> A Gamer's Journal > by Michael Hudson > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Book > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button Mash took a deep breath in, losing himself to the game as he sat alone in his room. He had been playing Papers, Please for almost an hour now, and finally was getting into his groove. No mistakes were to be made at his border point. He would examine every document like he should, make sure everything was in accordance to the rules, and then let the person in. That was how you played, and that was how he would play right now. Just do that, and he would win. Oh, and are they going to tell you how to live so you can win life too? Button blinked, watching as a sheet of paper came onto the game’s screen. He had made a mistake, let his concentration slip. He wouldn’t do it again. He wanted to be lost in the game right now, know nothing other than its simple bliss. He had even told Rumble to leave so he could. Oh, how precious. Are you trying to ignore me? Or are you so lost in that little world that you can’t hear me? “Damnit!” He gripped the sides of his computer harder as the next warning, his last one, came onto screen. Button was better than this. When he was in the zone, his friends would be silent, simply to watch who they considered the master. He wasn’t about to let some teasing get to him. Oh, Diamond, maybe it’s a family simulator? Something to take his mind off the fact that- Button shut his eyes. Diamond even said Silver Spoon had gone too far with that one. It wasn’t one to worry about. Just a stupid comment from a wanna-be bully. Diamond even apologized before running off, so he shouldn’t- -his mom is dead. Button almost threw his computer onto the ground beside him as he screamed. He didn’t care who heard, he didn’t care what other ponies thought, he just needed to let it out. The brown colt had of course tried to deny it. He was good at that, but today had been too much. The image of his mother had flashed into his head when she said that, and he couldn’t stop thinking about it. His arms came around his legs as he shook, his whole body quaking in rage, pain, sadness… he didn’t know at this point. He was eighteen, but that hardly seemed to matter now. He was still just a little colt, unable to do a damn thing about the world he lived in. And now, he didn’t even have his mom. A buzz came from his computer, and he heard the sound of text scrolling from his game. He glanced over his arms, Button’s mind reflexively trying to figure out why the game would do that. He was just sitting there in the booth, so there should have been music, maybe, and that’s it. The sound of text on the screen, of a character talking to his, came again, and he reached over, happy for the distraction. Looking at it, a smiling woman was on screen, with a much kinder, more beautiful design than the pixelated graphics should have allowed. Hello, dear Button Mash. I’m from the head office of Chaotic Industries. We sensed a lot of sadness coming from this location, and looked into it. We wish to give you a gift, to help alleviate your pain. Further down, it continued with, It could even allow you some control over your world again. Button stared for a few moments, an in game keyboard having appeared so he could talk back. He slowly typed out, Why should I trust you or anything you have? You said you’re with chaos. Why yes, I am, but has harmony done you so well? I mean… no, bringing her up would simply be mean. A spasm of pain shot through Button, and he tried moving the mouse to close the window. This was so strange, and he knew tricks like these, simply to get him to stay. He wouldn’t be scammed by some con artist that had hacked his computer. I’m not hacking your computer, and do you really have other options? I offer you control, power, abilities, and you just want to go back. Do you not wish you could bend the rules so you could win at life once more? Button stopped, his cursor just over the red X. It would be so easy to leave. A simple click of the mouse, and he would be done. He glanced up, taking in his small room, one he didn’t even know if he would be allowed to keep for much longer. A tear fell down his face as he looked back, and moved the cursor to the keys once more. What is your gift? A book. It’s already in your bag. All you need to do with it is write a decree at the end of the day. The next day, that request will go into effect, and you may see the consequences. One a day is almost the only limitation, along with no causing of death, removal of another’s death, and no drastic change of another’s mind or personality. If what you decree is severe, such as forcing mares at your school to all wear nothing, they may find their minds changing anyways, just as time passes and they’re so… exposed. Button barely even paused before typing his response. This sounds too good to be true. There has to be a real catch. The woman on screen tilted her head, before devil horns appeared on her skull. Well, I suppose there is one. The book’s ability to change things is linked to my power, and vice-versa. The more chaos you create with the book, the stronger I get, and the more you can do. Of course, I would never hurt you, or anything like that, as you would be my kind knight, helping me free myself so I may visit you, and reward you like a succubus should. A grin appeared on her face as she stated that last bit, and the clothes on the woman changed to much more… provocative attire. This time, Button waited longer to respond, not wanting to turn her down, but not wanting to cause more pain either. What about my friends? Even if you wanted to hurt them, could I make sure you didn’t? You and I will be partners, two sides of the same deal. I do not wish to upset you, just please, do not try to upset me and use the book for harmonious reasons. Doesn’t that sound fair? Button hovered his fingers over the mouse, before slowly typing, Yes. Then the book in your bag will be able to be opened, and I do hope you’ll have fun with it. Keep in touch! The woman stepped to the right, and instead of a warning, a contract came from the bottom of the screen. Before he could read it, he saw his name sign itself, and the paper disappeared, all while laughter played. The young stallion leaned back, his body shaking as he looked to the ceiling. He hadn’t been expecting anything like that, and a part of him still felt like it was some sort of prank. One of his hands groped his bed, searching for his backpack before soon finding it. He pulled it close, and looked within. Inside, he spotted a thin, black journal, waiting to be written in. His mouth dried up, and he reached forward, taking ahold of the hard leather. A swift pull, and it was free. Opening the pages revealed them to be blank, waiting for his commands. Button Mash’s mouth was as dry as a desert as he picked up his pen, and tried to figure out what to write. > A Simple Apology > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I want Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara to apologize to me. Button pulled his hand away from the book, watching the paper as it sat there. Nothing came of his action though, and the young stallion soon enough realized that he felt kind of silly expecting anything more. With one hand he scooped up the book, closing it as he placed it on a desk near his bed. “I guess we’ll just have to see what happens tomorrow then.” ======+++++====== Button Mash stepped onto the school grounds, his head far from the book at this point. He knew he needed to talk to Rumble and make sure that his family was still okay with him staying over. His friend made sure the house wasn’t cold, as his father and brother were using grief as their newest excuse not to come home. Now he simply needed to make sure his request for space yesterday hadn’t lost him that bit of comfort. It was while he was going past the jungle gym of his youth though that he heard an all too familiar and sharp voice. “Hold it, Button!” He swallowed hard, his body shaking a little bit. While he had gotten used to their bullying over the years, he knew he was fragile right now. It wasn’t only Silver’s last taunt that had made him skip on most of the school day yesterday, and he hoped he wouldn’t need to go again. Still, he couldn’t just avoid them, and turned around. “Yes?” Diamond pulled on Silver’s hand, stopping the gray mare from walking away as they stopped in front of him. Diamond looked tired, with hairs out of place on her normally perfect purple and white mane. That didn’t change the fact that he couldn’t help but wish she was kinder, as the white sweater and blue skirt she normally wore were really cute on her smaller body, and even did well to compliment her modest bosom well… not that he normally noticed. She looked over to Silver while a sharp breath escaped her. “So, Silver?” Silver straightened her back as her eyebrows narrowed at Button. Unlike Diamond, Silver’s attire reflected her need to make known her presence, while Diamond’s aura did that for her. This was why she wore a low cut, dark blue blouse that showed off some of her average cleavage, tight, black yoga pants, and slightly heeled purple boots. She sneered at him, before looking to the sky. A swift elbow to the ribs almost brought the mare down, and she bit into her lip before turning to Diamond. “Fine, Dia, but only for you.” She then turned to Button, her cold, purple eyes staring at him. “I’m sorry for what I said yesterday. It was too far, and I shouldn’t have done it.” With a turn of her heel, she was gone, marching back to the school. A small growl escaped Diamond Tiara as she rubbed her temples. “The one time she won’t listen to me. The one time!” Button swallowed hard, the book now in the forefront of his mind as he tried getting his mind to work. An apology out of Silver Spoon was rare enough, and one out of Diamond Tiara was unheard of. If the book worked though, it should be coming. “I-It’s okay. I’m just happy she said it at all.” The pink mare across him grit her teeth as she watched Silver Spoon walk away. It was still pretty close to when they actually had to be in class, so not many other ponies were out with them, and he was starting to fidget, not really wanting to be there for if Diamond lost it. He jumped a bit when she swiveled her head towards him, a slight blush hitting her cheeks as she didn’t meet his eyes. “Shut your eyes. I’ll apologize properly for both of us.” He opened his mouth, confused, but before he could get it out, it earned him a harsher growl from Diamond, and he shut them hard. He could feel every nerve in his body scream as he stood there, and they all thought they were correct as her hands intertwined with his. They were very soft, and one even contained a piece of paper that was pressed into his palm. Something sweet came up his nose, and he opened his eyes just in time to see a field of purple and white in his vision. And then there were her lips. They were the first ever to come against his, other than his mother’s, and they somehow felt… better. They were soft, tender, and warm, and unlike his mom, they didn’t immediately leave. His body almost reacted instinctively, and began to wrap his arms around her, pressing his lips back against her as he felt her soft, petite body press against his black gamer shirt and blue jeans. It was at this moment that he started spinning his arms as he leaned forward too much, and Diamond backed away, her face now a deep shade of red. He could hear her swallow as she turned away, her body trembling as he regained his balance. “W-when my dad found out about what happened yesterday, he wanted to show his support a-and invite you to the opportunity to have dinner with us. We-we’ll need you to call first, so, um, you have my number. Okay? Good? Bye.” She began walking away while Button was still in a daze, his hands to his lips, but turned around before she got too far, stomping back before she put a finger into his face. “Also, if you tell a single soul that I kissed you, I will not only deny it, but make sure you pay sorely for mentioning it.” She stared into his eyes for another moment before nodding, and swiftly walking away once more. Button blinked a few times, the emotional gears in his head having ground to a complete halt as he watched Diamond’s skirt sway side to side. He had no idea what had just happened, but the five minute bell at least gave him an idea as to what he should be doing. ======+++++====== Button took in a deep breath as the final bell of the school day rang out clear. His head had cleared at this point, and he had watched Diamond tease and bully other ponies… though she left him alone, so he still couldn’t quite make his mind up about that. It didn’t matter at the moment, as him and Rumble were planning on doing pizza and video games tonight, because it was Tuesday and they could. Soft fingers wrapped around his wrist as he got up, his heavy backpack over his shoulders as he looked. Staring back were the same blue eyes that had always meant safety and kindness to him for so many years when he wasn’t home; the one other adult he was truly comfortable talking to: Miss Cheerilee. “Oh, um, s-sorry about yesterday.” The dark pink mare shook her head, smiling as her heaving breasts slightly swayed with her body underneath a white, button up blouse. While by no means a trim mare, carrying slight tufts of softness that may not have been quite necessary, she was still a beautiful mare, especially in her soft green slacks, though he always felt… weird thinking about his teacher as anything like beautiful or sexy. Now, saying she had a beautiful voice, he would give in a heartbeat, and the soft melody caught his attention immediately. “I know it must have been hard after the accident last week. Honestly, I was surprised to see you here at all. The strength you’ve shown is incredible, almost beyond compare when your age is taken into account.” His cheeks flared with heat as he looked down, slowly brushing at the floorboards with his tail as it swayed back and forth, despite a pit of pain welling up within him. “I… I just know it’s what mom would have wanted. She ge-got enough hiding from the other parts of my family.” Cheerilee’s face softened, and her arms soon wrapped around him, pulling the slumped stallion into her chest, where he didn’t even pause. The embrace of an older mare, especially into large chests like Cheerilee’s... he had spent many nights like this before at home when life got too hard for him, and he felt tears sting the edges of his eyes. He wouldn’t cry though, not here at least... maybe at home though. He didn’t want to break down at school. She let him part from her as he violently ran an arm along his eyes, clearing the ‘dust’ from them before he looked back to her. “Th-thanks. It’s good to know you’re still here for me.” Cheerilee stood up and gently bopped him on the top of the head as they stayed close. “I would never abandon one of my students when they needed me most, especially when they’re as nice and innocent as you. Now,” she held out a hand, “why don’t you give me your phone, so that if you ever truly need me, you can reach me?” Button nodded furiously as he pulled out his cellphone and handed it to Cheerilee. After another moment, he got it back, and was rushing back home. Rumble and pizza were waiting! ======+++++====== Button yawned as he came into his room. The night had been filled with Chaos 3 and Borderlands: the pre-sequel, while a warm belly full of greasy pizza sat happily within him. All he needed to do now was take another drink of Mountain Dew, brush his teeth, and go to bed. Buzz, buzz. He glanced down at his pocket, wondering who might be calling him so late, only to see no number, but a name. Kiara. Opening the text explained it almost immediately, as it was a reminder for him to add writing a commandment to his list. A chill went down his spine as he realized that she had a tendency to act like she could read his mind, even before the contract. Still, she did have a point, and after the apology he got from Diamond, he was sold that the book could indeed work. The only question now is what he would try next. > Mother Figures > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button Mash tapped his pen against the desk by his bed, thinking about what he might do. His thoughts turned to the day, what with its confusion and fun, and smiled to himself, before the smile slipped for a moment. He didn’t quite know why it did, especially when he tried to focus on Rumble and him playing video games, but something just felt… empty. He looked to the book, biting into his lip as he thought of how to maybe change something so that he wouldn’t feel like this tomorrow night. The pen touched the page, and he slowly wrote, Cheerilee will welcome me into her home whenever I ask, and never ask me to leave. Lifting the pen away, nothing more happened. Just like the night before. With a soft thwump the journal came to be closed as he let out a sigh. “Please, please don’t trick me this time.” ======+++++====== “You want to stay the night, Button? Are you sure?” He nodded slowly, breathing in deeply as he looked down upon Cheerilee, who was still sitting at her desk. “I thought it might be a good idea for me to try to get out and hang out with somepony who didn’t just want to play video games, maybe have some real food again. Otherwise, I may have asked Sweetie Belle.” A slight giggle escaped Cheerilee as she stood up, her hands deftly picking up books and papers that she began to put into her bag “Well, I would be happy to host you then. I’ll admit, it’s a little weird to think of having a student at my house,” she paused, and Button noticed a red aura radiate from her eyes, “but I don’t see why you would be a problem.” A sigh of relief escaped Button as he readjusted his backpack, a soft smile lighting up his face. His own face was feeling a little warm, as the thought of staying at his teacher’s house was a little awkward to him as well. He just needed to look at her like it was staying with his mom. They would have fun, hang out, she would cook, and then they would go to bed in different rooms. It all sounded so nice to Button. And for so long, it was! The two began by talking about recent events around the town with the normal disinterest Ponyville citizens gained towards the unusual. If Manehatten had seen half of its city burned, the event would be talked in hushed tones for years. For Button and Cheerilee, it was simply small talk so as to pass the time, even though it happened only about a week ago. Getting to Cheerilee’s quaint, little house, Button couldn’t help but smile to himself. The living room itself was fairly boring, with only a couch and chair pointed at a television decorating it, along with a nice, soft, green rug that covered most of the floor. Her cutie mark and other flowers covered the walls and even made it onto a few throw pillows, but it still gave it a calm, simple appeal. The kitchen, on the other hand, was anything but simple. It had a large table in the middle of it, able to sit maybe eight people, along with counters lining every part of the wall that they could. The granite counters gave a clean gleam off of them, something his mother could never do, even after she got hers polished, and the tools! Knives, spatulas, forks, spoons, ladles; almost any sort of tool to cook with, you could find it on the walls. “Wow. Mom never had a place like this.” Cheerilee smiled brightly at that as she stood behind him, her hands placed on his shoulders, the tall mare’s heaving chest currently using his head to prop themselves up. “It’s my pride and joy to be honest. There’s a reason why I like to bake something for all my students whenever I have an excuse. No matter how frustrated I am, cooking can help me relax.” Button tapped his chin as he thought for a moment, before a smile spread over his face. “Is that why we got cookies after the whole Gabby Gums incident a few years back?” Cheerilee’s mane rose for a moment as her grip on his shoulders tightened. “I was merely trying to make sure everypony knew we were all still friends. Nothing more.” Button couldn’t help but bust out laughing at the comment, which swiftly got him kicked right out of the kitchen. He was told he didn’t have to leave, but since she wanted to treat him with a surprise, he had to stay out of the kitchen. Now, for many ponies, a few magazines and a soft couch was all that they would need to pass the time. For Button, who had purposefully not brought his Joy Boy so as to make sure he had a change of pace, it was torture. To say the least, it took him a lot less time than others to start exploring the house, his own inner voice narrating his epic journey to find… something. As long as it’s more interesting than sitting there doing nothing, I’ll take anything. No matter how hard he searched, high, low, or medium, he could find nothing. No captivating books amongst her romance shelves, no grown up magazines, at least for a stallion’s pleasure, in the bathrooms, and no trinkets that spoke when he nudged them. Not that he had expected to find anything really, but he had hoped for something, anything. Of course, there was the one room he hadn’t gone in. Button looked back towards the still closed kitchen door, and made up his mind. Within a few moments, his shaking hands had turned the knob to Cheerilee’s bedroom, and he took his first, slow step in. While he knew she wouldn’t tell him to leave, there was no reason for him to think he was actually allowed in here. Of course, he didn’t plan to snoop much. No closets, no drawers, just what he could find on the… The young colt stood there, staring at a letter on a long dresser, that was surrounded by dozens of others. How the letters curved, arced, and the language used all told him one thing. They weren’t just plain, old letters. They were letters from his mom. Button slammed his hands down onto the table before one moved and slowly lifted the first. It was simple, maybe from two years ago, and about his addiction to gaming. Or, to be more specific, about how it could help him learn. Others were about being lenient on him for something stupid he had done, while a whole set covered her moans and groans over her lazy husband, and how he never came home. It was the one saying that she didn’t know what she would do if Button wasn’t there that finally broke him. The week of confidence and bravery melted away as he returned to being the colt he so desperately wished he could. Tears fell, staining the papers as his body shook. It was then that a hand placed itself onto his shoulder. “I thought those might help you open up. Button, I know you probably haven’t talked to anypony, but I’m right here, just like I was for your-” Cheerilee as cut off as Button whipped around, the letter clenched in one hand. The brown stallion pointed a finger at Cheerilee, his body now shaking for a new reason as his mind kept sinking lower and lower. “No! You weren’t there! Almost nopony was there in the E.R. with me. It all happened too fast for them to get called. I… I almost…” The sound of the paper crinkling filled the space as he looked down, his fists balled against his head. “No! This isn’t how I’m allowed to act. I… I’m the responsible one.” Cheerilee started to embrace him, but he backed away from her, his scowl becoming worse as he hit the wall. “Button, I’m here for you. You don’t need to just tough this out. Please, Love Tap wouldn’t want you-” “Shut up!” Button slammed his fists against the wall, his mind screaming as he stared through Cheerilee. “You… you don’t know what she would want. Nopony does. I… I don’t…” He watched as Cheerilee stepped closer, her arms outstretched for him. She just wanted to help, just wanted to let him know that he was not alone. Just like his mom. He didn’t care about Cheerilee screaming after him as he burst through her front door, now running through the streets as the last rays of light went below the horizon. Button just wanted to be home now. He didn’t need to depend on anypony else. He would do just fine, and the little book there would make sure he would be happy. Make sure he forgot. He just had to figure out the right way to do it. > A Deal with a Devil > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button slammed the door behind him as he entered the darkening house. His body shook as he stared at the couch in the living room, empty because he had sent Rumble away earlier that day. His fingers wrapped around the banister leading upstairs as the rest of him tensed up. “I… I don’t need him. I’m okay.” A shaky breath entered his lungs as he thought about Cheerilee. “I don’t need anypony.” His hooves echoed in the darkness as he slowly made his way up. The book was the only thing on his mind, and he was about to make sure that what he said was true. He wouldn’t need to worry about school, his worthless family, nothing. This next wish would make all of that meaningless. He passed by his mother’s room and slowly opened the door to his own, still leaving the lights off. He smiled to himself as the Steel Stallion in his head switched into Batpony. If brooding would make him that, maybe he would stay in the shadows for the rest of his life. The grin soon faded as he picked up the book from his bedside table. “No. I’m nothing like those guys. I’ll just be a guy with a lot of money.” He flipped the pages open, breathing in deeply as he tapped the pen against the paper. Button didn’t want to be too angry whenever he wrote in it, because he knew that could cause him issues down the line. The idea of Cheerilee thinking he needed to cry with her was all he could think of, but he knew his next wish would get him all the distractions he needed. I demand that I get a debit card, Button winced as his head throbbed in pain, that never runs he felt his hand begin to burn and throb, but ignored the pain as he wrote, out. His eyes shot open instantly as a shock ran through him. He saw the command be scratched out, just before his vision became red and he had to shut his eyes. His mind felt like it was trying to rip itself out of his skull, and he could feel the agony from his left hand as a tear ran up the side of it. A scream ripped itself out of his lungs before clawed fingers wrapped around his throat. He opened his eyes, the pain beginning to ebb as the side of his face was pet by the other being. “Now, I did warn you about power, didn’t I? And for something so… common? Ugh, you disappoint me, Button.” Button looked down, noticing that he could still see past her hand. He tried gripping the demon’s arm, but it passed through, earning him a chuckle from her. “Sorry, but it’s taking quite a bit of my energy to even do this much. I’m barely on this plane, like a poltergeist. If this little incident had waited though, I could have done so much to incentivise you to not make the same error twice.” Button shuddered as he felt Kiara’s tongue run along the back of his ear, and the grip on her mouth loosened. “Wha-what did I do?” Kiara turned his head enough so as to make half of her face visible. Her red eyes pierced into his soul as her blue hair framed the beautiful, pale face. “I can only put so much of my power to the book. When you try for something that takes too much, it tries to pull from me for it, and while I’ll let you have it at times for a price, something so major, positive for you, and boring like infinite money is going to make you pay, with no reward.” Button’s breathing started coming in weaker as his body shook in fear. “But… I just wanted to-” “Feel better, I know. And,” she leaned in closer to his face, “I want you to feel better too. I wouldn’t have ever given you this book if I didn’t think that it would be interesting to see you recover from this. I can only do so much though... without you doing more for me.” Button tried placing a hand on the succubus’s leg so as to feel like he had real company, but it simply went through. Fair trade was seeming to not be a part of their deal. Kiara grinned as the thought left his mind, and she whispered, “You chose to work with a demon. What did you expect?” He looked down, tears welling up in his eyes again as he tried to get out of her grasp. She let him turn away, and he stared at the wall for a few moments before Kiara came back, running her claws underneath his shirt and letting her large bosom be felt upon Button’s back. “Hey, don’t get that sad. How about you make a new command? Something simpler, funner, happier even! I know you can do it.” Button looked back to her. “You just want more power.” Kiara shook her head before leaning forward and kissing Button. It was a little weird, as he could feel her hot lips against his, but the moment he tried to put his tongue into hers, it hit nothing. Her lips were like soft clouds, and made up for it wonderfully. She pulled away and smiled. “I’m not looking to raise my rank or anything like that. I just want into this world, and I want to see a pony unlike so very many do what with my powers as he will. If I could let you do whatever you wished, I would. I promise.” He stared at the succubus for a few moments, taking in her lithe, soft looking body. Now that she allowed him to actually look at her real form, he could see her massive bosom staring back under black clasps that came around from the back. All they covered though were her nipples, and not even those were fully hidden. Her body went further to be curved almost perfectly, with a smaller, tighter rump that he could see his hands gripping into tightly. Those too were barely covered by underwear either. He blinked a few times, before looking down as he realized how unbelievable this all was. “Why me?” She patted his face as her form began to break up. “Instead of some pervert? That would have been too easy. Besides, not all demons are pure evil. Just… mostly.” She waved bye to him as she became fully translucent. “Don’t mess up now, okay?” Button winced as the pain in his arm stopped, and he looked down to see a healing scar on it, instead of a wide open gash. Even the blood that he knew must have been pouring out earlier had left, leaving his bed and the book still clean. He wasn’t quite in the mood for questioning it though, not when Kiara was right. The last wish had been boring, and he could do better. I mean, money is good, but I’ve never liked the simple route in games. He picked up the pen again, an odd heat dwelling within him as he looked to the pages, happy that he had messed up. It had allowed his demonic partner to help him see clearly, and now, he could have the fun that she wanted him to. > A Diamond of a Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I’m just saying, this is insane!” “If you’re really so against it Silv, you are always