asked. She walked back down the hallway, humming again as we entered the room I woke up in. I was laid back in the bed and Serena pulled the cover up over me.

“Gwoodnight.” I mutter, falling asleep smiling. Then she did something I wasn’t expecting. Serena had leaned down and planted a kiss on my forehead.

“Sleep tight, little one,” she whispered softly.

Despite my tiredness, that little shock kept me awake a few moments more. Just enough to hear Sunset come to the door and talk with Serena.

“You seem to get along pretty well with her,” Sunset noted.

“Yeah. I guess I do,” Serena admitted. “She’s a little sweetheart, despite the little ego going on.”

“I think there’s something more to it, Serena. And I have a feeling you do, too.”

“And just what is that?” Serena’s voice had a bit of an edge on that one.

“It’s just like that look when we met Zinnia. When she started talking about kids… you and Ash never getting the chance…” Sunset trailed off, apparently letting Serena fill in the blanks.

“You… you don’t honestly think I-”

“I don’t think. I know. You’re not acting like a concerned friend, Serena. You’re acting like a mother.” For several silent moments, that last word hung in the air.

“Nwight mwommy.” I mutter, barely loud enough for her to hear, before I finally fell asleep.

The next morning (I could tell due to the rays of sunlight coming through the old fashioned blinders), I was awakened to something great: the smell of breakfast cooking. Specifically, french toast! Floating out of bed and not bothering to change my cloths back, I sped out of the room to the kitchen.

There, in the little kitchen of the apartment, was Serena and Sunset, both working to cook up some delicious smelling food. Just from where I was floating I could see eggs, and bacon, and (yup!) french toast!

“Gwood mworning!” I shouted out, floating behind them. The two of them jumped a little, but thankfully nothing bad happened.

“Ita! It’s rude to sneak up on people who are cooking!” Serena scolded.

“Sowwy.” I said, landing on the floor and looking down, acting like a child who was just yelled at by their parent.

“You better. Now go wash up so you can have breakfast.” I turned and started walking before Serena called again. “And Ita?” She smiled brightly and kindly to me. “Good morning to you too.”

I beamed back, racing to the bathroom to wash up, snapping my fingers as I get in the shower and just making everything do what it’s supposed to itself, even my clothes changing back to how they were before on the counter.

“Ita!” I heard Serena calling. “Breakfast!”

“Cwoming!” I yelled out, snapping my fingers again and making myself dry, my clothes flying on as I run out the door back to the kitchen. The little kitchen table off to the side was set for three people, Serena and Sunset already waiting for me. The plate left was filled with food just waiting for me to dig in to.

I climbed into the chair, muttering a thank you to them before I dug into the food. I heard Serena giggled and was able to see Sunset giving me a wry smile.

“Someone’s certainly hungry this morning.”

I nodded, not speaking with my mouth full as I continued to eat my food.

“So…” Serena started to say, picking at her food. “Ita… do you remember the last thing you said before you fell asleep last night?”

I froze, a bit surprised before I nodded, slowing down my eating and looking up at her.

“So you know what you called me last night?”

“I cwalled wou mwommy.” I said as if it was perfectly normal, tiling my head curiously and cutely. “Swo?”

“Why?” was all she asked.

“Wou were actwing wike wone…” I told her, beaming.

“But… is that something you want?”

I just nodded, too embarrassed to say anything, picking at my food, but stilling beaming at her.

“But… don’t you already have a mommy?”

“Mwy dwispwacers kwinda wike my mwommy, bwut she’s always in the vwoid swo I dwon’t see her mwuch.” I told her, kicking my legs a little now.

Serena didn’t seem to know how to respond, going back to picking at her own breakfast. There was an awkward silence between the three of us before Sunset decided to speak up.

“Why do you want Serena as your mom, kid? Just because she’s nice and has an overbearing need to actually get back to her regular life isn’t justified cause for it.”

“Sunset!” Serena admonished, but Sunset shook her head.

“No, Serena. As your friend, I can’t let you just jump into this. Even if you are a lot older than me, it doesn’t mean you’re ready for this. I mean, what’s Ash gonna say when you two finally reunite and he finds out you have a child? What’s gonna be the thought that runs through his mind?” Serena stayed quiet, well aware of what would no doubt run through this “Ash’s” mind. “Not only that, we have to send her back. She can’t stay here with the sirens still coming after you. Ita will always be a target. She has to go back to her own world, away from you, probably forever.”

“I cwould wink our worlds actwually, it’d bwe easy…” I said thoughtfully, looking at my food and kicking my legs still. “I cwould evwen mwake it swo onwy wou could cwome thwough the pwortal…”

“And do you know how much that puts your own world at risk?” Sunset asked. “You may be powerful, but you’re not a goddess yet. We’re dealing here with people that could very well end all life on this planet. And then move on to their original planet in a few moons. We won’t let you put your world at risk especially for something so selfish.”

“Mwy world alweady wasted, and if it gwets destwoyed, I cwan jwust mwake it again.” I said, getting depressed at really thinking about my world. “I onwy nweed fwour pwates untwil I’m dwone to…”

“No, Ita.” To my shock, it was Serena who spoke up. “We can’t have you do that. Not for this. It’s not worth the risk.”

“What wisk? Mwy worlds a waste, and I’m the onwy wiving thwing on the pwanet beswides the Twee of Hwarmony…”

“And what about the risk to our worlds?” Sunset brought up. “This world is dangerously connected to another. Adding another connection could do irreversible damage here. No matter how much you say it would be easy, it would just be better to keep them separate. I’m sorry.”

“Okway…” I said, defeated, slumping in my seat a little.

“And that means we might never see each other again…” Serena whispered, solemnly eating her breakfast.

“Wou hwanve my twoken, wou cwould always swummon mwe agwain.” I said, a bit happier at the idea.

“I can’t summon you,” she said in the same tone as before. “Not so long as those sirens are still around.”

“When I gwet the mwind pwate, I shwould bwe immune to thwier swong.” I told her, done with my food.

“They’re too strong, Ita!” she said in a raised voice. “I won’t let my child be hurt by them!” Instantly, she slapped a hand to her mouth.

I started to tear up a little, getting up and running into the bedroom, slamming the door closed. I jumped into the bed, curling under the covers, trying to regain control of my emotions, sobbing a little. A few minutes later, there was a light knocking on the door.

“Ita?” It was Serena’s voice.

“Wes…?” I called out, a sob breaking through mid sentence.

“Can I come in? We need to talk.”

“Okway…” I said, sitting up and trying to wipe the tears out of my eyes. Serena came in, looking like she had just cried a little herself. She didn’t say a word, closing the door behind her and coming over to sit on the bed next to me.

“I didn’t mean to snap at you like that,” was what she said after a few moments.

“I knwow…” I muttered, looking down and not at her.

“I wasn’t angry with you. I was, angry at them; the sirens, I mean. And, a little bit at myself, I suppose.”

I stayed silent, looking to the side and listening to her, still sobbing a little bit.

“Those sirens… they’ve taken everything from me. My home, my life… my husband. And now, they want you as a slave. I can’t deny it, Ita. I’ve grown attached to you, almost as if you were my own. For that reason, I have to send you away. I can’t lose you to them too. I just can’t.” Serena’s voice had gotten shaky as she kept talking, sounding like she was about to burst into tears herself.

I hugged her suddenly, putting my face into her chest and full out crying, trying to keep myself from getting mad and going on a rampage that’d likely do more damage than help. I felt her arms wrap around me, tears falling down to my face that certainly weren’t mine. Serena’s voice continued, shaky and stuttered my her crying.

“I want this. I really do, Ita. I want to be able to tuck you in at night, make sure you’re always well fed, and that you’re keeping care of yourself. I want to be there for you because I care about you. I want to be your mommy! But I know I can’t because then they’ll take you away from me. I’m not strong enough to fight them. I can’t protect you from them forever. Oh heavens above how I wish I could just keep you here as my little girl, but I can’t. No matter how much I want to…” Her voice trailed off into crying as she held me tighter.

I… didn’t have a response to that, I just kept hugging her and crying, not letting go and trying not to let myself get angry, even though I could feel traces of the dark aura that appears when I do appearing every now and then around me.

“I’m sorry,” she shakily whispered in my ear. “I shouldn’t have gotten your hopes up for this. I’m so sorry…”

I still just said nothing, letting go of the hug and looking down, the aura increasing slightly.

“There’s no other way to keep you safe,” Serena sniffled. “You have to go back where you came from. And stay away from here.”

“I… I… dwon’t want to stway away, I dwon’t, I want to bwe abwle to bwe hwere and thwose… STWUPID SWIRENS AWRE KWEEPING THWAT FWOM HWAPPENING.” I started losing control, the aura appearing and staying as my anger keeps rising.

“ITAZURA!” Serena yelled at me.

Surprised, I momentarily snapped out of my anger, though the aura was still appearing around me as I looked up at Serena, shocked. She looked at me, tears still stinging her eyes. She tried to firmly grab my shoulders as best she could.

“There’s nothing that can be done right now. Getting mad isn’t going to make it any better.”

I started bawling, embracing her again, letting my sadness overtake my anger, the aura disappearing as I clutched onto her again. Serena pulled me close, resting her head on top of mine gently.

“Maybe some day, Ita. But I can’t risk so long as I’m in danger. That’s not a life I want for you here.” I just nodded into her as I bawled, not trusting myself to not get angry if I spoke and continued just cry into her shirt. “And when that day comes, I’ll come find you. Then you can meet Ash, and Celestia, and Luna. They would love to meet you; oh can I just imagine Luna squealing about it now,” she chuckled, fresh tears falling down her cheeks.

“O-okway.” I stuttered, starting to calm down a bit. I felt Serena’s grip tighten on me a bit and I knew she was crumbling.

“Oh Ita… I’m so sorry… I’m so so sorry, Ita…”

“I thwink we shwould go, bwefor we dehydwate ourswelves…” I said, trying to make a joke to lighten the mood.

“R-right,” she struggled to say. “We… we need to get to the creek bed so you can…” She sniffled a bit, trying not to cry again. “So you can say goodbye.”

“It won’t bwe gwoodbwye… jwust swee wou later…” I said, trying not to think if it really would be goodbye or not. I snapped my fingers, cleaning both of us up.

“Right,” Serena said, pulling herself up to a standing position. “Come on, let’s… let’s go see everyone?”

I nodded, reaching a hand out for her to hold it and smiling sadly at her. She took it and led me out of the room. Sunset was standing at the end of the hall, clearly having heard everything from the way she was looking at us. She and Serena only shared a glance before Sunset led us out the door.

The walk from their apartment to the creek bed was quiet, painfully so. It hurt even more by passing those suburban houses where I could see families; fathers, mothers, and children all out enjoying their lives while ours… ours may never be.

Upon arriving at the creek bed, Trixie and Flash were already there. And from the solemn looks upon their faces, they already knew. All it did, was keep the wound even fresher.

“Befwore I gwo.” I said, gaining everyone's attention. “I hwave gwift’s I want to gwive wou all.”

“Oh no, Itazura. Trixie and friends could never accept such things from you,” Trixie tried to decline.

“To bwad, wour gwetting thwem anyway.” I told her, giving her no chance to argue. “Nwow fwirst thwings fwirst.” I said, reaching into my hammerspace and pulling out a couple bags. “Thwese are fwilled with evewy kwind of bewwy, and it shwould autwo wefill everwy day.” I told them giving them each a bag. “Thwey’ll onwy work for wou, if anywone else twyies thwey will gwet the opposwite of what thwey wanted.”

“Berries?” Trixie and Flash asked.

Sunset grabbed one and looked inside. “I.. I can’t believe it. Oran, Pecha, Cherri, they’re all there. With these, we don’t have to ever worry about healing our Pokémon after training sessions!”

“Alswo what’s evwyones favourwite twype of attwack, pwokemon twype thwat is.” I asked, looking at them.

Trixie scratched the back of her head. “Trixie only has Gabite. So she would have to say dragon.”

“I’ve only got Manectric so, electric of course.”

Sunset was the only one who answered instantly. “Fire. No question.”

“My favorite has always been the psychic,” Serena told me. “But why are you asking, Ita?”

“Bwecause, thwis!” I shouted, eyes glowling golden as I cup my hands in-front of me. The sheer power I’m useing causes the others to be pushed back a bit, four glowing orbs appearing in my hands, them being Red, yellow, purple, and pink.

“Thwese gwems will incwease wour pwokemons attwacks of the swame twype, it usuawwy is twempoary bwut I mwaid it pwermanent.” I said, levitating each one to there new owner, them being hovered right in-front of them.

They each took them looking them over. “Elemental gems,” Serena whispered. “The rarest kind ever found in Equestria. Not even Ash and I could keep a constant supply of these. And they’re permanent?”

“Bweing a almwost Gwoddess has it’s pwerks.” I replied simply, smiling at them.

“Thanks, Ita,” Sunset said, pocketing hers. “You’re really somethin’ else.” Trixie and Flash said similar thanks before all went quiet.

“So… this is farewell, huh?” Flash spoke up.

“I will swee wou all agwain, dwon’t worry, so fwor nwow later?” I said simply, my middle ring coming off my body and opening a portal behind me, leading to my world.

“Ita…” I heard Serena call out. I turned to see her walking towards me. She dropped to her knees in front of me and pulled me into a hug. “I’m going to miss you.”

“I’ll mwiss wou to.” I said, hugging her back before a minute. There were no tears from her this time and she slowly let me go, but not without kissing my forehead.

“You be safe. Promise me.”

“I pwomise, I’m wevel fwive hundwed im my world wight now swo I shwould bwe fine.” I told her, so only she could hear. I floated up, my ring coming to meet me. “Later…Mwommy” I said, backing into the portal and closing it behind me, a single tear falling before I’m all the way through.

The portal began to close, and I wish it had closed faster. I must have passed out her sight, but I saw her. Serena broke there on her knees, sobbing her heart out. My new mommy faded out of my sight and I was back in my own world.

I immediately went to my room, hugged a pillow and wept for a bit, having chanced my cloths into their footie pajama form again, I cried until, finally, I passed out.


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I groaned, clutching the pillow as I feel something shaking me. I tried to ignore it, resist it even… but it just kept shaking me. I grumbled, trying to go back to sleep. I eventually gave up on sleep, blinking my eyes open sleepily.

“I-ita?” I softly hear, unaware of who was speaking.

“Huh?” I mutter, looking around for who spoke to me. When my eyes adjusted, I could see a familiar face. Just with some kind of grey scarf on.

“Ita… Ita, are you okay?”

“Bwig bwutha?” I asked, looking up at him, surprised he’s here.

“Ita, what’s wrong?” He asked me, “I heard your cries in the middle of the night when I was trying to sleep.”

“N-nwothing.” I stutter not looking him in the eye, pulling the pillow closer,

“Sis, clearly something is wrong. Why aren’t you looking at me?” He then asked

“N-nwothing, weally.” I said, not wanting to think too much on what happened in the last world I was in.

“Ita please… Remember when I told you that my arm pulses when someone lies?”

Oh crap.

“It’s jwust… swomething fwom the world I jwust weft, dwon’t worry.” I told him, for some reason being really stubborn about this. However, this was short lived as we both heard a knock on the door.

“Hello? Anypony home? Anypony at all, please answer!”

Ken then looked back at me, before looking back at the door. “I thought you once told me that you were the only one alive here?”

“...I thwought I was…” I said, really confused about this. “Cwould wou gwet it bwig bwutha? I’m stwill in mwy pjs…”

“Yeah just hang on a sec…” Ken replied as he walked over to see what was there. “Ita, there’s a pegasus at the door.”

“Wet thwe pwegasus in!” I shouted to him, snapping my fingers and changing my pj’s into a blue lolita dress with dark blue slip on shoes.

I floated into the living room, where Ken was holding open the door and now, outside was a light grey pegasus mare with a navy mane and tail. “W-who are you?” It asked.

“Im Itazura, hwi!” I told it, waving at it cutely.

“Ita… Please, don’t mind her. She normally talks like that from time to time… My name is Ken.” He introduced himself to the pegasus. “Who are you, miss?”

“Storm Chaser.” She replied. “My name is Storm Chaser.”

“Well, Ms. Storm, come on inside… I have a feeling that you can answer some questions that we might have.” The Scalebound held the door open as she trotted inside. Taking a seat at the nearby table, we all sat down as the pegasus looked back at me.


“Is something wrong?” Ken asked her.

“N-no! Nothing’s wrong… It’s just… It’s the first time I’ve been above ground in six months and the first lifeforms I do meet are… ones I haven’t seen before.” Big brother looked back at me, confused as I looked at him before turning my attention to the pegasus.

“How are wou awive, I thwought evewything dwied?” I asked the pegasus, tilting my head cutely.

“Well, when the chaos started, a bunch of us fled into the caves under Canterlot. From there, we found an abandoned underground city and any survivors there took up shelter.” The pegasus answered her question. “It was only until recently that the entrance that was said to have been sealed broke apart because of a recent earthquake. Now we can return to the surface.”

“Hang on… an earthquake happened?” The Scalebound asked, now looking towards me. “Ita?”

I blushed a little in embarrassment, knowing what probably caused the earthquake. “I mwight of cwaused it when I wipped mwy iswand out of the gwound.” I told him, my voice being quieter as I go on. That, in turn caused Ken to facepalm himself and for Storm to look at me with a surprised look on her face.


“Ita… Do you think we can trust Storm here to keep a secret?” Ken then asked me as I looked back at him.

Staring at Storm for a couple seconds, I nodded, smiling at my big brother.

“Then you may want to be in your grown up form for this.” He suggested to me.

“Okway.” I said, my body glowing as I shifted into my more mature form, my dress turning into a light blue hoody and jeans as I do, my slip ons changing into sneakers.

“What the-?”

“Now Storm… we are only telling you this because we trust you okay?” Big brother explained to her. “I believe you are familiar with the princesses, am I right?”

“Y-yes. But Celestia, Cadence and Luna died during Tirek’s-”

“Well that’s the thing… Ita here is suppose to be her successor.” He continued. “However, she isn’t at full strength as of now and only can have her strength return by collecting a series of plates based off of different species. That’s why she was able to pull her island out of the ground and in turn, caused the earthquake that broke down the wall blocking your way out.” The pony now was looking at me, confused but shocked all the same. But the shock was not one that meant she was scared. It was one that meant hope.

“Y-you mean-?”

“Yeah, when I get all my plates I’ll be the Goddess of this whole universe, only need four more plates.” I told the pegasus, grinning.

“Plates?” The mare asked, going into her saddlebag to-. Wait, how does she-?! “You mean like this one?”

“Yes!” I said, reaching my hand out, the plate rushing into me, filling me with all rock type move knowledge and all the exp I would’ve gotten if I had actually went to it’s temple. I hugged the mare, smiling.

“Uhh… Y-you’re welcome?” She replied, still a little confused and surprised about my leaping hug.

Realising what I just did, I blushed a little, leaping back to where I was. “T-thanks, for bringing your soon to be Goddess a plate, you can have a wish, what is it?”

“A-a wish?” She asked, a little nervous. “Well… what I want really isn’t a wish… It’s more of a… well request.”

“Request?” Ken asked.

“When the attack happened, my home in Cloudsdale was destroyed…” Storm told me, looking a little sorrowful. “C-can I stay here, goddess?”

“Sure, I got a couple rooms I don’t use anyway, pick one I can just make the furniture.” Now was when the tables were turned. This time she was leaping to me and pulling me into a hug, nuzzling her head against the top of mine.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!” She squeed, still hugging me as her muzzle just barely reached one of my horns. I squirmed a bit at the contact to my horns, blushing more. Soon though, she moved her head as she looked back at me.

“I’m gonna take my leave if you don’t need me for anything else, Ita.” Ken informed me as he prepared his token for the trip home.

“Well I was gonna go plate hunting, but one found me so I should be good for now, see ya later Ken.” I told him. In return, he nodded his head before he stepped through a tear in the void towards his home. That though, surprised Storm… a lot.

“What was that all about?” She asked me.

“Me and him are beings called Displaced. We’re originally from a different universe, but someway or another, we get sent to a different version of Equestria.”

“Oh you mean like Lady Zinnia?” Storm asked. “She was a Draconid that was a friend of Luna… However, Tirek… well… happened.”

“Yeah I met her before, using time stuff I won’t bother to explain.” I told her, before clapping my hands. “Now let’s get the survivors a home now shall we?”

“Where though? Almost everywhere except up here is barren ground and rubble.” She asked me.

“I’ll just fix up a patch of ground down below to for them to make a new town. How’d ya think this place is so prosperous?” I asked her, grinning.

“Yeah, but we should have it where it isn’t that far from the Underground,” Storm mentioned. “Don’t ask, somepony else came up with the name.”

“Which way is it?” I asked her, getting a mischievous idea.

“This way then.” She said, spreading open her wings as she began to fly in the air. “Follow me. You can fly right?”

“I can Fly, yes.” I told her, using said move, making golden wings sprout from my back.

“Great, that makes things easier!” With that, she went off in a nosedive and began to soar through the sky. With me following behind her.

I flew next to her, seemingly relaxing in the sky. “So… this the top speed? I can float faster than this.” I said with a cocky grin.

“Oh really? I would go faster, but I didn’t want to tire myself or leave you behind.” She replied. “Anyways, we should be getting close now. Be prepared to land in a minute.”

“Okay.” I told her, deactivating Fly, now just floating next to her. “I wonder if they’ll panic when I get there, would probably be funny.”

“Panic? To be clear, no one has seen any new creatures in half a year, Lady Ita.”

“Well, from what I’ve heard around the multiverse, ponies are kinda… skittish let’s say.” I told her, shrugging. “Didn’t want them thinking I’m evil or something.”

“Understandable… Can you wait out here though, I think there’s somepony I would like you to meet.” She said, flying into the opening of the cave before coming out some time later. Following her though was… Wait a second… Is that-?


“Me, I’m surprised you recognize me Twi, I’ve changed since last time.” I said, a mischievous grin on my face.

“Y-yes you have…” The Alicorn replied, but soon raising an eyebrow. “Yet you still never told me your name...”

“Didn’t have one when you met me.” I told her, shrugging cross legged in midair. “It’s Itazura now though, feel free to add chan to the end of that if you want.”

“Itazura then? Okay… What brings you here now?” She asked. “Surely, you must have a reason for you to be here.”

“I was planning on making a piece of land for you guys that’s actually, you know, liveable I’m kind of going be a Goddess soon.” I told her, smiling.

“Y-you mean you’re going to be… Celestia’s successor?” She replied. “Oh my stars, I am so grateful for Storm finding you.”

“What, couldn’t handle being in charge?” I asked her, giggling a little.

“No, it’s just… Try living underground for six months and you’ll understand.” She replied. “Now… About the land you were going to make? Is this true?”

“Yeah, pick a patch of land and I’ll revitalize it, should last you guys long enough for me to get the rest of the plates and restore the whole planet.” I told her, shrugging at the end.

“You mean just Equestria, don’t you?” Twilight asked. “Tirek’s attack was on Equestria and because of it, it cut us off from neighboring countries like Griffonstone and Prance. The sooner we can get a town set up, the sooner we can get a message out to the other countries to ask for help. It’s been hard to get a lot of things done without the princesses… Good thing we have you Ita.” She smiled.

I grimaced, hating to have to say this. “Yeah… the thing is, unless there are other secret underground survivors, everything else died including Arceus, that’s why I can get the plates in the first place.”

That was when Twilights eyes widened immensely… “Oh dear Stars… We’re the only ones left…” She almost looked like she was going to be on the verge of tears when she looked around at the barren land around her. “Mom… Dad… I’m so sorry…”

“If you want, when I’m a full Goddess I can probably just take all the dead races soles and give them new bodies, I will be the Goddess of the universe after all, not just this world.” I informed her, grinning again.

“You can’t… Only the warden of Tartarus decides the fate of souls.” She replied. “I thank you for your kind offer, but there are somethings that even I can’t do. We should start with the land though… Then we can make a memorial for the dead.”

“Well personally I was just gonna use Xerneas’ powers to revive everyone, kinda what that Pokemon could do… but if you wanna leave them dead, I understand… Point where to revitalize and I’ll get to work.” I said casually, shrugging again.

“How about where we are?” She suggested.

“That’s a good starting point.” Storm agreed with Twilight’s statement.

“Okay.” I said, glowing as I floated up. “Now let’s do this!” I said, grinning as I shot a beam down, it releasing a pulse outward that revitalised the land, the brown ground turning green, the sky turning back to blue and allowing the sun through. “There, generally revitalized, ready for farming and everything.”

“Thank you Ita… I should go inform the others. It’ll take a few days to build everything, but can you leave some building supplies just in case?”

“Sure, anything except metals, don’t have that plate yet.” I told them, making some wood, glass, and other things appear for them to build with, even though I could probably just as easily do it myself. Some time later though, as more ponies emerged from the cave, Twilight asked me to create a few boulders on the side. More specifically, four of them. After doing so, the Alicorn used her magic to create four statues.

One of Celestia, one of Luna, one of Cadence and her husband, Shining Armor… and one of Zinnia.

“May your souls find eternal peace.” She prayed, before using her magic to plant the statues in the ground so they couldn’t move. A few tears falling down her face.

“Anything special you want on them?” I asked her, stretching a bit. She whispered something into my ear, which in turn I nodded and added a special stone slab to the base of each statue. Twilight in turn, used her magic to inscribe a message on each block of stone before leaving them be.

“Well… that’s done.” I said to myself, floating cross legged.

“... Are you okay, Ita?” Twilight asked. “You… seem different.”

“Huh?” I asked, snapping out of a daze. “Yeah I’m fine, why?”

“You aren’t as… cheery like the last time I’ve seen you.” She said. “Is something wrong?”

“Nah, I’m fine… just kinda… zoned out.” I told her putting my cheek on my fist.

“Ita… You’re like an open book at times. Clearly something is wrong.” Twilight replied. “You can’t hide these feelings of yours.”

“It’s just something that happened in another world, don’t worry about it.” I told her, trying to play it off.

“You’re gonna have to talk about it at some point… Bottling it up is not going to help anyone.”

“Yeah… probably.” I admitted, looking down and frowning.

“Do you want to talk about it with me?” She then asked. “We can keep it between us.”

“Yeah… should probably go to my island in the sky, it’s more private there.” I told her, taking the middle ring off and using Hyperspace Hole and opening a portal to my island. Twilight followed me inside as we soon returned home. Now that we were alone, we could be able to talk.

“So…” I said, not really sure where to start with this, frowning again.

“Go ahead… tell me what’s on your mind.” She insisted. “I would use a mind reading spell, but I thought that would just be an invasion of privacy.”

“Well…” I said, rubbing my arm. “In my… let’s say child form, is what I usually use to meet most other displaced… and I may have gotten a bit of a more… family like attachment to one… and I won’t be able to go back there till the problem there is solved… and I was in my child-like form still so… let’s just say I didn’t take it very well.” I sighed at the end, blushing a little in embarrassment.

“What’s the problem?” She asked.

“You deal with sirens yet?” I asked, turning to her. “There worshipping Yvetal in her world, and they have these pokemon that I think they tortured.” I told her, shuddering a bit thinking about what they would of done to me if they had gotten me.

“We’ve dealt with them. Before Tirek though… He’s the reason why everything went to hell.”

“I know why everything went to hell, just curious.” I told her, leaning back on my couch.

“Who is the one you’ve grown… attached too?”

“Names Serena, she’s one of the characters from the Pokemon show and not an actual Pokemon.” I told her, staring at the ceiling.

“And what is she like to you?”

“She’s like another mother, though my Displacer Patty is to… got a very strange family tree developing… I’m not going to think about it too much, would probably just cause headaches.” I said, now lying down on the couch.

“Trust me… my assistant Spike is a dragon and he see’s me as a mother.”

“Well at least your still in your universe, my strange new family is across the multiverse, how’s he doing since I made him bigger by the way?” I asked her, trying to change the subject.

“He’s… grown to say the least… Who’s in your family though?”

“Well pretty much everyone who I’ve met so far…” I trailed off, thinking about how strange the family reunion would be.

“And those people are… Ita, I can’t help you unless you actually tell me about them.”

“If you want, just read my mind about it I’m not to good at this kinda stuff.” I told her, stretching on the couch, and making sure that she only gets images of everyone except chaotix and Jason. But after she did the spell, what she said next surprised even me.

“Y-you met Zinnia?”

“Yeah, so?” I asked her, tiling my head curiously.

“N-nothing… I was just… Surprised… She was a real good friend and… almost like family.” Twilight said. “I miss her… a lot.” Taking a minute to compose herself, she then looked back at me with a different question in mind. “Now… who is the one with the dragon like arm that you call your big brother?”

“That is Ken, he’s a… Scalebound, I think.” I told her, sitting up.

“Well, that I figured as much… though, I saw something in particular that might… well… solve your problem.” She replied. “Remember how Displaced have tokens?”

“Yeah?” I asked, curious now.

“And you use that wormhole to come here right?”

“Yeah, it’s easy… why?” I said, not sure where she’s going with this.

“What if you used a token while using a wormhole at the same time. Meaning where you end up will be wherever or whoever it belongs too?”

“Well I think that’d work… I mean I could just go there without the token already, but it’s tiring… it’d probably just make it easier.” I told her stretching as I stood up.

“Well, how I always saw it is that a token is like a magnet. Either you pull a Displaced to you… or with enough force, you are pulled to them.”

“Well I guess… want anything to eat?” I asked her, floating in place.

“Do you have any chocolate. Since we’ve been underground, ponykind has had a lack of certain foods that could be considered as pleasures.” She replied. I nodded my head, but as I was floating over to the cupboards to go get some for her, I heard the most strangest question that I thought I would hear from Twilight. “Hey… How do you see this Ken… as a brother?”

“Well… I was in my kid form, and he was acting like one so it just kinda… happened I guess.” I told her, grabbing some chocolate from the cupboards

“It must be nice… I once knew what it felt like… But I lost my brother during Tirek’s rampage… He sacrificed himself… for us.” She said, dropping her head down. “Oh Shiny… You were gone too soon.”

“Hey, would he want you like this?” I asked her, floating over and handing her the chocolate bar.

“N-no… But you don’t understand… Before he and all the princesses died… he was going to be a father… now I’m the only one left of my family.” Twilight groaned. “It’s just… hard you know.”

“I don’t really know, but I can imagine.” I told her, sighing. “I can kinda get it because, a few months before my displacement my grandfather died.” I told her, getting a bit sad at the memory.

“I-i’m… sorry to hear that.” She said, using her magic to take hold of the chocolate bar that I gave her. “D-do you think…… I can see you as a little sister?”

Grinning, I glowed a little as I began to shrink down to my child form, my cloths changing back to how they were earlier.”

“Swure bwig swister.” I said, hugging her. I felt tears from her eyes as she hugged me back, the little droplets crashing on top of my head as the alicorn held me closer to her.

“T-thank you, Ita…” She said, still shedding tears.

I said nothing, just rubbing her back as I hugged her, waiting for her to calm down. She did so in time, but it was then that I felt a little bit of heat coming off of her cheeks. Looking up, I began to notice that she was blushing.

I giggled at her embarrassment, floating back from the hug.

“Why wou bwushing bwig swistah?” I asked her, tilting my head curiously.

She looked down, nudging one of my legs with her hoof. “You’re… getting a little too close there.” She told me.

“Sowwy.” I said, moving my leg away. “Bwetter?”

“A-a bit… it just felt… weird…” She said to me, still blushing.

“Weird hwow?”

“Well… I’ve never felt anything like that before… Even though it looked weird it felt… good.” She said. Please, don’t tell me she is what I think she is…

“Are wou a vwigrin?” I asked, giggling. She at first stepped back, holding her wings together. But after the question settled a bit, she then sighed.

“No, of course not!” She said. “I knew Zinnia, don't I?”

“Of cwourse.” I said, giggling, a knowing grin on my face. Only leading to Twilight raising an eyebrow, which was a cue for me to continue explaining.

“Sowwy, thwat was mwe accidwentally wubbing wour pwussy.” I said, before immediately laughing at how ridiculous that sounded coming from child me’s mouth.

“Accidently?” She said, shaking her head to try and erase the thought from her mind. “Nevermind that. How do you know about that?”

“Wet’s jwust sway thwat I dwo alot of fwamily bwonding.” I told her, grinning. That, just caused her to facehoof herself.

“Oh dear Celestia, I don’t even…” Twilight sighed, looking back at me and saying the first thing that came to mind to try and change the topic. “M-maybe we should get back to the others and have them settle in first.”

“Okway.” I said, shifting back into my older form. “Let’s go, big sis.” Before we left though, I heard Twilight say one other thing to me before we turned to the ring.

“Do you think that I can… meet Ken after we help the others? He is sort of my new brother, right?”

“I could just summon him now, I mean I have his token in the dresser drawer next to my bed.” I told her, shrugging.

“Well, we should help everypony else first beforehoof.” She said. “You did save us from a life of living underground after all.”

“Okay, let’s go then.” I said, stepping through my ring as my new big sister soon followed me.

Monkeying around!

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I closed the portal behind us, my ring going back to where it was belongs as we stepped in front of the underground city.

“So… what are we doing again big sis?” I asked her, having forgotten already for some reason.

“Well, it appears that a majority of the supplies had already been taken up to the surface. But we should go see if anything was left behind just in case.” The Alicorn explained as she walked towards the entrance.

“Lead the way big sis, I’ll just follow you.” I told her, floating besides her. As we walked down, I began to see the makeshift homes that Twilight and the other ponies had to live in along with everything else. Using a spell, Twilight’s horn glowed as she put out an outstretched hand. For a moment, it looked like nothing was happening. But soon, I noticed what she was doing as a few different items from different places came crashing through the walls of the homes towards us.

“Yeah… still a bit rusty with that. The spell was suppose to pull any loose objects like a magnet, but I didn’t take into account what the items condition would be like afterwards.” She sighed.

“It’s okay, if I need to I can probably just make everything good as new, this all were getting?” I asked her, floating cross legged.

“Well, for the most part. There is still something else that I need to get from the vault that I had in my home.” She said, looking towards me. “You might want to see this as well.” With that, she walked into the abandoned ghost town and after a few blocks, turned right. Shortly after walking inside, she went to the back of the room and undid a combination lock using her magic. However, what was inside was what confused me the most. It looked like a frozen seed or something like that. Something that would match the current clothes that either she and I were wearing.

“What’s this?” I asked her, leaning closer to the seed.

“Have you ever heard of the Tree of Harmony?” She asked me in return.

“Yeah, I have it supporting my island, since it’s the most orderly like place on the world right now, I’m having it keep my island in the air… is this a seed to make another one?”

“Yeah. This is the Seed of Harmony. It was inside the box that my friends and I found inside the castle of the royal pony sisters, but when Tirek attacked, we weren’t able to get it open until after… after he killed everyone. But from what I know, the seed here will hastily help in restoring life to Equestria once it’s planted and given time to bloom.”

“Actually… in an alternate timeline I think this seed was supposed to do something very different for you and your friends… want me to show you?”

“If you are talking about Rainbow Power, then that was only one small factor. We used it to stop him, but since Celestia and the others were gone, there was no magic in the soil for this to take root… Now that you’re here, everything changes.” She said, “You’re the key to helping us rebuild, LSBFF.”

“And that means…?” I asked her, rolling my hand in the ‘continue’ motion.

“Little sister, best friend forever.”

“Of course it does.” I said, facepalming at me not getting that myself. “Let’s just go plant the seed.” She nodded, both of us going back up to the surface as we soon walked over to where everypony else was. One thing that I was curious about was where Twilight’s friends might be. I noticed Applejack with her family and Rarity with her sister, but I haven’t found everyone else yet. However, when I turned around I soon felt a pulling sensation around my face as I looked to see a creature with multiple body parts.

“Hehe… got your nose!”

“Discord, be nice.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “Ita, this is Discord… Reformed spirit of chaos… Reformed being the operative word here.”

“It’s nice to meet another mischief maker.” I said, grinning as I used Psychic to trip the chaos being.

“Touche’.” He said back to me as a small blue bird chirped a little before flying off. “So a little birdy told me that this little one is suppose to be taking Sunbutt’s place real soon?”

“Actually, I’ll be Goddess of this entire universe, not just the sun so I’d actually be above Celestia.” I informed him, smirking.

“Oh so like her mother, Faust.” He responded. “That is a lot of weight on your shoulders kiddo.”

“Eh, if I need to I can just make bot legendaries to run things.” I said, shrugging.

“And like Arceus… good to know.” He smirked, scratching his chin as he looked at the sky for a minute before looking back at me. “What about Darkrai?”

DARKRAI CAN GO BURN IN HELL.” I shouted, angry at the mention of him, a dark aura instantly flaring around me.

“Easy there, I didn’t mean anything like that! No need to go all royal canterlot voice on me.” He said, shaking his noggin a little as his body began to shiver a little with fear. “Besides, I was going to mention that you have a visitor back at your place.”

I took a couple deep breaths, the aura vanishing. “Okay… I should go check on that… Discord, handle the day and night cycle will you?” I asked, not waiting for an answer as I shifted into my child form, opening a ring to my place. Where both Twilight and I soon walked through the ring and ended up in my living room softly. Only to hear a familiar voice.

“Hey Ita, are you here? I need to tell you about somethi-.”

“Ovwer hwere!” I shouted, floating over to him. That was when the person stepped out of the kitchen and soon saw the two of us. Now it was time for Big brother… to meet Big sister.

“There you are. I was wondering when you were going to be here.” He smiled, looking behind me. “I see that you have some company.”

“Bwig bwutha, mweet bwig swistah!” I said, moving a little out of the way for him to see her easier.

“Wait a second… big sister?” He asked, looking back at Twilight. “What exactly happened while I was gone?”

“Well, I asked if Ita could be my little sister since she reminded me of someone I knew in my family,” The Alicorn spoke up. “You must be Ken. I’m Twi-.”

“Twilight right? Kind of figured since you remind me of the Twilight in my world.” He said, scratching the back of his head. “Nice to meet you.”

“Bwig swistah, dwidn’t wou want to ask Bwig bwutha something?” I asked her, tilting my head cutely.

“Well, I was going to ask about his Equestria, but from me reading your mind that sort of answered my own question… Still, I want to know more a little about Ken… If he’s your BBBFF, then he could also be mine too right?”

“Let me guess, Big brother best friend forever?”

“You got it.” She smiled.

“Whatcha dwoing hwere Bwig bwutha?” I asked him cutely, smiling up at him.

“Well, when I was meeting one of my friends, I found out that he was starting up something that I thought would be beneficial for you. Have you ever heard of Sun Wukong?” He asked me. “The monkey guy from RWBY?”

“Wes, I watched all of wit befwore I was dwisplaced… hwe bawley dwid anything.” I told him, still smiling up at him.

“Which Season did you watch?”

“All of thwem, volwume wone to thwee.” I told him, rocking back and forth on my feet.

“Well, Sun in his world had just finished setting up an academy for Displaced and after talking to him about you, he said you can have priority registration and be able to learn with other Displaced who are still new to the concept. I thought it would be helpful for you.” He said, holding out a piece of paper, “Therefore, I got you an application form for you to fill out when you have the chance.”

“Uuuugh… schwool… I gwive myswelf fwive secwonds befwoer I fwall asleep.” I said, groaning as I took the paper. Before noticing a small coin fall on my head. A golden one by appearance.

I blinked cutely in surprise, taking the coin off of my head. “Is thwis hwis twoken?” I asked, showing it to my big brother.

“Yup. It’s a medallion used to call on him. Feel free to meet him when you want to.” He said to me as he readjusted his shoulders. “I gotta get back to the temple, I don’t want to keep AJ or Revaan waiting.”

“Okway, bwy Bwig Bwutha!” I said, waving to him as he left. Twilight then looked at me, smiling a little.

“He’s quite nice… So, you think maybe we should call on this Sun person?” She asked me.

“Swure.” I said, putting a little power into the token to summon its displaced. It was soon that not one, but two individuals crashed into the room, almost tackling us to the ground.

“O-oww… Hey Fluttershy, are you okay?” I heard a voice ask.

“Y-yeah… What happened?”

“Awre wou two okway?” I asked them, leaning over their fallen forms.

“Y-yeah. Thanks for-.” I heard the faunus speak, until I felt the pegasus that was with him leap onto me and embrace me in a death hug.

“Oh my gosh, it’s SO CUTE!!!”

“A-air…” I stuttered out, not prepared for the hug. She loosened her grip, but still nuzzled her head against mine.

“Fluttershy… I think that’s who summoned us.”

In an instant, she looked back at me with a surprised look on her face. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry-!!”

“Hwugs are fwine, jwust no dweath hugs pwease.” I said, using Heal Order on both myself and them. “Thwere, all dwamage gwone.”

“You must be Itazura then,” The Faunus spoke up, which I noticed was wearing a black jacket and cargo pants as he offered a hand for me to shake. “Ken told us about you. Sun Wukong, a pleasure to meet you.”

“Pweasure to mweet wou two.” I told him, shaking his hand. “Want anythwing to eat?”

“Thanks for the offer, but we just got back from a very special Hearts and Hooves Day dinner so I think we’re full for the moment.” He replied. “So, any reason why you called us here?”

“Bwig bwutha jwust weft and hwe twold mwe abwout wour schwool.” I told him.

“Oh, about Beacon. Yeah, he said he thought it would be good for someone like you and it seems like he was right.” He said, tickling my belly. “You do look real cute by the way.”

I giggled cutely, blushing a little at the compliment. “I jwust hwope it’s nwot to borwing.”

“Trust me, it won’t be. You’ll be even meeting other Displaced your age.” He assured me as his Fluttershy leaned against Sun in a relaxed position. “Theres even a couple of Pokemon ones if I remember correctly. So, you’ll be in good hands.”

With the last part, he rubbed the top of my head, WAY too close to my horns as I squeaked a little.

“Whatch thwe hworns!” I said, ducking out of the rub. “Thwere swensitive.” I told him, blushing a little more.

“Oh?” He said, chuckling a little. “I didn’t know that… could that be the reason why you’re blushing?”

“Hey Ita, I’m going to go back to where everypony else is. I can catch up with you later.” Twilight told me as she walked towards the ring that I had forgotten to close earlier.

“Okway, bwye!” I said, ignoring Suns question, blushing a tiny bit more.

“Ita? Did you hear what I asked you?” He said again. “Is that why you’re blushing?”

“Mwabye…” I mutter, closing the ring and putting it back on me. The fact that Sun’s chest was exposed was not helping me in getting rid of my blush as all it did was just deepen it even more.

“Swo… what are wou to each othwer?” I asked, making sure to seem totally innocent.

“Well, Fluttershy is my marefriend and I’m her coltfriend. We’ve been together for over four months now.” He replied. “Why do you ask?”

“Jwust curwious.” I said, smiling cutely and innocently.

“Hwave wou pwayed any spwecial gwames?” I asked, still seeming innocent.

“Special… games?” Fluttershy asked, tilting her head a little. “You mean like the Pony Games or the Running of the Leaves?”

“Nwo gwames wike Zwinny pways.” I told him, seemingly innocent and naive to what the ‘games’ actually are.

“Who’s Zinny?” The Pegasus asked again, only for Sun to widen his eyes and facepalm himself.

“You have got to be kidding me… Ita… Would you happen to mean… Bedroom games?”

“Pwobabwy.” I said, rocking back and forth on my feet, looking as innocent as possible. Looking at Fluttershy, Sun then leaned over to me and whispered something in my ears.

“Yeah… technically speaking… Fluttershy and I are virgins.” He whispered.

I giggled at this, amused. “Weally? Zwinny wet mwe pway the gwame wit hwer alweady…”

“Well… we might want to get Shy warmed up to the possibility first… But so you know, she’s mine okay? You can please her, but I’m the one claiming her virginity.” He whispered back.

“I’m a gwirl, I dwon’t thwink wou have to worry abwout thwat.” I said, giggling again. He nodded, turning around to Fluttershy as she curiously tilted her head to the side.

“Hey Shy, Ita was wanting to try something… new and to do so, we need to follow her to her room. You alright with that?”

“S-sure.” She squeaked, hopping on her hooves as she followed us to my room. Thankfully, everything was already cleaned up from my meltdown the other day, so we didn’t have to worry about her smelling tears.

As we went into the room, I closed the door behind us with a quick Psychic, accidentally startling Fluttershy a little. Turning to us, she shook a little as the pegasus saw Sun take his coat off. “Sun?”

“Yes Shy?”

“I-i know that we’ve been together for… a while… but what exactly are we… well doing?” Sun chuckled a little, bending over and whispering something in her ear, causing her eyes to widen a little as she looked back. “Sun… I’ve been waiting for when you were going to tell me you wanted to do that…” She then pulled Sun in for a kiss before gently letting him go. “I love you, you silly monkey.”

I decided to let them get started by themselves, floating over to the dresser and putting suns token in the drawer with the rest, before sitting on top of it, making my cloths vanish, and watching them. The Pegasus continued to kiss him a little as the Faunus worked on removing the gauntlets that were on his hands and also his shoes and socks. He still had his pants on, but it wasn’t long until Fluttershy made a move and used the feathers of her wings to undo his fly. Revealing the tent that was being pitched in his undergarments as Fluttershy chuckled a little.

“Swo… cwan I pway to or shwould I weave wou to awone?” I asked, giggling.

“I don’t want to leave you out,” Fluttershy spoke up. “How about you come here and help me release this poor beast from his cage?”

I chuckled at this, floating over to them to help ‘release the beast.’ Using my fingers, I helped Fluttershy pull off his pants and then slowly pull down his underwear as his hardened staff soon sprung forth. The beast was out, but as Fluttershy put it, we needed to help… take care of it.

“Wou cwan gwo fwirst, youre cwoltfwiend afterall.” I said, grinning.

“Oh? But I think you can help him first. I can only assist him once he’s ready.” She replied with a wink.

“Damn Shy… I never thought you would be open to this and now, I’m starting to like you-.”

I wrapped my hand around his shaft, teasing him with just a handjob for a little. He groaned a little, a sign to me that he was liking how this was going so far.

I started licking his shaft a little, smiling up at him as I saw him look at me. My guess was that he wanted a little bit more, so I decided to step up my game to prepare him for his marefriend.

I started sucking his dick, moving my head slowly in order to start, but speeding up as time passed. He moaned in pleasure as he looked over to Fluttershy, who was sitting right next to him as I was bobbing my head on his shaft. He was a little bigger that Ken and also longer as well. I was surprised that he was still a virgin given his size. But while thinking this though, I felt him take hold of my head as he held me down on his throbbing member.

“G-getting c-close.” He breathed out, mere moments before I felt his load crash into my mouth. This time, it tasted a lot different than all the other times. Especially with Ken.

I swallowed it all, before leaning back panting a little. “All weady.” I told Fluttershy, grinning. She soon walked over, but had Sun look over to see that she wasn’t exactly… prepared so to speak. So beforehand, he focused on cleaning her out by using his tongue around her entrance to make sure she was moist enough. By then, she was laying with her back on the bed and her head close to me as Sun loomed over her.

“J-just tell me if it hurts o-okay?” He said to her, in return getting a confident nod from Fluttershy as she braced himself for what came next. Lining himself up, Sun slowly pushed forward until he reached a certain point where he had to look back at her. With another nod from Fluttershy, he pulled back, only to swiftly thrust forward as the pegasus swung her front hooves around to grab onto Sun, reacting from having her hymen break and the Faunus claiming her virginity.

“E-easy there… J-just tell me when you want to continue.” He assured her, caressing her mane with a free hand.

“I-i’m fine Sun…” She squeaked, “Y-you can keep going…” Oh boy, this was giving me flashbacks to when Ken was fucking me outside. And damn, was Fluttershy playing the cute card really well. Almost like she was competing against me for overall cuteness in the bedroom… if there ever was such a contest. With the pegasus’ words, the faunus’ slowly began to make love to his marefriend as he began to build up a rhythm of steady thrusts. However, there was one thing I never expected as I looked down at myself and noticed this.

His tail was teasing my clit. And just it running along my entrance was making me wet. I moaned a bit in pleasure, glad to not be left out as his tail continued to tickle my sensitive spots. All this while Sun was moving in and out of his marefriend, thrusting deeply into her with each stroke. I could see the pegasus trying her best to hold back on her cries, but was failing to do so.

The faunus bent over, kissing her on the mouth and providing air through the kiss, causing the pegasus to pant. “M-more!” I heard her cry. “I-it feels… wonderful!” Sun gave her more as he quickened what he was doing, now slamming in and out into her as Fluttershy’s grip on him tightened. Only causing his tail to move faster and tease me even more.

I moaned more, squirming a little at the teasing, whimpering a little for more. But Sun was not paying attention to that, but instead was more focused on the pegasus he was fucking as he quickened his motions. My, he was almost like Ken, but could last longer too… Who knows? Maybe I can have a round with him after he was done with Fluttershy? Well, one could dream right?

“H-harder Sun!” I heard her squeak. “I-i think I’m-. AHH!!!” Without warning, Fluttershy bit down on Sun’s shoulder as she came right in front of my eyes. Her back legs now looping around the Faunus in order to try to prevent him from pulling out. However, Sun though didn’t continue just yet. He still hadn’t came yet, but he was letting Fluttershy get a chance to breath first beforehand. Then, he got straight back to work as he slammed his hips against hers. Now I was feeling his tail looking like it was going to go inside me.

I moaned, grinning at this, thinking I wasn’t just going to be teased anymore. But it still continued to tease me. Dammit! Why!?

“Maybe I should cut down on the sex just a little.” I thought to myself, squirming at still just being teased. When I turned back to the couple, I found Sun still going at it. But the monkey’s movements were all erratic. He must’ve been close to his release.

“I-i’m c-close Shy! W-where?”

“I-inside!!” She screamed. “C-cum inside me-!” With the final scream, Sun was able to comply with Fluttershy’s desires as his cock twitched and began to fire off his tasty cum inside her inner depths. They both soon collapsed on the bed as a pile of sweaty bodies as they looked at one another.

“B-best… Hearts and hooves day… ever.” She said, kissing him on the nose.

“T-thanks… That reminds me… I still had one last gift… but I left it in my pants.” He sighed, turning around as he slowly pulled out and moved away, his tail leaving me as he pulled out a medium sized box.

“Hunh? What is that?” She asked.

“Fluttershy… You have been there for me ever since we met… Now I want to be there for you…” He told her, allowing her to open it up and have her eyes widen at the sight. “Will you-?”

“Yes!” She squeaked, tackling him and almost hitting me in the process. Now was when I was able to see what was in the box. And what I saw surprised me.

It was a wedding ring. One big enough to be on one of Fluttershy’s hooves.

I let them have their moment, floating off to the side a little, smiling at the happy scene in front of me. As I was floating though, Sun lifted his head, noticing me above them. “Whoops… I think we were forgetting someone.”

“Nah, enjwoy yuor momwent, I’m fwine.” I said, smiling cutely at them.

“You say one thing…” He said, pointing at me, “But that says otherwise.”

Looking down, I blushed, noticing that I’m… just a little soaked. “W-wyea… I’m twying to bwe nwice…”

“It’s okay, Ita,” I now heard Fluttershy speak, before looking back at Sun. “We understand… Perhaps… maybe we can help take care of you?”

“That’d bwe nwice.” I said, floating back over to them and smiling. Sun though, had a concerned expression on his face as I looked back at him.

“What’s wong?” I asked him, tilting my head curiously.

“N-nothing… It’s just that… If we do this, it’ll make me think that I’m having sex with a child and that may be seen as rape.” He said, looking a little concerned.

I rolled my eyes at this, glowing as I shifted into my more… mature form. “There… better?”

“Oh you are just full of surprises now, aren’t you?” He chuckled. “So Ita… do you have any special requests?”

“Not really.” I told him, shrugging. “Let’s just do this, shall we?”

“Okay… You know… is it just me or do I see some hairs from my tail against your chest?” Uh oh… Not good…

“Your tail teased me while you were playing with your marefriend.” I told him, blushing a little.

“Oh really now… That just gives me an idea…” He said, having me lay on my back as he… wait a second… why is-? That’s when I noticed his tail as it was prodding at the entrance to my second hole.

I grinned at this, excited. “Go ahead whenever you're ready.” Sun nodded, but it was also when I felt Fluttershy put herself on top of me as she looked at both of us.

“Uh… I-i hope you don’t mind if… if I j-join you two… right?” She asked, squeaking a little as she spoke.

“Your coltfriend.” I said to her, smiling.

“Y-your choice?” She said back.

“Yeah… let’s get started now, I’m still soaked.” I said, giggling a little. Just as she said that, I felt Sun’s cock and his tail penetrate both of my holes, catching me by surprise as I tried to intake the size of his member.

I yelped a bit in surprise, before moaning in pleasure at the double penetration. Fluttershy was moaning as well as she reached over to kiss me as I felt the faunus begin to move in both of my holes. My god, he was even bigger than Ken!

I moaned in pleasure, kissing Fluttershy back as I felt him thrusting into me. I have felt this before when Zinnia was double teaming me with Vash, but this… this was even better! Fluttershy on top of me felt even more amazing, especially since her movements were teasing my breasts.

I moaned louder, deciding to make myself vibrate a little, increasing the pleasure Sun is getting. All that did was cause him to thrust into me so hard that I almost felt like I was going to lose my concentration because of the severe pounding I was getting. It made me want to scream out in pleasure because this… felt heavenly.

“C-close.” I grunted out, screaming in pleasure at the pounding, Only causing Sun to chuckle.

“A-already? I-i’m just getting s-started.” He smirked. “Fluttershy, can you get off of Ita? I’m changing positions.”

“O-okay.” She squeaked, removing herself off of me as he pulled out both his cock and his tail. Only to have me turn around and wiggle my ass as he latched onto me and shoved his cock back in me with quick succession.

I moaned in pleasure at the re-entry, vibrating even more to make him cum faster. All that caused him to do was slam harder into me, causing me to shake in turn with his constant thrusts. With my head in the mattress, I then felt myself reach my breaking point as I came, gripping hold of Sun’s staff as he thrusted forth one last time, filling me up to the brim with his sticky banana flavored cum.

But that wasn’t the only surprise in store. Just as we finished, the bed we were on gave way as the bedframe snapped, causing us to fall back and crash. “Well… that was unexpected.”

I just moaned in pleasure, still a little out of it, a fucked silly smile on my face. Sun then waved a hand over my face, trying to catch my attention. “Uhh Ita?... I think we broke your bed.”

“Huh?” I said, shaking my head and snapping out of it. Sun pointed towards the debris as I finally saw the mess that was made that didn’t involve us fucking… Speaking of which… Sun still had not pulled out of me yet.

“Sun… not that it doesn’t feel good or anything but your kinda still in me.” I said, smirking.

“Uh yeah, just… hang on.” He said, pulling out of me as the motions caused a Pop! from me. “Geez… we made quite a mess… in more ways than one.”

“Yeah… it was a fun mess though.” I said, snapping my fingers and fixing my bed and also cleaning us off.

“Let’s take a nap now.” I said, yawning, shifting into my child form and putting my ring footsie pajamas on.

“Sure thing… Where do we sleep?” He asked, putting his underwear and pants back on. “I’m not quite sure if one, you have a guest room, or two… if you’re okay with us staying the night.”

“Wou two cwan stway the nwight in hwere, I dwon’t fweel like makwing anothwer bwed.” Looking at Fluttershy, both of them soon walked over to where I was, staying close to me as they kissed me on the forehead.

“Good night Itazura.”

“Gwood nwight…” I said, yawning and falling asleep with a smile on my face.

The following morning, I found myself in a cuddle sandwich between the Faunus on my right and the pegasus mare that was his marefriend on my left.

“Gwuys…” I said, yawning and stretctching. “Twime to gwet up.” What happened next was just them holding me closer as I felt Sun’s chin on my head.

I squirmed a little, trying to get out of the hold they had me in. Only for Fluttershy to then kiss me. I saw Sun’s eyes open as he looked at me with a smile on his face as he asked a question. “Well, goon morning to you, Ita… How did you sleep?”

“I swept gwood, you?” I asked him, smiling.

“Same… You look like you enjoyed our… cuddling.” He smiled, looking a little goofy while doing so.

I giggled at his goofy look, nodding. “I’m hwungwy…” I suddenly said, my stomach growling.

“Well, lets getcha something to eat.” He said, shifting a little. “What are you hungry for?”

“Pwancakes!” I shouted, grinning, not even having to try to be cute here.

“Well, show me where the ingredients are and I can make it for you.” He replied as he hopped off of the bed and walked to where the kitchen was.

I ran after him, still in my pajamas, opening the cabinets that had what he needed with Psychic and then proceeding to help him with some of the cooking for the pancakes. It took almost twenty minutes, but soon, he was able to make them. Even though he personally worried to himself about burning any of the pancakes. But shortly before we were able to eat, I was caught once again in a death hug by Fluttershy as she went on about how cute I was this morning.

I eeped in surprise at the hug, struggling a little before falling limp, swirls appear from where my eyes were. The pegasus then let go, chuckling a little. “Oops…”

“It’s okway, wet’s eat!” I said, not really minding the hug to much this time. Fluttershy nodded as she sat down at the table with us, her next to Sun as I could now see the ring around her forehoof. In a way… I felt very happy for them.

“Congwaguwations.” I suddenly said, pointing at the ring and beaming at them.

“Aww… thanks Ita.” She chuckled. “Thank you for letting us stay.”

“Yeah… nwow… abwout the schwool thwing…” I said, remembering why they were here in the first place.

“Ah yes… What was it that you would like to know?” He asked me.

“Mwostly wanted hwelp with the swinging up.” I told him, bringing the paper in with Psychic.

“Alright… Do you want to be a student? Teacher? …… Both perhaps?” He asked again.

I blinked at the both offer, before a very mischievous smile appearing on my face. “Mwaby I cwould bwe bwoth, bwut secwetly?”

“Sure, but what did you have in mind for that?” The Faunus then asked me.

“I cwan shwow you.” I told him, grinning as I shifted my form, my horns going into my head, my wispy hair changing into blond hair and going to the middle of my back, my golden skin changing to a normal skin tone, and my eyes changing into teal blue in color, my rings seemingly vanishing as the change ends.

“Wow… That’s… different.” Sun said, stunned.

“Yeah, I cwan shwapeshift weally well.” I said, beaming at him, somehow being even more cute in this form. Fluttershy herself blushed a bit and Sun just chuckled at seeing that.

“No wonder you seem like quite a handful,” He smirked, tickling me a little. “A cute handful if I might add.”

I started giggling uncontrollably, blushing a little at the complement and trying to wiggle out of his range. “H-hwey, wanna gwo pwate hwunting aftwer thwis?” I managed to ask through my giggles.

“Oh? What plates are you looking for?” Sun asked, “I can help lend a hand if Fluttershy is okay with that.” The pegasus nodded, looking back at me with a smile.

“Thwese kwinda pwates.” I told him, bringing the flame plate out of me and letting it hover around me.

“Ah I see. I know that, I was just asking which types.” He said the follow up question.

“I thwink I fweel fwighting and psychic cwose togwether.” I told him, looking in a seemingly random direction.

“Are those the rest you need? Or are their more… Because if those two are the last ones, I can help you get them.”

“Well I alswo nweed stweel… you knwow what? I’m jwust gwonnah bwing the stweel pwate to me.” I said, opening a ring portal to my left, reaching in and grabbing the steel plate on the other side, it and the flame plates both going into me.

“And now we have only two left. Awesome!” Sun smiled. “Now, where to?”

“Thwis way!” I told him, floating outside, changing my clothing into a teal lolita dress and slip on shoes. He soon followed after me as he got out the same staff that I remember from seeing his character in RWBY.

“Shall we?”

“I thwought we cwould cwatch a wide.” I said, opening two ring portals to my sides, a Latias and Latios coming through.

“Sweet… Talk about traveling in style!” He cheerfully replied, walking over to Latias. “Should I let you have Latios?”

“Twake wour pwick I dwon’t cware I cwan mwake a armwy of thwem.” I told him, shrugging. Grinning, he got on Latias carefully as I proceeded to go on Latios. With a nod of my head, we were off.

By the time we arrived, Sun had to fix up his hair because it was standing on end like if he was electrocuted in a Looney Tunes cartoon once he set foot on the ground.

“Bwe carefwul, I thwink thwese bwots will bwe weally hwigh leveled.” I told him as we entered the temple, its entrance being just a cave.

“Well… Let there be light.” He said, clapping his hands as two glowing Spectral doppelgangers took form and raced inside. Setting off an explosion at a certain point. “Here they come.”

“Agwain bwe carefwul, thwese thwings are scwaled to gwive me a hward twime and… I’m jwust pwain stwonger than you.” I told him, worry in my voice.

“Oh trust me… You haven’t seen anything yet.” He smiled. Just how can he be so confident!? Now at all times?!

“Your jwust gwonnah wet mwe handle thwem, aren’t you?” I asked him, sighing.

“Actually no…” He said, throwing what appeared to be a fire like crystal towards them before firing a shot that caused it to explode, sending all the exp orbs from the fallen bots to me. “Line them up, knock ‘em down.”

“Wow… gwuess bwots are jwust a bwit weaker than weal pokemon.” I muttered to myself, using Dark Pulse on the psychic bots.

“Let’s coordinate our attacks together. They’ll be expecting something from you, but not from the both of us.”

“Okway.” I said, nodding in agreement. We proceeded slowly through the next corridor with caution, waiting for our next opportunity. However, it soon got a little too dark for us to see.

“Hey, you got some kind of fire or something to provide a bit of light?” Sun asked. “I have a stick right here, we can use it as a torch.”

I shot a Ember at the torch, lighting it so we can see around us. As the room lit up though, the light shine on more than just us… but all the Bots that were hiding in the shadows… and their first target… was me.

Before I had time to react, Sun barreled to my direction and knocked me out of the way of one of the attacks despite getting clipped in the back.

I was surprised at this, before getting angry quickly, a dark aura appearing around me. I used Shadow Claw, it appearing in both of my hands, and start slashing into the crowd of bots. Once destroyed, I focused my attention on Sun.

“Wou… okway?” I asked him, taking deep breaths to try and calm down.

“Y-yeah… Just a scratch…” He replied, shaking it off. “You okay?”

“I jwust gwet mwad easily… dwunno why.” I told him, shrugging as the aura vanished. He thought about this for a moment before sighing. Looking at me, he then asked me a question.

“Ita… do you know what a split personality is?”

“Yeah I dwo… why?” I asked him, tilting my head cutely.

“Well… From what I know… Hoopa has two forms. Bound and Unbound… Do you think your unbound form represents everything that’s the opposite of… well you?” He theorized, bringing up something that I have had yet to think over.

“Swo instwead of care fwee, cwute mwe, unbwound would serwiouse me?” I asked him, actually thinking about this.

“Mostly… In your current form, you don’t fight unless you have too… which means your Unbound form… might attack everything in sight.” Sun said. “Again, it’s just a theory… but I’m starting to think it’ll become less of a theory once we get these last two places.”

“Actuallwy, I stwill nweed nwormal twype, bwut thwat doesn’t hwave a pwate, swo I don’t know how I’ll gwet it.” I told him, just remembering that fact.

“Well, let’s focus on that later. Isn’t there a guardian for the-.” He was cut off as something crashed a few feet away from us, and from the looks of it, this was going to be a handful. “-Oh crap, it’s Mewtwo.”

“I always wiked Mwewtwo.” I said, getting another Shadow Claw ready. However, when I lunged at him, the opponent disappeared.

“Ita, behind you!!” I heard Sun yell, turning around as I saw Mewtwo conjure a Shadow Ball before releasing the fully charged projectile in my direction.

I grinned, letting the attack hit me, it being absorbed harmlessly because of my plates, before launching a Ominous Wind at it, also making me a little stronger in the process. Mewtwo though brushed this off, and turned around, seeing Sun try to attack it. Only hitting him once though, caused the pokemon’s eyes to glow as he held a hand out and it glowed.

I knew that move. It was Psychic. And with a quick motion, he just threw Sun like a ragdoll into the wall with the impact forcing him to cough up blood. I-i needed to do something… But-.

Suddenly, rage filled me, the dark aura appearing, and my eyes glowing a dark red. Something was going through my head… Something painful. Something… that wanted to break free.

I roared, in anger and pain, charging the Psychic ledgendary, A Shadow Claw in my left hand and a Shadow Punch in my right. It might have been fast, but nothing could let it escape from my rage as I struck it dead on. The punch weakening it while I struck across the chest with the claw. One more claw I conjured… was used to decapitate the head of the bot from the rest of the body… Fatality.

I felt the orbs go into me, not really noticing in my rage, looking around for something to DESTROY. That was when I saw something crawl nearby and lunged for it. Only to hear it groan in pain.


I barely managed to stop my lung, looking down at him for a second, barely recognizing him, before I bolted off to the chamber with the plates at full speed, not wanting to hurt him.

“I-ita! Come back!!” He said to me. I turned around, only to see his hurt self trying to come after me. He was beaten up bad… I just needed to calm down… I needed to help him quick!

I also didn’t think I would be able to calm down for him to be safe near me at the moment, so I sent a Heal Order and Sleep Powder at him, before looking back towards the plates and blasting off. However, mid flight, something caught my attention below me as I went down to see what it was. It looked a lot like one of…… my rings? But how did that make any sense?

Curious to see where it would lead and thinking that the normal plate might be in there, I went in to take a peak. But instead, I found a cosmic like void… and the shadows that were around me before… were in front of me… forming into something that… No… How is this possible?

It was me… a shadowy clone of myself. “One more plate… and we settle this… Once… and for all.” She warned, before a bright light went off. When I opened my eyes again, I found that I was calm… myself… though something felt… missing. There were the plates at my feet that I soon absorbed… But the back of my mind was telling me something else as the Sun shined overhead...

Oh shit… Sun! I flew back to where he was, idly trying to get back on his feet. Despite being healed, he was still covered in scrapes. Must’ve been from the sleep powder and him falling onto the ground.

“Swun, you okway?!” I shouted to him, landing next to him and helping him up.

“Y-yeah… I’m alright… Are you though?” He asked with caution in his voice, “You're not going to attack me again are you?”

“I-i’m sowwy,” I started, tears gathering in my eyes, looking down at the ground. “I-i jwust wost contwol a-and I cwouldn’t stwop m-myself.” I barely got out, before sobbing, the tears running down my face.

“I-it’s okay, come here.” He said, holding his arms out as he hugged me while I continued to cry into his chest. “I understand… It won’t affect how much I care for you.”

I hugged him back, just sobbing into his chest, trying and failing to calm down. He kissed me on the head, and to my surprise, said three words that I never thought I would hear.

“I forgive you.”

I managed to calm down a little, just enough for me to open a ring portal back to my house, but not moving away from him. “Hey… if you need some time to calm down… I can help.” He insisted. “I can have Fluttershy go home for a bit and help you. Maybe call Ken if you need me to.”

I just nodded into his chest, still not really wanting to leave the hug. He picked me up and walked through the ring, returning back home as he took a moment to inform Fluttershy of what happened. She acknowledged how I felt and actually agreed to go home for a little while before he would soon follow suite. Beforehand, he set me down on my bed and took off his jacket, looking at the scratches from it as he groaned to himself.

“Rarity’s going to kill me for murdering this jacket.” He sarcastically groaned as I now noticed the small scars on his back… along with almost everything else.

I gasped a bit in shock at the scars. “H-hwoed you g-gwet thwese?” I asked, still sobbing a little.

“Oh?” He asked, turning a little. “Encounters with Grimm. They heal quickly, but the pain still lingers at times.”

“Oh… I thwink I cwould hwelp with thwat.” I said, still sobbing a little, but calmed down a bit more from earlier.

“No need.” He replied. “You’re the one who’s hurt now. Not me.”

“O-okway… cwall kwen?” I asked him, letting out a couple of sobs.

“Do you think maybe it’ll be better when you’re… calmer?” He asked, using his tail to wipe my tears away.

“I thwink I’d gwet cwalmer with hwim here.” I said, a sob escaping.

“Okay sure,” He said, using the scale for a token to summon him in the other room before he himself had to take off, letting Ken know briefly that I needed some help. Soon, he entered my room and walked over to me.

“Ita dear… it’s me.”

“H-hwey bwig bwutha.” I said, smiling at him, a little sob escaping me.

“Sun told me what happened… are you okay?” He asked me.

“J-jwust a bwit shaken.” I told him, reaching my arms out for a hug. Ken pulled me in and kissed me on the forehead.

“It’s okay dear, you’re safe now.”

I said nothing, just trying to get as close to him as I could, almost giving him a death hug in the process. Soon, Ken tickled my nose and head as he looked back at me. “What do you think might help cheer you up?”

“I dwunno…” I said, not really have been in this kind of situation before.

“You think talking might help?”

“Mwabwy…” I said, letting out a couple little sobs. He used his hand to wipe the tears away as he still held me close to him. It felt strange being hugged by him in my new form, but it still felt comforting to feel that he was there for me.

“Did what happen… scare you?” He then asked me.

I nodded, not wanting to admit it out loud. He then smiled, patting my head. “There’s no shame in having fear… But in times where you need it most, you need to summon up all your courage and have the will to face it. But it does not mean you have to face it alone.”

“T-thwanks, Bwig Bwutha.” I said, beaming up at him.

“Well, that definitely cheered you up. You must be very happy right now… Can I ask something though?” He asked, looking at the sheets of the bed as he pulled out a few golden hairs. “Why are the hairs from Sun’s tail here?”

“Nwo weason.” I said, smiling innocently and rocking back and forth on my feet. His arm glowed when I looked at it, and he knew that something was up.

“Ita… I know you’re mischievous, but can you please tell the truth?” He asked.

“We pwayed.” I told him, shrugging.

“...... You have got to be kidding me… What exactly happened?” He asked. “Did you tease them or did it happen spontaneously like any other time we have played?”

“The swecond one.” I said, smiling cutely at him and holding up two fingers.

“Well shit… You helped them with their first time?” He asked. “Damn, you’re kinky… and I was beginning to wonder out of all the times you have had sex that you haven’t gotten pregnant once.”

“I onwy gwet pwegant if I want to, shwapeshifting is underwated.” I told him, grinning.

“Hmm… That’s… interesting. And technically for me, I’m pony sterile. Only works on dragons and humans.” He replied back, rubbing my head a little. “And you still look cute no matter what form you are in.”

I blushed a little at the praise, beaming up at him. “Thwank wou Bwig Bwutha.” He smiled, kissing me on the forehead for a minute as I looked back at him.

“Love you, Ita.” He said.

“Wuv you to Bwig Bwutha.” I said, floating up and kissing him on the cheek. He kissed her back, chuckling a little.

“Do you need anything before I leave at all?” He asked me as I saw him beginning to walk towards the front of the house.

“I shwould bwe gwood for now Bwig Bwutha.” I said.

“Alright… Oh and Storm Chaser is at your doorstep again.” Ken said, a few moments before he disappeared.

“Sorry for not coming back sooner, I was helping everypony else pack up their things and help Twilight with setting up the town’s weather schedule. Sometimes, she bites off more than she can chew,” She said as she came inside. “Did something happen while I was gone?”

“Well,” I started, shifting back into my adult form. “I got psychic and fighting type down, one more to go and I am a full Goddess… so that means I’ll probably take a break for a while.”

“Well, that sounds good right? Things are going to be back to normal soon?” She asked again.

I laughed at this, the unintentional joke being really bad. “Yeah, normalcy for the normal type.” I told her, giggling at the joke still.

“Sounds normal to me… then again, there’s no such thing as normal.”

“It was a jwoke…” I said, sighing.

“Hehe… Yeah.” She sighed. “You look tired? Should we just pick this up after you get some sleep?” The Pegasus then asked me as she stretched her wings for a moment.

“Yeah…” I muttered, shifting into my usual child form, my clothes shifting into my usual pajamas. “Thwat’d pwobabwy bwe gwood.” I added, yawning and rubbing my eye cutely.

“Need me to do anything for you before you fall asleep?” She offered.

“Nwah… gwood whatever twime it is.” I told her, using Teleport to appear above my bed, flopping onto it and passing out. Not even taking a minute to wrap myself in the blankets and sheets.

The finale Type!

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I yawned, stretching as I slowly woke up from another dreamless sleep. I got out of bed looking around to find that Storm was still asleep and that it was still dark outside.

“Now… is it weally suppwosed to bwe nwight or will I have to ‘pwunish’ Dwiscord?” I mused to myself, a mischievous grin forming on my face. Once I got up and changed clothes, I wandered outside to see the stars shining brightly and the full moon glowing with the night sky.

“It’s a bweautiful nwight tonwight.” I said to myself, smiling. After a hour or two of just enjoying the outside, I saw the Moon slowly start to set, and out of the corner of my eye saw the sun start to rise.

Seeing a flash of light go off behind me, I turned around to see Twilight, a bit annoyed at her inviting herself onto my island. “Hwey Twilight, ovwer hwere!”

She noticed me and giggled a little, smiling. “Hello Ita. How are you this morning?”

“I’m okway, you?” I asked her, being polite.

“I’m doing good, just checking on you.” She replied cheerfully.

“Well I was gwonna twain a wittle.” I told her, rocking back and forth on my feet, just wearing a white sleeveless shirt and grey shorts for today.

“Well… can I join you then?” She then asked.

“Swure.” I said, shrugging, not really minding her joining in the training.

“So, how should we start?” She then asked me.

“Well, swince I dwon’t gwet XP fwom bwots I made, I jwust use them fwor weaction twime mwostly.” I told her, shrugging.

“You want to practice your reactions?” Twilight then asked.

“It’s jwust what I usuwally dwo, we cwould jwust spar.” I told her, stretching.

“That sounds fine with me.”

“Gwet weady!” I shouted, quickly using Sunny Day and Solarbeam, firing it at the alicorn. Only for her to disappear and soon reappear behind me and hit me from behind with magic.

“Best pay attention then!”

“Thwat dwid nwothing.” I said with a grin as I turned around, using earthquake on her. Only to see her wings open up and for her to be flying. That’s cheating!!

“Nwo wou dwon’t!” I shouted at her, using Gravity, bringing her down to earth to hit her with another Earthquake. Only to teleport again. Dang magic users!

“Two cwan pway at thwis gwame!” I said, using Teleport and Close Combat, appearing and disappearing around her as I punch and kick her multiple times. She used her magic as a barrier to block most of the punches while using a second spell that looked like a small bit of purple lightning. I thought I could take the hit… only to realize what she was trying to do when I couldn’t move for a few seconds.

Paralysis. I quickly used Aromatherapy, getting rid of the paralysis, and, deciding to test something out, used Agility a few times, speeding my perspective of the world up so much everything was in slow motion.

“Bwetter.” I state with a grin, launching myself forward and using Focus Punch on the alicorn with one hand, and Fire Punch with the other. Only to dodge the second one with her Teleport after I hit her with the first… wait… why is her horn glowing like that?

“Take this!” She shouted as she fired off a powerful-. OH CRUD, IT’S HYPER BEAM!! I quickly threw up a Protect, the hyper beam doing no damage but pushing me back pretty far.

“Nevwer twook you fwor a fwighter.” I commented with a smirk.

“I had practice… Besides, before Zinnia had herself go up against Tirek, I was forced to fight him when he pre-emptively tore down my home.” She sighed, looking back. “Thankfully, because of her, my friends and the rest of Ponyville were able to evacuate. Reuni was also a big hand too.”

“Reuni?” I asked, tilting my head cutely.

“Remember the Pokemon you gave me? Well, he’s grown. A lot.” She smiled, pointing behind me as I felt something warm and squishy hug me. Turning around, I now saw who she was referring to.

“Reuni?” It squeaked, nuzzling my face a little. Aww… It’s so cute!

“Hows mwy kid been?” I asked it, hugging it and nuzzling it back.

“He’s been good as well as mischievous. Pinkie Pie almost mistook him for a special ingredient for a recipe until he used one of his abilities to run away. Spike has also taken a liking to him and he’s learned a good variety of moves.”

“He’s bween causing mischief eh?” I asked, seemingly ignoring the rest of what she said, a shadow covering the upper half of my face as I stared down at my kid.

“Playful mischief… He’s like you in a way.” Twilight said. “Try catching him and you can see for yourself.”

“That’s my boy!” I exclaimed, crushing him to my chest as I spun around with him in the air, him letting out a relieved sigh. However, he soon slipped out of my hands and ran through my legs at surprising speeds. He was suppose to be slow… How did he get this fast!?

“Gwet bwack here you!” I shouted to him, playfully chasing him.

“Not the best idea Ita… He used out of his moves on you.” Twilight told me as she chuckled. “Ever heard of Trick Room?”

“Yeah, I can use it, why?” I asked, turning to Twilight.

“He just used it on you.”

“I always have Magic Coat on.” I shot back, smirking. Only for the little guy to still be running all over the place like a filly on a sugar rush. But when behind me, I felt something hit the back of my head as it stung for a bit.

“Reuni, Ita is a friend! Don’t hit her with Shadow Ball and apologize.” Twilight said as the Reuniclus looked at me with a sorrowful expression.


“It’s fwine, I gwot the dwark and ghwost pwates, now whenevwer I gwet hwit by swomething wike that, it jwust stwings to twell me it happened.” I told them, shrugging.

“Oh, well that’s something…” Twilight then said to me… “Speaking of plates, how’s the searching coming along?”

“Gwot all the pwates, jwust nweed whatever nwormal gwoes into now.” I said, an excited smile on my face.

“Nice!” She replied back, before looking at me. “Hey… you said that the tree of harmony can restore everything so far like your island here right? Would it’s power be affected by the amount of plates you have? Because it might be nice for what’s left of Ponykind to not be… well… in the middle of a wasteland.”

“It’s mwore effwected by how mwuch ordwer is in my world.” I told her, idly shifting to my more adult form, hoodie and jeans forming as I floated cross legged. “Like, when I first found it, it was pretty much almost dead, but now it’s kinda better, cause since I’ve had the plates, the wasteland is more… organized, in a strange way.”

“Yeah, but think of it. With a bit more life, Applejack and the earth ponies can start growing crops and things would be a bit easier… Which reminds me, where was that Monkey boy from yesterday you were talking to?”

“He’s another displaced, and currently in his own universe… and if you want, I can just set a ring up and have the earth ponies farm from my island, as you can see I got crops to last me a lifetime.” I said, waving my hands and showing the rest of the island.

“I get that, but when I saw him before he left, he looked possibly concerned for you… Did something happen the other day?” She then asked me. Now was when I felt like I was caught in a corner… Looks like I’m going to have to tell her about my encounter the other day.

“I had an… interesting encounter yesterday when getting the last two plates I needed that actually HAVE a plate.” I told her, a worried look crossing my face.

“Ita, your my sister. I’m not Applejack, but I can tell that something is on your mind… Please Ita… I can help you.” She insisted.

“Well…” I started, running one arm with the other. “It turns out I have… a dark counterpart.”

“Counterpart? Like a split personality or a different being altogether?” She asked.

“Different being… I think… and the dark me is like me, but as a shadow pokemon.” I told her, frowning. During this, she got out a notepad and began to jot things down.

Different being… dark counterpart… shadow pokemon…” She said to herself before looking back. “Anything else? Did it say anything to you?”

“Well… It was like a warning… One more plate… and we settle this… Once… and for all.” I recalled as I looked back at her. “Any idea what it could mean?”

“My best guess is that this alternate you wants to take control of you once you have all the plates. Which means that the only way you can unlock your full potential is by beating whoever this creep is.” She hypothesized.

“Oh joy, I get to fight whoevers guarding the normal type moves and dark me one after another, I can’t wait.” I deadpanned, sarcasm oozing out of my voice.

“If it helps, Reuni and I can back you up.” Twilight offered as I looked back at her.

“Well, maybe… but I don’t think it will let you, it might not have as many abilities as me, since it doesn’t have the plates, but I imagine it’s still stronger then both of you.”

“Yeah, but we can get more done as a team. Three heads are better than one.”

“Well, since you seem so eager, why not go and get rid of this pests now? By the way, whatever’s guarding the normal type stuff… let me fight alone.” I said, a surprisingly serious look on my face.

“Okay, but if it looks like you’re pushed in a corner, I will help you… no questions asked.”

“We’ll see.” I told her, before my usual carefree expression filled my face. “Now, off to beat the normal temple!” Geez, now that name sounds dumber since I said it out loud. With a quick finger snap, I teleported the three of us there just as the doors were beginning to open. A stone slab parting down the middle as the tunnel that lead us inside was dark and gloomy. Talk about unsettling…

“I think it’s time I returned to this form.” I stat, glowing as I transformed into a normal shiny hoopa, ‘stretching’ once the glow was gone. Twilight had magic around her hands and Reuni seemed eager to fight.

“On three?” She asked me now that we were seeing some high end bots of different shapes.

“Sure.” I said, using Sunny Day multiple times, making little suns orbit me, and having each charge their own Solar Beam.

“One…” Twilight charged up some power as she held out a hand and held it down with her right arm. “Two… Three!” The moment she said three, she released a powerful beam like spell that struck several opponents. But it wasn’t any ordinary spell. It was Psybeam. It almost reminded me of big brother Ken when some of his attacks reflected fighting type moves. Only that Twilight’s magic sometimes reflected powerful Psychic and Normal type moves.

I unleashed my own beams, idly shooting the other types of beam like attacks I had as we went through the temple, me feeling myself slowly and steadily grow stronger and stronger as we beat more and more bots. It was funny to see Twilight use her hands like finger pistols to fire off bolts of magic at opponents. It seemed like her horn was only needed for more difficult spells along with Teleportation. Reuni himself combined Trick Room with both Shadow Ball and some other attacks that looked either to be fight or psychic types. However, it looked like the small pokemon was only using three moves… Why is that? I should ask Twilight once we clear out this room.

“Hey Twi?” I asked as as I blasted the last bot in the room, turning to her. “Whys Reuni only using like, three moves?”

“Well, one of his moves he only uses if he actually takes damage because it can heal him if the attack connects.” She explained as the Alicorn looked ahead. “Come on, let’s keep moving.”

“Gotcha.” I said, saluting jokingly as we headed forward.

“This is the boss room.” I told them, looking up at the giant door ahead of us.

“Okay… We’ll stay out here and watch… but remember what I said. If things get out of hand, were coming to help.” She replied as I nodded my head.

“Alright, here I go.” I said, floating into the room, before I gasped at the sight before me. Out in front of my was none other than Mew… and Arceus. The two creators themselves… and it looks like I pissed them off…… Great……

The Mew attacked first, Arceus seemingly content to sit back and watch, Mew using Tackle, probably thinking since I don’t have the normal plate, it would actually hit me. I blocked it with a quick Protect, before I unleashed a Psybeam at it, hitting it while it was dazed with an Ice Punch, Fire Punch, and Dragon Tail. The first two attacks connected, but it dodged the third one as it used something that looked like Shadow Ball… But it was different as the projectile covered me from top to bottom and stung all over as it seeped into my skin.

Oh crap… Sludge Bomb. Luckily, I had the toxic plate, so the attack did nothing but annoy me, but I used Aromatherapy just in case anyway, before following with a Flamethrower, shooting it through one of my rings into Mews back. It took the damage, before I saw it use Deflect, followed up by Shadow Claw.

Grinning, I ‘sidestepped’ the attack, before opening rings all around the Mew and firing every beam attack I knew at it all at once, idly eating berries to keep my energy up. Soon though, I saw progress as I was weakening its defenses to where I soon was able to defeat it. However, through the reflection of its eyes, I saw something that made a chill run across my entire body.

“Bravo… what an exceptional fight…” It was the darkened version of myself, who just had the Arceus bot on the ground before crushing its head with Rock Tomb. “I hope you aren’t as weak as that pathetic excuse for a bot…”

“Great, you’re here.” I said, finishing the Mew off and absorbing it’s experience.

“Remember what I told you? One last plate and we finish it… Though, since I am you, I get bored easily…” She growled as the shadows around her began to expand. “However, there’s a difference between you and I…”

“And that is?” I asked, distracting it as I moved myself to an orb in the room, it being where the normal type was held, unnoticed. But all I see it do was smirk as it held out a hand and with it… a Prison Bottle.

“I’m free from my prison, unlike you.” It’s body began to changed, growing as the shadows expanded outward and its new form towering over me. “Now is where YOU DIE!!!

“Crap!” I shouted, grabbing the sphere, absorbing it. “TWI, REUNI, I NEED BACKUP!”

“Told you would need us!” She smirked, just as Reuni was covering us with a volley of Shadow Balls heading towards it.

“I never said I wouldn’t just that I didn’t for the guardian, the plan was to fight it with you and I’m fighting it with you.” I told her, rolling my eyes.

“Whatever it is, let’s go-!” She said, firing off a series of magic bolts and allowing me to try and hit him. However, all our attacks did was miss as they went into a ring that it had in front of him.

FOOLS!! You have doomed yourselves!!” Oh god, don’t tell me he was going to do what I think he was… My answer came in the form of a series of rings around the three of us. “HYPERSPACE FURY!!!!

“Damnit!” I exclaimed, opening my own rings, frantically redirecting the attacks sent at us, it taking most of my concentration. Only to get hit in the one place that was our weak point.

Underneath us. The Attack sent all three of us flying and crashing into the ceiling before falling onto the ground, severely hurting all three of us. But when I looked back. I saw that Reuni was still standing… and putting himself in front of Twilight and I.

“Reuni?!” I said, surprised that he was still standing, before snapping myself out of it and sending and Attack Order at my counterpart. All it did was shrug it off, but I did it for another purpose. A successful attack increases the critical hit ratio. Something that Reuni might need right now.

How adorable… One little Pokemon against a god? This is truly the height of stupidity…” The alternate me laughed as it proceeded to attack. Only for Reuni to dodge the attacks quicker than the eye could see. “What?!

Then, I remembered something Twilight mentioned earlier.

“Ever heard of Trick Room?”

That’s right… Trick Room! A move that allowed the user to move first for five turns! Of course, this situation doesn’t go by turns, but it still helps nonetheless. I watched him zip past the Hyperspace Fury attacks like it was nothing, followed up by using two Shadow Balls to blind him as they made contact with his eyes. Next to me… I could actually see Twilight grinning to herself… But why?

“Whatcha grinning for?” I asked her, tilting my head and taking the break that my son was graciously giving us.

“Remember when I said the four move was used during rare circumstances?” She asked me. “Well… Take a good look.”

“Okay…” I said, trailing off as I turned my attention back to the fight. When it was about eye level, it placed it’s limb on it and I saw my counterpart’s gaze drifting off. Hypnosis? Why would-?

Then came part 2 as I saw his eyes flashed an angry red as it glowed furiously. “REUNI!!!” That was when it sent a silhouette version of itself over to the unbound Hoopa as it now began to grasp it’s head and fall to the floor.

S-Stop!! MAKE IT STOP!!! AGH!!!!

Twilight took a breath and smile. “Serves you right…”

“Now, let’s finish this thing off, shall we?” I asked rhetorically, floating over to the downed unbound Hoopa. “What was that move, by the way?”

“Dream Eater. It attacks a sleeping opponent for damage and heals for a portion of it, but it only works when a target is asleep.” She said as her magic glowed. “Good job Reuni!”

“Reuni!!” It squeaked as we focused on the evil version of me.

I took my prison bottle from the evil me, about to open it, before I turned to Twi. “Wanna do the honors?” I asked her, holding my golden prison bottle out to her.

“Mind telling what that does first?”

“Unbinds me, you know how strong I seemed this whole time? That’s only half of my full power, this will let me have the other half, don’t worry I plan on staying in my bound form most of the time… unbound is too big, highly inconvenient.” She nodded, twisting the cap and popping off the top of the bottle.

A golden light shot out of the bottle, surrounding me and causing me to glow, filling me with power as my body grew into its unbound form. Now towering over the alternate me as it looked up at my new form.

YOU MAY HAVE BEEN A GOD… BUT THIS UNIVERSE IS MINE!” I shouted at it, using Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, in my left three hands, and Comet Punch, Shadow Punch, and Bullet Punch, in the right, unleashing all six moves at once on the downed dark version of me, mixing in some bug and fairy type energy into the moves to make sure they hurt. With his health almost depleted, it was time to finish the job… and the best way to do that was use the same move he used against us.

NOW DIE!” I shouted at it, using Hyperspace Fury, infusing it with every type of energy as much as I could without passing out, before unleashing the move on the abomination. Which broke him down and turned him into a cloud of dust before I myself felt my power shrink after defeating him, feeling like someone had hit me with a sledgehammer afterwards.

Good riddance.” I said, opening my prison bottle and allowing it to turn me back into my bound form, falling onto the ground shortly after.

“You okay, Ita?” Twilight asked.

“I have no energy left.” I said with a groan, lying limp on the ground.

“Hang on, we can get you back to the Island alright?” Twilight told me, motioning for Reuni to stay close to me as she teleported both of us and then set me down on the couch. “There you go.”

“Twi, there’s an Onyx Scale in my dresser in my room, can you go get it and bring it to me?” I asked her, voice weak, only able to shift my eyes to look at her, unconsciously turning into my younger form for some reason. She nodded, hurrying to the room and grabbing it for me as she came back with it.

“Here you go.”

“T-thank you.” I told her, before grabbing the scale and sending a weak pulse of power into it, before I fell limp again and dropped it to the floor. The glow in response had opened up a small hole that was good enough for Ken to squeeze through, but he had two surprises with him… Specifically, on his shoulders.

“H-hi bwig b-bwutha.” I said weakly, barely more than a whisper.

“Hey Ita? You okay, you look a bit tired…” He said, using something in his jacket to restore some of my strength. I think it was some sort of healing crystal, but thankfully, it helped. Because the next moment that I felt awake, two little Dragon Pony lifeforms hopped onto me. One on my head and another on my chest.

“Awww!” I exclaimed, still kinda weak, only having the energy to sit up. “Who awer thwey?”

“Well… The one on your head is Magma and the one on your chest is Ruby,” He said, looking at me as one of them licked my chin. “And to be specific about your second question… They’re your new nephew and niece.”

“Nwow I wish I hwad the energwy to mwake thwem pweasents.” I said, pouting cutely, hugging the one on my chest with one arm and the one on my head with the other.

That got Ken to laugh a little as he looked back at me. “I think Ruby’s taking a liking to you.” When I looked back, I couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of Ruby imitating my pouting face from a few moments ago. Not only that, but they were just plain adorable.

“I gwot the lwast twype I nweed.” I told him, looking up at him and smiling cutely.

“Awesome! Did Twilight help?” He asked, looking back at me before he noticed her nod her head briefly. “Well, that answered my question. Hey, is that a Reuniclus?”

“I mwade it fwor her a while agwo.” I said, idly petting the two still on me. This got Ken to chuckle a little as he looked back at her.

“That strangely reminds me of a friend I know. He’s another Displaced named Lance Walker and a Displaced made him a Torchic for him to raise. Now it’s a full grown Blaziken with Mega Evolution and Everything. Interesting name too.”

“Cwool…” I state, trailing off into a very cute yawn.

“Alright you guys,” Ken said, having Magma and Ruby crawl onto him. “We got to go back home now. Say goodbye to Auntie Ita.” Both of them squeaked a little as they tried to wave their paws to me before they went home.

“Alright… How about you get some sleep, Ita. We can take care of some of the things we were talking about in the morning.”

“Okway.” I said, floating over to my room and shifting into my pajamas, passing out as soon as I was above my bed.

Ignore that old chapter for now...

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Sorry about that everyone, ignore that chapter, need to edit it a little.

REAL meeting natives and letter troubles XD

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I yawned, waking up above my sheets, not having had the energy yesterday to get under them. My vision was blurry for the first few seconds before rubbing my eyes and getting a grasp of what was around me. Trying to recall what happened yesterday. I beat my alternate self, got my prison bottle… and now I had some big shoes to fill. Talk about responsibility.

“What will hwappen todway?” I asked myself, yawning as I got out of bed.

Deciding to not be a loli today, I changed into my regular shiny hoopa form, floating to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Some fruit and cereal may do nicely.

“Wonder where Twilight is, she said she had to talk to me about something.” I mused to myself, talking out loud as I ate my food. Only to see Silver fly in from outside and trotted inside.

“Morning Ita,” She greeted me. “Nice new look for your rings. Did you get them yesterday?”

“What?!” I asked, surprised as I brought the rings on me infront of myself, and was shocked to see that they looked exactly like the one Arceus had on him.

“Uhh… Am I missing something here?”

“My rings look like the old God, Arceus’ rings… when the hell did this happen?!” I shouted to myself, pace floating.

“Well, didn’t you say you would become the new goddess once you had all those plates you’re looking for?”

“Yeah, so?” I asked, turning to her.

“Did you find all those plates?”

“Yeah, full goddess now, but I didn’t expect my rings to transform if I did.” I told her, sighing.

“Well, maybe it’s just a side effect from finding all of those plates?”

“I guess… hey, do you know where Twi is, I think she wanted to talk to me about something.” I asked, curious.

“She went back down to New Ponyville to organize some things with the mayor.” Silver replied. “Guess this means I’ll see you later?”

“Hmmm…” I hummed, in a thinking position, before I grinned and snapped my fingers, making armor appear on her. “Well, I could make you my royal guard so you could come with me.”

“Why did you have to dress me up like I’m your warsteed?”

“Because guards have armor.” I said simply, shrugging.

“And you can just as easily teleport yourself down there. Plus, Armor just weighs me down in flight.”

“It should be weightless…” I mutter, grumbling to myself as I snapped my fingers again, making her armor weightless this time.

“Well, that’s better… I think.” She said, moving her arms. “This may take some adjusting.”

“We can do that later, for now off to the village!” I exclaimed, pointing in the villages direction. She nodded, flying off and following me down to New Ponyville below.

“Hello, everypony!” I shouted as we neared the village, waving and smiling. Some of them looked a little nervous, but I soon saw Twilight as she trotted up to me.

“Hi Ita. Welcome to New Ponyville.”

“I like what you’ve done with the place.” I commented, looking around. “It’s coming along well.”

“Thanks. I like your new rings.”

“Thank you, they’re a symbol of my Goddesshood, apparently.” I told her, shrugging.

“Well, it would make sense. They do resemble both Arceus and Celestia in a way.” She said, “Oh, that reminds me. That seed we planted just bloomed. You’re not going to believe what happened.”

“What happened?” I asked, tilting my head in curiosity.

“It sprung up and grew into a castle!”

“Sweet, show me!” I exclaimed, excited to see the friendship castle in real life. Inside was six to seven thrones, each one with a symbol on the top representing Twilight and her friends.

“Nice.” I said, spinning slowly to get a look at the whole room, smirking.

“I’m glad you like it.”

“So, how about a tour?” I asked her, wanting to see the whole place.

“Well, there’s actually not much around here, but… wait, do you mean the castle or the town?”

“Either or.” I told her, shrugging, not really caring about whatever one went first.

“It might be good to start with the castle and work our way there.” She said, thinking that it would be good to start small before going full scale on the town. Taking a moment, she guided me through the halls all the way to where Spike was taking a nap before leading me back outside.

“I wonder if they’ll be all panicky and overreact to me.” I said, thinking out loud as I followed behind her.

“A lot of ponies at times are unfamiliar with many of the local species. The same could be applied for us when we first met Zecora.”

“I kinda want them to freak out, just because it would be kinda funny.” I told her, smirking a little.

“Riiiiight. Word to the wise, don’t do that.” She told me. “Not everypony had your sense of humor.”

“Spoilsport.” I said, crossing my arms and pouting, before I grinned. “Yeah, I probably shouldn’t make them freak out, even though it’d be a minor annoyance at best, I don’t feel like dealing with the fallout of that.”

“Good choice.”

“Yeah yeah.” I said, waving her off. “Let’s introduce me to everypony, so we can avoid the freakout.” The Alicorn nodded her head, telling me to wait there as she gathered everypony else and brought them inside. Right away, I could see five other ponies besides her. One with a stetson hat, another with designer clothes, one with confetti in her hair, one that was with what appeared to be a Buneary depending and one with a mane and tail that just reminded me of skittles.

“Girls, I would like you to me Itazura.”

“Wait… This little kid is suppose to be Big Celly’s replacement?” The skittles pegasus spoke up as I could see something next to-. Wait a second, is that a Turtwig?!

“You got a problem with it?” I asked, crossing my arms.

“Rainbow, please…” Twilight ushered. “I think they’re just all surprised by your appearance since they just met you.”

“I could show them my unbound form.” I said, slowly pulling my bottle out from hyperspace.

“I don’t think that would be necessary, I believe ya.” The one with a Stetson hat replied as I saw a Herdier next to her.

“I’m kinda glad some of the old pokemon survived.” I mentioned, idly putting my bottle back in hyperspace. “They’re gonna need to help teach the new ones I make how to do things.”

“Kinda thought that. Some of the other species escaped with us, but not everyone of them made it unfortunately.” Applejack said as I turned to see the pony with the confetti and… Is that an Totodile in her mane?

Deciding not to get shocked at the new pokemon anymore, I shook my head a little with a grin. “Hey, get everypony to whatever town hall will be, I’m gonna fix things.”

“That’s… kind of brief… What sort of things-?” Applejack asked until I heard a few different voices as I got tackled by three others. Little fillies from their size and voice.


“Consarnit! Applebloom, put Ita down!” AJ snapped. “She’s not one for you to catch.” Applebloom pouted, shortly before looking towards me as her friends also looked at me and collectively apologized.


“It’s fine.” I told them waving it off. “Though, for actually catching me by surprise, I’ll give you three one pokemon each, take your pick of any normal pokemon.”

All three of them beamed at me and then thought to themselves which ones to have before one of them asked a question “Any pokemon?”

“Any non legendary, I don’t feel like making any right now.” I told them, smirking.



“Nincada!” Both of her friends turned to Scootaloo as soon as she said that. “What? Nincada are cool!”

“Done, done, and done!” I shouted with a grin, snapping my fingers, the three pokemon appearing before us. The Cubchoo landing on Sweetie Belle’s head as it sneezed, sending a weak Icy Wind at Rarity which blew her mane about, freezing parts of it.

“MY MANE!!!”

“Calm down.” I told her, rolling my eyes as I snapped my fingers again, restoring her mane.

“Geez, maybe we should all go outside and make sure everything gets fixed first.” The pink one spoke up, “Then I can throw her a party!!”

“A party sounds fun, let’s go.” I said with an excited grin as I began floating towards the door. Scootaloo herself then looked back at Rainbow and then said something to her.

“When can I fly like that?”

“Once we start teaching you.” Rainbow told her as we all made our way towards the town hall. “Okay, new goddess kiddo… Do your thing!”

I grinned, pulling my bottle out of subspace and unbinding myself, smiling at the rush of power it gave. My eyes glowed golden, all six hands concentrating around the ring in my chest as a golden orb started growing there. Every one of Twilight’s friends staring in shock as I performed this.

RESTORE!” I shouted, purely for dramatic effect, the energy pulsing outwards, the dusty land restoring to how it was before Tireks rampage, every being alive feeling life return to my world. It felt… amazing.

I opened my bottle again, returning me to my bound form, shrinking with a smirk. “There, now the planet will allow life to spread naturally.” I told them.

“YIPPEE!!” The pink one proclaimed, pulling out a-. Wait, she has a cannon!? How did she pull that out of nowhere?! “Party times require my party cannon!!”

“Sure, where we having it?” I asked, doing a little backflip.

“Back at Twilight’s place!!”

“Wait wha-?” Twilight tried to ask before the pink pony fired off another blast from the party cannon.

“I know a shortcut!” I exclaimed, opening a ring and making it lead to Twilight's, going through it. Once everyone was back, it only took a few seconds for the entire castle to soon become the place for a massive party… Maybe I should bring some guests?

“Pinkie!” I shouted, knowing she’d come with my call.

“Yes, Ita?”

“I’m going to assume you have some strange way into my house, I need you to go into the dresser next to my bed, in the top cabinet there should be a scale, bring it to me please.” I requested, getting ready to shift into my more child like form.

“Okie dokie loki!” She squealed, racing off to her party cannon to launch herself into the sky. Some time later, she was back and had the item I requested.

“Thwank wou.” I said, having changed into my child like form, wearing a light pink lolita dress with purple slip on shoes.

“And just when I thought that the little squirt was child like before.” Rainbow snickered. Time to blow her mind then… with a summoning of a specific family member.

“Bwig bwutha, cwome and pwarty!” I shouted, opening a ring of mind and putting the scale in it, opening one near him wherever he is. He soon stepped out, wearing a T-shirt and short jacket with a pair of jeans as he turned to me.

“Hey Ita… Looks like you’re getting along with the locals really well.” He chuckled, messing with my hair in the process.

“Bwig bwutha!” I shouted again, playfully dodging his hand. “I gwot all the pwates!”

“You did?! That’s awesome!” He said, pulling me in for a deep hug. “I’m so proud of you Ita!”

“T-thwanks Bwig bwutha.” I said stuttering a little, blushing a bit at the praise.

“Hey… if you want… maybe we can spend some… quality time later?” He suggested after introducing himself to Twilight and her friends. “Like once the party's died down a bit?”

“Swure.” I said, smiling and nodding. “Fwor now thwough, pwarty!” We continued to celebrate and party into the night as we had cake and numerous other treats throughout the time we were partying. Not before long though did they all tire out and the only ones who were awake right now were just me and him. Silver must’ve been elsewhere, so I used one of my rings to send both him and I back home along with leaving a note to tell them where we were.

“Swo, kwiddy or adwult mwe thwis time?” I asked him, sitting on my bed.

“Your celebration, your choice.” He insisted. “You look cute either way to me.”

“Thwne I won’t bwother chwanging.” I said, blushing a little.

“Aww, and now you’re downright adorable…”

I just blushed more at this, looking down and smiling slightly, squirming a little. He slowly moved his hands to me and lifted the dress off of me as he soon kissed me shortly after that, causing me to return the kiss as I kicked off my shoes.

I allowed my hands to wander, kissing him back as they roamed his back. Allowing me to take off his jacket as he lifted his arms to pull off the shirt as he undid his pants and let them and his underwear fall to the floor. “My god, you’re adorable when you’re sexy.”

“Bwig bwutha~.” I said sensually, blushing as I looked up at him and started jacking him off with one hand, fondling his balls a little with the other. He moaned a little in the pleasure as he used his hands to caress the horns on my head and massage them.

I moaned in pleasure at this, starting to lick his tip a little, keeping eye contact with him the whole time.

“Ita… Y-you’re good at t-this.”

“Thwank wou Bwig Bwutha.” I said, smiling before I took his head in my mouth, bobbing up and down a little. Something that he really liked from the way I felt his dragon hand grab my head.

Looking up at him, I suddenly took half his length in one go, shifting my throat a little to accommodate this, wrapping his dick with my tongue. He really seemed to enjoy it and after about twenty seconds or so, I felt his cock begin twitching inside my mouth.

I made my tongue vibrate a little in response to this, preparing myself to swallow his load. Then, I felt the warm sticky substance fill my mouth as he began to catch his breath. “Ah… oh man, that felt good.”

“Wummy.” I told him with a cute smile as I looked up at him, making sure it was as cute as possible, a small blush still on my face.

“Glad you like it…” He said, snuggling his face into mine. “Ready to move on?”

“Swure.” I said, lying down. He soon laid down next to me, but did not put himself in me just yet as he tickled my belly first.

“B-bwig bwutha!” I exclaimed, erupting into a laughing fit, limbs flailing as I squirmed in his sudden tickle attack.

“Aww, you’re so cute when you laugh like that.”

I couldn’t respond to this, face flustered as I continued to laugh, him still tickling my belly. Until he lowered his hand a little to my slit.

I yelped in surprise at this, blushing, a cute little moan escaping my mouth. “Surprised?”

I blushed more, nodding, giving him a cute smile as I moved my legs out of the way a little. Using one of his hands, he made them spread a little more as he rubbed his dick against my slit.

I moaned a little at the friction, squirming a little. Only to hear the lock on the door twist a little. “Ita, are you in there?”

I froze at this, eyes widening. “Y-yweah!” I shouted, hoping she wouldn’t come in if I replied. That motion was thrown out the window once the door began to creak open.

I shot Ken a panicked look, not sure what to do in this situation. But it was too late as the mare walked in. “I was coming to check on you-. OH DEAR CELESTIA!!”

“H-hwi Twilight.” I said, blushing in embarrassment, quickly throwing my blanket over myself.

“J-just… what is g-going on?” She asked, a blush forming on her face.

I covered my head with my blanket, leaving Ken to answer, to embarrassed to speak… That was… until I heard Twilight answer again.

“Y-you know… just don’t answer that… I kind of thought I would get use to seeing that after I walked in on Zinnia.” She sighed. “But really? Why… the one you see as your… brother.” I was beginning to wonder why she stopped speaking… until I realized what her eyes were looking at… Ken’s penis.

I giggled at this, smirking a little as I lowered the blanket slightly. “Dwistracted, Twi?”

“Uhh… kind of…”

“Twilight…” Ken spoke before asking something I did not expect. “A-are you a virgin?”

“What!? No! I know full well you were acquainted with Zinnia, and you think anyone that spent time around her would stay a virgin, even if they weren’t already!?”

“Ah,” Ken muttered, chuckling nervously. “Right, sorry.”

Twilight’s blush grew slightly as she huffed, crossing her arms and turning away. “And before you ask, no, Zinnia did not take mine. Not that that is any of your business…” Sighing, she uncrossed her arms, turning back to us but pointedly avoiding looking below the belt. “But… my old… ahem, partner, did… well, that is to say…” She sighed again. “He left me. For another mare, one with bigger…”

“Sowwy to hwear thwat.” I said, a sympathetic look on my face. However, that’s when I think Ken got an idea.

“H-hey Ita… You think we should include Twilight in this? It would be rather rude to leave her out.”

“Swure.” I told him, shrugging. “I dwon’t mwind.”

Twilight herself was blushing bright red… Until she breathed calmly and trotted over to where we were and undressing herself in the process. Guess it’s time for me to get her ready.

I crawled over on the bed, smiling up at her and fondling her chest a little. She moaned a little in response, not expecting this from me as I crawled over her. Ken though, thought of a different approach as he took his member and poked at my snatch as it laid against Twilight’s opening.

I moaned at this, suckling one of Twilight's tits, fondling the other with my hand. But not pleased when I didn’t feel his member in me just yet. I bit Twilight's tit a little, pulling it with my teeth. Making her yelp a little from the feeling of it, followed by a drawn out moan.

With my free hand I reached down, playing with her snatch, licking her tit a little with my tongue. She moaned again, all while Ken was watching the two of us have a little fun.

I moved back a little, prodding Kens dick with my pussy, continuing to ‘play’ with Twilight. “Someone’s eager.” He chuckled.

“Dwon’t wanna weave you ouwt.” I told him, before going back to suckling on Twilight’s tit. Taking this into account, he slowly began to move forward as I moaned from the new, yet familiar thickness inside me.

I vibrated myself, giving him more pleasure as I continued to mess with Twilight, putting my hand into her pussy. He smirked, getting what I was trying to tell him as he began to move his dick in and out of my snatch.

I moaned at this, it being slightly muted, switching to her other tit. My moans being blocked out by Twilights as I just focused on her pleasure and mine.

“Mwore.” I said simply to Ken, moaning in pleasure. He took exception to that by latching onto my horns and rubbing them a little as he moved a bit faster now. His thrusts rubbing along Twilight’s snatch as well.

My mind started to go numb, the pleasure overload me a bit, making me stop ‘playing’ with Twilight. Surprising the Alicorn, but causing her to moan as well.

Barely conscience, I started to rub Twilight’s clit, making my finger vibrate as I moaned in pleasure. Causing her to gasp in response. I moaned in pleasure, enjoying the pounding I was taking from my big brother and pleasing my big sister as well. Oh man, please hurry up and fill me already!

“I-ita!!” I heard Twilight squeal a little as my fingers began to feel moist. I came as well, making my pussy clench harder around my Big Brother. Who began to quicken his thrusting as he latched onto my ass.

“I-ita, I’m about to-!”

“Cwum in me bwig bwutha!” I commanded, a fucked silly look on my face, vibrating my pussy as much as I could to make sure he got as much pleasure as possible. That was when I felt his warm fluids begin to fill me up inside, satisfying me fully and making me feel overloaded with desire, causing me to cum again as we all lied on the bed covered in sweat.

“Th-thwat was gweat.” I said, smiling.

“I c-couldn’t agree more.” Ken replied, slowly pulling out. “How do you think Twilight enjoyed it?”

Looking down at her, I giggled, a smirk coming on my face. “I thwink we bwoke her.” I told him, giggling again. Looking back to see her try to come to her senses.

“Well, that was clearly unintentional… Though, I’m not quite sure if she’s… well… satisfied.” He mentioned to me. “Because vibrating your fingers in her might not compare to actually having sex.”

“Why dwon’t wou fwix thwat bwig bwutha?” I asked, getting off of her, before her attention was redirected to Ken.

“B-but what if… What if he gets me pregnant?”

“Not possible,” He said simply. “I’m pony sterile. I can only impregnate dragons and humans like myself.” Twilight, upon hearing this, said a simple “oh” to herself as she tried to make sense of everything she heard.

“A-are you sure?” She asked, now looking at me. “Y-you two are like family…”

“I’ts okway.” I said, sitting off to the side. “I’m gonnah west a wittle.” She looked at me, then looked towards Ken and swallowing her doubt down her throat in an audible gulp.

“O-okay… Just… please be gentle.” She said, causing him to nod a little as he shifted himself to where she was on the bed, his hard member still at full mast. Slowly, Twilight opened her legs and let Ken slip his shaft through her defenses as both of them moaned. He whispered something, possible asking if she was ready for what was next. All Twilight did was just simply nod yes, reminding him to be gentle. The Scalebound took that sign to heart as he drew back before pushing forward only once, causing Twilight to moan quietly as her arms and legs wrapped around Ken.

I started to absentmindedly pleasure myself to this, panting a little in excitement as the Scalebound began to withdraw his hips before slamming back into the Alicorn, causing her to scream and cry out in pleasure. A snap of Ken’s fingers triggered something from his arm as it encased the room in a transparent dome. This must’ve been the sound barrier he used when we played in the Temple… I really need to learn how to do something like that.

Getting bored of just my hand, I snapped my fingers, making a dildo appear and fucking myself with it, moaning in pleasure. Having it move at the same pace as Ken to make things more interesting as I watched him fuck Twilight silly. Causing her to moan in pleasure and ask for more. Well, she must’ve picked up some tips from me somehow…

Getting a mischievous idea, I changed the dildo into a strap-on, putting it on and lubing it before crawling over to the two. “Mwind if I jwoin?” I asked, smirking.

Ken, seeing this, smirked. Picking up twilight and letting me slip underneath as I pointed my toy towards her tailhole. I gently thrusted into her from the back, moaning a little at the pleasure I got from the action as Ken continued to Ravage Twilight up top as we were fucking her from both ends.

I started going faster, getting lost in my own pleasure as I moaned, gripping her tail for leverage with one hand. It appeared that Twilight was going to try and say something, but my thrusts and me gripping her tail cut her off as she moaned in ecstasy. “Oh s-stars yes!!”

Taking this as encouragement, I thrusted harder, pounding away at her ass while Ken did the same thing up top. It sounded like she was nearing her peak though as one final scream caused her to tighten the grip on his dick and my toy as she came. Causing Ken to latch onto her as he pumped his seed into her a few moments later, me screaming in pleasure as I came around my toy, panting a little. Soon, Twilight tired out on me and I couldn’t help but hear her drift off into sleep.

“Somepony’s tired.” Ken smirked, slowly pulling out. “I’m going to crash here for the night. Something tells me that she might freak out over this in the morning.”

“Okway bwig bwutha, I’ll jwoin wou.” I said, snapping my fingers and making the strap-on vanish, curling up next to him as we fell asleep.

Next morning

I yawned as I woke up, feeling warm and safe, snuggling into the arms wrapped around me, not wanting to get up quite yet. It felt comfortable to be in the arms of my big brother. He was also not wanting to wake up just yet, but something else from him was awake instead.

Looks like a case of morning wood. I moaned a little, his cock pressing against my pussy. Wiggling my way down, I took his entire cock into my mouth in one go, licking it with my tongue as I bobbed my head up and down. I heard him moan a little as I inhaled his shaft and began to suck on it. Lightly playing with it to make my brother feel good… without trying to wake him up in the process.

I continued to play with it lightly, wrapping my tongue around it and jerking his cock off as I sucked it. Feeling the veins of his dick as I moved my head up and down his shaft. Trying to make him Cum while he was partially asleep. I started playing with his balls with one hand, making sure to not give him to much stimulation that he’d wake up. That though happened to do the trick as I felt a small dribble of pre cum land on my head, making sure to try and lick it up before big brother wakes up.

That was when I felt him move… and heard him yawn. Since he was waking up anyway, I made my tongue vibrate, bobbing my head up and down faster and looking up at him as I did. Finally though, I removed my head and used one of my plates to clean us up. Like nothing had ever happened… Almost.

“Gwood mwourning bwig bwutha.” I said, smiling up at him.

“M-morning…” He yawned, rubbing his eyes for a moment. Unaware of the fact that I just gave him a blowjob. “H-how did you sleep?”

“I swept gwood.” I told him, crawling onto his chest so I could give him a hug. He smiled a little, but then noticed something as he turned back to me.

“Ita… Where are my clothes?” Oh shit… the one thing I forgot…

“Ovwer thwere.” I said, casually, pointing at where they were the night before.

“Thanks,” He yawned, getting up and walking over to them. “I was thinking that maybe we should check on Twilight before I go back. I got a lot of things on my plate right now and I wanted to make sure everything was ok here before I leave.”

“Okway bwig bwutha.” I said with a nod, snapping my fingers and making a pink t-shirt and purple shorts appear on me. “Cwan I hwelp?” I added, looking up at him.

“That’s nice for you to ask, sis. But what I need to do back home with Revaan is something that I need to accomplish personally.” He told me. At this point, I actually noticed his right hand clenching and unclenching a little as I looked back at him.

“Wou sweemed worried bwig bwutha.” I mentioned. “Mwaby I cwould gwive you somethwing to hwelp?”

“Actually… I got something that I save for if the situation calls for it.”

“What’s thwat bwig bwutha?” I asked, tilting my head cutely.

“Call it… my dragon armor form.”

“Thwat swounds weally unorwiginal.” I deadpanned at him, an unamused look on my face. All he did was grin, a light blue armor glowing around him. The look on my face changed immediately once I saw the scales on his arm expand outward and cover all over his body as he stood there in a suit of armor that looked exactly like a dragon. Just like what he said.

“Okway, the fworm itsewelf is cwool, bwut the nwame stwill stwinks.” I told him, a grin on my face.

“Well, I have no other ideas for a name change, so I’m sticking with it unless another name sounds better.” He told me, changing back and walking over to the room where Twilight was. “And damn, Twilight is still out… but the way she’s curling up on the bed is pretty cute.” Floating over, I got the chance to see for myself.

“It’s adworable!” I exclaimed, floating above her and giggling, before I got a mischievous look on my face.

“Ita… Please don’t try to do anything sinister. She just needs rest right now…” Ken insisted. “Which reminds me… Have you decided whether or not to go to Beacon yet?”

“Okwat, I’ll wet her sweep.” I mumbled, crossing my arms with a cute pout. “Awnd weah, I’m gwonnah go dwisguised in mwy hwuman fworm, and have mwy unbwound fworm be a tweacher there.”

“Well, did you happen to write a letter for him in order to let him know?” He then asked.

“Uh…” I said, the sheepish look on my face answering for me.

“I’m going to assume that means no?”

“Mwaaaaby.” I told him, blushing in embarrassment. “I’ll jwust gwo ovwer hwere now…” I continued, floating out to the living room so I could write on the table.

“He’ll be glad to hear that you’re coming. I’m proud of you Ita,” Those last five words came at me like a curveball. Just why would he-? “You’re allowing yourself the chance to learn more about being a Displaced and get the chance to meet others like you as well… Come here and give me a hug before I go home, okay?”

“O-okay bwig bwutha.” I said, still slightly thrown off as I floated over to him, squeezing him in a hug. He hugged me back, waving goodbye as he used his token to go back to his world while I floated back over to the table, snapping a finger and having a piece of parchment and a pen appear on the table. Now it was time to write… If only I could figure out how to actually start this letter!!!

I started pacing, angrily grumbling as I tried to think of what to write. Only to hear some grumbling as I saw Twilight stumble out in a bathrobe. “G-good morning…” She greeted me with a shy look on her face before she noticed the paper and pen. “You're writing something?”

“Yeah, I’m writing to bweacon, bwut I dwon’t know what to pwut on thwe letter.” I told her, crossing my arms and sighing in frustration. That was when she walked over… and sat down next to me.

“Hey, Let me help you out. It shouldn’t be too difficult right?” She said, smiling a little as she had me sit on her lap. “We’re sisters… Family members support each other.”

“Mwany gwames and mwovies would argwue agwainst that.” I mention, before looking up at her and smiling cutely. “Bwut thwanks anyway.”

“Come on, let me help ya.” Twilight said, making me feel strangely comfortable in the lap of my new big sister.

“Okway Bwig sistah.”

Continued Letter and campus visit!

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“Swo, anwy idweas bwig swister?” I asked, looking up at her, leaning back into her as I sat in her lap.

“Well, lets see…” She said, looking at the application. “First… It’s asking for your name before being displaced and your current name… That just sounds odd to me…”

“Why would hwe nweed mwy nwame fwom befwor I was dispwaced?” I said, equally confused, looking a little nervous.

“Well, It appears that many have possible changed their name to the person they were displaced as afterwards. For Zinnia, I remember her name being Zoey,” Twilight replied as she looked back at me. “We can come back to that after. Let’s fill out the rest first…” She insisted. Looking through the order of the form, the rest of it asked for some simple details. This included age, gender, species, gifts (whether it was weapons, powers, abilites, etc.), and lastly if I would apply for the role of student or teacher.

That though was followed by a few questions. Which asked how long I was a Displaced for, if I work well with others or in a team, If I was displaced with someone I know and if yes; who was the other Displaced, and a free response portion for if there was anything I would like to mention before I sent it to the Academy… Boy, who knew something like this sounded so complex?

Twilight though, was a bit optimistic from the looks of things. “Alright, that seems simple enough. Ready?”

“Wes, bwig swister.” I said, preparing myself for a couple hours of being bored.

“It’ll be fine, Ita. It’s no big deal or anything… Tell you what, I’ll help you answer the first few details and you can provide answers for the questions.”

“Okway.” I said, getting myself comfortable in her lap. For the first few items, I simply put in answers that I thought were tolerable

“Wou thwink thwese are gwood, Bwig Swister?” I asked, looking up at her. Scanning over it, things seemed good for the most part… Until she looked back at me with a confused glance.

“Why did you put down both for student and teacher?”

“I wus gwunna use mwy unbwound fworm and mwy pwates to help teach elemental thwings.” I told her, shrugging.

“Hmm… That could work. Just be ready to tell him that in the free write section below,” She said. “Alright. Now first question… How long have you been a Displaced for?”

“I dwunno… I hwaven’t kwept twack.” I said, frowning.

“Let’s just say… a few months? Keep it simple right?” She asked, followed by a nod from me in response. “Alright, question two… Okay, this may sound complicated, but it’s asking if you work well with other ponies or… individuals.”

“Well, I hwaven’t weally needed to mwuch, bwut I am a pwokemon, swo I guess.” I said, a thoughtful look on my face.

“What about when you were with Ken? Didn’t he help you go find some plates?”

“We kwinda jwust dwid our own thwing in the swame general arwea.” I said, shrugging.

“Yeah, but you two were working as a team. Did he help you?” She asked, causing me to nod my head. “That counts.”

“Okway, I’ll pwut ‘yes’ thwan.” I said, doing so.

“Great! Now, for question three… Well, I’m going to guess that you came here by yourself right?” She asked, causing me to nod again. “Okay. Now comes the free response section. Where you get to tell Sun whatever you like before we send it off.”

I put down basically what I told Twilight, though I added that I wanted the two forms to be kept a secret that they belonged to the same person, grinning as I finished. “All dwone!” I happily exclaimed, glad that this didn’t really take all that long.

“Already?” Twilight asked. “You must’ve put a lot of thought into your response if you finished up that quickly.”

“Vewy fwunny.” I said, crossing my arms and pouting adorably.

“You’re too cute like that.” She giggled, tickling my nose in response.

I laughed, squirming in her lap, smiling and giggling at this, beaming up at her. Now with the letter done, I just needed to send it back in the void, using Sun’s medallion as a guide so that way it was able to reach them. Taking a moment to grab the token, I did just that, making me feel relieved that it was done. However, what I didn’t expect was to get a reply five minutes later.

Dear Itazura,

I’m really excited to see that you have decided to come to Beacon Academy and, as I heard from Ken, I would like to say congratulations on being able to acquire all of the plates you were searching for. If you would like, I would like to be able to talk with you at your earliest convenience so we can discuss your plans for Beacon as well as how life has been for you now that you have finished your goals. Thank you very much.

Welcome to Beacon, Itazura.

Sun Wukong, Founder of Beacon.

P.S. Thank you for helping both Fluttershy and I when we visited your home. You welcomed us with open arms and now, we would like to welcome you the same way.

“Huh… intwewsting.” I said, opening a portal and putting his token on the top of the ring, so that it was ready for whenever I needed him.

“What is it?” Twilight asked, looking a bit confused.

“I’ts a pwortal to Swuns world.” I told her, floating up. “Wanna cwome?” I asked.

“Nah, he’s expecting you instead of me. I better go back to the castle so Spike doesn’t freak out about me disappearing off somewhere.” She said, disappearing in a violet glow of a teleportation spell, leaving me to use Sun’s token to come to his world. Using Hyperspace Hole to start, the token glowed in my hands as I stepped through the hole I conjured, only to step out into what looked like a small cottage like setting. Which seemed weird at first… but when I walked outside, I was greeted by a sight that took my breath away… Now, I had told Sun that I had seen all the seasons so far for RWBY, but I honestly did not expect this Beacon Academy to be so accurate.

“Like what you see?” I heard someone behind me as I saw Sun sitting outside the cottage I stepped out of. I ran up to him, leaping into his lap as he chuckled and hugged me in response. “It’s good to see you again, Ita.”

“Gwood to swee wou to.” I told him, hugging him back.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you. You haven’t changed at all.” He said, smiling as he tickled my chest a little.

I giggled at this, squirming. “It wasn’t thwat wong fwor mwe.” I said, giggling.

“Really? It was a few weeks for me… which reminds me… I have a surprise to tell you about.” He said as he looked at me.

“Wut?” I asked, tilting my head adorably.

“Well… thanks to our… night together… Fluttershy is pregnant now… and since we thought that you were an angel with us then… we named the child after you. Angel Wing.” He said back to me.

“Awwww.” I said, hugging him. “Thwanks.”

“No problem… Now though, can I ask you something?” He said to me. “On your application… you wanted to be both a student and a teacher? Care to explain what you mean please?”

“Well, cwould wou bwing out mwy bwottle?” I asked.

“You mean your token?” He asked, pulling it out with his tail.

“Opwen it pwease.” I requested. He did so, unsure of what would happen. But when I changed forms, that immediately answered any possible questions that he might have had.

“Get what I was gonna do?” I asked, voice rumbling, looking down at him. It took him a few moments to think it through, but then answered.

“You’re teaching in this form, but in your other one,” He said, closing the bottle this time and opening it again. “You’re the student.”

“Exwactly.” I said, nodding.

“Clever… I honestly should’ve thought that given how much of a trickster Ken says you are.” Sun smiled, looking back at me. “Which makes me think you messing with some of the other teachers could lead to some… interesting encounters.”

“You know mwe well.” I told him, smirking. “Want to gwo hwunting?” I asked.

“Well, there isn’t that much to hunt but-.” He said, only to hear a knock on the door as I turned to see a red haired Displaced with a short jacket and cargo pants on with what looked like tribal runes emblazoned on his shoulders.

“Hey Sun, can I-.” He originally said, before noticing me. “Oh… Sorry, am I interrupting anything?”

“No, shworty.” I giggled, a teasing tone in my voice. However, that just lead him to look at me with an irritated glance as he grit his teeth.

“Ita…” Sun sternly said to me. “This is Nicko… He’s one of our other teachers here and helps with magic, combat and other fields… and you really shouldn’t have called him that.”

“Sowwy thwen, nwot thwat I cwan say mwuch when I’m wike thwis.” I said, shrugging, looking up at him from my loli forms small height.

“Apology accepted. For all that I know, people always overlook my skills and capabilities because of my height and… well, that seriously pisses me off.” Nicko said as he got down to my level and offered a hand. “Still though, it’s a pleasure to meet you miss…”

“Itazura!” I exclaimed, shaking his hand.

“Well, someone seems really cheerful today.” Nicko smiled, rubbing the top of my head. “New student I guess?”


“Mmhmm.” I hummed, nodding, idly making sure that his hand didn’t get too close to my horns. Which was difficult when his hand touched my horns when he has drawing back his hand.

I eeped when he did, recoiling, blushing a little. Causing him to raise an eyebrow as he looked at me before looking at Sun. “I’m sorry, did I do something wrong?”

“Mwy hworns are swensitive.” I told him. All he did was raise an eyebrow as he looked at Sun before he sighed a little. However, it was something else now that was disturbing my horns… and it wasn’t Nicko.

“Well well, look what you found, Nicky,” Another voice said as I turned around and looked to see a female draconequus. “A cute and adorable little creature… Can we keep her?”

“Eris, Itazura is not a pet.” Nicko sighed as I looked back at her, pouting a little.

“Stwop mwessing with mwy hworns.” I said, swatting her hands away.

“Aww, that’s just too adorable.” Eris giggled. “Wait until Anson and Pinkie see this little one. If there was a way to weaponize cuteness, I think we found it.”

I pouted more at this, sticking my tongue out at her… which was only more adorable and didn’t really help me out with trying to be serious. Only then did two more people show up at the door and came on in. One being another red head, just with a different hairstyle and set of clothes, the other being what appeared to be his version of Pinkie Pie.

“Hey bro, thought you would be here.” He said, looking at Nicko.

“Good to see you too, Anson,” Nicko replied, looking back at his brother for a moment before turning to Eris. “Sorry for having to ruin the fun Eris, but I think we should get going. We got a lot of stuff to do.”

“Aww… Alright then. Well, take care of yourself little one.” Eris said as she waved goodbye before touching my horns one last time as the two of them left the cottage.

“Hwey!” I shouted at her as she left, crossing my arms and pouting.

“Don’t mind Eris, that’s normal for her,” Anson insisted. “She’s Discord’s daughter in our world and also the one that Nicko is marrying, so expect that often.” He then turned to Sun as Pinkie trotted off down the hallway and turned right near the end while he was talking to Sun for a brief bit. Followed by him following the same direction that Pinkie went and Sun briefly going upstairs to check on something. It only made me wonder what was going on as I walked farther down to see where they went… Only to hear them when I was outside the guest room.

“Are you sure about this now, Pinkie?” I heard him ask, curious as to what was happening. “I mean, I know you and I want to start a family together, but are you sure now is the time for that?”

I tilted my head curiously at this, floating so that I was at the keyholes height and peeking in, turning on the invisibility all legendaries seemed to have while I did. Pinkie herself was sitting on the bed in a seductive pose while Anson seemed to be taking off the gear that he had on until nothing was left… Oh my god, they’re going to have sex!

“I’ve been waiting for this for a long time, Sonny.” Pinkie told him, insisting for him to come closer. “Now with our Equestria safe and sound, I believe it is the perfect chance to start our own family…” As I looked at the mare, I noticed that juices were dripping from her clit as Anson’s cock was at full mast and reminded me of Sun’s own member from when we played only a short while ago.

I blushed, glad that I was invisible, deciding to stay and watch to see what happens. Anson first began by using his mouth to kiss his marefriend before looking back at Pinkie, wanting to make sure that she was ready. With a nod of her head, that was the the only cue he needed for himself to start slowly pushing forward as he hilted himself inside of the party mare. After a few short seconds, Pinkie and Anson readjusted themselves by laying herself on the bed with her rump in the air and Anson having himself be behind her as he began to push back into her and start moving in and out of the mare, causing a small moan that was blissful and heavenly to me.

I got wet watching this, reaching into my panties and rubbing my pussy as I watched them, moaning silently as I continued to see them go at it relentlessly. Seeing Anson use all the strength he could muster to pound into his marefriend as both of them began to make love to each other. I was surprised that he could not only be able to please his marefriend, but also that Pinkie could take his vigorous fucking and also enjoy it all the same. “M-more Sonny! H-harder!”

He complied with what she cried out for, pounding into her relentlessly as I watched them go at it like animals. I put two of my fingers into my pussy, face red, not that anyone can see, as I continued to watch the two fuck. I wasn’t sure how long they were going to keep at this as time began to fly by rather quickly. Seconds became minutes and soon, ten minutes had passed before I heard Anson say something.

“I’m g-getting close-.”

“D-don’t hold back! Give it to me, Sonny-!” With one last push, both of them came simultaneously as I reached my peak as well. Both of them seemed tired as they collapsed on the bed and looked at one another.

“T-that was wonderful.”

“Thanks… I don’t think Sun would mind if we crash here for now…” Anson said as he looked towards the door. “Hey, do you think that little displaced we saw earlier might’ve seen us? I mean… we were kind of loud.”

Hearing this, I quickly floated away a bit, even though I was still invisible. Yet, I still needed to clean myself and even if they couldn’t see anything different, they could probably smell the fragrance that came with me playing with myself earlier.

Getting an idea, I floated to the end of the hallway and, after making sure my face wasn’t red, turned visible, land and skipping forward, humming innocently. Soon though, I happened to notice Sun in the same place he was before… along with a few bug like creatures nearby.

“Hwi Swun!” I called out, getting a bit closer.

“Hey Ita. I was just talking with a couple of friends of mine that I had been helping over the last few weeks,” He said, pointing at the first bug like creature, who appeared to be older than the other two by appearance. “This is Kreed and the two that are with him are Reson and Honeydew. They’re a few changeling survivors after their home was destroyed some time ago.”

“Oh, thwats sad.” I said, a frown coming across my face.

“‘Tis alright, little one” Kreed insisted. “Things have been better for us here than in the times before then. We are thankful for Sun helping us when he did.”

“Okway, thwat’s gwood.” I said, happy for them. Sun himself chuckled, but also tilted his head as he seemed to notice something.

“You okay there Ita? Did Kreed make you blush?”

“Nwo, why?” I asked, tilting my head in confusion, wondering why he asked that.

“You look kind of red… and seemed to be sweating. Are you sure you aren’t warm at all?” Sun then asked me.

“I-i’m fwine.” I said, lying terribly. He sighed a little, looking like he was dismissing it for a moment before turning to Kreed.

“I think we’re fine for now… Can I talk with Ita please?” He nodded, leaving the room to just the two of us as he looked towards me. Why do I have a feeling that he knows something I don’t?

That was when he sighed and looked at me. “You saw Anson and Pinkie, didn’t you?”

“Mwaby.” I said, blushing more.

“Your blushing isn’t helping…” Sun sighed. “I let them stay here because they needed a place to be together… they just got married recently and now they want to be able to start a family… However, with the way their world is, they believed that the only safe place to stay was here.”

“Oh… sowwy.” I said, looking down.

“It’s okay, it’s not like you didn’t do anything wrong,” Sun insisted. “It’s just that different worlds each have different rules and there isn’t a one fix all solution to fix all the problems in the multiverse… That’s also the reason why I formed this academy… so anyone can be ready for whatever they have to face in the future… including you.”

I smiled up at him and proceeded to hug him. He soon did the same thing as the faunus looked back at me. “We all still have a lot to learn about the circumstances we are in, but the best way to learn about the Displaced and the Multiverse is from each other.”

“Okway, thwat makes sense.” I said, nodding. Sun smiled, tickling my cheeks a little as I felt myself sit on his leg. But I wasn’t sure if this peaceful moment was going to last long as he looked down at me. When I looked down… I saw the stains of cum that were rolling down my legs and soaking his pants.

My eyes widened at this, panicking slightly, using Teleport to get out of his hold, quickly floating off. All he did was sigh as he looked back at me. “You know, my room is upstairs and I can change these out. I have other pants.”

I chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of my head. “S-sowwy.” I said, coming back.

“Plus, today’s my day off and besides you being here, with the rest of the Main 6 in Manehattan and today being a Sunday… I don’t necessarily have a lot to do.” He assured to me as he started to walk upstairs. Now, I wasn’t sure if that was a clue to follow or not, but I decided to follow him anyway. After all, I was a little curious as to what his room was like.

“Swo, why iswn’t thwere mwuch to hunt?” I asked, trying to get back on the topic we were on earlier.

“Grimm only get closer to the Academy if they sense high amounts of negative emotions. Some of the academy’s staff have been training the royal guards in ponyville to help them if they do encounter one and with the way things are, Grimm attacks are rare.” He explained, looking back at me as he set his staff along the wall next to the nightstand in the room.

“I stwill wanna fwight a cwouple.” I said, pouting and crossing my arms.

“That’s the thing… Capturing Grimm is something we haven’t gotten around to accomplishing yet.” Sun replied. “They are increasingly dangerous, especially around equines since most don’t know how to fight. Hell, in Griffonstone, there had been sightings of Grimm that look like Hippogriffs.”

“Hmmm I hwave a idea.” I told him, a focused look coming across my face.

“What kind of idea?” He then asked me, folding his arms shortly after he finished changing his pants.

I responded by a flash of light appearing, a pokeball that looked like the one Mewtwo made in the movie he appeared in in my hand, me showing it to Sun.

“Ita, Grimm can’t be captured by Pokeballs.”

“It’s a spwecial Pokeball, it shwould cwatch anythwing without a soul.” I told him.

“And how are you sure this is gonna work?” Sun replied, folding his arms. “Has it been tested yet?”

“I wus gwunnah gwo twest it, bwut bwing a Goddess, I’m fwairly cwertain it’ll work.” I said.

“Remember when I said that different worlds have different rules?” He reminded me. “This could be applied here as well. Now, I’m not telling you that you shouldn’t try it. I just want you to be careful. I don’t want Ken chewing my ass out if you get hurt.”

“I’ll bwe carefwul.” I promised. “Cwould wou fwind mwe a gwood pwace to start twesting?” I asked.

“Alright… You familiar with the Everfree forest by chance?” I nodded back to him, showing that I knew what I was talking about. “Head in there and you might find yourself a Grimm if you are lucky.”

“Gwutcha!” I said, taking the PokeBall I made and floating out, heading to the forest.

I was in the forest now, floating around, alert, looking for Grimm. It was a bit dark and scary at first, but I tried my best not to feel that way as I continued to float around.

Now, I knew for sure that it wasn’t exactly raining… but why did I feel something moist on my head? I looked up, only to see a pair of silver like jaws and red like eyes as a beowulf crashed down from above me, snarling down as it almost pinned me against the ground.

Like I said… almost. I used Agility, the world slowing around me, dodging the Grimm, using String Shot, binding it. As it struggled, I threw the Pokeball at it… but however, all it did was hit it in the head and made it even madder as one slash of it’s claws knocked the pokeball away and the webs that tried to hold it down.

I growled, intimidating it slightly, using Psychic to grab the Pokeball again, also holding the Grimm down more with the same move, tapping it with the Pokeball. But it just got even angrier, lashing out at me as it left a few scratches on my body.

“Ow, that tickled.” I said, using Heal Order on myself to make them vanish. “I’m jwust gwunnah cwarry wou back.” I said, dismissing the Pokeball, picking it up in a reinforced Psychic, not giving it any room to move. However, that really just made the beast even more pissed off as a howling screech threw me backwards and freed him of my psychic. The beast inched closer as it scraped it’s claws against the ground… but then, something surprising happened.

I heard something drop down in front of me before hearing a click sound as I heard a familiar voice. “Bad dog… You shouldn’t be picking on kids.” With that, I saw Sun squeeze the trigger as he blasted the grimm to blackened dust and turned back to me. “You okay there Ita? It looked like that Beowulf made a mess of your clothes.”

“I’m fwine, Pokemon, mwy clothes awre a diffwent story.” I said, looking at the tattered remains of what I had on, though they still covered me.

“Let’s get you back to the academy before more of them show up. I don’t think anybody would want to see you with any partially torn clothes on, that’s for sure.” Sun advised, using a certain crystal that he had, the faunus soon used it to warp us back to the cottage as he looked back at me. “Well, some of these Blink Crystals really do help when you need it in a pinch…” He said, looking back at me as he set me down on a chair. “You okay?”

“I’m fwine.” I insisted, before blushing a little. “Were wou gwunnah watch mwe chwange, or…?” I asked.

“Well, do you need any help with changing?” He asked.

“Wou cwould hwelp if wou want.” I said, blushing a little more.

“Well, I wouldn’t mind if I do then,” He said, helping me lift my arms up as he helped take off the shirt I had on, looking down to my panties in the process. “Ita, you are really soaked! We should change these out for you.”

“O-okway.” I said, blushing brighter. I felt his hands slip down my body towards my underwear as he slowly pulled at them. I squirmed a little as he pulled them off and set them with my dress. Still looking at me as he took a moment to walk over and make sure the windows, blinds, and door to his room were all closed.

“Wouldn’t want someone to walk in on us now, wouldn’t we?”

“Yeah, thwey mwight gwet the wrong idwea.” I said, giggling a little. He chuckled as well, looking back at me as he then looked around the rest of the room.

“You know… if you want… since you have been a pretty good student so far… would you like to have some fun?” He asked.

“I dwon’t weally fweel wike it right now.” I said. “I’m stwill annoyed at thwat Grimm.”

“Well, maybe this can help you relax… Grimm are rare, but your idea has given me some thoughts on what contraptions we can come up with to capture them… Plus, you still seem a bit… moist down there.” He said, causing me to look down and notice.

I blushed at this, shuffling in place for a couple seconds, before I nodded. “Okway.” I said, leading to him taking off the top part of his clothes as he lowered his head and proceeded to take care of me by rubbing his tongue along my clit. Licking up the juices that had leaked out as all it caused me to do was moan to myself.

“T-thwat’s gwood.” I said, moaning, face reddening.

“Glad you l-like it,” He said between licks as he looked up at me. “Would you like some more?”

“Y-ywes, pwease.” I told him, putting my hands in his hair and trying to pull him deeper in, not using any of my strength from being a Pokemon. He complied, lowering his head deeper as his tongue went along the walls of my pussy and began to lick me up inside, making me squirm with the insane amount of pleasure I was receiving from this… Thankful that he was doing this for me as I still held onto his hair.

“G-gwetting cwose.” I said, moaning slightly louder, face redder. Saying that though caused him to lick faster as he tried to push me to my orgasm, making sure not to miss any spots inside my love tunnel. This though soon caused me to moan louder and almost pull on his head as I came, spilling my juices along his face and tongue as he looked back at me and tried to raise his head.

“How did I do?” He asked. “I wasn’t quite sure how that would turn out because I haven’t had many chances to have sex since Fluttershy found out about her pregnancy.”

In response I made a judge’s paper appear in my hands with a ‘100/10’ on it, giving him a thumbs up. He smiled, moving his hands to his pants where he began to unzip them and set them aside along with his underwear. Smiling a little, he looked back at me.

“Good… Now, I believe it’s your turn now.”

“Okway.” I said, pushing him to make him lie down, then crawling up to his cock, smiling cutely as I licked the head teasingly. He grinned a little, giving me a nod of the head as a sign for me to continue on with what I was doing.

I started to suck teasingly on his head, licking his shaft while I was, looking ‘up’ at him as I saw him moan a little in response and softly place his hand on my head, insisting for me to continue. I did so, taking half his cock in my throat, licking the other with my tongue and moaning around it. That just made him even more pleased and I think I heard him say don’t stop in a whisper like tone. Telling me to continue what I was doing and not slow down in the process.

I got a evil idea, using Psychic to hold his hands above his head, I removed his cock from my mouth, teasing it with my hand, also restraining his legs and tail. “Well this is… well different… I never thought you would be one to take charge like that...” I saw him though put his hands together as something glowed for a moment and knocked me of my concentration. “However, you forgot about my semblance.”

“Ow!” I yelped, him having need to hit me to make me not concentrate, rubbing my head.

“It was a light push, not a punch to the head,” He said, looking back at me. “Like with Sun on RWBY, I can make clones of light energy. However, I extended it to where they can do certain movements momentarily. For instance, I used it to break your concentration and free my hands.”

“I wasn’t weady fwor wou to hwit mwe at all, and I dwon’t bwother with my dwefense in swafe pwaces like this.” I told him, frowning.

“Sorry Ita, but one of the things said here is expect the unexpected. For now though, we should get back to this… I was kind of close before you tried to do your trick just now.”

“Fwine.” I grumbled, a little mad, quickly taking his entire cock in my mouth and sucking, vibrating intensely. The pleasure that he was feeling spiked as he held my head down. Before he could warn me of anything though, I felt his member twitch and his cock begin to shoot off strands of cum in my mouth.

“W-wow… I almost how forgot about how good of a mouth you have,” He said, smiling a little. “Hey… sorry about earlier… but I think I have an idea for how I can make it up to you.”

“Hwos thwat?” I asked after swallowing, raising a eyebrow.

“Well… here’s how it works. I… will be right here… while you… can ride me… for as much as you like until both of us cum… Does that work for you?”

“You jwust want mwe to fwuck wou cwause your hworny.” I said, an accusing tone in my voice.

“No, it’s nothing like that at all…” he said to me. “You wanted to take charge earlier… so I’m letting you do that now… and I won’t be doing anything to throw you off guard at all. No dust, no semblance… nothing.” Now that sounded like something I could agree with.

“Okway, wou swuck at twelling half trwuths, bwy the way.” I told him, using Psychic to restrain him away, though I kept his hands far away this time, teasing the tip of his shaft with my pussy. I heard him groan a little bit, but soon, I dropped myself down as both of us moaned from the initial entry.

I simply sat there, moving my hips around slowly and teasingly, grinning as I did and moaning a little, getting most of the pleasure. After a while though, he felt tempted to try and move his own hips, a clue that he wanted me to step up my game and continue what I was doing.

I slowly bounced myself on him, moaning as I did, massaging his dick with my pussy. He moaned in pleasure alongside me, though he couldn’t move his hands or anything at all since I still had my Psychic abilities active. But he didn’t seem to mind though. He did tell me that he was letting me be in charge… and did promise that he was telling the truth. So despite my precautions… he was holding up on his promise.

I started to go a little faster, moaning louder as I did, abandoning my Psychic. “Pway with mwe.” I ordered him. Getting my message, he obeyed as he moved his hands up my body and took hold of my breasts, massaging them in his gentle hands. This made my pleasure, along with his, increase even more.

I moaned louder, bouncing harder on him while he caressed my chest. Accelerating my overall pleasure as I continued to ride myself up and down his staff. For being what some might say as a trickster… right now, this was no trick. This was really happening… and I was getting all the satisfaction I desired. Now… I wasn’t feeling that mad anymore. Well, of course there was the grimm thing, but right now, that did not matter. Right now I was having fun with a friend of mine who enjoyed my company and I was beginning to feel him reach his peak.

I clenched around him, moaning loudly as I reached my own breaking point, feeling his rod twitch and jerk as my moaning almost made me think I was screaming. We both hit our climax almost simultaneously, our juices mixing with one another as I soon felt myself fall forward on top of him. Softly, he smiled and held me close in a hug.

“Thwat was nwice.” I commented, hugging him back.

“Thank you… It may sound ironic to say this, but even if you haven’t started teaching yet, you have taught me a lot when it comes to the bedroom.” He chuckled, looking back at me in the process. “I’m guessing that would be the same score as when I please you earlier?”

“Swure.” I said, shrugging. He smiled a little, looking at the clock as he sighed a bit to himself.

“Well, we still have some time… Hell, a lot of time actually.” He replied to me before thinking of something in his head as he pulled out of my pussy. “Um… I’m not sure if you would be up for this or not… but could it be possible for another round? I mean, I said I have been learning from you and I would like to try to apply these practices for if Fluttershy wants to have sex with me again.”

“Swo I’m wour swex dwummy?” I asked, with mock hurt in my voice, smirking.

“No no… more like… you’re the teacher and I am the student… and you can be very… hands on with your teachings.” He said, sounding like he was picking his words carefully so he wouldn’t end up insulting me on accident.

“Hmmm… B mwinus on fwirting.” I said, giggling.

“I haven’t really tried looking for girls. Before Fluttershy, there was one other one, but I had to break up with her when I found out my mother was in the hospital,” He said, looking a little depressed on that subject before looking at me. “Well… if you would have to grade the last round… Ms. Itazura… what do you think my performance was?”

“Hmmm.” I pondered to myself, sitting up, a thoughtful look on my face. “Sowid A mwinus.”

“Minus?” He asked, scratching his chin for a little bit. “Well… if that’s the case… what do I need to learn to make that minus a plus?”

“Swimply pway bwetter.” I told him, shrugging. “Wou cwoulda swucked my twits for one.”

“I didn’t know if you had the rest of my body restrained and just freed my arms for me to please you.” He pointed out to me.

“Shwoulda twied.” I said simply, shrugging.

“Hmm… do you think we can try that now?” He asked. “Or are you still recovering from the last round?”

“Gwo ahead.” I told him, bouncing my breasts for him. He took exception to my offer and slowly placed his hand over my right breast while lowering his head as he slowly began to suck on my breasts. Pleasure soon began to bloom as my upper body felt a new… sensation from what he was doing. After a while though, he lifted up his head and move it so he could suck off my other breast, routinely switching between them.

“M-my hworns awre swensitive too.” I suggested, moaning as I bounced faster. He wanted to move his hands to them, but instead focused of massaging my breast as I enjoyed the overall experience. In no time at all, my moans erupted as I felt my breasts convulse. Slowly after that though, he stopped and looked back at me, clearing his throat.

