> CAD: Holidays and the Elements of Harmony > by James Light > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - The Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadance bundled herself further into her large, pink winter coat, a slight breeze causing a shiver to pass through her body as she stood outside of the Castle of Friendship. The towering structure had festive lights decorating its surface, a sure sign that its owner had sought out the help of the premiere party pony of Ponyville to make it as festive as possible for the holiday. They had certainly done an amazing job; as soon as Cadance had departed off of the train from the Crystal Empire she had seen the bright glow of the Castle far off in the distance, a beacon for her to follow towards her destination.         The Princess of Love looked behind her, the small town of Ponyville very much alive even this deep into the night. She smiled as she saw several couples out in the snow, some taking pleasant walks around town as they gazed up at the snow falling around them while others sat cuddling on benches, huddled together to shield themselves from the cold winter night. There was always something about the holidays, the crisp air surrounding her more saturated with love now than at any other time of the year. Above her, the flakes of white snow descending towards the ground had replaced the stars of the night sky, thousands of frosty specks illuminated in the lights of Ponyville as they seemed to float in the air.         Cadance sighed out in contentment from the feeling that spread through her body as she surveyed the town. With one last glance at a couple kissing underneath mistletoe that had been hung from a street lamp, she turned back around towards the Castle and began to walk down the pathway towards the door. Small lights lined each side of the road, each one in festive shapes such as a snowflake or a wrapped gift. Her attention was drawn towards the end of the path as eight special ornaments sat before the grand door of the Castle of Friendship, each one in the shape of a pony’s cutie mark. There was one for each of the former element bearers as well as one for herself and her husband, Shining Armor.         ‘How pretty… I’ll have to ask Twilight where she got them from. They would look great in the crystal gardens…’ She took a moment to stare at the one of her beloved husband’s mark, a light illuminating the violet star at the center of the blue shield. Each of the three stars that sat on top of the shield twinkled in the night, the lights within syncopated as they lit up in waves from left to right. It was too bad he wasn’t here to shelter her from the cold, his strong body holding her close to shield her from the dropping dots of ice falling from the sky. She grinned, thinking about what she had planned for the rest of the night. ‘I guess I’ll be seeing him soon enough, anyways…’ Lifting her hoof towards the door, she let it rap against it three times before waiting. It only took a moment before it swung open, revealing the smiling face of her sister-in-law. “Cadance! Happy Hearth’s Warming!” Twilight immediately went into position, Cadance smiling as she did the same. “Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake!” The two shared a laugh at the old dance shared between foal-sitter and sittee, embracing each other in a warm hug. Twilight was the first to pull away, her mouth split in a grin as she did. “It's so good to see you again, Cadance! We haven’t had enough time to hang out, what with you ruling over an Empire and me, well…” - she waved her hoof at the Castle around her, - “dealing with all this!” She turned around, beckoning Cadance to follow as she made her way down the hallway. “I’m sure the girls will be excited to see you, too! It’s not everyday my favorite sister-in-law gets to visit, even less so on the holidays!” Cadance playfully rolled her eyes at her. “Twilight, unless something strange happened since the last time I’ve seen you, I’m pretty sure I’m your only sister-in-law.” Twilight sheepishly blushed, bringing a hoof up to rub at the back of her head in embarrassment. “Oh yeah, right.” She paused for a moment, Cadance stopping just as she entered the Castle and turning towards Twilight as the purple mare’s eyebrows scrunched up in thought. Cadance waited for a few seconds, worry starting to grow for each second that went by as Twilight didn’t make even the slightest of moves. She was about to bump her in the shoulder with a hoof to see if she was okay when Twilight finally opened her mouth. “Ah! I figured out what’s missing… or, I guess, WHO'S missing…” Twilight looked around the room as if expecting somepony to jump out of the shadows. “Where’s Shiny?” Her wince at the question luckily went unnoticed by her naive sister-in-law, Cadance reaching up to scratch the back of her head just as Twilight had. “Uh… well… he’s a little… tied up at the moment?” she half-stated half-questioned.         Shining Armor sighed out from boredom as he laid upon the bed. At least, he assumed it was a bed, whatever kind of blindfold his wife had covered his eyes with preventing him from seeing. In fact, he couldn’t really do much of anything at the moment. Each of his limbs was pulled taut towards four different corners of whatever he was on, giving him very limited options in terms of mobility. He had been like this for what felt like ages now and he began to wish he hadn’t agreed to whatever his wife wanted to do for Hearth’s Warming.         All she had told him was that she had something special in mind, something that would make it the best Hearth's Warming night ever, and then before he knew it his vision and hearing were taken from him. He wasn't even sure where he was, only figuring out that Cadance had taken him somewhere by train and then teleported him by magic from feeling alone. And now he waited, his wife promising him she would make it worthwhile if he just stayed put until she returned. He was doing okay for a while, up until around the time an itch formed right at the tip of his nose…         “Oh… that’s too bad…” A small flash of sadness crossed Twilight's face, quick enough that Cadance almost missed it before it turned back into a smile as she once again started to walk down the hall. “I’m sure he’s real busy, especially this time of year. You guys must be swamped with tourists coming to spend Hearth’s Warming up near where the whole legend took place.”         Cadance absentmindedly hummed an affirmative as she took the chance to really look her sister-in-law over for the first time since she had arrived. It was amazing how just a couple-inch growth spurt from becoming an Alicorn had really caused Twilight to look more, well, like an adult. Gone was the meek little filly that spent just about every hour of the day with her head buried in books, replaced by a grown mare that walked with confidence in each step she took. Of course, she had become more of a mare in more areas than one, but Cadance pulled her gaze away before she could get too much of an eyeful. She instead let her eyes wander towards her sister-in-law’s hooves, a small smile forming on her face as she saw that Twilight had dressed herself up for the holidays. Red stockings that reached up to the halfway point of her leg clung to all four of her hooves, a cute ring of white fluff framing the sock at the top. Further up, Cadance could see that she was wearing an adorable red hat on the top of her head, the entire set up complete with a small clip in her hair of a piece of mistletoe. Cadance found it strange that Twilight would be so bold as to put mistletoe on her head for all to see, but instead of calling her out on it, she beat around the bush with a similar question. “You certainly seem to be in the Hearth’s Warming spirit. It’s not like you to get so dressed up for such a casual get-together.” Twilight stopped for a moment, a small blush on her face as she waved Cadance off. “What, this? This is just some stuff Rarity had lying around that she wanted me to wear. Except for the clip, that came from Rainbow. She says it's some kind of pegasus tradition or something. I think it looks nice.” Cadance smiled. ‘Ah, so that’s how it is. Twilight always told me that mare was one heck of a prankster…’ The pair reached the end of the hall, Twilight opening the door in front of them with her magic to reveal the room beyond. What Cadance recognized as the Map Room had been done up for the holidays, Hearth’s Warming banners streaming across the branches of the tree above the table with large snowflake ornaments hanging from the ceiling all around it. Folding tables had been set up against each wall of the room, stacks upon stacks of sweet treats taller than Cadance herself waiting for someone to devour them. She couldn’t help but laugh as Pinkie Pie came into view, grabbing onto a side of one of the tables and tipping it towards her to slide all the treats into her gaping maw just as Rainbow Dash was reaching for a cupcake. ‘Wow, I gotta figure out that mare’s exercise plan…’ the Princess thought to herself.         Shining Armor grinned triumphantly at another disaster averted. ‘Take that, itchy nose!’ Of course, he felt kind of embarrassed that he had forgotten his magic for a moment, using it to scratch his nose only after he had exhausted every other option available to him. His neck still hurt from when he had tried to turn it way too far to the side in order to rub his nose on whatever it was that he was lying on.         Still grinning, he relaxed his body once more as he continued to wait for his wife. The grin quickly turned to a frown when his stomach gurgled up at him, taunting him with its emptiness.         ‘Dang it…’ Pinkie gave out an earth-shaking belch, meekly saying "sorry" to the pegasus she had robbed of a cupcake. When she turned her attention to the doorway, her eyes grew wide and she gasped in excitement. The pink mare practically teleported over to Cadance, jumping up and down in excitement as she went off on one of her trademark Pinkie Pie monologs. The rest of the mares seated at the table turned to see what the commotion was about, and seeing as a new guest had arrived they all got up to welcome her. As she was surrounded by ponies seeking to greet her, Cadance smiled and decided to settle into the party for a bit. ‘I’m sure Shining won’t mind if I enjoy myself for a little while…’         30 minutes later... ‘Man… this sucks!’ Shining’s belly once again growled up at him in response. ‘Shut up…’         Cadance leaned back in her chair, patting her overfilled belly with a hoof while softly groaning out. She figured she would regret that fourth slice of cake later, but for now, the sugary bliss that flooded her body simply brought a smile to her face. The rest of the girls seemed to be in the same boat as her, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash especially so as they appeared to be in a sweets-induced coma. The only ponies who seemed capable of still moving around were Applejack, who was currently making up some hot chocolate in the kitchen for everyone to enjoy, and Twilight, the purple mare checking up on her guests and asking if they needed anything, just as she had read in the guide she had used to prepare herself to host the party, 'Hosting a Holiday Party 101'.         Cadance closed her eyes and rested for a moment. It was quite the party; plenty of food, plenty of friends, and plenty of good times to be had. She really needed to compliment Applejack and Pinkie on a job well done with the catering, but the bloated feeling from her already pregnant belly told her to rest for a while longer. She looked at the other ponies seated across the table, each sitting in large stone chairs emblazoned with the unique cutie mark that each mare possessed. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie had gotten into a brutal cupcake eating contest, the ferocity with which they attacked the confectionary delights shown by the crumbs that littered their fur and the frosting that laid upon their lips. Rainbow was on her back, head resting on one hoof-rest of the chair while her legs hung off the other side. Pinkie was in more of a normal pony sitting position, but her head was planted onto the table in front of her. Cadance was almost certain that a cupcake had been crushed by the pink mare’s face, another fallen soldier on the battlefield of treats versus partying mares.         Rarity and Fluttershy seemed to have had better restraint with eating, each mare now taking small sips of hot cocoa as they chatted. Rarity had a simple but elegant white jacket covering her body, the furry white rim of the hood settled on her back framing her makeup covered face perfectly. Fluttershy had taken a much more casual approach to her attire; a simple scarf that hung around her neck and a cute pair of pink earmuffs that protected her ears from the cold, both of which sat next to her in the chair. Cadance felt like asking Rarity why she was still wearing her jacket even while indoors but shrugged it off as a fashion thing, something the fashionista would know a lot more about than her.         Twilight walked up to her sister-in-law, two steaming mugs in the grasp of her magic as she took the seat next to Cadance. She levitated one of the mugs over to her, asking as she took a sip from her own, “Hot cocoa?”         Cadance accepted the offered drink, muttering a “thank you” before taking a small sip of the chocolaty brew. The warmth spread throughout her body as she drank, a smile crossing her face as she relaxed further into the chair. She took a glance at the clock, checking to see what time it was…         ‘Oh, crap!’         Already a half-an-hour had gone by, and she had left her husband tied up and alone! Looking over to Twilight, hoping the panic she felt went unnoticed by the purple mare, and asked, “Hey, not to rush things along, but can we get to the gifts? I'm kinda beat after the train ride.”         The studious mare placed her mug on the table in front of her before floating over the party guide over. “Hmm… well, if I move this here… I guess we can do that later… uh… yeah, I don’t see why we couldn’t do presents now.”         The mention of presents got the attention of the other mares around the table, Pinkie and Rainbow reincarnating from the cold depths of their desert-death as they jumped off their seats in excitement. Even Rarity and Fluttershy seemed to be somewhat enthusiastic at the prospect of opening gifts, though not nearly as much as the sugar-filled pair that grabbed Twilight and drug her towards the table. Cadance followed behind the flailing Princess of Friendship, chuckling at her sister-in-law’s misfortune. The purple pony pouted as she was pulled along the path to the presents, pleading with Pinkie to put her down.         The pair of ponies only released her when they reached the tower of tantalizing presents on the table. Each of the mares had bought a gift for all the other members of the group as well as Cadance, creating a large mountain of colorfully wrapped boxes just waiting to be opened. After Rarity took a short detour to the kitchen in order to round up the apple mare still brewing hot chocolate, she and Applejack joined the rest of their friends at the table as everyone began to open gifts.         Cadance did her best to keep things flowing quickly and smoothly, passing out gifts to their intended recipient immediately after the ponies in question had finished unwrapping their previous present. She took another peek at the clock, wincing as she saw that another couple of minutes had already ticked by. The Princess of Love soon found herself without any further packages to hoof out, frowning as each pony now had a small stack of gifts next to them due to taking the time to thank whomever the present had been from.         Applejack got a good cry out of Rainbow, the apple-emblazoned wrapping paper covering the greatest gift the cerulean flier could have ever imagined; a mini-keg of a special Apple Family Holiday Cider brew. As the mare hugged Applejack as hard as she could, the other’s receiving the same exact gift and only politely thanking her in return, the orange mare opened up the gift she got from the pony strangling her. She wasn’t very surprised at what the long tube had contained, a large poster of the Wonderbolts unraveling in front of her. She thanked Rainbow, once again the other’s receiving the same exact thing with mixed reactions towards the gift.         Not surprisingly, Rarity’s gift had the exact opposite reaction from her friends; those who liked the poster were not very impressed with the gift card to the Ponyville spa as the fashionista and Fluttershy exchanged a happy embrace. Pinkie gave the gift of even more sweets, everypony keeping the bag of candies closed due to their already full stomachs. Except, of course, for the pink mare herself, who no one questioned as she swallowed the bag of candies whole, bag and all, that she had gifted to herself. Fluttershy ended up being the most creative of the group, hand stitched outfits for everyponies' pets ‘just in case their itty bitty feet get too cold in the snow’. Last but not least was Twilight, everypony staring at the notoriously bad gift-giver with a blank look as she handed each of them the usual rectangular-shaped gift. Twilight blushed, waving at her friends to hurry up and open the gifts, which led to a soft gasp from the ponies as they did.         Twilight’s gift was a framed picture of her and all of her friends, each one with a personalized border that showcased the cutie marks of the giftee etched into the wood. Pinkie immediately darted over to her friend, wrapping her up in a spine-breaking hug that eventually drew all the others like a moth to a flame. Cadance waited a moment, looking down at her one-of-a-kind picture of Shining, Twilight, and her lined up for a picture at the royal wedding. She looked over at the seething pile of hugging ponies, a small tear coming to her eye as she made her decision.         ‘Ah, buck it… Shining can wait a little while longer…’         Shining laid alone, darkness swirling around within his mind as he awaited his demise. Had it been days,... months,... years? What had caused his love to abandon him within this Tartarus forsaken room? Left chained to something he wished he could just incinerate with one furious bolt of magic. His stomach spoke to him once again, pleading him for anything to sate the painful hunger that consumed him. The once proud stallion, former Captain of the Canterlot Guard and now Prince of the Crystal Empire, could feel a tear begin to form in his eyes with images of corn dogs dancing before him as he felt the last shred of his life fall into the dark abyss…         That was until a ring fastened around the base of his stallionhood suddenly started to vibrate, Shining grabbing onto the edge of life and quickly crawling his way back into the light. The spear sheathed within the bundle of flesh just above his balls began to rise up towards the sky, a beacon that he hoped signaled the approach of his savior, Cadance.         Cadance led the group of ponies down the hallway, bumping up the speed on the vibrator controller she had concealed from the rest of the group. She looked behind her at the oblivious mares, Rainbow taking swigs from the keg of cider as she flew above the group, almost slamming into decorations that filled the hall. After the group hug session had come to an end, Twilight had pointed out that Cadance had seemed to have forgotten to bring any gifts. The Princess of Love had panicked for a moment, almost about to slam her hoof into her face for forgetting the gifts on the desk all the way back in the Crystal Empire. Her brain scrambled for something, anything that could save face and rectify her mistake. The answer had come along with a devious grin, turning around and waving at the mares to follow her up to the guest bedchambers.         ‘Well, seeing as he’s been so patient, I might as well reward him…’         And so the group marched their way down the hall, Cadance leading them like the band leader in a marching line. Pinkie Pie bounced directly behind Cadance, attempting to guess what the gift that had to be kept a secret in the guest bedrooms could be. Cadance grinned at the pink mare’s guesses, so far off that she knew that they could never figure out just what it is that she had in store for them…         Of course that was until she reached her hoof up to open the door, Pinkie Pie gasping one final time as she stood stone-still behind Cadance. Before she could even turn around, Pinkie practically shouted out, “You secretly brought Shining Armor here by teleporting the both of you from the landing at the train station and have him tied up on the bed using holiday-themed bondage gear and your original plan was to have fun with him tonight but the party went on longer than you had anticipated so you felt bad and then felt even baderer when you forgot our gifts all the way back at your castle so you decided to share him with us instead!?”         Cadance could only stand there like a deer caught in a magic light. Her mouth opened without releasing a sound, her hoof still resting on the door. The other mare’s looked at Pinkie with a mix of confusion and embarrassment, most notably in Fluttershy who had her entire face hidden beneath her mane as she laid herself on the floor below. Seeing as her mind couldn’t form any kind of coherent thought, she decided to dive into the deep end and opened the door for all to see what her gift actually was.         