> To Run from a Mirror > by Materious17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's almost no surprise how I ended up here. Even if it was my fault I told Fluttershy I was a great bowler and it turned out false, I feel like I should be a great bowler so that's what matters right? Living with a pony you don't have the courage to even be honest with hasn't been the nicest experience. It doesn't help that I also tried to tell her about how much I love something called video games. Apparently video games don't exist and my memories of playing Pokemon have been a lie I conjured up. I work myself out of my cardboard box home I recently inhabited. It's 3 a.m. and Fluttershy kicked me out. She told me something about how despicable I am to be around and that I have trust issues with everyone including myself. "Whatever, I didn't need anyone anyways..." I'm glad that's not the truth. The streets of Ponyville are dimly lit from the few torch lamps that line the roads. It's a surreal experience to see the town in this gloom, the place is generally so full of life. I feel for Princess Luna in fact, this place is depressing, even for me. I noticed a strange pony on the other side of a window to a closed down shop. I had no idea who would be walking around at a time like this. We looked at each other and gave a small wave. One thing I noticed about that pony, he could really use a shave. "What brings you out at a time like this?" Despite not knowing if he could even hear me, I begged the question. "Oh not much, just pondering what it would be like if I went insane." I responded to myself. I always felt comfortable talking with myself, I know I understand me. "Good luck with that, personally I wonder if I already am insane or not." We both nodded our heads in agreement. The pony across from me was a complete mess though. I could tell he carried a lot of unwavering doubt with him. Could read those things like a book right off of ponies faces. I grab a nearby crate and sit on top of it, staring into the strange pony on the other side of the window. We sat together quietly and periodically breathed deep sighs simultaneously. Behind him I noticed another pony however. She walked up close behind me and rested her soft hoof on my shoulder. "Come home Boulder, you are going to catch a cold." Fluttershy spoke in a soft but worrisome manner. Who does she think she is anyways, telling me I'm the worst pony she has ever met, then coming back to beg for my forgiveness. Wait, that doesn't make any... "You aren't mad at me are you, you were never mad at me." Damn it, I'm out here staring at my own reflection, hating a lie that I myself conjured up. "You aren't a bad pony, I don't know why you keep telling yourself that and then running off. Is it something I'm doing, is my cottage not satisfactory? Is it Angel Bunny? I know he could be a little rough on other ponies but he'll come around." "No it has nothing to do with you Fluttershy, you have been an amazing friend." I don't know why I hide behind all of this deceit anyways, so I'm definitely not going to blame it on the kindest pony I've ever laid eyes upon. By the way she is sounding, I probably told myself all of those horrible things and kicked myself out. "I don't want to hurt you, but it's true, I am not someone to be trusted. I have lied more times to myself than a faulty lie detector." I never found myself great with words, I'm a scientist not a dictionary. I don't need her to empathize with me, that's my job, have to find a way to change the subject. "So I have another trip scheduled, hopefully not as dangerous as the last one of course, but if you would like to join me again, we worked great as a team last time." When I said change the subject I didn't mean lie about another trip. Damn it! Ok Boulder, fix this. "Well, you don't have to come if you don't want to, I mean it is in the Everfree Forest after all." What I just said made Fluttershy's pupils constrict. I knew she never liked even the thought of going back into that forest, despite how many times she proved to herself that it wasn't that bad, it's almost like she forgets every time she goes in there. "Uh, um, the Everfree forest? Well, I , uh that place is full of, uh, strange and scarrrrrry monsters." "So that's a no? Suit yourself." Phew. Well, actually it is about time that I hold another expedition anyways, so I should disappear for awhile for her sake. I still have no idea where though. "Boulder?" she inquired. I hope she doesn't change her mind on me, I really want that trip to give me some alone time. "What were you doing out here anyways, staring at your reflection again?" I gave a sigh, in preparation for a cheesy explanation. "I've always wondered what it would be like to live in a box, you know?" There I go trying to work around the subject matter again. "Well, I use my reflection as a guide. Despite how many times I deceive even myself with my constant doubt and worry, my reflection shows me who I really am. I know it sounds cheesy but it puts my mind at ease." Truth be told, I'm starting to think my reflection may be lying back to me some days, like I've gotten so caught up in my fantasy world that I don't know who I am really like anymore. "That sound's really nice. But you know you don't have to retreat out here to figure out who you are. Your friends know who you are..." My mind trailed off when she started talking about how my friends are supposed to get me back on track. I never told her that she was the only pony I even considered a friend. It's kind of cute how she acts when discussing friendship anyways, sounds like she has really great friends, not really sure what she means by friendship is magic though, must be an inside reference. "Well thank you Fluttershy, you can head on back without me. I just need another minute to myself." "Oh of course, be safe out here, I'll leave the door unlocked and get a blanket for the sofa ready." As she trotted away, I looked back into the distraught image of myself in the window. I looked miserable, like as if a