“Oh I got a different plan for the horns… But only if you are okay with it, professor.” He said. Now was when I looked down… and saw his staff at full mast once again. “Would you like to hear what I had in mind?”

“Swure.” I said, interested.

“Me behind you, giving it to you… and instead of my hands at the sides or grabbing your ass,” He said, before pointing to my head. “I grab your horns instead… But I was asking to see if you were okay with it.”

In response I got up, starting to walk away… before I went on all fours, looking back and shaking my ass at him. He smirked, looking back at me before saying something. “Not on the bed this time? Oh what a naughty teacher you are… and a good one at that.”

“I twy.” I said, before laughing. “Nwot weally, I nevwer twy, I jwust dwo.” He smirked, looking back at me as he got closer. Lying on the floor, I had my ass in the air as he positioned himself, one hand on my left horn with the other one lining up his cock with my pussy once again. Once at the entrance, he slowly put in a mere inch of the tip, before removing his hand and grabbing my other horn.


“Pwound mwe!” I ordered, moaning. Swiftly, I felt his shaft enter my tunnel as he began to do what I asked him to do. I could feel his shaft stretching my walls and the pleasure from my horns mounting up on top of one another as he began to fuck me raw and hard.

I moaned loudly, a fucked silly look coming across my face as he pounded me harder and faster. Sun was enjoying this as much as I was and boy… was he a lot better at this than when we first did it with him and Fluttershy. I was feeling his member go farther into me and jackhammering his cock into me at a rapid pace. This, combined with the pleasure that I had felt already, was causing my brain to think that this was the best sex I had in a while… Well, Ken and Patty were also good, but Sun here is a solid second.

“I’m almwost cwumming!” I shouted after a while, tongue hanging out.

“A-already? Geez, Ita- I mean professor, I’m just getting started.” He said, still not letting up on his thrusting as I felt his member grow inside of me.

“I’ll swee abwout that!” I exclaimed, vibrating my pussy and increasing his pleasure twenty fold. Sun though, continued to thrust into me, but because of the accelerated pleasure I was giving him, this didn’t last long.

“C-close!” He was barely able to get it off as I came first, followed by his dick releasing his cum inside of me as we both came down off of our peaks. Slowly, he pulled himself out and looked towards me. “Wow… that was… amazing. Did you like that, Ita?”

“A plwus plwus plwus.” I said, dazed.

“Well, I think that’s that then… I’m going to clean up real fast so I can make sure to send you back to your world. Would you like anything beforehand? Like anything to eat or drink?”

“Swome water would bwe nwice.” I told him, sitting up, snapping my fingers and cleaning myself. He nodded, taking a moment to shower and wash off all the sweat on his body, followed by putting his clothes back.

“Bottle of water or in a glass with ice?” He asked, just to make sure.

“Gwass, ice.” I said, a little sweaty and warm. He soon brought the glass up to me and set it down as I had the chance to drink it now.

I gulped it down greedily, smiling at him when I was done. He smiled, looking back at me before saying something. “Thanks for coming by… I’ll let you know once class starts. Oh and feel free to call me to your world if you want to talk or need my help with something.”

“Gwot it.” I said, nodding. “I stwill nweed clwothes though.”

“Oh… right.” I giggled at him saying that as he went over to the closet, picking out some clothes and having his tail hold on to the hooked end of the hangars as he got out a pair of shorts, some underwear and a lavender t-shirt. “Not quite my style, but I think you can have these. Call it a gift for stopping by.”

The shorts and the underwhere fit fine, but the shirt was… a little big, one of my shoulders exposed, it going to my knees, making it so when I stood and looked up at him it was incredibly adorable.

“Well if you’re trying to kill me with cuteness, then you are successful.” Sun chuckled, looking back at me while holding my token. “Ready to go back?”

“Swure, bwye!” I said, waving cutely. He waved back as he conjured the portal that I was going to use to go back home, having me land in my room as the moon shined brightly and the night sky twinkled. It seemed like the right time to get some rest… but I heard something odd speak to me as I began to lay my head down.

Rest well, my child… For you have a lot to do when the morning comes.

Meeting a kitten

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Chapter: ???


I hummed to myself as I sat on my couch, in my small lolita form, naked, not bothering to put clothes on today. I briefly felt a tremendous headache, but brushed it off, shaking my head as a bronze coin with a flame on one side and a cat on the other appeared.

Knowing a Token when I saw one, I giggled. “Whwo will cwome and pway today?” I asked rhetorically, pouring some of my energy into it and summoning the displaced it was connected to.

I heard screaming coming from outside, so I quickly slipped a adorable pair of childish white panties and my purple lolita dress, playing with the ruffles for a second before floating out of my crystal home, looking up to see two figures falling out of the sky.

I waited until they were close to the ground, before raising my hands, using Psychic to catch the two moments before impact. One of them was female that wore a gray tank top and blue jeans, she had short orange hair with a pair of cat ears and tail. The other was a guy with a black jacket and desert cargo pants. They looked at the ground in confusion.

“Uhhh, did we break it?” the female asked.

“Don’t know, also you mean did you break it.” the other said.

“Hey!” they glared at one another until the girl's ear twitched and she looked at me. “Did we get teleported into the world of Pokemon?”

“Nwo, thwis is mwy world.” I said to the two, giggling.

“Right, now this is surprising. Floating upside down by a female Hoopa.” The guy said as he pulled up a cigarette and lit it. “And a shiny one as well.”

I tilted my head, turning my hand a little and bringing them straight up, before dropping the two. “Mwy nwames Ita.” I said to the two. The girl looked at me and got up to me to do a once over.

“Oh this is going to be good.” the guy said as he looked around. The woman leaned in until she was about an inch away. Before I could say anything she grinned and grabbed me by the head and hugged me.

“OHHHHH! I WANT ONE, I WANT ONE, I WANT ONE!” she yelled. She looked over at the guy. “Can I keep her!?!”

“No.” he said without looking.

“Awww…” she said as she let go.

“I’m actuawwy nwot dwoing mwuch.” I commented. “It’s jwust mwe and mwy ‘island’ in spwace here.”

“Right, anyway I’m Jet and the one who just hugged you is Viri.” the guy, Jet, said.

“Hello!” Viri greeted with a smile. Her smile disappeared as she looked at Jet. “How did you know she’s a Hoopa?”

“I’ve seen way too much art by others.” he said as he breathed out smoke. “Some good, some bad, and some that just way to weird.”

“Weird hwow?” I asked adorably, tilting my head at him.

“Trust me, you don’t want to know.” he answered.

“I weally dwo.” I pressed, leaning in.

“He’s not going to say, so don’t try.” Viri said as she looked around and saw my home. “COOL~! A crystal home!”

“Woo wike it?” I asked, giggling and floating over to it, holding the door open. “Cwome in!”

The two of them walked in the place, one more excited than the other, as I followed behind. “Welcwome to mwy cwystal hwome.” I said as I floated in front of them, closing the door with Psychic and floating over to the couch, sitting down.

“It’s cool!” Viri said.

“You get excited way to easily.” Jet said.

“It’s fwunny.” I giggled, smiling at the two adorably. Jet eyed me for a moment before looking around. Viri was enjoying herself so much that I could see hearts coming off her.

I giggled, turning on the tv and bringing some random food out from my kitchen with my powers and setting it all on the table in front of me. “Hungwy?” I asked the two, holding a plate with a fish on it out to Viri.

“Yes.” she said and walked past the fish which confused me.

“She’s not a bit fan of fish.” Jet said as he took the fish. I saw the two eat as Viri looked at me.

“So, anything you want to talk about?” she asked.

“Nwot weally, I jwust wike to mweet othwer dwispwaced.” I said. Viri looked over a Jet with a smile.

“I told you! I totally called it! You didn’t believe me but I so~ called it!” Viri yelled as she did some air pumps. Jet rolls his eyes.

“Right right, you’re right I was wrong would you shut up.” Jet said as he bit down on his sandwich.

“Swometwimes thwough I gwet a stwange fweeling.” I continued, shifting as if I was uncomfortable.

“Are you okay?” Viri asked. Jet didn’t even look over to me.

“I’m gwetting the fweeling agwain.” I told her face getting a tiny bit flustered. Viri came over and put her hand on my head.

“Are you getting sick? If so then you shouldn’t be walking around, you should be in bed.” she said.

“Nwo, thwis fweels dwifferent.” I said, looking embarrassed.

“How so?” she asked as she tilted her head. I shot a glance at Jet, before looking at Viri and gesturing for us to go into what was my bedroom, not that she knew that.

“Right, Jet I’m going to see if I can help Ita with her problem.” Viri said. If I could I would be smiling as we walked into my room. “Right so what’s this feeling?”

“I-it’s cwoming fwom hwere.” I said, reddening my face as I motioned to my ‘special place’. She looked confused.

“Does it hurt?” she asked.

“It’s twingly.” I said, shuffling again and whimpering adorably, subtly using magic to soundproof and keep the room locked.

“I’m not good with knowing the human body, don’t you have a phone to call someone?” she asked.

“N-no, i-it’s jwust mwe.” I told her, sniffling a little, before whimpering uncomfortably again. “I stwarting to gwet warm.”

“Uh… I really don’t know what to do, do you have a library? This place looked big so maybe…”

“I’m twoo warm!” I shouted, tossing off my clothes, exposing myself to her.

“Uhhh… I don’t know if that would help…” she said as I groaned.

“H-hwelp.” I whimpered, shooting a hand to my pussy and rubbing it a little, it wet.

“Whoa whoa whoa, uhh that’s a something that I-” I cut her off by grabbing her and throwing her onto the bed.

I looked up at her ‘desperately’ as I climbed on after her, whimpering as I started undressing her, looking like I was ready to do anything to make the ‘strange feeling’ stop. She looked at me with a look of fear… then anger.

“Get. off. Of. ME!” she yelled as something kicked me off. I looked up to see… another her? She looked at me as she kicked me again.

This did nothing, but I acted like it did, whimpering pitifully and curling up, trembling and shaking. I was about to start crying before I heard crying. I looked up to see her in the same state I was.

“Not again, not again, not again.” she said over and over. I realised what I almost did, and immediately cut off the ‘feeling’, putting some adorable pjs on me and crawling up to her hesitantly. She flinched away from me as she muttered the two words again and again as she rocked back and forth.

“I s-sowwy.” I said, teary eyed, crawling up next to her and hugging her comfortingly. “I-i a-almwost wost contwol.” I added, rubbing her back soothingly. She kept saying those words as if she didn’t hear.

“Better to let her be for now.” A voice said. I looked over and saw Jet standing in the doorway, his right arm was covered in some sort of dark red armor.

I nodded, moving away from her and looking a little downcast, having actually almost lost myself to my Succubus side.

“Come on, we need to talk.” he said as he moved back to the other room. I followed him silently, head down.

“When she was a bit younger she was kidnapped by a gang that hated my guts and raped her. She has nightmares about it and goes into that sort of state when something like that happens. Luckily you got the scared reaction.” he explained.

“I-i’m sowwy.” I said again, sniffling. “I-i’m p-pwart succubwus a-and I h-haven’t ‘fwed’ in a while… I-i wet mwy instwincts gwet the bwetter of me.” I added. He looked at me.

“Right… that’s uhh something. Got to say, having sex with a stranger is somewhat odd but you said you’re a succubus so that makes sense but I do have to say that you’re lucky you got the scared one instead of one of her other ones.” he said as he picked up another sandwich.

“W-will shwe bwe okway?” I asked.

“She will be, you didn’t go too far so she’ll just have her moment then come out. She would also tried to apologise to you for that as well.” he said. I looked at him oddly.

“W-why would shwe dwo that?” I asked, curling up on my couch, legs to my chest and arms wrapped around them.

“That’s how she is, she tries to make friends with others and won’t hold hard feeling to them. She was trying to help but probably made something worse and she would feel bad. She may look like a cat but she’s not an asshole cat.” he said.

“I shwould bwe the one fweeling bwad.” I mumbled, looking at my knees.

“The way I look at it you were just doing something by nature, if you said that in the first place then things wouldn’t have turned out this way.” he paused for a moment. “Just note that if you did say that then I wouldn’t have sex with you, not my type.”

I said nothing, sitting there and contemplating things. After a few moments Viri came out of my room holding herself.

“I’m… I’m sorry for… that.” she said. Her ears flattened themselves on her head as her tail wrapped around her leg.

“N-no I’m s-sowwy for s-starting all that.” I said, floating a little closer.

“No, I’m sorry, it just that things were a little much and…” she shook in place. “Just some bad stuff, also destroying your room.”

“T-that’s fwine.” I assured, waving my hand and fixing it. “I-i o-only d-dwid that stuff c-cause I’m part s-succwubus and I hwaven’t ‘fwed’ in a while.”

“Oh… well I wished I could help but… with what happened.” she shutted a bit and shook her head. “I-I can’t.”

“I… cwould ‘remove’ thwose mwemowies.” I offered, rubbing my arm with my other one. She shook her head.

“I-I can’t have you do that, sure it would be nice but… my body would know and if I didn’t know why it would torment me.” she said.

“I-it wouldn’t.” I assured. “I’m a-also a gwoddess, I cwould remwove it easily.” I said. She just shook her head as she walked over to sit down. Still shaking and rocking a bit.

“Are wou swure?” I asked.

“I… I need time to calm down… I’ll think about it.” she said. This got the attention of Jet.

“Really? That’s a first, the last guy who told you that you sent him to the hospital for a week.” he said.

“Well… if wou’ll exwuse mwe, I’m gonna gwo vwent.” I said, floating towards the door outside. The last thing I heard was Jet say ‘did she say vent?’ and a groan.

I floated outside, waving my hand, space bent, moving the various crops I had growing outside and the crystal house away from me, I sighed mentally, snapping my fingers and changing my pjs into a pair of short shorts and a white t-shirt.

I opened my eyes, thrusting my arms forward, thousands of different colored balls appearing in the air as I shot every pokemon move beam forward. Next I made a ring for each beam, making them go in a infinite loop.

I summoned some legendaries, hundreds of Mega Rayquaza. I fired the beams at them, and they fired back, meeting my beams. I shot around my beams and to them, grabbing the first and spinning it into another as a third came at me, me using Mach Punch to smack it to the side as I used the first as a whip to hit the others, the Rayquaza getting decimated.

It took an hour, but I defeated them all, barely having broken a sweat, me landing and waving my hand again, restoring space to how it was.

“That was something.” I heard someone say behind me. I turned to see Jet behind me. “Came out for some air then saw something, so I went to check it out then saw that I was here.”

“I didn’t mwake enough fwor a weal workout…” I grumbled, shrugging. He looked at me for a moment as I saw an idea pop into his head.

“Want to fight something else than whatever?” he asked.

“What are wou suggwesting?” I asked, tilting my head. He took another deep breath and dropped his cigarette and stomped on it.

“Me.” he simply said as he cracked his neck. “Haven’t fought something for a week and I feel like I’m getting rusty, a good spar would be good.”

“I would destwoy you.” I deadpanned. He rolled his eyes.

“I fought a goddess before and she said the same thing, didn’t stop me from punching her.” he said. He tilted his head a bit at me. “Unless you’re scared that some human would beat you?”

I grinned, glowing as I shifted into a more… adult, form, ‘filling out’ as I grey to match his height, shifting my clothes to fit this new form comfortable.

“You have no idea what you just did.” I said clearly, a smirk on my face. “HYPER BEAM!” I shouted, a single finger pointed at him as I fired the moved at him. It hit him as it kicked up some dust. I lowered my hand. “I told him.”

Before I could do anything a hyper beam came shooting at me. I twirled around the beam expertly, not put off at all. “Neat trick.” I commented, using Teleport to appear next to him, wrapping my arms around him and accidentally pressing my now ‘generous’ chest into him, using Fly, golden wings sprouting out of my back as I flew up thousands of feet before letting go of him.

He looked up at me with a board look as he thrust downwards. Jets of flames shot out as he shot towards me. I let him get close, before doing a front-flip, a golden tail appearing. “DRAGON TAIL!” I shouted, slamming him right back down. He saw this and went to punch my tail, as the two meet there was a flash and the blast sent both of us away. The force was strong and I had to re-balance myself to make sure I didn’t fall. Jet on the other hand was in a large crater.

I flew down, cautiously staying in a distance I could dodge from. “You alright?” I shouted down to him.

“Yeah!” he yelled as he hopped up. He dusted himself off a bit then look at me. “A little fall won’t slow me, so come on!”

He then start to swing his fists at me, shooting balls of fire at me. I simply used Protect, a psychic wall appearing in front of me. I was about to counter, when I looked at him and giggled. “You might want to look down, you have a ‘situation’ there, big boy.” I said seductively, amused.

He looked down at the ground and saw his tent. “Really…” I just giggled at him, hitting him with the full blown effect of Attract.h I saw a light on his arm as a heart appeared. He saw this and nodded. “Well this is new.”

He then shot up towards me. Shooting in different directions until he was close. He then twisted around and shot another fireball at me. I rolled my eyes and knocked it away, until I saw another one, a pink one, hit me in the face.

I fell to the ground, surprised, a little dazed on the ground. I looked up to see Jet land a few feet in front of me. My eyes widened as Attract worked its magic on me, my mind focusing on all of his good qualities and ignoring the bad, me starting to drool a little, licking my lips.

“Yummy.” I said, leaping at him. He jumped out of the way as I looked at him.

“Shit, maybe that wasn’t a good idea.” he said as he dodged me again. Why is he so fast! He looked at his arm as there was now a half moon of him. “Three charges left, ugh… you owe me.”

I charged at him as he stood there, for an instant I thought I caught him but that changed as a bright light came off of his fist before he punched me. A beam of light hit me at point blank range and sent me flying into the ground. I blinked a few times as the Attract disappeared.

I held my head, groaning in pain, having a headache from the Attract making me think like I normally wouldn’t. I looked up to see Jet standing in front of me, offering his hand.

“Got to say, until the end it was fun.” he said. I nodded in agreement, taking his hand and allowing him to help me up.

“Yeah… never use Attract on me again, or I’m sending you to hell.” I said seriously, turning and casually walking towards my house.

“Hey, you’ve been in fights you know that sometimes you have to use what’s given to you.” he said as he walked beside me.

“And sometimes you need to know when to not talk back to the Goddess that was holding back and letting you steal her attacks.” I said, shooting him a one eyed glance. He didn’t seem to worried at this.

“Holding back I understand, letting me steal your attack now that’s not right, I didn’t steal them I absorbed them, if I stole them then you wouldn’t be able to use them again.” he said as he pulled another cigarette out and lit it with his finger. “Part of my semblance that I have.”

“If I was using the moves myself, that might work, but I don’t use them through myself.” I said. He just shrugged as we walked.

We got to my house, going inside and being greeted by Viri. She… looked funny, shifting a bit and fidgeting a bit.

“H-hey…” she said.

“Hey, you okay?” I asked.

“I’m fine, just had something to drink and… I’m fine.” she said. Jet eyed her for a second then walk past us. I eyed her for a moment.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked, voice gentle and reassuring.

“Yes… I just need a minute.” she said. I nodded and walked over to Jet.

“So, how’s this place, this looks and sounds like Eris world.” Jet asked.

“This is just an island floating in space.” I told him, sighing. “I… don’t remember what happened to the world attached to it, honestly.”

“Yeah, so… are you part of the MLP thing or is this something new?” he asked.

“I…” I started, before clutching my head, stumbling and catching myself on the counter near me. Jet grabbed my shoulder, without his armor, and looked at me.

“Are you okay? What’s wrong.” he asked.

“I… don’t know.” I whispered, sounding scared. “So many of my memories are simply… gone.”

“Gone? They can’t be just… gone.” he said.

“It’s like… someone was erased from time entirely.” I said, sitting and leaning against the wall, holding my head.

“I see.” Jet said. He walked over and picked up a bottle that was on the table. He picked it up and looked at it. “Viri, did you have this?”

“Y-yeah…” she said, right next to me. Before I could do anything I was grabbed from behind and pulled off my feet. I watched that I was being dragged by my clothes to somewhere as I heard Jet talk.

“Warning, do not give to animals. It will cause them to go into their a rut and will indulged to who ever they want.” he said. I blinked as I was now in my room and was thrown on the bed. Viri crawled on me and looked at me with her eyes, her cat like eyes… oh.

“Where did you get that drink? It made me feel so… good~.” she purred.

“I made it.” I said smirking at her. “Why, does kitty want more nip?” I asked, nibbling on her neck. She purred at this, pulling me up as she straddled me and kissed me.

“That would be nice but…” I felt hands on my shoulders as I was pulled back to see two Viris smiling at me.

“I want you.” the other said with a smirk.

“Then come get me.” I said, snapping my fingers, making all our clothes vanish off of us and appear on a chair in neat folded piles. I got a good look at her, them, whatever, and I saw a sight that made me drool a bit. They were the same height as Jet, maybe a little shorter, and had curves in all the right places. Her hair glowed like ember in the dim light as it also highlighted her curves, her breasts were full and large for my hands and her hips swayed as she walked over, her clone was a bit smaller but not so, they took both sides as they pushed me down.

“You looked so cute before, like a child, but I like you like this~.” one said as she nibbled my neck.

“You came to me like this, I would of let you have me.” the other said as she rubbed up on me. I moaned at the contact, grabbing one of the breasts of the one in front of me and reaching down to rub the pussy of the one behind me.

I teased the two like this, gently and sensually rubbing their nipple and clit, smirking all the while. The one behind moaned a giggle at this and took my breast in her hand and teased my nipple as she pulled a bit.

Moaning, I slipped a finger into the one behind me, leaning forward to tease the nipple of the one in front of me, nibbling on her nipple as I teased her other boob.

“Mmmm, this is nice.” the one behind me said.

“But let's step it up a bit.” the one in front said as she rubbed my lower lips, putting a finger in. Moaning out I tried to tease the front one a bit more but she lowered herself down to my legs. The one behind took both of my breasts and played with them, slow and soft at times then fast and hard at others.

“Mmmm, she’s so wet.” the one below me said.

“Well Vi, care for a drink?” the other said. Si smirked at me.

“With pleasure~.” she began licking me as I let out a moan.

“Good kitty~” I moaned, letting the two explore my body. The two went at it with gusto. The one behind, I’m calling her Ri, fondled my breasts as she kissed me. Vi was busy licking me and playing with my clit. She plunged her tongue into me and began to move around.

“So… is the succubus having fun?” Ri asked me as she pulled my nipples hard. I let out a loud moan.

“Very~” I moaned, closing my eyes. “You two are surprisingly good at this.”

“Well, we did do some reading before coming here and getting turned into a fanus.” Ri said. She looked down at Vi. “Have you found it yet?”

Si shook her head a bit and kept her tongue moving until it brushed against one spot that made me gasp. I felt her grin at this.

“Looks like she found it, so tell me.” Ri took my head and move it in front of hers. “Do you want it?”

“Yes~” I moaned. “Please, I need it!”

She made a smirk as she looked down at her other. With that Vi stopped what she was doing and pulled out.

“I’m sorry but do you really?” Ri asked. I stared at her for a moment.

“P-please.” I whimpered in need. “D-don’t stop.”

“Hmmm, I don’t know. What do you think Vi?” Ri asked.

“I don’t feel convinced, maybe if she screams~.” she said as she teased me a bit. I bit my lip, I couldn’t take it!

“Please, fuck me with your tongue!” I begged, whimpering. The two made a cat like grin as Vi put her tongue close.

“Well, since you asked so nicely.” Ri said as she grabbed my breasts. “I want to hear you scream.”

With that she pulled on them hard as Vi pressed down on my g-spot with her tongue and did wonders. I screamed in pleasure, eyes rolling up into the back of my head, moaning loudly. I humped into Vi’s mouth as she went to town on me, she grabbed my ass as she pulled me into her. Ri bit down on my neck as she played with my nipples, which sent pleasure throughout my body. I felt like I was in heaven.

I moaned loudly, shuddering in pleasure, moaning loudly as I felt myself getting close. They must of felt it as they started to go faster, the more they did this the more my head went blank.

“Are you going to cum Ita? Well are you?” Ri asked as she smooshed my breast together as she began to run her body on my back, I felt her breasts rub up and down on my back, they felt so good as I moaned.

“Yeeeees~” I moaned, starting to clench around the tongue of the one eating me out.

“Hmm I really don’t want to stop but with that-” I cut her off as I looked at her with pleading eyes. She grins. “Well then, tell us how much you want this, that you need this.”

“Please, let me cum I need to cum.” I begged, thrusting against the one below me. “I need to cum, please.”

“Well, since you put it that way,” she let go of one of my breasts and lowered it near my nethers as she touched my clit. “Cum for us.”

She then flicked my clit hard as Vi jabbed her tongue down on my g-spot. All I got to say that my climax was explosive. I moaned at the top of my lungs, waves of pleasure shooting through my as I came on Vi. My legs wrapped around her head and pulled her in as she grabbed my ass and pulled me to her. Ri took my mouth into a kiss as I screamed into her. Her eyes were on mine as we did this. A few moments later my climax started to die down as Ni faded away. I layed in Ri… no Viri arms in silence. She giggled at me to what I can guess is my blissed out face.

“Well, you looked like you had fun.” Viri said with a grin. I nodded at her. “Well are you up for another round?

I smirked, giggling. “Of course.” I said.

“Good, because I haven’t had my fun yet.” her eyebrow arched a bit at me. “You think I’m going to stop now without you making me feel good?”

Viri shifted a bit and kissed my neck a few times. “Want to know something, I wanted to sleep with a succubus, sure after my… trauma with that group.” I looked over at her as she her eyes looked clouded, her breathing became a bit faster as. “That… group…”

“Shh.” I said, hugging her and rocking her gently. “Nothing about them, those people aren’t and never will be important.”

“Not… important…” she mutted. We sat there for a bit before she looked up to me, the sexy cat girl that made me feel amazing was gone, now she looked at me with sadness and pleading eyes. “I want to feel good but… just… please…”

“Here, lay on your stomach.” I said gentle, giving her a reassuring smile. She nodded and turned to lay on her stomach, which gave me a good view of her ass. Her tail wrapped around my arm as its fur tickled me.

I started to give her a gentle massage, starting with her shoulders. She gave a small moan as I rubbed her with the balls of my hands. “Feeling better?” I asked her as I continued, slowly moving to her upper-back.

“A little…” she said. “Say, you have any more of that drink? I only had half of it until I felt funny.”

“Do you need it?” I asked, massaging her deeply.

“Ye-mm- yes, it made me- ahh- feel good and tingly.” she turned her head at me. “Please~.”

“Alright kitty.” I said, smiling at her as I snapped my fingers, bringing the bottle to me and handing it to her, before I continued to give her her massage, now to her lower back. She looked at the bottle for a moment before drinking it. And drink, and drink, and drink before she let's go of the now empty bottle. I continued as her tail began to twitch a bit. She moaned a bit as her breathing became heavy.

“H-harder.” she asked. I obliged, deepening the massage more and leaning forward, nibbling on her neck a little as I massaged her lower back, teasing her by just barely not massaging her ass.

“Moooore.” she moaned out, now trying to grind on to me. Her tail wrapped itself around around my arm and pulled, it didn’t make me move but I giggled at this.

I started licking her neck, moving my hands down to her ass cheeks and giving them a rough squeeze, before I started massage them. Her hands began to claw at the sheets and she moaned out loud. She looked at me with lust in her eyes.

“Come on, give me something good, you're a succubus right, you can do better.” she moaned out.

“How about this?” I asked, stopping the massage momentarily and standing on my knees, a cock slowly growing from where my clit was. “Want me to ‘massage’ you with this?”

Hey eyes widened at it. A little fear was there but it was covered by her hunger. “Yessss, oh gods yes.” she then moved her ass up and pressed it against me. “Make your kitty feel good~”

Her tail moved to my cock and began to stroke it. I licked my lips at the feeling of it.

“Do you want it here…” I started, prodding her pussy. “Or here?” I asked, prodding her ass.

“M-my pussy… please…” she was now shaking, grinding her pussy on my cock. “Make me feel good, I want it, I need it...”

She looked up to me with tears in her eyes. “Make me forget what happened.”

I assumed she meant metaphorically, so I nodded, gently prodding her Pussy as I moved my hands to her back, massaging her as I prodded her. “I’ll be gentle, okay?” I said in a kind voice, smiling at her. She nodded as she shifted a bit.

I slowly started to enter her, making my hands vibrate a bit to make her relax more as I continued massaging her. She gasped then moaned at this as she started to relax a bit more. I got it all in her after a couple minutes, smiling and petting her head with one hand and massaging her with the other.

“You’re doing great.” I reassured, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Then I realized that something in her must of snapped.

“Fuck me.” she said. She grabbed my hand and placed it on her breast, she looked at me with lust filled eyes that hungered for me. “Fuck me so hard that I can’t walk straight.”

“Alright, if you insist.” I said, gently pulling back… before I slammed it into her roughly and quickly, fondling her breast with one hand and holding her shoulder with the other. She screamed out as I went, and she kept screaming as I pounded into her. I got worried that she would freak out but it was cut short by her.

“YEEEEEEEEEEESSSS! FUCK ME HARDER! YOUR KITTY WANTS IT!” she screamed. Her tongue was hanging out as she was having the time of her life.

I moaned, smirking. “How about you call me ‘Mistress’, my Kitty?” I suggested, moving my hands to her waist but otherwise not speeding up.

“Yessss Mistress, your kitty wants it, she wants you so much!” she screams, slamming her hips into mine. Her breasts bounced as we slammed into one another, almost hitting her head. “Does kitty please Mistress? Does she make her happy to fuck her?”

“Yes, kitty is very good, I might give you some ‘presents’ before you leave.” I said, slamming into her harder and moaning more with a smirk.

“Yes~! Kitty is good, Kitty is very good for her Mistress, Kitty wants nothing more than to be Mistress’ fuck pet, to make her feel good.” she said. I snorted that the drink made her this way, or is it that this was all the sexuile frustation she been getting after what happened and the drink is letting it out?

I decided not to dwell on this, moaning louder as I felt my cock start throbbing, thrusting more erratically. I grabbed her arms and pulled her up and started to slam into her. She screamed in pleasure at this.

“YEEEEEES! FUCK ME! FUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKME!” she screamed. She looked over at me. “Make me yours! I don’t want to be scared anymore, you’re my mistress and I want to be yours!”

“Ready to cum little kitty?” I asked, moaning and thrusting more. “Cum when I say so.” I ordered. She tried to say something but her tongue was out as she drooled, making odd moans and gasps. Her face looked of that of total bliss. I felt her pussy squeezed tightly around my cock, making sure it doesn’t leave.

“Cum now, kitten!” I ordered several minutes later, moaning loudly as my cock throbbed, cumming straight into her pussy. She screamed as she came, her shivering in pleasure as it thrashed out, washing over her. We stayed like that for some time as she twitched as the pleasure racked onto her brain. Her eyes were rolled up into her head as she tried to breath. We fell onto the bed panting and moaning. After a few minutes I started to hear her crying.

“Are you alright?” I asked worriedly, hugging her from where I was still inside her on her back.

“Can… can you move so I can face you?” she asked softly, still sniffling. I nodded even though she couldn’t see me do so, gently removing myself and making my cock turn back into my clit, laying down next to her. She turned to face me, her eyes were red and swollen from her crying. I went to apologies but she went and kissed me. This wasn’t like the kisses from before, this one was filled it love.

“Thank you.” she said. She buried herself into me and kept saying thank you into my chest. I smiled, grabbing her and gently rolling so she could lay on top of me.

“You’re welcome.” I softly whispered back, kissing her on the top of the head. We layed there for some time until I heard the sound of her sleeping.

“I should probably get you cleaned up.” I commented quietly to myself. Picking her up so she could curl into me, I teleported the two of us into my bathroom and made sure she’d stay asleep. I went into the shower, turning it on with my powers and then using them to gently wash the two of us. She mewed a bit as I washed her but didn’t awaken. Her smile made her face a look bit brighter.

I cleaned her out before quickly finishing us, turning the shower off and wrapping a adorable blanket/towel with little kittens on it around her, putting my pink one on me and floating towards my room. I set her down on my bed as she curled her tail around her body. I smiled at her as I thought on what just happened… then remembered that Jet was right outside of the room. As I thought that I heard a knock on my door, there was muttering from the door but I didn’t hear what he said.

I floated a inch off the ground to the door, opening it a little and peeking out. “Yes?” I asked.

“Hey, you two have been in there for some time, is everything-” he paused as the smell hit him. He blinked a few times and looked at me. “Had fun?”

“A little bit.” I said shamelessly, shrugging. “Resolved an issue.”

“Right, is… she alright?” he asked. His voice sounded worried.

“Tired her out, she’s fine.” I assured him. “Thought she is a little underdressed, and I’m sure she wouldn’t want you to see her like that.” I added, winking and giggling.

“Yeah, no, by the smell I can get what happened.” he said waving his hand in front of his nose. “Also, thanks.”

“Welcome.” I said, shrugging, leaning against the doorframe casually. “I like helping.”

“Yeah well you did her a big one, she’s been out with some other people before and when it came to sex she freaks out. They… well never really helped her and just dumped her right there.” he said.

“People are selfish most of the time… makes me glad I’m mostly a Pokemon.” I said, smirking.

“Right… well again thank you, also I’m guessing it’s night out since there’s a moon and for some reason there’s a face and it’s making faces at me.” Jet said.

“I made that when I got bored.” I said, shrugging. “And yeah, you guys can sleep here, if you want.”

“For Viri, I think she would be happy. I know I’m happy to get to sleep for once without waking up to something.” he said as he sighs. “Do you know that a Grimm has terrible breath?”

“You got a Grimm problem in your world?” I asked, raising a eyebrow with a smirk. “I could… help, with that.”

“No, you helped with this and that’s enough. The idea of someone doing something to another world is a bit over the line.” he said crossing his arms.

“Your decision.” I said, shrugging. “Well, I got a sexy cat-lady in my bed I need to get back to, night.”

“Night.” he said as he walked away. As he went to the couch, I snapped my fingers, making it turn into a king-sized bed, with blue pillows and sheets and a light-blue blanket. He stared at it and shrugged, laying down. Literally two seconds later I heard him snoring.

I shook my head in amusement, walking over to the bed and laying next to said sexy cat-lady, snapping my fingers and removing the towel-blankets, pulling a big comforter over us and snuggling into her back, spooning her as the ‘big spoon’. She snugged into me as her tail wrapped around my leg, letting out a sigh.

“Thank… you… Ita.” she said in her sleep. I smiled, hugging her and falling asleep with her.

I woke up the next day to us in the same position, smiling and running my hand through her hair gently. She moved a bit and turned to face me. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me. She blinked a few times in silence.

“Morning.” I whispered to her, smiling at her. She stared at me then looked down at herself, then at me.

“D-did we… did I…” she looked at me for answers.

“Yes.” I told her gently, hugging her reassuringly. “And you were great.”

She stared at me for some time as her eyes widen a bit more. “Y-you're not lying.” she said as tears welled up in her eyes.

“I’m not.” I agreed, shushing her gently and rubbing her back.

“You’re… you’re… “she started to cry again. “Y-you’re the first that didn’t l-leave me.”

“And I won’t.” I assured, hugging her tightly.

“Thank you.” she said as she hugged me back. We layed there for sometime before she spoke again. “Uhh… I realized that last night wasn’t a dream… oh god you saw me like that.”

“You’re a kinky little kitty.” I said teasingly, giggling.

“Uhh… well… I umm.” she stuttered as her face went red.

“And I wouldn’t have you any other way.” I said, giving her a reassuring squeeze.

“Yeah… that was… wild… in a good kind a way.” she said with a smile.

“So… where do you wanna go from here?” I asked. She blinked at me.

“Uhh… what do you mean?” she asked. I giggled as I moved a bit of her hair away. Her ear twitched a bit as she looked at me with her blue eyes.

“Like, do we call ourselves girlfriends, friends with benefits…” I said, smirking at her.

“You… you want to be my girlfriend?” she asked in a hopeful tone. I stared at her as she looks like a small kitten, looking at me with eyes that make it hard to say no.

“Sure.” I said, kissing her forehead. She smiled and nuzzled up into me.

“Then I think we go with girlfriends than,” she looked at me with a smirk. “Mistress.”

“Would you be okay if I put a collar on you?” I asked. She tilted her head a bit to think about it.

“Yeah, I’m okay with it, I always thought kittens with collars looked cute.” she said. I smiled at her, making a purple collar appear that had a small golden round tag on it, with a picture of my face on one side and ‘Kitten’ written on the other, putting it around her neck. With a click she inhaled sharply as she giggled.

“Kinky.” she said with a smile. She licked my nose in a playful way. “I…” she stops and shakes her head. “Too soon.”

“What is it, kitten?” I asked, nibbling on her ear playfully.

“Well, it might be too soon but… ahh fuck it.” she nuzzled up to me and started to hug me. “I wanted to say, I love you mistress.”

“I love you too, kitten.” I said, smiling and hugging her back, groping her ass a little. She giggled a bit as she moved down a bit until she’s level with my breasts.

“I always wanted to do this, is that alright with you?” she asked me. She licked her lips a bit as I got the idea. I smiled at her, nodding and squeezing her ass a little tighter. She looked at my breasts and took the right one into her mouth. She began to suck and bite on my nipple which sent waves of pleasure throughout my body. She also took my other breast in her other hand, flicking my nipple a bit.

I moaned at her ministrations, before smirking, subtly changing something in me so she’d get a nice surprise in a couple seconds. She stopped what she was doing and looked up at me, raising an eyebrow.

“I gotta get my kitty her milk somehow.” I said with a shrug giggling. She started at me for a moment then started to hum, making my breast vibrate in her mouth before she continued sucking. We went for a few minutes until she let my breast go with a pop and licked her lips.

“You maybe more of a freak than me.” she said. She then put her head onto my breasts and smiled. “And that just make me love you more.”

I giggled at this, removing the effect and just hugged her into my breasts with a smile.

“So… what now? Do we just lay here or what. Because if you ask me I’m okay with laying here.” Viri said.

“I’m okay with it to.” I agreed. “Though I could also make us breakfast.”

“As fun as this is breakfast sounds good.” Viri said. She looked up at me. “Milk is good and all but I do like some eggs.”

I giggled before removing the blanket. I stood up and stretched, hearing my back and joints pop. I looked back and saw Viri doing the same. I bit my lip as I saw her body, something that I could watch for a good while.

“See something you like~.” Viri teased as she shook her ass at me. Smirking, I teasingly spanked her.

“I see something that’s mine.” I teased back, grinning.

“Well I do agree to that.” she said. We then started to get dressed with some clothes and walked out of the room and the first thing that hit me was the smell of food. I walked into the living room and saw that it was all cleaned up and looked like no one was here. Following my nose we went to the kitchen where Jet was cooking. He turned to us and nodded.

“Morning sleepyheads, foods on the table.” he said as he poured a pan full of hash browns into a bowl. He took them to a table with eggs, bacon, fruit, toast with some butter on the side and both orange and apple juice. “Well, what are you waiting for?”

I smiled, floating to the head of the table and sitting there, pulling a seat up next to me and putting my kitten in there, using my Psychic to bring food over to us. Jet took a plate and put some of the food on his plate, he sat down and began to butter his toast and he looked at me and Viri.

“So… this is a thing.” he asks as he tapped his neck, indicating the collar.

“Yep.” I said, digging into my food.

“You’re… not against it… right?” Viri asked. I looked up at him as he stares at her.

“For what? For my cousin finally getting a girlfriend? No, I have more class than most assholes.” he said as he made his food into a sandwich. “I cool with it.”

“Thanks.” she said as she began to eat her food quickly. Jet leaned forward and taps her on the head with his fork.

“Manners.” he said with a frown. Viri muttered an apology and continued eating.

“So, what’s your world like?” I asked after swallowing the last of my food. Jet shrugged.

“As much as I know it’s like the MLP world, which when Viri found out was hopping around like a kid with too much candy. The residents there are human like but has fur and wings and horns. There’s a word for it, what was it?” he asked as he drinks from a glass of apple juice.

“Anthropomorphic.” I said.

“Yeah that’s it.” Jet said as he sets his cup down. “So yeah we’re in a world of MLP that everyone is anthropomorphic which was odd but some of them are quite hot for being a pony.” he said.

“Moving on.” Viri said as she rolls her fork at him.

“Says the one who has a collar on.” he said.

“Touche.” she said.

“Now I’m skipping some parts of this so I can get to the more interesting part, as it seems our world is part of Remnant.” Jet said.

“With the Grimm.” I said, frowning. “I know someone else that’s a displace Sun that deals with them, if you’d let me I’d go Unbound and kill them all.”

“Again, no this is a different world and it would freak a lot of people out something comes in and kills the Grimm, sure it would be nice but that would make everyone panic since the people of Remnant and Equestria aren’t that friendly with one another.” Jet said.

“Yeah! You should've seen our faces when we were told other humans were around, and faunus as well!” Viri said happily.

“Like anyone in your world could really handle my Unbound form, I’d be able to stop anything that comes up… but fine, if you change your mind, here’s my token.” I said, sliding a golden Hoopa Prison Bottle over to him. He looked at it and eyeballed it.

“Well this is… something.” he said at the bottle.

“Wait… how can I come and see you, do I just use that as well?” Viri asked.

“Here.” I said, making a ring appear and shrinking it to bracelet size. “Just use that whenever you want to visit my kitten.” I said, kissing her and slipping it onto her right wrist. She rubbed it and smiled.

“Right, so if the two of you are going to have your fun time, keep it over here, if not warn me so I’m not near.” Jet said as he finishes his food.

“Well, your world probably needs you two right now, so I should send you home.” I said, turning and hugging my kitten. She hugged me back.

“I’ll miss you Mistress.” she whispered.

“I’ll miss you too kitten, call me whenever you want me to come over.” I whispered back. She nodded as the two stood up.

“One last question.” Jet asked me. He looked at me. “Favorite starter?”

“I don’t really have a favorite.” I said with a shrug. “I could give you one though to help against the Grimm.”

“Naa, thought I had to ask.” Jet said.

“You just asking because she’s part pokemon.” Viri said.

“Of course, also I still don’t care what you say Mudkip is the best.” Jet said. Viri rolled her eyes at him.

“See you around I guess.” Viri said.

“Bye kitten.” I said, opening a ring next to the two that lead to their world. Jet walked through the ring as Viri was about to before running over, kissed me, then ran through the portal. The ring shrank and I was now alone in the kitchen.

I sighed, getting up and waving my hand lazily, sending all the dishes to automatically clean themselves, floating to where the couch was and restoring it, flopping down and going back to sleep.

Depressed to Happy times

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I sighed sadly, in my bed, it having been a month since I last saw my ‘kitten’, having just been on my island alone the entire time. I was in a ‘teenage’ form, not quite as ‘filled out’ as my adult one, but not flat either. I layed there for a while, before I got an idea, making a certain token appear.

“Kitty.” I mumbled sadly, focusing on just summoning her. “I need you.” The token was still for a moment but then it felt warm in my hand, it pulsing a few times, feeling that it felt happy, then it went dead as I heard a knock at the front door.

I opened the door with my powers, not able to bring myself to get out of bed just yet.

“Ita! You here?” Viri called out in the house.

“In my room!” I called back, inwardly wincing at how sad my voice sounded. I heard her quickly heading towards my room and stopped at my door. There were three knocks on my door.

“Come in.” I said, slumping more into my bed. The door opened and Viri walked in. She wore a camo shirt and some shorts that hugged her lower half nicely. Her hair looked a bit more grown out than the last time and I saw her and she had her collar around her neck, a bit scruffed than before but still.

“Hey kitty.” I said. Her face lit up as she literally tackled me in bed.

“Ita! Oh I missed you!” she said happily. This brought the tiniest of smiles on my face, hugging her. “How have you been?”

“Terrible.” I said, deciding not to lie to my kitten. She looked at me with a sad look as she gave me another hug. “I’ve been so lonely.” I added quietly, sniffling.

“I’m sorry, if I had known that you’d have been like this I would of-” she paused for a moment. She rested her head on my shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

“You being here is already making it a little better.” I assured her, sniffling again. She nuzzled me a bit as I said that.

“Well, I was also lonely as well, so it’s good to be together again.” she said lovingly.

“At least you had people on your end.” I muttered sadly. “I was by myself.”

“Not… really.” she said. “Sure they are nice and all but at times I see them talk about me behind my back. Mostly about this.” she tapped the collar.

“They… did what?” I asked in a scary calm voice.

“Hey hey, don’t take it the wrong way, it’s just that back there having a collar marks one as a slave and sure there was that time that there was a group of guard that took it away which I had to break into get it back, short story is that they really don’t like others being slaves and having a collar makes them on edge.” she explained.

“They should mind their own business.” I growled, my sadness being replaced by rage.

“Well, yeah they shouldn’t but that’s them.” she shifted as she put her forehead on mine. “You’re the one I care about, your thoughts on me only matter to me.” she said.

I calmed at this, smiling and kissing her nose. She looked at me with a smile, then frowned. “Well damn.”

“What?” I asked. She shifted a bit.

“When I was getting my collar back I wore this sexy catwoman outfit, I should've taken a picture of myself for you.” she said with a pout.

“I could just have you put one on now.” I said, making one appear.

“Hmm, maybe later. Right now I want to cuddle.” she said.

“Okay.” I said, smiling and hugging her into my chest. We stayed like that for sometime before Viri spoke up.

“Hey, can I ask you a question.” she asked.

“You just did.” I said, giggling. She rolls her eyes and booped me on the nose.

“You know what I mean.” She said. Her expression softened a bit. “How do you see me?”

“My beautiful sexy kitty girlfriend.” I told her, kissing her forehead.

“Thanks, but do you also see me as… me?” she asked.

“What… do you mean?” I asked, confused.

“Well, I was chatting with some others, mostly Rarity, and one time we talked about our love life and… she said that our relationship isn’t… real.” she said sadly.

“Well she doesn’t know us then.” I said simply, hugging her. “And to prove it’s real, how about a date?” I suggested.

“That… would be lovely.” she said for a moment before looking around. “Err you mean right now?”

“I don’t see why not.” I said. She tilted her head a bit.

“How about… in five minutes, I found a nice spot to lay and it would be bad if I just leave it.” she said with a grin.

“Okay.” I said with a giggle. We layed there for a few minutes before sadly for both of us, we got out of bed. I floated over to my dresser to get some clothes until I felt someone slapped me on the ass. I turned and saw Viri smiling.

“I always wanted to do that.” she said before walking out of the bedroom, swaying her hips sexuly.

“I’ll have to ‘punish’ her for that later.” I commented, smirking. “I’m the ‘mistress’, after all.” I levitated the nicest dress I had, it being a dark gold to match part of my shiny skin, slipping sexy lingerie on underneath of it.

I floated out of the room after her, smiling. “Kitty, come out come out wherever you are~!” I called. I looked over and saw that she was looking at one of the bookshelves. She looked over at me and smiled, then frowned.

“Damn, if I knew this I would of put on something better on.” she said looked down at herself. I got an idea at that, which turned to a wicked idea since I do need to ‘punish’ her.

“I dress to impress.” I said, filing away the idea I had for after our date. “For now, how about this?” I snapped my fingers, shifting her clothes into a dress that was a dark red. She looked down at herself and did a spin, the dress hugged her curves in a nice way and I saw that the dress also hugged her chest a bit more. Her chest seemed to have also grown since last time.

“Ita, I love it!” Viri yelled. She came over and hugged me.

“Only the best for my kitty.” I said, hugging her back. “Now, how about I bring us to a universe where we can eat somewhere fancy and have this date?” I said.

“Lead the way.” Viri said. She took my arm and hugged it as we walked out of the door into the universe. Evidently, it was a RWBY universe, judging how there were faunus’ everywhere and no signs of ponies.

I guided her towards the most expensive looking place there, us walking in. “Table for two, please.” I said to the person.

“Sure thing.” he said as he wrote in a book. He looked at the two of us and raised an eyebrow. “Guessing it’s date night?”

“Yeah.” I said, nodding and bringing my girlfriend closer to me. She giggled at this.

“Well, there’s a few tables that are available.” he then leaned in a bit. “But if you ask me there’s this nice spot with an amazing view and the ones who want it aren’t here yet.” He paused to look at his watch. “For the next four hours or so it’s free.”

“We’ll take that one then.” I said. He nodded and took two menus.

“Right this way.” he said. We followed him to the table and when we got there I have to say he’s right about the view. It overlooked the wall of whatever city this was, a sunset currently on the horizon.

“It’s beautiful.” Viri said. We took our seats as the waiter gave us the menus.

“Here you go, someone will come over to take your order.” he said before walking back to the front.

“So, what should we get?” I mused to myself, looking at the menu. Viri looked at it.

“Don’t know, everything looks good.” she said.

“Just get the most expensive thing then and let’s see what happens.” I said, shrugging. Viri stared at me for a moment then giggled.

“Well I guess I’ll have the chicken with a baked potato and soup.” she said as she turned to the back. “Want to get a bottle?”

“Sure.’ I said. “I’ll just have what you are.”

“Ita, you can’t.” she said. She gave me a sexy smirk. “You can have me in the bedroom.”

I giggled. “I can have you whenever and wherever I want.” I said, shooting her a seductive look.

“Well that sounds kinky.” a voice said. We turned to see someone standing there with a note pad. She had white hair and bunny ears.

“It is.” I said shamelessly, smirking. “Are you our waiter?”

“That would be me, names Sasha and I’ll be your waiter.” she pulled the notepad up. “So what would the two lovebirds like to drink, can I also recommend the bread sticks as a starter.”

“The best wine you have, and sure.” I started. “We’ll also have two orders of chicken with a baked potato and soup.”

She wrote down our order down. “It will take sometime so do enjoy the view.” she them walked away as I got a good look at her ass.

“Hey, hun.” I said, turning to my girlfriend. “I just had a wonderful idea.”

“Oh, and what would that be?” she asked.

“We should see if we can make bunny-girl there our ‘pet’.” I said, using finger quotes at pet. She looked at me oddly.

“What do you mean by, ‘pet’?” she asked as she did the quotes as well.

“Well, like how your my kitten, she’d be our bunny.” I said. “And I could use her between times I get to see you.” I added. “To satisfy my… other sides desires.” Viri looked at me for a minute, for a moment she looked … hurt.

“I… I understand Ita but… I thought I was enough.” she said sadly.

“You are.” I assured her, leaning forward and putting a hand on her shoulder. “But what if you need to be away for a couple years in your world? I… don’t want to lose myself to my desires and do something I might regret when you finally come back.” I said, sounding a little scared during the second half.

“Ita, I know that you have needs and over the month of being away from you was hard, I don’t think even I can last a couple years without you.” she took my hand and held it. “You made me feel amazing the first time we were together and being away made me want you more. You made me happy and I don’t want to lose you. So I told myself that I would stand by you forever, if you do lose yourself I will still stand beside you, I am yours and I won’t let that go.” she said to me without breaking eye contact.

I actually teared up at this, beaming at her. We then heard some sniffling from beside us, we turned and saw the bunny-girl trying to hold back her tears.

“That was so… beautiful.” she said as she wiped her face with a cloth. “Sorry, this isn’t professional, so… here’s your drink.” she put a bottle on the table. She walked off as I looked back at Viri.

“I… still think we should.” I said, leaning forward some and kissing her. “When I lose control… things get painful.”

“Please, I took on a bear Grimm all by myself and came out on top, I’m tough.” she looked at me. “Please Ita, I want you and only you, can you do that for me.”

“Alright… I’ll try.” I said, smiling at her. “It’s just out of control me is… sadistic in a very bad way.” I told her. She looked at me for a moment.

“Well, guess we have to make sure that doesn’t happen… right?” she said. The bunny-girl came back with the bread sticks and told us that our meals would be done in fifteen minutes. As she went away I thought on Viri and myself.

“Right.” I said with a smile, kissing her.

“Well I don’t know about you but I think we should try this drink.” she said as she took the bottle. “And of course it’s wine, always the fancy stuff.”

“After you.” I said, smiling at her. She popped the cork out and poured us our drinks. She took her cup and took a sip, she allow it to sit in her mouth before swallowing it.

“Mmmm, not bad, a bit fruity.” she looked at me. “Want a taste?” I nodded, smirking at her.

“Sure.” I said. She then took another sip of her drink and leaned forward to kiss me. I opened my mouth and let the liquid come into my mouth. I let it sit and swallowed it.

“It is a little fruity.” I agreed, drinking from my own drink. As we sat there and talked I felt something in me that started to burn. It made me shake and is somewhat familiar.

“N-not now.” I said, dropping my glass and holding my head, fighting to keep my succubus side in check.

“Ita, are you alright?” Viri asked me. I looked at her as idea came into my head.

“Yes, pet.” ‘I’ said, smirking sadistically. “We’re getting to the ‘fun’ part of the date, now.”

I grabbed her arm, bringing us through a ring and into my bedroom. Viri looked at me in shock.

“I-Ita, what’s going on, are you-” I stopped her by grabbing her head roughly, bringing her forward and mashing my lips against hers dominantly. She struggles under my grip but I held on firmly as I pulled away, looking at her.

I saw the look on her face, and that made me snap out of it, stumbling back and holding my head. I tried to fight it, but it just came back and I looked at Viri, grabbing her clothes and ripping them off. I licked my lips at the sight.

I saw the fear in her eyes and managed to gain control back again, closing my eyes and turning, running out of the room before I hurt her more. I ran into the living room and went to a corner, starting to cry. I stayed there for a few minutes before I heard footsteps.

“Ita… are you… okay?” Viri asked.

“N-no, I k-keep slipping, I-I a-almost…” I trailed off, crying more, curling into myself in the corner and keeping my eyes closed. As I did that I felt some arms wrap around me. I tried to pull away but Viri held onto me.

I shook fearfully, not wanting to lose control again, tears streaming down my face.

“It’s alright, everything is going to be okay.” Viri whispered in my ear. I latched onto her, crying into her shoulder. She rubbed my back and held onto me. I looked up at her and she looked at me. I was tired, emotionally exhausted, slumping into her. She pulled me closer into her. “It’s okay Ita, I’m not going anywhere.”

When I woke up, we were in my bed, me the ‘little spoon’ at the moment. I decided I didn’t really care, turning and hugging her, still shaken.

“Looks who’s up, feeling a bit better?” Viri asked.

“I feel more in control.” I whispered, sniffling. She held on as I looked at her. “You… you stayed…”

“Of course I did, why would I leave?” she asked.

“Just… after what I almost did.” I said, looking ashamed of myself.

“Ita, what did I say, I’m going to stay by you forever. I don’t care that you go crazy and rape me in that state, just know that I love you for who you are, you can do anything to me but I’m never leaving you.” she said to me.

I said nothing, simply smiling at her, dominantly shooting up and kissing her. She was surprised at this but closed her eyes. We stayed like that until we needed air. She looked at me and smiled.

“So, feeling better?” she asked. I nodded, reaching a hand down and sticking a finger into her as I used the other to start playing with her breasts, which was out since I ripped her dress off… whoops.

“Oh.. oh my… you want to do it now?” she asked me as she gasp as I moved my finger in her.

“Yes.” I said, nibbling on her neck possessively. She squirms on me and shifted.

“Well, we did miss our dinner and when you went crazy, I’m not going to lie it did turn me on a bit.” she said. I looked up at her and saw her face flushed.

“Oh… so kitty slut wants it rough?” I asked, suddenly plunging more fingers into her roughly, squeezing her breasts a little and pulling on her nipple with one hand, biting the other.

“Ahh.. well you did… ohh… I don’t think… calling me- oh gods- a slut is really…” she stopped as she bit her lip. I smiled at this.

“What was that, kitty slut?” I asked, getting a little rougher. She gasped as she shifted a bit.

“I-I… I…” her face was red and she started to grind on my hand. I smirked, stopping my ministrations completely.

“Naughty slut kitty, trying to pleasure yourself without my permission.” I said, waving a finger at her. She looked at it and tried to say something but I stopped her.

“I think kitty deserves to be… punished.” I said seductively, smirking at her.

“P-punished…” she said. She licked her lips at this as I nodded. I snapped my fingers, putting her in a very tight latex bondage suit that didn’t cover her pussy or breasts, her arms held behind her back and her legs forcing her into a position where she’d have her ass in the air if she leaned forward. She shifted in her new outfit.

Next, I pulled the hood over her head, blinding her, putting a gag in her mouth. “Now, if you want me to stop, think ‘sapple’, okay hun?” I asked kindly, breaking character for a moment. She turned her head for a moment and nodded.

“Now, first things first.” I said, suspending her in mid-air with a magic spell, making a whip appear in my hand. “Pain before pleasure.” I said, whipping her across her ass. She gasped at this as I continued the whipping, her gasps turned into moans as this happened.

“Oh?” I asked in faux surprise. “Is my slutty little kitty enjoying this?” I asked, whipping her extra hard across her latex-covered back. She gasped and let out a long moan at this.

“I think that’s enough of the whip.” I said, making it vanish and walking over to her. “How about a little denial?” I faux asked, sticking a vibrating dildo into her pussy, setting it on low so she got pleasure but couldn’t cum. At first she moaned at this but then she started to shake and move her hips to try to get herself off. Drool now poured out of her mouth as she moaned some more.

I left her like that for a hour, before deciding she had had enough and taking the dildo out. “Does my slutty kitty need to cum?” I asked, removing the gag. She took some breaths before speaking.

“Yessssss~” she moans.

“Yes what, pet?” I asked, growling at her.

“Cum… I want to cum.” she begged. I chuckled at this, remembering what happened last time we did this.

“Is that any way to speak to me, pet?” I growled. “I may put the dildo back in and leave you like this for a day.”

“Bu.. but.” she looked at me with pleading eyes. I raised an eyebrow as I waved the dildo in front of her.

“Well~” I asked her. She looked at me then nodded.

“Please Mistress, let me cum, this sluttly kitty needs to cum, she wants to cum for you~” she moans out.

“Then suck on this.” I ordered, making my clit grow into a cock, bigger than yesterdays, standing in front of her face and putting the dildo back in her pussy. She gasped at this as I put my cock into her mouth. She looked up at me and began to suck on it. She moans into it which sent vibrations into my lower half.

I grabbed the back of her head, moaning as I started to fuck her face. She moans as my thrusts made her rock back and forth. I continued to do this until I felt myself getting close.

“Don’t cum until I order you to.” I warned as I exited her mouth, walking to her backside and removing the dildo, replacing my cock with it and slamming into her harshly. She moaned loudly at this as she shifted.

“S-so… big…” she moaned. I started pounding into her without rhythm, wanting to cum as fast as possible.

As I got close, I sped up, moaning loudly as my tits bounced. “Cum for me, slutty cat!” I shouted, raising my hand and spanking her ass as I came inside of her. She screamed loudly at this as her pussy milked my cock of everything. We moaned out together as I took in the sight of her.

“Was that good, kitten?” I asked affectionately, taking the suit off of her and sitting down, hugging her to me. She twitched a bit and moved a bit as I was still inside her.

“It was so good~, kitty is happy, kitty is happy to be Mistress slutty kitty.” she looked at me and wiggled her hips a bit. “Does mistress love her slutty kitty?”

“Mistress loves her slutty kitty very much.” I said, nuzzling her nose with mine. She giggled at she was still high on pleasure and she started to nibble on my neck.

“Mistress, your kitty is hungry, she didn’t get anything to eat.” she said. She looked at me with big eyes. “Can this slut have something yummy?”

“Of course.” I said, picking her up before laying her belly down, face in front of my still erect dick. “Mistress’s kitty can have this big ol lollipop.”

“Yay!” she giggled as she took it all into her mouth and began to suck. Her tail moved happily in the air as she looked up at me with hearts in her eyes. I smiled at her, gently petting her as she bobbed on my cock, me letting out soft moans every once and awhile.

She then shifted a bit so that I was standing and she was kneeling down still sucking me off and putting her boobs around my cock. Her upper body began to move and she moved her breasts in a way that she was massaging my cock.

“Get ready slutty kitty.” I said, grunting, dick throbbing. She responded by going a bit faster. She hummed into my cock as it vibrated. I grabbed the back of her head, pushing her all the way down my cock as I came, filling her throat. She blinked a few times before swallowing my cum. After a few minutes I pulled out of her mouth as she looked up at me and stuck her tongue out with a smile.

“I took it all! Did I do good?” she asked me.

“You did very good.” I assured her, making my cock go back to being my clit. “How about we go wash off now?” I suggested. She nodded and the two of us headed to the bathroom. We stepped into the shower to cleaned ourselves, well I started but she had other ideas as she grab me from behind and grabbed my breasts.

“I think we’re forgetting something.” she said. She wasn’t giggling anymore and is more seductive now.

“And what’s that?” I asked, turning around and wrapping my arms around her to squeeze her ass. She chuckled as her hand went down to my pussy and rubbed it.

“I took care of one of your parts but this feels a little lonely, we don’t want that now do we?” she said as she continue rubbing.

I moaned, smiling. “Of course not.” I agreed. She smiled as she inserted two fingers into me. She gasped at this.

“My my, two in one go. Well it does make sense with you.” she said with a grin.

“What’s that supposed to mean?!” I asked, letting my face get flustered. Her grin widen as she put in a third.

“Well you said that I was a slutty kitty but I’m yours so I took after my mistress, that makes you a slut as well.” she leans into me. “Am I wrong?”

“Not really.” I admitted with a moan, she raised an eyebrow at me and stopped.

“Are you sure? I’m just taking it after the mistress that I love with my whole body.” she smiled wickedly at me. “Which I have to say, you do have some favorites spots on me.”

I didn’t have a reply, smirking and shrugging. She started to rub her body on me.

“I wonder what part of my body you love? Is it my breasts? They seemed to grow a bit after the last time, they're like pillows now.” She took my hand and moved it to her breasts which I took, seeing some tit flesh come out between my fingers. Then she moved her hand over the one that was groping her ass. “Or is it my ass, do you like my ass? It’s all big and bubbly just for you~”

“I love all of your body.” I told her, gently squeezing both, kissing her slowly and sensually.

“Well that’s good, since I’m not letting you go.” she then took my head in her hands. “I don’t think anyone can please you the way I can, am I wrong?” she asked me.

“Not quite.” I agreed, just hugging her now as we stood in the shower.

“Oh, is there someone else?” she asked me. She eyed me as she frowned.

“I’m a succubus, I got around before I met you.” I told her, shrugging with a wink and a giggle.

“Oh I see, well let me tell you this, back at home there are others that look at me lovely at me, saying that they can make my night one of the bests night of my life, what do you think, would you give me out to them?” she asked me. I looked at her as I thought about it.

“If you were okay with it, I won’t stop you unless I get a bad feeling from them.” I told her. “I’m… very open minded… though if I ever ‘see’ you in trouble the one attack you is dead.” she grins at me.

“So you would give me out to anyone? Something that’s yours, someone who you love, what if you don’t see, what if something happened and I can’t tell you, would you be okay if someone… took me away from you?” she asked.

“If someone took you away from me… THEY’D BE DEAD WHERE THEY STAND.” I growled menacingly, a dark aura snapping around me. The thought of losing her, no that will not happen, it Won’t happen. She didn’t seem scared, more excited.

“Yes~. That’s what I’m looking for.” she said as she hugged me, her hands clawing at me. “Make me yours, make me so that I can’t live without your love, you or your other side, I love you so much that I don’t want to look at anyone, I just need you and that’s all I want in my life.”

“If you insist.” I said, making fangs appear in my mouth, biting into her neck after removing the collar and pouring some energy into her the bite wound, making a mark that looked like the lower half of my prison bottle on her neck. She screamed, not in pain but in pleasure.

“Yessssss~ Mark me, make me yours. I don’t want to leave you, your love is all I wanted in live. I’m yours!.” she yelled as she to bit into my neck, marking me. After a few seconds and she pulled away and looked at me with wild eyes. “Oh… Oh Ita I’m cumming!”

“Yes, cum for me!” I said, cumming with her. We both panted a little, before I smiled and put her collar back on. She touched it and smiled.

“I’m now yours Ita, what do you think of me now?” she asked me. Her eyes showed me more love that I have ever have seen.

“I think that I’ll love you as long as I live.” I said simply, hugging her and resting my head on the top of hers.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way Ita, I love you and just to know that if you try to push me away I’ll come back to you, every time.” she said.

“I think we should make it more… public that you’re mine, maybe in your world?” I suggested, kissing her forehead affectionately.

“Before we continue can we step out of the shower. We have been in here for a while.” she said.

“Sure.” I said, nodding. We stepped out of the shower and I handed her a towel. She she dried herself and as she dried her hair it had an… interesting reaction. As she removed the towel it then puffed out as her hair now stood on end. I tried to hold back a laugh at this.

“What?” she asked.

“H-hair.” I said, giggling, drying myself off. She blinked and checked her hair.

“Damn it.” she said as she flattened it. We walked out of the room with her wrapping the towel around herself.

“As you were saying, the collar does show I belong to you but what do you have in mind?” she asked as her tail wrap around my waist.

“I could walk around with you on a leash.” I thought out loud, shooting a smirk at her.

“Really?” she said as she raised an eyebrow.

“What? It’d work.” I said, shrugging and smirking. “Or, we could just hold hands.”

“Don’t get me wrong that I’m yours… and that does sound hot, I don’t see myself as a pet to you, well you can call me a pet because… never mind.” she said as she looked away from me, to look at a lamp.

“You sound like you just confused yourself more than anything.” I said.

“Well… you calling me pet, even when you went crazy succubus, did turn me on.” she looked at me and put her head in her hands. “Oh lord I’m turning into more of a freak then I thought.”

“Hey, you’re not a freak.” I said, frowning and hugging her. “You’re my kitty, and that’s all that matters.”

“But I am! When you went crazy and did all that to me, sure I was scared but the way you look at me and talked to me made me so horny for you. Hell if you continued I would of came just by words alone.” she said. She looked at me with confusion. “Am I going to turn into some slut that get’s off if someone talks bad about me?”

“It’s partly my ‘aura’ as a Succubus, don’t worry.” I reassured her, kissing her. “Your not gonna turn into a slut for anyone, you're just my kitty.”

“Right.” she said before looking at me. “Be honest, you got turned on when I was talking like a slut to you, right?”

“Little bit.” I said, smirking at her. “But then again, I can get turned on by a lot.”

She playfully smacks me on the shoulder and laughs. “Well that’s nice to know.” she rubbed her neck a bit and smiles then turns to me. “Hey you said that you heal fast right?”

“Not really but I can.” I said. She rubbed my neck and smirked at me.

“Well now look at this then, you marked me and I marked you.” she said as she rubs the spot where she bit me. I brought a mirror up, angling it so I could see the mark on my neck. Sure enough there was a bite mark with something around it, some sort of magic I guess.

“So Ita… what do you say, I’m yours and your mine?” she asked. She smirked. “By the way we do things in bed it kinda works like it.”

“Sure.” I said, shrugging. “I’m down with that.”

“Then… you’re mine?” she asked. I stared at her as she waited for me to say yes. I smiled at her at the thought.

“Yes, I’m yours and you’re mine.” I agreed, nodding. The two of us gasped as pain went into our necks. I looked over and saw my mark on her changed a bit, there was still the lower half of my bottle there but now a ghostly cat on top of it.

“Wow…” she said. She looked at my neck. “Well that’s something.”

I looked into the mirror and saw the same cat from her mark but it was bigger as it holds the bottle in it’s tail. “Neat… anything I should know about these?” I asked.

“Don’t know, that it looks cute.” she said as she nuzzled up to me. “I feel more happy now with you, does that mean anything?”

“I feel happier too.” I said, nuzzling her back and smiling. “So I don’t really care what it does beyond that.”

“Well in that case.” she said as she pushes me onto my back and then saddle on top of me. She took the towels and threw them away. She smiled down at me as her hair glowed in the light. “We do have to celebrate this, it’s a big thing for us.”

“We just got clean.” I commented, smirking, not looking that bothered.

“Well then after we’re done I’ll lick you clean.” she said as she rubs onto me. “I’m part cat and you’re surprisingly tasty.”

“Kinky.” I commented, winking. She smiled as she looked over at my body.

“For real though you can change your look of your body at ease?” she asked. Her voice did hint of curiosity at this.

“Yeah, why?” I asked.

“Well first time I we met you were like ten-twelve years old, then you were an adult, now you look like a teenager. Can you turn your body to different ages or can you change different parts?” she asked.

“Both.” I said, shrugging and smirking.

“Oooo, that’s kinky, guess that’s more of your succubus's side of things?” she said as she nibbles at my neck a bit then lower herself to my breasts.

“That and some pokemon can shapeshift two, namely mew and ditto.” I said, moaning a tiny bit. “Did you want me to shift into something specific?”

“No, I like you like this.” she said as she teased me some more. “Sure I can ask you to turn into many things but you look beautiful as is so why would I want you to change?”

“For kinky sex?” I suggested, smirking. “I could even make myself a ‘kitty’ too.” she giggled at this.

“Tempting, but that for some other time.” she sat up on me and looked at me. “For now I just want some normal sex, no bondage, no changing… ish maybe, no anything, just me and you like this.” she said.

“Okay.” I said. She leaned in and kissed me, her breasts smothered mine as we stayed like that for some time. I took her then flipped her over as I was on top. She smiled at me.

“So what do you want to do, lover.” she said smiling.

“How about I do something for you for once.” I said, going down so I was in front of her pussy, giving it a teasing lick.

“I’m not going to say no to that.” she said with a giggle. I smiled, lickling her slowly and teasingly, idly playing with her clit in between my index and middle fingers. She moans at this as she tries to put her hand on my head but backs off, going for her breasts as she fondles them.

I smirked, penetrating her with my tongue, thrusting it into her and pinching her clit.

“Mmm, yes right there.” she moans out to me. I obliged, making my tongue vibrated as I teased her clit more. “Ohhh god~ more!”

I smiled, getting rougher with her, biting her clit a little bit as I brought her to climax. She yelled out as she did and wrapped her legs around my head. We stayed like that for a bit before she calmed down.

“That, was amazing.” she said as she panted.

“Thanks for the compliment.” I said, blushing a tiny bit. She looked at me for a moment.

“What? Don’t get complimented a lot?” she asked me.

“Not really.” I said, slumping a tiny bit and looking off to the side. She moved to hug me.

“Well that was amazing, you're amazing.” she said to me. She puts her head on my shoulder. “I’m happy that I get to be with you.”

“I’m happy I get to be with you.” I said, hugging her back and smiling.

“Yeah… you gotta say that this is better before, where have you ever hear someone say, ‘I got to see a succubus and a cat-girl have sex.’ guess we’re lucky.” she said.

“Yeah.” I agreed, snuggling into her more, getting comfortable.

“So, what do you want to do now?” she asked me.

“Cuddle.” I said, refusing to let her up.

“I can do that.” she said as we layed there. Some time passed and I felt my eyes go heavy. I looked down and saw Viri looking the same way. She looked up to me and gave me a kiss on the lips,

“Night Ita.” she said as she closed her eyes.

“Night kwitty.” I mumble tiredly, lisping in my tired state.

I opened my eyes to see that I was alone in bed. I looked around and didn’t see Viri anywhere.

“Viri?” I called out.

“In the kitchen!” she called out. I let out a sigh of relief as I got out of bed. I grabbed a robe and floated out to the kitchen. I saw Viri making some pancakes while wearing a black tank top that showed her mid drift and some black panties, I then realised that the clothes were mine. She turned around and I saw that on the front of the top was a adorable kitty on it. She smiled at me.

“Good morning, had a good sleep?” she asked me.

“Yeah, ehh why are you wearing my clothes?” I asked her.

“Well I would of wore my clothes but they been turned into a dress and ribbed apart by a sexy succubus.” she said.

“Ah… sorry about that.”

“It’s fine, I would of got pants on but I believe that you would love the view~.” she said as she turned again, shaking her ass at me before walking over to the table, swaying her hips.

“I so do enjoy the view.” I muttered to myself. I walked over to the table and floated a few pancakes and the sirup and poured it over, as I did I notice the two bracers on Viri’s arms. She had the golden band on it that I gave her on but it was covered by a bracer.

“I think my body is changing.” Viri said. I blinked at her.

“It is? What do you mean?” I asked. She placed her fork down and grabbed her breasts.

“I checked when I woke, they grew and I'm pushing a new cup size.” she said. “Also my ass seemed to be more filled out. Do you know why?”

“Maybe having a sexy succubus as a girlfriend has benefits?” I suggested, winking. “Maybe from swallowing my cum?”

“Maybe, maybe.” she looked off for a moment then at me. “It’s… surprising.”

“I could change you back, if you want.” I offered.

“And what? Have a less sexy body than my girlfriend? I think you know the answer to that.” she said with a smirk.

“If you weren’t sexy before you wouldn’t be mine.” I said, kissing her.

“Ahh thanks babe.” she said. We continued to eat and as we finished she spoke up. “So… what do you want to do today?”

“Besides you?” I asked, giggling.

“Not what I meant, I mean how about we finished that date, we did stop all of a sudden and you still owe me one.” she said.

“Okay.” I said, snapping my fingers, putting us in the dresses from then. “Luckily, I had enough forethought to pause time in that universe before we left.” I told her, smirking.

“Well, at least we’re not going to get yelled at for not paying.” she said. I snapped my fingers and we were in the restaurant, as if we never left, thought the bread sticks were knocked over. “Ohh bread sticks.”

I snapped my fingers again, putting them back on the table. “Let’s just not eat those.” I suggested, giggling. The night went on wonderfully as we chatted and as the food came had a great meal. This went on until we finished eating and after paying we went out for a walk at night in the park.

“A walk in the park at night? How romantic.” Viri said.

“There’s that… and I thought we might get into something kinky out here.” I said, shrugging, smirking at her.

“Well…-” before she could answer we heard some people coming closer. I saw three guys coming our way. We walk past them as they spoke.

“Hey babe, you looking fine tonight.” one of them said. There was two humans and a fanuse.

“Uhh thanks.” Viri said.

“Why not ditch her and come hang with us?” he said. We stopped at this. I looked at Viri as she looked shocked and somewhat scared.

“How about I erase you from reality.” I threatened, eyes glowing golden. The man just looked at me.

“Whoa, hey we’re not being mean, just asking to show her a good time.” he said. The other two chuckled at this.

“As if you limp dicks could.” I shot back. The man frowned and stepped forward, a mace appeared beside him.

“Looks like we’re doing this the hard way, freak.” he said. I felt my rage build at this but I felt a hand on me.

“No.” Viri said. I looked at her to tell her to let me handle it, but the look on her face made me stop. “They’re mine.”

“Alright, tell me if you need me.” I said, relenting and taking a step back. She stepped forward at them.

“Listen babe, we have nothing against you, just let us-” the guy started but Viri cut him off.

“You called my girlfriend a freak and I don’t like it, we could've walked away from this without a fight but,” she moved her arms as two blades came out of her bracers, one was white while the other was black. She got into a combat stance as she glared at them. “You insulted her, time to teach you a lesson.”

The other two backed up at this while one with the mace growled. “You have no idea what you are-”

He was cut off by a kick to the face. Viri moved quickly as she jabbed her blade down to the ground and spun around until she was standing.

“Sorry, what was that?” she asked as she cracks her neck. The guy charged at her and swung his mace as her. She dodged it and fought back. As I watched it I saw her not only fighting, but dancing.

“You go kitten!” I called out, whistling and smirking. I saw her smirk as a shot fired out from her bracer, launching her towards the guy. In a moment nothing happened then the guys clothes got ripped apart. He blinks as on his chest was some blood, he looked back as Viri held the black blade to her mouth to lick the blood up.

“Want to continue?” she asked with a sadistic grin. The guy dropped his mace and ran for it.

“Fuck this, they’re freaks!” he yelled. The other two looked at one another and sighed as they ran after him. Viri blades retracted and she frowned.

“Rude.” she said as she looked at me. “You alright?”

“That was amazing, babe.” I said, walking up to her and kissing her.

“Oh, that was nothing.” she said trying to push it off as a no big deal.

“I might grow you a little something so you can dom tonight.” I said, smirking seductively at her. She giggled at this.

“Well that would be fun.” she then stretched a bit. “Got to say, it was nice to get the girls out, they were getting bored just sitting there.”

“Well, want to have ‘fun’ here or at my home?” I asked. She tapped her finger to her chin for a moment before she wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me.

“Your place sounds great~.” she purred. I smiled, teleporting us there as I kissed her back. She pulled away and smiled.

“So, am I the dom tonight?” she asked.

“I don’t know, that didn’t sound like something a dom would say.” I said.

“Well, let’s see where this goes and then we’ll see.” she said as she stepped away and circled around me. I turned to look at her but she smacked me on the ass. “Ah ah ah, no looking.”

“That’s more like it.” I said, looking straight forward, obeying for now. She walked in front of me and sat on the bed.

“Strip for me, slowly.” she ordered.

“Yes ‘mistress’.” I said, slowly and sensually stripping, shaking my hips a little as I did, putting a show on for her. She smirked at this as I got down to my underwear. I went to remove them but she stopped me.

“Wait, let me take a good look at you.” she said. I nodded as she stood in front of me. “Hmm you do look good but you can do better. Fill yourself out until they snap off.”

“At your command.” I said, breasts and ass glowing as I did so, the bra and panties snapping off. She smirked at this.

“That’s nice, but you can go bigger.” she said.

I did so, my tits and ass ending up the size of beach balls, me having gotten a little taller to make sure I still looked sexy instead of disfigured. Viri stood up and walked up to me and took one of them in her hand.

“Mmm that’s nice, do you like your body like this?” she asked me.

“The girls are kinda heavy.” I admitted, blushing a tiny bit. “But otherwise, I’m fine.” Viri looked at me then took my nipple and twisted it, hard.

“I’m sorry, are you forgetting something?” she asked me as she pulled me down by the breast until I was looking at her in the face.

“S-sorry, ‘mistress’.” I said, wincing a tiny bit in pain, my bigger breasts sensitive.

“That’s better, now let's see how long you can last then.” she said as she lifted a vile of pink mist in front of me. She popped it open and put it under my nose. I inhaled it as it smelled like strawberries. She let go of me and sat back down. I stared at her until I felt my nethers starting to burn a bit, I shifted a bit as I move my hands there. “No no no, no touching, I want you to stand there.”

I whimpered, shuffling in place as the burning slowly got worse, face slowly getting flustered. Slowly the burning went to my breasts as they started to ache. Viri watched me as I suffered from this.

“So, tell me how do you feel?” she asked me.

“B-burns, a-aches.” I said, whimpering in need.

“Do you want to touch yourself?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Y-yes, p-please.” I whimpered, legs shaky. She chuckled at me.

“Well… too bad, I like the way you look like this so just stand there until I get bored.” she said.

“Y-yes m-mistress.” I whimpered, panting in need as I stood there, arms at my sides. She watched me as the pleasure course out into my whole body. I was shaking after a few minutes of this. My pussy was burning and my nipples were standing on end, so hard that I could cut through diamond.

“Hmm, I’m getting bored of watching.” she said. I felt a wave of relief as she said that. “I think I’m going to get myself off as I watch you.”

She stood up and, very slowly, took off her dress and underwear. I watched her as I bit my lip, the sight of her made my heat skyrocket to new heights. She sat back down and spread her legs, showing me her pussy.

“Do you like the view?” she asked me as she grabbed one of her breasts and tugged at it.

“Y-yes, mistress… p-please, mistress let m-me touch myself.” I begged, shaking. She chuckled at that.

“Soon, I have a really good view right now and it would be a shame to not use it.” she said as she played with herself. As she did that I watched her, the burning kept growing and growing as I started to shake my hips. I blinked and saw that she was gone, then I felt my hair being pulled back.

“What did I say? You are supposed to stand there and watch. Do you want to disobey your mistress?” she asked me in my ear. Her breath sent shivers down my spine.”

“S-sorry m-mistress, p-p-please f-f-forgive me.” I begged, standing still, whimpering in a little pain from the growing aches and burning sensation.

“Oh, are you in pain? Is the pleasure getting to much for you?” she asked me hovering her hands over my breasts and pussy.

“Y-yes, t-too m-much, p-please, mistress.” I begged, whimpering again.

“Well I can relieve you of that, but I want two things from you, can you do that for me.” she asked me softly, kissing my neck once which felt like a lightening bolt throughout my body.

“A-anything j-just p-please.” I started, whimpering. “P-please, mistress…” she giggled sadistically at me.

“Well first off close your eyes.” she asked. I swiftly obeyed, doing so. I waited for three minutes until I felt something around my neck and heard a small ‘click’. “Alright, you can open them, pet.

I opened them to see a mirror in front of us, I saw what she did. She put a collar on me. A dark red collar with a silver tag out front with the image of a cat on the front.

“So, what do you think pet? Do you like it?” she asked me slowly. I nodded, aching and burning too much to do anything else. She grabbed me by the head. “I asked you a question, are you not going to answer your mistress? Are you a bad naughty pet?”

I tried to answer her, but my voice was unresponsive, me instead whimpering fearfully.

“Well, I guess you are a bad pet, and you know what we do to… Bad, pets, now do we?” she asked me as she trails a finger down my body. She then walked away from me and a moment later she came back with some rope. She started to tie my hands and feet together and move the mirror. Then she pushed me onto the bed with my lower half off to the side. I looked at the mirror that she place in front of me and saw her holding a paddle. “Look what I fould pet, you are a very naughty pet to have this sort of thing.”

She began to softly tap my ass a bit. “Are you a naughty pet? Answer me.” I tried to answer, no sound coming out, nodding instead.

“I said.” she then slammed the paddle on my ass. “ANSWER ME!” I yelled loudly in pain, tears erupting in my eyes.

“Y-yes mistress!” I finally managed to say, whimpering. She smiled at me.

“Good.” she said as she spanked me. She did that four more times before speaking. “Now pet, I want you to thank me, thank your mistress for showing you her love, tell her that you can only feel love from this.” she said as she continued to spank me.

“T-thank-YEOW! T-thank you, m-miss-OW-tress.” I started, crying. “I-i c-OW-can o-only feel love from this.”

“Good~.” she said as she stopped. She moved over to my head and looked at me before licking my tears. “Now… tell me, how’s your pussy?”

“E-everything h-hurts, mistress.” I told her, still crying, not able to find any pleasure right now, the drug making me mostly confused, me glancing at the mirror to see that my golden ass was now orange.

“Well what if I can… fill it, would you like that pet? Would you like to be filled?” she asked me.

“Y-yes… p-please, mistress… m-make the pain go away.” I begged, whimpering. She grins, she moves her hand as she showed me another vile. This one was a dark blue.

“This will help you, are you ready for it?” she asked me. I nodded, looking desperate at this point. She giggled and popped the top off and slowly moved it towards me, as it was a inch away she pulled back and drank it instead.

“Mmmm, now watch pet.” she said as she took a few steps back. I watched as nothing happened, then her clit began to grow, and grow, and grow. After a minute she had a cock that was bigger than any I have seen, she took it in hand and stroke it a few times as she looked at me. “Do you want this in you?”

“Y-yes, p-please mistress, f-fuck your pet with your b-big cock.” I begged.

“Are you sure? This thing could break you, make you nothing more than a giggling slut. Would you want that? To be a slut that can’t take any other cock than this one?” she asked me as she tapped the head of it on my nose. The smell of it went to my brain and made it all fuzzy.

“Y-yes, p-please.” I sobbed. “m-mistress, p-please…”

“Please mistress, what? What do you want me to do?” she asked me, now rubbing the cock on me.

“F-fuck your p-pet, m-make your p-pet your s-slut, mistress, please.” I begged. She chuckled as she took another vile, this one was green, and drank it. Her cock twitched a bit at this as she moved behind me. She lined up her cock to my pussy and tease it a bit.

“Are you sure? That was convincing but… you can do better.” she said as she pushed a bit then pulled away.

“P-please.” I said, sobbing. “m-mistress, please m-make your pet your p-pet slut, p-please, y-your p-pet hurts, y-your p-pet needs you.”

“Well, then I think I will. You better say thank you or I would stop.” she said and in a moment she slammed into me, filling me to the brim.

“T-thank you, mistress!” I shouted, eyes rolling into the back of my head as I shook, feeling like I was about to cum already.

“That’s right, thank your mistress, without her you would feel nothing. You would be empty without her.” she said as she slammed her cock into me, threatening to go into my womb. “Or, am I wrong? Answer me.”

“Y-your m-my everything, mistress.” I said, moaning, feeling myself getting closer. She kept going as I felt my legs and hands go free.

“Are you going to cum pet? Tell your mistress.” she cooed at me.

“Y-yes mistress, y-your pet-slut is going to cum.” I told her, grabbed the bed and holding tightly.

“Then cum for me, cum for your mistress.” she said as she pulled out of me and slammed back in on my g-spot. I shouted, squeezing her cock and cumming around it, expecting the ache and burn to go away… only for it to stay. I looked back at her and saw her giggle. “Is there something wrong? Is that burning not going away? Well is it? Answer your mistress.”

“I-it’s s-still there, Mistress.” I said, whimpering fearfully, fright in my eyes as I looked back at her.

“The vile is special that the burning won't go away unless I cum, and that green one… makes it much harder for me to cum, and something else.” she grabs my ass and starts fucking me again. “I’m going to make you cum so many times that you won’t be able to think.”

I yelled out in pleasure as she fucked me, cumming again and again around her, sensitive from cumming the first time, now just laying limp and taking it. She then picks me up and sitting on the bed, bouncing me in her lap.

“Hmm I don’t think slut is the right word, I think after this you’ll be more a giggling bimbo, would you like that?” she asked me as she bit my ear.

“Y-yes, Mistress.” I mumbled dazedly, limpy leaning back on her.

“Now tell me, are you Kitty's favorite bimbo? Tell your mistress kitty that you are.” she ordered as she started to pound into me a bit faster. I looked at myself in the mirror at this. I felt the burning of pleasure in me.

“I’m m-mistress k-kittys favorite bimbo.” I said in a daze, moaning. I smiled at this as I looked like one in the mirror.

“Good, now does the bimbo want my cum? Does she want it?” she asked me as she hit my g-spot a few more times.

“Y-yes mistress, this s-slutty b-bimbo wants your cum.” I said, moaning loudly and clenching around her.

“Then take it all!” she roared as she hilted me, making her cock enter my womb. I felt ropes on ropes of cum start to fill me. I felt my own orgasem start, much bigger than the last ones, as I ride it out. I laid back as my tongue came out and my eyes rolled into my head. I stayed there until my orgasem died, only to see that she was still cumming. I watched as my stomach started to balloon out a bit. I put my hands on the now growing belly in shock.

“S-so m-much…” I said, still in a daze… and still burning and aching in pain. “S-still b-burn… s-still ache…” I whimpered pitifully, making my mistress worried.

“Almost… done.” she said. After a minute she stopped and I saw that I looked like I was nine months pregnant. She wiggled a bit and then pulled back and slammed into my g-spot, bringing me to cum again. This time I felt all the pain, burning and aching exploded into pleasure. I screamed as my vision was clouded with colours. My brain melted from the heat as I was left as a giggling mess. I looked back at my mistress as she breath heavily.

I simply giggled more… before falling over, exhausted, eyes drooping. The last thing I saw was the two of us falling into bed.

“I-Ita?” I heard Viri calling me. I opened my eyes and saw her looking at me with worry and sad eyes. I groaned, not feeling good as I woke up.

“W-what happened?” I asked weakly, my tits and ass still huge, though I didn’t look pregnant anymore. Viri looked down at herself and started to cry.

“I-I’m sorry, I’m so, so s-sorry. I didn’t mean to…” she started to cry harder into her hands.

“What happened?” I asked again. Now I felt my pussy feel very sore.

“I did things to you, I drank potions that changed me. I spanked you and said things, I came into you and made you look huge, then we passed out then I woke up and kept fucking you. You were out for hours and… and I enjoyed it. I saw the pain you were in but I didn’t care.” she was now curled up into a ball. “I didn’t mean to be like that, I’m sorry Ita. when I was done I saw what I done and freaked. Please don’t be angry with me.”

“I’m not mad… right now.” I weakly said to her. She looked at me as tears poured out of her eyes.

“I… I don’t deserve you. I don’t want to hurt you. I understand if you're mad at me.” she paused and took off her collar. “You can have this back.”

I stared at her. I saw her in pain after what she has done. “No more vials for you.” I simply said weakly, pushing the collar back to her. She looked at me with shock.

“But… what if I go into that state again, I did things to you and-” I cut her off by putting a finger to her lips.

“I won’t let you.” I said simply. “I could’ve stopped you at the start, and if you start to get like that again, I’ll turn the tables on you.” I said simply. She stared at me and started to cry again.

“I really don’t deserve you, you’re perfect.” she sobbed.

“Nobody is perfect.” I said, weakly hugging her and bringing her down to my giant tits. She sobbed into them as she hugged me. We stayed like that until she looked up at me.

“I think, you can be the dom in this, I don’t like what I did.” she said. “Besides, I enjoy being your sub.”

“I’ll get on that… after my pussy heals… and my ass, did you really fuck me in the ass while I slept?” I asked, shooting her a weak mock glare.

“Not… really… I tried but I stopped after a minute, going back to your pussy.” she said as she blushed a bit. She looked down at her collar and at me. “Umm you can take that off.” she said as she pointed at the collar that I was wearing.

I nodded, doing so and putting it on my nightstand. “Can you help me into the shower? I need one.” I said, too weak to move alone. She nodded as she helped me up. As we walked over to the bathroom I saw Viri pull out a light red vile and handed it to me.

“Umm this is for you.” she said. I eyed her at this.

“I don’t trust those.” I said, glaring at the vile. “They made you change, I’m not touching them.”

“This one safe, it’s a healing potion.” she said. “ I… uhh… took up alchemy back home as a hobby, made this sometime ago and it works. Those others I’m never making again.”

“Well, maybe if you work the kinks out first.” I mumbled, hesitantly taking the red vial and drinking it, feeling a little better. Then I felt a nice warm feeling spreading throughout my body. At first I was worried, but that worry melted away as I felt so relaxed, like I was sitting in front of a fire, with a warm blanket around me, drinking hot chocolate.

“Umm, how is it?” she asked as we walked into the bathroom.

“Good.” I said, sounding a little bit better. She nodded and walked me into the shower. I felt that I was strong enough to wash myself. As I did I felt my strength return to me as whatever she gave me was now out of my system. I looked back at her as she put on the collar, frowns, then take it off. She stared at her as I finished and stepped out.

“Viri, is something wrong?” I asked her.

“No, nothing's wrong it’s just…” she stood up and faced me and handed me the collar. “Can… you put it on me, it doesn’t feel right when I do it.”

“Sure.” I said, smiling and putting it on her. As the I heard the click of the collar I felt her shiver a bit. She looked at me with a smile.

“Yeah, I prefer it this way.” she said. I said nothing, giving her a chaste kiss on the lips as I shrunk my tits and ass to a more reasonable, while still big, size.

“You sure you’re not mad at me?” she asked me. “And please don’t say you aren’t but you’re really are.”

“I’m really not.” I assured, before smacking her ass. “But I will be ‘punishing’ you later.”

She giggled at me as she stared at me. “Oh yes, punish your kitty, she’s been very bad~.” she looks at me for a moment. “And no vials.”

“Don’t worry.” I said. “I’m not using any vials anytime soon… though I may make you a bimbo for a little as payback.”

For a moment I felt her shiver a bit as she looked at me. She tried to hid it but I can tell that she was getting turned on by the idea. “Y-you think that’s a good idea?” she asked as she pressed her body up against mine. “I guess it makes sense since I did the same thing to you so…”

“And you seem to like the idea.” I said, smirking as we got into the shower. “Does the kitty want to be my sexy little bimbo?”

I caressed her body as I said that. Her eyes widen at the thought about it. “I-I-I… like… a real one?” she asked.

“If you want to be.” I said, kissing her lips.

“Some part of me wants to say no…” she licked lips at the thought of it. “But the rest of me craves it, just… turn me back to normal, k?”

“I will if you don’t love being one enough for me to.” I teased, nibbling on her neck a little and turning the shower water on after making our clothes teleport to the counter.

“I don’t know, won’t you miss me as, well me?” she asked as she took some soap.

“I can always change you back whenever I want.” I said, shrugging and fondling her chest. She giggled at this as she looked at me.

“Let’s see, I tried many things with you, even bondage, and so far I enjoyed them all, I don’t know if it’s your sexyness that making me like them or I’m really into those things and never known it but…ahh screw it, let's see what happens.” she said as she kissed me. “Besides, you still need to punish me for turning you into one.”

I smirked, putting my hands on her breast and making them glow, slowly growing them. She watched them grow until they were the size that I had mine at, maybe a bit bigger but I didn’t tell her that. She moans out at this as she wiggles a bit.

“Feeling good, slutty kitty?” I asked, putting my hands on her ass and giving them a similar treatment. Her ass filled out into more of a bubble butt.

“Yes~ I feel good. Does it feel like this every time you do it with yourself?” she asked me as she started to fondle her breasts.

“Only when I want to.” I told her, smacking her ass. I watched it jiggle a bit as she moans out.

“Ohhh~ that’s sensitive.” she moans. She looks back at me. “Is that it or is there more then giving me giant tits and a bubble butt?”

“Well, I would say I still need you to make a cock hungry slut… but you act enough like that already.” I said teasingly, making my cock appear, it twice the size as before. She looked at it for a moment, licking her lips.

“I don’t know if that’s true, but why not try it on me, I feel amazing as your magic past though me.” she shivers a bit. “I get so horny when you do.” she stated as she wiggles her ass at me. I smiled, lunging forward and thrusting it all in on one go, pressing her up against the wall. She gasps at this and moans loudly.

I smirked and immediately started pounding her, fondling her breasts as I did and nibbling on her neck. She moaned and panted as each pound lifted her in the air for a second.

“Oh gods, oh gods, it’s so big!” she yelled. “I feel so… full!”

“You’ve felt nothing yet.” I said, grinning, making my cock vibrate as I pounded harder into her, feeling myself threatening to enter her womb.

“OH GOD!” she screams. “I-I feel it there! It’s almost in my womb!” she yells. She tries to hold on to the side of the shower but failed.

“You like it, my kitty bimbo?” I asked, smacking her ass with one hand and fondling her chest with the other.

“Yes~ Bimbo kitty loves it, bimbo kitty loves being mistress’s pet bimbo kitty.” she looked at me with hearts in her eyes. “But bimbo kitty been really~ bad to mistress, she been a naughty bimbo kitty, she, like, needs to be punished.”

“You're right.” I said, smirking and taking my cock out of her. “Now that I gave you a taste of my cock, I think the best punishment for a bimbo like you would be to not let you have it.”

Her eyes widen as I turned the water off and walked out of the shower. “W-what? No! I need it! I want your cock inside me!”

I didn’t listen to her, grabbing my towel and wrapping it around myself, chuckling a little when I saw that most of my cock was peeking out of it, walking out of the bathroom. I looked back and saw her literally crawling after me. Her eyes trailed on my cock as she did.

“Please mistress, I want your cock inside me, I want it so much.” she begged. She was now about two feet away as she fingered herself as she stared at my cock.

“None of that.” I said, slapping her hand out of her. “If you can’t behave, I’ll just make you unable to disobey.” I said, snapping my fingers and putting a chastity belt on her. She stared at it and at me.

“I-I’m sorry mistress, I just want it so much.” she said. She bowed at me and stayed there.

“And I will decide when you get it.” I said simply, turning and walking out of the room and to the couch, sitting down with my legs crossed, turning the TV on. I saw Viri crawl out of my room and to the corner of the room and stayed there. I watched TV for a few hours before looking back. She was now trembling and on the verge of tears but still held on as she muttered something to herself.

I enhanced my hearing to hear what she was saying. “I’m a good pet, I will be a good pet for mistress, I won’t do something bad to her…” she repeated it a few times as she sniffled a bit and shook. She look like someone on cold turkey.

“Pet.” I called, looking at the Tv.

“Y-yes m-mistress?” she said, even her voice was trembling.

“Come suck me off.” I said bluntly, moving my towel. I heard her quickly move a bit. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her crawling over to me, her breasts so close to the ground that they were dragging themselves. She got near and reached out but backed off.

“Has… has bimbo kitty been good?” she asked.

“Yes, bimbo kitty has been good.” I reassured. “Now suck me off before I change my mind.” Her eyes widen as she smiled. I saw a few tears fall as she grabbed my cock and began to stroke it. When it got erect she put it in her mouth and begin to suck. Her head began to bob up and down on it but saw that she didn’t get all of it. Grunting she pushed her head down until I saw her throat bulge from my cock. She continue to suck as she looked at me. The look as if she was doing good.

I smiled at her, snapping my fingers and letting her breath through the cock in her throat. She blinked at this as her head started to bob faster. Her eyes were clouded as she did this. Her hands took my cock and stroked the lower half of it.

I let out a moan at this, telling her that her mistress was enjoying it. I felt her smile as she continued. Going faster and faster and more went into her. I saw that she was drooling as she sucked me off. Grabbing the back of her head, I forced her to the base of my cock, smirking. She blinked away some tears as she moved her body to suck. Her tongue now was hanging out of her mouth as hearts were her in her eyes. She was enjoying this so much that it was cute.

“Are you hungry, my bimbo?” I asked. She tried to nod but couldn’t so she moaned into my cock. “Then get ready, I’m about to feed you your favorite ‘milk’.”

She moaned again and went a bit faster. She grabbed my legs and used them to pull herself to suck my cock more. I watched her as I thought that her mind was now melted as she was now going on her instincts. One of her hands shot to the belt and clawed at it for a few seconds then went back at my leg.

I smirked, grabbing the back of her head and thrusting to the base as I came, holding her there, ropes of cum shooting from my cock and into her throat. She moaned as she drank my cum. She looked at me lovingly as she tried to keep it all in.

I kept cumming, making her stomach bulge a small bit, before I stopped, smiling at her. She blinked at me and smiled as well… I think, my cock was still in her mouth. I let her remove her head, smirking at her. “All full?” I asked.

“Mmmm, that was sooo good!” she giggled at me. She then moved so I got a good view at the belt. “But, like, this stupid belt thing is making my other lips so, hungry. Mistress I’m still hungry, can I have some more?” she asked, I chuckled as she was going with being a bimbo.

“Maybe if you beg me enough.” I said, smirking at her. She then quickly crawled forward and went into what look like a begging pose, her arms squishing her boobs together.

“Please mistress I, like, want your delicious cum in me. I want you to cum in my womb so much that I will look totes pregnant, I want to be huge. I want to be your cumdumpster.” she begged. This… really shocked me, was she acting or have I really fried her brain?

I hide my shock, smirking at her. “Maybe.” I said, acting uninterested. She looked at me with shock and sadness.

“Please~! I want it, I want to be huge! I want it so much.” she looked my cock and started to talk to it. “Does Mr. cock want to be inside me? Does he want to make me look like a preggy?” This started to make me feel scared, did I really make her into a cock crazed bimbo? If she was then could I fix her so she was back to be her normal self?

I decided I could, easily, with the psychic plate, so I simply giggled, snapping my fingers and freeing her of the chastity belt. She saw this and squealed as she used her body to get me hard… er. She cooed at my cock and started to talk to it until she climbed on top of it, wiggling her hips at the tip of it.

“Are you ready mistress? My pussy is so wet and wanted this monster, like, in her so much. Can I put it in? Oh please say yes.” she asked me.

“First of all, that’s my pussy.” I said possessively, smacking her ass. “And you’ve been a good bimbo, so yes.”

She squealed again and did something that made me gasp; she literally dropped onto my cock impaling herself on it. She moaned loudly as she sat there. I moaned at the forceful taking of my cock, then I heard her mumbling.

“It’s in me, it’s all the way in, I feel it in my womb. It’s so full and it’s so big. Mistress pussy is all open and her’s. Sooo good.” she giggled, then she started to thrust her hips on my cock. She continued giggling as she did. “Mistress, are you going to cum a lot? I want all of your cum, all of the buckets. I want to be your bimbo kitty that is used at a breeding pet, she wants to have your kids. Would you like that? I would love that.” she giggled.

“I would love that.” I told her, smirking and letting her bounce on me. “But maybe when you’re more… coherent. For now, how about we try out your ‘other hole’?”

“No! I want it in my pussy! I want it!” she whined. She moved her hips on my cock faster as she moaned blissfully.

“Is my pet being disobedient?” I asked, using my powers to lift her into the air. She blinked at me and wiggled.

“Nooo~ I want it in my pussy!” she whined a bit more. I decided that she needed to be punished again so I moved her so that her ass was lined up and began to lower her. As my cock hit her she paused for a moment.

“Nooo~” she whined, raising an eyebrow I pushed a bit more as she cries out.

“Well, bimbo kitty has been bad so this is your-”


I stopped, putting her on the couch next to me. “You okay?” I asked, voice gentle and kind.

“Y-yeah, I’m fine, that scared me a bit.” she said, taking some breaths. I blinked at her. She sounded normal, not some giggling cock happy bimbo...wait a minute.

“You’re a good actor.” I complimented, smirking and reaching over, hugging her gently.

“Straight A’s in drama, I am pretty damn good actor if I do say so myself.” she said with pride in her voice. She looked at me and frowned. “But please, no anal. I won’t do anal, there are lines I won’t cross.”

“Why not?” I asked, curious.

“Because it’s painful, sure I almost did it to you but I stopped because it started to hurt.” she explained. “I just don’t like it.”

“Fair enough.” I said, shrugging. “Now, does bimbo still want to get her pussy filled?” I asked, stroking my still hard cock.

“Do you mean bimbo kitty?” she asked me, raising her eyebrow. “Does mistress want to breed her bimbo kitty? Make her large and round?”

“Yes… you know, I could actually get you pregnant, if I wanted.” I said, smirking at her. She grabbed me and pulled me on top of her.

“I don’t care! I, like, want to be so big! Please mistress make me your cumdumpster.” she begged in her bimbo voice. She looked all giddy and everything.

“Then take your mistress’ cock, bimbo kitty!” I exclaimed, thrusting into her, straight into her womb. She screamed again as she wiggled her hips.

“Yes~! I love being full of mistress’s large cock, there’s, like, no other cock that can fill me.” she yelled as she pulled me in. “Bimbo kitty loves her mistress, bimbo kitty will be whatever she want her to be!”

‘Well, almost everything’ I thought as I fucked her harder, practically destroying her g-spot. Her eyes rolled around as her tongue was out flopping around. Her bliss out face and giggling made me fuck her harder.

I felt my cock throbbing, fucking her more sporadically. “Get ready, bimbo slut kitten, I’m about to cum!” I said.

“YES! Fill me! Make me big and full!” she yelled. She wrapped her arms around my neck as she rode my cock. I obliged, grunting as I thrusted into her one last time, letting out ropes of cum directly into her womb. She screamed in pleasure as her pussy milked my cock, I watched as her stomach ballooned out. Her face was smiling as she was on her high as she now looked like she was on her last few weeks of being pregnant.

After a few minutes staying like that she looked at me and smiled as she looked at her stomach.

“Wow, this is new. I never thought I’d be this full before.” she said in her normal tone. She poked at it and it wobbled. “I feel like I’m a cum balloon.”

“So.” I started, not moving out just yet to keep the cum in her. “What do you want to name the kid?” She blinked at me.

“Huh? What do you mean?” she asked me.

“I said I could get you pregnant if I wanted, and earlier you said you wanted to be bred, so…” I trailed off, smirking and shrugging at her.

“You… you got me pregnant? Like really pregnant?” she asked me. She looked at her stomach as she processed this.

“Yep.” I said, nuzzling her.

“I’m going to be a mom.” she said with a little panic in her voice.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be a great mom.” I assured. She stared at me for a moment then slowly, go in for a kiss.

“You know we’re going a bit fast at this, right?” she asked me.

“A little, but most couples don’t have a goddess who can give them everything they could ever want.” I said, smirking.

“That’s… true, but there’s something that you don’t have-mmm.” she moaned a bit as she shifted a bit.

“So, want to just lay here like this?” I asked. She shifted a bit and laid on me.

“Not going to ask what I mean?” she asked.

“What do you mean?” I asked, curious. She leaned up and kisses me.

“A loving girlfriend who bears your child.” she said softly. “In less than two visits from you I went from being someone who was afraid that everyone will come and rape her to having the love of her life and going to have a child with her. Ita, you made me so happy, I have said this before but please, stay with me.” she said.

“Of course I will.” I assured, hugging her. We layed there for sometime, I snapped my fingers as a blanket appeared over top of us and Viri stomach shrinks down since it was becoming uncomfortable, as sleep almost took us Viri spoke up.

“Hey I have a thought.” she said.

“What?” I asked, curious.

“If we ever think of having a second kid, you will take it.” she said as she winks at me. “Can’t be the only mom of this family.”

“Of course.” I said, smiling as we fell asleep.

Meeting familiar faces part1

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Today started well until I had to hold Viri hair as she threw up into the toilet. She looked awful as she looked up.

“Morning sickness, SUCKS!” she said as she threw up again. For those who have no idea what’s going on here’s a recap; the girl who’s throwing up is Viri, a cat faunus displacement from a RWBY world who’s also my loving girlfriend who is also the mother of the child we are having. That was two months go and she started to live with me during the pregnancy since her world has the Grimm crawling all over it and it actively hunting her. I would of killed them all but her safety came first… and we had a fight about it, would of kept going but she threw up on my shoes.

Back to now I kneeled down beside her as I held her hair, it was now grown out that rested at the middle of her back. She looked at me for a moment.

“Okay, I think I’m- nope nevermind.” she said before throwing up, again.

“Alright, that’s enough.” I said, snapping my fingers and making it stop. “I don’t know why I didn’t do that earlier.”

“Yeah, I don’t know why- oh crap.” she said before throwing up again. I blinked at this and looked at my hand. It didn’t work?

I snapped my fingers again, making sure it stopped this time, a little annoyed now. She stopped throwing up as she shuddered.

“I feel like I want to throw up but can’t.” she looked at me. “Losing your touch with your magic?”

“No… I just forgot to actually use it the first time.” I admitted, blushing. “I’m so use to the action getting what I want to happen that I forgot to supply the magic.”

“That, or you were scared that you would hurt me, remember that time you tried to cook me lunch with your magic and it almost backfired and I almost turned into a cat-shish ka-bob.” she said. “Boy where you freaked out.”

“I thought we weren’t going to talk about that!” I exclaimed, blushing more.

“Aww, but you were so cute when you're worried.” she giggled at me. She stood up and put her hand on her stomach. “But I’ll stop… for maybe a week.”

I pouted, standing up and crossing my arms. “Meanie.” I said childishly.

“Oh don’t be so…” she stopped as she began to sniff the air. “Is that food?”

“No…?” I said, confused. Before I could do anything Viri ran out of the bathroom and straight to the kitchen. As I followed I saw that she now got bread out with pickles, peanut butter, marshmallows, and a whole lotta other stuff as she was making a sandwich. As she made it I almost barfed at it as she took it and bite down on it.

“Mmmm, sooo good~” she moans as she eats. She looked at me and turned away. “Mine!”

I smirked, snapping my fingers and making a copy. “I’m tempted to try this myself.” I teased, holding the copy. She pouted as she ate hers as I looked at mine… it didn’t look that good.

I threw it on the table next to her, giggling and floating into the living room, turning the TV on and making a console appear, getting ready to play on it. After a few minute Viri came in with two more of those sandwiches as she sat down in one of the chairs. I looked at her for a moment.

“How can you eat those?” I asked as I continued playing.

“Don’t know, hormones?” she said as she took another bite. She looked down at herself and her food. “Maybe you gave me twins, since this is a bit overboard than normal.”

“That’d be interesting.” I said. “I wonder if they’ll look like me or you more?” I wondered aloud.

“Well they are going to be ours so… maybe a little of both.” Viri said as she burped. She smack her lips a few times. “Could use a bit more chocolate sauce.”

I snapped my fingers, adding more for her. “Better?” I asked. She smiled happily as she took a bit.

“Much.” she her mouth is now covered with chocolate sauce. She watched me play videogames for some time, even pointing out some things that I miss, mostly some walls that look breakable.

“Well, whatcha wanna do now?” I asked, done playing the game.

“Whatever you want to do babe.” she said before burping a bit. “Err… maybe not everything.”

“Well, I would say you but you’re pregnant.” I said, smirking at her.

“That’s what I mean, we really don’t want what happened last, last time.” she said as she looked at me.

“We promised never to talk about that.” I said.

“Agreed, so how about this.” she then got up and walked over to me and sat on my lap, taking my hands and put it on her belly. “There, how’s that.”

I turned her so she had her back to me, bringing her so that her head was in between my shirt-covered breasts, putting my hands back on her stomach. “I think I like this better.’ I said, smirking.

“Yeah, this is better.” she said. We stayed like that for some time smiling. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” I said back, resting my head on the top of hers.

“Mmm, so have anything planned today or you’re just winging it?” she asked.

“Just winging it.” I admitted, kissing her cheek. I rubbed her belly fondly, smiling. That lasted for about a minute until the whole place shook.

“Uhh, please tell me that this isn’t you winging it.” Viri asked.

“Not really.” I said, looking alert, holding her protectively. The place shook again and a loud roar was heard.

“Okay, what the hell was that?!” Viri asked.

“I don’t know, I’m literally the only thing living on this island.” I said. “It must be something from another universe.”

“Is this place safe then?” she asked as her hands went to her belly, then the house shook as something crashed into it.

“Stay here.” I ordered, teleporting outside, fury in my features as I repaired the house and covered it in a shield. I flew over until I saw something tearing into my gardens.

“My tomatoes!” I yelled. I thrusted my hand out. “Hyper beam!” The blast shot out of my hand as it hit the monster, but it turned to me as it glowed. I grit my teeth as I was about to fire again until I heard someone yell.

“DON’T FIRE ENERGY YOU FUCKING IDIOT!” someone yelled. I looked down to see someone running at the monster. At this height I saw that he wore dark leather armor and wielding a sword and a shotgun. He fought the creature until it hit him in to a large rock that was half a mile away. I floated down to him as he crawled out of the rubble, cursing up a storm.

“You alright there?” I asked, I tried to heal him but I saw that he was already healed.

“Let’s see, I was fighting that thing just fine until a beam of energy hit’s it and it got more power, so I’m just peachy.” he said rudely as he stomps past me.

“So, do physical attacks work?” I asked curiously.

“What do you think, now stay out of my way so I can kill it.” he said as he disappears. I saw the monster tearing my garden up until something hits it, hard.

“That’s all I needed to know.” I growled, bringing out my bottle and opening it, glowing as power rushed through me, growing, turning into a Shiny Hoopa Unbound, before I glowed again, growing to the size of a large mountain.

I floated towards the monster, growing to get it’s attention, looking down at the insect it now was. It screeched out and fired a beam that hit me, it felt like a light tickle. I raised my foot above the beast, grinning ferally. The beast fired again at my foot as I stomped on it.

It got crushed, it’s life ending swiftly. Sensing it dead, I glowed until I was regular Unbound size, before opening my bottle again, turning back into the form I was before I went into it the first time. Then, I hear crackling sounds. That thing is healing itself! I groaned as I moved to fight it, until some purplish black thing burst out of it and start to tear it apart. Then, it was gone and the man from before was wiping his blade and sheath it.

“By the lords that took forever.” he said as he looked around at the place. “Now… where am I?”

“My island.” I said, shoving him away so I could start fixing my gardens, a green glow coming out of my hands as I did.

“Oi, watch it, also you made it harder for me to kill that thing, if you let me handle it I’ll…” he stopped as he looked at me. I got a good look at him as well. The man was taller than me, wore dark leather armor with a shotgun on his back and a sword, his right arm was covered with a metal clawed gauntlet. His face was half covered with a face mask and a hat. His eyes were a deep dark blue and scars could be seen. “What are you?”

“A shiny shapeshifting hoopa that’s part succubus.” I said seriously. He blinks at me as he looked at me.

“Really, a succubus? Wait, what’s a hoopa?” he asked.

“A pokemon.” I said.

“What! There’s pokemon now?! Gods I thought I knew this whole displacement thing but now… that’s it not going to try.” he said.

“There’s some as pokemon, some with just the abilities… I think, my memory took a bad hit recently.” I said, done with this garden, moving to the next.

“Right…” he said as he stopped me and jammed his sword into the ground. The ground rumbled a bit as it began to repair itself, good as new maybe even more so. “Sorry about that, those things are a pain to fight.”

“I could see that.” I deadpanned. He shrugges as he looked around.

“Nice place, didn’t know there was anything here.” he said. “Well there are a lot of places that are told that are empty but some prove them wrong.”

“It’s literally just my island floating in space for this galaxy.” I told him. “I’ve been thinking of making an actual planet, but I don’t really need to.”

“Well that’s a thought, oh I didn’t give you my name, how rude of me.” he then bowed at me. “Names Jace Belaguard, a lot of titles blah blah blah, just call me Jace.”

“Names Itazura, you can call me Ita.” I said back, making a dress appear on me and curtseying.

“Cute, so… again sorry this, hunting that thing was hard since it can rift jump.” he said.

“It’s fine.” I assured. “I would’ve been madder if it had done permanent damage, but it didn’t.”

“Luckily it’s not like it’s cosain, those things are smaller but their blood are an acid like substance, nasty stuff eats through anything.” he said with a smile.

“Right…” I said until I thought about cosain...Viri!

“Well, nice meeting ya, bye!” I said, turning to my crystal house and speeding off, before I remembered I could teleport half-way there, doing so. I appeared in the living room and saw that it was empty. That is until I felt something hit me on the back of my head. I turned to see Viri holding a toilet plunger. She stared at me.

“Oh, you’re back.” she said sheepishly as she looked at the plunger.

“Why a plunger?” I asked. “I have knives… I mean, they’d bounce off me, but still.”

“I was hiding in the bathroom, it was the closest thing I can use.” she said. As she pulled the plunger away. “Besides, you took my girls away.”

“Your girls?” I asked, raising a eyebrow. She then tapped her arms as I remembered her bracers. The ones that turned into gun powers blades.

“Your pregnant, I’m not risking anything.” I said. She pouted at this.

“But their mine.” she said. As I opened my mouth there was a knock on the door.

“One moment.” I said, walking to the door and opening it a little, peeking outside. “Yes?”

“Hello again.” Jace said. I saw that his mask was down and he had a blue beard. “Sorry to bother you but as it seems there no other buildings and this is the only one with power, mind if I come in?” he asked.

“I guess not.” I said, opening the door for him.

“Thank you.” he said as he walked in. He looked around at the place. “Nice home, not a fan of the whole crystal thing but still, nice home.”

“I… think it was a gift.” I said, sounding unsure as I floated in, sitting on my couch and hugging my girlfriend. The man walked for a bit and I saw that his clothes started to change. Now he wore a dark gray shirt with black pants with a black toque with an smiling skull on it.

“Much better, oh and hello there nice to met you.” he greeted Viri. she looked up at me.

“Friend of yours?” she asked.

“Just met him.” I said bluntly. “He killed something that was tearing up my gardens.”

“What! My potatoes!” she gasped.

“Are safe, wait about a week and they would be ready.” Jace said as he pulls out a device and sets it on the table. “Please do not touch this for a bit.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Something that you shouldn’t touch, really it sucks.” he said as a bottle appeared in his hand and he drinks is. “So, who’s the lucky lady who’s going to be a mother?”

“This kitty here.” I said, smirking.

“Uhh, yeah, Unless you have another cat-girl who’s having a kid.” he then leaned in a bit. “Or… is it kids? Hard to tell.”

“I could tell, but I want it to be a surprise.” I said, smiling. Jace looked at Viri then nodded.

“Ahhh there it is, yup not going to say, don’t want to ruin the surprise.” he said as he sat down.

“Right… wait how can you tell I was pregnant?” Viri asked.

“I could tell you but where’s the fun in that, I’ll give you a hint, it has to do with something about death.” he said with a smile.

“You can tell when things are supposed to die?” I asked, guessing.

“No, I can see the life force of her and her kid, or kids.” he said as he drinks a bit more. “Kinda got it when I died...kinda.”

“Kinda?” I asked, intrigued.

“Don’t ask about it, long story and I really don’t like to talk about it.” he said as he was about to drink a bit more but stopped. “Want some?”

“Nah.” I said. Viri puts up her hand.

“Maybe, what is it?” she asked.

“Root beer.” he said as he made another bottle appear. “It’s kid friendly.”

“Still nah, not thirsty.” I said. Viri reached up and took it and sniffed it.

“Don’t worry, it won’t turn you turn you into an lust like beast and it won’t allow you to have sex with your partner to hours on end and make you super ferdal, I checked!” he said quickly.

“I’m a succubus, I can be both of those things already.” I said, smirking. Viri just looked at him.

“Why did you say that?” she asked. He looked away.

“No reason.” he said as he continues drinking. Viri leans into my ear.

“How much do you think he has something like that?” she asked.

“I’d bet on it.” I whispered back.

“Should we ask? It could gives us something new in bed.” she whispered. I giggled at this.

“So… do you have something like that?” I asked him curiously. He eyed me for a moment.

“Why… already planning on another kid or kids?” he asked.

“Planning on some sexy fun time.” I bluntly stated, squeezing my girlfriends ass. She giggles a bit at this.

“Oh well… no.” he said quickly.

“I think you’re lying.” I said, smirking.

“Oh I do have something like that, I’m not giving it to you.” he said.

“Why not?” I asked.

“Because this stuff is dangerous, it will put anyone, and I do mean anyone, into a state of lust that said being with have sex with whomever for hours on end.” he explained as he looked away annoyed. “Had to lock it, and all of the stuff like it in a magic box so no one can repeat what happened.”

“Because there totally isn’t anything like it in the multiverse.” I deadpanned.

“There is, I have it, and no I’m not giving it to you.” he said.

“I don’t need it anyway.” I said, shrugging.

“Aww…” Viri whined a bit. Jace looked at her.

“You really want it?” he asked her. Viri opened her mouth then looks at me.

“Umm no, never mind.” she said.

“Well good because I wasn’t going to give it to you anyway, and even puppy dog eyes won’t work, my daughter made me immune to it, so haha!” he said.

“Whatever.” I said, stretching and yawning.

“I thought you would jump on the fact for something that would spice up our sex life?” Viri said seductively.

“If I need something like that I’ll make one myself.” I said, shrugging and yawning again.

“Sure… also sorry, didn’t know it was doing that.” Jace said as he carefully moves the device away from us.

“I’m just sleepy.” I mumbled, laying down.

“But you were fine before.” Viri said. I opened my mouth but I felt so sleepy. Jace looked at me for a second and sighed.

“Guess I have to do it.” he said as a small ball of light appeared and had it float over to me. It went it into me and I blinked. I then sat up feeling like I could run on hours on end.

“I was just getting ready for a nap…” I mumbled, leg thumping to burn some energy.

“Again sorry but if you did fall asleep you won’t be able to wake up.” he then tap the device next to him. “This thing is about to open riffs in space and it allows him to hop from one world to another but it needs to charge after so many times. I thought that it would take my energy since I have lots of it but got latched onto yours, I didn’t realize it until you were getting sleepy and did a scan.” he said as the device beeped a few times.

“Wait you brought that in knowing that would happen!” Viri said angrily.

“Hey I said that I didn’t know it would do that, it’s tied to me not her.” he said putting his arms up. “Not my fault that it will do that.”

“Ooo if I had my girls I would a…” she bit her knuckle as she thought of hurting Jace. She suddenly found her girls on her forearms. She looked at them and at me.

I gave her a go ahead motion, leaning back. She got up and made the two blades appeared.

“You hurt my girlfriend, now you have to deal with me.” Viri said as she walked over to him. He looked at her for a moment.

... I wouldn’t do that, girl.” Jace said coldly. The whole room went cold and the shadows began to become larger. I looked at Viri as the look of terror was on her face. I looked at Jace as his eye went from blue to solid gray. I felt anger rise a bit as he looked at me, then I felt something try to give me that same feeling, the feeling of terror.

I easily used the psychic plate to shrug it off, glaring. Before I could do anything the device beeped again.

“And it's done!” Jace said happily as the room went back to normal and he stood up. “Thank you for talking to me, it was so nice to met you two!”

I blinked at him as he walked over to the door. “My token is on the table for both of you so you can call on me for anything, if it's a fight or to chat.” with that he opened the door.

“Hold on!” I yelled as I teleported in front of him. I glared at him.

“Yes?” he asked.

“You need my token.” I said, throwing him off, smirking as I made a copy of it appear and handed it to him.

“Funny, anyway,” he used the device and made a portal appeared. “See you around, well not right now since you're going to be busy for a bit.”

“Bye!” I shouted, pushing him through and violently slamming down barriers on my universe. “There, he’s gone now…” I said. I wonder what he meant about me being busy?

“Ita~!” Viri called out to me. She sounded odd.

“Yes?” I asked, turning to her and closing the door.

“I… I feel weird.” she said shaking.

“Are you okay?” I asked worriedly, walking over to her.

“I don't know, I feel cold… very cold…” she said. She went to me and grabbed me. “I need to warm up.”

“Okay.” I said, hugging her, using the flame plate a little to make me warmer than usual. “Is this helping?”

“No, y-you don't understand, I need to be warmed up.” she said. I looked at her as her face was red and biting her lip, also that fact that she's grinding on me. Ohhh~ that what he meant.

“With this?” I asked, making a, smaller than normal, cock appear on me. She looked at it for a moment.

“Bigger~” she moaned as she grinds on my leg some more.

“I can’t hun, can’t risk the baby.” I reminded her, it still big… just not as much as normal.

“Ugh… alright… I feel cold and horny any thing can do.” she moans as she grinds faster. “Just give it to me, I'm so wet and cold and horny that it's starting to hurt.”

I quickly thrust it into her, before making it just big enough that I could continue to do so and not risk our kid. She moans at this as I waked us to the couch and sat down. I snapped my fingers removing our clothes.

“Ahhh, oh yeah that's nice.” she said as she wiggled her hips on me. “But I want more.”

I responded by vibrating my dick, bouncing her on my lap a little, being careful, she moans out as if I was going to town on her, just how horny was she?

“Oh… oh gods! Ita, my breasts!” she moans out to me. I obliged, grabbing them and fondling them as I continued to bounce her on my cock, leaning forward, biting and nibbling on her neck. “No~ suck on them… they feel weird.”

“Okay.” I said, turning so I was doing her cowgirl style, leaning forward and sucking on one of her nipples. After a few moment I felt something come into my mouth. Milk? I removed my mouth and saw that not only her breasts grew a bit more but now they were letting out milk.

“Why did you stop? Ita why did you stop?!” she called out.

“A little surprised.” I said, before going back to sucking on her breasts, drinking her milk. “You taste good.” I said teasingly.

“Mmm yes, suck on mamas breast, drink her milk like a good girl.” she moans as she grinds on my dick a bit. I obliged, happily drinking more of her milk. We continued until I started to feel my cock throb. I tried to pull away from her but she grabbed my head and shoved her other nipple into my mouth. I sucked on both of them until I came into her. She let out a low moan as she came on me. I moved a bit until I was laying on my back with her in my arms.

“I think… it's going to be twins.” she said.

“Oh? How so?” I asked. She snuggles up on me.

“I think its has to do with my hormones and something about going a bit stronger when one has twins.” she looks at me. “But let's just say motherly instincts.”

“Alright.” she raised an eyebrow at me.

“You knew it was going to be twins didn’t you.” she said.

“I have very potent seed.” I said simply in response, shrugging and winking at her. She giggled as we lay there.

“Say Ita, have you ever thought about becoming a parent?” she paused. “I mean before knocking me up.”

“Not really.” I said. “I just roll with what happens.”

“Well, now that you are going to be one how does it feel? And please think about it, don't give me a half ass answer that you're famous for.” Viri asked. I thought about it for a bit at what she means. I'm going to be a dad, as weird as that seems, how does that make me feel?

“I… don’t know.” I said honestly. “I’m… not good at describing feelings.”

“Well, for me I'm both happy and scared.” Viri said.

“Why?” I asked curiously.

“Well, you know happy is straightforward since I already told you.” she said. Her expression downcasted. “But I’m scared, what if I’m not good enough for them, for you. What if you all leave me and I’m all alone.” she curled up a bit and started to cry. “I don’t want to leave you or my babys.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t leave you and I’m sure you’ll do fine.” I assured, hugging her close and kissing her gently.

“T-thanks.” she sniffles a bit. “Ugh, stupid hormones, making me feel like a mess.” I looked at her and raised my fingers but she shoot me a glare. “What did we say about messing with my body?”

“Actually… I was just gonna un-bimbo you, I forgot to and just remembered.” I said, blushing and smiling sheepishly. She blinked at me and looked down at herself. Sure enough she has huge breast and a bubble butt from the last big sex we had.

“I was wondering why my back was so sore and I take up more room.” she muttered. She sighed at this. “Alright, just… be careful.” she said as she moved her hands to her belly.

“I will be.” I said, putting my hands on her breasts and slowly, carefully, shrinking them to how big they’d be if I hadn’t bimbofied her, doing the same with her ass. When I did Viri let out a moan, one of both pleasure and pain. I looked at her with worry.

“Are you alright?” I asked, worried.

“M-my breasts… they're so full.” she said. I looked down at them and give them a small squeeze. Milk then shot out of her as she moans. “Oh~ please do that again, they are so full that it’s painful.”

“How about I do this instead?” I asked, making my cock vanish as I took both of her nipples in my mouth, suckling on them.

“Mmm, yes… that’s good as well…” she moans. I closed my eyes, gently drinking from her, instinctively shrinking into a more childish form as I did. She saw this and giggled as she moved so that she was now sitting and holding me lovingly.

“I guess you are hungry, well drink up.” she said softly. “You need it to grow big and strong.”

I looked up at her and saw her smiling. For a moment she really did look like a mom. I smiled up at her, before closing my eyes and softly suckling more. She started to hum and rock me as I did, it was soothing and made me sleepy.

I yawned when she was almost empty, stopping and resting my head on her shoulder, blinking sleepily.

“Is Ita tired?” she asked me softly. “If so, then I guess it’s nap time.”

“Nooo.” I denied sleepily, yawning adorably. “I’m nwot twired.” I mumbled.

“Now now, a growing girl needs her rest.” she said motherly. “Do you want to sleep with mama again? You always enjoyed that.”

“Okwey…” I mumbled. She stood up and carried me to my room. As we got there she laid down with me in her arms. She hummed a lullaby that made me more sleepy.

“Sleep tight Ita.” Viri whispered. “And don’t worry, mama will protect you from nightmares.” I closed my eyes and feel asleep.

I woke up several hours later, still in bed in child form. “Hewwo?” I called as I woke up, not feeling anyone in bed with me.

I didn’t hear any response, getting scared. I decided to look in my dresser for something to help, opening the top drawer and seeing a bunch of tokens there. Blinking, I reached in, picking one up that was a scale, summoning its displaced. But by summoning it, whoever it was soon tumbled into me and a few seconds later, I was on top of it. But that was not the surprising part.

“Ita? Are you alright?” “Dwo… I knwow wou?” I asked, tilting my head adorably.

“Ita? It’s me… Ken?” He asked, looking back at me. “Did you… forget about me?” The name caused something in my head to come back… but whatever it was, it was very vague. Not a lot of information I could go off of. Did… I know this person somehow?

“Oi, Ita, do you have some… uh am I interrupting something?” I heard Viri say as she walked into the room. She wore a black tank top and some shorts. Oddly her hair was shorter.

“Nwo…” I said to her. “Thwis gwuy says I shwould know hwim.”

“Uh…” Ken stammered, looking back at Viri. “May I please ask who you are?”

“Names Ri, Itas girlfriend.” Viri said. I blinked at her and saw that one of her eyes was grayed out.

“Wu okwey?” I asked Viri, floating towards her, looking at her grayed out eye.

“Of course I’m okay… oh right still haven’t told you yet, my bad.” she said. “Viri is me, but she can split herself into copies of herself.”

“Wait… girlfriend?” Ken asked, trying to get a hold of what she was telling me. “Did I hear that right? Because last time I saw you… I don’t remember you having a girlfriend…” It was then though he looked up and noticed Viri’s ears. “Are… you a faunus?”

“Faunus, catgirl same thing but yeah.” Ri said as she looked at me and booped me on the nose. She then looked at the guy. “And you are?”

“My name is Ken Ahkrin. I’m a Scalebound and I had met Ita a few times previously… It got to the point where she saw me as her big brother.” He replied, before looking at me. “Uh, Ita. Can I please talk to Ri a bit… in private?”

“Why do you need to talk to me in private? If you have something to say just spill.” Ri said.

“Because something doesn’t add up… Last time I saw Ita, she saw me like family and the next thing I know, she forgets all about me… Did she lose her memory?”

Ri stared at him for a moment and looked at me. “Up to you babe, want to say or go? I think Vi would be happy to see you awake.”

“I’ll gwo.” I said, floating out of the room as they followed. I floated over until I saw Vir- Vi sitting on the couch working on some potions. She looked up and smiled.

“Ita!” she said happily. She then frowned a bit. “Are you alright? And who’s Ken?”

“Is this Vi?” Ken then asked. I opened my mouth but Vi stood up

“Yes, that would be me.” she said. I notice that she had that same look, one of her eyes, the left one, was grayed out. For Ri her right eye was gray. “What do you mean you know of Ita, for how long?”

“A few months or more… yet, Ita doesn’t remember me at all… and she saw me like family.” Ken told her, just like he told Ri.

“You told me that, are you some broken record?” Ri said as Vi nodded.

“It’s true, you did say that she saw you as family but not right now.” Vi said. Ken looked at the two and blinked.

“Oh god, please don’t tell me this happened because of what happened with Zinnia.” He said, now placing his right hand over his face… wait, why does his arm look like a dragons-?

“Who’s Zinnia?” Ri asked. I looked at her and shrugged, honestly not knowing.

“Ken, who’s Zinnia?” Vi asked him.

“She was another displaced who both Ita and I knew, but her world was consumed and destroyed by the void… and this world was based on an alternate version of her world…” I heard him say. “Zinnia wasn’t able to survive. We both cared for Ita a lot and with her gone… I’m just unsure if that’s the reason for Ita’s memory-.”

I yelped in pain, a book landing on my head, making me clutch the wisp on the top of my head that was my ‘hair’. Ken whipped around quickly and rushed to my side along with both Vi and Ri.

“Oh my god! Ita, are you okay!?” He asked in a panicked tone before one of the twins tried pulling him away from me.

“Mwy hwead.” I whimpered, falling to the floor on my butt. I felt a little dizzy, but… for some odd reason… something was beginning to come back to me.

I looked up at Ken, tilting my head, recognition coming up in my eyes.

“Ita, did… did you remember something?” Vi said to me.

“If she did then that’s a stupid way to remember.” Ri said. Vi glared at her as I stared at them all.

“I rwemember… hwim bweing mwy bwig bwutha.” I said. That… had Ken look back at me in shocked… and relieved.

“Oh my god… Ita…” He said, almost looking like he had not seen me in years and looked happy for me.

“Really… a book on the head…?” Ri said.

“Shut up.” Vi said at her. She then looked at me and smiled.

“Mwy hwead stwill hwurts.” I said, whimpering a tiny bit. Vi picked me up and set me on her lap.

“Don’t worry, I got you.” she said as she rubbed my head. “I do have one of those red vials if that would help.”

“I stwill dwun wike thwem.” I said, shaking my head no but leaning into the touch.

“Hey! I’m getting better!” she said as she rubbed my sore spot.

“You made my ass the size of the couch.” Ri deadpanned.

“Oh don’t lie, you liked it.” Vi said to her. Just as she set her hand on my head, that was when Ken then got up and tried to speak.

“Uh… if I may… be careful with Ita’s horns… They’re rather,” Before he could finish, one of Vi’s hands came across my right horn as I shuddered a little in response. “… Sensitive.”

“Oh…” Ri said as she looked at me with a grin on her face. “That’s nice to know.”

“Uh… do you even understand what I mean by sensitive or-?” Around then was when he soon noticed Vi and Ri before looking at me. “Nevermind…”

“What’s up with you?” Ri asked.

“Well, I was originally trying to be discreet, but… Anytime someone touches her horns, it makes Ita feel turned on.” He replied. “I was just not sure where you two were in your relationship or if you knew that already.”

“Good to know.” Ri said. She looked at me for a moment and grins evilly.

“Oh no.” Vi said as Ri looked over at Ken.

“As for how far in the relationship we are in… we’re having her kid.” Ri said bluntly. “Or kids.”

Vi faced palmed and muttered to herself. All while my big brother looked back at us with a raised eyebrow. “You’re… what? I’m sorry but… are you saying Ita got you pregnant?”

“Eeyup! Well, she got Viri pregnant and so far only Vi here is the pregnant one but yeah.” Ri chuckled at the thought. “She sure filled us up didn’t she Vi.”

“Yeah…” she said blushing.

“O…… kay. That I honestly never expected, but rather not question it…” He replied, scratching the back of his head. “But congratulations to both of you. I feel happy that you’re going to be having kids.”

“Thanks.” Vi said. She looks down at me. “You feeling better?”

“A wittle.” I said. She leans down and kisses the spot that hurts as Ri looks at Ken for a moment.

“So...You say you're her ‘Big brother’.” she said, using her fingers to quote big brother. “Is that because she looks at you as one or are you like freaky in bed?”

“RI!” Vi yelled.

“What? She is a succubus after all.” Ri said.

“She’s a succubus now?” Ken then asked, confused. “That’s… surprising. I just thought she was just a shiny hoopa.”

“She is and part succubus, who by the way is amazing in bed if you know what I mean.” Ri said as she licks her lips.

“I’m so sorry Ita, I don’t know why she’s like this.” Vi said.

“Yeah… About what Vi said earlier…” Ken said as he looked at them. “She’s… not exactly wrong… Should I drop being discreet? We are by ourselves now.”

Ri looked over at me. “Do you remember that? If so is he good?” she asked. Vi groaned at this.

“I dun wemembwer thwat.” I said.

“Seriously?” Ken asked. “Almost every time you wanted to play with me, we did it… I’m not sure why you can’t remember that because shortly after getting the dragon plate, you kept on teasing me to the point where you just wanted me to fuck you…” He paused for a moment, looking back at Vi and Ri for a moment before sighing. “Only reason why she hasn’t gotten pregnant all those times is because I can only impregnate dragons or humans since I’m a Scalebound.”

Ri looked at him and tilted her head a bit. “He could be fun.”

“Get your mind out of the gutter!” Vi yelled at her. Ri rolled her eyes. Her eyes lit up as she had an idea.

“Hey Ken, can I talk to you for a minute.” she said. She walked over and started to whisper in his ear. From me looking at him, he was first confused… but then it looked like he was slowly beginning to understand what Ri wanted to do.

“Oh no,” Vi said as Ri walked over to me, hips swaying.

“Hey babe, I think I have an idea for you to get your memory back.” she leans in a bit. “And show dragon boy here some of your new tricks.”

“Whut is it?” I asked innocently. She looked at me and fluttered her eyes at me.

“Well, after that whole talk about you and Ken about that dragon plate got me a bit horny and I want to see how good he says he is.” she said.

“So… Ri wants you and I to… well, have you would put it, Ita… play with her,” He followed up on that. “I agreed… as long as for the second round, it’ll be just you and me… That is… if Vi is okay with this… is she?”

“Why awre wou askwing mwe?” I asked, tilting my head and turning to Vi.

“Umm, I’ll pass.” she said as she puts her hand on her belly. “I know how you get and… don’t want to risk it.”

“We’re asking you because I don’t want to feel as if I’m forcing myself onto you. Ita, I care for you a lot and I really think Ri is onto something regarding your memories… plus you wouldn’t want another book to fall on your head-.” He paused for a moment, looking down a moment before looking at me. “Ita… are you being turned on right now? Your… leaking a little.”

“No…” I said, not feeling anything at the moment, sounding honestly confused.

“Then why is there a small puddle on Vi’s clothes?”

“I dwunno.” I said. Ri leaned forward at me.

“Come on Ita, kitty want’s to play and she wants her mistress to play with her.” she gives me a pouty look. “I want you to play with kitty. Please mistress.”

“Okway.” I said, getting up and glowing, shifting into my ‘adult’ form. “If my kitty slut insists.”

“Is that for kitty slut, or kitty bimbo?” Ri asked me. I tap my finger on my lips for a moment.

“Uhh, can you three take it in the bedroom please?” Vi said to us.

“Fine.” I said, rolling my eyes and teleporting the three of us into the bedroom like Vi requested. Ri wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.

“So, is it kitty slut or bimbo?” she asked me as she wiggled her ass a bit.

“What do you think, ‘bwig bwutha’?” I asked, taking a glance at him.

“I think you get to decide in the matter… this is the first time I’ve met her, so I’m letting you pick.” He replied back as he began to take off his shirt.

“I think I’ll have you be bimbo.” I said, walking over to her and groping her chest, making it glow and grow. She bit her lips as it grew to the size from before, I then grope her ass and did the same thing. Her clothes ripped at this as she giggled at this. She glanced over to Ken.

“So, does big brother like kitty bimbo?” she asked him.

“Would it be wrong to say definitely?” He said with a smirk.

“Let’s get down to fun.” I said, snapping my fingers, making my and Kens clothes vanish. Ri looked at Ken and eyed his cock, then at me as it began to harden and stretch to full mast.

“May kitty bimbo have a taste of him?” she asked me, licking her lips.

“Sure, I’ll just watch here, have fun my kitty bimbo.” I said, making a chair appear and sitting in it, cross legged. She turned and walked over to him slowly, swaying her hips. She kneeled down and took his cock in her hands.

“My, your big aren’t you, are you ready for kitty?” she asked him, stroking him a bit. He moaned a little, but liked the teasing from her as he let her continue to please him. She started to lick him and continued to stroke him. “Mistress, can I have this big ol lollipop right here?”

“You’re being good, I say you can.” I said. She grins at me and took his tip in her mouth for a bit, then took it all in one go. Ken moaned at this as she bobbed her head and continued to inhale his dick. All of this was making me feel pretty turned on right around now and as she continued to suck him, Ken put one of his hands on the back of her head as a way to say to her to keep going. She obliged as she went faster, she then looked over at me and shook her ass at me.

Smirking, I got up, making my cock grow on me as I did, walking over to her and slapping her ass. She moans at this and Ken looked at me with widen eyes.

“Well… who knew that you could do futa… This will be interesting.” He smirked as Ri bobbed her head faster and faster with each stroke. But she looked over at me and popped her head off his cock.

“Mistress~ that’s not the normal size, can I have the normal size please~” she moans as she stroked Ken's dick faster.

“Of course.” I said with a smirk, cock glowing as it grew larger, me prodding her pussy. Her grin went wide as she took Ken's cock in her mouth again. Ken looked at me with a raised and concerned look.

“R-ri… I-if you keep doing that, y-you’ll make me c-cum-.” He spoke, all while Ri was stroking and sucking on him eagerly as I readied myself. She moaned into his dick as it made him moan loudly.

I suddenly thrust my cock into her to the base all in one go, slapping her ass as I did. She moans loudly into Ken as he moaned as well. But with a few more strokes, he soon gripped the back of her head and pushed her face into his crotch as he soon came inside her mouth. His cum still drooling out of her mouth once he pulled it out. She swallowed some of his cum and looked down at the rest of it.

“Awww.” she said before moaning some more as I fuck her.

Smirking, I lifted the cum in a bowl of psychic energy for her as I started pounding her harder. She took the rest of the cum in one go and she moans as I pound her.

“Yes~. Fuck me mistress, I, like, love you big dick inside of me!” she moans loudly at me. I smirked, spanking her again as I pounded her, making my dick vibrate in her. She moans out as Ken looks at her with a raised eyebrow.

“Uhh, her eyes have hearts in them, is that normal?” he asked.

“Yep.” I said. “This little bimbo slut gets like that whenever I pound her.”

“Yes~ bimbo kitty loves this, bimbo kitty is mistress’ bimbo.” she moans

“Wow…” he said, honestly surprised by this. He never expected to see me be this dominant in the bedroom, nor use this kind of language. “Makes me eager to have a round with her once you two are done.”

“Oooo, mistress I would love that but I think his cock, like, is too small for me.” Ri moans. Ken frowns at her in response looking to me.

“I think we can change that… if your mistress gets what I mean.” He commented as I continued to thrust my cock deep into Kitty’s warm pussy.

“I dunno, I think I like the idea of your ‘little sister’ having a bigger dick than you.” I teased him casually while I pounded my kitten. She moans loudly.

“Well, I just thought we would… even the playing field a little.” He commented, just as I felt my kitten’s snatch began to grip around my cock, prompting me to pound her harder and faster with each stroke.

“M-mistress, I’m about to c-cum, can I cum mistress?” she asked me, pleading for her release.

Feeling my dick throbbing, I smirked. “Sure, pet.” I said, pounding her more. “When I cum, you can.”

“Y-yes m-m-mistress.” she said as she started to push into me. With newfound determination, I began to quicken my thrusts as I rapidly began to pound her with no end in sight. Then, some time after I started, I came, slowly beginning to release my seed deep into my Kitty slut around the same time she reached her point of no return. She screamed loudly as she came. “Sooo~ Goood~.”

“Aww… she looks cute when she reaches orgasm like that,” Ken chuckled, looking back at me. “I don’t want to disappoint a good kitty now, do I?”

“Probably not.” I said. “But I can always make her feel better.”

“You always does, mistress.” Ri said as she wiggled her hips.

“Now I’m getting eager to have a go…” He replied before looking at Ri. “Ita, what happens if you let Kitty here be a slut instead of a bimbo?”

“I’m both, I’m, like, a bimbo and a slut.” Ri said as she pulls off of me. “I’m what ever mistress wants me to be.”

“Well, I noticed that when she see’s you as a Bimbo, she expands your size… What kind of perks would the other one bring?” He asked, scratching his chin a little before looking back at me. Ri stood up and tilts her head a bit, then gets an idea.

“Mistress, I have an idea!” she giggled.

“What would that be, my bimbo slut?” I asked. She began to tap her chin a bit as my seed flowed out of her.

“Like, Ken is nice and all and he’s asking a lot of questions, I don’t really understand what’s he talking about but I think he wants to know how I, like, feel.” she started to say.

“Wait… that’s not what I was asking. Matter of fact, forget what I asked earlier.” He replied. “I rather find out for myself then ask too many questions.

Ri walked over to me and whispered in my ear. “How about you show him how a slut feels like, your, like, super good with magic and stuff.” Ken, raising an eyebrow, looked back at us.

“Wait… are you asking her to give me a sex change?” Ken then asked after processing what Ri had said earlier out loud. “Because if we do this… I don’t want to somehow get pregnant.”

“You’ll only get pregnant if I make you pregnant.” I assured him, snapping my fingers and making a gold and purple pill appear in my hand, holding it out to him. “If you want to do this, take the pill.”

“Okay, but how long will the effects last?” He said as he took the pill and held it in his hand.

“Until I give you another to change back.” I said, smirking.

“Well, I was thinking about wanting to change things up…” he said, but before swallowing it, he then asked one last question. “I’ll still get the chance to fuck you two afterwards, right?”

“If mistress wills it.” Ri said as she hugged my arm. Nodding his head, he soon took the pill as his body slowly began to change. Now growing breasts and replacing his cock with a pussy.

“This is different… but I’m feeling a little… excited.” She now said.

“Ooo she looks cute!” Ri says. She then looks at me. “Mistress can I have her first? Unless you want it.”

“Warm her up for me.” I commanded, going back to my chair and sitting down. She smiles a bit but then looked at female Ken for a moment before looking back at me and whispered in my ear.

“Umm… can I try one of my vials, I tested it and I won’t go crazy… unless you can put it on me.” she whispered.

I simply put my hand on her pussy, slowly removing it to reveal a cock that was bigger than Kens was but smaller than mine. She looked at this and sighed in relief before looking at female Ken, who gulped a little before she nervously looked at Ri.

“Uh… What h-happens now?”

“I’m going to make you feel good, Kenae.” she said as she walked over her. “Now, time for you to feel good, slut, now, like, suck my cock.” She was nervous, but soon nodded her head as she opened her mouth and began to first massage her balls using her hands while beginning to suck on it herself.

“Ooo, she’s good at this, like, as if she done this before.” she then looked at me. “Mistress, you want me to be a bimbo as she sucks me off or, like, something else?” Just as she was saying that, female Ken surprised her with a different tactic. While sucking on her, she also used her breasts to titfuck her and for Ri to feel more pleasure in return.

“You can be more dom.” I said. Her giggly look turned darker as she looked at Kenae.

“Now slut, let's see how good are you at… this!” she yelled as she pushed her cock into her. Kenae eyes widen, choaking a little as she continued to thrust into her. Ri herself didn’t seem to pay attention to how Kenae was dealing with her rapid pace as she tried what she could to keep up with her and get her to release. Ri’s thrusting became more powerful with each time she pounded her face. She looked over at me and turns a bit and leans down to her pussy for a second and showed it to me.

“I think, mistress, she’s ready for you.” Ri said to me. But that was before she felt something different as Kenae pushed herself away, coughing up everything that she had been forced to inhale.

“W-what the f-fuck… You were suffocating me!! I couldn’t breath when you were doing that! Are you trying to kill me?!” Ri grabbed her hair and looked at her.

“Are you talking back to me slut?” she asked darkly. She looked over at me. “I think she did mistress, what do we do?”

“N-no, I mean it… JUST GOD DAMN STOP!!!” Kenae shouted, getting up and walking to the bathroom door while slamming it behind herself. Ri looked over at me.

“Did… did I go too far?” she asked me.

“I have a feeling this is more a taruma problem… stay here, I’ll handle this.” I told her, getting up and going over to the door, knocking.

“Hey Kenae, you alright in there?” I asked gently, voice calm and reassuring.