welcome over to my house. However, I promised him that I would let him come over, and I am not about to go against my word, especially not with him.” “But it’s the nerd, remember? We aren’t supposed to care about them.” Button took a deep breath in, his back flat against the side of the school as he listened to the conversation. He knew it was bad to eavesdrop, but Diamond had told her to meet with him here. Unfortunately, he had obviously walked into a conversation he should not have been a part of. Maybe if I slink away for fifteen minutes, Diamond Tiara will still be here?” “Look, Button should be here soon, so can we drop it?” “Fine. Just remember to drop him too.” “Silv, you know-” “I know, I know, but some of us don’t have the luxury of having the richest father in Ponyville, and need to actually remember our status at all times. That’s what you taught me.” “Silver, just go, okay?” “Fine!” Button jumped again as Silver Spoon stomped past him. He didn’t dare breathe as he watched the gray mare fume, not until she was around the corner at least. In the silence though, his ear twitched, and he thought he heard something that he thought impossible. Button slowly looked around the corner, and saw Diamond Tiara on one of the school’s benches, her face in her hands. He didn’t think before acting, despite the fact that anypony else would probably call him crazy. He extended a hand out to Diamond, now standing over the pink mare, and he tried to smile, at least a little. “A-are you okay, Diamond Tiara?” The mare jumped at the sound, and her eyes only grew wider at the sight of Button. She blinked a few times, before only then noticing that she still had tears on her face and ran the sleeve of her sweater over her eyes. “Um, yeah, just stubbed my toe. Nothing else.” Button sat beside her on the bench and put his hand on her shoulder. “A-are you sure? I thought I heard you and Silver, and it didn’t sound-” “How much did you hear?” Button froze, swallowing hard as he scrambled for an answer. He knew he should be honest, that he heard they were fighting about her being nice to him, but he was also afraid that saying that would cause Diamond to stop all of this. Fortunately for him, he was cut off. “Miss Tiara, Master Button Mash, I have arrived.” Both of the ponies looked to the butler, who was standing at the entrance of the schoolyard, and Diamond Tiara seemingly launched herself from the bench. Button jogged to catch up with her once he had recovered from his shock and opened his mouth to say something, as she looked so stiff, and… he didn’t know. He couldn’t come up with anything though, not without running into the same problem he had a few moments ago. The two shuffled into the limousine that had been brought for them, and Button heard the leather seats squeak as he tried to get comfortable. That attempt became even more futile when he looked to Diamond, who had crossed her nice, smooth legs, and still wore a cute, blue skirt. They looked so good on her, while not even a button up white shirt and black slacks could make him feel like he could fit in. The triforce collar pin may be in part to blame for that though. He still thumbed it, trying to get some courage from it. “Umm, so any idea what we may be having tonight?” Diamond glanced over at him, before staring back out of the window. “I don’t know. You didn’t give us a lot of notice, you know.” She was silent for the next moment as Button looked down, before adding, “Not that it’s an issue, it just means that I don’t know.” Button tapped his fingers on his legs, before sighing and reaching into his bag. While he had hoped that the two would be able to become actual friends through this, but that seemed like a distant dream already. I should have just let her compose herself and forget about the whole damn thing. So much for wishing that this night would go well. “Umm, what are you playing?” Button glanced over, and blushed slightly as he felt Diamond’s arm touch his. He tilted the Joyboy he had just retrieved, showing her a grid with soldiers and tanks on it. “Just some Advanced Wars. It’s not the most complex game, but I really like it.” She leaned in more, and Button’s breath caught as he could feel her soft, small breasts press against his arm. She tilted her head, still trying to get a good look at the game before frowning. “What’s the objective?” Button grinned as he swallowed hard, not wanting to push Diamond away if this got her to be happy again. “Same as in almost any game. Destroy the enemy.” “But don’t you usually use swords and such? I mean, I don’t even know what those ponies are holding.” Button scrolled over one of his red tanks. “The game takes place in the future where we’ll be able to fire smaller, faster projectiles then crossbows, and make giant cars with cannons on top of them.” Diamond leaned in closer to the screen, a slight red around her eyes as she let Button feel all of her bosom against his arm and side. “That sounds… scary.” Button blushed as he lost his ability to ignore the soft mounds that were against him. He could tell her to get off, but like this, all it would take was for her to wrap her arms around him and remind him of so many nights with his mom as they worked together on strategy games. Of course, his mom didn’t make him quite so… excited, even if she had the larger cans. “That’s why we have these in games, because nopony would be so stupid as to actually make these.” Diamond shuffled over, and let her thigh touch his, which only got Button to blush more. She didn’t seem to notice though as she rested her shoulder on his chest. “I was never good at games like these. Then again, I’m just not very good at games in general.” Button joined in her small laugh, even while his mind was screaming, What is going on? Still, he continued to tap in commands, and didn’t want to make her know he was terrified. He didn’t really know what to do though when with a filly like this. I suppose that’s what happens when the one filly you hang out with is usually online only because she has so many other things to do. He blasted away one of the enemy soldiers, before biting into his cheek. He had almost a three to one numbers advantage at this point, and victory would come for all but the worst of players. He glanced to Diamond, who was still right there, and he nodded to himself. Not only would this help her understand him, it would also get those nerve wracking breasts off of him. “Would you like to finish up?” Diamond blinked a few times, before backing away and waving her hands in the air. “Oh, trust me, you do not want me playing. I am terrible.” Button pretended to lower an imaginary hat, and grinned at her. “Why, do you doubt that the guidance of the grand general Button Mash will not be enough to help you lead our troops to victory?” Diamond smiled a bit as she sucked in her lips, before yanking the Joyboy out of his hands. “Give me that, stupid.” The driver tilted his mirror as the two got louder. They were almost at the house at this point, but if there was a problem, he would probably need to make an extra lap and hope that the two would resolve it. Instead, he smiled as his mistress was screaming about not knowing what to do, and Button was waving his arms and trying to correct her madness. He grinned to himself, thinking about his own Tea Cup and all the times they had been just like that. All good signs for his young mistress. Unfortunately, they came to a stop shortly after the observation, and Button blinked as the driver got out. He looked down as Diamond’s hand came into his peripheral. “Umm, you probably want this back, don’t you?” Button bit into his cheek as he looked at the now opening door. Beyond their driver was the mansion that Diamond Tiara lived in. With its large, white doors, dozens of windows, and trim garden, it put almost every other house in Ponyville to shame. It also made Button even more nervous. This wasn’t his element, and he doubted he would get as comfortable as the two had been just a moment ago. So instead, he devised a plan B, like any good strategist. Button pushed the Joyboy back towards Diamond, and smiled at her. “How about you keep it, but in exchange, you let me bail on this dinner, and instead come over to my place another night, so I can show you more video games? That sounds a lot more fun to me than just a simple dinner.” His grin widened as a small joke popped into his head. “You could even bring pajamas, and it could turn into a full on sleepover!” Diamond had simply been staring at him, her cheeks turning rosier every second before she had to turn away at the last one, the image of her on his bed unable to leave her mind. “I-inviting a mare home to bed? I never took you for the type to be so bold.” Button froze in place, his own head becoming a small, red sun in response to the remark. Before he could answer though, Diamond turned back to him and looked through her hair, letting only one of her beautiful eyes show as she kept her lips small and tight, only making her look even cuter. “That… that sounds really nice though, and maybe I can even impress you then.” Button slowly nodded, and the driver took the cue in the conversation. He slipped around and helped his mistress out, before turning to the stallion inside the car. “Would you perhaps like a ride home then, if Miss Tiara will allow me to?” “Of course I will.” Button swallowed hard and nodded. He had a lot to forget about while playing video games with Rumble tonight, as right now, his head hurt from all the confusion in him. “That sounds good.” So soon, Button Mash was driven away, and missed Diamond Tiara fainting into her other servant’s arms, the whole ride catching up with her in terms of embarrassment. > Small Kindnesses > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Button Mash, can you please stay today?” Button stopped as he faced the back of the classroom. He had successfully avoided Cheerilee the day before, but this time had gotten distracted while talking to Scootaloo about Brawl, and now was the last to leave. He swallowed hard and turned around, his bag in one hand as he clenched its top strap tight. “W-what do you need, Cheerilee?” The pink mare held her hands up. “I won’t try to get you to open up, or talk about Love, but I thought you might want to ask me a few questions about that night. If you’re feeling up to it, that is.” Button shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he now looked to the ground. There was a part of him that wanted her to pry. If she made him mad, he might yell, scream, things he thought he wanted to do. It was a distant part of him though. “I don’t really know if I do.” “Not even about the letters?” Button let the backpack fall as he thought back to the envelopes, and all of the discussion of… him. It was something he hadn’t focused on, but they weren’t just his mother’s praise, but also his mother requesting he be watched. “Why? Why were they there?” Cheerilee nodded and leaned back against her desk. Her and Love Tap had discussed sharing this little secret with him before, but to now have to do it, especially by herself… “Those letters go alot farther back than what I let you see. It was a program to make sure you were growing as you should, and to make sure your teachers were more attentive to how you behaved.” Button walked down the aisle, biting his lip as he got closer. “I-is that why you were always so nice to me?” She shook her head and gripped into the desk tighter. Cheerilee needed him not to think she was an enemy, or anything of that sort, if she were going to be able to help him. “No, it wasn’t. While it made me first take notice of you, it was your charm and kindness that made me care for you as I do. If you had looked at more of them, you would have seen that, as few of them were negative, despite everypony’s worry they would be.” Button took in a sharp breath. Why would other ponies think he would be a troublemaker? Or was it that they thought he would simply be bad at school? “Why exactly did it begin though?” Cheerilee stepped closer and put her hands onto Button’s shoulders before looking into his orange eyes. They were so different from anypony else’s, but still so nice. “Because unlike almost any other pony Ponyville had seen, you liked video games. Not only that, but you adored them. So many times your classmates tried getting you to go out, and you would just stay inside to play games with Love Tap instead. We were afraid you would grow up to be incapable of making friends.” “But I can.” Cheerilee smiled at that, and tilted her head slightly as she beamed at him. “You did, and so your mother’s and I’s correspondence became that of friends with a mutual interest. Us wanting to help the social side of you grow, before anything went wrong.” Button looked down. He didn’t really like hearing that his mother worried about something so basic, especially after he had done so well with Diamond Tiara the day before. Then again, without his mother or Cheerilee pushing him to go outside… would he ever have? He looked back up as Cheerilee touched the side of his face. “One of the reasons I wanted to show you those letters was to remind you not to become a shell. I know you’re with Rumble most of the time, but I also know that you two aren’t really doing much in that empty house. So please, keep seeing others, okay?” Button took in a deep breath, before nodding. He didn’t think he really needed the reminder, but to know that she had just been worried… it was nice. “Thank you, Cheerilee.” She nodded, and started to trot back to behind her desk. “Now, why don’t you run off and have some fun?” He nodded, before running out of the room with his backpack. He didn’t quite know what he would do, but she was right. He had the rest of the day to relax, and a wish for more boobs to see about getting fulfilled. A blush came over Button’s cheeks as he thought about it, and the succubus’s snarky comment about him seeming to finally remember that he was indeed a stallion. His hooves began down the corridor, before seeing Snips and Snails ran past him, a purple bikini top in hand. Snips turned to his compadre and yelled, “I told you we would get killed trying to join Sham’s club!” Snails looked into seemingly the sky, and only didn’t run into a wall because he was being dragged by Snips. “Yeah, but boobs.” Button Mash blinked once as he watched them, his mind trying to process what had happened. He had heard of the Flim Flam’s other brother, Sham, having opened up a club, and that any girl who heard about it hated it, but he had never tried looking into it. What he couldn’t figure out, was why they were- Crash! Button groaned as he regained his senses. Something had barreled into him, possibly going hypersonic from just how much it hurt. The clatter of something made him look up, and he saw a scooter crash to the ground. Shifting his head also made the modest bust his face was in far more apparent. His cheeks grew crimson as his mind began to work, and he was so happy it did. His hands had started acting on their own, and if not for the sudden wake up, he may have ended up grabbing Scootaloo’s taut, but small, bosom. Scootaloo’s fist came down next to his head as he heard her growl, “Damnit!” She then looked down, which caused him to swallow hard, especially since he was still having a hard time looking away from Scootaloo’s hard, pointed nipples. She turned a bit red at seeing him, and slung an arm around herself as she rolled away. Button wasn’t done blushing though, as the pegasus had landed on her hands and knees, with her tight, small rump pointed right at him. Normally clad in tight shorts, Scootaloo’s ass was already a wonder to most stallions. When only in the purple swimsuit she wore that was so tight that the fabric sank into her crotch and outlined it, at least right now, it was damn near irresistible. Button Mash babbled a little bit while Scootaloo turned over and leaned against the wall. “That fucking pervert’s club!” She glared down the hall, before muttering something about how she wouldn’t catch them now. Her eyes then turned back to Button, and she shifted her arm just to make sure her nipples were definitely covered. “Umm, h-hey.” Button cautiously waved back, trying to take his eyes off of her almost naked body, and failing miserably. “Hey, Scootaboob. Ho-” He froze, only then realizing what he said, the red tinge in his eyes fading as Scootaloo blushed more. “Please don’t say you’re as bad as those creeps.” Button waved his hands in front of him, ‘I’m not, I swear. I don’t even know what they were doing!” Scootaloo glared at him for another moment, before getting more comfortable against the wall, her other hand coming up to cover her breasts completely. Button noticed this, and he gears in his brain finally slammed back into gear. He almost tore his shirt off, he was so determined, and threw it to Scootaloo. “T-to cover yourself.” She blushed looking at it, but one glance down the hall, and she knew she needed it. She pulled the black t-shirt over her, and Button had to swallow some saliva as he got to see the cute, small mounds once more. She then looked at him and shook her head. “I can’t believe I thought you’d join something as stupid as the gentleman’s club.” Button saw an opening, and mimicked having a cane in front of him as he went for an old timey, Neighminster accent. “Now, now, I do normally consider myself a gentleman, so why wouldn’t I?” Scootaloo chuckled, before sighing. “Because you aren’t a dick to girls, or willing to steal their panties just to get help seeing more boobs or some shit like that.” “What?” Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “That Sham jackass realized that he could open a frat or some shit in Ponyville, did so, and one of the ways to get in and get his ‘amazing advice’ is to bring a girl’s underwear. That’s why those idiots tore my top off. I didn’t even get into the freaking water before they got me.” Button narrowed his gaze, remembering dozens of talks between him and his mother about women in video games. Those nights had pounded into him a memory that woman could be strong, and that you didn’t even try shit like this. Not when being nicer always won in the end. “That’s disgusting.” Scootaloo nodded. “I hear there’s an membership fee too, so I bet RD or somepony else’ll break it up, but until then…” She grit her teeth before screaming, “Fuck!” Button trotted over, and slid down next to her. “Hey, at least this was small, right? It’s just some stupid club that’ll be gone soon. Besides, they’ll wisen up. We aren’t the fillies and colts that were once allowed to just say mares were stupid and get away with it anymore.” Scootaloo leaned back, before looking at him from the corner of her eye. The group had only been there for maybe two weeks, shortly before the fire, and she had heard that guys were already beginning to expose it for what it was. Still, she wished more stallions were like Button, and didn’t need some sort of scam to remind them of how good mares could be. Scootaloo shifted herself, and sat on her knees so she could face Button properly. “Hey, mind if I thank you for not being a stupid creep or anything like that?” Button blushed as he thought about a friend having to even think of thanking him for that. “Kind of, especially since I saw your-” He stopped when Scootaloo pulled on his shoulder, and gave him a quick kiss. “Wha?” “That, was for saying what you did. This,” she paused as she lifted her shirt, and gave Button full view of her body and curves, “is to remind you to keep being awesome, and maybe keep me in your mind.” Button let out a small croak, unable to say anything as he was not just seeing them by accident, but being flashed entirely on purpose. Not only that, but she was still in only her swimsuit bottoms, so it was almost like she was bare-ass naked. A giggle caused her nipples to shake a bit, and he heard her say, “Go on, take a picture, I trust you.” He slowly raised his phone, his mind on autopilot by now, and probably not coming back for a while. Once he took the picture, he felt her lips against his again, and she stood up tall. “I’ll give you the shirt back tomorrow, okay? And hey, don’t enjoy the pic too much.” Button nodded, and stayed in the hallway for almost another hour before beginning to head home. On the way though, his phone rang, and he glanced down at it. It was the demon, and she was calling him. “Hi.” “I hope you didn’t mind that it wasn’t Diamond’s bosom you saw. I, of course, would love to see all of Ponyville under you some day, but I know you ponies also believe in things like monogamy, so if this type of stuff is gonna be an issue, we should probably talk.” Button stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. While Diamond nagged at him for a moment, he could also remember the nights his mom came home drunk. Those were the nights they would snuggle the closest, and she would bitch about how his father probably cheated on her, and yet she was ever faithful to him. Monogamy destroyed his mother those nights, and with this power, and thoughts of Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, and even Cheerilee dancing around his head, he knew that such a concept would only hurt those he wanted to be close to. “No, I’m fine with it.” “You don’t sound fine.” “I promise I am.” “Would you like me to add a bonus to your wish tonight? Make it so that mares are more open to you being with others? It won’t make them instantly okay, but it will open up the idea for them, instead of being a flatout no.” Button was silent for a moment, before whispering, “Yes, please.” > Smash Through... Anger? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button Mash hummed to himself as he set down a tray of pizza rolls onto the table. He then glanced over to the rest of the living room and nodded himself. The Wii U was set up, Smash Bros was setup, with characters for the four of them, just in case they decided to play with the miss, so now he just had to wait. He sank into the couch with a sigh of relief. He had expected something to go wrong before now, but instead, he had been left alone to work on his plan. Now, the big question was whether or not his wish would be strong enough. He could have probably just wished for the CMC to agree to what he had planned, but he was beginning to look further. If they were all going to possibly be with him someday, a wish like them enjoying his ideas more would be better. Or at least, he hoped. His phone buzzed, and he looked at the message with a smile. It was from Kiara, and telling him he could do it, but it still made him happy. A few taps later and he thanked her, though he couldn’t help but wonder if he should fear a demon’s approval. The next text didn’t help with her saying she just wanted him to be happy. Then again, telepathy was not the most attractive of powers for a partner. He may have contemplated it more, had the doorbell not rung then. Button hopped over, shaking off the bad feeling as he opened the door. Before he could even really tell who it was, two, strong arms wrapped themselves around him, and he was squeezed into a somewhat above average pair of breasts. He smiled, knowing there was only one of his friends who was tall enough to do this. “Hey, Apple Bloom.” Apple Bloom pushed him away, her button up, checkered shirt letting her chest bounce as she smiled. “I’m just happy you called me this morning. I know an eighteen year old Apple is supposed to do more farmwork, but this is starting to get ridiculous.” She then put her hands onto Button’s face and came uncomfortably close. “How is my favorite stallion doing though? I know we’ve been a bit distant, but...” Button waved his hands in front of him. “Please, don’t worry about it. I know it can make people uncomfortable, but I know mom would want me to move on. At least, that’s what I keep telling myself.” Apple Bloom reached down to his hand and squeezed it. “You’re doing well from what I know, and you’re still moving forward. I can really admire that.” The two smiled at each other, before a knock came from the open door. Scootaloo grinned, now in a pair of tight running shorts and a plain, blue t-shirt. She walked in, swaying her hips and patted Button’s cheek as she put the shirt from yesterday in his hand. “Don’t you two look cute together?” Button and Apple Bloom both blushed, before Button tossed the shirt to a different room, just in case Bloom hadn’t noticed. Scootaloo giggled as she sat on one of the recliners in the room, and popped the top to a soda. “So, what’s the plan, my gentleman?” Apple Bloom’s eye twitched for a moment. “Button, if you’ve joined that group-” “No!” Button shook his head furiously. “Scootaloo is just referencing a conversation we had yester…” He stopped as he saw Apple Bloom’s tucked in lips and quivering body. “You two came together, didn’t you?” Scootaloo laughed while Apple Bloom at least tried covering her mouth while she chuckled. “Sorry, we’re just poking fun.” Button glared at the two of them for a moment, before sticking his tongue out. “That is why we’re all here, right?” “Mhm.” The stallion jumped at the noise, and stopped as a cake came in front of him, along with two, lithe arms that were around him. He smiled at the chocolate cake before taking it. Leave it to Sweetie Belle to make sure that they had something good to eat, instead of just microwavables. The white mare stepped ahead of him, her yellow dress swaying with her body, just like her large, bouncing breasts did. They were the set of the three he was the most familiar with, but only because of late night gaming sessions that had lasted for hours. While her hug from behind had been more reserved the first time, once he had the cake set down, Sweetie tackled him, not caring about her squished bosom as she wrapped him up. He hugged her back and heard her whisper, “You’re amazing.” Button smiled, before pushing her away and beaming at her. “I would hope my diamond collection in Minecraft would prove that.” “Please tell me we’re not playing Minecraft.” Button chuckled as Sweetie bounced to her seat. “Don’t worry, Scoots. Actually, I was thinking we might play some Smash Brothers.” He took a deep breath, his chest tightening as he thought about his next words, and decided to simply say it. “Though, maybe with some special rules, just to make it more interesting this time.” Sweetie clapped her hands together. “Oh, I love mods. What were you thinking?” He swallowed hard one more time, before remembering Kiara’s encouragement, and going for it. “I was thinking that whenever you died, you had to strip off a piece of clothing.” A dead silence followed the announcement. Sweetie looked like she was about to faint, while Apple Bloom just stared at him, her face almost entirely red. It was Scootaloo who broke it with a sip of her soda, and a giggle. “Oh, does my gentleman want to see some boobs?” He swallowed hard. “Well, I thought it might be fun, and, well, we’ve done so much else with each other, maybe it would make us somehow even closer than before. Right?” A red aura flicked over Sweetie’s eyes as she leaned back. “I… I suppose I can see what you mean. It’s just that…” Her hands came up and rested on her chest. “That sounds really embarrassing.” Apple Bloom shut her eyes as the shimmer came over them. “I guess I’m game, but only if you start without your shirt, Button. You’re way too good at all of this to not get some sort of penalty.” A wave of relief flowed through him as he started wrestling his shirt off. It was still coming over his head when he heard Scootaloo whistle. “No muscles, but still a lot better than I ever expect.” Why is she acting like this? He bit into his cheek, before shaking his head. Maybe it was her just trying to act naturally after yesterday. Button wasn’t about to ask her though, not when he had controllers to hand out. He then flopped onto the couch between Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, and turned it on. “So, I was thinking about fifteen minutes, get dressed between rounds?” “That sounds fair.” “I’m gonna play Samus, if that’s alright.” “Which one, Bloom?” “...Which one?” “Wait, have you not played the new Smash yet? Hahaha!” “Hey, I’m sorry that I have to work on a farm!” “It’s okay. Maybe we can try to make it so you can try to join me and Button on our gaming nights. Then, you would be able to kick Scoot’s rump.” “We won’t be stripping then though.” “Fuck.” “Now Scoots, it’s all meant for good fun.” “Then why are you choosing Epona? Don’t you only use her when you’re being serious?” “Well, um,-” “I’m going for Zelda!” “I suppose I’ll go Dark Pit then. Try to give you all a challenge.” With the players locked in, Button hit random. He smiled as he saw Final Destination come up, as the plain field would be fitting for them. Only the smash ball was available, and he hoped no one would die too quickly because of that. As the fighting began, he made sure to stick to Sweetie Belle. If anypony was going to be hard to beat, it was her, and he didn’t want any of them dying too fast. Or at least, I don’t want to be accused of trying to strip one of them down. It didn’t take long for the first death though. One strong hit on Apple Bloom, and a failed recovery, sent her spiraling down. They could hear her muffling a curse as she began to pull her socks off. Scootaloo immediately unpaused it, causing her to shout, to which the tomcolt responded with, “Part of the game, am I right, Button?” He almost couldn’t respond as he ducked and weaved past Sweetie Belle. She had been spamming her shield though, so one more quick dodge and grab, and he heard her swallow hard next to him. Scootaloo whistled as she was sent flying. Button then leaned back, able to breathe, and blushing as he remembered the special rules by seeing Sweetie take off her necklace. “Umm, yeah. Pausing just messes us all up, and besides, then we would probably, umm… watch?” Scootaloo slammed Dark Pit’s hammer into Zero Suit Samus again as she grinned, almost having launched the farm girl again. “I’m just wondering when Sweetie is going to strip.” “I did!” “Jewelry shouldn’t count.” “I’m not wearing pants!” Button chuckled at the banter, and paid for it with a dropkick from Apple Bloom. “I’ll allow it, but only because Sweetie is right.” “Ugh, f-Fuck!” “Hah! That’s payback for all the-Damnit!” Apple Bloom quickly began trying to unbutton her blouse, before getting interrupted by Scootaloo throwing her shirt onto her. “Hey, what gives?” The farm mare then blushed as the pegasus sat back down, her small chest only hidden by a white wrap. “Why did you take off your shirt first?” Sweetie Belle nodded while dodging Button, and then almost smashing Apple Bloom off, as she wasn’t done stripping yet. “I was wondering that-Oh, I am so sorry, Apple