drastic uncertainty loomed over my head in a pitch black storm cloud. With all of the lies I spread to other ponies, it's no wonder why I feel like my reflection is trying to tell me something important. I get off of my new crate chair and turn myself to view my entire body in the window now. Ever since the tremor events weeks ago at Ghastly Gorge, I stopped covering up my cutie mark. I was hoping that moving on from my parents death instead of dwelling on it constantly would let me just be myself. But all it has done was unmask the greatest doubt I have ever felt in my life. I'm not sure if my childhood is even what I say it is. It's hard for me to remember if my father truly braced my body from the rockslide, or if I just thought he did. The only truth I can be assure of is this geode inscribed on my flank. When I looked at my reflection all I could see was a stranger. I started heading back to the cottage with the pieces of my cutie mark story beginning to fall apart. I needed to get away from the reflection in the window. I began a slow trot, then broke out into a sprint. Not sure if I was heading towards the cottage or not but I needed to run. I needed to run from my reflection, the one thing I used to hold dear to me is now trying to deceive me. I found myself at the cottage with a very intimidating bunny there to greet me. With all the commotion I didn't even see the sun rising earlier. I want to sleep but I'm afraid of what my dreams would do to me. I'm not crazy yet. A knock on the door startles me. Who could that be at a time like this? I turn to look out the window to see the sun shining through it. It burned my eyes a bit but it was nice to see some light shining into the room's darkness. I answer the door to a light grey mare holding a letter. She smiled, but gave me the strangest look, a look I remember from my first day in Ponyville in fact. "Here's your mail!" The mail mare pegasus cheered. I take the letter, and wave off the strange visitor. "Oh, it's a letter for me." I don't remember giving this address to anyone. But I wouldn't be surprised if someone figured it out though. Huh, its sealed with the University of Manehatten official seal. This can't be good. Dear Dr. Boulder You have been selected for an expedition of a geologic survey. However, this is to be done with the utmost discrepancy. You will chose at most two others as your team and head out immediately. We are sorry for the inconvenience of this short notice but you must understand that we cannot diverge the why details with you at this time. The expedition is to be done within the old forgotten Gem Mines beneath Canterlot. Our funder is very interested in the mines and with his help we could really use the extra funding as you know. No one is to know that you are down there, especially not the citizens of Canterlot. I needed the best to make sure this goes off without a hitch so you are the team captain. Be safe down there, strange things have happened to the ponies trapped down there. Good luck, son Dr. Mickey Rocks > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Boulder? He must be confused with someone else, I don't even have a Ph.D. yet. Well, this is the break I have been looking for at least. It would be weird to tell Fluttershy about this trip since it is nowhere near the Everfree Forest. I would have to apologize for lying yet again and punish myself because I know she wouldn't. I feel like this relationship would be easier on me if she just got angry at me. She is really, really kind. Well, this trip is everything I am looking for. Wait, something about undercover top secrecy? Oh so much fun, I can have a code name and everything. Should probably take this more seriously but I need this fun in my life. Unfortunately I don't have many belongings at Fluttershy's cozy cottage. I had all of my surveying gear shipped back to my dorm in Manehatten while I was in the hospital. Plus I guess I need some faceless geology students to help out, why the limit on just two though? Are the caverns that cramped? Or maybe three people crews are more optimal for cave exploration than a large team. If only I knew a pony or a pony that knows a pony who's been there. Well, I have to leave immediately so I should catch the next train out. Large shipping boxes blocked my entrance to my old room. Well, at least my stuff got here. Entering my room there was a definite film of dust overlaying my furniture. I pull out a box from under my bed and I call my mother's cell phone. The sound of a phone ringing from the inside of the box put a tear in my eye. I never actually watched her phone ring before since my denial made me happy. I walk over to my old stage mirror and I see that stranger again. He looks back into my eyes with antipathy. I started to panic so I grabbed my old blanket and covered the mirror. I don't feel at peace with my reflection anymore. I'm not even comfortable with bringing some nobodies with me, I really need this time for myself, despite the danger. Wait what am I thinking, saying that is like saying I want to die or something. A silence filled my room. I left, grabbing my pack from the postal boxes I brought in. I can't go back into that room, not for a long time at least. I just need to get myself to the train and head to Canterlot. A message on my phone from Mickey said someone would meet and my crew with details on how to get there. I don't know why I have to be discreet about this whole thing, but it's not like this is new to me. I remember doing a survey for an oil company, only to tell them that Equestria has no oil, and wouldn't need it anyways since everything is powered by magic. Wish I got paid more to tell them drilling would be a stupid decision, but I had to go on record saying the exact opposite, and now Las Pegasus is paying the price. I wish my career choice came with some dignity. --- The view from the train is nice, I've never been to Canterlot before. I don't feel like Fluttershy's descriptions did the place justice, she seems to remember everything through the eyes of