“Just… let me be… You wouldn’t understand why.” I heard her say, along with what sounded like she was trying to clear her throat again… and again… and again. Ri walked over to me.

“I… may know what’s wrong, she had that look on her.” Ri said as she walked to the door. “Hey, I’m sorry about that, I didn’t know you had… issues about that.”

“It’s more than an issue… Back when I was a kid, a bully force fed me food into my mouth to the point that I was unable to breath. Causing me to choke and gasp for air. If no one had gotten to help me, then I could’ve suffocated to death… It’s a very haunting memory for me…” She told both of us. “I know how you two feel during this but… it doesn’t feel good if your pleasure can do that… I’m sorry if I… ruined the mood.”

“Kenae… I know what you mean.” Ri looked over at me and back at the door. “Before I met Ita, I couldn’t think of sleeping with anyone because when I was younger, a group kidnapped me and raped me to no end.”

“I-i’m sorry to hear that…” Kenae said, his tone sounding sadder. “Makes me feel as if I shouldn’t have taken the pill… I wanted to make this moment feel pleasurable for all of us… not bring up ghosts from the past…”

“How about… we try something a bit… softer.” Ri said. “No sucking, just take things a bit slow and soft.” Ri said. “But it you want to stop, I think Ita would change you back.”

“No… Softer is fine… but maybe we try something different afterwards…” She said as the door opened up and Kenae finally came out. “If you can change me back afterwards and Ita can turn into her child form… you and I can both fuck her, Ri? Does that sound… okay to you two?”

“Umm I’m up for going on Ita, but as a kid?” Ri looked at me for a moment then back at Kenae.

“Almost every time we had sex, it was in her child form. Plus… we originally decided to do this to see if Ita’s memories of me can come back… Maybe this can help… after this of course.” She said, trying her best to not sound like she was avoiding it all together. “You alright with it Ita?”

“I’m down to try it.” I said simply. “Now, how about we get back to the ‘fun’?”

“One moment, there’s one thing.” Ri said. “Ita when she turns back to Ken and after… we have our fun on you, can you give him a bigger dick so he can fuck me hard?” Ri asked. Kenae looked at her in shock.

“I guess I could…” I said, shrugging. With it, Kenae breathed a sigh of relief, before turning to both Ri and I as she… presented herself to us.

“Do you want to start or should I?” Ri asked.

I teleported us into the bed, with me on the bed and Kenae now hovering above my dick as the answer. Slowly, she had her drop onto the cock as both parties moaned in bliss. After a few seconds, it was soon my turn to have fun.

I slowly made her move up and down, being as gentle as I could with my cock as big as it was right now. With each bounce, there was a new set of moans and feeling as Kenae was feeling every inch of me. Leaving her at a loss for words.

Ri came up behind Kenae and started to fondle her breasts and started to kiss her. Seeing this I removed her cock as I continue to bounce her. The pleasure from both of them was… new for Kenae and I can tell why. Given that he was a guy beforehand, he had only been able to feel how sex was from one perspective. This was something entirely new to him/her and despite it being strange at first… he/she slowly began to feel a bit better over time.

As she got used to it, I bounced her faster, moaning a little. Ri moved her hand to his/her clit and hovered there for his/her approval. Kenae him/herself moaned too, only finding the strength to say something back shortly afterwards. “A-almost… t-t-t-there…” With that Ri started to play with his/her clit, making her moan a bit more.

I allowed my cock to throb, going a little faster. Soon, I felt the walls around me tighten and constrict around me like a vice. It wasn’t long that I felt my pole get coated in warm cum as Kenae’s eyes rolled to the back of her head. She shook at this and fell onto me. Ri went down beside us as Kenae started to speak.

“T-that… was… an experience,” She said, regaining her breath as she tried to push herself up and off of my member. “Thank you Ita… You too, Ri.”

“I try to… up for the… memory regain or you need a minute?” Ri asked.

“Give me a minute to catch my breath after you change me back,” She said back. “I want to make sure I’m ready to go before we do it.”

“Right, but can I ask, is this something you would like to try again in the future?” Ri asked as she pinched her ass. “You look really hot like this.”

“M-maybe for special occasions. I’m still getting used to this and everything.” She said back to Ri before looking at me. “Ita, do you have the other pill ready?”

I simply teleported it into her, changing her back into Ken. He blinked at me and sighed. We all stayed there cuddling, Ken even played with Ri’s breasts and ass for a bit until we’re all ready.

“Are you ready, Ita?” Ken asked. Ri looked over at me and raised an eyebrow.

“Hmm… I need to remember that when Vi and I come together.” she said.

“What’s that?” Ken asked. Ri booped him on the nose.

“Not for you to know.” she giggled at him.

“Right… oh!” Ken leaned over to her and whispered something in her ear. Ri expression went from confusion, to surprise, to a grin.

“Really? Her tongue? Oh that’s going to be fun.” she grins even more at me.

I raised a eyebrow, before shrugging, changing into my child form.

“Well, this is what you look like as a child.” Ri said. I stared at her for a moment. “What? Sure me and Vi are the same, but some memories don’t go over.”

Ken chuckled a little before looking back at me. “No matter what form she’s in, I still see her as Ita… and she’s cute in both her child and adult forms.”

“I prefer her in her adult or teenage form, but I’m open to new things.” Ri then poked at Ken. “Like you, your new for me and Viri.”

“Aww… How sweet…” Ken said, before moving one of his hands to tickle my chest a little before moving his hands a little. “Well, she looks about ready… you alright Ita?”

“Wes.” I said. He looked at me from top to bottom first before moving a little closer and using his right hand to tease me a little. Having his finger move along the edge of my pussy as he looked back at me.

“Okay then… shall we get started?” He asked, his hardened cock not just mere inches away from my slit as he looked back at Ri along with me.

“Errm… right.” she said as she lifted her hands up and stared at the two of us. “... damn, I can’t.”

“Cwan’t what?” I asked, looking at her. She shook her head a bit and looked down.

“There’s a lot about me and Viri will tell you about the two of us but just know that I’m the more… crazy said of her, I love all the little kinks we do but this… just feels wrong.” she said to us.

“Well, if you aren’t comfortable, we can let you just watch… but I don’t want to feel like we’re excluding you.”

“Oh trust me, after you're done.” Ri said as she tapped Ken cheek. “You and your big cock are mine.” she then got out of the bed and walked over to a desk and pulled out a big vibrator. “Gotta get ready for you, just to let you know.” That… left both Ken and I on the bed as he was looming over me now. With a silent nod, I felt him get ready as he first kissed me on the lips before slowly pushing his cock into my pussy. Taking his time and not rushing us by beginning to screw me straight out the gate so I could adjust to his size.

Over where Ri is, she watched us as she puts the vibrator into her pussy and begins to move it in and out of her. She does this as she fondles one of her enlarged breasts with her other hand.

Turning my attention back to the person fucking me, I moaned in pleasure, tapping him to tell him he could go faster. With that single motion, he began to pull out before pushing himself back in quickly and in sync. Building up his rhythm to where I felt his dick enter me every few seconds. The pleasure was familiar, yet once he moved his hands to my horns and began to hold onto them, it soon began to skyrocket.

I began to hear moans from Ri as she was going faster and faster, pulling her nipple and pumping the sex toy in her in quick succession. I moaned more as I felt myself getting close, feeling the dick in me throb. Ken bent over, kissing me on the mouth as he continued to pound my inner depths.

I moaned loudly into the kiss as I came, clenching myself around him. He slowed down a little, knowing that I came down from my peak. But to my surprise, he wasn’t exactly done yet. I felt his dick throb, but I didn’t feel him cum in me.

“Nwot dwone yet?” I asked, making my pussy vibrate around him.

“Almost… but not quite,” He said, the vibrations giving him motivation to start moving again as he fucked me into the bed. It was shortly after he started up that I felt his massive cock beginning to twitch and in one last massive thrust, he pushed his member all the way inside me as he came. Filling me up with his warm seed as moved his hands and held me closer to his body. “N-now I finished… Did that… help you remember anything?” Big brother then asked me.

I blinked a little as a couple memories started coming back to me. “Mwostwy us ‘pwaying’.” I told him, giggling. He smiled as we heard a loud moan from the room. We looked over at Ri as she was shaking.

“N-not the same… but still g-good.” she muttered.

“Hey Ri, guess what? Ita has some more memories now.” Ken told her in response, sounding happy for me

“Yay~... so uhh is it my turn?” she asked us. The toy dropped to the ground and she frowned at it. “Toys aren’t cutting it for me.”

“I’m all for it. What do you think though Ita?” He asked me, “Is your big brother allowed to play with your kitty?”

“Swure, wou two have fwun.” I said, shifting back to my adult form. “I’m gonna go check on my kittys other half.”

3rd person POV

As Ita left the room, the only two who were left were both Ri and Ken. Ri, who was earlier using a sex toy to please herself… and Ken, who she thought would do a lot better than just any old toy.

“Well now, Kitty… Are you ready to have some fun?” Ken asked her. She tapped her finger on her chin and looked at him.

“Well, since you had your fun with Ita,” she then stood up and strutted over to Ken, taking his cock in her hand. “You're ready for little ol me?”

He nodded his head as Ri noticed that his cock, which stood at 13 inches in length, was at full mast once again. “I think that answers your question… Is there any particular position you would like to do?”

“I don’t know, I can do all.” She looked Ken over for a moment. “You sure you don’t want to be a girl as you fuck me, you did look hot as her.”

“I’m sure… Besides… consider this as a way to discover why Ita likes playing with me so much.” He replied as both of them were now on the bed while he used his hands to caress her body. Making her moan in response as his hands moved lower. “Lay down now, Kitty… Allow for me to take care of you.”

“Mmm, alright, but note that one of these days, you're going to have your way with me as a girl.” she tilted her head a bit. “You can keep the cock though, where's the fun without it.”

“A valid point,” He replied, now having his hands move farther down so Ri could spread her legs open as he lined up his massive shaft with her entrance. “You ready?”

“Have you seen Ita when she’s on top, I taken worse.” she said as she started to grind on Ken. “Let’s see what you got, ‘big boy’.” Taking initiative, he let himself go as his cock entered inside of Ri and the two of them moaned in unison. Seconds afterwards though, he slowly began to move in and out as he built up speed and mustered more strength and stamina while he was fucking her. He didn’t want to disappoint Ri… and judging from the expression on her face, she was already enjoying it, even if they did just get started.

“Come on dragon boy, you can do better than that, let’s kick it up a notch.” she said as she wraps her legs around him and pulled him in more. This made him thrust into her more at a quicker pace as he put his focus on pleasing her the best he could.

As this was going on, Ita was floating towards the living room in search for her kitty. “Kitten, where are ya?” She called out. She floated over until she saw a discarded shirt on the floor, as she followed along she saw that there were more and more discarded clothes that led to the couch where Vi was there naked as she had almost her whole hand in her pussy, trying to get herself off.

“Is my kitty playing with herself without permission?” Ita asked, raising a eyebrow and crossing her arms. Vi opened her eyes and looked over at Ita.

“P-please, Ita help me… I-I can feel them... “ she cried as she looked like she’s both in pleasure and pain. “I felt it all yet it’s still shallow.”

“Well then, I guess Mistress will need to help her kitty out.” Ita said, smirking and floating over to her, nibbling on her neck. She put her hand on Vi hand and felt that it was completely wet with her juices.

“You were playing with yourself the whole time, weren’t you?” Ita asked, starting to play with Vi’s pussy.

“Y-yes, I felt you… when you were doing Ri, I felt you inside me but it felt different. L-like you were there but you weren’t.” Vi looked at her with a look that she was begging for anything. “P-please, put it in, I felt this way the whole time you were in there… it’s starting to hurt…”

“Alright, I’ll soothe my kitty sluts little pussy.” Ita said, making her ‘safe sized’ cock appear, thrusting it into her gently. She moans loudly as she wrapped her arms around Ita’s neck. Ita smirked at this until she saw Vi started to cry.

“What’s wrong?” Ita asked, worried.

“I-I’m happy that your in m-me…” she sobbed. “It was awful Ita, I felt you in me but… you weren’t there… it scared me.”

“Don’t worry, I’m here now.” Ita whispered to her gently, running her hands across Vi gently. Vi shook as she was held.

“T-thanks I-Ooo.” she moans a bit. “I-I still feel them… they’re… doing it pretty rough in there.”

“I’ll do YOU gently, so that I don’t just make you into your other half.” Ita said, going a little faster while still being gentle. Vi moaned into Ita as she continued. She bit her lip as her pussy walls clamp down.

“I-it’s funny, I don’t know what he’s saying but I h-have a good idea what Ri is saying.” Vi said as Ita started to squeeze her breast, making milk come out.

Seeing this, Ita brought her head down, starting to drink the milk as she continued thrusting. Vi moans out as she held her.

“Thank you Ita…” Vi said. Ita smiled at her and continued.

Back in the bedroom…

“COME ON DRAGON BOY! FUCK ME AS IF YOU MEAN IT!” Ri yelled as she was now on all fours and Ken was holding her by her hair. While her ass was hanging in the air, the Scalebound used the new position to his advantage and do what Ri wanted him to do… and add more to it. To put it in simple terms, he was planning to give her the fucking of her life.

Her hair was only one part of the plan as while he was rutting her, he would occasionally nibble her ears along with pulling her tail to increase the overall pleasure she was receiving. And from the sounds of things, Ri was enjoying every second of this, screaming his name in pure bliss.

What he didn’t count on was that she wanted more.

“That’s it Ken, fuck me like there’s no tomorrow, fuck me, spank me, pull my hair, be rough with me.” she looked back at him. “I can take the abuse that others can’t handle~.” He complied with a spank on her ass as he was now ramming his massive dick into her at a faster rate than when he was playing with Ita only a few moments ago. “Yesss~... oh gods I’m going to cum! Are you almost there Ken? Cum with me!” She yelled as her tail wrapped itself around him and tried to pull him in while pushing her hips into his. “L-let’s see if you can breed with me!”

Back with the other two; “Oh, Oh ita, I’m going to cum soon… and I think Ri is too…” Vi said with a look of happiness… and worry on her.

“Why so worried?” Ita asked gently, slowing a little.

“W-we… we never came together… only separate and when we tried we were too tired to try or never get to that point… I-I don’t know what will happen.” she said.

“I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Ita said, thrusting a little faster and moaning. “I’m close to.”

“Ita… cum in me… fill me… I love that feeling.” Vi said as she looked at Ita.

“Here it comes!” Ita exclaimed, going a little faster.

Back in the bedroom...

“COME ON! FILL ME WITH YOUR SEEEEEED~!!!” Ri Screamed. This caused the Scalebound fucking her to go full throttle with his final few thrusts as he bit down softly on Ri’s neck as he fired off his warm and sticky cum inside of the kitty’s inner depths. Making Ri purr in delight with how much she had received from him.

Then the two came. Both Vi and Ri screamed as both climaxes went off. Feeling the force of two powerful orgasms was enough to fry both brains of the two faunus’, making their bodies shake as the pleasure racked their brains. After a few minutes of riding it out the two of them went limp as started to calm their hearts.

“That… was amazing dragon boy~” Ri said as she looked down at her, seeing a bit of a bulge poking out. “This could knock me up you know.”

“Did you remember what I said originally?” Ken chuckled, poking at her nose a little. “I can only impregnate humans and dragons. Since you’re a faunus, I can’t get you pregnant.” Ri giggled at this.

“Well… you’re half right… I’m half faunus half human, got told that…” she thought about it.

“You look more faunus to me… with the cat ears and tail… Makes me want to ask if you want to join the hoard that Ita and I are in.” He said, sighing a bit.

“Don’t know about the hoard but if I wake up and start puking my guts up then I have ya kid.” Ri said as she rubbed her belly. “It’s odd, I’m not like Vi but… I kinda like that thought.”

“Yeah… speaking of which, should we go check on them? I think you and I have had enough fun for now with all the rounds of sex we just had, so we should take a break.”

“Ehh, in five minutes, need to rest of a bit.” Ri looked over at Ken and took his arm. “Cuddle.”

“Sure, why not.” He smiled, giving Ri the chance to snuggle with him. They laid there for two minutes before Ri spoke up.

“So… if I was knocked up with your kid, would you be mad?” she asked.

“Why would you ask that? I wouldn’t be mad… though, I’m not sure how Applejack would take it honestly.” He sighed. “I’m in an open relationship with two mares and… well, we did just meet a few minutes ago.”

“Whatever happens and Lady Fate is being a bitch and for some reason I do have your kid, just send her my way after I have the kid, I might teach her a few things.” she purred.

“Oh you might not want to put it off… My AJ can turn into a dragoness that lavabends.” He replied back.

“Kinky.” she said.

As the four layed in the arms of their partners as the moon began to rise in the sky, they all didn’t get the chance to hear a thud on top of the home. The man moaned in pain after falling from a two hundred drop, he then looked up at the night sky as the chaos repaired his bones.

“God dammit Zin, why did you have to drop me?”

Meeting familiar faces part2

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“So, whatcha wanna do now?” I asked the kitten I was cuddling with, rubbing her tummy. We woke up when the sun came up and decided to say on the couch in each other's arms… still naked. Vi snuggled up to me a bit.

“I like laying here, just me you,” she puts her hands on my. “And our kids.”

“Then we can just lay here.” I said, nuzzling her. We laid there smiling for some time until Vi spoke up.

“Ita, if… if you regain your memories, what’s going to happen?” she asked. From the tone of her voice she sounded worried.

“I’ll still be with you, don’t worry.” I assured, smiling at her.

“But...what if you remember something and have to leave… I’m… I’m scared that you will never come back.” she said sadly. I stared at her as she’s being a bit more… sad and soft than normal, does it have to with her splitting up?

“I won’t be leaving in the first place.” I replied simply, hugging her tighter. She smiled as she hugged me. “Okay, now it’s my turn to question something, what’s with you and Ri?”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“Just tell me everything about you and her being split.” I said.

“Oh...well there’s a lot to say… where do you want to start? It can be about anything.” Vi said to me.

“Wherever you think you should start is fine.” I told her.

“Well… let’s go with personality since it will help explain the next part.” she said as she shifted. “Well, as you can tell by us I’m more nicer and, as she puts it, softer than her. She’s more crazy and willing to to risks, she’s Yin as I’m Yang, same being, different mindsets.”

“Neat.” I said. “Now I get two kitty pets.” I said, smirking at her. She giggled at me.

“You can see it like that.” Vi said. “We can still come together as one and be Viri but when we do we start talking to her, which is funny since I had voices in my head already, Viri I mean, I guess they now have faces.” Vi tilted her head a bit. “And… I think I know how we got split up.”

“How?” I asked, curious.

“I… think you did… you and your succubus side I mean. When we first did it I split myself up and… I don’t know you changed us. Now there’s two of us and I’m me and Ri is...something.” Vi explained.

“Neat.” I said, shrugging. “Well, I have two kitty pets, I’ll need to get your other half pregnant if she isn’t already so you two can match.”

“Well… I think… she kinda… did… with Ken… I think” she chuckled nervously. “Sure he did say that he can’t impregnate me but for Ri… she’s more human than I so… I really don’t know.” Vi said. “Got to check if she throws up in a few months.”

“I never gave permission for impregnation.” I mused. “I’ll have to ‘punish’ her if she is pregnant.”

“Oh? And what do you have planned?” she asked with an raised eyebrow. I opened my mouth but stopped.

“Wouldn’t she find out through you?” I asked.

“Nope, she’s more physically stronger than me but I’m more mental, I can read her thoughts but she can’t read mine.” Vi said as she looks away. “Like right now she’s dreaming of having a dragon kid, I think she really wants to have a kid with someone who’s a dragon.”

“Why is that?” I asked, sounding a ‘little’ jealous and possessive.

“I think it’s more the fact that.” she shifted a bit before she spoke. “Because dragons are cool, who wouldn’t want a dragon baby!” she said as if she’s trying to imitate Ri… who’s herself… how does that work? “Ita? Are you… jealous of the idea?”

“She’s my kitty.” I mumbled, avoiding the question yet answering it anyway. Vi giggled.

“Aww, you are jealous.” Vi put a hand on my cheek. “Is my little Ita jealous that she’s not the dad to Ri kid?”

“N-no.” I said, lieing terribly and looking away. Vi took her hand and made me look at her.

“You do have two kids, and again I think it’s my mother instant telling me, that are yours, that means you one up her.” she said lovingly before grinning darkly. “And I think the one who took impregnating her away from you should be… punished for that~” she said.

“I… shouldn’t have to in the first place… I’m fine with you two fucking others but… your my girlfriend… s…” I mumbled, looking a little upset now.

“I understand that, I feel the same way, the three of us do… okay, maybe not Ri since she doesn’t care, I know that you need to go out and feed your need with others and honestly now I think about it is odd now I have the power to split myself to another me too deal with your other side.” Vi trails her hand down and made circles on my chest. “I’m fine with it, just that you're my girlfriend as well…” she trails off a bit.

“I haven’t ‘gone out’ with others without you two… you… whatever knowing yet though.” I said, sighing, slumping a little, sniffling a little.

“Well… just don’t push yourself too far just for me, for us, I’ll understand if you need to do a quick one with someone else.” Vi leads up and kissed my nose. “Just don’t throw us away.”

“I haven’t needed to.” I replied honestly. “For some reason, you two are more… ‘filling’, I guess you could say.”

“Guess we take both sides of you then, me for your softer side and Ri...err how do I call that?” she said as she made a face.

“Kinky side?” I suggested.

“I was going for, crazy sex mc bang bang side but I think Kinky Succubus said is more like it.” Vi said. “I know you well enough to know that you think dirty thoughts as she walks by, just waiting to jump her.”

“I have dirty thoughts about everyone.” I admitted shamelessly. Vi raised an eyebrow at me.

“I know that, but you do that more so with Ri.” Vi said. “You have this look when you see her walking around for the time to seen her, that ‘Mistress going to play with her pet’ look.”

“I think you’re just trying to distract me from what’s upsetting me now.” I accused.

“Maybe~” Vi said. “I don’t like it when you're upset, it makes me upset.”

“I still don’t want you two to have anyones kids but mine.” I said, crossing my arms and looking down, pouting, turning into my teenage form.

“Well I know I’m not, I don’t see myself with anyone else other than you.” she looks away at this. “Ri on the other hand… I have no idea, with her and Ken… you have to take it up with her.”

“I still shouldn’t have to.” I mumbled, sniffling again.

“Ita, as little as even I know her let me tell you something, she’s brash, loud and likes it rough in bed, I think she’s doing this to rile you up so you ‘punish’ her with whatever, that or want a dragon baby but that’s the same thing for her.” Vi poked me. “So since she’s yours you should show her that.” Vi said to me. I stared at her for some time and sighed, then I reliesed something… where’s her collar? Now I think about it Ri didn’t have one ether as well.

“Where’s the collar I gave you?” I asked. Her face went straight to a forced smile as she looked away.

“Uhhh… well… you see… there was this thing… and…” I saw her started to fidget and her face go red as she tries to find a way to answer that won’t make me mad at her. I could read her really easily by her face alone.

“What happened?” I asked, sighing.

“I’m sorry! I was practicing some of my potion making and...well…”

Flashback, Vi POV

“Soooo… what does this one do?” Ri asked me.

“I really don’t know, it’s odd.” I said as I put the beaker down carefully. “The book really didn’t say.”

“That’s a let down.” Ri said as she was leaning her chair back a bit. “Will it give us superpowers?”

“I highly doubt it.” I said as I stood up and walked away. “I think it has to do with some sort of-” I then heard a crashing sound and turned to see the beaker on the ground. “Material.”

There was a big cloud of green smoke that covered the room and made me cough. I opened the window to let it out so I could see and breath. Odd why do I feel… lighter and colder?

“There that should help, now what did that potion… do.” I stopped as I saw Ri butt naked in front of me. I looked down and saw that I too was naked. “Oh you gotta be kidding me.”

Ita PoV

I stared at her as she finished her story. “Why didn’t you just tell me?” I asked, snapping my fingers, making the same collar appear. “I wouldn’t reached back to then to grab it for you.”

“I-I panicked!… You gave me, Viri , that collar and she loved it so much and if you saw that we didn’t have one… I was scared you would be mad at me.” she said sadly, sniffling a bit.

“Accidents like that happen.” I said simply, shrugging. “Here, let’s get this back on you.” I added, putting it back on her. I saw the same thing that I saw when I did it with Viri, at the moment as the collar clicked on there was a shiver and a smile on Vi face. I raised an eyebrow at that.

“Is it that good for you?” I asked. She fluttered her eyes at me and smiled.

“I… never really thought about it but… when you put it on me, it just feels so good, so… right.” she said softly. “I guess, I’m happy to be yours.”

This made my mood a little better, me hugging her into my chest. She giggled into my chest.

“I’m guessing you're happy about that as well?” she asked me.

“A little bit.” I said, hugging her tighter. The mood changed when I started to hear something. Footstep… from above me. Vi must of heard that as well.

“Uhh… do you have rats… with large feet?” she asked.

“I am the only living thing here.” I deadpanned to her. “I’ve told you this.”

“Well… somebody didn’t get the memo.” Vi said as she sat up. She leans forward to grab something from the table but groans in pain as she puts her hands around her belly.

“Are you alright?” I asked, worried.

“Y-yeah… I’m fine, I-” she then went green and put her hand over her mouth. “Morning… sickness… and… babies.”

“You two better stop making your mommy sick in there.” I said jokingly to her tummy, faux glaring at it. Vi giggled at this but covered her mouth again.

“Their not listening!” she yelled as she ran towards the bathroom, I had to make more of them since there’s more of us here. I sighed and stood up and put on some clothes.

Teleporting to be right next to her, I held her hair out of the way as she puked into the toilet. As much as I love see her naked this wasn’t a good time to see her like this.

“Did I ever tell you how much I hate morning sickness.” she moans.

“32,523 times.” I said. “And counting.”

“Right...go find out... who’s up on the roof… I’ll be here, puking my guts out.” Vi said as she started to puke again. She then put her hand up. “And don’t use your magic on me to stop, my stomach hated that for an hour.”

“Alright dear.” I said, standing and teleporting up onto the roof. I looked around and saw a man on my roof, he wore a toque with some headphones around his neck, a blue t-shirt and camo pants. He was looking around at the place.

“Seriously, I’ve been here before, just where was it?” the man asked. I recognized the voice anywhere.

“You literally just left, like, a day ago.” I said, crossing my arms. The man turned to me, his blue hair and beard was a bit longer this time but it didn’t cover his goofy grin, kinda reminds me of someone.

“Oh now I know where I am, what’s up Ita.” Jace said with a smile.

“Not much.” I said, shrugging. “You’re just stomping around on my roof.”

“Well then I’m sorry for that.” he rubbed his head a bit. “Kinda hard not to when you fell from two hundred feet in the air, not fun.”

“Why’d you even appear that far up?” I asked.

“Well I was just taking a friend out on a walk and… well… she dropped me… on purpose.” he then turned away from me. “Which was really RUDE OF YOU!!!!” he yelled. I raised an eyebrow at him.

“You know that if the friend dropped you here, they can’t hear you right now, right?” I asked.

“She has really good hearing, this is for all the times I called her Fluffy.” he said. He turned a bit as if he was watching whoever moved. “I said I was sorry!” he yelled.

“Whatever.” I said. He sighed and looked at me with a smile.

“So… how’ve you been, sure it’s been a day for you but for me it’s been a mouth. You and your girlfriend doing well?” he asked.

“Yeah, everything's fine here.” I said.

“That’s good, how’s the kids? Growing well?” he asked happily.

“Yep.” I said, nodding. I smiled at the thought of them. Jace smiled brightened at it until he looked at me and got a bit closer at me and… looked at me.

“Are… you okay? Like really are you?” he asked me.

“Yeah… why?” I asked. He pointed at me and wiggled his finger.

“Your soul, it’s all twisted and messed up. More so than normal.” he crossed his arms. “It’s odd that you still have your memories with what’s going on with your soul, though it may have something to do with you stuttering when it came to your house, saying that it was gift but was unsure about it.”

“Whoa whoa, my souls fucked up?” I asked. “I think we should focus on that for a little, how much is it fucked up?”

“Well mostly people ask me how I can see them but you're going to the point, your soul is fine, it’s just… twisted.” He shifted around a bit. “I can see your Pokemon godliness there, which I found a book about them I have it with me, but there’s… another thing, probably your succubes side, either the two was put in wrong or someone twisted them around and messing your soul up, this usually causes either death or memory loss.”

“Who would want to do that?” I asked.

“I don’t know, I sure didn’t do it, anyway your soul is twisted and…” he looked at me closer. “Good lord what have you been doing to your soul?! It’s more twisted than ever! Sure you’ll get some memories back but for your soul that’s painful.” he said with a shiver. “Any more and you’ll lose all of your memories.”

“How do I fix it?” I asked, sounding a little scared.

“Mend it.” he simply said as he looked around. “Now before you ask, no. You maybe an all powerful goddess and can do whatever you want, what you're dealing with is soul magic, very powerful magic that needs utmost teachings and most skilled spell weavers. Some people gave their lives to only scratching the surface of this school.” he said. He looked out to the sun for a moment. “But… I for one have a… friend… who allowed me into his library and get to go deeper into that school, so I can help you.”

“Please, do… I don’t want to lose myself or something.” I said. He eyed me for a second and flicked his wrist. As I blinked I was in my living room. He moved stuff away, even making the room bigger, as flames carved out a circle onto the floor. He sat down cross legged at one end of the circle and looked at me and motion to sit in front of him.

I did so, sitting cross legged in front of him. He took some deep breaths as I couped him. “Now, I want you to relax, allow your mind and body to be still, allow them to hear the land around you, hear the voices that were lost from time of old, hear the past, for that walked before, hear… the voice of everything.”

“I wonder what my plates will have to say.” I commented jokingly, before relaxing.

That you have a weird sense of what to do in the bedroom.” one voice said.

Oh come now, she’s young, let her live a little.” another voice said. I blinked a few times at this.

Well… this is interesting.” I thought to myself, staying calm.

This child has misused us for so long! We are not toys! We’re ancient relics of times of old, not somethings that a child to be using!” another said. This made me frown.

Well, Arceus wanted me to find you, so you’ll just have to deal with it, now won’t you?” I thought back to the plate calmly.

Shut it girl!” the plate yelled.

Oh stop, if it wasn’t for her we would have been sitting in those temples for who know’s how long.” one plate, female, said. “I for one am happy she picked us up, it’s nice to be used after so long, not shut up you old grouch.” The other plate grumbled a bit.

“Well, your plates are… interesting. Now that you have their attention have them help you with healing your soul. There are two more that are needed and I’ll find them for you, just… deal with them.” Jace said. I blinked and saw that I was in a dark room. All of the plates were floating around me, glowing.

So, let’s get down to business here.” I thought to the plates. “Healing my soul, don’t want you all going back to the temples because I died, now do we?

“The temples are gone girl, but yes, going back and making new ones is… a bit of a pain.” one of the plates, a brown one that I felt to be the Earth plate, said.

Oh, I do miss my old place, I made a lovely garden, do you agree.” a green one, Medow, said to a different shade of green plate who just buzzed in agreement.

I’ve made plenty of gardens on our little Island here.” I thought to them.

Oh yes and they are lovely! And I have to ask why do you always say that you are alone on this island? For that is not true.” Meadow said.

Wait… what do you mean? I’m the only one that lives here, I haven’t made any pokemon or hell, any normal animals to inhabit it.” I thought back, confused.

Child you were never alone, the elements around you kept you company, the insects the live in your gardens, who by the way are really happy for it as well, right insect?” she asked. The Insect plate buzzed happily. “You did so much to this island that the spirits are happy… though they do question what you do in the bedroom at times.”

Huh… I never made any animals when I made this island, how’d they get here?” I asked.

By nature of course!” another plate, Mind, said. “You may be a goddess but you don’t have full control over nature, that is a magic that no one can tame, it’s alive girl, at first it was sleeping but with you it got kickstarted and now is working to repair everything.”

Well, as much as it can repair, with the only piece of land being this island I have here… think I should help it out a little, make a planet for this Island to float over?” I asked the plates.

It was sad to see the plant go.” one plate, Pixie, said. This one sounded young and sad. “I liked it so much! I’m sad to see it go…” I heard sniffles from it.

Let’s put it to a vote, all in favor of restoring the planet?” I asked all the plates.

That… vote… has already… past~.” one plate, Spooky, said.

The vote was all say yes but one, that one hasn't decided yet.” another, Dread, said. This one made me feel on edge.

Who’s the one?” I asked. They all didn’t say.

You know the one child but we’ll get to that later, for now… your soul.” Meadow said.

Yes, your soul, got to say about time you talk to us, was getting a bit board listening to the others.” the Flame plate said. “You have no idea how boring they all sound, me and sky are bored out of our minds here!”

“Here here!” Sky yelled.

Shut it both of you!” Fist plate yelled. “Now then, we were told that we can help you with fixing your soul.”

Yeah… we should probably get to that.” I thought to them. They all muttered about this with themselves.

I say… we put it to a vote, all in favor with helping say Ai.” Meadow said. “Ai”

“Ai!” Pixel plate yelled.

Ai.” both Deard and Spooky said. As well as Flame, sky, and Iron.

Oh yeah!” Iron yelled out.

Right, now for those in favor with not helping her say Na.” Fist said, “Ni.” The rest other than Insect said Ni.

Hey, what about buggy?” Flame asked.

He and Meadow count as one.” Fist said. Insect buzzed angrily at him. I did a quick count, that’s six yes and six no, wasn’t there one more?”

And of course, Draco doesn’t vote.” Sky said annoyed. I looked over and saw one plate floating by itself not saying anything.

I ‘floated’ over to the plate, tilting my head at it. “Are you alright?” I asked the plate.

I am fine child.” The plate said. “Just thinking.”

Are you sure? You don’t ‘sound’ alright.” I thought to it.

Again, I’m fine… I do have a question for you.” he said.

Then ask it.” I thought to the plate, curious.

Do you feel pain as you destroy so many in front of you?” he asked me

What… do you mean?” I asked, genuinely confused.

All of those so called ‘bots’ you have made and destroy, do you feel sadness for them? Do you feel their pain? They cry out in pain as you used them as ‘target practice’.” he said.

They… were actually alive?” I asked, sounding devastated. “I…” I trialed off, going onto my knees wherever we were.

You what girl, you never stop to think about them, those you created. What would you do if you take those inside your lover and used them as target practice!” He yelled angrily.

I didn’t know they were really alive!” I thought to the plate, starting to ‘cry’. No one said anything as I cried.

Now… tell me, do you feel pain and sadness for those bots you destroyed?” He asked.

I’m never gonna use the bots again!” I thought as a response, curling up and shaking.

Girl.” he said not in anger, but in neutral tone. “That’s not what I asked, do you feel pain and sadness for the bots?” he asked

Y-yes.” I sobbed in the dark room, closing my eyes and curling up more, wrapping my arms around my legs. The plate floated over to the others.

I’m ready to cast my vote in.” he said. I sniffled at this, I know what he’s going to choose, he’s going to say Ni, they’re aren’t going to help me… “I say… Ai.” I shot my head up.

“WHAT! But she destroyed so many of them, yet you said… Ai?” Fist asked. I watched silently, eyes widened, tears in them.

W-why?” I asked him.

Child those bots you destroyed do cry out in pain but they also cry out because the cycle is broken, they can’t be reborn.” he said. “In life, a being is built, then destroyed, and in the ruble it rebuilds. That’s the cycle of life, in an odd way, you’ve been… helping them.”

R-really?” I asked.

Yes child, now all I ask of you is to be mindful of those others you met… we have a lot of work to do.” he said. With that, they all disappeared. I was left alone.

H-hello?” I called, looking around, startled that I was suddenly alone. I looked around and saw Jace standing some feet away, looking away.

Jace, how’s the soul repair going?” I asked, going over to him. He didn’t say anything. “Jace?” I walked over to him. I got about a foot before he turned. What I saw was him… with solid grey eyes. He grins and before I could do anything he grabbed me by the throat, I saw that instead of a hand, it was some beast claw.

My, my, what a delicious being we have here.” he said. This wasn’t Jace, it’s something else, something… that is making me scared. “What’s wrong girl? Afraid?

Who are you?” I thought to the being.

Something… old… something before your time… something… Hungry…” the thing said as it’s mouth turned into a beast's mouth. My eyes widen at this, I’m… going to be eaten? I watched as it’s mouth opened and took my head. I saw bones in it’s mouth.

“Hey! Stop that!” I heard a voice. The beast took it’s mouth away and looked angrily at… Jace?

Stay out of this, I haven’t eaten for months!” the beast yelled.

“Lier, you had something a few weeks about.” he said as he walked up to us. “Now we had a deal, you don’t mess with my friends and I don’t mess with your hunts, got it?”

...Fine…” the beast said as he dropped me. The two glared at each other.

“Did you find him?” Jace asked.

“...Yes… I found your so called god, no more than a fly to me.” The beast said.

“Thank you, now go.” Jace said. The beast growled as he disappeared. Jace kneeled down and offer his hand. “Sorry about that, he get’s cranky when he’s hungry.”

Something tells me he’s always cranky.” I thought to him, taking the hand and letting him help me up.

“Not all the time, he’s like a pet, I feed him.” Jace said.

I HEARD THAT!” The beast yelled. Jace rolled his eyes.

“Yeah yeah, shut up, now for your soul mending is this way.” Jace said as we started to walk, well I floated as he walked.

So… how are we doing this?” I asked. I then saw a light flash which I had to cover my eyes. I heard a whistle from Jace.

“Got to say, love the place, my soul room is like a cabin in the mountains.” he said as I looked at my… soul room.

It was similar to my house, in that it was made of crystal, but seemed to be a castle instead. I looked forward and saw my soul, it was small but twisted. Just looking at it made me feel like I was in pain.

Can we fix my soul soon, please?” I asked, sounding pained.

“Of course, with them.” Jace pointed above me and I saw the plates floating there. “And them.”

I looked forward and saw Princess Celestia, Luna and Arceus. They all walked up to us.

“So… you are the one that holds my plates?” Arceus said.

Umm you already knew that.” Luna said to him.

“So?” he asked. The two sighed and shrugged.

Greetings Ita, we have watched as you progressed this far.” Celestia said.

How’s the afterlife been?” I thought to the three, tilting my head.

To be honest, boring.” Luna said.

“Sister, please…” Celestia started.

“Hey, you know it to be true, you’re stuck in the sun for a long time, I don’t like the fact that I’m stuck in the moon… AGAIN!” Luna retorted. “All I have to talk to is that moon bat!”

If you want, when the world is restored, I could bring you two back.” I offered.

Oh we know that we’re coming back, you know the whole rebirth kinda thing.” Luna said as she stretches. “It’s going to be Soooo good to have a body back! The question is am I going to be a filly or as is?”

That’s up to the new goddess to decide.” Arceus said to her then looked at me. “We are here to lend aid to restoring your soul, but you need to do one last trial.”

What’s the trial?” I asked. There was a loud sound coming from behind me as a purple and pink light filled the room.

“And that’s our que to leave.” Jace said as he and the other three leave. I turned around to see a demon… no a Succubus.

“Hey there me, how’s it going?” she said as she strutted in. She wore slutty outfit that barely fits her, her breasts were enormous and her hips were wider.

I’m ninety percent certain I’ve already faced a dark me.” I idly commented as I watched her approach, ever so slightly turned on by the other me.

“Oh her? Naa that’s not me, I’m your succubus part.” she said

So, do you know what this ‘trial’ is supposed to be, succu-me?” I asked. She giggled at me.

“Oh I like you.” she purred. “Well as much as I don’t like to do trials, mostly I want to suck some guy off or some girls breasts I’m here to… ‘help’ you with your soul.” she said with a wink.

And how are you supposed to ‘help’ me?” I asked, crossing my arms.

“Because unlike your darker half I don’t want you to die, and if you die I die and that’s bad, there’s so much to see, so much to do… so many people to do.” she said with a grin. She then crossed her arms, crushing her breasts more. “If I had it my way I would of turned your dark half into a big breasted bimbo that can’t live without cum and cock for ten minutes but you were in control at the time, anyway I’m not going to just come over and just help you, you have to… convince me.” she said.

Would this help to ‘convince’ you?” I asked, making a cock about four times the normal size appear on me, it peeking out of the pants I was wearing. She just laughs at me, her laugh sending pleasant chills through me.

“Oh I really do like you, but no.” she said as she waves her hand, making the cock disappear.”

Then no cock for you I guess.” I thought, shrugging. “So how DO I convince you?

“How about this, You get fucked by me and I’ll help, simple as that.” she said.

Really? That’s it? I was gonna come back in here and take turns with you anyway.” I thought to her, snapping my fingers and making my clothes appear, turning and waving my ass at her seductively.

“OH I really do love you, but as you know I’m a succubus so I can turn into anything I want for pleasure, you can to after some training, and… I sense a kink that I would LOVE to try.”

What’s that?” I asked, turning to her. She smiles and snapped her fingers. Her body started to change, her breasts shrank down a bit as do her hips, her hair turned into an orange colour as cat ears popped out of her head and her tail turned into on of a cat. Her belly became much larger as if she’s pregnant with kids. My eyes widen at what I’m seeing.

Did you just turn yourself into a pregnant neko?” I asked.

“Excuse me but that’s Faunus, oh and I forgot one thing.” she said as she puts on a collar. “Hello… ‘Mistress’.”

I thought you wanted to fuck me, not get fucked by me.” I thought to her, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh I do mistress, I’m just showing you what I look like when I’m almost ready to give birth~” Succu-Viri said to me. She started to rub her belly at me. “I have to say, I saw this kink when you first got me pregnant, to see your kitty big with your babies. Am I wrong?”

I did muse about fucking her like that, but I don’t want to harm the kids.” I thought with a shrug. She clap her hands together.

“This is why I love you mistress! You always put me first but don’t worry, you're not going to hurt them, we’re going to keep that promise we made all that time ago.” she said.

And that promise is? We’ve made a lot.” I reminded succu-viri, a little amused. She then puts her fingers under her belly and over her pussy. After a moment a large cock appeared, it would of went to her mouth but it was stopped by her belly.

“The next child we’re having, you’re bearing.” she said with a flick of her wrist the room changed to a bedroom. She was now laying on the bed waiting. “So mistress, want to be impregnated by your kitty?”

This won’t carry-over to the real world?” I asked as I walked over to her.

“Well… no, I am you… well I’m a deep fantasy that you want to be knocked up by your lover as she’s has your kids but again I’m you, unless you can bring me to the real world it won’t carry-over.” she giggled. “This place is a good place to try your deepest desires, hell since your a goddess you can bring your lover over for some fun~”

A ‘no’ would’ve sufficed.” I thought, crawling on the bed over to her and taking her giant cock in my hand, slowly teasing it.

“Mmm, yes that’s nice.” she said. “Use both hands, use your body to tease me.”

Alright.” I thought, using both hands to wrap my boobs around her cock, giving the head of it a teasing lick. She moans at this as she fondle her breasts. She looked at me and smirked.

“Hey, open your mouth for a second.” she asked. I nodded and opened my mouth a bit. She fondled her breast some more until milk shot out of them and into my mouth. I closed my mouth and blinked in confusion.

Nice shot” I commented idly, before wrapping my mouth around the head of her cock.

“Thanks, Mmm, I always wanted to do that.” she moans as I sucked her cock. It… tasted amazing. This was the best cock I had. I blinked a few time and thought about it. ‘She’s a succubus, of course it would be.’

I slowly took more of her into my mouth, making sure to pleasure the rest of her with my hands as I did, making my tongue vibrate as I lengthened it, wrapping it around her shaft. She giggled and cooed at me.

“Does mistress like my cock? Is she ready for it inside her?” she asked me. I simply smirked as a response, making my tongue go back to normal, standing and turning, slowly lowering myself so I was teasing the cock head with my pussy.

“No~ Babe not like that, I want you to look at me, I want you to see me.” she asked me. Half of me wanted to be her mistress and say that she was talking back to me… but the other half wanted to see her as is.

I guess, since you’ve been good.” I thought to her, turning back around and slowly lowering onto the cock more. We both moaned at this as I felt her entire shaft was inside me, inside my womb.

“Mmm, yes… mistress there’s two things I want to show you.” Viri said.

What is it?” I asked the copy-cat, moaning a little as I grinded on her. She took my hands and led them to her belly and placed them there.

“Now… wait.” she said. I looked at her confused… until I felt it, a kick, a few kicks. “Do you feel that?”

The babies are eager to see their mommy and daddy.” I thought, smiling a little as I started to bounce on her.

“Yes, our babies Ita, theses are going to be ours kids, ones that we will raise together. With love for both of them.” she then frowned. “But there’s also fear in you, you fear that you wouldn’t be good enough for them, for all of us.”

Hey, it’s your job to worry there, Viri” I thought with a smirk, bouncing more. She shook her head.

“You always worry about us, you made sure that we were safe at all times, it’s understandable that you worry about being a good parent.” she said as she thrust into me a few times, making me moan a bit.

I try not to bring myself down with too much worry about that parent stuff.” I thought to her, bouncing more, making my pussy vibrate.

“You always act so tough in front of me, it’s so cute.” she said as she sat up and hugged me. I felt her cock twitch in me, her belly on mine as I felt the two lives in her. She then kissed my neck. “You don’t need to act so tough in front of me, I do want to see the softer side of you. I want to see you cry tears of joy as you hold our children.” she said in my ear.

Do… you think she actually feels that way, succu-me?” I asked.

“Ita.” her voice changed to her own. “I can sense her thoughts from inside you, She does feel this way for you, and so much more. She loves you with every bit of her body and wants you to be happy. She loves you that much.”

I’ll be sure to remember that when I get back outside.” I replied simply. “For now… it’s time to step it up a little!” I exclaimed, bouncing faster and harder, making my pussy vibrate even more as I started to play with her breasts and nibble on her neck. At this moment I felt… different. I felt… happy, for the first time of my life, I feel so happy as I replayed what she said to me in my head.

“Yes! That’s what I love about you! Mistress you're going to make me cum soon!” she yelled, I felt my own climax coming. “Mistress, tell me what you want me to do.”

“Cum in me!” I ordered, clenching around her and moaning loudly in pleasure as I came. I felt her cum inside me, ropes of thick cum went inside my womb as we moaned together. Her breasts sprayed milk as she came… and so did mine. I wanted to question it but I was moaning to much to care. We stayed like that until I pulled off her and flopped beside her.

“So, did that feel good?” she asked me. She took hold of my breast and sucked it a few times.

Yes… now, about my soul?” I asked.

“Yes yes, one moment and this might freak you out but it would last for a minute.” she said as she puts her hand on my stomach. I watched as it began to balloon out until I was the same size as her. She then took both my hands and put them on my belly. “You felt them inside me, now this… could be something you would feel if you want.”

I stared at my belly as I felt a kick. There’s life inside me. I was pregnant with a child. I blinked a few times as I started to cry a bit.

“So, what do you feel, lover?” she asked me.

Happy.” I said simply, smiling. She smiled and leaned down to kiss me. I blinked and I saw she changed back to her succubus form.

“Well, you convinced me.” she said as she snapped her fingers. I blinked and I was standing back in the soul room with the rest. I saw that I had my cloths on and I wasn’t pregnant anymore. I rubbed my belly and felt… sad.

They returned.” Celestia said. Luna looked over at Jace, who was sitting crossed legged and headphones on, and smacked him.

She’s done.” she said. He looked at her and then at me.

“What? Oh! You're done, good now let's get this show on the road.” he said as he standed up.

“The show, just happened.” Succu-me said. He rolled his eyes and looked at the soul.

“Right, so this is the last part, all you have to do is reach out to your soul and feel for the parts that are Twisted and… loosen them.” he explained. He waved at there rest of them. “The rest are here to help you, are you ready?”

I looked down at my belly and rubbed. I felt a little life there, just waiting for me. “I’m ready.” I thought to them, looking up with a determined look on my face.

I did as he said, reaching out and feeling for the twisted parts of my soul, carefully loosening them. One by one I loosened them until the last one was loosened and I was done. I looked around and saw the room a bit brighter.

“Good job, I have to say with a little studying and training you could be a master at Soul magic.” Jace said. He looked around for a bit. “Now there’s one thing I got to warn you about, as soon as you return to your body all of your memories will return to you in one go.”

Ugh… I can feel the headache incoming.” I thought to him. “And maybe you have some stuff you can spare so I can train in soul magic? It seems… interesting.”

“I… have to ask the guy who showed me, if he’s in a good mood maybe.” he said as he looked at the other three. “I thank you all for the help and soon you’ll have your bodies back.”

They nodded and disappeared. The plates returned to where they came from and succu-me hugged me.

“Been fun darling, and remember.” she then groaped my chest a bit. “Come by anytime, we’ll have so much fun, bring friends!” and with that she was gone.

Now that that’s out of the way.” I started, shaking that off. “How about we start with discussing how we wanna make the new world?” I suggested to the plates, smirking.

“Later, you have to deal with your memories… and I have to deal with your girlfriend.” Jace sighed at this. “Hope you like tea!”

Whatever, I’m gonna go get my memories back, then I’ll talk with the plates about how we’re making the world again.” I decided, waking myself up. As soon as I woke up, I felt a massive headache, yelping in pain and clutching my head.

“Ita!” Viri yelled as she was at my side. “Are you okay? You weren’t moving and I was worried and…” she glared at Jace. “What did you do to ITA!” she yelled.

“Hey hey I did nothing, but for right now I got some tea to make.” he said as he stood up and walked out of the room.

“Ow… no yelled, please.” I said, groaning and whimpering a little, clutching my wisp-hair more.

“Oh I’m sorry Ita, but what happened? Are you okay?” she asked me. I looked at her and saw that she was Vi and she at the point of tears. Tears of worry, worry for me and only me.

“Memories flooding me… I need to lay down.” I told her. She nodded and helped me to the couch, putting my head on her lap.

“There, do you need anything?” she asked me.

“No… I’m just gonna sleep… process things.” I told her, closing my eyes and falling asleep.

A couple hours later…

When I woke up, I was on the couch alone, sitting up and looking around, tilting my head. “Kitty? Where are ya?” I called.

“Right here.” I heard her. I looked over and see her, both of her, both Vi and Ri where near me, but Ri was twitching a bit. She let out a moan as she bit her lip.

“You have a vibrator in you, don’t you?” I asked Vi and Ri, raising an eyebrow.

“I don’t but she does, this is a bit of… punishment for running in and yelling what’s going on while you were sleeping.” Vi said as she shifted a bit, feeling what Ri is feeling.

“You bitch, when I get you…” she was cut off by a moan.

“Okay, I lied I have a vibrator in me at low while she has hers on high.” she smiles innocently.

“You two are… odd.” I heard Jace. I turned to see him push a cup of hot tea in front of me. “This will help with the headache.”

“It’s gone… but I’ll take the tea anyway.” I said, taking and calmly sipping the tea. It tasted like… chocolate.

“Why’s it chocolate flavoured?” I asked, drinking more.

“Oh so it’s chocolate for you?! The plant I used is special from my world that helps with headaches. The taste is different per person.”

“Neat.” I said, shrugging and finishing it. “Now, to deal with the planet.” I said, getting up and floating towards the door.

“Yep, but who’s the other guy here? I sense him sleeping and I can tell he’s an displacement.” Jace said.

“You can meet him later.” I said, waving him off as I continued outside. As I got outside I took a deep breath and let it out with a smile. Then heard a loud roar from nearby.

“Ahh shit, forgot about her.” Jace said as he stepped out with my two kittens.

“Who’s ‘her’?” I asked, sighing.

“Her.” he said as he pointed forward. I looked and saw something big, black and has blue flames coming off it. I put up a Protect as it landed right outside of it. As the dust settles I saw what landed.

“God damn it, I told you to not do that.” Jace said as he walked forward. It growled at him for a bit. “Why are you still mad, you dropped me from two hundred feet in the air!” more growling. “Oh that’s just mean.”

“I am very amused with this entire conversation.” I commented, giggling. The wyvern looked at me and… chuckled?

“Oh don’t take her side, Zin is already a pain as is!” Jace said as he groans. He looked at the wyvern as she looked at him. “Aren’t you going to say hello?”

“Sup.” I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

“Hello.” Vi and Ri said. The wyvern looked over at Jace for a moment. He sighs.

“You really need to learn how to do that yourself without your dad.” he said. “Ita, Viri… and other Viri meet Zinnia, the daughter of the guy that’s going to help with remaking the world.” he said. I just started at the wyvern as she stared back.

“I can remake the planet with just me and the plates.” I said, crossing my arms.

“Yeah well, it seems that the guy who’s coming wants to see this happen.” Jace said. Zinnia looked at him and smacks his head. “Ow! What was that- no I didn’t tell them who he is, ugg fine fine.” he says angrily. “I’m going to say this once and only once, the guy who’s coming is something called a Displacer, he’s the one who displaced me and my sister, he’s somewhat picky on who he picks, also Zin here is named after someone from someone he knows, never ask who but it’s nothing, anyway he should be here…”

As he said that the whole place shook. I looked up at the sky and saw the clouds slowly disappeared and a large dragon appeared. This dragon… was bigger than any dragon I had seen.

“Tell him to shrink a little before his gravity fucks up the solar system, please.” I deadpanned.

Is that how you greet others? My you really have been picked by her.” a voice said.

“I just don’t really care.” I said, shrugging. “Now shrink before you mess up my universe.”

The dragon looked down at me and disappeared before reappearing in front of us. He had black hair and tan skin, his eyes were a dark red. He wore a black shirt with red flames on it and cargo shorts. He scowled at all of us.

“Hi mr scowly.” I commented, turning a little. “Now that you're here, I can finally make the planet.” He looked at me and did a once over.

“Yup, you’re hers, I can tell by her smell.” he said. He had a deep voice.

“Talkin bout Patty?” I asked, tilting my head. He scowled a bit more.

“You mean the slut? Yes I do mean her.” he said with a sigh.

“She’s part succubus, what’d you expect from her?” I asked, raising a eyebrow as I started floating towards the edge of my island.

“I don’t see the difference.” he said.

“Good, then she’s being a good succubus.” I said with a mischievous wink. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow, and scowled less.

“After this is done I need to talk to you alone. It be short, now you have a planet to make.” he said.

“Yeah yeah.” I said, waving him off and floating over the edge of the island, smirking and cracking my neck. “You all just look over the edge or something to watch.” I called back to the group.

“Come on Ita, let’s see you be a goddess!” Jace yelled.

Smirking, I snapped my fingers, making my bottle appear above me. I caught it, grabbing the lid and twisting, opening it and shrouding me in energy. I glowed as I grew to my Unbound form, feeling the power pulse off of me.

I floated down, growing more as I did until I reached a decent distance, now the size of a continent. I curled up where I was, a golden orb surrounding me as I built up my more creation based power, the plates appearing around me and slowly orbiting me.

“Oooo” I heard Ri said. I smirked.

“I wish I got some pop-OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR.” Jace yelled.

“For being an asshole, also calling me Fluffy.” a new voice said


“Shhh, I’m watching this.” Vi said. “Look kids, your daddy is building a planet.”

I brought my six arms out, flexing them, before I shot straight, ROARing so loudly and ferociously that even the Displacer present took a step back, the built up power escaping me in a golden wave, land forming where the wave passed, shortly followed by plants springing up and wildlife appearing. After a while, the oceans formed, sealife and small islands appeared dotted around the world as the wave reached the poles.

Ice formed next, large continents worth at the ‘top’ and ‘bottom’ of the round planet that was being formed. Clouds appeared in its skies, as birds and other air animals appeared. I sent another burst of power then, pokemon of all kinds appearing in their rightful habitats, though no legendaries were to be found.

I floated back up to the island, plates returning to me as I shrunk back to my adult form, closing the cap on my bottle as I landed in front of the group, smirking. Before I could do anything I felt Vi tackle-hug me.

“Your amazing Ita.” she said as she hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back.

“Yeah, that was… uh cool but uh… can I ask if it’s okay if you TAKE THESE THINGS OUT OF ME!!!” Ri yelled at us. The two looked at one another.

“Maybe if you ask like a good pet.” I said, shooting her a mischievous look. She looked at me and bit her lip, I saw that she wasn’t wearing a collar.

“You need a collar.” I said, looking at Vi, I snapped my fingers, making a copy of it appear and floating over to Ri, putting it on her. “Much better.”

I saw her eyes go wide as she shook in place. Her pants got very wet as she tried to stand. She turned and started to stumble way from the group. I heard Vi gasping at me and smiled.

“That… pushed her over the edge.” she whispered at me.

I laughed at this, snapping my fingers and removing the vibraters from them, making them appear in my closet for later. “Well, the displacer here wanted a chat?” I said, turning to him.

“Yes, first of all good work on making a world, I’ve seen many try and most fail, at making a world.” He said as he looks at it. “Still missing some things but they come in time.”

“I can’t do all the work for nature.” I commented, smirking. He nodded as he waved his hand. A small box appeared in front of me.

“That’s for you and Patty, if she swings around give it to her and it might… turn the tables on her.” he said with, and I’m not lying, a smile.

“Nice.” I said, putting it in my hammerspace for later. “I’ll be sure to remember that.”

“Just tell her, old Rirpar says hello.” he says.

“Oi, there’s no legendaries down there.” Jace said as he looked over with a book out. “Doing something new?”

“No… I just don’t want to make them yet… and I want to avoid one in particular.” I said, growling.

“Okay.” he said closing his book. I saw that it had a leather cover with a pokeball on it. I turned to Rirpar as he was talking to someone that I haven’t seen yet. A woman with large tits that were covered by a black and red bikini and some jean shorts. Her hair was short and black like Rirpar and her one eye was red while the other is blue. She had tone tan skin and looked perfect.

“I know that look~” Vi said to me.

“Shaddup.” I said simply, rolling my eyes at her.

“Well… I got to say she’s quite a looker.” she said. I saw her biting her lip a bit.

“Down kitten.” I ordered, spanking her. She ‘eep!’ at this.

“S-sorry.” she said.

“It’s okay.” I said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders in a one armed hug and bringing her in, absent-mindedly doing the same for Ri.

“H-hey!” she yelled and looked around. “Wasn’t I in the house?”

“Magic.” I said simply, giggling and holding the two close. “And I wanted my two kittens here with me, so you’ll have to deal with it.”

“Right…” Ri muttered a bit. I leaned over at her to whisper in her ear.

“Just know that later, you’re going to get punished for some things that you’ve done.” I said. I felt her shiver at this and a smile at me.

“Oooo, is Mistress going give this kitty a harsh punishment?” Ri asked.

“Yep.” I said, smirking. “I’m gonna bring you to the brink… and not let you cum while I let my good kitty here.” I started, hugging Vi tighter. “Cum all she wants.”

“Thank you mistress.” Vi said. I looked at Ri trying to look shocked at this but I saw the corners of her mouth curling up and a sound rang out.

Oooo, that sound fun~ Want to know some spells about some cum denial? I know one that makes it that when good kitty cums bad kitties pleasure builds.” a voice said in my head. I blinked at I heard succu-me.

Sure, I’ll be sure to give you a round later as thanks.” I thought to succu-me, smirking inwardly.

See you then babe oh and for the hell of it call me Lilly, better than succu-me but less funny.” she said. I smiled as I saw the new girl walking up to me.

“Sup.” she said. Now I looked at her I saw that around her eyes there were black scales and small black horns coming out of her head.

“Hello.” I greeted, smiling.

“Yeah sorry for the odd welcome from before, I’m still not good at transforming out of my other form.” she puts her hand out. “Names Zinnia and yes, Jace is an ass.”

“HEY!” he yelled.

“So, this is what you look like out of your dragon form? I like.” I said, smirking.

“Wyvern, I’m a Wyvern.” she said. “Got it from my mom and-” she stopped and looked me and got closer to look at me. “Say… have we… met before? You looked familiar.”

“I don’t think so.” I said honestly. “I mean, I just got my memories back, so I may just not remember you, but still.” She stared at me for some time.

“I’m getting this feeling that I should know you from somewhere… ba probably nothing, so what was I saying before?” she asked me.

“You got your looks from your mom and.” I told her,

“Right, yes I got my looks and speed from my mom and my temper and strength from my dad.” she smiled and posed. “Half Wyvern queen blood, half Ancient dragon blood, oh yeah!”

“Neat.” I said, shrugging.

“You know it! Good in a fight,” she said as she did a few air punches before looking at me. “And in bed… wait why did I say that?” she turned and sat crossed legged as she muttered to herself.

“You ready to prove that second one?” I asked seductively into her ear, smirking.

“Hey! What about us!” Ri said angrily at me.

“I was gonna ask her to join us, but if my pets are being naughty, then you two can just be tied up and watch.” I said calmly.

“Hey I didn’t say anything.” Vi said as Ri looked at me and started to daydream about what I just said.

“H-Hey! I’m right here. And I have to say that this kind of talk is not good for me!” Zin said angrily at me. I saw her eyes shift a bit and lent in. “Un~till my dad leaves then I’m up for it.” she whispers.

“Well, If that’s all you were here for?” I asked her dad, pretending we didn’t just have that conversation.

“Somewhat, my displacement here has said that you’re interested in Soul magic.” he said. He crossed his arms and stared at me.

“Little bit, yeah, I like having as much variety in my abilities as possible.” I told him, nodding. He stared at me as his eyes glowed a bit.

“Hmm, I could always have another student, as much as my daughter has said my last student is, as she calls him, an ass.”

“I’m right here!” Jace yelled.

“Quite, anyway I would be here all the time but,” he made a book appeared and hand it to me. “Here’s your first lesson, read this book.”

I grabbed the book, and for everyone else, I seemed to blur as I tried to read through it quickly… wait it was blank!

“Why’s it blank?” I asked, bringing time back to normal. He chuckled.

“You figure it out.” he said before turning.

“Something tells me it has something to do with…” I trailed off, mumbling. I watch as The Displacer put a hand on his daughter.

“Take care of yourself.” he said before vanishing.

“I will.” she muttered.

“So, who’s ready for some fun?” I asked, pocketing the book away for now.

“I don’t know about you all, and really I think I got an idea what’s going to happen, but mind if I go down to the new world to look around?” Jace asked.

“Sure, don’t kill anything or I’ll erase you!” I said joyfully, turning with my kittens and walking towards my house. I looked back and saw Zin walking with towards me with a look, and Jace… as he jumps off the island.

“He’s fine, he’s used to it.” Zin said to me.

“Whatever.” I said, shrugging. We got inside, me snapping my fingers as we went in, going into a room that had a big bed and a chest nearby with various toys.

“Where was this room?” Vi asked me.

“I just made it.” I said, giggling and pulling a lever, making some other more bondage type things appear.

“Oh my…” Ri said as she saw this. I saw a bit of drool come out of her mouth.

“Is she okay?” Zin asked me.

“Don’t mind her, she’s just being a pervy kitty.” I said, giggling as I snapped my fingers, removing everyones clothes and making them re-appear on a chair.

“My how forward we are.” Zin said.

Oooo where did you find her! She's special.” Lilly said

A place.” I replied cryptically.

“Now, to set up the naughty kitty…” I said, snapping my fingers, making said kitten appear suspended from the ceiling, tied up and in a latex suit that left her pussy and tits exposed, a gag in her mouth and vibrators in her on low. She moaned out at this.

Okay, some more fun touch everyone and leave a bit of your magic then put it on her, say something that has something to do with him denial and I'll deal with their rest.” Lilly said. “Also when your near you dragon friend look at her crotch, there's a surprise she's hiding.”

Okay… “ I thought back, going over to the two kittens and doing so, before looking down after walking to the Wryvern to see what she was hiding. At first I saw nothing but I saw some outlines of a cock there.

Bingo! You found yourself a herm!” Lilly yelled. “And a wyvern one with a bit of dragon, their fun~”

“So, how long did ya think you could hide this from me?” I asked the Wyvern, reaching down and cupping her crotch.

“Huh, what are you-” I stopped her as I took her cock. Her eyes widen at this. “ Y-you found out!?”

“I’m part succubus dear, of course I would.” I said, giggling. “Kitten!” I called. “Come pleasure her for me please.”

“N-no!” she yelled as she backed away. She looked at all of us as whatever spell covered her cock was gone, the I saw the monster. It was bigger and thicker than Kens.

“On second thought, I’ll do it myself.” I said, licking my lips as I knelt down, grabbing her shaft and giving the head a lick.

“No!” She pulled away from me.

“What’s wrong?” I asked gently.

“Don't look at me, I'm ugly!” she yelled.

“Who told you that?” I asked, frowning.

“You don't understand, you think that I look like a dragon that I am one but wyverns are different!”

“What’s that supposed to do with all this?” I asked, confused. “I don’t care what you are, you look fine to me.”

“For you sure for other wyverns this ‘'thing’ is bad.” Zin said

“Why’s that? I don’t see any problems with having a cock, I can grow one on me whenever I want.” I said.

“Ita, I think it's more a cultural thing.” Vi said a Ri moans loudly.

“Alright, fine, I can remove it for you, if you want.” I offered.

“You can't.” Zin said, now a bit calmed down.

I raised a eyebrow, walking forwards and grabbing it, making it glow and shrink into a normal clit. It glowed but my spell broke.

“Fine.” I growled a little. “I’ll just not use a spell and manipulate your D.N.A. directly.”

“You. Can't!” she yelled.

“Watch me!” I said, making her cock shrink into a clit by changing her a little.

“Can you let me talk.” she said moving away from me.

“I’m trying to help you.” I said, before calming myself. “But fine.”

“Look back home, ancient dragons used to rule the world, skipping some boring stuff but they were prideful which was passed down to the dragons. To be female and have a cock is a disgrace to them but for wyverns it's the opposite, if I get rid of it then I would be disgracing my mom's race.”

“Then why won’t you let me play with it? Just focus on the Wyvern half.” I said.

“It's kinda hard when your dad is the king of all dragons in a few universes.” she paused at this and looked at me. “You… don't think it's ugly? That I'm ugly?”

“I know you're a goddess and all but you took things a bit fast there, try talking things out before you go, zappy zappy.” Lilly said.

“Of course I don’t.” I said to her, standing and putting a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. She looked at my hand for a moment.

“Alright… maybe I can give it a try… sorry for freaking before.” Zin said as she stood up blushing.

“That’s the spirit!” I said happily.

“Mistress, what do you want me to do?” I heard Vi asked me.

“Play with this for now.” I said, snapping my fingers and making a very realistic looking and feeling dildo appear in front of her. “I’m gonna help out our Wyvern friend.”

“K!” she yelled and took the toy. I looked at the wyvern as she blushes and her monster laid in front of me.

“So.” I said, reaching slowly to her giant cock. “Take it slow?” I asked.

“Y-yeah… haven't had anyone do anything to it before because… you know.” she said.

“Alright.” I said, taking her cock gently in one hand, lightly playing it. “Just tell me when you think you can handle more.” she nodded as I continued. Slowly it started to get hard… and it was a bit bigger than I thought, it's so big that she could get herself off by it… wait.

I decided to ignore this, stroking her with both hands now, giving her cocks head a teasing lick. She moans at this as her hips jerked a bit. I saw her smiling a bit a this.

“Enjoying it?” I asked, smirking.

“Y-yeah… I want to continue but… can you take it?” she asked. I heard a giggle from Vi as she heard this. She had the dildo in front of her as she had it in between her breasts.

I raised a eyebrow, accepting the challenge, Wrapping my mouth around the head and looking the Wryvern in the eye as I slowly took all of her cock in my mouth. Her eyes widened as I did so.

“W-wow, you're something else.” she moaned

Smirking inwardly, I wrapped my tongue around the cock in me, making it and my throat vibrate, humming as I started bobbing my head on her cock. She moaned loudly as I did that.

“Mmm… yes… more…” she moaned teasing her breasts a bit.

I smirked, reaching under her cock as I bopped on her, putting two fingers into her pussy and thrusting in and out of it. She gasped as she looked at me.

“More… more!” I saw her eyes change more draconic as she stood up and pushed her cock in my mouth forcefully. I blinked in surprise as she tries to hilt in my mouth.

I let her, constricting my throat around her cock and bobbing harder and faster, sucking on her now as I thrust my fingers into her more. She growled at me as she facefucked me harder. I felt her cock throb a bit as she went faster, trying to cum in my mouth.

I decided to let her, drinking the cum as I went into my mouth, not spilling a single drop, pulling my head off the now softer cock after it was over, smirking up at her. She grinned as her eyes turn to normal, then it turned into shock.

“Was I that good?” I faux asked, giggling. She backed away from me.

“Oh lords… I-I’m… I didn't mean to lose control like that.” she said.

“It’s fine, I don’t mind you being a little rough.” I assured her, smiling gently and standing, turning around and bending forward, looking back at her as I spread my cheeks with my hands. “Now how about you put that big cock in here?” I asked, shaking my ass.

Seeing that, her cock re-harden at this. She walked over and poked her cock at my pussy.

“You sure you can take it? I'm pretty big.” she said, rubbing her cock on my pussy.

“Just fuck me already.” I demanded. She kept rubbing her cock but didn't try to put it in. I looked at her angrily but saw her face, it was red and some what confused. Did she know what she needed to do?

“You put it in this one.” I said, pushing back against her when her cock was centered with my pussy, making the head partially go in.

“Oh-oh wow.” she moans. She looked at me and blushed. “Umm… do I… push in? Really this, other than blowjobs I don't really know.”

“Yes.” I said. “You push in and out.” she nodded as she slowly pushed in me. I took about two inches in me as she pulled out and back in again.

“It feels better the more you put in.” I said, rolling my eyes a little.

“I-I know! It just…” she blush a bit more. “This… is my first time doing this.”

“Here.” I said, moving forward and turning, leading her so she was laying on the bed. “Let me take control.” I told her, stepping onto the bed and dropping myself all the way down to her crotch, moaning loudly, a bulge visible on me.

“O-oh wow… and you don't feel pain?” Zin asked as she stared at the bulge.

“Nope.” I said, moaning a little as I slowly went back up. “Succubus, remember?”

“Oh… right…” she said. I giggled as I looked up. I saw Vi on her dildo bobbing her hips slowly as she moans. Ri was still was hanging as her hips bucked a few times, moaning into the ball gag.

I started speeding up, going up and down faster, playing with the Wyverns chest as I bounced on her cock, making myself vibrate. She moaned as she did the same with me. She may be new to this, but she wasn't with her hands. I saw her lick her lips with her tongue, her dragon tongue, hmmm...

I leaned down, taking her tongue in my mouth and wrapping my own around it, teasing her nipples as she started thrusting into me on her own. She moans in my mouth as her tongue got longer and wrap around mine. She looked at me as she raised an eyebrow.

I simply winked, suddenly constricting tightly around her cock as I wrestled her tongue with mine, dominating it and forcing it back into her mouth, exploring hers. She pushed back as… something liquid pushed it's way into our mouths. I swallowed a little, before pushing back firmly, keeping our tongue war in her mouth. I felt her swallow the rest as I felt a burning feeling in my loins the made me thrust on her faster and harder. She did the same with me as she pulled her head away.

“L-like my… t-trick?” she asked as I slammed my hips into hers.

“Y-yeah… close?” I asked, feeling her throb. She nodded as she thrust faster.

“Y-you can cum in me.” I told her, making my pussy vibrate more around her cock. She thrust a few more times until she did one last time and she came in me. Her cum was thick and sticky as it coated my pussy walls. She moans out as her tongue rolled out of her mouth, smiling.

“Have fun?” I asked, hand going on my now bulging stomach. She looked at it for a moment.

“Yeah, nomaly cumming inside world be bad since my race is very fertile both ways but…” she trails off at me.

“I choose when I get pregnant, don’t worry.” I assured her, slowly getting off her, cum leaking out of me and onto her. “Kitten, come clean this, won’t you?” I called.

“H-hold on.” Vi said as she thrusted the dildo into her until she came. Ri shook at this as her pleasure was building more. Vi sighed and stood up and walked over. “Yes mistress?”

“Come clean us.” I ordered, laying next to the Wyvern, legs spread. She nodded and started to clean us, drinking the cum off of us. Zin raised an eyebrow at me.

“She’s ok with this?” she asked.

“If she wasn’t she wouldn’t be doing it.” I said, giving my kitty an affectionate pet to tell her she was doing good. She purrs as she finished with me. She licked her lips and thought about it.

“Oddly tasty, like BBQ.” she said. I looked at Zin.

“It’s true, tasted it myself.” she said with a grin.

“Whatever.” I said, shrugging. “Now, how about I fuck you?” I suggested to the Wyvern. She blinked at me.

“Really?” she asked.

I simply made my cock grow as a response, smirking at her and stroking it.

“Oh… well sure, but what about… her?” Zin asked as she pointed at Vi, who was licking her cock as we’re talking.

“She doesn’t mind waiting a little longer, I’ll be sure to fill her after I’m done with you.” I said. Vi nodded happily as she finished and backed away as I got closer.

“You’re not going to impregnate me are you?” she asked.

“That’s a privilege only for my kittens.” I told her, moving between her legs and teasing her pussy with my cock. I felt arms around me as Vi hugged me.

“Thank you Mistress.” she said

“No problem, slutty kitten.” I said, kissing her. “Now, suck off our friend here while I fuck her brains out.”

“Okay!” she said as we got into positions as Vi looked at Zin cock. “Umm I may not be able to take it all, sorry.”

“That’s okay pet, just do your best.” I assured, tapping her reassuringly before thrusting into Zin slowly. She moans as Vi started to suck her cock.

“Oh lord, that’s good!” she yelled as she moans.

I smirked, thrusting into her a little harder as my cock started to vibrate. She moans as her breasts started to bounce from the force of my thrusts. Vi started to stroke her cock with her body as she grind on her as she bobbed her head on her cocks head, moaning loudly.

“I have a idea.” I said suddenly. “Get under here, I’m gonna make her go doggy-style.” she nodded as we all moved so I was over them, Zin was on all fours and Vi was still grinding herself on her cock.

I thrusted back into Zin, one hand holding her waist, giving her ass a experimental spank. She yelped in surprised at this.

“Did you spank me?!” she asked.

“Better question, did you like it?” I asked, starting to pound her.

“Normally no, last guy that did that I kicked him through some buildings, but now~” she smiled as she wiggled a bit.

“I think I might have another pet soon.” I commented to myself, grunting and spanking her ass harder, pounding her more.

“A pet, I don’t think so, sorry but as a friend with benefits would be a good starting point and take it from there.” Zin said as she moans loudly.

“You don’t know how much she can do to her pet.” Vi commented as she sucked harder.

I simply smirked, leaning forward and making Zin’s head go to the bed, pounding her more ferociously, starting to overload her mind from the fucking I was giving her as I kept spanking her. Her tongue rolled out as she was now enjoying this a bit more

“M-maybe if I, t-t-think about it a bit more.” she moans loudly. Vi giggled at this.

“She’s fun.” She said as she gave Zin a kiss.

I smirked, and decided to get a little more kinky, charging my hand with electricity as I spanked Zin, sending pleasurable shocks through her as I grunted. Her body shook as I did this, moaning loudly as she started to try and thrust her hips into my kitty, who was moaning loudly.

Smiling, I spanked as I thrusted, feeling her close but holding off on my own as I thrusted harder and faster, determined to dominate her. She moans out as her pussy turned into a vice grips as it tried to milk me. She was panting like a dog as she was enjoying this.

“Is my new little pet enjoying this?” I asked, leaning down and whispering this seductively into her ear.

“P-pet?” she whimpered.

“Yes.” I said, smirking and nibbling on her neck. “My pet that likes getting fucked as my kitten sucks her off and likes getting shocked as she’s fucked.” she moans at this as I shocked her again. Instead of yelping she moans loudly.

“Who’s your mistress?” I asked, going a little harder, dick vibrating more. She whimpered something that I didn’t hear. As this was going on Vi reached up and started to pull on Zin breasts, making her moan more.

“What was that?” I asked, spanking her harder, making it a little painful. “Speak up, pet.”

“I-it’s-” she gasped as Vi twisted her nipples a bit. She bit her lip as it was close to my head. I leaned down and looked at her in the eye, making her turn to me to do so.

“I said. Who. Is. Your. Mistress?” I repeated, giving her a painful smack during each pause. She moans at each from it. She looked at me and saw her deciding on it, I need to push it so she’s mine.

“Who’s your Mistress?” I repeated, growling and spanking her with electricity. Vi saw this and caught on quickly, as I spanked Zin again she moved a bit and put her pussy on her dick.

“Just… a bit okay, can’t hurt my babies.” she said as she pushed herself on Zinn and took two inches. Zinn moans loudly at this as she eyes rolled back into her head and smiles.

“Pet, are you going to answer?” I asked, gropping her ass and giving her more shocks. These shocks went through her and into Vi, she gasped and moans at this as she rode on her cock.

“Y-you are, you're my mistress~” she moans.

“THEN CUM FOR ME!” I shouted, giving her one last charge and pounding deep into her. She moans loudly as she came inside Vi. Vi moans as some of the cum shot out of her.

“Good pet.” I said, smirking. Zinn giggled at this.

“I’m.. a good pet…” she then fell down on Vi as she panted.

“Umm… a little help!” Vi said. “She’s heavy.”

I rolled my eyes, picking Zinn up and, keepin my cock in her, removed her from Vi. “That better, kitten?” I asked.

“Yeah, sorry for me taking her, I saw what you were doing and thought… I could help.” she said sheepishly.

“You did good.” I assured, smiling at her. “As a present, take this.” I started, making a cock grow on Vi. “And go fuck yourself.” I added, winking. She looked at me oddly until she got what I was saying. She looked over at Ri was now shaking uncontrollably, her ball gag was now soaked as it popped out of her mouth.

“Mistress~! LET ME CUM PLEASE!” she yelled.

“No pet.” I said, waving a finger at her. “I’ll let Vi decide when.” I added, handing Vi a remote. “Press that when you want to let her cum.”

“Thank you mistress.” she said as she walked over to Ri. Ri looked at her twin as she was lowered to a good level. Vi tease her a bit before plunging it in her. Ri gasped loudly then moans. I watched the two have fun with each other as Zinn was now sitting up and looking over at them.

“Okay, that’s hot.” she said.

“Yes, it is pet.” I agreed, setting her next to me. “Let’s watch, shall we?”

“Sure.” she said as we watched. The other two went at it as Vi was smiling as Ri looked like her brain was fried. Then gasped as Vi came in her before blinking then starting again. “Err that’s my fault, sorry.” Zinn said.

“What is?” I asked curiously.

“Back home, when a wyvern get’s aroused and/or horny their spit turns into an aphrodisiac and a stamina bouse. So when wyverns have sex, they go for a long time.” Zinn explained.

“Ah.” I said, nodding. “Guess we’re in for a show then, aren’t we?” I asked, smirking and watching. They lasted an hour and a half as Vi finished cumming into her twin for the last time. She panted as she moved over to Ri, whose belly is now bloated by her cum, and showed her the remote before pressing it. Ri blinked as she had a ground breaking climax, so much so that she squirted out fem-juices and cum. She was twitching at this point as she just hanged there.

“You okay there Ri?” I asked, concerned. She twitched a few times but didn’t say anything. I saw her face was in total bliss at this.

“I-I think she’s out for a bit.” Vi said as she tried to walk over, her legs shook as she did. She almost fell if I didn’t catch her.

“I think it’s time we rest.” I suggested, holding Vi, making Ri float over to the bed and laying the two on either side of me after I layed down. “You can sleep on top of your mistress, Zin.”

“Alright.” she said as she moved on top of me and laid down. “You know, you didn’t have to keep asking me to call you mistress, you just needed to dominate me.”

“It helps.” I said simply, smirking. She rolls her eyes.

“I mean it, for a dragon or wyvern if you dominate them they become yours, no question ask.” she gestured at us. “Like you did here or what Jace did.”

“What’d Jace do?” I asked, tilting my head.

“This.” she said as she waved her hand. An image of mountains appeared in front of me as one of the mountains got destroyed, Zin in her wyvern form was fighting Jace as he was laughing and was fighting her with his fists. “He beat me and I was his but he looked at me as a friend, not as a pet.” Zinn said.

“Ah… so you’re both of ours?” I asked, tilting my head. She shook her head.

“No, when I turned back into this form, which happened a few years later, I talked to him about it and said that I’m his friend, not pet so he doesn’t own me.” Zinn said. “So… that means you own me and only you.”

“I don’t get why you couldn’t be both, but hey, more for me.” I said, giggling.

“It works out I guess.” she said as she layed on me. “So, do you have something that shows that I’m yours?”

“I could give you a collar like my kittens.” I mused. She shrugged.

“You're my mistress, it’s your call.” she said.

“I don’t want to keep using the same thing though.” I said. “Kittens, any suggestions?”

Ri giggled happily as she twitched a few times.

“Hmmm, I don’t know really, I don’t know other ways on mistresses show that her pet is theirs.” Vi said.

“Well, there is branding, if you can handle a little pain.” I mused. Zinn snorted.

“I’m half dragon, I can go into lave and call it a hot tub.” she said.

“No, you don’t understand, how I’d do it with my Goddess abilities, then, well… that’ll mean nothing.” I said, smirking. She stared at me.

“I can take a little pain.” she deadpanned.

“Okay.” I said, smirking and snapping my fingers, making a branding stick appear. “Get ready, pet.” I warned, pressing it against her thighs, it burning much more than she was ready for. She gasped as she bit her knuckle.

“Wait, wouldn’t her father be mad?” Vi asked.

“It’s special, only we can see the brand.” I said. “I’m not stupid.” I added, removing the sticks with another snap, revealing a hoop with my face in the middle. Zinn took some deep breaths.

“He… he’ll be fine, if he didn’t… he would of made domination… illegal.” she gasped as she spoke.

“Fair enough.” I said, shrugging. “Now, let’s sleep.” I said, hugging the two kittens into me as I rested my chin on top of Zinn's head. The three of them fell to sleep, as one of them was still giggling. I closed my eyes and fell to sleep with my two kitties and new pet. I remembered that Jace was still on the planet… ahh he’s fine.

3rd PoV

Ken opened his eyes as he was alone in the room. He sat up and looked around, seeing no one around. He then thought on how long he was sleeping as he sensed some new stuff around.

“How long was I out?”


Meeting familiar faces part3

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“So, what’s next?” I asked to Zinns dad, it being a couple days since I got her as a pet, and like she said he’s alright with it just that I have to keep her safe, having found out how to read the book and used my time related abilities to master it quickly.

“Soul magic is, at baseline, similar to Necromancery as it deal with the dead, the more you train the more you can hear the souls. Over time you’ll be able to ask the souls for aid in information or, as you grow stronger, in battle.” he said as he held his daughter in the air with his magic. She was trying to shift into her wyvern form part way but still having trouble.

“Neat.” I said, watching this. He turned her upside down as she almost had it, her horns grew a bit and her nails started to turn to talion but they revert back to normal.

“Good try, keep at it.” he said. He then looked at me. “By the way, I have to ask you about that mark, the one you put on my daughter.”

“What about it?” I asked calmly, not having really tried with hiding it.

“As I don’t have much to say with you becoming her master-”

“MISTRESS!” Vi yelled out from behind us as she worked the fields. She wore a white shirt with some blue overalls with a hat on.

“Same thing, I do question how your mark looks.” he taps his finger as he spun Zinn around. “As my wife would say, there’s no flare into it.” he said as he did a one hand jazz hands.

“I thought it up on the spot, if you have suggestions, I can always change it.” I said, shrugging. He thought about it.

“Well, if my wife was here she would of made thousands of them but I prefer simple, as much as her annoyance.” he grumbled as a piece of paper and handed it to me. “This one can work with you but you can change it, just don’t put your face on it, those are stupid.”

“Yeah, that looks better.” I agreed, snapping my fingers, the mark on Zinn shifting to match this one. She gasped at the pain as her father spun her faster.

“You have to focus Zinn, a little pain is nothing in a fight.” he said to her.

“You can do it, Zinn!” I encouraged.

“Getting dizzy!” she yelled as she stopped. Her eyes were rolling around in their sockets. Her dad sighed and dropped her.

“Back to square one…” he said as Zinn mutters something about the sky spinning.

“So, what do I learn next about soul magic?” I asked.

“Since you have read the book and learned about writing of the soul you can look into one’s soul, it sounds hard but really it’s the most basic things about this school.” he said as he sat cross legged.

“Okay.” I said. He eyed me for a second.

“I highly recommend learning this skill, becomes real useful later along the line.” he said.

“How so?” I asked curiously.

“If you can see one's soul, it becomes very hard for one to lie to you.” He said. “One’s soul can not lie, so the body hides it but you see past the body and to the soul, their truths are revealed.”

“Neat.” I said. “So, what do I do?”

“Hmmm… Girl! Come here.” he yelled. Vi jumped and walked over to us.

“Yes?” she asked. I raised an eyebrow, wondering where he was going with this. Rirpar looked at me.

“Look into her soul, you read the book so your mind is open to see them, when you can see a soul the world will open to you.” he said. Zinn started crawling towards us until she fell near her dad. He pat her on the head.

“Okay.” I said, looking at Vi, using what the book taught me. The book said that one soul works like sound, gotta feel for the wavelength of it. I blinked a few times as my eyes started to hurt.

“Mind the pain, your eyes are removing the layer that blocks you from seeing.” Rirpar said. I stared until I felt a snapping. I blinked as there were stars in my eyes.

“Ita! Are you alright?” Vi asked.

“Yeah, just processing things.” I told her. I looked at her for a moment and… felt something. I didn’t see it but I could feel it. I blinked a few times and saw a red aura around Vi. some of it was going off towards the house.

“There, now you see.” Rirpar said.

“Neat, it’s red.” I commented. She blinked at me.

“Huh?” she asked me. “What do you mean red?”

“You have a red aura to me.” I told her.

“One's soul can be seen as a aura, the more you learn the more you can tell someone by it, if they’re good or bad, sick or not, if they're lying or telling the truth. Out of everything this is the most useful.” Rirpar said. I looked over to him and saw a large dark purple aura around him, two glowing eyes turned to me and stared.

“What’s red mean?” I asked curiously.

“It could be anything, mostly that’s what their soul colour is. Everyone thinks souls are white but that’s a bunch of bull, souls can be any colour. Now look at her soul and notice something about her’s.” Rirpar said gesturing to Vi.

“Okay.” I said, looking at her again. I saw the red around her but as I looked I saw little bits of brown and light green in spots.

“I see little bits of brown and light green in the red.” I said to him.

“And why is that?” he asked as he sat Zinn up. She looked a bit better. I simply shrugged, not knowing. He leaned over and taps Vi’s stomach. “That’s why.”

“Oooh the twins.” I said, nodding. He nodded as well, Zinn looked up at me.

“Wait, she’s having kids?” she asked.

“Yep!” I said happily. “They’re mine.”

“Oh.” she said. Vi smiled as she looks around.

“Where’s Jace and Ken, is Ken still sleeping?” she asked. Rirpar snorted.

“The scalebound? No he’s down on that planet since I put him there.” he said.

“So, what’s next?” I asked, eager to learn more.

“For now, you don’t need me.” he said as he crossed his arms. “You know the writing of the soul and to look at one's soul, the rest will come to you, each soul weaver is different from person to person.”

“Okay.” I said. “So now I just tumble around on my own with this?”

“Pretty much, you already know everything there is to soul magic, it’s locked away in your soul, what you do with it is up to you.” he said.

“Okay.” I said. “So, what do you guys wanna do now?”

“I’m going to work on the gardens.” Vi said as she walks off to the gardens. Zinn looked over at the ledge and looked over to the planet as Rirpar laid down.

“I, for one, am going to take a nap.” he said as he pointed at the sun and turned his hand. A tree sprouted from behind him as he closed his eyes.

“Let’s go explore, Zinn.” I suggested, standing at the edge of the island.

“You mean down there?” she asked.

“Are you afraid?” I asked, raising an eyebrow and giggling.

“I’m not afraid, just asking.” she said.

“No, I meant the island I know like the back of my hand.” I deadpanned. “Now cmon, let’s go!” I exclaimed, jumping off the edge. I looked up to see her jump as well, and is front of me looking at my face, upside down.

“Race ya!” she said as she shot down to the the world.

I smirked, using Fly, shooting down past her, and into the water below my island. I floated down to the water and stood on it and looked up, to see Zinn come crashing into the water. After a bit she came up and looked at me.

“Cheater.” she muttered.

“Not cheating if you don’t set rules.” I told her, smirking as the golden wings that had appeared on me vanished. We walked out of the water. Zinn stopped as one of the pokemon in the water looked up at her, and fired water in her face.

“Hey!” she yelled as she tried catch it and fails, getting her more wet. “Not like I planned it.”

I giggled, amused, throwing a treat to the water type. It took it and swam off. Zinn walked out of the water and shook herself dry, making the air dry her. Her shirt came up and I saw that she didn’t have a bra on.

“That’s better.” she said as she stretched a bit.

“Commando today?” I asked amusedly, whistling a little.

“Yup, don’t have any that fit me and my last one bit the dust last night where you made Ri come take my clothes of with her mouth.” she said as she looked at me. “I didn’t mind, I like going commando.”

“I could make you a bra.” I reminded her.

“You could but where's the fun in that?” she asked.

“True… but I don’t want anyone else getting a look at what’s mine.” I said, slapping her ass playfully, grinning.

“Alright, whatever you want mistress.” Zinn said with a giggle.

I snapped my fingers, making a lacy black bra appear. “Here you go, pet.” She took it and looked at it. She then took her shirt off, this made her breasts jiggle a bit before she put the bra on and then the shirt.

“There we go, all done.” she said.

“Good girl.” I cooed, smiling and grasping her crotch. “I might let you out of your cage later.” She bit her lip at this.

“L-looking forward to it.” she said.

“Now!” I said, clapping and smirking. “Enough teasing, let’s go explore.”

“Onwards!” Zinn yelled

We walked through the forest, me floating in front of her as we did. “I wonder what we’ll find?” I mused.

“I don’t know, I read some of the books you have about pokemon.” Zinn said. “I kinda want to see a Gengar, he has an awesome smile.”

“Maybe we’ll find one at night.” I said. “For now, let’s see if anything sentient and can say more than it’s name has evolved yet.”

“Alright, I guess we’ll-” she stop as her head turned away. “Do you feel that?”

“Feel wha-” I started, before turning my head the same way she did. “Let’s go!” I said, floating off. She followed behind as we headed to a clearing.

In the clearing there was huts scattered around, like a tribe. As we approached, anthropomorphic ponies came out of the huts, some with crude spears and clubs leading the front, a decorated one coming to the front.

“Tribal, neat.” Zinn said.

“Hello, Ponies!” I greeted cheerfully. They all pointed their spears and clubs at us.

“I don’t think they like us.” Zinn

“Who are you!” one of them yelled. “And what do you want?!”

“I’m Itazura.” I greeted. “And I made this world.” They all looked at one another and muttered.

“And how do we know you're not lying!” one yelled.

I snapped my fingers, making my bottle appear. “Simple.” I said, grasping the lid. “I’ll show you.” I started, opening it and allowing the power to rush through me, growing into my Unbound form and letting out a Roar, flexing my six arms. They all backed up at this, all but one bulky earth pony. I saw the fear in them, even their souls trembled at me.

“Wow, why haven't I seen you like this?” Zinn asked.

I haven’t felt like changing into this.” I said simply, looking down at the gathered ponies. “Do you believe me now?

The bulky pony looked at the others and walked forward. “I guess they do.”

And what about you?” I asked. I saw his soul was the colour of the ground, fitting.

“I’m the villages chief, and seeing you before is enough for me.” he said.

I smiled, making my bottle take the power back and going back to how I was before. “Good, I didn’t really feel like proving it beyond that.” I said, making the bottle vanish. The others still kept their distance as I walked up to the chief.

“So, what’s your name?” I asked.

“I’m Chief Steelhooves, I welcome you to my village.” he said.

“You don’t seem to have much of one.” I observed, looking at the huts.

“It’s not much since it’s been built two days ago.” he said. “With help of that stranger it was nice upside.”

“I think I’ll give you a upgrade.” I said, eyes glowing gold as I reached a hand forward towards the village. The huts started to glow and become bigger and some of the trees turned into lumber. Soon there was a real village. The chief looked at this and nodded.

“Thanks, the stranger said someone will come to help.” he said.

“So, do you guys know of any other villages, or is it just you?” I asked.

“Not that I know of, after I woke up there were others but some split off.” he said as he watched the others look around at the village.

“Wait, wake up, what do you mean?” Zinn asked. The chief thought about it.

“I don’t know, it was like we’re were floating around then we just… woke up here.” he said.

“Huh… whatever.” I said, shrugging, before I remembered something. “I’ll be right back!” I exclaimed, teleporting into a random clearing, holding my hands out as my eyes and hands glowed, the left glowing golden and the right a blue, forming two familiar looking bodies in anthro form. The lighter one had a pink mane and the other light blue. Celestia looked like she’s twenty years old while Luna look eighteen.

“Welcome back to the land of the living.” I said, smirking. They looked around as Luna stretched a bit.

“Damn it all~ it’s good to have a body again!” she said smiling. “And I’m on grass! Hell yes!”

“You're excited about grass?” her sister said with a raised eyebrow.

“I’ve been on a rock for a long time, you’ve been on fire.” Luna retorted.

“True.” she said. I stepped back and looked at their bodies. Celestia stood taller than Luna with white fur. She wore a plain white dress that showed off her legs and ass. On her hip was her cutie mark, a golden sun. Her breasts were a healthy large that would make anyone or pony drool.

Luna on the other hand was shorter than her sister but while Celestia had height Luna had curves. Her hips were wider and breasts were bigger than hers. Luna looked at me as I looked at them and looked down.

“YES!” she yelled as she jumped around a bit, she wore the same dress just a blue that hugged her curves well. “I’m bigger than my sister!”

“What!” Celestia said as she looked at Luna and her breasts and then at her own. “But I was bigger.” she looked looked over at me and narrowed her eyes.

I simply shrugged, mischievous look on my face. “Hey I haven’t met you two before.” I said simply “That is, that wasn’t a voice with a vague as hell image in my head.”

“Don’t care, happy now.” Luna said while smiling. Celestia sighs and looked at me.

“Thank you Ita, I don't know how we could ever repay you.” Celestia said.

I simply smirked, making my cock appear, it peeking out of the jeans I was wearing. Celestia saw this and gasp which draws the attention of Luna.

“Oi!” I heard someone yell. I looked back and saw Zinn coming into the clearing. “There you are, you know how hard it is to find y- who are those two?”

“The revived forms of the princesses Celestia and Luna.” I told her, shrugging. “Now I want you to go watch that village we found, pet, I have business to do here.” She looked at them and then at me and saw my pants.

“You're really going to do them? Here?” she asked me.

“Are you questioning me?” I asked, a scary calm tone in my voice.

“Uhh…” she said. Luna stepped up to us.

“Why not let her join in?” she asked.

“WHAT! You’re really going to have sex with them?!” Celestia said.

“Duh. I’ve seen Ita have her fun with that succubus, and I want to try it.” she said lookeding at me. “I’m open for more if you want.”

“Well, Zinn isn’t joining because she’s on punishment right now, which will extend if she doesn’t go back to the village.” I said, shooting Zinn a look.

“But trust me…” I started, before using Double Team, another me appearing. “We can do plenty.

“Wait, what did I… oh forget it.” Zinn said turning around and walking off muttering what she done to be punished then the word ‘cage’ with a groan.

“Luna, you're crazy.” Celestia said.

“Hey you asked if we can repay her and here it is.” she said as she removes her dress, showing that there’s nothing underneath. “Ether live a little or their mine.”

“Come on Celestia.” A third me said, hugging her from behind and fondling her. “Have some fun before you have to go back to being the ‘perfect little princess’.”

“Perfect little-” she fumed a bit, maybe now that she’s is a bit little in some places. She let out a sigh. “Fine! I’ll live a little.”

“There you go.” Luna said as she kneeled down to the two of us and rubbed our cocks. “So, I get two of you?”

“Yep.” I said, smirking. “I figured I’d go ‘easy’ on your sister this time.” The second me said, the both of us dropping our jeans. Luna grins and took them in her hands.

“And not going easy on me or is this ‘easy’?” she asked as she strokes us. In less than a minute she got both of us hard.

“Oh, by how much you’ll be pounded you'd rather be wishing for us to go easy… or wishing to be my pet.” I said, the second me going behind Luna and grabbing her waist, rubbing her cock on Luna's pussy.

“Let’s see where this goes, unlike my sister,” she licked my cock a bit and circle the head a bit, sending shivers up my spine. “I have more… experience, in bed, with one or more parties in it.”

“Have you ever had Succubus before though?” I asked, before grabbing her head and shoving her all the way down on my cock as my copy thrusted into her pussy. She moans and winks at me. Has she?... Lilly maybe?

I decided to save these thoughts for later, grabbing Lunas mane and face fucking her roughly as my copy spanked her. Luna was moaning, making her throat vibrate and pussy as well. She was bobbing her head and shaking her hips and she was being spread. She wrapped her tongue around my cock as she bobbed her head, she’s good at this.

I wasn’t one to be beat, making a whip appear in my hand, I started whipping her back with it, making it burn a little, my copy and I making our cocks vibrate in her as my copy did shocking zaps to the princess, starting to overload her. But by her look, she done this before. I looked at my copy as it had an idea as she points at Luna's ass.

Smirking, I nodded, a fourth me appearing and thrusting inside of Luna's ass. This made her eyes go wide as my copy spanked her a bit harder with a bit more shock. She moans as we grinned, there we go.

“Oh gods, up in her ass?!” Celestia said. I looked at her as the other me was watching us. “Luna did many things but that’s something she done only a few times.”

I smirked at this information, the three me’s on Luna suddenly making our cocks get electric as we pounded Luna, the fourth copy stroking Luna's wings. This sent Luna shaking as her limbs began to fail. One of me grabbed her legs as another took her arms and continued. Luna eyes rolled up in her head as we pounded her.

I got out of her mouth, smirking, kneeling down to her face. “Who’s my lunar pet?” I asked, caressing her. She giggled at me.

“I’m your lunar pet~, now gimmy!” she said as she pulls towards my cock, only to be impaled by the other two me’s, making her squeal.

I laughed, thrusting down her throat, all three of me throbbing. “Come for us, slut!” I ordered. As we all came in her she moaned as her pussy, ass and throat got tighter. She came hard on our cocks as we let her go of her limbs, which fell to her sides and hung there, only being held up by our cocks as our cum flowed out and into her.

We carefully set her down, the three of us turning, smirking at Celestia as the third, restrained her, slowly walking towards her. She looked at us and at her sister, who was now giggling like Ri.

“Are you going to do that to me?” she asked me.

“A little bit.” I said, smirking, two and four removing Celestia's dress by ripping it off. She gasped as the cool air hit her fur.

“Well… I did say I was going to do this.” she said as she present herself to us. We smirked, two thrusting into her pussy as I took her ass, making her go doggy so three could get her mouth, four taking the whip from me and, more gently, whipping her as we fucked her. She moaned at this.

“Damn she’s tight, how many times she had sex?” one of me asked.

“The better question is how many she didn’t.” another one of me said.

“Let’s just focus on fucking her.” I said, spanking her. She moaned every time we pounder her her tail was brushing on us quickly as her eyes slowly rolled back.

We started zapping her, smirking. Her wings spread out by just a little zap as she moans, cumming from that.

“She… has no experience at this.” one of me said.

“Who’s your Mistress?” The me at her mouth asked. She moaned into my cock trying to say something. Her body twitched a bit. The me at her mouth moved out of her, repeating it.

“You are.” she slurred. “I don’t like being the perfect little princess, I want to be mistresses pet slut.”

“And she’s gone.” Other me with the whip said. “She didn’t put much effort to stop us.”

“Oh well, another pet for me.” I said, us all cumming in her except for the one with the whip. She moans loudly as cum came out of her. She was also giggling into my cock as she twitched. We put her next to Luna and the two held each other, Luna kissing Celestia for some of my cum.

“You two want to be branded by mistress?” I asked, the other me’s vanishing.

“Yes~,” Celestia slurred. Luna giggled.

“What she said.” as she looked at me.

I snapped my fingers, making the branding sticks with the new brand appear, putting them right over their cutie marks. Luna moaned a bit as Celestia did the same but louder. After I was done Celestia was giggling.

“I’m a pet, I’m a slutty pet for mistress~” she cooed.

“I should have brought you along with me when I went partying.” Luna sighed. She looked over at me. “So, what do we do now?”

“Well, you two can clean each other first, then make yourselves presentable in these.” I said, snapping my fingers and making a elegant gowns with lingerie underwear appear. “Then come find us at the village.” I said, teleporting away. I looked over and saw Zinn carrying a bolder for the ponies. She saw me and waved as she puts the boulder down before heading over to me.

“So… how were they?” she asked.

“Much easier to make submit than you.” I said. “Then again, I rushed it a little, so meh… what were you just doing?”

“Moving a boulder, the others said there was a well near here by the shamans and it was blocking it, so I moved it, seemed that it was keeping some pokemon trapped as well.” she said. “So those two, the princesses of the land, are now your pets?”

“Yep.” I said, before smirking at her. “And for your good deed, I might release you.”

She smiled and started to walk with me. “So, other than how easy to submit them, were they good?” she asked me.

“Definitely, I think I’ll let you fuck one as a reward.” I said, smirking to her.

“Well thank you.” she looked away and licked her lips. “Luna did look hot.”

“Thank you what?” I asked, a sickly sweet smile on my face.

“Thank you mistress.” she said without looking. I saw her daydream, probably about Luna.

“Good girl.” I said, grabbing the back of her head and pulling her into a forceful kiss, invading her mouth and making her melt as I played with her tongue. She moaned as she surrendered herself to me.

I ended the kiss when she had to take a breather, smirking at her dazed look. She smiled at me.

“Anything else, mistress?” Zinn asked me.

“No, now I’m just waiting for the newest pets to arrive.” I said. She nodded at me. We walked around a bit more until I saw my two new pets, Luna was helping Celestia with walking, she still had that drunken smile on her.

“Come on, mistress is good but you're being ridiculous.” Luna said. She looked over at us and waved. “Hello~!”

“Get your sister coherent, please, Luna.” I said. Luna looked at her sister for a moment then at me.

“May I?” she asked as she raised her hand up. I smirked, nodding after making sure no ponies were looking. She looked at her sister and slapped her.

“Ow!” she yelled as she looked around. “Wait, what happened?”

“You, were fucked so much that you were all giggly.” Luna said, stepping away from her. She blinked and looked at me as what happen when through her head.

“I thought it’d be a good idea for the ponies to get use to you two as soon as possible.” I said, gesturing to the populace. “So let’s see how you two handle this first contact kinda thing, for you anyway.”

“So, we just walk in and say ‘We are princess?’ and what?” Luna asked.

“That’s easy sister, we will do like we did before.” Celestia, regaining her composer. “Become their princesses again.”

“But this is a new start! We can do so much than before!” Luna said. She looked at me. “Am I right?”

“You could.” I said. Luna looked over at Celestia and gestured to me.

“See! We could do anything!” Luna turned over and started to think. “So much is possible, what do you suggest mistress?”

“Mistress?” Celestia asked.

“I’m your Mistress now.” I said, smirking. “Look at your thigh.” She looked at her thigh and saw the brand.

“Oh gods.” she said.

“Funny, by the way you sounded you enjoyed being a pet.” Luna said as she tilted her head. “Alicorn of the Moon is nice and all but what other titles I could pick?” Celestia sighed as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.

“You know mistress.” Zinn started. “You have both of them as pets, you could do anything you want with the land if they become princesses.”

“I made this planet, I can do whatever I want with it anyway.” I reminded her. She nodded at that.

“Err… as my sister thinks of other titles for herself.” Celestia started. “What do you have in mind this go around… mistress.”

“Well, considering I might be either off training or in another universe at times, I wanted you two to protect this planet.” I told them.

“Okay, that means changing the way we do things with armies Tia.” Luna said. “If we had to fight that fucker again I’m kicking his ass.”

“Fight who?” I asked, curious.

“That centar asshole.” Luna said crossing her arms. “If we had been prepared we could’ve taken him.”

“I have no doubts you could’ve taken Tirek if you hadn’t sent the wildest of wild cards after him first.” I said, crossing my arms.

“Which was… what?” Zinn asked me.

“The literal spirit of Chaos, Discord.” I told her. “Though I don’t sense him yet… I don’t think he’s managed to re-form.”

“Makes sense, there’s no chaos here yet.” Zinn said. I looked at her for a moment. “What?”

“Yes, because pokemon are the most orderly of beings.” I deadpanned.

“I don’t mean that, like my dad said this place is incomplete and the rest is coming soon, and that’s chaos.” she said. “Can’t have harmony without chaos right?”

“Well, you could, it’d just be terribly imbalanced.” I said, shrugging.

“Well I could continue but you would punish me more so I’m not.” Zinn said. “That and I have no idea half my dad says at times.”

“Fair enough.” I said, shrugging. “Well, have fun down here you three, I’m going up to my island.” I said, vanishing as I teleported. The last thing was Celestia telling Luna that they should head on over, maybe they get to work instead of just getted handed the titles of Princess.

I looked around, idly noticing that Zinn's dad was gone, shrugging and going over to where I sensed Vi and Ri. I saw Vi walking towards the house with vegetables in a basket. I walked up to her until she saw me.

“Hey there Ita, how’s it down there?” she asked me.

“Boring and peaceful.” I told her, shrugging. “By the way, I don’t you think you and Ri should probably make sure your cousins okay? You’ve been here a while, he’s probably worried.

“Oh he’s fine.” Vi pulled out a cellphone and showed. “Even though you and Zinn bug him and call him names, Jace has given this to me so I can call him and if you're wondering he’s also fine.”

“Oh, good.” I said. “Wouldn’t want to beat him too badly if he came after me from overprotectiveness, now would I?” I asked, giggling.

“Yeah.” she looked at me for a moment. “Something else happened down there, didn’t it.”

“I got two more pets.” I admitted shamelessly. She rolled her eyes.

“Of course you did, so who are they and is tonight going to be a fun night to… break them in?” Vi asked with a giggle.

“Celestia and Luna, and probably.” I said, smirking. She stared at me.

“Celestia and Luna, the two princesses.” she said. I nodded and she started to laugh. “Of course they are, it’s you after all.”

“So, where’s yourself?” I asked smirking.

“She’s working on our weapons, saying something about… not a garden person, more of the weapon kind.” Vi said as we walked to the door. “So, seen Ken or Jace down there?”

“Nope.” I stated.

“Well I hope they are alright and-” she stopped as she bent over a bit, holding her stomach.

“Kid troubles again?” I asked, making a bucket appear for her.

“Something like that.” she said as she pushed the bucket away. “It’s something I’m happy to bear though.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” I said, hugging her. We walked into the house. Vi put the basket down and sat down on the couch.

“Man I’m beat.” she said. She looked down at herself and stuck her tongue out a bit. “And I’m all smelly and sweaty… and not the good kind.”

“How about a shower then?” I suggested.

“I was thinking a bath.” she said as she tried to sit up but failed. She looked over at me. “Carry me please.”

“Alright.” I said, giggling and carrying her, going to the bathroom and setting her in the bath after removing her clothes.

“Thank you Ita.” Vi said as she turned the water on. “Welcome.” I said, removing my clothes and getting in with her.

“Oh, coming to join me? No wonder you made the tub big.” Vi said.

“Of course, I’m helping you wash.” I said, getting some soap and starting to actually wash her.

“Thank you.” Vi said to me. “For a second I thought we’re going to do it in the tub but still thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” I said, smiling and hugging her. As I was washing her, she was busy telling me about her day. I smiled at her as she got excited over some small things but it was cute.

“By the way, where’s Zinn? I didn’t see her return.” Vi said.

“She’s with Luna and Celestia on the surface.” I told her.

“Okay, how is Zinn? After our first night I was worried about her, she’s taking stuff well with you but I still worry.” Vi asked.

“She’s fine.” I assured. She nodded and continued cleaning herself. At points I saw her licking her arm… and complaining that the soup taste awful.

I snickered at this, amused. “You never ‘cleaned’ me.” I commented.

“You never asked.” she said smiling.

“I am now.” I said. She grinned and came closer.

“Where you want me to start?” she asked.

“You can pick.” I said.

“Well, let's start… here.” she said as she pulled my leg up and start ‘cleaning’ me with her tongue. I shivered a little bit, not used to the strange new sensation. “Are you okay?” she asked me.

“Yeah.” I said, nodding. “Continue.” she nodded as she continue. She worked her way up both my legs and up to my stomach. She then worked on my fingers and hands. Her tongue went to between my fingers which sent shivers down my arm.

I stayed silent, watching her, getting a tiny bit flustered. She raised an eyebrow at me.

“You okay?” she asked between licks. I nodded, gesturing for her to continue. She went over to my other arm and did that and then she worked on my chest.

I started to moan a tiny bit as she got to my breasts, smiling.

“You getting excited Ita?” Vi asked me. I nodded, blushing a tiny bit. She smiled a bit as she booped me on the nose. “Well don’t think you're getting anything, I’m cleaning my little kitten.”

I blushed more, before shifting in my kid form. “Widdle kwitten!” I exclaimed, giggling. She giggled as she started to lick my face. I giggled as it tickled until she was done.

“There all done, how do you feel?” she asked me.

“Cwean!” I exclaimed happily, hugging her.

“My kitten is so clean and happy!” Vi said happily. “You make mommy so happy.”

I giggled, nuzzling her and yawning adorably. “Kitten, are you tired?” I nodded, slumping into her, hugging her tiredly. She let the water out and we got out of the bathtub. She took the towel and dried me. She covered my head for a bit then pulled it up. “Boo!”

I erupted into giggles at this, very amused. She giggled at this and wrapped the towel around me as she dried herself, then she wrapped it around herself.

“Okay, upsadaisy.” she said as she picked me up. “I don’t want to let my tired kitten walk to bed, what kind of mommy would I be?”

“A bwad wone.” I mumbled sleepily, resting my head on her shoulders. She walked out of the bathroom and headed to the bedroom. She set me down on the bed and went to bet some pjs for me. After a bit I was wearing some that had a hood with cat ears and a cute cartoon cat face on front.

“Aww, now you look more and more like a kitten with them on.” she said happily. I smiled, curling up in a little ball in bed. She moved around and pulled me into her chest. “Are you comfortable kitten?”

“Wes.” I said sleepily, snuggling into her and yawning, eyes slowly closing.

“Hey kitten… can I ask you something.” Vi asked. I looked up at her sleepy.

“Wes?” I asked. She shifted a bit.

“Kit- I mean Ita I have a bit of an request for you.” she asked softly, playing with my hair a bit.

“Wes?” I asked again.

“Umm I know about you and Ken, when you… do it in bed you do it mostly like this right.” she asked me as she gesturing my body. I nodded sleepily. “Know I also know that you have your memory back but… this is between us, I asked you if you're in this form with me… treat me like a mom.” she shifted a bit.

“Okwey mwommy.” I mumbled sleepily. Vi eyes widen as she smiled brightly as there some tears coming down. I got a bit worried.

“Wou okwey?” I asked sleepily, sitting up, looking adorably worried in the kitten hood.

“Y-yes kitten. I’m okay.” she looked at me smiling. “Hearing you say that to me, made me happy.”

“Oh, okwey.” I mumbled sleepily, lying back down. She curled up around me as she pulled a blanket over us.

“Sweet dreams Kitten. Don’t worry about the monsters, mommy is here.” she said softly. I yawned adorably, practically mewling, falling asleep.

A couple hours later.

I blearily woke up, not feeling my kitty-mommy around me and ‘mewling’ a little in fear, looking around.

“What’s wrong kitten?” Vi said as she walked out of the bathroom. “Did you have a nightmare?” I nodded, whimpering a tiny bit. She walked over and hugged me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to leave you, want to talk about it? It helps.”

I shook my head ‘no’ rapidly, whimpering again and hugging her tightly.

“Okay kitten but if you need to talk about it, I’m here.” Vi said. She smiled for a moment then grunted in pain.

“Are wou okway?” I asked, worried.

“I’m okay, just a bit pent up with some milk.” Vi put her hand on her belly. “These two are really doing a real number on my body.” “Cwan I hwave swome mwommy?” I asked, tilting my head adorably. Vi giggled.

“Of course you can have some.” she said as she took my and put me in her lap. “Your a growing kitten, and you need your milk.”

“Okwey kitty-mwommy.” I said, leaning up to one of her nipples and suckling, closing my eyes. I felt her milk come inside my mouth, it tasted warm and delicious.

“That’s it, drink up so you can grow big and strong.” Vi said as she rubbed my head. I obeyed, drinking as much as her body gave me, before switching to the other breast for more. She started to hum as I finished and popped off her nipple. “Was mommy's milk good?”

I nodded, sleepy again now. “I sweepy agwain.” I mumbled.

“Well, I guess you can sleep a little longer, you want mommy to stay with you?” Vi asked. I nodded, curling up in her lap and falling asleep. I heard her humming something as I feel asleep.

Meanwhile, with Ken

“HOLY SHIT, WHERE AM I!?!” The Scalebound shouted. For him, one moment he was with Ri and they were talking after some… fun. Now he had his clothes on and was in the middle of freaking nowhere. He still believed that he was in Ita’s world, since the setting looked… familiar. But he was not on the small island that the Hoopa called home. Instead, he found himself in a rocky wasteland where it looked like the skeletal remains of fallen beasts were everywhere.

Only when he inspected them further did he soon realize that this was not any ordinary place… This was a graveyard… scratch that, a dragon graveyard. “Well this is… rather disturbing,” he thought to himself. Then again though… if he was here, then there must be some… kind of reason for it other than Itazura trying to play a prank on him while he was sleeping. “Well, let’s start trying to find a way out of this place-.”

It was then that he heard one of the bones crack and it caused him to turn around as he saw a shadow dash off in another direction. It caught his attention for a moment… but for what the shadow was hiding, that provided a distraction as it took form from behind and lunged at the Scalebound.

When Ken soon realized what was going on, he turned around as the circlet on his left wrist began to glow and purple flames began to take form. It turned out that the creature that was spying on him… was a Hydreigon. A Dark-Dragon type pokemon that had three heads. One in the middle while the other two served as hands.

But when some would see this as a bad thing… Ken saw this as an opportunity. “Well, I needed to practice with this sooner or later,” He thought to himself as the flame began to rise and a silhouette of a dragon claw began to form around his left arm. “You chose the wrong guy to mess with today, pal! Dragon Claw!!

Back to Ita

I woke up with a jolt, feeling the move being used. This startled Vi.

“Kitten? Are you alright?” she asked.

“I fwelt swomething use dwagon cwaw….” I told her, still looking in the direction I felt it.

“Do you need to go look? If so let me get some clothes on.” Vi said.

“Gwet mwe swome to pwease mommy, I stwill in jammies.” I said. Vi nodded as she grabbed a shirt, pants underwear, and a jacket for me. I looked at her. “What? It’s cold out there and I don’t want my kitten getting a cold.”

I blushed and pouted, but took the clothes, all buttoned up now. “Wet’s gwo!” I said, about to teleport us there.

“Alright kitten.” Vi said as I took her hand as we teleported. We appeared where I sensed the move being used, me peeking over the coat collar to see who used it.

“Well, this is… disturbing.” Vi said. I nodded, hugging her and peeking over her shoulder.

“Come on now, is this seriously everything you got!?” I heard in the distance. I now saw Ken, who had something glowing along his left arm as a Hydreigon was chasing him. “Because if it is, I am really disappointed.” The pokemon lashed out at him, but to my surprise, he was able to quickly move out of the way as he had purple draconic flames surge from it.

Dragon Breath!” I then heard from him as the flames forming around him flew out from his left arm like they were a flamethrower. What was confusing to me was… How was he able to use actual Pokemon moves?

I decided to just watch the battle, interested now. Vi seemed to be interested as well. “I kinda wished we had popcorn.” I snapped my fingers, making a bucket of popcorn appear. “Thanks kitten.” Back to Ken, he was now using his speed to his advantage as he was striking the Hydreigon several times after the Pokemon struck him in the face with his claws. Using Dragon Rush to tackle the dragon to the ground and throwing him into a rocky wall.

Now though, he had his hands in front of him… both of them this time as he began to conjure one last ability. Channeling the energy in front of him in a small Amethyst like sphere before it began to grow at a surprising rate. If this was what I think it was… “Dragon… Pulse!!!!”

The blast itself almost made us drop the bucket of popcorn as he released a powerful beam of energy directly at his opponent. Taking them down swiftly as after the fight, he found himself sitting on the ground… exhausted. “Yeah, I still need better practice with that…”

“That… was something.” Vi said as she eat some popcorn. “Ken is something huh… kitten? Are you alright?”

“Mmmhmmm.” I hummed, nodding and smiling at her. She gave me a quick hug.

“Let’s go over and see if he’s alright.” Vi said. I nodded, floating over ahead of her.

“Wou okway?” I asked. Ken looked over at us and was going to say something but fell backwards and passed out.

“Well, he’s alright, sleeping but alright.” Vi said as she put me down. I giggled, teleporting us into my house and him into one of the spare rooms on a bed.

“Do you think he’ll be okay?” Vi asked me.

I nodded. “Pwobabwy.” I said, hugging her.

“Well, I guess I’ll keep an eye on him if you want to go out and have your fun.” Vi said with a smile.

“Okway.” I said. I floated outside, before changing into my adult form and putting some jeans and a t-shirt on, teleporting back down to the surface and into the village. I saw the villagers going around doing whatever and I saw Zinn pulling a cart full of lumber. She saw me and waved.

“Okay, what are you doing now, pet?” I asked, floating over to her.

“Pulling… lumber… to new… spot… it’s for… new building.” she grunted as she pulled the lumber.

“Here, let me help.” I said with a eye-roll, grabbing it with one hand and effortlessly picking the cart up. “Where to?”

“Follow me.” she grumbled. We headed to where a large garden was, how long was I sleeping… , I placed the cart down and saw Zinn grumbling to herself.

“What’s wrong there Zinn?” I asked, tilting my head.

“I was doing fine with pulling the cart, I didn’t need help.” she grumbled at me.

“I can’t help my pet?” I asked, hugging her.

“Well yes… but I can still do things, I don’t need help all the time.” she muttered.

“This is literally the first time I have helped you.” I deadpanned.

“S-Shut up!” she yelled, looking away. I saw her ears turn red a bit. I think I hurt her dragon pride a bit.

“Is my little Wyvern pet a tsundere?” I teased, giggling. She turned and looked at me.

“What’s a tsundere?” she asked.

“Basically someone who acts like you just did.” I said, shrugging. “So… feel like sparing?”

She blinked at me and grins at me. “You know it.” I smiled, snapping my fingers and teleporting the two of us into a desert.

“Let’s have some fun then!” I shouted, letting a Dragon Pulse loose. Zinn moved out of the way and saw where it went then. She then bolted over to me and started swinging. I blocked most of them until she grabbed my arm and flipped me over.

“Yes, let’s.” she said as she took a deep breath. Seeing the challenge, I smirked, charging a Flamethrower. She let out a blueish flame as I did the same. This lasted for a minute before we stopped and I kicked her in the stomach. I stood up as she regain her balance and charged at me.

I dodged her charge, throwing a Mach Punch into her side as she passed and getting some distance, charging a HyperBeam kamehameha style. She turned to me and took a deep breath, I saw her eyes glowed a bit as I let the blast go. She did the same motions as breathing out fire but she let out a loud roar. The force of the roar hit the hyper beam and it was a standstill. Behind her I saw a silhouette of a large dragon doing the same thing as she was doing. After a bit we stopped and I saw her breathing heavy, guess that roar took more out of her.

“Feel better?” I asked, smirking at her.

“I… can… still… keep...blarg.” she panted. She was hunched over as she was catching her breath. “Err… call it… a tie?”

“Sure.” I said, walking over and hugging her. “How about we go and rest at the village?”

“O...kay…” she panted as she almost had no strength in her. I teleported us back to the field where the villagers were working on the gardens. I even see Celestia and Luna helping. I made some water bottles appear and handed some to Zinn. She took one and downed it quickly.

I smirked at her, making a little flavoring appear and adding it to mine before drinking it. I looked over and saw Zinn was slowing down at drinking her water, after downing four of them.

“So, what’s going on in the village?” I asked curiously.

“Basic stuff really, expanding the land, getting farms going, you know the basic, when the two princesses came and greeted they were greeted with somewhat the way they greeted you, Steelhooves calmed them down and as you see.” she pointed at them. “Got them working, guessing they're not going to be given the role of princesses.”

“I think they’re trying to work for it this time.” I commented. “Personally, I don’t really care what they do right now.”

“Come on, you gotta admit it’s nice to work for something instead of being given it.” Zinn looked to me and winked. “Out in the world or in bed.”

“Fair enough.” I said, shrugging, before looking up at the sky for a second thoughtfully. “Celestia, Luna!” I called. The two of them looked over at me and headed over.

“Hey.” Luna said while Celestia nodded.

“I think it’s getting rather late, don’t you?” I asked, winking. They looked at each other and nodded. They turned around and began to move the sun and moon. I watched as the two celestial bodies moved in the sky. As they finished some of the villagers saw this and… were oddly not that surprised by it and went to the buildings. I looked at the two and saw Luna frowning.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her.

“I heard the moon bat, I thought she would've left the moon but nope, she’s still there.” Luna said.

“Moon… bat?” Zinn asked.

“One of the ‘newer’ legendaries that didn’t die because they were in the sun and moon when that stupid centar killed the last world.” I told her.

“Yes, we were surprised that there was two of them in there.” Celestia said.

“Yup, I do have to admit it was nice not being on the moon alone again this time around.” she tilted her head a bit. “Kinda odd that I didn’t see her before.”

“She probably wasn’t made yet.” I said, shrugging.

“Well… what now?” Zinn asked.

“Well, it’s night, so nap time.” I said, smirking.

“Nap time for you all, not for me.” Luna said with a smile.

“Have fun, Luna, I’ll be sleeping up on my island.” I said, yawning. “Who’s coming?”

“I am.” Zinn said.

“Well I don’t have any place to go, I’ll come as well.” Celestia said.

“Well you three, enjoy sleeping.” Luna said. She looked over at me and frowned a bit. “And if there any sexy fun time don’t forget about me!” she then turned and took to the skies.”

Rolling my eyes, I snapped my fingers, teleporting the three of us to my house.

“Wow…” Celestia said as she looked at my house.

“It was a gift.” I said, shrugging. She smiled as we walked in. I looked over and saw Viri, the twins were now together since their eyes were blue, was sitting on the couch watching TV.

“Went back together after-all?” I asked, jumping onto the couch next to her, giving her a one armed hug. She giggled at me.

“Of course, as much being split is useful it’s nice to be whole.” she said. She looked over at Celestia and waved.

“So, who’s up for a movie night?” I asked, snapping my fingers and making a bunch of random movies appear.

“Sweet!” Zinn said as she looked through them. She picked up one of them and looked at me with a arched brow. She held up an ‘adult’ movie. “Of course you have one here.”

“And of course you noticed it.” I said, smirking slyly. Viri giggled at this and hugged me.

“I’m up for anything.” she said. I nodded and looked over at Celestia.

“I… don’t have a preference.” she said.

“I’m tempted to put on a kid movie now.” I said, smirking.

“Up to you Ita.” Viri said. Zinn shrugged and Celestia… had no preference.

I decided to put on toy story, just because I could. We all got comfy as I sat with Viri.

“Does my little kitty enjoy this movie?” Viri said with a smile.

“I dunno, want me to bring her out?” I asked.

“Up to you.” she said. “Big or small your still my little kitten.”

“And you’re my pet.” I reminded, shrugging. “But I’ll take that as a ‘yes’.” I glowed, changing into my little kid form, the cat pajamas appearing on me. Celestia and Zinn saw this, Zinn just shrugged as Celestia didn’t say anything but I could tell she was surprised. Viri moved me onto her lap and petted my head.

“Better?” she asked. I nodded, snuggling into her lap and waiting for the movie to start. We all watched the movie without talking a lot. Celestia was enjoying the movie a lot as well of Zinn. Viri was still petting my head during the movie, I gave her some ‘mews’ which made her giggle.

I simply leaned into the ministration while watching the movie, not paying attention much to what I was otherwise doing.

“My kitten enjoying herself?” Viri asked. I nodded absentmindedly, still watching the movie. The movie ended after a bit and Zinn stretched a bit.

“That was enjoyable.” Celestia said happily.

“Nwext mwovie!” I cried, putting in the next in the series. Viri giggled and Zinn rolled her eyes. We watched every Toy story movie, Celestia cried in the third one and Zinn did as well, but she denies it.

“Cwy bwabbies!” I said teasingly, giggling.

“Shut up!” Zinn yelled back. I grinned at her as Viri giggled.

“So, what now?” She asked.

“Well if bwabbies dwone cwying.” I started, sticking my tongue out at her. “Wet’s watch cwars!” I said, putting said movie in. We watched it and for most of the time Celestia question the movie.

“Tia, it’s a movie, stop questioning it.” Zinn said.

“But I don’t understand it, why should I care about a car that talks, also what’s a car?” she asked. Zinn groans at this.

“It’s a mwovie!” I shouted in exasperation.

“Kitten, there’s no need to shout.” Viri said. I looked at her as she frowns at me.

I huffed, crossing my arms and looking away, acting like a brat.

“Do you want to be grounded?” Viri asked in a stern voice. I simply stuck my tongue out at her, unafraid. “Have it your way.”

She stood up and walked to the bedroom. I saw Zinn's mouth open in shock at this. Viri walked into the bedroom and put me down on the bed.

“I want you to stay here and think on what you did.” she said as she turned around and walked out of the room, closing the door.

I raised an eyebrow at this. “Shwe knwows I can telepwort, right?” I asked myself.

“And if you think of teleporting out then no ice cream for you!” Viri yelled through the door. I snapped my fingers, making a tub of icecream appear in my lap and starting to eat it. As if she knew she walked in and took the tub. “No ice cream for you.”

I waited until she left, before blocking the door and doing it again. As I ate my ice cream I made my hearing better to hear the movie.

“I can’t believe you did that, you know she’s more powerful than you?” I heard Zinn said.

“I don’t care, kitten needs to know not to be rude and shout.” Viri said. There was a paused.

“You also know that she can turn into an adult… right?” Celestia said.

“Please don’t ruin this for me.” Viri said. “I like being her mom as she’s like this.”

“Why? All I know is that she’s going to punish you for what you done.” Zinn said.

I silently listened, not even eating the ice-cream I had made anymore.

“I know… I just like to be her mommy as she’s like this.” Viri said. “It also helps me get ready to be a mom for real.”

“So… you’re doing this to practice to be a mom?” Zinn asked. I frowned a little.

“No, sure it helps me for it when it’s real…” Viri paused for a moment. “It’s odd, one of the things I thought about as a kid was being a mom, it was one of my dreams, and now that dream is going to come true. Ita like this is a bit of a window of what’s going to happen and… it makes me happy.”

I made the tub of ice-cream vanish, simply sitting in the room now, un-blocking the door. I waited for some time until I heard the door open and Viri walk in.

“So, have you thought on what you did?” she asked as she puts her hands on her hips.

“Wes kwitty-mommy.” I said, not looking at her and just looking at my knees, sounding ashamed of myself. I saw her hand on my chin before she raised it so I was looking at her.

“I’m not mad at you, I was just teaching you that you need to behave while others are around. Mommy just wants what’s best for her kitten.” Viri said.

“Okway mwommy-kwitty.” I said, sniffling a little. She hugged me for a moment.

“Now, come out and say you're sorry to the others, can you do that?” she asked me. I shuffled nervously, not moving. “Kitten? Are you alright?”

“I nevwouse.” I told her, shuffling again.

“Don’t worry kitten, I’ll be with you, you’ll be fine.” she said as she stood up and offered her hand. I took it meekly, letting her lead me out of the room.

“I swowwy fwor bwieng wude.” I said when we got out to the living room. The two looked at one another for a moment.

“Uhh… it’s… fine, no harm was done.” Zinn said stiffly. Celestia nodded.

“Well then, should we watch another movie?” Viri asked.

“Mwovie!” I exclaimed, putting in jaws. Zinn looked looked at the case and grins.

“Got the good one, the rest are sh-”

“No swearing.” Viri said. Zinn tensed a bit at her.

“Errr… they were bad.” she said. I giggled as we watched the movie, with my on Viri lap. The movie scared Celestia since she looked scared and was slowly curling into a ball.

Instead of teasing her like I normally would have, I crawled over on the couch, giving her a comfort-hug. She turned and hugged me tightly as she shook.

“Oh come on, you know it’s fake.” Zinn said.

“I DON’T CARE!” Tia yelled. I winced at the loudness, before simply hugging her a little tighter and patting her back reassuringly. She let go of me when the movie was over. “T-thanks.”

“Wou welcome.” I said adorably, smiling at her. I crawled back to Viri as Zinn looked at us.

“So… next movie?” she asked. I nodded, putting in Monster House. We watched the movie and Celestia took it better than Jaws.

“I think Luna would enjoy this and the last movie.” she said.

I shrugged, simply snuggling into my kitten-mommy. She petted my head as we watched until she felt something that wasn’t my horns.

“Huh? Oh!” she said. I blinked at her as she made a goofy smile. “You really do look like a kitty now.”

“What dwo wou mwean?” I asked, confused, feeling something on my head twitch. I reached up and felt two kitty ears. Viri gave me a big hug.

“You look adorable!” she said happily. I mewled, feeling something wrap around the two of us, idly noticing my horns were gone for now. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a tail that was a golden-orange color. It wiggled a big until I saw Viris tail wrap itself around mine as Viri hummed a bit.

I smiled at this, curling up as much as I could in her hold. We watched the rest of the movie until it was over. I was starting to get tired at this point, yawning adorably. It came out like mewing a bit.

“I think kitten is getting tired.” Viri said. I nodded, pawing a little at my eyes sleepily.

“Man I thought this was going to lead into some fun stuff.” Zinn whined a bit. “Well there’s always tomorrow. Night,”

“What? Err well night.” Celestia said. Viri took me into the bedroom and the two of us laid down under the blankets.

“Good night Kitten, have pleasant dreams.” Viri said. I nodded, curling into her and yawning as I fell asleep.

The next day…

I woke up with the sun hitting my eyes. I looked and saw mommy-kitty sleeping beside me. I pawed at her to wake her up, she opened her eyes and looked at me with a smile.

“Morning kitty, sleep well?” she asked.

I nodded, nuzzling and rubbing against her. She did the same and stood up from bed.

“Well, let's get changed to something more comfortable.” she said. I nodded, changing out of the kitten pajamas since they were redundant now.

“Cwan wo wash mwe mwommy?” I asked, tilting my head. She turned to me and smiled.

“Of course I can.” she thought about it. “You want it normal or the kitty way?”

“Mwix?” I asked. She nodded as she took me into the bathroom and started the shower. Taking her clothes off and stepping in with me she turned to me and started to clean me.

I smiled at her, closing my eyes and letting her. It took her less time since I was a bit smaller but soon I was clean, at times she would playfully nip at my kitty ears which made me giggle a bit.

“Thwank wou mwommy.” I said, hugging her leg.

“Your welcome kitten, now for me.” she said as she started to lick herself. I nervously shuffled in the shower for a moment, before timidly starting to help her. She giggled a bit and looked down. “Does kitten want to help mommy?”

I nodded, shyly looking up at her, ears down a little to add to the adorableness. I began to lick her legs as she did her arms. She kneeled down a bit to help me as I did her legs and moved closer to her pussy.

“Ah, no not there kitty.” she said quickly. I looked up to her and saw that she was blushing a bit.

“Okway mommy.” I said, deciding to obey and going lower. She patted my head.

“Sorry kitten, that’s a place for… older kittens.” she said.

“Okway mommy.” I repeated, finishing cleaning what she let me. After a few minutes we got out and she helped dry me and got some clothes on. We walked out and saw that Celestia wasn’t there but Zinn was crashed on the couch sleeping.

“Wake up you lazy bum.” Viri said as she kicked her. Zinn woke up in a daze.

“Whatzit?” she mumbled as she looked around and saw us then me. “Oh yeah… ya still a kid…”

“I’m nwot a kwiddy I’m a kwitty!” I said, crossing my arms and pouting.

“She’s right.” Viri said as she flicked Zinn in the head.

“Ow, hey!” she said. Viri shook her head as we headed outside. As we did I saw Celestia standing by the tree Zinn’s dad made shaking her head.

“I wonder what’s wrong with her?” Viri asked.

“Whuz wrong?” I asked Celestia as we got to her. After I said that I looked up to see Luna in the tree sleeping… naked. Wow.

“Why sister… why…” Celestia muttered.

“Kwitty mwommy, wook.” I said, pointing up. Viri looked up and gasped.

“LUNA!” She yelled as she covered my eyes, which was funny for me since I saw her naked already. “Have you no shame?!”

“What~?” she groaned a bit. “I was having a nap here.”

“Your naked in a tree.” Celestia pointed out.

“So… hey who’s the squirt?” Luna asked.

“I’m a kwitty.” I said, smiling, as if I wasn’t currently being blinded.

“I can see that.” Luna said.

“Sister please put on some clothes.” Tia asked her.

“Why? I like the feeling of this, anyway where’s mistress I have a note for her.” Luna said. I smirked, deciding to play like I was a different person, making a invisible double and having her change into my adult form and appear next to Luna, hand on Luna's breasts.

“You called?” My copy asked. I saw Viri moved her hand so I can see her as she raised an eyebrow at me.

“Hey there mistress, I have a note for you.” Luna asked and I guess she gave it to her. With the double I could see what she’s seeing and what the note says.

“Mary, Rose and I say hi and hope to see you soon.” -Nick Smith.”

“What does it say?” Viri asked. The copy let her see the note, since I still couldn’t see. She took it and read it then her eyes went wide as she covered her mouth, which means I could see, and tears came out of her eyes.

“What’s it sway mwommy?” I asked, looking up at her. She feel onto the ground as she started to cry.

“I-I thought… I thought I would n-never see them a-again.” she sobbed.

“Mwommy?” I asked in a scared voice, kneeling next to her and hugging her. She cried into her hands for a bit as I stayed there with her. The two princesses left us alone as Viri cried, me dissipating the copy. After a few minutes she calmed down.

“I-I’m sorry for that…” she said.

“What’d it sway mwommy?” I asked again, looking worried. She looked at me for a moment.

“Ita… can you change your body… I need someone to curl up to... please.” she asked.

I nodded, shifting into my adult form, feeling the ears and tail go in and my horns come out, me holding my arms out to hug her. We stayed like that for a few moments she handed my the note.

“Here.” she said.

“I know what it says.” I told her. “I meant what did it mean.”

“T-That note… was for me.” she said softly.

“Okay… so you’re Mary then? And who were the people?” I asked.

“You… you know that I didn’t have the goodest of times growing up, I got bullied, picked on by anyone and everyone, then when I got raped… I started to stop caring.” she said sadly.

I hugged her tighter, rubbing her back soothingly to help her talk about this. She sniffled a bit before continuing.

“I became so hollow inside that I just didn’t care, if it wasn’t for Jet I would've killed myself so many times.” she said.

I tensed at that, grabbing onto her tighter, as if I would lose her if I didn’t.

“Jet tried everything to cheer me up but he couldn’t be with me forever, that is until I met Rose.”she said. “Rose and her brother Nick they lived near us with their uncle since their parents died. Rose was always happy with me as we played and Nick was smart and clever that turns anything bad into something amazing.” The more and more she talked the happier she got.

“They did so much for me and Jet that they said that we’re family to them, after that I became happy again, I had a family that cared for me and protect me but Nick did say that they wouldn’t be around me so the two of us went to learn how to fight. Ita… after all that I felt happy again.”

“Okay… so how are they coming here though?” I asked. “I mean, if they’re just human, they shouldn’t be able to without some kinda power or tech.”

“I… I think there displacements, Some time ago, Nick disappeared without a trace from a Con and it shook Rose. After five years me and rose went to a con and then she to disappeared without a trace. Me and Jet looked for them but with no luck.” she looked up at me with hope in her eyes. “But that note… that means they’re here, they're displaced as well.”

“Then let’s find out where this note came from and return you to them.” I said, taking the note and examining it, trying to find a energy trail. After looking at it I felt the energy trail but something is off about it, it felt… cut.

“Damn.” I said. “I tried to follow the trail back to make a portal, but it looks like it was cut.” As I said that I felt energy from the planet. A large amount that anyone could sense it.

“What was that?” Viri asked.

“I don’t know, let’s go.” I said, snapping and teleporting the two of us to the energy. I saw that we were at the bottom of an erupting volcano. I saw Pokemon and ponies running for their lives as I saw the lava was in the air but not falling. Someone or something was holding it off. One of the ponies ran into me and looked up at me.

“Run! The stranger is holding it back but even he can’t stop it all!” she yelled as she started to run away.

“Tell everyone to calm down, I got this.” I ordered the pony, flying up to the lava. My eyes glowed as I reached out mentally, a golden glow overtaking the lava and putting it back in faster than the volcano could spew it out. As I did I felt that energy again as something washed over the volcano. I felt it at the top of it and floated down to see this… stranger. As I landed I saw a body sitting down. As I got closer ,and he notice me, I saw that it was Jace.

“Sup.” he asked with a smile.

“Nothing… I didn’t set this volcano to erupt yet, hell it shouldn’t have for another couple thousand years at least, the world was just made.” I said. He shrugged at me.

“Don’t look at me, I don’t know, guessing the world had other ideas.” he said as he tried to sit up. He groans as he stretches. “I held off the lava so the others could run for it, didn’t think on how I was getting out so thanks for the save.”

“You’re welcome.” I said. “And the world better listen next time, or I’ll replace it.” I added, a shudder going through the air, telling me the magic that kept this world running heard this and was afraid.

“Hey now, don’t have to be rude.” he said. He looked around. “Sure you made it a few days ago so it’s like a child, be mean to it and you distance it from you.”

“Alright.” I relented nodding… before I realised something. “So wait… does that mean it’s my kid?”

“Uhh… sure? You made it with your magic so...sure?” he said scratching his head.

My attitude immediately shifted. “I’m sorry.” I said to the world, and it sent a feeling of forgiveness back at me. “Just try and follow mommy’s plan, okay?” I asked, and it agreed.

“See, you have to be nice and loving to them, you can be harsh if they do something wrong but you have to show that you care about them.” Jace said as he looked down over the edge. “Oh look, your girlfriend is here.”

“HI VIRI!” I shouted down, waving. “I should probably name the planet before someone else does…” I muttered.

“Well, let's go down and talk to Viri, maybe she has some ideas.” Jace said as he turned into ash.

“Wait.” I said, holding a hand out. “I have a idea.” I saw him reform with an raised eyebrow.

“First, I’ll name my little planet baby Zalea.” I said, feeling a brush of happiness. “Now, Zalea babby, would you bring mommies girlfriend up here please?”

The ground under her suddenly shot up in a pillar, bringing Viri up to us. She looked around at us shocked.

“Please warn me next time.” she asked.

“Nope.” I said teasingly, smirking at her. She rolled her eyes and stood by me.

“Well this is all happy and nice which kinda sucks that I have to go.” Jace said with a sad smile.

“Oh well.” I said, shrugging. “See you whenever you get dropped here.”

“Yeah yeah.” he said as he turned his head a bit. “Kinda want to spar with that other guy but he’s never around when I am, oh well.”

“Such a shame.” I agreed. “Welp, have fun wherever you end up.”

“Yup, oh and Viri.” Jace said as he stood in front of her. He put his hand on her head and put his forehead on the back of it. “See you around.”

Her eye widen as she looked at him as he backs up as the wind around him swirled around him, making him disappeared. I saw her staring at the spot he once was.

“Was that supposed to mean anything?” I asked.

“N-Nick.” she said softly. “That was Nick, no one does that to me other than him.”

“I wonder what your other friends were displaced as.” I commented, she giggled as she hugged me.

“Don’t know, now I think we should head back, I want to do something.” Viri said.

“What’s that?” I asked, hugging her back. She looked at me with a grin.

“Well this is probably Ri saying this but I would like to… break in the new pets.” she said slowly. “If you want.”

“Sure you can.” I said, hugging her. “But… I liked being you little kitty, so I’ll nap while you do that.” I said, teleporting us, Luna and Celestia into the house.

“Aww but where’s the fun with that?” she said. As a answer I made her grow a big cock, tapping her ass lightly and walking over to the couch, changing into my little kitten form and lying down, curled up. Viri rolled her eyes as the two princesses looked around wondering what’s going on, as Zinn walked in.

“Hey there, how’s…” she then looked around at the room. “Did I miss something?”

Viri looked at me, pointed at the ground and at Zinn as if she was saying ‘Do it here and can Zinn join?’

“Swure mwommy.” I said, since I was in my ‘little kitten’ form right now. “I gwunna gwo sweep nwow.” I added, walking towards my room.

Viri PoV

As I watched my little kitten walk over to her room I walked over to Zinn. “Hey Zinn, you want to have some fun?”

“What do you mean by, ‘fun’?” she asked me. I put my hand on her cock and winked.

“This kind of fun, Mistress is allowing us to… break in the new pets in.” I said. She blinked at me and slowly she grins at me. We turned to the other two, one who’s still naked, as they looked at us. “Which one you want?”

“I’ll take Moonie.” she said.

“Alright.” I said as I looked at Celestia. The two of us walked over to our partners and smiled. Luna must’ve figured what we were doing since she was smiling at us.

“Umm, what do you mean by breaking us in?” Celestia asked.

“That’s simple, since mistress is going to have a nap the two of us are going to have sex with the two of you.” I told her. I heard a gasp from Luna as she pulled Zinn pants down and saw her cock, then licking her lips at it. I looked back at Celestia as she saw this and looked at me.

“I don’t know what mistress did to you but don’t worry I’ll be gentle.” I told her as I pulled her dress down, seeing that she wore a white bra and panties. I pulled my clothes away and showed her the cock mistress gave me. She stared at it as I removed her bra. “Now… I want you to suck it until it’s hard.”

She nodded as she slowly kneeled down and began to stroke it. I moaned a bit as she did but this was taking a bit long as her hands her clumsy.

“Come on Tia, you can do better then.” Luna said, she had already gotten Zinn cock hard and is rubbing it with her body. “Oh, wait maybe not since you’ve been in the castle for so long.”

Celestia frowns as she took my cock with both hands and started to stroke it. “I’m not letting her think that she’s better than me, I’ll show her.” she muttered as she stroked my dick. I smirked as she saw this more of a competition. My dick became hard as she started to lick it. I looked over at Luna and Zinn as Luna was giving her a blowjob. She was bobbing her head up and down as she stroked her cock.

“I don’t know, she looks a bit better.” I teased her. She looked over at her then back at me.

“Two can play it that way.” she said before putting my cock into her mouth. She bobbed her head back and forth as she sucked me off. I saw her pushing a bit further every time as she went faster. I moaned out as she did that. I looked down at her as I saw her hand in her panties fingering herself.

“My, trying to get yourself off? What a slut you are.” I told her. She stopped and I saw her eyes go wide at that. I felt her shake at that, did she enjoy it? I didn’t think more since she was now back to bobbing her head, a bit faster now.

We went until we heard Luna moan out. We looked over and saw that Zinn had all of her clothes off her and bent Luna over doggy style, her cock so deep inside her as I saw a bulge in her stomach.

“W-wow, this is some pussy, taking in almost all of it.” Zinn said. “You must be good at this.”

Luna smirked at her. “The best.”

“WHAT!” Celestia said as she pushed me to the couch and got on top of me, grinding her pussy on me. “I’m not going to be beat by my little sister.”

“Uhh, Celestia, I was going to do this normal and-”

“NO! After what Ita did to me, I don’t think normal sex will do it for me so,” she took my cock and point it at her pussy. “The brutal kind is now normal for me.”

With that she took my cock in one go… all of it. She screamed as she just impaled herself. Her walls held onto me as she shook, she was tight, really tight.

“A-Are you alright?” I asked her. My answer was given as she started to pull off my cock and fall back down.

“What do you think?” she asked as she bounced on my cock. As she was doing that Zinn was going full force on Luna. Seeing this I started to thrust into Celestia, she moans out as she was now enjoying herself.

“You like that don’t you slut.” I told her. Her walls clamp down as she moans. “So many have seen you as a princess but really you’re just a big slut.”

“Yes~ I love being a slut~.” Tia moans at me.

“So do I~.” Luna said as well. She was being slammed from behind by Zinn as she held her arms and pulled her up.

“Looks like these two are just royal sluts.” Zinn said with a grin.

“That’s true, but this one might not be up to the level of mistress.” I said as Celestia started to play with her tits.

“True, give me… one...second!” Zinn yelled as she hilted Luna. Luna screamed as she and Zinn came. I saw that her belly grew from the load, after a few moments she was on the ground holding her belly as she giggles.

“You worried that she would get knocked up?” I asked.

“I don’t think I can, mistress won’t allow me to.” She looked back at Luna. “I wish I could.”

“Aww, does Zinny have a crush on Luna.” I said in a teasing tone. She looked at me and at Luna then back at me.

“What do you think? You’ve seen her.” she said as she walked over to us. She swallowed something and her cock hardened a bit as she moved on top of her. “Now to… train this one.” she said as she put her cock into her ass. Celestia moaned happily at this.

“You know we would turn her into a sex freak if we do this?” I told Zinn.

“Aren’t we all?” Zinn said as she thrusted into her. I sighed and began to move in her. We pump into her for some time as she moaned and giggled happily. I saw heart in her eyes as we did her.

“Zinn… I’m about to cum.” I said as I felt my cock throb.

“ let’s fill… her.” I nodded as the two of us came into her. She moans as her belly filled up a bit more. She giggled for a bit asking for more.

