> Evil Out Of Character Ponies > by Bendy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Evil OOC Ponies For Some Raisin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With a most bothersome, throbbing pain in your head you slowly opened your eyes to find yourself lying on damp foliage in the middle of a forest. Dark shadows loomed all around you, which belonged to the trees, that were so thick, towering and imposing. To top things off within this dark forest a dense, chilly mist smothered the air, obscuring much of the forest hidden dangers. The sun’s rays shone through the odd small gap from the canopy above, leaving tiny spots of light here and there upon the ground. The only sounds within this forest were the chirps of distant birds, other than that the place was rather quiet. The forest floor was overgrown with moss and weeds, and there were dozens of bushes conveniently everywhere within this area of the forest. "Uhhh… my head," you groaned, rubbing your forehead. "What did I drink last night?" You weren’t going to endure this horrible hangover all day, so you did the next best thing to cure yourself of your terrible affliction by drinking more alcohol. So, with that you put your hand into your jacket’s top right, front pocket in order to pull out your trusty whiskey flask. The wrinkles of your forehead dramatically intensified upon feeling that your silver flask was a little lighter than usual. Nonetheless, you proceeded to twist the lid off, before bringing the tip of it to your lips. …. but nothing happened, no delicious alcoholic goodness came forth, in which to cure the pain in your head. Caused by the sheer mass of alcohol you consumed last night. With that you cried out in anguish, tears falling down your cheeks. No man should suffer the ultimate hardship: running out of booze to drink. "Nooooo! Lost in the fucking woods and I got nothing to drink!" you shouted in despair, fist raised in rage. But then you stopped crying, deciding you weren't going to be a cry baby pussy, for at least you still got your navy pants, which were a perfect match for your navy jacket and... navy runners. You put the flask back into your pocket, before you stood up to get a better look of your surroundings, there was trees and bushes everywhere… forests tend to have those, no shit. You then scratched the back of your neck, wondering just how you got here. Last time you checked you knew of no local forest nearby where you lived. The hairs at the back of your neck tingled when a bush before you began to rustle. Sweat poured down your forehead as you slowly backed away in terror in anticipation of what monster is about to jump out at you from the bush. You screamed in terror at the sight of the horrible, huge beast stepping forth out from the bush. Your fears stood correct. It was a monster alright, a manticore in fact. But… something seemed rather odd about this particular manticore. For one thing it appeared to be wearing a fancy black tuxedo, a fancy black top hat, a fine golden monocle upon it left eye and his mane was well kept and clean. "Good heavens sir, are you alright?" the manticore spoke in a very posh accent. "Ummm, you’re a manticore right?" you asked, a most puzzled look upon your face "Quite right, human. I am Sir Joe. What’s your name?" "I am Anon. But aren’t you supposed to roar at me, followed by killing me?" Sir Joe gasped in shock. "You assume just because I’m a manticore that I’m some savage barbarian, that kills everyone on sight?" he exclaimed, looking at you with a look of hurt in his eyes. "Uhh, yes." "Only wild manticores from the Everfree Forest are such brutes. The rest of us are an intelligent, gentle people!" "But uhhh, this is the Everfree Forest, right? From what I remember from horse words, this seems to be the place." Sir Joe looked down, tears falling down his cheeks. "The only reason I am here is because I was banished away from Ponyville due to the crime of not being a pony!" he spoke in a low voice. "That’s crazy. Ponies aren’t xenophobic jerks like that," you said, dismissing him with an nonchalant wave of your hand. With that you walked away from the Sir Joe in a huff. "Sir, stop! The ponies aren’t nice and friendly anymore these days!" he shouted, running after you. "Fuck off! I’m off to fuck a nice and sexy pony with a big fat butt!" you roared. "Fine then! Go see for yourself!" he shouted, before turning around to walk away from you. So, you made your marry way to the wonderful town of Ponyville. A place of many sexy pastel alien ponies with big fat butts and also totally all have a human fetish. You're a human in Equestria after all, they tend to get sex within less than ten minutes after arriving in this magical land of horny equines, that want the human D. Unless, you were in one of those boring Equestria universes, where ponies did not have a human fetish. ‘Man, those ones suck.’ came your thoughts. With a big joyful smile on your face you had emerged from the trees with your arms raised high in preparation of a hug. As luck would have it, you spotted a familiar yellow, pink maned pegasus…. who held a black whip in her right hoof as the mare gently flapped her wings, suspending herself slightly off the ground as she slowly followed behind a large brown bear. Said bear stood up right as he carried a huge wooden crate nearly half his size. A solid, thick, stainless steel collar was wrapped around his neck. "Is…. is that…. Fluttershy?" you said in a low voice. You silently look on in disbelief at what was happening before you. The bear groaned, before he fell to his knees, as a result he dropped the box with a loud thud. Fluttershy screamed bloody murder as she retracted the whip back. You shuddered at the sight of the whip hitting the bear’s back with a sickening crack, the bear crying out in agonizing pain as she did so, along with tears streaming down his cheeks. The whip adding yet another bloody mark upon his horribly scarred back. "Get up! Back to work! I am