Eloquence Unending

by Amethyst_Crystal

First published

Twilight Sparkle follows a trail of messages from Rarity

:raritywink: :twilightsmile:
Twilight Sparkle and Rarity have become quite close!

For awhile, they have been meeting for relaxing down-time together, up above Canterlot.

Twilight returns to their secret glade, surprised by what she finds... a trail of messages.

Eloquence Unending

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Twilight stood on the mountain, gazing down upon the valley bellow Canterlot. She sat not far from the mightiest waterfall. The vegetation here sprouted in a dazzling array of mosses and ferns, nourished by the mystical mists rising from the falls.

Twilight and Rarity had taken to coming here in recent weeks, if and when their busy schedules allowed. They enjoyed the peaceful company together, not to mention the magnificent view of their homeland.

Rarity enjoyed to express herself more whimsically more freely in this place, more prone to fits of giggling and sassy comebacks.

Twilight sat in the shadow of an old fir tree. They both enjoyed the complexity of its leaves, sometimes spending hours just gazing up at the patterns, visible with the glow of their horns.

Directly bellow rose the tallest spires of Canterlot Castle, a few arching so far above the city, more than they appeared from bellow.
Further in the valley sprawled the merry and bustling town of Ponyville, a place of great friendships and memories. Further still, Twilight's mysterious castle rose up, its star piercing the rays of the setting sun.

It was merely a few months ago that Twilight and Rarity had become deeply involved in one another's life, though it felt like a lifetime.

Rarity could not contain her eagerness to design and decorate Twilight’s' castle, lingering long to make sure everything was magnificent yet cozy. “Oh, we must be certain that you feel luxurious joy in your own home, I will stand for nothing less!” she had declared.

And so it was that she came to serve as an important attendant for Twilight's court, serving as a majordomo with her dedication to decorum and organization of royalty.

Her aspirations for status and the power within Equestrian society manifested in such a way, that she still served her friend Twilight Sparkle.

There were times she would blush and allow for Twilight to be rambunctious. “You may be a princess, but I accept that you cannot always contain your adorable nature,” she had declared with a wink.

Twilight Sparkle laughed softly. She had come here late every night recently, so enraptured she was by the energy and joy of her dearest unicorn.

Within Rarity's soul, Twilight saw beauty and magic, a fierce kindness, a compassionate tenderness.

Yet Twilight also beheld how Rarity struggled with her insecurities, her uncertainties, the overwhelming pressure of the extremely extroverted lifestyle she chose to live, the shallow demands and expectations of the aristocracy and the artistic elite.

Twilight knew Rarity enjoyed such a life regardless, always striving to better herself in every way, relentlessly. She was glad she could offer some relaxing downtime here, in this place of loud rushing water and scenic views and quiet serenity.

But twilight was already approaching its end, the sky becoming tinged red. It was strange, for Rarity was not appearing.

“What could be keeping her? She's not usually busy this late on this day of the week,” whispered the princess of magic, anxiousness in her voice.

It was only then she turned her gaze upwards, gasping in surprise. Hanging from a branch of the fir tree, tied with a golden ribbon, gleamed a dazzling multifaceted diamond, sparkling in the twilight, as the sun drew closer to setting across the world.

Twilight Sparkle drew the diamond close to her heart, closing her eyes.

Rarity appeared to her in her mind's eye, a living image transposed before her through the diamond, infused with this living message. Twilight felt her muscles stiffen, her wings spreading, astounded by this wonder. This magic was ancient, from the times of the unicorn kingdom. How had Rarity come to possess such a power?

The projection was a perfect uncontrolled image of Rarity in Twilight's mind, transposed against the reality of the mountain glade, truly resembling her in every way.

The dazzling depth of her eyes, the curling purple mane across her shoulder. The constant self-awareness of her body language, as she shifted her posture and coughed on her hoof politely. She seemed eager to speak.

“Hello darling,” she announced sweetly, a forehoof eloquently extended towards Twilight. “I hope you are well, and having a most lovely day.”

Suddenly Rarity's demeanor turned sad and guilty, looking down at her hooves, as though reacting to the wince on Twilight's face. It was a most anxious day, and they both knew it.

“I know you must be fretting now. But fear not, I have thought ahead, planning my steps more efficiently... like you've shown me before,” Rarity giggled, most pleased.

Twilight felt they had both learned much from each other though. Rarity taught her to be more aware of others' feelings, to feel and express more empathy, and for that she was most grateful.

“Darling, I must tell you some things.” Rarity continued in her mind. “But I have not fully mastered this ancient unicorn magic yet. So, before anything else...”

Rarity's projection leaned forward, and Twilight could not help but lean out as well, closing her eyes. She could not feel the nuzzle, but she knew it was being performed, because she heard Rarity's soft contented 'mmm'.

They had always started their little get-togethers with a nuzzle. It was a simple ritual, but it gave them comfort.

“Now,” Rarity continued, tossing the imagery of her mane. “I don't want to leave this message on an undignified note, so I will get to the point.” she stomped a hoof on the ground. “Go to my workshop chambers in the castle.”