There, laying on the bed, was her husband, Shining Armor. It wasn’t that which brought the surprised gasp from the group of mares, it was the fact that Pinkie had been spot on with her prediction. The stallion was on his back, rear legs spread to show off everything to anypony who wished to see. And what a sight it was; a bright-red Hearth’s Warming stocking had been put over his stallionhood and stood straight up to point at the ceiling, the shaft hidden underneath it fully engorged and twitching in need as a ring vibrated at its base. The bottom of the shaft laid bare, the ring slightly constricting it and causing noticeable veins to bulge out along its surface. The top of the stocking had a piece of string coming out of it that went down to his balls, dangling a piece of mistletoe just above the two meaty orbs, waiting for anypony to come over and kiss it.         Further down, at the base of his tail, was a beautiful bow large enough to mostly cover the bulge of his puckered plothole. Each of the girls followed the curves of his legs and thighs down to his hooves, each one having cute candy-cane-striped socks pulled up to his knees that perfectly melded with the pure-white of his coat. Even after Applejack gave an amazed whistle at the sight, the prone stallion did not move an inch. The reason became clearer with each step they took towards the bound male.         Strips of cloth had been tied around each of his hooves and spread him out in all directions. A wide red ribbon, usually used to tie together a gift to be given on the holiday, had been wrapped around Shining’s head and acted as an impromptu blindfold. A large pair of puffy white earmuffs sat atop his head and covered his ears, preventing him from hearing anything but vague and indistinct mumbles. They found out that he couldn’t even call out to them, a large Hearth’s Warming ornament stuffed into his mouth that forced him to breath in through his nose. Even with most of his senses blocked Shining could tell somepony had entered the room. The distinct smell of a mare wafted over his nostrils, only a small amount of it from his wife. He would have grinned if not for the gag in his mouth, so instead he gave a groan and a small thrust of his hips to try to entice his unseen guests. He could feel their gazes upon him, focused on the rod between his legs that rocked back and forth from the force of his thrust. ‘Aw yeah… now we’re talking… This is my kind of Hearth’s Warming!’ > Chapter 2 - The REAL Party (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Whoo-wee, Princess! You sure do know how to wrap a gift all nice and tight like.” Applejack looked over at Cadance, both of them sharing a smirk. “I’ll have to thank you for this here present later, but for now, let’s get this party REALLY started, huh?” Rainbow Dash took to the sky, pumping her hooves into the air. “Ah, yeah! Now THIS is my kinda party!” She flew over towards the bound stallion, landing right between his legs. Without a moment's hesitation, Rainbow grabbed the base of Shining’s cock and waggled it at the rest of the group, a prideful stare coming from her eyes. “You’re about to see how THE DASH goes about pleasing a stallion!” Before she could make another move, Applejack charged her way over to her and knocked the pegasus away from the stallion to the carpeted ground. Rainbow was quick to get back up, launching into the air with a beat of her wings as she angrily made her way over to Applejack. She butted heads with the orange mare, angrily saying, “Hey! What the heck was that for, AJ?!” Applejack didn’t back down from the challenge, pushing back against the pegasus with just as much strength. “If you really wanna see somepony please a pony, “ - she pointed back towards the group, a smirk growing across her face - “then you best head on back to the group and watch how it's really done, sugarcube.” The two mares continued to trash-talk one another as the rest of the group came to terms with what they were seeing. Cadance saw that both Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy had stayed put since entering the room, one turning red practically all over her body as she hid behind both her mane and her hooves as the other had sat down and was now shaking in excitement. Rarity had been surprised when she had entered the room, but now seemed oddly calm about the whole ordeal, resting on a cushion she had levitated over and patiently waiting her turn as she gazed at the scene unfolding before her.         Cadance looked over to the final mare, the one she was most worried about when she decided to have the six mares join her; Twilight. The purple mare had become bright red from embarrassment, a raging blush spreading across her entire face. She hadn’t moved a muscle since entering the room, standing like a stone statue with her eyes wide in a state of shock. It looked as though she had come face to face with a cockatrice right after being startled by a surprise birthday party, the mare never even blinking as she stared at who was on the bed. Cadance waved a hoof in front of her face, having the desired effect of breaking the spell that had befallen her sister-in-law.         Twilight fell to the floor and covered her face with both of her hooves and her tail, hoping to block out the vision of her brother on the bed. Her BBBFF, all tied up on the bed, his beautiful cock…         She shook her head with her eyes closed, trying to get the image out of her mind. The sweet solace behind her eyelids ended when she jumped in surprise from hoof being placed on her shoulder, looking up to see the calm smile of her sister-in-law looking down at her. Twilight could only blush at her foal-sitter, burying her face into her forehooves as she wondered what the mare must think of her now. Here she was, the former protege of Princess Celestia herself and now the Princess of Friendship, clearly blushing from the sight of her brother in such a… heart stopping position, the image of Shining all tied up on the bed causing her heart to flutter and her loins to moisten. Cadance would probably throw her out into the cold night and tell Celestia and Luna about what foul deeds their fellow Princess had thought about doing at that very moment. They’d probably strip her of her rank, maybe even of her wings, and throw her in a deep, dark dungeon somewhere. They might just throw her in a dungeon and then banish it and her from the face of Equestria! Oh, she hoped the moon had some good books to pass the time with...         The serene voice of her sister-in-law broke the worried mare’s train of thoughts. “It’s okay Twilight, I know of the feelings you have towards your brother. I’ve known for a while, now.”         Twilight looked up, tears just beginning to form at the corner of her eyes as she stared at the pink pony Princess in wonder. She knew…? How?         “I’m the Princess of Love, Twilight. I knew way back at the wedding.” Cadance laid herself next to Twilight and wrapped her hoof around her shoulders, leaning in and nuzzling her cheek. “There’s nothing to be worried about. In fact, I find it kind of cute! The little sister who loves her big and strong brother, the one who was her best friend for most of her life and had guided her through all the ups and downs that life brings!” Twilight could only blush, but a smile slowly began to creep across her face. Cadance perked up as well, hugging Twilight and saying, “There’s the mare I know! Lighten up a little, Twilight! It’s the holidays! Hearth's Warming is all about friends and family getting together anyways! What harm is there in having a little 'extra' family fun?”         A look of determination filled the face of the purple mare, standing straight up in a heroic pose. “You’re right! I have nothing to be ashamed of! I’m just gonna march my way over and… uh…”         Twilight looked over at her bound brother, one glance at the tower of flesh that stood tall between his legs causing her legs to wobble and her new found confidence to flee. Seeing that Applejack and Rainbow Dash had already begun their competition, the Princess of Friendship sheepishly sat back down, rubbing the back of her neck as she used the obvious excuse that came to her mind. “I guess I’ll wait for my turn, wouldn't want to interrupt my friends, heh... heh...” Shining gasped out as he felt a pair of lips on his balls, his sense of touch amplified from having his sight and hearing taken from him. He could distinctly feel each and every move the mare made between his legs; the ticklish sensation of the short hairs on her cheek rubbing against his thigh, the way the rough bumps on her tongue dragged across the smooth skin holding his testicles, and how the plum-sized orbs moved in their bag as she pushed them around with firm licks. He had been using the lull in action since the ponies had entered to try and piece together just who it was in the room with him. The only clue he had so far was a series of light breezes that blew across his body, telling him that somepony in the room had wings and had flown over towards him. Which didn’t narrow the field down much at all, especially seeing as his wife had wings. It was a strange sensation, not knowing just who it was that was suckling on one of his fat orbs, the soft lips of a pony slowly working around his orb feeling exactly the same as his wife. In fact, he figured it really could just be Cadance. Maybe the whole story about going someplace for a Hearth’s Warming ‘treat’ was just her wanting to do whatever she wanted with him for the night. Not that he was complaining, not with one of his balls now being safely kept in the warm cavern of her mouth. A new feeling descended on his other round testicle. He couldn’t place what exactly it was that was rubbing against the round orb until whatever it was opened up and dropped his other ball into yet another wet cavern. ‘Cadance must have invited someone… must be Chrysalis…’ He kinda wished that he didn’t have the gag on, just so he could tell them to not go at it his sensitive family jewels so hard… Applejack and Rainbow Dash were butting heads, determination shining in their eyes as they each sucked on one of the big balls within the stallion’s big black sac. Even with their mouths full, the two had challenging grins on their faces as they tried to prove just who could please the stallion the best. The hanging sac was stretched between the two dueling muzzles as the mares slowly rolled the seed silos stored within in their saliva-soaked mouths. Their soft lips closed around the fat orbs to hold them in place as they lashed at the skin with agile tongues, causing the stallion to let out a muffled moan from the sensation. All this without ever taking their eyes off each other, waiting and watching to see who would be the first to make a move. AJ knew she had Rainbow beat in the patience department, so it wasn’t a surprise to her that the pegasus was the first to drop the ball in her mouth back into place and make her way towards the smooth shaft sitting against their cheeks. Applejack rolled the ball around in her mouth for a couple seconds longer, making sure to give it a good, Apple-Family quality spit shine just like they did with the famous apples they grew before gently placing it back on the stallion’s taint. With one last flick of her tongue across the bottom of the spit-soaked sac, she dragged her tongue all the way across the curve of his balls as she made her way to the bunched up sheath where Rainbow was waiting. Rubbing cheeks with the blue pegasus, Applejack watched the mare work for a moment as the she lapped at the sheath and the base of the stallion’s shaft, just under the propped-up stocking hiding the bulk of his stallionhood. Rainbow’s brash attitude and her need to always go at full speed seemed to apply to the bedroom as well, the pegasus never keeping her head still as she rubbed her tongue over each and every inch of stallion sheath and shaft that she could find outside of the stocking. It almost looked as though she was trying to rub her entire face on the rigid pole before her, her eyes closed and mouth open as she breathed in the scent of the male she worshiped with her tongue. “Sure are impatient, ain’t ya RD?” came the light-hearted jab from the mare waiting next to her. The rainbow-maned mare opened her eyes, the reddish-pink irises of her eyes peering over at the apple farmer beside her. With one last lick around the edge of the dark sheath, Rainbow slightly pulled away and looked at Applejack with a confident grin. “Seems to me like you just can’t keep up, AJ. Need me to slow it down for you, slowpoke?” Applejack laughed away the taunt, leaning in and tracing a bulging vein at the base of the black stallionhood with her tongue as she looked Rainbow dead in the eyes. Right at the top of the vein the slimy appendage slipped back into her mouth, but not before tauntingly licking her lips at the cerulean mare. “Yah about to find out that slow an’ steady always wins the race, sugarcube.” Applejack nudged her nose between the stocking and the shaft, taking a moment to kiss the base of it before moving. Ever so slowly she dragged her tongue up the black pole, taking the stocking with her as she ascended towards the top. When the last bit of stocking got caught on something, she pulled it off with her hoof to reveal a wide flare at the head of the stallionhood. Already there sat a bead of precum in the center, simply waiting at the top for one of the two mares to consume it. Applejack and Rainbow looked at each other, an unspoken challenge accepted between the two, but before Rainbow could do anything the orange mare pulled the cock towards her with the hoof already on it and licked the white drop straight from the tap. All this while looking at her friend dead in the eye with a mischievous grin on her face. Rainbow pouted at her friend, miffed that she had lost the little competition. “Hey, no fair! You had a head start!” Applejack slowly suckled at the head of the shaft, letting it go with a pop before grinning once more at her frowning friend. “Sounds like excuses tah me.” She leaned back down to continue her work on the twitching flare, but a wing suddenly wrapped around the base of it and ripped it from her hooves. Rainbow looked at her, lips puckered out to kiss the flare as she rubbed the base with her wings. Even as she slowly dragged her tongue around the edge, playfully gazing at Applejack and simply stating, “Mine.” Applejack’s eyelids closed halfway, looking at her friend with the fires of determination blazing in her eyes. “Oh, you're on, sugarcube…”         ‘Okay, this is getting ridiculous…’         It HAD been going well, the two mares seemingly working together to bring him to a nice climax. Right when he was about to reach the peak of pleasure, however, everything seemed to have fallen apart. He could feel them waving his hard stallionhood around like it was a weapon, and he felt like laughing when the image of them using his ‘sword’ to fight off some evil doer came to his mind. Every so often lips would wrap around his flare, but at this point it was more frustrating than it was pleasurable as it only lasted for a split second before another tug-of-war contest would start up again. The light vibrations of the ring around his shaft's base was pleasant enough, but it was not going to finish him off anytime soon.         Suddenly, the sword fight ended. Shining assumed that either whatever villainous creature they had been fighting was finally slain, or they got bored of, well, whatever it was that they were doing. He could still feel waves of hot breath washing over his pride, so they hadn’t left him just yet… Applejack and Rainbow were once again butting heads, this time with the head of the stallionhood they both had tried to pleasure wedged between their chins as they argued.         “Give me a break AJ! There’s no rules to having sex, so what’s the big problem with using wings!”         “Ah’m just sayin, up ‘till this point we were goin’ for the best blowjob, so it seems to me that the winner shouldn’t be based on one of us having wings. Just give me a second and you can have him after ah’m done!” She ripped the twitching shaft from the pegasus’s wings, the stallion’s balls bouncing around from the sudden movement.         “Heck no, AJ! The Dash waits for no one!” Dash blinded Applejack with one of her wings, grabbing the rod in her hooves and pressing it against her face as the other mare tried to push aside her feathers.         “GIRLS!”         Applejack and Rainbow’s argument came to a standstill as they were surrounded in magic and pulled away from Shining Armor, the stallionhood in Rainbow’s grip falling away as they both pouted at the offending unicorn. Rarity had seemingly had enough of the bickering, placing the two frowning mares who refused to look at one another back with the rest of the group before sauntering over to the Prince on the bed, tsking at them as she looked back over her shoulder.         “That is NO way to treat a stallion! Even more so seeing as it is a Prince!”         Rainbow Dash crossed her forelegs, her pout growing ever deeper as she pointed with her wings at the mare next to her. “She started it…” “Shh! Now, I want both of you to pay attention.” Rarity reached what she had been staring at ever since she had entered the room. The tasty looking stallionhood before her almost caused her mouth to water, but with a flick of her mane and a cough into her hoof she regained her prim and proper mentality and turned back to her friends. “A stallion is not some tool to be used. They are perfectly designed matches to us and should be treated with care and respect. Never forget that treating them well means that they will treat us well in return. Now, watch and learn how a REAL mare treats her stallion.”         Rarity lowered her head, eyes still on her friends until her face made contact with Shining’s black stallionhood. This close, she could feel an aura of warmth slowly radiating from it and could smell the delicious scent of a needy male. Turning her face away from her friends to the shaft next to her, she opened her mouth and gave a long lick down the entirety of the rigid shaft. The white mare shivered at the realization of what she was doing. Not from the fact that she was licking a stallion’s crotch, or that her friends were watching her do it. Not even because the stallion she was licking was one of her best friends' brother, who happened to be one of the ponies watching her right now. No, the realization that the pony below her, his stallionhood beating in time with his heartbeat as she gave it the attention that it begged for, was a real-life, honest-to-goodness PRINCE.         Oh how long she had dreamed of having a Prince of her own, to love with all of her heart and soul, as well as all of her body. While she could only have him for this one moment only, the thought that the stallion she was about to please was a Prince who ruled an entire empire, who had fought to protect all the ponies of Equestria for most of his young life, and who now was putty beneath her hooves as she brought him blissful pleasure, caused a drip to flow down the side of her leg.         She finally reached the base of his sheath with her mouth, laying a loving kiss on each of his balls before giving another long lick back up to the top. She repeated the process a few more times, savoring all the sensations that flooded her body as she worshiped the cock before her. After one last smooch on the black sac containing his bloated testicles, she raised her head up above him, her mouth hovering just above his flare.         “Celestia… he’s amazing!” She looked back at her friends, a mixture of reactions on their faces. “Cadance, you are one lucky mare!”.         Even as Twilight’s blush roared back to life, Cadance smiled back at the mare servicing her husband. “Thanks. He really is something, isn’t he?”         Rarity turned her attention back to the white stallion laying prone on the bed, rubbing his stallionhood up and down with a hoof. “That’s an understatement, darling.” Placing her mouth back over his flare, she gave him a delicate kiss at the top of his stallionhood before opening her muzzle wide and swallowing it whole…         ‘Hmm, that’s strange…’         For some reason, all he could feel now was one pony between his legs. The only sense left to him was his smell, and from that alone he could tell that the pony licking up and down his cock was neither Cadance nor Chrysalis. Nopony came to mind who would wear such a rich smelling perfume, leaving him with no ideas as to who was between his legs. Not that he cared all that much, especially not after his shaft was surrounded in warmth…         Without a single pause to catch her breath or adjustment to better fit the member pushing into her throat, Rarity reached the base of the magnificent stallionhood and moaned. No gagging noise, no saliva-filled slurps ringing out, only a blissful moan from Rarity as her mouth was filled with Shining’s royal scepter. She knew that the audience that gazed upon her in wonderment could see nothing but the bulge in her throat, the entire stallionhood engulfed within her. Though she could not see them, she could hear at least a couple of them gasp out when she began to pull away, inch after inch of spit-soaked shaft escaping between her plush lips.         