her friends. I don't have any company with me so I wonder how nice the town could be for a lone stallion. As I look through the window to the scenery beside the train tracks, I switch my gaze to the window itself. I'm suddenly face to face with the stranger again as the background becomes a motion blur. Blank. I open the window give me some fresh air. It was an impulse decision that upset some ponies behind me but I needed to regain my thoughts. My mind has never been blank like that. It felt so bizarre. I need to get off of this train. Exiting the train I was indeed greeted by an older gentlepony. He stood wearing a dark coat and hat covering his eyes with a sign 'Dr. Boulder'. Don't know why I'm a doctor still but I'll roll with it. "Greetings doctor, I've been expecting you. Where are your crew members?" His voice was deep but carried a rasp. "It's just me sir. Trust me, I'm a professional." Wow look at me go. It's horse-shit crazy to go into a cave without any buddies, though I hope he just lets this slide. "Uh huh. Well my assistant Alfred will carry your bags. I hope you understand that we cannot speak of this in public, would you follow me?" No, I don't understand, but that was something I was willing to lie about, then again, what isn't. I handed my bags off to a nicely dressed chap and I followed the trench coat wearing pony. "Please sir, would you step into the carriage?" I didn't want to speak, not that I would know what to say anyways. This pony meant business, and I wasn't sure I wanted to be part of it, but it's my job now. "Now then, this carriage will take us to the gem mine's hidden entrance. You may refer to me as Mr. Break. That's not my real name of course but you must understand, I'm funding this expedition of yours. Publicity of this undertaking could mean bad news for me, let's say, 'business' I run. I run a tight ship and I need every nook and cranny of these mines explored, more importantly, I need your approval of mining the gems without running the risk of collapsing Canterlot." "My approval? So even if I find working in these caverns to be too risky, you want me to guarantee no potential failures? I'm not sure if I can ethically do that with all due respect." This pony gave me a bad vibe from the moment I met him. Whoever this, Mr. Break is, is a not trust worthy man. Why would anyone think I would willingly put an entire city, let alone the capitol of Equestria in serious danger? "But 'Doctor', this approval would be very good for your business. I'm willing to cut a deal with you. I'm a very wealthy man you see, the profits from those mines would be endless, and I'm willing to cut it 50-50. You will never have a problem funding your little expeditions again, you can live a life of excess anywhere in the world. I'm offering you the chance to change your entire life." The rumored high quality gems from there do go for priceless amounts on the high end market. If I help Mr. Break though, I run the risk of putting Canterlot in jeopardy, but his offer is almost too good to be true. "I could live, wherever I wanted? Move out of my single dorm and start a new life. Is this why you keep referring to me as 'doctor'? I would actually be one then." Oh Celestia the thought of recreating myself seemed like an exotic paradise. To be honest, the 'Canterlot at risk' thing may not even be true, the caverns may in fact be safe for mining, that is what I have to figure out anyways. "Go have fun in your caves, Dr. Boulder. I just need you to sign here giving my business the ok to mine, you do your 'survey' for as long as you need, and once you are satisfied, my team will move in." The carriage stopped at a large grove of trees. I assume the entrance is somewhere within that forest, hidden well of course, which means I need to make my decision now. There is no time to stall. My new life is waiting for me. "I'll do it." > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 3 - I completed my descent into the darkness, being able to only see where my head lamp shone. The caverns dripped with a solution that doesn't seem to include any calcium carbonates. The lack of stalactites and stalagmites indicated that. I gathered a sample of the fluid to analyze potential contaminants. The cavern walls seem to be made of a volcanic glass. The extrusive lavas from this region must have rapidly cooled to form the glass-like lack of structure. The volcanism here could be related to the events of Equestria's formation due to the high silica content of these ryolites. The cold damp air may be contaminated with amphibole asbestos. The risk of lung disease is high down in caverns and that's why miners have such low life expectancy. The actual formation of the caverns is still unclear. The overall shape doesn't fit the singular cylindrical shapes of typical lava tubes. Also lava tubes form from slow cooling lavas and the obsidian here doesn't agree with that hypothesis. I do wish I could bounce ideas off of a few other geologists. The water here may be corrosive enough to form these caverns. I guess it all comes down to the analysis of sample I took. Who am I kidding, this is me just going off of baseless speculations. It isn't even conclusive whether there were either a singular or multiple volcanic events in Equestria's past. I've made crazier assumptions in my career though, like how I may be better off alone. These caves are so dark I can't even see myself without my flash light. That's probably for the better though, I think I just sold my soul to the devil. Wouldn't want to meet the pony who just did that. I followed the rail ways that haven't appeared to see any use for decades. Strange though, it's as if one of these tracks was reactivated recently, not sure what powered them, the breaker switch for the lights down here doesn't even work anymore. Probably a crazy thrill seeker having some fun in a mine cart. I haven't seen any signs of the gem mineral veins but I'd imagine new tunnels would need to be blasted out. The mining commotion could cause instability but I need to see