“I want more too~” I heard a voice said. I turned to see Luna crawling over. “I want more dragon cock.”

“Well… when you put it that way.” Zinn said as she helped me get Tia off and onto the ground. With the two now doggy style next to one another Zinn gave me a bit of her spit to get hard again and I thrusted into Celestia as Zinn took Luna. We fucked the two of them as they moaned. Zinn spanked Lunas ass so that she yelped a bit at how strong it was as I grabbed Tia’s mane and pulled her head back. I felt another throb from my cock and looked over at Zinn, seeing that she’s almost done.

“On three.” I said. With a nod I looked back.

“One.” I began as I thrusted into her faster.

“Two.” Zinn said as we were pounding them like jackhammers.

“THREE!” We yelled as we hilted them, they moaned out as their pussys milked out cocks. By the loads their stomachs got larger, Lunas was like a bean bag chair as Zinn picked her up and walked over to a chair and sat down on it, with her cock in her still.

“I think… I’m going to sleep like this.” Zinn said as Lunas belly gave off a bluish colour and shrank down to a smaller size, then curled up to her. I put Celestia on the couch and put a blanket on her. I headed to the showers to take a quick one before going to bed. As I took it I thought about what happened and frowned.

“I wished mistress was with us at the time, she would of done me after all that.” I muttered as I stepped out and dried myself and put on some underwear. I heard to the bedroom where I saw my little kitten lying on the bed. She was mewing in fear a bit as she tossed and turned, I moved around and layed down next to her and started to pet her.

“Don’t worry, mommys here.” I said. She slowly stopped and curled up to me. I smiled as I closed my eyes. “Good night… mistress.”

Ita POV, the next morning

I woke up to my kitty-mommy sleeping around me, smiling and nibbling on her ears a little. She giggled as she woke up.

“Morning Kitten, had a better sleep?” she asked. I nodded, not letting up on my nibbling. She giggled a bit more as she pulled me away as she started to nibble on my ears.

However, It was then that I heard someone else speak. “You two enjoying each others company?” I turned to see Ken by the door, leaning against it with his arms folded as he looked at the two of us. “I’m not interrupting anything now… am I?”

“Nwope!” I said, giggling a little as my kitten-mommy continued.

“Well, given I’ve already had enough sleep and spent the last few hours hearing your shenanigans echo through the entire house… I was thinking of going back to my world.” He told us as he shifted back up. Now though was when I noticed the wristband around his left arm and what looked like some kind of strange stone that was part of it.

“Where’d wou gwet thwat?” I asked, tilting my head a little. When I first asked him… he didn’t have an answer. But this time he had a response for me.

“The bracelet I made myself… the keystone…” He stopped, looking a little sad now as he was trying to form some kind of response. But it wasn’t coming to him.

“Wou dwun hwave to twalk abwout it if wou dwun wanna.” I said. Viri nodded as she got out of bed.

“Nah, it’s okay… the Stones from… a friend.” He replied simply. “Take care of yourself, Ita-.”

“Oi, who’s the new guy?” a voice said. I looked over Ken and saw Zinn behind him with a tank top and jeans on.

“Uh… I don’t believe we met,” He replied, extending his right hand for Zinn to shake. “Ken Ahkrin… fellow displaced and who Itazura see’s as her big brother in a sense.”

“Right.” she said as she shook his hand. “Name’s Zinnia, or Zinn for short.” That caused Ken to freeze up a little bit. After shaking her hand, he blinked a couple of times and ask for clarification from her before Zinn repeated herself.

“S-sorry… You just remind me of a friend of mine…” He said, scratching the back of his head.

“Right, was she a friend or…” she stopped and looked at Ken a bit closer and shook her head. “Okay, both you and Ita remind me of something, but… have we met? I feel like I met you before, same with Ita.”

“Well… that’s the thing…” Ken sighed before he looked at her. “This friend… was what you may say as another version of you… yet, she was someone I knew from my childhood… However, only a couple of days ago… something happened to her and she’s… gone.” Ken closed his eyes, sighing a little as he had trouble looking back at her. “She was very… important to me… to put it simply.”

“Right…” Zinn shifted a bit as she looked at Ken. “Changing subjects, you a half-breed as well?”

“Not exactly,” He replied. “I’m a Scalebound. I formed a bond with a onyx dragon named Revaan back in my world to where our souls were linked and with it, my arm is a representation of that bond. It allows me some powers too, but the catch is that anything we feel is split between us. So if I die… he dies too.”

“I get it, I didn’t really need the whole thing.” Zinn said as she frowns. Viri handed some clothes and helped put them on. “So… Normal dragon or ancient? Or wyvern?”

“Last of his kind, ancient and… if you have met Spike already… Revaan’s his father back in my world.” Ken replied simply, not trying to overload her brain with too much information. She nodded and sniffed him.

“Ancient as in time, yes, not ancient as ancient dragon.” she said. “Well for me, my dad is an Ancient dragon and my mom is a Wyvern queen.”

“Hunh… That’s different from how the dragon species in my world work,” He commented, scratching his chin as I finally finished putting on my clothes. “I could go on… but I think you’re here to talk to Itazura instead of me, so I’ll see myself out.”

“I was here to say food on, we have some more if you want.” Zinn offered.

“I thank you for the kind offer, but I think I’ll pass… if I don’t get back soon, one of my family members will get a bit… crazy.”

“Well, more for me.” Zinn said as she turned and walked away.

“Let’s go kitten.” Viri said as she offered her hand. Ken himself stepped outside, taking the chance to open up a doorway… before I heard another voice begin some kind of rhyme.

“All around the stactus plant, the stalker chased the bandit… the stalker thought it was all fun then POP!” BOOOOOM!!! “... Goes the bandit!!” When I heard that, some blood and what appeared to be limbs with a few holes in them flew out of the portal and hitting Ken in the face.

“Was thwat twiny twina?” I asked, recognizing it from when I had played borderlands as a human.

“I think so, sounds like her.” Viri said.

“That… was my cousin… who was displaced as her…” Ken replied as he sighed. “Trust me, I’ve met some of my family displaced as some other characters-.” Just as he said that, I heard another voice. This time one that was very loud.


“…… And that’s my uncle, Mr. Torgue.”

“...Uhh…” Viri said. I then heard someone laughing.

“Really! He’s you uncle?!” Zinn said as she was still laughing.

“Yeah… Try laughing at the fact that my Aunt is now Moxxi and my mother is Athena.” Ken replied back, almost as if he was daring her to try.

“Well, can’t have them wait longer.” she said as she walks over to him and picked him up. “HEY MR. TORGUE! SPECIAL DELIVERY!!!!” as she said that she threw Ken into the portal. She turns around as the portal closes. “Never get’s old.”

Just as the portal closed, she then heard one thing. “YOU’RE JUST IN TIME FOR ME TO TURN THESE BADLANDS INTO THE BADASS CRATER OF BASASSITUDE-.” With that, the portal back was shut while all of us were looking at one another in shock… except for me, who just looked amused.

“I… want to meet Mr. Torgue now.” she said with a smile. “He sounds fun!”

“Well… thwat hwappened.” I said, giggling amusedly.

“Yeah… let’s hope that Mr. Torgue doesn’t come around until after I give birth.” Viri said as she puts her hand on her belly. “For my and the babies sake.”

I nodded in agreement, before slipping back into the little kitten persona of mine. “Kwitty mwommy, what were thwose ‘fwunny’ words hwe said?” I asked.

“Those were really bad words kitten, and I don’t want you to say them.” Viri said.

“Until she’s in her older body.” Zinn muttered.

“Don’t you have a lunar goddess to snuggle with?” Viri said. I looked at Zinn with a raised eyebrow.

“Uhh… gotta go!” Zinn said as she ran back inside. Viri chuckled at that.

“She can’t hide her feeling huh.” Viri said.

“Nwot weally, shwe’s a tewwible actwor.” I said. “I thwink I’ll awwow thwe rewationship thwough.”

“Aww, you’re sweet mis…” Viri stopped and frowned a bit. “Nope, can’t say it, doesn’t fit when you're like this.” I simply giggled, nuzzling her.

“Let go and get something to eat.” Viri said.

“I gwot somethwing wight here.” I said, pawing at her chest. Viri giggled and looked over at the tree. She led me over and sat down.

“Kitten I think my milk has something special in it.” she said as she took her shirt off and then bra.

“Whwat dwo wou mwean, mwommy?” I asked, before getting to suckling.

“I think, the more milk you suck, the faster you grow.” she said as the milk came into my mouth I felt it trying to make me grow, but I didn’t let it quite yet, wanting to drink more. I looked up and saw Viri smiling at me but she was also breathing more deeply. Her face was getting a bit red as I sucked her breast.

“Awe wou okway mwommy?” I asked worriedly, stopping for a second.

“I-I’m fine kitten!” she said quickly. “J-just keep getting some more of mommys milk, I think you grew a bit.” I had an idea of what it was, smirking inwardly as I started on her other breast, the other pretty much empty, suckling and this time letting it make me grow into my teenage form, but now with my kitten features.

“There you go kitten, keep growing.” she said as she started to play with her breast. I let it make me grow until I was 18 with good breast and a decent ass before I stopped it, almost done anyway.

I took my mouth off her breast and looked down at myself, putting a panicked look on my face. “Mommy, what happened to me?!” I exclaimed in ‘panic’, looking scared.

“I-It’s fine k-kitten, I told you that my m-milk would make you g-grow.” she said as she tried to look calm as she to had a worried look but she kept fondling her breast.

“I-i d-didn’t expect to grow this much.” I said, letting out a ‘whimper’ of panic and confusion. She blinked at me and let her breast go and hugged my head.

“I’m sorry kitten, I didn’t mean to scare you…” she said. “After last night I was hoping for something but this… I didn’t mean to scare you.” I then heard her started to cry a bit.

“I-it’s okay mommy.” I eventually said, hugging her back, ‘accidentally’ grabbing her ass. She shuttered a bit.

“C-careful where you g-grab kitten.” she said.

“Sorry mommy.” I said… grabbing lower. She moans a bit at that as she tried to rub her legs together but I was in the way.

“Did… you like that mommy?” I asked, squeezing again.

“Umm… well… kinda, kitten.” she said as her face goes very red.

“S-should… I continue?” I asked ‘nervously’. She blinked at me and bit her lip. I could see that she really wanted it but her ‘Mother, daugher’ side was making it hard for her. I nervously continued anyway, ‘clumsily’ grabbing and groping her ass, moving a hand to her pussy and starting to play with that. She moans at this as I stopped.

“S-sure kitten, you c-can c-continue.” she moaned at me. I nodded, ‘clumsily’ continuing to play with her. She moans and I saw her hand reached up and started playing with her breast again.

We continued like this until she tensed, cumming onto my hand, making me stop and bring it up to my face, looking at the juices covering it curiously.

“T-those are… mommy's juices… from down there.” she said as she shuttered a bit. I started to slowly bring my hand closer to my face, moving to lick my hand clean. She watched me and bit her lip and moaned a bit. After it was clean, I hummed happily, getting a little flustered.

“T-that tasted good, mommy.” I said, looking a little ‘hot and bothered’. She blinked at me.

“God damn it.” she said as she grabbed my head and pulled me towards her. “Stop teasing me Ita, you know I want it, I need it.”

I seemed stuck in the persona for now, because I suddenly whimpered fearfully, looking at her with wide eyes. She saw this and pulled away, looking scared. “Oh… oh god no, please tell me it didn’t make you like this… please.” She said as tears run down her face. “Please Ita, just tell me this is a joke.”

I looked genuinely scared and confused for a couple seconds, before a splitting headache came over me, me holding my head with a whimper and falling onto my side.

“ITA! Oh god no.” she said as she grabbed me and hugged me. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry Ita, I never wanted this, I wanted to you and I have a moment of fun but this… this isn’t what I wanted…”

“Note to self.” I groaned, holding my head and sitting up, absent mindedly hugging her back. “Don’t get that into one of my ‘personas’ again.”

“I-Ita? Is that you?” she asked me scared.

“Yeah, it’s me kitty slut.” I said, shooting her a smirk and spanking her. She stared at me for a moment, not even moaning… before she hugged me tightly as she cried into my shoulder.

“I’M SORRY!!! I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry!!!!” She repeated over and over again.

“Shh, it’s okay Viri, I’m back.” I said softly, rubbing her back soothing.

“I-I didn’t mean to change you, I just wanted to have sex with you, I was still horny after last night and you were sleeping, so I took one of my viales to make me aroused and acted to get you to do me, I didn’t know it would do this, I didn’t know.” she cried into my shoulder.

“It’s fine, hun.” I said softly and affectionately, showing her a more… softer, side of me. “I forgive you, now how about we just go and cuddle and forget all this happened?”

She nodded into my shoulder. I teleported into our bedroom and lay down in bed. She cuddled up to me and at points she would say that she’s sorry. I simply rubbed her back and comforted her until she fell asleep, closing my eyes and humming. We stayed like that until she woke up an hour later.

“Ita? Are… are you ‘you’?” she asked.

“Yes my sweet little kitten.” I said softly, idly petting her. She cuddled up to me as I hugged her a bit. After a bit I heard her breath coming out heavier and her hips grinding on me. I looked at her and saw that her face was red.

“Still horny?” I asked. She nodded.

“T-the potion makes me go into my heat cycle. I feel like I haven’t done in weeks.” she said.

“I better calm down my kitty if she wants to see her kitten safely anytime soon then.” I said, making sure I was in my regular adult form, before pulling the blanket over the two of us.

Somewhere else on Zalea.(3rd person)

On the planet, a wild pokemon were playing with a golden disk with a symbol on it. Unknown then it triggered it to open a portle to another world, what stepped out was a woman with brown hair and eyes. She had goggles on, a pair of jeans and red tank-top. She looked around… then went to a tree to throw up.

“Ugh… I hate when that happens.” she said as she breath heavy.

“You said that every time.” a robotic voice said. A small rubix cube appeared over her shoulder.

“Thank you Beta.” she said as she straightened and looked around. “Now… where are… OH MY GOD IS THAT A POKEMON!” she yelled as she ran into the forest.

And here we go.”

Meeting familiar faces part4

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Ita POV, 6 months after last chapter

It was a couple months since the… incident, and we had put it behind us by now, me waking up next to Viri in my normal adult form, smiling and hugging her. She hummed happily as she opened her eyes.

“Morning honey.” she greeted softly.

“Morning kitten.” I said, petting her. “I was thinking we could have a picnic today down on the surface.”

“I would love that.” she said. I gave her a hug and we climbed out of bed. I looked over at Viri as she rubbed her belly, now noticeable pregnant, she smiled and went to the dresser for clothes.

“Just wear casual.” I told her, slipping on a t-shirt and jeans, deciding to actually cover my feet for once by wearing flip-flops. I looked over and saw that she was putting on a t-shirt and yoga pants… well tried to.

“No one told me being pregnant would mean putting on clothes would be hard.” she grumbled and looked at me. “Help~.”

“Okay kitten.” I said with a eye roll, walking over and helping her. After I was done she gave me a kiss.

“Thanks hun.” she said with a smile. I kissed her back, nuzzling her. “I have to ask, you like me like this? You were a bit… frisky last night as we slept.”

“Little bit.” I admitted. “Now let’s go before we end up fucking for a couple hours instead of being at the picnic.”

“Okay.” she said as she grabbed my ass. “We’ll do that after as a dessert.”

“Of course.” I said, grabbing hers right back. “You’ve been getting dominant lately.” I nodded, snapping my fingers and bringing us to a clearing with a picnic blanket set out, a basket appearing shortly after we did.

“You got everything set up! My aren’t you sweet.” Viri said as she sat down.

“Only the best for my girlfriend.” I said softly, smiling back at her and sitting next to her. I opened the basket and handed her a sandwich as I grabbed mine. We sat there enjoying being together as we chatted and cuddled. Today was starting off great… until I heard some voices from behind me.

“Did you hear? She turned up again.”

“Really! The weaver showed up again?” two voices talked to one another, they sounded like kids.

“Who’s the weaver?” I asked out loud to myself, the kids hearing.

“What the! Who’s- oh hello miss Ita, goddess lady,” one of them said as they both bowed at us.

“Miss Ita, goddess lady?” Viri giggled at me

“The locals insist on calling me some variation of that.” I told her, before turning to the kid. “You didn’t answer me.”

“O-oh uhhh well it’s a rumor really but a couple months back there was this weird look lady that appeared out of nowhere. Just out of the blue.”

“Yeah! Others say that she looked really weird, she didn’t look like a pokemon or a pony, she was furless!” the other kid said.

“Really, why is she called ‘The Weaver’?” Viri asked.

“Because, get this, she can make weaves out of the ground!” the kid said.

“Yeah and other stuff as well! Like move boulders, stop land slides, overturn the ground to make farm fields, she has the power over the land itself!” the other kid said.

“Some villages made statues of her our of stone, she’s like a guardian to most villages.” the first kid said.

“I think we’ll need to meet this ‘weaver’.” I mused. “Good boys, have some ice-cream.” I added, making two cones appear for them. They took them, said there thanks, and ran off. I looked over at Viri as she stared off to space.

“Think it’s one of them?” I asked. She blinked and looked at me.

“Huh? What do you mean by them?” she asked as she looked confused.

“One of your family.” I told her. I put my hand on her belly.

“When am I not… don’t answer that.” she said as she blushed. “And saddly no, I was thinking about this ‘Weaver’ she sounds like something I know.”

“That is?” I asked. She thought about it and groaned.

“I don’t know, maybe if I see this, statues I might now more.” she said.

“I’ll take us to the closest village.” I said, snapping my fingers and teleport us there. I looked around and asked some of the villages until we found this statue. It was woman sitting like a monk would with weaves of earth around her. She looked like she had goggles on as well. On the back was her as well but with a helmet on and a rifle on her lap. What was odd was that there was this weird thing over her shoulder. Some sort of eye?

“Ohh! I know her!” Viri said. “That’s Taliyah!”

“And who’s that?” I asked, idly noticing my own statue next to it, mine bigger and golden with my normal adult form in the front, a slightly bigger Unbound me roaring behind it. I notice a stone by my statue leg. I took it and saw a message.

‘Big scary Hoopa, sexy female Hoppa. ;) -Weaver’

“Did you play League of Legends before coming here?” Viri asked.

“Nope… and it looks like someone is a flatterer.” I said, showing her the stone.

“Hey now, are you planning on making her a pet to?” Viri asked with a raised brow.

“Maybe.” I said. “Maybe not.”

“You tease.” she said. I smiled at her as I overheard some villagers talking.

“Did the caravan make it to the next village?”

“Don’t know, they have to go through the mountains for a faster trip.”

“Really! But it rained all last week, the place would be dangerous!”

“Don’t worry, some say The Weaver is with them.” I raised an eyebrow at this.

“Going to look?” Viri asked.

“You know it.” I said, smirking. “Zalea, lead mommy to these people please.” I called into the air, before picking up Viri and floating, allowing my planet to push us with the wind. We traveled to the mountains and I saw the caravan, they were stuck between a rock and a hard place… and that wasn’t a pun. The pathway was gone and they can’t go back, even worse some boulders came loose and rolling towards them. Right before I could do anything something happened.

The ground literally rose up and pushed the boulders to the open path, I saw someone riding some rocks on the side of the mountain and landing on the other side and make a pathway for the careavan. I heard cheering.

“Wow. she really can control the land.” Viri said. I nodded and looked up to see something in front of me.

“Don’t mind me for one second.” it said as a blue light shined on me and Viri. “Thank you.” it then turned and floated away.

“Not so fast.” I said, snapping my fingers and bringing it back, trapping it in a field.

“Yes?” it asked.

“Rather rude to just scan and run, don’t you think?” I asked, making Viri float next to me so I could cross my arms. “Didn’t even get our names, now you just have to put a bunch of question marks in our files.” the thing blinked at us.

You are Ita, the goddess of the this world that both made it and filled it with pokemon and ponies, and this.” he turned to Viri. “Is your lover Viri, the two face goddess of fertility and sex”

“Oooo I’m a goddess.” Viri said.

“I may of told the locals that.” I said, smirking. “Still, we need your name.” I said to the floating machine.

“My name isn’t that important but since you asked, I am Beta and I’m,” he turned to the caravan. “Am her ghost.”

“Of course your name matters.” I said, snapping my fingers and freeing the ghost. “Now, how about we meet the ‘weaver’?” I suggested to Viri rhetorically, already floating the two of us towards the caravan. I looked over at the ghost as it disappeared. I looked down and saw it reappeared beside the weaver, probably telling her about us. She turned and looked at us.

“What’s the first thing you're going to ask?” Viri asked me.

“How she ended up here, and that’s all I’ll care to ask, I don’t like people just popping into my universe if I don’t know them.” I said.

“And after you find out, what are you going to do?” she asked.

“Nothing, she’s only been helping so far.” I told her, shrugging. I saw the caravan leave the girl as we got closer. I looked up as I saw her wearing her goggles and smiling at us.

“Have to say, I never thought I would get two gods to come and see me, am I lucky or what!” she said.

“Lucky in a good way or a bad way?” Beta asked her. She looked at him with a frown.

“That’d entirely depend on the impression you give.” I said, smirking as I landed.

“Hey sexy Hoopa lady!”


“Whatever!” she said with a smile.

“What is it?” I asked, not minding. Viri rolled her eyes at me.

“So! You two already met Beta here.” she gestured to the ghost, he moved as if he nodded or bowed. “And I’m Taliyah, nice to met yeah!”

“So far you’ve amused me.” I said.

“Uhh… thanks? Also you didn’t give me your names.” she said.

“You already know them.”

“Doesn’t mean I remember them, also it’s nice to be greeted.” Taliyah said.

“I’m Itazura, goddess of this world and universe.” I said, giving a dramatic bow. Viri rolled her eyes.

“And I’m Viri, goddess of fertility and sex… as it seems.” she shot me a glance and a smirk.

“Totally didn’t forget to mention it to her at all.” I said, shrugging and smirking. Taliyah didn’t pay any mind as she looked at Beta.

“Is she… displaced?” she asked sounding… hopeful?

“Yes, she seemed to have everything checked in her favor.” he said.

“I am to.” I idly commented. Taliyah ignored me and looked at Viri.

“Umm is there something wrong?” Viri asked her nervously.

“When you were fifteen, you went to the movies to see a scary movie, you got so scared that you wet yourself.” Taliyah said. Viri eyes widen and went red.

“I-I-I did not!” she looked at me. “I got scared and dumped my drink on me- wait… how you know about that the only… person…”

“Mary?” Taliyah asked. The two of them looked at each other as tears fell down Viri face as she ran to her. They hugged each other as they cried. Beta came floating over to me.

“Told you it’d be one of your family.” I idly commented, before turning to Beta.

“You knew?” he asked.

“I had a reasonably good guess.” I said. “And I may have looked into the future with a couple pokemon moves.”

“Right…” he said. We walked over as they broke away.

“Mary! It’s good to see you okay!” Taliyah said before looked down. “And HUGE! I heard you were a goddess of Fertility but I didn’t really think you were!”

“I accept all blame for making that happen.” I said, giggling. She looked at me, then at Viri, then at me, then at Viri as she pointed at the two of us.

“Her? She’s the one who knocked you up?” she asked bluntly. I frowned at her.

“Well… yeah…” Viri shifted a bit. Taliyah stared at her for a moment and raised her arms into the air.

“I’M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!” she yelled giving her a big hug.

“Ah! Rose! Careful of the babies.” Viri said.

“Oh sorry sorry- wait babies? You're having twins?” she asked as she looked at me.

“Just a little bit.” I said, winking and shrugging, sticking my tongue out.

“Again I’M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!” she yelled as she, carefully, hugged Viri. “I’m going to be an aunt! Well I’m already aunt with Nick’s kid but still!”

“Thank you thank you, but Rose, what are you doing here?” Viri asked. Hey that’s my question!

“Don’t know, felt my token be summoned, ended up in a forest and… other stuff.” she said.

“Other stuff?” I asked.

“Running into some villagers, running for my life, saving some pokemon, you know other stuff.” she said.

“Getting a statue built.” I added, smirking.

“That wasn’t me, I just saved some ponies.” she said as she looked around. “This… isn’t really a good place to talk.”

“I can fix that.” I said as I was about to snap my fingers.

“What… wait. No, nonononononon-” I snapped my fingers and teleport us to the island.

“There we go, now this is bet-” I was cut off as Taliyah ran off to throw up into a bush. I blinked at this and looked at Beta.

“She has a bit of a problem with anything that involves teleporting, gives her stomach aches.” Beta informed me.

“Why?” I asked.

“Don’t know, it just does.” he said as he turns around. “You also have company.”

“What do you mean, company?” I asked, turning around. He floated over by a tree.

“Whoever grew this, is inside your home. I can see the magic from this being, you said your a goddess but you didn’t sense it?” Beta said. I looked at the tree and saw that it was the one that Rirpar grew.

“Oh, I know who that is, just a friend.” I said as I waved it off. As I did I saw Taliyah walking aback.

“I... hate… teleporting…” she groaned. Beta floated over.

“At least your not freaking out about being on a floating island.” he said.

“Floating… Island.” She said as she looked over to the side and fell onto the ground. “WHY DID YOU TELL ME THAT!”

“Maybe that wasn’t a good idea.” Beta sighed. Viri giggled at them as she walked over to me.

“As much as I knew Rose, she always had a fear of heights.” she said.

“It shouldn’t feel any different from being on the surface though.” I said, tilting my head.

“I KNOW! WHY IS THAT!” Taliyah yelled as she saw my house. She began to crawl over to it. “A house, I’ll be safe in a house!”

I smirked, walking forward and giving Viri a teasing spank, before I picked her up, walking over to the house. I opened the door and let Taliyah crawl in and sighing in relief.

“Safe at last~.” she said.

“Still can’t deal with heights, it’s a good thing that you have ground here or you would of been in a ball freaking out.” a voice said. I looked up to see Rirpar sitting on my couch. “Hello young goddess, good to see you well.”

“Good to see you to.” I said, waving. He nodded as he pulled a couple chairs.

“As much as I like to chat, we are on a bit of a time crunch.” he said.

“Okay, what’s up?” I asked, sitting in one. He leans forward at me, his eyes look that of a dragons.

“I need your help.” he said to me.

“What do you need my help with?” I asked, intrigued.

“A young displacement will be coming here,” he looks down at Taliyah for a moment. “Not her, and… some Displacer has their eye on her and wants to turn her into a sex slave or something of the sorts, normally I wouldn’t care but… this time I can’t stand her telling me about it.” he said as he clenched his fist, making it go white.

“Okay… so just tell me when they’re here and i’ll close off my universe.” I said, shrugging.

“Normally that would be fine but… a Displacer can break through.” he said. “And don’t say that they can’t because they can. I’ve seen many displacements get to your power level, heck even Jace is there. No that wouldn’t work, but this Displacer can be banished from this realm easily.” he said.

“Okay, how would I do that?” I asked. He pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment.

“I can’t believe that I’m saying this but… make her cum and she’s gone.” he said. The three of us didn’t say anything after a minute.

“Really… make her cum?” Taliyah said.

“Yes… she’s not the… strongest Displacer there is but she… as she calls it the Queen of Kinks so she made it a rule that if she does she would leave… forever, then after that’s done I will take the Displacement and put her in a realm for her… if she so chooses.” he said.

“So I just have to make her cum? That should be easy.” I said.

“I hope so, with this it would.” he said as he tosses me a small box. “I want this to be over with so just open that and walk away.” He said.

“Alright, now I just wait for one of them to show up, I guess.” I said, catching the box. As I did I heard a loud booming sound.

“And that… would be the displacement.” he said. He looked at me and Taliyah. “Have fun you two.” and with that I blinked and I was standing in the woods. Taliyah groaned a bit.

“I… hate...this…” she groans.

“Why’d he teleport you here?” I asked, raising a eyebrow. “Whatever, let’s go.” I said, snapping my fingers and fixing her, before walking towards where I felt the displacement.

“So… you made this world?” she asked as we walked.

“Yep.” I said simply.

“Cool~.”she said. As we walked we saw pokemon around looking at us. Taliyah smiled at this like she was a kid in a candy store.

I pet some as we went, smiling and randomly making things they I knew they needed as we went.

“We’re getting close.” Taliyah said. She nodded above us and I saw that the trees were torn apart by something passing through. I frowned a little, healing them as we passed, though I didn’t heal them all at once so we could still follow the path. When we got to the place where it crash we saw some kind of pod thing, it was also open. Taliyah went of and took a look around.

“No one's here.” she said as she looked around. “But whoever was here, crawled out and went… this way.” she pointed in a direction. I looked around and didn’t see any tracks.

“Sure.” I started, looking at the pod. “Or we could follow the energy trail that way.” I said, pointing in another direction.

“Bad trail.” she said. She tossed something at me. “Split up and we can find her faster?”

“Sure.” I said, getting a mischievous idea. “I’ll go this way…” I started, before using Double Team. “And this way… and this way… and this way…”

“Right…” Taliyah said as she walked a few feet, making stone come up, and shooting towards her way.

The me’s all used Fly, golden wings erupting from their back before they shot in their directions. I flew around looking for about ten minutes until there was another loud boom. I looked up and saw something coming down in fire.

The me’s joined up, shooting towards that instead, using Extreme Speed to get there quicker. The comet landed in the the forest as I got close to take a look. What came out was… really underwhelming. A thirty year old woman walking out in a black leather outfit with a mask. She was flat chested and looked much like a toothpick to me.

“Now… where’s my peeeetttt~” she said making the last word longer than normal.

“Delivery!” I exclaimed, appearing in front of her with the box, opening it before I vanished again. I looked back and saw… tentacles.

“Gaa what! Way are… noo!” she yelled as the tentacles start ripping into her clothes. I heard a buzzer in my pocket and took out the device Taliyah gave me and put it up to my ear.

“Found her!” she said with pride. “Told you I know where I was going.”

Whatever.” I whispered back into it, sitting on a branch nearby. “You take her to a safe village, I wanna watch this happen.”

“Uhh that’s the thing, she’s in the village and… well I might need some help.” She said as I saw the old bag get fucked by tentacles… it was kinda gross really… and mostly because it was her.

Alright, I’m coming.” I whispered back, teleporting to her. I saw that she was standing in front of what looked like an inn of sorts with music and laughter coming out of it.

“Hey there, so she’s in there and… she’s drunk.” Taliyah said.

“So?” I asked. As I said there was a magic blast that came out of the place through the roof.

“And I said, ‘a girl's best friend is a cannon, because bitches love CANNONS’!!” a female voice yelled. A round of laughter came from the inn as this went on.

“I still don’t see the problem, most unicorns could’ve done that.” I commented, floating inside of the inn. I looked around as I saw a group of ponies surrounded someone in the middle. I looked over them and saw a female, about nineteen or so with bright red hair and eyes as she held two drinks in each hand. She raised one of them up and drank it until she was done, this made everyone cheer for her.

I raised a eyebrow, very amused by all of this. It took her a moment to see me and give me a drunken smile.

“H-hey there cutie, w-want to join in?” she said as she showed me her mug, just for her to look at it as it was empty. “Boo~ it’s empty.”

“Sure.” I said, shrugging and floating over. “Barkeep, free rounds for everyone!” I shouted. Everyone cheered at this.

“Uhh… Ita, I thought we are here to take her back?” Taliyah said.

“Later.” I said dismissively, grabbing my mug and downing it. The redhead walked over and leaned on me.

“Take me back? To whom? That old bag of bones?” she said to me.

“No, she’s currently being raped by tentacles.” I said. “We’re going back to my flying island.”

“Cool~ hic! A flying island… that’s cool.” she said as she a swig of her drink. “Do we have to leave right now? The party just started~.”

“Nah, we can party.” I said, drinking from my mug again. I heard a sigh from Taliyah as she walked over to the bar keeper. The red head took a drink of her mug and hummed happily.

“This is so good~! Want to taste?” she asked. Before I could answer she took a big drink and planted her lips on mine, letting me drink it. She backed off as I tasted the fruity drink.

“It’s good.” I said. She grins as she wanders into the crowd of ponies. I looked over at Taliyah as she sat at the bar.

A couple hours of drinking later…

I downed the last mug of mine for the night, smirking and wiping my mouth clean. Taliyah was still sitting at the bar, I got her to drink some booze and so far she seemed fine. The redhead… was trying to get into my pants.

I wrapped a arm around the redhead with a smirk, turning to Tali. “Tal, we’re leaving!” I called. She nodded and stood up. She put some bits down and walked over to us.

“Ready?” I asked, about to teleport us. She took some deep breaths before nodding. I teleported us back to the living room, right into an argument.

“You can't do that!” Viri yelled.

“It's not your choice of the matter, you have one thing tying you here and when that's done there's no reason for you to stay.” the displacer said.

“What’s going on here?” I asked. Rirpar looked over at us.

“Ah, you returned with the displacement, who’s intoxicated, well you got her here and I don’t sense the other so that’s good.” he said.

“Don’t change the subject, what’s going on?” I asked, crossing my arms. Viri ran up and hugged me.

“H-he’s saying that I can’t stay here. That I have to leave after I give birth.” she cried.

“What?” I asked in a deadly calm voice, turning to him.

“She doesn’t belong here, she’s not of this world and is needed in her world.” he said calmly.

I simply stared at him with a glare, fury in my face as I felt power flooding my veins, so much that I had an aura around me.

“I’m guessing you have a problem about that?” he asked calmly.

“Get out of my universe.” I said back. He stared at me and nodded.

“Alright, but know that you have a choice coming.” he said as he disappeared.

I immediately calmed, hugging Viri close to me. She cried into my shoulder as I looked at Taliyah, who looked nervous.

“You… think that’s a good idea?” she asked me.

“I think that he can fucking deal with it, he made my girlfriend cry.” I replied, picking Viri up and holding her. “Now, fuck off, I’m going to my room with her.” I said, still a tiny bit angry, walking into our room and setting her down on the bed. We layed there in silence as she cried. After some time she calmed down.

“Ita…” she whimpered a bit.

“Yes dear?” I asked.

“I… I don’t like what he said… but… he did have a good point… I… really don’t have a lot here that bound me here.” she said softly.

“Okay then.” I said, voice colder, a shadow covering my eyes.

“Ita… please.” she said putting her hand on my cheek. “Don’t be angry… you scare me when you're angry.”

I didn’t say anything, simply teleporting away.

Viri POV

I watched as Ita looked at me with anger as she teleported away. I sat up where I was as I looked at the spot as I started to cry. I held my belly as I started to talk to my babies.

“E-everything is going to be okay.” I whispered. After a few moments I heard a knock on the door. “Y-yes?”

“Mary? It’s me.” Rose said. I got out of bed and went to open the door. “Are you okay?”

“Do I look okay?” I told her. She flinched at me. I looked down at myself. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine, it’s understandable that you would be.” she said. “Do… you want to be alone?”

“No… I don’t.” I said. Rose nodded as she walked in and sat down.

“What am I going to do. I don’t want to leave but again, I don’t belong here.” I said.

“You sure? The ponies down there have other ideas.” she said. I nodded as I sat down.

“Yeah, but what am I going to do?” I asked a loud.

“Why not ask the guy to move your world here?” a voice said. I looked and saw the red haired girl here. Rose jumped at this.

“How did you get in here!?” she yelled.

“Door.” she said. As she sat back. “Back to the topic at hand, why not ask, he looks scary and stuff but he seems like a guy to make deals, so why not ask him to move your world?”

I opened my mouth to say something but didn’t, that… make sense. “Why didn’t I think of that.”

“Because you’re not drunk and got teleported.” she said as she looked forward. “It’s weird, I was drank as fuck but now I’m sober, really odd.”

“Right… so Mary, what are you going to do?” Rose asked. I thought about it as I stood up and walked out of the room, Ita may have the power to do anything but this is something for the two of us, and I wanted to help out. I walked out of the house and went up to the tree.

“Rirpar, I need to talk to you.” I said to it. I waited for a moment.

“What is it child, do you want your lover and I to fight? I’ll tell you, it won’t end nicely.” he said around me.

“No, I’m here to make a deal.”

Ita POV.

I was alone, in space, letting myself cool off. I floated across the stars as I repeated what I heared. Rirpar said that she needed to return to her world but she can’t! She’s my girlfriend!

This line of thought lead me to repeating that she said about not having much to tie her here but the babies, making me curl up more. I felt myself shake of losing her. I looked back at my world, feeling torn inside..

“You need to get a hold of yourself, your a goddess and you need to be strong for you people.” Someone said. I turned and saw Rirpar there looking around.

“Leave me alone.” I mumbled, dismissively turning away. He didn’t leave as I heard a sigh from him.

“The one thing you need to know about me is that I’m blunt, I want to get things done and done soon, your lover being here for so long and away from her home was making her home shake, tearing it apart slowly.” he said.

“Why would it do that?” I asked. “That sounds like a incredibly stupid weakness, kidnap a displaced for a while and the world dies.”

“It’s because it’s at war with itself, the humans, faunus, ponies and other races are fighting with one another and the Grimm are making things hard.” he said. As he floated over a bit. “I didn’t say anything but your lovers cousin died during this war.”

“...Will she be okay if she goes?” I asked in a whisper.

“That’s impossible.” he said as he floated to me. “We made a deal.”

“What deal?” I asked. He didn’t say anything until he let out his hand and a bright flash blinded me. As I blinked my vision back I saw… a new world.

“As what the redhead displacement said, if you can’t send someone home, bring home to her.” he said as he made some motions to move the world back a bit and set it away from mine.

I tilted my head, floating towards the world that had just appeared.

“Just to let you know, this is one that isn’t in a war state, I took it at the point where the displacement is about to come in.” he said.

“I could just kill all the Grimm now.” I mused, still floating towards the planet.

“You could, but you're not the planets god.” he said as he paused. “I mean… goddess.”

“But I am for the universe it inhabits.” I said back. “My authority takes precedence.”

“Then you should go talk to said goddess then.” he said as he floated away. “She’s on your island looking around.” I decided to take his advice, teleporting back home. What I saw was the Redhead and Taliyah talking.

“Hey there sexy, come back for me?” the redhead said with a smirk. Taliyah facepalms.

“She has a girlfriend…”

“So?” the redhead said with a grin.

“I normally would.” I said, floating past her to where I sensed Viri. “But I need to talk to said girlfriend.” I headed inside as I saw her sitting on the couch smiling.

“Hey hun.” she said softly.

“Hey… sorry about leaving like that.” I said, holding one arm sheepishly, not meeting her eyes.

“But you came back.” she said softly. I nodded, walking a little closer.

“So… I saw your world come into my universe.” I commented.

“Yeah, I know.” she said to me. “I… talked to Rirpar, the redhead gave me the idea to ask.”

“So, I was thinking, as a present, would you mind if I went and killed all the Grimm for you?”

“As much as I would like that, I think it’s better if they stay.” she said as she puts her hands together. “I think they will… help with bringing the world together instead of driving it a part.”

“Can I at least help you out on your world?” I asked. “I have people to guard mine.”

“My world is tough, they can handle it. Besides, the new goddess in looking after them.” she said as she sat up.

“You mean the one that is only one because I told some locals on my planet she was one?” I asked, raising a eyebrow. She walked over to me and wrap her arms around my neck.

“Remember I made a deal?” she said softly.

“Yeah?” I asked. She giggled.

“Well… I might take this whole being a goddess this a little bit too seriously.” she said as she kissed me. As she did I felt a jolt of energy went through me.

“Are you trying to make me horny?” I asked.

“I don’t know.” she smiled sheepishly. “I’m… uh… kinda getting used to these powers that I now have.”

“You’re like a little baby goddess.” I giggled, smirking. “Doesn’t even know how to use her powers.”

“Hey, I may be new but I have some control… kinda… a little.” she said blushing a bit.

“You don’t have any, do you?” I asked.

“I do… I can make a small flower bloom.” she said softly.

“So you’re shifu from kung fu panda three without the kung fu?” I asked, teasingly smacking her ass.

“Hey! I can do other stuff, I have two sets; one for here and one for there.” she said with a huff. She then smiled at me. “And one of them I want to try out.”

“And you didn’t deny me.” I said, smirking. She huffed a bit and turned away.

“And here I was going to show you what I can do.” she said annoyed.

“Okay okay, I’m sorry.” I said, kissing her. She looked at me for a moment and sighed.

“I can’t say no to you.” she said as she smiles. “So, do you want to see what I can do?”

“Sure.” I said, smiling. She tapp her chin for a moment.

“Now, what was I here again? The goddess of…” she waited for me to finish.

“Sex?” I supplied, smirking.

“Yes, sex and something else.” she continued. “And I found out somethings about being a goddess of sex.”

“Oh, and what’s that?” I asked, very intrigued.

“Well~...” she said as her took my hands and put them on her breasts. “That fact that you're not the only one that can change her body.”

With that I felt her breasts grew until they were like pillows in my hands. I started playing with them, smirking at her. “Wow, these are so soft I could sleep on them.” I commented.

“You could but there’s something else that I know that you love.” she said.

“Is it down here?” I asked, moving a hand to her crotch.

“Maybe, but what I do know,” she said as she leans forward and I saw her ass expanded. “It that you do love it when I have a big bubble butt.”

“True.” I said, smirking and slapping her ass, watching it bounce and ripple. She hummed at me.

“And there’s one more thing.” she said. I didn’t say anything, just spanking her again and giggling. She stepped away and turned to me as her clothes melted away. She began to breath heavy as her hair began to lengthen and become darker. Small horns grew out of her head near her ears and her tail turned more demonic. She looked at me with cat like eyes and smiled.

“So… how do you like me now?” she asked as she puts her hand on her belly.

I didn’t answer, instead growing my cock and thrusting into her swiftly. She moans loudly as it went in easily.

“I-I take that as a yes?” she panted as I thrust into her. She flicked her wrist and we were in our bedroom.

I simply bent her over the bed, spanking her ass with one hand and playing with her tits with the other. She squealed happily as her tail wrapped around me and pulled, this time it made me thrust harder.

“Yes~ Ita, do you like it, do you like fucking your pregnant kitty demon?” she moans.

“I like fucking my pregnant kitty demon slut.” I said, smirking and biting into her neck possessively. She shivered as I did.

“I’m yours Ita, the new goddess of sex is your to play with, as a toy,” she puts her hands on her belly. “ and as a lover.”

“Who’s your mistress, slut goddess?” I asked, smirking and spanking her again as I bit the other side of her neck.

“You are!” she yelled as her pussy was milking my cock, this felt much different than before, it still had that loving feel to it but now it was as if her pussy was made to be fucked.

“Who’s your Goddess Mistress?” I asked, spanking her again.

“You are! You're my Goddess Mistress! I’m nothing more than a slutty succubus cat demon for your cock and your babies!” she yelled happily.

“THEN CUM FOR ME!” I ordered, thrusting one last time and cumming inside of her. She screamed as my cum went into her. Her pussy milked all of it until I was finished and she slumped down onto the bed. I moved around to stir her pussy a bit until I saw something glow from her collar. I saw the tag of it reshaped into an heart with the words that I could read ‘Slutty Cat Succubus Viri, Goddess of sex and fertility.’ And on the back it says ‘Owned by Ita, True Goddess.’

“I like it.” I commented, looking at the collar and smirking. “I wonder what your two halves would be the Goddess’ of?”

She opened her eyes a bit and smiled. “Want to see?”

“Sure.” I said, exiting her. “Clean me off first though.” I ordered. She nodded as she sat up and looked at me.

“I want to try something.” she said as her hand made a pulling action. All the sweat, cum and pre-cum floated off me and formed into one thing, my cock harder at this, and floated over to her mouth and she swallowed it. “Mmmm, tasty.”

“Nice.” I said, making my cock vanish. “Now let’s see the kitties.” She nodded as her body began to glow. I watched as she splits off into two bodies and the light died. One the left was Vi who had soft orange hair that came to her ass, one blue eye and one green eye and wore a simple green dress as she held her belly. She had cat ears and tail that wrapped around her leg

On the right was Ri who wore a tank top that showed her underboob, latex shorts that hugs her ass well. Her hair was more shorter darker version of orange with two different colour strips, one was red and the other yellow, two small succubus horns poked out of her head with a tail that moved around as well as two small demon wings came out of her back. Her eyes were blue and red as they looked around.

The two collars were different, Vi’s was more a soft blue as Ri’s was purple. They had two heart shape tags which says ‘Cat goddess of Fertility, Vi’ for Vi and ‘Succubus goddess of Sex, Ri’ for Ri.

“Neat.” I said, wrapping an arm around the two and smiling. “So, what do you two wanna do now?”

“I think I want to go sit down.” Vi said as she rub her belly. “And maybe eat some ice-cream.”

“You have fun with that hun.” I said, letting her go and giving her a kiss on her lips. She nodded as she stood up and walked out of the room. I looked at Ri as she looked around a bit.

“So, does it feel any different being separated now?” I asked, curious.

“Well… I feel full like I’m my own person.” she said as she tilted her head. “But I feel like I could fuck anyone and anything, guess that’s what happens when you're the goddess of Sex.”

“Yeah, I feel that to.” I told her, shrugging. “You get used to it.”

“Hey, I like that feeling.” she wiggled in place. “It makes me all tingly and fuzzy.” she looked down at her belly which wasn’t as big. “And it seems that I’m not pregnant like Vi.”

“Want to fix that?” I asked, smirking. She shifted a bit at me and began to crawl up onto me.

“Is that a request from my Goddess Mistress?” she asked sexuly.

“That’s a demand.” I said, making my cock grow. She giggled as she made her clothes disappear and made her breasts and ass grew to a large size. “Now there’s one thing that I found out as I was waitting for you to come back from space.”

“That is?” I asked, grasping her ass and squeezing. Her ass felt like jello in my hands.

“Well, Vi can do this as well but, due to the fact that we came from a body of Sex and Fertility, so for the fertility said means I can have any kid.” she said as she grinded her pussy onto me.

“Neat.” I said, spanking her. “For now, let’s focus on the sexy fun time.” I said, thrusting deep into her. She moans loudly at this as she puts her hand over her crotched and it glowed a bit. I saw a heart appeared there.

“There, now that’s done time for the beast to… evolve.” she said with a smirk. I blinked as I felt my cock grew in size and length until I felt it enter her womb and make a large bulge in her stomach. “There, that’s better.”

“I like how you think.” I said, smirking and bending her over the bed. “Now, how about I pound you senseless.” I said, starting to do so.

“I, AH!, would love, Mmm!, that.” she said as I pounded her. Smirking, I started giving her shocking spanks, pulling on her hair roughly.

“Yes! That’s it, fuck your slutty pet, fuck her!” she yelled as she slammed her ass into my thrusts. “Fuck her stupid bimbo ass!”

“If you insist.” I said, smirking, using Extreme Speed to jackhammer her, spanking her harder. She screamed in delight as I did. I saw her stomach bulge as my cock destroys her womb, in which she begged me for more.

I gave her more, going faster and throbbing in her. “Cum for your Goddess.” I ordered, thrusting so my cock was against the back of her womb, cumming. She screamed as she came as well. Her pussy clamped down and milked my cock dry. After five minutes I pulled out and my cock disappeared. She turned over and I saw that she looked normal as she rubbed her belly.

“So Mistress, do you wish to impregnate me?” she asked me.

“Yep.” I said. She giggled as she waved her hand over that mark and made to full.

“There we go, I’m now pregnant.” she said as she looked at me. “Like Vi, I can control if I get knocked up or not, now do you wish to have two very pregnant pets by your side?”

“Sure, you two can match.” I said, giggling. She smiled as she puts her hand on her stomach. I watched it grew until it was the same size of Vi’s belly.

“There we go, Ohh~.” she moaned as she rubbed her belly. “This one feisty.”

“That’s my pretty kitten.” I said, smirking, rubbing her belly and kissing her.

“Hey, that’s succubus. Vi the kitten.” Ri said with a giggle. “So, want to know what kind of kid it’s going to be?”

“Sure… and you’re my succu-kitty.” I said.

“Yup, anyway all I can say is that it will freak Ken out.” she said with a grin.

“Oh, definitely.” I said, smiling mischievously. She grins as well.

“So, you have now two kittens from Vi and this kid for me, this is going to be interesting.” she says happily as she looks at her belly and frowns. “The only thing I can’t see is the gender of the kid, only when me and Vi are together and that’s not going to happen soon.”

“I can’t wait for them to come out.” I said smirking.

“Yup, which I think is…” she thoughts for a moment. “A month from now.”

“Cool.” I said. She smiled and stood up.

“Well time to show the world, no point of hiding it.” she said as she made some clothes appeared, some black yoga pants and a shirt with the words ‘Baby on board!’ on it. She hummed happily. “Gotta love yoga pants, comfy and gives a good view to all.”

“I should try some sometime.” I commented. She grins as she made a pair appeared on me, the colour shifted as I watched.

“You can pick the colour of it.” she said. I decided on a dark purple, idly making my ass fill it a little more. She saw this and her grin grew. “Yup, a great view~.”

I smirked, snapping my fingers and making a matching bra appear, putting it on. “Why thank you.” I said, kissing her. The two of us walked out to the living room and saw Taliyah sitting down talking to Vi until she saw us.

“Hey Ita, nice to seeeee, oh my god there’s two of you!” she yells as she saw Ri.

“Yes, there’s two of me, what of it?” she deadpanned.

“Well it’s just… wait YOU'RE HAVING A KID TWO?!” she yelled again. Ri cleaned out her ear.

“Try yelling some more, the ponies from the other side of the world didn’t hear ya.” she said.

“They did, actually.” I commented, giggling. Ri rolled her eyes and sat down on the couch with Vi, with a spot open for anyone between them. I quickly filled it, relaxing into it.

“So… there’s two of you…” Taliyah said.


“Okay… how? Wait you know what, forget it, I don’t want to know.” she said.

“Magic.” I said, giggling. She groans at this as Vi snuggles up to me.

“Our family is getting bigger by the day.” Vi said. I smiled, pulling the two of them closer. Vi nuzzled up to me as Ri wiggled a bit as she rubbed her belly.

“I got to say, you three are odd.” Taliyah said as she stood up. “So...are you going to send me home or want me to stick around to be this ‘Weaver’ a little longer?”

“I don’t mind either.” I said, shrugging.

“Ohh you have to stay! The babies are going to be born soon!” Vi said. Taliyah blinked at her.

“You… know this?” she asked.

“Yup, in a month's time we’re going to be moms.” Ri said. Taliyah stared at the three of us before sighing.

“Fine fine…” she then muttered something but I heard her say something about being away from her girlfriend.

“Step through the portal to get to the surface.” I said, opening a ring. She looks at it and shifted a bit.

“Ugg… my poor stomach.” she said as she steps through. The ring disappeared. Leaving the three of us alone.

“I wondered what she was mumbling about?” Vi asked.

“Something about a girlfriend.” I told her.

“HA! I knew it! I knew she had a thing for girls!” Ri said happily. I raised an eyebrow at this. “What?”

“Why are you so excited about that?” I asked.

“Because back before we were displaced we tease her saying that she has a thing for girls since most boys tried to ask her out she said no to.” Vi said.

“And when I see a cute girl ask her out she freezes up.” Ri continued.

“Nice.” I said, giggling.

“I wonder who she is?” Vi asked. “Ohh she’s also been here for months, she must be so lonely.”

“I picked up the trail to her world a while ago… wanna go bring our ‘weaver’ a nice surprise?” I asked, smirking. Vi blinked at this.

“You… want me to do it?” Vi asked.

“No, we’d go together silly.” I said, rolling my eyes.

“And what she means is she goes.” Ri says as a DS appeared and she started to play it. “Because she doesn’t want her two pregnant pets to hurt themselves.”

“Oh… well that makes sense.” Vi said.

“Well, I’ll be back.” I said, opening a ring, idly putting a white t-shirt on. “Don’t get into any trouble while I’m gone!” I called teasingly, going through.

“We can’t without you love!” Ri yelled back. I rolled my eyes as I looked around and saw that I was in a crystal castle of sorts. I looked around and saw that it was night and there was an open door with some light coming through. As I got closer I heard voices.

“Twi, you need to stop working, you’ll work yourself to death.” a male voice said, it sounded like Spike,

“He’s right, if you do then everyone would be sad.” another voice said, this time female but I didn’t know it.

“I said I was fine, now leave me, I need to work.” a third voice said, this one belongs to Twilight. I made myself invisible as I snuck in. I saw there was another door that was closing as I saw Twilight working on something. She wore only her bra and panties as there were runes covering her body. She looked over on her desk and sighed sadly.

“Taliyah… where are you my love.” she said sadly. Bingo.

“I can answer that.” I said, appearing cross legged mid-air, chin in my left palm as I had my elbow on my leg, a smirk on my face. She turned around and I saw that she had large tits and a hourglass figure, no wonder Taliyah got her, she’s hot. She blinked at me and the runes lit up as a magic ball appeared in her hand.

“Who are you and how did you get here?!” she yelled.

“Names Ita.” I said, not moving from my relaxed state. “And I made a portal.” She blinked at me.

“Oh well… wait you know something about Taliyah!” the runes brighten as her eyes glowed. “If you hurt her I’ll…”

I was amused by this, deciding to edge her on. “Do nothing, because I’m stronger than you.” I claimed.

“Tell me now or I’ll send you into the void!” she yelled.

“I hear it’s wonderful this time of year.” I shot back easily. The magic she had grew as it shot a bit of lighting around her, snapping a bra strap off as she glared at me.

“Is the widdle pwincess mad?” I taunted, smirking.

“If you hurt her…” she said threatened. The ground shook as she grinded her teeth together.

“Come at me.” I said. “If you’re not chicken.”

With that she shot out a beam of pure magic at me. I calmly watched it approach me, it hitting me dead on and kicking up a dust cloud. She stopped as she breath heavily.

“How do you like th- oh… oh shit she’s the only one who knows where Taliyah is.” Twi paused for a moment. “Not the brightest of plans.”

When the dust cleared, I was still floating there, unharmed, smirking smugly and chuckling a little. “Didn’t even feel that.” I said. Her jaw dropped as she saw me.

“B-but that was… I was… how??” she asked, not noticing that she’s almost naked.

“I told you, I’m stronger.” I said, shrugging carelessly. “Also, your bra fell off.” I added, taking a picture.

“What.” she said as she looked down and saw that her breasts were open. She screamed as she covered them… then her panties broke off. She covered herself but it made her more sexy. “Nooo…”

I laughed, taking another picture just before she could do so. “Here.” I said, tossing her a set of underwear and clothes. She took them and put them on quickly.

“Um… I think these clothes are small.” she said. The shirt hugged her breasts, showing a bit of the bra detail, and the the shorts hugged her ass.

“I know.” I said, smiling mischievously. She huffed a bit and blushed.

“Pervert.” she said crossing her arms and squishing her boobs more.

“Says the one squeezing her breasts in front of me.” I said back, smirking at her. She blushed a bit more.

“W-what do you want?” she asked.

“To bring you to your GF.” I said, shrugging. She turned to me in shock.

“You… are taking me to her? Wait how did you know that I have a marefriend?” she asked as she blushed harder and looking everywhere but not at me.

“Heard her say it.” I said simply, shrugging, opening a ring behind me to where ‘Weaver’ was. “Follow meeeee.” I said, slowly floating backwards through it, turning invisible on the other side. I waited about three seconds as she ran out of the ring and feel onto the ground.

“Ohhh… damn these clothes… rubbing up on to me.” she said as she stood up. I closed the ring behind her suddenly, looking around for weaver. I floated around until I found her in a small clearing where she was taking a nap under a tree.

I floated above her, waiting until Twilight went into eyeshot before dropping a apple on weaver.

“OW! What the!” she yelled. She looked over at the apple and picked it up. “The hell?”

“Taliyah?” Twilight said. The weaver looked over at her in shocked.

“Twi?” she said until Twilight ported over to her to tackle her in a hug.

“I MISSED YOU~!!!” she said as she started to kiss her repeatedly.

“Whoa, hey cut it out Twi.” Taliyah said as she set her in front of her. “I missed you to.” she said before the two kissed. I smiled and teleported to that spot between my two pets. I saw that there was the image of the two lovers kissing under the tree as Vi hugged me.

“You did a great thing.” she said.

“Yay!” I cheered, accepting the praise and hugging her back.

“I say there being too mushy together.” Ri said. “I say they need some sexy time.”

“That’s their choice.” I said, shrugging. “Either of you feel like getting a visit from your little kitten?”

“Yup! Mommy wants to see her baby again!” Vi said happily.

“I’ll pass.” Ri said patting her belly. “I have one kid and it’s right here.”

Since one said yes, I glowed, changing into my little kitten form and smiling up at them. Vi picked me up and hugged me.

“Mommy missed you.” she said. I purred, nuzzling her, tail wagging. “Did you miss mommy?”

I nodded, hugging her tighter. Ri groaned as she sat up.

“You two can be like that, I’m going to my room to play games.” she said as she walked away.

“Fine, so kitten,” Vi said as she rubbed her breast a bit, making it grow bigger. “Are you hungry? I haven’t fed you for some time.”

“It nwot gwunna mwake mwe gwow agwain?” I asked.

“No no, it’s not but I’ve been holding it in so it will taste really good.” she said as she pulled her top down. I saw her breasts were bigger than my head and leaking milk from them. I immediately put a nipple in my mouth, grasping the sides of the breast it was attached to and suckling. A lot of milk poured out of her breast into my mouth, she was right, it tasted really good.

“There you go, drink up, have to make sure it’s good for your little brother and sister.” she said as she moaned a bit.

I hummed happily as I suckled, closing my eyes and drinking more. It took a good fifteen minutes until I emptied one breast. I pop my lips off her breast and giggled. I felt a bit full. I moved to her other breast anyway, starting on that one. She hummed as I drank her milk until it was finally empty. I removed my lips and hiccuped from all the milk.

“Aww, is my little kitten full?” Vi asked me. I nodded, feeling a little sleepy, yawning and blinking tiredly. “I guess it’s time for a nap then.”

I snuggled into her, laying my head on her chest and closing my eyes. I felt her try to get up but fails.

“Hmm, I guess we’ll sleep here.”she said as she snapped her fingers. I felt Pjs appeared on me as a blanket laid on us. She yawned as she to fell asleep.

One month later…

I floated around my island for a bit as I was taking in the day. I was in my adult form at the time as I looked like I came out of bed. It was my lazy day so I didn’t care. I turned and saw Zinn and Luna talking to each other and were getting a bit handsy with each other.

“Hey, having fun over there?” I asked, smirking. They jumped at this and turned to me.

“Oh… uhh… hi mistress, didn’t see you there.” Zinn said. Luna was shifting in place as she blushed.

“Don’t mind me, keep going.” I encourage, smirking lazily.

“Well, since you insisted.” Luna said as she grabbed Zinn breasts. Zinn yelped at this.

“Really… right now?” she asked.

“Yup.” Luna said as she moved her hand to her crotch. “I love the feeling of this in me, begging to impregnate me.”

“You two have fun.” I said with a chuckle, floating off. I floated up until I was resting on a cloud, I laid there until I felt my eyelids slowly close for me to have a nap. That is until I heard a scream.

I immediately teleported to where it came from, decently more alert now. I appeared in front of Vi and Ri who were both in pain.

“Dammit, it’s today isn’t it?” I asked, snapping my fingers and making gurneys appear and floating them on it. I then snapped again, bringing a Chansey here.

“DEAR FUCKING GOD THIS HURTS!” Ri screamed. Vi just whimpered in pain. I held my hands out for them to squeeze, knowing they wouldn’t be able to hurt me. They did and squeezed, hard. It didn’t hurt but man did they try.

“Ita…” Vi said softly. I looked at her as she smiled with tears falling down her face. “Today is the day… the day we become a family.”

“I know.” I said simply, smiling at her, before turning to the Chancey. “Need more pokemon to help?” I asked it. It nodded as it was going back and forth between the two.

“GOD DAMN IT!!!!!!! GET THIS FUCKER OUT OF ME~!!!!!” Ri shouted. I saw a bit of her demon show as her skin changed colours and her horns grew a bit.

I snapped my fingers, getting the Chancey some help, squeezing the two hands I was holding comfortingly. Time passed as I heard Vi grunted and whimpered as Ri cursed up a storm. I closed my eyes as I held on to the two of them and waited… and waited… then I heard it.

Crying, a baby crying. After a few more minutes there were three sets of crying as the Chancey's took the three away for cleaning. I looked at the two beside me, Vi was panting after all that as Ri was sighing a bit.

“That… was painful.” she mumbled.

“You two okay now?” I asked. Ri nodded as Vi looked at me.

“Never thought… giving birth would be painful.” she said softly.

“Yeah, screw being tough, that hurt.” Ri said.

“All over for now… and it’s my turn next.” I said, grimacing.

“I would tease you, but I’m so tired right now.” Ri said as she looks around. “So… are we going to see them?”

“Yeah… I want to see my babies.” Vi said.

“Chancey, can we see the babies yet?!” I shouted in general, not knowing where they were in the house. Two Chancey’s came into the room with one of them holding a pink blanket baby and the other another pink and a blue blanket baby. Vi held the two of them in her arms as we got a look of them.

The girl had Viri face as she sleeps with gold hair and kitten ears as the boy had brown hair and ears. They were fast asleep in her arms as we watched them

“Their… beautiful.” Viri said I nodded, unable to comment for once. I looked over at Ri as she stared at her kid. The girl had black hair with a bit of white at the ends. She gave a big yawn as I saw her have a dragon's tongue as she nuzzled up to Ri.

“Man, I make a good kid.” she said.

“It only hurts a ton to do so.” I commented. She looked at me for a moment then at the kid.

“Well… it’s worth it for this.” she said softly as she nuzzled her kid. “Isn’t that right Ashe.”

“Nice name.” I said, nodding approvingly. I looked over at Vi. She looked over at me and lifted the two to me.

“Want to name one of them Ita?” she asked me.

“I’m not good with names, you can.” I said, smiling at her. She looked at me for a moment before handing me my daughter. I took her, holding her gently.

“I think you just need to think about it, just think of a name that you feel right about.” she said as she looked at our son. “I think… Kuro, yes… I like that name.”

“I like that.” I commented, before looking down at our daughter. “How about… Yuri?”

“It's perfect.” she said. Yuri mewed at me and snuggled in my arms. “I think she likes it to.” I smiled, bringing my daughter a little closer to me.

“Ahh!” I heard Ri yelled. I turn to see her fingers in Ash's mouth. “Let go!”

“I don’t think she wants to.” I commented, giggling and floating over.

“Good thing she doesn't have teeth yet, I would've lost my fingers then.” Ri said.

“I would’ve healed you.” I said, shrugging.

“Yeah well- hey!” she yelled. I saw that a small black tail wrapped itself around her wrist. “Clingy bugger aren't ya?”

I giggled, amused at this. “I can tell your antics with her will be hilarious.” before she could say anything the doors burst open and Celestia looked around at us.

“Did I miss it?!” she asked.

“A little bit.” I said. Her eyes landed on Vi and Kuro, then she walked over.

“Aww~.” she cooed.

“Want to hold him?” Vi asked. Tia nodded quickly as Vi handed him over.

“Hello there, aren't you a cutie, am your aunty Celesty.” she said. Vi giggled at this.

“Well, now what?” I asked. Before anyone can saying Kuro started to make faces and sneezed.

And when I mean by sneezed I mean he used flamethrower right into Tia's face. She blinked at this as her face was covered in soot.

“He got that from you.” Vi said.

“Definitely.” I agreed, chuckling, very amused. Vi giggled a bit then gasped.

“Ita, Look.” Vi pointed. I looked to see Yuri opening her eyes a bit. They were a bit discoloured as she looked up at me.

I tilted my head at this, smiling down at Yuri. I wiggled my finger at her and she reached up and grabbed my finger.

“I have perfect children.” Vi said.

“We.” I corrected, not even looking up from what Yuri was doing. She giggled as I sat there with my family.


Interlude: Meeting Sere-mommy again

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I was sitting on my couch, looking at the ring I had set up besides it, in my child form in a set of cute footsie pajamas that was purple with golden rings on them, eagerly waiting for the person I hoped would come through the portal. A few moments passed as a young woman fell through the vortex and into the room. Her auburn hair was incredibly short and wearing a much different dress than from before, but I definitely still recognized her.

“Mwommy!” I cried out happily, leaping at her. She cries out in shock from my sudden embrace, but she doesn’t push me away.

“‘Mommy’?” I hear her mutter before she actually looks at me. “I-ita? Ita is that you?!”

“Mwommy.” I repeated, clutching onto her, face in her shoulder.

“Oh, Ita! It is you!” she cried as I felt myself hugged back. “Oh I’ve missed you so much.”

“I-i’ve mwissed wou to.” I said, sniffling, shaking a little.

She seemed to have picked up on my little motion, as she replied, “It’s okay, honey. Let it out; mommy’s here.” I obeyed, sobbing into her shoulder, shaking and clutching onto her tighter.

“I mwissed wou swo mwuch.” I whispered.

“I’ve missed you so much too, Ita,” she replied, not letting me go. “But how? How did you bring me here?”

“I cwould always dwo thwat.” I started, sniffling. “Once I fwirst went ovwer to your world, I knwew where it was to mwake a pwortal to thwere.”

Serena thought about it for a moment before shaking her head and hugging me tighter. “Oh forget it. It just matters that we’re together again.” I smiled at this, clenching on her even tighter.

“Mwommy…” I started, before stopping, nervous.

“What is it, Iza?”

“I wanna shwow wou swomthwing.” I said.

“Alright,” she nodded and let me go, sitting back. “Show me.” I floated up eagerly, bringing the ring I used to bring her here back onto my horn as I floated over to the front door, gesturing for her to follow.

Serena stood up to her feet and quickly followed behind me. I opened the door, revealing my floating island outside of it, the large fields of grass with various kinds of gardens with all kinds of plants being revealed.

“W-where are we?” she asked, her eyes drawn to every little detail.

“A fwoating iswand abwove my world.” I told her. “I wemoved it fwom the world and pwut it in the skwy so I had a pwivate pwace… d-dwo wou wike it?” I asked nervously, shuffling in place mid-air.

“It’s… it’s…” she started, looking around. The longer she hesitated, the more nervous I became, especially as she started to walk around a little. “It’s… it’s absolutely brilliant!” Serena cried out, though her voice sounded a little different on the last word. “I absolutely love it!”

“W-weally?” I asked, beaming.

“Absolutely! It’s so beautiful. And you did it all by yourself?”

“Weah!” I said, nodding and beaming at her. “Cwome thwis way!” I shouted, floating off in a seemingly random direction. She quickly followed after me again, the smile on her face showing she was excited to see what it was.

I lead her to a more closed off portion, moving some bushes to reveal the more… pokemon oriented part of my gardens, everything that could be grown that you’d ever need here.

“Oh wow! Look at all these berries! Did you do all this too, Ita?” She asked.

“Wep!” I said, beaming proudly. “There’s apwicworns awound too.” I told her, floating over to some.

“Oh wow,” she beamed, looking at the fruit and then at me. “This is amazing, Ita. I’m so proud of you.” I blushed at the praise, smiling and looking at the ground, shuffling again in mid-air. “Is this why you brought me here? To see all of this?”

“Thwat… and I mwissed wou.” I told her, mumbling.

“Aww,” she cooed before holding out her arms. “Come to mommy, little one.” I eagerly did so, wrapping my arms and legs around her, so she could carry me. She started to rub my back as she hugged me. “I missed you so much, Ita. I never stopped thinking about you.”

“I wish I cwould swee wou mwore.” I whispered.

“I know. I wish you could too, but those bad ladies are still out there. But we’re getting closer to getting rid of them, I promise.”

“I gwot all the pwates now, mwommy.” I decided to bring up. “If I cwould dwo anythwing to hwelp…”

“That’s very brave of you, sweetie, but no. I can’t let you put yourself in harm’s way like that.” She gave me a soft kiss on the forehead before looking at me softly. “I want you to be safe.”

“Bwut… I’ve bween twainging… and evwen if wou won’t wet mwe hwelp thwat way, I cwan gwive you stwuff, wike the apwicorns to make pokeballs.” I said.

“And I’m grateful. Unfortunately, I think only the berries will be useful right now. We don’t have anyone to turn the apricots into pokeballs back where I come from.”

“I cwould mwake wou swomthwing thwat does it bwy itswelf.” I offered.

“Well, I suppose so. But it would need to fit in my backpack for it to be practical.”

I concentrated, the look on my face being adorable as I did so, a machine slowly forming in between my hands as I made something that had a hole in the top to put apricorns in and a hole in the bottom where pokeballs came out, with a little screen and keyboard for what kind you wanted to be made, that even listed the things needed.

“Hwere wou gwo mwommy!” I said, smiling and holding it out to her.

“Huh,” she replied looking over. “Not bad craftsmanship there, Ita. But it’s still a little large. I don’t know if this will fit in my bag or not.”

“Thwat’s what thwis bwuttons fwor.” I said, pressing a green button on the side, the machine shrinking to a eighth its size.

“Oh wow. That’s handy right there.”

I beamed, hugging her again. “Twake as mwany apwicorns and bewwies as wou nweed, I gwot pwenty.” I told her.

“Alright, I will. But not now. For now, I think I owe you some mother-daughter bonding time. What do you say?”

“Okwey, whatcha wanna dwo?” I asked, eager looking.

“Well, based on what my mother and I did, we liked to go shopping trips. Know of any place where we can go shopping?”

“I knwow a pwace!” I said, opening a portal in front of us. I then shifted into the ‘human’ look I used with her last time, even shifting my clothes to match what I wore then. She carried me through, leading to what looked like a equestria girls universe.

She blinked, looking around. “Did you just take us back to where I’m from?”

“Nwo mwommy, I twook us two a eqwestria gwirls univwerse thwat doesn’t evwen hwave mwagic yet.” I told her, closing the portal behind us, us in a alley.

“Oh. Well alright then, but that means no magic from you either, little one. So no portals until we’re back at your home. Do you understand me?”

“Wes mwommy.” I said, pouting and crossing my arms adorably.

“Good. And if you stay good, mommy will get you a milkshake before we leave.”

“Okway mwommy.” I beamed, immediately losing the pout and smiling at her. She smiled back at me and we walked out of the alley way, but she stopped to look around.

“It’s thwat way mwommy.” I told her, pointing towards the large mall in the distance.

“Oh. Thank you, Ita,” she said before walking towards the large building. It took a few painful minutes but we were soon enough walking inside. “Hm, now what to do with you. Can you be a big girl and walk with mommy or do I need a stroller for you?”

“I kwinda wanna swee what a stwoller would bwe wike.” I admitted, blushing a tiny bit. Thankfully, she just smiled at me and walked over to one of the rental strollers and strapped me in.

I snuggled into the stroller, it surprisingly comfy. Serena walked up behind the stroller and started pushing me through the mall. I looked around, idly kicking my legs as we went through the mall, getting to a clothing shop.

“This looks perfect,” mommy said as we started pushing through the aisles. “We can get you some more dresses and other clothes, Ita.”

“Dwessies!” I exclaimed childishly, giggling.

She giggled too, pushing over to the ones in my size. “So what’s your favorite color? And what kinds of dresses and things do you like?”

“I wike pwurpwle or gwold… and I usuawwy wear fwilly dwessies.” I told her.

“Alright, purple and gold with frills. It does sound like something my child would be into.” She smiled at me and ruffled my hair as she started to peruse the hanging clothes.

I smiled at the contact, eagerly waiting for her to get done picking out the clothes. After a few moments, she pulled one off the rack and showed it to me. The main dress itself was a light purple but the frills along it were a beautiful golden color.

“How’s this look?” She asked. I reached for it eagerly, giggling, liking how it looks. “Ah ah. Use your words.”

“I wike it.” I said, still reaching for it. She smiled at me and she put the dress in my lap. Serena went behind the stroller and started pushing me over to the dressing room.

When we got there, she picked me up out of the stroller, me holding the dress as we into into one of the stalls. “Do you need help?” she asked me, standing at the door after she set me down.

“Yes pwease.” I said, smiling up at her. Mommy smiled at me and closed the door. A few moments passed by as she helped me into the new dress and she put me in front of the mirror to look at myself.

I moved so I could look at myself, smiling and beaming at my mommy, giving her a thumbs up. I got a pat on my head before she helped me back into my regular dress.

“Alright. Let’s find you a few more and then we’ll move on to the next shop,” she told me as I was strapped back into the stroller.

About two hours later…

“Thwat was fwun mwommy.” I said, smiling, a couple bags of clothes on the sides of the stroller as we left the clothing store.

I hear her chuckle as we move along through the mall. “That’s good to hear, Ita. But I bet you’re starting to get a little hungry, right?” Before I could answer, my stomach did for me, rumbling loudly and making me blush.

“A wittle.” I said sheepishly.

“That’s what I thought,” Mommy said with a chuckle as we moved into the food court.

“Fwood twime!” I exclaimed happily, kicking my legs and giggling again.

“Alright, alright. How about some Dairy Queen, eh? Doesn’t that sound yummy?”

“Daiwy qween!” I exclaimed, nodding, excited. “Swounds weally wummy.”

Mommy continued to giggle at me. “You’re such a happy little girl. Though really babyish today; hm… maybe I should put you back in diapers too.”

I blushed, but didn’t really say no, deciding that I’d let her if she really wanted to.

I couldn’t see it, but she raised an eyebrow at my silence, getting another smile. “Don’t worry, Ita. We’ll wait until we’re home for that. For now, let’s fill that empty tummy.”

“Okway mwommy.” I said, giggling as we got to the counter of the fast food place. She placed our order and we took it over to one of the tables and she pulled me up to the edge when she sat down. Out came a little tray from the side of the stroller and clicked into place in front of me. Then my little kids meal was placed on the tray and my nuggets were set out along with my little milk cup.

“Now eat up so you can become even stronger. Then you’ll get your milkshake, okay?” Mommy said.

I nodded, obediently eating the nuggets and smiling up at her as I drank my milk. She would occasionally look at me while I did so as she ate her own meal, even giving me a few fries sometimes. I quickly finished my food, tugging on her sleeve to get her attention and showing her the empty tray, beaming at her.

“Oh, ate everything already?” She asked. I nodded, giggling again, very giggly today. “Alright then, little one.” She lifted up the little milkshake cup and put it on my tray. “Enjoy your treat.”

“Thwank wou!” I said, taking the milkshake and slurping it happily.

Serena smiled as she finished her own meal and waited around for me to enjoy and finish my dessert. I did so quickly, sighing happily, satisfied with the dessert.

“Alright then.” Mommy grabbed up all my trash and disposed of it before pushing me again. “Now let’s get the baby girl home after one last stop.” As she said that, I saw her pushing me into the baby store.

I looked around, tilting my head and just looking at all the things, seemingly randomly giggling at times. I briefly heard mommy hum as we stopped for a moment and something being put under my seat on the stroller, completely unseen by me.

Before I could ask about it, we moved along through the store, Serena stopping and grabbing other items as well before we were already at the checkout.

“Thwat was fwast.” I commented only loud enough for her to hear.

“I want it to be a surprise, Ita,” she told me as we headed towards the exit.

“Okway mwommy.” I said, bouncing in the stroller a little. She bought the stroller from the rental place, before we went back towards the alley we came from, me making the portal in front of us.

We went through, ending up in my house, the portal closing behind us. She pushed me inside and unbuckled me and I was lifted into her arms. “Did you have fun today?”

“Yes Mwommy.” I said, hugging her and putting my head in the crook of her neck, not bothering to change back yet. “It was wots of fwun.”

“I’m glad,” she whispered, hugging me. “But now I have a question for you.”

“What is it mwommy?” I asked, tilting my head adorable up at her.

“You’ve been acting really young today. And that’s not a bad thing, but it does make me want to ask this. For tonight, would you like to be my baby girl?”

“I wouldn’t mwind.” I told her, smiling at her.

Mommy gave me a big smile and hugged me close. “Thank you. So let’s get you all prepped and ready for a fun night.” She put me down on the floor and went to the stroller, pulling out a plastic mat and a small package of pink diapers.

I crawled onto the plastic mat, looking up at her and making cute little gurgles up at her. She chuckled at me as she got me all powdered and pampered up. “There we go. And you don’t have to act like one if you don’t want to, Ita. I’m only going to treat you like one.”

I simply gurgled ‘confusedly’ up at her, tilting my head with a adorable questioning look from where I lay on the plastic mat. She just chuckled and kissed my forehead. “Alright then baby Ita. Wanna have some playtime?”

I gurgled happily, waving my arms in her general direction and giggling happily. Mommy reached back over to the stroller and grabbed a teething ring and put it in my hands. “There you go.”

Getting an idea, I made my teeth retract, immediately putting the ring into my mouth and nibbling on it adorable as I looked up at her. “D’aww,” she cooed, picking me up and walking over to the couch where she sat down and just cradled me.

I snuggled into her, gurgling happily around the teething ring. She gently rocked me in her arms as I played, humming softly to me. This made me start to get a little sleepy, blinking as the teething ring fell out of my mouth.

“Getting sleepy already?” she asked me. I nodded, gurgling a little as I reached for the ring. “Then let’s get you ready for ni-ni then.” She stood up and grabbed something from the stroller and walked into the kitchen. Using her free hand, she prepped something with water and some kind of powder. Eventually, she picked it up and showed it to me as she pressed the nipple of a bottle near my mouth.

Curious, I opened my mouth and wrapped it around the bottle nipple, suckling. I was quickly rewarded as the warm liquid poured into my mouth, tantalizing my tongue surprisingly. “That’s it, drink up little one.” Mommy cooed to me.

I eagerly obeyed, a little more awake now as I drank, grabbing the sides clumsily with my hands. She hummed some more as she gently bounced while feeding me like that, walking back out of the kitchen as she did so. I soon drank it all, dropping the bottle when I did. The bottle was put aside as she hefted me over her shoulder and started patting my back.

I let out a cute little burp over her shoulder, feeling a little better. “Alright little one, time for beddy-bye.” Mommy stood up and took me to my room after grabbing something else from the stroller. She set me on the bed and helped me into a footie pajama with babyish prints on it.

I gurgled again, reaching for her and flailing my arms and legs adorably. She just smiled at me and kissed my forehead. I was picked up into her arms and then she laid down on the bed still holding me. Mommy started softly humming as we laid there.

I started falling asleep again, eyes slowly closing, me teething on some of her clothes as I passed out. Serena smiled, continuing to hum as I fell asleep, her joining me soon after.

The next morning

I woke up crying, it barely even morning, having had a nightmare while I was sleeping. I felt something soft and loving press against my forehead for a moment.

“Shh, it's alright, Ita. Mommy’s here.”

I immediately calmed a little, grabbing onto her and holding onto her like my life depended on it. She continued to soothe me, gently rubbing my back. “Mommy’s here. Everything is okay.”

I finally calmed down, opening my eyes and looking up at her, very greatful. I see her smiling down at me. “Better?” I nodded, before my stomach rumbled very loudly. “Hungry?”

I nodded, before making my teeth appear. “Wes mwommy.” I said.

“There’s my big girl,” she smiled, kissing my forehead again. “Thank you for last night. It meant a lot to me.”

“Woure welcwome.” I said, giggling. “It was fwun.”

“I'm glad. Now let's get you some breakfast.” She picked me up and carried me to the kitchen. “What do you want?”

“Pwancwakes!” I shouted excitedly, beaming at her.

“Alright. Pancakes it is.” She set me down at the table and went back to the stove and got to work. I started to kick my legs as she took her time. But it was worth it when mommy come back over with a plate full of warm hot cakes. “Hope you're really hungry. I made plenty.”

I nodded, immediately digging into the pancakes she set on my plate, humming happily as I ate them. Mommy watched me as I ate, though the longer she did, I noticed a tear falling down her cheek.

“Mwommy awre wou okway?” I asked, pausing.

“Ita,” she said softly, “I need to go back.”

“B-bwut… wou jwust gwot here.” I said starting to get teary eyed.

“I know. And I really want to stay, but I can't. Too many people are counting on me back there,” she spoke, her voice still soft despite the tears flowing down her cheek.

I sniffled, shaking, dropping my fork and starting to cry more myself, eyes going big and watery. Mommy got up and walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. I grabbed onto her tightly, crying into her shoulder, trembling.

“I don't want to leave you alone, Ita. I swear that to you. But I have to. I promise, though, one day I'll come for you and bring you with me. Then you can join our family properly, and, hopefully, meet your daddy.”

I didn’t say anything, just simply crying more, not wanting her to go. She held me close as we both cried. It lasted for several minutes as she gently rocked me. “It has to be this way for now, Ita. But not forever.”

“O-oway, mwommy.” I eventually said, sobbing, barely able to get it out.

“That's my girl,” she said, hugging me tight. “Now, I need you to let me go back.”

“O-okway.” I said sadly, a portal ring opening beides us.

Serena looked at the portal for a moment before kissing my forehead one more time. “Be strong for me, Ita. Okay?”

“I-i’ll twy.” I whimpered, sniffling, still teary eyed.

“Good. And be safe.” She gently let me go and stood up, making me let go of her. She backed up towards the portal, still crying but smiling. “We’ll see each other again soon, Ita. I know it. Until then, goodbye.”

“G-gwoodbye.” I said, trying and failing to keep my composure. Mommy sniffles before disappearing through the portal, once again gone from my life.

I broke down crying as I started to close the portal, idly using magic to preserve my pancakes as I just put my head down and cried.

Problems within the family

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Ita PoV

It was six years after the kids had been born, and I was smiling as me and Viri cuddled, watching them play. Ashe looked a lot like Ri but with black scales around her arms and legs and dragon like tail. Kuro may look like a younger version of Viri but he had my… personalty. For the past week he been pranking Zinn and the two princesses. As for Yuri, she’s more of the bookish time and when not playing she would be reading.

“This is nice.” Viri said as she cuddled up to me.

“Yeah.” I said, smiling, before I got a idea. “Hey, I’m gonna bring a ‘new’ kid to come play with them, okay?” I asked with a wink.

“Aww, but I like to cuddle.” she said. I chuckled at her until Kuro walked up at us.

“Here you go.” he said as he passed me a drink.

“What’d you do to this?” I asked, taking it with a raised eyebrow.

“Nothing.” he said with a smile. “I thought you looked thirsty.”

“Then you won’t mind taking a sip first.” I replied, holding it out to him.

“Oh for heaven sakes.” Viri said, taking the cup and drinking it. She looked over at me and looked around. “Taste like… a banana.”

“Huh… guess it’s safe then.” I said, shrugging. I took the cup and tried to drink it but there was nothing.

“Sorry.” Viri said. She smiled sheepishly at me. I shook my head as the door opened and Celestia walk in.

“Well it’s night time.” she said as she sat in a chair. The three kids ‘aww’ed at this.

“Now now you know the rules, it’s bedtime.” Viri said. They tried to complain but Yuri yawned.

“Pooped.” she said.

“Let’s get you three tucked in.” I said, snapping my fingers, me and them appearing in the giant room they shared. I made two copies of myself, the three of me tucking them in and kissing their foreheads.

“Goodnight.” The three of me said in unision.

“Night~.” Kuro and Yuri said as Ashe looked at the me’s.

“You know that’s kinda weird.” she said.

“We’re in a world with magic, there’s not much that’s ‘normal’.” I said back, smirking as the three of me went into one. She rolled her eyes and rolled over. I snapped my fingers and was in my room. I saw Viri climbing into bed wearing some normal PJs. I frowned at this. “Where’s the ones I gave you?”

“You mean the see through ones?” she asked me.

“Yes.” I said, snapping my fingers and putting a copy on me, mine being purple. “Just like these.”

“In my dresser, for once can I have a normal night of sleeping?” she asked. “I’m really tired tonight.”

“Oh, fine.” I said, rolling my eyes and putting normal pajamas on myself, crawling over to her and cuddling with her.

“Don’t worry, I’ll put them on tomorrow night so we can have our fun.” she giggled. “For now I want to sleep with my big cat girlfriend.”

“Okay.” I said, smiling, turning into my adult kitty form and mewling, nuzzling her. She did the same as we both fell asleep.

The next morning…

I opened my eyes to see that morning came. I looked over and saw that Viri wasn’t there but lower down I saw a small lump on her side of the bed. Curious, I went and lifted the blanket off of the figure under it. I saw a small cat girl who’s no older than the other three with orange hair as she slept soundly in Pjs that were a couple sizes too big for her.

“Ah… crud.” I whispered to myself, having a feeling I knew who that was. “Viri, time to wake up.” I said, shaking the now smaller version of my girlfriend. She slowly sat up and mewed a bit. She rubbed her eye and looked around until she looked at me with a head tilt.

“Who… are you?” she asked quietly.

“You… don’t remember me?” I asked, sounding upset. She shook her head as she looked at me. After looking at me she looked a bit scared.

“I… I don’t know… where am I? How did I get here!” she asked as she started to panick. She looked at me for a moment then calmed down a bit. “Are… are you my mommy?”

“Yes.” I said, deciding to roll with this. “Now, come hug mommy.” I said, holding my arms spread out. She leaped at me and hugged me as I felt my top get wet.

“Mommy~ I don’t remember anything! I’m scared.” she cried into my shirt.

“Shhh, my kitten.” I whispered, hugging her tightly. “Everything will be alright, you’ll get your memories back eventually.”She nodded as I heard a knock on my door.

“Ita? You awake?” Zinn asked me. “If you’re are you mind if I take the three down to the planet, they want to see the pokemon.”

“Go ahead, Zinn!” I called. “Just be careful.”

“Okay.” she said. After waiting some moments I heard a group of yays from the house. I looked down at mini Viri as she stopped crying.

“Now, how about we just stay in here for a little, or are you hungry, kitten?” I asked, smiling down at her. She nodded as we stayed in bed. After fifteen minutes I heard a growl from Viri. She started to blush at this.

“My little kitten hungry now?” I asked, giggling. She blushed a bit more and nodded. I smiled, getting up, carrying her with me as I went into the kitchen, setting her down in a seat at the table, before I turned to the stove to start making pancakes. I made enough for the both of us as I took them to the table. I also saw that Viri has lost her pants and the shirt is now a very large poncho for her.

“Did my silly kitty lose her pants?” I asked, giggling.

“They were too big mommy.” she said as she took a bite out of her pancake.

“Here, these should work better.” I said, snapping my fingers, making her shirt change into a frilly pink dress. She looked at this and her face brightened.

“It’s Pink!” she said happily.

“Of course, mommy knows how much you like pink.” I said, smiling and starting to eat my pancakes. We ate all out pancakes and I put the dishes away. I turned to see Viri playing with her dress and spinning around, giggling to herself.

“Having fun?” I asked, smiling at her. She nodded happily.

“Do I look pretty?” she asked as she spun around once more and looked at me.

“The prettiest in the world.” I said, kneeling down and hugging her. She hugged me back.

“What are we going to do today mommy?” she asked me.

“We could go tend to my gardens.” I mused, humming thoughtfully. She smiled and nodded as we went to the gardens. On the way I saw a book on the table, it was a potion book with a bookmark in it.

I picked up the book, looking inside, a dark look coming across my face as I saw what potion the bookmark was on. A book on reducing someone's age for people or a plant, I also saw a note in it.

‘Maybe to de-age the old tree in the back? Don’t want Ita to use her powers for everything.’ the note said. I saw it was Viri handwriting.

I calmed a little, smiling at the thoughtfulness. I read through the spell and it said that it will wear off in a few hours. I put the book down and went outside to see kid Viri standing out by the garden looking down at her dress.

“Don’t worry, kitten, it won’t get dirty, mommy made it magical.” I told her, smiling and making some garden tools appear. She took them and went off giggling into the garden. I smiled, floating after her. We spent the next few hours tending the garden as she showed me things she dug up. I smiled as I made the vegetables float over to a basket.

“M-mommy…” I heard Viri say. I looked over and saw her going red. “I don’t feel so good.”

“What’s wrong, sweetie?” I asked, idly planting more of what she dug up, picking her up and cradling her in my arms.

“My body feels warm…” she said as she curled up to me in my arms.

“Let’s get you into bed.” I said, making the tools vanish as I floated back inside, setting her into bed. She turned over and started to breath heavy. I looked over as I saw her legs started to grow. I guess the potion was starting to wear off. Slowly she grew back into her normal body, that pink dress turned into a small shirt that hugged her breasts. Her hair was very long, reaching down to her ass as if she never cut it. She sat up and looked around.

“What… happened?” she asked.

“A certain son decided to make his parents a kid with a potion.” I said. She looked at me with an odd look.

“I read a lot of books and sure there’s some that can make someone have a higher chance to get pregnant but we can control that, besides the stuff for one is not here.” she said as she pulled up her legs, not knowing that she wasn’t wearing pants, or underwear.

“Actually… I have a lot of plants in the garden that make good substitutes.” I admitted. “And… you're not wearing pants, by the way.” She blinked at me and looked down at herself.

“Oh… well it’s you so… like the view?” she asked as she crossed her legs.

“Definitely.” I said, smirking and swatting the bottom of her leg near her ass. She giggled at this.

“Anyway, I know Kuro is smart but you have thousands of plants here, how would he figure it out?” she asked as she uncrossed her legs.

“There’s a book on the top shelf that says what can be used for what.” I told her. “I made it in case you ever needed it, I knew you’d get to the thing eventually.”

“Aww thanks… but I left my potion making stuff away from them, unless you gave him one.” she asked me. I shrugged, not having given him one, so I had no clue how he made it. Unless she made it.

“Did you make a de-aging potion, by chance?” I asked. She blinked and looked away.

“Maybe~...” she said innocently. I gave her a deadpan stare.

“I am not amused.” I said, frowning at her. She sighed.

“You know that old tree out back, well I found a de-aging potion a few days ago so I can de-age the tree, I believe it was an apple tree.” she explained.

“I know, I planted it, I planted the first generation of everything on this island.” I deadpanned.

“Well, I thought it would be nice to have a picnic under it but it was getting old and…” she pulled her legs up. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s… fine.” I said.

“Are you mad at me?” she asked me fearful.

“No, in general.” I told her.

“What do you mean in general?” she asked me.

“I’m mad, but I can’t be mad at you or your kid, so I’m just pissed in general.” I said, gritting my teeth, getting annoyed now.

“I’m…” she paused as she tried to say something to say. “Maybe I should give up potion making, it’s just causing us trouble.”

“No, just be more careful.” I said. She nodded at me as she looked at me.

“Why did you ask if I made a de-aging potion?” she asked me.

“I found your book bookmarked to the page.” I said, shooting her a look.

“Oh yeah… forgot to hide that… wait does it have to do with what happened with my black out?” she asked. I said nothing, simply nodding. She started to piece it together.

“... I was a kid wasn’t I.” she deadpanned. I nodded again. She blinked as she looked down at her chest. “Explains this then.” she said as she pulled at her small shirt that was a dress.

“Yep.” I said.

“Huh… well, I have to ask how was it when it was the other way around.” she said smiling. “Normally your the kid and I was the mommy.”

“You said you forgot me.” I told her. “That… hurt.”

She looked at me for a moment before grabbing me and pulling me to her, I kinda forget that she to is a goddess and is also really strong.

“Ohhh I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to forget you.” she said as she hugged my head. I blinked as I was right between her breasts. “Now I feel bad that I forgot you, like how can I forget you!”

“Strangely, I’m not in the mood.” I said. She pulled me away and looked at me.

“Are you okay? Really are you okay??” she asked me with concern in her voice. “Did me saying that I forgot you really shake you?” I nodded, not trusting myself to speak at the moment. She pulled me in but not the sexy kind of way, more the loving kind.

“Ita, I’m sorry the potion must of made my memory to that of a kid so I didn’t know you as a kid. I promise not to test potions on myself.” she paused for a moment. “Well, maybe on Ri but that’s half of me.”

I said nothing, obviously still shaken. She hugged me a bit tighter before letting go and looked at me.

“You know, I was hoping to do this during that picnic I was talking about but…” she leaned over and picked up a small box and hands it to me. “Ita, we knew each other for years, we went on dates, seen other places and your new world, heck even had kids together, all of that made me so happy so… I think it’s time.” she said softly.

I looked too shocked to speak, my eyes widening at this. I opened the box and saw what’s inside and looked at her. She smiled at me, trying to hold back some tears. “S-since you're mostly the ‘dad’ in the family, I t-think you should do it.”

I was going to do something, but suddenly felt a splitting headache, passing out.

Viri PoV

Everything was going good, ish. I gave her the box and told her what it meant and waited but then she looked like she was in pain and passed out.

“ITA!” I screamed as I fell to her and picked her head up. “Please Ita, wake up!” she didn’t move, I began to panic. “No, please no don’t do this.” She started breathing again, telling me that she was at least still alive.

“What should I do… what should I do?!” I said to myself, maybe look through my books for something, no that wouldn’t work it would take to long. Summon someone, maybe Jace or Ken? But what if they can’t come. I looked down at Ita and started crying. “Please Ita… wake up…”

That didn’t really seem to be in her capabilities at the moment, her just breathing peacefully as she lay unconscious. That didn’t help me to calm down.

“P-please wake up Ita… Please…” I bent down and kissed her. “I don’t want to be alone again.”

To my dismay she didn’t wake up. I stayed like that for half an hour before pulling her into bed and putting covers over her. I put a sign out saying do not disturb and locking the door. I then took off my ‘shirt’ and crawled into bed with her, hugging her arm.

“I’m going to wait Ita, right beside you until you wake up.” I said softly. I made the box float up and close itself, settling on her side desk. I held on her arm as she slept. “I’m not leaving you.” She turned and hugged me in her unconscious state, smiling a tiny bit. I smiled and hugged her back.

We stayed like that for a bit, at times I started to cry a bit then just laid there in her arms. Before long I heard a knock on the door.

“Ita? Viri? You okay in there?” Zinn asked through the door.

“Yes Zinn… everything is fine.” I lied. After a few moments I heard a click from the door as it opened. Zinn walked in looking at us.

“What’s going on, why did I feel like something is wrong, why is there a do not disturb sign on a locked door, Viri what’s going on?” she asked me. I looked over at Ita.

“It’s Ita, she passed out and isn’t waking up.” I told her. Zinn came over and checked to see if she’s alright.

“Well, she seems fine, want to bring her down to the planet?” Zinn asked. I shook my head.

“She’s a goddess of the land, I don’t think they will help.” I said sadly as I pulled her closer. “Can you leave, I want to be alone with her.”

“Okay, what should I do with your kids?” she asked.

“I don’t know, keep an eye on them, make sure they don’t get into trouble.” I said sadly. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that my eyes were dull.

“O-okay.” she said as she stepped out. Suddenly, Ita started to shift a little, as if she was having a bad dream. I saw this and held her close, both to ease her fears and mine. I waited by her side as she slept, I magically made pjs, the ones she got me, appear on me as I laid next to her and spoke softly to her. Minutes turned to hours and she didn't walk up.

“I’m not leaving, I won't, I'll wait until you wake up Ita, I'll wait until the end of time.” I promise.

She started to stir, her eyes slowly opening.


I slowly woke up, very groggily, blinking to get rid of the blackness in my vision. I looked over and saw eyes.


“What… happened?” I asked, head hurting a little. She didn't answer as she hugged me tightly and started to cry. Confused, I simply hugged her back, rubbing her back comfortingly.

“You… you do know me… right?” she asked me.

“Course, kitten.” I said, smirking and kissing her. She hugged me and started to cry again. After calming her down she told me what happend, me getting knocked out for hours.

“I didn't know what to do, I was so scared that I would lose you.” she said as she held me close, fearing that if she let go I would be gone.

“Well… I think I know why that happened.” I started, looking unsure.

“Why?” she asked, looking a little fearful.

“I’ve always had… trouble, let’s say, actually feeling.” I started, looking off to the side. “It’s a mental thing that carried over from when I was human, and it just seems to never go away, I can at least pretend to feel how I know I would when the situation calls for it, but… not actually.” I said. I looked at her.

“So… you can't feel any emotion? None whatsoever?” she asked.

“Well, sometimes, when their intense enough, I’ll feel… glimpes, shades of emotion.” I told her, before smirking. “I feel what I would describe as a ‘crush’ on you all the time, so since it's just a shade, it’s most likely love.”

“I see…” she paused as she made the small box float over and looked at it before looking at me. “I kinda wanted it to be a bit big but right now I don't care.”

She sat me up and she looked at me, wearing the pjs that I gave her, as she held the box.

“Ita…” she began as she opened the box, showing a ring. “After everything we’ve been through, would you marry me?”

I felt my headache worsening, but fought through it, smiling at her. “Yes.” I said simply through the pain from too much emotion trying to process. She smiled and started to cry as she tackled me.

“Thank you Ita.” she said as tears went on my shirt.

“Please… no more emotional stuff, I’m about to pass out here.” I warned, hugging her back and smirking. She cried a bit more into my shirt as we stayed like that for some time. We laid down on the bed for a bit before Zinn knocked on the door.

“Oh good lord you're okay, what happened?” she asked. Viri looked at me.

“Should we tell her about your…” she scratched her head a bit.

“Sure.” I said, shrugging. Then… Viri told her about me and my… condition.

“You… can't feel emotions? At all? But you're a goddess can't you remove it?” she asked.

“You think I haven’t tried?” I asked, raising a eyebrow. She looked down at the floor at this. We sat in silence for a few minutes.

“I… may know a way.” Zinn said finely. “My dad knows someone who was my babysitter when I was young.”

“You can try.” I said, shrugging. “I don’t really care, can’t really.”

“So you agree?” she asked. Viri looked up at me looking hopeful.

“Sure, when do you think we can try?” I asked.

“Right now, because she's already here.” as she said that there was a knock at the front door. I heard it open from here.

“Mom! Someone's here for you!” Ashe called out.

“We’ll be out in a sec, gotta get dressed.” I said. We got out of bed and got dress before walking out, Viri held my arm on the way. As we got to the living room I saw a very pale woman sitting on the couch drinking tea. She had white hair that fell over her shoulders while wearing a black t-shirt and what look like biker pants. She looked over at me and I saw that her eyes were clouded over, as if she was blind.

“Hello.” I said, tilting my head.

“Hello child.” she said. Her voice was soft and gentle, like an angel. “I believe you needed my help.”

“Yeah, have problems actually feeling right, can you help with that?” I asked.

“I can, but I have to ask… why should I?” she asked me.

“I don’t really care, but my girlfriend here wanted me to try.” I told her, shrugging.

“There's more to it, you don't feel it but you feel angry that you can't feel love for your..., ‘girlfriend’ am I wrong?” she asked.

“How would I know? I can’t feel it.” I deadpanned.

“That's true… one last question.” she then leaned forward. “If things were different, if Viri was in your place instead of you, would you do anything to help her?”

“Assuming that at that point she was still my girlfriend and I could actually feel, then yes I would most likely try my best to help her.” I said. Viri put her hand on mine and smiled. I felt a little pain in my head as I smiled.

“Alright then.” she said as she leaned back and drank her tea… doing nothing.

“I… don’t feel any different.” I commented.

“Because you're not feeling, here.” she said as she taps me on the leg. I then felt a rush of Joy, a smile coming across my face and no pain.

“Ita?” Viri said. “Did it work?” I turned and suddenly hugged her, squeezing her close to me. “Can't… breath…” I felt a flash of worry, loosening my grip. She took a breath after that.

“I say that's a yes.” she said.

“Just a little bit.” I said, beaming with a genuine smirk on my face, it very different than the ones before it.

“I'm happy I could help.” the lady said.

“Thanks.” I said to her.

“What did you do?” Viri asked.

“You said that this came over with you when you were human right?” she asked.

“Yeah?” I asked. “So?”

“Well, all I can say that I changed that, I changed your… fate of getting it.” she said simply.

“Neat.” I said, shrugging.

“Yes… but I didn't get rid of it, I just replaced it, changing something in your fate.” she looked at me. “Think back, what happened in your old life that seems different?”

I paused, thinking. “Well, something fell behind me… but I think it was supposed to fall on my head?” I said, confused. She shook her head.

“Nothing so small, did you have any siblings? Are there more or less of them, anything big in your life that you feel like it's different.” she asked me.

“I feel like I had a extra sibling… maybe a twin… but they vanished.” I said, scrunching my face up.

“Without… a trace?” Viri asked me.

“Well, their house was obviously broken into, but I feel like I shouldn’t even know that, so…” I said, shrugging. “Kinda like mine was before I was displaced, actually…”

“So… they could of been displaced as well?” Viri said. “They could be out there still.”

“I wonder what they were displaced as…” I commented, frowning.

“You'll see, fate has plans for you.” the woman said before disappearing. I blinked and looked around to see that it was the three of us.

“Zinn, where the kids?” Viri asked.

“Uhh outside, why? She asked.

“Because me and Ita have something to do.” Viri said as she grabbed me and teleported us into our room. She pulled me into her and started madly kissing me while pulling up my shirt. I blushed, shuffling nervously, threatening to be overloaded by my new emotions. She pulled away and looked at me.

“S-sorry, I just thought maybe… sorry.” she said softly as she puts a hand in mine. “I think… you lead and I'll follow.”

“S-sorry.” I said, embarrassed now. “I-i j-just need to get used to… feeling at all.”

“Just take it slow, what are your feelings telling you to do?” she asked me.

“W-well, first, l-let’s get this back.” I said, making my cock appear, though it was a more… normal, size. “S-sorry if it’s s-smaller than normal, d-don’t want to stimulate myself so much I f-fry my brain.”

“It's fine.” she said, putting her hand gently on my cock, I notice that I wasn't wearing any clothes other than a bra and she wore a bra that was see through and a thong that it looked like a piece of string. “I found this under the bed, a birthday present for me?”

“M-maybe.” I said, blushing more in embarrassment, shuffling a little shyly. She leans up and kissed me.

“So… what does mistress want her kitty to do?” she asked softly.

“U-um…” I trailed off, looking very unsure of myself. I looked at her and then at her collar.

“Ita? Are you okay?” Viri asked me.

“I’m just… nervous, and unsure, cause I haven’t done t-this while feeling before and…” I trailed off, covering my face from embarrassment, sitting on the bed.

“You feel embarrassed with the whole mistress thing?” she asked.

“A little, it’s just… I c-can’t handle all these f-feelings it’s t-too much t-too fast.” I told her. She looked at me for a minute.

“How about this.” she said as she slowly took the collar off and handed to me for a moment as a box appeared. She opened it and put the collar in it. She put it on the side desk.

“We're going to do this slow, so we'll try normal.” she said as she clap her hands. I looked down and saw that my skin turned from gold colour to… normal. I looked in the mirror and saw that I looked like a human girl. I looked at Viri as she to look like a normal girl, no ears or tail heck her hair turned more redhead. She crawled into bed and pulled me to lay down beside her and hold her.

“Normal cuddling, better?” she asked.

“A-a little.” I said, sounding less nervous I hugged her back.

“There's no mistress, no pets, no kinks, just the two of us cuddling.” she said.

“T-technically yuri is a kink.” I commented.

“From the kinks we’ve done, being lesbians is normal.” she said with a happy sigh.

“F-fair enough.” I said, resting my chin on the top of her head, smiling. “This is nice.”

“Yeah…” she said. We stayed like that for some time. At times she kissed me and I would to. After What feels like two hours of cuddling Viri looked up at me.

“So… how are you feeling?” she asked me.

“Better.” I said simply as an answer before, hesitantly, I reached down to her pussy, nervously and clumsily rubbing it.

“Don't be nervous, just let your hand do what it wants.” Viri said. I nodded, relaxing myself a little, slowly putting a finger in her. She moaned a bit at that.

“A-am I doing okay?” I asked, slipping another in and moving a little.

“Y-yes.” she moaned at me.

‘Oh. My. Lord. I knew that lady changed your fate but did she make you forget how to do this?’ Lilly said in my head.

“Shut up!” I shouted mentally back, blushing. “Before I set you in chains in there.”

‘Oooo kinky-’

“And turn off your ability to feel pleasure.” I added mentally, interrupting her.


“It’s not kinky if I make you unable to like it at all.” I threatened, growing annoyed, thrusting a little faster in Viri. She moaned a bit more at this. I looked up at her and saw her smile at me.

‘'Ita, darling, I know your feelings are back and everything, and I'm glad they are it lives things up in here but you need to push your nervosity and embarrassment down and allow the one emotion that counts do it's work.’ she said.

“I-i k-know it’s j-just… I c-can’t.” I mentally sighed, getting sad now.

'Then let me help you, let me fill you with… DETERMINATION to do this. Look at Viri.’ she said. I nodded mentally, doing so, picking back up my thrusting. I looked up at Viri and saw her looking down at me biting her lip.

‘I can feel it from here that she wants you so much but holding back for you. She doesn't want to scare you, Ita I can keep your nervously and embarrassment in check as you do you, have sex with the love of your life because she wants it to.” she said softly.

I nodded, feeling the two emotions be… restrained, smirking up at Viri, suddenly thrusting my whole hand in her. She gasped at this as I moved up to her to look at her.

“This better?” I asked, confidence in my voice as I grabbed one of her breasts, squeezing. She moaned at this and started to move her hip into my hand, I smirked at her answer.

I made my cock appear, about the usual size. “How about I thrust this in you instead?” I asked, kissing her. She nodded at me as she wiggled her hips. I removed my hand, moving so we were doing it missionary before thrusting deeply into her, moaning loudly from the sudden stimulation.

“W-wait.” she said as she wrap her arms around my neck. “H-how do you feel now?”

“A-a lot.” I said simply, unable to describe it. I started thrusting into her, hands by her head, keeping me up. She pulled herself up and kissed me.

“I love you Ita, with all my heart.” she said.

“I l-love you to.” I said, grunting in pleasure as I thrusted faster. “G-getting close.”

“M-me two… cum in me.” she said. I nodded, grunting again before moaning loudly, cumming in her. We stayed like that until we stopped. I pulled out of her and laid on top of her. She nuzzled up to me.

“That… was amazing.” Viri said. I nodded, speechless, resting my head on her chest.

“Y-yeah, it was.” I said, finding my voice.

“I'm happy Ita, I'm happy that you can get to feel again and me.. Well…” she moved her hand to turn the ring on her finger.

I smiled, simply staying where I was. “Let’s just… stay like this for a while.” I suggested.

“Yeah… I would like that.” she said. We stayed like that for some time. I laid back smiling.

In a nearby universe, a couple hours later, ??? POV

I woke up to nothingness all around me. I couldn’t see myself, and was very confused, feeling some kind’ve… power, brimming inside of me. I looked around me, wondering where I was, before suddenly, a golden hoop appeared, a large pokemon coming out of it.

The pokemon pulsed with power, and a world was slowly formed around me, me avoiding the golden energy by instinctively flying away from it.

The giant pokemon shrunk into a golden woman, disappearing back through the ring briefly, before bringing a cat lady through, talking to her a little before bringing three small forms, children, through, waving before going back, the ring vanishing.

I got curious, so I ‘floated’ forwards, mostly by pure luck, hiding in the shadows of a nearby tree, peeking out at the group.

“I wonder what's she planning.” the cat woman said. She looked over at the two kids… wait wasn't there three. I blinked and turned to see a small dragon girl stare at me.

“Hello!” she greeted. I responded by jumping into the tree. I peeked out from a branch down at the girl, my eyes widened.

H-hello.” I ‘said’ nervously.

“Why are you up in a tree?” she asked.

You… surprised me.” I said to the girl shyly, nervous since I didn’t know where I was or what was happening.

“Me? Surprised you? But you look all… ghosty and stuff.” she said.

I… do?” I asked. “I… haven’t gotten the chance to look at myself yet.” I responded, confused.

“Well, you look cool.” she said with a smile.

Thank you.” I said, floating a little down, not remembering to hide.

“Ashe? Who's this?” the cat woman asked. The two of us looked at her as I saw the other two kids looked at me.

“Ghosty person!” she said pointing at me. “I saw them hiding behind a tree so I went to say hi and scared them, which was odd since they are all ghosty and cool looking.”

I had a feeling that I was blushing, though I don’t think that it could be outwardly shown, staying silent and waving.

“Well it's nice to meet you, I'm Viri, these to are Kuro and Yuri and the one you met is Ashe.” she greeted.

Hello, I am…” I started, before gripping my head with my apparently black as night arms, grunting in pain.

“Hey! What's wrong?” Ashe asked me. The other three looked worried.

My head hurts.” I told them. Viri came over with a look of worry on her.

“Is there anything we could help you with?” she asked.

I just woke up here, I don’t know how I got here or where I am…” I told them.

“You're on a new world other mommy made.” Yuri said quickly.

“And you're in a forest.” Kuro said.

I also feel a… strange energy in me, like it wasn’t at one point, but I don’t know when I would’ve gotten it since I have just awakened.” I said.

“I… don't know, sorry.” Viri said.

“Hey! You look a lot like a pokemon!” Ashe said.

“Yeah! But which one, there are like a billion of them!” Kuro said. Both Ashe and Kuro looked at Yuri.

“W-what are you looking at me for?” she asked

“You're the egghead.” Ashe said.

“Rude!” Yuri said as she grumbled A bit before looking at me. “But I did see a picture in a book.”

“Called it!” Ashe said, earning her a frown. “Anyway, I don't know your name since it was ripped out but the last few were R.A.I.”

Hmmm… maybe we should just come up with a new name for me, then?” I suggested, feeling two things that felt like legs without feet and knees come out from the bottom of me and settle on the ground, perfectly balancing me. We went over some names but they didn't seem to fit.

“How about… Daku?” one of them said.

I… like it.” I said, giving the impression I was smiling. The three kids looked at one another and smiled.

“Well it's nice to meet you Daku.” Viri said.

What… do we do now?” I asked.

“We explore!” Ashe said happily. I retracted my ‘leg’s, nodding.

Lead the way.” I said. The five of us headed off into the forest and chat with one another.

“Hey Daku, can you shapeshift?” Kuro said.

I do not know.” I told them, looking thoughtful.

“Why did you ask that?” Yuri asked him.

“We saw a Ditto back home that turned into you and Daku can kinda change-” Kuro stopped talking and looked up at me “Are you a boy or a girl or like aunty Zinn?”

I… don’t remember.” I said.

“Maybe we should go sit down somewhere to rest and talk.” Viri said.

Anywhere should be fine… I don’t think there’s anyone but us here yet.” I said. We headed to a clearing and sat under a tree. The other three went to play as Viri and I sat under the tree.

I seemed in deep concentration, trying to shapeshift just to see if I could. I focused on my hands and after a few minutes my hands, and body as it seem, changed shape.

“Well… it seems you can shapeshift.” Viri said.

“Neat.” I said, pleasantly surprised.

“Here.” Viri said as a body length mirror appeared in front of me. I saw my reflection in it.

I tilted my head back and forth as I looked at myself. I still had the ghostly cool look… I think.

“My legs are shadows.” I said, surprised. They keep on coming in and going as I looked at them.

“Well, at least you’re… handsome, or pretty? Sorry I can’t tell what gender you are.” Viri said as she looked at me.

“I don’t remember what gender I was… but I prefer you use ‘they’ for any he/she situations.” I told her.

“Okay.” she said. I looked at my legs, looking thoughtful, before looking at the shadows of the trees and reaching a hand out, willing the shadows to move… and they obeyed.
They reached out to my hand and moved like waves. Viri watched this in aw.

I gestured up, the shadows raising off the ground, me tilting my head. “Interesting.” I said, letting the shadows go back to normal.

“That’s amazing.” Viri said.

“It… didn’t seem that impressive.” I said modestly, the faintest of blushes appearing on my face.

“Well, it was amazing to them.” She said pointing. I turned and saw the three watching me wide eyed. I seemed to blush a little more, not used to the praise. “Not used to this sort of thing?”

“Not really, no.” I told her. I reached my arms up, willing the shadows to gather, deciding to see how far I could take this. Shadows seemed to leap into an orb that appeared between my arms, gathering, the orb getting larger with each shadow. The three watched this in aw as Viri looked at this with a bit of aw… and worry.

Seeing the praise, I willed more into the orb, having to spread my arms a little more as it got even larger.

“Fireworks!” Kuro yelled as the other two nodded. I obliged, throwing the orb into the air, it exploding and sending dark blurs of shadow everywhere. There was clapping from the three kids as Viri let out a sigh of relief.

I took a overdramatic bow, inwardly smiling at their applause.

“Can you do something else?” Yuri asked. I tilted my head, before floating over to a shadow, going down and practically melting into it, vanishing to them.

“Where did Daku go?” one of them asked. The other two shook their heads. Unnoticed to the three, I snuck behind the one that asked the question, slowly rising out of the child's shadow. After a moment the kid looked up at me as I stared down. I bent over to be a few inches from here. We stared at eachother until the girl poked me on the nose.

“Boop.” she said. I simply blinked, reaching down and doing the same.

“Boop back.” I said. She giggled at me as the other two started to laugh.

“I’m back!” I heard a voice call, the suddenness of it making me immediately retreat back into the shadow. The three kids ‘aww’ed at this as I saw the golden lady walked towards them. Viri stood up and give her a kiss.

“Hey love, where did you go?” she asked.

“Just got some picnic stuff I didn’t feel like making out of thin air.” She said, holding up a picnic basket.

“Picnic!” Kuro and Yuri yelled happily as Ashe was crawling on the ground, jumping on shadows. I managed to dodge the attempts to bring me out, not having a good feeling about what would happen if the golden woman saw me.

“Boo.” she said as she kept trying. We did this that the others set up for the picnic. She eventually got me, me yelping in pain and annoyance, the golden lady immediately going on guard. “Gottcha Ghosty!”

I rose from the ground holding my head. “Did you have to hit my head?” I asked, the golden woman's eyes widening.

“Yes.” Ashe said as she looked at the others. “Look I caught a ghosty!”

Darkrai.” The golden woman growled, a menacing aura coming from her. Ashe blinked at her and looked up at me.

“Not what I thought would happen.” she said as she held on my arm.

“Ita, is there something wrong?” Viri asked with a bit of fear in her voice.

“Remember that one legendary I didn’t want to make?” She asked. Viri looked at me and slowly nodded.

“You didn’t really say why.” she said.

“That’s the one that killed my world.” Ita growled, my eyes widening at the accusation.

“Daku… is that true?” Viri asked. I looked at the other three as they looked at me, Ashe was now hanging off my arm as she looked at me.

“I have no recollection of killing any world.” I told them. “I just woke up here shortly before she restored this one.”

“Well I don’t believe it.” Ashe said. “You’re a nice ghosty.”

Ita narrowed her eyes, obviously distrusting of me. “Thank you, child.” I said to Ashe, smiling a little. She grinned at me.

“Ita, maybe this is a different one.” Viri said.

“I guess.” Ita said, seeming to calm down some. “But if it does anything I don’t like, it’s done.”

“Ghosty wouldn’t do that, right ghosty.” Ashe, who was now on my head and looking down at me, said with a smile.

“How did you get up there without me noticing?” I asked, blinking in surprise.

“I’m a good climber.” she said. She then poked my nose again. “Boop.” I smirked, poking hers back.

“Boop back.” I said simply. She giggled at me. The other two kids were sneaking over the the basket to try and get some food without anyone looking.

“Don’t even try it.” Ita told them without looking.

“Aww~.” the two whined.

“Hey mommy, can Ghosty join us?” Ashed asked.

“No.” Ita said coldly.

“Why not?” Ashed asked. Ita started to say something, but didn’t seem to be able to come up with a reason. Viri put a hand on her arm.

“Just let them, they aren’t the same as the other.” she said softly.

“Fine.” Ita said. We all went and sat at the picnic blanket that was set up, it being a little awkward.

“So… does anyone have something to talk about?” Viri asked.

“No.” Me and Ita both said. Viri looked at the two of us as Ita stared at me. I started to feel uncomfortable at this. The three kids watched us as they eat.

We all just awkwardly ate for a while. The kids tried to get us talking, even Viri as well, but it was fruitless as Ita glared at me. “I can see that I’m just making this awkward.” I said, standing and turning. “I’ll just go now.”

“No! Ghosty!” Ashe said as she tried to grab my legs, which fell through them. “Ow…” I stayed silent, walking to a shadow under a tree, turning and waving sadly as I went into it, vanishing.


I watched the Darkrai leave, me huffing, glaring at it until it was gone. Ashe went over to the spot and tried to catch it but failed to. She then came over and sat down sadly.

“Really Ita.” Viri said with a glare of her own at me.

“What?” I asked, confused.

“I know you hate Darkrai for destroying your world but Daku was trying to be friendly. All you did was give them the cold shoulder.” she said as she crossed her arms.

I had nothing to say, simply crossing my arms back. I looked at the other three as the twins looked at the two of us nervously as Ashe started sniffling a bit.

“Are you okay, Ashe?” I asked, voice soft.

“I-I didn’t want Ghosty to go…” she said sadly. Kuro passed her a sandwich and she ate it sadly.

I frowned, starting to feel guilty a little bit. We all sat there in silence as we ate. “FINE!” I suddenly exclaimed. “I’ll go find it and bring it back.”

I marched into the forest to look for it. After fifteen minutes I found it sleeping in a tree. I knocked it down, waking it up. “Ow…” It said, getting up and rubbing its head.

“Hey.” I said. “Come back to the picnic, now.” Darkrai looked like it was about to argue, but thought better, following me back to the picnic area.

“Ghosty!” Ashe yelled as she tackled Darkrai… and went right though it’s legs, again. “Ow…” It ‘knelt’ down, scooping her up.

“Are you alright, child?” It asked.

“I’m fine.” she said as she smiled at it. “You came back!”

“Your other mother here was very… persuasive.” It said, smirking. Ashe smiled at it as we walked back to the picnic and sat down.

The mood was a little better this time as we all started to eat. Viri looked around at the place as Ashe was talking to it as Kuro was bugging his sister by poking her in the shoulder and making her look the other way.

“This is nice.” Me and it said at the same time. We looked at one another as Ashe giggled.

“Jinx!” she yelled. I looked amused at this, smirking.

“Mommy, what else are we going to do after the picnic?” Yuri asked me.

“I just wanted to have a picnic here.” I said, shrugging and smirking.

“Okay.” she said as she took a bit out of her sandwich. Viri leaned onto me and sighed happily.

“This is nice.” she said as she closed her eyes.

“We seem to be saying that a lot recently.” I commented, giving her a one armed hug.

“Well, it’s true.” she said. “Besides, you having your feelings again made you more… alive.” she said.

“Yeah.” I agreed, smiling and resting my head on the top of hers. Her eyes went over to it and back at me.

“At least talk to them, it would be nice.” she whispered.

“No.” I whispered back simply. She frowned at me.

“Come on, at least be friendly.” she then looked at me sexualy. “If you do then…” I felt her grope my ass a bit. “... I can show you something that I found some time ago~.” I blushed, shooting her a look.

“F-fine.” I mumbled. She smiled and gave my ass a squeeze before letting go. I looked over and saw it with it’s arms out with the twins hanging off them and Ashe on it’s head. They were all giggling at this.

“I’m pretty sure it’s not a jungle gym.” I commented, smirking.

“Ghosty isn’t an it mom, it’s a they.” Ashe said.

“Fine, I’m pretty sure they aren’t a jungle gym.” I said, rolling my eyes and floating over. The Darkrai shrugged at me.

“It’s no problem, they’re not heavy.” They said. Kuro and Yuri started to swing of their arms as giggled on top of their shoulders.

“You have no idea how much this is amusing me.” I said, smirking. The Darkrai looked at me and shrugged again.

We talked for a while, before I saw it getting late. “Alright, time to go home.” I called. The three whined a bit before helping pack up. When that was finished I looked at them as Ashe gave them a hug.

“Bye Ghosty.” she said.

I looked conflicted for a bit, before sighing. “Ghosty can come with us.” I said.

“Sorry, but I think I’ll stay here and watch this world.” They said. Ashe looked sad for a minute before hugging them again.

“Come visit!” she said before heading over to us. They simply nodded, before I teleported my group home.

“Well, that was fun… for the most part.” Viri said looking at me.

“Yep.” I said. “N-now, you were g-gonna show me something?”

“Are you still nervous?” she asked me. I simply nodded as she led me into the bedroom. She turned to me and kissed me.

“Now, wait here.” she said as she walked into the bathroom. I sat down on the bed and waited. As I waited I started to hear her humming in there. After a few minutes I felt hands on my shoulders.

“Hey there cutie.” Viri voice said. I jumped and looked behind me and saw Viri… but not Viri.

“Hey Ri.” I groaned. She smiled at me as she wore her small tank top and latex shorts.

“So, hows Ita?” she asked.

“G-good.” I said, blushing a tiny bit.

“Aww, you're blushing at me, you know I kinda missed the old you.” she layed down on the bed which gave me a good view of her cleavage. “I missed you fucking me until I was just a giggling mess.”

“Well I don’t, that was a personal hell to just even feel the tiniest bit back then.” I said, frowning, upset now. “You want me to go back to that?”

“Yes-” I heard her start to say, and didn’t give her the chance to continue, growling and leaving. “Hold up! I wasn’t finished! I mean not the emotionless part of you, the you being a mistress part!”

I was too mad to really hear her, teleporting away and down to a random desert on the surface to let out some steam. I rose into the air, making sure nothing living was around before just shooting beams at the ground until I was calmed. I took some breaths after that.

“Are… are you okay Ita?” I heard someone, it sounded like Viri and I thought it was Ri again but it sounded softer than her. I sighed, not turning around.

“No.” I said simply.

“I guess Ri got to you first huh.” she said.

“Yep.” I said, growling a little.

“I’m sorry Ita, I was hoping that she would just leave you alone but… she’s my wild said and… I’m sorry.” she said. I turned to face her, seeing that she wore a bathrobe.

“She said she wanted me to go back to being emotionless.” I told her, some sadness entering my voice.

“I… don’t think that’s what she meant, I think she meant you’re more… confident side. The side that has no fear on what you do to her or me, she misses that part of you that, and this is her words, ‘turned me into a giggling mess’.” she explained.

“Oh sorry, let me correct myself, she wants the selfish emotionless me that took things and people because she liked them.” I said, even more upset now. “Sorry, but no.”

“Don’t say that to me, I’m the side that wants more of the… softer you, the one that cares about me.” she said as she rubbed her arm. “Also, if it wasn’t for your selfish side I wouldn’t get over my fears.”

“That was one of the few moments I wasn’t being selfish and genuinely helpful.” I told her, not moved. She looked down at the ground.

“I… I had something planned for the two of us… just us but…” she looked like she was going to cry. “I’ll just go and yell at Ri for ruining it.” She turned to leave.

“Well, don’t let me stop you there, I’m just mad at your other half for now, not you.” I told her. “Just let me calm down then we can have fun… emotions are hard.”

She turned to me and nodded before disappearing. It took me a hour or so, but I eventually teleported home. As I got there I almost ran into Zinn and Luna, who both looked happy about something.

“Why are you two so happy?” I asked.

“Oh… well it seems that Ri was being a bit… rude so Vi told us to… show her the errors of her ways.” Zinn said. Luna giggled at this.

“You got to ‘discipline’ her?” I asked, raising an eyebrow, amused.

“You can say that.” Luna said with a smile.

“Well I’ll be with Vi, so you two have fun with that.” I told them, teleporting to her. I found her sitting on the bed waiting for me. She looked up and smiled.

“Calmed down enough?” she asked. I nodded, walking over and hugging her. She hugged me back and stood up. She turned me and sat me down on the bed. “Are you ready for me?”

“Y-yeah.” I said, nodding. She took a deep breath and took off her robe. She wore a white lingerie with some white panties. She looked around a bit and fidget a bit.

“Umm… is… is this good?” she asked nervously. I nodded, a blush on my face. “Okay… uhh… I… I never done this sort of thing and… I’m a bit nervous about this…”

“About what?” I asked. “I’m sure you’ll do fine.”

“I don’t know… you’re still getting used to the emotions and everything and… ohh I knew this was a bad idea, I’m not good with being sexy to you.” she said frustrated.

“You’re doing fine.” I assured, kissing her.

“Okay… umm I guess… you lead and I… follow?” she asked me. I looked at her as she fidgeted around near me, she… really doesn’t know what to do right now.

“Okay.” I said, kissing her and lightly playing with her breasts. She moaned into my mouth as she put her arms around me, rubbing my back. I moaned softly, reaching down and playing with her pussy, taking one of her nipples in my mouth and nibbling on it. She moaned a bit louder and the two of us fell onto the bed. She looked at me and slowly started to take my clothes off. The more was removed the more red she got.

I simply smiled at her, slowly removing her bra and panties. After a few minutes the two of us were naked on the bed. Vi blushed as she slowly looked me over.

“You look… beautiful.” she said softly. I blushed, before smirking at her.

“I’m not even half as beautiful as you.” I said, nuzzling her. She smiled at me and kissed me.

“I love you Ita, I love you so much.” she said.

“I love you to.” I said, slipping a couple fingers into her pussy. She gasped at this. She looked into my eyes with a smile.

“Is that good?” I asked, gently thrusting in and out of her. She nodded as she started to caress my body slowly, her light touches sending shivers throughout my body.

I moaned, before smirking at her, taking my fingers out of her so I could turn around on her, lowering my head and giving her pussy a lick. She twitched at this and moaned.

“I-I was told that… you were good with your tongue.” she said. I smirked, slowly sticking my tongue in her, before I made it vibrate. This made her moan more.

I rested my bottom half on top of her as I thrust my tongue in and out of her, playing with her clit with one hand as I did. She gasped, moaning at this until I felt her near my pussy.

“Umm… is this… okay?” she asked.

“Y-yes.” I said, before going back to playing with her pussy. I felt her lick my pussy a bit as she played with it as well. I moaned into her, us continuing this before we both came. The two of us shook for a bit before calming down, I turned over and laid next to her. She looked at me and kissed me and taste herself on my lips.

“You’re… amazing.” said said softly. I blushed at the compliment, shyly looking away. She pulled me into a hug. “I know that you’re still getting used to having feeling but… I think everyone is happy to see you like this.”

Someone isn’t.” I said, sounding sad.

“Oh, don’t mind her. Ri’s mind is always in the gutter.” she said as she looked at me. “Always.”

“Doesn’t make it hurt any less.” I said in a small voice, sniffling. She hugged me tighter.

“Well I’m here, and that’s all that matters.” she said.

“But now I’ll know, whenever you two are one again, that half of you thinks like that.” I said, tears starting to form in my eyes.

“Please Ita, don’t think like that about us, we all love you… in different ways… me, Ri, and Viri love you so much, that’s why when I heard that Viri forgot about you when she was a kid it broke my heart.” she said sadly.

“Still… words hurt.” I said, sniffling again.

“And that’s what they are, words… Ita when I look at you I see a strong, kind, down to earth woman that I fell in love with, you are one of a kind.” she said with a smile.

I smiled at this, closing my eyes and snuggling up to her. She held me close as I listened to her heart beat.

“As much as love for this to go on, there are somethings I do have to say that… Viri won’t say.” she said. I blinked in surprise, looking up at her, idly noticing I’d shifted into my teenage form at some point.

“For me, I like this side of you and Ri… your… selfish side and for Viri, it’s more the fun the two of you have together.” she said, not noticing that I changed. “But… I believe that with the thr- two of us everything will be amazing.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I don’t know, just a feeling I have.” she said looking at me. Her eyes widen at my form. “Oh…”

“What?” I asked.

“You… look like a teenager… and sound like one.” she blinked at this. “How did I miss that?” I giggled amusedly, booping her.

“Hey now… Oh! I have an idea.” she said.

“What?” I asked. She closed her eyes for a bit, I saw her form shrink down a bit and her features became younger. When she was done she looked at me and smiled.

“It seems that you’re not the only one who can change her body shape and age.” she said, even her voice is younger.

“Teen party!” I exclaimed dramatically, giggling. She giggled also.

“Which one? There’s a lot of versions of a teen party.” she said.

“We could make the others teens and have a slumber party.” I said, smirking mischievously. She giggled at this.

“Yeah… well I don’t think Zinn, Luna, or Ri would be joining… they have their own slumber party.” Vi said with a smirk.

“I don’t want Ri in it anyway.” I said, crossing my arms.

“Yeah well… I don’t know how long those three are going for…” she said as she looked at me. “All they said was that Ri is going to be sore all over.”

“Good.” I said. She rolled her eyes at me.

“So… what do you want to do now?” she asked.

“Get people for our slumber party.” I replied immediately.

“Okay!... but… I think we should get a shower and some clothes on.” she said with a sheepish smile.

“Sure.” I said, booping her again. We went into the bathroom and took a shower and put on some clothes.

I hummed a little happily as we left the bathroom, holding Vis hand. We headed to the living room where we saw Celestia with the three kids.

“Hello.” I said to Celestia. She looked at us and blinked.

“Hello… why are you… younger?” she asked as the other three stared at us.

“Mommy is so much younger!” Ashe said. The other two nodded.

“Because we felt like it.” I said, sticking my tongue out at her.

“I… see.” she said. Ashe, Kuro, and Yuri came up to us to take a closer look.

“You really are younger, hey can we do that?” Yuri asked.

“If we can then I can stay young forever!” Ashe yelled.

“Yeah, I don’t think anyone wants to see you as a old person.” Kuro joked. Ashe glared at him and stuck her tongue out.

“Kuro, that’s not nice.” I said, crossing my arms. The two of them looked at me.

“She’s our mom yet so young… this is so weird…” he said.

“Yeah…” Ashe agreed.

“I change age all the time, you’ll get use to it.” I said, shrugging. I then saw Vi lean into me.

“Umm… I think we have a problem, there’s only me, you, Ri, Tia, Luna, and Zinn as adults and three of them are busy which mean only Tia can join.” Vi said to me.

“I have a idea.” I whispered back. “Let’s turn into kids instead, but outside, and say we had some people we know send their kids over to sleepover with ours.” I whispered, smirking.

“Okay, hey maybe we should change how we look a bit so we don’t get found out quickly.” Vi said.

“I was gonna change to look human more.” I whispered, idly freezing time around us.

“Okay… I think I have a good plan that would work.” she said with a wink.

“Care to share?” I asked.

“Just something to cover us so that we’re other kids being sent over… but you're making a cover on why we’re not going to be around.” she said nudging me.

“K.” I said, resuming time. “Well, me and Vi here are gonna go explore the new world I restored.”

“Oh, can I come! I want to see Ghosty again!” Ashe said.

“Sorry Ashe, this is just the two of us.” Vi said. Ashe looked a bit sad at this. “But don’t worry, you’ll do something better, remember aunty Rose and Uncle Jet?”

“Yes.” Ashe said with the other two nodding.

“Well, we’re bringing them along for some help but Rose need someone look after some kids she have, so they are coming here for a sleepover.” she explained.

“A sleepover!” Ashe said happily. “When are they coming?!”

“Right after we leave so I can send them here.” I said.

“So, go off and get ready.” Vi said. The three of them ran off to there room. I looked over at Tia as she stared at us.

“That… was out of the blue.” she said.

“Just a little, bye!” I exclaimed, teleporting me and Vi outside and out of sight.

“I just realised that she has to deal with five kids by herself.” Vi said.

“Sucks for her.” I said, shrugging. “Now, what should we look like?” I asked.

“Anything we want as a kid.” Vi said. “We should also go by different names, just to be safe.”

“Of course.” I said, nodding. Glowing, I shifted down to a kid form. When the light left me, I looked the same age as our kids, I had a black cloak on over brown hair, I had green eyes and a grey shirt and skirt on, black flip-flops on my bare feet.

I looked at Vi as she to shrank down as her hair went to more a redhead with a blue bow. Her eyes were brown and has freckles around her face. She wore a blue dress and some green slippers.

“So? How did I do?” she asked.

“You did great.” I told her. “Now, I’ll be acting really shy, okay?”

“K!” she said. We made some bags appeared with some stuff that we needed.

“So, what will our names be?” I asked.

“I don't know… well I can go with my old name.” she said.

“I guess I’ll just go with Lily or something.” I said, shrugging. “Now, let’s get into character… wait, are we having us be sisters?”

“Up to you.” she said.

“Lets, so I can act shy and hide behind you and stuff… what's your old name?”

“Mary.” she said as she took my hand. “Come on, sis.”

“O-okay.” I said shyly, putting my hood over my head to cover myself, making it so only the hand she was holding peeked out of the cloak. “A-are you sure a-about this?”

“Of course.” she said happily. I nodded shyly, opening a portal in front of the house and one in front of us. “L-let’s g-go.”

Hand in hand we walked into the portal and saw the house.

“It's so big~.” V- I mean Mary said in aw.

“I-it’s pretty.” I whispered shyly, watching the light shine off the crystals. “S-should we knock?”

“I guess so, I can't reach the doorbell.” she said. Mary walked up to the door and knocked. We waited a few moments until the door opened.

“Hello?” a voice asked. I swiftly hid behind Mary, peeking a little out from over her shoulder.

“Hello!” Mary said.

“Oh my, I didn't see you two there.” the lady said as she kneel down. “And you two are?” I hid behind Mary more at this, not even peeking out now.

“I'm Mary, and this is my sister Lily, we were told by miss Rose that we're having a sleepover here.” Mary said as she tried to peek over the lady. “Are miss Ita and miss Viri here?”

“I'm sorry but you just missed them.” the lady said.

“Aww.” she said before looking at me. “ looks like we can see them tomorrow.”

“Well, since you're here come on in.” the lady said.

“O-okay.” I whispered, gathering the courage to speak, my voice small, sounding unsure of myself. The lady said her name was Celestia but we can call her Tia. We walked in and saw three other kids, two of them were twins and had cat ears and tail, and one with a lizard's tail.

“Hello!” Mary greeted. “I’m Mary and this is my sister Lily.” I hid behind Mary as they all looked at me.

“Hello, I’m Kuro and this is my sisters, Yuri and Ashe.” the boy said. The other two smiled at us as Mary looked at me.

“Come on Lily, at least say hi.” she asked me.

“H-hi.” I whispered, before hiding as much as I could behind Mary.

“Is she okay?” Ashe asked.

“Yeah, she’s just really shy.” Mary said. After introducing ourselves we started to play some games as Tia was making snakes. We opened the box for Monopoly and started playing. After some time playing Kuro looked at me with wide eyes.

“How are you winning…” he asked. I looked down and saw that I had most of everything on the board, most of the money and some houses.

“She’s a god of Monopoly.” Mary said. I blushed shyly, shrinking into my cloak and shrugging a tiny bit. Tia came out with a tray of snacks for us to munch on as we played some other game. After playing two other games and watch some tv Tia came out again.

“I need some help getting blankets and pillows, mind helping me.” she asked us. Mary and the twins went with her which left me and Ashe alone. I sat on the couch waiting for anyone to come back.

“So… you like… games?” Ashe asked. I simply nodded shyly, shifting nervously. “That’s cool… any that you like the most?”

I shrugged, shifting uncomfortably, Ashe getting a little too close. We sat in silence until a door opened.

“Think they can out last me, that’s cute.” some one said. I then saw a demon looking lady wearing a large tshirt walk in.

“Hi mom!” Ashe said running over and giving her a hug.

“Hey kiddo.” she said rubbing Ashes head. She looked up and saw me. “Ashe, whos this?”

“This is my friend Lily, she’s spending the night here.” Ashe said as she looked at me. “Lily, this is my mom Ri.” I waved shyly and nervously, shrinking in on myself some.

“Is she okay?” Ri asked.

“She’s shy.” Ashe said. Ri looked at me and frowned.

“... right.” she said a bit annoyed.

“Mom? Are you ok?” Ashed asked. Ri looked at and then walk to the chair and sat down.

“Not… really.” she said with a sigh. “Ashe, I think I said something that I shouldn’t.”

“Are… are you and mom fighting?” Ashe asked. Ri looked at her for a moment.

“Something like that…” she said before putting her head into her hands. “I’m an idiot sometimes Ashe.” Ashe looked over at me with a sad look and climbed up onto her lap.

“You’re not an idiot mommy.” she said as she hugged her.

“Yeah…” Ri picked Ashe up and put her on the couch. “I’m… going out for sometime, I don’t know how long, if you see Ita again, tell her that I’m going to give her some space.” she said before disappearing. Ashe pulled her legs up to her and sat there in silence. After a few minutes I started to hear her crying.

I crawled over ask nervously, what little of my face the could be seen looking concerned. “You o-okay?” I asked.

“N-no, my parents are f-fighting.” she sniffled. She pulled a little closer. “ I don’t want them to fight.”

Very hesitantly, I opened my arms, offering her a hug. She looked at me for a moment and hugged me. She cried into shoulder for a bit until she calmed down.

“T-thanks…” she said softly. I nodded as she hopped down from the couch and went to wash her face. A few minutes later she and the rest came with blankets and pillows.

I immediately covered myself in my cloak again as they came in, going back to my shy act, though I made a mental note to be a little less shy around Ashe.

After getting everything ready for bed we played another game. As we played I notice that Ashe wasn't paying much attention to the game.

“Sis? You okay?” Kuro asked. Ashe blinked a few times and looked at him.

“Huh? Oh… uh yeah I'm fine.” she said.

“You sure, you’re a little distracted.” Mary asked. Ashe frowned a bit.

“I'm fine, just a bit tired.” she stood up. “I'm going to sleep, night.”

Everyone looked at one another as she did. Mary looked at me and mouthed ‘'What happened?’

I dunno.” I mouthed back, before taking a second to think. “I think it’s about the fight earlier.

“The fight? You mean the one with you and Ri?” she asked. I subtly nodded. She looked over at the twins for a moment then back at me.

“We'll talk more after they are a sleep, okay?” she asked.

I nodded again, shuffling in place. “Is… she gonna be okay?” I asked, voice really quiet.

“Don't know, maybe she's just tired.” Kuro said. The four of us continued playing but it got a bit awkward so we put the TV on and set it to quite. After a few shows we got into bed to sleep. I waited until I knew the twins were asleep before slowly climbing out of the covers. Mary was already up and the two headed outside.

“Okay, what happened when it was just you and Ashe?” Mary asked. Her eyes turned to the colours Vi has.

“Ri came in.” I started, making sure I was quiet enough not to wake the others. “Said something about ‘giving ‘Ita’ space.” I told her.

“Give you space?” She said. She began to pace a bit before stopping. “This...this isn't like her.”

“Should… we be worried?” I asked.

“I don't know, normally I could tell what's wrong with her but… she feels so far away.” she looked at me. “I… I think there's something wrong with her.”

“I think we should talk to her as soon as she gets back.” I decided. She looked at me for a moment.

“You can go do that but I'm going to find her.” she said before walking off.

I instantly followed her, sighing. “Fine, we can find her now.” I said, rolling my eyes playfully. Vi and I headed down to the planet to search for Ri. I seemed to be much harder than I thought since I couldn’t find her, she wasn’t there.

After a few hours Vi and I split up to cover more ground, I flown up and used Double Team to split myself and went in different directions to search for her. After twenty minutes one of the me’s found her. I headed over and found Ri sitting at the edge of a cliff. I landed behind her as the me’s became one again.

“So… come to yell at me?” Ri asked.

“Not really, no.” I said. She chuckled.

“Then what do you want, I thought you wanted space.” she said.

“I wanted time to calm down and I’ve had that.” I said, floating over and hugging her. “You worried us.”

“I worried you… I worried YOU!” she yelled, pushing me back. I blinked and as she glared at me. “Don’t lie to me!” I shrunk away, eyes wide, a little scared.

“You never cared about me, even before you got your emotions you never cared.” she snarled as she pointed at me. “You, Vi, Viri, Tai, Luna… NO ONE CARES ABOUT ME!”

“I-i’ve been trying to care.” I said, backing up more, tears starting to
form in my eyes. “G-going from ‘nothing’ to ‘full emotion’ isn’t easy.”

“AND DO YOU THINK BEING SEEN AS A SLUT IS ALSO EASY!” she screamed. “Do you think I like being me, being the Goddess of Sex. Wait let me answer that for you, No I don’t like it, I hate it I Fucking hate it.”

“I n-never made you that, I wouldn’t have m-made you that when you and Vi became goddesses, I w-was selfish back then, remember?” I said, sniffling.

“That’s where you’re wrong Ita, you did make me, you made this side of Viri.” she said before looking away. “Before… I didn’t care about it, I had you and that was enough… but then I had Ashe, then I started thinking.” She looked at me with tears in her eyes. “I don’t want her to have me as a mom, the Goddess of Sex? That’s the worst thing for a child.”

“I n-never meant to make a-anything… and w-why didn’t you just a-ask me to change w-what you're the goddess of?” I asked.

“Because I had you.” she said. “You were perfect, your presence made everything better.” she turned away. “Before all this… I looked up to you Ita, you were my sexy hero.” I didn’t know how to respond to this, my eyes wide.

“But now… now you hate me because you think that I wanted your selfish said over this, am I right?” she asked me.

“Of course not.” I replied immediately.

“‘Of course not’ she says, bullshit! I heard you!” she snapped at me. “You were talking to Vi and I heard you.”

“W-when did I say I hated you?” I asked.

“It’s the way you talk about me, you. Never. Cared. About. Me!” she yelled.

“I’m trying to care!” I said, tears starting to run down my face. She just shook her head. She looked at me for a moment.

“I think you have better things to worry about than me.” she said. I then heard Vi screamed in pain. I looked back to the forest and back at Ri, her eyes went gray.

“What are you-” I started to speak before she cut me off.

“Tell Ashe… that mommy loves her and she won’t see her for some time.” she said before taking a step back off the cliff.

I acted quickly, teleporting over to her and catching her. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

“I’m sorry… but I need to do this.” she said as she slashed at my hand. I tried to hold on but I couldn’t. I watched her fall before disappearing into dust.


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I was just standing at the cliff where Ri had jumped off and turned to dust, shocked, frozen in place.

“I-Ita…” I heard someone say my name. I turned to see Vi standing there as she looked at me. Her eyes were both blue but that would mean that both Vi and Ri were together… Right? “Ita… where’s Ri?”

“...Fell… dust…” I told her, barely managing to get that out through my shock. She looked at me in shock as she came over to me.

“... her magic… it came back to me but she didn’t… Ita… I don’t know why…” she said with tears in her eyes. “Is she… is she…”

“I… don’t know.” I said, starting to shake. She grabbed me into a hug as she started to cry. I held her as tears fell from my face.

“What… what did she say?” Vi asked.

“S-said ‘tell Ashe that mommy will be away for awhile’.” I told her. She looked over at the cliff.

“Oh Ashe…” she said before breaking down in tears. I simply stood next to her, too much in shock to do anything.

Two years later…

The last two years have been… difficult, to say the least. I didn’t really… do much, since Ri turned to dust, never having even partially gotten over what happened. Vi went on being called Viri, it was her way of knowing that Ri was still around. She also made herself look more human than cat girl.

Currently I was just sitting on my couch, staring off into space. The twins were playing with some toys as Ashe… Ashe was sitting in the chair reading. When we told her the news about Ri… she didn’t take it well. There was still nights that she would call out for her, just to see that she wasn’t coming. This broke my heart, everytime I tried to calm her down. Now she looked so empty.

I wasn’t that much better myself at all, having gone from no emotions, to full, to… muted, not even able to muster the will to really do anything.

“Ita?” I heard Viri say. I looked up at her. “You okay?” I shook my head, before going back to staring off into space. “I’m here to say that one of the villages down on the planet is having a festival going on and… I think we need to get some air.”

“Okay.” I mumbled, not moving. She came over and looked at me.

“Ita… please, you need to get out of the house… this isn’t healthy.” she said.

“Okay.” I mumbled again, this time making a effort to get up… that failed. She sighed and pulled me up from sitting. She had to do that to Ashe and got the twins and I to head outside. She teleported us down to the village. It was busy, everyone, pony and pokemon, was getting ready for the festival. I looked around and saw the statues of me, Viri, Taliyah and two others that I didn’t know. One looked like a statue of a ghost of a man with wisps around him, and the other… it was more like a small shrine.

I felt muted curiosity, deciding to check out the new statues. There was a female pony cleaning them as I approach. She turned and gaspped.

“M-my lady, I didn’t know you were coming…” she gave me a bow.

“What is this shrine for?” I asked, getting straight to the point. She looked at the shrine.

“Oh well, that’s our guardian.” she said.

“Guardian?” I asked. She nodded.

“Yes, she appeared some time ago in fire to stop some wild pokemon from destroying our home.” she smiled at the shrine. “She’s also a bit… odd.”

“Odd how?” I asked.

“Welllllll… she’s quite… playful, playing pranks on others and what not and…” she stopped as her face went red.

“What?” I asked. She shifted a bit.

“We give her offerings to make her happy, mostly booze and food but… sometimes she wants someone from the village for… pleasure…” her face was bright red at this point.

“I take it you were one of them?” I asked, raising an eyebrow, this little distraction letting me feel more again. She nodded.

“Y-yes… she’s not evil of any kind but…” she started to stare off into space. “The things she can do…”

I snapped my fingers at her, bringing her back to the real world. “Please save your sexual fantasies for when you’re not being questioned by your Goddess.”

“Sorry, sorry… well she is also a big hit with the kids and pokemon, mostly the ghost and fire types are near her.” she explained. She then gestures around us. “You might see them, the guardian, the Weaver and the Stranger.”

“Thank you for the information, you may ask for one wish now.” I said.

“Oh no, I can’t do that…” she said with a smile. “I’m happy to help.”

“Your loss.” I said, shrugging and floating up a little, starting to look around the area for the two new people. As I looked around I felt a chill up my spine as I was being watched. I looked around and saw nothing, as I looked away I saw something in the corner of my eye.

A figure that looked like a tall man with wispy black clothes moved around the crowd. The crowd seened to not notice him and move around him. I saw him stop a few times to help some ponies, lifted them up, moving stuff and what not.

I floated down right in front of the figure, raising a eyebrow at them. The figure looked at me with a head tilt. “Hello.” I said to the figure.

“Greetings.” it said into my head. It’s voice sounded like Jace’s but more...ghostly. “How can I be of assistance to you?”

“I check out the random new people that appear in my world.” I said, shrugging. It looked at me as it’s head tilted to the other side.