Bloom!” “Don’t be. She needs to strip faster!” The sound of Samus dying tried to drown out Apple Bloom’s, “You bitch!” but failed miserably. Scootaloo just laughed while saying, “I’d just go with bra next. Don’t want to be away from your controller too long.” Button could hear her cursing a bit, and began a campaign of dodges as he glanced over. He had never even seen Apple Bloom in a bathing suit before, so the sight of them in only a white bra, bouncing as the mare came back onto the couch was rather… distracting. It only got worse as she began to play with one hand, the other trying to slip her pants off. Now her breasts bounced too and fro, and only the fact that he might be in the same position soon stopped him from dropping his controller. He did look one more time as he heard the thump of the jeans as they hit the floor, and shivered at the long, tough legs, and farm grown thighs that attached themselves so well to her round rump. Sweetie stopped joining in the high jinks after that, and he could feel the shift in energy from her, and it was… odd. Then again, she probably didn’t want to be forced to only her underwear either. Unfortunately, she was still the only one he could fight at all evenly, so she was still the one he attacked the most. Unfortunately, that was when the smash ball came. Instead of actually thinking about what would happen if any of them got it, Button defaulted to his normal gamer instincts. Dodge, dash, block, watch Scootaloo hit it, and then Apple Bloom. Throw Sweetie Belle, smash it open, turn around as Sweetie Belle comes back, use. The room almost became silent as Button realized that he hadn’t only hit Sweetie. Apple Bloom had just been in the wrong spot at the wrong time, while Scoots had been trying to knock it out of them. Each slash made the mares pale, before the last one was met with the cannon effects within the game. Scootaloo was the first to move once more, as she stood up and stretched herself out. “Come on, girls. We can let the timer run out if we give our host and champion a little show, and after that fuck up, I think he deserves it.” She then reached back and undid her wrap, throwing it to Button as she let her hard nipples show. Apple Bloom got up next, her face completely red as she walked over to Scootaloo. She tried whispering, but Button could still hear her say, “Scootaloo, maybe we should stop. You were drinking pretty hard last night, and-” Scootaloo reached behind Apple Bloom, and undid the hook to her bra, letting the large, perky breasts pop out as she said, “Oh, you’re just afraid of what sorts of punishments we’ll have to do when we die ten more times in the next ten minutes.” Sweetie Belle was about to stand up, when Button put a hand on her thigh and shook his head. He then got up, picked Apple Bloom’s bra up, and handed it back to the mare. He then looked to Scootaloo and said, “Apologize.” “What?” “You’ve been a jerk while Sweetie and Apple Bloom have obviously been having a hard time with this. You shouldn’t grind it in like this.” Scootaloo’s eyes narrowed. “Not only was this your idea, but I’m just trying to help-” “Help?” Button moved forward, red coming into his eyes, but then breaking as it failed in it’s attempt to stop him from seeing red. “Making ponies do what they don’t want to is not going to help them. Neither is making them talk about things they want, or trying to make them have a good time. They’ll do it how they want to, because I know how to make myself okay!” A silence filled the room, before Scootaloo tried opening her mouth, and the pop of Button’s knuckles could be heard in the room. She glared back at him in response, before grabbing her shirt and yanking it on. She soon stomped out, and Button could barely hear Sweetie Belle say, “I’m gonna go check on her.” The next thing to distract him from the storm brewing in his head was Apple Bloom touching her shoulder. “Button, what’s wrong?” He took in a deep breath, before shutting his eyes, and trying to push the anger down. He was fine. Life was fine. Harmony was not just some bitch who decided to make his life a living- “Button!” He opened his eyes, and looked into Apple Bloom’s. She looked sad, not scared as he might have expected, and he felt her hands wrap around him. There was a part of him that just wanted to shove her off, but he didn’t. She didn’t deserve it. “What?” “How can I help?” “I can help myself.” “Is that why you just screamed at a girl who wanted to make you get what the nicest guy in our class deserved? Or…” She took a deep breath in and looked down. “Or was helping the mare she had talked to last night, and who had told her that if she was going to be with anyone in Ponyville, it would probably be you?” Button stopped breathing for a moment to simply look into Apple Bloom’s eyes. She didn’t look like she was lying, and she was like her sister, or any Apple for that matter. So, why would she lie about this? “Apple Bloom, I don’t need you just saying things to make me feel better.” She grabbed one of his hands and placed it on her still bare bosom, and he took a sharp breath in response. It was nice and soft, and fit almost perfectly in his hand. He wondered for a moment if this is what clouds felt like, before Apple Bloom spoke again. “I’ll go talk to her and Sweetie, let them know that you just weren’t ready for all three of us with something like this, and we can try it again sometime else, because even the best stallion has to make mistakes, and you more than deserve a few more chances than this.” He opened his mouth to respond, before simply nodding, and sitting back onto the couch. In the next few minutes, he would watch each of them leave again. Scootaloo came back for her wrap, and despite hesitating, still told him to call her when he wanted to hang. Sweetie Belle hugged him, tears on her face, probably from being told he was so useless. Then came Apple Bloom, who hugged him tight, and pecked him on the cheek as she said her goodbye. “Don’t push yourself too hard, okay? I didn’t really know my parents when I lost them, but… I can still feel the hurt, and even if you won’t admit to it, I’m guessing it’s there. So please, for those of us who care so much, take care of yourself.” He looked into her eyes one more time, before nodding as a tear fell down his face. He was furious with himself within. Button knew better than to blow up like that, and didn’t even really know where it came from. Now that he was alone, the tightness in his chest grew, and he simply laid on the couch until he went to bed, and to grab the journal. > A Night with a Succubus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button stared at his wish. I wish that I could cry into someone’s arms, and they wouldn’t remember it afterwards. Yeah, that sounded about right. If he was going to let another pony feel all of this, he didn’t want them to know. His mom was allowed to hear his issues, not other ponies. He wasn’t supposed to be their problem. Hands wrapped around his torso, and he felt a head rest itself against his shoulder. He glanced over, but the huge bosom that was pressed against his back had already given him an idea as to who it was. “Hi, Kiara.” She pulled him back into her lap, and he looked into her red eyes. She smiled at him, and stoked the side of his face with her soft hand. “Hi. I wanted to see if you were okay.” Button blinked a few times, before turning onto his side. “Y-you can read my mind, so why do you even bother to ask?” She sighed as her hand didn’t stop petting him. “Because this opens you up to talk, instead of just making it seem like I sneak in all the time. You’re my partner, and I don’t want you to hate me, or to hurt yourself.” “I’m not trying to.” “Everypony needs somepony to lean on. Even I need to rely on you for help. So why can’t they be permanent?” He pushed himself up from the bed. “You wouldn’t understand. There was only one pony who could help me, who could listen, and…” He looked to her, but she was already shaking her head. “Maybe one day, but I would need to be as powerful as the devil himself, and you would be pure evil, something…” She took a deep breath in. “I like how Scootaloo puts it. You’re a gentleman, which makes you more interesting than just some common thug.” “Being that would make this all so much simpler. I probably could have even slept with Scootaloo tonight if that were the case.” “Except she wouldn’t like you then. Besides, remember how Cheerilee praised you?” Kiara sidled over to him and put a hand on his leg. “You came out so good and kind, despite closing yourself away. Why do you think that?” Button’s shoulder’s slumped as he looked to the ground. “I… I don’t know.” She began to scratch his back, like his mother had so many nights before when he didn’t know what to do. “How did you meet the Crusaders? Maybe that would help.” He sighed, looking at the t.v. in his room as he thought. “Well, my mom needed to get a new dress, and while there, began befriending Rarity. After about an hour, she insisted that she let her son meet Sweetie Belle, and so she dragged me kicking and screaming. I couldn’t have hated Sweetie more, at least, until we began playing Minecraft.” He smirked for a moment, before frowning, and tears began to form at the edges of his eyes. “That’s what you don’t get Kiara. My mom was everything in my life. Without her… I’m nothing. That’s why I either have to deny all of this, or… or I’ll do anything, just let her come back!” Kiara swallowed hard as tears came to the edges of her own eyes. She opened her arms for him, and shook her head. He slammed into her, and she held him tight between her large, restrained breasts. “There, there. You need to remember that your mom made you into something, she was not all of you, and that to throw away all she tried to teach and help you with… it would break her heart, wouldn’t it?” Button tried to speak, but instead could only nod as he squeezed tighter against her. Kiara slowly laid the two of them down, and listened to him whine about how it hurt into the early morning hours, as he finally began to sleep then. He would of course need more time to forget about Love Tap, but as she looked over the sleeping form of the handsome stallion the mare had raised, she was certain he would make it. A smirk came across her lips as her form began to shimmer and fade, and her green hair turned brown, and she waved goodbye to the stallion she cared so much for. > A Simple Morning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kiara smiles as she looks upon her charge. He sleeps so peacefully. No muttering, no tossing and turning; not even nightmares are plaguing him today. It was a first for him, but for Button’s sake, she felt this was for the best. With a gentle peck on his forehead, the demon felt content leaving him under the care of her spell, and left to do her dirty work. ======+++++====== Cheerilee breathed in deeply as she laid in her bed. It was Sunday, which meant one more day until she went back to school. She had lesson plans she had to finalize, a few papers to grade so she could finally pass back the essays they had done a few weeks back, and a stallion she still needed to get back under her wing. A groan escaped the older mare as she put an arm over her eyes. She never got to just lie in bed and relax like she wanted to on the weekends. There was always something to do, for so many ponies. But maybe you can spare a few more minutes to think about Button Mash? Cheerilee blinked for a moment as she stared at the ceiling, wondering where the thought had come from, and why her breath had caught. She put a hand over her large, uncovered bosom, and for a moment saw a brown hand doing the same. This didn’t bring a coo of arousal though, but instead forced a groan to escape her lips. “If I’m going into heat right now, I’m going to punch something.” So harsh to something that brought you so many pleasant mornings, eh? Honestly, I like it whenever I wake up a little hot and bothered, especially since I can do the job better than my stupid husband could. The magenta mare blinked as she figured out whose voice it was this time. It almost instantly brought a blush to her face, as her late friend was the last one she should have been thinking about while like this. That fact only became doubled when thinking about Love Tap unintentionally brought her mind back to Button, and what those dextrous fingers of his could do to the nipple she twisted between her own. “No!” Cheerilee had almost leapt out of bed, now sitting up properly as she sat up straight. What had crossed her mind… it wasn’t good. It wasn’t even supposed to be that sexy, not with such an average, plain, kind, caring, tender- “Stop it, Cheerilee!” You know why you can’t get a stallion? You never realize when a good one is in front of you. Cheerilee put her hands to her head as she shut her eyes, and tried to take calm, even breaths. The week had been rough on her, she wouldn’t deny that, and while she tried taking care of Button, she had also tried pushing Love Tap out of her mind. The two together complicated things, especially with how close she had gotten to her friend, and how much the blooming stallion took after his mother. He really is a good boy, I promise. Give him a chance, talk to him, and I know he’ll be a great addition to your cla- “Home.” The last word hadn’t come from Love Tap, but her. Cheerilee had said it. She could even see it as she looked out. Add a television, a game console, Button could have just put his controller down to say good morning, kissing her breast tenderly as she said hi back. This time, she did coo in arousal as her hands gently ran over her nipple. She tried to stop the thoughts, she really did, but the succubus in the room was now fully attached, and Cheerilee wanted this. Wanted some company in her large, empty room. Company that would snuggle into her soft, slightly pudgy belly, while his hands greedily groped her large, naughty breasts. He wouldn’t even complain about the faults in the older mare, because he was just that good. Cheerilee shut her eyes against the reality of her situation as she leaned back and laid onto her back. Her fingers dug into her soft, supple flesh, and soon, Button’s breath beat against her face. He was young and eager, so to be with the one he says ‘I love you’ to is enough to get him in the mood, and her moans are more than loud enough to beckon him in. Of course, as her perfect gentleman, he would still ask permission in the form of a hot, passionate kiss. She opened her mouth wide, saliva coating every inch of her tongue, before she slowly slid a finger into the hot air pushing out from her chest. It tasted sweet, probably from her shampoo, and she couldn’t help but giggle at the thoughts of tasting cheese or pizza sauce on her beloved’s. They wouldn’t turn her off though, but just be better ways to know that it was indeed him kissing her. Now though, she was done with foreplay. Cheerilee needed more, and all thoughts of how vulgar or indecent this was were thrown out of the window. She spread her legs wide, as if to show herself off to him, when in reality, anyone looking into the room could see every inch of her juicy, pink pussy. She ran a finger along the thin lips, shaking as she swore it was instead Button’s cock she felt. Her hand circled the puffed up lips as Button hesitated. It was cute of him, and she soon used two fingers to spread herself open even more, letting him see just how sopping wet she was. “D-don’t worry, Button, there’s nothing to be afraid of.” She swallowed hard, her cheeks bright crimson as she heard the words fade into the air. Cheerilee knew she shouldn’t have ever said them, but now that they were out, she… she loved hearing them. Loved telling Button such bad things. “Please, take me. Fuck my naughty pussy, and make your teacher your lover.” Her fingers slipped into her snatch as Cheerilee’s Button Mash nodded, and slowly stuck his large, throbbing member into her. She arched her back as she tried desperately to put more and more of her two fingers into herself, but it just wasn’t the real thing. Despite this fact, her moans still rang out clear with each push into herself, and she could feel her folds cling to her fingers, wanting them more with each thrust. Cheerilee didn’t focus on her hand, at least, not the one between her thighs. If it’s wonderful pokes and prods within herself were short, fast, tender, or rough, it didn’t matter, as he wouldn’t know how to control himself. No, not when all he wanted to do was try to please her, while enjoying every inch of her mature body. Her free hand slowly brought one of her large, sagging breasts up, and she pushed the erect nipple on it to her lips, before giving it a long suck, sending a shiver down her spine in the process. The idea of him milking her, of her lactating at all, brought the worst, but most ideal, thought to Cheerilee’s head. She could finally have her children, while calling the one she loved the most son as well. It would be perfect, as she could then be teacher, “Ah,” lover, “Ah!” and mother to her dearest Button Mash. Her eyes popped open as she pushed three of her fingers into her pussy as far as they could go. The warm, wet walls collapsed upon them, begging for more as she felt shocks of arousal push through every inch of her. He had just slammed into her one last time, and the mental image of his cum slowly pumping into her womb caused her whole body to begin to shake, before she couldn’t take it anymore. In one last, primal outcry, she came, soiling her bed with the excessive amounts of arousal that gushed from herself. With it, though, came the last of her energy, and Button soon faded from her sight. Kiara smiled as she saw Cheerilee collapse onto the bed. The naughty teacher had done very good at putting on a show, and while she would probably sleep this off, she knew that Cheerilee would never forget this morning. The demoness licked her lips before chuckling. “Just call me a carpenter with all of these walls I’m breaking down.” Her laugh filled the ether as she finally returned home, exhausted from how long she had meddled in Button’s world. Still, he would get a day of rest today, probably play video games, and she looked forward to his wish that night. > A Scary Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button took in a sharp breath as the two mares rounded the corner. Tonight was make or break for him, and even a wish to be able to make Silver tolerate him wasn’t enough to make him confidant. Of course, the lunch meeting the three had had where she couldn’t stop glaring at him didn’t help. Maybe Kiara just didn’t feel like telling me no, and I have no safety net? The thought only scared him more, but he forced a smile onto his face as they got close. Silver Spoon put a hand on her hip, causing her black cocktail dress to tighten over her curves more than usual as she shifted her weight and glared into his eyes. “So, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but since Diamond seemed so excited for this stupid game night, I thought I might as well try to come along. If it ends up being lame though, I’m leaving.” Diamond rolled her eyes as she looked away from her friend and smoothed out her purple skirt. “I bet Button has something in mind to wow us. He wouldn’t really be a master at his craft otherwise, would you?” Button Mash shook his head as he cleared his throat and began to walk towards the end of the school grounds. Supposedly, a limousine would be coming to drive them soon, as Diamond, in her own words, ‘doesn’t just walk.’ “Well, if I know right, neither of you really play games, right?” Silver Spoon raised an eyebrow. “Do we look like ponies who would do something so pedestrian?” Diamond glanced towards the ground as she squeezed one of her arms, her arm pushing up her chest, which made the sweater look better than ever. “No, not really at least.” Button nodded, before beaming at them. “Then we’ll be playing a B horror movie tonight!” Diamond tilted her head. “What do you-” “You couldn’t get an blockbuster to play through?” Button noticed the butler behind him and stepped towards the car the older stallion had come from. “Nah. Besides, it wouldn’t be as much fun then.” The two mares joined him in the car, and despite a couple more sharp comments from Silver, it was… okay. He wished she would talk more, but it did give him a chance to talk more to Diamond, who seemed really interested in hearing about the story driven genre of gaming. Of course, that only gave fodder for Silver, as he was definitely more of an action gamer. “However, I promise you, Until Dawn does not disappoint.” “I highly doubt that.” “We’ll just have to see about that, Silver.” Button popped in the disc before plopping onto the couch, intentionally putting himself between the two mares. This got him a dirty glare from Silver, but when the first sign of the psycho came in the prologue, he was rewarded for the move with Diamond jumping to cling to his arm, before failing at trying to act like nothing was wrong. As the scenes continued, he could feel both mares tensing up, and loved hearing them react to each of the scenes, from them reprimanding the idiots who drank way too much, to Diamond acting like she was scanning the prank scene, even if he wished she didn’t. He couldn’t deny who she was, and besides, that side of her was… interesting. His thoughts were cut off though as they suddenly had to chase after their sister. “Move, you idiot! Can’t you go any faster?” “The game won’t re-” “Button, there is a psycho up here who is going to kill her! Run!” “I would if-” “Where did that fire come from?” “Is the psycho a dragon? How are we going to fight a dragon?” “Get up you stupid bitch! You’re going to die!” Button thought he was going to go deaf while playing the game, right up until they got to the cliff. Both mares got silent as the actresses on screen turned to face their pursuer. A small squeak escaped Diamond and Silver, and while Diamond fully wrapped her arms around his, he could feel for just a moment Silver go to do the same, before pulling back. When the mares on screen fell to the bottom of the mines, they were both silent before Diamond snuggled into her side, firmly planting his arm between her small, soft bosom. She would stay there most of the night, even as the game got far more spoopy, rather than spooky, and even Silver began to ease up. They talked about the story during the slower parts, and he got a genuine compliment for the game out of Silver Spoon when she found out one of her favorite actors had motion captured for the game. While one of the couples in the game, Mike and Jess, were walking, Silver and Button turned as they heard soft, steady breaths, and he smiled at Diamond, who had fallen fast asleep with her head on his lap. He slowly ran his fingers through her mane and let out a content sigh. “She… she really likes you. You know that, right?” A small blush came over his cheeks, and he looked back at Silver, who was leaning back on the couch, and looking straight at the wall. Her eyes flicked back to him, before she stared back to the plaster and said, “It isn’t even super recent. She has… she’s always kind of liked your optimism.” Button blushed a bit more as he scratched one of his arms, and looked to the ceiling himself out of embarrassment. “I doubt that… but, if you’re telling me the truth,” he paused to look at her, and did not get eye contact with the gray mare, “why are you telling me this?” Silver’s cheeks grew a lovely shade of rosey red, and he could see the skin turn white where she gripped into herself. “Because… because I can’t fight it any longer. You’re too stupid, too blindly positive, and… and too cute for me to just say no for no reason anymore. Since she wants you, she’ll have you. However,” she finally turned to Button Mash, her eyes in a deadly glare, “I’m also telling you this because if you hurt her, I will destroy you. Diamond means a lot to me, and even if she’s the boss, I’m gonna defend her if she gets hurt, no matter what she says. Got it?” He swallowed hard as she stood up. “G-got it.” She nodded, before gently placing a hand on Diamond’s shoulder. “Good. Now,” her blush grew a bit brighter as she kept looking at Diamond, “I think we all lost track of time, so I’ll call our families and let them know that we’re staying the night. If that’s okay at least.” Button looked at the cute, docile look of Diamond Tiara sleeping, and felt a warm buzz in his chest that only grew as he thought about the fact that she supposedly liked him. He nodded with a soft smile on his lips, before sliding out from under Diamond Tiara. “I-I think I’ll go to bed now, and try to get up early. Maybe even fail at flapjacks for you two!” Silver smiled a little bit at that as she continued to pet Diamond’s head, making sure not to let Button see the tears at the edges of her eyes. “Alright, idiot, but they better be good, or we’re taking off before we get food poisoning.” He quickly saluted her, before almost running out of the living room. His heart hammered in his ears, because while the exchange had been brief, it had been more than frightening. His mind buzzed with thoughts of how Silver had managed to actually be cute, mean, and nice, all at the same time, how he would have mares in his house that night, but most importantly, Diamond Tiara liked him. She well and truly liked him. No mare had just liked him before, with the Cutie Mark Crusaders being the closest to have ever come to that, and they were still just good friends with him. They weren’t like this. He would have forgotten about the journal as he laid himself to rest, if it were not for a buzz it made in his drawer. A gentle reminder that he could make a wish, even if he had no idea what to make it. > Snuggles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond took a deep, shuddering breath in as she peered into Button’s room. What she had thought of, no, what she was thinking now was insane. She barely got to start getting closer to Button and be invited into his house, and now, now she was thinking of… She swallowed hard, sweating as a draft reminded she was still in only her underwear. It had started shortly after she got up from her nap. Silver had been there to tell her that Button hadn’t done anything, and the two decided they should get some sleep. Since then, Diamond hadn’t been able to get the image of her snuggling with Button out of her head. It only got worse the longer she thought about it, and now the things she was thinking of made her heart almost stop. She slipped into the room, wishing she could calm down, as she swore her heart was as loud as a team of construction workers, all equipped with those weird things that broke pavement. One of Diamond’s hands slowly slid along her side, rubbing her stomach as it neared her white, silk, panties. While the pounding in her head went away when she thought about snuggling him, she was the one who had forced this idea deep into her head. Her thumbs hooked into the spandex of her underwear as she took deep, concentrated breaths. The fabric over her crotch was already ruined by her silently rubbing her thighs, waiting for Silver to finally go to sleep. Now though, she could peel away the moist linen, and let her pussy feel the cool draft that came through the house. A small moan escaped her lips as one finger returned to her clit, giving it the smallest rub as her underwear hit the floor. She couldn’t do too much though, or else she would get too loud. Her hoofsteps sounded like cannon fire as she came closer and closer to him and could see the rise and fall of his chest. Her own mimicked the movement, as she still had to keep herself calm, despite doing something so vulgar. The word made her whole body shake, and she threw aside her bra. Her perky breasts were kissed by the same night air, and she wished they would bounce, or something. She had seen his glances though, and knew that their… perky size would be enough. Now came the hardest part. Getting into his bed. Her face was crimson now, any sign of it having ever been pink before being gone due to her nervousness. If she went back now it all wouldn’t matter. She could even take a picture, and let that and her underwear be the gift she gave him. While she thought, Diamond covered her eyes, and missed the drawer beside Button’s bed glowing, reinforcing the words: I wish Diamond Tiara would snuggle with me. Slowly, she lifted the blanket on top of Button Mash, and stared at his almost naked form. He was sleeping soundly, and despite not being cut, he looked almost perfect. She didn’t need muscles, or a tall stallion to carry her, but instead saw his lanky arms as ropes that could keep her close, and his smooth stomach as something soft to rest her head on. It almost brought a tear to her eye to see him like this and she had no fear as she laid beside him. In a few minutes, her chest lay on top of his, her small breasts squished against his pecs as she began to breath in his scent, and drift to bed. As her world faded, she whispered, “I love you,” and while she thought maybe it was a dream, thought she heard, “I love you too,” back. Silver smiled as Button wrapped an arm around the sleeping pink mare, and slipped back to the guest room, and would be the only one not to be a touch heated when they finally faded to sleep. All would sleep well though that night. ======+++++====== Button hummed to himself as he walked home. The day had been wonderful, and for once, he thought he could actually blame himself for that! He could have been like any other stallion, been a pervert and begun to grope the mare he liked when he woke up, but he didn’t, and that allowed the rest of the day to happen. From the blush they shared in the kitchen, to holding hands on the drive to school, and even the small, happy texts that they had started to share would have been a hundred times more awkward if they had, um, done more stuff that morning. No, he was pleased to call himself the same gentlecolt that Scootaloo had flashed in the hallway just a few days ago. Not even that same pegasus texting him about not spending too much with DT could get him down that afternoon. It almost brought a tear to his eye as he looked to the sky and smiled. “You would be proud mom, I really do think that.” Even with all of that though, when he came home to see that Rumble wasn’t there, and his house was silent, he crashed onto the couch, having hoped being a good enough stallion would have made his words be true, and make the cold wind that came at night not sting so much. > Company > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button tapped his pen against his chin as he stared at the journal. The breakdown earlier had been a bit stupid if he were fair with himself. Just