> A Different Redemption > by Theorange11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Oh no you dont! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was chaos everywhere. Looking up, Sunset Shimmer could see the recently transformed Twilight Sparkle laughing maniacally, and rip open another portal to Equestria. I've got to stop her!, thought Sunset. No sooner had the thought gone through her head when Twilight directed a blast towards her. BOOM!!! Sunset barely jumped clear of the blast and landed face first a short distance away. Ouch, she thought dazily. Sunset raised her head too see the magic locket responsible for Twilight's transformation. She picked it up as she stood too her feet. "It had the power to change her once," Sunset muttered to herself. "Maybe it can change her again." With a look of fresh determination on her face, Sunset turned to face Twilight, but was stopped by the shocking sight off to her left. Twilight had opened a huge portal too Equestria, but it wasn't the portal that frightened her. It was the sight of her friends struggling to keep from falling through said portal. Luckily, Twilight's former teammates from Crystal Prep were assisting Sunset's friends. I knew that they couldn't be that bad Sunset thought proudly. Sunset brandished the amulet towards her friends, but received nothing more than a quizzical look from Rarity. "Come on you stupid locket, DO something!", Sunset shouted angrily as she shook the magical object. Unfortunately, her words attracted the attention of Twilight Sparkle, who stared down at Sunset in triumph. "Mwahahaha!", Twilight laughed malevolently. "Where is your friendship now?", Twilight asked mockingly, placing venomous emphasis on the word friendship. With purple energy radiating from her form, Twilight lifted Sunset off the ground with a magical grip, and sent her sailing backwards into a pillar. With a sickening thud, Sunset's body collided with the pillar, and Twilight snickered as Sunset struggled to rise. "Stay down!", Twilight shouted, using her magic to send Sunset Shimmer careening back to the ground. This time, Sunset did not get back up. However, Twilight wasn't done yet. "Oh, you are not getting off that easy Sunset," Twilight intoned evilly. twilight began to charge her dark magic for another attack, but failed to notice that despite everything, Sunset still grasped the magic locket. Off to the left of the beatdown, Sunny Flare was busy calming down.....oh what was her name? Fluttershy, that's it. "Fluttershy, I need you to keep it together, okay?", Sunny requested of the pink haired girl before her. Unfortunately, Fluttershie's only response was to burst into tears....again. "Bu--But what about Sunset?", Fluttershy stuttered hysterically. "Twilight's going too ki--mph!!". Fluttershy found her statement cut short as Sunny threw a hand over the terrified girl's mouth. "Sunset's going to be fine", Sunny said in her most reassuring voice. A glimmer of hope appeared in Fluttershy's eyes right before a loud THUD! caused her to bury her head into Sunny's shoulder. Sunny turned her head to see Twilight, dark energy coming off of her as she used her magic to ragdoll a bruised and battered Sunset Shimmer with contemptuous ease. Tears started to fall from Sunny's cheeks as she saw the jacketed girl being brutalized. Then, she came to a terrible conclusion---This was her fault. Well, at least partly. She had helped the bitter Principal Cinch drive Twilight to the dark. She and the other four girls had harassed and degraded Twilight at both there own discretion, and Principal Cinch's. "How could I have been so blind?," Sunny whispered to herself as the tears began to flow freely down her cheeks. No more, Sunny silently promised herself. This time, I'll do what's right. For once in her life, Sunny Flare was going to be a force for good. She wiped her eyes and rose from her knees. However, just as she was about to move away, she felt a tug of resistance on her skirt. She looked down to see Fluttershy staring up at her with heartmelting innocence. "Please don't leave me!", Fluttershy begged, lip quivering. "I'm sorry dearie", Sunny said with genuine kindness. Sunny gently pushed Fluttershy's hand away, and walked off. This caused the sorrowful girl to bundle up into a sobbing ball. As Sunny made her way around the portal crater, she took a moment to locate her teammates. The good news was that as far as she could tell, the four were scattered about assisting Fluttershy's friends and the other students. She could see Sugercoat and Sour Sweet helping a limping Applejack, and she spotted Lemon Zest trying to cheer up a boy with a broken leg by sharin her headphones, which were no doubt blaring Lemon's favorite type of music--Rock n Roll Where is Indigo Zap?, Sunny puzzled. Her silent