evidence of potential faulting to be sure. Not like I can see anything anyways. These tunnels seem to go on for miles. If I'm not careful I could end up getting lost. I do really hope I don't find what I'm looking for. That Mr. Break is pure evil and now I'm working for him. I don't even know who he really is, I doubt he works in the gem industry despite what he said. Nothing seems to add up with him. He doesn't care if he destroys Canterlot to get a quick buck, and now it looks like I don't care either. That's not who I am, that was just... who I was. Or is it who I am now, damn it I don't even remember my own ethics! I have to remain calm down here, there is already little air to breath and it isn't high quality. I don't even like caves, I prefer geology in the sun. I should have seen this coming though, no pony in the right mind would fund an expedition like this just for the pursuit of knowledge. There is always a political or economic persuader behind closed doors. But how could Mr. Break gain in either or those with Canterlot destroyed? I've never been able to connect the dots very well and trying to think in this environment is driving me up the wall. I work my way propelling down a few meters of a crevasse. I took notice in this because there was this ethereal glow from below and I figured it could lead to another cave entrance. As the glow lit up the room I had never been so wrong. I turned off my flash light to see the room full of priceless diamonds, larger than my hoof in some cases. I was awestruck by the glittering light they seemed to emit and didn't even consider why these were left here hundreds of years ago. I got my composure, chipped off one of the smaller diamonds for "sampling", and finally sat down to ask myself where did these come from. I held the diamond in my hoof and it was already in a pristine cut, almost like a jeweler cut and just dumped all of these down here. Why wouldn't the miners have seen this room, this is a jackpot of jackpots. There has to be several billion bits worth of gemstones and no one thought to look down that crevasse? Wait, the crevasse... I secure my rope and begin to ascend back up the crevasse walls. If there are kinematic indicators I need to find them. Crevasses are opening fractures, I'm not going to see signs of motion on the walls themselves, I need to get a top view. Looking down into the pit of wealth, I shine my flashlight directly on top of the fracture to look for evidence of shearing. Sure enough, there were shearing fractures en echelon all over the place. I'm surprised I didn't notice these sooner. The left stepping nature of these shears would indicate a right lateral motion of this fracture. But that makes even less sense, this is a crevasse, an opening fracture. These shears are telling me that this has also slipped laterally in the past as well. This isn't just a plane of weakness, this is a fault. Don't panic Boulder, Canterlot isn't destroyed yet. This fault might not even be active, but no one in Canterlot would know, they don't have seismographs monitoring the area since no one thought there would be a reason for it. It's impossible for me to measure the current stresses in this area precisely so I'll just plot this fault on a stereograph and add it to my report. This fault hasn't done any noticeable slipping over the last hundred years, the citizens of Canterlot would have felt something from this thing. It's probably safe to say this is inactive, there isn't any evidence of fault gauge so this fault hasn't been slipping for long, so either it's a brand new fault ready to go at any moment, or a onetime occurrence caused by a sudden weakening of the fault plane. Could the miners have caused it? Large pick axes over time to mine out the veins of minerals could potentially bring instability here, but the quaking would need to be larger than a few pick axes to form a fault like this. What about the introduction of water to the equation. I need to test for a potential underground reservoir to see if this fault is acting like a conduit for the fluid to travel along. Water has a hell of a way of disrupting a stress environment, a little amount actually strengthens soils but too much causes saturation and failure within the consolidated materials. Miners of today don't use pick axes any more, not ever since we developed dynamite. Concentrated explosions with the help of a unicorn's magic have been tested and safe as well as efficient for quarry mines and caves alike. But faults are rare in Equestria. No extensive testing with explosives around fault planes have been done yet so it's up in the air whether this fault could slip from a new mining crew, or if it would be unaffected. I doubt Mr. Break wants me to tell him that due to indecision, these caves should be off limits. With all of those diamonds down there, there has got to be more deeper in. I propelled back down the crevasse to the room of infinite dreams and possibilities. With this much money staring at my face it's no wonder why I even chose to come down here in the first place. I want to start a new life, and I'm almost willing to damn the expense. I am willing, I already signed the proclamation, from this day forward I'm Dr. Boulder, billionaire geologist. My old life be damned. I followed a path through the diamond corridor of light. I'm simply stunned by the sheer number of gemstones here, never would have imagined all of this still being here after the miners of old came through. Maybe I'll take a few more, for myself. I could frame them in nice boxes and keep them around my new mansion. Hah, my new mansion, that thought always rings in my head for a while. Not sure how cozy I could make a place like that but when all of the money in the world, I don't really care. The tunnels got brighter as the number of gemstones glittering grew. It feels like I'm heading towards the source of these fabulous rocks. I nearly stumbled into a large room out of excitement. When I got up, I noticed there were no more gemstones lining the walls of the caverns. All I saw was myself. Every angle of reflection these mirror-like walls formed gave me a glimpse into myself. A part of myself I hoped to hide away. These reflections weren't distorted, but the image I saw didn't look like me, but another, stranger me. I fell down with the pressure of all of my lies looking back on me. Each mirror told me about a different pony, but they were all me. I lost track of how I got into this room as I was perpetually surrounded by myself. Nowhere to go, nothing to look at but the shells of my former lives. "I don't need this! My life is going to be different! I can bury you all in this cave once and for all. It will be the one lie to rule them all. One lie to fix- one lie..." Blank. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silence. Boulder sat in his own silence, trying to force his mind to think. A disorienting haze shrouded his thoughts as for the first time in his life his mind was truly empty. With all of the mirrored ponies looking as blank as him, not even studying quartic equations in his notebook sparked a thought. His emotionless expression gave no insight to the pain he was trying to experience. His body felt numb, but he still bled when he jabbed himself with his pencil. He tried anything to get a response from his own mind but everything done was done on instinct, and those were beginning to slow and cease themselves. The reflections meant nothing to him; he wasn't intrigued or scared of them anymore. They just existed beside him, and Boulder accepted that. He could never think he needed to leave the caverns, he couldn't understand what his own hunger felt like anymore. Boulder sat in his own silence, not even sure that he was waiting to die. --- Fluttershy was already in panic-mode. It’s been over a week since she heard anything of Boulder’s expedition and worry washed over her. “It’s ok Fluttershy, maybe he just got caught up in his work and hasn’t got around to it.” She paced in her cottage, with her pet Angel Bunny trying desperately to console her. “I’m sorry Angel, but I’m just so worried. Maybe I should go look for him - *gulp* in the Everfree Forest.” She paced around some more as a face of terror struck her. “But, the Everfree forest is really dangerous…” “Angel Bunny! I’m going to look for him.” The frantic bunny hopped to the door to lock it. He tried every charades he knew to tell her to stay. “Oh, then what should I do Angel? He’s probably hurt or scared or…” Angel hopped on top of her living room table to meet her eye to eye, but stumbled upon a letter with an insignia inscribed on a seal. Quickly picked it up and held it close to Fluttershy’s face, practically pushing it against her muzzle. “Huh, it’s a letter to Boulder. It’s from the University.” She examined the letter carefully, reading every word. “This must be the letter Boulder got right before he left. Wonder why he left so suddenly, this letter seems short notice.” Her shocked face turned into confusion as she read on. She probably would have felt anger too but she was always quick to forgive. “He lied to me, again. Why keep something like this a secret? Is this why he hasn’t been writing me? I’m so frustrated right now I could just…” A pause filled the normally quiet cottage. Every animal she care takes for stopped to look up at the yellow pegasus trying to be angry. “I’m so frustrated; I don’t even know what I’m going to do!” Even her yelling was softer than Angel Bunny’s intense foot tapping. “Wait though, utmost secrecy, caverns beneath Canterlot, the potential of being trapped down there? Oh no Angel, he might really be in trouble, but now I know where he is.” Fluttershy felt a rush of urgency filled her body as she was given a new purpose. “But…” Her purpose was cut short by another panic attack. “Where are the Canterlot caverns?” “I should go talk to Twilight, I know she’s been there before, maybe she can help us Angel.” Her bunny ran over to the couch to bury his head under a seat cushion. “Ok Angel, you don’t have to come with me if you don’t want to.” She raced over to the library as fast as her wings could take her. If anyone knew how to help, it was Twilight. She was always willing to read anything if it was for helping a friend. A quick but gracefully quiet knock on the door revealed a noticeably sleeper purple unicorn. “Oh, I’m sorry to wake you Twilight, I can come back later, I don’t want to be a bother.” “Nonsense Fluttershy, I can sleep anytime – *yawn*, what do you need?” “Oh, well um, you see. I need to go to the caverns beneath Canterlot. And umm well…” “Hold on, the caverns beneath Canterlot? Why in Equestria would you need to go there?” “I was just getting to that part, but um, I’m worried.” “Worried about what? Come on Fluttershy I don’t have all night, is something wrong?” Fluttershy froze up from Twilight’s impatient questioning. She knew Twilight was only trying to help speed things up a bit but all Fluttershy could think about was Boulder. “B-b-Boulder is there and I’m worried something really bad happened to him. He hasn’t written a letter and…” “Woah, slow down now Fluttershy. Boulder could be trapped? Well why did you not say so in the first place.” Fluttershy was surprised at Twilight’s hyper attitude, but also relieved. Twilight scribbled some notes down on a parchment and sent Fluttershy off to the train station. “Good luck Fluttershy, I would go with you but Princess Celestia has me up to my neck with studying. Plus Boulder is really only close with you so I wouldn’t want to get in the way of anything.” “Thank you Twilight, and what was that last thing you just said?” “Oh nothing, see you later!” As the midnight train pulled into the station, Twilight waved Fluttershy off as she started her journey to Canterlot. “I’m coming Boulder.” --- “Oh dear Alfred, I’m afraid I sent another geologist to his death.” Mr. Break sat in a large leathery office chair. His office overlooked the entire city of Manehatten from the top of the Tromp Tower. “Another one? It’s a shame sir; I had high hopes for that Boulder character.” His