Rarity's eyes began to glow with an intense brightness, her intense gaze focusing on Twilight, who could not help but draw back and gasp in awe, powerfully mesmerized by Rarity's beauty and grace, as always.

“I will always carry you in my heart, Twilight Sparkle.” Rarity's eyes were welling with tears, a smile of great joy on her face. “You have my word. You will always be here with me.” she touched her chest, eyes closing, smiling with a rare quiet peace.

And then the image was gone, the diamond falling out of Twilight's grasp, nestled in the glade, where Rarity would sit and contemplate with Twilight.

Twilight's eyes shot open, as she cried out in great dismay. Instantly she teleported, crossing the vast gulf of distance between the top of Canterlot Mountain, arriving in the workshop deep within her own magical castle.

The room was much like the design workroom in Canterlot Boutique, but alongside the dress designs and mannequin displays and spools of thread and rolls of cloth, stood pottery, bouquets, statues, even a chandelier hanging down was of her design.
Rarity seemed to flow endlessly with creativity, the burning passion in her heart urging her to create.

The room lay close to the ground of the castle, arranged in such a way that sunlight would shine inside during the twilight hours, the last rays of day still crossing the room.

Twilight tried her best not to disturb or disrupt any of Rarity's latest fashion designs and ingenuity. Her eyes crossed over the 'Reign in Stain' dress for a moment, remembering Rarity's joy in creating it for her, a dress inspired by the royal stained glass painting of Twilight's coronation in Canterlot Castle

What stood beside the dress made Twilight draw in her breath, slack jawed.

A stained glass window, fitted and propped between carved stone handled, gleaming with the light of the setting sun, its imagery making Twilight's heart thump and leap in excitement.

Twilight Sparkle and Rarity stood side by side, their eyes locked, gleaming with energy and life, radiance and beauty shining like auras from around them both.

The pair were sitting close, their horns touching, glowing, a symbol of a heart etched above, peaceful contentment on their faces, sitting on a field of green grass and dazzling jewels, the sun and moon both soaring overhead.

Intricate details were carved all around the edges, displaying little moments that had transpired in their lives. Moments of conflict, moments of affection, moments of sharing and moments of daring. This stained glass window was the culmination of all that mattered between them. Twilight felt pleased: they truly understood each other.

“This is so beautiful! Oh my gosh, Rarity! Thank you thank you for -” She suddenly saw the note, propped at the base of the stained glass, with the words etched on front in elegant writing: 'Please Read Post Haste'.

Twilight grabbed up the note, actually a long scroll parchment, careful to manipulate it now in midair with her magic, reading over it all.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My Dearest and Most Precious Twilight,

I do so hope you enjoy my little surprise! It is a beautiful and dazzling art, is it not? It was most difficult to keep it a secret from you, even after you were kind enough to bestow greater privacy while I do my various crafting.

I want you to keep this. For all the inspiration and adoration you've given me. For all the joy and laughter, the delight and confidence.

You've taught me to reach for the stars, and to hold out hope. To become a stronger more pure-hearted Rarity, to walk a path I can hold with dignity and confidence.

All that has transpired in my life recently, has been thanks to your guidance and love, and it has all led to this.

Please, go to the very top of your star, at the very top of your castle.

With Love,
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Twilight felt herself trembling. This was all so beautiful, and yet so worrisome. She didn't even let her mind wander, instead frantically galloping out and up spiral staircases, leading through the surreal maze of her living harmony tree.

Upon reaching the roof, she spread her wings, and soared to the top, finding a purple box, tucked into the crevice where two star points spread forth.

Gently Twilight levitated the box out, revealing a dazzling amethyst and diamond necklace, shining in the rays of the sun, nearly disappearing behind the horizon now.

Twilight felt an immediate need to put the beautiful necklace on. It rested snugly against her collarbone, cold yet reassuring.

Also within the box was an even longer scroll, the writing even more fluid with intensity and energy.

Twilight sat back on her haunches, taking another deep breath, before reading, letting her mind focus, for now.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My Most Beloved Princess and Teacher,

I have asked you to come to this place, because quite frankly, the view here is beautiful too. It is also a poetic spot to place this message, and symbolic as well, oh you do know how I love symbolism so!

But, I must tell you the crux of the matter, the focal point of this trail of messages.

I am departing. I am leaving Ponyville. I am leaving Equestria.

By the time you have read this, I will have already spoken with Sweetie Belle, and with Spike, and everyone else dear to me.

Twilight Sparkle, I am leaving you, too, but I wanted to give you a farewell in as elegant and heartfelt a way as possible.

There is too much that must be accomplished in this world still. You feel it too, don't you? I know you do, darling. We have spoken of such matters.

Something deep within me feels amiss. I must find out more about myself. I have everything. I have my status, my power, I even have you.

Yet I feel lost still. I feel my heart drowning with the pressures of everyday life. I feel myself too deeply committed to shallow pettiness and foolish repetition.