question was answered moments later when she nearly tipped over the goggle--crowned girl. "OW!" "Watch were you're going Sunny!", Indigo exclaimed hotly. Sunny bit back a sharp retort, and analyzed the scene before her. Indigo had returned too looking over a whimpering, blonde girl with a lazy eye, whose head was almost fully wrapped in bandages. "I'm keeping an eye on her while Rarity gets some more medical supplies", Indigo explained. "Well, I'll leave you to it", Sunny said as she turned to leave. "Hold up!", Indigo shouted frantically as she shot to her feet. "You can't seriously be going to do what I'm thinking you're going to do...right?" "If you're thinking that I'm going to try and stop Twilight, than the answer is yes", Sunny replied calmly. Indigo's eyes went wide at this statement. "But that's crazy talk!", Indigo exclaimed. "Her power is freaking insane Sunny!". "Then help me", Sunny said. "What?", Indigo questioned with wide eyes. "It's our fault Twilight became what she is now", Sunny stated. "If we work together, I'm sure we can atone for that mistake." Before Indigo could respond, the blonde girl on the ground started moaning again, and Sunny's teammate turned back to the girl and knelt over her once more. "I'm sorry Sunny, but I can't just leave her....you're on your own", Indigo said in a voice of regret. With a sigh of regret, Sunny continued around the portal crater, and Indigo continued to loyally guard her ward....for now. "I'm so sorry Sunny", Indigo whispered to herself. > How it works. NO Content. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys, Orange here. Firstly I just want to say thanks to my readers.Okay, So this story will probably go for about 3 or 4 parts . Probably once a week or so. Next part Tommorow probably. So feel free to make ur thoughts known. I strongly encourage comments. > A Flare of Hope > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the time Sunny reached the far side of the portal rift, it had become apparent that Twilight was tiring of toying with Sunset Shimmer. Sunset's jacket was shredded. Her body was bruised and battered, and only the faintest twitch gave any sign of life. Plainly put, the situation was BAD. "I wonder what will happen if I materialize a portal ON you?," Twilight teased Sunset with a malevolent sneer. "Let's find out." With that, Twilight's wings spread as she lifted her hands to the sky, laughing manically as the dark energy gathered about her as she charged for her final attack. "STOP!", Sunny screamed as she dashed in front of Sunset Shimmer, and spread her arms protectively. BOOM!!!! Sunnie's sudden interference had distracted Twilight enough so that the portal blast went wild. Too close, Sunny thought to herself with a tremble. The look Twilight gave Sunny was practically overflowing with malice "YOU!", Twilight declared venomously, pointing an accusing finger at Sunny. "Do you have any last words before I blast you too pieces?" I can do this Sunny silently assured herself. "Yes," Sunny said. "I'm sorry Twilight." Twilight, merely eyed Sunny with icy contempt and loathing. "You're....Sorry ?", Twilight questioned in a dangerous tone. "I WILL MAKE YOU SORRY!" Sunny flinched at the pure hate in Twilight's booming voice. "You will die here alone, MWAHAHAHAHA!!!" Twilight began to gather a magical aura of dark magic around herself. "She is not alone Twilight!", yelled a familiar voice. Sunny turned her head to see Indigo Sparkle, who along with Sour Sweet, Sugercoat, and Lemon Zest approached, and lined up on either side of her. "You came!", Sunny said with gleeful surprise. "Of course," Indigo said with a smirk. She placed a hand on Sunny's shoulder. "Like you said, we are all responsible for this." "It wouldn't be very loyal of us to just you know bail on you." "Thank you," Sunny said tearfully with a smile. The other girls also gave words of encouragement. "Awwww, how touching," mocked Twilight. "It's sickening." "Twilight wait," Sunny requested quickly. Twilight's eyebrow started to twitch in annoyance. "What is it now?!?", Twilight demanded. Once more, Sunny flinched at Twilight's fierce tone, but stepped forward. "Twilight, I treated you the way I did because I was jealous and suspicious of you're kindness to others," Sunny admitted truthfully. "I couldn't understand why you would help others with no promise of reward or why you didn't ever spite us back.....I'm sorry." Twilight stared silently at Sunny. Then, Lemon Zest stepped up. "I like to have fun and make people laugh Twilight,' Lemon said. "But lately I have become so focused on winning that I've only been able to get amusement by beating Canterlot High by any means necessary." "Unfortunately, that included pressuring and harassing you." "Please forgive me", Lemon Zest finished with her head low