being nice wasn’t going to make the house any less empty, or else he would have never felt the chill that ran up his back when he was alone. The question now was what he would wish for now to allow him to fill her spot. He flipped through the pages, smiling at all of the probably stupid wishes he had wasted, and the ones that reflected that he was a gamer, like wanting the Cutie Mark Crusaders to listen to him a little more, or the one by Kiara to make mares more open to the idea of being with each other, while also being with him. That one made him pause, as his heart pained at thinking about what his mom would think. I did it so that I would be happy though, not to abuse it. His heart only responded with another twitch of pain as he thought of the mare who had laid in his bed the night before. But the real question there was whether she would be able to fill the cold of the house, and to that, Button only thought, No. She isn’t enough. I wish Diamond Tiara would let me date other mares while I’m with her. For a few minutes, Button sat there, wanting to throw up as he saw the ink dry on the wish. There were simply too many other mares that came to his mind though. If he wanted to pursue them at all, be able to snuggle with Cheerilee again, see Scootaloo’s tight bosom, or any of the other terrible thoughts that floated in the young stallion’’s mind, he would hurt Diamond Tiara. That is, unless her did this. “B-besides, maybe I’ll somehow finally get you to be friends with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Wouldn’t that be nice?” No response came as his words echoed against the walls. ======+++++====== Diamond Tiara placed a hand on Button’s shoulder, causing him to jump as she giggled. “Hey there, silly, how are you today?” He scratched the back of his head as he chuckled back, a bead or two of sweat visible on his brow. “I-I’m okay. I just kind of thought I would talk to you, in private, about… things.” Diamond felt heat rush to her cheeks, but kept them at bay. She was better than to just blush at the slightest hope of deep, meaningful conversation between her and Button. That did not stop her heart from trying to beat out of her chest though. “I would hope they’re about things we avoided. Things, that I still don’t regret doing.” She smiled slightly, now letting her cheeks become rosy. Button swallowed hard, nodding as he remembered the feeling of his palm grazing her soft, perky breasts. “W-well, I wanted to say th-that I do really like you. These times that we’ve hung out… they’ve been nice. Sometimes even nicer than a good Minecraft run with Sweetie.” He then looked down to the ground, hating himself for what he was about to say. “I just don’t know if I would go so far as to say I love you, or at least, only you.” Diamond Tiara’s eyes widened at the words. They were so sweet, right up until they felt like a sledgehammer against her chest. The worst part was that they were exactly the ones she had expected. She shut her eyes, trying to keep the tears away as she slowly reached forward, and laced her fingers into Button’s. He squeezed back, and she looked into his eyes, hoping for something more, and found the same kindness, tenderness, and care that had always attracted her. She could not lose those eyes, not right now. “P-please, at least say you’ll give me a chance? Say that you love me a little, and that I won’t leave your mind, so that I know that even if you want another…” She hung her head low, and admitted herself to her fears, and a strange call within her. “...that you will keep me around anyways.” Button put his hand beneath her chin, and pulled her face up so that they could look into each other's eyes. A tear fell down the side of his face as his heart fluttered in his chest, and he whispered, “Diamond Tiara, I love you, and I promise, even with how fucked up I am, I will do my best to keep you around for a long, long time, because I don’t want to see you leave.” The two held each other close, and slowly, their lips met, before their tongues gently greeted one another. In the open courtyard, neither tried to hide their passion, and all could see their love. This included Scootaloo, who tore in two the flyer in her hand. It was for a party in town, meant to bring her and her knight closer. Instead though, she let the halves fall, and stomped away, knowing she had lost her knight to the same evil witch that corrupted every last part of her life. Just like always. > Desperation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button Mash hummed to himself as he walked along the sidewalk to his home. The day so far had been pretty easy, which nowadays seemed like an impossibility. In the morning, he saw Diamond behind the school and pecked her on the cheek. Lunch came with him and Sweetie playing a few quick games of Pokemon, and Cheerilee had passed their grades back for the last test, with him somehow managing to get a B! Now, all there was left was to walk through his front door, make dinner, and play video games. And at first, Button got exactly what he wanted. He popped some pizza rolls into his microwave, popped open a soda, and began playing some old school Blue Bomber. Unfortunately, such actions leaves one unaware of your surroundings, such as an open door, or the popping of beers by a mare sitting at the top of your stairs. It does let a pony be quite pleasantly surprised when that mare walks in front of their television, with a gifted to her Wonderbolt’s outfit unzipped all the way to her crotch being all she wore. Button blinked, his mind silently screaming as the cogs into his head stopped working because of the life he lost, before examining exactly what it was that had stopped him. “S-Scootaloo?” The pegasus smiled, her gum popping as she walked over. Her small bust jiggled ever so slightly with the sway of her hips. Her eyes stayed half closed as she smiled at him, coming closer and closer as one of her hands slipped between her thighs. Button’s hair stood on edge as she slipped a hand between her thighs, and tugged the suit down just enough to let him see her lower lips. Scootaloo lowered herself onto his lap, her legs wrapping around his body as her crotch fell on his. He gave a small grunt as he felt her pussy grind against his growing bulge, Scootaloo’s juices moistening his pants as she pushed herself against him. Button tried to say something, but when he opened his mouth, Scootaloo forced her nipple into it. For a brief moment, he sucked on it. Button knew it should be erotic. That all of this should be the sexiest thing he might ever see, but one smell of her coat, and he knew it wasn’t. “S-Scootaloo, get off.” Scootaloo did the exact opposite, instead deciding to wrap her arms around his head and nibble on his ear. To this, Button responded with a shove. The pegasus crashed to the ground, and looked up, holding her head as Button leaned over her. She flinched at him petting the side of her head, and shut her eyes when he asked, “Why are you doing this?” “I’ll tell you after you fuck me.” “I won’t.” Scootaloo slammed one of her fists into the ground, her body shaking at this point. “Why not?” Button met her gaze with cold, steely eyes. Just like over the weekend, he wasn’t about to do something like this with a dear friend when they didn’t seem to actually not want to. “Because you smell like a brewery, and I don’t want either of our first times to be while we’re drunk.” Scootaloo’s hands dug into the carpet, her head swimming as she hissed, “And if I’m not a virgin?” “Look me in the eyes and say you aren’t.” He waited, letting the silence sink in before Scootaloo only looked away. He then wrapped his arms around her, and asked, “Why are you here today?” “First, tell me why you didn’t fuck me? And the truth, not your nice colt bullshit.” Button furrowed his brow at the odd request. “I already did.” Scootaloo clung to him tighter, her bare bosom pressing harder against him. “Don’t lie to me. You have that bitch, Diamond Tiara, hanging out with you, and how you two act… it’s fucking obvious, okay? I lost my shot at the last decent fucking guy my age.” Button stopped at that, his mind flashing to his wish this morning. He hadn’t needed anything right then, at least to him, and in the quiet house, it only made sense to want to fill it. Could he use the increase to mares being willing to be polygamous with him to get out of this? Had that caused this? He shut his eyes and held her tighter back. “I-I’m not the only good guy.” “You are to me.” Button felt his heart break, even while a small part of it jumped for joy. Which part was right would be answered soon though. “Well, um, if it makes you feel better… I’m not just with Diamond Tiara.” Scootaloo backed up at that, staring at him with tear stained cheeks before barking out, “What?” Button swallowed hard and began to shake his head. “Wait, you don’t quite understand! Diamond knows that I want to be able to keep looking around, especially since we’re just getting to know each other. So… I’m not gone, not yet at least.” Scootaloo looked at him for a few more moments, before wrapping her arm over her chest and blushing. “Oh, well, fuck.” She smacked herself with one hand, and Button could see tears begin to come down her cheeks. He reached over and cupped one of her cheeks as he gave her a smile. “Umm, do you wanna maybe get changed? If you throw on a robe, we could even play some Mario Kart or something. I’ll even throw some more pizza rolls in the microwave for us.” The tears slowed, not to a stop though, as Scootaloo tried for a smile. “Me in a skintight suit not good enough for you?” Button blushed as he wrapped his arms back around her. “You in sweatpants and a t-shirt is enough for me.” Scootaloo broke at that, wrapping her arms around him and bawling like a little girl, something Button would have to swear not to tell anypony about, just like the rest of the afternoon. When night rolled around, the two got ready for bed, and while it made the two nervous, letting her snuggle with him in bed was the best way he could think to make up for rejecting her earlier. He was just drifting off with Scootaloo only in the Wonderbolts outfit sleeping on his chest, when the book buzzed, and he remembered to make his wish. > Together > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo stretched out on the bed as the first rays of morning kissed her face. It was nice and warm under the blanket she was in, and the skintight suit of Rainbow’s old Wonderbolt’s track suit kept her at just the right temperature. She wondered what time it was, and reached into one of the few, hidden pockets on the outfit to pull out her phone. She saw it was almost Nine o’ clock. Two hours after school started. “Fu-” She sprang up from the bed, on her hooves in about two seconds… before coming back down with a crash in another one. This time, she finished her curse, her head throbbing like it was in a church bell for six hours. Black spots even began forming in her vision, and she clutched her skull for dear life. Now, her memory started coming back. Yesterday, she had cut out of her last few classes, unable to get the image of Diamond Tiara kissing Button Mash out of her head. Even now, it… She blinked a few times as a red haze pushed her along, causing her to instead think of grabbing the tracksuit and checking herself out in the mirror, before deciding it would go well with the rest of her plan. Then, there were the two cases of beer, finishing one off, and… well, not much past that actually. She could remember blurred images of her going up to Button Mash, feel the warmth of his crotch as it touched against hers. For a moment, a bolt of fear, shame, and panic passed through her as she wondered if she really had gone and fucked Button last night. The pounding of hooves, and consequently her head too, stopped her train of thought as she looked to the door, wondering who might be coming. First, familiar, brown hooves stepped through, and she smiled as Button knelt beside her. The stallion grabbed her hand and squeezed it, and, as she was looking into those dumb, innocent, orange eyes of his, she felt her fears melt away. Button wouldn’t have fucked her, not like that. Then, there were the pink hooves, and the squatting mare that came with it. Scootaloo put a hand to her forehead, rubbing it as her skull throbbed. “Oh, please, no, I already have one headache today, and I think it’s going to kill me already.” Diamond pouted, before handing Scootaloo a glass of water. “Here, idiot, drink up, and it should help you.” “Is it poison? I could really go for some poison right about now.” Button chuckled at that as he pecked her cheek, leaving a wave of warmth to spread over her body as he stood. “I’m happy to see you’re not hurt, but I have pancakes to go finish.” “Pancakes?” Scootaloo almost hummed as she thought about how good they might be, before remembering that they all had school today, unless something had happened. She looked to Diamond Tiara, before clutching her head. “Ow, thinky not good for the hurty.” Even Diamond couldn’t help but chuckle at that one, before she laid down beside Scootaloo, and sighed. “Here, let me fill you in then. I got a call at about six this morning from Button asking for me to tell Cheerilee that you and him weren’t going to make it to school, because he had to make sure you were okay. Seeing as you’re so stubborn and,” a flash of red went over Diamond’s eyes, and she looked down, “...well, one of the few mares that terrify me, especially when it comes to him, I couldn’t let you just be with him, so I, um, you know, came over and stuff.” Scootaloo glanced to the side, shocked by the words, before some of the fog in her head cleared. Vividly, she could remember him telling her that Diamond and him weren’t a couple, at least, not technically, and she could hear something that was all too familiar as of late for Scoots. The same sorrow that led her to get utterly wasted was at the fringes of Diamond Tiara’s voice. She was actually scared. “You really like him, don’t you?” Diamond looked to her hands, trying not to cry as she felt a tightness in her chest. “I… I do. Even if I had to give up my riches, if it meant somehow being with a knight like him… it just might be worth it.” Scootaloo reached over and grabbed Diamond Tiara’s hand, squeezing it as she smiled. “You’ve been spending too much time reading romance novels if you’re calling him a knight.” She blushed and turned her head from the stupid pegasus. “Well, what would you call him?” Scootaloo bit into her lip, before a red haze filled her lungs, and forced her to speak her mind. “The best stallion in Equestria would probably be more fitting.” Her cheeks immediately turned bright red, and she tried moving away from Diamond Tiara, only to start clutching her head again. “Ow, ow, o-” She stopped as she felt hands brush against her mane. Diamond Tiara swallowed, hard, as she looked into Scootaloo’s eyes, her face far more red than pink. “Look, I… I want to get better, so I deserve him, and I want him also to be happy. As much as I always tried denying it, and wish I didn’t now have to admit to it, but...” she bit into her lip to pause for a second, before simply slamming through her pride to say, “you make him happy. So, if you’ll give me one more chance, can we…can we try to love Button together?” Scootaloo blinked, and in that moment, knew she was in the wrong. She wanted Button, there was no doubt about it. Out of the stallions her age in Ponyville, Button was the only one she hadn’t written off, but if she ever had to, she would be okay finding somepony else. Diamond Tiara didn’t seem to have that option. If either of them should have been asking to be a part of the other’s relationship, it should be Scootaloo, and she now knew that. She grabbed one of Diamond Tiara’s hands, and gently pecked the other mare on the lips. “You know what? Yeah, I think I can do that, even if it’s with you.” The pink mare kept her hand to her lips for another few moments, before tears came to her eyes, and she tackled Scootaloo. The two held each other, Scootaloo hating the high pitched, but low volume crying her new… acquaintance was doing, as it was like nails on a chalkboard for her skull, but suffered through it, because of Button Mash. It was the same excuse as to why she tried absolutely nothing for the rest of the day. She had given her friend enough hell, and watching Diamond Tiara not only be civil, but also make him at least as happy as when he was with Sweetie Belle, was worth not trying to mess anything up. At least, for that day. > Stress > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button opened his eyes to the sound of his phone chiming. It was about the third time this morning, and he went to turn it off, to just hit snooze or something, when he saw it was a text. He flipped it open, and smiled as he saw it was Kiara. ’Hey, get out of bed, lazy bones. You have mares to woo!’ He chuckled at the declaration, and swung his legs out from under his covers. He did feel tired still, he wasn’t going to deny that, but it was the weekend, and he normally slept in on the weekends anyways. He rummaged through a pile of dirty clothes on the ground, something he would need to fix if he was going to follow Kiara’s ‘orders’, but for now worked to fish out a pair of sweatpants and a loose epona t-shirt. Next for Button was the bathroom. He hadn’t showered, and while his hair rose slightly when he smelled his armpit, it was only maybe an inch, so he should be fine. Instead, he grabbed a comb and began to try to fix the knots that seemed to infest his hair. It was a fairly normal routine for him if he was going out, especially after years of his mom forcing him to. For a moment, he smiled wider as he saw his mother in the mirror behind him, ruffling his hair for a good job, before telling him to do it again with a laugh. She then disappeared, and Button simply stood there, staring into the mirror as his chest tightened. Bring, bring. ‘Looking spiffy!’ Button smiled at the text, and slipped the phone into his pocket, before turning to leave. In his peripheral, he saw a slight shade of pink on his cheek and paused, thinking about how it may have come to be. He then laughed his way downstairs, his head remembering his two mares kissing him on the cheeks. Well, Diamond Tiara kissing him on the cheek, and then Scootaloo damn near jumping his cheek. Are they yours, or the book’s? Button felt his hoof slip on the last step, and he crashed against the front door as he tried to catch himself. His chest was like a vice on his breath now, and he could feel the knob digging into his side. “Come on, Button, keep your head in the game. What would Rumble have said if he saw that?” He checked his hoof, nodding as he felt his weight go on it no problem. Still, he should have been more careful, and it was stupid of him for having rushed. While he now trudged to the kitchen for a pop-tart, his phone rang again, and this time, Kiara asked, ’Are you okay? Button tapped back, I’m fine, even while doing so made the edge of his eye sting. He brushed it off though, reinforcing it in his mind that he was fine. His next breath after that came a bit sharper. Bring, bring. ‘Hey, grab that pop-tart and go! You have a whole day to waste away and have fun with.’ Button slowly nodded as he made his way to the cupboard and began to search for the little pastries. When he found the box though, it came up empty. “Rumble must have taken the last one before he stopped being able to come over. Damnit.” Bring, bring. ’You could always go see Derpy. I bet she would be willing to make you some muffins. Button stared at the phone for a moment longer than he needed, before nodding and shoving it back into his pocket. Kiara was right. He could see her, make sure the family friend was doing okay, maybe even play a board game with Dinky, especially since screens hurt Derpy’s eyes. Yeah, that sounded nice. Why leave the house when you could make them? Didn’t your mom ever show you how? Button stared at his hand as it laid on the doorknob, his breathing coming in slow and labored while his body trembled. He could hear his phone ringing again. He could also see his joyboy, and the red glint of his pokeman cartridge. Kiara stepped away from the edge of her ‘home’, watching as Button threw his phone to the side, and turned on his game. She had been worried, of course, that this all was growing worse for him, especially with how long it took him to get to sleep last night, but she had also hoped that they would just fade away. “I should have known better though. He’s too young to just shrug all of this off.” Even such words were not enough to make the demoness cry as she retreated to her bubble within the swirling mass of chaos that was the demonic plane. She knew that he had to face some of this on his own though, just as Love Tap had to when he had been smaller. Even with how powerful she was, there were some things that nopony could just ‘make better’, no matter how much you wanted to. > Meeting with a Goddess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button took in a deep breath as he slowly regained consciousness, the scent of the sea filling his nose as he felt something covering his eyes. It was odd, as he didn’t remember falling asleep with a pillow on his face. He reached up and grabbed the soft, squishy, warm pillow, and tried to throw it away, not wanting it on his face at the moment. It didn’t move, too much, and came with a very feminine, “Ow!” He stopped for a few moments, before patting the pillow, and bringing his other hand up. They slowly made their way around the warmth on his face, outlining and squeezing the large, unknown object. A heat radiated to his face as he began considering just what they might be, but he tried to dismiss the thought. Besides, he wished for a friend yesterday, not boobs, so why would he have boobs in his face? “Oh? I’m happy you like them. Or, is this just a roll of bits you sleep with?” Button felt a soft hand caress his crotch, and that woke him up. He bolted upright, his head slipping out from between the massive cleavage it had been resting in as he panted. He could hear a chuckle come from behind him, before a set of hands came around and caressed his now bare chest. “I’ll admit, I’ve seen better, but then again, who am I to judge on societal norms?” Button blinked a few times as his head tried to start working. The voice was not one he recognized, which made the fact that they were in his house even weirder. Then again, he knew Kiara was getting stronger and stronger by the day, so this could be a succubus concubine she made for him, so as to make him a friend. And even a practice dummy for you to train on for when you make all those mares yours without question. The stranger leaned down as the colt in her arms brought his legs up to his chest, and seemingly forgot about her for the moment. She was admittedly impressed by that, as her own bosom was pressing down on his back. Most stallions had trouble not staring at her mountains of flesh, let alone resist touching them. In fact, she had made them that way so as not to be ignored!... And to piss Celestia off by making her the second largest cup size in Equestria. “Ah, honey, you don’t need to be-” Button whipped around, tears coming down his face as he opened a hand. He just had to get rid of the demon, and if Kiara saw how much he hated her, maybe she would take it back, like a friend would. His hand was stopped in a surprisingly good grip, and he looked over to the talons that had caught his arm. He then looked back to the red eyes of the creature in front of him and swallowed hard. She merely smiled, and brought her soft, lion’s paw up to boop him on the nose. “Please, Button sweetie, I’m no demon.” He swallowed hard, now trembling, unable to make his eyes leave the staring contest they now had going. “A-and what are you?” She smirked, before pecking his cheek, and whispering in his ear, “I am the one and only, goddess of chaos, Eris, the draconequus.” She then leaned back, waving her hands in his face. “Whoo. Pretty magical, isn’t it?” Button sighed and turned away from her, which caused Eris’s eye to twitch. A young stallion like him was supposed to take one look at the fact that she was as naked as the day she was… Doesn’t matter. The point was that he was supposed to not be acting pouty around her, and it was already annoying her. “So, what’s stopping me from getting a stick up my butt?” Button grit his teeth as his face wanted to smirk, but his head screamed at him about Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, and Scootaloo, all mares waiting for him. All mares he wouldn’t have without the book, just like this visit. “Please, just go. I release you from my curse, or, I don’t know. You’re a goddess, so you should be able to undo the wish.” Eris slowly pulled herself along the bed, chuckling as she laid beside him, her draconic tail flicking back and forth from a well rounded rump. “Really? You think I’m here because a little succubus, born maybe three weeks ago, could control me? No. I just have been noticing her power as it races through my realm, and I’ve been peeking at your wishes. I hope you don’t mind.” Button looked down at her, his orange hair getting in the way of his vision as he wondered why she would come to see him. She must know how bad he is then. She is the goddess of chaos though, so I guess I’m perfect for that. “Well, what do you think?” Eris sat up, now looking him in the eye as she placed a hand on the side of his face. “Do you want to know my honest opinion?” Button took in a small breath, his cheeks turning a touch red at how close she was. “Yes, please.” Eris nodded, before leaning in, and locking lips with him. His eyes widened as he felt her soft lips, and felt a lizard’s tongue coil around his. It was nothing like kissing Scootaloo or Diamond Tiara, and he found himself instinctively leaning in and trying to deepen the kiss. Eris let a small moan out from the action, and gently guided his hands to her bosom, where his fingers dug into her flesh. Pulling away, Eris panted against his neck. “C-careful there. No need to be so rough, especially when I know you’re one of the kindest, gentlest, most harmonic stallions I think there are.” Button stopped at the words, the only part of him moving being his hands as they explored the bust they were in. It was so soft, and warm, and their owner thought he was… good? “B-but I’m deceiving so many mares. I’m making them love me.” Eris nuzzled into his neck as her paw traced down his bare stomach. It was very tender in its movement, applying only just enough pressure to let him know it was there. His breath caught as it came closer to his blanket, and became as still as stone as it slipped beneath. She smiled at his sharp breath in when her paw came over his hard cock, and she gently wrapped her fingers around him. “Tell me, how have you made them love you?” Button was shaking as her hand slowly ran along his shaft. Part of him wanted to force her off, but that part was muddled by the question, while the side of him that simply wanted another’s touch was clear in its wishes. “I-I make them-” “Be able to love each other?” She got him to moan as her hands squeezed his balls, her smile widening with each moment spent on the bed. “Button, you haven’t done the commands most would. No enslavement, no riches within the abilities of your demoness, just small ones, meant to make everything better, aren’t they? Ones that make you and those you care about be closer, if they so choose.” Button stammered, his cock throbbing in her hand as his hands tried removing themselves from her breasts. He wanted to tell her it was wrong, that what he was doing was going to end up horribly for all of them, but couldn’t make the words form. Instead, he could only watch as Eris’s eyelids lowered, and she leaned down to breathe against his member. “Tell me, Button; I’m a being of chaos, who changes the world as I see fit. Now that I’m trying to put that to good, do you think I am bad?” Button shut his eyes, trying so hard to not cum, and enjoy the feel of her hand as it glided and stroked his cock. She was even so mean as to sometimes stop, just to let her naughty thumb come up and press against his tip, before rushing it back down the shaft. “N-no, because yo-you’re-” Eris smiled, and he heard in his head, Because we’re not using it to be bad., right as her lips came against his tip. He became still as she slowly lowered herself, taking in more and more of his cock, before she got all the way to the base. He shut his eyes, his body stiffening as he could take no more. His back arched, his cock twitched one more time, and Eris moaned as thick ropes of his cum pushed themselves against the back of her throat. She slowly came away from him as he collapsed against the bed, panting from the exertion of trying to hold back against a being who knew all the tricks in the book. She giggled after her lips came away with a pop, and beamed at him. “Itadakimasu!” She then laughed out loud, and patted his head. “While I loved our time together, I am unfortunately quite busy, and I think you should get some time to think about all of this, so I’ll take your virginity next time, alright?” Button stammered as he looked into her eyes. “Y-you’re serious, aren’t you?” Eris put her talons to the side of his face as she smiled at him, and a small tinge of red came against her cheeks. “You may decide if you wish to believe this or not, but you are the first stallion to ever make me want them, let alone do anything like this to them, and the only one I would think of ever letting a mare who is very near and dear to me be with. So yes, when I say I wish to make love with you, when I think you’re ready, know that I meant it with my heart.” She then smiled down at him, pecked two fingers on her paw, and pushed those against his lips. When they pulled away, she disappeared into the aether. For most of the day, Button would continue lying there, simply staring at the wall, trying to figure out how he got a goddess to fall in love with him, especially without the book. > Scam's Victory > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scam smiled as he shut the book in his hands. It was perfect, a book that could fulfil his desires, and he had just written the only wish he would ever need to. He paused at the thought though, and shook his head. “No, can’t forget immortality. Otherwise, how do you rule everything for eternity?” He chuckled to himself, his body shaking from the laugh as his bacon colored hair fell in front of his eyes. “Now, let’s go have some fun, demon.” He paused, thinking about it, before licking his lips. “Demon, I command you to come out!” The words