“New to this world? I’m from this world.” it said.

“And I made this world, and to me your new, so your new.” I said, shrugging. It nodded.

“I see… well it’s nice to meet you.” it said.

“Do you know where guardian is?” I asked. “I need to check them out to.”

“No, haven’t seen her, but I believe she lives out in the graveyard, the pokemon that follows her are there.” it said.

“Thank you, have a nice life if I don’t see you again.” I said, floating off. I looked around, spotting the graveyard and floating over to it. I saw what looks like a Gengar and a shiny Ninetails were resting with a pokemon that I haven’t seen yet.

“Hello.” I greeted the pokemon as I floated down. They all looked at me and almost falling back to sleep. I looked around until I heard snoring from my left. There I saw two white tails lying over a grave by a bush.

Ignoring the new pokemon, I floated over to the two white tails, looking over the grave and past the bush. I saw the back of a white haired girl as she held a bottle of booze in her hand. She had tattoos of flames on her body as she muttered something.

“Wake up.” I ordered, blowing a weak BubbleBeam at the white haired lady. She muttered something and curled up to her bottle and sighed happily. I grabbed her tail, lightly pulling it. She yelped at this as flames came off the two tails.

“WHAT THE HELL!!!” she yells as she looked over at me. “DON’T...Grab… my…….. Tail…” the two of us stared at one another as my eyes widen.

“Ri?” I asked.

“Oh shit…” she said as she pulled her tail from my hand and bolted. I didn’t allow her to get away, eyes glowing as I used Psychic on her, pulling her back to me. She looked at me as she didn’t move from my psychic hold. “Uhh.. hi?”

“Is… this where you’ve been?” I asked. She looked away from me.

“Not… really… I’ve been around.” she said. “Umm mind putting me down, I’m getting a cramp like this.”

I set her down… only to raise walls of earth around us, walls of Protect covering those.

“I’m not going to run, how can I?” she deadpanned.

“Turning to dust again.” I said, frowning, eyes the tiniest bit watery. She shifted a bit.

“Yeah… that can happen when you… give all of your magic to someone else.” she said as she rubbed her arm. I saw that she has scars covering them and bandages.

“What happened to you?” I asked.

“Well one I… died.” she said sadly. “I floated around until I came to be in another world, I think it was the one with Sam and Roc in it, after getting used to looking like this I jumped over here and… lived here for the last few months.”

“Why haven’t you tried to contact us?” I asked, sniffling. “Me and Ashe… haven’t been the same since you ‘left’.”

“Do you think I tired?” she said softly. “After what I did… I didn’t know what you would say… I was scared.”

“I’m just… happy you're alive.” I said, moving to hug her.

“Umm… rocks?” she said as she pointed at the rock walls. I lowered the walls, not letting go of her. She hugged me back a bit. “I’m sorry that I left.”

“You should probably say that to Ashe.” I mumbled, sniffling. I felt her stiffened a bit.

“Yeah… I… I was going to miss the festival but… I’m going to come, I’ll be wearing a mask and stuff but after it can you bring her here?” she asked me. “I don’t want to make a scene in the village.

“O-okay.” I said, sniffling, wiping my face clean with my hand. She looked at me for a second then licked me on my face.

“Missed a spot.” she said with a smile. I blushed at this, face going from gold to a dark orange very quickly. “Really… I’ve been gone for how long and you’re still not used to your feelings?”

“I… haven’t felt since you turned to dust, I was in too much shock.” I told her.

“... The only thing I missed from the old you was that you don’t blush when a cute girl is near you…” she then leaned forward which gave me a good view of her cleavage. “But… it will make it more fun when I… play with you~.”

I blushed even more at this, squirming adorably in place. She giggled as she stepped back.

“Go have fun, the booze there is amazing.” she said with a smile, then frowned. “But if you give Ashe any I will flay your skin alive.

“Do… you still have my brand mark on you?” I asked, just realising this. She blinked as she looked around on her body, going into poses that made me blush.

“Nope.” she said. “New body and stuff.”

“Do… you want to?” I asked.

“No…” she said as she as she looked away sad… and a little scared. “I… I kinda have nightmares of the old me.”

“Okay.” I said, hugging her again and rubbing her back a little. She smiled and pulled back.

“See you in town… don’t tell anyone yet, want it to be a surprise.” she said with a wink. I nodded, giving her a peck on the lips before I teleported back to the others.

“Hey Ita, where have you been?” Viri asked.

“Meeting the people from the statues and shrine.” I told her. She blinked at me for a moment.

“You seem… happy? What happened?” she asked.

“You’ll see.” I said with a smirk, wrapping a arm around her shoulders. “Let’s enjoy the festival, shall we?” She blinked at me and nodded with a smile. The five of us enjoyed ourselves with some free food, watched pokemon do shows and other stuff.

I even saw the Stranger, standing away from the crowds, I got a feeling that it was enjoying itself. I even saw the Weaver which I thought was Taliyah… well it was but different. This one’s body was made out of earth with a floating rock with a blue crystal in the middle. They were making some flowers for some kids and parents.

As we continued we to walk around we saw a group forming around someone playing with fire. We got in closer and saw the ‘guardian’ making a show for everyone. There was ‘Ooos’ and ‘Ahhs’ from them as the kids looked excited, even Ashe. As she finished she walked over to a pair of ponies and talked to them. They smiled for a bit before going bright red as the guardian laughs.

“What was that about?” Viri asked.

“The guardian likes to bring ponies back to where they live to… have ‘fun’.” I told her. She blinked at me for a moment.

“Getting ideas?” she asked me.

“If I was more used to feeling.” I said. She claps her hands together.

“Well you’re getting there, you’re a bit more… ‘forward’ than two years ago.” she said smiling.

“You mean like this?” I asked, grabbing the back of her head and pulling her over to me, kissing her deeply. I heard the twins ‘eww’ us as Ashe chuckled a little. I pulled away as Viri fluttered her eyes.

“Yes, like that.” she said with a smile. I smirked, hugging her and kissing her again. After that we continued walking around. I saw Ri around wearing the mask, a grimm mask, she was keeping her distance from us until I felt her behind me as the other were eating.

“What was that? The deep kiss scene?” she asked me.

“I’m getting bolder.” I whispered.

“Oh~? Does that mean you’re bolder in bed?” she asked me.

“I… haven’t tried yet.” I whispered, shrugging.

“Well, get on that, you’ll be like this until you take that first step.” she said with a giggle. “Or you’ll be stuck in the ‘I’m a Virgin to Sex’ stage.”

“We both know I’m nowhere close to being a virgin.” I whispered.

“Oh I know, but you act like one.” she said. I then felt her grope my ass a bit. “After everything with the family, want me to show you a fun time?” I blushed deeply at this as I tensed up a bit. She started to laugh. “Oh you’re fun to tease.”

“S-shudup.” I said, reaching back and giving her ass a quick swat, surprising her.

“There you go~.” she said as she purred. “There’s the bold Ita I know.”

“Is it about time?” I asked, making sure we weren’t being watched.

“Almost…” she paused for a few moments. “Wait ten minutes then head on up. Spooky, Oz and Simmy would like to meet you too.”

“Okay.” I said, nodding. I did as she said, waiting ten minutes before I walked over to the group, teleporting us all to the graveyard.

“Hon, why are we here?” Viri asked.

“A surprise.” I said simply, a smile on my face as I teleported Ri over here. She stumbled a bit as she looked around.

“I was already here!” she said. I simply stuck my tongue out at her, having known that.

“Ita, what’s going on?” Viri asked. The guardian looked at her then at Ashe. Ashe looked up at her as Ri removed her mask.

“M-mommy?” She asked with a trembling voice.

“Hey pumpkin, missed me?” she said. Ashe went and tackled her to the ground.

“MOMMY!!!!!” she cried. Ri tried to smile but broke down into tears and she hugged her. I looked over and saw Viri with her hands over her mouth looking at me.

“What?” I asked, smirking.

“When did you…” she said before looking back at the other two, the ninetales, Gangar, and little cat came over to see what's going on.

“I found her earlier.” I said, shrugging, turning to the three pokemon and kneeling down a little. “Hey there.”

The Gangar looked over at me… and licked my face. It sent a shiver down my spine. “Never do that again.” I ordered it, snapping my fingers and cleaning myself. The Gangar chuckled to himself as the ninetales looked at me.

“What?” I asked the ninetails, tilting my head. It copied my head tilt with it’s own. I tilted my head the other way and it copied that too. I raised a eyebrow, a little amused, floating upside down and tilting my head. It looked at me as it booped me with one of it’s tails.

I chuckled a little, booping it back. I looked down and saw the one that I haven’t seen yet. The small one at looked at me for a moment before yawning and curling up a bit. Amused, I pet the small pokemon a little. It purred at this. I looked up to see Ri and Ashe standing in front of us.

“Enjoying seeing the three?” she asked.

“Little bit.” I said, smirking and starting to pet Ri.

“Why are you petting me?” she asked.

“I feel like it.” I told her, petting her behind her cat ears. She tensed up before melting into my hand, purring. I smirked, moving so I was sitting, leading her so her head was in my lap as I pet her. She curled up a bit and purred as I did.

“My sister, who has went to I don’t know where, is now acting like a house cat.” Viri said. I got a mischievous look on my face, snapping my fingers and making Viri grow her cat ears, reaching up and petting her in the same spot. She two tensed up before doing the same thing, now I had the both of them purring. I saw the other three playing with the pokemon, it warmed my heart to see Ashe smiling again.

I moved Viri so she was next to her sister in my lap, smiling and petting them both, relaxing some at this peaceful scene.

“You’re… evil…” Ri said as she purred a bit.

“Shh, just enjoy the pets, my kitties.” I said to them, increasing the pets. “You can get me back later, okay? I’ll even go into my kitten form.”

The two of them looked at each other for a moment. “Sure~.” they said.

“Why do I have a feeling I will quite literally be screwed?” I commented, my smirk saying I had no objections at all to this.

“I don’t know.” Ri said.

“You’re just paranoid.” Viri continued. They purred a bit more as I petted them. I shrugged, us all staying like that for a couple of hours, before it started getting dark.

“Time to go home!” I called, still petting the two. The kids whined a bit, even the Gangar, but they came over to us as Ri and Viri stood up. They stepped away from us and started talking as I kneeled down to a now happy Ashe.

“Have fun?” I asked, smirking, ruffling her hair.

“Yup!” she said smiling brightly. She then gave me a big hug. “Thank you.” I smiled, hugging her back… scratching her a little where her scales met her flesh. She giggled a bit at this. I stood up and looked over at Viri and Ri who were smiling at us.

“Ready to go?” Viri asked. I simply nodded, snapping my fingers and teleporting all of us to my house. Viri went off to put the three to bed as it left me and Ri.

“So…” I trailed off, not knowing what to say.

“Kitty form.” she said bluntly. “The petting…”

“Right.” I said, obeying, making my cat ears and tail grow and pawing at her adorably, purring with a wink. She moved her hand to scratch behind my ear.

I send her a mischievous look, sliding around the hand and behind her, smirking and sticking my tongue out at her before I ran off and hid in a closet after making sure she couldn’t see me. After a moment I felt her scratching again.

“Can’t hide from me~.” she said. “I’m a ghost cat.” I would of replied, but I tensed, before melting into her hand, purring so much I vibrated as I leaned into her hand, closing my eyes. After a few moment I felt a little magic on my skin. I opened my eyes to see we’re in the bedroom.

“My, don’t you two look cute.” I heard Viri say. I looked over and saw her sitting on the bed. I blushed, but stayed where I was, continuing my purring.

“She’s nice like this.” Ri said. She continued this for some time before Ri spoke up. “So… do you want to or should I? Or… both of us?”

“Hmmm, I think you should, I’ll go see Luna at her place and come back.” Viri said. I whimpered a little, hearing this… partially because I wanted her to join the scratching, and partially I wanted them both here for this. She scratched my other ear for a moment.

“See you when I get back so we can…” she smirked a bit at me. “...Have some more fun~.” and with that, she was gone. I pouted at this… and because Ri had stopped petting me. Ri started to pet me again and I went back to purring… only for a bit when I started to feel a bit cold. I looked down and saw that I was only wearing a black bra and thong.

I decided I didn’t really care for this, since I was still being pet, simply purring and rubbing up against Ri.

“Do you like that?” she asked me.

“Yeess~” I purred, nuzzling her hand. She continued petting me.

“Well… I think you’ll like this.” she said as I felt her other hand rub my pussy. I blushed a tiny bit, moans joining my purrs. She continued until she moved me over until I was under her and saw that she to was wearing only a bra and thong.

“So, how do I look?” she asked me.

“Beautiful~” I purred, since she was still petting me. She continued doing that and rubbing my pussy at the same time, making me moan and purr.

“Thank you, now… let’s have some fun~.” she said as she moved her hand to my breasts and started to play with them. I blushed and moaned, leaning forward and nibbling on her neck.

“You know, I was dreaming about this,” she said as she moved lower down my body. “Me and you, in bed.”

“R-really?” I asked, moaning, reaching down and fondling her breasts.

“Yeah… sure I slept with others but… I always wanted to do this with you.” she said as she stopped a moment to pull her bra off and moved up a bit. She slid her hands behind me to take mine off and threw it away and started rubbing up to me. “So many times.”

I blushed, before smiling and leaning forward, kissing her deeply. We kissed for a few minutes as we rubbed up to one another before I felt something… poking me.

“Is that…” I trailed off, blushing.

“Ummm…” she also trailed off, blushing as well. We both looked down and saw it. “Shit.” I got a littler nervous at the size, shuffling a little, unsure. “I-I’m sorry, I’m still not in full control of it yet.”

“I-it’s fine.” I said, reaching down and nervously grabbing it. She gasped at this as her cock twitched in my hand.

“You… you want it?” she asked. I looked up to her eye, her shiny white eyes. I looked unsure, but nodded anyway, kissing her. She pulled back and blushed a bit more.

“Umm… there’s… there’s one fantasy that I had about you.” she said nervously. “It’s… about you… getting pregnant with… my kid…”

“Ummm…” I trailed off, even more unsure now. “I-i g-guess…”

“I’M SORRY!” she said blushing. “It’s just a fantasy that I had and… I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine.” I said. I got on all fours, turning and wagging my ass at her. She looked at me in shock.

“You’re… you’re okay with that?” she asked me.

“Yeah… and I k-kinda promised you and Vi a long time ago, so…” I trailed off, wagging my ass at her again. She slowly crawled forward and grabbed my thong and pulled it down. She didn’t do anything until I felt her tongue on my pussy.

I moaned, eyes wide, not having expected this. She continued as she played with my clit a bit before putting her tongue into my pussy and started licking me there. I moaned more, pushing my pussy back into her face. This made her tongue go deeper into my pussy, more deeper than any other tongue can and started vibrating.

“R-r-ri.” I moaned, shaking in pleasure. “Fuck me.” She stopped and pulled her tongue out.

“Sorry what? I didn’t hear you.” she asked me.

“F-fuck me, please.” I said louder, whimpering a tiny bit, lowering my ears for added effect. She blinked at me and nodded as she shifted a bit as I felt her cock on my pussy as she started to rub it a bit. I moaned a bit as all the teasing until she stopped.

“O-okay… ready?” she asked me. I nodded shyly, looking back and giving her the most adorable look I could muster at the moment. She took a deep breath and slowly pushed it in.

I moaned at the filling sensation, my ears going straight up.
She pushed until I felt it hit my womb.

“S-sorry… It’s a bit big and… man you do the fucking for Viri?” Ri asked me.

“Y-yeah, s-so?” I asked between moans, moving a little.

“You’re so tight, like virgin level of tight, I would've believe I would of been your first after all this time but… clearly that’s not true.” she said as she shifted around. “Ummm… do you… do you want it all?”

“Y-yes.” I said, blushing.

“A-alright.” she said as she grabbed both of my shoulders and pulled. I felt her cock enter my womb and hit the back of it, making me moan loudly as my pussy gripped down on her cock. She moaned at this.

“Gods that felt good.” she said. We stayed like that until she started to pull out a bit before thrusting into me. I shook with each thrust she sent into me, moaning and mewling in pleasure. “T-this reminds me o-of when we first met, all t-those years ago.”

“H-how so?” I asked, moaning. She bented down and started to play with my breasts.

“Kinda the same position, also the way you act reminds me of myself all those years ago.” She said as she nibbled my neck a bit. I blushed, leaning into the contact and moaning. “Want me to go… faster?”

I nodded, starting to thrust back to meet her. She then started to thrust in harder and faster as she grabbed my waist and pounded me. I moaned louder, tongue hanging out of my mouth, my upper half falling to the bed. She continued until I felt her cock twitch.

“I-Ita… I’m going… to cum soon.” she said.

“C-cum in me!” I said, moaning. She thrust in me a few times before stopping. Before I could say anything she turned me over so I was looking at her as she resume thrusting.

“I-I wanted to see you as I do this.” she panted. I simply shakily smiled, reaching up and wrapping my arms around her neck, moaning. After she thrusted into me a few times she slammed into me and came.

I moaned loudly, cumming around her as she came in me, my stomach bulging some, before I fell limply to the bed. Ri fell onto me as she breath deeply.

“You… good?” she asked me. I nodded, a little tired. She nodded as she shifted a bit, moving her cock inside me a bit. I moaned weakly at the movement. “Sorry, might of gave you a bit… much.”

“Its… fine… I’ll… just… stay… here.” I panted. She nodded as we layed there. She pulled me in until I was in her arms. I smiled, weakly moving and curling into her arms.

“So...uhhh...are…” she stuttered a bit as I looked up at her. “Umm you know…” I simply nodded. She blinked at me and moved her hands down to my belly. “You sure?”

“Yes… moved… egg… into… womb… before… start.” I told her. She stared at me for a moment before kissing me.

“I know I don’t deserve this… but thank you.” she said softly.

I simply smiled at her, before moving back so I was laying down. “Tired…” She pulled me in a bit more and I started to feel her cock slowly shrinking and coming out of me. I moaned a bit as she held me, feeling more warm than before.

“New trick I learned about this body.” she said. I snuggled into her, closing my eyes, starting to fall asleep.

The next day

I felt something petting me, purring a little as I snuggled into whatever it was. I opened my eyes to see Ri sitting up as she had my head on her lap.

“Morning.” she said. I smiled up at her, moving forward a little to get more comfy.

“Morning.” I mumbled. She continued petting and scratching behind my ear.

“Slept well?” she asked. I nodded, purring a little. “Yeah, it helps with the fact that I can change my body heat level, making me sorta like a heat lamp.”

“You’re just cuddly.” I said, giggling and hugging her.

“Of course I am, I’m the best at being cuddly.” she said with pride in her voice. I giggled, booping her. She started to nip at my ears a bit as she drew me close. My face went orange, me pawing it her adorably with my hands.

“You know… I’m still surprised you went through with it.” she said as she put her hands on my belly.

“I keep… my promises.” I said simply.

“Yeah… but this is a pretty big promise, I should know I went through that.” she said.

“I think… I might… lay an egg… cause I’m… pokemon.” I told her, sounding tired still.

“... that would be interesting.” she said as she leaned back. “How long is it? The same for a normal baby or…”

“Dunno… sleepy…” I mumbled, eyes fluttering. She nodded as she pulled me closer so I was lying on her. She started to warm up around me.

“Sleep love, I’ll be here.” she said. I nodded, falling back to sleep.

Viri PoV

I sat in the living room reading as the children played. I was happy that Ashe was her old self again, seeing her happy warmed my heart. I heard walking come from where Ita and Ri were, seeing Ita walk out the door… naked.

“ITA!” I yelled as I made the kids disappear before they got scared by the sight. I glared at Ri as she had clothes on.

“Don’t look at me, she’s did this on her own!” she said as Ita walked around a bit. She tripped over a toy, falling forward. Ri grabbed her before pulling her up. “Help!”

I sighed and help Ri to move Ita to the couch. She sat down and leaned on me, sleeping. I looked at Ri with a raised eyebrow.

“So, what happened?” I asked.

“Well… we had our fun, she acted like she was us the time we first did it.” she said with a blush. “It… was great.”

“Really.” I said looking at her. “I wish I was there but… I fell asleep.”

“Your loss.” she said. I suddenly felt Ita grab onto me, shaking.

“Ita?” I said, worried. She whimpered, her ears going down as she started trembling in her sleep. I looked up at Ri as she saw this.

“Don’t look at me, I think she’s having a nightmare.” she said. I looked down at her and moved that she a bit more comfortable and started to rub her back.

“It’s okay Ita, I’m here.” I said softly. Ita suddenly burst into tears, sobbing loudly. I pulled her closer and hugged her. Ri looked at us nervously.

“I didn’t do anything bad I swear.” she said

Ri suddenly found herself in the hug, Ita grabbing her and not letting go… accidentally grabbing her breast. She blushed but didn’t pull away. We stayed like that as she slowly started to shake less. She fell back into a more peaceful slumber. I looked at Ri as she looked up at me.

“At least I’m comfy.” she said as she moved a bit into Ita hold. Ri suddenly found herself in my lap, Itas head in her lap now. The two of us looked at one another and shrugged as we started to pet her.

She purred, tail wagging adorably, shaking her ass a little at this. Ri saw this and looked at me.

“Do you think she wants some more fun, I think.” she said. I leaned down to Itas head.

“Ita… do you want to have some more fun with us?” I asked. She nuzzled my head, wagging her ass again.

“I think that’s a yes~.” Ri said as she made a gesture. Before I knew it the three of us were in the bedroom. Ri moved a bit and stood up. “As much as she looks cute, I like it when she’s awake so she doesn’t freak out if she wakes in the middle of our fun.”

I nodded and leaned down to Ita. “Ita~ wake up…”

She grumbled, eyes opening groggily, making a adorably ‘whu?’ sound as she woke up. I smiled at her.

“Morning sleepy head, sleep well?” I asked her.

“Yeah.” She said, yawning and stretching like a cat.

“Well that’s good, now I have to ask you, do you want to have some fun with me and Ri?” I asked her.

“S-sure.” She said meekly, blushing. I giggled at her as I stood up and began taking my clothes off. After a few moments both me and Ri were but naked in front of Ita.

“Like what you see Ita?” Ri asked. Her face was orange now as she nodded shyly, squirming a little. The two of us looked at one another and at her.

“So… what do you want us to do?” I asked her.

“Me.” She said, blush intensifying a little.

“I think what she meant is how do you want us to do you.” Ri said, I looked down and saw that she had a cock on her and was at full length. “Want us to have you between us as you hang there or take both of your lower holes?”

As she said that I blushed a bit at what she’s saying. “I k-kinda wanna try the second.” She said.

“Okay…” she said as her hand moved down to my crotch for a moment. A cock the same length
and girth as her’s appeared on me. I yelped in surprise as she continued. “So, which one you want where? Who’s getting the pussy and who’s getting the ass?”

“W-well, your a-already had my pussy today, so…” Ita trailed off, face a little more orange. Ri nodded as the two of us walked over to her and sat down.

“Time to get our kitty ready.” Ri said as she lowers herself down and began to lick her pussy. I went behind her and started groping her breasts. She moaned at this, reaching back to rub my pussy as she fondled Ris breasts. We continued that until Ri stopped.

“Okay, she’s ready.” she said as she pulled Ita up away from me as I laid down. After a few moments Ita was lined up with my cock as Ri pushed her down on it. I slowly entered her as we moaned at this, after a few moments she had my member inside of her.

“Well… you looks like you got used to this quick.” I said softly to her. She shyly nodded, leaning forward and reaching back, grabbing her own ass cheeks and spreading them.

“Oh wow, she really wants it… she’s such a slut.” Ri said. She blinked at this. “Shit! I uhh… I’m sorry I didn’t mean too… uhh…”

Ita didn’t look like she liked this, tears entering her eyes. I looked at Ri for a moment as she looked at me.

“Shit… I’m sorry Ita… I-I think I should leave…” Ri said as she went to pick up her clothes.

“N-no.” Ita said, sniffling. “J-just… wait until we’re more lost to pleasure to say that stuff, okay?”

Ri looked at her and at me at this. “You… you sure?” She nodded meekly. Ri walked up to her and started rubbing. She made a bottle appeared and began to put the contents on her cock before getting ready.

“Okay, are you ready Ita?” Ri asked. Ita shakily nodded, bracing herself. Ri slowly began to inch her way inside her ass. Unlike her pussy it took a bit more time to put in and Ri stopped at points to ask if she was okay.

“I-i’m fine.” Ita said to Ri, moaning. Ri nodded and pushed all the way into her. I moaned as she pushed herself into Ita. We stayed like that for an while, getting used to the feeling.

“Ita, I’m going to start moving, are you ready?” Ri asked. Ita nodded shakily. “Okay, if you feel any discomfort or want to stop just say so.”

With that Ri started to pull out then push back in slowly. After a few passes I started to move as well. Ita moaned loudly, her tongue sticking out, just laying limply on me and taking it.

“Ita? Are you okay? Please say something.” I asked her still moving in her.

“Goood~” She moaned. Ri and I looked at eachother for a moment.

“Do… do you want us to go faster?” I asked her.

“Yesss, pound meee.” She said. We obliged and started to move a bit faster, not by a lot though since we didn’t want to hurt her.

Faster.” She said, moaning. She went a bit faster, I saw Ri look at her as if she was trying to hold back from pounding her, I bit my lip as that same feeling was going over me, all I wanted is to give her the pounding of a lifetime but I didn’t want her to get overloaded by this. She then looked into my eyes as she moaned.

Fuck. ME. HARDER.” She exclaimed, moaning.

“Y-you sure?” Ri gasp as she grip down on her hips, trying to not lose it. “You want to be pounded like a slut?”

I held my breath, I stared at Ita to see her reaction. We slowed down a bit and waited. “Y-yes, p-pound me like a slut!” She said, moaning. I don’t know why but when she said that, something in us broke.

“Fine!” Ri said, grabbing her hips and started slamming into her. I would've said something but I did the same thing, we started to pound her like there was no tomorrow.

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, tongue hanging out of her mouth as she moaned like a whore, a fucked silly expression on her face. This just made us fuck her harder.

“That’s right, you like that don’t you.” Ri said as she spanked her. Her eyes widen at what she did, looking at Ita for a reaction. She simply moaned at the spank, shaking her ass for more. Ri blinked at this as she made a lusty grin. She started to spank her some more and pounded her harder. I reached up and grabbed her breasts and roughly grope them.

She moaned at all of this, eyes glazing over from all the pleasure. I felt her start to constrict around my cock, the moan Ri made telling me she felt the same.

“Man, she’s nothing but a slut, am I right?” Ri said as she spanked Ita’s ass harder and roughly grope it. “Am I right, are you nothing but a slut Ita?”

“Y-yes, mistress.” Ita moaned, sounding like she barely managed to get the words out. The world slowed down for a moment as she said that and after that moment… all hell broke looks. Ri grabbed her ass as she pounded her ass as I did the same with her pussy. I don’t know what came over me but I didn’t care, all I do care is to fuck this slut senseless.

And fuck her senseless we did, from the pounding we did her ass and pussy was completely destroyed. She moaned loudly as we all came at once, screaming in pleasure as we filled her. We filled her so much that her belly started to bulge out. After we were done she looked like she was five months pregnant with twins. We panted and gasped as a few minutes passed before we pulled out and climbed out of the bed. Ita was laying on the bed dazed with that fucked silly look on her. I looked over at Ri as the setting of what we just did.

“Oh… Oh gods.” Ri said. I nodded as tears began to fill my eyes as I ran into the bathroom and locked it. I fell in front of the toilet as I threw up into it. I felt awful at what happened. After a few seconds of this I fell onto the ground and curled up a bit and cried on the floor.

Ita POV, the next day

I woke up feeling very sore, groaning a little in pain as I groggily opened my eyes. I looked around to see that I was alone in bed. I sat up groaning a bit as I saw someone on the ground. It was Ri as she was rocking herself back and forth.

“Ri?” I asked, moving a little before wincing in pain. “Are you okay down there?”

She didn’t say anything as she rocked back and forth muttering something under her breath.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” she said over and over again. I moved to look at her and saw her wide eyed and scared. As I looked at her I heard someone crying in the bathroom.

I floated over to the bathroom, knocking on the door. I heard a gasp from inside and nothing for a moment.

“I-Ita?” I heard Viri asked sounding scared.

“Yeah?” I asked. “What’s up with you and Ri?”

“Ita… last night… oh god Ita we’re sorry, we’re so, so…” she stopped as she started to throw up. I looked back at Ri as she rocked in place.

“Last night was fun, though… why are you two upset over it?” I asked, confused.

“We treated you like you were nothing but a slut.” Ri said finally. She looked up at me. “I don’t know how or why but every mental barrier we had broke and the two of us turned you into nothing but a cumdumbster.”

“I know.” I said simply. “I was kinda there.”

The door opened and I saw Viri walk out, tear stains on her face. “But… that’s not how we wanted it to go, it made us feel horrible at what we did to you.”

“It’s fine.” I reassured, hugging her, ignoring the pain I was feeling from my holes for now. “I love you two, I don’t care if you get a little rough sometimes.”

I then felt someone hug me from behind as Ri started to hug me. The two of them started to cry into my shoulder and back. I simply let them get it all out, shushing them and whispering kind things to them to cheer them up. I pulled them over to the bed and the three of us sat down on it and stayed there. After a few minutes they stopped crying.

“Better now?” I asked them. They nodded at this as Viri looked up to me for a moment and chuckled a bit.

“You… you look a lot like the old you, the same loving caring look you have when you look at us.” Viri said softly at me.

I said nothing, simply smirking and kissing the two of them on the head, smiling and starting to pet them behind their cat ears. They started to purr at this as they started to lean into it. This lasted for a few moments until Ri started to moan.

This only encouraged me to continued, petting them with more intensity. Instead of purring they started to moan a bit more then normal. Ri put her hand down to her pussy and played with it as Viri groped her breasts a bit.

“You two really like being petted, don’t you?” I asked, amused. They moaned louder as I petted more, Ri already put two of her fingers into her pussy with one hand and the other playing with her clit. Viri also has one of her hands in her pussy as she still groped her breast more. I also saw that the more she groped them the bigger they become.

“Calm down, you two.” I said amusedly. “While I didn’t mind, I still need a little to recover from last night.” I said. They didn’t seem to listen as they continued playing with themselves. Ri had most of her hand in her as she played with her clit even more, moaning loudly. Viri breasts expanded so much that milk began to leak out and one of her hands pushed one of her breasts into her mouth and she began to suck it. Switching hands she put three of her fingers in her, play with her breast and sucked on the other one.

I stopped petting them, moving to the side so I could watch on amusedly. They continued going for a few minutes before Ri pulled her fingers out and made two dildos appeared and had them line up with her and Viri pussys. Moving Viri hand, the two dildos plunge into them and started to thrust into them. The two moaned loudly as they looked lost in lust.

I sighed, putting some clothes on and limping out of the room to go and take care of the kids, since these two seemed to have other things on their minds right now. I looked around the living room, seeing they weren’t up yet, and moved to the kitchen, starting to make breakfast. After I was done and put the food out the kids finally crawled out of bed and into the kitchen.

“Woning.” Yuri said with a little lisp from being tired.

“Morning, sweetie.” I said with a smile, kneeling down and picking her up. “How does pancakes and homefries sound for breakfast?” I asked, setting her at her seat. She nodded sleepily as the other two climbed up to sit at the table.

“Where’s other mommy?” Ashe asked opening one eye looking at me until she saw a cup of orange juice.

“The other two are in bed, they’re a little ‘tired’ at the moment, so I let them ‘sleep in’.” I told them, sitting at my seat at the head of the table. “They can eat when they ‘wake up’.”

“They also need a bath.” Kuro said. “I can smell something stinky from there.”

“Yeah…” Yuri said before nibbling on a piece of fruit.

“I’ll be sure to tell them that.” I said, giggling, idly making the smell stay in the bedroom. As the four of us began to eat I saw Yuri blinking a few times before looking at something a bit closer than frowning.

“Mommy, something's up with my eyes, everythings going a bit blurry.” she said.

“That means you need glasses, sweety.” I told her, using some magic to scan her for a second, before I snapped my fingers and made a pair appear. They looked like normal glasses I saw others wear but the sides were bluish green coloured. Yuri looked at them and put them on and looked around.

“Haha, you look like an egghead.” Kuro said while laughing. I reached over casually, smacking him on the back of his head.

“Don’t make fun of your sister.” I said, going back to eating.

“I look like you with glasses.” Yuri said while going back to eating fruit. Ashe watched this as she began eating her pancakes.

“So, what do you all want to do today?” I asked.

“I want to read my new book!” Yuri said happily. “Aunty Luna gave it to me to read.”

“I’m going to spend time with Aunty Tai today, she wants to show me some stuff.” Kuro said.

“I’m going to nap.” Ashe said sleepy. “I feel really tired.”

“Why are you tired, sweety?” I asked, yawning a little myself.

“I don’t know, just am…” she said yawning a bit and scratching her head a bit. She took the fork and started chewing on it.

“How about me and you take a nap then?” I suggested, smiling. She didn’t answer as she continued chewing on the fork until it broke in her mouth. And began eating it for a moment.

“Tangy.” she said.

“Honey, if you need to eat some metal just ask mommy to make some appear for you.” I said, snapping my fingers and fixing the fork. She nodded as she put her head down. On the table.

“When does someone eat metal?” Kuro asked as he ate his pancake.

“Some dragons do.” I said, shrugging. Walking over to Ashe, I picked her up and took her back to my seat, cradling her close to my chest. She curled up to me and feel straight to sleep. The other two ate and poked fun at each other until they were finished.

“Alright, you two go have fun.” I said, standing and floating over to the couch, laying down with Ashe on me. She still had the fork in her hands as she muttered sleepily.

I simply smiled, rubbing her back soothingly as she slept. I looked down the hallway towards my room and made the soundproof spells change that only I can hear what's going on. All I heard was moaning and grunts from the other two.

I rolled my eyes at this, wondering when they’d be done. I felt my eyes close and stayed closed for a second before opening again and looked around. I saw the time and it said that two hours passed. I blinked at this as I shifted and looked down at Ashe and saw that she looked different. She looked a bit older than normal and her ears became more elf like. She yawned a bit and I saw her teeth look sharp. She then curled up to one of my breasts and began nippling at it.

I giggled amusedly at this, letting her. She continued until I felt her trying to suck my breast. She frowned a bit and tried a bit harder. I smiled at her, moving my shirt out of the way and making it so she’d get something. Her mouth latched on my nipple and began to suck a bit. She continued sucking a bit before stopping and opening her eyes. She let go and looked around a bit, looking a bit dazed.

“Hello mommy.” she said.

“Hi sweety.” I said, smiling at her, still rubbing her back. She looked down at my boob and frowned.

“What happened? Wasn't I sleeping?” she asked.

“Yep.” I said, nodding. She frowned and started to stretch and I got a better look at her. Instead of looking like a eight year old she look more like a thirteen, fourteen year old. She saw this and looked shocked.

“M-mommy… what happened to me?” she asked me.

“I… don’t know.” I told her, shrugging. She looked at me with a worried look as the front door opened.

“Man they know how to party.” Zinn said as she walked in. She looked over at us and stopped. “Ummm… did I miss something?”

“She aged up a little bit.” I said, shrugging, idly moving my shirt to cover myself again. Zinn looked over at Ashe for a moment.

“Oh yeah… that's normal for dragonkin.” she said as she sat down in a chair.

“Neat.” I said. Ashe looked at me oddly.

“How's that neat?” she asked me.

“It’s neat because it’s not a problem.” I said, shrugging. She frowned a bit.

“But… I won't be your little drake anymore…” she said sadly. I blinked as she remembered that nickname I gave her when she was four.

“You’ll always be my little drake.” I said, smiling at her and nuzzling her. She smiled and nuzzled me back. She pulled back and looked to her side. She picked up the fork and looked at it for a bit. Her eyes darted to me and back at the fork, licking her lips a bit.

“What?” I asked, tilting my head. She stared at the fork before chomping down on it. she then blink at me and said sorry at me.

“It’s fine, I can make another appear.” I said, shrugging. She nodded and started to eat the fork.

“Kid, wait till you eat a gem.” Zinn said this a chuckle.

I snapped my fingers, making a ruby appear. The two of them looked at it and Ashe swallowed.

“Oh that's just… uummm…” Zinn stuttered as she looked at the ruby. They stared at it like it was some sort of candy… well I think it is for them.

“Here, my little drake.” I said, holding it out to Ashe. She took it and stared at it for a moment before taking a bite out of it. Her eyes lit up as she shook in how good it tasted.

“Awww…” Zinn said watching Ashe eat the ruby. I rolled my eyes, making another appear and tossing it at her. She grabbed it and giggled like a little kid as she started eating it. Ashe finished and licked her lips at this. She let out a sigh… which turned into a small flame which surprised her.

I giggled at this, amused at it lightly bouncing off my face, shooting a Ember at her that did the same. She giggled at this.

“It tickles.” she said. For the next few minutes we played around until Ashe had to go to the bathroom.

“So… where's the other two, the cat sisters?” Zinn asked.

“Our room.” I said. “They’re ‘playing’.” I told her, using finger quotes.

“What kind of playing, normal or…” she stopped as I looked at her. “Ohh… that kind of playing.”

“Yeah.” I said, shrugging, before I healed myself with a snap of my fingers. “Wanna spar?”

“Naa, I think I'll go gem hunting now.” she said with a smile. “Kinda got me in the mood for them now.”

“If you win I’ll make you a gem mountain.” I said. She stared at me for a second before her eyes widen at the thought.

“And… if you win?” she asked wiping away a little drool.

“Then I win.” I said shrugging. “I just really wanna spar… I mean, you’re already mine, aren’t ya?” I asked, winking and blushing a tiny bit.

“Well yeah… but I thought you were done with the whole pet thing.” Zinn said.

“I might get back into it… just not as extreme as before.” I told her.

“What you mean by extreme? Before you weren't extreme.” she said with a head tilt.

“I meant in how I… got my pets.” I said, looking off to the side.

“Ahh… guess I didn't see it that way.” Zinn said. “Anyway this spar the, there's has to be something you want or want to do… hell I can go for it you win you can change my body.”

“Any limits you wanna put on that?” I asked.

“Ita, you're talking to a dragonkin, and a strong one at that, when we go out, we go all out.” she then shrugged. “Besides, where's the fun with limits?”

“Fair enough.” I said, shrugging, snapping my fingers and making us appear in a empty dessert.

“Right…” she turned to me and went to a combat stance. “ ready to rumble?”

I responded by moving forward, quicker than she could track, punching her in the stomach, sending her flying before I used teleport to appear behind her, spin kicking her. She grunted before turning her head to breath fire at me.

I used Flamethrower right back at her, summoning a Thunder while she was distracted to hit her from behind. She yelled out in pain before blasting me with an energy beam.

I fired a Hyperbeam right back, using Dragon Breath right after the Hyperbeam and energy beam exploded, hitting her directly. She fell to the ground as I landed near. She burst out of the ground breathing out some kind of mist that froze the ground. I jumped over the attack, using Flame Charge, going straight through the mist and right into her. She tried to block it but took the brunt of it as she got pushed back. Her clothes were now torn and burnt as her hands changed into claws and charged at me.

Smirking, I used Dragon Claw, charging to meet her. The two of us tore into each other with our claws, she turned to trip me with her tail as she missed one of her swipes.

I used Dragon Tail, wrapping it around hers and using it to slam her into the ground, hopping on her and pinning her so I could slash freely. After a few swipes I stopped as she looked up at me then down.

“I under stand me but what did my clothes do to you?” she asked as her shirt and bra were now torn to shreds.

“Get in the way.” I told her, groping her breasts aggressively. She moaned a bit and sighed at me.

“You win…” she said annoyed.

“Don’t worry, if you’re good, I’ll give you a gem mountain anyway.” I told her, leaning down and kissing her. She blinked at me and nodded.

“Well… a bet is a bet and you won.” she said. I smirked, snapping my fingers and changing her. Slowly she started to shrink and get younger. Her eyes became brighter as she looked like a ten year old dragonkin. Her hair had that messy look as her tail wrapped around her. Her clothes hung loosely off of her as she stared at me.

“You… made me young?” she asked in a much younger voice.

“I wanted to try it.” I said, shrugging, making a smaller than usual version of my dick appear. Her eyes widen at this.

“You're… going to do me… as a kid?” she asked.

“Do… you not want to?” I asked.

“I… I'm up to having some fun but… I feel that this is wrong, like I look like I'm around Ashe’s age and… that feels wrong.”

“Alright.” I said, sighing and making my dick vanish, before I smirked. “I could always just pretend you’re another little drake of mine.”

“Huh? What do you mean?” she asked as she tried to pull what little clothes she had left on her, blushing.

“I mean I’m gonna pretend you’re my adorable little daughter for a little.” I told her, smirking and pinching her cheeks.

She pulled away and looked at me. “Like… pretend you're my mom?”

“Yeah.” I said, shrugging. “Why, do you not want to do that either?”

“It's not that, just… surprising really.” she shifted a bit. “Sure… I guess I can pretend.”

“Okay.” I said, smirking. “So, what does my little drake want to do today?” I asked, smiling warmly at her.

“Umm…” she looked down at herself. “Get some new clothes.”

“Is my little drake embarrassed to have mommy see her naked?” I asked teasingly, giggling. She blushed and nodded.

“Here honey.” I said, making a pink and frilly little dress appear, holding it out for her. “You can wear this.”

She stared at it then slowly took it and put it on. She stood up and looked at herself.

“Your mommy’s pretty little drake, aren’t you?” I asked, kneeling to her height and ruffling her hair.

“Mommy's pretty little drake…” she mumbled as she looked down.

“Now, how about we go introduce you to your siblings?” I asked, a mischievous glint in my eyes. She didn't say anything. I lifted her head and saw tears in her eyes.

“Are… you okay?” I asked, kneeling down, concerned.

“I-I’m fine… I just…” she looked at me as she started to cry some more. “I miss my mommy.”

“Come here.” I said, holding my arms spread open. She came closer as I hugged her as she cried. As she did I thought back and realised she never talked about her mother that much.

“Want to talk about it?” I asked gently, rubbing her back.

“My… my mom was the queen of the wyverns back home and I used to spend time with her when I was little, she’d call me her pretty drake at times.” her face down casted a bit. “Then… I got older and I spent more time with my dad. I… I haven't seen her for over two hundred years”

“What’s stopping you?” I asked gently.

“She's busy, ruling over the wyverns and she's been at it for the longest so her life is always in danger.” she said.

“I could come with you, provide a little help being a guard.” I suggested.

“You could but I don't know where she is… she moves around all the time and never stay in one place for long.” she crawls over to her old clothes and pulled out a photo. I'm surprised that it's in good condition after the fighting. “Every year she sends a photo to me that my dad makes, this is the latest one.”

She handed me the photo of a woman with long reddish bluish hair, blue eyes and white skin. She wore a blue tank top with the words 'if it doesn't kill you, should run’.

“I… think I might be able to trace this so you can see her, if it was sent recently enough.” I told Zinn.

“It was made by my dad so it would lead straight to him and that maybe the latest one but that was months ago.” Zinn shifted a bit. “But… there's one thing you could do.”

“What is it?” I asked. She shifted a bit.

“Can you… change so you look like her…” she then looked at me. “Just for a little bit! I just want to have one little moment and I'll do whatever you want… even the… sexy time as a kid…”

I smirked at her, changing so I matched the picture perfectly. I looked at her as her eyes widen with tears in her eyes and lips trembling.

“Mama…” she said softly. I smiled as I put my arms out.

“Hey Zinn, give mama a hug.” I said, kinda surprised that my voice changed a bit. I didn't dwell on that since Zinn hugged me.

“Mama!!!” she cried into me.

“How’s my pretty little drake been?” I asked, smiling warmly at her.

“I- I’ve been good.” she said wiping her tears away and smiling. We stayed there for some time chatting.

“I heard you got branded.” I brought up. She tensed a bit and looked away.

“Y-yes mama, I got beaten and dominated.” she said. She started toying with her dress a bit. “Are you… mad at me?”

“Well, that depends…” I started, carefully picking out my words. “What’s your master or mistress like?”

“W-well she's was like any other, strong, in control, a bit rough.” she started. “But… she changed a bit, she's now nicer, caring and… more like a friend than a mistress.”

“Well, at least she doesn’t treat you like a object, otherwise I would’ve had to have a… talk with her.” I said, smirking. She nodded as she put her head on my arm.

“I miss you.” she said softly.

“I miss you to.” I said back just as softly, holding her close to me. We hugged for a bit and didn't pull away.

“Thank you Ita… I needed this.” Zinn said. I smiled, shifted back into my regular horned self.

“Anytime you need it.” I assured her. “I don’t mind, really.”

“Thanks.” she said as she pulls away. “So… remember the whole doing me when I'm a kid thing?”

“We don’t have to if you don’t want to, I don’t want to ruin the sentimental moment.” I said.

“Well I don't plan on it but… if you make me more a teenager then that's different.” she said blushing a bit.

“Okay.” I said, smirking, making her around fifteen years old. She was tall for a fifteen year old and well filled out.

“You look good.” I told her, kissing her lips.Her breasts weren't as big as normal but still big for someone her age.

“W-what are you looking at?” she asked as she tried to cover herself.

“A beautiful young woman.” I said, giggling. She blushed a bit and looked away.

“So… what's going to happen?” she asked.

“We can take it slow if you want.” I offered. She snorted a bit.

“Take it slow, I already bed a few drakes when I was at this stage of my life.” she said while looking away. I raised my eyebrow at her.

“So you want me to pound you then?” I asked, smirking, making a bigger version of my cock appear, so big she looked a little nervous.

“W-well, if you want…” she said.

“Nervous?” I asked, giggling, prodding at her suddenly naked form, prodding her pussy. She blushed at the sheer size of it.

“Y-yeah… if you came into me with that… you would knock me up no problem.” she said.

“Does my drake girl want mistress to knock them up?” I asked, prodding again. She didn't say anything but the answer was clear on her face. She blushed heavily as she started to rub her pussy on me, I felt it getting more wet by the second.

I smirked, entering her at a steady pace. She moaned as I pushed halfway into her.

“It's… so… big…” she moaned. I smirked, starting to bounce her on my cock. “B-b-b-big… it's bigger then a-any I took before… bigger than me…”

“Isn’t it wonderful?” I asked, smirking and putting more in her. She nodded as she wiggled her hips a bit and moaned a bit.

I put her on all fours, thrushing into her. She moaned as she thrust back on me.

“So gooood~.”she moaned. I felt her clenching around me, making me smirk.

“About to cum already?” I asked. She nodded quickly at this. I smirked, thrusting quicker.

“Ohhhh~ Ita cum in me, knock me up with your kid~.” she moaned.

I simply smirked, letting my self control go and cumming in her. She came at this and a few more times as I filled her. After I finished I saw that her stomach was bloated.

“Nice and full?” I asked, making my cock vanish and hugging her. She nodded and looked down at her belly.

“So… am I stuck as a teen when I’m having a kid or something?” she ask rubbing her belly a bit. I responded by snapping my fingers, making her normal while keeping the baby in her. She looked up at me and nuzzled me a bit.

“So… I wonder how we’ll break this to your dad.” I said, smirking

“I think he knows, you know the 'I see all~!’ stick.” she said, sounded dynamic.

“He better not be doing that for my universe without at least telling me how to do it myself first.” I said, frowning

“He does it to many universe, it’s kinda neat to watch.” she said while looked down at her belly. “This… is going to be an interesting few months.”

“I’m only objecting to him doing it without permission.” I said, growling. “I don’t like being watched without my okay.”

“He only does it to check up on me, you can tell by the sudden change in the wind.” she explained.

“If it’s to check on you, then I guess.” I said, calming a little. She rolled her eyes.

“Ummm… how much do you know about wyverns?” she asked me.

“Not much.” I admitted. She blushed a bit.

“Well… there's two things that you may want to know, one is that the time from now and the birth is… shorter.” she said.

“Okay…” I said, gesturing for her to continue.

“Like… almost half of the time… four months short.” she said.

“I meant say the second thing.” I told her.

“Err… when a female wyvern gets gets pregnant, she becomes very… sensitive and horny.” she said shifting a bit. “So when you tease me be warn that I may jump you on the spot.”

“So?” I asked, smirking. She smirked at me.

“Just giving you a heads up.” she said, wiggling her ass on me. “Don’t want to scare you if I do jump ya.”

“Fair enough.” I said, shrugging, playfully smacking her ass. She moaned and giggled.

“So… what do you want to do now?” she asked. I shrugged.

“Go home?” I suggested.

“Okay… umm do I still get that mountain of gems?” Zinn asked. I rolled my eyes, snapping my fingers, making one appear. She looked up at it as her mouth started to water. “Umm… mind helping me getting this back home, can’t fly yet.”

I snapped my fingers, making a small bag appear. I opened it towards the massive pile of gems, them all getting sucked in. “Here you go.” I said.

She took it and giggled like a kid. “Well, time to go.” I snapped my fingers, making us teleport into the living room. “Well I’ll go get my home setup for having a kid… I’m still not used to that.”

“I’m gonna have one to.” I commented, giggling.

“Jeez, your family gets bigger and bigger.” Zinn said. She turned and headed out of the door, leaving me to do… whatever.

I walked over to my door, peeking inside to see what the kittens were doing. The first thing I noticed was the smell, the smell of sex could have been smelled throughout the house if it wasn’t for me keeping it in the room. Viri and Ri were dazed and moaning as two dildos were inside them.

I went in, shutting the door behind me. “How are my kittens doing?” I asked, walking over, grabbing the dildos in and teasingly thrusting, not even for them to cum but enough for them to get pleasure. They moaned a bit at this and Viri breasts, now the size of beach balls, sprayed milk out of them.

“So… horny~.” Viri said as she moved her hips a bit.

“Need… cock… burning...won’t go… down…” Ri moaned as she tied to grind herself on the dildo.

“Are my two slutty kittens cock starved?” I asked, removing the dildos and making them vanish.

“C-can’t help i-it, we’re i-in heat.” Viri moaned a bit.

“Never thought i-it would be t-this bad.” Ri said as she rolled over onto her belly, lifting her ass up.

“Viri, get in the same position next to Ri, please.” I said, smiling. “Mistress will make the bad heat go away.” Viri nodded and shifted over and got into the same position, only that her breasts were used to hold her up.

I made my cock appear on me this time, though I did something slightly different… two appeared, both pointing slightly diagonally. I made both prod my kittens pussies, before swiftly thrusting in, spanking the two with electricity. The two screamed as there’s walls constrict onto my cocks, cumming right there.

I kept thrusting, pounding my two kitten sluts as I kept spanking their asses, giggling when they jiggled. They moaned as they thrust back at me, tongues out and eyes rolled up into their heads. Viri groped her large breasts as Ri was clawing on the bed sheets.

“Who’s your mistress?” I asked, pounding harder.

“You are~.” Viri moaned loudly.

“Yessss~.” Ri moaned as well.

“Good sluts.” I said, going faster and harder, leaning forward a little and turning their heads, pushing them together so they were kissing each other. They stiffened a bit but continued kissing each other.

I started making my cocks vibrate as I pounded their pussies, groping their asses. They moaned into each other as their eyes rolled around in their heads. Their legs are completely soaked from their fem-cum that started to stain the sheets, Viri’s milk starting to soak the sheets as well.

“C-close, yet?” I asked, grunting as I felt my cocks throbbing.

“Yes~ Fill us~ make us look pregnant again.” Viri moaned as she pulled away from Ri who tried to say something but it came out slurred. I obliged, thrusting harder and faster before I came in the two, ropes of cum leaving me. I came in them so much that their stomachs bulge and expanded. When I was finished they were both laying on their bellies moaning happily.

“Satisfied now?” I asked, scooting between them as I made the cocks vanish. Viri nodded lazily at me as she rubbed her belly, giggling.

“Yeah… man you filled us so much…” Ri said as she looked at me. “Feels like we’re holding a lot of your kids inside.”

“Hope not, it’s my turn to be the pregnant one.” I said, giggling.

“You are, didn’t say that we can’t join ya.” Ri said, before she twitched. She moaned as some of my cum leaked out.

“Well, I control when my cum can get you pregnant, so you won’t.” I said, shrugging, plugging them up with a snap of my fingers. They moaned at this as their bellies rippled a bit.

“O-okay, but if you changed your mind we have a lot of baby batter in us.” Ri said as she layed on her stomach with a sigh.

“I think I probably won’t.” I said, yawning. “For now, nappy time.”

As I said this I heard the two of them fall asleep. I chuckled, following them into slumberland.

Spa day

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It’s been four months since me and Zinn both got pregnant, and I didn’t like the experience so far. Zinn wasn’t lying about wyverns having fast pregnancy, she already looks like she’s on her final weeks of it. Sadly for her that she was also very horny all the time but she did have Luna for help with that. The two of us sat down on the couch together as we watched TV.

“What’s with the face?” Zinn asked.

“What face?” I asked.

“The grumpy face, you had one for the last three shows.” she told me.

“I dunno.” I said, shrugging at them. She shrugged and picked up a juice box of apple juice and drink some. She hands me one.

“Want one?” she asked.

“Thanks.” I said, grinning at her and taking it. The two of us watched a bit more before Zinn grunted a bit.

“You okay there?” I asked. She nodded.

“Y-yeah… just the little one getting excited.” she said as she rubbed her belly a bit. “Just a couple more days.”

“I’m pretty sure mines gonna come out a egg.” I commented, patting my own stomach.

“That would interesting, does it stay in you like a normal baby or come out sooner?” Zinn asked.

I was about to answer her, but the egg seemed to want to, because I suddenly doubled over.

“Ita? Are you okay?” she asked me.

“Egg coming.” I told her, grunting. As I said that the door opened and Ri came running in.

“What happened!?!” she yelled before almost running into a wall. “Are the two of you okay?!”

“I’m thoroughly amused now.” I said, grunting. Ri came to my side with a worry look.

“What’s wrong?” she asked me.

“The egg is coming.” Zinn said. Ri looked at her then at me.

“Oh…” she said before she started to freak out. “What do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do,?!”

“Stop freaking out, and get me soft stuff.” I ordered. She nodded and ran off, a few moments later she got every thing that was soft that she could find, blankets, pillows, towels, a soft stuffy.

“Is this good? I can find more.” she said.

“I… just need something to lay the egg on, but sure.” I said, moving myself to the nest of things. “Now, to lay this thing.” I said, pulling my pants down, accidentally flashing Zinn.

“I would jump you for that but…” she said as I looked at her.

“But what?” I asked, squatting over the pile of soft things.

“You’re a bit busy.” she said with a blush. I rolled my eyes at this, giggling a little.

I won’t describe what it felt like to lay the egg, but the damn thing finally came out after a while, leaving me surprisingly tired. Ri came in and helped me onto the couch. She went over and wrapped the egg up in a small blanket.

“Well… not like a baby but close.” she said as she walked over and handed it to me. I smiled warmly at the egg, holding it close to myself.

“Aww, you look so sweet.” Zinn said happily. I blushed, making a blanket go over me. Ri came to my side and hugged me.

“Now, we wait for it to hatch love.” she said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

“Y-yep.” I said, blushing more, before I covered myself with the blanket to hide my embarrassment. I felt the blanket pull away and I saw Ri’s face as she wrapped it around us.

“Sorry but, I want to be by your side, is that okay?” she asked. I nodded, curling around the egg before scooting over to her, cuddling up to her so my head was on her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around me and put her head on mine. As we stayed like that I felt warmer than normal.

I smiled at the warm feeling, squirming into the position more and yawning cutely.

“Sleep love, I’ll keep you two warm.” Ri said softly. I nodded weakly, eyes fluttering as I fell asleep.


I layed with Ita and the egg in my arms as I made my body warm for them. Ita slept soundly as she nuzzled into me. I smiled at this while I held her. She curled around the egg more, smiling as she put her chin on it.

Suddenly, I saw her smile turn into a scared and worried frown, her shaking and whimpering. I pulled her closer and started to rock her.

“I-It’s okay, I’m here.” I said softly. She whimpered pitifully, leaning into me and holding the egg tighter to herself. Seeing this I closed my eyes and shifted into a different form. My ears became more fluffier and my tails split into four and became four bushy fox tails. I moved them that two of them wrap around her, keeping her and the egg safe as the other two were used as pillows for me and her.

She seemed to calm at the comforting gesture, a small smile appearing on her face. I smiled at her as I felt a yawn coming on. I leaned my head on hers and closed my eyes, allowing sleep to take me with Ita in my arms.

Ita POV, next day

The next day, I woke up feeling warm and safe, not even opening my eyes as I snuggled into whatever I was sleeping on. After a few moments I felt the blanket that was over me fell off me and the sun hit my eyes. I opened them and saw that I was wrapped by something fluffy and soft.

I smiled, kissing Ri and simply laying there. After a few moments she muttered something before opening her eyes, her ears flickered a bit as she looked down at me and smiled.

“Morning love.” she said softly.

“Morning.” I said, kissing her, before I moved to one of her tit and nibbled. She giggled as those fluffy things pulled me closer.

“Feel comfy?” she asked me. I nodded, smiling. She pulled me closer and I saw that those fluffy things where tails, and they were attached to Ri, wait wasn’t she a two tailed cat?

“Where’d the other tails come from?” I asked, tilting my head.

“Huh? Oh, right I never told you about that.” she said as shifted a bit. “I won’t go into the many details, since I have no idea what any of it means, but all I can say is that I can… change my form and shapeshift.”

“Neat.” I said, shrugging. I looked up and saw her ears, they looked bigger and… fluffy. I reached up, scratching her behind her new big fluffy ears. They twitched as she leaned into my hand.

“Still good~.” she said happily. I giggled, hugging my egg close to myself as I scratched her more. “Soo… will the kid look like you?”

“I dunno.” I said, shrugging. She moved her tail over and have it be like a pillow.

“One good thing about this form are the tails, make good pillows and something to hold.” Ri said happily. I nodded, scratching her more intensely. She seemed to melt into my hand as I scratched behind her ears. We kept going until the door burst open and Luna ran into the room. She started to grab the blankets and pillows and threw them into the air and held them there with her magic.

“What are you doing?” I asked. Luna looked at me with wide eyes.

“Zinn…” she said as she picked up a couple pillows and went to grab the stuffy.

“She said a couple days though, didn’t she?” I asked, confused.

“Well the baby had other plans, her water broke and she’s having it now.” she said as she picked up the stuffy and ran out of the door with everything.

“Uhhh, should we… help?” Ri asked.

“I’m staying here with my egg.” I said stubbornly, curling around it more.

“Okay… do you think they would be alright?” Ri asked.

“How about you go check on them, and if there's problems, yell for me, okay?” I asked. She nodded and unwrapped herself around me. I watched her go, with a bit of a sexy sway of her hips that was slightly hypnotizing. I shook my head as I pulled the blanket around me, not as warm as Ri was.

I grumbled a little at this, shifting uncomfortably. After some time there was some screaming, yelling and a loud fwoosh!

“I’m okay!” Luna yelled. I raised an eyebrow, wondering what was going on in there. After an hour the door opened and Ri, clothes slightly burt, walked in wide eyed.

“Dragon births… are scary.” she said as she sat down. She moved one of her tails in front of her and started to brush it. “Almost burnt my tail off.”

“But everyones okay?” I asked. She nodded.

“Yeah, I’m fine, Luna’s fine, Celestia… kinda.” Ri said. “She was the one who had to hold Zinn's hand.”

“Should… I summon a Chancey from the surface?” I asked.

“No, Zinn had her kid, Tia just has a broken hand now.” Ri smiled sheepishly.

“I meant for the hand.” I deadpanned.

“Oh… uhh sure.” she said. I opened a ring, summoning a Chancey.

“There’s a pony over in that room with a broken hand.” I told it.
The Chancey nodded and headed that way. Ri came and sat beside me on the couch.

“Zinn said she’ll be over with the kid, wants to name it with ya.” she said. I nodded.

“Okay… now come here and be my pillow-blanket.” I ordered playfully. She smiled and moved over that she was behind me and her tails wrap around me. I settled my head on her boobs as that warm feeling came back.

“Better?” she asked. I nodded, snuggling into her. We sat in silence as I held the egg, two of her tails gently wrap around it and my hands. I felt the warm feeling coming off them.

“This is nice and comfy.” I mumbled, smiling.

“Yeah… hey Ita, did you… have a nightmare last night?” Ri asked. I froze at this, not saying anything. Her tails wrapped themselves around me. “I know you don’t want to talk about it but… I got worried, so please talk to me.”

I stayed silent, looking like I was thinking about it. She pulled me closer, I turned and saw her giving me a pleading look. “It… was about me losing everyone.” I told her in a whisper.

“Oh…” she said. I went back to being quiet, curling around the egg and snuggling into her more. “Love, that was a dream, I’m still here, everyone is still here, we’re not going anywhere.”

“I know.” I whispered. “Doesn’t mean it doesn’t scare me any less, though.”

“Yeah…” she said, holding me close. We stayed silent for a few minutes until she spoke up. “I think, we need to do something, get our minds off that.”

“Tv?” I suggested, bringing the clicker out from between the couch cushions. She rolled her eyes.

“I mean something that involves moving, sitting around isn’t going to help.”

“I’m so comfy here though.” I whined, pouting.

“Come on Ita, it can be anything.” she said as she wiggled. “I don’t like sitting around.”

“Too comfy.” I said again, snuggling into her and lightly teasing her nipple with my tongue.

“Ita, it can be an-y-thing~.” she drawn the last word out as her tails shifted a bit and started to rub me.

“I’m keeping my egg warm.” I said, still holding it. Ri put her hand out and three small flames appeared.

“These can keep the egg warm, please Ita, I don’t like sitting still.” she whined a bit. Her tails went lower and started to rub me warmly.

I blushed some, before sighing, relenting. “Fine, what do you wanna do?” I asked.

“I don’t know, do you have some ideas?” she said as she started to rub me a bit more, her hands doing the same to my arms. “Again, it can be anything.”

“I have a feeling you want to fuck.” I whispered to her, booping her nose.

“Maybe~.” she said as her tails pushed my legs open and the tails started to rub them to. “You have this nice glow to you after you had your egg.” I blushed at her ministrations, starting to moan a little bit. “It’s hard to not do you like that.”

I blushed more, just letting her do what she wanted. Her hands went over to the egg and moved it as it floated over to the chair. I watched as it settled on it with a blanket around it as those three flames floated around it. Ri then moved her hands to my breasts and started to softly play with them.

I blushed at how gentle she was being, moaning softly and looking up at her shyly.

“Yes love? Have something to ask.” she said as her tails rubbed me more, one of them circling my crotch.

“G-get on with it, p-please.” I said, blushing. She giggled at me.

“Eager are we?” she asked. Her hands let go of my breasts and began rubbing me again. I watched as my clothes slowly disappear and reappear by the egg. “Where do you want me to start?”

“M-my p-pussy.” I said, moaning. She nodded as one of her tails moved its way under me. It brushed my was as it wrap itself under me and began rubbing. I blushed more, moaning. Her hands went back to my breasts and fondled them softly.

“Did they get bigger? They seem more soft as well.” Ri said.

“J-just a bit.” I admitted, blushing.

“Well, with what happened it would make sense, besides you look nice with big breasts.” she said giving the a squeeze. I moaned, blushing a little more at the compliment.

“Y-you're just saying that c-cause they’re more fun to play with.” I accused.

“Well yes, but you do look beautiful with them.” she said softly. She kissed me on the neck which sent a warm wave through me. I moaned a tiny bit, going back to letting her do what she wanted with me.

“Besides, when the egg hatches he or she would need her or his mama to feed.” she said as she pinched my nipple. “It will be so cute to see that, also it's a wonderful feeling.”

“O-okay.” I said, moaning and squirming a little. She continued rubbing me more and more, still slow and softly. I started to squirm uncomfortably, feeling on the edge but unable to cum. I then saw that I was now on my back as she was on me, also naked, as she continued rubbing.

“Like the view?” she asked as she rub her pussy on my crotch. I blushed and nodded, squirming more.

“C-close.” I told her in a whimper.

“Well you think you should bring out that beast of yours?” she asked as she fondled my breasts some more.

“O-okay.” I said, making my cock appear. She moved her body so she could rub her pussy on it. I moaned, whimpering a little. “L-lemme cum.” I practically begged.

“Where do you want to cum love?” she asked as she continued rubbing only a bit faster.

“I-in y-you.” I told her. She gasped at this.

“Oh but your cum is so great that it could knock me up again.” she said as she leans in. “That being said, there's nothing wrong with that.”

With that she lifted off me and aimed my cock and put it inside her. Slowly she took it all until her hips were on mine. “Y-yeah, that's the stuff.” I immediately started thrusting upwards, desperate to cum. She moaned as she did the same.

“That's it love, you like that don't ya.” she said.

“I-i’m about to cum.” I warned as a response.

“Then fill me love, fill me until I get pregnant again.” she said as she thrust my cock into her. I barely made it so my cum wouldn’t do that as I thrusted one final time, cumming into her. She moaned as it filled her. After a moment of silence I looked at Ri as she changed a bit. Her hips became wider and bust bigger. Also she has a fifth tail.

“That… was fun.” she said as she rubbed her belly. “Now I feel warm.”

I made my cock disappear, yawning, tired again. She rubbed her belly a bit more and frowned.

“Guess you made it non fertile huh.” she asked. I looked at her and saw that she was a bit sad.

“I could change it real quick.” I said, not liking her sad look. She smiled sadly.

“I'm sorry Ita, I'm being selfish.” she said as she lay on top of me.

“I’m doing it anyway.” I said, making the cum fertile. She smiled and curled up to me.

“You're… not going to look down on me because I wanted this.” she ask.

“Nope.” I said, shrugging. She chuckled.

“You're one of a kind.” she said as some clothes appeared on us, some lazy weekend clothes. “You still care about me after all the hell I put you through.”

“Yep.” I said, hugging her and kissing her forehead. She smiled as she lay on top of me, her tails lay themselves around us. She looked over to the side and lift her hand up, I turned my head to see the egg floating over. She moved a bit and placed the egg in my hands before wrapping her tails around us and falling asleep.

I rubbed the egg and brought it close to me. I yawned cutely and snuggled into Ri, falling asleep in her embrace.

A few hours later…

I woke up to someone poking me. I tried to ignore it but the poking continued. I grumbled and open my eyes to see Ashe.

“What is it honey?” I asked groggily.

“Aunty Zinn is here with her new kid. She wants you to meet him.” she said.

“Okay.” I mumbled, getting up, looking like a mess as I started to float towards the other room. I heard a grumble from behind me.

“Where'd my sexy Pokemon goddess go~.” Ri whined sleepily.

I was too sleepy to properly respond, going to where Zinn was. When I got there I saw Zinn sitting on the couch with Ashe beside her. She also looked like a mess but a bit better than me. She looked over and give a tired smile.

“You should've seen me after I gave birth.” she said with a chuckle.

“Nah, I’m good.” I said, floating over to my egg and cradling it, before floating over to her. “So, name?”

“I don't know, I'm bad with names. Took me three years to name my pet lizard.” Zinn said.

“How about… Zaz?” I offered.

“Zaz? Why Zaz?” Zinn asked.

“First thing that came to mind.” I admitted, shrugging. I sat beside her and leaned over to look at the kid. He look a lot like Zinn but male with copper coloured hair and brownish scales. He was gnawing on a green gem.

“I don't know about Zaz… what about… Terra.” Zinn said.

“Sure.” I said.

“So… does that mean I’m his older sister or cousin?” Ashe asked. I looked up to her and now that I wasn’t groggy I saw her better. Over the last four months she had grown a bit. Now see looks like a seven or eighteen year old but still was around six. Zinn said that she’s six in dragon years which means she was a bit older in mortal years. She even met a dragon who looked like he was over fifty but was four in dragon years. I stop asking since it was hurting my head with all the math.

“I think sister.” I told her. She looked at me and nodded.

“I have a lot of siblings.” she said.

“Just a little bit.” I said. I heard some shuffling from the hallway as Ri came walking out. She wore a very large t-shirt and I believe only panties underneath that. It was low enough to not show as her tails were down dragging on the ground.

“Hello~.” she said groggily.

“Hey.” I said. She came over and sat beside me and layed her head on my shoulder.

“Better.” she said happily. I smiled, kissing her. I looked over at Zinn as she started to rub her neck.

“Ugg… no one told me that I would be sore after all that.” she grumbled as she continued rubbing. “I think I need a spa day.”

“I don’t think anyone on the surface has re-invented that yet.” I commented.

“I know a place!” Ri said happily. “Oh lord why haven’t I taken you there?!”

“I don’t know.” I said, shrugging. Ri stood up with renewed energy.

“Then it's settled, today is spa day!” she said. Ashe leaned over to me.

“She's getting hyped over something like a spa?” she asked. I shrugged, hugging my egg closer to myself.

“So… is everyone going to come?” she asked us.

“Umm… sure, do you think Celestia mind if she watches little Terra?” she asked me.

“I don’t think so.” I said, shrugging. She frowns.

“We'll ask Viri, I think she wouldn't mind.” Ri said. Zinn looked at her then at Terra.

“Oh second thought, I think I'll stay.” she said bringing her son closer to her.

“Okay then,” she said as she sits down between me and Ashe. “Then it's the three of us!”

“Let’s go then.” I said, smirking. The three of us stood up as the room changed. Now we were standing in a lobby. At the front desk was a fox girl, who's reading something. Ri walked over and started talking to her as I stood by Ashe.

“Have you ever went to a spa before?” she asked me. I shook my head no. “Well… I guess it will be nice… I think, umm do you think it's safe to bring the egg with you?”

“I know that if anything happens to it this spa won’t exist anymore.” I said in a alarmingly cheery voice. She blinks at me and took a large step away from me. I turned to see Ri walking over with robes and some sort of container.

“Okay, this is for you and this is for you and this is for the egg.” she said, handing out the robes to me and Ashe then the container to me. I snapped my fingers, the robe appearing in place of my clothes and the egg appearing in the container, me holding it close to myself. The three of us headed to the changing room, which I floated through as the other two changed, I now stood outside waiting for them. I looked around and saw a lot of other beings here. I saw normal humans talking to what looked like demons, an angel sitting in a hot spring with a guy made out of air, there was even a rock giant getting a jackhammer to the back as it lied there. I even saw some Pokemon walking about. Sooner or later the other two walked out and Ashe looked around in awe.

“So, do you like it?” Ri asked me.

“Looks nice.” I said, shrugging. She smiled.

“Well I got us doing three things, first up is some acupuncture.” she said happily.

“Wait, we're getting needles poked into our bodies?” Ashe asked.

“Yes.” Ri said as she put a hand on my shoulder. “It will also help with your emotion shifting love.”

“I’ll try it.” I said, shrugging. The three of us headed over to a building for the acupuncture. I stepped in the room for mine and saw a Changeling putting something on a table looking thing. She turned and smile.

“Welcome, you're my next patient, no? She asked. I nodded, walking over to the changeling. “Excellent, I was told that you're having troubles with your emotions.”

“A little.” I said, setting my egg down close to me.

“Well, this will help the process, not right away but it will make it quicker.” she said as she puts a wooden box down on a small table. “If you please lay down.”

I nodded, laying myself down on the table. She stood up and walked to my one side while holding a few needles.

“Don't worry they won't hurt, just be mindful that as we continue your emotions will start to move a bit more freely so expect mood swings.” she said as she put in the first needle. “Just breath in and out slowly.”

I nodded, doing so. Slowly she began putting more needles in different places, I thought in random places but I couldn't tell. At first I felt nothing, just a lot of needles in me, then I felt my emotions begin to stir.

I started to growl a little, suddenly angry. The Changeling didn't seemed to be disturbed by this.

“Breath.” she said as she puts in two more needles. I did so, before I started feeling scared for some reason, shaking terribly. She moved the front of my robe and put a few needles on my chest before working on my legs. “You’re doing great.”

I suddenly got sad, tears entering my eyes. She puts more needles in my legs and feet, I twitched as she put them in the bottoms of my feet for a few moment before pulling them out and continued. I twitched a little again, before feeling… nothing.

“Just note that you may feel no emotion for a few moments, it will pass.” she said as she untied my robe and put in more needles. “Just a few more minutes.”

I nodded, feeling… calm. This went on for a few more minutes until I had needles all over my body.

“Okay, I’m going to leave them in for a few minutes then take them out, is that alright?” she asked me. I nodded. I layed there for about five minutes before the Changeling began to remove them starting at my feet. She said that I would still feel mood swings as she pulled them out. I did, but stayed calm during all of this through sheer will. After she pulled the last needle out I let out a sigh that I been holding.

“All done, I have to say you’re the more tame out of the others I dealt with.” she said.

“If I let myself get as angry as I felt I would be, you’d be dead.” I replied calmly, putting my robe back on and picking up my egg.

“True, well I hope you’re feeling a bit better and if you ever need another round give me a call.” she said as she hands me a card. I looked at it and saw symbols on it which I guess it was a summoning spell.

“Thanks.” I said, making the card vanish into my hammerspace as I left the room. I found the other two standing near by as I walked to them. Ashe shifted a bit.

“That was frightening.” she said. “So many needles.”

“Scaredy drake.” I said, sticking my tongue out at her playfully.

“I was!” she said holding herself and rubbing.

“So, Ita how do you feel?” Ri asked me.

“Calm.” I said, shrugging. Ri smiled and give me a hug.

“I thought it might help.” she said. “Now, for the full body massage!”

“Sounds gropy.” I said. She waved her hand at me.

“Oh it’s not like that, it’s a massage.” she said.

“That’s… your whole body.” Ashe added.

“Yup!” Ri said happily.

“Still sounds gropy, but let’s do it anyway.” I said. Ri rolled her eyes at me.

“It’s not gropy.” she said. I then felt a hand on my butt as it squeezed. “That’s my job.”

“Whatever you say.” I said, rolling my eyes. She giggled as we headed to the next place. It was the same with the other place but this time I had a guy with four arms waiting for me.

“My… don’t you look shiny.” he said with a grin.

“Ha ha.” I said, deadpan. “Best joke ever.” He shrugged.

“I try my best, so are you ready for a massage?” he asked as he rolled his shoulders.

“Sure.” I said, placing my egg down nearby, moving and laying stomach down on the table. He got up to the table and I felt two hands on my robe.

“May I?” he asked. I nodded. I felt the robes be removed as he cracked his knuckles and began the message with four hands. “So, enjoying your stay?”

“Yeah.” I said. He began to push down on my back and lower back that made a few pops. We made idle chat as he gave me the full treatment. After an hour at that his hands left my body.

“There, done. I have to say that you should of came sooner, you were very tensed.” he said as he hands me my robe.

“Maybe I’ll come back again, maybe I won’t.” I said, putting it on and picking my egg up, leaving the room. I waited until the other two came out.

“Ahh, I feel so good after that.” Ri said.

“Better than the needles.” Ashe added.

“Agreed.” I said.

“Now, for the hot springs!” Ri said. The two of us followed her till we got to an open roof hot springs. Wasting no time Ri took off her robe and went in. She went to the edge and sighed. “Coming in?”

“Yes.” I said, teleporting in after removing the robe and my egg from the container. Ashe climbed in and we sat enjoying ourselves.

“We should build a spa back home.” Ashe said.

“Probably.” I agreed, hugging my egg close to myself. After a few minutes I saw something floated towards us. It was a basket with a bottle with three small bowls.

“Drinks!” Ri said as she pulled it over to her and grab a bowl. She pushed it to me as she drink hers. “Ahhh… that’s good.”

I levitated mine up to my mouth, drinking it and pushing the basket to Ashe. Ashe reached out but a tail stopped it.

“No alcohol for you.” Ri said.

“Why not?” Ashe asked.

“You’re too young.” Ri answered. Ashe crossed her arms.

“Really, have you seen me, I’m old enough to drink.” she said with a frown.

“Oh sure you may be a dragonkin and you grow up faster, which by the way you filled out nicely.” she said. Ashe did fill out nicely, curvy body, D-cup breasts, cute face. “But you're still young.”

“Oh come on.” Ashe said looking at me. “Do you think the same way?”

“I think you should read the sign.” I said, pointing to one. They looked over, to see it say ‘no alcohol for those mentally under 18’.

Ri looked at it then at the two of us as Ashe smiled.

“See, also if I was underage why did they give us three cups?” she asked.

“Because reasons?” I suggested. Ri looked at the two of us and frowned.

“Fine.” she said pushing the basket over. Ashe smiled as she took the bowl and drink it.

“Tasty.” she said. Ri looked away and grumbled a bit.

“You okay?” I asked, before feeling… strange. I got dizzy, falling back a little.

“I’m fine.” she said angrily. She took the bottle and poured a bit before drinking it. “Never better.”

Blackness started to enter my eyes as multiple blurry figures broke into the spa room.

“Oh what now?” I heard Ri say. That was all I heard before I passed out, clinging to my egg.


Ninjas? Why do they look like ninjas? I saw a group of ninjas come into the hot spring. I didn't hear anything about this as something that would happen here. I frowned a bit at this as Ashe went over to Ita, who was passed out?

“Mom?” she asked shaking her. Ita didn’t move but held her egg closer to her. At this moment two of the ninjas came over.

“We got three over here!” one of them yelled. A few more came over and pulled us out of the spring, some of them whistled at us for wearing nothing. I grit my teeth, me and Ita can take them on ourselves but with her knocked out it didn’t swing in our favor. I watched them pull other beings from the springs.

“About damn time, getting in here was a nightmare.” one of them said.

“Yeah, that whole barrer thing is a pain but hey we’re in.” the other said. They laughed as they looked at us. “So, how much do you think we’ll get?”

I glared at them, great kidnappers, who are going to turn us into slaves. I licked my lips as some of them came closer.

“Hey, I see some Kitsune, Youko, and others, do you think we have some time for some ‘fun’?” one of them asked. I gritted my teeth.

“Heh, maybe we can… huh?” one of them said as he looked around. “What’s with this mist?”

I blinked at them as I looked around, there was mist… a lot of mist. One of them kicked at it.

“What ever, I think it’s part of the spaaaaAAAAAHHHHH!” one of the kidnappers screamed as the mist picked them up and did the same for the others. They were held there for a moment before the mist started to… juggle them? We all watched as the kidnappers were flung around in the air as the mist were catching them and throwing tham around. At times I heard the sound of giggling.

“My, isn’t this interesting.” someone said. I turned to see a woman wearing a kimono standing beside me. “You all aren’t allowed in here, I would like you all to leave.”

As she said that a portal opened and all of the kidnappers were tossed into it. I heard an ‘aww’ from somewhere. The woman turned to everyone else.

“I do apologise that all that happened, for this your payments will be refunded and are given a free meal, thank you.” with that she walked into the building. I looked back and saw the mist moving into another room. I looked around and stood up.

“Ashe, stay with Ita, okay.” I said as I went to the room the mist went into. I peeked in to see some guy closing a large black suitcase with a gray symbol.

“Now now, you had your fun now it’s time for you to settled down.” the man said. He locked it and stood up. “Well I got myself the sick hot spring spirit, better to head out, I wonder if Susan is back yet?”

The man picked up a top hat and put it on. “Now, I would like to go home please.”

I then watched the man get sucked into the hat as it hovered there before disappearing. I blink at this and shook my head.

“The hell was in that drink?” I asked out loud before turning around and walking back to the others.

Ita PoV

I woke up feeling extremely groggy, everything a little blurry as I opened my eyes. I blinked a few times and saw Ri above me, I saw bags under her eyes as she looked at me.

“...Ita?” she asked softly.

“What happened?” I asked groggily. She blinked slowly and looked at me.

“Kidnappers… going to take us… have fun… mist…” she said. I looked at her as she was trying to stay awake. “Knocked out… for hours.”

“Here honey.” I said, giving her a big boost of energy. “Now speak clearly.”

She sighed a bit as she told me what happened. I sat up and listened to her as I held my egg.

“Have to say, you held onto it for the whole time.” she said with a smile. “No one would come and take it.”

“They better not.” I said, growling, looking up at the sky, as if I was searching for something.

“Yeah, with you and her no one came close.” Ashe said as she brought over some food. “With your death grip and her threats to burn the place down did scare them off.”

“Good.” I said, taking some and, briefly scanning it, before I ate it in one chomp. The other two ate them as Ri continued.

“The only thing that’s odd is that man.” Ri said before eating some soup. “Never saw him here but I got the feeling that he has something to do with the mist and something to do with a sick hot spring spirit.”

“Well, I don’t really care right now, wanna know why?” I asked, smirking.

“Because you just don’t?” Ashe said.

“No… found the kidnappers, gonna go wreck them.” I started, chuckling.

“That’s… not a good idea.” Ri said. “Do you know where they are?”

“Yep.” I said.

“So you know that they are in prison… right?” Ashe said. “The person who owns this place sent them there, gave us free food and a refund on the trip.”

“Look at my face.” I started, turning to her. “Do I look like I care that they’re in prison?”

“You should.” I heard someone say. I turned to see the Changeling. “The place is a creepy place to go, even gods and goddess don’t go there.”

“And why is that?” I asked.

“Because this on the back of a death god.” the man with four hands said as he walked pass. “Trust me, the air will kill you if you go without permission.”

“Please.” Ashe said as she put her hand on mine.

“Fine.” I said. “I’ll just send them a little… present.” I said, opening a portal and sending an arc of electricity through, smirking at hearing them scream before I closed the portal.

“You zap them?” the guy asked. I nodded. “Nice~.”

“Well at least you're all safe.” the Changeling said with a smile.

“Let’s go home now.” I said, opening another portal. The other two stood up as the four arm man handed Ri a bag.

“That’s all you’re stuff, clean and smell nice.” he said.

“Do come again.” The changeling said.

“Sure.” I said, floating through my portal. The other two walked through and the three of us were back home.

“Well… that was interesting.” Ri said.

“A little.” I deadpanned, closing the portal. Ashe yawned and blinked a few times.

“I don’t know about you but I’m going to bed.” she said as she walked away. Ri came over to me and smiled.

“So, what do you want to do because I have an idea.” she said.

“Well, I’m not going to sleep anytime soon, so speak up.” I said. She smiled as she took off her robe. Now naked she sat down and looked at me. I raised an eyebrow.

“First off, no it’s not that, all I want to do is to hold you close.” she said smiling. “I stayed up for hours with you sleeping on my lap, freaked the hell out of me that you wouldn’t wake up.”

“Okay.” I said, moving one arm around her shoulders in a half hug, bringing her close. She gave me a hug in returned as she pulled me to the couch and sat down with me on her lap.

“So… going to keep the robe on? If not then I’ll keep you and your egg warm.” she said moving her tails around me. The robe was off half-way through her sentence, me smiling at her. She smiled as she wrapped the tails around me as her body became warm. “Better?”

“Yep.” I said, snuggling into her. She moved her hands over to mine as I held my egg. “Two more… are you happy with a big family?”

“A little bit.” I said, smirking. She smiled as she became a bit warmer.

“As much as the spa was fun, I like this right here.” she said. “Although right now we’re both naked and cuddling, which is hot as hell.”

“A little bit.” I said again, nuzzling her.

“Making it hard not to jump you.” she said. She puts her head on the back of mine. “But I’m happy with you in my arms.”

I smiled, turning my head and giving her a peck on her cheek. She did the same as she nuzzled me. I gave her a long, teasing lick on her neck, smirking at her.

“Okay, you’re making it really hard not to.” she said.

“You could say something else is ‘really hard’.” I said, shaking my ass a little. She bit her lip a bit.

“You tease.” she said as she nibbled my ear a bit. “You were teasing me at the hot spring, if it wasn’t for Ashe I would of jumped you there.”

“Sucks for you.” I said, shaking my ass a little more.

“Well… we are alone now.” she said. “You want to or you want it?”

“I don’t know, what do you think?” I asked, rubbing against her more.

“I think you want it, but what is ‘it’?” she asked as she kissed me on the neck. “Is it long… is it thick… is it… big or small?”

“It’s tiny.” I told her teasingly, smirking at her. She rolled her eyes as her hands started to fondle my breasts a bit.

“You sure?” she asked as she continued.

“F-fine, it’s big.” I said, moaning.

“How big? Like big… or big.” she said as she squeezed my breasts twice. One normal and the other long and hard.

Big.” I said back with a moan.

“Well then.” she said as she moved her hand to the egg. “Better move the egg, keep it safe.” She said with a bit of worry for it.

I nodded, teleporting it off to the side, where the three flames still were. I looked at her as she licked her lips as she closed her eyes. She grunted as I felt something poking a bit. I looked down and moved as a dick appeared on her and grew. Soon it was large enough that she can give herself a blowjob.

“B-big enough for y-you?” she asked as her face went red.

“Y-yeah.” I said, standing so I could tease its head with my pussy.

“Ohhh~... umm I c-can’t change it that it’s not f-fertile…” she warned. “With this size there’s a sure fire way that I would knock you up again.”

“I don’t think I’d mind that much.” I said, teasing her more. She looked at me surprised.

“You… want another?” she asked.

“I won’t mind.” I repeated, suddenly dropping myself half-way down her cock. We moaned at this as her cock filled me so much that any further and it would make a bulge.

“I-I guess… we’ll be pregnant… t-together.” she moaned a bit with a smile.

“S-sounds dreadful.” I said jokingly, bouncing on her.

“I-It does… but we’ll be together so we can b-both be dreadful.” she said as she thrust into me a bit.

“Yeap.” I said, smirking and dropping all the way down on her. She gasped as I moaned. I looked and saw a large bulge sticking out.

“I-I think… y-you were… h-h-hoping for this.” she said as she shook.

“I wasn’t hoping for anything.” I said as I moaned, bouncing up and down faster. She moaned loudly and thrusted harder.

“I-I’m going to do it… I’m going to k-knock you up again and… and…” she then stopped as she puts her head on me for a moment. “... do you? Do you want it?”

“Go ahead.” I said, moaning. She didn’t move.

“Please… I want you to say it, that you mean it… I don’t want you to suffer for four or nine months because of me…”

“Fine, impregnate me already!” I said, moaning. She looked up at me with tears.

“Please… just say yes… I want to hear it.” she sobbed a bit.

I was getting a little annoyed now, the last thing I’d said practically being a yes. “Yes.” I said. She smiled and hugged me.

“Thank you.” she said before lifting me up slowly as her cock scrap my insides, then slamming me back down. I moaned, starting to cum around them. She continued to slam me onto her cock over and over that everytime she did I came. I moaned loudly was I climaxed so many times that my head was fried and I started to feel numb. My eyes were rolled up in my head and my tongue hung out as she continued. She felt so warm inside me that I felt like I was melting.

“Ita… I’m about to cum.” she said as her cock throbbed and she spead up.

“CUM, NOW.” I ordered, moaning loudly. She then started to jackhammer me until she halted me and I felt her cum explode in me. My stomach expanded until I was huge. She moaned a bit as she looked up at me.

“I… told you… there’s no way that you’re… not pregnant.” she said with a cocky grin.

“So?” I asked, smiling. She smiled as she held my hand in hers, her cock still in me keeping the cum in me.

“Well, here’s nine months of hell for us.” she said with a grin.

“Four to me, egg.” I reminded her.

“Aww… you’re not suffering it with me.” she whined.

“Sorry honey.” I said, giggling and kissing her.

“Curse Zinn and her race.” she said jokingly. “Oh well, you can see me big with our kid.”

“True.” I agreed, kissing her. She hugged me a bit, making both of us moan a bit.

“Okay, have to get rid of my cock, I can feel myself getting horny and if I keep it I’ll fuck you like this.” She said.

“Okay.” I said, snapping my fingers and getting rid of it for her. She sighed a bit.

“Have to ask, how did it feel? Having something that big in ya?” she asked.

“Filling.” I said, giggling. She blinked at me and bit her lip. I raised my eyebrow at her.

“What is it?” I asked. She giggled a bit.

“I thought you knew me well, anyway the way you said it and the looked of you that we have to try it again but the other way around.” she said with a little wiggle. “Sounds hot.”

“For now, let’s just rest.” I said, idly noticing my bulge getting smaller.

“Alright, later than?” she asked me. I raised my eyebrow at her. “What? I’m a hot horny girl and the idea turns me on a bit.”

“Okay.” I said. After a few moments my stomach shrank back down to normal as we layed there for about an hour and a half. As we layed there Ri would hump me a few times and moans a bit and give me a few kisses.

“I’m taking a nap.” I decided, teleporting my egg over to me and hugging it.

“Aww…” she said with a smile. “Oh well, my love needs her warm fuzzy pillow.” With that she wrapped her tails around me and started to get warm again. I smiled, closing my eyes and swiftly falling asleep.

I woke up with a blanket covering me and alone, my egg close to me. I looked around and saw some drops of liquid on the ground that headed to my room. Curious, I made a robe appear on me, floating and following the trail. As I got to my room I saw Ri laying down on my bed sleeping with a large pillow in her arms.

I tilted my head curiously, floating over to her and shaking her a little. She muttered something and woke up.

“Hey love.” she said sleepy.

“Hey, why’d you leave me on the couch?” I asked, pouting at her.

“Don't remember, wanted to take you with me but didn't want to wake you.” she looked at the pillow she was holding. “Guess I was making a dumb pick with this.”

“Yeah, that pillows not nearly as soft as me.” I said jokingly, giggling.

“Or warm, so want to join me or.” she smiled and started rubbing her loins together. “Want to try what I did to you?”

“Nah, I think I-” I started, before doubling over, stomach swelling rapidly.

“Ita!!” Ri yelled as she jumped off the bed and was at my side. “What's going on?!”

“I d-don’t…” I started, before suddenly falling so I was laying down. “I-i t-think.. .eggs…”

“Oh…” she said as she looked at me and my belly. “Wait… you mean right Now?!”

“Yes!” I said. She then ripped the blankets off my bed and ran out of the room before returning with everything. She made a nest for me and helped me over.

“There.” she said. The next bit will not be mentioned besides that it was very painful, but I had two more eggs at the end of it, before my eyes widened, me looking back at the original and the two with me.

“I… think… I’m… birthing… legendaries.” I said, panting. She looked at me and at the eggs, then started to laugh. She fell onto the ground with her arms crossed over her stomach laughing.

“It’s not… funny.” I deadpanned.

“I… I know… but… it's just so funny to hear.” she said giggling. She calmed down and put her hand over her belly still giggling. “I wonder if I'm going to have twins since you laid two eggs.”

“I hope… you do… for payback… reasons…” I panted, hugging all three eggs close to myself. She shrugged.

“Don't know, but I was hoping for us to grow them together, ahhh fate you cruel mistress.” she said. I smirked evilly, waving a hand and making her speed up a little. She blinked at me and open her mouth before grunting. Her belly started to swell, so to her breasts, until she was at her final part. She looked at her belly.

“Oh…” she said putting her hands on her belly. “Forgot that you can do that.”

“Pay… back…” I panted, laying in my nest. She chuckled a bit before grunting again.

“Oh… yeah… this is payback…” she said as she held her belly. “Need… room and… Chancie.”

I made one appear, gesturing to a empty room she could use. She nodded at the two of them walked into the room. I held the three eggs close to me as I heard screaming. A lot of time, screaming and crying later it stopped. Soon Chancie walked out and sighed before looked over at me with a nod.

“Thanks… Chancie.” I said, smiling at the pokemon. Chancie nodded again before disappearing. I sat in my nest with my eggs until I heard a popping noise. I turned to see Ri in my bed with two pink bundles.

“It's a good thing I didn't say triplets, would of given lady fate ideas.” she said.

“Or me.” I added, giggling. She shrugged as she held the two close before looking at me.

“Going to come up here or do I need to help you?” she asked.

“I’m staying in my comfy nest.” I said stubbornly. She rolled her eyes before disappearing. I felt a head on my shoulder as she appeared beside me.

“Guess we're coming to you then.” she said. I smiled, looking at the two figures in the small pink blankets. They were both the same race as Ri with one with white hair and the other black hair. They slept soundly in her arms as she held them.

“They have a bit of a ying and yang thing going on.” she said.

“That’s adorable.” I said, giggling. She giggled and kissed me.

“Yeah… now for the annoying part.” she said annoyed. “Names.”

“Almost as annoying as you.” I said teasingly.

“I feel so loved.” she said. “For that you'll be naming this one.” She said, gesturing to the white haired one.

“What are you naming the black haired one?” I asked.

“I think… Blake.” she said.

“I’m tempted to name this one Weiss then.” I said, giggling. She giggled at this.

“Are you?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. The white haired one ear twitched a bit.

“I am now.” I said, nuzzling her. She smiled and nuzzled closer. She held them for some time before making a crib and floating them over in it.

“There.” she said before giving me a kiss.

I kissed her back, still holding my three eggs. She smiled and continued to kiss me before she was on my lap kissing me. I set my eggs down in the nest, wrapping my arms around her, kissing her more deeply. She started to rub her hips onto me as she started to make out with me.

I continued to make out with her, though didn’t do anything to provoke her more.

“I think… when you sped up my pregnancy… you also… made me really horny.” she said while kissing me. “Don't know if on purpose... or it's a side effect.”

“Don’t really… wanna fuck right now, just had eggs and you just gave birth.” I said.

“Same… but to… horny.” she said still grinding on me. “I'll try… to hold off…” she said kissing me.

“Want me to get rid of it for you the magic way?” I asked.

“No… what I want is you big cock but… that's just the horny side speaking.” she said still grinding on me, moaning a bit.

I sighed, snapping my fingers and calming her so she could speak clearly. She still bit her lip a bit.

“Sorry, didn't know where that came from.” she said.

“It’s fine.” I said.

“I still want to but… not right away.” she said before kissing me. “Making out, that's different.” I smirked, kissing her back. She pushed me down and the two of us made out. She teased me a few times with some rubbing but mostly it was just making out.

“That was nice.” I said, smiling. She nodded as she curled up to me as I held her. I rubbed her back soothingly, falling asleep.

Couple months later…

I hummed happily, curled around my three eegs, waiting for everyone to get home. Ri sat in the chair near me breast feeding Weiss while Blake slept near me. She also gotten two more tails over the months.

“So, how’ve you been?” I idly asked. She shrugged a bit smiling.

“Happy, good, happy and good.” she said. “What about you?”

“Same.” I said. “I wonder wh-” I started, before all three eggs began glowing.

“Oh… is that what I think it is?” she asked me. I nodded, beaming eagerly as I watched the three eggs glow.

“They’re ‘hatching’!” I cried happily, picking the eggs up more securely and taking them outside. Ri came behind me with the other two as they watched what happens.

When the glow faded, three familiar figures were shown… Giratina, Palkia, and Dialga… but smaller.

“Wow.” I heard Ri said.

“Come to mommy, babies.” I said, smiling. The three pokemon rushed toward me, me somehow managing to hug and nuzzle all of them.

“Aw…” I heard Ri said. I pointedly ignored her, hugging my legendaries.

“So, who wants some food?” I asked. The three of them nodded at me as Giratina tilted it’s head. I smirked, snapping my fingers and making a table appear, before I made some kitchen things appear, starting to make some pancakes. Ri came over as Palkia, and Dialga looked around and Giratina just stared at us.

“Wait by the table, babies, mommy’s making food.” I said. The three of them did as the pokemon of time and space looked at it as the looked at me and Ri.

“Why is Giratina looking at us?” Ri asked.

“I dunno, I’m making food.” I said. As I made pancakes Giratina stared at us, mostly at Ri as it leaned forward a bit.

“What is it, sweetie?” I asked, finishing my pancakes and bringing them over to the table. Giratina looked at the two of us as it’s form started to shift and shrink until a new form fell in front of us.

Giratina groaned a bit at this.

“You look adorable!” I exclaimed, walking over and setting the pancakes down, hugging her to my chest. She blinked a few times and then hugged me. The other two watched this, well Palkia did, Dialga looked at the pancakes. I giggled, taking a seat and pulling my plate over, Giratina in my lap. Giratina looked over at the other two for a moment before putting her hands out. Two darkened orbs surround the other two and went small before two more smaller forms fell down.

“Ow.” Dialga said annoyed. “I wanted pancakes.” Palkia shifted a bit and rubbed it’s head.

I smiled, handing them their plates. Ri went into the house and back again with the other two as she sat down as the rest of us ate pancakes.

We all just ate pancakes together, me with me three new children right by me the whole time and Ri with her kids. She smiled at me at times as she went to calm down Blake as she was crying.

“How’s the pancakes, sweeties?” I asked the three.

Giratina smiled as the other two nodded happily.

“Good.” I said, beaming at them. Ri chuckled at me a bit.

“Enjoying yourself?” she asked. I nodded. She smiled as she started to pat Blake on the back.

“Alright, now that everyone’s fed, who wants to play?” I asked, smirking. All three of them put there hands up smiling.

I made the table and kitchen things vanish, snapping my fingers and making us all appear in a pokemon stadium. The creation trio looked amazed at this at this as Ri looked around.

“So, what are we doing?” she asked.

“Well.” I started, walking over to her and whispering. “In the game, they have a couple moves special to them, I was gonna teach them those moves.”

“Ahhh… Okay.” she said. “Just don’t make the whole place explode, okay.” I rolled my eyes, walking over to my kids.

“Alright, Palkia, pay attention to Mommy real quick.” I said. She nodded as the other two stood by Ri.

I held my right arm up, making a clawing motion as the whole thing glowed pink. “This is called Spacial Rend, now try to copy mommy.” I said encouragingly. She nodded again and started to copy me. The first two tries nothing happened but when she did the third I saw a bit of glow. She looked at me with a smile.

“Alright, now let it rip!” I shouted, letting my own shoot across the field and into the stadium wall, making a large part of it not exist anymore. She copied my movements and made a hole in the wall, it wasn’t that big as mine and she looked a bit sad at this.

“It’s okay deary, Mommy’s a lot stronger than you, you did good.” I said, kneeling down and rubbing her hair affectionately. She smiled a bit as I did that.

“Dialga, your turn!” I called, smirking and standing. She jumped at this and ran over and stood in front of me.

“Alright, now follow what mommy does carefully.” I instructed. She nodded and watched me. I threw my head back, building power over my mouth, forming a orb that glowed, before I roared, a blue beam shooting forward and into the wall, doing the same damage my spacial rend had done. Dialga was in awh at this as the smoke cleared a bit.

“Now you try sweetie.” I said. She looked at the wall and copied my movements. Like Palkia nothing happened at first, frowning she tried again but this time there was an orb but instead of shooting out it exploded in front of her, sending her back. Giratina and Palkia ran over to she if she was all right as Dialga sat up sniffling.

“You okay, sweetie?” I asked worriedly, teleporting over to her. I looked her over and saw that she had a few bruises on her but nothing serious. She cried a bit as Giratina gave her a hug to try to cheer her up.

“Here, let mommy heal that.” I said, holding my hands over her wounds and healing them. The bruises disappeared as she looked up at me as she wiped her tears away. I smiled, giving her a kiss on her forehead.

“Want mommy to show you how again?” I asked. She nodded at this as She stood up. Palkia went back to Ri as Giratina stayed with us. I did the move again, but slowly, so she had time to see everything that happened.

“It’s called Roar of Time.” I told her after I was done. Dialga nodded as Giratina was doing the motions a few times until she let out a cute little roar. I giggled, amused at this.

“Not your turn yet sweetie, mommy will show you your move in a little.” I said. She smiled and stuck her tongue out cutely. Dialga turned to the wall and did the motions before she was stopped by Giratina. She did the same motions but took a deep breath and let it out. Dialga looked at her then the wall and did the motions with the deep breath and she did the move better this time. The two of them looked at each other and smiled and Giratina gave her two thumbs up.

“Great job, sweetie.” I said, smiling and rubbing both their heads. They giggled a bit as Dialga left and it was just me and Giratina.

“Now it’s your turn sweetie.” I said. She puffed up a bit and nodded.

“Now watch carefully.” I said. When she nodded, I seemingly vanished, her looking around confused for a couple seconds before I appeared by the wall, appearing and crashing into it, making a hole twice as big as my Spacial Rend or Roar of time had done. She blinked at this and looked at where I was then where I am and tilted her head a bit.

“Use the shadows, sweetie.” I suggested, smiling at her. She looked around a bit and nodded and looked around. She walked around for a bit until she looked at the wall and vanished. A few seconds later she appeared and, good news, she did the move, bad news, she crashed into the wall. She stumbled around a bit before falling over.

I immediately teleported over to her, catching her. “You okay, sweetie?” I asked. She blinked a few times and gave me a thumbs up and a goofy smile. I smiled and looked at the wall, it wasn’t as big as what I did but it was still impressive.

I kissed her forehead, making the kiss heal her and ruffled her hair, before picking her up and walking over to the others. The other two looked at us as Giratina made a peace sign at them. Ri giggled.

“She’s seemed to be having fun.” she said.

“A little bit.” I said, smiling. I put her down as the other two asked how that she did so well and she just shrugged and smiled.

“Alright, I think that’s enough for today.” I said. The other two nodded as Giratina yawned and looked sleepy.

“I think it’s nap time.” I said, smiling as I picked all three up, cradling them.

“But I’m not tired.” Palka said as Dialga nodded. Giratina on the other hand passed out in my arms right there.

“Yes you are.” I said simply, seeing through the faux energy easily, teleporting us all home. “You can all sleep with Mommy tonight.”

The two grumbled a bit and nodded as Giratina just snuggled up to me and started sucking her thumb. Ri giggled at this as she held Weiss and Blake.

“I’ll sleep in the spare room.” she said. I looked at her and frowned. “What? It’s going to be crowded, besides they are your kids.”

“Fair enough.” I said, walking into my room. I turned and fell back, holding the three close, Palkia and Dialga on my sides with Giratina on my chest, me smiling. After a few minutes the other two fell asleep as Giratina was sleeping soundly.

I smiled, silently making a blanket appear over us, tucking us all in and going to sleep.

Chapter that skips time

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It was the day after the eggs had ‘hatched’ and I woke up to the three legendaries of mine snuggling up to me. I smiled warmly, gently shaking them. Palkia and Dialga woke up but Giratina shifted a bit and didn’t wake up.

“Go wait at the table sweeties, we’ll be a minute.” I said to the two, smiling. They nodded and went out to the kitchen. I gently shook Giratina more.

“Time to wake up sweetie.” I said. After a few moments she woke up as she sat up and yawned. She looked around sleepily as she looked at me. She blinked and tilted her head adorably.

“Aww, you look adorable.” I said, hugging her. “Now, how about we go get breakfast?” She nodded slowly at me as she was slow to wake up.

I picked her up, cradling her as we went into the kitchen. As we got there I saw Viri was making food for everyone as Dialga and Palkia were staring at Kuro, Yuri, and Ashe who in turn were staring at them.

“What’s with the stares?” I asked amusedly, sitting Giratina down in between Dialga and Palkia. She yawned as she looked at the apple juice that was right in front of her. A shadowy tendril came out of her and pulled it closer to her.

“So… are they our sisters?” Yuri asked which Ashe looked at me.

“Yep.” I said, smiling. Kuro looked at everyone and frowned.

“Why am I the only boy here?” he asked. “I have...six sisters now and no brothers.”

“Guess you’re just not lucky.” I said, shrugging and giggling. He groaned a bit, mumbling that it wasn’t fair that he had a lot of sisters.

“Soon everyone at school is going to call me a girl.” he muttered.

“Other than hair colour we looked exactly the same, I think they will just mistake you for me and the other way around.” Yuri said. Kuro looked at her and that frowned, which turned into a smile.

“Ohhh… that would be a really good prank.” he said, chuckling evilly.

“See, it’s not all bad.” I said jokingly, sitting at the head of the table. Viri walked over to the table with some bacon and fruit. We started to pass the food around the table so everyone got some. When the bacon went to where Giratina is she looked at it and sniffed it. Frowning she passed it off to Palkia as she was nibbling on some fruit.

“Don’t like meat sweetie?” I asked. She shook her head as she continued eating her fruit. She scrunched up her nose a bit and stuck her tongue out. I got the feeling that the smell of it didn’t sit right with her.

“That’s fine.” I said, shrugging. She continued eating her fruit, which Viri set a bowl over by her and made her eyes go wide from the sight of it, everyone was talking happily. I even heard Kuro ask Yuri if he could borrow a dress for his prank. She rolled her eyes and agreed and teased him that she wondered what it would be like if she had a twin sister. Speaking of twin sisters, I haven’t seen Ri at all, not even Zinn.

“Where’s Ri and Zinn?” I asked, curious.

“Ri is outside sitting by the old tree and Zinn at her cave.” Viri said. She was wearing a teacher's outfit and had her hair in a bun. She looked very professional… and hot.

“What’s with the outfit?” I asked.

“What do you think? I’m a teacher.” she said. “I go down to the surface and teach children what they need, it’s something for me to do since I had nothing better to do.”

“Neat… what do they even teach down there?” I asked, curious.

“Math, English, History… ish, everything that a normal school has but they also got magic learning, flight, and others.” she explained.

“I might have to check it out sometime.” I commented, looking at the ceiling.

“It would be nice, anyway we have to head down for school.” she said as she stood up. Kuro, Ashe, and Yuri stood up and followed her for a bit until the other two ran off for a moment. I looked at the Trio as Dialga and Palkia looked at me as Giratina was busy with the fruit.

“You three wanna go check it out?” I asked, smirking. Two of them nodded as Giratina didn’t listen until she looked up and saw me looking at her. She looked confused as half of an apple slice was sticking out of her mouth.

“Were going to go check out school, sweetie.” I said, giggling.

“Want to come?” Dialga asked. Giratina nodded quickly as she picked up a napkin and put some more fruit and vegetables into it, making a small snack bag. She finished eating the slice and smiled at me.

I giggled, before snapping my fingers, teleporting all of us to where I felt Viri was. We appeared near a large building that looked like a school as foals and fillies were running around playing. I saw Viri sitting on a bench looked down and writing something. She looked up to check on everyone before looking back down. Ashe was talking to a group before punching one in the arm. She had a grin on as the other laughed. I turned and saw Yuri talking to some of her friends as I also saw her again, with brown short hair and wearing a different dress, walking by as some of the foals followed her. I snickered that Kuro was pulling off this prank really well but he was Viri kid so he got that from her.

I felt someone pulling on my shirt, I looked down and saw that Giratina was looking at me and offering a orange to me. I smiled, picking it up and, after peeling it, ate the orange. We walked around, I saw other ponies saw me and bowed as some of the students were whispering a bit. Some of the younger ones came up and started to talk to the Trio. Dialga and Palkia happily talked back as Giratina went a little closer to me as she looked around.

“This looks nice, doesn’t it?” I asked, smiling down at the trio. Two of them nodded as the third looked around nervously. As one of the foals came to talk to her Giratina jumped and hid behind me, shaking a bit.

“A little shy, Giratina?” I asked gently, smiling at her. She pulled a bit closer and nodded as she watched the others kids ran around. Her eyes looking that of a scared animal, darting around at every loud noise. Some of those shadowy tendrils surround her protectively as two of them went around my leg.

I giggled amusedly, kneeling down and rubbing her back reassuringly. “Don’t worry, none of them can hurt you, and if any do, just tell Mommy okay?” I asked. She nodded a bit yet still looked scared. Some of the foals came around to see what’s going on. She looked at them for a moment and offer them some fruit. They smiled and took some and started eating, which made her smile a bit.

“Go make friends.” I encouraged. The three of them went off to talk to the others as I looked around some more. I decided to go over to Viri, sitting next to her.

“So, what do you think?” she asked without looking up.

“I think the play time seems nice, I don’t see any bullies so far anyway.” I said.

“Of course there aren’t.” she said looking at me. Her eyes glowed a bit. “It’s hard to lie to a goddess.”

“Fair enough.” I said, nodding in agreement. She smiled and went back to writing, I saw that they were tests that she was marking. She was humming a bit as she did this as she cracked her finger for a moment.

“I could teach you Double Team to get the paperwork done faster.” I offered.

“Later.” she said with a smile. “By the way, how do I look?”

Sexy.” I whispered into her ear, smirking. “And I can do it like a TM/HM, it’d be instant.”

“Cool, again later.” she said. I was going to ask why as the bell rang. “If you’re going to ask why, that.”

I rolled my eyes, amused. She smirked as she stood up and walked to the school. She swayed her hips a bit more which drew attention of other adults who blushed. I smirked, deciding to follow her, invisible. I followed her to a classroom full of fifteen and sixteen years olds.

“Good morning class, I hope you all had a good sleep.” she said putting the papers down. “I graded your tests and I have to say good job for those who studied and to others… you might want to brush the dust off your books.” Some chuckled as others looked away embarrassed. “Now, can you all open your books to page twenty two and Miss Cake would you wake Mr. Blitz up from his nap… again.”

I looked to see a green mare shook a stallion with a rainbow mane awake as he looked up.

“Wha?” he said sleepily. Others laughed as Viri rolled her eyes.

I let myself giggle, making it echo around the room. The students started to look around at this as Viri looked up for a moment before continuing her lesson. It was on math and she was explaining it simply to them as they took notes.

I actually learned a couple things as I listened in, idly wondering why my school teachers when I was human couldn’t be this good. I watched Viri as she moved around the room with book in hand. At times she bends over to help a student on a question and give me a good view of her ass.

One time when she did, I swiftly smacked her ass after making sure she wouldn’t recognize I did it, just to see how she’d react. She yelped a bit and blushed as she looked behind her. The students looked around confused as some were blushing as they saw her ass jiggled. She blushed a bit and stood straight before continuing on with her lesson.

I kept doing this, messing with her now. Every time I did she did the same thing only blushing more.

“O-okay, who’s doing that?” she asked looking around. “It’s very rude to do that.”

The students looked at one another in confusion at this as she scanned the room. She narrowed her eyes and went up to the front and sat down at her desk. At this time she was done talking and the students were working on some work.

I got a devious idea, subtly removing her teaching outfit so she wouldn’t notice, while making sure no one got too much of a show. She called up Mr. Blitz to come up to the front to talk to her. He got up and walked to her.

“Mr. Blitz, this is the third time you failed a test.” she said.

“Yes mam.” he said without looking at her. She leaned back and crossed her arms.

“I know you’re a smart man Blitz, is there something wrong?” she asked.

“No mam, there’s nothhhhhiiiiinnnggg…” he stopped as he looked at her. His eyes widen at this and jaw dropped. Viri blinked at this.

“Is there something wrong?” she asked. Blitz stared at her as his brain went dead at the sight.

I giggled, thoroughly amused at this.

“Blitz, what’s wrong?” she asked confused. He blinked at this as he opened and closed his mouth and bit his finger.

“I uh I umm well you see… well…” he stuttered a bit as his face grew red. This drew some attention as the other students looked up and saw this, they to started to blush.

“Blitz?” Viri said turned to face him, making him more red.

“Clothes! Ummm… you’re clothes.” he squeaked a bit. Viri blinked and looked down and saw what’s she’s wearing, well it’s more what she’s not wearing. She looked up with wide eyes and a look of her screaming inside her head.

“I’LL BE RIGHT BACK CLASS!” she yelled before disappearing.

I erupted into laughter, my laughs echoing throughout the class. The others looked around the room, wondering who was laughing as the others were blushing. Blitz stood where he was for a few moments before speaking.

“God I love this class sometimes.” he said with a small grin. I snapped my fingers, making flames eat his clothes without harming him. He panicked at this as he tried to pat himself out. One of the others made a water bucket appear throwing water on him.

When the steam lowered, he was naked. He looked down at himself as some of the mares blushed at this.

“Okay~... the hell?” he asked as someone hands him a blanket. I made the blanket see-through, giggling in amusement. He saw this and threw it away before covering himself. “Okay, this isn’t funny!”

I giggled, turning into a Zorua and turning visible, snickering. The students backed away from me in shock. They started whispering before the door opened and Viri walked in with a shirt on and some pants. She saw Blitz and then me, her eyes glowed a bit and stared at me, her face went from normal to menacing.

“Class, turn to page twenty five and do questions one through ten, I have someone to talk to.” she said slowly. Everyone nodded and quickly went to their seats, even Blitz who’s still naked until a robe appeared on him. Viri picked me up by the neck and stared at me with scary eyes. “We need to talk, now.

With that we teleported out of the school on a hill. She dropped me and walked away before loudly groaning.

“Do you have any idea what you have done!” she yelled. “I haven’t been this embarrassed before!” I simply tilted my head, as if I was just a confused pokemon. She stared at me before groaning.

“Great, she brought a pokemon to cover her tracks.” she said before slumping down. She sighed and looked at me. “I’m sorry that I yelled at you.”

“I wasn’t sent here by anyone. I mentally said to her in a voice completely different from my own. She groaned a bit at this.

“I guess wrong place at the wrong time.” she said. She pulled her knees up a bit. “Now I have to talk to his parents and apologize to them for probably scaring him.

It was all an illusion.” I mentally said to her, giggling. “They won’t even remember this… you wouldn’t too, if you had stayed a little longer.” She rubbed her eyes together as the bell rang.

“Now I have to get ready… today is going to be long.” she said before disappearing, probably back to her classroom.

I changed back to normal after teleporting into the playground, swinging myself on a swing. After two hours I saw Viri walked out of the building after the lunch bell rang and found a lonely bench to sit on. She sat there with her head in her hands.

I swung back fast, letting go of the swing and flying through the air, doing a flip, landing upside down on the bench. “Hey.” I said. She didn’t look up after a few moments, her eyes were red and puffy.

“Hey.” she said.

“Are you alright?” I asked, concerned. She looked at me and shook her head.

“No, I’m not okay.” she said, putting her head back into her hands.

“What’s wrong honey?” I asked, sitting up right, putting an arm around her shoulders.

“I was teaching class and everything was normal, then someone was spanking my ass at points, then I went to my desk and called a student up and I was in my underwear, then I left and returned to see the student naked then I yelled at a pokemon and now those students don’t remember but they blushed at me and… and…” she then broke down into tears and cried into my shoulder.

I hugged her, rubbing her back soothingly. “What’s the matter, what’d they do?”

“They can’t remember but some part of them do, I never felt so embarrassed in my life.” she cried a bit.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure that they’ll forget with time, they’re kids, after all.” I said, kissing her. She nodded a bit and pulled away, wiping her eyes.

“I do enjoy this job, I really do.” she said.

“I think we’ll enjoy that outfit later.” I whispered sexually to her, smirking. She playfully slap me as she looked around.

“Thanks for listening, what are you going to do now?” she asked me.

“Maybe we can set up a room at the house as a classroom… and you can ‘punish’ me for being a bad student…” I suggested, winking at her. She raised a eyebrow at me.

“Maybe~.” she said. “But for now, I have some more classes to teach.” she said as she stood up. “See you back home?”

“See you back home.” I agreed, teleporting home. I started setting a room up, it taking a couple hours for me to get just right. As I finished I heard the door open and heard them come in, and crying. I made a ring to see what’s going on, I saw them walking into the living room as Viri was walking with a crying Giratina.

“What happened?” I asked, peeking my head through the ring. Viri looked up at me for a moment before looking back.

“Everything is fine now, we’re home.” she said softly. She put her on the couch and glared at me. “Bedroom, now.”

My eyes widened at the tone, quickly doing so, appearing back in the false classroom. I heard footsteps coming near before stopping. The door opened and Viri closed the door but didn’t turn to face me.

“Ita… do you have something to say?” she asked.

“Why would I have anything to say?” I asked, confused. She turned to face me with anger in her eyes.

“Oh I don’t know, how about you forgot your kids at school.” she said angrily at me.

“I thought you were gonna sign them up for it.” I admitted sheepishly, looking at the ground.

“They are a day old!” she yelled. “You don’t leave kids alone in a place they don’t know for hours! I found them at the principal office with Giratina crying her eyes out.”

“I… thought since they c-could talk a-and figure out t-their moves already they’d be ready.” I said softly, shaking.

“Yes they can but they aren’t just pokemon, they are children Ita, children that can scare easily, also two of them can talk, Giratina can’t.” she said as she paced around the room before looking around. “Ita… please tell me you didn’t come here just to build this…”

“I… thought you'd like it… but it took longer than I thought it would.” I mumbled. She slowly turned to me with pure anger in her eyes.

“Ita… you have thirty seconds to go out there and apologized to them before I do something that not even you can survive.” she said slowly.

I didn’t stay, quickly going out and hugging the three of them close to me, whispering ‘I’m sorry’ and holding them tight. They hugged me back and cried into my shirt. After a few moments I let go of them and stared at them, I knew that they were the creation trio but they also look like kids. I heard footsteps from behind me.

“I’m going for a walk.” Viri said. “Oh and Ita… don’t follow.” and with that she was gone. I looked at the three and they stop crying, now a look of fear was on them.

“She’s really scary.” Dialga said with Pakia nodded. Giratina hugged me harder at this.

“Only sometimes.” I said, hugging them tighter to me and sighing sadly. We stayed like that until I heard the door open.

“Ita?” Ri called out. I turned to her as she looked surprised. “What happened?”

I stayed silent, simply holding my children tighter, refusing to let go or to speak. She came over and put a hand on my shoulder.

“I think we should put them in bed, guess they had a long day.” she said. I looked back and saw they had fallen asleep.

I said nothing, teleporting to one of the rooms and making it look like mine did before I remodeled it, bringing my stuff in here and pulling the covers over me and the kids. We laid there before Ri walked in and pulled a chair up to the bed.

“So… what happened, I saw Viri storming off angrily and I came in to see what happened.” she said. I said nothing, slamming a square Protect up around the bed, looking guilty and closing my eyes. I didn’t hear anything from outside the square but I could tell that Ri left the room, leaving me with my children.

I stayed there, just looking up at the ceiling, mentally berating myself.

“You don’t need to punish yourself so harshly.” I heard a voice say. I looked over and saw the ghostly form of Arceus. “You may have made a mistake but that’s normal for everyone.”

I simply flared my psychic powers, getting rid of the holographic form and going back to staring at the ceiling. I stayed like that until I felt my eyes go heavy. I closed them as I fell asleep with my kids close to me.

When I opened my eyes I saw that I had been sleeping for a few hours. I saw that the trio were gone but I wasn’t alone. I looked up to see Viri looking at me with my head in her lap. I tensed a bit at her sight.

“I’m not here to yell at you… I’m here to say… I’m sorry for yelling at you.” she said sadly. I was shocked at this, looking at her wide eyed. She petted my head a bit. “I had a really hard day, when I saw those three it gave me an excuse to yell, I'm sorry.”

“I-it’s fine.” I mumbled. She leaned down and kissed me on the forehead.

“Ita you're a wonderful person and everyone loves you, but sometimes you don't think things through, next time when you think it’s one way try to think what if it's different.” she said. I just stared at her as she rolled her eyes. “I'm a teacher, I'm supposed to talk like that.”

“Okay.” I mumbled. She hugged me a bit with a sigh.

“You're still upset with me, huh.” she asked.

“I’m not upset… I’m… I dunno.” I mumbled, shifting my eyes, looking off to the side.

“Hard to explain?” she asked. “You don't have to say anything.” I simply nodded. We stayed like that for a bit on silence.

“Well, we could have some fun, just the two of us.” Viri offered.

“Can… we use the stuff I set up?” I asked, afraid she’d start yell again.

“Maybe, never really got a good look at it… wait what do you mean stuff, I thought you made the room?”

“The stuff I made in the room.” I clarified.

“Oh… sure.” she said.

I smiled, teleporting us into the room, her in her teacher's uniform, me in a schoolgirls uniform with a skirt that looked a little too small. She looked around for a moment before the door closed and she leans on the desk.

“Miss. Ita, do you know why I kept you after school?” she asked in a stern voice.

“Not really, teach.” I said, my teen forms voice sounding arrogant and full of myself, idly blowing a bubble of gum.

“There are a lot of reasons why, you're always late for my class, failing every test, getting into fights, and many more.” she said.

“People shouldn’t get in my way, and you should be more interesting, teach.” I said simply and uncaringly, kicking back, putting my feet on the desk. She raised an eyebrow at me.

“The last thing is that you skip class to go and give blowjobs to the football team or have the cheerleaders give you one.” she said.

“Hey, not your business who I fuck.” I said boldly, shrugging.

“I'm making it my business, your last break one of the teachers found two girls with bloated stomachs and cum leaking out of their pussies, luckily they didn't get knocked up.” she said.

“I’m not stupid… I made sure they took birth control before I fucked those sluts silly.” I said, smirking.

“Me. Ita here at school we try to open doors to a brighter future, not walk around the halls with a cock out that looks like a third leg.” she said as she bit her lip. “You make the others uncomfortable.”

“They don’t complain when they’re asking to fuck me or be fucked.” I said, shrugging. She straighten and walked over to me.

“There's one thing I did see, the way you do things it's like you're trying to get the attention of someone.” she said while moving her hand over my legs but not touching them as if something else is there. “Like having your big cock out as we talk.”

“You intimidated, teach?” I asked with false bravado, blushing a tiny bit. She 'trailed’ her finger on my ‘cock’ slowly.

“I don't know, are you trying to intimidate me… or trying to get my attention?” she asked before turning away. As she walked back I saw her ass grow bigger and hips wider before turning to me, her breasts grew until they were straining her shirt.

I blushed, dick making a comical ‘boing’ sound as it went rock hard in a second, throwing me off my balance and making me fall out of the chair. I stop mid air as I floated up in front of her.

“I think that's a yes.” she said as she rubbed my cock. “Tell the truth Ms. Ita.”

“F-fine.” I said, blushing. “I-i n-need ya, teach.”

“Oh, you need me? How long did you need me?” she leans in a bit. “Like’ since the first day we met?”

“Y-yeah.” I said, blushing more, cock throbbing.

“Well, normally there's no relationship between teacher and student… but I might look that over for you~.” she said as she moved my cock in front of me and started rubbing her whole body on it.

I moaned loudly, blushing furiously. She smirked and continued.

“I heard you go wild sometimes, turning anyone to giggling sluts.” she teased. “Are you going to let me take control or are you going to ravage me?”

“I thought I was suppose to be in here on punishment?” I asked. She smirked.

“Any other teacher would, should I bring them in and leave you?” she said slowing down.

“N-no, k-keep going.” I moaned, humping into her hand.

“Well, I do have to say, one of those sluts said that you did said you fucked her so hard that she thought you were a beast, are you going to do that to me?” she said before leaning into my ear. “Like I always say, you have to be… ambitious to get ahead in life.”

“Fine!” I growled, leaping at her and pinning her over the desk. I grab her clothes and ripped them off, seeing that she had no underwear on. She giggled a bit as I gave her a hungry look. I prodded my cock at her pussy, smirking.

“Getting nervous? I thought you'll do-” before she finished I slammed my cock into her, making her belly bulge with my cock. She screamed at this as she came on the forceful thrust.

I started thrusting harder into her, eyes turning into slight slits. She gasped at every thrust, she moaned like a whore as I pound her.

“B-bigger…” she moaned. I smirked, making my cock bigger, pounding harder. Her tail wrapped around her belly as my cock bulge out of it. “Y-you are a beast…”

I yelled out loud as we both came, filling her completely. She her belly filled up with my cum at she looked very pregnant, I turned her over and started thrusting again.

I started to spank her as I thrusted into her, sending shocks through her.

“I-I'm being mated… I'm being treated like a slutty animal.” she moaned and giggled. We came again, me panting and falling over her. She giggled about this before I passed out.

After a bit I woke up to see everything clean and Viri holding a sandwich for me.

“Feeling better?” she asked.

“Yeah.” I said, taking it and eating. She smiled and looked around at the room.

“I think I can use this room as a real classroom for the trio, to get them used to the idea of school.” she said.

“Sure… just get the sex smell out first.” I said, giggling. She smiled and stood up.

“Sure” she said as she picked up the remade outfit. “Now if you excuse me I have some tests to mark, if you have that TM thing come find me.” with that she walked out.

I rolled my eyes, flinging a small white ball at her, making her stumble as the knowledge entered her mind. She straightened and gives me a thumbs up and walked out of the room.

I teleported into the shower, starting to clean myself off. I swiftly did so, before putting on a robe after drying myself, teleporting onto the couch. I saw the kids playing a board game as Viri was grading some papers as another Viri was doing the same. One of them looked up and smiled at me and went back to work.

“Why are you still wearing that?” Yuri asked.

“Huh?” Kuro said confused.

“My dress, why are you still wearing it?” she asked again.

“It’s comfy?” he said. I looked at him and saw that he was still wearing the dress, now a bow around his tail.

“I thought you're done with this prank?” Yuri asked.

“Oh… ummm.. I’m going to see how long it’s going to take before anyone catches on.” he said. He looked around and nodded and went back to the game.

I snickered, amused at their antics. The trio were happy as Giratina had a bowl of grapes by her. I went over to Giratina, smiling and affectionately rubbing her head. She smiled and looked up at me. I leaned down, kissing her forehead.

“You want to play?” Dialga asked me.

“Sure… what are we playing?” I asked.

“Monopoly.” Kuro said as he moved his piece. “Just started.”

“Sure, let’s play then.” I said, a devious look on my face.

Two hours later…

“And… I win.” I said, giggling. Giratina sighed as she lost, she was close to taking my win.

“How! How can you win in a game of Monopoly!” Kuro yelled.

“Because reasons.” I said, snickering. He pouted a bit at this.

“Well, we’ll play another game.” Yuri said as she nudged Kuro. “Am I right… sis~” she said with a smirk.

“Heck yeah!” he said, going over to the other games. Yuri blinked at him and looked at us.

“I thought I would of gotten a different reaction out of him.” she said.

“I don’t think he really cares.” I said, giggling amusedly. He came back with a couple games in his arms.

“So, what should we play?” he asked.

“Who wants to learn how to play chess?” I asked, smirking. Giratina was the only one who put up a hand.

“Maybe we play different games.” Yuri said. So that what we did, I played chess with Giratina while the others played other games.

“You can do it, you got close this time.” I encouraged Giratina. She tilted her head a bit as we restarted. We played two games already and the third she moves her queen and smiled as she won.

“Great job, Giratina.” I said, beaming at her, ruffling her hair. She smiled and giggled a bit.

“So, how’s the game going over there?” I asked, looking to the others. Palkia and Dialga were play go fish and smiled at me. Kuro and Yuri were playing battleship and Kuro smiled as he won his game.

“Good job, princess.” I said teasingly, rubbing his hair. He blushed a bit and didn’t say anything.

“Here, have a tiara as a reward.” I added, placing one on his head and snickering. He quickly took it off and frowned at it. He put it down beside him and muttered a thanks.

“You’re welcome.” I said. I saw Giratina put up her board and gestured if anyone wanted to play with her. We all switched and I was playing with Kuro.

“Let’s do this.” I said, smirking. He nodded as we played a few games and it was tied with two wins and two loses.

“Why did you give me a tiara?” he asked without looking up, he stuck out his tongue a bit. “B6.”

“I’m just teasing you, miss.” I said, giggling. “E4.”

“Miss, yeah I get that.” he said as he looked at it for a moment. “A8.”

“Miss.” I said again, giggling. “A2.” He frowned as looked at the map.

“D...1,” he said before saying my shot hit.

“Miss.” I said again, giggling.

One hour later…

“G5.” he said, now wearing the tiara due to the fact that one of our games I beted that if he lost, which he did, he has to wear it.

“Miss… F8.” I said, grinning at him.

“Miss… F2.” he said. I already took out all but one ships as he took out all but two. This was our last game and I bet him that if he loses then he’d have to actually be a girl for a week. He looked at me to see if he hit or not.

“Miss.” I said dramatically. “F… 4.”

“M-miss.” he stuttered. I raised an eyebrow at him, “G6.”

“Miss… F… 3” I said.

“...hit…” he said. “A5.”

30 minutes later…

“I… win.” I said, smirking at him. His head dropped at this.

“Dang it, I was close.” he said.

“Kinda.” Yuri said. I turned to see everyone watching us.

“Was the game that intense?” I asked, raising a eyebrow at all of them. Some nodded and others shrugged. I looked back at Kuro as he shifted a bit.

“You ready sweetie?” I asked gently, smiling. He shifted a bit then nodded. I waved a hand, casually changing him into a her. Other then his arms and legs became smoother he… I mean she didn’t change that much. She looked at herself for a bit.

“Huh, I… don’t feel different.” she said, blinking at the voice change. Yuri can and did give her a hug.

“What’s different about it… Hiro.” she said smiling.

“Right…” she said.

“Have fun with your new sister.” I said jokingly, giggling.

“I feel like I should be scared.” Hiro said as Yuri giggled.

“Maybe a little.” I said, smirking. “Yuri… go play dress up with your sister now.” She smiled and pulled Hiro to their room with a scared look on her. The Trio looked at them and then at me.

“What is it sweeties, want to help your sister?” I asked. Dialga and Palkia nodded as Giratina looked at the chessboard before popping another grape into her mouth.

“You two can go help, Giratina and I are gonna play more chess.” I said, smiling at them. The two ran off to help as I sat down and helped her set up. We played two long games of chess as they all came out of their room. I looked up and saw Hiro and blinked, she was now wearing a blue dress with a bow in her hair and looked a bit cleaner. She was blushing madly and looked down to the ground.

“You look amazing, honey.” I said gently to her, kneeling and smiling at her. She blushed and nodded a bit.

“Embarrassed?” I asked. Again she nodded as she played with the hem of her dress. “Don’t be, it’s just teasing, it’ll pass.” I assured.

“O-Okay.” she said. I smiled… before suddenly tickling her. She started laughing as I tickled her. I smirked, tickling her more intensely. She started to laugh harder and tears started to fall down from her face from laughing so hard.

I let it up at this, smirking at her. “Feel better?” I asked. She giggled and nodded. “Good.” I said.

“Everyone done? If so then Dinner is ready.” I heard Viri said. We all headed out to the kitchen and saw some pizzas and pop. “When it’s games night there’s pizza and pop.”

“Fair enough.” I said, shrugging. All of us got a few pieces of pizza and a drink and headed out to the living room to watch some movies. After a few movies later I saw that everyone was passed out. Viri chuckled at this.

“Been a fun night huh.” she said smiling.

“Yeah.” I said, nodding. The two of us took the five kids to their rooms and put them to bed. I watched Viri kissed the forehead of both Yuri and Hiro before walking to me.

“It’s going to be interesting for him that now he’s a she.” Viri said.

“Only for a week.” I said, giggling. She rolled her eyes at me.

“So, did you make a room for those three or are they going to stay with you?” she asked.

“Me.” I said, giggling.

“Alright, but are you going to make them a room?” she asked me.

“Maybe.” I said, whistling innocently.

“Alright.” she said as we walked into our bedroom and changed clothes. I snapped my fingers and made Pjs for the three and lied down in bed. “Good night Ita.”

“Night.” I said.

One week later…

I sat in the false classroom to watch Viri teach the trio some science. She used Double to be up here and at the school. I had to admit that other than the fact the she looks sexy in her out fit she’s one hell of a teacher.

I put my head in my hand, getting a tiny bit bored, eyes drooping.

“You know you don’t have to be in here Ita.” I heard Viri said.

I was going to answer, but decided to take a nap instead, falling half-asleep. She rolled her eyes and looked at the three.

“Okay you three, do you want to see something cool?” she asked them. They all nodded. “Ita, mind giving me a hand?”

“Whu?” I asked, snapping awake.

“I said, mind helping me with something.” she said again.

“What is it?” I asked.

“A science experiment.” she said.

“Okay.” I said, going up to the front. She brought out a bowl, baking soda, sand, sugar, lighter fluid, and a lighter.

“Now know that you three are too young to do this by yourselves so have an adult to help you, do you all understand?” she asked. The three nodded. She started to mix the sugar and baking soda together as she told me to pour the sand into the bowl and put the fluid on top. I did so and when I was finished she poured the sugar stuff on top of it. She then handed me the lighter. “Will you light it please.”

“Sure.” I said, lighting it. It lit and started to go around the sugar, then I saw some black burt stuff started to rised out of it. As this was going on she was explaining how this was happening but I wasn’t listening, I was too busy watching this happen. After twenty minutes there was now a black snake thing laying on the table. The three of them were in awh at it.

“Neat.” I said. Viri nodded before tilting her head.

“Okay, that’s all for today, everyone else is home.” she said. The three of them got up and went out of the room. Viri snapped her fingers and cleaned up the room before heading out. I shrugged, following her. I came to see everyone were taking their shoes off before seeing me. The two Viri’s looked at one another before one of them disappeared. Yuri and Hiro went off to their room and Ashe sat down on the couch.

I decided to be a little strange today, sitting on the ceiling. Viri looked up at me for a moment.

“Why are you up there?” she asked.

“I felt like it.” I said. She shrugged and went off to put down her bag. After a few minutes Yuri came out and looked up at me.

“Hey mom, it’s been a week since the bet.” she said.

“Okay.” I said. I walked, on the ceiling, to Yuris and Hiro's door. I stood there and realized that the door is closed and it was going to be hard to open it and walk in.

I shrugged, walking down the wall, crouching down and opening the door, hopping in and falling onto the ceiling. Hiro turned around and looked before looking up.

“Why are you on the ceiling?” she asked.

“Felt like it, ready to be a boy again?” I asked.

“Oh… uhh sure.” she said as she stood under me.

“Do you want to stay a girl?” I asked, tilting my head down at her.

“Umm… no… I don’t know.” she said.

“Want a little bit to think about it?” I asked.

“Sure… but as a boy.” she smiled sheepishly. “Don’t ask why.”

“Sure.” I said, shrugging, making her a him. He shifted a bit and looked up at me.

“I’ll tell you later, k?” he asked. I nodded, smiling and teleporting onto Viris lap. She jumped as she was sitting on the couch.

“Oh… hello Ita.” she said trying to calm down.

“Hi.” I said cheerfully, giving her a random kiss.

“So… how’s Hiro… or is it Kuro now?” she asked me.

“Kuro at the moment… doesn’t know if he wants to stay a girl or not, so he’s thinking while male while he decides.” I said.

“Okay, well to me I don’t mind if he’s ether or.” she then gave me a hug. “He’s my child and I’ll love him for that.”

“Agreed.” I said, hugging her back.

“Well, what do you want to do today?” she asked me.

“Besides you?” I asked, smirking.

“Besides me.” she said with an eye roll.

“We can just lay here.’ I said, resting my head on her chest.

“I guess we can.” she said with a smile. I smiled, unconsciously turning into a kid/preteen form. We layed there for a few hours just cuddling before a knock came from the door.

I grumbled, not moving. There was another knock.

“Mom? Are you awake?” Kuro said through the door.

“Yeah?” I called.

“Can… can I talk to you… it’s about before.” he said.

“Sure.” I said, teleporting next to him, rubbing an eye sleepily. He was shifting in place nervously, not looking into my eyes.

“You okay there?” I asked. He nodded a bit before putting his back on the wall and sliding down. I went over and sat down beside him.

“I feel weird.” he said.

“How so?” I asked. He shrugged a bit.

“I don’t know, after you turned me back I just… felt weird.” he said softly.

“You want to stay a girl then?” I asked.

“Maybe… I don’t know.” he said. “Mommy, am I weird that I enjoyed dressing up as a girl? I think it started there.”

“Everyone has different tastes sweetie, if you like that we won’t judge.” I said, smiling reassuringly.

“Well… I did enjoy being one, more kids came to talk to me more and… I made a good friend that…” he stopped and blushed a bit.

“That what? You can tell mommy.” I said. He shifted a bit.

“W-well… I really enjoyed spending time with her… but when we’re alone it’s hard to talk to her.” he said blushing more.

“Awww, does my little baby have his first crush?” I asked, giggling.

“N-no!” he said quickly before looking away. “... maybe.”

“Want help?” I asked.

“Help?” he asked, looking at me still blushing.

“Asking her out, either as you or female you.” I said simply, smirking.

“Umm…” he didn’t say anything for a bit so I continued.

“Let’s decide if you want to be male or female first, okay sweetie?” I smiled at him.

“Umm… female me. Hiro.” he said. I nodded, making him a her. She blinked at this. “Huh…”

“What?” I asked.

“I… don’t feel weird anymore.” she said. “Anyway, what is you… help?”

“First, do you still have the crush?” I asked, just to make sure.

“Umm…” she said while looking away from me. “How do I know if I have one?”

“Tell me what you think of your ‘friend’.” I said simply.

“Well, her name is Ivory Fire, she’s nice, smart and really good with magic.” she tilted her a bit and smiled. “And pretty, and… ummm… pretty...”

“Yep, still got the crush.” I said, smirking.

“Okay… so…”she looked and waited.

“Here’s what ya do…” I whispered.

The next day, at school.

I was stealthily watching, invisible, as Hiro walked up to her crush.

“U-umm… hey Ivory…” she said nervously. Ivory was a white unicorn with a red and orange swirl mane, kinda like fire.

“Hey Hiro.” she said with a smile. I snuck up behind Hiro, slowly putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder, still invisible. She shifted a bit and nodded at Ivory. “So, what’s up?”

“N-nothing…” she started to fidget a bit.

Just tell her.” I whispered into Hiros ear.

“Umm… d-do you want to… hang out after school…” she asked, tensing up a bit.

“Sure.” she said. I saw Hiro face brightened a bit. “So, who else is coming?”

“Ummm… it’s just us…” she said. Ivory blinked at her.

“Oh… okay.” she said with a smile. With that she ran off from us and as we lost sight of her Hiro started to dance a bit.

“Great job, sweetie.” I said. She turned to were my voice is.

“Yeah!” she said before eyes widen panick. “But what am I going to do after school! I don't know!!”

“Maybe take her bowling?” I suggest.

“Yeah, that can work.” she said.

“Have fun sweetie.” I said, smiling at her.

After school…

I peeked out from behind a corner, invisible, watching the two as they came into the bowling alley. They walked over to a lane and started bowling. Hiro and Ivory bowled a few times without talking, mostly Hiro was nervous as all heck.

I sighed, making Hiro a little more confident. She perk up a bit and started talking to her. They chatted as they bowled. I got a bit closer to listen in to them. They talked about school and some random stuff for a bit.

“So, your mom is a goddess?” Ivory ask.

“Yup, both of them.” Hiro said.

“Oh yeah, Miss. Walker is your mum as well… is it… weird having two moms?” Ivory ask. Both me and Hiro frowned a bit.

“No, how is it weird?” she ask.

“I don't know, me mum and dad said that it's weird and I never understand why.” she said. Hiro crossed her arms.

“Well it's not weird, I love both my moms and they love me back.” she said. I smirked, feeling proud of her.

“Okay Kuro…” she covered her mouth and blushed. “Sorry, I mean Hiro.”

“It's fine.” she said. They continued bowling until they finished. The two of them walked back to Ivorys home.

“Thanks for inviting me.” Ivory said.

“No problem, it was fun.” Hiro said. Ivory looked around a bit and at my daughter.

“Hey, is… is this supposed to be a date?” she asked. Hiro froze at this.

“Ummm… k-kinda.” she said.

“Why didn't you just say it was?” she asked.

“Umm,... I… uhh… thought you would have said no…” Hiro stuttered. Ivory looked at her for a moment then at her house. She leans in and gave my daughter a quick kiss.

“I would've said yes.” she said before running off to her house. Hiro stood there frozen at what just happened. I felt a lot of pride for her, smirking from where I was invisible. For a few moments she just stood before she had a big goofy grin as she started to dance around, almost running into me.

“Happy there?” I asked, turning visible and teleporting next to her. She looked up to me and nodded happily.

“She kissed me! She really did.” she said giggling. I smirked, walking over and hugging her.

“Great for you, hun.” I said. “Let’s go home.” she nodded happily. I teleported back home.

“Hey, can you take me to school, she wants to see you.” Hiro said.

“Sure.” I said, shrugging.

The next day, of the timeskip chapter…

I hummed happily, floating down into the schoolyard with Hiro on a platform I made next to me. She looked around and smiled.

“There's Ivory!” she said. Her smile turned into a confused frown. “Why is she wearing a sweater?”

“I dunno.” I said, shrugging, floating us over to her.

“Ivory!” Hiro said. This made her jump.

“Ahh!... Oh… hey Hiro.” she said. She looked tired.

“You okay, kid?” I asked, kneeling down. She didn't look at me.

“I-I'm fine miss.” she said. Hiro looked at me with a worried look.

“Kid, don’t get to lying, not your strong suite.” I said, smirking. She looked at me before she started to shake. Hiro walked up to her.

“What's going on?” I heard Viri ask as she walked up on us.

“Something's wrong with the kid here, trying to figure out what, got a decent idea what it is.” I told Viri. She looked at the kid and keeled down at her and put her hand on a her sleeve. At this point the kid was crying as Viri pulled her sleeve up and gasped.

Bruises. All over her arm. I gritted my teeth at the sight of this.

“Hiro, take your friend to the nurse's office.” she said. Hiro nodded as she took the kid into the building. “Now, I'm going to go and kill them.”

“I’ll come with.” I growled. She turned and started to walk away, I felt the the anger coming off her.

“Beating their own child, Why would anyone do such a thing.” she said angrily.

“Cause their stupid bitches?” I asked.

“Maybe, do you know what that girl's name?” Viri asked.

“Her name is Ivory.” I said.

“Hmm… if I recall her full name is Ivory Fire, she has a little brother that started kindergarten.” she frowned more. “I was told that he doesn't talk a lot, if he's getting the same treatment as his sister…”

“They’re gonna die… after torture.” I growled.

“As much as that would be great… and I hate to say this but we can't kill them, we need to take this to the police… after we get proof on why.” she said.

You can do that all you want, I’m gonna pull my Goddess authority here, damn the consequences.” I said, teleporting to the house I saw them go to yesterday.

“Right… look we need to do this proper, just killing them will become problems in the future for you and Hiro.” she said. “Look just go in there and figure out why they did it, make yourself look different to make it easy as I will go get the cops, they will have to listen to you.”

I rolled my eyes, making myself into some random disguise. “Okay, fine, what do I say then?”

“Pretend to be friendly, talk and what not, just figured it out.” she said before kissing me. “Also when you find out, punish them, I'll give you a lot of time.” and with that she headed out, taking the long way.

I walked up to the house with a smile on my face, knocking on the door. After a few moments it opened and a female unicorn stood there.

“Oh, are you that trainer we called for?” she asked.

“Yep.” I said, deciding to go with it. “Now, what do you want me to train today?”

She let me in and took me upstairs to a room. I saw there was a piano and a kid sitting at it. He was younger with an inverted colour scheme as Ivory; black fur, purple and gray mane that swirl around like fire.

“My son is going to learn how to play the piano, I called you here to teach him.” she said before turning. “I'm heading to the kitchen to get some drinks, want anything?”

“No thank you.” I said. She nodded and walked off. After a few moments the kid spoke.

“I know who you are.” he said turning to the window. “I saw you change shape and kiss that other lady.”

“Good, then I don’t have to beat around the bush.” I said. “Now, I’m here because there’s been… concerns with your sister having injuries today at school, know anything about that?”

“My parents saw her with another girl and kissed her, they don't like it.” he said rubbing his arm. “They don't like that I like making clothes and dresses.”

I inwardly smirked, recording all of this. “Did they say why?” I asked.

“Their stuck in old ways, boy like boy things, girl like girl things, they’re married to the other gender, mum punished my sister with a paddle saying that the goddess will send her down to the bad place.” he said.

“Thank you dear, that should be enough.” I said, ending the recording and changing back, smirking. “And for the record, I wouldn’t send someone to ‘the bad place’ for that.”

“Are… are you getting us out of here?” he asked. I gave him a nod. “Thank you, can you send me to my sister please?” I tapped his forehead, him glowing golden as I teleported him to his sister.

“I'm back, I hope you like-” the woman started before seeing me, dropping the tray. “M-my lady!”

“Hello.” I said, floating and turning to her. “Now, I don’t have much time, so listen carefully… the cops will be here, do not resist, and turn yourself in.”

“Wh-what? Why?” she asked.

“You’ll find out, now I must go.” I said, vanishing to her eyes. I appeared outside of the house and saw Viri with the cops.

“Ita, did you find out what happened?” she asked.

I handed the recording over to her, smirking. She took it and handed to the cops. They gave it a listen, some looked at me and nodded before heading to the house.

“All this just because of some old religious belief.” Viri said. “Now that's just wrong.”

“Yep.” I said, face neutral.

“Ita? What are you thinking?” she asked me.

“Thinking of what to have the demons in hell do to her.” I said. We watched as the cops took the woman out of her home in cuffs. She looked up at us and bowed sadly at me. One that felt that she accepted this fate.

“Where's the other child?” Viri asked.

“Sent him to his sister.” I said. She nodded.

“What are we going to do with them? They have no home or guardians to look after.” Viri said.

“We could.” I said thoughtfully.

“As in… look after them until they find a place or adopt them?” she asked.

“Probably a mix of both so Ivory and Hiro can still date.” I told her, shrugging. She gave me a hug.

“For a sexy goddess that can level a world you're sweet.” Viri said.

“I know.” I said, smirking. We stayed there until I teleported us to the nurse's office. Hiro was holding Ivory hand as the brother was sleeping in a different bed.

“Awww, that’s adorable.” I said. Ivory looked up at me.

“Hello my lady, did you…” she didn't finished her a question. Hiro looked sad and squeezed her hand.

“If what you were gonna say ‘send you to the bad place’ then no, if you were gonna say ‘get your mom on trial’ then yes.” I said. She looked at me then her brother.

“What… what are we going to do now?” she said softly.

“You can come live with us.” I said. The two of them looked at me.

“Their… going to live with us?” Hiro asked.

“Yeah, why not?” I asked, crossing my arms. Hiro looked over at Ivory.

“This is great! We're going to have so much fun, you'll see everyone and Mmrf!” she was cut off as Ivory grabbed her head and kissed her. As she pulled away Hiro started to speak gibberish and fall backwards giggling.

I laughed at this, very amused at the reaction. Ivory turned to face her brother.

“ Ebony, Ebony wake up.” she said. He grumbles and sat up and blinked at her. “We're going to live with our lady!”