Most of all. I do not feel I am whole creature. Not yet.

Twilight Sparkle, you know of my shame and my sorrow.

How I hate myself sometimes! I hate myself doing this even now, but I must. I must!

There is so much for me to realize about myself. I need to find my own destiny still.

I need to find a way to cleanse and heal my own spirit, before it can be worthy of yours.

Your spirit, Twilight Sparkle: it is so pure and graceful, so majestic and sincere, your very heart soars like the alicorn princess you've always deserved to be!

That is part of why I made that projection magic for you, in my most precious diamond, in our most secret and intimate of meeting places.

I wanted you to see what I have uncovered, the greatness of our ancestors. There is so much deep ancient magic, and maybe I can discover and understand, and know what the truth of my spirit is, finally.

Twilight Sparkle, I realize this must all seem a bit melodramatic, and indeed, perhaps it is so. Yet I cannot contain this passion, this need.

You know what it is to feel a burning need. To do what must be done.
Please understand, this is my quest.

I love you with all my heart. I make this sacrifice of connection between us for your sake as well as mine. I promise it is not in vain.

There is much clouding my heart still, holding me down, holding me back, from all I can be. I can be strong, but I am not strong enough yet.

You understand the need of solitude too. I must do this alone.

I wish to leave things on a positive note. Hear me, Twilight Sparkle:

You have been the greatest guide in my life, and you have given me the light I need.

You have made all my dreams possible, all my joys fulfilled.

But I must confront my nightmares, before I can dream freely, and enjoy graciously.

I must carry on further now. To as far as the horizon demands it. Until the creative and passionate fire of my soul is satisfied.

I hope you have enjoyed my diamond 'mind message'.
I hope you love the stained glass piece depicting us.
Please name it however you wish.

And also, please, forgive my unworthy selfishness.

I hope to become generous and worthy.

Fare thee well, Twilight Sparkle.

With all my love, all my gratitude,

Yours forever,

Even while we are apart,

Holding you close in my heart,

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Twilight created an orb of silence around her, and with that all her composure fell apart.

Twilight covered her face with the soft feathers, sobbing deeply. Her chest wracked with sobs, desperate wailing in her voice.

The princess of friendship felt her wings hold herself tightly.

“This is my fault! What have I done! What should I do? Oh why, why.”

No-one came to console Twilight, hidden behind her veil of mourning.

She was alone on the star of her castle, wailing aloud.

Twilight squeezed herself more tightly in her wings, gritting her teeth.

Memories of Rarity flashed through her mind.

“She's alive,” Twilight managed to gasp aloud. “She is walking her path...” This calmed her somewhat, becoming sniffling heaves.

Suddenly she laughed aloud.

“So dramatic. We're both so dramatic, Rarity. Maybe that is a unicorn trait too,” she couldn't help but giggle, though the tears still spilled forth.

Twilight breathed a heavy sigh, spreading her wings and her forelegs, before sitting up on all fours.

The moon was finally peeking over the horizon, glowing gently upon the hushed night.
The twilight between day and night, had come to an end.

The princess of friendship smiled up at the darkness, the twinkling of the stars above.

“Rarity.... if you can hear me,” she whispered softly, touching her own chest fluff.

She sat solemnly for a time.

She made a mental note to pick up that diamond from the secret glade on the mountain. She would not let go of that parting message, one that contained and expressed Rarity's very soul.

“Rarity, I forgive you. I love you. With all my heart. I will treasure the memories you gave me. All your compassion and doting. Your sweetness and elegance.”

Twilight Sparkle's eyes shone with glow of the moon.
“Perhaps you will return. I hope so. But if you don't...”

Twilight began to cry again.
“If you don't, I can forgive that too. I promise, I do!”

She wiped her nose with her forehoof, swaying side to side a little.

“So please Rarity... please do what you must. Please become the Rarity you want inside your soul. That is what is important. That is what I will hope for, and wish for.”

Twilight lowered her head, whispering softly, "But in the end, I hope you do come back. I will miss you dearly..."

Twilight Sparkle would have to talk with Spike soon. Likely Rarity let him know of her departure too. Perhaps more directly.
The poor little dragon would be just as devastated to see his friend go, if not moreso.

As if on cue, Spike appeared from the staircase entrance to the roof, gazing up at Twilight, his eyes shimmering.

Swooping down, Twilight immediately wrapped Spike in a hug, both of them weeping for the memory of their beloved Rarity.

“Come on Spike, you can have a nice night ride with me.”

Spike nodded. “Thanks Twilight.”

Hopping up onto Twilight's back, Spike held on tight, as Twilight took off into the night, her spirit soaring, releasing the feelings of departure into the night, honoring Rarity's memory with the joy of life, and the magic of friendship.

Twilight decided on a name for the stained glass image depicting their love: Generous Heart.

One final note laid on Twilight's bed, as of yet unseen:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You are the cutest one, and that is final.

May we find one another in our dreams. I love you.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~