The sensation of a hard stallionhood dragging its way from her throat was one Rarity had always enjoyed. Not that she had done it with many stallions, mind you. She had simply prepared herself for this moment with toys over the years so that, when the time came, she could please the stallion of her dreams to the best of her ability. The wider medial ring popped from her mouth, her lips enclosed around the top it in an ‘o’ as her tongue dragged along the sensitive underside of the shaft. She paused at the top just long enough to flick her tongue at the sensitive head, moaning as she caught a taste of his pre straight from the tap.         She sunk back down the shaft, still not allowing herself to let out a single undignified sound as Shining’s black cock filled her mouth once again. This time, she went deep enough that her nose pressed into his white fur and her chin rested upon the black balls below. The feeling of the warm skin of his sac against her reminded her that she should leave no part of her stallion unloved, so she brought her hooves up and began to massage his testicles. Each orb was big enough to fill up one of her hooves, the balls possessing a good weight and shape as she appraised them like fruit in a market. She had always had a thing for jewels, and these were one of the finest pairs she had ever come across as she jostled them around.         The dual sensations of her tight mouth around his cock and her gentle ministrations to his balls had the desired effect on the stallion, the gems in Rarity’s grasp pulling up towards his body as they began to empty. Rarity moaned at the feeling of the shaft in her mouth throbbing in pleasure as it shot the stallion’s seed into her gullet, the happiness of satisfying another a familiar feeling whether it came from work in the boutique or between the sheets. She pulled back just enough for the flare to sit on the tip of her tongue, bringing a hoof up to steady the pulsing rod as she drank the Prince’s creamy essence like a fine wine even as her other hoof continued to rub the pulsing orbs below.         Not a single drop of the stallion’s seed spilled, the entire climax held within the fashionistas mouth before being swallowed down into her stomach. Still, after the white mare had pulled back enough for the cock to slip from between her lips, she levitated over a napkin and dabbed at the corners of her mouth. She turned around to her audience, head pointing upwards and eyes closed in an almost haughty stance as she claimed her victory.         “*ahem* And that, my compatriots, is how you please a stallion.”         She opened her eyes, expecting to see the stunned faces of her friends who were blown away by her ‘blowing’ performance. Instead, her grin turned upside down as she realized that none of them had been paying attention. Fluttershy and Twilight both had hooves covering their eyes, though Rarity did catch a certain purple mare sneaking a glance at the stallion on the bed before her blush grew brighter and she hid once more. Pinkie was… Rarity wasn’t really sure WHAT Pinkie was doing, sitting there and vibrating as if an earthquake that only the pink mare could feel was rocking her body viciously. Rainbow Dash and Applejack had certainly not seen her breathtaking performance, a blush coming to Rarity’s face as she saw that the two mares were still competing with each other. This time, though, they were between the legs of Cadance.         Cadance had stacked several cushions behind her, propping her back up against the wall as the two competing mares crawled between her legs. Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash had a nipple in their mouths, sucking away at the bloated teat even as they glared daggers at one another. In perfect syncopation they darted farther down, both latching onto a side of Cadance’s thick and juicy labia and pulling her lips apart. The bright pink center of the mare was revealed to the world, meaty folds of juicy flesh that shined in the light from fluids that had already begun to drip towards the floor.         Cadance moaned when both ponies between her legs tried to shove their tongues inside of her at the same time. The orange cheek of Applejack was smushed against the blue of Dash’s, each of them trying to push the other off center to gain further access between the Princess of Love’s thighs. Cadance relaxed into the sensation of two eager tongues determinedly lapping away at her insides as she spread her legs further apart for her assailants. The duel to see who could please somepony better slowly began to fall apart, the staring eyes locked in competition slowly closing as Applejack and Rainbow got more and more into eating out the mare in front of them. They began to work more as a team than rivals, working in a circle around the puffy lips before them. When one would kiss at the small patch of skin between her marehood and her anus while scooping up the dripping mare nectar with her tongue, the other would latch onto her winking clit and suck it as hard as she could. Then, after a few moments of this, the mares would circle around to lap up any of the Princess’s juices that had leaked out before swapping positions. After several laps around the track of Cadance’s marehood, Applejack once more lashed out at the bundle of nerves at the top. She was surprised when Rainbow skipped ahead and joined her up top, but when the pegasus gave her a smile, she gave a sly grin in return. Applejack put her head to the side, cheek resting against the pink thigh of the mare beneath them, and held the fat bulb of pleasure between her lips to prevent it from pulling back into its fleshy home. Rainbow took the offer, leaning in and kissing Applejack as hard as she could. Cadance gave a pleasured scream as the mare’s kissed between her legs, her extremely sensitive clit in the middle of a war of two tongues. Her button was subjugated to a tongue lashing she would never forget. The slimy appendages rolled around her clit, swirling around to reach the mare on the other side. It would all become too much for Cadance, bringing her hooves down to hold the mare’s between her legs as she began to quake in an Equestria-shattering orgasm. Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash moved down to the spasming tunnel below, working the soaked lips even as they tried to constrict around something that wasn’t there. An unexpected jet of mare cum caught Rainbow by surprise, the warm fluid splashing out and hitting her on one side of her face. The mares were more prepared for the next one, each catching some of the incoming ambrosia on their tongues. The mares moaned at the flavor, once more burying their tongues into the quivering mare to get as much of her nectar as possible. Cadance’s mind was in a state of constant bliss, the continued licks within her dragging her orgasm further and further out. Her entire body felt like it was on fire and being frozen at the same time, each muscle in her body constricting from the amazing amounts of pleasure that she was experiencing. Her orgasm began to die down about a minute later, the mares that had brought her to such heights pulling away as the shots of mare cum slowed to a trickle. Cadance collapsed further back onto the cushions, one of her rear legs twitching as she tried to recover from the ordeal even as a small trickle of her own fluid trickled out of her marehood down towards her tail. Applejack and Rainbow stood up, taking a glance at the comatose mare beneath them. Rainbow glanced over at her friend with a smirk, extending a hoof before saying, “Truce?”         Applejack was quick to accept the hoofbump, taking another look at Cadance before turning back to Rainbow. “Truce. But…” - She paused for dramatic effect, - “I think I did a better job.” > Chapter 3 - The REAL Party (Part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadance picked herself up on wobbly legs from the pile of cushions she had been laying on, wearily standing on all four hooves as she surveyed the room around her. Her eyes settled on Rarity, the mare walking back towards the group with her head held high and lips puckered in a pout. She took her seat with a “Hmmph”, turning away from Cadance and the rest of the group. The Princess of Love looked at the disappointment etched across the fashionista’s face, matching the mare’s frown as she placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Rarity, what’s wrong?” Rarity simply shrugged Cadance off, turning further away from her and folding her forelegs together, pouting even deeper. Cadance thought for a moment, a smile slowly breaking across her face. “Now now, Rarity. No one should be sad on Hearth’s Warming… and I think I have just the thing…” Cadance’s horn lit up in a blue aura, drawing the mare’s attention towards her as a matching light started to shine underneath the bed. Out came a large cardboard box, the word ‘TOYS’ inscribed on its side with a black marker. The Alicorn levitated it over to herself and pulled the top off, revealing the exact type of ‘toys’ that the secret package contained. Inside, a colorful plethora of sex toys were piled up haphazardly; all kinds of dildos and vibrators just waiting for somepony to grab and play with. Rarity’s eyes widened as she gazed upon the treasure trove of toys, a warm wetness building between her legs as she took in the sight. Cadance turned towards Applejack and Rainbow Dash, the small spat they had been in after Applejack’s previous comment seemingly over as they embraced each other in a deep kiss, hooves roaming over each other’s backsides. Cadance cleared her throat in an attempt to get their attention. “Rainbow? AJ? May I please ask a favor of you?” The two mares fell over, neither mare seemingly hearing the Princess as Applejack landed on top of the pegasus. Their lips broke apart, a strand of saliva connecting them for a moment before breaking off to fall onto Rainbow’s chest. Applejack began licking her friend's neck, slowly making her way down towards a different pair of lips between the pegasus's legs until something tapped her on the back of her head. She turned around, seeing a pair of large dildos floating behind her. The smirking face of Cadance lay past the silicone toys, a smile that was soon mirrored on both Applejack and Rainbow’s faces as they got up and each grabbed one of the dildos. "Mighty nice toys you got here, Cadance. What'cha want us to do with these?" Cadance pointed a hoof towards the mare seated behind her, Rarity’s eyes widening as she realized what was about to happen to her. “Would you two please take care of Miss Rarity? I wouldn’t want anyone to feel down on Hearth’s Warming…” Rarity gasped, looking over at her two friends as they began to casually saunter over to her, a slight sway to their hips and a mad gleam was in their eyes as they slowly stalked their defenseless prey. The mare in question tried to back away from the two as far as she could, squeaking out an *eep* when she backed into the wall. The white mare’s eyes fixed themselves on the pair of menacing toys coming her way, visions of her perfectly well kept temple that was her body being assaulted by such long, thick, tools of pleasure building the heat between her legs. She blushed when the thought caused her marehood to wink, the wet *shlick* of her clit clearly heard by her two approaching friends whose grins widened. “Stay away! You… you ruffians!” She meekly protested, her flagged tail betraying her true desire. Applejack brought the toy in her hoof up to her mouth, making a show of licking a vein on the long, green stallionhood. “Come on Rares, lighten up a little, would ya?” Rainbow had apparently forgotten Cadance’s request, stopping before she had even reached Rarity and sitting down on the floor. She spread her legs out as wide as she could, leaning back on her forehooves to show off everything between her thighs to the fashionista. “Yeah Rarity. Why don’t you come over here and help a friend out?” The pegasus brought the red, tapered dildo she had been given down between her legs, running the tip up and down her wet blue lips. The head hooked on to her labia, lightly pulling her marehood apart and revealing the bright pink folds hidden within. Rarity licked her lips as the tip of the shaft pulled away, glistening in the light as a strand of Rainbow’s juice connected the athletic mare to the toy. Rarity’s eyes were pulled away from the pegasus's pretty pussy lips back to Applejack, the mare running the dildo in her hooves back and forth over her lips. Rarity’s tongue poked out of her mouth as she mimicked the licks of the orange mare, slowly panting as she imagined it pushing into her depths. When she felt a drip run down the side of one of her hind-legs, she finally made up her mind. “Well… I suppose… it IS the holidays...” Applejack patted her on the back with her free hoof, the other holding up the dildo for Rarity to see. “There we go! It’s time to quit bein’ so fussy and get down for some good ol’ fashioned apple buckin’!”. She pulled Rarity away from the wall and made her way around to the rear of the white mare, nudging aside the curly tail that got in her way to reach the lips hidden underneath. Rarity’s white marehood had turned a light shade of pink from her arousal, a drip of fluid falling from the wider base of her labia to the floor just as Applejack arrived. A flash of pink greeted her, Rarity’s clit winking out when Applejack's breath blew across her mound. Applejack twirled the purple hairs of Rarity’s tail around in her hoof, giving it a good tug to make her friend gasp and to get it out of the way. Using a combination of her hoof and her mouth, Applejack worked the flared head of the dildo into the dripping wet tunnel of Rarity’s sex. It took a moment, the dildo slipping around the leaking lips and accidentally sliding up to poke at the puckered white ring above. With some adjustments she successfully popped the first inch of the silicone rod into the fashionista, Applejack starting to slowly bury the rest of the green shaft inside of her friend and watching intently as the thin lips of her labia parted around the toy. Applejack took a peek underneath the mare at her average sized teats, jiggling about as Rarity shivered in pleasure. Everything down there was prim and proper, groomed to perfection with a faint smell of vanilla that wafted up into Applejack’s nostrils.         “Really, Rares? You got your fancy perfume down here, too?”         Rarity moaned as Applejack followed up her question by quickly burying the dildo all the way inside her quivering tunnel in a single shove. “Ohh… you can never be too… ah... prepared, Aaaapplejack!” She spread her four legs, solidifying her stance and opening herself up for her friend to get even deeper. Her legs had begun to shake as Applejack pulled the dildo back out to the tip before beginning to thrust it in and out of her winking marehood. She bent her head down and looked between her legs, seeing drips of her own excitement falling past the smiling face of Applejack behind her as the mare continued to pummel her pussy with the fake stallionhood.         “I’m sure if you… ah… wanted to-ooh… you could get your kitty all nice and… pretty too…’         Applejack scoffed, looking between the shaking white legs of the mare with her eyebrow raised. “Kitty? What in the hay, Rarity? Just call it what it is.” She winked at her friend and moved her head, flicking her tongue out at the nub that peeked out next to her face, causing its owner to gasp at the contact to her pleasure button. She spoke again, this time following up each word with another lick to the clit. “It’s… a… dripping… wet…  pussy!” Applejack ended her statement by sucking the bottom half of Rarity’s labia. digging her tongue into the white mare and sucking on her juicy lips even as the dildo drove into her depths above.         Rarity moaned out, picking her head up in pleasure. Her vision was filled with cerulean blue, the wings of her other friend grabbing onto the sides of her face and pulling her forward. She quickly placed her hooves on each of the athlete’s thin but muscular thighs to prevent herself from face planting into the mare’s crotch.         Rainbow had already inserted her toy into herself, the only thing left of the long tapered dick was the round base that now sat at the mare’s opening. The pegasus’s labia was a pair of trim lips, the muscles inside of her tunnel squeezing the silicone shaft within her and forcing out a stream of her own lubricant that flowed down to her tail.         Rainbow reached down and tapped the top of the toy before moving her hoof up to slowly rub at her clit. “Come on, Rarity! Help a friend out!”         Rarity looked down at the weeping lips with trepidation, but another hard thrust from Applejack behind her made up her mind, Grasping the end of the toy in her magic, she slowly pulled it out from the depths of her friend. Rivulets of Rainbow’s essence flowed out around the toy as it left, the pegasus moaning out as she brought the tips of both of her wings down and pulled apart the lips of her labia. With a wet pop the dildo came free, Rarity watching as the pink insides of her friend molded back into their original shape.         The force of Applejack’s thrusts caused Rarity to rock back and forth, partially from the apple mare’s strength but also from her moving back to meet the thrusting dildo halfway. With shaking legs Rarity extended a hoof and began to rub Rainbow’s marehood, smearing her pegasus friend’s juices over the bottom of her hoof.         Rainbow leaned back, moaning towards the ceiling before looking back down at her friend. “Jeez, Rarity. Didn’t think you’d be one to get your hooves dirty in bed…”         Rarity bent her forelegs, slowly lowering her face towards the pegasus’s crotch. With half-lidded eyes that never left her friends, she let out a heated breath over the marehood beneath her. Right before she buried the toy back into her friend and latched onto the winking clit above, she heatedly whispered to her friend.         “Anything for a friend, darling…”         Cadance looked over at the trio with a smile before turning her attention to Pinkie Pie. The mare had not moved an inch, unless she counted the full-body shaking that the pink mare had been doing for as long as she had been sitting down. Cadance placed her hoof on the party mare’s shoulder, leaning down to whisper in her ear.         “Your turn, Pinkie Pie”         An explosion of confetti rained down around the Princess as Pinkie Pie blasted off towards the ceiling. The mare bounced around the walls of the room, yells of jubilation ringing in Cadance’s ears whenever the pink blur whizzed by her head. The large poofy bullet suddenly came to a halt right next to Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie suddenly acting like her normal self as she grabbed the pegasus.         “Come on, Fluttershy! Let’s go have some fun with Shiny!”        As one mare hummed a tune, the other was simply dragged along the ground as the pair made their way over to the bed. Pinkie crawled up onto the bed as soon as she reached it, making her way between the legs of the stallion to reach the prize that was waiting for her. Fluttershy meekly crawled up on the bed but did not approach any closer, sitting at the edge of the bed with her face hidden by her mane, only taking quick peeks at the bound stallion before blushing and hiding once more.         “Hey! Look!” Pinkie had the back of her head pressed against the stallion’s cushiony black balls, looking away from him towards the rest of the group. Perched on top of her head was Shining’s half-flaccid cock, sagging over her to lay in her poofy mane. The head of the shaft stuck out near the top of her forehead, pointing forward towards the other mares. “I’m a unicorn!” She bounced up and down, trying to get a reaction from her friends as the stallionhood jumped with her. “Get it? It’s a horn!” The only response was a moan from Rainbow as Rarity shoved the dildo to the hilt inside of her while she sucked her clit, the pegasus’s blue lips spread around the contours of the silicone toy. Pinkie wrapped her mane around the shaft and brought it up close to her lips, speaking into it like it was a microphone. “Wow, tough crowd...”         She turned around back towards Shining, his stallionhood falling from her grasp to lay against his balls. She nudged the cock around, causing it to flop this way and that as she giggled. Laying it against the stallion’s stomach and releasing it caused it to lazily whip back like a bungee cord, tapping her at the end of her nose.         “Boop. Tee-hee.”         Pinkie lifted the two heavy orbs underneath the cock in her hooves, dropping them down and causing them to jiggle around in their sac. She continued jostling the balls around as she began to sing.         “Jingle balls, jingle balls, jingle all the time! Oh what fun it is to play with a jingly pair of balls, hey!” She followed up her tune with a giggling snort. Pinkie lowered her head and scooped the two orbs up with her nose, placing them on top of her muzzle and laying them over her eyes. “Hey! Who turned off the lights! Oh, *chuckle* these aren’t my glasses!” Shining sighed as his junk was played with, rolling his eyes beneath the blindfold. ‘Here we go again…’ Pinkie Pie removed herself from underneath Shining’s balls, dragging the tip of her nose up the slight curve of his shaft until she reached his tip. She saw her timid friend past the flare, the yellow pegasus not moving an inch as she hid behind her mane. She frantically waved a hoof to get her attention, lightly petting the shaft when Fluttershy peeked out from her hiding place. “Come on Fluttershy! It’s not going to bite you, silly! It’s just a long, hard, stallion penis that’s wide enough that it could feel like you're splitting in two when it shoves itself inside of you!” The blushing mare gave a near silent *eep*, laying down and wrapping her hooves around her face in the hopes that she could hide her embarrassment. When she heard Pinkie Pie baby talking, she peeked between her hooves to take another glance at the menacing pillar standing between the stallion’s legs. Pinkie seemed to be consoling the thick rod of flesh, slowly petting it like one would a frightened dog while talking to it. “It’s okay little Shiny… it’s nothing to do with you, Fluttershy is just a little nervous, that’s all…” Shining’s eyes blinked behind his blindfold. ‘What in Equestria…’ He blinked again as a hoof began slowly stroking over his member, barely pressing into it as it rubbed down towards the base before lifting away to repeat the entire motion all over again. It was if somepony was petting his stallionhood. ‘... eh… I guess that’s kinda hot…’ The shaft had somewhat deflated, more likely due to an absence of any real attention rather than any perceived insult Fluttershy had indirectly given it by shying away. Now it began to rise, returning to the proper length of a stallion ready to please his mare. Pinkie gleefully clapped her hooves together, playing with her new toy and giggling as she swung it around. Fluttershy looked on, more at her friends reaction than the thing she was playing with. ‘I guess… I mean, it doesn’t seem so bad…’ Slowly she started to get up, the walls of her hooves and her mane breaking around her as she approached the bound stallion. She carefully crawled her way up the bed to sit next to Shining, Pinkie Pie backing away slightly with a wide grin on her face as she gave Fluttershy as much room as she needed. Slowly her hoof reached out, her eyes growing wider as she got closer to the twitching shaft. Less than an inch away she began to feel the heat emanating from the blood-engorged stallionhood, the warmth growing and growing to a point that it felt it could burn her hoof. And then, with one last surge of courage, Fluttershy touched Shining’s cock for the first time, hoof pressing into hard flesh. A loud growling sound caused Fluttershy to recoil in fear, far enough that she ended up falling off of the bed as she fled in terror. Pinkie’s eyes were wide in shock, but from an entirely different reason than her skittish friend. “Oh no! Rumbly tummy alert! This stallion needs 40ccs of confectionary delight, stat!” The pink mare reached into her mane, pulling out a fully decorated cupcake from the depths of the poofy curls. Shining blushed in embarrassment. ‘Hopefully that wasn’t as loud as it sounded to me…’ Seeing as whatever had been happening down between his legs had stopped, it seemed that whoever was down there had indeed heard his stomach’s plea for help. He tried to get their attention back on the matter at hoof by wiggling his hips around, his erect member bobbing about in the hopes of further pleasure. When that didn’t work, he made a short groaning sound around the gag in his mouth, which turned into a gasp as the large ball was suddenly pulled out, cool air flooding his mouth for the first time in what felt like ages. Before he could mutter a single word something else had been shoved in, whatever it was bumping into the back of his throat and causing him to gag. He coughed for a few moments to get the tickle out of his throat, but when the taste registered in his mind he began to frantically chew. ‘This is pretty good…’ Pinkie watched the stallion eat with a stern expression, not even blinking when he coughed up some crumbs onto her face. She grabbed the stethoscope from the emergency medical kit hidden within her mane and placed it on the stallion’s stomach. She listened for a moment, poking and prodding around his belly to see if the treatment had solved his problem. Her answer came in another low growl from his stomach and a weak “More…” from his mouth after he swallowed. “Oh no!” She rummaged through her mane, panic settling in with each second she didn’t find another cupcake. When she came up empty-hoofed, she checked her tail to see if she had accidentally put some there. But Pinkie knew she never put any food there, it just wouldn’t make any sense to keep a stash in her tail! She watched as the stallion’s mast began to fall once more, little Shiny slow receding back into its fleshy home… “Hold on, little Shiny! I’ll find something, just hold on!” She began to look around the room for anything to feed the hungry stallion, nothing but furniture and her moaning friends crossing her vision. Her eyes settled on her fallen pegasus friend, the yellow pegasus half knocked-out from her fall to the floor. She had gone over backward in her haste, giving Pinkie Pie a good view between her legs at the juicy morsel… *gasp* “Ideeeaaaaaaa!” Pinkie picked up her slowly awakening friend with ease and plopped her down on the bed. Sitting right on top of Shining Armor’s head. The mound between her legs right up against his… “Ahh!” Shining didn’t pause for a second; as soon as the scent of a mare had registered in his brain he buried his tongue into her nethers. Whoever it was, she had a lighter flavor than his wife. Almost reminded him of a morning dew, with a sweet undertone of honey mixed in to make the flavor pop as it filled his mouth. The mare winked against his chin as he buried the tip of his muzzle inside of her. Deeper and deeper his licks went, tongue wedging past her succulent folds to reach more of the mare’s sweet nectar… Fluttershy stared straight past the pink mare smiling before her with glazed-over eyes, the waves of pleasure emanating from her groin as Shining went to work satiating his hunger blanking out her mind. Past the opening yell she could barely make a sound, soft squeaks as loud as a mouse coming from her whenever Shining got really deep. Her wings unfurled to full span on either side of her, the deep red of a pleasured blush covering her face. The way his tongue wiggled about inside her, the way his chin rubbed against her pleasure button whenever he open or closed his mouth around her mound… “Ohhh…’ Fluttershy lowered her hooves onto his chest and began to slowly rock her hips back and forth, dragging her weeping mound and winking clit across the tip of his muzzle. Shining moaned in return, his hunger all but forgotten as he drank his fill of the mare’s juices. And she certainly had plenty, small streams flowing around his face to form a wet spot on the bed below his head. Pinkie watched as her shy friend started to get into it, pumping her hoof into the air and encouraging her on. “Yeah! You go Fluttershy!” Her attention was pulled away from her friend as the stallionhood in front of her began to grow right before her very eyes. Slowly it extended towards the ceiling, growing in length and in width as veins began to show up across its surface. As it became fully erect it flexed, curving up towards the stallion before bobbing back down to its original position. Slowly it shivered from the beat of the stallion’s heart, and Pinkie’s smile slowly fell to a frown. “Seems little Shiny is getting cold… hmm… ah ha!” Pinkie climbed up to the bed, crawling between the bound stallion’s legs and scootching her hips forward until her marehood lightly pressed into Shining’s bountiful balls. She grabbed both of her teats and pressed them together, creating a stallion shaft sandwich between two bright pink mounds of flesh. “Don’t worry, lil’ Shiny! Auntie Pinkie Pie will warm you right up!” The party mare’s face twisted in concentration, tongue peeking out of the side of her mouth as she began to rub her teats over the stallionhood. They were thick enough to cover about half of the rigid black rod within their warm flesh and they distended enough that Pinkie could rub them up and down from the base of Shining’s shaft to just under the head at the top. The pliable pink mounds wrapped around the contours of his shaft, bunching up the skin of his sheath as the breasts pressed down and squeezing blood up into the flare when they went up. Pinkie hummed a tune, the beat in her head matching the beat of her teats rubbing up and down the shaft. The tunnel of soft fur rubbing up and down the black member caused the cock to convulse, a creamy current of precum dribbling from the head. The party mare ended her song when she felt a warmth seep to her twin mounds, stopping the rubs to look down at her teats before smiling over at her friend. “Hee hee! Fluttershy, look! It’s leaking out frosting!” Fluttershy loudly moaned, changing her rocking motions into full blown hip thrusts against the stallion’s face. She pressed into his muzzle hard enough that the tip would enter her marehood, allowing the stallion to bury his tongue as deep as he could into her pink depths. When Shining found her g-spot and began to relentlessly assault it, Fluttershy began to lose the strength in her legs, mouth opening up to pant as her hooves began to wobble around the stallion’s head. Sitting up on two legs wasn’t gonna cut it, so she began to lay down on top of the chiseled chest of white fur before her. Her hooves went slack, falling belly to belly as the stallion took full control of the expedition into her moist tunnel. Fluttershy cooed against Shining’s stomach, the stallion’s long, rough tongue rubbing her supple folds as she released more of her nectar for the thirsty pony to drink. And drink he did, scooping up her essence on his tongue in one smooth motion from the pouting bottom of her labia to the top. He took extra precautions around her clit, light licks to the button of pleasure that were enough to make her moan but not enough to bring her to a quick end. She closed her eyes, letting the flood of sensations that radiated from her groin fill her mind with bliss. How had she been afraid of this? This was amazing! The sound of flesh impacting flesh broke her reverie, looking up to see the two jiggling masses of Pinkie’s teats bouncing up and down. Small strands of white covered her teats, between which sat the ebony rod the pegasus had been so frightened of earlier. Now, as she gazed upon it, her mouth began to water. The beads of white streaking down its sides called out to her, drawing her eyes down the contours of the meaty shaft until the drops of precum were picked up by Pinkie’s teats. The added lubricant let Pinkie rub even faster, fore-hooves working on overdrive as she went as fast as she could. Fluttershy traced the wet path the drop had made back up to the top, the widening flare causing her eyes to do the same. Even as Pinkie Pie continued to mash her teats up and down the base of the glistening shaft, Fluttershy leaned in and wrapped her lips around Shining’s sensitive cockhead, moaning at the flavor that greeted her tastebuds. A heady mixture with a salty undertaste, thick but not too thick… Fluttershy needed MORE! Pinkie looked down, her own special frosting fountain being cut off at the source by her usually finicky friend. “Hey! Make sure to save some for me, sista!” Fluttershy paid no attention to her, moaning out as she drank up the essence of Shining Armor as he returned the favor. ‘Ok, NOW we’re talking!’ Whoever had wrapped their teats around his pride was certainly blessed. Either that or very much pregnant. They were larger than his wife’s, two warm melons bringing him to a state of euphoric bliss. That combined with the mouth sucking on the head of his cock and the sweet nectar that was washing over his tastebuds was bringing him towards his second climax of the night. He certainly had to thank Cadance for this later. Suddenly, the marehood on his lips lifted away, only to smack back down with enough force to make him wince, his nose submerged within a hot, wet cavern... “Oh yeah! Eat it! Eat me out!” Fluttershy’s eyes were clenched shut, a red glow covering her cheeks as she thrust her hips into the stallion’s face. She continued to gasp and yell out as she did, silencing herself by once again wrapping her lips around the head of the stallion’s shaft. The pleasure began to mount within her, a tightness building below her waist that made her moan with each thrust of her hips. Wet slaps of her hips smacking the muzzle of the stallion beneath her rang in her ears. She began to leak out more and more as she approached her orgasm, a whine building in her throat that turned into a scream as her dam broke. Lifting back up to sit directly on Shining’s face, Fluttershy’s wings spread out on either side of her and her head pointed towards the ceiling in a scream. Her mouth stayed open as a gush of honey-sweet marecum spilled out onto the stallion’s face, more than he could ever swallow spilling out of his mouth to run down his chin. The shaft between Pinkie’s teats throbbed, HARD, the party planner not slowing in the slightest as the fat mounds of her teats flew up and down the quaking shaft, The flare widened one final time, the head expanding as far as it could go before blasting off its first shot of creamy stallion seed. Pinkie gasped as she watched the trail of white shoot up straight into the air, falling back down in slow motion before falling onto the stallion’s stomach. She bent over and wrapped her lips around the flare before it could fire another shot, the next burst of salty semen filling her mouth. The volume of his release became too much for the mare, forcing her to pull her head away with a mouth full of cream. The rest of his orgasm fell down onto her teats, coating the twin pink mounds with a light glaze of stallion seed. “Ah! What a sticky mess! Hee-hee!” She slowly backed away from the stallion, watching as his stallionhood began to deflate back down into his sheath. “Aww… is lil’ Shiny’s going back home? But he never got to play with meee-oh!” She was suddenly lifted into the air by a pair of blue hooves, wings beating around her as she was flown back towards the group. With an “oof” she was placed on her back. Pinkie turned her head to the left and saw Rarity and Applejack’s faces up close to her, side by side. Rarity’s mouth was held open as Applejack sucked on her horn and thrusted into her with a strap-on, the apple mare mounted over her friend as if she was a stallion. Looking down her body, she saw the menacing figure of Rainbow Dash, wings and legs spread with an extra appendage dangling between her thighs. “Don’t worry, Pinks. I got someone who’ll play with you…” > Chapter 4 - The REAL Party (Part 3) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- And so, only one mare remained… Cadance turned towards her sister-in-law, the mare sheepishly smiling back at her as her eyes darted to random points in the room. “Well Twilight, it looks like it’s your turn.” The mare embarrassingly stammered back a reply. “Uh… bu-but… uhm…” Her eyes continued to scan the room, erratically jumping side to side as if searching for something. “Well…” She pointed over to Pinkie Pie, hope shining in her eyes. “What about Pinkie? She might want another turn! Jumping in ahead of her wouldn’t be very friendly of me, now would it?” Cadance glanced at the pink mare lying flat on her back, Rainbow Dash thrusting hard between her hips with a strapon. She had all four of her hooves wrapped around the pegasus, eyes closed with a wide grin on her face. When Pinkie followed Twilight’s statement with a loud groan, Cadance turned back towards the blushing purple mare with an eyebrow raised. “Seems to me Pinkie is a little… occupied right now. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind you having a turn now, Twilight.” Sweat began to form on the nervous mare’s forehead, patting the wetness away with her wing as she looked for something else to excuse herself with. “Uhhh… Applejack! You didn’t leave the stove on downstairs after making the hot chocolate, did you? I should go and double check to make sure! Better safe than sorry, right?” Before she could even turn around Applejack called out to her. “Twi, we both know I used the microwave.” The apple mare followed up her simple statement with a series of hard thrusts into the fashionista beneath her. Rarity was lying on her belly underneath her, mouth opened and tongue lolling out of her mouth in a very unladylike manner. Drops of drool dripped onto the floor, a wet spot already forming by her head and by her crotch. Cadance watched as Twilight’s eyes grew with each passing second she couldn’t think of anything else, wings twitching and breaths coming in shallower in panic. “What’s the matter, Twilight? We already spoke about the taboo-ness of it, so I’m assuming it’s not that.” Twilight’s eyes shrunk into pinpricks, a blush growing across her face before she laid on the floor and tried to hide underneath her hooves. Cadance walked over and laid down next to her, comfortingly wrapping a wing around her back and nuzzling her cheek with her own. “Talk to me, Twilight. What’s wrong?” The mare sighed out, breathing lungfuls of air for a moment to calm herself down. She picked her head up from her hooves, looking at Cadance with a blush on her face and spoke so softly she sounded like Fluttershy. “...” Cadance leaned in, trying to make out what it was her sister-in-law was saying. “What was that?” Twilight sighed, turning towards Cadance and leaning in to whisper in her ear. “I’ve never had sex before.” Cadance was taken back for a moment. “You’re a virgin? What about heat season? How has a mare as beautiful as you are not found someone?” Twilight blushed, looking away from her sister-in-law. “Well… I usually just handle it myself…” Cadance took a moment to think. “Uh…” “Well… I usually do some… experiments with a couple of… instruments… to see what I like, Just rubbing and stuff, but it gets the job done.” “Oh, Twilight… let me tell you something…” Cadance placed her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder, pointing the mare in the direction of the bound stallion on the bed. “A toy has NOTHING on the real thing.” She pulled out a small device, a variety of buttons across the surface of the controller. She hit the button labeled ‘LOW’, a deep hum ringing from the bed. Twilight watched as her brother’s half-erect stallionhood began to grow before her very eyes, watching with rapt attention as the black member slowly extended towards the ceiling. “A cold, lifeless silicone toy is simply that. A toy. That, “ - Cadance pointed over to her husband, his shaft just about fully engorged - “is a thick, throbbing, piece of stallion that can scratch just about any itch you’ve ever had between you legs.” She bumped the speed up to high, the ring vibrating as fast as it could around the base of Shining’s member. Twilight watched the pillar of flesh throb once, twice, three times before a bead of pre-cum dripped to run down its side. Twilight tracked the bead of white as it rolled down the side of the engorged shaft, absentmindedly licking her lips as it flowed over her brother’s medial ring before falling towards the bed. The purple mare’s reverie was broken as Cadance walked by, the Alicorn’s tail brushing against her face. “Follow me, Twilight.” Twilight did as commanded, following behind the Princess of Love as Cadance sauntered over to her husband. Her eyes were glued to the twin mounds of Cadance’s rear, a sway in the pink mare’s hips as she walked causing them to sway back and forth almost hypnotically in front of her. A peek between her legs gave Twilight full view of the pregnant mare’s teats, twin peaks of flesh jiggling about as the mare made her way to the bed. Just the thought that Cadance, her sister-in-law, was leading her so she could have sex with Shining, Cadance’s husband as well as her own BROTHER, caused the heat between her legs to blaze up into an inferno. The wet sound of her clit peeking out of her marehood rang in her ears as she reached the edge of the bed, blushing madly as she followed Cadance in climbing up on top of it and taking a position next to her bound brother. Cadance moved to sit next to her, wrapping a wing around her back as she turned the vibrating ring around her brother’s stallionhood off. Slowly she wrapped a wing around the center of the shaft, dragging her feather’s up and down Shining’s towering member as it throbbed in her grasp. She reached down towards the base of his stallionhood, patting the stallion’s balls before hitting a button on the ring wrapped around his base. The vibrator split in two, falling to the sides of the shaft before being levitated away in the Princess of Love’s blue aura of magic. Twilight jumped when Cadance grabbed her hoof, eyes widening as she guided it towards the obsidian pillar between her brother’s legs. She felt the warmth of the shaft before she even made contact, a calming heat radiating from the blood-engorged member that drew her in towards it. Then, the air in her lungs was forced out as her hoof came into contact with hard flesh. She looked over at Cadance with wide eyes, hoof simply