“... Are we dead?” he asked confused.

“No, you’re not dead.” I said. He blinked at me and nodded.

“Introduce yourself Ebony.” Ivory said. He shifted a bit.

“H-hello, I'm… Ebony Belle.” he said. Viri looked at me and mouthed ‘'Rarity’s ancestor?”

I shrugged, grinning at him. “Nice to meet you, Ebony.” I said, ruffling his hair. He smiled as his sister pulled Hiro up who's still giggling.

“Now how about we head on home?” I suggested, smirking. With a few nods we teleported back home and showed the two to their rooms. Ebony went and fell back to sleep as Ivory was holding Hiro’s hand.

“My hero.” she said with a smile. Hiro just blushed at this. I giggled, amused at this.

“I had a feeling that today was going to be something, didn’t think of this.” Viri said.

“Life is full of surprises.” I said, shrugging. She puts her head on my shoulder and sighed.

“Well, what do you want to do now?” Viri asked. I simply hugged her, standing there. She giggled and hugged me back for a few moments. We saw the trio started playing with some games that they found. “Say… I had a thought.”

“What a surprise.” I said teasingly. She rolled her eyes at me and pointed at the three.

“You gave birth to three legendaries, are you going to do the same to the rest of them other than Moon bat, sun lion and Darkrai?” she asked.

“Probably.” I said, shrugging. “I don’t really mind.”

“Well, that’s going to be… interesting.” she said. “Does it have to be you that lay them?”

“Probably.” I said. “I’m the only one of us that’s a pokemon and has the plates.”

“Well… at least you have me, Ri, and Zinn here for comfort… and the kids.” she said with a smile.

“Yeah.” I said in agreement… before smirking. “Want to make more legends?” I asked seductively into her ear. She looked at me for a moment before the door open and Ri came running in with no tails.

“You two come with me!” she said with a smile on her face.

“What is it?” I asked. She didn’t say as she pulled the two of us outside to the big tree. I saw there was a blanket with two foxes laying on it.

“See! Isn’t it amazing!” she said happily.

I blinked, too surprised to speak.

“I don’t understand, there’s two foxes here.” Viri said confused. Ri rolled her eyes.

“They are Blake and Weiss, they finally are able to shapeshift!” she said giddy.

“That’s great.” I said, smiling widely. Ri hummed happily until she looked at us.

“Oh… was I taking you away from something?” she asked.

“Nothing we can’t get back to.” I assured. Ri blinked at us.

“Eggs.” Viri said. Ri stared at her until she got it.

“Ohhh… okay.” she smirked a bit. “Have fun you two.” She turned to the two foxes and shapeshift into a fox with seven tails and cuirled around the other two.

I smiled, grabbing Viri and teleporting into the new bedroom. Viri looked around and smiled at me.

“So love, how are we going to do this?” she asked. I crawled onto the bed, removing my clothes and sticking my ass into the air, making a cock appear on her and shaking my ass. She smirked as she crawled into bed and started to tease my pussy with her cock.

I moaned a little, shaking my ass more enticingly. Slowly she entered me a little bit then pulled out just to push in a bit more. I moaned, starting to thrust back against her. She started to thrust into me a bit faster as she grabbed my hips as she went. I moaned louder at this. She started to thrust into me a bit faster as she grunted a bit as I felt her cock throb a bit.

I yelled out as she came in me, cumming around her, the both of us panting. She started to pull out of me and fell on her ass, panting.

“Forgot how good that felt.” she said.

“Very.” I said simply, turning so I was laying on my back, staring at the ceiling. Viri crawled over and laid down beside me.

“So… So Ri told me it took you a few hours to lay the other two, is that going to happen now?” she asked.

“I… don’t know.” I said honestly, shrugging.

“Well…” she waved her hand and a nest of blankets appeared beside the bed. “Just in case.” I nodded, smiling at her. I held her close as she fell asleep in my arms. I petted her hair a bit which made her curled up to me.

I smiled, idly noticing my body absorbing the cum, laying back with a smile, falling asleep.

The next day…

I woke up alone, surprisingly, making me jolt up and look around the room for anyone else. I saw a note on the desk beside me.

‘'Went to school and two of the three wanted to look around on the surface, Gira wanted to show you something -Viri.’

I tilted my head, calming. Snapping my fingers, I put my clothes on, getting out of my room and looking around. “Giratina, where are you?” I called. I walked out to the Living room to see her sitting on the couch. She was wearing a black dress with stars on it.

“You look amazing, sweetie.” I said, walking over and hugging her. She giggled and hugged me. She got off the couch, grabbing my hand and started to pull me to follower her. I smiled, letting her pull me to where she wanted to go. We went outside of the house as she looked around until she found it… I think. She grabbed something and pulled, making the space rip open.

I tilted my head, wondering what she was doing. She looked at me and at the rift, I got the feeling that this was what she was trying to show me.

“That’s great, sweetie… what’s in the rift?” I asked. She shrugged at me. I looked at the rift for a moment. “Don't do what mommy is about to do.” with that I stuck my head into the rift.

I saw… nothing. I was in a place that was white. I looked around and just saw nothing but white until I saw a little colour. I saw someone sitting with their back to me doing something.

“Hello?” I called. The figure stopped what their doing. They turn to look at me before looking away.

“Who are you?” I asked. The figure didn't say anything. I got a bit closer to the figure and stepped on something. I looked down to see a drawing. I picked up the drawing and saw that it was a drawing of a girl about thirteen years old, a really good drawing at that. In the corner I was the name ‘Eve’.

I decided to ignore the drawing for now, walking over to the figure and tilting my head. “Hey, I asked you a question, it’s rude not to answer.”

The figure turned to face me and I saw that it was the girl in the drawing, long unkempt hair, gray eyes, pale skin. She looked at me for a moment before going back to her drawing.

“Don’t speak much?” I asked, peeking over her shoulder at what she was drawing. It was me. I blinked as she only had two looks at me yet this was very detailed. I saw her write something in the corner.

“Can't talk, don't know how, you like?” it said. I nodded, smirking

“Yeah… I can teach you sign language, if you don’t know it already.” I offered. She smiled at me.

Thank you, you're the first person that's nice to me.” she paused before writing again. “Also the only person I met…

“Hey, to be honest, before I became… this, I was a loner too.” I said, winking. She smiled as she worked on the drawing of me.

“You want an apple?” she asked.

“Sure.’ I said, shrugging. She stopped working on my drawing and draw an apple. What she surprised me; she reached in and pull the apple out and handed it to me. I bit into it, blinking at its tastelessness.

“Thanks.” I said. She nodded sadly and went back to drawing.

“Sorry for the taste, don't know what that is.” she said.

“It’s fine, better than it tasting bad.” I said, patting her shoulder reassuringly. She shrugged and stared at me. She then drew a door and made it appear. She stood up and opened the door, only to see that it lead nowhere. She sighed sadly as she sat back down and continued to draw.

“Maybe if you draw it leading somewhere?” I suggested.

“I don't know what there is.” she said. I smiled, sending her a image of my living room. She blinked at this and looked at me. “What’s this?”

“A place for you to draw to, come on, you can do it.” I said, smiling at her. She blinked at me before quickly re-drawing the door. I watched the door changed to one from my home, I even heard the sound of someone playing a video game. She walked up to it and reached out to it before flinching back.

“You okay?” I asked, worried. She turned to me with a scared look. I smiled and stood beside her. “Here, let me lead you.” I said, holding a hand out. She looked at it for a moment and took my hand.

I smiled, leading her to and through the door, into my universe.

We stepped into the living room which I saw Giratina was playing Mario Cart. I saw the girl, who’s name is Eve, looked around wide eyed. Before I could say anything she ran off to look at everything. I looked down and saw the last message she written.

“So, many, colours!!” it said. I giggled in amusement, floating off after her. I saw her pick stuff up, look at it, put it back and do it again with something else. It was when she went outside she stopped moving and looked around. She looked back at me with tears.

“...ank ...yo…” she tried to say. It took me a minute to figure that she was trying to say ‘thank you’.

“You’re welcome.” I said, hugging her comfortingly. After the hug we walked back inside and in the living room. I sat down by Giratina as she restarted the star cup on the hardest setting. Eve sat in a chair with a sketch book, don't know where she got it, and started to draw with the biggest smile on her.

I hummed, rubbing Giratinas hair affectionately as I watched her play the game. I watched until I heard a knock at the front door. I teleported to the door, opening it.

“Greetings.” a woman said. I blinked at her and saw that she was the same lady that gave me emotions.

“Hey, how’ve you been?” I asked, moving to the side so she could come in.

“I'm fine, just here for a few.” she said. “I see that you met Eve.”

“Yeah… why was she in a white void, exactly?” I asked.

“That white void was once her home before you distorted it.” she tilted her head a bit. “Not you you, your darker half I mean.”.”

“Huh… strange, whatever.” I said, shrugging. She chuckled.

“This is why I find you interesting, you don't question anything, just roll with it.” she chuckled a bit more. “Guess it's just the paranoid folk.”

“Whatever.” I said, shrugging. She smiled at me.

“A little heads up, your niece’s power is that of your own just… not trained, keep an eye on that.” with that I blinked and saw that I was back in the living room. I turned to Eve as she was drawing happily.

“So… whatcha drawing?” I asked. She looked up at me and shown me her drawing. It was a hooded angle with ribbons circling around her.

“That looks beautiful.” I said, smiling and rubbing her hair affectionately. She smiled and turned the page over and started another drawing.

I hopped over the side of the couch, sitting next to her and bringing her into a warm one armed embrace. She smiled as she continued to draw, I watched her draw a floating island in the sky with dragon and flying type pokemon flying around it. After watching her draw it she took it out of her book and hand it off to me with a smile.

“Is this a picture of my island?” I asked, taking it and looking over it. “It looks nice.”

She smiles for a moment before she blinked a few times. I saw some sort of glow for a second as she started to draw again. I looked down and saw her draw a large mountain. After a few moments, much faster than any normal artist, she stopped and looked at the drawing, confused.

“A mountain… do you want to make this real?” I asked. She blinks at me and looked confused.

“On the surface, there’s a open field that looks like it could use something like this instead of being a field… want to make the mountain real there?” I asked. She stared at me before shrugging.

I snapped my fingers, teleporting us into the field. She looked around at our new surroundings wided eyed.

‘Colours… new colours.’ she wrote.

“Oh, right, sign language.” I realised, face palming. “Here.” I said, snapping my fingers and putting the knowledge into her head. She blinked a few times and shook her head.

“Oww… my head.” she… said?

“I promised I’d teach you, so consider yourself taught.” I said, giggling.

“Then why does my head hurt?” she said. This time she blinked in surprised. “I can talk!”

“I might’ve fixed your vocal cords too.” I commented, hugging her. She hugged me back with a smile. I pulled away and saw her looking at the picture.

“So… how do I do this?” she asked.

“Just like in that void you were in.” I said. She stared at me and dropped the sketch book. She closed her eyes and shook a bit, looking a bit scared.

“Shh, it’s okay, you never have to go there again.” I said, hugging her and rubbing her back comfortingly. She slowly calmed down and looked at me. She picked up her sketchbook and looked at it. She kneeled down on the grass and looked around and started to draw a bit.

I watched her draw, before looking up, seeing what she was drawing start to form in the clearing. Soon a large mountain formed in front of us, it had some trees on it as rivers flowed down it and into the nearby woods, as if it was always there.

“Great job!” I exclaimed, hugging her and smiling proudly. She smiled a bit while blushing.

“You did wonderful, now want to try making something alive?” I asked. She looked at me for a moment and shifted a bit.

“I… I never drawn something living before, but… what should it be?” she asked.

“Try something simple… maybe a Eevee.” I said, sending her the mental image of one. She blinked and frowned.

“Why do you do that? Can’t you show me a picture instead of putting one in my head.” she said rubbing her head.

“Faster and easier.” I said, shrugging. “Now, try to draw it.”

She rolled her eyes and looked at the page… and did nothing. She frowned and just stared at it.

“I can’t…” she said looking a bit sad. I frowned, rubbing my chin thoughtfully. “I just… can’t picture it, I know what it looks like but… I don’t see it like the mountain or the angel. I drew them out of impulse.”

“Hmmm try with something you want to draw, not something I tell you to.” I suggested. She nodded and looked at the page. I sat down and waited for about five minutes until her hand twitched before she started to draw. After a few moments there was a flash and an egg appeared.

I walked over to the egg, looking it over. After a moment it started to shake and glow. After a few moments it changed and a pokemon stood in front of us.

“Neat.” I said, kneeling and holding a hand out to the pokemon. The pokemon looked at my hand for a moment and skirting around me and climbed up onto Eve’s head. She giggled at this. I rolled my eyes amusedly.

“So, what’re you gonna name it?” I asked. She blinked at me and looked up at the pokemon.

“Umm… Jolt.” she said. The pokemon looked happy as small sparks came off it.

“Not very creative, but I like it.” I said, smirking. She shrugged at me.

“Not everything needs to be creative, simple is nice.” she said. I nodded in agreement.

“Now, let’s teach the little jolt some moves.” I said, grinning. She nodded as Jolt jumped off her head. It looked up at me and at Eve.

“Let’s try something simple, thunder.” I said, kneeling and making electricity gather around me. Jolt looked at me for a moment before doing the same.

“Now, shoot it somewhere.” I instructed, firing my thunder at a tree… disintegrating it. Jolt looked around and fired it’s at a tree. All was left was a burnt tree that turned into ash. I blinked at this and looked at Jolt. For something so small and new it’s strong.

“Great job, Jolt.” I said, smirking at it. It chirped happily.

“How about this?” I asked, dashing forward, a white trail behind me as I used Quick Attack, shoulder bashing another tree, disintegrating it. Jolt followed doing the same thing, along the way I saw some sparks coming off it as it hit the tree and fell off it, stunned. Eve ran up and picked up Jolt as it chirped a few times.

“You okay there?” I asked. Eve rubbed Jolt a bit as it chirped a bit.

“He seems okay.” Eve said. I smiled, snapping my fingers and making a berry appear, handing it to the small pokemon. Jolt took it and started to eat it, chirping happily.

I chuckled, smiling. “Well, that was fun.” I said. Eve nodded and put Jolt on her head.

“Now what do you wanna do?” I asked.

“I don't know, go home, the other girl is still there.” Eve said.

“Sure.” I said, teleporting us home. I saw Giratina was passed out on the couch hugging the controller.

I giggled, hopping over the side and hugging her. She dropped the controller and started to curl up to me. I smiled, resting my ching on the top of her head, rubbing her back.

Eve sat where she was sitting before and started drawing again. When she was finished she took it out and handed it to Jolt who took it to me. I tilted my head, grabbing the paper with Psychic, bringing it up so I could see what was drawn on it.

It was both me and Giratina sleeping happily under a tree. I held her in my arms as she was curled up into a ball. I smiled at the picture. I turned to Eve to say thank you but saw her starting to nod off with Jolt sleeping on her head.

I smiled, bringing her to my other side and wrapping an arm around her and Giratina. She mumbled a bit as I got a bit more comfortable. I hugged them close to me, falling asleep as well.

A knightly visit

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I hummed as I floated in some random forest on the surface, exploring, when a old Sudoku book fell in from of me from a portal, me catching it, almost on reflex.

“Alright, who’s this?” I mused to myself, holding it up to my face.

“I am Sir Alonne, protector of innocent and nature. Samurai who wields the demon sword Oji, Herald of Mayhem. If you wish for an audience with me, write eighteen, seventeen, four, and eleven in a row on any page of the book,” said a strong, masculine voice.

I hummed thoughtfully, before deciding to meet this displaced, quickly scribbling the numbers down in some random page of the book… even though I could just open a portal using this to track his world, if I wanted.

Suddenly, a fiery portal appeared above, and out of it stepped a very tall and muscular man, standing at a high of ten feet, and garbed in ominous armor with a gaping maw for a visor, the rest being made of some black bone like substance. The man quickly landed onto the ground, towering over me.

“Hey there.” I said, floating up to eye-height with the person.

“Hmmm… One attuned to the shadow, and the light. Interesting…” came a gravelly, rough voice that I noticed seemed to come from a long sword on the man’s back. The man himself seemed to ignore this, and bowed.

“Konichiwa, I am Sir Alonne. Nice to meet you…?” he greeted before asking.

“Itazura.” I said, smiling.

“Mischief, huh? Well, you do look the type,” the man noted. He looked around, noticing the forest and it's greenery. “So, what do you need?”

“Just wanted to meet ya.” I said, shrugging.

“I see. Can I ask what you are? I’m not terribly good with keeping up with the media, I’m a bit of a hermit.”

“Well, I’m a hoopa.” I started, before glowing as I shifted into my ‘normal’ bound form. “We usually look like this, except I’m a shiny, so…” I added, shrugging… even though I had no shoulders at the moment.

“Hoopa?” the man queried.

“A pokemon… though usually can’t shapeshift, that’s because of my… special, status.” I said with a grin, changing back to my usual form.

“Special status, huh? Might I ask what that is?”

“Well, on top of being part succubus from my displacer, I’m also the Goddess of this universe.” I said. I could easily imagine the guys eyes bulging out.

“You’re a Goddess!? Crap, I knew I should have brought a gift!” he cursed under his breath.

“It’s fine, I get enough from the inhabitants on this planet anyway.” I told him.

“Sugoi…” he uttered in amazement.

“Oh snap out of it, cupcake. So she’s a goddess, so what? Get over it,” scolded the blade.

I chuckled at the blade, amused at what it had said. “Your sword there has the right idea.” I said.

“Oh no, I simply couldn't! You're a Goddess, you deserve the utmost respect!” Alonne insisted.

“Whatever floats your boat.” I said, shrugging. “Cmon, follow me, there’s a village nearby we can rest at.”

“Hai, Goddess-sama!” I chuckled amusedly, turning and floating towards the village. “Umm, so… what’s the state of the world currently? Is there war?”

“Not that I know of, it’s really peaceful… though I think that may possibly be because I actually bother to check in on my worshippers, unlike most Gods and Goddess’.” I told him as we traveled.

“Oh, good. I’m still kinda new to things, and my first experience with a Displaced was helping him fight a really ridiculous and powerful monster. His world is apparently at war with them for the third time,” Alonne explained.

“Sounds fun.” I said as we got to the village. It was one of the more… fanatic ones, with a very large golden statue of me right in its center, and several smaller of some of the other people around here that had helped the inhabitants of this world and got viewed as a God/Goddess for it.

“Not really. I nearly died, along with him. Though apparently he’s an Undead, so he can actually come back,” Alonne shuddered at this. “Man, I really hated that Sanguine Knight.”

“Sounds less fun now.” I said as we got near a tavern. “Want something to drink?”

“Sure,” He said. I opened the door with Psychic as we entered, going over and floating cross-legged at the bar.

“Whatcha got, barkeep?” Alonne asked.

“Whatcha want?” The barkeep asked, cleaning some random glass.

“Got any dragon ale?” Alonne queried.

“Sure.” The barkeep said, nodding and walking off as he nodded at me, knowing already what I wanted.

“So… Can I ask what your story is?” Alonne questioned out of nowhere.

“Sure.” I said, before I started telling him about everything I had done so far… minus the sex scenes.

“Sounds pretty crazy, Goddess-sama. But what did you mean by, ‘play’?” Alonne queried.

“You don’t really need to know.” I said, waving it off as the barkeep brought us our drinks. Alonne simply shrugged.

“Alright then,” he said, taking a swig of his ale. “Hmm, not bad, but still not as good as Drunken Dragon.”

I shrugged, drinking my own drink. “Can’t please everyone.” The barkeep said, shrugging and walking off to serve someone else.

“Got anything fun to do around here?” Alonne queried.

“Ignore him. His idea of fun is meditation, training, and fishing. Totally boring guy,” the sword snarked.

“Hey!” Alonne said indignantly.

“I wouldn’t mind a good spar.” I commented.

“Sounds good to me! Just means extra training!” Alonne said cheerfully. Oji laughed at this.


“Shut up!” Alonne said hotly.

I laughed at this, very amused at all of this. “Let’s go then.” I said, dropping a bar of gold on the counter, teleporting me and him to a random open field. Alonne back flipped to gain some distance before drawing out Oji and getting in a stance.

“Ready when you are, Goddess-sama!” Alonne called from across the field.

I smirked, deciding to try something out. I reached up, grabbing my horns… and pulling them off of my head, two new ones appearing in the old ones place. “Let’s see if this works.” I mumbled to myself, using Sacred Sword, making two golden swords replace my horns.

Alonne seemed to simply fly across the field as he lunged straight for me, smacking me to the side with the flat of Oji before jumping up and flipping over my head, landing behind me and kicking me in the keister and onto the ground.

I laughed, flipping upright and using Quick Attack, speeding behind him and slashing him across the chest and stomach with my swords. This seemed to have no effect however, not even leaving a mark on his armor, and he grabbed me by the head before slamming me down, then kicking me so hard I slid through the dirt a bit.

I simply laughed more at this, getting up without a scratch. “Wow, looks like I’ll actually have to use some of my power here.” I said, vanishing from his view without using a pokemon move, using pure speed alone.

“What-?” he began, but was interrupted as I punched him in the gut. This sent him rocketing across the field, me standing where I punched him, the horn swords gone.

He came speeding back, and slashed the air multiple times, sending waves of demonic energy toward me. I saw them coming, simply putting up a Protect and blocking them with the wall of energy.

That was when I realized it was a distraction, as I felt his boot meet my face, easily cracking the Protect. I simply stood there, not allowing his attacks to send me flying this time, grabbing his armoured foot and tossing him away. He came back, leaping with some kind of demonic energy, but simply landed in front of me, doing nothing. Then, he bowed.

“I’m beat. You got me. I can't beat you without resorting to lethal force, and I refuse to do that to an innocent,” Alone stated.

“Alright.” I said, shrugging, holding out a hand. He took it and shook it, and I could tell he was smiling. That smile fell as we both heard a number of ungodly shrieks coming from a nearby forest.

“Oh no…” he said.

“What is it?” I asked, already dragging him in the directions of the screams.

“Banshees. They were what drove Luna-sama of my world to being Nightmare Moon,” Alonne said.

I narrowed my eyes, not liking the sound of this, speeding up. Once there, we found three fillies about to get slaughtered by bipedal shadows with wings and glowing red eyes, floating, robed women behind them, whispering words of despair.

I growled, letting go of him and charging a beam in my hand, shooting it towards the banshees, evaporating them. But more seemed to simply appear out of nowhere, hissing.

“The Pale One shall conquer this world, why delay the inevitable?” One asked, it's voice raspy.

“Tell the Pale one that if it wants me world it can come kiss my ass.” I growled at the banshee. The banshee’s hissed and laughed at the same time.

“Fool. He has no need for you. This world has already been Seeded, there is little you can do,” the banshee replied.

“And pray tell, why do you think that?” I asked.

“Because, little girl, you are a prop, a false deity. The Pale One is the one true God of all!” The banshee said with another laugh.

“Then this pale jackass is in for a big surprise if it thinks it can just mess with my universe.” I said, grinning, pulling out my bottle, a aura of power around it that the Banshees picked up on.

They hissed, and started to turn into mist, but before they did, one said, “Mayhaps you should be more focused on those fillies… And your little town!”

“Cowards.” I said, putting it away, idly waving my hand to remove the banshees effects from the fillies. “Cmon, let’s go save that town.” I said.

“Right!” Alonne agreed.

I teleported us into the town, ready to fight. But what I saw made my heart sink. A giant Undead dragon, with sickly brown scales that were flaking and falling off, revealing sickly, mottled pink and brown skin, was breathing toxic breath in the town.

I immediately used Gust, making the breath go up and harmlessly dissipate into the air. The dragon seemed to take exception to that, and instead swiped at a house with it's claws, easily rending it in two.

“I got this! I’ll do damage control, you focus on fighting that thing!” Alonne said before taking off, rushing inside the house before it collapsed and coming back out with a family in tow.

I nodded, glowing as I shifted myself as large as I could without opening my bottle, charging the dragon and socking it, making it fly out of town, me heading right after it. The dragon got up quickly, and roared, sending it’s rancid breath at me, and as the cloud obscured my vision, I felt it’s tale wrap around my leg and start slamming me into the ground over and over again.

I got annoyed, floating and making myself stop right above the dragon, grabbing it and lifting it high into the sky, golden wings erupting from my back as I used Fly, before I used Cut to remove it’s tail from my leg.

I gave it no chance to react, tossing it up before I used Dragon Tail, doing a front flip and slamming the golden tail that formed on me to send it flying.

The dragon flared it’s decayed wings out and stopped itself, before charging at me full tilt. I didn’t let it reach me, using Dragon Breath on the thing, shooting the beam at it and knocking it back for a couple seconds, before the beam ripped through it. It dispersed into a white, shimmering light, while ashes rose high into the sky. The dragon now gone. But the Banshees said the world was Seeded, and I needed to know what that meant.

I shrunk back to my normal size, teleporting to Alonne. “What does it mean that the world was ‘seeded’?” I asked.

Alonne took off his helm, letting me see his black hair and brown eyes with tanned skin. He looked like he was about to give me some kind of world shattering bad news, which I suppose he was.

“To be honest, I can't really say. This happened with my first foray into the Multiverse too, and even then I still didn't know what it meant. Twilight-san said it usually means that it's being prepared for The Pale One though.”

“Then how do I stop it?” I asked. He hung his head.

“I’m sorry, Goddess-sama, I don't know that either. I just he’s been plaguing my world since the Princesses became monarchs,” Alonne said shamefully.

“Then I’ll just have to kick the Pale Ones ass.” I said with a growl. “But first… let’s cut it off from the rest of itself.” I state, snapping my fingers and erupting a dimensional barrier around both my world and my universe.

“How? It’s an inter dimensional being, whatever you cut off, it might regrow and just come back,” Alonne pointed out.

“That’s why I’m killing what I just cut off, I can feel it trying to grow stronger now, let’s go.” I said, putting a hand on his shoulder and teleporting us to where I felt the damn thing. We arrived in a beautiful crystal cavern. Every wall was made of crystal, and every crystal glittered and gleamed in the faint light like an Aurora.

“This… This looks like the caverns from Dark Souls…” Alonne noted, staring in awe at the crystals.

“Let’s focus on getting this parasitic pathetic excuse of a god outta my universe and world, shall we?” I asked.

“Oh, uh, right!” he said, before glancing around. He pointed to a number of crystals sticking out of the ground leading further in. “I think we should go that way!”

“Okay, lead on.” I said, smirking. Alonne strode forward, and we walked along the crystal pathway, before coming to a giant gap in the floor, like a ravine. To my surprise, Alonne continued on towards the edge.

“You think it’s down there?” I asked.

“Nope!” he said confidently, and made to step off the edge.

I rolled my eyes, making a wall in front of him. “Then why are you about to jump down a hole?”

“Three words,” he said, holding up the same amount of fingers. “Invisible, secret walkways.”

“You do that, I’ll just float across.” I said, floating to the other side.

“Pfft, lame,” he said. I chuckled at how he could be so humorous before a big fight. I watched him walk along the secret walkway, hearing his boots clanking on it, and after a short while, we were on the other side. He was smiling like a doof, standing proud like he had won some sort of prize.

I giggled, patting his head playfully as we went into the next room. What I saw made me facepalm, as I saw clams with legs. Tiny legs that looked like they couldn't support a thing. But apparently they could, because these clams were huge.

“Deal with these, please.” I said. He nodded and took Oji out, and with two simple slashes, the clams were rended in two by dark waves of energy.

“There you go, Goddess-sama,” Alonne reported.

“Thank you, let’s get going.” I said. After that, we walked into a humongous room, where a shining, thin crystal sat in the far back. But as we made to approach it, a gigantic crystal golem wielding a blue, metal blade with a golden hilt jumped down from above, cracking the crystal floor. It roared in challenge… Somehow.

“How did that thing roar? It has no vocal cords,” I questioned, tilting my head.

“Goddess-sama, fighting now, questions later!” Alonne said, obviously worried as he glanced up at the massive blue greatsword in the golem’s grasp.

I rolled my eyes, sending a Blizzard at the golem and freezing it solid, before calmly walking over to it, using Sucker Punch and shattering it into tiny pieces. But the blade glowed an ominous blue, and it reformed, the blade emitting a wave of that same light at me, and for once, I felt real pain.

“Be careful! That's the Moonlight Greatsword! It’s pure moonlight made into metal!” Alonne warned.

“Okay then, plates, on.” I said, a brief glow coming over me before I froze the thing again. “If I can’t shatter you, I’ll disintegrate you!” I said, shooting a Solar Beam that did just that to the pieces. Once again, the blade reformed the monster, and let a bigger wave of light. I dodged it, only to feel a fist collide hard with my back, slamming me into the wall across the room.

“Goddess-sama!” Alonne cried out, before growling and unleashing waves of dark energy at the golem with Oji.

“Alright, I’m pissed now.” I growled, appearing in front of the sword, and removing it from existence, before I turned to the golem again, sending another beam that re-disintegrated it.

“Okay. Remind me not to get on your bad side,” Alonne said, watching me warily. I took a deep breath, calming myself.

“Let’s just go get the asshole parasite already.” I said.

“Well, in the game, the source of the guy’s power was that crystal over there,” Alonne said, pointing to the crystal at the back, which looked rather fragile.

I teleported right next to it, immediately kicking and shattering it. Immediately, the light in the crystals that made up the cavern went out, and everything started to collapse.

“Uh… Goddess-sama…? I think we should go, like, NOW!” Alonne urged. I nodded, snapping my fingers and getting us out of there. “Phew…”

“Well, that was fun.” I said, smirking.

“OUR SOULS ARE FREED!” Alonne cried.

“Sure buddy, you want to go home now?” I asked.

“Yeah. Sorry for yelling, that just felt like it took a while. Thought I should be dramatic,” Alonne said.

“It’s fine.” I said, giggling.

“Hey, if you ever need something, just hit me up. I don't do much during the day, so feel free. We could go out drinking,” Alonne proposed as he held out a fist for a bump.

“Sure, sometime.” I said, fistpumping him, filling him with a little power.

“What was that surge of energy?” he queried.

“Call it a blessing.” I said, smirking. “It’ll let you use some energy, like fire, ice, electric, whatever, with your sword there.”

“Sweet! Thanks, Goddess-sama!” Alonne thanked me.

“You’re welcome, Alonne, now our contract is complete, farewell.” I said. With a wave, the large man disappears, but a small box is left in his wake, one with a note.

Curious, I tilted my head, picking it up and reading the note.

“For you and any friends.

—Sincerely, A.”

I tilted my head the other way, opening the box. What was inside made my mouth water. Inside, was Takoyaki, Maki rolls, and Onigiri. In heaping helpings, too!

“This is sweet.” I said, smirking.

One big family

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It was a couple months later, after saving Eve from the white void, and I was humming to myself as I played some videogames on the couch. Some of the kids, the creation trio, Yuri and Eve were at home as the rest were with Celestia, taking a ‘field trip’ to the surface. Zinn was sitting in a chair as she held Terra in her arms. Terra as gnawing on a gem that I gave him a few days ago as the trio were playing a threeway battleship as Eve was teaching Yuri how to draw.

“So… how is everyone?” I randomly asked. Palkia and Dialga shrugged as Giratina gave me a thumbs up.

“Good.” both Eve and Yuri said. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jolt near me with a battery in front of him.

“I’m good, what about you?” Zinn asked.

“I’m getting a little bored, honestly… my reflexes are too good for these things, they’re no fun anymore.” I said, a little frustrated. “Nothing can hit me because I can see everything coming and know how to dodge it.”

“Do you have the game on hard?” she asked.

“I have it on legendary.” I said, pouting. “And nothing can hurt me.”

“What about vamp legendary?” Eve said without looking.

“I tried that earlier.” I told her. “It was barely any better.”

“Don’t know what to say.” Zinn said. I shrugged a bit as the door opened and I saw Viri… and Viri… and Viri… four Viris walked through the room and into the kitchen. Everyone watched this in silence.

“Umm… did my brain skip something?” Dialga asked.

“No, just using Double Team… I’ll go see what’s up.” I said, pausing the game and floating into the kitchen. As I got there I found three of the four busy writing as the fourth was making coffee. I could see bags under their eyes.

“You all okay?” I asked, concern in my voice. The three didn’t answer as they were to busy.

“Test week, some staff called in sick.” the fourth said as she held four
cups of coffees. She looked at me for a moment. “Coffee?”

“No thanks.” I said, waving it off. “You seem stressed…” I said, hugging her.

“Well, with some of the teacher's sick a lot of work started to pile up.” she gives me a sheepish smile. “No rest for the wicked eh.”

“I think they found out about you cloning yourself and are just using that as an excuse to take a couple days off.” I claimed, starting to massage her shoulders. I notice that the other three were feeling it as well.

“I’m just being helpful.” Viri said with a sigh.

“Doesn’t change that it might be true.” I said, making my hands vibrate as I massaged her.

“Well, no point to worry about it now.” she held her cup in her hands. “By the way, hows this one?” she asked as she moved one of her hands to my belly.

“Doing fine.” I said, smiling a little. “Right now, how about we just focus on getting you less stressed?” I suggested, moving to her back.

“Thanks, but I want to get this done.” she said as she turned to me. “Just need to get through a few days.”

“You can afford one little break to let yourself relax.” I said, hugging her. “Don’t overwork youselve… s”

“Thanks love.” she said giving me a kiss. “But I should really get this done.”

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Of course.” she said with a smile as she raised her cup. “Got my drink.” as she said that the other three raised their cups up in agreement.

“Okay… but as soon as you’re done, I’m giving you that massage, got it?” I asked, narrowing my eyes a little.

“Yes mam.” she said with a smile. I raised an eyebrow at that.

“What?” I asked, confused.

“Oh nothing.” she said as she gave me a kiss and walked to the table as one of her handed her a pile of paper. She sighed and went to work.

I floated back into the living room, grabbing my controller and starting the game again. It took a couple hours, and by then everyone else was asleep, before the Viris were done. I walked out to the kitchen to see only one Viri asleep on the table.

I smiled, floating over and picking her up, floating into our room and getting into the bed with her, changing her into her pajamas and, me never having changed out of mine that morning, and tucking us in. She snuggled up to me a bit.

“Mmm… mistress… you’re so nice to your kitten…” she muttered a bit. I blinked at her for a moment… she hasn’t called me that for a long time.

I smiled a little, deciding to roll with it, wrapping my arms around her, petting her. “Of course, only the best for my kitten.” I whispered, rubbing her back. She started to purr a bit as she curled in a bit closer.

“Does… kitten… make mistress… happy?” she sleepily asked.

“Kitten makes Mistress the happiest.” I whispered, kissing her forehead. She smiled and nuzzled me.

“Kitty… misses… our fun time…” she said as she nibbled on my arm a bit.

“When you wake up we can have all the fun time you want.” I whispered to her, smiling. “You’ve been a very good kitty, you deserve a reward.”

“Reward~...” she purred as she slept in my arms. I smiled as I closed my eyes to sleep.

The next day…

I woke up to my kitty still in my arms, me smiling and rubbing her shoulders a little. She purred a bit as she opened her eyes.

“Morning love.” she said groggy.

“Morning kitty.” I said, kissing her. She blinked a few times.

“Kitty, boy that’s something you haven’t called me for a long time.” she said with a smile. “Brings back… interesting memories.”

“You were sleep talking last night.” I told her in a seductive whisper. “You said that kitty missed her playtime, and you’ve been so good recently, that I thought I’d… reward you.”

“O-Oh…” she said as her body shook a bit, she licked her lips a bit. “W-what reward would that be?”

“Some… playtime~” I said, nibbling on her ears. She shivered at this.

“W-what kind… the n-normal kind or… petkind?” she asked with a moan.

“Pet.” I told her, slipping her collar around her neck. Her whole body froze a bit before started to shake as her eyes rolled up a bit.

“W-wow…” she moaned a bit.

“Did you miss it that much my slutty kitty?” I asked, giggling.

“I-I missed it a lot…” she said as she smiled. “The softness of your touch, the caring you give me… even that… suit you used on me.”

“You mean this one?” I asked, snapping my fingers and putting her in the one that covered everything except pussy and breasts, forcing her into the position that would have her ass in the air if she lend forward. Her eyes widen as she bit her lip, she moaned in excitement.

I started to gently fondle her breasts as I smiled at her. “This good my kitty slut?” I asked. She opened her mouth for a moment before nodding. I smiled, trailing a hand down her body and to her pussy, cupping it in my hand. She moaned at this as she started to wiggle a bit.

I smiled, slowly and teasingly rubbing her pussy. “Does my kitty slut have something she wants to say?” I asked.

“K-kitty slut… belongs to mistress…” she said as she tensed up a bit and shook, I felt my hand get wet a bit.

“Kitty sluts very sensitive today.” I commented, slipping a finger into her. She moaned at this as she wiggled her ass a bit.

“J-j-just f-for… m-mistress.” she said as she moaned.

“Does kitty slut want to be pounded, does she want to be bred by her mistress?” I asked, putting two more fingers in her abruptly.

“Yesssss~...” she moaned. “Please mistress, use me as your breading pet~.”

“Then bend forward, slut.” I demanded. She nodded as she bent forward with her ass in the air and wiggled it at me. She looked at me with a flustered look that was filled with lust.

I made my cock appear, twice it’s ‘normal’ size. “This good for you, slut?” I asked, spanking her with it.

“A-any large size is g-good for me mistress.” she said as she tried to grinned up onto it. I smirked making it grow so that it was as long as she was tall, resting my cock across her back, it pressing against the back of her head. She stared at the head of it for a moment before I saw her drool a bit as she wiggled her ass a bit.

I smirked, stepping back some and making it press against her pussy. “Ready to get wrecked by mistress’ giant cock, slutty kitten?” I asked.

“Yes~.” she said as she grinned her pussy on the tip of it. “Please give it to me mistress.” I smirked, thrusting a little of it into her. She moaned a bit as she wiggled a bit more.

“Get ready!” I exclaimed, putting as much as physically possible in her. Soon I stopped about a few inches from hilting her as I saw a bulge stick out of her almost far enough that she could give me a boobjob. She moaned loudly as she still wiggled a more, trying to take in more. I smirked, lifting her with my Psychic and using it to use her as a sex toy, almost brutally thrusting her up and down on my cock. She grunted and moaned at this happily.

“M-Mistress! Thank you!” she yelled. “I missed your love! I missed mistress love using me as her pet, her toy!”

“Don’t worry pet, I’ll be using you a lot more often.” I said with a grin, spanking her every time I thrust her down as far as I could on me. She screamed loudly as she came on me over and over again.

“I’m mistresses pet, her loving breeding pet, I love bearing her children.” she looked back at me. “Am I a good breeding pet mistress?”

“Of course, you slutty kitty whore.” I said, grunting as my cock throbbed. As she felt this her pussy tightened around my cock as she moaned happily. “NOW TAKE MY CUM, PET!” I shouted, thrusting and spanking her one last time as I came, pouring gallons of cum into her. I watched as her stomach bloated out so much that she looked like a latex balloon. She looked down at this and started giggling.

“Does my kitty slut like being a balloon?” I asked, panting a little as I quickly took my cock out of her, before plugging her pussy with a vibrating dildo so nothing spilled out. She nodded as she looked down at her belly as started to rub it.

“My babies… my sweet loving babies~.” she moaned as she giggled a bit.

I smiled, feeling good to see her so happy. “How many do you want from this?” I asked, smirking at her. She didn’t seemed to hear me as she was rubbing her belly, cooing at her babies lovingly.

“Kitty, how many kittens do you want from this?” I repeated, slapping her ass. She giggled a bit at this as she looked at me.

“As many as mistress wants, I’m her loving kitty breeding pet.” she said as she rubbed her belly more.

“Even if I wanted you to have eight at the same time?” I asked.

“As many as mistress wants.” she said happily. “I’ll give you as many as you want mistress.”

“Well, let’s have a slightly more… reasonable number this time.” I said, humming thoughtfully. “This time, I want you to have quadruplets.”

“Okay mistress.” she said as she rubbed her belly a bit more. “Mistress is so kind to me~.”

“I’ll even speed you up a little so we have our kids at the same time.” I added, waving my hand. Her belly glowed a bit as she smiled.

“Mommy pet is happy.” she said. “Are my little babies happy to see mommies face soon, mommy is very happy.” As she was talking to her stomach I saw her smiling brightly than before, she enjoys being a mom, to carry a child or children inside her.

“Actually… I think I might be laying my egg tomorrow… you know what that means, right?” I asked her, smirking.

“My babies…” she said looking at me. I watched as she slowly as her stomach deflate a bit until she was normal size. She held her belly a bit as she started to cry a bit.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. I looked at her a bit and saw her smiling.

“I-I’m… so happy…” she said with tears falling onto the bed. “I love being a mom, this feeling, it’s amazing.”

“Then I’ll be sure to fill my kitty pet again as soon as I can.” I whispered to her, hugging her. She nodded as she rubbed her belly.

“Thank you Ita… for this gift.” she said as she sobbed.

“Your welcome kitty.” I said, kissing her. I stayed with her for a bit until I got up from the bed to get some breakfast. Viri told me that she’ll be there in a bit, she wants to say and talk lovingly to the four growing inside her.

I giggled, making my cock disappear and clothing myself, floating out of the room. I made my way to the kitchen to see Zinn with her kid, giving him some baby food. She looked at me and snorted.

“Someone must of had a good time.” she said. “That smile of yours tell a thousand words.”

“Shudup.” I said simply, idly making a ruby appear on the table for her. She took it with a smile.

“So, anything fun from it? Any juicy bits?” she asked me as she gave another spoon full to Terra. He giggled as he smiled at her.

“We started the mistress thing back up.” I told her, starting to make some breakfast.

“I see.” Zinn said. “Umm… mind if I stay out of this one.”

“Until I dominate you again.” I said, sending her a smirk. “I’m gonna have my egg tomorrow anyway, so I won’t be ‘playing’ again until I’ve recovered from that.”

“Right…” Zinn said. I looked at her and saw that she was smiling at her child. “So, where Viri? Still recovering from your fun?”

“Yep.” I said, nodding. She hummed a bit at this.

“There’s something else isn’t there.” she paused for a moment. “You got her knocked up again didn’t you.”

“Only a little.” I said, idly splitting into two with Double Team, to make breakfast faster.

“Only a little she says.” Zinn laughed a bit which got Terra giggling. “So, oh great goddess of everything, how many is she having this time?”

“Four.” I said simply. I heard the sound of something hitting the table as I looked back at her. She was staring at me wide eyed.

“Four!” she said shocked. “She’s going to have four of them.”

“Yes.” I said, almost done breakfast.

“And she's okay with this?” she asked.

“Yep.” I said, nodding and finishing breakfast, dissipating my clone and levitating a plate to everyone… well where everyone is going to sit. Zinn blinked at this as she started to count.

“That would make it… six for her and going to be four from you, just how many are you two going to have?” she asked.

“I’ll be having pretty much every legendary… besides the golems, I’m going to make them at some point.” I told her, shrugging.

“Okay… what about her?” she asked.

“Dunno.” I said, shrugging. “I think I should probably make the golems soon though, before I’m too tired from laying my egg.” I looked at her as she stared at me.

“Why do I have a feeling that she's going to have a lot more in the future.” she said before she started laughing. “No wonder everyone on the surface calls her the goddess of fertility and families.”

“You didn’t know why already?” I asked amusedly.

“Never asked.” she said. She paused a moment. “Say, maybe you should bring Eve along and help with the making of the golems, I saw some of her drawings were golem like.”

“Sure… after breakfast.” I said. With that everyone else came out for breakfast. Viri came out last humming happily. I chuckled as I ate.

After breakfast, I floated towards the door, idly grabbing Eve in my Psychic as I went. She held on to her sketchBook as she looked at me.

“Ummm… what's going on?” she asked me.

“We’re gonna go make things.” I said simply, floating off the side of the island and went down to the surface. We landed on the ground and set her down.

“Things… what are these things?” she asked as she scratched her head.

“Golem legendaries, the trio and the main one.” I told her, humming as we reached a stony desert area.

“Golems… okay.” she said as she flipped through her book. “Like this one or more like these one?”

I looked at the pictures and saw the first one looked a lot like a golem, big clunky looking as the other looked more human like. “Make them able to switch between the two most likely, the golems gonna be pretty big.” I told her.

She nodded as she thought about it. “What does the main one look like… and please don’t put it in my head, gives me an headache.”

I giggled, snapping my fingers and making a picture of the main one appear. She looked at it for a few moments before started to draw. After twenty minutes she gave the drawing a tap and the ground started to shake. Soon a form raised from the ground and stood in front of us.

“Umm… sorry that it’s not quite the same.” she said as we stared at the eight feet tall being in front of us.

“I like this better.” I told her, smirking. The being looked around a bit as it started beeping.

“Over here.” I said to it. It looked at me and Eve, as it stared at us it tilted its head as it beeped again.

“Your speakers should be in the file to labeled ‘talking’.” I told it. It beeped again and didn’t say anything for a bit.

“Better?” it said.

“Yes, now we can both understand you.” I said, smirking. Again it tilted its head at me.

“May I ask who are you?” he, since it’s a man's voice, asked.

“Itazura.” I told him, smirking. “Goddess of this universe.”

“I see… then who are you?” he asked Eve.

“I’m Eve… no one special.” she said

“Well, I’d say you're at least a little special, you can do some pretty great things from what I’ve seen so far.” I said, hugging her. She blushed a bit as the golem looked around a bit.

“If I have to ask… what am I supposed to do now?” he asked.

“You are Regigigas, the Colossal Pokemon, your job is to handle moving the continents.” I told it, remembering what the one from the game and show did.

“So… is this it or are we making more?” Eve asked.

“Well, actually, he should be able to make the other three, from these.” I said, a golden pulse leaving me, making three large mountains appear, one made of ice, one made of steel, and one normal one out of rock. Regigigas looked up at them mountains and made a few beeps and walked up to them and started to mold them. After an hour and a half he finished the other three.

“Cool.” Eve said.

“I have to admit, I like these better than the ones from the old world.” I commented, before smirking. “How about we test all of you out in a spar, four vs me?” I suggested. They looked at me for a moment before looking at each other. A few moments went by until the rock golem punched the ice one.

“No no, you four fight me, work together.” I said, rolling my eyes and healing the ice one. The ice one looked the the one that hit it and made its arm into a mace and slammed into it, soon all three of them were fighting with themselves as the main one just watched.

“Interesting.” he said.

“You didn’t give them much intelligence, did you?” I asked sarcastically.

“I gave them as much as needed, which to say as much as I have.” he said as he turned to me. “Guess they wanted to know which one of them is strongest.”

“They’re all equally powered though.” I said, deadpan.

“They don’t know that.” he said as the land started to shake. He then stomped down onto the ground, making the ground itself separate them. “Now, I think they got the idea.”

“Good, that mean we can spar now?” I asked. He didn’t say anything as I heard the ground under Eve shook as she got shot backwards. I blinked as the sky darkened, I looked up just in time to see Regirock trying to bodyslam me.

I simply opened a ring the same size as the legendary, making it fly into Regigigas. He caught Rock and got pushed back as Regice fired ice shards at me.

I breathed flames at the ice, evaporating it and throwing Ember at the ice type. A wall of rock erupted from the ground blocking the ember. I looked to see Regirock made it as it slammed its fists onto the ground, making a wave of rock coming at me.

I simply floated above the attack, sending a Razor Leaf storm at the rock pokemon. It got hit by it and groaned in pain. I saw a flash of light as a beam tried to hit me.

I used Protect, angling it so the beam flew towards Gigas. He made ice appeared in front of him, reflecting it into the ground. The three now stood next to each other as they made different sounds. Registeel came charging at me, making sharp claws and slashed at me.

I dodged it with Agility, using Flame Punch on the steel type. It groaned at this but kept coming, swing at me. I punched it a few times, sending it back as Regice launched bigger ice shards at me. I rolled my eyes and breathed fire on them again, only to see flaming rock shards coming at me.

I used Vine Whip, two fines growing out of my wrists as I spun, slapping the rocks out of the air. The ice one slammed it’s fist down onto the ground and made pillars of ice erupted from the ground. I jumped out of the way from some of them as both Reice and Rock charged at me.

Keeping the vine on my right wrist, I covered my left hand in flame, slapping Rock to the side as Ice came at me, only to get a flame covered fist to the face. Just as this happened another light beam came at me, I dodged out of the way and prepare to deal with him only to see another beam coming from behind me. I used Protect again to reflect it and watched it go hit an ice pillar and it to reflect it to another pillar. It bounced around me until it came at me again as the three charged at me.

Time slowed as my eyes dilated a little, me turning my brain up a little to process information faster, and thus have the world slow around me. I casually moved around the beam, launching a Solar Beam at the rock Regi, sending two flame-empowered HyperBeams at the other two. I saw the three beams hit the three at the same time as they got blasted away. I smirked as I turned to see a HyperBeam coming at me. I moved out of the way just to see Regigigas coming at me with a glowing fist near my head.

I moved around the fist, using Close Combat on the normal type, comboing it before I used Sucker Punch to send him flying. As he came back down he looked at me and used Giga Impact and rocketed towards me. I went to move but saw that my legs were covered in both ice and rock.

I quickly used Teleport, getting out of the way and above Gigas, before I used a super-charged Double Kick on the normal type, the fighting type move doing double damage and sending him down into the ground, making a crater. He didn’t move after that as I landed. I saw Eve came walking up.

“Overpowered as heck.” she said with a frown.

“Would’ve let them hit me more… but egg.” I said, shrugging with a wink. “Besides, these guys were just made, at most they’re level 70, I’m in the thousands… last time I checked anyway.”

“Right…” she said as the four of them got up. “At least they aren’t to hurt.”

“That would be bad.” I agreed, idly healing the four.

“Hmm… that was interesting.” Gigas said.

“You all have fun?” I asked, smirking. They all nodded at me. “Good.”

They all looked at each other and started talking for a bit. When they were done the three headed off in different directions.

“Welp I’m going home, you coming, Eve?” I asked. She nodded.

“Bye Gigas.” she said.

“Have fun down here!” I said joyfully, teleporting me and Eve back home. As we got home I heard humming from the kitchen.

Curious, I floated in that direction, leaving Eve to her own devices. I found Viri there cleaning the dishes. I smirked, subtly floating behind her and pinching her ass. She giggled.

“Hey love.” she said.

“Hey pet.” I said, licking her neck teasingly a little. She giggled some more as she nuzzled me.

“How are you?” she asked me.

“Good, a tiny bit sweaty, just had a spar.” I told her, nuzzling her back.

“Well that’s what you get when you spar.” she said with a smile. She gasped a bit and blushed.

“What is it pet?” I asked.

“N-nothing, I-” she moaned again and put her hands on the counter. I stared at her until I heard a buzzing sound coming from her pants.

“Is my naughty kitty wearing something special?” I asked, aggressively groping her ass.

“J-just the p-plug you put i-in me.” she said as she moaned some more.

“Well, as long as it doesn’t hurt the babies have all the fun you like.” I said, kissing her cheek. She chuckled a bit.

“And here I t-thought you want me t-t keep it in me? I'm being a g-good pet.” she said as she moaned a bit.

“That too.” I said, giving her an approving pat. She smiled. She licked her lips as she bent forward and stuck her ass out at me. She looked at me as she wiggled her ass.

“Does my slutty kitty want more breeding?” I asked. She didn't say anything as she wiggled her ass at me.

“Well, sorry kitty, but I can’t right now, I might hurt the babies with my giant cock, but I’ll promise to breed you as much as you want after we both recover tomorrow.” I told her, nibbling on her neck.

“Alright…” she pouted. She looked away as she seemed to have an idea. “Hey, I want to try something.”

“What is it honey?” I asked. Turned to me and smiled.

“A bit of a… punishment I wanted to try.” she said as she shifted a bit.

“What do you want to try pet?” I asked, more interested now.

“Me in that latex suit with a vibrator in me and being teased as I can't see and gagged.” she said. She bit her lip a bit. “With the add thing of can't cum due to mistress orders.”

“Maybe after the quadruplets are born.” I hummed thoughtfully.

“Alright.” she said as she pulled me in a bit more. “But remember, between now to then I'm gonna be… bad and make it hard for you~.” she said.

“Naughty kitty.” I said, smirking. “I think I can deal with that.” she smiled as she turned away, giving me a good view of her ass. As I looked I felt someone slapped me on my ass, hard. I turned to see Viri smirking at me before disappearing.

“She will be in so much trouble by the time this is over.” I commented, smirking.

The next day…

It was the next day, and I was actually getting frustrated with all the teasing my kitty had been doing. I was about to start the punishment early, when I suddenly doubled over, feeling something coming, I quickly made a couple Chanceys appear, directing half to go to Viri and the other half to stay with me as I made the nest out of blankets and pillows appear again, going in it.

One egg laid and four births later…

I was smiling, panting a little, holding my newest egg close to my chest and nuzzling it, covered in some of the blankets from the nest. I then heard the sound of someone screaming and crying. I blinked and heard it was Viri.

I got up weakly, dragging myself over to where she was. When I got there I found three Chancys holding three of them as Viri was holding the fourth crying.

“Please… open your eyes… breath.” she cried as she held it. I narrowed my eyes, looking towards a chancey.

“Heal me.” I silently ordered it. The chancey nodded and healed me, I felt better as I looked at Viri crying.

I walked over to her, brimming with energy. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

“S-she’s not breathing…” she cried. I narrowed my eyes again.

“Here, hold the egg real quick.” I said simply, handing her it and taking the baby in my arms. My everything glowed golden as I accessed Xerneas’ power in my plates, the golden glow flowing down my arms and into the baby in them, a filling her with life. I stared at the baby as her hair went from a normal blond to a rainbow, then she started crying.

I looked at Viri as she stared at the child. Silently, I traded back with her, holding the egg again as she held our newest daughter.

“My baby.” she said as she held her close to herself.

“Now… I pass out.” I said, quickly putting the egg on the bed and falling back, completely out of energy.


I watched Ita fell backwards and passed out. I sniffle a bit as the rest of the chanceys came over with the other three. I smiled at this and held all four of them. As I looked at them I saw that instead of being a cat-person like myself only one of them was a cat-person, the others took more Pokemon looking, two of the boys and the girl looked like human baby Pokemon as the one boy was a neko.

“Now… what to name you four…” I looked at the three for a bit. “I think… Samuel, Jason, and… Edward.” I turned to the rainbow haired one. “And for you… Hope.”

I gave them all a big hug and handed them to the chanceys as they took them to the nursery. I waited until they were all gone before a made a geaster in the air as I felt something return into me. I moaned a bit as I looked at the egg beside me. Using the last bit I floated Ita into the bed with me and put the egg in her arms. She curled up to it and smiled as I got comfortable. I closed my eyes with a smile.

Ita PoV

I woke up to the egg in my arms and me laying on Viri, realizing where I was and smiling, nuzzling both the egg and her. I moved a bit and got my leg between hers and felt something. I moved a bit and she moaned a bit. I stared at her as I remembered what she asked for yesterday… and all the teasing she did.

I decided I was more than happy to oblige, snapping my fingers and teleporting us into our room, setting her up exactly how she asked. When I was finished I took a step back to see my handy work. She had one of her tightly fitted latex suits that covered everything but her breasts, which were enlarged and have vibrators on, and pussy. She was bound so she couldn't move as she was off the ground with a machine under her to push the dildo in her in and out with another vibrator on her clit. I stared at this to see if I was missing something or wanted to add to it.

I decided to add another vibrating dildo in her ass, half the size that my cock usually is. Putting it on the machine and slowly putting it into her she moaned and started to wake up. I stood back and smiled at her.

“Wha… what's going on?” she asked.

“You're taking your punishment.” I said simply, smirking. She blinked at me and looked around.

“This… is a lot more than I thought.” she said. I smiled as I snapped my fingers making sure she doesn't do the one thing she will do. “W-what was that?”

“No cumming.” I said with a smirk, grinning at her. Her eyes widen as I walked forward and turned everything on to tease her. She gasped as the two dildos started to move, which I put a gag in her mouth and something to cover her eyes.

“How’s it feel?” I asked, smirking. She moaned a bit as things went along. I smiled, turning to the door to do what I have to do today.

I decided to summon someone I hadn’t talked to in a while, my ‘bwig bwutha’, going outside and snapping my fingers, bringing his token to me and quickly summoning him. As I did I saw Ri and Ashe walking toward me.

Hey Ita, I’m just getting up right now back at the temple so maybe you can come to where I’m at this time. I’m still getting dressed anyways.” I heard from his token as both Ri and Ashe looked at me.

“Want to take a field trip?” I asked, idly holding my newest egg close to my chest with both arms. The two of them looked at one another.

“Sure.” Ri said. Ashe looked at her mom and grins.

“Maybe it's Ken’s world.” she said.

“Oh, if so then this is going to be fun~.” she said. I simply smirked, opening a portal and gesturing with my head for them to go first. They soon went in as I followed them shortly afterwards. Where we found ourselves looked like that of an old and ancient dragon temple and with it, most of the walls and everything in the room looked rather ancient. That was also when I heard a… familiar voice spoke up.

“Oh, what a surprise… I didn’t think we would be having any visitors today.” I turned around, only to look up and see a big and tall Onyx dragon. I remember him from a long time ago. He was Ken’s dragon partner, Revaan. “Welcome, Itazura.”

“Hey, Rev, long time no see.” I said, smiling as I floated up to head height with him “How’s everything been?”

“It’s been well. If you’re looking for Ken, he went to the restroom to get himself washed up. His marefriend Applejack went back to Sweet Apple Acres to go see her family.” He replied back, just as I heard a door open and turned to see Ken step out with a pair of pants on and his shirt over one of his shoulders.

“I thought I heard a familiar voice just now.” He smiled, noticing me next to Revaan.

“Hi bwig bwutha.” I said, giggling and floating over to him. He smiled and rubbed my head, not touching my horns though as he noticed Ri and Ashe in the room as well.

“Ita, did you happen to bring some guests too?”

“Just a little.” I said, nodding. Ri looked over at Ashe and nodded. Ashe smiled and looked at Ken, getting the idea I moved out of the way as Ashe ran up to Ken and tackled him.

“Daddy!” she yelled.

Ken was honestly shocked by that… and when he looked at Ri and I, he was beyond confused… on something else. “Ita, Ri… why didn’t you tell me about this?”

“Didn't have time dear.” Ri said. She smiled at him as she leaned in. “Told you~.”

“ … You do realize that it makes you part of this hoard and with it… our daughter has siblings right?”

“Oh I already have a lot of siblings.” Ashe said. “And probably more to come.”

Ken sighed, just as he noticed two familiar figures that were on Ashe right now. One messing with her hair and the other one on her shoulder. They were young dragon ponies, and also something else. “Well, you now have two dragon pony siblings named Magma and Ruby. They’re young and playful, but be careful. Magma’s known to burp up Lava sometimes.”

I watched as both Ken and Ashe walked over to the two, leaving me and Ri alone.

“This… was so worth it just to see his look.” Ri said. Only for me to see someone come up behind her and almost startle her based on her introduction alone.

“Oh haaaaaaaaai!!” Ri jumped a bit and looked behind her.

“Oh… Ello.” she greeted.

“I’m Tiny Tina… and judging from how you acting around my cousin, I’m gonna guess that you are a really pussycat.”

“Tina!” Ken spoke up, facepalming himself in the process.

“I can be a cat, but not right the moment.” she said as she pointed at her ears. I looked up to see her fuzzy ears.

“Ri, I’m sorry about Tina. That’s… well, normal for her.” He sighed, looking back at Ashe for a minute. “Plus… Ri, you never really told me our daughter’s name.”

“Ooh! So you’re all part of Kenny’s big family hunh? I see why all the ladies want to have a piece of you,” Tina teased playfully. “I mean, just look at kitty. She’s got a gut full of dynamite and a booty like POW!!”

“Tina…” Ken groaned again.

“Thank you.” Ri said with a playful smile.

“You’re welcome, Mushy Snugglebutts.” She said playfully before skipping out of the room like nothing happened. Ri looked over at me as she pointed.

“Can I keep her?” she asked.

“Well, she is my cousin and before you would even have to ask me, you would have to go through her mom… Moxxi.” The Scalebound told her, noticing something before looking at the two of them. “So what brings you to the hollow… other then surprising me with the fact that I now have another daughter?”

At this point the other three walked up to us, giggling, Ri saw this and smiled.

“To mess with you.” Ri said with a smile. “It was so much fun.”

“I have a feeling it’s more then that.” Ken replied as he let Ashe go play with her new siblings in a nearby room.

“You see if AJ was here, she would've known that I was lying.” Ri said with a giggle.

“About what?” Ken folded his arms, looking at her with confusion on his face. All before another voice spoke.

“She means about what she said earlier,” Revaan spoke. “Isn’t that right, Ms. Ri?”

“Ita, would you do the honors?” Ri said.

“Nope.” I said, mischievously, giggling. Ri rolled her eyes at her.

“Fine.” she said as she looked at me. “She's not your kid.”

“Ri… What… the fuck?” Ken then said, now knowing the truth. “Why the bloody hell would you do that? You almost gave me a heart attack.”

“Because I spent way too much time with Ita.” Ri said.

Ken just scratched the back of his head and looked back at both of us before calming himself down. “Should’ve figured as much… Though, I am curious though as to why you decided to come early in the morning as I was getting dressed… were you hoping to find me with clothes on… or without?”

“Oh I missed you to Ken.” Ri said as she put her hand on his shoulder. “So much has happened and a lot has changed.”

“I missed both of you as well.” he smiled, deciding to set the shirt on the doorknob to the bathroom as he looked back at both of us. Revaan himself decided to leave the room and let us be for a moment.

“Well… maybe if you're good, I could bear your kid.” Ri said with a sexy grin.

“Heh… We’ll see… that is, if Ita has anything to say about it,” He said, snapping a finger as a silver energy flowed around the room for a moment. “Soundproofing. That way no one could hear us while we have some… fun.”

“Ita, you up for it?” Ri said. “I can't let Viri hog it all.”

“Sure… do you have somewhere I can put my egg while we do this?” I asked, smirking.

“We still have the original bed that Applejack laid our eggs in the corner over there.” Ken pointed out to me. I smiled, floating it over to the bed and setting it down before turning back to Ri and Ken.

“Now, allow me to get into form.” Ri said. Both me and Ken watched Ris body changed, white scales covered her arms and legs, her eyes changed more draconic as her nails turned into a bit more claw like. She smiled with sharpened teeth. “Like what you see~?” she asked.

“Fuck… yes…” He smiled, ditching the rest of his clothes now.

“Now now.” Ri said as she booped him on the nose. “Ita, are you going to allow it?”

“Sure.” I said, glowing a little as I shifted into my teen form. Ri smiled as she peeled away her clothes and crawled into the bed, a different one, as she stuck her ass up at Ken and wiggled it at him. Ken soon followed, positioning himself and aiming his member at Ri’s folds as he prepared to slip it inside her.

“Let's have some fun.” Ri said as she pushed up and grabbing Ken, pulling him onto his back and started to grind on him. She looked at me and smiled. “Want to double it Ita?” she asked as she leaned down as shook her ass at me.

“Sure.” I said, making my cock appear and walking over to them, putting my cock at her… ‘other’ entrance.

“Well, show me what you two got.” Ri said with a grin. That made Ken smirk a little as he grabbed hold of Ri’s hips and began to move his dick into her pussy while I did the same with her ass.

The two of us started out slow as we thrusted into her. She moaned a bit in response, looking at us as her tongue lolled.

“More~.” she moaned as she pushed back. “ Mess me up!” Shortly after that, I saw Ken pick up the pace on his end. Thrusting in and out of her rather quickly. Which made me… curious to an extent. Ri was holding him down against the bed and yet he was still able to not only keep up with her, but also move just as fast as me?

“Faster, faster! Fuck me like the slut I am!” Ri yelled as she move so that Ken can move a bit more. He oblidged and even though he was still on the bed, he was continuing to thrust his member into her faster, harder, and deeper the longer that they were fucking on the bed. “Ita~ show this slut what you can do!”

“With pleasure.” I said, grinning, deciding to use Agility to suddenly go twice as fast as Ken was. Overloading her senses with pleasure as her eyes began to roll to the back of her head. She started to giggle and begging to be filled. At this point we were jackhammering her to no end as I felt the walls around my cock begin to tighten. Ri’s panting began to grow louder as her moans grew in volume as well.

“You want your fill, Ri?” Ken said, “Beg for it.”

“Please fill me!” she yelled. “Fill me until I'm big!” Ken took that and complied as he grabbed hold of her hips and pounded her with a few more massive thrusts as I watched him release his essence into Ri. I followed shortly after, grunting as I filled her ass. She screamed as we filled her. After a few moments we pulled out of her set her a side as she muttered something about dragon babies.

“Well, she’s out of it.” I said, giggling amusedly.

“That just leaves both you and me now.” He said, pulling out of Ri and gently setting her to the side.

“I guess it does.” I said, idly playing with my cock. He grinned as he looked back and me and got up a little. Now though was when I noticed something. The bracer from before that allowed him to use dragon type moves was still on him. And it was glowing a small bit before it faded.

“What’s that grin for?” I asked.

“I was just surprised that you didn’t notice how I was able to keep up with you,” He said to me.

“I assumed that you were using a move.” I said, shrugging.

“It was my normal speed… combined with Dragon Dance.” He replied, looking back as he thought of an idea. “It increases speed and attack power in battle… but also speed and pleasure in bed. You wanna give it a go?”

“Sure.” I said, turning and shaking my ass at him. Ken used the chance to get behind me as he poked my slit with his hardened cock. Bending me over and having it slip inside me in one go as both he and I moaned.

“Ready to get started?” He asked.

“Of course bwig bwutha.” I moaned, smirking back at him. He took this chance to start moving as the wristband he had on his left arm glowed. Taking initiative, he began to move before slamming his hips back into mine.

I moaned, bracing myself before I thrust back as he thrust into me, thrusting back as hard as I could. His speed though was a lot different from the last few times we’ve had sex as he was fucking me every second while pulling me in for a kiss.

I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck and moving so I was bouncing on his cock now, making my pussy vibrate and clench around him. All this did was cause him to fuck me harder, jackhammering me at the same rate that we were doing it to Ri just a few moments ago as he sped up his pounding.

I moaned loudly, enjoying this, before I got a idea, inwardly smirking as I made a subtle clone with Double Team, the clone invisible as it snuck behind him, thrusting into his ass. “What the-? Ita! Seriously?” He said, while still pleasuring me. “Did you have to do that?”

“Yes.” I said, deadly serious.

“Really now-?” He said, before my clone began to move in and out of him as Ken still continued to fuck me. He used Dragon’s Dance again and with it, was hammering away WAY faster than when I used Agility on Ri.

I moaned loudly in pleasure at this, starting to go limp in his arms as my clone started to fuck him a little faster the more his ass got lubeed by its precum. But for him, I could feel Ken latching onto one of my horns as his cock began to twitch. “I-ita! I’m almost there-!”

“C-cwum in mwe, bwig bwutha!” I shouted, moaning. His thrusting was quicker than before and not long after pleading with him, I felt his cock twitch as he came, me cumming around him as my clone came in his ass. The clone soon disappeared shortly afterwards as Ken looked back at me and smiled a little.

“Did you enjoy that?” He asked.

“Y-yeah.” I said, smiling at him, feeling the bulge of my stomach from him over filling me.

“Heh… looks like I still got it.” he smirked. “If you want, are you interested in going again?”

“Sure.” I said, smirking at him. He pulled out for just a moment, letting the bulge from my stomach drop a little… before he pushed it back in as he got back to fucking me for round 2. He grabbed both of the horns on my head now as I felt an overwhelming amount of pleasure course through my body.

“Mwore bwig bwutha!” I shouted, moaning loudly. He complied, giving me what I asked for as I felt his thick cock stuff me up as he continued to pound me senselessly.

I moaned loudly, pussy tightening around him, still sensitive from cumming already. I felt the overwhelming amount of pleasure from around me as Ken held me closer to him.

“I love you, Ita.” He moaned as he pulled me in for a kiss. I sloppily kissed him back, too pleased to talk right now as he continued to fuck me. “You feel so good~.”

I started to clench tighter around him, about to cum. He quickened his pace too, on the urge to cum as well. “Cwum in me!” I shouted, cumming from the insane amount of pleasure I was feeling. Immediately after saying that, I felt him cum as well, painting my inner walls white as he and I soon laid down on the bed, tired and exhausted.

“I love you, Ita… You precious little goddess…” He said, hugging me as we laid on the bed. “You would be a great mother if we had kids…”

“Why ‘if’?” I asked, smirking a little. That… threw him off guard.

“Wait… Are you-?”

“Now I am.” I said, giggling. That lead him to look at me in disbelief as he held me closer.

“Oh my god, I am… so happy right now.” He smiled, looking back at me. “What about Ri though… is she okay with this?”

“Okay with what?” she said as she sat up and groaned. She shifted a bit before breathing frost. “This is going to be an interesting few months.”

“So you’re… okay with this?” Ken asked. “I mean, she is your… I’m sorry, where are you two in your relationship right now? It’s been too long since we last met.”

“Umm… let's see…” she thought about it. “She's married to Viri yet she's really open about things since there isn't much she can do and has a lot of kids.”

“Well, now that I know that, let me rephrase that question. She is your wife and I just… well, impregnated her. Are you okay with that?”

“Let me ask her something, Ita are you fine that he impregnated me?” she asked me.

“Yep.” I said, shrugging. “I trust my bwig bwutha.”

“Then I'm cool with it.” she said. “Just becoming part of the family.” Ken smirked, looking at her for a bit before pulling both of us together for a hug as he pulled some sheets over us.

“You should come over and see Zinn and her kid.” Ri said.

“Let’s rest a little first.” I suggested. She nodded as she snuggled up to me.

“I second that.” Ken told both of us. “Your home is my home too. Welcome home, girls. Welcome home.” I smiled a little, floating my egg back over to me and curling around it. Yep, we’re definitely going to be one big, happy family.

A couple hours later…

I grumbled a little, feeling myself alone in the bed, curling a little tighter around my egg. I opened one of my eyes to see Ri on the floor hugging a pillow grumbling a bit. Ken himself was was standing at the far end of the room, already dressed and trying to look into what looked like an ancient book that was in his hand.

“Morning.” I called. Ri mumbled something as she woke up.

“Wha…” she looked at the pillow. “Why do I always end up with a pillow.”

“Because reasons.” I said. She tossed the pillow, crawled over to me and hugged me.

“Much better.” she said with a smile. I smiled, kissing her. She looked over at Ken as he read his book. “Guess he's busy with his book.”

“Just let him be.” I said, shrugging.

“Guess I'll go find Ashe and head home.” Ri said.

“I’ll come with you, I can always come back later.” I said, smiling and floating us up, cleaning us with a snap of my fingers and clothing us. After finding Ashe I open a portal back home.

“Well… that was fun.” Ashe said.

“It was.” I agreed as we went through the portal. When we got to the other side I saw Zinn walking out with some things from the garden.

“Oh, there you three are where did you go off to for a day?” she asked.

“A day? I thought it was a couple hours?” Ashe asked.

“Time dilation.” I said simply, shrugging. After thinking about I remember… Viri… oh.

“Crap.” I suddenly said, teleporting into our room. I found her were I left her… shaking.

“You okay honey?” I asked, removing the gag and blindfold. She had a glazed look on her.

“ to cum…” she muttered until she looked at me. She then tackled me onto the ground. “Fuck me!” she yelled as she started kissing me.

I decided to oblige her, taking the dildos out of her and replacing them with two of my cocks, kissing her back and thrusting into her.

“Fuck me, fill me, breed me, fuck fuck fuck!” she screamed as she bounced on my cocks faster. I obliged, thrusting into her and moaning, feeling my cocks throb as I came in her, letting her cum as well. She shook as both of us calmed down. She pulled herself off of me as she climbed on to the bed and stuck her ass in the air.

“More~... Fuck me more~” she pleaded as she spread her ass cheeks, just asking to be rutted. I smirked, floating up to her and thrusting back into her, electricity surrounding my hand as I spanked her. She squealed as I slammed into her.

“Who’s my kitty fuck-slut? Who’s my little whore?” I asked, groaning as I pounded her.

“I am! I'm your breeding fuck slut whore, breed me, filled me, fuck~ meeeeeeee~!!!!” she screamed. I used Agility, speeding up my pounded as I groaned, spanking her with my right hand covered in electricity, my left enflamed. She moaned and grunted as she thrusted back on me. I pounded her and came into her and kept going, pumping my seed into her, spanking her, pounding her, making her mine… well she's already mine but now I wanted to make sure.

I thought back to the time when she asked me what would happen if someone else had their way with her. Back then I didn't really care but now… the idea of someone else having sex with her, filling her, knocking her up, taking her away from me… it terrified me. I gritted my teeth and started to pounding her harder then I have ever before, so hard that it was border line violent.

I'm not going let that happen! She's mine! And i'm going to make sure of that. With that thought, I came in her as she came around my cocks. Her body stiffened and arched towards me. I grabbed her and held at close to me. I felt every twitched and spasmed as she gasped from what just happened.

“That good?” I asked, panting a little. She twitched a bit and looked at me.

“That… was different…” she panted. “Something up?”

“No, why?” I asked, confused.

“You were a bit more… brutal, please tell me what's wrong.” she said softly. I stared at her eyes now filled worry, worry about me.

“What do you mean?” I asked. “I was just doing what you asked for.”

“Hmm… maybe it was my imagination.” she shook her head and nuzzled up to me. “Was I a good breeding pet mistress?”

“Yes you were, pet.” I said, smiling and holding her close to me, kissing her forehead. She purred as she wiggled a bit.

“Oh mistress you're still hard, let me… take care of that for you~.” she purred as she started bouncing on me.

“Good pet~” I moaned, petting her as she bounced on me. She bounced and grinded on me for a bit until I came again. She shuttered a bit before lifting off me. She turned around and put them back in.

I bounced her on me before we both came one final time, me making my cocks disappear, exhausted.

“Ita… your marks are gone.” she said. I was confused by this until she sat up and made the latex suit disappear. I saw there was no mark on her. “I think I lost it when you got your feelings again. At first I thought it was nothing to worry about… but…”

“Do you want it back?” I asked. She looked at me and took my hand held it in front of her.

“When I walk down on the surface I noticed others looking at me and… it make me unsafe.” she started to shake. “I fear that someone will take me, take me and I'll never walk through the front doors.”

She took a deep breath and looked into my eyes. “I want you to mark me with something that indicates that I'm yours, Ita… you are my world so I want to be your everything.”

“Suggestions?” I asked. She placed my hand on her chest, over her heart, and smiled.

“Whatever you want it to be mistress.” she said with a smile. I snapped my fingers, making a new mark appear on her.

He body glowed as right where my hand was a small heart shape lock appeared and chains crawled all over her body. Soon she arms and legs were wrapped by these chains as another mark appeared on her back, a chained up heart with succubus wings. The chains seemed to interwinding themselves with it until they settled. I looked at Viri with her mark. She looked at me and smiled as she brought my hand to her cheek and nuzzled it.

“My mistress I am yours, body and heart.” she said with a smile. “What would you have me do mistress?”

“Cuddles!” I exclaimed dramatically. She nodded and curled up to me as I held her in my arms. She purred as I petted her.

I smiled as I pet her, hugging her close to me. At points she gives me a nuzzle, nibble, kiss, or rub her body on mine.a

“So, what should we do next?” I mused aloud.

“Whatever you want mistress.” she said.

“Well, how about you go make me breakfast, pet?” I suggested. She nodded and stood up and got changed. She pulled some clothes and looked at me.

“Want me to look sexy for you as I bring it to you?” she asked with a smirk.

“I would, if you can make sure none of the kids see you that way.” I told her. She nodded and went into the bathroom. After a few minutes she came out wearing just an apron that said ‘'Love the chef.’ she spin around and smiled

“How's this?” she asked.

“I guess that’ll do.” I said, smirking at her.

“It gets better.” she said as she wiggled her fingers. My vision clouded for a moment and I saw her wearing normal clothes. I blinked and they turned to the apron.

“Nice.” I said, smirking. She walked over and gave me a kiss.

“Do you have anything you want to change or add before I go make you breakfast?” she asked. I hummed thoughtfully, before smirking, jamming a dildo up her pussy.

“That should do it.” I said, giggling. She smiled and moaned as she walked out of the room, giving me a great view of her ass. I smacked said ass on its way out, smirking and laying back, relaxing. After a bit she came back with a tray of food. She was blushing as she walked towards me and set the food down in front of me.

“Anything else?” she asked.

“Feed me.” I ordered. She nodded as she sat down on the bed and started feeding me.

I smirked as I ate, moaning a little at how good it was. She reached over for the drink but her hand twitched and knocked the cup over onto the bed.

“I-I'm sorry.” she said.

“It’s fine pet.” I said, smiling at her. “Accidents happen.”

She went over to the other side and started to clean it up. She has her ass sticking up in the air and I had a good view of her breasts. “That said.” I continued, restraints suddenly going over her wrists and ankles. “Naughty kitties need to be punished.”

She watched this and nodded, biting her lip a bit. “Now, what would be a good punishment?” I mused out loud, smirking before taking the dildo out of her. “Maybe I deny you the right to cum for a month?”

“W-whatever you want, mistress.” she said.

“Maybe I could make it so you can’t feel pleasure at all?” I mused to myself. She looked at me with a worried look but looked away.

“Maybe… I could take away your pussy for a while?” I mused again. She blinked a few times and thought about it strangely.

“That means you’d just be smooth down there, and if you wanted to fuck you’d need to take it up the ass.” I told her.

“Oh… whatever mistress wants.” she said.

“I think I’ll save these for more serious offences, for now I’ll just take away your pleasure and spank you, so you can learn your lesson.” I decided. She nodded and shifted so her ass is in the air.

I snapped my fingers, turning off her pleasure temporarily. “Now, I want you to count after each one, okay slut?” I faux asked. She nodded.

I raised my hand up in the air, bringing it down on her ass, making sure it was more… gentle, than usual, to get her started. She gasped a bit as she waited.

“You didn’t count, slut.” I said, sounding disappointed. “I was just going to do ten this time, but now it’s twenty.”

“I-I'm sorry mistress.” she said.

“Now, we start again.” I said, spanking her ass a little harder.

“O-one.” she started. I smiled, spanking her again.

Eighteen spanks later…

I spanked her one last time, her ass red, me having disabled her healing so that she’d have a reminder every time she sat down for a while.

“N-nineteen.” she whimpered, tears running down her face. I turned her pleasure back on as I spanked her one last time, adding some electricity to this one. She gasped as she came hard from that, she laid there with her ass in the air trying to say twenty but couldn't.

“I’ll forgive you for not saying twenty.” I said, smiling and setting her free. “You okay honey?”

She nodded and looked at me with tears. I smirked a little, licking her tears away.

“T-taste good?” she asked.

“I was being sweet.” I said, kissing her. She smiled and kissed me.

“You're always sweet to me mistress.” she whispered between kisses. I smiled, nuzzling her. “Anything else you want to do mistress?”

“I think we should go hang out with our kids.” I said, idly bringing my egg to my chest and standing up. She nodded and stood up and walked over to the dresser.

“Does mistress want her pet to wear anything specific? I can make it that only you can see what I'm really wearing and or have something in me?” she asked. I raised a brow at her, seeing that she enjoys the idea.

“Sure, have these.” I started, shoving two vibrators in her. “In you, and wear your sexyist clothing.”

She nodded as she looked at her clothes.

“Umm… do you have any suggestions?” she asked me as she stood naked with two vibrators in her.

“Well, first things first.” I started, making a set of black lacy undergarments appear on her. “Underwear.” I said, before I giggled, suddenly giving her a small wedgie. She yelped and moaned a bit as the wedgie pushed the vibrators more into her.

“Now wear something that covers you a little, but still gives me easy shots to look at your sexy slutty ass.” I ordered her, spanking her. She nodded as she pulled out yoga pants and tight fitting latex shorts.

“Which you prefer?” she asked me.

“I was thinking something more along the lines of this.” I said, putting a small skirt on her that barely covered her ass. She nodded as she put the other two back, wiggling her ass at me a little.

“Now for a top.” she said as she looked down at her enlarged tits and at me. I simply handed her what amounted to a string bikini. She put it on and pulled at it, making her tits jiggle a bit.

“That’s great… now make it look like you’re modest before we leave, to others at least.” I ordered. She nodded and stood in front of the mirror, blushing a bit before changing the way she look in the mirror. She wore in the mirror a blue t-shirt and a purple skirt. The only thing that didn't change was her markings.

“Good, let’s go.” I said. She walked over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“Let's love.” she said..

I smiled as we walked out of the room. “Who’s home?” I shouted out into the house. No one answered as we walked out to the living room and saw a note.

‘'Took kids to school and stuff, gave the house to you two, have fun~... And clean up after! -Ri.’

“Wanna go to the surface?” I asked, smirking.

“Sure.” Viri said with a smile.

“Float or teleport?” I asked. She shrugged at me. I teleported us down to the surface after bringing my egg to me, since it was still in the house, hugging it close. Viri stood by me and put her head on my shoulder.

“Where to?” she asked.

“I figured we could just walk around this village.” I said, bringing her attention to the village around us.

“Alright.” she said with a smile. We walked through the village and saw the sights. As we walked I saw ponies looking at us and smiling, others with more lusty looks.

I frowned the tiniest bit at the lusty ones, wrapping an arm around Viris shoulders and bringing her closer to me as I held the egg closer to me. Viri nuzzled up to me.

“Kinda drafty, I wondered why.” she said sarcastically..

“It’s a little windy today.” I noted amusedly, kissing her.

“Yeah… but you love the view.” she said with a smirk.

“I will not confirm nor deny that.” I said, the arm around her shoulders lowering so I could grab her ass instead. She purred and wiggled a bit. She moaned a bit as she did.

I smiled, leading her out of the village and into a field that had a picnic blanket in it under a lone tree, a basket full of goodies on the blanket. She raised an eyebrow at it but didn't question it.

“Surprise date!” I exclaimed, giggling and leading her onto the blanket, helping her sit before I sat next to her.

“You do know how to surprise someone.” she said with a smile. She opened the basket and pulled out some grapes. “Shall I feed you mistress?”

“We’re equals right now honey.” I said, kissing her. She gave me a playful looking pout. “And by that I mean pet play is on pause for now.” I added, realizing how the first part could be misinterpreted.

“I understand.” she said as she nuzzled up to me.

“Now, let’s eat.” I said, reaching into the basket and pulling out some grapes, putting the whole thing in my mouth, before slowly pulling it out, none of the grapes and only the stems still on it. Viri pull out a sandwich and started eating. After a bit she wiggled and moaned a bit.

“What is it?” I asked, before remembering the vibrators in her, blushing in embarrassment and turning them off for now.

“Why did you turn them off?” she asked blushing.

“Pet play on pause, remember?” I asked, kissing her.

“Alright.” she said. She thought about it for a moment. “If you changed my clothes I'll slap you.”

“No, I kept those, views too good.” I said pervertedly, smirking at her. She smirked, shaking her chest a bit.

“Glad you like the view~.” she said. I smirked, leaning forward and biting a nipple through her clothes, playfully pulling, before I went back to eating. We continued eating and enjoyed each other's company. Viri at times teased me.

I only teased her back twice as much, before we finally finished, me holding my egg and simply enjoying Viri’s company, head on top of hers.

“This is nice.” she said.

“Yeah.” I said in agreement. I suddenly groaned in pain, however, my stomach swelling.

“Oh.” Viri said. She quickly made a nest of blankets appeared around me.

Two eggs being laid later…

“I hate that so much.” I panted, looking at the black and white eggs now in my arms.

“And giving birth to babies is easier?” Viri said.

“These… are bigger…” I panted.

“You know you don't have to bear laying the eggs.” Viri said, sitting beside me, helping me drink some water.

“I… know… do it… anyway.” I said simply. She frowned a bit.

“I mean it.” she said.

“What… do… you… mean?” I asked after I was done drinking.

“Three of the four of kids I had look more human like pokemon.” she said. “I think some of you Changed me in… interesting ways.”

“Legendaries… need… eggs.” I said simply.

“The one said to the goddess of Fertility.” Viri said.

“The goddess… of Fertility… said to… the Goddess… of the universe.” I shot back. She stuck her tongue out at me.

“Still, I can… if you want.” she said.

“Nah.” I decided, hugging the eggs close to me, all three of them. “Like… hugging… eggies.”

“Well, my offer stands.” she said with a smile. “If you ever change your mind I mean.”

“I’ll… think… about… it.” I promised, yawning, eyes drooping as I relaxed into the blanket nest. I felt Viri move around and moving my head onto her lap.

“Better mistress?” she asked. I opened my mouth to tell her what I said before but she stopped me. “I know what you're going to say and I don't care.”

I stared at her as I yawned. I blinked sleepily a few times as Viri petted my head smoothly. I closed my eyes with the last thing I saw was her smiling at me.

A couple hours later…

I woke up groggily a couple hours later, still holding my eggs close to me. I looked to see Viri over me smiling.

“Morning.” she said. She tilted her head a bit. “Well, it's more afternoon.”

“Mornoon.” I mumbled sleepily, my mind not quite up yet. She smiled as she shifted her bikini a bit and booped me on the nose.

“Boop.” she said.

I flailed an arm tiredly, trying to boop her back, before I gave up, letting it flop back into place. She giggled and shifted a bit, now I had view of her tits.

“Better view?” she said with a smirk. I nodded, playfully slapping them, like a cat with a yarn bull dangling above them. She giggled and leaned forward a bit.

This only encouraged me, me setting my eggs down in my lap and swatting both with my hands now, this surprisingly amusing. She giggled as she shook her chest a bit as I played with them.

“I feel like a little kitten.” I commented drowsily, swatting them still. She giggled and pulled me closer, meowing.

I giggled back, shifting my horns away for my cat eras, also making myself appear younger and mewling adorably.

“My kitten.” she said, pulling me in and smothering me in her boobs. I simply let out another mewl, nuzzling into her cleavage. “You hungry?”

I mewled, tummy rumbling and pawing at her. She pulled one of her boobs free and moved my head to it. I wrapped my mouth around her nipple and began to suck, milk filling my mouth.

I purred happily at the milk filling me, closing my eyes and putting both ‘paws’ on the boob as I drank from her. I continued drinking for a while, stopping to switch, until both of them were empty.

I pouted when this happened, mewling, hungry for more.

“Um kitten I think you had enough.” she said patting my belly which was slightly bloated. I pouted more, crossing my arms, and mewling in disappointment. She sighed as I saw her breasts fill up and grow bigger. “Alright kitten, come here.”

I mewled excitedly, immediately latching onto her and drinking again. I continued drinking as I saw my stomach bloat out, realising that she had more milk than before. She petted my head and hummed as I changed nipples.

I drank until there was no more from both again, groaning and mewling happily, patting my round tummy, it jiggling a little.

“Happy and full?” she asked.

I nodded, struggling to get up with my overfilled stomach. She helped me and set me that I was laying on her, my head between her enlarged breasts.

“Wun go home mommy~” I purr-groaned, nuzzling her.

“Alright kitten.” she said as she yawned. She pulled the eggs closer and teleported us back to our room. We lay in bed as she petted my head.

I smiled, purring softly, vibrating a little as she did. I held my stomach, it still bloated, a content look on my face.

“You okay kitten?” Viri asked. I nodded, before we heard the others get back. Viri yawned again.

“I’m going to take a nap kitten, I feel tired.” she said putting her hand on my stomach. I watched as it shrank back down as I felt more awake than before. “There you go…” I looked up to see her nodding off.

“Aww, I wiked bwoated twummy.” I said with a pout, before kissing her as she fell asleep, crawling out of the room as my tail formed. I walked out of the room to hear the door close and saw Hiro and Ivory cuddling on the couch. They both saw me as I walked in.

“Hey mom.” Hiro said.

“Wait, that’s your mom?” Ivory asked. “She’s… younger.”

“She’s a goddess.” Hiro deadpan.

“I’m a kwitty right now!” I exclaimed childishly, giggling. They both looked at me for a moment.

“When we get older you’re teaching me.” Ivory said to Hiro. She smiled as she hugged her. I crawled over to the two, mewling and pawing at them. They stared at me for a moment. “Is your mom acting like a kitten?”

“Yeah…” she said. “I don’t know what to do?”

I saw a cat toy that wasn’t there a second ago on the floor, it being a ball of yarn, pouncing on it and swatting it between my ‘paws’. The other two watched me as I did this.

“You have odd parents.” Ivory said.

“Yeah…” Hiro said with a sigh. I giggled inwardly, continuing to act like a kitten.

“Hey, do you think she’ll teach everyone her magic?” Ivory asked.

“Uhh… what do you mean?” Hiro asked. Ivory rolled her eyes.

“You know, change our shape, age, whatever.” Ivory explained. “I would like to know how to become older or younger.”

“Okay, now you’re weird.” Hiro said with a smile.

“Admit it, you want to see the older me.” Ivory teased. I smirked, sneaking up on them, before I pounced her, making her glow and shift into a ‘adult’ form, doing the same to Hiro before I jumped onto the back of the couch, turning invisible.

“What the…” Hiro said, realizing that her voice changed a bit. I moved around and took a look at the two. They were both in nineteen year old bodies and their clothes hugged them tightly. Hiro had a pretty good body on her, curves in the right places, cute face. Ivory was the same but more… bigger in places.

“Whoa…” she said as she looked at herself. Her clothes strained on her the most, her shirt leaving nothing for the imagination. Hiro saw this and blushed badly.

“A-are you okay?” she asked, trying to look away but can’t. Ivory smiled.

“Yeah, this is cool.” she said as she smirked a bit. “I look hot as heck.”

“Yeah…” Hiro said as she stared at her girlfriend's breasts, pressing her legs together. I giggled silently, amused at all of this.

“Hey you’re not that bad yourself.” Ivory said to Hiro. Hiro blushed as she wiggled a bit. Ivory moved over and started to crawl onto her.

“W-what are you doing?” Hiro asked.

“Something I saw… my parents, do one time, it’s called making out.” she said as she started to kiss her. They did this as Hiro laid down on the couch, only stopping when Ivories horn hits the couch.

“Dang it.” Ivory said. “Dang thing gets in the way.”

“Oh it’s not that bad.” Hiro said. Ivory raised an eyebrow.

“You try crawling in a tight space, it’s hard to move.” she sighed. “You’re lucky that you use your hands to use magic.”

“Badly, remember.” Hiro said.

“Still.” Ivory said quickly. Ivorys horn started glowing, it shrinking until it vanished, small bumps appearing on her hands to replace the horn. She saw this and bolted up. “W-what’s happening!”

I watched as she started to freak out as Hiro tried to calm her down, making her clothes rip a bit.

I decided to help her clothes in their quest to be destroyed, a loud ripping noise sounding out as they moved too much, now both nude, their clothes in tatters around them. Though they didn’t noticed since Ivory was still freaking out and Hiro trying to calm her down.

The bumps glowed, her horn reappearing as they vanished. She looked at this and hugged Hiro. Hiro hugged her back as she looked around.

“Mom? Are you there? I need your help.” she called out. I reappeared right on her head, her somehow not having felt me go on there.

“Wes?” I asked. She looked up at me and blinked.

“I… we need to ask you something… seriously.” she said. She looked worried at me as she hugged her girlfriend.

“What is it?” I asked, turning to normal. They pulled away from each
other and looked at me. Hiro now noticed their lack of clothes. She blushed hard as she covered herself, Ivory slowly following behind.

“No need to be embarrassed.” I said, rolling my eyes. “Now, what do you want to ask me?” I asked. They looked at me, not removing their arms.

“Ivory’s horn disappeared and bumps appeared on her hands, you know what that means?” Hiro asked. Ivory was now shaking with fear.

“Maybe her magic was just changing where it wanted to be channeled from?” I suggested. They looked at eachother for a moment.

“You mean, my magic changed me?” Ivory asked.

“It wouldn’t do anything to harm you… it kinda needs you, after all” I reassured her. She looked at me then moved her hands in front of her. Hiro quickly looked away and blushed.

“I… heard of somepony able to do that…” she said before looking up at me. “Others said she’s a shapeshifter… can you teach me?”

“I don’t know, I use a slightly altered pokemon move for my shapeshifting.” I told her, shrugging. She looked down a bit sadly. Hiro looked at her and moved her hand onto hers.

“Maybe we can asked mommy.” Hiro said. Ivory smiled and gave her a kiss, smothering Hiro's arm with her boob for a second. Hiro blushed so hard that smoke started to come out of her ears.

I giggled, turning invisible so that they thought I left.

“Hey where’s momm- dang it.” Hiro said as she saw me gone. She looked back at her girlfriend. “So… you’re a shapeshifter?”

“I-I guess so, if I can I can turn into a cat person like you.” she said.

“Why like me?” Hiro asked.

“Because I want cute cat ears.” she said as she moved her hands to act out being cat ears, leaving her breasts exposed. Hiro blushed so hard that she made a sound… and a cock appeared on her. They looked at it in silence for a moment.

“I-Is that… real?” Ivory asked.

“I-I don’t know…” Hiro said. She stared at it for some time, I saw Ivory biting her lip a bit as I heard the door open.

“Hello? Is anyone he-” Viri said before seeing the other two. “Oh my lord!” With that a blanket appeared around them as they now blushed.

“What happened?” I asked, coming in from the kitchen after turning visible.

“Ivory and Hiro are now older and naked.” Viri said as she looked at me, raising an eyebrow. She looked at the other two. “Are you two okay?”

“Y-yeah…” Hiro said as she shifted a bit. Her cock made a large bulge on the blanket.

“Neat.” I said, shrugging.

“How did this happen to you?” She asked them. They shrugged as they looked at one another. Viri stood up and looked at me. “Do you have any idea on how this happened?”

“I did the age up, because mischief, but I don’t know past that.” I told her.

She frowned at me.

“You aged them?” she said angrily. I raised an eyebrow at that, making a note to punish her later.

“U-umm… if it’s not an issue, I don’t mind staying like this.” Ivory said. The two of us looked at her.

“Honey…” Viri started before I cut her off.

“You know I was just gonna change you back to normal.” I said, rolling my eyes. Ivory gave me a blank look.

“Most of the teachers are not as bright as most students and I know more then most of the school.” she said bluntly.

“Smarty pants.” Hiro muttered. Ivory rolled her eyes.

“S-so… it’s not really an issue.” Ivory said softly. Viri stared at her and looked at me.

“Nope, changing back.” I said, snapping my fingers and putting them at their normal age. “You’ll have to age like pretty much everyone else.”

Ivory nodded as Hiro tried to hide a pout. Viri let out a sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

“Umm… do you know how to shapeshift?” Ivory asked Viri.”

“No, that’s Ri.” she said. Ivory nodded and stood up and began to walk towards the door. “Wait! Go put some clothes on!”

The two of them looked at me and ran to Hiro's room. Viri rubbed her face a bit.

“Those two…” she said with a sigh.

“This was amusing.” I commented, smirking. I looked over at Viri and narrowed my eyes.

“Now… kitty was naughty.” I said, smirking. She turned to me and blinked.

“Huh.” she started but I cut her off.

“Its… punishment time~.” I purred at her, grabbing her ass. She looked at me as she tried to understand what’s going on but I continued with her… punishment.

Teleporting us into our room, I sat on the bed, pulling her over my knee and removing her clothes. I started spanking her, using a little ice on my hand this time. The first few times she gasped but she started to moan and raise her ass up a bit.

I smirked, spanking her harder and faster. After a few minutes she was moaning loudly.

“Oh mistress… punish me more~.” she said. I smirked, making a dildo appear and shoving it up her ass, before I resumed with spanking her. She grunted and moaned as her ass grew a bit, jiggling every time I spanked her.

I added electricity and fire to the mix, turning the vibrator on.

“More mistress, I’ve been very bad… I’m a bad pet.” she moaned as her ass jiggled more and became more slutty.

I smirked, roughly shoving her onto the floor and taking the dildo out, putting it in her pussy and making my cock appear, thrusting into her ass and spanking her harder.

“Harder mistress, I’m a slutty whore kitty.” she moaned.

I started to jackhammer her, spanking her twice as hard as I thrusted into her. She was panting and grunting in pleasure as she pushed up into a doggystyle position. Her tits bounced so much that if they were bigger they would of been smacking her face.

“C-close.” I grunted, cock throbbing. She just grunted as she pushed back into me. After one last thrust I came into her. We stayed like that for a few moments before I started to pull out. I felt her walls clamp down around my dick, making it a bit harder to pull out.

“More…” she moaned out, pushing her ass to me.

“No.” I said simply, smirking, making my cock and the dildo vanish. She whimpered and shook her ass at me as cum leaked out of her.

“You were a naughty kitty, this is your punishment.” I reminded her, smirking. She looked back at me with a pout and nodded as she turned around and nuzzled up to my leg.

I smiled, petting her, before I put a leash on her. “How would you like to go on a walk?” I asked, giggling. She looked up at me for a moment and then nodded as she went down to hands and knees.

I smiled, leading her outside. Luckily there wasn’t anyone around to see as I walked around on the island with my pet. We came to the edge of the island as she looked up to me. “Has mistress's pet been good?” she asked.

“Yes, she has.” I said, smiling and petting her. She smiled and rubbed up my leg. She walked forward a bit and stuck her ass out to me and wiggled.

“Does pet want a little breeding?” I asked, smiling.

“Yes, treat me like the breeding animal I am.” she said shaking her ass a bit more.

“Maybe tomorrow, for now nap time.” I said, picking her up and teleporting us into bed. She pouted a bit but curled up to me happily.

Dragons and Demons, oh my!

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I smiled, sitting on the couch with the eggs in my arms, hugging them close to me and sighing contently. Viri laid next to me rubbing her mark happily. She nuzzled my hand a times.

I felt our kids and everyone else approaching, smiling and scratching her under her chin. She purred at this, nibbling my hand.

“Good kitty.” I said, hearing the front door open.

“Hello~ we're back.” Ri said. She walked in to see us on the couch. “Well at least you two aren't 'breeding’.”

“You jealous because you haven’t been for a while?” I asked, giggling.

“Well, you wouldn't let me for reasons.” Ri said as she patted her pregnant belly.

“I could make you have that baby now so we could.” I commented, smirking.

“Love to, but going to in a few days so no real point is there.” she said.

“Fair enough.” I said, shrugging.

“Now if you excuse me I have someone to teach.” she said as she headed back outside.

I shrugged mentally as the eggs started glowing, my eyes widening. Viri saw this and quickly got up.

“It's time!” she said happily. I quickly summoned Ken's token to me.

“Bwig bwutha, cwome over!” I shouted. Within seconds, he soon arrived, looking back at me in response.

“You called, Ita?” He asked.

“Eggs hatching!” Viri said as she pushed him outside. I quickly followed behind chuckling. Ken though followed me and was asking if there was anything that needed to be done or if there was anything he could do to help.

“Just watch.” I said, setting them down and giving them room, the eggs glow brightening as they finally hatched. As the light dimmed three dragons stood in front of us, looking at us with expressions that were too cute for newborns.

“Oh my…” Ken then spoke up, looking at them from a closer angle. “Ita, come have a look at them… They’re legendaries.”

“I know.” I said simply, beaming and floating over to the three, hugging them. “I seem to be only laying legendary eggs.”

“Yeah, but these ones are… well… surprising.” Ken told me in response. “It’s Reshiram, Zekrom and Kyurem.”

“How is it surprising?” Viri asked. “She had the creation trio so this isn't surprising.”

“Well, remember when I said that I could only impregnate dragons and humans? Something tells me that because of how… well, my DNA works, this happens. There could’ve been a whole load of possibilities for who they would be and all three of them turned out to be dragon types.” Ken pointed out. “That’s why I see it as surprising.”

“I felt what they were gonna be from the start so it’s not really to me.” I said, shrugging, before I smiled and hugged the three baby dragons. They nuzzled me as they looked around, before going over to Ken and doing the same thing.

“Both Ruby and Magma are going to be happy to see you guys,” Ken smiled, looking at them all before letting the youngsters go see Viri. The white one and black one sniffed her as the gray one nuzzled her happily. Yet there was one thing that he happened to notice that caught his attention. “Hey Viri? What’s with the marking on your arms?”

“Something Ita gave me.” she said as she hugged the gray dragon.

“She gave you chain markings?” He asked in confusion. She looked at him with a smile.

“It's something that makes me Ita.” she said simply.

“Makes you… Ita? Like what, sharing powers?” He asked, still puzzled by what she was trying to tell him.

“I'm her wife, lover, and pet.” she said with a smile. “You know, mistress and pet.”

“Oh I see… Is it some kinky bedroom thing you two do?” He then asked as he looked at both Viri and I. Viri looked at me for a moment.

“Oi~.” I heard Ri call out. She walked over to us with Ivory in tow. “Hey there dragon boy.”

“Why hello there, Ri.” Ken replied back. “How are you doing today?”

“Fine though these two aren't making it easy.” she said as she patted her belly.

“Heh. Let me guess, Ita? …… Wait…” He said, his eyes widening a little. “Did I-?”

“You… really didn't realised that… after I told you… you are thick headed.” she said knocking on his head.

“To be fair, your speech was slurred and I couldn’t hear you… but nevertheless, I am… actually excited to see our newborn.” he smiled. Ri giggled at him.

“Stick around for awhile.” she said with a wink.

“I… may consider that.” He smiled. She nodded with a smirk as he got up a little and walked to the back of the room. “Is the bathroom down the hall? I’ve been working up a sweat in the badlands most of the day, so I need to use it real quick.”

“There's one in the house.” Viri said. She gave him where it is and he headed off. As he did, Ri grunted a bit.

“Are you alright?” Viri asked worried.

“Yeah… I think I'll go sit down.” she said. She went and sat under a tree. By then though, I noticed Ken come out of the bathroom and then decide to go over to where Ri was. Sitting underneath it as the Scalebound was able to have some time with her a few days before their kid would be born.

I looked up at the three dragons and smiled at them.

Ri PoV

I sat under the tree with a sigh as I put my hands on my belly. I noticed Ken walking up to me.

“Hey dragon boy.” I said with a smirk.

“Hey Ri-ri.” He chuckled for a moment before sitting down next to me. “Sorry it’s been a while… Never actually knew that you were… well… pregnant. I’m sorry about not being there when you needed it.”

“Stop apologizing, your thick headed.” I said with a chuckle. “I can take care of myself fine.”

“I know, I’m just the kind of person who looks out for others,” He sighed, looking at me again for a brief moment. “Hell, I have a family back home that I need to look after too and let me tell you, being a parent is not easy. That’s for sure.”

“I know.” I said with an eyeroll. As we sat there two foxes came over to me and nuzzled me. I giggled and nuzzled them back.

“Friends of yours?” He asked. I gave him a smirk.

“Nope.” I said. The two foxes glowed and shifted into their human forms. “You two are getting better by the day!”

“Thank you mommy.” they said happily.

“Hunh… well, I honestly did not expect that… Then again, I know a few odd displaced with certain abilities and semblances, so who am I to judge?” He asked, smirking a little bit. “Name’s Ken. It’s nice to meet you two.”

“Hello I'm Weiss.” the white haired girl greeted.

“Hi… I'm Blake.” the black haired girl greeted softly.

“It’s nice to meet you two. You’re pretty talented with shape shifting.” he said. The two smiled at him.

“Of course they are, their my kids.” I said pulling my daughters closer to me.

“True. Technically, the only thing I have that’s close to that is my Dragon Armor form and that I primarily use for when I’m in combat. I don’t really have any abilities that turn me into living creatures or anything in that department.”

“Well then you're boring.” I said with a smirk.

“Mostly, I’m fighting to protect my home and family… And sometimes, things back home are far from boring… Remember when you met Tina?” He asked me. I nodded to him as the two went off to play.

“I believe she said I had a nice ass.” I said with a smile.

“Well, yes… The point that I was trying to make though is that some of my actual family are a bit… well, interesting. Especially when my uncle, Mr. Torgue, opened up a tournament to find out who’s Equestria’s number one badass. Even renamed the Badlands the “badass crater of badassitude”.” he said.

“Fun.” I said with a kle.chuckle.

“Not to mention that my mother is a gladiator named Athena and my aunt is Mad Moxxi.”

“You love to explain don't you.” I said.

“Well hey, that’s only the tip of the iceberg. But I’m not here to tell you my life story.” he said. I rolled my eyes as I rubbed my belly.

“So… how much hell are you going to be in for this?” I asked.

“Well, Applejack already understands along with Pinkie and I have three kids of my own back home. I think they’ll be alright as long as they get a chance to see them too… well, Applejack mostly.” He said.

“Well, bring them over next time, let them see the extended family.” I said.

“I’ll be sure to do that once I have the chance. Hell, you already met Ruby and Magma when you were over there with Ashe.” He mentioned. I nodded and saw Ashe playing with the twins. She now look around nineteen or twenty.

“Hey, can you guess how old Ashe is.” I asked nodding to her.

“Well, she looks to be… possibly adulthood. Maybe twenty one or older?” He guessed honestly.

“She's seven.” I said just to see his face go into shock. “In dragon year.”s.”

“And that’s how many in human years?”

“Don't know really but she's around nineteen or twenty.” I said. He nodded and the two of us continued talking.

Ita PoV

“Kyurem looks… different from what I remember.” Viri said.

“Don’t care.” I said, hugging the three again. They nuzzled me for a bit before pulling back. Viri looked up at Kyurem and tilted her head.

“I wonder if this is Kyurem's perfect form in the game…” she muttered to herself as Kyurem came over and nuzzled her. She giggled and hugged Kyurem.

“I’m more curious about their human forms… mostly because it’s hard to hug them like this.” I said. I felt someone tap me from behind on my head. I turned to see Giratina upside down floating, she smiled and waved.

“Hi dear.” I said, giggling and setting her right side up, hugging her. She hugged me back then looked at the three dragons and tilted her head.

“These are your new sibling honey.” I said. “This is Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem.” I told her, pointing to each as I said their name. She looked at each of them and pointed at each, like what she did with Palkia and Dialga dark orbs surrounded the three for a moment.

They all looked at themselves as Giratina smiled up at me. “Thank you Gira.” I said, smiling and ruffling her hair.

“The hell?” Zekrom said as she looked at her body for a bit.

“Zek, language.” Reshiram said to her. Kyurem looked around until she saw Viri and ran over to her.

I giggled at Zekrom and Reshiram, teleporting between them and hugging them close to me.

“Hey!” Zekrom said as she tried to pull away. After failing to do so she slumped down and took the hug. Reshiram sighed at this.

“Do you not like your mommy?” I asked, actually a little (lot) bit hurt by this.

“She doesn’t like surprise hugs.” Reshiram said.

“I don’t get who does, you're minding your business and then someone hugs you out of nowhere, it’s scary.” Zek said with a huff.

“How would you… whatever.” I said, shaking my head and smiling, squeezing them a little tighter. Zekrom still frowned but hugged me back as Reshiram. I looked over to see Kyurem still by Viri side watching us.

I smirked, teleporting over and pulling the two into the group hug. I looked up to see Gira floating over us smiling. I reached up to pull her down but she floated away and playfully giggled.

I saw a clone of me tap her shoulder from behind her, before tackling her down, dissipating so I could grab her and pull her in. She sighed at her lost and hugged us.

“Too… much… hugging.” Zek said. “Can’t… breath.”

“Stop being over dramatic honey.” I said, giggling but letting them go anyway. The three of them looked over at me as Gira just returned to float over them.

“I think she got that from you.” Viri said with a giggle.

“Maybe.” I said, smirking. I looked at Zekrom as she looked up into the sky as her eyes dart around. Reshiram seemed to look around at the place.

“So, who’s hungry?” I asked, smirking. Giratina raised her hand up as Reshiram nodded. Zekrom just stared up into the sky.

“What are you looking at honey?” I asked, crouching down to her height and looking up with her. She blinked and looked at me.

“Do you have something I can hit?” she asked. “A dead tree or something?”

“Sure, why?” I asked.

“Had a thought.” she said. I looked at her and pointed at a spot that made a stone body arises. She nodded and looked around at us. “Mind taking some steps back.”

We did that and watched as Zekrom’s eyes glowed blue for a moment as electricity formed around her. She charged at it and blasting it away as she hit it. She went through it and turned around blasted the spot with lightening. After that was all done she was standing there smirking.

“Thought so, I’m awesome.” she said.

“Not really, you were seeing if you can use your moves.” Reshiram said bluntly.

“S-shut up!” Zekrom yelled.

“I think you’re awesome honey.” I said, rubbing her hair. She seemed to brightened up at this with a smile.

“See, mom thinks I’m awesome.” she said. Reshiram rolled her eyes at her.

“Let’s go get something to eat.” I said. She smiled as we all headed inside. I saw that Viri and Kyurem was already ahead of us making some food. I sat down with the other two and waited.

“Whatcha making?” I asked.

“Food, it’s a surprise.” Viri said.

“Neat.” I said, before turning to the two at the table with me. “So, you two seem to know a lot about youselves despite just being hatched, want to tell mommy what you do and don’t like?”

“For me I don’t like surprises and someone tricking me.” Zek said bluntly. “What I like is new ideas and plans.”

“And the stars.” Reshi said. Zek looked over at her but didn’t deny it.

“And you Reshi?” I asked.

“I don’t have any that I don’t like, other than someone lying to me.” Reshiram said simply. “As for likes… books.”

I snapped my fingers, making two things appear, a planner, and a copy of a book from when I was human, sliding the two things over to them. They took them with a smile from each. As I did Viri came over with our food, some breakfast for the three of them, a bowl of fruit for Giratina and a bowl of french fries for me.

I smiled, kissing her on the lips and Giratina on her forehead, before I started to eat my fries.

“I’m heading to our room for a bit.” Viri said. I nodded as I watched her walk off. Before she went out of my view she wiggled her ass at me and winked at me before going out of view.

I rolled my eyes a little, smiling. “SO, Kyu honey, likes and dislikes?” I asked, since the other two already shared there.

“U-umm… cooking and music.” she said shyly. She thought about it for a bit. “And… sleeping?”

I smiled, snapping my fingers, making footsie pajamas appear on her that had little adorable versions of what Kyurem from the game looked like on her. She looked at what she’s wearing and yawning. She pushed her plate away from her and put her head down.

I smiled, walking over and picking her up, before taking my seat and positioning her so she could be comfy on me as I finished my fries. The other three finished eating as Reshi opened her book up and started reading. Zek just looked up at the ceiling and started thinking and Giratina… was just floating around.

I smiled, finishing my food and cradling Kyurem, carrying her over to the couch before I lay down with her, making a pillow and blanket appear, tucking us in a little before the couch turned into a bed. She curled up to me as she slept on me.

I smiled, absentmindedly rubbing her back soothing as I started to get tired myself. Soon I feel asleep on the couch for a few hours… I think.

When I woke up, I saw that the creation trio, Reshiram and Zekrom had all snuck into bed with me at one point, smiling and hugging them all, stretching my arms a little to do so. They all nuzzled up to me as they slept in my arms, literally.

I smiled more, simply laying with them and nuzzling them. I, again, fell back to sleep with them for a few more hour. I opened my eyes and saw a note on the table.

‘Getting late, gave Ken a room at my place. -Ri’

I noticed that the kids weren’t in my arms anymore, making me sigh sadly, turning my arms to normal and going towards me and Viris room. When I got there I saw Viri laying in bed reading… wearing one of her latex suits.

I smiled, sneaking up on her and kissing her on her lips, shoving my tongue into her mouth. She was surprised by this before kissing me back, moaning into my mouth.

“Hey.” I said, smirking.

“Hello mistress, had a good nap?” she asked with a smile.

“Yep.” I said, nodding. She leaned in and peppered me with kisses before pulling back, giving me a better view of her.

“Do you enjoy your pets new sleeping wear? I made them to suit your needs… unless I forgot something?” she asked as she looked down at herself.

“It's fine.” I said, groping her. She moaned at this, making her breasts grow a bit in my hands.

“Pet… would you like to take charge for once?” I suddenly asked.

“Oh… no mistress.” she said. She looked down a bit. “Last time I took charge… it gave me nightmares.”

I frowned a bit as I remembered what happened after… ‘that’ happened. She woke up shaking and holding me, repeating say sorry at me some nights. She shook her head and smiled at me.

“I prefer being your pet mistress, even though things have changed a bit.” she said as she rubbed her ‘sleeping wear’ and her neck.

“Okay.” I said, shrugging and spanking her possessively. She smiled as she moved into a better position.

“What does mistress have planned for her pet, are you going to breed me again?” she asked, wiggling her butt at me as I saw it expand a bit.

“Nah, just pound what little brains my pet has left out.” I said, making two cocks appear on me. She smiled as she raised her ass up for me, spreading her cheeks.

“Come mistress, turn me into a dumb slutty whore kitty that is only used for your play thing and breeding animal.” she said to me. I smirked, violently thrusting into her. She gasped at this as I felt her walls started to massage my cocks and vibrate.

I smirked more at this, making the cocks grow in her as I started pounding her roughly. She gasped and moaned as she thrust back to me, making me go deeper into her.

I sped myself up, making my cocks vibrate as I pounded her swiftly. She grunted and groaned as she took me, I watched as her ass jiggled.

“Mistress! Use me, use me for anything! A breeding animal, a plaything, something to punish,” she looked back at me. “Even if you need to let your demon half out, I’ll do, and be anything for mistress.”

“Maybe next time, pet.” I said, smirking and simply using Agility to pound her faster instead. She grunted loudly as her tongue lolled out of her mouth, eyes rolling up into her head.

I grabbed the back of her head, shoving it down as I started spanking and pounding her. “Who’s my slutty kitty fuck-toy? Who’s my breeding bitch?” I asked, grunting.

“I am mistress.” she gasped. “I’m nothing but your slutty kitty fuck-toy, your breeding bitch for your kids, oh please mistress let me bear your seed so I can lay eggs for you, it’d be my pleasure to do that for you, oh please mistress let me.” she pleaded.

“Wish, granted!” I shouted, thrusting one last time and cumming into her, bloating her with how much I filled her.She filled up so much that she lifted off the bed a bit. As I finished I pulled out of her and watched her try to keep the cum in her.

I smiled, putting two plugs in her. She grunted then moaned a bit.

“Mistress… I’ll bear anything for you… I’m always yours… as your kitty slut.” she panted as she layed on her stomach.

“I know.” I said with a smile, making the cocks vanish as I hugged her. Her body shifted a bit as she moaned a bit. She looked back at me with a slutty smile.

“Mistress, what do you want to do with me now?” she asked. “I’m maybe filled by you can still mold my body to be anything you want, to draw out my true slutty form for you.” she licked her lips. “I want to be perfect for you. A perfect slutty breeding kitty whore.”

“I think I’ll just let you rest for now.” I said, smiling and petting her.

“Okay mistress, then… later?” she asked me. “I want to please you with my slutty body.”

“You already have.” I whispered gently to her, kissing her.

“I know mistress, but I want to do more, I can mold my body but I want you to mold my body.” she said, slowly her stomach shrank down to normal again and she crawled into my arms. “You already marked me, now… I want you to mold me, I want to be your true slutty kitty breeding whore.”

“You already are.” I said, cradling her. She nodded as she curled into me.

“Still… if you see something that needed to be changed on my body, you can.” she said softly. Her body shrank back from before our fun. “Mold me into something you see fit…” she closed her eyes and gave herself to me.

I did nothing, simply holding her close and laying with her, smiling. I moved my hand over her belly and rubbed it a bit, wondering what’s going to come out. “My perfect kitty.” I whispered, smiling.

“My mistress…” she muttered happily.

“My kitten.” I whispered. She smiled as her mark started to glow a bit, wrapping around her a bit more as a collar appeared on her, one that doesn’t have a way to take off. There was a tag shaped as a chained heart with words on it that shift around making it hard to read but I saw it say ‘Mistress Ita’s pet’ on it.

I smiled, hugging her tighter. She started to purr a bit as her hair changed from an orange to more golden brown colour, her cat ear twitch a bit as she snuggled into me a bit more.

I yawned, somehow still able to fall asleep despite how much I did earlier. I made a blanket appear on us as I held Viri closer to me. As I did I notice something, a ring on her finger. I looked puzzled at it before I tapped it, a memory flashing.

I was standing in front of myself wearing a wedding dress holding a hand, Viris hand, as I put a ring on her finger. I smiled at myself who’s Viri as she put a ring onto mine.

“Ita, now to until I die I’ll be by your side, for better or for worse. I love you with all my heart.” Viri said as she kissed me. I blinked a few times and saw that I was back in our room with Viri in my arms.

I smiled at the memory, wrapping my arms around her tighter. She shifted a bit and smiled.

“Ita… I love you.” she said in her sleep.

“I love you to.” I said. With that I fell asleep with her in my arms.

A month later, Viri POV

I stood in the kitchen wearing only my apron as I make my mistress breakfast. I hummed happily as I flipped some pancakes, making sure they were perfect. When they were finished I moved them over to the plate and set it up that it looked perfect. I pulled a cup out from the cupboard and look around to see if anyone was around. I than pulled out one of my breasts and started to milk it. After a few moments I had a cup of milk.

“Mistress loves fresh milk in the morning.” I said happily. I set the cup on the tray and picked it up, heading to the room.

When I opened the door Mistress was laying in bed waiting for me. “Mistress, your breakfast is ready.”

Back to Ita

“Thank you, slut.” I said, taking the tray and sitting up, starting to eat my breakfast. She sat down by the bed looking away, I was told that most people tell their pet animals not to look so they don’t beg, she sat there smiling in her apron.

I smiled, giggling as I tossed a pancake onto her face. She blinked at the pancake as she took it off her face.

“For me mistress?” she asked me curious.

“Yep.” I said, smiling.

“Thank you mistress.” she said as she started nibbling on the pancake. I smiled at the adorableness, stretching a little. When she was finished she gave me a glance telling me that she’s waiting for my next order.

“You can relax for a little.” I told her. She nodded but didn’t move from her spot, shifting a bit to get more comfortable.

“Want to play some games?” I asked, making a Xbox appear.

“Thank you mistress.” she said moving a bit closer. As she started playing I saw that I had full view of her ass as she played. She started moving as she played, making the view so much better.

I simply smirked, grabbing a controller so we could play co-op.

“Mistress, want to make a bet?” Viri asked me as we started a new round.

“What bet is that?” I asked, smirking.

“If I win, you have to wear something like I’m wearing for the day.” she said as she quickly looked at me. “I-if that’s alright with you mistress.”

“Sure.” I said, shrugging.

“Okay, so what will I do if I lose?” she asked me.

“You already do anything I want anyway.” I said, giggling. She frowns a bit.

“Then… how about a punishment, something a bit… over the top then?” she said to me.

“Like what?” I asked, curious. She looked at me with a grin.

“Anything you want mistress, something over the top or one of the older ones that happened just cranked up to eleven.” she said with a giggle.

“Sure, let’s go then.” I said, smirking. We played, and she actually managed to beat me for once. She blinked a bit at her win and tried to hide a frown, guess she wanted the over the top punishment.

“I can always punish you later.” I told her, smirking.

“Okay mistress.” she said sadly. She stood up and started rummaging through her clothes for something for me to wear. From where I was sitting I had a good view of her pussy and ass as they wiggled.

I smirked, spanking her playfully. She tensed up a bit as she looked back at me. She smirked as she wiggled her ass a bit more at me. I smirked, groping her ass and zapping her.

“Mmm, mistress do you want to play with me?” she said, shaking her ass a bit more.

“After your part of the bet.” I said. She nodded as she looked through the drawers a bit more.

“Where is it… oh! I remember.” she said walking over to the closet and opening it. “Are you ready mistress?”

“Sure.” I said. She smiled as she pulled out what I have to wear. When I saw it I saw that it was one of the most beautiful dresses I have ever seen. Viri blushed a bit as she looked at me.

“D-do you like it?” she asked me.

“Yeah… but I thought you said something like what you're wearing?” I asked, smirking.

“I did say that.” she said as she walked over and put the dress in my hands. “What I’m wearing is clothes only we can see, so this is a dress that only we can see, everyone else will see you wearing normal clothes.” she looked at me lovingly. “Mistress, you can make me look however you want but for me, I want you to look beautiful.”

“Fair enough, I guess.” I said, smiling, putting the dress on. I looked at the mirror and my jaw almost dropped from the sight, I looked breathtaking. I looked back to Viri as she kneeled back down and looked up at me, waiting for the next order.

“This is beautiful… where’d you get it, pet?” I asked.

“Mistress… I made it for you… with Ebonys help.” she said. “I wanted it to be special for you… since… your birthday was a few weeks ago… I didn’t get it done on time and…” she started to tear up a bit. “I’m sorry mistress…”

“It’s wonderful.” I said, hugging her. “Thank you, Viri.”

“You’re welcome mistress.” she said hugging me back. I pulled away from her as she looked up at me. “Mistress, you look like a beautiful queen.”

“Now I just need a crown.” I said, smiling. I saw her blink at me and her eyes went to the closet.

“There’s one in there, isn’t there?” I asked, smiling widely. She didn’t say anything as she crawled over to the closet, again great ass view, and pulled out a crown and came back.

“Here you are… my queen.” she said offering the crown to me. I smiled, taking the crown and putting it on my head.

“Thank you, pet.” I said, scratching under her chin. She purred at this.

“My queen, what do you want to do know?” she asked me.

“I think a queen needs a castle, we should make me one on the surface.” I said, smirking.

“There’s already one my queen.” she said. “Remember the time you and Eve got board?”

I thought about it and remembered it, she made a nice castle down on the surface due to the fact she was bored. “Oh yeah.” I said, smirking. “Well, it should be empty, let’s go move in.”

“At your command my queen.” She said as we teleported into the castle. I saw that it had everything need for us. I looked behind me and saw a throne waiting for me with Viri sitting beside wearing her latex suit and a chain coming off her collar.

I smirked, sitting down in the throne. “A castle needs servants.” I mused out loud. As I said that someone appeared.

“You called your highness?” he said with a bow.

“I want a report on everything going around in the surrounding area.” I ordered. “If I’m really gonna be a queen, I’m going to do it right.”

With another bow the servant disappeared. I was now alone with Viri waiting for an order. “Do I have an army?” I asked her, curious.

“Umm… no.” she said. “There’s no real point for a castle since the other castle near here houses Celestia and Luna.”

“I thought they weren’t doing the whole princess thing?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“They weren’t but the others gave them a castle and princesshood for all the years of work they gave… well only Celestia took it but Luna didn’t take it, saying that she has Zinn so she’s happy.” Viri told me.

“Well… I guess we don’t really need one…” I mused.

“My queen… what do you mean ‘we’?” she asked me with a head tilt.

“Royal we, pet.” I said, giggling. She blinked at me then nodded. She moved in front of me and bowed.

“My queen, I’m your royal pet slut, I’ll do anything you want me to do.” she said. I rolled my eyes a bit and looked at her.

“Okay then… suck my cock.” I said simply, making one appear.

“As you wish mis- my queen.” she said as she came closer and started licking it for a bit until she started sucking. She wasted no time and bobbed her head up and down on my cock.

I moaned, simply sitting back and enjoying it. She moved a bit faster as she moaned, sending vibrations down my cock. “Here comes your lunch, pet.” I groaned, cock throbbing. Her response to this was bobbing her head faster and sucking harder.

I let out a long groan as I came, a satisfied smirk on my face. She stopped bobbing to drink my cum, making sure none left her mouth. When she was done she pulled off my cock and swallowed the rest of it. After showing me that she got it all she began to clean my cock by sucking it off a bit. She looked up at me licking her lips.

“Thank you my queen for my lunch, it was delicious like always. Do you want me to do anything else?” she asked me.

“Go get some rest, you’ll need it for later.” I ordered, making my cock vanish.

“My queen… I want to stay by you…” she paused for a moment. “But… I’ll go like you said.” with that her chain disappeared and she started crawling out of the room on her hands and knees.

“I was going to make a cat bed for you.” I commented. She stopped and turned to me. Much quicker than before she moved back to my side with a smile.

I smiled, making a cat bed appear next to her, right next to my throne. She crawled on it and layed down into a ball. The chain reappeared and was around my hand.

I tied it around a leg of my throne, smiling warmly. I sat in my throne as the day went by as that servant and others came to me with reports and asking if I needed anything. A few hours past as I looked down at Viri, who’s sleeping on her bed.

I teleported us to a more… private, room, chaining her up and stuffing two vibrators in her. She moaned a bit as she woke up and looked at me groggy.

I smirked. “It’s punishment time, pet.” I said in a cheery voice, smiling at her. She stared at me and nodded without saying anything. I smiled, putting a gag and blindfold on her.

“Now, we’re going to do the orgasm denial thing from last time, but with a added effect.” I said, snapping my fingers and attaching the vibrators to a machine, making another appear that would spank her while I was away. She nodded and grunted as she was ready for the punishment.

I turned the machines on, smirking. “I’ll be back in a couple hours, pet.” I said, before tilting my head, adding clamps on her nipples that would shock her periodically. She grunted and moaned as the machines did their work on her. She yelped as the clamps shocked her.

“Bye pet~” I sing songed, walking out of the room, before teleporting into the throne room and sitting on the throne. As time went on more servants came and gave me more information, one of them was on the castle that Celestia was in. Luna didn’t live there, living with Zinn in her home near mine. I saw them at times, even heard them that they wanted to have a child together but didn’t for some reason.

“What’s the status on Celestia?” I asked the servant, curious.

“Reports say that she’s doing well, we have eyes all over the land for you and so far she’s eating lunch, her sister is with her with her love.” the servant said.

“Any… trouble, brewing?” I asked.

“Nothing from anywhere else… the sister and her love are talking about something that involves you.” the servant said.

“What is it?” I asked. The servant tilted her head a bit like she was listening to something.

“They are discussing about having a child… but can’t they think you won’t allow it.” she said simply.

I raised an eyebrow, opening a ring next to me after dismissing the servant, putting my head through and seeing the three of them there. “Hello!” I said.

“Holy hell!” Zinn yelled, falling backwards. I saw guards grab their spears but Celestia stopped them. Luna ran to Zinn side with a worry look.

“Just wanted to ask how’ve you all been.” I said cheerfully. Zinn sat up and rubbed the back of her head.

“I’m fine… kinda.” she said and Luna was trying to help.

“We’re all fine.” Celestia said. I looked at her and saw that it was a bit bigger then mine. The thought of changing mine crossed my mind but I felt bad since Viri gave me the crown.

“So, anything new happen?” I asked, subtly making the crown Viri gave me a little bigger. It still looked the same but a bit more… grand.

“No, nothing other than scaring us.” Luna said as she helped Zinn up. She smiled at her and gave her a peck on the cheek.

“I heard you two wanted a kid.” I commented. They looked at me for a moment and shifted a bit.

“Umm…” Luna started but Zinn continued.

“Well yeah… but there’s somethings that we have to deal with and…” she started to trailed off a bit. I rolled my eyes at her.

“I’m not gonna stop you two from having one, go nuts.” I said. The two of them stared at me for a bit until Zinn opened her mouth… only for her to be dragged off out of the room by Luna. Celestia sighed at this.

“Can you tell the maids that they need to get ready to clean up one of the rooms, level ZL.” she said to one of her guards.

“Well, that was all, I guess I’ll be going now.” I said, about to pull my head back through. Celestia gave me a wave as one of her servants walked in to ask her something.

I closed the portal, smiling in my throne room. A few more hours passed by as I got more of an idea of the land, also there was guards in the castle, animated suits of armor that stood guard around the place.

I decided to check in on my pet, teleporting into that room. I found her panting and shaking in her restraints. Her ass was very red from the spanking and her nipples were so swollen and hard that they could cut through glass. She was drooling so much out of her gag that there’s a large puddle on the ground. Now… what to do with her? Have it stop, let it go a bit longer or that and add something to it?

I decided to see how she was doing, removing the gag and blindfold, turning the machines off for now. “How are you doing, pet?” I asked. I saw that her eyes were rolled up unfocused as she took some breaths.

“Can’t… cum… want… cum… more… please… cum… queen… more… want… more...more…” she panted and gasped as she looked at me with a slutty unfocused look.

“I guess.” I said, making her able to cum again and turning the machines on max. She started screaming after a few moments as she started to squirt. She came so hard that she snapped one of her restraints off and it was flailing around. After turning the machines off she fell forward gasping for a few moments. She looked up at me and smiled.

“I’m my queens slut… treat me like a slut my queen.” she said as she started fondling her breast.

“I think what you need is a minute to let those heal… I might after.” I said, smirking. She stared at me as her nipples glowed a bit, healing them back to normal, as she continued fondling one of them as her tongan lolled out.

I set her free, smirking. “Are you sore, pet?” I asked.

“No my queen.” she said as she continued fondling her breasts. “Your slut is ready for you…”

I snapped my fingers, making a dildo three quarters the length of what my cock normally is appear on the floor, smirking. “Impale yourself on that, bitch.” I ordered. She nodded as she quickly went over it and lined up her pussy to it. Not wasting time she impaled herself on the dildo, a large bulge came out of her stomach. She twitched a bit and looked at me, waiting for her next order.

“Suck.” I said simply, making a cock twice as big as normal appear on me. She nodded quickly as she took my cock and started sucking it. After a few minutes she was taking the whole thing in her mouth as her head bobbed on it. She looked up at me as she sucked with a same waiting for an order.

“Bounce on that fake cock as you do.” I added. She tried to nodded and started to bounce on the cock. She moved me in a way that she was spearing herself on the two. She looked at me with a lusty hungry look, still waiting if she needs to do anything.

I moaned, just standing and enjoying her warm mouth. She continued going faster as she had one hand on her breasts and the other fingering her her ass. She tried her best to look at me as I saw her eyes going up into her head before snapping at me.

“Bend forward, but keep that fake dick in you.” I ordered. She stop her hands and bent forward while keeping the dick in her, she was still bouncing on it but it was making it a bit hard for her to suck me off. She grunted a bit until she found a good angle.

I took my cock out of her mouth, smirking as I went behind her, thrusting inside. She screamed as she stopped for a moment then madly thrusting back, making the fake dick come off the ground. I reached down, attaching the end of the fake dick to me and turning it into a real one.

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” she screamed madly as she was thrusting into me. “My queen, fuck your slut like an animal!”

“No.” I said simply, laying down. “Do it yourself.”

She didn’t move for a few moments before she started bouncing on my cocks. She started panting and grunting as she continued to empale herself over and over again.

“Do I do good my queen? Does your pet slut do good?” she asked me as she pulled her nipples hard and roughly fondled them.

“Yes, slut, you’re doing great.” I said, smiling. She continued going harder and faster that she started to giggle madly.

“I’m a slut, I’m a slut, I’m a slut…” she said over and over again as she giggled.

“Go faster, kitty whore.” I ordered. She obliged as she bounced on me much much faster. Now she was making weird noises and giggling as she went on.

I grunted, moaning loudly and cumming in her. As I came in her she didn’t stop bouncing on me, just madly giggling to herself as I paint her walls white. Her doing this made me cum into her again, this time she slowed down a bit as she shook until she fell back onto me. She twitched and giggled on me.

After a few minutes of rest she pushed herself up and pull up off my dicks.

“Must… continue… slut.” she muttered as she slammed back down. She continued doing this slowly. I pushed myself up to see that she was passed out and her body was doing this automatically.

I smiled, making my cocks vanish and holding her close to me, rubbing her back so that she’d relax. We sat there for a bit until she doubled over, clutching her stomach.

“Are you okay?” I asked, worried.

“N-need… blankets.” she said as her stomach expanded in a familiar way. I snapped my fingers, making a bunch of blankets appear.

A few minutes later…

“That… was… different.” Viri said as she layed on the ground panting.

“Just a little.” I said, smiling at her. She curled around a bit, pulling three eggs closer to her.

“Told… you…” she said with a tired smile.

“Now we wait for them to hatch.” I said with a smile. She nodded as she laid there without saying anything, smiling.

“I’ll let you rest with those.” I said, making a comfy bed appear under her. She again didn’t say anything, just curling up with the three eggs in her arms. I chuckled as I left her there as I did a few things and check out the castle a bit more.

After a few more hours the sun went down and I was getting tired. I went back down to where Viri was, when I got there I saw the three eggs on the bed but no Viri.

“Pet?” I called out. I didn't get a response “Viri?”

I looked back at the eggs and saw a note on one of them.

‘'When you see her again, she'll be different.


I growled, crumpling the note, the very world worsening with my mood, dark stormclouds rolling in, lightning striking the ground.

Who the fuck took VIRI?!” I shouted, enraged, my voice echoing across the world. I waited a few moments but there was no answer.

My anger quickly left me as I lost steam, sighing sadly and wrapping around the three eggs, sobbing, the lightning outside turning into a rainfall.

‘'My queen, are you alright?’ one of the servants asked me in my head.

Someone took Viri” I sent back to the servant.

‘'Oh, should I send eyes out?’ the servant asked.d

Yes… I’ll be away, for a while.” I sent, before teleporting onto my floating island with the eggs, in my room, hugging the eggs close to myself and sobbed. My heart felt like it been ripped out of me. I thought back to happier times, when she cooked in the kitchen, played with the kids, scold me about stuff, I remember seeing her with my eggs and talk to them. I looked at the three she laid some time ago.

I teared up, crying more, feeling so… helpless right now that I slowly turned into my kid form, a blanket wrapped around me and the eggs as I cried. No one came to see me, so I just held the eggs, my one connection to Viri… well the other was the wedding ring she gave me which was in the bedside drawer.

I teleported it over to me, clutching it one hand as I held one leg in each arm, and the third with my legs, just simply sobbing.

Four months later…

I lay in bed, a look on my face that that said I had just given up on everything. No one bothered me throughout the pasted months, other than Kyurem who made me food. I heard reports from the servants at times, saying about towns popping up near the castle. I didn't care.

‘And there's news about Viri my queen.’ the servant said.

W-what is it?” I asked, perking up a little.

‘'There was a sighting of someone looking a lot like her, she went into an inn in a town near the castle, she said her name was Viri.’ the servant explained. ‘ the being looked a bit more demonic but I thought I should tell you.’

Have her brought to the castle immediately!” I exclaimed, perking up and turning into my adult form, teleporting into my throne with the eggs in a carrier. I waited for an hour until the doors open and two armored soldiers came in with someone kicking and screaming.

“Let go of me!! I did nothing wrong!” she yelled. She sounded like Viri, pissed off but still. The armors put her down on the ground and left. The being started saying something in a different language that I didn't know as I looked at her, she looked a lot like Viri but instead of cat ears and tail she had pointed ears and a succubus like tail and claw like hands. On one of the fingers had a ring that looked like mine.

“Viri?” I called, hope in my voice. She looked at me and I saw those blue eyes.

“That's my name.” she said before hopping up. She stared at me for a moment. “What do you want?”

I simply held my hand out, showing her the ring on it and smiling.

“What? Want me to kiss your hand?” she said with a frown. She crossed her arms at me and raised an eyebrow.

“Come closer.” I said simply. She rolled her eyes and walked closer.

“Listen queenie, I'm busy with things and I don't have time to-” she stopped as she got closer. “Wait, that's… let me see that!”

Before I could blink she had my ring in her hands, looking it over muttering to herself.

“This… this is the real thing… Then that means…” she didn't finished as her lip started to tremble.

I teared up, smiling widely at her. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

“Ita… is it you?” she asked. I leaped at her, hugging her and sobbing into her shoulder. She hugged me and squeezed, I didn’t realized that she was this strong. She cried and trembled in my arms.

“W-where were you?” I asked through my sobs.

“I… I don’t know, it was different… I just woke up like this and… I saw others make themselves look like you to trick me and…” she just started to sob in my shoulder. “I thought I lost you.”

“When I find the bastard that took you…” I mumbled, shaking.

“Please love, none of that.” she said, taking hold of my chin, I stared at her for a moment seeing that she looked more beautiful than before. “I haven’t seen you for a long time, years I dreamt the day I would see you again, don’t ruin it with anger.”

“O-okay.” I said, calming myself and sniffling. “W-wanna see your eggs?” I asked instead. Her eyes started to tear up a bit and nodded quickly.

I snapped my fingers, making them appear floating around her. She stared at them before reaching for them. As she held them in her hands she started to cry as she feel to her knees.

I simply hugged her, rubbing her back comfortingly. “I-it’s okay.” I said shakily. “A-all that matters is we’re together again.”

She nodded as she held her eggs close to her. “Is.. is everyone else alright?” she asked me.

“Yes.” I said, nodding. “I-i think, anyway… I w-went kinda… lifeless when y-you were gone.”

“I thought you do, can’t do much without me eh.” she chuckled a bit after that. I blushed, not answering. “Oh, where’s the come back?”

“I d-don’t have one because it’s true.” I mumbled. She sighed and gave me a hug.

“That’s not true, you can do amazing things by yourself.” she said tapping her chin. “Like, making a whole planet.”

“I m-meant without you here.” I mumbled, sniffling. She hugged me a bit more and rubbed my back.

“So… how long was I gone?” she asked me.

“Four months… it felt much longer.” I told her.

“It was longer for me.” she grumbled. “Like, fifty years.”

“If you were gone for that long for me, there probably wouldn’t be much to return to.” I said, looking off to the side.

“Don’t say that.” she said grabbing my head and staring at me. “Don’t say that, think that, or do that, ever.”

“I used Future Sight… that’s what would’ve happened eventually if you hadn’t come back.” I told her, looking dead serious. She sighed a bit before looking at me some more, then karate chopped me on the head.

“Dumb ass.” she deadpan.

“Ow!” I yelped, holding my head and whimpering.

“You deserved that.” she said with a frown. “The Ita I know would become so depressed over one future, she would of done something.”

“It wasn’t just one.” I said, sniffling.

“And look what happened.” she said as she looked at me. She pulled my face closer. “I’m now sitting in front of you, so one of those futures you didn’t see.” she kissed me on the forehead.

“I o-only couldn’t see this one b-because you weren’t in this universe for it to h-happen… that’s w-why I lost pretty much all my hope.” I told her, shaking.

“Well, even though it turned out like this just know one thing.” she said as she put her forehead on mine. “Never lose hope, if I go away I’ll fight tooth and claw to come back, that’s a pinkie promise.”

“T-thanks.” I sniffled, smiling a little and hugging her tighter. She hugged me back. After a few minutes I felt her grope my ass.

“Sorry, been so long that I needed to do that.” she said as she squeezed. “Soooo soft~.”

I blushed, just letting her do what she wanted.

“Did your ass grow from my time away?” she asked as she pulled away. She looked down and started groping my breasts. “Did these grow to?”

“I-i t-t-tried to distract myself.” I admitted shyly, blushing more. She frowned as she squeezed more. She then let go and started grumbling.

“Again, I miss my goddess powers, no fun without them.” she said to herself.

“Are you saying I’m no fun to fondle?” I asked, pouting. She made a sad look at me.

“I miss being a goddess! I missed doing goddess magic things.” she said while wiggling her fingers. “I do magic but no goddess mojo stuff.”

I snapped my fingers, restoring her goddess powers. “That better?” I asked. She looked at me and looked at her hands, they glowed a bit.

“I got goddess mojo again!” she shouted. She stayed like that for a moment. “But what goddess am I? Can’t go back to my old title since I look different.” she crossed her arms and started thinking.

“You can, just tell the people you want to look like that now, add a title or two if you really want.” I said, shrugging and hugging her. She pouted a bit and hugged me again. We pulled away as she stared a me for a minute before she started to fondle my breasts again.

“Also you are fun to fondle.” she said with a smirk. I blushed, stuttering at that, it having come out of nowhere. She continued to fondle me for a bit longer before letting go. “Done! Now I feel better after not doing that for a long time.”

“Y-you sure you don’t want to do it more?” I asked, bouncing my breasts a little. She stared at them for a moment.

“Fuck it.” she said as she grabbed them again and fondled them again more vigorously than before. I blushed, letting out soft moans, face flushed. She continued doing this with no rest as she started to massage them.

“I wonder, if I keep doing this would they grow bigger?” she asked out loud as she continued. Her answer was them actually getting a little bigger while remaining soft, making me blush even more. “Oh… well that’s a yes.”

She then continued with massaging them with a smirk. As she fondled them and they grew, I started getting a little top-heavy, moaning anyway despite this.

“Oh… sorry!” she said letting go blushing, making them bounce a bit. I panted a bit after that.

I tried to walk a little, but fell on my breasts instead, yelping in pain. She came running to my side and helping me up.

“You okay?” she asked worried.

“S-sensitive.” I told her, sniffling.

“You can make them smaller, since your a goddess.” Viri said rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment. I ‘tried’ to, but nothing happened. “Umm… why aren’t they shrinking?”

“I-I don’t know!” I said, fear in my voice, whimpering as I held them, it starting to hurt a little to hold them with how big they were. She just stared at me thinking. She didn’t say anything other than some mutters and clicks as she thinks.

I started to rub them, as if I was trying to get the soreness out of them, moaning a tiny bit. I looked at Viri as she continued to think, smoke coming out of her ears as her tail started scratching the floor.

“Are you okay there?” I asked, concerned. She didn’t say anything as her tail continued to scratch the floor. I looked over and saw… ingredients names. I blinked as I remembered that she was trying to learn potion making.

“You’re not done learning that stuff yet?” I asked, genuinely surprised, my breasts shrinking a little. She didn’t answer as she pulled her bag around and started to rummage through it, the names of ingredients increase in number, more that can fit in a small bag.

“Viri?” I asked. She started to pull the ingredients out of the bag, I was surprised that that thing can hold all the ingredients for how small it is.

“Don’t worry, I got this.” she said as she started to make a potion.

“O-okay.” I said, deciding to trust her. She to ground some of the ingredients in a mortar… wait aren’t those things heavy? She continued working until she had a vial of purplish blue liquid in her hand.

“There, this should help.” she said as she hands me the vial.

I took the vial, drinking it. My breast glowed, shrinking to their normal size… and continuing until I was flat chested. She stared at them for a minute.

“... shit, boiled it too long.” she said as she looked at her writing. “This is what I get when I rush things.

I frowned, starting to tear up, reaching up and fondling the air where my breasts used to be. She looked at me for a moment and raised her hands.

“I can fix it…” she said nervously. Before she could start, I began to wail, tears streaming down my face. She started to panick and looked around. “What do I do? What do I do!”

I kept crying, genuinely upset, falling onto my ass as I cried. She looked at me and made a determined face and grabbed me. She teleported us to the bedroom as she took off her bag and boots… and daggers.

“Take off your shirt.” she said as she stood in front of me, me not realising that she was taller than me by a bit. I was surprised, sniffling and nodding, taking my shirt off. “Lay down on your back on the bed, I’m going to fix this.”

I did so, still teary eyed, but quiet now. She sat on top of my belly and started to massage my chest with her hands. I stared at her as she did this.

“Just tell me when they are at your liking.” she said softly. Her words made me calm as I stopped sniffling. My breast slowly grew at her massaging them, me stopping her at where they were originally. She let them go as she hands me my shirt. “Here, sorry of doing this to you.”

I didn’t answer, just stared at her. She looked around for a bit then shaking the shirt at me. “Umm… you okay?”

“Y-yeah.” I mumbled, blushing, snapping out of my daze and shyly throwing my shirt back on. She got off me and sat beside me crossed legged.

“I don’t know what happened.” she said looking at her hands. “Maybe I have growing boob powers? My hands are a danger to all breasts.”

“I can probably stop them from doing that.” I offered. She looked at me and offered her hands to me.

“Please do, I don’t want to do that, well it would be nice but there’s too much pain to it.” she said. I nodded, removing her hands ability to make boobs grow. I held her hands a bit as I saw that they had scars.

“W-what happened?” I asked. She blinked at me and smiled, moving one of her hands to the side of my face and hold my head softly.

“I wasn’t sitting around all that time, I had to do things to survive but don’t worry about that, I’m here now.” she said. Again I just stared at her, she was so much different from before.

“W-what ‘things’?” I asked.

“Some things… that I don’t want to talk about.” she said with a sad smile. “It’s in the past now.”

I felt this odd feeling about her that I never felt before, she’s different but the same, I felt… safer with her than before. “Okay.” I said, deciding to let this go for now, simply hugging her instead. She started to pet my head as she leaned back.

“I’m sorry for being away for so long, I never stopped thinking about you.” she said softly. Her pets sent a warming shiver down my body, this never happened before but… I’m enjoying it.

“It’s okay.” I mumbled, closing my eyes and smiling. She continued to pet me and hold me.

“So much has changed, I hope you don’t mind.” she said. “I tried to stay the same but… I’m sorry.”

“You’re still my Viri, that’s all that matters.” I mumbled sleepily. She chuckled as she petted me.

“Yeah…” she said softly. “You should sleep, you deserve it.” I nodded, passing out.

Viri PoV

I layed there with Ita laying on me. I petted her softly as I pulled a blanket on us. I stared at her as she slept, she looked younger when she did. I smiled as I continued, she smiled and curled up to me.

“Seems like things are reversed huh.” I said softly. “Normally you’d be doing this to me, like mistress and pet.” I thought about it and shook my head. “Naw, that’s not me… and I don’t think I can be your pet again… oh well, I’m good with being a lover.”

I bent down and kissed her on the cheek as she smiled. A bit of my magic went into her, so that if I do disappear she’ll know where I am.

She seemed to smile a little more, rubbing against me a little. I smiled as I petted a bit more. I realized that I wasn’t tired after everything. I frowned a bit at this.

“Another sleepless night…” I looked down at Ita for a moment before smiling. “At least it’s not all bad.” I said scratching behind her ears a bit before going back to petting.

This seemed to make ita shapeshift in her sleep, her horns being replaced with cat ears, me feeling a tail wrap around my waist. I chuckled as I brought her closer to me and continued petting and scratching behind her ears, like I did with my cat back home... well home back on earth.