your master non pony scum!" she roared. The bear roared in protest, raising his claws in anger. Fluttershy gave the bear a death glare, before pulling out a small remote control with a single red button. The bear’s eyes widen in fear, whimpering at the sight of it, lowering his claws…. but Fluttershy pressed the button anyway with a broad smile upon her face. As a result the bear screamed as his collar around his neck buzzed loudly as it blasted him with an electric shock, his whole body shaking upon the ground like a fish out of water, all the while Fluttershy laughed maniacally, sadistically enjoying the sight of his pain. "Mwahahaha! It feels so nice! Doesn’t it?!" she shouted in a giddy voice, loving the sight of the bear’s cries of pain. Fluttershy looked down at him with an evil grin upon her face, whilst the bear continued to scream as his whole body shook violently. "Oh you poor thing, it really does hurt, doesn’t it?" She chuckled at his answer with a hoof over her mouth, his screams music to her ears. "Well, you have been a really bad boy. That’s what bad boys get. So, are you going to be a good boy now?" she said in a soft, mocking voice. The bear swiftly nodded his head, whilst he continued to scream in pain. "That’s a good boy," she said in a gentle, motherly tone. With that Fluttershy pressed the button, ending the bear’s torture. The bear gave a quiet sob when the electricity stopped, before he silently stood back upon his shaky legs, before lifting the crate back up with a grunt, followed by proceeding to make his way to Ponyville. "Uh…. that seems very out of character alright." Deciding that you would take your chances with the Everfree Forest rather than this town, you thus turned around and began to walk away. Unfortunately, you heard a powerful a gush of air along with the sound of flapping wings from behind you. You ignored this and continued on your way. "Hey! Don’t you walk away from me!" roared a loud tomboy girl’s voice. Reluctantly, you turned around to face a light blue pegasus with a rainbow mane. "So human, you'd figured you could just cum to Equestria to cum inside a pony, didn’t you?" she asked in a harsh tone, eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Uh, no Rainbow Dash," you said in a low, fearful voice. "Liar! You smell of sweat and shame, therefore you are a clopper!" she shouted, pointing her hoof at you. Rainbow Dash raised her right hoof high, before she slapped you across the face with her hoof, hitting you with such force you fell onto the ground. "Ow! Stop! I’m going OK! Leave me alone!" you shouted, pleading her to stop. "You must be punished for the crime of not being a pony in a pony only town!" she roared, raising her hoof again. You cried out in pain as she slapped you across the face once again. However, you decided you weren’t going to be a pussy and just take it. So, you jumped to your feet raising your fists for battle. Unfortunately, there was a series of flashes of light in front of you, before the whole of Ponyville's pony population now stood before you. "... fuck!" you shouted over your bad luck. "Ah yeah! Time to beat up a hairless ape!" shouted Rainbow Dash, slamming her hooves together. "Give em a nice bucking!" said Applejack, giving her powerful hind legs an experimental kick. "I’ll make clothes too tight for him!" said Rarity, an evil grin on her face as she used a sewing machine before her in order to make navy pants too small for you. "Oh, I can’t wait to test my new torture spells on him!" shouted Princess Twilight Sparkle excitedly. "You have a necromancy spell don’t you, just in case we kill him?" asked Fluttershy in a concerned tone. "Yep! We can kill him over and over again! Isn’t that wonderful?!" she shouted in joy. "Oh yes!" she said, rubbing her hooves together with an evil grin on her face. The ponies closed in on you, all smiling on the pain they are about to inflict upon you. Suddenly, a pink blur blasted through the crowd, knocking over several ponies. "STOP! Leave him alone!" shouted Pinkie Pie, standing upon her two back legs like a human before you with her hooves raised high into the air. "Wait, you’re still in character?! That’s strange!" you shouted in shock. "Yep, I’m still in character!" she answered, flicking her mane and giving you bedroom eyes. "In character of this universe anyway," she said in a soft, sensual voice. "Get out of the way Pinkie Pie! You can’t stop us!" roared Rainbow Dash. "Sweet Celestia! What’s happened to you all?! I’ve known all you nice ponies for years and then suddenly you all become vicious, cold hearted brutes overnight?!" she shouted at them. The ponies suddenly stopped advancing, looking at one another in confusion. "Hmm, you appear to have a point there Pinkie Pie. I don’t remember enjoying the torture of animals," said Fluttershy, scratching the back of her neck with a hoof. "What happened to the nice and friendly ponies I always knew?" the pink mare said, looking at them with hope in her eyes. Suddenly a pink love heart appeared above Pinkie Pie, before exploding into blinding rainbow light and blasting everyone with its magic. When the light faded, everyone in Ponyville was looking around in confusion. "Uh… what happened?" said Rainbow Dash, rubbing the back of her neck with a hoof. "It was the evil red and black alicorn called Lord Purity Shines! Find the bastard and get a cannon to fire him into the sun!" roared Fluttershy. "Uh… shouldn’t we--" began Rainbow Dash, before being cut off. "No! None of that slap on the wrist crap! This scum gotta die!" she roared. Fluttershy took a deep breath. "Rainbow Dash get that handsome human over there to cum inside you ASAP." "I’m on it!" she said with a salute. "Yay! Everyone is back in character again" you shouted in joy,"... somewhat at least," you finished in a quiet voice. "Cum on you handsome bastard! Cum inside me!" said Rainbow Dash, bending over before you with her plump fat blue pony butt ready for you to cum inside. The End