as Sugercoat walked up. The girl sighed and started to speak. "I'm going to be blunt with you Twilight," Sugercoat stated. "I cant stand liars, and at Crystal Prep I'm surrounded by them." "So I assumed that you're good intentions had a hidden motive, and I apologize truly." With that, Sugercoat gestured for Sour Sweet to move up. "I couldn't wrap my mind around you're generosity,' Sour Sweet stated. "You were willing to assist and help us even when it didn't benefit you." " I know now that what I did was wrong, and I hope you can forgive me." As Sour Sweet finished, Indigo stepped forward to round out the group. "You're loyalty is what confused me," Indigo explained. "No matter how we treated you, you stood by your team and beliefs, and I can't overstate how sorry I am for how I treated you. At the end of this final speech, the hovering and unimpressed Twilight glared at the Crystal Prep girls, and let out a chuckle. "So," Twilight began sarcastically, "You're planning on stopping me with words?" "NO!!", a voice called out from behind Sunny and her friends. "We are going to stop you with this!" Sunny turned to see Sunset Shimmer, bruised and pummeled standing shakily on her feet while brandishing the magic locket. Unbelievable!, Sunny thought in shock. How can she still stand? > The Light of Dawn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You're tough, I'll give you that", Twilight said with a sly smile. "However, you won't stop be from understanding and controlling the magic of that other world", Twilight stated while gesturing toward a portal. "But you are destroying THIS world to get it!" Sunset protested. "So what?", Twilight questioned evilly. " There's less magic here." Sunset was aghast at Twilight's dark words, but stood her ground. She clenched the locket in her hand, now wearing a look of solid determination. "You want magic Twilight?", Sunset questioned as she held out the now open locket. "True magic comes from Honesty..." At Sunset's words, Sugercoat's hair flared up as a blue light shot from her to the locket. "...Laughter...." Suddenly, Lemon Zest's hair rose up as a green and yellow light fired rom her into the locket. "....Generosity..." Another light, this one red, shot forth from Sour Sweet's risen hair and was absorbed by the locket. "....Loyalty..." With that, Indigo Zap's hair reached for the sky as an indigo beam was launched from her towards the locket. ".....And Kindness", Sunset said as she finished her list of the five Elements of Harmony. Sunnie Flare's hair rose as an aqua colored beam was propelled from her and into the locket. However, Twilight was....unimpressed. "So you think you have the magic to stop me?", Twilight asked with a sneer. Sunset gave Twilight a look of pity, with a loud (CLICK!) snapped the fully charged locket shut. "I know you Twilight, and I'm going to show you the greatest magic of all!.....", Sunset yelled, jumping into the air. BOOM!!! A huge blast of white light engulfed Sunset as she threw the locket to the ground. Then, the smoke cleared, and every onlooker gasped as a supercharged Sunset Shimmer came into view, fiery phoenix wings and all. ".....The magic of friendship", Sunset finished. Whereas Twilight was now a being of darkness, this new Sunset was one of light....and fire. "Woohooo!", Indigo yelled enthusiastically. "Go Sunset!" With a unholy screech, Twilight soared towards Sunset. Sunset responded with her own charge, and the two collided in an explosion of magical energy. They collided again and again, with neither of the two being able to gain the advantage. Both girls fired forth beams of magic, and became involved in back and forth power struggle. After a short while, Sunset was becoming hard pressed, and Twilight, sensing victory was near, increased her power output to the maximum, digging down deep to draw forth every scrap of dark energy. However, just as Twilight neared triumph, Spike burst forth from the crowd below. "TWILIGHT!", Spike called out to her in a tragic and desperate voice. Twilight turned her head towards Spike and her eyes softened, " Spike?", Twilight whispered. Fortunately for the wavering Sunset, this lapse in Twilight's concentration allowed her to recover and press forth her beam with renewed fervor. Quickly, Twilight snatched her head back to face Sunset, but was unable to stop Sunset's beam from overwhelming her own. "NOOOO!!!", Twilight screamed as she was engulfed by golden magic. Her world went white. When Twilight opened her eyes, she found herself floating in a sea of white with Sunset Shimmer hovering a few feet away from her. Is this Limbo? Twilight thought fearfully. She noticed Sunset floating towards her and averted her eyes. To Twilight's surprise, Sunset didn't yell or attack her, she.....smiled, hand outstretched. Twilight shrank