sitting against the side of Shining’s towering stallionhood. Cadance smiled at her, moving her hoof up and down to make Twilight rub the throbbing shaft before pulling away. She was pleased to see Twilight continue the motion after she stopped guiding her, patting her on the shoulder and whispering into her ear. “Don’t worry about it too much, Twilight. Just do what comes naturally. Show him the love that you have for him.” Twilight meekly grabbed onto the large shaft with her wings, slowly rubbing it up and down as she gazed upon the glorious stallionhood before her. Her eyes traced every inch of flesh, every bulging vein across the surface of her brother’s cock before stopping at the head. Already a bead of pre sat at the top, Twilight feeling drawn towards it as she lowered her head. For the first time in Twilight’s life, she wrapped her lips around a male, savoring the taste of a stallion in need and committing the flavor to memory. She tried to go further down, but quickly found herself reaching her limit with only a few inches of his impressive girth in her mouth. She glanced over at Cadance, worry in her eyes that she wasn’t going to do a good enough job even as she rolled her tongue around him, but the Princess of Love simply patted her in the back and wrapped a hoof around the base of Shining’s shaft. “Good girl, show your brother just how much you love him…” Slowly Cadance rubbed the base of her husband’s member as she watched Twilight suck on his tip. Her mouth unconsciously opened on its own, her tongue slowly snaking around in her mouth as she mimicked her sister-in-law. “That’s it, Twi… good job…” Twilight moaned around the hard flesh in her mouth, closing her eyes and suckling on the spurting flare held between her lips. The sensation of her brother’s most private part, the taboo of a sister blowing her own brother, the taste of his pre leaking out into her mouth; all of the thoughts about what she was doing rushed into her mind and superheated her loins. She felt a drip of her excitement roll down her leg, matting the fur of her thighs as it fell down towards the bed. Never had she felt so naughty, so excited, so FULL of life… she needed MORE! Cadance let her hooves fall down towards her husband’s balls, rolling them around in their sack as Twilight took control of his stallionhood. The purple mare wrapped both of her hooves around his shaft, encircling the two of them with her wings and creating their own separate world. Just her and her brother within a heated world of intimacy, hidden away from the rest of Equestria by the cocoon of her soft feathers. The world fell apart around her, all her cares disappearing from her mind as she focused on pleasing her BBBFF as well as she could. It felt like it would never be enough, the stallion that had been by her side all her life, through thick and thin, through the good times and the bad, deserved so much more than what she could ever give him. But still she tried, running her hooves up and down his length as she suckled on his tip. The sweet and salty cream trickling into her mouth was like sweet ambrosia, the flavor quickly becoming one of the greatest things she had ever tasted. How had she gone so long without this… this feeling of... immense satisfaction from pleasing another? Cadance watched Twilight with a smile on her face, sighing out at the strong waves of pure love that radiated from her sister-in-law. She took a glance at her husband’s face, mouth open as he groaned and panted out from the sensations enveloping his stallionhood. Leaning over towards him, she placed her hooves on each side of her face and embraced him in a kiss, shoving her tongue into his mouth. As soon as the pair of lips came into contact with his, he knew exactly who it was that was kissing him. The sweet taste of her mouth, the soft skin of her lips; there was no one else it could be than his beloved. Tongues wrestled against each other in a dance of passion, entwining in a lovers embrace as husband and wife once more met in a kiss. They broke apart when he gasped, the mare between his legs becoming confident enough to take another inch of his long shaft into her maw. He would have to ask Cadance later about this mare in particular; the way her mouth worked over his flare, the way her hooves rubbed up and down his shaft, even the small humps she made against his leg, all of it was absolutely fantastic. Hopefully Cadance would let him see whomever it was again, a mare this good was one he wanted to get to know better. In a raspy voice he called out to his wife. “Oh… Cadance… I love you SO much right now…” Though he could not hear her response, he did feel her lips curl up in a smile as she came back down and kissed him again. Cadance picked herself up, breaking off the kiss once more and looking down towards his crotch. She peaked between purple feathers to catch a glimpse at Twilight, the mare’s eyes closed and cheeks red as she worshiped her brother’s cock. Cadance got off the bed and made her way around towards the back of Twilight, looking to see just how ready her sister-in-law was for what was to come. What she found underneath her tail did not disappoint; her purple marehood was puffed out from arousal, blushing a light pink as it leaked drops of nectar down onto the sheets. Cadance watched her backend twitch, the clit at the base of the plump pair of lips punching out into the air every so often to signify the mare’s need. Seeing as Twilight was a little preoccupied, Cadance decided she might as well partake in the offered prize herself. Twilight’s tail stayed flagged out of the way, the mare probably not even realizing she was holding it up as she slathered the member in her hooves. All she could focus on was getting more of her brother into her mouth, working another inch of his shaft into her maw as she swirled her tongue around what she had already managed to fit. She opened her eyes to check her progress, a little disappointed to see that she still had an inch or so to go before she even reached the medial ring, growing determined to reach it as if it was a goal post in a race. She pushed herself harder, working the stallionhood this way and that to wedge it further into her mouth. What ended up happening was not what she had expected, eyes growing wide as a surge of pleasure raced up her spine. Cadance had buried her muzzle into her sister-in-law’s plump folds, the drenched lips of a willing mare parting around the tip of her nose as she buried her tongue as far as she could into the wet tunnel before her. Twilight’s clit winked out onto her chin as she dug in, slurping around the pink insides of the mare in search of more of her sweet fluids. The mare shivered and moaned as her tunnel clenched around the thin invader, trying to trap it within her and milk it for all it was worth. The slimy appendage was too slick to stop, wedging around within her marehood and striking every corner of every fold that it could reach. Twilight released the head of her brother’s cock, heavy pants of warm breath washing over the flare that caused it to twitch. The studious mare stuck her rear out as far as she could, pushing her marehood onto Cadance’s face until the pink Alicorn wrapped her hooves around her hips and held her in place. Twilight was stuck moaning out onto her brother’s member as his wife ate her out like an expert, the heat that had been building between her hips bursting into an inferno. Cadance watched the mare’s reactions, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. She brought her hooves up and peeled apart the purple lips of Twilight’s labia, watching the pink folds within as they clenched around the tip of her muzzle. Just as a whine began to build in Twilight’s lungs, Cadance gave one last slurp up the middle of the marehood before backing away, breaking her sister-in-law’s reverie by lightly slapping her on the flank as her plump lips returned to their natural positions. She picked herself up onto the bed, sitting next to the mare who still grasped her husband’s cock in her hooves, but, past that, did not make any further moves other than the rise and fall of her chest. Cadance brought her muzzle next to Twilight’s face, breathily whispering into her ears the words she had hoped to hear. “Twilight, it’s time.” She helped Twilight stand up, the mare’s wobbly hooves almost causing her to fall off the bed before she stood solidly. With a hoof on her shoulder she helped position her on top of her husband, sitting the mare down on his thighs, the twin mounds of her plot laying against the twin orbs of his balls. Shining’s long shaft poked between her thighs, rising up past her teats and sticking out in front of the purple mare. Cadance grabbed it and laid it against the mare’s belly, Twilight’s eyes widening as she saw just how long her brother really was. “Look, Twilight.” Slowly the Princess began to rub her husband’s stallionhood up and down, continuing to press the warm rod against her sister-in-law. “Look at how DEEP he is going to be inside of you, filling you up to the brim with his very essence.” Twilight moaned just from the words, her clit winking against the base of his sheath and leaking fluids that dripped down to cover his balls. Sitting this way gave her direct line of sight with her brother’s face, his mouth open as he panted in need, waiting for a mare to take care of the rigid shaft between his legs. Waiting for HER to care of him, waiting for his little Twily to get up and bury his stallionhood within her moist depths, brother and sister becoming one in a taboo embrace. And so, that is exactly what she did. Anything for her BBBFF... She lifted herself up, standing up on her rear hooves and leaning on Cadance for support. The Princess grabbed her husband’s shaft and lined him up with his sister’s marehood, licking her lips as the puffy lips oozed out the essence of a needy mare that covered the meaty member in her own personal lubricant. All three gasped when the flared head of his stallionhood popped into Twilight’s meaty lips, the labia stretching around the wide rod of flesh as it continued to leak around it. Cadance rubbed Twilight’s back, the mare’s legs shivering as she stood there, taking a moment to familiarize herself with the feeling of something so warm and so, SO hard inside of her… “Alright Twilight, just take it slow…” Twilight quickly nodded her head, the sensations flooding her mind preventing her from forming the words she wanted to say. Slowly she lowered herself, barely noticeable to an outside observer but feeling like she was going the speed of light to the mare herself. It felt as though a foot of warm flesh had already entered her, though she knew she had only just begun. The stretching sensation was something she had never experienced before, the generous amounts of lubricant she had already secreted making a smooth passage for her brother's member. She took a small break when she reached the quarter mark, hind hooves shaking from the bountiful amounts of bliss flooding her system. Cadance watched as Twilight bit her bottom lip, smiling as she imagined the sensations her sister-in-law was feeling. Many times had she felt what Twilight was feeling, Shining's girthy shaft had a way of hitting all the right spots. She leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, comfortingly rubbing Twilight’s back as she got used to the swarm of new feelings assaulting her body. After a few seconds the mare turned towards her, nodding her head before restarting her trip down to the base of the shaft. Gravity helped work the engorged rod into her depths, depths which had never been touched so pleasantly before in her life. Twilight gave her first moan of pure pleasure as his medial ring popped in. Cadance backed away, letting her sister-in-law take full control of riding her husband. She watched as Twilight brought her hooves down and placed them on Shining’s stomach, holding herself up as she slowly rocked up and down on the first half of the shaft. Cadance made her way behind the pair once more, sitting down and propping her head up with her forehooves at the edge of the bed. She watched her husband’s rod slowly exit the depths of her sister-in-law, the black rod shining in the light from the coating of mare juice it had been covered with. Cadance dreamily stared at the rivulets of juice that dripped down the shaft, watching the fluids flow down the thick member to flow over the bunched up curves of his sheath. A small pool of Twilight’s nectar had formed in the crux between the two spherical orbs that were Shining’s balls, the black sac already coated in various fluids gathered throughout the night. Slowly she leaned in, mouth opening as wide as she could make it as she approached the nuts sitting on the bed… Shining’s eyes were shut, closed as hard as he could in an effort to withstand the never-ending waves of pleasure that wracked his mind. The mare that was riding him was so TIGHT, so much so that he almost believed that whoever it was had never had sex up until now. At least, he did at the beginning, but now the mare was riding him like a pro. He could feel the rivulets of her warm nectar flowing down his pride, coating his lower half in her fluids. Something else was happening down there, a warmer feeling enveloping his balls. He sat questioning it until, with one long lap up the center of his testicles, he felt a tongue upon his sac… Cadance moaned at the flavor that assaulted her tastebuds, her husband's musky taste mixing in with the sweet nectar from the mare above. Her tongue made another pass up the wrinkled sac, bifurcating the balls around the wet appendage and lifting the fat pair of testicles into the air. She opened her maw as wide as it could go, dropping the heavy, marecum-coated stones into her mouth as she slobbered over them. With her head pointed up, she was given a close up view as her husband’s shaft stretched Twilight’s labia just above her, drips of her sister-in-law’s lubricants dripping down onto her face. Cadance’s cheeks puffed out, the heavy testicles filling her mouth as she rolled them around with her tongue. Up and down the mare above went, dripping fresh batches of liquid mare ambrosia for Cadance to taste. The Princess of Love extended her tongue from her mouth, reaching around the bloated orbs in her mouth to lick at the bunched up skin of her husband’s sheath. The drippings from the mare above had pooled around the tube of flesh, Cadance moaning out from the intermingled flavor of brother and sister. She looked up towards Twilight’s tail as she pushed herself farther down the shaft than she had ever been, the purple puckered ring of her anus sitting right in front of Cadance’s eyes as the mare reached the three-quarters mark of the stallionhood. Cadance moaned around the fat balls in her mouth, lapping at the wrinkled skin of the sac even as her tongue darted out to lick up Twilight’s juices. This close up she could see the tunnel of the mare before her twitching around the hard shaft filling her up, every small detail from her dripping folds to her stretched out lips visible to the Princess of Love. She felt like she could stay there for ages, sucking on her husband's nuts while his sister rode out her fantasies on his engorged cock, drops of Twilight's excitement every so often splattering on her face. She found she would not be able to, however, when a heavy weight fell onto her back, a pony’s hooves wrapping around her waist. Applejack leaned her head down next to Cadance’s, licking her cheek and then nibbling her ear. Cadance gasped out, the balls in her mouth falling out with a wet *pop* before settling back against the bound stallion’s taint. Applejack was rubbing something long, hard, and wet between her legs, Cadance’s marehood winking back at her in need. “Howdy, Princess… We figured we might as well repay yah for your gift…” ‘We?’ Cadance was quick to figure out what the mare had meant as she felt a pair of ponies crawling underneath her, their fur rubbing against the inside of her legs. Looking down between her legs, she saw that both Rarity and Pinkie Pie had lain on their backs underneath her, scootching forward to lay directly beneath her swollen teats. Rarity was quick to wrap her lips around the left teat, softly suckling the nipple as she held the breast in a hoof as if it was a high-class beverage. Pinkie, on the other hoof, was bouncing the right teat around, giggling as it jiggled between her hooves. Rarity pulled away from the teat, licking her lips and swallowing the milk she had suckled from the mound of flesh before turning her head towards her jubilant friend. “Pinkie Pie, dear, you should really treat the Princess’s body with a little more respect…” Pinkie let the teat rest for a second before mock boxing it, watching the teat jiggle about as she batted it like a cat with a ball of yarn. “Come on, Rares! They call ‘em funbags for a reason!” Rarity opened her mouth to retort but settled for rolling her eyes and latching back onto the teat. ‘Just Pinkie being Pinkie…’ Cadance watched the proceedings with a smirk on her face, at least until she was reminded about the mare on her back. Applejack pulled back just enough to place the head of her strap-on at Cadance’s entrance, pausing with the silicone toy sitting on the bottom of the Princess’s marehood. Cadance winked against it, her bulbous clit poking out against the underside of the fake stallionhood and coating it in a splash of her own mare juice. Applejack whispered into her ear, hot breath washing over her and causing the ear to quiver. “Ready for some apple buckin’, Princess?” Her only response was to back up, the head of the toy slipping between her dripping lips and spreading her open. Applejack smirked, latching once more onto the Princess’s ear before shoving her hips forward. In one smooth motion the entirety of the green rod was buried inside of her, Applejack’s muscular thighs pressing into Cadance’s bubbly butt with a loud clap. Cadance moaned at the feeling of the hard shaft splitting her dripping tunnel open, staring forward at the pair of siblings writhing together on the bed. Even as Applejack began to thrust, rocking her entire body with the force of the continuous impacts of the apple mare’s hips to her doughy plot, she still watched the pair with reverence as Twilight continued riding her brother. Twilight moaned towards the ceiling, fore-hooves pressed on her brother’s chiseled chest as she slammed her rear down onto his crotch. She could feel him pressing up to meet her, thrusting his hips up and causing his balls to smack her rear as he buried himself to the hilt. Twilight reached back with her magic, enveloping the saliva-soaked sac and massaging it in the hopes of helping it dump its load. Just the thought of the stallion powerless below her, her own brother, filling her up with warm blasts of creamy seed almost sent her over the edge, slowing her thrusts to calm herself. She came to a complete stop, resting in a sitting position as she tried to regain her breath. She took a second to look over the features of the stallion, from the sweat dripping from his forehead to the curves of his muscular build. Shining Armor truly was a specimen, both in build and, as she rotated her hips in a circle, the hard shaft within her doing the same as it stirred up her insides, between the legs. “More… please...” Twilight’s eyes snapped towards her brother’s face, the weak and weary whisper causing her heart to jump in her throat. When no further words came, she realized he was just simply calling out to whichever pony he was inside of. There was no way he knew that the mare he was pummeling into was his own sister, she was just simply being paranoid... ‘Come on… just as I was getting close…’ Shining sighed out, the feeling of just being at the edge of orgasm fading away as the mare on top of him came to a standstill. He rocked his hips, stirring up the pot of her silken insides with his stallionhood, the feeling of her warm folds conforming around him not enough to bring him back to the brink. Instead, he figured that the mare was taking a breather, either because she really needed one from the intense riding she had been doing or because she herself was close and was looking to drag it out. He smirked. ‘We’ll see about that…’ ‘Did he just smirk?’ Twilight didn’t get a chance to question it further, her entire body being forced into the air as Shining slammed into her. He had thrust up as hard as he could, burying himself to the hilt within her. The first push lifted her up, giving him more room to pull back for the second. Before she could even fall back down onto him, he was already thrusting upwards once again, balls slapping her rear as he met her decent and pushed her back up into the air. Twilight’s entire body shook from the force, the air in her lungs forcefully evacuated from her body as she gasped. He continued thrusting, building into a rhythm that saw her bouncing on top of him just from the impact of his thrusts without any input from the mare herself. If riding him had given her any sense of control, the way he took her now had erased it. She could do nothing but let out weak gasps and groans as he rutted her as hard as he could, sawing the bottom half of his shaft in and out of her weeping lips. The sensations flooding her mind made her collapse, falling on top of her brother and moaning into his chest as he plundered her depths. Cadance watched her husband take over, eyes glued at the point the two siblings were connected. Rivulets of Twilight’s juices had covered her husband’s jet black sac in a shiny layer of fluid, droplets of the mare’s sweet nectar dripping off the bottom of the orbs to soak the sheets below. Her sister-in-law’s lips strained around the meaty shaft, stretched around the thick stallionhood that split her open again and again. Cadance realized that the member thrusting into her own marehood had paused, turning over her shoulder to see what the holdup was. Applejack had her mouth open and eyes clenched, the rainbow mane of the mare on top of her barely visible over the cow-pony’s hat. Seemed Rainbow Dash had seen an opening and had taken it, jumping up onto Applejack and rutting her with her own strap-on even as her friend tried to do the same to Cadance. The small movement Cadance could feel from the silicone shaft inside of her came from Rainbow, the hard thrusts the pegasus was making into her friend rocking Applejack forward into the Princess. Rainbow took Applejack’s stetson in her mouth, flicking her head up to throw the hat into the air. After a few flips in the air, it landed perfectly on top of her rainbow mane, the pegasus smirking at Cadance as she continued pounding her friend. She bent over the earth pony’s strong back, nibbling on the orange ear she found on the side of Applejack’s head before breathily whispering to her, just loud enough for Cadance to hear. “Come on, AJ. Don’t leave the Princess hanging. Telling me you can’t handle a little pegasus BUCKING?” She finished her statement with a full-body thrust, getting the mare beneath her to moan. The force was strong enough to bury the other strap-on to the hilt inside of Cadance, followed by a surge of pleasure strong enough to get her to moan as well. “Ah… please… I can take harder buckins ‘fore breakfast…” Applejack started thrusting once more, quickly syncing up with her friend to thrust forward as Rainbow pulled away. When Applejack pulled back, Rainbow would thrust forward as hard as she could to force the apple-farmer to do the same. And so the three ponies rocked back and forth, three sets of moans ringing out until Applejack turned her head and shoved her mouth onto Rainbow’s, leaving only Cadance to sing her song of blissful pleasure. Cadance turned back towards the siblings on the bed, vision clouded from the dual sensations of her marehood stretched around a toy and a pair of mares suckling on her teats like newborn foals. Her vision was obstructed before she could make out any details about Shining and Twilight, a yellow and pink blur descending right in front of her face. It took a moment to focus, but eventually she realized what she was looking at: Fluttershy was floating in front of her, her inflamed crotch sitting right at the tip of her muzzle. The yellow labia was puffed out and parted, revealing the bright pink insides of the pegasus as it leaked a drop of sweet-smelling liquid onto her nose. Cadance looked up, the blushing face of Fluttershy framed by the light on the ceiling. “Oh… uhm… I was hoping you would… uh… lick me… down there… and stuff…” The blush on her face grew to a brighter shade of pink, the pegasus starting to distance herself from the Princess. “Unless, of course, you don’t want to! You don’t have to if you don’t want to! Sorry for bothering yo-ohhh…” Cadance shut her up by surrounding her in magic and shoving her forward, the mare’s juicy set of lips landing right at the tip of her muzzle. Without pause she dug in, the pegasus wrapping herself around her head and holding on to her horn as the Princess shoved her tongue as far as it could go. Fluttershy moaned out as Cadance breathed a heated blast of air from her nostrils right onto her pussy, the tip of her nose grinding into her winking clit. Cadance groaned, the vibrations reverberating into the silken tunnel of flesh she ate out. She couldn’t get enough of the honey-flavored nectar that flooded her tastebuds, digging deeper and deeper in search of more. She drank her fill of the pegasus, tipping her up like one would a glass to get as much of the ambrosia she could find. A loud gasp from the bed caused her ear to perk, but past that all she could hear was her own moans mixed in with the mares’ groans from both behind and in front of her. Twilight could feel the end approaching, a tightness below her waist slowly building up as her brother continued thrusting into her. She weakly picked her head up off of his chest, the fur on her cheek matted down with spit she had been drooling onto him. She looked at him, the features of his face twisted in pleasure bringing a blush to her face. Without thinking, she wrapped her hooves around his face and kissed him, tongue burying into her brother’s mouth to wrestle with his tongue. He kissed her back, quickly forcing her tongue into submission and pushing her back into her own mouth. When he gasped into her mouth and thrust as hard as he could to the hilt within her, the dam holding back her climax blew apart in a tidal wave of ecstasy. She silenced her moans into her brother’s mouth, screaming as she experienced the strongest orgasm she had ever had in her life. She felt close to fainting, the hammering of her heart in her chest loud enough to drown out her groans as her tunnel rhythmically clenched around the stallionhood inside of her. ‘Oh yeah… there we go…’ Shining continued rocking his hips into the mare even as she convulsed around him. The heated depths of her soft tunnel constricted around his member like a vice, squeezing around every inch of his stallionhood. He felt a stream of warmth impact his balls, the mare squirting onto his twin stones as she orgasmed. He was certainly going to talk to Cadance about this afterwards; there was no way a mare like THIS was not going to join them for a little fun down the road. So warm, so tight, even the way she smelled was amazing; a faint lavender from her mane that sat close to him wafting into his nose. He kissed her deeper, guiding her through her surely mind-shattering climax as she roughly grabbed onto his head. Suddenly, a rush of sound entered his ears. It took him a moment to realize what had happened as the wet squelches of his still thrusting stallionhood entering an even wetter mare’s depths rang in his head… Twilight panted as her orgasm slowly came to an end, the stallion beneath her slowing his thrusts down as well. Stars filled her vision as she fell from the high of climax, her chest heaving out as she tried to regain her breath. She sat up in his lap and looked back down at her brother, the stallion who was her first ever and brought her for the first time to the heights of pleasure slowly panting. Leaning down, she gave him a kiss on the lips. “Oh, Shining…” “Twily…” Twilight’s eyes widened. It took a second for the gears in her mind to turn, recognition at what had been said filling her body with adrenaline as she snapped back up. She sat as still as she could, heart hammering in her head as she waited. ‘Did he…?’ “Twily…” Her hooves flew to her face, horror etched across her features as she looked at the pair of holiday earmuffs laying on the bed. She thought back to when she had kissed him, foolishly grabbing onto his face. She must have knocked them off in the middle of her climax, and as soon as she had spoken he must have realized who it was on top of him. Who it was that had ridden him without a care in the world. His very own sister… She could feel tears building in her eyes, warm streaks streaming down her face as she thought about how her life would change. Shining would probably shun her, yelling in her face that he never wanted to see her again. He would tell her parents, the two expelling her from the family for such a taboo act… She jumped when a hoof brushed across her cheek, looking down to see Shining’s horn glowing as he untied himself from the bindings that secured him to the bed. With one last tug the ribbons fell away, letting him take off the blindfold to look her in the eye. Instead of anger, or disgust, he looked at her with a smile, wiping away the tear that had fallen down her cheek with his hoof. “It’s okay Twily, I-oof!” Twilight darted in, hugging him with all the strength she had left. “Oh Shiny, don’t hate me!” She buried her face into his chest. Shining wrapped his hooves around her, holding her close and rubbing her back with a hoof in the hopes of calming her down. “Hate you? Twily…” He rubbed her cheek, picking her head up to look at him. Twilight’s tear streaked face glanced up at the warm smile of her brother, hope shining in her eyes. “I could never hate my LSBFF…” He gave a short thrust up into her, causing the mare to gasp as his smile turned into a smug smirk. “Especially not for something like this.” A flood of emotions hit Twilight’s system like a tidal wave, relief and pleasure mixing into a cocktail of ecstasy. She darted in, shoving her face into her brother’s and meeting him once more in a deep kiss. She reached between his legs with her magic, wrapping the churning orbs of his testicles in her warm embrace. It was enough to get Shining going once more, slapping his hips into her rear as he began to thrust. Twilight rolled his balls around in their sac, imagining the creamy load that the pair of nuts brewed. A load just for her. Pulling her mouth away from his, she looked down at him with eyes half-lidded and cheeks ablaze in a blush. “Oh Shiny… cum inside me… fill me up, brother…” Cadance’s eyes widened at what she heard, the words enough to flare up an intense heat in her loins. Applejack continued rutting her, the pegasus on her back doing the same to the orange mare with her eyes clenched shut. Rarity and Pinkie had settled into their work underneath her, suckling on her nipples and massaging her teats. The heavy, milk-laden breasts were slowly drained of their contents, each mare drinking their fill of the Alicorn’s creamy concoction. Reaching out with her magic, Cadance levitated a pair of vibrators out of the toy box and brought them behind her. Each of the mares at her teats paused for a moment when the toy tapped them below the waist, looking down at what Cadance was doing before moaning out as the toys sprang to life. Cadance pressed the vibrating heads of the toys right against the fat end of their marehoods, their clits winking out against the toy as they began to leak profusely onto the floor. They silenced their moans by once again attacking the Princess’s teats, the vibrations from their moans reverberating up the Princess’s crotch. Though she could not see them around the pegasus in front of her, she could tell that the two siblings on the bed were about to finish. Gasps and groans grew louder and more frequent, and she could hear her husband’s thrusts begin to pick up speed. Just the thought of the pair of ponies on the bed reaching climax together caused her to reach her peak, muffling her moans into the pegasus pussy in front of her. She latched onto Fluttershy’s clit, sucking with all her strength as her marehood began to clench around the strap-on buried within her in orgasm, Applejack shuddered as she felt Cadance’s warm marecum coat the inside of her thighs, continuing to rut the shuddering pony throughout her climax. Rainbow took notice of Cadance’s wings expanding on either side of her, taking it as her cue to move things along. She hooked her hooves around Applejack’s waist and began to really pound into the apple mare, loud slaps echoing around the bundle of mares. Pinkie Pie and Rarity both had to release the teat from their mouths as pleasure hit them hard, moaning out in bliss as Cadance worked them over with the vibrators. She had pushed the wand as hard as she could against the two mares beneath her as she orgasmed, the toys vibrating at max frequency right against their winking clits. A puddle had formed underneath each of the mares, both ponies’ tongues lolling out of their mouths as they joined the Princess in orgasm. Jets of mare cum rocketed out from between their thighs, streaks of their juices landing on the floor behind them. Fluttershy held on as hard as she could to Cadance’s head, wrapping her body around the Princess to get her marehood as close to the soft pair of lips sucking at her clit as she could. Her wings had given out long ago, the mare simply laying on top of the Princess’s mane and holding on. The hard bone of the Princess’s horn stuck out before her, a grand spire that practically begged for attention. And so Fluttershy gave it just that, wrapping her lips around the tip of the horn and licking it like a lollipop. The Princess, already mid-orgasm, gasped at the shockwave of pleasure that buried into her mind, her horn sparking to life and shooting a small bundle of magic into the pegasus’s mouth. The tingly electricity that coursed through Fluttershy’s body was enough to jumpstart her orgasm, trembling against the Alicorn’s head as she began to squirt on her face. Cadance did her best to catch as much of the mare’s sweet nectar as possible, holding her mouth open as wide as it could go even as she gasped from the continued thrusts into her marehood. For the most part she was successful, only a few blasts at the beginning jetting out with enough force to splash onto her cheeks. The rest landed on her tongue, the honey-like flavor coating her tastebuds in delicious marecum. Fluttershy collapsed as her orgasm died down, falling into a heap in front of Cadance and joining Pinkie Pie and Rarity in quivering on the floor in post-climax bliss. Cadance, on the other hand, continued to ride the tidal wave of an orgasm that Applejack kept on dragging out. The apple farmer’s hips worked non-stop, thrusting the strap-on in and out of the contracting tunnel between Cadance’s legs. By now her strong thighs had been completely coated in the Princess’s marecum, rivulets dripping down her hind legs to form a puddle on the floor. Rainbow bit down on Applejack’s mane, pulling her head back as she continued jackhammering her own toy into her friend. Applejack had lost control of her body, the only reason she was thrusting into the Princess she was on top of was from the force of the pegasus madly rutting her. She sat on the precipice of orgasm, holding onto the pleasurable plateau for as long as possible. The constant grinding of the silicone toy against her clit, by now completely doused in her own personal lubricant, sought to throw her into climax, but Applejack tried her best to draw it out. Her valiant effort was thwarted, however, when the devious pegasus on her back reached around her with her wings and began to teasingly drag her feathers across her crotch, one wing circling her teat while the other brushed against her clit. Rainbow smirked around the mane in her mouth as Applejack’s eyes shot open, her mouth held open in a silent scream towards the ceiling as her body began to convulse. Rainbow could feel a warmth seep between her legs, slowly running down her thighs to mix in with her own secretions. Each time the mare beneath her quaked and convulsed, Rainbow gave a tug on Applejack’s ponytail to make her gasp out. She continued to thrust into her moaning friend, long, hard jabs of her hips to deliver shockwaves of ecstasy into the mess of a mare beneath her. With one last shove forward she buried herself to the hilt, tearing off the band that held Applejack’s hair in a ponytail and causing her long golden hairs to flow over her face. Rainbow held herself against Applejack as the earth pony did the same to Cadance, a standing pile of three quivering ponies connected at the hips. Rainbow slowly rolled her hips, churning up Applejack’s insides as she came down from her climax. She continued rubbing her crotch with her wingtips, slowly dragging her soft feathers over the contours of her teats and lightly rubbing her pulsing clit. Gradually Applejack’s shivers came to an end, her descent from the heights of pleasure ending in a soft landing back into reality. With a light shove backwards, she pulled out of Cadance and pushed Rainbow back. With a wet pop the head of her strapon came out of the used lips of the Alicorn, drops of her climax dripping from her labia and the tip of the toy. As Rainbow dismounted her she did the same to Cadance, landing on four shaking hooves as she tried to hold herself upright. When Rainbow fully pulled out she fell over and laid on the ground in bliss. The pegasus followed her down, pushing her tail aside to shove her face between Applejack’s legs. With slow licks she began to clean the dripping wet marehood, Applejack grabbing her friend’s hind end and returning the favor. With the mares weighing her down at her front and rear removed, Cadance was free to move forward towards the pair on the bed. She nearly tripped over the three mares underneath her, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity all cuddling up together to drift off into a deep slumber. With unsteady steps she reached the edge of the bed, sitting down and propping her head on the sheets to watch the siblings up close. Shining Armor was sawing the last couple inches of his mammoth shaft in and out of his sister. His balls danced about erratically from the force of his thrusts, lewd sounds of flesh slapping flesh cracking like thunder in the room. From this close Cadance could watch small streams of Twilight’s nectar flowing down the base of her husband’s shaft, small rivulets that covered his sheath and nuts in a sheen of his sister’s own lubricant. From the way the two weighty orbs were pulling up towards his body even as they were rolled about by Twilight's magic, she could tell he was close. She willed herself to continue watching, but the exhaustion of the day began to gnaw at her eyelids, darkness overtaking her vision as she fell over, already asleep before she hit the ground. > Chapter 5 - The Afterparty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadance’s eyes slowly fluttered open, a ray of sunlight shining through the window to illuminate the pile of peaceful ponies she was a part of in the middle of the bed. She wearily picked herself up, surveying the room as she rubbed her eyes and stretched out her stiff muscles. She found herself with a wing stuck underneath the slumbering form of Rarity, the fashionista lying on her side and hugging the Princess’s soft feathers as she slept without a care in the world. Cadance carefully worked herself from underneath the unicorn, replacing the cushiony appendage with a pillow that had been discarded onto the floor. Rarity mumbled something incoherent as her fluffy cushion was pulled away, but, other than that, gratefully accepted the new, unliving one as she continued getting her beauty sleep. Cadance glanced down and realized that the white mare was acting as a pillow herself; the poofy pink mane of the party mare known as Pinkie Pie obscured her diamond cutiemark as she used her friend’s flank to prop the back of her head up. The hyperactive mare stayed surprisingly silent and still in slumber, the sight of a Pinkie not in motion a rare one in Equestria. Laying on her back had left her belly wide open for snuggles, and Cadance grinned at the peaceful smile on Fluttershy’s face as the pegasus nuzzled against the soft fur of Pinkie’s stomach. Peering over the edge of the bed revealed Applejack and Rainbow Dash, the two mares apparently unable to settle their ‘differences’ as they slept head to crotch with each other. Both ponies’ rears were a mess of matted fur and wet streaks, suggesting a night full of ‘arguments’ even after Cadance had fallen asleep. Slowly the Alicorn crawled towards the edge of the bed, carefully making her way up and over the slumbering ponies so as to not wake them. Judging by the position of the sun outside of the window it was still rather early, and the Princess of Love and no intention of ruining the serene scene of slumbering mares. Cadance smirked to herself. ‘After last night, they’ll need all the rest they can get.’ Just before she reached the edge of the bed she paused. ‘What am I forgetting?’ She lowered her head, a large white stain on the sheets greeting her as she remembered what had happened just before she had fallen asleep... Twilight couldn’t find an opening in the assault to catch her breath. Not that she would ever want the euphoric ride she was on to come to an end, so she simply continued moaning out the stallion beneath her’s name as he battered her gates with earth shattering thrusts.         “Oh Shiny... “         Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as the sound of her voice made the thick rod of flesh within her throb, stretching her out so satisfyingly that she wondered how she hadn’t tried this before. “Mmm... Twily…” She gasped once more, her pummeled pussy clenching around the assaulting invader burrowing into her depths as she groaned from hearing his voice. The deep, gasping tones of a stallion breeding a willing mare. Lifting her hips up as he pulled away gave her the leverage to slam her hips back down as he came up, almost the entirety of his shaft allowed to escape her leaking confines before forcefully filling her once more. The satisfying slap of white hips impacting purple rear echoed in her mind as she continued pounding herself into her brother’s lap, her third orgasm of the night quickly building to a crescendo. She smiled down at her brother as she felt his balls pull up in her magic, trying to get as close to the stallion as possible to deliver their creamy payload inside of a mare prepared for it. And Twilight was more than ready to accept whatever Shining had in store for her, just the thought of her brother emptying himself deep inside of her almost enough to push her to the brink. But she held on, trying as hard as she could to delay the inevitable until both she and Shining could climax as one. “Twily… I’m close…”         “Me too…” She rolled his balls around in her magic and leaned down towards his face, her nose tapping his with their lips just a hair’s width away from each other. Breathily, she whispered, “Fill me up, Shiny… Fill up you little sister…”         Shining’s eyes clenched and face contorted in a scowl as Twilight’s eyes opened wide and mouth opened in a scream. The first blast of heavy stallion spunk blasting against her inner walls was enough to tip her over the edge, uncontrollable spasms wracking her body that clenched her silken tunnel around Shining’s throbbing shaft. More and more of his warm sperm flooded her insides, the mind-numbingly pleasureable flare wide enough that it blocked any of her brother’s essence from escaping. Each spasm through his body caused his balls to clench, emptying themselves of their creamy contents directly into his sister. Shining grabbed her face with both of his hooves and forcefully shoved his lips onto hers, digging his way into her mouth to silence his deep moans. It felt as though he was gushing out gallons of stallion spunk from his shaft, the rhythmic constrictions of Twilight’s velvet passageway milking him for everything he had. It was all perfect; the tight marehood constricting around his throbbing cock, the stream of marecum covering his thighs and balls in warmth and, as he opened his eyes to look at Twilight, the beautiful face of a mare in complete and total bliss as she climaxed along with him. Only when the spasms slowed did the siblings separate, a line of saliva connecting the pair before breaking off as Twilight opened her eyes. They stayed half lidded, weighed down from post-orgasmic bliss as she looked down at her brother. No words were shared between the two, Twilight unable to find the words to express the new-found feelings that wracked her nerves. Instead, she leaned down and kissed him on the lips before cuddling up against his chest, laying the top of her head in the curve of his neck. She halted him as he made a move to withdraw, gasping from the feeling of his seed sloshing around within her lightly spasming depths. “Wait. Let’s stay like this for a little while longer…” Shining placed a hoof on her back, calmingly rubbing her as he kissed the top of her head. “Okay, Twily…”         ‘Hmm… I wonder where those two went…’         Gingerly the pink Alicorn stepped off of the bed, stretching her legs out as she checked the room for further clues. She kept her hind legs straight as she slid her forehooves forward across the floor, groaning as she stretched out her body. With a smirk she flicked up her tail, just in case anypony on the bed happened to be peeking at her as they ‘slept’. Looking back at the pile of mares offered no response, but did reveal another wet spot; this time, it was on the side of the bed...         “Mmm… getting brighter outside…”         Twilight lifted her head from her brother’s chest, turning her head to look out the window. The darkness of the night sky had brightened into a dull grey, Celestia’s sun waiting just underneath the horizon for the solar Princess to lift and begin a new day. She snuggled up against Shining one more time, rubbing her cheek against the soft white fur of his chiseled chest before sitting up in his lap. Her brother had been slowly rocking his hips as she rested, swirling his half-flaccid stallionhood around inside her warm confines to keep himself hard enough to stay inside her. She pressed herself into his groin, feeling her rear end press back into his pillowy balls one final time before starting to stand. Each inch of shaft that grinded against the folds of her marehood brought with it a wave of pleasure, the girthy shaft digging its way through her inner folds in an attempt to escape to the outside world. Twilight stood up on her hind hooves, front end still bent over with her hooves on her brother's sturdy shoulders. Twilight took a peek between her forelegs, looking between the twin mounds of her teats to watch the stretched pair of purple lips wrapped around the head of her brother’s shaft. Only his flare connected him to her, the blood filled cork the only thing holding back the seed she could still feel flowing around her inner sanctum. With one last look at her brother, and one final peck on the lips, she watched in full detail as she raised her hips up one final time. Her labia slightly distended from her body as the flare inside her tunnel tugged her plump lips in one final attempt to stay within its new-found home. Soon the pressure became too much, her lips slowly parting around the black member coming out of her. With a loud pop and a gasp from both siblings the head finally swung free, falling down to lay against the stallion’s white thigh as even whiter stallion cream began leaking from her abused lips. The feeling of sudden emptiness became too much for the mare, legs wobbling enough to force her to fall onto her back at her brother's side with a groan. "Sweet Celestia..." Shining turned over to his sister, bringing a hoof up to nudge a piece of her mane away from her face. “So… heck of a way to celebrate the holiday, huh?” Twilight chuckled, playfully hitting him in the shoulder with her hoof. She weakly picked herself up, hooves shaking from exhaustion as she gradually made her way off of the bed. She turned to look back at her brother as he scooched his way down the bed, hind hooves hanging off the edge as he sat up and cracked his back. “Ah… Needed that… Feel like I’ve been laying down for weeks…” Twilight’s eyes slowly drifted down his body, locking in on the black flesh between his legs that hung over the side of the bed. Wet streaks of white covered the shrinking shaft, his balls and thighs particularly coated in a mixture of their combined sexual fluids. Shining had closed his eyes as he rolled his head around, more cracks popping from his neck as he worked his stiff muscles, giving Twilight a perfect opportunity to sneak up on him... Shining gave a startled jump when something warm pressed against the sensitive head of his shaft. Looking down revealed Twilight sitting on the ground right in front of him, lifting up his flaccid cock with the tip of her tongue as she sensually stared at him. Slowly she dragged the wet appendage up the face of his flare, his member eventually flopping down to rest against his sack as she finished her lick.         “Wh… What are you doing?”         She gave him another lick, this time pressing the thick stallionhood against his balls as she slurped up the salty mixture of their combined orgasms. She made a show of licking her lips as she finished, still staring him right in the eyes. “Just cleaning you up…”         She didn’t wait for his reply, diving underneath him to pop one of his musky balls into her mouth. She moaned around the thick orb, licking the leathery flesh surrounding the warm foal-maker to wipe away the white streaks covering his black scrotum. His cock laid against her forehead, resting on her soft mane as she gobbled up the meaty fruits hanging between his legs. Once the taste of cum faded away to the taste of warm flesh, she switched to the other ovid stone to clean it as well. Shining leaned back, relaxing on the bed to enjoy the special treatment his sister was giving him below the waist.         With some adjustments she was able to squeeze each of the plump stallion nuts into her mouth, lips closing around behind the twin orbs as she cradled them with her tongue. She gave them a soft tug, pulling the testicles away from their owner’s body until they fell out of her mouth and swung back to settle against the edge of the bed. She dove in once again, this time attacking the skin connecting balls to shaft with soft nibbles before dragging her tongue up the underside of his member. The entire length rubbed against her face as she made her way to the top, matting her fur with streaks of white and filling her senses with the scent of a male.         Without hesitation she wrapped her lips around the head of his stallionhood, moaning around the thick flesh that filled her mouth with a barrage of musky flavors. She brought her forehooves up and lifted his testilces, each meaty sperm silo enough to fill her hoof as she tested their weight. She groaned as the cock in her mouth began to expand, filling with blood and extending deeper into her maw as her brother became erect once more. In fact, she was moaning a whole lot…         “Shit AJ! Right there... Common, eat that pussy...”         Twilight paused her brotherly fellatio, pulling away from Shining’s lap to turn and look at the corner of the room. Applejack and Rainbow were laying on top of each other, each mare face-to-crotch with the other as they writhed with bliss on the floor. From her position by the bed, Twilight could see between the legs of the pegasus as Applejack went to town on Rainbow’s plump cerulean lips. Flashes of pink drew Twilight's gaze as the earth pony dug her tongue into her moaning friend, her slimy appendage thick enough to split Rainbow apart to reveal her moist depths to the world.         Twilight turned as she heard something else behind her. Cadance and the rest of her friends were sprawled out across the floor, a heap of multicolored mares snoozing away their post-climax exhaustion. She turned back to her brother, a sheepish smile on her face as she kissed the tip of his cock. “Let’s take this somewhere more… private.” Cadance made one last check around the room before starting to make her way to the door to see if Twilight and Shining had already gotten up. Just as her magic reached out towards the handle, she stepped on a wet spot on the carpet. Lifting her hoof and looking down, she could see a damp circle just before the door…         Twilight carefully levitated Fluttershy onto the bed, the last of her slumbering friends snuggling up against Pinkie Pie’s soft belly as she was placed amongst the rest of the mares. She left Applejack and Rainbow alone in the corner, neither mare paying mind to the purple Alicorn as they dug into each other’s crotches. Shining had climbed from the bed, stretching out his weary muscles with his fully erect pride still standing between his legs. Twilight had been teasing him the entire time he waited, brushing his face with her tail as she passed and giving him an unobstructed view between her legs as she moved her friends from the hard floor to the much more comfortable surface of the bed. Drips of thick white cream still dripped from her lips as she walked about, creating a trail behind her. Twilight smirked as she felt her brother’s gaze glued to her rump, making sure to put a little extra sway to each of her steps to give him plenty of eye candy.         Finished, Twilight seductively made her way towards the door, half-lidded eyes staring back at her brother with her tail fully flagged behind her as she strutted. A smile broke across her face as she watched him trace her movements with his eyes, the half-deflated stallionhood between his legs starting to once again engorge with blood after being neglected for so long. “Alright, let's go… wouldn’t want to wake them up now, do we?”         Just as her magic reached for the door handle, a large mass tackled her into the hard surface before surging up her back and mounting her. Twilight’s face was mashed into the door, her horn scratching a gouge into its surface as it sparked from the sudden onslaught of pleasure radiating from her rear. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as Shining shoved his shaft once more into her depths. She gasped as he went balls-deep in one smooth thrust, biting onto her hoof to muffle her pleasured screams as she was roughly pummeled against the door.         “Sh-Shining!? What if- ohhh…”         Shining bit down onto the scruff of her neck, hot breath washing over the back of her mane as he snorted. “If they wake, let them watch…” came his muffled growl of a reply, following the statement up with another full body thrust into the quivering mare beneath him.         Twilight spread her hind legs apart to give him more room, reaching down to her crotch to rub at her furiously winking clit. Every so often he would buck into her hard enough that his balls would swing forward like a wrecking ball and tap her hoof, at least until she wrapped them in her magic and began to massage the two heavy stones.         “Alright, just make it quick…”         Shining grinned around her neck, releasing his hold to bring his mouth to her ear. “Oh, trust me, Twily. I can make it quick…”         His entire body flexed as he heaved himself forward, the thunderclap of flesh impacting flesh ringing in each of the siblings' ears. Twilight had to bring her rubbing hoof from between her legs back in front of her to prevent herself from slamming face-first into the door, the forceful jab into her rear slamming into her with enough force to propel her up onto her hind hooves. Shining followed her, each of the siblings standing upright with their fore hooves holding them up on the door. Shining continued impaling her with full-length thrusts, pulling out far enough that just the tip sat among the warmth of her snug folds before sinking balls-deep back inside with one smooth motion. Twilight’s face grinded against the hard surface of the door with each of her brother's swings, tongue lolling out of her mouth as Shining ravaged her with all of his might.         A sudden warmth surrounded Twilight's sensitive horn, the mare looking up to see her brother as he bent down and engulfed it into his maw. He began swirling his tongue around the spiral bone from base to tip, and Twilight found her worries about making too much noise utterly unfounded; she could not find it within herself to even mutter a squeak. What she did find was her brother was not lying; already the tingling of yet another orgasm was building inside of her, waiting for her to burst into climax.         Air rushed into her lungs as an unexpected bolt of pleasure struck her in a head-on collision. Shining had wrapped his magic around her clit and was massaging the bundle of nerves even as he drove himself in and out of her slick tunnel. Her hooves began to spasm, unable to find anything to hold onto as the influx of pleasure became too much for her brain to handle. Like watching a lit fuse she could feel an imminent explosion of ecstasy coming, all the muscles in her body clenching in preparation for the coming surge of climax.         One last powerful thrust mixed with a twist to her clit and a drag of tongue up her horn was enough to finish her off, the feeling of a bolt of lightning coursing through her body signaling the start of an oncoming storm. Her hind legs gave out, her brother the only thing holding her up against the door as he continued to excavate the spasming tunnel of her marehood. Marecum oozed down to the floor between his legs, splashes of his sister's feminine nectar splattering onto his swinging ballsack before falling to soak the carpet below.         Just as she came down from her high he entered his, bringing her right back into the land of euphoria with a single blast of warmth into her depths. Even after everything else that had transpired that night his load was still a full one, heavy shots of cream that painted her already used insides with a fresh coating of white. This time he did not pause inside of her, pulling out just as he finished filling her with his seed. His wet cock flopped out of her with a wet *schlorp*, releasing a splash of gooey stallion semen from her gaping lips that joined the wet spot on the floor.         He dismounted her, the mare’s body still spasming as she slid down the door to the carpeted floor. Her eyes were still rolled up into the back of her head, body giving slight twitched as her brain attempted to make sense of what had happened. Shining picked her up in his magic, opening the door and taking her with him as he stepped through.         “How was that for a ‘quickie’?”         Cadance rubbed her hoof on the gouge in the center of the door.         ‘Hmm…’         Walking out into the hallway, she looked both ways for any kind of signs about the pair's whereabouts. In the end, an urge to go to the bathroom made her decision for her as she made her way down the hall. Opening the door revealed a grand master bathroom, the tile floor a perfect match for the toilet in the corner and the humongous shower at the opposite end of the room. Each step closer she got, an off-white streak could be seen clearer and clearer on the wall of the shower…         “Sweet Celestia Twily, that was amazing!”         Slowly he lowered her onto the ground, the mare standing on shaking hooves for a moment before finding her hoofing. The purple mare batted his face with her tail as she walked by, the offending appendage lifted up high to show off the white mess between her legs. His latest load slowly dribbled from her thick folds, white streaks of stallion sauce coating her swaying purple behind. She sauntered over to the shower, keeping her tail up high as she bent over to mess with the dials. Shining made a move to mount her, but her magic held him at bay as the shower slowly heated up.         “Uh uh uh, Shiny. We need to clean ourselves up for tomorrow.” She stood up and turned back towards him, shrugging. “Well, ‘for today’ I guess… Still can’t believe we did… THAT all night… one heck of a Hearth’s Warming story though, huh? Not that you'll be telling anypony about this, got that?”         Twilight stepped into the shower, the water cascading down her body and plastering her mane to her face. Shining entered behind her as she lathered up, reaching for some soap before it was pulled away from him in his sister’s purple magic. Turning to look at her, he saw the mischievous grin on her face before he felt her magic down between his legs. Before he could say anything, she crawled underneath him and popped the head of his hardening cock into her mouth. Shining sighed out, the mixture of warm water running over his back, the tingly sensation of her magic working the base of his shaft and his balls, and the tongue cleaning off the tip of his flare sending a mind-blowing mix of pleasure into his brain.         He reared up and placed his forehooves on her back, warm water running down his rear and dripping off his balls as he slowly rocked his hips into her face. “So much for getting clean…”         Twilight slowly pushed herself further down Shining’s lengthy pride, moaning as the warm rod of flesh worked its way into her throat. She found it easier to handle the second time around, experience and the position she was in underneath her brother making the passage a smooth one as she passed his medial ring. She could feel her throat bulging out as she swallowed around her brother’s thick cock, moaning from the sensation and from the delectable flavors coating his flesh.         Shining grabbed a bottle of shampoo and applied it to Twilight’s lower back, squirting out a decent amount of lavender scented soap onto her coat. Slowly he massaged her back, working the stiff muscles as she worked his own stiff muscle between his legs. Grasping her rear got a gasp from the mare, a warm wave of air coming from her nose to brush across his balls. Slowly he kneaded her cheeks, teasingly slipping a hoof into the crevice between the twin mounds of soft flesh to brush across her marehood. He moved his hooves away before she could get too worked up, however, to clean the fine hairs of her tail. Many of the purple strands were encrusted in white, fluids from their earlier activities that had dried up and made a mess of her rear end making it tough to clean.         He continued to balance himself with his forehooves even as he used them to bathe Twilight, working back up the curve of her rump to start ascending up her back. Gradually he stood up straighter and straighter, hooves going from the small of her back to her wings as he scrubbed her down. He took a moment to really work the sensitive muscles betwixt her feathery appendages, smiling as he got a moan that vibrated around his cock in response. He had a final destination in mind, however, so rather quickly he moved on to work the area between her shoulders.         By then Shining was standing almost completely straight up on his hind legs, almost in a perfect breeding position if not for the fact that Twilight was facing the wrong way. Not that he minded; her mouth felt amazing wrapped around his member and her throat was as tight as any marehood he had ever known. His gently thrusting hips began to pick up speed, weak taps to the tip of his sister’s nose with his balls progressively becoming stronger. Within moments he was treating her face to a rough round of face fucking, his hips almost pulling his shaft completely from her maw before burying itself back down her throat.         