Ita POV, a couple hours later…

I woke up from my nap and looked around. I saw Viri looking at me as she petted me, smiling and awake. “Did you not get any sleep?” I asked as I purred at the petting.

“Nope, not tired really.” she said as she scratched behind my ears. “Kinda used to it really.”

“O-okay.” I said, purring and arching my back a little. She chuckled a bit as she continued.

“You like this?” she asked me softly. I nodded, blushing a little. “You okay love?”

“Yeah… just, not used to having you back.” I told her, purring.

“You sure that’s what it is? You were fine before.” she said with a smile. I nodded. She sighed happily as she petted me. “It’s odd, you did this before, kinda odd now but still nice.”

I started rubbing against her a little as I purred, vibrating slightly. She scratched behind my ears until she scratched someplace there that made me relax a lot. I melted in her hands, going limp and purring, a goofy smile on my face. She giggled as she pulled me into her embrace.

“Like it love?” she asked me with a smile.

“Yes~” I moaned, purring. She smiled as she petted my head. It was soothing and nice. I looked up to her and smiled.

“You want to continue this or do something else?” she asked me.

“Pet me moar~” I moaned. She nodded and continued petting me.

“Guess you either changed as well or you just really like being petted.” she said.

“I-i’m a-a little affection starved.” I told her as I purred. She smiled as she bent down and kissed my forehead.

“Don’t worry, I’m here for you, I’ll give you all of the protection and affection you could ever want.” she said warmly. I just stared at her blue eyes.

I smiled at her, purring as she scratched me more. This went on for some time.

“So, is there anything else I can do for you? Petting is nice but is there something else I can do.” she asked me.

“M-maybe we could… ‘make up for lost time’?” I suggested, making my clothes vanish. She smiled as she leaned down and kissed me, making her clothes disappeared. As she pulled back I got a scary sight, her whole body was covered in scars.

“What happened?” I asked, wide eyed, tracing one with my hand.

“Again, I had to survive.” she said as she pulled me into a kiss. “Let’s not talk about that, how do you want this to go?”

“I want you to try being the dom again.” I told her. She stared a me for a moment.

“Alright.” she said as she laid down. “Make me feel good, you can start anywhere you want.”

I pulled her panties down, licking her pussy slowly and teasingly. She moaned a bit and smiled down at me, nodding for me to continue. I went a little faster, sending her a daring smirk. She moaned a bit more as she smiled at me. I moved my hands up to her pussy.

“No.” she said breathless. “You are only allowed to use you mouth and tongue until I allow it, under stand.”

I reached closer anyway, daring her to do something. Like a blur she grabbed my hair and pulled me to her face. She stared at me with a frown.

“I said no.” she said calmly. Her eyes seemed to darkened a bit. “I don’t want to punish you for disobeying, understand?”

Since I was so used to getting my way, I shoved a finger into her anyway. Her hand tightened around my hair as she stood up. My finger got removed from her pussy as she held me there.

“Now why did you do that, now I have to punish you.” she said as she lifted her hand up and pointed at me. A spark of electricity zapped my boob. I yelped in surprise and a little pain, moaning a tiny bit at a little pleasure I got. She continued doing this, zapping me in different places as she held me.

“This gives me no pleasure.” she said coldly. Each zap didn’t hurt that much but she did it for two minutes until she stops. “Now, do you have something to say?”

“S-sorry mistress.” I said. She narrowed her eyes as she slowly let go of my hair, petting it a bit.

“Now, shall we go back to what we were doing before?” she asked me softly.

“Y-yes mistress.” I said, before kneeling, licking her pussy more timidly. She put her hand on my head and petted me, sending soothing waves of pleasure through my body. She moaned a bit as I continued.

“I think you can change places, where do you want to go next?” she asked me. I slowly and timidly gave her soft kisses up her body, until I got to her breasts, starting to nibble on a nipple. She smiled a little and took my hand and raised it to the other. “You can use your hands here.”

I nodded timidly, shyly playing with her other breast as I started sucking on the nipple that was in my mouth. She started to slowly rub my body a bit, sending chills down my spine.

“You’re doing good… I think I’ll reward you.” she tilted her head at me. She pulled her hand away from me and zapped me, this time I didn’t feel pain, only pleasure. I moaned into her breasts as she continued, I went on sucking and playing with her breasts as she zapped me. When she was done my body was tingling from the zaps of pleasure. She then put her hand on my head and gently pulled me away.

“Now, I want you to pleasure yourself, you can use your hands but go until you're about to cum then stop.” she said as she sat back down and waited for me to start.

I did so, putting two fingers in my pussy and moaning as I masturbated for her. She just smiled at me as she watched.

I got myself so I was on the brim of cumming, panting, and stopped shakily. She then moved over towards me and started to pet me.

“Good job, now if you want to cum tell me how you want to.” she said softly.

“M-mistress, I want mistress to make me cum.” I said, giving her a pleading look. “P-please?”

She smiled as she moved behind me and gently took my breast in one hand and put two fingers into my my pussy. She fondled and thrusted her fingers into me at a decent pace as she kissed me on the neck.

I moaned, looking back at her lovingly as she played with me, panting a little. She sped up a bit as she put a third finger in me, I felt electricity shoot into me and sent jolts of pleasure in me.

“M-mistress, I-i’m about to cum!” I exclaimed, panting and moaning.

“Then cum for me my sweet Ita.” she said softly. She pinched my nipple as she thrust her fingers a bit faster, sending jolts of pleasure throughout my body.

I came around her fingers, shaking in pleasure as I let out a long, drawn out moan, eyes rolling up into the back of my head. She held me as I ride it out, leaning into her as she layed back down with me in her arms. She petted my head as I layed on her breasts as pillows.

“Much different than before eh.” she said with a smile.

“Y-yeah.” I said, panting.

“Well, what do you want to do now?” she asked me. “I don’t think that could tire you out so quickly.”

“I’m out of practice.” I grumbled. She giggled as I felt her breasts grow a bit and became softer.

“Well, you have some nice pillows to lay on.” she said with a giggle.

“Thank you.” I whispered, curling up on her a little and smiling adorably. She smiled as she held me close to her. We layed there for sometime in silence as I sometimes trace one of her scars with my finger, she didn’t say anything as she just held me close with her eyes closed.

Subtly, I reached down, growing a cock above her pussy. She twitched a bit but didn’t do anything. I lazily and timidly started playing with it, otherwise not moving. She moaned a bit but didn’t do anything to stop me, just rubbed my back in a soothing way.

I suddenly stopped, simply curling back up on her, my ass cheeks teasing her cock a little as I snuggled into her. She opened her eyes and smiled at me.

“Does this remind you of anything.” she said.

“Not really.” I said.

“I did this when I was your pet.” she said simply. “Kinda a role reversal eh.”

“A little.” I said, shaking my ass teasingly on her cock. She raised an eyebrow at me as she grabbed my ass and groped it.

“Do you like it? Being the pet instead of the mistress?” she asked me. I thought about it for a few moments as I stared at her.

“K-kinda, it’s something new, at least.” I decided to say, kissing her. She kissed me back as she grinded her cock on me. I blushed, shyly getting up and going to the other side of the bed, ass face her, reaching back and spreading my cheeks for her. She sat up and went over to me and teased me with her cock.

“How do you want me to treat you? Soft,” she started petting me a bit on my head. “Or hard.” she grabbed my hair roughly in her hand.

“S-start s-soft, please.” I whimpered. She smiled and pushed in me, loosening her grip. Slowly she pushed in and out of me at a decent pace, the sound of soft slaps of our hips hitting each other filled the air.

I moaned, blushing a little as I looked up at her, wrapping my arms around her neck. She smiled at this as she thrusted in a bit faster.

“Is this good pet?” she asked softly.

“Y-yes mistress.” I moaned. She chuckled as she continued.

“Others treat their pets nothing other than tools for pleasure, but I like to treat them how they want to be.” she leaned forward. “How do you like to be treated?”

“T-this is fine s-so far, Mistress.” I said, letting out another moan of pleasure.

“Like a princess then… alright.” she said with a smirk, continued to thrust into be. “If you want to be treated differently, just tell me.”

I nodded as she kept going. I blushed more at what she said, moaning more. “Y-you c-can go a l-little harder.” I told her, moaning.

“Alright.” she said grabbing my hips and started pounding me. I yelped in surprise, moaning louder at the sudden hard thrusts. She continued at a harder and faster pace as she bounced me on her cock.

I moaned louder, a look of bliss on my face.

“My, you sound like a little slut.” she said. “is that how you want to be treated?” she asked, slowing down a bit.

“N-no.” I said, moaning and shaking my head a little. She narrowed her eyes a bit and picked me up and started to pound me.

“Don't worry pet, I'm not going to treat you like that I'm not cruel.” she said as she bounced me in the air. “But I do want to bear my kid again, not a legendary but a child.”

She tilted her head a bit. “I wondered if they turn out to be half demon like us?”.”

“S-sure.” I said, moaning. She smiled and started to thrusted harder and faster. She held me as she pounded me in the air, I wrapped my arms around her neck as I bounced on her cock.

“I'm close my pet kitty.” she said with a moan.

“P-please, m-mistress, cum in me!” I exclaimed, moaning. She started to pound me harder and faster until she slammed into me, cumming hard. I felt a torrent of I'm enter my womb, making it expand.

I moaned loudly at this, shaking, eyes rolling into the back of my head as I rode out my own orgasm, before I slumped, panting. As we stayed there I felt her cock still hard inside me.

“M-mistress… do you need more?” I asked.

“Of course I do, I haven't done this for fifty or so years.” she said with a chuckle.

“O-okay.” I said, shakily starting to bounce myself on her cock.

“J-just know that… if we're going to continue, I won't be stopping.” she said, not moving. “Been holding it just for you.”

I took a deep breath, before nodding my assent. She smiled a bit before starting to pound me.

One crazy sex filled night later…

I groaned in pleasure, a vacant expression on my face as I lay on the bed, covered and full of cum. I rubbed my belly happily as I turned over to a note and small bag.

‘'Went to deal with something, be back soon.

P.s. left you a bag of cookies. -Viri

I looked at the bag for moment before turning my head back to my belly to notice something, a mark on it.

I tilted my head, wondering what it meant. I decided to not dwell on it too much, instead dragging my sore body over to the shower and getting in, turning it on so I could clean the excess cum on me. As this was happening I saw my belly shrink down as I absorbed all the cum.

What was odd was what happening to my body, my breasts grew a bit, so did my ass and hips. My hair grew longer a bit and when I felt it with my hand it became more silky than before.

I smiled a little, running my hands through it and rubbing my cheek against it, it feeling very nice. Once I was clean, I wrapped a towel around myself, going over to the bag of cookies and starting to nibble on them. As I sat there Viri appeared in the room, rubbing her black eye and muttering.

“What happened?” I asked, quickly walking over, concerned, holding a hand over her eye, it glowing green as I started healing her.

“Chatting with a hot headed dragon of a sister.” she grumbled.

“Are you alright?” I asked. She chuckled at this.

“Don't worry pet, I’ve dealt with worse.” she said smiling.

“If you say so.” I said, sounding like I was worried still, nuzzling her a tiny bit.

“Worried about your mistress?” she said, nuzzling back. “That's my job.”

“That doesn’t mean I can’t worry back.” I whispered softly. She smiled, kissing me on the tip of my nose.

“Well, I'm not going to tell you to stop, it's nice to know that someone worries.” she said. “So, anything new with you my dear?”

“What’s this mark mean mistress?” I asked, moving the towel a little to show her my stomach. She squiled in delight as she kneeled down and rubbed the mark, make sure it’s real.

“I can’t believe this happened the first try!” she said smiling.

“What’s it mean, Mistress?” I asked again. She looks up at me with a smile.

“All of your births have been egg right?” she asked me.

“Yeah.” I said, nodding, tilting my head.

“This one isn’t an egg, you are going to have a baby.” she said, rubbing my belly. “I think it’s going to be a half-demon by the mark and, well we’re both half demon.”

I seemed too surprised for words, looking down at my stomach and rubbing it with wide eyes. Viri picked me up spun me around in her arms, during this I lost my towel. She pulled me in and gave me a kiss.

I blushed a deep orange, kissing her back while I covered myself with my hands, my boobs squishing a little from my arm going across them. She pulled back and set me down.

“We are celebrating! I’m taking you somewhere nice and it’s going to be great!” she said with a huge smile.

“O-okay.” I said. She blinked at me and lost her smile.

“Are you okay?” she asked me. I nodded, kissing her and smiling. She pulled me close and sat down on the bed with me on her lap. “Pet… if there’s something wrong you can tell me, you seemed a bit… timid.”

“I-i’m just being a pet, mistress.” I told her, nuzzling her a little, accidentally pressing my boobs into hers. She stared a me and kissed my head and petted me.

“I understand that pet, but you don’t have to be so timid, you don’t need to act differently.” she said softly. “Sure I changed a lot over the… years? Months? Whatever but it’s me Ita, just have a bit more… back bone.”

“Well, I want to, so you’ll have to deal with it.” I said, smiling a little at her. She sighed a bit, smiling.

“Can’t really can’t change that, oh well.” she smiled at me. “How about this pet, tell me what you want and I’ll do it or get it, it can be anything.”

“What could you give me that I couldn’t do already?” I asked, tilting my head curiously. She shrugged at me.

“Don’t know, again it can be anything, I can make, do, change, or tell anything.” she said smiling. “Come on, you have to have something you want me to do or with me.”

“Will… you tell me how you got your scars?” I asked timidly. She stared at me for a moment as she looked to the side. She didn’t say anything for a few minutes.

“Where to start?... There’s too much to tell just… I’ve been fighting.” she said. “Fighting, killing, surviving… that’s all I did when I went over there and so much over.”

I hugged her, rubbing her back comfortingly. “I’ve seen things… so many things… people that I called friends who betray me, things that give others nightmares… the very ground tearing itself apart… death.”

“You don’t need to say anymore.” I said gently, holding onto her tightly.

“Pet… Ita… I died.” She said, sounding hollow. “I died so many times that I lost count.”

“W-what?” I asked, surprised.

“I died, countless times, being ripped in half, crushed, blasted, cursed, stabbed, whatever way you can think of I have been through.” she said as she held me. “And each and every time I died there was one thought that I could think of, right before I was brought back.”

“Were you… DETERMINED to get back to me?” I asked. She snorted at that.

“Something like that.” she said with a smile. She raised her hand to the one side of my face and held my head. “Every scar I got is something that pushed me forward, I didn’t lose hope, oddly each death pushed me to keep going, until I finally reached you. You, my pet, are the reason I’m still alive and kicking.”

“Determination!” I said playfully, giggling. She giggled as well as she kissed me.

“Well, there you go pet, that’s the reason for the scars.” she said softly. “Is there anything you want to do?”

“We could go on that celebration now.” I commented. She smiled as she moved me up and stood.

“Right, I’m going to take you out somewhere… hmm I know of a place I’ve been to, they have a really good pie there.” she said with a smile.

“Okay, what do you want me to wear?” I asked. She looked at me for a moment and walked closer.

“Hmm… something… sexy.” she said with a devilish smile. “I kinda want to show you off a bit.” with that she spanked me and went out of the room.

I tilted my head, wondering if that meant she was going to go get clothes or if I should make some appear. After waiting for a bit I figured that she meant I should make them appear, I was getting a bit cold standing there naked.

First, I made a pair of purple lingerie appear, putting the panties and bra on, before I made a tight shirt appear on me, it showing off my stomach, putting some jeans on, followed my socks and shoes. I looked at myself in the mirror a bit, wondering if I can make myself look anymore sexy… I decided to cut the jeans so that they were very tight shorts. As I looked again at myself I saw the mark on my belly, now in full view for anyone to see. Mistress was happy when she saw it, saying that I now was growing a baby in me.

Deciding not to dwell on any of this, I walked out and towards where Mistress was, the super tight jeans and shirt leaving little to the imagination. I found her standing in the throne room waiting for me. I saw that she wore a tight tank top and jeans with some leather boots… and a dagger strapped to her right leg. She turned around and smirk at the sight of me.

“My, look at you pet.” she said as she walked up to me. “You look sexy as hell.”

“T-thank you, Mistress.” I said, blushing before I did a sexy pose for her. She smirked as she walked up to me and stood over me, reaching down and grabbing my ass.

“There’s some kinky things I thought of as I waited.” she said kissing my head before trailing down to my neck. “Have two vibrators in you as we go out… tease you to no end… make you naked in public but have it that everyone see you wearing clothes…”

I blushed furiously at the ideas, squirming a little. She giggled as she groped my ass, sending a small shock of pleasure and a little pain through me.

“But I’m not going to do that, this is a special day and I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” she said in my ear before kissing it.

“T-thank you, Mistress.” I said, smiling and holding her hand. She smiled as she turned, a door appeared in front of us. We walked towards it and went through.

We stepped into some sort of pub, dimly lit and smoke in the air. There was laughter and yelling all around. Viri took a deep breath and grinned.

“Gods it’s been to long!” she said happily. She took my hand and headed towards the bar. We stopped at a spot with some guy sleeping. Viri frowned and kicked him off. “Get out of here you drunken ass hole.”

“Whatzit?” he grumbled as he looked at me. He was some fat man with somewhat pointy ears. He blinked at us until he saw the dagger, he then shuffled off somewhere as Viri wiped away the drool from the counter top and sat down. She patted the seat next to me with a smile.

“Who was that?” I asked, sitting down.

“Don’t know, don’t care.” she said as she looked around. “Oi! Barkeep, you hear?!”

“I’m here, I’m here, don’t need to yell lass.” a gruff voice yelled out. I saw a short bearded man walk over to us. He had many scars on his face and an eye patch over his left eye. He seemed to brighten at the sight of Viri. “Vivi! It’s good to see ya!”

“Hey Griff.” Viri said with a smile. “How goes it?”

“I’m still stuck in this hellhole.” he said with a deep laugh. “But with you and crew dealt with that dragon business has been booming.”

He then jerked his thumb behind him to a painting. “Got that a few days ago, came out alright.” he said. I looked at the painting and saw Viri with a group of beings standing on what I can guess is a dead white dragon. Viri was grinning like she was on top of the world.

“Of course it would be, if it stayed then this place would been a frozen wasteland, even your cooking wouldn’t bring them in.” Viri said.

“Says the one who eats it!” he said. The two of them laughed until he looked over at me. “Now who are yer?”

“I’m Ita.” I said simply, smiling.

“Ha! So yer Ita.” he said with a laugh. “Yer the little angel Vivi here so hell bent to get back to, got to say yer a pretty little thing.”

“Come on Griff, are you going to yap all night?” Viri said.

“Damn right I’ll be yapping.” he said while looking at me. “This girl never shut up about ye, go on and on about finding a way to get back to ye, always brightens her mood when she’s down.”

“Really?” I asked, looking at Viri. She blushed a bit at this.

“Yer think I’m lying?” he asked me.

“No… just didn’t expect that from her.” I said simply. He raised an eyebrow at me.

“Well she does and doesn't shut up about it.” he said with a chuckle. “Anyway I talked long enough, yer here for me grub! Now what do you want?”

“Old Griff here can pretty much make anything, so ask him anything you want.” Viri said, still somewhat blushing.

“Oi! Who’s yer callin old?!” he yelled.

“Your over two hundred years old.” Viri said.

“That’s young for a dwarf.” he said. He grumbled a bit and looked at me, waiting for an order.

“I think I’ll let ‘Vivi’ pick.” I said, shrugging.

“Then two specials it is!” Viri said happily. “And… two dwarven ales.”

“Oi, yer think she can take it?” Griff said nodding to me.

“We’ll see~.” Viri said. Griff just sighed and headed off into the back.

“Should I be worried?” I asked.

“About what? Griff here is one of the best chefs I know.”

“Damn straight!” we heard him in the back.

“And good hearing, the Dwarven ale… well it’s strong, like really strong so beware for drinking it, even if you're a goddess.” Viri said with a smile.

“Okay.” I said. We chatted for a bit as my eyes darted over to the painting and back at Viri.

“So, what’s the story behind the painting?” I asked. Viri looked over at the painting and chuckled.

“Oh that, one of the first few adventures I’ve been on, this place was in a continuous ice age due to a white dragon living up in the mountains, had to go in and kill the beast so everyone get’s to live here.” Viri explained. Our drinks came with a thud as Griff set them in front of us and went off. Viri took the drink and took a big gulp. “God damn it that’s good!”

I hesitantly took a similar gulp from mine… and that's where my memory cut off.

Viri PoV

I looked over at Ita as she puts her drink down and blinks a few times. Oh boy.

“Hey pet, you alright?” I asked her. She got a drunken sexy smirk on her face, turning to look at me with half lidded eyes.

“Of c-cour*hic*se, m-mistress.” She drunkenly slurred, leaning against me.

“Mistress?” Griff said as he brought out our meals. “I thought it was the other way around.”

“Damn it Griff, it’s not like that… kinda.” I said with a frown. He just laughs.

“Oh you know I don’t care, anyway here’s yer grub.” he said putting down some plates. They here shepherd's pie with some breadsticks. I smiled at this.

“Thanks Griff.” I said to him. He nodded and went off. I suddenly felt a hand on my ass and breast, followed by a drunken giggle, and my arm being encased in two very soft things.

“Pet, are you trying to tell me something?” I asked, grabbing a fork with my freehand and eating the pie, so good~!! I felt her hands go in my clothing, making my face go red. “Pet… p-please use your words… even though I’m getting a good idea of it.”

She didn’t say anything, groping my breast and ass as she pressed my arm further in the valley between her breasts. She giggled at me as I tried to eat. I saw Griff staring at me with a raised eyebrow. I shrugged at him, blushing a bit more that we been seen, as he lifted up two brown boxes. I sighed and nodded as he came by and took out food. I looked over at Ita as she groped me.

“Have you finished your drink?” I asked, drinking mine. I felt the buzz from the drink setting in, luckily I had a few of these so I’m used to it… Ita on the other hand…

She tilted her head, temporarily removing her hands from me so that she could drink the rest of her drink. She started tearing up, telling me she was going from ‘sexy’ to ‘sad’ drunk.

“Pet? Is there something wrong?” I asked her, worried. She just started bawling, making a scene. Everyone started to look over to where we were as I stared to panic. Griff came over with our food, I dropped a bag of gold in front of him and picked up Ita plus our food and went back home.

When we got there I took her back to the bedroom and set her down on the bed.

“Okay pet, we're alone so… tell me what's wrong.” I asked her. She didn't seem capable of coherent thought right now, continuing to bawl. I sat on the bed and pulled her into a hug. She bawled her eyes out in my arms as I hugged her, after a while her bawling went to sniffles as she looked up at me. “Is my sexy pet feeling better now?”

She nodded, resting her head on my tits. I rested my head on hers for a bit in silence.

“Can you tell me what upset you?” I finally asked her.

“I don’t remember.” She mumbled in embarrassment. I nodded as I held her.

“You didn't do much, just acted sexy for a bit before something upset you.” I told her.

“Strange.” She muttered, confused.

“What's strange? Well other then the crying part,” I started while I grabbed her ass and squeezed it. “You made mistress want to take you right there.”

“Y-you could right now.” She suggested, moaning a little. I raised an eyebrow at her before picking her up and throwing her on the bed. With an yelp from her I was over her.

“What do you mean I could?” I said in a low tone. “I'm your mistress, I'll take you whenever and wherever I want pet.” She blushed, looking eager. “What are you pet? What kind of pet are you?”

“I-i’m Mistress’ pet fucktoy.” She said timidly, a large blush forming on her face.

“You sure? You didn't sound sure.” I said trailing my kisses down her body slowly.

“Y-yes, Mistress.” She said, moaning.

“Then tell me again pet, tell me what kind of pet you are.” I said now at her shorts, now seeing that they were very wet.

“I-i’m Mistresses pet fucktoy.” She said, more confidently.

“You're forgetting something.” I said as I took hold of her legs. “You are also my breeding slut.”

“I-i’m Mistresses pet fucktoy breeding slut.” She corrected, face a dark orange. I smiled as I kissed her where her pussy is, sending a bolt of pleasure into her. She gasped and moan from this as I crawled up onto her, pressing my body onto hers.

“Yes pet, that's what kind of pet you are, but know this pet, as you will carry my children I in turn will carry yours.” I said.

“R-really, Mistress?” She asked. I gave her a nod.

“Yes pet, I'm not cruel like other mistresses, I'll bear my pets children because my pet bears mine.” I narrowed my eyes at her. “Never liked one sided deals.”

“W-why do you look upset, mistress?” She asked nervously.

“Like I said pet, I don’t like one sided deals, I wanted to be fair with you.” I said petting her head. “If you do good then I’ll reward you, if you do bad then I’ll punish you, I’m harsh but fair… you understand me.”

She simply nodded, looking a little scared at my look. I softened my face and laid down beside her, looking at her.

“I don’t want to scare you, I’m just telling you what you’re walking into… you don’t have to be my pet if you don’t want to, I’m not forcing you to.” I said softly. I petted her head slowly as I stared into her eyes. She purred, smiling and leaning into my hand. I smiled and brought her into a deep kiss. “Now pet, what do you want to do? It’s still your day.”

“I wanna be with you.” I heard her whisper. I nodded, pulling her closer to me. Laying on the bed with her in my arms I smiled as I made our clothes other than our underwear melt away.

She smiled, nuzzling me, putting her head under my chin. I looked at her, knowing that I could do anything to her but didn’t, today was her day so I didn’t do anything without her permission.

Ita PoV

“Mistress.” I mumbled, a little sleepy, cuddling closer to her.

“Yes pet?” she asked holding me in her arms.

“I love you.” I whispered. She smiled as she nuzzled me a bit.

“I love you to.” she said.

“Mistress… maybe we should get rules set up?” I suggested. “F-for when we ‘play’ and for in general.”

“That’s fair.” she said as she kissed my head. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or hurt you.”

“H-hurtings okay as l-long as it fits for whatever I did when I was ‘naughty’.” I told her. She nodded as a pen and paper appeared overhead. It started writing as she waited for me to continued.

“U-um, y-you're the mistress, so you suggest and I’ll tell you what I’m okay with.” I told her. She chuckled a bit.

“Alright, what names are you okay with and not okay with?” she asked me.

“S-start saying some, I-i’ll tell you what I don’t like.” I told her.

“Ooo, guessing game.” she said with a playful smile. “Here’s three; Pet, Slut, Whore.”

“I’m fine with those.” I said.

“Okay… toy, bimbo… umm…” she stopped as she tried to think of a third name. “Itaie?”

“The first two are fine, but not the third… it just sounds weird.” I said.

“Okay… I don’t know any other names so if you have some names you’re not okay with.” she paused for a moment. “I believe you have some names that I don’t know about that you don’t like.”

After thinking for a bit we decided to add names that I didn’t like over time, makes it easier.

“Okay, now how about what kind of things that you won’t do.” she said.

“I-i want do stuff with crap.” I said. She blinked at me.

“What?” she asked. After a few minutes I saw her face go a little green. “O-oh…”

“Yeah.” I said, frowning. She slowly nodded.

“R-right, okay… ummm anything else?” she asked me, swallowing a bit.

“I… don’t think so, I’m okay with pretty much everything else… oh, no cutting stuff off.” I said, grimacing. “Some cuts and wounds are okay, but no removal… that’s decently harder to regenerate, even if it’s still effortless to me, it’d just ruin the mood.”

“Yeah…” she said while shifting a bit, still a little green. “What about my idea of having you walk around naked in public? I didn’t do it to you thinking that you’ll be uncomfortable.”

“I-i’d be more embarrassed than anything.” I said honestly. “T-thought I would… for you.” She blushed a bit at this as the pen wrote down some things. One of them I saw was ‘eating eachother’ with a big bolded no over it.

I tilted my head, but decided to not comment on that one. “Okay, anything else you want to ask or talk about?” she asked me.

“W-what r-rules for in general?” I asked.

“Don’t keep things from me.” she said. Her face softened and looked a bit worried. “If there’s something wrong, don’t keep it from me.”

“Nothings wrong, I’m just asking for in general rules.” I said sounding confused.

“That is a rule, don’t keep things from me.” she said bluntly. “Next, if during our ‘playtime’ you're starting to feel uncomfortable or I’m hurting you and it’s not the good kind, tell me to stop.”

“O-okay… what if I’m gagged?” I asked.

‘'Mind reading my dear.’ she said in a British accent. I giggled, playfully swatting at her. She stuck her tongue out at me. “As for punishments we're both pretty open about it and I'm not going to punish you for no reason… okay I will do small ones if I'm bored.”

“O-okay.” I said, assenting. She narrowed her eyes at me before zapping me on the boob. I yelped, squeaking in surprise and a little pleasure.

“Like that.” she said with a giggle. “Now, any general rules you want to say?”

“N-not really.” I said, shrugging, not having any ideas.

“Alright then.” she said as she made the notebook disappear. “We'll add more if we think of any, now my pet… what do you want to do now?”

“Y-you.” I whispered. She made a devilish smile as she brought me closer, my breasts now pressing themselves on hers.

“I think that can be arranged.” she said. I blushed, starting to nibble on her neck. She started fondling my ass as I nibbled until I noticed something, two puncture wound scars on her neck.

“H-how’d you get these?” I asked, licking the scars in question.

“Vampire.” She simply said before frowning. “Didn't even take me out to dinner.”

“Jerk.” I said, pouting.

“You mean bitch.” she said. “Just wanted to suck my blood, no fun or dinner… also back to names that you do and don’t want, what about bitch?”

“That’s fine.” I said, before frowning and exercising a little of my power, removing that mark, not liking it at all.

“Now why did you do that?” she asked me. “That was one of my more… interesting memories.”

“I didn’t like it.” I said childishly, pouting and crossing my arms. She giggled as she sat up.

“Luckily I have more.” she said. I stared at her and looked down at her body, seeing all of the scars on her.

“I didn’t like the neck one… don’t tell me how you got the others.” I said, before tilting my head. “At least, not right now.” I added, before going back to nibbling playfully on her neck.

“Alright pet, but no removing them.” she said. “Some of them… have good memories to them.”

“I won’t remove the good memoried ones.” I promised, kissing her. She smiled before groping my ass a bit more rougher than before. I yelped, blushing and moaning a little bit. She continued this before reaching down and teased my pussy a bit.

I moaned, pushing into her hand a little. She smirked a bit before she slipped her hand into my panties and teased my pussy directly while still groping my ass. I moaned, blushing at her touch and wrapping my arms around her.

“Do you like that Pet?” she asked me.

“Y-yes mistress, p-play with your slut more, please.” I said, moaning and groaning.

“With pleasure.” she said as she put one of her fingers in me. As she did this she moved so she could get to my breasts and ripped my bra off and started fondling them roughly.

I groaned in a little pain and a lot of pleasure, panting as she played with me, trying not to cum. She smirked as she pulled out of me and pulled my panties down and off me, continuing playing with me.

“That’s a good pet, let me make you feel good.” she said while becoming a bit more rougher, her hand sent small quick sparks of electricity on my breast. I yelped, moaning in pleasure at this. “Who’s my slutty pet?”

“M-me mistress!” I exclaimed, moaning, wriggling as I tried to resist the urge to cum.

She smirked and went a little faster and rougher until I felt like I almost went over before she stopped and pulled out of me. I panted, looking at her pleadingly and letting out a adorable winter, cat ears laying flat on my head.

“Don’t worry pet, I won’t leave you hanging.” she said as a large cock grew on her. I stared at it as it glowed and twitched. “With this, I’ll make you mine.”

“I’m already yours.” I said, purring and rubbing my pussy against her cock, showing her my hand with the ring. “See?”

“I know pet, just thought I should say that.” she said as she lined up her cock. “Now then… you ready?” I nodded, bracing myself. In one go she thrusted into me. I gasped as I felt something go into my body which filled my with both pain and pleasure.

I moaned and groaned loudly, shaking. She smirked at me. “Well, now you're more mine, now then.” with that she started thrusting into me. I moaned as she thrust into me, bouncing on her cock. “How you feeling pet?” she asked me.

“Moooore~” I moaned, kissing her sloppily. She picked me up and bounced me harder and faster.

“That’s right pet, take it.” she grunted as she thrusted into me. I went limp in her arms, moaning louder. “You're my slutty pet, my fucktoy for all of time.”

“O-or u-until we switch back.” I moaned playfully.

“I don’t know, you seem to be enjoying being my pet.” she said slamming into me. “I bet you wanted me to take control, let you be the pet.”

“J-just a little, Mistress.” I moaned, nibbling on her. She chuckled as she started bouncing me harder and harder.

“Get ready pet, your fill is coming soon.” she said with a devilish grin.

“Y-yes mistress.” I moaned, clenching around her, about to cum. She pounded me with no end until she came in me. I felt the wave of cum come into me as my own orgasum starts. I was left shaking in her arms as she laid back down, her cock still in me keeping the cum in.

“How do you feel pet?” she asked me.

“Full… think… twins now.” I whispered to her. She chuckled as she made a blanket over us. We layed together as I absorbed the cum, making my boobs, ass, and hair longer, bigger and more curvier.

“My little slutty pet keeps getting more sexy with my cum.” she said kissing my head.

“Only a little.” I said, shifting a little and smiling at her. She smiled as her cock slowly shrank and disappeared, leaving me with a feeling of being empty.

I let out a little whine at the feeling, it almost unnoticeable.

“Something wrong pet?” she asked me, holding me in her arms.

“Feel empty.” I told her, nuzzling her. She smirked a bit as I felt something poke me a bit until it shoved itself into my pussy.

I moaned, looking at her questioningly. She smiled at me.

“Just a dildo to fill you so you don’t have that feeling of being empty.” she said while giving me a nuzzle. “Well, soon you won’t be empty.” she then patted my belly.

“Thank you Mistress, you’re so thoughtful.” I said, hugging her tightly. She smiled as she held me.

“Well, going to be an interesting few months but it will be worth it.” she said as she petted me.

On today's forecast; cloudy, with a chance of crazy.

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Ita POV Nine months later…

“V-viri!” I called out, in distress. She ran into the room, almost falling over.

“What! What happened?!” she yelled as she looked around until looking at me with my hands on my pregnant belly.

“T-their coming.” I said, smiling. She then picked me up bridal style and carried me to a room in the house. We came back to the island to spend time with them as my kids grew inside me. So far everything was going great, other than Viri and Ri who aren’t speaking with each other after the whole Viri disappearing thing.

As she carried me I grunted in pain as they were trying to get out. “It h-hurts.” I whimpered.

“Of course it hurts love, it’s much different when giving birth to a baby than a egg.” she said as she walking into the nursery with some Chanseys waiting for me. She set me down on the bed and sat beside me, holding my hand.

One set of twins birthed later…

I was panting in exhaustion, looking up at Viri weakly. She kissed my forehead and smiled.

“You did great.” she whlegsred.

“See… them…” I panted, looking at her pleadingly. Without saying a word she brought over two bundles and hands them to me. One of them was a girl with raven black hair. She looked human other than the little bat like wings and a small demon tail, she kinda looked like a baby succubus.

The other was a boy with reddish gold skin and small horns. He yawned a bit as he slept in my arms. Viri gave me a one arm hug as I stared at them.

“They’re… beautiful.” I said weakly, tears in my eyes. Viri nuzzled me as I pulled them closer to me.

“Well, time for the naming part.” Viri said. “Got any ideas?”

“Nope.” I said weakly. She rolled her eyes at me.

“Well this time I have two for the two, for this one.” she nudged the boy. “Aonn and this one.” she nudged the girl. “Aezlea, or Aez for short.”

“Like… them…” I panted, feeling weak, darkness starting to cover my vision.

“Sleep my pet, you need your rest.” was the last thing I heard before I went to sleep.

Viri PoV

I saw Ita fall asleep with the two in her arms. I smiled at the sight as I left her to her slumber. I walked out of the kitchen to see no one was here, went to the surface for school or something. I made myself a sandwich and some food for Ita when she wakes up. As I did this I heard someone walk into the room, I turned to see Ivory.

“Hey Ivory, how goes it?” I asked her.

“Fine… hey you got a minute?” she asked me. I nodded as I took another bite out of my sandwich. “Well… it’s almost been three or four years since you all took me and my brother in and… me dating Hiro.”

“Yeah.” I said with a mouthful. I swallowed to clear my throat. “Also it’s five, kept track.”

“Oh… well I want to do something for Hiro and… I want your opinion on it.” she said. I raised an eyebrow at her.

“What about Ri?” I asked her.

“She’s busy with getting Weiss and Blake into school and dealing with Raziel and Strix.” she said. I stared at her for a bit, who?... oh right the two new kids Ri had with Ken I believe.

“Okay, what you got?” I asked her. She took a deep breath and started to glow. There was a flash that I had to blink to clear my eyes. When I could see I saw Ivory standing in front of me looking… different. She looked like a black haired version of Ri when she’s in her cat form, human skin, cat ears, two tails etc.

“W-well?” she asked me, shifting a bit.

“This is your gift? Turning yourself into a cat person?” I asked her.

“Y-yeah… I thought it was a good idea.” she said, her ears flattening on her head. I kneeled down and smiled at her.

“I think it’s great, she’ll be happy for you.” I said to her. “Now, when are you going to show her?”

“Umm… now?” she said. “She’s waiting for her gift.”

I raised an eyebrow at this, if Hiro is like her mother… “Well, better show her.”

She nodded as she walked into the living room with me. I saw Hiro sitting on the couch until she saw me.

“Hey mom… who’s that?” she asked pointing at Ivory.

“H-hey… Hiro.” she said blushing. Hiro stared at her for a moment.

“Wait… Ivory is that you?” she asked wide eyed. Ivory nodded shifting in place.

“D-Do you like it? I been practicing.” she said. Hiro just stared at her in silence. Ivory looked over at me with worry. “Hiro?”

With that Hiro took her hand and lead her away into the house. Ivory looked back at me as I gave her a thumbs up. When they were gone I sat down on the couch and relaxed.

Ita PoV, a few hours later.

I groaned as I woke up, still a little tired. “Viri?” I called. I waited a few minutes but she didn't show up. I frowned a bit until I looked down and saw the two in my arms.

I smiled at them, holding them closer as I slowly got up, wandering out of the room. I continued on until I found Viri sleeping on the couch.

I smiled, sitting next to her and nuzzling her a little. She muttered something but didn't awaken from her nap. She moved until she had her head was on top of mine, this gave me a good view of her chest that was covered with a loose tank top.

I smirked, slipping one of her boobs free and nibbling on her tit. She muttered something but didn't wake, thank lord that when she sleeps she's a heavy sleeper.

I set the two in my arms in a nearby crib, before taking her shirt off and playing with one boob as I bit the other. She moaned in her sleep as she shifted a bit towards me as I did this.

I put my other hand on her ass, sending a zap through her. Next thing I knew I was on my back with her on top of me with her hand grabbing my throat. She had a wild scared look until she sighed and let go.

“I told you not to zap me when I'm sleeping.’ she said.

“Sorry… I forgot.” I said sheepishly, blushing in embarrassment. She smiled as she kissed me.

“Hey love, how's it going?” she asked me, pretending what happened didn't happen.

“Good.” I said, kissing her again. “How about you?”

“Good, better now.” she said as she sat me up, not noticing being topless, or she did notice but just didn't care.

“I’m surprised those two didn’t wake up during all that.” I commented, looking at the newest twins. They slept soundly in the crib as it magically rocked.

“They probably got that from me, I sleep like a rock sometimes.” she said. She smiled as her tail wrap around me.

“Just a little bit.” I said. She smiled at me.

“So, what's going on?” she asked, leaning back on the couch.

“I just woke up and wanted to know what you wanted for breakfast.” I told her.

“I have no idea… wait why am I topless?” she asked looking down.

“I got thirsty.” I said, giggling. She rolled her eyes at me.

“Of course you are.” she said.

“Well, how about I make some waffles for breakfast?” I suggested.

“Waffles.” she simply said.

“What? We have pancakes and homefries most of the time, I’m making something at least a little different.” I said.

“Not saying it's a bad thing, I like waffles.” she said with a smile. I smiled, going into the kitchen and starting to make some waffles and french toast. When I was almost finished Viri walked in with the two new twins and sat down.

I waved a hand, setting up two baby-chairs for them to be put into before I continued making breakfast. As I floated the food over I heard someone coming. I turned to see Hiro and… someone I don't know walking into the room. They looked a bit of a mess with grins on their faces and holding hands.

I guess that that was Hiros girlfriend, simply waving over another plate of food for the two. “Hey there.” I greeted cheerfully as I set the table.

“Hey.” the two said, trying to look more clean looking.

“You are like your mother.” Viri said with a chuckle. I raised an eyebrow at her for the fact that she's just wearing a bra.

“You still don’t have a shirt on.” I reminded her, setting everything down and starting on my breakfast.

“You enjoy it.” she said with a smirk. The other two sat down with two plates of food in front of them. As we ate Viri kept the twins happy and as I realised that they grew a bit in the past few hours. I looked at the other two as they were being all lovey dovey with each other.

“So, how,s your relationship going there?” I asked the two, smirking. The two of them smiled.

“It's going very well Miss. Walker.” the girl said, who sounded like Ivory, as she nuzzled up to Hiro. Hiro just nuzzled her back. Viri smiled at them as she held Aez as she was gumming a spoon.

I smiled at the sight, stretching a little.

“So what's you plan for the you two?” Viri asked.

“Cuddling.” Ivory said. Hiro blushed at this and nodded.

“Don’t get too loud with your ‘cuddling’.” I said teasingly to the two, smirking at them. They blushed at this, Ivory shifted nervously as Hiro wrapped an arm around her.

“Don’t want to wake up your new sibling now, do you Hiro?” I asked rhetorically, giving her a look. She shook her head at me. “Good.” I said, smirking.

“One last thing.” Viri said. She leaned over and whispered in her ear. Hiro went bright red at this as Viri pulled away giggling. After a bit the two of them went off blushing, leaving me and Viri alone.

I hummed, levitating the two babies over to me and taking my shirt off, letting the two drink some of the milk my body had started making after I got pregnant with them.

“This is the first time I saw you do that.” Viri said.

“First time I felt like it.” I said simply, shrugging. She smiled at me. As a few minutes passed I started to feel something rubbing at my crotch. I then saw Viri smirking.

“W-what?” I asked with a blush as the two still fed from me.

“Just playing with my pet.” she said with a shrug. “Still have a day until we switch roles.”

“D-do y-you have to while I’m feeding them?” I asked with a moan.

“Maybe~.” she said rubbing a bit more. I blushed more, moaning and closing my eyes. She continued this for a bit until she stopped. I opened my eyes and looked at her as she smirked.

“Meany, teasing me like that.” I said childishly as the two babies finished feeding, making me burp them and levitate them into their cribs. She shrugged as I got up and walked over to the counter to grab something. As I did Viri came behind me and grabbed my breasts.

“Who says I’m done?” she said as she groped them. I blushed, moaning and leaning into it. She continued this until I felt my clothes changed. I looked down to see that I was wearing an apron… and just that.

I blushed furiously, moving to cover myself. She stopped me by putting her hand on my pussy and started rubbing.

“What’s wrong pet? I thought you would be comfortable like this?” she asked me as she nibbled my ear.

“Y-you surprised me.” I said, moaning.

“But now you're enjoying this.” she said as she started groping and rubbing me harder. I said nothing, simply moaning more as she played with me. She did this until she moved her hand to my other breast and something else was poking me.

I looked down at what was poking me, blushing more. She started rubbing me with her cock as she groped me more.

“M-mistress.” I moaned, rubbing against her cock. “P-put it in me, please.”

“Oh I will,” she said before her cock disappeared and she backed away. “But not now, later.”

“M-mistress~” I whined, ears going down. She walked over and held my chin in her hand.

“I want the last night to be special, you just have to wait pet.” she said softly. I whined again, but nodded. She kissed me and backed away. “Spend time with your newborn's, I’ll be in the nursery.”

“Okay.” I said, grabbing the two and simply sitting on the couch with them. They were sleeping in my arms, Aez wings twitched and fluttered a bit as she slept as they slept happily. I decided to see what Viri was doing in the nursery, taking the two I floated over to the door and peeked in.

I saw Viri sitting on the floor with her three eggs while reading to the four that was sleeping here until they're a bit older. I saw the neko, Edward, was sitting beside her as the other three were on her lab or other side holding one of the eggs. I looked at the other three and saw some pokemon treats coming in but it was still unknown which pokemon were they. Viri seemed happy reading to them as I saw one of them falling asleep.

I smiled, sitting next to Viri. She smiled at me as one of the four sat next to me. All of us sat around as we spent reading and being together. Soon a few hours passed and Viri put the four in bed while I put the twins in some cribs. I stood next to Viri as we stood in the doorway.

“What we did today was one of the greatest things ever.” she whispered to me. I nodded as I kissed her. When I did I felt something around my neck and heard a clicking sound. I pulled back and saw that she put a collar on me. “Now, for our fun, pet.”

With that she picked me up and carried me into our bedroom. She put me down and smirked as she walked over and sat down on the bed. I eagerly sat there, bouncing a little in excitement.

“Now pet, strip.” Viri ordered. Before she was even done saying that, I had my clothes off and had thrown them randomly, my panties landing over her face. She blinked at them as she removed them. “Someones eager.”

“J-just a little.” I said, blushing a bit in embarrassment. She chuckled a bit.

“Well, come over here and kneel down, and do so as slutty as you can.” she ordered with a smirk.

I did so slowly and sexually, shaking my ass a little as I crawled sensually over to her. As I did some I saw her clothes slowly melt away and a cock appeared on her.

“Now pet, how big you want it?” she asked me.

“Bigger.” I said simply. She smiled made it a bit bigger.

“Bigger?” she asked with a smirk.

“Gigantic.” I said. With that it grew until it was as tall as I was. It twitched a bit as I stared at it, making me gulp a bit.

“Is my pet slut nervous?” she asked, patting the cock in front of her.

“A little.” I said, gulping before putting a brave face on, starting to lick and stroke the gigantic cock. It was so big that both my hands can’t wrap around it. I decided to use my whole body to pleasure it as I rubbed up on it. The musk of it entered my nose and went into my head, making me bit my lip.

“Mistress is so big~” I purred, wrapping my arms around the cock, this making my breasts go around it and starting to give her a tit job.

“Anything for you my big slut.” she said as she pinched my ass. I moaned, kissing the head of her cock every time I got back up there, bouncing a little to give her whole cock a feel of my breasts. She moaned a bit as she laid down on the bed and watched me.

“Mistress~” I slurred, mind going a little foggy from the musk as I started putting the head of her cock in my mouth.

“Does my slutty pet think she can take it in her mouth?” she asked.

“I don’t know Mistress, it might be too big.” I said, barely managing to get half of the head in. “Maybe I should let myself get bigger?”

“Hmm… no, I have a better idea.” she said as I felt myself float up into the air and set down on her cock, the tip pressing on my pussy. The musk seemed to get stronger as it went into my brain, making my mind more foggy.

I was quickly snapped out of it, however, when it started stretching me more than the little shapeshifting I was willing to do to my insides could handle, making me whimper in pain.

“Are you okay?” she asked with concern in her voice.

“Can’t… stretch… enough.” I said through whimpers. She frowned a bit as I felt the cock slowly became smaller as I went down slowly.

“Coulda… just… let me… grow.” I said, moaning in pleasure at the now smaller cock entering me.

“I have a better idea.” she said as I hilted her. She puts her hand on me and I felt my body tingle a bit. “You ready?”

“W-what happened?” I asked. She smiled as her cock became much larger inside me, bulging out from my stomach. I felt a massive explosion of pleasure when this happened.

“Made your body a bit more… easier to take bigger cocks, does it feel good?” she asked as she stirred her cock inside me. I couldn’t say anything, mind too foggy my tongue lolling out of me with my eyes in the back of my head, me drooling a little. She chuckled as she pulled back and thrusted into me once.

I shook as I came around her cock, moaning loudly in pleasure. She smirked as she did it again.

“Ready to get messed up, slut?” she asked me. I simply came again, unable to answer. She narrowed her eyes as she moved so I was laying down. “Pet, answer me or you won’t get my cock.” she said as she slowly pulled out of me.

I didn’t really seem mentally capable of answering her right now, simply twitching a little. She saw this and reached up and touched my head. I blinked a few times and finally understanding what’s going on she was pulling out of me slowly.

I let her, a little afraid of losing myself to the pleasure again. She stopped as only her tip was in me.

“Ready pet?” she asked me.

“N-not really, Mistress.” I said, sounding a little scared.

“You think you can’t handle it pet?” she asked me as she wiggled. “I can make it a size that you can handle it.”

“M-make it so I don’t… lose myself.” I said, hugging her and shaking a little. She didn’t say anything as she pushed into me. I felt it a bit smaller than before but still big as it bulged out over my breasts as Viri laid down on it, having it between both of our breasts. I felt the pleasure from it but still had my mind straight.

“Better?” she asked me.

“Y-yes.” I said, moaning and smiling at her.

“Alright… you ready slut?” she asked me.

“Yes.” I said confidently. She narrowed her eyes at me for a moment before pulling out of me and slamming it back in. I moaned loudly at this but she started to thrust into me hard.

“Take it slut, take the cock that you love so much.” She said as she grabbed my hips, pulling me in as she thrusted into me.

“Mistress~!” I exclaimed, moaning in pleasure. She just continued to pound me. She grunted at each thrust as she started to go harder.

I simply moaned louder at this, enjoying her thrusting. She took my head and held it in her hand as she pounded me.

“Who’s my slutty pet.” she asked without breaking eye contact.

“Me!” I cried.

“Damn straight.” she said. “I’m going to fuck you so that when we switch you’ll have a nagging feeling that you want to be my pet again.”

I felt her cock become warmer as she pounded me harder. “Slowly it will build until we switch back, and I’ll play with my pet again, how does that sound pet?”

“M-mistress…” I moaned, feeling close.

“Cum for me pet, cum for your mistress.” she said with a growl, her eyes went darker for a moment before smirking. I came violently, shuddering in pleasure. She continued pounding me until she came in me, making my belly bloat out. After she was done she looked at me and smiled. “How’s my pet?”

“Full.” I moaned. She kissed me and smiled.

“Want to go again or you want to sleep?” she asked pulling out of me.

“Sleepy…” I muttered. She nodded as she helped my under the covers and kissed my forehead.

“Sleep well pet, I’ll see you soon.” she said softly. I nodded, passing out.

A few hours later…

I woke up yawned, sitting up and stretching. I looked around and saw Viri laying beside me sleeping. I smiled, cuddling against her. She shifted a bit and curling up to me, making a happy humming sound.

“Wake up honey.” I said shaking her ass. She muttered something and opened her eyes. She looked over at me and smiled.

“At least you didn’t zap me…” she said as she turned to face me. “Morning.”

“Morning… go make breakfast.” I ordered, smirking.

“I just woke up…” she whined a bit. I smacked her ass, zapping it. She gasped and blinked, a bit more awake now.

“Go make breakfast.” I ordered again. She giggled at me.

“Alri-” she started until there was a knock at the door.

“UUUUGh who is it?” I asked.

“Room service~!” a cheery voice said through the door.

“Oh come on! How did you follow me!” Viri yelled.

“Who’s that?” I asked. She just groans as the door opened. What came through was a woman wearing a small apron and just that. She had dark purple hair with green eyes that looked at us. She had a perfect smile as she walked over to us with a tray of food. I saw her breasts jiggled as she walked as her apron didn’t seemed to cover everything.

“Breakfast is served!” she said happily. Viri just groaned as she hits herself with a pillow.

“Okay, who is this and how do you know her?” I asked, taking the breakfast.

“Oh mistress knows me very well.” she said happily.

“DON’T CALL ME THAT!” Viri yelled at her. “How the hell did you get here?”

“I followed you.” she said. Viri sighed and massaged her head. She looked at me and at the lady as I saw that she had a demon's tail and small wings.

“Ita… this is Liz… the succubus that I saved some time ago.” Viri said.

“And I’m so happy about it!” she said as she leaped over to her and hugged her.

“She’s also very clingy.” she said as she patted Liz on the head.

“Sweet, now I get a new pet.” I said, shrugging with a smirk. “Since I’m your mistress right now Viri, that’d make her mine by proxy.”

“But I want her to be my mistress.” Liz said with a pout.

“No no it’s fine, you can have her.” Viri said quickly. Liz frowned but snuggled up to Viri. “God damn it, why are you clingy.”

“There's no reason you can’t be both of ours.” I said. Liz seemed to think about it for a few minutes.

“Go make muffins.” Viri said.

“K!” Liz said jumping out of bed and ran out of the room. I got a good look of her ass jiggling before she went out.

“So, wanna go more in depth on that story of how you met her?” I asked, eating the breakfast.

“When I was over in the other world me and a group went underground to deal with some dwarves.” she said as she took one piece of toast. “During that time we ran into some slavers that so happened to have Liz, not knowing that she’s a succubus I freed her and she basically made me her mistress and followed me around, what’s scared me was that her full name is Elizabeth Pie.”

“So… alternate Pinkies daughter or something?” I suggested.

“I don’t know.” she said while eating the toast. “There weren't any ponies over there so… I don’t know.”

“We could alter her memories so I saved her if you want.” I said jokingly.

“Tried that, didn’t work.” she said with a sigh. “It’s something about her, when she gives her heart to another she’ll know who’s her master, or mistress in this case, is. She’s harmless other than clingy.”

“Can’t you just ask her to tone it down a little?” I suggested.

“This is her tone down, before she wanted to have sex with me every waking minute.” Viri said finishing her food. “Other than being clingy she’s… not that bad, she’s really good at cooking as you can tell.” she pointed at the food.

“She really is.” I agreed, nodding. As we ate Liz came back smiling.

“Muffins are in the oven.” she said smiling. Viri nodded as she ate her toast. I picked up some bacon and bit into it, smiling at the taste.

“You’re a great cook, Liz.” I complimented. She blushed a bit.

“U-umm… th-thanks.” she stuttered, fidgeting.

“Not used to compliments?” I asked with a smirk. She shook her head as she twiddled her thumbs.

“Not a lot people give me compliments.” she muttered.

“They should, you deserve them.” I stated. She smiled sadly as she walked over and snuggled up to Viri. Viri sighed at this.

“You okay there?” I asked.

“I’m fine, just tired to doing the same thing over and over.” Viri said as she petted Liz. “I believe the more I push the more she jumps back.”

“Try pulling, throw her off her game.” I suggested, giggling. She rolled her eyes and looked at Liz for a moment before giving her a hug. Liz blinked a few times and smiled.

“So… what now?” Liz asked as she pulled away from Viri and getting off the bed, kneeling down at the edge of it.

“Well, we kinda have kids to take care of, Viri, so let’s go do that, and I guess Liz will just follow us or something.” I said, shrugging and floating out of the room. As I got to the living room I saw Reshiram laying down on the couch reading a book while Zekrom and Dialga were playing video games. I guessed that the rest were ether outside or at school.

“How is everyone?” I asked with a smile as I floated the two infants over to me. Aonn was still sleeping but Aez smiled up at me.

“Good.” Zekrom said. “And that’s… five wins for me.”

“Dang it! Again.” Dialga said. As the two played another game Reshiram was still reading her book. I cooed at the two infants lovingly, smiling at them. The door opened and I saw Ri walked in with two of her kids, Raziel and Strix.

“Hey Ita.” she said as she sat down in a chair.

“Hi Ri.” I said, idly spanking her ass with Psychic just to tease her. She just smirked at me as it disappeared when Viri walked out. The two saw each other and Ri glared at Viri. Viri in turn just sighed as she held her eggs in her arms and headed outside.

“Whats with the glares?” I asked. Ri crossed her arms and frowned.

“I’m still mad at her for leaving.” she said.

“She was kidnapped, she didn’t leave.” I said.

“She’s a flippin goddess, how can she get kidnapped.” she said with a frown. I stared at her for a few minutes.

“You know there's this wonderful thing called sleeping.” I deadpanned.

“And there's this thing called having the power to come back.” she shot back angrily.

“She couldn’t, if she could have she would have.” I said simply. Ri crossed her arms as she looked away.

“Who’s the bitch?” a voice said. I looked up to see Liz floating above me still wearing the apron and nothing else.

“Her names Ri, she used to be half of Viri.” I said. Ri looked over at me oddly.

“Who are you talking to?” she asked. Liz floated down beside me.

“She can’t see me, only you and Viri can.” she said with a smile.

“Just my imaginary friend.” I said casually. Ri eyed me weirdly as she went back to being angry.

“Now I think about it, Viri did talk about her, saying that she’s like her but more of an hothead.” Liz said as she floated over me.

“Just a bit.” I agreed. Liz floated over to Ri and just floated over her. I felt someone poke me and saw that it was Reshi.

“What is it?” I asked gently. She looks over at Ri and Liz.

“Who’s the floating naked lady?” she asked.

“Her names Liz, Viri saved her, so she wants to stay close.” I said simply. She looked at me, then at Liz then shrugged and went back to her book.

“How is everyone?” I asked. No one answered but I got a good idea, the two playing were having fun and Reshi was happily reading. Ri was the only one not happy as she frowning.

“You okay Ri?” I asked, giving her a one armed hug. She didn’t answer as she was still frowning. I raised an eyebrow at her that she’s still bent about Viri disappearing.

“So… what are you going to do?” Liz asked. I looked at her for a moment and saw Reshi get up and moving somewhere else to read.

“I dunno.” I said. Liz looked down at Ri for a moment before smiling. She floated down and gave Ri’s breast a squeeze. Ri jumped at that, looking around to see who done that. Liz floated over to me and snickered.

“Had to.” she said. “So much fun to tease someone.” I giggled, nodding in agreement. She nudged me a bit. “Viri told me that one time you did… punishments, to your lovers… do you still do them?”

“Occasionally.” I said. Liz raised an eyebrow at me.

“Well, she was part of it and she’s being a bit… bad… you getting what I mean?” she said. I simply smirked. “Now… fun time?”

“Sure.” I said, shrugging. Liz smirked and floated over to Ri and looked at her. She looked at me and waited to see what I’m going to do. As I thought about it she looked over at Ri and her hand glowed. Ri blinked a few times and started to fidget in her seat as she blushed a bit. She started to fan herself as if she became hotter.

“Ita, is it hot in here?” she asked me.

“Just you.” I said cheekily. Liz smirked before disappearing as Ri started to shift a bit. She licked her lips as she tried, and failed, to keep cool. Her hips started to make humping movements as she started to pant.

“So… hot…” she said as she took off her shirt. She wore a red bra on as she again tried to fan herself. The other two didn’t seem to notice this as she took off her pants, leaving her in her underwear.

“You okay there?” I asked, scooting next to her.

“I… feel… hot…” she panted as she started to grind on her seat, I saw a damp spot on the seat as her panties were almost soaked.

“Need… help?” I asked, smirking. Her answer came with as she moaned a bit as this heat was started to be unbearable. She nodded quickly as she started to grope one of her breasts.

I smiled, reaching down and stroking her pussy. She moaned a bit before cutting herself off as she looked over at the other two. She covered her mouth as she started to hump my hand.

I smiled, snapping my fingers and freezing time around us. “How about you take a seat on this?” I suggested, a large bulge appearing in my pants. She saw this and went to remove my pants. After a moment my cock was now free as she stared at it. She gulped a bit at this.

“Nervous?” I asked. She just stared at my cock for a bit as she fingered herself.

“Been… so long…” she moaned as she continued masterbating herself.

“Hop on.” I encouraged. She eyed my cock before literally ripping her panties off and stood over me with her pussy, now dripping, over my cock. She lowered herself on it and started to tease me a bit, moaning as she did. I rolled my eyes at her.

I simply grabbed her hips, pushing her down on me. She moaned loudly as she took all of it in her. I felt her walls spasming around my cock tightly, was she always this tight?

I decided to not dwell on it, bouncing her on my cock. She moaned and grunted as her walls tightened around me as I saw that the only thing left was her bra on. This gave me a few ideas on how to get rid of it.

I opted for tearing it off, smirking and kissing her. She moaned as she put her hands on my shoulders as she bounced on me, moaning and grunting all the while.

My cock throbbed in her, me grunting as I got ready to cum in her. She bounced a few times and came on me, her pussy tightened around my cock which pushed me over the edge. I yelled loudly as I came, grunting in pleasure. Her eyes rolled up inside her head as the look of bliss was on her. She milked my cock a bit as she fell on me panting.

“Feel better?” I asked, smirking. She took some breaths and nodded slowly, her pussy still trying to milk me as it massage my cock. I made my cock vanish, smiling. I heard her whimper a bit as she laid on top of me.

“Calm down.” I said, kissing her forehead. She didn’t say anything, just laying on me as she calmed down. She looked up at me with loving eyes as she nuzzled me a bit. I smiled, nuzzling back.

“What now?” she asked me.

“Nap time?” I suggested. She nodded as her eyes slowly closed, falling asleep on me. I smiled. Resuming time after clothing her and myself before following her into slumberland.

A few hours later…

I felt someone poking me as I woke up. I opened one of my eyes and saw Viri standing there looking at me.

“Slept well?” she asked me. I open the other eye and looked around. I saw Ri still sleeping on top of me, now in her cat form. Viri giggled. “Kinda like a little girl sleeping with her mom.”

“A little.” I said, smiling. Viri stared at me for a moment.

“Huh, I thought you'd do something.” she said. I raised an eyebrow at me. “You know, you're the mischievous type.”

I tilted my head, before smirking and turning Ri into a child. Ri shrank and became younger until she was around ten or twelve years old. She muttered something as her clothes didn’t shrank with her as she pulled her shirt over her head, still sleeping.

I giggled, tickling her in her sleep. She giggled a bit until she woke up. She sat up and looked around, the look of confusion on her. She yawned a bit, making a mewing sound before snuggling up on my breasts.

I giggled, scratching behind her ears. She purred at this.

“Aww...looks like she likes you.” Viri said as she poked my breasts. “That or she likes sleeping on your breasts.” I tilted my head, before smirking and making Viri match Ri. She blinked until she fell asleep. As she did her body also shrank down until the two were the same age. I set Ri down as the two woke up and looked around.

“What… happened?” Little Ri asked.

“I don’t know?” Little Viri said. The two of them looked over at me and both smiled.

“Mommy!” they yelled as they tackled hugged me. I smiled, hugging them and rubbing their backs.

“Hi sweeties.” I cooed. They smiled up at me as Ri nuzzled my breast a bit, Viri just hugged me. I looked over at the other two to see that they were still playing their game, not noticing everything.

“Mommy, what are we going to do today?” Viri asked me. Her shirt and Ri’s was now an over sized dresses.

“Yeah yeah, I want to do something fun.” Ri said as she bounced happily on my lap.

“We could play something outside.” I mused. They both cheered at this and started giggling. I then heard the sound of their stomachs rumble.

“Are my babies hungry?” I cooed teasingly. They blushed at this and nodded. “Do my babies want a more… personal feeding?” I asked, grasping my breast. They both nodded as they moved to me, losing their now over sized pants at this point.

I smiled, taking my shirt and bra off. “Eat up babies.” I cooed. They nodded as they took one breast in each mouth and began to suck in tandem with each other.

I stifled a moan, rubbing the back of their heads. They continue until I saw their bellies bloat out a bit from the milk.

“Nice and full?” I asked, smiling. They continued until they popped off my breasts and giggled. Ri yawned a bit and laid on my breast, nibbling on my breast.

“No sleeping honey, its play time.” I said, giggling in amusement. She looked up at me as she snuggled into my breast, putting my nipple back into her mouth. Viri just nuzzled my other breast happily.

“You two love mommies big breasts, don’t you?” I asked, giggling. They both nodded as Viri snuggled up to one and Ri nibbled on the other.

“You can play with mommies breasts later, let’s go outside and play.” I told them. They both whined but nodded as they crawled off of me, now noticing their clothes as they are now too big. They both look at me with puppy dog eyes which made me giggle.

I waved my hand, making more… fitting clothes appear on them. They both smiled as they took my hands and pulled me up. I had them in dresses, Viri in a pink one as Ri was in a green one.

“Now my babies are all nice and pretty.” I cooed teasingly. They both giggled as they held my hands, waiting to head out.

I smiled, standing and leading them outside.

“Mommy, what are we gonna do?” Viri asked. Ri looked up at me with a curious look as well.

“We could play catch.” I mused. They both nodded as I made a ball appeared. We played catch for a few hours as the two laughed and giggled.

“What do you wanna do next?” I asked. The two looked at each other and shrugged.

“What does mommy want to do?” Viri asked with Ri nodding at me.

“Who wants to play hide and seek?” I asked, grinning. They both put their hands up.

“Oh oh, betting! We should bet!” Ri said happily. Viri rolled her eyes at her.

“Bet how?” I asked.

“If we win we get something or you do something, and the same if you win.” she said. She then started to think of something as Viri spoke up.

“If we win, we get to spank you.” she said. Ri looked at her in shock.

“What, no! I don't want to hurt mommy.” she said getting teary eyed.

“It’s fine honey… but I get the same if I win, to you.” I said, smirking. They nodded, Ri a bit more sadly than Viri.

“You look, I’ll hide.” I told them, vanishing.

One game later…

“How did you find me?” I asked, wide eyed. Viri smiled as her eyes glowed.

“You used magic to hide, you didn’t say we can’t use magic to find you.” she said. Ri shifted a bit.

“Can I get something different, I don’t want to spank mommy.” she said sadly.

“Sure, what do you want honey?” I asked, kneeling in front of her. She looked up at me and pointed at my breasts. I giggled at her.

“You want mommies milk?” I asked, jiggling my breasts. She nodded quickly at this.

“Hey! I want some as well!” Viri said.

“Well too bad, you’re getting the other one.” Ri said sticking her tongue out at her. Viri stared at her than looked at me.

“Can I switched as well.” she asked me.

“You can just have both.” I said, shrugging and smirking. Viri smiled as Ri rolled her eyes at her.

I giggled, amused, freeing my breasts. They both came over and nuzzled my breasts, Ri mewing happily. “Mommy has more milk for you two.” I whispered softly, smiling. The two of them looked up at me and looked down at themselves.

“Last time our bellies became big.” Ri said.

“So…” Viri finished as the two started removing their dresses and setting them away from us. Now naked they smiled up at me. “Don’t want you ruin our dresses mommy.”

I smiled, simply making a blanket appear, sitting on it and beckoning them over. They came over and crawled on me, sitting in front of my breasts, one for each. Ri just started to snuggle up to hers.

“Drink up babies.” I said, hugging them. They both latched onto my breasts again and started sucking, moaning as my milk went into them. I smiled, stifling my own moans and slowly laying down, cradling them. They continued sucking as they were filling up with my milk, their moans vibrated my breasts as they fed themselves.

I blushed, but remained silent. Soon I felt their bellies bloat out as they continued. “Are my babies full?” I asked. They removed their mouths and mewed at me.

“Alright… Viri, do you want to spank mommy now?” I asked. Viri looked up sleepily at me and nodded. Ri on the other hand passed out as she laid on my breast.

I smiled, teleporting Ri onto a bed nearby, before I layed on my stomach. “Go ahead whenever you want, sweetie.” I said.

She shuffled over and I felt her small hand rub my ass a bit before backing off a bit. I waited and I felt her spank my ass, only it felt… bigger?

“Told you that you’d start feeling this way.” Viri, older Viri whispered. I turned my head to see her over me with a smirk. “Hello there.”

“Hi.” I said, smirking. She rubbed my ass a bit as she made my clothes disappeared.

“So, I still get to spank you right.” she said sexualy as she did a few taps on my ass, sending a few bolts of pleasure into me.

“Sure.” I said, raising my ass into the air. She smirked and spank my ass as I felt electricity run through my body, making me shake as she did it again.

I stifled any moans, refusing to let them out. She trailed one of her hands down my spine slowly, making me feel a chill go down it as her spanks became harder.

“Come on, you know you want to.” Viri said in my ear. I stayed silent, shaking my head. Her eyes narrowed as she spank my ass again then went a little lower to tease me a bit before resuming to spank me, shifting from electricity to fire, ice, and some others.

I simply took the spanks, my ass slowly becoming more and more orange. She spank me one last time, shooting a bolt of pleasure right into my brain, starting fireworks in it. I barely managed to hold my moans in.

“Well, I got to say, you did well to hold it in, pet.” she said as she grope my ass a bit. “I’ll see you again when we switch back, I’ll give you a reward for holding out for so long.”

With that she backed away from me. I turned around to see Viri, young Viri, sitting there still full of my milk. She burb a bit as she smiled at me. I smiled back, clothing myself and teleporting us into the bed with Ri, hugging the two.

“Today was fun mommy.” Viri said as she snuggled into my breast.

“It was for me too, sweetie.” I said, kissing her forehead. She giggled and nuzzled me a bit.

I simply squeezed them tighter, giving Ri a forehead kiss. Soon the two of them fell asleep in my arms. After a few minutes there bodies started to grow back to normal. The two laid on both sides of me as slowly they started to rub themselves on me.

I giggled, letting them. After a bit I started to feel their pussies get wet and started to pant and whimper. I smirked, making two cocks grow on me, pushing their pussy close to the cocks. As soon as the two touched they groaned and moaned as they started to grind their pussies on my cocks.

I smirked, thrusting into them. This woke them up as they moaned. “Hi ‘babies’.” I said, snickering.

They groaned at this as their pussies massage my cocks.. I moaned, smirking. “Bounce on me until you feel better.” I ordered.

They did as they were told as they started to bounced on me. Viri started grunting and moaning as Ri had a look of bliss.

“I missed this…” Ri moaned. “I miss being filled with cum.” Viri looked over at her and at me, nodding to her as if to say to deal with her more before her.

I nodded, making that cock cum, moaning loudly as I filled Ri. She moaned a bit at this as Viri pushed off of me and went to my side.

“I think she needs a few rounds of you.” she said as Ri was now grinding on me again. Viri kissed me on the cheek. “You'll have me later.””

“Okay.” I said, putting the other cokc in Ris ass and making that one cum, so they were even. She moaned at this and started to bounced on both cocks.

I smirked, thrusting up into her. She gasped as she bounced faster.

“Harder… faster… bigger…” she panted. “... Fill me… breed me… fuck me.”

I smirked, making myself bigger and going faster, pounding into her. She grunted and thrusted her hips down onto me.

“Fuck me… breed me…” she repeated over and over as her eyes rolled up into her head. I smirked, thrusting one last time before I blasted her with infertile cum. Her stomach bloated out as she twitched a bit. She gasped before falling on me, her belly holding her up away from me.

I giggled, spanking her ass. She jiggled a bit as she moaned.

“Looks like you two had fun.” Viri said. I turned to her and saw her wearing one of her latex suits. “So, how many?”

“A couple.” I said simply, gentling taking Ri off of me and making her sleep after plugging her up. Viri eyed me for a moment.

“Can't tell if you're being truthful or not.” she said with a shrug.

“Oh well.” I said, smirking.

“My, what am I going to do with you?” she said with a smile as she crawled into bed. She snuggled up to me. “Good thing that my old sleepwear still fits.”

“But you're naked.” I said, giggling.

“That's because the suit is skin tight.” she said as she trails her hand down the latex suit that hugs her curves tightly.

“A little.” I said. She giggled.

“So, what do you want to do with this slut?” she asked me.

“Stuff.” I said helpfully. She smiled, crawled on top of me and kissed me. I kissed her back, smiling. She continued kissing me as she jiggled her latex ass on top of me.

I smiled, spanking it. She giggled at this as she jiggled her ass some more. I giggled back, keeping the spanks up, slowly transferring my submissiveness to her. Soon hey eyes became a little wider as she shook her ass.

“Oh mistress…” she moaned out.

“Yes, pet?” I asked with a smirk. She looked at me with a pleading look.

“Please, give me more.” she said as the last of my submissiveness went into her.

“You want me to smack your ass more, pet?” I asked, smirking at her.

“Oh please mistress, spank me more, do whatever you want with me…” she pleaded. I smirked, raising my hand and giving her a hard smack on her ass, it echoing throughout the house. She gasped and moaned. She wiggled her ass up, asking for another.

I smirked, giving her one twice as hard. After she made a long drawn out moan we shifted that I was kneeling beside her as she was on her hands as knees, waiting to be spanked.

Instead, I made two cocks appear, one above the other, thrusting into her. She squealed at this as I held her there. “Feel good, my slutty bitch?” I asked, smirking.

“Y-yes mistress, it feels good…” she moaned.

“Does pet want mistress to pound her?” I asked. She nodded her head.

“Y-yes mistress.” she said timidly. I smirked, obliging and slowly starting to thrust in and out of her, almost teasingly. She moaned a bit as she stayed still.

“M-mistress… a-are you gonna-”she was cut short as I thrusted into her a bit harder to tease her.

“Beg.” I ordered. She whimpered a bit.

“Please mistress, breed me like you bred Ri.” she begged. “We both want to bear your children.”

“Alright.” I said, smirking as I started to go a little faster. “That’s more like it, but do it better.”

“Mistress, please fuck me, breed me like the slut I am.” she said as she looked over at Ri. “Fuck both of our slutty pussies, breed us like the whores we are, please!”

“I don’t know about Ri, don’t really feel like it.” I mused, before smirking. “I’ll just have to pound you twice as hard to make up for it!” I shouted, suddenly jackhammering her.

She grunted and gasp at this. As I was doing this I heard a whimper. I looked over at the sleeping Ri as she started whimpering as she rubbed her belly, did she hear me?

“Maybe I could… fuck it.” I said, splitting in two and having the clone start hammering Ri. Ri gasped as she was still asleep but had a look of bliss on her as myself pounded her, making her ass and belly jiggle.

I smirked, before moaning loudly and cumming inside Viri as the clone doing RI did the same. Ri’s belly expanded a bit more as Viri moaned at this, her pussy milking my cock.

“All nice and full?” I asked, panting and spanking her.

“Yes… but I can be fuller.” Viri moaned. She shook her ass a bit with both cocks in her. “Please mistress, fuck me until I'm bloated with your seed, breed me like you breed Ri.

I smirked, pounding Viri until I came again, letting gallons loose inside of her. Soon she was the same size as Ri. She shook as I moved her over to Ri, pulling out and plugging them. Viri looked back at me.

“Mistress, do you like the sight of your two breeding whores?” she asked me.

“Of course my bitch.” I said, smirking. She moaned at this as she rubbed her belly. The two of them had their asses pointing at me, one latex and the other bare.

“Now I’ll spank you a little, then go to sleep.” I said, the clone gone as I started spanking them. This continued for a few minutes, the room filled with the sound of spanks and moans.

I stopped eventually, laying and hugging the two very close to me. They snuggled up to me, their bellies pressing up to my sides. I smiled, falling asleep.

In a dream...

I saw that I was floating in an unknown room. The room held what looked torture devices with skeletons strapped to them.

As I looked around I saw one figure chained to the wall with rags. I saw bloody wounds on her as she breathed deeply.

The doors open and light filled the room, I saw the figure looked up at the door for a moment. The sight of the figure made me gasped.

“Finally… what took you all so long?” Viri said with a smirk.

The next day…

I shook my head, frowner at the dream internally. “Viri?” I called, gently shaking her awake. Her eyes fluttered open and looked at me.

“Morning mistress.” she said with a smile. I looked at her for a moment as I saw the suit she was wearing. Now not looking as good earlier.

“I just saw a memory of yours as a dream… why were you in a torture chamber?” I asked, being blunt. At first she looked at me with a submissive look but it went away.

“My travels… weren't all sunshines and rainbows.” she said softly.

“I could tell by the scars.” I deadpanned. She rolled her eyes at me.

“Short story I wound up in a few torture chambers, so many that I got used to it.” she said with a shrugged. “Now… can I get out of this thing?”

“Yes.” I said. The suit disappeared from her as she let out a sigh.

“Lord that was uncomfortable.” she said. “I don't understand why I enjoyed those.”

“Reasons.” I said. She shrugged as my eyes trailed down her scarred up body.

“Oi, my eyes are up here.” she said with a chuckle.

“I know.” I said cockily.

“Still not used to the scars?” she asked me.

“Not really.” I said. She pulled me into a hug.

“I'm still here, besides I look at it this way, it makes me look like I'm a bit of a badass.” she said with a cocky grin.

“A little.” I said, hugging her back. As we hugged I heard Ri muttering in her sleep.

“...mmm white fur… so soft….” she giggled a bit as she hugged a fuzzy pillow. I giggled, amused.

“I think someone has their eyes on someone.” Viri said amused as well.

“That’s nice.” I said. She chuckled.

“So, what do you want to do?” she asked me. I shrugged. “Well… I'm going to go the nursery.”

“I’ll come with you.” I said. She smiled as she she climbed out of bed. She opened her bag and pulled out two white robes and hands one to me. I took it and felt how light and soft it is.

“This feels nice.” I said, slipping it on.

“Elven robes, of course they feel nice.” she said slipping hers on. “Took me a long time to steal them but it was worth it.”

“Yeap.” I said, smirking. The two of us walked into the nursery. Everyone was still sleeping and the three eggs sat in a small nest in the back.

I went over towards the more recent twins, smiling and gently stroking their faces. They smiled softly at this as Aez reached up and grabbed my hand. Viri stood near the other four as she did the same. She whisper something to them with a smile.

I smiled, picking the two up and moving the robe so they could feed. As this happened Viri walked over to the eggs and picked them up. She held them as she sat near the other four. I watch her smile at this until something fell from one of the shelves. She tensed up for a second and looked around before calming down.

“You okay?” I asked, walking over.

“Old habits.” she said as she continued to look around, as if there was something hiding in the shadows.

“There's nothing here sweetie.” I said, placing a calming hand on her back. She calmed down a bit more but held her eggs close to her.

I simply nuzzled her comfortingly, before my eyes widened at the eggs glowing. Before I could say something she shot up and ran out of the room, I heard the front door open as she ran outside.

I teleported next to her, smirking. She put the eggs down as they glowed.

“Come on come on.” she said happily. I smirked, watching them hatch. Soon they hatched and the weather trio stood… or floated or now in a pool that was made.

I smiled, floating up to them. The three looked at me for a moment. Rayquaza moved their head to look at me. I froze, getting sudden flashbacks of all the Rayquaza I had destroyed to train, shaking as I quickly teleported the two into their crib and fixed my robe, before teleporting away. I stood away from them as Viri went to two of them. They nuzzled her as she hugged them. I then notice that one of them wasn't there, feeling like someone was staring at me I turned to see Rayquaza staring at me.

I blinked, about to teleport away again. They tilted their head in confusion. They slowly wrapped around me and layed down with me on them.

Shakily, I reached out and started to pet them. They didn't seemed to mind as they closed their eyes. I started to calm some, starting to pet them some more. Soon as I did they shot forward and flipped me into the the small pool. I swam up and saw they were looking at me chuckling.

“Seems someone a bit of a jokester.” Viri said as she giggled.

I pouted as I floated above the water, crossing my arms and legs and looking away. The green dragon chuckled some more as they wrapped themselves up and laid there with a grin. I huffed, floating away to cool off. As I did I felt arms wrap around me.

“What's wrong honey?” Viri asked me.

“Nothing.” I lied.

“It’s ether that you suck at lying or I have very good insight.” she started to hug me a bit more. “Ita, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I repeated. She frowned at this.

“Is this about the joke they played on you?” she asked me.

“Maybe.” I grumbled. She nodded at me and let’s go. She went away for a bit and I saw her coming back with Rayquaza in tow.

“Alright, say you're sorry.” she said to them. Rayquaza looked at me and made some sounds that sounded like an apology. I smiled a little, scratching them a little. They made a sound like they were grumbling. “See, just like you, they also grumble when they have to say sorry for a joke.” Viri teased me.

I pouted, spanking her. She yelped at this and frowned at me, the green dragon chuckled a bit, looking away when Viri looked at them. She walked away to see the other two, leaving me with Rayquaza again who the latter was still chuckling.

I smirked, petting the green dragon. The two of us sat there for a few moments before I started to wonder what’s Rayquaza’s human form looks like.

I decided to find out for all three of them, snapping my fingers to bring the human forms out. The air seemed to wrap around the green dragon and shrank down until I saw their form.

She looked at her body for a few moments. “Neat.”

“A bit.” I said, smirking. She looked down at herself and cupped her breasts, squeezing them.

“Okay, I can get used to this.” she said with a smirk. I laughed at her shameless display, snickering. “What are you laughing about?”

“Stuff.” I said, ruffling her hair. She giggled as she continued checking herself out. I looked at her and guessed she and the other three were around six teen and eighteen… which now looking at them all in my head, the creation trio look now the same age as Ashe who's around twenty three, the three dragons are a bit younger, around nineteen, Hiro and Yuri are in their late high school and… the younger ones are...the twins and four others and Ri kids… time has been really weird.

I looked back to see Ray giving her breasts a few more squeezes before laying down. I simply snickered, amused.

“Are you laughing that I’m doing that?” she asked me.

“A little.” I said. She shrugged at me.

“Well, it’s a bit shameless but hey it’s my body, I can do whatever I want with it.” she said.

“Yes you can.” I agreed, smiling. She grinned at me as she layed there. She scratched her stomach as I stared at her. She’s not like those other Rayquaza's… I don’t think they even had emotions, but I smiled at her as she opened one of her eyes.

“Now why are you staring at me? Is my body that sexy?” she asked with a smirk.

“No… your just different then… nevermind.” I said, turning and starting to calmly walk away. She then floated over my head with a frown.

“Then what? The other Rayquaza's?” she said. This made me freeze on the spot. I said nothing, panicking a little and teleporting far away. I was now in the middle of the desert to take some deep breaths.

“How… does she know?” I questioned to myself, sitting on a cloud and starting to shake.

Three hours later…

I was still trembling, somehow not having managed to calm down yet, when I heard something traveling towards me, making me hide in the cloud. I saw Ray flying on her own cloud.

“Man why do I have to look for her?” she muttered to herself. “Can track the air currents and what not, there’s hundreds of thousands of others on the planet, it’s like looking a needle in a haystack.”

I watched her float under me. “Like really, why did she run? Was it when I said that I know what happened to the others?”

I watched her roll over and saw that… she didn’t have a top on… she had it folded beside her as she talked to herself. “Maybe I should tell her that I don’t really care about what happened to them, that wasn’t me and I know me and I’m right here.” she continued talking to herself as she floated away.

I calmed a little, relieved, teleporting back home. I saw that Viri was sitting near the pool while the other two sat near her. She looked up at me and frowned.

“Now what happened? I was told you teleported away with a scared look on you.” she asked me.

“Nothing, it’s resolved.” I said simply, hopping in and splashing her. She didn’t move from her spot as she looked at me.

“Then where’s Ray?” she asked. “I sent her out to find you.”

“Flying around on a cloud topless.” I said. She groans at me.

“Great… just great.” she said annoyed. “Can you please go get her.”

I snapped my fingers, making her appear. She landed on the ground naked and wet.

“Awww… and I just got into the pool…” she said annoyed.

“What pool and why were you naked?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I found a nice pool with a waterfall and I took them off so they didn’t get wet.” she said to me.

I simply snapped my fingers, making this pool have a waterfall. She saw this and shrugged, getting in.

“Ahh… this is nice.” she said happily. I smiled, deciding to join her and sighing in relaxation. Kyogre simply swam around, making the pool a bit bigger and deeper. Groudon sat down and looked around.

“Hey, we’re cool now?” Ray asked me. I nodded, smirking. “Good.”

And with that a rain cloud opened up above me and rained on me. I narrowed my eyes, pointing at her and letting a Thunder out at her. She shook in place at that and glared at me.

“Don’t make it rain on me.” I said simply, sticking my tongue out at her. She rolled her eyes and looked away just as the wind picked up, blowing my hair all over the place.

I smiled, spreading my arms out and enjoying the feel. That is until I felt someone pinch me on the ass. I looked over at her but she was simply minding her own business.

I decided to ignore it, going back to enjoying the feeling, this time with a shield around my ass. I enjoyed it until someone pinch me again, on the side now. I narrowed my eyes at Ray as she whistled.

“Stop it before I zap you again.” I said simply.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” she said simply, smirking at me. I narrowed my eyes at her as Viri started to laugh.

“You two are more alike than I thought.” she said with a smile. I pouted, putting a barrier around Ray and smirking.

“Aww…” she pouted. I stared at her for a moment, before shrugging and going back to enjoying the wind. Though it started to die down a bit. Ray seemed to be enjoying herself as she poked at the barrier a bit.

I sighed, having my fill and lowering the barrier. The two of us looked at the other two of the weather trio as Groudon slept and Kyogre swam around in the water. Viri sat near them with her feet in the water.

“So, what'cha wanna do?” I asked.

“Me?” Ray asked me.

“Any of you.” I said, shrugging.

“I think I’m going to go take a nap.” Viri said as she stood up and headed to the house.

“I don’t know, but aren’t you going to change them to human forms?” Ray asked as she pointed to the other two.

I shrugged, doing so. Water began to form around Kyogre and shrank down to their new form.

Kyogre blinked at us as she just continued swimming. I looked over to see now a lava pool near this one and Groudon in it in their new form.

“Okay, I understand Ky but Groudon? Why is she a she?” Ray asked looking at me.

“Because reasons.” I said.

“Yeah… but what nickname is she going to have? Grou doesn’t really work.” she said with a frown. “And Udon is food.”

“Groud?” I suggested.

“Does it have to be part of the normal name?” a voice said. The two of us looked and saw Ky staring at us with a blank look. “It can be any other.”

“Flame?” I suggested.

“I think Flare.” She said as she swam away. Both Ray and I looked at each other. “Also can you two get your naked butts out of my home.”

“Huh?” Ray said until the two of us got pulled out of the water and set down on the grass. Now we sat there naked.

I pouted, making a identical pond next to the one we were in and hopping in. Ray simply made a cloud and laid on it.

“So, now what?” she asked me.

“I could make us some clothes.” I mused.

“You can, I’m good.” she said as she layed on her back.

I shrugged, floating out and making the robe from earlier appear on me. I watched her float up into the sky as more clouds formed together.

“It seems that the three of us have our own place now.” Ky’s voice said. I looked down at her as she stared up at me.

“Well… your place is supposed to be the entire ocean, really.” I said.

“Yeah, but this place is my home.” she said simply. She then dived down into the water. I looked over to the side and saw that she was in a lava pool.

I smiled at this. “Now, you two, no fighting while I’m gone, okay?” I said. Flare gave me a thumbs up as I saw some bubbles float up from the pool. I teleported home, grabbing my two baby twins and bouncing them on my lap. They giggled at this, seemed a bit bigger than normal, was it the demon half making them grow a bit faster?

“Are my babies growing fast?” I cooed at them, smiling. They just giggled at me. I smiled, freeing my breast. “Never too big to feed from mommy though, right?”

They shook their heads as they latched onto my breasts and started to drink my milk. I stifled a moan, smiling as I rubbed their backs. As this happened I noticed that they started to grow bigger. After a few moments they looked like six years old. Aez looked up at me with droopy eyes.

“” she said sleepily. I blinked at her, that… was her first word. I gasped in excitement, smiling and beaming as I hugged her tightly.

“Mom~ you're hugging us tightly.” Aonn said to me.

“My babies said their first words!” I exclaimed in excitement, nuzzling them. They wiggled in my grasp as I heard Aez giggle.

“Yay! Mommy’s happy.” she said happily.

“Mommy is very happy.” I agreed. They simply hugged me back a bit.

“Mom, not to break the happy moment but… didn’t you have kids already?” Aonn asked. “You’re acting like this is the first time you saw this.”

“Stop ruining the moment.” Aez said as she hugged me.

“Not really, actually… I always missed those parts.” I said sadly, frowning and starting to tear up. The two saw this and the two hugged me tighter. I sniffled, hugging them back and crying silently.

We stayed like that for a bit before I pulled away smiling.

“Question, how are we bigger?” Aonn asked as he poked my breast. “Is it because of your milk?”

“Why question it? Also why are you so smart?” Aez asked him.

“Don’t know.” he replayed.

“Because reasons.” I said, giggling.

“Yeah!” Aez said happily. Aonn rolled his eye, making me giggle and hug them a little closer.

“I’m just saying that if we continued then we’ll grow more.” he said.

“I could make it stop doing that.” I offered. The two looked at one another for a moment. They shrugged as Aez hugged my breast again.

“So… what now mommy?” Aez asked me.

“Now I just enjoy your company.” I said simply, smiling and nuzzling them. They hugged me back as we sat there. Aonn was now sitting beside me as Aez was on my lap happily humming to herself.

I started to braid her hair, humming as I did so. As I did so, I saw her ears twitch a bit as she tilted her head.

“Mommy, I hear voices.” She said.

“What kinda voices?” I asked.

“Two voices, one male and… one female… the male one sound funny.” she said.

“How so?” I asked. She shrugs.

“Just… funny.” she said.

“What are they saying?” I asked. She tilted her head a bit and frowned.

“Don’t know, it sounds… muffled.” she said.

“Maybe you're hearing a radio, and your new braids are antenna.” I said playfully, grabbing two strands of braided hair and holding them up like I was trying to fix an antenna. She giggled at me.

“Did I fix the signal yet?” I asked, giggling. She started humming a bit as if I got a good signal. I smiled, letting the braided hair go. She made a buzzing sound and giggled.

I giggled as well, picking the strands up and re-positioning them again. She started to hum again but she kept giggling.

I smiled, using some magic to keep the hair strands up. She gave me a happy grin.

“Now that’s a cute sight.” a voice said. I looked to see Viri leaning on the wall with her arms crossed with a bottle in her hand, she was wearing a black tank top and camo pants with some combat boots.

“A bit.” I said, smiling. She chuckled as she pushed off the wall and slump down in one of the chairs, taking a drink from the bottle. She licked her lips and sighs.

“You okay there?” I asked.

“Never better.” she said as she took another drink, only for it to be empty. She sets it on the table, hard enough to crack it, and made another one appeared. Opening it she sighed. “Never better.”

“Obviously not.” I said,walking over and hugging her. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m fine.” she said as she took another drink. I saw her tail move and coil around her leg a bit lazily which indicated that she’s drunk.

“Drunk again?” I asked, tickling her lightly. She swatted my hand away with a frowned.

“Don’t.” she said with a growl as she took another drink. When she did I noticed that her hand was shaking.

“Okay…” I said, trailing off. “Let’s leave her alone, kids.” I decided, taking their hands and walking away. I led them to the nursery as the other kids were playing with some Chanseys.

“Mommy, do we get our own room?” Aez asked.

“Whenever I set them up sweetie.” I said, smiling. She smiled at me as they went off to play. I watched them for a few seconds until I heard a smashing sound from where Viri was.

I ran back into the room, worried. As I got there I saw the bottle that Viri had was now shards of glass at the bottom of the wall and Viri was in the corner shaking and whimpering. Waving my hand to re-form the bottle, I ran over to her and hugged her, whispering soothing things. As soon as I touched her she lashed out with her nails.

“Get away!” she screamed, clawing me in the face. I looked at her in shocked as I saw the look of fear on her. Her eyes darted around. “Go away, go away, go away…” she whispered to herself, I thought it was at me but saw that she didn’t look at me.

“Viri, calm down, I don’t know what you're remembering but it’s over now.” I said, hugging her again.

“Keep them away.” she cried, tears falling down her face. I rocked her a bit to calm her down as the bottle, now fixed with whatever drink was in it there, floated over and she took it, hugging it close to her.

I rubbed her back, wrapping myself around her and nuzzling her. She slowly calmed down as she hugged the bottle.

“T-t-thanks.” she said with a trembling voice.

“Welcome.” I said. I moved her over to the couch and stayed with her. She took another drink from the bottle before frowning at it. She hands it off to me.

“You can have it, I need to get stronger stuff now.” she said. I took the bottle and sniffed it, reeling at how strong the smell is.

“Nah.” I said, waving it away and snapping my fingers, making something twice as strong appear. “Try this.”

She took it and took a swing. She reeled back at it for a moment. “Yup, this will work for a bit.”

“Good.” I said, kissing her cheek. She looked at me and saw the claw marks she gave me.

“I-I’m… I’m sorry I didn’t…” she started with tears in her eyes.

“It’s okay, didn’t really even feel it.” I said, waving my hand and healing the marks.

“What, not keeping the scars?” she said before frowning. “On second thought don’t, bad memory if you do.”

“Exactly.” I said. She took another swig of the drink and saw her starting to rock drunkenly.

“Woooo~ that feels great…” she said giggling.

“How about you stay here…” I started, before snapping my fingers and making Ri appear. “... with Ri, while I go watch the kids, okay?”

“What the?” Ri said as she looked around, she was wearing only her panties as she looked at me. “The hell!”

“K~.” Viri said as she fell onto Ri as she passed out. Ri in turn looked at her and at me.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

“She’s drunk to forget things, I need you to keep her here so I can watch the kids.” I told her. She frowned a bit and nodded.

“Mind giving me a top?” she asked. I snapped my fingers, making a very tight tank-top appear on her. “Right… thanks.”

“Welcome, I’ll be off now.” I said, going back to the nursery. I spent the next few hours playing with the kids until they started to get sleepy.

“Alright, bed time, and mommy has a surpriiiise~.” I said in a sing-song voice. I heard some groans but they all headed into their beds to lay down.

“What are you going into those old things for?” I asked, snapping my fingers and making the beds vanish. “Follow mommy~” I cooed, turning and leaving. I heard them following behind me as I looked behind me and saw some of them had blankets and stuffies in their hands.

I smiled, walking to a seemingly dead end hallway, stopping and waiting for them all to catch up. I saw Aez and Aonn holding two of the sleeping ones in their arms as the other two looked like they were half asleep.

I tapped the wall, an illusion falling to reveal a long hallway with pictures on the doors to show who went where. “Okay everyone, each room is divided by who was born with and who’s close to who, just find the ones with your pictures on them and go ahead.”

I watched them all went over to the doors and headed in. After a few moments both Aez and Aonn went to their rooms, Aez found hers and smiled at me before walking in. I smiled, making a clone for each room, having all of them go tuck the others in as I went to Aez and Aonn, tucking them in personally.

“Nini mommy.” Aez said sleepily.

“Nini.” I said back, smiling gently. I turned, teleporting out of the room and to the one where Ri and Viri were. The two still sat on the couch giggling as I saw Ri had a few bottles with her.

“Hey~.” she said with a smile.

I snickered, having expected this, going over and sitting between them. They leaned on to me with some giggles.

“Ya know, I have a question, why does this floating island grow? Every week I see it grow a bit and it’s odd.” Ri asked as she held her bottle.

“Every time someone has sex with me the excess energy I don’t absorb goes into the island.” I said.

“You’re giving birth to land.” Viri slurred a bit. “Soon there’s going to be two planets, soon every~ one is going to call you gaia.”

“I’m okay with that.” I said, giggling. The two of them giggled as Viri took another drink.

“You know, after fifty years away, I got fucked up.” she said simply and drunkenly.

“So?” I asked.

“I have night terrors, every corner I turn I think there’s something there trying to kill me, I’m always freaked out.” she sighs and leans on me.

“We’re here for you.” I whispered, hugging her and rubbing her back. She sighed a bit.

“That and this.” she said raising her bottle up. “Need to talk to a friend for something special.”

“Okay… be quick.” I said. She frowns at me.

“I can't, I'm drunk.” she slurred. “Also my clothes itches.”

“Yeah… wait what are we talking about?” Ri asked.

“Stuff.’ I said. After a few minutes of them drinking Viri discarded her clothes and sat beside me wearing only her panties. Ri on the other had a bottle between her legs.

I giggled, making the bottle vibrate as I started fondling Viris breasts. They giggled drunkenly and moaned a bit. I smirked, squeezing tighter.

“Squishy squishy.” Viri giggled. I giggled back, bouncing her breasts and giving them another squeeze as I kissed her. Ri moaned as the bottle as she rubbed it on her pussie as she fondled one of her breasts. Viri kissed me deeply as she pulled herself closer to me.

I smiled, reaching down and slipping my fingers in her. She moaned at this and giggled. I smirked, going a little harder. She continued to moan a bit more until she came of my fingers.

“That feel good?” I asked. She took some breaths and nodded as she layed on me.

“Good.” I said, holding the hand up. “Now, clean my hand.” She opened her eyes for a moment before closing them, not moving.

“Pet, clean my hand.” I demanded. She didn't opened her eyes, just sleeping soundly. I sighed with a smile, cleaning my hand and cuddling with her and Ri.

After a few minutes of cuddling I started to hear whimpering. Viri started shaking in fear. I got worried, hugging her more and putting a comfy blanket on us. Soon her shaking slowly stopped and she pulled me in closer to her.

I smiled, falling asleep hugging her.

Christmas comes in with a bang!

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I hummed, grinning. I could sense that everyone else in the house was asleep as I prepared some things for this morning, putting presents under a tree and beaming as I worked.

“What are you doing?” I heard a voice say. I looked over and saw Liz looking at me with a bowl in her hands, okay almost everyone was asleep.

“Preparing.” I said simply, going back to doing what I was doing.

“Oh, okay.” she said. “Want some cookie batter?”

“Sure.” I said. She walked over to me and gave me the spoon with some batter, as she did I notice that she’s wearing an apron with clothes underneath it. On said apron it said ‘Kiss Thy Chief!’.

I smirked, giving her a quick kiss on the lips, before putting the spoon in my mouth. She blinked a few times at this and blushed.

“Wha?” was all she said.

“What?” I asked, smirking and pointing at the apron that she was wearing. “It says kiss the chief.”

“Oh… right.” she said as she took the spoon back and headed off to the kitchen, swaying her hips.

I simply giggled, done putting the bunch of presents under the tree, standing up and stretching. “Well, that’s done with… glad she didn’t get here when I was doing her presents.” I mumbled to myself, deciding to follow her into the kitchen. When I was right outside of the room the smell was the first thing that hit me. It smelled like I was a kid again with the smell of cookies in the air.

I smiled at the smell, floating into the kitchen and towards the smell. I saw Liz putting in a new batch of cookies into the oven as I saw a few plate fulls of different types of cookies. I saw gingerbread, sugar cookies, chocochip, and some others.

I reached towards a chocolate chip cookie, feeling hungry. Liz didn’t seemed to notice as she was making some sort of… chocolate cracker ball? I took one of the cookies and bit into it, I hummed happily as it melted in my mouth.

“These are fantastic.” I said, swallowing.

“Why thank you Ita.” she said as she continued working.

“I wonder how fast the kids’ll eatem.” I commented. She chuckled.

“I think the better question is how fast you’re going to eat them.” she said with a smirk.

I tried to talk, but there was already five in my mouth, so I just blushed. She chuckled as she poked me on the forehead, making a chocolate dot on me.

“Called it.” she said with a giggle. I pouted, swallowing and crossing my arms childishly. “Luckily I made a lot more so don’t have to worry about that.”

“Okay.” I said. As I started eating more of the cookies I watched Liz cooking, she started humming happily and bounce a little which made her ass jiggle a bit.

I smirked, smacking her ass lightly. She yelped a bit.

“W-what was that for?” she asked, blushing a bit.

“Cause your ass is nice and slappable.” I said simply.

“Oh…” she said as she blushed some more. “T-thanks.” I smirked, slapping it again, but this time leaving my hand on her ass and squeezing. She moaned a bit as her hand went into the chocolate.

“Oh…” she said as I saw her hand covered in chocolate. “Umm… a little help please.”

I smirked, taking her hand and sucking on her fingers, looking up at her as I did so as seductively as possible. She shivered at my sight.

“Yeah, Viri was right that you’re sexy as hell.” she said blushing. I simply smirked, giving her ass an appreciative squeeze. She moaned a bit at that as she giggled.

I smirked, walking over and making my cock appear under my pants, rubbing it against her ass. She blushed a bit and rubbed up onto me.

“I guess you want to do something a bit more than kiss the chef.” she said seductively.

“I make the chef my bitch.” I said simply, pulling her pants down, rubbing my clothed cock against her bare ass. She giggled at me as I saw her clothes started to disappeared, when she was naked she bent forward and rubbed her ass on me.

I smirked, lowing my pants and prodding her pussy lips with my cock, not quite penetrating her yet. She giggled as she bent a bit forward, having her breasts go into the chocolate, which as I saw she didn’t mind.

I giggled, reaching over and playing with her tits, before I picked her up and dropped her directly onto my dick. She gasped and moaned at this.

“Ohhh yeah… now I understand why sex with you is fun~.” she said giggling.

I smirked, turning her so I could lick the chocolate on her breasts as I bounced her on me, moaning. She moaned as well as she wrapped her arms around my head.

I grunted in pleasure as I bent her over the table again, this time without making her chocolate flavoured, starting to pound her roughly. She grunted and squealed at this as her pussy started to grip down on my cock.

“Who’s my bitch?” I asked, slapping her ass.

“I am.” she said with a moan. I smirked, pounding her harder and nibbling on her neck. She moaned a bit louder as her tail tried to wrap itself around me.

I let it, thrusting harder and I used Agility to speed up. She grunted and panted as the force of my thrusts started to shake the baked goods.

“Where does my bitch want me to cum?” I asked, cock throbbing in her.

“A-anywhere…” she moaned happily. I smirked, simply thrusting harder and cumming in her, moaning loudly. Her pussy spasmed at this as she moaned loudly as well. When the two of us were done I saw her shaking and trying to stay standing after that.

I giggled, slowly taking my cock out of her and plugging her pussy. She twitched a bit before slowly sat down. She panted a bit as she looked up at me.

“What… now?” she asked me. “What are… you going to... do to me?”

“Well, you seem tuckered out, so you just stay here and make cookies.” I said, spanking her so hard I left a red handprint on her ass. “I’mma go fuck some more people.”

“Right…” she looked down at herself. “Did… did you… knock me up?” when she said this I saw that she looked a bit worried.

“Do you want to be?” I asked. She shook her head.

“No, I… I won’t be a great parent, no succubus can.” she said sadly as she stood up, her clothes reappearing on her.

“I’m half succubus, so that’s immediately false.” I said, crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow. She blinked at me and stared.

“You are?” she asked.

“Just a bit.” I said, smirking at her. “I seemed to raise my kids fine.”

“I see…” she said as she went back to her cooking. “Well, I don’t know anymore…”

“How about you try?” I asked.

“Huh? Sorry zone out there, what do you mean?” she asked as she pulled out some more cookies.

“I said.” I started, putting a hand on her stomach. “Why don’t you try? You never know…”

She paused for a moment before looking at me. “Mind… helping me, I for one never was raised right since my mom… well… she was having sex as I was being born so…”

“Sure.” I said, smiling and hugging her gently. “It’ll be my kid too, after all.”

“Thanks… I will get back to making more food.” she said as she pulled away and went back to cooking. I chuckled at this and thought that now I have a sexy chef.

I hummed, skipping away in a better mood, looking for someone else to fuck. Going outside I looked around and saw the mountain that Zinn uses as her home. Grinning I skipped over to it and was about to knock before I heard voices.

“Wow, it’s getting big.” a voice said, sounding like Ri.

“Yeah.” another voice, Zinn, said.

“You two spent too much time with Ita.” a third voice said, this time Luna. Curious, I turned invisible, sneaking in. What I saw was Ri with her kids in her arms and Zinn sitting with Luna, who had a large belly and smiling. She sighed as she laid on Zinn.

I teleported behind Ri, smirking as I turned visible. “Hey there!” I shouted, hugging her. She yelped as the other two looked surprised.

“Oh… hi Ita.” Luna said. Ri grumbled a bit as the two kids, Weiss and Blake smiled up at me.

“Hello.” they both greeted.

“Hi there.” I said with a smile, booping their noses. They giggled at this.

“So, what brings you?” Zinn asked as she hugged Luna.

“Felt like coming over.” I said simply, shrugging.

“Well someone does.” Luna said with a sigh. “Tia still down on the surface doing work, now I’m glad that I didn’t become a princess.”

“Guess she was too used to being one.” I said, shrugging with a grin. They all shrugged as Luna stood up.

“Hey Ita can you help me with something.” she asked me.

“Sure, what is it?” I asked, teleporting next to her and subtly squeezing an ass cheek. She didn’t say anything as she lead me into a different room.

“First off, please don’t do that I get that from Zinn already… and when someone else does it… kinda bugs me.” she said. “Err… no offence.”

“It’s fine, just feeling a little frisky today, probably won’t again.” I said, shrugging. “So, whatcha need?”

“Going to be blunt here, go have sex with Tia.” she said… bluntly. I blinked a few times.

“She need it that much?” I asked. Luna groaned at me.

“You, have noooo idea, she was fine before the world died but after the one time you did us both she became more… ugggh. She has these twitches and is as annoying hell.” she said when she rubbed her head. “Just… do something, I don’t know what and really I don’t care what you do, even if you turn her into a secret sex slave just make her stop bugging me!”

“You got it.” I said with a smirk, teleporting over to Celestia, surprising her by groping her chests from behind.

“AHH!” she yelled as she jumped back. “What the… Ita, why are you here?!?” she snapped.

“Felt like visiting.” I said simply. “Visiting my slutty slave that is.” I whispered into her ear seductively, smirking. She pulled away from me, I now noticing that I was in her bedroom.

“I… I don’t think you should say that, I’m now a princess and… well…” she blushed a bit as I started to hear the sound of buzzing.

“What’s that buzzing I wonder?” I false questioned, snapping my fingers and making us both nude, idly noticing my cock never went away. She yelped as she tried to cover herself up. I noticed that she had two vibrators in her, one in her pussy and one in her ass.

“Did my pet miss being fucked?” I asked with a smirk, taking the dildos out of her and restraining her with a ring around her horn and cuffs on her wrists. She whimpered a bit as she looked at the cuffs.

“Not into that?” I asked, prodding her pussy. She moaned a bit.

“I-I didn’t say t-that…” she moaned as she started to grind on my hand. “You just… took them out…”

“Good, then how about we have some fun?” I asked rhetorically, before making a second cock appear, thrusting harshly into both her holes at once as I pulled her nipples. She gasped as she started to shake, cumming right there… wow… Luna wasn’t kidding that she needed this.

I started roughly pounding her, spanking her and nibbling on her neck. She was grunting and panted at this.

“Oh gods…” she said over and over.

“Just me.” I growled, spanking her with fire. She yelped at this as she came again. I looked up at her and notice her closet open and saw some… interesting items in there.

I decided to ignore the items since I could just make whatever I want anyway, going back to pounding and spanking Celestia. Soon she start to moan loudly and grunting.

“I… missed… this~.” she moaned happily.

“I bet you did bitch.” I said, grinning. She grunted at each thrust that she took, a look of bliss across her face as her tongue lolled out.

“So, sun slut, where do you want my cum?” I asked, pounding faster.

“In… my… holes…” she moaned her answer. I smirked, grunting in pleasure as I came in her. She shuttered at this as she moaned loudly before slumping forward on the bed. We stayed like that for a few moments until I felt her wiggle her ass a bit.

I took this as a sign for round two, starting to thrust again. She grunted and panted as we did this.

After about five rounds of this she passed out in a lustful daze. I pulled out and my cum started to come out of her. I plugged her with two giant vibrating dildos, putting them on low. She moaned at this but didn't move other that a twitch here or there.

I snapped my fingers, cleaning myself and clothing myself as my cocks vanished, teleporting home. Looking around I decided to go find Viri. I floated over to our bedroom and opened the door to see that she's not there. Looking around I saw an odd door. Curious I went over and opened it. What I saw was the tavern that she took me on a date.

I tilted my head, going forwards to find her.

“Hey! Isn't it the little miss, returned to see my ugly mug.” a voice said. I turned to see the dwarf from the last time I was here.

“Hi, I was actually looking for Viri.” I told him.

“Aww, here ah thought we had a nice friendship.” he chuckled a bit. “Vivi… well she's over by that group over there.”

I turned over to see a large group of people cheering about something.

“ah feel bad to who is up against her right now.” the dwarf said.

“Against her?” I asked, intrigued.

“Yeah, Vivi may look sweet and cute but she's one hell of a brawler, she never told ya?” he asked.

“I didn’t know she fought like this.” I said simply, idly making a diamond appear and sliding it over to him. “Merry christmas, by the way.” I added, walking over to Viri. When I got to the crowd I saw Viri beating the living crap out of some orc guy.

“Come on, you can do better than this.” she said with a laugh. The orc growled and tackled her to the ground and started slamming her head into the floor. He punched her in the face and got up, showing off that he won only for Viri to get up. She spit out a tooth and chuckled before tackling him from behind.

I smirked as I watched her fight, my pokemon side edging me on to start one as well, but I refused… for now. The fight lasted for a few minutes until Viri, now bloody and bruised, slammed her fist into the orcs face and he went down. He didn't move for a minute until everyone cheered. A man walked over to Viri and lift her hand up.

“You saw it here folks, five years and still undefeated, Viri!” he yelled. Everyone cheered before scattering. Viri went over to a table in the corner and started to patch herself up.

I smirked, walking over and giving her a whistle. She looked over and smiled before wincing in pain.

“Damn it, I hate doing this.” she grumbled.

“Then why do you?” I asked, snapping my fingers to heal her. She blinked a few times as her wounds disappeared.

“Because unlike you I suck at healing magic.” she said.

“I use pokemon moves, not magic.” I commented, hugging her. She rolled her eyes and hugged me back.

“So, what did you get up to?” she asked me.

“Sex.” I said bluntly, shrugging.

“Oh, okay.” she said simply. “With who?”

“Liz and Celestia, turned Celestia into my toy.” I told her. She stared at me for a bit.

“What do you mean by… toy?” she asked.

“Sex toy.” I said, shrugging.

“oh… I think I'll give her my suits.” she frowned. “I don't like the feel of them any more.”

“Awww, okay I guess.” I said, shrugging. “So… wanna go have some fun~?”

“I don't know…” she said as she rubbed her shoulders. “Even after the healing I'm still sore, and I was going to see Tia to give her my present, but now I want to see what you’ve done.”

“Awww.” I said, sounding a little disappointed. “Okay, let’s go.”

“Hey now don’t be like that.” she said standing up. “I was planning to give you an early Christmas present but maybe I should give it to you tomorrow.”

I pouted more, crossing my arms and huffing childishly. She just giggled at me.

“Oi!” I heard the dwarf from before yell out. “Ya leaving?”

“Yeah, going to check on…” she looked over at me. “Her new pet that she got.”

“Ah see, well since ya are leaving here.” he than handed her two large bottles. “Dwarven special, one for ya win and one for a winter crest present.”

“Oh you shouldn’t have.” Viri said as the dwarf pushed the two bottles to her.

“Ah know but still.” he said with a smile. Viri thank him before he shuffled off.

“Well, this is nice.” she said as she put the two bottles into her bag. “Now, shall we?” I nodded, teleporting us away. I looked around and saw that we’re in the throne room of Tia’s castle. I saw a few nobles walking off as Celestia started to head off. She stopped for a moment to gasped and blushed a bit before walking off.

“Something you did?” Viri asked me.

“Maybe.” I said cheekily. She chuckled as the two of us headed off to see her. We ended up at the door to her bedroom and Viri sniffed a bit.

“Wow, if it wasn’t for her magic this whole area would smell like sex and female musk.” she said.

“Just a bit.” I said, walking in. I saw Celestia at her desk facing away from me.

“Hello? Who’s there.... EEP!” she said as she turned red.

“Hello to you to Tia.” Viri said with a smile.

“H-hello Viri… I-I-Ita.” Celestia said. “Would you like some tea?”

“Sure.” I said, smiling disarmingly. She stood up from her seat and went to make some tea, I heard the buzzing from the dildos in her. Viri raised an eyebrow at me before sitting down.

“Well, she seems flushed.” Viri said with a chuckle.

“Just a bit.” I said, kissing her. Celestia came back with a teapot and poured us some tea.

I smiled kindly at her, giving her an encouraging pat. She shivered at this but tried to hid it.

“S-so how are the two of you?” she asked.

“Good, how are you?” I asked, sipping from the tea.

“I’m alright.” She said as she shifted a bit. “Long day, you know.”

“I bet… oh here Tia.” Viri said as she pulled out a present for her. “Merry Christmas or Hearts warming.”

“Thank you.” she said as she put the present on her bed. We chatted a bit as I notice Tia was shifting a lot.

“I’ll be right back, got to use the bathroom.” Viri said as she stood up. She gave me a wink before leaving the room.

“How ya feeling, bitch?” I asked when Viri left, smirking at Celestia.

“Oh gods.” she said as whatever act she was doing dropped. “I feel so horny and… I can’t cum with these things in me, I get close but they stop and…” she started to whimper a bit.

“My bitch needs to cum?” I asked, squeezing her tits. She moaned and whimpered a bit.

“My, did I look like that?” Viri said as she was standing in the doorway. Celestia went wide eyed at her as Viri chuckled. With a snap of her fingers there was a box that appeared on her bed. “Those are those suits I was talking about Ita, hope they fit her.” she said with a smirk before leaving us again.

“Thanks hun!” I shouted, smirking at Celestia as I snapped my fingers, putting her into one of the suits. This one was a complete latex suit that hugged her fur, almost as if she had human skin. Her body trembled at this.

“Feel good?” I asked, running my hands down her sides. She didn’t say anything but she nodded as she blushed a bit.

“Good, this time I’m going to be… kinder, pet.” I said, prodding her gently with my cocks as I made them appear. She moaned at this and bit her lip.

I gently yet firmly thrusted into her, grunting a tiny bit. She moaned at this and would of fell forward but I held on to her. I smiled, nibbling on her neck as I started bouncing her on my cocks. She gasped and groaned at this as her tits were bouncing from each thrust.

I gently grasped her breasts, kneading them as I bounced her, grunting in pleasure. She panted and grunted at this, her wings spread out to their full glory as this was happening… or at least they tried to, but were trapped by the suit.

I smiled, gently stroking her wings as I bounced her harder. She gasped at this and came on me as her wings twitched at this. I grunted, cumming in her as she came on me and smiling, laying down with her.

“That… was amazing.” she said softly.

“Glad you liked it.” I said with a smirk, hugging her.

“So… what happens to us now?” she asked.

“I just wanted to fuck a bit and Viri wanted to drop this stuff off, so I guess we’re done here… call me if you need to release tension again, alright?” I said. As I began to leave she pulled me closer to her.

“Umm… what happens to… well us? Or is this, just friends with benefits?” she asked me.

“Mostly friends with benefits.” I said with a shrug.

“I… see.” she said as she looked down at herself. “Are these just for this or something else?” she asked as she pointed at the cuffs and ring on her horn. I blinked at the fact that she kept them on.

“Just for this.” I said. She nodded as she let go of me and stood up.

“Well, what are you going to do?” she asked me.

“Going to hang out till it’s time for christmas.” I said with a shrug.

“Okay, well I have other things to do so… ummm.” she looked around and started to get ready for whatever she was doing. I raised an eyebrow at her.

“Okay, bye.” I said, teleporting back home. When I got there I saw that all the kids were playing games and when they saw me they asked if I wanted to play with them.

“I have presents for everyone~” I sing songed instead, smiling. This got them all excited as they went to the tree. As we got ready Ri, Zinn, Luna, Liz, and Viri came with us as Hiro and Ivory were snuggling up with each other.

I used a little Psychic to hand them their gifts as the kids tore into theirs, smirking. I heard gasps and cheers at the kids got toys and other things that they would enjoy. I saw Liz getting some new cookbooks that she was happy to get and Ri, she got some items for her home. For Luna and Zinn they got some baby clothes for their new born that’s would be coming soon. As for Viri I got her some clothes with a note on it, it says that they are some normal clothes when she’s around others but when we’re alone they can turn into some… sexy wear.

She raised an eyebrow at me and giggled at this. As everyone was busy Hiro asked me to talk to her in private. I tilted my head, nodding and teleporting us somewhere private.

“So… I uhh didn’t get you anything physical for you for this holiday.” she said sadly.

“Don’t care.” I said with a shrug. “Didn’t expect much.”

“Yeah… well I do have some news that I wanted to tell you first.” she said.

“What’s that?” I asked. She shifted a bit and blushed.

“I… umm… I propose to Ivory and,” she looked at me with a smile. “She said yes.”

“Good for you.” I said, smiling and hugging her. She chuckled as she hugged me back.

“Here I thought you’ll freak out and be crazy happy for me.” she said with a chuckle.

“I’ll do that when everyone else is around.” I said, ruffling her hair. She giggled at the two of us returned to where everyone else is at.

I hummed, smiling as I watched the kids play with their toys. As this was going on everyone looked over at me and smiled. I smiled, going and sitting in a chair, simply watching everyone else enjoy their presents.

That is until a pile of presents appeared in front of me. I blinked at them.

“What, did you really think you’re going to be left out?” Ri said with a chuckle.

“A little.” I admitted. They all range of different sizes and each has my name on it with everyone else's names on them, one for each. I smiled, starting to rip into the presents.

From Zinn and Luna I got some games, from Zinn and Luna a sweater, each has a note saying that they both will give me some… fun time after Luna’s kid is born. Ri got me some books of some random choice. I raised an eyebrow at her.

“What? I suck at picking presents.” she said crossing her arms. I just shrugged as I continued unwrapping presents. From Ivory and her brother, who now owns a shop down on the surface, a dress for when summer comes around. From Liz a big basket of sweets and baked goods that she made for me.

What hit home for me was all the gifts from the kids, they made me drawings, crafts, and what not for me. I smiled widely at the gifts, using Double Team to hug everyone tightly. As I was finished I saw that I got gifts from everyone except Viri.

I tilted my head, frowning a tiny bit at this as I went to find her. It didn’t take long since she was in the kitchen getting something to drink.

“Hey love, enjoyed the gifts?” she asked me.

“Yeah.” I said. She smiled as she lifted her cup up.

“Egg nog?” she asked me, as if she was offering.

“Sure.” I said, taking it and drinking. “I didn’t notice a gift from you.” I commented casually, a hint of sadness in my voice.

“Oh that, well…” she said as she got closer. “Mine will be coming… later…” she said with a purr. Before I could say anything she walked out of the room swaying her hips as she walked out. Raising an eyebrow at her I returned to the living room to hang out with the rest.

After a few hours everyone went ether to bed or back to their homes as I tucked in the last kid. I smiled at this and floated off to my room. As I got there I opened my door and stopped at what I saw.

Viri was lying on our bed with nothing but some ribbons trying, and failing, to cover up her breasts and pussy. She had two red bows on her breasts and a tag on her arm that says, ‘To: Ita from: Viri’.

“Told you that you’ll get your present.” she said with a smile. She then got up from the bed and walked over to me, her boobs jiggled at each step as she was now looking a bit down at me due to her being a bit taller than me. “Well, I think you should open your gift~.”

I nodded in agreement, slowly and teasingly removing the ribbons from her form, making sure they rubbed against her as I did. After a few minutes the ribbons feel onto the ground and Viri wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me.

I kissed her back, moaning as my tongue wrestled with hers. As we did this Viri started to take my clothes off slowly. I let her, running my hands over her form. When she took off my shirt and bra she slid down and worked on my pants, kissing my panties when in view.

I let out a soft moan, reaching down and pinching her nipples. She giggled as she pulled down my panties.

“We’ve been focusing on on your… male half for some time now, how about we focus on your female half.” She said as she started to tease my clit with her fingers.

“O-okay.” I said, shuddering in pleasure as I moaned. She grinned at this.

“We haven’t done this since…” she paused as she thought about it. “Wow, it been years… oh well.” she said as she started to prod me with her tongue.

I moaned, clutching the back of her head. Her tongue than entered my pussy and started to wiggle around as she started to tease my clit again with her fingers.

I gasped in pleasure, falling back onto the bed and moaning. She continued doing this for a few minutes until she found my g-spot. I moaned loudly, falling back on the bed and simply letting her do whatever. I felt her smile as she focused on where my g-spot is at and teased my clit more, pinching at times.

I convulsed, spasming and cumming as I let out a loud moan. I heard her drink all my juices until I calmed down. She slowly climbed on top of me and smiled down on me, the low light made her softly glow in my sight.

I smiled, nuzzling and hugging her. She nuzzled me back and kissed me, making me taste my juices in her mouth. I giggled, simply cuddling with her a little.

“So, what do you want to do now?” she asked me. “I know that you’re not done after one round.”

I smiled, sticking my hand up her pussy as a response. She moaned a bit and giggled.

“Well, how about this.” she said as she removed my hand and spun around so she pussy was right in front of my face. I felt her hands near mine as she waited for me to start.

I smirked, immediately thrusting my tongue into her as I started to play with her clit. She grunted and moaned as she started to do the same to me.

I moaned, making my tongue vibrate as I double my efforts on her pussy. She did the same as she grinded her pussy on me. As this was going on I felt something in me started to burn and grow in me, making me go a bit harder and faster. Soon the two of us came at the same time, moaning into each other pussy. We pulled away of each other as that burning feeling was growing and building.

I looked up at Viri as she looked at me, her eyes glowed as she stared at me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw myself in the mirror and saw that my eyes were glowing as well. I looked back at Viri as she stared at me.

“Fuck it.” she said before she literally pounced on me and started to make out with me. I moaned, returning the kiss and hugging her tightly. I didn’t know what was going on but looking at Viri as she had that same look I had I didn’t really care. The two of us made out as I clawed her back for something to crip on, this only made her kiss me harder.

Soon she was grinding on my leg as my tongue clash with hers as I grinded on her. We continued this until we were grind our pussies together and moaning loudly. We did this so hard that the bed was squeaking from how hard we were doing this. We grunted and moaned at this until we came on each other. I gasped and and looked up at Viri as that burning feeling just kept on growing. I forced her down on the bed and made my cock appear on me. She just growled at me as I lined up my cock and forced it in her. The two of us moaned as I felt something enter my pussy at the same time. I wiggled a bit and felt whatever was in me was moving the same way.

Not caring on it I started the thrust into Viri hard. She gasped and grunted at this as I did the same from whatever was thrusting into me. I didn’t know what was going on but I didn’t really care as I flipped her over and grabbed her hair, pounding into her.

She yelped and screamed at this as she clawed the bed, I just continued pounding her. I felt my cock grow a bit as I thrusted into Viri, the slaps of us hitting each other filled the room with the sound of grunts and moans. Soon I felt my cock throb a bit so I speed up until I hilted her and came inside of her. She moaned loudly as I felt cum enter me. I panted a bit and looked down at Viri and started thrusted again.

I didn’t know what was going on with us but truly I didn’t care, this was hot, this was wild, I felt like an animal fucking it’s mate as something was fucking me, filling me up with cum. A few more thrusts and I came again, that feeling of her taking my cum and cum entering me fueled the flame inside us as I just kept going, and going, and going until the last memory I had before a lust filled fog clouded me was that I was still pounding her as both our bellies were round and bloated and a lust filled smile was on Viri and I bet there was one on me.

The next day…

I woke up from my sleep as I looked around at the room. I saw Viri in my arms as she laid in my arms as a coat of cum covered her, as there was one for me. Our bellies were round and full of what I could guess is cum as my cock was still inside of Viri. The same feeling of a cock was inside me and I moaned as when my cock twitched the same happened in me. I moaned a bit more at this as I felt a need to thrusted into Viri again and cum inside her, inside me, again.

As if she could feel that urge her pussy started to massage my cock, sending pleasure up my body. I bit my lip a bit and pulled my cock out of her slowly, her pussy grip down on my cock and massage it as if it didn't want it to leave, this only made my urge build. This also made the feeling in me slowly leave me. Deciding to give a little tease I thrust back into her. As I did I felt her walls spasm a bit as I moan loudly as I got filled again as my hips went on autopilot and kept thrusting into Viri. The two of us moaned at this as our bellies jiggled at each thrust. The feeling of fucking Viri and getting fucked was something else as I started to thrust faster as that feeling started to build up until I couldn’t take it and cummed in Viri and myself again. I came for a few minutes, as this was going our bellies grew until it looked like we wouldn’t move out of bed, the cum in Viri pushed me out of her and I fell backwards as I still came. Soon both of us and the bed was drenched with my cum.

After I was done the cock disappeared and I looked at my huge belly and wondered, did I remember to make my cum non-fertile? I had the distinct feeling I didn’t, making me facepalm. I heard a groan from Viri as she woke up.

“That… was something else…” she groaned. She didn’t say anything for a few minutes. “Wow…”

“Agreed.” I said simply, smiling and hugging her. She hugged me back with a smile.

“Best present ever?” she asked me.

“Definitely.” I purred, nuzzling her.

“Do… you know what happened to us?” she asked me.

“Nope.” I said. As we laid there our bellies slowly shrank back down to normal.

“Not going to lie, going what I can guess crazy like that was… fun, maybe we should just let loose once in awhile.” Viri said.

“Maybe.” I said. She sighed at this.

“Well, you want to lay here or get a shower?” she asked as she trailed some cum with her finger on my body.

“I feel like we need a shower.” I said. She nodded and the two of us got out of bed, oddly not tired, and headed into the bathroom. I turned the shower on and turned to Viri and saw a familiar mark on her, the same one that I had when I had the twin half-demons.

“Well, looks like your pregnant.” I commented. She blinked at me and looked down.

“Huh, guess I am.” she said. She looked up at me blinked again. “And… so are you.”

“Really?” I asked, looking at my own stomach, before I smiled. “Neat.”

“You take things so well.” she said as she gave me a kiss. “Now how about we get cleaned up, as much as I like the look we’ll start to smell.”

“Alright.” I said, giving her a peck on her cheeks. We got into the shower and got ourselves cleaned up and smelling nice. We got out of it and walked back into the bedroom. Viri waved her hand and all of the cum floated off the bed and sheets and into a few bottles.

“Save these for later.” she said as she puts them into her bag.

“Of course.” I said with an eye roll, smirking. “So, never bothered to ask you earlier… when did you get into the fighting thing, at that bar?”

“I was going on adventures when I was over there and the group I was with… well they do like to have bar fights so I learned how to brawl and earned a few coin out of it.” she said with a smile. “Broke some bones, lost some teething and what not but it was so much fun.”

“Do… you think I could try?” I asked. She stopped what she was doing and looked at me.

“Like… fist fighting?” she asked me as she made some fighting gestures. This made her breast jiggle and sway a bit since she didn’t put anything on yet.

“Yeah, no fighting type moves or anything, just brawling.” I said. “I’ll even temporarily put my powers in something else so that I take damage.” She just stared at me for a moment.

“With… who?” she asked slowly. “Just… anyone?”

“Yeah.” I said, shrugging. “Not anyone from here, because Goddess worship, but otherwise yeah.”

“Umm… sure… but what about… you know.” she put her hands over her belly.

“I’ll put a shield over the kid before anything else is done.” I assured. “And if the baby dies I can always revive them.”

When I said that her eyes went wide and turned away from me. “P-please… don’t say that.” she said, putting her hands over her stomach.

“Sorry.” I said, hugging her. She just held her hands on her belly and rubbed it.

“I almost lost one, I don’t want to go through that again.” she said softly.

“And I saved that one then, don’t worry I will never simply let a child of ours die.” I promised. She didn’t smile at this.

“Still… how about we wait until they're born before we go brawling.” she said to me.

“Alright.” I said. “If I even remember then.” I added. She shot me a glare.

“If I find out that you go out before you give birth I’ll chain you down here and keep you from leaving until the baby is born.” she threatened.

“O-okay.” I said, holding my hands up and taking a step back. “You… might wanna go find me then.” I, or rather, my double said, disappearing.

In the bar…

I dodged a fist, barely, punching the person I was brawling in the stomach and making them bend over, before I uppercut the person, smirking as the person stumbled back. I smiled as the guy came charging at me, only for me to sidestep him and kneed him. I chuckled as I put my foot on his back and raised my hands up for my win. Some people cheered and others clapped. I walked out of the ring and to the bar, the bartender passed me a drink.

“On the house.” he said as he cleaned some glasses.

“Thanks.” I said, idly re-absorbing my powers before drinking it so I could make sure none of it affected the kid. I drank it and got ready for another fight before I stumbled a bit. Blinking a bit as the shapes around me began to become fuzzy as I felt someone grabbed me by the arms and pulled me out of the bar and into an ally. I then felt someone started punching me in the face.

“God damn bitch, we were on a winning streak and you ruined it!” a male voice said. I looked up and as my vision cleared I saw three guys there, one of them the guy I beat. I tried to say something but two of them continued to punch me, due to I turned my powers off I felt my nose break in a few places and started to bleed. They picked me up and held me there.

“Hey boss check it out.” One of them said as they lifted my shirt up a bit and exposed my mark. “This one has a kid coming.”

“Well now, fancy that.” he said as he put on some brass knuckles. “Hate for you to… lose that kid.”

“Do it… and I’ll kill your whole family, slowly, in front of you.” I growled out. He just chuckled.

“Good luck with that, I killed them already.” he said as he put his fist near my belly. My eyes widened as he pulled back to punch my stomach, only for someone to grab his arm.

“Ita, I told you not to go out.” Viri said as she held the guys arm. She frowned at me as the guy struggled to wrench his hand out of her grip.

“Was gonna… turn my powers… back on before he did anything.” I mumbled, starting to feel light headed.

“Listen bitch this has nothing to do-” he got cut off as she let’s go of his arm and grabbed his head.

“Shut up.” she said before snapping his neck. I watched as the body fell onto the ground as the other two started to back away, dropping me and making me limply fall to the ground. Viri moved quickly and clawed one of the two’s throats out and pointed at the last one, his body started to shake and smoke came out of his mouth and ears before falling over dead. The last one tried to say something but Viri pulled a knife out and stabbed him in the head. She sighed as she pulled the knife out and cleaned it.

I tried to get up, but it was like I had no energy in my, simply groaning in pain on the floor. I felt Viri picked me up from the ground and I looked at her face, there was a shadow over her and dull eyes looked at me.

“Let’s go home, you need some aid.” she said simply. I whimpered a little, not quite used to pain without my powers, shuffling closer to her. She walked down at the alley as I saw the bodies burst into flames, turning them into ash. Viri opened a random door which leads to our room and she set me down on the bed. Without a word she took some things out and started to do first aid on me.

“Sorry… for… going out.” I mumbled, looking away. She didn’t say anything at me as she took hold of my head and moved it as she put something on me that made me wince in pain. She had a dark look on her as she did this.

I got a little scared at the look, idly wondering why my powers wouldn’t turn the fuck on already.

“Do you know how mad I am Ita.” she said simply, no emotions in her voice.

“Beyond livid?” I guessed, wincing at the tone of her voice.

“I’m more angry then the time I watched one of my friends get executed for something that he didn’t do.” she said as she put her stuff away. She looked at me and stared at me. “Ita, I worry about you and the kids but if you go do things like this…”

“W-what?” I asked, fear in my voice. She sighed as she looked at me.

“You may be a goddess here but you can’t just do whatever you want because of it, there are items that can kill you.” she said as she looked down. “I… I can’t handle the thought of you…”

“I-i’m sorry.” I mumbled, sniffling a little. “I-i w-won’t do it again.”

“Not without me that is.” she said as she shifted a bit. “Also with this.”

She lifted a crystal bottle up in her hands and I saw some sort of golden liquid in it. She shook it a bit as it sloshed it around. “Now I told you that if you go out and do something like this I’ll chain you up but that can’t work since you have powers so I pulled them out with this bottle that I was holding something in, and now for the chains.” she snapped her fingers and something wrapped around my neck and my wrists and ankles. I looked down at them and notice that my skin was human tone than gold.

I simply hung my head, accepting this.I felt Viri took hold of my head and kissed my forehead.

“I’m sorry love.” she said before heading into the bathroom. I sighed and laid in bed for a bit until I noticed the full body mirror nearby. I was somewhat curious of what I looked like normal coloured.

I wasn’t really in the mood to move, however, instead simply saying where I was with my eyes closed. I then felt someone climbed in bed with me and hugged me. Slowly after I started to hear Viri crying into my back.

I hugged her as much as I could, simply nuzzling her. She continued to cry as I felt my shirt get wet from her tears. We fell asleep like this, not doing anything else.

A Night of Wolves

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Nine months later…

I sighed, still chained to the bed, waiting for something to happen. I hadn’t been let out of this spot in the entire nine months, Viri coming in and feeding me in that time. I shifted a bit as I rubbed my belly as it was in the last stages of pregnancy. Viri was out in the living room reading with Liz nearby, looking over some baby clothes as their bellies look the same as mine.

Over the months there was a few things that annoyed me but the one that made me twitched was that I didn’t have sex, at all… at least it would have, but as far as I could tell I was perfectly human now except for a couple exceptions, and hadn’t really been feeling the urge from my succubus side… or anything from any side of me, really. It was weird, really weird.

The door opened and both Viri and Liz came walking in, Liz carrying some food for me and sat down near me.

“I still can’t get over how you look now.” She said as she helped me eat. I said nothing, simply remaining silent and eating, having become selectively mute during my time like this. She looked at me sadly as she continued to feed me. Viri simply sat in a chair near the bed, scratching behind her ear once in awhile.

When she was done feeding me, I simply looked off to the side like I usually did, zoning out.

“I’m going out.” Viri said as she stood up. I looked up at her and saw that her eyes looked around in the room before sniffing a few times. She left the room quickly and closed the door behind her. When she did that Liz climbed up next to me and laid there.

“Sorry for not being by you, busy with baby clothes.” she said sadly. I nodded in understanding, not looking at her. She sighed and just laid beside me.

“Should I get some more food for you? I can make some sou-” she stopped as she grunted in pain. Her hands went to her belly as she looked like she was in pain. “I-Ita… I… I think the baby is coming…”

My eyes widened, before I grunted in pain, feeling a familiar feeling coming along, letting loose a whimper in fear, unable to summon any chancey to assist us. I looked around and saw the bottle with my powers in it. Liz looked up at me and followed where I was looking and saw the bottle.

“That’s…” she grunted a bit before lifting a hand. I saw a ghostly hand appeared near the bottle and Liz made a pushing motion and the hand did the same, pushing the bottle onto the floor before disappearing.

I watched as it hits the ground and shatters into little pieces as my powers rushed back into me. I blinked a few times as I felt my powers returned to me, though I didn’t change back into my gold self but this wasn’t a good time to think about it.

I quickly summoned some Chancey, the ones I usually did, them taking one look at us and getting us ready.

A few hours later…

I looked down at the newly born girl in my arms, she had golden skin and the same colour of my hair, oddly I think she looks like me if I was a baby. The only difference is that she didn’t have horns but a golden demons tail.

I smiled weakly, hugging her to myself and smiling down at my new child. She smiled a bit and snuggled up to me. I looked up to see Liz holding her child as she looks at her.

“She’s… so small.” she said weakly.

I raised an eyebrow at her, tilting my head. Liz moved her hand over to her child and poked her nose. Her child giggled a bit which she looked surprised.

I smiled at the happy scene, before turning my attention back to the child in my arms, cooing wordlessly. Soon I started to hear snoring from where Liz was sitting as she passed out with her daughter in her arms.

I moved a bit to get comfortable but the chains made it hard to move with a child in my arms. Rolling my eyes I made them disappear and snuggled my child in my arms, thinking of a name before I pass out. I barely managed to put Iza on a piece of paper before I joined Liz in slumberland.

More hours later, LIZ POV…

I opened my eyes from my slumber and yawned a bit. I looked around sleepily until I looked down and saw that I was holding a child in my arms, my child.

I blinked a few times to see if I was seeing things. The baby succubus girl didn’t vanish from my sight and she snuggled up to me a bit. I looked around wondering what I should do. I saw Ita sleeping in her bed with her child in her arms. Taking it as a chance I moved over to where she was and laid next to her, hoping something comes to me as I was near her.

Ita snuggled into me, curling around her baby. I looked around as nothing comes to mind I just lay there for a bit until the baby I was holding started to cry. I shot up straight at this wide eyed.

“What do I do, what do I do!” I said in a panic. I started to rock her in my arms as I saw the others did but that didn’t work, I tried to bounce her but that also didn’t work. I tried anything that I could think of but nothing, I started to tear up at this, having no idea what to do.

Ita pov…

I woke up to crying, opening my eyes and seeing Liz holding her crying child. I tilted my head, before holding my own to my breasts, the child latching on and feeding from me. I looked over at Liz who didn’t seem to notice that I woke up and was on the verge to cry at her crying baby.

I made a humming noise loudly, gaining her attention and motion to what I was doing. She saw this and nodded and in a blind haste she just ripped her top off, bra included, and brought her child to her breasts and she latched on and started to feed. Liz sighed a bit as she leaned back.

I gave her a encouraging smile, giving her a thumbs up. She smiled back as she held her child.

“Thank you.” she said as a tear of joy ran down her face as she watched her newborn feed. I simply nodded, rocking my own a little. Soon the two children had their fill and fell back to sleep after we burped them. The two of us laid there for a bit until Liz started to pat a bit.

I sent her a questioning look, tilting my head. She looked over at me with a flushed face.

“I… forgot that… when a succubus gives birth… their sex drive… skyrockets… thought it was a rumor but…” she moaned a bit as she rubbed her legs together.

I got a worried look, waving my hand and bringing it down, so she'd be able to focus on her child instead of sex. Her breathing calmed down a bit as she smiled.

“Thanks… but I need to deal with this today or...well… I go sex crazy and…” she shrugged sadly as I got what she was saying.

I nodded, making a cock appear in front of her for her to use. She narrowed her eyes at it.

“Not now, later.” she said as she pulled her child closer. “I want to be with Hel a little longer.”

I simply nodded, shrinking it and floating it into her pocket, before snuggling with my own child, not bothering to remove my chains. We stayed like that for a bit until Liz made a worried face.

“Where’s Viri?” she asked. I blinked at her and thought about it. She didn’t returned from leaving and if the two of us gave birth… my eyes widened, using my magic to teleport Viri and anyone she’s holding here. I felt where she was but for some reason she didn’t seemed to budge, I blinked as I remember that my powers were still settling in me so my powers aren’t at full power just yet. Thinking of a way I made an image of where she was appeared in front of me. I saw Viri sitting against a tree naked with her shirt being used as a bundle for her child. She didn’t seemed to be moving as she laid there with her eyes closed.

I summoned a Deoxys-bot, pointing at the image and making a ‘bring’ motion, the bot nodding and flying off to do as I ordered. I watched the image for a bit before the bot got there to pick them up. Viri pulled away from the bot as she curled around her child. The bot kept getting closer only for it to get clawed by Viri. Viri arm lazily fell onto the ground as the bot healed itself and picked them up and flew off.

I watched the bot bring Viri and the child here, before mentally ordering the Chancey here to heal the two of them, dismissing the bot. As the Chancey was healing them I saw what her baby looked like. It looked female with brown hair, she looked very human then what she had before. Viri simply curled around her child as she slept.

I decided to not question it, simply cuddling with all of them the best as I could without breaking the chains. After some time of rest Liz stood up and told me that she need to head to her room since she had this cradle that she got for her baby. As she walked off I noticed that she was butt naked and her legs were wet near where her pussy was. Before I could do anything she turned herself and the baby invisible.

I tilted my head, shrugging and deciding to just cuddle with who was here. After a few minutes Viri grumbled a bit and woke up. Her eye looked around at were she was and then looked at me. She just sighed and put her head on me.

I tilted my head, before nuzzling her. She nuzzled me back, giving me a kiss after moving into a comfortable position. I kissed her back, stretching as much as I could in the chains. After that Viri made a crib appear and floated the two over into it and climbed onto of me and continued kissing me.

I simply kissed her back since I couldn’t do much much else at the moment. Without a word she reached up to the chains and broke them as she kissed me more deeply, the chains that bound me to the bed laying limply.

I immediately wrapped my arms around her, kissing her back. The chains followed as there wrapped themselves around her but she didn't seemed to mind as she continued kissing me.

Eventually, we broke the kiss, me smiling at her. She smiled back as I looked at her a bit more, noticing that she looked a bit more… wilder. She didn't say anything as she just laid on top of me.

I nuzzled her again, stretching a little. I turn my head and saw her looking at me with a smile.

"Hey there." She said softly. I simply waved. She frowned at this. "What's wrong? Why can't you speak?”

I shrugged, simply not wanting to. She put her hand on my face and looked at me sadly. After that we just laid there in silence. I yawned suddenly, a little tired. I pulled Viri a bit closer to me as my eyes slowly close.

The next day…

I yawned silently as I woke up, rubbing the stuff out of my eyes. I looked around to see that Viri wasn’t there but the chains that were attached to the bed were broken, letting me able to get out of bed.

I hesitantly stood, stumbling a little from nine months of not using my muscles at all. I stumbled over to the wall as I groaned in frustration as I headed out into the hallway, it was still early enough that no one is awake at the time. I headed down the hallway until I heard the sound of something hitting something.

I followed the sound until I found it was coming from a room with the door open a bit. I shuffled over to the door and peeked inside. I saw that it was some kind of training room or dojo. I then saw Viri punching a dummy, she was wearing a sports bra and some shorts that hugged her tightly. Since her hair grew a bit over the years she had it up in a pony tail.

I stumbled into the room, sitting nearby and watching. She just kept going with her training, every punch was followed up with another, ever shadow block was moved into a counter, it was as if she was dancing a bit. It was somewhat mesmerizing at how she fought, I blinked a few times and thought about it; over the years I thought I knew much about her but now… now she’s almost a complete stranger with how she changed.

I was brought out of my thought as she started to hit the dummy harder until one last punch smashed the dummy. Viri took some deep breaths and muttered something under her breath.

I shakily stood, stumbling over to her and silently surprise-glomping her. She stumbled forward as I felt she shift her body as if she was about to throw me until she saw me and relaxed.

“Oh… hey love, morning.” she greeted me with a smile. I nuzzled her, letting out a happy noise. As I did this I realized that she was all sweaty from her training as the smell of her filled my nose. It was odd, it didn’t smell of B.O, it’s more… campfire smoke.

“Hey, is there something wrong with your voice?” she asked me.

I tried talking… but nothing happened, making my eyes widen and causing me to whimper. Viri turned to me and looked at me for a few moments, again I was still not used to seeing her like this, more in control than before, it made me a little warm inside.

“Did you say anything when you were… you know.” she asked as she raised one of the broken chains.

I shook my head, not having said anything during the whole nine months. She let out a sigh at this.

“You’re fine love, just need to get your voice back.” she thought about it for a bit and nodded. She looked at me and brought me into a kiss. I felt her wrap around me in her arms as that warm feeling grew a bit.

I looked at her questionly after the kiss was over, face flushed. She smiled at me and gestured at me to talk. “H-hello?” I tried… in her voice. She made a funny smile at me.

I frowned, kissing her to give her voice back. She took her voice back as she pulled away, doing a gesture that made a vile appear.

“Now take this, your voice will take a few minutes to get strong again after it.” she said. I nodded, drinking it, face scrunching up and turning green as I did, the thing tasting terrible. She giggled at me and kissed me on the forehead.

“Terrible.” I weakly said, voice barely there.

“Of course it is, medicine that taste terrible works the best.” she said. I frowned at her as I took a step forward and fell into her. She caught me and sighed a bit, picking me up and carried me to a seat nearby. She had me sit on her lap as she messaged my legs a bit.

I frowned in frustration at my legs, crossing my arms.

“I’m sorry about this.” Viri said as she messaged my legs. “Chaining you to the bed, that… was uncalled for.”

I smiled at her, nuzzling her to tell her that I was less mad at her more that my muscles went to crap while I was chained up.

“It’s not healthy love.” she said. “I know it doesn’t bother you but it does for me, I don’t want to hinder you with things I do, you're my wife, my world and I don’t want you to put through any problems.”

I hugged her, giving her a weak squeeze, before I blinked, really looking down at myself, noticing I was… a little plump to say the least.

“Something up?” she asked me. I gestured to myself, noticing myself jiggle some with the movement. “Ahh, I see.” she said, looking a little sad at this. “You need some exercise after your legs get better.”

“Be… coach?” I asked weakly, hugging her. She smiled at me.

“Sure.” she said as she bounced a bit, making me jiggle more. She giggled at this. “Sorry but I love the way you jiggle.”

I huffed, crossing my arms and pouting, an adorable mad and flustered look on my face. Viri sighed as she wrapped her arms around me.

“Don’t take it the wrong way love, it makes you cute and sexy.” she said softly as she pulled me closer again, that warm feeling still burning.

I sighed, simply hugging her back, snuggling into her. She held me close to her as she hugged me.

“So, what do you want to do?” she asked me. I flexed, telling her I wanted to get my body back in shape as soon as possible… or make her giggle as my fat jiggled. She giggled a bit.

“Okay, as cute that is I think I prefer just a… few places jiggle.” she said as she squeezed my ass a bit and nudged my breasts a bit. “Now, do you want to get back to normal… now?”

I shook my head, wanting to work for it. She rolled her eyes as she stood up with me in her arms and walked over to a pair of bars that went to the other side of the room. She put me down between them and backed away. I looked up at them as they were arms length away.

“Grab hold of the bars and pull yourself up.” she said to me. I grabbed the bars, grunting in effort as I attempted to do what she said… only for me to hang there helplessly. “Come on you can do it, just need to work for it.”

I tried again, visibly sweating as I managed to get myself up… and inch. This went on for a few hours until I was holding myself with my arms, my body shaking as my clothes stuck to me from all of my sweat.

“Now, take it slow and walk.” she said as she stood by me. I nodded, struggling to slowly do so. The first few tries were hard but soon, maybe an hour or two, I started to walk again. After I finished my last set I fell onto the ground gasping. Viri kneeled down in front of me.

“There you go, now your legs got better.” she said. I simply panted in exhaustion, looking at her tiredly. “You can have a few minutes to rest, after that the training starts.”

With that she stood up and walked over to the other room as I stared at her in surprised. I gulped in fear, my everything burning, starting to regret this a little.

A few hours of training later…

I fell onto the ground, even with my god powers back my everything was burning in pain, even my pain was in pain… of course that could be because I hadn’t really used them, since me training while them off multiplied them while on anyway. I looked up to see Viri looking down at me.