butler Alfred was bringing him some coffee and a copy of the Foal Free Press. His face during the seemingly tragic news remained emotionless, but he always carried a sophisticated look. “At least this one was stupid enough to sign the document first. Foolish young ponies, don’t even know why the miners abandoned the mines in the first place. You would think university educated ponies would learn a thing or two about history.” He sat there sipping his coffee with a slight grin etched in his face. “Oh well, saved me the trouble of killing him myself since he actually signed the damn thing. Oh and Alfred…” “Yes sir?” “Stop bringing me the Foal Free Press, ever since that Gabby Gums signed off it’s been utterly boring.” “Very good sir; and Mr. Rupture was wondering when you wanted to get started on the procedures.” Mr. Break ran a tight ship in his building. All of the higher officials used code names amongst themselves and especially when in the public eye. Mr. Break was never one to shed a tear over his line of work. “Ah yes, tell him right away Alfred.” Mr. Break looked towards a portrait of his family on his desk. The glass frame covering was cracked, with the fractures lining up perfectly in between himself and a mare next to him. He pulled out a mirror from his desk drawer only to reveal that too has been broken. He lightly placed his hoof over the broken mirror and quickly placed it onto his desk. “The things that were taken from me…” He muttered quietly to himself. He stared into his fragmented reflection and scorned. He swiveled in his chair to look out his window now. The Manehatten skyline during a sunset was beautiful sight, but he had other plans. Alfred had already left his office, taking his empty coffee mug with him to be handed off to a maid. Mr. Break gave a small chuckle as he stared at the setting sun. “Will all be mine once again.” His grin turned into a malevolent laughter that echoed through his tower’s top floor hallways. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot was a sparkling gem of a city. It's ivory towers and golden spires make it a real place of glamour and sophistication. Fluttershy has only been here a handful of times but has never been alone before. The large roadways full of unicorns constantly put an unsettling feeling in her gut as she noticed she was the only pegasus. Putting it in the back of her mind, she tried to follow Twilight's directions to a T. She found herself aimlessly wandering the back alleys of Canterlot, hoping for some sign of a grove of trees. She stumbled upon a wide area of construction, or it looked like construction. Large cranes and bulldozers carried and carved out the land. Surrounded by a few trees Twilight described, there were workers going in and out of what appeared to be a large pit in the center. Each one sported with bright yellow hard hats with head lamps and propelling harnesses. There were large piles of rocks along with shovels, pick axes, hammers and the ponies that wielded them. "They look like miners," Fluttershy spoke to herself. "Maybe they know something about Boulder." "Watch where you stand miss!" A larger pony carrying two heavy looking bags came up from behind her. "This area is off limits to pedestrians, now run along." "Oh I'm terribly sorry, I'm a bit lost and you see, I uh, am looking for somepony. His name is Boulder. Do you know him?" "Never heard of him." The earth pony set down his gear and turned towards Fluttershy. "Why don't you get out of here before somepony gets hurt." Fluttershy's mind throbbed with the guilt of being in the way, but she knew she couldn't just give up now. "Um, uh I really need to find him and I think he is down that hole. He's a geologist you see, and..." "A geologist? Look miss, I've been hired to bring in these large sacks of dynamite in, I don't know anything about a geologist. If you have a problem, take it up with my boss, Mr. Break. Heh, you are in luck, he's right over there. Knock yourself out." The large pony lifts a hoof and points towards a group of ponies sitting around a table holding a discussion nearby. "Mr. Break? Oh well um thank you, I guess." Fluttershy slowly approached the fashionable business ponies. She hated the thought of interrupting them but she needed to find Boulder and this was her only lead. "Um, excuse me." She whispered to the crowd. The commotion continued. "Uh, excuse me, I have a question." She spoke a litter louder. Still no response from the group as they babbled on to each other. "*deep breath* Pardon me everypony but I need your help." The crowd turned silent. Their eyes pierced into Fluttershy as they silently judged the yellow pegasus demanding attention. The silence dwelled on her as she froze. "I, uh..." "Ah Miss Fluttershy I presume." A strange voice came from inside the crowd. He dressed in a large black trench coat and hat that covered his face with a shadow. His voice carried a rasp but was deeper, then any voice she had heard before. The voice itself sounded dark and ominous. "Please, walk with me, we have much to discuss." Fluttershy picked up her head and reluctantly followed the strange pony who knew her name. "Um, how do you know me?" "I know about all of the elements of harmony my dear. It was in my best interest to learn what I could. And of course I've heard a lot about you Fluttershy." "A lot about me, from who? Are you Mr. Break?" "Well, yes I am. Who I am is unimportant right now. I have a message to you from Boulder if you are interested." "Boulder is alright?!" Fluttershy's spirits immediately lifted as they walked towards a large black horse-drawn carriage. They stopped right as Mr. Break was about to get in. "Yes of course he is alright, he wanted me to tell you to go home. Go home and forget about him, he isn't coming back to Ponyville. He has found a new home and he is happier than ever." Mr. Break stepped into the carriage and shut the door. Fluttershy was crushed. "Wait!" Fluttershy panicked, she was confused on to how to even react to the news. "Where is Boulder?" The dark pony started