back from Sunset, as tears began to flow from her eyes. "Take my hand Twilight", Sunset said gently. "Let me show you that there's another way." Twilight shrank back once more. Then, she saw the sincerity in Sunsets eyes and soft smile. Slowly, Twilight approached Sunset and took her hand. Sunset pulled Twilight into a hug, and then...... VOOM!!! There was a flash of light, and the girls reappeared in the center of the school courtyard, now in their normal, unpowered forms. By this point, Twilight had completely broken down and was involved in a deep and tearful embrace with Sunset. "I'm so sorry," Twilight said tearfully. "I never meant for any of this too happen." Tears were flowing in torrents down Twilight's cheeks. "I know, " Sunset said reassuringly. "But judging from personal experience, and what I saw from your friends today, they'll forgive you." Twilight withdrew from the hug with a sob as the bystanders started to emerge from their hiding places. "Friends?", Twilight questioned softly. "I didn't have friends before, and after I put on that....freakshow, I'm certainly not going to have any now," Twilight said as she hung her head low. "Don't count on it!", Indigo Zap assured as she surprised Twilight with heart slap on the back. "Wha--What?", Twilight asked, confused. "We are you're friends Twilight", Sunny explained in a kind voice. "That is, if you can forgive us for how we treated you." "Of course I forgive you!", Twilight exclaimed. "I only hope that you girls can forgive me for my....episode." " Of course," Sunny said warmly. "Certainly", Sour Sweet declared. " Well duh," Lemon Zest said, giving Twilight a goodhearted nudge on the shoulder. " We're friends and that's a fact", Indigo sated with a nod. "Don't even mention it Twilight," Sugercoat said. "I think it's safe to say that we all prefer normal you to the evil demon version." The girls proceeded to engage in a group hug. Spike, unable to contain his excitement any longer, jumped into Twilight's arms and started to lick her face fiercely. Sunset Smiled warmly at the group, locket in hand, and started to speak. " Now we just need to find someplace safe to put the lock--- "THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!!", a furious voice declared, cutting off Sunset's statement. It soon became clear that the voice came from none other than Principal Abacus Cinch herself. Cinch stormed across the courtyard to where Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna stood. "Principal Celestia, I demand that you're school forfeit the Friendship Games!", Principal Cinch demanded. "Oh, and why is that?", Vice Principal Luna asked icily. Cinch gave her a look loaded with contempt. "Rampant use of magic to give Canterlot High an advantage over Crystal Prep, which resulted might I add, in the demonic transformation of one of my students!", Principal Cinch declared hotly. "Not gonna happen," Principal Celestia said firmly. " Forfeit this instant," Cinch demanded, "Or I will have no choice but to report this whole incident to the SCHOOL BOARD!!" " Oh yes, I'm sure that they will be fascinated by you're description of the magical locket," Principal Celestia said with a giggle. " I think that their favorite part will be the one where portals to an alternate dimension are opened," Luna joked. "Let's not forget the talking dog!," Spike added cheerfully. "There's also the part where Principal Cinch manipulated Twilight and used peer pressure along with a song number to trick Twilight into opening a magic locket that resulted in her transformation into a dark magic infused, infernal killing machine," Sugarcoat said levelly. Jaws dropped and people stared at Sugercoat, who shrugged. "Okay, so I'm blunt, big deal," Sugercoat said, blushing. Realization dawned in the eyes of Principal Cinch, and with a growl, she turned on her heel, and angrily strode off the way she had came, giving Twilight and her friends a cold look as she passed them. Principal Celestia picked up a microphone, and cleared her throat. " THE FRIENDSHIP GAMES ARE A TIE!",Celestia yelled into the microphone. A resounding cheer went up from the students of both Canterlot High, and Crystal Prep. Twilight's own celebratory shouting was interrupted when she noticed that Sunny had a grim frown on her face. "What's wrong?", Twilight asked worryingly. "I'm afraid old Cinch is going to be directing her anger at US from now on", Sunny replied with a sigh. Twilight wrapped an arm around her friends shoulder, and smiled. "Well,whatever happens," Twilight said, " We're all gonna face it together." The six girls shared a team high five, and joined in cheering with everyone else. Twilight, along with her friends, faced an uncertain future. Only one thing was certain: Canterlot High was no longer the only school with a Mane 6.