on the page demanding that all beings obeyed his will glowed, and soon the green haired, pale skinned demon appeared in front of him, scowling. “I’ve told you my name, so please, do use-” “Demon, show me your breasts, and be happy to be even acknowledged by me.” Scam’s grin grew wider as the demoness tried to curse him out, as he expected so many to, but instead had her eyes glow red. She smiled, reaching back, and undoing what little covered her breasts. His hands came forward, digging into the large, tender mounds as another demonic laugh ripple through his body. “Oh, how absolutely wonderful. Though,” his eyes lowered as he brought a hand up, thoughts of his brothers laughing at him coming to his mind. They would probably say this is what he deserved to get, that these were the type of fake tits that his plans would leave him with. His hand came down hard, and the demoness cried out in pain, but did not dare to cover herself. Scam grabbed one of Kiara’s horns and pulled her down, looking her dead in the eyes. “You are nothing but a succubus whore, and the only reason I am bringing you is to make sure you can use your magic to enhance what my commands cannot. That is all you are good for, understood?” Kiara blinked a few times, tears coming to the edges of her eyes, before she slowly nodded. He smiled, before throwing her away from him, and stepping out. Scam smiled at the nice houses that lined the street by the one he was squatting in, until his eyes turned to a certain pink heiress that was walking down one of the driveways. “Diamond Tiara, stop!” A sense of glee ran through him as she froze in place, a red aura coming around her for less than a second. He began to jog over, while beckoning Kiara to come with him. His mind buzzed with ideas for the stubborn bitch, and he stopped in front of her. “Alright, while Kiara here gives you a body of a real mare so I can tolerate even looking at you, you will confess you love me, and that you are happy to be naked in public, just to please me.” Diamond blinked as Kiara’s horns glowed, and for a moment, she fought. Her face contorted, and she grit her teeth. “B-but I love, B-B-” Scam smacked her, the clap echoing into the cul de sac as he said, “You love me, and will apologize for having to make me smack you.” Diamond Tiara nodded, shaking as her flat sweater began to expand. The sounds of her murmuring apologies was mixed with the sound of the elastic of her skirt slowly stretching. Scam reached around, and got a slight moan out of his new bitch as he rubbed her ass, and could feel it grow against his fingers. His eyes stayed on her chest, where the sweater was slowly being pushed apart. First, the breaks were small, and would have gone amiss from his attention had he not been looking. As they pushed past what most mares might consider average, the tears grew, and her supple, pink flesh began to truly show itself. He pinched one of her engorged nipples, and pulled on it hard, forcing a small spurt of milk to come out, and for the sweater to give up. From barely a B, Diamond now had a set of tits that few in Equestria did, and her waist had expanded so much that her underwear and skirt now lay ripped upon the ground. Scam smiled, and purred, “Perfect,” before stepping away. As his hoof touched the ground, the world around him changed, and he watched as Celestia and Luna were dragged before him. The guards of course had happily brought them to him, and every curse out of their lips simply sent shivers of excitement through him. He slowly began undoing his pants as he stated to them, “I am your king, and you are my slaves, only alive to do the one job they enjoy, and that is to please their master. Understood?” Both mare’s eyes glowed red for a moment, before their wings shot out, trying to rip the guards off of them. The magic could not be stopped though, as the red got brighter, until he had his cock out, and both mares hung their heads. Slowly, in unison, the two of them looked up to him. A slight blush was against Luna’s cheeks as she glanced to his cock, while Celestia licked her lips, and her body shuddered with excitement. Together, they said, “What may we do for you, master?” Scam gestured for the guards to let the two go, before stroking their heads, and whispering to his whores, “Beg for my cock. Go from being the royal alicorns you are, to nothing but common whores who need to be fucked.” Luna’s horn glowed as her garments were torn from her, and she pressed her large bosom against his leg, her breath hot against his throbbing shaft as she spoke. “Please, I am nothing but a virgin, unaware of the bliss I know master can give me. Please, do not torture me any longer, and give my life meaning!” Celesta gave the tip of his cock a quick kiss as she disrobed as well, and her large, thicker breasts pressed into his thigh. “Please, ignore my sister. She is corrupt, useless, and even inexperienced. I am none of those things, and while still not worthy of my master’s gift, I know I am far closer to such a title than the worthless filth beside me.” Scam smiled as the mares came closer, and whispered, “Suck,” as the world faded away. ======+++++====== Button’s eyes snapped open. He vaguely remembered going to sleep, just to try to calm himself after his visit from Eris, but that was more at the edge of his mind. What was at the forefront was the wrenching of his stomach, and the location of his bathroom. He scrambled off of his bed, and while he threw up, Luna stepped beside the bed, frowning to herself as she looked to see that it was only ten. If this was how her night was to start, she feared where it might go. Still, I should look into this. It seemed a little too specific in actions to be based off of nothing, especially with his reaction. She bit into her lip, but stopped short as a piece of paper appeared before her, birthed from fire. Dear Luna, While I understand how suspicious this may all look, Eris spoke to him recently to see how he was, and has been watching over our actions for a while now. However, as I do understand if we strike fear into you, Eris and I are awaiting you within the demon vapors, and the letter will help guide you. Tonight though, please, just let him rest after he makes his next wish, and do not act in haste. From, Kiara, the succubus Luna frowned at the letter. To say it was off putting would be an understatement, especially with Eris being involved. Still, she and Celestia had had many years of jolly co-operation with her so far, so she should at least hear her claims. She vanished into the ether as Button crawled back into the room, breathing hard as he picked up the book, and thought of what to write before he went back to bed. > A Knight's Duty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button took in a deep breath as he sat in front of the school. He had wished last night to be able to put a stop to Scam, and in the morning had a plan in his head, a plan that sounded like it made sense, even if it meant asking for a few… questionable things from those near him. Still, when he had told Diamond and Scoots, they had jumped on board, and even brought Sweetie and Apple Bloom in on the plan. Now he just had to wait for them to arrive. Some of the gravel crunched near him, and he glanced up to see Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom blushing while Scootaloo held aloft a pair of purple panties. She reached out to him with them, the smile on her face growing as he blushed too. “One pair of purple princess panties, for your enjoyment.” Button chuckled a little as Sweetie sat beside him. “You know it’s not for my pleasure. I only wanted them for the plan.” Scootaloo stuck her tongue out, leaning over the bench while Apple Bloom sat on the other side of him. “Yeah, all for the plan.” Apple Bloom tugged on Scoot’s ear, causing the mare to back away for a moment. While he was less crowded, the farm filly leaned in to give him a peck on the cheek. Her breasts pressed against his arm as Button’s cheeks grew redder, but the touch was a side note for him now, which surprised him. Apple Bloom pulled him out of his thoughts by snuggling into his chest. “I wanted to say that I’m proud of you, Button. You just don’t seem to want to stop proving that you’re the best a mare could want.” Button blushed as he nodded. He didn’t want to fight the compliment today, not while his whole body was shaking from the nervousness in himself. If he fucked this plan up, he didn’t know what was gonna happen. He blinked, and looked down as he felt a weight on his lap. There, the familiar, green eyes of his gaming partner were. Sweetie reached up and patted his face. “I concur Apple Bloom, which is why I think we should all go to my knight’s castle, and await for him there for when we must celebrate him killing this foul dragon!” “Your knight?” All of them looked up at the new voice, and saw Diamond Tiara. For once, her mane was completely flat, still damp from whatever she must have been doing recently. She ran a hand through the wet strands as she spoke. “I contacted my dad to get a television crew over there, just to make sure that, for once, one of these Flim Flam jerks is completely ruined by this. And, to make sure they show their true colors to Twi’s microphone,” a blush came over her cheeks as she held out a flash drive to Button, “this.” Button took ahold of it, but before he could say anything, Diamond Tiara wrapped her hands around his and looked him dead in the eyes. Neither of them saw Sweetie looking up at the two of them and puffing her cheeks out. “This only goes on your computer, please. I know you wouldn’t mean to-” She stopped as Button slid a hand onto her cheek. “I’ll be good, promise. However,” he gently nudged Sweetie, missing out on her glare as well, “I should probably get going for their ‘club’ meeting.” Sweetie Belle slid off of him, her eyes still on Diamond Tiara, whose eyes were still only on Button. The pink mare wrapped her arms around her stallion, and Button invited the embrace, even leaning in for those puckered lips. Scootaloo smiled as she saw Sweetie Belle fume at the display, and then leaned over to Apple Bloom as she licked her lips. “You know, if there was anypony I would want joining me and Dia, it’d be you and Sweetie, right?” Apple Bloom turned almost as red as her older brother as the two in front of them let go of each other, and Button waved them goodbye. He didn’t look back to see Diamond and the gang waving bye, or Scootaloo causing Apple Bloom to fall off the bench in embarrassment by the things she suggested. No, he had a mission, and that mission would bring him to the edge of town, and to the Gentleman’s club entrance. He knocked on the door thrice, and waited for a response, which came in the form of a slot sliding open, and him seeing Snail’s face. “Oh, Button, what are you doing here?” He raised the purple panties, letting Snails see the cutie mark emblazoned on them as he smiled. “I was hoping I could join.” Snails’s eyes widened, looking at the underwear, and Button could hear the undoing of locks, before the door opened. His friend had a look of absolute shock on his face as his jaw hung loose, and Button took a deep breath in. From here on out, he needed to act like he wanted all of this, like he was the asshole in his dream from yesterday. The two walked through the small entryway, and stepped into a rather nice house. He could see the living room to his left, the dining room on his right, and stairs ahead of him. On the television was some porn, and Button tried not to look at it. He couldn’t help his young mind though and glanced over to see a red cross on a white flank as it got treated to a cock ramming right into it. His cheeks turned a crimson red at the sight, and he stepped around Snails, who seemed content staring at it. A set of hooves sounded off from above them, and he glanced up to see a yellow stallion make his way down. “Snails, who did you just let in? I thought everypony was already…” He stopped, looking at Button for a few moments before smoothing his bacon hair back and smiling at him. “So, who might you be?” He swallowed hard, and lifted up the pair of panties for Scam to see them. His eyes shone with excitement, and his magic pulled the thin strips of fabric out of his hands, and over to him. Scam took ahold of them, simply staring at the cutie mark on them for a few moments before nodding. “Well, aren’t you an overachiever.” Button swallowed hard as he shrugged. “Well, I just thought I might see if there were any extra perks I might get for showing such loyalty, like to a guild in a game.” Scam nodded slowly as he made his way down the steps, still playing with the underwear as he moved. “Loyalty is gained through time, but I will admit, you have a small bit more of my admiration. I do have to wonder how you got it though.” He rolled his eyes and put his computer on the dining table, flipping it open as he pulled out the flash drive Diamond Tiara had given him. “Well, let’s just say that I have a couple of mares fawning over me, trying to make me feel better about-” he stopped, his mouth drying up as he thought of what next to say. It would work, he knew it would, but to actually use her like this… It’s what she would want, Button, as you’re still doing what’s right. He blinked for a moment as Kiara’s voice left his mind, before licking his lips. “My mom. You would be amazed at how far mares will go just to fix something that’s supposedly broken.” Scam smirked at that. “Trust me, you don’t have to tell me that twice. In fact,” he looked past Button, and yelled to the rest of the stallions, “Hey, guys, go into the cabinet and pull out the one titled Manehatten. It’s one of my personal movies, and,” he looked back to Button, “if our new member is thinking of making his own movies, I think it would be good to show him that it’s possible.” Button felt his blood boil, thoughts of the rumors of Scam promising movies and pictures that nopony had seen before coming to mind, and wondered if they were all allowed. He couldn’t dwell on it too long, or else he might punch the smirking asshole. Instead, while Scam was distracted, he clicked on the thumb drive that Diamond Tiara had given him, and felt his heart stop. My-shower-for-you.mov was the only file on there, with the movie’s picture being of a naked Diamond Tiara. He heard Scam gasp behind him, before whispering into Button’s ear, “If you tell me that you’ll be giving us that, you’re in, and I will show you everything I have to show on how to trick and fool mares.” Button could feel the veins in his eyes as his hands shook. Scam didn’t care though, only staring at the movie as it started. Button shut his eyes, not wanting to see the gift here. It wasn’t where he should see something so innocent. Her words cracked his heart as she talked about how this was only for Button, and how she loved him, and trusted him, all while Scam watched. “Yeah, tell them that this is forbidden. That gets way more view-” Button reeled his arm back, done with listening to the prick. When he opened his eyes though, he saw he was one second too late, as something was now holding Scam by the mouth now. He let out muffled screams as he tried to kick at the new mare that had come out of nowhere, but soon her purple magic wrapped around his legs and arms, binding them together. It finally registered to him who it was as Twilight dropped him, and turned to the stallions around her. “So, unless you want to go to prison like him for invasion of privacy, bullying, and theft of the mare’s images, I would suggest you leave. The only thing stopping me from putting you all away right now is that I know you.” She slammed her hoof next to Scam’s head as her eyes narrowed. “Three, two-” She was soon drowned out by the stampede of hooves that hit the ground from the stallions wanting to get out of there as fast as possible. Button meanwhile was simply frozen, and was only now truly realizing what was in front of him. He raised a hand up, and when he saw Twilight turn to him, said the only thing his head could manage at the moment. “Why are you naked?” Twilight blinked, before crossing an arm over her average bust, and her cheeks grew red. “Well, um, you see, I liked your plan to put a listening device on, but I thought it would be more useful if I came, instead of possibly having no way to have a record of what was heard and seen here. Unfortunately…” She swallowed hard, and her horn glowed for a moment, causing clothes to be summoned to her nude form so she could relax. “Well, it really doesn’t matter, does it?” Button swallowed hard, still tense to be in the club with a squirming Scam and the princess. “I-I suppose. Just… you aren’t going to punish-” “No!” Twilight’s wings spread out slightly at the idea, before she reached over and pat his cheek. “Please, don’t worry about something like that. You helped make sure we knew how bad this club was for a concrete fact, so I can now shut it down, and put this… thing into jail, where it deserves to be.” Scam’s eyes narrowed, but all he could do was let out more muffled yells while under the bindings. Button let out a sigh of relief, unable to believe how fast things had moved. His disbelief only grew as Twilight handed him his laptop, which was still open to Diamond gently massaging her nipples for him. “I suggest you go though, as I know about the t.v. crews that should be here soon, and I don’t want you to be implicated, not when you have a mare like that waiting for you.” Button smiled as he looked at the screen, and slowly nodded as he closed his computer. “Thank you, princess, for believing in my plan.” She tilted her head as she smiled and pulled the bad stallion into the air. “When three of my students all vouch for you, I would have to be an idiot to not believe them. Now, shoo! Shoo!” He nodded, running off as Twilight watched him. A smile crossed the princess’s lips as she thought about how the three acted about the colt, and how they obviously felt about him. Her thoughts drifted to her own games and experiments, wondering how he would be with them, before her cheeks turned solid red, and she shook her head violently. It was not good to think about being tied up by a friend of a friend, or at least, she believed that was a normal rule of friendship. Meanwhile, Button could hear the cars as they made their way to the building, letting out a sigh of relief as he believed he got away just in time. When he opened the door to his house an hour later, still mumbling curses about the walk, he was met by soft lips he had thought of kissing before, before being forced to share between all five mares that were in his house. The weirdest one had to go to Silver Spoon who had even decided to kiss him when they saw the news of the club’s shut down. Her kiss was more like clanging teeth together, and he had to try hard not to curse from the pain. While sitting on the couch as they finished their game of Mario Party, he thought back to Eris yesterday. A smile crossed his lips, and while looking to Sweetie Belle on one side of him, while Diamond Tiara was on the other, he felt… right. He had good friends, and looking upon them, he hoped, someday soon even, he might be able to be with them all as more than friends. Though, I bet I’ll need the book to keep making sure no pony tries to kill one another. He got a few weird looks for the chuckle that escaped him, but Button stopped as the doorbell rang. Button hopped through the swarm of mares in his living room to go to answer it, and found a nice looking, black stallion in a suit. The stranger smiled, his neat white mane not moving as he reached a hand out. “Hello, Button Mash, my name is Fair Trial.” Button slowly took the stallion’s hand and shook it as his brow furrowed. “Who?” The stallion chuckled as he nodded and stepped inside. “Well, you see, I’m your mother’s family lawyer, at least, here in Ponyville, and I thought I should stop by and make sure you received the news that…” He sighed and shook his head, “the news your father tried to keep hidden from you, despite your mother’s wishes.” Apple Bloom came over and put a hand on his shoulder as she looked the stallion in the eye. “What’s going on?” Button tried to tell her it was nothing, but got beat by the stallion as he held up a hand. “Nothing wrong on my part, as I am merely telling one off the stallion’s in Ms. Tap’s will that the document will be being read in three days, an event that Mr. Mash asked me to keep away from Button here. I could not allow that though, not with how much his mother revered him.” Button’s blood turned ice cold at the news, and he looked up to Fair. “My d-dad is coming back?” “And your brother.” Simply from the tone of voice and Button’s reaction, Apple Bloom knew this couldn’t be good, and leaned down to whisper in his ear, “Don’t worry, Button. We’re here for you, no matter what happens.” Button nodded as he took in a deep breath and shut his eyes. “I… I’ll make it. I promise.” Fair nodded at the response. He had heard enough about the father to the young stallion in front of him as to not push for a longer response. Besides, if even half of what Love Tap had ever told him about their relationship was true, he would make sure to be there if it was the last thing he did. “Well, I will meet you in the lobby of the courthouse, eleven in the morning, in three days. Understand?” Button nodded, and watched as the door shut before him. Apple Bloom grabbed his hand, but before she could speak, he pecked her cheek and smiled, even while tears crept to the edges of his eyes. “I’ll be fine, I promise.” The farm mare sighed, deciding not to fight him on this, and walked back to the rest of the mares. Button stayed at the doorway, watching her, before spreading his gaze over all of them. A warmth spread through his chest, removing the tightness there as he crossed his arms. He had gotten four mares to possibly fall for him, if he was reading anything of that day correctly, and one to be happy with him that he had never imagined being friends with. His father had nothing on that, and he was certain he was ready to face him. So, why could he not get rid of the want to hide and cry at the thought of his dad? > Ending #1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button took in a deep breath as he sat in front of the school. He had wished last night to be able to put a stop to Scam, and in the morning had a plan in his head, a plan that sounded like it made sense, even if it meant asking for a few… questionable things from those near him. Still, when he had told Diamond and Scoots, they had jumped on board, and even brought Sweetie and Apple Bloom in on the plan. Now he just had to wait for them to arrive. Some of the gravel crunched near him, and he glanced up to see Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom blushing while Scootaloo held aloft a pair of purple panties. She reached out to him with them, the smile on her face growing as he blushed too. “One pair of purple princess panties, for your enjoyment.” Button chuckled a little as Sweetie sat beside him. “You know it’s not for my pleasure. I only wanted them for the plan.” Scootaloo stuck her tongue out, leaning over the bench while Apple Bloom sat on the other side of him. “Yeah, all for the plan.” Apple Bloom tugged on Scoot’s ear, causing the mare to back away for a moment. While he was less crowded, the farm filly leaned in to give him a peck on the cheek. Her breasts pressed against his arm as Button’s cheeks grew redder, but the touch was a side note for him now, which surprised him. Apple Bloom pulled him out of his thoughts by snuggling into his chest. “I wanted to say that I’m proud of you, Button. You just don’t seem to want to stop proving that you’re the best a mare could want.” Button blushed as he nodded. He didn’t want to fight the compliment today, not while his whole body was shaking from the nervousness in himself. If he fucked this plan up, he didn’t know what was gonna happen. He blinked, and looked down as he felt a weight on his lap. There, the familiar, green eyes of his gaming partner were. Sweetie reached up and patted his face. “I concur Apple Bloom, which is why I think we should all go to my knight’s castle, and await for him there for when we must celebrate him killing this foul dragon!” “Your knight?” All of them looked up at the new voice, and saw Diamond Tiara. For once, her mane was completely flat, still damp from whatever she must have been doing recently. She ran a hand through the wet strands as she spoke. “I contacted my dad to get a television crew over there, just to make sure that, for once, one of these Flim Flam jerks is completely ruined by this. And, to make sure they show their true colors to Twi’s microphone,” a blush came over her cheeks as she held out a flash drive to Button, “this.” Button took ahold of it, but before he could say anything, Diamond Tiara wrapped her hands around his and looked him dead in the eyes. Neither of them saw Sweetie looking up at the two of them and puffing her cheeks out. “This only goes on your computer, please. I know you wouldn’t mean to-” She stopped as Button slid a hand onto her cheek. “I’ll be good, promise. However,” he gently nudged Sweetie, missing out on her glare as well, “I should probably get going for their ‘club’ meeting.” Sweetie Belle slid off of him, her eyes still on Diamond Tiara, whose eyes were still only on Button. The pink mare wrapped her arms around her stallion, and Button invited the embrace, even leaning in for those puckered lips. Scootaloo smiled as she saw Sweetie Belle fume at the display, and then leaned over to Apple Bloom as she licked her lips. “You know, if there was anypony I would want joining me and Dia, it’d be you and Sweetie, right?” Apple Bloom turned almost as red as her older brother as the two in front of them let go of each other, and Button waved them goodbye. He didn’t look back to see Diamond and the gang waving bye, or Scootaloo causing Apple Bloom to fall off the bench in embarrassment by the things she suggested. No, he had a mission, and that mission would bring him to the edge of town, and to the Gentleman’s club entrance. He knocked on the door thrice, and waited for a response, which came in the form of a slot sliding open, and him seeing Snail’s face. “Oh, Button, what are you doing here?” He raised the purple panties, letting Snails see the cutie mark emblazoned on them as he smiled. “I was hoping I could join.” Snails’s eyes widened, looking at the underwear, and Button could hear the undoing of locks, before the door opened. His friend had a look of absolute shock on his face as his jaw hung loose, and Button took a deep breath in. From here on out, he needed to act like he wanted all of this, like he was the asshole in his dream from yesterday. The two walked through the small entryway, and stepped into a rather nice house. He could see the living room to his left, the dining room on his right, and stairs ahead of him. On the television was some porn, and Button tried not to look at it. He couldn’t help his young mind though and glanced over to see a red cross on a white flank as it got treated to a cock ramming right into it. His cheeks turned a crimson red at the sight, and he stepped around Snails, who seemed content staring at it. A set of hooves sounded off from above them, and he glanced up to see a yellow stallion make his way down. “Snails, who did you just let in? I thought everypony was already…” He stopped, looking at Button for a few moments before smoothing his bacon hair back and smiling at him. “So, who might you be?” He swallowed hard, and lifted up the pair of panties for Scam to see them. His eyes shone with excitement, and his magic pulled the thin strips of fabric out of his hands, and over to him. Scam took ahold of them, simply staring at the cutie mark on them for a few moments before nodding. “Well, aren’t you an overachiever.” Button swallowed hard as he shrugged. “Well, I just thought I might see if there were any extra perks I might get for showing such loyalty, like to a guild in a game.” Scam nodded slowly as he made his way down the steps, still playing with the underwear as he moved. “Loyalty is gained through time, but I will admit, you have a small bit more of my admiration. I do have to wonder how you got it though.” He rolled his eyes and put his computer on the dining table, flipping it open as he pulled out the flash drive Diamond Tiara had given him. “Well, let’s just say that I have a couple of mares fawning over me, trying to make me feel better about-” he stopped, his mouth drying up as he thought of what next to say. It would work, he knew it would, but to actually use her like this… It’s what she would want, Button, as you’re still doing what’s right. He blinked for a moment as Kiara’s voice left his mind, before licking his lips. “My mom. You would be amazed at how far mares will go just to fix something that’s supposedly broken.” Scam smirked at that. “Trust me, you don’t have to tell me that twice. In fact,” he looked past Button, and yelled to the rest of the stallions, “Hey, guys, go into the cabinet and pull out the one titled Manehatten. It’s one of my personal movies, and,” he looked back to Button, “if our new member is thinking of making his own movies, I think it would be good to show him that it’s possible.” Button felt his blood boil, thoughts of the rumors of Scam promising movies and pictures that nopony had seen before coming to mind, and wondered if they were all allowed. He couldn’t dwell on it too long, or else he might punch the smirking asshole. Instead, while Scam was distracted, he clicked on the thumb drive that Diamond Tiara had given him, and felt his heart stop. My-shower-for-you.mov was the only file on there, with the movie’s picture being of a naked Diamond Tiara. He heard Scam gasp behind him, before whispering into Button’s ear, “If you tell me that you’ll be giving us that, you’re in, and I will show you everything I have to show on how to trick and fool mares.” Button could feel the veins in his eyes as his hands shook. Scam didn’t care though, only staring at the movie as it started. Button shut his eyes, not wanting to see the gift here. It wasn’t where he should see something so innocent. Her words cracked his heart as she talked about how this was only for Button, and how she loved him, and trusted him, all while Scam watched. “Yeah, tell them that this is forbidden. That gets way more view-” Button reeled his arm back, done with listening to the prick. When he opened his eyes though, he saw he was one second too late, as something was now holding Scam by the mouth now. He let out muffled screams as he tried to kick at the new mare that had come out of nowhere, but soon her purple magic wrapped