to roll up his window to cut himself off from the sound of her voice. "Please! I need to find him!" Fluttershy was crying and broken. Her voice was the only thing breaking through the swelling of her throat. Mr. Break sighed. He rolled the window back down and looked at the mess of a pony at his carriage door. "He is at Tromp Tower, 2nd floor in the emergency care wing. We found him unconscious in the caves and he seems to have starved himself. The doctors don't know what's wrong with him and I'm told he keeps asking for a 'Fluttershy' while he sleeps. Telling you he is dying is not something I wanted to deal with. Now get out of my sight!" The carriage starts rolling down the street as Fluttershy tries to dry the tears on her cheeks. Her heart and mind ached. She was so lost in this city and now within herself. "Boulder, is dying?" The words choked out of her throat as she fell on her flank. "No. He can't be, I need to go to him!" Fluttershy stood and galloped down the road, in the direction of the black carriage. --- Boulder's room was large and white. His bed and the life support machine hooked up to him are the only signs of furnishings the room has. Nothing but white. The doctors surrounded him as he sat upright but motionless. "I have never seen a case like this before." An older gentlepony in a long white lab coat grabbed Boulder's medical chart. "He is conscious, but his brain shows no signs of neural activity at all. He is a walking zombie." "He can't be brain dead though. He wouldn't be awake like this," another doctor interjected. Boulder stared into the white of his room, giving no signs to the doctors whether or not he can even hear them. "Doctor," a nurse entered the room. "he has a visitor..." "A visitor? I thought this pony was a loner? His medical history doesn't even show any signs of immediate family or relatives." "She is in the lobby waiting; this patient is going to be declared dead within a few hours anyways, might as well let her see him." "Very well nurse, bring her in. There are other patients in this wing that I can save. Come Nooby." "Right away Doctor Cox!" The two doctors and nurse left Boulder's empty room. Nothing but white. Boulder sat on his bed, his face stained with a perpetual sadness as he stared into nothingness. Fluttershy entered the room as the door shut behind her, normally something that would startle her, but she was too solemn to notice. She quickly but gracefully runs to Boulder’s side as the only sound is his heart monitor rhythmically beeps. He has lost a lot of weight and his body is almost skeletal. Just the sight of him sends Fluttershy into a spiraling sadness as tears poured down her face. “Boulder! Boulder, I’m right here Boulder. Can you hear me? Look at me Boulder!” Nothing but white. Boulder’s eyes were wide open but they carried a emptiness to them. Fluttershy placed her soft hooves around Boulder is a tight embrace. “I’m right here Boulder, you have to snap out of it. I don’t want to lose you!” Her throat hurt more and more as she yelled through the tears. The heart monitor attached to Boulder beeps became more erratic as she held him close. Nothing but white. The sound of the machine pierced the noise from her sobbing as Boulder turned his head to look at the distraught yellow pegasus pleading for his life. Fountains of tears left her eyes as he now just stared into her. *Beep, beep, beep* Fluttershy looked up to see Boulder’s blank face. *Beep, beep, beep* He slowly closed his eyes as a smile crept onto his face. *Beep, beep, beep* “Boulder?” *beep, beep…* > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Damn she's cute. Wait, what is this sound I hear. Is that, my thoughts? It must be my thoughts, I'm the only one in the room having them! It's been so long I almost forgot what I sounded like. The chemical formula for quartz is silicon dioxide. Oh this is wonderful, it felt so cold and empty in here, I'm not even sure how long it has been. Why is this room so white, what am I even doing here. Wow I'm hungry. Wait who is this with me? Why did I even ask that question of course I know who it is, I must have really missed thinking. *Beep, beep, beep* "Food." I am dying for a delicious hay sandwich right now. Wait, crap, Fluttershy is sitting here crying with me in her arms and I have the audacity to ask for food. What is that beeping noise, god it's so irritating. *Beep* "Boulder! Oh thank goodness you're alive! I thought I lost you." Fluttershy squeezed me even tighter. My body was sore so the hugging hurt a little. I didn't mind much though, she is a really soft pony after all. What does she mean by lost me though, I didn't go anywhere did I? and Why am I in this room to begin with! "Food..." No you idiot food can wait, that was supposed to be a series of questions. Doesn't look like my brain wants to connect the dots today. I'm in a green gown that doesn't even have the decency to cover my flank and all I can ask is for food. "Oh yes of course..." She reached in a saddle pack she carried and pulled out the most delicious big juicy, red apple I had ever laid eyes on. "Here." Instinct took over as I shoved the entire thing into my face. It wasn't a hay sandwich, but the apples from Sweet Apple Acres always hit the spot. I'm probably being really rude right now, I should at least thank her. But it would be more rude to do so with my mouth full, or would it? I never paid much attention to my manners anyways, why would I start now. "How are you feeling Boulder?" Well honestly I feel like shit. I don't think I can stand up but at least this deliciousness calmed my raging stomach. Why would she even ask how I feel, she is the one with tears running down her cheeks. "... thank you Fluttershy." There I finally said it, now let's work on saying everything else I've been meaning to. "Why are you crying? Where are we? Why do I feel so sore? What is that beeping? How many more apples do you have?" Well that's one way of putting it. At least I got everything out there, unleash all of my crazy at once. There is something