“Have you ever did anything without using your powers… at all?” she asked me.

“Used to… train… without… them… gave more gain… quicker.” I panted to her, groaning in pain.

“Well, guess this is a good reminder to do some exercise it’s good for you.” she said tersely. She helped me into a sitting position with my back on the wall. She handed me a thurmuse that was open, the smell of tea in it. “This will help.”

I nodded, my everything protesting as I took the thing, drinking from it. Slowly I felt my body relax a bit as I sighed happily. I saw Viri looking at me.

“What?” I asked simply.

“You have your powers back but you don’t look… goldie.” she said. “N-nothing is wrong with that, it just… you look cute like this.”

I blushed, looking off to the side. “This is how my skin originally looked.” I mumbled.

“Again, you look cute like this.” she said as she sat beside me and pulled me into a one arm hug. I relaxed into her, going limp after snuggling into a comfortable position. She just held me in her arm as I smiled. “What’s with the look? Sure it’s a happy look but one that I rarely see.”

I simply shrugged into her, yawning, eyes drooping. I felt her pull me to her as again she started to carry me. She smiled down at me.

“I’ll take you to our bed, you need to rest.” she said. I simply nodded, passing out halfway there.

Viri POV…

I saw her pass out in my arms as I got to the room. I chuckled at this as I put her in bed, she shifted a bit in bed as she slept. I smiled as I made sure that she was comfortable. I watched her sleep as I looked back to the place where the bottle that held her powers was. Now shattered there was no place to hold the curse I bear now.

I sighed at this, knowing that it didn’t really matter now since I been through worse. I squeezed Ita’s hand a bit with a smile as I went to pull away from her. Ita squeezed onto my hand, whimpering a little.

I huffed a bit at this as I brushed her hair a bit. I felt something in me became protective over her, probably the curse changing the way I think, I sighed and moved over to her as she laid on me. She seemed to calm at this, snuggling directly into my breasts. I smiled as I laid there, wrapping my arms around her and keeping her close.

I hummed a bit as I petted her hair softly, just listening to her sleep. The clothes that we wore slowly melted away as I pulled her closer. I kissed her head as I let her sleep.

Ita POV, hours later…

When I woke up, my everything was still a little sore, groaning in pain as I blearily opened my eyes. I saw the room was low lit, the sounds of outside came in as the few windows were slightly open.

I also notice that I was naked in bed with two arms wrapped around me. I followed them to Viri as she seemed be looking away from me, as if she was listing to the sounds.

I smiled a little, giving her a peck on her cheek. She looked over at me with a smile, her eyes seemed to glow softly at me. I didn’t feel fear from them, instead I felt warmth.

“Slept well, you were asleep for the day.” she said softly. I nodded, snuggling into her a little more. She smiled at me as she pulled me a bit closer. I now notice that she to was naked as well as she pulled me closer to her chest and held my head on her. At first I didn’t understand why she was doing this but I then started to hear her heart beat.

I smiled at the soothing noise, simply relaxing where I was. We stayed like this for sometime saying nothing. At times she twitched and turn her head towards a noise from outside, only to turn back since it was nothing.

“You alright?” I asked softly, eyes closed.

“Yes, I’m fine.” she said as she squeezed me a bit. “Just hearing the wild.” I nodded into her, yawning a little, the beat of her heart starting to soothe me to sleep slowly. Again I felt her arms around me in a loving and protective manner. I felt safer in her arms, unlike any other, I felt her hand comb through my hair and pet me. This was soothing as I felt calm, just enough that I fell asleep in her arms, listening to her heart beat.

More hours later…

I woke up to a… similar scene only now it was night. I smiled, idly noticing a couple chancey taking care of the newest children, before I hugged Viri as tightly as I could, kissing her. She kissed me back as she hugged me back.

“Have a good rest?” she asked me.

“Yeah, feel… better.” I said simply. She giggled as she kissed me. As we laid there I noticed something… odd about her. Her eyes seemed to glow a bit and she seemed to be more… alive now than ever.

“You seem more… alive.” I commented.

“What can I say, I like the night.” she said happily. “It’s so peaceful then.” Her eyes brighten at an idea. “Hey, want to go down to the surface and walk around?”

“Sure… after we get clothes.” I said, blushing. She giggled and nuzzled me a bit.

“Why not skip that?” she asked raising an eyebrow. “Something wrong with that?”

“I just don’t want anyone I don’t approve of seeing me nude.” I said simply, shrugging.

“Come on Ita, no one will be around. Besides it’s night out and we’ll be deep in the woods.” she nuzzled me a bit. “It’ll be fun.”

“Fine.” I said, relenting. Her smile faltered a bit.

“Would it make you feel better if you had some clothes?” she asked me.

“I’m okay with it… just kinda nervous, I can barely walk right on the flat floors here.” I said, shrugging. “And me sleeping all day probably didn’t help.”

“I think you’ll be fine.” she said as she helped me stand up off the bed. I took a few steps and so far everything seems fine. I then felt something wrap around me as Viri put a robe on me. “Just giving you something to cover up if you can’t handle it.”

“Thank you.” I said, starting to walk a little faster and wobbling. She took me by the arms to steady me. I looked back at her and saw her smiling. Soon I saw the scenery changed into that of a forest. I took shaky steps in the forest, the uneven ground messing with my balance. I felt Viri’s hands on my shoulders to steady me as we walked through the forest. I looked back at her as she looked around at the place, smiling as she snapped her head one way then another, still smiling.

I mimicked her, enjoying the sights. Soon we got the a clearing with a tree in the center of it. We walked over and sat down on the ground under the tree. I had my back to the tree to lean on it as Viri laid in front of me, still butt naked.

“This is so nice~.” she said as she rolled over to her back. “The sights, the sounds, the smells, everything.”

“Yeah.” I agreed, playfully kicking her feet with mine.

“Yeah… but you don’t see it in my eyes… and ears...and well nose… just in my point of view.” she said as she kicked her feet playfully.

“Why’s it any different?” I asked, interested.

“It’s hard to explain…” she then looked up at me. “Do you trust me?” I nodded, tilting my head curiously. She then got up and moved around me until she was behind me.

“Now, this will be a bit jarring so I’m going to do this for a minute, okay?” she asked me. I nodded at her and looked out to the forest. She puts her hands on the sides of my head and I blinked a few times.

All of a sudden I felt my body get stronger in a supernatural way, my sight sharpened and everything got brighter, I can hear everything all around me, I could smell everything from the dew of rainfall to the plants on the ground. I felt like my body could run for miles on end and do anything. I blinked a few times as I took all of this in.

It was amazing… but it started to be over bearing as I felt her hands move away from me and everything went back to normal. Viri then moved around me and smiled.

“That, is what I now see.” she said simply. My eyes were wide, not yet recovered from the experience. “Give it a minute for your brain to process what happened.”

“Okay.” I mumble. I sat there as I process what happened as Viri turned to face the woods.

I hugged her after it did, humming. She put her hand onto me as we listened to the woods.

“I remember the last time I felt like this, in the woods listening to the wonders, it’s been so long that I almost forgotten.” she whispered.

“When was the last time?” I gently asked. She turned her body and tapped the place near her shoulder. I saw what looked like a large bite mark scar.

"A town was getting hit by a group in the woods, uses large wolves to tear through anyone, me and a group went to clear them out, only to find out that the wolves and the group were one and the same." She let out a sigh as she rubbed the mark. “We cleared them out but… one of them got a lucky bite on me. After that… well I got cursed.”

“Cursed?” I asked. She nodded at me.

“Yup, Lycanthropy.” she said as she pulled her legs up. “I have control over it thanks to some help but I found a way to pull it out of me so I was somewhat normal but…”

“Can I see?” I asked. She looked over a me and nodded. She move onto her hands and knees as she changed. Spines came out of her back as I heard her bones break, and reform and grow. After a minute there was a very large wolf with black fur and spines out of her back. She looked over at me and tilted her head at me.

I smiled, reaching my hand out and petting her. She nuzzled my hand a bit. Her ears twitched a bit at the noises from the forest before her body shifted back to her normal naked self. She rolled her shoulders a bit as I heard her bones pop a bit, I also notice that her hair was much longer now, about ass length but she didn’t seemed to notice.

“So how painful is that?” I asked.

“When I first turned it was very painful but now…” she thought about it and shrugged. “It’s just a bit uncomfortable.”

“It sounds like it should be painful every time.” I commented. She again shrugges.

“I guess I just got used to it.” she said as she scratches her head, then moved her hand down and rolled her eyes. “Though the whole having very long hair thing is really annoying.”

“Why’s that?” I asked.

“Just… it’s annoying.” she said as she pulled her hair up. “Like really, what can I do with all this hair, tie it up and use it like a whip?”

“You could.” I said, snickering. She rolled her eyes again as she pulled her hair into one of her hands as she made a dagger appeared. She used it to cut her hair giving her short but wild hair.

“Ahhh, that’s much better.” she said as she made her hair disappears.

“I think you look great either way.” I said, kissing her. She smiled at me.

“Thanks.” she said as she sat back down next to the tree. I removed my robe, setting it under me and sitting on it. Viri sighed as she pulled me a bit closer. “Not nervous anymore?”

“I realised I could sense if anyone was coming close.” I admitted, shrugging.

“Oh is that all.” she said as she taps her nose. “One of the few plus sides of this curse is that my senses are heightened.”

“Neat.” I said.

“Yup it’s useful.” she said before frowning. “Well… sometimes.”

“Why sometimes?” I asked, hugging her randomly.

“Heightened smell, what do you think.” she deadpanned.

“Stuff.” I said cheekily, kissing her. She nodded as she nuzzled me. Again as I looked at her I saw her body covered in scars of many… whatevers that has happened to her, it give her an odd scared beauty to her.

I nuzzled her, slipping a hand down her body. She smiled as she put her head on top of mine.

“Got used to the sight of them?” she asked, gesturing to her scars. I nodded, slipping a hand into her pussy. She twitched a bit as she narrowed her eyes at me as I felt her hand slid down my body before giving my ass a squeeze.

I simply smiled, starting to thrust my hand in her. She moaned a bit as she moved her hand to teased my clit a bit. I let out a soft moan, kissing her as I continued. I felt her fingers enter my pussy as she slowly pushed me onto the ground, I felt the grass tickle my skin as I laid there.

I kissed her, running my other hand down her sides before grabbing one of her breasts and fondling it softly. She pressed herself into my hand as her other hand came up to my head and held it softly.

I snapped my fingers as I removed my hand from her pussy, making a didldo appear and prodding her with it. She moaned into my mouth as she continued to thrust her fingers into me as she held my head with her hand firmly yet softly.

I moaned, shoving the dildo into her and making it vibrate. She moaned again as she started thrusting into me a bit faster and wiggled her fingers in me.

One hour later…

We laid there in the grass after our fun. I was curled up in Viri arms as she held me close. “That was fun.” I commented.

"Yeah it was." She said as she pulled me in a bit as we snuggled.

“Whatcha wanna do now?” I asked. She just shrugged a bit. At that moment we heard a snap in the trees. Viri pulled me close as she growled in that direction. I narrowed my eyes and sensed that it was just a pokemon.

“It’s just a pokemon hun, calm down.” I said. She narrowed her eyes that way for a few moments.

"Sorry animal instant, I have a need to protect you as one protects their mate." She said as she sniffed the air.

“It’s okay.” I said, nuzzling her. She just pulled me closer with a hug and kissed my forehead. I smiled, snuggling into her and hugging her tightly.

"So, you want to stay here or head back home?” she asked me as she nuzzled my neck affectively.

“Don’t care.” I said. I heard her chuckle a bit as the sound of bones being broken and reformed as she turned into her wolf form. She curled around me so I was laying on her as if she was a big fuzzy pillow. Her tail moved around to cover me like a blanket.

I smiled, cuddling into the warm embrace, a smile forming on my face. I laid there looking up to the clear sky before I closed my eyes, falling asleep.

One peaceful and fuzzy sleep later...

I woke up feeling warm and safe, smiling as I yawned and stretched, before snuggling into the warmth more. That warmth wrapped around me as I saw Viris wolf head look at me before licking my face a bit.

I smiled, giggling and hugging her head. She licked me again as she yawned. She looked around at the clearing before looking back at me. “See anything?” I asked in amusement.

She shook her head as she booped her nose on my forehead. I giggled at this. “Did you just boop yourself?” I asked. She rolled her eyes at this as she licked my face.

“What would happen if I Transformed into a dog pokemon like Houndoom?” I asked, curious. Her form shifted as if she was shrugging as she put her head down on the grass, keeping on eye on me. I tilted my head, before glowing, shifting into a Houndoom, except it was golden. She snorted as she thump her tail a few times.

I smirked inwardly, before I licked her face, nuzzling her. She nuzzled me back as she laid there, curled around me. After a few minutes I heard something coming this way, Viri eye shot to that direction as was coming came to few.

“Dang trees, have to get in my face.” someone said. I saw a red stallion with a blue mane came to view. He looked around grumbling to himself until he saw us. “Whoa! Pokemon, alright.”

He smiled as he went to grab something and I saw him have a pokeball in his hand. “Let's see if this works.” he said as he threw the ball at me. I blink at this as Viris tail brushed in front of me and batted the ball back at him, hitting his face. She stood up and walked slowly at him, growling.

“Uhhh… nice doggie.” he said as he began to back away. I got up, going next to her and nuzzling her to calm her. She did calm down a bit at this.

“Uhh, say sorry about that… didn't know that you two-” Viri looked back at him and let out an angry snort. “Right… I'll go now.” with that he was gone.

I snickered, highly amused. She snorted annoyed as she walked back to the tree and laid down. I walked over and laid next to her, nuzzling her a little. She did the same as we laid there.

“This is nice.” I commented. She just nodded as she just laid there. After a few minutes of laying there I saw her turn back to her normal self as she laid next to me.

I smiled, leaning into her and simply enjoying the moment. She nuzzled me and petted me since I still look like Houndoom. I decided I was too lazy to change back right now, so I simply stayed as is and let her pet me. I noticed some other pokemon wandering around in the clearing and noticing us. None came close to us but they did watch us.

I looked at them, tilting my head before shrugging and simply deciding to leave them be as long as we weren’t bothered. The two of us sat there for some time in silence as Viri petted me.

“So, how much you wanna bet that trainers gonna come back with some kinda gang?” I asked in bemusement.

“I don’t know, but if they want to have their heads they better not.” she said with a frown.

“There’s no reason to kill them dear… just beat them up a little bit.” I said. “It’s not like a normal pokeball could ever hold me anyway.”She just snorted as she brought me closer to her.

I smiled, snuggling into her and closing my eyes. She continued to pet me for a bit.

“As much as I like petting a dog, mind turning back to your human looking form please.” I heard her say. I rolled my eyes, doing so, making a robe appear on me that was very comfortable feeling. She huffed a bit as she hugged me.

“I feel people coming this way, when they’re gone I’ll remove it.” I promised, hugging her back. She frowned a bit as she tried to hide a growl.

“Honey, calm.” I said firmly, giving her a look. She stopped and leaned back into the tree, muttering. I smiled, snuggling into her and massaging her back. She put her head on my shoulder with a sigh.

“Old habits die hard… doesn’t help with the fact that my animal instincts are acting up.” she muttered.

“It’s alright.” I assured, massaging her more. “Just don’t let them control you.”

“Hey, I can be as overprotective of you as I want.” She huffed a bit.

“I know, and you are… just don’t let your instincts blind you.” I said. She smiled a bit as she hugged me.

“Thanks love.” she whispered. She hugged me tighter as she nuzzled my neck.

“Welcome.” I said, hugging her tighter and kissing her neck as I gave her ass a playful pinch. She giggled at this as she grabbed my ass and groped it.

I smiled, but didn’t advance the actions anymore since that group I had sensed was only getting closer. Viri sensed them as well as she looked around at the clearing.

“So much for our fun…” she muttered under her breath with a pout.

“Maybe later.” I said, kissing her. She smiled a bit as I heard some rustling from behind me. I looked behind me and saw a group coming out of the bushes and into the clearing.

“Oh… didn’t know someone was here.” one of them said. I saw the stallion from before as he looked around. “What are you doing here miss?”

“I’m just hanging out.” I said, standing and stretching. “What are you doing here?”

“Came out to see this giant wolf looking pokemon that was here.” the one said as he looked around. “Looks like it ran off.”

“There was also a golden Houndoom!” the red stallion said. The other rolled his eyes.

“Yeah… say did you see them around miss?” the one asked. I looked around as if I was looking for some pokemon and saw that Viri vanished, no wonder he was talking as if there was only me.

“Nope.” I said, shrugging.

“Dang, oh well.” the stallion said. He looked at me and frowned in confusion. “Uhh miss, why are you wearing a robe, in the middle of the forest?”

“I felt like it.” I said simply.

“Right… anyway we’ll catch you later.” the stallion said as the group left.

“I’m telling you the truth, there was a large wolf pokemon and a golden Houndoom here!” the red stallion said.

“Oh shut up.” a mare’s voice said. As I watched as the group disappeared into the forest I felt something pulled me into a hug.

“Well that was interesting.” Viri voice said as I couldn't see her. I simply nodded in agreement with a smirk, leaning back into her. I saw her form reappeared. “If I remember there’s a lot of wolf like pokemon and… a shiny Houndoom is blue.”

“I know, I didn’t feel like changing colors.” I said simply.

“I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, golden Houndoom is a better colour.” She looked off a bit as she thought about it. “Well, maybe a darker gold with white horns would look cool… and I’m over thinking it.”

“A little, but noted for next time.” I said, kissing her. She smiled as I felt her hands grope my breasts a bit.

“Do you know how tempting to do this when the group was here.” she said with a smirk. “Hmmm, I think a little of you is rubbing off of me.”

“I think you’re the one rubbing me at the moment.” I said with a moan, smirking at her. She chuckled as she squeezed my breasts a bit harder.

“Can’t help it, you're so much fun to… ‘rub’ on.” she said. She continued groping me a bit more before spinning me around and pushing me into the tree. “Now, time to get rid of this.” She took my robe and ripped it off. She continued to fondle me roughly as she moved one of her hands down to my clit and started to rub it. I moaned a bit a bit as she continued this harder before I noticed her leaning forward with her mouth open and… sharp teeth… I quickly pushed her away as she looked at me in confusion before realizing what she was going to do. She looked at me as if she was going to say something before darting into the forest.

I widened my eyes, running after her. I followed her to a river that she then jumped into. She stayed underwater for a few minutes until she resurfaced.

I walked over to her, hugging her from behind. She started to cry after a few moments.

“I’m… I’m sorry.” she sobbed.

“It’s okay.” I said simply, nuzzling her. She shook her head as tears ran down her face.

“It’s not okay I almost bit you, if I did then… I don’t know what will happen.” she said.

“I know you didn’t mean it, so it’s fine.” I said, kissing her. She calmed down from this as she hugged me back.

“It… may take a while but… I’ll get full control again,” she said with sad smile. “Being un-cursed and then re-cursed messes one’s mind a bit, but I’ll get used to it.”

“I know you can do it.” I said, hugging her tighter. We stayed like that for a bit until she pulled away.

“So, what now?” she asked me.

I shrugged, not sure what to do next. She looked off into the woods with a look that she was thinking.

“Well, normally I would say we should have some of our ‘fun’ but after what happened, I don’t know.” she said softly.

“Maybe we should just head home?” I suggested. She nodded at me. She came over to me and hugged me as I teleported us back home.

I felt my heart pang a little at the emptiness of the home, but I decided to ignore it for now. Viri went and put on some clothes, a tank top and some shorts, she passed me some of my clothes when she was finished.

I put mine on, smiling at her. She kissed me on the cheek as the two of us looked down into the crib seeing the two babies there. Viri’s kid was still sleeping as mine was somewhat awake and looking up at me sleepily.

I smiled, picking up my child and nuzzling her. Viri smiled as she carefully picked up the other.

“I never asked but what’s her name?” she asked.

“Iza.” I told her as I kissed Izas forehead. She gave me a toothless smile. I saw Viri rocking hers in her arms as the girl slept in her arms.

I smiled, enjoying this peaceful moment.

“Emily.” Viri said as she looked at me. “If you’re wondering, her name is Emily.”

“So… what do we do now?” I asked, holding Iza closer to me. Viri shrugged at me as she nuzzled Emily.

“Just… hang out until we get an idea.” she said.

“I guess.” I said. We went out of the bedroom and headed to the living room. I saw Liz there feeding her baby, with no top on.

“Oh, hey you two.” she said with a smile.

“Hi Liz.” I said, smiling. “How are you?”

“And why are you not wearing a top?” Viri asked.

“Because it gets in the way, if I’m going to feed Hel why should I spend a minute getting my boob out if I could just keep my top off?” she said before looking at me. “Also I’m good.”

“I mean it’s not exactly like theres anyone else here to see her topless.” I commented.

“So since there’s no one we should all go topless?” Viri asked me.

“Why not?” Liz said with a shrug. “I’m used to it since I’m a sex demon.”

“I don’t see why not.” I said with a shrug, taking my own top off and letting Iza have a drink. Viri sighed and took hers off as she sat down on the couch, holding Emily close to her.

“So… anything new?” I asked.

“Not really, just spending time with Hel here.” she said. “Well, yesterday when you two were out I spent the day naked.”

“Why did you tell us that?” Viri asked Liz.

“She asked.” Liz answered with a shrug.

“Why’d you do that?” I asked, curious.

“I was warm and no one was around.” she said as she pulled Hel away from her and burped her.

“Fair enough.” I said. Viri simply chuckled.

“Careful love or Liz might charm you.” she said with a smirk.

“I think I’ll be fine.” I said, smirking. Viri rolled her eyes as she shifted Emily on her. Liz chuckled as she smiled down at her kid.

“So… want to have some fun?” she said with a smirk. I looked over at Viri for a moment.

“No.” we both said.

The quest STARTS

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Chapter Omaga: The quest STARTS!

Ita PoV

“Hey! We got a postcard from the newlyweds.” Ri said as she sat down beside me. I smiled at her with Iza on my lap as she played with a toy while Aze and Aonn were playing a game together. I saw Hiro and Ivory smiling on a beach wearing bikinis with Pokemon around them.

“Nice, good for them.” I said with a fond smile. Ri smiled as she read the card.

“' And happy birthday aunty Ri’ awww they remembered.” she said as she held a keychain in her hand. “This is cute.”

“Real cute.” I said with a smirk, kissing her. She smiled at this as she leans on me.

“So, what do you have planned for Viri, since it's also her birthday as well.” Ri asked. I opened my mouth to answer but stopped at the thought, all this time I can't recall any time I or anyone did anything for Viri for her birthday.

Deciding to go look for her I passed Iza over to Ri. Iza looked over at me making a sad whimpering sound.

“Mommy’s going to be right back.” I said softly. I turned and headed outside. Over the past few years I found out that if I want to find Viri all I have to do is just think about her and I always find her.

When I got outside I headed towards the gardens where she was tending to them. She wore a cowboy hat with a blue button up shirt that was tied that showed her mid-section and some jeans that were covered with dirt. She didn't seem to notice me coming to her, her skin glistened with sweat as she pulled a napkin and wiped her face.

I smirked as I hugged her from behind, kissing her a kiss on her cheek. She chuckled as she turned to look at me.

“Hey love, what brings you?” she asked me.

“I heard it was your birthday, and I remembered that we’ve never really done anything for it before, have we?” I asked, looking at her and tilting my head.

“It is?” she said as she thought about “Huh, didn't realize it was.”

“So, what do you wanna do for your birthday?” I asked, smiling at her. She opens her mouth then closes it.

“I don't know,” she says sheepishly. “I never really did anything for my birthday.”

“Well we should do something.” I said, crossing my arms and thinking. Viri looked down at the garden for a moment.

“We could go out,” she said as she looks up. “That's something.”

“Something special would be best, but if that’s what you wanna do.” I said with a shrug. She blushed and rubbed the back of her head.

“Do you have something in mind? I'm not good at this since I’ve never really done this sort of thing.” she said.

“Any place you ever wanted to go to as a kid or something and never got to?” I asked. “I could try taking you to there if you remember any.”

“No not really,” Viri said as she crossed her arms and I saw her body move in a way that indicate that she was sad. “Didn't have the greatest childhoods.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” I asked, hugging her comfortingly.

“What's there to talk about, I already told you my life story, grew up with only my brother, was depressed to the point of killing myself, etc etc.”

“I know… I justs head that talking helps” I said, shrugging. “Any amusement parks you ever wanted to go to? That’s a birthday thing.”

“Not really, last time I went to one I got food poisoning and a kid puked on me, not fun,” she said as she wrap her arms around my neck. “Honestly I think a normal date with you is perfect.”

“Alright.” I said, kissing her. “What do you wanna do for the date?”

“Surprise me,” she said with a smirk. “You know how I like surprises.”

“Okay.” I said with a smirk, deciding to teleport the two of us out into a green clearing, with a small hill that had a tree on top, summoning a picnic basket and blanket. I set the blanket down, sitting and patting the spot next to me and smiling at her.

She smiled and sat down beside me as she looks around “You and your picnics.”

“I like picnics.” I said simply, shrugging. “Why don’t you open the basket?” I prodded. She rolled her eyes and reached over to open the basket.

As she opened it, I smirked at seeing the small bulldog pup I had summoned from another universe sleeping inside. She gasped at this as she gave it a pet.

“A puppy, you got me a puppy?” she asked, trying to keep her excitement down.

“Yep.” I said, smirking. “Were you surprised?” I asked cheekily. She slowly picked up the pup and put her on her lap.

“Yes I was.” she said as she kissed me on the cheek. I smiled, pulling out another basket, opening it and pulling out her favorite food.
The two of us ate and chatted as she petted the puppy. Viri smiled happily which warmed my heart. “So, whatcha wanna do now?” I asked after we finished the food.

“Hang out with you my love.” she said as she leaned onto me. I smiled, hugging her and simply enjoying the moment. Viri petted the puppy affectionately as it slept in her lap.

“Whatcha gonna name her?” I asked, inwardly wanting to be petted a little but trying to not let it show.

“I think… Rose.” she said as she scratched behind the pups ear. Her leg twitched happily at this.

“Thats a nice name.” I said, smiling. Viri smiled a bit as she continued to pet the puppy. I shifted a bit as I watched.

“Something wrong?” she asked me.

“Nothing.” I said. She shrugged as she petted Rose.

“So have anything else planned?” she asked me.

“Not really.” I told her, shrugging. She giggled as she leans on me. I felt her tail wrapping itself around mine. I smiled, nuzzling her affectionately.

“By the way, you like what I'm wearing?” she asked as she looked down at herself. “Trying to pull a farmers look.”

“Yeah, you look great.” I said, cupping a breast. She giggled as she puts the pup beside her.

“Why thank you for the compliment.” she said. I smirked, leaning over and kissing her deeply. She kissed me back as her tongue started to play with mine.

I wrapped my arms around her, closing my eyes and moaning into the kiss. I pulled her onto my lap as we continued. After a few we pulled away from each other, Viri smiled at me as she panted.

“Someone seems frisky.” she said with a smirk.

“Birthday sex?” I suggested, playing with one of her breasts. She giggled at me.

“You know how to make a girl feel special.” she said as she kissed my nose.

“I try.” I said cheekily, giggling. “You wanna top or bottom?”

She didn't say anything, instead she started to kiss me and slowly crawled off me, planting kisses down my body until she got to my pants where she kissed me there as she looks up at me, licking her lips.

I smiled, making my cock form, making it larger than normal. It formed a large bulge in my pants, it looking like there was a large bump in my pants. Viri smiled as she unhooked my pants and freeing my cock.

The cock was so big that it slapped her face lightly as it was freed, not even hard yet as it covered half her face.

She looked up at me with a seductive look before taking it in her hand and started to stroke it slowly. I moaned, my cock slowly growing, it looking as long as my arm and twice as much girth. Viri moved up to the tip of it and took the tip into her mouth. Her tongue swirled around it as she continued to stroke me.

I moaned, my cock hardening a little more as I simply looked at her. She looked at me as she smiled. Slowly she pushed her head down to take as much of my cock in her mouth and starting to move up and down.

I tapped her, making her form more… stretchy, before I grabbed the back of her head, pushing how down all the way on my cock and groaning in pleasure. She continued to give me a blowjob as she moved up and down on my cock, moaning in to it.

I shuddered in pleasure at the vibrations this sent through me, looking down at her. “H-how good you are at this never stops surprising me.” I commented, moaning. I felt her chuckle as she went faster.

My cock throbbed in her, me idly noticing the bulge through her throat and a little further down. She moved her hand to the bulge that was further down and started to rub there as I felt her massaging my cock with her hand.

“C-cumming.” I groaned, cumming directly into her stomach and shuddering violently in pleasure. She continued massaging as she took the load. After a few moments she pulled off of me and took a few breaths before licking my cock clean.

“I don’t think this will fit in your pussy.” I commented, smirking.

“You don't know.” Viri said as she grab my shoulders and rolled onto her back. She smiled at me. “Never stopped you before.”

“True.” I said, prodding her pussy lips. “But I also wanna bottom out in you, so…” I trailed off, prodding her ass. I felt Viri push me off her, I blinked at this as something fell on my head. I pulled them off and saw that it was panties. I looked up to see Viri has her ass pointing at me with her hands spreading her cheeks open.

I smirked, putting the panties in my hammerspace and prodding her asshole, slowly entering her and groaning in pleasure. She moaned at this as I slowly put my whole cock in her.

“S-see, told y-you.” she moaned. I simply smirked, thrusting into her at a slow and steady pace. She panted at this as inside of her ass started to clench, massaging my cock. I groaned as I kept my pace, leaning forwards and pinching her nipples.

She gasped as she was matching my thrusts with her own. I tore her shirt open and groped her breasts. She moaned happily at this.

I smirked at this as I moved a bit faster but keeping a decent pace. She moaned loudly as I stood up with her and thrust into her. She held onto the tree as I did her.

I continued thrusting into her until I felt my cock throb. I trusted a bit faster until I hilted her and came in her. She groaned as my seed went into her ass until the two of us fell into the ground panting. Viri laid under me breathing heavily as I did the same on top of her. I pulled out of her as some of my cum came out of her ass. She turned around and sat up, my cock level with her head. She giggled at this as she wrapped her lips on it and bobbed her head

I smiled at her as she slowly cleaned my cock. After a few minutes I made it disappear and sat down beside her. She wrap her arm around me and pulled me closer to her.

Her pants laid a few feet away from us as he shirt was still unbuttoned and her breasts were still free. My pants were sitting by my feet as we sat there in each other's arms.

After what felt like an hour we decided to head back home. After making us look decent I teleported us back home. Viri kissed me on the cheek before heading out to the gardens to continue working on them, now with a pug in a basket to keep her company. I smiled as I headed back inside.

When I got to the living room Ri was still there watching tv with Iza on her lap. Iza saw me and made some noises and put her arms out to me as if she wanted me to pick her up. She looked like she was about to cry if I didn’t pick her up.

Of course I did pick her up, cooing at my baby gently and nuzzling her nose. She giggled as she held onto me.

“You know she’s very clingy to you, got upset that you left.” Ri said.

“Awww, are you my little mommies girl?” I asked, Iza, cooing at her and kissing her forehead. She giggles at me as she hugs me. I looked over at Ri as she looked away from me, hiding a look of sadness on her.

“You okay there Ri?” I asked, cradling Iza to my breasts, her eagerly latching onto one and beginning to feed after I exposed it for her.

“It’s… nothing.” she said as she continued to watch her show. Frowning in worry, I walked over, sitting next to her before bringing her into a one armed hug.

“What’s wrong?” I asked again, more gently. She looks at me for a moment before sighing.

“Just… the sight of you and Iza… reminds me of when my children were that age… but now they're all grown up… kinda missed that.” she said softly.

“I could fix that.” I purred into her ear, nibbling on the edges of it a little. She didn’t say anything but she tensed a bit. I saw her bit her lower lip.

“You could…” she whispered. “You sure?”

“Yes.” I purred, splitting a clone off to continue to feed Iza and sent it off into the daycare room. “I wouldn’t mind fucking one of my old fuck buddies so hard they can’t think again.”

“Oh haha, you’re so sweet.” she said in a teasing tone. She turned to me and wrapped her arms around me, sitting on my lap. She gasped a little, feeling a large bulge in my pants, me never having bothered to dismiss my cock.

“Someone's eager, so tell me,” she said as she leans forward. “Which form would you like?”

“I wanna fuck my kitty cat.” I decided, nibbling on her neck. She giggled at this as I saw her fox tails turned into two white cat tails. I saw she was her cat form as she purred at me.

“Now, I think you should work for it.” I said, smirking and leaning back, putting my hands behind my back. “Give me a lap dance.”

For a moment Ri looked at me in confusion before nodding. She stood up stayed there for a moment. She started to sway her hips a bit as she gave me a sexy look. She pushed my legs apart and lowered herself down to me only to slowly go back up, her breasts dragging themselves across my body.

She turned around and whiggled her ass at me and rubbed where my cock was. She continued doing this before turning around to face me and continued dancing. Satisfied for now, I held a hand up to stop her.

“Now, strip yourself.” I ordered, a very large tent visible in my pants. Her expression changed to a more confident one when I said that, she rubbed my cock one last time before getting off of me. She slowly unbuttoned her pants and tugged at the edges of her pants. She turned and bent forward, pulling her pants down showing me her ass and thong. The thong hugged her ass, leaving nothing for the imagination.

She turned to face me as she know took the edges of her shirt and pulled it over her head, showing me her black lacy bra. She tossed her shirt away before sitting on my lap again. She wiggled on top of me with a sexy smile.

Spanking her, I sent a faux glare. “Who told you to stop there?” I asked, though the look I gave her told her I enjoyed the view anyway. She raised an eyebrow at me as she trailed a finger on my body. I felt a claw poke and trailed it way down to her legs. I watched that her claw finger tore the strap of her thong as she continued up towards her bra. With a tug on it the bra snapped off, letting her breasts pop out in front of my face. She snapped the other strap of her thong and pulled it off her, throwing the ruined underwear away and she wiggled again, this made her breasts jiggled a bit.

“Good kitty.” I said, reaching up and squeezing her breasts. She purred happily as she blushed a bit. I simply played with her large breasts for a while, making motions as if I was milking them. She bit her lip and moaned at this as she wiggled on top of me.

“I think you're being good enough, you may free my cock kitty pet.” I told her, smirking. She smiled at me as she slowly slid down until she was kneeling on the ground. She rubbed around my cock before unbuttoning my pants. She took the zipper in her teeth and pulled it down as her fingers hook themselves in the belt hoops and tugged them off as well.

The cock practically gave her a punch to the face, the head as big as my fist, the shaft a little larger.

“Ow,” she said as she rubbed her face. Her hand pulled away as there was a small bruise above her left eye. “Someone’s very eager.”

“Suck.” I simply ordered, poking her mouth with my cock. She sighed and took my cock in her hand, slowly stroking it. She gave it a few licks before wrapping her mouth at the tip of it before starting to bob her head a few times.

I moaned, scratching her behind her cat ears and giving her a smile. She continued this as she pushed a bit more. I noticed that she was taking only a little bit at a time, not reaching the halfway point yet. I was patient however, letting her take my cock at her own pace.

Soon she was at the halfway mark, she looked up at me with tears in the corners of her eyes. She continued sucking as she tried to take more but I heard her gagging a bit. As this was going on I learned that out of the two Viri was a bit better at giving me a blowjob then Ri.

“Just do your best with what you have pet.” I told her gently, giving her a small smile. She gave me a small nod and bob her head a bit faster. The tips of her tails had some fires as they swayed in front of me in arms reach. Curious, I reached out, stroking the two tails.

When this happened I felt her throat tightened around my cock as her body tensed up a bit. I felt her moan loudly at this. Smirking, I kept it up, teasingly and slowly stroking her tails. After a few minutes of this I felt her shake as her eyes rolled up into her head, her body shock as she came with my cock in her mouth. It vibrated as she tried to moan.

I moaned as well, cumming down her throat. After a few moments I stopped cumming as she now looked up at me with half-lidded eyes. She let my cock go as she panted a few times. She looked up at me and rubbed against my leg, mewing a few times.

“Alright kitty, present yourself.” I ordered. She mewed again and slowly crawled over to the table. She laid herself on it and pointed her ass at me, spreading her legs at me. She looked back at me blushing as she wiggled her ass at me.

“Good kitty.” I said, walking over and prodding her pussy from a foot away. “Think you can take this giant cock, kitty?”

She whimpered a bit but wiggled a bit more, rubbing her pussy on my cock. I smirked, moaning as I slowly pushed into her. She moaned loudly as her tails twitched a few times, the flames were a bit bigger than before.

Smirking, I bottomed out in her, staying still to let her get used to my length, squeezing her ass. The flames pulshed a few times as her pussy clamped down on my cock. Her walls messaged my entire cock and I felt pleasure in places that I never felt before.

I let out a loud moan and grunt at the same time, taking half my cock out before slamming back into Ri, spanking her ass. She grunted at this and moaned. She then wiggled her ass at me begging for more from me.

I obliged, repeating the action, this time with a burst of Agility to enhance it. She started to make animal like grunts as her tails started to twitch more. Her hands started to claw at the table as she moaned.

“Who’s my kitty bitch?” I asked, smirking continuing my actions. She grunted and mewed at me. As if she was trying to say she was but couldn't. She moaned happily as I continued thrusting into her.

“Who likes to be fucked like the slutty cunt she is?” I continued, spanking both cheeks before I stroked her tails swiftly. She screamed in pleasure as she arched her back. I saw her breasts sticking out in front of her as she panted and moaned.

Smirked, I leaned over her, roughly pulling her nipples as I continued pounding into the sluts cunt. She grunted and gasped at this. Her tongue hanging out as she had a slutty look on her. “You. Are. Mine!” I exclaimed, exclamating each word with a extra hard thrust, before coming buckets into the bitch, using my powers to keep it all in her. She gasped at the amount coming in her. She made some sounds before her strength left her as I had to hold on to her.

“You will stay a cat, and birth my litter.” I ordered, smirking as I picked her up, leaning back so we fell onto the couch, the action making my cock go to her womb and kiss it. She mewed out a moan as she looked at me. She nodded as she nuzzled me, mewing lovingly.

“Sleep now, pet.” I said gently, nuzzling back and hugging her, staying in my position as I pulled a blanket over us. She curled up to me purring as she fell asleep. I held her close as the door opened.

Viri walked in with a basket of vegetables. She stopped at the sight of us as she raised an eyebrow. “She misses having kids.” I said simply, petting Ri.

“I see, so you helped her with that?” she asked. I nodded.

“Felt sympathy, I missed all my kids because they grew up too, remember?” I asked, gesturing for her to join me and Ri. She smiled, putting the basket down and walking over and sitting down beside be. She leans over to the side and pulled a bottle from somewhere.

“I know love, I know.” she said as she opens the bottle. She took a long drink before looking at me. “Nightmares last night.”

I nodded, wrapping an arm around her and bringing her into a hug. She smiled at me as we laid there. She took a few swigs before looking at her sister.

“So, how many big momma?” she asked. I chuckled at this since she talks a bit different when she's buzzed.

“Cats usually birth three or six, a little more or a little less.” I told her, kissing her.

“So… four?” she said as she took another swig of her drink.

“Yeah.” I said, nodding. She nodded.

“Yeah~ more kids.” she said with a giggle.

“Do you want a litter?” I asked, smirking. “I’m still hard.”

“No.” she deadpanned. “I love you but I want to look after Emily a bit more, she a bit more than the others.”

“Okay.” I said, shrinking a little, her tone having come off a little harsh there. She patted me before resting her head on my shoulder. I rested my own head on top of hers, the three of us sleeping there on the couch.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was still in the living room but there was something off about it.

“You're dreaming.” a voice said. I looked over and saw Luna floating in mid air. She wore a simple sports bra and short shorts.

“Hi Luna.” I said with a smile, walking over to her. “What’s up?”

“Nothing really, having a bit of a break with little Dream since Zinn is looking after her.” she said as she rolls over on nothing.

“Cool.” I said. “Why come here then?”

“Because I feel like it,” she said. “Your dreams are either really cute and sweet or sexy as hell.”

“I can do sexy as hell.” I said with a smirk, removing her clothes. She giggled at me.

“Why do you think I come to your dreams a lot?” she asked as she floated away from me.

“Cause they’re amusing?” I asked.

“Maybe~,” she said with a smirking. “Also entertaining.”

“This kinda entertaining?” I asked, spanking her. She yelped at this.

“K-kinda,” she said. After taking a breath she smiled at me before it turned to a sad frown.

“What’s up?” I asked, seeing the frown.

“Just… remembering something in the past.” she said sadly.

“What is it?” I asked, making the dream around us change into councellers room. “Tell me about it.”

“This,” she said as she looks off somewhere. I looked over and saw Luna, the older version of her, talking to Twilight. “We used to talk to each other, it was one thing I looked forward to before.”

“Understandable, this was right after your… isolation, correct?” I asked.

“She wasn't born at the time, or do you mean a different time…” she made a look as if she's forgetting something.

“I meant after you returned from being nightmare moon and was brought back to your senses by the elements.” I told her.

“Ah, yes that's it, it was a few years after that but I enjoyed it,” she looked down at the floor. “But now… she's gone.”

“It’s understandable.” I said. “Your feeling loss.”

She nodded before she made a look. “What's odd is that I couldn't feel her when we were spirits… Or any of the mane six, or sir Spike.”

“Wait.” I said, standing. “You couldn’t?”

“I couldn't, me and my sister tried to look for them but they were missing.” she explained.

“Wake me up, now.” I ordered. “And come up to my island.”

I blinked and saw that I was on the couch. I turned to see Viri walking into the living room.

“Oh look, you're awake.” she said with a smile.

“Hey, need to go check something, I’ll be right back.” I told her, standing and making my cock vanish as I made my clothes appear on me, floating swiftly to the door. Before I got there Viri grabbed my hand. I shot her a questioning look, tilting my head.

“Can I ask what's going on” she asked.

“Have an idea, might know a way to find the mane six, Luna said she couldn’t find them when she didn’t have a body.” I explained. She looked me for a moment.

“Does it have to do with the Tree of Harmony?” she asked.

“You know me so well.” I said with a giggle. “I’m gonna ask it what's up, follow me.”

She nodded at me. The two of us headed out towards the tree. Along the way Luna floated down towards us and followed us.

“Ita what's going on, do you know something about Twilight and her friends?” she asked.

“I have an idea, follow!” I commanded theatrically. Luna and Viri looked at one another before the three of us headed to the tree. Halfway to where the two thought it was, I stopped them.

“What's up?” Viri asked me.

“Moved it, try and land on your feet.” I said simply, before the ground beneath us vanished. We fell for what seemed like longer than should have been possible, but eventually all landed safely at the bottom of the hole.

“That was… interesting.” Viri said as she looked up from the hole.

“I moved it here just in case anyone wanted to get at it I didn’t approve of.” I told the two as we all walked into the cavern.

“It reminds me of the latest Daring Do book.” Luna said.

“Wait, you read those books as well?” Viri asked.

“Yes I do, they're most enjoyable.” Luna told her. The two of them chatted as we continued on. At times I saw Viri looking around at the place, mostly at the floors, walls, and ceiling. Or was as if she was looking for something.

“What are you looking for?” I asked. Viri blinked at me before blushing.

“Sorry, old habits.” she said as she looked at me. “Looking for traps I mean.”

“I didn’t set anything up yet, I’m literally the only one that knows the way here.” I said, shrugging.

“Still…” Viri said as we continued on.

“Umm, is that a root from the tree?” Luna asked. We all looked and saw a large crystal root coming out of the wall. The root itself was bigger than any of us.

“Good, we’re getting close.” I said, smiling and walking forwards.

“Umm hun, how big is the tree?” Viri asked.

“It’s been growing, about eight times the size as it originally was.” I told the two, just as we got to the tree.

“Oh my…” Luna said. The tree itself took most of the large room.

“And it's still growing.” Viri said in a surprised tone.

“That’s what she said.” I commented, snickering as we neared the tree. “Hey, Tree of Harmony!” I called with a smile and a wave, sending a small pulse of pure harmony to awaken it. It glowed a bit as it seemed to pulsed a bit. I waited for a bit but nothing happened.

“Err, is something supposed to happen?” Viri asked.

“It’s being lazy.” I said with a eyeroll, sending another pulse, stronger this time. It glowed brighter until the glow changed colour. It turned purple before the sound of a cannon firing echoed through the cavern.

“What was that?!” Luna yelled. I looked at the tree and saw a symbol was glowing. It was a pink six pointed star.

“Say, isn't that the mark that Twilight has?” Viri asked. I grinned, nodding.

“Yep… where is she, old friend?” I asked the tree. After a moment my vision clouded until I saw what looked like a purple crystal tree growing in a middle of some ruins. I blinked a few times and saw that I was still in the cavern. I smiled as I knew where the energy went.

“I know where to go, let’s head out.” I said, teleporting us all right to the ruins. We looked around and saw that there wasn't anywhere to go.

“Hold on,” Viri said as she walked up to a wall. She took her boots off and began to climb the wall. She disappeared in a hole. After a few moments one of the walls disappeared as Viri crawled out and dropped down.

“Tada!!” she said before a pillar of fire erupted under her. After a moment it subsided and Viri stood there unhurt but naked. “Damn it…”

“I know you're hot, but that’s ridiculous.” I said, snickering, holding out spare adventuring clothes for her. She took them and put them on. She looked at them and at me.

“Not going to ask why their a few sizes small.” she said. Her top was hugging her breasts tightly and so did her pants for her ass.

“Their video game style, so I get something to look at with all the added defense and things.” I told her, giggling and giving her ass a little slap.

“Right~” she said as she started to walk. I noticed that her breasts were jiggling with each step. I started to get a little wet, but didn’t bring it up so we could focus on finding Twilight.

We headed down the hallway, at times we stopped so Viri can deal with a trap. I watched her work and noticed that her ‘adventuring’ clothes were making it hard to not stare at her ass when she bent over or her breasts when she turned a certain way.

I started getting a little too bothered, but didn’t really want to interrupt the quest to satisfy myself, so I tried to hide it as best as I could.

“Ita can you come here please.” Viri asked, making me stop fantasizing about Viri.

“Yes dear?” I asked, walking over to her. She turned to me as she looked up.

“I need a boost, do you mind?” she asked me. I shook my head, before moving under where she was looking and cupping my hands to help her up, like Joel and Ellie in the Last of Us. She stepped on my hands as I boostered her.

“Okay, that’s good now hold me here.” she said as she started to fiddle with something. It wouldn’t be so bad but where I was looking was at her crotch. Her pants were tight on her which outlined her lower half very well.

A small needy whimper escaped me, before I blushed, looking away.

“Is there something wrong hun?” I heard Viri ask me as she moved a bit closer to me.

“N-no.” I lied a little too quickly, blushing more in embarrassment. For a few minutes of this as my face turned even red I heard her say she was done and dropped down in front of me, giving me a view of her breasts bouncing. She makes this so hard.

I could feel myself getting wet, squeezing my thighs together and whimpering softly in discomfort. As this was happening the wall opened up and Viri headed through. I watched her ass swayed back and forth as she walked.

“Are you alright?” Luna asked me, taking me out of my trance of watching Viri’s ass.

“I’m fine.” I half lied, following Viri. Soon we came to the room with the tree in it. In the glow I saw Viri standing in front of in, the light highlighted her curves. I bit my lip and whimpered a bit more.

At this point I was so aroused my cock summoned itself, putting a now embarrassing buldge in my pants.

“So, this is it huh?” I heard Viri asked out. I was about to say something before I felt Luna tap me on the shoulder. I turned as she was too going to say something before she noticed the bulge.

“Really?! Your horny right now?” she whispered at me.

“I’m sorry, I’m trying to control myself.” I whispered back, clearly distressed. Luna shook her head as she looked at the tree.

“Oi? Did you hear me?” Viri called out. I turned and tried to look at the tree and not her, which is no small feat as even out of the corner of my eye I saw her. My cock throbbed a bit at this as I made my pants a bit more baggy.

“S-sorry, no I didn’t, c-could you repeat yourself sweetie?” I asked. She looked at me and nodded at the tree.

“So… what do we do?” she asked.

‘You, so much’ I thought as I shock my head and looked at the tree. It glowed purple with Twilight’s cutie mark on it. Below it was two smaller trees, one was purple and green and the other was purple and teal coloured.

“I’ll try another pulse.” I said, walking closer to the three trees and releasing a strong pulse. The three trees glowed brightly before the two smaller ones changed form. The Purple and teal coloured one changed into an unicorn with a curly mane and the other changed to a familiar dragonite. The two landed on the ground, one on his feet as the other on her face.

“Ow~.” the mare said as she pushes herself up, looking annoyed. At first I thought it was Twilight but she looked different. I realised it was starlight, so I looked at the larger tree, sending it a larger pulse. The tree glowed brightly that I had to cover my eyes. When the light dimmed I saw that the tree was gone and in it’s place was something I didn’t think of.

It was Twilight Sparkle but a much, much younger version of herself. She was her Alicorn self but was around ten or twelve years old. She was sleeping with a blanket wrapped around her.

“Twilight!” the dragonite yelled as he ran over to her. He looked at her in confusion.

“She’s fine, just younger.” I called to Spike. Starlight looked up at me then at Viri and jumped back.

“Who are you!” she yelled. Viri rolled her eyes and walked over to me.

“I’m Viri,” she said as she took my arm and hugged it, I felt her breasts around my arm. “Ita’s wife.”

“I’m Ita, and I’m the new Goddess of this universe.” I said, leaning on Viri a little and kissing her. Viri smiled at me as I looked at her. My cock throbbed again as I held back a whimper.

“Oookay…” Starlight said as Spike was now holding a sleeping Twilight.

“Don’t worry, I got this.” Luna said as she walked over to both Spike and Starlight. The four of them teleported out of the ruins, leaving me and Viri alone in the ruined room.

I immediately pounced on her, pinning her wrists above her head and kissing her lustfully and wildly, a wild and crazed look in my eyes.

“W-whoa! Ita… are you alright?” Viri asked me with a small chuckle as I kissed her neck.

“H-horny, n-need r-release, h-help.” I whimpered as I relentlessly kissed and sucked at her neck.

“Umm, how are you this horny? You were fine before.” she said. I looked up at her as my body became hot as I felt more horny than before.

“D-dunno, h-help, please.” I said, releasing a pain whimper, my arousal so much that it started to physically hurt me.

“Uhh, sure hun, just let me-” I didn’t listened to her after ‘sure’. I grabbed the shirt she was wearing and ripped it off and saw her large breasts looking at me. My arousal spiked at the sight of them.

I felt my sanity start to slip, roughly biting around one nipple and suckling, pulling and jerking the other around. I heard her moan at this which made me more horny as is.

This caused me to lose more sanity, biting more roughly, making wounds that bled and licking the blood up greedily as I thrust a hand into her pussy harshly. I heard her gasp in pain at this which made the small part of my sanity to worry and pulled away but I felt her arms wrap around my head and pulled me in. I looked up at her and saw that she was enjoying this.

“Come on babe, I can take it.” she said which made me so horny that I felt like something broke.

Viri PoV

I felt Ita stop what she was doing. I looked down at her as she stared at me.

“Babe? Is something wrong?” I asked her. She smiled creepily, before slapping me across the face and restraining me in bonds that took my powers away. I blinked at her as she smiled down at me.

“‘Babe’ isn’t here right now, you fucking worthless cumsack.” She said, tilting her head. My eyes widened as she leaned down to me. Her hand hovered over my pants and they caught on fire. Soon I was naked under her, which I was a little happy about since those clothes were a bit tight on me.

“Now here’s the deal, you fucking bitch, you will shut the fuck up, you will do what your told, and you will fucking be a good little cumsack, or I will fucking start removing digits.” She growled. I stared at her for a moment before quickly nodding. She smiled cruelly at me.

“Good cumrag, now take this!” She shouted, before she started to whip me. I felt the the pain from the lashes bit into my skin, pain coursing through my body. I wanted to yell out in pain but my hands covered my mouth.

She stopped whipping me as I felt vines wrapped around my arms and legs, lifting me into the air. I saw Ita standing in front of me as she grabbed my head and forced a ball gag in my mouth. She grabbed my head and forced me to look at her, her eyes were filled with sadistic lust.

“You are in for a world of pain.” She said menacingly. My eyes widened as she took a few steps back and saw her make a whip of fire appear. She smiled sadistically at me as she started to whip me. She whipped me for a long time, the pain was unbearable. I started to cry as I felt blood running down my body. She stopped for a moment as I felt my body moved so my body faced her.

“I think I should add a few… additions.” she said with a creepy smile. I stared at her confused until I felt two sharp pains on my nipples. I let out a muffled scream of pain as I looked down and saw two piercings on my nipples. Blood flowed down them as I squeezed my eyes shut from the pain until I felt something's forcibly jammed into my ass and pussy. I looked down and saw two dildos in me and vibrating at the highest setting. I felt them moving in me as Ita watched me with a evil grin.

I quickly felt myself coming to my peak as the pain and pleasure was too much. Only it never came. I looked at Ita with a confused look as she laughed.

“Awww, can’t cum? Well too bad bitch, you will never cum until I allow it so,” she then started to whip me again. I yelled and screamed as the lashes bit into me. More wounds appeared as blood poured out of me. Soon I had a small pool of blood and other liquids below me. I was shaking at this point as she walked over to me as I was lowered down. I saw that she lost her pants and her cock was now dragging across the ground. It was bigger than what she had before. As she now stood in front of me it grew to full max which was taller than her. I stared at it, wondering if I could ever take something that big as she pulled the gag out of my mouth and punched me in the face before grabbing my hair.

“Take it bitch.” she said as she forcefully jammed her cock into my mouth. My eyes widened as I felt it in my stomach. I gagged and tried to breath but I couldn't. I tried to breath through my nose but she clamped it shut with her hand. Soon my vision started to blur a bit as she slapped me.

“You better not pass out bitch.” she said as she slapped me again. I tried to but it was hard with no air. Soon I felt something jammed into my arm and I felt more horny than before.

She pulled out of my mouth and I gasped for air. I didn’t noticed that she moved around behind me and I raised up. It wasn’t until I felt her cock poking at my pussy with the dildo in it. I shook my head in fear but it landed on deaf ears as I took her cock in one go with the dildo in me. I screamed loudly as if I came a hundred times from that but I didn’t, it was just building up.

“Mmm, this looks nice,” I heard her say as she licked my neck. Then I felt her bite my neck. Blood poured out into her mouth as she continued to fuck me. I didn’t say anything, I couldn’t. The pain was too much and the pleasure just made it worse. My body was bloody and scarred up from her whipping. This continued on for what felt like hours, she came into me so many times that now I look like a balloon. She came in my pussy, ass, mouth, on me, soon my body was painted white and red.

I didn’t feel anything as she bounced me on her cock. I didn’t know what’s happening anymore. I remember saying that the scars with not go away but I didn’t care. I soon blanked out from this as I just wanted to cum, it felt like I haven’t for years.

Ita PoV

I opened my eyes to see that I was in the ruins from before. I looked around and saw that I was naked and the erged to have sex was gone. I continued looking around until I saw something the made my blood cold.

Viri was lying on the ground, bloated with two dildos in her and covered in cum and blood. She twitched a few times and made a noise but didn’t move.

“V-viri, what happened?” I asked, rushing over to and kneeling next to her, working on healing her. As soon as my magic touched her eyes went wide and screamed. Cum came out of her as she started to vomit more out of her. I almost thrown up at this as she twitched and fell into a pool of blood and cum, her eyes unfocused and looking away.

I immediately removed all the cum from her, sending another wave of healing to repair her body, wrapping her in a warm and gentle hug. “V-viri, p-please don’t die.” I whimpered.

The wave of healing went through her as her wounds closed up, I tried to get rid of the scars on her but I can’t, they seemed to refuse to go away. I looked down at her body and saw piercings on her nipples. She didn’t move at this, only staring out to nowhere.

“V-v-iri, p-p-please, I need you.” I whimpered. After a few minutes of nothing I felt a hand on my cheek. I saw her looking at me with a tired smile.

“Hey… love, what’s with the… sad look?” she whispered to me.

“Viri, what happened?” I asked. She groans a bit as she tried to sit up, only to fall back in my arms. She winch in pain at this.

“You… kinda lost it…” she said as she tried again only for her to fall again.

“I-i did this to you?” I asked, looking horrified. She looked at me and, with a grunt of pain, shrugged.

“Just… need to keep you from going sex crazy.” she chuckled a bit as if it was a joke.

“I… feel horrible.” I said, eyes watering, feeling disgusted with myself for hurting her this much. I heard a grunt and felt her wrapping her arms around me. She whimpered in pain at this as she hugged me.

“I-It’s okay Ita, I’m okay,” she said but it made me feel worse.

Instead of answering, I teleported us back home, setting her gently down on the bed before teleporting far away, putting a bubble around myself and just… staying there.

A chapter that's a lil random!

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Chapter Alpha, meeting an old friend.

I didn't know how long it was since I was in the bubble, days, weeks, months, it didn't matter to me. I sat there with a sad look on me. The memory of Viri lying on the ground was burned into my mind, her form not moving from something I have done, something I should have control over but I lost control and took it out on her.

Her smile was the most painful to see, the one that tried to tell me that everything is alright but it wasn't. I inflict pain onto her and left her scars, something I would never thought I would do but did anyway.

I felt tears coming but they did not fall, I cried too much for that. I felt hungry but didn't want food since all I tasted was the iron like taste of blood in my mouth. I simply sat there. The world simply went on it's own with me floating here.

I buried my head in my legs and closed my eyes. I did this for a few moments until I heard some tapping. I looked up to see Ray, now older, floating in front of me. She smiled at me and waved before floating over and give the bubble a hug. She looked at me with a sad look as if she wanted to hug me.

Deciding I really needed it right now, I let the bubble open enough for her. This made her fall onto me as her arms wrapped around me. I wrapped my arms around her weakly, just now noticing how… weak my body had gotten in my isolation.

We didn’t talk for sometime, we just hugged for that time until she pulled away a bit and smiled.

“Hey mom.” she said softly. I tried to respond, but instead coughed up the blood in my mouth. “MOM!”

She quickly and carefully laid me down and began to look around in a panic.

“D-don’t worry, I’ll think of something… maybe.” she said in a panicked state. She looked around and I felt the bubble began to move due to powerful winds.

Soon I saw the island again and it landed roughly onto the ground. My body was in pain as I groaned a bit. Ray tried to do something but nothing was working. I turned my head and I saw her, Viri. She was standing there staring at me with wide eyes.

I opened my mouth a bit before I started coughing up blood again. I looked at it for a moment until I heard pounding. I looked over and saw Viri, now with a worried and scared look on her, was punching the bubble trying to break it. I thought back to the fact that she was in my arms as a mess, why does she look scared for me?

I coughed again, interrupting my thought process. The bubble around me shimmered and fell, me no longer having the energy to sustain it. Viri ran to me and pulled me away from Ray.

“Ita! Ita what’s wrong?” she asked me. She looked at my body before looking back at Ray. “Get food, water, blanket, ANYTHING!”

Ray quickly ran towards the house as Viri held my head. “It’s going to be okay Ita, everything will be okay.”

I was too weak to say anything, so I simply groaned in pain. She looked at me for a moment before she did something that shocked me; she bit her wrist which made it bleed and offer it to me. I tried to push away but she held me close.

“Please Ita, take it, please,” I felt her start shaking as she started to cry. “I… I can’t lose you, d-don’t die Ita please.” she sobbed. Shocked by this, I accepted the blood, feeling it course through me and keep me going. I felt it repair my insides a bit and I didn’t feel as weak any more. Viri pulled her wrist away and kissed me, her tears dropping onto my face as she did.

“D-don’t die Ita, I love you so please, don’t d-die.” she sobbed.

“I-i’ll… t-try.” I mumbled weakly to her. Soon the others came and helped me to my bed. Liz made me some food that would be easy to eat and some water. The others brought blankets to my room to keep me warm. My kids came to checked on me at times, some crying as they walked in.

It took about a month, but eventually I was okay enough to get out of bed. During that whole month Viri never left my side, some asked her to let me be but she just refuses to.

Now I looked at her as she was holding my tray with some food on it and some cookies that the kids made for me. The regular food was… mostly mush, embarrassingly, and the cookies were a test to see if I was okay enough for solids again.

I ate all of it, and I could have solids again, managing to eat everything. I moved to stand, having been on the couch. Viri came up beside me and helped me up. My legs wobbled a bit and I almost fell but she caught me. Soon I was able to stand with her help.

It was still a puzzle for me, I did something horrible to her and she had the scars from it, why did she still stay? I never could ask but now I could. “V-viri.” I started weakly, looking at her.

“Yes? Do you need anything?” she asked me, concern in her voice.

“W-w-why… a-a-are you s-so ni-nice to me, still?” I asked, confusion in my weak voice.

“Why? Ita why do you ask that?” she asked now confused as well.

“I-i… hurt you.” I said weakly, looking down. She cupped my face and made me look at her.

“Ita, I love you, I love you more than anything in the Muiti-verse, I don’t care if you hurt me, I promise to stay by your side and love you and I will do that ten fold.” her eyes started to tear up. “When you left, I was so worried about you, every minute was painful because I couldn’t see you. Ita, I can’t live without you.”

“O-obviously, I-i-i can’t live w-without you, either.” I joked weakly, smiling at her, hugging her. She hugged me back as well. As this was happening I started to feel something on her breasts, I pulled away and looked down at them and realized something.

“Y-y-you… s-still have those?” I asked, confused.

“Yeah… can’t really take them off,” she said. She then gave me a smirk. “Kinda makes me more of a bad girl huh, maybe I should get a tattoo.”

I let out a weak chuckle, the first time I’d laughed since the incident. She blinked at me for a moment.

“No really, I’m thinking of getting on,” she tilts her head a bit, now thinking about it. “Like, I always thought they were cool and all and I have some ideas… and I’m rambling again aren’t I?”

I nodded, a small smile on my face. I felt exhaustion start hitting me then, inwardly cursing how… short my time staying up was nowadays. Viri saw this and helped me back to bed and laid down with me, holding me.

I snuggled into her, falling asleep.

Viri PoV

I watched as Ita fell asleep in my arms soundly. I smiled that after all this time she was now getting better. I pulled the blanket as there was a knock at the door.

“Come in.” I called out. The door opened and I saw our kids standing there in their PJs and blankets, even Giri was here with her own, she came around when Ita returned, she was a mess when she found out Ita was hurt. I smiled at them all

“Want to come keep Mommies warm?” I asked them. They all nodded as I didn’t have to say anything as they all came and climbed into bed and snuggled up to us. I smiled at this display. I sighed and snuggled up to Ita as she smiled more with everyone here.

I kissed her on the forehead as I too fell asleep with Ita in my arms safe and sound.

The next morning, Ita POV…

The next morning, I woke surrounded by warmth. I looked around and smiled at them all, my children and Viri. They all nuzzled up to me and muttered in their sleep as shy slept. Viri hugged my arm as if I would be gone if she let go, like she has always done for the past month.

I smiled, simply staying there until they all woke up. A few minutes past as they started to wake up. When they saw me they smiled and all hugged me. “Heya everyone.” I said weakly, smiling and hugging back. I took a sniff, then scrunched my face, before smirking. “Who wants to help mommy take a bath?” I asked, weakly.

Some of them put their hands up as the other shook their heads. I was surprised at this, having expected most to refuse, but smiling anyway. “Alright, help mommy up now.” I said, swinging my legs over the side of the bed weakly. Giri helped me out of bed as me, her, Aez and Arco walked into the bathroom. I looked back and saw Viri still sleeping, hugging one of the kids in her arms.

“Tell other mommy where I went, alright kids?” I called weakly. They nodded as the four of us walked into the bathroom. Giri started the bath for me as the other two helped me take my clothes off. I smiled at them for all their help. Soon the four of us were in the bath, which had bubbles, and Giri was helping me wash.

“Thank you, my children.” I said weakly, smiling at them. Giri smiled at me as the other two were helping but got distracted with the bubbles. Giggling, I gave Arco a bubble beard, giving Aez an extra pair of little bubble horns. They giggled at me as they had fun. I looked over at Giri who had bubble hair. She smiled at me goofily.

I smiled at her as the door opened and Viri came in. She turned to me and let out a sigh of relief before coming over and sitting at the edge of the tub. “Hi honey, wanna join us?” I asked weakly, splashing at her. She chuckled as she began to take her clothes off. As she did I saw the piercings on her nipples before she climbed into the bath.

“Oh this is nice~.” she said as she relaxed near me. I nodded, managing to ignore the piercings and leaned against her, closing my eyes and humming a little. I felt her arm wrap around my waist and pulled me closer.

I felt a sudden pang of pain, coughing harshly. This was something that had been happening, I’d just suddenly get worse for a little. This time, I felt like I was almost back to square one, feeling like I was about to cough up both lungs, and half the blood in my body.

Viri got me out of the tub and laid me out on the ground and told everyone to go get some things to help. As they left she held onto me as she helped me get through this. The sudden worsening of my condition quickly passed, and I sighed in annoyance, tears of frustration in my eyes. Viri pulled me closer as she rocked me back and forth, her breasts now pushing into my back, it would have been nice if it wasn’t for those piercings.

“H-honey, piercings.” I said, shifting a little.

“Oh, sorry.” she said as she pulled away from me.

“Y-you can rock me… j-just not on them.” I clarified. She nodded as she rocked me back and forth slowly. I smiled, leaning into her and avoiding the piercings, curling up a little. If I had the energy to spare, I’d probably have changed into my kid form.

“You know if you don’t like them I can try to get rid of them.” she told me.

“I-its just… they’re a reminder.” I said softly, sniffling.

“A reminder of what?” she asked me.

“W-what I did.” I sniffled. She frowned as she pulled me closer.

“Hun, I understand what you did but if they really are a bother I will get rid of them, a reminder or not I will not allow something to upset you.” she told me.

“I-i can get used t-too them… it’ll j-just take time.” I whispered.

“Okay… if you can’t get used to them then I’ll get rid of them.” she promised. I nodded, nuzzling her.

Soon the others came with blankets and other stuff as I helped her into bed. Soon the two of us were laying in bed again as the kids went out. She rocked me in bed as we stayed there until there was the sound of a baby crying. Soon the door opened and Ri walked in with Iza crying.

“Take her, please.” she said. I saw dark circles under her eyes that said she hasn’t been sleeping much.

I simply nodded, reaching out for Iza. As soon as she was in my arms she stopped crying, which annoyed Ri.

“Oh you son of a…” she stopped, turned around and walked out of the room to probably pass out.

I cooed at Iza weakly, holding her close to my chest and laying with her on me. As if she knew that I was weak she didn’t latch on to me but nuzzled my breast as she made soft sounds. I felt Viri’s arms around me as she smiled at me.

Two years later…

It was the first day I was being ‘allowed’ out of the house, and I was excited. I had… relapsed, a couple of times, and had to start recovery over again, but I’d had a good seven months and hoped another wouldn’t hit me.

I walked out of the house while holding Izas hand. She had grown to look like a very small me but didn't talk yet and I couldn't wait for it to happen.

We walked out and saw Luna waiting for us with a alicorn/dragon filly on her shoulders. The filly waved at us with a big smile as her mane, a dark brown one, covered her left eye. She had blue fur and scales as well as dragon wings that seemed to twitch all the time.

“Hey.” I said weakly.

“Hello!” the filly greeted me.

“Who’s the filly?” I asked. Luna smiled at us and took the filly off of her shoulders.

“Ita, this is my daughter Dreamweaver, or Dream.” she said as she smiled at her.

“Congrats.” I said. Luna smiled as she looked over as Dream and giggled. As I watched thing I felt someone tug on my shirt, so I looked down and saw Iza looking up at me. She held her arms up as if she wanted to be picked up.

I smiled, picking her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck and smiled. I cooed at her, kissing her forehead.

“You know, other than Viri you two have always been together.” Luna said.

“What do you mean?” I asked, tilting my head. Iza looked over as well and did the same thing.

“See right there, it's almost like she's a mini you.” Luna said.

“I don’t see a problem with that.” I said, hugging Iza tightly to myself. She nuzzled herself closer to me.

“Right, so how are you feeling Ita?” Luna asked.

“Excited, I haven’t been outside in a long time.” I said smiling. She smiled as well.

“That's good, so the two of us were going to head over to see the other three.” Luna said as she ment Twilight and the other two.

“Cool, think we can go, Viri?” I asked her. I turned to her as she was walking up on us. She looked surprised at this as she was holding Emily while she was sleeping.

“Uhh, sure love.” she said.led, kissing her.

The six of them headed out towards a fairly standard house. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door. We waited until it opened and Starlight stood there.

“Hey there, how are you feeling?” she asked me. I shrugged.

“Better.” I said simply. She smiles and offer us to come in. We did so, me observing the room around us. It was a simple room, couch, table, some chairs, and a lot of bookshelves and books in them and everywhere. I saw Spike sitting in a chair taking some breaths.

“Too… many… books…” he panted.

“You okay there Spike?” I asked in bemusement. He looks up and frowns at me.

“I had to carry probably over two hundred books into her room.” he said annoyed.

“You are a dragonite, they can’t have been that heavy.” I said. He simply looks at me.

“You have no idea how many are in there right now,” he said. Starlight simply chuckles.

“Sorry for the mess, didn’t know you will be coming over, it been awhile since we saw you last.” she said.

“Yeah… how have you all been?” I asked.

“Well the two of us have been alright, Twilight… is a bit of a pain.” Starlight said.

“A bit?!” Spike said. “I thought I would never see her like this since I was still little!”

“Wait, why’s she a pain?” I asked.

“Well I was told that at this stage Twi was reading all day and night, I didn’t know since I was young at the time but now she in her room still reading.” Spike said.

“That sounds like the time she’d be the least pain.” I said.

“She reads fast, this is her second load.” he said with a groan. “And if a few hours she would want another load.”

“Then give her the third loud over the course of the next few hours.” I said simply. Starlight shook her head and turned towards into the house.

“Twilight! Can you come here for a minute!” she yelled.

“NO!” a young voice yelled back.

“Did I mention that she gets really rude as well.” Spike added.

“No, really?” I asked sarcastically.

“Twilight please, you are the Princess of Friendship. Do you think acting this way is right?” Starlight yelled back.

“YES! STOP ASKING ME!” Twi yelled back at Starlight. Starlight in turn groans at this.

“She’s like this, I tried to pull her out but she stops me.” she complains as she sits down.

“What would Celestia think of you being rude to your friends, Twi?” I called, smirking. There was a pause after that.

“Is she here?” she asked.

“I can bring her here.” I said. There was a pause before I heard a whimper.

“P-please,” Twilight asked.

I opened a portal next to me, sticking my head in. “CELESTIA, COME HERE!” I weakly shouted.

“AHHH!” Celestia screamed as she was sitting at her desk. She blinked at me before groaning. “Really, you have to stop that, can’t you make a door and knock?”

“No.” I said seriously. “Now, come here… Twilight wants you.”

“What do you- wait Twilight!” she looked at me with wide eyes. “You know where she is?!”

“Yes, come on.” I said, jerking my head to motion her coming through the portal, before I pulled myself back through. She quickly got up and went through the portal. Celestia looked around in the room before looking at her sister.

“Hello Luna, Dream.” Celestia greeted them.

“Hi Aunty Celery!” Dream said happily.

“Twilights up there.” I told Celestia, pointing to the door. Before anyone could do anything the door opened and there was a purple blur and something tackled Celestia.

“CELESTIA!” Twilight cried as she hugged her former teacher. Tears ran down her face as she held her. Celestia in turn hugged her back with a smile and a tear running down her face.

“Hello Twilight, it’s good to see you again.” she said softly.

“We should have probably re-united them sooner.” I whispered to Viri. She nodded as Celestia picked up the young Twilight and sat down on the couch with her on her lap. She rubbed her back as Twilight sobbed.

“So… are you feeling alright Ita? I had some of my researchers look into making a healing potion strong enough for you.” she said with a worried tone in her voice.

“I could still be better.” I said. “I… barely have enough in me to have made that people and walk around still.”

Viri put an arm around me and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I smiled, leaning into her and bouncing Iza a little. Iza giggled a bit as Emily made some noises as she slept. Her arm twitched a few times as she slept.

“So… how does the potion work, exactly?” I asked, weary. I still didn’t like the things.

“Well… from what Viri gave me and some books on some alchemy the potion has healing properties in it which heals any damage or sickness in you,” Celestia said as Twilight seemed to have fallen asleep in her arms. Spike got up to take her to her bed but Celestia quickly pulled her away and tried to hide it. I narrowed my eyes at her, making a note to ask her about that later.

“So… how much has it been tested?” I asked.

“A few times” Celestia tilted her head a bit as Spike went off to get some drinks. “All of the times comes up with positive results.”

“I guess trying it won’t hurt.” I mumbled. Celestia made a gesture in the air and a bottle of red liquid appeared. She hands it to me as she rocks Twilight a bit.

I took it, looking it over with a scrutining gaze, before opening it and drinking it. It tasted… earthy. It wasn’t bad just earth, kinda like a potato. My body started glowing, making my eyes widen in surprise.

“W-what’s happening?!” Viri asked Tia.

“I-I don't know, sure after drinking you glow but not this much.” she explained.

I felt my body repair myself and felt… amazing. I felt like I could do anything. I felt my body tingle as I watch my breasts grew a bit and became firmer and perkier, I felt my ass grew as well. My hips expanded out, making me more curvy than before. My eyesight got better as I looked at my hands, the skin seemed to glow a bit and became smooth. My hair lengthened and became fuller and shiny.

As the glow disappeared I saw everyone was staring at me, all of their mouths were open in shock. I blushed, squirming a little at their looks.

“Babe… you're gorgeous,” Viri said. Everyone else nodded at that.

“Like I wasn’t already?” I asked, smirking a little.

“Well yeah but now… wow.” she said doing a once over. I saw her press her legs together and she blush a bit.

“Well, I feel… fantastic, I need to go do something big.” I said, jittery. I had so many ideas in my head, I thought on each one of them quickly as I looked at my wife and some… sexual ideas came to mind.

“Sister, may I have some of these potions?” Luna asked.

“I need to make more but sure.” Tia said as she petted Twilight mane as she slept.

“Viri, let’s go home now… I want to play with the kids, I haven't been able to in too long.” I said, smiling.

“Sure,” she said. The two of us walked out of the house with the rest following behind. I called out everyone to come outside so I could speak to them. They all came out sooner or later.

“Who wants to play with mommy, I’m feeling great and want to make up for some time off.” I said, smiling warmly at them all. At once all but a two put their hands up. I looked at the two and saw that they just woke up from a nap and sleep was still in their eyes.

“Tired babies?” I asked the two, smiling. “That’s alright, go back to bed you two.”

They nodded and gave me a hug before walking back inside with Liz helping them inside. I looked at the rest of them right as they all tackled me onto the ground into a mess of giggles and laughter.

I laughed, smiling. “Who wants to play tag?” I called over the laughter. They all yelled ‘'me’ and took off running.

“Hey!” I called, laughing, doing a somersault before I chased after them. We continued playing for the rest of the day before the kids were tired except me. I looked around and saw Celestia with Twilight still. She was brushing her mane as Twi was reading a book.

“Hey you two.” I said, jogging over. Celestia smiled as Twi just continued reading.

“Enjoying yourself?” Tia asked.

“Very much so.” I told her with a smile. Tia smiled at me.

“I think… I'm going to bring Twilight, Spike, and Starlight to the castle to live there.” Celestia said.

“Go ahead.” I said, smiling. “I’ll be sure to find the rest of her friends soon so they can join you.”

Celestia looked down at Twilight and smiled. It was odd when she did that, I seen her smile before but now it was different, made her brighter and younger than before.

“Her being back seems to have cheered you up greatly.” I commented.

“It has… I was with her since she was a filly and watch her grow into a great mare,” she smiled as she continued brushing Twilight's mane. “I guess fate wants me to see that again.”

“You could probably adopt her if you wanted.” I brought up. She stopped brushing as she thought about it.

“I… I could, before she had parents to take care of her but now…”

I smiled, snapping my fingers and making the papers appear, holding them out to her. She looked at them for a moment before looking at Twilight.

“Twilight, I have a something to say.” Celestia said. I held the papers for her as Twilight looked up at her.

“Yes?” Twilight asked.

“There’re a few things I want to run by you, one is that you, Spike and Starlight will be coming to live with me in the castle.” Celestia said.

“Really!” Twilight asked, getting excited.

“Yes but there's… one thing I also have two ask,” Celestia took the book Twi had and put it down. “Twilight, you and the others are alright due to the Tree of Harmony but… it didn't save your family.”

“I… know,” Twilight said looking down. She sniffled a bit after that.

“Yes… but you're not alone, you have Spike and Starlight and soon your friend. Also you have me, to which if you allow me… I could bring you into my family.” Celestia said as she looked at me. I hand over the papers to her to which she showed Twilight.

“A-adoption forms…” Twilight said as I saw her about to cry.

“Yes, if you agree then you'll be part of my family.” Celestia said.

“Then… You'll become my mommy?” Twilight asked her. Celestia paused at this.

“Technically yes, I would become your mother but you don't need to-”

“Yes.” Twilight said. Tias eyes widen at this. “I want to come into your family, I want you to become my mommy.”

“Oh Twilight,” Celestia said before wrapping her arms around Twilight crying. Twilight did the same, calling her mommy as she cried as well.

I watched the papers floated up and saw it getting sighed. Celestia wrapped her wings around them as they disappeared in front of me.

“That was sweet.” I heard Viri walking up to me.

“I was on a happy roll.” I told her. She giggled at this.

“Well now, what do you want to do?” Viri asked.

“I dunno.” I said with a shrug. She came over and wrap her arms around my neck.

“Well, you have an even more sexy body now, you want to give it a test run?” she said with a seductive grin before it turned into a normal smile. “Or we can hang out, that’s fun too.”

“I think I’ll just hang out… I don’t want this energy to just randomly run out while we’re having fun.” I told her, a little scared of my condition going back to how it was at anytime. As I said that I felt someone tug on my pant leg. I looked down and saw Iza looking up at me.

I smiled at her, picking her up. “Hey there my little girl, what’s up?”

She opens her mouth and made a weird gesture at me, she tried it again a few times. It took me a moment to realize that she’s trying to say something; her first word. I beamed, looking eagerly at her.

“Come on honey, you can do it.” I said, sitting and putting her in my lap. She tried a few more times, I heard sounds coming and I thought I heard a syllable.

“M-mu-muu-mommy…” she looked at me with a look of surprise at her voice. I beamed, hugging her, squeezing her.

“My baby's first word!” I cheered, happy, this moment never getting any duller no matter how many children I had. Iza giggled at this as she hugged me back. I saw Viri smiling at me as Emily walked over to her. She rubbed her head onto her leg which she picked her up.

“Hello pup, had a nice sleep?” Viri asked. Emily nodded as she hugged Viri a bit. Viri kissed her on the cheek.

I was too busy gushing over Izas first word to pay attention to the two, beaming proudly. Iza just been saying ‘mommy’ for a few times, sometimes ‘mom’, with a big smile as I cheered for her.

“I love you baby.” I whispered to Iza, smiling. She smiled happily before she rests her head on my shoulder.

I rocked her back and forth slowly, humming a lullaby. Slowly Iza fell asleep in my arms. Viri held Emily in her arms as she nuzzled her and nip at her ears. Emily giggled and smiled at her happily when she does that.

I fell asleep to all this, smiling.

The next day…

I woke up in bed with Iza in my arms. I looked around to see Viri wasn’t with me for once. I actually started to panic a little at her absence, getting up, carrying Iza as I left to find her.

Iza whimpered a bit as I looked for Viri, sensing that I was panicking a bit. I rubbed her back to sooth her as I continued looking.

I finally found her in her training room at an odd sight; she had her arm out as Emily was hanging from it as she tried to gnaw at her arm. Emily also had gotten a tail and some animal ears as she growled at her mother.

“Yeah, you growl all you want, not going to work.” Viri said as she finally noticed me. “Hey honey.”

“Hey… what’s up?” I asked.

“Nothing.” she said as Emily continued to try to gnaw on her arm. She giggled at this. “Awww, isn’t this cute.”

“Very.” I said, giggling. I walked up to them as Emily saw me and started to growl at me. Viri flicked her on the nose.

“None of that.” she said with a frown. Emily ears flattened on top of her head and whimpered a bit.

I looked a little upset at her growling at me, turning my head away. Viri saw this and picked her up by the neck and set her down.

“Apologise pup,” Viri said. Emily looked up at her frowning as Viri glared. “Now.”

Emily shrank a bit at this and looked at me.

“S-sowwy.” she said with a little lisp in her speech.

“It’s okay Emily… just don’t growl at mommy, okay?” I said gently. She looked up at me, still a little sad as Viri stood behind her.

“It’s alright pup, she’s telling the truth.” she said. Emily looked up at me and spread her arms out for a hug. She sniffled a bit as she did that.

I smiled, hugging her with one arm and still holding the sleeping Iza with the other. She sniffled a bit but I saw her tail was going side to side happily. Viri smiled at this as she wiped the saliva off her arm.

I nuzzled the two in my arms, sitting down and putting both in my lap, humming. This made Emily happier as her ears twitched a bit. They were wolf-like ears as I look at them.

“My precious babies.” I whispered to the two, smiling. Iza hummed happily as I felt Emily’s tail brush on my leg. As we sat there a letter appeared in front of me. It was small but I saw Celestia’s hand writing on it. It was short and blunt.

I have a ghost problem, come help. -Tia

“Huh… who wants to help mommy be a ghost buster?” I asked the two in my lap with a grin. Iza smiled at me but Emily’s ears flattened on her head when I said ghost. “Dont worry honey, I won’t let the big bad ghost hurt you.” I assured.

Emily shifted a bit before Viri came over and picked her up.

“Come on pup, I haven’t shown you Tia’s castle yet,” She said with a smile. Emily cheered up at that as Viri looked over at me. “Ready to go love?”

“Sure.” I said with a smile, snapping my fingers and sending us there. We were in the throne room of the castle. Iza and Emily looked around at the place and Emily was in awe of it. Her eyes sparkled as she looked around.

“Viri, you play tour guide while I go talk to Celestia, alright?” I asked. She nodded as she took Iza and the three of them headed out. I turned and headed to the one place I always met up with Tia, her bedroom.

I decided to be nice this time, knocking on the door. The door opened and Celestia stood in front of me.

“First time you knocked, I expected you to just to pop in like always.” she said.

“I felt nice today.” I told her with a shrug. “So, where’s the ghost?”

“I don’t really know, I saw it floating around and going through walls,” she said with a blush. “Almost caught me in the nude as I was getting out of bed.”

“Not that that isn’t a good sight.” I said, smirking. She rolls her eyes at me.

“And you wonder why I sleep in the nude,” she said raising an eyebrow at me.

“So I have more access~” I said teasingly, slapping her ass playfully. She yelped at me.

“E-easy, I’m still getting over what happened to us last time.” she said blushing.

“Alright, fine.” I said, giggling. “Well, I’ll go deal with that ghost now.” I said, turning and walking off. I felt something smack my ass, I turned to see Celestia smirking at me.

“Later.” she said before giggling at me. I smiled.

“Oh, you’re asking for it.” I said, smirking, snapping my fingers and making a dildo appear in her, vibrating. “No touching that until I’m back.”

She moans a bit but I saw her smile. She closed the door as I went off to find the ghost. I wandered around the castle, looking for the ghost. After a few minutes I saw someone phazing into a room as I rounded the corner. I followed it into the room and looked around.

The ghost appeared in front of me, and my eyes widened at it’s, or rather, his appearance. The man had short brown scruffy hair with brown eyes that look like he hasn’t slept for a few days. He was slightly pale with long arms and legs. He wore a black t-shirt and black pants with a dark gray scarf that wrapped around so that his mouth was covered.

He seemed to be in a daze, so I decided to fix that, snapping my fingers and bringing the stranger to his senses.

“Hun, are you in here?” I heard Viri called out. I looked out of the door to see her and the kids heading this way.

“Yeah, I think I found our ‘ghost’!” I shouted back, the strange man looking around, confused. The three of them came into the room and saw the man, Emily hid behind Viri as Iza was reaching out for me.

“Mommy!” she said.

“Don’t worry, honey, he looks harmless.” I said, scanning him. “In fact… he’s in the wrong universe.”

The man looked at me in confusion as Viri walked over to my side and hands me Iza. I took her, smiling. Deciding I didn’t want to deal with this person for much longer, I snapped my fingers, sending him away to a universe more… fitting for him, along with giving him some moves I thought would be helpful.

“That was...quick…” Viri said as she bows at me. “And the Great Goddess of Everything has did it again.” this made the two kid giggle,

“I didn’t want to deal with a random in my universe for too long.” I said simply. She nodded as she held Emily’s hand.

“So...what now?” She asked. I thought about it and remembered Celestia and what I did before I went hunting ghosts.

“Can you take the kids home then meet me back here? I want to do something.” I told her, smirking.

“Okay hun.” she said.

“Mommy, when we get back can I have a cookie?” Emily ask. Iza looked over at me with pleading eyes.

“You can have… two.” I said dramatically. She cheered as Viri disappeared with them. I turned and headed back to Celestia's room.

I walked in smiling, not bothering to knock this time. Celestia was sitting at her desk writing. She shifted a bit as I heard the dildo vibrating in her.

Smirking, I walked behind her, before leaning over and licking her horn. She shuttered at this.

“Ohh… I-I guess you d-dealt with the g-g-ghost?” she said, stuttering.

“Yep.” I said, smirking and groping her roughly. “Now to deal with a rebellious pet.”

She moaned a bit but didn’t say anything as I groped her. I then roughly tore all of her clothes off of her. She yelped at this and shuttered as the cool air brush on her fur, her nipples hardened at this.

I roughly smacked her tits, grinning. “Bend THE FUCK OVER NOW!” I ordered. She did what she was told and bent over, her ass in the air and her tits squished on the ground.

Smirking wider, I formed my cock, thrusting right into her pussy. She gasped at this and moaned that now my cock and the vibrator were inside her. Frowning at having forgotten this, I made it appear in her ass, allowing my cock to impale her womb.

Celestia gasped at this and soon was on her hands and knees doggiestyle as she moaned loudly. Smiling widely, I thrust harshly into her. She grunted and moaned at each thrust, wings spread out and twitching a few times.

I soon came in her as she came, moaning. She moaned loudly as her stomach bulged out. She panted at this as her pussy clamp down on my cock, making sure my cum didn’t leave.

“Ah, nice and disciplined now?” I asked. She slowly nodded as she rubbed her belly.

“It’s like… I have a foal…” she panted.

“Well, you have Twilight, so that sperms infertile, just so you know.” I told her. She sighed a bit.

“I understand, but maybe I’ll bring it up to her… maybe she would like to be an older sister.” Tia said with a smile.

“You do that.” I said with a smirk. “I’ll be happy to make you a mother biologically.”

“Yeah… so what now?” she asked me.

“Now I go rest!” I exclaimed randomly, teleporting away and to Viri. “Hey.” I said, kissing her.

“Oh! Uhh, hey… why are you naked… and have a dick?” she asked me looking down at my semi hard cock.

“No time for questions, horny, let’s go to bed!” I said, kissing her.

God(dess)ly fucking!

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Ditrus was floating through the Void, or, as her father called it, the Inbetween, with her reluctant Champion, Quid. They floated freely for a while, the fertility goddess looking around for a good world to visit. Finally, she spotted one.

“Oooh! Look, Quid, a Succubus Displaced! Well, kinda, but close enough!” Ditrus said excitedly, pointing at a portal showing a strange, black skinned, gold ring wearing being. Quid sighed deeply at this.

“Mistress, for once, can you leave me out of this?” Quid complained.

“But I haven't met a Succubus in millennia!” Ditrus whined, pouting adorably. Quid groaned.

“Fine! But I’m not joining in on your activities!” Quid conceded. Ditrus squealed in glee before grabbing her champion by the wrist and rocketing straight through the portal with a cry of, “YAHOO!!!”

With Ita…

Ita yawned as she relaxed in her hot tub, simply enjoying some time for herself for a little. Suddenly, a ring opened in front of her, depositing two people from the other end… and face first into the floor.

“Ugh, I really need to work on my landings like Tacitus keeps saying…” the large, amazonian, pink woman grumbled.

“Just dropping in?” Ita asked with an amused smirk as she leaned back in her tub.

“Ita?! What was that?” Viri yelled.

“Oh...this is going to be a bummer,” said a gothic looking, black, Victorian dress wearing woman.

“We got visitors, hun, come in!” Ita shouted back, amusement in her voice.

The door opened as Viri walked in and saw the other two.

“Oh, so just the norm again huh?” she said.

“Yeah, come join me, might as well.” Ita said, gesturing for her to get into the hot tub.

“Oooh~! Can I join!? Can I!?” asked the amazonian woman chipperly, seeming to yipp like a pup. The black wearing women groaned. Viri eyed them for a moment before walking over and getting in. Her clothes shifted a bit into a grey bikini as she sat down beside Ita.

“Sure, don’t mind.” Ita said with a shrug, waving her hand and making the tub larger.

“Yay~!” the woman cheered, before stripping nude and jumping in with a cry of, “CANNONBALL!!!” The gothic woman sighed deeply before standing up and exiting the room without another word. Both Its and Viri stared at the pink woman for a moment.

“She reminds me of someone.” Viri said with a smirk.

“Shuddup.” Ita said with a pout, crossing her arms childishly The pink woman emerged from under the water, and grabbed the breasts of the two others with a dignified giggle and totally ladylike snort. “Honk honk!” she chirped.

“Oi,” Viri said while slapping her hand away. She frowns at the naked pink woman.

“Frisky.” Ita commented with a slight orange tint to her face, smirking. The woman simply smiles before rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.

“Sorry, guess I got carried away. It’s been a long, long, time since I’ve met a succubus and another fertility goddess,” the woman said sheepishly. She coughed into her hand and cleared her throat. “I’m Ditrus, Lleiya’s Goddess of Fertility and Love.”

“Oh gods, is this going to be me if I stayed like I was before?” Viri said wide eyed.

“I dunno, I think that might just be how she is.” Ita said, shrugging carelessly.

“Oh, and that girl that walked out was my Champion, Quid. She… hasn’t had the best of times,” Ditrus said slightly sadly, an unusual thing for one of her like to be.

“What's wrong with her?” Viri asked.

“She…” Ditrus sighed. “You know what, it’d be best if I just gave you the full version. But, I don’t give it as well as her fellow mortals did, sooo…” Ditrus snapped her fingers and a large tome appeared on the edge of the tub. On it was the name, ”Sorrows of The Cataclysm,” and a broken heart.

“Okay…” Viri said with a confused frown.

“It’s a long read, I know, so just skip to section Q, number 47,” Ditrus explained. Ita and Viri looked at each other before Viri reached out and grabbed a bottle.

“Want some?” she asked Ita.

“What is that?” Ditrus asked, curious.

“My drink.” Viri said as she opened it and took a swig before handing it to Ita. She smiled at Viri, taking a swig herself.

“The book is the only thing I’ve managed to get from Lleiya after what happened all those millennia ago, aside from Quid. Though I got the book much later,” Ditrus explained, morosely. She sniffled before wiping her eyes of tears. “A-Anyway, just read it over whenever, I made a bunch of copies.”

Viri took the book and started to read as Ita took another swig. As she read, Viri started to frown, and then, when a certain part came up, she gasped.

“There’s more, lot’s more,” Ditrus said, blowing bubbles in between the two others. Viri continued reading until she stopped. Her grip on the book tightened a bit as she closed to book and put it to the side. She lowered herself into the water as she stared at the pink woman.

“There’s still a fair bit more, but...I understand if you want to stop. The horrors of The Cataclysm are still something even I can’t bear. I can only wish it wasn’t true,” Ditrus said, sadness etched in her tone. Ita looked at the two others for a moment.

“Are you alright?” Ita asked in concern. Viri made some bubbles as a response.

“Probably not. The particular mortal who made this book is very… graphic,” Ditrus informed. Viri rolled her eyes and made more bubbles.

“Sorry that I showed you that, but… I just don’t do good with words,” Ditrus admitted shyly, sinking farther into the water.

“It’s fine, right Viri?” Ita said, turning to said woman. Viri made some bubbles and nodded.

“Oh, good, I was worried I wouldn’t get any from you guys, phew,” Ditrus said, wiping her brow of nonexistent sweat. Viri and Ita glanced at each other as Viri shrugged. In the other room, Quid had found Ita’s children, and was uncertain what to do.

“Umm…” she said nervously, seeing them all looking at her expectantly.

“Who are you?” one of them asked, he looked like a small male demon.

“U-Ummm, I’m uh… Quid, nice to meet you,” Quid said genially, stuttering somewhat at seeing a demon child.

“Hello!” another one, this one a succubus girl greeted happily. “Are you mommies friends?”

“Um...Well, n-not exactly, I-I’m just dropping by,” Quid answered truthfully.

“Trust me, you'll be Ita’s friend quick.” a voice said behind Quid. She turned around to see an older succubus standing there with a baby in her arms.

“Oh...Um...I-If you say so…” Quid said shyly. She was growing increasingly uncomfortable with all the succubi and demon children.

“Want to talk? I have drinks and cookies in the living room.” the succubus said.

“Ummm...What are, ‘cookies?’” Quid asked.

“Oh lord, come with me.” she said as she grabbed Quids hand and dragged her to the living room. There was a small plate of cookies on the table.

“Would you like something to drink?” the succubus asked.

“Oh, um, yes, some tea would be nice,” Quid said.

“What kind?” she asked as the two sat down on the couch.

“Goldenrod, if you have any,” Quid replied. The Succubus nodded as a pot appeared and a flame under it.

“So, what's your name?” the Succubus asked Quid.

“Q-Quid,” Quid answered, shyly moving some stray hair away from her face.

“Hello Quid, I'm Liz and this,” she moved the baby in front of her. “Is Hel, my little bundle of joy.”

The baby giggled at Liz as she smiled back at her child. Quid smiled slightly as well, taking note of the differences between the demon babies of this world and hers. For one, these ones seemed… A lot less angry and violent. The ones she knew would sooner headbutt her than smile and giggle.

“Hey, try one of the cookies, made them today.” Liz said happily. Quid slowly took one of the offered cookies, and, holding it with a hand hovering over her mouth, bit into the treat. Her eyes widened considerably, and she moaned in delight.

“What is in this!? It’s… It’s better than anything I’ve ever had!” Quid exclaimed.

“Chocolate chip cookies, it's a oldie but a goodie.” Liz said. Quid looked over at her and noticed that Liz was blushing.

“Oh! I’m sorry, did I embarrass you? I didn’t mean to,” Quid apologized.

“It's fine… just not used to others giving me compliments,” she said sadly.

“What? But you seem so nice!” Quid said in shock. Liz looked at her for a moment.

“Oh really, did you think that when you first saw me or thought ‘Oh hell, it's a demon,’” she said raising a brow.

“W-Well, I admit I thought you were scary, b-but I-” Quid began. Liz just waved her off.

“It's fine, we demons didn't really put ourselves in a good light, I'm just of a very small few that thinks the old demon way is stupid.” Liz said with a huff.

“It’s not you, really! I’ve just...had bad experiences with my own world’s demons…” Quid said with a shudder.

“I figured,” Liz said as the water began to boil. Liz took it and poured Quid some tea.

“Thank you…” Quid said gratefully, before noticing the large amount of kids watching the two adults. “Ummm...H-Hello?”

The kids waved at them as Quid noticed that they were of different races. Some demon, others cat and some that she doesn't know. Liz giggled at them as more plates of cookies floated out and landed on the table.

“There you all go.” she said. The kids cheered and came over to eat the cookies. Quid watched them curiously, noting how cute they were, and, how diverse they were. But it was at the sight of so many children that she couldn’t help but let a tear drop, remembering her own children. After a minute there was a loud buzzing sound.

“Oh! I forgot about that, umm,” Liz looked over at Quid who was eating another cookie. “Mind keeping an eye on them and hold Hel?”

Before she could answer Liz gave her Hel and ran to the kitchen. Quid looked at the baby succubus as she looked back at her in turn. Quid wiped a tear and tried to play with the baby to the best of her ability. Though, the baby seemed to pick up on the woman’s sadness, and started to whimper. Quid began to panic, having not been a mother in a long time, and had forgotten what to do.

She brought the baby close to her and felt Hel give her a small hug. She smiled lightly at this, and rubbed the baby’s back. As this was going on some of the kids saw this and came over to her. Some asked her if she wanted to play some games, others some random questions, while some just sat beside her enjoying being near her. In time, Quid began to enjoy their company, instead of thinking of them as grim reminders of her past.

A little away from them Liz watched Quid and the kids with a smile on her face.

Back at the hot tub Ita was talking to the pink lady while playing with Viri’s hair. “, then I blasted it, and it blew up into little EXP orbs.” Ita finished.

“Heh, sounds like a much tamer version of when Tacitus would train me and my sisters and brothers. Ah, those were the days…” Ditrus said wistfully. Viri made some more bubbles as she smiled at them.

“Are you alright, Viri? You don’t seem to be talking much,” Ditrus noticed. Before she gained a thought. “Oho~, are you shy about your body?”

Viri stared at her for a moment before slowly looking at Ita with a look. Ita saw it and knew why since Ditrus didn't see her body very well.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Ditrus said with a giggle. She reached over to pull Viri up but she grabbed her arm and glared at her. The pink lady was confused until she saw Viri’s arm was covered in scars. Ditrus frowned slightly, before breathing deeply and clapping her hands loudly.

“Right! Since you’re worried about that, then I think I’ll let you both see what I really look like,” Ditrus said as she stood up shamelessly, before clapping her hands twice, and with that, a bright light covered her, before it dimmed, leaving a sight that neither of the woman were expecting.

Scars covered every inch of her body. Foot, toe, face, arms, legs, even her breasts and back, nothing was spared. Yet, somehow, she managed to still look pretty. The two just chalked it up to her being a goddess of love and fertility.

“This, is what training with my family earned me, and all of my kin. Our Father wouldn’t let us rest until we couldn’t stand. Always said it was for our own good, and for a while, I hated him for it. We all did. Until we were banished by Odra, our dearest brother. Then we knew why. Because those in the Void…NEVER, pull their punches. NEVER,” Ditrus told them, not an ounce of happiness in her tone. She sighed and the scars faded. “My point is, dear Viri...Don’t let them define you. Let them be a sign that you’re stronger than what they show,” Ditrus said with a genuine smile as she offered her a hand up.

“It's not that I'm shy about my body, yes I have scars on me, most of them are from monsters and others from death itself but if others have problems with them than that their problem,” she pushed back and rest her head on Ita's shoulder. “If the ones I care for still accept me then I'm okay with them.”

“Tell me this then; why do you hide them?” Ditrus asked seriously.

“Because I was sitting in a very comfortable spot, you are about to move me.” she said annoyed. Ditrus blanched at that. She blinked owlishly for a number of seconds.

Ita giggled in amusement, wrapping an arm around Viris shoulders.

“...So I just showed one of my deepest secrets for nothing?” Ditrus asked rhetorically. She seemed to shake with some emotion, which, the two other woman couldn’t tell, until the woman bursted out laughing.

“HAHHAHAAHAHAHA!! OH, BY FATHER I SCREWED THAT ONE UP ROYALLY!!” She laughed. She actually fell on her ass in the tub, slipping, but not caring that she did as she continued to laugh.

“You know, at first I didn't really trust her but now I like her, she's funny.” Viri said.

“Agreed.” Ita said, giggling. Ditrus laughed for a good while, finally settling down into chuckles. When she was done, she looked at the two and smiled widely.

“Well, that was officially my dumbest moment ever. Tacitus would be looking at me with a lot of disappointment if he saw me. Then again, he never liked hearing about my escapades,” Ditrus said as she calmed down.

“With the title you have I could mistake you for Ita.” Viri said with a chuckle.

“Well, one of my children, is the Goddess of Mischief and Schemes. Haven’t seen little Tatiya in a long time though. Kinda miss her,” Ditrus said reminiscently.

“Well… who wants to fuck?” Ita said bluntly with a smirk, startling everyone in the room.

“Oooh, me me me! Oh! And I know just who else to bring, one moment!” Ditrus opened a portal and dove into it, naked and all. Time passed, and yelling and shouting of the male variety could be heard from the portal, but still no one came.

“Oh fun! There's two of you.” Viri said. Finally, a very flustered looking man came out, wearing dinged and battle worn armor with a lion’s head shaped helmet.

“Stop it Ditrus! I have my own matters to go back to, I cannot bother with your inane-!” the man started to say, before noticing he was in a tub with two naked women, Ditrus coming back out from the portal and showing off her J cup breasts. The man suddenly broke down and steam erupted from the sides of his helm.

Ita burst out laughing at this, somehow not having shown anything below her head quite yet. They all heard a very loud ding as something made impact with metal, and all eyes turned to the man’s crotch. He quickly tried to cover it up, and Ditrus laughed.

“Oh Kraek, despite the many conquests you’ve made in wars, you still haven’t conquered a female?” Ditrus laughed.

“Sh-Shut up!” Kraek cried.

“Well he’s gonna have a fun first time then.” Ita commented with a giggle. As the two talked and yelled while Viri pulled Ita closer to her.

“As much fun this will be, there's a certain little one I need to take care of, I hope you understand.” Viri whispered.

“That’s fine dear, I’ll ‘entertain’ our guest while you do that, love you.” Ita whispered back kissing her cheek.

“Love you too, we'll have our own fun later, I heard you got a new ‘toy’ to try out.” with a wink Viri disappeared, leaving Ita smiling at the thought of later. But now she has to deal with… right now. Ditrus was busy trying to pry the apparent war god’s armor off of him, with a bit of success. She managed to pull of his chestplate and chainmail, along with his shirt underneath, revealing toned, chiseled abs that you could grill meat on, and more than a few scars as well. He blushed bright red at this.

“Well isn’t that a delicious picture.” Ita commented, rising from the water. The two gods turned to a jaw dropping sight. Two melon sized, perfectly perky orbs of gold, orange, perky nipples poking out from the huge jugs. Her body was sleek, toned, but not overly so as to look like a musclehead. She had perfect, nay, godlike child-bearing hips that she swayed slightly from side to side, grinning from ear to ear when she saw a bit of drool drop from both the other god’s mouths. Her skin glistened with water, making her look much more like her namesake as a Shiny Hoopa.

“Dayum,” Ditrus cursed. Kraek just stared wide eyed, until the plate covering his crotch broke off and shot across the room, revealing the very large member as it popped completely free of it’s confines within his trousers. But the god of war was to busy staring in awe to notice his junk was hanging free.

“Someone’s excited to see me.” Ita giggled sexily, walking over seductively. Ditrus finally recovered and followed suite, grabbing her brother’s balls firmly, but not too hard. He moaned at this.

“He sure is~,” Ditrus concurred with a flirty giggle. The monster was nearly three feet long, almost smacking Ita in the face as she walked over, and she had to wonder how he fit it under all that packing.

“Naughty, not yet.” Ita said teasingly, lightly swatting the cock out of her way as she got closer, smirking. He moaned again, cock twitching and bouncing as it had been swatted. Ditrus fondled her brother’s balls some more, doing so a bit more roughly.

“Oooh, looks like you found the perfect catch, brother. She’s the first to not be daunted by your size,” Ditrus noted.

“I’ve seen bigger.” Ita said simply with a smirk, trailing a nail lightly on the cock as she walked over to the two slowly.

“Did I mention that we can shapeshift as well? My brother here isn’t always a brother. Sometimes he’s a sister. But the biggest shocker? He isn’t showing his true size in this form,” Ditrus mentioned, as she squeezed her brother’s sack. “Come on, brother, just show her…” Ditrus breathed huskily into his ear. He gulped, seeing the two woman staring at him seductively and honestly, before gulping again, closing his eyes, and allowing his cock to change. And what a change it was. It dwarfed the other by a mile, it stretched across the room, threatening to break the wall, and his balls grew as well. But his thickness also grew, it was now two and half times the size of Ita’s head.

“I think we’ll have to take this somewhere… better suited.” Ita purred seductively, smirking.

“Lead the way, sister~,” Ditrus said as she carefully picked up her brother, trying not to scrape the head against the wall. But she did stroke it’s base lightly as she waited for Ita.

“Follow me.” Ita said, snapping her fingers and summoning a ring, Ita walking through. Ditrus smiled and did so as well, but not without sneaking a lick to her brother’s monstrous shaft, which made him moan loudly at the warm presence of her tongue on his staff, before it disappeared in a flash.

On the other side of the portal, a huge room, made for giants to giants was visible, it having nothing in it yet. Ditrus whistled at the size of it. “Wow, you’re prepared for anything, huh?”

“I try to be.” Ita informed with a smirk. “Now, that looks like it hurts, let’s give your brother his… medicine~” Ita purred, raking her nails softly against the giant cock. Kraek was huffing and puffing, the hard-on starting to definitely get painful.

“Indeed, let’s,” Ditrus agreed. “But, you go first, you are his first, after all, not me.”

“Why thank you.” Ita said, smirking. “Now, how about I grow a little to take this monster?” Ita suggested as she glew, growing large enough to take the cock, which she soon did by ‘swallowing’ it to the base. Kraek moaned loudly, the sound echoing off the walls.

“Oh by Father, it’s so warm!” he cried out. Ditrus decided to join by starting play with his balls, growing as well and toying with his humongous happy sack.

Ita bobbed her head up and down, looking at Kraek with a smirk somehow as she did so, sucking and wrapping her tongue around the cock. Kraek quickly crumbled under the immense pressure, and, it being his first time, was bound to happen sooner rather than later. But the amount of seed he spewed from his fuckmeat bloated Ita’s cheeks, and she actually gagged, having to remove her head. It was as she did this she noticed his semen tasted… coppery, but really fruity, too.

Gulping almost all of it down, she smirked at him. “Not bad.” She said, and her aura seemed to get stronger. By a ton. Which, considering he was a god, made sense.

“Hah...hah...That was....Incredible....” he breathed between pants.

“Oh… we’re nowhere near done.” Ita said seductively, cupping and fondling his balls. He moaned more at the touch.

“Why don’t we give a little pick me up with our girls?” Ditrus suggested as she hefted her much more massive jugs, seeing as she was now just as big as Ita.

“You read my mind.” Ita said, wrapping her tits around his cock. Ditrus did the same. Kraek moaned and groaned as he felt their soft as pillows orbs trap his monster of a cock.

“How about we give him a show?” Ita asked, puckering her lips. Ditrus grinned wickedly.

“Ohh, you really live up to your name~,” Ditrus said with a seductive giggle as she did the same. Kraek cracked open an eye and nearly busted another nut at the sight.

Leaning forward, Ita gave Ditrus a kiss, shoving her tongue into the other Goddess’ mouth and exploring it dominantly. Ditrus moaned into the kiss, expertly fighting back against the other Goddess.

Ita smirked, grabbing Ditrus’ shoulders and making the other Goddess bob up and down with her, jerking off the giant cock with their boobs as she upped her game, pushing her tongue back. Ditrus moaned, before she moved a leg and started to rub Ita’s slit with her foot.

Ita moaned back, returning the favor with her own feet, one on the other Goddess’ slit and the other prodding her pussy, Ita using her natural levitation to keep the bobbing up. That was when Kraek cried out, and the whole room was covered in his jizz. The two goddesses smiled wide and broke their kiss, lapping up the leftover cum from Kraek’s happy stick.

“Delicious.” Ita purred, a stronger boost than before taking place.

“Oh… Father… that was… that was…” Kraek tried to say, but couldn’t find the words.

“Still not done, hunk~” Ita purred.

“Wha…?” he tried to say, but his words were slurred, and he was stopped mid-sentence. He was stopped by Ita pumping some energy and lust into him, to get him in the mood. But it had an affect on him she did not expect. For one, his face darkened, until he started laughing, and the rest of his body grew to match his size. Then, he used his magic to flip the two goddesses on top of each other, almost grinding one another, before he inserted his cock between them.

“Ooh, taking charge, are we?” Ita asked with a smirk, moaning a little. Then, out of nowhere, he suddenly and roughly penetrated Ita, causing her to cry out in pleasure and shock. She turned around to try to kiss him, but the look in his eyes got her scared. For when she gazed into his eyes, she saw flashes of battlefields, horrid wars, and the ultimate form of conquest and domination; slavery. She was scared outright, for once. And his smile… his smile was sadistic. He thrusted hard into her, so hard it hurt, but he didn’t seem to care, nay, he laughed instead.

“Oh shit, he’s going Conqueror Mode!” Ditrus cursed.

“S-stop!” Ita cried in pain.

“Oh? Is the whore piggy hurt?” he asked in feign concern. “Well, too bad! ‘Cause MASTER Kraek is having fun pounding you, bitch!” Kraek laughed sadistically, slapping Ita’s ass hard enough leave welts and bruises. In a quick maneuver, Ditrus teleported behind her brother and karate chopped him in the neck, knocking him out inside her, but the damage was done, for not only had already cum in her, she was a mess. Ditrus pulled her brother out of Ita and picked her up, reverting them to their normal size.

She then teleported straight to Viri, and placed her down before saying solemnly, tears dripping down her cheeks, “I’m sorry…I’m so, so so sorry…” she apologized, weeping quietly, but with no less amount of sorrow and pain.

Viri took a moment to figure out what’s going on. She saw Ita, her wife, in Ditrus’ arms, twitching. She puts Emily back into her cradle as she kneels down to Ita’s side.

“What happened?” Viri asked as she looked up at the crying woman. “What the fuck happened?”

“We...We got carried away and-and she tried to perk him up with some of h-h-her aura, but…” She sobbed harder but finished with, “She accidentally forced him into Conqueror mode!” with that, the waterworks continued without abating, and the naked women cried her eyes out. She had failed. Again.

“Where is your brother?” Viri asked softly. The woman in front of her continued to cry but was grabbed by the hair and forced to look at Viri. Her eyes were glowing red. “Where. Is. He!”

“H-H-He’s in the g-giant room! P-P-Please, he c-c-can’t-!” Ditrus tried to say, but Viri was already gone. The last thing she saw was her back marching away as her hands look more claw like.

Viri was mad, more mad then she has ever been. There’s a lot she can take and brush off with a smile, but if anyone messes with her family, blood or not, they will know why they shouldn’t piss Viri off.

She got to the the giant room, she slammed the doors open as she looked for the bastard. She saw him slowly getting up from the ground.

You” she growled at him with anger.

“Wha-?” he slurred, but was stopped short. In a moment Viri was at the War gods side, grabbed his head and slammed his head into the ground.

“You hurt my wife, now you have to deal with me.” she growled at him.

“I don’t know what you’re-!” he tried to say. She grabbed his head and pulled him up.

“Shut the fuck up, I don’t care what you are or what mode you are in, you hurt her I hurt you.” she said as she opened his mouth. “Now, shut up.”

With that she ripped his tongue out and threw him away. She looked at the tongue in her hand and threw it behind her. She cracked her knuckles and marched over to him, feeling her body change shape due to her anger.

He tried to get back up, clutching at his regrown tongue and cursing. “I’m sorry for whatever I-!”

He stopped at what he saw in front of him. There was a large black wolf with a white mask like thing on it’s head. The thing towered over him as it’s red eyes bore into him. It growled at the war god with one thing in mind, and that’s to kill.

The wolf slashed at the gods flesh as it flung him into a wall. The god yelled in pain as he looked up and saw the wolf charging at him. He didn’t have time to block as the wolf clawed at him. The wolf didn’t care that he’s some god, he hurt someone in it’s pack and he’ll pay for it.

Back at the room Ditrus was still crying beside Ita as she just laid there. That was when one of the creation trio, Giratina, heard the commotion and followed it to the giant room ,where she saw the terrifying sight of a giant werewolf ripping a man to shreds. His intestines falling out but always being replaced.

She turned and ran to find her mother, following her magic she found her with a woman that she doesn’t know. She walked over to Ita and kneeled down beside her as she shook her. As this didn’t work she tried again and again, trying to wake her mother up.

As this wasn’t working tears started to run down her face as she tried to say her name but couldn’t. She picked her up and hugged her, crying for her to wake up.

This seemed to at least partly snap Ita awake, the Goddess turning to look at her daughter in confusion, before hugging her. Giratina felt this as she hugged her back.

“... m-mom…” her voice was raspy and sore but Ita heard her daughter for the first time say her first word.

“W-what is it, honey?” Ita asked shakily, still off from her experience. Giratina didn’t say anything as she hugged her mom some more, now crying more. Ita blinked a few times until she saw the other goddess beside her.

“Giri… w-w-wheres Viri?” Ita asked warily. Giri looked at her confused for a moment before the other goddess spoke up.

“Sh-Sh-She’ the room...h-h-hurting Kraek…” she sobbed. “I’m so sorry Father...I failed again…” she cried.

“Giri, stay here.” Ita ordered shakily, getting up, trying to take a step before she fell a little. Shaking her head, she floated instead, using FLY to make golden wings erupt from her back, shooting to the giant room.

When she got there she saw that the door of the room was ripped off it's hinges. She hovered over to the open door and saw what’s inside. Kraek was bloody all over and one of his arms was broken as the other was ripped off but slowly healing itself. In front of him was the large werewolf monster that was tearing him apart. At first she didn’t know what it was but soon saw similarities to Viris wolf form, only bigger, scarier, and out for blood. It roared as it charged at the war god for another round.

“VIRI!” Ita called shakily, sounding scared. The wolf stopped about an inch away for slashing the war god to ribbons as it turned to looked at Ita. The wolf slowly walked over to her, it’s footsteps shook the ground as it nears and lowers it’s head at Ita.

“V-v-viri, honey, calm down please… you're scaring me and Giri.” Ita whispered to the wolf softly, reaching out and cupping her face. The wolf's eyes, once burning red with rage, dimmed a bit at the touch of Ita’s hand. Soon the bones of the wolf began to snap and reshape themselves as the wolf shrank in size.

Soon Viri, now naked and with long hair, stood in front of Ita. She looked at her for some time as Ita cups her face.

“Ita…” Viri whispers as tears began to fall down her face. Ita said nothing, simply hugging Viri as Ita closed her eyes, trembling against her. Viri held her as the they sat down, Ita in Viri’s arms as she held her, fearing that she would disappear if she let go.

“C-c-can we g-g-get out of here, please?” Ita whispered to Viri, the mental wounds too fresh to stay in that room much longer. Viri nodded as she picked her up and carried her out of the room. Ditrus, now wearing clothes, ran up to them as Viri walked out of the room. She tried to say something but Viri shot her a glare that shut her up and walked past her.

Ditrus stood there until she heard her brother stumble out of the giant room. She watched her brother groan as he held his now resealed abdomen, and she sighed and snapped her fingers, dressing him in his armor. He looked at her solemnly.

“What...What did I do?” he asked, tears brimming in his eyes.

“I’ll...tell you later. Just… Just go back to whatever world you were at before.” Kraek held back a sob, but nodded, knowing what she meant. With that, he opened a portal and disappeared into it. Ditrus began looking around for Quid, and, after some searching, found her sleeping among the beautiful children of Ita and Viri. She smiled faintly, but sadly, knowing that she could not take her with her. Quid... Quid deserved better than to be a champion for a failed goddess. So, with that, Ditrus summoned a pen and paper, wrote a final letter, and left through a portal without another word.

Skipping to something else

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I groaned as I woke up, feeling… off. I sat up and looked around to see that I was in the White Void. It was probably just where I was. “H-hello?” I called uncertainly. As I stood up I heard the sound of someone running.

“REZZY!!!!!!!!!!” a female voice yelled as I was tackled from behind. I turned and saw the being that I made all those years ago… or was it months?

“I-ita?” I asked, blinking in surprise. She nodded happily.

“Hell yeah! I can’t believe I get to see you!” she said happily. She turned me around and got a good look at me. “Got to say, you're not half bad as a looker.”

“N-neither are you,” I said. I could already tell that I was calming rapidly, smiling at her. She puts me down as she smiles.

“Man it's been sooooooo long, how are you?” she asked me.

“Good,” I said. She smiled at this.

“Here I thought you forgot about me…” she frowned a bit. “... you… didn’t forget about me… did you?”

“Of course not!” I said, shaking my head. “I just… couldn’t write for you anymore,” I told her.

“I… see,” she said sadly as she sat down. “I… saw that you were planning on a new me, a Zerg me.”

“I couldn’t go through with it… I shoulda just did a whole new character, I’m sorry,” I said, kneeling down and hugging her.

“Stick with the sexy Zerg lady, I was hot as Zergy,” she said jokingly.

“You’re hot as you are,” I told her, before realising what I just said and blushing heavily.

“Damn straight!” she said with pride in her voice. “I’m one sexy bitch and love it so much!”

“Ita… why do you sound different?” I asked, concerned. She shrugs.

“Well, since you kinda stop writing me, I got bored and jumped over to your demons head,” her eyes widen at me. “Dear lord he has so much going on in his head, so many voices and ideas.”

“Should I be sorry or congratulate you?” I asked.

“Meh, do whatever, Demon has plans when you get your muse back, but over time I kinda adopted a bit of how most of his voices speak, so I sound like this,” she grins at me. “So, I’m not really lonely, though your friend is a weirdo.”

‘I HEARD THAT!’ A voice yelled out of nowhere.

I chuckled. “I’m glad you’re okay,” I said, hugging her tighter. She hugs back as we stayed like that. After a few moments she pulled away.

“I know this is a warming reunion, I really want to have fun with you… or really the Fem you~,” she purrs seductively.

“O-okay, I guess I can, to make it up to you,” I said, nervous. She pulled me close and hugged me.

“Don’t be nervous, you know me,” she said softly.

“I know, it’s just a little scary,” I told her, burying my face in her shoulder in shame. She hugged me tightly before slowly pushing me away so she could look at me.

“Any requests on how you want to look?” she asked with a smile.

“Not really,” I said, closing my eyes.

“Okay, modest or… Fun~” she said, purring at the last part.

“M-modest, a-at least at f-first, please,” I said meekly. She nodded as she kissed my forehead. I felt my body shift and changed from this and I soon was a bit smaller with modest breasts and a heart shape ass. My hair grew out till it was about middle of my back long as she pulls away.

“Sorry about the hair, with the powers of a goddess in me, I can’t seem to get the hair right,” she said with a sigh.

“I-it’s fine,” I said timidly. She smiled as she pulled me into a kiss. I blinked at this as she did this, she oddly tasted like… strawberries. I kissed back hesitantly, nervous as all hell. She broke the kiss as she giggled lightly.

“Don’t worry sexy, I’ll take good care of you,” she whispered. I shivered a little at this, blushing lightly as I turned my head down, looking up a little at her. She giggled some more as she kissed me again.

I kissed back, just as timid. The two of us kissed as she slowly pushed me down onto the ground. She forced her tongue into my mouth and started playing with mine. I closed my eyes tight, shaking slightly as she did what she wished. She stopped and pulled away, a bit of saliva was still connected between our mouths.

“Going submissive on me? My, here I thought you want to ravage my body with your female hands~,” she cooed at me, kissing my nose.

“I-i’ve n-n-never d-done t-this stuff as male me, l-let alone female me,” I told her in a almost too quiet to hear voice, squirming. “I… would have no clue where to start…”

“Well, think back to your… sexy chapters with Demon, do you want to be the one in control… or should I add a new pet to my… lonely home?” she asked with a small frown at the last part.

“P-please, d-don’t change my mind t-that way,” I said fearfully, trembling. She soon started to pet me.

“I won’t do that, I’m won’t change your mind into a slutty bimbo,” she said softy. “It would be like harming my family, I don’t want that. But I do want to know what you want, you want me to care for you or do you want… something else?”

“C-care,” I said, leaning into the pets and humming. I always had a weakness for that. She smiled as she pulled me up to lean on her, petting my head and humming softly. I slowly calmed down like this, hugging her as she calmed me. She continued that for some time before she started to play with my new breasts for a bit as she petted me.

I blushed more, moaning softly. She smiled at this as she went a little more rougher with them as she pulled me closer to her breasts, petting the top of my head. I moaned again, shuddering in pleasure as the new, strange sensations filled me. She took my chin and lift my head up to look at her.

“Enjoying this?” she asked, resuming her petting and fondling.

“Y-yeah,” I said timidly, blushing more. She smiled lovingly as she continued.

“You want to be my special pet? One that I could love and care for with my heart and soul… and pets,” she said with a bit of hope in her voice.

“I-i’ll give i-it a shot,” I said, face beet red… my ghost-white skin not helping things. She giggles a bit before kissing me.

“My cute pet~ always so cute and adorable,” she said with a giggled again. I couldn’t blush anymore at this point, at least I thought so, being proven wrong as instead simply more of me turned red, my entire red and shoulders, me hiding my face in her chest. She laughs as she tapped me. I soon felt a little cold as both our clothes disappeared. She pulled me closer into a hug.

I let out a startled noise, blush furthering as my hands instinctively shot to cover myself.

“Don’t be afraid, we’re the only ones here,” she said softly. “Besides, I can’t show my pet to anyone, you’re too adorable for anyone to see.”

I nodded, slowly and hesitantly removing my hands, my shoulders now red.

“You know, just by looking at you I would mistake you for a redhead,” she purrs, running her fingers through my long hair. I let out a little giggle, leaning into the hand. “You know I could change that, sadly I got a bit of a thing for redheads from being in Demons head.”

“O-okay,” I said softly and timidly. She smiled as she ran her fingers into my hair.

“Any other changes, do you want to be one of those faunas you write about, a cat or or a fox?” she asked me in a curious tone.

“I-i dunno,” I said, fidgeting. She pulled me closer.

“Tell me what you want pet, and I’ll make it happen~” she asked in a seductive voice and sent shivers down my spine.

“U-u-um… I g-guess b-being a l-little more foxy-won’t hurt,” I nervously said, looking away. She grins as she continued to pet me. I saw my hair turned more red as I felt something twitch on my head and something coming out of the spot above my ass.

I blinked at the new sensations, looking back at my tail. It was big and fluffy as it was swaying back and forth. My dying down blush returned, me squirming more. I heard Ita giggle as she kissed my head.

“Is my foxy pet liking her new body,” she asked me.

“Y-yes, I-i am,” I said, covering my face from embarrassment. She giggled as I felt her hands move down my body, cupping one of my breasts and played with it.

“I do want to give you much larger breasts, make them leak milk,” she reach down and squeezed my butt cheek. “And give you more a large bubble butt, but I’ll wait until you're ready.”

“Y-yeah, t-that’d be best,” I said, squirming a bunch, I wanted to ask something, but was too embarrassed and nervous to do so.

“Yes? You want to ask something?” she asked, looking at me with a tilt as she continued playing.

“U-um, b-b-before w-we get s-started… I-i kinda…” I started, but stopped, losing my nerve. She stopped and cupped my face with her hands.

“Go on,” she said with an encouraging smile.

“U-um… c-can you… t-turn m-me i-into a-a kid f-f-for a-a little, so w-we can do a p-parent kid t-thing?” I requested, closing my eyes, scared. I heard her giggled as she kissed my forehead.

“I see, well then, what’s your other thing?” she asked me. I was confused at what she means. “Mommy can’t really hear you when you mumble.”

“U-um… m-maybe, i-if you want, p-put me in adorable stuff?” I asked.

“You need to look at yourself silly,” she said with a giggle. I opened my eyes and saw that I was much younger, still redhead and fox like, wearing an adorable frilly pink dress with a bow in my hair.

I blushed, squirming more, face red. She smiled as she kissed my head and pet it. I started to purr a little, not really noticing as I closed my eyes and leaned into my new mommy’s hand. She smiled at this as she continued this.

“Mommy,” I mumbled in pure happiness, hugging her. She giggled.

“My little fox,” she said happily. Purring more, I wrapped my arms and legs around her leg, clinging to her. Ita petted me some more as she smiled.

“You hungry my little fox?” she asked me.

I looked up at her, tilting my head a little bit but nodding. She shifted a bit as her breasts started leaking milk.

“Eat up then, Mommy wants her little fox to be strong,” she said. I blushed, leaning forwards and taking a nipple in my mouth, suckling, grasping her breast a little. Milk soon poured into my mouth, it was sweet and warm as it continued to fill my mouth, me sucking it down.

I hummed in enjoyment, eyes shut tight as I suckled. I continued sucking her milk until it ran dry. I pouted at this, before moving to the other breast. I heard her giggle at this as she petted my head.

Drinking until the other was empty as well, I pulled away, looking down and blushing again as I saw my tummy was bigger.

“You like mommy’s milk?” she asked me.

“Mommy’s is bestest milk,” I said. She smiled as she petted me. I looked down, tapping my stomach, giggling as it jiggled some.

“You like to jiggle?” she asked me.

“It just looks funny,” I said, blushing more. Ita smiled as she pulled me into a hug.

“Well, if you want to be big again, I’ll make you… jiggly,” she said with a smirk.

“M-maybe…” I said, blushing more as I hugged her back. The two of us stayed like that for sometime. She petted me as I simply hugged her. “S-so… do you w-wanna get to the ‘fun’ now?” I asked nervously.

“I do, just not like this mind you,” she booped my nose and smiled sheepishly. “Being in someone else's head gave me a bit of a different view of… that.”

“Okay, b-but we can go back to this after?” I asked.

“Of course! You’re too adorable to stay like before, I just want to hug you and kiss you and dress you up in pretty dresses!” She said with a giggle.

I nodded, closing my eyes again. Soon, I felt my body grow bigger. After a few moments I heard her speak.

“So… do you want to be more jiggly pet?” she asked me.

“S-sure,” I said, eyes still closed. After a few moments I felt myself stop growing, so I opened my eyes. Like she said, my breasts were much larger and my ass was more bubbly. I poked my breast and watch it jiggle.

I giggled, amusement brimming in me. I took a couple steps away from her, and just shook, giggling at the jiggling. Ita stood up and walked over, taking one of my breasts in one hand.

“Now pet, with all that jiggling I may simply jump you and start having my way with you,” she said forcefully, playing with my breast.

“J-just be gentle, please?” I requested, jiggling more. She pulled me into a kiss as she squeezed my breast and my ass. I groaned into the kiss, feeling myself wetten. She reacted down and pushed a finger into my pussy and started thrusting.

I gasped, eyes widening as I shuddered at the sensation, clenching around her. I felt her grin as she pushed another finger into me, going faster as she had her way with me. I moaned more, clutching onto her as I shook from the pleasure, making my breasts and ass jiggle. She pulled away from the kiss as she continued thrusting into me. Putting a third finger into me, she pulled one of my breasts up and bit down on it.

I soon came from all the pleasure she was giving me, shuddering as I panted. She grinned as she let me down.

“Going to give you a few until we have more fun,” she said as I saw a cock appear on her. It wasn’t as big as I written before but it was still quite big.

I got nervous at the site anyway, squirming. Soon she stepped forward as it was now close to my face, the smell of it was strong as it entered me nose. I blushed at the closeness and the smell, squirming. The smell of musk filled my head as Ita started rubbing it on my face.

“Well pet, you want your lollipop?” she asked me. I gave it a small, timid lick, my tongue barely leaving my mouth. I tasted the saltiness of her member as I looked up at her as she raised her eyebrow at me.

“I-i’m… nervous…” I mumbled, looking down. She lifted my head up to look at her.

“You can do it, if you do I’ll make you feel so good~” She purred at me. I nodded timidly, taking the head of her cock in my mouth after a moment's hesitation, licking around the head. She shifted a bit as I tasted some of her pre, it was the same taste as her member but it made my head numb and I wanted more of it.

I immediately pulled away at this, trembling. She blinked at me.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, confused when I stopped.

“M-my h-head was going numb, I-i got scared,” I told her, looking down.

“Oh… I’m sorry,” she said sadly. “That… happens… remember that I’m part Succubus, so that will happen.”

“I… d-don’t l-like stuff messing with my mind…” I mumbled, shaking. “C-can you t-turn it off?”

“I can tone it down, you will still feel numb but not so much to make you wanting more,” she tilted her head a bit. “Think of it like… you became groggy.”

“O-okay,” I stuttered, taking the head in my mouth again. Again, her pre was making my mind numb, but now less so as I was savoring the taste of it. She puts her hand on my head and petted it.

I started to take more, getting about a quarter of it in, licking and bobbing on as much of it as I could, the pets making me purr onto her cock, sending vibrations.

“That’s it pet, take my cock,” she said as she rewarded me with more petting. I purred more, relaxing slightly, allowing me to take half of her in my mouth. She started to thrust slowly into my mouth, the numbing feeling turning into a buzzing feeling as I continued to suck her member, getting more of her yummy pre.

I started shaking, fearing this was changing my mind. Ita simply petted my head, scratching behind my fox ears as I continued to bob my head. As I bobbed, I started hearing a voice in my head.

“You’re worthless,” The voice said to me as I bobbed, maybe me start to cry inwardly. “You’re nothing but a stupid cock-sleeve,” It continued, making me whimper.

“C-close!” Ita said, continued to pet and thrust.

I bobbed more, sucking harder and licking more as the voice continued degrading me, making tears start to appear. Soon, Ita grunted and came into my mouth. I swallowed the cum until it stopped and Ita pulled out and gave me a hug.

“That was amazing pet,” she said lovingly, petting me more and pulling into a hug. I stayed silent, shaking as the voice continued in my head. “Pet? What's wrong?”

“N-nothing,” I lied, sniffling. She frowned at this as she said nothing.

“Well, I'm going to give you a few to get settled, if I'm being too rough I'm sorry, I haven't had my fun for so long,” she said with a sad look.

“N-no, i-it’s not you… i-it’s this… j-just read my mind,” I said, looking down. She frowned as she did just that.

“A voice calling you bad names?” she asked. I sniffled, them being a little more serious than just ‘bad names’. She pulled me into a hug. “Rezzy, you're not worthless, you're not going to turn into a mindless slut for me.”

“I-i k-know…” I whimpered, leaning into her hug, hiding my face in her shoulder.

“Also, I don't think this place would allow it,” she added.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Well I tried something here and it fried my brain, literally, and next I knew it the place snapped me out of my body and into a copy, so I made fakes to have their fun with me and made me go brain dead with all the sex and the same thing happened,” she explained.

“Strange…” I said, looking down, fear ebbed somewhat. “W-well, I-i guess… t-time for the main course?” I asked, patting my crotch.

“Yeah,” she slowly laid me down and rubbed her cock against my pussy, covering her member with my juices. I shook, closing my eyes, tensing instinctively. She slowly enter me, going painfully slow as I felt myself stretch for her member.

I whimpered, trembling as the large phallus entered me. Ita kissed me, making our breasts press against each other. She soon was fully inside me and stayed there.

“L-letting you g-get used to i-i-it,” she stuttered. I nodded, feeling the pain slowly ebb away.

“Y-you can m-move now,” I told her shakily. She slowly pulled out and pushing back in. She panted as she got a slow rhythm going as she did this.

I let out squeaks and moans of pleasure as she did this, the sheer pleasure making me cum within a couple thrusts. The orgasm rocked me as she continued, the look on her face showed that she wanted to go wild but was holding back for me.

“M-more~!” I groaned, weakly wrapping my arms around her neck. She started to thrust faster into me, sending pleasure into my head. The buzzing was still there as she grunted as her member went inside me, my breasts rubbed against hers as in the motion of the thrusts.

I soon came again, the pleasure clouding my mind heavily, me going limp as everything got fuzzy, my tongue lolling out as my eyes rolled up. She soon stopped and straightened. She moved my legs so they were on her shoulders and started pounding me. My breasts now free to bounce around from this.

Everything got blurry, me trembling greatly as I kept cumming again and again, mind melting from the pleasure.

“Play with your fun bags pet!” Ita yelled as she was thrusting faster into me. I tried to obey her, but I couldn’t lift my arms, too weak from how many times I was cumming in rapid succession. Soon she grunted a she came inside my womb.

I couldn't think, twitching as I passed out. I soon woke up with Ita’s arms wrapped around me with her still inside my pussy. She was still hard and was a sleep, mumbling that I was a good pet.

I leaned into her, squeezing myself a little and nuzzling her. This made her member push more into me which made her wake up. She smiled as she started to pet me.

“Had a good sleep pet?” she asked in a soft voice.

“Yeah… t-that was… intense,” I said meekly. She giggled a bit.

“Admit it, you like being a sub, you write about it with your other characters,” she said as she petted me more and gave me a few kisses.

“I-i’m not saying I don’t like it… I’m just… scared of not being me anymore,” I told her in a quiet voice, looking down.

“Well, you went a little loopy back there, yet you’re fine now,” she pointed out.

“I k-know, b-but… still…” I said, hugging her tightly.

“I know, nothing will change you pet, I promise,” Ita promised me as she pulled me into a kiss. “You’re my foxy pet.”

I blushed, nuzzling her. “T-thank you,” I said in a small voice.

“So… want to go again?!” she asked in a giddy voice, moving her cock inside me. I moaned, squeaking in surprise at the sudden movement from her. “Is that a yes?”

“I-i dunno… all I r-remember is cumming a lot, and I feel… really sore,” I told her, squirming.

“Come on, I want to pound that sexy ass of yours, it’s one of my favorite that I seen,” she said, praising my sexy ass and giving it a slight smack, not too hard.

I eeped, blushing. I squirmed indecisively, thinking about it. “I-i-i g-guess, y-you can d-do my b-butt, i-if you really wanna,” I said unsurely. She smiled at me as she pulled out of my pussy and started playing with my ass with her fingers.

I felt dirty at this, blushing heavily. “U-um… c-could you b-be a little s-smaller for this?” I asked.

“Sure pet,” she said as she made her member a bit smaller, not much, as she stood up and started to push it inside my tight ass. I felt it stretching me as it went in, and it felt good.

I moaned as it entered, shuddering, cumming immediately. Ita smirked at this.

“Oh, we’re going to have so much fun my sexy pet,” she said as she smacked my ass as she started thrusting into me. “Nice and tight.”

I moaned, yelping at the smack and leaning back into her, already limp again. She continued to pound my sexy ass and smack it which made it jiggle. She pulled me down to the thrusts, going deeper into my ass.

I smiled widely, tongue hanging out as I came again, panting and moaning in pleasure.

“That’s right my sexy pet, you like that don’t you?” she asked me as she stopped thrusting and just grins against me.

I could barely nod, leaning heavily against her. She took my hands and moved them up to my large breasts.

“Play with them pet, your large milky breasts need you to play with them,” she ordered, pinching my ass. I nodded weakly, squeezing and playing with my breasts, moaning dazedly as I pinched and pulled at my nipples. I felt liquid coming out of my large milky breasts. I felt Ita play with my bubble butt as I played with my breasts.

Seeing the milk, I raised my nipples to my mouth, sucking on my own milk, shuddering heavily in pleasure. I felt myself getting more horny as I sucked my yummy milk, my pussy getting wetter by the passing second.

My mind was completely gone at this point, my mind blanking out as my body continued. I felt my bouncing on Ita’s cock as I continued to suck my milk, some of it leaking out of my mouth. I felt pleasure fill my mind, cumming again and again, highly susceptive to suggestions right now.


“That’s right Pet, you like getting pounded by me,” Ita said as she soon started to thrust into Rezzys ass.

“Like pounding…” Rezzy said dazedly, as if in a trance.

“Your sexy body likes that, You like being a sexy slutty pet of mine,” Ita said, grinning.

“Sexy slutty pet…” Rezzy mumbled, smiling loopily.

“You’re my slutty bimbo pet,” Ita said, giving one big thrust into her pet.

“Slutty bimbo pet for mistress!” Rezzy said, giggling loopilly, cumming. Ita growled as she made another cock appear and thrust it into Bimbo Rezzy’s pussy and bent her over so she was on all fours.

Rezzy squealed in pleasure, falling forward, unable to support herself, squishing her boobs on the ‘ground’ of the void, her head resting on the melons.

She watched as her milk was squirting out as her mistresses pushed her into her milky melons. Rezzy couldn’t do more than giggle drunkingly, limply taking the pounding, cumming so much that she passed out. Ita continued to thrust into her pet, spanking her ass as she came into both holes and continuing to fuck her.

Rezzy just moaned in her sleep, unable to do anything else at all. Ita saw this and grabbed her hair and pulled her up.

“Listen to me, when you wake up in a few minutes, you’re nothing but my bimbo slut,” Ita growled as she let’s go and pounded her pet. The slut just moaned, still incapable of doing anything else. After cumming inside for a last time, Ita laid down on top of her pet, falling asleep.

Some feet away, Rezzy saw this happen and looked at another Ita, in a corner crying. Rezzy walked over to the crying Ita, worried. “I-ita?” She called, this being the modest, normal Rezzy.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Ita repeated, crying into her arms.

“Ita… what happened there?” Rezzy asked, holding in the betrayal she initially felt, thinking it might have not been Ita that did this to her other self.

“Been here… so long… couldn’t sate my Succubus side and… I couldn’t hold back…” she sobbed.

“I-it’s okay, I understand,” Rezzy said, hugging her tightly.

“It’s not okay!” Ita yelled. “When they wake up, they are going to fuck and your other half is now a slutty bimbo!” She continued to cry. Rezzy gave her a hug as she saw Ita’s form shimmer.

“Ita, k-keep it together, your vanishing!” Rezzy said, holding her tighter. “P-please don’t go, I d-don’t wanna lose you,” Rezzy said shakily, tears starting to form in her eyes. Ita turned to look at Rezzy, her form turned to that of something different. Instead of a gold skin goddess, Rezzy saw a woman no older than nineteen with white hair and gold eyes. Her skin was a nice tan color as she sniffled.

“I won’t go, can’t really go anywhere here,” she said with a sad grin.

“Ita… I forgive you, I know that that…” Rezzy started, gesturing to Succu-Ita, “Isn’t really you, it’s just a manifestation of your pent-up lust, if I hated it that much… I wouldn’t have let this get past when that me was able to be brainwashed,” Rezzy told her.

“S-still, I promised… and I broke it…” the new looking Ita buried her face into her arms, sobbing a bit.

“No, YOU didn’t, SHE did,” Rezzy said, forcing Ita to look at her, kissing her boldly. Inwardly, Rezzy’s emotions where a storm, but she was being strong for Ita right now… she was used to it. Ita looked at Rezzy for a moment's.

“Wow…” she breathed that. The other two soon disappeared as Ita and Rezzy now have clothes on.

“S-so… can we g-get back too…” Rez started, blushing, embarrassed to ask for this again.

“Our fun?” Ita asked, looking at Rezzy with golden eyes. “Or... something else?”

“I w-wanted to go b-back to the mommy thing… b-but, if it’d make you f-feel better…” Rez started, cupping her cock. “W-we could have fun,” She said.

“You tell me, I don’t trust myself,” she sighed.

“I’d rather get back t-to the mommy thing,” Rez said honestly. “But, it seems like y-you need this,” Rez continued, taking the cock and impaling herself hesitantly, moaning. The clothes melted away as Ita moaned.

“T-tight…” she said, blushing. Rez said nothing, shyly starting to bounce, biting a finger and moaning. Ita started to thrust into Rezzy, moaning at the fact that her pussy was tight.

Rezzy shuddered in pleasure, reaching forward and grabbing Ita’s breasts, pulling and playing with them. Ita gasped as she reached around and played with Rezzy’s ass.

Rezzy blushed, but tried to ignore it, leaning down and nibbling on a nipple as she bounced on Itas cock. Ita moaned as she gripped down on Rezzy’s ass and helped her bounce as she thrust into her. Rezzy soon couldn’t take anymore, screaming out in pleasure as she tightened, cumming. This made Ita gasped, cumming into Rezzy as well. The two shuttered until they calmed down.

“F-feel… better?” Rezzy asked, laying on top of Ita. Ita nodded as she made her member disappear. “C-can… w-we go back too…?” Rezzy questioned, trailing off.

Ita nodded as clothes reappeared on them and Rezzy was now a little kid again, bow and all. Rezzy smiled, nuzzling her mommy. The two stayed like that for sometime.

“Mommy… why do you look different?” Rezzy suddenly asked, looking up at her.

“Oh, since I’ve been in Demons head, I changed, good or bad I don’t know,” Ita said with a frown. “Though I have my memories from my past, so that’s good.”

“Oh, okay,” Rezzy said, yawning cutely. The two stayed like that for some time.

‘Awww, that’s so cute!’ A voice rang out above them. ‘A once goddess and now a humanized Valpix! I should take a picture!’

‘Brother, please, don’t do be rude,’ another voice said, sorta like the first one but calmer.

“M-mommy, who are they?” Rezzy asked fearfully, clutching Ita.

“I… I don’t know,” Ita said, now feeling protective. A bright light shined out as two figures appeared. One with yellow eyes wearing a suit and a yellow shirt and the other was the same just with blue. The yellow one smiled brightly as he twirled his cane as the other looked a bit fearful.

“Hello~!” the yellow one greeted. Rezzy whimpered fearfully, hiding her face in Itas stomach.

“I-I’m sorry! We didn’t mean to scare you!” the blue one said, worried. The yellow one looked at him with a frown.

“Please tell me that you’re not going to cry?” he asked.

“I-I’m not!” the blue one said, sniffling.

“Okay…” Ita said, not knowing what to do about this.

“W-who are you two?” Rezzy whimpered.

“Well, I’m THE GREAT RYAN! Great at parties, surprises, and bacon,” The yellow one, Ryan, said with gusto.

“A-And I’m… N-Nayr, that's it,” the blue one, Nayr, said shyly.

Rezzy went from ‘scared’ to ‘amused’, thinking the two were silly. “Why are you here?” She asked. The two didn’t hear as they were talking.

“Why must you always cry when we go out, we NEVER go out unless he wants something done,” Ryan said.

“I’m sorry,” Nayr apologised.

“And you apologize for everything thing!”

“I’m sorry,”


“I’M SORRY!” the two started to argue as Ita and Rezzy looked at one another.

“I’m sorta confused, and a little amused from this,” Ita said with a smirk. Rezzy nodded, giggling. Ryan sighed.

“Look, short version is that our master saw that your world is… well… exploded,” Nayr said sadly.

“And it was awesome! It was BOOM and everything went up like christmas lights!” Ryan said with a grin.

“Don’t be rude!” Nayr snapped. He cleared his throat. “So… he went and made you a new world to go to, if you want.”

“But mommy could do that on her own,” Rezzy said, tilting her head.

“Correction! She used to! New powers and all that,” Ryan said with a matter of fact tone. Ita frowned at this, not looking at Rezzy.

“What… do they mean?” Rezzy asked Ita.

“I… changed, being in Demons head, here, I don’t have my old powers anymore,” Ita said sadly.

“Ding ding ding! We have a winner!” Ryan said. “And no Sexy succubus, still demon but not that level anymore… think Void beast.”

“Huh?” Ita said. Ryan looked over at Rezzy.

“What?” Rezzy asked, very confused.

“Ryan, what are you-” Nayr started before Ryan spoke.

“Also! No plates for Ita, that’s for you!” Ryan said, pointing at Rezzy. She felt her body glow before dying down.

“Hey! You know how hard I tried to get those!” Ita yelled, now angry.

“Yes, but too bad,” Ryan said with a smile.

“The plate aren’t supposed to go to them,” Nayr said.

“I know, but this is more fun,” Ryan said. “Anyway, when your portal is right over there,” Ryan said, pointing to the door behind the two. Ryan disappeared, leaving Nayr, Ita, and Rezzy there.

“I’m so sorry for him, he’s… an asshole,” He said, hanging his head.

“You ass! You got rid of my plates!” Ita screamed at him. Rezzy whimpered at the screaming.

“H-here mommy,” Rezzy said, closing her eyes, trying to get the plates to come out and go back to where they were supposed to go. Only… they didn’t.

“Umm, they are only used by pokemon… and she’s not one,” Nayr said shyly.

“What? But… that’s what she was displaced as?” Rezzy asked in confusion, looking at her mommy. Nayr pulled out a paper and looked at it.

“It says here… A class from Black Desert Online, with some other powers,” he explained.

“Okay..?” Ita said.

“O-oh… I guess w-we go to the n-new world now?” Rezzy asked, shuffling in place.

“That’s up to you, you can stay here if you want, the choice is up to you,” Nayr said before leaving the two alone.

“W-what do you think mommy?” Rezzy asked, looking up at her.

“Well, I get to go back into a world, maybe not as strong but I’ll train to get there,” she looked at Rezzy. “I still have my memories so I’ll have to train you to use your powers, also you as a Vulpix, why didn’t I think of that when I was the old me!”

“I dunno… you can c-change me to that, if you want, I s-still only have one tail, not a Vulpix,” Rezzy said, looking up at her.

“Umm,” Ita pointed at Rezzy as she looked behind her, seeing six small tails that looked like the ones from a Vulpix. “You were saying?”

“W-when did that happen?!” Rezzy asked, yelping in surprise.

“I don’t know, but come here so I can hug you, your adorableness is over nine thousand!” Ita said straightly.

Rezzy giggled, jumping at her. The two hugged and giggled as they looked at the door.

“So… new adventures for us huh?” Ita said with a smile. The six-tailed fox-girl nodded, resting her head on Itas shoulder. Ita picked her up and walked towards the door, going through it. As the door disappear, two voices started to talk.


Yes,I Suppose she is.

‘Oh, this is going to be fun, and you get your Pokemon goddess back, though it may take some time in story, also Vulpix!’

You know, Vulpix is golden when shiny too, I wonder if we can do something with that…

‘Really? Hmmm, and the Aloha form is a more pale pinks ish, I’m getting ideas’

All the ideas… let’s get to work

‘Right, this is going to be fun~’

Yes, yes it will be

you know, it's been a few months... Maybe we go back a little and CONTINUE in a new new world... This time, on my own...