around his legs and arms, binding them together. It finally registered to him who it was as Twilight dropped him, and turned to the stallions around her. “So, unless you want to go to prison like him for invasion of privacy, bullying, and theft of the mare’s images, I would suggest you leave. The only thing stopping me from putting you all away right now is that I know you.” She slammed her hoof next to Scam’s head as her eyes narrowed. “Three, two-” She was soon drowned out by the stampede of hooves that hit the ground from the stallions wanting to get out of there as fast as possible. Button meanwhile was simply frozen, and was only now truly realizing what was in front of him. He raised a hand up, and when he saw Twilight turn to him, said the only thing his head could manage at the moment. “Why are you naked?” Twilight blinked, before crossing an arm over her average bust, and her cheeks grew red. “Well, um, you see, I liked your plan to put a listening device on, but I thought it would be more useful if I came, instead of possibly having no way to have a record of what was heard and seen here. Unfortunately…” She swallowed hard, and her horn glowed for a moment, causing clothes to be summoned to her nude form so she could relax. “Well, it really doesn’t matter, does it?” Button swallowed hard, still tense to be in the club with a squirming Scam and the princess. “I-I suppose. Just… you aren’t going to punish-” “No!” Twilight’s wings spread out slightly at the idea, before she reached over and pat his cheek. “Please, don’t worry about something like that. You helped make sure we knew how bad this club was for a concrete fact, so I can now shut it down, and put this… thing into jail, where it deserves to be.” Scam’s eyes narrowed, but all he could do was let out more muffled yells while under the bindings. Button let out a sigh of relief, unable to believe how fast things had moved. His disbelief only grew as Twilight handed him his laptop, which was still open to Diamond gently massaging her nipples for him. “I suggest you go though, as I know about the t.v. crews that should be here soon, and I don’t want you to be implicated, not when you have a mare like that waiting for you.” Button smiled as he looked at the screen, and slowly nodded as he closed his computer. “Thank you, princess, for believing in my plan.” She tilted her head as she smiled and pulled the bad stallion into the air. “When three of my students all vouch for you, I would have to be an idiot to not believe them. Now, shoo! Shoo!” He nodded, running off as Twilight watched him. A smile crossed the princess’s lips as she thought about how the three acted about the colt, and how they obviously felt about him. Her thoughts drifted to her own games and experiments, wondering how he would be with them, before her cheeks turned solid red, and she shook her head violently. It was not good to think about being tied up by a friend of a friend, or at least, she believed that was a normal rule of friendship. Meanwhile, Button could hear the cars as they made their way to the building, letting out a sigh of relief as he believed he got away just in time. When he opened the door to his house an hour later, still mumbling curses about the walk, he was met by soft lips he had thought of kissing before, before being forced to share between all five mares that were in his house. The weirdest one had to go to Silver Spoon who had even decided to kiss him when they saw the news of the club’s shut down. Her kiss was more like clanging teeth together, and he had to try hard not to curse from the pain. While sitting on the couch as they finished their game of Mario Party, he thought back to Eris yesterday. A smile crossed his lips, and looking to Sweetie Belle on one side of him, while Diamond Tiara was on the other, he felt… right. Some were his closest friends, whom he had been with his whole life, who he had never seen himself falling in love with. Looking to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo though, and even Silver Spoon, with their smiles, he felt tears come to his eyes. Simply knowing they were happy made him overjoyed. Looking to his side though, he couldn’t stop himself. Tears streamed down his face as he realized that the two mares his heart truly yearned for, one that had been there forever, and one that had always been watching, were his to hold and cherish. They would fill the lonely nights, where his soul yearned for his mother. The mares looked to him, fear in their eyes as he cried. They smiled as he said,” I love you, all of you,” and he felt Diamond grab his hand. He smiled into those eyes that had led him down the path of love and lust, and leaned in, getting one more, tender kiss. > Yielding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheerilee took in a deep, quivering breath as she looked over her leaving class. Full grown fillies and colts she had known since they were small were passing her by, and all she could do was smile. Each one hurt though, as she knew what she did today was not only wrong, but cowardly. It should be her whose body was to meet the hands of one never supposed to touch it, not… Cheerilee, this is the best you can have. Just enjoy what you’ll get here, and you’ll be fine. It’ll be all you need. It took all of Cheerilee’s will not to let the tear that formed in her eye at the last thought to fall. Meanwhile, in her peripherals, she could watch Silver Spoon take a final, deep breath in, before walking over to Button’s desk. Cheerilee had heard Sweetie talking to him just a moment ago about video games, and hanging out that night, and the older mare hoped he might still act on those plans, even after what her and Silver had planned. Sweetie Belle pouted at whatever Silver Spoon was telling her, and she hoped that the young, grey mare wasn’t messing up her own plan. She shut her eyes, her fingers wrapping around her knees as she realized what that also meant. Just relax, Cheerilee. So long as you aren’t the one touching him, it’s fine. “So, what’s up, Cheerilee?” A shiver of hot arousal rolled through Cheerilee’s body, and it took every ounce of her will to look up to the cheerful voice that had spoken to her. There she saw the same old stupid grin shining orange eyes, but now… now they belonged to a real stallion. A stallion making a difference, catching the attention of mares, building a herd I should join. Cheerilee clenched her hands again as the thought rolled through, but couldn’t dismiss it properly, not with Button right there. “Well, yes, but first, Silver Spoon, can you please lock the door?” The gray mare’s cheeks flared up with crimson hues as she nodded, and Cheerilee could see Button nervously fidget. He had good reason to, as even Cheerilee could tell that out of all the mares he had started hanging out with, Silver Spoon was not the one he expected to find alone time with. Or her, for that matter. “So, this morning, Silver Spoon decided to talk to me about a rather… special worry of hers. It’s concerning the matter of the mares you are growing ever closer to.” Now it was Button’s turn to blush, and to grab his arm in the cute way he did when he got nervous. Cheerilee prayed that he could not smell the drop she felt sliding between her folds. “They are pretty amazing, but,” he paused, turning to Silver Spoon, “I thought you were finally willing to trust me with them, even Diamond Tiara.” Silver Spoon let out a small harumph as she looked to the side, the tassels on her jacket bouncing slightly with the motion. “I have conceded that whatever they feel for you is real, and that… and that you’re not a bad colt. Today isn’t about being good or bad though.” Button’s brow furrowed even more as he turned back to Cheerilee, who was still smiling at the two, even as sweat was collecting on her brow. “Then, what is it about?” Cheerilee took in a deep breath, her hands slowly opening the drawer just underneath her desk. There sat a six inch ruler, usually meant to be loaned out, but she suspected that it would be burning by the end of the day. “Well, while we have covered such topics in the past, with so many of my pupils being under your care and growing closer to you-” “I-It’s only two, really. At least, I think it is.” Cheerilee gripped the ruler harder as another wave of need pushed its way through her body. How could one attract so many, while still being so innocent? “Silver Spoon says three, as where Diamond Tiara goes, she will follow, even with you.” She waited to let the grey mare nod, even if the younger pony would not look at either of them now. “In that vein though, she wants to make sure that the one who ends up with her friend is tr-treated right.” Button frowned at that, his brows furrowing ever deeper as he stepped closer to Silver Spoon. “I thought we were done with this! I don’t plan ooooo-” Cheerilee slid the ruler underneath her skirt, soon feeling the rough touch of it’s wooden edge against her underwear as she watched what was to happen begin. The stunned word from Button was also freezing Silver Spoon from continuing her plan from this morning, so instead she was just standing there, her jacket undone, and her well endowed breasts completely bare to Button now. After a long, painful ten seconds of waiting, Cheerilee heard the words that doomed her that day. “I want to make sure you treat Diamond right… sexually, too.” Button’s head looked like it almost lit on fire with how fast it became completely red. “Wh-what? E-even if I thought this was right, sh-shouldn’t we do this in private, instead of, you know, in front of…” He became quiet, staring at Cheerilee, who was using every ounce of her will to give him a small, confident smile, even as the ruler between her thighs was pulling her underwear away from her slit. Silver Spoon shook her head as she stepped closer and grabbed ahold of Button’s hand. “No… we shouldn’t. I’m still new to all of this myself, and,” she stopped for a moment, blinking to try and stop, and failed to stop, a tear from falling down her cheek, “and I need to somehow have leverage on you, so that when I do get some experience, it’s even slightly as I dreamed it would be.” Cheerilee felt her heart go out to the young mare as the two ponies stared at each other for a few moments. While this morning had been the first time her suspicions had ever been confirmed that the gray mare had feelings for her leader, she had always suspected it. She was not there to judge relationships, or mend broken hearts. That was Silver’s job. She was there to teach, and as Button pulled Silver Spoon in close, and their lips met, Cheerilee softly said, so as not to startle, “Perfect, Button. A firm embrace like that makes sure your mare knows you’re there for her.” Neither broke the embrace because of her words, which gave her much needed time to get herself better prepared for what was to come. She slid a hand beneath her skirt, her fingers at quick work to get her underwear entirely out of the way. She wanted free access to her honey pot, even if moaning would possibly ruin everything. She had to though, as she was already wet, and Button hadn’t even begun touching Silver. Once the two finally separated, both of their faces bright red, Cheerilee whispered to Button, “Now, look to her breasts. While all mares have sensitive bosoms, us with larger sets call them our weaknesses. Be gentle at first, with pets, squeezes, and then work on her nipples. Understand?” Button nodded, though his trembling body betrayed his nervousness to his teacher. Fortunately, as his fingertips sank slightly into Silver’s supple flesh, and she let out a squeak from the gentle rubbing she was beginning to get, Cheerilee could try to mimic Button’s hands. She knew it couldn’t be the same. Her hands knew where to go on her chest. What buttons she would want pressed. His clumsy fingers would be far more exciting as her anticipation would grow, waiting for him to find the best spots to dig into. A gasp from Silver Spoon snapped her out of her day dreaming, and she looked up to seeing Button giving her another kiss. His hands were far more impressive, as his thumbs kneaded into and massaged the gray mare’s darker gray areolas, and the rest of his fingers hooked around the large mounds, squeezing them tight, but also shifting so as to allow the palms to grind against the sensitive flesh. Cheerilee had to dig her nails into the wood of the desk to make sure she didn’t leap up and take Silver’s place, but instead barely got out, “Th-that’s an interesting technique you have there, Button.” Button came away from Silver’s lips as she let out a long, lewd moan, and his face was almost as red as Big Macintosh’s. “We-well, when I thought about working on her nipples, I realized that they looked like analogs sticks, and, well, tried something? Is it wrong?” Silver’s eyes snapped open, and she looked almost like she was in a panic as she blurted out, “No!” Her hands then slammed over her mouth as her eyes went wide. “I… I mean, I-I like it.” Cheerilee’s hands had slammed back into her lap as the two started to notice their surroundings again, and she forced herself to breathe out calmly, despite sinking the first inch of the ruler into her drenched pussy. “Well, if you think he has that down well, why d-don’t we move lower?” Silver Spoon now matched Button’s intensity of blush, while the poor colt started to have steam rise from his head. Cheerilee swallowed hard, making sure to keep it to only the tip that was going in and out of her. “D-don’t worry. We’ll keep it to just hands, if that makes you any more comfortable. However,” she swallowed hard, her own head having issues formulating the next words, “B-Button, you need to undress as well.” “What?” Both of them looked at her as if she were insane, which she probably was, but she wasn’t going to admit that. At least, not now. “Seeing as this is also uncomfortable for Button, while also being deeply arousing, I will not have you leaving him pent up and in pain. Understand, Silver Spoon?” The gray mare gripped her arm with the other, making her already pronounced chest even more on display as she looked away. She still managed to hiss out, “I suppose I should make sure Dia is getting the best,” despite the quivering of her body. Cheerilee nodded, before glancing to Button, who looked positively robotic. She let another inch slide in, but forced herself to keep her composure as she turned back to Silver, who already had her skirt and underwear on the floor, and was stepping out of them rather unceremoniously. “Silver, why don’t you help Button get changed?” Silver’s eyes widened even more, but with the fact that Button really did seem to be completely out of it. She even waved her hand in front of his face for a moment, but he didn’t react. She glanced back to Cheerilee, who was now at about the four inch mark, now just waiting to see just how big Button was. With the sound of a button popping, and the colt reacting a few moments too late, Silver got the chance to simply pull his pants and boxers down in one go. Both gasped as the rock hard, throbbing cock came out, and stood at full attention. Button tried to mumble something, but it came out as pure gibberish. Silver looked slightly worried, like he might be too big, while Cheerilee went to the five inch mark. He was impressive, but he wasn’t the biggest in town, and she was admittedly unsure if that was a good or bad thing. “S-sorry if it’s weird… or bad… or…” Button nervously scratched at his head, his eyes looking straight to the floor as his member continued to tremble in the open air. He let out a small groan as Silver ran a finger along it, and Cheerilee found it almost endearing how nervous the usually rude mare was. She had to keep this going, especially as her wrist worked like mad to try to please the insatiable fire between her legs. She slowly pointed towards the front row of seats and squeezed out, “It’s perfectly fine, B-Button. But, for you two to be able to please each other, I suggest you sit there, and open your legs up. Th-that way, I can keep t-teaching.” The two nodded, and Cheerilee almost began to cry as they lifted themselves onto the desks. Silver was bright red as Button put a hand on her thigh, and her hands stayed between her thighs. A glance to Cheerilee seemed to remind her of what she was supposed to be doing, and moved her hands away from the wettened folds that were on full display. Button swallowed hard enough for even Cheerilee to hear, and the teacher said, “Button, put your hand on the edge of those pink rings. As for you, S-Silver, simply place your hand on Button’s rod.” The two nodded very slowly as their hands moved to their positions. Cheerilee sank in the sixth inch and let out the smallest of mewls as the two began without instructions. Of course, when two hormonal, young adults were as aroused as they were, instincts began to take over. She tried to instruct, tried to teach, but as Button’s finger slipped into Silver’s honeypot, and Silver began to curl her fingers around Button’s throbbing member, it simply became too much for her. The two didn’t even notice as Cheerilee ran out, their eyes locked on one another. Each new movement and touch brought another shiver to their young bodies, and with how close they were, despite the two barely doing much of anything to the other, it wasn’t long before one of them broke. It was Button, who shut his eyes, and cried out. It reminded him a lot of the visit from Eris, and her wet lips around his cock. This time though, he knew the wetness was from a far more private place, one that nopony had touched before, and it was with a mare he knew. And, as his cum sprayed against the floor from his release, he realized that it was a mare he knew painfully little about. Silver’s eyes widened as he came. Not only could she not believe what had happened, or the fact that she was absolutely adoring the touch of a stupid, no class gamer, but it was also due to the two fingers within her sinking deep, and his palm pressed down upon her nethers. The smooth flesh of his hand let out a smack, especially against a small node right at the top of her pussy. She slammed a hand over her mouth, letting out a muffled scream as she finally could not contain her arousal any longer. It was not simply a wave that she had felt at home, masturbating to thoughts of her and Dia together, but like a tsunami. Like a dam she had made a hundred times over broke, and the resulting disaster was almost painful. But it felt so good. As the two sat there, panting, the smell of their arousal drenching the room, Silver briefly said, “Y-you should probably go.” She didn’t really want him to continue seeing her like this. It was beyond embarrassing, and it made her think confusing thoughts about the stupid idiot. Button didn’t leave though, probably because he was a stupid idiot, and instead wrapped his arms around Silver. “Thank you. I-I know this must have taken a lot for you to do, and I swear I will try everything I can to keep my end of our deal. You mean too much to Diamond Tiara for me not to, and…” He pushed her away slightly, and mustered the best smile he could as exhaustion began sweeping through his stressed body. “And you mean a lot to me too.” While Silver was feeling butterflies that scared the daylights out of her, Cheerilee could feel a tear roll down her face as she looked in from the doorway. She had tried just running away, just taking care of herself, but with the ruler clamped between her folds still, she knew that wouldn’t happen. She wanted too much to be in those arms of his, and her horror was almost being beaten by that desire. She walked away from the happy couple, trying to dry her eyes as she swore never to be alone with Button again, because if she did, she would never be able to hold herself back. > Mother's Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button shook as he stared into the mirror. He had spent most of the day with Diamond Tiara, hopping from store to store to make her satisfied. From food that he needed to host company, to the tight, stiff suit that he wore now, she had gotten him ready for the event tomorrow. A shiver ran down his spine, and he looked to his hands. “Yeah, ready, that’s what I am.” “I think so, but then again, that’s what I’ve always thought.” Button froze. Not even his heart dared to beat as he stared into the mirror. The longer he stared, the more of a brown mane came up behind him, until the long strands framed half of his head. He reached back with one hand, and felt an all too familiar, but also distant grip on his hand. A gentle peck on the top of his head brought tears to his eyes, and he tried to use his other hand to stop them. It seemed futile, as instead he simply kept it there, staining the side of his sleeve, as he couldn’t help but sob. A hand ran itself through his well groomed mane that had been done only a few hours ago, gently scratching his scalp as the mare behind him gently hummed. Her fingers intertwined with Button’s, and she gave it a firm squeeze. “You know, I never thought I would get to see the day you wore a suit.” Button couldn’t help but chuckle. “Mom, you… you shouldn’t say such stupid things.” Love Tap smiled and lowered the hand from his head to his chest, and gently squeezed him. Button only shut his eyes as her head began showing itself above his shoulder. He must have been knocked out by thieves or something, and was lying on the ground unconscious, because this simply wasn’t possible. The mare’s hand moved to his chin, and guided him to look into the mirror. There, he saw his mother, tears coming down her own face as she smiled. She looked so… alive. Even more than she had when she was around even. Button tried to open his mouth, to say something, but he couldn’t, not to those shining eyes. Love Tap did not have the same paralysis, as she squeezed his hand again. “Button… I want you to know I’m proud of you. I thought when I passed, you would become nothing, but instead, I have been able to watch my young colt turn into a true stallion, able to stand up for those who he cares about, and to love those he wishes to.” A tear fell down the side of her face, and she whispered, “A lot better than you have any right to even.” Button blinked as he heard the dip in her voice, and the shine in her eyes disappeared. He hadn’t heard that voice often, but he remembered every time. His mother on the couch had always filled him with sorrow as he wished he could join her and Derpy and help. Back then, he had been too afraid. Now though, he wasn’t going to take it. Not from that bastard. Button slammed his hoof into the hard floor, before turning on it and turning to his mother. She was in a nice, white dress, her skin unblemished by pain, scars, or flame like Button had last seen it. He crinkled his face inwards, the beauty of the sight seemingly making him angrier. For a moment, he imagined seeing Dia, Scootaloo… any of them looking down to the ground, looking like they should be happier, but crying instead. “I won’t let him. No matter what my father tries tomorrow, I will not let him simply walk away scot free. Not again.” Love Tap looked up, staring into the clear, alert, orange eyes of her colt. So strong, so focused, and not about a video game for once. She stepped forward, and put a hand on his cheek, before pecking the other one. She then whispered against his ear, “I love you, my brave knight.” Button brought a shaking hand to hers, and now it was his turn to squeeze her hand. “I love you too, my lady.” Love Tap shut her eyes as more tears came, and she stepped back. She looked upon her little colt one more time, before shaking her head. He now had the suit on properly, and looked right in it. He was not a colt in his father’s clothes, but a stallion, ready to face the world. “Save those words for the new mares around you, alright?” Button nodded as she began to walk to the door. He didn’t want to see her go, but if this was some reward for him making it one month without her, to have a visit with his mother, he would not try to extend it any further. He’d been given too much already to ask for more. He did need to know one thing though. “Mom, if… if I thought I could, would you be okay being brought back?” Love Tap put her hand on the door frame, standing there for a few moments, before nodding. “When you’re done with that book of yours, please, feel free to at least try to bring me back. I won’t fight it.” Button nodded as she faded, and the door closed. What he did not see was the spell over the mare on the other side of the door break, and Kiara collapsing onto the ground. She pushed against the ground, her vision swimming as it felt like her limbs were made of jello. Looking behind her though, she saw the same fray shirt and yellow horn that belonged to her fellow conspirator. “Th-thanks for the help, phew, with the transformations spell.” Eris smiled as she helped the demon up. With a simple shrug, she dismissed the praise, before shooing the mare away. “You should get going, in case Button tries to text you. Don’t want your pager being heard.” Kiara nodded, and began to walk away, while Eris giggled to herself about the whole thing that had just happened. > The Will > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button Mash sat on one of the couches within the Ponyville courthouse, tapping away at his joyboy as he waited. They were all supposed to meet at ten, and it was already ten past that. He didn’t expect more of them though, and could feel his blood boil with each passing minute. For once, he found it as a good thing. His eyes flicked up as the front doors opened up. Not that he couldn’t see them out of his peripherals anyways, not when the courthouse was so small. One of the nice parts of living in a small town, at least, so Button thought. He didn’t properly look up though, deciding not to give them the courtesy yet. The thinner, gray stallion glanced over, and Button saw a long grin spread along his face. “There he is, pops. Playing his joyboy, as always. I bet it’s even something like pokemon, or Puyo Pop.” Button forced himself not to roll his eyes as the black stallion that was his father began walking over. He remembered when he was smaller, and the fool had stayed in shape, tried to be there for all of them. Then, his brother found that he could be a gaming pro, just like his dad was as a poker player, and the two took off. Sometimes for business, mostly not. Button still jumped as his father tapped the device in his hand. He had closed his eyes to control his anger, and felt a bit of heat rise to his cheeks. “Come on, Mash. You can’t be like Twitch and simply get consumed by your video games.” He looked up to his father, Stacked Deck, and the bright red hair that adorned his black head, and narrowed his eyes. Like a bad original character, he looked and acted like he was far more important than he was. Button would not cause a fuss though, not now, and stood in the tight tuxedo. “I noticed you guys walk in, and was just finishing up. Promise.” A chuckle came out of his brother, Twitch, his muted brown hair that almost matched Love Tap’s coat shaking as he did so. “I wonder how many ponies have had to hear that, especially mom. I remember when she would freak out because you would keep saying that, over and over again.” Button grimaced for a moment, before his brother’s cocky smile faded, and he glanced away from the brown colt. It warmed Button’s heart for a moment, and he let out a small sigh. While their father’s sons, neither were their father, otherwise, Love may have left him. Button forced a smile on. “I also remember during your early days when mom would find you at your computer, and drag you to school because you literally hadn’t slept.” Twitch smiled back, but then looked to his father, and coughed. Stacked nodded, and turned to Button. “Unfortunately, Twitch needs to get to a plane in a few hours for Rainstorm’s training grounds, so if we could speed this along, that would be much appreciated.” Button didn’t even look towards Stacked, but kept his eyes on Twitch, who had never been great at lying, and from how he looked to the floor, he knew it was just an excuse. I know you guys don’t like facing reality, but you could put up with it for at least… Button grit his teeth, and turned to Stacked. “Button!” Button stood frozen as the two other stallions looked over his shoulder. There, three mares walked out of the broad stairwell, along with Fair Trial. Sweetie, the one who had shouted, almost skipped over, seemingly oblivious to the mood the others were in. While her black, satin dress, probably made by Rarity over the last few days, hugged her ever so well, the only thing that passed Stacked’s or Twitch’s heads were how well Button’s childhood friend had filled in. The other two were a whole different case. Dia opted out of a suit for the occasion, and was whispering something to Fair Trial. While not the most attractive mare, to them, out of the three, she wore the black and gray well, and everypony knew about her connections. The other one was more expected out of Button, but for him to still have managed to get an Apple here too, especially one to put on a dress with a split up the side, was unimaginable to the two. This is exactly why Stacked walked right past Apple Bloom. The large stallion walked up to Fair Trial, and tilted his hat, before taking Diamond Tiara’s hand and giving it a small peck. “I must admit that you have good priorities, to prioritize such a pretty thing over my son.” Fair stood there, stunned. Diamond Tiara seemed to be unaffected though, and leaned in to give him a peck on both cheeks, before leaving her hand on his neck. Apple Bloom meanwhile was looking between Button and Twitch, somewhat wondering how the foot in height difference had happened between them. Sweetie held her face in her hand, and Twitch was groaning. “Now, Mr. Deck, while I do enjoy the flattery, I must put a stop to it now. Not only is it insulting to your late wife, but if you continue such manners, I will not be able to hold back on the fact that every fiber of me wants to punch you right now.” All of them stopped what they were doing now, and stared at Diamond Tiara, who was now turning on her heel. Button had spent yesterday venting to the pink mare about his aggravations with his father, but he hadn’t quite expected that. Once she was a few steps up, Diamond Tiara looked back at them, and asked, “Well, don’t we have a will to read?’ Slowly, each of them recovered from their stupor, and one by one, they began to trudge up the stairs behind her. Stacked now had an almost permanent scowl on, so long as he was looking at Fair Trial’s back at least. When he had to look back, his inner sleaze ball kicked in, and he smiled at Button, trying to engage in small talk with him. While Button was set on not talking to the fat man anymore than he had to, Twitch was actually the one to touch his back and whisper, “You don’t need to talk to him.” At the top, Fair Trial sighed, and adjusted his glasses. “Now, ladies, I’ve already gone over the rules with you, and while I know you’re almost family to him-” Apple Bloom held up a hand. “Even honorary, we ain’t family yet. We understand. If I hear Button crying though, I will come in.” Fair smiled to the country mare, before nodding and turning to the three stallions. “Now, will you three follow me?” There was no need for words, but Twitch, with his hands laced in front of him, chuckled out, “Before I have to start making you play Supermare 64.” Buttons eyes widened, remembering the times that she had to make Button, Twitch, and Thunderlane get out of the house for one reason or another. Someday, it had changed to Thunderlane’s younger brother, and then Sweetie instead of Twitch. He looked to his brother, a small smile on as he said, “Then we’ll beat it like the rest.” Stacked glanced back, and Fair Trial could tell that he was holding back some sort of comment. It was funny to the proper stallion how much one’s treatment to their son could change when they had an in to a wealthy family. It only made Fair smile brighter as he opened the door to the room. “Please, come in.” The three shuffled in, and while Twitch offered him one of the two seats in the small office, Button turned it down, and instead decided to stand. This caused the gray stallion to pause, studying his younger brother’s face, before his eyes, and he slipped into the chair. Fair smiled as Button placed a hand on his brother’s shoulder, and remembered all the times Love Tap had hoped her children would never truly separate. “So, while there is a lot more to this, I thought, since I know how busy a professional gaming life can be, that we would simply cut to her will and testament. How does that sound to you all?” Button fidgeted for a moment, but the memory of yesterday was still very clear in his mind. He was ready, he was certain of it. “Yeah, I think I would like that myself.” Fair nodded, not even waiting for the others to respond as he pulled out a single piece of paper. He then cleared his throat, and began to read. “This is the Last Will and Testament of Love Tap. I am happy to say that I was always a family mare. When I chose not to follow my family’s business, they still accepted me. When I married a wanderer, and showed more interest in gaming, they gave me the funds necessary. Hopefully, even with my early passing, these gifts will help those who need it most.” Twitch glanced up, his ears twitching as he blinked. “Early passing? Did mom mean to make a new one?” Fair Trial nodded, but before he could speak, Button spoke flatly, facing none of them now, even as his body shook. “M-mom was always smart, and wanted to be prepared. This is just like her.” A small sigh escaped Fair as he turned back to the paper, surprised that the colt wasn’t crying already. Love Tap had always told him he was stronger than he looked though. “Ahem. Sorry, but I must continue.” He waited for them all to nod, and spoke again. “To my first born, I give my best wishes. While I know you’re not perfect, I know you can grow and be the stallion you want to be. You’re one of the best gamers I’ve ever seen, and when you win first place in one of those tournaments, know that I will be watching proudly. Until then, I hope the Tap’s family plane can get you to where you need to go, and a small fortune of two hundred thousand bits, paid over the course of twenty years, will help fund your future. When you wish to settle though, there is a small lot of land with good internet connection by Manehatten that I think will suit you well” While Stacked smiled, and laced his hands, Button and Twitch were just… staring. Neither knew what to say, as neither knew what in the world was going on. “As for my other son, my dearest Button Mash, I give to you what you gave to me. No matter when I needed you, what I needed you for, or what it would take to make me happy, you would always do as asked. You are the best stallion I ever met, and I know that one day, you will be able to show Equestria the joy you’ve shown me. For that dream, and all you gave me, I leave the rest of my possessions to you.” Twitch looked behind him as silence filled the room, and he could see his brother silently crying against the wall. He stood to go to him, but instead felt a hand thump on his chest as his father used him to help him up. One of his fists slammed onto Fair Trial’s desk, who had just picked up his coffee to avoid it spilling, and screamed, “What about me?” Fair sipped his coffee, and kept his eyes over it as he said, “As she said to me when I asked her, she claimed that you were nothing but a parasite, and that she would have taken you out of her family long ago. So no, there is nothing for you.” “That’s perposturou-” Crack! The two younger stallions looked to their father as a red aura dissipated from before him, and blood streamed down from his broken nose. Soon, the large stallion crashed down, sending a chair clattering onto the floor with him. Fair Trial paled, at the back of his seat, before Button saw a red glow around his eyes, as well as his brothers. A smile opened on his face, and he thanked Kiara for choosing such an eloquent way to stop him from starting anything. Twitch blinked a few times, before he turned to Button, and swallowed hard. “He… isn’t going to be happy about this, but, even if he kicks you out of his house, I would be happy to let you stay at the house mom left me. That’s… that’s what brothers would do, right?” Button sighed, before putting a hand on his brother’s arm. “How about we wait for the competitive season is done, and then we’ll hang out like brothers do? Because…” “We need to remember that mom never played favorites until I fucked up and said bye to everypony with dad?” Button smirked at the remark. “That’s surprisingly deep for someone normally so thickheaded.” Twitch knocked on the side of his head as he tried to smile, but failed, with tears coming out instead. “Well, when you find out your mom died almost a month ago and you didn’t know, you… you start thinking about shit like this.” “Speaking of things you should be thinking about,” Fair Trial said as he pulled out two sheets of paper. Each brother received one, and both were the deeds to some sort of house. “I do believe you have something to ask me.” Both of them looked up, and said together, “How does mom own all of this?” Fair smiled wider. “You really thought your dad had all the money? He is an okay poker player, but nothing special, especially past his thirties. Now as a hint to why your mom has all of this,” he cleared his throat and stated, “To have the future at the tips of your hand with internet, phones, and even telegrams, all you need is Tap.” Both of them simply blinked a few times, before Twitch looked to Button. Both of theirs heads had pretty much started shutting down at this point. The smaller of them tilted his head, and asked, “So, does Smash sound good before we think too hard about just how much mom had?” “How about how much you-” “Smash Brother’s it is!” And Smash Brothers did not stop until Apple Bloom threw him into bed. There, he could hear Twitch go to his own room. His ‘dad’ wasn’t there. No, while Button had started trying to learn to breathe again, Twitch and Fair Trial had put Stacked onto the plane that his brother was supposed to be on now. Not that it mattered now. Twitch had his own plane, and from just how big the communication’s industry had grown underneath Tap… He shut his eyes, before his phone buzzed. The text was from Kiara, and it simply said, Why do you need to change, just because you can retire? Button put the phone beside him, and reached for the journal. Maybe Kiara was right. That, or Celestia knew he could use a sillier wish right now, before his brain truly melted. > A Simple Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button stirred in his bed, slowly waking up as he noticed a pair of arms around him. He snuggled into them, letting out a gentle sigh as he felt their strong touch on him. They felt nice, a lot nicer than almost anything he had found yesterday. Even when he opened his eyes, he demanded of himself not to panic. Not when it was Apple Bloom beside him. He did still swallow hard, and wasn’t sure what to do now. In fact, when did she even come in to stay with him? Button frowned for a moment as he slowly wrapped his arms around her. A slight murmur escaped the farm mare, before her eyes slowly began to open. Button withdrew a little as a small blush came to his face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.” A small smile came over Apple Bloom’s features, and she leaned in closer, pecking Button on the cheek. The stallion glanced down, noticing the somewhat amplified cleavage before him and blushing harder as his farm mare gripped his hand. “It’s not a problem. I wanted to be up when you got up. After yesterday, I thought you might need another pony.” A groan escaped Button as he put his face into the pillow. “Please, don’t remind me. All yesterday when I thought about food, shampoo, anything, all my head could come up with was, ‘Why not a thousand’?” Apple Bloom giggled at this and ran her fingers through his hair, her smile widening as she heard how her idiot of a lover thought. “You know, this isn’t some sort of RP- Unf.” She paused, looking down at her chest as she stretched out her back. Something felt wrong. Snap! “Yow!” Button glanced back up as Apple Bloom clutched at her chest, and he felt his cheeks flush an even brighter red. He remembered his wish last night, and wondered if the mare beside him would somehow figure him out. He had asked Kiara to make sure they didn’t, but his head was so muddled that he was ready to accept anything. “Of course I would have a stupid, fucking growth spurt today. I had enough of this when I was sixteen. Harmony!” Apple Bloom lowered her raised fist, and began fishing a hand into her shirt, looking to see how much damage she had done. That was also the moment that she saw that Button’s eyes were as wide as dinner plates. “Oh, um…” Apple Bloom shut her eyes, and despite how uncomfortable it was to leave her bra there, took her hand out. “I-I’ll admit that there may have been more reasons as to why I decided to come back when we all headed home. Would you mind talking to me?” Button nodded, his blush almost disappearing as he sat up. She seemed so serious right now, and a small tremble of worry ran through him. Would she no longer like him now that he was the heir to a company? “Apple Bloom, you know I’m always willing to talk.” The yellow mare smiled, before looking him dead in the eyes, and biting her lip. “Y-you need to promise to tell me the truth, no matter what, alright?” She waited for him to nod, which he did so far harder than he needed to. While others may have made her suspicious, especially since she knew Button was bare naked underneath the covers, those eyes told otherwise. They reminded her of Applejack’s when she would come home down, or hurt, and it somehow made her chest tighter. “S-so, where do you plan to go from here?” Button looked away as he frowned, and his eyes drooped. “Honestly… I don’t know. Since my mom passed, I’ve been just trying to go with the motions, and do what I can, but I don’t know if I can keep doing that. I now could spoil you all so much better, maybe even more than Diamond Tiara, but everytime I think that, my stomach turns to knots, and I just want to play some games again.” Apple Bloom grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight. “If it helps, I know a lot of us like those gaming sessions. In fact, I find them a great break from farm life. Just a bit of fun with my favorite stallion.” A red tinge came back to Button’s face, before he turned to Apple Bloom and swallowed hard. The words ‘favorite stallion’ kept bouncing around in his head. He knew what that could mean, and for a moment, his veins turned to ice. As he remembered the times he and Apple Bloom would talk about things in the orchard, or how she always had such a good energy about her, but definitely began learning to be sensible as she grew up… She wasn’t breathtakingly beautiful like Diamond Tiara, or as close as Sweetie Belle, or even as wild as Scootaloo, but she felt so… Right. Even now, he was just able to talk to her, and even was considering really unloading on her what he was thinking, because from his father, to his brother, and even this fortune, there was plenty. With any of the others, he wasn’t sure if he would feel the same, especially since… “I should get dressed!” Apple Bloom slammed him into the back of the bed frame, driving the air out of him as she looked him eye to eye. While her features had gotten stern for a moment, a small blush came as it softened, and she looked to the side. “Button, when I say you’re my favorite stallion, I… I mean it, but I want to know-” Button wasn’t sure if this was right, and was pretty sure he almost smashed his teeth into Apple Bloom’s with how quickly he had darted in, but he had to. Though it lasted for only a second, the touch of her rough lips filled him with a small flame of warmth that told him everything would be alright. He then cupped her cheeks, and whispered, “I love you, Apple Bloom.” Apple Bloom’s face became as red as her mane, and a tear slowly came down her cheek as she nuzzled into his bare chest. There she rested, his arms wrapped around her tall figure as her own rested on his firm abs. They were by no means muscular, but instead flat, which was still a lot better than what they could have been with how he lived. When she was ready though, the farm mare put her head onto his shoulder, and almost silently whispered, her voice almost failing, “Can you… can you please help me with my shirt?” Button was silent at first, staring at the wall, before one of his hands moved away from her back. His mouth felt like a desert as it came ever closer, until his digits brushed against Apple Bloom’s covered bosom. Shivers ran up his spine, along with a more important member of him, and he whispered back, “I really should get dressed then.” Apple Bloom blinked as another set of tears came down her face, and she bopped him on the head. “See, you never could act rich, you’re too stupid. Even… even to realize when a mare wants you to… to...” She swallowed hard, and looked down. Button blinked a few more times, before his hands gently pushed against her shoulders. Apple Bloom didn’t resist, and soon was laid out on the bed. The two breathed against each other’s faces, one thinking the other could hear their heart beating at a hundred miles an hour. Button reached up and gently groped his mare, who let out the slightest moan. She nodded though, and he soon started undoing the buttons to her blouse. Each button made Button’s head spin more and more. Sure, he had done sexual things before, but they seemed like the sort of thing you would see in a porno, or a game. Just fun things, not actually being one with another pony. He tried to swallow, even while nothing was in there, and opened her shirt. Her bra fell out at the same time, and for a few moments, he simply stared. She had been well endowed already, to match her tall stature, but now that they were exposed for him to get a good look at, he wondered if Kiara had actually grown them two or three sizes bigger. In his hesitation, Apple Bloom started to curl up, feeling the exposure she was in. Her hands even covered her large, erect areolas, and her face would not calm down. She was certain she wanted to be with Button, or, she really hoped she was, but that didn’t make letting another pony actually see her any easier. She blinked as his lips pecked against her cheeks, and his fingers slid underneath her own. A moan escaped her as his hands came over the large, firm mounds, and his digits pressed into the supple flesh. He continued to gently rub them, his hips now straddling hers as he continued. Up, down, around, press his hands in: it was all with a fervor. Now that he was actually here, and could hear her sultry moans, his head was racing to his lesson with Silver Spoon, and he was determined not to fuck this up. A squeal came from Apple Bloom as he pushed her nipples in, and his name echoed against the walls, sending shivers along him as his cock began to stand erect between them. Apple Bloom was breathing heavily at this point, wondering how this felt so good. At the very least, it felt a million times better than her own hands ever had. It was almost enough to bring her to that euphoria she had expected from Button, but not nearly this fast. “B-Button, s-slow down, o-or please, let me mate with you!” Button froze, looking down at Apple Bloom for a moment, before almost only mouthing, “Are you sure?” She covered her face, her body trembling with his hands just resting on her heavy bosom. She nodded, before opening one of her fingers and whispering, “Yes.” The young stallion merely stared at her, thinking for a moment about how he could stop this. He wanted to be with his beloved farm mare, yes, but was he ready? He didn’t even have a con… A red glow came over his eyes, and he glanced at his bedside drawer. “Um, just… just let me get some protection while you slip out of those, umm, jeans?” Apple Bloom nodded, staring into his eyes for another moment, before he turned away. Button tried not to move too slowly, as he could feel his stiff member making a strong argument against any more hesitation. Opening the drawer though, he saw two things. A bottle with, ‘Trust Me,’ on the front, along with a winking demon’s eyes, and a set of four condoms, each with one word that spelled out, “You can do it!” While happy that Kiara was still watching out for him, it was pretty embarrassing to slip the red condom over his cock, and knowing a demon was his wing man. Then again, without her, he didn’t know how he would ever have gotten any of this. Button turned around, and caught his breath. Before him laid Apple Bloom, her hands on her knees as she bared everything to him. He swallowed hard, blinking as he started to force back the tears that were forming. Even while he was putting the lube over his hand, he couldn’t help but stare and say, “You look beautiful.” Apple Bloom shut her eyes, tears coming from them as her body continued to shake. He said that now, but when they were done, would he still like the freckles under her fur? Or how about the fact that she was taller than him? When she thought of the others she would need to compete with, even though she had begun to love them all, how was a simple country girl supposed to measure up? The only thing to drive the thoughts away were Button’s fingers, coated in the cool gel as they gently ran along her slit. “Wh-what are you doing?” Button swallowed hard, but his mind was surprisingly clear, though he blamed the red tinge at the edges of his eyes. He wasn’t even sure if it was her doing it now, or exposure to the succubus’s magic. Maybe that’s why he was any good at all of this. “Well, when I started being slightly sexual with any of you, I… I wanted to be prepared. The last thing I would want to do is hurt you.” Apple Bloom shut her eyes, her body quivering with every touch. His hands were so gentle, even down there, and it was just like her bosom. Nothing was supposed to be different, as they were just fingers, but at the same time… they were his, and were willing to be so slow, just for her. She placed a hand on his arm, and whispered, “Button, please, don’t make me keep waiting, or else, I might cry again.” Button blinked a few times, taking the moment to coat his own cock with the lube, before siddling up close to her. His eyes were trained on the thin, slit that was her pussy, and he could feel his body trembling. He had one shot, and if he fucked this up, it would quite possibly be the stupidest thing he had ever done. With one slow push though, and a quaking gasp from Apple Bloom, he succeeded. Her arms wrapped around Button tight as her body trembled, and he slowly began moving. He had thought he knew how good a mare could be against him, but now that he was within Apple Bloom, and felt her tight, virginal folds cling to him, he was in euphoria. “Y-you feel so good.” Apple Bloom’s hands pressed against her chest as she shuddered out another moan, and stared at where they were joined. Each new thrust brought him deeper within her, filling her with his hard, throbbing cock. Mixed with all she had experienced so far, and the little experience she had, she tried to tell Button, but her voice failed her. Not that he would have heard. His vision was blurring as he got closer and closer to his base meeting hers, and was wondering how stallions ever lasted more than five seconds. A mare’s body was enchanting, and to be fully enveloped by its deepest reaches were driving him insane. Well, that, and the pull she had on him that was begging for more, and pulling on him better than Righty ever had before. In the next moment, Button’s eyes almost rolled back in his skull as Apple Bloom became a vice over his throbbing cock, and he held onto her sides as his body stiffened as well. The red aura around the rim of his eyes broke, and he could feel every barrier he had up shatter in an instant. With a loud, primal yell, he came, flooding the condom with his seed as Apple Bloom threatened to crush his ribs with her own climax. And then, as soon as it had begun, it was done, and the two collapsed onto the bed beside each other. Apple Bloom weakly reached over, her body still shivering from the aftershocks, and squeezed Button’s hand. “Th-thank you.” Button glanced over, and managed a weak smile, even as his eyelids drooped. “I’m pretty sure I should be the one saying that, not you.” Apple Bloom smiled a bit more, before letting out a short, quiet giggle. When she calmed down, she felt a tear roll down her face. “Button, can you promise that you’ll never change? That you’ll keep being… this?” He smiled back, and as his eyes closed, he murmured, “I promise.” ======+++++====== Dear Button Mash, While dad had lied about when I had to leave, he was right about the fact that I did have an event I needed to get to, and had to leave this morning. From what I got to see of you though, even with the mental meltdown, I have to admit that it looks like your time with mom has paid off a lot better than mine with dad ever did. Hopefully, some time on my own will make me be something closer to what mom wants. I guess what I’m saying is that I’m sorry, and that I wish I had never tormented you how I did, or left you and mom alone like I did. You deserve what she gave you, and all those mares that seemed so willing to back you up. With love, Twitch P.S.: I’m gonna start trying to stream some of my competition stuff over on Brick, and hoped you might be willing to watch. Button let out a sigh, slowly flipping pancakes, even though it was past noon by now, and put the letter back on the counter. They were lofty goals, but if he could end up sleeping with a mare like Apple Bloom, he was almost certain his brother could do it, so long as he put his mind to it. > A Day By the Pool > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button took in a deep breath as he sat in the male changing room outside of Diamond Tiara’s pool. His pink princess had decided that after everything that had happened, they deserved a break, so they all, and he meant all, had shuffled into the limousine to head to Diamond’s house. Now he sat, in swim trunks, trying to tell himself that he could take all of them being in swimsuits. He really doubted it. The door to the hanging room opened up, and the first thing he saw were two very familiar, jiggling jugs of cider. He swallowed hard as Apple Bloom slowly shut the door and let out a sigh. She then turned to Button, and gave him a nervous smile. Meanwhile, her body glistened from a light sheen of water, making sure he didn’t miss her firm, yellow skin, or the tough, strong abs that were very clear in the red and white polka dot bikini. She walked closer, her cameltoe showing slightly with the sway of her homegrown hips. He swallowed hard, his face becoming even redder as his mind’s eye removed the red strands, and he saw her large breasts bouncing freely. Button’s mouth could easily come back over those large, tender nipples, and the wooden bench beneath him would be plenty firm, and what in Equestria was he thinking? Apple Bloom glanced down, and her already rosy cheeks soon matched her swimsuit as she took in a deep breath. “So, um, I-I guess you aren’t super past yesterday either, are you?” Button looked away, before his brow furrowed. Past it? Why would he just move past it? He turned back to Apple Bloom, frowning as he said, “What do you mean?” The farm mare ran a hand through her mane as she tucked some of the loose strands behind one of her ears. “I… I don’t know. I suppose I’m just… afraid, maybe? You and I aren’t exactly the most similar of ponies, and with these stupid freckles, and Sweetie’s breasts, well…” She grew quiet as a brown hand laid itself upon her soft thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze. Button placed his other hand onto her cheek, and gently turned her face towards his, before giving her lips the lightest peck. “Apple Bloom, I swear to you, you’re beautiful, amazing, and I am overjoyed that I fell in love with you. If I hadn’t, we wouldn’t have woken up next to each other yesterday, alright?” Apple Bloom pecked his cheek, before wrapping her arms around him, and pushing her amplified chest against his. A soft hum escaped her as she nuzzled into Button’s increasingly warm, and Button squeezed her back. It didn’t last long though before Apple Bloom stood up. “I should get going before the others figure out where I went.” Button nodded, before turning his head to his erection. He should probably take care of that, or else the girls may think he was assuming that they were gonna be skinny dipping or something. He didn’t get to think on it too long before Apple Bloom brought his attention back upwards. She was pushing up her bosom with one arm, her soft, pink areolas showing above the small bikini as she said, “Umm, should… should we tell them what we did?” Button felt his heart stop for a moment, but only for a moment before he set his jaw, and stood. Apple Bloom looked afraid, still, and he wouldn’t let that be. He marched past her, opening the door for her before holding his hand out. “Come on. We’ll tell them together.” Apple Bloom smiled, before taking his hand, and following him out. The two took the few steps out to the poolside, and Button just kind of… froze. The first to notice him was Diamond Tiara, who was currently floating on an inflatable raft. At the sight of him, her face brightened, and she shifted on her perch so that she laid on her side. One of her hands slowly ran along her leg, drawing his attention to them, and making him swallow hard. Her finger next got to the black thong she was wearing for a bikini bottom, making Button’s go increasingly flush as he saw her lovely, tight thighs. Next was her thin, flat stomach; easily the sort that a model might have. He could see himself resting his head on it, or even blowing raspberries on it. The more innocent thoughts almost instantly evaporated though as she reach her now slightly above average bust. It was kept covered by a tight, black wrap, of which, just for a moment, Diamond Tiara pulled down. His brain desperately tried to stay on course as her soft pink nipples showed themselves. “Hey, Apple Bloom. Oh, Button; it’s about time you came out!” Button turned his head slowly ninety degrees, before a set of familiar arms wrapped around him. He wrapped his own around her, and squeezed her tight, his body shaking as it realized this was the first time it had held someone so close to him like she deserved. A soft sigh escaped Sweetie as her now more than ample breasts pushed against his chest. A soft whisper left with the last of her air, and Button didn’t quite catch her saying, “Finally.” He gently held her away, his chest tightening once more. She was in a cute, pink one piece that was tight to her body. It showed off her large assets more than well enough by outlining every bit of them. For a moment, Button thanked Celestia that it wasn’t cold out, or else he literally would be able to see everything. “Has the moron short circuited? See, I told you, Dia, that he wasn’t actually able to handle mares when they tried to be sexy.” Once more, Button wheeled himself around, and his brain said goodbye to his cock as Silver and Scootaloo stood there. Both looked somewhat annoyed, though he had thought that he had heard them from inside the changing rooms, and he had a bit of a guess as to why. Button guessed that, so as to celebrate having curves, Scootaloo had decided that she would indeed go skinny dipping. Now, he had heard of the CMC doing some skinny dipping to clean up after especially messy attempts, but this… this was beyond what he could have expected. Silver noticed Button staring at the naked body before him, and scowled before she smacked one of Scootaloo’s breasts, causing the orange mare to yelp. “There, you showed him; now get dressed!” Button thought about debating with Silver, as her own swimsuit, while a one piece, wasn’t a ton better. It was much thinner at the crotch area, and still showed off the majority of her prim, straight back. Her braid ran forward though, and following it brought him to the massive amounts of side boob the swimsuit showed. It covered her areolas fine, sure, but that was its main concern at the front, and she definitely needed one size up for it now that she was boosted. Does she normally wear this at Dia’s? Now that every eye was on them though, Apple Bloom glanced to the slack jawed Button, and whispered an apology. However, she needed him if she was going to tell everypony the truth. So, she reached over and gave him a gentle ‘tap’. His eyes widened as his mouth coiled into an O, and he blinked back tears from possibly the sharpest pain he had ever felt. “Umm, everypony, B-Button and I thought we sh-should let you know something. Button?” He swallowed hard, his knees bent as he looked up to everypony, and, to some degree, only saw breasts. The breasts that he not only loved, but wished for, and cherished. He set his jaw, and nodded. He wanted to be honest with them, even if this ended up hurting. “Yeah. Yeah, that’s right. You see, yesterday, me and Apple Bloom may have, you know, she was in my bed, things got emotional, and-” Diamond Tiara had just gotten out of the pool