else I want to ask but I can't even put my hoof on what it was. Remembering things usually comes so natural to me. "Oh no, you mean you don't remember? I'm sorry, this must all be very scary for you, I'll go get the doctor." I don't need a doctor right now, I need her. "Wait, stay... I remember one thing. Well, a fragment of a thing. It's screaming into my head but I have no idea what it means." "What is it?" "I need to stop Break." The moment I heard that word slip from my mouth my memories seemed to open the floodgates. Everything from my encounter with Mr. Break, down the moment my mind went blank in the gem mines. The surge nearly threw me down on the hospital bed. "Break? As in, Mr. Break? Why would you need to stop him?" "Wait, you know Mr. Break? Oh dear Celestia why..." This is not good, this is really not good. Mr. Break knows Fluttershy, damn it all. "Listen to me, you are now in grave danger. We are all in grave danger." "But why? Why is Mr. Break such a bad pony? This is the hospital wing of his tower right now." Wait, were in Tromp Tower? I got moved all of the way to Manehatten? How long was I out? "Wait, how did you know to find me in Manehatten?" "We're not in Manehatten, we're in Canterlot." "Mr. Break owns two towers?" This pony has way too much money, and now the fate of Canterlot rests in his hooves. We are so screwed. "Never mind that. Fluttershy, I need an audience with Princess Celestia immediately. I remember in the stories you've told me about how close you and your friends are with the Princess. Canterlot is serious danger and it is all my fault." The ground started to tremble lightly. The white room shook the life support machines, knocking over a glass from a nightstand. As suddenly as it started, it ceased. "What was that? An earthquake? I didn't know Canterlot got earthquakes." Fluttershy was still shaking in fear and confusion. I just told her of Canterlot's potential fate and how I'm connected so I understand what she is feeling. The tremors just now didn't help either. "It doesn't, that's what I've been trying to say. Mr. Break wants all of the left over diamonds from the mines, and he isn't afraid of collapsing Canterlot to get them. I was hired as a consultant, to either say yay or nay to the use of dynamite in the caverns. While I was down there, I discovered an inactive fault scarp with an immeasurable amount of motion that has occurred in its history. I sold myself out and gave the okay anyways. He promised that my life would change, that I would be a new pony, someone that I could even look in the mirror at and find respect for. I've made a horrible mistake, I'm sorry Fluttershy." The tremors started up again, this time more concentrated and of higher magnitude. I can hear the voices of panic in the hallways as the room shook more violently. "We have to get out of here, this tower could collapse at any moment! Fluttershy, come on we have got to move!" It was of little use. Fluttershy was having trouble getting a footing during all of the quakes let alone trying to move. "Fluttershy!" I rushed over to her trembling self. With a quick, forceful push, I uplifted her onto my back and ran into the hallway. The staffed pony nurses and doctors were frantically running into each room to evacuate the patients, whilst trying to evacuate themselves as well. The hospital wing was a mess of panic and a maze of hallways with no clear signs of an exit. "We have to get outside, away from the buildings. Fluttershy, do you remember how you got in here?" The tremors ceased for an instant once again so I dropped her on her hooves. "They are coming back, which way is the exit?" Fluttershy spun around frantically, trying to find a familiar door, desk or sign that could prove useful. "I, I.. don't know" Another tear almost reached Fluttershy's cheek. "I need you to be strong Fluttershy, we don't have much time, please remember the way to the stair well." She sat for a moment in a deep thought. Though the building wasn't vibrating anymore, everypony was still in a state of mass hysteria. "I think it was that way." She points towards a large double doorway down at the end of the crowded hall. "Excellent, come on!" I lead the charge through fearful doctors and nurses. No time to think, there is only action right now. I rammed my body into the doorway slamming it open. A long spiraling staircase went up and down several floors. "Damn it we're higher up than I thought. Who's idea was it to build the hospital wing on the 8th floor?" Oh right, this is Mr. Break's tower. Half of our way down the tremors came back. This time the walls visibly vibrated as the sounds of twisting metal in the ducts echoed through the emergency stair well. The stairs started to crack beneath our hooves as we stampeded down the trembling building. Reaching the emergency exit door only proved my suspicions and I was finally brought to my knees. Ponies gathered in the streets, watching their fair city get destroyed by an unknown assailant. Building's toppled, and the ground sank beneath us. The ivory towers and golden spires of glamour and sophistication were but large piles of rubble to the eyes of the earthquake. The sounds of ponies in terror was only masked by the collapsing of rock and metal as the ground ate everything on the surface. When the shaking ceased, the only buildings left standing, was the Tromp Tower, and half of Canterlot Palace. Canterlot was destroyed. I failed. My work as a geologist means nothing anymore. Canterlot lies in ruins because of me. Who am I anyways? I don't even know the answer to that anymore. Nothing about my career, my life has been for the better of society. I am simply a tool by the aristocratic elite to do their dirty work. I don't know what to do anymore. My entire life all I have accomplished is the destruction of my friendships, the destruction of the lives of Las Pegasus and now Canterlot, and the destruction of myself. I can't stay here, I need to run. I need to run so I can't hurt anymore. I need to run from this pain, I need to run from myself.