Twilight closed her eyes and moaned, letting her brother use her mouth any way the stallion saw fit. The warm humidity from the shower put her in a daze, her world reduced to the confines between his white thighs that surrounded each side of her head. The sounds of the water sprinkling down around her was not enough to drown out her brother’s groans, a sound that had become the finest music to the mare over the past several hours.         And then she felt the cock in her throat bulge once, twice, three times before a pleasing warmth shot directly down her throat into her stomach...         Cadance had no idea where to look after exiting the bathroom, so she decided that she might as well wander the Castle of Friendship for a while. She hadn’t really had the chance to check the place out while running her own Empire, and the magical structure reminded her a lot about the architecture back home. As she wondered if the Crystal Empire and the Castle of Friendship were somehow connected, the smell of something burnt crossed her nose. Following the scent, she found herself in a large kitchen towards the center of the Castle. Everything here looked for the most part untouched, Cadance laughing to herself as she thought about her sister-in-law trying to cook anything with all the large appliances that surrounded her.         She eventually reached the source of the smell, a small toaster on the counter slowly smoking with a pure-black piece of bread still inside. On the counter next to the toaster, silverware and plates had seemingly been haphazardly pushed aside in haste. Cadance even had to watch her hoofsteps as a plate had fallen and broken on the floor…         “Crap, Shiny! It’s already almost morning! We gotta stop and get ready for Hearth’s Warming!”         Twilight untangled herself from her brother, picking herself up off the cold tiled floor of the kitchen to make her way over to the coffee-maker. She swiftly set up a pot to brew before bringing a loaf of bread from the cabinet over to her with her magic. “Toast fine? I’m still not used to all this new stuff here.”         Shining plopped onto a seat at the kitchen table, sighing out and leaning back in his seat. “Yeah, toasts fine.” He grinned at his sister, Twilight not noticing the glint in his eyes as he spoke. “I could use something to drink, though. I’m parched!”         Without turning around, Twilight opened up the loaf of bread and placed two pieces inside of the toaster. “Well, coffee will be ready in a couple minutes. Do you want some water or something? Just grab some out of the fridge over there.” Just as she hit the lever to start making the toast, she was lifted up into the air by magic and roughly plopped down on her back on top of the counter. Plates and silverware were pushed aside by her body, one plate falling off the edge of the counter before crashing onto the ground below and shattering into pieces.         “Shining! What the- “         She never got to finish scolding him as he pulled her hind legs apart and shoved his muzzle into her plump folds. She gasped, leaning her head back onto the cold surface of the counter as she spread herself apart even more for Shining as he sated his thirst. Her thick labial lips were no match for the hungry stallion, nibbles along the edges leading to succulent folds of flesh being sucked into the stallion’s mouth. As soon as he had cleaned out her tunnel of her sweet nectar he moved up and suckled on the bulb of her clit, looking to replenish the stockpile of the slightly grape-flavored drink.         The lashes to her button of pleasure quickly had the desired effect. A scream that devolved into a moan was all the sign the stallion needed to move back down, fresh rivulets of marecum streaming out of her quivering marehood for him to sample. Once more he slobbered over his sister’s cunt, slurping up her sweet ambrosia as if it was the only oasis in a never-ending desert. He shoved his muzzle against her opening, hard enough that the tip of his nose entered her slick passage and filled his senses with the scent of a needy mare.         Twilight writhed on the counter, silverware clinking around and falling to the floor as her legs spasmed from pleasure. Her brother’s tongue just kept going deeper and deeper into her depths, finding new pockets of mare juice to devour before pushing further. He had no rhyme or reason to his methods, no pattern that she could settle into to calm herself down. Her breaths came in short gasps, her voice growing higher in pitch with each moan that escaped her lips.         Shining pulled away just before she reached the pinnacle of pleasure, lazily licking the leaking labial lips to calm her down and pull her from the edge of orgasm. He moved up past her clit to find the small bumps of her breasts, latching onto a nipple and viciously lashing it with his tongue. He softly grasped the perked stub between his lips and gave it a tug, a bolt of pleasure racing up Twilight’s spine as her brother masterfully worked her over.         She lowered a hoof to his head, weakly pushing him down in the hopes of maneuvering him to where he was most needed. He simply gazed at her with heated eyes and a smirk on his face as he switched teats, suckling on her other nipple as the first gleamed in the light of the rising sun that shone through the kitchen window.         “Shiny...”         With one last pull he moved back down to her weeping lips, smiling up at his sister as he paused above her honeypot. Waves of warmth washed over her privates as he waited, waiting for what Twilight did not know. The heated blush across her face and heavy pants coming from her mouth betrayed her lust as she begged him with her eyes to finish her off.         “Please…”         Shining’s hooves suddenly shot up and split her legs as far as they could go, stretching her thighs apart and leaving her marehood completely undefended from the approaching assault. The stallion opened his mouth wide, lowering his head and engulfing the entirety of her twitching lips within his maw. His nose pressed into her winking clit and his chin pressed into the bulge of her anus as he dug his tongue as far inside of her hot insides as he could go. Several inches of slimy, saliva-coated muscle extended like a spear straight into her sacred passage, scraping against her spasming walls as the stallion sucked her succulent juices straight from the source. His horn lit up to massage her breasts as he ate her out, tweaking the erect stubs of her nipples and kneading the flesh of the teat itself as he worked his sister into a frenzy.         Twilight was stunned. Eyes wide and breath held in her chest as the sudden barrage of bliss battered her insides. Shining was like a viscous animal between her legs, devouring her most private of areas like a hungry beast that had not been fed for ages. There was no slow buildup, no feeling that warned her of the coming tidal wave of pleasure, just a sudden explosion of euphoria that caused her entire body to spasm in an abrupt climax.         Her hooves flailed around the counter as all the nerves in her body fired off all at once. Her hips tried to buck up into the face of the stallion wriggling his tongue around her clenching tunnel but were held fast against the cool countertop, Shining Armor's strength too much for the mare to handle. Her chest heaved, hindlegs kicking about wildly as her marehood was drained of its sweet essence, bursts of marecum never seeing the light of day as they moved from clenching tunnel to swallowing mouth. By the time Twilight began to descend from the heights of pleasure her entire body felt tired, the mare feeling as though she could pass out at any moment laying on top of the counter in an orgasm-induced coma.         Shining pulled away from his sister’s crotch, dragging his tongue one final time from her abused depths with a loud *schlurp* and licking his lips of any excess fluid. Twilight’s legs twitched as he gave a quick couple laps on her quivering lips, cleaning up the last bit of liquid bliss that leaked from her insides. Not a single drop of her orgasm was left, her entire climax swallowed by the voracious stallion to satiate his thirst. With one final kiss on her lower lips he backed away from the counter, returning to his seat at the kitchen table and sighing out.         “Ahh… refreshing…”         He wasn’t given a moment's rest before a purple mass tackled him, tipping him and the chair he was in onto the floor...         After cleaning up a little in the kitchen, Cadance restarted her search for the M.I.A. ponies. She was a little disappointed to find that there was no feasible way of extracting the toast from its steel prison, the bread so burnt that it almost seemed to have fused with the bars around it. 'Leave it to Twilight to destroy a toaster...' She dumped the toaster in the trash as she left the kitchen and began to go door to door looking for the siblings. They weren’t in the hallway closet, not the astronomy room, nor were they in the guest bedroom. Eventually she found a room with a large table in its middle, surrounded by a circle of grand chairs emblazoned with the cutie marks of the Mane Six. Looking closer, she saw that Rainbow’s cutie mark had a large scorch mark across its face…         The door to the map room flew open, violently banging into the wall as two entwined ponies backed into the room through it. The two were standing upright on their hind hooves, connected together at the mouth as they shared a deep kiss. Neither were paying attention to where they were going, eyes closed as they wrestled each other into submission within their mouths. As soon as Twilight backed up into a chair she lost her balance, falling over with her brother landing on top of her. Still they stayed connected, and now Shining was in perfect position to rub his slowly hardening shaft against the inside of her hind leg.         Shining reached between his legs to line himself up with her puffy folds but suddenly found himself tumbling over the edge of the chair, falling onto the floor and bumping his head. He looked at his sister as he wearily rubbed the back of his head. The young Alicorn had turned over onto her belly with her hind legs hanging over the armrest of the chair, wings reaching behind her to spread her cheeks apart. He didn’t think about the offer for a moment, immediately forgetting about the bump he had taken as he reared up and mounted the prone mare.         Brother and sister moaned out in unison as he once again filled her, her tunnel so used to the familiar intruder that it felt as though it had molded to be a perfect fit around it. Hard thrusts rocked the pair on the chair, Shining’s low hanging balls swinging forward to slap against her winking clit. He looked down at the mare beneath him, her beautiful face twisted in pleasure and eyes glazed over as she panted in pleasure. Looking just above her forehead, he could see her horn bobbing up and down in time with his thrusts as if beckoning him towards it, so he complied.         Twilight lost all the air in her lungs as her horn was enveloped by a warm and wet sensation. The thousands of nerve endings usually used to give her a feel for her magic was now blasting her brain with a constant barrage of pleasure. Her eyes got wider and wider as a static charge began to build up around the bone, soon strong enough that Shining had to pull his head back. It turned out to be good timing as a bolt of magic arced out of his sister’s horn and struck the seat next to them, the magic striking the bolt of the lightning emblem on the seat next to them.  Then, the tunnel wrapped around his member began to clench around him and his world descended into white bliss...         Finally, Cadance had a clue on the whereabouts of the two ponies. A clue that consisted of a white trail leading from the seat over to a large wooden door at the end of the room. The door stood slightly ajar, a warm orange light glowing from the open crack as Cadance approached. Silently nudging the door open, she took a look around the room.         It was a grand library, stacks of all kinds of books reaching up towards the ceiling on each of the walls. A table was over by the side of the room, stacks of books piled high on top of it from whatever her sister-in-law had been researching recently. The middle of the room had a large, comfy looking carpet placed in front of a grand fireplace. On top of that was where the two missing ponies were now laying. Twilight and Shining were side by side, his foreleg draped around her waist as they cuddled in slumber. Cadance couldn’t help but smile at the cute scene before her, the blues and purples of their tails entwined together as the siblings slept. Twilight briskly trotted around the library, grabbing books and quickly perusing them before levitating them over to the chair. Every so often she would have to pause as her body locked up, moaning in place for a moment before gathering herself up and continuing her search. "Hold up, Shining... I'm looking for it... Her brother was relaxing in the large chair in the corner, a shimmering ring sitting in his lap and blocking the view between his thighs. A matching circle shimmered between his sister's legs, tucked up underneath her tail right in front of her marehood. It was a special teleportation ring Twilight had told him about in passing as they walked to the library, one that allowed a user to do something in one spot while they were in a completely different area. It was an easy jump for the stallion to take; why not use it for sex? Now Twilight was on the search for another spell, one that could be used for more pleasurable activities than it was originally designed for even as her brother slowly rocked his member in and out of her passage. It was certainly a different sensation, being able to freely walk around even as his thick rod split her open. Shining couldn't complain either, the mare's movements creating new sensations around his cock as her muscles flowed around him. Plus, it wasn't very often that he got to catch up on reading the newspaper while thrusting into a warm mare at the same time. "Hmm... says here that Celestia's thinking about holding the summer sun celebration in Appleloosa next year..." He continued to absentmindedly rock his hips into the shimmering portal in his lap even as he read, humming to himself in thought. Twilight had to pause again as another wave of blissful contractions rocked her body, her legs spread apart to keep herself steady as she spasmed around Shining's cock. The book she had been reading had fallen to the floor in front of her, opening up to a random page on the floor. With half lidded eyes Twilight gazed down at it, taking a second to fully register what she was looking at. "H-hey!" She took a moment to dispel the portals, Shining lowering the newspaper with a frown to look over at her. "I found it! Come over here..." The stallion placed the paper on the stand next to the chair and made his way over to Twilight. She motioned him to lay on his back in front of her, happily compiling as he rolled around. He kept his legs spread apart, giving the mare full access to the slick rod between his thighs. Twilight closed her eyes and concentrated, her horn starting to cast an eerie glow around the room as she began the spell. "OK, this might feel weird for a moment, but it SHOULD work... hopefully..." Shining Armor rolled his eyes at her. "Well, THAT certainly inspires confidence..." Her magic gently flowed down his body and surrounded the pillar of flesh sticking up towards the ceiling. Waves of static flowed across the slick surface of the veiny shaft, swirls of purple creating a cone from the tip of the member down to the base. It even wrapped around his balls, lightly tugging on the sac as the spell began picking up strength. The magic began to lose its opacity, glowing a bright enough white that Shining had to avert his eyes away from what was happening to his stallionhood. A surge of warmth flooded his system, centralized at the point between his thighs. With one last groan from his sister, and a moan from the stallion himself, the spell completed with a bang, leaving Shining stunned for a moment before glancing between his legs to see the results. Twilight took a look too, bouncing up and clapping her hooves in glee as she saw that her spell had worked. "Success! Oh, this would make a great report on the magics of body transmogrification!" Shining's already impressive shaft was now an awe-inspiring tower of masculinity. The spell had been a simple growth spell normally used for simpler objects, but worked perfectly for what the siblings had intended. Engorged veins ran down the surface of the enlarged member. Shining estimated he had gained several inches in length with plenty of girth to boot. Even his balls seemed to be more bloated out than before, a pair of churning fruits dangling between his legs that promised a juicy finish to what the two planned to do next... '...' Cadance looked between her husband's legs. '...Are his balls bigger?...'         “Celestia… I wish we had done this sooner…”         Twilight and Shining were laying on the library carpet in front of the grand fireplace that covered them in soothing warmth. Twilight absentmindedly threw another log into the fire with her magic, stumbling slightly as another hard thrust from her brother almost broke her concentration. She sighed out from the now familiar sensation of Shining’s thickened member burying itself deep enough inside of her to kiss her cervix, a sensation she had never dreamed that she would ever feel in her life. With the fire fed, she looked between her legs to see how another fire was being tended to.         Both ponies were laying on their sides, Shining with his belly to her back. She had her top hind leg propped up with her own hoof, giving her brother enough room to thrust between her thighs. Both of his fore-hooves were wrapped around her waist, both to give him more leverage in his thrusts and to rub at her medium-sized teats. She watched as his black rod drove a wedge between her purple lips, splitting her open and revealing her bright pink insides to the world. His heavy balls appeared at the apex of his thrusts to slap at the bubbly cheeks of her rear before disappearing behind them when he pulled out. She reached down and began to rub at her winking clit with a hoof, leaning her head back as her eyes closed in bliss. Shining had quickly found that the increased length and girth had also come with an increased sensitivity. Her moist tunnel was so deliciously warm, almost to the point of being hot as her folds snuggled around him. He could make out each and every detail of her insides whenever he paused fully sheathed inside of her, each bump and each clench shooting another shot of pleasure up his spine. He could feel his seed churning in his balls, building up for an impenitent release into the mare milking him for all he was worth. With one final full-length thrust he hilted inside of his sister for the last time, holding himself still as his member throbbed inside of her.         Her wall was broken down when the first salvo of Shining’s thick white cream blasted into her depths, her body instantly entering a state of climax from the feeling alone. She had lost count how many times she had reached the peak of pleasure that night, and now she once again pressed herself back into her brother as they finished together. She realized that it could no longer be considered night time after looking at the clock on the wall, the sun more than likely already peaking over the horizon as her brother filled her once more with seed. Luckily this far into winter her heat cycle was virtually nonexistent, so she could fully enjoy the sensation of his unnaturally large load building in her womb without worry. Of course, she would take extra precautions once they wrapped up, but for now she simply relaxed against his chest and sighed.         Once she felt her brother’s shivers calm, she reached behind her with a hoof and rubbed at his cheek. With one last kiss, her lids slowly descended over her eyes, blacking out the world around her while leaving the sensation of the warm body pressed closely to her back. Just as she felt herself drift off into slumber, she heard her brother whisper into her ear.         “Happy Hearth’s Warming, Twily.”         Cadance couldn’t help the blush across her face as she reached the slumbering pair. The tip of Shining’s sheath sat right against Twilight’s lower lips. Most of her rear end was covered in dried up white streaks, the smell leaving no question as to what they had been doing throughout the night. Still a small amount of cream leaked from her abused labia; clearly a lot already had judging by the wet spot underneath them. Even with the lewdness of the scene, Cadance found the pair to be utterly adorable. She had known about Twilight’s deep seated feelings for her brother for a long time, and it brought a smile to her face to see that her sister-in-law had finally been able to express those feelings even if just for a night. Feeling as though the pair could use more rest, Cadance levitated a blanked from the table over and tucked the pair in as best as she could without waking them. Walking back to the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water, she heard a commotion coming from the direction of the guest rooms. With a smile, she downed the glass in one gulp and made her way back to the bedroom. 'Might as well have a little fun while those two rest...'