at the start of his rambling, and numbly said, “You slept with her?” Everything was silent for a moment as all eyes were on Button. He reached over, swallowed hard, and gripped Apple Bloom’s hand. “Yes.” Once more, silence, before Scootaloo let out a whoop of celebration. “Honestly, out of us, you probably chose the best to go first, because knowing her, she had plenty of stamina to learn.” “What are you talking about?” Sweetie Belle merely turned bright red, while Silver grabbed Diamond’s hand. The pink mare was just staring at Button, even as he was assaulted by Scootaloo to know all of the details. “Are you okay, Dia?” She glanced to her friend, before squeezing Silver’s hand, and letting a tear fall down her face. “I… I had hoped to be his first, but… but I’ll live. I promise.” Besides, she had a plan, it had simply been a day late, so for now, she hid her pain, and as everypony left, she turned to Button. “Button, we need to talk.” He turned to her, waving Apple Bloom away as the farm mare walked off. “What is it?” “Well, we’re now officially dating, so, can you guess who wants to talk to you? Especially now that you’re the heir to the largest communication company in Equestria?” Button paled. “Wh-when?” “Tonight.” Button blinked a few times. Seeing all his mares get a +1 to sexiness, he could handle. Admitting to them that he was no longer a virgin to them, sure. This… he started to lean to the side, until he splashed into the water, and Diamond giggled. > A Meeting With Her Father > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Diamond dearest, could you please leave? I wish to talk to Button alone for a little bit.” Button glanced to Diamond Tiara, who reflected his own, confused expression. So far during the dinner, past pleasantries, Filthy had stayed absolutely silent, and just had been staring, watching Button throughout the whole damn thing. And now, he wanted to talk alone. The brown stallion set his jaw and straightened his back. “I’ll make sure to stop by your room before I leave and say bye, alright Dia?” Diamond glanced between the two of them, biting into her lip as she thought of what to do. While she wasn’t afraid of her father, she still knew that Button wasn’t exactly what ponies would… want for her. One wrong word, and she could lose everything she had gained, but she didn’t know what the right ones were. She took one more look at Button, and watched as he kept his eyes on her father, and that edge in his eyes that he had gained over the past couple weeks gleamed at the edge of it. A smile crept to her lips, before she stood, and curtsied to Filthy. “As you wish, father.” Filthy nodded back to her, but said nothing until she was gone. At that point, he took another sip of his whiskey, and turned back to Button, his eyes looking over the rim as he inspected the young man. He wore a t-shirt and slacks, something that he couldn’t blame him, as the invitation had been on fairly short notice. Something told him though that, no matter what the occasion, the boy would at least want to be in a similar outfit. No matter what though, none of this told him what he really needed to know. Filthy lowered the glass, letting it clink slightly as it touched the wood, and said, “So, what should I do with you?” Button let a smile crack on his lips as he leaned back slightly, trying to pretend that his muscles were not screaming for him to run as fast as he possibly could. “Well, if you have a gaming room, we could move there. Diamond Tiara usually likes that option at least.” Filthy forced his face to stay stoic as the image of his daughter smiling came to his mind, even as she tried to hide where she just had been. “Yes, or so I’ve gotten the impression of. It takes more than a touch of skill at games to be a stallion though, let alone one with as much responsibility as you have found as of late.” A cold finger ran over Button’s heart as, for a moment, he did think about all that had happened, and so quickly too. Just a few weeks ago, he had a mother, could play games all through the night without a thought of whether or not he could be spending it in bed with another, and any mare who asked him about love might have been laughed at. On the other hand, he had gained so much. New partners to raid with, friends and lovers that he could possibly spend the rest of his life with, and a confidence that… that his mother could be proud of. He looked back at Filthy, a new fire in his eyes as he said, “Then, I am happy to have two ponies of such capable skill to help me as I put everything I can to fulfil all that I have put on myself.” That made the older stallion stop, and re-examine the colt. There were hints of his fear, his worry, his awkwardness in how he sat, but before one could see that, the absolute drive had to be acknowledged first. That was a rare one to see in most, as the rest was simply an issue of age, and could be grinded out. Even he had faced the same issues at one point, before the industry forced it out of him. Yes, he would do well there, especially since he thought he knew the answer he would gain when he asked, “And who might those two be?” “Why you and your daughter, of course. One for business, and one to…” Button paused for a moment, before placing his hands on the table, and bowing his head, “hopefully help me through the quagmire of love and lust.” Filthy smiled at the word choice, assuming it had to be from some game. It also was useful for his one real demand of the boy. “I would love to, so long as it’s only with my daughter.” Button glanced back up, and raised any eyebrow. “Umm, isn’t it a little awkward to talk about your daughter that way? I mean, wouldn’t you rather just give general advice?” Filthy tapped the side of his glass, his smile fading completely as he shook his head. The boy couldn’t be perfect after all. “That is not what I mean. You see, while I do not mind the existence of herds, or polyamory, I will not tolerate it for my little filly.” He leaned forward, his eyes narrowing as the other stallion paled. “If you desire to continue to date my daughter, then you will give up the rest.” Button blinked a few times, before looking to the ceiling. An out. In all honesty, he could call it that. Say his feelings only were with Diamond in the end, and stay with her. She was the first, after all. The images of Scootaloo naked in his apartment, or Apple Bloom laying with him in the afterglow, stopped him dead. Even Silver had accepted the herd idea, and now Filthy… His hands balled into fists on his lap as he looked Filthy in the eyes, and saw a cool, steely look coming back. What he didn’t know was that he was giving the old stallion the same glare. “No.” Filthy leaned in, his scowl deepening to bare his teeth. “I won’t have you go just forgetting about her, you know. She is meant for more than just being a floozy in some gamer’s journal.” Button stood up at that, the force of his legs straightening slamming the chair back, and sending it clattering to the ground. Now he was shaking, the image of the book in his mind as he looked at Filthy. And for a moment, it was all directed at himself. He had used the book to help him get with her, and the rest, but it was only for a moment. He never wished for them to love him, or the others. If they hated each other, no amount of wishes, at least the sort that he had made, would ever have overcome that. And that was how he wanted it. Button took in a deep breath, stepped back, picked up the chair, and bowed to Filthy. “Sir, I wish you a good night, for I do not wish to try to prove to you how I feel.” And now, Filthy saw something for a moment. It wasn’t Button standing there, but him, talking to his own father about the woman he loved. It was some drifter, on her way through town, now pregnant with his child, all while he was to be married to some spoiled bitch. “I love her, she loves me, and that should be all we need. The rest doesn’t matter.” He looked back up, watching Button as he took steps towards the door, and found himself shouting, “Stop!” Button looked back, ready for a full on argument, but instead found himself looking at an almost panting Filthy. Normally, the strong businessman looked tired, at the most, but now, he looked exhausted. The gray in his coat was more pronounced, and it looked like he could fall over at any moment. But still, he stood, watching the young colt. Filthy took a step forward, and Button did the same, letting his arms drop to his sides. “What is it, sir?” He shut his eyes for a moment, before nodding. For his little filly, he would need to accept this. “Can you promise me that you’ll do right by her? That you’re absolutely certain about your feelings, because honestly, I don’t know any time I’ve seen her as happy as when she comes from your home.” Button placed a hand on the other stallion’s shoulder, his heart swelling at the praise. He blinked away a tear, and nodded. “Sir, I promise that I love your daughter. She is my Zelda, my Peach, and I would fight Colossi just to bring her smile back to this wor-” Smack! “Don’t you start mouthing off references that I’m not going to understand, got it? It’s stupid, and if I hear you do it at your wedding, I’ll tape your mouth shut.” Button chuckled a little bit as he rubbed the back of his head, before his mind caught up, and he just paused, and looked to Filthy. “So does that mean…” Filthy shook his head, and put his hands on his hips. “I’m not going to be able to stop you two, so why not? It’ll be better than exhausting myself with a fight that I’ll lose no matter what.” A smile came back to Button’s features, before he held out a hand. “Then thank you, sir, and I promise not to let you down.” Filthy took the hand in his own, pleased to find the grip strong, and confident as he shook it. Yes, if his little filly truly wanted this colt, then she could definitely do worse. “I know you won’t.” Filthy stayed in the dining room long after Button’s hoofsteps faded into the distance, staring at the painting on the wall. It held his ‘family’, of Diamond Tiara, him, and the bitch he had been forced to marry. For a moment, he wondered if things would have been different if he’d had this young stallion’s courage, before dismissing the thought. What had been done was done, and he could not change it, just like their love, or his alimony payments. > From Self, To Others, To All > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Button blinked. Something was off with the image presented to him. For a moment, he began to consider it, despite the gears in his head trying to pop out of place. There were soft, pink curtains that illuminated the room in a similarly colored light, created by the sun setting outside, a nice, large bed that could fit at least three ponies, if not more, and various pictures of Diamond Tiara on the walls. No, that wasn’t it. It couldn’t be Diamond Tiara herself though, especially since she was definitely not in a small, black slip that was completely see through, letting him see every inch of her. She was also not smiling at him as her face grew a dark shade of pink, and she pushed up her chest nervously. Most of all, she was definitely not already wet, and saying hello to him in a small squeak that made his heart flutter. Button then blinked, and his mind jumpstarted back into gear. “What the fu-” Diamond Tiara was on her hooves in an instant. One of her hands slammed into Button’s mouth, feeling almost like it chipped a tooth she hit him so hard, her mouth shushing him loudly. For a moment, both were silent, before the mare let out a light sigh. “Are you insane? Do you know what my dad would do if he saw us like this in his house?” Button blinked a few more times, before frowning and taking her hand away from his mouth. “What do you mean exactly?” It was now Diamond’s turn to blink for a few times, before she rolled her eyes and began to walk away from him. Her hips swayed widely, showing off her tight, bare rump as she looked over her shoulder. “Come on, Button, shouldn’t it be obvious?” For another moment, Button stayed silent, and didn’t notice as a certain, green haired succubus appeared behind his ear. She hadn’t expected him to stay so daft, not when he’d fucked one of them already, but the colt wasn’t exactly thick between the ears either. A little encouragement wouldn’t- “I don’t know if I want to sleep with you, Dia.” Both mares in the room froze at the words. Kiara fumed in anger, not understanding how he could turn down the mare that started all this stuff. As for Diamond Tiara, for a moment, her face fell, her heart freezing as she heard the words. The words she thought were impossible for him to say. But here they were. She swallowed hard, her smile returning as she sat on the bed and let her legs come open, hoping Button would look where she wanted. And, for a moment, he did, but then his eyebrows came closer, and he looked her in the eyes. She didn’t dare show her fear again though. “Come now, Button, I know I won’t disappoint you, and if it’s about my purity-” Button stepped closer, stopping her while she spoke, before he sat down on the bed beside her. One of his arms slipped around her, before pulling her in close and squeezing the smaller mare. His breathing was heavy as his mind worked overtime now. “No, it’s nothing like that. It’s just the night I’ve had, and promises I’ve-” Diamond Tiara placed a hand on his thigh, just next to Button’s crotch. For a moment, all was silent as Button could feel her flexing her fingers, pushing the digits into his leg. A little more to the right, and she would be being inappropriate, but right now… Button leaned in and pecked her cheek as his arms wrapped around her. For a second, he let the two just sit there in the embrace, listening to her begin to try to form some sort of response before he sighed. “Look, it’s nothing like that, I promise. It’s just, I’m really tired, and while you look amazing…” He was quiet for a moment as he thought back to his talk with Filthy, and found his mind wandering to places, or, more correctly, mares that the old stallion probably hadn’t meant to make him. “It doesn’t feel right right now.” Diamond frowned at the words, her mind only on one thing. The one thing that made her have to do this, and so she snuggled against him, her breasts rubbing against his arm. “Now, I bet I could change your mind about that.” Button frowned, his head starting to hurt. Diamond Tiara was right in thinking that she could change his mind, especially in a naughty little slip like the one she wore now. His eyes glanced to the beautiful body that he had fallen in love with, though admittedly a little changed from his… meddling. His eyes then glanced to her eyes, and he stopped. It wasn’t her body he fell in love with. It wasn’t how pretty she could be, or how sexy. It was from moments of the two together, such as playing in her limo, or pulling off their grand plan against Scam. The times when her eyes shone with nothing but joy and happiness, and she was just herself. Looking into her eyes, he saw fear, and all thoughts of her slip did just that in his mind. One of his hands cupped her chin, and he looked deeper into those eyes. “Are you okay?” Diamond blushed for a moment, before pushing his hand away and trying to roll her eyes. “Of course I am! I’m with the stallion I love and, if he stops being an idiot, him and I will…” She never finished, being forced to look back into his eyes and finding her words failing. Button bit into his cheek, before pecking her on the forehead and trying to give her a smile. “Come on, Dia, why don’t you stop being silly? It’s not like we’re in a rush, or… so I thought.” Diamond looked away for a moment, recomposing as she thought, before she leaned back against Button and laced her fingers into his, ready to try one more time. “I-I don’t consider this rushing. You’ve been growing closer to all of us, and, well, isn’t this the next step? You and I…” For a moment, Button tried to think about what in Equestria might be causing this. He hadn’t done anything too recently to make it seem like he needed them to move any faster. In fact, even after he slept with Apple Bloom, he thought that they had moved… His mind flashed to all of them at the pool. Some were blushing, others were apparently planning, and Silver Spoon had even seen it fit to make sure to make precautions for when he slept with them more. At the time, he hadn’t given it much thought, sure, even found it sexy, but was that what was causing it? Did Diamond Tiara worry about being forgotten like her dad was? He looked back to her and something just told him that her nervous smile wasn’t for the right reasons. “Dia, I love you, sex or no sex.” Diamond Tiara stared at him for a few moments, before letting out a high pitched, tittering laugh. To say the least, Button could see easily through it at this point. “Well, of course you do, dummy, but it’s a nice perk, isn’t it?” Button opened his mouth, before stopping. The words caused the storm in his mind to surge with renewed fuel. Sex was a perk... His mind drifted back to the book. His wishes had made sure ponies wouldn’t hate him, make them like each other more, make them more open to him, but what he truly had, what he cherished didn’t come from the book. He had their love because he was a good guy, not because he’d ever wished for it. And sure, they were chestier and more open with him, but those were just… Perks. Button looked down at Diamond Tiara, leaned in, and kissed her. It wasn’t especially deep, didn’t include his tongue, but just their lips pushed together. Hers were warm, but dry, while he knew his were wet, because he wasn’t nervous. He was confused, but he was not nervous. Pulling away, he watched his beloved mare blink a few times in confusion, her tongue hanging out slightly, ready to deepen the kiss, before he spoke. “Do you think I look at you as a perk? Think that I got the achievement: ‘fell in love’ and now will get the in game minigame where I get to sleep with you? Because… because if that’s how you look at it, I cannot sleep with you.” Diamond’s face paled before she grabbed onto his shoulders and began yelling, “No! I-I swear I- You and Apple Bloom, I mean, I just- Please don’t-” She stopped her pleading as Button squeezed her close. “Yes, me and Apple Bloom slept together, and I don’t regret that for a moment. Does it mean I love her more than you? No. Does it mean when you and I will finally be together, showing each other just how much we love each other… Well,” he pushed her away slightly, stroking the side of her face as he did, “do you really think that it’ll mean less to me just because it isn’t my first time ever?” Diamond Tiara opened her mouth, ready to say yes, before she looked into his eyes. She didn’t have the same amount of a crash course that Button had been going through in these past weeks, but she could look into his eyes and see what she should have known. Seen the concern and pain in them simply from her seeming to doubt his feelings. Doubt what the two of them knew stood firm in their hearts. Tears slowly began to slide down her cheeks as her body shook. “I-I’m the idiot, aren’t I?” Button glanced down, before laying his mare down, and pecking the top of her head. “No. You’re just as inexperienced as I am, and, just like me, you’re trying to figure this all out. I just have to constantly deal with five different mares and figuring out all of this.” Diamond Tiara smiled at his small chuckle, before snuggling into his chest. “I’m… I’m happy you’re here then. Here to set me right, and… and to make sure I don’t have to learn his stuff the hard way.” Button whispered back, right in her ear, “I would want almost nopony else to be going through this with.” Button didn’t fall asleep like Diamond Tiara though. She cried until she slept, able to quiet her mind in his arms, but he wasn’t so lucky. He had to think on the others, to the ones who might also be worried about not having slept with him, or trying to overcomplicate it, instead of letting it be natural, like with Apple Bloom. I wish they wouldn’t worry about not having… So simple. So clean. One sentence, and he could help them all. Make their relationship easier, instead of possibly having to go through what he did with Diamond Tiara tonight. But, on the other hand, was that how a relationship was supposed to be? Button stared at the ceiling, the book on his mind. When he finally shut them, he made his decision, and would see it through when he got home. > The End of the Journal > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         Button walked inside his room, standing in the doorway for a moment. His eyes scanned around the room, simply taking it in. On the walls were a set of gamer posters of Epona and Cloud, along with a bunch of marks where he had almost smashed controllers against them in a fit of rage. The bed itself was a goofy race car, though his mom had gotten rid of most of those decals a few years ago.         Next, there were his game systems, of which only his Nintenpone 64 was still here. The rest were in the rest of the house, where he could play on bigger screens and with more ponies. It still had Epona in it, but he wasn’t interested in beating it today. He had other things to focus on.         At the same time, he didn’t want to focus on the task. He wanted to distract himself as he walked over to the bedside table in the room. What he was thinking scared him, if he was honest. It meant moving on. Removing the safety net that he still had.         A ding met his ears as he tapped a few fingers on the wood of the table, and he glanced at his desktop. His e-mail was open, something he did a lot whenever he left his computer on while he was away, and he could see a new email from his brother. It wasn’t the first one of recent times either, as Twitch was making a huge effort to try to keep in touch.         His hand pulled the small drawer open, his eyes glancing at the contents within. There the journal lay, but next to it, also was a letter. It was one he’d read a hundred times already. It was only technically from his mother, as it was the contents of her will, but he read it more for what it said. He owned a company. A company he almost didn’t even need to run.         Button’s eyes slowly moved to his pocket. He didn’t even need to pull out what was in his pocket. Pictures of every mare he said he loved were in there, including Diamond Tiara in a beautiful, completely covering, night dress from this morning. They all loved and trusted him, and he could have never sought a life with them without…         Button glanced back at the journal for a moment, before a slight scowl slipped over his face. He grabbed it from where it rested, before running out of the room. His phone buzzed as he ran down the stairs, but he didn’t answer, Kiara wasn’t going to possibly change his mind, not now.         He landed with a thud at the bottom of the stairs, his eyes falling on a bowl that was next to the door. In it was almost every key for the house, so that nopony didn’t know where the keys were at any time. That included a key that he hadn’t touched for weeks.         His hand plucked it from the bowl, before he spun on his hoof.         And at the top of the stairs, was Kiara, with her hands on her hips. “What do you think you’re doing, mister?”         Button raised an eyebrow before he started to walk up. It was slower now, the weight of the key in his hand slowing him down. Kiara frowned a bit more, but her faux anger seemed to fade with the expression. “Button, you know I can read your mind, and you don’t need to do this. If it’s because of me, we can re-negotiate.”         Button shook his head as he turned away from her and began walking towards the other end of the upstairs than his room. He actually couldn’t even remember how long it had been since he had gone this way. He did know that his shoes felt like cement while he walked this way.         Kiara ran over, a sweater coming over her normally scantily clad form. “See, I can be modest if that’s what you’d like.” When he gave no reaction, she tried a different tactic. “Your body is trying to tell you something, and you know you should listen to it. It doesn’t speak for no reason.”         The young stallion’s eyes glanced at the demoness, before returning to before him. Now he was stopped, and simply staring at the door. It was white, just like the rest in the house. By all means, it was nothing special. Just a door, with a room beyond it.         His mother’s room.         Kiara put a hand on Button’s shoulder. “Button, you don’t need to do this.”         Button glanced at the hand on his shoulder. He could remember a hundred times when his mother had said the same thing. She pushed him, but when he was scared stiff by the world, was too afraid of reality… couldn’t do what she wanted, she relented.         But he was eighteen years old, and that wasn’t acceptable anymore. He had already given himself a leg up for the future, but now it was time that he took charge. Time that he lived on his own strength.         Button slid the key in, and the lock came away. A gentle push got the door open, and he saw the plain room within. Just like his own, it had a Nintenpone 64 sitting on the ground. It was both of their favorite consoles after all, so it wasn’t all that surprising, but it still caused tears sting the edges of his eyes.         By some miracle, he managed to keep his tears back as he got to the bed, and sat down on it. To him, this room was the one that was for whoever ran the house. Whoever was in charge. And now, that was him.         He slowly opened the book to the next blank page, and pulled a pen out of his pocket. As he went to write down his wish, Kiara tried one last time to stop him. “Button, if you do this, I’ll… I’ll leave, and neither of us wants that, right? I want to keep helping you grow, and see what such an innocent mind does. Do you really want me gone either?”         Button paused at that, before he looked to the green haired succubus. She was right that he didn’t want her gone, but at the same time…         Without another thought, if not just to stop the woman beside him from peaking, he jotted down the wish. As he wrote the fateful words, small licks of black fire appeared at the edges of it. However, unlike what Kiara expected, it didn’t simply burn.         Instead, it left enough room that was safe for Button to pick it up, and then put it on the demon’s lap. On the page, it read: I wish for this journal to disappear and for the demoness Kiara to gain all of its power after the demoness Kiara gets the last wish.         She looked up at Button, who had a small smile on his lips, despite the tears at the edges of his eyes. “I didn’t want some monkey’s paw effect, and for it to give it to a random Kiara, so I made a guess that there was only one Kiara.”         Kiara blinked back tears of her own, before she looked at the book. After a moment’s thought, she knew what she had to write down, and wrote the wish she had expected for Button’s last wish.         But like this, maybe it was better.         The minute the period was down, the book exploded in black fire, seemingly engulfing Kiara in its wrath. Button yelled in panic as he hit the floor, trying to avoid whatever it was that was coming. His mind raced for what could have happened, but nothing came to mind. He thought he had done it right!         And then, as fast as it had come, the fire was gone, and in its place, Kiara was there. She had a somewhat longer face, possibly to match the fact that she now had a horn on her head, and peach colored fur. She smiled at Button, waving a hand at him as her horn glowed, and she helped him up.         Button blinked at her as he realized what he was looking for, and he stammered out, “Y-you wished th-that you were a pony?”         Kiara smiled for a moment, her eyes shut. “Well, kind of. I wished that I could blend in, knowing I could never get rid of this form, and…” she was quiet for a moment, before her horn flared with energy. A distortion happened around her body, making her hard to look at, before it shattered like glass.         And, sitting next to Button, breathing hard, was Love Tap. “And that I was alive again.”         Button was silent for a long moment, before he leaned in and whispered, “Mom?”         Love Tap fidgeted for a moment, before she seemed to wince in pain, and the shattered spell came back around her, switching her back to Kiara. “Y-yes, and… no, I suppose. I am me, I promise, but… When I died, I was afraid. Afraid that without me, you wouldn’t get by in the world. That you wouldn’t do anything, and a benevolent demon sought me out. I… I made a deal, and then came to you.” She hung her head low. “I wanted to help you, but I understand if you don’t like the route I went to do so.”         Button was quiet for a long moment, before he wrapped his arms around Love Tap. “Mom, I could never hate you, or even dislike you. Just the fact that you were willing to do that just for me…” He squeezed her tighter, tears beginning to come down his cheeks.         Love Tap began to cry as well, holding him tight as they both just enjoyed the presence of one another. There in his embrace, she was happy.         Kiara though, what she truly was now, had a touch of business she wanted to work out first. Button could tell the words weren’t entirely his mother’s as the voice even reminded him more of Kiara. Still, it was a touch more… confusing to hear something like, “Am I a part of your harem now then?” come from his mother.         He blinked for a few moments, before a smile crossed his lips. His mom was blushing like a mad mare, and he reminded himself that a demon did bring her back. Benevolent or not, it was going to have a different perspective, just like the one he had gained. “Sorry, Kiara, but I can’t say yes to that. I just… I love my mom, but not like that. You get it, right?”         Kiara smiled for a moment, before glancing at the hand that grabbed hers. She then felt a deeper warmth in her chest as Button said, “I would love to have you stay here though. I could still use the help, and I’d never kick my mother out.”         Kiara smiled again, and both her and Love Tap simply stared at the stallion in front of them. Still innocent, despite being strong, still kind, despite being able to take charge, and above all else, still caring to all those he held close.         I don’t think I’ve ever seen why you loved him so much more than right now, Love Tap.         I don’t know if I’ve ever loved him as much as right now.         She leaned in, and, once more, but with only smiles this time, the gamer hugged his mother, and the mother, for the first time, hugged onto a stallion that was far more than just a gamer.